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Errata to the Second Edition of the L
X Manual
Leslie Lamport
18 Jan 2006
These are all the errors and omissions to the manual, L
X: A Document
Preparation System, second edition, published by Addison-Wesley, reported as
of 18 Jan 2006. Positions in the book are indicated by page and line number,
where the top line of a page is number 1 and the bottom line is number −1. A
running head and a page number are not considered to be lines, but all other
lines are. Please report any additional errors to me. My current email address
can be found at
Errors Corrected in the First Printing
page 25, example of verse environment
Replace {\em all\/} by \emph{all}.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on
29 Aug 1994.]
page 28, first paragraph
Not an error, but it would be helpful to add the following sentence to the end
of that paragraph: “(If a declaration has arguments, they become additional
arguments of the corresponding environment’s \begin command.)”
page 33, line 10
Add \] to the list of fragile commands. [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on
29 Aug 1994.]
page 43, table 3.5
Add an entry for \notin (/∈). [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on 29 Aug 1994.]
page 72, two examples
Change {\em ...} to \emph{...} [First reported by Rosemary Bailey on 29 Aug 1994.]
page 101
This is not an error, but some readers will find it helpful if, in the descriptions
of \setlength and \addtolength,\gnat were replaced by \parskip.[First
reported by Ellen Gilkerson on 9 Aug 1994.]
page 108, lines 7 and 10
This is not an error, but it might be easier to understand the example if \len
were replaced by something like \saved.[First reported by Rosemary Bailey on
29 Aug 1994.]
page 139, lines −8and −9
The funny break between these two lines should be eliminated. [First reported
by Malcolm Clark on 9 Aug 1994.]
page 177, line −12
The twocolumn option cannot be used with the letters class.
page 197, lines 7 and 9
The figure* environment is ended by \end{figure*}, and the table* environ-
ment is ended by \end{table*}.[First reported by Malcolm Clark on 9 Aug 1994.]
page 228
Add a note that, before running a LaTeX2.09 file in compatibility mode in
LaTeX2e, you should delete the old versions of the auxiliary files.
Errors Corrected in the Second Printing
page xv, line 10
“Chris Rowley” should come after “Sebastian Rahtz”. [First reported by Martin
Schr¨oder on 24 April 1995.]
page 29, line −10
Change “error indicator line” to “error locator line”. [First reported by Xavier
Perramon on 2 Jan 1995.]
page 37, lines 26–28
Change the two sentences “None of these . . . formula.” to:
These text-producing commands can be used in math mode to put
ordinary text in a formula. (When the command is used in math
mode, its argument is processed in LR mode.) The declarations
cannot be used in math mode. Section 3.3.8 explains how to change
the type style of a formula’s math-mode symbols.
[First reported by Mike Piff on 7 Mar 1995.]
page 39, line 6
Replace “any mode” with “paragraph and LR mode”. Also, after line 8, add:
The commands \dag,\ddag,\S, and \P can also be used in math
page 53, line 24
Change “are needed in the” to “are used in the” [First reported by Mike Piff on
21 Oct 1994.]
page 80, line 1
The section heading should not be outdented. [First reported by Martin Schr¨oder
on 23 Jan 1995.]
page 83, line −8
Change “\resettime” to “\settime”.
page 84, after line 11
Add the following sentence: “The \onlyslides and \onlynotes commands
may not work right if a slide,overlay, or note environment appears in the
argument of any command.” [First reported by Eike Ritter on May 1996.]
page 153, line 1
Add “or subentry” after “entry”. [First reported by Martin Schr¨oder on 22 Feb 1995.]
page 171
Add the following before line −4:
\columnwidth Normal width of a column; equals \textwidth except for multiple-
column styles. Its value should not be changed with the length-setting
Also, in line −4, change \textwidth to \columnwidth.[First reported by Rose-
mary Bailey on 9 Sep 1994.]
page 180, lines 15–19
Replace these five lines (which begin “These commands are overridden”) with:
To override a heading on a right-hand page (any page for one-sided print-
ing), put a \markright after the sectioning command and in its mandatory
argument, and add an optional argument without the markright, as in
\chapter[Gnu Scents]{Gnu Scents\markright{right head }}
\markright{right head }
To change the heading on a left-hand page, put a \markboth command
immediately after the sectioning command.
[First reported by Jerome Breitenbach on 14 Dec 1995.]
page 182
The dimensions \pageheight and \pagewidth should be \paperheight and
\paperwidth, respectively. (The index entries on page 260 should also be
changed.) [First reported by Alan Jeffrey, on behalf of a user on 12 Sep 1995.]
page 192, line 19
Change “cmd” to “def ”. [First reported by Martin Schr¨oder on 9 Mar 1995.]
page 195, line 14
Change “numbered ‘within’ it” to “numbered directly ‘within’ it”. [First reported
by Martin Schr¨oder on 5 Dec 1994.]
page 197, line 14
After “\textwidth” add “or \columnwidth”[First reported by Volker Kuhlmann
on 22 Jan 1995.]
page 226
After line 7, add
These declarations may not be used in math mode.
Replace lines 16-19 (beginning “None of these commands”) with
When these commands are used in math mode, the text argument
is processed in LR mode.
These commands and declarations are robust. Words typeset in
typewriter style are not hyphenated except where permitted by \-
[First reported by Marc Lavine on 22 Aug 1995.]
page 228
To the section “Type Styles and Sizes”, add the following sentence: A few
mathematical symbols now require the latexsym package—see Tables 3.4–3.7.
Errors Corrected in the Sixteenth Printing
page 42, line 14
Change “through a symbol” by “through a relation symbol”. [First reported by
Frank Mittelbach on 15 Nov 1996.]
page 42, Table 3.4
\land should be listed as a synonym for \wedge, and \lor should be listed as
a synonym for \vee.[First reported by Chris Rowley on 28 Oct 1998.]
page 43, Table 3.7
\lnot should be listed as a synonym for \neg.[First reported by Chris Rowley
on 15 Oct 1998.]
page 137
This is not an error, but it would be better to change lines 23 and 24 to:
X is trying to read a file that apparently doesn’t exist. If the
missing file has the extension tex, then L
X is trying to \input
or \include it; if it
page 171, line 19
Change the description of \indent to:
\indent Produces a horizontal space whose width equals the width of the
paragraph indentation. It can be used to add a paragraph indentation
where one would otherwise be suppressed. (If it doesn’t work, try typing
\indent\indent.) Robust.
[First reported by Chris Rowley on 15 Oct 1998.]
page 179, line 19
Change to:
page style for the article and report document classes.
[First reported by Stephen J. Alter on 17 Sep 1997.]
page 195, line 28
Replace “num1and num1are numbers” with “num1and num2are numbers”.
[First reported by Magnus Lewis-Smith on 14 Jan 1999.]
page 196, line −5
Change \newboolean{name}to \newboolean{nam}.[First reported by Christo-
pher von B¨ulow on 28 Aug 2000.]
page 198, line 14
Change “it will not be printed” to “it will usually not be printed”.
page 218, line −14
Change “tabular” to “tabbing”. [First reported by Carlos Pita on 27 Aug 2001.]
foldout, column 3, line 3
Replace style with class.[First reported by Christopher von B¨ulow on 28 Aug 2000.]
Errors Corrected in the Seventeenth Printing
page 51, line 8
Change “The \, command” to “The \, and \ commands”. [First reported by
Phillip J Shelton on 2 Jul 1999.]
page 61, second example (middle of page)
Remove the \mbox{} following the tabbing environment. [First reported by
Marcin Wolinski on 17 Sep 2003.]
page 210, line 20
Add a space after “bibliography”. [First reported by Marcin Wolinski on 17 Sep 2003.]
Error Corrected in the Twenty-First Printing
page 198, line −11
The sentence beginning “The last three rules” is hard to read. Better would be:
The last three rules are suspended when a \clearpage,
\cleardoublepage, or \end{document} command occurs, at which
point all unprocessed figures and tables are allowed a poption and
[First reported by Paul Stanford on 9 Oct 2004.]
Error Corrected in the Twenty-Second Printing
page 253, column 2, lines −5and −6
The two index entries for \ldots should be combined.
[First reported by Christopher Dutchyn on 22 July 2005.]