
User Manual:

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RanChJune 14, 2019Title Tools for abstract discrete Random ChoiceURL This package provides tools for a research project whose purpose is to help usbetter understand the foundations of stochastic discrete choice. It includes datasetscompiled from the literature on context effects and stochastic intransitivity and fromsome recent experiments. It provides graphical tools to display likelihood function andposterior density contours, as well as regions, in the space of choice probabilities,defined by various stochastic choice axioms, context effects and other conditions.Imports klaR,MASS,bitops,Smisc,ggternDepends R (>= 3.6.0)License CC0Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote 6.1.1Suggests knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrRtopics documented:create_P........................................... 2dDir ............................................. 3dDir3_quantile ....................................... 3dDir_max .......................................... 4dDir_moments ....................................... 4Dir3_HD_region ...................................... 5Dir_mult_ML........................................ 5Ind_Dir_mult_ML ..................................... 6marginalize ......................................... 61

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