Getting Started With Spring Framework, Second Edition J Sharma Ashish Sarin Framework A Hands On Guide To Begin Developing Ap
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Getting started with Spring Framework
Second Edition
Ashish Sarin, J Sharma
Table of contents
How to use this book
Conventions used in this book
Feedback and questions
About the authors
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Spring Framework
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Spring Framework modules
1-3 Spring IoC container
1-4 Benefits of using Spring Framework
Consistent approach to managing local and global transactions
Declarative transaction management
JMX (Java Management Extensions)
JMS (Java Message Service)
1-5 A simple Spring application
Identifying application objects and their dependencies
Creating POJO classes corresponding to identified application objects
Creating the configuration metadata
Creating an instance of Spring container
Access beans from the Spring container
1-6 Frameworks built on top of Spring
1-7 Summary
Chapter 2 – Spring Framework basics
2-1 Introduction
2-2 Programming to interfaces design principle
Scenario: Dependent class contains reference to the concrete class of dependency
Scenario: Dependent class contains reference to the interface implemented by the
Spring’s support for ‘programming to interfaces’ design approach
2-3 Different approaches to instantiating Spring beans
Instantiating beans via static factory methods
Instantiating beans via instance factory methods
2-4 Dependency injection techniques
Setter-based DI
Constructor-based DI
2-5 Bean scopes
Choosing the right scope for your beans
2-6 Summary
Chapter 3 - Configuring beans
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Bean definition inheritance
MyBank – Bean definition inheritance example
What gets inherited ?
3-3 Constructor argument matching
Passing simple values and bean references using element
Constructor argument matching based on type
Constructor argument matching based on name
3-4 Configuring different types of bean properties and constructor arguments
Built-in property editors in Spring
Specifying values for different collection types
Specifying values for arrays
Default collection implementation for , and