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Bibliography of the Book Matrix Computations
Original authors: Gene H. Golub
(Stanford University)
Charles Van Loan
(Cornell University)
BibTEX conversion by
Chris Paige
Clement Pellerin
(McGill University)
LaTEX wrapper and prettyprinting by
Nelson H. F. Beebe
Center for Scientific Computing
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Tel: +1 801 581 5254
E-mail: (Internet)
07 May 1999
Version 1.10


sity, Montreal, PQ, Canada H3A 2A7). Send
any corrections by e-mail to to Charles Van
This bibliography is from the book Matrix Loan at
This wrapper, and the prettyprinting of
Computations, Second Edition, by Gene H.
Golub and Charles F. Van Loan, The Johns the bibliography file, were supplied by Nelson
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Mary- H. F. Beebe (University of Utah).
land 21218, 1989.
The master bibliography is available from
netlib service; to fetch a copy, send eThe original bibliography was prepared by
to with the text send
Charles Van Loan (Computer Science, Cornell
from bib.
University, Ithaca, NY 14583). It was corThis prettyprinted version is available from
rected, edited, and put in BibTEX format in
September 1990 by Chris Paige and Clement the tuglib service; send e-mail to tuglib@Pellerin (Computer Science, McGill Univer- with the text send gvl.bib

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

from tex/bib.

Title word cross-reference
(A − λB)x = 0 [Sch74]. −1 [KW87]. A
[PW69, You72]. A − λB
[Kåg85, Kåg86, TW70]. A = 1 + H [Buc74].
{aij } [Asp59]. aij = 0 [Asp59].
AX + XB = C [BS72, GNL79].
AX − XB T = C [Bye84]. Ax = λBx
[Erd67, GUW72, MW68c, PW69, PW70a,
Rod73, Ste72, Ste75b]. Ay = λBy [TW72].
B [PW69]. ` [Hoc83]. H [Buc74]. ijk
[OR88]. j > i + p [Asp59]. k [NV83]. L1
[BCS78, BR73, CP76]. L2 [GV74]. L∞
[BCC78]. M [Bar87, MdV77].
PN [JH88].
fp (A)Xgp (A)
O(n2 ) [Dor73]. RN [Bjö88].
[WZ72]. kA−1 k [Var76].
- [OS81]. -Cube [JH88]. -Matrix
[Bar87, MdV77]. -Scaling [GV74].
-Solutions [CP76]. -step [NV83].
100 [LV75, NV75]. 10P [DD88].
2 [CDH84]. 200/VF [DD88].
3090 [DD88]. 3090-200 [DD88].
3090-200/VF [DD88].
4 [DH86]. 400 [KL88].
Accelerating [Ste69]. Acceleration [YJ80].
Accuracy [Don83, DMW83, Hig88a, Pai80,
Rob77, Sco85, War77]. Accurate [DK88].
ADI [CMdP84]. Adjoint [GK69].
Advances [Wil77]. after [Ruh69b]. Aid
[LO83]. Algebra
[Bun87, CDH84, DJK+ 88, DCHH88a,
DGK84, DH86, DS86, FF63, FF77, Fox64,
GJM87, GJMS88, Gol74, Hag88, Hel78,
Hig85, Joh87a, Kah66, Kan66, Lau85,


LHKK79a, LHKK79b, Leo80, Mir55, ND77,
Str88, Wil77, WR71, DCDH88, DCHH88b].
Algebraic [AL84, Bye83, FM67, Nas75,
Rob77, Wil63, Wil65a, Wil68c, vdS70].
Algebraically [Cul78, CD74]. Algorithm
[AC84, APP88, AL73, AL85, AC76, Bai88a,
BP75a, BR73, BS79, Bjö84, BB71, BG84b,
BG69, Bye86, Cha82a, Cha82b, CD87, CP77,
CVD88, Cra86, CD74, CWL83, Cyb80,
Cyb84, DT71, DCHH88a, DE84, DS87a,
Dub70, DMW68, Eld84, Eld88, FH72,
GJMS88, GPS76a, Gol74, GUW72, Gra86,
Gre81, HL69, Hel76, HP78, Hua81, HV88a,
HV88b, HVH87, JP71, Kåg86, KR80a,
KR80b, Kar74, Kau74, Kau77, Ker82, LH69,
LHKK79a, LPS87, Loa75a, MPW70,
MRW70, MW68b, MP82, MS73b, ML82,
Nan85, O’L80a, Paa71, Pai76, Pai80, PD86,
PS78, PS82a, PS82b, Par65, Par66, Par68,
Par80a, PR81, PS79, PSS82, Ros69, Ruh69a,
Saa82, SS86, Sco79b, SB79, Sim84, Ste70,
Ste76a, Ste79a, Ste85, Sto73, Swa79, Swe74,
Swe77, Tre64, War75, Wat73, Wat82,
Wil68b, Wil79, Win68, Zoh69].
Algorithmic [CdB80]. Algorithms
[AL84, BG76, BS86, Bis88b, BE73, BMRW68,
Bre70, Bud64, Bun87, Bye83, Cal86, CDH84,
CW77, CW85b, CW85a, Cyb78, DGKS76,
DGK84, DH86, DSS86, Doo83, DGR79,
EHHR88, Eld77a, FOH87, GR84, GPS76b,
Hea78, Hel78, Hig86b, Hig87b, JH87a, JH88,
KNP87, KNP88, KP74, Knu81, Kub61,
Lew77, Loa73, Mod88, MvdV87, O’L76,
OS85, Pai81, Par71, Pry85, Ris73, Ruh79,
Sam71, SHW86, Wil65b, Woz80]. Allowing
[SS79]. Almost [Ruh75, Wed73a, Wil68a].
Alternating [CJZ83, JH87b]. Alternative
[MC86]. Among [Par76]. Analogue [Fra61].
Analyses [Mei83]. Analysis
[Abd71, APP88, AL85, Bel70, Bjö87, Bre70,
Bun71a, CdB80, Cyb78, Dem88, Eld77b,
Elm86, FNO87, Gen73a, GL80, Gre52,
HN81, Hig87b, Hig89, Hoa77, Hoc65, Hot57,
Hou74, Huf87, IP87, JO74, KP74, Kie87,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Loa83, MS78, MM83, NV83, Ort72, Pai73,
Pai76, Pai79a, Par71, Ple86, Pry85, Sco78,
Sim84, Sor85, Sun83, Var62, Wil61, Wil68c,
Wil71, Woz80, dBP77]. Analyst [Dem83b].
Angles [BG73]. Application
[ES86, FU69, JO71, Kau79, Loa77a, McC72,
Ris73, Sch09, Ste80]. Applications
[AG87, AG88, Bar87, BS68, Fox88, Fra64a,
Fra64b, GLR86, GT81, HL69, Hig86a,
Hig88d, Hig88e, LH69, Leo80, Loa73, Nas76,
Opp78, RW72a, Str88, TG81, Van71, Var73].
Applied [Hag88, HY81, ND77, Ple86].
Applying [PR68]. Approach [CdB80,
Doo81b, HV87, KP81, KM86a, McC72].
Approaching [DH86]. Approximate
[AP86, KPJ82, OP64, Ste71].
Approximating [DGR79, Loa84].
[BR73, GHS88, Gre52, Loa77a, Saa86].
Approximations [FL70]. Arbitrary [HS88,
Hua75, JH87a, Lot56, Ruh68, Sch79, Swe77].
Architectures [Bis87, Joh84, Joh85, Joh86,
Joh87b, JH88, Kun82]. Arguments [Var76].
Arising [Saa86, Var72]. Arithmetic
[Gre81, KM86b, Ste81a, Yoh79]. Array
[BL86, KB84, Luk86b, Sch86]. Arrays
[AC84, BL85, ES86, GK82, ST86, SHW86].
Art [IP87]. Aspect [Nic74]. Aspects
[Hel76, Lau85, Ruh79, Ruh83, Rut69].
Assignment [MP82, OS86]. Associated
[HVH87, Ste73b, SW80]. Asymptotic
[Ste84a]. aufzulösen [Jac46]. Augmented
[Cox81]. Automatic [KdV77]. Average
[TS87]. Axis [EY39].
Backward [ADD88, dBP77]. Balancing
[PR69, War81]. Band
[All73, Boh75, CKS78, CS87, Cox81, Cra73,
JO77, Joh86, MRW70, MW65, MW67,
PW69, Rei67, Ruh79, Sch68, Sco84, Tre74].
Banded [DS84, Eld84, Joh85, WAC+ 88].
Bandwidth [Cut72, GPS76a, GPS76b].
Based [Cal86, CW80, HN81]. Basic
[DCHH88a, Joh87a, LHKK79a, LHKK79b,


Par68, DCDH88, DCHH88b]. Bauer
[Rut69]. be [Bus68]. Behavior
[Gre81, Ste84a]. Best [BB71, GV74].
Between [AR85, BG73]. Bibliographical
[Ste76b]. Bidiagonalization
[OS81, Pai74a, PS78]. Biharmonic [BD74].
Bilineari [Bel73]. Binary [Ste81a].
Biorthogonalization [Saa82]. Bisection
[BMW67]. Bisectors [Par71]. Björck
[Hig87b]. Björck-Pereyra [Hig87b]. BLAS
[DD88, KL88]. BLAS3 [GJM87]. Block
[AP86, BS79, Bis87, Bun76, Cal86, CGM85,
CD74, Dem83a, DHS87, ER88, FV62, Geo74,
GLO81, GT81, GU77, Hel76, KB84, Mer85,
Meu84, O’L80a, Ple86, Ris73, RW84a,
RW84b, Saa80, SP87, Sco79a, SHW86, SS87,
Swe77, TG81, Uhl73, Und75, Var72, Wat73].
Block-Oriented [Cal86].
Block-Tridiagonal [Var72]. Boolean
[JH87a, JH87b, JH88]. Both [Mad59].
Bound [PNO85, Var75]. Boundary [FU69].
Bounding [Sco85, Var76]. Bounds
[AK75, Boh75, Bro73, CR79, Des63, FL74,
Hen62, Kåg77a, KPJ82, Lem73, OP64,
Ruh70a, Ste71, Ste73b, Ste77b, Ste79c,
SW80, Var68b, Wed72].
Calculating [BK77, GK65, Ste75c, Ste76a].
[BMW67, BS70, CGP76, GW69, KG83,
LS78, MW67, PR69, PW71, Var68a].
Calculations [FF77, Fos86, JMP83, TW72].
Calculus [Dav73]. Can [Bus68, Pan84].
Canonical [Dem83b, Doo79, GW76, MW31,
Par67, TA61, Uhl76, Wil78, Wil79]. Case
[TS87, Wed73a]. CDC [LV75]. CDC-STAR
[LV75]. Certain
[All73, Buc77, HZ68, JO77, Ste73b, Var72].
Chains [Bar87, GM86]. Changes [SS79].
Characteristic [Hou68, Lot56, Sch09].
Characterization [GV74]. Characterizing
[Hoc83]. Chebychev [BP75a, GO88, GV61].
[BBDdH87, GH85, GHL86, HHP88, Hig89,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Kie87, Man79, Mei83, ST86, Ste79a].
Choosing [GHW79]. Circle [FV62, Sco85].
Circulant [Cha88]. Class [Eis84, MP74,
Ros69, Ser80, WG78, Wid78, Woz80].
Classes [Bud64]. Cline [BCC78]. Close
[Wil68a]. Closed [Ste71]. Closeness
[Ruh75]. Closest [Pea01, Ruh87]. Clusters
[CD87, Kah67]. Coarse [Bis88b]. Codes
[Hig88d]. Coefficient [Kog55, MdV77].
Coefficients [OP64, Ste77c]. Collection
[DH84]. Collinearity [HV87, Ste87].
Column [Dav86, Fos86, Ste84b].
Combination [Cra86, CM83, War75].
Combinations [Bau65, Mah79].
Comments [Huf88]. Communication
[GR84, Joh87a, SS85a]. Compact [Bun69].
[BG76, DR76, GPS76b, GWM76].
Compatibility [OP64]. Complement
[Cot74]. Complete [Kub61]. Complex
[AL73, AL76, BMPW66, BGG88, BG69,
Ebe70, Ebe71, FH60, Fro65, Hig88d, KR80a,
KR80b, MW68b, Mue66, Saa86, Sea69,
Ser80, Var68a, Var68b]. Complexity
[GR84, Mil75]. Computation
[BLL85, Cha85, Cul78, CW79, Doo79, Eld85,
FG86, Giv58, Gol69, GW76, Jen77b, JP71,
Kåg77b, KR80a, KR80b, Mod88, Pai71,
Par74a, Ruh79, Rut69, SP87, War77, WG78,
Wra73, Wra75]. Computational
[FF63, Kan66, KF64, Mil75].
[BR76, CL88, CW85b, CW85a, DHS87,
FMM77, Gen73b, GL89, Joh87a, Lau81,
Lau85, Luk78, Mol86, OS85, Pai79b, Ple86,
Ric81, Rod82a, Rod82b, Ste73c]. Compute
[GM86, ML78]. Computed
[Don83, DMW83]. Computer
[CMR88, FM67, FMM77, GL81a, KM86b,
LV75, NV75, Pai79a, Sam71]. Computers
[DKH86, DS86, Hoc83, HJ88, KB84, Meu84,
Meu89, OV85, PO87, Sch87]. Computing
[AK75, Bai88a, BS79, Bis88a, BL86, BB71,
BG73, Cha82a, Cha82b, CP77, CVD88,


CD74, CWL83, CL86, DK87, FH60, GMS75,
GLO81, GU77, HLPW86, HS86, Hen58,
Hig86a, Hig87a, Hig88b, HVH87, Kåg86,
Loa78a, Loa85a, Luk80, Luk86a, Luk86b,
Pai81, Pai86, PD86, Sch87, Sco84, SB79,
Ste76d, Ste83, Ste85, Var70a, Hig86b].
Concepts [AS83]. Concerning [PT57].
Concurrent [AS83, DSS86, FJL+ 88].
Condensed [DHS87, DR75]. Condition
[AR85, Bro73, Bye84, CP77, CCL82,
CMSW79, CR83, Dem83a, FL74, GL81b,
Hag84, Hig87c, Hig88d, Lem73, Loa87, Loi69,
O’L80b, Ric66b, Saa86, Smi67, Ste80, vdS69,
vdS70, Hig86b]. Conditioned
[Eld77a, Eld84, Eld85, FH72, Gau75b,
GW76, PW79, Ruh70b, Var73, Wil72].
Conditioning [MS73a]. Conditions
[FM84]. Conference [Hea86, KR83].
Configured [JH87b, JH88]. Confluent
[BE73, GP71]. Conjectures [Dem87a].
[Ada85, Ash87, AMS88, Axe80, Cli76b,
CGM85, CGO76, CW77, CW80, JT87, Eis84,
FM84, Gin71, Gre81, Hes80, HS52, JY83,
Jen77a, JMP83, Jor84, Mel87, Meu84, O’L76,
O’L80a, Rei71b, Rei72, RW72b, Sea86,
Ste73a, Ste75a, Woz80, YJ80, vdSdV86].
Connected [BLL85]. Connection [Wed72].
Conquer [Cup81, KM86a]. Considerations
[AGG88, Wra73, Wra75]. Consistency
[vdSV79]. Consistent [BV68, Nic74, You72].
Constrained [BNP88, Bjö84, Eld77b, Eld83,
Hea78, KP81, Loa83, Loa85c, SS79, Dem87c].
Constraint [Gan81]. Constraints
[Eld80, GU70, Mer85]. Construction
[EN83, BPS86a, BPS86b]. Control
[DJK+ 88, DK88, Lau85, Loa82].
Controllability [Pai81]. Convection
[CMdP84]. Convection-Diffusion
[CMdP84]. Converge [Sco79b].
Convergence [AL73, AR85, Bai88a, BP75b,
GO88, Har82, Hen58, HP78, Hua81, Jen77a,
Loi72, PD86, Par65, Par68, Ruh67, Ruh68,
Saa80, Sch64, SS87, Ste75a, Wil65b, Wil68b,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

You70, vK66, vdSdV86]. Coordinate
[Sch74]. Corresponding [CD74, GLO81].
Cosine [SB79]. Counter [CR83].
Counterexample [Dem87a]. Course
[Ort72, Ort88]. Cray [Bai88b, Cal86,
CDH84, DD88, DE84, DH86, Ker82, Sea86].
Cray-1 [Ker82]. Cray-2
[Bai88b, Cal86, DD88]. Criterion
[Kar74, Lev47]. Cross [Eld85, GHW79].
Cross-Validation [Eld85, GHW79]. Crout
[For60, McK62]. Cryptograms [MM83]. CS
[Loa85a, Pai84]. Cube
[JH87a, JH87b, JH88]. Cyclic
[BP75b, DF76, EHHR88, FH60, Han63,
Hel76, Hen58, Joh84, RW84a, RW84b,
Swe74, Swe77, vK66, HZ68].
D [Enr79]. DAP [MP85]. Data
[AC76, CR79, FG86, GH84, Hoa77, OS85,
SS85a, SS79]. Decomposition
[AG87, AG88, Bai88a, Bis88a, Bre70, BLL85,
Bun82, BKP76, BG69, Cha82a, Cha82b,
Cha84, CM88, CVD88, CMR86, Cup83,
Eld88, Fos86, GR70, GT81, Ham85, HN81,
Hig86a, Hig89, HS88, Kåg85, Kar74, Loa76,
Loa82, Loa85a, Luk80, MPW65, MW65,
Meu89, Nas75, Pai85, Pai86, PD86, PL81,
PS81, Par67, Phi71, Ris73, Ste83, Ste85,
TG81, WAC+ 88, Wed72]. Decompositions
[BS86, BGG88, Gen73a, Gol69, HI83, Pai84,
Ste84a]. Deficient [Wed73a]. Definite
[AR85, BR70, Cra86, CM83, CL86, DI86,
GL81a, GL79, MPW65, MPW66, MW65,
Nic74, PR70, Ste79c, Sun82, Hig89].
Definitions [Rin55, Doo83]. Deflated
[Cha84]. Deflation [Bus71b, Ste81b].
Degeneracy [GKS76, Ste84c]. Degree
[FG65]. Denelcor [DH84]. Dense
[BS86, DGK84, DH86, ISS86, Kau79].
Descent [Cli76a]. Design
[GJMS88, GR84, Lau85, Lev47].
Determination [Ruh69a]. Determined
[DR76, Var70a]. Developing [DS87b].
Diagonal [Bun71a, Var76, Wil68a].


Diagonalization [BS79, Ebe71, GH59,
Kog55, MP85, PT57, Sea69, Uhl73].
Diagonalize [Dem83a]. Diagonalizes
[AL73]. Diagonally [FV62, FNP82].
Diagonals [MRK76]. dif [KW87].
Difference [She55, Var72]. Differentiable
[BCS78]. Differential [CGO76, DNT83,
Lan50, Meu89, Nan85, OV85, Var61, Wil78].
Differentiate [GM86]. Differentiation
[GP70, GP73, GP76]. Difficult [Dem88].
Diffusion [CMdP84]. Digital
[KM86b, Opp78]. Dimension [Swe77].
Dimensional [Fro65, Hal58]. Direct
[BCC78, BP71, BD74, BDGG71, BGN70,
CG73, Dor70, Dor73, DER86, Hoc65, JO74,
SS73, Wil61]. Direction
[CJZ83, Hes80, JH87b, Ste73a]. Directions
[JT87]. Discrete
[BR73, BDGG71, Dor70, Dor73, ES86, SS73].
Discretizations [OS81]. Disk [SS73].
Dissection [Geo73]. Distance [Dem87b].
Distributed [Bis88a, Bis88b, EHHR88,
HR88, LC88, Mol86, PJV87].
Distributed-Memory [LC88]. Divide
[Cup81, KM86a]. Divisors [Wil84].
Domain [Meu89]. Dominance [Var76].
Dominant [FV62, FNP82]. Downdating
[BBDdH87, HHP88, Ste79a]. Dubious
[ML78]. Durbin [Cyb80].
E. [Enr79]. Eberlein [Har82]. Eckart
[GHS88]. Economical [Ste76c]. Effect
[Ske81]. Effectiveness [Pai80]. Effects
[LS78, Ste77c, Ste79a]. Efficient
[CVD88, CG73, Eis84, Enr79, Hig86b,
HVH87, Joh87a, LS78, Lau81, MP85, Ruh78,
SL89, Ste80, Sto73, Mel87].
Eigendecompositions [DK87].
[AL84, BE68, BNS78, Cup81, Ebe70, MW68c,
Nas75, Pai80, PW70a, Ruh70b, Wil72].
Eigenproblems [Jen72, PR81, Und75].
Eigensolution [JS75]. Eigenspace [CD74].
Eigenstructure [Doo81a]. Eigensystem

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib
[GBDM72, SBI+ 70, Var68b, Var70a, WG78].
Eigensystems [GW76, KPJ82].
[AGG88, Arn51, BW73, BS70, BS86, BG78,
BL85, BG84b, CJ71, Cra73, Cra76, CW85b,
CW85a, CW86, CL86, DNT83, DHS87,
DKH86, DS87a, Doo81b, ES82, ER80, FH72,
Fri75, Fri77, FNO87, Gol73, Gup72, Jen77a,
JO77, KdV77, Kau74, Kau77, Kub61, KF64,
Lan50, Lew77, LPS87, Loa75a, McC72,
MS73b, Paa71, Par80b, PSS82, PW69,
Rod73, Ruh74, Rut58, Sch86, Sco79a,
SHW86, Smi67, Ste72, Ste73b, Ste74, Ste75b,
Ste76b, Ste78, Ste79c, SW80, War81, Wil65a].
Eigenvalues [BMW67, Bud64, CP77, CJ70,
Cul78, CD74, DMW83, GWDF88, GU77,
Hen58, Kah67, KM86a, Loa84, Loa87,
MW67, Pai71, Pai74b, PNO85, PR69,
Ruh70a, Ruh75, Ruh79, SLN75, Sco84,
Ste76a, Van71, Wil68a, vdS75a].
Eigenvector [BS70, SW80]. Eigenvectors
[Bud64, CP77, CJ70, DK70, DMW83,
GWDF88, Loa87, Pai71, PR69, PW71,
Sco84, Ste69, Ste75c, Var68a].
Eigenwerteinschliessungen [Leh63].
EISPACK [GBDM72, SBI+ 70]. Element
[Geo73]. Elementary
[CdB80, Gou70, Wil84]. Elements [Par76].
Elimination [Bau65, Boh75, Bro73, Bus71a,
Cli73, Coh74, CMR88, Cry68, DK77, DP88,
Geo74, HH89, Ple74, Rei71a, Ske79, Ske80,
Sor85, Str69, TS87]. Elliptic [BPS86a,
BPS86b, CG73, CGO76, She55, Wac66].
Engineers [Jen77b]. Ensemble
[Joh84, Joh85, Joh86, Joh87b, JH88].
Environment [DS87b]. Equality
[BNP88, Eld80, Loa83, Loa85c].
Equality-Constrained [Loa83]. Equation
[BS68, BS72, BD74, BDGG71, Bye83, Bye84,
Cal86, CMdP84, DF76, DH84, Dor70, Dor73,
Erd67, Hoc65, KNP87, KNP88, KW87,
Sto75a, Sto75b, SS73, WZ72]. Equations
[AL84, Axe77, Axe80, Axe85, BG76, BP75a,
Bau65, Bjö87, Bjö88, BP70, BMPW66,


Bun85, BP71, BGN70, Cli76a, CG73, CGO76,
Cox81, Cyb80, DNT83, DS83, Doo81b,
DR76, ED83, Joh84, Kog55, Lan70, MP74,
MPW66, MW67, MdV77, Meu89, Nan85,
OP64, OV85, Pai73, Pai74a, PS75, PS78,
PS82a, PS82b, Par80a, PR70, PW79, Rei67,
Rei71b, Rei72, Rob77, RO88, Ros69, Sch09,
She55, Smi70, Ste73a, Ste81b, Sto73, Swa79,
Var61, Var72, Vet75, Wid78, Wil78, dV77].
[Bun71b, McK62, Ske81, vdS69, vdS70].
Equivalence [CW77, Dem83a, Rin55].
Ergodic [Bar87]. Error
[Abd71, ADD88, AL85, Bre70, Cyb78,
Gen73a, Hig87b, JO74, Kie87, Lev47, Mad59,
Mei83, OP64, Pai73, Pai76, PNO85, Pry84,
Pry85, Rob77, Ste71, Ste73b, Ste79a, SW80,
Wil61, Wil68c, Wil71, Woz80, dBP77].
Errors [Boh75, Coc68, HV87, HS66, LS78,
Ste77c, Wil63]. Estimate
[BB71, CMSW79, HZ68, War77, GM86].
[Dem87d, Gau75a, Hag84, Kan66, Rob77].
[Hig88d, Loa87, O’L80b, PSS82].
Estimation [GL81b, Hig87c, Hig88d, Huf87].
Estimator [Bye84, CCL82]. Estimators
[CR83, GWM76, Ste80, KW87]. ETA
[DD88]. ETA-10P [DD88]. Euclidean
[Blu78]. Evaluate [PS73]. Evaluation
[CJ70, Loa78b]. Even [Joh84]. Exact
[All73]. examples [CR83]. EXCHNG
[Ste76a]. Exclusion [BF60a, BF60b].
Execution [AC84]. Existence
[Cha85, FM84, TW72]. Expansion [Ste84d].
Experiences [CDH84, KL88].
Experiments [PT57, Ric66a]. Explicit
[Dav73, Lan70]. Exploratory [Hoa77].
[FL70, Kåg77a, Loa75b, Loa77a, Loa77b,
Loa78a, ML78, War77, Wra73, Wra75].
Extended [DCHH88a, DCHH88b].
Extension [GBDM72]. Extensions
[HL69, LH69]. Extra [Bai88b]. Extremal

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

[AM65]. Extreme [Ste75a].
F.L [Rut69]. FACR [Hoc83]. Factor
[Gre52, Hot57]. Factoring [Ris73, Ser80].
[AP86, Bis88b, BBDdH87, BBdH86,
DGKS76, DD88, DSS86, Elm86, ER74,
GH85, GH86, GHL86, GM76, GM86, HS86,
Kie87, Luk86a, Man79, Mei83, Mer85, OS86,
OR88, PJV87, SS79, ST86, Ste77b, Ste79a].
[Cha85, Cha87, CJZ83, GGMS74].
Factorized [Gol76]. Factorizing [Fle76].
Factors [GMS75, HH89]. Far [KP76]. Fast
[CG73, Hig88c, HS88, Hoc65, MP74, Pai79b,
Rat82]. Few [Cul78, Sco84]. Fields [Hen62].
Filter [Lev47]. Find [Blu78, Cra86].
Finding [Bud64, CM83, GWDF88, Van71].
Finite [Geo73, Gre81, Hal58, Tre64, Var72].
Finite-Difference [Var72]. First [Hea86].
Fit [Pea01]. Fitting [Dur60, Mad59].
Floating [Mol67, Ste81a]. Flow
[FG86, OS85]. Form [Aas71, Bus69, Cup83,
Dem83b, Doo79, Giv58, GW76, KR80a,
KR80b, MW68c, MW68d, MW31, Uhl76,
Wat73, Wil78, Wil79, DHS87]. Forms
[DR75, GU70, OR88]. Formulation
[FNO87]. Fortran [Blu78, DCHH88a,
DCHH88b, DE84, DH79, Hig88d, KW87,
LHKK79a, LHKK79b, Ste76a]. Found
[Ruh87]. Fourier [Hoc65]. Frequency
[Lau81]. Fully [DS87a]. Function
[Eld85, Rin55]. Functional [Dav73].
Functions [BCS78, Des63, Fra64a, Fra64b,
Kåg77b, Mir60, Par74a, Par76, PT57].
Funzioni [Bel73].
Game [TW72]. Gauge [Mir60]. Gauss
[BR70, GW69, KP81]. Gauss-Jordan
[BR70]. Gauss-Markov [KP81]. Gaussian
[Boh75, Bro73, Bus71a, Coh74, CMR88,
Cry68, DK77, DP88, HH89, Rei71a, Ske79,
Ske80, Sor85, Str69, TS87]. General
[Bjö84, FJL+ 88, Giv58, Kåg85, KP81,


Loa75a, MW68d, McC72, Pai85, Ruh69a,
Swa79, Var68a, Var68b, Var70a].
[GHS88, Gou70, Ruh68, You72].
Generalizations [BV68, FV62, Par74b].
Generalized [AL84, BG84b, CGO76, Cra73,
Cra76, JT87, Doo81a, Doo81b, Eld83, Eld85,
ES82, ER80, FH72, FNP82, GHW79, JY83,
JO77, Kåg85, KW87, KdV77, Kau74, Kau77,
Kau87, KF64, Loa73, Loa83, Loa85a, MS73b,
Nas76, Pai79a, Pai79b, Pai85, Pai86, PS81,
PW70a, SS86, Sch66, Ste75b, Ste76b, Ste78,
Ste79c, Ste83, Sun83, Swe74, Van71, War81,
YJ80, dV77, dV82a]. Generalizing
[CCL82, Loa76]. Generate [Uhl76].
Generation [AOU87, Ste80]. Geometric
[PP73]. Geometrical [Nic74]. Geometry
[AM65]. Gershgorin
[FV62, Joh71, Sco85, Ste75b, Var70b].
Gigaflop [DH86]. Given [OP64]. Givens
[Duf74, Gen73a, Gen73b, GH80, Ham74,
MC86, Rat82]. Gleichungen [Jac46].
Global [Har82, HP78, Par68, Wil68b].
GMRES [SS86, Wal88]. Go [KP76]. Good
[GHW79]. Gradient [Ada85, Ash87,
AMS88, Axe80, Cli76b, CGM85, CGO76,
CW77, CW80, Eis84, FM84, Gin71, Gre81,
JY83, Jen77a, JMP83, Jor84, Mel87, Meu84,
O’L76, O’L80a, Rod73, Sea86, Woz80, YJ80].
Gradients [HS52, Rei71b, Rei72, RW72b,
Ste75a, vdSdV86]. Grain [Bis88b]. Gram
[Abd71, Bjö67b, DGKS76, Ric66a, Ruh83,
Saa86]. Gram-Schmidt
[Abd71, Bjö67b, DGKS76, Ric66a, Ruh83].
Grands [GM83]. Granularity [CDH84].
Group [GM86]. Growth [DP88, HH89].
GSV [Pai84]. GSYLV [KW87]. GSYLV[KW87]. Guang [Pai84]. Guide [DBMS78,
GBDM72, Mol80, MLB87, SBI+ 70].
Hamiltonian [Bye83, Bye86, Loa84, PL81].
Hand [OP64, Saa87]. Handbook
[BE68, CL88, AL76]. Hankel [Phi71, Ris73].
having [Cox81]. Havsbad [KR83]. HEP

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

[DH84, LO83]. Hermite [GP71].
[AG87, AG88, BBI71, CM83, DT71, EY39,
Gou70, Hen58, Kah67, Kah75, Mah79,
Mue66, Pai74b, Sch79, Ste69, Ste76d].
Hessenberg [Bus69, Bus71b, GNL79,
Gra86, Ike79, Loa82, MPW70, MW68b,
MW68d, Par67, Par68, Ste76a].
Hessenberg-Schur [GNL79]. Hestenes
[Han88]. Hierarchical [GJM87, GJMS88].
High [Bai88b, DKH86, DS86]. Higher
[Var61]. Higher-Order [Var61].
Householder [BL87, BG67, BG65, CM88,
Cup84, HL69, Kau79, Kau87, LH69, MW68a,
Mue66, PR68, Rei67, SL89, Tsa75, Wal88].
HQR3 [Ste76a]. Hybrid [O’L76].
Hyperbolic [APP88, DI86]. Hypercube
[Bis87, Dav86, Ebe87, FOH87, GH85, GH86,
GWDF88, Hea86, Hea87, HHP88, Joh87a,
KNP87, MvdV87]. Hypercubes
[SS85a, SS85b, WAC+ 88]. Hypermatrix
IBM [DD88, KL88]. ICCG
[Ker82, PO87, dV82b]. Identity [Bre70]. II
[Bjö68, BPS86b, Fra61, Fra64a, GV61,
Hou68, MS78, OR88, Wra75]. III [DK70]. Ill
[Dem87b, DK88, Eld77a, Eld84, Eld85, ES86,
FH72, GW76, OS81, PW79, Ruh70b, Var73,
Wil72]. Ill-Conditioned
[Eld77a, Eld84, Eld85, FH72, GW76, PW79,
Ruh70b, Var73, Wil72]. Ill-Posed
[Dem87b, DK88, ES86, OS81, Var73].
ILLIAC [Luk80]. Impact [GJMS88, GR84].
[CVD88, DCHH88a, DSS86, Eis84, KL88,
LO83, Mel87, MP85, Ruh79, Wal88].
Implementations [MvdV87].
Implementing [DGK84, DH86, Tsa75].
Implicit [Dub70, DMW68, Ste81b, Var61].
Implies [JW77, Ske80]. Improved
[BR73, Cha82a, Cha82b]. Improving
[Don83, DMW83]. Inaccurate [CR79].
Inclusion [Kah67]. Incomplete


[CJZ83, Elm86, Man79, RW84a, RW84b].
Inconsistent [Axe80]. Incorporating
[Ste70]. Indefinite [AG87, AG88, BG76,
BP71, Fle76, PS75, Saa84]. Independent
[Ste77c]. Inequalities [MM64]. Inertia
[BK77]. Inexact [GO88]. Influence
[Jen77a]. Inner [Win68]. Integral
[JP71, Lan50, Sch09, Smi70]. Integrals
[Loa78a]. Interchanges [Fos86].
Intermediate [SLN75]. Interpretation
[CW80]. Interpreting [Jor87]. Interval
[Yoh79]. Intervals [CW79]. Introduction
[Bel70, Fox64, GK69, Lue73, Mir55, Ste73c,
TA61]. Invariance [Ste84b]. Invariant
[Dem87d, GLR86, MP82, Mir60, Par66,
Ruh70a, Ste71, Ste76d, Var70a]. Inverse
[Asp59, BG78, DGR79, Fri75, Fri77, FNO87,
GK65, PW71, PW79, RW72b, Var68a].
[All73, Gau75a, GP73, GP76, Hen62, Ike79,
Nas76, PW70b, Ste77a, Wed73b]. Inversion
[BR70, GM86, Tre64, Tre74, Wat73, Wil61,
Zoh69]. Involving [Hig88c, Loa78a].
Irregular [BD74, BDGG71]. Isolated
[Ste75a]. Iterates [Hen62]. Iteration
[CJ70, CJ71, JO71, JS75, Lan50, Man77,
McK62, Par74b, PW71, PW79, RW72b,
Rut69, Rut70, Ste69, Ste75c, Ste76d, Var68a].
Iterations [Arn51, PP73]. Iterative
[Axe77, Axe85, BI75, BNP88, BS70, Bjö67a,
Bjö68, BB71, BG67, Bun69, DGR79, Eva84,
GO88, GV61, GW66, HY81, JW77, MPW66,
McC72, MdV77, Mol67, NV83, Ple86, Ske80,
Und75, Var62, Wac66, You71, YJ80, EN83].
IV [Fra64b, Luk80].
J [Pai84]. J.-Guang [Pai84]. Jacobi [AL76,
AR85, BS86, Bis87, BG78, BG84a, BE68,
BP75b, Ebe70, Ebe87, FH60, GH84, Han62,
Han63, Hen58, HZ68, Hua75, KG83, Loi72,
MP85, PT57, Ruh67, Ruh68, Rut66, Sam71,
Sch64, SHW86, Sea69, SS87, Ste85, vK66].
Jacobi-Like [Sam71, Ste85]. Jacobi-Type
[AL76, BE68, Ebe70, Hua75]. JNF [KR80a].

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Jordan [BR70, Dem83b, GW76, KR80a,
KR80b, Loi69].
[Bai88a, CD87, CVD88, PD86]. Kronecker
[Doo79, Kåg86, Wil78, Wil79]. Krylov
[Saa81, Saa84].
Lanczos [CGP76, CD74, CW77, CW79,
CW80, CW85b, CW85a, CWL83, ER80,
Gol74, GLO81, GU77, GUW72, KP74,
KP76, KdV77, Pai70, Pai76, Pai80, Par80a,
PR81, PS79, PSS82, Ruh79, Saa80, Saa82,
Saa87, Sco78, Sco79a, Sco79b, Sim84, Und75,
Wid78, dV82a]. Large
[BPS81, Cul78, CD74, CW79, CW85b,
CW85a, CW86, CWL83, Enr79, ER80,
GL81a, GM76, HH89, Jen72, OS81, Pai71,
PR81, Rei71b, Ruh74, Ruh79, Saa81, Saa82,
Ste74, Ste76b, Und75, Van71, You71].
Large-Scale [BPS81]. Largest
[Cul78, CD74, PSS82]. Latent [GWM76].
Lattice [Cyb84]. LDV [GMS75]. Least
[Abd71, APP88, AK75, BNP88, Bau65,
Bjö67a, Bjö67b, Bjö68, Bjö84, BG67, BG65,
Cli73, Cox81, Cyb84, Eld77a, Eld77b, Eld80,
Eld83, Eld84, Eld85, Gan81, Gen73b, GH80,
Gol65, GKS76, GL80, GP73, GP76, GR70,
GW66, GWM76, HL69, Huf87, Huf88, HV87,
HV88a, HV88b, JO74, Kar74, KP81, LH69,
LH74, Lin61, Loa83, Loa85c, Pai79a, Pai79b,
PS78, PS82a, PS82b, PW70b, Ple74, PR68,
Rei67, Saa86, SS79, Ste77a, Ste87, Wed73a,
vdS75b, Dem87c]. leichtes [Jac46]. Level
[DD88, DCDH88, KL88]. Level-3 [DD88].
Levinson [Cyb80]. Levinson-Durbin
[Cyb80]. Like [Sam71, Ste85, Hig88c].
Limitation [Loa77a]. Linéaires [GM83].
[Abd71, AM65, ADD88, AC76, Axe77,
Axe80, Axe85, BCC78, BCS78, BG76, BP75a,
BR73, Bau65, Bjö67a, Bjö67b, Bjö68, Bjö84,
BG67, BG73, BMPW66, Buc77, Bun76,
Bun87, BK77, BP71, BG65, Cal86, CDH84,


Cli73, CP76, Cox81, Cra86, CM83, Cyb84,
DJK+ 88, DCHH88a, DGK84, DH84, DH86,
DS86, Doo81a, DR76, DS58, Eld80, ES86,
Enr79, FF63, FF77, FM67, Fox64, GJM87,
GJMS88, Geo74, GH80, GK69, Gol65, Gol74,
GL79, GO88, GU70, Hag88, HL69, Hel76,
Hel78, HS52, Hig85, ISS86, JY83, Joh87a,
Kah66, Kan66, Kar74, Kat66, Ker82, Kog55,
KP81, LV75, Lan50, Lan70, Lau85, LH69,
LHKK79a, LHKK79b, Leo80, Lue73, Mah79,
Mak75, MP74, Man77, MG76, MdV77, MP82,
Mir55, NV83, ND77, OP64, Pai74a, Pai79b,
Pai85, PS75, PS78, PS82a, PS82b, Par80a,
PR70, Ple74, PR68, Rei67, Rei71b, Rei72,
Rob77, Ros69, Saa81, Saa84, SS86, SK78,
Sch09, SS79, Ste71, Ste73a, Ste77a, Ste77c,
Ste81b, Sto73, Str88, Var73, Vet75, WAC+ 88,
Wid78, Wil77, Wil78, WR71, You71, dBP77,
vdS70, vdS75b, DCDH88, DCHH88b]. Lines
[Mad59, Pea01]. LINPACK
[CCL82, DBMS78, Bye84]. Linpack-Style
[Bye84]. Local [Cal86].
Local-Memory-Based [Cal86].
Logarithms [Hel68]. Look [Par80a]. Loops
[DH79]. Low [AG87, AG88]. Lower [Var75].
Lowers [Wat88, Dem87c]. Lowest [BS70].
LR [Fra61, MW68b, Wil65b]. LSQR
[PS82a, PS82b]. LU [Cha85, Dav86, DD88,
Elm86, PP73, WAC+ 88]. Lyapunov
[BS68, BN87]. LZ [Kau74].
m [Ada85]. m-step [Ada85]. Machine
[DGK84, Var68b]. Macros [LO83]. Make
[Sco79b]. Manifestations [Cot74]. Markov
[Bar87, GM86, KP81, SS76]. Mathematical
[FMM77, Hoa77, Ric81]. MATLAB
[Mol80, MLB87]. Matrices
[All73, AL76, AOU87, AG87, AG88, AR85,
AC76, Asp59, AP86, Bau63, BR68, BR70,
BBI71, BL87, BBdH86, BG78, BG84a,
BMRW68, Buc74, Bud64, Bun71b, Bun74,
Bun82, BGG88, Bus68, Bus71b, Cra86,
CM83, CD74, CW79, CWL83, Cup84, Cut72,
DT71, Des63, DGK84, DHS87, Dub70,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Duf74, DER86, DR75, Ebe65, Ebe71, EY39,
FV62, FL74, FU69, Fle76, Fou84, Fri75,
Fro65, FNP82, Gan59a, Gan59b, Gau75a,
Gau75b, GWDF88, GLR86, GH59, Gou70,
Gra86, GH84, GL81b, Har82, HLPW86,
Hel68, Hen58, Hen62, Hig87c, Hou74, Hua81,
Ike79, JO77, JS75, Joh71, JH87a, Kah67,
Kah75, KP74, KPJ82, Kau87, KG83, LT85,
Lem73, Loi69, Loi72, Lot56, Mah79, MPW70,
MRW70, MW65, MW67, MW68b, MS73a,
Mue66, MW31, Nic74, Osb60, Paa71, Pai71,
Pai74a, Pai74b, PL81, Par66, Par67, Par68,
Par74a, Par74b, Par76, Phi71, PT57, RB68,
Ris73, RW72a, Ruh67, Ruh68, Ruh74, Ruh75,
Ruh79, Rut66, Rut70, Saa86, SLN75, Sch79,
Sea69, Ser80, Ste70, Ste75c, Ste76d, Ste80,
Tre64, Tre74, TA61, Uhl73, Uhl76, Van71,
Var70b, Var79, WAC+ 88, WG78, Wat73,
Wil68a, Wil72, Wil84, vdS69, vdS75a].
[Aas71, AK75, AL73, Arn51, Bai88b, Bar87,
BI75, BMW67, BS68, Bel70, BS70, BB71,
BH83, BPS81, BG78, Bre70, BKP76, BR76,
Bus69, BG69, CP77, CS87, CJ70, CMSW79,
CL88, CMR86, Cul78, CL86, Dem83a, DK87,
DSS86, DGR79, Duf77, DS78, ER88, Erd67,
ER74, FH60, Fos86, FOH87, Fra64a, Fra64b,
FG86, GBDM72, GH86, GK82, GPS76a,
GGMS74, GM76, GMS75, Giv58, Gol69,
Gol73, GK65, GL89, GLO81, GNL79, GT81,
GV74, HS86, Hig86c, Hig87a, Hig88b,
Hig88d, Hig88e, Hig89, HS88, Hou58, Hua75,
HVH87, Jen77b, Joh86, JH88, JP71, Kåg77a,
Kåg77b, KR80a, KR80b, KR83, Kau79,
Kau83, Kog55, KM86a, Lan70, Lew77,
Loa75a, Loa75b, Loa77a, Loa77b, Loa78a,
Loa78b, Loa84, Loa85b, Luk78, MRK76,
MM64, MPW65, MW68a, MW68d, MdV77,
Mod88, Mol86, ML78, MS73b, O’L80b,
OS85, OS86, Ort88, Pai73, Pai76, Pan84,
PR69, PR70, Pry85, Ric81, Rin55, Ris73,
Rod73, Ruh69a, Ruh69b, Ruh70b, Ruh78,
Ruh87, Sch68, Sco84, Sco85, SB79, Smi67,
SBI+ 70, Ste69, Ste73c, Ste76a, Ste77b, Ste85,


Sun82, TG81, TW72, Var62, Var68a, Var68b,
Var70a, Var75, Vet75, War77, Wat88, Wil61,
WZ72, Wra73, Wra75, Zoh69, Hig86b]. Max
[Bun71b]. Max-Norm [Bun71b].
Maximizing [PT57]. Means [Ruh70a].
Measure [Pry84]. Measurement [Coc68].
Measurements [HN81, Jor87]. Measures
[Ebe65]. Mechanics [BW73]. Memory
[Cal86, EHHR88, GJM87, GJMS88, GHL86,
HR88, JH87a, KNP88, LC88, Mol86, PJV87].
Mesh [BLL85, Geo73]. Method [Abd71,
AL76, AR85, Bar71, BCC78, BMW67, Bis87,
Bjö87, BH83, BG84a, BE68, Bun71a, Cli73,
Cli76a, CGP76, CJ71, CGM85, CGO76,
Cup81, DF76, Ebe70, Ebe87, ER80, FM84,
FH60, Gin71, GHW79, GLO81, GNL79,
GU77, Gup72, Han87, Han88, Har82, HS86,
Hig86c, Hua75, Jen77a, JO71, KW87, Lan50,
Lin61, Loa84, Loa85c, Loi72, Luk86a, MP74,
MdV77, Meu84, MP85, Mue66, Nas75, Pai73,
PJ84, PW79, PT57, PR68, Rei71b, Rod73,
Ruh67, Ruh68, RW72b, Rut66, Rut69,
Rut70, Saa87, Sch74, SS79, Sea69, Ste75a,
Ste83, Und75, Wal88, Wid78, vK66].
Methods [Ada85, Ash87, AMS88, Axe77,
Axe80, Axe85, AP86, BNP88, BW73, BR70,
BV68, BG73, BP75b, Bun76, Bun85, BK77,
BP71, BGN70, Cli76b, CG73, Dem87d,
DS83, DER86, DR76, EN83, Eis84, Eld77b,
Eva84, FF63, FMM77, FNO87, GGMS74,
GMS75, Gol65, Gol76, GO88, GV61, HY81,
Han62, Han63, Hen58, Hes80, HS52, Hot57,
JY83, JH87b, KMN88, Kau83, KF64, Loa83,
McC72, Mel87, Meu89, NV83, O’L80a,
OR88, PO87, Ruh74, Saa80, Saa81, Saa82,
Saa84, SS87, Sim84, Ste73a, Ste75c, Van71,
Var61, Wil61, You70, YJ80, dV82b]. Metric
[Gol76]. MGS [Ple74]. MIMD [CMR88].
Minimal [SS86, Var70b]. Minimization
[BCS78]. Minimized [Arn51]. Minimum
[CL86]. Mirsky [GHS88]. Missized [FG86].
Model [DCHH88a, KP81, Pai85].
Modelling [AC84]. Models
[Dur60, HS66, SS76]. Modern [Wil71].

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Modes [CGP76]. Modification
[AGG88, BNS78]. Modifications [Ham74].
[BG84a, EHHR88, Gol73, MW68b, Sea69].
Modifying [GGMS74, GMS75]. Moments
[Hou68]. Monitoring
[Bus71a, ER74, KdV77]. Monitors [LO83].
Most [DE84, DKH86]. MP
[CDH84, DH86, Sea86]. Multicolor [PO87].
Multidimensional [GP70]. Multiple
[JH87b, Wil68a]. Multiplication [Bai88b,
Bre70, CS87, FOH87, MRK76, Pan84].
Multiplications [PS73]. Multiplicative
[Fri75, Pry85]. Multiplying [JH87a].
Multiprocessing [CDH84].
[BS86, BL85, Dav86, GH85, GWDF88,
GHL86, KNP87, LC88, LPS87, PJ84, PJV87].
Multiprocessors [EHHR88, Hea86, Hea87,
HR88, Joh87a, JH87b, Mol86].
Multitasking [DH86]. Multivariable
[Lau81]. Multivariate [Ham85, Hot57].
Narrow [Joh85]. Near [Loa85b]. Nearest
[Dem87b, Hig88b]. Nearly
[Cha84, Kah75, Ste81b]. Nearness
[Hig85, Hig88e]. Necessary [FM84, PS73].
Neighboring [Wil84]. Nested [Geo73].
Networks [HI83]. Newer [Hot57]. Newton
[BR68, Hig86c, PW79, RB68]. Nineteen
[ML78]. Non [BS70, Bun69, Ebe65, EY39,
GK69, Hen62, Ste76d]. Non-Hermitian
[EY39, Ste76d]. Non-Iterative [Bun69].
Non-Normal [Hen62]. Non-normality
[Ebe65]. Non-Self-Adjoint [GK69].
Non-Symmetric [BS70]. Nongeneric
[Huf88]. Nonhermitian [Ste85]. Nonlinear
[DS83, GP73, GP76, Lue73]. Nonlinearly
[Hea78]. Nonnormal
[KPJ82, Par74b, vdS75a]. Nonnormality
[Loi69]. Nonscalar [PS73]. Nonseparable
[CG73]. Nonsingular [Uhl76].
[Hou58, Man77, Saa84, SS86, Wid78].


Nonsymmetrizable [JY83, YJ80]. Norm
[BP75a, Blu78, BE68, Bun71b, Des63,
Ebe70, Gau75a, Hig88d, Ruh69b].
Norm-Reducing [BE68, Ebe70]. Normal
[CGP76, GH59, Hen62, Hua81, KR80a,
KR80b, Loi72, Ruh67, Ruh75, Ruh87].
normality [Ebe65]. Norms
[BF60a, BF60b, HZ68, Mir60]. Notations
[AS83]. Note [Bai88a, BBI71, BBDdH87,
Buc74, Bun82, Coh74, Dub70, Eld85, GW66,
Ham74, Kie87, Loa78b, Pai84, Rei67, Rei71a,
Ruh78, Ste79b, Sun82, Tsa75, Wil72]. Null
[Fos86, Ste84b]. Number
[Bro73, CMSW79, CR83, Dem83a, GL81b,
Han88, Hig87c, PS73, Saa86, Hig86b].
Numbers [AR85, CP77, FL74, Lem73,
Loi69, O’L80b, Smi67, vdS69]. Numerical
[BG73, Bun87, Bus71a, CdB80, CG73,
CGO76, Cyb80, Cyb84, Dem83b, Dem84,
Dem88, DS83, Eld77b, Enr79, ER80, Fox64,
FNO87, GP70, GR84, Gol65, Gol74, Hag88,
Hea78, Hel78, Hig85, Hou74, IP87, JW77,
Kåg77b, KR80a, KR80b, Kah66, KMN88,
Lau85, Mil75, Ort72, Pai81, Ruh69a, Ruh83,
She55, Ske79, Ske80, Ste74, Var73, War77,
Wil77, dV77]. Numerically
[Bus71b, GH84, Pai79b]. Numérique
[GM83]. numerisch [Jac46].
O. [Enr79]. Oblique [Gre52, Saa82].
Observation [Lin61]. observations
[Cli76b]. Oceans [CGP76]. Odd [Joh84].
Odd-Even [Joh84]. One
[BNS78, Hig88d, McC72, Nas75].
One-Norm [Hig88d]. One-Sided [Nas75].
One-Step [McC72]. Operations
[Dor73, ER88]. Operator [BN87, FL70].
[DS58, GK69, HZ68, Kat66, Lan50, Ste71].
[AC76, BI75, Cha88, MS73a, Str69].
Optimale [Leh63]. Optimally
[Bau63, Bus68, FL74, Gau75b].

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

[CW80, DS83, Gol76, Hea78, Hes80].
Optimizing [Hoc83]. Order
[GV61, Ste84d, Var61]. Ordering
[Duf74, MC86, Nic74, Ste76a, You72].
Orderings [BV68]. Ordinary [DNT83].
Oriented [Cal86]. Origin
[Hua81, Ste70, Wil68b]. Orthogonal
[AOU87, BB71, ER88, GM76, Gre52, HI83,
Hig88c, MW31, PJV87, Rat82, Sch66, Ste69,
Ste80, vdSV79]. Orthogonalization
[BI75, Bjö67b, PS79, Ric66a, Ruh83]. Other
[GP76, Saa82, LO83]. Over-Determined
[DR76]. Over-Relaxation
[BV68, GV61, PJ84, You70].
[BCC78, BCS78, BP75a, Cli76a, Cox81].
Package [Yoh79]. Padé [FL70, Loa77a].
Pair [Uhl76]. Pairs [Sun82]. Pairwise
[Sor85]. Parabolic [Var61]. Parallel
[AP86, BBD+ 87, CM88, CKS78, CMR86,
CMR88, DI86, DH84, DS84, DS87a, DS87b,
Eld88, Eva84, ED83, FF77, FG86, GJM87,
GR84, GH85, GHL86, HR88, Hel78, Hoc83,
HJ88, Jor84, Jor87, KNP87, KNP88, LC88,
Luk78, LO83, MRK76, Meu89, Mod88,
ML82, OS85, OS86, OR88, OV85, Ple86,
Rod82a, Rod82b, RO88, Sam71, SK78,
SHW86, Sto73, Sto75a, Sto75b, Swa79].
Parallelized [PJ84]. Parallelizing [Sea86].
Parameter [GHW79, Huf87]. Part
[DS58, Fra64a, Fra64b]. Partial
[Bun74, CGO76, HV88a, HV88b, JS75,
Meu89, OV85, Ske81, Var61]. Partitioned
[Joh71, Var70b]. Parts [Fra61, GV61]. PC
[MLB87]. PC-Matlab [MLB87]. PDFIND
[Cra86]. Pencil [Doo79, Ruh78, Uhl76].
Pencils [BBI71, Dem83a, DK87, Kåg86,
KR83, TW72]. Pereyra [Hig87b].
Performance [DKH86, DS86, Jor87].
Periodic [BG78, BG84a]. Permutations
[GP74]. Perturbation
[DK70, Eld80, ES82, Kåg77a, Kat66, Pai79a,
Ruh70a, Ste73b, Ste77a, Ste77b, Ste78,


Ste79b, Ste79c, Ste84d, Sun83, Wat88,
Wed72, Wed73b, Dem87c]. Perturbations
[AG87, AG88, Sch79, vdS75a]. Perturbed
[Pai74b, Ste84b]. Phenomena [CW80].
Piecewise [BCS78]. Pipeline [DGK84].
Pipelined [HS86]. Pite [KR83]. Pivot
[Coh74, Cry68, Duf74]. Pivoting
[Bun71a, Bun74, Dav86, DK77, For60, HH89,
Ser80, Ske81, Sor85, vdS70]. pivots [Cha85].
Plane [Giv58, Ham74, Saa86, Ste76c].
Planes [Pea01]. Point
[Mol67, PJ84, Ste81a]. Points
[Pea01, Ste75a]. Poisson
[Bun69, BD74, BDGG71, BGN70, DF76,
Dor70, Dor73, Hoc65, Hoc83, SS73]. Polar
[Hig86a, HS88]. Pole [MP82]. Polynomial
[Ash87, FG65, JMP83]. Polynomials
[Hig88c, Loa78b, PS73, Ris73]. Poorly
[Var70a]. Portable
[Blu78, BBD+ 87, DS87b, Yoh79]. Posed
[Dem87b, DK88, ES86, OS81, Var73].
Positive [AR85, Bar87, BR70, Cra86, CM83,
CL86, DI86, GL81a, GL79, Hig88b, MPW65,
MPW66, MW65, Nic74, Ris73, dBP77].
Possessing [Rei72]. Power [PP73].
[CKS78, ML82, Pai70, Saa84, Wra75].
Precision [Gre81]. Preconditioned
[Ada85, Axe85, Eis84, Mel87, Meu84].
Preconditioner [Cha88]. Preconditioners
[BPS86a, BPS86b, JMP83, Jor84].
Preconditioning [Ash87, CMdP84,
CGM85, Osb60, RW84a, RW84b].
Prediction [Cyb84, Lev47, Mak75, MG76].
Presence [CD87]. Primatives [JH87a].
Principal [EY39, FH60]. Principle [Arn51].
Principles [Lin61]. Priori [Wil68c].
Probabilistic [HS66]. Probabilities
[GM86]. Probability [Dem88]. Problem
[AGG88, AC76, Arn51, BG78, BG84b, CJ71,
Cra73, Cra76, DNT83, Dem87b, Dem88,
DS87a, Doo81a, Eld80, ES82, FH72, GL80,
GNL79, GUW72, Hig88f, Huf87, Huf88,
Kåg85, Kar74, Kau74, Kau77, Kub61, KF64,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Lan50, LPS87, Par80b, PW70b, Rod73,
Ruh74, Sch66, Smi67, Ste72, Ste75b, Ste76b,
Ste78, Ste79c, Sun83, War81, Wed73a,
Wil65a, vdS75b]. Problems
[Abd71, BNP88, BW73, Bau65, Bjö67b,
Bjö84, BPS81, BPS86a, BPS86b, BL85,
Cli73, CW86, Cyb84, DK88, Eld77a, Eld83,
Eld84, Eld85, ES86, ER80, FU69, FJL+ 88,
Fri75, Fri77, FNO87, FG86, GH80, Gol65,
Gol73, GKS76, GP73, GP76, Gup72, HL69,
Hig85, Hig88e, HV87, JO71, JO77, KdV77,
Kau83, LH69, LH74, Lew77, Loa85c, MW68c,
McC72, MS73b, OS81, Pai79a, Pai79b, PS78,
PS82a, PR68, Rut58, Sch86, SS79, Sco79a,
Ste73b, Ste74, Ste77a, Var73, Dem87c].
Procedure [BS70, GH59, OS81].
Proceedings [DS78, Hea86, KR83].
Process [Bro73, KP76, Pai70, Sch64, Sco78].
Processes [SS76, Wil63, Wil68c].
Processing [APP88, Cyb78, ML82, Opp78].
[AC84, GJM87, Jor87, Luk86b, MRK76].
[AP86, Bis88a, BL86, BBD+ 87, BLL85,
DGR79, FJL+ 88, ISS86, Jor84, LO83].
Procrustes [Hig88f, Sch66]. Product
[Cup83, HLPW86, Win68]. Products
[BL87, Cup84, SL89]. Profile
[GPS76a, GPS76b]. Program
[Blu78, CP77]. Programming
[AS83, Lue73, LO83]. Programs
[BBD+ 87, CW85b, DCHH88a, DS87b].
Progress [PR81]. Projection
[Saa82, vdSV79]. Projections [Ste77a].
Proof [HP78]. Propagation [HS66].
Properties [AM65, FU69, Pai81, Ruh70b,
SS85b, You70, Doo83]. Property
[Rei72, You72]. Proposed [Ste81a]. Pseudo
[GK65, GP73, GP76, PW70b, Ste77a,
Wed73b]. Pseudo-Inverse [GK65].
[GP73, GP76, PW70b, Ste77a, Wed73b].
Pseudoinverse [Eld83].


Q [CD74]. QL
[BMRW68, Dub70, DMW68, HP78]. QR
[BR68, Bis88b, BBdH86, BMRW68, Bye86,
Cha87, CMR86, DGKS76, DT71, Eld88,
Fra61, Gen73a, GM86, Gra86, HS86, Hua81,
Kar74, Luk86a, MPW70, MRW70, Nan85,
Par65, Par66, Par68, PP73, RB68, Ste70,
Ste77b, Ste84a, Wat82, Wil65b, Wil68b].
[AL73, Bai88a, Gan81, GU70, Loi72, PD86,
Ruh67, Ruh68, Sch64, Wil84, vK66].
Quadrature [GW69]. Quasicyclic
[Han62, Hen58]. Queueing [Kau83].
Quotient [Par74b]. QZ
[Kau77, War75, Wil79].
Random [AOU87, Ste80]. Rank
[AG87, AG88, AGG88, BNS78, Cha87,
Fos86, GKS76, Ste84c, TW70, Wat88,
Wed73a, vdSV79, Dem87c].
Rank-Deficient [Wed73a]. Rank-One
[BNS78]. Rank-Revealing [Cha87]. Rate
[Jen77a, vdSdV86]. Rates [Saa80]. Ratio
[GU70]. Rational [BR68, RB68]. Rayleigh
[Par74b, Van71]. Real
[AR85, BS70, BMPW66, Bud64, CJ70,
Cra86, CD74, CW79, Har82, Hig87a, Hig88d,
JS75, Mah79, MPW70, MW31, Rut66,
Sco85, Ste76a, Uhl73, Uhl76]. Realistic
[SW80]. Reasonable [Yoh79].
Reconfigurable [KB84]. Reconstruction
[GH84]. Rectangle [Dor70]. Rectangular
[BD74, CMR86]. Recurrence [Par76].
Recursive [APP88]. Reducing
[BS79, BE68, Bus69, Cut72, Doo83, Ebe70,
GPS76a, Han88, Kåg86, TW70]. Reduction
[Aas71, Cra73, DF76, DHS87, Duf74, DR75,
GPS76b, Hel76, Joh84, MW68c, MW68d,
RW84a, RW84b, Swe74, Swe77].
Reductions [Rei67]. Refined
[Mei83, PNO85]. Refinement
[Bjö67a, Bjö68, BG67, GW66, JW77,
MPW66, Mol67, Ske80]. Refining [Dem87d].
Reflections [Par71]. Reflectors [SP87].

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Regions [BD74, BDGG71]. Regression
[GWM76, Ste77c, Ste87]. Regular
[FJL+ 88, Geo73]. Regularization
[Eld77a, Eld77b, Eld84, Han87, OS81].
Regulator [AC76]. Related
[MW68c, O’L80a, Pai81, Wil65b]. Relations
[AR85, Hot57, TW72]. Relative [Pry84].
[BV68, GV61, PJ84, Sch74, You70].
Reliability [Dem84]. Reliable
[Enr79, HVH87]. Reorthogonalization
[DGKS76, Pai70, Sim84]. Representation
[BL87, SL89, SS76]. Research [Duf77].
Residual [KPJ82, SS86, Ske81].
Résolution [GM83]. Response [Lau81].
Restoring [vdSV79]. Restricted [AGG88].
Restructuring [BG84a]. Result [Pai84].
Revealing [Cha87]. Review [Mak75].
RGSVD [Kåg86]. Riccati
[AL84, Bye83, Doo81b]. Richardson
[GO88, GV61]. Ridge [GHW79]. Right
[OP64, Saa87]. Rigorous [Var68b]. Ring
[BL86, ISS86]. RMS [Lev47]. Root
[BH83, GWM76, Hig86c]. Roots
[Gen73b, Hig87a, Hou68, Sch09, TW72].
Rotation [APP88, DK70, Ham74, Luk86a].
[DI86, GH80, Giv58, PT57, Rat82, Ste76c].
Rounding [Boh75, Kie87, Ste79a, Wil63].
[Abd71, HS66, LS78, MS78, Woz80].
Routine [Cra86]. Routines
[DH84, GBDM72, KL88, KW87, SBI+ 70].
Row [Bau65, Duf74]. Rowwise [PJ84].
Rules [GW69].
Säculärstörungen [Jac46]. Sample [AC76].
Sample-Data [AC76]. Satisfy [Asp59].
Scale [BPS81, CW86, OS81]. Scaled
[Bau63, Bus68, FL74, Ste84a]. Scaling
[GV74, Ske79, Ste84b]. Scattered [CM88].
Scheduling [OS86]. Scheme
[NV75, Ple86, dV82a]. Schemes [KdV77].


[Abd71, Bjö67b, DGKS76, Ric66a, Ruh83].
[BH83, Cot74, GNL79, KW87, PL81, Ste85].
Scientific [Sch87]. Scientists [Jen77b].
Second [FG65, GV61, Ort72, Ort88, Ste84d].
Second-Degree [FG65]. Second-Order
[GV61]. Sectioning [Jen72]. Selection
[Duf74, HV87]. Selective [PS79]. Self
[GK69]. Semi [EN83, GV61, Hig89].
Semi-definite [Hig89]. Semi-Iterative
[GV61, EN83]. Semidefinite [Hig88b].
Seminormal [Bjö87]. Seminumerical
[Knu81]. Seminumerical-Algorithms
[Knu81]. Sense [BCC78]. Sensitivity
[GM86, Loa77b, Pai84, Ste72, Ste77c].
Separable [GP76]. Separate [GP73].
Separation [Var79]. Sequence [Gup72].
Series [Dur60]. Set
[CR83, DCDH88, DCHH88a, DCHH88b].
Sets [Var70b]. Several
[Cli76b, Cut72, GPS76b, Saa87]. Shapes
[JH87a]. Shared [GHL86, JH87a, KNP88].
Shift [BR68, RB68, War75]. Shifted
[DT71, Man79]. Shifts
[Hua81, Ste70, Wil68b]. Short [Dub70].
Should [KP76]. SIAM [Hea86]. Sided
[Bis87, Nas75]. Sides [OP64, Saa87]. Signal
[APP88, Cyb78, Opp78]. Signals [DJK+ 88].
Similarity [DR75, MW68d, Rat82, Ruh69b].
Simple [SW80]. Simplex [Bar71].
Simplification [JY83]. Simultaneous
[CJ70, CJ71, Cul78, JO71, JS75, Rut69,
Rut70, Ste75c, Ste76d, Uhl73]. Single
[Ker82]. Singular
[AK75, Bai88a, Bar87, BS86, Bis88a, BL85,
BLL85, BGG88, BG69, BN87, Cha82a,
Cha82b, Cha84, CVD88, CWL83, Cup83,
Don83, Doo79, Eld83, GK65, GLO81, GR70,
Ham85, HN81, HVH87, Kåg85, Kåg86,
Kar74, Loa73, Loa76, Loa85a, Luk80,
Luk86b, MM83, Nas75, Pai85, Pai86, PD86,
PS81, Par66, Ruh75, Sch86, Ste79b, Ste81b,
Ste83, Ste84a, Ste84d, Sun83, Var75, Wed72].
Size [Coh74, Cry68, Ske81]. Skew [Buc74,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Buc77, Bun82, KdV77, Paa71, WG78].
[Buc74, Buc77, KdV77, WG78]. Slowly
[Sco79b]. Small [CDH84, Ste84d, Cha85].
Smallest [Bar87, Cul78, HVH87, Var75,
Wat88, Dem87c]. Social [SS76]. Software
[AL84, Dem84, Hoa77, KMN88, MS78,
Ric81, Sco79a, Yoh79]. Solution
[Abd71, Arn51, Axe77, BCS78, BP75a, BS72,
BW73, Bjö67a, Bjö68, Bjö88, BP70, BE68,
BMPW66, BL85, Buc77, BD74, BDGG71,
Cal86, Cli73, Cli76a, CG73, CGO76, Cox81,
DI86, DF76, Dor70, Dor73, DR76, Ebe70,
Enr79, ER80, ED83, FM67, GP70, GH80,
GL81a, GW66, Gup72, HR88, Hig88c, Hoc65,
Huf88, Jen72, Joh84, Ker82, Kog55, Kub61,
KF64, LV75, Lan50, Lan70, MPW66, MW67,
MdV77, ML82, OV85, Pai74a, Pai79a, PS75,
PR70, Rei67, Rei71b, RO88, Ruh78, Rut58,
Sch66, SS79, She55, Sto73, SS73, Und75,
Var72, Var73, Wac66, WAC+ 88, You71].
[BG67, BG65, Cha84, CP76, CR79, DK88,
GR70, Hig88a, OP64, Vet75, vdS75b]. Solve
[Kau74]. Solver [Bun69, Hoc83, LC88].
Solvers [CKS78, DKH86, DS84, Joh86,
SK78, Sto75a, Sto75b]. Solving
[ADD88, AL85, BCC78, BG76, Bau65,
Bjö67b, Bun76, Bun85, BK77, BP71,
BGN70, CMdP84, Doo81b, EHHR88, GP71,
Gol65, GO88, HL69, HS52, Hig87b, Joh85,
Joh87b, KNP87, KNP88, KW87, KB84,
Kau77, LH69, LH74, MP74, Pai73, Par80a,
Ros69, Saa81, Saa82, Saa84, Saa87, SS86,
Sch86, Ste73a, Swa79, Swe77, Var61, WZ72].
Some [BS68, Bro73, BK77, Cyb78, DS84,
DSS86, DR76, FL74, FU69, Gol73, Gol74,
Hel76, Kan66, Kau77, Kub61, Loa83, Par74b,
Saa84, Saa86, Wil77, dV82b]. SOR
[Eva84, Nic74, Ruh74]. Space
[Fos86, Pea01]. Spaces [AM65, Hal58].
Sparse [ADD88, Bun76, BR76, Cul78,
CD74, CW79, Duf74, Duf77, DER86, DR75,
DR76, DS78, ER74, ER80, Geo74, GH80,


GL81a, GPS76a, GM76, GL81b, HS86,
Kau79, Kau87, Lew77, Luk78, Pai71, PS75,
PS78, PS82a, PS82b, Rei71b, RW72a,
Ruh74, Ruh79, SLN75, Ste76b, Und75].
Special [Ros69, vK66]. Specified
[CW79, PW71]. Spectra [Kah75]. Spectral
[AG87, AG88, Des63, ER80, GH84, Hen62].
Spectrum [CW79, Jen77a, Ste75a]. Speech
[MG76]. Speed
[Bai88b, Hen58, Pan84, PT57]. Sphere
[FG65]. Spread [Sco85]. Square [BH83,
CM88, Eld77b, Gen73b, Hig86c, Hig87a].
Squares [Abd71, APP88, BNP88, Bau65,
Bjö67a, Bjö67b, Bjö68, Bjö84, BG67, BG65,
Cli73, Cox81, Cyb84, Eld77a, Eld80, Eld83,
Eld84, Eld85, Gan81, Gen73b, GH80, Gol65,
GKS76, GL80, GP73, GP76, GR70, GW66,
GWM76, HL69, Huf87, Huf88, HV87,
HV88a, HV88b, JO74, Kar74, KP81, LH69,
LH74, Lin61, Loa83, Loa85c, Pai79a, Pai79b,
PS78, PS82a, PS82b, PW70b, Ple74, PR68,
Rei67, Saa86, SS79, Ste77a, Ste87, Wed73a,
vdS75b, Dem87c]. Squeezing
[DE84, DKH86]. Stability
[Bjö87, Bun85, Bun87, Bus71a, Cyb80,
Cyb84, Dem87a, Elm86, ER74, JW77, Mil75,
Rei71a, Ske79, Ske80, TS87, vdS75b].
Stabilization [Bar71]. Stable
[Bun82, BK77, Bus71b, Cra76, DGKS76,
DK87, GH84, Loa85b, Pai79b, SK78, Var61].
Staircase [Fou84]. Standard
[MW68c, Ste81a]. STAR [LV75, NV75].
STAR-100 [NV75]. State [IP87, JP71].
Stationary [FG65, GM86, GU70].
Statistical [Gol69, Hot57]. Statistics
[Coc68, Ham85]. Step
[McC72, Ada85, NV83]. Stewart [Sun82].
Storage [Mer85, SL89, Ste76c]. Straight
[Mad59]. Strapdown [BI75]. Stratagem
[CM88]. Strategies [Bun74, Cut72].
Strategy [Buz86]. Strong [Bun87].
Structural [BW73, Ple86]. Structure
[Cox81, Gre52, Kåg86, Ruh69a]. Structures
[Vet75]. Study [Loa75b]. Sturm [Gup72].

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

Style [Bye84]. Subject
[AG87, AG88, GU70, Mad59]. Submatrix
[Wat88, Dem87c]. Subprograms
[DCHH88a, LHKK79a, LHKK79b, DCDH88,
DCHH88b]. Subroutines [Ste76a].
Subsequent [SS79]. Subset [HV87].
Subspace [HVH87, Saa81, Saa84].
Subspaces [BS79, BG73, Dem87d, Doo83,
GLR86, Kåg86, Ruh70a, Ste71, Ste73b,
Ste76d, Var70a]. Substitution [Sch09].
Substructuring [BPS86a, BPS86b].
Successive [BV68, GV61, PJ84]. Sufficient
[FM84]. Suitable [AP86]. Sulle [Bel73].
Summability [NV83]. Sun [Pai84].
Supercomputers [Mel87]. Survey
[Axe85, Duf77, Hel78, Hig87c, MM64]. SVD
[BL86, CD87, Han87, HLPW86, Loa83].
Sweeps [Han88]. Sylvester
[KNP87, KNP88, KW87]. Symmetric
[Aas71, AL73, AL76, AGG88, BG76, BMW67,
BR68, BS70, BBI71, BS86, BMRW68, BL85,
Buc74, Buc77, Bud64, Bun71b, Bun74,
Bun82, BG84b, BGG88, BK77, BKP76,
BNS78, BP71, Bus71b, CJ70, Cra73, Cra86,
Cul78, CD74, CW79, CW85b, CW85a,
Cup81, CL86, DK77, DNT83, DI86, DS87a,
Dub70, Ebe71, ER80, Fle76, GUW72, Hig88b,
Hig88f, Jen72, KP74, KdV77, KM86a,
LPS87, Mah79, MPW65, MRW70, MW65,
MW67, MW68a, MW68c, MdV77, Mir60,
Paa71, Pai70, Pai76, Pai80, Par80a, Par80b,
PR70, PR81, PW69, PT57, RB68, Ruh79,
Rut66, Rut70, Saa87, SLN75, Sch68, Sco78,
Sco79a, Sco84, Sco85, Sea69, Ser80, Sim84,
Ste70, Uhl73, Uhl76, Und75, WG78, You70].
Symplectic [Bye83, Loa84]. System
[AL85, BCS78, BP75a, Bis88a, DS84,
Doo81a, Joh86, MPW66, ML82, PR70,
Rei67, SK78, Sto73, dV77]. Systèmes
[GM83]. Systems [ADD88, Axe77, Axe80,
Axe85, BCC78, BG76, Bis88b, BE73, BP70,
Boh75, BMPW66, Buc77, Bun76, Bun85,
BK77, BP71, Cha84, Cha88, CKS78, CS87,
Cli76a, CP76, CR79, Cyb80, DJK+ 88, DI86,


DR76, EHHR88, Enr79, ED83, FM67, Fou84,
GJMS88, GP70, GP71, Geo74, GL81a, GL79,
GO88, HR88, Hel76, HS52, Hig87b, Hig88a,
Hig88c, ISS86, JY83, Joh84, Joh85, Joh87b,
JH87b, KB84, Ker82, LV75, MP74, Man77,
MdV77, MP82, ML82, NV83, OR88, PS75,
Par80a, Rei72, Rob77, RO88, Ros69, Ruh78,
Saa81, Saa82, Saa84, Saa87, SS86, Ste73a,
Ste81b, Swe77, Var72, Var73, Wac66,
WAC+ 88, Wid78, You71, dBP77, vdS70].
Systolic [ES86, GK82, HI83, Kun82, Sch86,
ST86, SHW86].
Tales [GP76]. Taxonomy [AMS88].
Tchebychev [Man77]. Techniques
[BCS78, DK77, FJL+ 88, Kan66, KB84].
Test [DCHH88a]. Tests [HS66]. Their
[FU69, RW72a]. Theorem
[FV62, GHS88, Sco85, Sun82]. Theorems
[BF60a, BF60b, ES82, Joh71, Kah67].
Theoretical [AGG88, Wra73]. Theorie
[Jac46]. Theory [BV68, CW85a, DK88,
Doo81a, Eld80, Gan59a, Gan59b, GK69,
Hou74, Kat66, LT85, Lin61, Loa82, MM64,
Nic74, NV83, Ort88, PP73, Ric66b, Sch09,
SP87, Ste75b, Ste78, TW72, TA61, Wed73b].
Thoughts [Kau77]. Three [CR83, Dem87d].
Time [AC84, Dur60, MP82]. Toeplitz
[BBdH86, Bun85, Cha88, Cyb80, CL86,
Ris73, Tre64, Tre74, Wat73, Zoh69].
Topological [SS85b]. Torus [FG86]. Total
[GL80, Huf87, Huf88, HV87, HV88a, HV88b,
Dem87c]. Totally [dBP77]. Tour [Ste76b].
Tracking [PR81]. Transformation
[BR68, BG67, EY39, ER80, Fra61, Kau87,
Nas75, Pry85, Ruh69b, Rut58, Tsa75].
Transformations [AM65, BG65, Dem83a,
DR75, Fro65, Gen73a, Gen73b, Kau79,
MW31, RB68, SL89, Wal88]. Transforming
[Giv58]. Transition [JP71]. Transposition
[JH88]. Trapezoid [Lem73]. Treatment
[Ste74, dV77]. Trees [ER88]. Trench
[Zoh69]. Triangular
[AK75, Bre70, CKS78, Cup84, EHHR88,

Golub and Van Loan: gvl.bib

ER74, ED83, Giv58, HR88, Hig87c, Hig88a,
KNP87, KNP88, Lem73, LC88, Luk86b,
ML82, Par74a, Par76, Phi71, Ris73, RO88].
Triangularization [Fro65, GK82, Hou58].
Triangularizing [Hua75]. Tridiagonal
[Aas71, BMW67, BR68, Bus71b, Dub70,
FU69, Hel76, HP78, Joh84, Joh87b, JH87b,
KB84, Ker82, KM86a, LV75, LPS87, MP74,
RB68, Ros69, Ste70, Sto73, Sto75a, Sto75b,
Swa79, Swe77, Var72, Wil68b, Hig86b].
[CM88, GP74, MW68a, Sch68].
Tridiagonalizing [Pai76]. Tridiagonals
[Mer85, PNO85]. Truncated [Han87].
Truncation [Kar74]. Tutorial [Mak75].
Two [Bis87, Bud64, Cra86, CM83, Fro65,
HLPW86, Uhl73, Var79, Dem87a].
Two-Dimensional [Fro65]. Two-Sided
[Bis87]. Type
[AL76, Axe80, BE68, Ebe70, GP71, Hua75].
Unconstrained [DS83, Gol76]. Undamped
[JO71]. Underdetermined [AL85, CP76].
Underflow [Dem84]. Undersized [Sch86].
Understanding [Wat82]. Unicomputers
[Hoc83]. Uniform [Cli76a]. Uniprocessor
[Cal86]. Unit [FG65]. Unitarily [Mir60].
[AM65, Fra61, Fro65, Giv58, Gra86, Hou58].
Unrolling [DH79]. Unstable [Loa85b].
Unsymmetric [Axe80, CJ71, GWDF88,
GL79, JO77, MW67, Saa81, Saa82, You70].
[Bjö84, Cup84, DGKS76, PNO85, ST86].
Upper [Ste76a]. Usage
[LHKK79a, LHKK79b]. Use
[Cli76b, CG73, DD88, DGR79, GJM87,
Huf87, Pai70, PNO85, Rei72, Saa84]. Used
[RW72b]. User [Mol80]. Users
[DBMS78, MLB87]. Uses [Gol74]. Using
[Bre70, BLL85, CM88, CGP76, DH86,
Ebe87, ER88, Fos86, GWDF88, GH80,
GM86, Hoc65, HV87, JH87a, Loa82, PT57,
SHW86, Sea69, Wal88].


Validation [Eld85, GHW79]. Value
[AK75, Bai88a, Bar87, BS86, Bis88a, BL85,
BLL85, BGG88, BG69, Cha82a, Cha82b,
CVD88, Cup83, FU69, GR70, Ham85, HN81,
Kåg85, Loa76, Loa85a, Luk80, MM83, Nas75,
Pai85, Pai86, PD86, PS81, Sch86, Ste83,
Ste84a, Sun83, Var75, Wed72]. Values
[CWL83, Don83, Eld83, FG65, FH60, GK65,
GLO81, GU70, Hen62, HVH87, Loa73,
Lot56, Luk86b, Ruh75, Ste79b, Ste84d].
[BE73, BP70, GP70, GP71, Gau75a, Gau75b,
GT81, Hig87b, Hig88c, TG81, dV77].
Vandermonde-like [Hig88c]. Variable
[Gol76]. Variables
[GP73, HV87, Mad59, Ste77c]. Variant
[dV82b]. Variation [Hen62]. Vector
[AP86, Bis88a, Blu78, DGK84, DGR79,
Hal58, Jor84, MRK76, Mel87, Meu84, OV85,
PO87, Sch87, Vet75]. Vectorizable [dV82b].
Vectorization [Buz86, Ker82]. Vectors
[BN87, CWL83, GLO81, Pry84, Ruh83,
Ste84b]. Verfahren [Jac46]. Very
[Pai71, Ruh70b, Wil72]. VF [DD88, KL88].
VF/400 [KL88]. Vibration [JO71]. VLSI
[CS87]. Vol [FJL+ 88]. Volume
[CW85b, CW85a]. vorkommenden [Jac46].
W.F [Zoh69]. Ways [ML78]. Weak
[Bun87]. Weighted [Bau65, Eld83].
Weighting [AC76, Loa83, Loa85c]. Weiner
[Lev47]. Which
[Asp59, Bus68, MdV77, Dem87c, Wat88].
Whose [GP73, PR70]. Winograd [Bre70].
Without [Gen73b, Ser80, CP77, Fos86].
WR [Rut58]. WY [BL87, SL89].
X [CDH84, DH86, Sea86]. X-MP [Sea86].
X-MP-2 [CDH84]. X-MP-4 [DH86].
Young [GHS88].

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