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How to Design Usable
Physical Products, Devices,
Tools, and Cockpits
Human Factors
I n t e r n a t i o nal
day course
Course overview How to Design Usable Physical Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits 2
Why take this course?
The most successful devices and tools are created with
human factors in mind to achieve compatibility in the
design of systems that comprise people, machines, and
environments. Using research-based techniques and
practices, this course will teach you to:
Improve user efficiency through effective layouts
and feature selection
Enhance machine device safety through use-case
planning and integrated design
Develop brand loyalty by delivering experiences that
are consistent and industry leading
Reduce development costs by applying effective
user experience validation techniques
What you’ll learn
We will provide three days of practical guidelines,
diverse examples, and hands-on exercises to help you
refresh or jumpstart your practice in human factors
How to inform your design through an understand-
ing of the users, tasks, and environment of use
How to design the initial concept and form factor for
a product or device from a human-centered per-
Critical considerations for information display, con-
trols, control-display integration, user feedback,
workstations, and environmental factors to keep in
mind while detailing the design
Important evaluation methods used in verifying and
validating human-system designs
What you get
A comprehensive, graphically-rich participant manual,
including resources and references.
What should attend
Human factors practitioners and designers who work
with products such as:
Construction equipment
Cockpits of planes, trains, automobiles, trucks,
Computer printers, scanners and related hardware
Control rooms and command centers
Home appliances and devices such as washers, dry-
ers, thermostats, alarm systems, and others for
kitchen and bath
Home products such as lawn mowers, sprinkler sys-
tems, power drills
Medical devices
Physical products for older adults and other special
Remote controls such as TV, music, movies
This course is not intended for designers of websites
or computer or mobile application software (unless
they are embedded within the above products). This
software-re;ated content is covered in HFI’s Certified
Usability Analyst (CUA) and Certified User Experience
Analyst (CXA) programs.
Recommended Prerequisites
A background in human factors, ergonomics, usability,
industrial design, or user experience is helpful but not
How to Design Usable Physical
Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits
Course overview How to Design Usable Physical Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits 3
“We see an astonishing lack of
consideration of basic human factors
principles in the present-day design of
everyday objects, such as home
thermostats and appliances, and
mission-critical ‘life and death
equipment, such as medical devices
and automation in cockpits.
“We know it is easier to criticize and
break than to design and fix products,
so let us help you design or redesign
the human-in-the-loop to create a safe,
effective, efficient and satisfying user
Course Objectives
Participants learn to:
Describe the product design process from a human
factors perspective
Know the general principles of human-system
Analyze end users, human tasks, and environments
of use
Differentiate among options for information
displays and controls
Sketch usable and useful concept designs for
specific products
Create feedback for users of complex systems
Design workspaces optimized for people who will
work or play in them
Assess environmental factors such as light and
noise, and their influence on design
Justify the need for consideration of maintenance
tasks as well as operations
Eric Schaffer
CEO and Founder
How to Design Usable Physical
Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits
Course overview How to Design Usable PHysical Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits 4
With engaging and informative
exercises throughout
1Lives and dollars are at stake
Importance of human factors
Why it is not common sense
Human factors (HF) engineering and
human-centered design process
Human Factors Internatonal’s practical framework
Overview of HF models
• Human-system interface and interaction
• System, function, and task analysis
• Overview of ecosystems
UX Enterprise (UXE) as repository for artifacts of
analysis, design and testing
Users and personas
Tasks and scenarios
Environments of use
3Concept design and prototypes
Starting with ecosystem model of today
Task flow engineering for ecosystem of future
Initial form factor
Concept sketches
Lower fidelity prototypes
Higher fidelity prototypes
4Workplace and environment
Room or workplace configuration
Environmental factors
• Temperature and humidity
• Ventilation
• Illumination and emergency lighting
• Auditory environment
• Accessibility
• Vibration
5Workstations and cockpits
Anthropometrics (anthropometry measures physical
aspects of the human body for use in design)
Workstation configuration
Desks or workstations and chairs or seats
6Control-display integration
Analog and digital
Control and display device layout
Stimulus and response compatibility
Labeling and demarcations
Design principles
Selection of type of display
Detailed design
Design principles
Affordance and population stereotypes
Selection of type of control
Detailed design
9Alarms and feedback
Safety monitoring
Status and error messages
10 Checklists, documentation, and
When to make a design change vs. when to use
procedures or training
Usability of checklists and documentation
Instructional systems development
Course Outline
Course overview How to Design Usable PHysical Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits 5
11 Maintainability
The often forgotten persona of maintainer
Task analysis of maintenance activities
Task flow engineering and form factor for
12 Test and Evaluation
Expert heuristic review
Formative testing during design
Summative or validation testing
13 Transhumanism and other
future trends
14 Summary Register now!
Our Guarantee of Your Satisfaction
Human Factors International, Inc. intends that all
participants will benefit from the seminar. We offer the
best possible training in this field. If at any time during
the first day of the course a participant notifies the
instructor of his or her desire to withdraw, he or she
may leave and receive a full refund. There is absolute-
ly no risk to the participants or their companies.
Course Outline
Course overview How to Design Usable PHysical Products, Devices, Tools, and Cockpits 6
Featured Instructors
A partial list of companies where we
have taught Human Factors courses
— Agilent Technologies
— Airborne Express
— Ameritech
— AT&T Information Systems
— The BBC World Service
— Blue Cross/Blue Shield
— ChevronTexaco
— Cognizant Technology Solutions
— Deloitte Consulting
— dotMobi
— Ericsson Information Systems
— Ernst & Young
— FedEx
— Fidelity Investments
— General Motors
— Hewlett-Packard
— Library of Congress
— McKesson HBOC
— Metropolitan Life Insurance
— Motorola
— National Semiconductor
— Nextel
— Northern Telecom
— Pay Pal
— Prudential Life
— RBC Royal Bank
— SAP / SAP Norway
Onsite Training
If you have a group of people who would like to
attend this course, please contact us to discuss
having a private course at your company or hosting
a public course.
Contact Information
+44 (0) 207 290 3430
India and Middle East:
+91 22 4017 0400
+65.9101 4879
+27 76 734 4790
1680 Hwy 1, Suite 3600
P.O. Box 2020
Fairfield, IA 52556
Phone: 800.242.4480
Fax: 641.472.5412
Human Factors
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
EErriicc SScchhaaffffeerr
CEO and Founder
AAppaallaa LLaahhiirrii
Global Chief of Technical
Staff, & CEO, Institute of
Customer Experience
AApprriill MMccGGeeee
Chief of Technical Staff,
North America

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