
User Manual:

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Errata to the Second Edition of the LATEX ManualLeslie Lamport18 Jan 2006These are all the errors and omissions to the manual, LATEX: A DocumentPreparation System, second edition, published by Addison-Wesley, reported asof 18 Jan 2006. Positions in the book are indicated by page and line number,where the top line of a page is number 1 and the bottom line is number −1. Arunning head and a page number are not considered to be lines, but all otherlines are. Please report any additional errors to me. My current email addresscan be found at Corrected in the First Printingpage 25, example of verse environmentReplace {\em all\/} by \emph{all}.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29 Aug 1994.]page 28, first paragraphNot an error, but it would be helpful to add the following sentence to the endof that paragraph: “(If a declaration has arguments, they become additionalarguments of the corresponding environment’s \begin command.)”page 33, line 10Add \] to the list of fragile commands. [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29 Aug 1994.]page 43, table 3.5Add an entry for \notin (/∈). [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on 29 Aug 1994.]page 72, two examplesChange {\em ...} to \emph{...} [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on 29 Aug 1994.]1
page 101This is not an error, but some readers will find it helpful if, in the descriptionsof \setlength and \addtolength,\gnat were replaced by \parskip.[Firstreported by Ellen Gilkerson on 9 Aug 1994.]page 108, lines 7 and 10This is not an error, but it might be easier to understand the example if \lenwere replaced by something like \saved.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on29 Aug 1994.]page 139, lines −8and −9The funny break between these two lines should be eliminated. [First reportedby Malcolm Clark on 9 Aug 1994.]page 177, line −12The twocolumn option cannot be used with the letters 197, lines 7 and 9The figure* environment is ended by \end{figure*}, and the table* environ-ment is ended by \end{table*}.[First reported by Malcolm Clark on 9 Aug 1994.]page 228Add a note that, before running a LaTeX2.09 file in compatibility mode inLaTeX2e, you should delete the old versions of the auxiliary files.Errors Corrected in the Second Printingpage xv, line 10“Chris Rowley” should come after “Sebastian Rahtz”. [First reported by MartinSchr¨oder on 24 April 1995.]page 29, line −10Change “error indicator line” to “error locator line”. [First reported by XavierPerramon on 2 Jan 1995.]page 37, lines 26–28Change the two sentences “None of these . . . formula.” to:2

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