810 Edispec Invoice Supplier 810v4010

User Manual: 810

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EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice (Supplier v4010)
December 2010
This Standard contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Fisher Scientific Customer
Invoice Transaction Set (810) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environ-
ment. Please refer to the EDI Services Guide for additional information. All information contained herein
is subject to change at the discretion of Fisher Scientific Company, L.L.C.
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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POS ID Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes
010 ST Transaction Set Header M 1
020 BIG Beginning Segment for Invoice M 1
LOOP ID - N1 200
070 N1 Name O 1
810 Purchase Order - Functional Group=IN
POS ID Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes
LOOP ID - IT1 200000
010 IT1 Baseline Item Data O 1
LOOP ID - PID 1000
060 PID Product/Item Description O 1
LOOP ID - SLN 1000
200 SLN Line Item Acknowledgement O 1
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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1/010 Number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of IT1 segments. If used,
hash total (CTT02) is the sum of the value of quantities invoiced (IT102) for each IT1 seg-
POS ID Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat Notes
010 TDS Total Monetary Value Summary M 1
040 SAC Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge
O 1
070 CTT Transaction Totals O 1 N1/010
030 SE Transaction Set Trailer M 1
To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
ST01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code
Code Name
810 Invoice
M ID 3/3
ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9
ST POS: 010 Max: 1
Heading - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 2
Transaction Set Header
1. The transaction set identifier (ST01) used by the translation routines of the interchange partners
to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the Invoice Transaction Set).
To indicate the beginning of the Invoice Transaction Set and transmit identifying numbers and dates.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
BIG01 373 Date M/A DT 8/8
BIG02 076 Invoice Number M AN 1/22
BIG04 324 Purchase Order Number O AN 1/22
BIG07 640 Transaction Type Code
Code Name
CR Credit Memo
DI Debit Invoice
DR Debit Memo
CN Credit Invoice
M ID 2/2 N/640
BIG POS: 020 Max: 1
Heading - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 4
Beginning Segment for
1. BIG01 is the invoice issue date.
1. BIG07 is used only to further define the type of invoice when needed.
N/640 Please refer to EDI Services Guide for additional requirements.
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
N101 98 Entity Identifier Code
Code Name
RE Remit To
M ID 2/3 N/98
N102 93 Name C AN 1/60
N1 POS: 070 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: N1 Elements: 2
1. R0203 - At least one of N102 or N103 is required.
1. This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identifi-
cation. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained
by the transaction processing party.
N/98 Please refer to EDI Services Guide for additional requirements.
To specify basic and most frequently used line item data for the invoice and related transactions.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Purchase Order
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
IT101 350 Assigned Identification O AN 1/20
IT102 358 Quantity Invoiced X R 1/10
IT103 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code
Code Name
CA Case
EA Each
GR Gross
PC Piece
PK Pack (PAK)
X ID 2/2 N/355
IT104 212 Unit Price X R 1/17 N/212
IT106 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier
Code Name
BP Buyer’s Part Number
CB Buyer’s Catalog Number
VC Vendor’s (Seller’s) Catalog Number
VP Vendor’s (Seller’s) Part Number
X ID 2/2 N/235
IT107 234 Product/Service ID X AN 1/48
IT1 POS: 010 Max: 1
Heading - Mandatory
Loop: IT1 Elements: 6
Baseline Item Data
1. IT101 is the purchase order line item identification.
1. P020304If either IT102, IT103, or IT104 are present, then the others are required
2. P0607If either IT106 or IT107 are present, then the other is required.
1. Element 235/234 combinations should be interpreted to include products and/or services. See the
Data Dictionary for a complete list of IDS.
2. IT106 through IT125 provide for ten different product/service IDs per each item. For example:
Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU.
M/35/212/235 Please refer to EDI Services Guide for additional requirements.
To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
PID01 349 Item Description Type
Code Name
F Free-form
M ID 1/1
PID05 352 Description C AN 1/80
PID POS: 060 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: PID Elements: 2
Product/Item Description
1. If PID01 equals “F”, then PID05 is used. If PID01 equals “S”, then PID04 is used. If PID01 equals
“X”, then both PID04 and PID05 are used.
To specify product subline detail item data.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
SLN01 350 Assigned Identification
M AN 1/20
SLN03 662 Relationship code
Code Name
1 Included
M ID 1/1
SLN04 380 Quantity C R 1/15
SLN05 355 Composite Unit of Measure M ID 2/2
SLN09 235 Composite Unit of Measure
Code Name
LT Lot Number
C ID 2/2 N/235
SLN10 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/48
SLN POS: 200 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: SLN Elements: 6
Subline Item Detail
1. SLN01 is the identifying number for the subline item.
2. SLN03 is the configuration code indicating the relationship of the subline item to the baseline
1. See the Data Element Dictionary for a complete list of ID.
2. SLN01 is related to (but not necessarily equivalent to) the baseline item number. Example: 1.1 or
1A might be used as a subline number to relate to baseline number 1.
3. SLN09 through SLN28 provide for ten different product/service Ids for each item. For example:
Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU.
N/235 Please refer to EDI Services Guide for additional requirements.
To specify the total invoice discounts and amounts.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
TDS01 610 Amount M N2 1/15
TDS POS: 010 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: N/A Elements: 1
Total Monetary Value
1. TDS01 is the total amount of invoice (including charges, less allowances) before terms discount
(if discount is applicable).
To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage
for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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SAC POS: 040 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: SAC Elements: 4
Service, Promotion,
Allowance, or Charge
Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/
SAC01 248 Allowance or Charge Indicator
Code Name
C Charge
M ID 1/1
SAC02 1300 Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code
Code Name
A010 Absolute Minimum Charge
C310 Discount
C510 Dry Ice
C590 Emergency Surcharge
D200 Freight Charges to Destination
D240 Freight
D270 Fuel Surcharge
D540 Hazardous Materials Handling Fee -
D820 Inside Delivery
F050 Other (See related description)
F155 Packaging
F230 Penalty Charge
G470 Restocking Charge
G740 Service Charge
G830 Shipping and Handling
H750 Tax - Sales Tax (State and Local)
I250 Transportation Charge (Minimum
I530 Volume Discount
ZZZZ Mutually Defined
C ID 4/4 N1/1300
SAC05 610 Amount O N2 1/15
SAC12 331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code
Code Name
06 Charge to be Paid by Customer
O ID 2/2
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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1. R0203 -- At least one of SAC02 or SAC03 is required
1. SAC01 is "A" or "C", then at least one of SAC05, SAC07, or SAC08 is required.
2. SAC05 is the total amount for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge.
3. If SAC05 is present with SAC07 or SAC08, then SAC05 takes precedence.
N/1300 Please refer to EDI Services Guide for additional requirements.
To transmit a has total for a specific element in the transaction set.
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
CTT01 354 Number of Line Items M N0 1/6
CTT02 347 Hast Total O R 1/10
CTT POS: 070 Max: 1
Heading - Optional
Loop: N/A Elements: 2
Transaction Totals
1. This segment is intended to provide has totals to validate transaction completeness and correct-
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including
the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments).
Element Summary:
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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Ref ID Segment Name Req Type Min/Max Notes
SE01 96 Number of Included Segments M N0 1/10
SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9
SE POS: 030 Max: 1
Summary - Mandatory
Loop: N/A Elements: 2
Transaction Set Trailer
1. SE is the last segment of each transaction set.
Sample 810 :
Below is a complete example of an 810 transmission:
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*7777777777 *09*004321519VNDP
PID*F****FILTERMAT (100/pack)
EDI Specifications
810 - Invoice
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