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1 PanARGA A Python Tool for Pan Antibiotic Resistance Genome Analysis Yichen He December 14, 2018 2 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 3 2. What can PanARGA do ................................................................................ 3 3. Installation ...................................................................................................... 3 [1] Install Python3 v3.6+ for Win/Mac/Linux ............................................. 3 [2] Install Python3 accessory packages: ...................................................... 3 [3] Install blast v2.7.1+ for Win/Mac/Linux ............................................... 4 4. Modules of PanARGA ................................................................................... 4 [1] Preprocessing module.................................................................................. 4 [2] Gene identification modules ..................................................................... 4 [3] Analysis modules.......................................................................................... 4 5. Input files ....................................................................................................... 5 [1] Sequence files: ............................................................................................. 5 [2] Setting file ................................................................................................... 6 [3] Phenotype file: ............................................................................................. 7 [4] Annotation csv files:................................................................................... 8 6. Usage and output files ................................................................................ 9 [1] Before running .............................................................................................. 9 [2] Running PanARGA ........................................................................................ 9 [3] Output files .................................................................................................12 3 1. Introduction PanARGA is a platform independent Python3 tool used to analyze panantibiotic resistance genome characteristics for multiple genomes. It accepts various format of sequence files as input files. The identification of antibiotic resistance genes is mainly based on the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) and ResFinder database. 2. What can PanARGA do 1) Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) identification 2) Pan-antibiotic resistance genome feature analysis 3) Classifying and counting for identified ARGs 4) Analysis of ARGs associated with given antibiotics 3. Installation [1] Install Python3 v3.6+ for Win/Mac/Linux ( [2] Install Python3 accessory packages: For PanARGA, several Python3 packages are required. Therefore, PIP, ( the PyPA tool for installing and managing Python packages, is recommended to install firstly if you don’t have other packages management tools. For details of pip documentations, please see The packages required: a) Biopython v1.7+ ( b) NumPy v1.15+ ( c) Pandas v0.23+ ( d) SciPy v1.1+ ( e) Matplotlib v3.0+ ( f) Seaborn v0.9+ ( If you choose pip to install these packages, use “pip install XXX” for each module to install in command line interface. For example, to install Biopython module, try: pip install biopython You can view all packages and their versions by: pip list 4 [3] Install blast v2.7.1+ for Win/Mac/Linux Blast+ is available at, you need to modify the directory of where you install blast. For example, if the blastn, blastp and makeblastdb programs are in C:/blast+/bin, please change the directory of “blast+” in “settings.txt” like: [blast+=C:/blast+/bin/] #please use “/” to separate the directory 4. Modules of PanARGA Note: Module named with a prefix of “Ar” (example: ArKmer) refers to analyzing based on CARD database, and named with a prefix of “Res” (example: ResKmer) refers to analyzing based on ResFinder database. Abbreviations: pan-ARgenome (pan-antibiotic resistance genome) ARGs (antibiotic resistance genes) [1] Preprocessing module 1) extracts coding sequences from GenBank files (only for files with a “.gb” extension), forming both protein and nucleotide fasta files (files with a “.faa” and a “.fna” extension). [2] Gene identification modules #these modules accept sequence files as input files 1) find resistance genes from raw reads FASTQ files (files with a “.fastq” extension). 2) find resistance genes from nucleotide sequence FASTA nucleic acid files (files with a “.fna” extension) 3) find resistance genes from protein sequence FASTA amino acid files (files with a “.faa” extension) [3] Analysis modules #these modules accept annotation csv files genetated by “gene identification modules” as input files. 1) analyze pan-ARgenome features, including analysis of ARGs distribution and pan-ARgenome curve fitting. 2) classification and statistical analysis for all ARGs 3) analyze associated ARGs for each kind of antibiotics which are given in the input file “ar_phenotype.csv” or “res_phenotype.csv” for different database. 5 5. Input files [1] Sequence files: 1) raw reads sequence: FASTQ files (example: A.fastq) a) single-end reads, the filenames should end with “.fastq” (If one of the input files is “A.fastq”, the output filename of this genome will be written with a prefix “A”) b) pair-end reads, the filenames end with “.1.fastq” and “.2.fastq” (The input filenames of strain A should be “A.1.fastq” and “A.2.fastq”, the output filename of this genome will be written with a prefix “A”) Data format (a unit of a fastq file contains four lines): @READ_ID GATTTGGGGTTCAAAGCAGTATCGATCAAATAGTAAATCCATTTGTTCAACTCACAGTT + READ_INFO !''*((((***+))%%%++)(%%%%).1***-+*''))**55CCF>>>>>>CCCCCCC6 2) protein sequence: FASTA amino acid files (example: A.faa) (If one of the input files is “A.faa”, the output filename of this genome will be written with a prefix “A”) Data format (a unit of a fasta amino acid file): >PROTEIN_ID MKAYFIAILTLFTCIATVVRAQQMSELENRIDSLLNGKKATVGIAVWTDKGDMLRYNDH 3) nucleotide sequence: FASTA nucleic acid files (example: A.fna) (If one of the input files is “A.fna”, the output filename of this genome will be written with a prefix “A”) Data format (a unit of a fasta nuleic acid file): >NUCLEOTIDE_ID GATTTGGGGTTCAAAGCAGTATCGATCAAATAGTAAATCCATTTGTTCAACTCACAGTT 4) GenBank annotation files (example: (If one of the input files is “”, the output filename of this genome will be written with a prefix “A”) Data format (a unit of a GenBank file): 6 gene complement(<1..102) /locus_tag="DXN26_00005" CDS complement(<1..102) /locus_tag="DXN26_00005" /inference="COORDINATES: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:NP_460822.1" /product="phage virulence factor" /protein_id="PRJNA484101:DXN26_00005" /translation="MKHVKSVFLAMVLILPSSLYPALTIAADSQDHKK" [2] Setting file The setting file in PanARGA package (/PanARGA/settings.txt) is used to set parameters for individual modules. 1) Settings for identification modules a) blast+ directory (e.g. [blast+=C:/blast+/bin]) b) blast identity threshold (e.g. [identity=95]) c) blast coverage=query length/subject length (e.g. [query_coverage=0.80]) d) k value for kmer analysis (e.g. [k=25]) #k value must be an odd number e) number of kernels for kmer analysis (e.g. [kernel=2]) f) depth of k bp length reads (e.g. [depth=20]) #only time repeats higher than depth will be calculated g) threshold of score of area under curve (e.g. [area_score=100]) 2) Settings for analysis modules Graph parameters: #different graphs have individual parameters a) length of the graph (e.g. [page_length=15]) b) width of the graph (e.g. [page_width=15]) c) dots per inch (DPI) of the graph (e.g. [dpi=200]) d) the font type (e.g. [font_type=Times New Roman]) e) the font size (e.g. [font_size=20]) f) the size of dots in graph (e.g. [dot_size=30]) #only for the correlation matrix graph g) the font size of labels of genomes (e.g. [genomelabel_fsize=auto]) #because the number of genomes may change, “auto” can change the font size of labels of genomes according to genome amounts, and you can also use an itegre to modify the parameter. 7 Pangenome parameters: h) fitting coverage of pan-ARgenome curve (e.g. [fit_coverage=0.8]) #only the use-specified portion will be fitted, because some models exhibit better fitting performance for latter part of the curve. i) fitting model of the curve (e.g. [fit_model=False]) #three models are provided: power_law (power law model), polyfit (polynomial model), pangp (a model used by tool “PanGP”). j) fitting order of polynomial model (e.g. [fit_order=6]) # the highest order of the polynomial model Cluster graph parameters: k) cluster for data in each row (e.g. [row_cluster=True]) #if “True”, cluster each row; if “False”, no clustering l) cluster for data in each column (e.g. [column_cluster=True]) #if “True”, cluster each column; if “False”, no clustering m) cluster method (e.g. [cluster_method=average]) #the method of cluster, please see: er.hierarchy.linkage.html Phenotype analysis parameters: n) the name of column (e.g. [column_name=allele]) #if “allele”, clustering for each antibiotic associated genes is based on gene allele; if “detail”, it is based on each gene. o) whether to show phenotype (e.g. [show_phenotype=False]) #require “res_phenotype.csv” or “ar_phenotype.csv” as an input file. #if “True”, phenotype will be shown in the front of the first column; if “False”, it will not be shown. [3] Phenotype file: This file is needed when you want to show associated ARGs for each kind of antibiotics given in this file. And if you want to show your experimental results of antibiotic phenotypic traits together with their associated ARGs, more information needs to be added. See below for details. 1) “ar_phenotype.csv” is needed if you want to analyze based on the CARD database. An example file is given in PanARGA package. The first row of the input file list all the antibiotics in the database. You can only remain the antibiotics you want to analyze and then copy the file to the 8 directory of your sequence files. An example of “ar_phenotype.csv”: (if open the file using a text document, each item is separated by a comma “,”; if using Microsoft Excel, each item will in an individual cell): Using a text document: #name,glycopeptide antibiotic,fluoroquinolone antibiotic, tetracycline antibiotic,penam Using Excel: #name glycopeptide antibiotic fluoroquinolone antibiotic tetracycline antibiotic penam If you want to add phenotypic traits, just write down the number of antibiotics which the strain is resistant to for each kind. If a cell is left blank, PanARGA will recognize it as value “0”. An example: Using a text document: #name,glycopeptide antibiotic,fluoroquinolone antibiotic, tetracycline antibiotic,penam A,1,,0,2 B,0,1,,3 C,,1,1,2 Using Excel: #name glycopeptide antibiotic A 1 B 0 C fluoroquinolone antibiotic tetracycline antibiotic penam 0 2 1 1 3 1 2 2) “res_phenotype.csv” is needed if you want to analyze based on the ResFinder database. The main differences are different drug classes. Modification method of it is similar to “ar_phenoty.csv”. Please note that the proper input file is used for each module! [4] Annotation csv files: These files are output files of “gene identification modules”, which are name with a suffix “_ar.csv”, and they are also input files of “analysis modules”. For example, if you input a genome file “A.fasta”, and use “gene identification, an output file named “A_ar.csv” will be generated, and it is the input file for three analysis modules. 9 6. Usage and output files Note: 1) For one run, only files with the same extension will be analyzed. For example, if “.gb” files and “.fna” files are in one folder simultaneously, and you choose “G1-1” to analyze them, only the “.gb” files will be analyzed and “.fna” files will be ignored. 2) If you have different type of input files, and want to analyze for all of them, please select corresponding “gene identification modules” to generate all annotation csv files. And after processing all the input sequence files, select “analysis modules” to analyze all the annotation csv files (all the annotation files should also be put in the same folder). [1] Before running 1) All sequence files should be put in the same folder. 2) If you want to analyze associate genes and their antibiotic phenotypic traits, “ar_phenotype.csv” or “res_phenotype.csv” is also needed to be put in the same folder with sequence files. Please see “5. Input files-[3] Phenotype file” for more details. 3) Modify the settings. Especially for blast directory. Please see “5. Input files-[2] Setting file” for more details. [2] Running PanARGA 1) Move to the installation directory. e.g.: cd C:/PanARGA/ 2) Run PanARGA python And then it will print: ================================================================== ============Pan Antibiotic Resistance Genome Analyzer============= ================================================================== If you choose one of RUN ALL MODULES, you don't need to RUN SEPARATE MODULE; If you just want to run one module in all modules, please see RUN SEPARATE MODULE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 ================================================================== RUN ALL MODULES: -----------------------------------------------------------------# Raw reads as input files (files with a ".fastq" extension): -----------------------------------------------------------------[R1] analysis with CARD nucleotide database [R2] analysis with ResFinder nucleotide database -----------------------------------------------------------------# Genbank files as input files (files with a ".gb" extension): -----------------------------------------------------------------[G1-1] analysis with CARD nucleotide database [G1-2] analysis with CARD protein database [G2-1] analysis with ResFinder nucleotide database [G2-2] analysis with ResFinder protein database -----------------------------------------------------------------# Nucleotide seq as input files (files with a ".fna" extension): -----------------------------------------------------------------[N1] analysis with CARD nucleotide database [N2] analysis with ResFinder nucleotide database -----------------------------------------------------------------# Protein seq as input files (files with a ".faa" extension): -----------------------------------------------------------------[P1] analysis with CARD protein database [P2] analysis with ResFinder protein database -----------------------------------------------------------------================================================================== ================================================================== RUN SEPARATE MODULE: -----------------------------------------------------------------# Preprocessing module: -----------------------------------------------------------------[a] "": extract coding sequence from genbank files; form both protein and nucleotide fasta files; -----------------------------------------------------------------# Gene identification modules: -----------------------------------------------------------------## Modules using CARD database-----------------------------------[b-1] "": find resistance genes from raw reads; [b-2] "": find resistance genes from ".fna" files; [b-3] "": find resistance genes from ".faa" files; 11 ## Modules using ResFinder database------------------------------[c-1] "": find resistance genes from raw reads; [c-2] "": find resistance genes from ".fna" files; [c-3] "": find resistance genes from ".fna" files; -----------------------------------------------------------------# Analysis modules: # Input files of Analysis modules are annotation files (files # with "_ar.csv" suffixes) formed by gene identification modules -----------------------------------------------------------------[d] "": pan-antibiotic resistance genome analysis (mainly analyze for pan-genome features) [e] "": pan & accessory anti-resis genome analysis (mainly classify and statistical analysis for ARGs) ## Module using CARD database------------------------------------[f-1] "": analysis associated genes for each kind of antibiotics in CARD database ## Module using ResFinder database-------------------------------[f-2] "": analysis associated ARGs for each kind of antibiotics in ResFinder database ================================================================== 3) run all modules If you choose to run all modules, for example, there are dozens of GenBank annotation files in C:/data/, and you want to analyze them based on ResFinder nucleotide database, just type “G2-1” after “Your choice:”, like: Your choice: G2-1 And then type the directory of input files: please input the genebank files directory: C:/data/ All the annotation results and analysis output files will be generated in the input directory C:/data/. 4) run separate module If you choose to run just one module, for example, to identify ARGs from dozens of raw reads files in C:/data/, and you want to analyze them based on CARD nucleotide databases, just type “b-1” after “Your choice:”, like: Your choice: b-1 12 And then type the directory of input files: please input the fastq files directory: C:/data/ Only the annotation csv files will be generated in the same folder C:/data, and for further analysis, for example, to study pan-ARgenome features, just run PanARGA again and type “d” after “Your choice:”, like: Your choice: d And then type the directory of annotation csv files: please input the annotation csv files directory: C:/data/ The pangenome output files will be generated in C:/data/pangenome/. [3] Output files 1) Outputs of gene identification modules. a) ArKmer/ResKmer: Input: C:/data/A.fastq or C:/data/A.1.fastq+C:/data/A.2.fastq Output_1: C:/data/kmer/A_25mer_countVSar_nucl.csv or C:/data/kmer/A_25mer_countVSres_nucl.csv “25” in “A_25mer_count” is the k value in the setting file, all the genes in the database beyond the threshold would be given in the file, including the gene name, the score (area under the curve of the corresponding gene in Output_2) and the coverage. The table below shows a part of the output file (Using CARD database). A_25mer_countVSar_nucl.csv #gene_name area_score coverage gb|AM261837|+|73-865|ARO:3002619|aadA22 97763 100.00% gb|AF047479|+|1295-2087|ARO:3002603|aadA3 118409 100.00% gb|DQ677333|+|0-780|ARO:3002621|aadA24 106672 100.00% Output_2: C:/data/kmer/A/ar_nucl_ 25/***(allele name).png “25” in “ar_nucl_25” is the k value in the setting file, and for each possible gene allele in Output_1, a kmer count graph will be drawn. In each allele, if the number of genes exceeds four, only the four genes with higher scores will be drawn, and the highest one will be drawn in black thickening line. The picture below shows several typical examples (allele of oqxA, aadA and aac(6’)). 13 ***(allele name).png 14 Output_3: C:/data/A_ar.csv This is the final output file. Only one gene in each allele with highest score and coverage will be present in the final annotation file. Together with information in CARD/ResFinder database, the final elements for each gene in the annotation file includes: gene_num (the gene name formed by panARGA), gene_name (the gene name in database), coverage, area_score, ARO_num (the ARO accession in CARD), accession num (the accession of related gene in NCBI), ar_gene_allele (allele of the gene), drug_class (the kind of antibiotics the gene conferring according to the database) and ar_machanism (the mechanism of the gene recorded in the database). Note that only CARD has information of AR0_num and ar_mechanism. The table below shows a part of the annotation csv file. A_ar.csv #gene_ num gene_na me cove rage area_sc ore A_AMR gene_0 A_AMR gene_1 OXA-1 100 113192 APH(3') -Ia 99.4 7849 68005 A_AMR gene_2 AAC(3)IV 100 90553 ARO_num accessio n_num ARO:3001 396 ARO:3002 641 JN420 336.1 BX6640 15.1 ARO:3002 539 DQ2413 80.1 ar_gene _allele OXA APH(3') AAC(3) drug_class ar_mechanism cephalosporin; penam aminoglycosid e antibiotic antibiotic inactivation antibiotic inactivation aminoglycosid e antibiotic antibiotic inactivation b) ArBlastn/ResBlastn Input: C:/data/A.fna Output_1: C:/data/AVSar_nucl.xls or C:/data/AVSres_nucl.xls The output of blast+ using command “blastn -query A.fna -db ar_nucl/res_nucl -out AVSar_nucl/res_nucl.xls -outfmt “6 std slen” evalue 1e-20 -perc_identity identity (in the setting file)”. Output_2: C:/data/arg/A_ar.fna The sequence of ARGs identified from the input files will be written into a new fasta nucleic acid file. The below shows part of the file. >A_AMRgene_1_from_Scaffold32 [oqxA|identity:100.000|ARO:3003922| NC_010378.1|position:1-1176] TCAGTTAAGGGTGGCGCTG……CCAGGTTTTTTGCAGGCTCAT >A_AMRgene_2_from_ Scaffold45 [AAC(6')-Ib-cr|identity:100.000|ARO:3002547| DQ303918|position:1-555] GTGACCAACAGCAACGATT……GAACACGCAGTGATGCCTAA 15 Output_3: C:/data/A_ar.csv A similar annotation csv file to kmer output_3. The differences are replacing “coverage” with “identity” and “area_score” with “e_value”. In order to locate the gene in the scaffolds, the origin of the gene together with start and end positions are added to the annotation file. The table below shows a part of the annotation csv file. A_ar.csv #gene_num gene_ name ident ity e_val ue ARO_ num access ion_nu m ar_ge ne_all ele drug_ class A_AMRgen e_1_from_ Scaffold32 oqxA 100 0 ARO: 3003 922 NC_0 10378 .1 oqxA fluoro quinol one… A_AMRgen e_2_from_ Scaffold45 AAC( 6')Ib-cr 100 0 ARO: 3002 547 DQ30 3918 AAC( 6') Fluoro quinol one… ar_me chanis m antibi otic efflux antibi otic inacti vation origin start end Scaff old32 1 1176 Scaff old45 1 555 c) ArBlastp/ResBlastp Input: C:/data/A.faa Output_1: C:/data/AVSar_prot.xls or C:/data/AVSres_prot.xls The output of blast+ using command “blastp -query A.faa -db ar_prot/res_prot -out AVSar_prot/res_prot.xls -outfmt “6 std slen” -evalue 1e-20 -num_alignments 6”. Output_2: C:/data/arg/A_ar.faa The sequence of ARGs identified from the input files will be written into a new fasta amino acid file. The below shows part of the file. >Protein_id1 [oqxA|identity:100.000|ARO:3003922|YP_001693237.1] MSLQKTWGNIHLTALGAMM……GMPVNAKTVAMTSSATLN >Protein_id2 [AAC(6')-Ib-cr|identity:99.457|ARO:3002547|ABC17627.1] MTNSNDSVTLRLMTEHDLAM……AVYMVQTRQAFERTRSDA Output_3: C:/data/A_ar.csv A similar annotation csv file to kmer output_3. The differences are replacing “coverage” with “identity” and “area_score” with “e_value”. Because there is no need to intercept amino acid sequences, so the origin, start and end positions are not added comparing with Ar/ResBlastn results, the original name of protein will remain. The table below shows a part of the annotation csv file. 16 A_ar.csv #gene_num gene_ name ident ity e_val ue ARO_ num Protein_id1 oqxA 100 0 ARO:3 00392 2 Protein_id2 AAC(6 ')-Ibcr 100 0 ARO:3 00254 7 access ion_nu m YP_00 16932 37.1 ar_ge ne_all ele drug_ class oqxA fluoro quinolo ne… ABC17 627.1 AAC(6 ') Fluoro quinolo ne… ar_me chanis m antibi otic efflux antibi otic inactiv ation 2) Outputs of analysis modules a) Pangenome Input: A batch of annotation csv files (C:/data/A_ar.csv+B_ar.csv+C_ar.csv+……) Output_1: C:/data/pangenome/ 4_ar_distribution.txt & C:/data/pangenome/ 4_ar_distribution.png Count the number of occurrences of each gene allele in each genome. For example, the alleles behind number “26” refers to the allele which has appeared in 26 genomes. 1 2 rmtB,QepA 3 rpoB,mphA,Mrx … 25 ramR 26 parC,parE,soxR,soxS,MdtK,mdsC,mdsB,mdsA,golS,gyrA,gyrB,sdiA 4_ar_distribution.png 17 Output_2: C:/data/pangenome/5_pangenome.txt & C:/data/pangenome/5_pangenome.png & C:/data/pangenome/5_pangenome _fitmodel.txt Count the pan genome size and core genome size for antibiotic gene alleles. It traverses all combinations of given genomes and form a text document. A boxplot is drawn according to the data and the model in the setting file is applied for curve fitting. The final model together with R^2 value is also written into a text document. Genome_Number Pan_Genome_Size Core_Genome_Size 1 30 30 1 34 34 1 31 31 … … … 25 41 14 25 41 15 26 41 14 5_pangenome.png Power Law Model of PanGenome: P=(36.331034418648684)*x^(0.0469962382291344) (R^2=0.9534322181666640470632029231) Power Law Model of CoreGenome: C=(18.021585517236634)*x^(-0.08327794834525747) (R^2=0.9211436740795695974874930157) 18 b) PanAccess Input: A batch of annotation csv files (C:/data/A_ar.csv+B_ar.csv+C_ar.csv+……) Output_1: C:/data/analysis/1_class_summary.csv & C:/data/analysis/1_mech_summary.csv & C:/data/analysis/1_class_summary.png & C:/data/analysis/1_ar_cluster.png & C:/data/analysis/1_ar_corr.png Analyze all the ARGs for all genomes, and classify them into different drug classes and mechanism classes. A stacked bar graph, a cluster map and a comparison graph are drawn according to summary of drug classes. 1_class_summary.csv name aminocoumar in antibiotic aminoglycosid e antibiotic carbapenem cephalosporin … A 1 8 5 9 … B 1 9 5 10 … C 1 4 5 10 … #Each number in the cell represent the number of antibiotic associated ARGs in each genome. 1_mech_summary.csv name antibiotic efflux antibiotic inactivation antibiotic target alteration antibiotic target replacement … A 12 12 7 4 … B 15 13 8 4 … C 15 10 8 4 … #Each number in the cell represent the number of of ARGs related to each kind of antibiotic resistance mechanisms in each genome. 19 1_class_summary.png #A stacked bar graph based on 1_class_summary.csv. Different colors represent different kind of antibiotics 1_ar_cluster.png #A cluster map based on 1_class_summary.csv. The darker the color, the more the number of related genes 20 1_ar_corr.png #A comparison matrix graph based on 1_class_summary.csv. Each subgraph represents a comparison of resistance genes in two genomes. Each dot represents an antibiotic, and dots in orange means the number of associated ARGs of the antibiotic in the genome in y axis is higher than that in x axis, while blue means equal and green mean lower. Output_2: C:/data/A_ar_accessory.csv & C:/data/analysis/2_accessory_class_summary.csv & C:/data/analysis/2_accessory_class_summary.png & C:/data/analysis/2_accessory_ar_cluster.png & C:/data/analysis/2_accessory_ar_corr.png The output_2 is similar to output_1, and the difference is that the data used is accessory ARgenome instead of pan-ARgenome. A_ar_accessory.csv is the annotation file that excludes all core ARGs from A_ar.csv, and their elements are all the same. 21 d) ArMatrix/ResMatrix Input: A batch of annotation csv files (C:/data/A_ar.csv+B_ar.csv+C_ar.csv+……) & “C:/data/ar_phenotype.csv” or “C:/data/res_phenotype.csv” Output: C:/data/analysis/3_***_matrix.csv & C:/data/analysis/3_***_matrix.png “***” is the name of antibiotics given in the first row of “ar_phenotype.csv” or “res_phenotype.csv”. For example, if one of the antibiotics given is “aminoglycoside antibiotic”, the output name will be “3_aminoglycoside antibiotic_matrix”. The details are shown below: 3_aminoglycoside antibiotic_matrix.csv name AAC(6') aadA AAC(3) APH(4) APH(3'') APH(6) APH(3') rmtB PHE NOT YPE A 1 0.9974 7 0.99871 1 0.99751 0.99881 0 0 N/A B 1 0.99621 0.99871 1 0.99751 0.99881 0.99386 0 N/A #Genes or alleles (according to settings [column_name=detali] or [column_name=allele]) in the first row are all genes or alleles identified from all genomes, which are related to the given antibiotic. The number in each cell is the identity or coverage of the gene in annotation files. 3_aminoglycoside antibiotic_matrix.png #A cluster map based on the matrix file above ([column_name=allele]). 22 3_aminoglycoside antibiotic_matrix.png #A cluster map for another hundreds of genomes using setting [column_name=details]. The phenotypic triats information are added (see “Input files for more details”), so a green column is drawn to represent antibiotic resistance phenotype.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.7 Linearized : No Page Count : 22 Language : zh-CN Tagged PDF : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2016 Creator : 逸尘 何 Creator Tool : Microsoft® Word 2016 Create Date : 2019:02:20 10:12:06+08:00 Modify Date : 2019:02:20 10:12:06+08:00 Document ID : uuid:C14D6EF4-DA93-4EDD-98DD-324CB39123D4 Instance ID : uuid:C14D6EF4-DA93-4EDD-98DD-324CB39123D4 Author : 逸尘 何EXIF Metadata provided by