

User Manual:

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labCA — An EPICS Channel AccessInterface for scilab and matlabTill Straumann <>, 2003June 4, 2010labca_3_7_1 - 44dbd4c1 IntroductionThe labCA package provides an interface to the EPICS channel accessclient library which can be integrated with the scilab or matlab ap-plications. Both, scilab and matlab feature an API for interfacing touser binaries written in a programming language such as C or Fortran.labCA properly wraps the essential channel access routines and makesthem accessible from the scilab1command line.labCA actually uses an extra layer, the ezca library which transpar-ently manages and caches channel access connections. A modified ver-sion of ezca comes with labCA, adding thread-safety and hence EPICS3.14 fitness.As of labCA version 3 further improvements to ezca have been madethat exploit features of the multi-threaded CA library (EPICS 3.14 only)in order to speed up response time. Earlier versions always handedcontrol to ezca in multiples of the labCA timeout, i.e., even if data froma channel were available quicker the library would wait until the nexttimeout quantum expired. Since version 3 a labCA call returns imme-diately after the underlying request completes.A very convenient feature of labCA is the ability to execute ezcacalls on groups of PVs, simply by passing the respective labCA routinea column vector of PV names.labCA has been tested with EPICS 3.132, 3.14, scilab-2.7 .. scilab-5.3, matlab-6.5, matlab-7 (R2010a) on linux,solaris and win32/64.Note that while some of these combinations have been tested and beenknown working in the past, only the latest versions of the respectivecomponents have been tested and verified to build and run successfully1throughout this text, references to scilab usually mean scilab or matlab.2Support for 3.13 has been dropped as of labCA version 31
with the current version of labCA under linux. Modifications to theMakefiles might be necessary to build older versions.2

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