Tikz Networkmanual Manual
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JÜRGEN HACKL TIKZ-NETWORK MANUAL Lay er α Lay er β VERSION 0.5 The tikz-network package is still under development. Hence, changes in the commands and functionality cannot be excluded. Copyright © 2018 Jürgen Hackl version 0.5 https://github.com/hackl/tikz- network Released, May 2018 Contents 1 . . . . . . 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 2 Simple Networks 2.1 Vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 14 20 3 Complex Networks 3.1 Vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 27 4 Multilayer Networks 4.1 Simple Networks . 4.2 Complex Networks 4.3 Layers and Layouts 4.4 Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 31 32 33 34 . . . . . 37 37 38 38 39 39 . . . . 41 41 41 41 41 A ToDo A.1 Code to fix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 43 43 43 5 6 Introduction 1.1 How to read this manual? . . . 1.1.1 A few explanations . . . 1.1.2 Inputs . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.3 Additional help . . . . . 1.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Additional necessary packages Default Settings 5.1 General Settings 5.2 Vertex Style . . 5.3 Edge Style . . . 5.4 Text Style . . . . 5.5 Plane Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting and Support 6.1 tikz-network Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Errors, Warnings, and Informational Messages 6.4 Package Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONTENTS A.4 Add-ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Add-ons B.1 Python networks to TikZ with network2tikz B.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.4 Simple example . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.5 The plot function in detail . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 45 45 45 46 46 47 50 55 1 Introduction In recent years, complex network theory becomes more and more popular within the scientific community. Besides a solid mathematical base on which these theories are built on, a visual representation of the networks allow communicating complex relationships to a broad audience. Nowadays, a variety of great visualization tools are available, which helps to structure, filter, manipulate and of course to visualize the networks. However, they come with some limitations, including the need for specific software tools, difficulties to embed the outputs properly in a LATEX file (e.g. font type, font size, additional equations and math symbols needed, . . . ) and challenges in the post-processing of the graphs, without rerunning the software tools again. In order to overcome this issues, the package tikz-network was created. Some of the features are: • LATEX is a standard for scientific publications and widely used • beside LATEX no other software is needed • no programming skills are needed • simple to use but allows 100% control over the output • easy for post-processing (e.g. adding drawings, texts, equations,. . . ) • same fonts, font sizes, mathematical symbols, . . . as in the document • no quality loss of the output due to the pdf format • networks are easy to adapt or modify for lectures or small examples • able to visualize larger networks • three-dimensional visualization of (multilayer) networks • compatible with other visualization tools 6 introduction 1.1 How to read this manual? The aim of this manual is to describe the use of the tikz-network library for visualizing networks. To ensure an easy use of the elements and to keep the clarity, this manual is structured as follows: • In Chapter 2 the elements to create simple networks (by hand) in a plane are explained. Thereby, the use of the commands \Vertex and \Edge are shown. • How to create complex networks from external files1 are explained in Chapter 3. The main commands, therefore are \Vertices and \Edges which are using the same options as in the simple case. • In Chapter 4, the visualization of multilayer networks is explained. Additional visualization tools such as \Plane and Layer are introduced. • The default settings used and how they can be modified is explained in Chapter 5. • Information about troubleshooting and support is given in Chapter 6 • Since this is the alpha version (0.1) of the package, features which will be probably added and commands which have to be fixed are listed in Appendix B. 1.1.1 A few explanations The images in this manual are created with the tikz-network library or TikZ . The code used for this is specified for each image. \begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw (-.2,.2) circle (2pt) (.2,.2) circle (2pt); \draw (0,0) circle (5mm) (-.3,-.1) .. controls (0,-.3) .. (.3,-.1); \end{tikzpicture} Special additions which are needed for a better understanding are shown in orange but are not in the sample code available. \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) .. controls (1,1) and (2,1) .. (2,0); \end{tikzpicture} 1.1.2 Inputs The commands in the tikz-network library (e.g. \Vertex, \Edge) always start with capital letters and DO NOT need a semicolon «;» at the end. Boolean arguments start also with capital letters (e.g. hNoLabeli). Arguments which need an user input, use are written in small letters (e.g. hcolori). 1 e.g. igraph or networkx tikz-network manual Basically, one can distinguish between the mandatory argument { } and the optional argument [ ]. The first values must be entered compulsory. By contrast, nothing has to be entered for the optional input. Additional features (e.g. hsizei)) can be activated when entering optional parameters. When entering size values the base unit is always predefined in [cm]2 , except for line widths which are dedined in [ pt]. Percentage values % are always specified as decimal values; for example, 100% = 1.0 and 10% corresponds to 0.1. 2 The default unit can be changed with \SetDefaultUnit; see Section 5.1 1.1.3 Additional help Is the manual not enough, occur some ambiguities or some TikZ commands are unclear, please have a look in the “TikZ and PGF Manual” from Till Tantau3 . Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 3 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/ mirror/tex/graphics/pgf/base/doc/ pgfmanual.pdf 1.2 Installation Actually, we can hardly speak of an installation since only the necessary package tikz-network must be loaded in the preamble of your document. The current release of the package is available via CTAN4 . A release candidate for the next version of tikz-network is available on github5 Is the package installed or the style file is stored in the folder of the main file, so the library can be imported, as the following example shows: % -----------% header \documentclass{scrreprt} % -----------% packages \usepackage{tikz-network} 1.3 Additional necessary packages To use all commands and options of TikZ , possibly some packages need to be reloaded. These missing files (or their names) appear in the error log when you convert the file. However, for the package described in this manual, it is sufficient to use the library and the TikZ standard commands. 4 TODO! upload the package to CTAN, and add here the link 5 7 https://github.com/hackl/ 2 Simple Networks 2.1 Vertex On essential command is \Vertex, which allow placing vertices in the document and modify their appearance. \Vertex[hlocal optionsi]{Name} In order to be able to place a vertex, a non-empty Name argument is required. This argument defines the vertex’s reference name, which must be unique. Mathematical symbols are not allowed as name as well as no blank spaces. The Name should not be confused with the hlabeli, that is used for display; for example one may want to display A1 while the name will be A1. For a \Vertex the following options are available: Option Default Type x y size color opacity shape label fontsize fontcolor fontscale position distance style layer 0 0 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} center 0 {} {} measure measure measure color number string string string color number valuea measure string number x-coordinate y-coordinate diameter of the circle fill color of vertex opacity of the fill color shape of the vertex label font size of the label font color of the label scale of the label label position label distance from the center additional TikZ styles assigned layer of the vertex NoLabel IdAsLabel Math RGB Pseudo false false false false false Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean delete the label uses the Name as label displays the label in math mode allow RGB colors create a pseudo vertex a Definition Table 2.1: Local options for the \Vertex command. either measure or string The order how the options are entered does not matter. Changes to the default Vertex layout can be made with \SetVertexStyle1 \Vertex[hxi=measure,hyi=measure]{Name} The location of the vertices are determined by Cartesian coordinates in hxi and hyi. The coordinates are optional. If no coordinates are determined the vertex will be placed at the origin (0, 0). The 1 see Section 5.2 10 simple networks entered measures are in default units (cm). Changing the unites (locally) can be done by adding the unit to the measure2 . Changes to the default setting can be made with \SetDefaultUnit3 . \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=1,y=1]{B} \Vertex[x=2]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hsizei=measure]{Name} The diameter of the vertex can be changed with the option hsizei. Per default a vertex has 0.6 cm in diameter. Also, here the default units are cm and have not to be added to the measure. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[size=.3]{A} \Vertex[x=1,size=.7]{B} \Vertex[x=2.3,size=1]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hcolori=color]{Name} To change the fill color of each vertex individually, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[color = blue]{A} \Vertex[x=1,color=red]{B} \Vertex[x=2,color=green!70!blue]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hopacityi=number]{Name} With the option hopacityi the opacity of the vertex fill color can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[opacity = 1]{A} \Vertex[x=1,opacity =.7]{B} \Vertex[x=2,opacity =.2]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hshapei=string]{Name} With the option hshapei the shape of the vertex can be modified. Thereby the shapes implemented in TikZ can be used, including: circle, rectangle, diamond, trapezium, semicircle, isosceles triangle, . . . . \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[shape = rectangle]{A} \Vertex[x=1,shape = diamond]{B} \Vertex[x=2,shape = isosceles triangle]{C} \end{tikzpicture} 2 e.g. x=1 in 3 see Section 5.1 B A C tikz-network manual 11 \Vertex[hlabeli=string]{Name} In tikz-network there are several ways to define the labels of the vertices and edges. The common way is via the option hlabeli. Here, any string argument can be used, including blank spaces. The environment $ $ can be used to display mathematical expressions. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[label=foo]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=bar]{B} \Vertex[x=2,label=$u_1$]{C} \end{tikzpicture} foo bar u1 \Vertex[hlabeli=string,hfontsizei=string]{Name} The font size of the hlabeli can be modified with the option hfontsizei. Here common LATEX font size commands4 can be used to change the size of the label. 4 e.g. \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, . . . . \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[label=foo,fontsize=\normalsize]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=bar,fontsize=\tiny]{B} \Vertex[x=2,label=$u_1$,fontsize=\large]{C} \end{tikzpicture} foo bar u1 \Vertex[hlabeli=string,hfontcolori=color]{Name} The color of the hlabeli can be changed with the option hfontcolori. Currently, only the default TikZ and LATEX colors are supported5 . 5 \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[label=foo,fontcolor=blue]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=bar,fontcolor=magenta]{B} \Vertex[x=2,label=$u_1$,fontcolor=red]{C} \end{tikzpicture} TODO! Add RGB option! foo bar u1 bar u1 \Vertex[hlabeli=string,hfontscalei=number]{Name} Contrary to the option hfontsizei, the option hfontscalei does not change the font size itself but scales the curent font size up or down. The number defines the scale, where numbers between 0 and 1 down scale the font and numbers greater then 1 up scale the label. For example 0.5 reduces the size of the font to 50% of its originial size, while 1.2 scales the font to 120%. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[label=foo,fontscale=0.5]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=bar,fontscale=1]{B} \Vertex[x=2,label=$u_1$,fontscale=2]{C} \end{tikzpicture} foo \Vertex[hlabeli=string,hpositioni=value,hdistancei=number]{Name} Per default the hpositioni of the hlabeli is in the center of the vertex. Classical TikZ commands6 can be used to change the hpositioni e.g. above, below, left, right, above left, above right,. . . 6 12 simple networks of the hlabeli. Instead, using such command, the position can be determined via an angle, by entering a number between −360 and 360. The origin (0◦ ) is the y axis. A positive number change the hpositioni counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. With the option, hdistancei the distance between the vertex and the label can be changed. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[label=A,position=below]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=B,position=below,distance=2mm]{B} \Vertex[x=2,label=C,position=30,distance=1mm]{C} \end{tikzpicture} C 30◦ A B \Vertex[hstylei={string}]{Name} Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. Contain the commands additional options (e.g.hshadingi=ball), then the argument for the hstylei has to be between { } brackets. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[style={color=green}]{A} \Vertex[x=1,style=dashed]{B} \Vertex[x=2,style={shading=ball}]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hIdAsLabeli]{Name} \Vertex[hNoLabeli,hlabeli=string]{Name} hIdAsLabeli is a Boolean option which assigns the Name of the vertex as label. On the contrary, hNoLabeli suppress all labels. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[IdAsLabel]{A} \Vertex[x=1,label=B,NoLabel]{B} \Vertex[x=2,IdAsLabel,NoLabel]{C} \end{tikzpicture} A \Vertex[hMathi,hlabeli=string]{Name} The option hMathi allows transforming labels into mathematical expressions without using the $ $ environment. In combination with hIdAsLabeli allows this option also mathematical expressions by the definition of the vertex Name. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[IdAsLabel]{A1} \Vertex[x=1,label=B_1,Math]{B} \Vertex[x=2,Math,IdAsLabel]{C_1} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hRGBi,hcolori=RGB values]{Name} A1 B1 C1 tikz-network manual In order to display RGB colors for the vertex fill color, the option hRGBi has to be entered. In combination with this option, the hcolori hast to be a list with the RGB values, separated by «,» and within { }.7 \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex[RGB,color={127,201,127}]{A} \Vertex[x=1,RGB,color={190,174,212}]{B} \Vertex[x=2,RGB,color={253,192,134}]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hPseudoi]{Name} The option hPseudoi creates a pseudo vertex, where only the vertex name and the vertex coordinate will be drawn. Edges etc, can still be assigned to this vertex. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2,Pseudo]{B} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertex[hlayeri=number]{Name} With the option hlayeri the vertex can be assigned to a specific layer. More about this option and the use of layers is explained in Chapter 4. e.g. the RGB code for white: {255, 255, 255} 7 13 14 simple networks 2.2 Edge The second essential command is an \Edge, which allow connecting two vertices. \Edge[hlocal optionsi](Vertex i)(Vertex j) Edges can be generated between one or two vertices. In the first case, a self-loop will be generated. As mandatory arguments the Names of the vertices which should be connected must be entered between ( ) brackets. In case of a directed edge, the order is important. An edge is created from Vertex i (origin) to Vertex j (destination). For an \Edge the following options are available: Option Default Type Definition lw color opacity bend label fontsize fontcolor fontscale position distance style {} {} {} 0 {} {} {} {} {} 0.5 {} measure color number number string string color number string number string path {} list loopsize loopposition loopshape 1cm 0 90 measure number number size parameter of the self-loop orientation of the self-loop loop angle out/in of the vertex Direct Math RGB NotInBG false false false false Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean allow directed edges displays the label in math mode allow RGB colors edge is not in the background layer line width of the edge edge color opacity of the edge angle out/in of the vertex label font size of the label font color of the label scale of the label label position label distance from vertex i additional TikZ styles path over several vertices The options hloopsizei, hlooppositioni, and hloopsizei are only for self-loops available. \Edge(Vertex i)(Vertex j) An edge is created between Vertex i and Vertex j. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge(A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hlwi=measure](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The line width of an edge can be modified with the option hlwi. Here, the unit of the measure has to be specified. The default value is 1.5 pt. Table 2.2: Local options for the \Edge command. tikz-network manual \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[lw=3pt](A)(B) \Edge[lw=5pt](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hcolori=color](Vertex i)(Vertex j) To change the line color of each edge individually, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[color=red](A)(B) \Edge[color=green!70!blue](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hopacityi=number](Vertex i)(Vertex j) With the option hopacityi the opacity of the edge line can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[opacity=.7](A)(B) \Edge[opacity=.2](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hbendi=number](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The shape of the edge can be modified with the hbendi option. If nothing is specified a straight edge, between the vertices, is drawn. The number defines the angle in which the edge is diverging from its straight connection. A positive number bend the edge counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[bend=45](A)(B) \Edge[bend=-70](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} 45◦ 70◦ \Edge[hlabeli=string](Vertex i)(Vertex j) An edge is labeled with the option hlabeli. For the label any string argument can be used, including blank spaces. The environment $ $ can be used to display mathematical expressions. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[label=X](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} X 15 16 simple networks \Edge[hlabeli=string,hfontsizei=string](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The font size of the hlabeli can be modified with the option hfontsizei. Here common LATEX font size commands8 can be used to change the size of the label. e.g. \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, . . . . 8 \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[label=X,fontsize=\large](A)(B) \Edge[label=Y,fontsize=\tiny](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} X Y \Edge[hlabeli=string,hfontcolori=color](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The color of the hlabeli can be changed with the option hfontcolori. Currently, only the default TikZ and LATEX colors are supported 9 . 9 TODO! Add RGB option! \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[label=X,fontcolor=blue](A)(B) \Edge[label=Y,fontcolor=red](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} X Y \Edge[hlabeli=string,hfontscalei=color](Vertex i)(Vertex j) Contrary to the option hfontsizei, the option hfontscalei does not change the font size itself but scales the curent font size up or down. The number defines the scale, where numbers between 0 and 1 down scale the font and numbers greater then 1 up scale the label. For example 0.5 reduces the size of the font to 50% of its originial size, while 1.2 scales the font to 120%. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[label=X,fontscale=.5](A)(B) \Edge[label=Y,fontscale=2](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} X Y \Edge[hlabeli=string,hpositioni=string](Vertex i)(Vertex j) Per default the hlabeli is positioned in between both vertices in the center of the line. Classical TikZ commands10 can be used to change the hpositioni of the hlabeli. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[label=X,position=above](A)(B) \Edge[label=Y,position={below left=2mm}](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hlabeli=string,hdistancei=number](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The label position between the vertices can be modified with the hdistancei option. Per default the hlabeli is centered between both vertices. The position is expressed as the percentage of the length between the vertices, e.g. of hdistancei=0.7, the label is placed at 70% of the edge length away of Vertex i. 10 e.g. above, below, left, right, above left, above right,. . . X Y tikz-network manual \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[label=X,distance=.7](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} 1.0 X 0.7 \Edge[hstylei=string](Vertex i)(Vertex j) Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. Contain the commands additional options (e.g.hshadingi=ball), then the argument for the hstylei has to be between { } brackets. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[style={dashed}](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hpathi=list](Vertex i)(Vertex j) In order to draw a finite sequence of edges which connect a sequence of vertices and/or coordinates, the option hpathi can be used11 . The argument for this option has to be a list element indicated by { } brackets, containing the Names of the intermediated vertices. New coordinates, i.e. there is no vertex located, can be insert with {hxi, hyi}. Arguments of the list, have to be seperated by commas «,». \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[path={A,{0,-1},C,B}](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge(Vertex i)(Vertex i) Self-loops are created by using the same vertex as origin and destination. Beside the options explained above, there are three self-loop specific options: hloopsizei, hlooppositioni, and hloopshapei. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Edge(A)(A) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hloopsizei=measure](Vertex i)(Vertex i) With the option hloopsizei the length of the edge can be modified. The measure value has to be insert together with its units. Per default the hloopsizei is 1 cm. TODO! currently labels and bend edges are not supported! 11 17 18 simple networks \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=1.3]{B} \Edge[loopsize=.5cm](A)(A) \Edge[loopsize=1.5cm](B)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hlooppositioni=number](Vertex i)(Vertex i) The position of the self-loop is defined via the rotation angle around the vertex. The origin (0◦ ) is the y axis. A positive number change the hlooppositioni counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=1.5]{B} \Edge[loopposition=45](A)(A) \Edge[loopposition=-70](B)(B) \end{tikzpicture} 45◦ 70◦ \Edge[hloopshapei=number](Vertex i)(Vertex i) The shape of the self-loop is defined by the enclosing angle. The shape can be changed by decreasing or increasing the argument value of the hloopshapei option. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Edge[loopshape=45](A)(A) \end{tikzpicture} 45◦ \Edge[hDirecti](Vertex i)(Vertex j) Directed edges are created by enabling the option hDirecti. The arrow is drawn from Vertex i to Vertex j. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[Direct](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[Math, label=hstringi](Vertex i)(Vertex j) The option hMathi allows transforming labels into mathematical expressions without using the $ $ environment. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Edge[Math,label=X_1](A)(B) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[RBG, color=hRGB valuei](Vertex i)(Vertex j) X1 tikz-network manual In order to display RGB colors for the line color of the edge, the option hRGBi has to be entered. In combination with this option, the hcolori hast to be a list with the RGB values, separated by «,» and within { }.12 e.g. the RGB code for white: {255, 255, 255} 12 \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{C} \Edge[RGB,color={127,201,127}](A)(B) \Edge[RGB,color={253,192,134}](A)(C) \end{tikzpicture} \Edge[hNotInBGi]{filename} Per default, the edge is drawn on the background layer of the tikzpicture. I.e. objects which are created after the edges appear also on top of them. To turn this off, the option hNotInBGi has to be enabled. Changes to the default setting can be made with \EdgesNotInBG or \EdgesInBG13 . \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertex{A} \Vertex[x=2]{B} \Vertex[x=1,y=-.5]{C} \Vertex[y=-1]{D} \Vertex[x=2,y=-1]{E} \Edge[bend=-30](A)(B) \Edge[bend=30,NotInBG](D)(E) \end{tikzpicture} 13 See Section 5.3 19 20 simple networks 2.3 Text While TikZ offers multiple ways to label objects and create text elements, a simplified command \Text is implemented, which allow placing and modifying text to the networks. \Text[hlocal optionsi]{string} In order to be able to create a text, a non-empty string argument is required. This argument is the actual text added to the figure. Mathematical symbols are entered in the same way as in a normal LATEX document, i.e. between $ $. For a \Text the following options are available: Option Default Type x y fontsize color opacity position distance rotation anchor width style layer 0 0 {} {} {} center 0 cm 0 {} {} {} {} measure measure fontsize color number string measure number string number string number x-coordinate y-coordinate font size of the text color of the text opacity of the text position of the text to the origin distance from the origin rotation of the text anchor of the text width of the text box additional TikZ styles assigned layer of the text false Boolean allow RGB colors RGB Definition The order how the options are entered does not matter. Changes to the default Text layout can be made with \SetTextStyle14 Table 2.3: Local options for the \Text command. 14 see Section 5.4 15 e.g. x=1 in 16 see Section 5.1 \Text[hxi=measure,hyi=measure]{string} The location of the text is determined by Cartesian coordinates in hxi and hyi. The coordinates are optional. If no coordinates are determined the text will be placed at the origin (0, 0). The entered measures are in default units (cm). Changing the unites (locally) can be done by adding the unit to the measure15 . Changes to the default setting can be made with \SetDefaultUnit16 . \begin{tikzpicture} \Text{A} \Text[x=1,y=1]{B} \Text[x=2]{C} \end{tikzpicture} B C A \Text[hfontsizei=font size]{string} The font size of the text can be changed with the option hfontsizei. Per default the font size of the text is defined as \normalsize. \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[fontsize=\small]{A} \Text[x=1,fontsize=\LARGE]{B} \Text[x=2,fontsize=\Huge]{C} \end{tikzpicture} A B C tikz-network manual 21 \Text[hcolori=color]{string} To change the text color individually, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[color = blue]{A} \Text[x=1,color=red]{B} \Text[x=2,color=green!70!blue]{C} \end{tikzpicture} A B C A B C \Text[hopacityi=number]{string} With the option hopacityi the opacity of the text can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent text and 1 a solid text. \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[opacity = 1]{A} \Text[x=1,opacity =.7]{B} \Text[x=2,opacity =.2]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \Text[hpositioni=string,hdistancei=measure]{string} Per default the hpositioni of the text is in the center of the origin. Classical TikZ commands17 can be used to change the hpositioni of the text. With the option, hdistancei the distance between the text and the origin can be changed. \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[position=above]{above} \Text[position=below]{below} \Text[position=left,distance=5mm]{left} \Text[position=above right,distance=5mm]{above right} \end{tikzpicture} e.g. above, below, left, right, above left, above right,. . . 17 above right above origin (0, 0) left below \Text[hrotationi=number]{string} A C \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[rotation=30]{A} \Text[x=1,rotation=45]{B} \Text[x=2,rotation=75]{C} \end{tikzpicture} B With the hrotationi, the text can be rotated by entering a number between −360 and 360. The origin (0◦ ) is the y axis. A positive number change the hpositioni counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. 75◦ 22 simple networks \Text[hanchori=string]{string} With the option hanchori the alignment of the text can be changed. Per default the text will be aligned centered. Classical TikZ commands18 can be used to change the alignment of the text. 18 e.g. north, east, south, west, north east, north west,. . . \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[anchor=north east]{NE} \Text[x=1,anchor = south]{S} \Text[x=2,anchor =south west]{SW} \end{tikzpicture} S SW NE \Text[hwidthi=measure]{string} With the option hwidthi enabled, the text will break after the entered measure. 2.5cm \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[width=2.5cm]{This might be a very long text.} \end{tikzpicture} This might be a very long text. \Text[hstylei={string}]{string} Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. Contain the commands additional options (e.g.hfilli=red), then the argument for the hstylei has to be between { } brackets. \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[style={draw,rectangle}]{A} \Text[x=1,style={fill=red}]{B} \Text[x=2,style={fill=blue,circle,opacity=.3}]{C} \end{tikzpicture} A B C \Text[hRGBi,hcolori=RGB values]{string} In order to display RGB colors for the text color, the option hRGBi has to be entered. In combination with this option, the hcolori hast to be a list with the RGB values, separated by «,» and within { }.19 \begin{tikzpicture} \Text[RGB,color={127,201,127}]{A} \Text[x=1,RGB,color={190,174,212}]{B} \Text[x=2,RGB,color={253,192,134}]{C} \end{tikzpicture} \layer[hlayeri=number]{string} With the option hlayeri the text can be assigned to a specific layer. More about this option and the use of layers is explained in Chapter 4. e.g. the RGB code for white: {255, 255, 255} 19 A B C 3 Complex Networks While in Chapter 2 the building blocks of the networks are introduced, here the main strength of the tikz-network package is explained. This includes creating networks based on data, obtained from other sources (e.g. Python, R, GIS). The idea is that the layout will be done by this external sources and tikz-network is used make some changes and to recreate the networks in LATEX. 3.1 Vertices The \Vertices command is the extension of the \Vertex command. Instead of a single vertex, a set of vertices will be drawn. This set of vertices is defined in an external file but can be modified with \Vertices. \Vertices[hglobal optionsi]{filename} The vertices have to be stored in a clear text file1 , preferentially in a .csv format. The first row should contain the headings, which are equal to the options defined in Table 2.1. Option are separated by a comma «,». Each new row is corresponds to a new vertex. id, x, y ,size,color ,opacity,label,IdAsLabel,NoLabel A, 0, 0, .4 ,green , .9 , a , false , false B, 1, .7, .6 , , .5 , b , false , false C, 2, 1, .8 ,orange, .3 , c , false , true D, 2, 0, .5 ,red , .7 , d , true , false E,.2,1.5, .5 ,gray , , e , false , false Only the hidi value is mandatory for a vertex and corresponds to the Name argument of a single \Vertex. Therefore, the same rules and naming conventions apply as for the Name argument: no mathematical expressions, no blank spaces, and the hidi must be unique! All other options are optional. No specific order of the options must be maintained. If no value is entered for an option, the default value will be chosen2 . The filename should not contain blank spaces or special characters. The vertices are drawn by the command \Vertex with the filename plus file format (e.g. .csv). If the vertices file is not in the same directory as the main LATEX file, also the path has to be specified. 1 e.g. .txt, .tex, .csv, .dat, . . . File: vertices.csv 2 TODO! This is NOT valid for Boolean options, here values for all vertices have to be entered. 24 complex networks e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} b a D Predefined \Vertex options can be overruled by the hglobal optionsi of the \Vertices command; I.e. these options apply for all vertices in the file. For the \Vertices the following options are available: Option Default Type size color opacity style layer {} {} {} {} {} measure color number string number diameter of the circles fillcolor of vertices opacity of the fill color additional TikZ styles assigned layer of the vertices false false false false false Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean delete the labels uses the Names as labels displays the labels in math mode allow RGB colors create a pseudo vertices NoLabel IdAsLabel Math RGB Pseudo Definition Table 3.1: Global options for the \Vertices command. The use of these options are similar to the options for a single \Vertex defined in Section 2.1. \Vertices[hsizei=measure]{filename} The diameter of the vertices can be changed with the option hsizei. Per default a vertex has 0.6 cm in diameter. Also, here the default units are cm and have not to be added to the measure. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[size=.6]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} b a D \Vertices[hcolori=color]{filename} To change the fill color for all vertices, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[color=green!70!blue]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} b a \Vertices[hopacityi=number]{filename} With the option hopacityi the opacity of all vertices fills colors can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. D tikz-network manual e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[opacity=.3]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} b a D \Vertices[hstylei=string]{filename} Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. Contain the commands additional options (e.g.hshadingi=ball), then the argument for the hstylei has to be between { } brackets. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[style={shading=ball,blue}]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} b a D \Vertices[hIdAsLabeli]{filename} \Vertices[hNoLabeli]{filename} hIdAsLabeli is a Boolean option which assigns the hidi of the single vertices as labels. On the contrary, hNoLabeli suppress all labels. E \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[IdAsLabel]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} C B A \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[NoLabel]{data/vertices.csv} \end{tikzpicture} \Vertices[hRGBi]{filename} In order to display RGB colors for the vertex fill colors, the option hRGBi has to be entered. Additionally, the RGB values have to be specified in the file where the vertices are stored. Each value has its own column with the caption hRi, hGi, and hBi. id, x, y ,size, color,opacity,label, R , G , B A, 0, 0, .4 , green, .9 , a ,255, 0, 0 B, 1, .7, .6 , , .5 , b , 0,255, 0 C, 2, 1, .8 ,orange, .3 , c , 0, 0,255 D, 2, 0, .5 , red, .7 , d , 10,120,255 E,.2,1.5, .5 , gray, , e , 76, 55,255 The “normal” color definition can also be part of the vertex definition. If the option hRGBi is not set, then the colors under hcolori are applied. File: vertices_RGB.csv D 25 26 complex networks e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices[RGB]{data/vertices_RGB.csv} \end{tikzpicture} c b a \Vertices[hPseudoi]{filename} The option hPseudoi creates a pseudo vertices, where only the names and the coordinates of the vertices wil be drawn. Edges etc, can still be assigned to these vertices. \Vertices[hlayeri=number]{filename} With the option hlayeri, only the vertices on the selected layer are plotted. More about this option and the use of layers is explained in Chapter 4. d tikz-network manual 3.2 Edges The \Edges command is the extension of the \Edge command. Instead of a single edge, a set of edges will be drawn. This set of edges is defined in an external file but can be modified with \Edges. \Edges[hglobal optionsi]{filename} Like the vertices, the edges have to be stored in a clear text file3 , preferentially in a .csv format. The first row should contain the headings, which are equal to the options defined in Table 2.2. Option are separated by a comma «,». Each new row is corresponds to a new edge. u,v,label,lw,color ,opacity,bend, R , G , B ,Direct A,B, ab ,.5,red , 1 , 30, 0,120,255,false B,C, bc ,.7,blue , 1 , -60, 76, 55,255,false B,D, bd ,.5,blue , .5 , -60, 76, 55,255,false A,E, ae , 1,green , 1 , 75,255, 0, 0,true C,E, ce , 2,orange, 1 , 0,150,150,150,false A,A, aa ,.3,black , .5 , 75,255, 0 ,0,false The mandatory values are the hui and hvi argument, which corresponds to the Vertex i and Vertex j arguments of a single \Edge. Edges can only create if a vertex exists with the same Name. All other options are optional. No specific order of the options must be maintained. If no value is entered for an option, the default value will be chosen4 . The filename should not contain blank spaces or special characters. The edges are drawn by the command \Edges with the filename plus file format (e.g. .csv). If the edges file is not in the same directory as the main LATEX file, also the path has to be specified. In order to draw edges, first, the vertices have to be generated. Only then, edges can be assigned. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} 3 e.g. .txt, .tex, .csv, .dat, . . . File: edges.csv 4 TODO! This is NOT valid for Boolean options, here values for all vertices have to be entered. e c b ab a Predefined \Edge options can be overruled by the hglobal optionsi of the \Edges command; I.e. these options apply for all edges in the file. For the \Edges the following options are available: ce ae bc aa bd d 27 28 complex networks Option Default Type lw color opacity style vertices layer {} {} {} {} {} {} measure color number string file number line width of the edge edge color opacity of the edge additional TikZ styles vertices were the edges are assigned to edges in specific layers false false false false false Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean allow directed edges displays the labels in math mode delete the labels allow RGB colors edges are not in the background layer Direct Math NoLabel RGB NotInBG Definition Table 3.2: Global options for the \Edges command. The use of these options are similar to the options for a single \Edge defined in Section 2.2. \Edges[hlwi=measure]{filename} The line width of the edges can be modified with the option hlwi. Here, the unit of the measure can be specified, otherwise, it is in pt. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[lw=2.5]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} ce c ae b ab a bc aa d bd \Edges[hcolori=color]{filename} To change the line color of all edges, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[color=green!70!blue]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ce c ae b ab a bc aa d bd \Edges[hopacityi=number]{filename} With the option hopacityi the opacity of all edge lines can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[opacity=0.3]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ce c ae b ab a bc aa bd d tikz-network manual \Edges[hstylei=string]{filename} Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[style={dashed}]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} ce c ae b ab a bc aa d bd \Edges[hDirecti]{filename} Directed edges are created by enabling the option hDirecti. The arrow is drawn from hui to hvi. \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[Direct]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ce c ae b ab a bc aa d bd \Edges[Math]{filename} The option hMathi allows transforming labels into mathematical expressions without using the $ $ environment. \Edges[hNoLabeli]{filename} The option hNoLabeli suppress all edge labels. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[NoLabel]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} c b a d \Edges[hRGBi]{filename} In order to display RGB colors for the edge line colors, the option hRGBi has to be entered. Additionally, the RGB values have to be specified in the file where the vertices are stored. Each value has its own column with the caption hRi, hGi, and hBi. The “normal” color definition can also be part of the vertex definition. If the option hRGBi is not set, then the colors under hcolori are applied. e \begin{tikzpicture} \Vertices{data/vertices.csv} \Edges[RGB]{data/edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} \Edges[hNotInBGi]{filename} Per default, the edges are drawn on the background layer of the tikzpicture. I.e. objects which are created after the edges appear also on top of them. To turn this off, the option hNotInBGi has to be enabled. ce c ae b ab a bc aa bd d 29 30 complex networks \Edges[hverticesi=filename]{filename} Edges can be assigned to a specific set of \Vertices with the option hverticesi. Thereby the argument filename is the same as used for the \Vertices command. This option might be necessary if multiple \Vertices are created and edges are assigned at the end. \Edges[hlayeri={layer α,layer β}]{filename} With the option hlayeri only the edges between layer α and β are plotted. The argument is a tuple of both layers indicated by { , }. More about this option and the use of layers is explained in Chapter 4. 4 Multilayer Networks One of the main purposes of the tikz-network package is the illustration of multilayer network structures. Thereby, all the previous commands can be used. A multilayer network is represented as a three-dimensional object, where each layer is located at a different z plane. In order to enable this functionality, the option hmultilayeri has to be used at the beginning of the tikzpicture. 4.1 Simple Networks \Vertex[hlayeri=number]{Name} With the option hlayeri the vertex can be assigned to a specific layer. Layers are defined by numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3,. . . ). Working with the hmultilayeri option, each \Vertex has to be assigned to a specific layer. For the edge assignment no additional information is needed. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer] \Vertex[x=0.5,IdAsLabel,layer=1]{A} \Vertex[x=1.5,IdAsLabel,layer=1]{B} \Vertex[x=1.5,IdAsLabel,layer=2]{C} \Edge[bend=60](A)(B) \Edge[style=dashed](B)(C) \Edge(C)(C) \end{tikzpicture} A C B Enabling the option hmultilayeri, returns the network in a twodimensional plane, like the networks discussed before. Setting the argument hmultilayeri=3d, the network is rendered in a threedimensional representation. Per default, the layer with the lowest number is on the top. This and the spacing between the layers can be changed with the command \SetLayerDistance. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Vertex[x=0.5,IdAsLabel,layer=1]{A} \Vertex[x=1.5,IdAsLabel,layer=1]{B} \Vertex[x=1.5,IdAsLabel,layer=2]{C} \Edge[bend=60](A)(B) \Edge[style=dashed](B)(C) \Edge(C)(C) \end{tikzpicture} A Layer 1 Layer 2 B C 32 multilayer networks 4.2 Complex Networks Similar as in Chapter 3 introduced, layers can be assigned to the vertices by adding a column hlayeri to the file where the vertices are stored. id, x, y ,size, color,opacity,label,layer A, 0, 0, .4 , green, .9 , a , 1 B, 1, .7, .6 , , .5 , b , 1 C, 2, 1, .8 ,orange, .3 , c , 1 D, 2, 0, .5 , red, .7 , d , 2 E,.2,1.5, .5 , gray, , e , 1 F,.1, .5, .7 , blue, .3 , f , 2 G, 2, 1, .4 , cyan, .7 , g , 2 H, 1, 1, .4 ,yellow, .7 , h , 2 u,v,label,lw,color ,opacity,bend,Direct A,B, ab ,.5,red , 1 , 30,false B,C, bc ,.7,blue , 1 , -60,false A,E, ae , 1,green , 1 , 45,true C,E, ce , 2,orange, 1 , 0,false A,A, aa ,.3,black , .5 , 75,false C,G, cg , 1,blue , .5 , 0,false E,H, eh , 1,gray , .5 , 0,false F,A, fa ,.7,red , .7 , 0,true D,F, df ,.7,cyan , 1 , 30,true F,H, fh ,.7,purple, 1 , 60,false D,G, dg ,.7,blue , .7 , 60,false File: ml_vertices.csv File: ml_edges.csv With the commands \Vertices and \Edges, the network can be created automatically. Again the \Vertices vertices should be performed first and then the command \Edges. e ab aa a \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Vertices{data/ml_vertices.csv} \Edges{data/ml_edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} ce b eh bc ae Layer 1 fa cg fh h f dg Layer c df g d 2 \Vertices[hlayeri=number]{filename} \Edges[hlayeri={layer α,layer β}]{filename} With the \Vertices option hlayeri only the vertices on the selected layer are plotted. While, with the \Edges option hlayeri, the edges between layer α and β are plotted. The argument is a tuple of both layers indicated by { , }. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Vertices[layer=1]{data/ml_vertices.csv} \Edges[layer={1,1}]{data/ml_edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ce ae a Layer 1 ab aa b c bc tikz-network manual Plotting edges without defining first the vertices can be done with the \Edges option hverticesi. This allows modifying specific sets of Edges. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Edges[vertices=data/ml_vertices.csv, layer={1,2},style=dashed]{data/ml_edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} eh fa cg 4.3 Layers and Layouts Besides adding vertices and edges to specific layers, every other TikZ object can be drawn on such a layer using the Layer environment. With the option hlayeri=layer α, the position of the canvas can be assigned to the specific layer. \begin{Layer}[hlayeri=layer α] \end{Layer} \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \begin{Layer}[layer=1] \draw[very thick] (-.5,-.5) rectangle (2.5,2); \node at (-.5,-.5)[below right]{Layer 1}; \end{Layer} \Vertices[layer=1]{data/ml_vertices.csv} \Edges[layer={1,1}]{data/ml_edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ce ae ab aa a Layer b c bc 1 \SetLayerDistance{measure} With the command \SetLayerDistance the distance between the layers and their orientation can be modified. Per default the distance is set to −2\DefaultUnit (here cm). A negative number implies that layers with a higher number will be stacked below layers with a smaller number. \SetCoordinates[hxAnglei=number,hyAnglei=number,hzAnglei=number, hxLengthi=number,hyLengthi=number,hzLengthi=number] The perspective of the three-dimensional plot can be modified by changing the orientation of the coordinate system, which is done with the command \SetCoordinates. Here the angle and the length of each axis can be modified. Angles are defined as a number in the range between −360 and 360. Per default, the lengths of the axes are defined by the identity matrix, i.e. no distortion. If the length ratio is changed x, y, and/or z values are distorted. The \SetCoordinates command has to be entered before the hmultilayeri option is called! \SetCoordinates[xAngle=-30,yLength=1.2,xLength=.8] \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Vertices[layer=1]{data/ml_vertices.csv} \Edges[layer={1,1}]{data/ml_edges.csv} \end{tikzpicture} e ae a Lay er 1 ab aa ce b bc c 33 34 multilayer networks 4.4 Plane To support the illustration of multilayer networks, the background of the layer can be simply visualized with the command \Plane, which allow to draw boundaries, grids and include images to the layer. \Plane[hoptionsi] No obligatory arguments are needed. For a \Plane the following options are available: Option Default Type x y width height color opacity grid image style layer 0 0 5 cm 5 cm vertexfill 0.3 {} {} {} 1 measure measure measure measure color number measure file string number x-coordinate of the origin y-coordinate of the origin width of the plane height of the plane fill color of the plane opacity of the fill color spacing of the grid path to the image file additional TikZ styles layer where the plane is located false false false false false Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean allow RGB colors disable fill color disable border line allow image and fill color plane is in the background layer RGB NoFill NoBorder ImageAndFill InBG a Definition Table 4.1: Options for the \Plane command. either measure or string \Plane[hxi=measure,hyi=measure,hwidthi=measure,hheighti=measure] A \Plane is a rectangle with origin (hxi,hyi), a given hwidthi and hheighti. The origin is defined in the left lower corner and per default (0, 0). The plane is default 5 cm (width) by 5 cm (height). This default options can be changed with \SetPlaneWidth and \Plane[hcolori=color] To change the fill color of each plane individually, the option hcolori has to be used. Without the option hRGBi set, the default TikZ and LATEX colors can be applied. Per default the default vertex color is used. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,color=green!70!blue] \end{tikzpicture} origin width ht See Section 5.5. ig \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5] \end{tikzpicture} 1 he \SetPlaneHeight1 tikz-network manual \Plane[hopacityi=number] With the option hopacityi the opacity of the plane fill color can be modified. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. Per default the opacity is set to 0.3. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,opacity=.7] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hgridi=measure] With the option hgridi a grid will be drawn on top of the plane. The argument of this option defines the spacing between the grid lines. The entered measures are in default units (cm). Changing the unites (locally) can be done by adding the unit to the measure2 . Changes to the default setting can be made with \SetDefaultUnit3 . 2 e.g. x=5 mm 3 see Section 5.1 \Plane[himagei=file] An image can be assigned to a plane with the option himagei. The argument is the file name and the folder where the image is stored. The width and height of the figure is scaled to the size of the plane. Without the option hImageAndFilli the image overwrite the color options. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,image=data/plane.png] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hstylei=string] Any other TikZ style option or command can be entered via the option hstylei. Most of these commands can be found in the “TikZ and PGF Manual”. Contain the commands additional options (e.g.hinner colori=color), then the argument for the hstylei has to be between { } brackets. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,style={dashed,inner color=white,outer color=red!80}] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hlayeri=number] With the option hlayeri=layer α, the position of the plane can be assigned to a specific layer. Per default the plane is drawn on layer 1. 5mm 5m m \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,grid=5mm] \end{tikzpicture} 35 36 multilayer networks \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \SetLayerDistance{-1.5} \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,color=green,layer=2] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hRGBi,hcolori=RGB values] In order to display RGB colors for the plane fill color, the option hRGBi has to be entered. In combination with this option, the hcolori hast to be a list with the RGB values, separated by «,» and within { }.4 Layer 2 Layer 2 e.g. the RGB code for white: {255, 255, 255} 4 \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,RGB,color={0,0,0}] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hNoFilli] \Plane[hNoBorderi] hNoFilli is a Boolean option which disables the fill color of the plane and hNoBorderi is a Boolean option which suppress the border line of the plane. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \SetLayerDistance{-1.5} \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,layer=2,NoFill] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,NoBorder] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hImageAndFilli] With the option hImageAndFilli both, image and fill color can be drawn on a plane. The option hopacityi is applied to both objects. \begin{tikzpicture}[multilayer=3d] \Plane[x=-.5,y=-.5,width=3,height=2.5,image=data/plane.png, color=red,opacity=.4,ImageAndFill] \end{tikzpicture} \Plane[hInBGi] A plane is drawn on the current layer of the tikzpicture. I.e. objects which are created after the plane appear on top of it and objects created before below of it. With the option hInBGi enabled, the plane is drawn on the background layer of the tikzpicture. Layer 2 Layer 2 5 Default Settings In order to customize the look of the networks, each layout setting used can be modified and adapted. There are three categories: General settings, vertex style, and edge style. 5.1 General Settings With the general settings mainly the sizes, distances and measures of the networks can be modified. \SetDefaultUnit{unit} The command \SetDefaultUnit allows to change the units used for drawing the network1 , including diameters of the vertices, x and y coordinates or the distance between the layers. The default unit is cm. \SetDistanceScale{number} With the command \SetDistanceScale, the distance between the vertices can be scaled. Per default 1 cm entered corresponds to 1 cm drawn, i.e. \SetDistanceScale{1}. Decreasing or increasing the scale changes the drawing distances between the vertices. \SetLayerDistance{measure} With the command \SetLayerDistance the distance between the layers and their orientation can be modified. Per default, the distance is set to −2. A negative number implies that layers with a higher number will be stacked below layers with a smaller number. \SetCoordinates[hxAnglei=number,hyAnglei=number,hzAnglei=number, hxLengthi=number,hyLengthi=number,hzLengthi=number] The perspective of the three-dimensional plot can be modified by changing the orientation of the coordinate system, which is done with the command \SetCoordinates. Here the angle and the length of each axis can be modified. Angles are defined as a number in the range between −360 and 360. Per default, the length of the axes are defined by the identity matrix, i.e. no distortion. If the length ratio is changed x, y, and/or z values are distorted. The \SetCoordinates command has to be entered before the hmultilayeri option is called! Except the line width, which are defined in pt. 1 38 default settings 5.2 Vertex Style The appearance of the vertices can be modified with the command \SetVertexStyle. This command will change the default settings of the vertices in the network. \SetVertexStyle[document options] The following options are available: Option Default Type Shape InnerSep circle 2pt text measure OuterSep 0pt measure MinSize FillColor FillOpacity LineWidth LineColor LineOpacity 0.6\DefaultUnit vertexfill 1 1pt black 1 measure color number measure color number TextFont TextColor TextOpacity TextRotation \scriptsize fontsize color number number black 1 0 Definition shape of the vertex separation space which will be added inside the shape separation space outside the background path diameter (size) of the vertex color of the vertex opacity of the vertex line width of the vertex boundary line color of the vertex boundary line opacity of the vertex boundary font size of the vertex label color of the vertex label opacity of the vertex label initial rotation of the vertex Table 5.1: Document style options for the vertices. 5.3 Edge Style The appearance of the edges can be modified with the command \SetEdgeStyle. This command will change the default settings of the edges in the network. \SetEdgeStyle[document options] The following options are available: Option Default Type LineWidth Color Opacity Arrow TextFont TextOpacity TextFillColor TextFillOpacity InnerSep 1.5pt black!75 1 -latex 1 white 1 0pt measure color number text fontsize number color number measure 1pt measure 0 number OuterSep TextRotation \scriptsize Definition width of the edge color of the edge opacity of the edge arrow shape of the directed edge font size of the edge label opacity of the edge label fill color of the edge label fill opacity of the edge label separation space which will be added inside the shape separation space outside the background path initial rotation of the edge label \EdgesNotInBG \EdgesInBG Per default edges are drawn on the background layer, with the command \EdgesNotInBG this can be disabled, while the command \EdgesInBG restores the default setting. Table 5.2: Document style options for the edges. tikz-network manual 39 5.4 Text Style The appearance of the text can be modified with the command \SetTextStyle. This command will change the default settings of the text. \SetTextStyle[document options] The following options are available: Option TextFont TextOpacity TextColor TextOpacity InnerSep OuterSep TextRotation Default Type \normalsize 1 black 1 2pt fontsize number color number measure 0pt measure 0 number Definition font size of the text opacity of the text color of the text opacity of the text separation space which will be added inside the shape separation space outside the background path initial rotation of the text Table 5.3: Document style options for the planes. 5.5 Plane Style The appearance of the planes can be modified with the command \SetPlaneStyle. This command will change the default settings of the planes. \SetPlaneStyle[document options] The following options are available: Option Default Type LineWidth LineColor LineOpacity FillColor FillOpacity GridLineWidth GridColor GridOpacity 1.5pt black 1 vertexfill 0.3 0.5pt black 0.5 measure color number color number measure color number Definition width of the border line color of the border line opacity of the border line fill color of the plane fill opacity of the plane width of the grid lines color of the grid lines opacity of the grid lines \SetPlaneWidth{measure} \SetPlaneHeight{measure} With the commands \SetPlaneWidth and \SetPlaneHeight the default size of the planes can be modified. Table 5.4: Document style options for the planes. 6 Troubleshooting and Support 6.1 tikz-network Website The website for the tikz-network packages is located at https: //github.com/hackl/tikz-network. There, you’ll find the actual version of the source code, a bug tracker, and the documentation. 6.2 Getting Help If you’ve encountered a problem with one of the tikz-network commands, have a question, or would like to report a bug, please send an email to me or visit our website. To help me troubleshoot the problem more quickly, please try to compile your document using the debug class option and send the generated .log file to the mailing list with a brief description of the problem. 6.3 Errors, Warnings, and Informational Messages The following is a list of all of the errors, warnings, and other messages generated by the tikz-network classes and a brief description of their meanings. Error: ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]. The considered network is to large and pdflatex runs out of memory. This problem can be solved by using lualatex or xetex instead. 6.4 Package Dependencies The following is a list of packages that the tikz-network package rely upon. Packages marked with an asterisk are optional. • etex – arrows • xifthen – positioning • xkeyval – 3d – fit • datatool – calc • tikz – backgrounds A ToDo A.1 Code to fix • change default entries for Boolean options in the vertices file. A.2 Documentation • add indices to the manual. • extended tutorial/example to the document. • clean-up and document the .sty file. • upload the package to CTAN, if it is appropriated tested. A.3 Features • add a spherical coordinate system A.4 Add-ons • add QGIS to tikz-network compiler B Add-ons B.1 Python networks to TikZ with network2tikz B.1.1 Introduction network2tikz is a Python tool for converting network visualizations into tikz-network figures, for native inclusion into your LaTeX documents. network2tikz works with Python 3 and supports (currently) the following Python network modules: • cnet • python-igraph • networkx • pathpy • default node/edge lists The output of network2tikz is a tikz-network figure. Because you are not only getting an image of your network, but also the LaTeX source file, you can easily post-process the figures (e.g. adding drawings, texts, equations,...). Since a picture is worth a thousand words a small example: #!/usr/bin/python -tt # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Bob nodes = [’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’] edges = [(’a’,’b’), (’a’,’c’), (’c’,’d’),(’d’,’b’)] gender = [’f’, ’m’, ’f’, ’m’] colors = {’m’: ’blue’, ’f’: ’red’} style = {} style[’node_label’] = [’Alice’, ’Bob’, ’Claire’, ’Dennis’] style[’node_color’] = [colors[g] for g in gender] style[’node_opacity’] = .5 style[’edge_curved’] = .1 Alice Dennis Claire from network2tikz import plot plot((nodes,edges),’network.tex’,**style) (see above) gives 46 add-ons \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-network} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \clip (0,0) rectangle (6,6); \Vertex[x=0.785,y=2.375,color=red,opacity=0.5,label=Alice]{a} \Vertex[x=5.215,y=5.650,color=blue,opacity=0.5,label=Bob]{b} \Vertex[x=3.819,y=0.350,color=red,opacity=0.5,label=Claire]{c} \Vertex[x=4.654,y=2.051,color=blue,opacity=0.5,label=Dennis]{d} \Edge[,bend=-8.531](a)(c) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](c)(d) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](d)(b) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](a)(b) \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} Tweaking the plot is straightforward and can be done as part of your LaTeX workflow. B.1.2 Installation network2tikz is available from the Python Package Index, so sim- ply type pip install -U network2tikz to install/update. If your are intersted in the development version of the module check out the github repository. B.1.3 Usage 1. Generate, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of your complex networks as usual, with your preferred python module. 2. Instead of the default plot functions (e.g. igraph.plot() or networkx.draw()) invoke network2tikz by plot(G,’mytikz.tex’) to store your network visualisation as the TikZ file mytikz.tex. Load the module with: from network2tikz import plot Advanced usage: Of course, you always can improve your plot by manipulating the generated LaTeX file, but why not do it directly in Python? To do so, all visualization options available in tikz-network are also implemented in network2tikz. The appearance of the plot can be modified by keyword arguments.1 For a detailed explanation, please see Section B.1.5. 1 tikz-network manual my_style = {} plot(G,’mytikz.tex’,**my_style) The arguments follow the options described above in the manual. Additionally, if you are more interested in the final output and not only the .tex file, used plot(G,’mypdf.pdf’) to save your plot as a pdf, or plot(G) to create a temporal plot and directly show the result, i.e. similar to the matplotlib function show(). Finally, you can also create a node and edge list, which can be read and easily modified (in a post-processing step) as showd above. plot(G,’mycsv.csv’) 3. Compile the figure or add the contents of mytikz.tex into your LaTeX source code. With the option hstandalonei=false only the TikZ figure will be saved, which can then be easily included in your LATEX document via \input{/path/to/mytikz.tex}. B.1.4 Simple example For illustration purpose, a similar network as in the pythonigraph tutorial is used. If you are using another Python network module, and like to follow this example, please have a look at the provided examples. Create network object and add some edges. #!/usr/bin/python -tt # -*- coding: utf-8 -*import igraph from network2tikz import plot net = igraph.Graph([(0,1), (0,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,2), (2,5), (5,0), (6,3), (5,6), (6,6)],directed=True) Adding node and edge properties. 47 48 add-ons net.vs["name"] = ["Alice", "Bob", "Claire", "Dennis", "Esther", " Frank", "George"] net.vs["age"] = [25, 31, 18, 47, 22, 23, 50] net.vs["gender"] = ["f", "m", "f", "m", "f", "m", "m"] net.es["is_formal"] = [False, False, True, True, True, False, True , False, False, False] Already now the network can be plotted. plot(net) Per default, the node positions are assigned uniform random. In order to create a layout, the layout methods of the network packages can be used. Or the position of the nodes can be directly assigned, in form of a dictionary, where the key is the node id and the value is a tuple of the node position in x and y. layout = {0: (4.3191, -3.5352), 1: (0.5292, -0.5292), 2: (8.6559, -3.8008), 3: (12.4117, -7.5239), 4: (12.7, -1.7069), 5: (6.0022, -9.0323), 6: (9.7608, -12.7)} plot(net,layout=layout) This should open an external pdf viewer showing a visual representation of the network, something like the one on the following figure: We can simply re-using the previous layout object here, but we also specified that we need a bigger plot (8 × 8 cm) and a larger margin around the graph to fit the self loop and potential labels (1 cm).2 plot(net, layout=layout, canvas=(8,8), margin=1) In to keep the properties of the visual representation of your network separate from the network itself. You can simply set up a Python dictionary containing the keyword arguments you would pass to plot and then use the double asterisk (**) operator to pass your specific styling attributes to plot: color_dict = {’m’: ’blue’, ’f’: ’red’} visual_style = {} # Node options visual_style[’vertex_size’] = .5 visual_style[’vertex_color’] = [color_dict[g] for g in net.vs[’ gender’]] visual_style[’vertex_opacity’] = .7 visual_style[’vertex_label’] = net.vs[’name’] visual_style[’vertex_label_position’] = ’below’ # Edge options visual_style[’edge_width’] = [1 + 2 * int(f) for f in net.es(’ is_formal’)] visual_style[’edge_curved’] = 0.1 Per default, all size values are based on cm, and all line widths are defined in pt units. With the general option hunitsi this can be changed, see Section B.1.5. 2 tikz-network manual # General options and plot command. visual_style[’layout’] = layout visual_style[’canvas’] = (8,8) visual_style[’margin’] = 1 # Plot command plot(net,**visual_style) Beside showing the network, we can also generate the latex source file, which can be used and modified later on. This is done by adding the output file name with the ending ’.tex’. Bob Esther Alice Claire Dennis Frank plot(net,’network.tex’,**visual_style) George produces \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-network} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \clip (0,0) rectangle (8.0,8.0); \Vertex[x=2.868,y=5.518,size=0.5,color=red,opacity=0.7,label=Alice,position=below]{a} \Vertex[x=1.000,y=7.000,size=0.5,color=blue,opacity=0.7,label=Bob,position=below]{b} \Vertex[x=5.006,y=5.387,size=0.5,color=red,opacity=0.7,label=Claire,position=below]{c} \Vertex[x=6.858,y=3.552,size=0.5,color=blue,opacity=0.7,label=Dennis,position=below]{d} \Vertex[x=7.000,y=6.419,size=0.5,color=red,opacity=0.7,label=Esther,position=below]{e} \Vertex[x=3.698,y=2.808,size=0.5,color=blue,opacity=0.7,label=Frank,position=below]{f} \Vertex[x=5.551,y=1.000,size=0.5,color=blue,opacity=0.7,label=George,position=below]{g} \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](a)(b) \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](a)(c) \Edge[,lw=3.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](c)(d) \Edge[,lw=3.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](d)(e) \Edge[,lw=3.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](e)(c) \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](c)(f) \Edge[,lw=3.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](f)(a) \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](f)(g) \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](g)(g) \Edge[,lw=1.0,bend=-8.531,Direct](g)(d) \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} Instead of the tex file, a node and edge list can be generates, which can also be used with the library. plot(net,’network.csv’,**visual_style) The node list network_nodes.csv. id,x,y,size,color,opacity,label,position a,2.868,5.518,0.5,red,0.7,Alice,below b,1.000,7.000,0.5,blue,0.7,Bob,below c,5.006,5.387,0.5,red,0.7,Claire,below d,6.858,3.552,0.5,blue,0.7,Dennis,below e,7.000,6.419,0.5,red,0.7,Esther,below f,3.698,2.808,0.5,blue,0.7,Frank,below g,5.551,1.000,0.5,blue,0.7,George,below The edge list network_edges.csv. 49 50 add-ons u,v,lw,bend,Direct a,b,1.0,-8.531,true a,c,1.0,-8.531,true c,d,3.0,-8.531,true d,e,3.0,-8.531,true e,c,3.0,-8.531,true c,f,1.0,-8.531,true f,a,3.0,-8.531,true f,g,1.0,-8.531,true g,g,1.0,-8.531,true g,d,1.0,-8.531,true B.1.5 The plot function in detail network2tikz.plot(network, hfilenamei=None, htypei= None, h**kwdsi) Parameters network : network object Network to be drawn. The network can be a cnet, networkx, igraph, pathpy object, or a tuple of a node list and edge list. filename : file, string or None, optional (default = None) File or filename to save. The file ending specifies the output. i.e. is the file ending with .tex a tex file will be created; if the file ends with ’.pdf’ a pdf is created; if the file ends with .csv, two csv files are generated filename_nodes.csv and filename_edges.csv. If the filename is a tuple of strings, the first entry will be used to name the node list and the second entry for the edge list; and if no ending and no type is defined a temporary pdf file is compiled and shown. type : str or None, optional (default = None) Type of the output file. If no ending is defined trough the filename, the type of the output file can be specified by the type option. Currently the following output types are supported: ’tex’, ’pdf’, ’csv’ and ’dat’. kwds : keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes) Attributes used to modify the appearance of the plot. For details see below. Keyword arguments for node styles node_size : size of the node. The default is 0.6 cm. node_color : color of the nodes. The default is light blue. Colors can be specified either by common color names, or by 3-tuples of floats (ranging between 0 and 255 for the R, G and B components). node_opacity : opacity of the nodes. The default is 1. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. tikz-network manual node_label : labels drawn next to the nodes. node_label_position : Per default the position of the label is in the center of the node. Classical TikZ commands can be used to change the position of the label. Instead, using such command, the position can be determined via an angle, by entering a number between -360 and 360. The origin (0) is the y axis. A positive number change the position counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. node_label_distance : distance between the node and the label. node_label_color : color of the label. node_label_size : font size of the label. node_shape : shape of the vertices. Possibilities are: ’circle’, ’rectangle’, ’triangle’, and any other Tikz shape node_style : Any other Tikz style option or command can be entered via the option style. Most of these commands can be found in the "TikZ and PGF Manual". Contain the commands additional options (e.g. shading = ball), then the argument for the style has to be between { } brackets. node_layer : the node can be assigned to a specific layer. node_label_off : is Boolean option which suppress all labels. node_label_as_id : is a Boolean option which assigns the node id as label. node_math_mode : is a Boolean option which transforms the labels into mathematical expressions without using the $ $ environment. node_pseudo : is a Boolean option which creates a pseudo node, where only the node name and the node coordinate will be provided. Keyword arguments for edge styles edge_width : width of the edges. The default unit is point (pt). edge_color : color of the edges. The default is gray. Colors can be specified either by common color names, or by 3-tuples of floats (ranging between 0 and 255 for the R, G and B components). edge_opacity : opacity of the edges. The default is 1. The range of the number lies between 0 and 1. Where 0 represents a fully transparent fill and 1 a solid fill. edge_curved : whether the edges should be curved. Positive numbers correspond to edges curved in a counter-clockwise direction, negative numbers correspond to edges curved in a clockwise direction. Zero represents straight edges. 51 52 add-ons edge_label : labels drawn next to the edges. edge_label_position : Per default the label is positioned in between both nodes in the center of the line. Classical Tikz commands can be used to change the position of the label. edge_label_distance : The label position between the nodes can be modified with the distance option. Per default the label is centered between both nodes. The position is expressed as the percentage of the length between the nodes, e.g. of distance = 0.7, the label is placed at 70% of the edge length away of Vertex i. edge_label_color : color of the label. edge_label_size : font size of the label. edge_style : Any other Tikz style option or command can be entered via the option style. Most of these commands can be found in the "TikZ and PGF Manual". Contain the commands additional options (e.g. shading = ball), then the argument for the style has to be between { } brackets. edge_arrow_size : arrow size of the edges. edge_arrow_width : width of the arrowhead on the edge. edge_loop_size : modifies the length of the edge. The measure value has to be insert together with its units. Per default the loop size is 1 cm. edge_loop_position : The position of the self-loop is defined via the rotation angle around the node. The origin (0) is the y axis. A positive number change the loop position counter clockwise, while a negative number make changes clockwise. edge_loop_shape : The shape of the self-loop is defined by the enclosing angle. The shape can be changed by decreasing or increasing the argument value of the loop shape option. edge_directed : is a Boolean option which transform edges to directed arrows. If the network is already defined as directed network this option is not needed, except to turn off the direction for one or more edges. edge_math_mode : is a Boolean option which transforms the labels into mathematical expressions without using the $ $ environment. edge_not_in_bg : Per default, the edge is drawn on the background layer of the tikz picture. I.e. objects which are created after the edges appear also on top of them. To turn this off, the option edge_not_in_bg has to be enabled. Keyword arguments for general options tikz-network manual units : string or tuple of strings, optional (default = (’cm’,’pt’)) Per default, all size values are based on cm, and all line widths are defined in pt units. Whit this option the input units can be changed. Currently supported are: Pixel ’px’, Points ’pt’, Millimeters ’mm’, and Centimeters ’cm’. If a single value is entered as unit all inputs have to be defined using this unit. If a tuple of units is given, the sizes are defined with the first entry the line widths with the second entry. layout : dict A dictionary with the node positions on a 2-dimensional plane. The key value of the dict represents the node id while the value represents a tuple of coordinates (e.g. n = (x,y)). The initial layout can be placed anywhere on the 2-dimensional plane. margins : None, int, float or dict, optional (default = None) The margins define the ’empty’ space from the canvas border. If no margins are defined, the margin will be calculated based on the maximum node size, to avoid clipping of the nodes. If a single int or float is defined all margins using this distances. To define different the margin sizes for all size a dictionary with in the form of {’top’:2,’left’:1,’bottom’:2,’right’:.5} has to be used. canvas : None, tuple of int or floats, optional (default = (6,6)) Canvas or figure_size defines the size of the plot. The values entered as a tuple of numbers where the first number is width of the figure and the second number is the height of the figure. If the option units is not used the size is specified in cm. Per default the canvas is 6 × 6 cm. keep_aspect_ratio : bool, optional (default = True) Defines whether to keep the aspect ratio of the current layout. If False, the layout will be rescaled to fit exactly into the available area in the canvas (i.e. removed margins). If True, the original aspect ratio of the layout will be kept and it will be centered within the canvas. standalone : bool, optional (default = True) If this option is true, a standalone latex file will be created. i.e. the figure can be compiled from this output file. If standalone is false, only the tikz environment is stored in the tex file, and can be imported in an existing tex file. clean : bool, optional (default = True) Whether non-pdf files created that are created during compilation should be removed. clean_tex : bool, optional (default = True) Also remove the generated tex file. compiler : str or None, optional (default = None) The name of the LaTeX compiler to use. If it is None, cnet will choose a fitting one on its own. Starting with latexmk and then pdflatex. 53 54 add-ons compiler_args : list or None, optional (default = None) Extra arguments that should be passed to the LaTeX compiler. If this is None it defaults to an empty list. silent : bool, optional (default = True) Whether to hide compiler output or not. Keyword naming convention In the style dictionary multiple keywords can be used to address attributes. These keywords will be converted to an unique key word, used in the remaining code. This allows to keep the keywords used in igraph. Keys Other valid keys node edge margins canvas units vertex, v, n link, l, e margin bbox, figure_size unit Table B.1: Keyword naming convention. Index \begin, 33 error messages, 41 \SetPlaneWidth, 34, 39 \SetTextStyle, 20, 39 class options debug, 41 \footnotesize, 11, 16 \SetVertexStyle, 9, 38 \small, 11, 16 \layer, 22 debug class option, 41 debug messages, 41 \DefaultUnit, 33, 38 Edge options, 14 style, 38 \Edge, 6, 14–19, 27, 28 Edges options, 28 \Edges, 6, 27–30, 32, 33 \EdgesInBG, 19, 38 \EdgesNotInBG, 19, 38 \end, 33 environments Layer, 6, 33 tikzpicture, 31 Layer environment, 6, 33 \normalsize, 20, 39 Plane options, 34 style, 39 \Plane, 6, 34–36 \scriptsize, 11, 16, 38 \SetCoordinates, 33, 37 \SetDefaultUnit, 7, 10, 20, 35, 37 \SetDistanceScale, 37 \SetEdgeStyle, 38 \SetLayerDistance, 31, 33, 37 Text options, 20 style, 39 \Text, 20–22 tikzpicture environment, 31 \tiny, 11, 16 Vertex options, 9 style, 38 \Vertex, 6, 9–13, 23, 24, 31 Vertices options, 24 \Vertices, 6, 23–26, 30, 32 \SetPlaneHeight, 34, 39 \SetPlaneStyle, 39 warning messages, 41
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 55 Page Mode : UseOutlines Author : Jürgen Hackl Title : tikz-networkmanual Subject : Creator : LaTeX with hyperref package Producer : pdfTeX-1.40.16 Create Date : 2018:05:27 12:05:19+02:00 Modify Date : 2018:05:27 12:05:19+02:00 Trapped : False PTEX Fullbanner : This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) kpathsea version 6.2.1EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools