Command Line Interface Reference For Block 370 SC Docu47580
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EMC® VNX® Series Version 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block P/N 300-015-135 REV. 06 Copyright © 2013-2016 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. Published September 2016 EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. EMC², EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to EMC Online Support ( EMC Corporation Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748-9103 1-508-435-1000 In North America 1-866-464-7381 2 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1 15 About CLI Commands 19 naviseccli......................................................................................................20 Chapter 2 VNX CLI for Block 23 Basic commands...........................................................................................24 Storage setup and management overview........................................ 24 Shared storage setup and management overview.............................25 alpa -get...........................................................................................26 alpa -set...........................................................................................27 arraycommpath................................................................................28 arrayconfig -capture......................................................................... 29 arrayconfig -duplicate...................................................................... 30 arrayname........................................................................................32 backendbus -analyze....................................................................... 32 backendbus -get -connstate............................................................. 35 backendbus -get -physical............................................................... 36 backendbus -get -prominfo.............................................................. 36 backendbus -get -sfpstate................................................................37 backendbus -get -speeds................................................................. 38 backendbus -get -all........................................................................ 38 backendbus -resetspeed..................................................................41 baseuuid......................................................................................... 42 bind................................................................................................. 43 cachecard -list................................................................................. 47 cachecard -initialize......................................................................... 48 cache -sp -info................................................................................. 49 cache -sp -modify.............................................................................50 chglun..............................................................................................50 chgrg............................................................................................... 52 clearlog............................................................................................53 clearstats......................................................................................... 54 cmdtime.......................................................................................... 54 copytodisk....................................................................................... 55 createrg........................................................................................... 56 emconfiguration...............................................................................58 environment.................................................................................... 58 failovermode....................................................................................61 faults -list.........................................................................................62 flash -ioport..................................................................................... 63 flash -iomodule................................................................................64 flashleds..........................................................................................65 getagent.......................................................................................... 66 getall............................................................................................... 68 getarrayuid...................................................................................... 71 getconfig..........................................................................................72 getcontrol........................................................................................ 73 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 3 CONTENTS getcrus.............................................................................................74 getdisk.............................................................................................78 getlog.............................................................................................. 84 getloop............................................................................................ 85 getlun.............................................................................................. 85 getresume........................................................................................92 getrg................................................................................................ 95 getsniffer......................................................................................... 97 getsp............................................................................................. 100 getsptime.......................................................................................101 getspuptime.................................................................................. 101 getunusedluns............................................................................... 102 hotsparepolicy -list........................................................................ 103 hotsparepolicy -set........................................................................ 103 inserttestevent...............................................................................104 ioportconfig -config -maxvlans....................................................... 104 ioportconfig -list.............................................................................105 ioportconfig -list -maxvlans............................................................ 112 ioportconfig -persist.......................................................................112 luncache -clear.............................................................................. 113 luncache -list................................................................................. 114 managedby....................................................................................114 managefiles -delete....................................................................... 115 managefiles -list............................................................................ 116 managefiles -retrieve..................................................................... 116 ndu -list......................................................................................... 117 ndu -install.................................................................................... 119 ndu -runrules................................................................................. 122 ndu -commit.................................................................................. 123 ndu -status.................................................................................... 124 ndu -revert..................................................................................... 124 networkadmin -get......................................................................... 125 networkadmin -mib........................................................................ 129 networkadmin -route......................................................................130 networkadmin -set......................................................................... 131 port................................................................................................134 powersaving.................................................................................. 145 rebootSP........................................................................................146 rebootpeerSP................................................................................. 147 remoteconfig -getconfig................................................................. 147 remoteconfig -setconfig................................................................. 148 removerg........................................................................................150 resetandhold................................................................................. 150 responsetest..................................................................................151 sc_off.............................................................................................153 setfeature...................................................................................... 154 setsniffer....................................................................................... 154 setsniffverify.................................................................................. 155 setspstime..................................................................................... 156 setsptime.......................................................................................156 setstats..........................................................................................157 shutdown.......................................................................................158 shutdownsp...................................................................................159 shutdownpeersp............................................................................ 159 spcollect -info................................................................................ 160 spcollect -set................................................................................. 160 4 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS spcollect........................................................................................ 161 spportspeed.................................................................................. 162 storagegroup................................................................................. 168 systemtype.................................................................................... 179 trespass.........................................................................................180 unbind........................................................................................... 181 unitserialnumber........................................................................... 181 LUN Expansion (metaLUN) commands.........................................................182 MetaLUNs overview........................................................................182 CLI metaLUN command functions...................................................183 metalun -destroy............................................................................184 metalun -expand............................................................................184 metalun -info................................................................................. 190 metalun -list...................................................................................191 metalun -modify.............................................................................196 Using the added capacity of an expanded SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy LUN................................................................................197 Reserved LUN Pool commands.................................................................... 198 reserved -lunpool -addlun.............................................................. 199 reserved -lunpool -list.................................................................... 200 reserved -lunpool -rmlun................................................................ 201 iSCSI and FCoE commands.......................................................................... 202 iSCSI commands overview............................................................. 202 connection -adduser...................................................................... 203 connection -deleteuser.................................................................. 204 connection -getuser....................................................................... 205 connection -getport........................................................................206 connection -setport........................................................................217 connection -delport........................................................................219 connection -route...........................................................................220 connection -pingnode.................................................................... 221 connection -traceroute................................................................... 222 connection -setsharedauth............................................................ 223 connection -delsharedauth............................................................ 224 connection -getsharedauth............................................................ 224 connection -addset........................................................................ 225 connection -delset......................................................................... 226 connection -modifyset....................................................................226 connection -getset......................................................................... 228 connection -addpath......................................................................228 connection -delpath....................................................................... 229 connection -modifypath................................................................. 230 connection -verifypath................................................................... 231 isns -addserver.............................................................................. 232 isns -deleteserver...........................................................................232 isns -listserver................................................................................233 isns -setprimary............................................................................. 234 LUN Migration commands........................................................................... 235 migrate -start................................................................................. 235 migrate -cancel.............................................................................. 236 migrate -modify..............................................................................237 migrate -list....................................................................................238 Domain and Security commands................................................................. 239 About domains and user accounts................................................. 239 Domain and security commands overview......................................242 domain -add.................................................................................. 243 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 5 CONTENTS domain -list....................................................................................245 domain -remove.............................................................................246 domain -uninitialize....................................................................... 247 domain -setmaster......................................................................... 248 ntp -list.......................................................................................... 248 ntp -set.......................................................................................... 250 security -adduser........................................................................... 251 security -changeuserinfo................................................................ 253 security -list................................................................................... 254 security -listrole............................................................................. 254 security -rmuser............................................................................. 255 security -ldap -addserver................................................................255 security -ldap -modifyserver........................................................... 257 security -ldap -removeserver.......................................................... 259 security -ldap -listserver................................................................. 260 security -ldap -addrolemapping......................................................261 security -ldap -modifyrolemapping................................................. 261 security -ldap -removerolemapping................................................ 262 security -ldap -listrolemapping.......................................................263 security -ldap -synchronize............................................................ 263 security -certificate -add.................................................................264 security -certificate -remove........................................................... 264 security -certificate -list.................................................................. 265 security -certificate -alertBeforeExpiration...................................... 266 security -pkcs12upload..................................................................266 security -SPcertificate -generate..................................................... 267 security -fipsmode -set...................................................................267 security -fipsmode -get...................................................................268 security -setport............................................................................. 268 security -trustedclient -enable........................................................268 security -trustedclient -add............................................................ 269 security -trustedclient -list..............................................................270 security -trustedclient -remove....................................................... 270 Event Monitor commands............................................................................271 Event Monitoring overview............................................................. 271 -portal -create................................................................................ 272 -portal -list..................................................................................... 272 -portal -migrate.............................................................................. 273 -portal -destroy.............................................................................. 273 -template -list................................................................................ 274 -template -import........................................................................... 274 -template -export........................................................................... 275 -template -destroy..........................................................................275 -template -findconflict....................................................................276 -template -swap............................................................................. 276 -monitor -addsystem...................................................................... 277 -monitor -removesystem................................................................ 277 -monitor -listmapping.................................................................... 278 -monitor -applytemplate.................................................................278 -monitor -stoptemplate.................................................................. 279 -monitor -getlog............................................................................. 280 -monitor -enableresponse.............................................................. 280 -monitor -disableresponse............................................................. 281 -monitor -getlogsize....................................................................... 282 -monitor -setlogsize....................................................................... 282 -monitor -inserttestevent................................................................283 6 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS -monitor -responsetest...................................................................283 -monitor -reloadconfig....................................................................285 Virtual server commands.............................................................................285 Virtual server overview................................................................... 285 server -volmap............................................................................... 286 server -update................................................................................288 server -getagent............................................................................. 288 server -remoteconfig...................................................................... 289 server -register............................................................................... 290 hypervisor -addvirtualcenter.......................................................... 290 hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter......................................................291 hypervisor -removevirtualcenter..................................................... 292 hypervisor -addesx.........................................................................292 hypervisor -modifyesx.................................................................... 293 hypervisor -removeesx................................................................... 293 hypervisor -listesx.......................................................................... 294 hypervisor -bypassCert -set............................................................ 294 hypervisor -bypassCert -get............................................................ 294 Host Agent commands................................................................................ 295 server -volmap............................................................................... 295 server -update................................................................................297 server -getagent............................................................................. 297 server -remoteconfig...................................................................... 298 server -register............................................................................... 299 Unisphere Server Utility...............................................................................299 Using the server utility command line to generate a high-availability report.............................................................................................299 Unisphere Initialization Utility..................................................................... 302 Using the command line initialization utility...................................302 Chapter 3 Virtual Pools Commands 305 Virtual Pools overview................................................................................. 306 storagepool -create..................................................................................... 307 storagepool -list.......................................................................................... 310 storagepool -destroy................................................................................... 316 storagepool -modify.................................................................................... 316 storagepool -expand................................................................................... 318 storagepool -cancelexpand......................................................................... 319 storagepool -feature -info............................................................................ 319 storagepool -resumeharvesting................................................................... 321 lun -create...................................................................................................321 lun -modify..................................................................................................323 lun -expand.................................................................................................325 lun -destroy.................................................................................................326 lun -list........................................................................................................326 deduplication -feature -pause..................................................................... 330 deduplication -feature -resume................................................................... 330 deduplication -feature -info.........................................................................330 Chapter 4 Auto-tiering Commands 333 About tiered storage....................................................................................334 autotiering -schedule -modify......................................................................335 autotiering -schedule -enable|-disable........................................................ 336 autotiering -relocation -start........................................................................ 336 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 7 CONTENTS autotiering -relocation -setrate.................................................................... 337 autotiering -relocation -pause|-resume........................................................ 338 autotiering -relocation -stop........................................................................ 338 autotiering -info.......................................................................................... 339 Chapter 5 Compression Commands 341 About LUN Compression..............................................................................342 compression -on......................................................................................... 342 compression -pause....................................................................................343 compression -feature -pause.......................................................................344 compression -resume..................................................................................344 compression -feature -resume.....................................................................345 compression -feature -info.......................................................................... 345 compression -modify...................................................................................345 compression -off......................................................................................... 346 compression -list........................................................................................ 346 Chapter 6 FAST Cache Commands 349 Introduction to caching............................................................................... 350 cache -fast -create.......................................................................................351 cache -fast -destroy.....................................................................................352 cache -fast -info.......................................................................................... 352 Chapter 7 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager 355 About Unisphere Quality of Service Manager............................................... 356 QoS Manager prerequisites............................................................356 QoS Manager CLI commands.......................................................................356 nqm -getlatestperf......................................................................... 357 nqm -info....................................................................................... 357 nqm -ioclass -create.......................................................................358 nqm -ioclass -destroy.....................................................................359 nqm -ioclass -list............................................................................360 nqm -ioclass -modify......................................................................362 nqm -measure................................................................................364 nqm -off......................................................................................... 364 nqm -policy -create........................................................................ 365 nqm -policy -destroy...................................................................... 366 nqm -policy -list............................................................................. 366 nqm -policy -modify....................................................................... 367 nqm -run........................................................................................ 368 nqm -schedule -create................................................................... 369 nqm -schedule -destroy..................................................................370 nqm -schedule -list........................................................................ 370 nqm -schedule -modify.................................................................. 372 nqm -schedule -resume..................................................................373 nqm -schedule -suspend................................................................373 nqm -setfallback............................................................................ 374 nqm -setoptions.............................................................................374 nqm -stop...................................................................................... 375 Client tools..................................................................................................375 nqm -archive -dump....................................................................... 375 nqm -archive -retrieve.................................................................... 382 8 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS Chapter 8 EMC Unisphere Analyzer 385 About Unisphere Analyzer........................................................................... 386 Prerequisites..................................................................................386 Analyzer CLI commands.............................................................................. 386 analyzer -set.................................................................................. 387 analyzer -get.................................................................................. 388 analyzer -logging............................................................................388 analyzer -start................................................................................ 389 analyzer -stop................................................................................ 389 analyzer -status............................................................................. 390 analyzer -archive............................................................................390 Client tools..................................................................................................392 analyzer -archivedump...................................................................392 analyzer -archiveretrieve................................................................ 405 analyzer -archivemerge.................................................................. 406 Chapter 9 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI 409 MirrorView/A remote mirroring commands.................................................. 410 MirrorView/A operations overview..................................................410 MirrorView/A CLI functions.............................................................412 mirror -async -addimage................................................................ 413 mirror -async -change.....................................................................415 mirror -async -changeimage........................................................... 416 mirror -async -create...................................................................... 418 mirror -async -destroy.................................................................... 419 mirror -disablepath........................................................................ 420 mirror -enablepath......................................................................... 421 mirror -async -fractureimage...........................................................422 mirror -async -info.......................................................................... 423 mirror -async -list........................................................................... 425 mirror -async -promoteimage......................................................... 427 mirror -async -removeimage........................................................... 428 mirror -async -setfeature................................................................ 429 mirror -async -syncimage............................................................... 430 MirrorView/A consistency group commands................................................431 mirror -async -creategroup............................................................. 431 mirror -async -destroygroup........................................................... 433 mirror -async -addtogroup.............................................................. 434 mirror -async -removefromgroup.................................................... 434 mirror -async -changegroup............................................................435 mirror -async -syncgroup................................................................ 437 mirror -async -fracturegroup........................................................... 437 mirror -async -promotegroup.......................................................... 438 mirror -async -listgroups.................................................................439 Chapter 10 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI 443 MirrorView/S Remote Mirroring commands................................................. 444 MirrorView/S operations overview..................................................444 MirrorView/S CLI functions.............................................................446 mirror -sync -addimage.................................................................. 447 mirror -sync -allocatelog.................................................................450 mirror -sync -change.......................................................................450 mirror -sync -changeimage............................................................. 452 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 9 CONTENTS mirror -sync -create........................................................................ 453 mirror -sync -deallocatelog............................................................. 455 mirror -sync -destroy...................................................................... 455 mirror -disablepath........................................................................ 457 mirror -enablepath......................................................................... 458 mirror -sync -fractureimage............................................................ 459 mirror -sync -info............................................................................ 460 mirror -sync -list............................................................................. 462 mirror -sync -listsyncprogress.........................................................464 mirror -sync -listlog........................................................................ 465 mirror -sync -promoteimage........................................................... 465 mirror -sync -removeimage............................................................. 467 mirror -sync -setfeature.................................................................. 469 mirror -sync -syncimage................................................................. 470 MirrorView/S consistency group commands................................................471 mirror -sync -creategroup............................................................... 471 mirror -sync -destroygroup............................................................. 472 mirror -sync -addtogroup................................................................473 mirror -sync -removefromgroup...................................................... 474 mirror -sync -changegroup..............................................................475 mirror -sync -syncgroup..................................................................476 mirror -sync -fracturegroup............................................................. 477 mirror -sync -promotegroup............................................................478 mirror -sync -listgroups.................................................................. 479 Chapter 11 SAN Copy and its command line utilities 481 Introducing SAN Copy software................................................................... 482 Preparing a Block system for a copy session................................................482 Connecting SAN Copy ports to storage groups................................ 483 Preparing a Symmetrix system for a copy session........................................485 Preparing a Symmetrix system using EMC ControlCenter SAN Manager ...................................................................................................... 486 Preparing a Symmetrix system using ESN Manager.........................487 About admhost for SAN Copy...................................................................... 488 admhost SAN Copy command functions...................................................... 488 Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session............................................ 490 Preparing source and destination logical units for full and incremental sessions........................................................................................ 491 SAN Copy CLI commands.............................................................................492 SAN Copy command functions.................................................................... 492 sancopy -create...........................................................................................494 sancopy -destinfo........................................................................................498 sancopy -duplicate......................................................................................501 sancopy -info.............................................................................................. 502 sancopy -mark............................................................................................ 506 sancopy -modify..........................................................................................507 sancopy -pause...........................................................................................512 sancopy -remove.........................................................................................513 sancopy -resume.........................................................................................514 sancopy -settings........................................................................................ 515 sancopy -start............................................................................................. 516 sancopy -stop............................................................................................. 518 sancopy -throttle......................................................................................... 519 sancopy -transfer........................................................................................ 520 sancopy -unmark........................................................................................ 521 10 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS sancopy -updateconnections...................................................................... 521 sancopy -verify............................................................................................ 522 Chapter 12 EMC SnapView Software 525 SnapView clone CLI commands................................................................... 526 Setting up SnapView to use clones.................................................526 CLI clone command functions........................................................ 527 clone | snapview -addclone............................................................ 528 clone | snapview -allocatecpl......................................................... 531 clone | snapview -changeclone.......................................................532 clone | snapview -changeclonefeature............................................534 clone | snapview -changeclonegroup..............................................535 clone | snapview -consistentfractureclones.................................... 536 clone | snapview -createclonegroup............................................... 537 clone | snapview -deallocatecpl......................................................538 clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup............................................. 539 clone | snapview -fractureclone...................................................... 540 clone | snapview -listclone............................................................. 542 clone | snapview -listclonefeature.................................................. 544 clone | snapview -listclonegroup.................................................... 546 clone | snapview -removeclone...................................................... 548 clone | snapview -resetfracturelog.................................................. 549 clone | snapview -reversesyncclone................................................550 clone | snapview -syncclone........................................................... 552 Admsnap commands for clones.................................................................. 554 About admsnap software and clones............................................. 554 Requirements for admsnap and clones.......................................... 554 admsnap clone_activate................................................................ 555 admsnap clone_deactivate............................................................ 556 admsnap flush...............................................................................558 admsnap list.................................................................................. 559 SnapView Snapshot CLI commands.............................................................560 Setting up SnapView to use snapshots.......................................... 560 SnapView command functions....................................................... 562 snapview -activatesnapshot...........................................................563 snapview -chgrollback................................................................... 565 snapview -chgsnapshot................................................................. 566 snapview -createsnapshot............................................................. 566 snapview -deactivatesnapshot.......................................................568 snapview -listrollback.................................................................... 569 snapview -listsessions................................................................... 571 snapview -listsnapshots................................................................ 573 snapview -listsnapableluns............................................................574 snapview -lunpool..........................................................................575 snapview -rmsnapshot...................................................................576 snapview -startrollback.................................................................. 577 snapview -startsession.................................................................. 579 snapview -stopsession...................................................................582 Admsnap commands for snapshots............................................................ 583 About admsnap software and snapshots....................................... 583 Requirements for snapshots.......................................................... 584 admsnap activate.......................................................................... 584 admsnap deactivate...................................................................... 588 admsnap flush...............................................................................591 admsnap list.................................................................................. 593 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 11 CONTENTS admsnap start................................................................................594 admsnap stop................................................................................598 Chapter 13 EMC VNX Snapshots Software 601 VNX Snapshots CLI commands.................................................................... 602 snap -feature................................................................................. 602 snap -create...................................................................................602 snap -destroy................................................................................. 604 snap -list........................................................................................604 snap -modify ................................................................................. 606 snap -copy..................................................................................... 607 snap -restore..................................................................................608 snap -attach...................................................................................609 snap -detach..................................................................................609 snap -group -create........................................................................ 609 snap -group -destroy ..................................................................... 610 snap -group -modify....................................................................... 610 snap -group -list.............................................................................611 snap -group -addmember...............................................................612 snap -group -rmmember.................................................................612 snap -group -replmember...............................................................613 lun -create......................................................................................613 lun -create......................................................................................614 lun -destroy....................................................................................614 lun -modify.....................................................................................615 lun -expand....................................................................................616 lun -attach..................................................................................... 616 lun -detach.................................................................................... 617 storagepool -create........................................................................ 617 storagepool -modify....................................................................... 618 storagepool -list.............................................................................619 storagepool -resumeAutoDelete..................................................... 621 getlun............................................................................................ 621 SnapCLI commands for VNX Snapshots.......................................................623 snapcli create ............................................................................... 623 snapcli destroy.............................................................................. 624 snapcli copy...................................................................................625 snapcli attach................................................................................ 626 snapcli detach............................................................................... 627 Chapter 14 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor 629 ESRS Device Client on Storage Processor.....................................................630 esrsconfig -agentprovision.......................................................................... 630 esrsconfig -agentstatus............................................................................... 631 esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy............................................................... 632 esrsconfig -configproxy -list.........................................................................632 esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy......................................................... 633 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm.................................................... 633 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list.......................................................... 634 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy....................................... 634 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy.................................. 635 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM...............................................635 12 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CONTENTS Chapter 15 Data at Rest Encryption 637 Data at Rest Encryption overview.................................................................638 securedata -feature -activate....................................................................... 639 securedata -feature -info............................................................................. 640 securedata -backupkeys -status.................................................................. 641 securedata -backupkeys -retrieve................................................................642 securedata -auditlog -retrieve......................................................................643 securedata -auditlog -cksum....................................................................... 644 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 13 CONTENTS 14 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Preface As part of an effort to improve and enhance the performance and capabilities of its product lines, EMC periodically releases revisions of its hardware and software. Therefore, some functions described in this document may not be supported by all versions of the software or hardware currently in use. For the most up-to-date information on product features, refer to your product release notes. If a product does not function properly or does not function as described in this document, please contact your EMC representative. Audience This guide is part of the EMC VNX documentation set, and is intended for use by those who will use CLI commands to configure, manage, or obtain the status of EMC systems. This version of the manual covers up to VNX systems running release 1.3 of Unisphere. Readers of this guide are expected to be familiar with the following topics: l The operating system running on the servers you will manage. l System components and configurations. For introductory information, refer to the appropriate configuration planning guide for your system. Special notice conventions used in this document EMC uses the following conventions for special notices: DANGER Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE Addresses practices not related to personal injury. Note Presents information that is important, but not hazard-related. Systems no longer covered in this document The table below lists the systems that are no longer covered in this document and the last revision of this document that included the systems. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 15 Preface System removed Last revision including the system CX200, CX400, and CX600 300-003-628 Rev. A07 069001184 Rev. A11 300-001-335 Rev. A11 300-004-210 Rev. A02 069001181 Rev. A14 FC series; C series 069001038 Rev. A14 300-001-335 Rev. A11 069001184 Rev. A11 FC4700 069001184 Rev. A08 Related documentation Related documentation for EMC Navisphere CLI reference includes: We recommend that you download the latest information before you run the CLI commands. Platform-specific limitations and requirements are provided in the appropriate release note documents. l EMC Unisphere Release Notes l EMC MirrorView/Asynchronous and MirrorView/Synchronous for VNX OE for Block Release Notes l The version of this manual that is applicable to your software revision The most up-to-date information about the EMC SAN Copy software is posted on EMC Online Support. We recommend that you download the latest information before you start the SAN Copy software. If you purchased this product from an EMC reseller and you cannot access EMC Online Support, the latest product information should be available from your reseller. To access EMC Online Support, use the following link: Where to get help EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as follows: Product information—For documentation, release notes, software updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and service, go to EMC Online Support (registration required) at Troubleshooting—Go to EMC Online Support at After logging in, locate the applicable Support by Product page. Technical support—For technical support and service requests, go to EMC Customer Service on EMC Online Support at After logging in, locate the applicable Support by Product page, and choose either Live Chat or Create a service request. To open a service request through EMC Online Support, you must have a valid support agreement. Contact your EMC sales representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or with questions about your account. Note Do not request a specific support representative unless one has already been assigned to your particular system problem. 16 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Preface Your comments Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Please send your opinion of this document to: EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 17 Preface 18 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 1 About CLI Commands This chapter explains the EMC VNX CLI for Block commands. Major topic include: l naviseccli..............................................................................................................20 About CLI Commands 19 About CLI Commands naviseccli Sends status or configuration requests to a system through the command line. PREREQUISITES Anyone that can log in to the server running VNX CLI for Block 4.30 or later. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli command sends system management and configuration requests to a system through the Internet. SYNTAX naviseccli -help naviseccli [-addressIPAddress | NetworkName | -h IPAddress | NetworkName] [-AddUserSecurity] [-f filename] [-nopoll | -np] [-parse | -p] [-password password] [-port port] [-q] [-RemoveUserSecurity] [-scope 0 | 1 | 2] [-secfilepath] [security -certificate] [-timeout | -t timeout] [-user username] [-v] [-xml] CMDOPTIONS -help Displays the help screen and does not start the naviseccli process. To start the naviseccli process, use one or more of the switches that follows instead. -address IPAddress | NetworkName | -h IPAddress | NetworkName Specifies the IP address or network name of the targeted SP on the desired system. The default, if you omit this switch, is localhost. -AddUserSecurity Directs the CLI to add user security information to the security file on this server. You must use the -scope switch to add scope information to the security file. You can use the -password switch or enter your password into the password prompt, to supply the required password information to the security file. The -user and secfilepath switches are optional with this command. 20 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block About CLI Commands Note If you specify the -user switch, you can create an alternative username to your server login name in the security file you create on this server. If you use the secfilepath switch, you can specify an alternative location to your default home directory, for the security file on this server. You must then use the -secfilepath switch in each subsequent command that you issue. -f filename Stores the data in a file. -nopoll | -np Directs the feature provider not to issue a poll request. This switch significantly increases performance when dealing with large or multiple systems. The feature provider automatically issues a poll request unless this switch is specified. Note When the -nopoll switch is set, get commands may return stale data and set commands may erase previously changed settings. Use caution when the -nopoll switch is set. -parse | -p Directs the CLI to validate the command. The CLI verifies the command syntax and displays a message stating whether the command was valid. The CLI takes no other action. -password password Specifies the password on the system you want to log in to. The password is visible in the command line. Passwords are case-sensitive. If you want to mask the password, and you are not using a security file, you can omit this switch from the command line. The CLI then prompts you to enter a password. The information you enter into the password prompt is concealed. Note You can omit this switch if you are using a security file. See -AddUserSecurity. -port portnumber Sets the port number (type) of the system. The default is 443. If you choose to change the default port number, management port 2163 will be supported; however, you will need to specify the -port switch and number 2163 in every subsequent command you issue. -q Suppresses error messages. This switch is useful when included as part of a script. -RemoveUserSecurity Directs the CLI to remove user security information about the current user from the security file on this server. -scope 0 | 1 | 2 Specifies whether the user account on the system you want to log in to is local, global, or lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). A 0 (default) indicates global, 1 indicates local, and 2 indicates LDAP. A global account is effective throughout the domain. When the administrator creates a global account, the software copies the definition of this account to the domain directory, which makes it accessible on all systems in the domain. A local account is effective only on the systems for which the administrator creates the account. You can log in only to those systems on which you have a local account. LDAP maps the username or password entries to an naviseccli 21 About CLI Commands external LDAP or active directory server for authentication. Username or password pairs whose roles are not mapped to the external directory will be denied access. -secfilepath filename Stores the security file in a file path location you specify. When you create a security file on a server using the -addusersecurity command, the security file is saved to your default home directory. If you want to store the security file in an alternative location, you can use the optional -secfilepath switch with the addusersecurity command. Note If you use the -secfilepath switch to set up an alternative path for your security file, you must use this switch in every subsequent CLI command you issue, to ensure the CLI locates the security file. security -certificate Saves the certificates to the certificate store. It also provides options like -list, remove, -add to manage the certificate store. -timeout | -t timeout Sets the timeout value in seconds. The default is 600 seconds. -user username Specifies the username on the system you want to log in to. Username is casesensitive. You can omit this if you have added the username to the security file. Note You can use this switch when establishing a security file, to specify an alternative username. See -AddUserSecurity. -v Enables verbose error descriptions. This is the default unless -q is specified. -xml Specifies command output in XML format. Use the -o (override switch) when specifying -xml with commands that require confirmation. Otherwise, the XML output will contain your confirmation string. CMD One of the set of commands used with the naviseccli command. 22 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 2 VNX CLI for Block This chapter includes content for VNX series systems. Major topics include: l l l l l l l l l l l Basic commands...................................................................................................24 LUN Expansion (metaLUN) commands.................................................................182 Reserved LUN Pool commands............................................................................ 198 iSCSI and FCoE commands.................................................................................. 202 LUN Migration commands................................................................................... 235 Domain and Security commands......................................................................... 239 Event Monitor commands....................................................................................271 Virtual server commands.....................................................................................285 Host Agent commands........................................................................................ 295 Unisphere Server Utility.......................................................................................299 Unisphere Initialization Utility............................................................................. 302 VNX CLI for Block 23 VNX CLI for Block Basic commands This section explains each of the basic variations, that is, the CLI commands that are common to all systems. Command variations for Storage Groups (Access Logix) are explained in the following chapter. Storage setup and management overview This section shows how to configure and monitor a system using the naviseccli command. It shows commands with UNIX device names. The Windows device names would be drive letters. In this system, in which each SP is a host. For an overview showing systems with storage groups, see the section Shared storage setup and management overview on page 25. For systems without storage groups: Procedure 1. Create three RAID groups. naviseccli -h ss1_spa createrg 0 0_0_4 0_0_5 0_0_6 0_0_7 0_0_8 raidtype r5 Creates RAID group 0 from disks 4 through 8 in the DPE enclosure. naviseccli -h ss1_spa createrg 1 0_0_9 0_0_10 -raidtype r1 Creates RAID group 1 from disks 9 and 10 in the DPE enclosure. naviseccli -h ss1_spa createrg 2 0_0_11 0_0_12 -raidtype r1 Creates RAID group 2 from disks 11 and 12 in the DPE enclosure. 2. Bind a LUN on each RAID group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa bind 0 -rg 0 This command binds a LUN of type RAID 5 with LUN ID 0 on RAID group 0. The LUN occupies all space on RAID group 0, since the bind command did not include the cap switch. By default, read and write caching are enabled on the new LUN. naviseccli -h ss1_spa bind 1 -rg 1 This command binds a LUN of type RAID 1 (mirrored pair) with LUN ID 1 on RAID group 1. The LUN occupies all space on RAID group 1 and caching is enabled by default. naviseccli -h ss1_spa bind 2 -rg 2 This command binds a LUN of type RAID 1 (mirrored pair) with LUN ID 2 on RAID group 2. The LUN occupies all space on RAID group 2, and caching is enabled by default. 3. Get SP memory information to prepare to set up the system cache. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getsp -mem SP A Memory Size For The SP: 12288 SP B Memory Size For The SP: 12288 24 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block 4. For easy identification in the future, name the system. naviseccli -h ss1_spa arrayname users11 Change the arrayname from xxx to users11? (y/n) y This command changes the name of the system to users11. Results At this point, you can create file systems on the LUNs from the operating system and store data on them. You can learn LUN device names using the getagent command and check status periodically using the getsp, getdisk, and getlun commands. Shared storage setup and management overview Storage groups provide a simple means of managing which hosts can access defined groups of LUNs. Specify host-storage group access using the unique ID (also called the world wide name, WWN) of each HBA and LUN. Generally, you may find it easier to use Unisphere than the CLI to create and manipulate storage groups. However, the following is a sequence of tasks you can perform using only the CLI: Procedure 1. Plan the LUNs that each host will use: RAID group type, capacity, SP owner, storage group, and so on. 2. Create the RAID groups, bind the LUNs, and assign the LUNs to RAID groups using manager or the CLI. See the unshared storage overview in Storage setup and management overview on page 24 for example use of the CLI. Note If you are running VMware ESX Server, you can bind LUNs from ESX Server or a virtual machine (VM). 3. Create the storage groups you want using Unisphere or the CLI command storagegroup -create. 4. Connect the hosts to storage groups using Unisphere or the CLI. Use the CLI command storagegroup -connecthost to assign a storage group to all HBAs in a host, or the command storagegroup -setpath to assign a storage group to a specific HBA in a host. Note If you are running VMware ESX Server, assign ESX Server to the storage group. 5. Assign LUNs to the storage groups using Unisphere or the CLI storagegroup addhlu command. You can assign more than one LUN to a storage group and let more than one host access a storage group. Shared storage setup and management overview 25 VNX CLI for Block Note If you are running VMware ESX Server, rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. If you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, you must then power down any virtual machine to which you will assign LUNs. If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power down the virtual machine. At the ESX Server level, assign the LUNs to the virtual machines. When you have finished, if you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, power up the VM. If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power up the VM. 6. As needed, reconfigure host-storage group connections using Unisphere or the CLI command storagegroup -sethost. If you need to disconnect a host from a storage group, use storagegroup -disconnecthost. alpa -get Displays the SCSI ID associated with an SP port. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The CLI alpa commands (Arbitrated Loop Physical Address) get and set the port ID SCSI IDs on an SP. These IDs are required for I/O to the SP. We suggest you use a unique SCSI ID for each SP port in your installation. For example, on the first system, for ports 0 and 1, you can specify SCSI IDs 0 and 1, respectively. On the second system, for the ports you can specify IDs 2 and 3 respectively, and so on. The naviseccli command -get function lists ALPA information. The information includes the port ID, the SP ID (A or B), and the SCSI ID associated with the port. Issue the command to the SP for which this information is needed. If you really need to change an SP port ID, you can do so with the alpa -set function. SYNTAX alpa -get EXAMPLE For SP A (SP hostname payroll_storage_spa), this command lists the SCSI ID associated with port 0. naviseccli -h payroll_storage_spa alpa -get Storage Processor: SP A Port ID: 0 ALPA Value: 0 OUTPUT See above. If the version of VNX Operating Environment (OE) for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: VALID_VALUES_0_3 26 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block alpa -set Updates the SCSI ID associated with an SP port. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli alpa command with the -set switch updates the SCSI ID value for the given port on an SP. CAUTION The SP port ID SCSI IDs are initially set by EMC service personnel to work at your site. Do not change any value unless you are installing a new SP and need to change its SCSI IDs from the SP ship values of 0 and 1. If you change any value, after you confirm, the SP will restart and use the new values. The software will not let you select a SCSI ID out of range (0-126) or a duplicate ID on a system. If you omit the -o (override) switch, then the CLI prompts for confirmation: Changing the ALPA value of port port-id from old-SCSI-ID to new-SCSIID (y/n) To confirm, answer y; to take no action, answer n. SYNTAX alpa -set -sp a|b -portid portid SCSI-ID [-o] OPTIONS -sp a | b Specifies the SP: A or B. -portid portid SCSI-ID Specifies the new SCSI ID to associate with the port. Valid port SCSI IDs range from 0 through 126. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP A, this command changes the SCSI ID associated with port 1 to 1. naviseccli -h ss1_SPA alpa -set -sp a -portid 1 1 Changing the ALPA value of port 1, SP A to 1 WARNING: This operation will reboot the target SP. Verify that the SPS on the surviving SP is operating correctly. Otherwise write cache must be disabled: naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off. Failure to disable write cache may result in the loss of data. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n) alpa -set 27 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT See above. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: VALID_VALUES_0_126 VALID_VALUES_0_3 arraycommpath Sets a communication path to a system that has no LUNs bound, or removes such a path (non-storage group only). PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli arraycommpath command creates or removes a communication path between the server and system. Generally this command is needed when you want to configure a system that has no LUNs bound. This command works only for systems without storage groups. For systems with storage groups, use the command storagegroup sethost -arraycommpath (refer storagegroup on page 168.) The CLI will not issue a confirmation request first if you include the -o switch. CAUTION Do not issue this command unless you know the appropriate value for the type of failover software running on the attached servers. The command is designed for transition from one type of failover software to another. Changing the arraycommpath mode to the wrong value will make the system inaccessible. To discover the current setting of arraycommpath, use the command without an argument. SYNTAX arraycommpath [0 | 1] [-o] OPTIONS 0 Disables a communication path. 1 -o Enables a communication path. Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command disables the communication path between server and system. In this example, the confirmation message shows that the change, if confirmed, will cause the previous setting to be lost. naviseccli -h ss1_spa arraycommpath 0 WARNING: Previous arraycommpath setting will be lost! DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n) y 28 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: Valid values are 0 or 1 arrayconfig -capture Queries the system for configuration information. PREREQUISITES A user role of administrator is required to execute this command. DESCRIPTION The arrayconfig -capture command queries the system for its configuration along with I/O port configuration information. When issued, the command will capture a system’s essential configuration data. The information is formatted and stored on the client workstation. This generated file can be used as a template to configure other systems or rebuild the same system if the previous configuration is destroyed. The information captured may include: l Software installed in the system (name of the software, revision, and so on). l Physical configuration of the system (storage processors, disks, enclosures, and so on.) l Logical configuration of the system (RAID groups, LUNs, storage groups, clones, SnapView, and mirrors). l I/O port configuration information (hardware and logical configuration information) of a VNX series system. SYNTAX arrayconfig -capture [-format XML|CSV] [output path to local file name] [-logprogress] [-o] OPTIONS -format XML|CSV Defaults to XML if -format is not specified. -logfile Retrieves and outputs the log file stored on the targeted system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -output path to local file name An XML file in the specified path and name will be created. If the indicated output file already exists, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite it. -logprogress Displays the detailed information. If this option is not specified, displays only error information. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa arrayconfig -capture -output c:\Capture158.xml -format xml arrayconfig -capture 29 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT If the command succeeds, the XML file will be generated. There will be no message displayed in the command line. arrayconfig -duplicate Creates the components in the indicated configuration file on the targeted system. PREREQUISITES Manager privileges are required to execute the arrayconfig -duplicate command. DESCRIPTION Issuing the arrayconfig -duplicate command creates the logical components listed in the configuration file (generated from issuing the arrayconfig -capture command) for the indicated system. You can view both the status of the duplication operation and the log file. Before starting the duplication process, the following will be checked to ensure the targeted system qualifies for duplication. Physical components: l The model number on the targeted system must be exactly the same as the source. l The targeted system must have at least the same number of disks as the source (includes all RAID groups). l The disk enclosure numbers and slot numbers should exactly match the source (includes all RAID groups). l Drive types must match. l The size of the targeted disks must be equal to or greater than the size of the source disks. Software availability: l The targeted system must have all the system and Unisphere software packages available in the source system. Logical components: The target system must be in a logically clean state. If any of the following components are available, the target is not considered clean and the command will fail: l RAID groups l LUNs l User-created storage groups Note Duplication will not create the following logical components on the target system(s): SnapView sessions, SAN Copy information, synchronous/asynchronous mirror secondary information. If the XML captured from a mirror secondary system is used for duplication, then no mirror information will be created in the target system. Note While the -capture command supports both XML and CSV file formats, the duplicate command processes information only in the XML format. 30 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block CAUTION This command creates a new configuration in the system; use it only after completely understanding the command’s behavior. SYNTAX arrayconfig -duplicate [-input path to local file name] [-recover] [-stop] [-rollback] [-status] [-logfile] [-o] OPTIONS -input path to local file name This is the filename of the captured information (captured from issuing the configuration -capture command). -logfile Retrieves and outputs the duplication log file stored on the targeted system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -recover Used in a disaster recovery situation (if the system in trouble needs to be reconfigured from scratch using a configuration captured from the same system when it was healthy). This assumes that the host connectivity and everything pertaining to the system will be the same. The initiators, the host objects and their associations with storage groups will be duplicated. -rollback Attempts to back out of the changes that are added to the configuration during the last duplication operation. Changes made to the configuration after the duplication operation will not be accounted for, and may affect the rollback operation. For example, after a successful duplication, if you destroy a RAID group and create another RAID group with the same ID, the rollback will destroy the newly created RAID group as well. The rollback operates based on the object IDs stored in an internal context file. If the IDs are the same, it will not differentiate between the objects created by the previous duplication and the user-created objects. -status Provides a brief description of the current status of the duplication operation. -stop Terminates the currently running duplication operation, leaving the configuration intact at the point that the duplication ended. Note The -logfile and -status commands can be run with monitor privileges. All other -duplicate commands require manager privileges. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa arrayconfig -duplicate -input c:\Capture158.xml arrayconfig -duplicate 31 VNX CLI for Block arrayname Renames a system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli arrayname command changes the name of a system. If you omit a system name, the command returns the current system name (in the format host-device or system name). The CLI prompts for confirmation as follows. SYNTAX arrayname NewArrayName OPTIONS arrayname NewArrayName Specifies the new name for the system. EXAMPLE This command changes the name of the system to users11. naviseccli -h ss1_spa arrayname users11 Change the arrayname from ss1 to users11? (y/n) y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not Supported error message is printed to stderr. backendbus -analyze Displays speed and state information for each back-end bus and the devices on the backend bus. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -analyze function, displays the current and maximum back-end bus speeds for each back-end bus on the system, and each device (enclosures, disks, and link control cards (LCCs)) on the back-end bus. It also lists state information that includes whether a device on the bus is limiting and whether the system meets conditions required for a reset (see the list of conditions later in this section). The current speed indicates the speed at which a bus or device is currently running; the maximum speed indicates the highest speed at which a bus or device is capable of running. If a device is limiting, it has a maximum speed lower than the maximum speed of the back-end bus. If you have a limiting device, a reset will not occur when you issue backendbus-resetspeed. When you run backendbus -analyze, a summary analysis appears for each back-end bus to indicate whether a reset operation will be successful for the back-end bus. One of the following summary results will appear for each back-end bus. 32 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Table 1 backendbus -analyze summary analysis Summary analysisa Description Speed may change on rescan A speed-related fault exists on the back-end bus (see Description section). The CLI cannot determine whether a reset will occur. Speed will change on rescan A reset will occur. Speed will not change on rescan There are limiting devices on the back-end bus. A reset will not occur. a. If a limiting device or speed-related fault exists on the back-end bus, a listing of the limiting devices and speed-related faults appears before the summary analysis. Devices with speedrelated faults appear as Devices Requesting Bypass. A speed-related fault can occur when you add a device to a back-end bus that has a maximum speed lower than the current speed of the bus. A device with a speed-related fault appears with unknown speed values; therefore, the CLI cannot determine if a reset will occur. Note If you issue the backendbus -resetspeed command, and a device with a speedrelated fault exists on the bus, the reset could decrease the back-end bus speed (downgrade). Your system must meet required conditions before you can issue a reset. The following table shows the list of conditions. Table 2 Conditions Condition Description (pass criteria) Analyze Speed Rule The summary analysis for the back-end bus, displayed in backendbus analyze, indicates that a reset will or may occur. System Faults Rule No system faults can exist. Active Sessions Rule No active SnapView, MirrorView, or SAN Copy sessions. Transitions Rule No active transitions such as, LUN binds, LUN expansions, RAID group expansions, disk equalization. I/O Rate Rule No active I/O. Note Run backendbus -analyze before you issue backendbus -resetspeed. SYNTAX backendbus -analyze EXAMPLE The following example displays current and maximum back-end bus speeds for each back-end bus on the specified system and the devices on the back-end bus: naviseccli -h ss1_spa -user user11 –password pswd11 -scope 0 backendbus -analyze backendbus -analyze 33 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT Bus 0 - Current Speed: 6Gbps. Maximum speed: 6Gbps. Device Current Max Limiting Type Speed Speed -------------------------------------------------------------Bus 0 Enclosure 0 6 6 No DAE6S -------------------------------------------------------------LCC A 6 6 No LCC B 6 6 No -------------------------------------------------------------Disk 0 6 6 No SAS Disk 1 6 6 No SAS Disk 2 6 6 No SAS Disk 3 6 6 No SAS Disk 4 6 6 No SAS Disk 5 6 6 No SAS Disk 6 6 6 No SAS Disk 7 6 6 No SAS Disk 8 6 6 No SAS Disk 9 6 6 No SAS Disk 10 6 6 No SAS Disk 11 6 6 No SAS Disk 12 6 6 No SAS Disk 13 6 6 No SAS Disk 14 6 6 No SAS -------------------------------------------------------------Bus 0 Enclosure 1 6 6 Maybe DAE7S -------------------------------------------------------------ICM A 6 6 Maybe ICM B 6 6 Maybe LCC C 6 6 Maybe LCC D 6 6 Maybe -------------------------------------------------------------Disk A0 6 6 No SAS Disk A1 6 3 No SATA Disk A2 6 6 No SAS Disk A3 6 3 No SATA Disk A4 6 3 No SATA Disk A5 6 3 No SATA Disk A6 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk A7 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk A8 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk A9 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk A10 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk A11 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B0 6 3 No SATA Disk B1 6 6 No SAS Disk B2 6 3 No SATA Disk B3 6 3 No SATA Disk B4 6 3 No SATA Disk B5 6 3 No SATA Disk B6 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B7 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B8 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B9 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B10 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk B11 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk C0 6 3 No SATA Disk C1 6 3 No SATA Disk C2 6 3 No SATA Disk C3 6 3 No SATA Disk C4 6 3 No SATA Disk C5 6 3 No SATA Disk C6 Unknown Unknown No Unknown 34 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Disk C7 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk C8 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk C9 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk C10 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk C11 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D0 6 6 No SAS Disk D1 6 6 No SAS Disk D2 6 3 No SATA Disk D3 6 3 No SATA Disk D4 6 3 No SATA Disk D5 6 3 No SATA Disk D6 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D7 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D8 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D9 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D10 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk D11 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E0 6 3 No SATA Disk E1 6 3 No SATA Disk E2 6 3 No SATA Disk E3 6 3 No SATA Disk E4 6 3 No SATA Disk E5 6 3 No SATA Disk E6 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E7 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E8 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E9 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E10 Unknown Unknown No Unknown Disk E11 Unknown Unknown No Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------Bus 0 is currently running at 6Gbps. Speed will not change on rescan Analyze Speed Rule...Failed No loop will change speed on rescan. System Faults Rule... Failed: Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Power A is Faulted Active Sessions Rule... Passed Transitions Rule... Passed I/O Rate Rule... Passed backendbus -get -connstate Displays the connector state information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the storage system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -connstate switches displays the connector state for the mini-SAS HD connector(s) inserted into the BE SAS ports on the Mezzanine card. SYNTAX backendbus -get -connstate EXAMPLE The following output shows the output for the backendbus -get -connstate command when the mini SAS HD cable is connected on the Hypernova SLIC: Bus 0 SPA Connector State: Online SPB Connector State: Online backendbus -get -connstate 35 VNX CLI for Block backendbus -get -physical Displays physical slot and physical port ID information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -physical switches displays the physical location of the back-end bus on the VNX series system. The physical location information includes I/O module and the physical port ID. The backendbus -get -all command also displays the physical location information. SYNTAX backendbus -get -physical [backend bus number] OPTIONS backend bus number Specifies the back-end bus for which you want to display bus information. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa backendbus -get -physical OUTPUT Bus 0 I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 Port Combination in Use: YES Bus 0 I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 1 Port Combination in Use: YES Bus 2 I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 2 Port Combination in Use: NO backendbus -get -prominfo Displays information returned from the resume prom in the connectors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the storage system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -prominfo switch displays the new information returned from the resume prom in the SFP+ and mini-SAS HD connectors. SYNTAX backendbus -get -prominfo 36 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE The following output shows the output for the backendbus –get –prominfo command when the mini-SAS HD cable is connected on the Hypernova SLIC: Bus 0 SPA SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: TBD SPB SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: TBD SPA SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: TBD SPB SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: TBD SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: TBD SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: TBD SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: TBD SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: TBD SPA SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPB SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. backendbus -get -sfpstate Displays the current condition of each back-end SFP. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -sfpstate function displays the current condition of each back-end SFP, which is a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical modular transceiver. You can target a specific back-end bus and display information for only that bus, or you can display back-end bus information for all buses on the system. The SFP states are Online, Faulted, and Removed. Online indicates that the back-end SFP is functioning normally; Faulted indicates an unsupported or faulted SFP; and Removed indicates that it does not exist. Use backendbus -analyze to display speed information for each device on a backend bus. SYNTAX backendbus -get -sfpstate [backend bus number] OPTIONS backend bus number Specifies the back-end bus for which you want to display bus information. EXAMPLE The following example displays the current condition for each back-end SFP: naviseccli -h ss1_spa backendbus -get -sfpstate OUTPUT Bus 0: backendbus -get -sfpstate 37 VNX CLI for Block SPA SFP State: Faulted SPB SFP State: Online backendbus -get -speeds Displays back-end bus speed information for the back-end buses on a system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -speeds function displays the current and available back-end bus speeds, for the back-end buses on a system. You can target a specific back-end bus and display only information for that bus, or you can display back-end bus speed information for all buses on the system. The current speed indicates the speed the bus is currently running at; the available speed(s) indicates the speed(s) available to the back-end bus. If the current speed is less than the maximum available speed, you can run the backendbus -analyze command to verify if there are limiting devices on the back-end bus. If a device is limiting, it has a maximum speed lower than the maximum speed of the back-end bus. If you have a limiting device, a reset will not occur when you issue backendbus -resetspeed. Use backendbus -analyze to display speed information for each device on a backend bus. SYNTAX backendbus -get -speeds [backend bus number] OPTIONS backend bus number Specifies the back-end bus for which you want to display bus speed information. EXAMPLE The following example displays current and available bus speed information for back-end bus number 2: naviseccli -h ss1_spa backendbus -get -speeds 2 OUTPUT Bus 2: Current Speed: 6Gbps. Available Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. backendbus -get -all Displays the bus speeds, SFP state, and physical location of the bus. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -get -all function displays the bus speeds and the current condition of each back-end SFP, which is a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical modular transceiver for the back-end buses on a system. It displays the physical location of the back-end bus (I/O module and the physical port ID) 38 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block only for the VNX series system. You can target a specific back-end bus and display information for only that bus, or you can display back-end bus information for all buses on the system. The current speed indicates the speed the bus is currently running at; the available speed(s) indicates the speed(s) available to the back-end bus. If the current speed is less than the maximum available speed, you can run the backendbus -analyze command to verify if limiting devices exist on the back-end bus. If a device is limiting, it has a maximum speed lower than the maximum speed of the back-end bus. If you have a limiting device, a reset will not occur when you issue backendbus -resetspeed. The SFP states are Online, Faulted, and Removed. Online indicates that the back-end SFP is functioning normally; Faulted indicates an unsupported or faulted SFP; and Removed indicates that it does not exist. Use backendbus -analyze to display speed information for each device on a backend bus. SYNTAX backendbus -get -all [backend bus number] OPTIONS backend bus number Specifies the back-end bus for which you want to display bus information. EXAMPLE The following example displays the bus speed, current condition, and physical location for each back-end SFP: naviseccli -h ss1_spa backendbus -get -all OUTPUT Bus 0 Current Speed: 6Gbps. Available Speeds: 0Gbps. 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPA SFP State: N/A SPB SFP State: N/A I/O Module Slot: Base Module Physical Port ID: 0 Port Combination In Use: No SPA Connector State: None SPB Connector State: None SPA SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A backendbus -get -all 39 VNX CLI for Block SPB SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A Bus 1 Current Speed: 0Gbps. Available Speeds: 0Gbps. 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPA SFP State: N/A SPB SFP State: N/A I/O Module Slot: Base Module Physical Port ID: 1 Port Combination In Use: No SPA Connector State: None SPB Connector State: None SPA SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A The following output shows the output for the backendbus –get –all command when the mini-SAS HD cable is connected on the Hypernova SLIC: Bus 0 Current Speed: 6Gbps. Available Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPA SFP State: N/A SPB SFP State: N/A I/O Module Slot: 1 Physical Port ID: 0 SPA Connector State: Online SPB Connector State: Online SPA SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: SPB SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: SPA SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: SPB SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: 40 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD VNX CLI for Block SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: TBD TBD SPA SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPB SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. The following example shows the output for the backendbus –get –all command when the mini-SAS HD cable is connected: Bus 0 Current Speed: 6Gbps. Available Speeds: 3Gbps. 6Gbps. SPA SFP State: N/A SPB SFP State: N/A I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 0 SPA Connector State: Online SPB Connector State: Online SPA SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: N/A SPA SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A SPB SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: N/A backendbus -resetspeed Resets the back-end bus speeds for a system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli backendbus command with the -resetspeed function, resets the back-end bus speed for the buses on the system. When you execute backendbus resetspeed, if the back-end bus is eligible for a reset and the system meets the conditions required for a back-end bus speed reset, the reset occurs. See the table below for the steps you should take before issuing backendbus -resetspeed. backendbus -resetspeed 41 VNX CLI for Block Note This is a disruptive operation and can take several minutes to complete. During this time the system will be offline and no I/O will be performed. Before you execute a reset, run backendbus -analyze to verify the current and maximum speeds of each back-end bus and device to determine if limiting devices exist, which will prevent a reset, and to verify that your system meets the conditions required for a reset. To verify whether the back-end bus speed reset occurs, capture the output from backendbus -analyze or backendbus -get -speeds before you execute the reset, to compare to the reset back-end bus speed values after you issue the reset. Steps to take before issuing a reset: 1. Run backendbus -analyze to verify the following: l back-end bus and device speed information l no limiting devices exist on the back-end bus l system meets required conditions 2. Save the output from backendbus -analyze or backendbus -get -speeds, to compare the bus speed in the saved output to the bus speed after you initiate backendbus -resetspeed. SYNTAX backendbus -resetspeed EXAMPLE The following example resets the the back-end bus speeds for the specified system: naviseccli -h ss1_spa backendbus -resetspeed WARNING: the command you are about to execute requires that the system be completely shutdown. During this period of time all IO to attached application hosts will be suspended. All affected applications must be quiesced before proceeding to avoid data unavailability and possible data loss. This operation will take several minutes to complete. Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n)? OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. baseuuid Gets or sets the system unique unit identifier (UUID) base for use by a server running Tru64. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli baseuuid command gets or sets the base of the unique unit ID as required for servers in a Tru64 cluster. The Tru64 operating system uses the UUID (which it creates by combining the base and an offset, which is the system LUN ID) to manage the LUNs in a cluster. You can also use the UUID to manage the LUN. 42 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block To discover the UUID base, use the command without an argument. SYNTAX baseuuid [uuid-base-value] OPTIONS uuid-base-value Specifies the UUID base. EXAMPLE These commands get, then set the UUID base of the system containing the SP ss1_spa. naviseccli -h ss1_spa baseuuid Base UUID of the system: 12345 naviseccli -h ss1_spa baseuuid 34 Base UUID of the system is set to 34. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not Supported error message is printed to stderr. bind Creates a LUN within an existing RAID group. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli bind command binds a LUN within an existing RAID group. You can create a RAID group with the createrg command (see createrg on page 56). Ensure that you address the bind command to the SP that you want to own the LUN. The following table identifies the parameters you must configure for each RAID type you bind. Table 3 LUN parameters for different RAID types RAID type Bind parameters RAID 6, RAID 5, RAID 1/0 LUN number Write caching RAID 3 LUN number RAID 1 LUN number Write caching RAID 0 LUN number Write caching Disk (individual disk unit) LUN number Write caching bind 43 VNX CLI for Block Table 3 LUN parameters for different RAID types (continued) To allow for good choices of available disk modules, bind LUNs in this order: 1. First - RAID 1/0 2. Second - RAID 6, RAID 5, RAID 3, and RAID 0 3. Third - RAID 1 4. Fourth - Individual units Before you start binding disk modules, read the restrictions and recommendations in the following table. Table 4 Restrictions and recommendations for binding disks into LUNs LUN to bind Restrictions and recommendations Any LUN You can bind only unbound disk modules. All disk modules in a LUN must have the same capacity to fully use the modules’ storage space. RAID 6 A RAID 6 group has an even number of disks. You must bind a minimum of 4 disk modules and no more than 16 disk modules. We recommend that you bind 6 or 12 modules for more efficient use of disk space. Write caching is highly recommended for RAID 6. RAID 5 You must bind a minimum of 3 disk modules and no more than 16 disk modules. We recommend you bind 5 modules for more efficient use of disk space. RAID 3 You must bind exactly 5 or 9 disk modules. Select 5 drives for quicker rebuild times or 9 drives for more efficient use of space. RAID 1 You must bind exactly 2 disk modules. RAID 0 You must bind a minimum of 3 disk modules, and no more than 16 disk modules. RAID 1/0 You must bind a minimum of 2 disk modules, and an even number of modules, but no more than 16 modules. Unisphere pairs modules into mirrored images in the order in which you select them. The first and second modules you select are a pair of mirrored images; the third and fourth modules you select are another pair of mirrored images; and so on. The first module you select in each pair is the primary image, and the second module is the secondary image. Individual disk unit None Whether you should use caching for a specific LUN depends on the RAID type. Recommendations for caching with different RAID types follow. Table 5 Caching recommendations for different RAID types RAID type Write caching 44 RAID 0 Acceptable RAID 1 Acceptable RAID 1/0 Acceptable EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Table 5 Caching recommendations for different RAID types (continued) RAID type Write caching RAID 3 Recommended RAID 5 Highly recommended RAID 6 Highly recommended Disk Acceptable Note When binding RAID 1/0 LUNs, the order in which you select modules is important. The first module you select is the first part of the mirror’s primary image and the second module is the first part of the mirror’s secondary image; the third module is the second part of the primary image, the fourth module is the second part of the secondary image; and so on for any other modules in the LUN. In other words, the first and second modules selected are a pair of peer image parts, the third and fourth modules are another pair of peer image parts, and so on. If you need to change the description (RAID type), you must unbind the LUN (unbind on page 181), and then rebind it with the correct parameters. If you need to change the write cache state, use the chglun command ( chglun on page 50). SYNTAX bind [raidtype] [lun] -rg rgID [-cnt count_luns_to_create] [-aa auto_assignment] [-cap capacity] [-fastcache 0|1] [-noinitialverify][-pl placement] [-sp a|b] [-sq size-qualifier] [-wc writecache] OPTIONS raid-type Specifies the RAID type for the LUN. r0 = RAID 0 r1 = RAID 1 r3 = RAID 3 r5 = RAID 5 r6 = RAID 6 r1_0 = RAID 1/0 bind 45 VNX CLI for Block id = individual disk Note All RAID types are not supported on all systems. lun Specifies a decimal number to assign to the LUN valid range as shown in VNX for Block Concepts guide, in section LUN IDs, unique IDs and disk IDs. If a valid range is not specified, the lowest available number (the default value) is assigned to the LUN. -rg rgID The RAID group identification number. The RAID group must already exist. You can create a RAID group with the createrg command (createrg on page 56). rgID specifies a number between 0 and the maximum number of RAID groups supported by the RAID group system. -cnt Specifies the number of LUNs to create. -aa auto_assignment (CX series only) Enables or disables autoassignment functionality for the LUN. auto_assignment specifies functionality as follows: 0 Disables auto-assignment 1 Enables auto-assignment (the default) -cap capacity Sets the capacity of usable space in the LUN. (The default is full space available.) -fastcache 0|1 Enables or disables FAST Cache on the LUN. -noinitialverify Does not perform an initial background verification. When this switch is not present, the bind performs an initial background verification on the newly bound LUN and eliminates any latent soft media errors. -pl placement Places a LUN in a RAID group; placement specifies which algorithm to use as follows: bf best fit algorithm (the default) ff first fit algorithm -sp a|b Sets the default owner of the LUN: SP A or SP B. The default is the current SP. -sq size-qualifier Sets the default size qualifier. size-qualifier specifies the qualifier as follows: mb megabytes gb gigabytes (the default) 46 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block tb terabytes bc block count -wc write-cache Enables or disables the system write cache for this specific LUN. writecache values: 0 Disables write cache 1 Enables write cache (the default). EXAMPLE naviseccli bind 10 -rg 0 -sq gb -cap 1 OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. cachecard -list Lists the state information of the cache memory card. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cachecard command with the -list function lists the state information of the cache memory card. The memory size and hardware state of the cache memory card is displayed. You can choose to display only the memory size by specifying the -size switch or display only the hardware state by specifying the -hwstate switch. Without these switches, the memory size and hardware state are displayed. The possible hardware states are listed in the following table: Table 6 Hardware states Hardware state Meaning OK The power on the main SP is on and the cache memory card battery is fully charged. The cache memory card is in normal operation. Not present The cache memory card is not present. Faulted The cache memory card has hardware faults. Battery charging The power on the main SP is on and the battery is charging on the cache memory card. In wrong array The cache memory card is from the wrong system. SYNTAX cachecard -list [-size] [-hwstate] cachecard -list 47 VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -size Specifies that only the total memory size of the cache memory card (MB) be displayed. -hwstate Specifies that only the hardware state of the cache memory card be displayed. EXAMPLE This command displays all state information (memory size and hardware state) of the cache memory card. naviseccli -h ss1_spa cachecard -list OUTPUT Total Memory: Hardware State: 512MB Ok cachecard -initialize Initializes the cache memory card. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cachecard command with the -initialize function lets you initialize the cache memory card. The cachecard -initialize command can be issued under any of the following circumstances: l a different cache memory card is installed on the system l live data is on the cache memory card l a LUN with an offline (cache dirty) condition exists on the system SYNTAX cachecard -initialize [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For this example, a different cache memory card is installed on the system. naviseccli -h ss1_spa cachecard -initialize The cache memory card currently installed in this system is not the same as the one previously installed in this system. In order for this system to function properly, the current cache memory card must be initialized on this system. Do you want to initialize Cache Memory Card now? (y/n)? OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. 48 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block cache -sp -info Lists the SP Cache properties. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cache –sp -infocommand lists all SP cache properties, state information, and performance statistics. SYNTAX cache -sp -info [-state][-perfdata] OPTIONS -state Displays SP Cache state, which may be one of the following: l Enabled l Disabled l Disabling l Enabled with dirty data for unwritable LUNs l Disabling with dirty data for unwritable LUNs -perfdata Displays SP Cache performance statistics. EXAMPLE #1 This example displays SP Cache state. naviseccli -h ss1_spa cache -sp -info -state SP Read Cache State: Enabled SP Write Cache State: Enabled EXAMPLE #2 This example displays SP Cache performance statistics. naviseccli –h ss1_spa cache -sp -info -perfdata Cache Page size (KB) : Read Hit Ratio : Write Hit Ratio : Dirty Cache Pages (MB): 8 100 100 0 EXAMPLE #3 This example displays SP Cache properties and statistics. naviseccli –h ss1_spa cache -sp –info Cache Information -----------------------SP Read Cache State: Enabled SP Write Cache State: Enabled Cache Page size (KB): 8 Read Hit Ratio: 100 Write Hit Ratio: 100 Dirty Cache Pages (MB): 0 cache -sp -info 49 VNX CLI for Block SPA SPB SPA SPB SPS SPS SPA SPB Read Cache State: Enabled Read Cache State: Enabled Write Cache State: Enabled Write Cache State: Enabled Test Day: Saturday Test Time: 20:00 Physical Memory Size (MB): 65536 Physical Memory Size (MB): 65536 cache -sp -modify Modifies the SP Cache properties. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cache –sp -modify command modifies the SP cache properties. SYNTAX cache –sp –modify-wc [on|off] [-o] OPTIONS -wc [on | off] Enables or disables write cache. on Enable write cache off Disable write cache -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This example disables write cache. naviseccli –h ss1_spa cache -sp –modify -wc off Warning! Disabling write cache at the system level may seriously degrade system performance and is not recommended. Continue disabling system write cache? (y/n)? OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. chglun Changes parameters on a currently bound LUN. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli chglun command changes parameters on a currently bound LUN. You must use at least two switches with chglun and one of the switches must be the LUN number -l lun. 50 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note The chglun command does not support thin LUNs. To change a metaLUN, use the naviseccli command with the-modify switch, as described in metalun -modify on page 196. Table 7 Caching recommendations for different RAID types RAID type Write caching RAID 0 Acceptable RAID 1 Acceptable RAID 1/0 Acceptable RAID 3 Recommended RAID 5 Highly recommended RAID 6 Highly recommended Disk Acceptable Note When binding RAID 1/0 LUNs, the order in which you select modules is important. The first module you select is the first part of the mirror’s primary image and the second module is the first part of the mirror’s secondary image; the third module is the second part of the primary image, the fourth module is the second part of the secondary image; and so on for any other modules in the LUN. In other words, the first and second modules selected are a pair of peer image parts, the third and fourth modules are another pair of peer image parts, and so on. Any change to the rebuild time takes effect as soon as the operation completes. SYNTAX chglun -l lun [-a autoassign] [-c cachetype] [-d defaultowner] [-fastcache 0|1] [-namenewname] [-w writeaside] OPTIONS -l lun Specifies which LUN to change. lun specifies the LUN number. This switch is required. -a auto-assign Enables or disables automatic reassignment of LUN ownership to an active SP if an SP failure occurs. auto_assign specifies functionality as follows: 0 Disables autoassignment for specified LUN 1 Enables autoassignment for specified LUN -c cache-type chglun 51 VNX CLI for Block Enables read caching, or both read and write caching. For caching to occur, system caching must also be enabled. Whether or not you should use caching for a specific LUN depends on the RAID type. See the caching recommendations for different RAID types on page 51. cache-type specifies the type of caching used as follows: read read caching rw read and write caching -d default-owner Changes the default owner of the LUN. default-owner specifies ownership as follows: 0 Changes ownership of the LUN to SP A 1 Changes ownership of the LUN to SP B -fastcache 0|1 Modifies the FAST Cache configuration of the LUN. -name newname Sets the LUN name. newname specifies the new name for the LUN. This switch applies only to systems running a version of VNX OE for Block software that supports storage group commands. The LUN name is displayed in the UI and has no other purpose. You cannot use the LUN name as a CLI command argument. You can assign the same name to multiple LUNs. Note The -name switch applies only to shared systems. -w write-aside (Dual-SP AX4-5 series running Unisphere and CX series only) write-aside specifies, in blocks, the largest write request size that will be written to cache. Write requests greater than the write-aside value are written directly to disk, bypassing write cache. Valid values are 0 through 65536. The default value '0' indicates that all writes will be cached. EXAMPLE Change LUN 3 to enable read and write caching. naviseccli -h ss1_spa chglun -l 3 -c rw OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. chgrg Changes properties of a RAID group. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 52 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli chgrg command changes the properties of a specified RAID group. You must use only one of the optional switches with chgrg and must specify the RAID group identification number, rgID. Note The chgrg command does not support private RAID groups used in thin pools. SYNTAX chgrg rgID [-powersavings on|off] OPTIONS rgID Is the RAID group identification number. rgID specifies a number between 0 and the maximum number of RAID groups supported by the RAID group system. -powersavings on|off Configures the power savings settings. If the selected disks are not eligible for power savings settings, the system displays an error message. EXAMPLE This command turns the power savings settings ON in RAID group 2. naviseccli -h ss1_spa chgrg 2 -powersavings on OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. clearlog Clears the SP’s error log. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clearlog command deletes the contents of the SP’s unsolicited error log. The command clears only the log of the SP you specify with the -h switch in the command. SYNTAX clearlog EXAMPLE This command deletes the SP logs of the system. naviseccli -h ss1_spa clearlog unsolicited error log cleared OUTPUT Confirmation message. clearlog 53 VNX CLI for Block clearstats Resets the SP’s statistics logging. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clearstats command resets statistics logging on the SP. If statistics logging is on, it is turned off, and then back on. If statistics logging is off, it is turned on, and then off. The command affects only the log of the SP you specify with the -h switch in the command. SYNTAX clearstats EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa clearstats Statistics successfully cleared, statistics logging disabled. OUTPUT Confirmation message. cmdtime Displays the date and endtime of command execution. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This is a global command switch used to display the date and time at the end of each command execution. The time is displayed at the end of command output. This is an optional switch supported on all CLI commands. This switch cannot work independently. cmdtime switch is used with the CLI commands. You must add the -cmdtime switch for each command to get the time information. SYNTAX cmdtime OPTIONS -cmdtime Displays the date and end time of command execution. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa -cmdtime getagent Agent Rev: Name: Desc: Node: Physical Node: 54 6.28.0 (1.83) K10 A-CF2VH072500004 K10 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Signature: 1962014 Peer Signature: 0 Revision: SCSI Id: 0 Model: CX4-40 Model Type: Rackmount Prom Rev: 0.47.00 SP Memory: 5120 Serial No: CF2VH072500004 SP Identifier: A Cabinet: SPE CmdTime: 10/11/07 07:46:44 copytodisk Copies data from a configured drive (part of a RAID Group) to an unbound drive. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli copytodisk command initiates the copying of data from a configured drive (part of a RAID Group) to an unbound drive. The user can use this command to copy data from any bound disk to any unbound disk, not just from a permanent spare to a replacement drive. SYNTAX copytodisk sourcedisk [destdisk] [-o] OPTIONS sourcedisk Specifies the source disk. destdisk Specifies the destination disk. Note The destination disk must be the same type as the source disk, and the same size or larger than the source disk. If the destination disk is not specified, the system will choose an appropriate disk to copy to. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 This example initiates the copying of data from a bound disk 0_1_5 to an unbound disk 0_1_6. naviseccli copytodisk 0_1_5 0_1_6 WARNING: The data from disk 0_1_5 will be copied to disk 0_1_6. This process cannot be aborted and may take a long time to complete. Also current selection of disks will break the hot spare policy; would you like to continue the copy? (y/n) y EXAMPLE #2 This example initiates the copying of data from disk 0_1_5 to disk 0_1_6 which is part of an active copytodisk operation or is a bound drive. copytodisk 55 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli copytodisk 0_1_5 0_1_6 WARNING: The data from disk 0_1_5 will be copied to disk 0_1_6. This process cannot be aborted and may take a long time to complete. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y Error: copytodisk command failed Error returned from Agent SP A: The destination drive is busy processing a copy or is being used by another RAID group. Please wait for the drive operation to complete or copy to another drive. (0x717f8007) EXAMPLE #3 This example initiates a proactive copy. A user may proactively initiate a copy and allow the system to pick the drive that it will use to copy the data to. This might be done if the user saw errors on the disk and wanted to copy the data before the drive actually failed. For VNX, the source disk is not taken off-line after the copy. A user could also initiate a proactive copy and supply the destination drive. naviseccli copytodisk 0_0_7 WARNING: The disk 0_0_7 is selected for hot sparing. Its serial number is 6SE4LHZE. The proactive sparing process cannot be aborted and may take a long time to complete. This disk will still be available after the proactive copy is complete, and its state will change to Unbound. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y createrg Creates a RAID group. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli createrg command creates a RAID group on the specified disks. To create RAID groups on a systems running Navisphere Express, you must define the – raidtype switch. Note You cannot create private RAID groups using the createrg command. SYNTAX createrg rgID disks -raidtype type [-powersavings on|off] [-elementsize elementsize] [-o] OPTIONS rgID Is the RAID group identification number. rgID specifies a number between 0 and the maximum number of RAID groups supported by the RAID group system. disks Specifies the physical disks included in this RAID group. In a RAID 1/0 or RAID 1 configuration, you can manually select the disks for the RAID group in an order that determines the primary and secondary image. For example, for a 1/0 RAID group, the 56 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block first two disks you list in the command form a pair of mirrored images, and the next two disks form another pair of mirrored images, and so on. Refer to the VNX for Block Concepts guide for more information about disk IDs to verify the format for specifying disks. Note The disks in a RAID group must be SAS, NL-SAS, or different types of Flash drives. In general, you must use the same type of drive in the RAID Group for all the disks. -raidtype type Sets the RAID type of the RAID group during the time of creation. The supported RAID types are r6, r5, r3, r1_0, r0 and disk. NOTICE The -raidtype is a mandatory switch for VNX series systems. -powersavings on|off Turns the power savings settings ON or OFF on a RAID group. If -powersavings option is not specified, then RAID group is created with power savings off by default. If you specify disks that are not eligible for power savings settings, the system displays an error message. -elementsize elementsize Enables the createrg command to accept an element size for RAID groups. However, only the 4+1 RAID5 unit type, on non-Flash drives, accepts an element size as large as 1024 sectors or blocks. If a size of 1024 is requested for RAID groups other than 4+1 RAID5, the system displays the following error message: Invalid RAID type for element size requested Valid RAID types: r5 (with five disks) If Flash drives are chosen for the RAID Group, with an element size of 1024, the system displays the following error message: Invalid drive type for element size requested Valid drive types: non-Flash drive types Note If no element size if specified, an element size of 128 sectors or blocks will be considered as the default value. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. Skips hotspare policy checking. EXAMPLE This command creates RAID group 0 from the five specified disks and sets raidtype r5 as the RAID group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa createrg 0 0_1 0_2 0_3 0_4 0_5 –raidtype r5 createrg 57 VNX CLI for Block emconfiguration Configures event monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli emconfiguration command can be used to disable event monitoring of an SP, for a specified amount of time. It will then re-enable the response after the specified time is up. SYNTAX emconfiguration [-reloadconfig] [-disableresponse time] [-enableresponse] OPTIONS -disableresponse time This switch disables event monitoring of the SP for the amount of time specified. Time is indicated in minutes, with a maximum of four hours. -enableresponse This switch re-enables the response. -reloadconfig This switch will reload a template file. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa emconfiguration -reloadconfig -disableresponse time -enableresponse environment Reports inlet air temperature and input power. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The environment command displays the inlet air temperature and input power of the system, disk-array enclosures, and standby power supply through the CLI and Unisphere GUI. SYNTAX environment -list -array [-power] [-present]|[-average] -enclosure [bus_enc|spe] [-power|-intemp [f|c]] [-present]|[-average] -sps [-sp a|b] [-power] [-present]|[-average] -all OPTIONS -array Displays the present or average input power information on the system. -power Displays the input power information. 58 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -present Displays the current value, which is a sum of the present input power of all supported systems. The current value is computed as the 30-second average of the power consumption sampled every 3 seconds. -average Displays the average value. The average value is computed as the 60-minute rolling average of the present power consumption values.It requires an hour to calculate the correct value. N/A is displayed if duration of data is less than an hour. -enclosure Displays the present or average inlet air temperature or input power information on a specified disk-array enclosure. bus_enc|spe Specifies either the bus enclosure or SPE enclosure. -intemp f|c Displays the inlet air temperature information. The f flag indicates Fahrenheit and the c flag indicates Celsius. The default value is c. -sps Displays the present or average input power information on a specified standby power supply. -sp a|b Specifies the standby power supply ID on which to display the information. -all Displays the following: l System input power information l Data Mover enclosure inlet air temperatures and input power information l Array input power information l Disk-array enclosure inlet air temperatures and input power information l Storage processor enclosure inlet air temperatures and input power information l Standby power supply input power information EXAMPLE #1 The following example shows the output for the environment -list -all command for the DPE9 environment –list –all Array Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 180 Rolling Average(watts): 180 DPE9 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 180 Rolling Average(watts): 180 Air Inlet Temperature Status: Valid Present(degree C): 28 Rolling Average(degree C): 28 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 BBU A Input Power Status: Invalid Present(watts): Not Available Rolling Average(watts): Not Available Bus 0 Enclosure 0 BBU B Input Power environment 59 VNX CLI for Block Status: Invalid Present(watts): Not Available Rolling Average(watts): Not Available EXAMPLE #2 The following example shows the output for the environment -list -all command for the SPE9. environment -list -all Array Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 114 Rolling Average(watts): 114 SPE9 Enclosure SPE Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 114 Rolling Average(watts): 114 Air Inlet Temperature Status: Valid Present(degree C): 24 Rolling Average(degree C): 24 DAE5S Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 163 Rolling Average(watts): 163 Air Inlet Temperature Status: Valid Present(degree C): 36 Rolling Average(degree C): 36 Enclosure SPE SPS Module A Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Enclosure SPE SPS Battery A Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Enclosure SPE SPS Module B Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Enclosure SPE SPS Battery B Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module A Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Battery A Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module B Input Power Status: Valid 60 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Battery B Input Power Status: Valid Present(watts): 0 Rolling Average(watts): 0 failovermode Changes the type of trespass needed for failover software (non-storage group only). PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli failovermode command enables or disables the type of trespass needed for failover software. Use this command with certain types of failover software as suggested in What are the Initiator, Arraycommpath, and Failovermode settings for PowerPath, DMP, PVLinks, and native failover software, which is on EMC Online Support. The CLI may prompt for confirmation of some changes you specify unless you use the -o (override). To change the setting, enter y. This command works for systems without storage groups only. For systems with storage groups, use the command storagegroup sethost -failovermode (see storagegroup on page 168 ). Changing the failover mode setting will ask for confirmation unless you include the -o switch. CAUTION Do not issue this command unless you know the appropriate value for the type of failover software running on the attached servers. The command is designed for transition from one type of failover software to another. Changing the failover mode to the wrong value will make the system inaccessible. To discover the current setting of failovermode, use the command without an argument. SYNTAX failovermode [0|1|2|3|4] [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command enables failover mode 0. naviseccli -h ss1_spa failovermode 0 WARNING: Previous Failovermode setting will be lost! DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n) y failovermode 61 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: Command not supported Valid values are 0 to 3 faults -list Lists status information for faulted components on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli faults command with the -list function, provides status information for faulted hardware components, such as enclosures, disks, power supplies, storage processors, standby power supplies, as well as MirrorView/Asynchronous replication software sessions. SYNTAX faults -list EXAMPLE The following example lists the faulted hardware components and MirrorView software sessions on the system: naviseccli -h ss1_spa faults -list OUTPUT Faulted Subsystem: APM00043806491 Enclosure SPE : Faulted Enclosure SPE Power B : Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 : Faulted Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 7 : Removed Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 8 : Removed Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 9 : Removed Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power B : Faulted FAR Mirror Faults Status Report 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:09:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: Asynchronous mirror is faulted 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:06:00:00:00:00:00:00:0050:06:01: 60:90:60:03:99:Asynchronous mirror image is fractured 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:0B:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: Asynchronous mirror is faulted 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:07:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: Asynchronous mirror is faulted 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:08:00:00:00:00:00:00:0050:06:01: 60:90:60:03:99:Asynchronous mirror image is fractured 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: Asynchronous mirror is faulted 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:11:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: Asynchronous mirror is faulted 50:06:01:60:90:60:00:14:12:00:00:00:00:00:00:0050:06:01: 62 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block 60:90:60:03:99:Asynchronous mirror image is fractured flash -ioport Flashes the LEDs on I/O ports. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli flash -ioport command flashes the I/O ports on VNX systems. Flashes only the targeted SP owned I/O ports. SYNTAX flash -ioport [-fe logicalportID | -be logicalportID | [pslotid "onboard"|"basemodule"|physicalslotID -pport physicalportID] |byusage [mirrorview]] on|off OPTIONS -ioport Controls flashing of I/O ports on the target SP I/O modules. -fe logicalportID Turns flashing on/off for the front-end port with the logical ID specified on the target SP. -be logicalportID Turns flashing on/off for the back-end port with the logical ID specified on the target SP. -pslotid "onboard"|physicalslotID -pport physicalportID Turns flashing on/off for an physical slot/port located on the targeted SP’s I/O module. The physical slot ID refers to the I/O module slot. Note "basemodule" is not supported on VNX8000 Block systems. -byusage mirrorview Turns flashing on/off for an I/O port depending on how the I/O port is being used. The only option is mirrorview. on|off Indicates whether flashing is turned on or off. EXAMPLE #1 This example turns flashing on for a specified physical port on the onboard I/O module: naviseccli -h flash -ioport -pslotid onboard -pportid 3 on Slot Onboard, Physical Port 3 (Uninitialized): ON EXAMPLE #2 This example turns flashing on by specifying a logical port ID on the onboard I/O module: flash -ioport 63 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -h flash -ioport -be 3 on Slot Onboard, Physical Port 1 (BE 3): ON EXAMPLE #3 This example turns flashing on by specifying the use of an I/O port on the onboard I/O module: naviseccli -h flash -ioport -fe 1 on Slot Onboard, Physical Port 3 (FE 1): ON EXAMPLE #4 This example turns flashing on by specifying the use of an I/O port on the removable I/O modules: naviseccli -h flash -ioport -fe 4 off Slot 0, Physical Port 0 (FE 4): OFF EXAMPLE #5 This example turns flashing on for a specified physical port on the removable I/O modules: naviseccli -h flash -ioport -pslotid 1 -pportid 0 on Slot 1, Physical Port 0 (FE 8): ON EXAMPLE #6 This example turns flashing on for a specified physical port on the base module: naviseccli -h flash -ioport -pslotid basemodule -pportid 0 on Slot basemodule, Physical Port 0 (BE 0):ON flash -iomodule Turns the LEDs for the I/O ports on an I/O module on or off. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli flash -iomodule command turns the flashing LEDs on/off for all the I/O ports on a specified module on the VNX system. SYNTAX flash -iomodule ["onboard"|"basemodule"|slotid] [on|off] OPTIONS "onboard"|"basemodule"|slotid If the slotID is not specified, an error message is displayed. Note "basemodule" is not supported on VNX8000 Block systems. on|off 64 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Indicates whether flashing is turned on or off. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h flash -iomodule onboard on I/O Module Onboard: ON EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h flash -iomodule onboard off I/O Module Onboard: OFF EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli -h flash -iomodule basemodule 0 on I/O Module Basemodule: ON flashleds Turns the LEDs for disks in a specific enclosure or bus on or off. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli flashleds command turns on the LEDs in a specific disk-array enclosure (DPE, iDAE, or DPE) or Fibre Channel bus. The command can help you identify disks in an enclosure or bus. SYNTAX flashleds -e enclosure-number [-b bus-number] [on|off] OPTIONS -e enclosure-number Specifies the disk-array enclosure. In each system, if there is a DPE or iDAE, it is enclosure 0. DAEs are numbered sequentially on each bus ascending from 1 (for DPE/iDAE systems) or ascending from 0 (for other system types). -b bus-number Specifies the bus-number. on|off Turns the LEDs on or off. If you omit this switch, the command turns the LEDs on. EXAMPLE These commands turn on the LEDs for the system that holds SP ss1_spa and then turns them off. For that system, it specifies enclosure 1, bus 0. naviseccli -h ss1_sp1 flashleds -e 1 -b 0 on naviseccli -h ss1_sp1 flashleds -e 1 -b 0 off OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. flashleds 65 VNX CLI for Block getagent Gets device names and configurations. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getagent command returns the names of devices that the destination Unisphere agent controls. The command also displays descriptions of each device with which the Unisphere agent is configured to communicate. If you type the getagent command without switches, the CLI displays all values. With switches, the CLI displays only the values. Each SP is a host (-h switch) to which you address the command. The command displays information for the agent running in the SP (the SP agent). Values for irrelevant display fields appear as NA. Note If you are running VMware ESX Server and issuing this command to a virtual machine (VM), it cannot target the host agent because the Unisphere Host Agent is supported only on ESX Server. SYNTAX getagent [-cabinet] [-desc] [-mem] [-model] [-name] [-node] [-peersig] [-prom] [-rev] [-scsiid] [-serial] [-sig] [-type] [-ver] [-os] [-spid] OPTIONS -cabinet Returns a description of the cabinet type. -desc Returns an ASCII description of the device (taken from the Unisphere agent configuration file). -mem Returns, in MB, the size of the SP’s memory. Each SP in the system must have the same amount of memory to make full use of the memory. Total memory can be 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB. -model Returns the model number of the SP. -name Returns the name of the device (taken from the Unisphere agent configuration file). -node Returns the device’s location in the file system. Note Use the returned device name when you specify the device in a command line. -os Displays the operating system. -peersig Returns the signature of the peer SP. -prom 66 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Returns the revision of the SP’s PROM code. Each SP in the system should be running the same revision of PROM code. PROM code is updated automatically when you update an SP’s VNX OE for Block software and choose the reboot option. -rev Returns the microcode revision number of the VNX OE for Block software that the SP is running. Each SP in the system will be running the same revision of VNX OE for Block software. You can update an SP’s VNX OE for Block software. -scsiid Returns the SCSI ID of SP host connection. The SCSI ID number for the SP is determined by switch settings on the SP. For information on these switch settings, see the system installation and maintenance manual. -serial Returns the serial number of the system. -sig Returns the unique SP signature. -spid Returns the SP identifier (A or B). -type Returns the model type (deskside or rackmount). -ver Returns the version of the agent that is running. EXAMPLE This example issues the getagent command to system ss1_spa. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getagent OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the getagent command. Note For a host that is managing a legacy system, the output may vary depending upon whether or not the host is in a storage group. Output from an SP agent Agent Rev: 7.33.0 (4.67) Name: K10 Desc: Node: A-FNM00121900314 Physical Node: K10 Signature: 3178501 Peer Signature: 3194985 Revision: SCSI Id: 0 Model: VNX8000 Model Type: Rackmount Prom Rev: 12.50.00 SP Memory: 131072 Serial No: FNM00121900314 SP Identifier: A Cabinet: SPE9 getagent 67 VNX CLI for Block The following output shows the enclosure type for Model VNX5400/VNX5600/VNX5800/ VNX7600 Block systems: Cabinet: DPE9 The following output shows the enclosure type for a Model VNX8000 Block system: Cabinet: SPE9 getall Gets comprehensive system information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getall command returns an extensive list of system information, including: l Agent and host information l System information l HBA or switch information l SP information l Cache information l Disk information l LUN information l RAID group information l Storage group information l SnapView information l SAN Copy information l Drive type for enclosures, disks, RAID groups, and LUNs The getall command is a superset of the getagent command. If you type the getall command without switches, the CLI displays all values. With switches, the CLI displays only the values specified. Note that the getall command and any of its arguments return all information pertinent to the current Unisphere release. The amount of this information may change (usually it increases) with each new Unisphere release. This may affect your custom command scripts that use getall. The command displays information for the agent running in the SP (the SP agent). Values for irrelevant display fields appear as NA. Some information is not displayed if the feature is not activated or not supported. For example, SAN Copy items are displayed only if SAN Copy software is installed and activated. SYNTAX getall [-host] [-array] [-hba] [-sp] [-cache] [-disk] [-drivetype] [-fastcache] [-lun] [-reserved] [-rg] [-sg] [-snapviews] [-sancopy] 68 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -host Displays only information about the host and the agent that manage the system. This is a composite of information displayed by the getagent, remoteconfig, and ndu commands. -array Displays only information about the system and its hardware components such as fan and link control card (LCC). This is a composite of information displayed by the getarrayuid, arrayname, getcrus, and initialiazearray commands. -hba Displays information about each switch, HBA and port. It also displays the physical location of the port for a VNX series system. This combines the information that the alpa, port, register, and getloop commands display. -sp Displays information about this SP only. This is a composite of information displayed by the getsp, getcontrol, networkadmin, and getsptime commands. -cache Displays information about the cache. This is the same information displayed by the cache -sp -info command. -disk Displays information about disks and enclosures in the system and new disk spindown statistics. This is the same information that the getdisk command displays. -drivetype Displays the drive type of the LUN. -fastcache Displays the FAST Cache information. -lun Displays only information about each logical unit (host and system) in the system. This is a composite of information displayed by getsniffer, storagegroup, and getlun commands. -reserved Displays the reserved LUN pool information. -rg Displays only information about RAID groups. This is the same information displayed by getrg command. Note The -rg switch does not display the private RAID group used in thin pools. -sg Displays only information about storage groups. This is the same information displayed by the storagegroup command. -snapviews Displays only information about snapview. This is the same information displayed by the snapview command. -sancopy Displays only information about sancopy. This is the same information displayed by the sancopy command. EXAMPLE This example displays the information about the host and the agent that manage the system. naviseccli getall -host getall 69 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT Server IP Address: Agent Rev: 7.33.85 (2.60) Agent/Host Information ----------------------Agent Rev: 7.33.85 (2.60) Name: K10 Desc: Node: A-FNM00125200242 Physical Node: K10 Signature: 3309592 Peer Signature: 3313827 Revision: SCSI Id: 0 Model: VNX7600 Model Type: Rackmount Prom Rev: 4.50.00 SP Memory: 65536 Serial No: FNM00125200242 SP Identifier: A Cabinet: DPE9 Name of the software package: -FASTCache Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: -ThinProvisioning Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: -Unisphere Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: -UnisphereBlock Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY-AutoPilot Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY-FBEAPIX Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO 70 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY-RALabHosts Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO Name of the software package: VNX-Block-Operating-Environment Revision of the software package: Commit Required: NO Revert Possible: NO Active State: YES Is installation completed: YES Is this System Software: NO getarrayuid Gets the system unique ID. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getarrayuid command displays the unique ID (UID) of the system that contains the current SP. For a Fibre Channel system this is the system WWN. For an iSCSI system this is also the WWN, but iSCSI also has a target name, the iqn identifier, which is a unique identifier. A system with an iSCSI and Fibre Channel combination controller shows both types of IDs. The SP, HBA, and switch ports also have unique IDs. If you specify one or more SPs, then the CLI displays the unique ID of the systems containing those SPs. Knowing the UID of an SP’s system is useful with MirrorView mirroring commands and for other operations. SYNTAX getarrayuid [-iscsi|-all] [sphostnames] OPTIONS sphostnames Are the hostnames of one or more SPs, separated by spaces or commas. If you omit sphostnames, then the CLI displays the UID of the SP specified with the -h switch. -iscsi Returns the iSCSI target name (iqn) for the system on a combo system. -all Returns both the system WWN and the iSCSI target name (iqn). Note If you do not specify any switches, getarrayuid returns the system WWN on a system with an iSCSI and Fibre Channel combination controller, as well as on an iSCSI-only system. getarrayuid 71 VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getarrayuid -all Host name Cps42199 Array UID 50:06:01:60:77:02:C7:A7 iqn. OUTPUT The UID of the system that holds the SP (see above). getconfig Returns system type configuration information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getconfigcommand displays system type configuration information. If you omit switches, it displays all configuration type information. You can set configuration information with setconfig. Use the getsp command to display SP revision and signature information. SYNTAX getconfig [-ptype] [-que] [-rer] [-tn] [-pg8] [-rep] OPTIONS -ptype Displays the system package type. -que Displays the setting on how queue full status is handled. Yes means that the VNX OE for Block software will return device status to the operating system as busy, instead of queue full, when the device queue is full. -rer Displays the number of recovered errors. -tn Displays the state of the Target Negotiate bit. -pg8 Displays SCSI mode page 8 information. -rep Displays periodic error report information: the number of reported errors or N/A. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getconfig Sub-System Package Type: Queue Full Status: Recovered Errors: Target Negotiate: Mode Page 8: Periodic Error Report: 72 20 DISABLED DISABLED Unknown DISABLED N/A EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block getcontrol Gets SP performance information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getcontrol command returns information about the SP performance. SYNTAX getcontrol [-allib] [-arv] [-busy] [-cbt] [-date] [-day] [-flush] [-idle] [-read] [-rw] [-sc] [-sf] [-sl] [-time] [-write] [-all] OPTIONS -allib Returns the idle and busy ticks for all buses. -arv Returns the number of times a user request arrived while at least one other request was being processed. -busy Returns the percentage of time the SP is busy. -cbt Returns the controller idle and busy ticks. -date Returns the SP’s system date. -day Returns the SP’s system day. -flush Returns the number of requests to flush the write cache, and the number of write cache blocks flushed. -idle Returns the percentage of time the SP is idle. -read Returns the number of reads received by the SP. -rw Returns the following: Host read requests The number of read requests made by the host to the LUN Host write requests The number of write requests made by the host to the LUN Host blocks read The number of blocks the host read from the LUN Host blocks written The number of blocks written from the host to the LUN -sc -sf Returns the status of the system cache (on/off). getcontrol 73 VNX CLI for Block -sl Returns the status of the system fault LED (on/off). Returns the status of statistics logging (on/off). -time Returns the SP’s system time. -write Returns the number of writes received by the SP. -all In addition to the getcontrol command information, it displays the serial number for SP. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getcontrol OUTPUT The following is a sample output. Actual output varies depending upon which switches you use with the getcontrol command. System Fault LED: ON Statistics Logging: ON SP Read Cache State Enabled SP Write Cache State Disabled Max Requests: N/A Average Requests: N/A Hard errors: N/A Total Reads: 0 Total Writes: 0 Prct Busy: 0.72 Prct Idle: 99.2 System Date: 02/06/2013 Day of the week: Wednesday System Time: 10:02:29 Read_requests: 0 Write_requests: 0 Blocks_read: 0 Blocks_written: 0 Sum_queue_lengths_by_arrivals: 0 Arrivals_to_non_zero_queue: 0 Hw_flush_on: N/A Idle_flush_on: N/A Lw_flush_off: N/A Write_cache_flushes: 70 Write_cache_blocks_flushed: 882 Internal bus 1 busy ticks: N/A Internal bus 1 idle ticks: N/A Internal bus 2 busy ticks: N/A Internal bus 2 idle ticks: N/A Internal bus 3 busy ticks: N/A Internal bus 3 idle ticks: N/A Internal bus 4 busy ticks: N/A Internal bus 4 idle ticks: N/A Internal bus 5 busy ticks: N/A Internal bus 5 idle ticks: N/A Controller busy ticks: 3651 Controller idle ticks: 505075 getcrus Gets CRU state information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 74 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getcrus command returns state information on all or selected CRUs (customer replaceable units) in the system except for disks (see the getdisk command) and selected FRUs/sub FRUs in the system. The getcrus command displays the state of the following CRUs: fans, link controller cards (LCCs), storage processors (SPs), battery backup units (referred to as standby power supplies or SPSs), and power supplies (PSs or VSCs). You can use getcrus without any switches to get the state information for every CRU (except disks). The getcrus command displays the state of management module of FRUs and state of I/O module, CPU module, and DIMM of sub FRUs. Note If one of the LCCs is pulled from Bus x, Enclosure x, all data along that bus (after the LCC was pulled) appears as faulted since the agent cannot gather any information along that path. If this occurs, issue the getcrus command to the peer SP. The CLI lists the faulted components. Note Command switches -cpua, -cpub, -dimma, -dimmb, -ioa, -iob, -mgmta, and mgmtb are supported only on Secure CLI. SYNTAX getcrus [-fana] [-fanb] [-fanc] [-lcca] [-lccb] [-spa] [-spb] [-lccrevb] [-lccsnb] [-spsa] [-spsb] [-lccreva] [-lccsna] [-cablingspsa] [-cablingspsb] [-encdrivetype] [-speeds] [-cpua] [-cpub] [-ioa] [-iob] [dimma] [-dimmb] [-mgmta] [-mgmtb] [-bma] [-bmb] [bbua] [bbub] [-all] OPTIONS -bbua Returns the status of Battery Backup Unit on SP A. -bbub Returns status of Battery Backup Unit on SP B. -bma Returns status of Base Module on SP A. -bmb Returns status of Base Module on SP B. -cablingspsa Returns the cabling status for SPS A (standby power supply A). -cablingspsb Returns the cabling status for SPS B (standby power supply B). -cpua Returns the state of the CPU module on SP A. -cpub Returns the state of the CPU module on SP B. -dimma Returns the state of the DIMM module on SP A. -dimmb Returns the state of the DIMM module on SP B. -encdrivetype Displays the type(s) of drives that are currently allowed to run in the enclosure. getcrus 75 VNX CLI for Block -fana Returns the state information for fan A. -fanb Returns the state information for fan B. -fanc Returns the state information for fan C. -ioa Returns the state of the I/O modules on SP A. -iob Returns the state of the I/O modules on SP B. -lcca Returns the state information of the LCC for SP A. -lccb Returns the state information of the LCC for SP B. -lccreva|-lccrevb Returns the revision of the DPE LCC A, LCC B, or both if you specify both switches. -lccsna|-lccsnb Returns the serial number of the DPE LCC A, LCC B, or both if you specify both switches. -mgmta Returns the state of management module A. -mgmtb Returns the state of management module B. -spa Returns the current operational state of SP A. It can be in any of the following states: Present The SP is the communication channel you are using to communicate with the chassis. Empty Agent cannot talk to the SP because a communication channel specifying the SP is not in the agent’s configuration file for the selected host. For example, the SP is connected to a different host than the SP in the communications channel for the chassis. Not Present SP that is in the communication channel to the selected chassis has failed or been removed. Removed SP was not present when the agent was started. -spb Returns the state information for SP B. See -spa description (above). -spsa Returns the state information for SPS (standby power supply, backup battery) A. -spsb Returns the state information for standby power supply B. -speeds Displays the current and maximum speed of enclosures and LCCs within the enclosures. The current speed indicates the speed an enclosure or LCC is currently running at; the maximum speed indicates the highest speed an enclosure or LCC is capable of running at. -all Displays the state of all devices. 76 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE This command gets the information about CRU state. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getcrus OUTPUT The following example shows the output from the getcrus -all command for the VNX5400/VNX5600/VNX5800/VNX7600 Block systems. DPE9 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Enclosure Drive Type: SAS, NL SAS Current Speed: 6Gbps Maximum Speed: 6Gbps SP A State: Present SP B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Fan A0 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Fan A1 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Fan B0 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Fan B1 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 BBU A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 BBU B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 CPU Module A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 CPU Module B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP A I/O Module 0 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP A I/O Module 1 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP A I/O Module 2 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP A I/O Module 3 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP A I/O Module 4 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP B I/O Module 0 State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP B I/O Module 1 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP B I/O Module 2 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP B I/O Module 3 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SP B I/O Module 4 State: Empty Bus 0 Enclosure 0 DIMM Module A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 DIMM Module B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Management Module A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Management Module B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Base Module A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Base Module B State: Present The following example shows the output from the getcrus -all command for a VNX8000 Block system. SPE9 Enclosure SPE Enclosure Drive Type: N/A Current Speed: N/A Maximum Speed: N/A SP A State: Present SP B State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan A0 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan A1 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan A2 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan A3 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan A4 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan B0 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan B1 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan B2 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan B3 State: Present Enclosure SPE Fan B4 State: Present Enclosure SPE Power A0 State: Present Enclosure SPE Power A1 State: Present Enclosure SPE Power B0 State: Present Enclosure SPE Power B1 State: Present Enclosure SPE SPS Module A State: Present getcrus 77 VNX CLI for Block Enclosure SPE SPS Battery A State: Present Enclosure SPE SPS Module B State: Present Enclosure SPE SPS Battery B State: Present Enclosure SPE SPS Module A Cabling State: Valid Enclosure SPE SPS Module B Cabling State: Valid Enclosure SPE CPU Module A State: Present Enclosure SPE CPU Module B State: Present Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 0 State: Present Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 1 State: Missing Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 2 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 3 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 4 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 5 State: Present Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 6 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 7 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 8 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 9 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP A I/O Module 10 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 0 State: Present Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 1 State: Missing Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 2 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 3 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 4 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 5 State: Present Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 6 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 7 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 8 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 9 State: Empty Enclosure SPE SP B I/O Module 10 State: Empty Enclosure SPE DIMM Module A State: Present Enclosure SPE DIMM Module B State: Present Enclosure SPE Management Module A State: Present Enclosure SPE Management Module B State: Present DAE5S Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Enclosure Drive Type: SAS Current Speed: 6Gbps Maximum Speed: 6Gbps Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Battery A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Battery B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module A Cabling State: Valid Bus 0 Enclosure 0 SPS Module B Cabling State: Valid Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC A State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC B State: Present Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC A Revision: 1.42 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC B Revision: 1.42 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC A Serial #: N/A Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC B Serial #: N/A Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC A Current Speed: 6Gbps Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC B Current Speed: 6Gbps Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC A Maximum Speed: 6Gbps Bus 0 Enclosure 0 LCC B Maximum Speed: 6Gbps getdisk Gets disk status. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 78 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getdisk command returns detailed status information about all or selected disks in the system. A disk module can be in any of the following operational states: Table 8 Operational states State Meaning Binding Being bound into a LUN. Empty Failed or removed before the agent started running, or the disk wasn’t part of a RAID group. Enabled Part of a bound LUN. Expanding Disk is being added to a RAID group. Formatting Being hardware formatted. Generally, modules do not need formatting. Rebuilding The data is being rebuilt on a replacement disk module. Removed Disk module is removed from the chassis; applies only to a disk module that is part of a LUN. Low Power Drive is in low -power state (less than full power); a possible delay can occur with media access. Reduced Power, Transitioning Drive is transitioning from a low power/no power to a full power state or vice versa. Unbound Ready to be bound into a LUN. SYNTAX getdisk [-bind] [-capacity] [-actualcapacity] [-userlba] [-cppct] [-hr][-hs] [-hw] [-lun] [-private] [-product] [-rb] [-read] [-rev] [-serial] [-sectors] [-sig] [-sr] [ -state] [-sw] [-type] [-vendor] [-write] [-rg] [-numluns] [-cpn] [-rds] [-wrts] [-bytrd] [-bytwrt] [-bndcrs] [-drivetype] [-tla] [ -usercapacity] [-idleticks] [-busyticks] [-speeds] [-powersavingsdiskcapable] [-powersavingsdiskeligible] [-powersavingsstate][-spinstats][-arrivalswithnonzeroqueue] [-highsumofseeks] [-idleticks_SPA] [-idleticks_SPB] [-busyticks_SPA] [-busyticks_SPB] [-que] [-all] OPTIONS disk-position Returns status for a specific disk. Refer the VNX for Block Concepts guide, section on LUN IDs, unique IDs, and disk IDs to verify the format for specifying disks. When the disk-position is not entered, getdisk reports on all disks, regardless of which switches are set. To obtain only the information specified by the optional switches, you must include disk-position in the getdisk command. -actualcapacity Returns the actual capacity of the disk. -arrivalswithnonzeroqueue getdisk 79 VNX CLI for Block Returns the cumulative number of requests sent to a disk, while one or more requests were already outstanding. -bind Returns the percentage of the disk that is bound. -bndcrs Returns the number of Stripe Boundary Crossings (string value or Unknown). -busyticks Returns the amount of time that this disk is busy. -busyticks_SPA Returns the amount of time in 100 ms ticks where the disk was serving requests from SPA, respectively. -busyticks_SPB Returns the amount of time in 100 ms ticks where the disk was serving requests from SPB, respectively. -bytrd Returns the number of KB read. -bytwrt Returns the number of KB written. -capacity Returns the disk capacity in MB. -cpn Returns the system part number (string value) or N/A. -cppct Displays the progress of the following three operations: l Automatic hot spare replacement l Explicit copytodisk command -drivetype Returns the drive type of the disk. -highsumofseeks Returns the cumulative seek distance in 512 Byte sectors of all requests to this disk. The seek distance between two consecutive requests is the delta of their corresponding LBAs. -hr Returns the total number of hard read errors for all the disk modules in the LUN that persisted through all the retries. A growing number of hard errors may mean that one or more of the LUN’s disk modules is nearing the end of its useful life. -hs Returns hot spare status: NO if not a hot spare, the disk position otherwise; see disk module operational states on page 79. The Hot Spare value will be shown as N/A on VNX. -hw Returns the total number of hard write errors for all the disk modules in the LUN that persisted through all the retries. A growing number of hard errors may mean that one or more of the LUN’s disk modules is nearing the end of its useful life. -idleticks Returns the amount of time that this disk is idle. -idleticks_SPA Returns the amount of time in 100 ms ticks where the disk had no outstanding requests from SPA, respectively. -idleticks_SPB Returns the amount of time in 100 ms ticks where the disk had no outstanding requests from SPB, respectively. -lun Returns the LUN number(s) to which this disk belongs. -numluns 80 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Returns the number of LUNs bound to this disk. LUNs may span multiple disks. -powersavingsdiskcapable Displays whether the vendor has approved the drives for spin down. It states YES or NO. -powersavingsdiskeligible Determines if the drive has met the system requirements (slot location) for transitioning to low-power standby state. -powersavingsstate Displays the power savings state of the drive. -private Returns the offset of every partition on the disk. -que Returns the sum of outstanding requests to the disk. For each newly arriving request, this value gets incremented by the number of currently still outstanding requests to the disk, plus the arriving request itself. -product Returns the product ID of the disk. -rb Returns the percentage of the disk that is rebuilt. -read Returns the total number of read requests made to the disk module. You might find the LUN read information in getlun more useful because it is for the entire LUN, and not just for one of the disk modules in the LUN. -rds Returns the number of read requests. -rev Returns the product revision number of the disk. -rg Returns the RAID group (if any) associated with this disk. -sectors Returns the number of user sectors. -serial Returns the serial number of the disk. -sig Returns the bind signature, which was automatically assigned during the bind process. The Bind Signature value will be shown as N/A, enclosure number, slot number (for example, N/A, 0, 1). -spinstats Returns the new disk power savings statistics. -sr Returns the total number of soft read errors for all the disk modules in the LUN that disappeared before all the retries. A growing number of soft errors may indicate that one of the LUN’s disk modules is nearing the end of its useful life. -state Returns the state of the disk. -sw Returns the total number of soft write errors for all the disk modules in the LUN that disappeared before all the retries. A growing number of soft errors may indicate that one of the LUN’s disk modules is nearing the end of its useful life. -tla Returns the TLA part number. -type Returns the RAID type of the disk. -usercapacity Returns the amount of space on the disk that is assigned to bound LUNs. getdisk 81 VNX CLI for Block -userlba Returns user LBA information. -vendor Returns the vendor ID of the disk. -write Returns the total number of write requests to the disk module. You might find the LUN write information in getlun more useful because it shows the entire LUN, and not just one disk. -wrts Returns the number of write requests. -all In addition to the getdisk command information, it displays maximum queued requests, average queued requests, percent idle, percent busy information, power saving attributes, the percent copied, actual capacity, and LBA of user space. EXAMPLE Returns information for disk 1 in disk array enclosure 1 (DAE or DAE2 number 1) on bus 1. naviseccli -h getdisk 0_1_B1 OUTPUT The following is sample output. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the getdisk command: Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk B1 Vendor Id: HITACHI Product Id: HUC10606 CLAR600 Product Revision: C202 Lun: 16377 Type: N/A State: Unbound Hot Spare: N/A Prct Rebuilt: 16377: 100 Prct Enabled: 16377: 100 Serial Number: PPG9RTPB Sectors: 1125185536 (549407) Capacity: 549691 Private: 16377: 65536 Bind Signature: N/A, 0, 1 Hard Read Errors: 0 Hard Write Errors: 0 Soft Read Errors: 0 Soft Write Errors: 0 Read Retries: N/A Write Retries: N/A Remapped Sectors: N/A Number of Reads: 0 Number of Writes: 0 Number of Luns: 1 Raid Group ID: 3 Clariion Part Number: DG118xxxxx3 Request Service Time: N/A Read Requests: 0 Write Requests: 0 Kbytes Read: 0 Kbytes Written: 0 Stripe Enabledary Crossing: 0 Drive Type: SAS Clariion TLA Part Number:005000000 User Capacity: 536.530273 Idle Ticks: 0 Busy Ticks: 0 Current Speed: 6Gbps Maximum Speed: 6Gbps 82 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block The following is sample output with drive type and state information of disk 0_0_0: naviseccli -h ss1_spa getdisk 0_0_0 -drivetype -state Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Drive Type: State: Disk 0 SAS Unbound The following is sample output with the power savings, percent copied, actual capacity, and LBA of user space information: naviseccli -h ss1_spa getdisk 0_4_0 -all Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 0 Vendor Id: HITACHI Product Id: HUC10606 CLAR600 Product Revision: C3B2 Lun: Unbound Type: N/A State: Unbound Hot Spare: N/A Prct Rebuilt: Unbound Prct Bound: Unbound Serial Number: PZG9XKVD Sectors: 0 (0) Capacity: 549691 Private: Unbound Bind Signature: N/A, 4, 0 Hard Read Errors: 0 Hard Write Errors: 0 Soft Read Errors: 0 Soft Write Errors: 0 Read Retries: N/A Write Retries: N/A Remapped Sectors: N/A Number of Reads: 0 Number of Writes: 0 Number of Luns: 0 Raid Group ID: 0 Clariion Part Number: DG118032767 Request Service Time: N/A Read Requests: 0 Write Requests: 0 Kbytes Read: 0 Kbytes Written: 0 Stripe Boundary Crossing: None Drive Type: SAS Clariion TLA Part Number:005049250PWR User Capacity: 0 Idle Ticks: 0 Busy Ticks: 0 Current Speed: 6Gbps Maximum Speed: 6Gbps Queue Max: N/A Queue Avg: N/A Prct Idle: Not Available Prct Busy: Not Available Hardware Power Savings Qualified: YES Hardware Power Savings Eligible: YES Power Savings State: Full Power Current Power Savings Log Timestamp: N/A Spinning Ticks: N/A Standby Ticks: N/A Number of Spin Ups: N/A Arrivals with Nonzero Queue: 0 High Sum of Seeks: 0 Idle Ticks SPA: 0 Idle Ticks SPB: 0 getdisk 83 VNX CLI for Block Busy Ticks SPA: 0 Busy Ticks SPB: 0 Queue Length: 0 Prct Copied: N/A Actual Capacity: 549659 LBA of User Space: 65536 getlog Gets an SP or Event Monitor log. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getlog command returns the entire SP or Event Monitor log (default), the newest entries to the log, or the oldest entries to the log. Note Depending on the size of the log, the getlog command may take several minutes to execute. The command affects only the log of the SP you specify with the -h switch in the command. The getlog command requires an active agent. Note For a host not attached (through a switch or HBA) to a system, use getlog -em. SYNTAX getlog [-em] [-h] [+n] [-n] OPTIONS -em Displays the Event Monitor log. If you omit this switch, the CLI displays the Event Monitor log. -h Displays the getlog header. +n Displays the oldest n entries in the log, with the oldest entry first. If there are fewer than n entries, the entire log is displayed. N must be greater than 0. -n Displays the newest n entries in the log, with the oldest entry first. If there are fewer than n entries, the entire log is displayed. N must be greater than 0. If a range of entries is not specified, the entire log is displayed with the oldest entry first. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getlog -3 04/10/1999 12:43:01 SP B(6e5) (FE Fibre loop operational)[0x00] 0 0 04/10/1999 12:43:19 SP B(6e4) (FE Fibre loop down) [0x03] 0 0 84 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block 04/10/1999 12:43:19 SP B(6e5) (FE Fibre loop operational)[0x00] 0 0 getloop Gets fibre loop information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getloop command returns information about the fibre loop. This command is not valid for IRIX hosts. Note This command applies only to Fibre Channel systems. SYNTAX getloop [-clfo] [-conn] [-dlf] [-icl] [-ple] [-spf] OPTIONS -clfo Displays whether the command loop has failed over. -conn Displays the connection number. -dlf Displays the data loop failover status as follows: Does system have data loop fail-over: Yes/No Does system have illegal Cross-Loop: Yes/No -icl Displays whether there is an illegal cross loop. -ple Displays whether private loop is enabled. -spf Displays whether this SP can fail over. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getloop Has Data Loop Failed Over: Can This SP Failover: Private Loop Enabled: Illegal Cross Loop: Connection #0: Enclosure 0 Connection #1: Enclosure 1 Connection #2: Enclosure 2 NO NO YES NO getlun Gets LUN information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. getloop 85 VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getlun command returns information about a LUN and the customer replaceable units (CRUs) that make up that LUN. Note If statistics logging is disabled, some fields are not printed (switches marked with * below). Other switches must be used with the -disk switch (switches marked with ** below). If the target LUN is a metaLUN, We recommend that you use the metalun -list command (see metalun -list on page 191) instead of the getlun command to return information about the metaLUN. If you use the getlun command, only the following fields report data that apply to metaLUNs — Name, Current owner, Default owner, LUN Capacity (Megabytes), LUN Capacity (Blocks), UID, Is Private, Snapshot List, MirrorView Name if any. If you target the LUNs that make up a metaLUN, all fields apply. If the target LUN is a pool LUN, we recommend that you use the storagepool -list command (see storagepool -list on page 310) instead of the getlun command to return information about the pool LUN. SYNTAX getlun [lun-number] [-aa] [-at] [-bp] [-bread] [-brw] [-busy] [-bwrite] [-capacity] [-crus] [-default] [-disk] [-drivetype] [-dsa] [-element] [-ena] [-ff] [-hrdscsi] [-idle] [-name] [-owner] [-prb] [-qavg] [-qmax] [-que] [-rc] [-rd3] [-rchm] [-reads] [-remap] [-rh] [-rhist] [-rr] [-rwr] [-service] [-sftscsi] [-srcp] [-stripe][-totque][-type] [-upb] [-was] [-wc] [-wch] [-uid] [-wh] [-whist] [-wr] [-writes] [-rg] [-state] [-private] [-usage] [-sc] [-addroffset] [-ismetalun] [-isthinlun] [ -ispoollun] [-idleticks] [busyticks] [-lunidleticks] [ -luncache] [-lunbusyticks] [-trespass] [-brwsp] [-rwrsp] [-lunbusytickssp] [-lunidletickssp] [-nanzq] [-sqlah] [-slst] [-slct] [-etp] [-itp] [-nzrca][-sor] [-wcrh] [-fwc] [-fastcache] [issnapmountpoint] [-idleticks_SPA] [-idleticks_SPB] [-busyticks_SPA] [busyticks_SPB] [-highsumofseeks] [-arrivalswithnonzeroqueue] [-all] OPTIONS lun-number Specifies the logical unit number (LUN) on which to report. If no LUN number is specified, the CLI reports on all LUNs in the system. Refer to LUN IDs, unique IDs, and disk IDs in the VNX for Block Concepts guide for information about identifying LUN numbers. -aa Returns the auto-assignment status (enabled/disabled). -addroffset Displays the starting LBA (logical block address) of the LUN. This address tells you where a LUN begins within a RAID group. -at 86 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Returns auto-trespass status (enabled or disabled). Shows FAST cache properties. -bp* Returns the number of blocks prefetched by read cache. -bread** Returns the number of blocks read for each CRU. -brwsp * Returns the number of host blocks read and written in SP A and SP B. -busy** Returns the percentage of time that the disk is busy. -busyticks Returns the amount of time that the disks on this LUN are busy. -bwrite** Returns the number of blocks written for each CRU. -capacity Returns, in MB, the LUN capacity. -crus Returns the names and states of disks in this LUN. -default Returns the name of the default owner (SP) of the LUN. -disk Returns the disk statistics for the disks in the specified lun-number. Valid only when statistics logging is enabled. -drivetype Returns the drive type of the disks in the LUN. -dsa Displays the status of Dual Simultaneous Access (dsa). -element Returns, in blocks, the stripe size. The stripe size is the number of sectors that the system can read or write to a single disk module in the LUN. The default size is 128 sectors. This size was specified when the LUN was bound. Stripe element size does not apply to a RAID 1 LUN, individual unit, or hot spare. -ena** Returns the disk status (enabled/disabled). Valid only when the -disk switch is included in the command. -etp* Returns the explicit trespasses in SP A and SP B. -fastcache Displays the FAST Cache properties of the LUN. Enables or disables fast cache usage for each LUN. -ff* Returns the number of times that a write had to flush a page to make room in the cache. -fwc Returns the number of write requests that do not have to wait for the allocation of cache pages. -hrdscsi Returns the total number of hard errors. -idle** Returns the percentage of time that the disks within the LUN are idle. -idleticks Returns the amount of time that the disks on this LUN are idle. -ismetalun Returns information about whether the LUN is a metaLUN or not. -isthinlun Returns information about whether the LUN is a thin LUN or not. getlun 87 VNX CLI for Block -itp* Returns the implicit trespasses in SP A and SP B. -lunbusytickssp* Returns the amount of time in 10 microsecond increments where any requests to this LUN were outstanding through SPA and SPB, respectively. -lunidletickssp* Returns the amount of time in 10 microsecond increments where no requests to this LUN were outstanding through SPA and SPB, respectively. -luncache Returns LUN offline (cache dirty) condition information for the specified LUN. See also the luncache command. -mirrorname Returns the MirrorView mirror name. -name Returns the LUN name. This switch applies only to systems running a version of VNX OE for Block software that supports storage group commands. LUN names are displayed in the UI. You cannot use the LUN name as a CLI command argument. Note The -name switch applies only to shared systems. -nanzq* Returns the number on arrivals with nonzero queue. -nzrca* Returns the nonzero request count arrivals in SP A and SP B. -owner Returns the name of the SP that currently owns the LUN. If neither SP owns the LUN a value of Unknown is returned. -prb Returns the percentage of the LUN that is rebuilt. -private Returns information on all private LUNs in the system. -que Returns the queue length, a number. -rc Returns the LUN’s read cache state (alwaysenabled). Note The read SP cache is enabled by default while binding LUNs on flash drives. It is enabled for all RAID types. -reads** Returns the number of reads received for each CRU. -readtime Returns the cumulative read time in microseconds. -rg Returns the RAID group ID. -rhist* Returns Read Histogram information. Read Histogram is an system of 10 locations that contain the number of reads. Element n of the system contains the number of reads that were larger than or equal to 2n-1 and less than 2n blocks in size. For example, the first bucket contains the number of 1 block reads, the second contains the number of 2-3 block reads, the third contains the number of 4-7 block reads, and 88 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block so on. -rhist also displays read histogram overflows, which are the number of I/O operations that were larger than 512 blocks. -rwrsp* Returns the number of host read and write requests in SP A and SP B. -sc Returns the LUN capacity as stripe count. -sftscsi Returns the total number of soft (correctable) errors. -slct* Returns the statistics logging current time. -slst* Returns the statistics logging start time. -snapshot Returns the number of SnapView snapshots (copy images on which a SnapView session is active). -sor* Returns the sum of outstanding requests in SP A and SP B. -sqlah* Returns the sum of queue lengths on arrivals high. -srcp Returns the read cache configuration. -state Returns the state of the LUN. Valid states are: Expanding, Defragmenting, Faulted, Transitional, or bound. -stripe Returns the number of times an I/O crossed a stripe boundary on a RAID 6, RAID 5, RAID 0, or RAID 1/0 LUN. -totque Returns the total queue length, a number. -type Returns the RAID type of the LUN as follows: RAID 0 - nonredundant individual access array RAID 1 - mirrored pair RAID 3 - single-disk parity RAID 5 - distributed parity RAID 6 - double distributed parity RAID 1/0 - mirrored RAID 0 group Disk - individual unit Hot Spare - hot spare -uid Returns the LUN unique ID. -upb* Returns the number of prefetched blocks not used by the read cache. -usage Returns the usage for a private LUN. For standard LUNs the usage displays as Unknown. -was Returns the minimum block size request that bypasses cache. -wc Returns the LUN’s write cache state (enabled or disabled). getlun 89 VNX CLI for Block Note The write SP cache is enabled by default while binding LUNs on flash drives. It is enabled for all RAID types. -wch* Returns the number of write requests that do not have to wait for the allocation of cache pages. -wcrh Returns the number of write requests to a previously written address location whose data is still resident in cache. Write rehits form a subset of write cache hits since they overwrite already existing data in the write cache. -wh* Returns the write hit information, if statistics logging is enabled. -whist* Returns write histogram information. Write Histogram is an system of 10 locations that contain the number of writes. Element n of the system contains the number of writes that were larger than or equal to 2n-1 and less than 2n blocks in size. For example, the first bucket contains the number of 1 block writes, the second contains the number of 2-3 block writes, the third contains the number of 4-7 block writes, and so on. whist also displays the write histogram overflows, which are the number of writes that were larger than 512 blocks. -writes** Returns the number of writes received for each CRU. -writetime Returns the cumulative write time in microseconds. -all Lists the getlun command information along with the FAST Cache information. EXAMPLE #1 This example retrieves the LBA (logical block address), LUN capacity, and alignment offset information. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getlun -addroffset -offset -capacity LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Offset: LUN Capacity(Megabytes): LUN Capacity(Blocks): Address Offset: N/A 1024 2097152 0 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 1 Offset: LUN Capacity(Megabytes): LUN Capacity(Blocks): Address Offset: N/A 5120 10485760 2097152 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 2 Offset: LUN Capacity(Megabytes): LUN Capacity(Blocks): Address Offset: N/A 10240 20971520 12582912 EXAMPLE #2 This example retrieves the cumulative read time and write time. 90 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block naviseccli –h ss1_spa getlun 0 –readtime –writetime Cumulative Read Time (microseconds): 87937 Cumulative Write Time (microseconds): 0 EXAMPLE #3 This example retrieves information about LUN number 0: (See sample listing following) naviseccli -h ss1_spa getlun 0 OUTPUT The following is a sample output. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the getlun command. LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Prefetch size (blocks) = N/A Prefetch multiplier = N/A Segment size (blocks) = N/A Segment multiplier = N/A Maximum prefetch (blocks) = N/A Prefetch Disable Size (blocks) = N/A Prefetch idle count = N/A Prefetching: N/A Prefetched data retained N/A Read cache configured according to specified parameters. Total Hard Errors: 0 Total Soft Errors: 0 Total Queue Length: 0 Name LUN 0 Minimum latency reads N/A RAID Type: RAID5 RAIDGroup ID: 0 State: Bound Stripe Crossing: 0 Element Size: 128 Current owner: SP B Offset: N/A Auto-trespass: DISABLED Auto-assign: DISABLED Write cache: ENABLED Read cache: ENABLED Idle Threshold: N/A Idle Delay Time: N/A Write Aside Size: 0 Default Owner: SP B Rebuild Priority: N/A Verify Priority: N/A Prct Reads Forced Flushed: N/A Prct Writes Forced Flushed: N/A Prct Rebuilt: 100 Prct Bound: N/A LUN Capacity(Megabytes): 51200 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 104857600 UID: 60:06:01:60:E8:90:32:00:EF:14:8D:66:13:4E:E2:11 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 19 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 0 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 2 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 4 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 6 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 7 Queue Length: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 19 Hard Read Errors: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 0 Hard Read Errors: 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 2 Hard Read Errors: 0 getlun 91 VNX CLI for Block Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Bus 0 Enclosure Is Private: NO Snapshots List: MirrorView Name 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk 4 Hard Read Errors: 0 6 Hard Read Errors: 0 7 Hard Read Errors: 0 19 Hard Write Errors: 0 0 Hard Write Errors: 0 2 Hard Write Errors: 0 4 Hard Write Errors: 0 6 Hard Write Errors: 0 7 Hard Write Errors: 0 19 Soft Read Errors: 0 0 Soft Read Errors: 0 2 Soft Read Errors: 0 4 Soft Read Errors: 0 6 Soft Read Errors: 0 7 Soft Read Errors: 0 19 Soft Write Errors: 0 0 Soft Write Errors: 0 2 Soft Write Errors: 0 4 Soft Write Errors: 0 6 Soft Write Errors: 0 7 Soft Write Errors: 0 19 Enabled Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 0 Enabled 2 Enabled Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 4 Enabled 6 Enabled Bus 0 Enclosure 4 Disk 7 Enabled Not Available if any: Not Available getresume Displays resume information for system devices. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getresume command displays the properties (resume information) for system devices, such as the enclosure display board, link control card (LCC), power supply (PS), storage processor (SP), SAN personality card, central processing unit module (CPU), I/O module, management module, and the standby power supply (SPS). You can display resume information for a specific device or for all devices. The product serial number, product part number, and product revision are displayed only for the SPE enclosure on VNX systems. This information is displayed only when you use the -all switch. Only Secure CLI supports use of this switch. SYNTAX getresume [-sp] [-lcc busNumber enclosureNumber [lcca|lccb]] [-ps busNumber enclosureNumber|xpe [psa|psb]] [-pc] [-mp] [-sps] [-vendorinfo] [-all] OPTIONS -all Displays resume information for all devices. -lcc busNumber enclosureNumber [lcca|lccb] Displays resume information for the link control card. If you omit lcca or lccb, information is returned for link control cards A and B. -mp Displays resume information for the enclosures. -pc 92 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Displays resume information for the SAN personality card. -ps busNumber enclosureNumber | xpe [psa|psb] Displays resume information for the power supply. If you omit psa or psb, information is returned for power supplies A and B. -sp Displays resume information for SPs. -sps Displays resume information for the standby power supply (SPS) that is associated with the SP you specify in the command line. EXAMPLE This example displays information stored in the resume PROM for power supplies A and B (bus 0, enclosure 0). naviseccli -h ss1_spa getresume -ps 0 0 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power A EMC Part Number: N/A EMC Artwork Revision: N/A EMC Assembly Revision: N/A EMC Serial Number: N/A Vendor Part Number: SG9006-710G Vendor Artwork Number: 010 Vendor Assembly Number: A10 Vendor Serial Number: AC7111210221 Vendor Name: ACBEL POLYTECH INC. Location of Manufacture: TANG XIA TOWN, DONG GUAN, CHINA Year of Manufacture: 2011 Month of Manufacture: 03 Day of Manufacture: 30 Assembly Name: Dual +12V P/S & Cooling Module. Programmable Name: 1sa :2sa :3sa :4sa Programmable Revision: 5.21:3.31:3.21:2.04 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Power B EMC Part Number: N/A EMC Artwork Revision: N/A EMC Assembly Revision: N/A EMC Serial Number: N/A Vendor Part Number: SG9006-710G Vendor Artwork Number: 010 Vendor Assembly Number: A10 Vendor Serial Number: AC7111210334 Vendor Name: ACBEL POLYTECH INC. Location of Manufacture: TANG XIA TOWN, DONG GUAN, CHINA Year of Manufacture: 2011 Month of Manufacture: 03 Day of Manufacture: 30 Assembly Name: Dual +12V P/S & Cooling Module. Programmable Name: 1sa :2sa :3sa :4sa Programmable Revision: 5.33:3.31:3.21:2.04 getresume 93 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT The following example shows sample output of resume information for I/O carrier device 0 on both SPs. Storage Processor A I/O Carrier 0 EMC Part Number EMC Artwork Revision EMC Assembly Revision EMC Serial Number Vendor Part Number Vendor Artwork Number Vendor Assembly Number Vendor Serial Number Vendor Name Location of Manufacture Year of Manufacture Month of Manufacture Day of Manufacture Assembly Name Programmable Name Programmable Revision Storage Processor B I/O Carrier EMC Part Number EMC Artwork Revision EMC Assembly Revision EMC Serial Number Vendor Part Number Vendor Artwork Number Vendor Assembly Number Vendor Serial Number Vendor Name Location of Manufacture Year of Manufacture Month of Manufacture Day of Manufacture Assembly Name Programmable Name Programmable Revision Enclosure SPE 204-012-901D N/A D04 CF2JY063400197 N/A N/A N/A N/A CELESTICA THAILAND 2006 9 15 IO Carrier Device NVRAM0:FLASH0:NVRAM1 0.01:2.07:0.01 0 204-012-901D N/A D04 CF2JY063400174 N/A N/A N/A N/A CELESTICA THAILAND 2006 9 14 IO Carrier Device NVRAM0:FLASH0:NVRAM1 0.01:2.07:0.01 Chassis/Midplane EMC Part Number: 100-562-266 EMC Artwork Revision: N/A EMC Assembly Revision: A01 EMC Serial Number: HK100072600036 Vendor Part Number: N/A Vendor Artwork Number: N/A Vendor Assembly Number: N/A Vendor Serial Number: N/A Vendor Name: N/A Location of Manufacture: Hopk,MA USA Year of Manufacture: 2007 Month of Manufacture: 07 Day of Manufacture: 11 Assembly Name: DREADNOUGHT DVT CHASSIS Programmable Name: Micro 11.33 Programmable Revision: Micro 11.33 EMC Product Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX EMC Product Part Number: 900-XXX-XXX EMC Product Revision: XX.XX.XX Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Chassis/Midplane EMC Part Number: 100-561-622 EMC Artwork Revision: D05 94 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EMC Assembly Revision: A08 EMC Serial Number: FCNST064401287 Vendor Part Number: N/A Vendor Artwork Number: N/A Vendor Assembly Number: N/A Vendor Serial Number: N/A Vendor Name: FOXCONN, SHENZHEN, CHINA Location of Manufacture: LONGHUA TOWN, SHENZHEN,CHINA Year of Manufacture: 2006 Month of Manufacture: 10 Day of Manufacture: 30 Assembly Name: 4GB FC DAE STILETTO W/FLANGES Programmable Name: Micro 11.33 Programmable Revision: Micro 11.33 Bus 1 Enclosure 0 Chassis/Midplane EMC Part Number: 100-561-622 EMC Artwork Revision: D05 EMC Assembly Revision: A08 EMC Serial Number: FCJST064500188 Vendor Part Number: N/A Vendor Artwork Number: N/A Vendor Assembly Number: N/A Vendor Serial Number: N/A Vendor Name: FOXCONN, SHENZHEN, CHINA Location of Manufacture: LONGHUA TOWN, SHENZHEN, CHINA Year of Manufacture: 2006 Month of Manufacture: 11 Day of Manufacture: 09 Assembly Name: 4GB FC DAE STILETTO W/FLANGES Programmable Name: Micro 11.33 Programmable Revision: Micro 11.33 getrg Gets RAID group information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getrg command returns information about the specified RAID group. If no RAID group is specified, the command returns information about all RAID groups. SYNTAX getrg rg [-type] [-state] [-disks] [-drivetype] [-lunlist] [-maxd] [-maxl] [-tcap] [-ucap] [-lusc] [ -pod] [-prcntdf] [-prcntex] [-exdisks] [-lunex] [-legal] [-powersavingssetting] [-powersavingseligible] [-isrginstandbystate] [-elementsize] [-all] OPTIONS rg Is the RAID group identification number. rg specifies a number between 0 and the maximum number of RAID groups supported by the system. -disks Returns the state of disks in the RAID group. -drivetype Returns information about what drive type the RAID group consists of. getrg 95 VNX CLI for Block -exdisks Returns information about which disks are expanding. Displays N/A for not expanding. -legal Returns information about specific RAID type LUNs that you can bind for a specific RAID group. How you can bind the new LUNs depends on the number of LUNs that already exist and upon the number of disks in the RAID group. -lunex Returns information about which LUNs are expanding. Displays NO for not expanding. -lunlist Returns a list of LUNs that are currently in the RAID group. -lusc Returns a free contiguous group of unbound segments in blocks. -maxd Returns the maximum number of disks that are allowed in the RAID group. -maxl Returns the maximum number of LUNs that are allowed in the RAID group. -pod Returns the priority of defragmention/expansion operations. The Defrag/Expand priority value is always shown as N/A on VNX. -powersavingssetting Sets the power savings setting ON or OFF. The default value for a nonconfigured RAID group is OFF. -powersavingseligible Determines the eligibility of a RAID group for the power savings option. A RAID group is eligible for power savings when all the disks in the RAID group are eligible for power savings. -isrginstandbystate Returns the power savings state of the RAID group when all the disks participating in RAID group are in power savings mode. -prcntdf Returns the percent of defragmention that is complete. The Percent defragmented value is always shown as N/A on VNX. -prcntex Returns the percent of expansion that is complete. The Percent expanded value is always shown as N/A on VNX. -state Returns the RAID group state, which may be one of the following: Invalid, Valid_luns, Halted, and Busy. -tcap Returns the raw and logical capacity of the RAID group in blocks. -type Returns the RAID group type. -ucap Returns the free (unbounded) capacity of the RAID group in blocks. -all Lists the RAID group information. -elementsize Displays the element size of a RAID group. The element size of a LUN is always equal to the element size of the RAID Group that holds the LUN. EXAMPLE Retrieves information about RAID group 1. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getrg 1 -all 96 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT The following is a sample output. The actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the getrg command. RaidGroup ID: 1 RaidGroup Type: r5 RaidGroup State: Valid_luns List of disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk 24 Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk 23 Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk 22 Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk 21 Bus 0 Enclosure 1 Disk 20 List of luns: 0 1 2 3 Max Number of disks: 16 Max Number of luns: 256 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 2799769600 Logical Capacity (Blocks): 2239815680 Free Capacity (Blocks,non-contiguous): 2223038464 Free contiguous group of unbound segments: 2223038464 Defrag/Expand priority: N/A Percent defragmented: N/A Percent expanded: N/A Disk expanding onto: N/A Lun Expansion enabled: NO Legal RAID types: r5 Power Savings Setting: OFF RAID GROUP Power Savings Eligible: NO Is RAID GROUP in Power Savings Mode: NO Drive Type: SAS Element Size: 1024 If you request the -elementsize option explicitly, the following output is generated: RaidGroup ID: 1 Element Size: 128 The following is a sample output of the getrg -drivetype command. RaidGroup ID: 1 Drive Type: SATA Flash RaidGroup ID: 5 Drive Type: NL SAS getsniffer Gets background verify reports. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getsniffer command retrieves background verify reports. You can retrieve reports for a specific LUN, all LUNs in a RAID group, or all LUNs in a system. Note The getsniffer command does not support thin LUNs. getsniffer 97 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX getsniffer lun-number|-rg rg-number]| [-all] [-curr] [-rec] [-alltot] OPTIONS -all Retrieves reports on all LUNs in the system. Note When you specify the -all switch, it may generate a sizeable amount of data and take a considerable amount of time to generate the data. lun-number Specifies the logical unit on which to report. lun-number specifies the logical unit number. -rg rg-number Retrieves reports on all LUNs in the RAID group. -alltot Retrieves and displays the report of historical totals of all full unit verifies. -curr Retrieves and displays the report of the currently running full unit verify. -rec Retrieves and displays the report of the most recently completed full unit verify. EXAMPLE Retrieves the report of the active full unit verify operation for LUN 0. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getsniffer 0 OUTPUT The following is a sample output. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the getsniffer command. VERIFY RESULTS FOR UNIT 0 Currently Running Full Unit Verify ----------------------------------------------------------------Corrected Checksum errors 0 0 Write Stamp errors 0 0 Time Stamp errors 0 0 Shed Stamp errors 0 0 Coherency errors 0 0 Multi Bit CRC errors 0 0 LBA Stamp errors 0 0 Media errors 98 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Uncorrectable VNX CLI for Block 0 0 Soft Media errors 0 Most Recently Completed Full Unit Verify ----------------------------------------------------------------Corrected Checksum errors 0 0 Write Stamp errors 0 0 Time Stamp errors 0 0 Shed Stamp errors 0 0 Coherency errors 0 0 Multi Bit CRC errors 0 0 LBA Stamp errors 0 0 Media errors 0 0 Soft Media errors Uncorrectable 0 Historical Total of All Full Unit Verifies (3 passes) ----------------------------------------------------------------Corrected Checksum errors 0 0 Write Stamp errors 0 0 Time Stamp errors 0 0 Shed Stamp errors 0 0 Coherency errors 0 0 Multi Bit CRC errors 0 0 LBA Stamp errors 0 0 Media errors 0 0 Soft Media errors Uncorrectable 0 getsniffer 99 VNX CLI for Block getsp Gets the SP revision and serial number information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Displays SP identification information. If you omit switches, it displays all SP configuration information. Note Use the getsp command to display SP revision and signature information. SYNTAX getsp [-type] [-sig] [-psig] [-rev] [-ser] [-mem] [-id] OPTIONS -type Displays the SP type. -sig Displays the SP unique signature. -psig Displays the SP peer unique signature. -rev Displays the SP revision number. -ser Displays the SP serial number. -mem Displays the SP memory size. -id Displays the SP SCSI ID if available, otherwise displays N/A. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h ss1_spa getsp SP A Cabinet: SPE9 Signature For The SP: 3178501 Signature For The Peer SP: 3194985 Revision Number For The SP: Serial Number For The SP: FCNMS120700013 Memory Size For The SP: 131072 SP SCSI ID if Available: 0 SP B Cabinet: SPE9 Signature For The SP: 3194985 Signature For The Peer SP: 3178501 Revision Number For The SP: Serial Number For The SP: FCNMS121200069 Memory Size For The SP: 131072 SP SCSI ID if Available: 0 100 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE #2 The following command displays the enclosure type for VNX5400/VNX5600/VNX5800/ VNX7600 Block systems. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getsp -type SP A Cabinet: DPE9 SP B Cabinet: DPE9 EXAMPLE #3 The following command displays the enclosure type for VNX8000 Block systems. naviseccli -h ss1_spa getsp -type SP A Cabinet: SPE9 SP B Cabinet: SPE9 getsptime Gets the date and time setting on each SP system clock. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli command displays the time on the system clocks in one or both storage processors. The VNX OE for Block software ensures that the system clocks in both SPs are close but necessarily identical. SYNTAX getsptime [-spa|-spb] OPTIONS -spa or -spb Specifies from which SP to display the date and time. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user xxxxxx -password xxxxxx -scope 0 getsptime Time on SP A: 08/25/10 10:09:28 Time on SP B: 08/25/10 10:09:40 OUTPUT The SP date and time. getspuptime Gets the length of time since the SPs were last rebooted. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. getsptime 101 VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION This naviseccli command determines the length of time since the Storage Processor (SPA or SPB) on the VNX system was last rebooted. SYNTAX getspuptime [-spa|-spb] OPTIONS -spa or -spb Specifies the SP for which to display the time since the last reboot. Not specifying an option displays the uptime for both SPs. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h a.b.c.d -user xxxxxx -password xxxxxx -scope 0 getspuptime OUTPUT SP A Uptime: 51 days 10 hours 15 minutes SP B Uptime: 51 days 9 hours 45 minutes “N/A” is shown if the peer information could not be retrieved. getunusedluns Returns the number of LUNs not used by any storage group or by any replication applications. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli getunusedluns command displays all the unused LUNs, which are those the storage group and replication applications are not using. SYNTAX getunusedluns EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa getunusedluns OUTPUT 102 RaidGroup ID: List of luns: 0 20 RaidGroup ID: List of luns: 1 4094 4095 4092 4093 4090 21 RaidGroup ID: List of luns: 2 10 11 12 13 14 RaidGroup ID: List of luns: 3 4091 16 17 18 19 RaidGroup ID: List of luns: 4 0 1 2 3 4 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block hotsparepolicy -list Lists the hot spare policies for all classes of disks on the array. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hotsparepolicy -list command lists the hot spare policies for all classes of disks on the array. Disk class is defined by disk type-capacity combination. SYNTAX hotsparepolicy -list [-allentries] OPTIONS -allentries Displays all entries, including those for any disk classes that ever appeared on the array. EXAMPLE This example lists all the hot spare policies for the classes of disks currently residing on the array. naviseccli hotsparepolicy -list OUTPUT The following is a sample output. Actual output varies depending upon which switch you use with the command. Policy ID: 1 Disk Type: Raw Capacity (MBs): Number of Disks: Unused disks for hot spares: Recommended Ratio of Keep Unused Ratio of Keep Unused Number to Keep Unused: Recommended: SAS 274845 30 15 1/30 1/30 1 Yes Policy ID: 2 Disk Type: Raw Capacity (MBs): Number of Disks: Unused disks for hot spares: Recommended Ratio of Keep Unused Ratio of Keep Unused Number to Keep Unused: Recommended: NL SAS 2748450 5 0 1/30 1/30 1 Yes hotsparepolicy -set Sets the hot spare policy. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hotsparepolicy -set command sets the hot spare policy. hotsparepolicy -list 103 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX hotsparepolicy -set id -keep1unusedper ratio [-o] OPTIONS id Specifies the ID of the hot spare policy. -keep1unusedper ratio Specifies hot spare policy ratio. The allowable value for ratio is an integer equal to or larger than 0. For example, 0 means no hot spare, 1 means all disks are kept as hot spare, 15 means to keep one disk per 15 disks are kept as hot spares. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This example changes the hot spare policy ratio to 1/15. naviseccli hotsparepolicy -set 1 -keep1unusedper 15 You are about to change the hotspare policy, do you want to change the ratio to 1/15 for SAS drives with 274845 MBs capacity for hot spare use? [Y/N] ? (Y) OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. inserttestevent Inserts an event into the event monitor log to let you verify the accuracy of an event monitor template. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli inserttestevent command inserts a dummy event of code in the event log. The event is code 0x2003 and its description is Test Event - internal use only. The event is in the local event queue for processing. To verify that the monitoring agent will respond as specified (for example, issue email, send a page) use the responsetest command. SYNTAX inserttestevent EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command writes a test event into the log file. naviseccli -h ss1_spa inserttestevent ioportconfig -config -maxvlans Sets the maximum number of VLANs per port. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 104 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ioportconfig -config -maxvlans command sets the maximum number of VLANs per port. SYNTAX ioportconfig -config [-maxvlans 8|16] [-delay delay] [-o] OPTIONS -maxvlans 8 | 16 Sets the maximum number of VLANs per port to either 8 or 16. -delay delay Delays the coordinated reboot between SPs for the specified value. The value ranges from 0 to 1140 seconds. The default value is 360 seconds. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This example shows how to set the maximum number of VLANs per port to 16. naviseccli –h ss1_spa -user user11 –password pswd11 –scope 0 ioportconfig –config –maxvlans 16 OUTPUT WARNING: This operation will change the maximum VLAN ports. The operation will reboot the SPs. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? ioportconfig -list Displays information about all I/O modules and corresponding I/O ports. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ioportconfig -list command displays the information about all I/O modules and I/O ports on VNX series systems. SYNTAX ioportconfig -list -iomodule "onboard"|"basemodule"|slot_num [-sp a|b] [label] [-pportid] [-portrole] [-portusage] [-porttype] [-portstate] [-portsubstate] [-isportpersisted] [-lportid] [-all] OPTIONS -list Displays information about all I/O modules and I/O ports (for both SPs). -iomodule "onboard" | "basemodule" | slot_num Displays information about the module and all I/O ports that exist on the given module. If the slot_num is not provided, the system returns an error. Note "basemodule" is not supported on VNX8000 Block systems. -sp a | b ioportconfig -list 105 VNX CLI for Block Specifies the SP, either A or B. If an -sp switch is not specified, then information about the I/O module with the given slot_num for both SPs will be shown. -label Displays the IO Module Label information. -pportid Displays the physical port number. -portrole Displays whether the port is operating as a front-end or back-end port. If not persisted, this field displays an error Uninitialized. -portusage Indicates how the port is being used. If the port is a MirrorView port, it displays Special. If the port is initialized, and is not the MirrorView port, it displays Normal. If the port is not initialized, the state is Uninitialized. Refer to EMC MirrorView/Asynchronous Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference for information about the MirrorView ports for the various systems. -porttype Displays the port transport type (Fibre Channel or iSCSI). -portstate Displays the state of the port. If not persisted, this field displays Uninitialized. -portsubstate Provides a detailed description of why the port is in a particular state. -isportpersisted Indicates whether the port is currently persisted. -lportid Shows the logical port ID. EXAMPLE This example shows information about all I/O modules and corresponding I/O ports. naviseccli -h ss1_spa -user user11 –password pswd11 -scope 0 ioportconfig -list -all OUTPUT Information about each I/O module(s) on SPA: SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: A 0 Unknown Empty Not Present Not Available No Unknown SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: A 1 Fibre Channel Present Good On No 8 Gb Fibre Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 0 Port Usage: Special Port Type: Fibre Channel Port State: Enabled 106 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Port Substate: Is Persisted: Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 1 Normal Fibre Channel Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 2 FE 2 Normal Fibre Channel Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 3 FE 3 Normal Fibre Channel Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: A 2 iSCSI Present Good On No 10 GbE v3 Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 4 Port Usage: Special Port Type: iSCSI Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 5 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: A 3 iSCSI Present Good On No 10 GbE BaseT Information about each port on this I/O module: ioportconfig -list 107 VNX CLI for Block Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 0 FE 6 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 7 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: A 4 iSCSI Present Good On No 1 GbE iSCSI/TOE Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 8 Port Usage: Normal Port Type: iSCSI Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes 108 Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 9 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 2 FE 10 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 3 FE 11 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: A Base Module SAS Present EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block I/O I/O I/O I/O Module Substate: Module Power state: Carrier: Module Label: Good On No N/A Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: BE Logical Port ID: 0 Port Usage: Normal Port Type: SAS Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 BE 1 Normal SAS Missing SFP is missing Yes Information about each I/O module(s) on SPB: SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B 0 Unknown Empty Not Present Not Available No Unknown SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B 1 Fibre Channel Present Good On No 8 Gb Fibre Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 0 Port Usage: Special Port Type: Fibre Channel Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 1 Normal Fibre Channel Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: 2 FE 2 Normal Fibre Channel ioportconfig -list 109 VNX CLI for Block Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 3 FE 3 Normal Fibre Channel Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B 2 iSCSI Present Good On No 10 GbE v3 Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 4 Port Usage: Special Port Type: iSCSI Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 5 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B 3 iSCSI Present Good On No 10 GbE BaseT Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 6 Port Usage: Normal Port Type: iSCSI Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 110 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 1 FE 7 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes VNX CLI for Block SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B 4 iSCSI Present Good On No 1 GbE iSCSI/TOE Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: FE Logical Port ID: 8 Port Usage: Normal Port Type: iSCSI Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 FE 9 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 2 FE 10 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 3 FE 11 Normal iSCSI Enabled Good Yes SP ID: I/O Module Slot: I/O Module Type: I/O Module State: I/O Module Substate: I/O Module Power state: I/O Carrier: I/O Module Label: B Base Module SAS Present Good On No N/A Information about each port on this I/O module: Physical Port ID: 0 Port Role: BE Logical Port ID: 0 Port Usage: Normal Port Type: SAS Port State: Enabled Port Substate: Good Is Persisted: Yes Physical Port ID: Port Role: 1 BE ioportconfig -list 111 VNX CLI for Block Logical Port ID: Port Usage: Port Type: Port State: Port Substate: Is Persisted: 1 Normal SAS Missing SFP is missing Yes Information about maximum VLANs per port: Max VLANs per port: 8 ioportconfig -list -maxvlans Displays information about the maximum number of VLANs per I/O port. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The ioportconfig -list -maxvlans command displays the information about VLANs per I/O port on VNX series systems. SYNTAX ioportconfig -list [-maxvlans] OPTIONS -maxvlans Shows the maximum number of VLANs per port. EXAMPLE This example shows information for VLANs. naviseccli -h ss1_spa -user user11 –password pswd11 -scope 0 ioportconfig -list -maxvlans OUTPUT Information about maximum VLANs per port: Max VLANs per port: 8 ioportconfig -persist Writes the port configuration information to persistent memory. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ioportconfig -persist command writes all port configuration information on the subsystem to persistent memory and reboots both SPs. You can specify the delay value for writing the port configuration information. If you do not specify the delay, then the system takes the default value of 360 seconds. SYNTAX ioportconfig -persist [-delay delay] [-o] OPTIONS -delay delay 112 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -o Delays the coordinated reboot between SPs for the specified value. The value ranges from 0 to 1140 seconds. The default value is 360 seconds. Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ioportconfig -persist -delay 20 OUTPUT This operation will cause both SPs to reboot in a coordinated fashion. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? luncache -clear Clears the LUN offline (cache dirty) condition. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You can verify the offline condition of a LUN, using the luncache -list command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli luncache command with the -clear function clears the LUN offline (cache dirty) condition. You can clear the LUN offline condition for a specific LUN, or for all LUNS on the system. When a storage processor (SP) fails, writes destined for a LUN that have not yet been flushed to disk place the LUN in an offline (cache dirty) condition. LUNs in an offline condition are inaccessible until pending writes for the LUN are cleared. Note When you execute luncache -clear, all pending writes on the LUN are lost. You must issue the command to the SP that owns the LUN. The luncache -clear command does not support thin LUNs. SYNTAX luncache lun-number -clear [-o] OPTIONS lun-number Specifies the LUN for which to clear the LUN offline condition. If you do not specify a LUN number, clears the LUN offline condition for all LUNS on the system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command clears the LUN offline condition for the specified LUN. naviseccli -h ss1_spa luncache 9 -clear Bringing the LUN online will cause all pending writes on the LUN to be lost. Do you want to bring the LUN online now? (y/n) OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. luncache -clear 113 VNX CLI for Block luncache -list Returns LUN offline (cache dirty) condition information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli luncache command with the -list function returns the LUN offline (cache dirty) condition information. You can return information for a specific LUN or for all LUNS on the system. When a storage processor (SP) fails, writes destined for a LUN that have not yet been flushed to disk place the LUN in an offline (cache dirty) condition. LUNs in an offline condition are inaccessible until pending writes for the LUN are cleared. Note You must issue the command to the SP that is the default owner of the LUN which is not necessarily the current owner. You can clear the LUN offline condition using luncache -clear. The luncache -list command does not support thin LUNs. SYNTAX luncache lun-number -list OPTIONS lun-number Indicates the LUN for which to display LUN offline condition information. If you do not specify a LUN number, LUN offline condition information is returned for all LUNS on the system. EXAMPLE This command displays LUN offline condition information for the specified LUN. naviseccli -h ss1_spa luncache 9 -list OUTPUT LUN Offline (Cache Dirty Condition): YES managedby Displays the application that manages the system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION You use the managedby command for purposes of the VSS Provider. The VSS Provider is used in conjunction with the SnapView functionality, to provide backup capabilities. Note The command returns an output value of Navi Manager (Unisphere) or None. A value of None is synonymous to Unisphere. 114 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX managedby EXAMPLE The system is managed by Unisphere. naviseccli -h ss1_spa managedby OUTPUT Managed By: Navi Manager managefiles -delete Deletes SP logging files on the specified system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli managefiles command with the -delete function lets you delete SP logging files from supported directories. Note The dumps and logs directories are supported for managefiles. You can specify the files you want to delete by using the -all or -file switches, or you can omit switches and display a list of files, and then choose a file from the list. SYNTAX managefiles -delete [-all] [-file filenames] [-o] OPTIONS -all Deletes all the files from the supported directory. -file filenames Deletes the specified files from the supported directory. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command shows you all file index numbers and names. The files appear in the format shown below. You then enter the file you want to delete, by either its index number or name. naviseccli -h ss1_spa managefiles -delete Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 Size 0 138 0 0 0 0 Last modified 10/26/2000 17:39:53 10/27/2000 12:37:19 10/27/2000 13:20:53 10/27/2000 13:29:57 10/27/2000 18:31:42 10/27/2000 18:41:37 Filename naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-36-17.log naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-48-40.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_09-29-57.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_11-06-09.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_14-41-37.log Enter files to be deleted with index separated by comma (1,2,3,4-5) OR a range (1-3) OR enter 'all' to delete all file OR 'quit' to quit> 2 managefiles -delete 115 VNX CLI for Block Files selected to be deleted are naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log Do you want to continue(y/n)[n]? (y/n)? y File naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log is deleted. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. managefiles -list Lists SP logging files in supported directories. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli managefiles command with the -list function lets you display a list of SP logging files in supported directories. Note The dumps and logs directories are supported for managefiles. SYNTAX managefiles -list EXAMPLE This command shows you a list of files in the supported directories, for the system you specify. naviseccli -h ss1_spa managefiles -list OUTPUT Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 Size 0 138 0 0 0 0 Last modified 10/26/2000 17:39:53 10/27/2000 12:37:19 10/27/2000 13:20:53 10/27/2000 13:29:57 10/27/2000 18:31:42 10/27/2000 18:41:37 Filename naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-36-17.log naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-48-40.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_09-29-57.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_11-06-09.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_14-41-37.log managefiles -retrieve Retrieves SP logging files from a remote system to the local system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli managefiles command with the -retrieve function lets you retrieve SP logging files from supported directories on a remote system to the local system. 116 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note The dumps and logs directories are supported for managefiles. You can specify the files you want to retrieve by using the -all or -file switches, or you can omit switches and display a list of files, and then choose a file from the list. SYNTAX managefiles -retrieve [-path path] [-all] [-file filenames] [-o] OPTIONS -path path Specifies the path on the local system where you want to copy the file. If you do not use this switch, the file is copied to the current directory. -all Retrieves all files from the supported directory. -file filenames Retrieves the specified files from the supported directory. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command shows you all file index numbers and names. The files appear in the format shown below. You then enter the file you want to retrieve, by either its index number or name. naviseccli -h ss1_spa managefiles -retrieve Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 Size 0 138 0 0 0 0 Last modified 10/26/2000 17:39:53 10/27/2000 12:37:19 10/27/2000 13:20:53 10/27/2000 13:29:57 10/27/2000 18:31:42 10/27/2000 18:41:37 Filename naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-36-17.log naviagent_Oct-26-00_13-48-40.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_09-29-57.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_11-06-09.log naviagent_Oct-27-00_14-41-37.log Enter files to be retrieved with index seperated by comma (1,2,3,4-5) OR a range (1-3) OR enter 'all' to retrieve all file OR 'quit' to quit> 2 Files selected to be retrieved are naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log Do you want to continue(y/n)[n]? (y/n)? y File naviagent_Oct-27-00_08-48-38.log is retrieved to the current directory. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. ndu -list Describes installed SP driver software packages. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must be able to log in to the host running VNX CLI for Block. ndu -list 117 VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The ndu command provides nondisruptive upgrades on VNX series systems. This command lets you install and upgrade system software without disrupting any I/O from attached servers. Third-party software installation is not supported. This means you can use ndu to install VNX OE for Block software bundles or enablers. Use the -list function with no switches to display all the information about all software packages. The naviseccli ndu command with the -list function and no switches displays information about all installed software packages. The format looks like this: Name of the software package: name Revision of the software package: n.nn Commit Required: yes or no or already committed Revert Possible: yes or no Active State: yes or no Is installation complete yes or no or not applicable. Is this System Software: yes or no For information on one package, use the -name switch. For a subset of package information, use one or more additional switches. After listing installed driver packages, you can perform other ndu (non-disruptive upgrade) steps, such as ndu -commit or ndu -revert. SYNTAX ndu -list [-name [name]] [-rev] [-iscommitable] [-isrevertable] [-isactive] [-iscomplete] [-issystem] [-gen] OPTIONS -name [name] Without the name argument, displays only the names of packages; with name, displays information on the package name. -gen Displays the generation of the package. -rev Displays the package revision. -iscommitable Displays yes if the package can be committed, no if it cannot. -isrevertable Displays yes if the package can be reverted (it is not committed), no if it cannot be. -isactive Displays yes if the package is active, no if it is not. -iscomplete Displays yes if the package file contains a complete set of files, no or not applicable if it does not. -issystem Displays yes if the package is a factory-supplied system driver, no if it is not. EXAMPLE For the SP with hostname payroll_storage_SPA, this command lists all installed driver packages. For sample output, see previous page. naviseccli -h payroll_storage_SPA ndu -list 118 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT See previous page. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. ndu -install Transfers SP software driver packages to the system private LUN (PSM LUN). PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must have a user entry in the Unisphere agent configuration file. Preinstallation validation checks Preinstallation validation checks identify unsupported or unsafe installation conditions. You initiate the validation checks functionality when you issue the ndu -install command. The validation checks run in the background, prior to installing the software. If a validation check fails, the CLI displays the error and terminates the installation. You can choose to display all validation checks as the functionality executes by specifying the verbose switch, otherwise the CLI only displays failures that prevent installation. The following responses exist for each validation check: Table 9 Validation check responses Response Definition Successful Validation check is successful. Installation proceeds. Warning Conditions exist that may need correction. Installation proceeds. Failure Conditions exist that require correction before installation can proceed. Installation terminates. Note The preinstallation validation checks identify a series of unsupported or unsafe installation conditions, but cannot guarantee a successful install. In addition to the user access requirements for the ndu command, the validation check has associated configuration requirements that you must follow: l Create the required user accounts on the system (refer to the VNX for Block Concepts guide, section Getting Started with Secure CLI) . You can create the user accounts using the Secure CLI syntax. l Create a security file on the host. If you do not create a security file, the CLI prompts you for a valid username, password and scope: Security File does not exist Please enter security information to proceed: Enter User (Existing user on system) Enter Password Enter Scope (0 – global [default]; 1 – local ndu -install 119 VNX CLI for Block Note If the system is uninitialized, user credential information is not required. Therefore, a security file is not required and the CLI does not prompt you for a username, password and scope. You can also issue validation checks without installing or upgrading software (see ndu runrules). Note Use the naviseccli ndu -list command to display installed package information. If the ndu -install command succeeds, the SPs restart. DESCRIPTION The ndu command with the -install function transfers files from media to the system, queries and displays information about the packages, and then installs or upgrades selected software packages. The naviseccli ndu command -install function transfers one or more SP driver packages from a user-accessible file system to the system private storage LUN (PSM). Media should be present before you issue this command. You should use a Windows-based management software (either Unisphere or VNX CLI for Block) to install software. Before starting a non-disruptive software installation, record the read and write cache sizes because they will be set to zero. Before the SP starts a nondisruptive software installation, it disables the caches and sets their sizes to zero. If the write cache is full and I/O is heavy, disabling the cache may take over an hour because the cached data must be written to disk. After the data is written, the installation starts. When you install new SP software using the CLI, the only way to determine when the installation is finished is to issue periodic ndu -status commands until the CLI shows the operation is completed. When the installation is complete, restore the cache sizes to their original sizes if possible. You may not be able to use the original sizes because the new software requires more memory than the version that it replaced. The software prompts for information as needed; then it installs or upgrades the specified software packages and restarts the SPs. The SPs then load and run the new packages. After successful installation, it deletes the files from the system. You can install more than one package with one ndu command. Note When you install an upgrade (that is, a newer version of an installed package), you must install all the software packages you want to use in the same command. For example, if you are upgrading SnapView in a system that has SnapView, Access Logix, and VNX OE for Block software installed, then you must upgrade all three using one ndu -install command. When you install a new package of the same revision as other existing packages, you may install only that package and not the others. The CLI takes the following actions in order: l 120 If it can find the packages, it transfers them without interaction. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block l Unless you used -force (which prevents the prompt and is equivalent to the all response), the software examines each package and displays the following information for confirmation: Item number: Name of the software package: Revision of the software package: Already Installed Revision: Installable n driver-name n.nn NO or YES YES or NO Enter Item number of the packages to be installed separated by blanks. Enter 'all' for all packages and 'quit' to quit without installing: Specify the package(s) you want installed. If you make an invalid choice, the CLI does not install any package. Note Do not change the configuration; for example, binding new LUNs or expanding metaLUNs while a software install is in progress. Such operations will be rejected; delay them until after the software upgrade is complete and committed. SYNTAX ndu -install pathlist [-delay seconds] [-force] [-gen] [-verbose] OPTIONS pathlist Specifies filenames, with full pathnames, of the software packages to be installed. You can use a Windows or UNIX pathname (for example, C:\temp or/usr/bin). Enclose the pathname list in quotes and separate multiple names by a space. If you are installing a newer version of an existing package, you must install all other packages (as explained above). -delay delay Specifies the delay time that allows attached hosts enough time after SP B has finished rebooting to rescan and mark paths available to SP B, before SP A reboots. The minimum allowed delay is zero seconds and the maximum allowed is 1140 seconds. In most cases, the EMC recommended NDU delay of 360 seconds should be used. However, some host configurations (such as those using Veritas DMP) may require a longer delay. -force Installs without user interaction. If any package is not installed for any reason, the software displays an error message and continues installing other packages specified in the command. -gen Displays the generation of the package. -verbose Displays all results of the preinstallation validation checks. Without this switch, only errors that prevent installation (failures) are displayed. ndu -install 121 VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa ndu -install VNX-Block-Operating-Environment- Item number: 0 Name of the software package: VNX-Block-Operating-Environment Revision of the software package: Already Installed Revision Installable YES Disruptive upgrade: NO The requested package(s) will be installed. Do you wish to proceed? : (y/n)?y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other error message(s): NDU_NOT_SUPPORTED NDU_CANNOT_FIND_FILE NDU_CANNOT_XFER_FILE INVALID_PACKAGE ndu -runrules Executes the preinstallation validation checks. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must have a user entry in the Unisphere agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ndu command with the -runrules function executes the preinstallation validation checks, without performing software installation (see ndu install). Note The ndu -runrules command has associated configuration requirements for the preinstallation validation checks functionality. See Preinstallation validation checks under ndu -install on page 119. Note Use the naviseccli ndu -install command to both run the preinstallation validation checks and install software. SYNTAX ndu -runrules [pathlist] [-listrules] [-verbose] OPTIONS pathlist Specifies filenames, with full pathnames, of the software packages to be committed. -listrules 122 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Displays a list of preinstallation validation checks that would run for the specified host. The validation checks do not execute. To run the validation checks, do not include this switch. -verbose Displays all results of the preinstallation validation checks. Without this switch, only errors that prevent installation (failures) are displayed. EXAMPLE For the SP with hostname payroll_storage_SPA, this command executes the preinstallation validation checks. naviseccli -h ss1_spa ndu -runrules OUTPUT If the preinstallation validation checks detect failures, the failures are displayed. ndu -commit Commits (makes permanent) an installed system driver package. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must have a user entry in the Unisphere agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ndu command with the -commit function commits an installed software package. Every package does not require commit. If a package needs to be committed and it is not committed, all new features of the newly installed package may not be available. A committed package cannot be reverted. It can be uninstalled. Note You cannot create any new RAID groups or bind any new LUNs until you commit VNX OE for Block and Access Logix software. Use the naviseccli ndu -listcommand to display installed package information. SYNTAX ndu -commit namelist OPTIONS namelist Lists package names of the software packages to be committed. EXAMPLE For the SP with hostname payroll_storage_SPA, this command commits the installed package mypackage. naviseccli -h ss1_spa ndu -commit mypackage OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. ndu -commit 123 VNX CLI for Block ndu -status Returns the status of the ndu install, commit, or revert operations. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must have a user entry in the Unisphere agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ndu command with the -status function reports the progress of the last ndu -install, -commit, or -revert function executed. Note Use the naviseccli ndu -list command to display installed package information. SYNTAX ndu -status [-clear] OPTIONS -clear Clears the status of the last executed ndu command. EXAMPLE For the SP with hostname payroll_storage_SPA, this command reports the status of the ndu -install, -commit, or -revert function. naviseccli -h ss1_spa ndu -status OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. ndu -revert Returns to (restores functionality of) the previous revision of an installed system driver. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You must have a user entry in the Unisphere agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ndu command with the -revert function restores the functionality of the previous revision of an installed driver package. A committed package cannot be reverted, nor can a package that had no previous revision installed. After the command succeeds, the SPs will restart. If you omit the -o (override) switch, the CLI prompts for confirmation: Revert operation will revert package-name from both SPs. Do you still want to revert. (y/n)? Answer y to revert; answer n to cancel the command. 124 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note Use the naviseccli ndu -list command to display installed package information. SYNTAX ndu -revert [-delay seconds] namelist [-o] OPTIONS -delay seconds Specifies the delay time that allows attached hosts enough time after SP B has finished rebooting to rescan and mark paths available to SP B, before SP A reboots. The minimum allowed delay is zero seconds and the maximum allowed is 1140 seconds. In most cases, the EMC recommended NDU delay of 360 seconds should be used. However, some host configurations (such as those using Veritas DMP) may require a longer delay. namelist Lists package names of the software packages to be reverted. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For the SP with hostname payroll_storage_SPA, this command reverts to the previous revision of mypackage for both SPs. naviseccli -h ss1_spa ndu -revert mypackage OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: NDU_CANNOT_FIND_FILE NDU_CANNOT_XFER_FILE INVALID_PACKAGE networkadmin -get Lists network name and address information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli networkadmin command with -get function without switches lists all the network information for an SP. This command supports IPv6 network communication to the management ports of systems with VNX OE for Block version 04.28 or later. If you do not specify the IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6), then by default IPv4 information is displayed. The default IP address is IPv4. If the -ipv4 and the -ipv6 switches are specified, the information is displayed for both IP addresses with the IPv4 information listed first. Issue the command to the SP for which this information is needed. networkadmin -get 125 VNX CLI for Block Issuing this command with one or more switches displays the information based on the specified switch. The line Storage Processor: is always displayed. This command displays information in the following format: Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Processor: Processor Network Name: Processor IP Address: Processor Subnet Mask: Processor Gateway Address: SP-id (A or B) SP-network-name SP-IP-address SP-subnet-mask SP’s-gateway-system address Note If you need to change an SP network name or address, then use the networkadmin command with the -set function described in networkadmin -set on page 131. SYNTAX networkadmin -get [-sp a|b] [-name] [-portid portid [-vportid vportid]] [-vlanid] [-ipv4 [-mode] [-address] [-subnetmask] [-gateway]] [-ipv6 [-mode] [-address] [-globalprefix] [-gateway]] [-speed][-auto] [-capablespeeds] [-requestedspeed] [-linkstatus] [-all] OPTIONS -sp [a|b] Displays the properties of the specified SP. The default is the properties of the connected SP. -portid portid Displays the management port ID. If you do not specify the port ID, the system displays the information of all management ports. -vportid vportid Displays the virtual port ID associated with the management port. If you do not specify the virtual port ID, the system displays the information of all virtual ports. -vlanid Displays the virtual LAN (VLAN) ID of the management port/virtual port. If the VLANs are disabled, the system displays Disabled. -name Displays the SP's network name. -ipv4 Displays all the IPv4 information. This is the default IP address. -ipv6 Displays all the IPv6 information. -address Displays the SP's network IP address (IPv4/IPv6 address). -gateway Displays the IP address (IPv4/IPv6 address) of the SP's gateway system. -subnetmask Displays the SP's IPv4 subnet mask. -globalprefix Displays the SP's IPv6 global prefix. -mode Displays the IPv4/IPv6 status. The statuses are automatic, manual, and disabled. -speed Displays the current port speed for a specified SP. 126 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -auto (CX4 series only) Indicates whether the auto-negotiate feature is turned on or off. The CLI returns a yes value if the feature is turned on, a no value if the feature is turned off, and a not supported value if the feature is not supported. Note If you have the auto-negotiate feature turned on, the speed value that is generated in the output will not be auto. The value reflects the speed at which the port is currently operating. If you have the Auto-Negotiate feature turned on and you specify the requestedspeed switch, the Requested Value displays a value of auto. -capablespeeds (CX4 series only) Returns a list of valid speed values for each port. -requestedspeed (CX4 series only) Displays the requested speed value. -linkstaus (CX4 series only) Displays the link status of the management port. -all (CX4 series only) Displays all information for the network admin command. Note The command switches -speed, -auto, -capablespeeds, requestedspeed, -linkstatus, -portid, -vportid, -vlanid, -ipv4, ipv6, and -all are supported only with Secure CLI. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli –h ss1_spa networkadmin -get -speed Storage Processor SP A Management Port Settings Link Status: Link-up Current Speed: 100 Mbps/half duplex EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli –h ss1_spa networkadmin -get -capablespeeds -auto Storage Processor : SP A Management Port Settings: Link Status: Link-up Current Speed: 100 Mbps/half duplex Auto-Negotiate: No Capable Speeds: 10 Mbps half/full duplex 100 Mbps half/full duplex 1000 Mbps half/full duplex Auto EXAMPLE #3 Note The IPv6 information contains IPv6 in the header to distinguish the output from the IPv4 information. networkadmin -get 127 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -address -user a -password a –scope 0 networkadmin –get -ipv4 –ipv6 Storage Processor: SP A Storage Processor Network Name: lumpy-spa Storage Processor IP Address: Storage Processor Subnet Mask: Storage Processor Gateway Address: Storage Processor IPv6 Mode: Automatic Storage Processor IPv6 Address: 3ffe:80c0:22c:4d:20d:56ff:fec5:bff4 Storage Processor IPv6 Global Prefix: 3ffe:80c0:22c:4d:: Storage Processor IPv6 Local Address: fe80::20d:56ff:fec5:bff4 Storage Processor IPv6 Gateway Address: fe80::20a:8bff:fe5a:967c EXAMPLE #4 naviseccli –h ss1_spa networkadmin -get -all Storage Processor: SP A Storage Processor Network Name: kirk-spa Port ID: 0 Management Port Settings: Link Status: Link-Up Current Speed: 100Mbps/full duplex Requested Speed: Auto Auto-Negotiate: YES Capable Speeds: 10Mbps half/full duplex 100Mbps half/full duplex 1000Mbps half/full duplex Auto Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 102 Storage Processor IP Mode: Manual Storage Processor IP Address: Storage Processor Subnet Mask: Storage Processor Gateway Address: Storage Processor IPv6 Mode: Automatic Storage Processor IPv6 Address: 3ffe:80c0:22c:47:260:1600:3ce0:151c Storage Processor IPv6 Global Prefix: 3ffe:80c0:22c:47:: Storage Processor IPv6 Link-local Address: fe80::260:1600:3ce0:151c Storage Processor IPv6 Gateway Address: fe80::20a:8bff:fe5a:967c OUTPUT See the previous page. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. If the command switches -speed, -auto, -capablespeeds, -requestedspeed, linkstatus, and -all are not supported on the system then an Invalid command line parameters error message is printed to stderr. If IPv6 does not support the system an error is displayed: IPv6 is not supported for this platform. IPv6 is enabled but a value for one of the IPv6 values has not been set so, the value will be displayed as an empty string. 128 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block networkadmin -mib Configures the SNMP services on the system SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli networkadmin command with the -mib function enables or disables the processing of SNMP MIB read requests on an SP and sets the SNMP community string. This command with no option lists the current status of the SNMP service. Note To discover current settings, use the networkadmin command with the -mib function. SYNTAX networkadmin -mib [-enable] [-disable] [-community string] [-o] OPTIONS -enable Enables the SNMP services. -disable Disables the SNMP services. -community newstring Sets the SNMP community string to newstring. Note The -community switch is supported only with ManagementServer release 28 or later. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command disables the SNMP services on SP A. naviseccli -h ss1_spa networkadmin -mib -disable Disable processing of SNMP read requests on SP A (y/n)[n] OUTPUT Storage Processor: SP A SNMP MIB Status: Disabled Community: public If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. networkadmin -mib 129 VNX CLI for Block networkadmin -route Sets up the static routes. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli networkadmin command with the -route function is used to set up the static routes to the specific hosts or networks. SYNTAX networkadmin -route [-sp a|b] [-portid portid -vportid vportid] [-add -destination destination [-subnetmask subnetmask | -prefixlength length] [-metric metric] [-persistent]] [-delete -destination destination [-subnetmask subnetmask | -prefixlength length]] [-list] [-o] OPTIONS -sp a|b Specifies the destination SP. The default is the connected SP. -portid portid The -portid and the -vportid together specify the interface associated with the route. If you do not specify the interface, the system determines it. -vportid vportid The -portid and the -vportid together specify the interface associated with the route. If you do not specify the interface, the system determines it. -add Adds a network route. -destination destination Specifies the IPv4/IPv6 address or the hostname of the destination. -subnetmask netmask Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask value for the route entry. The default value is It is valid only for an IPv4 destination address. -prefixlength length Specifies the prefix length and the part of the address to compare while determining the route. The default value is 128. It is valid only for an IPv6 destination address. -metric metric Determines the best route using the routing algorithm. The route with the lowest metric is preferred over another route. -persistent Specifies whether the route should persist across restarts. -delete Deletes an existing route. -list Displays the routes for the SP. By default, it displays the routes of the connected SP. It also displays the routes for a specific port/virtual port. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h kirk-spa networkadmin -route -list 130 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT SP A, Port 0, Virtual Port 0: Protocol: IPv4 Subnet Mask: Gateway: Originator: OS Metric: 10 Destination Address: Persistent: YES Static: NO Protocol: Subnet Mask: Gateway: Originator: Metric: Destination Address: Persistent: Static: IPv4 OS 10 YES NO Protocol: Subnet Mask: Gateway: Originator: Metric: Destination Address: Persistent: Static: IPv4 OS 10 YES NO Protocol: Subnet Mask: Gateway: Originator: Metric: Destination Address: Persistent: Static: IPv4 OS 1 YES NO Protocol: Destination Prefix Length: Originator: Metric: Destination Address: Persistent: Static: IPv6 64 OS 8 3ffe:80c0:22c:47:: YES NO networkadmin -set Updates network information for an SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli networkadmin command with the -set function changes one or more network settings for an SP. This command supports IPv6 network communication to the management ports of systems with VNX OE for Block version 04.28 or later. If you do not specify the IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6), then by default IPv4 information is displayed. The default IP address is IPv4. If both the -ipv4 and -ipv6 switches are specified, the information is displayed for both IP addresses, with the IPv4 information listed first. Issue the command to the SP whose information you want to update. networkadmin -set 131 VNX CLI for Block If you omit the -o (override) option, the CLI displays a message in the following form to confirm the update. Changing the name of SP from oldname to newname (y/n)[n]? Changing the IP address of SP from old-address to newaddress (y/n)[n]? Changing the sub-net mask of SP from old-mask to new-mask (y/n)[n]? Changing the gateway address of SP from old-gatewayaddress to new-gateway-address (y/n)[n]? To make the change, enter y; otherwise, enter n. Note To discover current settings, use the networkadmin command with the -get function. EMC service personnel set the network properties initially to work at your site. Do not change any value unless you are moving the SP to another LAN or subnet. If you change any value, after you confirm, the SP restarts and uses the new value. SYNTAX networkadmin -set [-o] [-sp a|b] [-name name] [-portid portid -vportid vportid] [-vlanid vlanid | -vlandisable] [-ipv4 [-address address] [-subnetmask subnetmask] [-gateway gateway-IP-address]] [-ipv6 [-automatic | -disable | -manual [[-globalprefix prefix | -address IPv6-address] [-gateway gateway-IP-address]]] [-speed [-duplex]] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -sp [a|b] Modifies the properties of the specified SP. The default is the connected SP. -name name Changes the SP's network name to name. The maximum length of the name is 64 characters. -portid portid Specifies the management port ID. The default management port is 0. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port ID associated with the management port. The default virtual port is 0. -vlanid vlanid Specifies the VLAN ID to be used for the management port/virtual port. If you specify an invalid VLAN ID or if the ID is already in use, an error message appears displaying the valid range. -vlandisable Disables VLAN tagging on the virtual port. -ipv4 Specifies the settings for IPv4. 132 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -address IP-address Changes the SP's IPv4 network address to IP-address. -subnetmask mask Changes the SP's IPv4 subnet mask to mask. -gateway gateway-IP-address Changes the SP's IPv4 or IPv6 gateway IP address to gateway-IP-address. -ipv6 Specifies the settings for IPv6. [-automatic | -disable | -manual] Specifies whether you want to enable IPv6 on the SP automatically, disable IPv6 on the SP, or enable IPv6 on the SP manually. If you choose manual, also choose whether to set either a global prefix or a specific IPv6 address, and a gateway. -globalprefix prefix Changes the SP's IPv6 global prefix to prefix. If you are using this option, you cannot also use the -address IPv6-address option. -address IPv6-address Sets an IPv6 address on the SP, overriding any previous IPv6 configuration. If you are using this option, you cannot also use the -globalprefix prefix option. -speed [-duplex] (CX4 series only) Changes the speed on the management port for the target SP. EXAMPLE #1 For SP A, this command changes the gateway address. naviseccli -h ss1_spa networkadmin -set -gatewayaddress Changing the gateway address of SP A from 123.456.789.011 to 123.456.789.011 This operation will cause a management server restart! Do you wish to continue? (y/n)[n] y EXAMPLE #2 This command enables IPv6 (if not enabled) and maintains the current settings. naviseccli -address -user a -password a –scope 0 networkadmin –set –ipv6 -manual EXAMPLE #3 This command enables IPv6 (if not enabled) and sets the IPv6 global prefix. naviseccli -address -user a -password a –scope 0 networkadmin –set –ipv6 -manual -globalprefix 3ffe:80c0:22c:4c: EXAMPLE #4 For SP A, this command changes the management port speed to 1000 Mbps/half duplex. naviseccli -h ss1_spa networkadmin -set -speed 1000 -duplex half Change the management port speed for SP A to 1000 Mbps/half duplex DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n)? EXAMPLE #5 For SP A, this command manually sets an IPv6 address. networkadmin -set 133 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -h ss2_spa -user b -password b -scope 0 networkadmin -set -ipv6 -manual -address 3ffe:80c0:22c:4c:1319:8a2e: 370:7348 Setting the IPv6 Mode to Manual on SP A, Port 0, Virtual Port 0 This operation will cause a management server restart! Do you wish to continue? (y/n) OUTPUT See the description section of this command. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: NETADMIN_NOT_FOUND NETADMIN_INVALID_NAME Invalid command line parameters Invalid speed request port Lists SP port information, removes an HBA entry from an SP’s initiator list, and provides diagnostic capabilities. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli port command lists SP port information, removes an HBA entry from an SP’s permitted initiator list (initiator record), and provides diagnostic capabilities for SAN Copy initiator records and duplicate host initiator records. See also the storagegroup -setpath command in storagegroup on page 168 and the alpa command in alpa -set on page 27. Note To register an individual HBA with a system, you need to use Unisphere. The optional port -diagnose switches are: [-sancopy [-clean]] [-host] SYNTAX port -list [-hba|-arrayhba|-sp|-gname groupname |-uid UID] [-all] [-arraycommpath] [-failovermode] [-unitserialnumber] [-mac] [-initiatorcount] [-sfpstate] [-reads] [-writes] [-bread] [-bwrite] [-qfull] [-physical] [-usage] [-prominfo] -removeHBA [-o] [-hbauid HBAUID |–host host|-hostip ip|-all] -diagnose [-o] -sancopy [-clean] |-host OPTIONS -sancopy [-clean] Lists the SAN Copy initiator records where the initiator is the same as that of the targeted SP. If you include the optional -clean switch, the CLI prompts you to remove the initiator records that are displayed. 134 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -host Scans the host initiator records and displays duplicate hosts with the same host ID. Without arguments, -list displays information about all ports in the system but does not list information given by -all, -arraycommpath, and failovermode. This allows -list without an argument to produce output compatible with scripts written for old revisions of Secure CLI. Example 1 shows output without switches. Example 2 shows output with the -all switch. You can use one of the following optional switches with -list: -all Lists all port information, including any information that is new with this Unisphere release. -arraycommpath Displays the status of the arraycommpath setting: 0 if arraycommpath is disabled; 1 if arraycommpath is enabled. -arrayhba Displays information about all systems attached to this HBA, or about systems that were logged in at some point for which initiator records still exist. See Example 2 for a display. -bread Displays the number of blocks read for each port. -failovermode Displays the failover mode: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. The storagegroup -failovermode description provides more information. -gname groupname Specifies a storage group. goupname specifies the user-defined storage group name. If you omit the -gname and the -uid switches, the CLI describes all HBA ports connected to this storage group. -hba Returns information on HBA ports. The initiator and target -hba field returns different information depending on whether you are targeting a Fibre Channel or FCoE or an iSCSI HBA. When you target a Fibre Channel or FCoE HBA, the -hba returns the World Wide Name such as: 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C: 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C. When you target an iSCSI HBA, -hba returns the initiator name. -initiatorcount Displays the initiator information for each port on a given SP. Lists the number of initiators that are defined, logged in and not logged in. -mac Displays the MAC address for the front-end ports of an iSCSI system and also FCoE ports. Running the port ... -mac command returns a MAC Address field for each port. When you run the port ... -mac command, if any ports are Fibre Channel ports, the MAC Address field for those ports will display Not Applicable. -physical (CX4 series only) Displays the physical location of the port including I/O module and physical port information. -reads Displays the number of reads for each port. -sfpstate Displays the small form factor pluggable (SFP) state for each port. This lets you determine if an incompatible or faulty SFP is detected, in which the status is set to faulted. -sp Specifies SP ports only. port 135 VNX CLI for Block -uid UID Specifies the storage group unique ID (also known as the World Wide Name, WWN). If you omit the -gname and the -uid switches, the CLI describes all HBA ports connected to this storage group. -usage (CX4 series only) Indicates how the port is used. For example, when either of the MirrorView enablers is installed, it displays MirrorView. -prominfo Displays the new EEPROM information for SFP+ SFPs inserted into the front-end ports. -unitserialnumber Specifies the unitserialnumber mode. -writes Displays the number of writes for each port. The optional port -removeHBA switches are: -hbauid HBAUID Removes a specific initiator record specified with -hbauid. HBAUID specifies a unique host bus adapter identification number (must use uppercase). -host host Removes all initiator records that are logged out and registered, for the specified hostname. -hostip ip Removes all initiator records that are logged out and registered, for the specified host IP address. You can specify the IP address either as IPv4 or IPv6 address. If an incorrect IP address is specified, an error message appears as follows: The IP address must be specified as an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal format or as an IPv6 address in colonhexadecimal notation. Note If an IPv6 address is specified, EMC recommends that you use a global unicast address. -all Removes all initiator records that are logged out and registered, for the specified system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 The following example shows sample output of the port -list command targeted to Fibre Channel HBAs and SPs: Note The StorageGroup Name field displays None if the HBA is not explicitly mapped to a userdefined, a non-user defined, a null, a management, or a physical storage group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa port -list Information about each HBA: HBA UID: 10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10 136 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Server Name: matt Server IP Address: HBA Model Description: ModelABC HBA Vendor Description:VendorABC HBA Device Driver Name:N/A Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 HBA Devicename: N/A Trusted: NO Logged In: NO Defined: YES Initiator Type: 3 StorageGroup Name: Private Information about each HBA: HBA UID: 20:00:00:00:C9:21:FE:D5:10:00:00:00:C9:21:FE:D5 Server Name: 20:00:00:00:C9:21:FE:D5:10:00:00:00:C9:21:FE:D5 Server IP Address: UNKNOWN HBA Model Description: HBA Vendor Description: HBA Device Driver Name: Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP B SP Port ID: 0 HBA Devicename: Trusted: NO Logged In: YES Source ID: 7280384 Defined: NO Initiator Type: 128 StorageGroup Name: None Information about each HBA: HBA UID: AA:01:34:11:22:33:44:44:72:68:01:38:01:21:42:53 Server Name: Server IP Address: HBA Model Description: HBA Vendor Description: HBA Device Driver Name: Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 HBA Devicename: Trusted: NO Logged In: NO Defined: YES Initiator Type: 3 StorageGroup Name: Documentation SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 1 HBA Devicename: Trusted: NO Logged In: NO Defined: YES Initiator Type: 3 StorageGroup Name: Documentation Information about each HBA: HBA UID: 20:00:00:00:C9:2B:53:D3:10:00:00:00:C9:2B:53:D3 Server Name: port 137 VNX CLI for Block 20:00:00:00:C9:2B:53:D3:10:00:00:00:C9:2B:53:D3 Server IP Address: UNKNOWN HBA Model Description: HBA Vendor Description: HBA Device Driver Name: Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 HBA Devicename: Trusted: NO Logged In: YES Source ID: 1315328 Defined: NO Initiator Type: 128 Information about each HBA: HBA UID: 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF Server Name: Server IP Address: HBA Model Description: HBA Vendor Description: HBA Device Driver Name: Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 HBA Devicename: Trusted: NO Logged In: NO Defined: YES Initiator Type: 3 StorageGroup Name: PublicStorageGroup Information about each SPPORT: SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:0C:12:50:06:01:63:3C:E0:0C:12 Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B:20:1D:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B SP Source ID: 859648 I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 2 SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 1 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:0C:12:50:06:01:63:3C:E0:0C:12 Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B:20:1D:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B SP Source ID: 859648 I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 3 SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 2 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:0C:12:50:06:01:63:3C:E0:0C:12 Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B:20:1D:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B SP Source ID: 859648 I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 4 138 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 3 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:0C:12:50:06:01:68:3C:E0:0C:12 Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B:20:1D:00:05:1E:0E:E8:7B SP Source ID: 859648 I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 5 EXAMPLE #2 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -all command targeted to Fibre Channel HBAs and SPs. naviseccli -h ss1_spa port -list -all Total number of initiators: 1 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP A 1 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP A 0 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP B 1 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP B 0 1 1 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP A 2 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP A 3 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: Not Logged-In Initiators: SP B 2 0 0 0 SP Name: SP Port ID: Registered Initiators: Logged-In Initiators: SP B 3 0 0 port 139 VNX CLI for Block Not Logged-In Initiators: 0 Information about each HBA: HBA UID: 20:00:00:00:C9:5E:B8:FF:10:00:00:00:C9:5E:B8:FF Server Name: Server IP Address: HBA Model Description: Emulex LightPulse HBA - Storport Miniport Driver HBA Vendor Description: Emulex HBA Device Driver Name: elxstor Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP Port ID: HBA Devicename: Trusted: Logged In: Source ID: Defined: Initiator Type: StorageGroup Name: ArrayCommPath: Failover mode: Unit serial number: SP B 0 \\.\SCSI3:0:0:0 NO YES 8327680 YES 3 None 1 1 Array EXAMPLE #3 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -hba command targeted to an iSCSI HBA. naviseccli -h IPAddress_SP port -list -hba Information about each HBA: HBA UID: Server Name: nlpc20234 Server IP Address: HBA Model Description: HBA Vendor Description: HBA Device Driver Name: Information about each port of this HBA: SP Name: SP Port ID: HBA Devicename: Trusted: Logged In: Source ID: Defined: Initiator Type: StorageGroup Name: SP A 0 \\.\SCSI2:0:0:1 NO YES 4294967295 YES 3 StorageGrpnlpc20234 Information about each SPPORT: 140 SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SP A 0 Up Online Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SP A 1 Down Online Not Applicable EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SP B 0 Down Online Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SP B 1 Down Online Not Applicable EXAMPLE #4 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -mac command targeted to an iSCSI system. naviseccli -h port -list -sp -mac Information about each SPPORT: SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: MAC Address: SP B 0 Down Online Not Applicable 00:60:16:01:83:AF SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: MAC Address: SP B 1 Up Online Not Applicable 00:60:16:01:83:B1 SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: MAC Address: SP A 0 Down Online Not Applicable 00:60:16:01:82:89 SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: MAC Address: SP A 1 Up Online Not Applicable 00:60:16:01:82:8B EXAMPLE #5 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -mac command targeted to a Fibre Channel system. naviseccli -h port -list -sp -mac Information about each SPPORT: SP Name: SP Port ID: SP A 1 port 141 VNX CLI for Block SP UID: 50:06:01:60:90:21:26:3D:50:06:01:61:10:21:26:3D Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: NO MAC Address: Not Applicable SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 0 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:90:21:26:3D:50:06:01:60:10:21:26:3D Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:08:00:88:60:8E:77:20:0D:08:00:88:60:8E:77 SP Source ID: 7998739 MAC Address: Not Applicable SP Name: SP B SP Port ID: 1 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:90:21:26:3D:50:06:01:69:10:21:26:3D Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: NO MAC Address: Not Applicable SP Name: SP B SP Port ID: 0 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:90:21:26:3D:50:06:01:68:10:21:26:3D Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:08:00:88:60:8E:77:20:0C:08:00:88:60:8E:77 SP Source ID: 7998483 MAC Address: Not Applicable EXAMPLE #6 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -mac command targeted to a Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) system that has FC(0,1,2,3), 1G iSCSI(4,5), 10G iSCSI(6,7) and 10G FCoE(8,9) ports. naviseccli -h peregrine-spa port -list -mac Information about each SPPORT: SP Name: SP B SP Port ID: 3 MAC Address: Not Applicable 142 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 2 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 0 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 1 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 3 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: SP A 2 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block MAC Address: Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 0 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 1 Not Applicable SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 4 00:60:16:1A:3B:C2 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 5 00:00:00:00:00:00 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 6 00:60:16:32:12:1C SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 7 00:00:00:00:00:00 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 4 00:60:16:1A:36:52 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 5 00:00:00:00:00:00 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 6 00:60:16:32:0E:8E SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 7 00:00:00:00:00:00 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 8 00:60:16:3B:47:B2 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP B 9 00:60:16:3B:47:B3 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 8 00:60:16:3B:55:42 SP Name: SP Port ID: MAC Address: SP A 9 00:60:16:3B:55:43 EXAMPLE #7 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -sp -all command. SP Name: SP Port ID: 0 SP UID: 50:06:01:60:B6:60:02:DC:50:06:01:68:36:60:02:DC SP B port 143 VNX CLI for Block Link Status: Up Port Status: Online Switch Present: YES Switch UID: 10:00:00:05:1E:E0:0B:E0:20:03:00:05:1E:E0:0B:E0 SP Source ID: 932096 ALPA Value: 0 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : NO Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto MAC Address: Not Applicable SFP State: Online Reads: Writes: 0 Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0 Queue Full/Busy: 0 I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 Usage: SFP/Connector EMC Part Number: 019-078-042 SFP/Connector EMC Serial Number: 000000000000000 SFP/Connector Vendor Part Number: N/A SFP/Connector Vendor Serial Number: AGL1211D3004397 SFP/Connector Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps 0 General EXAMPLE #8 The following example shows sample output of the port -list -sfpstate command targeted to FCoE ports, 10G iSCSI, and FC ports. SPF Normal: SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SFP State: SP A 11 50:06:01:60:16:21:02:B6:50:06:01:60:16:25:02:B6 Down DISABLED NO Online SFP Faulted: SP Name: SP Port ID: SP UID: Link Status: Port Status: Switch Present: SFP State: SP A 8 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:68:3B:24:13:0D Down DISABLED NO Faulted EXAMPLE #9 The following example shows the output for the port –list –prominfo command. Information about each SPPORT: SP Name: SP Port ID: 144 SP A 2 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps SP Name: SP A SP Port ID: 3 SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector SFP/Connector 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps … EMC Part Number: EMC Serial Number: Vendor Part Number: Vendor Serial Number: Supported Speeds: TBD TBD TBD TBD EMC Part Number: EMC Serial Number: Vendor Part Number: Vendor Serial Number: Supported Speeds: TBD TBD TBD TBD powersaving Enables or disables the power saving settings. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli powersaving command allows you to enable or disable power saving settings on a system. It displays the system's idle time and the status of the power saving settings. SYNTAX powersaving -globalsettings [-o] [on|off] -info [-systemidletime] [-globalpowersavingsettings] OPTIONS -globalsettings Enables or disables power saving settings on a system. The system sends a confirmation message only when you specify the -o switch. The following message is displayed, if the settings are turned on: Turning global power saving settings on will spin down all eligible unused disks and all power saving settings on Storage Pools will take effect. Do you want to proceed? The following message is displayed, if the settings are turned off: Turning global power saving settings off will allow all drives spinning up to normal. Do you want to proceed? -info [-systemidletime] [-globalpowersavingsettings] Displays the system idle time and the status of the global power saving settings. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h IP address powersaving -info System Idle Time: 15 min Global Power Saving Settings: On powersaving 145 VNX CLI for Block rebootSP Reboots an SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command reboots one or both SPs. If you omit switches, the current SP is rebooted. Note If rebootSP is executed while I/O processes are active, I/O errors may occur and/or the Unisphere agent process may hang. If the agent process hangs, you must reboot the host on which the Unisphere agent is running. If you are binding LUNs assigned to one SP, you should not reboot the peer SP until the binding process has completed. Otherwise, until the binding process is completed, you will see error messages each time the SP is polled. Note See the rebootpeerSP command, to reboot the peer SP of the target SP. SYNTAX rebootSP [-both] [-o] OPTIONS -both Reboot both SPs. Note If write cache is enabled, it is not allowed to reboot both SPs unless you disable write cache first or use -o option to override the warning and reboot directly. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h ss1_spa rebootSP WARNING: This operation will reboot the target SP. Verify that the SPS on the surviving SP is operating correctly. Otherwise write cache must be disabled: naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off. Failure to disable write cache may result in the loss of data. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n) EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h ss1_spa rebootSP -both Error: rebootSP command failed Before you can execute the rebootSP command, you need to either disable write cache or override the warning. To disable write cache, run the “naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off” command. To override the warning and reboot both SPs directly, run the “rebootSP -both -o” command. 146 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. rebootpeerSP Reboots a peer SP. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Lets you reboot the peer SP of the target SP in a dual-SP system. For the rebootpeerSP command, the peer SP is the SP on the system to which the command is not targeted. Note See the rebootSP command, to reboot the target SP or both SPs on the system. SYNTAX rebootpeerSP [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example reboots the peer SP of the target SP. The target SP is ss1_spa; the peer SP is ss1_spb. naviseccli -h ss1_spa rebootpeerSP WARNING: This operation will reboot the target SP. Verify that the SPS on the surviving SP is operating correctly. Otherwise write cache must be disabled: naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off. Failure to disable write cache may result in the loss of data. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n) remoteconfig -getconfig Displays information about a host or SP agent. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The remoteconfig command displays and sets agent configuration information. An agent can be any host agent or SP agent. These commands let you get and set the configuration of the agent running on a remote host, scan all the devices in the system on a remote host, and stop the agent running on a host. Note If you are running VMware ESX Server and issuing this command to a virtual machine (VM), it cannot target the host agent because the Unisphere Host Agent is supported only on ESX Server. rebootpeerSP 147 VNX CLI for Block The naviseccli remoteconfig command with -getconfig displays information on the agent running on an SP. To display information on the agent for the specified host, see server -remoteconfig on page 289. If you omit switches, the command displays all agent information. You can request specific information with switches. To write the agent information to a file, use the -write filename switch. If you use write, the CLI writes all information to the file; you cannot select specific information with switches. If a file with the same name exists, the CLI will verify to overwrite. Note After listing agent information, you can change the agent settings with the remoteconfig -setconfig command. SYNTAX remoteconfig -getconfig [-description] [-contact] [-users] [-interval] [-write filename] OPTIONS -description Displays contents of the description field. -contact Displays contents of the contact field. -users Displays contents of the users field. -interval Displays contents of the polling interval field. -write filename Writes an image of the configuration file as it exists on the host or SP to file filename. The file is written in the same format as the agent.config file, which differs from the output of the getconfig function without the -write switch. You can use this file to set the configuration for other agents using the remoteconfig setconfig -f filename function. No other switch is allowed with -write. EXAMPLE This command lists all agent information. naviseccli -h ss1_spa remoteconfig -getconfig OUTPUT See remoteconfig -getconfig on page 147. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: RAC_AGENT_NOT_RUNNING remoteconfig -setconfig Changes configuration information for a host or SP agent. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli remoteconfig command with -setconfig changes the configuration information for the agent running on an SP. To change configuration 148 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block information for the agent running on the specified host, see server -remoteconfig on page 289. Note The comments in the host agent configuration file are removed. When your changes to the configuration file take effect, comments that previously resided in the file are permanently lost. The CLI prompts for confirmation of every change you specify unless you use the -o (override) or -f switch. To change the setting for the agent, enter y. The confirmation queries for all settings are as follows. Change host description from old to new [y]? Change contact information from old to new [y]? Add user in the authorized user list [y] ? Remove user from the authorized user list [y] ? Change polling interval to new-interval [y] ? To have the CLI obtain the agent information from a file (perhaps a file written with the getconfig -write function), use the -ffilename switch. Only the -o (override) switch is allowed with the -f switch. You can use the -getconfig function to see how settings are formatted. Make sure that your entries are valid for the agent you are configuring. A wrong setting can make an agent inaccessible. SYNTAX remoteconfig -setconfig [-o] [-adduser userlist] [-contact contactinfo] [-description description] [-f filename][-interval interval] [-rmuser userlist] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -adduser userlist Adds the users specified in userlist to the authorized user list. The user name form is username@hostname. Separate the user entries with a space. -contact contactinfo Specifies new contact information for the agent description field. -description description Specifies new contents for the agent description field. -f filename Reads the configuration information from file filename. This file must be in the correct format (same as the agent configuration file used in earlier Unisphere revisions). The -getconfig -write command automatically creates files in the correct format. When you use -f, the CLI does not prompt for confirmation; the -o switch is not needed. -interval interval Changes the polling interval in seconds to interval. The valid range is 1 to 120. This switch may not apply to all system types. -rmuser userlist Removes the specified users from the authorized user list. remoteconfig -setconfig 149 VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE This command adds the user tsjones on host viking to the agent privileged users list. naviseccli -h ss1_spa remoteconfig -setconfig -adduser tsjones@viking Add tsjones@viking in the authorized user list [y]? OUTPUT See remoteconfig -getconfig on page 147. If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: RAC_AGENT_NOT_RUNNING RAC_REMOTECONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED INVALID_MEGAPOLL INVALID_USEEXPLICITDEVNAME RAC_FILE_NOT_FOUND removerg Removes a RAID group. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli removerg command removes a specified RAID group. Note This command cannot remove thin pools. SYNTAX removerg rgID OPTIONS rgID RAID group identification number. rgID specifies a number between 0 and the maximum number of RAID groups supported by the RAID group system. EXAMPLE This command removes RAID group 1. naviseccli -h ss1_spa removerg 1 resetandhold Resets an SP and holds the reboot following the power on self tests (POST). PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli resetandhold command, resets an SP and holds the reboot following the power on self tests (POST), to allow an SP to be reset in a safe manner for systems where pulling and reseating the SP is not permitted during operation. Because 150 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block the boot process is held, a subsequent rebootpeerSP command must be issued to clear the hold and reboot the SP, to return the SP to service. Note Issue rebootpeerSP after you issue resetandhold, when you are ready to return the SP to service. SYNTAX resetandhold EXAMPLE The following example resets and holds the reboot for the targeted SP on the system. naviseccli -h ss1_spa resetandhold This operation will cause the system to reset and then hold the reboot process following the Power On Self Tests (POST). To clear the hold state and complete the SP reboot, a rebootpeersp command must be issued to the peer SP. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE? (y/n)? responsetest Tests Event Monitor response. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli responstest command creates an artificial event to test event monitor response. The responsetest command is designed for use without the event monitor User Interface (UI). That is, you can use responsetest in conjunction with the event monitor template file, navimon.cfg, which you can edit to specify the event monitor responses you want. If you have used the event monitor UI to set up an event monitor template, do not use this command. Event monitor functions accessed via responsetest are decentralized, providing email and pager support from local systems only. The EMC phone home feature is not available via this command. SYNTAX responsetest -email response-parameters| -emailpage responseparameters | -modempage response-parameters | -snmp response-parameters OPTIONS response-parameters Allows different parameters for each type of response you specify, as follows: -email -smtpmailserver smtpmailserver_hostname Specifies the SMTP mail server; required. -destaddress destination_email_address Specifies the destination email address; required. [-subject "text"] The text, within quotation marks, specifies the subject of the email; optional. responsetest 151 VNX CLI for Block [-cc destination_email_address] The email address to send a cc (copy) to; optional. [-message "text" | -file filename] The text, in quotation marks, describes the event; optional. Or you specify a file with descriptive text using -file. [-sender sender_email_address] Specifies the sender address; optional. If omitted, CLI inserts the agent hostname as the sender_email_address. -emailpage -smtpmailserver smtpmailserver_hostname Specifies the SMTP mail server; required. -destaddress destination_email_address Specifies the destination email address; required. [-subject "text" ] The text, within quotation marks, specifies the subject of the email; optional. [-cc destination_email_address] The email address to send a cc (copy) to; [-message "text" | -file filename] The text, in quotation marks, describes the event; optional. Or you specify a file with descriptive text using -file. [-sender sender_email_address] Specifies the sender address; optional. If omitted, CLI inserts the agent hostname as the sender_email_address. -modempage (Not supported on AX4-5 series and AX series) -destnumber phone-number Specifies the pager phone number (with area code) and is required. -msgnumber phone-number Specifies the number that will appear on the pager display (with area code). [ -comport number ] Specifies the number of the PC COM. If omitted, the CLI assumes COM l; optional. [ -messagedelay seconds ] Specifies the delay between sending the destination phone number to the modem and sending the message to the modem. This allows enough time for the receiving modem to answer the call. Optional. [ -dialcommand command] Specifies the modem dial command to be used by the agent. Optional. [ -initcommand command-to-modem ] Specifies the modem dial command to be used by the agent. The initcommand allows for some custom modem configuration before the data is sent to it. Optional. -community community Specifies a community on the snmp managment host; optional. -desthost destination-hostname Specifies an snmp management hostname; required. -device device Specifies the device represented by the snmp management host. Required. EXAMPLE This command sends a modem page test event. naviseccli -h ss1_spa responsetest modempage -destnumber -msgnumber OUTPUT Result of the test. 152 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block sc_off Disables data access control. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli sc_off command disables data access control and turns off shared storage features. You can use this command to reset the system to its factory unshared storage settings. CAUTION Be aware that executing sc_off resets the system to its factory unshared storage settings, permanently destroying all previously implemented shared storage features. SYNTAX sc_off [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa sc_off OUTPUT The first time you run the sc_off command, you will see an output similar to the following: You have asked to remove all shared storage components from the indicated system. The following functions will be performed, if necessary: Clear the system's password Turn fairness off Set the default storage group to ~physical Remove all initiator records Remove all user defined storage groups Do you wish to proceed? (y/n)? y Clearing the system's password Old Password: *** Turning fairness off Setting the default storage group to ~physical Removing all initiator records Removing all user defined storage groups If you run the command a second time, and the first time through completed successfully, the output will be as follows: You have asked to remove all shared storage components from the indicated system. The following functions will be performed, if necessary: Clear the system's password Turn fairness off Set the default storage group to ~physical sc_off 153 VNX CLI for Block Remove all initiator records Remove all user defined storage groups Do you wish to proceed? (y/n)? y setfeature Adds a software feature to a LUN controlled by an SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setfeature command adds and removes a software driver feature to a LUN owned by an SP. SYNTAX setfeature -on|-off -feature feature -lun lun| -lunuid uid OPTIONS -on or -off Adds or removes the feature. -feature feature Identifies the feature; for example, RM for remote mirroring and sancopy for SAN Copy. -lun lun or -lunuid uid Specifies the LUN. You can use the LUN number or the LUN unique ID, UID (which is the World Wide Name, WWN). OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED FEATURE_REQUIRED LUN_AND_LUNUID_SPECIFIED setsniffer Starts a background verify process or changes verify process parameters. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setsniffer command starts a background verify process or changes the parameters for the verify process. You can indicate a specific LUN, all LUNs in a RAID group, or all LUNs in a system. Note The setsniffer command does not support thin LUNs. SYNTAX setsniffer lun-number| [-rg rg-number] [-all] [-bv] [-cr] 154 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -all Applies sniffer parameters to all LUNs in the system. The target SP must own one LUN at minimum. lun-number Applies sniffer parameters to the specified LUN. lun specifies the logical unit number. You must target the SP that owns the specified LUN. -rg rg-number Applies sniffer parameters to all LUNs in the specified RAID group. -bv Starts a full unit background verify. -cr Clears background verify reports. EXAMPLE Starts a background verify on LUN 0. naviseccli setsniffer 0 -bv OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. setsniffverify Enables or disables sniff verify on all the disks on the array. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setsniffverify command can enable or disable sniff verify on all the disks on the array, including bound and unbound region. This command with no option displays the current sniff verify state. SYNTAX setsniffverify [-on | -off] OPTIONS –on | off Enables or disables sniff verify on all dissk. -on Enables sniff verify on all disks. -off Disables sniff verify on all disks. EXAMPLE #1 This example enables the disk based sniff verify. There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. naviseccli setsniffverify -on setsniffverify 155 VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE #2 If no option is provided, the command will display the current sniff verify state. naviseccli setsniffverify sniffverify is ENABLED setspstime Sets SPS or BBU battery test time. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setspstime command sets the SPS battery test time. If no switches are specified, the command returns the current SPS battery test time. The SPS test time is displayed for the client's time zone. SYNTAX setspstime [-d day-num] [-h hour-num] [-m minute-num] [-nolocal] OPTIONS -d day-num Sets the day of the week (0-6, 0=Sunday). -h hour-num Sets the hour of the day (0-23, 0=12:00 AM). -m minute-num Sets the minute of the hour (0-59). Note To set the SPS or BBU test time, all switches must be specified. -nolocal The SPS test time is displayed for the client's time zone. Note -nolocal is required if your system is communicating with a host agent version less than 6.5. You cannot use this switch with version 6.5 or higher. EXAMPLE This example sets the SPS battery test time to Sunday at 1:00 AM. naviseccli -h ss1_spa setspstime -d 0 -h 1 -m 0 OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. setsptime Sets the SP system clocks. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 156 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setsptime command sets the system time for both SPs. SYNTAX setsptime [-M month-num] [-D day-num] [-Y year-num] [-h hour-num ] [-m minute-num] OPTIONS -M month-num Specifies the month (1-12). -D day-num Specifies the day (1-31). -Y year-num Specifies the year; use four digits. -h hour-num Specifies the hour (0-23). -m minute-num Specifies the minute (0-59). EXAMPLE This example sets the SP system clock to March 13, 2002, 9:00 am. naviseccli -h data1_spa setsptime -M 3 -D 13 -Y 2002 -h 9 OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. setstats Sets statistics logging. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli setstats command sets statistics logging. If no optional switches are present, the command returns the current state of statistics logging. The SP maintains a log of statistics for the LUNs, disk modules, and system caching that you can turn on and off. When enabled, logging affects system performance, so you may want to leave it disabled unless you have a reason to monitor performance. The log uses a 32-bit counter to maintain the statistics numbers. When the counter is full, the statistics numbers restart at zero. As a result, you will see a sudden decrease in a statistics number if you view it shortly before the counter is full and shortly after the counter restarts at zero. If you want to keep the log turned on for more than two weeks, we recommend that you reset the log about every two weeks, so you know when the numbers start at zero. The command affects only the SP you specify. SYNTAX setstats -on|-off [-powersavings] [-on|-off] OPTIONS setstats -on|-off Enables/disables the performance statistics logging. setstats 157 VNX CLI for Block Note If statistics logging is off, certain options in other commands are disabled. The options for the other commands specify whether statistics logging must be on for their options to be valid. -powersavings Enables/disables the disk spin-down statistics logging. It affects only the disk spindown statistics. -on|-off Returns the current state of power saving statistics logging. EXAMPLE The sample output is as follows: naviseccli -h ss1_spa setstats -on naviseccli -h ss1_spa setstats -powersavings Disk Spin Down statistics logging is DISABLED OR Disk Spin Down statistics logging is ENABLED Start Power Savings Log Timestamp: xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx:xx OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. shutdown Shuts down and powers off the system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli shutdown command shuts down and powers off the system you specify. SYNTAX shutdown [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command shuts down and powers off the specified system. naviseccli -h ss1_spa shutdown Before you shutdown the system, stop all I/O from any servers connected to the system and save all unsaved data to disk. During the shutdown process you will lose access to all data on the LUNs but you will not lose any data. When you power up the system you will regain access to the LUNs. 158 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Do you want to shutdown and power off the subsystem now (y/n)? OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. shutdownsp Shuts down and powers off the current SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli shutdownsp command shuts down the current storage processor (SP) of the system. SYNTAX shutdownsp [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. The confirmation message varies depending on the system. EXAMPLE The confirmation message for a VNX system is as follows: WARNING: This operation will shutdown the SP and hold it in reset. Verify that SPS on the surviving SP is operating correctly. Otherwise write cache must be disabled: naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off. To reconnect please reboot the SP - this can be accomplished by using the rebootpeerSP command. Do you want to shutdown and hold the SP now? (y/n) ? OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; error information if used with any other system. shutdownpeersp Shuts down and powers off the peer SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli shutdownpeersp command shuts down the peer storage processor (SP). SYNTAX shutdownpeersp [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. shutdownsp 159 VNX CLI for Block The confirmation message varies depending on the system. EXAMPLE The confirmation message for a VNX system is as follows: WARNING: This operation will shutdown the SP and hold it in reset. Verify that SPS on the surviving SP is operating correctly. Otherwise write cache must be disabled: naviseccli -h IPAddress cache -sp -modify -wc off. To reconnect please reboot the SP - this can be accomplished by using the rebootpeerSP command. Do you want to shutdown and hold the SP now? (y/n) ? OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; error information if used with any other system. spcollect -info Displays the setting of the automated SPCollect service. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli spcollect command with the -info function lets you display the setting of the automated SPCollect functionality. The setting appears as Enabled when the SPCollect automated functionality is turned on; Disabled when it is turned off. The automated SPCollect service is part of the Peerwatch service included with VNX OE for Block version or higher. SYNTAX spcollect -info EXAMPLE This command shows you the setting of the automated SPCollect functionality for the specified system. The Enabled setting, indicating that the SPCollect process is turned on, appears in the output above. naviseccli -address ss\1_spa spcollect -info OUTPUT AutoExecution: Enabled spcollect -set Sets the automated SPCollect service on or off. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli spcollect command with the -set function lets you set the automated SPCollect process on or off. The automated SPCollect service is part of the Peerwatch service included with VNX OE for Block version or higher. 160 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note Use spcollect -info to verify whether the service is enabled or disabled. SYNTAX spcollect -set -auto on|off [-o] OPTIONS -auto on|off Sets the automated SPCollect process on or off. If you indicate on, it turns the automation service on; if you indicate off, it turns the automation service off. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command turns the automated SPCollect process on. naviseccli -address ss1_spa spcollect -set -auto on OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. spcollect Selects and places a collection of system log files into a single .zip file. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli spcollect command selects a collection of system log files and places them in a single .zip file on the system. You can retrieve the file from the system using the managefiles command. Note This command is not related to the automated SPCollect service that is part of the Peerwatch service included with VNX OE for Block version or higher. This command lets you run the SPCollect functionality separate from the scheduled service. See the spcollect -set command to enable or disable the automated SPCollect service. NOTICE The SPCollect functionality can affect system performance (may degrade system performance). SYNTAX spcollect EXAMPLE This example creates a .zip file on the system, which contains system log files. The .zip file has the following format: naviseccli -h ss1_spa spcollect arrayserialnumber Is the system serial number. spcollect 161 VNX CLI for Block x Is SP A or B. date Is the date of collection. time Is the time of collection. spsignature Is the SP signature OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. spportspeed Set or get the SP port speed. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli spportspeed command gets or sets the SP port speed. You can set the port speed on either SP directly or through the other SP. The port speed you can set and the options available depend upon your system type. For a port speed to work, the HBA, switch, and SP must all support it. You can set the ports of an SP to different speeds if the ports connect to switches or HBAs with different speeds. CAUTION Incompatible port speeds will prevent the two devices from communicating. The CLI prompts for confirmation as follows before executing the -set command. Changing the port speed is a disruptive function. Verify that the other device connected to the system, supports the new speed. If the speed settings are incompatible, the system will be unable to communicate with the other connected device. Are you sure you want to change speed of SP x Port n from n Gigabit to n Gigabit ? SYNTAX spportspeed -get [-isauto] [-avail] [-requested] [-type] [-physical] [-sfp] [-all] -set -sp a|b -portid portid speed [-o] OPTIONS -isauto Indicates whether the Auto-Negotiate feature is turned on or off. The CLI returns a yes value if the feature is turned on, a no value if the feature is turned off, and a not supported value if the feature is not supported. Note If you have the Auto-Negotiate feature turned on, the Speed Value that is generated in the output does not have a value of auto. The value reflects the speed at which the port is currently operating. If you have the Auto-Negotiate feature turned on and you specify the -requested switch, the Requested Value displays a value of auto. -avail 162 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Indicates the available speeds for a specified port. -requested Displays the speed requested through spportspeed -set. The speed that is requested may not equal the actual speed of the port. For example when the AutoNegotiate feature is turned on, the Requested Value displays auto and the Speed Value displays the speed at which the port is currently operating. -type Displays the connection type (Fibre Channel or iSCSI) for each port along with the speeds. -physical (CX series only) Displays the physical location of the port. or -sp a|b Specifies the SP on which to set the port speed ( a|b). -portid portid speed portid specifies the port on the SP (0, 1, 2, or 3). speed specifies the port speed: See the note above. For Fibre Channel systems, port speed is 1 for 1 Gb mode, 2 for 2 Gb mode, 4 for 4 Gb mode, auto to initiate the Auto-Negotiate feature. For iSCSI systems, port speed is 10 for 10 Mb mode, 100 for 100 Mb mode, 1000 for 1000 Mb mode, auto to initiate the Auto-Negotiate feature. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h ss1__spa spportspeed -get -physical Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 0 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : Yes Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 2 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 1 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : Yes Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 3 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps spportspeed 163 VNX CLI for Block Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 2 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : Yes Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 4 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 3 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : Yes Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: Onboard Physical Port ID: 5 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli spportspeed -get –sfp Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 0 Speed Value : 8Gbps SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 1 Speed Value : 8Gbps SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 2 Speed Value : N/A SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 3 164 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Speed Value : N/A SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 0 Speed Value : N/A SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 1 Speed Value : 8Gbps SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 2 Speed Value : N/A SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 3 Speed Value : N/A SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli spportspeed -get –all Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 0 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 1 Speed Value : 8Gbps Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps spportspeed 165 VNX CLI for Block 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 1 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 2 Speed Value : N/A Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: 4Gbps Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 2 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP A Port ID : 3 Speed Value : N/A Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: 4Gbps Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 3 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 0 Speed Value : N/A Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: 4Gbps Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 1 Speed Value : 8Gbps 166 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: Auto Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 1 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 2 Speed Value : N/A Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: 4Gbps Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 2 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Storage Processor : SP B Port ID : 3 Speed Value : N/A Auto Negotiable : No Available Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps Auto Requested Value: 4Gbps Connection Type: Fibre Channel I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 3 SFP Supported Speeds: 2Gbps 4Gbps 8Gbps EXAMPLE #4 naviseccli -h ss1_spa spportspeed -set -sp a -portid 0 2 Changing the port speed is a disruptive function. Verify that the other device connected to the system, supports the new speed. If the speed settings are incompatible, the system will be unable to communicate with the other connected device. Are you sure you want to change speed of SP A Port n from 1 Gigabit to 2 Gigabit ? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Not supported error message is printed to stderr. spportspeed 167 VNX CLI for Block storagegroup Creates and configures storage groups. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagegroup command lets you create and manage shared systems, that is, systems that use storage groups and have the storage group option. For most command operations, the CLI prompts for confirmation unless you use the -o switch. You can use the CLI command storagegroup -connecthost to assign a storage group to all HBAs in a host, or the command storagegroup -setpath to assign a storage group to a specific HBA in a host. To change the settings of a storage group that is already assigned, use the command storagegroup -sethost. To disconnect a host from all its storage groups, use storagegroup -disconnecthost. The storagegroup command has many switches, some of which have functions that you also indicate with switches. SYNTAX storagegroup [-addhlu switches] | [-addsnapshot switches] | [-chgname switches] | [-connecthost switches] | [-create switch] | [-destroy switch]| [-disconnecthost switch] | [-enable] | [-list switches] | [-removehlu switches] | [-removesnapshot switches] | [-sethost switches] | [-setpath switches] | [-shareable switch] | OPTIONS storagegroup command, -addhlu switch -addhlu -gname StorageGroupName| -uid StorageGroupUID -hlu hlunumber -alu alunumber Adds a host LUN to a storage group. This command requires a bound LUN. If required, use the bind command to create a LUN. You must use -gname or -uid and two other switches with -addhlu as follows. Also, see the example in unbind on page 181. -gname StorageGroupName Specifies the name of the storage group. -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique identification number. l For Fibre Channel systems, the UID uses the World Wide Name (WWN) format such as: 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C:10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C. l For iSCSI systems, the UID uses the initiator name which uses the IQN format such as: 168 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -hlu hlunumber Specifies the host LUN number, which is the number that the system server will see. hlunumber is the virtual LUN number. (Virtual LUN numbers let a host whose operating system has LUN limit or LUN booting restrictions use a number other than the actual system LUN ID (-alu below), which might be out of the operating system’s range, to access a LUN.) This switch is required along with alu and either the-gname or -uid switch. If you have not assigned a host LUN number of 0 and if the arraycommpath setting is 1, then after the bus is rescanned, the system will display an entry for LUN 0 even though you have not assigned a host LUN 0. This occurs because the arraycommpath setting of 1 creates a virtual LUN 0 for communication with the system. -alu alunumber Specifies the system LUN number, the actual LUN number internal to the system. This is the number assigned when the LUN was bound. alunumber specifies the logical unit number. This switch is required along with -hlu and either the -gname or -uid switch. storagegroup command, -addsnapshot switch -addsnapshot -gname StorageGroupName| -uid StorageGroupUID -hlu hlunumber -snapshotname snapshotname| -snapshotuid snapshotuid Adds a snapshot to a storage group. The storage group you choose should be different from the source LUN storage group. You must use three of the following switches with -addsnapshot: -gname StorageGroupName Sets the name of the storage group. StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name; or -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique identification number. l l For Fibre Channel systems, the UID uses the World Wide Name (WWN) format such as: 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C:10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C. For iSCSI systems, the UID uses the initiator name which uses the IQN format such as: -hlu hlunumber Specifies the host LUN number for the snapshot, which is the unique number that the system server will see. hlunumber is the virtual LUN number. -snapshotname snapshotname | -snapshotuid snapshotuid Specifies the snapshot name or unique ID number (World Wide Name, WWN). One of these switches is required along with the -gname or -uid switch. storagegroup command, -chgname switch -chgname -gname StorageGroupName | -uid StorageGroupUID -newgname NewName [-o] Renames the storage group. You must use two of the following switches with chgname: -gname StorageGroupName Specifies the name of the storage group. StorageGroupName specifies a userdefined storage group name. storagegroup 169 VNX CLI for Block -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique identification number. l l For Fibre Channel systems, the UID uses the World Wide Name (WWN) format such as: 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C:10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C. For iSCSI systems, the UID uses the initiator name which uses the IQN format such as: -newgname NewName Sets the new storage group name for the storage group (specified by the gname or -uid switch). NewNamespecifies the new name for the specified storage group. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. storagegroup command, -connecthost switch -connecthost -host HostName -gname StorageGroupName| -uid StorageGroupUID [-o] Connects the specified host to the specified storage group. It connects all of the host’s HBA/SP combinations to the storage group by assigning the host’s initiator records to the storage group. To assign a storage group to a specific HBA, use storagegroup -setpath. You may use the port -list command to get a list of registered HBAs. If nothing is registered, use the navicli register command to register an HBA. You must specify the host using the -host switch, and the storage group using the -gname switch or the -uid switch. If you include the -o switch, the command will be executed without asking for user confirmation. Also, see the example in unbind on page 181. -host HostName Specifies the user-defined hostname. -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies the storage group name. -uid StorageGroupUID StorageGroupUID specifies the unique ID. storagegroup command, -create switch -create -gname StorageGroupName Creates a storage group. You must use the -gname switch with -create. Also see the example in unbind on page 181. -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name. storagegroup command, -destroy switch -destroy -gname StorageGroupName | -uid StorageGroupUID [-o] Destroys the specified storage group. If you include the -o switch, the command will be executed without asking for user confirmation. You must use one of the following switches with -destroy: -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name. 170 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group UID. storagegroup command, -disconnecthost switch -disconnecthost host HostName [-o] Disconnects all of the specified host’s HBA/SP combinations from the currently connected storage group, and reconnects them to ~management. You must specify the host using the -host switch. If the -o switch is present, the command will be executed without asking for user confirmation. -host HostName HostName specifies the user-defined hostname. storagegroup command, -enable switch [-o] Enables data access control. Sets the default storage group to ~management. If the -o switch is present, the command will be executed without asking for user confirmation. storagegroup command, -list switch -list [-gname StorageGroupName| uid StorageGroupUID] -host Displays information about the specified storage group. When no storage group is specified, -list displays information about each user-defined storage group in the system. You can use one of the following optional switches with -list. -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name. -host Displays the hostname of the attached host. -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique ID. storagegroup command, -removehlu switch -removehlu -gname StorageGroupName | -uid StorageGroupUID -hlu hlunumber Removes the specified host LUN number from the specified storage group. You must use one of the following switches: -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name. -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group UID. -hlu hlunumber hlunumber specifies the logical unit number, which is the number that the system server will see. This switch is required along with either the -gname or uid switch. storagegroup command, -removesnapshot switch -removesnapshot gname StorageGroupName | -uid StorageGroupUID -snapshotname snapshotname| -snapshotwwn snapshotUID Removes a snapshot from a storage group. You must use one of the four following switches with -removesnapshot: -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies the user-defined storage group name. storagegroup 171 VNX CLI for Block -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique ID. -snapshotname snapshotname | -snapshotwwn snapshotUID Specifies the snapshot name or UID number (World Wide Name, WWN). One of these switches is required. storagegroup command, -sethost switch -sethost [-host hostname | ip host-ip-address [-arraycommpath 0|1] [-failovermode 0|1|2 |3|4] [-type initiator-type] [-unitserialnumber array|lun] [-o] Creates or changes certain settings for all initiators (HBAs) in the specified host that are connected to a specific system. You must specify the host (-host switch), unless you are issuing the command in the current host. To obtain -sethost status, use the port list command. The -sethost function has subfunction switches as follows. Note For AX4-5 series systems, the storagegroup command with the -sethost switch will accept nondefault values for the following switches: -failovermode, arraycommpath, -type, and -unitserialnumber. -arraycommpath 0|1 storagegroup -sethost with -arraycommpath modifies one or more communication paths between the server and system. A communication path is a logical path between the host and the system. It may be needed when there is no LUN owned by an SP through which the host recognizes the system and in the storage group through which the host recognizes the system. Changing the arraycommpath setting may force the system to reboot. The CLI will issue a confirmation request that indicates whether a system reboot is required. However, the CLI will not issue a confirmation request if you include the -o switch. CAUTION Do not issue this command option unless you know the appropriate value for the type of failover software running on the servers connected to the specified storage group. The command is designed for transition from one type of failover software to another. Changing the arraycommpath to the wrong value will make the storage group inaccessible to any connected servers. This form of -arraycommpath works for a host. For an entire system, or unshared storage, use the command arraycommpath. To discover the current setting of arraycommpath, use the port -list -all or port -list -arraycommpath command. 0 Disables the communication path previously enabled. 1 Enables a communication path. Example with arraycommpath: 172 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -sethost -hostname server101 -arraycommpath 1 -failovermode 0|1|2|3}4 storagegroup -sethost with -failovermode sets the type of trespass needed for failover software. Use this command with certain types of failover software as suggested in the failover software release notice or manual. Changing the failovermode setting may force the system to reboot. The CLI will issue a confirmation request that indicates whether a system reboot is required. However, the CLI will not issue a confirmation request if you include the -o switch. CAUTION Do not issue the failovermode command option unless you know the appropriate value for the type of failover software running on the servers connected to the specified storage group. The command is designed for transition from one type of failover software to another. Changing the failovermode to the wrong value will make the storage group inaccessible to any connected servers. This method of setting -failovermode works for systems with storage group only. For systems without storage group, use the command failovermode (see failovermode on page 61). To discover the current setting of failovermode, use the port -list failovermode or port -list -all command. Note For information about when to use these failover modes, refer to the Installation Roadmap for CLARiiON Storage Systems, which is on EMC Online Support. 0 Failover mode 0. 1 Failover mode 1. 2 Failover mode 2. 3 Failover mode 3. 4 Failover mode 4. Example with failovermode: naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -sethost -failovermode 1 -hostname server102 -hostname [host] Specifies the HBA owner's hostname. You must specify the host’s hostname or its IP address (-ip host-ip-address switch). storagegroup 173 VNX CLI for Block -ip host-ip-address Specifies the IP address of the host, in the form xx.xx.xx.xx. You must specify either the IP address or the hostname. The IP address can be specified as an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If an incorrect IP address is specified, the error message is displayed as follows: The IP address must be specified as an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal format or as an IPv6 address in colon-hexadecimal notation. -type initiatortype Specifies an initiator type to override the system default. The CLI uses the default, 3, for the target if omitted. Type values (specify 0x to indicate hex) are as follows: 0x2 HP (auto trespass) 0x3 Open (default). 0x9 SGI 0xa HP (no auto trespass) 0x13 Dell 0x16 Fujitsu 0x1c Compaq Tru64 -unitserialnumber [array|lun] The unitserialnumber command displays or sets the VDPP80 behavior mode, which defines how subsequent VPDP80 requests will be populated with the system serial number. You might need to do this for software such as SunCluster 3. You can discover the mode with the port -list unitserialnumber or port -list -all command. To set this mode for a host, see storagegroup -sethost above. array Sets the behavior mode to system. lun Sets the behavior mode to LUN. Example with unitserialnumber: naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -sethost -unitserialnumber lun storagegroup command, -setpath switch -setpath [-gname StorageGroupName| -uid StorageGroupUID] [-arraycommpath 0|1] [174 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block failovermode 0|1|2 |3|4] [-hbauid hbauid] [-host hostname] [-ip ip-address] [-sp a|b] [-spport 0|1] [-unitserialnumber array|lun] [-o] Creates or changes settings for a specific initiator (HBA). You must specify the HBA (-hba switch), SP (-sp), and SP port (-spport). You can identify the storage group by name (-gname switch) or unique ID (-uid switch). If you omit both switches, the CLI uses the default path. To obtain -setpath status, use the port list command. The -setpath function has many function switches as follows. -arraycommpath 0|1 storagegroup -setpath with -arraycommpath modifies one or more communication paths between the server and system. It may be needed when there is no LUN owned by an SP through which the host recognizes the system and in the storage group through which the host recognizes the system. Changing the arraypath setting forces the system to reboot. This form of -arraycommpath works for systems with storage group only. For systems without storage group, use the command arraycommpath (see arraycommpath on page 28). To discover the current setting of arraycommpath, use the port -list arraycommpath or port -list -all command. 0 Disables the communication path previously enabled. 1 Enables a communication path. Example with arraycommpath: naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -setpath -gname Group1 -hbauid 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C:10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C -sp a -spport 0 -arraycommpath 1 -failovermode 0|1|2 |3|4 storagegroup -setpath with -failovermode sets the type of trespass needed for failover software. Use this command with certain types of failover software as suggested in the Installation Roadmap for CLARiiON Storage Systems, which is on EMC Online Support. Changing the failovermode setting may force the system to reboot. The CLI will issue a confirmation request that indicates whether a system reboot is required. However, the CLI will not issue a confirmation request if you specified the -o switch. This form of -failovermode works for one storage group. To set the entire system mode, use the command failovermode. To discover the current setting of failovermode, use the port -list failovermode or port -list -all command. 0 Failover mode 0. 1 Failover mode 1. storagegroup 175 VNX CLI for Block 2 Failover mode 2. 3 Failover mode 3. 4 Failover mode 4. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. Example with failovermode: naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -setpath -gname Group1 -hbauid 10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C:10:00:00:00:C9:20:DE:0C -sp a -spport 0 -failovermode 1 -gname StorageGroupName StorageGroupName specifies a user-defined storage group name. Use this or the storage group unique ID (below). -hbauid hbauid Specifies the HBA unique ID (WWN). Required. -host [hostname] Specifies the HBA owner's hostname. The system uses the hostname (or -ip address switch) for any subsequent storagegroup -connecthost and disconnecthost commands you issue. If you omit this, the system uses the HBA UID. Not required. -ip address Specifies the HBA owner’s IP address (server’s IP address). You can specify the IP address as the IPv4 or IPv6 address. Not required. See -hostname switch. -sp a|b Specifies the SP that owns the storage group. Required. -spport 0|1 Specifies the SP port. Required. -uid StorageGroupUID Specifies the storage group unique ID. -unitserialnumber array|lun Sets the unit serial number operation mode. Use this switch if the software instructs you to. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. storagegroup command, -shareable switch -shareable [-gname StorageGroupName [yes|no] | -uid StorageGroupUID [yes|no]] 176 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Specifies whether more than one host can share the storage group. You must use one of the following switches with -shareable, followed by a yes or a no. A yes or no indicates whether the storage group can be shared. Only Unisphere can enforce sharing. -gname StorageGroupName yes|no Sets the storage group named StorageGroupName to be shareable (yes) or not shareable (no). -uid StorageGroupUID yes|no Sets the storage group with unique ID StorageGroupUID to be shareable (yes) or not shareable (no). EXAMPLE #1 In the following example, Unisphere connects all of ss1_spa’s HBA-SP combinations to the storage group mail. naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -gname mail -connecthost -o EXAMPLE #2 In the following example, the -list command displays storage group information. naviseccli -h ss1_spa storagegroup -list Storage Group Name: Blade 150 Storage Group UID: 34:C7:72:A9:2D:DB:D8:11:AF:5E:08:00:1B:43:73:EE HBA/SP Pairs: HBA UID SP Name SPPort -----------------20:00:00:00:C9:39:40:C7:10:00:00:00:C9:39:40:C7 SP B 0 20:00:00:00:C9:39:40:C8:10:00:00:00:C9:39:40:C8 SP A 0 HLU/ALU Pairs: HLU Number ALU Number ---------- ---------0 15 1 14 2 13 3 11 4 10 5 9 6 7 7 6 8 5 9 3 10 2 11 1 Shareable: YES EXAMPLE #3 The following examples creates two storage groups, connects them to separate hosts, and adds a LUN to each one. naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -create -gname Production naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -create -gname Backup storagegroup 177 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -connecthost -o -host ServerABC -gname Production naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -connecthost -o -host ServerXYZ -gname Backup naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -addhlu -gname Production -hlu 20 -alu 20 naviseccli -h ss_spa storagegroup -addhlu -gname Backup -hlu 21 -alu 21 EXAMPLE #4 The following example of storagegroup setpath and storagegroup sethost with failovermode sets the type of trespass needed for failover software. Also, the failover mode option is set to 4 in sethost and setpath switches. naviseccli -h 10. 4. 78. 184 -user a -password a -scope 0 storagegroup -sethost -ip -failovermode 4 naviseccli -h 10. 4. 78. 184 -user a -password a -scope 0 storagegroup -setpath -hbauid xxxxx-sp a -spport xxxxx -failovermode 4 EXAMPLE #5 The following example specifies the form of failovermode for one storage group. For the options -failovermode and -all, the command displays the new failover mode as 4 under the HBA information section when the failover mode is active/active. naviseccli -h 10. 4. 78. 184 -user a -password a -scope 0 port -list -failovermode Information about each port of this HBA SP Name : SP A SP Port ID : 0 Failover Mode : 4 naviseccli -h 10. 4. 78. 186 -user a -password a -scope 0 port -list -all HBA UID: 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20 Server Name : TCS_Dell Server IP Address : 10 . 4 . 78 . 159 HBA Model Description: 2 HBA Vendor Description : DELL HBA Device Driver Name : N/A Information about each port of this HBA : SP Name : SP A SP Port ID : 0 HBA Devicename : N/A Trusted : NO Logged In : NO Defined : YES Initiator Type : 3 StorageGroup Name : None Array Commpath : 1 178 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Failover mode : 4 Unit serial number : Array systemtype Sets the system type. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli systemtype command changes the configured system type. Write caching must be disabled for this command to work. Changing the system type causes an SP to restart. If you issue the command without arguments, the CLI will display both the current and configured system types. Note Do not change the system type of any system running storage group. Do not change the system type of a system unless it has been quiesced. The agent must be running and managing the system. Depending on the type of HP-UX operating system, you may want auto-trespass to be on or off. SYNTAX systemtype -config [type] [-o] OPTIONS -config [type] Sets the system type to one of the following: A HP-UX type with auto-trespass off; use this if your HP-UX system does not have the PVLINKS feature. 2 HP-UX type with auto-trespass on; use this if your HP-UX system has the PVLINKS feature. 3 Open system (default) 9 SGI (CX600) 13 Dell 16 Fujitsu 1C HP type -o systemtype 179 VNX CLI for Block Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h ss1_spa systemtype The configured system type is: 0x3 The current system type is: 0x3 EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h ss1_spa systemtype -config 2 In order for this command to execute, write cache must be disabled and memory size set to zero: trespass Trespasses one or more LUNs to the control of an SP. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command trespasses one or more LUNs to the control of an SP. Note Not applicable to single-SP systems. The command attempts to trespass all specified LUNs to the SP you specify with the -h switch. Note If trespass is executed while I/O processes are active, I/O errors may occur. SYNTAX trespass [all | lun lun-number | mine] OPTIONS all Trespasses all LUNs in the system. lun lun-number Trespasses one LUN (specified by lun-number). mine Performs whatever trespassing is necessary to take all of the LUNs that have this SP as a default owner. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa trespass all OUTPUT There is no output. Errors are printed to stderr. 180 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block unbind Deconfigures a LUN. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli unbind command deconfigures LUNs from their current logical configuration. The unbind command destroys all data on the LUN; therefore, when you execute an unbind command, you are prompted to verify that you really want to unbind the LUN(s). If you do not want the prompt to appear, you can override prompting using the -o switch. The command can unbind only LUNs owned by the SP you specify with -h. You can unbind multiple LUNs at the same time. Note You cannot use this command to unbind thin LUNs. SYNTAX unbind lun [-o] OPTIONS lun -o Specifies the LUN to be deconfigured. Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 This command destroys (deconfigures) LUN 3 without prompting you for permission, and frees its disks to be reconfigured. naviseccli -h ss1_spa unbind 3 -o EXAMPLE #2 This command destroys (deconfigures) LUNs 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 without prompting you for permission, and frees its disks to be reconfigured. naviseccli -h ss1_spa unbind 0 1 2 3 4 -o unitserialnumber Displays or changes the VDPP80 (port 80) behavior mode. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli unitserialnumber command displays or sets the VDPP80 behavior mode, which defines how subsequent VPDP80 requests will be populated with the system serial number. You might need to do this for software such as SunCluster 3. To set this mode for a specific storage group, see the storagegroup command in storagegroup. unbind 181 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX unitserialnumber [array|lun] [-o] OPTIONS array Sets the behavior mode to system. lun Sets the behavior mode to LUN. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE These two commands display the current behavior mode and then set the mode to system mode. naviseccli -h ss1_spa unitserialnumber Current unit serial number mode is: LUN naviseccli -h ss1_spa unitserialnumber array LUN Expansion (metaLUN) commands This section explains the VNX CLI for Block commands that manage Unisphere metaLUNs. MetaLUNs overview A metaLUN is a type of LUN whose maximum capacity is the combined capacities of all the LUNs that compose it. The metaLUN feature lets you dynamically expand the capacity of a single LUN (primary LUN) into a larger unit called a metaLUN. You do this by adding LUNs to the primary LUN. You can also add LUNs to a metaLUN to further increase its capacity. Like a LUN, a metaLUN can belong to a storage group, and can participate in SnapView, MirrorView and SAN Copy sessions. During the expansion process, the host has access to any existing data on the LUN or metaLUN, but it does not have access to any added capacity until the expansion is complete. Whether you can actually use the increased user capacity of the metaLUN depends on the operating system running on the servers connected to the system. A metaLUN can include multiple sets of LUNs that are striped together and are independent of other LUNs in the metaLUN. Each set of striped LUNs is called a component. All metaLUNs contain at least one component that includes the primary LUN and one or more LUNs. Any data that gets written to a metaLUN component is striped across all the LUNs in the component. You can expand a LUN or metaLUN in two ways — stripe expansion or concatenate expansion. A stripe expansion takes the existing data on the LUN or metaLUN, and restripes (redistributes) it across the existing LUNs and the new LUNs you are adding. The stripe expansion may take a long time to complete. A concatenate expansion creates a new metaLUN component that includes the new LUNs and appends this component to the end of the existing LUN or metaLUN. There is no restriping of data between the original storage and the new LUNs. The concatenate operation completes immediately. Sample stripe expansion on page 183 depicts a LUN using stripe expansion to add two LUNs. The result is a metaLUN with a single component consisting of all three LUNs with the data on the primary LUN re-striped across all three LUNs. 182 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Figure 1 Sample stripe expansion EMC2705 Sample concatenate expansion on page 183 depicts a LUN using concatenate expansion to add two LUNs. The result is a metaLUN with two components. The first component is the primary LUN. The second component consists of two new LUNs striped together, but not striped to the first component. Figure 2 Sample concatenate expansion EMC2706 Note EMC does not recommend that you expand LUN capacity by concatenating LUNs of different RAID types. Do this only in an emergency situation when you need to add capacity to a LUN and you do not have LUNs of the same RAID type or the disk capacity to bind new ones. Concatenating metaLUN components with a variety of RAID types could impact the performance of the resulting metaLUN. Once you expand a LUN, you cannot change the RAID type of any of its components without destroying the metaLUN. Destroying a metaLUN unbinds all LUNs in the metaLUN, and therefore causes data to be lost. CLI metaLUN command functions The naviseccli metaLUN command functions, listed alphabetically, are: l metalun -destroy l metalun -expand l metalun -info l metalun -list l metalun -modify The CLI metaLUN functions are listed functionally, in the order you would perform them, in naviseccli metaLUN command functions, listed in order of use on page 183. Table 10 naviseccli metaLUN command functions, listed in order of use Essential functions (in order performed) metalun -expand Creates a metaLUN or expands one metalun -destroy Destroys a metaLUN and then unbinds all LUNs that were part of the metaLUN CLI metaLUN command functions 183 VNX CLI for Block Table 10 naviseccli metaLUN command functions, listed in order of use (continued) Optional and status functions (alphabetically) metalun -info Provides metaLUN information with respect to a specific system metalun -list Lists the properties of existing metaLUNs Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) metalun -modify Modifies certain metaLUN properties metalun -destroy Destroys a metaLUN and unbinds all LUNs that were part of the metaLUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli metalun command with the -destroy switch destroys an existing metaLUN and then unbinds all LUNs that were part of the metaLUN. You will lose all data on the LUNs. Note You cannot destroy a metaLUN that belongs to a storage group. You must remove the metaLUN from the storage group in order to destroy it. You cannot destroy any metaLUNs that are currently participating in a snapshot, clone, mirror or SAN Copy session. SYNTAX metalun -destroy -metalun number|WWN| [-o] OPTIONS -metalun number| WWN Specifies the unique number or World Wide Name of the metaLUN you want to destroy. Use only one of the identifiers with the -metalun command. Use the metalun -list command to determine the number or WWN of the metaLUN (see metalun -list on page 191). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command destroys the metaLUN with the number 20. naviseccli metalun -destroy 20 metalun -expand Creates a new metaLUN or expands the capacity of an existing one PREREQUISITES This section describes the general requirements and recommendations for both a stripe and concatenate expansion, as well as those specific to one or the other. General expansion requirements and recommendations l 184 Each LUN within a metaLUN must be either a redundant (RAID 6, RAID 5, RAID 3, RAID 1, RAID 1/0) or non-redundant (RAID 0, disk) RAID type. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block l All disks within a metaLUN must be the same type. l You can expand only the last component of a metaLUN. l Expansion LUNs cannot be participating in a SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy session. l The metalun -expand command will prohibit metaLUN creation and expansion if the element size of the selected LUN(s) differ from the primary LUN. The system will display the following error message: The selected LUN(s) element size must be the same as the LUN being expanded. Please select LUN(s) that match the primary LUN’s element size. Stripe expansion requirements and recommendations All LUNs within a striped metaLUN or metaLUN component must be the same size and RAID type, and we recommend that each LUN: l be from a different RAID group. l includes the same number of disks. l has the same stripe element size. Concatenate expansion requirements and recommendations All LUNs within a concatenated metaLUN component must be the same size and RAID type, but can differ from the size and RAID type of LUNs within other components. Note EMC does not recommend that you expand LUN capacity by concatenating LUNs of different RAID types. Do this only in an emergency situation when you need to add capacity to a LUN and you do not have LUNs of the same RAID type or the disk capacity to bind new ones. Concatenating metaLUN components with a variety of RAID types could impact the performance of the resulting metaLUN. Once you expand a LUN, you cannot change the RAID type of any of its components without destroying the metaLUN. Destroying a metaLUN unbinds all LUNs in the metaLUN, and therefore causes data to be lost. DESCRIPTION The metalun -expand command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20). The naviseccli metalun command with the -expand function creates a new metaLUN or expands the capacity of an existing one. There are two distinct versions of this command, one for Unisphere and one for Navisphere Express. When using this command with Navisphere Express, the syntax is simpler and does not require binding the destination LUN first. The process is different with Unisphere and requires you to bind the destination LUN before running the command. See the Prerequisite section above for requirements and recommendations. metalun -expand 185 VNX CLI for Block Note Thin LUNs do not support metaLUNs, so you cannot create metaLUNs using thin LUNs. For raw device mapping volumes (RDMs), if you are running VMware ESX Server, after you create or expand the metaLUN, you must rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. You can also rescan at the virtual machine level (optional). You then must expand the file system at the virtual machine level. ESX Server and the virtual machine will now recognize the new or expanded metaLUN. For configuration specifications, go to the E-Lab™ Interoperability Navigator on EMC Online Support. SYNTAX metalun -expand -base number|WWN -lus number|WWN [-autoassign 0|1] [-bindoffset sector-number] [-cap capacity] [-defaultowner A|B] [-elszm elementSizeMultiplier] [-expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value] [-name metaLUNname] [-preservedata 1|0] [-nogrow] [-o] [-sq tb|gb|mb|bc] [-type C|S] metalun -expand -base number|WWN -lus number|WWN [-type C|S] [-sq tb|gb|mb|bc] [-cap number] [-nogrow] [-o] metalun -expand -base number|WWN [-sq tb|gb|mb -cap number] [-percent number] [-o] OPTIONS -base number|WWN Specifies the unique number or World Wide Name of the LUN or metaLUN you want to expand. Use only one of the identifiers with the -base switch. Use the metalun -list command to determine the number or WWN of the LUN or metaLUN (see metalun -list on page 191). When you specify a LUN with the -base command, the CLI creates a new metaLUN with the number and WWN of the primary LUN. Once the CLI creates the new metaLUN, it assigns a new WWN to the original primary LUN and makes it a private LUN. When expanding a single LUN, you can use any or all of the -expand switches. Note The primary LUN can belong to a storage group. Expansion LUNs cannot belong to a storage group. When you specify an existing metaLUN with the -base command, the CLI expands the capacity of the existing metaLUN. The following switches are not valid during the expansion of an existing metaLUN: -name, -preservedata, -expansionrate, defaultowner, -autoassign, -elsz, and -bindoffset. The expanded metaLUN retains the values of the original metaLUN. After the metaLUN is expanded, use the metalun -modify command to change the metaLUN using -name, expansionrate, -defaultowner, or -autoassign. The -preservedata, elsz and -bindoffset values cannot be changed. -lus lunnumber|WWN Specifies the LUN number or World Wide Name of the LUNs you want to add to the LUN or metaLUN (expansion LUNs). Use only one of the identifiers per LUN with the 186 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block lus command. Use the metalun -list command to determine the number or WWN of the LUNs (see metalun -list on page 191). Note Expansion LUNs cannot be participating in a SnapView (snapshot or clones), MirrorView, or SAN Copy session. -autoassign 0|1) Enables or disables autoassign for a metaLUN. Specify 1 to enable autoassign and 0 to disable it. If you do not specify an autoassign value, it defaults to the value of the primary LUN. Autoassign controls the ownership of the LUN when an SP fails in a system with two SPs. With autoassign enabled, if the SP that owns the LUN fails and the server tries to access that LUN through the second SP, the second SP assumes ownership of the LUN to enable access. The second SP continues to own the LUN until the failed SP is replaced and the system is powered up. Then, ownership of the LUN returns to its default owner. If autoassign is disabled in the previous situation, the second SP does not assume ownership of the LUN, and access to the LUN does not occur. If you are running failover software on a Windows or UNIX server connected to the system, you must disable autoassign for all LUNs that you want to fail over to the working SP when an SP fails. -bindoffset sector-number Note Available only if the preservedata switch is set to 0. EMC does not recommend using a metaLUN bindoffset value if the primary LUN already has one. Automatically aligns the logical sector number of the metaLUN to a stripe boundary on the primary LUN. The value to enter is the number of sectors by which user data is offset due to file system or partition metadata. Correct application of the bind offset should result in improved performance. Use a decimal, not hexadecimal, number for sector-number. If you do not specify a bind offset value, it defaults to 0. -cap capacity Specifies the capacity of usable space in the metaLUN. The capacity must be smaller than the maximum capacity of the metaLUN components, and greater than or equal to the current capacity (user capacity of the LUN or metaLUN before adding LUNs). The default value is the maximum capacity of the metaLUN (total capacity of the existing LUNs and any new LUNs). Note If you want to expand a LUN or metaLUN that is participating in a SnapView (snapshot or clone), MirrorView, or SAN Copy session, you must use the -nogrow switch with the -expand -cap command. This command expands the capacity of the LUN or metaLUN to the specified value, but keeps the available user capacity of the base (LUN or metaLUN) the same as it was before adding LUNs. In order for the host to have access to the added capacity, you must wait for the session to complete and then follow the instructions in Using the added capacity of an expanded SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy LUN on page 197. -defaultowner A|B metalun -expand 187 VNX CLI for Block Specifies the SP that will assume ownership of the metaLUN when the system is powered up. If you do not specify a default owner, it defaults to the owner of the primary LUN. -elszm elementSizeMultiplier (Not supported on AX4-5 series systems running Unisphere) Sets the stripe element size for a metaLUN component. You determine this by multiplying the stripe size of the first LUN in each component by the element size multiplier. The stripe size of the first LUN = stripe element size of the LUN multiplied by the number of disks in the LUN. Valid multiplier values are 1 through 255. The default element size multiplier is 4. -expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value Specifies the relative importance of making additional LUN capacity available to the host. It determines the amount of resources the SP devotes to re-striping the existing data on the original LUNs across the original LUNs and the new LUNs instead of to normal I/O activity. This rate is available only when you first create a metaLUN and is important only for a stripe expansion. Valid rebuild priorities are ASAP (default) or 3, High or 2, Medium or 1, and Low, or 0. An expansion rate of ASAP or High re-stripes the data across the metaLUN faster than one with Medium or Low priority, but may degrade system performance. -name metaLUN-name Specifies the name of the metaLUN. If you do not specify a name, it defaults to the name of the primary LUN. -nogrow Keeps the available user capacity of the metaLUN the same as it was before adding LUNs. You cannot use the added capacity until you change the capacity using the modify switch. Note For a stripe expansion, any existing data is restriped across the original storage and any new LUNs, but you cannot access the added capacity at this time. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -preservedata 1|0 Use with the -type S command (see below). Allows you to preserve or overwrite any existing data on the primary LUN, only if the primary LUN is outside a storage group. Note You cannot use this command with the -type C switch. If the primary LUN is outside of a storage group, do one of the following: l Specify 1 to enable stripe expansion and preserve the data on the primary LUN. Note that this operation could take a while. The default value is 1. Note You must always specify 1 when the primary LUN is in a storage group. The CLI returns an error message if you specify 0 in this case. l Specify 0 to enable stripe expansion and overwrite the existing data on the primary LUN. Note that you will lose the original data on the LUN. -sq tb|gb|mb|bc Specifies the size qualifier for the capacity of the metaLUN component. 188 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block where: tb equals terabytes, gb equals gigabytes, mb equals megabytes and bc equals block count. Note The default qualifier is block count. -type C|S Sets the expansion type for the metaLUN to concatenate or stripe. The default expansion type is stripe. C sets the expansion type to concatenate. A concatenate expansion appends the new LUNs to the end of the primary LUN component or metaLUN as a single, separate striped component. There is no striping between the original storage and the new LUNs. S sets the expansion type to stripe. For a list of requirements for stripe expansion, see the Prerequisite section above. If you are expanding a LUN (the primary LUN), the -type S switch creates a metaLUN with one component that includes the primary LUN and any LUNs that you add. Any data on the primary LUN is re-striped across the primary LUN and the new LUNs. Note If the primary LUN has existing data, and it is outside of a storage group, refer to the preservedata switch (see above) for additional options. You can expand only the last component of an existing metaLUN. In this case, the type S switch re-stripes any existing data across the original LUNs in the component and any new LUNs that you add. The new LUNs become part of that metaLUN component. -base number|WWN Mandatory switch, supported with Navisphere Express, that specifies the source LUN or metaLUN you want to expand. You can specify the base number or World Wide Name of the LUN. -cap number Mandatory switch, supported with Navisphere Express, that specifies the additional storage capacity you can add to the LUN or metaLUN. The size qualifier for the -cap number is the -sq switch. -sq tb|gb|mb Mandatory switch, supported with Navisphere Express, that specifies the size qualifier for the capacity of the metaLUN component. where: tb equals terabytes, gb equals gigabytes, and mb equals megabytes. For example, if you are expanding a 20 GB LUN, and specify -sq gb -cap 20 in the command, the resulting metaLUN is 40 GB. -percent number Optional switch for Navisphere Express that specifies the amount of additional storage you want to expand by, as a percentage of the current size of the LUN. The number should always be greater than 0. This switch can be used instead of -sq and -cap number switches. metalun -expand 189 VNX CLI for Block For example, if you are expanding a 20 GB LUN, and specify -percent 50 in the command, the resulting metaLUN is 30 GB. EXAMPLE For Unisphere Manager, this command creates a metaLUN with the name newMetaLUN, which includes primary LUN 20 and LUN 42. Since the default expansion type is stripe, this metaLUN is striped. naviseccli metalun -expand -base 20 -lus 42 -name newMetaLUN metalun -info Provides general information about a system’s metaLUN environment. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli metalun command with the -info function and no other options displays all general information about the metaLUN environment for a system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the options issued. SYNTAX metalun -info [-canexpand] [-nummetaluns] [-maxmetaluns] [-maxcomponents] [-maxluns] [-availableluns] [-lunsinmeta] OPTIONS -canexpand Specifies whether you can or cannot expand any LUNs or metaLUNs on the system. Valid values are Yes or No. -nummetaluns Displays the number of metaLUNs in the system. -maxmetaluns Displays the maximum number of metaLUNs that the system will support (based on system type). See the EMC Unisphere Release Notes for currently supported values. -maxcomponents Displays the maximum number of components allowed per metaLUN for this system (based on system type). See the EMC Unisphere Release Notes for currently supported values. -maxluns Displays the maximum number of LUNs per component that this system supports (based on system type). See the EMC Unisphere Release Notes for currently supported values. -availableluns Lists all LUNs (by LUN number) in the system that are available for expansion. -lunsinmeta Lists any LUNs (by LUN number) in the system that are part of a metaLUN. EXAMPLE This command requests information about the metaLUN environment for the system with SP naviseccli -address metalun -info 190 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT Can a LUN or a Meta-LUN be expanded on this system: Yes Number of Meta-LUNs in the system: 7 Maximum Number of Meta-LUNs per system: 1024 Luns that are participating in Meta-LUNs: 513 512 515 514 517 516 519 518 521 52 0 523 522 525 524 Luns that are available for expansion: 32 43 44 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 7 58 59 0 Maximum Number of Components per Meta-LUN: 16 Maximum Number of LUNs per Component: 32 The CLI returns status or error information if the command fails. metalun -list Lists the properties of existing metaLUNs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli metalun command with the -list function and no other options lists all property information for all metaLUNs on a system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the options issued. Note In order to return values for performance data, you must enable statistics logging for each SP in the system. Use VNX CLI for Block or Unisphere. Performance data switches are marked with an asterisk (*). If you request performance data for a specific metaLUN, make sure that you enter the IP address for the SP that is the current owner of the metaLUN. SYNTAX metalun -list [-name [metaLUN-name]] [-metalunwwn metaLUN-WWN] [-metalunnumber metaLUN-number] [-all] [-aac*] [-actualusercap] [-autoassign] [-bindoffset] [-brw*] [-components*] [-currentowner] [-canexpand] [-defaultowner] [-drivetype] [-expansionrate] [-elszm] [-isredundant] [-nzrca] [-percentexp] [-rhist*] [-rwr*] [-sor] [-state] [-totalusercap] [-whist*] OPTIONS -name [metaLUN-name] Lists all information for that specific metaLUN. Issuing the -name command without a metaLUN-name displays the names of all metaLUNs on the system. -metalunwwn metaLUN-WWN Lists all information for that specific metaLUN. Issuing the -metalunwwn command without a metaLUN-WWN displays the WWNs for all metaLUNs on the system. -metalunnumber metaLUN-number metalun -list 191 VNX CLI for Block Lists all information for that specific metaLUN. Issuing the -metalunnumber command without a metaLUN-number displays the numbers for all metaLUNs on the system. -aac* Displays the active/active counters associated with the metaLUN. -actualusercap Displays the current user capacity of all metaLUNs on the system. Issuing the -actualusercap command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the user capacity for that specific metaLUN. -autoassign Displays the current state of the autoassign feature for all metaLUNs on the system (Yes or No). Issuing the -autoassign command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the current state of the autoassign feature for that specific metaLUN. -all Displays all information for the metalun -list command. -bindoffset Aligns the logical sector number of all metaLUNs on the system to a stripe boundary on the primary LUN. Issuing the -bindoffset command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN returns the value of the bindoffset used for that metaLUN. -brw* Displays the number of host block read and write requests to all metaLUNs on the system. Issuing the -brw command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the number of host block read and write requests to that specific metaLUN. -components* Displays the contents of all components in all metaLUN on the system. Issuing the -components command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the contents of all components for that specific metaLUN. -currentowner Lists the current SP owner of all metaLUNs in the system. If neither SP owns the metaLUN a value of Unknown is returned. Issuing the -components command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN lists the current SP owner of the specified metaLUN. -canexpand Yes | No Yes The specified metaLUN can be expanded. No The specified metaLUN cannot be expanded. -defaultowner Lists the default SP owner of all metaLUNs on the system. Issuing the -defaultowner command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN lists the default SP owner of the specified metaLUN. -drivetype Displays the drive type for all metaLUNs on the system. 192 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Issuing the -drivetype command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the drive type for the specified metaLUN. -expansionrate Displays the expansion rate for all metaLUNs on the system (see the expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value option in metalun -expand on page 184). Valid values are 0 (Low), 1 (Medium), 2 (High), 3 (ASAP), or N/A if the metaLUN is not currently expanding. Issuing the -expansionrate command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the expansion rate for the specified metaLUN (see the -expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value option in metalun -expand on page 184). -elszm Displays the element size multiplier for all metaLUNs on the system (see -elszm elementSizeMultiplier in metalun -expand on page 184). Issuing the -elszm command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the element size multiplier for the specified metaLUN (see -elszm elementSizeMultiplier in metalun -expand on page 184). -isredundant Displays the redundancy of all metaLUNs on the system: Yes if it is redundant No if it is not redundant Issuing the -isredundant command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the redundancy of the specified metaLUN. -nzrca Returns the nonzero request count arrivals in SP A and SP B. -percentexp Displays the percentage complete of the stripe expansion process of all primary LUNs or metaLUNs on the system. Issuing the -percentexp command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the percentage complete of the stripe expansion process of the specified primary LUN or metaLUN. -rhist* Returns read histogram information for all metaLUNs on the system. Note A read histogram is an system of 10 locations that contain the number of reads. Element n of the system contains the number of reads that were larger than or equal to 2n-1 and less than 2n blocks in size. For example, the first bucket contains the number of 1 block reads, the second contains the number of 2-3 block reads, the third contains the number of 4-7 block reads, and so on. The -rhist switch also displays the number of read histogram overflows, which are the number of reads that were larger than 512 blocks. Issuing the -rhist command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN returns the read histogram for the specified metaLUN. -rwr* Displays the number of host read and write requests to all metaLUNs on the system. metalun -list 193 VNX CLI for Block Issuing the -rwr command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the number of host read and write requests to the specified metaLUN. -sor Returns the sum of outstanding requests in SP A and SP B. -state Displays the current state of all metaLUNs on the system. When issuing the -state command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the state of the specified metaLUN. The following are valid metaLUN states: Normal The metaLUN is operating normally. Degraded Some part of the metaLUN is faulted, but the metaLUN is still able to process I/O. Shut down The metaLUN is faulted and unusable. Expanding The metaLUN is in the process of expanding (re-striping data across all component LUNs). -totalusercap Displays the total user capacity of all metaLUNs on the system. Issuing the -totalusercap command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN displays the total user capacity of the specified metaLUN. -whist* Returns write histogram information for all metaLUNs on the system. Note A write histogram is an system of 10 locations that contain the number of writes. Element n of the system contains the number of writes that were larger than or equal to 2n-1 and less than 2n blocks in size. For example, the first bucket contains the number of 1 block writes, the second contains the number of 2-3 block writes, the third contains the number of 4-7 block writes, and so on. The -whist switch also displays the number of write histogram overflows, which are the number of writes that were larger than 512 blocks. Issuing the -whist command with a metaLUN name, number or WWN returns the write histogram for the specified metaLUN. EXAMPLE This command requests information on all metaLUNs that are currently owned by the SP with IP address naviseccli -address metalun -list OUTPUT Meta-LUN Name: LUN30 Meta-LUN WWN: 60:06:01:6D:35:0A:00:00:FC:35:5B:8C:66:60:D7:11 Meta-LUN Number: 30 Default Owner: SP A Current Owner: SP B 194 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Meta-LUN State: ENABLED Can MetaLUN Be Expanded: Yes Expansion Rate: MEDIUM Percent Expanded: 0 Total Capacity (Blocks/Megabytes): 819200/400 Actual User Capacity (Blocks/Megabytes): 819200/400 Autoassign: No Is Redundant: Yes Drive Type: Fibre Channel Element Size Multiplier: 40 Bind Offset: 0 Read Histogram [0] : 22 Read Histogram [1] : 14 Read Histogram [2] : 19 Read Histogram [3] : 37 Read Histogram [4] : 6 Read Histogram [5]: 0 Read Histogram [6]: 0 Read Histogram [7]: 0 Read Histogram [8]: 0 Read Histogram [9]: 0 Read Histogram Overflows: 45 Write Histogram [0] : 22 Write Histogram [1] : 22 Write Histogram [2] : 22 Write Histogram [3] : 22 Write Histogram [4] : 22 Write Histogram [5] : 22 Write Histogram [6] : 22 Write Histogram [7] : 22 Write Histogram [8] : 22 Write Histogram [9] : 22 Write Histogram Overflows: 45 Read Requests: 0 Write Requests: 0 Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0 Components: Number of LUNs: 2 LUNs: LUN Number: 513 LUN Name: LUN 30 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:72:35:0A:00:00:B0:44:01:4B:61:60:D7:11 RAID Type: RAID5 LUN Number: 512 LUN Name: LUN 31 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:72:35:0A:00:00:15:FB:3B:4C:61:60:D7:11 RAID Type: RAID5 Number of LUNs: 1 (Lists LUN information for second component) The CLI returns the status or the error information if the command fails. This command displays the active/active counters for this metaLUN along with other metaLUN output. naviseccli -h -user a -password a -scope 0 metalun -list -metalunnumber 4 -aac Host Host Host Host Host Host Host Blocks Read SPA: 6 (optimal) Blocks Read SPB: 0 Blocks Written SPA: 0 (optimal) Blocks Written SPB: 0 Read Requests SPA: 6 (optimal) Read Requests SPB: 0 Write Requests SPA: 0 (optimal) metalun -list 195 VNX CLI for Block Host Write Requests SPB: 0 Busy Ticks SPA: 0 (optimal) Busy Ticks SPB: 0 Idle Ticks SPA: 33224 (optimal) Idle Ticks SPB: 0 Explicit Trespasses SPA: 0 Explicit Trespasses SPB: 0 Implicit Trespasses SPA: 0 Implicit Trespasses SPB: 0 metalun -modify Modifies certain properties of an existing metaLUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli metalun command with the -modify function lets you edit certain properties of a specified metaLUN. You must specify either the number or WWN for the metaLUN, and you must specify at least one other switch. SYNTAX metalun -modify -metalun number|WWN [-autoassign 0|1] [-cap capacity] [-defaultowner A|B] [-expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value] [-newname newName] [-o] [-sq tb|gb|mb|bc] [-tomaxcap] OPTIONS -metalun number|WWN Specifies the number or WWN of the metaLUN whose properties you want to change. -autoassign 1|0 (Not supported on AX4-5 series systems) Enables or disables auto assign for a metaLUN. Specify 1 to enable auto assign and 0 to disable it. If you do not specify an auto assign value, it defaults to the value of the primary LUN. For more information about auto assign, see the -autoassign 0| 1 option in metalun -expand on page 184. -cap capacity Specifies the capacity of usable space in the metaLUN. The capacity must be smaller than the maximum capacity of the metaLUN, and greater than or equal to the current capacity (user capacity of the LUN or metaLUN before adding LUNs). Note If you want to modify the user capacity of a LUN or metaLUN that is participating in a SnapView (snapshot or clone), MirrorView or SAN Copy session, see Using the added capacity of an expanded SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy LUN on page 197. -defaultowner A|B Specifies the new default SP owner for the metaLUN — A or B. -expansionrate low|medium|high|ASAP|value Specifies the relative importance of making additional LUN capacity available to the host. It determines the amount of resources the SP devotes to re-striping the existing data on the original LUNs across the original LUNs and the new LUNs instead of to normal I/O activity. This rate is available only when you first create a metaLUN and is important only for a stripe expansion. Valid rebuild priorities are ASAP (default) or 3, High or 2, Medium or 1, and Low, or 0. 196 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block An expansion rate of ASAP or High re-stripes the data across the metaLUN faster than one with Medium or Low priority, but may degrade storage-system performance. -newname newName Specifies the new name for the metaLUN. A valid name must not exceed 64 characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character. This name must be unique on the system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -sq tb|gb|mb|bc Specifies the size qualifier for the capacity of the metaLUN component. where: tb equals terabytes, gb equals gigabytes, mb equals megabytes and bc equals block count. The default qualifier is block count. -tomaxcap Lets you expand the metaLUN to its maximum capacity. Using the added capacity of an expanded SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy LUN You must perform the operations detailed in the following sections to expand the capacity of a LUN or metaLUN that is currently participating in a SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy session (see metalun -destroy on page 184), and to allow the host to access the added capacity. Note For a stripe expansion, any existing data is re-striped across the original LUN or metaLUN and the added LUNs during the SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy session. This restriping is invisible to the host. For LUNs in a SnapView session To access the added capacity of an expanded snapshot source LUN: Procedure 1. Stop all SnapView sessions and destroy all snapshots associated with the expanded source LUN (see the SnapView Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference and the online help). 2. Use the metalun -modify on page 196 command to change the capacity of the expanded LUNs. 3. Make sure the host operating system can utilize the added capacity. Results You can now start new sessions and create new snapshots with the expanded LUNs (see the SnapView Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference and the online help). For LUNs in a clone group Note You must expand the clone and the clone source LUN to the same size. To access the added capacity of an expanded clone, or clone source LUN, do the following: Using the added capacity of an expanded SnapView, MirrorView or SAN Copy LUN 197 VNX CLI for Block Procedure 1. For the clone, remove the clone from the clone group; for a clone source LUN, destroy the clone group. 2. Use the metalun -modify on page 196 command to change the capacity of the expanded LUNs. 3. Make sure the host operating system can utilize the added capacity. 4. Reconstruct the clone group with the expanded LUNs and then perform a full synchronization of the LUNs in the clone group. For LUNs in mirrors Note You must expand both the primary and secondary images of a mirror to the same size. To access the added capacity of an expanded primary and secondary MirrorView LUN, do the following: Procedure 1. For the expanded primary image, destroy the mirror; for the expanded secondary image, remove it from the mirror (see the MirrorView CLI Reference or the online help). 2. Use the metalun -modify on page 196 command to change the capacity of the expanded LUNs. 3. Make sure the host operating system can utilize the added capacity. 4. Reconstruct the mirror with the expanded LUNs and then perform a full synchronization of the mirror. For LUNs in SAN Copy sessions Note If you expand the SAN Copy source logical unit, make sure that the destination LUNs are of equal or greater capacity. To access the added capacity of an expanded SAN Copy source LUN or destination LUN, do the following: Procedure 1. For any sessions that the expanded LUNs are participating in, wait until the SAN copy sessions complete, or stop the sessions, and then remove these sessions. (See the online help). 2. Use the metalun -modify on page 196 command to change the capacity of the expanded LUNs. 3. Make sure the host operating system can utilize the added capacity. 4. Reconstruct the SAN Copy sessions that you removed and then, when you are ready, start the sessions. (See the online help.) Reserved LUN Pool commands This section explains how to configure the reserved LUN pool, which is required for running replication software such as SnapView, incremental SAN Copy, or MirrorView/ 198 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Asynchronous. It also describes the CLI commands that you can use if SnapView is installed on your system. reserved -lunpool -addlun Adds a LUN to the reserved LUN pool. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli reserved command with the -lunpool and -addlun functions adds one or more LUNs to the reserved LUN pool. Note The reserved –addlun command restricts the Reserved LUN Pool LUNs to 128 element size. If you select LUN(s) with element size not equal to 128, the system will display the following error message: Invalid element size for chosen LUN(s). Please choose LUN(s) with element size of 128. Each system has its own reserved LUN pool, and before starting a replication session, the reserved LUN pool must contain at least one LUN for each source LUN that will be participating in a session. Note This command does not support the thin LUNs. Replication sessions include SnapView sessions and any reserved sessions for use in another application, such as incremental SAN Copy and MirrorView/A. The software allocates reserved LUNs on a per source LUN basis. Each system manages its own reserved LUN pool space and allocates reserved LUNs on a per-source LUN basis, not a per-session basis. Note You must bind the LUN before you can add it to the reserved LUN pool. While a LUN is part of the reserved LUN pool, you cannot use it for any other purpose. SYNTAX reserved -lunpool -addlun lun_numbers OPTIONS lun_numbers Specifies the logical unit number(s) to add to the reserved LUN pool. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command adds the LUN with ID 11 to the system’s reserved LUN pool. naviseccli -h ss1_spa reserved -lunpool -addlun 11 OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, the following error message is printed to stderr: Command is not supported reserved -lunpool -addlun 199 VNX CLI for Block reserved -lunpool -list Displays reserved LUN pool information. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli reserved command with the -lunpool and -list functions and no other switches lists all information about the reserved LUN pool. You can obtain more specific information with function switches. Note This command does not support the thin LUNs. SYNTAX reserved -lunpool -list [-allocatedluns] [-chunksize] [-freeluncount] [-freeluns] [-freesize] [-luncount] [-percentused] [-size] [-used] OPTIONS -allocatedluns Displays the LUN IDs of all allocated LUNs in the reserved LUN pool. -chunksize Displays the number of disk blocks in the reserved LUN pool, in KB. The chunk size applies to the entire system. -freeluncount Displays the total number of unallocated LUNs in the reserved LUN pool. -freeluns Displays the LUN IDs of all unallocated LUNs in the reserved LUN pool. -freesize Displays the total size of unallocated LUNs in GBs. -luncount Displays the total number of LUNs in the reserved LUN pool. You can add LUNs with the reserved -lunpool -addlun functions. -percentused Displays the percentage of the reserved LUN pool that is used. -size Displays the size of the reserved LUN pool in GBs. -used Displays the space used in the reserved LUN pool, in GBs. EXAMPLE This command displays the system’s reserved LUN pool information. A sample output follows. naviseccli -h ss1_spa reserved -lunpool -list OUTPUT The following output samples show devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the command switches you use with the -lunpool -list command. 200 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note If your system is running VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later, reserved LUN pool information will be displayed for the enitre system, regardless of the SP you direct the command to. If your system is running VNX CLI for Block version 6.22 or earlier, reserved LUN pool information will be displayed for the SP you direct the command to. naviseccli ouput: Name of the SP: Total Number of LUNs in Pool: Number of Unallocated LUNs in Pool: Unallocated LUNs: Total size in GB: Unallocated size in GB: Used LUN Pool in GB: % Used of LUN Pool: Chunk size in disk blocks: Allocated LUN Pool: Target LUN: Allocated LUNs: Lun Pool LUN % Used: Allocated LUNs: Lun Pool LUN % Used: GLOBAL 6 4 14, 24, 23, 22 4.488281 1.292969 0.017639 0.393005 128 2 249 91.852825 250 0 If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. reserved -lunpool -rmlun Removes one or more LUNs from the reserved LUN pool. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli reserved command with the -lunpool and -rmlun functions removes one or more LUNs from the reserved LUN pool. If you omit the override option, the CLI prompts for confirmation before removing the LUN from reserved LUN pool. Note This command does not support the thin LUNs. SYNTAX reserved -lunpool -rmlunluns [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -rmlun luns Specifies the LUN ID of each LUN, with the IDs separated by blanks, you want to remove from the reserved LUN pool. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command starts removing LUN 42 from the system’s reserved LUN pool. The software asks for confirmation: reserved -lunpool -rmlun 201 VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -h ss1_spa reserved-lunpool -rmlun 42 Do you really want to remove the luns from LUN pool. (y/n)[N]? y OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. iSCSI and FCoE commands This section explains each of the naviseccli Internet SCSI (iSCSI) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) commands, that is, the CLI commands that are common to all iSCSI systems and FCoE ports. iSCSI commands overview The naviseccli iSCSI commands in this section include the connection and iSNS commands. naviseccli iSCSI commands on page 202 identifies the iSCSI commands that can be used. Table 11 naviseccli iSCSI commands Command Description CHAP User Commands connection -adduser Creates a CHAP user account. connection -deleteuser Deletes a CHAP user account. connection -getuser Displays CHAP user accounts. Port administration commands connection -getport Retrieves a specific iSCSI or FCOE port or the list of all the iSCSI or FCoE ports. connection -setport Modifies the properties of a connection port. connection -delport Deletes a virtual port. connection -route Sets up the static routes. connection -pingnode Verifies that packets reach a destination node without errors. connection -traceroute Displays the route that a packet takes to a destination node. Connection set database commands connection -setsharedauth Sets a username and secret for the system’s shared credentials record. connection -delsharedauth Removes the shared authentication information from the system. connection -getsharedauth Displays the username and the switch enabled for the shared authentication record. connection -addset 202 Adds a connection set. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Table 11 naviseccli iSCSI commands (continued) Command Description connection -delset Deletes a connection set and associated connection paths. connection -modifyset Modifies parameters of the connection set. connection -getset Lists a specific connection set or all the connection sets. connection -addpath Adds a connection path to a specific connection set. connection -delpath Deletes a connection path from a connection set. connection -modifypath Modifies a connection path from a connection set. connection -verifypath Tests a connection path from a connection set. iSNS commands isns -addserver Adds an iSNS server to a system’s iSNS service configuration. isns -deleteserver Deletes an iSNS server from a system’s iSNS service configuration. isns -listserver Displays all iSNS servers that are configured in the system’s iSNS service. isns -setprimary Sets a configured iSNS server as the primary server for a system’s iSNS service configuration. connection -adduser Adds a CHAP authentication user. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -adduser function adds either an initiator CHAP authentication user or a target (system) CHAP authentication user to the system CHAP user database. Note If you try to create a CHAP user for an initiator and the user is already defined, an error message is returned that the user is already defined for the initiator. If you try to add a user for a target and the user is already defined, an error is returned that only one user can be defined for target access. SYNTAX connection -adduser -definedFor initiator|target | -initiatorName initiatorName | ANY [-userName userName] -secret secret [-hexsecret] [-o] OPTIONS -definedFor initiator | target connection -adduser 203 VNX CLI for Block initiator adds an initiator CHAP user account to the system user database. If you specify initiator, you must specify an initiator using the -initiatorName parameter. Target specifies that a target (system) CHAP user account will be created. If you specify target, do not use the -initiatorName parameter. -initiatorName initiatorName If initiator user account data is being added, initiatorName is a unique identifier for the initiator and uses the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of the iSCSI initiator. This parameter is required if you are defining an initiator user. -userName username If initiator user account data is being added, username specifies the CHAP username that the initiator uses when connecting to an iSCSI target. For CHAP, a username and secret must be defined for each initiator. If the -userName parameter is omitted, it defaults to the -initiatorName value. If a target is being configured for mutual CHAP, the target name becomes the username. -secret secret If initiator user account data is being added, secret specifies the CHAP secret (password) that the system will use to authenticate the initiator. You can specify the secret in ASCII or hexadecimal characters (see the -hexsecret switch that follows). By default, -secret is an ASCII string. ASCII secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 characters. Hexadecimal secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 pairs of data (24 to 32 characters). -hexsecret If initiator user account data is being added, including the -hexsecret parameter specifies that -secret is a hexadecimal value. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. If you include the -o switch, you will not be prompted to confirm that you want to add the user account data. If you do not use the -o switch, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to add the user. EXAMPLE The following example adds a user account to the system database. naviseccli connection -adduser -definedfor initiator -initiatorName -username Guest -secret 1234567890123456 Adding an iSCSI user account with the following attributes: Initiator Name: User name: Guest Secret: 1234567890123456 Defined For: initiator Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)? y connection -deleteuser Deletes a CHAP authentication user. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -deleteuser function deletes a specified initiator or target CHAP authentication user from the system CHAP user database. 204 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX connection -deleteuser -definedFor initiator | target -initiatorName initiatorName -userName username [-o] OPTIONS -definedFor initiator | target initiator specifies that an initiator user account will be deleted from the system user database. If you specify initiator, you must specify an initiator using the initiatorName parameter. target specifies that the target (system) user data will be deleted. -initiatorName initiatorName If initiator user account data is being deleted, initiatorName is the name that was assigned for the initiator when the user account was created. The default initiator name is the IQN of the initiator. -userName username Specifies the iSCSI CHAP username for the initiator or target user being deleted. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. If you include the -o switch, you will not be prompted to confirm the user account deletion. If you do not use the -o switch, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the user account data. EXAMPLE The following example deletes a user account from the system: naviseccli connection -deleteuser -definedfor initiator -initiatorName -username Guest Deleting an iSCSI user account with the following attributes: Initiator Name: User name: Guest Defined For: initiator Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -getuser Display CHAP authentication user data. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -getuser function displays CHAP authentication user account data that is configured on the system. If no arguments are specified, all CHAP users defined on the system are displayed. Use -definedFor, initiatorName, and -userName to display information for a specified user. If you specify a particular user and that user is not found, the error message, The specified user account does not exist, is returned. SYNTAX connection -getuser [-definedFor initiator | target] [-userName userName] [-initiatorName initiatorName] connection -getuser 205 VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -definedFor initiator | target initiator specifies that information for a CHAP initiator user is displayed. If you specify initiator, you must include the -userName and -initiatorName. target specifies that information for a CHAP target user (the system user account) is displayed. If you specify target, you must include the -userName. -initiatorName initiatorName The initiator is the host or HBA that initiates the connection with the target system. The initiator is identified by the IQN of the iSCSI initiator. -userName username Specifies the iSCSI CHAP username for the initiator or target user being specified by initiatorName. EXAMPLE The following example gets information on the current user: naviseccli connection -getuser OUTPUT Initiator Name: User Name: Guest Defined For: initiator connection -getport Retrieve a specific iSCSI or FCoE port or the list of all the iSCSI or FCoE ports. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -getport function displays information about either a specified iSCSI port or a list of all iSCSI ports. If no arguments are specified, all of the iSCSI ports defined on the targeted system are displayed. If a change in settings is requested, a confirmation is displayed. The -sp and the -portid parameters select which iSCSI ports are displayed. If both options are specified, a particular iSCSI port is specified. If either or both of the options are omitted, all iSCSI ports that meet the search criteria are displayed. SYNTAX connection -getport [-sp a|b] [-portid portid [-vportid vportid]] [-vlanid] [-address IPAddress] [-subnetmask] [-gateway] [-initiatorAuthentication] [-mac] [-mtu] [-flowctl] [-hostWindow] [-replicationWindow] [-all] OPTIONS -sp a|b Specifies SP A or B. Displays the information for iSCSI or FCoE ports configured on the specified SP. -portid portid Specifies an iSCSI or FCoE port ID. Displays information only for the specified iSCSI port.The following parameters, -address, -subnetmask, -gateway, and initiatorAuthentication, define additional information that is displayed for 206 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block iSCSI ports. If none of these options is specified, all fields are displayed. The SP and port ID fields are always displayed. -address Displays the IP address of the specified iSCSI ports. The address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four 8-bit numbers (0-255) separated by periods (called the quaddotted notation). For example, -subnetmask Displays the network mask for the specified iSCSI ports. The subnet mask uses the quad-dotted notation. For example, -gateway Displays the network gateway address that the specified iSCSI ports use. The gateway address uses the quad-dotted notation. For example, -initiatorAuthentication Displays the state of the initiator authentication flag for the specified iSCSI ports. True indicates that initiator authentication is turned on for the port and that all initiators logging into that port will be required to authenticate against the target system. False indicates that initiator authentication has been disabled for the port. -mac Displays the MAC address for the front-end ports of an iSCSI system and also FCoE ports. Running the port ... -mac command returns a MAC Address field for each port. When you run the port ... -mac command, if any ports are Fibre Channel ports, the MAC Address field for those ports will be displayed as Not Applicable -mtu Displays the port’s MTU settings and lists the valid MTU settings for the portal. -vlanid Displays the virtual LAN (VLAN) ID of the specified virtual port. -vportid vportid Displays information for the specified virtual port ID. -flowctl Determines the flow control settings. Valid values are Auto, Transmit flow control (Tx), Receive flow control (Rx). -hostWindow Sets the receive window size for host-to-system traffic. The available window sizes are 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1MB. The default value is 256K. replicationWindow Sets the receive window size for system-to-system traffic. The available window sizes are 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1MB. The default value is 256K. -all Displays all the physical and virtual port information for each iSCSI port. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli connection -getport SP: A Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a4 IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a5 SP: A connection -getport 207 VNX CLI for Block Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a6 IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a7 SP: B Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b4 IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b5 SP: B Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b6 IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b7 SP: B Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:69:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A SP: A Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:61:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A 208 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SP: B Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:68:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli connection -getport -sp a -portid 8 SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:68:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli connection -getport -sp a -portid 8 –vlanid SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 101 EXAMPLE #4 naviseccli connection -getport -sp a -portid 8 –mtu SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240"? EXAMPLE #5 naviseccli connection -getport -portid 8 -speed SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb connection -getport 209 VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE #6 naviseccli connection -getport -sp a -portid 8 -vportid 0 -all SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 101 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A EXAMPLE #7 naviseccli connection -getport –mac SP: A Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a4 Port Speed: 1000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a5 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 0 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: A Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a6 Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb 210 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a7 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b4 Port Speed: 1000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b5 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 0 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b6 Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb connection -getport 211 VNX CLI for Block Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b7 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:69:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Enode MAC Address: 00-60-16-3B-47-B3 Port Speed: 10 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 666 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 0E-FC-00-68-00-03 SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Enode MAC Address: 00-60-16-3B-55-42 Port Speed: 0 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 00-00-00-00-00-00 SP: A Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:61:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Enode MAC Address: 00-60-16-3B-55-43 Port Speed: 10 Gb 212 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 666 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 0E-FC-00-68-00-04 SP: B Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:68:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Enode MAC Address: 00-60-16-3B-47-B2 Port Speed: 0 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 00-00-00-00-00-00 EXAMPLE #8 naviseccli connection -getport -sp a -portid 8 -vportid 0 -mac SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Enode MAC Address: 00:60:16:32:12:5B Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 101 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 0E:FC:00:2B:0B:04 EXAMPLE #9 naviseccli -h peregrine-spa connection -getport -sp a -mac -all SP: A Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:61:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Enode MAC Address: 00-60-16-3B-55-43 Port Speed: 10 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" connection -getport 213 VNX CLI for Block Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 666 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A VN_Port MAC Address: 0E-FC-00-68-00-04 EXAMPLE #10 naviseccli -h peregrine-spa connection –getport –flowctl –hostWindow –replicationWindow Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB OUTPUT The following sample output shows several virtual ports assigned with the VLAN tags: naviseccli -h peregrine_spa connection -getport -sp a -portid 0 -all SP: A Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a4 Port Speed: 1000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a5 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 0 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" 214 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SP: A Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a6 Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: A Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.a7 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 4 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b4 Port Speed: 1000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 5 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b5 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: Yes Available Speeds: 10 Mb connection -getport 215 VNX CLI for Block : 100 Mb : 1000 Mb : Auto Current MTU: 0 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 6 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b6 Port Speed: 10000 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: Disabled IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway Address: Initiator Authentication: Not Available SP: B Port ID: 7 Port WWN: iSCSI Alias: 0877.b7 Port Speed: 0 Mb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10000 Mb Current MTU: 1500 Available MTU Sizes: "1260","1448","1500","1548","2000","2450","3000","4000","4080","4470", "5000","6000","7000","8000","9000" SP: B Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:69:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Port Speed: 10 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 666 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A SP: A Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:60:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A 216 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Port Speed: 0 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A SP: A Port ID: 9 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:61:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Port Speed: 10 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Flow Control: Auto Host Window: 256K Replication Window: 256K Available Window Sizes: 64K,128K,256K,512K,1MB Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: 666 IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A SP: B Port ID: 8 Port WWN: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:13:0D:50:06:01:68:3B:24:13:0D iSCSI Alias: N/A Port Speed: 0 Gb Auto-Negotiate: No Available Speeds: 10 Gb Current MTU: 2240 Available MTU Sizes: "2240" Virtual Port ID: 0 VLAN ID: N/A IP Address: N/A Subnet Mask: N/A Gateway Address: N/A Initiator Authentication: N/A connection -setport Modify the properties of a port. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -setport function modifies the properties of a specified SP port. connection -setport 217 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX connection -setport [-iscsi (Default)] -sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid (default=0)] [-vlanid vlanid|-vlandisable] [-address address] [-subnetmask subnetmask] [-gateway gateway] [-initiatorAuthentication 0|1] [-alias iscsialias] [-speed speed] [-mtu mtu] [-o] connection -setport [-fcoe] -sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid (default=0)] [-vlanid vlanid|-vlanautodiscovery] [-o] OPTIONS -sp a|b Specifies that the iSCSI or FCOE port is on either SP A or SP B. -portid portid Specifies the port on the SP. For example, an SP with one port has port 1 and an SP with two ports has port 0 and port 1. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port ID. If you do not specify the -vportid, the system defaults to virtual port 0. -vlanautodiscovery Sets the port (FCoE only) specified by -portid to be in VLAN auto discovery mode. -vlanid vlanid Specifies the VLAN ID. -vlandisable Disables VLAN tagging on the virtual port. -address address Specifies the IP address of the iSCSI port. The address uses the dotted-quad format. For example: -subnetmask subnetmask Specifies the subnetwork mask for the iSCSI port. The subnet mask uses the dottedquad format. For example: -gateway gateway Specifies the network gateway address that the iSCSI port uses. The gateway address uses the dotted-quad format. For example: -initiatorAuthentication 0|1 If initiator authentication is turned on, all initiators logging in to the port must be authenticated by the system. 0 = Not required - default 1 = Required -aliasiscsialias Specifies the iSCSI alias. -speed speed Specifies the port speed. -mtu Configures the MTU size for the specified iSCSI port. If not specified during the initial creation of a portal, the default is 1500. If -mtu is not specified during the update of a portal’s setting, the MTU setting will not change. If a change in settings has been requested, a confirmation will be displayed. -o 218 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. If you include the -o switch, the port will be set (configured) without a confirmation prompt. Without the o switch, the software displays confirmation messages that you must respond to. EXAMPLE #1 The following example configures the network settings for the port with IP address naviseccli connection -setport -sp b -portid 0 -address -subnetmask -gateway It is recommended that you consult with your Network Manager to determine the correct settings before applying these changes. Changing the port properties may disrupt traffic on one or more ports of this I/O Module. Initiator configuration changes may be necessary to regain connections. Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)?y EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli connection –setport –hostWindow 32K –o Request failed. Invalid window size: 32K. Available Window Sizes: 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1MB OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -delport Deletes a virtual port. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -delport function lets you delete a virtual port from a physical port. To execute this command, more than one virtual port should be associated with the management port. If there is only one management port with only one virtual port, the command cannot be executed. Use of this command depends on the network provider capabilities. SYNTAX connection -delport -sp a|b -portid portid -vportid vportid [-o] OPTIONS -sp a|b Deletes the virtual port of the specified SP. The default is the connected SP. -portid portid Specifies the iSCSI port ID. If you specify an invalid port ID, the system displays the following error: Request failed. Specified iSCSI port not found. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port ID. If you specify an invalid virtual port ID, the system displays the following error message: Request failed. Specified iSCSI virtual port not found. -o connection -delport 219 VNX CLI for Block Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT Provides output depending on the options used. connection -route Sets up the static routes to specific hosts or networks. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -route function is used to set up the static routes to specific hosts or networks. SYNTAX connection -route [-sp a|b] [-portid portid|-vportid vportid] [-add -destination destination [-subnetmask subnetmask| -prefixlength length] [-metric metric] [-persistent]] [-delete -destination destination [-subnetmask subnetmask| -prefixlength length]] [-list] [-o] OPTIONS -sp a|b Specifies the destination SP. The default is the connected SP. -portid portid The -portid and the -vportid together specify the interface associated with the route. If you do not specify the interface, the system determines it. -vportid vportid The -portid and the -vportid together specify the interface associated with the route. If you do not specify the interface, the system determines it. -add Adds a network route. -destination destination Specifies the IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the destination. -subnetmask netmask Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask value for the route entry. The default is It is valid only for an IPv4 destination address. -prefixlength length Specifies the prefix length, that is the part of the address to compare while determining the route. The default is 128. It is valid only for an IPv6 destination address. -metric metric Determines the best route using the routing algorithm. The route with the lowest metric is preferred over another route. -persistent Specifies whether the route should persist across reboots. -delete Deletes an existing route. -list 220 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -o Displays the routes for the SP. By default, it displays the routes for the connected SP. It also displays the routes for a specific port/virtual port. Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT Provides output depending on the options used. connection -pingnode Verifies that packets reach a destination node without errors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -pingnode function transmits packets to a target node and returns a notification that the packets have reached the node without errors. The connection -pingnode command pings a target node from the iSCSI port. Use the connection -pingnode and the connection traceroute commands to verify and diagnose network connectivity. SYNTAX connection -pingnode [-sp a|b] [ [-portid portid -vportid vportid] |-source sourceaddress] -address address [-packetSize packetSize] [-count count] [-timeouts timeouts] [-delays delays] OPTIONS -sp a|b Specifies either storage processor A or storage processor B. -portid portid Specifies the port on the SP, either 0 or 1. For example, an SP with one port has port 0 and an SP with two ports has port 0 and port 1. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port ID. -address address Specifies the IP address of the target node that the iSCSI port will ping. The address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods, for example, Network names are not supported. -packetSize packetSize Specifies the size of the packets in bytes. The default is 32 bytes, the minimum is 0 bytes, and the maximum is 2048 bytes. -count count Specifies the number of pings to send. The default is 4; the minimum is 1. -timeouts timeouts Specifies the response wait timeout period in seconds. The default is 3 seconds, the minimum is 1 second, and the maximum is 15 seconds. -delays delays Specifies a delay in seconds between pings. The default is 1 second, the minimum is 1 second, and the maximum is 10 seconds. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h peregrine_spa connection -pingnode -sp a -portid 0 -vportid 0 -address connection -pingnode 221 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT Reply Reply Reply Reply from from from from bytes=32 bytes=32 bytes=32 bytes=32 time=1ms time=1ms time=1ms time=1ms TTL=30 TTL=30 TTL=30 TTL=30 connection -traceroute Display the route that a packet takes to a destination node. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -traceroute function displays the route that packets take to a target node that you specify in the command. The connection -traceroute command traces and displays the route from the system iSCSI port to the target node. Use the connection -traceroute and connection -pingnode commands to verify and diagnose network connectivity. SYNTAX connection -traceroute[-sp a|b] -address IPAddress [ [-portid portid -vportid vportid] |-source sourceaddress [-mtu| -packetSize packetSize] ] [-timeouts timeouts] [-delays delays] OPTIONS -address IPAddress Specifies the IP address of the target node that the iSCSI port will attempt to contact. The address uses the dotted-quad format, for example, Network names are not supported. -portid portid Specifies the port on the SP, either 0 or 1. For example, an SP with one port has port 0; an SP with two ports has port 0 and port 1. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port ID. -sp a|b Specifies either SP A or SP B. -delays delays Specifies a delay in seconds between datagrams. The default is 1 second, the minimum is 1 second, and the maximum is 10 seconds. -packetSize packetSize Specifies the size of the echo packets in bytes. The default is 32 bytes, the minimum is 0 bytes, and the maximum is 2048 bytes. -mtu Performs networking diagnostics, focusing on the maximum transmission unit between the two systems. If specified, -source is required. -source sourceaddress Specifies the source address and is required when -mtu is used. -timeouts timeouts Specifies the response wait timeout period in seconds. The default is 3 seconds, the minimum is 1 second, and the maximum is 15 seconds. EXAMPLE The following example displays the route taken by a packet: 222 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block naviseccli -user a -password a -scope 0 -h ss1_spa connection -traceroute -sp a -address -mtu -source OUTPUT 1: 2: 1 ms 1 ms 1500 mtu 1500 mtu connection -setsharedauth Sets username and secret for the system’s shared credentials record. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -setsharedauth function sets a username and secret for the iSCSI intiator system’s shared credentials record of the connection set database. The command lets you enable or disable the use of the system’s shared authentication credentials. SYNTAX connection -setsharedauth[-userNameuserName][-secret secret [-hexsecret]] [-enable|-disable] [-o] OPTIONS -userName userName Specifies the CHAP username used by the initiator when challenged by the target system. For CHAP, a username and secret must be defined. -secret secret Specifies the CHAP secret to be used with the username when challenged by the target system. You can specify the secret in ASCII or hexadecimal characters (see the -hexsecret switch that follows). By default, -secret is an ASCII string. ASCII secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 characters. Hexadecimal secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 pairs of data (24 to 32 characters). -hexsecret If initiator user account data is being added, including the -hexsecret parameter, it specifies that -secret is a hexadecimal value. -enable| -disable Enables or disables the use of the system’s shared credentials. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example sets a username and secret for the system’s shared credentials record: naviseccli connection -setsharedauth -username user1 -secret abcdefghi123 -enable -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -setsharedauth 223 VNX CLI for Block connection -delsharedauth Removes the system shared authentication credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -delsharedauth function removes the username and secret from the iSCSI initiator system. SYNTAX connection -delsharedauth[-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. If you include the -o switch, you will not be prompted to confirm the user account deletion. If you do not use the -o switch, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the user account data. EXAMPLE The following example removes the shared authentication credentials from the iSCSI initiator system: connection -delsharedauth -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -getsharedauth Displays the username and status of the shared authentication for the iSCSI initiator system PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -getsharedauth function displays the username and status of the shared authentication for the iSCSI initiator system. SYNTAX connection -getsharedauth EXAMPLE The following example displays the username and status of the shared authentication for the iSCSI initiator system: connection -getsharedauth OUTPUT User Name: user1 Enabled: True 224 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block If no shared credentials are defined for the system, then the output is: No system shared credentials are defined. connection -addset Adds a connection set. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -addset function adds a connection set to the connection set database. SYNTAX connection -addset -name name [-digest none|Header|Data|Both] [-authpolicy none|shared|setspecific -userName userName -secret secret [-hexsecret] ] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies a unique identifier for the connection set. It is an arbitrary name supplied by the administrator that indicates the specific connection set using the CLI or UI. -digest none | Header | Data | Both Indicates the type of digest, a data protection mechanism, which is turned on for connections established through this connection set. Header indicates that the iSCSI packet headers have a checksum applied and verified. Data indicates that the data portion of the iSCSI packet have a checksum applied and verified.Both indicates that both the headers and the data portion of the iSCSI packet have a checksum applied and verified. -authpolicy none | shared | setspecific Defines the type of authentication this connection set uses. none specifies that no credentials are needed to connect to the target system. shared specifies that the system shared authentication credentials are used to authenticate. setspecific indicates that the username and secret stored as part of this connection set are used for authentication. -userName userName Specifies the CHAP username used by the initiator when challenged by the target system. For CHAP, a username and secret must be defined. -secret secret Specifies the CHAP secret to be used with the username when challenged by the target system. You can specify the secret in ASCII or hexadecimal characters (see the -hexsecret switch that follows). By default, -secret is an ASCII string. ASCII secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 characters. Hexadecimal secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 pairs of data (24 to 32 characters). -hexsecret If initiator user account data is being added, including the -hexsecret parameter specifies that -secret is a hexadecimal value. connection -addset 225 VNX CLI for Block -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example adds a connection set to the connection set database: connection -addset -name MirrorSet -authpolicy none -digest none -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -delset Deletes a connection set and associated connection paths. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -delset function deletes a connection set and its associated connection paths by the name of the connection set. SYNTAX connection -delset -name name [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies a unique identifier for the connection set. It is an arbitrary name supplied by the administrator that indicates the specific connection set using the CLI or UI. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. If you include the -o switch, you will not be prompted to confirm the user account deletion. If you do not use the -o switch, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the user account data. EXAMPLE The following example deletes a connection set and associated connection paths using the name of the connection: connection -delset -name MirrorSet -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -modifyset Modifies parameters of a connection set. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -modifyset function modifies parameters of a connection set. Note You cannot change the name of the connection with this command. 226 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX connection -modifyset -name name [-digest None|Header|Data| Both] [-authpolicy none|shared|setspecific -userName userName -secret secret [-hexsecret] ] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies a unique identifier for the connection set. -digest None | Header | Data | Both Indicates the type of digest, which is turned on for connections established through this connection set. Header indicates that the iSCSI packet headers have a checksum applied and verified. Data indicates that the data portion of the iSCSI packet have a checksum applied and verified. Both indicates that both the headers and the data portion of the iSCSI packet have a checksum applied and verified. -authpolicy none | shared | setspecific Defines the type of authentication this connection set uses. none specifies that no credentials are needed to connect to the target system. shared specifies that the system shared authentication credentials are used for authentication. setspecific indicates that the username and secret stored as part of this connection set are used for authentication. -userName userName Specifies the CHAP username used by the initiator when challenged by the target system. For CHAP, a username and secret must be defined. -secret secret Specifies the CHAP secret to be used with the username when challenged by the target system. You can specify the secret in ASCII or hexadecimal characters (see the -hexsecret switch that follows). By default, -secret is an ASCII string. ASCII secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 characters. Hexadecimal secrets must consist of at least 12 and no more than 16 pairs of data (24 to 32 characters). -hexsecret If initiator user account data is being added, including the -hexsecret parameter specifies that -secret is a hexadecimal value. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example modifies the parameters of a connection: connection -modifyset -name MirrorSet -authpolicy -setspecific -username user2 -secret Twelve2Sixteen -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -modifyset 227 VNX CLI for Block connection -getset Lists a specific connection set or all the connection sets PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -getset function lists a specific connection set or all the connection sets and displays the contents of each set. SYNTAX connection -getset [-name name] OPTIONS -name name Specifies a unique identifier for the connection set. EXAMPLE The following example lists a specific connection set: connection -getset -name MirrorSet OUTPUT Connection Set Name: MirrorSet User Name: username Authentication Usage: SetSpecific Header Digest: Disabled Data Digest: Disabled IP Address of Target: Listening IP Port of Target: 3260 SP Ports: A-0 A-1 B-0 B-1 Description: any comments that were entered. Sample output if the system (CX4 series) has virtual ports: Connection Set Name: tryzub_generated User Name: TRISHULA_MirrorViewGenerated Authentication usage: Setspecific Header Digest: Enabled Data Digest: Enabled IP Address of Target: Listening IP port of Target: 3260 SP Ports: A-3v0 B-2v4 Description: Path to tryzub A-1, generated for MirrorView Listening IP port of Target: 3260 SP Ports: B-3v1 Description: Path to tryzub B-1, generated for MirrorView connection -addpath Adds a connection path to a specific connection set. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -addpath function adds a connection path to a specific connection set. A connection path consists of the IP address of the target system, front-end ports used, and a comment field. 228 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX connection -addpath -name name -target address[:port] [-sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid]] [comment text] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the connection set to which you will add the connection path. -target address:port Specifies the IP address and listening port (default 3260) of the target system. -sp a|b Specifies the storage processor on the initiating system used for the session. -portid portid Specifies the front-end port number on the storage processor of the initiating system to be used for the session. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port number for the session. If you do not specify the virtual port number, then the system defaults to virtual port 0. -comment text Specifies a comment or description of the connection path. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example adds a connection path to the specific connection set: connection -addpath -name MirrorSet -target -sp a -portid 3 -comment mirrorview connection path -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -delpath Deletes a connection path from a connection set. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -delpath function deletes a connection path from a connection set. Note You must have an IP address and optional port number to complete this command. SYNTAX connection -delpath -name name -target address[:port] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the connection set, which includes the path you want to delete. -target address:port Specifies the IP address and listening port (default 3260) of the target system. -o connection -delpath 229 VNX CLI for Block Standard override option. Without this option, the user is prompted to confirm intent. EXAMPLE The following example deletes a connection path from a connection set: connection -delpath -name MirrorSet -target -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -modifypath Modifies the parameters of a connection path. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -modifypath function modifies the parameters of a connection path. Note You must have an IP address and optional port number to complete this command. SYNTAX connection -modifypath -name name -target address[:port] -add -sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid] [-comment text] [-o] | -add -comment text [-o] | -del -sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the connection set, which includes the path you want to modify. -target address:port Specifies the IP address and listening port (default 3260) of the target system. -sp a|b Specifies the storage processor on the initiating system used for the session. -portid portid Specifies the front-end port number on the storage processor of the initiating system to be used for the session. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port number to be used for the session. If the virtual port number is not specified, the system defaults to virtual port 0. -comment text Specifies a new comment added to the connection path. -o Standard override option. Without this option, the user is prompted to confirm intent. EXAMPLE The following example modifies a connection path from a connection set: 230 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block connection -modifypath -name MirrorSet -target -add -sp b -portid 3 -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. connection -verifypath Tests the parameters of a connection path. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli connection command with the -verifypath function tests the parameter of a connection path. Note A connection set name, an IP address, and an optional port number are needed to complete this command. SYNTAX connection -verifypath -name name -target address[:port] [-sp a|b -portid portid [-vportid vportid] ] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the connection set, which contains the path to verify. -target address:port Specifies the IP address and listening port (default 3260) of the target system. -sp a|b Specifies the storage processor on the initiating system used for the session. -portid portid Specifies the front-end port number on the storage processor of the initiating system to be used for the session. -vportid vportid Specifies the virtual port number to be used for the session. If the virtual port number is not specified, the system defaults to virtual port 0. -o Standard override option. Without this option, the user is prompted to confirm intent. EXAMPLE The following example tests a connection path from a connection set: Connection -verifypath -name MirrorSet -target -o OUTPUT Test/verify command for target {ipaddr[:portnum]} from {fe port} completed successfully. connection -verifypath 231 VNX CLI for Block isns -addserver Adds an iSNS server to a system’s iSNS service configuration. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli isns command with the -addserver function adds an iSNS server to a system’s iSNS service configuration. When you add a server, if it is the first server you add to a system’s iSNS service configuration, it is designated as the primary server. If a server exists in the system’s iSNS service configuration, any subsequent server you add is designated as a backup. Note The primary server is the server the iSNS service actively communicates with. SYNTAX isns -addserver IPAddr [-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the iSNS server you want to add. Note You must identify the iSNS server by the server’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example adds the specified iSNS server, to the system’s iSNS service configuration: naviseccli -address ss1_spa isns -addserver Adding an iSNS server with the following IP address: Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. isns -deleteserver Deletes an iSNS server from a system’s iSNS service configuration. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli isns command with the -deleteserver function, deletes an iSNS server from a system’s iSNS service configuration. 232 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note If the IP address of the server you want to delete is not configured, you will receive an error message. If you delete a primary server, the next server listed in the system’s iSNS service configuration becomes the primary. Note The primary server is the server the iSNS service actively communicates with. SYNTAX isns -deleteserver IPAddr [-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the iSNS server you want to delete. Note You must identify the iSNS server by the server’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example deletes the specified iSNS server from the system’s iSNS configuration: naviseccli -address ss1_spa isns -deleteserver Deleting an iSNS server with the following IP address: Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. isns -listserver Displays all iSNS servers that are configured in the system’s iSNS service. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli isns command with the -listserver function, lists all servers that are configured in a system’s iSNS service. If multiple servers are configured in the system’s iSNS service, the -listserver operation will list multiple IP addresses and server types. You can have only one primary server; therefore you will only have one server designated as the primary. All other servers are designated as backup servers. isns -listserver 233 VNX CLI for Block Note The primary server is the server the iSNS service actively communicates with. SYNTAX isns -listserver EXAMPLE The following example lists the primary and backup iSNS servers for the system: naviseccli -address ss1_spa isns -listserver OUTPUT IP Address: Server Type: Backup IP Address: Server Type: Primary IP Address is the IP address of the iSNS server. Server Type specifies whether the server is set as the primary or backup server. isns -setprimary Sets a configured iSNS server as the primary server for a system’s iSNS service configuration. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli isns command with the -setprimary function, establishes a configured iSNS server as the primary server in a system’s iSNS service configuration. The primary server is the server the iSNS service actively communicates with. You can have only one primary server. Note If the IP address of the server you specify to be the primary server is not configured, you will receive an error message. Use this command when you want to change the primary server in a system’s iSNS service configuration. You can also use this command to re-establish a primary server after a failover. When a failure occurs that takes the existing primary server out of service, the iSNS service automatically establishes a backup server as the new primary server. You can use the isns -setprimary command to restore the original primary server as the primary server. Note If you have more than one backup server, the first backup server listed becomes the new primary server (see isns -listserver). SYNTAX isns -setprimary IPAddr [-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the iSNS server you want to designate as the primary server. 234 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Note You must identify the iSNS server by the server’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example establishes the specified iSNS server as the primary server: naviseccli -address ss1_spa isns -setprimary The listed IP Address will become the Primary iSNS server: Do you really want to perform this action (y/n)? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. LUN Migration commands This section explains the VNX CLI for Block commands that manage LUN migration. LUN migration lets you improve the performance of a LUN by migrating the data from the source LUN to a destination LUN that has more desirable performance characteristics. migrate -start Starts a LUN migration session. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli migrate command with the -start switch starts a LUN migration session. Note If the maximum number of migrations already exists on the subsystem, the new session is still created, but its state is queued. For raw device mapping volumes (RDMs), if you are running VMware ESX Server and you are using the migration feature to copy LUNs to larger LUNs only, after you complete the migration you must rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. You can also rescan at the virtual machine level (optional). You then must expand the file system at the virtual machine level. ESX Server and the virtual machine will now recognize the completed migration. For configuration specifications, go to the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator on EMC Online Support. SYNTAX migrate -start -source number|WWN -dest number|WWN -rate low| medium|high|ASAP|value [-destroySnapshots] [-o] LUN Migration commands 235 VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -source number|WWN Specifies the source LUN for the migration. You can specify the LUN ID or World Wide Name (WWN). -dest number|WWN Specifies the destination LUN of the migration. You can specify the LUN ID or World Wide Name. Note The destination LUN must be the same size or larger than the source LUN. -rate low|medium|high|ASAP|value Specifies the LUN migration rate. Valid rates are low or 0, medium or 1, high or 2, and ASAP or 3. Note Do not use the ASAP migration rate when the system is in production, as the normal host I/O may be interrupted. Use ASAP only when the system is offline (free of any host-level I/O). -destroySnapshots Deletes snapshots automatically after migration if source LUN has snapshots, including any snapshots that were taken of consistency groups while this LUN was a member. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command starts a LUN migration session where the source LUN’s ID is 6, the destination LUN’s ID is 7, and the LUN migration rate is low. naviseccli migrate -start -source 6 -dest 7 -rate low OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. migrate -cancel Cancels a LUN migration session. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli migrate command with the -cancel switch cancels an in-process LUN migration. The destination LUN is deleted when canceling occurs. Canceling the migration does not cause any data loss. The original LUN remains unchanged. Note You can cancel only one migration at a time. SYNTAX migrate -cancel -source number|WWN [-o] 236 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -source number|WWN Specifies the source LUN for migration as the LUN ID or World Wide Name (WWN). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command cancels a LUN migration session whose source LUN’s ID is 6. naviseccli migrate -cancel -source 6 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. migrate -modify Modifies a LUN migration session. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli migrate command with the -modify switch modifies a LUN migration session according to the parameters you specify. SYNTAX migrate -modify -source number|WWN [-rate low|medium|high|ASAP| value] [-o] OPTIONS -source number|WWN Specifies the source LUN of the migration you want to modify. You can specify the LUN ID or World Wide Name (WWN). -rate low|medium|high|ASAP|value Specifies the LUN migration rate. Valid rates are low or 0, medium or 1, high or 2, and ASAP or 3. Note Do not use the ASAP migration rate when the system is in production, as the normal host I/O may be interrupted. Use ASAP only when the system is offline (free of any host-level I/O). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command modifies the LUN migration rate to medium. naviseccli migrate -modify -source 6 -rate medium OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. migrate -modify 237 VNX CLI for Block migrate -list Lists LUN migration sessions and their properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli migrate command with the -list switch lists the existing LUN migration sessions and their properties. SYNTAX migrate -list [-source number|WWN] [-dest] [-rate] [-state] [-percentcomplete] [-timeremaining] OPTIONS -source number|WWN Specifies the source LUN of the migration. You can specify the LUN ID or World Wide Name (WWN). If you specify the -source switch with a LUN, the command lists properties for only that migration. If you do not specify a source LUN, the output lists the properties for all migrations. -dest Displays the destination LUN. -rate Displays the LUN migration rate as low, medium, high, or ASAP. -state Displays the migration state as queued, migrating, migrated, transitioning, or faulted. -percentcomplete Displays the percentage of the migration that has completed. -timeremaining Displays the estimated time remaining for the migration to complete. For the first poll cycle after the migration is started, the Time Remaining field is displayed as ? (question mark). EXAMPLE This command lists the migration sessions and their properties. naviseccli migrate -list OUTPUT Source LU Name: LUN 6 Source LU ID: 6 Dest LU Name: LUN 7 Dest LU ID: 7 Migration Rate: LOW Current State: MIGRATING Percent Complete: 12 Time Remaining: 1 minute(s) 238 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Domain and Security commands This section provides a brief overview of the domain and security features, and includes a list of commands you can use to manage system domains and user access to systems. About domains and user accounts A domain is a group of one or more systems with Storage Management Server software whose SPs are connected to a network and which have been assigned to the domain by VNX CLI for Block or Unisphere. Each domain has a master node (master system) that maintains the master copy of the domain data — the systems and global user accounts that make up the domain. Setting up a domain allows a group of systems to be monitored and managed using a single login. Even if you plan to use a system by itself (manage it separately), we suggest that you create a domain for that system. Note When you setup a user account, you assign a scope of either global, local, or LDAP. Global user accounts apply to all systems within a domain. Local user accounts apply to a specific system. LDAP uses an external server to authenticate accounts for an entire domain. VNX CLI for Block versions 6.24 and later support lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). This requires an active and operational LDAP environment to which you can connect Unisphere security for the purpose of sharing user accounts and authenticating usernames and passwords. Administrators can manage accounts in a centralized directory accessible to multiple applications. Users can use their LDAP credentials to log in and perform Unisphere and CLI operations. Note In order to issue domain CLI commands, you must have global administrator privileges. A user (that is, someone who needs to view or manage system operations) can have one of these roles: l Administrator l Security Administrator l Manager l Monitor l Replication l Local replication l Replication/recovery Note To issue security CLI commands for user account setup, modification, or removal you must have administrator privileges. Global administrators can manage both global and local user accounts. Local administrators can manage only local user accounts. Table 4 provides an explanation of operations that can be performed by role and scope. Domain and Security commands 239 VNX CLI for Block You can assign a user a role globally (the user has the role across all systems in the domain) or locally (the user has the role on a specific system only). Each global username must be unique in the domain; each local username must be unique within the local management server. Note Usernames and passwords can be 1 to 32 characters, including letters (case sensitive), numbers, underscores, non-numeric, non-alpha characters, spaces, and must start with a letter. Operations that users with different roles can perform on page 240 defines the operations a user can perform by role and scope. Table 12 Operations that users with different roles can perform User role Can view Can add, modify, or delete Administrator All domain and system settings, and global and local accounts All domain and system settings, and global and local accounts (cannot delete the last global administrator account) Currently, the following security administrator roles are supported only on CX and CX3 series systems running VNX OE for Block version or higher. Security Administrator All security-related features, All security features. Cannot see or global and local accounts manage system features Manager All system settings in domain All system settings in domain Monitor All system settings in domain Nothing Local Replication All system settings in domain Some operations of MirrorView, SAN Copy, and SnapView (see Actions permission on page 240) Replication All system settings in domain Some operations of MirrorView, SAN Copy, and SnapView (see Actions permission on page 240) Replication and recovery All system settings in domain Some operations of MirrorView, SAN Copy, and SnapView (see Actions permission on page 240) Table 13 Actions permission Command Local replication Replication Replication/ Recovery SnapView 240 Start a (consistent) snap session Yes Yes Yes Stop a (consistent) snap session Yes Yes Yes Activate a session to a snapshot LUN Yes Yes Yes Deactivate a session from a snapshot LUN Yes Yes Yes EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Table 13 Actions permission (continued) Command Local replication Replication Replication/ Recovery Synchronize a clone Yes Yes Yes Fracture a clone Yes Yes Yes Rollback a snap session No No Yes Reverse synchronize a clone No No Yes Synchronize a mirror/consistency group No Yes Yes Fracture a mirror/consistency group No No Yes Control the update parameters of an asynchronous mirror No Yes Yes Modify the update frequency of an asynchronous mirror No Yes Yes Throttle a mirror/consistency group No Yes Yes Promote a synchronous or asynchronous secondary mirror/ consistency group No No Yes Start a session No Yes Yes Stop a session No Yes Yes Pause a session No Yes Yes Resume a session No Yes Yes Mark a session No Yes Yes Unmark a session No Yes Yes Verify a session No Yes Yes Throttle a session No Yes Yes MirrorView SAN Copy About LDAP and Active Directory Unisphere supports the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Since Microsoft Active Directory is based on LDAP, Active Directory (AD) is supported as well. LDAP uses an active and operational LDAP environment, which allows systems to share LDAP user accounts and username/password authentication. The administrator and security administrator can then manage the external servers. Users can use their LDAP credentials to log in and perform CLI operations. You must map groups and/or users from the LDAP-compliant directory service to their roles (Administrator and Monitor) using the security -ldap commands. Use these commands to specify the LDAP or AD server you intend to use in your domain, and to map roles to users and user groups in the LDAP server directory. About domains and user accounts 241 VNX CLI for Block This feature also supports advanced functions, such as specifying attributes for which user IDs and user/group common names are appended in the LDAP/AD server, defining user and group object classes, and mapping roles to additional servers. Consult with your site LDAP administrator to determine the correct parameters. navisecclidomain and security commands on page 239 provides the list of security ldap commands used to configure the LDAP settings. Domain and security commands overview The commands in this section include the domain and security commands. The following table identifies the commands. Table 14 naviseccli domain and security commands Command Description Domain commands domain -add Adds one or more systems to a domain. domain -list Displays all systems in a domain. domain -remove Removes a system from a domain. domain -setmaster Sets a system as the master system in a domain. domain -uninitialize Destroys the domain and security configuration of the system. ntp -list Lists the NTP configuration settings in a domain. ntp -set Modifies the NTP configuration in a domain. Security commands security -adduser Creates a user account. security -changeuserinfo Changes the password and/or role of a user account. security -list Displays user accounts. security -listrole Lists the user’s security role. security -rmuser Deletes a user account. Security LDAP commands 242 security -ldap -addServer Creates a new LDAP directory server. security -ldap -modifyserver Modifies the external server login configuration. security -ldap -removeserver Removes a server. security -ldap -listserver Lists the LDAP external server information. security -ldap -addrolemapping Creates a new role mapping. security -ldap -modifyrolemapping Modifies the role mapping. security -ldap -removerolemapping Removes the role mapping entity. security -ldap -listrolemapping Lists the role mapping entity. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Table 14 naviseccli domain and security commands (continued) Command Description security -ldap -synchronize Synchronizes the accounts. Security Certificate commands security -certificate -add Imports the certificate. security -certificate -remove Removes the specified certificate. security -certificate -list Lists all certificates. security -certificate -alert BeforeExpiration Indicates that an alert should be generated prior to the expiration of the SSL/TLS certificate. security -pkcs12upload Uploads a PKCS #12 file which contains a certificate and private key to the storage system. security -SPcertificate -generate Generates a new self-signed certificate and replaces the one currently in use. Security FIPS commands security –fipsmode -set Sets the FIPS mode of Unisphere. security –fipsmode -get Gets the FIPS mode of Unisphere. Other Security commands security -setport Sets the http/https ports that Unisphere uses. security -trustedclient -enable Enables or disables IP Filter for all storage systems supporting filtering. security -trustedclient -add Adds an IP Filter to the storage system. security -trustedclient -list Lists the current IP Filters for the storage system. security -trustedclient -re Removes IP Filters from the storage system. domain -add Adds system to a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli domain command with the -add function, adds the system you specify to the system domain. You can add only one system to the domain one time. When you add a system to the domain, you specify the system’s IP address. See domain -setmaster if you need to establish a domain. You then can add system to the domain using domain -add. The -olduser, -oldpassword, and -oldscope are optional switches. These switches must be provided all together or none of them must be provided. If none of them are provided, the user account, sysadmin with global scope is used as a default user to operate on the system. domain -add 243 VNX CLI for Block Only one IP address is supported. If multiple IP addresses are provided, displays the error message, Invalid Command. Too many parameters Please also make sure only ONE ip address is provided. If the user uses domain -add to add File or Unified systems into a domain without System account, the command fails and displays the error message, Domain add operation failed. The local domain does not have a system account, which is required when adding a file or unified system into a domain. Create a system administrator account in order to continue with adding this system into the domain. Any File or Unified system is allowed to be added into another domain, only if it is in a domain. Otherwise, displays the error message, Domain add operation failed.Security is not initialized. Security must be initialized before any domain operations can be performed in this system. Create a global administrator to initialize security. SYNTAX domain -add IPAddr [[-olduser olduser][-oldpassword oldpassword][-oldscope oldscope]][-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the system you want to add. Note You must identify the system by the system’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -olduser olduser Specifies a valid username in the old domain. -oldpassword oldpassword Specifies the matching password for the -olduser. -oldscope oldscope Specifies the valid scope for the -olduser. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 The following example adds the specified systems, to the system domain: naviseccli -address ss1_spa domain -add WARNING: You are about to add following node(s) to the domain. Proceed? (y/n) y EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h -user a –password a –scope global domain –add –olduser b –oldpassword b –scope global 244 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE #3 If any of the switches, -olduser, -oldpassword, or -oldscope are missing, the following error messages are displayed accordingly: C:\>naviseccli -h domain -add -oldscope global Invalid command line parameters. remote system: -oldscope Please provide the scope for the C:\>naviseccli -h domain -add -olduser global Invalid command line parameters. the remote system: -olduser Please provide the user name for C:\>naviseccli -h domain -add oldpassword global Invalid command line parameters. remote system: -oldpassword Please provide the password for the OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. domain -list Displays all systems in a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli domain command with the -list function, lists the IP address, name, port and secure port information for all systems in a system domain. If you want to view only information about the master system in the domain, you can use the optional master switch. Note You can have only one master system in a domain (see domain -setmaster on page 248). SYNTAX domain -list [-master] OPTIONS -master Displays only information about the master system in the domain. EXAMPLE The following example lists the systems in the system domain: naviseccli -address domain -list OUTPUT Node: IP Address: (Master) APM00011111111 domain -list 245 VNX CLI for Block Name: Port: Secure Port: IP Address: Name: Port: Secure Port: CX300I_33_55 80 443 CX300I_33_44 80 443 domain -remove Removes a system from a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. The software package VNX-Block-Operating-Environment must be committed before this operation is allowed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli domain command with the -remove function removes the system you specify from a system domain. When you remove a system from a domain, you specify the system’s IP address. If you want to move a system to a different domain, use domain -remove to remove the system from the current domain, then domain -add to add the system to the other domain. Note If you remove the master system from the domain, you destroy the domain. The CLI warns you before you can complete the operation. If the system you want to move is the master system in the domain, and you want to retain the domain, then you should change the master system to another system in the domain before moving the old master (see domain -setmaster on page 248). SYNTAX domain -remove IPAddr[-passwordpassword][-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the system you want to remove. Note You must identify the system by the system’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -password password Overrides the default password for the global administrator. NOTICE You must override the default password. If you don’t override it, the system accepts the default password that may pose a high security risk. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 246 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE The following example removes the specified system, from the system domain: naviseccli -address ss1_spa domain -remove WARNING: You are about to remove the following node from the domain: Proceed? (y/n) y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. domain -uninitialize Destroys the domain and security configuration of the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli domain command with the -uninitialize function destroys the domain and security configuration of the system you specify. When you destroy the domain and the security configuration of a system, you specify the system’s IP address. Note You can execute this command only on VNX Block-Only systems with a domain containing only one VNX. SYNTAX domain -uninitialize IPAddr [-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the system whose domain and security configuration you need to destroy. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT E:\chenj20\temp\V1.1 naviseccli -h domain Invalid Command. Too few parameters usage: domain -add IPADDRESS [-olduser olduser] [-oldpassword oldpassword] [-oldscope oldscope] <-o> -remove IPADDRESS [-password password] <-o> -uninitialize IPADDRESS <-o> -setmaster IPADDRESS <-o> -list [-master] naviseccli -h domain -uninitialize WARNING: You are about to remove the domain and security configuration. Proceed? (y/n) y domain -uninitialize 247 VNX CLI for Block domain -setmaster Sets a system as the master system in a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli domain command with the -setmaster function, establishes the system you specify as the master system in a domain. The master system holds the master copy of all global account information in the domain. This information is copied to all member systems in the domain. You can have only one master system in a domain. You can use domain -setmaster to establish a domain or to change the master system in an existing domain. If you are using domain -setmaster to set up a domain, specify the IP address of a new or existing system that is not part of an existing domain. This system becomes the master and initializes the domain. You can then use the domain -add command to add more systems to the domain. When you use domain -setmaster to change the master system in an existing domain, the existing master system is automatically demoted, and the system you specify becomes the new master system. SYNTAX domain -setmaster IPAddr[-o] OPTIONS IPAddr The IP address of the system you want to set as master. Note You must identify the system by the system’s IP address. Specify the IP address in the form b.c.d.e where b, c, d and e range from 0 through 255, for example, -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example sets the specified system as the master system in a domain: naviseccli -address ss1_spa domain -setmaster WARNING: You are about to set the following node as the master of the domain: Proceed? (y/n) y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. ntp -list Lists the NTP configuration settings in effect in a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 248 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Only a security administrator or an administrator has the access rights. You will receive an error message if access is denied or an invalid parameter is set. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ntp command with the -list function, lists the Network Time Protocol (NTP) configuration settings in effect in a domain. SYNTAX ntp -list |-control|-servers|-all OPTIONS -control Displays start/stop and interval information. -servers Displays configured server addresses and any associated authentication information. -all Displays all information. EXAMPLE The following example lists all the information: naviseccli -user a -password a -scope 0 -address ntp -list -all OUTPUT Output: -all start: YES interval: 720 minutes address: serverkey: 0 keyvalue: "" XML Output: -list -all ntp -set Modifies the NTP configuration in a domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. Only a security administrator or an administrator has access rights. You will receive an error message if the access is denied or an invalid parameter is set. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli ntp command with the -set function modifies the NTP configuration in a domain. SYNTAX ntp -set [-start yes|no] [-interval n -servers addr1 [addr2...] -serverkey sk1 [sk2....] -keyvalue kval1 [kval2...]] OPTIONS -start yes|no Yes starts NTP; no stops it. To start NTP, servers must have been defined and have been displayed previously in a list command or while running this command. -interval n Specifies the synchronization interval in minutes ranging from 30 to 43200 (30 days). -servers addr1 [addr2...] Specifies the list of IPv4 NTP server addresses. At least one address must be specified. -serverkey sk1 [sk2...] Specifies the list of the integer values (1-65534 inclusive). This option is required if server authentication is desired. An ordered list is in the same order as -servers. A value of 0 indicates no key will be used. In that case use a keyvalue of "". If serverkey is used, every address entry must have a corresponding server key. -keyvalue kval1 < kval2...> Specifies the list of key values. This option is required if serverkey is specified. If server authentication is not desired, keyvalue is not required. Enclose key values in quotation marks. An empty value is simply a pair of quotation marks (for serverkey value = 0). An ordered list is in the same order as serverkey above. Every server key must have a key value. Valid key values are printable ASCII characters excluding the space character and the # character. If specified, the length of each key must be between 1 and 16 characters (empty value is described above). 250 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE #1 Specifies all items for ss1_spa including server authentication. naviseccli -address ss1_spa -set -start yes -interval 45 -servers -serverkey 1 5 -keyvalue "1234567812345678" "abcdefghabcdefgh" EXAMPLE #2 Specifies all items for ss1_spa including server authentication but the key for addr2 is not specified. naviseccli -address ss1_spa -set -start yes -interval 45 -servers -serverkey 5 0 -keyvalue "1234567812345678" "" EXAMPLE #3 Specifies items for ss1_spa choosing not to use server authentication. naviseccli -address ss1_spa -set -start yes -interval 45 -servers EXAMPLE #4 Stops (disables) NTP operations for ss1_spa. Note Does not affect synchronization interval or servers settings. naviseccli -address ss1_spa -set -start no EXAMPLE #5 Specifies the interval and server information for ss1_spa. Note Does not affect start/stop settings. naviseccli -address ss1_spa -set -interval 45 -servers -serverkey 5 0 -keyvalue "1234567812345678" "" OUTPUT Varies depending on the switch you use. security -adduser Creates a user account. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. The software package VNX-Block-Operating-Environment must be committed before this operation is allowed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security command with the -adduser function, adds a user account to the system you specify. If you create a global account, it replicates to all systems in the domain. When you add a user account, you specify the username, password, scope and role. security -adduser 251 VNX CLI for Block System account is a special global administrator account which is used to issue CLI command from File to Block. System account needs to be created immediately after the upgrade to R31 The -type option differentiates the user account and system account. If –type is not specified, the system creates the account of User type, by default. Note When you create the initial global administrator user account, you do not need to provide a username and password at login. SYNTAX security -adduser -user username -password password -scope global|local -role administrator|storageadmin|operator| securityadministrator|dataprotection|localdataprotection| datarecovery|sanadmin|networkadmin|nasadmin|vmadmin [-type user|system] [-o] OPTIONS -user username Specifies the username you want to create for the user account. -password password Specifies the password you want to create for the user account. -scope global|local|LDAP Specifies the scope (global, local, or LDAP) you want to apply to the user account. -role administrator|storageadmin|operator|securityadministrator|dataprotection | localdataprotection|datarecovery|sanadmin|networkadmin|nasadmin|vmadmin] Specifies the role, administrator, storageadmin, operator, securityadministrator, dataprotection, localdataprotection, datarecovery, sanadmin, networkadmin, nasadmin, or vmadmin you want to apply to the user account. -type user|system If you specify user, a user account is created. If you specify system, a system account is created. You cannot create more than one system account in a domain and a nonglobal or a non-administrator system account. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example creates the initial global administrator account on the system. You are then prompted to create a domain for the system you specify: naviseccli -address ss1_spa security -adduser -user a -password b -scope global -role administrator Global security is not initialized. It is highly recommended that you initialize global security. Do you still want to continue? y WARNING: You are about to add user: a Proceed?(y/n) y This system is not in a domain. It is highly recommended you create a new domain for this system. 252 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -changeuserinfo Changes the password and/or role of a user account. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security command with the -changeuserinfo function, modifies the password and/or role of a user account. When you modify a user account, you specify the username and scope, then designate a new password and/or role. Note You can change the password in a user account without providing the user’s current password. Note If a user attempts to change the role or the scope of an account with the System designation, the command fails. SYNTAX security -changeuserinfo -user username -scope global|local [-newpassword password] [-newrole administrator|manager| monitor] [-o] OPTIONS user username Specifies the username of the user account you want to modify. -scope global|local Specifies the scope, global or local, of the user account you want to modify. A global account has access to all systems in a domain. -newpassword password Specifies the new password you want to create for the user account. -newrole administrator|manager|monitor Specifies the new role, administrator, manager, or monitor, you want to apply to the user account. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example modifies the role of an existing user account: naviseccli -address ss1_spa security -changeuserinfo -user b -scope local -newrole manager WARNING: You are about to change user: b (local) Proceed?(y/n) y security -changeuserinfo 253 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -list Displays user accounts. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security command with the -list function, lists the username, scope, role of user accounts, and type of account. Note The security -list command is supported on all Unisphere systems. SYNTAX security –list [–user username] [–scope global|local] [-role administrator|storageadmin|operator|securityadministrator| dataprotection |localdataprotection|datarecovery|sanadmin| networkadmin|nasadmin|vmadmin][-type] OPTIONS -user username Identifies a specific username for which you want to display information. -scope global|local Identifies users with a specific scope for which you want to display information. -role Identifies users with a specific role for which you want to display information. -type Displays the type of account, either a user account or a system account. EXAMPLE The following example lists users with the specified scope and role: naviseccli -address ss1_spa security -list –role monitor -scope global OUTPUT Username: Role: Scope: c monitor global security -listrole Lists the user’s security role. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. If no user account matches the query, an access denied error will be displayed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security command with the -listrole function, lists the user’s security role. 254 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX security -listrole EXAMPLE The following example lists the user’s security role: naviseccli -h security -listrole OUTPUT Role: Administrator security -rmuser Deletes a user account. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security command with the -rmuser function, removes the user account you specify. When you remove a user account, you specify the username and scope. Note You must specify a scope for the user you want to remove, since you can establish two user accounts with the same username and varying scopes, one global and one local. SYNTAX security –rmuser –user username –scope global|local [-o] OPTIONS -user username Identifies the username of the account you want to remove. -scope global|local Specifies the scope, global or local, of the account you want to remove. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE The following example removes the specified user account: naviseccli -address ss1_spa security -rmuser -user b -scope local WARNING: You are about to remove user: b (local) Proceed?(y/n) y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -addserver Creates a new LDAP directory server. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. security -rmuser 255 VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -addserver subcommand creates a new external server login configuration. Only a Unisphere security administrator or administrator can connect your system to an LDAP or Active Directory (AD) service. After defining the server connection settings, and mapping the user’s roles, users can log in to the system with their LDAP username/password. Only two service connections can be configured at a time. System security must be initialized and a domain master must be selected before configuring LDAP connection settings. Consult with the LDAP site administrator to determine the correct parameters. SYNTAX security -ldap -addserver IPaddress -portnumber portnumber -servertype LDAP|AD -protocol LDAP|LDAPS -binddn binddn -bindpassword password -usersearchpath usersearchpath [-groupsearchpath groupsearchpath] [-useridattribute attribute] [-usernameattribute nameattribute] [-groupnameattribute groupattribute] [-groupmemberattribute memberattribute] [-userobjectclass objectclass] [-groupobjectclass groupclass]] [-certpathToCertificatefile] [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP/AD server with the information required to authenticate users. -portnumber portnumber Specifies the port number that the server will open to allow external programs to access it. If the protocol is LDAP, the default port number is 389. If the protocol is LDAPS, the default port number is 636. -servertype LDAP|AD Specifies whether the server is a LDAP directory or AD server. The default is LDAP. -protocol LDAP|LDAPS Lets you specify either LDAPS or LDAP protocol. -binddn binddn Specifies the login name for the LDAP/AD server; it cannot exceed 512 characters. This field allows an LDAP-enabled application to access the targeted server and search for a user ID/password to validate. It should be in "cn=, ou=, dc=, dc=" format. -bindpassword password Credentials used to authenticate the bind DN. If you specify the length of other options such as -binddn, the length of bindpassword should also be specified here. The bindPassword cannot exceed 512 characters. -usersearchpath usersearchpath Sets the path within the LDAP user entry database where a search for the username/ password begins. It cannot exceed 512 characters. It should be in "ou=, dc=, dc=" format. -groupsearchpath groupsearchpath Sets the path within the LDAP user-group entry database where a search for the group name/password begins. It cannot exceed 512 characters. It should be in "ou= , dc=, dc= " format. The option defaults to the User Search Path if you do not specify the path. -useridattribute useridattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user ID will be appended in the LDAP/AD servers. The directory hierarchy will be searched using this attribute/userid pair. The default 256 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block for an LDAP directory is uid and the default for an AD is sAMAccountName. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -usernameattribute nameattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user’s common name (cn) will be appended in the servers. The default is cn and it cannot exceed 128 characters. -groupnameattribute groupattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user group’s common name will be appended in the servers. This is stored as an attribute of an entry within the Group Search Path of the directory. The default is cn and it cannot exceed 128 characters. -groupmemberattribute groupattribute Acts as a search filter for the different attribute types to identify the different groups of members. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the Group Name Attribute parameter. The default value for an LDAP directory is uniqueMembers and the default for an AD is member. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -userobjectclass objectclass Defines the required and optional attributes so that the user entry can act as a search filter in a situation where a user has multiple entries in a server. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the User ID Attribute parameter. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -groupobjectclass groupclass Defines the required and optional attributes so that the group entry can act as a search filter in a situation where a group has multiple entries in a server. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the Group Name Attribute parameter. The default for an LDAP directory is groupOfUniqueNames and the default for an AD is group. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -cert pathToCertificatefile Specifies the full pathname of the trusted certificate file to be uploaded to the certificate store. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user a -password a -scope 0 security -ldap -addserver -portnumber 389 -servertype LDAP -protocol LDAP -binddn cn=Manager,dc=ipv4,dc=com -bindpassword ipv4int -usersearchpath ou=Users,dc=ipv4,dc=com OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -modifyserver Modifies the external server login configuration. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -modifyserver subcommand modifies the settings that connect your system to an LDAP or AD service. Consult with the LDAP/AD site administrator to determine the correct parameters. Only the security administrator or administrator can execute this command. security -ldap -modifyserver 257 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX security -ldap -modifyserver IPaddress -bindpassword password [-ldapserver IPaddress] [-portnumber portnumber] [-servertype LDAP| AD] [-protocol LDAP| LDAPS] [-binddn binddn] [-newbindpassword password] [-usersearchpath usersearchpath] [-groupsearchpath groupsearchpath] [-useridattribute useridattribute] [-usernameattribute usernameattribute] [-groupnameattribute groupnameattribute] [-groupmemberattribute groupmemberattribute] [-userobjectclass userobjectclass] [-groupobjectclass groupclass] [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP/AD server with the information required to authenticate users. -bindpassword password Credentials used to authenticate the bind DN. If you specify the length of other options such as -binddn, the length of bindpassword should also be specified here. The bindpassword cannot exceed 512 characters. -ldapserver IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP server. -portnumber portnumber Lets you specify the port number that the server will open to allow external programs to access it. If the protocol is LDAP, the default port number is 389. If the protocol is LDAPS, the default port number is 636. -servertype LDAP|AD Specifies whether the server is an LDAP directory or AD server. The default is LDAP. -protocol LDAP|LDAPS Lets you specify either LDAPS or LDAP protocol. -binddn binddn Specifies the login name for the LDAP/AD server; it cannot exceed 512 characters. This field allows an LDAP-enabled application to access the targeted server and search for a userid/password to validate. It should be in "cn=, ou=, dc=, dc=" format. -newbindpassword password Specifies the password that corresponds to the bind DN; and it cannot exceed 512 characters. -usersearchpath usersearchpath Sets the path within the LDAP user entry database where a search for the username/ password begins. It cannot exceed 512 characters. It should be in "ou=, dc=, dc=" format. -groupsearchpath groupsearchpath Sets the path within the LDAP user-group entry database where a search for the group name/password begins. It cannot exceed 512 characters. It should be in "ou= , dc=, dc= " format . The option defaults to the User Search Path if you do not specify the path. -useridattribute useridattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user ID will be appended in the LDAP/AD servers. The directory database is searched using this attribute/userid pair. The default for an LDAP directory is uid and the default for an AD is sAMAccountName. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -usernameattribute usernameattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user’s common name (cn) will be appended in the servers. The default is cn. It cannot exceed 128 characters. 258 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -groupnameattribute groupnameattribute Specifies the attribute to which the user group’s common name will be appended in the servers. This is stored as an attribute of an entry within the Group Search Path of the directory. The default is cn. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -groupmemberattribute groupmemberattribute Acts as a search filter for the different attribute types to identify the different groups of members. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the Group Name Attribute parameter. The default value for an LDAP directory is uniqueMembers and the default for an AD is member. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -userobjectclass userobjectclass Defines the required and optional attributes so that the user entry can act as a search filter in a situation where a user has multiple entries in a server. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the User ID Attribute parameter. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -groupobjectclass groupclass Defines the required and optional attributes so that the group entry can act as a search filter in a situation where a group has multiple entries in a server. If you do not specify this field, then a search will be performed using only the Group Name Attribute parameter. The default for an LDAP directory is groupOfUniqueNames, and the default for an AD is group. It cannot exceed 128 characters. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user a -password a -scope 0 security -ldap -modifyserver -bindpassword crosstor -servertype LDAP OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -removeserver Removes a server. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -removeserver subcommand deletes an LDAP external server login configuration. It also destroys all role mapping information related to the specified server. Only the security administrator or administrator can execute the command. SYNTAX security -ldap -removeserver IPaddress [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Deletes the specified network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP or the AD server. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE security -ldap -removeserver security -ldap -removeserver 259 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -listserver Lists the LDAP external server information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap -listserver command lists the existing service connections, that the IP address of the LDAP server identifies. You can use the optional switches to list a particular server. Only the security administrator or administrator can execute the command. SYNTAX security -ldap -listserver [-primaryserver|-alternateserver] OPTIONS -primaryserver Displays the primary server information. The connection, which is set up first, is automatically designated as the primary and is contacted first to authenticate a user or user request. -alternateserver Displays the alternate server information. The only way to change the alternate server to primary is to delete the primary server. EXAMPLE Security -ldap -listserver Primary Server Name: Primary Server Port Number: 389 Primary Server Protocol: ldap Primary Server ServerType: AD Primary Server BindDn: cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=NavilabTEST,dc=us,dc=dg,dc= com Primary Server UserSearchPath: dc=NavilabTEST,dc=us,dc=dg,dc=com Primary Server GroupSearchPath: groupsearchpath Primary Server UserIDAttribute: testuid Primary Server UserNameAttribute: usernameattribute Primary Server GroupNameAttribute: groupnameattribute Primary Server GroupMemberAttribute: groupmemberattribute Primary Server UserObjectClass(optional): userobjectclass Primary Server GroupObjectClass: groupclass Alternate Server Name: Alternate Server Port Number: 389 Alternate Server Protocol: ldap Alternate Server ServerType: LDAP Alternate Server BindDn: cn=root,dc=corp,dc=emc,dc=com Alternate Server UserSearchPath: ou=Group1,dc=corp,dc=emc,dc=com Alternate Server GroupSearchPath: groupsearchpath Alternate Server UserIDAttribute: useridattribute Alternate Server UserNameAttribute: usernameattribute Alternate Server GroupNameAttribute: groupnameattribute Alternate Server GroupMemberAttribute: groupmemberattribute 260 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Alternate Server UserObjectClass(optional): userobjectclass Alternate Server GroupObjectClass: groupclass OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -addrolemapping Creates a new role mapping. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -addrolemapping subcommand creates a new role mapping entity for the corresponding external server. You must initialize system security and select a domain master before configuring LDAP connection settings. Consult with the LDAP administrator for your site to determine the LDAP/AD names of users and groups to which you want to map Unisphere roles. Once you have defined the server connection settings, and mapped the user’s roles, users can log in to the system with their LDAP username/password. The roles are administrator, manager, monitor, security administrator, replication, local replication, and replication/ recovery. SYNTAX security -ldap -addrolemapping IPaddress -name name -type group|user -role role [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP or AD server with the information required to authenticate users. -name name Specifies the name of the role that maps to Unisphere. -type group|user Specifies the type of role mapping. The group type of role mapping applies to a group of people. The user type of role mapping applies to only one individual. -role role Specifies the user/group role that maps to Unisphere. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE security -ldap -addrolemapping -name ldap4ipv4 -type user -role administrator OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -modifyrolemapping Modifies the role mapping. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. security -ldap -addrolemapping 261 VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -modifyrolemapping subcommand modifies the user or group role mappings to an LDAP or AD service. SYNTAX security -ldap -modifyrolemapping IPaddress -name name -type group|user -role role [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP or the AD server. -name name Specifies the name of the role that maps to Unisphere. -type group|user Specifies the type of the role mapping to be modified. The group type of role mapping applies to a group of people. The user type of role mapping applies to only one individual. -role role Specifies the user/group role that maps to Unisphere. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE security -ldap -modifyrolemapping -name test -type user -role monitor OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -removerolemapping Removes the role mapping entity. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -removerolemapping subcommand removes the role mapping entity from Unisphere for the corresponding external server. Only the Unisphere administrator can remove user or group role mappings to an LDAP or AD service. You can delete all role mappings using the -all switch. To delete a particular role mapping, specify the -name and -type switch. SYNTAX security -ldap -removerolemapping IPaddress [-name name -type group|user] | [-all] [-o] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP or the Active Directory server. -name name -type group|user Deletes role mapping with a specified role mapping name and type. The group type of role mapping applies to a group of people. The user type of role mapping applies to only one individual. -all 262 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -o Deletes all role mappings. Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE security -ldap -removerolemapping -name test -type user OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -ldap -listrolemapping Lists a role mapping entity. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -listrolemapping subcommand lists the role mapping entity for the corresponding external server. It displays the role mapping as a security administrator, administrator, manager, or monitor. You can use the -name switch to list a particular role mapping. SYNTAX security -ldap -listrolemapping IPaddress [-name name] OPTIONS IPaddress Specifies the network IP address (IPv4) of the LDAP or the AD server with the information required to authenticate users. -name name Displays role mapping with the specified role mapping name. EXAMPLE security -ldap -listrolemapping OUTPUT Name: Test_1 Type: user Role: administrator Name: Test_2 Type: group Role: security administrator security -ldap -synchronize Synchronizes the accounts. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -ldap command with the -synchronize subcommand manually synchronizes the accounts with the current service. security -ldap -listrolemapping 263 VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX security -ldap -synchronize [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -certificate -add Imports the certificate. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The security -certificate -add command imports the certificate from the certificate file. Secure CLI supports BASE64PEM format certificate. SYNTAX security –certificate -add -file filename [-client -role role] OPTIONS -file filename Specifies the path of the certification on the local file system. -client Specifies that this is a client certificate and not a server certificate. -role role Specifies the role you want to apply to the client certificate. EXAMPLE naviseccli security –certificate –add -file c:\Node1.cer security -certificate -remove Removes the specified certificate. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -certificate -remove command removes the specified certificate in certificate store. SYNTAX security –certificate –remove [-issuer issuer -serialnumber serial number] [-client] |[-all] OPTIONS -issuerissuer Specifies the issuer of the certificate that will be removed. -serialnumberserial number Specifies the certificate. -all Removes all certificates in the certificate store. -client 264 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Specifies that this is a client certificate rather than a server certificate. EXAMPLE naviseccli security –certificate –remove –issuer “CN=ICA1 1rst Intermediate CA – Signed by Root, OU=CSP, O=RSA, ST=MA,C=US” -serialNumber 00e2 security -certificate -list Lists the certificates. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -certificate -list command lists all certificates in the certificate store. Use the expire option to list only the expired certificate. SYNTAX security -certificate –list [-client][-showOnly expired] OPTIONS -showOnly expired Lists only the expired certificates. -client Lists the client SSL certificates. EXAMPLE naviseccli security –certificate –list OUTPUT _____________________________________________________________________ ------------Subject: CN=TrustedRoot,C=US,ST=MA,L=Hopkinton,,OU=CSP,O=RSA Issuer: CN=TrustedRoot,C=US,ST=MA,L=Hopkinton,,OU=CSP,O=RSA Serial#: 00d8280b0c863f6d4e Valid From: 20090407135111Z Valid To: 20190405135111Z ______________________________________________________________________ ------------Subject: CN=ICA1 1rst Intermediate CA – Signed by Root, OU=CSP, O=RSA, ST=MA,C=US Issuer: CN=TrustedRoot, C=US,ST=MA,L=Hopkinton,,OU=CSP,O=RSA Serial#: 00e2 Valid From: 20090407135113Z Valid To: 20190405135113Z ______________________________________________________________________ ------------Subject: CN=ICA1 2nd Intermediate CA,OU=CSP,O=RSA,ST=MA,C=US Issuer: CN=ICA1 1rst Intermediate CA – Signed by Root,OU=CSP,O=RSA,ST=MA,C=US Serial#: 00e3 Valid From: 20090407135113Z Valid To: 20190405135113Z ______________________________________________________________________ ------------- security -certificate -list 265 VNX CLI for Block Subject: CN=node 1 CA – Signed by ICA1, OU=CSP, O=RSA, ST=MA,C=US Issuer: CN=ICA1 1rst Intermediate CA – Signed by Root, OU=CSP, O=RSA, ST=MA,C=US Serial#: 00e2 Valid From: 20090407135113Z Valid To: 20190405135113Z ______________________________________________________________________ ------------- security -certificate -alertBeforeExpiration Indicates that an alert should be generated prior to the expiration of the SSL/TLS certificate. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -certificate -alertBeforeExpiration command indicates that an alert should be generated prior to the expiration of the SSL/TLS certificate. SYNTAX security -certificate -alertBeforeExpiration DAYS OPTIONS -alertBeforeExpiration DAYS Sets the number of days to send an alert before the certificate expires. Valid values are from 0 to 366. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -certificate -alertBeforeExpiration 10 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -pkcs12upload Uploads a PKCS #12 file which contains a certificate and private key to the storage system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -pkcs12upload command uploads a PKCS #12 file, which contains a certificate and private key, to the storage system. SYNTAX security -pkcs12upload -file FILE [-passphrase PASSPHRASE] OPTIONS -file FILE Specifies the file full name of the certificate to be imported. -passphrase PASSPHRASE Specifies the export password of the certificate. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -pkcs12upload c:\cert.p12 266 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -SPcertificate -generate Generates a new self-signed certificate and replaces the one currently in use. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -SPcertificate -generate command generates a new self-signed certificate and replaces the one currently in use. SYNTAX security -SPcertificate –generate EXAMPLE naviseccli security -SPcertificate –generate OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -fipsmode -set Sets the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) mode of Unisphere. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -fipsmode -set command sets the FIPS mode of Unisphere. SYNTAX security -fipsmode -set 0|1 [-o] OPTIONS -set 0|1 Sets the FIPS mode of Unisphere. Valid values are 0 and 1. 0 Sets the mode to Non-FIPS 140-2-compliant mode. 1 Sets the mode to FIPS 140-2-compliant mode. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -fipsmode -set 1 WARNING: You are about to change FIPS mode. Any other existing background management tasks will be interrupted and the system will be unavailable for management while the environment restarts. IO to the system will be unaffected. Proceed?(y/n) security -SPcertificate -generate 267 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -fipsmode -get Gets the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) mode of Unisphere. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -fipsmode -get command gets the FIPS mode of Unisphere. SYNTAX security -fipsmode -get EXAMPLE naviseccli security -fipsmode -get OUTPUT FIPS 140-2 compliant: ENABLED security -setport Sets the http/https ports that Unisphere uses. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -setport command changes the http/https port numbers. SYNTAX security -setport -port [80/443]|[2162/2163] OPTIONS -port [80/443]|[2162/2163] Sets the ports that Unisphere uses. Valid port pairs are either 80/443 or 2162/2163. EMC recommends that all systems in the domain use the same management port pair. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -setport -port 80/443 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -trustedclient -enable Enables or disables IP Filtering for all storage systems supporting filtering. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 268 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -trustedclient command with the -enable subcommand enables or disables IP Filtering for all storage systems supporting filtering. SYNTAX security -trustedclient -enable yes|no [-o] OPTIONS -enable yes|no Enables (yes) or disables (no) IP Filtering. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -trustedclient -enable yes WARNING: You are about to enable IP Filtering which may cut off access from clients. Proceed?(y/n) y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -trustedclient -add Adds an IP Filter to the storage system or Unisphere Domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -trustedclient command with the -add subcommand adds an IP Filter to the storage system or Unisphere Domain. Administrators and security administrators can extend remote service tool access to a storage system's management ports by entering the IP addresses of attached, trusted clients. SYNTAX security -trustedclient -add -ipaddress ADDRESS -applyto single|all [-o] OPTIONS -ipaddress ADDRESS Specifies the client's IP Address to allow access for. -applyto single|all Applies the filter to the connected storage system only (single) or all storage systems in the domain (all). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -trustedclient -add -ipaddress applyto all WARNING: You are about to grant access solely to this trusted client. Proceed?(y/n) y security -trustedclient -add 269 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. security -trustedclient -list Lists the current IP Filters for the storage system and Unisphere Domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -trustedclient command with the -list subcommand lists the current IP Filters for the storage system and Unisphere Domain. SYNTAX security -trustedclient -list [-ipaddress ADDRESS]|[-showall] OPTIONS -ipaddress ADDRESS Specifies the client's IP Address to list filtering for. -showall Shows all trusted clients, including locals that only apply to other storage systems. EXAMPLE naviseccli security -trustedclient -list OUTPUT Current IP Filtering State: enabled Trusted Client: Applies To: all security -trustedclient -remove Removes IP Filters from the storage system or Unisphere Domain. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli security -trustedclient command with the -remove subcommand removes IP Filters from the storage system or Unisphere Domain. SYNTAX security -trustedclient -remove [-ipaddress ADDRESS] -applyto single|all [-o] OPTIONS -ipaddress ADDRESS Specifies the client's IP Address to remove filtering for. -applyto single|all Applies the filter to the connected storage system only (single) or all storage systems in the domain (all). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 270 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE naviseccli security -trustedclient -remove -ipaddress applyto all WARNING! If you proceed, access will be terminated for the initiating client. Proceed?(y/n) y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. Event Monitor commands This section provides a brief overview of the event monitor and includes a list of commands you can use to configure and manage Event Monitor. Event Monitoring overview The Event Monitor is an enterprise tool that supports centralized or distributed monitoring of storage systems in a heterogeneous environment. Event Monitor is part of the Agent, and it is available on many operating systems. Once configured, the Event Monitor runs continuously as a service or daemon, observing the state of all specified storage systems and notifying you when selected events have occurred. The Event Monitor has portal, template, and monitor commands for portal configuration, template management, and centralized and distributed event monitor management respectively. naviseccli Event Monitor commands on page 271 lists the event monitor commands. Table 15 naviseccli Event Monitor commands Command Description -portal -create Adds a host agent to the portal system. -portal -list Lists the portal configurations. -portal -migrate Migrates the portals. -portal -destroy Deletes the host agent from the portal system. -template -list Lists the templates. -template -import Imports the template files. -template -export Exports the templates. -template -destroy Deletes the templates. -template -findconflict Finds and resolves template conflicts. -template -swap Swaps two templates. -monitor -addsystem Adds the storage system to be monitored. -monitor -removesystem Removes the storage system from the monitor. -monitor -listmapping Lists the storage template mappings. -monitor -applytemplate Applies the template to the monitor. Event Monitor commands 271 VNX CLI for Block Table 15 naviseccli Event Monitor commands (continued) Command Description -monitor -stoptemplate Stops applying the template to the monitor. -monitor -getlog Displays the Event Monitor log. -monitor -enableresponse Enables the response from the specified monitor. -monitor -disableresponse Disables the response from the specified monitor. -monitor -getlogsize Gets the log size of the monitor. -monitor -setlogsize Sets the log size of the monitor. -monitor -inserttestevent Inserts an event in the log. -monitor -responsetest Creates an artificial event. -monitor -reloadconfig Reloads the template file. -portal -create Adds a host agent to the portal system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -portal -create command adds the specified host agent to the specified portal system. SYNTAX eventmonitor -portal -create -system portalsystemname -server hostagentname OPTIONS -system portalsystemname Specifies the portal system. -server hostagentname Specifies the host agent. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -portal -create -system cx380_123_227 -server OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -portal -list Lists the portal configurations. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 272 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -portal -list command lists the portal system and its hosts. SYNTAX eventmonitor -portal -list OUTPUT Portal configuration is listed. Nothing is listed if the portal configuration is not available. -portal -migrate Migrates the portals. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -portal -migrate command migrates the portal system. The host to which the portals are connected is migrated automatically. SYNTAX eventmonitor -portal -migrate -source source portal system name -dest destination portal system name OPTIONS -source source portal system name Specifies the original portal configuration name. -dest destination portal system name Specifies the destination portal configuration name. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -portal -migrate -source cx380_123_223 -dest cx380_123_227 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -portal -destroy Deletes the host agent from the portal system. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -portal -destroy command deletes the specified host agent from the specified portal system. SYNTAX eventmonitor -portal -destroy -system portal system name -server hostname [-o] OPTIONS -system portal system name Specifies the portal system whose host is deleted. -portal -migrate 273 VNX CLI for Block -server hostname Deletes the specified host agent. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -portal -destroy -system cx380_123_227 -server OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -template -list Lists the templates. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -list function lists all the templates available in the template database of the target system. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -list OUTPUT The templates in the database are listed; none if the templates are not available. -template -import Imports the template files. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -import function imports the template file from the file system to the template database. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -import -templatefilename filename OPTIONS -templatefilename filename Specifies the template to be imported to the template database of the target system. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -template -import -templatefilename D:\Templates\Template_Test.tpl OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. 274 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -template -export Exports the templates. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -export function exports the template from the template database to the file system. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -export -templatename templatename -filepath localfilepath OPTIONS -templatename template name Specifies the template. -filepath localfilepath Specifies the local file path. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -template -export -templatename Template_Test -filepath D:\Templates\ OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -template -destroy Deletes the templates. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -destroy function deletes the specified template from the template database on the target system. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -destroy -templatename templatename [-o] OPTIONS -templatename templatename Deletes the specified template. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -template -destroy -templatename Template_Test OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -template -export 275 VNX CLI for Block -template -findconflict Finds and resolves template conflicts. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -findconflict function lists the conflicting templates. The -resolve switch prompts you to resolve them. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -findconflict [-resolve] OPTIONS -resolve Resolves the template conflict. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -template -findconflict -resolve OUTPUT The sample output is as follows: Event Template from host 0 true NTPProvider Operation successfully completed. yes 30 1 0 "1234567812345678" "" is in conflict with the template in the database. How do you want to resolve the conflict? 1. Update the template on the remote host. 2. Rename the template on the remote host. 3. Delete the template on the remote host. 4. Ignore this conflict. Would you like to apply this option to all conflicting template(s)?(y/n) -template -swap Swaps the two templates. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli eventmonitor -template command with the -swap function swaps the two specified templates. The system that used template A uses template B after the swap. SYNTAX eventmonitor -template -swap -templateName template name A template name B [-keepResponses] OPTIONS -templateName template name A template name B Swaps the specified template names. 276 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE EventMonitor -template -swap -templateName Template_Test_1 Template_Test_2 -keepResponses OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -addsystem Adds the system to be monitored. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -addsystem function adds the specified system to the monitored system list of the specified host agent. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -addsystem -server hostname -system system name OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. -system system name Specifies the system. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -addsystem -server -system cx380_123_223 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -removesystem Removes the system from the monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -removesystem function removes the specified system from the monitored system list of the specified host agent. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -removesystem -server hostname -system system name OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. -system system name -monitor -addsystem 277 VNX CLI for Block Specifies the system. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -removesystem -server -system cx380_123_223 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -listmapping Lists the storage template mappings. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -listmapping function lists all the storage template mappings of the specified centralized or distributed monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -listmapping -server hostname|-system storage system name OPTIONS -server hostname Lists the mapping information of the centralized monitor. -system system name Lists the mapping information of the distributed monitor. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -listmapping -server eventmonitor -monitor -listmapping -system cx380_123_223 OUTPUT The mapping information of the specified monitor is listed. None will be listed if the mapping is not available. -monitor -applytemplate Applies the template to the monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -applytemplate function applies the template to the specific event monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -applytemplate [-server hostname] [-system system name] -templatename templatename 278 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -server hostname Applies the template to the specified centralized monitor as a global template. -system system name Applies the template to the specified distributed monitor. If you specify both the server and the system, it applies the template to the specific system monitored by the centralized monitor. -templatename templatename Specifies the template name. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -applytemplate -server -system cx380_123_223 -templatename Template_Test OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -stoptemplate Stops applying the template to the monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -stoptemplate function stops applying the template to the specific event monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -stoptemplate [-server hostname] [-system system name] -templatename templatename OPTIONS -server hostname Stops applying the template to the specified centralized monitor. -system system name Stops applying the template to the specified distributed monitor. If you specify both the server and the system, it stops applying the template to the specific system and the centralized monitor. -templatename templatename Specifies the template name. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -stoptemplate -server -system cx380_123_223 -templatename Template_Test OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -stoptemplate 279 VNX CLI for Block -monitor -getlog Displays the event monitor log. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -getlog function displays the event monitor log. If the range of entries is not specified, the entire log is displayed with the oldest entry first. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -getlog -server hostname [-h] [+N]|[-N] OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. -h Displays the getlog header. +N Displays the oldest n entries in the log, with the oldest entry first. -N Displays the newest n entries in the log, with the newest entry first. OUTPUT Audit Logging Service 01/27/2009 14:41:46 N/A (4612)NaviCLI.exe application was started by the user, following was the application detail Process Id : 2540 Path :C:\emc\Navisphere\\msgbin\NaviCLI.exe User : user1 Domain : cx420_47_52. Audit Logging Service 01/27/2009 14:41:46 N/A (2004)Test Event NaviEventMonitorApp 01/27/2009 14:41:48 N/A (4613)NaviCLI.exe application was closed by the user, following was the application detail Process Id : 2540 Path :C:\emc\Navisphere\\msgbin\NaviCLI.exe User : user1 Domain : cx420_47_52. -monitor -enableresponse Enables the response from the specified monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -enableresponse function enables the response from the specified event monitor. 280 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -enableresponse -server hostname | -system system name OPTIONS -server hostname Enables the response from the centralized monitor. -system system name Enables the response from the distributed monitor. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -enableresponse -system cx380_123_223 eventmonitor -monitor -enableresponse -server OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -disableresponse Disables the response from the specified monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -disableresponse function disables the response from the specified event monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -disableresponse -server hostname | -system system name -time duration min [-o] OPTIONS -server hostname Disables the response from the centralized monitor. -system system name Disables the response from the distributed monitor. -time Specifies the time in minutes. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -disableresponse -system cx380_123_223 -time 30 eventmonitor -monitor -disableresponse -server -time 30 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -disableresponse 281 VNX CLI for Block -monitor -getlogsize Gets the log size of the monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -getlogsize function gets the log size of the event monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -getlogsize -server hostname | -system system name OPTIONS -server hostname Gets the log size of the centralized monitor. -system system name Gets the log size of the distributed monitor. EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -getlogsize -server eventmonitor -monitor -getlogsize -system cx380_123_223 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -setlogsize Sets the log size of the monitor. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -setlogsize function changes the log size of Event Monitor. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -setlogsize -server hostname | -system system name -size logsize [-o] OPTIONS -server hostname Sets the log size of the centralized monitor. -system system name Sets the log size of the distributed monitor. -size logsize Specifies the log size in bytes. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 282 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block EXAMPLE eventmonitor -monitor -setlogsize -server -size 20000000 eventmonitor -monitor -setlogsize -system cx380_123_223 -size 20000000 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -inserttestevent Inserts an event in the log. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -inserttestevent function inserts an event into the Event Monitor event log. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -inserttestevent -server hostname OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. -monitor -responsetest Creates an artificial event. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -responsetest function creates an artificial event to test the Event Monitor response. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -responsetest -server hostname -email -smtpmailserver smtpmailserver -destaddress destaddress [-subject subject] [-cc cc] [-message message|-file filename [-sender sender_email_addr] -emailpage -smtpmailserver smtpmailserver -destaddress destaddress [-subject subject] [-cc cc] [-message message|-file filename] [-sender sender_email_addr] -modempage -destnumber destnumber -msgnumber msgnumber -monitor -inserttestevent 283 VNX CLI for Block [-comport comport] [-dialcommand dialcommand] [-initcommand initcommand] [-messagedelay messagedelay] -snmp -desthost desthost [-device device] [-community community] OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. -smtpmailserver smtpmailserver Specifies the SMTP mail server. -destaddress destaddress Specifies the destination email address. [-subject subject] Specifies the subject of the email. [-cc cc] The email address to which to send a cc (copy). [-message message |-file filename] The message describes the event and -file specifies a file with descriptive text. [-sender sender_email_address] Specifies the sender address. If omitted, the CLI inserts the agent hostname as the sender_email_address. -destnumber destnumber Specifies the pager phone number (with area code). -msgnumber msgnumber Specifies the number that will appear on the pager display (with area code). [-comport comport] Specifies the PC COM port number. If omitted, the CLI assumes COM l. [-dialcommand dialcommand] Specifies the modem dial command to be used by the agent. [-initcommand initcommand] Specifies the modem dial command to be used by the agent. It allows for some custom modem configuration before the data is sent to it. [-messagedelay messagedelay] Specifies the delay between sending the destination phone number to the modem and sending the message to the modem. This allows enough time for the receiving modem to answer the all. -desthost desthost Specifies an SNMP management hostname. -device device Specifies the device represented by the SNMP management host. -community community Specifies a community on the SNMP managment host. OUTPUT Provides an output depending on the switches used; provides status or error information if it fails. 284 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -monitor -reloadconfig Reloads the template file. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -monitor command with the -reloadconfig function reloads the template file. SYNTAX eventmonitor -monitor -reloadconfig -server hostname OPTIONS -server hostname Specifies the host agent. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. Virtual server commands This section explains the virtual server commands to configure virtual center/ESX credentials. Virtual server overview The virtual server integration feature simplifies the process for assigning a system to the virtual servers and their virtual machines. The virtual server commands identify and display the ESX server or Virtual Center (VC) server, and display the mapping between the LUN and the virtual machine. These commands let you configure VC/ESX credentials. You must configure an ESX server that needs virtualization integration information with a system in the domain. To execute host agent commands, the host does not need be attached to the system, but network connectivity is required. naviseccli virtual server commands on page 285 lists the virtual server commands. Table 16 naviseccli virtual server commands Command Description server -volmap Lists the volume map information. server -update Updates the server information. server -getagent Displays the agent information. server -remoteconfig Displays the remote configuration information. server -register Displays the agent information on the host. hypervisor -addvirtualcenter Adds virtual center credentials. hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter Modifies virtual center credentials. -monitor -reloadconfig 285 VNX CLI for Block Table 16 naviseccli virtual server commands (continued) Command Description hypervisor -removevirtualcenter Removes virtual center credentials. hypervisor -addESX Adds ESX credentials. hypervisor -modifyESX Modifies ESX server properties. hypervisor -removeESX Removes ESX credentials. hypervisor -listESX Lists ESX servers. server -volmap Lists the volume map information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -volmap command lists the volume map information. If the host is an ESX server (ESX_1), then it displays the ESX server information (LUN to VM mappings) of all the systems attached to the host. If the specified host is a physical host, it displays lunmapinfo information for all systems attached to the host. Refer to the EMC Navisphere CLI Reference (P/N 300-003-628 Rev. A10) for information on the lunmapinfo command. SYNTAX naviseccli -h array_a server -volmap -host ipaddress [-local] [-vm] OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the attached host whose information is displayed. -local Displays only the attached host information. -vm Displays all ESX_1 mount points on systems A and B. EXAMPLE naviseccli server -volmap -host ipaddress OUTPUT Sample output (if the host is a physical host): Logical Drives: N\A Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive13 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:11 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 3 Current Owner: N\A Default Owner: N\A Trespassed: N\A LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): .2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 4194304 286 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Logical Drives: P:\ Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive14 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:12 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 4 Current Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP B Trespassed: Yes LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): 1.2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 2097152 naviseccli server -volmap –host ipaddress -local Logical Drives: F:\ Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive18 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:36:F7:22:00:2A:48:A4:C1:57:0E:DE:11 SNAPSHOT admhost_snapshot1_0 ----- snapshot name will replace LUN Default Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP A Trespassed: NO LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): 0 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 204800 Sample output (if the host is an ESX server): ESX Server Info: Name: IP address: Device Id: vmhba1:0:1 Device Name: vmhba1:0:1 Datastore:N/A LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:11 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 4 Current Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP B LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): .2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 4194304 naviseccli server -volmap -host ipaddress -vm Sample output (if the host is an ESX server): ESX Server Info: Name: IP address: Virtual Machine Info: VM Name: Hard Disk 1 Guest Host Name: Guest IP Address: Guest OS: Name: Hard Disk 1 Type: Mapped Raw LUN File Size(MB):100 File Path: \[DataStore1]\VM1\hd1.vmdk LUN Name: LUN 5 LUN ID: 5 Name: My virtual machine Type: VMX Config File File Size(MB): N/A File Path: \[DataStore1]\VM1\hd1.vmdk server -volmap 287 VNX CLI for Block LUN Name: N/A LUN ID: N/A server -update Updates the server information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -update command polls and updates the physical and ESX servers attached to the system. It also displays the update status. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server-update [-host ipaddress [-rescandevices[-o]]] [-all [-rescandevices[-o]]] [-status] OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the host (physical host or ESX server). It polls and updates the host. -all Polls and updates all the hosts (physical and ESX server) attached to the system. -status Displays the status of all hosts polled in the last poll cycle. -rescandevices Rescans and then updates the servers. It displays the confirmation before proceeding. -o Overrides the confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli server -update -status OUTPUT Update Status: Poll Servers started at 06-NOV-2008 16:19:53. Poll Servers completed successfully at 06-NOV-2008 16:22:53 Processed 3 out of 3 servers server -getagent Gets the agent information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -getagent command lists the agent information on the host. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -getagent -host ipaddress 288 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. OUTPUT Agent Rev: 6.29.75 (0.9) server -remoteconfig Gets the remote configuration information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -remoteconfig command displays and modifies the host agent configuration information. The command scans all the devices in the system on a remote host. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -remoteconfig -host ipaddress OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. -description Gets/sets the contents of description field. -contact Gets/sets the contents of the contact field. -dev Displays the device name, system, comments, and the connection type (SCSI, TTY, and LAN). -users Displays information about the users. -interval Gets/sets the contents of the polling interval field. The valid range is 1 to 120. -baudrate Gets/sets the baud rate. -logsize Gets/sets the log size to be transferred. -userexplicitdevnames Gets/sets user explicit device names. -write Writes an image of the configuration file as it exists on the host. -managedev Adds the SCSI devices in the managed device list. Each device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -open Keeps the device handle open between requests. This improves or degrades the agent performance depending on the operating system. -managetty Adds the serial devices in the managed device list. Each device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -managelan server -remoteconfig 289 VNX CLI for Block Adds the LAN devices in the managed device list. Every device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -adduser Sets the users field. The format of the usernames for SP A/SP B is system@ipaddress of SPA/SPB ; separate these usernames with a space. -unmanagedev Removes the device from the managed device list. -manageauto Executes auto configuration (manages all SCSI devices). -rmuser Removes the specified users from the authorized user list. -f Reads an image of the configuration file as it exists on the host. -reloadconfig Reloads the agent configuration file without stopping and starting the agent. Once polling of the server has completed, the changes will be reflected. -scan Scans the devices in the system on a remote host. OUTPUT Provides output depending on the options used. server -register Calls the Unisphere Agent running on the server to push/registration to systems. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -register command calls the Unisphere Agent running on the server to push/registration to systems. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -register -host ipaddress OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -addvirtualcenter Adds virtual center credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -addvirtualcenter command adds the virtual center credentials. The virtual center credentials are stored in the system. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -addvirtualcenter ipaddress 290 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -username user [-password password] [-description description] [-cert pathToCertificatefile] [-o] OPTIONS ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the virtual center server. -username user Specifies the username of the virtual center. -password password Specifies the password of the virtual center. If you do not type the password, the system prompts you to type it. -description description Maximum variable length is 128 characters and the minimum variable length is 0. -cert pathToCertificatefile Specifies the full pathname of trusted certificate file to be uploaded to the certificate store. -o Sends a prompt if you specify the incorrect username/password. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter Modifies virtual center credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter command modifies an existing virtual center server’s credentials. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter name | ipaddress [-username user -password password] [-o] [-description description] OPTIONS name | ipadress Specifies the name or the IP address of the virtual center server. -username user Specifies the new username of the virtual center. -password password Specifies the password of the virtual center. -description Maximum variable length is 128 characters and the minimum variable length is 0. -o Sends a prompt if you specify the incorrect username/password. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -modifyvirtualcenter 291 VNX CLI for Block hypervisor -removevirtualcenter Removes virtual center credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -removevirtualcenter command removes an existing virtual center server’s credentials. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -removevirtualcenter name | ipaddress [-o] OPTIONS name | ipaddress Specifies the name or the IP address of the virtual center server. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -addesx Adds ESX credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -addesx command adds ESX credentials. You must specify the ESX credentials manually if the ESX server is not managed by the virtual center server. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -addesx name|ipaddress -username user [-password password] [-cert pathToCertificatefile] [-o] OPTIONS -username user Specifies the username of the ESX server. -password password Specifies the password of the ESX server. -cert pathToCertificatefile Specifies the full pathname of the trusted certificate file to be uploaded to the certificate store. -o Sends a prompt if you specify the incorrect username/password. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. 292 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block hypervisor -modifyesx Modifies ESX server properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -modifyesx command modifies an existing virtual center server’s credentials. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -modifyesx name | ipaddress -username user -password password [-o] OPTIONS name | ipaddress Specifies the name or the IP address of the ESX server to be modified. -username user Specifies the new username of the ESX server. -password password Specifies the new password of the ESX server. Note The options -username and -password have to be specified to change either one of them. -o Sends a prompt if you specify the incorrect username/password. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -removeesx Removes ESX credentials. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -removeesx command removes existing ESX server credentials. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -removeesx name | ipaddress [-o] OPTIONS name | ipaddress Specifies the name or the IP address of the ESX server to be removed. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -modifyesx 293 VNX CLI for Block hypervisor -listesx Lists ESX servers. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -listesx command lists all servers with IP address and description. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -listesx OUTPUT ESX Server(s): Name: IP Address: Virtual center Managed ESX server(s): Virtual Center IP Address: Virtual Center Description: Virtual Center IP Address: Virtual Center Description: hypervisor -bypassCert -set Sets bypass certificate verification. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -bypassCert -set command sets the bypass certificate verification for virtual servers. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -bypassCert -set [0|1] OPTIONS -set Sets the bypass certificate verification for virtual servers. Valid values are 0 (not bypass) and 1 (bypass). OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. hypervisor -bypassCert -get Gets bypass certificate verification. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli hypervisor -bypassCert -get command gets the bypass certificate verification for virtual servers. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -hypervisor -bypassCert -get 294 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block OPTIONS -get Gets the bypass certificate verification for virtual servers. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. Host Agent commands This section explains the host agent commands to configure virtual center/ESX credentials. server -volmap Lists the volume map information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -volmap command lists the volume map information. If the host is an ESX server (ESX_1), then it displays the ESX server information (LUN to VM mappings) of all the systems attached to the host. If the specified host is a physical host, it displays lunmapinfo information for all systems attached to the host. Refer to the EMC Navisphere CLI Reference (P/N 300-003-628 Rev. A10) for information on the lunmapinfo command. SYNTAX naviseccli -h array_a server -volmap -host ipaddress [-local] [-vm] OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the attached host whose information is displayed. -local Displays only the attached host information. -vm Displays all ESX_1 mount points on systems A and B. EXAMPLE naviseccli server -volmap -host ipaddress OUTPUT Sample output (if the host is a physical host): Logical Drives: N\A Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive13 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:11 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 3 Current Owner: N\A Default Owner: N\A Trespassed: N\A LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): .2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 4194304 Logical Drives: P:\ Host Agent commands 295 VNX CLI for Block Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive14 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:12 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 4 Current Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP B Trespassed: Yes LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): 1.2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 2097152 naviseccli server -volmap –host ipaddress -local Logical Drives: F:\ Physical Device: \\.\PhysicalDrive18 LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:36:F7:22:00:2A:48:A4:C1:57:0E:DE:11 SNAPSHOT admhost_snapshot1_0 ----- snapshot name will replace LUN Default Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP A Trespassed: NO LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): 0 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 204800 Sample output (if the host is an ESX server): ESX Server Info: Name: IP address: Device Id: vmhba1:0:1 Device Name: vmhba1:0:1 Datastore:N/A LOGICAL UNIT WWN: 60:06:01:60:93:31:19:00:01:DC:1D:0B:07:0D:DB:11 LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER: 4 Current Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP B LUN Capacity(Gigabytes): .2 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 4194304 naviseccli server -volmap -host ipaddress -vm Sample output (if the host is an ESX server): ESX Server Info: Name: IP address: Virtual Machine Info: VM Name: Hard Disk 1 Guest Host Name: Guest IP Address: Guest OS: Name: Hard Disk 1 Type: Mapped Raw LUN File Size(MB):100 File Path: \[DataStore1]\VM1\hd1.vmdk LUN Name: LUN 5 LUN ID: 5 Name: My virtual machine Type: VMX Config File File Size(MB): N/A File Path: \[DataStore1]\VM1\hd1.vmdk LUN Name: N/A LUN ID: N/A 296 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block server -update Updates the server information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -update command polls and updates the physical and ESX servers attached to the system. It also displays the update status. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server-update [-host ipaddress [-rescandevices[-o]]] [-all [-rescandevices[-o]]] [-status] OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the host (physical host or ESX server). It polls and updates the host. -all Polls and updates all the hosts (physical and ESX server) attached to the system. -status Displays the status of all hosts polled in the last poll cycle. -rescandevices Rescans and then updates the servers. It displays the confirmation before proceeding. -o Overrides the confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli server -update -status OUTPUT Update Status: Poll Servers started at 06-NOV-2008 16:19:53. Poll Servers completed successfully at 06-NOV-2008 16:22:53 Processed 3 out of 3 servers server -getagent Gets the agent information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -getagent command lists the agent information on the host. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -getagent -host ipaddress OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. server -update 297 VNX CLI for Block OUTPUT Agent Rev: 6.29.75 (0.9) server -remoteconfig Gets the remote configuration information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -remoteconfig command displays and modifies the host agent configuration information. The command scans all the devices in the system on a remote host. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -remoteconfig -host ipaddress OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. -description Gets/sets the contents of description field. -contact Gets/sets the contents of the contact field. -dev Displays the device name, system, comments, and the connection type (SCSI, TTY, and LAN). -users Displays information about the users. -interval Gets/sets the contents of the polling interval field. The valid range is 1 to 120. -baudrate Gets/sets the baud rate. -logsize Gets/sets the log size to be transferred. -userexplicitdevnames Gets/sets user explicit device names. -write Writes an image of the configuration file as it exists on the host. -managedev Adds the SCSI devices in the managed device list. Each device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -open Keeps the device handle open between requests. This improves or degrades the agent performance depending on the operating system. -managetty Adds the serial devices in the managed device list. Each device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -managelan Adds the LAN devices in the managed device list. Every device includes a device name, system name, and an optional description. -adduser Sets the users field. The format of the usernames for SP A/SP B is system@ipaddress of SPA/SPB ; separate these usernames with a space. 298 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -unmanagedev Removes the device from the managed device list. -manageauto Executes auto configuration (manages all SCSI devices). -rmuser Removes the specified users from the authorized user list. -f Reads an image of the configuration file as it exists on the host. -reloadconfig Reloads the agent configuration file without stopping and starting the agent. Once polling of the server has completed, the changes will be reflected. -scan Scans the devices in the system on a remote host. OUTPUT Provides output depending on the options used. server -register Calls the Unisphere Agent running on the server to push/registration to systems. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli server -register command calls the Unisphere Agent running on the server to push/registration to systems. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp server -register -host ipaddress OPTIONS -host ipaddress Specifies the IP address of an attached host. It is applicable for any host running the agent. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. Unisphere Server Utility This section provides the CLI commands for Unisphere Server Utility tools. Using the server utility command line to generate a high-availability report The high-availability option determines if the server is configured for high availability by verifying that the server has at least one connection path to each system SP, and that PowerPath or some other failover software, such as DMP, VMware native, PV Links, or HP native failover is running. The utility will not detect any other native failover software, such as native multipath (MPIO) for Linux, Solaris, or Windows Server 2008. Generate a high-availability report to: l check the status of a server. l prepare for software installation on a system. server -register 299 VNX CLI for Block Checking the status of a server To periodically check the high-availability status of a server, issue the appropriate command for your operating system. For UNIX servers: naviserverutilcli hav[-directory | -d outputdirectory where outputdirectory specifies the directory to which you want to deposit the report on the server. This switch is required only if you are running the server utility from the CD. Otherwise the report is automatically saved to the Unisphere Server Utility installation directory. If the server utility is installed on your server and you specify a directory, the directory you specify will override the server utility's installation directory. For Windows servers: 1. Open a command window and enter one of the following: l cd C:\Program Files\EMC\Unisphere Server Utility l cd C:\Program Files (x86)\EMC\Unisphere Server Utility 2. Enter: naviserverutilcli hav[-directory | -d outputdirectory where outputdirectory specifies the directory to which you want to deposit the report on the server. This switch is required only if you are running the server utility from the CD. Otherwise the report is automatically saved to the Unisphere Server Utility installation directory. If the server utility is installed on your server and you specify a directory, the directory you specify will override the server utility's installation directory. 3. For ESX servers, use the following additional switches to specify the ESX server or vCenter for which you want a report. l -esx ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the VMware ESX Server's environment for which you want to generate a report. l -virtualcenter ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the vCenter. You must also specify the -esx ipaddress for which you want to generate a report. l -vmuser username Specifies the username for the ESX Server or vCenter. l -vmpassword password Specifies the password for the ESX Server or vCenter. Preparing for software installation on a system If you are generating a high-availability report as a prerequisite for updating the system software, you need to upload this report to the system prior to installing the software on the system. To generate and upload an HA report, issue the following command from the directory in which you installed the utility: naviserverutilcli hav -upload -ip IPaddress |-h IPaddress|network_name -user|-u username -password|-p userpassword -scope|-s scopelevel -secfilepath securityfilepath -port 443|2163[-directory|-d outputdirectory ] -esx ipaddress -virtualcenter -virtualcenter ipaddress -vmuser username -vmpassword password -ip IPaddress 300 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block Specifies the IP address of an SP on the system to which you will upload the report. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -h switch. -h IPaddress | network_name Specifies the IP address or the network name of an SP on the system to which you will upload the report. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -ip switch. -user|-u username Specifies the login name for the system. You must use this switch in conjunction with the -password|-p and -scope|-s switches. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -secfilepath switch. -password|-p userpassword Specifies the password required to access the system. You must use this switch in conjunction with the -user|-u and -scope|-s switches. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -secfilepath switch. -scope|-s scopelevel Specifies the level of access the username and password has to the system: 0 = global; 1 = local; 2 = LDAP. You must use this switch in conjunction with the user|-u and -password|-p switches. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -secfilepath switch. -secfilepath securityfilepath Searches the security file for the specified IP address. If the utility does not find the specified IP address, then the utility will use the default entry in the security file. A security file is required to run this switch. For information on how to create a security file, refer to the EMC Navisphere Command Line (CLI) Reference guide. You cannot use this switch in conjunction with the -user|-u, -password|-p, and -scope|-s switches. -port 443|2163 Specifies the Unisphere Management Server port number. The default port is 443. -directory|-d outputdirectory Specifies the directory to which you want to deposit the report on the server. This switch is required only if you are running the server utility from the CD. Otherwise the report is automatically saved to the Unisphere Server Utility installation directory. If the server utility is installed on your server and you specify a directory, the directory you specify will override the server utility's installation directory. -esx ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the VMware ESX Server's environment for which you want to generate a report. -virtualcenter ipaddress Specifies the IP address of the Virtual Center. You must also specify the -esx ipaddress for which you want to generate a report. -vmuser username Specifies the username for the ESX Server or Virtual Center. -vmpassword password Specifies the password for the ESX Server or Virtual Center. After uploading the HA report In addition to running the server utility to validate server high availability, we strongly recommend that you perform the following manual checks: Verify support of software and hardware Make sure that you have verified that all software and hardware are supported according to the EMC E-Lab™ Interoperability Navigator and support matrices. This Using the server utility command line to generate a high-availability report 301 VNX CLI for Block tool does not verify that you are running supported switch firmware, nor that you are using redundant switches (recommended). Upgrading system software If you are about to perform a system online software upgrade or you added an HBA, a LUN, or changed connectivity (added a path or changed zoning): l Make sure that you have validated all software and hardware that are supported and interoperable according to EMC E-Lab Interoperability Navigator and support matrices. l Verify that all LUNs (virtual disks) that your servers will access during the upgrade are under path management software control. For servers running PowerPath and DMP, see the Failover Software section on the Details tab of the report and locate these LUNs. Unisphere Initialization Utility This section provides the CLI commands for Unisphere Initialization Utility tools. Using the command line initialization utility For Fibre Channel systems, use the Unisphere Initialization Utility to discover systems and set network parameters (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway). In addition, for iSCSI systems with iSCSI data ports attached to Windows server, use the utility to set network parameters for these ports. You can install the utility on a server or other host such as an off-array management station. The only requirement is that the host be connected to the same network subnet as the system management ports. After you start the command line version of the initialization utility, use the naviinittoolcli command with any of the switches below. eula [-language language] discover [-all] [-xml] configure -serial serialnumber [-file filename] [-ipa spAIpaddress |-sphosta spAhostname] [-ipb spBIpaddress | -sphostb spBhostname] [-mask subnetmask] [-gateway gatewayaddress] [-user username] [-password password] [-storagename storageName] [-ipv6mode |automatic |disable | [manual [-globalprefix prefix [-ipv6gateway ipv6gateway]] [-help] where: eula Displays the EMC end-user license agreement (EULA) in the specified language. -language language The default language is English. Currently, the only valid language is English. discover Discovers and displays a list of partially initialized systems. -all Discovers and displays a list of initialized and partially initialized systems. -xml Displays the output in xml format. configure Specifies the network parameters for the specified system. -serial serialnumber Specifies the serial number of the system you want to initialize. If a system with the requested serial number is not found, the command fails. 302 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block VNX CLI for Block -file filename Specifies the name of an optional input file that stores all the network parameters. Both the SP management ports need to be on the same subnet for the inittool command to function appropriately. If you want the ports on different subnets, you can change subnets after the inittool has run. -ipa spAipaddress | -sphosta spAhostname Specifies the IP address of the management port on SP A, or the server name for SP A for the specified system. -ipb spBipaddress | -sphostb spBhostname Specifies the IP address of the management ports on SP B, or the server name for SP B for the specified system. -mask subnetmask Specifies the subnet mask for the specified system. -gateway gateway Specifies the gateway for the specified system. -user username Specifies the system login username. -password password Specifies the system login password. -storagename storagename Specifies the storage name for the specified system. -help Displays the help screen and does not start the initialization process. -ipv6mode automatic | disable | [manual -globalprefix prefix | ipv6gateway ipv6gateway] Specifies the configuration type for the IPv6 network. Refer to the IPv6 configuration type table for details. Table 17 IPv6 configuration types IPv6mode Description automatic Automatically sets the IPv6 global prefix and IPv6 gateway for the interface, based on Router Advertisements. disable Disables the IPv6 functionality on this interface. manual -globalprefix prefix [-ipv6gateway gateway] Initializes the interface with the user specified prefix and (optional) gateway. It ignores any Router Advertisements. Using the command line initialization utility 303 VNX CLI for Block 304 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 3 Virtual Pools Commands This chapter provides a brief overview of the Virtual Pools feature and describes the storage pool and thin commands that you can use if this feature is enabled on your system. Major topics include: l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Virtual Pools overview......................................................................................... 306 storagepool -create............................................................................................. 307 storagepool -list.................................................................................................. 310 storagepool -destroy........................................................................................... 316 storagepool -modify............................................................................................ 316 storagepool -expand........................................................................................... 318 storagepool -cancelexpand................................................................................. 319 storagepool -feature -info.................................................................................... 319 storagepool -resumeharvesting........................................................................... 321 lun -create...........................................................................................................321 lun -modify..........................................................................................................323 lun -expand.........................................................................................................325 lun -destroy.........................................................................................................326 lun -list................................................................................................................326 deduplication -feature -pause............................................................................. 330 deduplication -feature -resume........................................................................... 330 deduplication -feature -info................................................................................. 330 Virtual Pools Commands 305 Virtual Pools Commands Virtual Pools overview The Virtual Pools feature allows you to allocate storage using thick and thin LUNs within pools and requires that the thin provisioning enabler be installed on the system. Thick LUNs and thin LUNs can reside within the same pool and they share the pool's storage capacity. Both thick and thin LUNs can be easily provisioned, expanded, and compressed by using the Unisphere interface. A thin LUN lets you assign more storage capacity to a host than is physically available. Storage is assigned to the server in a capacity-on-demand method from a shared pool. A thin LUN competes with other LUNs in the pool for the available pool storage. The storage system software monitors and adds storage capacity, as required, to each pool, not each LUN. This simplifies the creation and allocation of storage capacity. Note The actual consumed capacity and rate of consumption for the thin LUN can vary depending on the attached host file system or the application using the LUN. This is a normal condition typical of most thin provisioning services. A thick LUN reserves all of its assigned capacity at the time it is created. Current Virtual Pool restrictions l Thin LUNs cannot be used in the reserved LUN pool, the Write Intent Log, or as Clone Private LUNs (CPLs). l Thick LUNs cannot be used in the Write Intent Log or as CPLs. They can be included in the reserved LUN pool. l Thin and thick LUNs cannot be a component in a metaLUN. l Virtual Pools support RAID 5, RAID 6 and RAID 1/0 types. RAID 5 is the default RAID type for the Extreme Performance and Performance Tiers, and RAID 6 is the default RAID type for the Capacity Tier. l Pools support Flash (Extreme Performance), SAS (Performance), and NL-SAS (Capacity) drives. Pools A pool contains a set of disks that can include any of the following drive types: Flash, SAS, and NL-SAS. The maximum number of disks for a pool depends on system type. For more efficient performance, we recommend that all disks in the pool have the same capacity and RAID type. RAID 5 is the default RAID type for the Extreme Performance and Performance Tiers, and RAID 6 is the default RAID type for the Capacity Tier. A storage pool shares its user capacity with all the LUNs in the pool. You can expand the user capacity of a pool by adding disks to it. Note Vault drives (the first four drives in a system) cannot be part of a pool. The Unisphere dialogs and wizards will not let you select these drives. For the latest pool LUN limit information, refer to the product's Simple Support Matrix on EMC Online Support. 306 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands Table 18 naviseccli thin provisioning commands Command Description Storage pool commands storagepool -create Creates a thin pool. storagepool -list Lists the thin pools properties. storagepool -destroy Deletes a thin pool. storagepool -modify Modifies thin pool properties. storagepool -expand Expands the thin pool on the system. storagepool -cancelexpand Cancels the expansion, if the expansion has failed. storagepool -feature -info Lists out the parameters and settings of the mapped driver and certain configuration information. storagepool - resumeharvesting Resumes harvesting on an existing storage pool LUN commands lun –create Creates a pool LUN or a thin LUN depending if the type switch is specified. lun –destroy Deletes a LUN. lun –list Lists the LUNs on a system and their properties. lun –modify Modifies the LUN properties. lun –expand Expands a pool LUN. Deduplication commands deduplication -feature -pause Pauses deduplication. deduplication -feature -resume Resumes deduplication. deduplication -feature -info Displays deduplication status. storagepool -create Creates the thin pool. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -create command creates the thin pool. A thin pool contains physical disks on which you bind thin LUNs. You can create more than one thin pool on a system, each with a different set of disks. There are two types of storage pools: Thin pools and RAID groups. A thin pool contains thin LUNs. If you specify the RAID type when creating the storage pool, the specified RAID type is used for creating the storage pool. If you do not specify the RAID type, the storage pools are created based on best practices. This may result in a storage pool with multiple RAID types. If you want to create a storage pool with 3 tiers and you specify the RAID types for each tier, then you will need to use the following steps: storagepool -create 307 Virtual Pools Commands 1. Create the storage pool with the disks for the first tier and wait until it initializes. 2. Expand the storage pool with the disks for the second tier and wait for the expand to complete. 3. Expand the storage pool with the disks for the third tier. SYNTAX storagepool -create -disks diskslist [-rtype raidType[-rdrivecount drivecount]] [-description description] [-name name] [-prcntFullThreshold threshold] [-autoTiering scheduled|manual(default)] [-fastcache on|off][snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled on|off] [-skipRules] [-snapPoolFullHWM poolFullHWM][-snapPoolFullLWM poolFullLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM snapSpaceUsedLWM] [-initialverify yes|no][-dedupRate Low|Medium|High] [-dedupTieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] [-dedupInitialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] OPTIONS -disks Specifies the list of disks in Bus X Enclosure Y Disk Z format. If you do not specify Bus in the disk format, Bus 0 is assumed. -rtype Specifies the type of RAID group of the thin pool. The valid RAID types are r_5, r_6, and r_10. -rdrivecount Specifies the RAID drive count used to create internal RAID groups. -description Sets the description for the thin pool to be created. The character length ranges from 0 to 255. -name Sets the unique name for the thin pool. The character length ranges from 1 to 64. -prcntFullThreshold Specifies the percentage of the thin pool to be used before the system generates the alerts. The percentage ranges from 1 to 84. The default value is 70%. -skipRules Skips the best practices check while creating the thin pools. If you do not specify this option, the thin pool creation may fail due to any error checked in the thin rules. -autoTiering scheduled|manual Sets the auto-tiering state to scheduled or manual for the storage pool. The default auto-tiering state is manual. -fastcache on|off Enables or disables the FAST Cache for the entire storage pool. The default value is enabled. -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are On or Off. -snapPoolFullHWM Specifies the pool full high watermark that triggers the auto delete process of the storage pool to be created. 308 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands -snapPoolFullLWM Specifies the pool full low watermark that stops the auto delete process of the storage pool to be created. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the snapshot space used high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are On and Off. -snapSpaceUsedHWM Specifies the snapshot space used high watermark that triggers the auto delete process of the storage pool to be created. -snapSpaceUsedLWM Specifies the snapshot space used low watermark that stops the auto delete process of the storage pool to be created. -initialverify Allows the user to specify not to have inital background verify during pool creation and expansion in order to improve operation performance of pool creation and expansion. -dedupRate Specifies the deduplication rate on this storage pool. Valid values are Low, Medium, or High. -dedupTieringPolicy Specifies the common FAST VP tiering policy for all deduplicated LUNs in this storage pool. Valid values are noMovement, autoTier, highestAvailable, or lowestAvailable. -dedupInitialTier Specifies the common initial tier for all deduplicated LUNs in this storage pool. Valid values are optimizePool, highestAvailable, or lowestAvailable. EXAMPLE #1 This command creates a storage pool with a mix of Flash drives (4 – 8) and SAS drives (9 – 13). In this case, the best practices are used to create the storage pool for each tier by using RAID 5. naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -create -disks 0_0_4 0_0_5 0_0_6 0_0_7 0_0_8 0_0_9 0_0_10 0_0_11 0_0_12 0_0_13 –rtype r_5 EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool –create –disks 0_1_0 0_1_1 0_1_2 0_1_3 0_1_4 0_1_5 0_1_6 0_1_7 0_1_8 –rtype r_5 –rdrivecount 9 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if initiating the command fails. EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -create –disks 0_0 0_1 0_2 –rtype r_5 –dedupRate high -dedupTieringPolicy autoTier -dedupInitialTier highestAvailable OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if initiating the command fails storagepool -create 309 Virtual Pools Commands If the user’s choice of disks for the storage pool or RAID Group breaks the hot spare policy and –skipRules option is not used, the system will reject the request with the following message: The current selection of disks will break the hot spare policy. storagepool -list Lists the thin pool properties and RAID groups. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -list command lists the thin pool properties and RAID groups. For RAID group information, see getrg on page 95. If you do not specify the options, the system displays all the thin pool properties. Note If a storage pool has tiers with different RAID types, the pool RAID type is displayed as 'Mixed'. SYNTAX storagepool -list [-id poolID|-name poolName][-availableCap] [-consumedCap] [-currentOp] [-description] [-disks] [-diskType] [-luns] [-opState] [-opStatus] [-prcntOp] [-rawCap] [-rtype] [-prcntFullThreshold] [-state] [-status] [-subscribedCap] [-userCap] [-prcntFull] [-autoTiering] [-tiers[-rdrivecount] [-loadBalance]] [-rebalance] [-fastcache] [-lunAllocation] [-snapshotAllocation] [-metadataAllocation] [-lunSubscribedCap] [-snapshotSubscribedCap] [-metadataSubscribedCap] [-compressionSavings] [-capacities] [-snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled] [-snapPoolFullHWM] [-snapPoolFullLWM] [-snapPoolFullState] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedState] [-dedupState] [-dedupRate] [-dedupTieringPolicy] [-dedupInitialTier] [-efficiencySavings] [-dedupSharedCap] [all] OPTIONS -id poolID |-name poolName Displays the name or ID of the thin pool with the specified name or ID. You cannot use the options -id and -name together. -availableCap Displays the free shared capacity (in blocks and GB). -consumedCap Displays the total allocated capacity in the shared capacity of the thin pool. The consumed capacity of a thin pool includes storage used by MLU for maintaining metadata (mapping info). -currentOp Displays the current operation. 310 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands -description Returns the description of the thin pool. -disks Lists the disks used in each thin pool on the system. The disks are listed in Bus_Enclosure_BankSlot format, with each disk on a new line. -diskType Displays the disk type of the components in the pool. If the components have different types, the system displays Mixed. -luns Lists the IDs of all thin LUNs in the thin pool. -opState Displays the current operation state. The system displays N/A, if the current operation state cannot be determined. -opStatus Displays the additional descriptive information for the current state of the thin pool. -prcntOp Displays the additional descriptive information for the current state of the thin pool operation in progress. If there is no operation, the system displays 0. -rawCap Displays the raw capacity of the thin pools. -rtype Lists the thin pool RAID type. -prcntFullThreshold Displays the user modifiable used space threshold, beyond which the system generates the alerts. -state Displays the state of the thin pool. -status Displays the information for the current state of the thin pool. -subscribedCap Displays the host-visible capacity of the thin pool. -userCap Displays the user-accessible capacity of the thin pool. -prcntFull Displays the used percentage. -autoTiering Displays the auto-tiering state (scheduled/manual) -tiers Displays the tier name, RAID type, capacity, and disk information for each tier. If auto-tiering is enabled, the data to be relocated up/down will also be displayed. -rdrivecount Specifies the RAID drive count used to create the internal RAID groups. -loadBalance Displays the load balance data, which is the data targeted within the tier. -rebalance Displays the rebalancing percent completed. -fastcache Lists the FAST Cache state of the storage pool. -lunAllocation Specifies the total amount of storage allocated within a pool to the data that has been written to all the primary LUNs in that pool. -snapshotAllocation Specifies the total amount of storage allocated within a pool to all the VNX snapshots created in that pool. -metadataAllocation storagepool -list 311 Virtual Pools Commands Specifies the total amount of storage allocated within a pool to store the metadata for the LUNs and VNX snapshots in that pool. -lunSubscribedCap Specifies the total amount of user data that can be written to all of the LUNs in that Pool. -snapshotSubscribedCap Specifies the total amount of space that all the LUN snapshots consume, as well as what they would consume if all the primary LUN data would be overwritten. -metadataSubscribedCap Specifies the total amount of metadata storage required to support writing to the entire contents of all of the LUNs in the pool. -compressionSavings Specifies the total amount of storage saved by using compression on the LUNs in the pool. -capacities Specifies all the related capacity of a pool such as, Raw Capacity, User Capacity, Consumed Capacity, LUN Allocation, Snapshot Allocation, Metadata Allocation, Available Capacity, Percent Full, Total Subscribed Capacity, LUN Subscribed Capacity, Snapshot Subscribed Capacity, Metadata Subscribed Capacity, Percent Subscribed, Oversubscribed by, and Compression Savings. -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Specifies if the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. -snapPoolFullHWM Specifies the pool full high watermark of the specified storage pool(s). -snapPoolFullLWM Specifies the pool full low watermark of the specified storage pool(s). -snapPoolFullState Specifies the pool full auto delete state. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Specifies if the system should check the used snapshot space for high water mark for auto delete. -snapSpaceUsedHWM Specifies the used snapshot space for high watermark of the specified storage pool(s). -snapSpaceUsedLWM Specifies the used snapshot space for low watermark of the specified storage pool(s). -snapSpaceUsedState Specifies the used snapshot space in auto delete state. -dedupState Displays Deduplication State, Deduplication Status, Deduplication Percent Completed, and Deduplication Remaining Size of the specified storage pool. Possible values of Deduplication State are Idle (No Deduplicated LUNs), Pending, Running, or Paused. -dedupRate Displays the deduplication rate of the specified storage pool. Possible values are Low, Medium, or High. -dedupTieringPolicy Displays the common tiering policy for all deduplicated LUNs in this storage pool. Possible values are No Movement, Auto Tier, Highest Available, or Lowest Available. -dedupInitialTier Displays the common initial tier for all deduplicated LUNs in this storage pool. Possible values are Optimize Pool, Highest Available, or Lowest Available. -efficiencySavings Displays space savings from deduplication and VNX Snapshots for the specified storage pool. 312 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands -dedupSharedCap Displays the consumed capacity of all deduplicated LUNs in the storage pool. -all Displays all the storage pool information, including the tiers (always) and autotiering state (if the auto-tiering enabler has been installed). EXAMPLE #1 List the RAID type for a storage pool with tiers that are RAID 5 and RAID 6 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -list -id 0 -rtype Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Raid Type: Mixed EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool –list –id 0 –tiers –rdrivecount EXAMPLE #3 List all deduplication properties. naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -list -dedupState -dedupRatededupTieringPolicy –dedupInitialTier –efficiencySavings -dedupSharedCap Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Deduplication State: Idle (No Deduplicated LUNs) Deduplication Status: OK(0x0) Deduplication Percent Completed: 100 Deduplication Remaining Size (Blocks): 0 Deduplication Remaining Size (GBs): 0.000 Optimal Deduplicated LUN SP Owner: N/A Deduplication Rate: Medium Deduplicated LUNs’ Tiering Policy: Auto Tier Deduplicated LUNs’ Initial Tier: Highest Available Efficiency Savings (Blocks): 20986976 Efficiency Savings (GBs): 10.007 Deduplication Shared Capacity (Blocks): 209869760 Deduplication Shared Capacity (GBs): 100.07 EXAMPLE #4 List all capacity properties. naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -list -capacities Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 2814421510 Raw Capacity (GBs): 1342.021 User Capacity (Blocks): 2246234112 User Capacity (GBs): 1071.088 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 98758656 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 47.092 Available Capacity (Blocks): 21474754565 Available Capacity (GBs): 1023.996 Percent Full: 4.397 LUN Allocation (Blocks): 31457280 LUN Allocation (GBs): 15.000 Snapshot Allocation (Blocks): N/A3 Snapshot Allocation (GBs): N/A Metadata Allocation (Blocks): 509317121 Metadata Allocation (GBs): 24.286 storagepool -list 313 Virtual Pools Commands Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 3984588800 Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 1900.000 Percent Subscribed: 177.390 Oversubscribed by (Blocks): 1738354688 Oversubscribed by (GBs): 828.912 LUN Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 3856662528 LUN Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 1839.000 Snapshot Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): N/A4 Snapshot Subscribed Capacity (GBs): N/A Metadata Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 1069392962 Metadata Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 50.993 Compression Savings (Blocks): 0 Compression Savings (GBs): 0.000 Efficiency Savings (Blocks): 20986976 Efficiency Savings (GBs): 10.007 Deduplication Shared Capacity (Blocks): 209869760 Deduplication Shared Capacity (GBs): 100.07 EXAMPLE #5 List all properties. naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -list -all Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Raid Type: r_5 Percent Full Threshold: 70 Description: Disk Type: Fibre Channel State: Ready Status: OK(0x0) Current Operation: None Current Operation State: N/A Current Operation Status: N/A Current Operation Percent Completed: 0 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 1401742320 Raw Capacity (GBs): 668.403 User Capacity (Blocks): 1111558400 User Capacity (GBs): 530.032 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 29361920 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 14.001 Available Capacity (Blocks): 1082196480 Available Capacity (GBs): 516.031 Percent Full: 2.642 Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 25167360 Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 12.001 Percent Subscribed: 2.264 Oversubscribed by (Blocks): 0 Oversubscribed by (GBs): 0.000 Auto-Tiering: Manual Tier Name: FC Raid Type: r_5 User Capacity (GBs): 530.03 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 4.00 Available Capacity (GBs): 526.03 Percent Subscribed: 0.75% Data Targeted for Higher Tier (GBs): 0.00 Data Targeted for Lower Tier (GBs): 0.00 Disks (Type): Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 13 (Fibre Channel) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 11 (Fibre Channel) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 14 (Fibre Channel) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 12 (Fibre Channel) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 10 (Fibre Channel) Disks: 314 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 11 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 13 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 10 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 12 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 14 LUNs: 1, 0 Flash Cache: Enabled Deduplication State: Running Deduplication Status: OK(0x0) Deduplication Percent Completed: 70 Deduplication Remaining Size (Blocks): 12608078 Deduplication Remaining Size (GBs): 3.006 Optimal Deduplicated LUN SP Owner: A Deduplication Rate: Medium Deduplicated LUNs’ Tiering Policy: Auto Tier Deduplicated LUNs’ Initial Tier: Highest Available Efficiency Savings (Blocks): 20986976 Efficiency Savings (GBs): 10.007 Deduplication Shared Capacity (Blocks): 209869760 Deduplication Shared Capacity (GBs): 100.07 EXAMPLE #6 Default output (deduplication properties do not display). naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -list Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Raid Type: r_5 Percent Full Threshold: 70 Description: Disk Type: Fibre Channel State: Ready Status: OK(0x0) Current Operation: None Current Operation State: N/A Current Operation Status: N/A Current Operation Percent Completed: 0 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 1401742320 Raw Capacity (GBs): 668.403 User Capacity (Blocks): 1111558400 User Capacity (GBs): 530.032 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 29361920 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 14.001 Available Capacity (Blocks): 1082196480 Available Capacity (GBs): 516.031 Percent Full: 2.642 Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 25167360 Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 12.001 Percent Subscribed: 2.264 Oversubscribed by (Blocks): 0 Oversubscribed by (GBs): 0.000 Disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 11 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 13 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 10 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 12 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 14 LUNs: 1, 0 storagepool -list 315 Virtual Pools Commands storagepool -destroy Destroys the thin pool. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -destroy command deletes a thin pool. You must specify the thin pool ID or the thin pool name to be deleted from the system. SYNTAX storagepool -destroy -id poolID |-name poolName [-o] OPTIONS -id poolID |-name poolName Specifies the thin pool ID or name to be destroyed. You cannot use the options -id and -name together. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if the command fails. storagepool -modify Modifies the thin pool. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -modify command lets you modify certain properties of an existing thin pool. You must specify at least one property of the thin pool to be modified. SYNTAX storagepool -modify -id poolID|-name poolName[-newName newName] [-description description] [-fastcache on|off] [-prcntFullThreshold threshold] [-autotiering scheduled| manual] [-snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapPoolFullHWM poolFullHWM] [-snapPoolFullLWM poolFullLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM snapSpaceUsedLWM] [-dedupState Running|Paused] [-dedupRate Low|Medium|High] [-dedupTieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] [-dedupInitialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] [-o] [-startDedup force] 316 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands OPTIONS -id poolID | -name poolName Specifies the thin pool ID or name to be modified. You cannot use the options -id and -name together. -newName Sets the unique name for the thin pool. The character length ranges from 1 to 64. -description Sets the new description of the thin pool. The character length ranges from 0 to 255. -fastcache on|off Modifies the FAST Cache configuration of the storage pool. -prcntFullThreshold Specifies the new user capacity threshold, beyond which the system generates the alerts. The value ranges from 1 to 84. The default value is 70%. -autotiering scheduled|manual Sets the auto-tiering state to scheduled or manual for the storage pool. -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are On and Off. -snapPoolFullHWM Specifies the new pool full high watermark that triggers the auto delete process of the storage pool to be modified. -snapPoolFullLWM Specifies the new pool full low watermark that stops the auto delete process of the storage pool to be modified. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the snapshot space used high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are On and Off. -snapSpaceUsedHWM Specifies the new snapshot space used high watermark that triggers the auto delete process of the storage pool to be modified. -snapSpaceUsedLWM Specifies the new snapshot space used low watermark that stops the auto delete process of the storage pool to be modified. -dedupState Allows you to pause or resume deduplication on the specified storage pool. Valid values are Running or Paused. -dedupRate Specifies the deduplication rate on the specified storage pool. Valid values are Low, Medium, or High. -dedupTieringPolicy Specifies the common FAST VP tiering policy for all deduplicated LUNs in the specified storage pool. Valid values are noMovement, autoTier, highestAvailable, or lowestAvailable. -dedupInitialTier Specifies the common FAST VP initial tier for all deduplicated LUNs in the specified storage pool. Valid values are optimizePool, highestAvailable, or lowestAvailable. -o Force the pool modification by ignoring any potential warnings. -startDedup force Starts a pool-level deduplication operation immediately. All restrictions are bypassed, including the less than 64G threshold, for one deduplication pass. If three deduplication operations are currently running, the new request will wait until one session finishes before starting. storagepool -modify 317 Virtual Pools Commands Note This option should be used on a limited basis. Forcing a deduplication operation could affect future deduplication jobs. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -modify -poolid 0 -dedupRate high -dedupTieringPolicy autoTier -dedupState paused -dedupInitialTier highestAvailable EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -h storagepool -modify -poolid 0 -startDedup force You are about to override the default deduplication schedule for this pool. Forcing deduplication can impact future deduplication opportunities. Are you sure you want to perform this operation?(y/n): storagepool -expand Expands thin pool capacity. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -expand command lets you expand the physical capacity of the thin pool on the system. If you need to expand an existing tier of the selected set of disks, the current RAID type of the tier is used to expand the tier. However, if you specify a RAID type that doesn’t match the RAID type of the existing tier, the system displays an error message. SYNTAX storagepool -expand -id poolID| -name poolName-disks disksList[-rtype raidType[-rdrivecountdrivecount]][initialverify yes|no][-skipRules] [-o] OPTIONS -id poolID | -name poolName Specifies the thin pool ID or name to be expanded. You cannot use the options -id and -name together. -rtype Specifies the type of RAID group of the thin pool to be expanded. The valid RAID groups are r_5, r_6, and r_10. -disks Specifies the list of disks in Bus_Enclosure_BankSlot notation. If you do not specify bus in the format, Bus 0 is assumed. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -initialverify Allows the user to specify not to have inital background verify during pool creation and expansion in order to improve operation performance of pool creation and expansion. -skipRules 318 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands Skips the best practices check while expanding thin pools. If you do not specify this option, the thin pool expansion may fail due to any error checked in the thin rules. The default value is FALSE. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool –modify –id 0 –disks 0_1_14 0_2_0 … 0_2_14 –rtype r_6 –rdrivecount 16 EXAMPLE #2 Expanding a storage pool with NL_SAS drives using RAID 6. The storage pool does not have any disks in the Capacity tier, therefore the tier is created using RAID 6 naviseccli -h riker-spa storagepool -expand -id 0 -rtype r_6 -disks 0_1_0 0_1_1 0_1_2 0_1_3 0_1_4 0_1_5 0_1_6 0_1_7 –o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if the command fails. storagepool -cancelexpand Cancels a failed expansion. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -cancelexpand command lets you cancel a failed expansion on a storage pool. You must specify the thin pool ID or thin pool name to cancel the expand operation. SYNTAX storagepool -cancelexpand -id poolID| -name poolName OPTIONS -id poolID | -name poolName Specifies the thin pool ID or name. You cannot use the options -id and -name together. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if the command fails. storagepool -feature -info Lists the pool configuration information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The storagepool -feature -info command displays the pool configuration information. If the options are not specified, then all the values are displayed. storagepool -cancelexpand 319 Virtual Pools Commands SYNTAX storagepool -feature -info [-isVirtualProvisioningSupported] [-maxPools] [-maxDiskDrivesPerPool] [-maxDiskDrivesAllPools] [-maxDiskDrivesPerOp] [-maxPoolLUNs] [-minPoolLUNSize] [-maxPoolLUNSize] [-numPools] [-numPoolLUNs] [-numThinLUNs] [numDiskDrivesAllPools] [-availableDisks] OPTIONS -isVirtualProvisioningSupported Specifies whether the thin enabler is installed on the system. -maxPools Displays the maximum number of the storage pools that can be created on the system. -maxDiskDrivesPerPool Specifies the maximum number of the disk drives in a pool. -maxDiskDrivesAllPools Specifies the maximum number of the disk drives in all pools. -maxDiskDrivesPerOp Specifies the maximum number of the disk drives used per operation. -maxPoolLUNs Displays the maximum number of storage pool LUNs that can be created on the system. -minPoolLUNSize Displays the minimum pool LUN size supported (as reported by the MLU driver) in blocks and MBs. -maxPoolLUNSize Displays the maximum pool LUN size supported (as reported by the MLU driver) in blocks and TBs. -numPools Displays the current number of storage pools created on the system. -numPoolLUNs Displays the current number of storage pool LUNs created on the system. -numThinLUNs Displays the total number of all pool LUNs created that are thin and non-thin. numDiskDrivesAllPools Displays the number of disk drives used in all pools. -availableDisks A line feed separated list of disks that are available for use by the Virtual Pools feature. OUTPUT Is Virtual Provisioning Supported: true Max. Pools: 120 Max. Disks Per Pool: 120 Max. Disks for all Pools: 0 Max. Disks per Operation: 120 Max. Pool LUNs: 4094 Min. Pool LUN Size(Blocks): 2097152 Max. Pool LUN Size(Blocks): 30064771072 Max. Pool LUN Size(GBs): 14336.000 Total Number of Pools: 1 Total Number of Pool LUNs: 0 Total Number of all Pool LUNs that are thin: 20 Total Number of all Pool LUNs that are non-thin: Number of Disks used in Pools: 0 Available Disks: Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 9 320 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block 20 Virtual Pools Commands Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk Disk 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 13 12 11 10 storagepool -resumeharvesting Resumes harvesting on an existing storage pool. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli storagepool -resumeharvesting command lets you resume harvesting on an existing storage pool. SYNTAX storagepool -resumeharvesting -id poolID|-name poolName OPTIONS -id poolID | -name poolName Specifies the ID or name of the storage pool on which the resume harvesting operation takes place. OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if the command fails. lun -create Creates a LUN. PREREQUISITES This command is available only on subsystems running Unisphere version 6.30 and later. To create thin LUNs, you must have the Thin Provisioning Enabler installed on the subsystem. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli lun -create command lets you create pool LUNs or thin LUNs in the storage pool. storagepool -resumeharvesting 321 Virtual Pools Commands SYNTAX lun -create [-type Thin|nonThin] -capacity capacity [-sq mb|gb|tb|bc] -poolId storagePoolID |-poolname storagePoolName -sp SPID [-aa autoAssignment] [-l lunNumber] [-name lunName] [-offset logicalBlockAddress] [-tieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] [-initialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable] [-deduplication On|Off] OPTIONS -type Thin|nonThin Specifies whether a thin LUN or pool LUN (non-thin LUN) is created. If not specified and poolID or poolName is provided, a pool LUN will be created. Note To create a thin pool LUN, you must explicitly use the -type Thin option, or a thick pool LUN is created. -capacity capacity Specifies the storage capacity of the LUN. -sq mb|gb|tb|bc Specifies the size qualifier for the capacity. The valid values are gb, tb, and bc. The default value is GB. -poolId storagePoolID|-poolName storagePoolName Specifies the storage pool ID or storage pool name in which the new LUN will be created. -sp SPID Specifies the default SP to which the new LUN must belong. The valid values are A and B. -aa autoAssignment Specifies whether auto assignment is enabled by default or not. The valid values are 1 (yes) and 0 (no). The default value is 0. -l lunNumber Specifies the LUN number. The lower limit is 0 and the upper limit is the number of LUNs supported on the platform. The default value is the next lowest available value. -name lunName Specifies the LUN name. The name has to be unique amongst the pool LUNs. If you do not specify a name, the system defaults to LUN . -offset logicalBlockAddress Sets the LUN’s starting Logical Block Address (LBA) to begin at a specified offset location. The valid value is any unsigned decimal number. The default value is 0. -tieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable Sets the auto-tiering policy. If the auto-tiering policy is not set when creating the LUN, the default policy will depend on the initialTier settings. The auto-tiering policy can be set to: noMovement No data relocation between tiers but the initial tier is used to guide initial placement of data. 322 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands autoTier Slices are subject to relocation based on the stats collected. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to optimize pool. highestAvailable Slices are subject to relocation with a bias to the highest tier. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to the highest available tier. lowestAvailable Slices are subject to relocation with a bias to the lowest tier. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to the lowest available tier. -initialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable Sets the initial tier preference. optimizePool No preference is specified and the default data placement algorithm applies. highestAvailable Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement to be the highest tier. lowestAvailable Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement to be the lowest tier. Note The following combination is now a valid combination and does not return an incompatible options error: lun –create […] -tieringPolicy autoTier -initialTier highestAvailable. The combination of tieringPolicy and initialTier is now compatible for the Start High then Auto-tier option. -deduplication Specifies whether deduplication is enabled on this LUN. Valid values are On or Off. EXAMPLE naviseccli –h riker-spa lun -create -deduplication on OUTPUT Returns 0 if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. lun -modify Modifies the LUN properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli lun -modify command lets you modify the properties of an existing LUN. At least one property to modify a LUN should be specified to issue this command. The lun -modify command provides the same options for all pool LUNs. SYNTAX lun -modify -l lunNumber|-name lunName [-aa Autoassign] lun -modify 323 Virtual Pools Commands [-newname lunName] [-sp newDefaultSPID] [-tieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable| lowestAvailable] [-initialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable] [-deduplication On|Off [-destroySnapshots]] [-o] OPTIONS -l lunNumber Specifies the LUN number. The valid value is a number that represents an existing LUN. -name lunName Specifies the LUN name. The name has to be unique among the LUNs in the storage pool. -aa Autoassign Specifies whether auto assignment is enabled by default or not. The valid values are 1 (yes) and 0 (no). -newname lunName Specifies the new LUN name. The name has to be unique among the LUNs in the storage pool. -sp newDefaultSPID Specifies the default SP to which the LUN belongs. The valid values are A and B. If the value is changed from the allocation owner, a prompt displays a warning about potential performance impact. Select Yes to proceed. -tieringPolicy noMovement|autoTier|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable Modifies the auto-tiering policy. The auto-tiering policy can be set to: noMovement No data relocation between tiers but the initial tier is used to guide initial placement of data. autoTier Slices are subject to relocation based on stats collected. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to optimize pool. highestAvailable Slices are subject to relocation with a bias to the highest tier. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to the highest available tier. lowestAvailable Slices are subject to relocation with a bias to the lowest tier. This setting requires that the initial tier also be set to the lowest available tier. -initialTier optimizePool|highestAvailable|lowestAvailable Sets the initial tier preference. optimizePool No preference is specified and the default data placement algorithm applies. highestAvailable Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement to be the highest tier. lowestAvailable Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement to be the lowest tier. 324 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands Note The combinations lun –modify […] -tieringPolicy autoTier – initialTier highestAvailable and lun –modify […] –initialTier highestAvailable are now a valid combination and do not return an incompatible options error. These combinations are now compatible for the Start High then Auto-tier option. -deduplication On|Off Specifies whether deduplication is enabled on this LUN. Valid values are On or Off. Note You cannot modify deduplication settings for a LUN that belongs to file storage. To modify deduplication settings for a file storage pool or a file system, use Unisphere or the VNX for File CLI -destroySnapshots Specifies to explicitly destroy associated VNX Snapshots before turning deduplication on or off for the specified LUN. If a LUN has associated VNX Snapshots and you do not use the -destroySnapshots option, you cannot change the deduplication value. -o Overrides the confirmation message. EXAMPLE naviseccli lun -modify -l LUN3 -deduplication on "SP A" is the optimal owner for the deduplicated LUNs in the storage pool. Enabling deduplication on “LUN3" owned by "SP B" may greatly impact the performance of deduplication. It is recommended that you change the default owner to avoid performance impact. Are you sure you want to perform this operation? (y/n): lun -expand Expands a LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli lun -expand lets you expand a pool LUN. This command will not work for classic LUNs. If the new capacity specified is higher than the existing capacity and the requirements for expansion are met, the LUN would expand. If the new capacity is less than the existing capacity, an error message will be displayed. SYNTAX lun -expand -l lunNumber|-name lunName-capacity capacity [-sq mb|gb|tb|bc] [-o] OPTIONS -l lunNumber Specifies the LUN number. The valid value is a number that represents an existing LUN. lun -expand 325 Virtual Pools Commands -name lunName Specifies the LUN name. The name has to be unique among the pool LUNs. -capacity capacity Specifies the new capacity of the LUN. The new capacity should be higher than the existing capacity for LUN expansion. -sq mb|gb|tb|bc Specifies the size qualifier for the capacity. The valid values are mb, gb, tb, and bc. The default value is GB. OUTPUT Returns 0 if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. lun -destroy Destroys a LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli lun -destroy command lets you destroy a LUN. The LUN number or LUN name is used to destroy any type of LUN since they are unique across all LUNs in the storage pools. SYNTAX lun -destroy -l lunNumber|-name lunName [-o] OPTIONS -l lunNumber Specifies the LUN number. -name lunName Specifies the LUN name. OUTPUT Returns 0 if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. lun -list Lists the LUN properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli lun -list lets you list all the LUN properties. If the options are not specified, then all the values will be returned for all the LUNs. If only one option is specified, it will be displayed along with the Logical Unit Number and Name. SYNTAX lun -list [-l lunNumber|-name lunName] | [-showOnly Thin| nonThin|Compressed|nonCompressed|Deduped|NonDeduped] [-primaryLunName primaryLunName] [-aa] [-alowner] [-at] [-userCap] [-consumedCap] [-default] [-drivetype] [-offset] [-rtype] [-state] [-status] [-owner] [-poolName] [-uid] [-opDetails] [-isPoolLun] [-isThinLUN] [-isCompressed] [-isPrivate] [-featureData] [-perfData] 326 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands [-tieringPolicy] [-initialTier] [-tiers] [-dedupState] [-all] OPTIONS -l lunNumber Specificies the LUN number in unsigned decimal format. If the LUN number is not found, an error message will be returned indicating the LUN may not exist. -name lunName Specifies the LUN name. If the LUN name is not found, an error message will be returned indicating the LUN may not exist. -showOnly Thin|nonThin|Compressed|nonCompressed|Deduped|NonDeduped Specifies the types of LUNs to be listed. The value Thin lists all thin LUNs, nonThin lists all non-thin LUNs, Compressed shows all compressed LUNs, nonCompressed shows all non-compressed LUNs, Deduped shows only deduplicated LUNs, and NonDeduped shows only non-deduplicated LUNs. The options Compressed and NonCompressed will be shown in the command usage even if the compression feature is not enabled. -primaryLun Show only the Snapshot Mount Point associated with the specified primary LUN number. -primaryLunName Show only the Snapshot Mount Point associated with the specified primary LUN name. -aa Specifies the auto assign property. -alowner Specifies the allocation owner of the LUN. -at Specifies the auto-trespass property. -userCap Specifies the user (host visible) capacity of the LUN in blocks and GBs. -consumedCap Specifies the consumed capacity of the LUN. The consumed capacity is always larger than the user capacity for pool LUNs. -default Specifies the default owner of the LUN. -drivetype Displays the drive type of the LUN which is essentially the drive type of the storage pool. If more than one type of drive are present in the pool, then Mixed will be displayed. -offset Displays the alignment offset of the LUN that was assigned when the LUN was bound. -opDetails Displays the details of the currently running operation. The values are name, state, status, and percent completed. If no current operation is running, then the values for these fields are N/A, N/A, N/A, and 0, respectively. This could be used to show compression and auto-tiering related information. -owner Displays the name of the SP that currently owns the LUN. If neither SP owns the LUN a value of Unknown is returned. -isPoolLUN Displays Yes, if it is either a thin LUN or pool LUN. -isThinLUN Displays Yes if it is a thin LUN. -isCompressed lun -list 327 Virtual Pools Commands Displays the isCompressed property of the LUN. -poolName Displays the name of the storage pool to which the mapped LUN belongs. -rtype Specifies the RAID group type of the LUN. -perfData Specifies the following information: Statistics Logging Current Time, Read Requests, Write Requests, Blocks Read, Blocks Written, Busy Ticks, Idle Ticks, Sum of Outstanding Requests, Non-Zero Request Count Arrivals, Implicit Trespasses, and Explicit Trespasses. -isPrivate Specifies if the LUN is a private LUN. Pool LUNs can be private since they can be part of a reserved LUN pool. -featureData Returns the information about the features on the LUN. -state Displays the state of the mapped LUN. -status Displays the status of the mapped LUN. This displays a string that corresponds to the status code, along with the status code in hex in lowercase, enclosed in brackets. -uid Displays the unique identifier (System WWN + LUN WWN) for the LUN. -tieringPolicy Displays the auto-tiering policy. -initialTier Displays the initial tier information. -tiers Displays the tier information. -dedupState Displays the Deduplication State and Deduplication Status. Possible values of Deduplication State are Enabling, On, Disabling, or Off. -all Displays the LUN information along with the auto-tiering policy (if the auto-tiering enabler is installed), the initial tier, and the tier information. EXAMPLE #1 LUN has deduplication enabled. naviseccli -h riker-spa lun -list -dedupState LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Name: LUN 0 Deduplication State: Enabling(80% complete) Deduplication Status: OK(0x0) EXAMPLE #2 List only deduplication-enabled LUNs. naviseccli -h riker-spa lun -list -showOnly Deduped -dedupState LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Name: LUN 0 Deduplication State: On Deduplication Status: OK(0x0) EXAMPLE #3 List all properties. 328 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands naviseccli -h riker-spa lun -list -all LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Name: LUN 0 UID: 60:06:01:60:83:32:28:00:3A:23:E6:E2:5C:37:DF:11 Current Owner: SP A Default Owner: SP A Allocation Owner: SP A User Capacity (Blocks): 209715200 User Capacity (GBs): 100.000 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 218117120 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 104.006 Pool Name: Pool 0 Raid Type: r_5 Disk Type: Mixed Offset: 0 Auto-Assign Enabled: DISABLED Auto-Trespass Enabled: DISABLED Current State: Ready Status: OK(0x0) Is Faulted: false Is Transitioning: false Current Operation: None Current Operation State: N/A Current Operation Status: N/A Current Operation Percent Completed: 0 Statistics Logging Current Time: 04/06/10 08:07:09 Read Requests: 0 Read Requests SP A: 0 Read Requests SP B: 0 Write Requests: 0 Write Requests SP A: 0 Write Requests SP B: 0 Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Read SP A: 0 Blocks Read SP B: 0 Blocks Written: 0 Blocks Written SP A: 0 Blocks Written SP B: 0 Busy Ticks: 0 Busy Ticks SP A: 0 Busy Ticks SP B: 0 Idle Ticks: 0 Idle Ticks SP A: 0 Idle Ticks SP B: 0 Sum of Outstanding Requests: 0 Sum of Outstanding Requests SP A: 0 Sum of Outstanding Requests SP B: 0 Non-Zero Request Count Arrivals: 0 Non-Zero Request Count Arrivals SP A: 0 Non-Zero Request Count Arrivals SP B: 0 Implicit Trespasses: 0 Implicit Trespasses SP A: 0 Implicit Trespasses SP B: 0 Explicit Trespasses: 0 Explicit Trespasses SP A: 0 Explicit Trespasses SP B: 0 Is Pool LUN: Yes Is Thin LUN: No Is Private: No Is Compressed: No Features: N/A Tiering Policy: Lowest Available Initial Tier: Lowest Available Tier Distribution: FC: 100.00% lun -list 329 Virtual Pools Commands EXAMPLE #4 Default output (deduplication properties do not display). naviseccli -h riker-spa lun -list LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 0 Name: LUN 0 deduplication -feature -pause Pauses deduplication on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli deduplication -feature -pause command pauses all underlying deduplication processes on the system. You must manually resume deduplication to cancel a pause. The system does not cancel the pause automatically. SYNTAX deduplication -feature -pause EXAMPLE naviseccli deduplication -feature –pause OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. deduplication -feature -resume Resumes deduplication on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli deduplication -feature -resume command resumes all underlying deduplication processes on the system. SYNTAX deduplication -feature -resume EXAMPLE naviseccli deduplication -feature –resume OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. deduplication -feature -info Displays the deduplication feature information. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli deduplication -feature -info command displays the deduplication feature information. 330 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Virtual Pools Commands SYNTAX deduplication -feature -info EXAMPLE # 1 Deduplication feature is enabled. naviseccli –h deduplication –feature –info Is Deduplication Supported: true Deduplication Feature State: On EXAMPLE # 2 Deduplication feature is paused. naviseccli –h deduplication –feature –info Is Deduplication Supported: true Deduplication Feature State: Paused deduplication -feature -info 331 Virtual Pools Commands 332 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 4 Auto-tiering Commands This chapter provides a brief overview on the auto-tiering feature and includes a list of commands that you can use if the feature is enabled on your system. Major topics include: l l l l l l l l About tiered storage............................................................................................334 autotiering -schedule -modify..............................................................................335 autotiering -schedule -enable|-disable................................................................ 336 autotiering -relocation -start................................................................................ 336 autotiering -relocation -setrate............................................................................ 337 autotiering -relocation -pause|-resume................................................................ 338 autotiering -relocation -stop................................................................................ 338 autotiering -info.................................................................................................. 339 Auto-tiering Commands 333 Auto-tiering Commands About tiered storage Tiered storage is the assignment of different categories of data to different types of storage media to reduce the total storage cost. Data categories may be based on the levels of protection needed, performance requirements, frequency of use, cost, and other considerations. The purpose of tiered storage is to retain the most frequently accessed or important data on fast, high performance (more expensive) drives, and move the less frequently accessed and less important data to low performance (less expensive) drives. The software provides two types of tiered storage: l Inital tier placement (does not require the auto-tiering enabler) l Auto-tiering placement (requires the auto-tiering enabler) Initial tier placement (auto-tiering enabler is not installed) For initial tier placement, you must manually specify the storage tier to place the LUN data. The tier choices are Optimize for Pool Performance, Highest Available Tier, and Lowest Available Tier. Select the tier based on the relative performance requirements for the LUN data. After you assign a LUN to a specific tier, you must perform a LUN migration to relocate the data to a different tier or install the auto-tiering enabler. Table 19 Initial tier placement (auto-tiering enabler is not installed) Initial tier placement Description Optimize for Pool Performance No tier preference is specified. The system uses the default data placement algorithm to place the data. Highest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for inital data placement to the highest available tier. Lowest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for inital data placement to the lowest available tier. Auto-tiering placement (auto-tiering enabler is installed) The auto-tiering feature migrates data between storage tiers to lower the customer's total cost of ownership (TCO). Storage pools are configured with multiple classes of storage devices (EFD, FC, and SATA) and system software continually tracks the usage of the data stored on the LUNs. Using these LUN statistics, the auto-tiering feature relocates data blocks (slices) of each LUN to the storage tier that is best suited for that data. Table 20 Auto-tiering placement (auto-tiering enabler is installed) 334 Auto-tiering placement Description Auto Tier The system uses the LUN performance statistics for data relocation. Highest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for data relocation to the highest available tier. Lowest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for data relocation to the lowest available tier. No Data Movement No data relocation between tiers. The initial tier placement is retained. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Auto-tiering Commands If you install the auto-tiering enabler on a system with initial tier placement settings, the system bases the auto-tier settings on the initial tier settings. Table 21 Initial tier plus auto-tiering placement settings Initial tier placement Auto-tiering placement Optimize for Pool Performance Auto Tier Highest Available Tier Highest Available Tier Lowest Available Tier Lowest Available Tier None No Data Movement naviseccli auto-tiering commands Table 22 naviseccli auto-tiering commands Command Description autotiering -schedule -modify Modifies the schedule. autotiering -schedule -enable| -disable Enables or disables the default schedule. autotiering -relocation -start Starts a relocation. autotiering -relocation -setrate Sets the relocation rate. autotiering -relocation -pause| -resume Pauses or resumes relocations at the system level. autotiering -relocation -stop Stops a relocation. autotiering -info Displays the auto-tiering information. autotiering -schedule -modify Modifies the schedule. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -schedule -modify command changes a scheduled day, start time, and duration. When modifying the schedule, the confirmation message contains the scheduled stop time. The stop time is calculated on the system by using the client’s GMT offset, the scheduled start time, and scheduled duration. SYNTAX autotiering -schedule -modify [-day sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri| sat] [-starttime hh:mm] [-duration hh:mm] [-o] autotiering -schedule -modify 335 Auto-tiering Commands OPTIONS -day sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat Specified as a space separated list containing one or more of the following abbreviations: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat. -starttime hh:mm Specifies the scheduled start time. The hours are specified from 0-23 and the minutes are specified from 00-59. The start time is set relevant to the client’s GMT offset. -duration hh:mm Specifies the scheduled duration. The maximum duration is 23 hours and 59 minutes. The minimum duration is 1 minute. -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. EXAMPLE autotiering -schedule -modify -day Mon Wed Fri -starttime 10:30 -duration 2:00 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -schedule -enable|-disable Enables or disables the default schedule. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -schedule -disable command disables the auto-tiering default schedule. The default schedule can be enabled using the schedule -enable command. SYNTAX autotiering -schedule -enable|-disable [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 autotiering -schedule -enable -o EXAMPLE #2 autotiering -schedule -disable -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -relocation -start Starts a relocation. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 336 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Auto-tiering Commands DESCRIPTION The autotiering -relocation -start command manually starts a relocation on a storage pool regardless of the auto-tiering state. SYNTAX autotiering -relocation -start -poolId poolId1 [poolId2] | -poolname poolname] [poolname2] | -all [-duration hh:mm] [-rate high|medium|low] [-o] OPTIONS -poolID poolID| -poolname poolname Specifies the storage pool ID or the storage pool name on which the manual relocation starts. -all Starts the manual relocation on all the storage pools on the system. -duration hh:mm Specifies the duration for the manual relocation. The maximum duration is 23 hours and 59 minutes and the minimum duration is 1 minute. The default duration is 8 hours. -rate high|medium|low Specifies the rate for a manual relocation. The valid values are high, medium, or low. If the rate is not specified, it defaults to the system rate, that is, the value returned from the autotiering -info -rate. -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. EXAMPLE autotiering -relocation -start -all -rate high -duration 10:00 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -relocation -setrate Sets the relocation rate. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -relocation -setrate command sets the relocation rate that determines how the scheduled relocations will be performed on the system. If the rate is not specified when starting a manual relocation, it will use this rate. SYNTAX autotiering -relocation -setrate -rate high|medium|low [-o] OPTIONS -rate high|medium|low Sets the scheduled relocation rate. The valid values are high, medium, or low. -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. autotiering -relocation -setrate 337 Auto-tiering Commands EXAMPLE autotiering -relocation -setrate -rate low -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -relocation -pause|-resume Pauses or resumes relocations at the system level. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -relocation -pause command pauses all the active relocation tasks on the system. It also prevents running new relocations (manual and scheduled) by immediately placing the tasks in the paused state. The autotiering -relocation -resume command allows relocation tasks in the paused state to continue and allows new relocations (manual and scheduled) to start immediately. SYNTAX autotiering -relocation -pause|-resume [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 autotiering -relocation -pause -o EXAMPLE #2 autotiering -relocation -resume OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -relocation -stop Stops a relocation. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -relocation -stop command stops a relocation that was started manually or by the scheduler. SYNTAX autoTiering -relocation -stop -poolId poolID1 [poolID2] | -poolname pool name1 [pool name2] | -all [-o] OPTIONS -poolId poolid|-poolname poolname Specifies the storage pool ID or the storage pool name on which the manual relocation stops. 338 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Auto-tiering Commands -all Stops the manual relocation on all the storage pools on the system. -o Executes the command without prompting for the confirmation. EXAMPLE autotiering -relocation -stop -all OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. autotiering -info Displays the auto-tiering information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The autotiering -info command displays the auto-tiering state, schedules, relocation rate, and operation status. SYNTAX autotiering -info [-state] [-schedule] [-rate] [-opstatus [–loadBalance][-poolId-poolId1[-poolId 2...]| -poolName -poolName1[-poolName2...]]] OPTIONS -state Displays the auto-tiering state. -schedule Displays the auto-tiering schedule. -rate Displays the auto-tiering relocation rate. -opstatus Displays the auto-tiering operations status for all the storage pools on the system or for a given list of storage pools. If a relocation is not in progress for a storage pool, the status of the most recent relocation will be displayed. –loadBalance Displays the data to move within a tier. This data is also called the Load Balancing data. -poolId poolID1 [poolID2...] [-poolName poolName1 [poolName2...] Specifies the storage pool ID or the storage pool name. OUTPUT naviseccli –h autotiering -info -opstatus The data to move within tiers information is displayed only if the -loadBalance option is used. Storage Pool Name: Pool 0 Storage Pool ID: 0 Relocation Start Time: 02/01/13 10:07 Relocation Stop Time: N/A Relocation Status: Active Relocation Type: Rebalance autotiering -info 339 Auto-tiering Commands Relocation Rate: Low Data to Move Up (GBs): 1.25 Data to Move Down (GBs): 3.51 Data to Move Within Tiers (GBs): 1.75 Data Movement Completed (GBs): 6.01 Estimated Time to Complete: 2 minutes Schedule Duration Remaining: N/A Output for a rebalance in progress: Storage Pool Name: Pool 0 Storage Pool ID: 0 Relocation Start Time: 02/01/13 10:07 Relocation Stop Time: N/A Relocation Status: Active Relocation Type: Rebalance Relocation Rate: Low Data to Move Up (GBs): 3.26 Data to Move Down (GBs): 5.01 Data to Move Within Tiers (GBs): 2.25 Data Movement Completed (GBs): 2.00 Estimated Time to Complete: 4 minutes Schedule Duration Remaining: N/A Output for a completed rebalance with an analysis ready for next relocation: Storage Pool Name: Pool 0 Storage Pool ID: 0 Relocation Start Time: 02/04/13 11:34 Relocation Stop Time: 02/04/13 11:34 Relocation Status: Completed Relocation Type: Rebalance Relocation Rate: Low Data to Move Up (GBs): 7.26 Data to Move Down (GBs): 5.51 Data to Move Within Tiers (GBs): 0.00 Data Movement Completed (GBs): 2.25 Estimated Time to Complete: 3 minutes Schedule Duration Remaining: N/A 340 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 5 Compression Commands This chapter provides a brief overview of the compression feature and includes a list of compression commands that you can use if this feature is enabled on your system. Major topics include: l l l l l l l l l l About LUN Compression......................................................................................342 compression -on................................................................................................. 342 compression -pause............................................................................................343 compression -feature -pause............................................................................... 344 compression -resume..........................................................................................344 compression -feature -resume............................................................................. 345 compression -feature -info.................................................................................. 345 compression -modify...........................................................................................345 compression -off................................................................................................. 346 compression -list.................................................................................................346 Compression Commands 341 Compression Commands About LUN Compression Compression is an optional software feature that lets you compress all types of LUN data thereby freeing up storage space in your systems. Data compression analyzes the data on a disk and applies algorithms that reduce the size of repetitive sequences of bits that are inherent in some types of files. The amount of reduction resulting from compression is dependent on the mix of data types being stored; however, unlike de-duplication, compression does not depend on the presence of multiple copies of the same data. All compression operations perform in the background while continuing to service host I/O. In order to use the compression feature, you must install the compression enabler and the thin provisioning enabler on the system. You can compress classic LUNs as well as pool LUNs. All compressed LUNs are thin LUNs. During the compression operation for a classic LUN, the software migrates and compresses the LUN data to a thin LUN in a pool. The LUN becomes a compressed thin LUN while migrating the software. During the migration phase, the software detects the zeros on the source LUN and deallocates them on the target LUN which frees up more storage capacity on the target LUN. For better performance and improved space utilization, we strongly recommend that the target LUN is a newly created LUN with no existing data. Compression operations for pool LUNs (thick and thin) take place within the pool in which the LUN being compressed resides. When compressed, thick and thin LUNs become compressed thin LUNs. If, for some reason, you need to decompress the compressed data or temporarily pause any active compression operations, the software lets you do both. When decompressed, classic LUNs become fully-provisioned thin LUNs with the same capacity as the original classic LUN and thick LUNs become fully-provisioned thin LUNs. In addition, the software lets you easily monitor the status of all LUN compression operations. Table 23 naviseccli compression commands Command Description compression -on Turns on compression on a LUN. compression -pause Pauses compression on a LUN. compression -pauseall Pauses compression on the system. compression -resume Resumes compression on a LUN. compression -resumeall Resumes compression on the system. compression -modify Modifies the compression rate. compression -off Turns off compression. compression -list Lists compression information. compression -on Turns on compression on a LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 342 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Compression Commands DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -on command turns on compression for pool LUNs and classic LUNs. The command syntax differs depending on the LUN, either a pool LUN or classic LUN. SYNTAX For pool LUNs: naviseccli –h sp compression –on -l LUN number [-rate low|medium|high|value] For classic LUNs: naviseccli –h sp compression –on -l LUN number -destpoolid storagepoolid | -destpoolname storagepoolname [-rate low|medium|high|value] OPTIONS -l LUN number Specifies the LUN number to be compressed. -destpoolid storagepoolid Specifies the destination pool ID to which the classic LUN gets migrated. This option is valid only when the LUN being compressed is a classic LUN. -destpoolname storagepoolname Specifies the destination pool name to which the classic LUN gets migrated. This option is valid only when the LUN being compressed is a classic LUN. -rate low|medium|high|value Specifies the compression rate. The default compression rate is medium. The valid compression rates are low or 1, medium or 2, and high or 3. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -on -l 10 –destpoolid 0 –rate low OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -pause Pauses compression on a LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -pause command pauses compression on a LUN. SYNTAX naviseccli –h sp compression –pause -l LUN number OPTIONS -l LUN number Specifies the LUN number of the compressed LUN to be paused. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -pause -l 10 compression -pause 343 Compression Commands OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -feature -pause Pauses compression on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -feature -pause command pauses compression on the system. SYNTAX naviseccli –h sp compression –feature -pause [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -feature -pause OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -resume Resumes compression on a LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -resume command resumes paused compression on a LUN. The command can also work for overriding compression in decompression system paused state. SYNTAX compression -resume -l LUN number [-o] OPTIONS -l LUN number Specifies the LUN number of the paused compressed LUN to resume. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -resume -l 10 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. 344 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Compression Commands compression -feature -resume Resumes compression on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -feature -resume command resumes compression on the system. SYNTAX naviseccli –h sp compression –feature -resume [-o] OPTIONS [ -o] Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -feature -resume OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -feature -info Displays the compression feature information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -feature -info command displays the compression feature information. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp compression -feature -info EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -feature -info OUTPUT Compression Feature State: Paused compression -modify Modifies the compression rate. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -modify command changes the compression rate on a specified LUN. compression -feature -resume 345 Compression Commands SYNTAX naviseccli –h sp compression –modify -l LUN number -rate low| medium|high|value OPTIONS -l LUN number Specifies the LUN number of the compressed LUN to be modified. -rate low|medium|high|value Specifies the compression rate. The valid compression rates are low or 1, medium or 2, and high or 3. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -modify -l 10 –rate low OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -off Turns off compression. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -off command turns off compression on a LUN. SYNTAX naviseccli -h sp compression -off -l LUN number [-o] OPTIONS -l LUN number Specifies the LUN number of the LUN on which you want to stop compression. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression -off -l 10 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. compression -list Lists compression information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli compression -list command lists compression information on a specified LUN or all LUNs. SYNTAX naviseccli –h sp compression –list [-l LUN number] [-destpoolid] [-uid] 346 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Compression Commands [-state] [-status] [-percentcomplete] [-rate] [-totalcapacity] [-consumedcapacity] OPTIONS -l LUN number Lists the information about the specified compressed LUN number. If you do not specify the LUN number, all compressed LUNs will be listed. -destpoolid Specifies the destination pool ID of the compressed LUN in migrating state. This option is valid only when the compression is in a migrating state. -uid Specifies the UID of the compressed LUN. -state Specifies the compression state of the LUN. -status Specifies the compression status. -percentcomplete Specifies the percentage completed. -rate Specifies the rate of compression. -totalcapacity Specifies the total capacity of the LUN. -consumedcapacity Specifies the consumed capacity of the LUN. EXAMPLE naviseccli compression –list OUTPUT LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 31 Name: Thin LUN 31 UID: 60:06:01:60:5A:E0:21:00:BA:45:01:A3:68:4F:DE:11 Destination Pool ID: 3 Current State: Migrating Status: OK(0x0) Rate: High Percent Complete: 25 Total Capacity (Blocks): 1234567 Total Capacity (GBs): 10.000 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 1234567 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 3.500 compression -list 347 Compression Commands 348 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 6 FAST Cache Commands This chapter provides a brief overview of the EMC FAST Cache feature and includes a list of FAST Cache commands that you can use, if the feature is enabled on your system. Major topics include: l l l l Introduction to caching....................................................................................... 350 cache -fast -create...............................................................................................351 cache -fast -destroy.............................................................................................352 cache -fast -info.................................................................................................. 352 FAST Cache Commands 349 FAST Cache Commands Introduction to caching Caching temporarily stores frequently accessed data in the storage processor's DRAM memory (SP cache) or in FAST Cache. SP cache operates at the finest granularity 8K physical page size with a 64K logical page size. SP cache has the fastest access times, but is limited in size. FAST Cache provides a large secondary cache area with a 64K page size that can be configured in much larger capacities. FAST Cache uses its understanding of LUN mappings to avoid caching data that is already resident on solid-state disk (SSD) storage. SP cache SP cache includes read caching and write caching. SP cache dynamically adjusts the amount of cache used by each LUN based on the I/O load on that LUN. SP cache does not allow one LUN to monopolize the whole cache. l Read caching is always enabled for a system, and the setting cannot be changed. l Write caching is enabled by default for a system. You can disable write cache at the system level for both classic LUNs and pool LUNs. You can disable write cache at the LUN level for classic LUNs only. FAST Cache Note Storage systems with unbound Flash (SSD) disks and with the FAST Cache enabler installed support the FAST Cache. FAST Cache is a private storage pool consisting of two or more Flash disks. FAST Cache supports read and write caching. FAST Cache can be enabled for all pool LUNs in a storage pool or for individual classic LUNs. If the LUN is in a RAID group, it can use FAST Cache if it is enabled for the LUN. If this LUN is in a FAST Cache-enabled pool, it is eligible to use the FAST Cache. Data already on a Flash drive is not eligible to be moved to FAST Cache. To use FAST Cache, the system must have: l FAST Cache enabler installed l FAST Cache configured l FAST Cache enabled at the classic LUN and/or storage pool You can enable FAST Cache for a classic LUN when you create the LUN or after the LUN is bound using the LUN Cache or SP Cache properties tab. You enable the FAST Cache for a pool LUN when you create the pool or after the pool is created using the Advanced pool properties tab. Note You should not enable the FAST Cache for write intent log LUNs and Clone Private LUNs. Enabling the FAST Cache for these LUNs is a suboptimal use of the FAST Cache and may reduce the performance of the cache for other LUNs. 350 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block FAST Cache Commands naviseccli FAST Cache commands Table 24 naviseccli FAST Cache commands Command Description cache -fast -create Creates FAST Cache. cache -fast -destroy Destroys FAST Cache. cache -fast -info Displays FAST Cache information. cache -fast -create Creates FAST Cache. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cache -fast -create command creates the FAST Cache. SYNTAX cache -fast -create -disks disksList [-rtype raidtype] [-mode rw | ro] [-o] OPTIONS -disks disksList Specifies the name of the disks used as FAST Cache. If you do not specify the disks, the command will fail. -mode rw|ro Specifies the cache mode. The rw is readwrite mode. The ro is readonly mode. -rtype raidtype Specifies the RAID type. Valid RAID type is r_1. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli cache -fast -create -disks 0_0_6 0_0_7 -mode rw -rtype r_1 OUTPUT Configuring FAST Cache may take up to several hours to complete. It will also reduce the amount of Storage System memory available for use by SP Cache. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y If the user wants to create fast cache and the operation would violate the hot spare policy, then the following confirmation message will be displayed: The selection of disks for the FAST Cache creation will violate the hot spare policy. Configuring FAST Cache may take up to several hours to complete. It will also reduce the amount of Storage System memory available for use by SP Cache. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y cache -fast -create 351 FAST Cache Commands cache -fast -destroy Destroys FAST Cache. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cache -fast -destroy command destroys the FAST Cache. SYNTAX cache -fast -destroy [-o] OPTIONS -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli cache -fast –destroy OUTPUT To destroy FAST Cache, the System must flush all data to disk. This operation may be time consuming and may impact system performance. You can monitor the progress of this operation by using the following command: cache -fast -info. Do you want to continue? (y/n) Y cache -fast -info Displays FAST Cache properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli cache -fast -info command lets you view the FAST Cache properties. SYNTAX cache -fast -info [-disks] [-status] [-perfData] OPTIONS -disks Displays the disks used for FAST Cache. -status Displays FAST Cache status. -perfData Displays FAST Cache statistics. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 352 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block FAST Cache Commands EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli cache -fast –info Disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 6 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 7 Mode: Read/Write Raid Type: r_1 Size (GB): 64 State: Enabled Current Operation: Initializing Current Operation Status: Running Current Operation Percent Completed: 20% Percentage Dirty SPA: 1 MBs Flushed SPA: 50 Percentage Dirty SPB: 2 MBs Flushed SPB: 80 EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli cache -fast –info -status Mode: Read/Write Raid Type: r_1 Size (GB): 64 State: Enabled Current Operation: Initializing Current Operation Status: Running Current Operation Percent Completed: 20% EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli cache -fast –info –disks Disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 6 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 7 EXAMPLE #4 naviseccli cache -fast –info –perfData Percentage Dirty MBs Flushed SPA: Percentage Dirty MBs Flushed SPB: SPA: 1 50 SPB: 2 80 OUTPUT naviseccli cache -fast -info Disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 6 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 7 Mode: Read/Write Raid Type: r_1 Size (GB): 64 State: Enabled Current Operation: Initializing Current Operation Status: Running Current Operation Percent Completed: 20% Percentage Dirty SPA: 1 MBs Flushed SPA: 50 Percentage Dirty SPB: 2 MBs Flushed SPB: 80 cache -fast -info 353 FAST Cache Commands 354 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 7 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager This chapter introduces the EMC® Unisphere™ Quality of Service (QoS) Manager application, associated dependencies, and the online help system. Major topics are: l l l About Unisphere Quality of Service Manager....................................................... 356 QoS Manager CLI commands...............................................................................356 Client tools..........................................................................................................375 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager 355 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager About Unisphere Quality of Service Manager QoS Manager lets you allocate system performance resources on an application-byapplication basis. You can use QoS Manager to solve performance conflicts in environments where multiple applications share the same system. Within system capacity, QoS Manager lets you meet specific performance targets for applications, and create performance thresholds to prevent applications from monopolizing system performance. Note QoS Manager lets you centrally manage system resources with no host footprint (no host management or software installs are required on the host). With QoS Manager, you create user-defined I/O classes that characterize, for example, a particular application in order to monitor and control the performance of the I/O class. You must specify various I/O characteristics of your applications to define your I/O classes. You can then determine goals for your I/O classes, and define how to achieve those goals with control methods. You create one or more policies by selecting I/O classes, goals and control methods. Note QoS Manager is system specific. Therefore, you must enable QoS Manager on each system for which you want to use QoS Manager. You do not need to reboot your system to enable QoS Manager. QoS Manager prerequisites QoS Manager requires the following: l QoS Manager must be enabled on each system on which you want to use it. Note Your system must be running the required EMC VNX OE for Block revision to run QoS Manager. QoS Manager is automatically installed with the required VNX OE for Block revision. You must enable QoS Manager on the system. For required VNX OE for Block revisions, see the release notes supplied with the software. You do not need to reboot your system to enable QoS Manager. l The correct version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (see the release notes) must be installed on the client from which you run the browser. For system support and the latest requirements, see the release notes supplied with the software. QoS Manager CLI commands This section explains the naviseccli command and the CLI commands for QoS Manager application. 356 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Note The commands in this section function only with a system that has the optional QoS Manager software installed. nqm -getlatestperf Displays the latest performance information for a running or measuring policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -getlatestperf command lets you view the latest performance information for a running or measuring policy. SYNTAX nqm –getlatestperf [-ioclasses classnames] [-value bw|tt|rt] OPTIONS -ioclasses classnames Specifies an I/O class name. If not specified, all of the I/O classes in the currently running policy will be listed. If the I/O class specified is not a part of a currently running policy, an error message appears. -value bw |tt |rt Lists the performance counters output. The following are the valid counter types: bw: Bandwidth (MB/s) tt: Throughput (I/O/s) rt: Response time (ms) EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command displays the latest performance information. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -getlatestperf OUTPUT Class Name:OLTP class Local Time:Sun June 19 09:10:00 2005 Response Time[ms]:20 Throughput[I/O/sec]:1000 Bandwidth[MB/s]:500 Class Name:Background class Local Time: Sun June 19 09:10:00 2005 Response Time[ms]:28 Throughput[I/O/sec]:800 Bandwidth[MB/s]:300 nqm -info Provides information about QoS Manager on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -info command provides you with information about QoS Manager on the system. nqm -getlatestperf 357 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager SYNTAX nqm –info EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command displays information about QoS Manager on the system. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –info OUTPUT Current State of NQM: Running Goal Satisfied: N/A NQM Provider Version: 6.24 Total User Defined Classes: 2 Total User Defined Policies: 2 Log Event On: Goal no longer satisfied Fallback Policy:aPolicy Current Policy: aRunningPolicy Current Localized Array Time: 22:12:33 10/2/2005 nqm -ioclass -create Creates a new I/O class. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -ioclass command with the -create switch creates a new I/O class. The maximum number of user-defined classes per system is 128. SYNTAX nqm -ioclass –create -ctrlmethod limit -gmetric bw|tt|rt -gval value |-ctrlmethod cruise -gtol value |-ctrlmethod fixed | -noctrl –name classname [-snapshots name|WWN | -luns number|WWN | -nolun] -iotype r|w|rw [[-minsize value_in_kb][-maxsize value_in_kb]] | [-anyio][-o] OPTIONS -ctrlmethod limit Limits maximum throughput, maximum bandwidth, or minimum response time. -gmetric bw|tt|rt Specifies the metric type. It is not valid if the goal type is fixed. Options are: bw: Bandwidth (MB/s) tt: Throughput (I/O/s) rt: Response time (ms) -gval value Specifies the goal value for this class. If the control method is fixed, this value must be between 1 and 512. Otherwise, it must be greater than 0 and less than 10,000,000,000. -ctrlmethod cruise Gives the specific value of throughput, bandwidth, or response time. -gtol value Specifies the tolerance ratio for goal settings. It must be a value between 0 and 100. Unit is percent (%). It is used only for a cruise goal type. 358 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager -ctrlmethod fixed Sets a fixed queue depth for an I/O class. -noctrl If specified, creates the I/O class without any control method. -name classname Specifies a new class name. -snapshots name|WWN Lists the COFW snapshot LUN names, the snapshot mount point names, or the WWNs. -luns number|WWN Lists the LUN numbers or the LUN WWNs. You can use this option for classic LUNs, metaLUNs, thin LUNs, and fully provisioned LUNs. -nolun Specifies that the I/O class will not be modified to any specific LUN. -iotype r|w|rw Lists the I/O type. Valid inputs are r (read) or w (write) or rw (readwrite). -minsize value_in_kb Indicates the minimum I/O size in KBs, a value between .5 and 64 in increments of . 5. -maxsize value_in_kb Indicates the maximum I/O size in KBs. -anyio Indicates the I/O class range, if any. If no I/O size range is specified, the default setting will be anyio. -o Creates an I/O class without prompting for warning/confirmation. If you do not specify the -o switch, the following confirmation message appears: You chose Fixed Queue Depth as your control method. Please be aware that this feature is for EXPERT users ONLY. Running NQM with this control method may prevent you from fully utilizing your system's performance resources by restricting your I/O classes to a certain queue depth on the array. Please use with caution. Do you want to continue it (y/n)? EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command creates an I/O class with the name testClass including LUNs 1, 2, 3 with an I/O type of read. The I/O range is 32–64 KB. The throughput has a goal value of 500 I/Os per second and a tolerance ratio of 10%. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -ioclass –create –name testClass –luns 1 2 3 –iotype r –minsize 32 –maxsize 64 –ctrlmethod cruise -gmetric tt –gval 500 –gtol 10 OUTPUT None nqm -ioclass -destroy Removes an existing I/O class. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. nqm -ioclass -destroy 359 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager DESCRIPTION The nqm -ioclass command with the -destroy switch removes an existing I/O class. Note The operation is not allowed while the class is in a running state. SYNTAX nqm –ioclass -destroy -name classname [-o] OPTIONS -name classname Specifies an existing class name. -o Destroys an I/O class without prompting for warning/confirmation. If you do not specify the -o switch when destroying an I/O class, a confirmation message appears. y = Destroy an I/O class. n = Do not destroy an I/O class. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, testClass will be removed. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –ioclass -destroy -name testClass OUTPUT None nqm -ioclass -list Lists all application classes previously created. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -ioclass command with the -list switch displays all previously created application classes. SYNTAX nqm -ioclass -list [-ctrlmethod] [-iorange] [-iotype] [-luns] [-name [ioclassname]] [-snapshots] [-status] [-state] OPTIONS -ctrlmethod Displays the control method and one or more of the following parameters. For the cruise control method, it displays the goal metric, goal value, and tolerance. For the limit method, it displays the goal metric and goal value. For the fixed-queue-depth method, it displays only the queue depth value. -iorange Lists the range of I/O sizes in this class. -iotype 360 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Lists the I/O type. They are read, write, or readwrite. -luns Lists the LUNs contained in the class. For each classic LUN, thin LUN, and fully provisioned LUN, the LUN number, name, WWN, and RAID type are displayed. For metaLUNs, the RAID type is displayed as N/A. For the class that does not contain any LUNs, the LUNs are listed as Not LUN Specific. -name [ioclassname] Specifies an I/O class name and lists all information for that I/O class. If you do not specify this option, all I/O class names are displayed. -snapshots Lists the snapshots LUN (s) and the snapshot mount points contained in the class. For each snapshot LUN, the snapshot LUN name, the WWN, and the target logical unit are displayed. -status Displays the current status of an I/O class, which may be one of the following: Ready: The I/O class is ready to be run within the context of a policy. Warning: The I/O class does not have a goal and can only be measured in the context of a policy. Broken: The I/O class does not include any LUNs because its last LUN, which could be a classic LUN, a metaLUN, or a thin LUN, was destroyed. If the last LUN is a thin LUN and it goes offline, the I/O class (or any policies that contain this I/O class) is displayed as Broken. -state Displays the class operational state, which may be one of the following: Running: QoS Manager actively controls the system’s I/O flow and collects performance information. Idle: QoS Manager is not controlling or measuring I/O. Measuring: QoS Manager collects performance, but does not tune it. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command displays all previously created application classes. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –ioclass -list OUTPUT Name: TestClassWithNOGoal Status: Ready Current State: Idle Number of LUNs: 3 LUNs: LUN Number: 0 LUN Name: LUN 0 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4C:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 LUN Number: 2 LUN Name: LUN 2 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4E:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 LUN Number: 1 LUN Name: LUN 1 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4D:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 Number of Snapshot(s): 1 Snapshot(s): Snapshot Name: Snap7 Snapshot WWN: 60:06:01:60:4B:50:1D:00:B4:21:88:CF:39:E6:DD:11 nqm -ioclass -list 361 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Target Logical Unit: 8170 IO Type: ReadWrite IO Size Range: Any Control Method: Limit Goal Metric: Throughput Metric Type: Throughput Goal Value: 400 IO/s Name: TestCompleteClass Status: Ready Current State: Idle Number of LUNs: 3 LUNs: LUN Number: 0 LUN Name: LUN 0 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4C:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 LUN Number: 2 LUN Name: LUN 2 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4E:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 LUN Number: 1 LUN Name: LUN 1 LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:4E:22:0E:00:4D:CC:D6:F8:67:6C:D8:11 RAID Type: RAID5 IO Type: ReadWrite IO Size Range: 12KB -- 32KB Control Method: Cruise Control Goal Metric: Throughput Metric Type: Throughput Goal Value: 400 IO/s Goal Tolerance[%]: 50 nqm -ioclass -modify Modifies an existing I/O class. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -ioclass command with the -modify switch modifies an existing I/O class. You can use this command to rename the class, change the properties of a class, or update the contained target lists. Note This operation is not allowed while the class is in a running state. SYNTAX nqm -ioclass -modify -name classname [-anyio] [-iotype r|w|rw] [-snapshots name|WWN|-luns number|WWN|-nolun] [[-maxsize value_in_kb] [-minsize value_in_kb]] [-newname newname] [goal switches] [-o] [-ctrlmethod limit -gmetric bw|tt|rt -gval value| -ctrlmethod cruise -gmetric bw|tt|rt -gval value -gtol value| -ctrlmethod fixed -gval value|-noctrl] 362 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager OPTIONS -name classname Specifies an existing class name. Note -anyio and -maxsize/-minsize are exclusive options. -anyio Indicates the range of any I/O class. -iotype r|w|rw Lists the I/O type. Valid inputs are r (read) or w (write) or rw (readwrite). -snapshots name|WWN Lists the COFW snapshot LUN names, the snapshot mount point names, or the WWNs. -luns number|WWN Lists LUN numbers or LUN WWNs. You can use this option for classic LUNs, metaLUNs, thin LUNs, and fully provisioned LUNs. -nolun Specifies that the I/O class will not be modified to any specific LUN. -maxsize value_in_kb Indicates the maximum I/O size in KBs. -minsize value_in_kb Indicates the minimum I/O size in KBs, a value between .5 and 64 in increments of . 5. -newname newname Indicates a new I/O class name. -o Modifies an I/O class without prompting for warning or confirmation. If the user omits this option when modifying an I/O class, a confirmation message appears: The I/O class is contained by a scheduled policy. Do you want to modify it (y/n)? -ctrlmethod limit Limits maximum throughput, maximum bandwidth, or minimum response time. -gmetric bw|tt|rt Specifies the metric type. It is not valid if the goal type is fixed. The following are the valid metric types: bw: Bandwidth (MB/s) tt: Throughput (I/O/s) rt: Response time (ms) -gval value Specifies the goal value for this class. If the control method is fixed, this value must be between 1 and 512. Otherwise, it must be greater than 0 and less than 10,000,000,000. -ctrlmethod cruise Gives the specific value of throughput, bandwidth, or response time. -gtol value Specifies the tolerance ratio for goal settings. It must be a value between 0 and 100. The unit is percent (%). It is used only for a cruise goal type. -ctrlmethod fixed Sets a fixed queue depth for an I/O class. -noctrl nqm -ioclass -modify 363 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager If specified, creates the I/O class without any control method. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command modifies testClass and gives a new I/O class name of OLTPClass. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -ioclass –modify –name testClass -newname OLTPClass OUTPUT None nqm -measure Starts a specified policy in measuring mode. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -measure command starts a specified policy in measuring mode. SYNTAX nqm –measure policyname OPTIONS policyname Specifies the existing policy name. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command starts testPolicy in measuring mode. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –measure testPolicy OUTPUT None nqm -off Shuts down the QoS Manager operations. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The nqm -off command shuts down the QoS Manager operations. Use this command to stop QoS Manager from running, suspend all scheduled tasks, and disable the fallback feature. This command does not work if QoS Manager is not active. SYNTAX nqm –off [-o] OPTIONS -o Shuts down the QoS Manager operations without prompting for warning/ confirmation. If you omit the -o switch, the following confirmation message appears: This command will stop NQM from running, suspend all scheduled tasks and disable fallback feature. Do you want to continue (y/n)? 364 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager EXAMPLE For, this command shuts down QoS Manager operations. naviseccli -user admin –password admin –scope 0 –h nqm –off OUTPUT None nqm -policy -create Creates a new policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -policy command with the -create switch creates a new policy. A maximum of 10 policies are supported on a storage system. SYNTAX nqm -policy –create –name policyname [-evalwindow number_of_samples] [-failaction stop|measure|continue] [-ioclasses classnames|-noclass] [-timelimit value_in_min] OPTIONS -name policyname Specifies the policy name. -evalwindow number_of_samples Specifies the number of sample periods needed to meet (or to fail to meet) the goal in order for the goal to be classified as satisfied (or unsatisfied). This value must be between 3 and 30. The default value is 3. -failaction stop |measure|continue Specifies the action QoS Manager takes when the goal is not satisfied. The default action is stop. -ioclasses classnames Specifies the I/O class names. The maximum I/O classes allowed is 64. -noclass Creates the policy with no I/O class. -timelimit value_in_min Specifies the maximum time in minutes that a system takes to satisfy the goal. You must specify the limit in minutes. This value must be between 5 and 1440. The default value is 60. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command creates a new policy for clitestpolicy. The specified I/O class is testClass. The system has 20 minutes to satisfy the goal. QoS Manager stops if the goal is not satisfied in the given time limit. The number of sample periods is 3. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –policy -create -name clitestpolicy –ioclasses testClass –timelimit 20 –failaction stop –evalwindow 3 nqm -policy -create 365 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager OUTPUT None nqm -policy -destroy Deletes an existing policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -policy command with the -destroy switch deletes an existing policy that is not contained by any scheduled task. This command will not be allowed if the specified policy is running or measuring. SYNTAX nqm -policy -destroy -name policyname [-o] OPTIONS -name policyname Specifies the policy name to be destroyed. -o Destroys the policy without prompting for warning/confirmation. If you do not specify the -o switch when destroying a policy, a confirmation message appears. y = Destroy a policy. n = Do not destroy a policy. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command deletes the policy, testPolicy. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -policy –destroy -name testPolicy OUTPUT None nqm -policy -list Creates and manages QoS Manager policies. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -policy command with the -list switch creates and manages the QoS Manager policies. SYNTAX nqm -policy -list [-evalwindow] [-failaction] [-ioclasses classnames] [-name [policyname]] [-state] [-status] [-timelimit] OPTIONS -evalwindow 366 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Specifies the number of sample periods needed to meet (or to fail to meet) the goal in order for the goal to be classified as satisfied (or unsatisfied). -failaction Specifies the action QoS Manager takes when it fails to satisfy the goal. If the policy contains a class with the control method of fixed queue depth, this switch option will be N/A. -ioclasses classnames Specifies the I/O class names. -name [policyname] Specifies the policy name. If not specified, all policy names will be displayed. -state Displays the policy’s current state. -status Displays the policy’s current status. -timelimit Specifies the maximum time it should take the system to satisfy the goal. The unit is measured in minutes. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, the command displays the created QoS Manager policies. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –policy –list OUTPUT Name: TestInCompletePolicy2 Status:Ready Current State: Idle Number of I/O Classes: 2 I/O Classes: Name: TestClassWithNOGoal Name: Background Class Action on Failure: Stop NQM tuning after failure to converge Time Limit:15 min Evaluation Window: 10 samples Name: TestCompletePolicy Status:Ready Current State: Idle Number of I/O Classes: 2 I/O Classes: Name: TestCompleteClass Name: Background Class Action on Failure: Stop NQM after failure to satisfy goal Time Limit:15min Evalution Window: 10 samples nqm -policy -modify Modifies an existing policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -policy command with the -modify switch modifies an existing policy. SYNTAX nqm -policy -modify -name policyname [-evalwindow number_of_samples] [-failaction stop|measure|continue] nqm -policy -modify 367 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager [-ioclasses classnames] | [-noclass] [-newname newname] [-o] [-timelimit value_in_min] OPTIONS -name policyname Specifies the policy name. -evalwindow number_of_samples Specifies the number of sample periods needed to meet (or to fail to meet) the goal in order for the goal to be classified as satisfied (or unsatisfied). This value must be between 3 and 30. The default value is 3. -failaction stop |measure|continue Specifies the action QoS Manager takes when the goal is not satisfied. The default action is stop. -ioclasses classnames Specifies the I/O class names. -noclass Modifies the policy to contain no I/O classes. -newname newname New name for an existing policy. -o Modifies a policy without prompting for warning/confirmation. -timelimit value_in_min Specifies the maximum time it should take the system to satisfy the goal. Measured in minutes, the value must be between 5 and 1440. The default value is 60. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command modifies the existing policy name, clitestpolicy2, and assigns a new name, OLTPPolicy. The QoS Manager stops if the goal is not satisfied. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -policy –modify –name clitestpolicy2 -newname OLTPPolicy -failaction stop OUTPUT None nqm -run Starts a specified policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -run command starts a specified policy. SYNTAX nqm –run policyname OPTIONS policyname Specifies which policy to run. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command runs testPolicy. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -run testPolicy 368 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager OUTPUT None nqm -schedule -create Creates a scheduled task. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -create switch creates a scheduled task. SYNTAX nqm -schedule -create -name schedulename -startdate mm/dd/yyyy -starttime hh:mm:ss –duration hours:minutes -policy policyname [-daily frequency] | [-weekly frequency -pattern [su] [mo] [tu] [we] [th] [fr] [sa]] | -norecur OPTIONS -name schedulename Specifies the scheduled task name. -startdate mm/dd/yyyy Indicates the date the task is scheduled to start. -starttime hh:mm:ss Indicates the time the task is scheduled to start. -duration hours:minutes Indicates how long the policy will run. The hours can be a value between 0 and 168. Minutes is a value between 0 and 59. -policy policyname Specifies the policy name to which the scheduled task is associated. -daily frequency Specifies that this scheduled task should occur daily at the specified frequency. -weekly frequency Specifies that this scheduled task should occur weekly at the specified frequency. -pattern [su] [mo] [tu] [we] [th] [fr] [sa] Specifies the list of weekdays, separated by spaces, that the task will reoccur. Specify this switch only with the -weekly switch. -norecur Specifies no recurrence of the scheduled task, if specified. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command creates a daily recurring task for TestScheduleRecurring. The task will occur every day at 12:10:00. The duration will be 4 hours and 20 minutes, effective 4/5/2004. The scheduled task will be associated with TestCompletePolicy. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -schedule –create –name TestScheduleRecurring -startdate 04/05/2004 –starttime 12:10:00 –duration 4:20 -policy TestCompletePolicy -daily 1 nqm -schedule -create 369 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager OUTPUT None nqm -schedule -destroy Clears a specified scheduled task. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -destroy switch clears a specified scheduled task. SYNTAX nqm -schedule -destroy –name schedulename [-o] OPTIONS -name schedulename Specifies the scheduled task name. -o Destroys the scheduled task without prompting for warning/confirmation. If you do not specify the -o switch when destroying a scheduled task, a confirmation message appears. y = Destroy a scheduled task. n = Do not destroy the scheduled task. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command clears the scheduled task testSchedule. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –schedule –destroy –name testSchedule OUTPUT None nqm -schedule -list Lists all scheduled tasks. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -list switch lists all scheduled tasks in a timely order. If there is no task scheduled, then no task will be displayed. SYNTAX nqm -schedule -list [-name [schedulename]] [-state] [-start] [-duration] [-policy policyname] [-recur] OPTIONS -name schedulename Lists all information for a specific QoS Manager task. -state 370 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Specifies the state of the tasks. The different states include: scheduled: A scheduled occurrence is waiting for its turn to run. suspended: A suspended task is temporarily excluded and will not be run at its scheduled start time. running: A scheduled policy is currently running. broken: A broken task contains a broken policy that cannot be run. -start Displays the calendar time to start QoS Manager. -duration Specifies the duration the schedule runs. -policy policyname Specifies the name of the policy to be run. -recur Displays the recurring pattern or no recurrence. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command lists all scheduled tasks. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –schedule –list OUTPUT Name: TestScheduleRecurring Current State: Scheduled Next Start Time: Mon Apr 05 10:10:00 2004 Duration: 2 hours Policy Name: TestCompletePolicy Recurrence Type: Weekly Frequency: Every 2 weeks Pattern: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Name: TestScheduleRecurring Current State: Running Next Start Time: Mon Apr 05 12:00:00 2004 Duration: 4 hours Policy Name: TestCompletePolicy Recurrence Type: Weekly Frequency: Every week Pattern: Sunday Name: TestScheduleRecurringDaily Current State: Idle Next Start Time: Mon Apr 05 16:00:00 2004 Duration: 2 hours Policy Name: TestCompletePolicy Recurrence Type: Daily Frequency: Every day Pattern: N/A Name: TestScheduleNoRecurring Current State: Idle Next Start Time: Mon Apr 05 18:10:00 2004 Duration: 2 hours Policy Name: TestCompletePolicy Recurrence Type: None Frequency: N/A Pattern: N/Az nqm -schedule -list 371 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager nqm -schedule -modify Modifies a scheduled task. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -modify switch modifies a specified scheduled task. SYNTAX nqm -schedule –modify –name schedulename [-newname newname] [-policy policyname] [-startdate mm/dd/yyyy ] [-starttime hh:mm:ss] [-duration hours:minutes ] [-daily frequency] | [-weekly frequency -pattern [su] [mo] [tu] [we] [th] [fr] [sa]] | -norecur OPTIONS -name schedulename Specifies the existing scheduled task name. -newname newname Specifies a new name for the existing scheduled task. -policy policyname Indicates the policy name to which the scheduled task is associated. -startdate mm/dd/yyyy Indicates the date the task is scheduled to start. -starttime hh:mm:ss Indicates the time the task is scheduled to start. -duration hours:minutes Indicates the length of time the policy will run. -daily frequency Specifies that this scheduled task should occur daily at the specified frequency. -weekly frequency Specifies that this scheduled task should occur weekly at the specified frequency. -pattern [su] [mo] [tu] [we] [th] [fr] [sa] Specifies the list of weekdays, separated by spaces, that the task will reoccur. This switch should be specified only with the –weekly switch. -norecur Creates the scheduled task with no recurrence. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command modifies the task testSchedule. The task will start on 6/11/2004 at 12:00:00 and will run for 5 hours and 30 minutes. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm -schedule -modify –name testSchedule –startdate 6/11/2004 –starttime 12:00:00 –duration 5:30 OUTPUT None 372 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager nqm -schedule -resume Resumes a scheduled task. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -resume switch resumes a scheduled task. SYNTAX nqm –schedule -resume -all | -name schedulename OPTIONS -all Resumes all existing tasks. -name schedulename Specifies an existing scheduled task name. EXAMPLE #1 For ss1_spa, this command resumes the scheduled task testSchedule. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –schedule –resume –name testSchedule EXAMPLE #2 For ss1_spa, this command resumes all existing scheduled tasks. naviseccli –h ss1_spa nqm –schedule –resume –all OUTPUT None nqm -schedule -suspend Suspends scheduled tasks. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -schedule command with the -suspend switch suspends a scheduled task. SYNTAX nqm –schedule -suspend -all | -name schedulename [-o] OPTIONS -all Suspends all existing tasks. -name schedulename Specifies the existing scheduled task. -o Suspends a scheduled task without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 For ss1_spa, this command suspends the task named testSchedule. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -schedule -suspend -name testSchedule nqm -schedule -resume 373 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager EXAMPLE #2 For ss1_spa, this command suspends all scheduled tasks without prompting for confirmation. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -schedule -suspend -all -o OUTPUT None nqm -setfallback Sets or unsets a fallback policy. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -setfallback command will set or unset a fallback policy. SYNTAX nqm -setfallback -enable pname | -disable OPTIONS -enable pname Enables and sets a fallback policy with the specified policy name. -disable Disables and unsets the fallback policy. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command enables a fallback policy for apolicy. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -setfallback -enable apolicy OUTPUT None nqm -setoptions Toggles data logging and event control switches. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -setoptions command toggles data logging and event control switches. SYNTAX nqm -setoptions -logevent [[gs][gu][gn]]| none OPTIONS -logevent [[gs] [gu] [gn]] | none Indicates if an event needs to be added in the event log due to the following four conditions: gs: Goal satisfied gu: Goal unattainable gn: Goal no longer satisfied none: Log no events 374 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, this command toggles the data logging and the event control switch. Events will be put into the event log if the goal is satisfied, unattainable, or no longer satisfied. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -setoptions -logevent gs gu gn OUTPUT None nqm -stop Stops the active policy immediately. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm -stop command stops the active policy (running or measuring) immediately. SYNTAX nqm -stop [-nofallback][-o] OPTIONS -nofallback Starts the fallback policy unless this switch is specified. -o Stops a policy without prompting for warning/confirmation. EXAMPLE For ss1_spa, the command immediately stops the active policy without starting the fallback policy. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -stop -nofallback OUTPUT None Client tools This section describes the QoS Manager client tools. nqm -archive -dump Dumps QoS Manager archive files. PREREQUISITES The host, username/password, and scope options of naviseccli are ignored since this command runs locally. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm command with the -archive -dump command dumps the performance data, relationship, configuration, and statistics information in a format that you specify. You can specify the output format, XML or CSV, for the dumped information. The -archive -dump command includes the following subcommands: l -data nqm -stop 375 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager l -rel l -config l -stats Note The -archive -dump command recognizes and reports an error message when you try to open an encrypted archive file. SYNTAX nqm -archive -dump -data filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-header y|n] [-object codes] [-format codes] [-stime starttime] [-ftime endtime] [-timezone code] [-progress] or nqm -archive -dump -rel filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-root objcode] [-level depth] [-progress] or nqm -archive -dump -config filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml] [-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-object objcode] [-progress] or nqm -archive -dump -stats filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-timezone code] OPTIONS -data filename(s) Dumps data from archive files. You must provide the archive filename following the -data command. Note It lets you specify QoS Manager archive files and dump QoS Manager specific data. The optional switches are as follows: -out filename(s) Dumps multiple files. Specify multiple output filenames separated by commas. The output filenames list corresponds to the dumped filenames list. 376 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Note You can dump multiple files into a single file using the -join switch. -join Appends the output from multiple files into a single file. The header will be dumped only once if this switch is used and if the header switch is enabled. This switch is valid only if you specify multiple files. -overwrite y|n Works with the -out switch. If you use the -overwrite switch without the -out switch, it is ignored. The -overwrite switch applies to all the output files if you specify multiple files to dump. y = Without a warning, overwrites the existing file specified by the -out switch. n = Displays an error message if the file that the -out switch specified already exists. Note If you try to overwrite a read-only file, an error message appears. -xml Specifies the output as XML format. This switch is optional, and you cannot use it with the -delim type. If you do not specify the -xml switch, delimited output results. If you use it with the -data command and the -format switch, an error message appears. -delim code Specifies a delimiter that separates the output data. With this switch, you can specify the output as delimited type. It is optional and cannot be used with the -xml switch. Specify the delimiter when you use this switch. If you do not specify either xml or -delim, delimited output results. Table 25 Delimiter codes Delimiter Code Comma (default) cm Semicolon sc Colon cl Tab tb Slash sl Backslash bs Period pd White space ws Note If you use a slash or a period as a delimiter, you must also use the -enquote switch. -enquote code nqm -archive -dump 377 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Encloses each performance characteristic within a set of special characters. If you specify the output type as -xml, an error message appears. The possible special characters that you can use for the -enquote switch are listed below: Table 26 Valid -enquote switch special characters Enclosing character Code None no Quote qu Apostrophe ap Accent character ac Note Use this switch only when you specify an output type as -delimited. -eol code Specifies a particular end-of-line character. The output reaches an end of line when all performance characteristics for one specific object at a particular time have been output. The underlying client system determines the default end-of-line character. If you specify the output type as -xml, an error message appears. The possible endof-line characters for the switch are listed below: Table 27 Valid end-of-line characters End-of-line character Code Carriage return cr Line feed lf Note Use this switch only when you specify an output type as -delimited. -header y|n Specifies whether to output a column header. y = Output a header n = Do not output a header -object codes Specifies the objects for which to collect the performance statistics and the order in which to output them. Not specifying this switch dumps all policy session objects. Table 28 Valid object type codes Object type Code Policy session (QoS Manager) ps -format codes 378 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Specifies which performance characteristics to output and the order in which they will appear. This switch is optional and cannot be used with the -xml switch. If you use the -xml switch with the -format switch, an error message appears. The format switch requires one or more of the codes listed below. If you do not specify this switch, all performance characteristics are output in the order listed below: Table 29 Performance characteristics without -format code Performance characteristic Object type Code Object Name All objects on Owner Array Name All objects oan Poll Time All objects pt Policy Start Time Policy Session psst Policy End Time Policy Session pset I/O Class Name Policy Session cn I/O Delay I/O Class fd Response Time (ms) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, I/O Class, Snapshot, Thin LUN rt Total Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, I/O Class, Snapshot, Thin LUN tb Total Throughput (I/O/s) LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, I/O Class, Snapshot, Thin LUN tt Queue Depth LUN, metaLUN, disk, SP, I/O Class, Snapshot, Thin LUN qd -stime starttime Specifies an archive poll time to start iterating through the data. The -stime switch requires the start time to be in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss where: mm is the month of a year (1-12) dd is the day of a month (1-31) yyyy is the four-digit year hh is the hour of the day (0-23) mm is the minute in an hour (0-59) ss is the second in a minute (0-59). You must enclose the time in double quotation marks. The -stime switch works in combination with the -ftime switch, described below. If the start time is greater than the end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify a start time, this switch defaults to the earliest poll time in the archive file. Note If you use the -stime switch with the -timezone switch, you must apply the time zone to the start time. nqm -archive -dump 379 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager If the start time you specify does not exist in the time interval of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time range of the archive file appears. Also, if the start time format is not valid, an error message appears. -ftime endtime Specifies an archive poll time to stop iterating through the data. The -ftime switch requires the end time to be in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss where: mm is the month of a year (1-12) dd is the day of a month (1-31) yyyy is the four-digit year hh is the hour of the day (0-23) mm is the minute in an hour (0-59) ss is the second in a minute (0-59). You must enclose the time in double quotation marks. The -ftime switch works in combination with the -stime switch, described above. If the start time is greater than the end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify an end time, this switch defaults to the latest poll time in the archive file. Note If you use the -ftime switch with the -timezone switch, you must apply the time zone to the end time. If the end time you specify does not exist in the time interval of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time range of the archive file appears. Also, if the end time format is not valid, an error message appears. -timezone code Applies a particular time zone to the performance characteristic, Poll Time, included in the output data. By default, QoS Manager displays this characteristic in the local time of the client system. The possible time zones for the switch are listed below: Table 30 Time zone values Time zone Code Local time (default) local Universal time utc -progress Displays information about the current dump status, including the name of the file being dumped and the percentage dumped. An approximate value is calculated based on the number of objects for the percentage dumped information. This switch works with the -out switch. If you use the -progress switch without the -out switch, it is ignored. Do not use this switch in scripts. -rel Dumps the relationship information for the various objects in the archive file. Unisphere version 1.0 contains fully provisioned LUN support for QoS Manager. You can dump and display the fully provisioned LUN if it is part of any I/O class. You can 380 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager also dump and display the snapshot mount point if it is a part of any I/O class. You must provide the archive filename following the -rel command. You can specify multiple archive filenames separated by commas to dump the relationship information for all of them. In addition to the switches, -join, -out, -overwrite, -progress, -eol, and -enquote (which are described above), you can also use the following optional switches with the -rel command: -xml Specifies the output in XML format. This switch is optional and you cannot use it with the -delim type. If you do not specify the -xml switch, delimited output results. -delim Specifies the output as delimited. In the delimited format, the relationship is dumped in a logical tree format, whereby each node appears on a separate line. -config Dumps the configuration information of objects in the archive file. You must provide the archive filename following the -config command. You can specify multiple archive files separated by commas to dump the configuration information for all of them. In addition to the switches, -join, -out, -overwrite, -progress, delim, -enquote, and -eol (which are described above), you can also use the following optional switches with the -config command: -object objcode Specifies which objects and in what order you want to dump the configuration information. If you do not specify this switch, all object types are dumped in the order of policies, I/O classes, metaLUNs, classic LUNs, thin LUNs, fully provisioned LUNs, and snapshot mount points. If you use the plu object code for pool-based LUNs, the tl option for thin LUNs is ignored. Use the al object code to dump all LUN targets including metaLUNs, classic LUNs, thin LUNs, fully provisioned LUNs, and snapshot LUNs. All other object codes are ignored if you specify the al object code. Table 31 Order of dump configuration information Object type Code Policy session ps I/O class cl All LUNs (including all supported public LUNs) al MetaLUN ml Classic LUN l Thin LUN tl Pool LUN (including thin LUN and fully provisioned LUN) plu Snapshot LUN sl -xml Specifies the output in XML format. This switch is optional and you cannot use it with the -delim type. If you do not specify the -xml switch, delimited output results. -stats archive filename(s) Dumps the statistical information for multiple archive files. A blank line separates dumped information of different files. You can use the following optional switches nqm -archive -dump 381 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager with the -stats command: -join, -out, -overwrite (which are described above). EXAMPLE #1 This command lets you dump data from the archive file archive.nqm without outputting a header. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -archive -dump -data archive.nqm -header n EXAMPLE #2 This command lets you dump relationship information of various objects in the archive file archive.nqm and output it in XML format. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -archive -dump -rel archive.nqm -xml EXAMPLE #3 This command lets you dump configuration information of objects in the archive file archive.nqm; if the output file archive.csv exists, the system overwrites it without a warning. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -archive -dump -config archive.nqm -out archive.csv -overwrite y EXAMPLE #4 This command lets you dump statistical information for multiple archive files archive1.nqm and archive2.nqm. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -archive -dump -stats archive1.nqm, archive2.nqm OUTPUT Varies depending upon which switch you use. nqm -archive -retrieve Retrieves QoS Manager archive files. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. Note The navicli nqm command is not required for the -archive -retrieve command to run. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli nqm command with the -archive -retrieve command lets you create and retrieve the archive files from the system. SYNTAX nqm -archive -retrieve -file filename [-location directorypath] [-overwrite y|n] [-retry number] [-v] OPTIONS -file filename Specifies the name of the archive file once it is retrieved to the client system. -location directorypath 382 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere QoS Manager Specifies the path location of the archive file once it is retrieved to the client system. If you do not specify a location, QoS Manager uses the current working directory. -overwrite y|n Specifies whether to overwrite an existing archive file on the client system. If the specified archive file already exists and this switch is not used, the command fails. y = Without a warning, overwrites the existing file specified by the -out switch. n = Displays an error message if the file that the -out switch specified already exists. -retry number Specifies the number of times to retry a retrieval before giving up completely. A retry will occur only when the actual move of the archive file from the system to the client system fails. -v As the retrieval process progresses, the status of each stage will be output. EXAMPLE This command retrieves an archive to the file, archive.nqm in c:\Temp, overwrites the existing file and retries two times. naviseccli -h ss1_spa nqm -archive -retrieve -file archive.nqm -location c:\temp -overwrite y -retry 2 OUTPUT None nqm -archive -retrieve 383 EMC Unisphere QoS Manager 384 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 8 EMC Unisphere Analyzer This chapter introduces the EMC® Unisphere™ Analyzer performance monitor application, which measures the performance of disk-array storage systems. Major topics are: l l l About Unisphere Analyzer................................................................................... 386 Analyzer CLI commands...................................................................................... 386 Client tools..........................................................................................................392 EMC Unisphere Analyzer 385 EMC Unisphere Analyzer About Unisphere Analyzer Analyzer works within storage domains that the web-based Unisphere software administers. It gathers system performance statistics and presents them in various types of charts. These charts can help you find and anticipate bottlenecks in the disk storage component of a computer system. Analyzer has two parts: a provider program that accumulates performance information and a user interface (UI). For information about the Analyzer UI, see the Unisphere online help. The Analyzer enabler must be installed on any system you want to analyze. It controls, accumulates, and manages access to performance information on storage processors (SPs), logical units (LUNs), and disks. The new information displaces the old. This manual uses the term LUN to refer to LUNs, metaLUNs, fully provisioned LUNs, and thin LUNs, except where explicitly noted. Analyzer can display the performance data directly (in real time) or as a file containing past performance data from an archive. It can display real time and archive file data simultaneously. You can compare charts from different systems (using real time data) or you can compare different times on one system (using real time and archive data). Analyzer chart types Analyzer has seven types of charts: l Performance Overview l Performance Survey l Performance Summary l Performance Detail l IO Size Distribution Summary (for LUNs and metaLUNs only) l IO Size Distribution Detail (for LUNs and metaLUNs only) l LUN IO Disk Detail (for LUNs only) Prerequisites Analyzer requires the following: l Unisphere software must be installed and enabled on at least one of the systems in the system domain that you want to analyze. l Analyzer must be enabled on the system you want to analyze. l The correct version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be on the client from which you run the browser. For the latest requirements, see the release notes supplied with the software. Analyzer CLI commands This section explains the naviseccli command and the commands for monitoring and measuring the performance of VNX series systems with the Analyzer option. 386 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer Note The commands in this section function only with a system that has the optional Analyzer software installed. analyzer -set Modifies the performance logging properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. If one of the switches is specified, the user account needs the administrator or manager role. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -set switch lets you modify the performance logging properties. analyzer -set is used with naviseccli( see naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -set [-narinterval seconds] [-rtinterval seconds] [-nonstop|-logperiod days] [-periodicarchiving 0|1] [-default] OPTIONS -narinterval seconds Changes the polling interval for performance logging. The allowable range is 60 to 3600, and the default is 120. Modifying this value affects the duration of the data in the file. For example, at 600 seconds an archive should have approximately 26 hours of data. If you lower the rate to 1200 seconds, the archive file would have approximately 52 hours of data. -rtinterval seconds Changes the polling interval for real-time chart windows. The valid range is 60 to 3600; the default is 60. -nonstop Sets performance logging to run non-stop. -logperiod days Sets performance logging to run for a period of days. The valid range is 1 to 30 days; the default is 7 days. -periodicarchiving 0 | 1 When you set -periodicarchiving to 1, performance logging automatically creates archive files at periods of 156 samples. The default is 0, no periodic archiving. -default Resets the values of all performance properties back to their default values. It does not change the -nonstop or -logperiod switch when performance logging is running. You cannot specify -nonstop and -logperiod in the same command line. If you do not specify any switches, you will get back the current values. EXAMPLE #1 This command sets the archive interval to 20 minutes. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -set -narinterval 1200 analyzer -set 387 EMC Unisphere Analyzer EXAMPLE #2 This command sets the archive interval back to 2 minutes. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -set -default OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. analyzer -get Returns the current values of the performance logging properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -get switch lets you view the current values of the performance logging properties for the switch you specify. analyzer -get is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -get [-narinterval ] [-rtinterval ] [-logperiod ] [-periodicarchiving ] OPTIONS -narinterval Returns the current archive polling interval in seconds. -rtinterval Returns the current real-time polling interval in seconds. -logperiod Returns the current logging period (number of days or nonstop). -periodicarchiving Returns the -periodicarchiving setting, No or Yes. Note If you do not specify any switches, the analyzer -get command displays all the current values. EXAMPLE This command returns the current archive interval. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -get -narinterval OUTPUT For this example, the output is: Archive Poll Interval (sec): 600 analyzer -logging Resets performance logging. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager privileges to use this command. 388 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -logging switch lets you reset performance logging. analyzer -logging is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -logging [-reset] OPTIONS -reset Stops performance logging. It deletes all the data that the Analyzer provider has collected. Then it starts performance logging. EXAMPLE This command resets performance logging. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -logging -reset OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. analyzer -start Starts performance logging. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager privileges to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -start switch starts performance logging. It turns on statistics logging if it is not on already. analyzer -start is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -start EXAMPLE This command starts performance logging. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -start OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. analyzer -stop Stops performance logging. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. You need administrator or manager privileges to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -stop switch stops performance logging. It restores the statistics logging state to what it was before logging was started. analyzer -stop is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). analyzer -start 389 EMC Unisphere Analyzer SYNTAX analyzer -stop EXAMPLE This command stops performance logging. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -stop OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. analyzer -status Displays performance logging status. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -status switch lets you see the current status of performance logging. Possible status includes the following: l Running. Started on date time l Stopped l Stopped on date time analyzer -status is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -status EXAMPLE This command provides the current status of performance logging. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -status OUTPUT For this example, the output is: Running. Started on 10/17/2006 13:27:32 analyzer -archive Manages archive files. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archive switch lets you list, retrieve, or delete one or more archive files from an SP. It retrieves both the encrypted and decrypted archive files. SYNTAX analyzer -archive [[-list][-path pathname][-o][-all|-file filenames][-delete]] or analyzer -archive [-new|-statusnew filename] 390 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer OPTIONS -list Lists all the archive files, ignoring all other switches. -path pathname Retrieves files to the path you specify. If you do not specify a pathname, files are retrieved to the current directory. -o Does not display warning messages. -all Retrieves all archive files. -file filenames Retrieves archive files you specify. -delete Deletes files you select or specify with the -all or -file switches. If you do not specify the -o switch, a warning message lists files to delete and asks for confirmation. -new Immediately creates a new archive file and output name for the new archive file. If you cannot create a new archive file because less than ten samples were collected, this switch returns the name of the newest archive file. -statusnew filename Returns the status of the new archive file, filename, which you created with the -new switch. The possible status is done or not done. EXAMPLE This command lists all the archive files. naviseccli -h ss1_spa analyzer -archive -list OUTPUT Index Size in KB Last Modified Filename 0 39 10/04/2006 16:07:24 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-04_20-07-21-GMT_M05-00.nar 1 60 10/06/2006 10:39:56 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-06_14-39-56-GMT_M05-00.nar 2 114 10/06/2006 13:49:51 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-06_17-49-50-GMT_M05-00.nar 3 68 10/08/2006 12:12:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_16-12-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 4 68 10/08/2006 14:48:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_18-48-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 5 70 10/08/2006 17:24:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-08_21-24-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 6 70 10/08/2006 20:00:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_00-00-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 7 71 10/08/2006 22:36:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_02-36-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 8 70 10/09/2006 01:12:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_05-12-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 9 70 10/09/2006 03:48:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_07-48-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 10 71 10/09/2006 06:24:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_10-24-41-GMT_M05-00.nar 11 69 10/09/2006 09:00:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_13-00-42-GMT_M05-00.nar 12 72 10/09/2006 11:36:42 APM00035101236_SPA_2006-10-09_15-36-42-GMT_M05-00.nar analyzer -archive 391 EMC Unisphere Analyzer Client tools This section describes the Analyzer client tools that you use with naviseccli. analyzer -archivedump Dumps Analyzer archive files. PREREQUISITES The host, username/password and scope options of naviseccli are ignored since this command runs locally. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archivedump command dumps the performance data, relationship, and configuration information in a format that you specify. Note The -archivedump command recognizes and reports an error message when you try to open an encrypted archive file. The -archivedump command includes the following subcommands: l -data l -stats l -rel l -config analyzer -archivedump is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -archivedump -data filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-header y|n] [-object codes] [-format codes] [-stime starttime] [-ftime endtime] [-timezone code] [-progress] analyzer -archivedump -stats filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-timezone code] analyzer -archivedump -rel filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-root objcode] [-level depth] [-progress] analyzer -archivedump -config filename(s) [-out filename(s)] [-join] [-overwrite y|n] [-xml|-delim code] [-enquote code] [-eol code] [-object objcode] [-progress] 392 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer OPTIONS -data filename(s) Dumps data from archive files. You must provide the archive filename following the -data command. The optional switches are as follows: -out filename(s) Dumps multiple files. Specify multiple output filenames separated by commas. The output filenames list corresponds to the dumped filename list. Note You can dump multiple files into a single file using the -join switch. -join Appends the output from multiple files into a single file. The header will be dumped only once if this switch is used and if the header switch is enabled. This switch is valid only if you specify multiple files. If you use this switch with the single file following -data, the switch is ignored. overwrite y|n Works with the -out switch. If you use the -overwrite switch without the out switch, it is ignored. The -overwrite switch applies to all the output files if you specify multiple files to be dumped. y Without a warning, overwrites the existing file specified by the -out switch. n Displays an error message if the file that the -out switch specified already exists. Note If you try to overwrite a read-only file, an error message appears. -xml Specifies the output in XML format. This switch is optional, and you cannot use it with the -delim type. If you do not specify the -xml switch, delimited output results. If you use it with the -data command and the -format switch, an error message appears. -delim code Specifies a delimiter that separates the output data. With this switch, you can specify the output as delimited type. It is optional and cannot be used with the -xml switch. Specify the delimiter when you use this switch. If you do not specify either -xml or -delim, delimited output results. Table 32 Delimiter codes Delimiter Code Comma (default) cm Semicolon sc Colon cl Tab tb analyzer -archivedump 393 EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 32 Delimiter codes (continued) Delimiter Code Slash sl Backslash bs Period pd White space ws Note If you use a slash or a period as a delimiter, you must also use the -enquote switch with an option other than None. -enquote code Encloses each performance characteristic within a set of special characters. By default, the special characters None are used. The possible special characters for the switch are listed below: Table 33 Valid -enquote switch special character codes Enclosing character Code None no Quote qu Apostrophe ap Accent character ac Note Use this switch only when you specify -delimited as an output type. -eol code Specifies a particular end-of-line character. The output reaches an end of line when all performance characteristics for one specific object at a particular time have been output. The underlying client system determines the default end-ofline character. The possible end-of-line characters for the switch are listed below: Table 34 Valid end-of-line characters End-of-line character Code Carriage return cr Line feed lf Note Use this switch only when you specify -delimited as an output type. 394 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer -header y | n Specifies whether to output a column header. This switch is optional. If you do not specify the switch, by default, it outputs a header. y Output a header. n Do not output a header. -object codes Specifies the objects for which to collect performance statistics and the order in which to output them. If you do not specify this switch, all object types are dumped in the following order: SPs, public classic LUNs, metaLUNs, fully provisioned LUNs, thin LUNs, Snapshot mount point, private classic LUNs, disks, MirrorView/A, Snap sessions, RAID groups, pools, Snapshots, Consistency Groups, and ports. If the objects have no performance data, no information is dumped. Table 35 Valid object type codes Object type Code SP s LUNa l MetaLUN ml Disk d Asynchronous mirror am Snap session ss RAID group rg Port p Private classic LUNs b pl Host LUNc hl Thin LUNd tl All LUNs al Public/private pool LUNs plu Thin pool tp Pool e pool Snapshotf snap Consistency Groupg cg Snapshot Seth cgsnap Snapshot mount pointi sl a. b. c. d. RAID group based public or private LUNs Private LUNs are metaLUN components and other reserved LUNs. Host LUNs are all LUNs with host I/O. Thin LUNs are LUNs whose storage capacity grows by using a shared pool of storage. They dump only the host statistics. analyzer -archivedump 395 EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 35 Valid object type codes (continued) e. f. g. h. i. Thin pool and pool mean the same object. Thin pool is kept for backward compatibility purposes in Unisphere version 1.0 New snapshot object for VNX snapshots. New object for VNX snapshots. Snap of a consistency group. New objects for VNX snapshots. Snapshot mount point for VNX snapshots. -format codes Specifies which performance characteristics to output and the order in which they appear. The -format switch requires one or more of the codes listed below. If you do not specify this switch, all performance characteristics are output in the order listed below: Table 36 Performance characteristics without -format code 396 Performance characteristic Object type Code Object Name All objects on Poll Time All objects pt Owner Array Name All objects oan Current Owner LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN co Utilization (%) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP u Queue Length LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP ql Response Time (ms) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP rt Total Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, asynchronous mirror, port tb Total Throughput (IO/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, asynchronous mirror, port tt Read Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port rb Read Size (KB) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port rs Read Throughput (IO/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port rio Write Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port wb Write Size (KB) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port ws Write Throughput (IO/s) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP, port wio Full Stripe Write/s LUN, metaLUN fsw EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 36 Performance characteristics without -format code (continued) Performance characteristic Object type Code SP Cache Prefetch Bandwidth (MB/s) LUN, metaLUN pb SP Cache Used Prefetches (%) LUN, metaLUN up SP Cache Read Hits/s LUN, metaLUN rch SP Cache Read Misses/s LUN, metaLUN rcm SP Cache Read Hit Ratio LUN, metaLUN rchr SP Cache Write Hits/s LUN, metaLUN wch SP Cache Write Misses LUN, metaLUN wcm SP Cache Write Hit Ratio LUN, metaLUN wchr SP Cache Flush Requests/s SP spcfr Complete histogram (r512b through t512kb) LUN, metaLUN histo Read histogram (r512b through r512kb) LUN, metaLUN rhisto Write histogram (w512b through w512kb) LUN, metaLUN whisto Total histogram (t512b through t512kb) LUN, metaLUN thisto SP Cache Forced Flushes/s LUN, metaLUN ff Disk Crossings (%) LUN, metaLUN dcp Average Busy Queue Length LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP abql Disk Crossing/s LUN, metaLUN dc Service Time (ms) LUN, metaLUN, pool-based LUN, disk, SP st LUN Read Crossings/s metaLUN krc LUN Write Crossings/s metaLUN lwc Average Seek Distance (GB) disk asd SP Cache Dirty Pages (%) SP dp SP Cache MBs Flushed (MB/s) SP mbf High Water Flush On SP hwfo Idle Flush On SP ifo Low Water Flush Off SP lwfo Write Cach Flushes/s SP wcf Reads from Snapshot Cache Snap Session rfsc Reads from Snapshot Copy LUN Snap Session rfsnl Reads from Snapshot Source LUN Snap Session rfssl Writes To SnapShot Source LUN Snap Session wssl analyzer -archivedump 397 EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 36 Performance characteristics without -format code (continued) 398 Performance characteristic Object type Code Writes To Snapshot Cache Snap Session wsc Writes Larger Than Snapshot Cache Chunk Snap Session Size wltsccs Chunks Used in Snapshot Copy Session Snap Session cuscs Average Transfer Size (KB) Asynchronous Mirror amats Time Lag (min) Asynchronous Mirror amtl Data Lag (MB) Asynchronous Mirror amml Cycle Count Asynchronous Mirror amcc Average Cycle Time (min) Asynchronous Mirror amact Read 512B LUN, metaLUN r512b Read 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN r1kb Read 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN r2kb Read 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN r4kb Read 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN r8kb Read 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN r16kb Read 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN r32kb Read 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN r64kb Read 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN r128kb Read 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN r256kb Read 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN r512kb Write 512B LUN, metaLUN w512b Write 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN w1kb Write 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN w2kb Write 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN w4kb Write 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN w8kb Write 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN w16kb Write 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN w32kb Write 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN w64kb Write 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN w128kb Write 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN w256kb Write 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN w512kb Total 512B LUN, metaLUN t512b Total 1KB+ LUN, metaLUN t1kb EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 36 Performance characteristics without -format code (continued) Performance characteristic Object type Code Total 2KB+ LUN, metaLUN t2kb Total 4KB+ LUN, metaLUN t4kb Total 8KB+ LUN, metaLUN t8kb Total 16KB+ LUN, metaLUN t16kb Total 32KB+ LUN, metaLUN t32kb Total 64KB+ LUN, metaLUN t64kb Total 128KB+ LUN, metaLUN t128kb Total 256KB+ LUN, metaLUN t256kb Total 512KB+ LUN, metaLUN t512kb Queue Full Count port qfc FAST Cache Read Hit Ratio LUN, Pool fcrhr FAST Cache Write Hit Ratio LUN, Pool fcwhr FAST Cache Read Hits/s LUN, Pool fcrh FAST Cache Write Hits/s LUN, Pool fcwh FAST Cache Read Misses/s LUN, Pool fcrm FAST Cache Write Misses/s LUN, Pool fcwm FAST Cache Dirty Pages [%] SP fcdp FAST Cache Flushed MB/s SP fcmbf The options of new performance characteristics are as shown below: Table 37 Performance characteristics Optimal performance characteristics Nonoptimal performance characteristics Optimal/ nonoptimal code Object type Utilization-Optimal[%] UtilizationNonoptimal[%] uo/un LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Queue Length-Optimal Queue LengthNonoptimal qlo/qln LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Response time-Optimal [ms] Response timeNonoptimal [ms] rto/rtn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Total Bandwidth-Optimal [MB/s] Total BandwidthNonoptimal [MB/s] tbo/tbn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Total Throughput-Optimal Total Throughput[IO/s] Nonoptimal [IO/s] tto/ttn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Read BandwidthOptimal[MB/s] rbo/rbn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Read BandwidthNonoptimal[MB/s] analyzer -archivedump 399 EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 37 Performance characteristics (continued) Optimal performance characteristics Nonoptimal performance characteristics Optimal/ nonoptimal code Object type Read Size-Optimal[KB] Read SizeNonoptimal[KB] rso/rsn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Read ThroughputOptimal[IO/s] Read ThroughputNonoptimal[IO/s] rioo/rion LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Write BandwidthOptimal[MB/s] Write BandwidthNonoptimal[MB/s] wbo/wbn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Write Size-Optimal [KB] Write Size-Nonoptimal [KB] wso/wsn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Write ThroughputOptimal[IO/s] Write ThroughputNonoptimal[IO/s] wioo/wion LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Average Busy Queue Length-optimal Average Busy Queue Length-Nonoptimal abqlo/abqln LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Service Time - Optimal [ms] Service Time Nonoptimal [ms] sto/stn LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Explicit Trespass Count etc LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Implicit Trespass Count itc LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Implicit Trespass Count– Optimal Implicit Trespass Count– itco/itcn Nonoptimal LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN Explicit Trespass Count– Optimal Explicit Trespass Count– Nonoptimal LUN, metaLUN, poolbased LUN etco/etcn The following table is an example of the -archivedump command, which displays optimal and nonoptimal statistics and also displays the current owner: Table 38 -archivedump command statistics Object name Owner array name Current owner Utilization( %) Utilizationoptimal [%] Response time-optimal [ms] LUN 2 HK192200361 A 0 0 0 LUN 1 HK192200361 B 8.153079 8.153079 34.986851 -stime starttime Specifies an archive poll time from which to start iterating through the data. The -stime switch requires start time to be in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss where: 400 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer mm is the month of a year (1-12) dd is the day of a month (1-31) yyyy is the four-digit year hh is the hour of the day (0-23) mm is the minute in an hour (0-59) ss is the second in a minute (0-59) You must enclose the time in double quotation marks. The -stime switch works in combination with the -ftime switch, described below. If the start time is greater than the end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify an end time, this switch defaults to the latest poll time in the archive file. Note If you use the -stime switch with the -timezone switch, you must apply the time zone you specify to the start time. If the start time you specify does not exist in the time interval of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time range of the archive file appears. Also, if the start time format is not valid, an error message appears. -ftime endtime Specifies an archive poll time at which to stop iterating through the data. The ftime switch requires end time to be in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss where: mm is the month of a year (1-12) dd is the day of a month (1-31) yyyy is the four-digit year hh is the hour of the day (0-23) mm is the minute in an hour (0-59) ss is the second in a minute (0-59) analyzer -archivedump 401 EMC Unisphere Analyzer You must enclose the time in double quotation marks. The -ftime switch works in combination with the -stime switch, described above. If the start time is greater than the end time, an error message appears. If you do not specify an end time, this switch defaults to the latest poll time in the archive file. Note If you use the -ftime switch with the -timezone switch, you must apply the time zone you specify to the end time. If the end time you specify does not exist in the time interval of the archive file, an error message containing the valid time range of the archive file appears. Also, if the end time format is not valid, an error message appears. -timezone code Applies a particular time zone to the performance characteristic, Poll Time, included in the output data. By default, Analyzer displays this characteristic in the local time of the client system. The possible time zones for the switch are listed below: Table 39 Time zone values Time zone Code Local time (default) local Universal time utc -progress Displays information about the current dump status, including the name of the file being dumped and the percentage dumped. An approximate value is calculated based on the number of objects for the percentage dumped information. This switch works with the -out switch. If you use the progress switch without the -out switch, it is ignored. Do not use this switch in scripts. -stats Dumps the statistical information for multiple archive files. Dumped information of different files is separated by a blank line. The output information includes the start time, end time, total number of objects, LUNs, SPs, disks, metaLUNs, pools, thin LUNs, snap sessions, and the number of other objects such as host and system. You can use the following switches with the -stats command: -out, -join, overwrite, and -timezone codes (described above). The -stats command does not support -xml format. -rel Dumps the relationship information among the various objects in the archive file. You must provide the archive filename following the -rel command. You can specify multiple archive files separated by commas to dump the relationship information of all of them. In addition to the switches -join, -out, -overwrite, -progress, -enquote, eol, -xml, -delim and -progress (described above), you can also use the following optional switches with the -rel command: -root objcode Dumps the relationship information about the specified root and its subnodes. The following object codes specify the object types of a root node: 402 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer Table 40 Object types of a root node Object type Code SP s Disk d Asynchronous mirror am Snap session ss RAID group rg Host h Storage System stor MetaLUN ml LUN a l port p Private classic LUNs (CX4 series only)b pl Host LUN (CX4 series only)c hl Thin LUNd tl Thin poole tp All LUNs al Public/private pool LUNs plu Poolf pool Snapshot mount pointg sl Snapshoth snap Consistency Groupi cg Snapshot Setj cgsnap a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. RAID group based public or private LUNs Private LUNs are metaLUN components and other reserved LUNs. Host LUNs are all LUNs with host I/O. Thin LUNs are LUNs whose storage capacity grows by using a shared pool of storage. Thin pools are sets of disks, all with the same redundancy, that share their user capacity with one or more thin LUNs. Thin pool and pool mean the same object. Thin pool is kept for backward compatibility purposes in Unisphere version 1.0 New object for MR. Advanced Snap. New object for MR. New object for MR. Snap of consistency group. New object for MR. Note Not specifying the switch dumps the relationship information for the system. If you specify multiple switches for this option, an error message appears. -level depth Specifies the depth of the relationship information to be dumped. Specify the level number as an integer. For example, specifying the level as 2 dumps the analyzer -archivedump 403 EMC Unisphere Analyzer immediate subnodes of all the objects of the type you specified with the -root switch. Specifying the level as 1 dumps the name of all object types you specified with the -root switch. If you specify a level as 0, an error message appears. Not specifying this switch dumps the complete hierarchy of all the objects of the type specified with the -root switch. -config Dumps the configuration information of objects in the archive file. You must provide the archive filename following the -config command. You can specify multiple archive files separated by commas to dump the configuration information for all of them. You can use the following switches with the -config command: -out, -join, overwrite, -xml, -delim, -enquote, -eol, and -progress (described above). -object objcode Specifies for which objects and in what order you want to dump the configuration information. If you do not specify this switch, all object types are dumped in the following order: SPs, public classic LUNs, metaLUNs, fully provisioned LUNs, thin LUNs, Snapshot mount point, private classic LUNs, disks, MirrorView/A, Snap sessions, RAID groups, pools, hosts, systems, Snapshots, Consistency Groups, and ports. Table 41 Order of dump configuration information Object type Code SP s Disk d Snap session ss Asynchronous mirror am RAID group rg Host h Storage System stor metaLUN ml LUN l Port p Private classic LUNs (CX4 series only) pl 404 Host LUN (CX4 series only) hl Thin LUN tl Thin pool tp All LUNs al Public/private pool LUNs plu Pool pool EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer EXAMPLE #1 This command lets you dump data from the archive file archive.nar without outputting a header. naviseccli analyzer -archivedump -data archive.nar -header n EXAMPLE #2 This command lets you dump statistical information for multiple archive files, archive1.nar and archive2.nar. naviseccli analyzer -archivedump -stats archive1.nar,archive2.nar EXAMPLE #3 This command lets you dump relationship information of various objects in the archive file archive.nar and outputs it in XML format. naviseccli analyzer -archivedump -rel archive.nar -xml EXAMPLE #4 This command lets you dump configuration information of objects in the archive file archive.nar; if the output file archive.csv exists, this command overwrites it without a warning. naviseccli analyzer -archivedump -config archive.nar -out archive.csv -overwrite y EXAMPLE 5 naviseccli analyzer –archivedump –data archive.nar –out output.csv OUTPUT Varies depending upon which switch you use. analyzer -archiveretrieve Retrieves Analyzer archive files. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archiveretrieve command lets you create the archive files on the SP, retrieve the archive files from the SP, and delete them from the SP. analyzer -archiveretrieve is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -archiveretrieve [-file filename] [-location pathname] [-overwrite y|n] [-retry times] [-v] OPTIONS -file filename Specifies the name of the archive file once it is retrieved to the client. -location pathname Specifies the path location of the archive file once it is retrieved to the client system. If you do not specify a location, Analyzer uses the current working directory. -overwrite y|n Specifies whether to overwrite an existing archive file on the client system. If the specified archive file already exists and this switch is not used, the command fails. analyzer -archiveretrieve 405 EMC Unisphere Analyzer y = Overwrite existing file. n = Do not overwrite existing file. -retry times Specifies the number of times to retry a retrieve before giving up completely. A retry occurs only when the actual move of the archive file from the system to the client system fails. -v As the retrieve process progresses, the status of each stage appears. EXAMPLE This command retrieves an archive to the file archive.nar in c:\Temp, overwrites the existing file and retries three times. naviseccli -h ss1_spa -user username -password password -scope scope -code analyzer -archiveretrieve -file archive.nar -location c:\Temp\ -overwrite y -retry 3 analyzer -archivemerge Merges Analyzer archive files. PREREQUISITES The host, username/password and scope options of naviseccli are ignored since this command runs locally. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli analyzer command with the -archivemerge command lets you merge two archives from the same SP into a single archive. Note The -archivemerge command recognizes and reports an error message when you try to open an encrypted archive file. analyzer -archivemerge is used with naviseccli (refer to naviseccli on page 20). SYNTAX analyzer -archivemerge -data archive1 archive2 [-out outputarchive] [-overwrite y|n] OPTIONS -data archive1 archive2 Merges the data of two archive files that you specify. -out outputarchive Specifies an output file to which to write the merged archive. Use quotation marks around the filename if it has spaces. If you do not specify this switch, the output merged file will be in the current directory with the default name (DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_merged.nar). -overwrite y|n Specifies whether to overwrite an existing archive file on the client system. y = Overwrite existing file n = Do not overwrite existing file 406 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Unisphere Analyzer Note If you try to overwrite a read-only file, an error message appears. EXAMPLE This command merges the files C:\Temp\archive1.nar and C:\Temp \archive2.nar and writes the merged archive in C:\Temp\mergedArchive.nar. naviseccli analyzer -archivemerge -data C:\Temp\archive1.nar C:\Temp\archive2.nar -out C:\Temp\mergedArchive.nar analyzer -archivemerge 407 EMC Unisphere Analyzer 408 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 9 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI This chapter introduces the EMC®VNX MirrorView™/Asynchronous software and explains the commands for creating and managing the MirrorView/ Asynchronous remote mirrors and consistency groups. This manual refers to the EMC VNX MirrorView/Asynchronous product as MirrorView /A. Major topics include: l l MirrorView/A remote mirroring commands.......................................................... 410 MirrorView/A consistency group commands........................................................431 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI 409 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI MirrorView/A remote mirroring commands This section explains the naviseccli commands and the commands for creating and managing remote mirrors on VNX series systems with the MirrorView/A option. These commands let you use MirrorView/A software to create a byte-for-byte copy of one or more local LUNs connected to a distant system server. Note The commands in this section function only with a system that has the optional MirrorView/A software installed. MirrorView/A operations overview This section provides an overview of MirrorView/A operations and how to manage the systems using the management software. Procedure 1. Connect the same management software to both systems and configure the software, so that you can manage both systems. Note Optionally, you can perform this step at the secondary site as well. You must manage both systems, which can be in different domains (see the Unisphere online help). 2. Estimate the size of the reserved LUN pool and the reserved LUNs. 3. Establish a usable, two-way connection between the MirrorView/A systems using the mirror -enablepath command (see mirror -enablepath on page 421). 4. If the primary LUN does not exist, bind it on its server’s system. Wait for the LUN to finish binding and add it to the storage group. 5. If the secondary LUN does not exist, create a secondary image LUN. Note The secondary LUN can be a different RAID type from the primary, as long as the block size matches. 6. Wait for the secondary LUN to finish binding. 7. From the management workstation, create the remote mirror (see mirror async create on page 418). Next add a secondary image. To add a secondary image, see mirror async addimage on page 413. Normally, when you add a secondary image to a mirror, the software synchronizes the secondary image with the primary image. The software will initially copy all the data from the primary LUN to the secondary LUN, in order to ensure that the two LUNs are identical. At any time in the previous sequence of steps, you can get remote mirror status with the mirror -async -list command. 410 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI 8. Create a consistency group and add the primary image to it (optional). See mirror async -creategroup on page 431. 9. If a primary failure occurs, Unisphere reports the failure. If the primary failure is minor, have the primary fixed and resume mirroring. If the primary failure is catastrophic, the original client that is managing the system may be unusable and thus unable to report the failure. For such a failure, the administrator at the secondary site must set up a client to manage the system (if not already done), then promote the secondary to primary and take other recovery action as needed. This includes assigning the newly promoted LUN to a storage group, if it is not already the appropriate one. When you use MirrorView/A on a VMware ESX Server, after you promote the secondary image to a primary image, perform the following steps: a. If not already assigned, assign the newly promoted primary image to a storage group on the same or standby ESX Server. b. Rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. c. If not already created, create a virtual machine (VM) on the same or standby ESX Server. The VM is not powered up when you create it. d. Assign the newly promoted primary to the VM. e. Power up the VM. If the VM is created and running and you have not already assigned the newly promoted primary to the VM, perform these steps: a. Perform steps a and b above. b. If you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, power it down. c. To assign the newly promoted primary to the VM, use the virtual center interface for ESX Server 3.x and 2.5.x or the Management User interface for ESX Server 2.5.x. Note If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power down the VM. d. If you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, power up the VM. Note If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power up the VM. The primary image (which is now the secondary image) will not be accessible to the primary ESX Server. Note ™ For configuration restrictions when using VMFS volumes, go to the E-Lab Navigator on EMC Online Support, and under the PDFs and Guides tab, open the VMware ESX server.pdf file. 10. If access to the secondary storage image fails, the primary system will fracture the remote mirror. If the problem with the secondary is minor (for example, replacing a cable), then the administrator can fix it. Mirroring will recover and resynchronize the image, if the image recovery policy is Automatic. MirrorView/A operations overview 411 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Whenever you want to stop mirroring, you can first fracture and remove the secondary images, and then destroy the mirror. This does not affect any data on either image LUN, and access to the primary LUN is also unaffected. The LUN that held the secondary image now becomes accessible as a regular LUN. MirrorView/A CLI functions The VNX CLI for Block provides one of the two interfaces to the MirrorView/A mirroring software. The Unisphere UI provides the other. You can use the naviseccli mirror CLI command to set up and manage remote mirror sessions. The naviseccli mirror command functions are summarized in naviseccli MirrorView/A command functions on page 412. Table 42 naviseccli MirrorView/A command functions Essential functions (in order performed) mirror -enablepath Opens a path between the local and remote system. Required regardless of the type of connection between systems. mirror -async -create Creates a new remote mirror using an existing LUN. The LUN on which the -create command is executed becomes the primary image. 412 mirror -async -addimage Adds a secondary image to a mirror using a LUN on a remote system. The default is to synchronize unless you specify otherwise. mirror -async -changeimage Changes secondary image properties such as auto recovery setting and recovery policy. mirror -async -fractureimage Fractures a secondary image, suspending mirroring of data to that image. A fracture log is maintained, so that the image can be quickly resynchronized later. mirror -async -removeimage Removes a secondary image from a mirror. mirror -async -promoteimage Promotes a secondary image to primary, while simultaneously demoting the primary image (if still accessible) to secondary. Required in order to access the data in the secondary image in the event of a failure of the primary. mirror -async -syncimage Starts synchronization of the secondary image with the primary. Needed if automatic recovery is not on. I/O is allowed with the primary while synchronization occurs. You can specify a synchronization rate to avoid serious performance impact. mirror -async -info Displays MirrorView/A information about a system. mirror -async -list Displays information on existing mirrors. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Table 43 naviseccli MirrorView/A optional functions Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) mirror -async -change Changes remote mirror properties. mirror -async -destroy Terminates remote mirroring of a LUN. This does not affect the data in the LUN, and the server continues to access it. mirror -disablepath Severs all paths between the local system SPs and the remote system SPs. mirror -async -addimage Adds an image to a previously created mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to add a secondary image to a mirror using a LUN on a remote system. The -addimage function is required if you want mirroring to occur. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. This command lets you create primary and secondary images on thin LUNs, if all the participating systems support mirroring on thin LUNs. Note ™ The Thin Provisioning enabler must be installed to create thin LUNs. You can use the -info function to display the UIDs of systems that have images that can be mirrored. Note To add a secondary image, you must have a working connection to the remote system, and the remote LUN must be exactly the same size (number of blocks) as the primary image. Note In this syntax "or" means that you can specify the switch, -arrayhost sp-hostname | sp-IP-address -lun lun-number | -lunuid lun-uid or you can specify the switch, arrayuid system-uid -lunuid lun-uid. The rest of the syntax is common to both. SYNTAX mirror -async -addimage -name name | -mirroruid mirroruid -arrayhost sp-hostname|sp-IP-address -lun lun-number|-lunuid lun-uid or mirror -async -addimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -arrayuid system-uid -lunuid lun-uid [-recoverypolicy auto|manual] mirror -async -addimage 413 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI [-syncrate high|medium|low] [-manualupdate|-delaystart time|-enddelay time] [-nosyncrequired] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name that you gave to the mirror with the -create command. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte primary image ID (World Wide Name) the software assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror async -list on page 425 function). -arrayhost sp-hostname|sp-IP-address Specifies the hostname or network address of the remote SP that will hold the secondary image. The secondary image will be added to the remote mirror connected to this host’s SP. Use this switch or -arrayuid. -lun lun-number Specifies the LUN number that will serve as the secondary image of the mirror. -arrayuid system-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte system ID of the remote SP. You can determine this by using the mirror -info command or the getarrayuid command. For any letters in the ID, use the same case that the software assigned when the mirror was created. Use this switch or -arrayhost. -lunuid lun-uid Specifies the unique 16-byte identification number (World Wide Name) of the LUN to be added as a secondary image. If you specified -arrayuid, then -lunuid is required. If you specified -arrayhost , then you can use either -lun or -lunuid. Note When you specify -arrayuid and -lunuid, you must add the mirror driver on the remote LUN using the -setfeature command before executing the -addimage command. -recoverypolicy manual|auto Specifies the policy for recovering the secondary mirror image after a system fracture. Values are: manual: The administrator must explicitly start a synchronization operation to recover the secondary mirror image. auto: Recovery automatically resumes as soon as the primary image determines that the secondary mirror image is once again accessible. This is the default. -syncrate high|medium|low Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests, particularly where there are multiple concurrent synchronizations occurring. Low completes updates much slower, but also minimizes impact on other system operations. -manualupdate Indicates that you must explicitly update the image. -delaystart time Specifies the time (in minutes) from the beginning of the previous update to the start of the next update. The current update must complete before the next one can start. 414 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI If the update is still in process when the time period expires, the next update will start immediately once the current update completes. -enddelay time Specifies the time (in minutes) from the end of the previous update to the next update. A value of 0 causes updates to occur as fast as possible. -nosyncrequired Specifies that the image will be added in a synchronized state; thus, no initial synchronization will occur. EXAMPLE Any of the following commands adds an image to a mirror. Note that if you specify the remote system using the -arrayuid switch, before issuing the command you must explicitly add drivers to the LUN stack using the -setfeature command. For SP ss1_spa, any of the above commands adds to the remote mirror db_mirror the LUN in system 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:69 (or a LUN on the remote system cpc426) whose unique LUN ID (world wide name, WWN) is 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE: 7C:E4:71:D4:11 or whose LUN number is 9. See also the example in mirror -async create on page 418. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:69 -lunuid 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE:7C:E4:71:D4:11 naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayhost cpc426 -lun 9 naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayhost cpc426 -lunuid 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE:7C:E4:71:D4:11 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -change Changes mirror properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to change one or more parameters of a previously created mirror. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. You must specify at least one of the optional switches with this command. If you omit the override option, then the CLI displays a message for each parameter to confirm the change. SYNTAX mirror -async -change -name name | -mirroruid uid [-description description] [-requiredimages num_of_images] [-o] [-enablereadonlysecondary yes|no] mirror -async -change 415 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name the -create command gave the mirror. You can specify either the mirror name or unique ID (next). -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -description description Provides a meaningful title for the mirror (for example, Employee and Benefits Table for Human Resources). The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. You can specify up to 256 characters, but we suggest that you should not exceed the line length defined by the operating system. -requiredimages num_of_images Specifies the minimum number of secondary images that should be accessible to the mirror. The default value is 0. Allowed values are 0, 1, and all. If the number of accessible images goes below the specified value, the mirror goes into the Attention state and generates a log message. You can configure this to generate an appropriate warning (for example, e-mail message or page) to the administrator to enable the administrator to correct the problem. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For the remote mirror dbmirror on SP ss0_spa, this command reduces the minimum number of accessible secondary images to 0. Use the -list command to confirm that the changes were made. naviseccli -h ss0_spa mirror -async -change -name dbmirror -requiredimages 0 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -changeimage Changes secondary image properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to change one or more parameters of a mirror image. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. You must specify at least one of the optional switches. If you omit the override option, then it displays a message similar to the following for each parameter to confirm the change. Do you want to change the sync rate from Medium to High (y/n)? To change a parameter, enter y. SYNTAX mirror -async -changeimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid image-uid 416 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI [-recoverypolicy manual|auto] [[-manualupdate] | [-delaystart time]] [-enddelay time] [-syncrate high|medium|low] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the remote mirror in the -create command. You can specify either the mirror name or uid (next). -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -imageuid image-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte ID of the secondary image you want to change. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case that the software assigned to the image when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -recoverypolicy manual|auto Specifies the policy for recovering the secondary mirror image after a system fracture. Values are: manual: The administrator must explicitly start a synchronization operation to recover the secondary mirror image. auto: Recovery automatically resumes as soon as the primary image determines that the secondary mirror image is once again accessible. This is the default. -manualupdate Indicates that you must explicitly update the image. -delaystart time Specifies the time (in minutes) from the beginning of the previous update to the start of the next update. The current update must complete before the next one can start. If the update is still in process when the time period expires, the next update will start immediately once the current update completes. -enddelay time Specifies the time (in minutes) from the end of the previous update to the next update. A value of 0 causes updates to occur as fast as possible. -syncrate high|medium|low Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests, particularly where there are multiple concurrent synchronizations occurring. Low completes updates much slower, but also minimizes impact on other system operations. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For system server1, mirror db_mirror, image 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6, this command changes the synchronization rate to high. Use the -list command to confirm that the changes were made. naviseccli -h server1 mirror -async -changeimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 -syncrate high mirror -async -changeimage 417 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -create Creates a new asynchronous mirror using an available LUN for mirroring. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to create a new mirror using an existing LUN. The LUN on which you run the command becomes the primary LUN. But, for mirroring to occur, you must add an image with the -addimage function. Later, you can change some of the parameters you specify here with the -change function. This command supports thin LUNs after you install the latest Unisphere version, which contains thin LUN support for MirrorView. If you specify a minimum number of required images (other than the default value zero) in the -create command, the mirror will start in the attention state, since you have not yet added the required secondary images. To avoid this problem, do not specify a minimum number of images with -create; instead, create the mirror, add the image, and then if you want a minimum number of required images, change the mirror with the change command. SYNTAX mirror -async -create -name name -lun lun_number [-description description] [-requiredimages num_of_images] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Lets you assign a meaningful name to the mirror; for example "Employee Benefits". To include spaces in the name, enclose the entire string in quotation marks as in the example. You can use this name to manage the mirror. The name can include as many as 35 characters. -lun lun_number Specifies the LUN number that will serve as the primary image of the mirror you are creating. -description description Lets you assign a description for the mirror. The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. You can specify up to 256 characters, but we suggest that you should not exceed the line length defined by the operating system. -requiredimages num_of_images Specifies the minimum number of secondary images that should be accessible to this mirror. The default value is 0. Allowed values are 0, 1 and all. If the number of accessible images goes below the specified value, the mirror goes into the Attention state and generates a log message. You can configure this to generate an appropriate warning (for example, e-mail message or page) to the administrator to enable the administrator to correct the problem. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 418 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI EXAMPLE The mirror -async -create command creates the mirror named db_mirror on LUN 112. The mirror automatically activates. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -create -name db_mirror -lun 112 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -destroy Destroys a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to destroy a mirror. It is the counterpart of -create. It ends mirroring of the LUN that is part of the mirror. This does not affect the data in the LUN, and the server continues to access it. Note You cannot destroy a mirror while it is a member of a consistency group. You must remove the secondary image in the mirror before issuing the command to the system holding the primary image. If you cannot remove the secondary image or access the primary image, you can use the -force option. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image unless -force is specified, in which case, you can direct it to either system. CAUTION Use -force only if all other options to remove an image and the mirror have failed. If you omit the override option, a message to confirm the destruction of the mirror appears: Do you really want to destroy the mirror (y/n)? To destroy the mirror, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -async -destroy -name name | -mirroruid uid [-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the mirror with the -create command. You can also use the remote mirror ID. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -force Forcibly destroys the mirror. This option affects only the local system. -o mirror -async -destroy 419 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command destroys the remote mirror that was created with the name db_mirror. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -destroy db_mirror Do you really want to destroy the mirror db_mirror?(y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages if the command fails for some reason. mirror -disablepath Disables the communication paths created by -enablepath to remote mirror SPs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to sever the path established by -enablepath in the remote system. When issued to any SP, the command severs paths for both SPs in both the primary and secondary systems; that is, it severs these paths if: l SP A of the local system is connected to SP A of the remote system l SP A of the remote system is connected to SP A of the local system l SP B of the local system is connected to SP B of the remote system l SP B of the remote system is connected to SP B of the local system This means you can issue the command to either SP of either system to sever the paths between the systems you are targeting. If you issue the command while a mirror exists, the CLI issues a warning message; if you continue, any mirror connected over the specified path will be fractured. Note If both asynchronous and synchronous mirrors are installed, you need to run the command only once. It will take effect for both mirrors. If you omit the override option, the CLI displays a message to confirm the disabling of the path. To disable the path, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -disablepath connected-SP-hostname [-connectiontype fibre|iscsi] [-o] OPTIONS connected-SP-hostname Specifies the hostname of SP A or SP B of a connected system to disconnect. -connectiontype fibre | iscsi Specifies the connection type as fibre or iSCSI for the path you are disabling. If you do not specify the -connectiontype switch, the system first tries to find a fibre connection; if it does not find one, it looks for an iSCSI connection. 420 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. Without this switch, the CLI displays a confirmation message for each SP. EXAMPLE #1 For SP ss1_spa, this command and confirmation remove the paths between the local SPs and the remote mirror SPs. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -disablepath ss27_spa -connectiontype fibre Disabling of the path will stop mirroring of data to all images if any among these arrays. A system fracture of all mirrors between two arrays on following storage processors will occur due to this action.>> Do you want to continue (y/n)? y EXAMPLE #2 The mirror -info command displays the updated status. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -info OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. mirror -enablepath Establishes a path for remote mirroring between a local and remote system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to create a path between the specified SP and its peer SP to a remote SP and its peer. These paths will serve as paths for remote mirroring. A remote mirror requires a path between the primary and secondary systems. When issued to any SP, the command creates paths for both SPs in both systems; that is, it creates these paths: l SP A of the local system to SP A of the other system l SP A of the other system to SP A of the local system l SP B of the local system to SP B of the other system l SP B of the other system to SP B of the local system The SP As or the SP Bs in both systems must be physically connected. If you cannot enable paths on one SP due to some error, an informational message appears and the paths are enabled for the other SP. To obtain status information, run the mirror -info -systems command. Note If both asynchronous and synchronous mirrors are installed, you will need to run the command only once. It will take effect for both mirrors. SYNTAX mirror -enablepath SP-hostname [-connectiontype fibre|iscsi] mirror -enablepath 421 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OPTIONS SP-hostname Specifies the hostname of SP A or SP B of the remote system on which you want to enable remote mirroring. -connectiontype fibre | iscsi Specifies the connection type as fibre or iSCSI for the path you are enabling. If you do not specify the -connectiontype switch, the system first tries to find a fibre connection; if it does not find one, it looks for an iSCSI connection. Note To change the connection type, you must first disable the current enabled path. To modify, test, or delete connections or change the credentials, see the EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command enables the paths between ss1_spa and its peer SP and ss27_spa and its peer SP. The mirror -info command that follows displays the updated status. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -enablepath ss27_spa -connectiontype iscsi naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -info OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. mirror -async -fractureimage Fractures an image in a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to start an administrative fracture of a secondary image. It also prevents scheduled updates from starting in the future. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. (An automatic fracture, called a system fracture, occurs if a secondary image becomes inaccessible to the primary image. After a system fracture, the system periodically tries to communicate with the secondary image and — if it succeeds — starts synchronization based on the fracture log. If you issue the -fractureimage command while the mirror is system fractured, the system will not try to communicate or resynchronize until you issue a -syncimage command.) The software displays a message to confirm the fracture: Do you want to fracture the image image UID (y/n)? To fracture the mirror, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -async -fractureimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid uid [-o] 422 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the mirror with the -create command. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte mirror ID (World Wide Name) that the software assigned when it created the mirror. -imageuid uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image to be fractured. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa of the mirror named db_mirror, this command fractures the secondary image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -fractureimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 Do you really want to fracture the image(y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -info Displays general information about asynchronous mirroring in a system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command, when used with naviseccli and no other switches, lists all general information for asynchronous mirror support. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option issued. See the example for sample output. SYNTAX mirror -async -info [-cancreate] [-maxmirrors] [-maxremoteimages] [-mirroredluns] [-mirrorableluns] [-systems [-connectiontype]] [-all] OPTIONS -cancreate Indicates whether an asynchronous mirror can be created in this system: yes or no. -maxmirrors Displays the maximum number of mirrors that can be created in this system. -maxremoteimages Specifies the maximum number of secondary images allowed. A maximum of one image is allowed. -mirroredluns mirror -async -info 423 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Lists the LUN numbers of LUNs that are mirrored in this system. The list includes LUNs used as both secondary and primary images. -mirrorableluns Lists LUNs that can be mirrored in this system but are not mirrored at present. -systems Lists remote systems that can be used for a secondary image. -connectiontype Displays the connection type (fibre or iSCSI) for the enabled mirror. For unexpected error cases, it displays the value, unknown. -all Lists all properties of a session without having to type in any other switch. EXAMPLE #1 For SP ss1_spa, this command displays potential and current remote mirror information. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -info Can a mirror be created on this system:YES Maximum number of remote images: 1 Logical Units that are mirrored in Primary Images:128 5 Logical Units that are mirrored in Secondary Images:0 Logical Units that can be mirrored:1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 58 59 Remote systems that can be enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:27:47 Status: Enabled on both SPs Enabled Connection Type(s): iSCSI Disabled Connection Type(s): Fibre Maximum Number of possible Mirrors: 100 EXAMPLE #2 The following example shows the output for the mirror -async -info -all command. mirror –async –info –all Can a mirror be created on this system: YES Maximum number of Remote Images: 1 Logical Units that are mirrored in Primary Images: 2 Logical Units that are mirrored in Secondary Images: Logical Units that can be mirrored: 3 Remote systems that can be enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:01:8C Remote systems that are enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:07:4B Status: Enabled on both SPs Enabled Connection Type(s): Fibre Disabled Connection Type(s): Maximum number of possible Mirrors: 256 Logged-in status of Remote systems: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:01:8C Fibre Logged-in Status: SPA:Y; SPB:Y Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:07:4B Fibre Logged-in Status: SPA:Y; SPB:Y MirrorView port(s): SP A: I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 Logical Port ID: 0 Port Type: Fibre SP B: I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 424 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Logical Port ID: 0 Port Type: Fibre OUTPUT If the version of the VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. mirror -async -list Displays information about existing asynchronous mirrors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -async mirror command with -list and no other switches lists all information for all mirrors on the system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option(s) issued. You can direct the command to any system; however, only the system holding the primary image of a mirror will always have the latest information about the mirror. Status obtained from other systems may be stale; do not use it unless the primary system is unavailable. See the example for sample output. SYNTAX mirror -async -list [-name [[name]] [-mirroruid] [uid] [-description] [-faulted] [-images] [-imagecount] [-imagesize] [-lun] [-ownergroupuid] [-ownergroupname] [-requiredimages] [-state] [-timestamp] [-transition] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create function. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to obtain information on a mirror. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) the software assigned when it created the mirror. -description Lists the meaningful title for the mirror, if any. The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. -faulted Lists whether the remote mirror is faulted: yes or no. If it is faulted, the mirror is either fractured or in the attention state. -images Displays image information, such as the role of the image (primary or secondary), image ID, WWN of the LUN containing the image, recovery policy, sync rate, image state, image condition, and image transitioning. It also displays the update type (Manual, Time elapsed since the start of last update, and Time elapsed since the mirror -async -list 425 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI end of the last update), the update period in minutes (displays N/A where not applicable), the time in minutes since the last update, the time in minutes until the next update, the last image error (why the image is faulted; displays the Not Available if no error). -imagecount Lists the current number of images that compose the mirror. This count includes the primary image. -imagesize Lists the size of the image (capacity of the LUN containing the image) in user blocks. -lun Lists the LUN number of the local image. -ownergroupuid Lists the unique ID value of the consistency group of which the mirror is a member. -ownergroupname Lists the unique name of the consistency group of which the mirror is a member. -requiredimages Lists the minimum number of secondary images required for the mirror. -state Describes the operational state of the mirror. Values are: active and attention. -timestamp Returns the clock time when the last update started. -transition Specifies whether the mirror is in a changing state. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -list MirrorView Name: pbc async ml 80 MirrorView Description: MirrorView UID: 54:33:20:90:60:01:06:50:03:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Logical Unit Numbers: 80 Remote Mirror Status: Mirrored MirrorView State: Active MirrorView Faulted: NO MirrorView Transitioning: NO Minimum number of images required: 0 Image Size: 409600 Image Count: 2 Images: Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:33:54 Is Image Primary: YES Logical Unit UID: 60:06:01:60:2F:E7:0C:00:3C:5B: 04:A2:50:4C:D8:11 Image Condition: Unknown Image Condition Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:29:85 Is Image Primary: NO Logical Unit UID: 60:06:01:60:3F:E1:0D:00:A4:C9:01:63:B6:4C:D8:11 Image State: Synchronized Image Condition: Normal Recovery Policy: Automatic Synchronization Rate: Medium Image Faulted: NO Image Transitioning: NO Synchronizing Progress(%): 0 Update Type: Manual Time in secs since previous update: 12550 Time in secs until next update: Not Available 426 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -promoteimage Promotes a secondary image to primary. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command promotes a secondary image to the role of the primary image. The command is successful if it can promote the secondary to a primary that is serveraccessible. You must direct this command to a system that holds the secondary image — never to the system that holds the primary. The command will fail if you issue it to the system that holds the primary image. You can promote a secondary image if the secondary is in a synchronized or consistent state. There must be no current update, in addition to the state restrictions listed. When you promote a secondary image to primary, the software assigns a new mirror UID to the promoted image to distinguish it from the old mirror. The new status of the old primary image depends on whether the old primary image is accessible when promotion occurs. After promoting an image, you must explicitly add the newly promoted image to an appropriate storage group. EMC recommends that you also remove the old primary from its storage group, if possible. In normal operation when there is no failure, you can (but probably would not want to) promote a secondary image. If you do so, the primary image is demoted to secondary. The new primary image inherits the mirror properties of the demoted primary image. Before issuing this command consider the following: l If possible, the secondary image should be synchronized (synchronized state) with the primary image. If the secondary image is in the consistent state (not synchronized state) when you promote it to primary image, data will probably be lost during the promotion process. The secondary image to be promoted must be in a consistent or synchronized state. If the secondary image is out-of-sync or synchronizing, then you cannot promote it; an error will result. l You must stop I/O to an accessible primary image before you issue this command. If I/O continues to the original primary, data may be lost as the software demotes the primary to secondary and/or an SP may reboot unexpectedly during the attempted promotion. SYNTAX mirror -async -promoteimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid imageuid [-type normal|oos|local ] [-o] [-type type] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to promote a secondary image. -mirroruid uid mirror -async -promoteimage 427 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Specifies the unique 16-byte mirror ID (World Wide Name) that was assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, see comments under -imageuid below. -imageuid uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you want to promote. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when it created the mirror (use the mirror -list function). -type normal|oos|local Checks the status of the mirror images. Normal (the default) directs the driver to perform internal safety checks and return the appropriate error if the promotion would cause an out-of-sync state for the old primary or remote image if the mirror is unreachable. OOS indicates that no safety check is performed, and the promote will occur even if it results in an out-of-sync state for the old primary. Local results in promoting the local image only to the primary. The driver attempts to contact the old primary, and if it reaches it, the old primary removes its secondary image. -o Runs the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the remote mirror named db_mirror, this command promotes the secondary image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -promoteimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -removeimage Removes a secondary image from a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to remove a secondary image from the remote mirror. You must issue this command to a system that holds the primary image. Note If an update is in progress, this command will not execute. We recommend that you fracture the secondary image first, and then you can issue the mirror -async removeimage command. If you omit the -override option, the software displays a message to confirm the remove operation: Removing of the image will stop mirroring of data to the specified image. It may cause the minimum number of images required parameter to be violated that will cause the mirror to go into attention state. Do you really want to remove the image(y/n)? Answering yes will remove the image. 428 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI SYNTAX mirror -async -removeimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -arrayhost sp-hostname|sp-IP-address|-imageuid imageuid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to remove a secondary image. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) assigned when the software created the mirror. For any letters in the ID, see comments under imageuid below. -arrayhost sp-hostname | sp-IP-address Specifies the hostname or network address of the remote SP that holds the secondary image you want to remove. If you specify this switch, the driver(s) from the secondary LUN stack is removed. -imageuid image-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you want to remove. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when it created the mirror (use the mirror -list command). If you specify this switch, you must explicitly remove the driver(s) from the secondary LUN stack using the -setfeature command. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP address ss1_spa, the owner of the mirror named db_mirror, this command removes the image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -removeimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -setfeature Adds or removes an asynchronous mirror driver to or from the LUN stack. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to add the asynchronous mirror driver to or remove it from the LUN stack depending on whether you specify the -on or off option. You must issue this command to the system where the LUN resides. Note -setfeature is needed only if you want to use the -arrayuid switch to specify the remote system for the -addimage command. mirror -async -setfeature 429 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI SYNTAX mirror -async -setfeature -on | -off -lun lun_number | -lunuid uid OPTIONS -on Adds the driver to the LUN stack. -off Removes the driver from the LUN stack. -lun lun_number Specifies the LUN number to which you want to add or from which you need to remove the driver. -lunuid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte identification number (World Wide Name) of the LUN to which you will add the driver or from which you will remove the driver. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command starts adding the driver to LUN 112. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -setfeature -on -lun 112 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -syncimage Starts an update of the secondary image. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to begin the synchronization operation on a secondary image that was previously administratively fractured or on one where the mirror image condition is normal. You must issue this command to the system that holds the primary image. The secondary image should be fractured when performing this operation. If you specify a secondary image that is not fractured, an internal error message will be returned. The software displays a confirmation message: During synchronization, array performance will be impacted. Do you want to sync the image (y/n)? Answering y will start synchronization. SYNTAX mirror -async -syncimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -imageuid imageuid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name given to the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to update a secondary image. -mirroruid uid 430 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) assigned when the software created the mirror. For any letters in the ID, see comments under imageuid below. -imageuid imageuid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you will synchronize. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when the software created the mirror (use the mirror -list command). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the mirror named db_mirror, this command starts synchronizing the image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -syncimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 During synchronization, array performance will be impacted. Do you want to sync the image (y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. MirrorView/A consistency group commands This section explains the commands for creating and managing groups of mirrors on VNX series systems with the EMC MirrorView/A option. This section refers to groups of mirrors as consistency groups. Note The LUNs in a MirrorView/A consistency group must reside on the same system, unlike the volumes in a Symmetrix consistency group, which can reside on multiple systems. mirror -async -creategroup Establishes a consistency group to which you can later add mirrors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to create a consistency group to which you can add mirrors with subsequent commands. You must direct the command to the system on which you are creating the MirrorView/A group. SYNTAX mirror -async -creategroup -name name | -mirroruid uid [-description description] [-manualupdate | -delaystart minutes | -enddelay minutes] [-syncrate rate] [-o] [-recoverypolicy policy][-o] MirrorView/A consistency group commands 431 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group. Use only alphanumeric characters for the consistency group name. The name can be up to 35 characters. -description description Specifies a textual description of the consistency group. -manualupdate Specifies that you must explicitly start each update of the group. If you specify neither -manualupdate, -delaystart, nor -enddelay, the default is enddelay 60. Note When a consistency group begins an update, the mirrors within the group begin updating and end whenever each individual update finishes. The consistency group update completes when the last mirror completes. If an update is not running, you can manually start an update even if an automatic update interval is set. -delaystart minutes Specifies the time (in minutes) from the start of the previous update until the start of the next one. If the previous update has not completed, the next update is delayed until the update in progress has completed. If you specify neither -manualupdate, -delaystart, nor -enddelay, the default is -enddelay 60. -enddelay minutes Specifies the time (in minutes) from the end of the previous update until the start of the next one. Specifying a value of 0 results in the group being updated as fast as possible. If you specify neither -manualupdate, -delaystart, nor -enddelay, the default is -enddelay 60. -syncrate rate Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. Values for rate are low, medium, or high. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests. Low completes updates slower, but also minimizes the impact on other system operations. -recoverypolicy policy Specifies the policy for recovering the mirrors in a group after a failure causes a system fracture. Values are: manual: Update of the secondary image does not begin until you explicitly issue a synchronize command. auto: Update of the secondary image automatically begins as soon as the connection between the two systems is again operational. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. Note All the switches, except -name and -o, are meaningful only if the system receiving the command hosts the primary images for the mirrors in the consistency group. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command creates a consistency group with the name dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -creategroup -name dbgroup 432 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -destroygroup Destroys a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to destroy a consistency group. It is the counterpart of -creategroup. Note Make sure that the consistency group is empty before destroying it. If you omit the override option, the system displays a message to confirm the destruction of the consistency group: Do you really want to destroy the group ? (y/n)? To destroy the consistency group, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -async -destroygroup -name name | -groupid id [-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -creategroup command. You can also use the consistency group ID. -groupid id Specifies the consistency group unique ID assigned when the consistency group was created. -force Destroys the consistency group even if it is not empty. Note Particularly in a failure situation you can use the -force switch to destroy a group that still has members. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command destroys the consistency group that was created with the name dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -destroygroup dbgroup Do you really want to destroy the group dbgroup?(y/n)? y mirror -async -destroygroup 433 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages if the command fails. mirror -async -addtogroup Adds a mirror to a previously created consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to add one mirror at a time to a consistency group. Note The mirror you specify must have its primary image on the system. No two secondary images of mirrors in the consistency group can be on different systems. SYNTAX mirror -async -addtogroup -name name | -groupid id -mirrorname name | -mirroruid id OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -mirrorname name Specifies the name of the mirror you want to add to the consistency group. -mirroruid id Specifies the World Wide Name of the mirror you want to add to the consistency group. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command adds the mirror, Sales Accounts Mirror to Europe, to the consistency group, dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -addtogroup -name dbgroup -mirrorname "Sales Accounts Mirror to Europe" OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -removefromgroup Removes a mirror from a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 434 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to remove one mirror at a time from the consistency group. Note The mirror you specify must have its primary image on the system. This does not apply if you use the -force switch. If you omit the -o option, the software displays a message to confirm the remove operation. Answering yes will remove the mirror. SYNTAX mirror -async -removefromgroup -name name | -groupid id -mirrorname name | -mirroruid id[-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group from which you want to remove the mirror. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -mirrorname name Specifies the name of the mirror you want to remove from the consistency group. -mirroruid id Specifies the World Wide Name of the mirror you want to remove from the consistency group. -force Removes the mirror even if the connection with the remote system is not functioning. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command removes the mirror with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -removefromgroup -name dbgroup -mirroruid 83:5A:20:90:60:01:06:50:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -changegroup Changes consistency group properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to change one or more parameters of a consistency group. You must specify at least one of the optional switches. If you omit the override option, then it displays a message similar to the following for each parameter to confirm the change. mirror -async -changegroup 435 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Do you want to change the group synchronization rate from Medium to High (y/n)? To change a parameter, enter y. SYNTAX mirror -async -changegroup -name name | -groupid id [-description description] [-manualupdate | -delaystart minutes | -enddelay minutes] [-syncrate rate] [-recoverypolicy policy] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to change. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to change. -description description Specifies a textual description for the consistency group. -manualupdate Specifies that you must explicitly start each update of the group. -delaystart minutes Specifies the time (in minutes) from the start of the previous update until the start of the next one. If the previous update has not completed, the next update is delayed until the update in progress has completed. -enddelay minutes Specifies the time (in minutes) from the end of the previous update until the start of the next one. Specifying a value of 0 results in the group being updated as fast as possible. -syncrate rate Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. Values for rate are low, medium, or high. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests. Low completes updates slower, but also minimizes the impact on other system operations. -recoverypolicy policy Specifies the policy for recovering the mirrors in a group after a failure causes a system fracture. Values are: manual: Update of the secondary image does not begin until you explicitly issue a synchronize command. auto: Update of the secondary image automatically begins as soon as the connection between the two systems is again operational. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For system server1, consistency group dbgroup, this command changes the synchronization rate to high. naviseccli -h server1 mirror -async -changegroup -name dbgroup -syncrate high 436 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. Use the -listgroups command on the mirror to confirm that the changes were made. mirror -async -syncgroup Starts an update of the consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to begin the synchronization operation on a consistency group. All the images in the consistency group must be primary. SYNTAX mirror -async -syncgroup -name name | -groupid id [-synctype startnow] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to update or synchronize. You can specify either the consistency group name or id (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to update or synchronize. -synctype startnow Starts synchronization immediately. startnow is the only currently supported option. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command starts synchronizing the consistency group immediately. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -syncgroup -name dbgroup -synctype startnow OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -fracturegroup Fractures all image(s) in a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror -async command with -fracturegroup starts an administrative fracture of all images in the consistency group, even if they are already system fractured. The consistency group cannot be in a scrambled state, and all images must be primary. If the consistency group is in the process of updating, it stops. mirror -async -syncgroup 437 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI SYNTAX mirror -async -fracturegroup -name name | -groupid id [-fracturetype abort] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to fracture. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to fracture. -fracturetype abort Specifies that you want to abort an update if one is in progress. The secondary retains any extents that have been copied to the secondary, and therefore do not need to be resent on the next synchronization. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, with the consistency group named dbgroup, this command fractures all the images in the consistency group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -fracturegroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -promotegroup Promotes all secondary images in a consistency group to primary images. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command promotes all secondary images to the role of the primary images. This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli). SYNTAX mirror -async -promotegroup -name name | -groupid id [-type type] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to promote. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to promote. -type type Specifies the type of promotion. Values are: normal (default), which causes a failure if the connection to the primary system is not functioning or if at least one set of the images to promote are not synchronized with the primaries. Otherwise, it will destroy the original mirrors and create new ones 438 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI with the targeted secondaries as primaries and the original primaries as secondaries. local, which does not attempt to add back the original primaries as secondaries, but always creates new mirrors with only primary images consisting of the targeted secondaries. -o Runs the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command promotes all secondary images: naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -async -promotegroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -listgroups Displays information about existing consistency groups. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror -async command with -listgroups and no other switches lists all information for all asynchronous consistency groups on the system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option(s) issued. This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli). SYNTAX mirror -async -listgroups [-name[name]] [-groupid[-id]] [-feature] [-update] [-nextupdate] [-syncrate] [-state] [-role] [-mirrors] [-condition][-recoverypolicy] [-description] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group whose information you want to display. If you do not specify the name of the consistency group with this switch, that piece of information will be provided for the consistency group(s) being displayed. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group whose information you want to display. -feature Displays the maximum number of consistency groups allowed on the system and the maximum number of members per consistency group. -update Displays the type of update as either manual, Time elapsed since the start of the last update (in minutes), or Time elapsed since the end of the last update (in minutes). On the next line it also displays the Update Period in minutes. If the Update Period is not applicable, it displays N/A. -nextupdate Displays the number of minutes until the next update. -syncrate mirror -async -listgroups 439 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Displays the rate at which data is transferred during updates and initial synchronizations. -state Displays Synchronized, Out-of-Sync, Synchronizing, Consistent, Rollingback, QuasiConsistent, Scrambled, Incomplete, Local Only, or Empty. -role Displays Primary, Secondary, or Unknown. -mirrors Displays the mirror name, mirror uid, the IDs of both images in the pair, and the system ID of the paired image. -condition Displays the consistency group condition as Normal, Initializing, Updating, Admin Fractured, System Fractured, Waiting on Admin. -recoverypolicy Displays either manual or automatic to describe whether the system will wait for you to restart updates in the event of a system fracture, after the problem is corrected. -description Displays the description associated with the consistency group. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h mirror -async -listgroups Group Name: taraFARGroup Group ID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83:00:00:00:00 Description: Maximum Number of Groups Allowed: 16 Maximum Number of Mirrors per Group: 16 Update Type: Manual Time to next update: 0 State: Quasi Consistent Role: Secondary Mirror Name: taraFAR202 Mirror WWN: C6:05:20:88:60:01:06:50:08:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Primary WWN: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Secondary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83 Array hosting remote image: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Mirror Name: taraFAR201 Mirror WWN: C6:05:20:88:60:01:06:50:07:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Primary WWN: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Secondary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83 Array hosting remote image: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Mirror Name: taraFAR200 Mirror WWN: C6:05:20:88:60:01:06:50:06:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Primary WWN: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Secondary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83 Array hosting remote image: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Condition: Admin Fractured - Intervention required Sync Rate: Medium Recovery Policy: Manual Group Name: HWLocalPromoteTestGroup Group ID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83:01:00:00:00 Description: Maximum Number of Groups Allowed: 16 Maximum Number of Mirrors per Group: 16 Update Type: Manual Time to next update: 0 State: Synchronized Role: Secondary Mirror Name: HWLocalPromoteTestMirror Mirror WWN: C6:05:20:88:60:01:06:50:09:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Primary WWN: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Secondary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:20:5A:83 Array hosting remote image: 50:06:01:60:88:20:05:C6 Condition: Normal 440 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI Sync Rate: Medium Recovery Policy: Manual OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -async -listgroups 441 EMC VNX MirrorView/A CLI 442 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 10 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI This chapter introduces the EMC®VNX MirrorView™/Synchronous software and explains the commands for creating and managing the MirrorView/Synchronous remote mirrors and consistency groups. This manual refers to the EMC VNX MirrorView/Synchronous product as MirrorView/S. Major topics include: l l MirrorView/S Remote Mirroring commands......................................................... 444 MirrorView/S consistency group commands........................................................471 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI 443 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI MirrorView/S Remote Mirroring commands This section explains the naviseccli commands and the commands for creating and managing remote mirrors on VNX series systems with the MirrorView/S option. These commands let you use MirrorView/S software to create a byte-for-byte copy of one or more local LUNs connected to a distant system server. Note The commands in this section function only with a system that has the optional MirrorView/S software installed. MirrorView/S operations overview This section provides an overview of MirrorView/S operations and how to manage the systems using the management software. Procedure 1. Connect the same management software to both systems and configure the software, so that you can manage both systems. Note Optionally, you can perform this step at the secondary site as well. You must manage both systems, which can be in different domains (see the Unisphere online help). 2. If you want to use the write intent log, allocate the LUNs on all participating systems, so that if you promote, the write intent log is enabled. In the CLI, to designate the write intent log, use the mirror -sync allocatelog command. You can specify any LUN that can be made a private LUN, that is, any LUN that is not part of a storage group and is not a hot spare. 3. Establish a usable, two-way connection between the MirrorView/S systems using the mirror -enablepath command (see mirror -enablepath on page 458). 4. If the primary LUN does not exist, bind it on its server’s system. Wait for the LUN to finish binding and add it to the storage group. 5. If the secondary LUN does not exist, create a secondary image LUN. Note The secondary LUN can be a different RAID type from the primary, as long as the block size matches. 6. Wait for the secondary LUN to finish binding. 7. On the host use the CLI to create the mirror using the mirror -sync -create function. You can specify write intent log information in the command. The -create function activates the mirror. 8. Create a consistency group and add the primary image to it (optional). See mirror sync -creategroup on page 471. 9. With the CLI, add the secondary images you need with the -addimage function. You can list images with the mirror -sync -list function. 444 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI By default, when you use the -addimage command, the software starts synchronizing the secondary image with the primary. Unless the source LUN is freshly bound or similarly contains no meaningful data, a full synchronization is necessary. If you do not want the default action when you add the image (perhaps because the source LUN is newly bound and synchronizing the mirror to it would be pointless), then you can tell the CLI that synchronization is not required – an option in the addimage command. After you add the image, all writes to the primary LUN will be duplicated to the secondary LUNs. At any time in the previous sequence of steps, you can get remote mirror status with the CLI mirror -sync -info or -list command. You can also check the progress of synchronization with the -listsyncprogress command. 10. If a primary failure occurs, Unisphere reports the failure. If the primary failure is minor, have the primary fixed and resume mirroring. If the primary failure is catastrophic, the original client that is managing the system may be unusable and thus unable to report the failure. For such a failure, the administrator at the secondary site must set up a client to manage the system (if not already done), then promote the secondary to primary and take other recovery action as needed. This includes assigning the newly promoted LUN to a storage group, if it is not already the appropriate one. When you use MirrorView/S on a VMware ESX Server, after you promote the secondary image to a primary image, perform the following steps: a. If not already assigned, assign the newly promoted primary image to a storage group on the same or standby ESX Server. b. Rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. c. If not already created, create a virtual machine (VM) on the same or standby ESX Server. The VM is not powered up when you create it. d. Assign the newly promoted primary to the VM. e. Power up the VM. If the VM is created and running and you have not already assigned the newly promoted primary to the VM, perform these steps: a. Perform steps a and b above. b. If you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, power it down. c. To assign the newly promoted primary to the VM, use the virtual center interface for ESX Server 3.x and 2.5.x or the Management User interface for ESX Server 2.5.x. Note If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power down the VM. d. If you are running ESX Server 2.5.x, power up the VM. Note If you are running ESX Server 3.x, you do not need to power up the VM. The primary image (which is now the secondary image) will not be accessible to the primary ESX Server. MirrorView/S operations overview 445 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Note ™ For configuration restrictions when using VMFS volumes, go to the E-Lab Navigator on EMC Online Support, and under the PDFs and Guides tab, open the VMware ESX server.pdf file. 11. If access to the secondary storage image fails, the primary system will fracture the remote mirror. If the problem with the secondary is minor (for example, replacing a cable), then the administrator can fix it. Mirroring will recover and resynchronize the image, if the image recovery policy is Automatic. Whenever you want to stop mirroring, you can first fracture and remove the secondary images, and then destroy the mirror. This does not affect any data on either image LUN, and access to the primary LUN is also unaffected. The LUN that held the secondary image now becomes accessible as a regular LUN. MirrorView/S CLI functions The VNX CLI for Block provides one of the two interfaces to the MirrorView/S mirroring software. The Unisphere UI provides the other. You can use the naviseccli mirror command to set up and manage remote mirror sessions. The mirror command functions are summarized in naviseccli MirrorView/S command functions on page 446. Table 44 naviseccli MirrorView/S command functions Essential functions (in order performed) mirror -enablepath Opens a path between the local and remote system. Only a single connection is required for synchronous and/or asynchronous mirroring. mirror -sync -create Creates a new remote mirror using an existing LUN. The LUN on which the -create command is executed becomes the primary image. mirror -sync -addimage Adds a secondary image to a mirror using a LUN on a remote system. Synchronization is optional — if specified, synchronization of the image begins automatically. mirror -sync -fractureimage Fractures a secondary image, suspending mirroring of data to that image. A fracture log is maintained, so that the image can be quickly resynchronized later. mirror -sync -removeimage Removes a secondary image from a mirror. 446 mirror -sync -promoteimage Promotes a secondary image to primary, while simultaneously demoting the primary (if still accessible) to secondary. Required in order to access the data in the secondary image in the event of a failure of the primary. mirror -sync -syncimage Starts synchronization of the secondary image with the primary. Needed if automatic recovery is not on. I/O is allowed with the primary while the synchronization occurs. You can specify synchronization rate to avoid serious performance impact. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Table 44 naviseccli MirrorView/S command functions (continued) Essential functions (in order performed) mirror -sync -destroy Terminates remote mirroring of a LUN. This does not affect the data in the LUN, and the host continues to access it uninterrupted. Optional status functions (alphabetically) (see also getall -mirrorview in EMC Navisphere CLI Reference) mirror -sync -info Displays MirrorView/S information about a system. mirror -sync -list Displays information about existing mirrors. mirror -sync -listlog Displays write intent log information. mirror -sync -listsyncprogress Displays the percentage of synchronization. Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) mirror -sync -allocatelog Allocates LUNs as space for the write intent log. This is optional — it allows recovery through a partial resynchronization if a recoverable failure of the primary SP occurs. mirror -sync -change Changes remote mirror properties such as name and description. mirror -sync -changeimage Changes secondary image properties such as recovery policy and synchronization rate. mirror -sync -deallocatelog Removes the write intent log LUN that was allocated with the -allocatelog function. Allowed only when the log is not active. mirror -disablepath Severs all paths between the local system SPs and the remote system SPs. mirror -setfeature Enables or disables mirroring to/from a LUN. Required in only a few specific cases where the software has insufficient information to do this automatically. mirror -sync -addimage Adds an image to a previously created mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. Note When you add a secondary image, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. mirror -sync -addimage 447 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to add a secondary image to a mirror using a LUN on a remote system. The -addimage function is required if you want mirroring to occur. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. This command lets you create primary and secondary images on thin LUNs, if all the participating systems support mirroring on thin LUNs. Note ™ The Thin Provisioning enabler must be installed to create thin LUNs. You can use the -info function to display the UIDs of systems that have images that can be mirrored. Also, if the two arrays are not in the same domain, you need to use an IP address instead of a host name. Note To add a secondary image, you must have a working connection to the remote system, and the remote LUN must be exactly the same size (number of blocks) as the primary image. Note In this syntax "or" means that you can specify the switch, -arrayhost sp-hostname | sp-IP-address -lun lun-number | -lunuid lun-uid or you can specify the switch, arrayuid system-uid -lunuid lun-uid. The rest of the syntax is common to both. The options -lun lun-number and -lunuid lun-uid are optional. You can use either of the two options. SYNTAX mirror -sync -addimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -arrayhost sp-hostname -lun lun-number -lunid lun-uid [-recoverypolicy auto|manual] [-syncrate high|medium|low] [-nosyncrequired] or mirror -sync -addimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -arrayuid system-uid -lunuid lun-uid [-recoverypolicy auto|manual] [-syncrate high|medium|low] [-nosyncrequired] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name that you gave to the mirror with the -create command. Use either this name or the mirror unique ID (16-byte world wide name). -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte primary image ID (World Wide Name) the software assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror sync -list on page 425 function). -arrayhost sp-hostname 448 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Specifies the hostname or network address of the remote SP that will hold the secondary image. The secondary image will be added to the remote mirror connected to this host’s SP. Use this switch or -arrayuid. -lun lun-number Specifies the LUN number that will serve as the secondary image of the mirror. -arrayuid system-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte system ID of the remote SP. You can determine this by using the mirror -info command or the getarrayuid command. For any letters in the ID, use the same case that the software assigned when the mirror was created. Use this switch or -arrayhost. -lunuid lun-uid Specifies the unique 16-byte identification number (World Wide Name) of the LUN to be added as a secondary image. If you specified -arrayuid, then -lunuid is required. If you specified -arrayhost , then you can use either -lun or -lunuid. Note When you specify -arrayuid and -lunuid, you must add the mirror driver on the remote LUN using the -setfeature command before executing the -addimage command. -recoverypolicy manual|auto Specifies the policy for recovering the secondary mirror image after a system fracture. Values are: manual: The administrator must explicitly start a synchronization operation to recover the secondary mirror image. auto: Recovery automatically resumes as soon as the primary image determines that the secondary mirror image is once again accessible. This is the default. -syncrate high|medium|low Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests, particularly where there are multiple concurrent synchronizations occurring. Low completes updates much slower, but also minimizes impact on other system operations. -nosyncrequired Specifies that synchronization is not needed for the newly added secondary image. The image will not be useful until it is synchronized. If you omit this switch, a synchronization occurs. EXAMPLE Any of the following commands adds an image to a mirror. For SP ss1_spa, any of the above commands adds to the remote mirror db_mirror the LUN in system 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:69 (or a LUN on the remote system cpc426) whose unique LUN ID (world wide name, WWN) is 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE: 7C:E4:71:D4:11 or whose LUN number is 9. See also the example in mirror -sync create on page 453. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:69 -lunuid 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE:7C:E4:71:D4:11 naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayhost cpc426 -lun 9 mirror -sync -addimage 449 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -addimage -name db_mirror -arrayhost cpc426 -lunuid 60:06:06:5A:62:02:00:00:92:95:DE:7C:E4:71:D4:11 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -allocatelog Allocates or re-allocates a LUN for use as a write intent log. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror command with -allocatelog assigns a LUN as the write intent log on each SP of the system. The recommended (and minimum) size for the log is 128 MB. The write intent log allows recovery with a partial resynchronization if a recoverable failure of the primary SP occurs. If you do not use the intent log, a full synchronization is always required in the event of a failure of the SP controlling the primary image. You must specify both SPs in one command line. SYNTAX mirror -sync -allocatelog -spA LUN-number -spB LUN-number [-unbind] [-o] OPTIONS -spA LUN-number and -spB LUN-number Identify the LUN to be used for the write intent log. It must hold at least 128 MB, must not be part of a storage group and must not be a hot spare. -unbind If write intent log LUNs are currently defined, unbinds the old LUNs after the write intent log function starts using the new LUNs. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command allocates as the write intent log for SP A the LUN with ID 122 and for SP B the LUN with ID 124. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -allocatelog -spA 122 -spB 124 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -change Changes mirror properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. 450 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli ) to change one or more parameters of a previously created mirror. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. You must specify at least one of the optional switches with this command. If you omit the override option, then the CLI displays a message for each parameter to confirm the change. Note Always view and modify remote mirror properties from the primary system. Information displayed from the secondary system may not be up to date, especially if the primary system has lost contact with the secondary system. Note When you enable the write intent log on a mirror that did not previously use it, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX mirror -sync -change -name name | -mirroruid uid [-newname name] [-description description] [-requiredimages num_of_images] [-o] [-qthresh qthresh] [-usewriteintentlog yes|no] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name the -create command gave the mirror. You can specify either the mirror name or unique ID (next). -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -newname name Specifies the new name for the mirror. You can specify up to 32 characters. -description description Provides a meaningful title for the mirror (for example, Employee and Benefits Table for Human Resources). The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. You can specify up to 256 characters, but we suggest that you should not exceed the line length defined by the operating system. -requiredimages num_of_images Specifies the minimum number of secondary images that should be accessible to the mirror. The default value is 0. Allowed values are 0, 1, and all. If the number of accessible images goes below the specified value, the mirror goes into the Attention state and generates a log message. You can configure this to generate an appropriate warning (for example, e-mail message or page) to the administrator to enable the administrator to correct the problem. -qthresh qthresh Specifies the time delay, in seconds, after the last I/O is received before a mirror will automatically be transitioned to the synchronized state. The default is 60 seconds. Valid values are 10-3600. -usewriteintentlog yes | no Directs the software to use or not use the remote mirror write intent log. If you want to use the log, you must have allocated it with -allocatelog. mirror -sync -change 451 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI yes Use or start using, the write intent log. no Do not use, or stop using, the write intent log. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For the remote mirror dbmirror on SP ss0_spa, this command reduces the minimum number of accessible secondary images to 0. Use the -list command to confirm that the changes were made. naviseccli -h ss0_spa mirror -sync -change -name dbmirror -requiredimages 0 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -changeimage Changes secondary image properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to change one or more parameters of a mirror image. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. You must specify at least one of the optional switches. If you omit the override option, then it displays a message similar to the following for each parameter to confirm the change. Do you want to change the sync rate from Medium to High (y/n)? To change a parameter, enter y. SYNTAX mirror -sync -changeimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid image-uid [-recoverypolicy manual|auto] [-syncrate high|medium|low] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the remote mirror in the -create command. You can specify either the mirror name or uid (next). -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -imageuid image-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte ID of the secondary image you want to change. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case that the software assigned to the image when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -recoverypolicy manual|auto 452 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Specifies the policy for recovering the secondary mirror image after a system fracture. Values are: manual: The administrator must explicitly start a synchronization operation to recover the secondary mirror image. auto: Recovery automatically resumes as soon as the primary image determines that the secondary mirror image is once again accessible. This is the default. -syncrate high|medium|low Specifies a relative value (low, medium, or high) for the priority of completing updates. The default is medium. High completes updates faster, but may significantly affect system performance for server I/O requests, particularly where there are multiple concurrent synchronizations occurring. Low completes updates much slower, but also minimizes impact on other system operations. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, mirror db_mirror, image 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6, this command changes the synchronization rate to high. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -changeimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 -syncrate high OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -create Creates a new mirror using an available LUN for mirroring. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. Since the write intent log is on by default, before creating a synchronous mirror, you must first allocate the write intent log (see mirror -sync -allocatelog on page 450). DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to create a new mirror using an existing LUN. The LUN on which you run the command becomes the primary LUN. But, for mirroring to occur, you must add an image with the -addimage function. Later, you can change some of the parameters you specify here with the -change function. This command supports thin LUNs after you install the latest Unisphere version, which contains thin LUN support for MirrorView. If you specify a minimum number of required images (other than the default value zero) in the -create command, the mirror will start in the attention state, since you have not yet added the required secondary images. To avoid this problem, do not specify a minimum number of images with -create; instead, create the mirror, add the image, and then if you want a minimum number of required images, change the mirror with the change command. You can use the -info command to display the LUN numbers that can be mirrored. mirror -sync -create 453 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Note When you create a mirror, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX mirror -sync -create -name name -lun lun_number [-description description] [-requiredimages num_of_images] [-qthresh qthresh] [-nowriteintentlog ] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Lets you assign a meaningful name to the mirror; for example "Employee Benefits". To include spaces in the name, enclose the entire string in quotation marks as in the example. You can use this name to manage the mirror. The name can include as many as 32 characters. -lun lun_number Specifies the LUN number that will serve as the primary image of the mirror you are creating. -description description Lets you assign a description for the mirror. The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. You can specify up to 256 characters, but we suggest that you should not exceed the line length defined by the operating system. -requiredimages num_of_images Specifies the minimum number of secondary images that should be accessible to this mirror. The default value is 0. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2, and all. If the number of accessible images goes below the specified value, the mirror goes into the Attention state and generates a log message. You can configure this to generate an appropriate warning (for example, e-mail message or page) to the administrator to enable the administrator to correct the problem. -qthresh qthresh This specifies the time delay, in seconds, after the last I/O is received before a mirror will automatically transition to the synchronized state. The default is 60 seconds. Valid values are 10-3600. -nowriteintentlog Lets you create a synchronous mirror with the write intent log off. When creating a synchronous remote mirror, the write intent log will be on for the mirror by default. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE #1 The mirror -create command creates the mirror named db_mirror on LUN 112. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -create -name db_mirror -lun 112 EXAMPLE #2 The -change command sets a minimum of one secondary image for the mirror. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -change -name db_mirror -requiredimages 1 454 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI EXAMPLE #3 The -list command confirms the change. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -list OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -deallocatelog Removes LUNs from service as write intent log LUNs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror command with -deallocatelog deassigns the LUNs that have been used for the write intent log on this system. This command deallocates the LUNs used by both SPs of the system. The LUNs themselves and their contents are not affected by this command. If at least one mirror is still configured to use the write intent log LUNs, this command will fail with an error message. If you omit the override option, it displays a message to confirm the deallocation of the intent log: Do you want to deallocate write intent log(y/n)? To deallocate the log for both SPs, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -sync -deallocatelog [-unbind] [–o] OPTIONS -unbind Directs the software to unbind the LUNs used in write intent logs. (optional) -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command deallocates the LUNs used for the write intent log function on bothssl_spa and its peer. This command does not affect the LUNs themselves. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -deallocatelog Do you want to deallocate write intent log on SP A (y/n)? OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -destroy Destroys a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. mirror -sync -deallocatelog 455 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to destroy a mirror. It is the counterpart of -create. It ends mirroring of the LUN that is part of the mirror. This does not affect the data in the LUN, and the server continues to access it. Note You cannot destroy a mirror while it is a member of a consistency group. You must remove the secondary image in the mirror before issuing the command to the system holding the primary image. If you cannot remove the secondary image or access the primary image, you can use the -force option. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image unless -force is specified, in which case, you can direct it to either system. CAUTION Use -force only if all other options to remove an image and the mirror have failed. If you omit the override option, a message to confirm the destruction of the mirror appears: Do you really want to destroy the mirror (y/n)? To destroy the mirror, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -sync -destroy -name name | -mirroruid uid [-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the mirror with the -create command. You can also use the remote mirror ID. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned when the mirror was created (use the mirror -list command). -force Forcibly destroys the mirror. This option affects only the local system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command destroys the remote mirror that was created with the name db_mirror. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -destroy db_mirror Do you really want to destroy the mirror db_mirror?(y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages if the command fails for some reason. 456 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI mirror -disablepath Disables the communication paths created by -enablepath to remote mirror SPs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to sever the path established by -enablepath in the remote system. When issued to any SP, the command severs paths for both SPs in both the primary and secondary systems; that is, it severs these paths if: l SP A of the local system is connected to SP A of the remote system l SP A of the remote system is connected to SP A of the local system l SP B of the local system is connected to SP B of the remote system l SP B of the remote system is connected to SP B of the local system This means you can issue the command to either SP of either system to sever the paths between the systems you are targeting. If you issue the command while a mirror exists, the CLI issues a warning message; if you continue, any mirror connected over the specified path will be fractured. Note If both asynchronous and synchronous mirrors are installed, you need to run the command only once. It will take effect for both mirrors. If you omit the override option, the CLI displays a message to confirm the disabling of the path. To disable the path, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -disablepath connected-SP-hostname [-connectiontype fibre|iscsi] [-o] OPTIONS connected-SP-hostname Specifies the hostname of SP A or SP B of a connected system to disconnect. -connectiontype fibre | iscsi Specifies the connection type as fibre or iSCSI for the path you are disabling. If you do not specify the -connectiontype switch, the system first tries to find a fibre connection; if it does not find one, it looks for an iSCSI connection. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. Without this switch, the CLI displays a confirmation message for each SP. EXAMPLE #1 For SP ss1_spa, this command and confirmation remove the paths between the local SPs and the remote mirror SPs. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -disablepath ss27_spa -connectiontype fibre Disabling of the path will stop mirroring of data to all images if any among these arrays. A system fracture of mirror -disablepath 457 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI all mirrors between two arrays on following storage processors will occur due to this action. Do you want to continue (y/n)? y EXAMPLE #2 The mirror -info command displays the updated status. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -info OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. mirror -enablepath Establishes a path for remote mirroring between a local and remote system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli on page 20) to create a path between the specified SP and its peer SP to a remote SP and its peer. These paths will serve as paths for remote mirroring. A remote mirror requires a path between the primary and secondary systems. When issued to any SP, the command creates paths for both SPs in both systems; that is, it creates these paths: l SP A of the local system to SP A of the other system l SP A of the other system to SP A of the local system l SP B of the local system to SP B of the other system l SP B of the other system to SP B of the local system The SP As or the SP Bs in both systems must be physically connected. If you cannot enable paths on one SP due to some error, an informational message appears and the paths are enabled for the other SP. To obtain status information, run the mirror -info -systems command. Note If both asynchronous and synchronous mirrors are installed, you will need to run the command only once. It will take effect for both mirrors. Note If the two arrays are not in the same domain, you need to use an IP address instead of a host name for remote mirroring. SYNTAX mirror -enablepath SP-hostname [-connectiontype fibre|iscsi] OPTIONS SP-hostname Specifies the hostname of SP A or SP B of the remote system on which you want to enable remote mirroring. 458 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI -connectiontype fibre | iscsi Specifies the connection type as fibre or iSCSI for the path you are enabling. If you do not specify the -connectiontype switch, the system first tries to find a fibre connection; if it does not find one, it looks for an iSCSI connection. Note To change the connection type, you must first disable the current enabled path. To modify, test, or delete connections or change the credentials, see the EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command enables the paths between ss1_spa and its peer SP and ss27_spa and its peer SP. The mirror -sync-info command that follows displays the updated status. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -enablepath ss27_spa -connectiontype iscsi naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -info OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. mirror -sync -fractureimage Fractures an image in a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to start an administrative fracture of a secondary image. It also prevents scheduled updates from starting in the future. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image. (An automatic fracture, called a system fracture, occurs if a secondary image becomes inaccessible to the primary image. After a system fracture, the system periodically tries to communicate with the secondary image and — if it succeeds — starts synchronization based on the fracture log. If you issue the -fractureimage command while the mirror is system fractured, the system will not try to communicate or resynchronize until you issue a -syncimage command.) The software displays a message to confirm the fracture: Warning! If the Write Intent Log is not enabled for this mirror, a full mirror sync of the secondary image will be required in the event of a failure on the primary image. Do you want to fracture the image image UID (y/n)? To fracture the mirror, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -sync -fractureimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid uid [-o] mirror -sync -fractureimage 459 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave to the mirror with the -create command. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte mirror ID (World Wide Name) that the software assigned when it created the mirror. For any letters in the ID, see comments under imageuid below. -imageuid uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image to be fractured. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when the mirror was created (use mirror -list function). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa of the mirror named db_mirror, this command fractures the secondary image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -fractureimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 Warning! If the Write mirror, a full mirror required in the event Do you really want to Intent Log is not enabled for this sync of the secondary image will be of a failure on the primary image. fracture the image(y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -info Displays general information about synchronous mirroring in a system. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command, when used with naviseccli and no other switches, lists all general information for remote mirror support. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option issued. See the example for sample output. For information on existing mirrors, use the -list function. For synchronization status information, use the -listsyncprogress function. SYNTAX mirror -sync -info [-cancreate] [-maxmirrors] [-mirroredluns] [-mirrorableluns] [-systems [-connectiontype]] [-logs] [-all] OPTIONS -cancreate 460 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Indicates whether an remote mirror can be created in this system: yes or no. -maxmirrors Displays the maximum number of mirrors that can be created in this system. -mirroredluns Lists the LUN numbers of LUNs that are mirrored in this system. The list includes LUNs used as both secondary and primary images. -mirrorableluns Lists LUNs that can be mirrored in this system but are not mirrored at present. -systems Lists remote systems that can be used for a secondary image. -connectiontype Displays the connection type (fibre or iSCSI) for the enabled mirror. For unexpected error cases, it displays the value, unknown. -logs Lists LUNs that are assigned for the write intent log on this system. -all Lists all properties of a session without having to type in any other switch. EXAMPLE #1 For SP ss1_spa, this command displays potential and current remote mirror information. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -info Can a mirror be created on this system:YES Logical Units that are mirrored in Primary Images:82 76 Logical Units that are mirrored in Secondary Images:75 5 72 Logical Units that can be mirrored:10 6 18 74 16 9 85 11 87 77 19 14 250 78 4 15 7 83 17 12 88 100 71 13 89 81 Is Write Intent Log Used: NO Remote systems that can be enabled for mirroring: Remote systems that are enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:20:04:A1:6B Status: Enabled on both SPs Array UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:33:54 Status: Enabled on both SPs Array UID: 50:06:01:60:20:02:C1:A3 Status: Enabled on both SPs Enabled Connection Type(s): iSCSI Disabled Connection Type(s): Fibre Maximum number of possible Mirrors:50 EXAMPLE #2 The following example shows the output for the mirror -async -info command. mirror –sync –info –all Can a mirror be created on this system: YES Logical Units that are mirrored in Primary Images: Logical Units that are mirrored in Secondary Images: 3 Logical Units that can be mirrored: 8186 8191 8188 8190 8187 8189 Is Write Intent Log Used: NO Remote systems that can be enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:01:8C Available Connection Type(s): Fibre Remote systems that are enabled for mirroring: Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:07:4B Status: Enabled on both SPs Enabled Connection Type(s): Fibre Disabled Connection Type(s): Maximum number of possible Mirrors: 256 Logged-in status of Remote systems: mirror -sync -info 461 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:01:8C Fibre Logged-in Status: SPA:Y; SPB:Y Array UID: 50:06:01:60:88:60:07:4B Fibre Logged-in Status: SPA:Y; SPB:Y MirrorView port(s): SP A: I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 Logical Port ID: 0 Port Type: Fibre SP B: I/O Module Slot: 0 Physical Port ID: 0 Logical Port ID: 0 Port Type: Fibre OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. mirror -sync -list Displays information about existing mirrors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli -sync mirror command with -list and no other switches lists all information for all mirrors on the system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option(s) issued. You can direct the command to any system; however, only the system holding the primary image of a mirror will always have the latest information about the mirror. Status obtained from other systems may be stale; do not use it unless the primary system is unavailable. See the example for sample output. For synchronization status information, use the -listsyncprogress function. SYNTAX mirror -sync -list [-name [name]] [-mirroruid] [uid] [-description] [-faulted] [-images] [-imagecount] [-imagesize] [-lun] [-qthresh] [-requiredimages] [-state] [-transition] [-usewriteintentlog] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create function. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to obtain information on a mirror. -mirroruid uid 462 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) the software assigned when it created the mirror. -description Lists the meaningful title for the mirror, if any. The software does not use the description to identify the mirror. -faulted Lists whether the remote mirror is faulted: yes or no. If it is faulted, the mirror is either fractured or in the attention state. -images Displays image information, such as the role of the image (primary or secondary), image ID, WWN of the LUN containing the image, recovery policy, sync rate, image state, image condition, and image transitioning. -imagecount Lists the current number of images that compose the mirror. This count includes the primary image. -imagesize Lists the size of the image (capacity of the LUN containing the image) in user blocks. -lun Lists the LUN number of the local image. -qthresh Lists the time delay, in seconds, after the last I/O is received before a mirror will automatically transition to the synchronized state. The default is 60 seconds. -requiredimages Lists the minimum number of secondary images required for the mirror. -state Describes the operational state of the mirror. Values are: inactive, active, and attention. -transition Specifies whether the mirror is in a changing state. -usewriteintentlog Lists whether the mirror uses the write intent log. You cannot use the log unless you first allocate it. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -list MirrorView Name: pbc sync on 82 MirrorView Description: MirrorView UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:29:85:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Logical Unit Numbers: 82 Remote Mirror Status: Mirrored MirrorView State: Active MirrorView Faulted: YES MirrorView Transitioning: NO Quiesce Threshold: 60 Minimum number of images required: 0 Image Size: 204800 Image Count: 2 Write Intent Log Used: NO Images: Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:29:85 Is Image Primary: YES Logical Unit UID: 60:06:01:60:57:A0:0E:00:56:7D:92:1C:37:73:D8:11 Image Condition: Primary Image Preferred SP: A Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:33:54 Is Image Primary: NO Logical Unit UID: mirror -sync -list 463 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI 60:06:01:60:B7:7C:0E:00:02:DB:F3:EF:36:73:D8:11 Image State: Consistent Image Condition: System fractured Recovery Policy: Automatic Preferred SP: A Synchronization Rate: Medium Image Faulted: YES Image Transitioning: NO Synchronizing Progress (%): N/A OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -listsyncprogress Displays the percentage of synchronization that has occurred. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror command with -listsyncprogress and no other switches lists all information for all remote mirrors. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option included. If you omit arguments, the CLI displays information on all mirrors. You must direct the command to the system that holds the primary image; if not, the progress will display as N/A. Similarly, if an image is synchronized, the progress will display as 100. See the example for sample output. SYNTAX mirror -sync -listsyncprogress [-name name | -mirroruid uid] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name given to the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to obtain information on a particular mirror. -mirroruid uid Specifies the 16-byte mirror unique ID (world wide name) assigned when the mirror was created. If you specify this switch, information on the particular mirror appears. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -listsyncprogress MirrorView Name: pbc sync on 82 Has Secondary Images: YES Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:33:54 Image State: Consistent Synchronizing Progress(%): N/A MirrorView Name: pbc sync on LUN 75 Has Secondary Images: YES Image UID: 50:06:01:60:90:20:29:85 Image State: Out-of-Sync Synchronizing Progress(%): N/A 464 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -listlog Displays write intent log information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror command with -listlog lists the write intent log LUN numbers. If a write intent log is not allocated, then it displays nothing. You can direct this command to any system that has MirrorView/S installed. Format of the display is: SP:A/B LUN-number (Number of LUN used as write-intent log) SYNTAX mirror -sync -listlog EXAMPLE For both ss1_spa and its peer SP, this command lists the write intent log LUN information. If the write intent log is allocated, example output may be as follows: naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -listlog Storage Processor: SP A LUN Number: 129 Storage Processor: SP B LUN Number: 128 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported message is written to sterr. mirror -sync -promoteimage Promotes a secondary image to primary. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command promotes a secondary image to the role of the primary image. The command is successful if it can promote the secondary to a primary that is serveraccessible. You must direct this command to a system that holds the secondary image — never to the system that holds the primary. The command will fail if you issue it to the system that holds the primary image. You can promote a secondary image if the secondary is in a synchronized or consistent state. If the original primary is available, the software does a full resynchronization unless it confirms that the two images were synchronized. mirror -sync -listlog 465 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Use -promoteimage carefully. The software will prompt for confirmation as follows before processing the command: Warning! This command is a very powerful and unforgiving command like formatting a disk. An improper use of this command can create unexpected results. If you have not done any of the following steps then answer ’n’ and fulfil these steps and reissue the command. Did you put primary image in a quiescent state? Is image synchronized? It does not have to be synchronized but it is better to be synchronized to avoid any kind of loss of data. Do you want to continue (y/n)? Answering yes will continue with processing of promote command. Answering no stops the command execution. When you promote a secondary image to primary, the software assigns a new mirror UID to the promoted image to distinguish it from the old mirror. The new status of the old primary image depends on whether the old primary image is accessible when promotion occurs: l If the original primary image is not accessible when you issue the promote command, the software creates a new mirror with the original secondary image as the primary image, and the original primary is not part of the new mirror. If the original mirror had a second secondary, it is added as a secondary to the new mirror if it is accessible. If the original primary image becomes available later, you should destroy the original mirror using the Unisphere force destroy, or VNX CLI for Block mirror -sync destroy -force option. After destroying the original mirror, you can (if desired) add the LUN that held the original primary image to the new mirror as its secondary image. This secondary image requires a full synchronization before it provides data protection. l If the original primary is accessible when you issue the promote command, then the promoted image becomes primary and the original primary becomes secondary (that is, the images swap). The software then tests to see if the two images are synchronized. If it finds the images are synchronized, then it proceeds with mirrored I/O as usual. If the mirror is not in the synchronized state, then the mirror will be outof-sync and waiting on admin. The recovery policy is changed to manual during the promotion, so that you must initiate the synchronization. If you choose to synchronize the mirror, it will be a full synchronization. Note A promotion changes the mirror’s recovery policy to manual. After promoting an image, you must explicitly add the newly promoted image to an appropriate storage group. EMC recommends that you also remove the old primary from its storage group, if possible. Note You cannot issue this command on a mirror that is part of a consistency group. Note Promoting when I/O is going to the primary image can cause data loss. Any I/Os in progress during the promotion may not be recorded to the secondary image and will be unavailable after the secondary image is promoted. It will also probably require a full synchronization of the new secondary image after the promotion. In normal operation when there is no failure, you can (but probably would not want to) promote a secondary image. If you do so, the primary image is demoted to secondary. 466 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI The new primary image inherits the mirror properties of the demoted primary image. Before issuing this command consider the following: l If possible, the secondary image should be synchronized (synchronized state) with the primary image. If the secondary image is in the consistent state (not synchronized state) when you promote it to primary image, data will probably be lost during the promotion process. The secondary image to be promoted must be in a consistent or synchronized state. If the secondary image is out-of-sync or synchronizing, then you cannot promote it; an error will result. l You must stop I/O to an accessible primary image before you issue this command. If I/O continues to the original primary, data may be lost as the software demotes the primary to secondary and/or an SP may reboot unexpectedly during the attempted promotion. l If the primary system has a write intent log, ensure that the secondary system does also. SYNTAX mirror -sync -promoteimage -name name | -mirroruid uid -imageuid imageuid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to promote a secondary image. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte mirror ID (World Wide Name) that was assigned when the mirror was created. For any letters in the ID, see comments under -imageuid below. -imageuid uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you want to promote. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when it created the mirror (use the mirror -list function). -o Runs the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the remote mirror named db_mirror, this command promotes the secondary image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -promoteimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -removeimage Removes a secondary image from a mirror. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. mirror -sync -removeimage 467 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to remove a secondary image from the remote mirror. You must issue this command to a system that holds the primary image. An image can be removed even if it is an active image. However, you can remove a secondary image only if it is in the synchronized state or you have fractured the mirror. If you omit the -override option, the software displays a message to confirm the remove operation: Removing of the image will stop mirroring of data to the specified image. It may cause the minimum number of images required parameter to be violated that will cause the mirror to go into attention state. Do you really want to remove the image(y/n)? Answering yes will remove the image. Note You cannot issue this command on a mirror that is part of a consistency group. SYNTAX mirror -sync -removeimage -name name | -mirroruid mirroruid -arrayhost sp-hostname | -imageuid imageuid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to remove a secondary image. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) assigned when the software created the mirror. For any letters in the ID, see comments under imageuid below. -arrayhost sp-hostname Specifies the hostname or network address of the remote SP that holds the secondary image you want to remove. If you specify this switch, the driver(s) from the secondary LUN stack is removed. -imageuid image-uid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you want to remove. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when it created the mirror (use the mirror -list command). If you specify this switch, you must explicitly remove the driver(s) from the secondary LUN stack using the -setfeature command. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP address ss1_spa, the owner of the mirror named db_mirror, this command removes the image with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -removeimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 Removing the image will stop mirroring of data to the specified image. It may cause the minimum number of images required parameter to be violated that will cause 468 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI the mirror to go into attention state. Do you really want to remove the image (y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -setfeature Adds or removes an synchronous mirror driver to or from the LUN stack. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to add the synchronous mirror driver to or remove it from the LUN stack depending on whether you specify the -on or off option. You must issue this command to the system where the LUN resides. This command is required after you remove a secondary image from a mirror, using the imaguid switch to specify the image. In this case, Unisphere has insufficient information to automatically remove the MirrorView/S driver from the stack of the secondary image LUN, and you must use this command to do this manually. Note When you add a synchronous mirror driver to the LUN stack using the -on switch, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts agains the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX mirror -sync -setfeature -on | -off -lun lun_number | -lunuid uid OPTIONS -on Adds the driver to the LUN stack. -off Removes the driver from the LUN stack. -lun lun_number Specifies the LUN number to which you want to add or from which you need to remove the driver. -lunuid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte identification number (World Wide Name) of the LUN to which you will add the driver or from which you will remove the driver. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command starts adding the driver to LUN 112. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -setfeature -on -lun 112 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -setfeature 469 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI mirror -sync -syncimage Starts an update of the secondary image. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION Use this command with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to begin the synchronization operation on a secondary image that was previously administratively fractured or on one where the mirror image condition is normal. You must issue this command to the system that holds the primary image. The secondary image should be fractured when performing this operation. If you specify a secondary image that is not fractured, an internal error message will be returned. If -o is not specified, the software displays a message asking you to confirm: During synchronization, array performance will be impacted and data is vulnerable to a failure of the primary image. Do you want to sync the image (y/n)? Answering y will start synchronization. Note You cannot issue this command on a mirror that is part of a consistency group. SYNTAX mirror -sync -syncimage -name name|-mirroruid mirroruid -imageuid imageuid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name given to the mirror with the -create command. You can use the mirror name or unique ID to update a secondary image. -mirroruid uid Specifies the unique 16-byte remote mirror ID (World Wide Name) assigned when the software created the mirror. For any letters in the ID, see comments under imageuid below. -imageuid imageuid Specifies the unique 8-byte image ID of the secondary image you will synchronize. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when the software created the mirror (use the mirror -list command). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the mirror named db_mirror, this command starts synchronizing the image with the unique ID shown. 470 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -syncimage -name db_mirror -imageuid 50:06:06:10:00:FD:A1:6 During synchronization, array performance will be impacted and data is vulnerable to a failure of the primary image. Do you want to sync the image (y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. You may also receive other error messages. MirrorView/S consistency group commands This section explains the commands for creating and managing groups of mirrors on VNX series systems with the EMC MirrorView/S option. This section refers to groups of mirrors as consistency groups. Note The LUNs in a MirrorView/S consistency group must reside on the same system, unlike the volumes in a Symmetrix consistency group, which can reside on multiple systems. mirror -sync -creategroup Establishes a consistency group to which you can later add mirrors. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to create a consistency group to which you can add mirrors with subsequent commands. You must direct the command to the system on which you are creating the MirrorView/S group. Note You should not enable the FAST Cache for write intent log LUNs and Clone Private LUNs. Enabling the FAST Cache for these LUNs is a suboptimal use of the FAST Cache and may reduce the performance of the cache for other LUNs. When you create a consistency group, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX mirror -sync -creategroup -name name [-description description] [-recoverypolicy policy] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group. Use only alphanumeric characters for the consistency group name. The name can be up to 32 characters. -description description Specifies a textual description of the consistency group. -recoverypolicy policy MirrorView/S consistency group commands 471 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Specifies the policy for recovering the mirrors in a group after a failure causes a system fracture. Values are: manual: Update of the secondary image does not begin until you explicitly issue a synchronize command. auto: Update of the secondary image automatically begins as soon as the connection between the two systems is again operational. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command creates a consistency group with the name dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -creategroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -destroygroup Destroys a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to destroy a consistency group. It is the counterpart of -creategroup. Note Make sure that the consistency group is empty before destroying it. If you omit the override option, the system displays a message to confirm the destruction of the consistency group: Do you really want to destroy the group ? (y/n)? To destroy the consistency group, answer y; to take no action, enter n. SYNTAX mirror -sync -destroygroup -name name | -groupid id [-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name you gave the mirror with the -creategroup command. You can also use the consistency group ID. -groupid id Specifies the consistency group unique ID assigned when the consistency group was created. -force Destroys the consistency group even if it is not empty. Force destroy destroys only the group on the local system; you must also destroy the group on the other system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. 472 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command destroys the consistency group that was created with the name dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -destroygroup dbgroup Do you really want to destroy the group dbgroup?(y/n)? y OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages if the command fails. mirror -sync -addtogroup Adds a mirror to a previously created consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to add one mirror at a time to a consistency group. Note The mirror you specify must have its primary image on the system. No two secondary images of mirrors in the consistency group can be on different systems. When you add a mirror to a consistency group, MirrorView/S automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX mirror -sync -addtogroup -name name | -groupid id -mirrorname name | -mirroruid id OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -mirrorname name Specifies the name of the mirror you want to add to the consistency group. -mirroruid id Specifies the World Wide Name of the mirror you want to add to the consistency group. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command adds the mirror, Sales Accounts Mirror to Europe, to the consistency group, dbgroup. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -addtogroup -name dbgroup -mirrorname "Sales Accounts Mirror to Europe" mirror -sync -addtogroup 473 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -removefromgroup Removes a mirror from a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli) to remove one mirror at a time from the consistency group. Note The mirror you specify must have its primary image on the system. This does not apply if you use the -force switch. If you omit the -o option, the software displays a message to confirm the remove operation. Answering yes will remove the mirror. SYNTAX mirror -sync -removefromgroup -name name|-groupid id -mirrorname name|-mirroruid id[-force] [-o] or mirror -sync -removefromgroup -name name|-groupid id -localLunUid uid | -localLunnumber number[-force] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group from which you want to remove the mirror. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group to which you want to add the mirror. -mirrorname name Specifies the name of the mirror you want to remove from the consistency group. -mirroruid id Specifies the World Wide Name of the mirror you want to remove from the consistency group. -localLunUid uid Specifies the world wide name of the local LUN belonging to the local image, which participates in the consistency group. You can use this switch to remove group members only in the failure scenario. -localLunnumbernumber Specifies the LUN number of the local LUN belonging to the local image, which participates in the consistency group. You can use this switch to remove group members only in the failure scenario. 474 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI Note Failure scenarios may occur where a mirror may no longer exist, but is still considered to be a member of the consistency group. In this case, the consistency group is in an incomplete state. A mirror can be missing from the consistency group if the promotion fails between destroying the original mirror and creating a new one. In this case, all the properties of the missing mirrors, except the local LUN uid and local LUN number appear as unknown in the -listgroups command. You can remove the mirror from the consistency group only by specifying the group name or group ID and the local LUN uid or local LUN number. Use the local LUN uid or local LUN number only in this failure case. Removing a regular mirror in a group by specifying -locallunnumber or -locallunuid returns an error. Removing the missing mirror by specifying the -mirrorname or -mirroruid also returns an error. If a mirror is missing only on the secondary side, then issuing the removefromgroup command on the primary side will remove the missing member on the secondary side also. -force Removes the mirror even if the connection with the remote system is not functioning. If you direct this command at the secondary system with this switch, only the secondary member is removed; the primary system is not contacted. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command removes the mirror with the unique ID shown. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -removefromgroup -name dbgroup -mirroruid 83:5A:20:90:60:01:06:50:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -changegroup Changes consistency group properties. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION This command is used with naviseccli to change one or more parameters of a consistency group. You must specify at least one of the optional switches. If you omit the override option, then it displays a message similar to the following for each parameter to confirm the change. Do you want to change the group synchronization rate from Medium to High (y/n)? mirror -sync -changegroup 475 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI To change a parameter, enter y. SYNTAX mirror -sync -changegroup -name name | -groupid id [-newname newname] [-description description] [-recoverypolicy policy] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to change. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to change. -description description Specifies a textual description for the consistency group. -recoverypolicy policy Specifies the policy for recovering the mirrors in a group after a failure causes a system fracture. Values are: manual: Update of the secondary image does not begin until you explicitly issue a synchronize command. auto: Update of the secondary image automatically begins as soon as the connection between the two systems is again operational. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For system ss1_spa, consistency group dbgroup, this command automatically starts synchronization. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -changegroup -name dbgroup -recoverypolicy auto OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -syncgroup Synchronizes all members of the consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror -sync command with -syncgroup synchronizes all members of a consistency group. When one member of the group is fractured, all will be fractured; therefore, it is necessary to synchronize the group. You cannot synchronize an individual image whose primary image is part of a consistency group. The -syncgroup command returns successfully that all members of the consistency group have been queued for synchronization. SYNTAX mirror -sync -syncgroup -name name | -groupid id [-o] 476 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to update or synchronize. You can specify either the consistency group name or id (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to update or synchronize. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command starts synchronizing the consistency group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -syncgroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -fracturegroup Fractures all image(s) in a consistency group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror -sync command with -fracturegroup starts an administrative fracture of all images in the consistency group, even if they are already system fractured. You must direct this command to the primary system. SYNTAX mirror -sync -fracturegroup -name name | -groupid id [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to fracture. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to fracture. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, with the consistency group named dbgroup, this command fractures all the images in the consistency group. naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -fracturegroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -fracturegroup 477 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI mirror -sync -promotegroup Promotes all secondary images in a consistency group to primary images. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. Before promoting, perform the following steps: 1. Stop all I/O. 2. If possible, make sure that the group is in a synchronized state. 3. Before running a force promote, first perform a normal promotion and, if possible, fix any error conditions that it returns. CAUTION After force promoting a consistency group that is out-of-sync after the promotion, use caution before synchronizing the consistency group. If the group was fractured before the promotion, the new primary system may have data that is much older than the original primary (now secondary) system. Synchronizing the group may overwrite newer data on the original primary system. DESCRIPTION This command promotes all secondary images to the role of the primary images. You must direct this command to a secondary system. This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli). Note To promote a consistency group, the group on the secondary side must be Consistent or Synchronized. When the primary system is not reachable, the group may not be in a Consistent or Synchronized state. CAUTION Promoting when I/O is going to the primary image can cause data loss. Any I/Os in progress during the promotion may not be recorded to the secondary image and will be unavailable after the secondary image is promoted. It will also probably require a full synchronization of the new secondary image after the promotion. SYNTAX mirror -sync -promotegroup -name name | -groupid id [-type type] [-o] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group you want to promote. You can specify either the consistency group name or ID (next). -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group you want to promote. -type type Specifies the type of promotion. Values are: normal (default), which promotes each mirror in the consistency group. Otherwise, it will destroy the original mirrors and create new ones with the targeted secondaries as primaries and the original primaries as secondaries. 478 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI local, which creates only the new primary image. If the original primary system can be contacted, then the secondary image is removed from the mirror on the original primary system. Thus, both systems will have a mirror with primary images only. force, which continues the promotion despite most errors that may occur. We recommend that before using force promote, first use normal promote and, if possible, fix any errors that it returns. -o Runs the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, the owner of the consistency group named dbgroup, this command promotes all secondary images: naviseccli -h ss1_spa mirror -sync -promotegroup -name dbgroup OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. mirror -sync -listgroups Displays information about existing consistency groups. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli mirror -sync command with -listgroups and no other switches lists all information for all synchronous consistency groups on the system. Issuing this command with one or more options displays the information based on the option(s) issued. This command is used with naviseccli (see naviseccli). SYNTAX mirror -sync -listgroups [-name[name]] [-groupid[-id]] [-feature][-state][-role][-mirrors] [-condition][-recoverypolicy][-canbeaddedtogroup] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name of the consistency group whose information you want to display. If you do not specify the name of the consistency group with this switch, that piece of information will be provided for the consistency group(s) being displayed. -groupid id Specifies the unique ID of the consistency group whose information you want to display. -feature Displays the maximum number of consistency groups allowed on the system and the maximum number of members per consistency group. -state Displays Synchronized, Out-of-Sync, Synchronizing, Consistent, Scrambled, Incomplete, Local Only, or Empty. -role Displays Primary, Secondary, or Unknown. -mirrors Displays the mirror name, mirror uid, the IDs of both images in the pair, and the system ID of the paired image. mirror -sync -listgroups 479 EMC VNX MirrorView/S CLI -condition Displays the consistency group condition as Active, Admin Fractured, System Fractured, Waiting on Sync, Inactive, or Invalid. -recoverypolicy Displays either manual or automatic to describe whether the system will wait for you to restart updates in the event of a system fracture, after the problem is corrected. -description Displays the description associated with the consistency group. -canbeaddedtogroup Displays all the mirrors that you can add to a group. A mirror appears in the list only if it is consistent or synchronized and not fractured. Also, the consistency group must be in-sync or consistent and not fractured. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h mirror -sync -listgroups Maximum Number of Groups Allowed: 16 Maximum Number of Mirrors per Group: 16 Group Name: vid Group ID: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2D:03:00:00:00:00 Description: State: Synchronized Role: Secondary Condition: Active Recovery Policy: Manual Mirror Name: vid Mirror WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2C:BA:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 Primary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2C:BA Secondary WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2D:03 Array hosting remote image: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2C:BA Local LUN ID: 60:06:01:60:8B:53:10:00:A0:FF:D5:30:DE:B4:D8:11 Local LUN Number: 0 Remote LUN ID: 60:06:01:60:90:53:10:00:A3:58:04:80:DE:B4:D8:11 Mirrors can be added to group: Mirror Name: djp1 Mirror WWN: 50:06:01:60:90:60:2C:BA:03:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stdout. You may also receive other error messages. 480 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 11 SAN Copy and its command line utilities This chapter introduces the EMC® SAN Copy™ software and its command line utilities: admhost, with commands that the operating system uses to manage SAN Copy devices; and the CLI, with commands that manage SAN Copy sessions. Major topics are: l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Introducing SAN Copy software........................................................................... 482 Preparing a Block system for a copy session........................................................482 Preparing a Symmetrix system for a copy session................................................485 About admhost for SAN Copy.............................................................................. 488 admhost SAN Copy command functions.............................................................. 488 Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session.................................................... 490 SAN Copy CLI commands.....................................................................................492 SAN Copy command functions.............................................................................492 sancopy -create...................................................................................................494 sancopy -destinfo................................................................................................498 sancopy -duplicate..............................................................................................501 sancopy -info...................................................................................................... 502 sancopy -mark.....................................................................................................506 sancopy -modify..................................................................................................507 sancopy -pause...................................................................................................512 sancopy -remove.................................................................................................513 sancopy -resume.................................................................................................514 sancopy -settings................................................................................................ 515 sancopy -start..................................................................................................... 516 sancopy -stop..................................................................................................... 518 sancopy -throttle................................................................................................. 519 sancopy -transfer................................................................................................ 520 sancopy -unmark.................................................................................................521 sancopy -updateconnections.............................................................................. 521 sancopy -verify.................................................................................................... 522 SAN Copy and its command line utilities 481 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Introducing SAN Copy software EMC SAN Copy software (referred to as SAN Copy later in this document) runs on a SAN Copy system (system with SAN Copy software enabled). It copies data between block systems, within block systems, between block and Symmetrix systems, and between block and qualified non-EMC systems. SAN Copy can copy data directly from a source logical unit on one system to destination logical units on other systems, without using host resources. SAN Copy connects directly or through a SAN, and also supports protocols that let you use the IP WAN (wide area network) to send data over extended distances. SAN Copy can perform multiple copies—each in its own copy session— simultaneously. The RAID type of the logical units participating in a copy session does not have to be the same; that is, the source and destination logical units can be different RAID types. You can use SAN Copy to create full and incremental copies of a source logical unit. An incremental session copies only the data that has changed since the last copy session. This can significantly reduce the time needed to copy the data, thereby allowing the copy operation to be performed more frequently and more effectively. Unlike full copy sessions, the source logical unit for an incremental session can remain online during the copy process. You must, however, prepare the source logical unit prior to starting the session (see Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session on page 490). Regardless of the type of copy session—full or incremental—the participating logical units must meet certain requirements. You can use SAN Copy for the following tasks: l One-time data migration l Routine copying of data for application testing l Content distribution l Scheduled updates to multiple databases To manage SAN Copy sessions, you can use either the UI-based Unisphere (described in the Unisphere online help), or the SAN Copy command line interface described in this manual. Preparing a Block system for a copy session If you will be copying data between Block systems or between VNX Block and Symmetrix systems, follow the SAN Copy configuration requirements in EMC VNX for Block Concepts, and prepare the Block systems as described in the following procedure. You can use logical units (LUNs) in a Block system as the source or destination of SAN Copy sessions. If you will be copying data between LUNs within a Block system, see "Copying data between LUNs within a Block system" described in EMC VNX for Block Concepts. Note For all sessions, you must install SAN Copy software on at least one of the Block systems. For incremental copy sessions, the source logical unit must reside in the SAN Copy system. Procedure 1. For Fibre Channel replication, use the native switch management tools to zone at least one port from an SP on the SAN Copy system to one or more SP ports on the participating remote systems (see Fibre Channel zoning requirements and recommendations described in EMC VNX for Block Concepts ). 482 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities For iSCSI replication, create connection sets. A connection set establishes a replication session between an iSCSI initiator and an iSCSI target. A connection set consists of a unique user-defined name, optional username and password (secret), method for assigning security credentials (connection specific, array-shared or none), and one or more connection paths. Each connection set should include only one iSCSI initiator. Note SAN Copy ports act as host initiators to remote systems (system without SAN Copy software). 2. Register the SAN Copy ports with any other SP ports in the same zone using the naviseccli or navicli -h spname sancopy -updateconnections command (see sancopy -updateconnections on page 521). If the remote system is a Block system, the SAN Copy ports are registered with each system, and the software adds a record for each SAN Copy port to the system’s host initiator table. Unisphere displays an entry for each registered SAN Copy port in the Connectivity Status dialog box, and the SAN Copy Summary dialog box. 3. Verify that the SAN Copy ports are connected and registered with any systems that will participate in a copy session using the following command for each SP on the SAN Copy system: naviseccli -h spname -port -list where spname is the name of an SP in the SAN Copy system. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. 4. Connect the SAN Copy ports to Block groups (see the next section, Connecting SAN Copy ports to storage groups on page 483). Connecting SAN Copy ports to storage groups Note Each SAN Copy port acts like a host initiator and, therefore, can connect to only one storage group at a time in a storage system. In order for the LUNs to be accessible to the SAN Copy ports, you must connect the SAN Copy ports to the storage groups in which the LUNs reside. When connecting to the storage group, SAN Copy lets you select all available SP ports with valid connections to the storage group, or it lets you select specific ports. If all participating logical units of a remote storage system already belong to the same storage group, you can connect SAN Copy ports to the existing storage group. However, if the logical units belong to different storage groups, we recommend that you create one or more new storage groups, place the logical units in these storage groups, and then connect SAN Copy ports to them. This is the only time we recommend placing the same logical unit in more than one storage group. Connecting SAN Copy ports to storage groups 483 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Note Some operating systems do not support the same host accessing identical LUNs. Therefore, once SAN Copy completes the copy session, we recommend that you move any LUN copies to different storage groups. For more information on the following CLI commands, refer to the EMC Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference.To use the navicli CLI command, replace naviseccli with navicli. Procedure 1. Use the following command to create storage groups: naviseccli -h spname storagegroup -create -gname storagegroupname 2. Use the following command to add LUNs to storage groups: naviseccli -h spname storagegroup -addhlu -gname storagegroupname -hlu hlunnumber -alu alunnumber 3. Use the following command (with information from the previous naviseccli port -list command) to add the SAN Copy ports to storage groups: naviseccli -h spname storagegroup -setpath -gname storagegroupname -hbauid hbawwn -sp a or b -spport portnumber Table 45 naviseccli -h Parameters Parameter Description spname IP address of the SP on the storage system to which the storage group belongs. storagegroupname name of the storage group to which you want to connect. hbawwn World wide name of the SAN Copy port (from the -portlist command) . a or b SP that owns the storage group. portnumber the ID of the SP port hat owns the storage group (from the -portlist command). If the sharing state of the storage group is Dedicated (only a single host can access the LUNs in the storage group), you must also specify one of the following switches: -host hostname, or -ip ipaddress where: Table 46 host Switches Parameter Description hostname name of the host that has access to the LUNs in the storage group ipaddress IP address of the host that has access to the LUNs in the storage group Sample SAN Copy storage group configuration on page 485 shows a sample storage group configuration for SAN Copy. The remote storage system includes three storage 484 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities groups labeled SG 1, SG 2 and SG 3. SG 1 and SG 2 provide I/O access to the LUNs from the attached hosts. SG 3 is a SAN Copy storage group. In this example, we start with two SAN Copy sessions running concurrently. The LUNs in storage group 1 (LUN 1 and LUN 2) are participating in both sessions. Source LUN 1 on the SAN Copy storage system is copying data to LUN 1 in SG 1, and LUN 2 in SG 1 is copying data to the destination LUN on the SAN Copy system. Since both LUN 1 and LUN 2 belong to the same storage group, you can connect the same SAN Copy port directly to this storage group and both sessions can use this SAN Copy port. In the future, you may want to start a third session that copies data from source LUN 2 to LUN 3 using the same SAN Copy port. Since LUN 3 is in a different storage group, we recommend that you create a new storage group (SG 3) for the SAN Copy sessions, and place LUN 1, LUN 2 and LUN 3 in this storage group. This is the only time we recommend placing the same logical unit in more than one storage group. Note Some operating systems do not support the same host accessing identical LUNs. Therefore, once SAN Copy completes the copy session, we recommend that you move any LUN copies to different storage groups. Figure 3 Sample SAN Copy storage group configuration Server Server Source LUN 1 LUN1 SG 3 LUN3 Source LUN 2 LUN2 Destination LUN SG 1 LUN4 SG 2 SAN Copy Storage System Remote Storage System EMC2693 Preparing a Symmetrix system for a copy session You can use logical units (volumes) in Symmetrix systems as the source or destination of a full SAN Copy session. For incremental sessions, the source logical units must reside in a SAN Copy system. In order to prepare a Symmetrix system for SAN Copy sessions, you must follow the SAN Copy configuration requirements section in EMC VNX for Block Concepts, and use one of the following procedures. Preparing a Symmetrix system for a copy session 485 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Preparing a Symmetrix system using EMC ControlCenter SAN Manager Note ® To complete this procedure, you must be familiar with Unisphere, EMC ControlCenter SAN Manager, and Solutions Enabler Device Manager CLI. Procedure 1. Use EMC ControlCenter SAN Manager 5.2 or higher to zone at least one port from an SP on the SAN Copy system to one or more FA ports on the participating Symmetrix systems (see Fibre Channel zoning requirements and recommendations section in EMC VNX for Block Concepts). Note You can also use the native switch management tools to zone a SP to one or more Symmetrix FA ports. 2. Verify that the host: l Has access to the Symmetrix volumes that are participating in the SAN Copy session l Is running the Unisphere Host Agent l Is connected to a system in the domain l Is part of a portal configuration within the domain. For information about portals, refer to the Unisphere online help. 3. Use Unisphere to register the SAN Copy ports with Symmetrix systems: a. In the Storage tree of the Enterprise Storage window, right-click the icon for the SAN Copy system. b. Select SAN Copy > Update Connections. The SAN Copy ports log in to the Symmetrix storage ports. 4. To verify that the SAN Copy ports have been registered with the Symmetrix system, use the Solutions Enabler CLI command: symmask -sid symmID list logins where symmID is the Symmetrix serial ID. Note Use the SymmCLI command sympd list -sid to determine the pathname for the VCM database, or run inq on the host, if available. 5. Use the following Solutions Enabler symmask command to assign Symmetrix volumes to the SAN Copy ports: symmask -sid symmID -wwn SPportWWN add devs SymDevname| SymDevname -dir <#> -p <#> For example: symmask -sid 0128 -wwn 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 add devs 0014,0015 -dir 16a -p 0 486 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Preparing a Symmetrix system using ESN Manager Note To complete this procedure, you must be familiar with both Unisphere and ESN Manager. Procedure 1. Use the native switch management tools to zone at least one port from an SP on the SAN Copy system to one or more FA ports on the participating Symmetrix systems (see Fibre Channel zoning requirements and recommendations in EMC VNX for Block Concepts). Note SAN Copy ports act as host initiators to remote systems (system without SAN Copy software). 2. Use ESN Manager version 2.1 to place the SAN Copy ports on the host side of the topology view. l If this is a new installation of the system, complete steps 2a and 2b. l If ESN Manager has already discovered the system and it is visible on the storage side of the topology view, complete all of step 2b. Note ESN Manager will not allow the SAN Copy ports (SP ports being used as initiators) to access the Symmetrix volumes unless the ports are visible on the host side of the topology view. a. Configure ESN Manager to discover the system. Once ESN Manager discovers the system, it places an icon for it on the storage side of the topology view. b. Use ESN Manager to move the system to the host side of the topology view. a. In the Tools menu, select Options > Out Band. b. In the Out-Band dialog box, select the system and clear the Enable checkbox. Icons for the SAN Copy ports are displayed as hosts in the topology view. 3. Verify that the host with access to the Symmetrix volumes that are participating in the SAN Copy session is running the Unisphere Host Agent, and is either: l Connected to a system in the domain or l Part of a portal configuration within the domain. For information about portals, see the online help or the EMC Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference. 4. Register the SAN Copy ports with any other SP ports in the same zone using the navicli -h spname sancopy -updateconnections command (see sancopy updateconnections on page 521). The SAN Copy ports log in to the Symmetrix storage ports. 5. To verify that the SAN Copy ports have been registered with the Symmetrix system, use the Symmetrix CLI command: Preparing a Symmetrix system using ESN Manager 487 SAN Copy and its command line utilities fpath lshist -d physicaldrive where physicaldrive is the location of the VCM database on this host. Note Use the SymmCLI command fpath lshostdev to determine the pathname for the VCM database, or run inq on the host, if available. 6. Use ESN Manager to assign Symmetrix volumes to the SAN Copy ports. Note This is the same as assigning volumes to the host initiator. 7. Use ESN Manager to move the system back to the storage side of the topology view. 8. To verify that the SAN Copy port has access to the Symmetrix remote volumes, click the SAN Copy port entry and, in the volumes panel, make sure that ESN Manager surrounds any volumes that are accessible to the SP port with solid blue squares. If you are copying data to a third-party system, use the third-party system management documentation to: l Verify that the SAN Copy initiator has logged in to the system l Provide access to the volume on the third-party system to the SAN Copy initiator About admhost for SAN Copy The admhost utility is an executable program that you can run interactively with a script. The admhost commands can activate and deactivate the source and destination logical units being used in a SAN Copy session, and can flush data from operating system buffers to ensure that the information on the source logical unit is current. Note Currently, admhost is supported only on the following Microsoft Windows platforms: Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000. For the supported versions of these operating systems, see the EMC SAN Copy and Admhost Release Notes. admhost SAN Copy command functions This section lists the admhost commands and describes their function in SAN Copy sessions. Note The admhost utility is not supported on a UNIX host. Use the commands your operating system normally uses to discover new logical units, flush buffers, and unmount the logical units. 488 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Table 47 admhost functions and descriptions Function admhost lun_activate Description Syntax and examples The admhost lun_activate command scans the bus for new devices and assigns a drive letter to all Symmetrix® and Block devices that do not already have one. Use the -l and -d switches to scan the bus for new devices and assign a drive letter to a device that has a specific World Wide Name (WWN). This command does not assign drive letters to any other devices. admhost lun_activate [-l lun_wwn -d drive_letter][-h] where -l lun_wwn specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) of the LUN to which you want to assign a drive letter (requires the -d switch). -d drive_letter specifies the drive letter you want to assign to the specified LUN (requires the -l switch). If admhost_activate is used and no new devices are found, and drive letters are already assigned to the Block and Symmetrix -h displays the help message. logical units, admhost reports an error message. If the admhost lun_activate command activates more than one device, the drive letter is assigned to the first device in the list. admhost lun_deactivate The admhost lun_deactivate command attempts to take devices offline and make them inaccessible to the operating system. The command deletes the drive letter and dismounts the device. Use the admhost lun_activate command to bring the volume back online. admhost lun_deactivate -o object_name [-t object_type][-h] where -o object_name specifies the drive letter of the device you want to deactivate. When you specify the object Use this command on the source or name, admhost finds the device, destination host prior to starting a SAN Copy deletes its drive letter, session (see Preparing logical units for a SAN dismounts it, and then takes the Copy session on page 490). device offline. -t object_type is an optional switch that specifies the object type (device or drive letter) of the device you want to deactivate. -h displays the help message. admhost lun_flush On a Windows host, the command flushes all data for the specified object_type so that the data in the write cache is written to disk. Use this command on the source or destination host prior to starting a SAN Copy session (see Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session on page 490). admhost lun_flush [-h] -o object_name [-t object_type device|driveletter] where -h displays a help message. -o object_name specifies the name or drive letter of the device you want to flush. -t object_type is an optional switch that specifies the object type (device or drive letter) of the device you want to flush. admhost SAN Copy command functions 489 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Table 47 admhost functions and descriptions (continued) Function Description Syntax and examples If you specify the device name, admhost identifies the corresponding device and drive letter. admhost lun_list Use to perform a list operation. This admhost lun_list [-h] [-l command lists the drive letters and WWNs for lun_wwn] [-d object_name] [-a all host devices. output_style] where -h displays a help message. -l lun_wwn specifies the WWN of the device you want to list. -d object_name specifies the drive letter or name of the device you want to list. -a output_style specifies an alternative output style for the list output. The default style lists the drive letter and WWN for the logical unit. The -a switch lets you specify physical drive as the output style. admhost help This command displays the syntax for each admhost command and the revision number of the admhost utility. Output for the admhost help command is shown below. admhost help Revision number: V1. - 0 Valid operations include: lun_flush, lun_activate, lun_deactivate, lun_list, and help. Valid types include: device and driveletter. Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session Before you start a full SAN Copy session, and before you mark an incremental copy session, you must prepare the source and destination logical units that will be participating in the session. For a SAN Copy session with logical units connected to a Windows server, use the admhost utility. For all other types of servers, use the command specific to the server’s operating system. Use the following procedures to prepare source and destination logical units for full and incremental sessions. 490 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Preparing source and destination logical units for full and incremental sessions CAUTION You must follow this procedure explicitly to avoid data loss or data corruption. Procedure 1. Stop all I/O to the source and destination logical units. Note For incremental copy sessions, we strongly recommend that you stop all I/O to the source logical unit, and flush any server buffers prior to starting/marking the session. Once you receive confirmation that the mark or start session operation was successful, you can resume I/O to the source LUN. If you do not stop all I/O and flush the server buffers to the source logical unit, the resultant data copy will be "crash consistent." This means that the contents of the copy will be similar to the contents left on a logical unit if the server crashes. You may be required to use the fsck or similar utility to make the data copy mountable. In this situation, the data copy may not contain the unflushed server data. 2. From the servers connected to any destination logical units, flush the host buffers and disconnect the logical units from the server by doing one of the following: Note If the destination logical units are not mounted, ignore this step. l On a Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 host, use the following command to flush the host buffers and write the data to disk:admhost lun_flush -o destination drive letter For example, to flush the host buffers on drive F:, enter the following command: admhost lun_flush -o F: l On a Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 host, use the following command to take the disk offline:admhost lun_deactivate -o destination drive letter For example, to take drive F: offline, enter the following command: admhost lun_deactivate -o F: l On a UNIX server, use the unmount command to unmount the file system on any destination logical units. l On a NetWare server, use the dismount command to dismount the file system on any destination logical units. 3. From the server connected to the source logical units, deactivate source logical unit, flush the server buffers and disconnect the source logical units from the server by doing one of the following: Note If you want to maintain read access to the source logical unit, skip this step. Preparing source and destination logical units for full and incremental sessions 491 SAN Copy and its command line utilities l On a Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 host, use the following command to flush the host buffers and write the data to disk:admhost lun_flush -o source -drive letter For example, to flush the host buffers on drive F:, enter the following command: admhost lun_flush -o F: l On a Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 host, use the following command to take the disk offline:admhost lun_deactivate -o source -drive letter For example, to take drive F: offline, enter the following command: admhost lun_deactivate -o F: l On a UNIX server, use the umount command to unmount the file system on any source logical units. l On a NetWare server, use the dismount command to dismount the file system on any source logical units. SAN Copy CLI commands This section explains the sancopy commands used with naviseccli or navicli CLI commands to manage the SAN Copy software. These commands function only with a system that has the optional SAN Copy software installed. SAN Copy command functions The EMC VNX CLI for Block provides one of the two interfaces to the SAN Copy software. The Unisphere UI provides the other. The CLI command is naviseccli sancopy or navicli sancopy and you specify functions with switches. The sancopy command functions, listed alphabetically, are: 492 l sancopy -create l sancopy -destinfo l sancopy -duplicate l sancopy -info l sancopy -mark l sancopy -modify l sancopy -pause l sancopy -remove l sancopy -resume l sancopy -settings l sancopy -start l sancopy -stop l sancopy -throttle l sancopy -transfer l sancopy -unmark l sancopy -updateconnections EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities l sancopy -verify The sancopy functions are listed functionally, in the order you would perform them, in the following table. Table 48 naviseccli or navicli sancopy command functions, listed in order of use Command Description Essential functions (in order performed) sancopy -create, or sancopy -create -incremental Creates a full SAN Copy session Creates an incremental SAN Copy session sancopy -mark (incremental copy sessions only) Creates a point-in-time copy of the changes that have taken place since the last copy session up to the time the session is marked sancopy -start Starts a SAN Copy session based on copy descriptor information Optional status functions (alphabetically) sancopy -destinfo Displays information on a particular session from the destination point of view sancopy -info Displays information on all SAN Copy sessions or displays attributes for a particular session sancopy -stop Stops a SAN Copy session sancopy -verify Ensures that the SAN Copy software can access a logical unit Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) sancopy -duplicate (full copy sessions only) Creates a duplicate copy descriptor sancopy -modify Changes parameters in a copy descriptor sancopy -pause Pauses a SAN Copy session sancopy -remove Deletes a copy descriptor sancopy -resume Continues a paused, stopped or failed session sancopy -throttle Changes the throttle (execution rate) of an existing, running session SAN Copy command functions 493 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Table 48 naviseccli or navicli sancopy command functions, listed in order of use (continued) Command Description sancopy -unmark (incremental copy sessions only) Removes the existing mark in preparation for inserting a new mark sancopy -transfer Transfers control of a copy descriptor to the peer SP sancopy -settings Gets or sets environmental control parameters sancopy -updateconnections Updates system registration information sancopy -create Creates full and incremental SAN Copy sessions PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION Note In addition to all the sancopy -create command switches, the sancopy -create -incremental command uses the following optional switches: -changesonly, linkbw, and -latency (See Incremental SAN Copy sessions in EMC VNX for Block Concepts ). The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with the -create switch creates a full SAN Copy session. A full session copies all the data on the source LUN to the destination logical units. When used with the optional -incremental switch, the create command creates an incremental SAN Copy session. An incremental session copies only the data that has changed since the last copy session. This command supports thin LUNs as either sources or targets in the systems, if the system executing the CLI command (or the target system) is running a committed bundle that supports San Copy with thin LUNs. Note The destination logical unit(s) must exist when you execute this command. By default a descriptor does not start a session unless you specify the -start switch. For information on logical units accessible to the host use the basic CLI command lunmapinfo explained in the CLI reference manual. 494 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities SYNTAX sancopy -create [-incremental] -name sessionName -srcwwn source-lun-wwn | -srclun source -sp sourcelunnumber [-device devicename] -srcportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber -destwwn dest-lun-wwn | -destlunnumber dest -sp destlunnumber| -destportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber [-start] [-throttle n] [-verify] [-o] OPTIONS -name sessionName Specifies the SAN Copy session name. The name can be up to 64 characters and must be unique on a per-system basis. The names you create persist until you remove them. For incremental SAN Copy sessions, SAN Copy creates a corresponding reserved session. The name assigned to the reserved session consists of the SAN Copy session name prefixed with the text "SANCopy_". This text is included in the 64character limit. For example, if a SAN Copy session has the name june_update, the name of the corresponding reserved session is SANCopy_june_update. -srcwwn source-lun-wwn Note For incremental sessions, the source LUN cannot be a SnapView snapshot, and it cannot be on a remote system. For incremental sessions, the source LUN must reside in the SAN Copy system. Specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) of the source logical unit (LUN or snapshot) that will participate in the session. For full copy sessions, the source logical unit can reside in either the SAN Copy system or the remote system. If the source logical unit does not reside in the system specified by the -h switch, all destination logical units must reside in the system specified with -h. By default, the connection type for the specified source logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type using one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the source logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -srclun source-sp sourcelunnumber sancopy -create 495 SAN Copy and its command line utilities An alternate way of adding a source logical unit entry to the copy descriptor. For source-sp, specify the SP hostname (or SP IP address) that owns the source logical unit. For sourcelunnumber, specify the logical unit number. Note For pre-FC4700 systems, if you use the -srclun source-sp sourcelunnumber function, you must use -device devicename. By default, the connection type for the specified source logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type using one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the source logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -device devicename Note This command is required for pre-FC4700 systems. Specifies the device name of the source LUN or destination LUN. -srcportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber Valid only for specifying source LUNs that reside in supported non-EMC systems. For srcportwwn, specify the World Wide Name of the SP port on the source system that owns the source LUN; for srclunnumber specify the number of the source LUN. -destwwn dest-lun-wwn Specifies which logical unit will be the destination of the copy. You can specify more than one destination logical unit if you want more than one copy of the source logical unit. If the destination logical units are not reachable by the client system, and you did not use the -o function, the CLI will display a warning and ask for confirmation. By default, the connection type for the specified destination logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if a fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type with one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the destination logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -destlunnumber dest-sp destlunnumber 496 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities An alternate way of adding a destination LUN entry to the copy descriptor. For destsp, specify the SP hostname (or SP IP address) that owns the destination logical unit; for destlunnumber, specify the LUN number. As with -destwwn, you can specify more than one destination logical unit if you want more than one copy of the source logical unit. If you specify the -verify function, and the software cannot reach the SP or find the logical unit on the SP, it returns an error. By default, the connection type for the specified destination logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if a fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type with one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the destination logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -destportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber Valid only for specifying destination LUNs that reside in supported non-EMC systems. For destportwwn, specify the World Wide Name of the SP port on the destination system that owns the destination LUN; for destlunnumber specify the number of the destination LUN. -start Starts a SAN Copy session using this copy descriptor. By default, the -create command does not start a session. -throttle n Specifies the I/O rate of the copy. The maximum value is 10 and the minimum value is 1. If you omit this switch, the default value is 6. -verify Verifies that SAN Copy can access all of the logical units specified in the -create command. -o Suppresses a message asking you to confirm that you want to create a session now. -incremental The following optional switches are used only with the sancopy -create incremental command: -changesonly If the source LUN and destination LUNs are synchronized when you create the session, use this switch. When you start the session, SAN Copy will copy only the changes that have occurred to the source LUN since the initial synchronization, and any subsequent sessions will copy only the changes. If the source LUN and destination LUNs are not synchronized (or you are unsure of the copy state), do not use this switch. The first time you run the session, SAN Copy will copy the entire source LUN to the destination LUNs. Any subsequent sessions will copy only the changes. -linkbw Specifies the available link bandwidth for the copy session. You can use the entire bandwidth of your network connection for incremental SAN Copy sessions, or you can specify only a portion of it. sancopy -create 497 SAN Copy and its command line utilities -latency The amount of time it takes to transmit a block of data to its destination expressed in milliseconds. Valid values are auto (SAN Copy computes the latency value), or a decimal number with no maximum limit. The default value is auto. Note If you create and start incremental sessions, and the copy is performed over a link that is slower than Fibre Channel, SAN Copy uses the link bandwidth and latency values to calculate the optimum buffer space for the session. EXAMPLE Full session example: For SP ss1_spa, the -create command creates a full copy session named copy_lun66 that defines source logical unit 66 on this SP and destination logical unit 22 on host SP ss5_spa. The -start command then starts the copy session and the -throttle command specifies a throttle value of 3 for this session. Incremental session example: The command below creates an incremental copy session named copy_77 that defines logical unit 1 on SP as the source and logical unit 22 on SP ss5_spa as the destination. The -linkbw command specifies a bandwidth value of 100 Mbits/sec., and the latency value defaults to auto. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -create -name copy_lun66 -srclun ss1_spa 66 -destlunnumber ss5_spa 22 - start -throttle 3 naviseccli -h sancopy -create -incremental -name copy_77 -srclun 1 -destlunnumber ss5_spa 22 -linkbw 100 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_SPECIFIED_NOT_UNIQUE DMF_CREATE_PARAMS DMF_SRCLUN_WWN_AND_NUMBER_SPECIFIED DMF_DESTLUN_WWN_AND_NUMBER_SPECIFIED DMF_INVALID_THROTTLE_VALUE sancopy -destinfo Displays information about destination logical units for a running session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. 498 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities DESCRIPTION Note In addition to all the sancopy -destinfo command switches listed above, incremental copy sessions use the optional -syncstate switch. The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -destinfo gets session status from the destination point of view. Note If you have only full copy sessions, issuing the -destinfo command with no arguments displays all destination information for all copy sessions belonging to the specified SP. If you have both full and incremental copy sessions, and you issue the -destinfo command with no arguments, some parameters for full sessions and all parameters specific to incremental sessions will not be displayed. In order to see all parameters for both full and incremental sessions, you must use the -destinfo -all command. We recommend that you use the -destinfo -all command for both full and incremental sessions. SYNTAX sancopy-destinfo [-peer] [-descriptorid descriptorid] | [-name name] [-destwwn dest-lun-wwn] [-destlunnumber destsp destlunnumber] [-destportwwn destportwwndestlunnumber] [-complete] [-counts] [-failure] [-time] [-connectiontype] [-all] OPTIONS -peer Lists all destination information for the peer SP. -descriptorid descriptorid | -name name Used alone, -descriptorid or -name displays descriptor IDs or names of all copy descriptors of the specified SP; -descriptorid with an ID or -name with a name lists the status (WWN, failure status, transfer count, percent complete and failure time) of all destinations of the copy descriptor. -destwwn dest-lun-wwn Used alone, -destwwn displays the WWNs of all destinations of the descriptors. destwwn with a WWN lists the status of the specified destination logical unit. -destlunnumber destsp destlunnumber The switch -destlunnumber cannot be used alone. When used with the SP name and LUN number, it displays the status of the specified destination logical unit. -destportwwn destportwwn lunnumber The switch -destportwwn displays the status of the specified destination LUN that resides in a supported non-EMC system. -complete Displays the percentage complete of the copy session when any destination logical unit(s) failed. Displays N/A when there is no failure. -counts sancopy -destinfo 499 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Displays the number of disk blocks transferred when any destination logical units failed. Displays N/A when there is no failure. -failure Displays failure status or No Failure for destination logical unit(s). For more information, also use the -time, -counts, and/or -complete switches. -time Displays the time when any destination logical unit(s) failed. Displays N/A when there is no failure. -connectiontype Displays the requested and the actual connection type used for all destination logical units participating in the copy session. Valid values for Requested Connection Type are fibre, iSCSI or fibre preferred. Valid values for Actual Connection Type are fibre, iSCSI, undetermined and N/A (for destination logical units within the same system). -all Displays all destination information for both full and incremental copy sessions belonging to the specified SP. Note If you have both full and incremental copy sessions, and you issue the -destinfo command with no arguments, some parameters for full sessions and all parameters specific to incremental sessions will not be displayed. In order to see all parameters for both full and incremental sessions, use the destinfo -all command. The following optional switch is used only with incremental sessions: -syncstate Displays the state of the data of the specified destination logical unit with respect to the source logical unit. Valid states are N/A, Inconsistent, and Initial Copy Required. EXAMPLE This example displays the output for a full copy session using the -destinfo command without the -all switch. In order to display all the information for an incremental copy session, use the -destinfo -all command. naviseccli -h dm340c-16a sancopy -destinfo -connection type Copy Descriptor Name: Std0_1 Copy Descriptor ID: 7202 Owner: SPA Requested Connection Type: Fibre Preferred Actual Connection Type: N/A Requested Connection Type: Fibre Preferred Actual Connection Type: N/A In the example below, the session includes two destination logical units. The requested connection type and the actual connection type are displayed for both destinations. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -destinfo Copy Descriptor Copy Descriptor Owner: SPB Copy Descriptor Copy Whole LUN: 500 Name: DMHOST7_SAN005_10.6.92.169_00_p000 ID: 8 Type: Incremental NO EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Source LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:0E:C2:1C:00:84:C4:31:B2:1C:24:DC:11 Source PortWWN and LUN: N/A Number of Blocks to Copy: 0 Size of source LUN: 8388608 Number Of Destinations: 2 Destination LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:61:31:19:00:FD:C8:6D:54:1C:24:DC:11, 60:06:01:60:61:31:19:00:6E:F0:C3:61:1C:24:DC:11 Destination PortWWN and LUN: N/A Session Status: Complete Initial Throttle: 4 Current Throttle: 4 Transfer Count: 8388608 Percent Complete: 100 Start Time: 06/27/07 10:51:05 Completion Time: 06/27/07 12:55:12 Duration: 2 hr 4 min 7 sec Failure Status: No Failure Marked: NO Mark Time: N/A Blocks modified since mark: N/A Link Bandwidth (Mbps): 1.024 Effective Bandwidth (Mbps): 0.719 Latency (msec): Auto Measured Latency (msec): 6.140 Requested Connection Type: Fibre Preferred Actual Connection Type: N/A OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. sancopy -duplicate Makes a copy of a copy descriptor PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -duplicate makes a copy of an existing copy descriptor. You can then modify the copy as needed (-modify). The copy descriptor that you want to duplicate can be part of an active SAN Copy session. You do not need to stop the copy descriptor before duplicating it. Note The sancopy -duplicate command is not supported for incremental SAN Copy sessions. SYNTAX sancopy -duplicate -descriptoriddescriptorid|-name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptorid | -name name Identifies the descriptor you want to duplicate. sancopy -duplicate 501 SAN Copy and its command line utilities EXAMPLE This command duplicates SP ss1_spa’s copy descriptor copy_lun_66 and assigns a default name to the new descriptor - copy of xxx, where xxx is the name of the descriptor you are duplicating, for example, a copy of copy_lun_66. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -duplicate -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR sancopy -info Displays information about copy descriptors PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION Note In addition to all the sancopy -info command switches listed above, incremental copy sessions use the following optional switches: -copywholelun, -markstatus, srcsize, -link (see Incremental SAN Copy sessions in EMC VNX for Block Concepts ). The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -info displays information on copy sessions. It differs from -destinfo in that -destinfo gets information on the destination logical units. Note If you have only full copy sessions, issuing the -info command with no arguments displays all destination information for all copy sessions belonging to the specified SP. If you have both full and incremental copy sessions, and you issue the -info command with no arguments, some parameters for full sessions and all parameters specific to incremental sessions will not be displayed. In order to see all parameters for both full and incremental sessions, use the -info -all command. We recommend that you use the -info -all command for both full and incremental sessions. SYNTAX sancopy -info [-peer] [-descriptorid descriptorid|-name name] 502 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities [-srcwwn] [-length] [-numdests] [-dests] [-sessionstatus] [-throttle] [-counts] [-complete] [-time] [-failure] [-duration] [-type] [-connectiontype] [-all] OPTIONS -peer Lists all destination information on the peer SP. -descriptorid descriptorid Lists the descriptor IDs of all sessions belonging to the specified SP when you issue this command without a specific descriptor ID. Lists the status of the specified session when you issue this command with a specific descriptor ID. -name name Lists the names of all copy descriptors belonging to the specified SP when you issue this command without a specific copy descriptor name. Lists the status of the specified copy descriptor when you issue this command with a name. -srcwwn Displays the WWNs of all source logical units. -length Displays the number of blocks to copy. Displays N/A if the descriptor was created using the source WWN. -numdests Displays the number of destination logical units. -dests Displays the WWNs of all destinations logical units in the specified descriptor. -sessionstatus Displays the status of the session associated with the copy descriptor: not started, complete, stop, pause, or failed. -throttle Displays the current throttle value for the copy session. -counts Displays the number of disk blocks transferred. -complete Displays the percentage complete of the copy session. -time Displays the time when the copy completes. -failure Displays failure status or No Failure for the copy descriptor’s source and destination logical units. -duration Displays the completion time and duration of the session. -type sancopy -info 503 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Displays the session type - Full or Incremental. -connectiontype Displays the requested and the actual connection type used for the source logical unit participating in the copy session. Valid values for Requested Connection Type are fibre, iSCSI or fibre preferred. Valid values for Actual Connection Type are fibre, iSCSI, undetermined and N/A (for source logical units within the same system). -copywholelun Displays whether the session will copy the entire source logical unit or only changes to it. If Yes, the session copies the entire logical unit; if No, it copies only the changes. -markstatus Note If a session is marked, SAN Copy creates a point-in-time copy of the changes that have taken place since the last copy session up to the time the session is marked. Displays whether the session has been marked, and if yes, displays the time of the mark, and the number of blocks of data that have changed since the mark occurred (these data blocks will not be copied when the session starts). -srcsize Displays the size, in blocks, of the source logical unit. -link Displays the status of any network link utilization performance parameters as follows: Link Bandwidth — Link bandwidth of the network connection set when the session was created. Value is in Mb/sec. Effective Bandwidth — Actual link bandwidth for the session measured by SAN Copy. Latency — Displays the latency value set when the session was created or the default value of Auto. Latency is the amount of time it takes to transmit a block of data to its destination expressed in milliseconds. Measured Latency — The actual measured latency of the session expressed in milliseconds. -all Displays all session information for both full and incremental copy sessions belonging to the specified SP. Note You must use the -destinfo -all command to display information that is specific to incremental sessions. We recommend that you use the -destinfo all command for both full and incremental sessions. The information displayed with the -all command may change in future revisions of the software. EXAMPLE This command displays the status of all copy descriptors for both SPs, but does not include any information specific to incremental copy sessions. The format is as follows: 504 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities naviseccli sancopy -info -all Copy Descriptor name: session1 Copy Descriptor ID: 4 Owner: SP A Copy Descriptor Type: Full Source LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:72:70:18:00:5A:FE:9A:58:0E:5A:DB:11 Source PortWWN and LUN: N/A Number of Blocks to Copy: 4194304 Number Of Destinations: 1 Destination LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:72:70:18:00:5B:FE:9A:58:0E:5A:DB:11 Destination PortWWN and LUN: N/A Session Status: A session was active when the Storage Processor (SP) rebooted. The session may be restarted. Initial Throttle: 6 Current Throttle: 4 Transfer Count: 158720 Percent Complete: 3 Start Time: 10/12/06 16:54:57 Completion Time: 10/12/06 16:59:44 Duration: 4 min. 47 sec Failure Status: N/A Copy Descriptor name: ses_change_ar Copy Descriptor ID: 1 Owner: SP B Copy Descriptor Type: Full Source LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:72:70:18:00:C4:AD:19:66:0E:5A:DB:11 Source PortWWN and LUN: N/A Number of Blocks to Copy: 4194304 Number Of Destinations: 1 Destination LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:72:70:18:00:C45AD:19:66:0E:5A:DB:11 Destination PortWWN and LUN: N/A Session Status: Session is paused. Initial Throttle: 6 Current Throttle: 6 Transfer Count: 799744 Percent Complete: 19 Start Time: 10/12/06 17:17:37 Completion Time: N/A Duration: N/A Failure Status: No Failure Copy Descriptor name: SAN000_10.6.84.185_00_p1608 Copy Descriptor ID: 21646 Copy Descriptor Type: Full Source LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:E3:FA:15:00:0E:4E:70:A1:8B:C5:DA:11 Source PortWWN and LUN: 60:06:01:60:E3:FA:15:00:0E:4E: 70:A1:8B:C5:DA:11 Number of Blocks to Copy: 2097152 Number Of Destinations: 1 Destination LUN WWN: 60:06:01:60:E3:FA:15:00:0F:4E:70:A1:8B:C5:DA:11 Destination PortWWN and LUN: N/A Session Status: Complete Initial Throttle: 4 Current Throttle: 4 Transfer Count: 2097152 Percent Complete: 100 Start Time: 04/19/06 09:55:39 Completion Time: 04/19/06 09:55:57 Duration: 18 sec Failure Status: No Failure OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. sancopy -info 505 SAN Copy and its command line utilities sancopy -mark For incremental sessions only--Makes a point-in-time copy of changes to the source logical unit since the last copy session. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -mark creates a point-in-time copy of the changes that have taken place since the last copy session up to the time the session is marked. You can mark the session at any time before you start the session, or SAN Copy will mark the session at the time the session starts. When you start a marked session, all changes made to the source LUN up to the time of the mark will be copied to the destination logical units. Note Before marking the session, make sure that you prepare the source logical unit as described in the section, Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session on page 490. Once you receive confirmation that the mark operation was successful, you can resume I/O to the source logical unit. SYNTAX sancopy -mark -descriptoriddescriptorid|-namesessionName OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptorid | -name sessionName Identifies the session you want to mark. EXAMPLE This command marks the SAN Copy session named monday. When the session is started, it copies only the changes to the source logical unit that have taken place since the last copy session up to the time of the mark. naviseccli -h sancopy -mark -name monday Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR 506 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities sancopy -modify Changes the definitions for a copy session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -modify changes an existing SAN Copy session. This command will fail if the session has started or is in the paused state. You must stop the session before modifying the session. This command supports thin LUNs only when the system executing the CLI command (or the target system) is running a committed bundle that supports San Copy with thin LUNs. The new session information will not take effect until you start a new session. You must include a copy descriptor ID or name and one or more switches to indicate changes. Note If you are modifying an incremental SAN Copy session, the following optional switches are available: -copywholelun, -chglinkbw, and -chglatency. SYNTAX sancopy -modify -descriptorid descriptor-id|-name name [-adddestbywwn dest-lun-wwn] [-adddestbylunnumber destsp destlunnumber] [-adddestbyportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber] [-chgdestconnectiontypebywwn destwwn] [-chgdestconnectiontypebylunnumber destspname destlunmumber] [-chgname newname] [-chgsrcbylunnumber srcspname srclunnumber] [-chgsrcbywwn srcwwn] [-chgsrcbyportwwn srcportwwn srclunnumber] [-chgsrcconnectiontype srcwwn] [-chgsessiontype] [-o] [-rmdestbylunnumber destsp destlunnumber] [-rmdestbywwn dest-lun-wwn] [-rmdestbyportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber] [-throttle n] OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor you want to change. -adddestbywwn dest-lun-wwn Adds a destination logical unit to the descriptor by World Wide Name. By default, the connection type for the specified logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path sancopy -modify 507 SAN Copy and its command line utilities could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type using one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -adddestbylunnumber destsp destlunnumber Adds a destination logical unit to the descriptor by destination SP (specify the SP name or IP address) and destination logical unit number. By default, the connection type for the specified logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type with one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -adddestbyportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber Adds only destination logical units that reside in supported non-EMC systems. For destportwwn, specify the World Wide Name of the SP port on the destination system that owns the destination LUN; for destlunnumber specify the number of the destination LUN. -chgdestconnectiontypebywwn destwwn Changes the connection type of the destination logical unit using its World Wide Name, destwwn. You can change the connection type of the logical unit using one of the following switches: -fibre, -iscsi, or -fibrepreferred. Note If the destination logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -fibrepreferred Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path could not be found). -chgdestconnectiontypebylunnumber destspname destlunnumber Changes the connection type of the destination logical unit using its destination SP (specify the SP name or IP address), destspname, and its destination logical unit number, destlunnumber. 508 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities You can change the connection type of the logical unit with one of the following switches: -fibre, -iscsi, or -fibrepreferred. Note If the destination logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -fibrepreferred Sets the destination logical unit’s connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if a fibre path could not be found). -chgname newname Note Not available for incremental sessions. Changes the descriptor name to newname. -chgsrcbylunnumber srcspname srclunnumber Note Not available for incremental sessions. Changes the source logical unit in the session owned by source SP (for srcspname, specify the SP name or IP address) and source logical unit number. By default, the connection type for the specified source logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type with one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. Note If the source logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -chgsrcbywwn srcwwn Note Not available for incremental sessions. Changes the source logical unit in the descriptor using the World Wide Name of the new source logical unit. By default, the connection type for the specified source logical unit will be set to fibrepreferred. This sets the connection type to fibre or iSCSI (if a fibre path could not be found) each time you start or resume a session. You can change the connection type with one of the following switches: -fibre or -iscsi. sancopy -modify 509 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Note If the source logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the source logical unit’s connection type to iSCSI. -chgscrbyportwwn srcportwwn srclunnumber Valid only for changing source logical units that reside in supported non-EMC systems. For srcportwwn, specify the World Wide Name of the SP port on the source system that owns the source LUN; for srclunnumber specify the number of the source LUN. -chgsrcconnectiontype srcwwn Changes the connection type of the source logical unit using its World Wide Name (srcwwn). You can change the connection type of the logical unit with one of the following switches: -fibre, -iscsi, or -fibrepreferred. Note If the logical unit does not reside in a remote system, setting the connection type will be ineffective. -fibre Sets the session connection type to fibre. -iscsi Sets the session connection type to iSCSI. -fibrepreferred For connections between combo systems (Fibre Channel and iSCSI), sets the connection type to fibre, if possible. If not possible, uses iSCSI. -chgsessiontype Changes the type of the SAN Copy session — incremental or full. If you change the session type from full to incremental, the following optional switches are available: -changesonly, -linkbw, and -latency. -changesonly If the source LUN and destination LUNs are synchronized, use this switch. When you start the session, SAN Copy will copy only the changes that have occurred to the source LUN since the initial synchronization, and any subsequent sessions will copy only the changes. If the source LUN and destination LUNs are not synchronized (or you are unsure of the copy state), do not use this switch. The first time you run the session, SAN Copy will copy the entire source LUN to the destination LUNs. Any subsequent sessions will copy only the changes. -linkbw Specifies the available link bandwidth for the copy session. You can use the entire bandwidth of your network connection for incremental SAN Copy sessions, or you can specify only a portion of it. The default value is .15 mbps (equivalent to a T1 line). -latency Specifies the latency value for the incremental session. Latency is the amount of time it takes to transmit a block of data to its destination expressed in milliseconds. Valid values are auto (SAN Copy computes the latency value), or a decimal number 510 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities with no maximum limit. The default value is auto. Entering a 0 latency value is the equivalent to entering auto. Note If you create and start incremental sessions, and the copy is performed over a link that is slower than Fibre Channel, SAN Copy uses the link bandwidth and latency values to calculate the optimum buffer space for the session. -o Suppresses a confirmation message describing the descriptor. -rmdestbylunnumber destsp destlunnumber Removes a destination logical unit from the specified descriptor by destination SP (specify the SP name or IP address) and destination logical unit number. -rmdestbywwn dest-lun-wwn Removes a destination logical unit from the specified descriptor by World Wide Name. -rmdestbyportwwn destportwwn destlunnumber Valid only for removing destination logical units that reside in supported non-EMC systems. For destportwwn, specify the World Wide Name of the SP port on the destination system that owns the destination LUN; for destlunnumber specify the number of the destination LUN. -throttle n Changes the I/O rate to n (valid values 1 through 10). The default value is 6. To change the throttle value of an active session, use the command sancopy -throttle. For incremental SAN Copy sessions, the following optional switches are available. -copywholelun Specifies that SAN Copy copy the entire contents of the source logical unit the next time the session is run. -chglinkbw Changes the link bandwidth for the specified session. The default value is .15 mbps (equivalent to a T1 line). -chglatency Changes the latency value for the specified session. Latency is the amount of time it takes to transmit a block of data to its destination expressed in milliseconds. Valid values are auto (SAN Copy computes the latency value), or a decimal number with no maximum limit. The default value is auto. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, copy descriptor copy_66 is a full copy session. This command adds the destination logical unit whose World Wide Name is 60:06:01:6B:61:09:00:00:6A:6F: 9F:ED:0B:A3:D6:11. For SP ss1_spa, copy descriptor copy_77 is an incremental copy session. The next time session copy_77 is run, SAN Copy will copy the contents of the entire source LUN to the destinations. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -modify -name copy_66 -adddestbywwn 60:06:01:6B:61:09:00:00:6A:6F:9F:ED:0B:A3:D6:11 naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -modify -name copy_77 -copywholelun sancopy -modify 511 SAN Copy and its command line utilities OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR DMF_INVALID_THROTTLE_VALUE DMF_REMOVED_DEST_DOESNOT_EXIST Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME SESSION_NAME_EXISTS sancopy -pause Suspends I/O in an active SAN Copy session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -pause pauses an existing SAN Copy session. You must specify the descriptor ID or name. To continue the paused session, use the sancopy -resume function. SYNTAX sancopy -pause -descriptorid descriptor -id|-name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor whose session you want to pause. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command pauses the session with the copy_lun_ 66 descriptor. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -pause -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR 512 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME INVALID_SIZE sancopy -remove Deletes a copy session. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -remove deletes one or all previously stored copy sessions. A copy session cannot be removed if it is currently active. An active copy session must complete the copy first or be stopped. If you omit the override -o option, the CLI displays a message asking you to confirm the removal of the copy session. This command can use only one of the following switches at a time: -descriptorid; -name; -all SYNTAX sancopy -remove -descriptorid descriptor-id|-name name|-all [o] OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id| -name name Identifies the descriptor you want to remove. -all Directs the CLI to remove all descriptors on the SP. -o Suppresses a message confirming the removal of the descriptor. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command deletes the copy descriptor named copy_lun_80. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -remove -name copy_lun_80 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. Do you really want to remove the copy descriptor(y/n)[n]? y sancopy -remove 513 SAN Copy and its command line utilities OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID sancopy -resume Continues I/O in a SAN Copy session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -resume resumes an existing SAN Copy session that was paused, stopped, or failed. If the copy session was paused, it will start at the paused point. If the copy session was stopped or failed, the -resume command will restart the copy session from the latest checkpoint (explained in the settings command). If the checkpoint feature is disabled (the checkpoint was set to disable), the copy session will restart from the beginning. You must specify the descriptor ID or name. SYNTAX sancopy -resume -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor whose session you want to resume. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command resumes the sancopy_lun_66 copy session. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -resume -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. 514 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other error messages are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME SESSION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS sancopy -settings Lists or changes SAN Copy environmental parameters PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -settings gets and sets four SAN Copy environmental control parameters : l the maximum number of concurrent active sessions l a checkpoint interval for session status l number of buffers per session l buffer size To find the current settings, use the -list switch; to change a setting, omit -list and specify the setting. If you do not change the setting specifications, the software uses default values. SYNTAX sancopy -settings -list sancopy -settings [-setmax MaxNumSessions] [-setcheckpoint CheckpointInterval] [-setbufsize buffersize] [-setbufnum buffervalue] OPTIONS -list Displays the current environmental parameter settings. -setmax maxNumSessions Sets the maximum number of SAN Copy sessions. The maximum number of sessions depends on the system type. -setcheckpoint CheckpointInterval sancopy -settings 515 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Sets the checkpoint interval in minutes (values 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, or 90) or, with the literal Disable, disables the checkpoint feature. By default, checkpointing is enabled with a value of 10 minutes. The SAN Copy software can track the progress of a copy session by checkpoint interval. If a session fails while checkpointing is enabled, then after correcting the problem, you can direct the software to resume (-resume function). It will continue copying from the last checkpoint, if possible. If checkpointing is disabled, or if resuming is not possible, you can start copying from the beginning. -setbufsize buffersize Specifies the maximum buffer size to be used by SAN Copy sessions on a Fibre Channel connection. The default buffer size is 1024 blocks. The minimum buffer size is 64 KB. -setbufnum buffernumber Specifies the maximum number of buffers to be used by SAN Copy sessions on a Fibre Channel connection. The default number is 4, and the minimum is 1. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command lists the current value for maximum number of sessions, checkpoint interval, number of buffers per session, and buffer size. For SP ss1_spa, this command changes the checkpoint interval to 45 minutes. For SP ss1_spa, this command changes the number of buffers to 3. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -settings -list naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -settings -setcheckpoint 45 naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -settings -setbufnum 3 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_LIST_AND_SET_SPECIFIED DMF_INVALID_MAX_SESSION_VALUE DMF_INVALID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_VALVE Errors returned from driver or agent are: SESSION_MAX_OVER_LIMIT SESSION_POLL_OVER_LIMIT sancopy -start Starts a SAN Copy session based on values in a copy descriptor PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. 516 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -start starts a SAN Copy session with the source and destination logical unit(s) identified in the copy descriptor. You can start a session using the descriptor ID or name. The command works only when issued to the SP that owns the copy descriptor. The sancopy -info command provides useful information for the sancopy -start command. Note Before starting a copy session, make sure you prepare the source and destination logical units as described in the section, Preparing logical units for a SAN Copy session on page 490 . When you start a SAN Copy session , SAN Copy automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX sancopy -start -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name [-copywholelun [-nomark new | all] ] OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the copy descriptor for the session you want to start. For incremental SAN Copy sessions, the following optional switches are available. -copywholelun Specifies that this incremental session will copy the entire contents of the source logical unit to all the destination logical units. To use this command the session must be unmarked. When you start the session using this command, SAN Copy will mark the session for you. This command overrides any existing settings for the session. -nomark new|all Used with the -copywholelun switch, and works only if the session is not already marked. Specifies that this session will not be marked when it is started. A session run with the -copywholelun -nomark command completes more quickly, but at the end of the session, the source and destination logical units are inconsistent. To make them consistent, you must run the session again. When -nomark is used with the new option, SAN Copy starts an unmarked session that copies the contents of the source logical unit to any new destinations. When -nomark is used with the all option, SAN Copy starts an unmarked session that copies the contents of the source logical unit to all destinations. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command starts a copy session based on the copy descriptor named copy_lun_66. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -start -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. sancopy -start 517 SAN Copy and its command line utilities OUTPUT If the VNX OE for Block software running in the SP does not support the command, the CLI prints a Command is not supported error message to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME SESSION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS sancopy -stop Stops (terminates) a SAN Copy session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command -stop terminates the specified session. The session stops automatically when it is complete, so this command is not needed in the normal course of SAN Copy operations. SYNTAX sancopy -stop -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor whose session you want to stop. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command stops the copy session with the copy descriptor name copy_lun_66. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -stop -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other error messages are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR 518 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME sancopy -throttle Changes the I/O rate of an active copy descriptor PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -throttle lets you change the throttle of an existing, running copy descriptor. The new throttle value is valid only while the session is running and will not change the value in the descriptor database. To change the throttle value of an existing copy descriptor that is not running, use the sancopy -modify -throttle command (see sancopy -modify on page 507) SYNTAX sancopy -throttle -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name n OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor whose throttle value you want to change. n Is the new throttle value, ranging from 1 (slowest) to 10 (highest). The default value is 6. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa descriptor copy_lun_66 , this command displays information, including throttle information. For SP ss1_spa descriptor copy_lun_66, these commands get information (including throttle value), then change the throttle value to 8. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -info -name copy_lun_66 naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -throttle -name copy_lun_66 8 OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_INVALID_THROTTLE_VALUE DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR sancopy -throttle 519 SAN Copy and its command line utilities Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME sancopy -transfer Transfers a copy descriptor from the peer SP PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -transfer moves the specified descriptor from the peer SP to the SP you specify in the command. After transferring the copy descriptor, you can start a new session on the working SP using that descriptor. SYNTAX sancopy -transfer -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the descriptor you want to transfer to the working SP. EXAMPLE This command transfers the copy descriptor copy_lun_66 to the SP named ss1_spb. naviseccli -h ss1_spb sancopy -transfer -name copy_lun_66 Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR DMF_PEER_SP_ALIVE Errors returned from the driver or agent are: UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_ID UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_NAME 520 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities sancopy -unmark For incremental sessions only--Removes the point-in-time copy from a marked incremental SAN Copy session PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -unmark removes the point-intime copy from a marked incremental SAN Copy session. Note You cannot unmark a session if any of the session’s destination logical units have failed. SYNTAX sancopy -unmark -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name OPTIONS -descriptorid descriptor-id | -name name Identifies the session you want to unmark. EXAMPLE This command removes the mark from the incremental copy session named monday. naviseccli -h sancopy -unmark -name monday Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. OUTPUT If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors are: DMF_NAME_AND_UID_SPECIFIED DMF_NAME_OR_UID_REQUIRED DMF_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR sancopy -updateconnections Updates connection and registration information PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. sancopy -unmark 521 SAN Copy and its command line utilities DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -updateconnections updates registration information for all attached systems. You should run this command for each SP. SYNTAX sancopy -updateconnections EXAMPLE These commands update connections on both SPs, ss1_spa and ss1_spb. naviseccli -h ss1_spa sancopy -updateconnections naviseccli -h ss1_spb sancopy -updateconnections Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. sancopy -verify Ensures that the SAN Copy software can access a logical unit PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/host entry in the Unisphere SP agent configuration file to use this command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli sancopy command with -verify ensures that the SAN Copy software can access a logical unit. You should issue the command to both SPs as one SP might have access, where the other does not. SYNTAX sancopy -verify -wwn lun-wwn | -lunnumber sp-name lunnumber [-device devicename] [-log] [-iscsi|-fibre] OPTIONS -wwn lun-wwn Specifies the World Wide Name of the logical units. You can specify more than one WWN. -lunnumber sp-name lunnumber An alternate way of specifying a logical unit. For sp-name, specify the SP hostname (or SP IP address). For lunnumber, specify the source or destination logical unit number. You can specify more than one LUN number. -device devicename Specifies the system device name. -log Logs events to the SP event log. 522 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block SAN Copy and its command line utilities Note If SAN Copy cannot find a LUN on a remote system, use these events to help determine the reason. -iscsi |-fibre Specifies which connection type to use to verify the connection. If a connection type is not specified, fibre is used first to verfiy the connection, and if no connection is found, iSCSI is used. EXAMPLE The example below uses the LUN’s World Wide Name to verify that the LUN is reachable, and logs any events to the SP event log. If the LUN is reachable, the software displays the following message: This example verifies two LUNs using the SP name and LUN number. If one or both LUNs are not reachable, the software displays a message similar to the following: Storage device is reachable. Error: sancopy command failed Error returned from Agent SP A: CPM unable to locate device. Check that the device with this WWN exists (0x712ac007) Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h sancopy -verify -wwn 60:06:01:FA:2C:09:00:00:2B:89:4C:E9:65:D7:11 -log naviseccli -h sancopy -verify -lunnumber 6 12 sancopy -verify 523 SAN Copy and its command line utilities 524 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 12 EMC SnapView Software This chapter introduces the EMC® SnapView™ software and its user interface, as well as the two command line interfaces for it. The command line interfaces include the serverbased admsnap utility and the EMC VNX CLI for Block interface. Note Unless indicated otherwise, references to LUNs include classic LUNs and thin LUNs. If your system includes FAST Cache (solid state disk drives with flash memory, or SSD drives), refer to the Best Practices documentation for information on using these disks with SnapView, which is available on EMC Online Support. Major topics are: l l l l SnapView clone CLI commands........................................................................... 526 Admsnap commands for clones.......................................................................... 554 SnapView Snapshot CLI commands.....................................................................560 Admsnap commands for snapshots.................................................................... 583 EMC SnapView Software 525 EMC SnapView Software SnapView clone CLI commands This chapter explains the Unisphere SnapView clone CLI commands that manage SnapView clones. Setting up SnapView to use clones This section describes how to set up SnapView to use clones. Note You cannot expand the capacity of a LUN that is participating in a clone group until you remove the clone from the clone group and destroy the clone group. Neither the production nor secondary server can access this added capacity until the expansion is complete and you perform some additional operations. For detailed information on expanding a LUN, see vnx_bcli_c_cli_cmd_ref_navi_cli_chap on page 23. Prerequisites for setting up clones Before you can set up and use clones, the following must be true: l Source LUNs must be bound. For a client or production server to access a source LUN, you must assign the source LUN to a storage group and connect the storage group to the production server. To do this, you must enable data access control on the storage system. l LUNs that you plan to use as clone LUNs must be bound. These LUNs must be the same size as the source LUNs that you will clone. EMC strongly recommends that you bind your clone LUNs on storage pools (RAID groups or thin pools) that are different from their source LUNs. The clone’s storage pool does not have to be the same RAID type as the source LUN. l For VMware ESX Servers, verify that the source LUN is presented to the virtual machine (guest operating system running on the virtual machine). For information on how to present a LUN to the virtual machine, refer to the VMware documentation that shipped with your ESX Server. l l For configuration restrictions when using VMFS volumes, go to the EMC E-Lab™ Interoperability Navigator on EMC Online Support and under the PDFs and Guides tab, open the VMware ESX server.pdf file. For a secondary server to access the clone LUN, the clone must be assigned to a storage group (but you cannot read the clone until you fracture it). The storage group must be connected to the secondary server that will access the clone. You must assign the clone LUN to a storage group other than the storage group that holds the source LUN. EMC supports placing a clone in the same storage group as its source LUN only if you use Replication Manager or Replication Manager/SE to put the clone in the storage group. This software provides the same host access to the clone and the source LUN. For information on using these software products, refer to the documentation for the product. If you have a VMware ESX Server, the clone and source LUNs must be accessed by different virtual machines, unless the virtual machine is running one of the software programs that support same host access. Overview of setting up SnapView to use clones The following is a checklist for setting up SnapView clones: 526 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software l Allocate clone private LUNs; see clone - snapview -allocatecpl on page 531. Note This step is required only in the initial setup of clones. l Create a clone group; see clone - snapview -createclonegroup on page 537. l Add a clone to a clone group; see clone - snapview -addclone on page 528. CLI clone command functions The naviseccli clone functions, listed alphabetically, are: Note As of version 6.26, you can issue clone commands using the clone or snapview prefix. l clone | snapview -addclone l clone | snapview -allocatecpl l clone | snapview -changeclone l clone | snapview -changeclonefeature l clone | snapview -changeclonegroup l clone | snapview -consistentfractureclones l clone | snapview -createclonegroup l clone | snapview -deallocatecpl l clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup l clone | snapview -fractureclone l clone | snapview -listclone l clone | snapview -listclonefeature l clone | snapview -listclonegroup l clone | snapview -removeclone l clone | snapview -reversesyncclone l clone | snapview -syncclone The CLI clone functions are listed functionally, in the order you would perform them, in the following table. Table 49 naviseccli SnapView clone command functions, listed in order of use Essential functions (in order performed) clone | snapview -allocatecpl Designates clone private LUNs. clone | snapview -createclonegroup Creates a clone group. clone | snapview -addclone Adds a clone LUN to the clone group. clone | snapview -syncclone Starts synchronizing the clone with the source LUN. clone | snapview -consistentfractureclones Frees the clone LUN(s) from its source, allowing you or to use the clone independently. clone | snapview -fractureclone CLI clone command functions 527 EMC SnapView Software Table 49 naviseccli SnapView clone command functions, listed in order of use (continued) clone | snapview -removeclone Deletes a clone from a clone group. clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup Deletes a clone group. Optional and status functions (alphabetically) clone | snapview -listclone Displays clone information. clone | snapview -listclonefeature Displays clone features such as whether creating a clone group on this system is supported and other useful information. clone | snapview -listclonegroup Displays clone group information. Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) clone | snapview -changeclone Changes one or more properties of a clone. clone | snapview -changeclonefeature For a system, enables or disables clone features such as protected restore. clone | snapview -changeclonegroup Changes clone group settings. clone | snapview -deallocatecpl Frees LUNs that were allocated as clone private LUNs from the system clone structure. clone | snapview -reversesyncclone Starts a reverse sync process, in which the software copies the clone data to the source. clone | snapview -addclone Adds a clone to a clone group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with -addclone adds a clone to a clone group. Each clone LUN you add must be the same size as the source LUN. When you add a clone to a clone group, you create an actual copy of the source LUN you specified when creating the group. The copy of the source LUN begins when you specify the -issyncrequired 1 command when adding the clone LUN. This command is also used to add an initializing thin LUN as a clone target, provided the bundle containing the thin LUN support is committed in all the systems. The software assigns each clone a clone ID. This ID remains with the clone until you remove the clone from its group. Note When you add a clone to a clone group, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. Source LUN writes and unfractured clone states — While the clone is part of the clone group and unfractured (not accessible to a secondary server), server writes to the source LUN can continue, with the following results: 528 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Server writes to the source — When a source LUN receives a server write request, the clone transitions into a consistent state because the clone is no longer a byte-for-byte copy of its source. Writes made to the source LUN are simultaneously copied to the clone. The clone remains in a consistent state if server writes are made to the source LUN during the duration of the quiesce threshold. The quiesce threshold is the amount of time the clone must wait before transitioning from a consistent state to a synchronized state. If the source LUN receives any server writes during this period of time, the time set for the quiesce threshold restarts. You specify the quiesce threshold when you create a clone group. Note When you add a clone to the clone group, with the Initial Sync Required property selected, the clone state is synchronizing. The software transitions the clone to synchronized or consistent state only after the initial synchronization is complete. No server writes to the source — If a source LUN does not receive any server writes for the duration of the quiesce threshold, any unfractured clone in a consistent state transitions into a synchronized state. Note See Clone states in EMC VNX for Block Concepts for information about the state of a clone. SYNTAX clone | snapview -addclone -name name|-CloneGroupUid uid -luns lun_numbers [-issyncrequired 0|1] [-RecoveryPolicy manual|auto] [-SyncRate high|medium|low|value] [-UseProtectedRestore 0|1] OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name that you gave to the clone group with the createclonegroup function. Use either this name or the clone group unique ID (16-byte WWN). -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (refer to clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546 for more information). -luns lun_numbers Specifies the LUN numbers that can serve as clones. Currently only one LUN is supported per command. -issyncrequired 0|1 Specifies whether the software must synchronize the newly added clone. 0 - Synchronization is not required. Using this value lets you skip the synchronization period if the source LUN contains null data (as with a newly bound source LUN). clone | snapview -addclone 529 EMC SnapView Software CAUTION When you specify issyncrequired 0, the software marks the clone as synchronized regardless of its contents. Therefore, do not specify issyncrequired 0 if the source LUN contains any data, because the clone will appear as synchronized when it is not synchronized, and will probably not contain usable data. 1 - Synchronization is required (default). The software starts synchronizing the clone immediately. -RecoveryPolicy manual|auto Specifies the synchronization action the system will take after a hardware component (such as an SP) fails. Values are: l manual - Manual recovery. The administrator must act to start synchronization. l auto - Automatic. Synchronization will start automatically using the other path (if available). This is the default. The value you select also applies if reverse-synchronization was in progress before the failure. -SyncRate high|medium|low|value Sets the interval between writes to a clone being synchronized to high, medium, or low, or a value in milliseconds. If the value is larger than 100, the interval is in milliseconds. Otherwise, it is the scaled between high rate and medium rate - the value 1 is equivalent to high rate and 100 to medium rate. Default is medium. A high rate synchronizes the clone the fastest, but may affect performance on other system resources. A low value has minimal effect on performance, but prolongs the synchronization process. Note EMC recommends that you do not use a high synchronization rate on a system with a single SP. -UseProtectedRestore 0|1 Determines the way the software reacts when I/O is received during a reverse sync operation. 0 - Updates the clone with the incoming server I/O. This is the default. 1 - Does not update the clone with the I/O. EXAMPLE This example adds the current logged-in user to the security file. Once you enter this command, you do not have to re-enter your username, password, or scope in the command line. naviseccli -password password -scope 0 -addusersecurity naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -allocatecpl -spA 54 -spB 55 naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -createclonegroup -name db3_clone -luns 22 naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -addclone -name db3_clone -luns 43 -o 530 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -listclonegroup Name: db3_clone CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:20:04:21:3E:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 InSync: No These commands allocate clone private LUNs (LUNs 54 and 55), create a clone group named db3_clone for source LUN 22, add a clone LUN (LUN 43) to the group, and then list clone groups. Synchronization starts by default with the -addclone command since that command does not specify -issyncrequired 0. To remove the logged in user from the security file, issue the following last command: naviseccli -removeusersecurity OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -allocatecpl Reserves a clone private LUN for use with clones. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. Each clone private LUN must be a minimum of 1 gigabyte. Clone private LUNs larger than 1 gigabyte provide no performance benefit. You must bind these LUNs before you allocate them as a clone private LUN. You can use any LUN that is at least 1 gigabyte in size as a clone private LUN, except for the following: l Thin LUNs l Hot spare LUNs l MirrorView remote mirror LUNs (LUNs used as either a primary or secondary image) l SnapView clone, snapshot, or source LUNs l SAN Copy source or destination logical units l Private LUNs (LUNs reserved as clone private LUNs or for use by the reserved LUN pool) You should bind clone private LUNs in a RAID group that normally does not see heavy I/O. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with allocatecpl allocates or reallocates a clone private LUN on both SPs for clone operations. You must allocate one clone private LUN for each SP before you can create a clone group. This command supports thin LUNs, provided the bundle containing the thin support is committed in all the systems. Note The clone –allocatecpl command restricts Clone Private LUNs to 128 element size. If you select LUN(s) with element size not equal to 128, the system will display the following error message: Invalid element size for chosen LUN(s). Please choose LUN(s) with element size of 128. If you use -allocatecpl to reallocate (change an existing allocation) clone private LUN, you must change the clone private LUN for both SPs. When you reallocate the clone clone | snapview -allocatecpl 531 EMC SnapView Software private LUNs, the software transfers the information stored in the previous clone private LUNs to the new clone private LUNs. Note When you allocate clone private LUNs, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX clone | snapview -allocatecpl -spA lun_number -spB lun_number -o OPTIONS -spA lun_number lun-number identifies the LUN to be used for the clone private LUN for SP A. The LUN must be bound. You must specify a clone private LUN for both SP A and SP B. However, the ownership of these LUNs does not matter, since the software will trespass each LUN you specify in each -sp switch to the specified SP. -spB lun_number lun_number identifies the LUN to be used for the clone private LUN for SP B. The LUN must be bound. See comments under -spA. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This example allocates a clone private LUN to SP A (the LUN with LUN ID 54) and SP B (LUN with ID 55) for clone operations (see also the -addclone example): naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -allocatecpl -spA 54 -spB 55 -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -changeclone Changes one or more properties of a clone. The clone -changeclone or snapview -changeclone comamnd is used with naviseccli as follows. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with changeclone changes one or more clone properties. The clone can be in any state when you use this function. If you omit the override option (-o), the software displays a message to confirm the change. SYNTAX clone | snapview -changeclone -name name|-CloneGroupUid uid -cloneid id [-RecoveryPolicy manual|auto] [-SyncRate high|medium|low|value] [-UseProtectedRestore 0|1] [-o] 532 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software OPTIONS -name name Specifies the name that you gave to the clone group with the createclonegroup function. Use either this name or the clone group unique ID (16-byte WWN). -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID. -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. -RecoveryPolicy manual|auto Specifies the synchronization action the system will take after a hardware component (such as an SP) fails. Values are: l manual - Manual recovery. The administrator must act to start synchronization. l auto - Automatic. Synchronization will start automatically using the other path (if available). This is the default. The value you select also applies if reverse-synchronization was in progress before the failure. -SyncRate high|medium|low|value Sets the interval between writes to a clone being synchronized to high, medium, or low, or a value in milliseconds. If the value is larger than 100, the interval is in milliseconds. Otherwise, it is the scaled between high rate and medium rate - the value 1 is equivalent to high rate and 100 to medium rate. Default is medium. A high rate synchronizes the clone fastest, but may degrade overall performance. A low value has minimal effect on performance, but prolongs the synchronization process. -UseProtectedRestore 0|1 Specifies the way the software will react when I/O is received during a reverse sync operation. 0 - Updates the clone with the I/O. Default. 1 - Does not update the clone with I/O. This property is available only if the option is supported on the targeted system. Note When you change the property for the -UseProtectedRestore option, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command changes the sync rate for the clone 0100000000000000 in clone group db3_clone. naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -changeclone -name db3_clone -cloneid 0100000000000000 -syncrate high -o clone | snapview -changeclone 533 EMC SnapView Software OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -changeclonefeature Enables or disables clone features such as protected restore. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with changeclonefeature can globally enable or disable the AllowProtectedRestore option. This option allows you to use the protected restore feature on a per clone basis. For information on the protected restore feature, refer to clone | snapview -reversesyncclone on page 550. If you omit the override option (-o), the software displays a message to confirm the change. SYNTAX clone | snapview -changeclonefeature [-AllowProtectedRestore 0| 1] [-o] OPTIONS -AllowProtectedRestore 0|1 Enables or disables the ability to use protected restores on LUNs in a system. Be aware that enabling protected restores reserves SP memory and prevents it from being used for any other purpose. 0-Does not allow protected restores on this system. Default. 1-Allows protected restores on this system. Note When you enable the -AllowProtectedRestore option, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This example allows protected restores on the system that contains the SP ss1_spa. naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -changeclonefeature -AllowProtectedRestore 1 Do you really want to perform this operation? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. 534 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software clone | snapview -changeclonegroup Changes one or more parameters of an existing clone group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with changeclonegroup can change certain settings of an existing clone group. SYNTAX clone | snapview -changeclonegroup -name name|-CloneGroupUid uid [-description description] [-newname name] [-o] [-quiescethreshold seconds] OPTIONS -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID. -description description Lets you enter a description about the clone group—up to 256 characters. If you want to include any spaces, enclose the entire description in double quotation marks. The quotation marks do not count towards the 256-character limit. -newname name Lets you specify a new name for the clone group. A valid name consists of at least one printable character and must not exceed 64 characters. Each clone group name must be unique on its system. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -quiescethreshold seconds Lets you specify the amount of time that must pass after an I/O to the source LUN before the software places any of its unfractured clones in the synchronized state. The minimum value is 10, the maximum value is 3600. EXAMPLE This example changes the quiesce threshold for clone group db3_clone to 30 seconds. naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -changeclonegroup -name db3_clone -quiescethreshold 30 Do you really want to perform this operation? y OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -changeclonegroup 535 EMC SnapView Software clone | snapview -consistentfractureclones Splits a set of clones from their source LUNs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. The clones you want to fracture must be within different clone groups. You cannot perform a consistent fracture on clones belonging to different systems. You must specify two or more clones that you want to fracture or an error will be displayed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with consistentfractureclones fractures more than one clone at the same time in order to preserve the point-in-time restartable copy across the set of clones. The SnapView driver will delay any I/O requests to the source LUNs of the selected clones until the fracture has completed on all clones (thus preserving the point-in-time restartable copy on the entire set of clones). Note A restartable copy is a data state having dependent write consistency and where all internal database/application control information is consistent with a database management system/application image. After the consistent fracture completes, no group association exists between the clones. If a failure occurs on any of the clones, the consistent fracture will fail on all of the clones. If any clones within the group were fractured prior to the failure, the software will resynchronize those clones. For more information on the effects of fracturing a clone, refer to the -fractureclone description in clone | snapview -fractureclone on page 540. SYNTAX clone | snapview -consistentfractureclones -CloneGroupNameCloneId name cloneId|-CloneGroupUidCloneId CGUid cloneId [-o] OPTIONS -CloneGroupNameCloneId name cloneId Lets you specify the clone group name and the clone ID for the clones you want to fracture. If you specify the clone group name and clone ID for one clone, you must specify the same information for all the other clones you want to fracture at the same time. The clone group name is the name you specified when you created the clone group. The clone ID is the 16-character ID. The system assigned when the clone was added to the clone group. The clone ID is always numeric. Use the -listclonegroup command to display all the clone group names and clone IDs on the system (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -CloneGroupUidCloneId CGUid cloneId Lets you specify the clone group ID and the clone ID for the clones you want to fracture. If you specify the clone group ID and clone ID for one clone, you must specify the same information for all the other clones you want to fracture at the same time. 536 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software The clone group ID is the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when you created the clone group. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). The clone ID is the 16character ID the system assigned when the clone was added to the clone group. The clone ID is always numeric. Use the -listclonegroup command to display all the clone group IDs and clone IDs on the system (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -consistentfractureclones -CloneGroupNameCloneId CGname1 0100000000000000 CGname2 0200000000000000 CGname3 0300000000000000 -o naviseccli -address ss1_spa snapview -consistentfractureclones -CloneGroupUidCloneId 50:06:01:60:80:60:03:E5:3A:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 0100000000000000 50:06:01:60:80:60:03:E5:3A:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 0200000000000000 50:06:01:60:80:60:03:E5:3A:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 0300000000000000 -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -createclonegroup Creates a new clone group based on a source LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. You must have allocated a clone private LUN for each SP. Any source LUN that is at least 1 GB in size is eligible to be cloned, except for the following: l Hot spare LUNs l Clone LUNs (LUNs participating in any clone group as either a source LUN or a clone LUN) l Snapshot LUNs l MetaLUNs l Private LUNs (LUNs reserved as clone private LUNs, in a reserved LUN pool, or in a write intent log) l A LUN in the process of a migration Note With SnapView version 6.24 or later, a clone's source LUN can be a remote mirror LUN (a LUN participating as either a primary or secondary image). DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with createclonegroup creates a new clone group using an existing LUN as a source. clone | snapview -createclonegroup 537 EMC SnapView Software Note When you create a clone group, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. SYNTAX clone | snapview -createclonegroup -name name -luns lun_number [-description description] [-quiescethreshold seconds][-o] OPTIONS -name name Lets you specify the name of the clone group. A valid name consists of at least one printable character and must not exceed 64 characters. Each clone group name must be unique on its system. -luns lun_number The lun_number identifies the source LUN of the clone group. -description description Lets you enter a description about the clone group—up to 256 characters. If you want to include any spaces, enclose all text with double quotation marks. -quiescethreshold seconds Lets you specify the amount of time that must pass after an I/O to the source LUN before the software places any of its unfractured clones in the synchronized state. The minimum value is 10, the maximum value is 3600. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE This command creates a clone group named db3_clone for source LUN 22. Refer to the example for -addclone, clone | snapview -addclone on page 528. naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -createclonegroup -name db3_clone -luns 22 -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. POSTREQUISITES You will need to add a clone using the clone | snapview -addclone command and synchronize the clone before you can fracture and use it. You can use the -changeclonegroup function to change some of the create parameters. clone | snapview -deallocatecpl Deallocates the clone private LUNs. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. You must remove all clones and destroy any clone groups before deallocating the clone private LUNs. You must also globally disable the Allow Protected Restore option. To do this, issue the clone | snapview -changeclonefeature -AllowProtectedRestore 0 command (refer to clone | snapview -changeclonefeature on page 534 for more information on this command). 538 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with deallocatecpl removes the LUNs that were previously allocated as clone private LUNs. You can also use the -deallocatecpl command to reallocate clone private LUNs, for instance, if a clone private LUN fails or if you decide that you want to use a different LUN as your clone private LUN. If you use the -deallocatecpl command to reallocate the clone private LUNs, you can do so with existing clone groups and clones. When you reallocate the clone private LUN, the software transfers the information stored in the previous clone private LUN to the new clone private LUN. Note If you reallocate one clone private LUN, you must reallocate the other clone private LUN. SYNTAX clone | snapview -deallocatecpl [-o] OPTIONS -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -deallocatecpl -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup Deletes a clone group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. Before you can destroy a clone group, you must remove all clones in the clone group. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with destroyclonegroup permanently removes a clone group from the system and releases the source LUN specified when you created the clone group. SYNTAX clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup -namename|-CloneGroupUiduid [-o] OPTIONS -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). clone | snapview -destroyclonegroup 539 EMC SnapView Software -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -destroyclonegroup -name db3_clone -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -fractureclone Splits a clone from its source LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with fractureclone splits a clone from its source LUN, allowing a secondary server to access the clone as an independent LUN. Note To fracture more than one clone at the same time, you must use the consistentfractureclones command (see clone - snapview consistentfractureclones on page 536). Fracturing a clone or a set of clones (-consistentfracture) does not remove the clone(s) from its clone group. It remains a part of the clone group — although other servers can access it as an independent LUN — until you explicitly remove it (removeclone). While a clone remains in its clone group, you can synchronize it again using just the -syncclone function. Note Unless you have additional software that supports same host access, you must assign the clone LUN to a storage group other than the storage group that holds the source LUN(s). You also must assign multiple fractured clones, of the same source LUN(s), to different storage groups. See Prerequisites for setting up clones on page 526 for information on software that supports same host access. Two types of fractures can occur - administrative or system. An administrative fracture will occur after any of the following events: 540 l The production server performed a fracture operation on the clone or set of clones. l The secondary server performed a reverse synchronization operation on another clone in the clone group. l The clone driver receives an error reading or writing to the source or clone during a synchronization or reverse synchronization. Possible errors include a failed sector or a bad block. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note To verify if an error occurred, issue the -listclonegroup command and determine if the value for SourceMediaFailure or CloneMediaFailure is set to TRUE. If an error did occur, you must correct the failure, then re-issue the synchronization or reverse synchronization operation. If the error persists, contact your EMC service provider. A system fracture will occur after any of the following events: l The clone driver encountered an internal driver error and fractured the clone as a result. If this occurs, you must correct the error condition, perform a fracture (administrative fracture), and then synchronize the clone. l The source LUN trespasses to the peer SP, either manually or due to an SP failure. If this occurs, the system fracture is temporary and the clone will automatically synchronize with its source LUN when the source trespasses back to its SP. l Other replication software uses the clone or its source, for example, to start a SAN Copy session or to create a snapshot of the LUN. If this occurs, the system fracture is temporary and the clone will automatically synchronize with its source LUN after the event completes. You can fracture a clone in any state. However, to make a fractured clone available for server write requests, you must fracture the clone while it is in a synchronized or consistent state. Once you fracture the clone in either of these states, it transitions to a consistent state. If you want the clone to contain a predictable point-in-time copy, you must ensure that no server writes are occurring when you fracture the clone. You can determine that no writes have been issued to the source LUN for a period of time equal to the quiesce threshold if you fracture the clone while it is in a synchronized state. However, it does not guarantee that another server write will not occur around the same time you fracture the clone. If the clone never enters the synchronized state, server writes are continuing. Any server writes to the source that occur after the fracture are not copied to the clone. If you believe you have stopped all I/O to the clone’s source LUN, it may be difficult to determine the reason for those writes. For example, they can be due to heartbeats in some clustered systems. In some cases it is useful to fracture the clone in a consistent state. For instance, you would fracture a clone in a consistent state when: l you can determine that there are no writes being issued to the source LUN and you prefer not to wait for the quiesce threshold to elapse. l your application has a hot backup mode in which the application continues to write to the source, but internally understands how to disregard writes generated after your specified point in time. l you need only a crash consistent image (the image you would have if the server failed or shut down improperly). If the clone synchronization is detracting from the system’s performance, you can fracture the clone in any other state and then synchronize it at a time when performance is not an issue. Writes to the fractured clone LUN When a fractured clone receives a server write request, the software marks the clone as dirty, which indicates that the clone has been modified and is no longer a byte-for-byte copy of its source LUN. Writes to the source LUN After you fracture the clone, the software does not copy any server write requests made to the source LUN unless you manually perform a synchronization. Synchronizing a clone | snapview -fractureclone 541 EMC SnapView Software fractured clone unfractures the clone and updates the contents on the clone with its source LUN. SYNTAX clone | snapview -fractureclone -namename| -CloneGroupUid uidcloneid id [-o] OPTIONS -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview listclonegroup on page 546). -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -fractureclone -name db3_clone -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -listclone Displays information about a specific clone LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with listclone displays information about one clone, not clone groups. You must specify the clone name or clone group ID. You can obtain more specific information with function switches. SYNTAX clone | snapview -listclone -Name name|-CloneGroupUid uid [-all] [-AvailableForIO] [-CloneCondition] [-cloneid id] [-CloneLuns] [-CloneLunWWNs] [-CloneState] [-CloneMediaFailure] [-IsDirty] [-IsFractured] 542 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software [-PercentSynced] [-RecoveryPolicy] [-SyncRate] [-timeoffracture] [-UseProtectedRestore 0|1] OPTIONS -Name name Specifies the name of the clone group. This is required for getting information on a clone. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -all Lists all the properties of a clone without having to type in any other switch. This switch must be specified to know the -timeoffracture of the clone. -AvailableForIO Displays whether the clone is available for I/O from an attached server (yes or no). -CloneCondition Displays the clone condition. Typically, this shows the nature of a faulted clone. The values include Administratively Fractured, System Fractured, Waiting on administrator to initiate synchronization, Queued to be synchronized, Synchronizing, Normal, Unknown. Note If you fractured a clone (-fractureclone) or a group of clones (consistentfractureclones), the clone condition will be displayed as Administratively Fractured. -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can learn this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is case sensitive. -CloneLuns Displays a list of clone LUN numbers. -CloneLUNWWNs Displays the WWN of the clone. -CloneState States are consistent, out-of-sync, remote mirror synchronizing, reverse-out-of-sync, reverse-synchronizing, synchronized or synchronizing. -CloneMediaFailure Indicates whether an error occurred during I/O with the clone LUN (yes or no). -IsDirty Indicates whether the clone received a server write request, which means it is not a byte-for-byte duplicate of its source LUN (yes or no). -IsFractured Indicates whether the clone was fractured (yes or no). -PercentSynced Displays the percentage of the clone that is synchronized with its source. -RecoveryPolicy Indicates the recovery policy (see -addclone), Automatic or Manual. clone | snapview -listclone 543 EMC SnapView Software -SyncRate Displays high,medium,low or a user-specified positive integer. -timeoffracture Displays the date/time when the clone images were administrative fractured. -UseProtectedRestore 0|1 Indicates the state of the Protected Restore option. Values are 0 (clone may be updated with new I/O during a restore) or 1 (clone cannot be updated with new I/O during restore). EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -listclone -name db3_clone Name: db3_clone CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:80:60:03:E5:3A:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 CloneID: 0100000000000000 CloneState: Synchronized CloneCondition: Normal AvailableForIO: No CloneMediaFailure: No IsDirty: No IsFractured: No PercentSynced: 100 RecoveryPolicy: Auto SyncRate: Medium CloneLUNs: 1 UseProtectedRestore: No EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli -scope 0 snapview -listclone -name CG -timeoffracture Name: CG CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:1C:43:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 CloneID: 0200000000000000 TimeofFracture: 12/15/09 11:25:19 EXAMPLE #3 naviseccli -scope 0 snapview -listclone -name CG -all Name: CG CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:BC:E0:1C:43:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 CloneID: 0200000000000000 CloneState: Consistent CloneCondition: Administratively Fractured AvailableForIO: Yes CloneMediaFailure: No IsDirty: No IsFractured: Yes PercentSynced: N/A RecoveryPolicy: Auto SyncRate: Medium CloneLUNs: 10 UseProtectedRestore: No TimeofFracture: 12/15/09 11:25:19 clone | snapview -listclonefeature Displays general information for a system that supports clones. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. 544 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with listclonefeature and no other switches lists general clone information for a system that supports clones. You can obtain more specific information with switches. SYNTAX clone | snapview -listclonefeature [-AllowProtectedRestore] [-AvailableLUNs] [-CanCreate] [-Cpl] [-CplSPA] [-CplSPB] [-DriverVersion] [-MaxCloneGroupsUsingCPL] [-MaxCloneMemory] [-MaxClonesPerGroup] [-MaxLUNsPerSource] [-MinCplSize] OPTIONS -AllowProtectedRestore Displays the state of the system Protected Restore option. The state can be no, which indicates that the system should update the clone with the I/O, or yes, which indicates that it should not update the clone with the I/O. This option is available only if it is supported on the targeted system. -AvailableLUNs Lists LUN numbers currently available to be used as either a source or clone. -CanCreate Indicates if a clone group can be created on this system. Valid answers are yes or no. -Cpl Indicates whether clone private LUNs are allocated and enabled on this system. Valid answers are yes or no. -CplSPA Displays the LUN number of the clone private LUN for SP A. -CplSPB Displays the LUN number of the clone private LUN for SP B. -DriverVersion Displays the version of the clone driver. -MaxCloneGroupsUsingCPL Displays the maximum number of clone groups that will use the clone private LUNs that this system supports. -MaxCloneMemory Displays the maximum amount of memory that the clone driver can allocate. -MaxClonesPerGroup Displays the maximum number of clones per clone group. -MaxLUNsPerSource Displays the maximum number of LUNs allowed in a source. -MinCplSize Displays the minimum size allowed, in blocks, for each clone private LUN. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -listclonefeature CanCreate: No MaxCloneGroupsUsingCPL: MaxClonesPerGroup : 8 50 clone | snapview -listclonefeature 545 EMC SnapView Software MaxLUNsPerSource: 1 MaxCloneMemory: 10485760 Cpl: Yes CplSPA: 2 CplSPB: 3 MinCplSize: 250000 DriverVersion: 2 AvailableLUNs: AllowProtectedRestore: No clone | snapview -listclonegroup Displays clone group information. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with listclonegroup and no other switches lists general information for a clone group. You can obtain more specific information with switches. SYNTAX clone | snapview -listclonegroup [-all] [-CloneCount] [-CloneGroupUid] [-Clones] [-CloneLunWWNs] [-Description] [-InSync] [-IsControllingSP] [-Name [name]] [-QuiesceThreshold] [-SourceLUNSize] [-SourceMediaFailure] [-Sources] OPTIONS -all Lists all the properties of a clone without having to type in any other switch. This switch must be specified to know the -timeoffracture of the clone. -CloneCount Displays the number of clones and clone names defined in the clone group. -CloneGroupUid Displays the Uid and clone name. The Uid is the 16-byte unique ID assigned when the clone group was created. -Clones Displays the following information about each clone: Table 50 Clones information 546 CloneID Identification number of the clone. This number is unique per clone group, not system. CloneState Values include consistent, out-of-sync, remote mirror synchronizing, reverse-out-of-sync, reverse-synchronizing, synchronized or synchronizing EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Table 50 Clones information (continued) CloneCondition Values include Administratively Fractured, System Fractured, Waiting on administrator to initiate synchronization, Queued to be synchronized, Synchronizing, Normal, or Unknown. AvailableForIO Clone LUN availability for I/O from an attached server: yes or no. CloneMedia Failure Whether clone media failure occurred: yes or no. IsDirty Clone containing writes occurred from a source other than the clone group source: yes or no. IsFractured Clone fractured state: yes or no. PercentSynced Percentage of the clone instance that is currently synchronized with its source. Also applies to reverse-synchronizing operations. RecoveryPolicy A user-defined value: Automatic or Manual. SyncRate A user-defined value: high/medium/low. CloneLUNs List of clone LUN numbers. UseProtected Restore State of the clone Protected Restore option: yes or no. -CloneLUNWWNs Displays the WWN of the clone. -Description Displays the descriptions and clone names in the clone group. -InSync Indicates whether the source LUN is available for I/O. -IsControllingSP Indicates whether the SP specified in the command is the SP that owns the clone group (yes or no). -Name name Displays information for the clone group name as given to the clone group with the createclonegroup function. -QuiesceThreshold Displays the amount of time that must pass after an I/O to the source LUN before the software places any of its unfractured clones in the synchronized state. The minimum value is 10, the maximum value is 3600. -SourceLUNSize Displays the names and combined size of the source LUNs. -SourceMediaFailure Indicates whether an error occurred during I/O with the source LUNs. -Sources Displays the LUN numbers that constitute the source in the clone group. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -listclonegroup -Name clone_0 -all Name: clone_0 CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:BB:20:10:DD:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 InSync: Yes Description: QuiesceThreshold: 60 SourceMediaFailure: No clone | snapview -listclonegroup 547 EMC SnapView Software IsControllingSP: No SourceLUNSize: 2097152 CloneCount: 1 Sources: 4 Clones: CloneID: 0100000000000000 CloneState: Consistent CloneCondition: Administratively Fractured AvailableForIO: Yes CloneMediaFailure: No IsDirty: No PercentSynced: N/A RecoveryPolicy: Auto SyncRate: Medium CloneLUNs: 5 UseProtectedRestore: No IsFractured: Yes TimeofFracture: 09/22/09 02:55:55 clone | snapview -removeclone Removes a clone LUN from a clone group. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. To remove a clone from its clone group, the clone: l must be fractured or in a synchronized or consistent state. l cannot be in a synchronizing or reverse synchronizing state. l cannot be in a queue to be synchronized. Note In an effort to control resource consumption, the SnapView driver limits a maximum of 40 concurrent synchronizations and/or reverse synchronizations per SP. Once this limit is met, the software queues all other synchronization and reverse synchronization requests. l cannot be removed if it is in a reverse-out-of-sync state and it is the only clone in the clone group. If you remove a clone under these conditions, you cannot restore it. It is recommended that you perform a reverse synchronization operation from the clone and, when the reverse synchronization is successful, you should remove the last clone from the clone group. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with removeclone removes a clone from its clone group. When you remove a clone from a clone group, the clone becomes a conventional (regular) LUN and is no longer associated with its source or clone group. The clone group itself persists until you remove it using -destroyclonegroup. SYNTAX clone | snapview -removeclone -namename|-CloneGroupUiduid -cloneid id [-o] OPTIONS -name name 548 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID of the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -removeclone -name db3_clone -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -resetfracturelog Marks all data chunks of the source or clone LUN as being modified in the clone private LUN log. This allows you to perform a full synchronization or reverse-synchronization. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. You can use this switch only if the clone was administratively fractured and the clone is in an out-of-sync or reverse-out-of-sync state. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with resetfracturelog simulates server writes to the source or clone LUN, marking all data chunks on the LUN as being modified (changed). SYNTAX clone | snapview -resetfracturelog -namename| -CloneGroupUiduid -cloneid id [-o] OPTIONS -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. clone | snapview -resetfracturelog 549 EMC SnapView Software -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -resetfracturelog -name db3_clone OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. POSTREQUISITES After issuing the -resetfracturelog command, you must issue a synchronization or reverse-synchronization. This will initiate a full synchronization or reversesynchronization since all data chunks were marked as being modified. Note Performing multiple full synchronizations or reverse-synchronizations at the same time may affect performance on other system resources. clone | snapview -reversesyncclone Overwrites the source LUN with data from the clone LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. NOTICE You cannot reverse synchronize the clone if the clone's source is a MirrorView secondary image or a MirrorView primary image with unfractured secondaries. To reverse synchronize a fractured clone, the following must be true: l The clone is not in an out-of-sync state. l Another clone in the clone group is not in a synchronizing or reverse synchronizing state. For a Windows operating system, you must disable the indexing service and recycle bin on the source LUN of the clone. This prevents data corruption during reverse synchronization. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with reversesyncclone replaces the data on the source LUN with the data on the clone. This allows you to revert to an earlier copy of the source LUN, for instance if the source became corrupted. To ensure that there is no data corruption on the source LUN, you have to take the source LUN offline before you initiate the reverse synchronization. Once the operation begins, you can bring the source LUN back online. When you initiate a reverse synchronization from Unisphere, the software immediately fractures all the clones in the clone group and then the software unfractures the clone from which you initiated the reverse synchronization. The software then copies the data chunks that differ between the source and the clone to the source LUN. The source LUN can instantly access the data, while the actual copying continues in the background. Writes to the source LUN Any server writes made to the source LUN after the clone was originally fractured are overwritten with the data on the clone. Any unmodified (unchanged) chunks of data are 550 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software not rewritten to the source. After the reverse synchronization has completed, the clone that initiated the reverse synchronization remains unfractured. Note If you issue the -UseProtectedRestore 1 switch with the clone | snapview reversesyncclone command, after the reverse synchronization has completed, SnapView fractures the clone that initiated the reverse synchronization. During a reverse synchronization, the software automatically copies any server writes made from the source LUN to the clone. If you do not want source writes copied to the clone during a reverse synchronization, you must issue the -UseProtectedRestore 1 switch with the clone | snapview -reversesyncclone command. Note If you modify the same data chunk on the clone more than once, the software copies only the last modification to the source LUN. The Protected Restore feature protects the data on a clone during a reverse synchronization. When you select this feature, during a reverse synchronization the software will not copy any server writes made from the source LUN to the clone. Instead, the software records information in the clone private LUN to identify the source LUN writes for subsequent synchronizations. Once you initiate a reverse synchronization, the software immediately unfractures the clone that initiated the reverse synchronization. Then the software fractures any other clones in the clone group in order to protect them from corruption should the reverse synchronization operation fail. The software then begins to copy its data to its source LUN. After the reverse synchronization has completed, the software fractures the clone that initiated the reverse synchronization. You can enable the Protected Restore feature on a per-clone basis (and not on a perclone-group basis). You can select this feature when you first add a clone to a clone group (clone | snapview -addclone -UseProtectedRestore 1) or at any time before you perform a reverse synchronization ( clone | snapview -listclone UseProtectedRestore 1). Note Before you can initiate the Protected Restore feature, you must globally enable it by issuing the clone | snapview -changeclonefeature [AllowProtectedRestore 1] command. When you select this option, the SnapView driver automatically allocates 8 MB of additional memory per SP. The additional memory is fixed and is used to monitor modified blocks on the source LUN, in order to prevent these blocks from being overwritten by the clone during a reverse synchronization. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. While the clone is reverse synchronizing, you cannot: l l l l add a clone to the clone group remove the clone that is reverse synchronizing from the clone group synchronize any clone in the clone group reverse synchronize any clone in the clone group SYNTAX clone | snapview -reversesyncclone -name name|-clonegroupUid uid -cloneid id [-UseProtectedRestore 0|1] clone | snapview -reversesyncclone 551 EMC SnapView Software [-o] OPTIONS -clonegroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. -UseProtectedRestore 0|1 Specifies the way the software will react when I/O is received during a reverse synchronizing operation. 0-Updates the clone with I/O to the source LUN. 1-Does not update the clone with I/O to the source LUN. This property is available only if the option is supported on the targeted system. EXAMPLE naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -reversesyncclone -name db3_clone -cloneid 0100000000000000 -o OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. clone | snapview -syncclone Starts copying the data on a source LUN to its clone. PREREQUISITES You must have a user account on the system on which you want the command executed. To synchronize a fractured clone, the following must be true: l The clone cannot be in a reverse-out-of-sync state. l Another clone in the clone group cannot be in a reverse synchronizing state. l If a clone is system fractured, you must manually fracture the clone before you can synchronize it. For a Windows operating system, the indexing service and recycle bin must be disabled on the clone LUN. This prevents data corruption during the synchronization. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli clone or the naviseccli snapview command with syncclone begins the process of synchronization: the copying of data on the source LUN to its clone. The purpose of synchronizing a fractured clone is to update the contents 552 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software on the clone with its source LUN. Once you synchronize a fractured clone, the clone becomes unfractured and behaves the same as a newly added clone in a clone group. When you initiate a synchronization, the software copies the data chunks that are different between the source LUN and the clone LUN to the clone. The software also copies any server writes from the source LUN to the clone LUN. The software does not copy any unmodified chunks to the clone. Note If the same chunk of data is modified on the source LUN more than once, only the last modification is copied to the clone. While the clone is synchronizing, you: cannot remove the clone in a synchronizing state. l cannot perform a reverse synchronization with any other clone in the clone group. l Note In an effort to control resource consumption, the SnapView driver limits a maximum of 40 concurrent synchronizations and/or reverse synchronizations per SP. Once this limit is met, the software queues all other synchronization and reverse synchronization requests. SYNTAX clone | snapview -syncclone -name name|-CloneGroupUid uid -cloneid id [-o] OPTIONS -name name Identifies the clone group. Use the name assigned when the clone group was created with -createclonegroup. To identify a clone group, you can use either the clone name or the clone group unique ID. -CloneGroupUid uid Specifies the 16-byte unique ID the software assigned when the clone group was created. The clone group ID consists of the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (these letters are not case sensitive). You can use the listclonegroup command function to obtain the clone group ID (see clone | snapview -listclonegroup on page 546). -cloneid id Specifies the 16-character clone ID the system assigned when the clone was added. You can obtain this using the -listclonegroup command function. The id is numeric. -o Tells the CLI to execute the command without waiting for confirmation. EXAMPLE Note Before issuing the synchronization command, you should flush all cached data to the source LUN. These commands list the state of all clone groups on system SP ss1_spa, and then start synchronization of the clone db3_clone. naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -listclonegroup clone | snapview -syncclone 553 EMC SnapView Software naviseccli -address ss1_spa clone -syncclone -name db3_clone -cloneid 0100000000000000 -o Name: db3_clone CloneGroupUid: 50:06:01:60:20:04:21:3E:0C:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 InSync: Yes Description: QuiesceThreshold: 60 SourceLUNSize: 2097152 CloneCount: 2 Sources: 16 Clones: CloneID: 0100000000000000 OUTPUT None if the command succeeds; status or error information if it fails. Admsnap commands for clones This section explains how to use the admsnap utility software with SnapView clones. About admsnap software and clones The admsnap utility is an executable program that you can run interactively with a script to manage clones. The admsnap utility resides on the servers connected to the system with the SnapView driver. You must execute the following admsnap commands from one of these attached servers: l admsnap clone_activate – scans for new devices and, for Windows, assigns a drive letter. l admsnap clone_deactivate – flushes server buffers and removes the drive letter assigned with clone_activate (Windows only). l admsnap flush – flushes data from a source LUN to its clone, so that the source and clone are in a synchronized state. l admsnap list – lists devices and their World Wide Name (WWN) within the operating system. Note The admsnap software supports native device names and PowerPath pseudo-device names. If you use a PowerPath pseudo-device name, you can add this device name to the etc/fstab file (for Linux) or to the etc/vfstab file (for Solaris). Admsnap supports both disk-based naming scheme and enclosure-based naming scheme for Veritas devices. For a step-by-step overview and examples on setting up and using clones with admsnap and VNX CLI for Block, refer to SnapView examples in EMC VNX for Block Concepts. Requirements for admsnap and clones Before you can use admsnap for clones, the following must be true. General requirements l 554 The server must have access to VNX CLI for Block. This is required to create a prerequisite LUN called a clone private LUN and to create clones. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software l The system must have the SnapView software installed. l The production and secondary servers must have both the Unisphere Host Agent and admsnap software installed. To install the host agent and admsnap, refer to the EMC Block server support products guide for your operating system. Platform-specific requirements l For HP-UX, admsnap requires a volume group entry for each path to the system. The entry or entries can be contained in a single volume group or multiple volume groups. On the destination system, the volume group entry or entries must specify a clone. admsnap clone_activate Scans for new LUNs on the secondary server. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the secondary server. Before this command will work, a clone group must exist (clone | snapview createclonegroup) and a clone must already exist (that is, you must start one by adding a LUN to the clone group using clone | snapview -addclone). Then you must fracture the clone and add it to a storage group that is connected to the secondary server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap clone_activate command scans for new devices and, for Windows, assigns a drive letter to every new device it finds. When you activate a clone and add it to a storage group, the clone becomes accessible on the secondary server. Note Although the clone_activate command is prefixed with the term clone, you may issue this command on any device that requires a scan for new LUNs and, for Windows only, for the assignment of a drive letter. Depending on your operating system, the admsnap clone_activate command will do the following: Table 51 Function of admsnap clone_activate command for an operating system Server OS Function description Windows Scans for new devices and assigns a drive letter to every new device it finds. For Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services - If a terminal server is running on the secondary server, you must remove and disable it before using the clone_activate command. If you have the terminal server enabled, it prevents the command from working properly. AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris Rescans the bus for new devices. Linux The clone_activate command is not supported. You must either reboot the server or unload and load the HBA driver. admsnap clone_activate 555 EMC SnapView Software Table 51 Function of admsnap clone_activate command for an operating system (continued) Server OS NetWare Function description The clone_activate command is not supported. Run the command list_devices or use the command scan_all_LUNs on the console. SYNTAX admsnap clone_activate [-h] OPTIONS -h Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX systems only. EXAMPLE admsnap clone_activate admsnap clone_deactivate Flushes server buffers and removes assigned drive letters. This command is supported on Windows systems only. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the secondary server. You must use this command on a secondary server after the clone has been activated and before you synchronize the fractured clone, or on the production server before you reverse synchronize a fractured clone. DESCRIPTION On a Windows server, the admsnap clone_deactivate command flushes all server buffers and removes the drive letter assigned by clone_activate. When you deactivate a clone, the software takes the clone offline making it inaccessible to the secondary server. Note Although the clone_deactivate command is prefixed with the term clone, you may issue this command on any Windows device that requires a volume to be taken offline, making it inaccessible to the secondary server. After you issue the deactivate command, you can remove the clone from the storage group. Table 52 Function of admsnap clone_deactivate command for an operating system Server OS Windows 556 Function description Flushes all server buffers and removes the drive letter assigned by clone_activate. This operation will attempt to take the device offline and to make it inaccessible by the operating system. To bring the device back online, you must issue the clone_activate command. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Table 52 Function of admsnap clone_deactivate command for an operating system (continued) Server OS Function description For Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services - If a terminal server is running on the secondary server, you must remove and disable it before using the clone_deactivate command. If you have the terminal server enabled, it prevents the clone_deactivate command from working properly. For Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS) - When you need to stop I/O to a clone or a clone’s source LUN, you must take the clone LUN offline in order to ensure MSCS stops generating I/O. You must do this in addition to using the admsnap clone_deactivate command. You can take the clone LUNs offline by doing the following: 1. Locate the MSCS Disk Group resource that includes the clone LUNs. 2. Use the Microsoft Cluster Administrator to take the Disk Group offline by right-clicking the Disk Group and selecting Take Offline. 3. Perform the clone operation. When you are ready to resume I/O to the disk, use the Microsoft Cluster Administrator to bring the Disk Group(s) back online by right-clicking the Disk Group and selecting Bring Online. AIX, HP-UX, and The clone_deactivate command is not supported; it is provided for script Solaris compatibility between Windows and UNIX only. If you issue the command on this server, admsnap will return an error. Unmount the file system by issuing the umount command. If you cannot unmount the file system, you can use the sync command to flush buffers. The sync command is not considered a substitute for unmounting the file system, but you can use it to reduce the number of times you have to issue the fsck command on your backup server’s file system. Refer to your system's man pages for sync command usage. Linux The clone_deactivate command is not supported. You must either reboot the server or unload and load the HBA driver. NetWare The clone_deactivate command is not supported. Use the dismount command on the clone volume to dismount the file system. SYNTAX admsnap clone_deactivate [-h] -o object_name [-t object_type] OPTIONS -h Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. -o object_name Specifies an object name. The object name must be a device name or drive letter. If the device name is provided as an object name, admsnap will find the associated device and drive letter. It will then delete the drive letter, dismount the device and take the device offline. admsnap clone_deactivate 557 EMC SnapView Software If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. -t object_type Specifies the object type. Valid Windows object types are device and drive letter. If you do not specify the -t option, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type and report a failure if it cannot. EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap clone_deactivate -o e: admsnap flush Flushes all data that has been written to the source LUN. DESCRIPTION The admsnap flush command clears buffers and flushes all data to a LUN. Use it on the source LUN's server before fracturing a clone to ensure that all cached data has been written to the clone. Depending on your operating system, the admsnap flush command will do the following: Table 53 Function of admsnap flush command for an operating system Server OSa Function description Windows Writes the data from the buffers to the disk. AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris Writes the data from the buffers to the disk. We recommend that you unmount the file system by issuing the umount command to ensure that no additional source writes are in process. If you are unable to unmount the file system, you can issue the admsnap flush commandb. NetWare The flush command is not supported. Dismount the file system by using the dismount command on the volume. a. b. With some operating systems, you may need to shut down the application to flush the data. Specific operating systems have different requirements. Neither the flush command nor the sync command is a substitute for unmounting the file system. Both commands only complement unmounting the file system. SYNTAX admsnap flush [-h] -o object_name [-t object_type] OPTIONS -h Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -o object_name 558 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Specifies an object name. Valid Windows object names are drive letter and physical drive name. Valid Solaris object names are device names, file system names, or Veritas volume names. For HP-UX and Linux, a valid object name is either a device name, a file system name or Veritas volume name. For AIX, a valid object name is either a device name or a file system name. If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. -t object_type Specifies the object type. This switch is supported on Windows or UNIX operating systems only. Valid Windows object types are device and drive letter. Valid UNIX object types are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. If you do not specify the -t option, admsnap will try to determine the correct object type and will report a failure if it cannot. EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap flush -o E: admsnap list Performs a list operation and provides the World Wide Name (WWN) of all supported devices on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the production and secondary server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap list command will attempt to list devices and their World Wide Names (or WWN) on the operating system. You can use the WWN to distinguish one operating system device from another. The admsnap list command is supported on Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems only. SYNTAX admsnap list [-h] [-l lun_wwn] [-d object_name] [-a output_format] OPTIONS [ -h ] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. [-l lun_wwn] Lists the device name for the WWN you specify. The WWN must be in a valid WWN format. [-d object_name] Specifies an object name that must be a device name, file system mount point, a Veritas volume name, or a drive letter. admsnap list 559 EMC SnapView Software Note The -a option is ignored when used with the -d option and the object name argument is a Windows device name, for instance \\.\PhysicalDrive1. [-a output_format] Specifies an alternative output style on a Windows server. The default Windows output style is to list the drive letter and its WWN. The output style must be a valid style that is either a drive letter (default if -a is not specified at all) or a physical drive. Note The -a option is ignored when used with the -d option and the object name argument is a Windows device name, for instance \\.\PhysicalDrive1. EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap list -d E: SnapView Snapshot CLI commands This section explains the SnapView snapshot CLI commands that manage SnapView snapshots. Setting up SnapView to use snapshots This section describes how to set up SnapView to use snapshots. Prerequisites for setting up snapshots Before you can set up and use snapshots, the following must be true: 560 l Source LUNs must be bound. For a client or production server to access a source LUN, you must assign the source LUN to a storage group and connect the storage group to the production server. To do this, you must enable data access control on the system. l For VMware ESX Servers, verify that the source LUN is presented to the virtual machine (guest operating system running on the virtual machine). For information on how to present a LUN to the virtual machine, refer to the VMware documentation that shipped with your ESX Server. l For configuration restrictions when using VMFS volumes, go to the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator on EMC Online Support and under the PDFs and Guides tab, open the VMware ESX server.pdf file. l For a secondary server to access the snapshot, you must assign the snapshot to a storage group. The storage group must be connected to the secondary server that will activate the snapshot. You must assign the snapshot to a storage group other than the storage group that holds the source LUN. EMC supports placing a snapshot in the same storage group as its source LUN only if you use Replication Manager or Replication Manager/SE to put the snapshot in the storage group. This software provides same host access to the snapshot and the source LUN. For information on using these software products, refer to the documentation for the product. If you have a VMware ESX Server, the snapshot and source LUNs must be accessed by different virtual machines, unless the virtual machine is running one of the software programs that supports same host access. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note VMware ESX Servers must activate the snapshot before adding it to a storage group. l Reserved LUNs must be bound and added to the reserved LUN pool before starting a SnapView session. You must add a reserved LUN to the reserved LUN pool for each source LUN you will replicate. To configure the reserved LUN pool, refer to VNX CLI for Block on page 23. Note Thin LUNs are not eligible for use as reserved LUNs. Overview of setting up SnapView to use snapshots The following is a checklist for setting up SnapView snapshots. Note You must complete the prerequisites for setting up snapshots, as listed in Prerequisites for setting up snapshots on page 560, before you can perform any of the following procedures. l Start a SnapView session, refer to snapview -startsession on page 579. Note You can create a snapshot before starting a session but the snapshot has no use until you start a session on it. A secondary server can then activate the snapshot to the session. l Create a snapshot, refer to snapview -createsnapshot on page 566. l If you do not have a VMware ESX Server - Add the snapshot to a storage group connected to the server that will access the snapshot. If you have a VMware ESX Server - Activate the snapshot on page 563. After you have activated the snapshot, do the following: 1. Add the snapshot to a storage group connected to the ESX Server that will access the snapshot. 2. Rescan the bus at the ESX Server level. 3. If a virtual machine is already running, power off the virtual machine and use the Service Console of the ESX Server to assign the snapshot to the virtual machine. If a virtual machine is not running, create a virtual machine on the ESX Server and assign the snapshot to the virtual machine. If a virtual machine is not running, create a virtual machine on the ESX Server and assign the snapshot to the virtual machine. 4. Power on the virtual machine. If the snapshot is already presented to the virtual machine, rescan the bus at the virtual machine level. For virtual machines running Windows, you can use the admsnap activate command to rescan the bus. Reserved LUN pool with SnapView The reserved LUN pool consists of one or more private LUNs and works with SnapView sessions and snapshots. The reserved LUN pool stores the original source LUN data chunks that have been modified since the start of the session. For any one session, the contents of a reserved LUN(s) and any unchanged source LUN(s) blocks compose the snapshot. Setting up SnapView to use snapshots 561 EMC SnapView Software Server writes made to an activated snapshot are also stored on a reserved LUN in the global reserved LUN pool. When you deactivate the snapshot, the reserved LUN space is freed and all snapshot writes are destroyed. Before starting a session, the reserved LUN pool must contain at least one LUN for each source LUN that will be starting a session. You can add any LUNs that are available to the reserved LUN pool. Each system manages its own LUN pool and assigns a separate reserved LUN (or multiple LUNs) to each SnapView source LUN. Multiple sessions of a single source LUN will share the same reserved LUN or LUNs. If the reserved LUN fills up and there are no available reserved LUNs in the reserved LUN pool, the software automatically terminates the session that is trying to allocate reserved LUN space, logs an error, releases the reserved LUN(s) used by this session, and returns them to the reserved LUN pool. The software also destroys all copy-on-first-write data stored in the reserved LUN pool for that session. At this point, the snapshot becomes inactive and any server that has mounted volumes on the snapshot will receive I/O errors and lose access. If you have multiple sessions of a single source LUN and the reserved LUN fills up, when the production server modifies a chunk on the source LUN, resulting in a copy-on-firstwrite, every session that has the same chunk will be terminated if no additional LUNs are available in the reserved LUN pool. Other sessions that did not have this chunk will continue to run and use the reserved LUN space that the terminated sessions were using. Note SnapView, incremental SAN Copy, and MirrorView/Asynchronous share the LUN resources of the reserved LUN pool. For example, if you are running an incremental SAN Copy session on one LUN and a SnapView session on another LUN, the reserved LUN pool must contain at least two LUNs - one for each source LUN. If both sessions are running on the same source LUN, the sessions will share a reserved LUN. Configuring the reserved LUN pool You must configure the reserved LUN pool before you start a SnapView session. Use VNX CLI for Block to configure the reserved LUN pool (refer to VNX CLI for Block on page 23). The CLI Reference also explains how you can manually estimate a suitable LUN pool size. Note Thin LUNs are not eligible for use as reserved LUNs. SnapView command functions The naviseccli or navicli snapview functions, listed alphabetically, are: 562 l snapview -activatesnapshot l snapview -chgrollback l snapview -chgsnapshot l snapview -createsnapshot l snapview -deactivatesnapshot l snapview -listrollback l snapview -listsnapshots l snapview -listsessions l snapview -listsnapableluns l snapview -lunpool EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software l snapview -rmsnapshot l snapview -startrollback l snapview -startsession l snapview -stopsession In naviseccli or navicli SnapView command functions on page 563, the SnapView snapshot CLI functions are listed alphabetically according to essential and optional functions. Table 54 naviseccli or navicli SnapView command functions Command Description Essential functions (alphabetically) snapview -activatesnapshot or admsnap Associates a session with a snapshot LUN, required for -activate multiple sessions on a LUN(s). The admsnap activate command returns a drive letter or device name of the snapshot. snapview -createsnapshot Creates a snapshot LUN. snapview -startrollback Starts a rollback on the selected SnapView session. snapview -startsession Starts a single SnapView session. snapview -stopsession Stops a SnapView session. Optional status functions (alphabetically) snapview -listrollback Displays rollback information such as the rollback status and performance statistics. snapview -listsessions Displays information on all active SnapView sessions. snapview -listsnapableluns Displays the unique IDs of all potential snapshot source LUNs. snapview -listsnapshots Displays information on snapshot LUNs. snapview -lunpool Lists all reserved LUNs that are currently being used with SnapView. Optional reconfiguration functions (alphabetically) snapview -chgrollback Changes the rollback rate. snapview -chgsnapshot Renames a snapshot LUN. snapview -deactivatesnapshot Removes the association of a session with a snapshot LUN. snapview -rmsnapshot Removes (deletes) a snapshot LUN. snapview -activatesnapshot Activates a snapshot LUN with a session. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. snapview -activatesnapshot 563 EMC SnapView Software A session must already exist (that is, you must start one using snapview startsession) and a snapshot LUN must exist (snapview -createsnapshot) before this command will work. If you have a VMware ESX Server, you must activate the snapshot before you add it to a storage group. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -activatesnapshot maps a snapshot LUN to a SnapView session. When you activate a snapshot to a session, the session becomes accessible on the secondary server’s system. Note You must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s); otherwise, the command will fail. Once a secondary server activates a snapshot to a session, this server can write to the activated snapshot. The software stores all writes made to the snapshot in the reserved LUN pool. If the secondary server deactivates the snapshot from the session, the software destroys all writes made to the session. Note The snapview -activatesnapshot command has a similar function as the admsnap activate command, but the snapview -activatesnapshot command does not return snapshot device information or allow you to activate all snapshots using one command. SYNTAX snapview -activatesnapshot sessionname -snapshotid uid or snapview -activatesnapshot sessionname -snapshotname name OPTIONS -activatesnapshot sessionname Specifies a session name (that you assigned when the session was started with startsession). -snapshotid uid Specifies the 32-byte unique ID of the snapshot (assigned by the system when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). -snapshotname name Specifies the name of the snapshot (that you optionally assigned when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, these commands start a session named 2pmsession with snapshot LUN lun20copy, and then associate the session and snapshot. The copy then becomes accessible on the secondary server’s system. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -startsession 2pmsession -snapshotname lun20copy 564 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -activatesnapshot 2pmsession -snapshotname lun20copy OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -chgrollback Changes the rollback rate. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -chgrollback changes the rate at which the data is copied back to the source LUN(s). Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command from the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview -chgrollback sessionname-rate [high|medium|low] OPTIONS -chgrollback sessionname Specifies the name for the SnapView session that is rolling back. -rate high | medium | low Specifies the rate at which the software copies the data back to the source LUN(s). Options are high, medium, or low. The default is medium. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command changes the rollback rate to medium for the session named rollbackTest. There is no output for this command. You can verify the new rollback rate by issuing the -listrollback -rate command. For additional information about the -listrollback command, refer to snapview -listrollback on page 569. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -chgrollback rollbackTest -rate medium OUTPUT If the specified session is not rolling back, the software returns an error message. If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -chgrollback 565 EMC SnapView Software snapview -chgsnapshot Renames a snapshot. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -chgsnapshot changes the name of a snapshot. Note You can issue this command from either SP. SYNTAX snapview -chgsnapshot -snapshotid uid -snapshotnewname newname or snapview -chgsnapshot -snapshotname name -snapshotnewname newname OPTIONS -snapshotid uid Specifies the 32-byte LUN unique ID (WWN) of the snapshot, assigned when the snapshot was created. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case that the software assigned to the image when the snapshot was created (use the snapview -listsnapshots function). -snapshotname name Specifies the existing name for the snapshot. -snapshotnewname newname Specifies the new name for the snapshot. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command renames the snapshot named snap11am to snap3pm. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -chgsnapshot -snapshotname snap11am -snapshotnewname snap3pm OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -createsnapshot Creates a snapshot. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. 566 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -createsnapshot creates a snapshot. A snapshot is a virtual LUN and when activated (-activatesnapshot), it allows a secondary server to view a SnapView session. An active snapshot is a composite of a source LUN and reserved LUN data that lasts until you destroy the snapshot. You can create a snapshot before or after you start a session; however, the snapshot has no use until a secondary server activates it to a session. Note When you create a snapshot, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. If the system loses power while the SnapView session is running, both the session and snapshot will survive the system power failure, since all sessions run in persistence mode. You must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s); otherwise, the command will fail. Note Unless you have additional software that supports same host access, you must assign the snapshot to a storage group other than the storage group that holds the source LUN(s). You also must assign multiple snapshots, of the same source LUN(s), to different storage groups. For information on software that supports same host access, refer to the Prerequisites for setting up snapshots on page 560. SYNTAX snapview -createsnapshotlun [-snapshotname name] OPTIONS -createsnapshot lun Specifies the LUN ID of the source LUN(s). -snapshotname name Lets you assign a meaningful name to the snapshot; for example 2pmsnap. You can use this name during the session to manage the snapshot. The name can include as many as 32 characters and spaces are allowed. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this -createsnapshot command creates a snapshot for the source LUN(s) that has the LUN ID 20. The snapshot name is lun20snap. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -createsnapshot 20 -snapshotname lun20snap OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -createsnapshot 567 EMC SnapView Software snapview -deactivatesnapshot Removes the association between a SnapView session and a snapshot LUN. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -deactivatesnapshot unmaps a snapshot from a SnapView session and destroys any secondary server writes made to the snapshot. The snapshot becomes inaccessible on the secondary server’s system, while the session continues. Note You must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s); otherwise, the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview -deactivatesnapshot -snapshotid uid [-o] or snapview -deactivatesnapshot -snapshotname name [-o] OPTIONS -snapshotid uid Specifies the 32-byte unique ID of the snapshot (assigned when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). -snapshotname name Specifies the name of the snapshot (optionally assigned when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command removes the existing association between the snapshot lun20copy and its session. The snapshot then becomes inaccessible on the secondary server’s system. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -deactivatesnapshot -snapshotname lun20copy OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. 568 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software snapview -listrollback Displays rollback information, such as the rollback status and performance statistics. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION Note If a session spans across both SPs, the switches that provide statistical information will specify only the statistics for the SP in the navicli command. The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -listrollback and no other switches lists all rollback information. You can obtain more specific information with the switches described below. Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview-listrollback [-name sessionname] [-rate [-high|-medium|-low]] [-complete] [-incomplete] [-reads] [-writes] [-spanreads] [-spanwrites] [-blocksread] [-blockswritten] [-rollbackpercent] OPTIONS -name sessionname Specifies the name for the SnapView session that is rolling back. If you do not specify a session name, the software returns the names for all sessions that are rolling back on that SP. -rate high|medium|low Specifies the rate at which the software copies the data back to the source LUN(s). Values are high, medium, or low. -complete Displays the number of chunks that have been copied to the source LUN(s). This includes the number of chunks flushed and the number of chunks invalidated. The number of chunks flushed is the number of reserved LUN chunks that have been copied from the session that is rolling back to the source LUN(s). The number of chunks invalidated is the number of reserved LUN chunks that will not be copied to the source LUN(s). Server writes made to the source LUN(s) while snapview -listrollback 569 EMC SnapView Software the rollback is in progress will take precedence over the data chunks being rolled back. -incomplete Displays the number of copy-on-first-write chunks that have not been copied back to the session’s source LUN(s). -reads Displays the number of server read requests made to the source LUN(s) during the rollback operation. -writes Displays the number of server write requests made to the source LUN(s) during the rollback operation. -spanreads Displays the number of server read requests made to the source LUN(s) during the rollback operation, which spanned a partial chunk. -spanwrites Displays the number of server write requests made to the source LUN(s) during the rollback operation, which spanned a partial chunk. -blocksread Displays the number of 512-byte disk blocks that were read by the source LUN’s server during the rollback operation. -blockswritten Displays the number of 512-byte disk blocks that were written by the source LUN’s server during the rollback operation. Server writes made to the source LUN(s) while the rollback is in progress will overwrite the data being rolled back. -rollbackpercent Displays the percentage of data chunks that have been copied to the source LUN(s). EXAMPLE You can specify no switches or only those that you are interested in, as illustrated in the examples below. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listrollback Without any switches specified for SP ss1_spa, this command will display the statistics information for all sessions that are rolling back. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listrollback -name For SP ss1_spa, this command displays only the names of all sessions that are rolling back. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listrollback -name sessionName For SP ss1_spa, this command displays the statistics information for the specified session. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listrollback -name -rate -complete For SP ss1_spa, this command displays the rollback rate and the number of chunks completed for each session that is rolling back. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. 570 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the -listrollback command. Name of the session: rollbackTest Session RollBack Rate: low Number of Chunks Complete: 1024 Chunks Flushed: 1024 Chunks Invalidated: 0 Number of Chunks Incomplete: 15293 Host Read Requests: 0 Host Write Requests: 0 Spanning Host Read Requests: 0 Spanning Host Write Requests: 0 Number of Blocks Read: 0 Number of Blocks Written: 0 Percent Rolled Back: 6.27566 If no session is rolling back, VNX CLI for Block displays the following message: No snap session on this SP is in the process of rolling back. If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -listsessions Lists session performance statistics. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -listsessions and no other switches lists information about all SnapView sessions. With the -name name switch, it lists all information on the specified session. Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview -listsessions [-name [sessionname]] [-all] [-cacheusage] [-consistent] [-cowwrites] [-creationtime] [-includepeer] [-luns] [-lunwrites] [-persistence] [-readfromcache] [-readslun] [-readssnapshot] snapview -listsessions 571 EMC SnapView Software [-reserved] [-sessionstate] [-snapshotsname] [-snapshotsuid] [-tlunumber] [-totalwrites] [-writeslargerthansize] OPTIONS -name [sessionname] Specifies the name of the session to be described. If you omit -sessionname, the CLI displays all session names. -all Lists all properties of a session without having to type in any other switch. -cacheusage Displays the system’s reserved LUN pool capacity in gigabytes and percentage of or total number of chunks used in this SnapView session. -consistent Lists whether the session is running in consistent mode. -cowwrites Displays the number of write requests to the reserved LUN pool that triggered a copy on first write. -creationtime Displays the time and date that the session was created. -includepeer Lists sessions on the peer SP and LUNs from sessions spanning both SPs. -luns Lists the source LUNs used in the sessions. -lunwrites Displays the total number of write requests from the source LUN(s). -persistence Lists whether the session is running in persistence mode. VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later enables persistence mode as the default. -readfromcache Displays the number of chunks read from the reserved LUN pool. -readslun Displays the total number of chunks read from the source LUN(s). -readssnapshot Displays the number of chunks read from the snapshot. -reserved Lists all reserved sessions. Reserved sessions are sessions used for another application such as SAN Copy and MirrorView/Asynchronous. -sessionstate Displays the state of the session: Stopping, Normal, or Rolling Back. -snapshotsname Lists the names of any active snapshots in this session. -snapshotsuid Lists the 16-byte LUN unique IDs of the snapshots in this session. -tlunumber Displays the LUN number of the source LUN(s). -totalwrites Displays the sum of write requests to the source LUN(s) and to the reserved LUN pool in the SnapView session. -writeslargerthansize Displays the number of write requests larger than the chunk size. 572 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command lists all sessions. A sample output follows. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listsessions OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the -listsessions command. Name of the session: rollbackTest Number of read requests serviced by the snapview reserved LUN pool: 65264 Total number of read requests on the snapview logical unit: 0 Number of reads from the Thin LUN: 4294902032 Number of writes requests in the session: 65264 Number of writes requests to reserved LUN pool that triggered a COW: 0 Total number of writes requests on the snapview target logical unit: 65264 Number of writes requests larger than the chunk size: 0 LUN Pool Capacity in GB: 6 Session Usage for This SP: 33.257 List of Thin LUNs: LUN 8 LUN 9 snap Logical Units UID snap Logical Units Name Session in persistence: YES Session creation time: 03/21/03 06:56:28 Session state: Normal If the version of VNX OE for Block software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -listsnapshots Displays information on snapshot copies. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -listsnapshots and no other switches lists all information on all snapshot copies. With -snapshotname name or -snapshotid uid, it lists all information about one snapshot. The command works only after a snapview -createsnapshot command has created one or more snapshot copies. Note You can issue this command from either SP. SYNTAX snapview -listsnapshots [-lun] [-name] [-reserved] snapview -listsnapshots 573 EMC SnapView Software [-snapshotname [name]] [-snapshotid [uid]] [-state] OPTIONS -lun Lists source LUNs. -name Lists the SnapView session names. -reserved Lists all reserved snapshots. Reserved snapshots are snapshots used for another application such as SAN Copy and MirrorView/Asynchronous. -snapshotname [name] Specifies the name of the snapshot assigned when the snapshot was created or the session started. If you omit name, it displays all snapshot names. -snapshotid [uid] Specifies the unique ID of the snapshot. If you omit uid, it displays the unique IDs of all copies. -state Lists the state of the copy: Active or Inactive. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa1, this command lists all information on snapshot copies. A sample output follows. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listsnapshots OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the -listsnapshots command. SnapView logical unit name: snapOnLun4 SnapView logical unit ID: 60:06:01:67:51:09:00:00:CD:2E: 76:86:FE:5D:D7:11 Target Logical Unit: 4 State: Active Session Name: sessionAtNoonOnLun4 If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -listsnapableluns Lists all source LUNs on which you can create a snapshot. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -listsnapableluns lists all source LUNs that you can snap. 574 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note You can issue this command from either SP. SYNTAX snapview -listsnapableluns EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command lists all LUNs ready for snapshot copying. A sample output follows. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -listsnapableluns OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Actual output varies depending on the switches you use with the -listsessions command. Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name LUN 1 LUN 2 LUN 3 LUN 4 LUN 5 LUN 8 LUN 9 LUN 10 LUN 11 metaLun67 If the software running in the SP does not support the command, the CLI prints a Command is not supported error message to stderr. snapview -lunpool Lists all reserved LUNs that are currently being used with SnapView. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -lunpool lists all information about the reserved LUNs that SnapView is currently using on the source LUNs owned by the directed SP. SYNTAX snapview -lunpool EXAMPLE This command lists all reserved LUNs on the system being used by SnapView. A sample output follows. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. snapview -lunpool 575 EMC SnapView Software naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -lunpool OUTPUT The following is a sample output that shows the devices controlled by one agent. Target LUNs AssociatedLUNPoolLUNs 4 20 5 21 1 16 0 17 LUNPoolLUNUsedPercent 3.562500 3.562500 0.347900 0.347900 If the software running in the SP does not support the command, the CLI prints a Command is not supported error message to stderr. snapview -rmsnapshot Deletes a snapshot. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -rmsnapshot deletes a snapshot created with the snapview -create function. You can specify either the snapshot unique ID or name (if you assigned a name when you created the copy). Note You must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s); otherwise, the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview -rmsnapshot -snapshotid uid [-o] or snapview -rmsnapshot -snapshotname name [-o] OPTIONS -snapshotid uid Specifies the 32-byte unique ID of the snapshot (assigned when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). -snapshotname name Specifies the name of the snapshot (optionally assigned when the copy was created with -createsnapshot). -o Removes the copy without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command starts removing the snapshot with the name 2pmsnap. The software asks for confirmation. 576 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -rmsnapshot -snapshotname 2pmsnap Do you really want to remove the snapshot (y/n)[N]? y OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -startrollback Starts a rollback on the selected SnapView session. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. Before starting a rollback on a SnapView session, verify the following: l The session is running in persistence mode. VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later enables persistence mode as the default. l The session is not in the process of being rolled back. l The source LUN(s) is not participating in another rollback. l If an activated snapshot is mapped to this session, unmount the snapshot. DESCRIPTION Note Once you start a rollback, you cannot stop it or the session that is rolling back. The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -startrollback starts a rollback on the selected SnapView session. Rollback lets you restore the point-in-time copy of a session to the source LUN(s). CAUTION Windows operating systems only - To prevent data corruption during the rollback operation, you should disable the indexing service and recycle bin on the source LUN(s) of the session you will roll back. When you confirm the start of a rollback operation, the source LUN can instantly access the session’s point-in-time data, while background copying continues (until all the session’s point-in-time blocks are copied to the source LUN). You cannot start a new session on any source LUN that is participating in the rollback operation until all its background data copying has completed. The rollback operation itself does not count against the eight-session limit per source LUN. Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. snapview -startrollback 577 EMC SnapView Software Rolling back with snapshots Each source LUN belonging to a session that is rolling back can have an activated or deactivated snapshot. If the session has an activated snapshot, the software copies any server writes made to this snapshot to the source LUN. However, you must unmount the snapshot before you start the rollback operation. When the rollback operation completes, including background copying, you can remount the snapshot. If you deactivate the snapshot prior to starting the rollback operation, any server writes made to the snapshot are lost. Allocating reserved LUN pool space The rollback operation itself does not use reserved LUN pool space. However, the rollback may cause copy-on-first-write operations for sessions you started after the session that is rolling back. This in turn will consume more reserved LUN pool space. These copy-onfirst-write operations occur because the original point-in-time data of those sessions is being modified by the rollback operation. Additionally, since you can resume I/O to the source LUN(s) or start another session while background copying continues, you may need additional reserved LUN space. If you run out of reserved LUNs in the SP’s LUN pool while the rollback operation is in progress (during the background copying), the software will terminate the session that is rolling back after it completes all background copying. The software will also terminate any other session that tries to allocate additional reserved LUN pool space. You cannot roll back a SnapView session if the session’s source LUN(s) is: l an unfractured clone. You must fracture the clone before rolling back the session. l a fractured clone that is unavailable for I/O, for instance, if the clone was fractured while in an out-of-sync state. l a clone group’s source LUN that has any unfractured clone LUNs or clones that are in the process of reverse synchronizing. All clone LUNs for this source LUN must be fractured in a synchronized or consistent state before you can roll back a session to its source LUN. l a primary image that has one or more unfractured secondary images. You must fracture the secondary image(s) before rolling back the session. l a secondary mirror image. You must promote the secondary image and then fracture it before rolling back the session. SYNTAX snapview -startrollbacksessionname [-rate high|medium|low] [-o] OPTIONS -startrollback sessionname Specifies the name for the SnapView session you want to roll back. -rate high | medium | low Specifies the rate at which the software copies the data back to the source LUN(s). Options are high, medium, or low. The default is medium. You can change this rate while the rollback operation is in progress (see -chgrollback on page 565). If you do not specify the -rate option, the software uses the default value of medium. -o Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command starts rolling back the session named rollbackTest. The specified rollback rate is low. The software asks for confirmation. 578 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -startrollback rollbackTest -rate low This session has at least one active snapshot associated with it. Continuing this operation will restore not just the original data but also any modifications made to the active snapshot LUNs. If only the original data is desired for the RollBack, then quit this operation and deactivate the snapshot first. Make sure that you have quiesced all host I/O to the Session's source LUNs and to any of the associated active Snapshot LUNs. This command will flush the Session's data back to the Source LUNs asynchronously in the background. NOTE: If you want a recovery session for this rollback, you must create a persistent session NOW before beginning the rollback. Otherwise you will not be able to recover the current data once rollback begins. Do you want to continue? (y/n)? OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. snapview -startsession Starts a SnapView session in persistence mode, and optionally in consistent mode. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. Before starting a SnapView session, verify the following: l You configured the reserved LUN pool by using the reserved -lunpool -addlun function. l The source LUNs are currently not being used to start another consistent session. Once the consistent session starts on all the source LUNs, you can start another consistent session using the same source LUNs. l If MirrorView/Asynchronous is installed, the source LUNs that you will use to start the consistent session cannot be in the process of starting an update to a group. If they are, you may receive an error when you attempt to start the consistent session. Once the mirror or group is updating or has been updated and before the next update occurs, you can start the consistent session using the same source LUNs. DESCRIPTION Note With VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later, all SnapView sessions run in persistence mode, so the -persistence switch is no longer required. The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -startsession starts a SnapView session on the specified source LUN(s). A SnapView session is a point-in-time copy of a source LUN. The session keeps track of how the source LUN looks at a particular snapview -startsession 579 EMC SnapView Software point in time. You start a session using the snapshot name, snapshot unique ID (snapshot WWN), or the source LUN’s number. With VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later, all SnapView sessions run in persistence mode, which means that the session will survive SP reboot or failure, software installation, system reboot or power failure, and server I/O trespassing to the peer SP. You can also run a session in consistent mode using the -consistent option, which will preserve the point-in-time restartable copy across a set of source LUNs. Note When you start a session, SnapView automatically allocates and retains additional memory. This additional memory counts against the total replication software memory budget. After you start a SnapView session and as the production server writes to the source LUN(s), the software stores a copy of the original data in the reserved LUN pool in chunks. This copy is referred to as copy-on-first-write and occurs only once, which is when the server first modifies a data chunk on the source LUN(s). Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. SYNTAX snapview -startsession sessionname -snapshotid uids | -snapshotname names | -lun luns [-consistent] -persistence OPTIONS -startsession sessionname Specifies the name of the session to be started. A session name can have as many as 32 characters. A name is required. If you use spaces in the name, enclose the entire name string in quotation marks in this command and in other CLI commands that access the session. -snapshotid uid Specifies one or more snapshot 32-byte unique IDs (WWNs). The snapshot software assigns a unique ID to the snapshot when you create it with -createsnapshot . For multiple IDs, separate IDs with blanks. For any letters in the ID, you must specify the same case as the software assigned to the image when the snapshot was created (use the snapview -listsnapshots function). -snapshotname names Specifies one or more snapshot names that you assigned when you created the snapshot with -createsnapshot. For multiple names, separate the names with commas. -lun luns Specifies one or more source LUN numbers. For multiple LUNs, separate the numbers with blanks. -consistent Specifies a consistent session. The session will preserve the point-in-time restartable copy across a set of source LUNs. The SnapView driver will delay any I/O requests to the set of source LUNs until the session has started on all LUNs (thus preserving the point-in-time restartable copy on the entire set of LUNs). 580 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note A restartable copy is a data state having dependent write consistency and where all internal database/application control information is consistent with a database management system/application image. If the session spans both SPs you must specify only one SP and the software will start the session on both SPs. Once you start a consistent session, you cannot add another source LUN to the session. In the event of a failure, the software will not start the session on any source LUN and will display an error message. You would use consistent mode if any of the following is true: l You want a consistent replica across a set of LUNs. l You do not want to stop I/O to the source LUN(s) before starting a session. l You want to prevent other LUNs from being added to the session. If desired, you can start a consistent session on a single source LUN to prevent other LUNs from being added to the session. l The set of source LUNs that you will use to start the session spans both SPs; however, the source LUNs cannot span systems. The consistent feature is available on a per-session basis (not per snapshot or source LUN) and counts as one of the eight sessions per source LUN limit. Note When a consistent session is in the process of starting on all LUNs, you cannot stop the session (the software may stop the session immediately after the start completes if I/O is queued and there is not enough space in the reserved LUN pool), perform a rollback operation, or activate a snapshot to the session. -persistence Note With VNX CLI for Block version 6.24 or later, all SnapView sessions run in persistence mode, so the -persistence switch is no longer required. Specifies a persistent session. The session will survive SP reboot or failure, software installation, system reboot or power failure, and server I/O trespassing to the peer SP. The persistence feature is available on a per-session basis (not per snapshot or source LUN). In the event of a failure, reserved LUNs along with the source LUNs will trespass to the other SP. Depending on your failover software, once the failed SP is running, you may need to issue a restore command in order to restore the proper source LUNs and reserved LUNs back to their original SP. For the appropriate restore command, refer to the documentation that shipped with your failover software. Note For information on supported failover software for the system you are managing, refer to the EMC SnapView and Admsnap Release Notes. EXAMPLE In the first example, the -startsession command starts a persistent session named 2pmsession. In the second example, the -startsession command starts a persistent and consistent session named 2pmsession on LUNs one, two, and three. If snapview -startsession 581 EMC SnapView Software the session spans both SPs you need to specify only one SP and the software will start the session on both SPs. Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -startsession 2pmsession naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -startsession 2pmsession -persistence OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. POSTREQUISITES After you start a SnapView session, a secondary server can then activate (map) a snapshot to the SnapView session. The snapshot views the original source LUN data chunks that have been modified since you started the session from the reserved LUN pool and unmodified data chunks from the source LUN(s). snapview -stopsession Stops a SnapView session. PREREQUISITES For naviseccli, you must have a user account on the system on which you want to execute the command. For navicli, you must have a username/server entry in the Unisphere SP Agent configuration file. DESCRIPTION The naviseccli or navicli snapview command with -stopsession stops the specified session and frees the reserved LUN pool space used by the session. If the snapshots participating in the session belong to one or more storage groups and you stop the session, the servers connected to the storage groups will no longer have access to the snapshots in those storage groups. EMC recommends that you do one of the following: l Flush the I/O on the server viewing the active snapshot before stopping the session. l Deactivate the snapshot before stopping the session. Stopping a session with an active snapshot makes the snapshot appear inactive. Note If a session spans across both SPs or if the session is a consistent session, you can issue this command from either SP; otherwise, you must issue this command to the SP that owns the source LUN(s) or the command will fail. If you started a session on multiple source LUNs, you can select any of the source LUNs to stop the session. SYNTAX snapview -stopsession sessionname [-o] OPTIONS -stopsession sessionname Specifies the name of the session to be stopped. Someone must have assigned the name when the snapshot was created or when the session was started. -o 582 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Stops the session without asking for confirmation. EXAMPLE For SP ss1_spa, this command stops the session named 2pmsession. The software asks for confirmation: Note To use this command with navicli, replace naviseccli with navicli. naviseccli -h ss1_spa snapview -stopsession 2pmsession Stopping of the session will stop data SnapView. Do you really want to stop the session (y/n)[n]? y OUTPUT If the version of software running on the SP does not support this command, a Command is not supported error message is printed to stderr. Other errors: INVALID_SESSION Session does not exist. POSTREQUISITES For a step-by-step overview and examples on setting up and using snapshots with admsnap and the CLI, refer to SnapView examples in EMC VNX for Block Concepts. Admsnap commands for snapshots This section explains how to use the admsnap utility software with SnapView snapshots. About admsnap software and snapshots The admsnap utility is an executable program that you can run interactively or with a script to manage snapshots. The admsnap utility resides on the servers connected to the system with the SnapView driver. You must execute the following admsnap commands from one of these attached servers: l admsnap activate – activates a snapshot to a session. l admsnap deactivate – deactivates a snapshot from a session. l admsnap flush – flushes cached data to the LUN. l admsnap list – lists all current snapshots. l admsnap start – starts a session. l admsnap stop – stops a session. Note The admsnap software supports native device names and PowerPath pseudo-device names. If you use a PowerPath pseudo-device name, you can add this device name to the etc/fstab file (for Linux) or to the etc/vfstab file (for Solaris). Admsnap supports both device naming scheme and enclosure naming scheme for Veritas. For a step-by-step overview and examples of setting up and using snapshots with admsnap and VNX CLI for Block, refer to SnapView examples in EMC VNX for Block Concepts . Reserved LUN pool (snapshot cache) With SnapView version (or higher), the snapshot cache is referred to as the reserved LUN pool. The reserved LUN pool and the snapshot cache work with SnapView in Admsnap commands for snapshots 583 EMC SnapView Software the same way. However, unlike the snapshot cache, which was used solely for SnapView, the reserved LUN pool shares its LUN resources with other applications such as SAN Copy and MirrorView/Asynchronous. VNX CLI for Block snapshot cache commands are still supported; however, EMC recommends that you use the new reserved LUN pool commands. For information on the new reserved LUN pool commands, refer to VNX CLI for Block on page 23. For reserved LUN pool information that is specific to SnapView, refer to SnapView command functions on page 562. Requirements for snapshots Before you can use admsnap for snapshots, the following must be true: General requirements l A connected server must be running a suitable web browser to run VNX CLI for Block (and optionally the Unisphere). CLI is needed to configure and maintain the reserved LUN pool. l The system must have the SnapView software enabled. l The production and secondary servers must have both the Unisphere Host Agent and admsnap software installed. To install the host agent and admsnap, refer to the EMC Block server support products guide for your operating system. l A reserved LUN must be available for each source LUN(s) for which you will start a session; otherwise an admsnap start command will fail. You can bind a reserved LUN and add it to an SP’s reserved LUN pool using VNX CLI for Block or Unisphere. Platform/server-specific requirements l For HP-UX, admsnap requires a volume group entry for each path to the system. The entry or entries can be contained in a single volume group or multiple volume groups. On the secondary server, the volume group entry or entries must specify a snapshot LUN. l For UNIX, if a session is unexpectedly stopped (due to SP panic or path failure), the secondary server must unmount the inactive snapshot or reboot the secondary server in order for this server to disregard the session's point-in-time data. l For Windows, you may have to reboot the secondary server the first time you add the snapshot to the server’s storage group. l If you have a VMware ESX Server, you must activate the snapshot before you add the snapshot to a storage group. Refer to the Overview of setting up SnapView to use snapshots on page 561 for additional information. admsnap activate Allows an attached server to access a snapshot. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the secondary server. DESCRIPTION From the secondary server, the activate command scans system buses for system devices and determines if any device is part of a SnapView session. When a secondary server activates (maps) a snapshot to a session, this server can write to the snapshot. The software stores all writes made to the snapshot in the reserved LUN pool. If the secondary server deactivates the snapshot from the session, the software destroys all writes. 584 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Note If you failed to flush the file system buffers before starting the session, the snapshot may not be usable. You can activate only one session to a snapshot. To list current sessions use the CLI command naviseccli snapview -listsessions. Note The snapview -activatesnapshot command serves a similar function to the admsnap activate command, but does not return snapshot device information as admsnap does or allow you to activate all snapshots using one command. You must issue the admsnap activate command from the secondary server (the server that will access the snapshot). Depending on your operating system, the admsnap activate command will do the following: Table 55 Operating system and admsnap activate command Server OS Windows Function description Returns the snapshot drive letter. You can use this drive immediately. If the activated snapshot has multiple volumes or partitions, admsnap will assign a drive letter to each volume or partition. If the volume is a dynamic drive, admsnap will activate all the physical drives but will not assign a drive letter. Additional steps will be required to bring the volume online and to assign the drive letter. If the given session is on multiple physical disks and each physical disk has its own volume, then each volume will be assigned a drive letter. If no drive letters are available, then admsnap will activate only one physical disk and an error appears through the command line. For Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services - If a terminal server is running on the secondary server, you must remove and disable it before using the activate command. If you have the terminal server enabled, it prevents the activate command from working properly. AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris Returns the snapshot device name. You will need to run fsck on this device only if it contains a file system and you did not unmount the source LUN(s) when you started the session. Then, if the source LUN(s) contains a file system, mount the file system on the secondary server using the snapshot device name to make the file system available for use. SYNTAX admsnap activate [-h] -s session_name [-o object_name] [-t object_type] | [-d driveletter] [-r 0 | -r 1] [-c rescan_count] OPTIONS [-h] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message will be displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -s sessionname admsnap activate 585 EMC SnapView Software Specifies the session name that you assigned when you started the session. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers and underscores. The session name is case sensitive and must be unique on the system. If the session name contains spaces, you must enter the name in double quotation marks (for example, "June 21st Session"). [-o object_name] Specifies an object name that you want to activate. You should use this option only when admsnap can determine the snapshot device list for the specified object name. In UNIX, the objects that are generally available for this option are the raw UNIX device names and the EMC PowerPath device names. In Windows, the objects that are generally available for this option are the raw Windows device names. If you omit this switch, the software searches all devices for the appropriate device, which takes time. You cannot use this option with the -d option. If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. Table 56 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa Solaris Linux AIXa a. 586 Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile views) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Linux MPIO’s mpath device l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Table 56 Operating system object names (continued) b. c. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. [-t object_type] Specifies the object type. Valid Windows object types are device, file system, volume, and drive letter. Valid UNIX object types are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. If you do not specify an object type, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type among the valid object types and report a failure if it cannot. You should use the -t option when the argument for the -o option is not in a standard and recognizable form for your operating system’s object or device. This means if you specify a valid argument for the -o option, you do not need the -t option for any operating system drive letter, file system, Veritas volume, or PowerPath pseudo-device names. For example, on Solaris systems, admsnap determines the -o argument of /dev/rdsk/cXdXtXsX to be a Solaris native device name, so you do not need to specify the -t device. You cannot use this option in conjunction with the -d option. [-d driveletter] Specifies the drive letter you want to assign to the snapshot device, and if available, admsnap will assign the specified drive letter to the snapshot device. If the operation resulted in more than one device being activated, then all devices are activated but only the first device is assigned the drive letter. Note The admsnap activate command does not allow the use of drive letters A:, B:, C:, or D: with the -d option. This option is valid on Windows systems only. All other operating systems ignore this option. You cannot use this option in conjunction with the -o or -t options. [-r 0 | -r 1] Specifies whether to perform a rescan of the operating system devices before performing the activate operation. The default rescanning behavior (when the -r option is not present on the command line) depends on whether you specify an object name with the -o option. If you do specify the object name, the default is not to perform a rescan. If you do not specify the object name, the default is to perform a rescan, which may take some time because it will rescan every device on the operating system. When you use the -r [0|1] option, it overrides any default behavior. This option is valid on Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, and Linux systems only. All other operating systems ignore this option. [-c rescan_count] Specifies the number of rescans for devices on the operating system. A rescan count occurs after a successful activate operation to bring the snapshot devices online. If you specify a count of 0, admsnap will not perform a rescan; however, the device could activate successfully on the system but will not be online with the server. If you omit the -c option, then a default value of 1 is set. This option is valid on Windows only. All other operating systems ignore this option. admsnap activate 587 EMC SnapView Software EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap activate -s session1 -d e: admsnap deactivate Allows the secondary server to remove access to a snapshot and destroys any writes the secondary server made to the snapshot. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the secondary server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap deactivate command unmaps a snapshot LUN from a SnapView session by removing access to the snapshot device from the secondary (backup) server. The deactivated snapshot goes offline and thereby becomes inaccessible to the secondary server. Use this command on the secondary (backup) server after the session has been activated and you no longer require the snapshot device. Note The snapview -deactivatesnapshot command has a similar function as the admsnap deactivate command, but does not remove the snapshot device information from the server. You must issue the admsnap deactivate command from the secondary server (the server that activated it). When the secondary server deactivates the snapshot from the session, admsnap destroys all writes made to the snapshot. Depending on your operating system, the admsnap deactivate command will do one of the following: Table 57 Operating system and admsnap deactivate command Server OS Windows Function description Flushes all buffers and removes the drive letter assigned with admsnap activate. The snapshot goes inactive and continued I/O is not possible. This command lets you avoid rebooting the secondary server between activates. If the deactivated snapshot has multiple volumes or partitions, admsnap will remove a drive letter from each volume or partition. If the volume is a dynamic drive, admsnap will deactivate all the physical drives but will not remove the drive letter. Additional steps will be required to bring the volume offline and to remove the drive letter. If the given session is on multiple physical disks and each physical disk has its own volume, then the drive letter on each volume will be removed. For Windows Remote Desktop and Terminal Services - If a terminal server is running on the secondary server, you must remove and disable it before using the deactivate command. If you have the terminal server enabled, it prevents the deactivate command from working properly. AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris 588 Removes access to the snapshot but does not flush buffers. EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Table 57 Operating system and admsnap deactivate command (continued) Server OS Function description Before you deactivate the snapshot, you must unmount the file system by issuing the umount command to flush all buffers. If you are unable to unmount the file system, you can issue the admsnap flush command.a a. The flush command is not considered a substitute for unmounting the file system; it only complements unmounting the file system. SYNTAX admsnap deactivate [-h] -s session_name [-o object_name [-t object_type]] [-f] OPTIONS [ -h ] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -s sessionname Specifies the session name that you assigned when you started the session. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers and underscores. The session name is case sensitive and must be unique on the system. If the session name contains spaces, you must enter the name in double quotation marks (for example, "June 21st Session"). The name you specify must be a valid session name for an active SnapView session started from a production server and activated on the secondary (or backup) server that is performing the deactivate operation. All snapshots with the given session name will be deactivated. On Windows systems, if the activated LUN with the given session name has multiple volumes and the system assigned drive letters, then admsnap will delete each drive letter, dismount the volumes, and then set the volumes offline before deactivating the LUN. If multiple LUNs have the same given session, then admsnap deletes the drive letters for all volumes and sets the volumes offline before deactivating the LUNs. On UNIX servers, admsnap only deactivates the devices and no other operations are performed before deactivating the device. [-o object_name] Specifies an object name. When you execute the admsnap deactivate command with a device name as an object name, admsnap attempts to deactivate the snapshot on that device with the given session name. If the session name does not exist on the device, admsnap will report an error. If you specify an object name that contains multiple devices, admsnap will deactivate the session on all the LUNs that make up those devices. If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. admsnap deactivate 589 EMC SnapView Software Table 58 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa Solaris Linux AIXa a. b. c. Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile views) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Linux MPIO’s mpath device l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. [-t object_type] Specifies the object type. This option is valid only when the -o option is given. Valid Windows object types are device, file system, volume, and drive letter. Valid UNIX object types are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. If you do not specify an object type, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type among the valid object types and report a failure if it cannot. This switch is supported on Windows or Solaris operating systems only. [-f] You can use this option to force a deactivate operation on a physical device name that does not have a drive letter assigned. EXAMPLE Windows example: Example of a fully qualified pathname to a Veritas volume named scratch: admsnap deactivate -s session1 -o e: 590 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Example of a fully qualified pathname to a raw Veritas device name: admsnap deactivate -o /dev/vx/dsk/scratchdg/scratch admsnap deactivate -o /dev/vx/rdmp/c1t0d0s2 admsnap flush Flushes all data that has been written to the source LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the production server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap flush command flushes all data. Use it on the production server before starting a SnapView session to ensure that all cached data has been written to disk. Also, use the flush command on the secondary server before issuing a deactivate command to ensure that all data has been written. Depending on your operating system, the admsnap flush command will do the following: Table 59 Function of admsnap flush command for an operating system Server OS a Function description Windows Writes the data from the buffers to the disk. AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris Writes the data from the buffers to the disk. We recommend that you unmount the file system by issuing the umount command to ensure that no additional source writes are in process. If you are unable to unmount the file system, you can issue the admsnap flush commandb. a. b. With some operating systems, you may need to shut down the application to flush the data. Specific operating systems have different requirements. Neither the flush command nor the sync command is a substitute for unmounting the file system. Both commands only complement unmounting the file system. SYNTAX admsnap flush [-h] -o object_name [-t object_type] OPTIONS [ -h ] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -o object_name Specifies an object name. If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. admsnap flush 591 EMC SnapView Software Table 60 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa Solaris Linux AIXa a. b. c. Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile views) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Linux MPIO’s mpath device l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. [-t object_type] Specifies the object type. This switch is supported on Windows or Solaris operating systems only. Valid Windows object types are device and drive letter. Valid Solaris object types are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. If you do not provide an object type, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type from the supported types and report a failure if it cannot. You should use the -t option when the argument for the -o option is not in a standard and recognizable form for your operating system’s object or device. This means if you specify a valid argument for the -o option, you do not need to specify the -t option for any operating system drive letter, file system, Veritas volume, or native or PowerPath pseudo-device names. For example, on Solaris systems, admsnap determines the -o argument of /dev/rdsk/cXdXtXsX to be a Solaris native device name, so you do not need to specify the -t device. EXAMPLE Windows example: 592 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software admsnap flush -o e: admsnap list Performs a list operation and provides the World Wide Name (WWN) of all supported devices on the system. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the production and secondary server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap list command will attempt to list devices and their World Wide Names (or WWN) on the operating system. You can use the WWN to distinguish one operating system device from another. The WWN is a worldwide unique string that the system provides for its devices. Use the WWN to uniquely identify those devices on the server. Use this operation to match the server’s devices with the devices the server sees on the system. This command is supported on Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX operating systems only. SYNTAX admsnap list [-h] [-l lun_wwn] [-d object_name] [-a output_format] OPTIONS [-h] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, and Solaris systems only. [-l lun_wwn] Lists the WWN of all supported devices on the system. The WWN must use a valid WWN format. [-d object_name] Specifies an object name. On Windows systems, the -a option is ignored when used with the -d option and the object name argument is a Windows physical device name, for example: \\.\PhysicalDrive1. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. Table 61 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa AIXa Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile) l File system nameb l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Powerpath device l Device name admsnap list 593 EMC SnapView Software Table 61 Operating system object names (continued) Operating system Linux Solaris a. b. c. Supported object name(s) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Device name l File system name l Powerpath device l Linux MPIO's mpath device l Veritas volume (disk-based and enclosure-based) l Device name l File system name l Powerpath device l Veritas volume (disk-based and enclosure-based) If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. [-a output_format] Specifies an alternative output style on a Windows server. The default Windows output style is to list the drive letter or physical drive and its WWN. Valid output formats are drive letter (default if -a is not specified at all) or physical drive. If the output format contains spaces, enter it without spaces. Admsnap will ignore the -a option when you specify the -d option and the object name argument is a Windows device name, for example \\.\PhysicalDrive1. EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap list -d \\.\PhysicalDrive1 admsnap start Starts a point-in-time copy of a source LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the production server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap start operation starts a SnapView persistent session with the specified session name. A persistent session survives SP failures, software installation upgrades, and event trespasses. Note Admsnap version 2.24 or later enables all SnapView sessions to run in persistence mode as the default. 594 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software From the production server, the start command specifies systems that have a LUN or file system you want to copy, then it begins the point-in-time copy of the specified source. Note Before you start a SnapView session, admsnap requires that you create a snapshot using the -createsnapshot command. The admsnap start command is valid on Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, NetWare, and AIX systems. SYNTAX admsnap start [-h] -s session-name -o object-name [-t object_type] -p -c OPTIONS [-h] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -s session_name Specifies the session name that you assigned when you started the session. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers and underscores. The session name is case sensitive and must be unique on the system. If the session name contains spaces, you must enter the name in double quotation marks (for example, "June 21st Session"). Note If you issue multiple start operations from the production server (this includes other production servers) using the same session name, the session will consist of all the LUNs that make up those devices. This operation can be called multiple times (even from different servers or EMC Unisphere) with the same session name and the result is that the new objects are added into the existing session. -o object_name Specifies an object name. You must specify an object name to identify the session. If you specify a device name or a drive letter, the LUN(s) you specify may have multiple partitions; if so, the snapshot will consist of all partitions on that LUN(s). If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. admsnap start 595 EMC SnapView Software Note Admsnap version 2.1 with a Windows, or UNIX server - If you specify an object name that spans multiple devices with the admsnap start command, and one of those devices fails to start, admsnap will stop the session on all the devices. For example, you start a session on a Solaris file system and that file system spans across two LUNs on the system. The first device successfully starts the session but the second does not. The admsnap software will stop the first session started on the device, and then you must restart the session on the file system after you have corrected the cause of the failure. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. Table 62 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa Solaris Linux AIXa a. b. c. Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile views) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Linux MPIO’s mpath device l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. -t object_type Specifies the object type. This switch is valid on Windows and UNIX operating systems only. Valid Windows object types are device and drive letter. Valid Solaris object types are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. 596 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software You should use the -t option when the argument for the -o option is not in a standard and recognizable form for your operating system’s object or device. If you do not specify the -t option, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type and report a failure if it cannot. -c Specifies a consistent session. The session will preserve the point-in-time copy across a set of source LUNs. The SnapView driver will delay any I/O requests to the set of source LUNs until the session has started on all LUNs (thus preserving the point-in-time on the entire set of LUNs). Once you start a consistent session, you cannot add another source LUN to the session. In the event of a failure, the software will not start the session on any source LUN and will display an error message. Note When starting a consistent session, multiple object names must be separated by a comma with no spaces. If desired, you can specify different object names. For examples, refer to SnapView examples in EMC VNX for Block Concepts . You would use consistent mode if: l you cannot stop I/O to the source LUN(s) before starting a session. l you want to prevent other LUNs from being added to the session. If desired, you can start a consistent session on a single source LUN to prevent other LUNs from being added to the session. l the set of source LUNs that you will use to start the session spans both SPs; however, the source LUNs cannot span systems. The consistent feature is available on a per-session basis (not per snapshot or source LUN) and counts as one of the eight sessions per source LUN limit. Note While a consistent session is in the process of starting on all LUNs, you cannot stop the session (the software may stop the session immediately after the start completes if I/O is queued and there is not enough space in the SP's reserved LUN pool), perform a rollback operation, or activate a snapshot to the session. -p Specifies a persistent session. If you use this option, the session will run in persistence mode and will survive SP failures, software installation upgrades, and trespass events. With admsnap version 2.24 or later, all SnapView sessions run in persistence mode, so the -p switch is no longer required. EXAMPLE Windows examples: admsnap start -s session1 -o \\.\PhysicalDrive1 admsnap start -s session1 -o \\. \PhysicalDrive1,PhysicalDrive2,PhysicalDrive3 -c admsnap start -s session1 -o F:,G:,H:,I -c -p admsnap start -s session1 -o F:,G:,\\.\PhysicalDrive1,PhysicalDrive2 -c UNIX examples: admsnap start -s session1 -o /mnt/fs1 -p admsnap start 597 EMC SnapView Software admsnap start -s session1 -o /mnt/fs1,/mnt/fs2,/mnt/fs3 -c admsnap start -s session1 -o /dev/sda,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd -c -p admsnap start -s session1 -o /dev/sda,/mnt/fs2,vol_name -c admsnap stop Stops the point-in-time copy of a source LUN. PREREQUISITES You must have administrative privileges on the production server. DESCRIPTION The admsnap stop operation stops a SnapView session. From the production server that owns the source LUN, the stop command stops a SnapView session, freeing the reserved LUN and disk space the session used. The admsnap stop command is valid on Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, NetWare, and AIX systems. Note If you started a session on multiple source LUNs, you can select any of the source LUNs to stop the session. SYNTAX admsnap stop [-h] -s session-name -o object_name [-t object_type] OPTIONS [-h] Lists the help output for a given operation. If you use this option on the command line, a help message is displayed for each option you specify. Admsnap will not perform the command; it lists the help output only. This option is valid for Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AIX systems. -s session_name Specifies the session name that you assigned when you started the session. You must specify the session name you used when you started the session. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers and underscores. The session name is case sensitive and must be unique on the system. If the session name contains spaces, you must enter the name in double quotation marks (for example, "June 21st Session"). -o object_name Specifies an object name. You must specify an object name to identify the session. If you use the -t option, the device name must be a valid name for the type of object specified with the -t option. The table below lists the supported object names for your operating system. 598 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC SnapView Software Table 63 Operating system object names Operating system Windows HP-UXa Solaris Linux AIXa a. b. c. Supported object name(s) l Drive letter l Physical drive name l Device name (Legacy and agile views) l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device l Veritas volume name (disk-based and enclosure-based)c l Linux MPIO’s mpath device l Device name l File system nameb l Powerpath device If the object name is on a Logical Volume Manager, then admsnap will parse the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to get the device names and will attempt to flush those devices. If the object name is a file system, then admsnap will parse the file system table entry to get the device name and will attempt to flush that device. If the object name is a Veritas volume name, admsnap will parse the Veritas volume to determine all physical disks for the volume and will attempt to flush each physical disk. The only time admsnap will not stop the session on all devices within an object is when the device is also in another object that already has the same session name started. [-t object_type] Specifies the object type. This switch is valid on Windows or UNIX operating systems only. Valid types on Windows are device and drive letter. Valid types on Solaris are device, volume, and file system. If the object type name contains spaces, enter the name without spaces. You should use the -t option when the argument for the -o option is not in a standard and recognizable form for your operating system’s object or device. If you do not specify the -t option, admsnap will attempt to determine the correct object type and report a failure if it cannot. EXAMPLE Windows example: admsnap stop -s session1 -o \\.\PhysicalDrive1 admsnap stop 599 EMC SnapView Software 600 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 13 EMC VNX Snapshots Software This chapter introduces the EMC VNX Snapshots™ software and the associated commands. The VNX Snapshots commands are divided into two types: Snapshot CLI commands and SnapCLI commands. Major topics include: l l VNX Snapshots CLI commands............................................................................ 602 SnapCLI commands for VNX Snapshots............................................................... 623 EMC VNX Snapshots Software 601 EMC VNX Snapshots Software VNX Snapshots CLI commands EMC VNX Snapshots is a VNX software feature. It allows creating point-in-time data copies similar to SnapView Snapshots. VNX Snapshots are not clones, and therefore do not necessarily take a lot of pool capacity. They take only seconds to create. Depending on your application needs, you can create VNX Snapshots and snapshots of VNX Snapshots. VNX Snapshots do not replace the existing SnapView technology, and these features can coexist. SnapView clones can have their own VNX Snapshots. VNX Snapshots can be used for data backups, software development and testing, repurposing, data validation, and local rapid restores. VNX Snapshots technology writes new data to a new area within a pool, without the need to read and write the old data block. Thus improving the overall performance compared to SnapView Snapshot technology. VNX Snapshots mount points are created by using Unisphere Secure CLI. You can use the -allowInbandSnapAttach yes option if you want to attach VNX Snapshots to the mount points, using SnapCLI. VNX Snapshots supports 256 writable snaps per pool LUN. Branching, also known as snap of a snap, is also supported. There are no restrictions on the number of branches; however, the total number of Snapshots for a given primary LUN is within 256 members. Consistency groups (CG) are introduced as well. Several pool LUNs can be combined into a CG and snapped concurrently. This section lists the Snapshot CLI commands that support the VNX Snapshots feature. snap -feature Lists the properties of the VNX Snapshots feature. DESCRIPTION The snap -feature command allows the user to list properties of VNX Snapshots feature. SYNTAX snap -feature -info OUTPUT naviseccli snap -feature -info Is Advanced Snaps Supported: True Max. Snaps: 4096 Max. Snaps Per Source: 256 Max. CGs: 120 Max. Members Per CG: 64 Max. SnapLUNs: 512 Total Number of Snaps: 30 Total Number of CGs: 1 Total Number of SnapLUNs: 10 snap -create Creates snapshots on thick LUNs or thin LUNs and Snapshot mount point. DESCRIPTION The snap -create command allows the user to create Snapshot on thick LUNs or thin LUNs and snapshot mount. It also allows creation of snapshot set on consistency group. 602 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software SYNTAX snap -create -res resource [-resType type] [-name snapName] [-descr description] [-keepFor number {h|d|m|y} |-allowAutoDelete{yes|no}] [-allowReadWrite {yes|no}] [-ignoreMigrationCheck] [-ignoreDeduplicationCheck] OPTIONS -res resource Specifies the ID of the resource to be snapped. -resType type Specifies the type of the resource to be snapped. The valid values are CG (consistency group) and LUN. If this is not specified, -create checks whether a consistency group exists with the same name as the value specified in the -res option. If it does, the matching consistency group is snapped. If no consistency group exists, it will check if any LUN exists with its number same as the value specified in the -res switch. If LUN exists, it will be snapped. Otherwise, an error is returned. To create a Snapshot, you must use the LUN ID, not the LUN name. Note You must flush the host buffers before creating a Snapshot. -name snapName Specifies the name of the snapshot. -descr description Specifies the description of the snapshot. -keepFor number {h|d|m|y} Specifies the retention time after which the snapshots will be deleted. The interval can be defined in years, months, days, or hours. The format of the value number { h| d|m|y} where: number - An integer value. h|d|m|y --The qualifier of the number. The valid values (case-insensitive) are h (hours), d (days), m (months) and y (years). l If the qualifier is h (hours), the valid range is from 1 to 87600. l If the qualifier is d (days), the valid range is from 1 to 3650. l If the qualifier is m (months), the valid range is from 1 to 120. l If the qualifier is y (years), the valid range is from 1 to 10. -allowAutoDelete {yes|no} Specifies whether auto delete is allowed on this Snapshot. Valid values are: l Yes – allow auto delete l No – disallow auto delete The options -keepFor and -allowAutoDelete are mutually exclusive. If any keepFor value is specified, the -allowAutoDelete is disabled. -allowReadWrite {yes|no} Specifies whether a user can attach one or more Snapshot mount points to this snapshot. The valid values are: l Yes - attachable snap -create 603 EMC VNX Snapshots Software l No - non-attachable -ignoreMigrationCheck Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -ignoreDeduplicationCheck Overrides the error during snapshot creation while the source is enabling deduplication or disabling deduplication. EXAMPLE #1 naviseccli snap -create -res 1 -name TLU1_Snapshot1 -keepFor 10d -allowReadWrite yes EXAMPLE #2 naviseccli –h riker-spa snap -create –res 1 -ignoreDeduplicationCheck OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -destroy Deletes a snapshot. DESCRIPTION The snap -destroy command allows the user to delete a snapshot. SYNTAX snap -destroy -id snapName [-o] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the snapshot to be deleted. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -destroy -id TLU1_Snapshot1 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -list Lists the properties of selected snapshot or snapshot set. DESCRIPTION The snap -list command lists the properties of the specified snapshot. If no parameter is specified, all the basic properties of the specified snapshot are returned. If none of the snapshots matches the identifier parameters, nothing is returned. SYNTAX snap -list [{-id snapName |[-resType type] [ -res resource]}] [{-brief|-detail}] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of snapshot or snapshot set to be listed. -resType Specifies the type of snapshot or snapshot set to be listed. The valid values are: l 604 lun - list snapshot EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software cg - list snapshot set -brief Shows only the basic properties of a snapshot or snapshot set. -detail Shows all the properties of a snapshot or snapshot set. l Note If neither -brief nor –detail option is specified, the basic properties are shown. EXAMPLE #1 To show all the snapshots on the array: naviseccli snap -list Name: LUN0_2009-04-13-11:13:31_2 Description: Snapshot before update to new exchange server Creation time: 04/13/09 11:13:31 Source LUNs: 0 Source CG: N/A State: Ready Allow Read/Write: Yes Modified: Yes Allow auto delete: Yes Expiration date: Never Name: LUN1_2009-04-15-09:01:01_8 Description: Snapshot before installing Visual Studio Creation time: 04/15/09 09:01:01 Source LUNs: 1 Source CG: N/A State: Ready Allow Read/Write: No Modified: No Allow auto delete: No Expiration date: 04/25/09 09:01:01 Name: CG0_2009-04-13-11:30:31_2 Description: Snapshot of CG0 before update to new sql server Creation time: 04/13/09 11:30:31 Source LUNs: 11, 12 Source CG: CG0 State: Ready Allow Read/Write: Yes Modified: No Allow auto delete: Yes Expiration date: Never EXAMPLE #2 To show the snapshot with the specified ID with detailed output: naviseccli snap -list -id CG0_2009-04-13-11:30:31_2 -detail Name: CG0_2009-04-13-11:30:31_2 Description: Snapshot of CG0 before update to new sql server Creation time: 04/13/09 11:30:31 Last modify time: N/A Last modified by: N/A Source LUNs: 11, 12 Source CG: CG0 Primary LUNs: 11, 12 State: Ready Status: N/A Allow Read/Write: Yes Modified: No Attached LUN(s): 4091,4092 snap -list 605 EMC VNX Snapshots Software Allow auto delete: Yes Expiration date: Never EXAMPLE #3 To show all the snapshots of the specified resource type: naviseccli snap -list -resType lun Name: LUN0_2009-04-13-11:13:31_2 Description: Snapshot before update to new exchange server Creation time: 04/13/09 11:13:31 Source LUNs: 0 Source CG: N/A State: Ready Allow Read/Write: Yes Modified: Yes Allow auto delete: Yes Expiration date: Never Name: LUN1_2009-04-15-09:01:01_8 Description: Snapshot before installing Visual Studio Creation time: 04/15/09 09:01:01 Source LUNs: 1 Source CG: N/A State: Ready Allow Read/Write: No Modified: No Allow auto delete: No Expiration date: 04/25/09 09:01:01 EXAMPLE #4 To show all the snapshots related to the specified source resource, with detailed output: naviseccli snap -list -res 0 -detail Name: LUN0_2009-04-13-11:13:31_2 Description: Snapshot before update to new exchange server Creation time: 04/13/09 11:13:31 Last modify time: 04/15/09 12:30:20 Last modified by: SnapLUN4 Source LUNs: 0 Source CG: N/A Primary LUNs: 0 State: Ready Status: N/A Allow Read/Write: Yes Modified: Yes Attached LUN(s): N/A Allow auto delete: Yes Expiration date: Never snap -modify Modifies the snapshot's name, description, expiration time, auto delete policy, or attach policy. DESCRIPTION The snap -modify command allows the user to give a different name, description, expiration time, auto delete policy, or attach policy to the Snapshot. SYNTAX snap -modify -id snapName [-name newName] [-descr description] [{-keepFor number {h|d|m|y} |-allowAutoDelete {yes|no}}] [-allowReadWrite{yes|no}] 606 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software OPTIONS -id snapName Specifies the ID of Snapshot to be modified. -name newName Specifies the new name for the Snapshot. This option changes the ID as well. -descr description Specifies the new description for the Snapshot. -keepFornumber {h|d|m|y} Specifies the retention time after which the snapshots will be deleted. The interval can be defined in years, months, days, or hours. The format of the value is: number {h|d|m|y}. where: number - An integer value. {h|d|m|y} - The qualifier of the number. The valid values (case-insensitive) are h (hours), d (days), m (months) and y (years). l If the qualifier is h (hours), the valid range is from 1 to 87600. l If the qualifier is d (days), the valid range is from 1 to 3650. l If the qualifier is m (months), the valid range is from 1 to 120. l If the qualifier is y (years), the valid range is from 1 to 10. -allowAutoDelete {yes|no} Specifies the new auto delete policy. The valid values are: l Yes - allow auto delete l No - disallow auto delete -allowReadWrite {yes|no} Specifies whether a user can attach Snapshot mount point(s) to this Snapshot. The valid values are: l Yes - attachable l No - non-attachable EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -modify -id TLU1_Snapshot1 -name TLU1_Snapshot2 -allowAutoDelete yes OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -copy Replicates a Snapshot. DESCRIPTION The snap -copy command allows the user to replicate a Snapshot. SYNTAX snap -copy -id snapName [-name newName] [-ignoreMigrationCheck] [-ignoreDeduplicationCheck] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of a Snapshot to be replicated. snap -copy 607 EMC VNX Snapshots Software -name Specifies the new Snapshot name. -ignoreMigrationCheck Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -ignoreDeduplicationCheck Overrides the error during snapshot creation while the source is enabling deduplication or disabling deduplication. EXAMPLE naviseccli –h riker-spa snap -copy –id snap1 -ignoreDeduplicationCheck OUTPUT naviseccli snap -copy -id TLU1_Snapshot1 -name TLU1_Snapshot2 ID = TLU1_Snapshot2 Operation completed successfully snap -restore Restores a primary LUN, snapshot mount point, or consistency group. DESCRIPTION The snap -restore command allows a primary LUN, snapshot mount point, or consistency group to be rolled back to a previous point in time, which is defined by a snapshot. SYNTAX snap -restore -id snapName [-bakName bakName] [-res lunNumber] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the snapshot to be restored. -bakName Specifies the backup snapshot name. Note To save the current file, a backup snapshot is created on the primary LUN before restoring. -res Specifies the LUN number of the primary LUN, snapshot mount point, or one of the LUNs in snapshot set to be restored. Note l Must be specified when restoring the Snapshot l Optional when restoring the Snapshot Set EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -restore -id TLU1_Snapshot1 -bakName TLU1_Snapshot2 -res 1 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. 608 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software snap -attach Attaches snapshot mount points to the snapshot. DESCRIPTION The snap -attach command allows the user to attach snapshot mount point(s) to the snapshot, so that the data of the Snapshot is exposed to host. SYNTAX snap -attach -id snapName -res lunNumber OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of snapshot to be attached. -res Specifies the LUN number of snapshot mount point to be attached. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -attach -id TLU1_Snapshot1 -res 4 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -detach Detaches snapshot mount points from a snapshot. DESCRIPTION The snap -detach command allows the user to detach snapshot mount points from a snapshot. SYNTAX snap -detach -id snapName [-res lunNumber] [-o] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of snapshot to be detached from. -res Specifies the LUN number of snapshot mount point to be detached. -o Overrides the warning on detaching a snapshot mount point that has snapshots. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -detach -id TLU1_Snapshot1 -res 4 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -group -create Creates a consistency group. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -create command allows user to create a consistency group. SYNTAX snap -group -create -name cgName [-res lunNumber(s)] [-descr description] [-allowSnapAutoDelete {yes|no} ] snap -attach 609 EMC VNX Snapshots Software OPTIONS -name Specifies the name of the consistency group to be created. -res Specifies the LUN number of the LUNs to be added into the consistency group. If there are multiple LUN IDs, then they should be separated by commas. -descr Specifies the description of the consistency group. -allowSnapAutoDelete Specifies the default auto delete policy, which will apply on snapshot set of this CG. The valid values are: l yes - allow auto delete l no - disallow auto delete EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -create -name CG1_Exchange -res 2,3 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -group -destroy Deletes a consistency group. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -destroy command allows user to delete a consistency group. SYNTAX snap -group -destroy -id cgName [-destroySnapshots] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the consistency group to be deleted. -destroySnapshots Forces all the snapshot set associated with this consistency group to be deleted. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -destroy -id CG1_Exchange OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -group -modify Modifies a consistency group name, description, or auto delete policy. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -modify command allows user to modify consistency group name, description, or auto delete policy. SYNTAX snap -group -modify -id cgName [-name newName] [-descr description] [-allowSnapAutoDelete {yes|no}] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the Consistency Group to be modified. 610 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software -name Specifies a new name for the Consistency Group. The ID will also be changed. -descr Specifies a new description for the Consistency Group -allowSnapAutoDelete Specifies the default auto delete policy that will apply to the Snapshot Set of this Consistency Group. Valid values are: l yes - allow auto delete l no - disallow auto delete EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -modify -id CG1_Exchange -allowSnapAutoDelete yes OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -group -list Lists the properties of the selected or all consistency groups. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -list command allows the user to list properties of selected or all consistency groups. If none of the consistency group matches the identifier parameters passed, nothing will be returned. SYNTAX snap -group -list -id cgName [{-brief|-detail}] OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of consistency groups to be listed. -brief Show only the basic properties of a consistency group. -detail Show all properties of a consistency group. EXAMPLE #1 To show all consistency groups on the array: naviseccli snap -group -list Name: CG123 Description: Consistency Group containing all LUNs used in exchange Allow auto delete: Yes Member(s): 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 State: Ready Name: CG_SQLServer Description: Consistency Group containing all LUNs used in SQL Server Allow auto delete: Yes Member(s): 2, 4 State: Ready EXAMPLE #2 To show consistency groups with the specified ID, with detail output: snap -group -list 611 EMC VNX Snapshots Software naviseccli snap -group -list -id CG_SQLServer -detail Name: CG_SQLServer Description: Consistency Group containing all LUNs used in SQL Server Allow auto delete: Yes Member(s): 2, 4 State: Ready Status: N/A snap -group -addmember Adds member LUNs to the consistency group. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -addmember command adds member LUNs to the consistency group. SYNTAX snap -group -addmember -id cgName -res lunNumber(s) OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of consistency group to which the LUNs will be added. -res Specifies ID of LUNs to be added to the consistency group. Multiple LUN IDs should be separated by commas. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -addmember -id CG1_Exchange -res 2 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. snap -group -rmmember Removes member LUN from the consistency groups. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -rmmember command removes member LUN from the consistency groups. SYNTAX snap -group -rmmember -id cgName -res lunNumber(s) OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of consistency group from which the LUN will be removed. -res Specifies ID of LUNs to be removed from the consistency groups. Multiple LUN IDs should be separated by commas. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -rmmember -id CG1_Exchange -res 2 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. 612 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software snap -group -replmember Replaces member LUNs of the consistency groups with the specified LUNs. DESCRIPTION The snap -group -replmember command replaces member LUNs of the consistency groups with the specified LUNs. SYNTAX snap -group -replmember -id cgName -res lunNumber(s) OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the consistency group of which the LUNs will be replaced. -res Specifies ID of LUNs to replace the existing members in the consistency group. EXAMPLE naviseccli snap -group -replmember -id CG1_Exchange -res 2,3 OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -create Creates snapshot mount point to allow the user to attach a snapshot on it, so that the snapshot data can be exposed to the host. DESCRIPTION The lun -create command creates snapshot mount point to allow user to attach a snapshot on it, so that the snapshot data can be exposed to the host. SYNTAX lun -create -type Snap -primaryLun primaryLunNumber | -primaryLunName primaryLunName [-l lunNumber] [-name lunName] [-allowSnapAutoDelete yes|no] [-allowInbandSnapAttach yes|no] [-sp spID] OPTIONS -type Specifies the type of the new MLU; the value must be Snap to create snapshot mount point. -primaryLun Specifies the ID of the primary LUN. -primaryLunName Specifies the name of the primary LUN. -l Specifies the snapshot mount point number. -name Specifies the snapshot mount point name. -allowSnapAutoDelete Specifies the snapshot auto delete policy of the snapshot mount point. Valid values are: l Yes - allow auto delete snap -group -replmember 613 EMC VNX Snapshots Software No - disallow auto delete -allowInbandSnapAttach Specifies whether to allow host-based SnapCLI to attach snapshots. Valid values are: l l Yes - allow l No - disallow -sp Specifies the owner SP of the snapshot mount point to be created. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -create Creates a LUN by specifying an auto delete policy. DESCRIPTION The lun -create command allows the user to create a LUN by specifying an auto delete policy. SYNTAX lun -create [-type Thin|NonThin] -capacity capacity [-sq mb|gb|tb|bc] -poolId storagePoolID|-poolName storagePoolName -sp spID [-aa autoAssignment] [-l lunNumber] [-name lunName] [-offset logicalBlockAddress] [-initialTier optimizePool| highestAvailable|lowestAvailable] [-allowSnapAutoDelete yes|no] [-ignoreThresholds] [-allocationPolicy onDemand|automatic] OPTIONS -offset Specifies the LUN to be offset. -allowSnapAutoDelete Specifies the snapshot auto delete policy of the LUN to be created. Valid values are: l yes - allow auto delete no - disallow auto delete -allocationPolicy Specifies the allocation policy on the pool LUN. Valid values are: l l onDemand automatic (default) -ignoreThresholds Forces the non-snap LUN to be created, ignoring possible threshold related error. l OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -destroy Deletes the primary LUN or snapshot mount point. DESCRIPTION The lun -destroy command allows the user to delete the primary LUN or snapshot mount point. 614 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software SYNTAX lun -destroy -l lunNumber -name lunName [-destroySnapshots] [-forceDetach] [-o] OPTIONS -l Specifies the number of the LUN to be deleted. -name Specifies the name of the LUN to be deleted. -destroySnapshots Forces deletion of the primary LUN along with all of its snapshots. -forceDetach Forces deletion of the snapshot mount point even if it is currently attached. -o Overrides the confirmation message. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -modify Modifies the primary LUN or snapshot mount point name and auto delete policy. DESCRIPTION The lun -modify command modifies the primary LUN or snapshot mount point name, auto delete policy, and allows inband snap attach policy. SYNTAX lun -modify -l lunNumber|-name lunName [-aa autoAssign] [-newName newLUNName] [-sp newDefaultSPID] [-allowSnapAutoDelete yes|no] [-allowInbandSnapAttach yes|no] [-allocationPolicy automatic] [-deduplication On|Off [-destroySnapshots]] [-o] OPTIONS -l Specifies the number of LUNs to be modified. -name Specifies the name of LUN to be modified. -aa Specifies the auto assignment. -newName Specifies the new name for the specified LUN. -sp Specifies the new default SP of the LUN to be modified. -allowSnapAutoDelete Specifies the snapshot auto delete policy of the LUN to be modified. The valid values are: l yes - allow auto delete l no - disallow auto delete -allowInbandSnapAttach Specifies whether the host-based SnapCLI can attach snapshots. Valid values are: l yes - allow lun -modify 615 EMC VNX Snapshots Software l no - disallow -allocationPolicy Specifies the allocation policy on the pool LUN. The only valid value is automatic. -o Overrides the confirmation message. -deduplication On|Off Specifies whether deduplication is enabled on this LUN. Valid values are On or Off. -destroySnapshots Specifies to explicitly destroy associated VNX Snapshots before turning deduplication on or off for the specified LUN. If a LUN has associated VNX Snapshots and you do not use the -destroySnapshots option, you cannot change the deduplication value. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -expand Expands the primary LUN or snapshot mount point. DESCRIPTION The lun -expand command expands the primary LUN or snapshot mount point. SYNTAX lun -expand -l lunNumber -name lunName -capacity capacity [-sq mb|gb|tb|bc] [-ignoreThresholds] [-o] OPTIONS -ignoreThresholds Force the non-snap LUN to be created, ignoring the possible threshold-related error. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. lun -attach Attaches the snapshot mount point to the specified snapshot. DESCRIPTION The lun -attach command allows the user to attach snapshot mount point to the specified snapshot. SYNTAX lun -attach -l lunNumber -name lunName -snapName snapName OPTIONS -l Specifies the LUN number to be attached. -name Specifies the name of the LUN to be detached. -snapName Specifies the snapshot name to be attached to. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. 616 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software lun -detach Detaches the snapshot mount point from the attached snapshot. DESCRIPTION The lun -detach command allows the user to detach the snapshot mount point from the attached snapshot. SYNTAX naviseccli lun -detach -l lunNumber |-name lunName OPTIONS -l Specifies the LUN number to be detached. -name Specifies the name of the LUN to be detached. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. storagepool -create Creates a storage pool by specifying a snapshot auto delete policy and MR-related thresholds. DESCRIPTION The storagepool -create command allows the user to create a storage pool by specifying a snapshot auto delete policy and MR-related thresholds. SYNTAX storagepool -create [-snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapPoolFullHWM poolFullHWM] [-snapPoolFullLWM poolFullLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM snapSpaceUsedLWM] OPTIONS -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are: l on - enabled off - disabled -snapPoolFullHWM Specifies the pool full high watermark (that will trigger the auto delete process) of the storage pool to be created. -snapPoolFullLWM Specifies the pool full low watermark (that will stop the auto delete process) of the storage pool to be created. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the snapshot space used high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are: l l on - enabled off - disabled -snapSpaceUsedHWM l lun -detach 617 EMC VNX Snapshots Software Specifies the snapshot space used high water mark that will trigger the auto delete process of the storage pool to be created. -snapSpaceUsedLWM Specifies the snapshot space used low water mark that will stop the auto delete process of the storage p to be created. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. storagepool -modify Modifies the snapshot auto delete policy and MR-related thresholds of an existing storage pool. DESCRIPTION The storagepool -modify command allows the user to modify the snapshot auto delete policy and MR-related thresholds of an existing storage pool. SYNTAX storagepool -modify [-snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapPoolFullHWM poolFullHWM] [-snapPoolFullLWM poolFullLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled on|off] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM snapSpaceUsedLWM] OPTIONS -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Indicates that the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are: l on - enabled l off - disabled -snapPoolFullHWM Specifies the new pool full high water mark (that will trigger the auto delete process) of the Storage Pool to be modified. -snapPoolFullLWM Specifies the new pool full low water mark (that will stop the auto delete process) of the Storage Pool to be modified. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Indicates the system to check the snapshot space used high water mark for auto delete. Valid values are: l on - enabled l off - disabled -snapSpaceUsedHWM Specifies the new snapshot space used high water mark (that will trigger the auto delete process) of the Storage Pool to be modified. -snapSpaceUsedLWM Specifies the new snapshot space used low water mark (that will stop the auto delete process) of the Storage Pool to be modified. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. 618 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software storagepool -list Lists the total snapshot capacity, auto delete policy, auto delete state, and MR related thresholds of the specified storage pool or pools. DESCRIPTION The storagepool -list command allows the user to list the total snapshot capacity, auto delete policy, auto delete state, and MR-related thresholds of specified storage pool or pools. SYNTAX storagepool -list [-lunAllocation] [-snapshotAllocation] [-metadataAllocation] [-lunSubscribedCap] [-snapshotSubscribedCap] [-metadataSubscribedCap] [-compressionSavings] [-capacities] [-snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled] [-snapPoolFullHWM] [-snapPoolFullLWM] [-snapPoolFullState] [-snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled] [-snapSpaceUsedHWM] [-snapSpaceUsedLWM] [-snapSpaceUsedState] OPTIONS -lunAllocation The total amount of storage that has been allocated from the pool for data written to all the primary LUNs in the pool. -snapshotAllocation The total amount of storage that has been allocated from the pool for all the VNX snapshots created in the pool. -metadataAllocation The total amount of storage that has been allocated from the pool to store metadata for the LUNs and VNX snapshots in the pool. -lunSubscribedCap The total amount of user data that can be written to all of the LUNs in the pool. -snapshotSubscribedCap The total amount of space that all LUN snapshots currently consume as well as what they would consume if all of the primary LUNs, data was overwritten. -metadataSubscribedCap The total amount of metadata storage that is required to support writing to the entire contents of all of the LUNs in the pool. -compressionSavings The total amount of storage that is being saved by using compression on the LUNs in the pool. -capacities Shows all related capacities including “Raw Capacity”, “User Capacity”, “Consumed Capacity”, “LUN Allocation”, “Snapshot Allocation”, “Metadata Allocation”, “Available Capacity”, “Percent Full”, “Total Subscribed Capacity”, “LUN Subscribed Capacity”, “Snapshot Subscribed Capacity”, “Metadata Subscribed Capacity”, “Percent Subscribed”, “Oversubscribed by”, and “Compression Savings”. -snapPoolFullThresholdEnabled Shows whether the system should check the pool full high water mark for auto delete. -snapPoolFullHWM Shows the pool full high water mark of the specified storage pool or pools. -snapPoolFullLWM Shows the pool full low water mark of the specified storage pool or pools. storagepool -list 619 EMC VNX Snapshots Software -snapPoolFullState Shows the pool full auto delete state. -snapSpaceUsedThresholdEnabled Shows whether the system should check the snapshot space used high water mark for auto-delete. -snapSpaceUsedHWM Shows snapshot space used high water mark of specified storage pool or pools. -snapSpaceUsedLWM Shows snapshot space used low water mark of specified storage pool or pools. -snapSpaceUsedState Shows snapshot space used auto delete state: l Idle l Running l Could not Reach LWM l System Paused l Failed EXAMPLE naviseccli storagepool -list -all OUTPUT Pool Name: Pool 0 Pool ID: 0 Raid Type: r_5 Percent Full Threshold: 70 Description: Disk Type: SAS State: Ready Status: OK(0x0) Current Operation: None Current Operation State: N/A Current Operation Status: N/A Current Operation Percent Completed: 0 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 2814421510 Raw Capacity (GBs): 1342.021 User Capacity (Blocks): 2246234112 User Capacity (GBs): 1071.088 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 39923712 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 19.037 LUN Allocation (Blocks): 22063104 LUN Allocation (GBs): 10.521 Snapshot Allocation (Blocks): 22063104 Snapshot Allocation (GBs): 10.521 Metadata Allocation (Blocks): 22063104 Metadata Allocation (GBs): 10.521 Available Capacity (Blocks): 2206310400 Available Capacity (GBs): 1052.051 Percent Full: 1.777 Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 44126208 Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 21.041 LUN Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 22063104 LUN Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 10.521 Snapshot Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 22063104 Snapshot Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 10.521 Metadata Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 22063104 Metadata Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 10.521 Percent Subscribed: 1.964 Oversubscribed by (Blocks): 0 Oversubscribed by (GBs): 0.000 Compression Savings (Blocks): N/A Compression Savings (GBs): N/A 620 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software Tier Name: Performance Raid Type: r_5 User Capacity (GBs): 1071.09 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 9.02 Available Capacity (GBs): 1062.07 Percent Subscribed: 0.84% Disks (Type): Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 10 (SAS) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 12 (SAS) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 14 (SAS) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 11 (SAS) Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 13 (SAS) Disks: Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 14 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 12 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 10 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 13 Bus 0 Enclosure 0 Disk 11 LUNs: 200, 100, 101, 300 FAST Cache: N/A Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Auto-Delete Pool Full Threshold Enabled: On Pool Full High Water Mark: 95 Pool Full Low Water Mark: 85 Pool Full State: Running Snapshot Space Used Threshold Enabled: On Snapshot Space Used High Water Mark: 25 Snapshot Space Used Low Water Mark: 20 Snapshot Space State: Idle storagepool -resumeAutoDelete Resumes auto-delete on an existing storage pool. DESCRIPTION The storagepool -resumeAutoDelete command allows the user to resume snapshots auto delete on an existing storage pool. SYNTAX storagepool -resumeAutoDelete -id poolID | -namepoolName OPTIONS -id Specifies the ID of the storage pool to be operated on. -name Specifies the name of the storage pool to be operated on. OUTPUT There is no output for this command. getlun Gets the snapshot mount points as a LUN. DESCRIPTION The getlun command allows the user to get snapshot mount points as a LUN. storagepool -resumeAutoDelete 621 EMC VNX Snapshots Software SYNTAX getlun -edit <-aa> <-at> <-bind> <-bp> <-bread> <-brw> <-busy> <-bwrite> <-capacity> <-crus> <-default> <-disk> <-drivetype> <-dsa> <-element> <-ena> <-ff> <-hrdscsi> <-idle> <-idt> <-it> <-mp> <-name> <-nminus> <-owner> <-parityelements> <-pd> <-pic> <-prb> <-prefetch> <-prf> <-ps> <-psm> <-qavg> <-qmax> <-que> <-rb> <-rc> <-rd3> <-rchm> <-reads> <-remap> <-ret> <-rh> <-rhist> <-rr> <-rwf> <-rwr> <-service> <-sftscsi> <-srcp> <-ss> <-ssm> <-stripe> <-totque> <-type> <-upb> <-verify> <-was> <-wc> <-wch> <-uid> <-wh> <-whist> <-wr> <-writes> <-rg> <-state> <-private> <-usage> <-sc> <-offset> <-addroffset> <-ismetalun> <-isthinlun> <-ispoollun> <-idleticks> <-busyticks> <-lunidleticks> <-luncache> <-lunbusyticks> <-trespass> <-status> <-brwsp> <-rwrsp> <-lunbusytickssp> <-lunidletickssp> <-nanzq> <-sqlah> <-slst> <-slct> <-etp> <-itp> <-nzrca> <-sor> <-wcrh> <-fwc> <-fastcache> <-issnapmountpoint> <-all> EXAMPLE naviseccli getlun 1 -all OUTPUT Statistics logging is disabled. Certain fields are not printed if statistics logging is not enabled. Prefetch size (blocks) = 0 Prefetch multiplier = 0 Segment size (blocks) = 0 Segment multiplier = 0 Maximum prefetch (blocks) = 0 Prefetch Disable Size (blocks) = 0 Prefetch idle count = 0 Prefetching: NO Prefetched data retained NO Read cache configured according to specified parameters. 622 Name Minimum latency reads N/A LUN 1 RAID Type: RAIDGroup ID: State: Stripe Crossing: Element Size: Current owner: Offset: Auto-trespass: Auto-assign: Write cache: Read cache: Idle Threshold: Idle Delay Time: Write Aside Size: Default Owner: Rebuild Priority: Verify Priority: Prct Reads Forced Flushed: Prct Writes Forced Flushed: Prct Rebuilt: N/A N/A Bound 0 0 SP A N/A DISABLED DISABLED ENABLED ENABLED 0 0 0 SP A N/A N/A 0 0 100 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software Prct Bound: 100 LUN Capacity(Megabytes): 10240 LUN Capacity(Blocks): 20971520 UID: 60:06:01:60:44:80:28:00:F6:E1:44:96:8C:D3:E0:11 LUN Capacity(Stripes): N/A Shrink State: N/A Is Private: NO Snapshots List: Not Available MirrorView Name if any: Not Available Address Offset: N/A Is Meta LUN: NO Is Thin LUN: NO Is Pool LUN: YES Is Snapshot Mount Point: YES LUN Idle Ticks: N/A LUN Busy Ticks: N/A LUN Offline (Cache Dirty Condition): N/A LU Storage Groups: Device Map: Valid Average Read Time: 0 Average Write Time: 0 FAST Cache : N/A FAST Cache Read Hits: N/A FAST Cache Read Misses: N/A FAST Cache Write Hits: N/A FAST Cache Write Misses: N/A SnapCLI commands for VNX Snapshots The snapCLI utility runs on host systems in conjunction with VNX Snapshot running on the VNX series SPs. It lets you create, copy, attach, detach, and destroy VNX Snapshots. All snapCLI commands are sent to the storage system through the Fibre Channel bus. The snapCLI utility is an executable program that you can run interactively or with a script. For all Microsoft Windows and UNIX platforms, flush the cached data from the production host before you create a snapshot. Also, flush the cached data on the secondary host if you have modified the VNX Snapshot. Failure to do this may result in an inconsistent or unusable point-in-time copy. This section lists the snapCLI commands that support the VNX Snapshots feature. snapcli create Creates a snapshot of a pool-based LUN. DESCRIPTION The snapcli create command creates a snapshot under snap_name on object_name with optional object_type. You must specify a snap_name to identify the snapshot and an object_name to identify the members of the snapshot. This operation is performed on the host that has access to the primary LUN that will be snapped. You must create a snapshot for each mount point of a specific primary LUN that you want to access. SYNTAX snapcli create -h | -s snap_name -o object_name [-t object_type] -c cg_name OPTIONS -h SnapCLI commands for VNX Snapshots 623 EMC VNX Snapshots Software -s -o Prints out this message. If this option is present on the command line, no other option validation is performed. This option specifies a snapshot name. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers, or underscores. The snap_name must be unique on the array. This option specifies an object-name. The object-name must be a valid object name that is one of the following object types: l A device name l A file system mount point l A Veritas volume name l A drive letter If -c option is used, then a set of object names can be given on the command line with the object names separated by a comma field separator. -t -c This option specifies the object-type. The only valid object-types are "device", "filesystem", "volume", and "driveletter". This option is optional for these four supported object types. If not provided, SnapCLI attempts to determine the correct object type and reports a failure if it cannot. This option identifies a consistency group of LUNs, that could be snapped together, as follow: l If the specified cg_name does not exist and a list of object_names is specified, the array attempts to create a new consistency group named cg_name for the object_names specified, and then snaps the consistency group. However, if any of the specified LUNs is in another consistency group, the create snap operation fails. l If the cg_name already exists and the list of object_names is specified, its member LUNs are updated with the specified object_names, and the consistency group is snapped. snapcli destroy Destroys a named snapshot. DESCRIPTION This operation is used to destroy a snapshot named snap_name on object_name with optional object_type. You must specify a snap_name to identify the snapshot and an object_name to identify the members of the snapshot. This operation is performed on the host that has access to the primary LUN that was previously snapped. Only one device per VNX storage array, currently in the snapshot, is needed to destroy the snapshot. A snapshot is not allowed to be destroyed if it is still attached to a mount point. If the named snap is for a consistency group, the consistency group will not be removed. SYNTAX snapcli destroy -h | -s snap_name -o object_name [-t object_type] OPTIONS -h 624 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software -s -o This option prints out this message. If this option is present on the command line, no other option validation is performed. This option specifies a snapshot name. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers, or underscores. The snap_name must be unique on the array. This option specifies an object_name. The object_name must be a valid object name that is one of the following object types: l A device name l A file system mount point l A Veritas volume name l A drive letter -t This option specifies the object_type. The only valid object_types are "device", "filesystem", "volume", and "driveletter". This option is optional for these four basic supported object types. If no option is provided, SnapCLI attempts to determine the correct object type among these four object types, and reports a failure if it cannot. snapcli copy Creates a copy of the snapshot. DESCRIPTION You must specify the name of the snap to be created and the name of the snap to be snapped. This operation is performed on the host that has access to the primary LUN or any member of the snap family. An attached snapshot cannot be copied, therefore the request to copy it will fail. SYNTAX snapcli copy -h | -s object_type-b snap_name -o object_name OPTIONS -h -s -b -o Prints out this message. If this option is present on the command line, no other option validation is performed and this message is printed. Specifies a snapshot name for the snap to be created. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers or underscores. The snap_name must be unique on the array. Identifies a Snapshot to be snapped. This option specifies an object name. The object name must be a valid object name that is one of the following object types: l A device name l A file system mount point l A Veritas volume name l A drive letter snapcli copy 625 EMC VNX Snapshots Software snapcli attach Attaches a mount point with one of its Snapshot instances. DESCRIPTION This operation is used to attach a snapshot named snap_name on object_name. It is also optionally used to decide whether to rescan the operating system's devices before attempting the attach operation. If an object_name is specified, you can optionally specify an object_type. Specifying an object_type without specifying an object_name is not permitted. You must specify a snap_name to identify the Snapshot. This operation is performed on the host that has access to the mount point to be attached. You must perform an attach operation for each device you wish to access. If no object_name is given, all devices are searched and those belonging to the specified Snapshot are subsequently attached. SYNTAX snapcli attach -h | -s snap_name | [[-o object_name [-t object_type]] | [-d driveletter]] [-r 0|1] [-c rescan_count] [-f] OPTIONS -h -s -o Prints out this message. If this option is present on the command line, no other option validation is performed and this message is printed. Specifies a snapshot name. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers, or underscores. The snap_name must be unique on the array. Specifies an object_name. The object_name must be a valid object name of one of the following object types: l A device l A file system mount point l A Veritas volume l A drive letter This option cannot be used in conjunction with the -d option. -t This option specifies the object type. This option is only a valid option when a -o option is given. The only valid object types are "device", "filesystem", "volume", and "driveletter". This option is optional for these four basic supported object types. If no option is provided, SnapCLI attempts to determine the correct object type among the four object types and reports a failure if it cannot. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the -d option. -d This option is only valid for the Microsoft Windows platform and is ignored on all other platforms. This option specifies the drive letter to attempt to assign to the operating system device attached. If the attach operation performed results in more than one device attached, then only the first device in that list will be affected. If you wish to provide a drive letter for all devices attached, they must be attached individually. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the -o or -t options. 626 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC VNX Snapshots Software -r This option specifies whether to perform a rescan of the operating system's devices before performing an attach operation. The default rescanning behavior when -r is not present depends on whether an object_ name was specified with the -o option. If an object_name is given, then the default behavior is to not perform a rescan operation. The default behavior is to perform a rescan of the operating system's devices. When present, -r (0 | 1) overrides default behavior. -c rescan_count This option specifies the number of rescans to be performed of the operating system's devices, after performing a successful attach operation to bring the devices online. If a count of 0 is specified, no rescans are performed. However, this could result in the device attaching successfully on the array, but not being online within the host. If the -c is not present, then a default value of 1 is set. -f This option forces SnapCLI to attach the snapshot, regardless of the current value of the snapshot's allowReadWrite property. A snapshot created with SnapCLI always has allowReadWrite=No, to prevent accidental modifications to the snapshot. The -f option does not modify the value of the allowReadWrite property, which can only be changed using Unisphere. snapcli detach Detaches a mount point from a snapshot. DESCRIPTION This operation is used to detach a snapshot named snap_name on object_name. If an object_name is specified, you can optionally specify an object_type. Specifying an object_type without specifying anobject_name is not permitted. You must specify a snap_name to identify the snapshot. This operation is performed on the host that has access to the mount point that will be detached. You must perform a detach operation for each device you wish to detach. If no object_name is provided, all devices will be searched and those belonging to the specified Snapshot will be subsequently detached. SYNTAX snapcli detach -h | -s snap_name [-o object_name [-t object_type]] [-f] OPTIONS -h -s -o Prints out this message. If this option is present on the command line, no other option validation is performed and this message is printed. Specifies a snapshot name. This is a string of up to 256 characters, and can be composed of letters, numbers or underscores. The snap_name must be unique on the array. Specifies an object_name. The object_name must be a valid object name of one of the following object types: l A device l A file system mount point snapcli detach 627 EMC VNX Snapshots Software l A Veritas volume l A drive letter -t -f This option specifies the object type. This option is only a valid option when a -o option is given. The only valid object_type are "device", "filesystem", "volume", and "driveletter". This option is optional for these four basic supported object types. If no option is provided, SnapCLI attempts to determine the correct object type among these four object types and reports a failure if it cannot. This option is only valid for the Microsoft Windows platform and this option is ignored on all other platforms. This option specifies whether to force SnapCLI to remove the drive letter after a detach operation. 628 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 14 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor This chapter introduces EMC Secure Remote Support (ESRS) on the Storage Processor (SP) and the associated commands for configuring and managing this feature. Major topics include: l l l l l l l l l l l ESRS Device Client on Storage Processor.............................................................630 esrsconfig -agentprovision.................................................................................. 630 esrsconfig -agentstatus....................................................................................... 631 esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy....................................................................... 632 esrsconfig -configproxy -list.................................................................................632 esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy..................................................................633 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm............................................................ 633 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list.................................................................. 634 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy............................................... 634 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy.......................................... 635 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM.......................................................635 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor 629 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor ESRS Device Client on Storage Processor The ESRS device client on Storage Processor feature is included only in VNX operating environment (OE) for Block versions 5.32 that are later than version or versions 05.33 that are later than version This software monitors the operation of your VNX for Block systems for error events and automatically sends ConnectEMC notifications to your service provider. It also provides a path for your service provider to use to securely connect to your specified VNX for Block system (through the associated storage processor). This solution offers a secure architecture from end to end, including the following features: l EMC issues X.509 digital certificates to authenticate the ESRS device client on Storage Processor to EMC. l EMC professionals are authenticated using two unique factors. l All EMC service professionals have a unique username that is logged with all their actions. l All communication originates from the Storage Processor. The ESRS device client on Storage Processor does not accept unsolicited connections from EMC or the Internet. l All communications between EMC and the ESRS device client on Storage Processor includes the latest security practices and encryption technologies, including certificate libraries based on RSA Lockbox technology, and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption. l Those who implement the ESRS device client on Storage Processor solution can further control remote access by using the Policy Manager. The Policy Manager gives full control of how EMC interacts with VNX systems. SSL is available between the ESRS device client on Storage Processor and the Policy Manager. For more information about the ESRS device client on Storage Processor feature for VNX for Block systems, refer to the EMC Secure Remote Support for VNX technical module on the EMC Online Support website at esrsconfig -agentprovision Provisions ESRS on the storage processor (SP). PREREQUISITES The VNX system must be configured with at least one DNS server for EMC Secure Remote Support (ESRS) to function properly. To provision ESRS, you must be logged in with Administrator privileges. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -agentprovision command allows you to provision ESRS on the Storage Processor (SP). SYNTAX esrsconfig -agentprovision -user user [-emcuser] -password password [-reprovision] [-http|-socks -proxyhost proxyhostname| proxyipaddress -proxyport proxyportnumber | [-proxyuser proxyhostuser -proxypassword proxypassword]] OPTIONS -user 630 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor Specifies an EMC Online Support username. For EMC users, specify an EMC username. -password Specifies an EMC Online Support password. For EMC users, specify an RSA SecureID token password. -emcuser Specified when the user is an administrator or authorized service provider. -reprovision Specified if reprovisioning ESRS. -http | -socks Sets the proxy type. -proxyhost Specifies the proxy Host or IP address. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyport Specifies the proxy port. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyuser Specifies the proxy user name. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxypassword Specifies the proxy user password. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user administrator -password passwordsample12 -scope 0 esrsconfig -agentprovision -user -password Password1 OUTPUT Software installed successfully. ESRS has been provisioned and Template Call_Home_Template_7.33.0.9 applied successfully. POSTREQUISITES Provision ESRS for the other SP immediately after provisioning it for the first SP. This ensures ESRS will send CallHomes appropriately in the event of an SP failover. esrsconfig -agentstatus Returns the status of the ESRS device client. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -agentstatus command returns the status of the ESRS device client on the storage processor. SYNTAX esrsconfig -agentstatus OUTPUT Connecting To: on port 443 Connection Status: Connected Proxy Server: Disabled esrsconfig -agentstatus 631 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor Policy Manager: Disabled. SSL: Enabled, strength 168 Remote Sessions: esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy Adds proxy server configuration information for ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy command is used to add proxy server configuration information for ESRS on the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy -http|-socks -proxyhost proxyhostname | proxyipaddress -proxyport proxyportnumber | [-proxyuser proxyhostuser -proxypassword proxypassword] OPTIONS -http | -socks Sets the proxy type. -proxyhost Specifies the proxy Host or IP address. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyport Specifies the proxy port. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyuser Specifies the proxy username. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxypassword Specifies the proxy user password. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user administrator -password passwordexample1 -scope 0 esrsconfig -configproxy -addproxy -http -proxyhost -proxyport 80 OUTPUT Agent Proxy configuration Successful. esrsconfig -configproxy -list Lists the proxy configuration status of ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configproxy -list command lists the current status and details of the proxy server configuration for ESRS for the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configproxy -list 632 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor OUTPUT DRMProxy Server Enabled: true Proxy Type: HTTP Host: Port: 80 User name: esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy Removes proxy server configuration for ESRS for the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy command removes the proxy server configuration for ESRS on the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy OUTPUT Agent Proxy configuration Successful. esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm Adds and configures policy manager for ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm command configures Policy Manager for EMC Secure Remote Support (ESRS) on the storage processor (SP). SYNTAX esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm [-secure] -host pmhostname | pmipaddress [-port PMportnumber] [-http|-socks -proxyhost proxyhostname|proxyhostipaddress [-proxyport proxyportnumber] [-proxyuser proxyhostuser -proxypassword proxypassword]] OPTIONS -addpm Adds Policy Manager and configuration information. -secure If specified, uses the HTTPS protocol to access the server. -host Specifies the IP address of the policy manager host. -port Specifies the port used to access the policy manager. -http | -socks Sets the proxy type. -proxyhost Specifies the proxy Host or IP address. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyport Specifies the proxy port. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. esrsconfig -configproxy -removeproxy 633 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor -proxyuser Specifies the proxy username. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxypassword Specifies the proxy user password. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpm -host OUTPUT Agent PM changes successful esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list Lists the status of the policy manager configuration for ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list command lists the details of the policy manager configuration for ESRS on the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user admin -password passwordsample1 -scope 0 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -list OUTPUT Policy Server Enabled: true Host: Port: 8090 SSL Enabled: false Proxy Server Enabled: false esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy Adds proxy configuration to policy manager for ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy command adds the proxy server configuration information. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy -http|-socks -proxyhost proxyhostname | proxyhostipaddress [-proxyport proxyportnumber] [-proxyuser proxyhostuser -proxypassword proxypassword] OPTIONS -addpolicyproxy 634 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor Adds proxy server configuration to Policy Manager for ESRS on the SP. -http | -socks Sets the proxy type. -proxyhost Specifies the proxy Host or IP address. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyport Specifies the proxy port. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxyuser Specifies the proxy username. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. -proxypassword Specifies the proxy user password. Used only if either -http or -socks is specified, otherwise ignored. EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user admin -password passwordsample1 -scope 0 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -addpolicyproxy -socks -proxyhost OUTPUT Agent PM changes successful esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy Removes the proxy server for Policy Manager for ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy command removes the proxy server configuration from Policy Manager for ESRS on the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user admin -password passwordsample2 -scope 0 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy OUTPUT Agent PM changes successful esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM Removes Policy Manager configuration from ESRS on the SP. DESCRIPTION The esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM command removes the policy manager configuration from ESRS on the SP. SYNTAX esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removepolicyproxy 635 EMC Secure Remote Support on the Storage Processor EXAMPLE naviseccli -h -user sysadmin -password sysadmin -scope 0 esrsconfig -configpolicymanager -removePM OUTPUT Agent PM changes successful 636 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block CHAPTER 15 Data at Rest Encryption This chapter introduces Data at Rest Encryption (D@RE) and the associated commands for activating and monitoring this feature. Major topics include: l l l l l l l Data at Rest Encryption overview.........................................................................638 securedata -feature -activate............................................................................... 639 securedata -feature -info..................................................................................... 640 securedata -backupkeys -status.......................................................................... 641 securedata -backupkeys -retrieve........................................................................ 642 securedata -auditlog -retrieve..............................................................................643 securedata -auditlog -cksum............................................................................... 644 Data at Rest Encryption 637 Data at Rest Encryption Data at Rest Encryption overview Data at Rest Encryption (D@RE) is provided through controller-based encryption (CBE) at a physical disk drive level. A unique data encryption key (DEK) is generated for each drive and is used to encrypt data as it is sent to the drive. The goal of this feature is to ensure that all customer data and identifying information will be encrypted with strong encryption, primarily to ensure security in the event of loss of a disk drive. Note Some unencrypted data could be in the system partition (for example, hostnames, IP addresses, dumps, and so on). In addition, there is potential for small amounts of unencrypted user data as a result of writing diagnostic materials to the system partition. All the data written to the array by using regular I/O protocols (iSCSI, FC) are encrypted. Anything that comes into the array by using the control path will not be encrypted by this solution; however, information that is sensitive (for example, passwords) are encrypted by a different mechanism (as they are on non-encrypting arrays). For new VNX systems that are ordered with the D@RE feature, encryption should be enabled on the systems during manufacturing. Verify whether D@RE has been enabled and activated by running the securedata -feature -info command. If Encryption Mode appears as N/A, you need to perform a non-disruptive upgrade (NDU) of the DataAtRestEncryption enabler and activate it as described in theSecurity Configuration Guide for VNX. If Encryption Mode appears as Unencrypted, you only need to activate it using the securedata -feature -activate command. NOTICE Once activated, the encryption operation cannot be reverted. When possible, enable encryption prior to populating the system with data, RAID groups, and such. This action will avoid the data in place upgrade process and its effects on system cache and system performance. For VNX systems that do not have D@RE enabled, enabling of encryption on the system requires a non-disruptive upgrade (NDU) of the DataAtRestEncryption enabler. This upgrade can be done upon request. A subsequent activate operation must be initiated through the securedata -feature -activate command. A new component, referred to as the VNX Key Management Server, is responsible for generating, storing and otherwise managing the encryption keys for the system. The keystore that is generated to store the encryption keys resides on a managed LUN in private space on the system. Keys are generated or deleted in response to notifications that a RAID group/disk drive have been respectively added or removed. Changes to the configuration of the system that result in changes to the keystore will generate alerts that recommend key backups be created. When an operation that results in a change to the keystore occurs, an alert will appear and persist until the keystore has been retrieved from the system for backup. Backup the keystore by using the securedata -backupkeys -retrieve -path command. In the event that the keystore becomes corrupted, the system will be nonfunctional. The system will enter a degraded state, only the operating system boots. In this state, attempts to access the system through Unisphere will return an error indicating that the keystore is in an inaccessible state. In this case, a service engagement is required for resolution. 638 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Data at Rest Encryption A separate auditing function is provided for general key operations that track all key establishment, deletion, backup, and restore changes as well as SLIC addition. For additional information about the Data at Rest Encryption feature, refer to the EMC VNX2: Data at Rest Encryption white paper. securedata -feature -activate Initiates the encryption operation. PREREQUISITES In order to activate Data at Rest Encryption, the DataAtRestEncryption enabler must be installed on the system. A user role of administrator, storageadmin, or sanadmin is required to activate encryption. FAST cache must be destroyed before activating encryption. DESCRIPTION The securedata -feature -activate command activates the encryption operation. SYNTAX securedata -feature -activate [-status] OPTIONS -status Returns the status of the current encryption operation. Note that the encryption activation request can take several minutes. EXAMPLE #1 This example shows output for when the encryption enabler is not yet installed. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -activate Encryption operations are not supported until the DataAtRestEncryption enabler is installed. EXAMPLE #2 This example shows output for when the encryption feature is activated and no errors are returned. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -activate WARNING: You are about to activate the Data at Rest Encryption Feature on the targeted array. This is not a revertible operation. This will cause data encryption keys to be created and all user data will begin to be encrypted. It is recommended that you have an up-todate and verified backup of your array as well as an up-to-date config capture, created via the arrayconfig command, before executing this command. Do you wish to continue (y or n)? y EXAMPLE #3 This example shows output for when encryption cannot be activated because FAST cache is enabled on the array. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -activate Please make sure the FAST cache is disabled on your array. Please use naviseccli command: cache -fast -destroy to disable FAST cache. After you activate encryption you may recreate your FAST Cache using the cache –fast -create command. securedata -feature -activate 639 Data at Rest Encryption EXAMPLE #4 This example shows output for when the -status switch is used and encryption was successful. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -activate -status Status: Operation completed successfully EXAMPLE #5 naviseccli -h securedata -feature -activate -status This example shows output for when the -status switch is used and encryption has failed. SP A: Activation failed because one or more BE I/O modules cannot support Data at Rest Encryption. Examine other SP Event Log entries for details, gather SPcollects and contact your service provider. (0x7140801b) securedata -feature -info Returns feature information for Data at Rest Encryption. PREREQUISITES This command is valid for all user roles except VASA Administrator. DESCRIPTION The securedata -feature -info command allows you to see the status and details for the Data at Rest Encryption feature. SYNTAX securedata -feature -info [-isencryptionsupported] [encryptionmode] [-encryptionstatus] [-encryptionpct] OPTIONS -isencryptionsupported Returns whether the encryption feature is available/enabled. -encryptionmode Returns the current encryption mode of the array. -encryptionstatus Returns the status of the encryption process. A status of Scrubbing indicates that the feature is in the process of wiping any clear text data that existed on unbound drives (drives previous removed from a RAID Group) when the encryption feature was activated. -encryptionpct Returns the percent of completion of the encryption process on the array. EXAMPLE #1 This example shows output for when the encryption enabler is installed, but the encryption feature has not yet been activated. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -info Is Encryption Supported: Yes Encryption Mode: Unencrypted Encryption Status: Not encrypting Percent Encrypted: 0.00 640 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Data at Rest Encryption EXAMPLE #2 This example shows output for an encryption operation that is currently in progress. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -info Is Encryption Supported: Yes Encryption Mode: Controller Based Encryption Encryption Status: In progress Percent Encrypted: 25.67 EXAMPLE #3 This example shows output for when an encryption operation is 100% complete, but a new drive has been added to the array, which must be scrubbed. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -info Is Encryption Supported: Yes Encryption Mode: Controller Based Encryption Encryption Status: Scrubbing Percent Encrypted: 100.00 EXAMPLE #4 This example shows output for an encryption operation that is 100% complete. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -info Is Encryption Supported: Yes Encryption Mode: Controller Based Encryption Encryption Status: Encrypted Percent Encrypted: 100.00 EXAMPLE #5 This example shows output for when the -encryptionmode switch is used. This will return only the encryption mode. naviseccli -h securedata -feature -info -encryptionmode Encryption Mode: Controller Based Encryption securedata -backupkeys -status Retrieves the status of the keystore backup operation. PREREQUISITES All user roles, with the exception of VASA administrator (vmadmin), can execute this command. DESCRIPTION The securedata -backupkeys -status command returns the status of the keystore backup operation. It also indicates whether the keystore has changed and if a backup operation is required. SYNTAX securedata -backupkeys -status EXAMPLE #1 This example shows the output for when the encryption enabler is installed, but the encryption feature has not yet been activated on the array. securedata -backupkeys -status 641 Data at Rest Encryption naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -status Status: No operation required EXAMPLE #2 This example shows the output for when a backup operation is required. This can display for the initial keystore backup operation, or because the keystore has changed since the last backup. naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -status Status: Backup keystore operation required EXAMPLE #3 This example shows the output for when the backup operation was initiated and is in progress. naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -status Status: Backup keystore operation in progress EXAMPLE #4 This example shows the output for when no backup operation is required because no additional changes to the keystore were made since the last backup completed. naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -status Status: Backup keystore operation complete securedata -backupkeys -retrieve Retrieves a backup file containing a copy of the keystore from the array. PREREQUISITES You must have a user role of administrator or securityadmin to execute this command. DESCRIPTION The securedata -backupkeys -retrieve command retrieves a backup file containing a copy of the keystore. SYNTAX securedata -backupkeys -retrieve -path backupfilepath EXAMPLE #1 This example shows output for when the encryption enabler is installed, but the feature has not yet been activated. naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -retrieve This operation is not supported until the encryption feature has been activated. EXAMPLE #2 This example shows output for when the file is retrieved successfully. 642 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Data at Rest Encryption naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -retrieve -path C: \Temp The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Successfully retrieved: FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_15_21_14_0000000000000005.lbb EXAMPLE #3 This example shows output for when the file retrieval fails because the request has timed out. naviseccli -h securedata -backupkeys -retrieve -path C: \Temp The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Operation failed The retrieval process is taking longer than expected. The system is too busy to handle the request. Please try again later. securedata -auditlog -retrieve Retrieves the audit log file and its accompanying checksum file from the array. PREREQUISITES You must have a user role of administrator or securityadmin to execute this command. DESCRIPTION The securedata -auditlog -retrieve command retrieves the audit log file and its accompanying checksum file from the array and stores them in a location specified by the user. SYNTAX securedata -auditlog -retrieve all | mmyyyy -path logpath OPTIONS all Returns all log entries up to a limited file size of 100 MBs. If the log entries exceed 100 MBs, the first 100 MBs of the file will be returned (beginning with transaction ID 1). In these cases, the file name will contain the word "partial". Approximately 1,500,000 transactions are required to generate a file that exceeds 100 MBs. If a partial file is retrieved using the all option, utilize the mmyyyy option to retrieve the remaining log entries, starting at the month and year of the last log entry in the partial file. mmyyyy If specified, returns the log entries for a specific month and year. -path Specifies the path on the local system where the auditlog and checksum files will be saved. EXAMPLE #1 This example shows output if the command succeeds, but with a partial file retrieval as the full log file exceeds 100 MBs. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -retrieve all -path C: \SecureData_Files The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Successfully retrieved: securedata -auditlog -retrieve 643 Data at Rest Encryption FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_00000000000001B7_0000000000000789_p artial.log FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_00000000000001B7_0000000000000789_p artial.hsh EXAMPLE #2 This example shows input where the month and year were specified, and output if the command succeeds with a full log file retrieval for that month and year. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -retrieve 032014 -path C:\SecureData_Files The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Successfully retrieved: FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_0000000000000001_000000000000002A_f ull.log FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_0000000000000001_000000000000002A_f ull.hsh EXAMPLE #3 This example shows output if the command fails because an invalid month/year combination is specified. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -retrieve 031844 -path C:\SecureData_Files Invalid time period entered for the audit log retrieval request. securedata -auditlog -cksum Retrieves a regenerated checksum file from the array for a previously retrieved audit log file. PREREQUISITES You must have a role of administrator or securityadmin to execute this command. A checksum file must have been previously generated using the securedata auditlog -retrieve command. Note The newly retrieved checksum file will have a .hsh extension and the same file name as the original checksum file. To keep the original checksum file, you must save a copy of the original file with either a new name or to a different location so the original file will not be overwritten. If renaming a copy of the original file, it is recommended that you preserve the file-naming convention, which includes the timestamp and transaction ID range, and append the file name with a unique identifier, such as "_xxx". DESCRIPTION The securedata -auditlog -cksum command retrieves a regenerated checksum file for a previously retrieved audit log file. SYNTAX securedata -auditlog -cksum logFilename -path cksumPath OPTIONS -cksum 644 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block Data at Rest Encryption Specifies the file name of the audit log file for which to retrieve the regenerated checksum file. -path Specifies the path on the local system where the regenerated checksum file will be saved. EXAMPLE #1 This example shows output if the command is executed successfully. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -cksum FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_0000000000000001_000000000000002A_f ull.log -path C:\Temp The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Successfully retrieved: FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_0000000000000001_000000000000002A_f ull.hsh EXAMPLE #2 This example shows output if the command fails. This can occur when the file requested to be retrieved is for a different array, or or if the filename of the originally retrieved .log file was modified and the system cannot locate the requested log entries based on the filename. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -cksum CF2U6124800059_2014_05_21_18_02_33_0000000000000001_0000000000000038_f ull.log -path C:\SecureData_Files The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Operation failed SP A: The checksum file retrieval process failed. Examine other SP Event Log entries for details, gather SPcollects and contact your service provider. (0x71408019) EXAMPLE #3 This example shows output if the command fails because the request has timed out. naviseccli -h securedata -auditlog -cksum FNM00125200242_2014_03_10_18_48_16_0000000000000001_000000000000002A_f ull.log -path C:\SecureData_Files The process of retrieving the file(s) is in progress Operation failed The retrieval process is taking longer than expected. The system is too busy to handle the request. Please try again later. securedata -auditlog -cksum 645 Data at Rest Encryption 646 EMC VNX Series 5.33 Command Line Interface Reference for Block
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Author : EMC Corporation, Reference Guide, 300-015-135 Copyright : © 2016 EMC Corporation Create Date : 2016:09:07 11:05:05-05:00 Job Reference : SWM Keywords : midrange storage, VNX series, Block CLI, commands, 300-015-135 Modify Date : 2016:09:25 10:56:53-04:00 Language : EN XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Creator Tool : AH XSL Formatter V6.2 MR10 for Windows (x64) : (2015/07/21 09:32JST) Metadata Date : 2016:09:25 10:56:53-04:00 Producer : Antenna House PDF Output Library 6.2.706 (Windows (x64)) Trapped : Unknown Marked : True Format : application/pdf Creator : EMC Corporation, Reference Guide, 300-015-135 Title : Command Line Interface Reference for Block Rights : © 2016 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Description : Describes the CLI commands for Block, used to configure and manage a system. Subject : midrange storage, VNX series, Block CLI, commands, 300-015-135 Job 0020 Reference : SWM Document ID : uuid:0b24a011-3440-4121-a28e-439592309b1e Instance ID : uuid:ffaa879a-f5a8-4bbd-a549-b10d0cf4f373 Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 646 Warning : [Minor] Ignored duplicate Info dictionaryEXIF Metadata provided by