
User Manual:

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Manual for version 1.0
André Sartori
University of Cambridge
Office of Scholarly Communication

March 12, 2019

1 Introduction


2 Installation
2.1 Obtaining a copy of Orpheus . . .
2.2 Setting up a database backend . .
2.3 Creating and activating a virtual
ommended) . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Installing the dependencies . . . .
2.5 Applying migrations . . . . . . .
2.6 Creating a superuser . . . . . . .
2.7 Testing your Installation . . . . .
2.8 Populating auxiliary tables . . . .
2.9 Importing some data . . . . . . .

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environment (optional,
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. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . .
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but rec. . . . .
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. . . . .
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3 Frontend for editors
3.1 List views . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 General list views . .
3.1.2 Curatorial list views
3.1.3 Search box behaviour
3.2 Detail views . . . . . . . . .

























Quality indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Frontend for administrators


5 Strategy for quickly expanding coverage of self-archiving policies 11
5.1 Pre-populated database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 General use and editing workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Cambridge-specific features and integrations
6.1 Integration with Zendesk (Orpheus lookup application) . . . . . . . 15
7 Getting help


8 Reporting bugs, requesting new features




Orpheus is a database of academic journals and their policies written in Django. It
features web frontends for users and administrators and a RESTful API, tailored
for integration with DSpace and other institutional repository platforms.




Obtaining a copy of Orpheus

You may either download and extract a zip file from
orpheus/archive/ or clone the git repository by issuing the following
command in your UNIX terminal:
$ g i t c l o n e h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . com/ osc−cam/ orpheus . g i t


Setting up a database backend

Django supports many different database backends1 , which may or may not work
with Orpheus out of the box. Orpheus was developed and has only been tested
using a PostgreSQL backend, so this is the recommended database engine.

see for details and notes


Once you have created an empty database in the engine of your choice2 , you
will need to edit the value of DATABASES in file orpheus/settings_local_ to match the parameters of the database you have just created.
While you are editing this file, you may also wish to change the value of
SECRET KEY. If your instance of Orpheus will be reachable from outside of
your local network, you should review your settings before deployment3 .
Once you have completed this, rename the file orpheus/settings_local_ to orpheus/


Creating and activating a virtual environment (optional, but recommended)

To create and activate new virtual environment for Orpheus, issue the following
$ python3 −m venv orpheus−env
$ source orpheus−env/ bi n / a c t i v a t e


Installing the dependencies

To install all Orpheus dependencies, navigate to the folder containing the code
you downloaded or cloned from GitHub and issue the command:
$ p ip3 i n s t a l l −r r e q u i r e m e n t s . t x t


Applying migrations

To create the database fields that Orpheus will need to store its data, apply migrations by running:
$ python3 manage . py m i g r a t e


Creating a superuser

You will need at least one user who can login to Orpheus, so run the following
command to create it:

if you decide to use PostgreSQL and you are running Ubuntu or derivatives, a good guide
on configuring the database is available at
Installing-and-Configuring-PostgreSQL-on-Linux-Min. For other databases and operational systems, Google is your friend!
see for recommended settings


$ python3 manage . py c r e a t e s u p e r u s e r


Testing your Installation

You should now have a functional development instance of Orpheus! To test it,
issue the command:
$ python3 manage . py r u n s e r v e r
And then point your favourite browser to You
should see Orpheus’ homepage.


Populating auxiliary tables

Some of Orpheus’ tables include fields that are populated using values stored in
four small, auxiliary tables (Licence, Outlet, Responsibility and Version). Unless
these four tables contain at least one value each, some of forms in the frontend for
editors will not work.
To populate these four tables you may either use the frontend for administrators
or you may import the JSON files that come with the Orpheus source code by
issuing the command:4
$ python3 manage . py l o a d d a t a L i c e n c e O u t l e t \
R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Version


Importing some data

Unless you intend to populate the database manually, you will now probably want
to bulk import some data into your Orpheus instance. The connectors folder of
the Orpheus source code contains a number of Python parsers that can be used
to import large datasets made available by a number of publishers and projects.
Editing and running these parsers is the recommended method of bulk populating
and curating the database.
However, if you just want to load as much data as possible to your Orpheus
instance for testing purposes, you may import JSON files providing a recent snapshot of most of the database hosted by the University of Cambridge. You can do
so by issuing the command (it will take a while to complete):
$ python3 manage . py l o a d d a t a Source Node Deal Epmc \
G o l d P o l i c y G r e e n P o l i c y OaStatus

for more details, see




Figure 1: The main elements of the homepage. A, navigation bar; B, contents at
a glance table.


Frontend for editors

The Orpheus web frontend for editors is available at https://orpheus-prod.lib. From the homepage, users can use the navigation bar (Fig. 1A) to
navigate to one of the list views described in section 3.1 on the following page. The
homepage also summarises the contents of database in a “contents at a glance”
table (Fig. 1B).
A sandbox for testing and familiarising yourself with the database is available
To login to the sandbox, please use the following credentials:
username: test curator
password: Orpheus dev



At present, Orpheus is only available on the University Libraries intranet.
To access it while away from the UL, you will need to connect to the library
VPN first. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to https://wiki.


List views

List views allow users to browse and search for specific entries in the Orpheus
database (Fig. 2 on page 9). For instance, Journals, Publishers and Conferences
are list views displaying records of those entities.
The search box on the top right corner of a list view page can be used to search
for records containing a particular word or string (Fig. 2A), and the paginator
at the bottom of a list view can be used to browse records (Fig. 2D). List views
also include an action button add new , positioned immediately to the right of the
list heading. When clicked, this button takes the user to a web form where they
can add a new entry.
A brief description of each available list view is provided below.

General list views

Journals Lists all journal records in the database, in alphabetical order.
Publishers Lists all publisher records in the database, in alphabetical order.
Conferences Lists all conference records in the database, in alphabetical order.
Sources Lists all source records in the database, in the order they were created. Change
alpha3.1.2 Curatorial list views
Orpheus comes with a number of lists views intended to facilitate the detection
of problems and curation of the database. You will find these views under the
navigation bar item More.
Problematic policies Lists Orpheus records (journals, publishers or conferences) that contain one or more policies flagged as problematic (checkbox problematic ticked). This view is sorted by descending number of children records
linked to the listed records, so policies imported from RoMEO that apply to hundreds of journals will be listed at the top.


Children of synonyms Lists Orpheus records in which the name status field
of the parent record is not set to preferred name. In other words, it will typically
list journals that are linked to a synonym of a publisher (e.g. OUP), rather thant
the publisher’s preferred name (Oxford University Press). Ideally, the parent of
an Orpheus records should always be a preferred name.
Children of non-publisher nodes Lists Orpheus records in which the type
field of the parent record is not set to publisher . In other words, it will typically
list journals that are catalogued as children of other journals rather than of a
Grandchildren Lists Orpheus records whose parent record has a parent record.
Although having grandparents could be useful to express, for example, relationships between journals, imprints and publishers (Cell is published by Cell Press,
an imprint of Elsevier ), Orpheus’ logic for policy inheritance does not currently
support inheritance from grandparents. The negative impact on database performance of implementing another level of inheritance is probably not worth the
potential benefit.
Synonyms of synonyms Lists Orpheus records whose synonym of field points
to a journal/publisher record in which the name status field is not set to preferred
name. In other words, it will typically list journals that are deemed synonyms of
other synonyms, rather than being linked directly to the preferred name.
Synonyms with linked policies Lists Orpheus records containing one or more
attached policies and whose name status field is not set to preferred name.

Search box behaviour

Search boxes in Orpheus may be used to restrict list views to items containing a
word or phrase of interest. The search engine is case insensitive, so both System
analysis and applied information science and ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering will be included in the results of a search for the string “science”. Strings
entered in the search box are evaluated as a whole. Thus, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering will not be included in the results of a search for “Science


Searching by ISSN
The list views Journals, Publishers and Conferences also support searches by
ISSN. This can be particularly useful to quickly find journal titles consisting
of short and common words, such as “Science” and “Nature”.


Be careful with leading or trailing spaces when entering a string into the
search box. These will be included in the search, so if you search for “Nature ”, you will not find the journal “Nature” (but you will find “Nature


Detail views

If a user clicks on a record in a list view they are taken to the detail view of that
record. A detail view displays most or all data available in Orpheus for a particular
record. Figure 3 on page 10 shows the detail view of Advanced Materials.


Quality indicators

Orpheus has a number of fields indicating the quality of data for every journal/publisher name and policy in the database:
• Vetted : Indicates that data was created or modified by the an editor. All
data entered or edited using the Orpheus web frontend has this field ticked
by default.
• Vetted date: Automatic timestamp recording the date a record or policy was
first vetted by an editor.
• Last checked : Date a policy was last checked by an editor.
• Superseded : Indicates that policy is no longer valid (it was probably superseded by a revised policy).
• Superseded date: Date an editor first realised that policy is no longer valid.
• Problematic: Indicates ambiguous/unclear policies requiring discussion/revision.
Orpheus uses the fields above to provide users with an icon that visually indicates the curation quality of data. These icons precede the main heading of each
record and policy in the database (see Fig. 7 on page 17 for an example of the
placement) and their meaning is:


Figure 2: Elements of an Orpheus list view . A, search box; B, “add new” action
button; C, list of entries (journals in this case), showing up to 50 records; D,

Figure 3: Bird-eye view of the detail view of a journal. See section 3.2 on page 8
for an explanation of the different elements.



: Policy should not be trusted. It is either superseded or the field problematic is checked.


: Policy has not been vetted by an editor yet, but it can be trusted. All
records and policies created during the initial bulk population of the database
(see section 5.1 on page 13 for details) were at that point marked with this


: Policy was vetted by editor it is not superseded nor marked as problematic. This is the highest level of quality implemented in Orpheus.

Note that an orange question mark image ( ) is also used in Orpheus, but
this is not a quality indicator. Instead, it indicates that field version embargo
months is empty (unknown), just to avoid confusion with absence of embargo
(version embargo months=0).

Frontend for administrators

The Orpheus web frontend for administrators, available at https://orpheus-prod., provides tools for user management and editing of database
tables that cannot be altered by editors (Fig. 4 on the next page). For example,
new values for the tables Licences and Outlets, which are used to populate value
lists in forms used by editors, can be added via this interface.


Be careful when editing existing values of valuelist tables via the admin interface. Some of the values are used by API methods and altering these
could break the Orpheus API. Remember that with great power comes great

Strategy for quickly expanding coverage of selfarchiving policies

Increasing Orpheus coverage of self-archiving policies pertaining to accepted versions deposited in institutional repositories is paramount to achieving high-quality
Apollo deposits with the correct embargo period applied.
This section provides an overview of the current state of the Orpheus database
regarding self-archiving (green) policies and explains how we can most efficiently
use and edit Orpheus to quickly populate it with reliable embargo periods.


Figure 4: Orpheus frontend for administrators.



Pre-populated database

The Orpheus’ database was pre-populated in August 2018 by importing a number
of policies datasets from:
1. Taylor & Francis
2. Version 14 of Andrew Gray’s ”Elsevier embargo periods, 2013-2018”
3. Elsevier’s OA Price List
4. Wiley’s ”Author Compliance tool”
5. Cambridge University Press
6. Oxford University Press
7. Directory of Open Access Journals
8. Sherpa RoMEO
With the exception of the Sherpa RoMEO dataset, all these data sources contain data that can be easily parsed and understood by a computer, and hence data
was linked to individual journals, resulting in 18,634 journals with a known OA
status (i.e. categorised as fully Open Access, hybrid or subscription), 7,646 with a
known embargo period and 17,939 journals with a known APC value and/or gold
OA licence (Table 1 on page 15).
RoMEO data could not be reliably interpreted by a computer but RoMEO
contains only 3,006 self-archiving policies, each of which linked to all applicable
journals. Hence, these 3,006 policies were imported into Orpheus at the Publisher
level and marked as requiring editorial revision (‘problematic’ field ticked). Once
revision of these policies is completed, Orpheus will be able to provide reliable
embargo information to Apollo for all 38,577 journals in the database, rather than
the 7,646 currently covered.


General use and editing workflow

Figure 5 on the next page maps the workflow for general use and curation of
Orpheus. Members of the Open Access team making decisions on funding should
use Orpheus as the first resouce to find out a journal’s OA status, embargo period,
APC value and any other relevant journal policy.
If a record for the queried journal is not found in Orpheus (please bear in mind
that the journal might be represented by a synonym), proceed as we have done
in the past and search publisher websites, SHERPA RoMEO and other external


Figure 5: Workflow for integrating Orpheus curation and RCUK/COAF funding

Table 1: Overview of Orpheus database following bulk imports
Total entries
Preferred names
OA status known
Green policies
Gold policies



sources instead. Once you have found data about the missing journal, please add
it to Orpheus. Similarly, if the journal already exists in Orpheus, but the relevant
policy is missing, please add it to the database once you have found it elsewhere.
If the relevant policy in Orpheus is linked to the publisher record instead of
directly to the journal of interest, you will see the notice “[inherited from publisher:
”. In this case, instead of adding or editing policies at the
journal level, it is more efficient to navigate to the publisher record and add/edit
the policy there instead, because the corrected policy will then be inherited by all
journals linked to that publisher record.
Problematic self-archiving (green) policies inherited from RoMEO are marked
with a red cross ( ). These policies cannot be trusted until an Orpheus editor
has revised and translated its contents. Figures 6 on the following page and 7 on
page 17 are an example of an Orpheus journal record with policies inherited from
RoMEO before and after policy revision. These policies apply to 5 other journals
(Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics; Journal of Instrumentation;
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Journal of Physics G: Nuclear
and Particle Physics; Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment).


Cambridge-specific features and integrations

This section documents Orpheus features that are tailored for Apollo, the Cambridge institutional repository, and supporting infrastructure. It is probably only
of interest to members of the University of Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication.


Integration with Zendesk (Orpheus lookup application)

Orpheus lookup is a Zendesk application developed in collaboration with Agustina
Martinez. The source code and documentation is available at https://github.

Figure 6: Example of a journal with self-archiving policies inherited from RoMEO.



Figure 7: Journal shown in figure 6 on the previous page, showing the effect of
translation of RoMEO publisher policy.


Figure 8: Example of Zendesk ticket in which field “#Journal title” was modified
by an “Update on metadata received from Symplectic”. A, current value of field;
B, value of field at ticket creation.
The application allows Zendesk agents to query Orpheus for data on the journal
associated to an individual Zendesk ticket. The following ticket fields are used for
querying, in this order of precedence (i.e. if one of these fields is not empty, then
it is used for querying and the next fields in the list are ignored):
1. #Apollo ISSN
2. #Apollo eISSN
3. #Journal title


Note that the value of these fields may change after ticket creation and Orpheus lookup always uses the current value of the field. Hence, the queried
journal title may be distinct from what was recorded in the first Zendesk public comment (the one generated at ticket creation) as exemplified in Fig. 8.

Getting help

This manual should be the first point of call for help using and editing Orpheus. If
you cannot find the answer to your question on these pages, please make a request
for improved documentation (see 8 on the following page).
You can also seek help from other users/editors in the Orpheus Slack channel. If
all else fails, you can try talking to the author or e-mailing him at



Reporting bugs, requesting new features

Please use the Orpheus’ project board in Asana to report any bugs, request new
features, etc.


add new, 6
Conferences, 6, 8
contents at a glance, 5

Version, 4
version embargo months, 11
Vetted, 8
Vetted date, 8

detail view, 8, 10

Zendesk, 18

homepage, 5
Journals, 6, 8
Last checked, 8
Licence, 4
Licences, 11
list view, 6, 8, 9
list views, 5
More, 6
name status, 7
navigation bar, 5, 6
Orpheus lookup, 15, 18
Outlet, 4
Outlets, 11
paginator, 6, 9
preferred name, 7
Problematic, 8
problematic, 6, 11
publisher, 7
Publishers, 6, 8
Responsibility, 4
search box, 6, 9
Superseded, 8
Superseded date, 8
synonym of, 7
type, 7



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