Mongodb Architecture Guide


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A MongoDB White Paper

MongoDB Architecture Guide
MongoDB 3.6 & 4.0 Preview
May 2018

Table of Contents
The Best Way to Work with Data: The Document Model
Easy: A Natural, Intuitive Data Model
Flexibile: Dynamically Adapting to Changes
Fast: Great Performance
Versatile: Various Data Models and Access Patterns
MongoDB Stitch
Put Data Where you Need It: Intelligent Distributed
Systems Architecture
Relational Database Challenges
MongoDB Distributed Systems Architecture
Data Security
Freedom to Run Anywhere
MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Ops Manager
Cloud Adoption Stages
Conclusion and Next Steps
We Can Help

The success of every business rests on its ability to use
technology, and in particular software and data, to create a
competitive advantage. Companies want to quickly develop
new digital products and services to drive expansion of
revenue streams, improve customer experience by
engaging them in more meaningful ways, and identify
opportunities to reduce the risk and cost of doing business.
Organizations turn to various strategies to enable these
technology transformations:
• Aligning behind new IT models and processes, such as
Agile and DevOps methodologies.
• Adopting new architectures and platforms by taking a
mobile-first approach, moving to microservices patterns,
and shifting underlying infrastructure to the cloud.
• Exploiting emerging technologies including AI and
machine learning, IoT, and blockchain.
Despite these new strategies for tackling IT initiatives,
transformation continues to be complex and slow.
Research from a 2017 survey by Harvey Nash and KPMG1

revealed that 88% of CIOs believe they have yet to benefit
from their digital strategy.
Why is this the case? Data is at the heart of every
application, and from our experience in working with
organizations ranging from startups to many Fortune 100
companies, realizing its full potential is still a significant
• Demands for higher developer productivity and faster
time to market with release cycles compressed to days
and weeks are being held back by traditional rigid
relational data models and waterfall development.
• The inability to manage massive increases in new,
rapidly changing data types – structured,
semi-structured, and polymorphic data generated by
new classes of web, mobile, social, and IoT applications.
• Difficulty in exploiting the wholesale shift to distributed
systems and cloud computing that enable developers to
access on-demand, highly scalable compute and
storage infrastructure, while meeting a whole new set of
regulatory demands for data sovereignty.


MongoDB responded to these challenges by creating a
technology foundation that enables development teams
1. The document data model – presenting them the best
way to work with dat
2. A distributed systems design – allowing them to
intelligently put dat
a wher
e they want it
3. A unified experience that gives them the fr
eedom to
run anywher
e – allowing them to future-proof their
work and eliminate vendor lock-in.
With these capabilities, we allow you to build an Intelligent
Operational Data Platform, underpinned by MongoDB. In
this Guide, we dive deeper into each of the three
technology foundations above.

The Best Way to Work with
Data: The Document Model
Relational databases have a long-standing position in most
organizations. This made them the default way to think
about storing, using, and enriching data. But enterprises
are increasingly encountering limitations of this technology.
Modern applications present new challenges that stretch
the limits of what’s possible with a relational database.
As organizations seek to build these modern applications,
they find that the key differentiator for success is their
development teams. Developers are on the front lines of
digital transformation, and enabling them to work faster
produces compounding benefits for the organization. To
realize the full potential of data and software, developers
turn to technologies that enable rather than hinder them.
Through strategies such as Agile and DevOps,
microservices, cloud replatforming and more, many
organizations have made significant progress in refactoring
and evolving application tier code to respond faster to
changing business requirements. But they then find
themselves hampered by the rigidity and complexity of
relational databases.
Organizations need a fresh way to work with data. In order
to handle the complex data of modern applications and

simultaneously increase development velocity, the key is a
platform that is:
• Easy
Easy, letting them work with data in a natural, intuitive
• Flexible
Flexible, so that they can adapt and make changes
• Fast
ast, delivering great performance with less code
• Versatile
ersatile, supporting a wide variety of data models,
relationships, and queries
MongoDB’s document model delivers these benefits for
developers, making it the best way to work with data.

Easy: A Natural, Intuitive Data Model
Relational databases use a tabular data model, storing data
across many tables. An application of any complexity easily
requires hundreds or even thousands of tables. This sprawl
occurs because of the way the tabular model treats data.
The conceptual model of application code typically
resembles the real world. That is, objects in application
code, including their associated data, usually correspond to
real-world entities: customers or users, products, and so on.
Relational databases, however, require a different structure.
Because of the need to normalize data, a logical entity is
typically represented in many separate parent-child tables
linked by foreign keys. This data model doesn’t resemble
the entity in the real world, or how that entity is expressed
as an object in application code.
This difference makes it difficult for developers to reason
about the underlying data model while writing code,
slowing down application development; this is sometimes
referred to as object-relational impedance mismatch. One
workaround for this is to employ an object-relational
mapping layer (ORM). But this creates its own challenges,
including managing the middleware and revising the
mapping whenever either the application code or the
database schema changes.
In contrast to this tabular model, MongoDB uses a
document data model. Documents are a much more
natural way to describe data. They present a single data
structure, with related data embedded as sub-documents
and arrays. This allows documents to be closely aligned to

e 1: Modeling a customer with the relational database: data is split across multiple tables
the structure of objects in the programming language. As a
result, it’s simpler and faster for developers to model how
data in the application will map to data stored in the
database. It also significantly reduces the barrier-to-entry
for new developers who begin working on a project – for
example, adding new microservices to an existing app. This
JSON document demonstrates how a customer object is
modeled in a single, rich document structure with nested
arrays and sub-documents.

"name": {
"first": "John",
"last": "Doe" },
"address": [
{ "location": "work",
"address": {
"street": "16 Hatfields",
"city": "London",
"postal_code": "SE1 8DJ"},
"geo": { "type": "Point", "coord": [
"phone": [
{ "location": "work",
"number": "+44-1234567890"},
"dob": ISODate("1977-04-01T05:00:00Z"),

MongoDB stores data as JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation) documents in a binary representation called
BSON (Binary JSON). Unlike other databases that store
JSON data as simple strings and numbers, the BSON
encoding extends the JSON representation to include

additional types such as int, long, date, floating point, and
decimal128 – the latter is especially important for high
precision, lossless financial and scientific calculations. This
makes it much easier for developers to process, sort, and
compare data. BSON documents contain one or more
fields, and each field contains a value of a specific data
type, including arrays, binary data, and sub-documents.
MongoDB provides native drivers for all popular
programming languages and frameworks to make
development easy and natural. Supported drivers include
Java, Javascript, C#/.NET, Python, Perl, PHP, Scala and
others, in addition to 30+ community-developed drivers.
MongoDB drivers are designed to be idiomatic for the
given programming language.
MongoDB Compass, the GUI for MongoDB, makes it easy
to explore and manipulate your data. Visualize the structure
of data in MongoDB, run ad hoc queries and evaluate their
performance, view and create indexes, build data validation
rules, and more. Compass provides an intuitive interface for
working with MongoDB.

Flexibile: Dynamically Adapting to
The tabular data model is rigid. It was built for structured
data, where each record in a table has identical columns.
While it’s possible to handle polymorphism and
semi-structured or unstructured data, it's clumsy, and
working around the basic data limitations of the tabular
model takes up development time. Furthermore, the tabular
model demands that the schema be pre-defined, with any
changes requiring schema migrations. Practically, this
means that developers need to plan their data structure
well in advance, and imposes friction to the development
process when adding features or making application
updates that require schema changes. This is a poor match
for agile, iterative development models.
MongoDB documents are polymorphic – fields can vary
from document to document within a single collection
(analogous to table in a tabular database). For example, all
documents that describe customers might contain the
customer ID and the last date they purchased a product or
service, but only some of these documents might contain
the user’s social media handle, or location data from a

mobile app. There is no need to declare the structure of
documents to the system – documents are self-describing.
If a new field needs to be added to a document, the field
can be created without affecting all other documents in the
system, without updating a central system catalog, and
without taking the database offline.
Developers can start writing code and persist objects as
they are created. And when they need to add more
features, MongoDB continues to store the updated objects
without the need to perform costly ALTER TABLE
operations – or worse, having to redesign the schema from
scratch. Even trivial changes to an existing relational data
model result in a complex dependency chain – from
updating ORM class-table mappings to programming
language classes that have to be recompiled and code
changed accordingly.

Schema Governance
While MongoDB’s flexible schema is a powerful feature,
there are situations where strict guarantees on the
schema’s data structure and content are required. Unlike
NoSQL databases that push enforcement of these controls
back into application code, MongoDB provides schema
validation within the database via syntax derived from the
proposed IETF JSON Schema standard.
Using schema validation, DevOps and DBA teams can
define a prescribed document structure for each collection,
with the database rejecting any documents that do not
conform to it. Administrators have the flexibility to tune
schema validation according to use case – for example, if a
document fails to comply with the defined structure, it can
be either be rejected or written to the collection while
logging a warning message. Structure can be imposed on
just a subset of fields – for example, requiring a valid
customer name and address, while other fields can be
With schema validation, DBAs can apply data governance
standards to their schema, while developers maintain the
benefits of a flexible document model.


Fast: Great Performance
The normalization of data in the tabular model means that
accessing data for an entity, such as our customer example
earlier, typically requires JOINing multiple tables together.
JOINs entail a performance penalty, even when optimized
– which takes time, effort, and advanced SQL skills.
In MongoDB, a document is a single place for the database
to read and write data for an entity. The complete
document can be accessed in a single database operation
that avoids the need internally to pull data from many
different tables and rows. For most queries, there’s no need
to JOIN multiple records. Should your application access

patterns require it, MongoDB does provide the equivalent
of a JOIN, the ability to $lookup2 between multiple
collections. This is very useful for analytics workloads, but
is generally not required for operational use cases.
This also simplifies query development and optimization.
There’s no need to write complex code to manipulate text
and values into SQL and work with multiple tables. Figure
2 illustrates the difference between using the MongoDB
query language3 and SQL4 to insert a single user record,
where users have multiple properties including name, all of
their addresses, phone numbers, interests, and more.


e 2: Comparison of SQL and MongoDB code to insert a single user


Creating Real-Time Data Pipelines with Change

a range of application requirements, both in the way data is
modeled and how it is queried.

Further building on the “speed” theme change streams5
enable developers to build reactive and real-time apps for
web, mobile, and IoT that can view, filter, and act on data
changes as they occur in the database. Change streams
enable fast and seamless data movement across
distributed database and application estates, making it
simple to stream data changes and trigger actions
wherever they are needed, using a fully reactive
programming style. Use cases enabled by MongoDB
change streams include:

The flexibility and rich data types of documents make it
possible to model data in many different structures,
representative of entities in the real world. The embedding
of arrays and sub-documents makes documents very
powerful at modeling complex relationships and
hierarchical data, with the ability to manipulate deeply
nested data without the need to rewrite the entire
document. But documents can also do much more: they
can be used to model flat, table-like structures, simple
key-value pairs, text, geospatial data, the nodes and edges
used in graph processing, and more.

• Powering trading applications that need to be updated
in real time as stock prices rise and fall.
• Refreshing scoreboards in multiplayer games.
• Updating dashboards, analytics systems, and search
engines as operational data changes.
• Creating powerful IoT data pipelines that can react
whenever the state of physical objects change.
• Synchronizing updates across serverless and
microservice architectures by triggering an API call
when a document is inserted or modified.

Versatile: Various Data Models and
Access Patterns
Building upon the ease, flexibility, and speed of the
document model, MongoDB enables developers to satisfy

With an expressive query language documents can be
queried in many ways (see Table 1) – from simple lookups
and range queries to creating sophisticated processing
pipelines for data analytics and transformations, through to
faceted search, JOINs, geospatial processing, and graph
traversals. This is in contrast to most distributed databases,
which offer little more than simple key-value access to your
The MongoDB query model is also implemented as
methods or functions within the API of a specific
programming language, as opposed to a completely
separate language like SQL. This, coupled with the affinity
between MongoDB’s JSON document model and the data
structures used in object-oriented programming, further
speeds developer productivity. For a complete list of drivers
see the MongoDB Drivers documentation.


essive Queries

• Find anyone with phone # “1-212…”
• Check if the person with number “555…” is on the “do not call” list


• Find the best offer for the customer at geo coordinates of 42nd St. and 6th Ave

Text Sear

• Find all tweets that mention the firm within the last 2 days

Faceted Navigation
Native Binary JJSON
Fine-grained Array
N ($lookup)
Graph Queries

• Filter results to show only products <$50, size large, and manufactured by ExampleCo
• Count and sort number of customers by city, compute min, max, and average spend
• Add an additional phone number to Mark Smith’s record without rewriting the
document at the client
• Update just 2 phone numbers out of 10
• Sort on the modified date
• In Mark Smith’s array of test scores, update every score <70 to be 0
• Query for all San Francisco residences, lookup their transactions, and sum the amount
by person
• Query for all people within 3 degrees of separation from Mark

Table 1: MongoDB’s rich query functionality
MongoDB’s versatility is further supported by its indexing
capabilities. Queries can be performed quickly and
efficiently with an appropriate indexing strategy. MongoDB
permits secondary indexes to be declared on any field,
including field within arrays. Indexes can be created and
dropped at any time to easily support changing application
requirements and query patterns. Index types include
compound indexes, text indexes, geospatial indexes, and

more. Further, indexes can be created with special
properties to enforce data rules or support certain
workloads – for example, to expire data according to
retention policies or guarantee uniqueness of the indexed
field within a collection. Table 2 summarizes the indexes
available with MongoDB.

Index T

Index F

Primary Index
Index: Every Collection has a primary key

TTL Indexes
Indexes: Single Field indexes, when expired delete the

Compound Index
Index: Index against multiple keys in the

Unique Indexes
Indexes: Ensures value is not duplicated

ey Index
Index: Index into arrays

Partial Indexes
Indexes: Expression based indexes, allowing indexes on
subsets of data

Text Indexes
Indexes: Support for text searches

Case Insensitive Indexes
Indexes: supports text search using case
insensitive search

GeoSpatial Indexes
Indexes: 2d & 2dSphere indexes for
spatial geometries

Sparse Indexes
Indexes: Only index documents which have the given

Hashed Indexes
Indexes: Hashed based values for sharding
Table 2: MongoDB offers fully-featured secondary indexes


Data Consistency Guarantees
MongoDB’s versatility also extends to data consistency
requirements. As a distributed system, MongoDB handles
the complexity of maintaining multiple copies of data via
replication (see the Availability section below). Read and
write operations are directed to the primary replica by
default for strong consistency, but users can choose to
read from secondary replicas for reduced network latency,
especially when users are geographically dispersed, or for
isolating operational and analytical workloads running in a
single cluster. When reading data from any cluster member,
users can tune MongoDB’s consistency model to match
application requirements, down to the level of individual
queries within an app. When a situation mandates the
strictest linearizable or causal consistency, MongoDB will
enforce it; if an application needs to only read data that has
been committed to a majority of nodes (and therefore can’t
be rolled back in the event of a primary election) or even
just to a single replica, MongoDB can be configured for
this. By providing this level of tunability, MongoDB can
satisfy the full range of consistency, performance, and
geo-locality requirements of modern apps.
When writing data, MongoDB similarly offers tunable
configurations for durability requirements, discussed
further in the Availability section.

Transactional Model
Because documents can bring together related data that
would otherwise be modelled across separate parent-child
tables in a tabular schema, MongoDB’s atomic
single-document operations provide transaction semantics
that meet the data integrity needs of the majority of
applications. One or more fields may be written in a single
operation, including updates to multiple sub-documents
and elements of an array. The guarantees provided by
MongoDB ensure complete isolation as a document is
updated; any errors cause the operation to roll back so that
clients receive a consistent view of the document.
The addition of multi-document transactions, scheduled for
MongoDB 4.06, makes it even easier for developers to
address more use cases with MongoDB. They feel just like

the transactions developers are familiar with from relational
databases – multi-statement, similar syntax, and easy to
add to any application. Through snapshot isolation,
transactions provide a globally consistent view of data,
enforce all-or-nothing execution, and will not impact
performance for workloads that do not require them. Learn
more and take them for a spin.

MongoDB Stitch
MongoDB Stitch, Serverless for data-driven applications.
Stitch streamlines application development with simple,
secure access to data and services from the client –
getting your apps to market faster while reducing
operational costs. Stitch provides full access to your
MongoDB database, in addition to public cloud services –
all through an intuitive SDK. Add business logic to your
backend using Stitch's hosted functions. Take advantage of
Stitch's HTTP service and Webhooks to integrate with your
microservices and provide secure APIs. Stitch secures
access to data, services, and functions through powerful,
declarative rules – putting you in control.
Stitch represents the next stage in the industry's migration
to a more streamlined, managed infrastructure. Virtual
Machines running in public clouds (notably AWS EC2) led
the way, followed by hosted containers, and serverless
offerings such as AWS Lambda and Google Cloud
Functions. That still required backend developers to
implement and manage access controls and REST APIs to
provide access to microservices, public cloud services, and
of course data. Frontend developers were held back by
needing to work with APIs that weren't suited to rich data

Put Data Where you Need It:
Intelligent Distributed Systems
Mobile, web, IoT, and cloud apps have significantly changed
user expectations. Once, applications were designed to
serve a finite audience – typically internal business

6. Safe Harb
our St
atement: The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole
discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is
this a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality.

departments – in a single head office location. Now, users
demand modern app experiences that must be always-on,
accessible from any device, consistently scaled with the
same low-latency responsiveness wherever they are while
meeting the data sovereignty requirements demanded by
new data privacy regulations.
To address these needs, MongoDB is built around an
intelligent distributed systems architecture that enables
developers to place data where their apps and users need
it. MongoDB can be run within and across geographically
distributed data centers and cloud regions, providing levels
of availability, workload isolation, scalability, and data
locality unmatched by relational databases. Before diving
further into MongoDB’s distributed systems design, let's
first examine the challenges of meeting modern app needs
with traditional relational databases.

Relational Database Challenges
Relational databases are monolithic systems, designed to
run on a single server, typically with shared storage.
Attempting to introduce distributed system properties to
relational databases results in significantly higher
developer and operations complexity and cost, slowing the
pace of delivering new apps, and evolving them in line with
user requirements.

For redundancy, most relational databases support
replication to mirror the database across multiple nodes,
but they lack the integrated mechanisms for automatic
failover and recovery between database replicas. As a
result, users need to layer 3rd-party clustering frameworks
and agents (sometimes called “brokers”) to monitor the
database and its host platform, initiating failover in the
event something goes wrong (i.e., the database crashes or
the underlying server stops responding). What are the
downsides of this approach?:
• Failover events need to be coordinated by the clustering
software across the database, replication mechanism,
storage, network, clients, and hosts. As a result, it can
take multiple minutes to recover service to the
application, during which time, the app is unavailable to

• Clustering frameworks are often external to the
database, so developers face the complexity of
integrating and managing separate pieces of
technology and processes, sometimes backed by
different vendors. In some cases, these clustering
frameworks are independently licensed from the
database itself, adding cost.
• It also means additional complexity in coordinating the
implementation, testing, and ongoing database
maintenance across multiple teams – developers,
DBAs, network administrators, and system
administrators – each with their own specific areas of

Scale-Out and Data Locality
Attempting to accommodate increasing data volumes and
user populations with a database running on a single
server means developers can rapidly hit a scalability wall,
necessitating significant application redesign and custom
engineering work. While it can be possible to use
replication to scale read operations across replicas of the
data – with potential risks to data consistency – relational
databases have no native mechanisms to partition (shard)
the database across a cluster of nodes when they need to
scale writes. So developers are confronted with two
1. Manually partition the database at the application level,
which adds significant development complexity, and
inhibits the ability to elastically expand and contract the
cluster as workloads dictate, or as the app scales
beyond the original capacity predictions.
2. Integrate a separate sharding framework for the
database. Like the HA frameworks discussed above,
these sharding layers are developed independently from
the database, so the user has the added complexity of
integrating and managing multiple, distinct pieces of
technology in order to provide a complete solution.
Whatever approach is taken, developers will typically lose
key relational capabilities that are at the heart of traditional
RDBMS application logic: ACID transactions, referential
integrity, JOINs, and full SQL expressivity for any
operations that span shards. As a result, they will need to
recreate this functionality back at the application tier.


MongoDB Distributed Systems
As a distributed data platform, MongoDB gives developers
four essential capabilities in meeting modern application
• Availability
• Workload isolation
• Scalability
• Data locality
Each is discussed in turn below.

MongoDB maintains multiple copies of data using replica
sets (Figure 3). Unlike relational databases, replica sets are
self-healing as failover and recovery are fully automated, so
it is not necessary to manually intervene to restore a
system in the event of a failure, or to add additional
clustering frameworks and agents. Replica sets also
provide operational flexibility by providing a way to perform
systems maintenance (i.e. upgrading underlying hardware
and software) using rolling replica restarts that preserve
service continuity.

e 3: Self-healing MongoDB replica sets for
continuous availability
A replica set consists of multiple database replicas. To
maintain strong data consistency, one member assumes
the role of the primary replica against which all write
operations are applied (as discussed later, MongoDB
automatically shards the data set across multiple nodes to
scale write operations beyond a single primary node). The
other members of the replica set act as secondaries,
replicating all data changes from the oplog (operations
log). The oplog contains an ordered set of idempotent
operations that are replayed on the secondaries.
If the primary replica set member suffers an outage (e.g., a
power failure, hardware fault, network partition), one of the
secondary members is automatically elected to primary,
typically within several seconds, and the client connections
automatically failover to that new primary. Any writes that
could not be serviced during the election can be
automatically retried by the drivers once a new primary is
established, with the MongoDB server enforcing
exactly-once processing semantics. Retryable writes
enable MongoDB to ensure write availability, without
sacrificing data consistency.

The replica set election process is controlled by
sophisticated algorithms based on an extended
implementation of the Raft consensus protocol. Not only
does this allow fast failover to maximize service availability,
the algorithm ensures that only the most suitable
secondary members are evaluated for election to primary
and reduces the risk of unnecessary failovers (also known
as "false positives"). Before a secondary replica is
promoted, the election algorithms evaluate a range of
parameters including:
• Analysis of election identifiers, timestamps, and journal
persistence to identify those replica set members that
have applied the most recent updates from the primary
• Heartbeat and connectivity status with the majority of
other replica set members.
• User-defined priorities assigned to replica set members.
For example, administrators can configure all replicas
located in a remote region to be candidates for election
only if the entire primary region fails.
Once the election process has determined the new primary,
the secondary members automatically start replicating from
it. When the original primary comes back online, it will
recognize its change in state and automatically assume the
role of a secondary, applying all write operations that have
occurred during its outage.
The number of replicas in a MongoDB replica set is
configurable, with a larger number of replica members
providing increased data durability and protection against
database downtime (e.g., in case of multiple machine and
regional failures, network partitions), or to isolate
operational and analytical workloads running on the same
cluster. Up to 50 members can be configured per replica
set, providing operational flexibility and wide data
distribution across multiple geographic sites, co-locating
data in close proximity to remote users.
Extending flexibility, developers can configure replica sets
to provide tunable, multi-node durability, and geographic
awareness. For example, they can:
• Ensure write operations propagate to specific members
of a replica set, deployed locally and in remote regions.
MongoDB’s write concern can be configured in such a

way that writes are only acknowledged once specific
policies have been fulfilled, such as writing to at least
two replica set members in one region and at least one
replica in a second region. This reduces the risk of data
loss in the event of a complete data center outage.
• Ensure that specific members of a replica set respond
to queries – for example, based on their physical
location. The nearest read preference allows the client
to read from the lowest-latency members of a replica
set. This is typically used to route queries to a local data
center, thus reducing the effects of geographic latency,
while being able to immediately fallback to the next
nearest if the closest node goes down. Tags can also be
used to ensure that reads are always routed to a
specific node or subset of nodes.

Workload Isolation
Beyond using replication for redundancy and availability,
replica sets also provide a foundation for combining
different classes of workload on the same MongoDB
cluster, each operating against its own copy of the data.
With workload isolation, business analysts can run
exploratory queries and generate reports, and data
scientists can build machine learning models without
impacting operational applications.
Within a replica set, one set of nodes can be provisioned to
serve operational applications, replicating data in real time
to other nodes dedicated to serving analytic workloads. By
using MongoDB’s native replication to move data in real
time between the different node types, developers avoid
lengthy and fragile ETL cycles, while analysts can improve
both the speed and quality of insights and decision making
by working with fresh, rather than aged and potentially
stale data.
With the operational and analytic workloads isolated from
one another on different replica set nodes, they never
contend for resources. Replica set tags allow read
operations to be directed to specific nodes within the
cluster, providing physical isolation between analytics and
operational queries. Different indexes can even be created
for the analytics nodes, allowing developers to optimize for
multiple query patterns. Data is exposed through
MongoDB’s rich query language, along with the Connector


e 4: Replica sets enable global data distribution

e 5: Combining operational and analytics workloads on a single data platform
for BI and Connector for Spark to support real-time
analytics and data visualization.

To meet the needs of apps with large data sets and high
throughput requirements, MongoDB provides horizontal
scale-out for databases on low-cost, commodity hardware
or cloud infrastructure using a technique called sharding.

Sharding automatically partitions and distributes data
across multiple physical instances called shards. Each
shard is backed by a replica set to provide always-on
availability and workload isolation. Sharding allows
developers to seamlessly scale the database as their apps
grow beyond the hardware limits of a single server, and it
does this without adding complexity to the application. To
respond to workload demand, nodes can be added or
removed from the cluster in real time, and MongoDB will

automatically rebalance the data accordingly, without
manual intervention.
Sharding is transparent to applications; whether there is
one or a thousand shards, the application code for querying
MongoDB remains the same. Applications issue queries to
a query router that dispatches the query to the appropriate
shards. For key-value queries that are based on the shard
key, the query router will dispatch the query to the shard
that manages the document with the requested key. When
using range-based sharding, queries that specify ranges on
the shard key are only dispatched to shards that contain
documents with values within the range. For queries that
don’t use the shard key, the query router will broadcast the
query to all shards, aggregating and sorting the results as
appropriate. Multiple query routers can be used within a
MongoDB cluster, with the appropriate number governed
by the performance and availability requirements of the

developers, MongoDB offers a better approach. Data can
be distributed according to query patterns or data
placement requirements, giving developers much higher
scalability across a diverse et of workloads:
• Ranged Shar
ding. Documents are partitioned across
shards according to the shard key value. Documents
with shard key values close to one another are likely to
be co-located on the same shard. This approach is well
suited for applications that need to optimize range
based queries, such as co-locating data for all
customers in a specific region on a specific shard.
• Hashed Shar
ding. Documents are distributed
according to an MD5 hash of the shard key value. This
approach guarantees a uniform distribution of writes
across shards, which is often optimal for ingesting
streams of time-series and event data.
• Zoned Shar
ding. Provides the ability for developers to
define specific rules governing data placement in a
sharded cluster. Zones are discussed in more detail in
the following Data Locality section of the guide.
Thousands of organizations use MongoDB to build
high-performance systems at scale. You can read more
about them on the MongoDB scaling page.

Data Locality

e 6: Automatic sharding for horizontal scale-out
Unlike relational databases, MongoDB sharding is
automatic and built into the database. Developers don't
face the complexity of building sharding logic into their
application code, which then needs to be updated as data
is migrated across shards. They don't need to integrate
additional clustering software or expensive shared-disk
infrastructure to manage process and data distribution, or
failure recovery.
By simply hashing a primary key value, many distributed
databases randomly spray data across a cluster of nodes,
imposing performance penalties when data is queried, or
adding complexity when data needs to be localized to
specific nodes. By exposing multiple sharding policies to

MongoDB zoned sharding allows precise control over
where data is physically stored in a cluster. This allows
developers to accommodate a range of application needs –
for example controlling data placement by geographic
region for latency and governance requirements, or by
hardware configuration and application feature to meet a
specific class of service. Data placement rules can be
continuously refined by modifying shard key ranges, and
MongoDB will automatically migrate the data to its new
The most popular use cases for MongoDB zones include
the following:
Geographic Data Placement
MongoDB gives developers the ability to create zones in
multiple geographic regions. Each zone is part of the same,
single cluster and can be queried globally, but data is

pinned to shards in specific regions based on data locality
requirements. Developers simply name a shard by region,
tag their documents by region in the shard key, and
MongoDB does the rest.
By associating data to shards based on regional policies,
developers can create global, always-on, write-everywhere
clusters, with each shard serving operations local to it –
enabling the database to serve distributed, write-heavy
workloads with low latency. This design brings the benefits
of “multi-master” database, without introducing the
complexity of eventual consistency or data loss caused by
conflicting writes.
Zoned sharding also enables developers to keep user data
within specific regions to meet governance requirements
for data sovereignty, such as the EU’s GDPR. To illustrate
further, an application may have users in North America,
Europe, and China. The developer can assign each shard to
a zone representing the physical location (North America,
Europe, or China) of that shard's servers, and then map all
documents to the correct zone based on its region field.
Any number of shards can be associated with each zone,
and each zone can be scaled independently of the others –
for instance, accommodating faster user growth in China
than North America.
Learn more by reviewing our tutorial on creating
geographically distributed clusters with MongoDB zoned
Class of Service
Data for a specific application feature or customer can be
associated with specific zones. For instance, a company
offering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) may assign users
on its free usage tier to shards provisioned on lower
specified hardware, while paying customers are allocated
to premium infrastructure. The SaaS provider has the
flexibility to scale parts of the cluster differently for free
users and paying customers. For example, the free tier can
be allocated just a few shards, while paying customers can
be assigned to dozens of shards.
Learn more by reviewing our tutorial on configuring
application affinity with MongoDB zoned sharding.
Building upon application features, zoned sharding also
enables deployment patterns such as tiered, or

multi-temperature storage. Different subsets of data often
have different response time requirements, usually based
on access frequency and age of the data. For example, IoT
applications or social media services handling time-series
data will demand that users experience the lowest latency
when accessing the latest data. This data can be pinned to
the highest performance hardware with fast CPUs and
SSDs. Meanwhile, aged data sets that are read less
frequently typically have relaxed latency SLAs, so can be
moved onto slower, less expensive hardware based on
conventional, high capacity spinning disks. By including a
timestamp in the shard key, the MongoDB cluster balancer
can migrate data based on age from the high-performance
tier to the active archive tier.

e 7: Implementing tiered storage with MongoDB
zoned sharding
Learn more by reviewing our tutorial on configuring tiered
storage with MongoDB zoned sharding

Data Security
Having the freedom to put data where it’s needed enables
developers to build powerful new classes of application.
However, they must also be confident that their data is
secure, wherever it is stored. Rather than build security
controls back in the application, they should be able to rely
on the database to implement the mechanisms needed to
protect sensitive data and meet the needs of apps in
regulated industries.
MongoDB features extensive capabilities to defend, detect,
and control access to data:
• Authentic
ation. Simplifying access control to the
database, MongoDB offers integration with external
security mechanisms including LDAP, Windows Active

Directory, Kerberos, and x.509 certificates. In addition,
IP whitelisting allows DevOps teams to configure
MongoDB to only accept external connections from
approved IP addresses.
• Authorization
Authorization. Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC)
enable DevOps teams to configure granular
permissions for a user or an application based on the
privileges they need to do their job. These can be
defined in MongoDB, or centrally within an LDAP server.
Additionally, developers can define views that expose
only a subset of data from an underlying collection, i.e. a
view that filters or masks specific fields, such as
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from customer
data or health records. Views can also be created to
only expose aggregated data.
• Auditing. For regulatory compliance, security
administrators can use MongoDB's native audit log to
track any database operations – whether DML or DDL.
• Encryption. MongoDB data can be encrypted on the
network, on disk and in backups. With the Encrypted
storage engine , protection of data-at-rest is an integral
feature within the database. By natively encrypting
database files on disk, developers eliminate both the
management and performance overhead of external
encryption mechanisms. Only those staff who have the
appropriate database authorization credentials can
access the encrypted data, providing additional levels of
To learn more, download the MongoDB Security Reference
Architecture Whitepaper.

Freedom to Run Anywhere
An increasing number of companies are moving to the
public cloud to not only reduce the operational overhead of
managing infrastructure, but also provide their teams with
on-demand services that make it easier to build and run an
application backend. This move from building IT to
consuming IT as a service is well aligned with a parallel
organizational shift happening across companies
prioritizing productivity and getting to market faster — a
move from specialized and often siloed groups to more
cross-functional, DevOps teams that are able to make

many of their own technology decisions. The result is often
a far more nimble and focused organization that is able to
rapidly deliver new digital products using agile
methodologies and modern application architectures, such
as microservices.
However, relational databases that have been designed to
run on a single server are architecturally misaligned with
modern cloud platforms, which are built from low-cost
commodity hardware and designed to scale out as more
capacity is needed. For example, cloud applications with
uneven usage or spikes during certain periods require
built-in elasticity and scalability across the supporting
technology stack. Legacy relational databases do not
natively support these capabilities requiring teams to try
and introduce distributed systems properties through
approaches such as application-level sharding.
It’s for this reason that modern, non-tabular databases
delivered as a service are growing in popularity amongst
organizations moving into the cloud. But many of these
database services run exclusively in a single cloud platform,
which increases business risk. For the past decade,
companies have increasingly adopted open source
technologies to reduce lock-in with proprietary vendors.
Choosing to build applications on a proprietary cloud
database re-introduces the risk of lock-in to cloud vendor
APIs and technologies that only run in a single
To reduce the likelihood of cloud lock-in, teams should
build their applications on distributed databases that will
deliver a consistent experience across any environment. As
an open source database, MongoDB can be deployed
anywhere — from mainframes to a private cloud to the
public cloud. The developer experience is entirely
unaffected by the deployment model; similarly, teams
responsible for standing up databases, maintaining them,
and optimizing performance can also leverage a unified set
of tools that deliver the same experience across different
MongoDB allows organizations to adopt cloud at their own
pace by moving select workloads as needed. For example,
they may run the same workload in a hybrid environment to
manage sudden peaks in demand, or use the cloud to
launch services in regions where they lack a physical data
center presence.

MongoDB Atlas

ehensive monitoring and performance

Similar to the way MongoDB and Stitch dramatically
improve developer productivity, MongoDB offers a fully
managed, on-demand and elastic service, called MongoDB
Atlas , in the public cloud. Atlas enables customers to
deploy, operate, and scale MongoDB databases on AWS,
Azure, or GCP in just a few clicks or programmatic API
calls. Atlas allows customers to adopt a more agile,
on-demand approach to IT rather than underutilizing cloud
as merely a hosted infrastructure platform and replicating
many of the same operational, administrative, and
time-to-market challenges with running on-premises.
Built-in automation and proven best practices reduce the
likelihood of human error and minimize operational
overhead. Key features of MongoDB Atlas include:

optimization. MongoDB Atlas includes an integrated set
of features that simplify database monitoring and
performance optimization. Developers can get deep
visibility into their clusters using optimized charts tracking
dozens of key metrics, and easily customize and send
alerts to channels such as Slack, Datadog, and PagerDuty.
MongoDB Atlas also allows customers to see what’s
happening in their clusters as it happens with the
Real-Time Performance Panel, and allows them to take
advantage of automatically generated index suggestions
via the built-in Performance Advisor to improve query
performance. Finally, the built-in Data Explorer lets
operations teams run queries to review document structure
and database schema, view collection metadata, and
inspect index usage statistics.

Automation and elasticity
elasticity.. MongoDB Atlas automates
infrastructure provisioning, setup, and deployment so
teams can get the database resources they need, when
they need them. Patches and minor version upgrades are
applied automatically. Database modifications — whether
it’s to scale out or perform an upgrade — can be executed
in a few clicks or an API call with no downtime window
High availability and durability
durability.. MongoDB Atlas
automatically creates self-healing, geographically
distributed clusters with a minimum of 3 nodes to ensure
no single point of failure. Even better availability
guarantees are possible by enabling cross-region
replication to achieve multi-region fault tolerance.
MongoDB Atlas also includes powerful features to
enhance reliability for mission-critical production
databases, such as continuous, incremental backups with
point-in-time recovery and queryable snapshots, which
allow customers to restore granular data sets in a fraction
of the time it would take to restore an entire snapshot.
e by default. MongoDB Atlas makes it easy for
organizations to control access to their managed
databases by automatically incorporating many of the
security features mentioned earlier in this architecture
guide. For example, a customer’s database instances are
deployed with robust access controls and end-to-end
encryption. Other security features include network
isolation, IP whitelisting, VPC peering, always-on
authentication, and much more.

Live migration. MongoDB Atlas makes it easy to migrate
live data from MongoDB deployments running in any other
environment. Atlas will perform an initial sync between the
migration destination and the source database, and use the
oplog to keep the two database in sync until teams are
prepared to perform the cutover process. Live migration
supports importing data from replica sets, sharded clusters,
and any deployment running MongoDB 2.6 or higher.
ead coverage on the major cloud platforms.
MongoDB Atlas is available in over 50 cloud regions
across Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google
Cloud Platform. Organizations with a global user base can
use MongoDB Atlas to automatically replicate data to any
number of regions of their choice to deliver fast, responsive
access to data wherever their users are located.
Furthermore, unlike other open source database services
which vary in terms of feature-support and optimizations
from cloud provider to cloud provider, MongoDB Atlas
delivers a consistent experience across each of the cloud
platforms, ensuring developers can deploy wherever they
need to, without compromising critical functionality.
You can learn about MongoDB Atlas and all of the features
discussed above in the documentation. And you can take
Atlas for a spin at no cost on the free tier.


MongoDB Ops Manager
For organizations that need to run the database on their
own infrastructure for business or regulatory requirements,
MongoDB offers SaaS or on-premises management tools
available that enable customers to build their own
MongoDB service for internal development teams.
MongoDB Ops Manager is the simplest way to run
MongoDB on premises or in a private cloud, making it easy
for operations teams to deploy, monitor, backup, and scale
MongoDB. The capabilities of Ops Manager are also
available in the MongoDB Cloud Manager tool, delivered as
SaaS in the cloud.
Deployments and upgrades. Whereas MongoDB Atlas is
a fully managed database as a service platform, Ops
Manager provides a powerful suite of tools that enable
operations teams to implement and automate MongoDB
deployment and maintenance tasks in accordance with
their policies and best practices. Ops Manager coordinates
critical operational tasks across the servers in a MongoDB
system. It communicates with the infrastructure through
agents installed on each server. The servers can reside in
the public cloud or a private data center. Ops Manager
reliably orchestrates the tasks that administrators have
traditionally performed manually – deploying a new cluster,
performing upgrades, creating point-in-time backups, and
many other operational activities.
Ops Manager also makes it possible to dynamically resize
capacity by adding shards and replica set members. Other
maintenance tasks such as upgrading MongoDB, building
new indexes across replica sets or resizing the oplog can
be reduced from dozens or hundreds of manual steps to
the click of a button, all with zero downtime. Administrators
can use the Ops Manager interface directly, or invoke the
Ops Manager RESTful API from existing enterprise tools.
Ops Manager features such as server pooling make it
easier to build a database as a service within a private
cloud environment. Ops Manager will maintain a pool of
globally provisioned servers that have agents already
installed. When users want to create a new MongoDB
deployment, they can request servers from this pool to host
the MongoDB cluster. Administrators can even associate
certain properties with the servers in the pool and expose

server properties as selectable options when a user
initiates a request for new instances.
ehensive monitoring and performance
optimization The monitoring, alerting, and performance
optimization capabilities of Ops Manager and Cloud
Manager are similar to what’s available with MongoDB
Atlas. Integration with existing monitoring tools is
straightforward via the Ops Manager and Cloud Manager
RESTful API, and with packaged integrations to leading
Application Performance Management (APM) platforms,
such as New Relic. These integrations allow MongoDB
status to be consolidated and monitored alongside the rest
of your application infrastructure, all from a single pane of
Disaster Recovery: Bac
kups & point-in-time rrecovery
Similar to how backups are handled in MongoDB Atlas,
Ops Manager and Cloud Manager backups are maintained
continuously, just a few seconds behind the operational
system. Because Ops Manager reads the oplog used for
replication, the ongoing performance impact is minimal –
similar to that of adding an additional replica to a replica
set. If the MongoDB cluster experiences a failure, the most
recent backup is only moments behind, minimizing
exposure to data loss. Ops Manager and Cloud Manager
both also offer point-in-time backup of replica sets and
cluster-wide snapshots of sharded clusters. Users can
restore to precisely the moment they need, quickly and
safely. Automation-driven restores allows a fully configured
cluster to be re-deployed directly from the database
snapshots in a just few clicks. Similar to MongoDB Atlas,
Ops Manager and Cloud Manager also provide the ability to
query backup snapshots.
Ops Manager can also be deployed to control backups to a
local data center or AWS S3. If using Cloud Manager,
customers receive a fully managed backup solution with a
pay-as-you-go model. Dedicated MongoDB engineers
monitor user backups on a 24x365 basis, alerting
operations teams if problems arise.

Cloud Adoption Stages
By building on a database that runs the same across any
environment and using an integrated set of management
tooling that delivers a consistent experience across the

board, organizations can ensure a seamless journey from
on-premises to the public cloud.:

1. The document data model – presenting the best way

• Teams dipping their toe into the cloud can start with
MongoDB on premises and optimize ongoing
management using Ops Manager. Through integration
with OpenShift and Cloud Foundry, Ops Manager can
be used as a foundation for your own private cloud
database service.

2. A distributed systems design – allowing them to

• As their level of comfort with the public cloud increases,
they can migrate a few deployments and self-manage
using Cloud Manager or try the fully managed,
on-demand, as-a-service approach with MongoDB
• Cloud-first organizations interested in exploiting the
benefits of a multi-cloud strategy can use MongoDB
Atlas to easily spin up clusters and replicate data across
regions and cloud providers, all without worrying about
operations or platform lock-in.

Conclusion and Next Steps
Every industry is being transformed by data and digital
technologies. As you build or remake your company for a
digital world, speed matters – measured by how fast you
build apps, how fast you scale them, and how fast you can
gain insights from the data they generate. These are the
keys to applications that provide better customer
experiences, enable deeper, data-driven insights or make
new products or business models possible.
With its intelligent operational data platform, MongoDB
enables developers through:

to work with dat
intelligently put dat
a wher
e they want it
3. A unified experience that gives them the fr
eedom to
run anywher
e – allowing them to future-proof their
work and eliminative vendor lock-in.
In this guide we have explored the fundamental concepts
that underpin the architecture of MongoDB. Other guides
on topics such as performance, operations, and security
best practices can be found at
You can get started now with MongoDB by:
1. Spinning up a fully managed MongoDB instance on the
Atlas free tier
2. Downloading MongoDB for your own environment
3. Reviewing the MongoDB manuals and tutorials on our
documentation page

We Can Help
We are the MongoDB experts. Over 5,700 organizations
rely on our commercial products. We offer software and
services to make your life easier:
MongoDB Enterprise Advanced is the best way to run
MongoDB in your data center. It's a finely-tuned package
of advanced software, support, certifications, and other
services designed for the way you do business.
MongoDB Atlas is a database as a service for MongoDB,
letting you focus on apps instead of ops. With MongoDB

e 8: MongoDB provides you the freedom to run anywhere


Atlas, you only pay for what you use with a convenient
hourly billing model. With the click of a button, you can
scale up and down when you need to, with no downtime,
full security, and high performance.
MongoDB Stitch is a backend as a service (BaaS), giving
developers full access to MongoDB, declarative read/write
controls, and integration with their choice of services.
MongoDB Cloud Manager is a cloud-based tool that helps
you manage MongoDB on your own infrastructure. With
automated provisioning, fine-grained monitoring, and
continuous backups, you get a full management suite that
reduces operational overhead, while maintaining full control
over your databases.
MongoDB Consulting packages get you to production
faster, help you tune performance in production, help you
scale, and free you up to focus on your next release.
MongoDB Training helps you become a MongoDB expert,
from design to operating mission-critical systems at scale.
Whether you're a developer, DBA, or architect, we can
make you better at MongoDB.

For more information, please visit or contact
us at
Case Studies (
Presentations (
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Webinars and Events (
Documentation (
MongoDB Enterprise Download (
MongoDB Atlas database as a service for MongoDB
MongoDB Stitch backend as a service (

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