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PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL Of RULES, CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATING VALUES FOR WORKERS COMPENSATION AND FOR EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE Effective DECEMBER 1, 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Manual Information Page December 1, 2009 Manual Section 1 Effective December 1, 2009 º º Rule IV revision to definition of Salesperson – Outside Rule V revision to Per Diem Guidelines Section 2 Effective December 1, 2009 º º º º º º º º º º º º Revise Definitions Revise class descriptions and Underwriting Guide entries for Codes 855 and 935 Underwriting Guide additions to Code 607 Revise class description for Code 028 Revise class title for Codes 606 and 617 and add Operations Not Included sections Revise class description of Code 607 Revisions to class descriptions and Underwriting Guide entries for Codes 818 and 819 Clarify class language for 21 classes Addition of two General Auditing & Classification Information entries Revision to General Auditing & Classification Information part of Wholesale/Retail Mail Order House or Internet Sales – Definitions Addition of 14 and revision of six Underwriting Guide entries Addition of Per Diems section in General Auditing & Classification Information section Section 3 Effective December 1, 2009 º Revision to WC 37 03 10 C Any questions, suggestions or comments about this Manual should be directed to Bruce Decker at PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page 1 PREFACE PREFACE A. In accordance with Section 654 of The Insurance Company Law of May 17, 1921, P.L. 682 and Act 44 of 1993, Act 57 of 1996, as amended, the Insurance Commissioner has approved this Manual of risk classes, underwriting rules, bureau rating values and rating plans, to become effective 12:01 A.M. December 1, 2009, with respect to all policies, the effective date of which is December 1, 2009 or thereafter, subject to the following express conditions, for the State Workers’ Insurance Fund and for the insurance companies, corporations, associations and exchanges enumerated in the attached list and for no other insurance company, corporation, association or exchange. B. Organization of Manual This Manual has six sections: Section 1 – Underwriting Rules Section 2 – Rating Values and Classifications/General Auditing and Classification Information Section 3 – Endorsements Section 4 – Retrospective Rating Plans Section 5 – Experience Rating Plan Section 6 – Merit Rating Plan C. Definitions The following words are referenced in Act 44 of 1993 or have been used in this Manual with meanings intended to be consistent with the requirements of that Act. For purposes of improving the understanding of the Manual, definitions of these words as used elsewhere in this Manual are set forth below. 1. Bureau Data Card – Bureau Data Cards are issued by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau. These data cards provide the risk name, location, Bureau file number, authorized classification(s) and if applicable the risk’s experience modification for a minimum of one year. Risks approved for the Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program and any other applicable credit programs will be shown on these data cards. 2. Bureau Loss Costs – Dollar amounts per unit of exposure attributable to the payment of losses under workers compensation and employers liability coverages, filed by the Bureau based on the aggregate experience of all Bureau members and approved by the Insurance Commissioner. 3. Bureau Rating Values – All parameters filed by the Bureau and approved by the Insurance Commissioner, and which are used either mandatorily or by option of carriers for purposes of pricing workers compensation and employers liability coverages. Such Bureau rating values include Bureau Loss Costs, experience rating plan values such as Expected Loss Cost Factors, Credibility, Maximum Value of One Accident, and Credibility Weighted Maximum Value Charge, retrospective rating plan values such as the Table of Expected Loss Ranges, Excess Loss Pure Premium Factors, Retrospective Pure Premium Development Factors, and expense parameters applicable to U.S.L.&H.W. coverages such as Premium Discounts, Expected Loss Ratio, Expense Ratios, Tax Multipliers and Loss Conversion Factors. 4. Carrier Rate – The amount per unit of exposure which an insurance carrier charges for workers compensation and employers liability insurance. 5. Carrier Rating Values – All parameters used by carriers for purposes of pricing workers compensation and employers liability insurance coverages. Such parameters may be either Bureau Rating Values adopted by a carrier for its own use or values independently determined by a carrier. 6. Loss Cost – Dollar amounts per unit of exposure attributable to the payment of losses under workers compensation and employers liability coverages. Loss Costs may be developed either by the Bureau based on the aggregate experience of all Bureau members or may be established by individual carriers based on their own supporting information. 7. Provision for Claim Payment – Historical aggregate losses projected through development to their ultimate value and through trending to a future point in time, but excluding all loss adjustment or claim management expenses, other operating expenses, assessments, taxes and profit or contingency allowances. In this Manual the term "Loss Cost" is synonymous with Provision for Claim Payment. 8. Rating Value – A parameter or number used in pricing workers compensation or employers liability insurance coverages. Rating Values may be established by the Bureau or by individual carriers. Where individual carriers have established Rating Values different from those of the Bureau, the carrier's values supersede those of the Bureau for purposes of that insurer's policies. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page 2 D. PREFACE Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau Membership List ACADIA Insurance Company. Accident Fund Insurance Company of America. Accident Fund General Insurance Company. Accident Fund National Insurance Company. ACE American Insurance Company. ACE Fire Underwriters Insurance Company. ACE Indemnity Insurance Company. ACE Property & Casualty Insurance Company. ACIG Insurance Company. ACUITY, A Mutual Insurance Company. Advantage Workers Compensation Insurance Company. Agent Alliance Insurance Company. AIG Centennial Insurance Company. A.I.U. Insurance Company. Alea North America Insurance Company. Alliance National Insurance Company. Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company. Allied Eastern Indemnity Company. Allied Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Allmerica Financial Benefit Insurance Company. Allstate Indemnity Company. Allstate Insurance Company. AMCO Insurance Company. American Alternative Insurance Corporation. American Automobile Insurance Company. American Business & Personal Insurance Mutual, Inc. American Casualty Company of Reading. American Compensation Insurance Company. American Country Insurance Company. American Economy Insurance Company. American European Insurance Company. American Fire and Casualty Company. American Guarantee and Liability Insurance Company. American Hardware Mutual Insurance Company. American Home Assurance Company. American Insurance Company, The. American International Insurance Company. American Interstate Insurance Company. American Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Company. American Mining Insurance Company. American Motorists Insurance Company. American Safety Casualty Insurance Company. American Select Insurance Company. American States Insurance Company. American States Insurance Company of Texas. American Zurich Insurance Company. AmeriHealth Casualty Insurance Company. Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company. Amguard Insurance Company. Arch Insurance Company. Argonaut Great Central Insurance Company. Argonaut Insurance Company. Argonaut-Midwest Insurance Company. Associated Indemnity Corporation. Association Insurance Company. Assurance Company of America. Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company. Atlantic States Insurance Company. Auto-Owners Insurance Company. Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. BancInsure, Inc. Bankers Standard Fire and Marine Company. Bankers Standard Insurance Company. Benchmark Insurance Company. Bituminous Casualty Corporation. Bituminous Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Brethren Mutual Insurance Company, The. Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. California Insurance Company. Camden Fire Insurance Association, The. Carolina Casualty Insurance Company. Century Indemnity Company. Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company. Chartis Casualty Company. Chartis Property Casualty Company. Cherokee Insurance Company. Chrysler Insurance Company. Chubb Indemnity Insurance Company. Church Mutual Insurance Company. Cincinnati Casualty Company. Cincinnati Indemnity Company. Cincinnati Insurance Company, The. Citizens Insurance Company of America. Clarendon National Insurance Company. Colony Specialty Insurance Company. Commerce and Industry Insurance Company. Companion Commercial Insurance Company. Companion Property & Casualty Insurance Company. Continental Casualty Company. Continental Indemnity Company. Continental Insurance Company, The. Continental Western Insurance Company. Cornhusker Casualty Company. Crum & Forster Indemnity Company. Cumberland Insurance Company, Inc. Cumis Insurance Society, Inc. Dallas National Insurance Company. Deerfield Insurance Company. Delos Insurance Company. Depositors Insurance Company. Discover Property & Casualty Insurance Company. Donegal Mutual Insurance Company. Eastern Advantage Assurance Company. Eastern Alliance Insurance Company. Eastguard Insurance Company. Electric Insurance Company. Emcasco Insurance Company. Employers Compensation Insurance Company. Employers’ Fire Insurance Company. Employers’ Insurance Company of Wausau. Employers’ Mutual Casualty Company. Employers Preferred Insurance Company. Erie Insurance Company. Erie Insurance Company of New York. Erie Insurance Exchange. Erie Insurance Property & Casualty Company. Essentia Insurance Company. Everest National Insurance Company. Everett Cash Mutual Insurance Company. Excelsior Insurance Company. Explorer Insurance Company. Fairfield Insurance Company. Fairmont Premier Insurance Company. Fairmont Specialty Insurance Company. Farmington Casualty Company. Farmland Mutual Insurance Company. Federal Insurance Company. Federated Mutual Insurance Company. Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange. Federated Service Insurance Company. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page 3 PREFACE Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. Firemen's Insurance Company of Washington, D.C. First Liberty Insurance Corporation. First National Insurance Company of America. First Nonprofit Insurance Company. FirstComp Insurance Company. Firstline National Insurance Company. Flagship City Insurance Company. Florists’ Insurance Company. Florists’ Mutual Insurance Company. Freedom Advantage Insurance Company. Frontier Insurance Company. Gateway Insurance Company. General Casualty Company of Wisconsin. General Casualty Insurance Company. General Insurance Company of America. Genesis Insurance Company. Grange Mutual Casualty Company. Granite State Insurance Company. Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company. Great American Alliance Insurance Company. Great American Assurance Company. Great American Insurance Company. Great American Insurance Company of New York. Great Divide Insurance Company. Great Northern Insurance Company. Great West Casualty Company. Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company. Greenwich Insurance Company. Guarantee Insurance Company. GuideOne Mutual Insurance Company. Hanover Insurance Company, The. Harco National Insurance Company. Harford Mutual Insurance Company. Harleysville Insurance Company. Harleysville Insurance Company of New Jersey. Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company. Harleysville Preferred Insurance Company. Harleysville Worcester Insurance Company. Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. Hartford Casualty Insurance Company. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest. Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast. Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. Highlands Insurance Company. Highmark Casualty Insurance Company. HM Casualty Insurance Company. Housing and Redevelopment Insurance Exchange. Illinois National Insurance Company. Imperial Casualty and Indemnity Company. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America. Indiana Lumbermen's Mutual Insurance Company. Insurance Company of Greater New York. Insurance Company of North America. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, The. Insurance Company of the West. Lackawanna American Insurance Company. Lackawanna Casualty Company. Lackawanna National Insurance Company. Lancer Insurance Company. Laundry Owners’ Mutual Liability Insurance Association. Laurier Indemnity Company. Leading Insurance Group Insurance Company, Ltd Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company. Liberty Insurance Corporation. Liberty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Liberty Mutual Mid-Atlantic Insurance Company. Lincoln General Insurance Company. LM Insurance Corporation. Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company. Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance. Manufacturers Alliance Insurance Company. Markel Insurance Company. Maryland Casualty Company. Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company. Medmarc Casualty Insurance Company. MEMIC Indemnity Company. Mercer Insurance Company. Merchants Mutual Insurance Company. Merchants Preferred Insurance Company. Meridian Security Insurance Company. Mid-Century Insurance Company. Middlesex Insurance Company. Midwest Employers Casualty Company. Millers Capital Insurance Company. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company of America. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance USA Inc. Montgomery Mutual Insurance Company. Motorists’ Mutual Insurance Company. Mutual Benefit Insurance Company. National American Insurance Company. National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford. National Interstate Insurance Company. National Surety Corporation. National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company. Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Nationwide Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Netherlands Insurance Company. New Hampshire Insurance Company. New Jersey Manufacturers' Insurance Company. NGM Insurance Company. NIPPONKOA Insurance Company, Ltd. US Branch. Norguard Insurance Company. North American Elite Insurance Company. North American Specialty Insurance Company. North River Insurance Company, The. Northbrook Indemnity Company. Northern Assurance Company of America, The. Northern Insurance Company of New York. NOVA Casualty Company. Ohio Casualty Insurance Company. Ohio Security Insurance Company. Old Republic General Insurance Corporation. Old Republic Insurance Company. OneBeacon America Insurance Company. OneBeacon Insurance Company. Oriska Insurance Company. Owners Insurance Company. Pacific Employers' Insurance Company. Pacific Indemnity Company. Paramount Insurance Company. Patriot General Insurance Company. Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company. Peerless Insurance Company. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL EFFECTIVE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page 4 PREFACE Peninsula Indemnity Company. Penn Millers Insurance Company. Penn National Security Insurance Company. PennCommonwealth Casualty of America Corporation. Pennsylvania Casualty Company. Pennsylvania General Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Manufacturers Indemnity Company. Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Surface Coal Mining Insurance Exchange. Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company. Phoenix Insurance Company, The. Potomac Insurance Company. Praetorian Insurance Company. Preferred Professional Insurance Company. Princeton Insurance Company. Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford. Protective Insurance Company. Public Service Mutual Insurance Company. QBE Insurance Corporation. Redland Insurance Company. Regent Insurance Company. Republic-Franklin Insurance Company. Rockwood Casualty Insurance Company. SAFECO Insurance Company of America. Safety First Insurance Company. Safety National Casualty Corp. School Boards Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, Inc. SeaBright Insurance Company. SECURA Insurance, A Mutual Company. Select Risk Insurance Company. Selective Insurance Company of America. Selective Insurance Company of New York. Selective Insurance Company of South Carolina. Selective Insurance Company of the Southeast. Selective Way Insurance Company. Seneca Insurance Company, Inc. Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd. Sentry Casualty Company. Sentry Insurance, A Mutual Company. Sentry Select Insurance Company. Somerset Casualty Insurance Company. Sompo Japan Insurance Company of America. Southern Insurance Company. Southern Insurance Company of Virginia. Southern States Insurance Exchange. SPARTA Insurance Company. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company. St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company. St. Paul Protective Insurance Company. Standard Fire Insurance Company, The. Star Insurance Company. StarNet Insurance Company. State Auto Property & Casualty Insurance Company. State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. State National Insurance Company, Inc. State Workers’ Insurance Fund. Statesman Insurance Company. Strathmore Insurance Company. SUA Insurance Company. Synergy Comp Insurance Company. Technology Insurance Company. T.H.E. Insurance Company. TIG Indemnity Company. TIG Insurance Company. Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company, Ltd. Tower Insurance Company of New York. Tower National Insurance Company. Trans Pacific Insurance Company. Transguard Insurance Company of America, Inc. Transportation Insurance Company. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America. Travelers Casualty Company of Connecticut. Travelers Casualty Insurance Company of America. Travelers Commercial Insurance Company. Travelers Indemnity Company, The. Travelers Indemnity Company of America. Travelers Indemnity Company of Connecticut, The. Travelers Property Casualty Company of America. Truck Insurance Exchange. Trumbull Insurance Company. Trustgard Insurance Company. Twin City Fire Insurance Company. U.S. Specialty Insurance Company. Ullico Casualty Company. Union Insurance Company. United National Insurance Company. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. United States Fire Insurance Company. United Wisconsin Insurance Company. Universal Underwriters' Insurance Company. Utica Mutual Insurance Company. Valley Forge Insurance Company. Vanliner Insurance Company. Vigilant Insurance Company. Vinings Insurance Company. Wausau Business Insurance Company. Wausau Underwriters' Insurance Company. Wesco Insurance Company. West American Insurance Company. Westchester Fire Insurance Company. Westfield Insurance Company. Westfield National Insurance Company. WestGUARD Insurance Company. Westport Insurance Corporation. Williamsburg National Insurance Company. Work First Casualty Company. XL Insurance America, Inc. XL Specialty Insurance Company. Zenith Insurance Company. ZNAT Insurance Company. Zurich American Insurance Company. Zurich American Insurance Company of Illinois. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 – UNDERWRITING RULES RULE I – GENERAL A. Workers Compensation B. Standard Policy C. Endorsement Forms D. Endorsement Forms Section E. Application of Manual Rules F. Effective Date 1. Manual 2. Changes G. Anniversary Rating Date 1. Definition 2. Rewritten Policies 3. Long Term Policies H. Filing Requirements 1. Policy 2. Policy Writing Procedures 3. Endorsements 4. Standard Endorsement Filing Procedure 5. Binders I. Policy Corrections J. Medical Contracts RULE II – EXPLANATION OF COVERAGES AND METHODS OF INSURING A. Part One – Workers Compensation Insurance 1. Description of Coverage A 2. Pennsylvania Coverage 3. Longshore Coverage 4. Deductible Coverage B. Coverage Requirements C. Part Two – Employers Liability Insurance 1. Description of Coverage B 2. Employers Liability for Diseases 3. Admiralty Law or Federal Employers’ Liability Act 4. Employers Liability Insurance with Workers Compensation Insurance 5. Employers Liability Insurance without Workers Compensation Insurance D. Voluntary Compensation Insurance 1. Description of Voluntary Compensation Insurance 2. How Provided E. Part Three – Other States Insurance 1. Description of Other States Coverage 2. States where not Available 3. Restriction on Use 4. Premium F. Deductible Coverage G. Group Deductible or Retrospective Rating Plan Coverage RULE III – POLICY PREPARATION – INSURED, POLICY PERIOD AND STATE OF OPERATIONS A. Explanations of Terms 1. Employer/Entity 2. Insured 3. Majority Interest 4. Risk B. Name, Address and Other Work-Places of Insured © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 2 C. D. 1. Combination of Legal Entities 2. Name of Insured 3. Pennsylvania Locations Policy Period 1. Normal Policy Period 2. Policy for One Year 3. Policy Longer than One Year 4. Renewal Certificates/Agreements 5. Three Year Fixed Carrier Rating Value Policy Option 6. Annual Rating Endorsements State Laws Designated in the Policy 1. Listing of Pennsylvania 2. Longshore Act 3. Additional States RULE IV – CLASSIFICATIONS A. General Explanation 1. Objective B. Classifications 1. Basic Classifications 2. Standard Exception Classification a. Clerical Office Employees b. Drafting Employees c. Salespersons, Collectors, or Messengers, Outside 3. General Inclusions 4. General Exclusions C. Assignment of Classifications 1. Object of Classification Procedure 2. Assignment of a Classification 3. Assignment of Additional Classifications 4. Assignment of Analogy 5. Payroll Assignment – Multiple Classifications Interchange of Labor 6. Construction or Erection Operations 7. NOC Definition 8. Changing Classifications 9. Classification Appeal 10. Mercantile Business/Stores D. Show the Classifications in Item 4 of the Information Page RULE V – PREMIUM BASIS A. Basis of Premium – Total Remuneration B. Remuneration – Payroll 1. Definition 2. Inclusions 3. Exclusions 4. Payroll 5. Employee Savings Plans C. Estimated Payrolls 1. Estimated Payrolls by Classification 2. Determination of Estimated Payrolls 3. Approval of Estimated Payrolls D. Whole Dollars – Payrolls E. Payroll Limitation 1. How Payroll Limitation Applies 2. Partial Week F. Basis of Premium Additional Information © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Employee Expense Reimbursements Salary Reduction Plans Strike Periods (Wages Paid) Traveling Time Periods Wages Paid for Idle Time Religious Exclusions Members of Religious Orders Subcontractors Outworkers/Homeworkers RULE VI – RATING VALUES AND PREMIUM DETERMINATION A. Bureau Rating Values 1. Bureau Loss Cost 2. Disease or Radiation Loading 3. Premium Adjustment Factor 4. Experience Rating Factor 5. Terrorism 6. Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) 7. Employer Assessment Pursuant to Act 57 of 1997 B. C. D. E. F. G. Carrier Rating Values Premium Whole Dollars - Premium Premium Modification – Experience Rating Plan Premium Determination for Federal and Maritime Insurance Premium Algorithm RULE VII – PREMIUM DISCOUNT A. Premium Discount B. Combination of Policies 1. Combination Permitted 2. Combination Procedure C. Wrap-Up Construction Projects RULE VIII – LIMITS OF LIABILITY A. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Policy 1. Part One – Workers Compensation 2. Part Two – Employers Liability a. Standard Limits b. Increased Limits c. Accident Limit d. Disease Limit e. Show Limit on the Information Page B. Voluntary Compensation Insurance 1. Standard Limits 2. Increased Limits 3. Premium Determination 4. Payroll Records RULE IX – SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR OPERATIONS AFFECTING COVERAGE AND PREMIUM A. Executive Officers 1. Definition 2. Law and Status 3. Executive Officer Exclusion Procedure 4. Executive Officers- Multiple Corporate Enterprises 5. Executive Officer Remuneration – Treatment of: © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 4 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 6. Premium Determination 7. Assignment of Payroll 8. Flight Duties Real Estate Sales Person/Broker Licensed Insurance Agent – Exception Professional and Semi-Professional Athletes – Class Code 970 Sole Proprietors and Partnerships Subcontractors 1. Law on Contractors and Subcontractors 2. Coverage 3. Premium for Uninsured Subcontractors 4. Drivers, Chauffeurs and Helpers Under Contract Ex-Medical Coverage Truckers - Interstate Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program Certified Safety Committee Credit Program RULE X – CANCELLATION A. Who May Cancel B. Premium Determination – Cancellation by the Insurance Carrier 1. Carrier Rating Values and Payroll 2. Experience Rating C. Premium Determination - Cancellation by the Insured when Retiring from Business D. Premium Determination – Cancellation by the Insured, Except when Retiring from Business 1. Actual Payroll 2. Extended Payroll and Number of Days 3. Carrier Rate 4. Experience Rating 5. Short Rate Percentage 6. Example of Short Rate Cancellation E. Short Rate Cancellation Tables for Term of One Year, Pro Rate Cancellation Tables – One Year RULE XI – THREE YEAR FIXED RATE POLICY OPTION RULE XII – U.S. LONGSHORE AND HARBOR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT A. General Explanation B. Workers Compensation Insurance – Part One C. Employers Liability Insurance – Part Two D. Classifications and Rates 1. Classifications 2. Rates for Federal “F” Classifications 3. Rates for Non-Federal “Non-F” Classifications E. Extensions of the U.S.L. & H.W. Act 1. Defense Bases Act 2. Civilian Employees of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act 3. Premium Determination 4. Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act F. Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Voluntary Pool RULE XIII – THE ADMIRALTY LAW AND THE FEDERAL EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ACT A. General Explanation 1. Admiralty Law 2. Federal Employers Liability Act (F.E.L.A.) B. Description of Coverage Programs 1. Program I 2. Program II © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 5 C. D. E. F. Coverage 1. Admiralty Law Endorsements 2. Admiralty Law Coverage Options 3. F.E.L.A. Endorsements 4. U.S.L. & H.W. Act Limits of Liability 1. Standard Limits 2. Increased Limits 3. Minimum Premium Classifications Waters not under Admiralty Jurisdictions 1. Coverage 2. Premium Determination 3. Admiralty Law or U.S.L. & H.W. Act Liability RULE XIV – AGRICULTURAL, DOMESTIC WORKERS - RESIDENCES A. Definitions 1. Inside Domestic Workers 2. Outside Domestic Workers 3. Occasional Domestic Workers B. Coverage 1. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance 2. Voluntary Compensation Insurance C. Name of Insured D. Classifications 1. Domestic Workers 2. Maintenance, Repair or Construction Operations E. Bureau Rating Values and Premium 1. Bureau Rating Values 2. Records Required 3. Full Time Domestic Workers 4. Occasional Domestic Workers RULE XV – FINAL EARNED PREMIUM DETERMINATION A. Actual Payroll B. Premium Determination C. Audit Rights to Carrier D. Authorized Classifications RULE XVI – APPEALS FROM APPLICATION OF THE RATING SYSTEM PROCEDURE © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 6 RULE I – GENERAL A. WORKERS COMPENSATION Workers Compensation as used in this Manual means workers compensation and occupational disease law of Pennsylvania. B. STANDARD POLICY Standard Policy means the Standard Provisions Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Policy and the Information Page approved by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. C. ENDORSEMENT FORMS Endorsement forms mean standard endorsements contained in the Endorsement Forms Section. A standard endorsement must be used in the form prescribed in Section 3. D. ENDORSEMENT FORMS SECTION (SECTION 3) Refer to the Endorsement Forms Section for complete description of coverages and instructions on use of the endorsement forms. E. APPLICATION OF MANUAL RULES Rules apply separately to each policy, except as allowed by Rule VII – PREMIUM DISCOUNT. F. EFFECTIVE DATE 1. Manual This Manual applies only from the anniversary rating date which occurs on or after the effective date of this Manual. 2. Changes The effective date of a change in any rule, classification or Bureau rating value is 12:01 a.m. on the date specified on the manual page. Any change will be highlighted and linked to the appropriate Bureau circular announcing the change. Unless specified otherwise, each change applies only from the anniversary rating date which occurs on or after the effective date of the change. G. ANNIVERSARY RATING DATE 1. Definition The anniversary rating date is the effective month and day of the policy in effect and each annual anniversary thereafter unless a different date has been established by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau. 2. Rewritten Policies If a policy is canceled and rewritten by the same or another carrier, all rules, classifications and carrier rating values of the rewriting carrier which were in effect as of the anniversary rating date shall apply to the rewritten policy until the next anniversary date as established by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau. Use the Anniversary Rating Date Endorsement. No policy may be canceled, rewritten or extended for any period to avoid or take advantage of any changes in the rules or Bureau rating values of the Manual. 3. Long Term Policies For application of anniversary rating dates on policies issued for a term in excess of one year, refer to Rule III - C. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 7 H. FILING REQUIREMENTS 1. Policy An exact copy of every Workers Compensation Policy showing the state of Pennsylvania on the Information Page shall be filed with the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau within thirty days after the effective date of the policy. 2. 3. Policy Writing Procedures a. Policy Numbers The policy number designated by the carrier at policy issuance must remain constant and must be used on all endorsements and other documents related to that policy. If a portion of the policy number is designated at inception as the "key" policy number, such designation must be clearly identified on the policy information page and the "key" number must be used on all endorsements and other documents related to that policy. b. Renewal Policy Numbers The information page of each renewal policy shall identify the policy number of the policy which it renews, in accordance with a. above. This procedure also applies to rewritten policies. The word "same" should be used to indicate that the same policy number has been used on renewal. The word "new" should be used to indicate a newly issued policy. Endorsements An exact copy of all endorsements or agreements attached to the policy at its inception date or issued subsequent to the inception date of the policy must be filed with the Bureau within thirty days after the date of issue of such endorsement or agreement. 4. 5. I. Standard Endorsement Filing Procedure a. Any endorsement filed with the Insurance Department on behalf of Bureau members by the Bureau must be filed for approval with the Bureau. For filing procedure details refer to Section 3. b. Non Standard Endorsements filing procedure, refer to Section 3. Binders a. A copy of the binder must be filed with the Bureau on an approved form with all required endorsements attached no later than thirty days after its date of inception. b. The binder must contain the classification codes and Carrier Rating Values applicable to the employer in accordance with the assignment issued by the Bureau or in accordance with the Classification Rules of this Manual if no specific Bureau assignment has been made. c. A binder must be replaced with a short-term policy covering the amount of time the binder was in effect or replaced with a full-term policy including the time period the binder was in effect. POLICY CORRECTION If the Bureau finds that a policy requires correction to conform to Manual rules or classifications, the carrier shall be notified by letter. Such policy shall be corrected and a copy of the correcting endorsement shall be submitted to the Bureau no later than thirty (30) days after notification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 8 J. MEDICAL CONTRACTS 1. Medical contracts and agreements between insurance carriers and insured employers where medical service or supplies are furnished by the employer in consideration of a reduced premium or other consideration cannot be made. 2. Insurance carriers may not furnish medical equipment or hospital supplies to the insured’s employer. RULE II – EXPLANATION OF COVERAGES AND METHODS OF INSURING A. PART ONE – WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1. Description of Coverage A Workers compensation insurance provides coverage for the statutory obligation of an employer to provide benefits for employees as required by: a. Workers compensation law or occupational disease law of any state or territory of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and b. United States Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. 2. Pennsylvania workers compensation insurance may be provided only by the Standard Policy. 3. Longshore Coverage U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act insurance may be provided only by attaching the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 06A) to the Standard Policy. Refer to Rule XII. B. COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS 1. Compulsory as to all employments Exceptions: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Individual proprietors Partners of a partnership (including members of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Elected officers of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions. An executive officer of a for profit corporation or an executive officer of a nonprofit corporation who serves voluntarily and without remuneration may, however, elect not to be an “employee” of the corporation. For the purposes of this exclusion, an executive officer of a for-profit corporation is an individual who has either an ownership interest in a Subchapter S corporation as defined by the Act of March 4, 1971 (P.L. 6, No. 2) known as the “Tax Reform Code of 1971,” or an interest of at least five percent in a Subchapter C corporation as defined by the Tax Reform Code of 1971. Any person who is a licensed real estate salesperson or an associate real estate broker affiliated with a licensed real estate broker or a licensed insurance agent affiliated with a licensed insurance agency, under a written agreement, remunerated on a commission only basis and who qualifies as an independent contractor for State tax purposes or for Federal tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 Et Seq.). Domestic or casual labor. Outworker (a person to whom articles are given for cleaning, repair, etc. at home). Farmer with one employee who works less than 30 days a year or earns less than $1,200 a year. A spouse or a child of the farmer employer under eighteen years of age shall not be deemed an employee unless the services of such spouse or child are engaged by the farmer employer under an express written contract of hire which is filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. Elective for members of certain religious sects whose tenets prohibit benefits from insurance, provided the sect makes provisions for its members. No insurance carrier is permitted to issue policies which would create duplicate coverage for an employer. Policies of different insurance carriers cannot be written for separate parts of a single risk. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 9 3. C. When an employer proposes to insure both his accident and occupational disease compensation liability, such liability must be covered by a single policy of one insurance carrier. PART TWO – EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE 1. Description of Coverage B Employers liability insurance provides coverage for the legal obligation of an employer to pay damages because of bodily injury by accident or disease, including resulting death, sustained by an employee. Employers liability coverage applies only if the injury or death of an employee arises out of and in the course of employment and is sustained: a. In the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or Canada, or b. While temporarily outside the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or Canada, if the injured employee is a citizen or resident of the United States or Canada; but suits for damages and actions on judgments must be in or from a court of the United States, its territories or possessions or Canada. Unless specifically excluded, coverage for the liability of an employer under admiralty law and the Federal Employers Liability Act is provided by employers liability insurance. 2. Employers Liability for Diseases Employers liability insurance for diseases not covered by a workers compensation law or an occupational disease law is provided by the Standard Policy. 3. Admiralty Law or Federal Employers Liability Act Employers liability insurance for liability of an employer under admiralty law or Federal Employers Liability Act is not provided by the Standard Policy. Refer to Rule XII for rules and endorsements to cover or limit this exposure. 4. Employers Liability Insurance With Workers Compensation Insurance Employers liability insurance written with workers compensation insurance is provided by the Standard Policy. 5. Employers Liability Insurance Without Workers Compensation Insurance Employers liability insurance without workers compensation insurance is prohibited in the state of Pennsylvania. D. VOLUNTARY COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1. Description of Voluntary Compensation Coverage Voluntary compensation insurance does not provide workers compensation coverage and is not available for employments subject to a workers' compensation law. This insurance affords the benefits of a designated compensation law as if the affected employees were subject to that law, even though the law does not require payment of benefits to such employees. Voluntary compensation insurance shall not provide compensation, medical or other benefits in excess of the statutory requirements in the workers compensation law designated in the standard Voluntary Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage Endorsement. 2. How Provided Voluntary Compensation insurance is provided by attaching the Standard Voluntary Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 03 11A) to the Standard Policy. Refer to Rule VIII for rules and carrier rating values. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 10 E. PART THREE – OTHER STATES INSURANCE 1. 2. Description of Other States Coverage a. Employers liability insurance and, where permitted by law, workers compensation insurance are provided in other states not listed in Item 3-A of the Information Page by listing states where coverage is to be provided in Item 3-C of the Information Page. b. If workers compensation insurance does not apply because the insured or carrier is unable to take the necessary action to bring the insured under a workers compensation law, the carrier will reimburse the insured for all compensation and other benefits required of the insured under such law. c. Part Three – Other States Insurance does not provide U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act coverage. It may be afforded only in accordance with Rule XII. States Where Not Available Other states coverage is not available in states: 3. a. With a monopolistic state fund, or b. Where the carrier elects not to write this coverage. Restriction on Use Coverage for operations known or expected to be performed in a state not listed in Item 3-A of the Information Page shall not be provided under Part Three – Other States Insurance. 4. Premium Premium developed for operations covered under Part Three – Other States Insurance shall be based on workers compensation rules and carrier rating values. F. DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE Act 44 of 1993 requires an insurer issuing a workers compensation policy to offer a deductible program upon a policyholder's request. 1. Deductible coverage shall be made part of the policy if requested by the policyholder. Underwriting criteria for deductible coverage are to be established by individual carriers. 2. The claimants' benefits will be paid by the insurance carrier without regard to any deductible. 3. The policyholder must agree to reimburse the carrier for the deductible amount for any benefits paid to claimants. 4. Failure of the policyholder to reimburse the carrier for any deductible amount shall be treated as non-payment of premium under the policy. 5. The loss elimination ratio is determined by the hazard group (found in Section 2 of this Manual) of the policy's governing classification. Codes 951, Salesmen and 953, office, cannot be governing classifications unless they are the only classifications on the policy. 6. The premium adjustment for the deductible provisions of the policy shall be reported as a credit which shall be applied prior to experience modification or other carrier premium modifications. 7. If the policy is issued with a deductible provision, the Deductible Endorsement (WC 37 04 03) shall be issued and made part of the policy. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 11 8. G. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has promulgated three deductible coverage levels of $1,000 per claim, $5,000 per claim and $10,000 per claim respectively. Individual carriers can offer different deductible levels and/or premium credits upon approval of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. GROUP DEDUCTIBLE OR RETROSPECTIVE RATING PLAN COVERAGE Act 57 of 1996 permits an insurer issuing a workers compensation policy to offer an endorsement for deductible or retrospective rating plans for groups of five or more employers, subject to approval by the Insurance Commissioner and subject to the individual insurer's underwriting criteria for deductible coverage (see F. 1. above). 1. The insurer will issue an individual workers compensation policy for each member of the group. 2. Each group member will be held jointly and severally liable for the payment of premiums or deductible amounts with regard to benefits paid for compensable claims of the group as a whole. RULE III – POLICY PREPARATION – INSURED, POLICY PERIOD AND STATE OF OPERATIONS Item 1, 2 and 3-A of the Information Page A. EXPLANATION OF TERMS 1. Employer/Entity Employer may be an individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, association, or a fiduciary such as a trustee, receiver or executor, or other entity. 2. Insured Insured means the employer designated in Item 1 of the Information Page. If the insured is a professional association use the Professional Association Act Endorsement in Section 3 of this Manual. 3. Majority Interest Majority Interest as defined in the Experience Rating Plan Section applies. The term majority shall mean more than 50%. 4. a. Majority of voting stock, or b. Majority of members or directors if there is no voting stock, or c. Majority participation of general partners in profits of a partnership. Risk Risk means a single legal entity or two or more legal entities which qualify for combination in the state of Pennsylvania. B. NAME, ADDRESS, AND OTHER WORKPLACES OF INSURED – ITEM 1 1. Name of Insured In addition to providing the complete legal name of the insured, carriers shall designate each fictitious name shown on the Information Page by the symbol D.B.A. (doing business as). In addition, if a fictitious name is shown on an endorsement the same designation, D.B.A., shall be shown. A fictitious name is a business name which is not the legal name of the insured. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 12 The effective date of any change, addition or deletion in the name of the insured shall be shown on the endorsement. Name and address changes should be effected on a separate endorsement and not in conjunction with other policy amendments. 2. Combination of Legal Entities Separate legal entities may be insured in one policy only if the same person, or group of persons, owns the majority interest in such entities. 3. Pennsylvania Locations All locations and operations of the employer in Pennsylvania shall be insured in one policy. Exception: Long Term Construction Projects (Wrap-up). See Rule IX-D. C. POLICY PERIOD – ITEM 2 1. Normal Policy Period The normal policy period is one year. A policy may be issued for any period but not longer than 3 years. 2. Policy for One Year a. The manual rules are based on a policy period of one year. b. A policy issued for a period not longer than one year and 16 days is treated as a one year policy. 3. Policy Longer Than One Year A policy issued for a period longer than one year and 16 days, other than a 3-year fixed carrier rating value policy, is treated as follows: a. The policy period is divided into consecutive 12-month units. b. If the policy period is not a multiple of 12 months, use the Standard Policy Period Endorsement (WC 00 04 05) to specify the first or last unit of less than 12 months as a short-term policy. c. All manual rules and procedures apply to each such unit as if a separate policy had been issued for each unit. 4. Renewal Certificates, Agreements and Continuing Form Policies, should be handled as policies longer than one year. 5. Three-Year Fixed Carrier Rating Value Policy Option A policy may be issued for a period of 3 years at fixed carrier rating values. Such a policy shall not be issued if the risk is subject to the Experience Rating Plan on the effective date of the policy. A policy issued under this option shall be known as a Three-Year Fixed Carrier Rating Value Policy and shall be so designated on the Information Page. Refer to Rule XI. 6. Annual Rating Endorsements An "Annual Rating Endorsement" shall be submitted annually for each continuing form policy or policy written for a period in excess of one year but not more than three years to be effective on the anniversary date set by such policy. It shall be submitted to the Bureau not later than thirty days subsequent to its inception. Each annual rating endorsement shall be clearly identified by printing in large boldface type at the top of the endorsement the words "ANNUAL RATING ENDORSEMENT." Annual rating endorsements shall also: © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 13 a. Show the name of the carrier providing the insurance. If the names of affiliated carriers are printed on endorsement forms, the particular carrier providing coverage shall be clearly indicated. b. Show the policy number, including all printed and typed prefixes to facilitate the identification of the policy to which the Annual Rating Endorsement is related. c. If the annual rating endorsement being filed replaces an annual rating endorsement covering the same period, indicate that it is a rewrite. d. Show the date of its inception and expiration. e. Show the code number(s) and carrier rate(s) applicable. If the carrier rate(s) or experience modification is not effective as of inception date of the endorsement, also show the effective date of such carrier rate(s) or modification. f. Show the premium adjustment period, deposit premium and estimated annual premium for the period covered by the Annual Rating Endorsement. Annual Rating Endorsements shall be used only for the purpose of showing the carrier rates, experience modifications, premium adjustment period, deposit premium and estimated annual premium for each one-year period. They cannot be used to make any other changes in the policy such as, but not restricted to, modifying the name of the insured, adding or eliminating classifications, adding or eliminating locations. D. STATE LAWS DESIGNATED IN THE POLICY – Item 3-A 1. Listing of Pennsylvania Insurance for operations conducted in Pennsylvania is provided by listing the state in Item 3-A of the Information Page. 2. Longshore Act The U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act shall not be entered in Item 3-A of the Information Page. Refer to Rule XII. 3. Additional States A state may be added after the effective date of the policy. For the additional state operations, apply: a. Carrier rating values in effect on the anniversary rating date of the policy to which the state has been added. b. Any change in carrier rating values which applies to outstanding policies for the state being added. c. When adding the State of Pennsylvania, the Information Page and attached endorsements shall be prepared so that the Pennsylvania coverage can be clearly determined. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 14 RULE IV – CLASSIFICATIONS Item 4 of the Information Page A. GENERAL EXPLANATION 1. Objective The object of the classification system is to group insureds into classifications so that the rating value for each classification reflects the exposures common to such distinct business enterprise (See Rule IV, C. 2. & C. 3.). Subject to certain exceptions described later in this rule, it is the business of the insured within Pennsylvania that is classified, not the separate employments, occupations or operations within the business. B. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Basic Classifications All classifications in the Manual are basic classifications, other than the standard exception classifications. Basic classifications describe the business of an insured such as: Business Manufacture of a Product A Process Construction or Erection A General Type or Character of Business A Service Classification Furniture Manufacturing Printing Carpentry Hardware Store Beauty Parlor Classifications are listed in Section Two of the Manual. Notes following a classification are part of that classification. Also, see Section Two of this Manual for classifications by group arrangement which is essentially a numeric listing. 2. Standard Exception Classification Some occupations are common to so many businesses that special classifications have been established for them. They are called standard exception classifications. Employees within the definition of a standard exception classification are not included in a basic classification unless the basic classification specifically includes those employees. The standard exception classifications are defined below: a. CLERICAL OFFICE EMPLOYEES – Code 953 – are employees exclusively engaged in keeping the books or records of the insured or conducting correspondence or who are engaged wholly in office work where such books or records are kept or such correspondence is conducted. This classification shall be applied only to employees herein described who work exclusively in separate buildings or on separate floors or in departments on such floors which are separated from all other workplaces of the employer by floor to ceiling partitions except for retail stores where a partition at least five feet high is required and within which no work is performed other than clerical office duties as defined in this rule. If any clerical office employee has any other regular duty, the entire payroll of that employee shall be assigned in accordance with the class to which the business is assigned. (1) The clerk, such as a counter, front desk, lobby, mall kiosk, time, stock or tally clerk or librarian, whose work is necessary, incidental or part of any operation of the business other than clerical office, shall not be considered a clerical office employee. Such clerk should be assigned to the basic classification of the business. The cashier also shall not be considered a clerical office employee. A cashier is © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 15 b. c. (2) responsible for accepting payment for merchandise or services rendered. The cashier's physical location may include but is not necessarily limited to: a booth, behind a counter or on a sales floor. The cashier or any employee whose regular and frequent duty is accepting payment for merchandise or services should be assigned to the basic classification of the business regardless of the physical work location. (3) Office employees shall be separately classified except in connection with those classes which specifically include Office Employees. DRAFTING EMPLOYEES, Code 953, are employees engaged exclusively in drafting and confined to office work. The entire payroll of any such employees engaged in any other operations shall be assigned to the highest Bureau loss cost classification of operations to which they are exposed. SALESPERSONS – OUTSIDE, Code 951 – are employees either exclusively engaged in sales or collection work away from the employer's premises or who regularly and frequently are engaged in --- sales or collection work away from their employer’s premises and devote the balance of their time in clerical office duties. This classification is inapplicable to employees delivering merchandise or products. Even though they may also collect or solicit, such employees shall be assigned in accordance with the classification appropriate to the business of the employer for which delivery is being made. Also not included are floor and/or counter salespersons. Such employees shall be assigned in accordance with the class appropriate to the business at the location. Employees who sell or solicit exclusively by telephone shall be assigned to Code 953, Clerical Office Employees. Salespersons, Collectors or Messengers shall be separately classified except in connection with those classes which specifically include all employees or all employees except office. --- Mobile, self-propelled factory, farm or construction equipment Salespersons – Code 819 are employees engaged in --- selling such equipment, or auctioning automobiles or instructing persons how to drive an automobile or truck on and away from the insured’s premises. The separate Code 819 shall be treated as Salespersons – Outside, Code 951, for the purposes of this rule ---. 3. General Inclusions a. Some operations appear to be separate businesses, but they are included within the scope of all classifications other than the standard exception classifications. These operations are called general inclusions and are: (1) Commissaries or restaurants operated for an insured's employees except in connection with construction, erection, lumbering, mining or the recovery of petroleum and/or natural gas. (2) Manufacturing of containers such as bags, barrels, bottles, boxes, cans, cartons or packing cases (and the incident printing thereon) to be used by the employer in the packaging of its products. (3) Medical facilities operated by the insured for its employees. (4) Maintenance or repair and/or cleaning of an insured's buildings, or vehicles or equipment when performed by employees of an insured. (5) Printing or lithographing by an insured on its products. (6) Stamping or Welding – when an integral technique that is a part of an overall manufacturing process. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 16 (7) Drilling or Blasting – when conducted by the employees of a surface or underground non-coal mine operator to facilitate mineral extraction. Drilling, redrilling or deepening conducted by an entity whose field of business is the recovery of petroleum and/or natural gas shall be separately classified. (8) Quality control of an insured's products or research laboratories engaged in developing and/or improving products manufactured by an insured. (9) Drivers, chauffeurs and their helpers including all employees whose principal duties are the operation and/or the repair of vehicles. (10) If vehicles, including drivers, chauffeurs and helpers are employed under contract and if the owner of such vehicles has not insured his compensation obligation and furnished evidence of such insurance, the actual payroll of the drivers, chauffeurs and helpers shall be included in the payroll of the insured employer at the proper carrier rating value(s) for the operations in which they are engaged. If such payroll cannot be obtained, one-third (1/3) of the total amount paid for the hire of such vehicles under contract shall be considered as payroll of the drivers, chauffeurs and helpers. When the contract price does not include the cost of fuel, maintenance, or other services provided to the owner or owner-operator of a vehicle under contract, the value of such goods and services shall be added to the contract price before determining the one-third (1/3) amount. If the owner of the vehicle is also a driver, and if in the event of an injury would be entitled to workers compensation benefits from the insured, (see Section 2 OwnerOperator Owner/Driver for more detail), use actual payroll or if unavailable, use one-third (1/3) of the contract price for that vehicle which shall be included in the payroll of the insured employer. b. 4. (11) Tools, dies, molds or fixtures made and/or repaired by an insured that are used in the insured's product manufacturing operations. (12) Aircraft travel by employees, other than members of the flying crew, including employees whose payroll is assigned to the Standard Exception Classifications. (13) Child day care services operated by the employer for his employees. (14) Warehousing by an employer of its merchandise, products and/or raw materials. (15) (16) (17) (18) Security guards protecting their employer’s premises and property. Heat treating by an insured on its products. Counter personnel Cashiers Any operation described by a General Inclusion shall be separately classified only if: 1. Such operation constitutes a separate and distinct business of the insured as provided in Rule IV - C. below or 2. It is specifically excluded by the classification wording, or 3. The principal business is described by a standard exception classification. General Exclusions Some operations in a business are so unusual that they are excluded from basic classifications. They are classified separately unless specifically included in the basic classification wording. These operations are called general exclusions and are: (1) Aircraft operation – all operations of the flying and ground crews. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 17 C. (2) New construction or structural alterations by the insured's employees. (3) Sawmill Operations – sawing logs into lumber by equipment such as circular carriage or band carriage saws, including operations incidental to the sawmill. (4) Stevedoring, including tallying and checking incidental to stevedoring. (5) Mining and Quarrying, Clay, Gravel or Sand Excavation and Dredging. ASSIGNMENT OF CLASSIFICATIONS 1. 2. Object of the Classification Procedure a. The object of the classification procedure is to assign the one basic classification which best describes each distinct business enterprise of the insured within Pennsylvania. Subject to certain exceptions described in this Rule, each classification includes all the various types of labor found in a distinct enterprise. It is the business which is classified, not the individual employments, occupations or operations within a business. Additional classifications shall be assigned as provided below. b. Act 44 of 1993 permits an insurer to develop subclassifications to the Bureau's classification system as approved by the Insurance Commissioner. Any such subclassification shall be filed by the developing insurer with the Bureau and the Insurance Commissioner thirty (30) days prior to its use. The insurer's filing shall demonstrate that payroll and loss data produced under such subclassification can be reported to the Bureau consistent with the Bureau's classification system and statistical plan. Otherwise, the Insurance Commissioner shall disapprove the subclassification filing. Assignment of a Classification a. The policy shall contain only classifications approved by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau and in accordance with this Manual. Each classification is presumed to describe an entire business enterprise. Any policy which contains more than a single classification cannot contain any classifications representing a payroll less than that of one full-time employee, but this rule will not apply in classifications involved in Construction, Erection, Stevedoring, Part-Time Aircraft Operations or if the business’ basic and major operations are described by the Standard Exception Classifications and there are employees whose job duties are not assignable to the Standard Exceptions except as specified in classification phraseology. Act 44 of 1993 permits an insurer to develop subclassifications to the Bureau's classification system as approved by the Insurance Commissioner. Any such subclassification shall be filed by the developing insurer with the Bureau and the Insurance Commissioner thirty (30) days prior to its use. The insurer's filing shall demonstrate that payroll and loss data produced under such subclassification can be reported to the Bureau consistent with the Bureau's classification system and statistical plan. Otherwise, the Insurance Commissioner shall disapprove the subclassification filing. b. Single Enterprise. If a risk consists of a single operation or a number of separate operations which normally occur in the business described by a single manual classification, or separate operations which are an integral part of or incidental to the main business, that single classification which most accurately describes the entire enterprise shall be applied. The separate operations so covered may not be assigned to another classification even though such operation may be specifically described by some other classification or may be conducted at a separate location. Division of payroll shall be made as provided in respect to General Exclusions, Standard Exceptions or Special Class Wording. For construction or erection work, see special procedure set forth in Rule IV, C. 5. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 18 EXCEPTION Where a retail outlet is located at the same or contiguous premises as a business' manufacturing facility, the applicable retail store classification shall apply to the payroll of the retail outlet provided that such outlet is operated in an area physically separate from other operations by a floor to ceiling partition and it is separately staffed. c. Authorized Classifications. When the classification of any insured has been established by the Rating Bureau, no policy shall be issued or endorsed nor adjustment of premium made under any other or conflicting classification. In any instance where the established classification does not describe the current operations of the insured, the insuring carrier or insured shall draw the matter to the attention of the Rating Bureau in writing with full particulars prior to the application of any other classifications. The reclassification shall not take place until the Bureau Staff has received and reviewed such documentation and has replied in writing to the insured or insuring carrier agreeing with their position or otherwise advising on which class(es) to assign. The insuring carrier is not relieved of the obligation to apply the class authorized for an insured because of lack of knowledge that the Bureau has established an authorized classification for that insured. 3. Assignment of Additional Classifications a. Multiple Classifications/Multiple Enterprises (Not construction or erection operations – see paragraph 6.) Additional classifications may be used only when valid evidence supports their authorization or in conformity with the rules stated under "Standard Exceptions" and "Exclusions." Additional classes may not be added without Bureau authorization when their use is in violation of Manual Rules or an existing bureau data card. Additional classifications shall be assigned to an insured only if the following conditions exist: b. 1. If the classification wording requires the assignment of an additional classification for specified employees or operations. 2. If there are distinct enterprises (meaning thereby businesses, which are specifically classified in this Manual, but not operations that normally occur in the business described by the assigned classifications, nor operations described by any of the General Inclusions), conducted in a given plant by the same insured and the entire work in each enterprise is conducted either in a separate building or on a separate floor or floors of a building, or on the same floor in separate departments divided by floor to ceiling partitions without interchange of labor and the insured conducts each of such enterprises as a separate undertaking with separate records of payroll, then such separate undertakings shall each be separately classified, (and the proper carrier rating value applied to each). 3. See Governing Classification rules for assignment of incidental operations that support more than one distinct enterprise. Governing Classification The governing classification is that classification other than the standard exception classifications (which may never be the governing class) which carries the largest amount of payroll exclusive of payroll of miscellaneous employees as defined below. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 19 (1) This concept shall be utilized not in the initial classification assignment process but to determine how to classify miscellaneous employees when an insured is assigned two or more classifications. Miscellaneous employees are employees that either supervise or support all the various undertakings of the insured. The functions performed by miscellaneous employees may include but are not necessarily limited to: maintenance, mailroom, shipping and receiving, yard operations, security, power plant operations, lobby or front desk personnel, elevator operators, porters, foremen, superintendents or timekeepers. 4. (2) The entire remuneration of miscellaneous employees is assignable to the governing classification. (3) The governing classification in the case of construction or erection operations shall be determined on a job basis within each policy period if payrolls are kept separately by job within the policy period; otherwise on the basis of the entire policy period. (4) If the basic and major operations are described by classifications defined as Standard Exceptions, the payroll of all employees not specifically included in the definition for such Standard Exceptions shall be separately classified to Code 971. Assignment By Analogy Any enterprise which is not described by a classification in this Manual shall be assigned to the classification or classifications most analogous from the standpoint of process and hazard. The limitations and conditions of the classification or classifications so assigned and all Manual rules pertaining to the classification shall be applicable. 5. Payroll Assignment – Multiple Classifications - Interchange of Labor Some employees who are not miscellaneous employees may perform duties directly related to more than one classification. When there is such an interchange of labor, the entire payroll of employees who interchange shall be assigned to the highest bureau loss cost classification representing any part of their work. The payroll of one employee shall not be divided into two or more classes except where specifically described in classification wording as "to be separately rated" or "separately rate" and with no requirement for separate staff. See the paragraph immediately below for the auditing procedure. General Exceptions to C. 5. above For Construction, Erection, Temporary Staffing or Stevedoring, the payroll of any individual employee may be divided and allocated to more than one such classification provided the entry on the original records of the insured discloses an allocation of each such individual employee's payroll. Estimated or percentage allocation of payroll is not permitted. Only a single stevedoring class shall be applied to all payroll developed in the loading or unloading of a single vessel. For further reference see the material under Stevedoring in Section 2 of the Manual. For Executive Officers see Rule IX, A. 4. 6. Construction or Erection Operations Each distinct type of construction or erection operation at a job or location shall be assigned to the classification which specifically describes such operation provided separate payroll records are maintained for each operation. Estimated or percentage allocation of payroll is not permitted. Any such operation for which separate payroll records are not maintained shall be assigned to the highest Bureau loss cost classification which applies to the job or location where the operation is performed. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 20 A separate construction or erection classification shall not be assigned to any operation which is within the scope of another classification assigned to such a job or location which is assignable to a construction classification designated "all work to completion." All operations of the insured contractor at that job or location shall be assignable to such classification. 7. NOC Please see Definitions Section 2. 8. Changing Classifications 9. a. The Bureau is empowered to determine, revise or modify the classification(s) assigned to any individual insured. No written application by the carrier, agent of record or an insured to change an insured's authorized classification(s) shall be considered by the Bureau until the carrier has issued and filed a copy of its policy Information Page written in accordance with an insured's authorized classification(s). The classification(s) shown in any policy shall be subject to correction or modification, or both, if the Bureau finds by survey or otherwise that the classification(s) shown in the policy are inappropriate to the insured. No written application to change the classification(s) for an insured on the grounds that the insured has been improperly classified shall be considered by the Bureau unless such written application is filed directly with the Bureau by the insured, agent of record or the carrier during the policy period with respect to which the application is made, or within twelve months after the termination thereof. b. (1) A change in an insured's classification that results from a recent change in an insured's operations (i.e. an operations change that has taken place during the current policy year or the policy year that has just expired) will be applied pro rata as of the date of the change in the insured's operations, regardless of the premium impact to the insured. When a Bureau review discloses the insured’s recent operations change, the Bureau will make written notice to the carrier of record changing the insured’s authorized classification(s) for the current policy year and, if warranted, for the policy year that has just expired. When the carrier becomes aware of such recent operations change, the carrier shall make written application to the Bureau to change the insured's authorized classification(s) during the current policy year and, if warranted, for the policy year that has just expired. (2) A correction of a misclassification which results in a premium decrease shall be applied to the insured's policy in effect when the application for correction is made and to the prior policy within twelve months after the termination thereof. (3) A correction of a misclassification which results in a premium increase shall be applied effective the employer's first normal policy renewal at least sixty days subsequent to the date of the Bureau’s misclassification notice. c. Any correction of a misclassification arising from discovery by the carrier of a material misrepresentation or intentional omission by the insured, its agent, employees, officers or directors shall be applied effective the date upon which it would have applied had such material misrepresentation or intentional omission not been made. It is recommended that a carrier claiming material misrepresentation or intentional omission as contemplated in this Rule secure a declaratory judgment from the Common Pleas Court establishing same prior to proceeding with application of this Rule. d. The reallocation of payroll by a carrier among an insured's authorized classifications or the Bureau requiring a carrier to reallocate payroll among an insured's authorized classifications or to report payroll under an insured's authorized classifications for an insured's current policy or for the insured's prior policy within twelve months after the termination thereof does not constitute a class change or correction. Carrier Determinations of Employment Status A carrier’s determination of a person’s employment status (including but not necessarily limited to questions regarding a person’s designation as an employee, independent contractor, uninsured subcontractor, leased employee or temporary staff) is not subject to the Bureau’s review or approval. Where a carrier’s determination of a person’s employment status results in a request for authorization of a different or additional classification(s), such request must be made in writing. The Bureau will determine the applicability of any requested classification(s) in accordance with the classification © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 21 guidelines set forth in this Manual. Classifications so approved by the Bureau shall be applied to any policy to which the carrier’s determination of the person’s employment status applies, if such policy expired or was terminated not more than 12 months before the date on which the Bureau received the carrier’s written request. This rule for determining the policy(ies) to which the approved classification(s) shall be assigned will apply regardless of whether the authorization of the classification(s) increases or decreases premium for the affected policy(ies). This rule shall govern in the event this rule conflicts with any other rule in this Manual. D. 10. Classification Appeals The Bureau’s assignment of an individual employer to a particular classification may be appealed pursuant to Rule XVI, APPEALS FROM APPLICATION OF THE RATING SYSTEM PROCEDURE, Section 1 of this Manual. 11. Mercantile Businesses/Stores For mercantile businesses, such as stores or dealers, the single applicable store or dealer classification is determined separately for each location. SHOW THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN ITEM 4 OF THE INFORMATION PAGE Show the proper classification wording, with or without notes, and show the code number in Item 4 of the Information Page. Capitalized classification wording may be used instead of the entire wording. Section 2 of this Manual, Classification Underwriting Guide, may be used for such wording. RULE V – PREMIUM BASIS Item 4 of the Information Page - continued A. BASIS OF PREMIUM – TOTAL REMUNERATION Premium shall be computed on the basis of the total remuneration paid or payable by the insured for services of employees covered by the policy. Exception Some classifications have a different premium basis. For example, premium for domestic worker classifications is computed on a per capita basis. Refer to Rule XIV. B. REMUNERATION – PAYROLL 1. Definition Remuneration means money or substitutes for money. 2. Inclusions Remuneration includes: a. Wages or salaries including retroactive wages or salaries; b. Total cash received by employees for commissions or draws against commissions; c. Bonuses; d. Stock bonus plans – market value of stock at the time it is given to employee (refer to Exclusions, m.); e. Extra pay for overtime work; © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 22 f. Pay for holidays, vacations or periods of sickness or accrued sick time; g. Payment by an employer of amounts otherwise required by law to be paid by employees to statutory insurance or pension plans, such as the Federal Social Security Act; h. Payment to employees on any basis other than time worked such as piece work, profit sharing or incentive plans; i. Payment or allowance for hand tools or power tools used by hand provided by employees and used in their work or operations for the insured; j. The rental value of an apartment or a house provided for an employee based on comparable accommodations; k. The value of lodging other than an apartment or house received by employees as part of their pay to the extent shown in the insured's records; l. The value of meals received by employees as part of their pay to the extent shown in the insured's records; m. The value of store certificates, merchandise, credits or any other substitute for money received by employees as part of their pay 3. n. Musicians or entertainers who are not independent contractors shall be included in computation of premiums of hotels or restaurants (maximum of $400 per week for each musician or entertainer); o. Adjustments necessary to bring employees to federal minimum wage as reported by the United States Department of Labor shall be included; p. Payments for salary reduction, retirement or cafeteria plans (IRC 125) which are made through deductions from the employee's gross pay; q. Prevailing wage payments paid to employees based on required government-specified minimum wage rates, including but not limited to the Davis-Bacon Act or the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act; r. Annuity plans (see Section 1 Rule V, F.2. – Salary Reduction Plans); s. Expense reimbursements to employees to the extent that an employer's records do not substantiate that the expense was incurred as a valid business expense (see Section 1 Rule V, F.1 – Employee Expense Reimbursements); t. Payment for filming or taping of commercials excluding subsequent residuals which are earned by the commercial participant(s) each time the commercial appears in print or is broadcast. Exclusions Remuneration excludes: a. Payments by an employer to group insurance or group pension plans for employees, other than payments covered by Rule V - B. 2. g.; b. Payments made by the employer to a Group Insurance, Pension Plan or to an employee directly in lieu of the foregoing because of the Provisions of a prevailing wage statute, including but not limited to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act or the Davis-Bacon Act. For additional information please see the Section 2 General Auditing and Classification Information of this Manual. c. The value of special rewards for individual invention or discovery; d. Dismissal or severance payments except for time worked or accrued vacation; e. Tips and other gratuities received by employees; f. Payments for active military duty; © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 23 g. Employee discounts on goods purchased from the employee's employer; h. Expense reimbursements to employees to the extent that an employer's records substantiate that the expense was incurred as a valid business expense (see Section 1 Rule V, F.1 – Employee Expense Reimbursements); i. Supper money for late work; j. Work uniform allowances; k. Sick pay paid to an employee by a third party such as an insured's group insurance carrier which is paying disability income benefits to a disabled employee; l. Employer provided perquisites ("perks") such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. an automobile; an airplane flight; a discount on property or services; club memberships; tickets to entertainment or sporting events; m. Stock option plans – difference between market value of stock and lower option price is not included as remuneration. 4. Payroll Payroll means remuneration. The carrier rating values in this Manual shall be applicable to the remuneration of all employees of the insured without exception, and compensation policies shall not be written except upon the entire payroll of the risk which is the subject of the insurance which risk shall be divided into risk classes where specifically permitted or directed by these rules, but not otherwise. Under no circumstances shall a compensation policy be written on any part of the risk leaving another part of the risk uninsured. 5. Employee Savings Plans Employee Contributions Contributions, made in the form of an employee authorized salary reduction, which are diverted by an employee for payment, by the employer, into a savings plan shall be included as remuneration for premium computation purposes. Such payments made by the employer into the plan, of employee salary reduction contributions, shall not be employer contributions. Employer Contributions Contributions of employer funds, made by the employer, the amount which being determined by reference to employee contributions, shall not be considered remuneration for premium computation purposes unless same contributions are reported by the employer as current taxable income to the employee. C. ESTIMATED PAYROLLS 1. Estimated Payrolls By Classification For each classification shown on the Information Page, the estimated total annual payroll shall be stated in the column headed "Premium Basis –Estimated Total Annual Remuneration." 2. Determination of Estimated Payrolls Estimated payrolls shown on the Information Page shall reflect actual remuneration anticipated by the insured during the policy period. Such estimates shall be subject to substantiation by records or inspections. 3. Approval of Estimated Payrolls Adequacy of estimated payrolls is subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau D. WHOLE DOLLARS – PAYROLLS All payrolls shall be shown to the nearest dollar. A remainder of $.50 shall be rounded to the next higher dollar. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 24 E. PAYROLL LIMITATION 1. How Payroll Limitation Applies For executive officers and classifications with notes which indicate payroll limitation, the payroll on which premium is based shall exclude that part of the employee's average weekly pay in excess of the applicable weekly limitation, provided: a. Books and records are maintained to show separately the total payroll earned by each employee whose average weekly pay for the total time employed during the policy period exceeds the weekly payroll limitation and b. Separate records are maintained in summary by classification for such employees. 2. Partial Week A part of a week shall be treated as a full week in determining average weekly pay. F. BASIS OF PREMIUM Additional Information 1. Employee Expense Reimbursements Reimbursement expenses (except for hand or power tools as provided for in Rule V., B. 2. i.) paid to employees may be excluded from the audit provided that all three of the following conditions are met: 2. a. The reimbursed expenses paid were incurred upon the business of the employer, and b. The amount of each employee’s expense payment is shown separately in the records of the employer, and c. The amount of each expense reimbursement --- reflects the actual expenses incurred by the employee in the conduct of his or her work ---. Salary Reduction Plans In determining the remuneration to be used for premium computation purposes, no deduction shall be permitted for contributions to employee benefit plans made by employees either directly or through salary reduction agreements. The typical salary reduction plan involves a binding salary reduction agreement through which a specific percentage of the employee's salary is not paid to him or her but is paid into a pension, medical or savings plan (Section 125 IRC). 3. Strike Periods (Wages Paid) Wages paid to employees who are not on strike but who are unable to perform their normal duties because of a strike shall be assigned to the classification applicable to the work usually performed by such employees, except that if any such employees perform absolutely no work for their employer and are not present on their employer's premises during such period, such wages shall be assigned to Code 953, Clerical Office Employees, provided the facts are clearly disclosed by the employer's records. 4. Traveling Time Payments Payments made by an employer to an employee to reimburse him or her for time spent in traveling to or from work or to or from a specific job shall be considered as remuneration in accordance with the provisions of Rule V., B. of the Manual, and such remuner-ation shall be assigned to the Manual classification which applies to the work normally performed by such employee. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 25 5. Wages Paid for Idle Time a. The entire amount of wages paid for idle time shall be included as payroll. b. Wages paid for idle time due to the following causes shall be assigned in their entirety to the classification which applies to the work normally performed by the employee involved: (1). Suspension or delay of work on account of weather conditions. (2). Delays while waiting for materials. (3). Delays while waiting for another contractor to complete certain work. (4). Delays arising from breakdown of equipment. (5). "Stand-by" time where employees such as operators of cranes, hoists or other equipment are on the job but their active services are not required continuously. (6). Special union requirements or agreements between employer and employees calling for pay for idle time under specified circumstances. (7). Other cause of similar nature. c. Wages paid to key employees of construction, erection or stevedoring risks, such as superintendents, foremen or engineers, for periods during which no jobs are in progress, shall be assigned to the classification applicable to the work which each one normally performs. (Exception: Reference Strike Periods – Wages Paid.) d. The entire amount of wages paid for idle time to an employee engaged in work other than construction, erection or stevedoring must be assigned without division to the classification which normally applied to that employee. 6. Religious Exclusions (Members of certain religious sects whose tenets prohibit benefits from insurance provided the sect makes provisions for its members). Workers’ compensation insurance is not compulsory for the above individuals. As per Section 304.2(a) “An employer may file an application with the Department of Labor and Industry to be excepted from the provisions of this Act in respect to certain employees. The application shall include a written waiver by the employee of all benefits under the Act and an affidavit by the employee that he is a member of a recognized religious sect or division thereof and is an adherent of established tenets or teachings of such sect or division by reason of which he is conscientiously opposed to the acceptance of the benefits of any public or private insurance which makes payments in the event of death, disability…” Documentation to support the above election must be in evidence at time of audit. Payroll to the above will then be excluded for purposes of premium determination. 7. Members of Religious Orders Refer to Section 2 of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Manual. In Pennsylvania, because of the interest of some of the Catholic dioceses in providing coverage for members of orders on a voluntary basis, a specific underwriting procedure as well as per capita rates were adopted by the Bureau. When such individual is assigned to perform duties in churches, hospitals, schools or other institutions, those institutions may wish to provide coverage as well. Any remuneration paid to the order on behalf of its members would be excluded, and the appropriate per capita rates would be applied. 8. Subcontractors (Applicable Contracting Classifications) Consideration has been given to questions which have arisen regarding the classification procedure for a subcontractor who performs a single type of work on a contracting project or job. This situation is illustrated by Code 603, Sewer Construction, where portions of the work such as excavation may be subcontracted. Consistent with the classification treatment which has been generally observed, it has been ruled that such subcontracted work shall be classified on the basis of the classification describing the particular type of work involved. Thus, the subcontractor who only performs © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 26 excavation work in connection with the construction of a sewer would be classified as Code 609, Excavation, rather than as Code 603, Sewer Construction. The ruling in connection with concrete construction has been continued. This requires that all operations including making and erecting forms, placing reinforcing steel and stripping forms, when done by subcontractors, shall be assigned to the appropriate concrete construction classification. These rulings apply only to insured subcontractors. Uninsured subcontractors, covered under the principal contractor’s policy, will continue to be classified on the basis of the classifications which would apply if the work were performed by the principal’s own employees. 9. Outworkers/Homeworkers Under Section 104 of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act an employee is defined as “All natural persons who perform services for another for a valuable consideration exclusive of persons to whom articles or materials are given out to be made up, cleaned, washed, altered, ornamented, finished or repaired, or adapted for sale in the workers’ own home, or on other premises, not under the control or management of the employer.” A review of the relevant case law by Bureau counsel indicated the definition of an “employee” is not of significance in disputes over the coverage status for individuals who are injured while working in the home. Instead, the focus is on whether the injury occurred in the furtherance of the business of the employer. Therefore, the ability to resolve disputes involving coverage status for an outworker/homeworker, as defined in the Act, remains a legal question beyond the Bureau’s authority. Accordingly, the employee status of an outworker/homeworker is left to the discretion of the individual insurance carrier. RULE VI – RATING VALUES AND PREMIUM DETERMINATION A. BUREAU RATING VALUES 1. Bureau Loss Cost Bureau Loss Costs – Dollar amounts per unit of exposure attributable to the payment of losses under workers compensation and employers liability coverages, filed by the Bureau based on the aggregate experience of all Bureau members and approved by the Insurance Commissioner. 2. Disease Or Radiation Loading a. The Bureau Rating Value for a classification code number followed by a letter (a) or (b) etc. may include a disease loading. Such a loading may be removed upon approval of the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau. b. The Bureau Loss Costs shown in the Manual include occupational disease loadings which correspond to the usual exposure to diseases by classifications.. c. A supplemental occupational disease or radiation loading may be applied to the carrier rate for any individual business where the occupational disease or radiation hazard is abnormal, subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner. When a carrier plans to apply for the supplemental loading, the carrier shall supply the Bureau with an inspection report either by an insurance carrier, Department of Labor and Industry or an outside source which supports the abnormal disease or radiation exposure. The carrier shall also recommend a value for the supplemental loading. The request and supporting documentation shall be forwarded by the Bureau to the Insurance Commissioner. Upon approval by the Insurance Commissioner, the supplemental loading shall be published by the Bureau on the business’ Bureau data card for a minimum of one year. The supplemental loading may be removed only by an inspection report performed by an insurance company, Department of Labor and Industry or another agency evidencing the © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 27 abnormal exposure no longer exists. The Bureau shall also forward this request and documentation to the Insurance Commissioner for review and action. The supplemental disease or radiation loading is non-ratable in the experience and retrospective rating plans. No supplemental occupational disease or radiation loading shall be used absent explicit approval from the Insurance Commissioner. 3. Premium Adjustment Factor 4. Experience Rating Factor 5. Terrorism. Premium for Terrorism is calculated on the basis of total payroll according to Rule V. The premium charge is calculated by dividing a risk’s total payroll by $100 and multiplying the result times the carrier’s rating value. This premium is applied after standard premium and is not subject to any other modifications, including, but not limited to, premium discount, experience rating, merit rating, schedule rating, or retrospective rating. Non-Payroll exposures are not subject to premium charges for Terrorism. Policies issued on an “If Any” basis will not be charged this premium, unless premium develops during the policy term or at audit. Per capita charges are not subject to premium for Terrorism. Terrorism shall be separately stated on the Standard Policy and shall be designated to Code 9740. 6. Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) Premium for Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) is calculated on the basis of total payroll according to Rule V. The premium charge is calculated by dividing a risk’s total payroll by $100 and multiplying the result times the carrier’s rating value. This premium is applied after standard premium and is not subject to any other modifications, including, but not limited to, premium discount, experience rating, merit rating, schedule rating, or retrospective rating. Non-payroll exposures are not subject to premium charges for Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism). Policies issued on an “If Any” basis will not be charged this premium, unless premium develops during the policy term or at audit. Per capita charges are not subject to premium for Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism). Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) shall be separately stated on the Standard Policy and shall be designated to Statistical Code 9741. 7. Employer Assessments Pursuant to Act 57 of 1997 Act 57 of 1997 requires that “... the assessments for the maintenance of the Subsequent Injury Fund, the Workmen’s Compensation Supersedeas Fund and the Workmen’s Compensation Administration Fund under sections 306.2, 443 and 446 of the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L. 736, No. 338), known as the “Workers’ Compensation Act, shall no longer be imposed on insurers but shall be imposed, collected and remitted through insurers in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Department of Labor and industry.” In compliance with the above referenced provisions of Act 57 of 1997, the insurance carrier issuing any Standard Policy providing workers compensation insurance other than Coal Mine under the Workers’ Compensation Act in Pennsylvania shall impose on and collect from the employer/entity insured thereunder an Employer Assessment computed according to the following formula: Employer Assessment equals Act 57 of 1997 Employer Assessment Factor times Employer Assessment Premium Base. The Employer Assessment shall be computed, imposed and collected consistent with the following definitions of terms: Act 57 of 1997 Employer Assessment Factor - a factor expressed to four decimal places proposed by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau and approved by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commisioner for the specific purpose of computing employer assessments in conformance with Act 57 of 1997. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 28 Employer Assessment Premium Base - Calculation of Employer Assessment Premium Base proceeds by adding back to the total policy premium the amount of any applicable Small Deductible Premium Credit or Large Deductible Premium Credit. Small or Large Deductible Premium Credits include either of the following statistical codes in Pennsylvania: 9663 9664 Employer Assessments imposed, collected and remitted pursuant to Act 57 of 1997 shall be separately stated on the Standard Policy and shall be designated by Statistical Code 0938. For reference purposes, two examples of the intended determination of the appropriate Employer Assessment Base consistent with this rule are shown below. The first example presents a risk for which a deductible credit applies before experience modification. The second example presents a risk for which a deductible credit applies after experience modification. Example: Deductible Credit Before Experience Modification Hypothetical Risk Insured in Classifications 665, Painting and Decorating and 953, Clerical Office. Risk has taken a small deductible policy, and qualifies for Experience Rating, a Schedule Rating Credit, a Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Credit and a Certified Safety Committee Credit. Individual rating values are selected values used only for purposes of illustrating the derivation of the appropriate Employer Assessment Base given the respective amounts of premium components shown and are not intended to relate to any specific carrier or insured’s actual market premium. Class Code 665 953 Exposure (Payrolls) Carrier Rate Manual Premium $255,000 $7.84 $19,992 48,000 .24 115 Total Manual Premium: $20,107 Deductible Credit Factor: 0.163 Deductible Premium Credit (Code 9664): $3,277 Total Subject Premium: $16,830 Experience Modification: 0.930 Total Standard Premium: $15,652 Schedule Rating Credit Factor: 0.250 Schedule Rating Credit (Code 9887): $3,913 Standard Premium After Schedule Rating: $11,739 Certified Safety Committee Credit Factor: 0.05 Certified Safety Committee Premium Credit: $587 PCCPAP Credit Factor: 0.25 PCCPAP Premium Credit: $2,935 Premium Subject to Premium Discount: $8,217 Premium Discount: $351 Final Policy Premium: $7,866 Employer Assessment Base: Final Policy Premium plus Deductible Premium Credit (Stat Code 9664) or $7,866 + $3,277 = $11,143 Employer Assessment: Employer Assessment Base x Employer Assessment Factor, rounded to nearest whole dollar. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 29 Example: Deductible Credit After Experience Modification Hypothetical Risk Insured in Classifications 665, Painting and Decorating and 953, Clerical Office. Risk has taken a large deductible policy, and qualifies for Experience Rating, a Schedule Rating Credit, a Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Credit and a Certified Safety Committee Credit. Individual rating values are selected values used only for purposes of illustrating the derivation of the appropriate Employer Assessment Base given the respective amounts of premium components shown and are not intended to relate to any specific carrier or insured’s actual market premium. Class Code 665 953 Exposure (Payrolls) $255,000 48,000 Carrier Rate $7.84 0.24 Total Manual Premium: Experience Modification: Total Standard Premium: Schedule Rating Credit Factor: Schedule Rating Credit (Code 9887): Standard Premium After Schedule Rating: Certified Safety Committee Credit Factor: Certified Safety Committee Premium Credit: PCCPAP Credit Factor: PCCPAP Premium Credit: Standard Premium After PCCPAP: Deductible Credit Factor: Deductible Premium Credit (Code 9663): Premium Subject to Premium Discount: Premium Discount: Final Policy Premium: Manual Premium $19,992 115 $20,107 0.930 $18,700 0.250 $4,675 $14,025 0.05 $701 0.25 $3,506 $9,818 0.600 $5,891 $3,927 $0 $3,927 Employer Assessment Base: Final Policy Premium plus Deductible Premium Credit (Stat Code 9663) or $3,927 + $5,891 = $9,818 Employer Assessment: Employer Assessment Base x Employer Assessment Factor, rounded to nearest whole dollar. B. CARRIER RATING VALUES 1. Expense Constant Expense Constant (if any) is determined by individual carriers’ rating values. It applies to every policy and it covers expenses such as those for issuing, recording and auditing, which are common to all workers compensation policies regardless of size. 2. Minimum Premium Minimum Premium (if any) is determined by individual carriers' rating values. It is an expression of the lowest premium amount for which a single risk can be written and carried for any period of time. 3. Premium Discount Premium Discount (if any) is determined by individual carriers’ rating values. It recognizes that the relative expense of issuing and servicing larger premium policies is less than for smaller policies. 4. Retrospective Rating Factor © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 30 C. PREMIUM Premium for each classification shown on the policy is determined by multiplying the basis of premium by the carrier rate dividing by 100.. Example of B above Basis of premium - payroll Carrier Rate Premium $90,000 x 1.50 100 D. = = = = $90,000 x 1.50 $ 1,350 $ 1,350 WHOLE DOLLARS – PREMIUM All premiums shall be shown to nearest dollar. A remainder of $.50 shall be rounded to next higher dollar. E. F. PREMIUM MODIFICATION EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN 1. If the risk is subject to experience rating, the experience rating modification shall be shown in Item 4 of the Information Page and applied to the premium in accordance with the Experience Rating Plan Section. 2. Copies of Experience Rating Calculation a. The insurance carrier is furnished with the experience rating calculation. Subsequent insurance carriers may obtain copies of the experience rating calculation by way of special service at the appropriate charge. b. The Bureau shall furnish to any insured employer upon his written request, a copy of the experience rating calculation of that employer at an appropriate charge. c. The insurance carrier of record shall be furnished with an experience rating calculation established by the Experience Rating Procedure not more than 90 days prior to the effective date of the rating. PREMIUM DETERMINATION FOR FEDERAL AND MARITIME INSURANCE Additional rating procedures are in Rules XII and XIII for insurance for employers subject to the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Act, the Federal Employers Liability Act and Admiralty Law. G.PREMIUM ALGORITHM Pennsylvania and Delaware Premium Algorithm Preface: Optional use upon July 1, 2000. Mandatory use for policies effective on or after January 1, 2002. The computation of workers compensation premium includes a broad complement of potential rating values, pricing programs and other similar or related variables. To the extent that these component parts of premium determination may be applied in a prescribed sequence and using defined formulas and/or relationships, several potential benefits arise including the following: z Competitive differences within the marketplace can be more clearly defined and consistently applied; z Similarly situated risks can receive comparable treatment with respect to specific rating values, pricing programs or other factors, increasing the equity of the marketplace; z Analysis of the effects of various components of overall premium determination can be better understood and more intelligently compared across carriers, states and/or time; z In the event that new pricing programs or other factors are introduced in the future, the defined existing formulas can provide a consistent basis for the development of programs and system procedures within the workers compensation industry. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 31 Pennsylvania and Delaware Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm Premium Calculation Algorithm Associated Statistical Code Line # Item Name (1) (2) (3) (4) Classification Exposure Carrier Rating Value Classification Manual Premium (5) (6) (7) Total Policy Manual Premium Employer Liability Increased Limits Factor Employer Liability Increased Limits Premium Charge Minimum Premium Employer Liability Increased Limits Minimum Premium Employer Liability Increased Limits Premium Charge Subject Deductible Credit Percentage Subject Deductible Premium Credit Waiver of Subrogation Charge Waiver of Subrogation Premium Total Subject Premium Experience Modification Modified Premium Merit Rating Credit Factor Merit Rating Credit Merit Rating Neutral Factor (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) xxxx xxxx xxxx Line # (1) (2) (3) (4) Source & Derivation xxxx (5) (6) (7) Carrier value Risk characteristic Carrier value (2)/100x(3) if classification has payroll exposure. Special procedures apply to non-payroll classes Sum of (4) for all classifications on the policy Carrier value (5)x[(6) expressed as a decimal] 9848 (8) Carrier value 9848 (9) [(8)-(7)] if (7)<(8) and (6) >0, otherwise zero 9664 9664 0930 0930 (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 9884 9886 9886 (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Merit Rating Neutral Adjustment Merit Rating Debit Factor Merit Rating Charge Premium After Experience Modification or Merit Rating Non-Ratable Classifications Non-Ratable Classifications Exposure xxxx (24) (25) (26) (27) Non-Ratable Classification Rating Value Non-Ratable Classification Premium xxxx (26) (27) (28) Aircraft Seat Surcharge Exposure (# of seats) Aircraft Seat Surcharge Aircraft Seat Surcharge Premium Charge Workfare Program Employees Exposure (PA) Workfare Program Employees Rating Value (PA) Workfare Program Employees Premium (PA) Non-Ratable Classification Premium Total Non-Ratable Classification Increased Limits Factor Non-Ratable Classification Increased Limits Premium Charge Minimum Premium Non-Ratable Classification Increased Limits Minimum Premium Non-Ratable Classification Increased Limits Premium Charge Premium Before Schedule Rating Schedule Rating Plan Adjustment Factor 9108 (28) 9108 9108 0982 (29) (30) (31) 0982 (32) Carrier value [(5)+(7)+(9)]x[(-10) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value - subject to experience modification Value from Line (12) [(5)+(7)+(9)+(11)+(13)] Zero for non-experience-rated risks (14)x(15) Zero if Merit Rating Credit does not apply (14)x[(-17) expressed as a decimal] Zero whether Merit Rating Neutral Adjustment (no credit or debit) does or does not apply (14)x[(19) expressed as a decimal] Zero if Merit Rating Debit does not apply (14)x[(21) expressed as a decimal] (16) if Experience-Rated, [(14)+(18)+(20)+(22)] if Merit-Rated, (14) if Non-Rated Carrier Value Portion of payroll exposure subject to Non-Ratable Classifications Carrier Value (25)/100x(26) [based on applicable Non-Ratable Classification exposure] Actual number of seats for insured risk. Subject to maximum 10 seats per aircraft Carrier Value (28) x (29) Number of person weeks. A partial workweek for any worker to be counted as 1 person week. Carrier Value 0982 (33) (31) x (32) xxxx (34) (35) Sum of all (27)+(30)+(33) premiums Carrier value xxxx (36) (34)x [ (35) expressed as a decimal] 9848 (37) Carrier value 9848 (38) [(37)-(36)] if (36) < (37) and (35) > 0, otherwise zero 9887/9889 (39) (40) (23)+(34)+(36)+(38) Carrier value - use 9887 for schedule credits and 9889 for schedule debits (20) (21) (22) (23) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) 9898 9885 9885 9884 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 32 Pennsylvania and Delaware Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm Premium Calculation Algorithm Associated Statistical Code Line # 9887/9889 (41) 9890 (42) 9890 (43) 9880 (44) 9880 (45) 9046 (46) 9046 (47) (48) (49) Certified Safety Committee Credit Factor (PA) Certified Safety Committee Premium Credit (PA) Workplace Safety Program Credit Factor (DE) Workplace Safety Program Premium Credit (DE) Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program Credit Factor Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program Premium Credit Drug-Free Workplace Factor (DE) Drug-Free Workplace Credit (DE) 9846 9846 (48) (49) (50) (51) Managed Care Factor (DE) Managed Care Credit (DE) 9874 9874 (50) (51) (52) (53) Package Credit Factor (DE) Package Credit (DE) 9721 9721 (52) (53) (54) (55) Premium After Managed Care and Package Credit If Applicable Assigned Risk Surcharge Factor (DE) 0277 (55) (56) (57) (58) Assigned Risk Premium Surcharge (DE) Deductible Credit Factor Deductible Premium Credit 0277 9663 9663 (56) (57) (58) (59) Loss Constant 0032 (59) (60) (61) Loss Constant Charge Short Rate Cancellation Factor 0032 0931 (60) (61) (62) Short Rate Premium 0931 (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) Expense Constant Expense Constant Charge Minimum Premium Minimum Premium Charge 0900 0900 0990 0990 (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) Unit Statistical Report Total Standard Premium Premium Discount Amount Line # Item Name (41) Schedule Rating Plan Premium Adjustment (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (68) (54) (67) 0063/0064 (68) Source & Derivation (39)x[(40) expressed as a decimal]. For schedule credits Line (41) will be negative Credit applies if insured is certified. [(39)+(41)]x[(-42) expressed as a decimal] Credit applies if insured qualifies [(39)+(41)]x[(-44) expressed as a decimal] Based on wage level(s), application to rating organization [(39)+(41)]x[(-46) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value [(39)+(41)+(45)+(47)]x[(-48) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value [(39)+(41)+(45)+(47)+(49)]x[(-50) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value [(39)+(41)+(45)+(47)+(49)+(51)]x[( -52) expressed as a decimal] [(39)+(41)+(43)+(45)+(47)+(49)+(5 1)+(53)] May apply to some or all assigned risks based on plan and characteristics of individual insured (54)x[(55) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value [(54)+(56)]x[(-57) expressed as a decimal] Carrier value - may vary based on risk premium size Line (59) if applicable Carrier value - zero if short rate cancellation does not apply [(54)+(56)+(58)+(60)]x[(61)1.0000] if (61)>0, otherwise zero Carrier value if applicable Line (63) Carrier value If (65)>[(54)+(56)+(58)+(60)+(62)+ (64)], (65)[(54)+(56)+(58)+(60)+(62)+(64)], otherwise zero [(54)+(56)+(58)+(60)+(62)+(66)] Carrier value based on [(54)+(56)+(58)+(60)+ (62)+(66)] © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 33 Pennsylvania and Delaware Workers Compensation Premium Algorithm Premium Calculation Algorithm Line # (69) (70) Associated Statistical Code Item Name Additional premium Waiver of Subrogation (flat charge) Terrorism Line # Source & Derivation 9115 (69) Carrier value(s) 9740 (70) (Total payroll/100) x carrier rating value 9741 (71) (Total payroll/100) x carrier rating value (72) (64)+(67)-(68)+(69)+(70)+(71) Bureau value for the specific purpose of computing employer assessments [(72)-(11)-(58)]x(73) NOTE: Cells (11) and (58) are credits. Subtracting these credits as shown effectively adds the premium reduction given for deductible coverage back into the premium for purposes of calculating employer assessments (71) Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism (72) Total Policy Premium Subject to Employer Assessment (73) Employer Assessment Factor Pursuant to Act 57 of 1997 (PA) 0938 (73) (74) Employer Assessment Amount Pursuant to Act 57 of 1997 (PA) 0938 (74) © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 34 RULE VII – PREMIUM DISCOUNT Item 4 of the Information Page A. PREMIUM DISCOUNT Premium Discount (if any) is determined by an individual carriers' rating values. It recognizes that the relative expense of issuing and servicing larger premium policies is less than for smaller premium policies. B. COMBINATION OF POLICIES 1. Combination Permitted Two or more policies issued to the same insured by one or more insurance carriers under the same management may be combined for the purpose of computing the premium discount for that insured. 2. Combination Procedure If such separate policies have different expiration dates, the combination for the purpose of 1. above is subject to the following: C. a. The Bureau shall determine the effective date for the application of premium discount. b. All such policies in force prior to such effective date shall be cancelled and rewritten as of the effective date. c. All policies effective after the effective date of the combination shall be written to expire concurrently with other policies in the combination. WRAP - UP LARGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS The first step in setting up a “wrap-up” program requires the carrier to request approval from: Compensation Actuary, Bureau of Regulation of Rates and Policies, Pennsylvania Insurance Department, 1311 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120. The following application of the premium discount is optional for wrap up construction projects which are not under a retrospective rating plan: Policies issued to two or more legal entities engaged in a construction, erection or demolition project may be combined for the purpose of computing premium discount, subject to the following conditions: 1. Insurance Carrier All such policies must be issued by one or more insurance carriers under the same management. 2. Policy Limitation The policies shall be limited to insurance on such large construction projects. 3. Eligible Entities Entities eligible for combination shall be limited to the general contractor (including any owner or principal acting as a general contractor) and subcontractors performing work under contracts let on an ex-insurance basis. In addition, if the contract between the owner or principal and such general contractor is on an ex-insurance basis, the owner or principal shall be an eligible entity under this rule. 4. Carrier Coverage Responsibility The carrier’s coverage responsibility in a wrap-up project is for the duration of that project. Cancellation of such coverage is prohibited except for non-payment of premium. 5. Bureau Notification The Bureau must be notified of the method by which the wrap-up policies will be identified. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 35 6. Separate Policy Requirement A separate policy is required for each entity included in the wrap-up plan and each policy is subject to that entity’s own experience rating modification. 7. Experience Modifications The experience developed by each entity in the combinations will be used in calculating the future experience modifications for the entity. There will be no experience rating for the project as a unit. RULE VIII – LIMITS OF LIABILITY Item 3-B of the Information Page A. WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY 1. Part One – Workers Compensation There is no limit of liability in the standard policy for Part One – Workers Compensation. The policy provides all benefits required by the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Law and Occupational Disease Act stated in Item 3-A of the Information Page. 2. Part Two – Employers Liability a. Standard Limits The standard limits of liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident: $100,000 – each accident Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 – each employee Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 – policy limit. b. Increased Limits The limits under Part Two may be increased, subject to the following: (1) (2) The limits of liability shall be the same for all states specified in Item 3-A of the Information Page. The additional premium for increased limits shall be determined by multiplying the total premium by the percentage in the following Table for Increased Limits. For this purpose, total premium shall be computed after application of any carrier rate but before application of experience rating modification or retrospective rating adjustment. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 36 TABLE FOR INCREASED LIMITS Classification Codes Limits of Liability (000s omitted) / 100 / / 100 / / 100 / / 100 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / over 1,000 / 1,000 / 9803 9804 9805 9806 9807 9808 9809 9810 9811 9812 9813 9814 9815 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 9816 Percentage 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 10,000 .70% 1.20% 1.70% 2.40% 1.90% 2.20% 2.70% 3.20% 3.90% 3.30% 3.80% 4.40% 5.00% (a) (a) Apply to Bureau for higher limit charges. (3) c. The premium for increased limits shall be subject to any experience rating modification, merit rating and retrospective rating. The premium for increased limits on non-ratable classifications is not subject to any experience rating modifications, merit rating and retrospective rating. Accident Limit The limit of liability under Part Two for Bodily Injury by accident applies to all bodily injury arising out of any one accident. d. Disease Limits The limit of liability under Part Two for Bodily Injury by Disease - each employee – applies as a separate limit to bodily injury by disease to any one employee and the limit of liability for Bodily Injury by Disease - policy limit applies as an aggregate limit for all bodily injury by disease, regardless of the number of employees who sustain bodily injury by disease. e. Show Limit on the Information Page A limit of liability under Part Two must be stated in Item 3-B of the Information Page. B. VOLUNTARY COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1. Standard Limits The standard limits of liability under Part Two Employers Liability Insurance for employees subject to voluntary compensation insurance are: Bodily Injury by Accident: $100,000 – each accident Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 – each employee Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 – policy limit The limit of liability for Bodily Injury by Accident applies to all bodily injury arising out of any one accident. The limit of liability for Bodily Injury by Disease – each employee – applies as a separate limit to bodily injury by disease to any one employee and the limit of liability for Bodily Injury by Disease – policy limit – applies as an aggregate limit for all bodily injury by disease, regardless of the number of employees who sustain bodily injury by disease. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 37 2. Increased Limits The standard limits under Part Two Employers Liability for employees subject to voluntary compensation insurance may be increased. The premium for the increased limits shall be determined on the basis of the factors in the following table: TABLE FOR INCREASED LIMITS Limit of Liability (000s omitted) / 100 / / 100 / / 100 / / 100 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 500 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / / 1,000 / over 1,000 / 1,000 / 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 (a) 3. Factor 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 1.053 1.127 1.225 1.284 1.186 1.206 1.286 1.368 1.424 1.280 1.357 1.436 1.509 10,000 (a) Apply to Bureau for higher limit factor Premium Determination Premium shall be determined on the basis of the workers compensation rules, classifications and Bureau rating values in this Manual for the state workers compensation law designated in the schedule in the Voluntary Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage Endorsement. 4. Payroll Records When voluntary compensation insurance is provided for a group of employees, separate payroll records shall be maintained by the insured for the designated group of employees. RULE IX – SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR OPERATIONS AFFECTING COVERAGE A. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS 1. Definition Executive Officers of a corporation are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or any other officer appointed or elected in accordance with the charter or by-laws of a corporation or unincorporated association. 2. Law And Status Executive Officers of a corporation are covered under the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Law and have the same status as employees under the policy. Exceptions (1) Elected officers of Pennsylvania or its political subdivisions are not considered employees; therefore, they are not covered by the policy. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 38 (2) An executive officer of a for-profit corporation or an executive officer of a nonprofit corporation who serves voluntarily and without remuneration may elect not to be an "employee" of the corporation. For the purposes of this exclusion, an executive officer of a for-profit corporation is an individual who has either an ownership interest in a Subchapter S corporation as defined by the Act of March 4, 1971 (P.L. 6, No. 2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971 ," or an interest of at least five percent in a Subchapter C corporation as defined by the Tax Reform Code of 1971. 3. Executive Officer Exclusion Procedure a. An employer who wishes to exempt an executive officer(s) from coverage under their workers compensation policy may obtain the forms listed below from either the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor & Industry - Bureau of Workers' Compensation, 1171 South Cameron Street, Room 103, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104-2501 or their insurance carrier, agent or broker. Application for Executive Officer Exception from the Provisions of the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act: Section 104 LIBC - 509 07-05. Executive Officer's Affidavit LIBC - 513 0705 (Note: Copies of the above forms are found in Section 3 of this Manual) b. The employer must return both completed forms to their insurance company prior to the exclusion date. The carrier will endorse their policy by attaching an Exclusion of Executive Officers Endorsement – Pennsylvania (WC 37 03 10-C). As a general rule, executive officers may be excluded only on the effective date of the policy. Any exceptions to this general rule must be approved in writing by the carrier issuing the policy. c. This Executive Officer Exclusion Procedure must be repeated each time a policyholder wishes to change the status of any executive officer or secures coverage from a different carrier group. d. Subchapter C and S corporations with no employees must contact the Bureau of Workers Compensation, 1171 South Cameron Street, Room 103, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104-2501 for Executive Officer Exemption Certificates. (717 783 5421) (NOTE: Carrier group is defined as an insurance carrier sharing the same controlling ownership.) 4. Executive Officers – MULTIPLE CORPORATE ENTERPRISES An executive officer may either receive a salary from only one or from several corporations insured under one policy. In other instances several policies may be issued to cover several corporations and an executive officer may receive a salary from each of these corporations. The following procedure shall apply in these instances: Where it is permissible to include more than one corporation on a single policy and such corporations are insured by a single carrier whether under one or more policies, the several corporations shall be considered as a unit with respect to the application of the Executive Officers Rule. In all other cases the rule shall apply on a policy basis. 5. Executive Officers - REMUNERATION – TREATMENT OF: 1. The remuneration of an executive officer shall not be included with the payroll of the risk for premium computation purposes, provided: (a) That such officer is elected for the value of his or her name or because of stock holdings, has no duties and does not come on the premises, except perhaps to attend directors' meetings. (b) That such officer because of age or for other reasons, ceases to perform any duties and does not come on the premises, except perhaps to attend directors' meetings. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 39 2. The remuneration of an executive officer shall be included with the payroll of the risk for premium computation purposes, subject to the minimum and maximum provisions of the Basic Manual, provided: (a) That such executive because of age or for other reasons, ceases to perform any duties, but nevertheless, frequently visits the premises of the risk. (b) That such officer frequently visits the premises of the risk for business conferences, directors' meetings or similar duties, although also an officer or employee of another risk in the operations of which he takes an active interest. 3. Under the following conditions, the amount of remuneration of executive officers which shall be included with the payroll of the risk for premium computation purposes, subject to the minimum and maximum amounts of the Basic Manual, shall be as indicated below: (a) Where the officer draws no salary in fact, but a regular salary is credited to him or her on the books, the amount so credited shall be included in the payroll of the risk as his or her remuneration. (b) Where the officer draws no salary in fact, but a regular salary is credited to him or her on the books and subsequently charged back to such officer, the amount so credited shall be included in the payroll of the risk as his or her remuneration regardless of such charge off. (c) Where the officer draws no regular salary but draws such various sums as his or her needs or the conditions of the business dictate, the actual amount drawn shall be included in the payroll of the risk as his or her remuneration. (d) Where the officer receives no salary in fact, either drawn or credited, or where the records presented to the auditor fail to disclose the salary, the amount to be included in the payroll of the risk shall be the applicable manual minimum per week. 6. Premium Determination Premium for executive officers, other than elected officers of Pennsylvania or its political subdivisions, shall be based on their total payroll, subject to the following: (For further information refer to Section 1, Rule IX) a. The requirements of Rule V-E. b. The minimum individual payroll for an executive officer is $400 per week. c. The maximum individual payroll for an executive officer is $2,000 per week. d. These limitations apply to the average weekly payroll of each executive officer for the number of weeks the officer was employed during the policy period. e. A part of a week shall be considered a full week in determining the average weekly payroll. 7. Assignment of Payroll Payroll assignment shall be made in the same manner as for any employee. No executive officer's payroll may be assigned to the standard exception classification unless that officer's duties fulfill the definition of either Salesmen 951 or Office 953. See Rule IV. 8. Flight Duties Payroll of an executive officer who is a pilot or member of the flying crew of an aircraft used in the insured's business shall be assigned as follows: a. For each week during which the executive officer did not perform flight duties, assign the officer's payroll as provided in Rule IX-A-4. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 40 b. For each week during which the executive officer performed flight duties, assign the officer's payroll for that week to Code 7421 Transportation of Personnel for Business. If an executive officer's non-flying duties in such a week are subject to a higher rated classification, that higher bureau loss cost classification shall be assigned in that week. Rules 5a and b apply on the basis of the pilot's log book required under Federal regulations or other verifiable records. If Code 7421 Transportation of Personnel for Business applies and verifiable records are not maintained to indicate those weeks during which flying is performed by executive officers, their payroll shall be assigned to the highest bureau loss cost classification which applies to any of their operations. B. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON/BROKER LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT – EXCEPTION Any person who is a licensed real estate salesperson or an associate real estate broker, affiliated with licensed real estate broker or a licensed insurance agent affiliated with a licensed insurance agency, under written agreement, remunerated on a commission only basis and who qualifies as an independent contractor for state tax purposes or for federal tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 ET seq.) is exempt from coverage under the Workers' Compensation Act. C. D. PROFESSIONAL AND SEMIPROFESSIONAL ATHLETES – CLASS CODE 970 1. Employees who qualify for payroll limitation include but is not limited to all players, coaches, managers or game officials and include all players on salary list of the employer. 2. The entire remuneration of each employee should be included in computing premium, subject to a maximum of $60,000 per season. 3. Season includes pre-season and post-season exposure. 4. When an employee works for two or more teams in the same sport during the season, the maximum shall be prorated. 5. The remuneration of an individual employee is subject to a minimum of $500.00 per season or year, including board and lodging. For more details refer to the Classification and Rating Values Section. SOLE PROPRIETORS AND PARTNERSHIPS Sole proprietors and partners are not covered by the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act or the Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act. E. SUBCONTRACTORS 1(a) Law on Contractors and Subcontractors. Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act (Section 302 a & b) provides that a contractor is responsible for the payment of compensation benefits to employees of its uninsured subcontractors. (b) A contractor shall not subcontract all or any part of a contract unless the subcontractor has presented proof of insurance under this act. (c)(1) Prior to issuing a building permit to a contractor, a municipality shall require the contractor to present proof of workers' compensation insurance or an affidavit that the contractor does not employ other individuals and is not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. (2) Every building permit issued by a municipality to a contractor shall clearly set forth the name and workers' compensation policy and the contractor's Federal or State Employer Identification Number. This information shall be in addition to any information required by municipal © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 41 ordinance. If the building permit is issued to an applicant which affirms it is not obligated to maintain workers' compensation insurance under this act, the permit shall clearly set forth the contractor's Federal or State Employer Identification Number and the substance of the affirmation and that the applicant is not permitted to employ any individual to perform work pursuant to the building permit. (3) Every municipality issuing a building permit shall be named as a workers’ compensation policy certificate holder of a contractor-issued building permit. This certificate shall be filed with the municipality's copy of the building permit. An insurer issuing a policy which names a municipality as a workers' compensation policy certificate holder pursuant to this section shall be required to notify that municipality of the expiration or cancellation of any such policy of insurance or policy certificate within three working days of such cancellation or expiration. (4) A municipality shall issue a stop-work order to a contractor who is performing work pursuant to a building permit, upon receiving actual notice that the contractor's workers' compensation insurance or State-approved self-insured status has been cancelled. Also, if the municipality receives actual notice that a permittee, having filed an affidavit of exemption from workers' compensation insurance, has hired persons to perform work pursuant to a building permit and does not maintain required workers' compensation insurance, the municipality shall issue a stop-work order. This order shall remain in effect until proper workers' compensation coverage is obtained for all work performed pursuant to the building permit. (d)(1) Where a contractor is performing work for a public body or political subdivision, all contractors and subcontractors shall provide proof of workers' compensation insurance to the public body or political subdivision effective for the duration of the work. (2) The public body or political subdivision shall issue a stop work order to any contractor who is performing work for that public body or political subdivision upon receiving notice that any public contractor's workers' compensation insurance, or State-approved self-insurance status, has expired or has been cancelled. If the public body or political subdivision receives actual notice that a contractor, having filed an affidavit of exemption from workers' compensation insurance, has hired persons to perform work for a public body or political subdivision and does not maintain the required workers' compensation insurance or self-insurance, the public body or political subdivision shall issue a stop work order, which order shall remain in effect until proper workers' compensation coverage is obtained for all work performed pursuant to the contract of work for the public body or political subdivision. (e) Should such policy of workers' compensation insurance be cancelled or expire during the duration of the work or should the workers' compensation self-insurance status change during the said period, the contractor shall immediately notify, in writing, the municipality, public body or political subdivision of such cancellation, expiration or change in status. (f) (g) Nothing is this act shall be the basis of any liability on part of the municipality. For purposes of subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section, "proof of insurance" shall include a certificate of insurance or self-insurance, demonstrating current coverage and compliance with the requirements of this act, the Occupational Disease Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (44 Stat. 1424, 33 U.S.C. 901 et seq.), its amendments and supplements, where applicable. (h) For purposes of subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section, "proof of insurance" shall not be required when the employer has been exempted pursuant to section 304.2 of this act. 2. Coverage If the contractor has specifically assumed this liability, use the Statutory Employer Endorsement (WC 37 03 09) in Section 3 of this Manual. The carrier for the subcontractor should use Exclusion of Employees Endorsement (WC 37 03 03) in Section 3 of this Manual. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 42 3. Premium for Uninsured Subcontractors The contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that the subcontractor had workers' compensation insurance in force covering the work performed for the contractor. For each subcontractor for which such evidence is not furnished, additional premium shall be charged on the policy which insured the contractor as follows: a. The contractor shall provide a complete payroll record of the employees of each uninsured subcontractor. Premium on such payroll shall be based on the classifications which would have applied if the employees of the subcontractor had been employees of the contractor. b. If the contractor does not supply the payroll records of its subcontractor, the full subcontract price of the work performed during the policy period by the subcontractor shall be established as the payroll of the subcontractor's employees. The additional premium shall be charged on that amount as payroll. Exception to 3b If investigation on a specific job discloses that a definite amount of the subcontract price represents payroll, such amount shall be the payroll for the additional premium computation. In contracts for: (1) mobile equipment with operators (such as but not limited to: earth movers, graders, bulldozers, or log skidders), the payroll shall not be less than 33% of the subcontract price, (2) labor and material, the payroll shall not be less than 50% of the subcontract price, (3) labor only, the payroll shall be established as not less than 90% of the subcontract price. c. If an experience modification has been established for the contractor, such experience modification shall be applied to the premium developed for the uninsured subcontractor. 4. Drivers, Chauffeurs and Helpers Under Contract This rule on subcontractors does not apply to contracts to drivers, chauffeurs or helpers on vehicles engaged under contract. See Rule IV B. 3a (10). F. EX-MEDICAL COVERAGE Ex-medical coverage is prohibited in the state of Pennsylvania. G. TRUCKERS – INTERSTATE The payroll of a trucker shall be assigned to a state in which it has a terminal or base of operations. These guidelines are not applicable to dispatching or broker operations. Example: A driver/employee resides in State A. His employer/trucker base of operations is in State B. If the driver/employee regularly travels to the terminal or base of operations in State B to load or unload freight or perform other regular work functions, i.e. mechanic, the driver/employee payroll shall be assigned to State B. When the trucker does not operate from a terminal or base of operation, the state to which the payroll is assigned shall be determined in accordance with the following procedures. If it can be established that the trucker does a significant portion of its business in a single state, the payrolls, other than those payrolls which can be attributed to specific work functions in a specific state, should be assigned to that state. Factors such as driving time, number of pickups and deliveries, revenue and tonnage, should be considered in determining the state of payroll assignment. If a state payroll assignment cannot be made based on these factors, then the truckers payroll shall be assigned to his state of residence. For the purposes of the guidelines the following definitions shall apply: TRUCKER – A trucker is the holder of operating authority from a government agency. TERMINAL OR BASE OF OPERATIONS – A permanent location owned, leased or used by the trucker at which loading, unloading and other related non-clerical work functions such as © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 43 maintenance and transfers are performed and from which the driver/employee is assigned to work from on a regular basis. STATE OF RESIDENCE – The state in which the trucker resides as evidenced by the location used for the filing of federal income taxes. REGULAR – A pattern of 40 hours per week or any other pattern that appears on a continuing basis. H. PENNSYLVANIA CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM 1. The Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program provides for a premium credit for up to one year for a policy which contains one or more construction classifications. A credit may be applicable to those policies effective new and renewed with normal anniversary rating dates on or after January 1, 1991. For policies subject both to a Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program credit and any retrospective rating plan the PCCPAP credit shall be applied in determining standard premium. Such adjusted standard premium shall then be used wherever standard premium would otherwise apply in determining retrospective rating plan values and amounts for the retrospective rating plan applicable to the same risk if no PCCPAP credit were applicable. PCCPAP credits shall not be applied to final retrospective premium either in lieu of or in addition to the above prescribed procedure. The basis for determining the credit is the total payroll (including overtime premium pay) and hours worked for each construction classification as reported to taxing authorities. The applicable report periods vary according to the normal anniversary rating date of each policy, as set forth below: Normal Anniversary Rating Dates Reporting Period for Qualifying Wages October 1, 2005 – September 30, 2006 Third calendar quarter of 2004 October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2007 Third calendar quarter of 2005 October 1, 2007 – September 30, 2008 Third calendar quarter of 2006 October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2009 Third calendar quarter of 2007 October 1, 2009 and later Third calendar quarter of 2008 If the insured did not engage in operations for the complete quarter, then the last complete quarter prior to policy year inception shall be used or, if there was no complete quarter of operations prior to the policy inception, then the first complete quarter after policy inception shall be used. A credit may be determined for each construction classification by dividing the total payroll, including overtime premium pay, by the number of hours worked to arrive at the average hourly wage for the classification. In the absence of specific records for salaried employees, it will be assumed each such individual worked forty (40) hours per week. The credit for average hourly wage is listed below: © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 44 Normal Anniversary Rating Dates – October 1, 2005 – September 30, 2006 Average Hourly Wage $21.34 or less $21.35 - $21.69 $21.70 - $22.04 $22.05 - $22.39 $22.40 - $22.74 $22.75 - $23.14 $23.15 - $23.54 $23.55 - $23.94 $23.95 - $24.34 $24.35 - $24.74 $24.75 - $25.14 $25.15 - $25.59 $25.60 - $26.04 $26.05 - $26.49 Credit From Standard Premium None 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% Average Hourly Wage Credit From Standard Premium $26.50 - $26.99 $27.00 - $27.49 $27.50 - $27.99 $28.00 - $28.49 $28.50 - $28.99 $29.00 - $29.54 $29.55 -$30.09 $30.10 - $30.69 $30.70 - $31.29 $31.30 - $31.89 $31.90 - $32.49 $32.50 - $33.14 $33.15 and over 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% Normal Anniversary Rating Dates – October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2007 Average Hourly Wage $22.19 or less $22.20 $22.54 $22.55 $22.89 $22.90 $23.29 $23.30 $23.69 $23.70 $24.09 $24.10 $24.49 $24.50 $24.89 $24.90 $25.29 $25.30 $25.74 $25.75 $26.19 $26.20 $26.64 $26.65 $27.09 $27.10 $27.59 Credit From Standard Premium None 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% Average Hourly Wage $27.60 $28.10 $28.60 $29.10 $29.65 $30.20 $30.75 $31.30 $31.90 $32.50 $33.15 $33.80 $34.45 $28.09 $28.59 $29.09 $29.64 $30.19 $30.74 $31.29 $31.89 $32.49 $33.14 $33.79 $34.44 and over © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Credit From Standard Premium 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 45 Normal Anniversary Rating Dates – October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008 Average Hourly Wage 23.24 or less 23.25 23.59 23.99 23.60 24.00 24.39 24.79 24.40 24.80 25.19 25.59 25.20 25.60 26.04 26.49 26.05 26.50 26.94 26.95 27.39 27.40 27.84 27.85 28.34 28.35 28.84 Credit From Standard Premium None 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% Credit From Standard Premium Average Hourly Wage 28.85 29.35 29.90 30.45 31.00 31.55 32.15 32.75 33.40 34.05 34.70 35.40 36.10 29.34 29.89 30.44 30.99 31.54 32.14 32.74 33.39 34.04 34.69 35.39 36.09 and over 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% Normal Anniversary Rating Dates - October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2009 Average Hourly Wage Credit From Standard Premium $24.04 or less None $24.05-$24.39 5% $24.40-$24.79 6% $24.80-$25.19 7% $25.20-$25.59 8% $25.60-$26.04 9% $26.05-$26.49 10% $26.50-$26.94 11% $26.95-$27.39 12% $27.40-$27.89 13% $27.90-$28.39 14% $28.40-$28.89 15% $28.90-$29.39 16% $29.40-$29.89 17% Average Hourly Wage Credit From Standard Premium $29.90-$30.44 $30.45-$30.99 $31.00-$31.54 $31.55-$32.09 $32.10-$32.69 $32.70-$33.29 $33.30-$33.89 $33.90-$34.54 $34.55-$35.19 $35.20-$35.89 $35.90-$36.59 $36.60-$37.29 $37.30 and over 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 46 Normal Anniversary Rating Dates – October 1, 2009 and later Average Hourly Wage 24.94 or less 24.95 25.34 25.74 25.35 25.75 26.14 26.59 26.15 26.60 27.04 27.49 27.05 27.50 27.94 28.44 27.95 28.45 28.94 28.95 29.44 29.45 29.94 29.95 30.44 30.45 30.99 Credit From Standard Premium None 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% Average Hourly Wage 31.00 31.55 32.10 32.70 33.30 33.90 34.55 35.20 35.85 36.55 37.25 38.00 38.75 31.54 32.09 32.69 33.29 33.89 34.54 35.19 35.84 36.54 37.24 37.99 38.74 and over Credit From Standard Premium 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% The total construction classification credit amount, in dollars, must be calculated and then divided by the total policy premium at bureau rating values – including construction and non-construction classifications. The resulting percentage credit will be the indicated policy credit. When calculating the indicated policy credit, the percentage shall be rounded to the nearest whole number with .5 being rounded upward (as an example, 5.4 rounded to 5 and 5.5 rounded to 6). The indicated policy credit will be applied to the January 1, 2002 or later policy for any insured not eligible for experience rating. For insureds eligible for experience rating, a policy credit to be applied to the January 1, 2002 or later policy will be determined as follows: • The insured’s experience modification effective one year prior to the effective date of the Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program (PCCPAP) credit will be determined in accordance with applicable Manual rules using expected losses reduced by the indicated policy credit percentage for the policy period to which the PCCPAP credit will apply. This experience modification will be designated as the PCCPAP numerator. • The insured’s experience modification effective one year prior to the effective date of the PCCPAP credit will be determined in accordance with applicable Manual rules. This experience modification will be designated as the PCCPAP denominator. • A credit Adjustment Factor will be computed by dividing the PCCPAP numerator by the PCCPAP denominator. This credit adjustment factor will be rounded to four decimal places. In the event that the insured’s experience modification factor effective one year prior to the effective date of the PCCPAP credit cannot be promulgated at the time the PCCPAP credit is determined, the credit adjustment factor will be set equal to 1.0000. • A policy credit will be computed according to the following formula: 100 - [100 - indicated policy credit] x credit adjustment factor • The policy credit, rounded to the nearest whole number using the convention described above with respect to the indicated policy credit, will be applied to the January 1, 2002 or later policy for insureds eligible for experience rating. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 47 EXAMPLE: Hypothetical insured qualified for experience rating – (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) Insured’s indicated policy credit: PCCPAP numerator: (insured’s experience modification for prior policy period with expected losses reduced by the indicated policy credit) PCCPAP denominator: (insured’s experience modification for prior policy period) Credit adjustment factor: ((2) / (3)) rounded to 4 decimals Policy credit factor: 100 - [100 - 26] x 1.0721 rounded to two decimals 26 1.026 0.957 1.0721 21 The insured shall submit the required payroll and hours worked information to the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau for calculation of any applicable credit. The carrier shall, upon audit, verify the information that was submitted by the insured and used in the calculation of the credit. If the carrier discovers an error in the original request for policy credit, the revised information must be submitted to the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau for recalculation. If the insured does not furnish records to verify the payrolls and hours worked originally submitted and used in the calculation of the credit, there shall be no credit applied to the policy. The credit authorized by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau shall appear on Item 4 of the policy. If the credit applicable to the policy is not available at the time of policy issuance, the carrier shall endorse the policy to provide the appropriate credit information once a qualifying application has been processed and the Bureau has notified the carrier of the credit determined on the basis of such application. Report Pennsylvania Construction Class Premium Credit on the information page and unit statistical report under Code 9046. Carriers are required to use the approved form to notify all their insureds, who have one or more construction classifications on their policy, that they may be eligible for a premium adjustment credit. "Construction classifications" are those classifications subject to the following code numbers: 601 602 603 605 606 607 608 609 611 615 617 645 646 647 2. Appeals 648 649 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 673 674 675 676 677 679 681 682 691 693 695 The Bureau's determination of an individual risk's eligibility for or the percentage of credit under the Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program may be appealed pursuant to RULE XVI, APPEALS FROM APPLICATION OF THE RATING SYSTEM PROCEDURE, Section 1 of this Manual. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 48 BUREAU FILE NO.: ________________________ PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION – PREMIUM CREDIT APPLICATION NAME ON INSURANCE POLICY _________________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE COMPANY (Not Agent) ______________________________________________________________________ POLICY NO. ________________________________ EFF. DATE _______________________________________ Notice: Unless Code(s), total wages paid as reported to taxing authorities, total hours worked, and calendar quarter reported are indicated and application is signed, it cannot be processed. Non-construction class code payrolls must be included. Corporate Officers should be included in the appropriate classification subject to payroll limitation rules. Do not include corporate officers who have elected to be excluded from the Workers Compensation Act. Contact your agent and/or insurance company if assistance is desired. YES Are you currently engaged in a Long Term Construction Project (i.e. Wrap-up)? CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION PENNSYLVANIA WC CLASS CODE TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA WAGES PAID THIS QUARTER TOTAL HOURS WORKED THIS QUARTER (Including O.T.) Example: Carpentry 652 $8,000 460 Example: Office 953 $3,000 520 The foregoing is based on actual wages and hours worked, as reflected in our payroll records, for the complete calendar quarter ending _________________________. Signature ________________________________________ Title ________________________________________ Telephone Number ________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Address ________________________________ City __________________ State _________ SEND APPLICATION TO: EXPERIENCE RATING DEPARTMENT PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU UNITED PLAZA BUILDING, SUITE 1500 30 SOUTH 17th STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103-4007 No application will be processed by the Bureau unless such application is filed within 12 months after the termination of the policy period to which it would apply. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Zip Code ______ PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 49 I. CERTIFIED SAFETY COMMITTEE CREDIT PROGRAM 1. Act 44 of 1993 mandates that the Department of Labor and Industry develop certification criteria for the operation of safety committees. (For certification criteria contact Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.) 2. A 5% rate credit shall apply to the policy period beginning with the next normal anniversary rating date established by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau and shall not apply to the policy period in effect when the certification is issued. 3. The 5% rate credit shall continue if the employer annually submits certification renewal affidavits acceptable to the Department of Labor and Industry. 4. Use Endorsement WC 37 04 04B Certified Safety Committee Endorsement – Pennsylvania to show credit on appropriate policy. RULE X – CANCELLATION A. WHO MAY CANCEL 1. The Cancellation Condition of the Standard Policy permits cancellation by the insured or by the insurance carrier. 2. Pennsylvania enacted legislation that prohibits an insurance carrier from cancelling workers' compensation policies during their term, except for nonpayment of premium and/or failure to reimburse the deductible amount. Reinstatement When a notice of cancellation for non-payment has been issued, if the insurer thereafter receives payment and voluntarily determines to reinstate the policy, such reinstatement of coverage must be retroactive to the cancellation date. Alternatively, if the insurer does not want to reinstate the policy as of the cancellation date but voluntarily determines to resume coverage after a lapse in coverage, the insurer must issue a new policy. Such new policy must carry the carrier rating values effective on the anniversary rating date of the cancelled policy. IMPORTANT NOTICE: CANCELLATION NOTICES MUST BE FILED WITH THE BUREAU WITHIN 10 DAYS OF ISSUANCE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT FAILURE TO FILE SUCH NOTICE WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME SHALL NOT INVALIDATE ANY CANCELLATION WHICH HAS BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY. B. PREMIUM DETERMINATION – CANCELLATION BY THE INSURANCE CARRIER Premium for the canceled policy shall be computed as follows: 1. Carrier Rating Values and Payroll Apply carrier rating values to the payroll developed during the period the policy was in effect. 2. Experience Rating Apply any experience rating modification in accordance with the rules of the Experience Rating Plan Section. Refer to Rule VI-E. C. PREMIUM DETERMINATION – CANCELLATION BY THE INSURED, WHEN RETIRING FROM BUSINESS Compute the premium as provided in B above if a policy is cancelled by the insured when: 1. 2. All the work covered by the policy has been completed, or All interest in any business covered by the policy has been sold, or © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 50 3. D. The insured has retired from all business covered by the policy. PREMIUM DETERMINATION—CANCELLATION BY THE INSURED, EXCEPT WHEN RETIRING FROM BUSINESS The premium for the canceled policy shall be based on the Short Rate Cancellation Table in this rule and computed as follows: 1. Actual Payroll Determine the payroll developed during the period the policy was in effect. 2. Extended Payroll and Number of Days a. Extended Payroll Extend such payroll pro-rata based on the number of days for which the policy was written divided by the number of days the policy remained in force to produce the full policy payroll. Example A policy written for 250 days that remained in effect for 185 days produced a payroll of $55,500. Payroll extended for the original policy term — $55,500 x 250/185 = $75,000. b. Extended Number of Days The extended number of days shall be determined by dividing the number of days the policy was in force by the number of days for which the policy was written and multiplying the quotient by 365 days. (When the policy was written for a one year period, the extended number of days will equal the number of days the policy remained in force. 3. Carrier Rate Apply carrier rate to the payroll in 2a. above. 4. Experience Rating Apply any experience rating modification in accordance with the rules of the Experience Rating Plan Section. Refer to Rule VI-H. 5. Short Rate Percentage Based on the extended number of days calculated in 2.b., apply the short rate percentage shown in the Short Rate Cancellation Table in this rule to the premium computed on the basis of the extended payroll in order to determine the short rate portion of the premium. 6. Example of a Short Rate Cancellation A policy originally written for 250 days in effect for 185 days develops actual payroll of $55,500, carrier rate of $.50. a. Payroll extended to full policy term = $55,500 x 250 = $75,000 185 b. Full policy term premium = $75,000 x $.50 = $375 c. d. Extended number of days = 185 x 365 = 270 250 Short rate percentage for 270 days = 80% e. Short rate premium = $375 x .80 = $300 f. Total premium for canceled policy = $300 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 51 E. SHORT RATE CANCELLATION TABLE FOR TERM OF ONE YEAR Days Policy In Force 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 26 30 33 37 41 44 48 52 55 59 63 66 70 74 77 81 84 88 92 95 99 103 106 110 114 117 121 125 128 132 136 139 143 147 150 - 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 29 32 36 40 43 47 51 54 58 62 65 69 73 76 80 83 87 91 94 98 102 105 109 113 116 120 124 127 131 135 138 142 146 149 153 Percent of One Year Premium (1 mo) (2 mos) (3 mos) (4 mos) (5 mos) 5% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Days Policy In Force 154 157 161 165 168 172 176 179 183 188 192 197 201 206 210 215 219 224 229 233 238 242 247 251 256 261 265 270 274 279 283 288 292 297 302 306 311 315 320 324 329 333 338 343 347 352 356 361 - 156 160 164 167 171 175 178 182 187 191 196 200 205 209 214 218 223 228 232 237 241 246 250 255 260 264 269 273 278 282 287 291 296 301 305 310 314 319 323 328 332 337 342 346 351 355 360 365 Percent of One Year Premium (6 mos) (7 mos) (8 mos) (9 mos) (10 mos) (11 mos) (12 mos) © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 52 Short Rate Cancellation Table Days In Policy Period Short Rate Percentages Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 18.2482 10.9489 8.5158 6.3869 5.8394 46 47 48 49 50 .23 .23 .24 .24 .24 1.8250 1.7861 1.8250 1.7877 1.7520 .08 .09 .09 .10 .10 4.8662 4.6924 4.1058 4.0552 3.6496 51 52 53 54 55 .24 .25 .25 .25 .26 1.7176 1.7548 1.7216 1.6899 1.7255 11 12 13 14 15 .11 .11 .12 .12 .13 3.6496 3.3455 3.3689 3.1283 3.1630 56 57 58 59 60 .26 .26 .26 .27 .27 1.6947 1.6650 1.6362 1.6704 1.6425 16 17 18 19 20 .13 .14 .14 .15 .15 2.9653 3.0056 2.8386 2.8818 2.7377 61 62 63 64 65 .27 .27 .28 .28 .28 1.6156 1.5895 1.6222 1.5969 1.5723 21 22 23 24 25 .16 .16 .17 .17 .17 2.7812 2.6547 2.6980 2.5856 2.4821 66 67 68 69 70 .29 .29 .29 .29 .30 1.6038 1.5799 1.5566 1.5341 1.5643 26 27 28 29 30 .18 .18 .18 .18 .19 2.5270 2.4334 2.3465 2.2656 2.3117 71 72 73 74 75 .30 .30 .30 .31 .31 1.5423 1.5208 1.5000 1.5291 1.5087 31 32 33 34 35 .19 .19 .20 .20 .20 2.2371 2.1672 2.2121 2.1471 2.0857 76 77 78 79 80 .31 .32 .32 .32 .32 1.4888 1.5169 1.4974 1.4785 1.4600 36 37 38 39 40 .20 .21 .21 .21 .21 2.0278 2.0716 2.0171 1.9654 1.9162 81 82 83 84 85 .33 .33 .33 .34 .34 1.4870 1.4689 1.4512 1.4774 1.4600 41 42 43 44 45 .22 .22 .22 .23 .23 1.9585 1.9119 1.8674 1.9079 1.8655 86 87 88 89 90 .34 .34 .35 .35 .35 1.4430 1.4264 1.4517 1.4354 1.4194 Days In Policy Short Rate Percentages 1 2 3 4 5 .05 .06 .07 .07 .08 6 7 8 9 10 Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy In Effect © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 53 Short Rate Cancellation Table (Continued) Days in Policy Period 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Short Rate Percentages .35 .36 .36 .36 .37 .37 .37 .37 .38 .38 .38 .38 .39 .39 .39 .40 .40 .40 .40 .41 .41 .41 .41 .42 .42 .42 .43 .43 .43 .43 .44 .44 .44 .44 .45 .45 .45 .46 .46 .46 .46 .47 .47 .47 .47 Factors to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.4038 1.4283 1.4129 1.3979 1.4216 1.4068 1.3923 1.3781 1.4010 1.3870 1.3733 1.3598 1.3820 1.3688 1.3557 1.3774 1.3645 1.3519 1.3395 1.3605 1.3452 1.3362 1.3243 1.3447 1.3330 1.3215 1.3414 1.3301 1.3189 1.3079 1.3273 1.3164 1.3057 1.2951 1.3140 1.3036 1.2933 1.3117 1.3016 1.2916 1.2817 1.2996 1.2899 1.2802 1.2708 Days in Policy Period 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Short Rate Percentages .48 .48 .48 .49 .49 .49 .49 .50 .50 .50 .50 .51 .51 .51 .52 .52 .52 .52 .53 .53 .53 .54 .54 .54 .54 .55 .55 .55 .55 .56 .56 .56 .57 .57 .57 .57 .58 .58 .58 .58 .59 .59 .59 .60 .60 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Factors to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.2882 1.2788 1.2696 1.2867 1.2775 1.2684 1.2595 1.2762 1.2674 1.2586 1.2500 1.2663 1.2578 1.2493 1.2653 1.2569 1.2487 1.2405 1.2562 1.2481 1.2401 1.2554 1.2475 1.2396 1.2319 1.2469 1.2392 1.2316 1.2241 1.2388 1.2313 1.2240 1.2384 1.2311 1.2238 1.2167 1.2308 1.2237 1.2167 1.2097 1.2236 1.2167 1.2098 1.2235 1.2167 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 54 Short Rate Cancellation Table(Continued) Days in Policy Period 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 Short Rate Percentages .60 .60 .61 .61 .61 .61 .61 .62 .62 .62 .62 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .64 .64 .64 .64 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .66 .66 .66 .66 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .68 .68 .68 .68 .69 .69 .69 .69 .69 .70 .70 Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.2099 1.2033 1.2167 1.2101 1.2035 1.1970 1.1906 1.2037 1.1974 1.1910 1.1848 1.1977 1.1914 1.1853 1.1792 1.1732 1.1858 1.1798 1.1739 1.1680 1.1804 1.1745 1.1687 1.1630 1.1573 1.1694 1.1638 1.1582 1.1526 1.1645 1.1590 1.1535 1.1481 1.1428 1.1544 1.1491 1.1438 1.1385 1.1500 1.1448 1.1396 1.1345 1.1294 1.1406 1.1356 Days in Policy Period 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Short Rate Percentages .70 .70 .70 .71 .71 .71 .71 .72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .73 .73 .73 .73 .74 .74 .74 .74 .74 .75 .75 .75 .75 .76 .76 .76 .76 .76 .77 .77 .77 .77 .77 .78 .78 .78 .78 .79 .79 .79 .79 .79 .80 Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.1305 1.1255 1.1206 1.1317 1.1267 1.1219 1.1170 1.1279 1.1231 1.1183 1.1136 1.1089 1.1195 1.1149 1.1102 1.1056 1.1161 1.1115 1.1070 1.1025 1.0980 1.1083 1.1038 1.0994 1.0950 1.1052 1.1008 1.0964 1.0921 1.0878 1.0979 1.0936 1.0893 1.0851 1.0810 1.0908 1.0866 1.0825 1.0784 1.0881 1.0840 1.0800 1.0759 1.0719 1.0815 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 55 Short Rate Cancellation Table (Continued) Days in Policy Period 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Short Rate Percentages .80 .80 .80 .81 .81 .81 .81 .81 .82 .82 .82 .82 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .84 .84 .84 .84 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .86 .86 .86 .86 .86 .87 .87 .87 .87 .88 .88 .88 .88 .88 .89 .89 .89 .89 .90 Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.0775 1.0735 1.0696 1.0790 1.0751 1.0712 1.0673 1.0635 1.0728 1.0689 1.0651 1.0614 1.0705 1.0667 1.0630 1.0593 1.0556 1.0646 1.0609 1.0572 1.0536 1.0625 1.0589 1.0553 1.0517 1.0481 1.0569 1.0534 1.0498 1.0463 1.0429 1.0515 1.0480 1.0446 1.0411 1.0497 1.0462 1.0429 1.0395 1.0361 1.0445 1.0412 1.0379 1.0346 1.0429 Days in Policy Period 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Short Rate Percentages .90 .90 .90 .90 .91 .91 .91 .91 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .93 .93 .93 .93 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .96 .96 .96 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .98 .98 .98 .98 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Factor to Apply to Earned Premium for Period Policy in Effect 1.0396 1.0363 1.0330 1.0298 1.0380 1.0347 1.0315 1.0283 1.0364 1.0332 1.0301 1.0269 1.0238 1.0318 1.0286 1.0255 1.0224 1.0303 1.0272 1.0242 1.0211 1.0181 1.0259 1.0229 1.0198 1.0169 1.0139 1.0216 1.0186 1.0156 1.0127 1.0203 1.0174 1.0145 1.0116 1.0087 1.0162 1.0133 1.0105 1.0076 1.0150 1.0122 1.0094 1.0065 1.0038 1.0111 1.0083 1.0055 1.0027 1.0000 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 56 RULE XI – THREE-YEAR FIXED RATE POLICY OPTION 1. A carrier may file a "Three-Year Fixed Rate Option" program with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. 2. A policy may be issued for a period of three years at a fixed carrier rate, provided the risk is not eligible for the Experience Rating Plan on the effective date of the policy. 3. A policy issued under an approved program shall be designated on the Information Page as follows - "THREE-YEAR FIXED RATE." RULE XII – U.S. LONGSHORE AND HARBOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT A. GENERAL EXPLANATION The U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (U.S.L. & H.W. Act) is a Federal law which provides for payment of compensation and other benefits to employees such as longshoremen, harbor workers, ship repairmen, shipbuilders, ship-breakers and other employees engaged in loading, unloading, repairing or building a vessel. It applies to such employees while working on navigable waters of the United States and also while working on any adjoining pier, wharf, dry dock, terminal, building way, marine railway, or other area adjoining such navigable waters customarily used for loading, unloading, repairing or building a vessel. It does not cover masters or members of the crew of a vessel. For complete details see U.S. Code (1946), Title 33, Section 901-49, amended by Public Law 92-576. B. WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE – PART ONE The standard policy is used to insure the statutory obligation of an employer to furnish benefits required by the U.S.L. & H.W. Act. Attach the Standard Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 06A) to provide such insurance. Do not designate the U.S.L. & H.W. Act in Item 3-A of the Information Page. C. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE – PART TWO For operations subject to the U.S.L. & H.W. Act, the standard limits of liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident: $100,000 – each accident Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 – each employee Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 – policy limit, Refer to Rule VIII. D. CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES 1. Classifications Classifications for insurance under the U.S.L. & H.W. Act are listed in "Section 2 – Classifications" of this Manual. 2. Rates for Federal "F" Classifications The manual rates for classification code numbers followed by the letter "F" include premium for operations subject to the U.S.L. & H.W. Act. 3. Bureau Rating Values for Non-Federal "Non-F" Classifications The manual bureau rating values for classification code numbers not followed by the letter "F" do not include premium for operations subject to the U.S.L. & H.W. Act. If operations under such classifications involve some employees subject to U.S.L. & H.W. Act, the manual rates and minimum premiums for such classifications shall be increased by the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Coverage Percentage. Such increased rate shall apply only to payroll of employees engaged in operations subject to the U.S.L. & H.W. Act. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 57 E. EXTENSIONS OF THE U.S.L. & H.W. ACT 1. Defense Base Act The Defense Base Act extends the provisions of the U.S.L. & H.W. Act to employers and their employees on overseas military bases and on other overseas locations under public works contracts being performed by contractors with agencies of the United States Government. Employees who are not United States citizens may be exempted from coverage upon approval of a waiver by the Secretary of Labor. For complete details, see Defense Bases Act, U.S. Code (1946) Title 42 Sections 1651-54, Public Law 208, 77th Congress. To provide such insurance, attach the Standard Defense Base Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 01A). 2. Civilian Employees of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act The Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act extends the provisions of the U.S.L. & H.W. Act to civilian employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities such as post exchanges and service clubs of the Armed Forces. For complete details, see U.S. Code (1970) Title 5, Section 8171 (Public Law 85-538, 85th Congress). To provide such insurance attach the Standard Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 08A). 3. Premium Determination For insurance under extensions of the U.S.L. & H.W. Act, determine premium as provided in Rule XII - D. 4. Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act To provide such insurance, attach the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 09A). F. PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION VOLUNTARY POOL Contact Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau for information concerning U.S.L. & H.W. coverage. RULE XIII – THE ADMIRALTY LAW AND THE FEDERAL EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACT NOTE: The Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau has no jurisdiction over the bureau rating values or classification for Admiralty or Federal Employers Liability exposure. The following rule was published by the National Council on Compensation Insurance and is shown here for information purposes only. A. GENERAL EXPLANATION 1. Admiralty Law Masters and members of the crews of vessels are not covered under state workers compensation laws nor under the U.S.L. & H.W. Act. They are subject to admiralty law and, if injured, have the right to sue their employers for damages in the Admiralty Courts where the proceeding is in the nature of an employers' liability suit. They also have the right to transportation, wages, maintenance and cure. Such seamen are subject to a Federal law, the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, known as the Jones Act (46 U.S. Code, Section 688, 1970) which applies the provisions of the Federal Employers Liability Act to seamen. Every person employed on board a vessel is deemed to be a seaman if connected with the operation or welfare of the vessel while in navigable waters. Usually, navigable waters are defined as those which form a continuous highway for interstate or international commerce. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 58 2. Federal Employers Liability Act (F.E.L.A.) The Federal Employers Liability Act applies to employees of interstate railroads. Such employees are not subject to state workers compensation laws. This federal law imposes liability for damages on the railroad if the injured railroad employee can show any negligence on the part of the railroad. For complete details, see 45 U.S. Code, Sections 51-60, 1970. B. DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE PROGRAMS The Standard Policy may be used to provide insurance for liability under one or more state workers compensation laws and also for liability under admiralty law or F.E.L.A. There are two programs to furnish such insurance: 1. Program I Provides under Part One - Workers Compensation Insurance statutory liability - under the workers compensation law of any state designated in the Information Page and under Part Two - Employers Liability Insurance, Employers liability - for damages under admiralty law or F.E.L.A., subject to a standard limit of liability of $25,000. 2. Program II Provides the same coverage as Program I, but with the addition of Voluntary Compensation. Under Program II, the insurance carrier will offer a settlement of a claim strictly in accord with the statutory benefits provided in the workers' compensation law designated in the Voluntary Compensation Endorsement attached to the policy as if the claim were subject to such law, instead of subject to the laws of negligence. If the offer of settlement is rejected, Employers liability then applies to such claim or suit, with the same standard limit as for Program I. C. COVERAGE 1. Admiralty Law Endorsements To provide Program I for admiralty law, attach the Standard Maritime Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 02 01A). To provide Program II for admiralty law, also attach the Standard Voluntary, Maritime Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 02 03). 2. Admiralty Law Coverage Options a. 3. The Maritime Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 02 01A) excludes liability to provide transportation, wages, maintenance and cure. This endorsement may optionally include a provision to insure such liability for an additional premium based on an (a) rate. F.E.L.A. Endorsements To provide Program I for employments subject to F.E.L.A., attach the Standard Federal Employers Liability Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 04). To provide Program II, also attach the Standard Voluntary Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 03 11A). 4. U.S.L. & H.W. Act When insurance is provided for liability under admiralty law or F.E.L.A., insurance for liability under the U.S.L. & H.W. Act also may be necessary. To provide such insurance, attach the Standard Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 06A). D. LIMITS OF LIABILITY 1. Standard Limit The standard limit of liability under Part Two - Employers Liability Insurance for admiralty or F.E.L.A. insurance under Program I or II is $25,000. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 59 a. Accident Limit The limit of liability applies to all bodily injury arising out of any one accident. b. Disease Limit The limit of liability also applies as a separate aggregate limit for all bodily injury by disease. The aggregate limit applies separately to bodily injury by disease arising out of work in each state shown in Item 3-A of the Information Page. c. 2. Show Limits on Endorsement These limits of liability must be stated in the Maritime Coverage Endorsement and/or the Federal Employers Liability Act Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 01 04). Increased Limits Increased limits for liability under Part Two - Employers Liability Insurance are available. The additional premium for increased limits shall be determined by applying the factor in the following Table for Increased Limits to the total premium for admiralty or F.E.L.A. classifications before application of: a. Expense Constant b. Experience rating modification c. Premium discount or retrospective rating adjustment. The premium for increased limits is subject to an experience rating modification. TABLE FOR INCREASED LIMITS Limit Per Accident $ 25,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 3. Factor 1.00 1.09 1.15 1.23 1.29 1.34 1.38 Minimum Premium Program I Program II $100 109 115 123 129 134 138 $200 218 230 246 258 268 276 Minimum Premium The separate minimum premium shown in the above Table For Increased Limits applies to a policy which includes classifications for operations subject to admiralty law or the F.E.L.A. Such minimum premium is the lowest premium for insuring admiralty or F.E.L.A. operations and it shall apply in addition to the minimum premium or premium for other operations on such a policy. It is not subject to an experience rating modification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 60 E. CLASSIFICATIONS NOTE: The Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau has no jurisdiction over the bureau rating values or classification for Admiralty or Federal Employers Liability Exposure. The following admiralty or F.E.L.A. classification list is for information purposes only. Classifications Code Number Program I Boat Livery - boats under 15 tons. This classification includes the laying up or putting into commission of boats. Boats 15 tons or over to be separately rated under the appropriate vessels classification. Diving - marine Dredging - all types Ferries - This classification includes dock employees. Fishing Vessels - NOC. This classification includes packing, curing or shipping fish and repair of nets or boats. Oyster Boats - This classification includes planting; harvesting; and operation of boats. Salvage Operations - marine. Supply Boats Tugboats Vessels - NOC Vessels - not self-propelled. Such vessels having a regular master and crew who are furnished living quarters aboard the vessel, shall be rated as "Vessels, NOC." Program II State Act Benefits USL Act Benefits 7038 7090 7050 7394 7333 7019 7039 7395 7335 7027 7091 7398 7337 7062 7051 7079 7097 7070 7394 7020 7020 7016 7046 7395 7028 7028 7024 7098 7398 7131 7131 7047 7099 Classifications Code Number Program I State Act Benefits Vessels - sail Wrecking - marine. This classification includes salvage operations. Yachts - private - sail or power Program II USL Act Benefits 7036 7394 7088 7395 7048 7398 7037 7089 7049 Federal Employers Liability Act Railroad Operation - all employees including drivers. This classification contemplates the normal operations of railroads including nor-mal maintenance and repair. All extraordinary repair work including such work as rebuilding bridges, grade crossing elimination, laying or relaying track and all new construction operations shall be classified as Code 6702 or 6703. Clerical Office Employees - NOC Salespersons, Collectors or Messengers - outside Railroad Construction - all operations including clerical, salespersons and drivers 7151 7153 7152 8814 8737 6702 8805 8734 6704 8815 8738 6703 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 61 F. WATERS NOT UNDER ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION 1. Coverage An insured may conduct operations on waters not subject to admiralty jurisdiction. Insurance for such operations shall be provided by the Standard Policy and endorsement forms and is subject to the rules which apply to statutory workers' compensation insurance. 2. Admiralty Law or U.S.L. & H.W. Act Liability If there is a potential liability under admiralty law, follow the previous rules for insurance under admiralty law. If there is a potential liability under the U.S.L & H.W. Act, refer to Rule XII. RULE XIV – DOMESTIC WORKERS - RESIDENCES A. DEFINITIONS 1. Inside Domestic Workers Domestic Workers—Inside are employees engaged exclusively in household or domestic work performed principally inside the residence. Examples include a cook, housekeeper, laundry worker, maid, butler, companion, nurse and baby sitter. 2. Outside Domestic Workers Domestic Workers—Outside are employees engaged exclusively in household or domestic work performed principally outside the residence. Examples include a private chauffeur and a gardener. 3. Occasional Domestic Workers Domestic Workers—Occasional are domestic workers inside or outside, who are employed part-time. Any domestic worker employed more than 1/2 of the customary full time shall be assigned and rated as a full time domestic worker. Examples of occasional domestic workers are persons engaged on certain days for gardening, cleaning, laundering or baby sitting. B. COVERAGE 1. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance An employer of domestic workers may elect to come within the workers compensation law by applying to the Bureau of Workers Compensation. The statutory obligation of the employer may be insured by the standard policy. 2. Voluntary Compensation Insurance If the employer of domestic workers does not elect coverage under the law, voluntary compensation insurance for the domestic workers may be provided by attaching the standard Voluntary Compensation Endorsement to the Standard Policy. C. NAME OF INSURED The resident owner, the estate of the owner or a family member(s) of the same residence may be named as the insured, but only with respect to the employment of domestic workers in connection with a given residence. D. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Please refer to the Section 2 Domestic Workers class listing for the Domestic Workers classifications. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 62 2. E. Maintenance, Repair Or Construction Operations a. Codes 0913, 0908, 0912 and 0909 include ordinary repair or maintenance of the insured’s premises or equipment by domestic workers. b. Payroll developed in general building maintenance or repair by employees of a commercial building owner, lessee or real estate management firm or of a business where the basic and major operations are described by classifications defined as standard exceptions shall be assigned to Code 971. Payroll developed in general building maintenance or repair by employees of an apartment house or condominium complex operator shall be assigned to Code 880. Payroll developed in general building maintenance or repair by employees of a business assigned to a classification other than the standard exceptions shall be included in the employer’s applicable field of business classification. c. Extraordinary repairs, alterations, new construction, erection or demolition of structures shall be assigned to construction or erection classifications. BUREAU RATING VALUES AND PREMIUM 1. Bureau Rating Values The Bureau Rating Values for Codes 0908, 0909, 0912 and 0913 are per capita premium charges. Terrorism (9740) and Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) (9741) do not apply to per capita classification premium charges. 2. Records Required The insured shall maintain a record of the names, duties and period of service of each domestic worker. 3. Full Time Domestic Workers Estimated premium for Codes 0912 and 0913 shall be computed on the estimated number of such domestic workers during the policy period. If additional domestic workers under Codes 0912 and 0913 are employed during the policy period or if some domestic workers are no longer employed and are not replaced, the per capita premium charges shall be pro-rated. Each pro rata charge shall be based on the period of employment but shall not be less than 25% of the per capita charge. 4. Occasional Domestic Workers A separate per capita charge shall be applied to each concurrently employed domestic worker. RULE XV – FINAL EARNED PREMIUM DETERMINATION A. ACTUAL PAYROLL Final earned premium for the policy shall be determined on actual, instead of estimated, payroll or other premium basis. B. PREMIUM DETERMINATION The determination of final earned premium is governed by the rules, classifications and Bureau rating values and carrier rating values, subject to modification by applicable rating plans. C. AUDIT RIGHTS OF CARRIER The insurance carrier has the right to compute earned premium based on an examination of original payroll records and books of account of the insured, in accordance with Part Five (Premium Audit) of the Standard Policy. D. AUTHORIZED CLASSIFICATIONS © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 63 Classifications which are not expressed on the policy shall not be used in auditing the payroll of any risk upon which a Data Card has been issued by the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau, unless upon application to the Bureau Data Card may be revised. RULE XVl – APPEALS FROM APPLICATION OF THE RATING SYSTEM PROCEDURE A. Any person, corporate or otherwise, aggrieved by the application of the rating system of the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau (the “Bureau”) as approved by the Insurance Commissioner pursuant to the Insurance Company Law of May 17, 1921, P.L. 682, as amended, (the “Law”) and the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act of June 2, 1915, P.L. 736, as amended (the “Act”) may appeal such application to the Bureau in accordance with this Procedure. “Rating System” is defined herein to include but is not necessarily limited to the following: the assignment by the Bureau of an individual business to a particular classification, the continuation or discontinuation of an entity’s (ies) previous experience to the experience rating of new ownership, revision of losses used in a business’ experience modification or merit rating, an individual business’ eligibility for or the percentage of credit under the Pennsylvania Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program, the discount or surcharge applied to a business eligible for the Merit Rating Plan or any other workers’ compensation insurance pricing program filed by the Bureau with the Insurance Commissioner. The aggrieved party must commence any appeal of the application of the rating system within twelve (12) months of the policy period in which the application was made by filing an appeal directly with the Bureau in accordance with this Procedure except for an appeal for revision of losses used in a business’ experience modification or merit rating which shall be governed by the specific Revision of Losses provisions of Section 5 and Section 6 of this Manual. B. An aggrieved party to which the rating system is found on appeal by an Appeals Subcommittee to have been improperly applied as of the time of the aggrieved party's appeal to the Bureau in accordance with this Procedure, may have such application amended effective only for the policy currently in effect at the time the aggrieved party first submitted its appeal to the Bureau, in accordance with Paragraph F. hereof, and for the immediately preceding expired policy. In the case of a multiple year policy, application of the rating system may be amended effective only for the policy year currently in effect at the time the aggrieved party first submitted its appeal to the Bureau, in accordance with Paragraph F. hereof, and for the policy year expiring no more than twelve (12) months prior to such appeal to the Bureau. C An aggrieved party for which application of the rating system is revised as a result of a change in the Bureau's interpretation of the rating system approved for use by the Insurance Commissioner, may have such application amended effective as of the date determined by an Appeals Subcommittee of the Bureau's Classification and Rating Committee, which date may be prospective or retroactive as determined by the Appeals Subcommittee; provided however, that any retroactive effect shall not exceed the time period authorized in Paragraph B. hereof. D. An aggrieved party for which application of the rating system is revised pursuant to a change to the rating system filed by the Bureau approved for use by the Insurance Commissioner, may have such application amended effective only upon the aggrieved party’s first normal anniversary date on or later than the effective date of the change to the rating system approved by the Insurance Commissioner. E. Nothing in this Procedure shall permit an aggrieved party for which application of the rating system is revised on a new and renewal basis only to have such application amended effective before the aggrieved party’s first normal policy anniversary date effective on or later than the effective date of the change to the rating system approved by the Insurance Commissioner. F An aggrieved party who wants to appeal an application of the rating system must first submit a written request for review thereof to the Bureau together with all information in support of its appeal. The Bureau staff shall review the request and supporting information. To make certain the facts of an appeal are fully agreed upon by the Bureau and the appellant, the Bureau staff may make written inquiries to the appellant an/or (as circumstances warrant) visit the appellant's Pennsylvania workplace(s). The Bureau shall notify the appellant in writing that staff's Paragraph F. review has been completed and that this letter is the Bureau's final decision. If the appellant is still aggrieved by the rating system application following completion of the Bureau staff's review and final decision, the appellant shall have the right to present its appeal to an Appeals Subcommittee of the Bureau's Classification and Rating Committee in accordance with the provisions of this Procedure. A further © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 64 appeal by an appellant of the Appeals Subcommittee decision may be taken to the Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Section 654 of the Law and Section 717 of the Act, only after the appellant has first exhausted its rights pursuant to this Procedure. G. Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the Bureau staff pursuant to Paragraph F. shall have the right to appeal to an Appeals Subcommittee of the Classification and Rating Committee of the Bureau. An Appeals Subcommittee shall be comprised of an equal number of public and insurer members. Any Appeals Subcommittee member having a direct pecuniary interest in the aggrieved party's appeal shall recuse its representative from the appeal proceeding. Such appeal must be received by the Bureau no later than ninety (90) days from the date of the Bureau staff's final decision referred to in Paragraph F. H. All appeals pursuant to Paragraph G. hereof must be filed with the Bureau and must meet the following requirements: 1. The appeal must be in writing. 2. The appeal must set forth in detail the nature of the complaint, all reasons for believing the Bureau decision to be in error, all documents in support of the appeal, the specific nature of relief desired, and that the aggrieved party or its designated representative will appear before an Appeals Subcommittee of the Classification and Rating Committee at a to be determined hearing date. The Bureau urges the aggrieved party to appear before the Appeals Subcommittee as the aggrieved party is better able to respond to any questions the Appeals Subcommittee may have regarding the aggrieved party’s business operations than a designated representative. 3. In the event an appeal does not fulfill the requirements of Paragraph H. 2. hereof the Bureau shall make a written request for the needed additional information from the aggrieved party, who shall have thirty (30) days to comply. Upon a written showing by the aggrieved party that the requested additional information cannot be provided within thirty (30) days, the Bureau may grant an extension consistent with the circumstances. If the requested additional information is not submitted within the specified time period, as extended, the appeal shall be dismissed. I. Following receipt of an appeal to an Appeals Sub-committee of the Classification and Rating Committee, the Bureau will notify the appellant of the time and place of the Appeals Subcommittee meeting at which the matter shall be heard. The appeal shall be dismissed if an appellant, after due notice pursuant to Paragraph L. hereof, fails to be present or represented at three such scheduled hearings. J. The procedure at the hearing shall be as informal as possible and shall provide for the following steps: 1. The Chair of the Classification and Rating Committee shall introduce the appellant to the Appeals Subcommittee. 2. The appellant may at its option make an oral presentation of its case, or may rely solely upon the written material previously submitted to the Bureau in connection with the appeal. 3. Bureau staff members or consultants to the Bureau may present testimony and other information to the Appeals Subcommittee relating to the matter under consideration. 4. The appellant or the Bureau may also present witnesses and documentary evidence relevant to the appeal, and the appellant and the Bureau shall have the opportunity to direct questions to any witness who has testified before the Appeals Subcommittee on appeal. 5. After all testimony and other evidence have been presented, the hearing shall be declared closed by the Chair of the Committee and the appellant shall leave the hearing room. Such hearing may, in the discretion of the Appeals Subcommittee, be reopened at any time prior to the Appeals Subcommittee's decision. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 UNDERWRITING RULES Page 65 6. After the hearing is closed, the Appeals Sub-committee shall arrive at its decision in executive session. 7. The decision shall be set forth in writing, shall specify all factual and other bases for the decision, and shall be sent to the appellant no later than thirty (30) days after the hearing. 8. The Appeals Subcommittee decision shall be included in the minutes of the meetings of the Classification and Rating Committee and be retained in the records of the Bureau. 9. The minutes of an Appeals Subcommittee of the Classification and Rating Committee meeting shall be kept by the Bureau staff. As hearings before the Appeals Subcommittee are as informal as possible there shall be no stenographic, audio or video record thereof. 10. If travel is required for the aggrieved person to be heard by the Appeals Subcommittee in person, the aggrieved person will be reimbursed for travel expenses in the same manner as members of the Appeals Subcommittee. K. An appellant is not required to be represented by an attorney at any stage in any proceeding. However, an appellant has a right at the appellant’s expense to be represented by an attorney. An appellant who is represented by an attorney shall notify the Bureau in writing and shall also furnish the Bureau with the attorney's name and mailing address. After the Bureau has received such notification from an appellant, subsequent papers in the proceeding to be served on such appellant shall be served only upon the attorney designated by the appellant. L. Notices of any requirements for additional information pursuant to Paragraph H. 3. or of the time and place of the Appeals Subcommittee hearing shall be given to the appellant, or its attorney pursuant to Paragraph K., in writing personally or by certified mail (with return receipt). The notice of hearing shall be made at least ten (10) days in advance of such hearing, unless such notice is waived by the appellant or its attorney. When a meeting is adjourned to another time or place, written notice need not be given of the adjourned hearing if the time and place thereof are announced at the meeting during which all parties are present at which the adjournment is taken. All other notices, orders, papers, or communications, including a copy of the decision, may be served on an appellant by hand delivery or by regular first class mail to the appellant or its attorney at the last known mailing address provided to the Bureau. M. During the course of all proceedings governed by this Procedure, the Appeals Subcommittee shall have the power to interpret and apply the foregoing Paragraphs, and such interpretation shall be binding upon the parties. N. Appeals from a final decision of the Appeals Subcommittee pursuant to this Procedure must be filed with the Insurance Commissioner within thirty (30) days of the mailing date of the Committee's decision as provided in Section 654 of the Law and Section 717 of the Act. O. Unless otherwise specifically provided by this Procedure, all periods of time shall be calculated from the postmark on materials sent by first class or certified mail through the United States Postal Service or the date of any hand delivery, whichever date is earlier. P. Nothing contained in this Procedure shall prevent efforts to resolve any controversies governed by this Procedure on an informal basis at any stage of the proceedings before the Bureau or the Appeals Subcommittee. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 2 – CLASSIFICATIONS AND BUREAU RATING VALUES BUREAU RATING VALUES VOLUNTEER FIREMEN EMPLOYER ASSESSEMENT U.S. LONGSHORE AND HARBOR WORKERS’ ACT COVERAGE RETROSPECTIVE RATING VALUES CLASSIFICATIONS – NUMERIC AND GROUP ARRANGEMENT WORKERS COMPENSATION – DOMESTIC WORKERS EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITION MANFACTURING MARITIME OR FEDERAL EMPLOYMENTS AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS COAL MINE CLASSIFICATIONS © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 2 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 005 007 009 015 025 16.86 5.08 26.37 16.79 3.97 8.95 2.70 14.00 8.91 1.97 11.65 3.51 18.22 11.60 2.52 13.31 4.01 20.82 13.25 2.85 F C G E G 3 2 4 3 4 028 050 051 055 059 3.56 2.54 3.19 4.19 4.40 1.77 1.26 1.58 2.08 2.19 2.26 1.61 2.02 2.66 2.79 2.56 1.82 2.29 3.01 3.16 F F F F E 3 3 3 3 3 101 103 104 105 106 2.90 1.31 2.93 4.05 4.73 1.55 0.70 1.56 2.16 2.52 2.00 0.90 2.02 2.79 3.26 2.28 1.03 2.30 3.18 3.71 E C B D C 3 2 1 2 2 107 108 109 110 111 2.51 3.88 4.73 3.41 3.78 1.34 2.07 2.52 1.82 2.02 1.73 2.67 3.26 2.35 2.61 1.97 3.05 3.71 2.68 2.97 B C C B C 1 2 2 1 2 112 113 114 115 119 9.55 2.37 7.72 1.95 4.91 5.09 1.27 4.12 1.04 2.62 6.59 1.64 5.33 1.34 3.39 7.50 1.87 6.07 1.53 3.86 C C E D C 2 2 3 2 2 130 132 134 135 136 5.43 2.07 3.61 2.83 2.55 2.89 1.10 1.93 1.51 1.36 3.75 1.43 2.49 1.95 1.76 4.27 1.63 2.84 2.22 2.00 E C C C C 3 2 2 2 2 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 3 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 139 141 142 161 163 4.06 3.82 1.99 2.33 3.33 2.16 2.04 1.06 1.24 1.77 2.80 2.64 1.37 1.61 2.30 3.19 3.01 1.56 1.83 2.61 C B C C C 2 1 2 2 2 165 166 185 187 189 4.45 2.97 3.74 3.21 3.07 2.37 1.58 2.00 1.71 1.64 3.07 2.05 2.58 2.21 2.12 3.50 2.34 2.94 2.52 2.42 B C B B C 1 2 1 1 2 191 201 204 205 221 3.07 3.97 2.58 2.95 2.00 1.64 2.11 1.37 1.57 1.07 2.12 2.74 1.78 2.04 1.38 2.42 3.12 2.02 2.32 1.57 C D B B C 2 2 1 1 2 222 225 227 255 257 3.02 2.95 4.05 2.70 2.81 1.61 1.57 2.16 1.44 1.50 2.09 2.04 2.79 1.86 1.94 2.38 2.32 3.18 2.12 2.21 C C C E C 2 2 2 3 2 261 263 265 275 276 3.38 3.10 3.04 2.62 3.82 1.80 1.66 1.62 1.40 2.04 2.33 2.14 2.10 1.81 2.64 2.65 2.44 2.39 2.06 3.01 C C C C C 2 2 2 2 2 281 282 285 291 2.26 4.80 2.54 3.36 1.21 2.56 1.35 1.79 1.56 3.31 1.75 2.32 1.78 3.77 1.99 2.64 B D B E 1 2 1 3 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 4 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NOB EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 LOSS COST HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 297 301 305 306 311 2.91 5.63 4.37 3.91 2.83 1.55 3.00 2.33 2.08 1.51 2.01 3.89 3.02 2.70 1.95 2.29 4.42 3.44 3.07 2.22 B F D B C 1 3 2 1 2 319 323 327 402 403 3.57 2.60 3.44 5.19 2.94 1.90 1.38 1.83 2.77 1.57 2.46 1.79 2.37 3.59 2.03 2.81 2.04 2.70 4.08 2.31 A C C E C 1 2 2 3 2 404 406 407 411 413 4.54 4.83 3.89 5.29 5.53 2.42 2.57 2.07 2.82 2.95 3.14 3.33 2.68 3.65 3.82 3.57 3.79 3.05 4.15 4.34 E E C E E 3 3 2 3 3 415 416 421 425 427 3.34 5.87 5.92 7.89 3.84 1.78 3.13 3.16 4.21 2.05 2.30 4.05 4.09 5.45 2.65 2.62 4.62 4.66 6.20 3.02 E C E E E 3 2 3 3 3 429 431 433 435 441 4.76 6.12 3.50 4.59 1.42 2.54 3.26 1.87 2.44 0.76 3.28 4.22 2.42 3.16 0.98 3.74 4.81 2.75 3.60 1.12 D C C C C 2 2 2 2 2 445 446 447 2.75 1.88 4.67 1.47 1.00 2.49 1.90 1.30 3.22 2.16 1.47 3.67 C B E 2 1 3 * a b Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. a OD: $0.17 Supplemental is not subject to experience rating. Code as 0067. b OD: $0.13 Supplemental is not subject to experience rating. Code as 0066. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 5 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 449 451 454 456 457 3.04 3.74 3.75 3.78 3.57 1.62 2.00 2.00 2.02 1.90 2.10 2.58 2.59 2.61 2.46 2.39 2.94 2.95 2.97 2.81 D D C D C 2 2 2 2 2 458 459 461 463 465 2.35 1.29 2.74 2.22 2.97 1.25 0.69 1.46 1.18 1.58 1.62 0.89 1.89 1.53 2.05 1.85 1.01 2.15 1.75 2.34 B C D D D 1 2 2 2 2 467 471 472 473 474 3.46 1.17 1.17 2.64 0.60 1.84 0.62 0.62 1.41 0.32 2.39 0.81 0.81 1.82 0.41 2.72 0.92 0.92 2.07 0.47 B B B B C 1 1 1 1 2 475 476 477 483 485 2.78 1.29 2.42 1.25 1.37 1.48 0.69 1.29 0.67 0.73 1.92 0.89 1.67 0.86 0.95 2.18 1.01 1.91 0.98 1.08 D C C B B 2 2 2 1 1 486 487 488 489 491 1.86 1.20 1.12 1.72 3.75 0.99 0.64 0.59 0.92 2.00 1.28 0.83 0.77 1.19 2.59 1.46 0.94 0.88 1.36 2.95 C C B B C 2 2 1 1 2 493 495 497 499 501 3.53 4.77 1.49 3.56 2.99 1.88 2.54 0.80 1.90 1.60 2.44 3.29 1.03 2.46 2.07 2.77 3.75 1.17 2.80 2.35 C D B D E 2 2 1 2 3 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 6 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 LOSS COST 502 506 507 509 511 3.54 1.94 3.07 5.90 5.52 512 513 514 535 536 5.50 3.15 4.68 3.05 5.11 544 551 553 555 563 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 1.89 1.03 1.64 3.15 2.94 2.44 1.34 2.12 4.08 3.81 2.78 1.52 2.42 4.64 4.34 A C F G E 1 2 3 4 3 2.93 1.68 2.49 1.63 2.73 3.80 2.18 3.23 2.11 3.53 4.32 2.48 3.68 2.40 4.02 E B E C C 3 1 3 2 2 8.84 1.64 1.26 0.69 2.19 4.71 0.88 0.67 0.37 1.17 6.10 1.13 0.87 0.48 1.51 6.94 1.29 0.99 0.54 1.72 E F G B C 3 3 4 1 2 571 573 581 587 601 2.73 3.74 2.14 2.75 7.18 1.46 2.00 1.14 1.47 3.49 1.88 2.58 1.48 1.90 4.46 2.14 2.94 1.68 2.16 5.05 C F E C G 2 3 3 2 4 602 603 605 606 607 4.69 5.41 6.72 11.13 7.56 2.26 2.55 3.25 5.37 3.71 2.89 3.27 4.15 6.87 4.75 3.27 3.69 4.70 7.77 5.37 F F E G F 3 3 3 4 3 608 609 611 615 0152 6.27 5.10 9.27 11.01 1.19 3.01 2.48 4.44 5.30 3.85 3.17 5.68 6.77 4.36 3.58 6.43 7.66 F F E G G 3 3 3 4 4 * c d d c Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. Associated classes – both codes must be applied. The second code is not subject to experience rating and applies to the full payroll of the associated class. OD: $0.20 Supplemental is not subject to experience rating. Code as 0176. OD: $0.84 Supplemental applies when coverage for Federal black lung is provided. It is not subject to experience rating. Code as 0164. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 7 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 617 645 646 647 5.22 6.08 5.13 6.68 2.53 2.83 2.44 3.29 3.23 3.62 3.12 4.21 3.66 4.09 3.53 4.76 F F E D 3 3 3 2 648 649 651 652 5.51 2.90 6.76 8.20 2.66 1.32 3.25 4.05 3.41 1.69 4.16 5.18 3.85 1.92 4.71 5.86 E E F F 3 3 3 3 653 654 655 656 657 7.32 8.55 12.65 6.85 8.26 3.50 4.06 6.13 3.33 3.99 4.47 5.19 7.84 4.26 5.11 5.06 5.87 8.87 4.82 5.78 F F G G F 3 3 4 4 3 658 659 660 661 662 8.44 16.69 2.23 3.53 4.76 3.97 8.07 1.08 1.63 2.35 5.08 10.32 1.38 2.09 3.01 5.75 11.68 1.57 2.36 3.40 F G E E E 3 4 3 3 3 663 664 665 666 667 4.34 4.17 7.82 5.97 1.84 2.07 1.96 3.80 2.83 0.89 2.65 2.51 4.86 3.61 1.13 2.99 2.84 5.50 4.09 1.28 E E F E F 3 3 3 3 3 668 669 670 673 674 4.72 6.74 4.84 5.03 4.48 2.25 3.21 2.27 2.49 2.22 2.88 4.11 2.90 3.18 2.84 3.26 4.65 3.28 3.60 3.21 E F E F E 3 3 3 3 3 675 676 677 679 681 4.44 4.63 4.02 7.91 4.66 2.16 2.18 1.94 3.82 2.27 2.76 2.78 2.49 4.88 2.90 3.13 3.15 2.81 5.52 3.28 F E G F F 3 3 4 3 3 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 8 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 682 691 693 695 709 12.85 6.31 8.29 4.17 1.92 6.25 3.05 4.01 2.02 0.95 7.99 3.90 5.13 2.58 1.22 9.04 4.41 5.81 2.92 1.38 E F F E G 3 3 3 3 4 716 718 721 744 751 2.71 2.85 10.14 1.55 2.52 1.34 1.42 5.41 0.83 1.34 1.72 1.81 7.00 1.07 1.74 1.95 2.05 7.97 1.22 1.98 E E F D E 3 3 3 2 3 752 753 755 757 759 0.93 3.04 0.92 1.84 4.51 0.50 1.62 0.49 0.98 2.41 0.64 2.10 0.64 1.27 3.12 0.73 2.39 0.73 1.44 3.55 G C F E E 4 2 3 3 3 801 803 804 805 806 6.64 18.39 3.11 5.05 10.49 3.53 9.76 1.65 2.68 5.57 4.59 12.70 2.15 3.49 7.25 5.25 14.52 2.46 3.99 8.28 E E E E E 3 3 3 3 3 807 808 809 810 0162 5.33 6.09 4.81 5.61 0.84 2.81 3.23 2.55 2.98 3.65 4.20 3.32 3.87 4.17 4.81 3.80 4.43 E E F F E 3 3 3 3 3 811 812 813 814 815 7.61 5.96 5.29 3.52 3.33 4.04 3.17 2.81 1.87 1.77 5.26 4.12 3.65 2.43 2.30 6.01 4.71 4.17 2.78 2.63 E F D C D 3 3 2 2 2 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. Associated classes – both codes must be applied. The second code is not subject to experience rating and applies to the full payroll of the associated class. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 9 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 816 817 818 819 820 821 2.06 7.03 1.39 0.68 2.92 6.11 1.09 3.73 0.74 0.36 1.55 3.24 1.42 4.86 0.96 0.47 2.02 4.22 1.63 5.55 1.10 0.54 2.31 4.82 D E D D D C 2 3 2 2 2 2 825 855 857 858 859 3.09 4.86 6.98 7.82 8.51 1.64 2.58 3.71 4.15 4.52 2.14 3.36 4.82 5.40 5.88 2.44 3.84 5.51 6.17 6.72 C E E F E 2 3 3 3 3 860 861 862 863 865 867 8.71 8.51 7.95 7.95 3.37 6.63 4.63 4.52 4.22 4.22 1.79 3.52 6.02 5.88 5.49 5.49 2.33 4.58 6.88 6.72 6.28 6.28 2.66 5.24 E E E E C D 3 3 3 3 2 2 871 877 879 880 881 882 7.86 2.55 3.94 4.59 3.62 7.19 4.17 1.35 2.09 2.43 1.92 3.82 5.43 1.76 2.72 3.17 2.50 4.97 6.20 2.01 3.11 3.62 2.86 5.68 D B B C B B 2 1 1 2 1 1 883 884 885 886 887 2.56 0.80 3.07 2.44 0.73 1.36 0.43 1.63 1.30 0.39 1.77 0.55 2.12 1.69 0.50 2.02 0.63 2.43 1.93 0.58 B B C B C 1 1 2 1 2 889 890 891 892 893 0.54 0.62 0.90 0.91 0.71 0.29 0.33 0.48 0.48 0.38 0.37 0.43 0.62 0.63 0.49 0.42 0.49 0.71 0.72 0.56 B C B B B 1 2 1 1 1 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 10 CODE NO LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN HAZARD LOSS EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * GROUP COST A-1 A-2 A-3 A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 894 895 896 897 898 1.16 0.66 2.17 1.64 1.87 0.61 0.35 1.15 0.87 0.99 0.80 0.46 1.50 1.14 1.29 0.91 0.52 1.71 1.30 1.47 B B A A C 1 1 1 1 2 899 903 904 907 910 1.51 0.53 1.51 5.01 7.20 0.80 0.28 0.80 2.66 3.82 1.04 0.36 1.04 3.46 4.97 1.19 0.42 1.19 3.96 5.69 C E E B C 2 3 3 1 2 911 914 915 916 917 5.00 1.99 3.26 1.85 2.09 2.66 1.06 1.73 0.98 1.11 3.45 1.37 2.25 1.28 1.44 3.95 1.57 2.57 1.46 1.65 B B C B C 1 1 2 1 2 918 919 920 921 922 2.87 1.94 0.52 5.61 3.79 1.52 1.03 0.27 2.98 2.01 1.98 1.34 0.36 3.87 2.62 2.27 1.53 0.41 4.43 3.00 C B C D D 2 1 2 2 2 923 924 925 926 927 3.02 3.66 2.25 2.86 0.96 1.61 1.94 1.20 1.52 0.51 2.09 2.53 1.56 1.98 0.67 2.39 2.89 1.78 2.26 0.76 B B B B B 1 1 1 1 1 928 929 932 933 934 1.96 4.90 0.92 5.83 3.05 1.04 2.60 0.49 3.10 1.62 1.35 3.38 0.64 4.03 2.11 1.55 3.87 0.73 4.61 2.41 B C C C C 1 2 2 2 2 935 936 937 939 940 1.63 0.38 10.15 5.20 4.31 0.87 0.20 5.39 2.76 2.29 1.13 0.26 7.01 3.59 2.98 1.29 0.30 8.02 4.11 3.40 C D D F C 2 2 2 3 2 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior policy year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 11 CODE NO LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN HAZARD LOSS EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE* GROUP COST A-1 A-2 A-3 A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 941 942 943 944 945 2.28 3.35 4.92 1.89 2.40 1.21 1.78 2.61 1.00 1.28 1.58 2.31 3.40 1.30 1.66 1.80 2.64 3.88 1.49 1.90 C C C B A 2 2 2 1 1 946 947 948 949 951 2.55 4.26 1.98 0.94 0.50 1.35 2.26 1.05 0.50 0.26 1.76 2.94 1.37 0.65 0.34 2.01 3.36 1.56 0.74 0.39 C B A C E 2 1 1 2 3 952 953 954 955 956 0.88 0.27 2.55 0.51 0.17 0.47 0.15 1.35 0.27 0.09 0.61 0.19 1.76 0.35 0.12 0.70 0.22 2.01 0.40 0.14 C C E D D 2 2 3 2 2 957 958 959 960 961 0.36 1.50 1.44 3.51 0.89 0.19 0.80 0.76 1.86 0.47 0.25 1.04 0.99 2,42 0.62 0.28 1.19 1.14 2.77 0.70 C C C C C 2 2 2 2 2 962 963 964 965 966 0.08 0.54 1.89 0.52 2.20 0.04 0.29 1.00 0.27 1.17 0.06 0.37 1.30 0.36 1.52 0.06 0.42 1.49 0.41 1.74 F B B B E 3 1 1 1 3 967 968 969 970 971 0.92 1.29 2.48 7.96 3.82 0.49 0.68 1.31 4.23 2.03 0.64 0.89 1.71 5.50 2.64 0.73 1.02 1.95 6.29 3.02 D B C B C 2 1 2 1 2 973 974 975 976 977 3.02 2.66 1.75 1.21 0.88 1.61 1.41 0.93 0.64 0.47 2.09 1.84 1.21 0.83 0.61 2.39 2.10 1.39 0.95 0.70 B C A B A 1 2 1 1 1 * Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior policy year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 12 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST 978 979 980 981 982 983 2.88 3.80 4.17 1.28 3.24 7.29 984 985 986 987 988 0.25 3.82 1.20 1.01 0.26 992 993 994 995 996 4.81 1,206.47 g 8.17 965.17 997 999 0006 0008 0011 012 0013 0016 0034 0036 * e EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 2 2 3 1 3 2 1.53 2.02 2.21 0.68 1.99 2.63 2.88 0.88 2.27 3.00 3.29 1.01 3.87 5.04 5.76 C C E A E C 0.13 2.01 0.64 0.54 0.14 0.18 2.61 0.83 0.70 0.18 0.20 2.99 0.95 0.80 0.21 C E C C C 2 3 2 2 2 2.55 512.46 h 4.34 512.46 3.32 666.70 h 5.64 666.70 3.80 762.03 h 6.45 762.03 E D G F G 3 2 4 3 4 1.05 4.75 3.79 2.16 3.50 0.56 2.52 2.01 1.15 1.86 0.73 3.28 2.62 1.49 2.42 0.83 3.75 3.00 1.71 2.76 D D D D B 2 2 2 2 1 5.06 4.85 3.36 4.74 4.32 2.69 2.57 1.78 2.52 2.29 3.50 3.35 2.32 3.27 2.98 4.00 3.83 2.65 3.74 3.41 D C C C C 2 2 2 2 2 e f i Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior policy year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. Per person per week. A partial workweek is to be counted as a full workweek. Not subject to Experience or Retrospective Rating. f Per ambulance corps. g See appropriate page of Section 2. h Apply the following percentages (A-1 = 49.45%, A-2 = 64.33%, A-3 = 73.53%) to annual loss cost from the appropriate page of Section 2. i Per hazardous materials response team. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU f PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 13 LOSS COSTS AND EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CODE NO LOSS COST EXPERIENCE RATING PLAN EXPECTED LOSS FACTORS TABLE * A-1 A-2 A-3 HAZARD GROUP A-G HAZARD GROUP 1-4 C C G G G G 2 2 4 4 4 4 E E G G G 3 3 4 4 4 0083 0170 4771 0771 4775 0775 5.12 2.85 3.12 0.78 3.12 0.78 2.72 1.51 1.67 3.54 1.97 2.16 4.04 2.25 2.46 1.67 2.16 2.46 4777 7405 7445 7413 7453 9.06 0.91 0.19 1.23 0.26 4.81 0.48 6.26 0.63 7.15 0.72 0.65 0.85 0.97 1.48 3.50 4.56 77.16 0.02 0.01 0.79 1.86 2.42 1.02 2.42 3.15 1.17 2.76 3.60 F G E 3 4 3 28.90 1.47 154.01 74.93 257.32 446.87 15.34 0.78 81.77 39.79 136.63 237.27 19.96 1.02 106.38 51.76 177.75 308.68 22.82 1.16 121.59 59.16 203.16 352.82 B A C B B C 1 1 2 1 1 2 7421 7424 7428 9108 9740 9741 j k k k Per Capita 0901 0902 0908 0909 0912 0913 A Rated 9985 0133 * j k A A A A A A A A Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior policy year, and Table A-3 to the second prior policy year. Associated classes - both codes must be applied. The second code is not subject to experience rating and applies to the full payroll of the associated class. Code 9108 may also apply. Not subject to experience rating © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 14 PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN CODE 994 SCHEDULE OF ANNUAL LOSS COSTS Population Annual Loss Cost Population Annual Loss Cost Up to 300 1,810 6,501 to 7,000 7,564 301 to 500 2,223 7,001 to 7,500 7,839 501 to 700 2,586 7,501 to 8,000 8,113 701 to 1,000 2,989 8,001 to 8,500 8,378 1,001 to 1,500 3,515 8,501 to 9,000 8,638 1,501 to 2,000 4,083 9,001 to 9,500 8,890 2,001 to 2,500 4,568 9,501 to 10,000 9,136 2,501 to 3,000 4,997 10,001 to 15,000 10,485 3,001 to 3,500 5,376 15,001 to 20,000 12,819 3,501 to 4,000 5,733 20,001 to 25,000 15,113 4,001 to 4,500 6,065 25,001 to 30,000 17,381 4,501 to 5,000 6,383 30,001 to 35,000 19,613 5,001 to 5,500 6,693 35,001 to 40,000 21,815 5,501 to 6,000 6,987 40,001 to 45,000 23,980 6,001 to 6,500 7,280 45,001 to 50,000 26,107 For each additional 5,000 population........... © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU 2,135 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 15 A. Definitions HOME AREA Any city, township or borough having its volunteer fire department located within the city, township or borough. OUTSIDE AREA Any city, township or borough which does not have its volunteer fire department located within its boundaries and is protected pursuant to a fire protection contract. VOLUNTEER AND PAID STAFF In jurisdictions where a combination of volunteer and paid firemen are employed, the following procedure shall be followed to arrive at the proper population to be used for volunteer firemen premium calculation: The number of salaried firemen and active volunteers shall be determined at the inception of the policy and shall not be subject to revision until renewal. 'Active volunteers' refers to members of the company who are on the roster as available to respond to a fire alarm. Determine the number of salaried firemen and active volunteers, e.g. 14 paid and 35 volunteers, total staff 49. Take 35/49 or 71% of the service, as being provided by volunteers. Apply 71% to the population, e.g. population 37,769 x 71% = 26,816 as a revised population base. B. The annual loss cost charge shall be determined on the basis of the sum of the populations from: (1) The Volunteer Fire Company or Companies' "Home Area," and (2) C. Any "Outside Area" serviced by the "Home Area" company or companies. When an "Outside Area" is serviced by fire companies from two or more different "Home Areas," the separate populations serviced by each company shall be determined. Population. Population is determined on the basis of the figures provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, as published in either actual population counts (Census of Population and Housing Reports) or semiannual actuarial estimates of population. The latest report issued prior to June 30 of a given year shall be used for all policies issued on and after October 1 of that year and up to and including the following September 30. PENNSYLVANIA EMPLOYER ASSESSMENT FACTOR CODE 0938.........................0.0241 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 16 SMALL DEDUCTIBLE PROGRAM LOSS ELIMINATION RATIOS Deductible Levels $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ $ $ Deductible Levels 1,000 5,000 10,000 A 6.3% 23.4% 29.8% B 5.5% 20.2% 26.1% 1 5.7% 20.7% 26.6% C 5.3% 18.9% 24.0% Hazard Groups D E 4.6% 3.6% 16.5% 12.8% 21.4% 17.3% Hazard Groups 2 3 5.1% 3.4% 18.1% 12.1% 23.2% 16.3% F 3.1% 10.6% 14.4% G 3.0% 9.8% 12.7% 4 3.0% 9.8% 12.7% NOTE: Upon approval of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department individual carriers can offer different deductible levels and/or premium credits. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 17 UNITED STATES LONGSHORE AND HARBOR WORKERS RATES MANUAL RATES AND EXPECTED LOSS RATES Code No. 6824F 6826F 6843F 6872F 7309F 7313F 7317F 7327F 7366F 8709F 8726F Manual Rate 20.07 21.00 26.29 61.34 105.41 21.75 55.13 42.85 18.71 7.54 6.46 Experience Rating Plan Expected Loss Rate Table A-1 A-2 A-3 4.31 6.83 10.41 4.51 7.15 10.89 5.65 8.95 13.63 13.18 20.87 31.81 22.64 35.87 54.67 4.67 7.40 11.28 11.84 18.76 28.59 9.20 14.58 22.22 4.02 6.37 9.70 1.62 2.57 3.91 1.39 2.20 3.35 Min Prem. 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 1,815 1,595 Hazard Groups A-G 1-4 F 3 E 3 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 G 4 E 3 Table A-1 applies to the most current policy year, Table A-2 to the first prior year, and Table A-3 to second prior and older policy year. VOLUNTARY MARKET Expense Constant: $270 United States Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Coverage Percentage applicable only in connection with Rule XII ....................................................................................80.3% (1.803 x Carrier Rate) UNITED STATES LONGSHORE AND HARBOR WORKERS PREMIUM DISCOUNT TABLE Total Workers Compensation Standard Premium First Next Next Over $ 10,000 ......... 190,000 ......... 1,550,000 ......... 1,750,000 ......... Discounts Applicable to Pennsylvania Portion Schedule (Y) Carriers None 9.1% 11.3% 12.3% © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU Discounts Applicable to Pennsylvania (X) Carriers None 5.1% 6.5% 7.5% PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 18 * EXCESS LOSS (PURE PREMIUM) FACTORS (Applicable to New and Renewal Policies) Excess Loss Factors Per Accident Limit $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $325,000 $350,000 $375,000 $400,000 $425,000 $450,000 $475,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 A 0.702 0.656 0.618 0.588 0.562 0.538 0.519 0.484 0.415 0.363 0.321 0.291 0.263 0.240 0.220 0.202 0.187 0.176 0.164 0.153 0.144 0.135 0.128 0.122 0.116 0.112 0.097 0.085 0.076 0.069 0.0633 0.0362 0.0262 0.0209 0.0177 0.0156 0.0138 0.0125 0.0113 0.0104 B 0.739 0.697 0.663 0.634 0.610 0.588 0.568 0.534 0.467 0.413 0.370 0.334 0.304 0.279 0.256 0.237 0.221 0.207 0.195 0.182 0.171 0.161 0.153 0.144 0.138 0.131 0.113 0.099 0.089 0.081 0.0738 0.0422 0.0303 0.0240 0.0202 0.0177 0.0159 0.0146 0.0132 0.0122 C 0.760 0.721 0.690 0.665 0.641 0.620 0.600 0.569 0.504 0.451 0.407 0.372 0.340 0.314 0.290 0.269 0.251 0.235 0.221 0.206 0.194 0.184 0.175 0.167 0.158 0.151 0.128 0.113 0.101 0.092 0.0842 0.0480 0.0345 0.0274 0.0228 0.0198 0.0177 0.0162 0.0150 0.0140 D 0.786 0.749 0.717 0.692 0.669 0.649 0.632 0.600 0.536 0.484 0.443 0.406 0.376 0.349 0.323 0.304 0.284 0.267 0.252 0.238 0.225 0.213 0.202 0.193 0.185 0.178 0.152 0.134 0.120 0.110 0.1007 0.0587 0.0426 0.0336 0.0280 0.0241 0.0214 0.0194 0.0179 0.0166 E 0.827 0.793 0.765 0.741 0.721 0.701 0.685 0.654 0.593 0.540 0.497 0.461 0.428 0.400 0.374 0.351 0.329 0.312 0.294 0.279 0.265 0.252 0.240 0.229 0.219 0.211 0.181 0.160 0.143 0.130 0.1205 0.0710 0.0516 0.0409 0.0339 0.0291 0.0256 0.0231 0.0211 0.0196 F 0.856 0.826 0.802 0.780 0.761 0.744 0.730 0.701 0.641 0.594 0.551 0.514 0.482 0.453 0.426 0.403 0.381 0.362 0.342 0.326 0.310 0.297 0.284 0.272 0.261 0.252 0.219 0.193 0.176 0.160 0.1481 0.0897 0.0660 0.0525 0.0434 0.0372 0.0327 0.0293 0.0265 0.0244 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU G 0.873 0.848 0.828 0.811 0.796 0.782 0.768 0.744 0.692 0.649 0.610 0.577 0.547 0.519 0.494 0.470 0.450 0.430 0.411 0.394 0.380 0.366 0.353 0.340 0.329 0.319 0.283 0.256 0.236 0.218 0.2045 0.1329 0.1008 0.0812 0.0678 0.0579 0.0505 0.0448 0.0404 0.0368 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 19 EXCESS LOSS (PURE PREMIUM) FACTORS (Applicable to New and Renewal Policies) Excess Loss Factors Per Accident Limit $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $325,000 $350,000 $375,000 $400,000 $425,000 $450,000 $475,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 1 0.734 0.690 0.657 0.627 0.602 0.580 0.561 0.527 0.460 0.404 0.363 0.328 0.298 0.273 0.251 0.232 0.216 0.202 0.188 0.178 0.167 0.157 0.149 0.141 0.134 0.128 0.111 0.097 0.087 0.079 0.0722 0.0414 0.0297 0.0235 0.0199 0.0174 0.0156 0.0143 0.0129 0.0117 2 0.768 0.730 0.699 0.672 0.649 0.629 0.610 0.579 0.513 0.460 0.417 0.383 0.351 0.323 0.300 0.279 0.260 0.245 0.230 0.216 0.203 0.192 0.183 0.175 0.166 0.159 0.136 0.119 0.108 0.097 0.0892 0.0513 0.0370 0.0292 0.0243 0.0212 0.0188 0.0171 0.0158 0.0150 3 0.837 0.805 0.778 0.755 0.735 0.717 0.700 0.670 0.610 0.559 0.517 0.480 0.448 0.418 0.392 0.369 0.348 0.328 0.312 0.296 0.280 0.268 0.254 0.245 0.234 0.225 0.193 0.172 0.154 0.141 0.1301 0.0774 0.0567 0.0449 0.0372 0.0319 0.0281 0.0251 0.0229 0.0213 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU 4 0.873 0.848 0.828 0.811 0.796 0.782 0.768 0.744 0.692 0.649 0.610 0.577 0.547 0.519 0.494 0.470 0.450 0.430 0.411 0.394 0.380 0.366 0.353 0.340 0.329 0.319 0.283 0.256 0.236 0.218 0.2045 0.1329 0.1008 0.0812 0.0678 0.0579 0.0505 0.0448 0.0404 0.0368 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 20 PENNSYLVANIA RETROSPECTIVE DEVELOPMENT FACTORS* Retrospective development factors for first, second and third adjustments are calculated below. They are intended for application to retrospective plans with no loss limitation. First Adjustment Second Adjustment Third Adjustment RDF RDF RDF = = = 0.4380 0.2975 0.2141 For those companies using retrospective development factors with loss limitations, the following formula may be used. RDF(LIM) RDF(LIM) ELF = (1.0–ELF) X RDF = Retrospective Development Factors at limited basis = Expected Loss Factors for given Hazard Group and Loss Limitation RDF = Retrospective Development Factors without Loss Limitation For Example: ELF = $25,000 limit, Hazard Group C ELF = 0.6650 First Adjustment RDF = (1–0.6650)x0.4380 RDF = 0.1467 *The use of retrospective development factors is optional. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AND HAZARD GROUP RELATIVITIES HAZARD GROUP A B C D E F G FACTOR 1.67 1.20 1.01 0.95 0.81 0.65 0.53 HAZARD GROUP 1 2 3 4 FACTOR 1.27 0.99 0.75 0.53 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 21 (From NCCI ITEM R-1396) Expected Loss Group Expected Loss Range Expected Loss Group Expected Loss Range Expected Loss Group Expected Loss Range 95 985 - 1,537 65 82,577 - 89,187 35 1,029,916 - 1,156,359 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 1,538 2,277 3,007 3,975 5,170 6,244 7,536 8,748 10,154 11,778 13,320 15,058 17,006 18,922 21,053 23,420 26,057 28,753 31,655 34,854 38,301 41,932 45,907 50,265 54,867 59,849 65,278 70,776 76,449 - 2,276 3,006 3,974 5,169 6,243 7,535 8,747 10,153 11,777 13,319 15,057 17,005 18,921 21,052 23,419 26,056 28,752 31,654 34,853 38,300 41,931 45,906 50,264 54,866 59,848 65,277 70,775 76,448 82,576 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 89,188 96,328 104,039 112,367 121,362 131,103 141,755 153,054 164,906 177,680 191,444 207,000 223,884 242,151 261,899 282,617 304,924 329,151 358,099 389,590 423,853 463,179 506,817 554,571 611,346 675,596 746,601 825,067 917,293 - 96,327 104,038 112,366 121,361 131,102 141,754 153,053 164,905 177,679 191,443 206,999 223,883 242,150 261,898 282,616 304,923 329,150 358,098 389,589 423,852 463,178 506,816 554,570 611,345 675,595 746,600 825,066 917,292 1,029,915 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1,156.360 1,298,330 1,480,489 1,701,727 1,956,029 2,248,334 2,672,626 3,195,878 3,821,581 4,711.216 5,995,159 7,629,015 9,748,540 12.474,180 15,961,894 20,424,754 26,135,403 35,850,103 53,022.013 78,419,140 115,981,281 171,535,391 253,699,473 397,136,575 628,429,114 994,426,546 - 1,298,329 1,480,488 1,701,726 1,956,028 2,248,333 2,672,625 3,195,877 3,821,580 4,711,215 5,995,158 7,629,014 9,748,539 12,474,179 15,961,893 20,424,753 26,135,402 35,850,102 53,022,012 78,419,139 115,981,280 171,535,390 253,699,472 397,136,574 628,429,113 994,426,545 &over ©2007 National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 22 UNITED STATES LONGSHOREMEN AND HARBOR WORKERS PREMIUM DISCOUNT TABLES (IN PERCENT) Standard Premium $ 0 10,056 10,168 10,283 10,400 - 10,055 10,167 10,282 10,399 10,520 0.0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 10,521 10,644 10,770 10,899 11,031 11,166 11,305 11,447 11,593 11,742 11,896 12,053 12,215 12,381 12,552 12,728 12,908 - 10,643 10,769 10,898 11,030 11,165 11,304 11,446 11,592 11,741 11,895 12,052 12,214 12,380 12,551 12,727 12,907 13,093 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 13,094 - 13,285 13,482 13,685 13,894 14,109 14,331 14,560 14,797 15,042 15,295 15,556 15,827 16,107 16,397 16,698 17,010 17,334 - 13,284 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 - 13,481 13,684 13,893 14,108 14,330 14,559 14,796 15,041 15,294 15,555 15,826 16,106 16,396 16,697 17,009 17,333 17,669 17,670 18,020 18,384 18,763 19,158 - 19,570 20,000 20,450 20,920 21,412 - - Standard Premium Discount $ 21,928 22,470 23,038 23,637 24,267 - 24,932 25,634 26,377 27,165 28,000 28,889 29,837 30,848 31,930 33,091 34,340 35,687 37,143 38,724 40,445 42,326 44,391 - 46,667 - 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 49,190 52,000 55,152 58,710 62,759 67,408 72,800 79,131 86,667 95,790 107,059 121,334 140,000 165,455 200,378 208,236 216,735 18,019 18,383 18,762 19,157 19,569 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 19,999 20,449 20,919 21,411 21,927 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 22,469 23,037 23,636 24,266 24,931 25,633 26,376 27,164 27,999 28,888 29,836 30,847 31,929 33,090 34,339 35,686 37,142 38,723 40,444 42,325 44,390 46,666 49,189 5.0% 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 - 51,999 55,151 58,709 62,758 67,407 72,799 79,130 86,666 95,789 107,058 121,333 139,999 165,454 200,377 208,235 216,734 225,957 225,958 236,000 246,977 259,025 272,308 - 235,999 246,976 259,024 272,307 287,027 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 287,028 303,429 321,819 342,581 366,207 - 303,428 321,818 342,580 366,206 393,333 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 - Standard Premium Discount $ Discount 393,334 424,800 461,740 505,715 558,948 - 424,799 461,739 505,714 558,947 624,705 10.0% 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 624,706 708,000 816,924 965,455 1,180,000 1,517,143 1,824,800 1,983,479 2,172,381 2,401,053 2,683,530 3,041,334 3,509,231 4,147,273 5,068,889 6,517,143 9,124,000 - 707,999 816,923 965,454 1,179,999 1,517,142 1,824,799 1,983,478 2,172,380 2,401,052 2,683,529 3,041,333 3,509,230 4,147,272 5,068,888 6,517,142 9,123,999 15,206,666 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 - 15,206,667 45,619,999 45,620,000 and over 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Above Table Based on the Following Discounts First Next Next Over © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU $ $ $ $ 10,000 190,000 1,550,000 1,750,000 0.0% 9.1% 11.3% 12.3% PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 23 UNITED STATES LONGSHOREMEN AND HARBOR WORKERS PREMIUM DISCOUNT TABLES (IN PERCENT) Standard Premium $ 0 10,100 10,304 10,516 10,737 10,968 11,209 11,461 11,725 12,000 12,290 12,593 12,912 13,247 13,600 13,973 14,367 14,783 15,224 15,693 16,191 16,722 17,289 17,895 18,546 19,246 20,000 20,817 21,703 22,667 - Standard Premium Discount 10,099 10,303 10,515 10,736 10,967 11,208 11,460 11,724 11,999 12,289 12,592 12,911 13,246 13,599 13,972 14,366 14,782 15,223 15,692 16,190 16,721 17,288 17,894 18,545 19,245 19,999 20,816 21,702 22,666 23,720 0.0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 $ 23,721 24,879 26,154 27,568 29,143 30,910 32,904 35,173 37,778 40,800 44,348 48,572 53,685 60,000 68,000 78,462 92,728 113,334 145,715 200,607 213,549 228,276 245,186 264,800 287,827 315,239 348,422 389,412 441,334 509,231 - Standard Premium Discount 24,878 26,153 27,567 29,142 30,909 32,903 35,172 37,777 40,799 44,347 48,571 53,684 59,999 67,999 78,461 92,727 113,333 145,714 200,606 213,548 228,275 245,185 264,799 287,826 315,238 348,421 389,411 441,333 509,230 601,818 3.0% 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 3.6 $ 601,819 735,556 945,715 1,324,000 1,809,566 1,981,905 2,190,527 2,448,236 2,774,667 3,201,539 3,783,637 4,624,445 5,945,715 8,324,000 13,873,334 41,620,000 - Discount 735.555 945,714 1,323,999 1,809,565 1,981,904 2,190,526 2,448,235 2,774,666 3,201,538 3,783,636 4,624,444 5,945,714 8,323,999 13,873,333 41,619,999 and over 6.0% 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Above table Based on the Following Discounts First Next Next Over © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU $ 10,000 190,000 1,550,000 1,750,000 0.0% 5.1 6.5 7.5 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 RATING VALUES Page 24 EXCESS LOSS (PURE PREMIUM) FACTORS FOR UNITED STATES LONGSHORE AND HARBORWORKERS ACT Effective April 1, 2009 carriers should use the excess loss pure premium factors table applicable to State Act coverages. Pennsylvania Retrospective Rating Tax Multiplier Federal Classes, or Non F where rate is increased by USL&HW Act Percentage © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU 1.2793 PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 1 CLASSIFICATIONS SUBCLASSIFICATION – CARRIER OPTION Act 44 of 1993 permits an insurer to develop subclassifications to the Bureau’s classification system as approved by the Insurance Commissioner. Any such subclassification shall be filed by the developing insurer with the Bureau and the Insurance Commissioner thirty (30) days prior to its use. The insurer’s filing shall demonstrate that payroll and loss data produced under such subclassification can be reported to the Bureau consistent with the Bureau’s classification system and statistical plan. Otherwise, the Insurance Commissioner shall disapprove the subclassification filing. DEFINITIONS ALL EMPLOYEES EXCEPT OFFICE: There is no payroll division between a business classification designated “all employees except office” and Code 951. Such business classification contemplates all salespersons, including but not necessarily limited to over-the-road salespersons, floor salespersons, inspectors, interior designers or decorators employed by any business assignable to that classification. ALL EMPLOYEES INCLUDING OFFICE: There is no payroll division between a business classification designated “all employees including office” and Codes 951 and 953. Such business classification contemplates all salespersons employed by any business assignable to that classification. Such classification also contemplates clerical office personnel engaged in the administration of the business, regardless of whether the office personnel are located at or contiguous to the business’ location or a location separate from the business’ location. ALL EMPLOYEES INCLUDING OFFICE EXCEPT WORKFARE OR HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES: This definition is the same as the “all employees including office” definition above except for the designated separate personnel (e.g., workfare, home health), which shall be subject to separate classification as provided for in this Manual. CAMPUS: The grounds, buildings and all surrounding facilities at a single or contiguous geographic location where operations are conducted by a single risk as defined by the Pennsylvania Experience Rating Plan. Support services at such location may include but are not necessarily limited to: buildings or grounds maintenance, dietary, laundry or housekeeping may be shared by all the contiguously situated operations, which shall be construed as a single enterprise. N.O.C.: Not Otherwise Classified. A classification so designated is to be assigned when there are two or more potential classification assignments, and there is no specific Underwriting Guide entry for a business’ principal product or line of merchandise. For example, in the event there is no Underwriting Guide entry for a principal line of merchandise being sold wholesale, the assignment is Code 924. PRINCIPAL: When a store sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such store shall be classified based on the principal category of merchandise sold. The term “principal” means more than 50 percent of the business’ overall revenue. PRINCIPALLY ENGAGED: The business activity that generates more than 50 percent of a business’ overall revenue. TO BE SEPARATELY RATED OR SEPARATELY RATE: When either of these terms is found in a classification’s definition, the payroll of personnel interchanging between that classification’s tasks (e.g., shop) and also performing the specified function that is designated “to be separately rated” or “separately rate” (e.g., erection, installation) may be divided between that --- class and class(es) designated for the specified function, provided the employer’s original payroll records show an allocation of payroll to both classifications for each interchanging employee. Estimated or percentage allocation of payroll is not permitted. When separate payroll records are not maintained, the entire payroll of the interchanging employees shall be assigned to the highest Bureau loss cost classification representing any part of their work. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 2 CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATIONS AGRICULTURAL AND LOGGING 005 TREE PRUNING, Spraying, Repairing or Fumigating. --Applicable to businesses --- pruning, spraying, trimming or fumigating trees. These operations --- may require --- tree climbing using ladders and/or ropes and/or aerial buckets. Code 005 applies to the whole tree work job or location, meaning Code 005 also includes ground personnel whose job duties may include but are not necessarily limited to: chipping, cleanup activities, the removal and/or the hauling away of tree limbs and debris regardless of whether or not a separate contract is written for tree pruning or lawn maintenance and another contract is written for the removal, chipping, cleanup activities and/or the hauling away of tree limbs and debris. Also includes generalist tree care service contractors that perform most or all of the above listed services or specialists principally engaged in providing a single service (e.g., clearing the rights-of-way/tree pruning for utility --- lines). Code 005 further contemplates tree removal that is incident to the employer’s pruning, spraying, repairing, trimming or fumigating services. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign the applicable logging classification to logging businesses or clearing of land projects that include tree removal. Separately rate to Code 012 landscaping or lawn cutting or maintenance ---. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Clearing Of Right-Of-Way, For Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Lines Forest Maintenance, N.O.C. Orchard Work, Fumigating By Contractor Orchard Work, Pruning By Contractor Tree Pruning, Spraying, Repairing, Trimming Or Fumigating 007 FARM MACHINERY OPERATION by Contractors: threshing, shredding, ensilage cutting, harvesting and hay baling, excluding logging and sawmill operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Compost Filling Of Mushroom Beds - By Contractor Ensilage Cutting By Contractor Farm Machinery Operation By Contractor Fertilizer Application To Soil By Contractor Grain Harvesting By Contractor Grist Mill, Portable, Operated By Contractor Harvesting By Contractor Hay Baling, By Contractor Lime Spreading By Contractor Milling Of Grain, With Portable Mills Mushroom Bed Filling With Compost - By Contractor Shredding Of Agricultural Products By Contractor Threshing By Contractor 009 LOGGING OR LUMBERING, N.O.C. Applicable to a logging or lumbering business principally engaged in cutting/felling trees for lumber or wood chips or clearing land of trees by chainsaws regardless of the trees’ size. Includes stump removal incident to logging or lumbering by the logging business. Also applicable to the transportation of the logs to a mill and to the construction, maintenance or extension of landings or logging roads when performed by employees of the logging business. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 301 to sawmill operations conducted by a separate crew of employees. Assign Code 811 to specialist contractors engaged in hauling logs for an unrelated logging or lumbering business. Assign Code 301 to log hauling performed by a sawmill business when all logging or lumbering has been outsourced to an unrelated logging or lumbering business(es). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 3 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Logging - By Chain Saws Lumbering - By Chain Saws 012 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Or Lawn Cutting Or Maintenance Contractor. Includes the construction of dry stone walls, rock gardens, patios, garden walks and the like when such operations are incidental to the landscape or lawn maintenance operations. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Separately rate to Code 005 tree pruning, spraying, trimming, repairing or fumigating including ground personnel performing chipping, cleanup, the removal and/or hauling away of tree limbs and debris at a tree job or location. Assign Code 0013 to separately-staffed nursery, Christmas tree raising or sod farm operations. Outside domestic workers engaged in the care of lawns, shrubs or grounds surrounding the personal residence of the insured shall be assigned to Code 0912 or Code 0909 pursuant to Section 1, Rule XIV of this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Turf Installation - By Contractor Brush Or Weed Spraying - By Contractor - Except Aerial Spraying Gardener Grass Cutting Along Highways By Specialist Contractor Grass Cutting, Lawns, By Contractor Landscape Contractor Lawn Care Service Company - Including Lawn Cutting, Maintenance Or Spraying Street Or Road Landscape Planting And Maintenance - By Specialist Contractor Surface Mine Reclamation - By Contractor Reseeding Or Planting By Separate Crew Weed Or Brush Spraying - By Contractor - Except Aerial Spraying 015 LOGGING OR LUMBERING – MECHANIZED TREE FELLING EQUIPMENT. Applicable to a logging or lumbering business principally engaged in cutting/ felling trees for lumber, wood chips or clearing land by means of mechanized equipment. Mechanized tree felling equipment is a tracked or wheeled unit that has an enclosed cab (e.g., a feller-buncher that has a fixed-grip harvesting head that can grasp, cut, lift, swing and bunch trees), and the equipment’s operator does not normally leave the cab in the performance of his tree cutting/felling duties. Also applicable to the transportation of the logs to a sawmill or another type of customer and to the construction, maintenance or extension of landings or logging roads when performed by the employees of the logging business. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 301 to sawmill operations conducted by a separate crew of employees. Assign Code 811 to specialist contractors engaged in hauling logs for an unrelated logging or lumbering business. Assign Code 301 to log hauling performed by a sawmill business when all logging or lumbering has been outsourced to an unrelated logging or lumbering business(es). UNDERWRITING GUIDE Logging - By Means Of Mechanized Equipment Lumbering - By Means Of Mechanized Equipment © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 4 CLASSIFICATIONS MINING AND QUARRYING 025 MINING – not coal. Includes underground mining of metallic or non-metallic minerals and includes milling or other mineral preparation customarily done at the mine site or as part of the mining activity. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Iron Ore Mining - Underground Mining - Underground - Not Coal Salt Mining - Underground Underground Mining - Not Coal 028 OIL OR GAS PRODUCTION, Operation of Wells – including gasoline mfg. from casing-head gas. --Applicable to the operation of a producing oil or gas lease/well, whether performed by the lease/well’s owner or a contract lease/well operator. Routine maintenance of the producing lease/well includes but is not necessarily limited to: monitor pressures at the wells and pressures on the pipelines, reading and replacing well charts that record production, repair or replace valves, flanges, gaskets and other mechanical parts of the well head and related piping, paint well equipment, control vegetation growth (e.g., mow the grass) at the lease/well site, walk the pipeline for inspection and check for leaks, and report to management any observed problem that will require more skilled or specialized intervention to fix. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: As provided for in this Manual, separately rate services performed by unrelated contractors for the oil or gas well’s lease owner or contract lease operator. Such services may include but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Assign Code 607 to geophysical exploration. 2. Assign the applicable construction classification(s) to site preparation, including but not necessarily limited to: building of the access road (Code 602), clearing of land (Code 609), digging and lining water ponds (Code 609), laying or taking up of flow lines (Code 609) and installing pumping units (Code 675). 3. Assign Code 655 to tank building. 4. Assign Code 606 to oil or gas well drilling, redrilling or deepening. 5. Assign Code 607 to oil or gas well services including but not necessarily limited to: installation, recovery or replacement of casing, well cementing, well cleaning or swabbing, well fracturing/formation fracturing and well logging. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Gas Production Gas Well Operation Natural Gas Production Oil Lease Operation Oil Production Oil Well Operation Well Operation - Oil Or Gas 050 QUARRIES, N.O.C. – including drilling or stripping by contractor or operator and including incidental stone crushing, cutting or polishing. This classification includes, but is not necessarily limited to: quarrying of sandstone, ganister, glass-sand, bluestone, granite, mica schist. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bluestone Quarry Feldspar Quarry Flint Or Feldspar Grinding, Done By Quarry Ganister Quarry Glass Sand - Quarrying Or Digging Granite Quarry Mica Schist Quarry, Including Grinding Or Splitting Quarry, N.O.C. Sandstone Quarry Stone Crushing By Producer 051 QUARRY – limestone, dolomite, marble, lime, gypsum or slate – including but not necessarily limited to: drilling, stripping, cutting, polishing, crushing, lime burning or slate splitting or milling by the quarry operator. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 5 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Dolomite Quarry Gypsum Quarry Lime Burning Or Processing - By Limestone Quarry Operator Lime Quarry Quarry, Limestone Quarry, Slate Slate Processing - By Quarry Operator 055 SAND, Gravel or Slag EXCAVATION – Including Crushing. Includes establishments principally engaged in operating sand or gravel pits and in washing, screening, or otherwise preparing sand or gravel. Also included are establishments principally engaged in surface mining, milling or otherwise preparing fire clay, fuller’s earth, kaolin, ball clay, clay ceramic, refractory minerals or performing the dredging of materials on non-navigable waters with incidental shore operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Clay Digging In Open Pits Dredging Of Materials On Non-Navigable Waters With Incidental Shore Operations Fire Clay Digging Gravel Or Sand Digging Or Excavation - Including Crushing Kaolin Excavation Or Surface Mining - Including Milling Or Washing Metal Salvaging, From Slag Dumps Quarry, Gravel Or Slag Excavation - Including Crushing Sand Or Gravel Digging Or Excavation - Including Crushing Shale Digging Or Excavation In Open Pits Slag Digging Or Excavation - Including Crushing 059 MINERAL MILLING – applicable to businesses that do not operate either a mine or a quarry and are principally engaged in the crushing, grinding, pulverizing or otherwise preparing clay, ceramic or refractory minerals, barite or miscellaneous metallic or non-metallic minerals. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Emery Works - Crushing Or Grinding Flint Or Feldspar Grinding, Not Done By Quarry Gravel Crushing By Dealer Kaolin Milling Or Washing By Other Than Producer Metal Powder Mfg. - Crushing Or Grinding - By Independent Contractor Mineral Milling Ore Milling Powder Mfg. - Metal - Crushing Or Grinding - By Independent Contractor Stone Crushing By Other Than Producer Or Road Contractor Talc Mill Vermiculite Crushing And/Or Processing By Other Than Producer FOOD INDUSTRIES 101 GRAIN MILLING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Breakfast Cereal Mfg. Feed Mfg. - Preparation Of Cereal Or Compound Feeds For Livestock Or Poultry Flour Mfg. - Wood Flour Milling Grain Mill - Permanently Located Mill Grist Mill - Permanently Located Milling Of Grain - Permanently Located Pellet Mfg. - Wood Potato Flour Mfg. Wood Flour Or Pellet Mfg. 103 SUGAR REFINING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Beet Sugar Mfg. Cane Sugar Refining Corn Starch Mfg. Glucose Mfg. Milling - Wet Corn Molasses Mfg. Starch Mfg. - By Wet Corn Milling Sugar Cane Milling Sugar Refining Syrup Or Molasses Refining Wet Corn Milling © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 6 CLASSIFICATIONS 104 FOOD SUNDRIES MFG., N.O.C., No cereal milling. This classification applies to risks engaged in the preparation or manufacture of food products whose operations are not more specifically described by any other Manual classification. If a risk otherwise subject to this classification includes minor operations which are described by another Manual classification, such operations should be included in this classification unless their inclusion is prohibited by the Manual or unless they constitute a distinctly separate enterprise. All types of containers such as bottles, jars, cans, bags or cartons may be used for the finished product. In general, the operations fall into a few broad groups. Dry Processing: (a) Grinding, mixing or otherwise blending dry ingredients to produce numerous kinds of prepared flours, gelatins, desserts and beverage preparations such as hot chocolate or malted milk powder. (b) Cleaning, roasting, grinding coffee, blending, mixing teas, grinding, milling, sifting spices, cleaning, shelling, roasting and otherwise preparing nuts by salting, sugaring, shredding, etc., as well as making nut pastes by grinding, milling or pressing. Wet Processing: (a) Manufacturing sauces, dressings, desserts and similar products by grinding and mixing the ingredients. (b) Preparing olives, capers, cherries or pickles by washing, sorting, pitting or stuffing, filling in jars with a brine solution or coloring. (c) Compounding flavoring extracts or syrups by cold mixing essential oils, syrups, fruit juices or other liquids or ingredients with alcohol, water or other solvents or diluents. Cooked Foods, Salads, etc.: This group covers a large variety of food products that require a considerable amount of preparatory kitchen work before they are finally placed into containers. Some of these food products are soups of all kinds, meat, fish or poultry in combination with vegetables, noodles, cereals, etc., chow mien, spaghetti with various sauces, mince meat. Included in this group are also freshly prepared foods, cooked or uncooked, that are sold in open or unsealed containers such as salads, soups, baked macaroni or beans, egg custard, coleslaw and spiced vegetables. Vegetables, meats, fish or other ingredients are washed and cleaned, then reduced to required size or consistency by cutting, slicing, chopping, grinding, etc. Appropriate spices or seasoning are added and the mixture is cooked. In many instances there are additional cutting, chopping, mixing, recooking or straining operations before the product is filled into bottles, jars, cans, etc. The products that are sold in open or unsealed containers are generally freshly prepared and disposed of daily. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. The manufacture of essential oils or extracts such as are used for perfume by the process of distillation, filtration or percolation. 2. The preparation of extracts to be used for perfumery purposes by a cold mixing processing or the blending of ingredients for the same purposes. 3. Syrup manufacturing by mixing and cooking fruits or fruit juices with sugar, etc. 4. Manufacturing preserved fruits such as candied fruit peels or rinds, pie fillings, soda fountain syrups, by cleaning, cutting, etc. and cooking with the required ingredients. 5. Preserving or otherwise preparing meat products by smoking, corning, curing, salting, encasing, etc. 6. The preparation and sale of delicatessen by retail delicatessen stores. 7. The preparation of food by caterers. 8. Pickling cucumbers or other food products. 9. The repacking of food products from large containers into smaller ones, involving no processing operations. This would include dry, liquid, semi-liquid and solid products. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 7 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Baking Powder Mfg. Cake Mix Mfg. - Dry Blending Cat Food Mfg. - Dry/Bagged - No Cereal Milling Chinese Food Mfg. Coconut Shredding Or Drying Coffee Grinding And Roasting Corn Chip Mfg. Dog Food Mfg. - Dry/Bagged - No Cereal Milling Flavoring Extract Mfg. Flavoring Syrups Blending Flour Mixing And Blending, No Milling Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. - No Cereal Milling Fruit Juice Mfg. - From Purchased Concentrates Only Herbs - Blending, Grinding And Packing Ice Mfg. - Not Dry Ice Licorice Extract Mfg. Malted Milk Mfg. - From Powdered Milk, Sugar, Malt And Cocoa Mayonnaise Mfg. Medicinal Extract Mfg. Mustard (Prepared) Mfg. Nuts - Cleaning And Shelling CLASSIFICATIONS Olive Handling Peanut Butter Mfg. Peanut Handling Pizza Assembly - No Baking Operation Potato Chip Mfg. Relish Mfg. - Fruit And Vegetable Salad Dressing Mfg. Salad Preparation - Cole Slaw, Egg, Potato, Etc. Sandwich Spread Mfg. - Salad Dressing Base Sauces Mfg. Seasoning - Prepared Sauces - Vegetable Soup Mfg. Spice Grinding Sugar Repacking, Mixing, Blending Only Tea - Blending And Mixing Including Packing Into Teabags Vegetable Processing, N.O.C. Vegetable Sauce Mfg. Vegetables - TV Dinner Type, Cooking, Packing And Freezing Vinegar Mfg. - From Purchased Concentrates Only Yeast Mfg. 105 BAKERY, Wholesale. Includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the insured’s products to customers. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bakery - Wholesale Cracker Mfg. Doughnut Mfg. - By Wholesale Bakery Ice Cream Cone Mfg. Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli Or Noodles Mfg. Pretzel Mfg. 106 PROCESSED MEAT PRODUCTS MFG. – No Slaughtering or Handling of Livestock. Applicable to businesses that are principally engaged in making processed meat products. Such businesses will perform no slaughtering of animals whatsoever nor will they handle any livestock. The businesses will receive meat from unrelated concerns in boxed form and/or in carcass or partial carcass form. Processed shall mean that definite changes result in the meat product due to the application of chemicals and/or heat (the use of smoke and/or cooking) to the meat materials. Typical products of such businesses include but are not necessarily limited to: sausage, frankfurters, ready-to-eat luncheon meats, hams or bacon. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the business’ products to customers. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 111 to a processed meat products manufacturing business that slaughters animals or handles livestock and is principally engaged in the wholesale sale of the processed meat products. 2. Assign Code 915 to a business slaughtering animals and who makes fresh meat cuts and/or processed meat products and is principally engaged in the retail sale of the fresh meat cuts and/or processed meat products. 3. Assign Code 910 to a business principally engaged in receiving meat in boxed, carcass or partial carcass form and that cuts the meat into portion-controlled fresh meat products such as steaks, roasts, or chops and that is principally engaged in the wholesale sale of the products. Such business does not kill animals or handle livestock or utilize chemicals and/or heat (the use of smoke and/or cooking) in processing the meat materials. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 8 CLASSIFICATIONS 4. Assign Code 119 to a business principally engaged in receiving beef and/or veal in boxed, carcass or partial carcass form and cutting or grinding the beef or veal into hamburger, hamburger and/or veal patties and/or sandwich steaks and that is engaged in the wholesale sale of the products. 5. Assign Code 924 to a wholesale meat dealer who performs no cutting (or deboning) or processing of fresh meats, but who may repackage the fresh meats. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bacon (Side And/Or Sliced) Mfg. Cured Meats - Brined, Dried And Salted Dehydration Of Meat Ham - Boiled, Boneless, Roasted, And Smoked Mfg. Luncheon Meats Mfg. Pork Products Mfg. - Pickled, Cured, Salted And Smoked Processed Meat Products Mfg. Sausage Or Other Prepared Meat Products Mfg. Scrapple Mfg. 107 CANDY, Chocolate or Chewing Gum MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Candy Mfg. Chewing Gum Mfg. Chocolate Mfg. Cocoa Mfg. Confectionery Mfg. Popcorn Mfg. 108 BREWERY Includes the distribution of beer or malt liquors by the manufacturer, bottler or canner. Also includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the insured’s products to customers. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Brewery, Including Distributing Stations Malt Liquors Mfg. And Distribution 109 DAIRY PRODUCTS MFG. Ice cream manufacturing by a separate group of employees in a physically separate department shall be assigned to Code 110. Includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the insured’s product(s) to customers. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Butter Or Cheese Mfg. Cheese Mfg. Condensed Milk Mfg. Creamery Dairy Products Mfg. (Except Ice Cream Mfg.) Dehydration Of Milk Malted Milk Powder Mfg., Including Dehydration Of Milk Milk Processor - Fluid Milk Products Mfg., N.O.C. (Excluding Ice Cream Mfg.) Yogurt Mfg. 110 ICE CREAM MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ice Cream Mfg. Water Ice Mfg. 111 SLAUGHTERHOUSE – Wholesale, all operations. For businesses principally engaged in receiving live animals (e.g., cattle, hogs and/or sheep), killing the animals and dressing the carcasses to produce meat products and selling the meat products on a wholesale basis. A business eligible for this classification will normally ship deboned meats in boxed form and/or may also ship meats in carcass form. Such business may also produce processed meat products like bacon, hams, sausage or luncheon meats and/or also sell some portion of the meat production as fresh meat cuts (e.g., steaks, roasts). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 9 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the business’ products to customers. 2. The employer’s processing of animal by-products resulting from the employer’s animal killing operations which may include but is not necessarily limited to: cooking of fat into tallow or lard and/or washing, scraping and salting of hides UNDERWRITING GUIDE Butchering - Wholesale, Not Stockyards Meat Packing Plant - Wholesale, Including Slaughtering Packing House - Wholesale, Including Slaughtering Slaughterhouse - Wholesale, Including Processing 112 BEVERAGE MFG., N.O.C., including bottling or canning. Includes the distribution of beverages, not otherwise classified, by the manufacturer, bottler or canner. Also includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors engaged in the delivery of the insured’s products to customers. Payroll developed in the brewing, bottling or canning of beer, ale or malt liquors shall be assigned to Code 108. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alcoholic Beverage Bottling - Carbonated Beverage Mfg., Carbonated - Bottled Or Canned Bottling Or Canning Of Carbonated Beverages Canning Or Bottling Of Carbonated Beverages Carbonated Beverage Mfg. - Bottled Or Canned Mineral Water, Carbonated - Bottled Or Canned Soft Drinks (Carbonated) Mfg. - Bottled Or Canned 113 PRESERVING OR CANNING OF FOOD UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alcoholic Beverage Distilling Apple Cider Or Juice Mfg. Applesauce Mfg. Canning Or Preserving Of Food Cat Or Dog Food Mfg. - Canned Catsup Mfg. Dehydration Of Food - Except Dehydration Of Meat Or Milk Distilling Of Alcoholic Liquors Dog Or Cat Food Mfg. - Canned Eggs, Dehydrated Eggs, Powdered Frozen Fruit, Fruit Juice, Processing Fruit And Vegetable Juice, Canned, Bottled Or Bulk Fruit Evaporating Fruit Juice Mfg. Fruit Preserving Gelatin Mfg. Jam Mfg. Jelly Mfg. Juice Mfg. - Fruit Ketchup Mfg. Pet Food Mfg. - Canned - Non Farm Domestic Pickle Mfg. Preserving Or Canning Of Food Sauerkraut Mfg. Spirituous (Distilled) Liquor Bottling By Distiller Syrup Mfg., For Soda Fountains Tomato Paste Mfg. Vegetable And Fruit Juice - Canned, Bottled Or Bulk Vegetable Canning Vinegar Mfg. - By Fermentation Whiskey Mfg. Winery 114 RENDERING Works. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in rendering inedible grease and tallow from animal fat, bones and meat scraps; and businesses principally engaged in manufacturing animal oils and animal meal. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Animal And Marine Fat And Oil Mfg. Animal Oil Mfg. Animal Rendering Works, N.O.C. Cod Liver Oil Mfg. Fish Oil Mfg. Grease And Tallow Mfg. Grease Mfg., Animal Oil Mfg., Animal © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 10 CLASSIFICATIONS 115 TOBACCO PRODUCTS MFG., including tobacco rehandling. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cigar Mfg. Cigarette Mfg. Snuff Mfg. Tobacco (Chewing And Smoking) And Snuff Mfg. Tobacco Rehandling Tobacco Stemming And Redrying 119 MEAT PRODUCTS MFG., N.O.C. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in making hamburger and/or hamburger or veal patties and/ or sandwich steaks. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Hamburger Or Hamburger Patty Mfg. Meat Products Mfg., N.O.C. Sandwich Steak Mfg. Veal Patty Mfg. - Plain Or Breaded TEXTILES AND CLOTHING MFG. 130 TEXTILE WASTE, Shoddy and Unwoven Felt, MFG., the garnetting of Fibers. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cotton Batting Mfg. Cotton Waste Mfg. Felt Mfg. - Unwoven Hatters' Fur Processing Padding And Upholstery Filling Mfg. Processed Waste And Recovered Fibers And Flock Mfg. Shoddy Mfg. Sisal Garnetting Weather Stripping Mfg. - Felt Wool Reworking 132 SPINNING OR WEAVING. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Silk Spinning And Weaving Carbonizing Of Hair Or Wool Carding Of Fibers Carpet Mfg. Chenille Products Weaving Combing Of Fibers Cordage Mfg., Including Fiber Preparation Cotton Gin Operation Cotton Spinning And Weaving Curled Hair Mfg. Felt Mfg. - Woven Fiber Preparation For Spinning Or Weaving Flax Spinning And Weaving Fur Mfg. - Synthetic Gilling Of Fibers Hackling Of Fibers Hair Processing (Excluding Dehairing Or WigMaking) Hemp Spinning And Weaving Jute Spinning And Weaving Label Mfg., Woven Labels Linen Cloth Weaving Linen Thread Mfg. Mop Head Mfg., From Cotton Waste, No Other Operations Moss Ginning Narrow Fabric Mill - Cotton, Wool, Silk Or ManMade Fibers Nylon Spinning And Weaving Opening Of Fibers Paper Twine Mfg. Picking Of Fibers Pipe Cleaner Mfg. Plush Or Velvet Mfg. Rayon Spinning And Weaving Ribbon Mfg., Textile Fabrics Rope Mfg., Including Fiber Preparation Rug Mfg. Scouring Of Natural Or Synthetic Fibers Separating Of Natural Or Synthetic Fibers Silk Spinning And Weaving Silk Thread Or Yarn Mfg. Silk Throwing And Weaving Spinning Of Fibers Textile Weaving Thread Mill Tire Cord And Fabric Mfg. Twine Mfg., Including Fiber Preparation Velvet Mfg. Weaving Of Textile Fibers Webbing Mfg. Wire Cloth Weaving (Wire Drawing To Be Separately Rated By Code 406, Rolling Mill, N.O.C.) Wool Combing Or Scouring Wool Spinning And Weaving Woven Carpet And Rug Mfg. Yarn Mfg. - Wool Yarn Mill, Wool, Including Carpet And Rug Yarn Yarn Or Thread Mfg. - Cotton Yarn Spinning Mill, Cotton, Man-Made Fibers And Silk Yarn Throwing, Twisting, And Winding Mill, Cotton, Man-Made Fibers And Silk © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 11 CLASSIFICATIONS 134 KNIT GOODS MFG. Applies to the knitting of yarn into cloth or fabric and the dyeing and/or finishing of the knitted fabric by the knitting mill. Subsequent manufacturing of clothing or non-apparel textile products shall be assigned to either Code 161 or to Code 163, respectively, when performed by a separate crew of employees in a physically separate work area. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Braid And Fringe Mfg. Glove Mfg. - Knit Knit Glove Mfg. Knit Goods Mfg., N.O.C. Lace Mfg. Necktie Mfg., Knitted 135 HOSIERY MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Hosiery Dyeing Hosiery Finishing Hosiery Mfg. Knitting Mill, Hosiery 136 EMBROIDERY MFG. Includes quilted cloth manufacturing for garment and household furnishing. Payroll developed in mattress or box spring manufacturing shall be classified by Code 165. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Emblem Mfg. Embroidery Mfg. Pleating, Stitching Or Tucking - Dress Fabrics Or Trimmings - Not Clothing Mfg. Quilted Cloth Manufacturing Contractor - For Garments Or Household Furnishings Trimmings Mfg., Fancy Trimmings Or Piping, Not Manufacturing Binding, Tape Or Ribbon 139 DYEING, Mercerizing, Bleaching, Printing, Coating or Finishing New Goods – excluding hosiery finishing, rubber or resin coating and oil-cloth manufacturing which are separately rated as provided for in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bleaching, Fabrics Cloth Printing Coating New Fabrics, Except Rubberized Fabrics Or Oilcloth Dyeing Fabric Coating, N.O.C. Feather Dyeing Finisher Of Broad Woven Fabrics Finishing New Textile Goods Impregnated Fabrics Mfg. Machine-Painting Shade Cloth Mercerizing Of New Goods Printing Of Fabrics Textile Bleaching And Dyeing Textile Printing Typewriter Ribbon Mfg. Yarn Dyeing Or Finishing 141 LAUNDRY, N.O.C. Receiving, collecting or distributing stations that are separately staffed and with no laundering at the same or contiguous location shall be assigned to Code 928. Includes businesses principally engaged in cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture on customers’ premises. Assign Code 971 to incidental carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning by a commercial or industrial building cleaning contractor. Assign Code 882 to incidental carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning by a house cleaning contractor. Also includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors performing the pick-up of items to be laundered or cleaned and the delivery of the items after laundering or cleaning. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 12 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carpet And Rug Cleaning And Storage Carpet Cleaning On Customers' Premises Diaper Service - Laundry Furniture Cleaning Or Polishing On Customers' Premises Industrial Launderer Infant Wear Service Laundry Launderer, Industrial CLASSIFICATIONS Laundry Collection By Launderer Laundry, Hand Laundry, N.O.C. Linen Supply Service Including Laundering Rug And Carpet Cleaning And Storage Towel Supply Service Including Laundering Uniform Supply Service Including Laundering Upholstery Cleaning On Customers' Premises 142 DRY CLEANING PLANT Receiving, collecting or distributing stations that are separately staffed and with no dry cleaning at the same or contiguous location shall be assigned to Code 928. Includes primarily risks engaged in dry cleaning or dyeing apparel and household fabrics other than rugs (see Code 141). Establishments dyeing fabrics for the trade are classified by Code 139. Also includes payroll developed by employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors performing the pick-up of items to be laundered or cleaned and the delivery of the items after laundering or cleaning. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cleaning And Dyeing, Except Rug Cleaning By Dry Cleaner Cloth Sponging (Shrinking), Inspection Or Mending - By Specialist Contractor Drapery Dry Cleaning Plant Dry Cleaning Plant, Except Rug Cleaning Dyeing And Cleaning, Except Rug Cleaning By Dry Cleaner Feather Washing, Steaming, Cleaning And Renovating Fur Clothing - Cleaning, Tumbling, Glazing, Combing And Ironing Laundry Collection By Dry Cleaner 161 APPAREL MFG. Restricted to the manufacture of wearing apparel from woven or knit fabrics, related materials such as leather or rubber or resin coated fabrics. The manufacture of yarn into knitted cloth or fabric shall be assigned to Code 134 when performed by a separate group of employees in a physically separate department. If there is no separation, all payroll shall be assigned to Code 134. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 13 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Academic Costumes Mfg. - Caps And Gowns Apparel Mfg. Bathing Suit Mfg. - Knitting To Be Separately Rated Belt Mfg. - Cloth - Wearing Apparel Only - No Buckles, Webbing Or Leather Parts Mfg. Beret Mfg. Burial Garment Mfg. Cap Mfg. - Graduation Caps And Gowns Cap Mfg. - Headwear Cloth Cutting By Contractor - Garment Fabrics Clothing Mfg. Coat - Front Or Interlining Mfg. Collar Mfg. Costume Mfg. - Masquerade Or Theatrical Diaper Mfg. - Cloth Dress Mfg. Front Or Interlining Mfg. - Coat Fur Clothing Mfg. (Preparation Of Skins To Be Separately Rated) Fur Plate Mfg. Fur Pointing Garment Sewing Contractor Glove Lining Mfg. Glove Mfg., Except Fire Resistant, Industrial Use, Knit Or Rubber Handkerchief Mfg. Hat Frame Mfg., Ladies Hat Lining Mfg. Hat Mfg., Felt Hat Mfg., N.O.C. Insulated Clothing Mfg. - Thermal Type CLASSIFICATIONS Leather Clothing Mfg. Lingerie Mfg. Lining Mfg. - Hat Linings, Sewing Into Coats By Hand Mask Mfg. - Costume - Cloth Millinery And Straw Hat Mfg. Millinery Mfg., Felt Nailhead Ornamentation Attaching Nailheads Or Similar Articles To Textile Fabrics By Means Of Foot Presses Necktie Mfg., From Fabric Raincoat And Other Waterproof Outer Garments Mfg. Robe And Dressing Gown Mfg. Rubber Garment Mfg., No Rubber Mill Sewing Contractor - Garment Sewing, Hand Shoulder Pad Or Coat Front Mfg. Shoulder Strap For Lingerie Mfg. - Fabric Shower Cap Mfg. - Plastic Suede Clothing Mfg. Suit, Skirt, And Coat Mfg. Suspender Mfg. - No Buckles, Webbing Or Leather Parts Mfg. Textile Mending, Invisible Weaving Of Wearing Apparel Tie Mfg. - Neckwear Uniform Mfg. Vestment Mfg. Women's, Misses', And Juniors' Outerwear Mfg., N.O.C. Women's, Misses', Children's, And Infants' Underwear And Nightwear Mfg. Work Clothing Mfg. 163 TEXTILE PRODUCTS MFG., N.O.C. Contemplates sewn non-apparel textile products including products made from soft textile type plastics such as vinyls. The manufacture of yarn into cloth or fabric shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. Separately rate the installation, removal or repair of furnishing goods to Code 670. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 14 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Accordion Door Mfg. - Fabric Or Plastic - No Woodworking Air Conditioner Cover Mfg. Baby Blanket, Crib Linen Mfg. Ball Mfg. - Sporting Goods - Inflatable Plastic Beach Type Banner Mfg. Bedding Mfg. - Blanket, Sheet, Pillowcase Bedspread Mfg. Belt Mfg. - Industrial Use - From Premanufactured Textile Fabric Bias Bindings Mfg. Bindings Mfg. - Bias And Straight Blanket Mfg. Blanket, Sheet, Pillowcase - Bedding Mfg. Buffing And Polishing Wheel Mfg. - Made From Cloth - No Metal Parts Bunting Mfg., Shop Only Casket Or Coffin Lining Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work Chenille Products Mfg. From Chenille Cloth Coffin Or Casket Lining Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work Comforter Or Quilt Mfg. Cover Mfg. - Air Conditioner Curtain Mfg. Door Mfg., Accordion - Plastic Or Fabric - No Woodworking Drapery Or Curtain Mfg. Feather Assembly - Sewn, On Wire Frames Decorated For Costumes/Band Plumes Feather Pillow Mfg. Flag Mfg., Shop Only Furnishing Goods Mfg. - Not Canvas Or Burlap Hammock Mfg. Heating Pad Mfg. - Fabric Covering Only House Furnishings Mfg. - From Textile Fabrics Household Linens, Bedspreads, Towels, Drapes Mfg. Kite Mfg. Lamp Shade Mfg. (Excluding Frame Manufacturing) Linen Mfg. - House Furnishings CLASSIFICATIONS Lining For Casket Interiors Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work Measuring Tape Mfg. - Cloth - Sewing Type Mosquito Netting - No Mfg. Of Net Napkin Mfg. - Cloth Netting - Mosquito - No Mfg. Of Net Pennant Mfg. Pillow Cover Mfg. Pillow Mfg. Polishing Cloth Mfg. Polishing Wheel Mfg. - Cloth Or Felt - No Metal Parts Pool Mfg. - Swimming - Inflatable Kiddie-Type Pools Quilt Or Comforter Mfg. Roller Mfg. - Covered Sleeves Only Safety Belt Mfg. - Automobile - No Hardware Mfg. Scenery - Theatrical - Curtain And Drapery Mfg. Shoe Ornament Mfg. - Fabric Shoe Shining Or Polishing Cloth Mfg. Shower Curtain Mfg. - Cloth, Plastic, Vinyl Sleeping Bag Mfg. Slipcover Mfg. Stage Scenery - Theatrical - Curtain And Drapery Mfg. Stuffed Toy Mfg. - Cloth Table Cloth Mfg. Table Pad Mfg. - From Cardboard And Fabric Tape Mfg. - Mending - Fabric Theatrical Scenery - Curtain And Drapery Mfg. Towel Mfg., Textile Fabrics (Except For Disposable Towel Mfg.) Toy Mfg. - Stuffed Animals Or Other Cloth Stuffed Toys Umbrella Mfg. Wheel Mfg. - Cloth - Buffing And Polishing - No Metal Parts Wig Mfg. - Synthetic Materials Window Shade Mfg. - No Roller Mfg. 165 MATTRESS or BOX SPRING MFG. The manufacture of wire springs shall be classified by Code 457 provided such operations are conducted by a separate crew of employees in a physically separate department. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Mattress Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 15 CLASSIFICATIONS 166 CANVAS or BURLAP PRODUCTS MFG. Includes manufacturing or repairing bags made from textile cloth or fabric. Separately rate the installation, removal or repair of awnings, tents or other canvas products away from the shop to Code 681. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Convertible Top Mfg. - Fabric Or Vinyl, No Installation Automobile Seat Cover Mfg. - No Installation Awning Mfg. - Cloth Awning Or Tent Mfg. Bag Mfg. - Fabric Or Bulk Materials Bag Renovating, Textile Fabrics Burlap Goods Mfg. Canvas Products Mfg. Cloth Bag Mfg. Cloth Bag Repairing Furnishing Goods Mfg. - Canvas Or Burlap Knapsack Mfg. Life Jacket Or Preserver Mfg. Parachute Mfg. (Hardware Mfg. To Be Separately Rated) Sail Making Sporting Goods - Knapsack Mfg. Tent Mfg. Textile Bag Mfg. - Canvas Or Burlap 185 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary FOOD SUNDRIES MFG., N.O.C. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 104. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. Staff Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. - Temporary Staff Temporary Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. Staff 187 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary CANDY, Chocolates or Chewing Gum MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 107. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Candy, Chocolate Or Chewing Gum Mfg. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Candy, Chocolate Or Chewing Gum Mfg. Staff Temporary Candy, Chocolate Or Chewing Gum Mfg. Staff 189 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary PRESERVING OR CANNING of Food Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 113. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Canning Or Preserving - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Preserving Or Canning Of Food Preserving Or Canning Of Food - Temporary Staff Temporary Staff, Preserving Or Canning Of Food © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 16 CLASSIFICATIONS 191 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary APPAREL MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 161. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Apparel Mfg. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Apparel Mfg. Staff Temporary Apparel Mfg. Staff 201 TANNING and Leather Dressing. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Degreasing Skins Fur Dressing Or Dyeing Leather Dealer Leather Dressing Leather Finishing Leather Tanning Sheepskin Pickling Tanning, Leather Wool Pulling 204 SHOE MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boot And Shoe Mfg. Counter, Heel And Sole Mfg. - Leather Footwear Mfg. - Not Rubber House Slippers Mfg. Shoe Findings Mfg. Shoe Mfg. Shoe Repairing Shoe Stock Mfg., No Tanning Or Leather Dressing Slipper Mfg. 205 LEATHER GOODS MFG., N.O.C. Includes the manufacture of handbags, purses, wallets, dog collars, leashes, straps, belts, etc. from leather, simulated leather or vinyl sheet. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bag Mfg., Traveling Baseball Mfg. Basketball Mfg. Dog Collar Mfg. Football Mfg. Glove Mfg., Including Baseball, Boxing, Handball Or Punching Bag Glove (Except Rubber Gloves) Handbag, Mfg. - From All Materials Harness Or Saddle Mfg. Leash Mfg. Leather Belting Mfg. Leather Embossing Leather Goods Mfg., N.O.C. (See Also Gloves, Hats, Shoes) Leather Skiving Luggage Mfg., Excluding Trunks Medicine Ball Mfg. Personal Leather Goods Mfg. Pocketbook Mfg. - From All Materials Purse Mfg. - From All Materials Saddle Mfg. Strap Mfg. - From Leather, Simulated Leather Or Plastic Volleyball Mfg. Wallet Mfg. Women's Handbag Or Purse Mfg. 221 PLASTIC Articles MFG., INJECTION MOLDING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Injection Molding Of Plastics Plastic Articles Mfg., Injection Molding 222 PLASTIC Articles MFG., N.O.C. Applicable to plastic molding businesses principally engaged in the molding of any plastic product by any plastic molding technique except for plastic molding businesses principally engaged in injection molding which is assigned to Code 221 or businesses principally engaged in molding plastic composite products which is assigned to Code 227. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 17 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Marble Products Mfg. Bag Mfg. - Plastic Cable Mfg. - Insulated Electrical - Wire Drawing To Be Separately Rated Hose Mfg. - Plastic Marble Products Mfg. – Artificial Molding, Plastic - Of Any Product By Any Molding Technique Other Than Injection Molding Pipe Mfg. - Plastic Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C. CLASSIFICATIONS Plastic Bag Mfg. Plastic Mfg., Sheets And Rods Plastic, Molded Products Mfg. N.O.C. Polyurethane Foam Products Mfg. Vanity Mfg. - Resin Poured Or Cast Type/Artificial Marble Product Wire Insulating - Includes Incidental Wire Stranding Wire Drawing To Be Separately Rated 225 RUBBER GOODS or Tire MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Balloon Mfg. - Rubber - Advertising And Toy Bathing Cap Mfg. - Rubber Boot And Shoe Mfg. - Rubber Bottle Mfg. - Rubber Elastic Mfg. Eraser Mfg. Fabrics, Rubberized Foam Rubber Mfg. Footwear Mfg. - Rubber Gasket Mfg. - Rubber Glove Mfg. - Rubber Heel Mfg. - Rubber Hose Mfg. - Rubber Latex, Foamed Mfg. Life Jacket Mfg. - Inflatable Rubberized Fabric Life Raft Mfg. - Rubber Printers' Roller Mfg. Reclaiming Rubber Rubber Band Mfg. Rubber Products Mfg., N.O.C. Rubber Reclaiming Rubber Tire Mfg. Rubber Tire Retreading Rubberized Fabrics Mfg. Sheeting - Rubber Or Rubberized Fabric Sponge Rubber And Sponge Rubber Products Mfg. Stopper Mfg. - Rubber Tire And Inner Tube Mfg. Tire Recapping Or Retreading Toy Mfg. - Rubber Tubing - Rubber Vulcanized Rubber Products Mfg. Wet Suit Mfg. - Rubber Wire Insulating - Rubber 227 OILCLOTH, Linoleum and Cork Carpet MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Leather Mfg. Coating New Fabrics, Rubberized Or Oilcloth Cork Carpet Mfg. Fiberglass (A Fibrous Glass And Resin Composite) Mfg. Leather (Imitation) Mfg. Linoleum Mfg. Metallizing Of Fabrics Oilcloth Mfg. Plastic Composite Products Molding Resin Coated Fabric Mfg. Rubber Coating Silo Mfg. - Fiberglass, Shop Only Waxing Of Cloth Yarn, Plastic Coated - Made From Purchased Yarn PAPER AND PAPER GOODS MFG. AND PRINTING 255 PAPER or Pulp MFG. – all kinds UNDERWRITING GUIDE Abrasive Paper Or Cloth Preparation Bark Peeling, In Paper Mill Building And Roofing Paper Mfg. Building Paper Mfg. Cardboard Mfg. Emery Cloth Mfg. Fiber (Paper) Products Mfg. Fiber Mfg. Fiberboard Mfg. Paper Coating And Glazing - By Paper Mill Paper Finishing - By Paper Mill Paper Mfg. Paper Mill Particle Board Mfg. Photographic Film And Dry Plate Mfg. Pipe Mfg., Fiber Pulp (Paper) Mfg. Roofing Paper Or Roofing Felt Mfg. Sandpaper Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 18 CLASSIFICATIONS 257 PAPER PRODUCTS MFG., N.O.C. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the manufacture of one or more converted paper products that are not otherwise classified by either Code 261, 263 or 265. These products include but are not necessarily limited to: folding and/or set-up/rigid boxes, paper towels, products made from tissue paper, paper cups or plates, holiday or party decorations, party favors, mailing tubes, paper cans and paper sheeting, slitting or winding. Any printing conducted by a paper products manufacturing not otherwise classified (Code 257) business on its products is incident to such enterprise and is not subject to separate classification. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: There shall be no payroll division between Code 257 and Code 281 unless the employer fulfills the multiple enterprises criteria delineated in Rule IV, Paragraph C. 3.a 2. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Filter Mfg. - All Types Bed Underpads - Disposable Box Mfg. - Paper - Set-Up, Rigid Or Folding (NonCorrugated) Box Or Container Cardboard Partitions Mfg. Box Partitions Mfg. Can Mfg. - Paper Cardboard Or Paper Mailing Tube Mfg. Coffee Pot Filter Mfg. - Paper Cup Or Plate Mfg. - Paper Diaper Mfg. - Disposable Die Cutting - Paper, Paperboard Or Cardboard - By Specialist Contractor Disposable Diaper Mfg. Disposable Towel Mfg. Drinking Straw Mfg. - Paper Fiber Drum Mfg. Filter Mfg. - Air - All Types Folding Cardboard Or Paperboard Box Mfg. Garland Mfg. Holiday Decorations Mfg. - Paper Or Plastic Mailing Tube Mfg. Match Mfg. - Paper Napkin Mfg. - Paper Paper Bag Mfg. Paper Box Mfg. - Set-Up, Rigid Or Folding (NonCorrugated) Paper Cup, Dish Or Plate Mfg. Paper Hat Mfg. - All Types Paper Or Cardboard Mailing Tube Mfg. Paper Or Foil Goods Mfg. Paper Products Mfg., N.O.C. Paper Sheeting, Slitting Or Winding Paper Towel Mfg. Papier-mâché Goods Mfg. Partitions (Cardboard) Mfg. - For Boxes Or Containers Party Decorations Or Favors Mfg. Rigid/Set-Up Paper Box Mfg. Sanitary Napkin Mfg. Set-up Paperboard Box Mfg. Tinsel Mfg. Tissue Paper Products Mfg. - Facial Or Toilet Towel Mfg. - Paper Or Disposable Tubes Or Cores Mfg. - Paper Underpads Mfg. - Bed - Disposable 261 CORRUGATED Paper And/Or Corrugated BOX OR CONTAINER MFG. Applicable to a business principally engaged in the corrugating of paper and/or the manufacture of boxes or containers from corrugated paper. The employer receives paper that will be corrugated as an integral part of the employer’s manufacturing process or the employer receives paper corrugated by and purchased from an unrelated source. Corrugation involves paper being slowly passed over a steam or gas heated metal drum, then revolved around a roll covered with silicate of soda which is deposited on the tips of the corrugation. The paper is then moved along until it reaches the paper liner (either a single or double facing), then the corrugated paper and the liner(s) travel under pressure where they are combined and dried. Also applicable to the manufacture of fiberboard boxes or containers. Printing by a corrugated box or container manufacturer on its box or container products is construed to be incident to the corrugated box or container enterprise and is not subject to separate classification. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Assign Code 255 to separate staff in a physically separate work area engaged in paper manufacturing. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Box Or Container Mfg. - Corrugated Container Mfg. - Corrugated Corrugated Paper And/Or Corrugated Products Mfg. Fiberboard Box Or Container Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 19 CLASSIFICATIONS 263 PAPER COATING/FINISHING – By Contractor Applicable to a business principally engaged in operations involving various types of coatings which are mixed in mixers or agitators and run into troughs of coating machines. Rolls of paper, plastic film or other materials (except rubber or textile fabric) are coated as they pass over the rolls revolving through this mixture. The paper, plastic film or other materials are dried on rolls or stacks, some may be polished or embossed, finished by calendaring, slit to desired widths and rewound or sheeted to size, then labeled and packed. Products may be printed with advertising material before the coating or on the reverse side, after this operation. In the manufacture of oiled, paraffined or waxed paper the waxes or oils are heated and mixed, and paper is run through a waxing machine and over a drying roll. The now waxed paper is then cut, slit, rewound on spools or sheeted or die-cut, wrapped and packed. Laminated paper, plastic film or other materials are produced by feeding a paste or glue between layers of paper, plastic film or other materials, pressing the layers together, drying and finishing by winding into rolls or sheeting to size, or else cutting, slitting or die cutting to size and shape, wrapping and tying into bundles. Printing by a paper coating/finishing business on its products is incident to the paper coating/finishing enterprise and is not subject to separate classification. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carbon Paper Mfg. Coating And/Or Glazing Of Paper Or Plastic - By Specialist Contractor Laminating – Paper – By Contractor Paper Finishing - By Specialist Contractor Paper Laminating - By Contractor Pressure-Sensitive Labels Or Paper Mfg. Waxed Paper Mfg. - Coating Paper With Wax - No Paper Mfg. 265 STATIONERY PRODUCTS MFG. Applicable to a business principally engaged in the manufacture of stationery, loose-leaf ledgers or notebooks. Cardboard, binders’ cloth, leather or imitation leather, canvas, paper, glue, paste, gold leaf, printing and ruling ink, metal rings, posts, screws, separators or fittings are received from unrelated businesses. Cardboard is cut to size and covered with leather, imitation leather or cloth by gluing, pasting and some sewing. Covers are reinforced by stripping and may be embossed in ink or gold leaf and the appropriate fittings are attached to complete the binder. Fillers for binders are manufactured from paper, which is cut to size on either manual or power cutters. Also includes but is not necessarily limited to the making of envelopes, writing tablets or pads, file folders, file jackets, desk pads and index cards. Paper ruling, silk screening or other printing on the products assignable to this class by the product’s manufacturer is incident to the stationery products enterprise and not subject to separate classification. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: The manufacture of metal rings, posts, screws, separators or fittings shall be assigned to the appropriate metal working class. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Binder Mfg., Ringed Coin Wrapper Or Currency Strap Mfg. Computer Paper Mfg. (No Paper Mfg.) Desk Calendar Mfg. Envelope Mfg. File Folder Mfg. File Jacket Mfg. Index Card Mfg. Loose-Leaf Binder Or Ledger Mfg. Notebook Mfg. (No Paper Mfg.) - All Types Notepad Mfg. Paper Rolls For Office Machines Or Cash Registers Mfg. Ringed Binder Mfg. Stationery Products Mfg. Writing Tablet Mfg. (No Paper Mfg.) 275 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary PLASTICS Articles MFG. – INJECTION MOLDING Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 221. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg. - Injection Molding Staff Plastic Articles Mfg. - Injection Molding - Temporary Staff Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg. - Injection Molding Staff © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 20 CLASSIFICATIONS 276 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary PLASTICS Articles MFG. – N.O.C. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 222. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C. Staff Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C. - Temporary Staff Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C. Staff 281 PRINTING, N.O.C. Applicable to printing businesses principally engaged in the reproduction of one or more printed products or providing printing industry services pursuant to a Code 281 Underwriting Guide entry or printed products that are not specifically classified by an Underwriting Guide entry. Also includes the bindery department that finishes the employer’s print production. Finishing may include but is not necessarily limited to: collating, cutting to size including die cutting, scoring and perforating, rounding corners, tab cutting, folding, drilling or punching holes, stapling, sewing, wire stitching, gluing – perfect binding, laminating, foil stamping or embossing. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: (Businesses principally engaged in one or more of the following activities) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The screen printing of any product including finished apparel articles Web-press production of printed product either specifically assigned to Code 281 or not specifically classified by an Underwriting Guide entry (e.g., books, business forms, direct mail advertising) Service contractors to the printing industry (e.g., printers’ finishers) Specialist contractors decorating china or glassware by means of purchased or customer-provided decals, the cutting or engraving of glassware, engraving per se or making printing plates The manufacture of plastic or vinyl sign letters and the application of such onto a substrate – shop only, no installation The manufacture of rubber stamps OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assign Code 136 to embroidery operations performed by a separate staff in a physically separate work area. Assign Code 265 to a manufacturer of stationery products including but not necessarily limited to loose-leaf or ringed binders, envelopes, notebooks or file folders. Assign Code 282 to a newspaper or periodical publisher who also prints the newspaper or periodical or to a contract printer principally engaged in printing any product(s) denoted in a Code 282 Underwriting Guide entry by means of a web press(es). Assign Code 285 to printing businesses principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction by means of sheet-fed offset printing presses utilizing paper sheet sizes greater than 17 x 22 inches or that have four or more color towers regardless of the paper sheets' size or any Halm envelope printing unit or another sheet-fed unit/printing technique (e.g., letterpress) on paper sheets of any size. Assign Code 932 to printing businesses principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction by means of small offset presses, also known as duplicators, on paper sheet sizes 17 x 22 inches or less or electrostatic (photo) copiers on paper sheets of any size. Assign Code 948 to a business that performs printing and direct mailing provided that more than 50 percent of the print production is used as direct mail. Code 281 and another printing class (or Codes 257, 261, 263, 265 or 948) will not be assigned to any printing business unless that business fulfills the multiple enterprise criteria specified in Rule IV, Paragraph C. 3. a. 2. Code 281 may not be assigned when printing operations are a General Inclusion into the business’ governing classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 21 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Book Printing By Web Press - By Publisher Or Contractor Bookbinding Or Rebinding - By Specialist Contractor Bottle Cap Printing Business Forms Printing - By Web Press Chemical Etching - By Specialist Contractor China Decorating - By Specialist Contractor With No China Mfg. Cigar Band, Printing Coin Wrapper, Printing - By Specialist Contractor Dress Pattern Printing Electrotyping - By Specialist Contractor Engraving - By Specialist Contractor Etching (By Chemical Method) By Specialist Contractor Glass Products Decorating Or Engraving By Specialist Contractor Greeting Card Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Label (Pressure-Sensitive) Printing By Web Press By Specialist Contractor Paper Dress Pattern Printing CLASSIFICATIONS Pattern (Dress) Printing - Paper Photoengraving - By Specialist Contractor Plastic Sign Letters Mfg. - Shop Only Playing Cards Mfg. Pressure-Sensitive Label Printing By Web Press By Specialist Contractor Printers' Finisher - By Specialist Contractor Printing - Books Or Greeting Cards - By Publisher Or Contractor Printing Plate Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor Printing, N.O.C. Rubber Stamp Mfg. Screen Printing (Including Finished Textile Articles) - By Specialist Contractor Stereotyping - By Specialist Contractor Tag Printing Vinyl Sign Letters Mfg. - Electronically Scored Shop Only Wallpaper Printing (Paper Mfg. To Be Separately Rated) 282 NEWSPAPER or Periodical PRINTING – By Publisher Or Contract Printer Applicable to businesses principally engaged as a newspaper(s) publisher or the publisher of another type of publication(s)/intellectual property assigned to Code 282 by Underwriting Guide entry who also prints the newspaper(s) or other publication(s)/intellectual property. Also applicable to printing businesses principally engaged in printing newspapers or another publication(s)/intellectual property specifically assigned to Code 282 by an Underwriting Guide entry for unrelated customers. The newspaper(s) or other type(s) of publication(s)/intellectual property will be printed by means of a web press(es) regardless of whether the publisher or a contract printer performs the printing. 1. 2. A newspaper’s pages may be cut, collated and folded by the web press. Inserts may be placed into the newspaper by inserting machine or by hand. The newspapers may be tied into bundles and delivered either by the publisher and/or contract printer. A periodical may be finished by performing one or more of the tasks listed below: collating, cutting to size including die cutting, scoring and perforating, rounding corners, tab cutting, folding and gluing – perfect binding. The periodical publisher and/or contract printer may further mail the periodical to subscribers. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Code 282 and another printing class will not be assigned to any publishing and/or printing business unless that business fulfills the multiple enterprise criteria specified in Rule IV, Paragraph C. 3. a. 2. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Catalogue Printing By Publisher Or Contract Printer Comic Book Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Magazine Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Newspaper Inserts (e.g., Advertising, Sunday Comics, Sunday Magazines) Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Newspaper Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Periodical Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Statistical Report Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Telephone Book Printing By Publisher Or Contractor Trade Journal Printing By Publisher Or Contractor © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 22 CLASSIFICATIONS 285 PRINTING – Principally SHEET-FED PRESS Production Applicable to printing businesses principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction by means of sheet-fed offset printing presses utilizing paper sheet sizes greater than 17 x 22 inches or that have four or more color towers regardless of the paper sheets’ size or any Halm envelope printing unit or another sheet-fed press printing technique (e.g., letterpress) on paper sheets of any size. Also includes the bindery department that finishes the employer’s print production. Finishing may include but is not necessarily limited to: collating, cutting to size including die cutting, scoring and perforating, rounding corners, tab cutting, folding, drilling or punching holes, stapling, sewing, wire stitching, gluing – perfect binding, laminating, foil stamping or embossing. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Assign Code 281 to printing businesses principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction of printed products or providing printing industry services pursuant to a Code 281 Underwriting Guide entry or that are not specifically classified by an Underwriting Guide entry. Assign Code 932 to printing businesses principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction by means of small offset presses, also known as duplicators, on paper sheets sized 17 x 22 inches or less or electrostatic (photo) copiers on paper sheets of any size. Code 285 and another printing class will not be assigned to any printing business unless that business fulfills the multiple enterprise criteria specified in Rule IV, Paragraph C. 3. a. 2. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Printing - Principally Sheet-Fed Press Production (Of Any Printed Product) 291 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary PAPER OF PULP MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 255. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Paper Or Pulp Mfg. Staff Paper Or Pulp Mfg. - Temporary Staff Temporary Paper Or Pulp Mfg. Staff 297 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary PRINTING Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 281. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Printing Staff Printing - Temporary Staff Temporary Printing Staff WOODWORKING 301 SAWMILL Includes the grading, sorting, pulling, piling, air or kiln drying, loading and storage of sawmill products. Subsequent wood products manufacturing operations conducted by a separate crew of employees in a physically separate department shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Barking Mill Kiln Drying Of Lumber - By Sawmill Sawmill Snow Fence Mfg., Cutting Lath From Logs Wood Chips Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 23 CLASSIFICATIONS 305 CARPENTRY SHOP, including Planing Mill Includes but is not necessarily limited to the manufacture of sash, door, assembled millwork, pallets or wood trusses. For the manufacture of woodenware products N.O.C., see Code 306. Separately rate erection work as provided for in this Manual. Businesses also engaged in selling lumber and/or building materials on a wholesale or retail basis with a separate staff of employees may have a division of payroll with Code 855. Code 855 will apply to the yard and delivery staffs. If further engaged in the sale of hardware in a physically separate department by a separate staff, payroll so developed shall be assigned to Code 935. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Assembled Millwork Mfg. Bark Peeling In Veneer Mill Barrel Dealer, Including Repairing - Wood Barrel Stock Mfg., No Sawmill Work Basket Mfg. - Veneer Box Or Box Shook Mfg. Building Mfg., Portable - Wood Carpentry Shop Contract Packaging - Crating - In Shop Cooper Crate Mfg. - Wood Door Frame And Sash Mfg. - Wood Door Mfg. - Wood Fence Mfg. - Wood, Shop Only Flooring Mfg. - Wood Furniture Stock Mfg. - Non-Turned - By Specialist Contractor Hardwood Dimension And Flooring Mill, No Sawmill Operation Keg Mfg. - Wood Laminated Wood Building Beam And Column Mfg. Last Block Mfg. Millwork Plant Modular Home Mfg. Packaging, Contract - Crating - In Shop Packing Case Mfg. Pallet Mfg. Panel Mfg. - Soft Wood Or Plywood Planing Mill Plywood Container Mfg. Plywood Mfg., Including Veneer Mfg. Porch Enclosure Mfg. Prefabricated Building Mfg. - Wood, Shop Work Railing Or Stair Mfg. - Wood Sash Mfg. - Wood Sash, Door Or Assembled Millwork Mfg. Shingle Mfg. - Wood, Including In Shop Staining Shingle Staining, In Shop, No Off-Premises Work Shook Mfg. Shuttle Mfg. Silo Mfg. - Wood, Shop Only Staircase And Stair Mfg. - Wood Stave Mfg. - Wood Structural Members, Laminated Wood - Arches, Trusses, Timbers Tank Building - Wood, Shop Only Trellis Mfg. - Wood Truss Mfg. - Wood Veneer Container Mfg. Veneer Mfg. Wirebound Box And Crate Mfg. Wood Floor Mfg. Wooden Barrel Mfg. Wooden Box Mfg., Except Cigar Boxes 306 WOODENWARE MFG., N.O.C. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Axe Handle Mfg. Bird House Or Feeder Mfg. - Wood Bowling Pin Mfg. - Wood Brush Mfg. Cane Mfg. Coat Hanger Mfg. - Wood Cork Products Mfg. Crutches Mfg. - Wood Dowel Mfg. - Wood Furniture Turned Stock Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor Golf Club Heads Or Shafts Mfg. - Wood Gunstock Mfg., Finished Or Unfinished Shapes Handle Mfg. - Wood Hat Block Mfg. - Wood Ladder Mfg. - Wood Lath Mfg. - Wood Lead Pencil Mfg. Mop Mfg. Peg Or Skewer Mfg. - Wood Pencil, Pencil Stock, Penholder, Or Crayon Pencil Mfg. - Wood Pipe Mfg., Tobacco - Wooden Pulley Block Mfg. - Wood Screen Mfg., Window - Wood Shade Roller Mfg. - Wood Sign Or Sign Letter Mfg. - Wood, Shop Only, No Erection Ski Mfg. - Wood Spice, Cutlery Or Wine Racks Mfg. - Wood Spool Mfg. - Wood Toothpick Mfg. Umbrella Handle Mfg. - Wood Veneer Products Mfg., N.O.C. - No Veneer Mfg. Window Shade Roller Mfg. - Wood Wood Tack Strip Mfg. Wood Turned Products Mfg. Wooden Frames Or Seats Mfg. - For Furniture Wooden Tobacco Pipe Mfg. Woodenware Mfg., N.O.C. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 24 CLASSIFICATIONS 311 CABINET WORKS – with power-driven machinery Applicable to a business principally engaged in the manufacture of cabinets, cabinet parts or other similar wood products in which power-driven machinery is used. Many of the products contemplated by this classification are made to buyers’ or customers’ specifications and require installation. Typical products included in this classification include but are not necessarily limited to: Architectural Vanities Bathroom Vanities Bookcases Bulletin Boards Counter Tops Display Cases Kitchen Cabinets Library Cabinets Parquet Flooring Partitions Picture Frames Restaurant Booths Room Dividers Showcases Store Counters Toys – Wood Walk-In Refrigerators OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Finishing of cabinets, cabinet parts or similar wood products by their manufacturer. The term finishing means shellacking, staining, painting, lacquering or varnishing or covering with formica, porcelain or similar materials. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Separately rate installation work by either Code 646 or Code 648 as provided in the Underwriting Guide. 2. Assign Code 327 to upholstering operations conducted by a separate employee crew in a physically separate department. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bookcase Mfg. - Wood Cabinet Works - Wood - With Power-Driven Machinery Counter Top Mfg. - Wood Exhibit Booth Mfg. Kiosk Mfg. Parquet Flooring Mfg. - Hardwood Picture Frame Mfg. - Wood Refrigerated Showcase Mfg. - Wood Room Divider Mfg. Showcase Mfg. - Wood Toy Mfg. - Wood Vanities Mfg. - Wood (Architectural Or Bathroom) 319 FURNITURE ASSEMBLY Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the assembly of wood, metal or plastic furniture from parts manufactured by unrelated businesses. Included are all types of home or office furniture such as tables, chairs, dressers, chests of drawers, bed frames or desks or cabinet-type products. The assembly work is normally accomplished by means of nails, screws, brackets, glue, dowel pins and clamps. Also includes the finishing of the assembled products by painting, staining, varnishing, lacquering, shellacking or covering surfaces with Formica-type materials. The repair or reconditioning of wood or metal furniture which does not require the manufacture or fabrication of parts (or whereby the fabrication is not performed by the risk but parts are purchased from other unrelated risks) shall also be assigned to this classification. The type of operations found here would involve only tightening loose parts, regluing parts or replacing broken parts, stripping off the old finish and applying a new finish. This class further includes payroll developed in the manufacture and finishing of cabinet-type products only when such products are made without the use of power-driven woodworking machinery. The parts are cut to size and shape by means of hand tools or portable electric tools and then assembled and put together to form the completed product. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Upholstering of new or used, repaired or reconditioned furniture by a separate crew in a physically separate area shall be assigned to Code 327. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 25 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Broom Mfg. - Assembling Only - No Woodworking Coffin Assembly - No Wood Or Metal Working Furniture Assembly - From Prefabricated Parts Or Pieces Only - No Woodworking Furniture Stripping - Incidental To Assembling Or Refinishing Operations Only CLASSIFICATIONS Furniture Stripping, No Woodworking - By Specialist Contractor Lamp (Floor Or Table) Assembly Only - No Metal Or Wood Fabricating Wreath Assembly - Artificial - Plastic And Fabrics 323 FURNITURE MFG. – Wood Applicable to employers principally engaged in the manufacturing of individual completed wood furniture pieces or sets including but not necessarily limited to: bedroom, living room or dining room pieces or sets, office furniture, billiard tables, console-type audio or television cabinets, pianos or piano cases, juvenile or nursery furniture, lawn or garden furniture, frames for upholstered furniture, occasional tables, chairs, desks or wardrobes. This classification contemplates both the fabrication of the various parts on woodworking machines and the subsequent assembly of the components into completed furniture. Also included is the finishing by staining, painting, varnishing, lacquering or polishing. In addition, hardware such as hinges, pulls, locks or casters may be attached. Also applies to the repair of furniture when it is necessary to machine new parts as replacements for damaged or broken parts. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 327 to a separate employee crew in a physically separate work area performing upholstering. The manufacture of furniture parts which are not assembled into completed furniture or completed chair or furniture frames by the same employer is assignable to Code 305 for nonturned furniture parts or to Code 306 for all turned furniture stock. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Billiard Table Mfg. Cedar Chest Mfg. Chair Or Chair Frame Mfg. - Wood Coffin Mfg. - Wood Fiber Furniture Mfg. Furniture Assembling - Wood, By A Furniture Manufacturer, Including Woodworking Furniture Frame Mfg. - Wood Furniture Mfg. - Wood Headboard Mfg. - Wood (Upholstery Work If Conducted By A Sep. Crew In A Sep. Dept. Shall Be Separately Rated) Musical Instrument Mfg. - Wood Organ Building - Including Installation Piano Or Player Piano Mfg. Rattan Or Fiber Furniture Mfg. Tank, Seat Or Cabinet Mfg. - Toilet - Wood Trunk Mfg. - Wood Venetian Blind Mfg. - Wood Willow Ware Mfg. Wood Household Or Office Furniture Mfg. Wooden Coffin Mfg. Wooden Musical Instruments Mfg. 327 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING, SHOP only An upholstering shop’s operations shall include but are not necessarily limited to: fabric cutting and sewing, spring-up, trimming and the final assembly of the upholstered materials onto the manufactured frame. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Frame manufacturing or frame assembly shall be classified as provide for in this Manual. Upholstering operations conducted at customers’ locations is assignable to Code 670. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Seat Cover Installation And/Or Seat Upholstering Automobile Top Installation, Fabric Or Vinyl Coffin Or Casket Upholstery Work Furniture Upholstering Reupholstering Upholstering Car Seats Upholstering Shop Only, No Furniture Assembling © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 26 CLASSIFICATIONS PRIMARY NONFERROUS METAL WORKING 402 SMELTING of nonferrous metals OR hot-dip GALVANIZING Also includes employers principally engaged in melting nonferrous scrap metal to produce ingots. Not available for businesses principally engaged in the handling of any ferrous scrap metals. Such businesses must be assigned to Code 858. Galvanizing by methods other than the hot-dipping procedure shall be assigned to the classification best describing the process. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Ingots And Primary Production Shapes From Bauxite/Alumina Copper Smelting And Refining, Primary Galvanizing Works - Hot Dip Lead Mfg., Red Or White Lead Sheet, Pipe And Shot Mfg. Lead Smelting Lead Smelting And Refining, Primary Melting Of Nonferrous Scrap Metals Precious Metal Refining, Primary Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metals, N.O.C. Red Lead Mfg. Retinning Of Metal Not Done In Rolling Mill Rust Proofing (Hot Dipping) Of Metals Secondary Smelting, Refining, And Alloying Of Nonferrous Metal And Alloys Smelting Of Nonferrous Metals, N.O.C. Tin Smelting And Refining White Lead Mfg. Zinc Smelting And Refining, Primary 403 ROLLING, DRAWING or EXTRUDING NONFERROUS METALS Also includes making nonferrous pipe or tubes or forging nonferrous metals. Subsequent product(s) manufacturing operations conducted by a separate crew(s) of employees, in a physically separate department(s), shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Extruded Products Mfg. Atomizing Molten Nonferrous Metal Can Mfg., Seamless Cold Rolling Or Drawing, Nonferrous Metals Copper Pipe Or Tube Mfg. By Extruding And Drawing Drawing - Nonferrous Metals Extruded Products Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Forging - Nonferrous Metals Only Metal Can Mfg., Seamless Miniature Tube Mfg. - From Nonferrous Metals Nonferrous Metals Cold Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, Or Forging Pipe Mfg. - Brass, Copper Or Aluminum Platinum Group Metals - Rolling, Drawing And/Or Extruding Powder Mfg. - Atomizing Molten Nonferrous Metal Tin Foil Mfg. Tube Mfg. - Nonferrous Wire Drawing - Nonferrous Metals Wire Mfg. - Nonferrous STEEL MAKING AND ROLLING MILLS 404 STEEL MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Stainless Steel Mfg. Steel Mfg. 406 ROLLING MILL – Ferrous Metals – Not available for rolling mills in plants operating open-hearth, Bessemer, electric or crucible steel furnaces © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 27 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cold Rolling Or Drawing - Ferrous Metals Cold-Rolled Sheet Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor Corrugating Iron And Steel - Cold-Rolled - By Specialist Contractor Doubling Process, Sheet Rolling - By Specialist Contractor Ferrous Metals Cold Rolling Or Drawing Plate Steel Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor CLASSIFICATIONS Rolling Mill - Ferrous Metals Rolling Mill, Sheet Metal - By Specialist Contractor Sheet Rolling, Cold Rolling - By Specialist Contractor Steel Wire Drawing Wire Drawing - Ferrous Wire Mfg. 407 TUBE or Pipe MFG., Iron or Steel – not cast iron pipe – excluding steel making but including skelp rolling UNDERWRITING GUIDE Miniature Tube Mfg. - From Ferrous Metals Pipe Or Tube Mfg. - Iron Or Steel Skelp Rolling Steel Pipe And Tube Mfg. Tube Mfg. - Iron Or Steel STEEL FABRICATING 411 STEEL FABRICATING – Bridge and Structural Shops, Shop Only, erection to be separately rated as Code 655 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bridge Shop Radio And Television Tower, Fabrication Steel Fabrication, Bridge And Structural Shops Steel Works, Structural Structural Steel Fabrication Tower, Transmission, Fabrication 413 IRON WORKS – Shop – Ornamental, non-structural iron or steel fabricating Separately rate installation, erection or repair operations to Code 658 or to Code 675 as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Railings Mfg. Architectural Or Ornamental Iron Work Mfg. Balcony Mfg. Banister Mfg. - Metal Fence Or Fence Post Mfg. - Ornamental Iron Or Steel Fire Door Mfg. Fire Escape Mfg. Flagpole Mfg. - Metal Flooring Mfg. - Open Steel Grating Furniture Mfg. - Wrought Iron Gate Mfg. - Ornamental Metal Grandstand Or Bleacher Mfg. - Metal Grating Mfg. - Open Steel Flooring Iron Shutter Mfg. Iron, Ornamental, Fabrication Shop Lamp Post Mfg. - Metal Metal Arches Mfg., For Buildings Metal Lath Mfg. Ornamental Brass Goods Mfg. Ornamental Or Architectural Metal Work Mfg. Partition Mfg. - Ornamental Iron Pipe Bending - Fabrication Shop Power Pipe Fabrication Racing Sulky Mfg. Railing Mfg. Stair Railing Mfg. - Metal Steel Curtain Wall Mfg. Sulky Mfg., Racing 415 FABRICATED PLATE WORK – metal, including but not necessarily limited to boiler or tank mfg. – shop only Plate shall be #3 U.S. Standard Gauge (1/4” thick) or thicker. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 28 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Autoclave Mfg., Industrial Boiler Mfg., Shop Only Buoy Mfg. - Metal Casing Mfg., Boiler Metal Plate Condenser Mfg., Steam Culvert Mfg. - Metal Plate Cylinder Mfg. - Pressure Metal Plate Dumpster Or Refuse Container Mfg. - From Metal Plate Gas Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate Industrial Boiler Mfg. Liquid Oxygen Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate Military Tank Hull Mfg. Oil Storage Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate Plate Work, Fabricated Pressure Vessel Mfg. - Industrial Metal Plate Refuse Container Or Dumpster Mfg. - From Metal Plate Still Mfg. - Pressure Metal Plate Tank Mfg. - Pressurized Or Non-Pressurized, Including For Tank Trucks - From Metal Plate Truss Plate Mfg. - Metal Vacuum Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate Vat Mfg. - Metal Plate 416 CAR MFG., Railroad – all kinds UNDERWRITING GUIDE Car Mfg., Rebuilding Or Repair, Railroad - All Kinds Freight Car Mfg. Industrial Locomotive And Parts Mfg. Locomotive And Parts Mfg. Mine Car Mfg. Railroad Car Mfg. Railway Maintenance Car Mfg. Refrigerator Car Mfg. Switching Locomotive And Parts Mfg. Tank Freight Car Mfg. Tender Mfg., Locomotive FOUNDRIES 421 STEEL FOUNDRY, Open-Hearth and Electric The secondary machining of castings by a separate staff in a physically separate work area shall be assigned to Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Casting Foundry, Steel Electric Steel Foundry Foundry, Steel Steel Alloy Castings Mfg. Steel Foundry 425 IRON FOUNDRY, N.O.C. The secondary machining of castings by a separate staff in a physically separate work area shall be assigned to Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cast Iron Pipe Mfg. Casting Foundry, Ductile Or Grey Iron Ductile Iron Foundry Enameled Cast Iron Ware Mfg. Foundry, Iron, N.O.C. Grey Iron Foundry Heater Or Radiator Mfg. - Cast Iron Hydrant Mfg. Water - Cast Iron Iron Foundry, N.O.C. (See Also Classes 427 And 445) Manhole Cover Mfg. - Cast Iron Pipe Mfg. - Cast Iron, N.O.C. Radiator Or Heater Mfg. - Cast Iron Stove Mfg. - Cast Iron 427 MALLEABLE Iron FOUNDRY The secondary machining of castings by a separate staff in a physically separate work area shall be assigned to Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Casting Foundry, Malleable Iron Foundry, Malleable Iron Malleable Iron Foundry © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 29 CLASSIFICATIONS 429 DIE CASTING MFG. Also includes secondary machining of die castings by the die casting employer. There is no payroll division with Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Die Castings Mfg. Die Castings Mfg. - Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Or Zinc Zinc Die Castings Mfg. 447 NONFERROUS METALS FOUNDRY When foundry is operated and there is a silicosis potential, the supplemental loading will apply to the foundry portion of payroll. Code 0066 at the carrier rate is to apply to such foundry payroll, but note that this payroll is also included in the Code 447 payroll at the carrier rate. Premium developed under Code 0066 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. Also includes secondary machining of non-ferrous castings by the foundry employer. There is no payroll division with Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Castings Mfg. Aluminum Ware Mfg., Cast Brass Castings Mfg. Bronze Castings Mfg. Bushing Or Bearing Mfg. - Nonferrous Metal - Cast Casting Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Centrifugal Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Copper Castings Mfg. Foundry - Nonferrous, N.O.C. Hardware Mfg. - Nonferrous - By Foundry Method Investment Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Nonferrous Metals Foundry Plumbing Fixture Fittings And Trim (Brass Goods) Mfg. - Cast Spin Casting Foundry - Nonferrous Metals Type Foundry Zinc Castings Mfg. METAL WORKING 431 FORGING Includes die making, trimming or grinding and heat treating operations. The secondary machining of forgings by a separate staff in a physically separate work area shall be assigned to Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Anvil Mfg. - Forged Forging, N.O.C. Gun Forging, Iron And Steel Horseshoe Mfg. Iron Forging Press Forging Projectile Or Shell Casing Mfg.: Forging Separately Rate Loading Or Testing With Explosives Upset Forging 433 TOOL MFG. – Forged Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the manufacture of tools by use of forging techniques or methodology. Steel or alloy metals in various bar and rod forms will be cut to length and then heated in furnaces. The heated metal stock is then forged with drop hammers, reheated and forged to final shape or form with the appropriate dies or patterns. The forgings are then cooled, trimmed or ground as needed and tempered by heat treating. Includes secondary machining of the forged tools by the forge business. There is no payroll division with Code 461. Examples of products within the scope of this classification are: axes, agricultural and gardening tools, sledge hammers, logging tools, construction tools and oil well tools. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Specialist businesses principally engaged in the heat treating of metal for unrelated customers. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 30 UNDERWRITINGGUIDE Agricultural Tools Mfg. Axe Mfg. Construction Tools Mfg. File (Tool) Mfg. - Forged Gardening Tools Mfg. CLASSIFICATIONS Heat-Treating Of Metal - By Specialist Contractor Logging Tools Mfg. Oil Well Tools Mfg. Sledgehammer Mfg. Tool Mfg. - Forged 435 SPRING MFG. – Hot Wound Also includes Chain Mfg. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Bumper Mfg. Automobile Spring Mfg. Chain Mfg. Coiled Flat Spring Mfg. Leaf Spring Mfg. Railroad Car Or Locomotive Spring Mfg. Spring Mfg. - Hot Wound Steel Spring Mfg. - Except Wire (Cold Wound) Springs Torsion Bar Spring Mfg. 441 TOOL MFG., N.O.C. Applies to a business principally engaged in machining tool steel or tungsten carbide into tools used for cutting or machining operations on machine shop equipment (e.g., lathes, mills). Also applies to a business principally engaged in making jigs or fixtures used to hold or position work on machine shop equipment. Further applies to a business principally engaged in machining tool steel or tungsten carbide into molds for plastics or powdered metal molding or nonferrous metal casting or dies for wire drawing, metal stamping, plastic or nonferrous metal extrusion. The business' machining operations may include but are not necessarily limited to turning, milling, grinding or tapping. The tools, dies or molds may be assembled together, polished, buffed, tested and inspected. A business principally engaged in the operations discussed above is typically a job shop. A job shop is defined for this classification as a business principally engaged in machining one or more of the above listed products for unrelated businesses and that has either no proprietary product(s) or the business' proprietary product(s) generates less than 50 percent of the business' revenue. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Employers principally engaged in the manufacture of one or more of the following products: wood or metal patterns, models, aircraft propellers-wood, architectural scale models, last forms-wood, or wood carving by hand or machine. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cemented carbide tips for cutting tools or any other products made from powdered metal that are pressed to shape, machined and sintered shall be assigned to Code 506. Molds or patterns produced by foundry (the melting and casting of the molten metal) process shall be assigned to the appropriate foundry class. Dies produced by chemical etching or engraving shall be assigned to Code 281. The manufacture of forged tools shall be assigned to Code 433. Products made by molding plastic shall be assigned to the appropriate plastic molding classification. Metal stamping or sheet metal products fabrication shall be classified as provided in this Manual. Assign Code 445 to the manufacture of non-forged and non-powered hand tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers, hammers or chisels, and/or non-forged bench tools. Assign Code 445 to saw blade (all types) or industrial knife manufacture. Precision Machined Parts Mfg. - N.O.C. shall be defined as machining parts where the plans or specifications require more than 50 percent of the employer's machining operations will be held to a final tolerance of plus/minus .001 inches or closer (e.g., plus/minus .0005 inches) and where more than 50 percent of the machined parts made by the employer are not assigned to any other manufacturing classification. Businesses so principally engaged shall be assigned to Code 446. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 31 CLASSIFICATIONS 10. Assign Code 461 to an employer where more than 50 percent of the employer's machining of parts is held to final tolerance(s) cruder than plus/minus .001 inches (e.g., plus/minus .003 inches, .005 inches) and where more than 50 percent of the parts machined by the employer are not assigned to any other manufacturing classification. 11. An employer principally engaged in machining parts or products specifically assigned to any manufacturing classification shall be assigned to that specified manufacturing classification regardless of the final machining tolerance called for by the plans or specifications. 12. Specialist contractors electroplating parts manufactured by an unrelated business(es) shall be assigned to Code 449. 13. Code 441 is not applicable to any business that has a separate department making tools, dies, molds or any of the other products assigned to Code 441 principally for use by that business in making any product(s) assigned to another manufacturing classification UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Propeller Mfg. - Wood Architectural Scale Model Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor Cutlery Mfg. (Non-Forged) For Household Or Butcher Shop/Restaurant Use Die Mfg. Fixture Or Jig Mfg. Gauge Mfg. - Ring, Plug Or Snap Jig Or Fixture Mfg. Label Mfg. - Metal Last Form Mfg. - Wooden Machine Tools And Accessories Mfg. Machine Tools Mfg. - Metal - Cutting Or Forming Types Model Or Pattern Mfg. - Wood Or Metal, Shop Only, Excluding Castings Mold Mfg., Excluding Castings Pattern Or Model Mfg. - Wood Or Metal, Shop Only, Excluding Castings Punch Mfg., For Marking Metal Sewing Machine Attachment Mfg. (e.g., Hemmers, Binders) Shoe Form Mfg. - Wood Steel Rule Die Mfg. Tool Mfg., N.O.C. Tool Sharpening, Industrial Tools Welding Or Cutting Torch Tip Mfg. Wood Carving - By Hand Or Machine 445 HARDWARE MFG., N.O.C. Applies to businesses principally engaged in the manufacture of hardware. The term encompasses a variety of products manufactured by different production techniques including but not necessarily limited to: machining (including screw machining), stamping, and foundry. Please see the Underwriting Guide entries below for a representative listing of hardware products and the inshop specialist contractors (e.g., coating of parts, polishing and buffing and spray painting) assigned to this classification. Also apply the supplemental loading (Code 0067) to the foundry portion of the Code 445 payroll when the employer uses the foundry process (the melting and pouring of molten metal into sand molds) to make hardware products. Code 0067 at the carrier rating value is to apply to such foundry payroll, but note that the foundry payroll is also to be included in Code 445 payroll at the carrier rating value. Premium developed under Code 0067 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. Investment casting uses ceramic molds made from pouring slip rather than sand molds. The investment casting process is assignable to Code 445 and is not also subject to Code 0067. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. The secondary machining of hardware castings by the foundry employer. A business principally engaged in machining or assembling non-forged or non-powered hand or bench tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, chisels or wrenches. A business principally engaged in the manufacture of any type of saw blade or applying carbide tips or diamond cutting segments onto saw blades. A business principally engaged in manufacturing any type of industrial knife. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 32 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 433 to a business principally engaged in forging hand tools. Assign Code 473 to a business principally engaged in making portable powered hand tools. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acetylene Torch Mfg. Arms Mfg., Excluding Ammunition Mfg. Automatic Screw Machine Products Mfg. Automatic Sprinkler Mfg. Bolt Mfg. Bottle Cap Or Crown Mfg. Brush Manufacture - Using Tinplate Not Wood Builders Hardware Mfg. Bushing Mfg. Carburetor Mfg. Cartridge Mfg., No Handling Of Explosives Coating Of Parts - By Contractor Collapsible Tube Mfg. Curtain Rod Mfg. - Metal Electric Fixtures Mfg. Fastener Mfg., N.O.C. File, Tool (Non-Forged) Mfg Flashlight Mfg., Or Assembling Franklin Stove Assembly Gas And Electric Fixtures Mfg. Hand Tool Mfg. - Non-Forged (Excluding Axes, Agricultural Tools, Sledgehammers Or Wheelbarrows) Hardware Mfg., N.O.C. Including Foundry Hydraulic Stabilizer Mfg., For Trains Industrial Knife Mfg. - All Types Investment Casting Lamp Or Portable Lantern Mfg. Lighting Fixtures Mfg. Meat Chopper Mfg. Nail Mfg., Not Wire Nut Or Bolt Mfg. Painting Or Powder Coating Metal Parts - Shop By Specialist Contractor Playground Equipment Mfg. Plumbers' Fittings Mfg. Plumbers' Supplies Mfg., N.O.C. Polishing And Buffing, Shop Only - Specialist Contractor Portable Lamp Or Lantern Mfg. Powder Coating Of Parts (Electrostatic Spray Application) - By Contractor Sadiron Mfg. Saw Blade Mfg. - All Types Scale And Balance Mfg. Screw Machine Products Screw Mfg. Skate Mfg. Small Arms Mfg. Spike Mfg. Spray Painting - In Shop Only Sprinkler Mfg., Automatic Stabilizer Mfg., Hydraulic For Trains Tube Mfg. - Metal, Collapsible Valve And Pipe Fitting Mfg., Except Cast Plumbers' Brass Goods Valve Mfg. Welding Torch Mfg. 446 PRECISION MACHINED PARTS MFG., N.O.C. Applies to a business principally engaged in Precision Machined Parts Mfg., N.O.C. Such term will be defined as applying to a machining business where the plans or specifications require more than 50 percent of all machining operations performed by the employer will be held to a final tolerance of plus/minus .001 inches or closer (e.g., plus/minus .0005 inches) and where more than 50 percent of the machined parts made by the employer are not assigned to any other manufacturing classification. A business principally engaged in Precision Machined Parts Mfg., N.O.C., is typically a job shop. A job shop is defined for this classification as a business principally engaged in machining or machining parts for unrelated businesses and that has either no proprietary product(s) or the machining of the business' proprietary product(s) is less than 50 percent of the business' overall machining. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. The machining of parts for unrelated businesses or the employer's proprietary product(s) where more than 50 percent of the employer's machining operations are held to a final tolerance cruder than plus/minus .001 inches (e.g., plus/minus .003 inches, .005 inches, .010 inches), and where more than 50 percent of the parts machined by the employer are not assigned to any other manufacturing classification, shall be assigned to Code 461. 2. An employer principally engaged in machining parts or products specifically assigned to any manufacturing classification shall be assigned to that specified manufacturing classification regardless of the final machining tolerance called for by the plans or specifications. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 33 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Propeller Mfg. - Metal Precision Machined Parts Mfg., N.O.C. 447 NON-FERROUS METALS FOUNDRY. When foundry is operated and there is silicosis potential, the supplemental loading will apply to the foundry portion of payroll. Code 0066 at the carrier rate is to apply to such foundry payroll, but note that this payroll is also to be included in the Code 447 payroll at the carrier rate. Premium developed under Code 0066 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. Also includes secondary machining of non-ferrous castings by the foundry employer. There is no payroll division with Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Castings Mfg. Aluminum Ware Mfg., Cast Brass Castings Mfg. Bronze Castings Mfg. Bushing Or Bearing Mfg. - Nonferrous Metal - Cast Casting Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Centrifugal Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Copper Castings Mfg. Foundry - Nonferrous, N.O.C. Hardware Mfg. - Nonferrous - By Foundry Method Investment Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals Nonferrous Metals Foundry Plumbing Fixture Fittings And Trim (Brass Goods) Mfg. - Cast Spin Casting Foundry - Nonferrous Metals Type Foundry Zinc Castings Mfg. 449 ELECTROPLATING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Anodizing Metals Chromium Plating Detinning Electroplating Gold Plating Metal Anodizing Plating Of Metal Articles Silver Plating Tin Plating 451 AUTOMOBILE, Truck or Trailer BODY MFG. Also includes an employer principally engaged in fabricating an automobile, truck or trailer body and then attaching the fabricated body onto a customer supplied or purchased chassis. This class is not available for payroll division with Code 463. Code 463 shall be assigned to an employer engaged in both the making of the automobile, truck, or trailer body and chassis and then assembling the complete motor vehicle. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ambulance Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis Automobile Body Mfg., Except Plastic Body Molding Bus Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis Carriage Mfg. Chassis Mfg. Fire Truck Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis Hearse Body Mfg. Mobile Home Mfg. - Non Self-Propelled Trailer Mfg. Truck Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis Truck Cab Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis Vehicle Chassis or Frame Mfg. Wagon Body Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 34 CLASSIFICATIONS 454 SHEET METAL PRODUCTS FABRICATION, N.O.C., Shop only Sheet metal shall be thinner than #3 U.S. Standard Gauge (less than ¼” thick). Code 676 shall be assigned to both the shop and the erection or installation payroll developed by an insured engaged in both the shop fabrication of sheet metal products and the erection or installation thereof. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Agate Or Enamel Ware Mfg. Aluminum Storm Sash Mfg. Aluminum Ware Mfg. - From Sheet Aluminum Automobile Parts Mfg., Miscellaneous Stamped Parts Automobile Radiator Mfg. Automobile Wheel Mfg. Barrel Or Drum Mfg. - Metal Barrel Or Drum Reconditioning Or Repairing - Metal Bin Mfg. - Sheet Metal Brass Products Mfg., N.O.C. - From Sheet Stock Building Mfg., Portable - Metal, No Erection Can Mfg., Seamed Casing Mfg. - Sheet Metal Chimney Flashing Mfg., No Installation Work Cooking Utensil Mfg. - Steel Or Aluminum Copper Products Mfg. - From Sheet Stock Coppersmithing - Shop Only Duct Fabrication - No Installation Work Enamel Ware Mfg. Flue Mfg., Stove Or Furnace - By Specialist Contractor Hood Mfg., Range Hotel Kitchen Equipment Mfg. Household Cooking Utensil Mfg. Machine Guard Mfg. - Sheet Metal Metal Can Mfg., Seamed Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs Or Pails Used, Dealer Metal Spinnings Mfg. Metal Stampings Mfg. Metal, Sheet Goods Mfg., N.O.C. Perforated Metal Mfg. Radiator Mfg., Auto Restaurant Kitchen Equipment Mfg. Sheet Metal Products Fabrication, N.O.C., Shop Only Sign Mfg. - Metal, Shop Only - No Erection Silo Building - Metal, Shop Only Steel Barrel Or Drum Mfg. Steel Drum Or Barrel Dealer, Secondhand Storm Window Or Door Mfg. - Metal Or Vinyl Ventilator Mfg. - Sheet Metal Wheelbarrow Mfg. - Metal Window Sash Mfg. - Aluminum Or Vinyl 456 METAL FURNITURE or Furnishing Goods MFG., N.O.C. Sheet metal shall be thinner than #3 U.S. Standard Gauge (less than ¼” thick). Also includes the manufacture of major household or commercial kitchen or laundry appliances. Upholstering operations conducted by a separate crew of employees in a physically separate department shall be assigned to Code 327. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Conditioner Or Air Conditioner Equipment Mfg. Home Window Unit Or Central Air, Commercial Or Industrial Aluminum Awning Mfg. Aluminum Venetian Blind Mfg. Appliance Mfg., Major Household Or For Commercial Establishments, Kitchen Or Laundry Awning Mfg. - Metal, No Erection Bedstead Mfg. - Metal Bookcase Mfg. - Metal Brass Bed Mfg. Cabinet Mfg. - Sheet Metal Chair Mfg. - Metal Clothes Dryer Mfg., Commercial Or Household Coffin Mfg. - Metal Door Mfg. - Metal File Cabinet Mfg. Fireproof Equipment Mfg. - Metal Freezer Mfg., Commercial Or Household Furniture Mfg. - Metal Garment Rack Mfg. - Metal Golf Club Mfg. - Metal Ice Cream Cabinet Mfg. Incubator Mfg. - Metal Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen Mfg. - Metal Or Glass Ladder Mfg. - Metal Locker Mfg. - Metal Metal Furniture Mfg. Office Furniture Mfg. - Metal Oven Mfg. - Metal Industrial Drying Ovens Radiator Cabinet Or Shield Mfg. - Metal Refrigerator Mfg., Commercial Or Household Sheet Metal Aircraft Parts Mfg. Shelving Mfg. - Metal Showcase Mfg. - Metal Ski Mfg. - Metal Soda Fountain Mfg. Stove Mfg. - Sheet Metal, Commercial Or Household Tennis Racquet Mfg. - Metal Trash Compactor Mfg. Venetian Blind Mfg. - Aluminum Ventilation Equipment Mfg. Washing Machine Mfg., Commercial Or Household © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 35 CLASSIFICATIONS 457 WIRE GOODS MFG. Includes the manufacture of wire springs by cold winding technologies. The making of springs from bar stock by hot wound methodologies must be assigned to Code 435 . UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Christmas Tree Mfg. Bed Spring Mfg. - Wire Brush Mfg. - Wire Cable Mfg. - Not Insulated Electrical Cable Coat Hanger Mfg. - Metal Cold Wound Wire Spring Mfg. Fence Mfg. - Wire Lamp Shade Frame Mfg. Nail Mfg. - Wire Pocketbook Frame Mfg. Rope Mfg. - Wire Shopping Cart Mfg. Snow Fence Mfg., Wire Twisting Spring Mfg., Cold Wound Welding Rod Mfg. Wire Brush Mfg. Wire Fence Mfg. Wire Goods Mfg. Wire Rope Or Cable Mfg. 458 JEWELRY MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Clock Mfg. Costume Jewelry Mfg. Diamond Cutter, Polisher, Setter Gold Leaf Mfg. Jewel Setting And Mounting Jewelry Mfg. Jewelry Polishing Lapidary Musical Instrument Mfg. - Metal Pendant Jewelry Mfg. Precious Stone Cutting, Polishing Or Setting Silverware And Plated Ware Mfg. Watch Mfg. Watch, Clock, And Parts Mfg. 459 EYELET, Needle, Pin, Pen or Tack MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Limb Mfg. Ball Point Pen Mfg. Button Mfg. - Metal Electronic Terminal And Connector Mfg. - By Machining Or Stamping Eyelet Mfg. Implant Mfg. – Medical (e.g., hips, knees) Mechanical Pencil Mfg. Medical Implant Mfg. (e.g., hips, knees) Miniature Valve And Fitting Mfg. Needle, Pin, Hook Or Eye Mfg. Pen Or Pen Point Mfg. Pin Or Needle Mfg. Razor Blade Mfg. - Safety Rivet Mfg. Swiss Screw Machine Shop Tack Mfg. Valve Mfg. - Miniature Zipper Mfg. MACHINERYMFG. 461 MACHINE SHOP – no woodworking – no boiler making Also includes the manufacture of all types of internal combustion engines, all types of pumps, pneumatic drills or hammers or hydraulic devices (e.g., hydraulic jacks or lifts). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 36 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Engine Or Engine Part Mfg. Or Repair, Shop Only Automobile Engine Mfg. Automobile Jack Mfg. Automobile Parts Mfg. - Produced By Machining N.O.C. Automotive Machine Shops - No Work On Cars e.g., Cylinder Reboring, Valve Grinding Or Turning Down Brake Drums Confectioners' Machinery Mfg. Engine Mfg., Internal Combustion Equipment Repair, Industrial - Shop Only Food Product Machinery Mfg. Fuel Pump Mfg., Automobile Gear Mfg. Or Grinding Hydraulic Device Mfg. - Jacks, Auto Lifts Industrial Equipment Repair, Shop Only Internal Combustion Engine Mfg. Jackhammer Mfg. Machine Shop, N.O.C. Machined Automobile Parts Mfg., N.O.C. CLASSIFICATIONS Machinery Reconditioning (Excluding Conveyors) Shop Operations Only Measuring Or Dispensing Pump Mfg. Outboard Motor Mfg. Paper Industry Machinery Mfg. Piston, Piston Pin Or Piston Ring Mfg. Pneumatic Tool Mfg. Printing Machinery Mfg. Printing Trade Machinery And Equipment Mfg. Projectile Or Shell Casing Mfg.: Secondary Machining - Separately Rate Loading Or Testing With Explosives Pump Mfg. Safe Mfg. Shaft Mfg. - All Types Stoker Mfg. Supercharger Mfg. Textile Machinery Mfg. Typesetting Machinery Mfg. Woodworking Machine Mfg. 463 AUTOMOBILE MFG. Code 463 shall be assigned to an employer engaged in both the making of the automobile, truck, or trailer body and chassis and then assembling the complete motor vehicle. This class is not available for payroll division with Code 451. Code 451 shall be assigned to an employer principally engaged in fabricating an automobile, truck, or trailer body and then attaching the fabricated body onto a customer supplied or purchased chassis. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Mfg. Automobile Truck Mfg. Bicycle Mfg. Forklift Truck Mfg. Industrial Truck Mfg. Motorcycle Mfg. Tractor Mfg. Truck Mfg. 465 CONVEYOR or Hoisting Systems MFG., or Reconditioning Elevator, escalator, conveyor or hoisting system erection, installation or repair is to be separately rated as Code 675. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Conveyor Mfg. - Or Reconditioning Elevator Or Elevator Door Mfg. Escalator Mfg. Hoisting Systems Mfg. Overhead Crane Mfg. 467 BALL or Roller BEARING MFG. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the fabrication of either metal ball or roller bearings. Where a business is engaged in the fabrication of either metal ball or roller bearings and these are consumed by the business’ production process, such operations shall be classified in accordance with the class appropriate to the business. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ball Bearing Mfg. Roller Bearing Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 37 CLASSIFICATIONS 471 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY OR ELECTRICAL WIRE HARNESS MFG. – BY CONTRACTOR Applies to concerns principally engaged in performing any of the services discussed below for others on a contract basis. Includes the manufacture/assembly of printed circuit boards, the placement of components onto printed circuit boards (mounting/stuffing) or the installation of resultant boards into a chassis with the addition of wire leads. Also contemplated by this class is the assembly of electrical wire harnesses, automotive wire harnesses or connector cable assemblies. Electrical cord assembly is to be assigned to Code 473. The manufacture of wire or cable shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automotive Wire Harness Assembly Cable Connector Assembly Electrical Wire Harness Assembly Printed Circuit Board Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor Printed Circuit Board Stuffing By Contractor Stuffing Printed Circuit Boards, Adding Wiring And Chassis By Contractor Per Customer Design 472 ELECTRONIC COMPONENT MFG., N.O.C. Applies to the manufacture of electronic component parts used to receive, store, govern or direct the flow of current within an electrical circuit, such as resistors, capacitors, coils, transformers (less than 746 watts), filters or transducers. Also applies to semiconductor material refining, the manufacture of integrated circuits, quartz crystal culturing or glass to metal seals. Not applicable to the manufacture of non-electronic parts (e.g., pushbuttons, springs or gaskets). The inclusion of such non-electronic parts in an electronic device is not to be construed as an electronic component as defined by this classification. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ceramic Capacitor Mfg. - Less Than 1 H.P. Coils - Less Than 1 H.P. Diode Mfg. Integrated Circuit Mfg. Light Emitting Diode Mfg. Liquid Crystal Display Mfg. Oscillator Mfg. Quartz Crystal Culturing Resistor Mfg. - Less Than 1 H.P. Semiconductor Refining - Silicon Wafers Silicon Chip Mfg. Transducer Mfg. Transformer Mfg. - Less Than 1 H.P. Used In Electronic Devices Transistor Mfg. 473 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS MFG., N.O.C. Applies but is not limited to the manufacture or shop repair of electrical housewares, hand-held power tools, electrical fixtures or small electrical appliances. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 38 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Horn Mfg., Electric Automotive Alternator Or Generator Mfg. Or Repair Automotive Lighting, Ignition Or Starting Apparatus Mfg. Ballast Mfg. - Fluorescent Lights Battery Charging Equipment Mfg. Battery Mfg., Dry Blender Mfg. - Household Blinkerlight Mfg. Centrifuge Mfg., Laboratory Christmas Tree Light Cord Sets Mfg. Dimmer Switch Mfg. Electric Blanket Mfg. Electric Cord Assembly, Cable Mfg. To Be Separately Rated Electric Fan Mfg. Electric Heating Element Mfg. Electric Housewares And Fan Mfg. Electric Switches Mfg. - Household And Crossbar Electric Wire Assembly - Cord CLASSIFICATIONS Electrical Apparatus Mfg. Electrical Equipment For Internal Combustion Engines Mfg. Electro-Physical Therapy Equipment Mfg. Fire Alarm Siren Mfg. Floor Cleaning/Waxing Machine Mfg. Fuse Mfg. - Electrical Hair Dryer Mfg. - Hand-Held Hand Tool Mfg. - Electric - Portable Heating Pad Mfg. Humidifier Mfg. Mercury Switch Mfg. Razor Mfg. Or Repair - Electric Switch Mfg. - Household Trains, Electric - Toy Or Model Mfg. Vacuum Cleaner - Service Or Repair Vacuum Cleaner Mfg. X-Ray Equipment Mfg. 474 ELECTRIC POWER OR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT MFG. Contemplates the manufacture of equipment for the generation, storage or transmission of electrical energy or vacuum furnaces. Includes the manufacture of power transformers (over 1 horsepower), switchgear or switchboard apparatus, generators or vacuum furnaces. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bus-bar Mfg. Circuit Breaker Mfg. Electric Power Equipment Mfg. For Utilities Generator Mfg., Electric Switchgear Or Switchboard Apparatus Mfg. Transformer Mfg. (1 H.P. Or More) Vacuum Furnace, Kiln Or Drying Oven Mfg. 475 BATTERY MFG., Storage UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Battery Mfg. Battery Mfg., Storage Storage Battery Mfg. 476 INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS OR SYSTEMS MANUFACTURE/ASSEMBLY Applies to the manufacture/assembly of motor controllers, control panels and/or systems used in industrial plants for the distribution of power, control of heating or air conditioning or batch control. Risks engaged in the manufacture of meters, counters, thermometers or other electronic analytical/measuring instrumentation not otherwise classified shall be assigned to Code 488. Installation or repair provided at customer locations shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Environmental Control Systems Mfg./Assembly Motor Controller Assembly Power Controller Assembly Process Control Systems Mfg./Assembly 477 ELECTRIC MOTOR MFG. OR REPAIR Applies to firms principally engaged in the manufacture, shop repair or rewinding of electric motors, armatures or field coils. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Armature Mfg. Electric Motor Mfg. Or Repair - Shop Only © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 39 CLASSIFICATIONS 483 OFFICE MACHINE MFG. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 952 to a separate crew performing service and repair at customer locations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adding Machine Mfg. Calculator Mfg. Cash Register Mfg. Cigar And Cigarette Lighter Mfg. Or Assembling Computer Mfg. Computer Peripheral Mfg. Electronic Organ And Synthesizer Mfg. Facsimile Equipment Mfg. Laser Printer Cartridge Mfg. Or Remanufacture Modem Mfg. Office Machine Mfg. Organ, Electronic - Mfg. Sewing Machine - Service Or Repair Sewing Machine Mfg. Slot Machine Mfg. Vending Machine Mfg. Voting Machine Mfg. 485 COMMUNICATIONS, SEARCH, DETECTION OR SIGNAL PROCESSING EQUIPMENT MFG. Includes but is not limited to the manufacture of: (1) (2) (3) Telephone or telegraph equipment or apparatus Radio or TV broadcasting or communications equipment Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical or nautical systems UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Radio Or Transmitting Equipment Mfg. Amplifier Mfg. Antenna Mfg. Depth Sounding Equipment Mfg. Hearing Aid Mfg. Infrared Homing Systems Mfg. Intercommunications Equipment Mfg. Microphone Mfg. Microwave Communication Equipment Mfg. Missile Guidance Equipment Mfg. Multiplexer Mfg. Navigational Instruments Mfg. Radar Devices Mfg. Radio Or Television Transmitting, Signaling Or Detection Equipment Or Apparatus Mfg. Receivers - Radio Communication Mfg. Recording Devices Mfg. Sonar Equipment Mfg. Speaker Mfg. Stereo Equipment Mfg. Tape Recorder Mfg. Telemetering Equipment Mfg. Telephone Or Telegraph Apparatus Mfg. Transponder Mfg. Video Cassette Recorder Mfg. 486 INCANDESCENT LIGHT BULB or ELECTRONIC TUBE MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cathode Ray Picture Tube Mfg. Electric Light Bulb Mfg. Electron Tube Mfg. Incandescent Light Bulb Mfg. Medical Diagnostic Lamp Mfg. Megetron Device Mfg. (Specialty Electron) Neon Sign Mfg. - Shop Only, No Installation, Service Or Repair 487 Photoflash Cube Mfg. Radio & Television Tube Mfg. Television Tube Mfg. Transmitting, Industrial And Special Purpose Electron Tube Mfg. Vacuum Tube Mfg. X-Ray Tube Mfg. SURGICAL OR OPTICAL INSTRUMENT MFG. Applies but is not limited to the manufacturing of surgical or dental instruments, optical instruments, optical lens grinding, fiber optics or other precision metal instruments such as drafting equipment, compasses, Tsquares or triangles. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 40 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Audio Compact Disc Duplicating Binocular Mfg. Coating Optical Products - Vacuum Deposition Method Dental Drill Or Dental Tools Mfg. Drafting Equipment Mfg. CLASSIFICATIONS Micrometer Mfg. Optical Instrument Or Lens Mfg. Surgical Instrument Mfg. Surveying Equipment Mfg. Telescope Mfg. 488 ELECTRONIC MEASURING OR ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENT MFG. Includes the manufacture of electric test equipment, totalizing fluid meters or counters, electronic test or measuring instrumentation. Also contemplated by this class is the manufacture of medical diagnostic equipment such as CAT scanners or MRIs. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Instrument Mfg. (Not Radio Or Radar) Altimeter Mfg. Automatic Temperature Control Mfg. Blood & Gas Analyzer Mfg. CAT Scanner Mfg. Defibrillator Mfg. Electric Measuring Instrument Or Test Equipment Mfg. Electrocardiograph Equipment Mfg. Fetal Monitor Mfg. Flow Controller Mfg. Flowmeter Mfg. Gas Detection Monitor Mfg. Gas Meter Mfg. Heart Scan Systems Mfg. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Mfg. Medical Equipment Mfg., Electronic - Diagnostic Or Treatment Pyrometer Mfg. Respirator Equipment Mfg. Semiconductor Test Equipment Mfg. Speedometer Mfg. Steam Pressure Gauge Mfg. Tachometer Mfg. Taximeter Mfg. Thermocouple Mfg. Thermometer Mfg. Thermostat Mfg. Ultrasound Imager Mfg. Valve Actuator Mfg. Vital Signs Monitoring Equipment Mfg. Volt Meter Mfg. Wafer (Semiconductor) Dicing Machine Mfg. Wafer Cleaning Equipment Water Meter Mfg. Wet Wafer Processing Equipment 489 DENTAL LABORATORY UNDERWRITING GUIDE Artificial Teeth Mfg. Dental Laboratory Hearing Aid Ear Mold Mfg. 491 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary ROLLING, DRAWING or EXTRUDING NONFERROUS METALS Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 403. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Rolling, Drawing Or Extruding Nonferrous Metals Staff Rolling, Drawing Or Extruding Nonferrous Metals - Temporary Staff Temporary Rolling, Drawing Or Extruding Nonferrous Metals Staff 493 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary HARDWARE MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 445. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 41 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Hardware Mfg. Staff Hardware Mfg. - Temporary Staff Powder Coating Of Metal Parts - Shop - Temporary Staff Temporary Hardware Mfg. Staff 495 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary AUTOMOBILE, Truck or Trailer BODY MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 451. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile, Truck Or Trailer Body Mfg. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Automobile, Truck Or Trailer Body Mfg. Staff Temporary Automobile, Truck Or Trailer Body Mfg. Staff 497 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary ELECTRONIC COMPONENT MFG. Staff. Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 472. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Electronic Component Mfg. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Electronic Component Mfg. Staff Temporary Electronic Component Mfg. Staff 499 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary BATTERY MFG. Staff. Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 475. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Battery Mfg. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Battery Mfg. Staff Temporary Battery Mfg. Staff STONE AND CLAY PRODUCTS MFG. 501 CEMENT MFG. – including quarrying UNDERWRITING GUIDE Calcium Carbide Mfg. Cement Mfg., Including Quarrying Cement Quarry Operated By Manufacturer Lime Burning Or Processing - By Specialist Contractor Plaster Mill Quarry, Cement - Operated By Manufacturer 502 PLASTER STATUARY or Ornament MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acrylic Embedments Mfg. Map Mfg. Relief, Made Of Plaster Plaster Form Mfg. Plaster Statuary Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 42 CLASSIFICATIONS 506 POWDER METAL PRODUCTS MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Powder Metal Products Mfg. 507 GRAPHITE PRODUCTS MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carbon Products Mfg. Graphite Products Mfg. 509 ASBESTOS GOODS MFG. – For establishments utilizing asbestos fibers in their manufacturing processes that result in an asbestos product. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Asbestos Cement Products Mfg. Asbestos Goods Mfg. Asbestos Paper Mfg. Asbestos Spinning Or Weaving Blanket Mfg., Insulating For Aircraft - Asbestos Brake Lining Mfg. - Asbestos Cloth Mfg. - Asbestos Fire Resistant Glove Mfg. Glove Mfg. - Fire Resistant Paper Mfg. - Asbestos Tape Mfg. - Asbestos Textile Mfg. - Asbestos Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tile Mfg. 511 CONCRETE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bathtub Mfg. - Concrete Cast Stone Mfg. - Concrete Cement Block Mfg. Cinder Block Mfg. Concrete Block Mfg. Concrete Burial Vault Mfg. Concrete Products Mfg. Drain Tile Mfg. - Concrete Pipe Mfg. - Concrete Plaster Block Mfg. Precast Concrete Products Mfg. - Shop Septic Tank Mfg. - Concrete Silo Building - Concrete, Shop Only Step Mfg. - Prefabricated Concrete 512 BRICK MFG., N.O.C. Assign Code 514 to a location(s) principally engaged in manufacturing refractory products. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Brick Mfg., N.O.C. Fireproofing Tile Mfg. - Clay Pipe Mfg. - Terra-Cotta Sand Lime Brick Mfg. Structural Clay Products Mfg., N.O.C., NonRefractory Terra-Cotta Mfg. Tile Mfg., Roofing, Structural Or Terra-Cotta 513 POTTERY, N.O.C. – no brick, non-decorative tile, sewer pipe or gas retorts mfg. A supplementary dust disease loading shall be added by the Bureau to cover the potential hazard of those employers using material containing free silica. Code 0176 at the carrier rate is to apply to such exposure, but note that payroll developed by the exposure is also to be included in the Code 513 payroll at the carrier rate. Premium developed under Code 0176 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 43 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Abrasive Shape Mfg. Abrasive Wheel Mfg. Ceramic Mfg. China Decorating - By A China Manufacturer China Tableware Mfg. Earthenware Mfg. Foundry Sand Cores Mfg. - By Contractor Grinding Wheel Mfg. Grindstone Mfg., No Quarrying Mineral Wool Mfg. - Including Spinning And Weaving 514 Porcelain Electrical Product Mfg. Porcelain Mfg. Pottery Mfg., Glazed Pottery Mfg., N.O.C. - No Brick, Tile, Sewer Pipe Or Gas Retorts Rock Wool Mfg. - Including Spinning And Weaving Sand Mold Mfg. – By Independent Contractor Tile Mfg., Decorative Vitreous China Plumbing Fixture Mfg. Vitreous China Table And Kitchen Articles Mfg. Vitreous Tile Mfg. REFRACTORY PRODUCT MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Clay Refractory Products Mfg., Including Silica Or Semi-Silica Refractory Products Mfg., Including Silica Or Semi-Silica Silica Brick Mfg. GLASS MFG. 535 GLASS OR GLASSWARE MFG. The manufacture of glass products from purchased glass shall be assigned to Code 536. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cut Glass Mfg. Fibrous Glass Mfg. Flat Glass Mfg. Glass Container Mfg. Glass Mfg., Stained Glassware Mfg. Plate Glass Mfg. Polished Plate Glass Mfg. Pressed Or Blown Glass Mfg. Rolled Glass Mfg. Sheet Glass Mfg. Sheet Window Glass Mfg. Sodium Silicate Mfg. Stained Glass Mfg. Window Glass Mfg. Wire Glass Mfg. 536 GLASS PRODUCTS MFG. – from purchased glass – no glass manufacturing UNDERWRITING GUIDE Glass Merchant - Bending, Beveling, Grinding Or Silvering Plate Glass By Separate Shop Crew Glass Ornament Mfg. - From Purchased Glass Laboratory Glassware Mfg. - From Purchased Glass Laminated Glass Products Mfg. - From Purchased Glass Mirror Mfg. - From Purchased Glass Stained Glass Products Including Window Mfg. From Purchased Stained Glass Tiffany Lamp Shade Mfg. - From Purchased Stained Glass 544 Employment Contractor − Temporary Staff – MANUFACTURING or LIGHT INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS, N.O.C. Applies to all temporary employees provided to manufacturing businesses except for temporary manufacturing or light industrial staff subject to Codes 185, 187, 189, 191, 275, 276, 291, 297, 491, 493, 495, 497, 499 or 587. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the manufacturing businesses assignable to Code 544 and on classifying temporary staff. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 44 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Manufacturing Or Light Industrial Operations Light Industrial Or Manufacturing Business Operations - Temporary Staff Manufacturing Or Light Industrial Operations - Temporary Staff Temporary Staff - Manufacturing Or Light Industrial Operations CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES 551 CHEMICAL Processing or Products MFG., N.O.C. For establishments engaged in manufacturing miscellaneous chemical preparations not otherwise classified. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acid Mfg. Agricultural Chemical Mfg. Agricultural Pesticide Mfg. Alkali Mfg. Alum Mfg. Aniline Dye Mfg. Bicarbonate Of Soda Mfg. Charcoal Mfg. Chemical Processing Or Products Mfg., N.O.C. Copper Recovery, Not Smelting Cotton Seed Oil Mfg. Creosote Mfg. - From Tar Distillation, Wood Dye Mfg. Fungicide Mfg. Herbicide Mfg. Insecticide Mfg. Iron Recovery By Chemical Means Magnesium Metal Mfg. - Electrolysis Of Fused Magnesium Chloride Process Magnesium Metal Mfg. - Ferro-Silicon Process Magnesium Metal Mfg., N.O.C. Oil Mfg., Vegetable Pest Strip Mfg. Pesticide Mfg. Pyroxylin Mfg., Not For Use In Explosive Mfg. Salt Refining Silica Gel Mfg. Soda Bicarbonate Mfg. Sulfate Mfg. Tanning Extract Mfg. Tar Refining Vegetable Oil Mill Vitriol Mfg. Wood Alcohol Mfg. - Natural Wood Distillation Zinc, Recovery Of - By Chemical Means 553 GASES – MFG. of carbonic oxide, anhydrous ammonia, oxygen or hydrogen UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acetylene Gas Mfg. Ammonia Mfg. Anhydrous Ammonia Mfg. Carbon Dioxide Mfg. Carbonic Acid Gas Mfg. Gas Mfg. Hydrogen Mfg. Ice Mfg., Dry Ice Industrial Gas Mfg. Oxygen Or Hydrogen Mfg. 555 DRUG or MEDICINE MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Biological Product Mfg. Cough Drop Mfg. Drug Mfg. Medicine Mfg. Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg. Serum Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 45 CLASSIFICATIONS 563 PAINT or Colors MFG. – no red or white lead mfg. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adhesives Mfg. Color Mfg., No Red Or White Lead Mfg. Dope (Plastic Model Paint) Mfg. Dry Toner Mfg. Enamel Paint Mfg. Ink Mfg., Printing Inorganic Pigment Mfg. Lacquer Mfg. Metal Polish Mfg. Mineral Color Mfg. Mucilage Mfg. Paint Brush Cleaner Mfg. Paint Mfg., No Red Or White Lead Mfg. Paint Remover Mfg. Paint, Varnish, Lacquer Or Enamel Mfg. Pigment Color Mfg. Polish Or Leather Dressing Mfg. Primer, Paint, Mfg. Printing Ink Mfg. Putty, Caulking Compound, And Allied Product Mfg. Roofing Compound Mfg., No Refining Shellac Mfg. Shoe Polish Mfg. Stains - Varnish, Oil And Wax, Mfg. Toner (Dry) Mfg. Varnish Mfg. Water Paint Mfg. Whiting Mfg. Wood Filler And Sealer Mfg. Wood Stain Mfg. 571 SOAP MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Beeswax Mfg. Candle Mfg. Cleaning, Polishing Or Sanitation Preparations Mfg. Cosmetic, Perfume Or Other Toilet Preparations Mfg. Crayon Mfg. Degreasing Solvent Mfg. Detergent Mfg. Disinfectant (Household And Industrial) Mfg. Dry Cleaning Preparation Mfg. Furniture Polish And Wax Mfg. Household Bleach, Dry Or Liquid Mfg. Log Mfg. – Synthetic (wax and sawdust combination) Perfume, Cosmetic Or Other Toilet Preparations Mfg. Perfumery Extract Mfg. Polishing, Cleaning Or Sanitation Preparations Mfg. Saddle Soap Mfg. Scouring Compound Mfg. Sealing Wax Mfg. Shampoo Mfg. Soap Or Other Detergent Mfg. Synthetic Log Mfg. (wax and sawdust combination) Washing Compound Mfg. Wax Or Wax Products Mfg. Wax Remover Mfg. 573 FERTILIZER MFG. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Fertilizer Blending Or Mixing Fertilizer Mfg. Plant Food Mfg. - Mixed 581 OIL REFINING, Petroleum UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aromatic Chemical Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery Benzene Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery Blending Lubricants Catalyst Mfg., Oil-Based Gasoline Blending Plant Grease Mixing Or Blending, Not Animal Or Vegetable Kerosene Mfg. Lubricant, Blending Lubricating Oil And Grease Mfg., Excluding Animal And Vegetable Products Naphtha Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery Nylon Mfg. Oil Blending - Not Animal Or Vegetable Oil Refining, Petroleum Oil Re-Refining, Used Motor Oil Petroleum Refining Plastic Material, Synthetic Resin, Or Nonvulcanizable Elastomer Mfg. Rayon Mfg. Sulfonated Oil And Assistant Mfg. Synthetic Rubber Intermediates Mfg. Synthetic Rubber Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 46 CLASSIFICATIONS 587 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary PAINT or COLORS MFG. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 563. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Paint Or Colors Mfg. Staff Paint Or Colors Mfg. - Temporary Staff Temporary Paint Or Colors Mfg. Staff EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION 601 ROAD or Street CONSTRUCTION: Paving or Repaving Applies to the laying of the road starting with the sub-base and includes all kinds of paving or repaving, surfacing or resurfacing or scraping, including airport runways or warming aprons. Also included are trimming and finishing of shoulders, installing curbing and erecting guard rails or fences. Asphalt plants operated by a paving contractor shall be classified in accordance with the following procedure. Permanently located plants staffed by a separate crew shall be assigned to Code 855. Portable/ temporarily located asphalt plants shall be assigned to Code 601. As provided for in this Manual separately rate: clearing of right-of-way, earth or rock excavation, filling or grading, tunneling, bridge or culvert building, quarrying and stone crushing. --UNDERWRITING GUIDE Airport Construction, Paving - Landing Strip Or Warming Apron Airport Runway Construction - Paving Or Repaving Asphalt Laying, On Constructed Highway By Contractor Asphalt Laying, On Constructed Highway By Supplier Asphalt Road Spraying Concrete Drilling Or Sawing - On Highways Or Roads Curbstone - Concrete Prefabricated - Installed By Road Contractor Fence Erection, Highway Barriers By Paving Contractor Flagmen - Provided By Specialist Contractor Guardrail Or Metal Fence Erection - By Road Contractor Highway Maintenance, Scraping, Paving Or Repaving By Contractor Milling Of A Road’s Surface – By An Independent Contractor Or The Paving Contractor Painting Lines On Highways Or Roads Paving Or Repaving, Road And Street Repaving - Street Or Road Road Construction - Paving Or Repaving --Street Or Road Construction Or Maintenance Scraping, Paving Or Repaving Surfacing Or Resurfacing Of Road Or Street Warming Apron Paving, Airport 602 ROAD or Street CONSTRUCTION: Subsurface work Applies to all operations of bringing roadbed to grade including clearing of right-of-way, earth or rock excavation, filling or grading. It does not include laying the sub-base. As provided for in this Manual separately rate: tunneling, bridge or culvert building where clearance is more than 10 feet at any point or the entire distance between terminal abutments exceeds 20 feet, quarrying and stone crushing. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 47 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Airport Runway Or Warming Apron Construction Sub-surface Work Culvert Construction, Not Exceeding 10 Feet Span Excavation - Street Or Road - Including Rock Excavation CLASSIFICATIONS Rock Excavation, Not Quarry, By Road Contractor Street Or Road Rock Excavation Sub-Surface Work - Road Or Street Construction 603 SEWER CONSTRUCTION – all work to completion, including masonry work in connection therewith – no tunneling UNDERWRITING GUIDE Sewer Construction, All Work To Completion Except Tunneling, See Class 615 Storm Drain Construction 605 RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION and Maintenance of Way by Contractors − all operations incident thereto, except tunneling and bridge building The entire payroll in construction of bridges or culverts exceeding a span of 12 ft. or in the construction of tunnels must be separately classified and rated. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Railroad Construction, By Contractor Railroad Maintenance Of Way, By Contractor 606 OIL or GAS WELL DRILLING --OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 607 to all non-oil or gas drilling. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Gas Well Drilling --Oil Well Drilling --- 607 DRILLING, N.O.C. - By Contractor Applicable to all types of drilling except drilling for oil or gas wells. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. All types of oil and/or gas well services performed by an independent contractor(s). 2. Geophysical exploration. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 606 to oil or gas well drilling. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boring Or Test Boring For Soil Samples Drilling, N.O.C., By Contractor Elevator Shaft Drilling - By Contractor Fracturing (Fracing) Of Gas Wells - By Contractor Gas Well Service Contractor Geophysical Exploration - Seismic Method Geophysical Exploration, N.O.C. Horizontal or Directional Drilling – By Contractor Logging Of Oil And/Or Gas Wells - By Contractor Oil Well Casing Installation - By Contractor Oil Well Cementing, By Contractor Oil Well Cleaning - By Contractor Oil Well Service Contractor Oil Well Shooting - By Contractor Plugging Abandoned Oil Or Gas Wells – By Contractor Water Well Drilling - By Contractor © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 48 CLASSIFICATIONS 608 FLAT CEMENT WORK Applicable to a specialist contractor performing ground-supported concrete work in the construction of houses or small (one or two story) commercial buidings, including but not necessarily limited to concrete footings, foundation walls, cellar floors, curbs, sidewalks and driveways. Also applicable to constructing ground-supported concrete floors for small commercial buildings and the blacktop paving or repaving of driveways, parking lots, sidewalks or yards. Further applicable to the breakup by use of picks or jackhammers and removal of old ground-supported concrete, digging with shovels, and the set-up and removal of forms by the ground-supported concrete contractor. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Mausoleum or monument erection in cemeteries. Diamond core drilling within buildings by a specialist contractor. Painting lines in parking lots or tennis courts by a specialist contractor. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Assign Code 601 to the paving or repaving of streets, roads, airport runways or warming aprons. Assign Code 601 to concrete curb or gutter work performed by a street or road paving contractor. Assign Code 609 to excavation performed by means of mechanical equipment. See Code 609 for further information. Assign Code 654 to ground supported concrete footings and foundation walls in the construction of commercial or residential buildings three stories or more. Assign Code 654 to the installation of precast concrete walls or panels. Assign Code 654 to the erection/dismantling of forms incident to the pouring of self-bearing floors and/or other non-ground supported concrete work. Assign Code 654 to Guniting/Shotcrete installation. Assign Code 855 to concrete pumping services by a specialist contractor. Assign Code 855 to a separately-staffed and permanently-located ready mix concrete or asphalt plant. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Airport Construction, Paving Of Automobile Parking Areas Asphalt Laying, Driveway, Floor, Yard, Sidewalk Cement Work, Flat, Not Self-Bearing Or Reinforced Concrete Floor Construction, Not Self-Bearing Concrete Work, Yard Diamond Core Drilling Within Buildings - By Specialist Contractor Driveway Construction - Blacktop Or Cement Flat Cement Work Contractor Mausoleums And Monuments In Cemeteries, Erection Only Painting Lines On Parking Lots Or Tennis Courts Paving, Driveway - Blacktop Or Cement 609 EXCAVATION Applicable to payroll developed in general excavation, grading, trench digging, filling or backfilling. Such work is performed with power shovels, trench diggers, bulldozers or graders. The business may be a specialist excavation contractor principally engaged in one or more of the listed tasks. The business may be a general contractor employing a separate staff performing one or more of the listed tasks or the business has kept separate payroll records for personnel who interchange between one or more of the tasks listed above and other construction tasks assigned to another construction classification. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All methods of clearing or removing brush and/or tree stumps that is not incident to tree removal except for road construction. Excavation and/or grading for parking lots. Blasting services by specialist/independent contractors under contract with unrelated businesses including incident drilling. Cross-country oil or gas pipeline construction. Landfill operation by an independent contractor. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 49 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 602 to payroll developed in clearing or removing brush for road construction. Code 602 shall also be assigned to road or street construction subsurface work which involves all work that brings the road up to grade: earth or rock excavation, filling or grading. Assign the applicable "all work to completion" construction classification when a business is performing work assignable to an "all work to completion" classification. Any excavation work performed by the business incident to an "all work to completion" job or project shall be included in the "all work to completion" construction classification applicable to the job or project. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Blasting Contractor - Includes Incident Drilling By The Blasting Contractor Building Underpinning Caisson Work, Pneumatic Canal Irrigation, Construction Caves, Excavation Of New Areas For Exhibition Purposes Cellar Excavation Excavation, N.O.C. Foundation Excavation Gas Or Oil Pipeline Construction - Cross-Country Grading Grading Preparatory To Building Erection Grave Digging - By Contractor Humus Digging And Bagging Irrigation System Construction Landfill Operation Levee Construction Oil Or Gas Pipeline Construction - Cross-Country Overburden Stripping, By Contractor (Not Coal Operator) Peat Digging Pipeline Construction, Oil Or Gas - Cross-Country Pipeline Reclamation, Oil Or Gas Rock Excavation, Not Quarry, Not By Road Contractor Septic Tank Installation, By Specialist Contractor Surface Mine Reclamation - By Contractor - Grading, Recontouring 611 PILE DRIVING, including timber wharf building UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bulkhead Construction - State Coverage Only Jetty Construction - State Coverage Only Pile Driving - State Coverage Only Wharf Building, Timber - State Coverage Only 615 TUNNELING or Shaft Sinking, all work to completion Code 0152 must be applied to Code 615 payroll to determine the mandatory catastrophe reserve which is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. To provide coverage for Federal Black Lung, the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act Endorsement must be attached to the policy at the additional nonrateable disease loading specified under Code 0164 on the rate pages. Code 0152 and if applicable Code 0164 apply to the payroll developed in tunneling and shaft sinking, but note that such exposure is also to be included in the Code 615 payroll at the manual rate. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cofferdam Work - Under Pneumatic Pressure Mine Shaft Sinking, By Contractor Sewer Construction, Tunneling Shaft Sinking Tunneling 617 GAS, STEAM or WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION – all work to completion --Also includes conduit construction for cable or wires. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Separately rate to Code 615 tunneling under pressure. 2. Separately classify to Code 607 horizontal/directional drilling. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 50 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cable Installation In Conduits - By The Conduit Construction Contractor Conduit Construction - All Work To Completion Gas Main Construction - Local Distribution Systems - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling Gas, Steam Or Water Main Repair - By Contractor - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling Main Construction - Gas, Steam Or Water - Local Distribution Systems - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling Steam Main Construction - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling Water Main Construction, All Work To Completion Except Tunneling, See 615 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 645 WALLBOARD INSTALLATION – within buildings Includes the entire operation of installing drywall/wallboard including taping, seaming, texturing, but not painting. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Drywall Installation - Including Taping And Seaming Plasterboard Installation Sheet Rock Installation - Within Buildings Taping And Seaming Of Wallboard Wallboard Installation 646 FURNITURE or FIXTURES INSTALLATION – portable – in offices or stores UNDERWRITING GUIDE Blackboard Installation - Wood Church Furnishings - Wood (Altars, Pews) Installation Display Rack Or Stand Installation - Metal, Plastic Or Wood Exhibit Booth Erection Fixture Installation - Bank - Metal Partitions, Counters Furniture Or Fixture Installation - Portable - In Offices Or Stores Kitchen Equipment Installation - (Commercial) Metal Partition, Shelving, Locker, Office And Store Fixture Installation Partition Installation Shelving And Store Fixture Installation Showcase Erection And Installation, No Mfg. Soda Fountain Or Counter Installation - Plumbing Or Electrical Wiring To Be Separately Rated 647 INSULATION WORK, N.O.C. Includes the installation or application of acoustical or thermal insulating material in buildings or within building walls. The class applies when insulating work is performed as a separate operation not part of or incidental to any other construction operation performed by the same contractor at the same job or location. WEATHERIZATION PROGRAMS – 647 The purpose of a weatherization program is to insulate the client's home, which may be a detached house, a twin, a row house or a mobile home. The clients are generally either elderly, on a fixed income or are low-income families. All of a weatherization program's tasks (e.g., fixing windows and/or doors, installing blown or vat insulation, putting in foam sealants, doing caulking or putting in weather stripping) are incidental to the efforts of preventing outside air from infiltrating the home and concurrently preventing warm or air-conditioned air from escaping the home or enhancing the home's insulation. Assign Code 647 to payroll developed in a weatherization program. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acoustical Insulation Material Installation Insulation Work, N.O.C. Insulation Work, Residential Rock Wool Installation Sound Insulation Installation Weather Stripping Installation Weatherization Program Window Caulking - As A Part Of A Weatherization Program © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 51 CLASSIFICATIONS 648 CARPENTRY – INSTALLATION of CABINET WORK, Finished Wooden Flooring or Interior Trim. Also includes installation of parquet flooring. Not applicable to contractors who perform any other carpentry operations at the same job or location. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bathtub Liner Installation Cabinet Installation, Commercial Or Residential Carpentry - Installation Of Cabinet Work, Finished Wooden Flooring Or Interior Trim Door Or Door Frame Erection - Wood Finished Hardwood Floor Installation Floor Installation - Portable - Wood Floor Laying, Finished Hardwood Floor Sanding Or Scraping - Wood Hardwood Floor Laying Interior Trim Installation - Wood Kitchen Cabinet Installation - Wood Locks, Installation In New Buildings Parquet Floor Laying Paving, Wood Block, Interior Stair Building (Wooden) Erection 649 CEILING INSTALLATION – suspended acoustical grid type. Insulation work will be separately rated UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acoustical Ceiling Installation - Suspended Grid Type Ceiling Installation - Acoustical - Suspended Grid Type 651 CARPENTRY – COMMERCIAL Structures UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Awning Erection Aluminum Siding Installation Aluminum Storm Sash Installation Asbestos - Encapsulation Or Removal (Not Pipe Insulation) Boarding Up Of Abandoned Buildings (Including Those Designed For Dwelling Occupancy) Bridge Building - Wood Carpentry, N.O.C. Excluding Concrete Form Building Cooling Tower Erection, Prefabricated - Wood Fence Erection - Wood General Construction - Commercial Grandstand Or Bleacher, Erection By Contractor Portable - Wood Greenhouse Erection Insulation (Asbestos) - Encapsulation Or Removal (Except Pipe Insulation) Interior Stripping/Gutting Of Buildings Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen - Metal Or Glass, Erection Of Lead Paint Removal (From Any Non-Pipe Surface) - By Contractor Metal Storm Sash Installation Prefabricated Wooden Building And Structural Member Erection Siding Installation (Aluminum, Vinyl Or Wood) Commercial Structures Silo Erection - Wood Storm Window Or Storm Door, Installation - Wood Or Metal Tank Erection - Wooden Vinyl Fence Installation Window Screen Or Screen Door Installation - Metal Or Wood 652 CARPENTRY – RESIDENTIAL Includes one- or two-family detached houses, townhouses or row houses or buildings designed primarily for multiple occupancy (e.g., apartments) three stories or less in height or garages constructed in connection with the houses or apartments. This classification shall include the payroll developed by all employees that interchange trades at a specific location. For specific locations where there is no interchange between trades, all trades shall be separately classified. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 52 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Awning Erection - Residential Aluminum Siding Installation - Residential Aluminum Storm Sash Installation - Residential Carpentry - Detached One Or Two Family Dwellings Carpentry - Remodeling Of One Or Two Family Dwellings Carpentry - Residential For Multiple Dwelling Occupancy - Three Stories Or Less Home Improvements And/Or Remodeling CLASSIFICATIONS Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen - Metal Or Glass, Erection Of - Residential Metal Storm Sash Installation - Residential Modular Home Setup, Warranty Service, Remodeling Or Repair Punch List Repairs - By Contractor To A New House Siding Installation (Aluminum, Vinyl Or Wood) Residential Storm Window Or Storm Door Installation - Wood Or Metal - Residential Window Screen Or Screen Door Installation - Metal Or Wood - Residential 653 MASONRY Masonry work in connection with sewers must take the sewer rate and not the masonry rate. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boiler Brick Work, Installation Or Repair Brick Pointing Bricking Up Abandoned Buildings Bricklaying Building Caulking, Exterior Building Cleaning, Exterior Walls Cement Block Erection Chimney Construction - Masonry Cleaning Outside Surface Of Masonry Buildings, Siding Or Decks Fireplace Installation Fireproof Tile Setting Glass Block Installation - Structural Use Hardscaping Installation Marble Setting, Exterior Only Masonry, N.O.C. Pavers (Decorative Brick Or Stone) Installation Plaster Block Erection Retaining Wall Construction (Excluding Concrete) Sandblasting The Outside Of Buildings Silo Erection - Masonry Or Tile Stone Setting - Structural Stonework Erection By Contractor Structural Glass Block Installation, Interior Stucco Wall Coating Tuck Pointing Waterproofing Of Buildings Window Caulking 654 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Applicable to commercial concrete building construction such as self-bearing floors, foundations, piers, bridges, culverts or silos. Also applicable to making or erecting forms, placing reinforcing rods, taking down or stripping forms and finishing (smoothing out irregularities) the poured concrete. Code 654 applies to each of the aforementioned steps in the concrete construction process whether all work is performed by one contractor or one or more of the job steps are outsourced to a specialty subcontractor(s). OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grouting (including drilling) which is the placement of cement, plastic compounds or concrete or the pumping of fly ash. Guniting (Shotcrete Installation). Pouring concrete into driven pilings. Ground-supported concrete footings or foundation walls in the construction of commercial or residential buildings three stories or more. Precast concrete panel or wall installation. The wrecking or demolition of concrete or concrete encased buildings or structures. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 53 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 608 to a specialty contractor performing ground-supported concrete work in the construction of houses or small (one or two-story) commercial buildings. 2. Assign Code 609 to excavation performed by mechanical equipment. See Code 609 for further information. 3. Assign Code 855 to concrete pumping services by a specialist contractor. 4. Assign Code 855 to a separately-staffed and permanently-located ready mix concrete plant. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cement Finishing Concrete Construction Concrete Floor Construction, Self-Bearing Concrete Form Erection Concrete Parking Garage Construction Concrete Reinforcing Rod Setting Concrete Work, Dams Concrete Work, Floors, Etc., Above Ground Level False Work Erection For Concrete Construction Grouting - Including Drilling - Placing Of Cement, Plastic Compounds Or Concrete, Or Pumping Of Fly Ash Guniting (Shotcrete Installation) Panel Or Wall Installation - Precast Concrete Parking Garage Construction - Concrete Precast Concrete Panel Or Wall Installation Reinforcing Rod Setting - Including By Specialist Contractor Retaining Wall Construction - Concrete Shotcrete Installation (Guniting) Silo Erection - Concrete Wall Or Panel Installation - Precast Concrete 655 IRON ERECTION UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bridge Building - Metal Bridge Painting Chimney Cleaning - Industrial Smokestacks Concrete, Pre-Stressed, Erection By Contractor Corrosion Proofing Of Chemical Tanks Fire Escape Installation By Contractor - Outside Gas Holder Erection Iron Erection Iron Or Steel Erection, Structural Metal Furring, By Contractor Oil Field Tank Painting Oil Rig Or Derrick Erecting And Dismantling Oil Still Erection Painting Of: Bridges, Oil Field Tanks, Steel Structures Or Tanks Ski-Lift Erection Smokestack Or Chimney Lining - Industrial Steel Erection, N.O.C. Steel Frame Structure Erection Steel Structures Painting Steel Tank Erector Steel Tower Erection For Cross-Country Electric, Telephone Or Telegraph Lines Swimming Pool Installation - Iron Or Steel Tank Erection - Steel Tank Painting Water Tank Painting Welding - Structural Steel Windmill Erection - Metal 656 ELECTRIC, Telephone or Telegraph LINE CONSTRUCTION by Contractors Includes the setting of poles, installation of pole hardware or transformers or the stringing of lines. Erection of steel towers for cross-country lines must be assigned to Code 655. Clearing of right-of-way on new lines, maintenance of right-of-way on existing lines or tree trimming must be assigned to Code 005. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Electric Line Construction, By Contractor Floodlight Erection - Permanent Installation Of Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Pole Hardware Installation Of Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Transformers Power Line Construction Setting Of Telephone Or Telegraph Poles Stringing Of Electric, Telephone Or Telegraph Lines Telephone Or Telegraph Line Construction By Contractor 657 RIGGING, N.O.C. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bell Installation - Tower Bells Mobile Crane & Hoisting Operations, By Rigging Contractor Rigging - Non Ship Safe Moving © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 54 CLASSIFICATIONS 658 IRON ERECTION or Installation – ornamental or non-structural only UNDERWRITING GUIDE Architectural Bronze, Iron, And Brass Metal Work, Erection Only Balcony Erection Banister, Railing, Or Guard Erection - Metal Brass Door, Grill And Railing Erection Bronze Door, Grill And Railing Erection Door Installation - Metal Or Metal-Covered, In Garages, Not Overhead Doors Fence Erection - Metal Fire Door Installation Fire Escape Installation, Inside Fireproof Shutter Erection Flagpole - Erection Guardrail Or Metal Fence Erection - By Specialist Contractor Iron Erection, Ornamental Or Non-Structural Only Ornamental Brass Erection Ornamental Bronze Erection Ornamental Iron Door Erection Ornamental Iron Grill Erection Ornamental Iron Railing Erection Prison Cell Erection - Steel 659 ROOFING Applicable to specialist contractors performing any type of roofing, roofing repair or reroofing job utilizing any type of roofing material, including but not necessarily limited to hot tar, shingles, slate, tile or rubber on any type of roof, such as flat, sloped or built-up. Also applicable to all personnel working on a roofing job (e.g., ground personnel passing materials to personnel on the roof and picking up debris and personnel on the roof). Further applicable to the waterproofing or insulation of roofs and the pressure washing of roofs. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Roof decking and related carpentry work performed by a roofing contractor. 2. The installation of sheet metal products (e.g., fascia, gutters, downspouts) by a roofing contractor that is a part of a roofing job. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. There is no payroll division between Codes 659 and 676 at the same location or job. 2. Assign Code 454 to a separately-staffed and located sheet metal fabrication shop. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chimney Flashing Installer Repair Of Roofs By Contractor Roof Repairing By Contractor Roof Spraying, Painting Or Coating By Contractor Roofing Installation - All Kinds Sheet Metal Roofing 660 ALARM OR SOUND SYSTEM – Installation or Repair UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alarm Or Sound System Installation Audio And Intercommunication System Installation Within Buildings Battery Back-Up Power Systems – Service Or Repair By Specialist Contractor Burglar Alarm System Installation, By Contractor Closed Circuit Television Systems - Installation Or Repair Computer Wiring Installation Within Buildings – By Specialist Contractor Environmental Control Systems Installation, Service Or Repair – By Specialist Contractor Fire Alarm System Installation Intercommunication System Installation, Within Buildings Invisible Fence Installation Public Address Systems Installation - Including Loudspeakers Sound System Installation Telephone Cable Laying With Automatic Equipment (Ditchwitch) – Street to Building – By Specialist Contractor Telephone And Telegraph Apparatus Installation, By Contractor Telephone Wiring Installation Within Buildings - By Specialist Contractor 661 ELECTRICAL WIRING – within BUILDINGS Includes electric fixtures, apparatus installation or the making of service connections. For electric, telephone or telegraph line construction, see Class 656. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 55 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cable Installation Or Replacement In Existing Conduit - By Specialist Contractor Electric Cable Laying With Automatic Equipment (Ditchwitch) – Street To Building -By Specialist Contractor Electric Fixture Installation - By Contractor Electrical Contractor Electrical Wiring In Buildings - By Contractor CLASSIFICATIONS Electronic Garage Door Opener Installation - By Contractor Floodlight Erection, Temporary - By Contractor Meters - Electric, Installing, Repairing And Testing, Including Shop - By Contractor Service Connections, Electrical Contractor Traffic Light Installation - By Contractor 662 APPLIANCE – Electrical – SERVICE or REPAIR Includes the service or repair of window-unit type air conditioners, domestic refrigerators and/or commercial or domestic appliances including but not necessarily limited to: stoves, dishwashers, washing machines or clothes dryers. Also includes incidental shop or parts department employees. Electrical wiring or plumbing to be separately rated. Separately staffed store operations shall be assigned to the appropriate store class. Assign Code 664 to the installation, service or repair of central air conditioning units or commercial refrigeration (including walk-in) units. Assign Code 675 to the installation, service or repair of industrial equipment (e.g., conveyor ovens). UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Conditioning Window-Type Units - Service Or Repair Appliances, Major Household Or Commercial, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair Dryers, Household Or Commercial, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair Electrical Or Gas Household Major Or Commercial Appliances - Service Or Repair Gas Fireplace Service Or Repair Household Major Or Commercial Appliances, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair Refrigerator, Household - Service Or Repair Stoves, Household Or Commercial, Electric Or Gas - Service Or Repair Washing Machines, Household Or Commercial, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair Water Cooler - Installation, Service Or Repair 663 PLUMBING: gas, steam, hot water or other pipefitting, including house connections – shop payroll, if any, must be included Includes work within buildings. Pipefitting in connection with the installation of machinery or apparatus outside of buildings must be assigned to Class 675. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Asbestos Encapsulation Or Removal (A Pipe Surface) Automatic Sprinkler Installation Automatic Stoker, Gas Or Oil Burner Installation Beer Drawing Equipment, Cleaning And Installation French Drain Installation Furnace - Hot Water Or Steam - Installation, Service Or Repair Furnace Cleaning - Hot Water Or Steam Gas Pipefitting, Indoor Heating Equipment - Installation - Hot Water Or Steam Hot Water Tank - Installation, Service Or Repair Insulation Work, Pipe (Incl. Asbestos Encapsulation Or Removal) Lawn Sprinkler Installation Lead Paint Removal (From A Pipe Surface) - By Contractor Milking Equipment Installation Oil Still Pipe Insulation Pipe Covering Installation (Incl. Asbestos Encapsulation Or Removal) Pipe Laying For House Or Service Connections, By Plumbing Contractor Pipefitting - House Connections Plumbing, N.O.C. Pump Installation, Water Sewer Cleaning, House Connections, Using Portable Equipment Soda Dispensers - Installation And Repair Solar Panel Installation Sprinkler Installation Stoker Installation Or Repair Sump Pump Installation Water Meter Installation - By Contractor Water Softener Installation And Service, Domestic Water Well Cleaning © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 56 CLASSIFICATIONS 664 HEATING, VENTILATING or AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTOR Applicable to contractors performing forced air heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment installation required for air comfort control or engaged in the service or repair of such equipment. Further included is any incidental duct or shop work. Payroll developed in the installation, service or repair of heating equipment which will utilize either hot water or steam shall be assigned to Code 663. High pressure water or steam heating systems shall be assigned to Code 677 for the installation, service or repair thereof. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Conditioning (Central) Systems Installation, Repair Or Service Central Air Conditioning Systems Installation, Service Or Repair Cleaning, Oiling Or Adjusting Of Air Conditioning, Forced Air Heating Or Ventilating Systems Duct Fabrication And Installation - Heating, Ventilating Or Air Conditioning Furnace Cleaning - Hot Forced Air Heating Systems - Hot Forced Air, Repair Or Service - Cleaning, Oiling Or Adjusting Heating Systems Installation, Except Electric, Hot Water Or Steam Radon Mitigation Refrigeration Or Central Air Conditioning Units Installation Or Service Ventilating System Installation Ventilating Systems Repair Or Service - Cleaning, Oiling Or Adjusting Warm Air Heating System Installation 665 PAINTING and Decorating, including shop The painting of steel structures or bridges shall be assigned to Code 655. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Calcimining, By Contractor Painting, Including Shop Shingle Staining, On Structures, Including Shop Work Whitewashing, By Contractor 666 PLATE and Wire GLASS INSTALLATION Payroll developed by a separate shop crew engaged in the manufacture of glass products including bending, beveling, grinding or silvering of plate glass shall be separately classified by Code 536. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Glass Door Installation Glass Installer, Except Automobile Glazier, Away From Shop Glazing Mirror Installation Plate Glass Installation Wire Glass Installation 667 PAPER HANGING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Glass or Window Tinting, Except For Auto Glass Paperhanging Solar Control Film Installation In Window Wallpaper Hanging Window or Glass Tinting, Except For Auto Glass 668 TILE, STONE, MOSAIC or TERRAZZO WORK – Interior Construction Only including Marble Setting and Tile Wainscoting, but excluding Cement Finishing and Structural Glass Block Installation. Structural glass block installation shall be assignable to Code 653 . UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ceramic Tile Installation Floor Installation - Ceramic Tile Granite Countertop Installation Interior Marble Installation Interior Tile Mosaic Work Marble Setting, Interior Only Mosaic Tile Installation Stone Setting - Non-Structural Terrazzo Floor Laying Tile Floor Laying - Ceramic Or Mosaic Tile Wainscoting Installation © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 57 CLASSIFICATIONS 669 PLASTERING, including lathing UNDERWRITING GUIDE Lathing Plastering, N.O.C. Stucco Work, Building Interiors 670 HOUSE FURNISHINGS INSTALLATION, N.O.C. Separately staffed store operations shall be assigned to the appropriate store class. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carpet Installation, By Specialist Contractor Curtain Or Drapery Installation From Floor Or Ladder Drapery Or Curtain Installation From Floor Or Ladder Flag And Bunting Erection From Floor Or Ladder Floor Coverings - Installation Of Linoleum, Asphalt Or Rubber Tiling - Not Ceramic Tile Installation Floor Installation - Not Concrete, Ceramic Or Wood Floor Laying - Linoleum, Asphalt, Rubber Or Composition Tiling, Not Ceramic Furnishing Goods Installation House Furnishings Installation Linoleum Laying Rubber Tile Installation Slipcover Installation Tile Floor Laying, Not Ceramic Or Mosaic Upholstering - Away From Shop Venetian Blind Installation, No Mfg. Vinyl Tile Installation Window Shade Installation 673 ADVERTISING SIGN, Manufacture, Erection or Repair – Not Outdoor Advertising Company. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Advertising Sign Mfg., Erection And Repair, Not Outdoor Advertising Company Electrical Sign And Advertising Display Mfg., Installation And Repair Neon Sign Mfg., Installation Or Repair Scoreboard Mfg., Installation Or Repair - Electric Sign Erection, Removal Or Repair, Not Outdoor Advertising Company 674 SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION, all work to completion The construction of iron or steel pools shall be assigned to Code 655. Pool cleaning or maintenance work performed by a separate crew or by a specialist contractor is to be assigned to Code 971. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Swimming Pool Installation - All Types Except Iron Or Steel - All Work To Completion Swimming Pool Liner Installation - Vinyl, By Swimming Pool Installation Contractor 675 MACHINERY or EQUIPMENT ERECTION or REPAIR Applies to the erection or repair of factory machinery or to the installation, erection or repair of elevators, escalators, conveyors or hoisting systems. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 58 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Acetylene Gas Machine Installation Conveyor Or Conveyor Belt Installation, By Contractor Conveyor Oven Installation, Service Or Repair Crane Or Derrick Installation Crane Repair, Permanently Located, By Specialist Contractor Dismantling, Installation Or Service Or Repair Of Machinery Or Industrial Equipment, By Contractor Door Installation, Overhead - Wood Or Metal Electrical Apparatus, Machinery Or Motor Installation Or Field Repair Elevator Erection Or Repair Escalator Installation, By Contractor Gasoline Station Equipment Installation (Including Excavation) Or Repair Hoist Installation Industrial Crane Installation Installation Of Hod Hoists, Etc. Installation Or Dismantling Of Machinery And Industrial Equipment, By Contractor Laundry Equipment Installation, Service Or Repair - Industrial CLASSIFICATIONS Machine Belting Installation Or Repair Machinery Erection, Not By Manufacturer Machinery Or Industrial Equipment Installation, Service Or Repair Or Dismantling, By Contractor Millwrighting Monorail System Installation (Except For Public Transportation) Oven (Conveyor) Installation, Service Or Repair Overhead Door Installation Pipefitting, Installation Of Apparatus Or Machinery Outside Of Buildings Pump Installation, Service Stations Pump, Air And Gas Compressor, And Pumping Equipment - Installation Safe Installation Scaffold Sale, Rental Or Erection, By Specialist Contractor Scale Installation Or Adjustment, Platform Or Beam Type Tank Installation, Gas Stations Textile Machinery Installation 676 SHEET METAL INSTALLATION, No payroll division with Code 659 at the same location or job site Code 676 shall be assigned to both the shop and the erection or installation payroll developed by an insured engaged in both the shop fabrication of sheet metal products and the erection or installation thereof. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Downspout Installation - Metal Gutter Installation - Metal Metal Ceiling Installation 677 BOILER INSTALLATION or Repair Includes all work to completion except brickwork, which must be assigned to Code 653 . UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boiler Installation Or Repair Construction Of Boiler Foundations Grate Installation In Boilers, By Specialist Contractor Pipe Connection, For Boilers Steel Work In Connection With Boilers 679 ADVERTISING COMPANY, OUTDOOR Applicable to outdoor advertising companies and includes but is not necessarily limited to: shop operations, the erection, painting, repair, maintenance or removal of signs, sign painting or lettering in or upon buildings or structures or bill posting. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Advertising Company - Outdoor Bill Posting (Including By Specialist Contractor) Billboard - Erection, Maintenance And/Or Changing Of Advertising By Outdoor Advertising Co. Or Specialist Contractor Sign Painting Or Lettering In Or Upon Buildings Or Structures © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 59 CLASSIFICATIONS 681 CANVAS GOODS, Awning or Tent ERECTION, Removal or Repair UNDERWRITING GUIDE Awning Erection Or Installation (Cloth) Canvas Products Erection Curtain Or Drapery Installation From Scaffolding Drapery Or Curtain Installation From Scaffolding Flag Or Bunting Erection From Scaffolding Tent Installation 682 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − TEMPORARY LABOR – Construction Or Erection Operations Applies to temporary employees provided to a construction or erection contractor except for temporary excavation, commercial structure carpentry or electrical wiring (within buildings) staff which are subject to Codes 691, 693 or 695, respectively. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the construction or erection business operations assignable to Code 682 and on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Construction Or Erection Operations - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Staffing - Construction Or Erection Operations Temporary Staff - Construction Or Erection Operations 691 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary EXCAVATION Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 609. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Excavation Staff Excavation - Temporary Staff Temporary Excavation Staff 693 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary COMMERCIAL Structure CARPENTRY Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 651. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carpentry, N.O.C. - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Carpentry, N.O.C. Staff Temporary Carpentry, N.O.C. Staff 695 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR − Temporary ELECTRICAL WIRING (within buildings) Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 661. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Electrical Wiring (Within Buildings) - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Electrical Wiring (Within Buildings) Staff Temporary Electrical Wiring (Within Buildings) Staff © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 60 CLASSIFICATIONS SPECIAL STATE ACT EXPOSURES 709 TALLYMEN AND CHECKING CLERKS – engaged in connection with stevedoring work Coverage under State Act only. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Public Weighers And Samplers Of Steamship Agency - State Coverage Only Tallymen - State Coverage Only 716 MARINA. Applicable to all waterfront operations, including but not necessarily limited to: the operation of boat docks, storage facilities, repair shops or marine railways, the sale or repair of boats or engines, the sale of parts or accessories, dockside snack bars and all dockside employees. The operation of separately-staffed inland boat showrooms or the operation of separately-staffed motels, restaurants, swimming pools, bowling lanes or other recreational facilities shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. Separate staff engaged in boat building are assignable to Code 718. Coverage under State Act only. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boat Rental - State Coverage Only Boat Storage And Moorage - State Coverage Only Marina - State Coverage Only Yacht Basin - State Coverage Only 718 BOAT BUILDING OR REPAIR Coverage under State Act only. This classification is applicable to the construction or repair of wood, metal, fiberglass or plastic yachts, motor boats, sailboats or rowboats not exceeding 65’ in length overall. Also includes insureds exclusively engaged in the building, repairing or dismantling of small vessels as defined in Public Law 98-426 who have been granted exemption from the United States Longshore and Harbor Workers Act by the Secretary of Labor. A copy of the exemption certificate shall be made available to the Bureau as documentation. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Barge Repair - State Coverage Only Boat Building - State Coverage Only Boat Dismantling - State Coverage Only Boat Repairing - State Coverage Only Tugboat Repair - State Coverage Only 721 RAILROAD OPERATION, N.O.C., including shop, ordinary maintenance and repair of roadbed The policies for risks with operations assignable to Code 721 must be endorsed excluding insurance of Federal Employers’ Liability Act coverage. (Part Two) UNDERWRITING GUIDE Railroad, N.O.C. - Including Shop 744 AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURE UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 61 CLASSIFICATIONS UTILITIES OPERATION 751 GAS UTILITY Payroll developed by meter readers having no regular duty of any other nature in the service of the employer shall be assigned to Code 951. As provided for in this Manual separately classify: geophysical exploration, drilling for gas deposits, the operation of gas wells and the construction or operation of cross-country pipelines. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Gas Utility Manufactured Gas Utility Mixed Gas Utility Natural Gas Utility 752 OIL OR GAS PIPELINE OPERATION – Construction, operations of wells or oil refining shall be separately classified UNDERWRITING GUIDE Gas Or Oil Pipeline Operation Oil Or Gas Pipeline Operation 753 WATERWORKS Payroll developed by meter readers having no regular duty of any other nature in the service of the employer shall be assigned to Code 951. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Irrigation Plant, Selling And Pipe-Distributing Water Liquid Waste Treatment Plant Sewage Disposal Plant, Private Steam Heating Company Waste Treatment Plant - Liquid Water Supply System, Private Waterworks 755 ELECTRIC UTILITIES Operation Payroll developed by meter readers having no regular duty of any other nature in the service of the employer shall be assigned to Code 951. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cooperative Electric Utility Electric Utility Operation Private Electric Utility R.E.A. Cooperative 757 TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY – including installation, maintenance, repair and operation of telephone lines and systems, remote transmission sites and central office switching equipment Applicable to FCC licensed telecommunications firms. The services provided include but are not necessarily limited to: wireline, long distance, cellular, radio paging or mobile radio services for customers on a fee basis. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Specialist contractors performing installation, maintenance or repair of telephone lines, installing or replacing telephone poles or installing or servicing telephones for telecommunications companies shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Telecommunications Company Telegraph Operation Telephone Company © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 62 CLASSIFICATIONS 759 CABLE TELEVISION OPERATIONS Applicable to contractors or operators engaged in cable television system installation or erection or system hook-up or service and/or repair or the operation of a cable television system. Separately staffed broadcasting studios and/or separate crews engaged in the presentation and/or filming of news or sporting events shall be classified by Code 936. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cable T.V. - Installation - Hooking Up Of Customers To Systems Cable T.V. - Installation Of New System, Except Towers Cable T.V. - Service And/Or Repair Work For The System And Individual Customer Television, Cable - Installation Of New Systems, Except Towers TRUCKING AND STORAGE 801 STABLE, Livestock commission merchant or stockyard not associated with slaughterhouses UNDERWRITING GUIDE Auctioneer, Livestock Boarding Stable Breeding Farm - Horse Carriage Tours Or Taxis (Horse Driven) Cattle Auctioneer Cattle Dealer Farrier (Horse Shoeing By Specialist Contractor) Horse Breeding Farm Or Boarding/Training Stable Horse Driven Carriage Tours Or Taxis 803 TAXICAB COMPANY Horse Shoeing By Specialist Contractor Jockey - Employed By A Horse Breeding Farm Or Boarding/Training Stable Livestock Commission Merchant Livestock Dealer Racing Stable Riding Academy Sales Stable Stable Stockyard When cabs are leased to operators and no payroll records are available, an amount of $40,350 per annum shall be taken as payroll per operator. This amount may be prorated if the operator does not work a full year. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Taxicab Company 804 SCHOOL BUS OPERATION UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Bus Operation, School Bus Bus Operation, School School Bus Operation, By Contractor 805 MILK HAULING – by contractor Applies to contractors engaged in hauling unprocessed or processed milk, water or other liquid food products by tank truck. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Milk Hauling - By Contractor Water Hauling - Tank Truck - By Contractor 806 FURNITURE MOVING and/or STORAGE Includes the packaging or handling of household goods away from the employer’s premises by the furniture moving and/or storage company or by an independent packing contractor. The transporting or delivery and the setting into place at customers’ locations of furniture and/or major household appliances under contract for a manufacturer or store shall be assigned to Code 811. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 63 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Furniture Moving And/Or Storage Household Goods Packing At The Customer's Location By The Moving Company Or By Independent Contractor Merchandise Warehouse - Furniture - Including Moving Mover - Household Or Office Furniture - With Or Without Storage Facility Packing Household Goods At The Customer's Location By The Moving Company Or By Independent Contractor Piano Mover Warehouse - Public, Furniture 807 AMBULANCE SERVICE – Non-volunteer UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ambulance Service - Non-Volunteer 808 PARCEL DELIVERY Company – No handling of bulk merchandise or freight Applies to risks engaged in the delivery of envelopes, parcels or packages limited to 150 pounds or less. Envelopes, parcels or packages refers to those items where the delivery tariff or charge is allocable to the individual envelope, parcel or package. Assign Code 811 when the haulage or transport charge is based on truckload or partial truckload, the cumulative weight of the packages and/or parcels being transported or a flat contract price for the consignment. The transport of mail under contract to the United States Postal Service is to be assigned to Code 812. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Armored Motor Truck Delivery Automobile Driveaway Service, For Transportation of Private Clients' Cars Parcel Delivery Company 809 FUEL DISTRIBUTION – Retail or Wholesale For businesses principally engaged in the sale of processed coal, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum (LP), gas (bottled gas or in bulk), or any combination of these lines. Separate crews engaged in installing and/or servicing fuel oil or gas heating units may be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. This classification is not available to businesses operating coal or oil docks or to truckers hauling fuel for others. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Anhydrous Ammonia Dealer Bottled Gas Dealer Butane Gas Dealer Coal Merchant Collection Of Used Motor Oil - By Specialist Contractor Fuel Oil Distributor Fuel Yard Gas Distribution, Bottled Or Bulk Gasoline Dealer, Wholesale Kerosene Distribution Liquefied Petroleum Gas Dealer And Distributor Motor Oil (Used) - Collection By Specialist Contractor Naphtha Distribution Oil Distributing, Retail And Wholesale Petroleum Broker Petroleum Bulk Stations And Terminals - Including Blending And Mixing Propane Gas Dealer Used Motor Oil Collection - By Specialist Contractor 810 COAL TRUCKING Applies to payroll developed in truck delivery of unprepared coal and is applied to all those engaged in the hauling of unprepared coal except employers assigned to Coal Mine Rating Bureau Codes 1001, 1010, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1021 and 1023. If hauling of unprepared coal consists of only part of the operation of a hauling contractor, the payroll expended for unprepared coal hauling shall be reported separately and assigned to Code 810. If there is no separation, all payroll for hauling operations shall be assigned to Code 810 or to Code 811, whichever has the higher manual rate. When Code 811 is used as a result of this rule, attach the Federal Coal Mine © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 64 CLASSIFICATIONS Health and Safety Act Endorsement at no added charge. Other records of the insured, such as receipts, shall be examined to confirm the breakout of payroll. Hauling contractors engaged in trucking of prepared coal from coal preparation plants shall be included within Class 811. See Code 809 for rules regarding coal trucking by dealers. The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act Endorsement shall be attached to a policy developing payroll under Code 810, and Code 0162 must be used to designate the non-rateable premium developed by applying the 0162 rate to such payroll. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Coal Hauling, Unprepared - By Contractor 811 TRUCKING, N.O.C. Includes dispatchers and/or clerks on loading platforms, drivers, chauffeurs and their helpers and employees repairing vehicles. Applicable to hauling contractors principally engaged in hauling or delivering for unrelated concerns or transporting or delivering and setting into place furniture and/or major household appliances at customers’ locations under contract with a manufacturer or store. Payroll developed in the hauling of unprepared coal shall be assigned in accordance with the rules for Code 810. Also includes the rental of cranes with operator by a specialist contractor. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Hauler Chauffeurs And Helpers, Employed By Hauling Contractor Clerks On Loading Platforms Crane Rental - With Operators By Specialist Contractor Dispatchers On Loading Platforms Hauling Contractor Mobile Crane Leasing Or Rental - With Operators By Specialist Contractor Refrigerator Car Loading And Unloading Trucking, N.O.C. 812 MAIL HAULING or Delivery Service COMPANY Applies to risks engaged under contract to the United States Postal Service for the hauling or delivery of mail involving letters, parcels, packages, sacks, pallets or rolling containers. Includes U.S. Postal Service contract mail delivery performed on a bulk or individual item basis. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Mail Delivery - Under Contract To United States Postal Service 813 WAREHOUSING – Other than furniture moving and/or storage For establishments principally engaged in either the cold storage or the warehousing or storage of general merchandise for unrelated concerns. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cold Storage Merchandise Warehouse - Cold Or General Merchandise Portable On Demand Storage – Rental – Delivery To And Pick Up From Customer Locations Storage - Cold Or General Merchandise Storage Warehouse, Public Warehouse - Storage, Public Warehousing - Other Than Furniture Moving And/Or Storage 814 DEALER IN MOBILE, SELF-PROPELLED factory, farm or construction EQUIPMENT including parts department Payroll developed by employees engaged in the sale of mobile self-propelled factory, farm or construction equipment shall be assigned to Code 819. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 65 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Construction Equipment - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) Contractors Equipment - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) Crane Repair, Mobile, By Specialist Contractor Equipment Dealer - Mobile, Self-Propelled - Factory, Farm Or Construction Farm Machinery Dealer Forklift Service And/Or Repair - By Specialist Contractor (Shop Or At Customer's Location) Forklift Truck Dealer - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) Golf Cart - Rental, Sale And/Or Maintenance - By Specialist Contractor Mobile Crane Repair, By Specialist Contractor Mobile Equipment Dealer - Factory, Farm Or Construction Tractor Dealer, Including Servicing And Repair 815 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE CENTER or Garage – including counter personnel and estimators Tire recapping or retreading shall be assigned to Code 225 when performed by a separate crew of employees in a physically separate work area. See the Code 934 Section 2 class description for how to classify an auto parts store that also provides automobile repair services. Counter personnel for auto repair facilities wait on customers, prepare job cost or sales estimates, write up orders and collect payments for services rendered or merchandise purchased. As described, counter duties are a normal, integral and basic part of the operation of these types of facilities and, as such, counter personnel for automobile repair facilities and/or automobile tire dealers are assigned to Code 815. Please see the Automobile Service/Gasoline Station entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for information on classifying such business enterprise. Also assigned to businesses principally engaged in dismantling automobiles or other vehicles to recover usable used parts and includes the sale of the parts at the same location as the dismantling. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Conditioning Systems, Automobile Or Truck Installation, Service Or Repair Automobile Body Repairing Automobile Dismantler Automobile Paint Shop Automobile Radiator Repair Shop Automobile Repair Shop Automobile Towing Company Carriage Repairing Customizing Vans Fender Repairing, Automobile Frame Straightening On Automobiles Garage Glass Installer, Automobile Maintenance Of Buses, By Public Garage Quick Oil Change And Lubrication Garage Recovery Of Usable Automobile Parts Rubber Tire Dealer, Retail Taximeter Installation Or Repair Tire Dealer, Retail Truck Washing Service, Mobile Van Conversion Or Customizing Wagon Repairing 816 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION – Retail Please see the Automobile Service/Gasoline Station entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for information on classifying such business enterprise. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Laundry Car Wash Gasoline Station, Retail - Exclusively Gasoline Sales © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 66 CLASSIFICATIONS 817 BUS (except school bus) OPERATION UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Bus Operation, Scheduled, Public Automobile Rental Company With Drivers (Limousine Service) Bus Operation, Scheduled Lines Charter Bus Service Escort Service For Oversize Loads On Highways Funeral Escort Service (Motorcycle) Handicapped - Transportation Services For Limousine Services Maintenance Of Buses, By Bus-Operating Company Motorcycle Funeral Escort Service Oversize Loads On Highways - By Specialist Escort Contractor Paratransit Service Railroad Operation - Street, Including Shop Street Railroad Operation Trackless Trolley Operation Transportation Services For The Elderly Transportation Services For The Handicapped 818 AUTOMOBILE or Automobile Truck DEALER --- All Employees Including Office. Also includes but is not necessarily limited to: inland boat dealers, mobile home dealers, recreational vehicle dealers or specialist contractors performing mobile home set-up or warranty service. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 652 to modular home setup, warranty service, remodeling or repair. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Dealer - New And/Or Used Cars Automobile Rental - No Drivers --Boat Dealer, With Services, Inland Mobile Home - Setup Or Warranty Service - By Specialist Contractor Mobile Home Dealer Motorcycle Dealer (Including Sale Of Accessory Merchandise Such As Clothing, Racing Gear, Etc.) Recreational Vehicle Dealer Truck Dealer - New And/Or Used Trucks Truck Rental - Without Drivers --- 819 --- MOBILE, SELF-PROPELLED factory, farm or construction EQUIPMENT SALESPERSON. ----UNDERWRITING GUIDE Auctioneer, Automobile Automobile Driver School ----- 820 AUTOMOBILE AUCTION - including snack bar or restaurant. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the auctioning of automobiles to automobile wholesalers, used car dealers, automobile dealerships or the general public. Also includes the auctioning of trucks and motorcycles. Also includes the operation of a snack bar or restaurant when conducted in conjunction with the auction. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Automobile auctioneers are assigned to Code 819. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Auction, Automobile (Including Snack Bar Or Restaurant, Automobile Auctioneers To Be Assigned To Code 819) Automobile Auction (Including Snack Bar Or Restaurant, Automobile Auctioneers To Be Assigned To Code 819) © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 67 CLASSIFICATIONS 821 BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR, Wholesale UNDERWRITING GUIDE Beer And Ale Dealer, In Keg Or Case Lots Wholesale Beverage Distributing, Carbonated, Including Beer - Wholesale Soft Drink Distributing - Wholesale 825 AUTOMOBILE STORAGE GARAGE or PARKING STATION or LOT – No Automobile Repair For automobile storage garages/parking stations/parking lots whose business is the storing or parking of automobiles. Includes cashiers who receive payment from customers. Parking attendants on the payroll of enterprises such as hotels, restaurants, stores or theaters – not drivein theaters – which operate parking facilities for their customers shall be rated with the enterprise. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Airport Parking Facility (Including Valet Service To And From Airport) Operation By Contractor Automobile Storage Garage Parking Areas MATERIAL DEALERS 855 LUMBER and/or BUILDING MATERIAL DEALER Applicable to establishments principally engaged in selling lumber and/or building materials on a wholesale or retail basis. The lumber may include but is not necessarily limited to: rough and dressed lumber, flooring, molding, doors, sashes, frames and other millwork. The building materials may include but are not necessarily limited to: roofing, siding, shingles, wallboard, paint, brick, tile, cement, ready-mix concrete, sand or gravel ---. This class also includes payroll developed in the delivery of hardware, lumber and/or building materials by the lumber/building material dealer. --- OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. The operation of a sales counter where the insured’s counter staff takes customer telephone, facsimile or walk-in orders for the lumber and/or building materials, accepts payment or charges the customer’s “house” account, and transfers the orders to the insured’s yard or warehouse staff. The counter staff may also sell merchandise from a counter display, display racks behind the counter and/or a display space in front of the counter. 2. The operation of a showroom where customers may view samples of the lumber and/or building materials sold and place orders for such at a counter. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Separate manufacturing staff(s) in a physically-separate work area(s) shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. Assign Code 860 to dealers in secondhand building materials. Separate staff performing erection or construction shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. Assign Code 935 to the operation of a physically separate and separately-staffed retail store on the premises of a lumber and/or building material dealer. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 68 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aggregates Dealer Asphalt Mixing Plant - Operated By Dealer Building Material Dealer, New Cemetery Monument Or Memorial, Cutting, Engraving And/Or Polishing Cinder Dealer Commercial Lumber Yard Concrete Dealer, Ready-Mixed Concrete Mixing Concrete Pumping Services - By Independent Contractor Cut Stone Or Stone Products Mfg. Door Or Window Distributor Dry Ice Dealer --Grain Elevator Operation Humus Or Topsoil Dealer - No Excavation Ice Dealer - No Mfg. Icing Of Refrigerator Cars Insulation Dealer --Kiln Drying of Lumber – No Sawmill Operations Landscaping Supplies Dealer (e.g., Mulch, Topsoil Or Stone) Log Dealer – No Logging or Sawmill Operations Lumber Cutting, Incidental Cutting To Size By Lumber Yard CLASSIFICATIONS Lumber Dealer, No Lumber Fabricating Or Handling Of Used Lumber Manure Dealer Marble Cutting And Polishing Millwork Glazing, Not Performed By Millwork Plant Millwork, Hand Assembling Monument Or Memorial (Cemetery) Cutting, Engraving And/Or Polishing Mortar Mfg., No Construction Work Mulch Dealer Paving Mixtures Mfg. Peat Moss Dealer Plywood Dealer Ready-Mixed Concrete Dealer ----Sash, Door Or Finished Millwork Dealer Sawdust Dealer Soapstone Products Mfg. Stone Cutting Or Polishing - Not By A Mine Or Quarry Operator Topsoil Or Humus Dealer - No Excavation Vanities Assembly - Marble Window Or Door Distributor Wood Dealer, Kindling And Firewood Wood Preserving 857 METAL SERVICE CENTER (Ferrous or Nonferrous Metals) Applicable to insureds principally engaged in the sale and distribution of new ferrous or nonferrous metal merchandise generally obtained from new metal producers such as steel mills or smelters, including but not necessarily limited to: beams, sheet stock in coils, bars, rods, rounds, channel iron, tubes, angles or plates. Such insured may handle a broad variety of new metal merchandise or specialize in handling a single type. The new metal merchandise received by these insureds is unloaded and stored. The new metal merchandise may be shipped "as is" to the customer or it may be cut, slit, sheeted, bent or burned into the size or shape required by the customer and delivered by truck or rail. The processing equipment may include but is not necessarily limited to: sheeters, hacksaws, drills, benders or cutting torches. Specialists principally engaged in the sale of reinforcing rods or bars to concrete contractors (including the cutting or forming of the rods or bars according to the contractors' specifications) are also assigned to Code 857, as are dealers principally engaged in selling wire rope, cable or metal conduit. Further applicable by analogy to businesses engaged in the toll (fee) leveling or cutting of ferrous or nonferrous new metal to size for unrelated concerns. These enterprises do not own the new metal stock they level, sheet, cut, bend or burn, nor do they fabricate a product. Where a dealer sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such dealer shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50 percent of the gross receipts. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Not applicable to businesses principally engaged in collecting or handling either ferrous or nonferrous scrap metal. Assign ferrous scrap dealers to Code 858. Assign nonferrous scrap dealers to Code 859. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cable Or Wire Rope Dealer, Including Splicing Coil Stock Or Sheet Stock Dealer Iron Or Steel Merchant, New Materials Only Metal Service Center (Ferrous Or Nonferrous Metals) Reinforcing Rods Or Bars Dealer Sheet Stock Or Coil Stock Distributor Steel Or Iron Merchant, New Materials Only Wire Rope Or Cable Dealer, Including Splicing © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 69 CLASSIFICATIONS 858 FERROUS SCRAP METAL DEALER Applicable to businesses principally engaged in collecting and handling ferrous metals. Ferrous metals contain iron and include any type of steel or any steel alloy such as stainless steel. The term “principally engaged” means more than 50 percent of the employer’s gross receipts. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Iron Or Steel Scrap Dealer Scrap Metal Dealer - Ferrous Metals Steel And Steel Alloy Scrap Dealer (Including Stainless Steel) 859 NONFERROUS SCRAP METAL DEALER Applicable to businesses principally engaged in collecting and handling nonferrous metals. Nonferrous metals contain no iron and include but are not limited to: aluminum, copper, brass, lead or zinc. The term “principally engaged” means more than 50 percent of the employer’s gross receipts. Businesses principally engaged in the melting of nonferrous scrap to produce ingots shall be assigned to Code 402. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aluminum Scrap Metal Dealers (Other Than Beverage Cans) Brass Scrap Dealer Copper Scrap Dealer Lead Scrap Dealer Scrap Metal Dealer - Nonferrous Metals 860 JUNK DEALER For businesses collecting and handling a combination of ferrous and/or nonferrous scrap metal and other secondhand commodities (e.g., paper, glass ((including glass bottles)), rubber, rags or plastic ((including plastic bottles)) with no principal line of merchandise. ----- OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Secondhand material yards. 2. Renovation of secondhand materials by the secondhand materials dealer may include but is not necessarily limited to: cutting salvaged steel and cleaning bricks. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. WRECKING OR DEMOLITION PROJECTS shall be classified as delineated in the General Auditing & Classification Information section. 2. Assign Code 858 to a business principally engaged in collecting or handling ferrous scrap metal. 3. Assign Code 859 to a business principally engaged in collecting or handling nonferrous scrap metal. 4. Assign Code 862 to a business principally engaged in collecting or handling one or more of the following recyclable commodities: cloth clippings, rags, paper, glass, plastic, rubber stock or aluminum beverage cans. 5. Assign Code 863 to a specialist contractor principally engaged in shredding paper or destroying documents for unrelated concerns. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Building Materials Dealer, Secondhand Junk Dealer Lumber Yard, Secondhand Material Material Yard, Secondhand, When Not On Demolition Sites Scrap Metal Dealer Secondhand Building Material Dealer Secondhand/Used Material Dealer (Including Scrap Metals) © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 70 CLASSIFICATIONS 861 AUTOMOBILE DISMANTLERS/NONFERROUS SCRAP DEALERS Businesses principally engaged in collecting and handling non-ferrous scrap and performing automobile dismantling for useable parts. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Nonferrous Scrap Dealer and Automobile Dismantler 862 RECYCLING CENTER Applicable to businesses principally engaged in collecting or handling recyclable commodities including but not necessarily limited to: cloth clippings, rags, paper, glass, plastic, rubber stock and/or aluminum beverage cans. Includes consolidation facilities, where the recyclable commodities are simply collected, sorted, baled and resold, and reprocessing facilities, where the recyclable commodities are processed prior to resale. Processing may include but is not necessarily limited to: grinding plastic, pulverizing glass and crushing aluminum beverage cans. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Assign businesses collecting a combination of recyclable products and scrap metals with no principal line of merchandise to Code 860. Assign dealers in cloth clippings, new goods only, to Code 924. Assign businesses principally engaged in shredding paper or destroying documents for unrelated concerns to Code 863. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Beverage Can Recycling Bottle Dealer, Used Broken Glass Dealer Can Recycling - Beverage Cloth Clippings Dealer, Used Container Recycling - Beverage - Bottle Or Can Cullet Dealer - Broken Or Refuse Glass Laundry, Waste Cloth, Operated By Dealers In Used Materials Paper Dealer, Used (Not Contract Paper Shredder Or Document Destruction Service) Plastics Dealer - Scrap Rubber Stock Dealer, Used Tire Dealer - Used Used Tire Dealer Waste Paper Dealer (Not Contract Paper Shredder Or Document Destruction Service) 863 PAPER SHREDDING – By Specialist Contractor (Not A Used Paper Dealer) Applicable to businesses principally engaged in shredding paper or destroying documents for unrelated concerns. Such operations may be conducted at customer locations via the use of mobile equipment or at a centralized shredding facility. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Assign businesses principally engaged in the collection, sorting, baling and resale of used or waste paper to Code 862. Such businesses may perform incident paper cutting or shredding. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Document Destruction Or Shredding Service Paper Shredding - By Specialist Contractor (Not A Used Paper Dealer) 865 POULTRY and/or FISH DEALER/ PROCESSOR Applicable to employers principally engaged in one or more of the following operations: The catching of live poultry as contractors on producers’ premises and the hauling by poultry catchers of live poultry to dressing plants. The dressing (to kill and prepare for market) of poultry, rabbits or other similar small game. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 71 CLASSIFICATIONS The making of either processed poultry or fish products. The term processed shall mean that definite changes result in the poultry or fish product due to the application of either chemicals and/or heat (the use of smoke and/or cooking). Wholesale sale/distribution of poultry or fish including the cutting or deboning of dressed poultry and/or the cutting or filleting of fish. The employer may also bread or stuff the product. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Wholesale poultry and/or fish dealers who perform no cutting or filleting, but who may repackage the poultry or fish shall be assigned to Code 924. Poultry dealers who may cut whole poultry into parts on an emergency basis will be construed as non-cutting and assignable to Code 924. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chicken Catching Chickens - Slaughtering, Dressing And Packing For The Trade Fish Curing Fish Dealer And Processor - Wholesale Poultry And Small Game Dressing And Packing Poultry Dealer And Processor - Wholesale Rabbits - Slaughtering, Dressing And Packing For The Trade Small Game Dressing And Packing Turkeys - Slaughtering, Dressing And Packing For The Trade 867 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary WAREHOUSING Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 813. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Warehousing Staff Temporary Warehousing Staff Warehousing - Temporary Staff STORES 871 Employment Contractor – TEMPORARY FURNITURE STORE – WHOLESALE Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 921. Please see the Employment Contractor – Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Furniture Store Wholesale – Temporary Staff Temporary Staff – Furniture store Wholesale Wholesale Furniture Store – Temporary Staff 877 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary DEPARTMENT STORE Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 914. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Department Store - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Department Store Staff Temporary Department Store Staff © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 72 CLASSIFICATIONS 879 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary PACKAGING – Contract – Noncrating Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 923. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Contract Packaging - Non-Crating - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Packaging - Contract - Non-Crating - Staff Packaging - Contract - Non-Crating - Temporary Staff Temporary Packaging - Contract - Non-Crating Staff 880 APARTMENT HOUSE or Condominium Complex Operation Applicable to an employer operating an apartment house or a condominium complex or for cooperative buildings used for residential occupancy. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Apartment House Or Condominium Complex Operation Condominiums - Including Resident Or On-Site Manager Cooperative Building Operation - For Residential Occupancy Porters For Condominiums Residential House Rental Ronald McDonald House Operation 881 Employment Contractor – Temporary HARDWARE STORE – Wholesale Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 926. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Hardware Store - Wholesale - Staff Hardware Store - Wholesale - Temporary Staff Temporary Hardware Store - Wholesale - Staff 882 RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR CLEANING SERVICES by Contractor. Applicable to businesses principally engaged in providing interior cleaning services to residential customers. The cleaning services may include but are not necessarily limited to: dusting, mopping floors, vacuuming rugs or carpets, cleaning or sanitizing bathrooms or wiping or cleaning kitchen or bathroom fixtures. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 653 to payroll developed in the cleaning of exterior walls at residential or commercial sites. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chimney Cleaning - Residential Domestic Interior Cleaning Service Contractor House Cleaning By Contractor - Interior Maid Service Contractor - Interior Residential Interior Cleaning Services - By Contractor 883 Employment Contractor – Temporary RETAIL STORE, N.O.C. Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 928. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 73 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Retail Store, N.O.C. Staff Retail Store, N.O.C. - Temporary Staff Temporary Retail Store, N.O.C. Staff 884 HEALTH OR EXERCISE CLUB - all employees including office Organized athletics are excluded from this classification and are assigned to Code 970. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Club, Exercise Club, Health Exercise Club Fitness Club Fitness Instructor – By Independent Contractor Health Club Health Or Exercise Club Health Spa 885 PLUMBING SUPPLIES DEALER OR PIPE MERCHANT – Wholesale Applies to dealers principally engaged in the wholesale selling of plumbing supplies or pipe. The term plumbing supplies as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: water heaters, water pumps, kitchen/bathroom fixtures (i.e., sinks, faucets, toilets, bath tubs, shower stalls), fittings or valves. Also included is the selling of pipe of all types and sizes. Insureds principally engaged in the sale of heating, ventilating and/or air conditioning equipment, supplies or parts are further contemplated by this classification. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Gas, Steam Or Hot Water Apparatus Supplies Dealer - Wholesale Heating, Ventilating Or Air Conditioning Equipment Or Parts Dealer - Wholesale Kitchen And/Or Bath Fixture Dealer Pipe Merchant, Including Cutting, New Materials Only - All Types And Sizes Plumbing Supplies Dealer - Wholesale Refrigeration System Parts And/Or Accessories Dealer - Wholesale 886 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES DEALER – Wholesale Applies to dealers principally engaged in the wholesale selling of electrical supplies. The term electrical supplies as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: electric wire, electrical (junction) boxes, fuses, switches, outlets, circuit breakers or lighting fixtures. This classification shall also include dealers in electronic components/accessories. Examples of electronic components/accessories include but are not limited to: inductors, resistors, circuit boards, transistors and relays. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Electrical Supply Dealer - Wholesale Electronic Components And/Or Accessories Dealer - Wholesale Lighting Fixtures And Supplies Dealer 887 MUSEUM – all employees including office An establishment devoted to the procurement, preservation and display of objects of cultural interest. Includes all types of museums (e. g., art, archaeology, children’s, history, natural history, or technology). Also includes all of a museum’s operations, which may include but are not necessarily limited to: galleries, curatorial space, auditoriums, movie theaters, lecture halls, classrooms for art instruction, storerooms, conservation or restoration laboratories, gift shops or eating facilities. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: A separately staffed and located museum operated by a municipal government (e.g., borough, city or township). UNDERWRITING GUIDE Museum - All Types © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 74 CLASSIFICATIONS 889 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary CLERICAL Staff Applicable to temporary clerical or technical service staff whose payroll shall be assigned to Code 889 regardless of the customer’s business classification. Such employees include but are not necessarily limited to: draftsmen, designers, writers, illustrators, computer or data processing operators, programmers or clerical office. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Clerical Office Employees - Temporary Staff Computer Programmer/Operator - Temporary Staff Data Processing - Temporary Staff Draftsman - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary Clerical Staff Temporary Clerical Staff 890 LIBRARY - PUBLIC – all employees including office An establishment in which books, magazines, manuscripts, musical scores, videos, compact audio discs or other literary or artistic materials are kept for use by the general public. Materials may be taken from the library for specified time periods or they may be restricted to use on the library’s premises. Library patrons who wish to borrow library materials are generally library members and may pay an annual fee for that privilege. A library’s services may also include but are not necessarily limited to: providing Internet access, sponsoring lectures, workshops or seminars, classes in adult literacy, storytelling or summer reading programs for children, providing photocopiers for public use (for a per page fee), providing meeting space for local organizations or bookmobiles. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: A separately staffed and located public library operated by a municipal government (e.g., borough, city or township) or school district. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. A library operated by a college or school for its students, faculty and staff will be assigned to the appropriate school classification. A library operated by a company (e.g., hospital, law firm or newspaper) will be assigned to the classification consistent with the employer’s business. A library operated by a museum for its staff will be assigned to Code 887. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Library - Public Public Library 891 PRE-SCHOOL (CHILD CARE OR EARLY EDUCATION) SERVICES – all employees including office Includes but is not necessarily limited to nursery schools, Head Start, kindergarten or child daycare services. Child daycare services provide for care and custody of children for various periods of time during the day (no residential facilities), typically during normal business hours (i.e., from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). Also applicable to employers principally engaged in operating nursery schools or kindergartens. Nursery schools are generally directed towards children ages three to four years, can be academically oriented and are designed to provide children with basic educational and social skills prior to the time they begin elementary school. Kindergartens are pre-elementary school classes and are typically provided to children five-years-old. Sessions are usually held for one-half the school day (i.e., children may be enrolled in "morning" or "afternoon" classes) and will include a very basic academic curriculum. Further contemplated by this classification are employers operating the Head Start Program. Head Start is a federally-funded child development program that provides early education, health, nutritional and psychological services to three- to four-year-old children of low-income families. Some Head Start © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 75 CLASSIFICATIONS Programs will also provide for social services to low-income families and for child daycare. This program endeavors to enhance economically disadvantaged children's educational status and social skills to a level sufficient for them to enter elementary school. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. A child daycare center operated by an employer principally for the use of its own employees is not subject to Code 891 and shall be included in that employer’s applicable field of business classification. 2. Providers of early intervention services for infants or toddlers shall be assigned to Code 892. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Child Daycare Center Day Nursery - Children Daycare Center For Children Head Start Program Kindergarten, Not Operated In Conjunction With Grade School Pre-School - Early Education Services - By Independent Contractor 892 EARLY INTERVENTION For Infants Or Toddlers (No Residential Affiliation) – all employees including office Applicable to employers principally engaged in providing early intervention services to children, generally from birth to the age of 6, who are determined to have or to be at risk of developing a handicapping or other condition that may affect their development. Services are provided by speech or physical therapists in conjunction with special education teachers and are designed to maximize the pre-school handicapped child’s attainment of age-appropriate skills in the areas of cognition, communication, socialization, selfhelp and/or motor development. Early intervention services may be provided in the child’s home, at a provider-operated center, in an unrelated group daycare home or a combination thereof. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Early Intervention For Infants And Toddlers (No Residential Affiliation) 893 INTERMEDIATE UNIT (Special Education) – all employees including office Applicable to intermediate units established by the Pennsylvania General Assembly (Title 24, Article IX A, Intermediate Units) effective July 1,1971. The intermediate unit is a regional educational service agency that works with its member school districts to provide specialized support services for students. The services provided include but are not necessarily limited to special education, summer curriculums, education in the arts, English as a second language, Head Start, adult education and professional training to teachers and other professionals in the education field. Intermediate unit services may be provided in classrooms of unrelated schools or in mobile units positioned adjacent to such schools. Teachers will have at minimum degrees in education and be state certified. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Intermediate Unit (Special Education) 894 SCHOOL FOR DISTURBED (Or Delinquent) CHILDREN – all employees including office Applicable to employers operating educational facilities for youth who cannot cope in or who have been removed from the standard school setting. The students may be referred by school districts, youth services or other agencies because of behavior problems (e.g., truancy, drug or alcohol abuse and/or violent or destructive behavior). Also applicable to employers who operate educational facilities for court adjudicated delinquents. Attendance in such facility may in some cases be mandatory in lieu of prison sentences and is a guarded environment with strict disciplinary rules. Further included are employers who operate educational facilities for disturbed children. Such include but are not necessarily limited to dependent, neglected or abused children or children who have demonstrated social and/or emotional disturbances, have neurological impairments or who have been diagnosed as developmentally delayed. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 76 CLASSIFICATIONS The academic curriculum provided by these facilities is typically similar to that provided by public school districts or private schools, but with a greater emphasis upon counseling or other services specific to the facility’s student population. Classroom activities are geared toward helping older students pass their high school equivalency test or obtain a high school diploma. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign the applicable residential facility classification to separately-located (not on the employer’s campus) and staffed residential facilities for children. UNDERWRITING GUIDE School For Court-Adjudicated Youths School For Developmentally-Delayed Children School For Disturbed Or Delinquent Children 895 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary COLLEGE or SCHOOL Staff Applicable only to temporary staff provided to customers whose business classification is Code 965. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE College Or School - Temporary Staff Employment Contractor - Temporary College Or School Staff Substitute Teachers - Temporary College Or School Staff Temporary College Or School Staff 896 CLUB, N.O.C – All employees except office Clubs are organized civic, social or fraternal associations (e.g., The Elks, VFW posts, fraternities or sororities) who provide special services for members and members' guests only. The services and/or amenities provided by a club may vary depending upon the extent of each club's facilities and membership. The amenities provided may vary considerably from one club to another and may include but are not limited to: dining rooms, bars, lounges, reading/card rooms, bowling lanes or swimming pools. The club's focus and purpose may be based on a charter. Each club is responsible for electing officers to oversee and enforce the club charter. The charter may include but is not limited to rules and regulations for admitting members, maintaining membership and collecting dues. Periodic meetings are held at the club location to discuss upcoming events, fund raisers and/or club business. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Club, Business Or Social Club, N.O.C. Fraternal Organization (e.g., VFW Post, The Elks) Fraternity/Sorority House Sorority/Fraternity House 897 FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT – All employees except office Applicable to a retail business principally engaged in preparing food(s) and selling the prepared food(s) and generally nonalcoholic beverages to the public for immediate consumption, either on the business' premises or on a take-out basis. Fast-food restaurants have a limited menu and no wait service except on an occasional or accommodation basis. Customer orders are typically placed at a counter (the menu being openly displayed above and/or behind the counter), via a drive-through service or by telephone and are rapidly filled. Fast-food restaurants generally sell nonalcoholic beverages, but certain fast-food restaurants may also have incidental beer sales. Included within (but not necessarily limited to) this definition are retail businesses principally engaged in the preparation and sale of: hamburgers, tacos, pizza or chicken. Also contemplated are retail businesses principally engaged as either buffet or cafeteria-style restaurants. Buffet or cafeteria-style restaurants offer a buffet-type meal. Customers may serve themselves or staff may serve food to customers in the buffet line. Staff may clear tables after customers have completed their meal. There is no wait service. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 77 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Buffet Or Cafeteria-Style Restaurant Cafeteria Or Buffet-Style Restaurant Coffee Shop Fast-Food Restaurant CLASSIFICATIONS Luncheonette Pizza Shop - Retail Sandwich Or Other Food Preparation By Vending Machine Operators Sandwich Shop 898 CATERER – All employees except office There are four types of catering businesses that provide food service: social, industrial or institutional, concession or mobile. Social caterers are hired for a single event such as a wedding, party or business affair. The social caterer provides the client with a menu of food items, types of beverages, colors of linens, other available amenities and, if applicable, a listing of the types of entertainment. The client is then responsible for choosing food, beverages, color schemes and/or entertainment. Once all of the services to be provided have been determined, the social caterer may produce a contract based on the predetermined services. Alcoholic beverages may be provided at the event, but the sale of alcoholic beverages is not the principal source of revenue. This type of catering may be performed either on the caterer's premises or at the customer's premises. Institutional or industrial caterers operate under contract to provide in-house food service for businesses, hospitals, nursing homes, schools or similar customers. These catering operations generally plan menus and perform the preparation and sale of food in a cafeteria-style environment. Concession caterers are usually located at but are not limited to airports, sports stadiums, amusement parks, theaters or museums. The concession caterer operates under contract with the client facility to provide prepared food and beverages to the client's patrons. The concession caterer may also use "walking vendors" throughout the venue. Mobile caterers provide food and beverages from a truck with cooking equipment, parked on the sidewalk at locations such as a construction site, factory or university with large commuting student body or travel a predetermined daily route. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Also included within the scope of this class are caterers providing food service to unrelated airlines or railroads. "Meals on Wheels" operations (organizations who provide a service to deliver hot meals to those who cannot prepare the food themselves) are further assigned to Code 898. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cafeteria - Operated By Independent Or Specialist Contractor Caterer - All Types Food And/Or Beverage Concession - By Specialist Contractor Industrial Caterer Institutional Caterer Meals On Wheels Mobile Catering Social Caterer Soup Kitchen 899 BAR, Tavern, Cocktail Lounge, NIGHTCLUB or Discotheque – All employees except office A bar, tavern, cocktail lounge, nightclub or discotheque is a retail establishment principally engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink that is open to the general public. These establishments may offer some type of entertainment such as a dance floor, disc jockey, live music or one or more televisions showing sporting events. Such businesses may or may not also prepare food and sell the prepared food to customers for immediate consumption. Where food is not prepared, the establishment may sell packaged snacks. In either scenario, food preparation and service is not a majority of the employer's operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bar Cocktail Lounge Discotheque Nightclub Tavern © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 78 CLASSIFICATIONS 903 LABOR UNION – all employees including office Applicable to all employees (e.g., business agents, organizers, clerical, janitorial or instructors in an apprenticeship program) of a labor union. Includes but is not necessarily limited to union locals, union district councils, statewide or national labor union organizations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Labor Union 904 INVESTIGATIVE AGENCY - All Types – All employees except office An investigative agency is principally engaged in gathering information for clients (e.g., insurance companies or other businesses, attorneys or private persons) for one of a number of reasons (e.g., fraud or another crime, matrimonial or child custody disputes). To accomplish this overall goal an investigator’s duties may include but are not necessarily limited to the tasks discussed below. The investigator may review public records (e.g., at a court house), interview the “subject’s” neighbors, coworkers or acquaintances and/or conduct surveillance of the investigation’s “subject.” When surveillance is conducted, the investigator may take still photographs or video the “subject’s” movements (e.g., to document insurance fraud). The investigator will prepare a written report of the findings and concurrently submit the photographs or videotape as warranted. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 660 to a separate crew of employees of an investigative agency that installs or repairs alarms. Assign Code 954 to a separate security guard staff of an investigative agency. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Detective Agency Investigative Agency - All Types 907 FRUIT OR VEGETABLE DEALER – Wholesale Applies to dealers engaged principally in the wholesale distribution of fresh fruits or vegetables. Such dealers as a part of their operation may also perform incidental repackaging of the merchandise into retail size bunches, boxes, bags or similar containers. In addition these dealers may also sell groceries, dairy products and/or frozen foods. Where a dealer sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such dealer shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50% of the gross receipts. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Banana Dealer - Wholesale Fruit Dealer - Wholesale Fruit Gift Basket - By Mail Order Or Internet Garlic Dealer - Wholesale Mushroom Dealer - Wholesale Potato Dealer - Wholesale Produce Dealer - Wholesale Tomato Dealer (Fresh) - Wholesale Vegetable Dealer - Wholesale Vegetable Packing - Not Cannery 910 MEAT DEALER – Wholesale Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the wholesale sale/distribution of fresh and processed meats and whose operations include the cutting of fresh meats into portion-controlled fresh meat products, such as steaks, roasts, or chops. Deboning will also be performed if the fresh meat is received in carcasses or partial carcasses. Such business may also distribute poultry and/or fish merchandise in addition to the meat merchandise and the operations may include the filleting of the fish and the cutting of poultry carcasses into parts. The business may further distribute grocery merchandise and/or fresh fruit and vegetables. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 79 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Businesses principally engaged in making natural sausage casings, but who perform no killing of animals. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Assign Code 119 to businesses principally engaged in taking beef and/or veal and cutting or grinding this fresh meat into hamburger, hamburger patties and/or veal patties and/or sandwich steaks . Assign Code 111 when a wholesale meat dealer also slaughters animals and dresses their carcasses . Assign Code 924 to wholesale meat dealers who do no cutting (or deboning) of fresh meats . UNDERWRITING GUIDE Meat Dealer - Wholesale - Including Meat Processing Sausage Casings Dealer - Natural - Including Cleaning 911 GROCERY – Wholesale Applies to dealers engaged principally in the wholesale distribution of groceries or frozen foods which are received and sold in cartons, cases or boxes. Such dealers may also sell at wholesale dairy products, soft drinks, household cleaning supplies, paper products, fresh fruits or vegetables. Code 911 also includes but is not necessarily limited to wholesale dealers engaged principally in the distribution of cider, coffee, dairy products, flour, fruit juices, herbs, spices or tea. Where a dealer sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such dealer shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50 percent of the gross receipts. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling fresh fruits or vegetables shall be assigned to Code 907. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling beer in bottles, cans, kegs or barrels and/or soft drinks in bottles or cans shall be assigned to Code 821. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in candling or distributing eggs shall be assigned to Code 924. For bakery products distribution see the separate entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Butter And/Or Butter Substitutes Dealer Wholesale Cheese Dealer - Wholesale Chinese Food Dealer - Packaged Or Frozen Wholesale Cider Dealer - Wholesale Coffee Dealer (No Grinding Or Roasting) Wholesale Dairy Products Dealer - Wholesale Flour Dealer - Wholesale Frozen Food Dealer - Wholesale Fruit Juice Dealer - Wholesale Grocery - Wholesale Health Food Dealer - Wholesale Herb Dealer - Wholesale Ice Cream Dealer - Wholesale Milk Or Milk Products Dealer - Wholesale Spice Dealer - Wholesale Tea Dealer - No Blending Or Mixing - Wholesale Tomato Products Dealer - Wholesale 914 DEPARTMENT STORE – all employees including office For businesses having 20 or more full-time employees or their equivalent and the merchandise handled must include wearing apparel, linens, house furnishings (other than furniture) and two or more of the following: cosmetics, furniture, giftware, hardware, jewelry, luggage, stationery/greeting cards, sporting goods and toys. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 80 CLASSIFICATIONS The total annual sales of wearing apparel, linens, and house furnishings must exceed 50 percent of the total annual sales. The criteria cited above will be applied to each location of a business. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Personnel performing the installation of house furnishings at customers’ locations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Department Store 915 MEAT, FISH and/or POULTRY STORE – Retail, all employees except office Applicable to businesses principally engaged in the retail sale of fresh and cured meats, fish and/or poultry. Such businesses may also sell general grocery merchandise including but not necessarily limited to: bakery and/or dairy products or canned goods. Code 915 also includes the slaughtering of animals and the dressing of carcasses into fresh meat cuts, as well as the making of sausage, scrapple, frankfurters, ham or bacon provided more than 50 percent of the total sales of the fresh meat and/or cured meat products produced are sold over the counter to the general public for personal or household consumption either on the premises or through satellite outlets. Such business may perform custom killing. This involves the slaughter of an animal (a steer, pig or sheep) for a private individual (frequently a farmer) and the cutting or processing of the resulting meat per customer specification. All of the fresh or processed meat is the customer’s property and may be held for the customer by the business in a frozen food locker or returned immediately to the customer. This may also include the dressing of deer carcasses during hunting season for individual hunters. This classification shall include incident sales to restaurants, institutional buyers or retail stores. When more than 50 percent of the sales are to non-retail customers, such businesses shall not be subject to Code 915 and shall be classified as indicated below. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 111 when the business' operations include the killing of animals and more than 50% of the sales are to wholesale customers. 2. Assign Code 106 when the business' operations do not involve the killing of animals but do include the curing and preserving of meat into processed meat products and more than 50% of the sales are to wholesale customers . 3. Assign Code 910 when the business' operations simply involve cutting, or grinding fresh meats received in boxes, (deboning will also be performed if the fresh meat is received in carcasses or partial carcasses), and more than 50% of the sales are to wholesale customers . 4. Assign Code 917 when the business’ operations involve the retail sale of fresh or cured meat, fish or poultry as well as other items (e.g., groceries or vegetables), and the business’ records show that less than 50 percent of the business’ sales are from fresh or cured meats, fish or poultry. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Butcher Shop - Retail Fish, Meat Or Poultry Store - Retail Meat, Fish Or Poultry Store - Retail Poultry, Fish Or Meat Store - Retail Seafood Market - Retail © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 81 CLASSIFICATIONS 916 CLOTHING OR DRY GOODS STORE – Wholesale or Retail UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bridal Shop Children's & Infants' Clothing Store Clothing Store - Retail Or Wholesale Custom Dressmaking Custom Tailoring Dry Goods Store - Retail Or Wholesale Fabric Shop Formal Wear Rental Or Sales Furrier Repairing Or Remodeling Fur Garments Hat Store - Cloth, Felt, Fur Or Straw Linens Shop Maternity Apparel Shop Men's Clothing & Furnishings Store Millinery Store Shoe Store - Wholesale Or Retail Tailor Shop - No Dry Cleaning Textile Piece Goods Dealer Towel Or Toilet Supply Dealer - Not Connected With Laundry Women's Clothing & Accessories Store Yarn Shop 917 GROCERY STORE – Retail, including meat, poultry, fish, bakery, pharmacy and produce departments Applicable to businesses principally engaged as supermarkets or convenience retail grocers as defined below. A supermarket is principally engaged in the retail sale of groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, bakery products, frozen foods and in addition thereto will have a meat department that sells fresh or cured meat, fish and/or poultry. A typical supermarket will also sell other merchandise including but not necessarily limited to: soft drinks, soap and other household cleaning items, paper products and/or cigarettes. A supermarket that is a "super center" may also sell non-grocery merchandise including but not necessarily limited to: cosmetics, toiletries, stationery products, books, greeting cards, women’s hosiery, non-prescription drugs or kitchen supplies (e.g., pots, pans or pot holders). A “super center” may further rent videos and/or DVDs. A convenience grocer is principally engaged in the retail sale of groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, bakery products, frozen foods, coffee, tea, spices or delicatessen foods such as cold cuts, salads, pickles, smoked fish or other "appetizers." A convenience grocer or a delicatessen store may also sell coffee by the cup, make sandwiches or sell sandwiches prepared by an unrelated business, prepare salads and/or cook meat such as roast beef, ham, barbecue chicken or spare ribs. A convenience grocer may also sell other merchandise including but not necessarily limited to: soft drinks, household cleaning items, paper products, cigarettes or non-prescription drugs. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. Pharmacy operations conducted by the supermarket at the same or a contiguous location. Bakery operations conducted by the supermarket. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 915 to businesses principally engaged in the retail sale of fresh or cured meats, poultry or fish. The business of a concessionaire or independent contractor operating on the premises of a supermarket will be classified on the merits of their operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Beverage Distributing, Including Beer - Retail Beverage Outlets - Retail Brewer's Outlet - Retail Cheese Shop - Retail Convenience Grocery Delicatessen Store Fruit Gift Basket Store - Retail Grocery Store - Retail Grocery, Tea, Coffee Dealer - Retail Health Food Store - Retail Produce Store - Retail Spice Store - Retail Supermarket 918 BAKERY SHOP – Retail, including on-site preparation, all employees except office Applicable to businesses principally engaged in producing bakery products or businesses who buy finished bakery products from unrelated producers and the principal sales are over-the-counter for personal or household consumption, either on premises or through satellite outlets. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 82 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bagel Shop, Production And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail Bakery Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail Cookie Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail Donut Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises Retail CLASSIFICATIONS Pretzel Shop - Heating/Baking On The Premises Retail Bakery - No Baking On Premises Retail Bakery - Selling Purchased Bakery Products 919 FLORIST STORE – Retail or Wholesale Applies to a business principally engaged in the retail and/or wholesale selling of fresh cut flowers, potted plants, fresh cut floral arrangements or florist store supplies. Also includes service away from the store premises, such as floral decoration of homes, churches or other buildings for weddings, banquets or parties. Also includes plantscaping, which is the maintenance of living (typically potted) plants inside a customer's premises. The living, potted plants may be used to decorate the interiors of malls, offices or other businesses, as well as residences. Plantscaping duties include watering, fertilizing, trimming and/or spraying of the interior living, potted plants. Employers who raise, in fields or under glass, flowers to be marketed on a commercial basis as cut flowers or living plants are assigned to Code 0011. Stores or outlets of such employers at the same or contiguous location may be separately classified by Code 919, provided there is no interchange of labor between the store or outlet and the raising of flowers, and the store or outlet is located in a physically separate area or department. Where a store sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such store shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50% of the gross receipts. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. A garden supply business principally engaged in the sale of fertilizer, sod, grass seed, flower pots, birdbaths and statuary with incidental potted plants, trees, shrubs, bulbs or bedding plants shall be assigned to the N.O.C. store classification, depending on whether the sales are principally to retail customers (Code 928) or wholesale customers (Code 924). 2. A business principally engaged in the arranging, assembling and/or the wholesale selling of artificial or dried flowers shall be assigned to Code 924. 3. A business principally engaged in the raising of trees, shrubs, bushes, hedges or other outdoor living/growing plants shall be assigned to Code 0013. 4. A business principally engaged as a landscape contractor or performing lawn care maintenance or other similar services shall be assigned to Code 012. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Florist Store - Fresh Cut Flowers - Retail Or Wholesale Florist Store Supplies Dealer - Wholesale Flower Dealer Or Store - Fresh Cut Flowers (No Flower Or Plant Raising) - Retail And/Or Wholesale Plantscaper - Interior Store, Florist - Fresh Cut Flowers - Retail Or Wholesale 920 JEWELRY STORE – Wholesale or Retail UNDERWRITING GUIDE Coin And/Or Postage Stamp Dealer - Retail Or Wholesale Hearing Aid - Sale And Service Jeweler, Findings And Materials Dealer Jewelry Store - Wholesale Or Retail Optical Store, Including Lens Grinding And Optometrists Postage Stamp And/Or Coin Dealer - Retail Or Wholesale Stamp (Postage) And/Or Coin Dealer - Retail Or Wholesale © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 83 CLASSIFICATIONS 921 FURNITURE STORE – Wholesale - no woodworking Applies to wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling or renting furniture including furniture for the home or office to retailers, businesses, wholesalers or other commercial entities. Also included are dealers principally engaged in the sale of furniture via catalogue, Internet and/or mail order. The word "furniture" as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: sofas, chairs, tables, beds, bedding, chests, breakfronts, bookcases, pianos, organs, all types of floor coverings, major household appliances and office furniture. In addition, a wholesale dealer may sell or rent other merchandise, such as lighting fixtures, lamps, stereo equipment, televisions, video and/or audio equipment, small household appliances, mirrors, pictures and kitchen cabinets. Further included is the delivery and setting in place of merchandise and minor repairing of furniture on the insured's premises or at the customer's location and installation, service or repair operations, including but not necessarily limited to: the installation of all types of floor coverings, window coverings or the service or repair of major household appliances or televisions or other electronic entertainment or communications devices and the installation of office furniture. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Assign Code 922 to the retail sale of furniture and related products UNDERWRITING GUIDE Carpet Dealer - Wholesale Floor Coverings Dealer - Wholesale Furniture Store - Wholesale Major Household Appliance Dealer - Wholesale Office Furniture Dealer Party Supplies Rentals - Wholesale Piano Or Organ Store - Wholesale Store - Furniture - Wholesale 922 FURNITURE STORE – Retail All Employees Except Office – no woodworking Applies to a retail store principally engaged in selling or renting furniture including antique furniture for homes, lawns or gardens, to the general public and/or in a retail manner. The word "furniture" as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: living room, dining room, bedroom or kitchen sets and individual pieces such as sofas, chairs, tables, beds, bedding, chests, breakfronts, bookcases, pianos, organs, all types of floor coverings and major household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and washing machines. In addition, a furniture store may sell or rent other merchandise such as lighting fixtures, lamps, stereo equipment, televisions, video and/or audio equipment, small household appliances, mirrors, pictures and kitchen cabinets. Further included are delivery and setting merchandise in place, hanging pictures or mirrors and/or polishing and repairing of furniture on the store's premises or at the customer's location. Also included are the incident installation, service or repair operations including but not necessarily limited to: the installation of all types of floor coverings and window coverings or the service or repair of major household appliances or televisions or other electronic entertainment or communications devices. All salespersons, including but not limited to floor salespersons, interior designers and decorators, are contemplated by the scope of Code 922 and are not separately classified. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. 2. Businesses principally engaged in party supply rental – retail. Businesses principally engaged in pool table sales – retail. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 84 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Antique Furniture Dealer - Retail Bedding Store - Retail Carpet Store - Retail Electrical Household Appliances, Major - Retail Floor Coverings Dealer - Retail Furniture Installation, Portable, By Dealer Furniture Rental - Chairs, Coat Racks, Dishes, Etc. - Retail Furniture Store - Retail Home Freezer Dealer - Retail Household Appliances Dealer, Major - Retail CLASSIFICATIONS Household Furniture Dealer - Retail Household Laundry Equipment Dealer - Retail Household Refrigerator Dealer - Retail Musical Instruments Rental - Pianos And Organs Retail Party Supplies Rentals - Retail Piano Or Organ Store - Retail Pool Table Dealer - Retail Refrigerator, Stove Or Washing Machine Store Retail Store, Furniture - Retail Taxidermist 923 PACKAGING – CONTRACT – NON-CRATING Applicable to businesses principally engaged in packaging or repacking merchandise owned by unrelated customers as a contract service. Such includes but is not necessarily limited to cosmetics, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, soaps, cleaning agents or hardware. Assign Codes 305 to payroll developed by separate staff in a physically separate work area in the preparation and crating of any type of merchandise for shipment (in shop as a contract service). Crating or packaging of any type at customer locations or the repackaging of explosives shall be classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aerosol Can Filling, By Contractor Contract Packaging - Non-Crating Packaging, Contract - Non-Crating 924 WHOLESALE STORE, N.O.C. Applies to dealers principally engaged in the wholesale distribution of merchandise not specifically assigned to another wholesale store classification. Please see the Underwriting Guide entries below for a representative listing of the types of wholesale dealers contemplated by this classification. Please see the Wholesale/Retail Mail Order House Or Internet Sales Definitions entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for the definition of wholesale sales. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Publishers of any type of publication performing the pre-press work, outsourcing the actual printing of the publication and then receiving and distributing the publication. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 85 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alcoholic Beverage Blending Or Bottling, NonCarbonated Balloon Dealer - Wholesale Bar Or Restaurant Supply Dealer (Other Than Beverages, Groceries Or Meat) Barber Or Beauty Parlor Supply House - Wholesale Barrel Dealer - No Mfg. Book Dealer - Wholesale Boot And Shoe, Cut Stock And Findings Dealer Bottle Dealer, New Bottled Spring Water Distribution - By Dealer Candy Dealer (Including Repackaging) - Wholesale Cigarette Dealer - Wholesale Cloth Clippings Dealer, New Clothing Dealer, Used - Wholesale Computer Dealer - Wholesale Cotton Merchant Dental Equipment Or Supply Dealer Drugstore - Wholesale Egg Dealer - Grading, Candling, Packing Wholesale Feed Dealer - Wholesale Fertilizer (Except Humus Or Manure) Dealer Firearms Sale - Wholesale Fish Dealer - Wholesale - No Processing Whatsoever Flower Assembling - Artificial Or Dried Flower Dealer - Artificial Or Dried - Wholesale Garden Supplies Dealer Grain Dealer Hay Dealer Hide Dealer - Including Salting - Curing Liquor/Wine Dealer Meat Dealer - Wholesale - No Processing Whatsoever CLASSIFICATIONS News Agent Or Magazine Distributor - Wholesale Nuts (Edible) Dealer Office Machine Dealer - Wholesale Office Supply Dealer - Wholesale Orthopedic, Prosthetic And Surgical Appliances And Supply Dealer - Wholesale Paper Or Paper Products Dealer Pharmaceutical Or Surgical Goods Dealer, N.O.C. Photographic Equipment And Supplies Dealer Wholesale Potato Chip Dealer Poultry Dealer - Wholesale - No Processing Whatsoever Publisher - Outsources Printing, Performs Product Distribution Restaurant Or Bar Supply Dealer (Other Than Beverages, Groceries Or Meat) Seed Merchant Snack Food Dealer - Wholesale Solvents Dealer Sporting Goods Dealer - Wholesale Spring Water Bottling And/Or Distribution Stationery Dealer - Wholesale Store, Wholesale, N.O.C. Tavern Supply Dealer (Other Than Beverages, Groceries Or Meat) Telephone Dealer - Wholesale Tobacco Auction Sales Warehouses Tobacco Product Dealer - Wholesale Used Clothing Dealer - Wholesale Vending Machine Dealer - Wholesale Wallpaper Dealer - Wholesale Water Bottling And/Or Bottled Water Distribution By A Dealer Wholesale Store, N.O.C. Wine/Liquor Dealer Wool Merchant 925 HARDWARE STORE – Retail Applies to retail stores principally engaged in selling hardware. The term hardware as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: nails, screws, bolts, washers, gaskets, brackets, locks, hinges, electrical outlet boxes, switches, fuses, plugs, sockets, hand or portable electric tools, plumbing fixtures, paint, small household electrical appliances, radios, stereo equipment, televisions, video and/or audio equipment, kitchenware, garden tools and equipment such as lawn mowers and snow blowers. In addition, hardware stores may also make keys, sharpen saws or repair storm windows and screens and sell a wide variety of non-hardware items such as wallpaper and allied supplies, china, glassware, sporting goods or automobile accessories or parts. Such stores may also rent floor scraping or polishing machines, rug and upholstery cleaning machines and similar equipment. Other types of retail stores or operations assigned to this classification are: 1. 2. 3. Bicycle Stores – including rental and incidental repair work. Locksmiths – including installation, repair or replacement of locks in existing buildings. Lawn mower sales and service (including riding-type). Where a store sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such store shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50% of the gross receipts © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 86 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Except as provided for above, separately staffed installation, service or repair operations shall be separately classified including but not necessarily limited to the examples listed below: 1. 2. The service or repair of televisions, video and/or audio equipment shall be assigned to Code 966. The service or repair of major household appliances shall be assigned to Code 662. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Audio/Video Equipment Store - Retail Bath And/Or Kitchen Fixture Store Bicycle - Sale Or Rental, Including Repair Bicycle Assembly At Retail Store Locations - By Specialist Contractor Cabinet Store - Retail Ceramic Tile Store - Retail Electrical Appliance Store, Small - Retail Electrical Supply Store - Retail Electronic Components And Accessories Store Retail Exercise Equipment - Service Or Repair - In Shop Or At Customers' Locations Fitness Equipment - Service Or Repair - In Shop Or At Customers' Locations Garden Equipment Store Hardware Store - Retail Hot Tub Or Spa Dealer - Retail Household Appliance Store, Small - Retail Household Vacuum Cleaner Store, Small - Retail Lawn Mower Sale Or Service (Including Riding Type) Lighting Fixture And Supplies Store Locksmith - Including Shop Paint Store - Retail Plumbers' Supplies Store - Retail Radio Or Television Parts And Accessories Store Retail Radio, Television Or Audio Equipment Store Retail Sewing Machine Store - Retail Stereophonic Or High Fidelity Equipment Store Retail Swimming Pool Supply Store Television, Video And/Or Audio Equipment Store Retail Tile Store – Ceramic – Retail Vacuum Cleaner Store (Household) - Retail Video/Audio Equipment Store - Retail 926 HARDWARE STORE – Wholesale Applies to dealers principally engaged in the wholesale selling of hardware. The term hardware as used in this classification includes but is not necessarily limited to: nails, screws, bolts, washers, gaskets, brackets, locks, hinges, hand or portable electric tools, machine tools, small household electrical appliances, stereo equipment, radios, televisions, video and/or audio equipment, kitchenware, mill supplies or garden tools or garden equipment such as lawn mowers or snow blowers. A wholesale hardware dealer may also sell plumbing or electrical supplies. Also includes "ship chandlers" who are dealers in ship supplies and equipment, such as engine room equipment, lifeboat supplies, navigational instruments, deck gear or other ship stores. Other types of risks included in this classification are wholesale dealers in the following articles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Radio or Television Parts Appliance Parts (for example, washers, dryers, window-unit air conditioners or refrigerators) Aircraft Parts and Accessories Welding Supplies, such as bottled gases, torches, welding rods or face masks Cutlery Sewing Machine Heads or Parts Where a store sells several types of merchandise, each of which may be subject to a different classification, such store shall be assigned on the basis of the principal category of merchandise sold. The term "principal" means more than 50 percent of the gross receipts. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling wire rope or cable assign to Code 857. Retail or wholesale establishments principally engaged in selling building materials such as roofing (including shingles), siding, wallboard, brick and/or lumber assign to Code 855. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling plumbing supplies or pipe shall be assigned to Code 885. Wholesale dealers principally engaged in selling electrical supplies (e.g., electric wire, fuses, circuit breakers) shall be assigned to Code 886. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 87 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Agricultural Implement Dealer - Other Than Farm Machinery Appliance Parts Dealer Audio/Video Equipment Dealer - Wholesale Cabinet Dealer - Wholesale Ceramic Tile Dealer - Wholesale Electrical Appliance Dealer - Small Appliances Wholesale Electrical Machinery Or Equipment Dealer Wholesale Fire Extinguisher - Sales And/Or Service Wholesale Glass Dealer - No Mfg., Glass Bending, Beveling, Grinding, Silvering Or Installation Hardware Store - Wholesale Hot Tub Or Spa Dealer - Wholesale Household Appliances Dealer, Small - Wholesale Household Vacuum Cleaner Dealer - Wholesale CLASSIFICATIONS Janitorial Supply Dealer - Wholesale Oil Well Equipment Dealer Paint Dealer - Wholesale Radio, Television, Stereophonic Or High Fidelity Equipment, Parts Or Accessories Dealer Wholesale Sewing Machine Dealer - Wholesale Ship Chandler Stereophonic Or High Fidelity Equipment Dealer Wholesale Television, Radio, Stereophonic Or High Fidelity Equipment Dealer - Wholesale Tile Dealer – Ceramic – Wholesale Vacuum Cleaner Dealer - Wholesale Video/Audio Equipment Dealer - Wholesale Welding Equipment Or Supply Dealer 927 PHARMACY – Retail – all employees including office UNDERWRITING GUIDE Mail Order Pharmacy Pharmacy - Retail Or Internet Or Mail Order © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 88 CLASSIFICATIONS 928 RETAIL STORE, N.O.C. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Antique Store, Other Than Furniture - Retail Army/Navy Store - Retail Art Gallery Arts And Crafts Store - Retail Barber Or Beauty Parlor Supply House - That Operates In A Retail Manner Bookstore Camera Or Photographic Supply Store - Retail Candy Store Clothing Store (Used) - Retail Computer Store - Retail Cosmetics Store Dog Groomer - No Kennel Facilities Dry Cleaning - Self-Service Only Film Exchange Fireworks Store - Retail Five And Ten Cent Store Garden Center - Retail Garden Supplies Store - Retail Golf Course - Pro Shop - Operated By Specialist Contractor Goodwill Stores Greeting Card Shop Gun Shop - Retail Handbag (Women's) Store Hobby Shop - Retail Ice Cream, Store Or Street Vending - Retail Laundry - Coin-Operated - Self-Service Laundry Collector Without Laundry (Excluding Contract Hauler) Luggage Store – Retail Mailing And Shipping Store – By Independent Contractor Medical Supply Store - Retail Motion Pictures, Development Of Films, No Other Operations Musical Instrument Rental - Except Pianos And Organs News Agent Or Magazine Distributor - Retail Office Machine Store - Retail Office Supply Store - Retail Orthopedic, Prosthetic, And Surgical Appliances And Supply Store - Retail Pawn Shop Personal Computer Store - Retail Pet Grooming - By Specialist Contractor Pet Shop - Retail Phonograph Record Dealer - Retail Photographer Photographic Equipment And Supplies Store Retail Photographic Studio, Not Producing Motion Pictures, And Outside Work Pro Shop - Golf Course - Operated By Specialist Contractor Receiving Station - Dry Cleaner - No Dry Cleaning At Same Or Contiguous Location Receiving Station - Laundry - No Laundering At Same Or Contiguous Location Retail Store, N.O.C. Sporting Goods Store - Retail Stationery Store - Retail Store, Retail, N.O.C. Telephone Store - Retail Thrift Store (Used Clothing, Furniture, Household Items) - Retail Trophy Store (Including Assembly And Nameplate Inscribing) Used Clothing Store - Retail Video Tape Or DVD Store - Rental Or Sale Vitamin Store - Retail Wallpaper Store - Retail Water Ice Store Wine Store - Retail - Operated By A Winery Women's Handbag Store 929 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary Staff – MERCANTILE OPERATIONS Applies to temporary employees provided to retail or wholesale store businesses except for businesses assignable to wholesale fruit or vegetable, furniture, grocery or wholesale store, N.O.C. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on which store businesses are assignable to Code 929 and on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Retail Or Wholesale Store Businesses Store Businesses - Retail Or Wholesale - Temporary Staff Temporary Staff - Retail Or Wholesale Store Businesses 932 COPYING OR DUPLICATING SERVICE – All employees including office Applicable to printing businesses known as “quick printers” principally engaged in providing customer copy reproduction by means of small offset presses, also known as duplicators, on paper sheet sizes 17 x 22 inches or less or electrostatic (photo) copiers on paper sheets of any size. Such businesses also typically provide postpress bindery service that finishes the printed product. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 89 CLASSIFICATIONS Finishing may include but is not necessarily limited to: collating, cutting to size including die cutting, scoring and perforating, rounding corners, tab cutting, folding, drilling or punching holes, stapling, sewing, wire stitching, gluing – perfect binding, laminating, foil stamping or embossing. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. A printing business principally engaged in the reproduction of customer copy by other means shall be assigned to the appropriate printing class as provided for in this Manual. Code 932 and another printing class shall not be assigned to any printing business unless that business fulfills the multiple enterprise criteria specified in Rule IV, Paragraph C. 3. a. 2. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Blueprint Reproduction (Using Photocopying Method) - By Contractor Duplication Services Laser Printing By Contractor Microfilming Offset Duplicating Photocopy Shop Printing - By Laser Method - By Contractor Quick Printer 933 VENDING OR COIN-OPERATED MACHINE – Installation, Service or Repair, all employees except office UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) - Installation, Service Or Repair Candy And/Or Snack Trays – Sold On the Honor System Coffee Service Company Coin-Operated Amusement Or Vending Machine Installation, Service Or Repair Coin-Operated Telephone - Installation, Service Or Repair By A Specialist Business Or Contractor Jukebox Operation, Service Or Repair Parking Meter Installation, Service Or Repair Pinball Games - Service Or Repair By Vending Machine Operator Scale Installation Or Adjustment, Coin-Operated Type, By Vending Machine Operator Snack And/Or Candy Trays – Sold On the Honor System Telephone - Coin-Operated - Installation, Service Or Repair By A Specialist Business Or Contractor Vending Machine Installation Vending Or Coin-Operated Amusement Machine Installation, Service Or Repair Video Games - Service Or Repair By Vending Machine Operator 934 AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORY STORE – Retail and/or Wholesale An auto parts store that also provides automobile repair services shall have payroll divided with Code 815 provided the following conditions are fulfilled: the auto parts sales and the automobile repair services are conducted in physically separate work areas by separate employee crews and the majority of the parts/ accessories sold by the auto parts store must be sold to others and are neither installed nor used by the insured for repair services. If both operations are conducted and these conditions are not met, then payroll developed in both the auto parts sales and the auto repair services shall be assigned to Code 815. The machining of brake drums and other auto parts conducted in a physically separate work area and staffed by a separate employee crew shall be assigned to Code 461. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Auto Parts Dealer - Wholesale Automobile Accessory Store Automobile Parts Store Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessory Dealer Tire Dealer - Wholesale - No Installation, Service Or Repair 935 LUMBER AND/OR BUILDING MATERIAL DEALER – Store Employees – For use in conjunction with Code 855 only Applicable to the operation of a retail store on the premises of a lumber and/or building material dealer in which hardware, paint and other similar merchandise is sold. This classification may only be authorized as an additional classification for an employer classified to Code 855 if the employer fulfils the multiple enterprise criteria discussed in Rule IV, C. 3. a. 2. of this Manual. The retail store must be operated in a physically separate work area from the lumber and/or building material dealer’s warehouse or yard with no interchange of labor between the store and the warehouse or yard. The term “retail” shall be construed to mean the selling of displayed merchandise in store-type premises where floor and/or counter © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 90 CLASSIFICATIONS salespersons assist customers or on a self-service basis to the general public for personal or household consumption or use. This classification shall also apply when the store sales are made to wholesale customers (e.g., commercial or professional users) but conducted primarily in a retail manner. For purposes of assignment to this classification, the term “retail manner” shall be construed to mean that the insured will have a floor area where merchandise is stocked in display aisles, customers may walk up and down the display aisles, inspect the merchandise being offered for sale, place their selections into either a shopping basket or shopping cart and make payment for their selections at a customer checkout lane. The retail store may also contain a second counter area where customers may place orders for the lumber and/or building materials. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: This classification is not available for the operation of a sales counter of a lumber and/or building material dealer where the insured’s staff takes customer orders for the lumber and/or building materials, accepts payment, transfers the orders to the insured’s yard or warehouse staff and may also sell merchandise from a counter display, display racks behind the counter and/or a display space in front of the counter but where the insured does not operate a separate retail store as defined above. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Lumber And Building Material Dealer - Store Employees - For Use In Conjunction With Class 855 Only 936 BROADCASTING STATION – Radio or Television, all employees including office UNDERWRITING GUIDE Broadcasting Station - Radio Or Television Motion Picture Production Radio Broadcasting Station Recording Studio Television Broadcasting Station Video Duplicating, Editing And/Or Production Service Videographer 937 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary Staff – HEAVY SERVICE Applies to temporary employees provided to businesses including but not limited to tree pruning, logging, surface or underground mining or mineral recovery (all types except coal), transportation (of persons or any type of commodity), lumber and/or building material or metal service centers, scrap metal yards, commodity recycling, rubbish and/or garbage collection or warehousing (all types except where the customer’s business classification is Code 813 which is subject to Code 867). Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on which customer business classifications are assignable to Code 937 and on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Heavy Service Temporary Staff - Heavy Service 939 CARNIVAL, Circus or Amusement Device Operator – TRAVELING UNDERWRITING GUIDE Amusement Device Operator - Traveling Carnival - Traveling Circus - Traveling Fair - Traveling Kiddie Rides - All Operations - Traveling Traveling Amusement Device Operator Traveling Carnival Traveling Circus 940 RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY for the Developmentally Disabled – all employees except office and the separate staff of a certified sheltered workshop Includes operations licensed as Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) regardless of client count or location. Also included are schools and daycare activities operated by the facility. ICF/MRs are licensed by the state to provide on a regular basis, health related care and services to the mentally retarded, who do not require the degree of care or treatment which a hospital or skilled nursing facility is designed to provide. These facilities regardless of client number provide unique and specialized residential, medical and habilitation services to its clients. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 91 CLASSIFICATIONS Community Residential Facilities (CRF) and ICF/MR - 9 or more residents have similar regulations, goals and staffing patterns. The large ICF/MR receives federal funds under Medicaid, while the CRF receives state funds. The larger ICF/MRs (9 or more clients) usually provide educational, workshop/vocational and physical therapy programs at one campus with many residents living in cottages having no more than 8 residents each. Supervision may be provided by staff in three 8-hour shifts. Smaller ICF/MRs (8 or fewer clients) also assigned to this classification provide community-based programs which are designed to facilitate the client’s movement to a less restrictive environment than the larger facilities. These community-based ICF/MRs employ a relatively high staff to client ratio and 24-hour supervision with at least one staff member monitoring overnight activity. Smaller ICF/MRs may serve clients from higher functioning to profoundly retarded. Facilities providing residential care for other developmental disabilities (i.e., autism and cerebral palsy) are to be included within this class. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. Assign Code 964 to separately-staffed certified sheltered workshops. Assign Code 941 to separately-staffed group homes for eight or fewer residents operated by Community Residential Facilities located off campus. Assign Code 979 to separately-staffed personal care homes located off campus. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Community Residential Facility For The Developmentally Disabled - 9 Or More Residents Per Facility Group Home - 9 Or More Per Facility Licensed As Community Residential Services For Developmentally Disabled Group Home - Intermediate Care Facility For The Mentally Retarded - Regardless Of Client Count Intermediate Care Facility For The Mentally Retarded - Regardless Of Client Count 941 SOCIAL REHABILITATION FACILITY – For adults or children – all employees including office Applicable to non-medical residential care facilities providing a transitional non-institutional environment in a group setting which emphasizes through guidance and counseling the social rehabilitation and the eventual reintegration of the resident into the community. Such facilities include: Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRSS) for mentally ill clients regardless of client count per facility. Residential facilities for children provide a non-institutional environment focusing on socialization and reintegration into the community. Residents in these facilities are usually pre-teen to 18 years of age. At these facilities individualized programs are designed to rehabilitate the child. Emphasis is placed upon reuniting children with their families, placing children in foster care or moving them into a group home where independent living skills are stressed. Community Residential Facilities operating group homes with 8 or fewer mentally disabled residents which are not licensed as intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR) are community based residential programs providing supportive services for a more highly functional client. Clients in these group homes access community based programs for the mentally retarded. These clients do not require the health care provided at a ICF/MR group home. Many of these clients will become self sufficient enough to move into minimal supervision apartments. Additional programs, e.g., daycare, respite care and prevocational training programs, provided by group home operators shall be included within the scope of this class. Training programs that pay the trainees for services rendered (including sheltered workshops) shall be separately classified. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Drug and alcohol halfway houses, shelters for the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, unwed mothers or pre-parole halfway houses shall be assigned to Code 986. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 92 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Child Care Service, Residential - (Neglected, Deprived Or Abused) Community Living Arrangement For The Mentally Disabled (CLA) - 8 Or Fewer Residents Per Facility Community Rehabilitative Residential Facility (CRRF) - Group Homes For The Mentally Ill Community Residential Facility - Off Campus - With 8 Or Fewer Clients Per Facility Family Living Home For The Developmentally Disabled Group Home - Developmentally Disabled (Not Intermediate Care Facility) - 8 Or Fewer Clients Per Facility Home For Orphans Orphanage Residential Child Care Service - (Neglected, Deprived Or Abused) 942 HOME HEALTH CARE – Professional Staff, all employees except office Please see the Home Health Care Services entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the scope of this class. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Community Nursing Services - Professional Staff Home Health Care Services - Professional Staff Hospice Care Performed In Client's Residence Professional Staff Nurse - Private Duty Nurses - Visiting Patients In Private Homes Private Duty Nurse Public Health Nurse Visiting Nurse 943 HOME HEALTH CARE – Nonprofessional Staff, all employees except office Please see the Home Health Care Services entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the scope of this class. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chore Worker - Home Health Care Services Community Nursing Services - Nonprofessional Staff Home Health Aide Home Health Care Services - Nonprofessional Staff Homemaker Service Hospice Care Performed In Client's Residence Nonprofessional Staff 944 CLUB – Country, Golf or Yachting – all employees except office Includes restaurant or tavern employees and all operations performed by club employees including but not necessarily limited to: those conducted by desk and room clerks, housekeepers, instructors, pro shop sales clerks, club attendants and golf starters. Assign the appropriate marina classification to separately staffed marina or yacht basin operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Club - Country, Golf Or Yachting Country Club Golf Course - Pro Shop - Operated By Golf Course Golf Course - Public Or Private Yacht Club CLERICAL AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENTS 945 HOTEL RESTAURANT employees, all employees except office. For use in conjunction with Code 973 only Please see the Hotel Or Motel Operations entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the scope of this class. 946 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary MEDICAL Staffing Applicable to employers providing professional and/or nonprofessional medical staff to unrelated health care facilities or to physicians/dentists’ practices on a temporary basis. Such employees include but are not necessarily limited to: registered nurses or licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, aides, orderlies, attendants medical technicians or doctors. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 93 CLASSIFICATIONS Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. Payroll developed by temporary janitorial, laundry, kitchen or other non-medical staff (except clerical) provided to health care facilities shall be assigned to Code 947. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Medical Staffing Medical Service - Temporary Help Nurse - RN And LPN Including Aides - Temporary Help Temporary Medical Staffing 947 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary Staff – MAINTENANCE OR SERVICE Applies to temporary employees provided to businesses such as flower growing, landscaping or lawn care, laundry or dry cleaning, utilities (except meter readers), cable television, hotels, restaurants, automobile service or repair (including auto dealers), security, theaters, amusements (either indoor or outdoor) or building maintenance. Also applies to non-medical temporary staff provided to health care facilities (except clerical), and to airport/airline temporary ground personnel. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on which customer business classifications are assignable to Code 947 and on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Maintenance Or Service Temporary Staff - Maintenance Or Service 948 MAILING or ADDRESSING COMPANY – all employees including office Applicable to businesses principally engaged in mailing advertising material such as letters, circulars and/or small product samples for unrelated concerns. The mailing company may compile mailing lists or receive lists of names from customers. Materials to be mailed may be received bound on pallets ready for mailing. The mailing company may generate the letter by computer (laser or impact printed). The mailing company may design and print advertising materials. Printing operations shall be included with the mailing company class provided that more than 50 percent of the items printed are used as materials in the mailing business. Most mailing companies have a production department where employees operate machines to burst, fold, insert, label and affix a stamp to each envelope. The last item listed is optional as much of this mail is metered. Mail is presorted to the addressee's five- or nine-digit zip code, placed in postal sacks and taken to the Post Office. Very small firms may employ persons to manually stuff envelopes, hand label and stamp material to be mailed. Larger mailing companies may have sales and promotion employees soliciting accounts, designing and producing advertising campaigns in addition to the mailing operation. Code 948 also contemplates presort bureaus which sort first-class mail for unrelated concerns. The mail may be sorted manually or by automatic sorting machines to the five- or nine-digit zip code. The sorted mail is placed in postal trays or sacks and taken to the post office. Clerical is included within the phraseology of this classification. Code 948 does not provide for payroll division with either Code 951 or Code 953. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign the appropriate store classification to employers who may mail catalogs and later receive (by phone, mail or the Internet) and fulfill customer orders from inventoried merchandise. Businesses printing and performing mailing or addressing shall be subject to the appropriate printing classification when less than 50 percent of the print production is used in the mailing or addressing operation. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 94 3. CLASSIFICATIONS Code 948 and a printing class shall not be assigned to an employer unless that employer fulfills the multiple enterprise criteria delineated in Rule IV, Section 1 of this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Advertising - Mailing Or Addressing Of Advertising Literature Direct Mail Company Mail Sorting Service - By Specialist Contractor Mailing Or Addressing Company Including Incidental Printing Presort Bureau - Mail Sorting - By Specialist Contractor 949 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – Temporary MARKETING Applicable to temporary marketing help such as sales or demonstration personnel including conventions, shows or exhibits. Also includes temporary help engaged as appraisers, inspectors, meter readers or personnel notifying utility customers of service cutoffs. Please see the Employment Contractor − Temporary Staffing entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on classifying temporary staff. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Employment Contractor - Temporary Marketing Staff Marketing Staff - Temporary Staff Temporary Marketing Staff 951 SALESPERSON – OUTSIDE --Are employees either exclusively engaged in sales or collection work away from the employer’s premises or who regularly and frequently are engaged in sales or collection work away from their employer’s premises and devote the balance of their time in clerical office duties. Salespersons, collectors or messengers shall be separately classified except in connection with any classification designated either “all employees including office” or “all employees except office.” OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign employees engaged as delivery salespersons, route salespersons and/or route supervisors delivering merchandise or products, who may also collect payments or solicit sales to the employer’s applicable field-of-business classification. 2. Assign floor and/or counter salespersons to the employer’s field-of-business classification at the location. 3. Assign door-to-door salespersons to the employer’s applicable business classification. 4. Assign to Code 953 employees who sell or solicit exclusively by telephone. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 95 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adjuster, Insurance - By Independent Contractor Advertising - Distributing Circulars Or Samples Not In Stores Advertising Display Card Service - Installation Or Removal Of, In Or On Vehicles Advertising Display Service - For Stores Advisory Rating Organization - Field Representative Auctioneer, Not Livestock, No Permanent Location Auditor, Insurance - Traveling - Independent Contractor Boiler Inspection Boy Or Girl Scout Council - Executive Secretary Collectors Of Money - By Specialist Contractor Electric Meter Reader Elevator Inspection Executive Secretary, Boy Or Girl Scout Council Gas Meter Reader Handbill Distribution Highway Operation - Toll Collector CLASSIFICATIONS Inspection Of Mercantile, Mfg. Or Risks For Insurance Or Valuation Purposes - By Independent Contractor Insurance Adjuster - By Independent Contractor Insurance Traveling Auditor - Independent Contractor Inventory Service - By Specialist Contractor Marine Appraiser Or Surveyor Messengers Newspaper Reporter Or Photographer Real Estate Agency - Outside Salespersons Salesperson - Outside Salesperson, Trimming Windows Timber Cruiser (Exclusive Duties) Tour Guide Traveling Insurance Auditor - Independent Contractor Water Meter Reader Window Trimming, By Contractor 952 OFFICE MACHINE SERVICE or Repair Includes shop. Manufacturing to be separately rated. Specialist contractors performing delivery and/or set-up of office machines or equipment shall be assigned to Code 811. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adding Machine Repair - Shop Or Field Answering Machine (Telephone) Repair Computer Or Computer System - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field Data Processing Systems - Service Or Repair Shop Or Field Dictating Machine Repair - Shop Or Field Instrument - Professional Or Scientific - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field Meat Slicers Or Grinders - Counter Type - Service Or Repair Office Machine Repair - Shop Or Field Organ Tuning - Away From Shop Photocopy Machines - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field Piano Tuning Scale Adjustment, Service Or Repair, Counter Type Soap Dispenser Installation And/Or Servicing - Rest Rooms - By Specialist Contractor Telephone Service Or Repair By Specialist Crew Of A Contractor Or Other Than By Telecommunications Company Time Clocks, Recording Employee Time Installation And Repair Typewriter Repair - Shop Or Field Voting Machine - Service Or Repair Word Processor - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field X-Ray Equipment Installation, Repair Or Service 953 Clerical OFFICE Employees Are employees exclusively engaged in keeping the books or records of the business or conducting correspondence or who are engaged wholly in office work where such books or records are kept or such correspondence is conducted. Clerical office employees work exclusively in a separate building or on separate floors or in departments on such floors which are separated from all other workplaces of the employer by floor-to-ceiling partitions except for retail stores where a partition at least five feet high is required and within which no work is performed other than clerical office duties. Office employees shall be separately classified except in connection with any classification designated “all employees including office.” OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign to the employer’s applicable field-of-business classification the following “clerks:” counter, front desk, lobby, mall kiosk, stock or tally clerk. Assign librarians to the employer’s applicable field-of-business classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 96 3. 4. CLASSIFICATIONS Assign cashiers or any employee whose regular and frequent duty is accepting payment for merchandise or services rendered, whether working in a booth, behind a counter or on a sales floor, to the employer’s applicable field-of-business classification. Assign the entire payroll of any clerical office employee who has any other regular duty to the applicable classification in accordance with the class to which the business is assigned. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Advisory Rating Organization - Clerical Office Boy Or Girl Scout Council - Clerical - Except At Camp Locations Clerical Office Employees Computer Programmer Draftsman Mailing Lists - Compiling/Selling - Risk's Only Operation Race Track, Pari-Mutuel Clerks Real Estate Agency - Clerical Workers In Office Telephone Or Telegraph Operator 954 SECURITY AGENCY A security agency may also be known as a guard and patrol service. Such businesses are principally engaged in providing unrelated private sector or government customers with armed or unarmed private security personnel (also known as security officers) to guard the customer’s premises and surrounding property against unlawful or undesirable activities (e.g., fire, theft, vandalism). To accomplish these overall goals a guard/security officer’s duties may include but are not necessarily limited to the tasks discussed below. A guard may control access to the customer’s building or another off-road site (e.g., construction), direct traffic onto or off of the customer's premises and answer telephones. A guard’s duties may be stationary (when the guard is assigned to a fixed location) or mobile (in a car covering a specified area). A guard may conduct a walking tour of the assigned location and/or monitor closed-circuit television cameras. A security guard (e.g., in a retail store) may wear ordinary clothing, but typically a security guard will wear a uniform with a badge that clearly identifies the person as a security guard and designates the guard’s employer. A security guard may maintain a logbook or write a report on their work shift activities and observations. Private security guards generally do not have police powers, but store guards will act to stop shoplifters (turning suspects over to the local police) and armed guards may act to stop robberies (e.g., in a bank) or, if acting as bodyguards, to protect the client(s) before the police can arrive. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assign Code 660 to a separate crew of employees of a security agency that installs or repairs alarms. Assign Code 904 to separate staff engaged in performing any type of investigations for unrelated customers. Assign Code 601 to flagging service contractors. Assign the employer’s governing class to security guards employed by a business to protect that business’ premises and property. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Repossessing, By Specialist Contractor Guard Or Patrol Service - By Contractor Parking Enforcement Officer (Meter Maid) Employed By A Parking Authority Security Agency 955 ENGINEERING CONSULTING FIRM, mechanical, civil, electrical or mining engineering consulting firms, or architectural firms Businesses principally engaged in providing computer and/or software consulting services are assignable to Code 951 and to Code 953 as classes may apply. Engineers or architects employed by concerns whose field of business is actual construction, manufacturing, mining or installation operations shall be assigned in accordance with the class or classes appropriate to the business of the employer, unless the operations subject to Code 955 are conducted as a separate and distinct enterprise. Clerical or drafting employees of consulting architects or engineers are properly assigned to Code 953 provided they meet the conditions described in Section 1, Rule IV, B. 2. a. and b. Separate staff performing test boring for soil samples shall be assigned to Code 607. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 97 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Air Conditioning: Non-Portable, Air Flow Testing And Balancing - By Specialist Contractor Analytical Chemical Firm Architectural Firm, Supervising Art Conservation, Preservation Or Restoration - By Specialist Contractor Assaying - By Specialist Contractor Book Conservation - By Specialist Contractor Civil Consulting Engineering Firm Consulting Engineering Firm Dermatological Lab - Testing Cosmetics - By Specialist Contractor Document Conservation - Paper - By Specialist Contractor CLASSIFICATIONS Electrical Consulting Engineering Firm Engineering Consulting Firm - All Types Of Engineering Landscape Architectural Firm, No Construction Work Mechanical Consulting Engineering Firm Mining Consulting Engineering Firm Non-Destructive Testing - All Kinds - By Specialist Contractor Paper Document Conservation - By Specialist Contractor Research And Development (Including Prototypes) - By Specialist Contractor Surveying - By Specialist Contractor Testing - Non-Destructive - All Kinds - By Specialist Contractor 956 LAW FIRM, all employees including office This classification is for law firms. Attorneys employed by other establishments whose field of business includes but is not necessarily limited to manufacturing or construction shall be assigned to the classification consistent with the employer’s business. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Attorney - Independent Contractor Law Firm 957 PHYSICIAN or DENTIST, all employees including clerical office except home health care service employees This classification is for the physician’s or dentist’s office. Includes licensed practitioners engaged in the practice of general or specialized dentistry, medicine, surgery or therapy (physical or mental). Does not apply where inpatient overnight care is provided. Those practicing veterinary medicine shall be assigned to Code 959. Physicians or dentists employed by a health care facility shall be assigned in accordance with the class appropriate to the medical business at the location. Physicians or dentists employed by a temporary medical staffing contractor, and who are provided on a temporary basis to unrelated health care facilities, shall be assigned to Code 946. Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Birth Center - Not Operated By A Hospital Blood Bank Chiropodist Office Clinic - Outpatient Services Only Clinical Laboratory - Independent Dental Assistant - Employed By A Dentist Office Dentist Office Hair Transplantation Mental Health Center - Outpatient Services Only Optometrist Office Osteopath Office Physical Therapy - By Specialist Contractor Physician Office Psychiatrist Office Psychologist (M.A. or Ph.D.) Office Speech Therapy - By Specialist Contractor X-Ray Service - Non-Hospital 958 REHABILITATION HOSPITAL, all employees including office Health care facilities that are licensed as rehabilitation hospitals or psychiatric hospitals by the State of Pennsylvania and who do not meet the criteria for assignment to the hospital classification and are not licensed as a nursing home shall be assigned to this classification. This classification applies to a category of rehabilitative facilities that falls between a full-service hospital and a nursing home. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 98 CLASSIFICATIONS Types of Facilities to be included in this classification are: Rehabilitation hospitals Psychiatric hospitals Alcohol and/or drug residential facilities licensed as Inpatient Non-Hospital-Detoxification or as Inpatient Non-Hospital-Drug Free UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alcohol And/Or Drug Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility Detoxification (Alcohol And/Or Drug) Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility Drug And/Or Alcohol Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility Hospital, Psychiatric Hospital, Rehabilitation Inpatient Non-Hospital Detoxification Or Drug Free Licensed Facility Psychiatric Hospital Rehabilitation Hospital 959 VETERINARIANS, including employers raising and caring for non-farm domestic animals. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Animal Raising - Non-Farm Domestic Animals Artificial Insemination Of Animals Bee Raising Breeding Of Animals, Non-Farm Domestic Dog Kennel Dog Obedience Classes Hospital, Veterinary Laboratory Animal Breeding Or Raising (Rats, Mice, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Etc.) Livestock Tattooing, By Contractor Poultry Vaccination, Debeaking And Sexing, By Contractor Society For Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Tattooing, Livestock, By Contractor Veterinarian Veterinary Hospital Worm Raising 960 NURSING and CONVALESCENT HOME – Long Term Care Facility with 50% or more beds Licensed as Intermediate Care or Higher – all employees except office and home health care services. Applies to concerns operating health care facilities that are licensed by the State of Pennsylvania as long term care and have 50 percent or more of their beds licensed as Intermediate Care or Higher. These firms offer varying degrees of care to patients who may be incapacitated in differing degrees including bedridden patients. Intermediate Care means nursing care and related medical or other personal services to individuals within the context of a planned program of care and supervision on a continuous twenty-four hour basis in an institutional setting. Skilled Nursing Care means high intensity comprehensive planned care including rehabilitative or restorative therapy, complex medical or drug therapy, diet supervision, trained observation and/or nursing care available on a twenty-four hour basis. These insureds may or may not be multiple tier facilities meaning there is a mix of licensed beds and unlicensed quarters such as apartments or cottages. A class assignment to either Code 960 or to Code 974 is dependent upon the counting procedure delineated below. Personal care, intermediate care or skilled nursing beds shall be counted per bed. Apartments or cottages shall be counted per number of units with each unit being the equivalent of a bed. Those with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher are assignable to Code 960. Those with less than 50 percent so licensed are assignable to Code 974. There shall be no payroll division between Code 960 and Codes 974 and 979 at a single location/campus. Types of Facilities to be included in this classification are: Convalescent home, with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher Life Care Community, with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher Nursing home, with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher Retirement Community, with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 99 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Convalescent Home - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher Life Care Community - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher Long Term Care Facility - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher Nursing Home - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher Retirement Community - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher 961 HOSPITAL – all employees, including office but excluding employees performing home health care services Only those medical institutions providing general hospital facilities shall be assigned to Code 961 "Hospitals." The following minimum criteria shall be used as a guide for determining those risks assigned to this classification: 1. An organized staff of doctors subject to a duly authorized set of by-laws adopted by the hospital. 2. Registered nurse supervision and such other nursing services to provide patient care 24 hours a day. 3. (a) Surgical facilities and/or (b) Operating or delivery room 4. Relatively complete diagnostic and treatment facilities for medical patients on the premises, and 5. Diagnostic X-ray and clinical laboratory services regularly and immediately available. In general, hospitals licensed by the State of Pennsylvania, under the following types, meet these criteria and shall be assigned to Code 961 - "Hospitals." Type of Facility General hospitals which admit maternity patients General hospitals which do not admit maternity patients Code 961 includes clerical office personnel engaged in the business administration of the hospital or related functions regardless of whether the office personnel are located at or contiguous to the hospital or at a location separate from the hospital. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Workfare Program Employees or employees performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Hospital, All Employees 962 ACCOUNTING or AUDITING FIRM – all employees including clerical office This classification is for accounting or auditing firms. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 951 to an independent insurance traveling auditor employed by an unrelated business. 2. Assign Code 951 or Code 953 to personnel employed by unrelated businesses principally engaged in providing computer and/or software consulting services. 3. Assign Code 984 to an insurance traveling auditor employed by an insurance company. 4. Accountants or auditors employed by a business whose field-of-business may include but is not necessarily limited to manufacturing or construction shall be assigned to the classification consistent with the employer’s field-of-business. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 100 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Accounting Firm Auditing Firm (Not An Independent Insurance Traveling Auditing Firm) CLASSIFICATIONS Public Accounting Firm Tax Preparation Service 963 CHURCH – all employees including office, except cemetery employees Includes religious education provided by the church. Payroll division must be provided for schools and hospitals at separate locations. Payroll division shall also be provided to Code 891 for a day nursery school, kindergarten or daycare center or to Code 965 for an elementary and/or secondary school for children operated on the church premises from Monday through Friday, when such is separately staffed. If two or more churches are served by one or more common employees, insurance must be provided by a single policy, issued in the names of all such churches or missions as “joint employers.” Such a policy must insure only the liability for injury to employees who are employed jointly by the several churches. If one or more of the individual churches also has employees employed by it alone, separate policies must be issued in the name of each such individual church to insure the liability to such employees. Such policies must contain the “Church Endorsement – Pennsylvania,” as shown in Section 3. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Church Synagogue 964 SHELTERED WORK SHOPS – all employees including office This classification is for establishments certified as sheltered work shops (exempted from the Federal Minimum Wage Law) by the United States Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Sheltered Workshop 965 COLLEGE OR SCHOOL, N.O.C. – all employees including office----- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 968 to employers principally engaged in providing sports instruction or training including but not necessarily limited to: gymnastics, swimming or martial arts training facilities. 2. Assign Code 982 to Workfare Program employees. 3. Assign Code 890 to separately located and staffed public libraries. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Trade School, Except Flying School College Or School, N.O.C. Dance Studio, Not Operated In Conjunction With Dance Hall School District - Public, Private Or Parochial School, Aircraft, All Employees Except Flight Crew School, Trade Or Vocational Trade School Tutoring Service By Independent Provider Union Trade School University Vocational Educational Institution 966 TELEVISION, VIDEO, AUDIO or RADIO EQUIPMENT SERVICE OR REPAIR – Shop or Outside Separately staffed store operations shall be assigned to the appropriate store class. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 101 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Audio/Video Equipment Repair Automobile Radio Or Telephone Installation Car Phone Installation Citizen Band (CB) Radio Installation Or Repair Compact Disc Player Repair CLASSIFICATIONS Telephone Or Radio Installation - Automobile Television, Video And/Or Audio Equipment Installation, Service Or Repair, Including Installation Of Antenna Video Cassette Recorder And Video Camera Repair Video/Audio Equipment Repair 967 THEATERS – all employees including office UNDERWRITING GUIDE Dance Band - Independent Contractor Dance Company Disc Jockey Service - Non Broadcasting Drive-In Theater Entertainer Motion Picture Theater Musician, Independent Contractor Orchestra Theater (Including Drive-In) Theatrical Productions Traveling Orchestra 968 AMUSEMENT, INDOOR Health or exercise clubs shall be assigned to Code 884. Organized athletics are excluded from this classification and are assigned to Code 970. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Amusements, Indoor - See Entry By Topical Name Billiard Hall Bingo Hall Bowling Alley Cheerleading Instruction - By Independent Contractor Club, Swim - Indoor Club, Tennis - Indoor Dance Hall Gymnastics Training Karate Or Other Martial Arts Institute Martial Arts (Including Karate) Institute Pool Room Racquetball Club Recreational Facility Or Amusement Devices, Indoor - See Entry By Topical Name Shooting Gallery - Indoor Skating Rink - Ice Or Roller - Indoor Skee-Ball Alley Sports (e.g., Basketball, Ice Hockey Or Boxing) Training Facility - Not Organized Athletic Team Swim Club - Indoor Tennis Club - Indoor Video Game Arcade 969 AMUSEMENT, OUTDOOR: fairs, exhibitions, amusement parks or any outdoor amusement that is permanently sited. --- OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Ticket sellers or collectors and box office employees. 2. Employees engaged in the sale of food or beverages or gift/souvenirs from vending carts or by carrying the merchandise on their person. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign the applicable restaurant classification to payroll developed in a separately located and staffed prepared food and/or beverage service. 2. Assign Code 928 to payroll developed in a physically separate and staffed gifts/souvenirs sales operation. 3. Assign Code 981 to payroll developed in separately located and staffed slot machine gambling operations. See the Code 981 class description for the scope of that classification. 4. Separately classify to Code 970 professional and semi-professional athletics as defined in that class’ description. 5. Assign Code 939 to any traveling (not permanently sited) amusement. 6. Assign Code 953 to race track pari-mutuel employees. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 102 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITINGGUIDE Amusement Park Amusements, Outdoor - See Entry By Topical Name Arboretum Archery Range Athletic Parks Operation Ball Or Dart Throwing At Targets Baseball Batting Range Cave, Exhibition Club, Swim - Outdoor Club, Tennis - Outdoor Exhibition - Outdoor Exhibition Garden Fair - Permanently Sited Fishing Pond, Public Garden - Open To Public Exhibition Golf Course - Miniature Golf Driving Range Horse Show Jockey - Employed By A Race Track Kiddie Rides - All Operations - Permanently Sited Miniature Golf Course Park, N.O.C. Pitch And Putt Golf Course Pony Rides Race Track Operation Recreational Facility Or Amusement Devices, Outdoor - See Entry By Topical Name Shooting Gallery - Outdoor Skating Rink - Outdoor Ski Tow Operation Stadium Operation – Outdoor - By Contractor Or Owner Swim Club - Outdoor Swimming Pool, Public Or Private - Outdoor Tennis Club - Outdoor Tennis Court, Public - Outdoor Zoo 970 ATHLETIC TEAM - professional and semi-professional ---. This classification includes --- all players on the employer’s salary list whether regularly played or not, coaches, managers, trainers, equipment managers or sports officials ---. The entire remuneration of each --- player, coach, manager or sports official should be included in computing premium, subject to a maximum of $60,000 per --- policy year. --- When --- a player, coach, manager or sports official works for two or more teams in the same sport during the --- policy year, the maximum shall be pro-rated. The remuneration of an individual --- player, coach, manager or sports official is subject to a minimum of $500.00 per --- policy year, including board and lodging. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Game staff (bench or dugout) providing water or equipment to the players. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 951 to separate scouting staff. 2. Assign Code 953 to separate clerical office staff. 3. Assign Code 969 to non-bench or non-dugout game staff, including but not necessarily limited to: cheerleaders, dancers, mascots, persons mingling with the fans to rally support and/or distribute tshirts and persons videotaping fan reactions or the game when the sport is played in an outdoor stadium. 4. Assign Code 971 to non-bench or non-dugout game staff, including but not necessarily limited to: cheerleaders, dancers, mascots, persons mingling with fans to rally support and/or distribute free tshirts and persons videotaping fan reaction or the game when the sport is played in an indoor arena. 5. Assign Code 969 to separate staff operating/maintaining the outdoor stadium. 6. Assign Code 971 to separate staff operating/maintaining the indoor arena. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Athletic Team, Professional Or Semiprofessional Athletics, Organized Baseball Club Football Player, Professional Organized Athletics Semi-Professional Athletic Team 971 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS – operation by owner, lessee, or management firms including care, custody and/or maintenance of premises. specialist contractor. Also includes janitorial or window cleaning services by a Also includes generalist and specialist commercial building cleaning (including window cleaning) and building maintenance contractors. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 103 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Arena Operation – Indoor – By Contractor Or Owner Building Cleaning, No Exterior Wall Cleaning Building Service Contractor Civic Center - Operation By Specialist Contractor Cleaning Of Grease Exhaust, Air Conditioning, Heating And Ventilating Ducts - By Specialist Contractor Cleaning, Sanitizing Or Deodorizing Restrooms By Contractor Commercial Or Industrial Building Operation - By Owner, Lessee Or Real Estate Management Firm Contractor For Building Cleaning Duct Cleaning - Grease Exhaust, Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating - By Specialist Contractor Exterminator Fire, Smoke And/Or Water Damage Clean-Up - By Contractor Flea Market Or Swap Meet Operators Floor Waxing Or Polishing - By Building Owner, Lessee, Management Agency Or Contractor CLASSIFICATIONS Fumigating - Not Agricultural - By Contractor Janitor Service Contractor Kitchen Equipment Exhaust Duct Cleaning - By Specialist Contractor Mobile Home Park - Operation Or Maintenance By Contractor (Not Recreational Vehicle Campground) Post Construction Clean-Up - New Homes - By Specialist Contractor Storage - Self-Service Sweeping Of Parking Lots - Shopping Areas And Similar Areas, By Specialty Contractor Swimming Pool Cleaning Or Maintenance - By Specialty Contractor Swimming Pool Liner Installation - Vinyl, By Swimming Pool Maintenance Contractor Termite Control - By Contractor Warehouse - Storage - Self-Service Window Cleaning Contractor 973 HOTEL - all employees except office, food service or beverage operations and slot machine gambling staffs. Please see the Hotel Or Motel Operations entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information on the scope of this class. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bed and Breakfast Golf Course Operated By Hotel Motel Religious Retreats 974 RETIREMENT OR LIFE CARE COMMUNITY – with less than 50% of beds Licensed as Intermediate Care or Higher – all employees except office and home health care services. LIFE CARE/RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES offer lifetime guarantees for housing and long term skilled nursing care. These facilities provide independent living units, personal care units and intermediate skilled care units at one site. The client pays a one-time entrance fee and subsequent monthly maintenance fees. Clients enter through independent living units and as needed progress onto higher levels of care. A Life Care or Retirement Community is a multiple tier facility meaning it has a mix of licensed beds and unlicensed quarters such as apartments or cottages. These insureds are classified to either Code 960 or to Code 974 dependent upon the counting procedure delineated below. Personal care, intermediate care or skilled nursing beds shall be counted per bed. Apartments or cottages shall be counted per number of units with each unit being the equivalent of a bed. Those with 50 percent or more beds licensed as intermediate care or higher are assignable to Code 960. Those with less than 50 percent so licensed are assignable to Code 974. Such may be certified by the Insurance Department as a Life Care Community. When not certified, care is purchased on an “as needed” basis. There shall be no payroll division between Code 974 and Codes 960 and 979 at a single location/campus. Types of Facilities to be included in the classification are: Continuing Care Community, with less than 50 percent of beds licensed as intermediate care or higher Life Care Community, with less than 50 percent of beds licensed as intermediate care or higher Retirement Community, with less than 50 percent of beds licensed as intermediate care or higher © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 104 CLASSIFICATIONS OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: A facility operated by a religious organization for the purpose of providing health care services exclusively to clergy or other persons in a religious profession who are members of the religious organization operating the facility. These facilities are exempt by statute from the health care facility and personal care home definitions and, hence, from the Departments of Health and Public Welfare regulations respectively. Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Life Care Community - With Less Than 50 Pct. Of Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher Retirement Community - With Less Than 50 Pct. Of Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher 975 RESTAURANT, N.O.C. – all employees except office Applicable to retail businesses principally engaged in preparing food(s) and selling the prepared food(s) and beverages (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) to the public for immediate consumption on the businesses’ premises. This is a "traditional" restaurant where customers may either select their table or be seated by a hostess or another of the businesses’ employees, browse a varied menu while seated at their table and place their food order with a member of the wait staff who will then place the order with the kitchen staff. The prepared food will be served to the customer by the wait staff who remains available to further assist the customer during the course of the meal. Where wait service is provided it is the practice for customers to give a gratuity to the wait staff person based upon the quality of service provided. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 944 to country or yacht clubs or golf courses. Assign Code 945 to hotel restaurants. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Dinner Theater Restaurant, N.O.C. 976 Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., and Community Center, including summer camps and day care centers – all employees including office, except home health care services employees. Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adult Day Center Community Center Day Center For The Elderly Daycare - Mentally Disabled, No Residential Facility Affiliation Daycare Center Operated By A Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. Senior Citizens Center Y.M.C.A., Y.M.H.A., Y.W.C.A., Y.W.H.A., Etc. 977 BARBER SHOP, BEAUTY PARLOR OR HAIR STYLING SALON UNDERWRITING GUIDE Barber Shop Beauty Shop Day Spa Not Affiliated With A Health Club Or Swimming Pool Electrolysis Hairdressing Shop Hat Cleaner Manicuring Shop Massage Therapy Services Tanning Salon 978 CAMPS, SUMMER OR WINTER, – all employees including office at camp locations. Separate staff--- working exclusively at non-camp locations may be separately classified. Executive Secretaries of Boy or Girl Scout Councils shall be assigned to Code 951. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 105 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boy Or Girl Scout Councils Camp Operations, Including Clerical Workers At Camp Locations Camp, Boy Or Girl Scout - Day, Summer Or Winter Commercial Camp Recreational Vehicle Campground Scout Camp Summer Camp 979 RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY – NON-MEDICAL – all employees except office and home health care Applicable to businesses providing custodial/personal care for residents who are ambulatory and where facilities are non-medically oriented. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides two definitions for custodial care/personal care: (1) Care to maintain an individual not involving highly skilled rehabilitative or nursing services; (2) Care to maintain an individual that can be given by a layman, i.e., food, shelter and unskilled supervision. Includes facilities licensed as personal care homes by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW). Information published by DPW discloses a large percentage of personal care home residents are over the age of 60. Such facility may also provide personal care service for individuals with physical dis-abilities, Alzheimer’s disease, senility or other cognitive dysfunctions. There shall be no payroll division between Code 979 and Codes 960 and 974 at a single location/campus. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Also included are residential facilities for the elderly that offer their guests services including but not necessarily limited to laundry, dietary (a common dining area), housekeeping (the insured's employees will clean client living areas), recreation and/or related social programs. Typically these facilities have beds licensed as personal care and unlicensed quarters (apartments or cottages) or have only un-licensed quarters (apartments or cottages). OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classi-fied as provided in this Manual. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Personal Care Home Residential Facility For The Elderly - Non Medical CITIES AND TOWNS 980 CITY, TOWNSHIP, Borough or County – all employees ---. For political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Assign Code 884 to Health Clubs. Assign Code 887 to Museums. Assign Code 890 to Public Libraries. Assign Code 944 to Golf Courses. Assign Code 951 to Inspectors Assign Code 953 to Clerical Office. Assign Code 982 to Workfare Program Employees. Assign Code 983 to Housing Authorities. Assign Code 985 to Auxiliary Police, Guards at Correctional Institutions, Prisons or Prison Farms and Salaried Police Officers or Firefighters. Assign Code 993 to Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Assign Code 994 to Volunteer Fire Companies. Assign Code 996 to Volunteer Hazardous Materials Response Teams. Assign the applicable nursing home classification to nursing homes. Assign the applicable field-of-business classification to municipal authorities based upon each authority’s principal operation (e.g., Code 753 to a sewage disposal plant authority). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 106 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Borough Employees, N.O.C. City Emp. Except Sewer Const., Sal. Policemen & Firemen, Vol. Firemen, Aux. Police, Workfare Emp., Clerical Office City Employees, N.O.C. County Employees, N.O.C. County Road Districts Forest Ranger - Not State Employees Garbage Works - Reduction Or Incineration Municipal Meter Maid - Employed By A Municipality CLASSIFICATIONS Municipal Or County Employees, N.O.C. Road Maintenance By Municipal Employees School Crossing Guard Sewage Disposal Plant, Municipal Town Employees, N.O.C. Township Employees, N.O.C. Water Supply System - Operated By A Municipality 981 SLOT MACHINE GAMBLING - all employees including office. --- Includes all personnel --- of the licensed slot machine gambling facility ---. A licensed slot machine facility is defined to include the gaming floor, all restricted areas servicing slots operations, and food, beverage and retail outlets, and other areas serving the gaming floor which are located on or are directly accessible from and adjacent to the gaming floor or the restricted areas servicing slots operations. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: As provided for in this Manual separately classify: 1. Areas or amenities exclusive to horse racing including pari-mutuel wagering. 2. Hotel operations. 3. Retail merchandise facilities, food and beverage outlets and other amenities or activities not located on or adjacent to the gaming floor, or related to slot machine gambling operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Slot Machine Gambling 982 WORKFARE PROGRAM EMPLOYEES The Public Welfare Code as amended establishes the Workfare Program which applies (and this classification) to employable recipients of public assistance who have been delegated by the Department of Public Welfare to perform work for public or non-profit private agencies or for-profit temporary help firms for temporary placement with private, nonprofit or for-profit employers under Workfare projects. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Workfare Program Employees 983 HOUSING AUTHORITY – including resident or on-site managers --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Separately rate to the applicable construction classification(s) new construction, alterations or demolition as provided in this Manual. Assign Code 982 to Workfare Program Employees. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Housing Authority 984 INSURANCE COMPANY – all employees including office --- A business chartered under state law that undertakes to indemnify for losses pursuant to a written contract of insurance and to perform other insurance related operations. Such business is also licensed by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department as an insurance company. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 107 CLASSIFICATIONS --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: As provided for in this Manual, separately classify any contractor providing a service(s) to an insurance company. Such businesses may include but are not necessarily limited to the types of businesses listed below: 1. Independent insurance agents 2. Consulting actuarial firms 3. Advisory rating organizations 4. Independent auditing firms 5. Independent claim adjusting firms 6. Third party claims administrators UNDERWRITING GUIDE Adjuster, Insurance Company Auditor (Insurance Company), Traveling Inspection Of Mercantile, Mfg. Or Risks For Insurance Or Valuation Purposes - By Insurance Company Insurance Company Traveling Insurance Company Auditor 985 POLICE OR FIREFIGHTERS, SALARIED Employees of Cities, Townships, Boroughs or Counties Also includes auxiliary police or special school police appointed by municipalities or townships. For such personnel, premium shall be based upon the actual remuneration subject to a minimum payroll of $4,050 per year for each employee performing services at any time during the year. Further included are private contractors hired to operate a correction facility or who operate a private correction facility or who provide security services and security personnel serving in the capacity of correction officers in a correction facility. Employees engaged exclusively as school crossing guards are construed as non-uniformed personnel and shall be assigned to Code 980. HEART & LUNG ACT (Act 193, P.L. 477. Approved June 28, 1935, As Amended) This Act provides a special form of workers' compensation benefit to professional police officers and firefighters injured on the job. The compensation under the Act is provided only to the aforementioned employees when the work related injury is temporary but totally disabling. Typical injuries covered by the Act are sprains and strains, back and knee injuries and broken bones. Police officers and firefighters typically recover from these kinds of injuries, so they are temporary. However, during the recovery process, the employees tend to be unable to perform their jobs. Heart & Lung Act compensation provides the employee 100 percent of his/her straight-time pay, while maintaining all benefits. The injured employee is also entitled to the benefit of any pay raises that occur during the period of his/her disability. The Pennsylvania Workers' Act provides for payment of two-thirds of the employee's salary at the time of injury. Exclude from the payroll audit remuneration paid under the Heart & Lung Act subject to verification of appropriate supporting documentation by the auditor. Reasons for excluding such remuneration: • Such compensation is considered workers' compensation payment, which is not construed to be remuneration. • Remuneration paid under the Heart & Lung Act is a benefit prescribed by law, i.e., municipal employers had no choice but to grant this remuneration. As such, these payments should be treated as a benefit provided by the employer and not treated as remuneration. In contrast, regular sick pay is voluntarily provided to employees as wages earned for services rendered and is, therefore, included as remuneration. • While sick pay is included as salary for income taxation, payments under the Heart & Lung Act are excluded for income tax purposes. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 108 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Auxiliary Police Correctional Institution Guards (Not State Employees) Fire Department - Paid Fire Patrol Or Protective Corp. - Independent - Paid Firemen - Not Volunteer Guards At Corr. Institutions, House Of Corr., Prisons Or Prison Farms - Not State Employees House Of Correction Guards (Not State Employees) CLASSIFICATIONS Police - Auxiliary Police Deputies Police, Special School Police Policemen And Detectives Prison Farm Guards (Not State Employees) Prison Guards (Not State Employees) Sheriff And Sheriff's Deputies 986 SHELTER OR HALFWAY HOUSE – RESIDENTIAL – NON-MEDICAL – all employees including office Applicable to shelters for the homeless, victims of domestic abuse or unwed mothers or to halfway houses for prison release programs or drug and alcohol residential facilities not otherwise classified. Such are short term non-medical residential facilities providing in a non-institutional environment counseling and training in daily living skills aimed at reintegrating residents into the community. Services provided to clients may also include but are not necessarily limited to: counseling for specific client needs, advocacy services, job training, child care and help in seeking services available to the clients in the community. All provided services and the insured’s administrative staff (regardless of location) are included within the scope of this class. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: Facilities providing non-medical residential care such as community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS) for mentally ill clients, group homes not licensed as intermediate care facilities for developmentally disabled clients having eight or fewer clients per facility or children and youth residential services shall be assigned to Code 941. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Alcohol/Drug - Halfway House - Not Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility Halfway House - Pre-Parole Or Probation Home For Unwed Mothers - No Medical Services Maternity Home - No Medical Services Shelter For The Homeless Shelters For Victims Of Domestic Abuse 987 CHECK CASHING SERVICES – all employees including office Applicable to establishments principally engaged in check cashing for a fee. Such risks may also provide money orders, wire transfers, lottery tickets, transit passes/tokens or postage stamps to their customers, each for a separate fee. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Check Cashing Service Foreign Currency Exchange 988 BANK – all employees including office Applicable to businesses whose operations must include the deposit and holding of money in the form of checking/savings accounts or certificates of deposit. In addition these risks may also provide credit extensions, commercial/consumer loans or mortgages. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. The operation of trusts, repossessed or other business properties away from the bank premises. Financial agencies engaged solely in providing home equity loans, debt consolidation, or mortgage services who do not receive money deposits and/or provide interest bearing accounts to their borrowers. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Bank Credit Union Savings And Loan © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 109 CLASSIFICATIONS 992 SANITATION COMPANY For establishments engaged in the cleaning of septic tanks, cesspools or chemical portable toilets. Rubbish or garbage removal performed by a separate staff shall be assigned to Code 995. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cesspool Cleaning, By Contractor Portable Toilet Leasing/Servicing Sanitary Company (Septic Tank, Cesspool Or Chemical Portable Toilet Cleaning) Septic Tank Cleaner 993 VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS The per Corps (Company) charge shall be applied on a per location basis, regardless of the number of ambulances garaged at each location. Any stipends paid to a member(s) of a volunteer ambulance corps should be considered remuneration except to the extent that stipends paid qualify as expense reimbursements (See Section 1, Rule V, Item F.1. Employee Expense Reimbursements). UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ambulance Corps - Volunteer Volunteer Ambulance Corps 994 Firefighter – VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY Please see the Volunteer Fire Departments and/or Volunteer Fire Companies – Workers’ Compensation Insurance Options entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for further information. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Fire Department - Volunteer Fire Police - Special Voluntary Firemen - Volunteer Police, Special Fire - Voluntary Volunteer Fire Company 995 RUBBISH OR GARBAGE REMOVAL --- OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: Code 995 also includes but is not necessarily limited to businesses performing: 1. Environmental cleanup services 2. Sewer or water main cleaning by hydraulic method 3. Street sweeping 4. Cleaning of permanently-sited tanks including the bulk storage type 5. Debris box rental/service or dumpster rental/service OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 862 to the collection and sorting of recyclables (e.g., newspapers, beverage cans, glass or plastic bottles) by separate collection and sorting staff(s) with the sorting taking place in a physically-separate work area. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 110 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ash Collecting Cleaning Permanently-Sited Tanks Or Railroad Tank Cars – By Contractor Containerized Trash Removal Debris Box Rental/Service Dumpster Rental/Service Environmental Cleanup Services Flood Debris Cleanup (Except Building Demolition) - By Contractor Garbage Or Rubbish Removal Garbage Works - Reduction Or Incineration Private Landfill Operations By A Rubbish Or Garbage Removal Contractor Oil Spill Cleanup Pipe Cleaning - Interiors Of Sewer Or Water Mains By Hydraulic Method Railroad Tank Car Cleaning – By Contractor Rubbish Or Garbage Removal Sewer Cleaning - Interiors Of Sewer Or Water Mains By Hydraulic Method Street Sweeping - By Contractor Tank Cleaning – Permanently Sited - Including Bulk Storage Type By Contractor Trash Dumpster/Debris Box Rental/Service Trash Removal Including Containerized Waste Removal - Industrial And/Or Domestic Water Main Cleaning (Interiors Of) By Hydraulic Method 996 VOLUNTEER HAZardous MATerials Response TEAM UNDERWRITING GUIDE Haz Mat (Hazardous Materials) Response Team - Volunteer Volunteer Haz Mat (Hazardous Materials) Response Team CEMETERIES AND UNDERTAKERS 997 UNDERTAKERS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Crematory Operation Funeral Director Undertaker 999 CEMETERY UNDERWRITING GUIDE Cemetery Operation Cemetery, Opening Graves, Removing And Reinterring Remains AGRICULTURE Agriculture, the art or science of cultivating the ground, includes not only farming but also horticulture – the cultivation of a garden or orchard, the art of growing fruits, vegetables or ornamental plants – and the breeding, raising and care of livestock for sale or for dairying purposes. Agriculture includes the marketing and transportation of these products by the farmer. Code 917 may also be assigned when a retail store is operated by a separate crew of employees with no interchange of labor with the employer’s other operations and when separate payroll records are kept. FARMS 0006 FIELD CROP or VEGETABLE FARM – the raising of all field crops or vegetables or --- general farms which carry on a variety of operations --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 113 to separately-staffed food processing operations. Assign the appropriate inside domestic workers classification to inside domestic workers. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 111 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Farm, Crop Farm, Field Crop Farm, Grain Farm, N.O.C. Farm, Tobacco CLASSIFICATIONS Farm, Vegetable Grain Farm Tobacco Farm Vegetable Farm 0008 MUSHROOM RAISING Applies to businesses engaged in raising mushrooms, including the incident production of hay or other materials for compost. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 113 to separately-staffed mushroom canning operations. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Farm, Mushroom Mushroom Raising Mushroom Spawn Production 0011 FLOWER RAISING Applicable only to businesses raising flowers in fields or under glass to be marketed on a commercial basis as cut flowers or living plants. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 919 to separate staff in a physically-separate store or outlet at the same or contiguous location to the flower raising. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Flower Raising Greenhouse, Flower Or Vegetable Growing Hot House, Vegetable Growing Hydroponic Vegetable Production Vegetable Growing, Hot House 0013 NURSERY Applicable to businesses principally engaged in raising trees (including Christmas trees), shrubs, plants or sod farms. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Christmas Tree Planting, Cultivating And Harvesting Farm, Tree Sod Farm 0016 ORCHARD – the raising of fruit or nut trees or of berries or grapes. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 113 to separately-staffed wine, apple juice, or similar products manufacturing. Assign inside domestic workers to the appropriate inside domestic workers classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 112 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Berry Or Fruit Farm Cranberry Grower Farm, Berry Farm, Fruit Farm, Vineyard Fruit Farm CLASSIFICATIONS Fruit Packing, By Grower Fruit Picking Orchard Or Fruit Farm Orchard Or Vineyard Vineyard Or Orchard 0034 ANIMAL RAISING – egg production, fish hatcheries, hogs, poultry or calf raising for veal. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assign Code 0170 to farms raising fur-bearing animals. Assign Code 111 to separately-staffed hog or calf dressing operations. Assign Code 865 to separately-staffed poultry dressing operations. Assign inside domestic workers to the appropriate inside domestic workers classification. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Animal Raising - Egg Production, Fish Hatcheries, Hogs, Poultry Or Veal Calf Raising For Veal Farm, Chicken Farm, Egg Producer Farm, Fish Farm, Poultry Fish Grower Fish Hatchery Hatchery - Poultry Hog Farm Ostrich Farm Piggery Poultry Or Egg Producer Veal Calf Raising 0036 DAIRY FARM – Farms engaged in the production of milk and other dairy products. --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 109 to separately-staffed milk plant processing operations. Assign inside domestic workers to the appropriate inside domestic workers classification. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Dairy Farm Farm, Dairy Milk Producer - Fluid Only 0083 LIVESTOCK (excluding dairy or horse) FARM – includes but is not necessarily limited to the raising of cattle, sheep or goats in fields/pastures --- OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign inside domestic workers to the appropriate inside domestic workers classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 113 UNDERWRITING GUIDE Breeding Farm - Cattle, Sheep Or Goats Cattle Farm Farm, Livestock CLASSIFICATIONS Goat Farm Livestock (Excluding Dairy Or Horses) Farm Animal Raising In Fields/Pastures Sheepmen 0170 FUR BEARING ANIMAL FARMS – includes grading, sorting and packing UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chinchilla Farm Fur Bearing Animal Raising Mink Farm MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS “Members of Religious Orders” as used in this Manual shall mean those individuals who are members of a religious denomination and who have taken the vow of poverty. Such individuals may be assigned to perform duties in churches, hospitals, schools or other institutions. The term “Members of Religious Orders – Occasional,” as used in the Manual shall mean those individuals, as defined above, who perform services for a period of less than six months during the policy period. 0901 MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Members Of Religious Orders 0902 MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS – OCCASIONAL UNDERWRITING GUIDE Members Of Religious Orders - Occasional DOMESTIC WORKERS 0908 DOMESTIC WORKERS - INSIDE – OCCASIONAL. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Domestic Workers - Inside - Occasional 0909 DOMESTIC WORKERS - OUTSIDE – OCCASIONAL – including occasional private chauffeurs (Codes 0912 and 0909 are not available for use in connection with the operation of a farm.) UNDERWRITING GUIDE Domestic Workers - Outside - Occasional - Including Occasional Private Chauffeurs 0912 DOMESTIC WORKERS - OUTSIDE – including private chauffeurs UNDERWRITING GUIDE Chauffeurs, Private - Not Available For Use With Any Farm Class Domestic Workers - Outside - Including Private Chauffeurs 0913 DOMESTIC WORKERS - INSIDE, excluding office employees UNDERWRITING GUIDE Domestic Workers - Inside, Excluding Office Employees © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 114 CLASSIFICATIONS EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITION MFG. 4771 EXPLOSIVES Or Ammunition MFG., N.O.C. Includes but is not necessarily limited to: bag loading - propellant charges, black powder mfg., cap, primer, fuse, booster or detonator assembly, cartridge charging or loading, fireworks mfg., high explosives mfg., projectile, bomb, mine or grenade loading, projectile or shell mfg., shell case loading or smokeless powder mfg. – single base. Code 0771 must be applied to Code 4771 payroll to determine the mandatory catastrophe reserve which is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. Businesses or separately located and staffed facilities engaged in the preparation and/or distribution of blasting agents and/or the distribution of high explosives shall be classified by Code 4777. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Black Powder Mfg. Blasting Cap Mfg. Cordite Mfg. Dynamite Mfg. Explosives Or Ammunition Mfg., N.O.C. Fireworks Mfg. Fuse Mfg., Explosive High Explosives Mfg. Nitroglycerin Mfg. Projectile Loading Smokeless Powder Mfg. 4775 CARTRIDGE LOADING OR CHARGING Includes all operations involving the handling of explosives or mixing of fulminate. Explosives or fulminate manufacturing shall be separately rated. Also applies to shell case loading, propelling charge and bag loading, to 20 mm. and over and assembling with loaded projectile. Projectile or primer loading shall be separately rated. Code 0775 must be applied to Code 4775 payroll to determine the mandatory catastrophe reserve which is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ammunition Mfg. Bag Loading, Explosives Cartridge Charging Or Loading Flare Mfg. Shell Case Loading 4777 EXPLOSIVES DISTRIBUTOR Includes the preparation and/or distribution of blasting agents and/or the distribution of high explosives and/or the distribution or exhibition of fireworks. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. Assign Code 609 to blasting operations conducted by a separate crew. Assign Code 4771 to explosives manufacturing except for cartridge loading or charging which is assignable to Code 4775. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Anfo Mfg. Blasting Agents Mfg. Fireworks Distributor And/Or Exhibitor Slurry Blasting Agents Mfg. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 115 CLASSIFICATIONS MARITIME or FEDERAL EMPLOYMENTS (1) Liability under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. (a) To provide insurance against liability under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, the Standard Workmen’s Compensation and Employers’ Liability Policy shall be used with endorsement providing for coverage under such Act (See Section 3). (b) The rates for the following classifications have been calculated to provide coverage under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act: STEVEDORING: Any or all of the following operations conducted by employees not members of the crews of vessels shall be classified as “Stevedoring”: 1. Loading or unloading, stowing, shifting or trimming of cargo, supplies and materials on board vessel. 2. Transfer of cargo, supplies and materials between vessels and pier, irrespective of the necessity of work on board vessels by employees of the insured. 3. Transfer between stringpiece and point of deposit on dock or adjacent warehouses – including tiering, sorting and breaking down. 4. Operation of all mechanical equipment, including dock tractors, in connection with the above. Any or all operations as defined above shall be assigned to Code 7309F if the operations described by Item 2 above, whether conducted by one or more concerns, require the use of hoisting equipment except as provided under Code 7327F. All other operations shall be assigned to Code 7317F. Drivers not conducting Stevedoring operations as defined above shall be assigned to Code 811. 6824F BOAT BUILDING OR REPAIR This classification is applicable to the construction or repair of wood, metal, fiberglass or plastic yachts, motor boats, sailboats or rowboats not exceeding 150’ in length overall where the coverage is under the U.S. Act. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Boat Building Or Repair 6826F MARINA Applicable to all waterfront operations, including but not necessarily limited to: the operation of boat docks, storage facilities, repair shops or marine railways, the sale or repair of boats or engines, the sale of parts or accessories, dockside snack bars and all dockside employees. The operation of separately-staffed inland boat showrooms or the operation of separately-staffed motels, restaurants, swimming pools, bowling lanes or other recreational facilities shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. Separate staff engaged in boat building are assignable to Code 6824F. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Marina - With Federal Coverage 6843F SHIP BUILDING, IRON OR STEEL Includes fabrication or assembling of ship plates or frames, all yard operations and shops directly connected with the construction of hull. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Ship Building, Iron Or Steel Including Naval © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 116 CLASSIFICATIONS 6872F SHIP REPAIR OR CONVERSION – ALL OPERATIONS Includes shop or yard operations as well as the operation of dry docks and marine railways. Applicable only to concerns engaged in general ship repair or conversion. Work performed on ships by other concerns shall be assigned to the Manual classes describing the work. See special rules for application of U.S.L. factor to State classification. (See Rule XII). UNDERWRITING GUIDE Dry Dock Operation Marine Plumber, Not Boat Or Shipbuilding Marine Railway Operator Painting Ship Hulls Rigging, Ship Ship Cleaning Ship Repair Ship Scaling 7309F STEVEDORING, N.O.C. When policies are issued covering both Codes 7317F and 7309F, no division of payroll shall be permitted in connection with the loading or unloading of any one vessel. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Stevedoring, N.O.C. 7313F COAL DOCK OPERATION AND STEVEDORING Applies to coal docks using mechanical apparatus. Not applicable to contract stevedores or coal merchants operating yards. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Oil Or Coal Dock Operation - Waterfront Ore Dock Operation 7317F STEVEDORING – BY HAND OR HAND TRUCK EXCLUSIVELY Includes incidental use of power-driven escalators or conveyors or operation of tractors or trailers through side ports. No use of hoisting equipment. No payroll division in connection with a single vessel. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Automobile Haulaway Or Driveaway Service, Driving Cars On Or Off Vessels Stevedoring, By Hand Or Hand Truck Exclusively 7327F STEVEDORING – CONTAINERIZED FREIGHT Applies to ships designed for freight carrying containers. No work in holds. Separately staffed over-the-road trucking operations shall be assigned to Code 811. No payroll division with a single vessel. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Containers, Stevedoring Stevedoring Containers 7366F FREIGHT HANDLERS – On piers or in terminals in areas adjoining piers Applies to handling cargo on piers or adjoining areas or terminals, incident to loading or unloading vessels. Such cargo handling includes but is not necessarily limited to: freight checks, stuffing and/or stripping containers, loading and/or unloading trucks and/or railroad cars. Freight handling not on piers or in terminals in areas adjoining piers (Stevedoring) conducted by a separate staff shall be assigned in accordance with the class or classes appropriate to the business of the employer. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Freight Handling On Piers Or Terminals Or Adjoining Piers © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 117 CLASSIFICATIONS 8709F STEVEDORING – TALLYMEN AND CHECKING CLERKS Engaged in connection with stevedoring work. Coverage under U.S. Act. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Stevedoring Tallymen Weighers, Samplers Or Inspectors Of Merchandise On Vessels Or Docks 8726F STEAMSHIP LINE OR AGENCY – PORT EMPLOYEES This classification includes superintendents, captains, engineers, stewards or their assistants and pay clerks. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Steamship Lines Port Employees (2) Other Maritime or Federal Employments. Maritime or Federal employments other than the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (and Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act), do not come under the provisions of Sections 651-655, Act 283, Laws of 1921. Accordingly, the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner states he does not have jurisdiction over the coverage, rules and rates for these other Maritime and Federal employments. In compliance with Federal AntiTrust laws the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau cannot promulgate rates for these coverages. (3) Dredging Operations. The rating value published in the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Manual for Code 055 (for dredging of materials on non-navigable waterways), Dredging, contemplates coverage under the State Act only. If coverage is desired under the U.S.L. Act, the Federal increase factor shown in Section 2 shall be applied. A single policy may be issued including Pennsylvania Act coverage, U.S.L. coverage and Admiralty coverage providing the classification of operations in the policy declarations is subdivided to clearly indicate the classes and rating values for Dredging operations subject to: (a) (b) The Pennsylvania Act alone or including U.S.L. Act coverage and Admiralty jurisdiction. In lieu of a single policy, two separate policies may be issued as follows: (a) (b) A standard Pennsylvania policy using rates approved by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, applicable to Pennsylvania coverage only, or to Pennsylvania and U.S.L. coverage. Such policy shall be endorsed to exclude Admiralty coverage. An Admiralty policy. AIRCRAFT OPERATION The classifications described under this class group apply to fixed wing and other aircraft. The phrase “members of the flying crew” is defined to mean all flying personnel engaged in the operation of aircraft or the care of passengers or cargo in flight. It includes, but is not limited to employees designated as airplane commanders, pilots, check pilots, co-pilots, flight engineers, navigators, technical or other observers, flight technicians, radio or radar operators, hosts, hostesses, stewards, stewardesses and pursers. Ticket sellers and information clerks away from airport locations shall be separately classified by Code 953. Ticket sellers, information clerks and personnel engaged in performing the checking-in of passengers and baggage at airport locations shall be assigned to Code 7428. When noted, an aircraft operations classification allows use of an associated classification for designation of a mandatory nonratable catastrophe reserve. 7405 AIRCRAFT OPERATION – scheduled and supplemental air carriers - all members of the flying crew. This classification shall apply to scheduled or commercial air carriers, including cargo carriers, operating under Part 121 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Code 7445 must be applied to Code 7405 payroll to determine the catastrophe reserve that is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 118 CLASSIFICATIONS UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Operation - Air Cargo Carrier Aircraft Operation - Scheduled Air Carrier Aircraft Operation - Supplemental Air Carrier 7413 AIRCRAFT OPERATION – commuter air carriers – all members of flying crew This classification shall apply to commuter air carriers who operate under Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, conduct at least five round trips per week between two or more points, and publish flight schedules that specify the times and places between which flights are performed. Code 7453 must be applied to Code 7413 payroll to determine the catastrophe reserve that is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Operation - Commuter Air Carrier 7421 AIRCRAFT OPERATION – transportation of personnel in the business of an employer not otherwise engaged in aircraft operations – all members of the flying crew This classification applies to the payroll of the pilot and all members of the flying crew. In the case of aircraft owned or operated by an employer in the conduct of his business, this classification shall apply to the payroll of executive officers or other employees acting as pilots or members of the flying crew. If the records of the employer clearly indicate the weeks in which flying is performed by such employees, (1) only the payroll for each week during any part of which the employee has engaged in flight duties shall be assigned to this classification unless the classification applicable to the employee’s non-flying operations carries a higher rate in which event such classification shall apply and (2) the payroll for each week in which no flying has been done shall be assigned to those classifications which would otherwise apply. If the records of the employer do not clearly indicate the weeks in which flying is performed by such employees, the entire payroll for such employees shall be assigned to this classification unless the classification applicable to the employee’s nonflying operations carries a higher rate in which event such classification shall apply. Commercial aircraft operation to be separately rated. A per passenger seat surcharge, subject to a maximum surcharge of ten seats per aircraft, shall be charged in addition to the premium otherwise determined under this classification. These surcharges shall not be cumulative in the event of substitution of aircraft during the policy period; but these surcharges shall be cumulative in the event more than one aircraft is owned or operated during the same policy period. These surcharges shall not be subject to pro rate or short rate adjustment except in the event of cancellation of the policy. These surcharges and losses to employees, other than members of flying crew, arising out of the operation of an aircraft, are to be reported under Code 9108. Attach Endorsement WC 00 04 01A. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Operation - Personnel Transport 7424 AIRCRAFT OPERATION, N.O.C – including but not necessarily limited to air taxi, patrol, photography, mapping, skywriting advertising, survey work, sightseeing, student instruction, crop dusting or spraying or flight testing – all members of the flying crew. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aerial Patrol Or Photography Aircraft Flight Testing Aircraft Operation - Agricultural Aircraft Operation - Air Taxi Aircraft Operation - Crop Dusting, Seeding Or Spraying Aircraft Operation - Forest Fire Fighting, Spotting And Observation Aircraft Operation - Mapping Or Survey Work Aircraft Operation - Patrol Aircraft Operation - Photography Aircraft Operation - Sightseeing Aircraft Operation - Skywriting Advertising Aircraft Operation - Stunt Flying Aircraft Operation, N.O.C. Aircraft Sales Agency - Flight Operations Helicopter Operation, N.O.C. Hot Air Ballooning Photographer - Aerial School, Aircraft, Flight Employees Stunt Flying © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 119 7428 CLASSIFICATIONS AIRPORT OPERATION – ground employees Ticket sellers or information clerks away from airport locations shall be separately classified by Code 953. Ticket sellers, information clerks or personnel engaged in performing the checking-in of passengers or baggage at airport locations shall be assigned to Code 7428. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Cleaning - Including Specialist Contractor Aircraft Fueling Or Refueling - Including By Specialist Contractor Aircraft Operation - Ground Employees Aircraft Remanufacturing, Conversion Or Modification Not By The Original Aircraft Manufacturer Aircraft Service And Repair Airport Hangar Operation 9108 Airport Operation - Groundmen Flying Field Ground Personnel - Aircraft And/Or Airport Operations Hangar Operation Heliport Operation - Ground Personnel AIRCRAFT Passenger Seat Surcharge The maximum surcharge is ten seats per aircraft. For details see Code 7421, Aircraft Operations, Transportation of Personnel for Business. Premium developed under Code 9108 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating. UNDERWRITING GUIDE Aircraft Seat Surcharge 9740 Terrorism Statistical Code 9740 relates to premium charged for losses covered under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 as amended, and extended by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007. Premium developed under Code 9740 is not subject to premium discount, experience rating, merit rating, schedule rating or retrospective rating. 9741 Catastrophe (other than Certified Acts of Terrorism) Premium developed under Code 9741 is not subject to premium discount, experience rating, merit rating, schedule rating or retrospective rating. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 120 CLASSIFICATIONS INDEX GENERAL AUDITING & CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION Automobile Dismantlers Automobile Service/Gasoline Station Bakery Products Distribution Ceramic Shops Classification and Test Audit Inquiries Clearing Of Land Commission Salespersons Drivers Employment Contractor - Temporary Staffing Executive Officers - Classification Assignment Executive Supervisors - Construction Or Erection - 951 Frozen Or Frosted Food Products Mfg. Home Health Care Services Homeowners’ Association Hotel Or Motel Operations Limousine Operation Minimum Wage Procedure Nursing Home, Personal Care Home and Residential Care Facility Classification Guideline Per Diems Prefabricated Metal Building Premium Collection for Owner-Operators Prevailing Wage Payments Product Assembly Definition Property Management Firms Regular and Frequent Retail Store With Manufacturing Concern Self-Service Gasoline Stations And Convenience Grocers Shop Repair Operations Ski Resorts Snow Plowing and/or RemovalTruck Stops Volunteer Fire Departments And/Or Volunteer Fire Companies - Workers’ Compensation Insurance Options Wholesale/Retail Mail Order House Or Internet Sales - Definitions Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 121 CLASSIFICATIONS GENERAL AUDITING & CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION AUTOMOBILE DISMANTLERS A business whose operations include the dismantling of automobiles or other types of vehicles to recover usable/salable used parts shall be classified pursuant to the manner in which the employer is principally engaged. Please see the “Definitions” Ruling and Interpretation for additional information on principally engaged. Below find examples of reasonably common classification assignments for such businesses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assign Code 815 to businesses principally engaged in dismantling automobiles or other vehicles to recover usable/salable used parts and the sale of such and new parts. Assign Code 815 to businesses principally engaged in performing automobile repairs (e.g., mechanical or body). Assign Code 818 to businesses principally engaged in the sale of new and/or used automobiles or other vehicles (e.g., trucks, motorcycles). Assign Code 858 to businesses principally engaged in the collection, handling and sale of ferrous scrap metal. Assign Code 860 to businesses dismantling automobiles or other vehicles and collecting and handling a combination of ferrous and/or nonferrous scrap metal and/or other secondhand commodities (e.g., paper, glass) with no principal line of merchandise. Assign Code 934 to businesses principally engaged in the sale of new and/or used automobile parts. There may be a payroll division with Code 815 when such businesses also provide automobile repair services or dismantle automobiles when the following conditions are fulfilled: the automobile repair services or automobile dismantling is conducted in a physically separate work area by separate employee crews and the majority of the automobile parts sold are sold to unrelated customers and are neither installed or used by the business for repair services. Assign Code 825 to businesses principally engaged in the storage of automobiles (e.g., an impound lot) or in the parking of customers’ automobiles. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE/GASOLINE STATION It is common for automobile service stations or gasoline stations to be engaged in both the sale of gasoline and the performance of automobile service or repair. When both operations are conducted at the same or contiguous location, such establishment shall be classified on the basis of the principal operation: When more than 50 percent of the gross receipts result from automobile service or repair, assign Code 815, Automobile Service Center. When more than 50 percent of the gross receipts are from gasoline sales, assign Code 816, Automobile Filling Station. An assignment of Code 815 or Code 816 is mutually exclusive for operations conducted at the same or contiguous location. Please refer to the separate entries in the General Auditing & Classification Information section “Self-Service Gasoline Stations and Convenience Grocers" and “Truck Stops” for information on classifying such enterprises. BAKERY PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTION Payroll developed in the wholesale distribution of bakery products, including but not necessarily limited to bread, cakes, pies, cookies or crackers by a baker whose production facilities are located in another state or by an independent business (not related to a bakery) must be assigned to Code 924. CERAMIC SHOPS The operations contemplated by the term “ceramic shops” are manual with little or no mechanization. The major material is a liquid clay known as slip. After mixing, the clay is poured or pumped into plaster of paris or rubber molds. When dry, the clay is now called greenware (an unfired shape or figurine) which is manually trimmed, inventoried or shelved for further hardening and curing, then sold to customers. Retail customers often paint or finish the greenware and return it to the shop for firing. A ceramic shop will often hold classes for students who © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 122 CLASSIFICATIONS will perform all of the above functions except for the firing. The ceramic shop may also sell paints, artist-type brushes, decals and ceramic hand tools. Payroll developed in operations as discussed above shall be assigned to Code 928 . CLASSIFICATION AND TEST AUDIT INQUIRIES Written classification inquiries may be submitted to the Classification & Field Operations Department of the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau (PCRB) in one of the following methods: via facsimile, USPS, or via the PCRB’s website ( For the last method please click on “Classification” on the website’s main menu and then click on “Classification Inquiries.” For the Classification & Field Operations Department of the PCRB to operate effectively, it is important that the PCRB have the full cooperation of every carrier, agent and employer in providing the essential information that the PCRB needs to make classification rulings and to otherwise be of service to you. The information the Classification & Field Operations Department needs to properly respond to inquiries from carriers, agents or employers on classification questions is: • • • • • • • A complete listing of all Pennsylvania operating locations The exact name (as shown in Item 1 of the policy) and address of the business in question The Bureau file number (if available) of the business in question (see Rating and Underwriting Reference via the Application Login or “Classification inquiries”) A full and accurate written description of the business in question, including any available audits, loss control reports and/or insurance application information Reason why a change in classification is being requested, i.e., has a substantial change in the employer’s operations recently occurred? The name, title and telephone number of a management representative whom a PCRB field representative can contact to schedule an appointment with the employer (in the event that a field survey is necessary) Employer’s website address If a carrier or agent is requesting a classification review in conjunction with a policy audit, the audit worksheets for the policy(ies) in question should accompany the request and, if applicable, the name(s) and a detailed job description of the employee(s) whose payroll allocation is being questioned. Please note the importance of this item, since a considerable amount of time would be saved by the PCRB not having to ask for this information by return correspondence. Also note that it is not the PCRB’s role to become involved in every dispute involving the allocation of a particular employee’s payroll to a given classification. Allocations of payroll are made by the carrier. Since the PCRB did not perform the audit, the PCRB does not normally have the relevant facts on which to base an opinion or render a decision. Issues/disputes of this kind should initially be referred to the carrier’s regional audit manager for resolution. Upon receipt of the written inquiry the PCRB will determine whether the information presented is sufficient to determine the employer’s applicable classification. In those cases where the information provided is insufficient, the PCRB will usually schedule the employer for a field survey/special audit or issue a “Description of Operations Questionnaire.” Following the field survey/special audit or receipt of the completed questionnaire, the PCRB will issue a written ruling on the matter that will be communicated to authorized parties. These decisions are subject to further review as delineated in the “Appeals from Application of the Rating System Procedure” – Section 1, Rule XVI. With respect to telephone requests, an official binding PCRB decision on classification/audit matters cannot be provided over the telephone. However, the PCRB will offer opinions as requested. To that end a carrier, agent or employer who telephones the PCRB on a classification/audit question should: • • • Identify himself/herself and indicate the firm he/she represents; Give the name, address and PCRB file number (if available) of the employer in question; Be knowledgeable of the facts surrounding the situation and prepared to provide specific responses to any questions asked. Please remember the PCRB is in a position to reply only to an employer relative to its account, the authorized agent or carrier-of-record or another representative of the employer (providing the PCRB has received a signed, recently-dated letter on the employer’s letterhead authorizing the representative to act on the employer’s behalf in the matter at issue). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 123 CLASSIFICATIONS CLEARING OF LAND Below find the class assigned to payroll developed in each of four different but common types of land clearing or right-of-way clearing or maintenance projects. Such class listing does not waive either the underwriting or payroll division rules delineated in Sections 1 or 2 of this Manual. 1. Assign Code 009 for tree cutting/felling by chain saw regardless of tree size and the incident removal of brush and/or stumps. 2. Assign Code 015 for tree cutting/felling by mechanized equipment regardless of tree size and the incident removal of brush and/or stumps. 3. Assign Code 609 for all methods of clearing or removing brush and/or stump removal not incident to tree removal except for road construction. Such work for a road job or project is subject to Code 602. 4. Assign Code 005 for all methods of tree pruning, spraying (except aerial tree spraying, which is assignable to the applicable aircraft operation class) or trimming, including incident tree removal and all incident operations. 5. Assign Code 012 for brush or weed control using chemicals dispensed from portable or mechanical ground spraying equipment. COMMISSION SALESPERSONS (Deductible Expenses) Commissions paid to commission salespersons shall be included in the audit of payroll for premium computation purposes, except that traveling and all other expenses of the salespersons in connection with their employment may be deducted provided the salespersons report such expenses and the insured maintains a definite verifiable record of them. Arbitrary flat percentages shall not be allowed under the provisions of this interpretation nor shall automobile depreciation be deductible as an item of expense unless such depreciation comprises a part of the mileage rate allowance. DRIVERS (Payroll Allocation) It is the Bureau's position that the payroll of drivers, chauffeurs or their helpers which cannot be allocated to a specific classification because they have duties common to more than one classification shall be assigned to the governing classification of the two or more classifications to which their work belongs. The above ruling does not supersede any Manual rules found in Section 2 of the Pennsylvania Manual, nor does it supersede any Manual wording footnotes found in Section 2 regarding the allocation of payroll for the 800series of classifications (Trucking and Storage Industry). Example: Insured X has approved classifications Code 0034, Animal Raising, and Code 865, Poultry and/or Fish Dealer/Processor. If insured X had separate crews of drivers that did not interchange their duties between the two operations, the separate crews would have their payroll allocated to the separate respective classifications. If no such separate crew existed and the drivers, etc. have duties common to both operations, their payroll would be assigned to the governing classification exclusive of miscellaneous employee payroll. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 124 CLASSIFICATIONS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR – TEMPORARY STAFFING Employers engaged in supplying temporary staffing to unrelated concerns shall in all instances be classified in accordance with the temporary staffing classes shown in Section 2 of this Manual per the cross-reference chart below subject only to specified EXCEPTIONS for temporary staff engaged in the various occupations or tasks listed after the chart. The cross-reference chart shows which business classifications are assignable to each appropriate temporary staffing class. The customers' assigned business classification shall be a guide in selecting the temporary staffing class(es) utilized in classifying the different portions of a temporary staffing contractor's payroll. Temporary staffing is a business that hires its own employees and assigns them to an unrelated business to support or supplement that unrelated business' permanent workforce in a special work situation including but not necessarily limited to employee absences (e.g., vacation or illness), temporary skill shortages, seasonal workloads or special assignments or projects. The temporary staffing business usually contracts to fill a job but not to supply a particular person to fill that job. The special work situation generally involves a work assignment that may be of varying time length from a single day to any period less than a year. TEMPORARY STAFFING CLASSIFICATION Assignable Customer Business Classification(s) 185 For example, the table entry 104 indicates that temporary staff performing duties which would be subject to Bureau classification 104 if performed by direct employees of the client are to be assigned to the temporary staffing Code 185. In total there are 23 temporary staffing classifications for which there is a single assignable customer business classification, seven temporary staffing classifications with multiple assignable customer business classifications and one temporary staffing classification, Code 889, which applies to all temporary clerical or technical service staff regardless of the customers' business classification(s). TEMPORARY STAFFING CROSS-REFERENCE CHART 185 104 187 107 189 113 191 161 275 221 276 222 291 255 297 281 491 403 493 445 495 451 497 472 499 475 587 563 691 609 693 651 695 661 867 813 871 921 877 879 881 883 889* 914 923 926 928 953 956 895 965 962 * Code 889 also applies to temporary clerical or technical service staff provided to customers subject to any other business classification(s). © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 125 101 103 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 114 601 602 603 605 606 607 608 611 615 682 655 656 657 658 659 660 663 664 665 617 645 646 647 648 649 652 653 654 946 940 957 958 959 960 961 974 979 115 119 130 132 134 135 136 139 163 165 166 201 204 205 225 227 257 261 263 CLASSIFICATIONS 265 282 285 301 305 306 311 319 323 327 402 404 406 407 411 413 415 416 421 425 544 427 429 431 433 435 441 446 447 449 454 456 457 458 459 461 463 465 467 471 473 474 476 477 483 485 486 487 488 489 501 502 506 507 509 511 512 513 514 535 536 551 553 555 929 666 667 668 669 670 673 674 675 676 0011 012 0013 141 142 662 716 751 752 677 679 681 885 886 910 915 916 917 918 919 753 755 757 759 814 815 816 818 820 825 880 882 884 887 890 891 892 893 894 947 896 897 898 899 936 939 941 944 945 920 922 925 927 932 933 934 935 005 009 015 025 028 050 051 055 059 948 952 954 963 964 966 967 968 969 971 973 975 976 977 978 981 983 984 986 721 801 803 804 805 806 807 808 987 988 997 999 7428 571 573 581 718 744 4771 4775 4777 937 809 810 811 812 817 821 855 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 865 907 911 924 980 992 995 949 709 819 903 904 951 955 1. AVIATION – any temporary personnel provided as flight crew in any capacity shall be assigned to the appropriate aircraft operation classification. 2. LONGSHORING – personnel provided to load or unload a vessel shall be assigned to the appropriate stevedoring classification. 3. SHIP BUILDING – temporary staff provided to perform work concerned with either ship building and/or ship repair shall be assigned to the appropriate Federal classification. 4. FARM LABOR – any temporary staff shall be assigned to the appropriate agricultural classification or if provided to perform mechanical harvesting, picking and related activities utilizing machinery shall be assigned to Code 007. 5. COAL MINING – any temporary staff engaged in mining coal or to staff a coal breaker and/or cleaning plant shall be assigned to the appropriate Coal Mine Compensation Rating Bureau classes. 6. LEASED EMPLOYEES – the leasing of personnel shall not be construed as temporary staffing. 7. CLERICAL – all temporary clerical staff shall be assigned to Code 889 regardless of the customer's business classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 126 CLASSIFICATIONS 8. HOME HEALTH CARE – any personnel performing home health care services shall be assigned to the appropriate home health care class as provided in Section 2 of this Manual. 9. The following classifications are not available as a guide in classifying temporary staffing contractors: 985, 993, 994, 996, 0901, 0902, 0908, 0909, 0912 and 0913. 10. WORKFARE PROGRAM EMPLOYEES – assign Code 982 for employable recipients of public assistance delegated by the Department of Public Welfare for temporary placement by a temporary staffing contractor with private, nonprofit or for-profit employers under Workfare projects. 11. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTOR'S PERMANENT STAFF – shall be assigned to Codes 951 and 953 as they may apply. Other permanent staff employees with duties falling beyond the scope of the standard exception classes shall be assigned to Code 971. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS - CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENT A significant number of disputes occur as a result of the misclassification of executive officers' payroll. In an attempt to enhance the accuracy and consistency of the treatment of these issues by insurance companies, below find a series of questions that the PCRB believes will aid in the determination of the proper classification for executive officers. • • • • Who are the officers of the corporation for the policy period in question? Was each of these officers active in the business during the policy period in question? What were each officer's exact job duties? How many hours a week (or what percentage of time) does each officer work in the store, shop, job site, farm, etc.? • How many hours a week (or what percentage of time) does each officer spend in the basic classification work area, providing direct supervision and/or giving instructions to employees? • How many hours a week (or what percentage of time) does each officer spend out of the office for sales calls, meetings or other similar purposes? Please also see Section 1, Rule IX, Paragraph A., 5. "Assignment of Payroll" that advises an executive officer shall be classified in the same manner as any employee. Also please see the "Regular and Frequent" entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section. EXECUTIVE SUPERVISORS - CONSTRUCTION OR ERECTION - 951 The assignment of Code 951 is applicable only to executive supervisors who do not exercise direct supervision of construction or erection operations. Code 951 is not applicable to supervisors permanently located at a given job location until the completion of that job. Code 951 is also not assigned to the payroll of any individual who is directly in charge of construction workers (including general laborers) at a specific job location. Any person who is directly in charge of construction work or construction employees at a specific job location shall be assigned to that job classification or, if more than one classification is assigned, to the highest-rated classification for that job if separate payroll records are not maintained. The job duties of an executive supervisor would include time spent in an office and visits to a job site. Such supervision given by an individual classified under Code 951 must be indirect; i.e., through another person such as a superintendent or foreman. The executive supervisor has overall managerial responsibility for the various projects. That responsibility may include making arrangements for the procurement of materials and/or the delivery of supplies, procurement of subcontractors, maintenance of construction timetables, visits to job sites to keep track of job progress, conferring with clients, architects and engineers, and traveling to and from the company's headquarters. It also contemplates clerical office exposure and the part-time hazards of walking and climbing around on job sites. Typically, the use of the classification is applicable to large construction companies that have at least one level of supervision between the executive supervisor and the worker. It is also applicable in situations where numerous smaller projects are in progress simultaneously and the executive supervisor has the managerial responsibility for all of them. An exception to the above-stated application would apply to a job superintendent responsible for and physically located at a specific job site where all operations are subcontracted to unrelated concerns. In this instance, the contractor has no construction workers at the job site, and the superintendent cannot exercise direct control of the subcontractor's employees. Therefore, in this circumstance the job superintendent should have his/her payroll assigned to Code 951. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 127 CLASSIFICATIONS FROZEN OR FROSTED FOOD PRODUCTS MFG. The processing of frozen foods shall be assigned to the classification which would apply if the product was not frozen. This ruling is made as the application of cold to either chill or freeze food products is common to a number of food processing classifications. It has been determined that the freezing operations of themselves do not change the fundamental characteristics of the risk. HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES Applicable to any business providing home health care services to individuals or to families in their residence. The services provided may include skilled services under a physician's written direction that include but are not necessarily limited to nursing care, home infusion therapy, physical, speech and/or occupational therapy and/or nonprofessional services, including but not necessarily limited to home health aide, attendant care, companions and live-ins and/or home support services such as homemakers or chore workers. Payroll so developed shall be classified in the manner indicated below. Code 942, "HOME HEALTH CARE - Professional Staff, all employees except office," includes registered or licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, physical, speech and/or occupational therapists, medical social workers and outside salespersons. Code 943, "HOME HEALTH CARE - Nonprofessional Staff, all employees except office," includes but is not necessarily limited to home health aides and certified home health aides, certified nurse assistants, attendant care aides, companions and live-ins and home support personnel such as homemakers and chore workers. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 942 to outside salespersons employed by a home health care business that performs only nonprofessional home health care services. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. Assign Code 928 to separate staff engaged in the sale or rental of durable hospital equipment or supplies such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, commodes and walkers to the individual home health care patient. HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION A Homeowners’ Association is responsible for the care of residential or recreational home developments. Such developments may have part-time residents who use the development for vacation or recreational purposes and/or year-round residents. Assign Code 971 to the maintenance of common grounds (e.g., roads), and the operation and maintenance of recreational amenities (e.g., swimming pools, tennis courts and/or clubhouses) and security. Association operations conducted by separate employee crews including but not necessarily limited to: golf courses, stables, restaurants, sewage plant and water works shall be separately classified as provided for in this Manual. HOTEL OR MOTEL OPERATIONS The two classifications applicable to hotel/motel operations are Codes 973 and 945. Code 973 shall include all operations performed by hotel or motel employees except for separate food service and beverage staff(s). Employees assigned to Code 973 include but are not necessarily limited to: front desk employees, persons engaged in the operation of newsstands, candy or cigar shops or similar activities, personnel operating or maintaining indoor or outdoor swimming pools, the golf course(s), video game room, the health or fitness club, tennis courts or other hotel or motel guest amenities, maids, housemen, inside or outside maintenance, store workers, barbers, laundry workers, employees performing concierge services (i.e., arrangements for tours, theater tickets or the rental of automobiles), or opening boxes and/or bags and laying out pre-packaged food or beverages and/or precooked food (including heating of the precooked foods in a microwave oven) and/or making coffee for a continental breakfast where there is no other food service or beverage operations. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 128 CLASSIFICATIONS Separate staff exclusively engaged in the hotel's food service or beverage operations shall be classified by Code 945 which includes but is not necessarily limited to: waiters or waitresses and their assistants, cooks, kitchen help, bartenders, cashiers, restaurant managers, musicians or entertainers. On the auditing procedures for tips and musicians or entertainers, see Section 1, Rule V. Payroll developed by interchanging hotel and hotel restaurant employees shall be assigned to Code 973 or to Code 945, whichever has the higher value. OPERATIONS ALSO INCLUDED: 1. Religious retreats. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Please refer to the Ski Resorts entry in the General Auditing & Classification Information section for the classification procedure for such businesses. The businesses of a concessionaire or independent contractor operating on the premises of a hotel or motel will be classified on the merits of their operations. Assign Code 953 to employees of the hotel or hotel restaurant exclusively engaged in clerical office duties. Assign Code 981 to payroll developed by slot machine gambling operations when conducted in a physically separate department by a separate staff. LIMOUSINE OPERATION Limousine operation means the rental of a vehicle with driver or chauffeur for use on defined trips in connection with weddings, funerals, business, social functions, shopping or similar purposes. Such business is assigned to Code 817. Limousine operation does not include the operation of a vehicle that is available for immediate hire (on a call and demand basis) with fares to be determined by zone or meter. Such business is classified by Code 803. Payroll developed in the provision of ambulance services on an employee or non-volunteer basis shall be assigned to Code 807. MINIMUM WAGE PROCEDURE Section 1, Rule V., B. 2. o. of the Manual remuneration includes: Adjustments necessary to bring employees to the federal minimum wage as reported by the United States Department of Labor. Section 1, Rule V., B. 3. e. of the Manual remuneration excludes: tips and other gratuities received by employees. All carriers are required to include an adjustment to equal the current federal minimum wage. The auditor should verify if all employees' wages equal or exceed the federal minimum wage. If not, the following adjustments should be made, assuming the current minimum hourly wage for tipped employees is included. 1. Determine the average number of full-time tipped employees and the normal work hours. • 35 hour week x (the difference of federal minimum wage and the tipped employees' minimum wages) x number of tipped employees x 52 weeks. 2. Determine the average number of part-time tipped employees and the normal work hours. • Number of hours x (the difference of federal minimum wage and the tipped employee minimum) x the number of tipped employees x 52 weeks. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 129 CLASSIFICATIONS NURSING HOME, PERSONAL CARE HOME AND RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINE The following guidelines have been developed to aid in the classification of employees of a typical nursing home/personal care home. Proper documentation on audit worksheets should be added whenever exceptions are made to these guidelines. These guidelines, to varying degrees, affect the following basic business classifications. Code 960, NURSING AND CONVALESCENT HOME Code 974, RETIREMENT OR LIFE CARE COMMUNITY Code 979, RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY – NON MEDICAL Nursing home/personal care home employees do not have to provide actual “hands on” care to the patients and/or residents in order to have their payroll assigned to one of the above basic classifications. The object of the classification system is to group insureds into classifications so that the rating value for each classification reflects the exposures common to such distinct business enterprise (See Section 1, Rule IV. C. 2. and 3.). It is the business of the insured that is classified within Pennsylvania, not the separate employments, occupations or operations within the business. Employees who typically comprise the basic classification for a nursing home/personal care home are activity staff, beauticians or barbers (usually remunerated through a 1099), dining room set-up and servers, drivers, food preparation, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance/plant including supervisors, nurses (registered nurses, licensed practical nurses), nurses aides including certified nurses aides, security and therapists (physical and speech). Employees typically considered office employees include accounting, accounts payable and accounts receivable, business office, bookkeeping, finance, human resources and the office manager. These employees must work in a physically separate office as defined in Section 1, Rule IV, B. 2. Codes 960, 974 and 979 are “all employees except office,” which means none of the three classes permit payroll division with Code 951, Outside Sales. With the above statements in mind, the payroll of nursing home/personal care home employees should be assigned in the following manner. ADMINISTRATOR/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Each facility has a licensed nursing home or residential care facility administrator on site who is in charge of all operations at the facility. This employee prepares budgets, reviews departmental reports, answers questions of department managers, deals with licensing issues, handles public relation issues, attends community events to promote the business, deals with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act) regulations, deals with employee benefits, handles safety issues, interprets procedures and writes plans of correction based on inspection reports. The employee will attend patient care plan meetings. The administrator will make rounds of the facility on a regularly scheduled basis. Each round will vary as to the amount of time it takes depending on the size and complexity of the facility. During rounds, the administrator walks the halls to observe that the patients are being cared for properly, there are no unreported maintenance issues, no housekeeping issues that are unsolved, the floor has adequate staffing and the general appearance of the facility is acceptable. The administrator will stop and talk to residents to inquire if they have any complaints or concerns and will talk to family members and volunteers who may have questions. The administrator will not provide direct patient care. By state law (for nursing homes only) the administrator is not permitted to feed, toilet, administer medications or provide any other type of care. However, administrators do keep track of how often nurses see patients. Administrators should have their payroll assigned to the applicable basic classification, as they are regularly exposed to the operative hazards of the nursing home/personal care facility. An administrator’s job duties fall beyond the Manual definition of a clerical office employee. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 130 CLASSIFICATIONS ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR An assistant administrator performs many of the same job duties as the administrator and reports directly to the administrator in the chain of command. This employee may assist the administrator in the preparation of budgets, review departmental reports, answer questions of department managers, deal with licensing issues, handle public relation issues, attend community events to promote the business, deal with HIPPA regulations, deal with employee benefits, handle safety issues, interpret procedures and write plans of correction based on inspection reports. The employee will attend patient care plan meetings. The assistant administrator may make rounds of the facility on a regularly scheduled basis. Each round will vary as to the amount of time it takes depending on the size and complexity of the facility. During rounds, the assistant administrator may walk the halls to observe that the patients are being cared for properly. They make sure no restraints are being used, there are no unreported maintenance issues or housekeeping issues that are unsolved, the floor is adequately staffed, and the general appearance of the facility is acceptable. The assistant administrator may stop and talk to residents to inquire if they have any complaints or concerns and may talk to family members and volunteers who have questions. The assistant administrator may or may not provide direct patient care. Assistant administrators should have their payroll assigned to the appropriate basic classification, as they are regularly exposed to the operative hazards of the nursing home/personal care facility. See the Regular and Frequent Ruling and Interpretation for the definitions of “regular and frequent.” An assistant administrator’s job duties fall beyond the Manual definition of a clerical office employee. ACTIVITY DIRECTOR The activity director is in charge of the recreational and educational activities at a nursing home. The director is responsible for setting up a schedule, ordering supplies for the activities and, in some of the smaller homes, directly supervising the employees and residents in activities. If the activities director has a physically separate office, does not participate nor directly supervise (this activity may be done by the assistant activity director) and has no regular job duties in or about the facility, then the employee may have their payroll assigned to the clerical office classification. However, most activity directors are responsible for organizing and directly supervising the event and are present at the activity, whether it be on the premises of the facility or at another location (e.g., a shopping trip to a local mall). As such, the payroll of an activity director is generally assignable to the basic classification. ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR The admissions director may have alternate job titles such as marketing director, social services director, public relations director or director of development. Regardless, this employee is responsible for working with residents and their families and guiding them through the admission process. The admissions director will explain facility rules (such as marking clothing with a name) and patients’ rights. The employee will work with family members who wish to bring furniture from home. The admissions director may explain that all electrical appliances must be inspected for safety (no frayed wires). If a family member visits and removes money from the patient, the admissions director must determine if an abuse situation exists and deal with reporting suspected abuse. If a patient is not happy with his room or roommate, the admissions director will determine if the patient can be transferred to another room. The admissions director may coordinate family concerns with department heads. If two family members disagree about treatment or how a resident’s money is being spent, the admissions director may intervene and mediate the situation. They may do the charting about the social interactions of residents. They will plan care meetings. If a patient passes away or moves to another facility, the admissions director may contact the family about collecting personal belongings. They may also work with the ombudsman (a representative from the Area Agency on Aging that is assigned to a nursing home). The payroll of an admissions director is usually assigned to the basic classification, as they regularly spend time in and about the facility even though their primary job duties keep them in a physically separate office. CASE MANAGER This position is responsible for the management of the rehabilitation department. The employee directs the therapists and gathers information on the level of care needed for minimum data sets (MDS) forms. The case manager maintains the resident’s logs and compares the amount of therapy provided to the resident’s care plan. The case manager usually does not provide any rehabilitation services. This employee may go to the local hospital to screen charts for potential admissions. The case manager deals with discharge personnel in hospitals regarding possible admissions to their facility. While at the nursing home, the case manager attends © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 131 CLASSIFICATIONS managed therapy meetings to see that therapy provided to a resident is in compliance with Medicare regulations. The employee prepares communications bulletins and may write articles for a news bulletin that is distributed to residents. The case manager meets with physicians and social service workers to determine if any residents in the assisted living facility need to be moved to the nursing home. The employee is responsible for “hospitality” when new residents move into the independent living cottages, if such a facility exists. The employee will go to the resident’s apartment and visit with the resident, answering any questions while providing information about the facility. The case manager’s payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. CENTRAL SUPPLY CLERK This employee is responsible for distributing supplies to the floors and assuring the cupboards are stocked with needed supplies. This employee orders the supplies and determines what is chargeable to a resident. The employee will physically stock the supplies in the units. Some facilities title these employees as purchasing, but they work in an area similar to a storage office. They will make deliveries of supplies throughout the facility, and their control/purchasing is confined to a computer, paperwork or reports. Their offices are usually locked, since this is also where the supplies are located. The central supply clerk’s payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. CHAPLAINS A chaplain is a clergyman in charge of the nursing facility’s chapel. They organize and conduct religious services for the residents of the nursing facility. They will visit non-ambulatory and ambulatory facility residents to provide spiritual counseling, individual worship services and counseling or just to see how a resident is faring in the facility. They may conduct in-room communions and/or last rites. Their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. CLINICAL DIRECTOR The clinical director’s job responsibilities usually involve updating and reviewing the resident’s medical and treatment charts and folders. If they review medications and treatments on the floor or in the resident rooms or if their offices are not physically separate from all other areas of the nursing facility, the payroll of the clinical director is properly assigned to the basic classification. DIETARY COORDINATOR/DIRECTOR/MANAGER/SUPERVISOR In some of the larger facilities there is a dietary director/manager who maintains all the dietary requirement records for the residents. Many residents have varying dietary needs, so this is often a critical position. This employee would develop menus and oversee food service. This may entail charting the intake of food by the residents. These duties are performed both in the office and on the floor. The duties also involve supervising the preparation of the food and trays. The employee may directly supervise dietary preparation in the kitchen or walk throughout the facility when meals are served to see that the patient is given their dietary requirements. The payroll of the dietary coordinator/director/ manager is properly assigned to the basic classification. DIRECTOR OF NURSING (DON)/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING (ADON) Director of Nursing - This position is usually charged with overseeing the entire nursing/care functions of the facility. This employee is responsible for administering the nursing program to maintain standards of patient care and advises medical staff, department heads and administrators in matters related to nursing service. The employee analyzes and evaluates the quality of care administered by the nursing staff and visits residents routinely. The DON does not do any actual patient care. Some nursing directors move throughout the facility all of the time, while others less so, spending the majority of their time in the office. This employee performs the scheduling of the nursing staff, all of the interviewing and hiring of nursing staff, and may review the unit manager’s work. Due to the nature of the employee’s work and the fact that the position requires the visitation of residents and the evaluation of the quality of care administered by the nursing staff, the payroll of the director of nursing is properly assigned to the basic classification. Assistant Director of Nursing - This position is responsible for directing the programs of the facility. The employee collaborates in composing and implementing nursing policy, practice and quality assurance throughout the nursing department. The employee does not do any actual patient care. Primarily, their job responsibilities © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 132 CLASSIFICATIONS center around the quality assurance programs. The ADON makes sure all nursing departments are ready for the state survey. The ADON develops the schedule for quality assurance audits and reports. The employee directs, supervises and assigns projects and programs to a quality assurance analyst. The employee develops and directly oversees the Infection Control Program and reports monthly to the Quality Assurance Committee. The employee may oversee the wound care program and plans, organizes and oversees the staff development program, reviewing the accurate recording of in-service attendance records. The ADON interacts on a regular basis with patients, families, physicians and facility employees and makes tours throughout the facility on a daily basis. In smaller facilities the ADON is the supervisor on the floor. Their time may be split between directly supervising the registered nurses and other nursing staff and completing paperwork in an office. The payroll of the ADON is properly assigned to the basic classification. FACILITIES MANAGER This employee, in most cases, has direct floor duties and can do hands-on repair and maintenance work in and about the facility. This employee will also conduct evaluations for major repairs and improvements to the facility that requires the hiring of outside contractors. The payroll of the facilities manager is properly assigned to the basic classification. HOME HEALTH CARE OPERATIONS Payroll developed by separate staff(s) performing home health care services shall be separately classified as provided in the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Manual. INVENTORY CONTROL COORDINATOR This employee is responsible for the control and purchasing of hard goods and supplies used throughout the facility. This employee usually has no hands-on responsibilities on the facility floor. They usually make no deliveries of supplies throughout the facility, and their control/ purchasing is confined to data entry, computergenerated reports and related paperwork. The payroll of the inventory control coordinator is properly assigned to Code 953, Office, if their job duties are confined to working in a physically separate office. MEDICAL DIRECTOR/MEDICAL COORDINATOR The medical director is usually a physician who is only active on a part-time basis. When he/she is active, the duties are usually visiting patients and making rounds within the nursing home. The payroll of the medical director is properly assigned to the basic classification. MAINTENANCE DISPATCH These employees’ major job responsibility is to dispatch work assignments to the maintenance employees. These employees are found in larger type facilities. They spend no time performing maintenance work in most facilities. They do not supervise the maintenance employees or do any inspections of the facility. As long as their job duties are confined to working in a physically separate office, their payroll can be assigned to Code 953, Office. MASHGIAH A mashgiah is an Orthodox rabbi or a person appointed by such a rabbi whose responsibility is to prevent violations of Jewish dietary laws by inspection of facilities where food assumed to be kosher is prepared for the public. These employees enter the kitchen area of the facility to make sure certain foods are kosher. This job position is usually found in faith-based facilities, and their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. MEDICAL RECORDS CLERK/WARD CLERK The medical records clerks are normally responsible for updating resident’s charts and medical records. If they spend no time picking up and dropping off charts at either nurses’ stations or resident’s rooms, assign Code 953. If they perform any of the above duties on a regular basis on the floor, their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. If they complete their updates in a physically separate office, their payroll may be assigned to Code 953, Office. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 133 CLASSIFICATIONS In larger facilities, medical records clerks usually work in the business office and use computers to maintain a database of records. In such circumstances assign Code 953. In the smaller facilities, they may have other duties, including the delivery of medical supplies to nursing stations and interchanging labor as a central supply clerk. If a medical records clerk has any of these duties, then their payroll should be assigned to the basic classification. NURSING SECRETARY/SCHEDULER These employees do the paperwork for the nursing department, such as typing, scheduling, filing and other administrative support job duties. Their payroll may be assigned to Code 953, Office, if they work in a physically separate office and have no floor exposure. If they have their desks at the nursing station that is on the floor, their payroll would be assigned to the basic classification. RECEPTIONIST Receptionists answer incoming telephone calls and direct them to the correct extension. This employee also greets incoming visitors and asks them why they are at the facility. They may direct all visitors to sign a guest register. They may assist staff in making photocopies. They may maintain the postage meter and be responsible for outgoing mail. They will observe resident safety while the resident is in the lobby area. If one of the residents needs assistance or falls while in the lobby area, the receptionist may quickly page an aide to assist the resident rather than walk out to the resident herself. The receptionist will type thenecessaryinformation onto a new resident’s identification bracelet. They may accept payment from residents or their representatives. They may walk out to the office, lobby and/or solarium to lock up the doors at the close of each day. Receptionists in a nursing home facility not only greet and direct visitors but also provide a measure of security/safety for wandering residents and for visitors as well. Such an arrangement invariably precludes the assignment of Code 953, Office. Their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. REGISTERED NURSE ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (RNAC) These employees are responsible for the completion and accuracy of the resident care planning process and monitoring level-of-care changes and determinations. The RNAC oversees the development and implementation of individual resident care plans and ensures the resident’s reaction and ongoing development. They are case managers for the residents and compile all of the paperwork that is needed to deal with the Health Maintenance Organizations that reimburse the nursing home for the treatment and care of the resident. They input all types of information into the computer about the activity level of all of the residents. They complete forms called Minimum Data Sets (MDS) for each new admission to the facility. They complete MDS reviews on each resident on a quarterly basis, as well as an annual MDS. The form must be completed for each resident at least once a quarter and at other times required by Medicaid, including admission and change in condition. The RNAC compiles this information by a comprehensive review of the patient charts. The form contains many different sections used to determine how well the resident is able to function. The dietician is responsible for completing the dietary section. The physical therapy department will complete a range of motion study and will complete the appropriate section of the form. The form is a comprehensive form that gathers information about the resident’s social skills, communication skills, activities, cognitive skills, nutrition, vision and activities of daily living. Nursing homes are reimbursed by Medicare for the care of a patient based on the condition of the patient. If a patient is in a severe condition and requires extensive medical condition, Medicare will reimburse more funds for that patient than a patient who is more self-sufficient. The RNAC writes up reports to be submitted to Medicare. These employees will visit nurses’ stations to discuss the patient’s progress with a DON or nursing supervisors. The RNAC will take the patient’s charts back to their office to type up the reports. These individuals will also visit patient rooms to do evaluations. The amount of time an RNAC spends working throughout the facility varies. An assessment nurse has to assess the patient, and different department heads complete parts of the form, but the RNAC signs off on the form. The RNAC places his/her license at risk by signing a form verifying the data is correct. For example, if a report states a patient has bedsores, the RNAC will go on the floor and physically turn the patient over to verify this is correct. Direct observation of the resident, as well as communication with the resident’s direct caregivers across all shifts, are essential for the RNAC to complete their job according to the Resident Assessment Instrument User’s Manual, a manual issued by the Federal government regarding the MDS. Based on the above information and job duties, the payroll of RNACs is properly assigned to the basic classification. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 134 CLASSIFICATIONS RESTORATIVE PROGRAMS DIRECTOR This employee is responsible for making sure that the residents eat regularly, walk and engage in the therapy that is provided by the insured’s restorative aides. The employee will go out to see the residents and test them and regularly walks around the facility. Part of the employee’s job responsibilities requires the employee to walk, lift and bend. The restorative programs director directly supervises the restorative aides and reviews them doing their jobs. Their payroll is assigned to the basic classification. STAFF DEVELOPMENT/IN-SERVICE TRAINING COORDINATOR These employees are registered nurses and are the “clinical experts.” When a new employee is hired, these employees will do an orientation with the employee. They review corporate compliance, explain workers’ compensation and infection control, and introduce the employee to his manager. They verify that all forms are completed as required for the new hire. They attend “stand-up meetings.” These are meetings that occur at the change of a shift. The employees completing their shift will explain any changes in a resident’s condition to the new shift. These meetings used to take place at the nursing station, but, due to HIPPA regulations, they are now held in an activity room. They are responsible for assuring the staff’s credentials and licenses are up-to-date. They assure nurses have the correct number of continuing education credits. They arrange for educational classes to be provided to employees. They may arrange for the maintenance department to provide information in a classroom setting on fire safety and the correct operation of a fire extinguisher. They may arrange for housekeeping to conduct a class for staff on infection control. They will gather information from the floor supervisors verifying nurses have met IV competencies (inserted the correct number of IVs successfully in the correct amount of time). They regularly spend time doing classroom teaching of employees. They will teach and provide instruction classes on hand-washing techniques, resident safety, wound care and proper lifting mechanics. Their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. STAFF COORDINATOR This employee would only work from their office completing staffing schedules for the various departments. Their main job duty is to make sure there are enough employees for each shift. If they have no other job duties and their scheduling work is done in a physically separate office, then the payroll of these employees may be assigned to Code 953, Office. TRANSPORTATION DISPATCHER Some of the larger facilities have employees who sit in an office and schedule transportation for the residents for shopping, doctors’ visits and family visits. If the employee has no other job duty and their scheduling work is done in a physically separate office, then their payroll may be assigned to Code 953, Office. If the employee regularly engages in driving the residents to and from their destinations, their payroll is properly assigned to the basic classification. UTILIZATION MEDICAL REVIEWER These individuals review charts from medical records for the doctors to determine patient medical needs. These individuals work in enclosed offices and usually have no floor duties. If their work is done in a physically separate office, then the payroll of these employees may be assigned to Code 953, Office. UNIT CLERK/SECRETARY This employee is responsible for ordering supplies for the nursing department and checking secretarial notes for quality. The unit clerk will code bills for insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid. These employees may work on the nursing home floor at a desk behind the nursing stations, or they may work in a physically separate office. Their responsibilities include maintaining all unit records of the patient residents. The employee answers, the phones, schedules medical appointments for residents on the unit and marks files if a resident leave the facility. The employee coordinates all labs and doctor appointments by telephone. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 135 CLASSIFICATIONS They call for transportation for all of the appointments and perform chart-thinning work according to the nursing home’s policy. They maintain all forms and active files and coordinate all lab orders by telephone. They fax paperwork to pharmacies and physicians and complete admission/readmission checklists for each admission. This employee is responsible for the secretarial work on the unit. The employee assures doctor’s orders are placed in the patient’s chart. The employee may work at a desk in the nursing station on the floor or may be in a physically separate office. If the employee has no regular job duties on the nursing room floor and works in a physically separate office, then their payroll may be assigned to Code 953, Office. If they work on the nursing home floor at a desk behind the nursing station, then their payroll should be assigned to the basic classification. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR The coordinator who has no duties/supervisory responsibilities over the volunteers on the floor, who simply schedules and coordinates volunteers’ activities, can be classified as clerical. They usually work in an enclosed office. Many coordinators simply spend their time on the telephone recruiting volunteers or asking them to come in on a particular day. If they have no regular job duties in or about the facility and they work in a physically separate office, their payroll should be assigned to Code 953. Those volunteer coordinators who supervise volunteers on the floor should have their payroll assigned to the basic classification. PER DIEMS The treatment of per diem payments as employee expense reimbursements was presented to the Bureau for review. The employer in question was a trucking company. Their drivers received a per diem payment for lodging, meals, hotel and other traveling expenses (M&IE) incurred while they travel away from home on company business. The M&IE rates for travel away from home are applicable for self-employed persons and for transportation workers. An individual is considered to be a transportation worker only if the individual’s work (1) directly involves moving people or goods by airplane, barge, bus, ship, train or truck, and (2) regularly requires travel away from home to localities with differing M&IE rates during a single trip. A taxpayer must substantiate the amount, time, place and business purpose of expenses paid or incurred in traveling away from home. The IRS has provided per diem allowances below which the amount of away-fromhome meals and incidental expenses may be deemed to be substantiated. These per diem allowances eliminate the need for substantiating actual costs below the specified amounts. The arrangement under which an employer reimburses business expenses incurred by employees is either an “accountable” plan or a “non-accountable” plan. Amounts paid under an accountable plan are deductible by the employer and not reported as income to the employee. Amounts paid under a non-accountable plan are deductible by the employer as compensation reportable on the employee’s Form W-2 and subject to withholding requirements. For transportation workers reimbursed for expenses on a per diem basis, IRS published per diem guidelines may be considered as a maximum allowance for actual expenses subject to carrier review and acceptance. The amount of per diems that can be excluded from the basis of remuneration is subject to insurance carrier review and determination. PREFABRICATED METAL BUILDING Building Erection – Prefabricated Sheet Metal and Silo Erection – Metal. Payroll developed in the two types of erection jobs cited above will be classified in the manner indicated below. Code 609 is applicable to site preparation and to any excavation. Code 654 is the proper classification for the building of concrete flooring or padding. Payroll developed in the erection of the prefabricated metal building framework is assignable to Code 655. Installation of sheet metal siding, roofing or interior work for a prefabricated metal building or the erection of metal or fiberglass silo sections is assignable to Code 651. Electrical work is assignable to Code 661 and plumbing installation is assignable to Code 663. For the silo erection Code 675 is proper for payroll developed in the installation of conveyors or other materials handling equipment or for the service and/or repair of such. Other trade classifications may be extended as warranted. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 136 CLASSIFICATIONS PREMIUM COLLECTION FOR OWNER-OPERATORS (BUREAU CIRCULAR 1073) Underwriting Rule IV B.3.a.(10) was reviewed by the Insurance Commissioner in West Motor Freight, Inc. v. Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau and Carriers Insurance Company, Order and Adjudication dated February 18, 1983. At issue in this case was the application of Rule IV B.3.a.(10) by Carriers Insurance Company (“Carriers”) to West Motor Freight, Inc. (“West”) driver-owners. West contended that a premium may be collected pursuant to Rule IV B.3.a.(10) only when an employer-employee relationship exists and that Carriers improperly applied the Rule to what West alleged were independent contractors. Carriers interpreted the Rule as requiring it to include a percentage of West’s driver-owner payroll in calculating the premium for workers’ compensation insurance regardless of whether they were employees or independent contractors. Carriers also argued that the exposure to claims itself justified the collection of premium. The Bureau’s position in the case was that Rule IV B.3.a.(10) required the carrier to analyze the facts of the individual situation, consider current legal precedent on employer-employee relationships and then make a business judgment as to whether or not a premium should be assessed. The Commissioner adopted the Bureau’s interpretation of the Rule, and went on to rule that Carriers misinterpreted and misapplied Rule IV B.3.a.(10). The Commissioner ordered Carriers to refund the premium it improperly collected from West together with interest at six percent per annum. The Commissioner further ordered Carriers to conduct a proper review of West’s driver-owner situation in order to determine a proper premium, if any, for the risk involved before collecting any further premiums based on a percentage of the driver-owner’s payroll. However, the Commissioner did not state that careful compliance with the Rule IV B.3.a.(10) analysis will always protect a carrier from a claim for a premium refund. Furthermore, the decision concludes that there is no definite way to establish whether an employer-employee relationship exists prior to the occurrence of any injury and submission of a workers’ compensation claim. Carriers have appealed the Commissioner’s decision to Commonwealth Court. Pending any modification of the decisions, the Bureau recommends that each insurance carrier apply established tests of supervision and control to facts and consult current case precedent to determine whether an employment relationship exists. Although the Commissioner’s decision does not define the elements of an employment relationship, recent Pennsylvania case law provides some guidance. The primary test of the employer-employee relationship is the right of the employer to control the details of the work. The principal factors that evidence the right of control are a) direct evidence of the right or the actual exercise of control; b) the method of payment; c) the furnishing of equipment; and d) the right to fire. The right to control the details of the work often is an inference from these and other facts rather than one particular fact in itself. It is the ultimate right of control, rather than the overt exercise of that right, which is decisive. If this right of control of details goes no further than necessary to ensure a satisfactory end result, such as direction as to quality or description of the work, it does not, by itself, establish employment. The traditional test of an independent contractor is whether that person has exclusive control of the manner of performance and is responsible to the non-employer entity only for the result. As the phrase “independent contractor” implies, the person is a contractor who is independent in doing the work that has been contracted for and is responsible only for the result. Factors to be considered in determining employment status are: 1) the terms of the agreement and the extent of the control, which, by the agreement, the employer may exercise over the details of the work; b) nature of the work and occupation with reference to whether, in the locality, the work is usually done under the supervision of the employer or without supervision; c) skill required in performance; d) whether or not the one employed is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; e) whether the employer or workman supplies the tools or other instrumentalities; f) whether payment is by time or by the job; g) whether the work is an integral part of the employer’s business; and h) whether the parties believe they are creating an employer-employee relationship. In reviewing written employment agreements, members should realize that mere designation of an individual as an independent contractor does not necessarily prove that an employer-employee relationship is absent. In analyzing employment status, insurers must consider all elements of the employment relationship as well as the written agreement to determine the true relationship of the parties. As a result of the West Motor Freight decision, Bureau members are advised to apply the applicable legal standards to the facts to best determine whether a premium assessment is warranted. You also should carefully document your investigation so that, in the event of a challenge to the premium collection, you may submit this © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 137 CLASSIFICATIONS documentation as evidence of a thorough, good faith investigation and exercise of reasonable business judgment. Since an absolute and final determination of employee or independent contractor status is impossible prior to the occurrence of an event giving rise to a claim for benefits, it is a combination of thorough analysis, reasonable business judgment and careful documentation that will best support and protect a Rule IV B.3.a.(10) risk analysis for premium collection purposes. PREMIUM COLLECTION FOR OWNER-OPERATORS (BUREAU CIRCULAR 1118) In Bureau Circular No. 1073, issued May 16, 1983, the members of the Bureau were advised of the Insurance Commissioner’s decision in West Motor Freight, Inc. (West) v. Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau and Carriers Insurance Company. It was recommended that whenever an insured uses owner-operators in the regular course of his business, the insurance company should apply applicable legal standards to the facts to best determine whether a premium assessment under Rule IV B.3.(b) for owner-operators is warranted. The members were advised to carefully document the investigation so that, in the event of a challenge to the premium collection, the documentation could be used as evidence of a thorough, good faith investigation, and exercise of reasonable business judgment. The Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner has also issued an Order in the case of the City Transfer, Inc., Appeal from Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Manual, Rule IV B.3.(b), which offers some further clarification on the application of the rule and acceptable insurance company procedure. City Transfer was covered by a workers’ compensation policy issued by Utica Mutual Insurance Company (Utica). At the end of the policy period, an audit was performed reviewing City Transfer’s payroll records, cash disbursement books, and other necessary records. The Auditor ascertained that there was no workers’ compensation coverage for the driver-owners and, as a result, Manual Rule IV B.3.(b) was applied by Utica and City Transfer was billed for the resultant additional premium. After the bill had been received, Utica was requested by the producing agent to examine City Transfer’s assessment, at which time Utica requested certificates of insurance for the owner-operators in question and reviewed a lease agreement submitted to Utica by City Transfer. The lease agreement review was performed by Utica’s legal department which determined that the agreement did not give any indication of separate coverage by the owner-operators for workers’ compensation coverage. In response to Utica’s request for the production of certificates of insurance, and appropriate premium credit was given to City Transfer for two of the owneroperators for whom certificates of insurance were produced showing that such owner-operators were covered for workers’ compensation. City Transfer appealed to the Insurance Commissioner regarding the net billing and asserted that the amount of compensation paid owner-operators should not be considered when determining a premium owed, since the owner-operators are independent contractors. Furthermore, City Transfer argued that Utica did not properly apply the manual rule in question in that its application was mechanical and the investigation into City Transfer’s operations, if any, was inadequate. The Insurance Department had argued that although Utica’s investigation of City Transfer’s operation was adequate under the manual rule, so that Utica should not collect the questioned premium billed to City Transfer, but could apply the result of its investigation to adjust future premiums. In his decision, the Insurance Commissioner reiterated the position taken in West that the Insurance Commissioner lacks jurisdiction to determine whether an owner-operator is an independent contractor rather than an employee. The issue decided in the City Transfer appeal is whether or not the manual rule in question was properly applied to City Transfer’s operation by Utica. In his decision, the Insurance Commissioner rules that the timing of Utica’s actions was appropriate, rejecting the Department’s argument that the review must occur at the inception of the policy. The Commissioner recognized the obvious ability of the insured to enter into contracts with owner-operators throughout the policy period, so that application of a determination solely at the inception of the policy period is not reasonable. As to the alleged “mechanical” application of the manual rule, the Insurance Commissioner stated “…it must be understood that the ‘investigation’ as required by West, is not a Sherlock Holmes type of inquiry. The investigation is essentially an exchange of information between the parties in an effort to determine if the owneroperators’ compensation should be subject to the manual rule.” In elaboration, the Commissioner stated that a further exchange of information took place after the original audit resulting in an adjustment to City Transfer’s premium bill. He further stated that it is not relevant which party initiated the exchange, nor does the sending of a bill necessarily end one party’s involvement in the information exchange. Finally, the Commissioner ruled that Utica did, in fact, conduct a sufficient review of City Transfer’s operations to comply with the requirement of West. In this regard, the Commissioner stated that Utica was not required to review the circumstances pertaining to each assignment given an owner-operator, but rather, the requirement is met when a review is made of the overall relationship between the insured’s operation and the owner-operators. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 138 CLASSIFICATIONS By having its legal division review the lease agreement, the Commissioner ruled that Utica substantially complied with the requirement that it review the current legal precedent relating to employer-employee relationships. Lastly, the Commissioner found “…by adjusting the premium bill, it is obvious that Utica made a business decision regarding the premium to be assessed City Transfer.” Copies of the City Transfer decision are available to members who are interested. It is strongly recommended that underwriters and auditors, as well as legal department staff, be made aware of the steps necessary to determine whether an employer-employee relationship exists or whether the condition is truly one of independent contractor. It should be further noted that this question can arise not just in the trucking business, but in almost any other business including cab companies, real estate agencies, insurance agencies, etc. PREVAILING WAGE PAYMENTS Prevailing wage statutes, including but not necessarily limited to the Davis-Bacon Act or the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act stipulate that contractors under Federal or State government contracts, respectively, are required to pay specific minimum wage rates and specified fringe benefits that may be paid into an approved fund for distribution at a later date or paid directly to the employee. Where an employer is unionized, the payments will normally go into a fund. However, if the employer is not unionized, the payments will often be made directly to the employee. PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DEFINITION For classification purposes, the term "assembly" refers to the joining together of prefabricated component parts purchased from unrelated concerns to form a described product. Some portion of the purchased prefabricated component parts may be modified prior to assembly. When a specific assembly classification does not exist for a certain product, the assembly of such product shall be assigned to the manufacturing classification which most accurately describes the completed product. It is common for stores, such as those engaged in the sale of bicycles, furniture, jewelry or light fixtures, to perform incidental assembly activities in preparation for the display of or after the sale of merchandise. Assembly or "get ready" activities which are incidental to a store's operations shall be assigned to the store's applicable classification. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT FIRMS Property management firms are engaged in the management of real property which may be owned by the management firm or owned by unrelated businesses and managed under contract. Real property is defined for this Ruling and Interpretation as apartment houses, condominiums, private dwellings (houses) and commercial office buildings. The duties of a property management firm are to enforce the provisions of the lease agreement entered into by the tenant and landlord, to ensure that necessary tax, mortgage, insurance and other payments are made in a timely manner, and to ensure that the property is maintained in such a way as to maximize its value to the owner. In the conduct of such operations management companies may employ maintenance personnel, resident or on-site managers, leasing agents or property management supervisors or may subcontract all or portions of these separate responsibilities. The basic functions performed by the personnel of property management firms and the current classification procedures followed in connection therewith are presented below: Maintenance Maintenance personnel generally perform minor maintenance and repair work at the property site, including but not limited to: cutting the grass, shoveling snow, plumbing, electrical wiring, painting and minor carpentry activities. New construction or structural alterations generally are subcontracted to a specialty contractor. Payroll developed by maintenance employees of a commercial or industrial building owner, lessee or real estate management firm is assigned to Code 971. Payroll developed by maintenance employees of an apartment or condominium complex operator is assigned to Code 880. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 139 CLASSIFICATIONS Resident or On-Site Managers Resident managers typically are retained in connection with residential apartment complexes, while on-site managers may be employed in connection with either residential or commercial properties. Resident managers usually receive compensation in the form of a salary and an apartment unit located at the site of the managed property. The duties of resident or on-site managers retained in connection with apartment complexes and similar multiple dwelling units may include but are not limited to: performing maintenance and repair work, showing apartments to prospective tenants, preparing lease or rental agreements, collecting rents, handling tenant complaints, inspecting vacated units for damage, coordinating maintenance and repair activities, acting as the liaison between tenants and management supervisors, and directly supervising the overall operations and/or maintenance staff of the property. As a general rule, managers engaged in the above job duties should have their payroll assigned to either Code 971 or Code 880. However, managers who perform no maintenance/repair work or perform no direct supervision of the maintenance staff or do not supervise the overall operations of the complex may have their payroll assigned to Code 951. The duties of on-site managers retained in connection with commercial buildings are similar to those described above and are classified the same way. Leasing Agents Leasing agents are typically engaged in residential and/or commercial property leasing or real estate sales activities. Leasing agents are paid a commission based upon the total rent paid over the duration of the lease. Leasing agents show available space to prospective tenants and negotiate the terms of the lease, including the lease period, tenant improvements, payment schedules, and termination provisions. Leasing agents usually do not perform any property management activities. Historically, leasing agents engaged exclusively in the aforementioned activities have been assigned to Code 951. Leasing agents who, in addition to leasing activities, perform property management operations, such as the direct supervision of employees engaged in the operation, maintenance or repair of properties, are assignable to either Code 971 or Code 880. Property Management Supervisors Property management supervisors normally retain responsibility for several residential complexes, single-family residences and/or commercial buildings. Such persons primarily perform administrative duties in the office of the management firm but will also visit the various properties under management to ensure that the properties are being adequately maintained. The job duties of these employees involve entering into contractual arrangements with real estate property owners for the management of properties, obtaining new properties to be managed, negotiating contracts with firms specializing in the maintenance, repair or alteration of properties, hiring and dismissal of resident or on-site managers, handling the financial arrangements of the property, preparing financial reports, showing available space to potential tenants, renegotiating or extending leases, meeting with resident or on-site managers to discuss problems or complaints, periodically inspecting the physical appearance of the property to ensure that necessary maintenance and repair operations are being performed and to take note of additional needed repairs. Property management supervisors do not: • reside at or work from the site of the properties under management • directly supervise maintenance or repair employees • directly supervise the operation of the property Employees exclusively engaged in the above job duties may have their payroll assigned to Code 951. OPERATIONS NOT INCLUDED: 1. The management or operation of all other types of real property is not subject to this Ruling and Interpretation and shall be classified as provided elsewhere in this Manual. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 140 CLASSIFICATIONS REGULAR AND FREQUENT In determining the classification assignment for an employee who may have (to varying degrees) multiple operational exposures, the term "regular and frequent" has historically been used by the PCRB in evaluating the duties of the employee(s) in question. The purpose of this R&I is to briefly (but not exhaustively) clarify the PCRB's use and application of this classification assignment concept. The word "regular" is defined as "usual, normal, customary, recurring at fixed times and periodic." The word "frequent" is defined as "happening or occurring at short intervals, constant or habitual." The intent of the PCRB's classification procedure is to assign the payroll of an employee having multiple occupational exposures to that classification most consistent with the overall nature of that employee's exposure. The term "regular and frequent" is a benchmark used to help determine whether exposure in a given occupational area is or is not sufficient to warrant assignment of an employee to the Manual classification applicable to such exposure. An employee need not actually work at a production machine in order to have their payroll assigned to the appropriate basic production classification. If, in the course of performing their work, the employees' duties bring them into regular and frequent contact with the production area, then that person's payroll would be assigned to the appropriate basic production classification. The above observation should not be construed to mean that any individual who ever steps into the plant or shop area would automatically have their payroll assigned to the higher valued classification. The intent of the PCRB's classification procedure is to be reasonable and fair in assigning the appropriate classification that reflects the employee's job duties. Therefore, an employee who was temporarily engaged in a job duty beyond the restrictive definition of the standard exception classifications on an infrequent or emergency basis would not have their payroll assigned to the basic classification. Please note that the existence of a portal door or window in a floor-to-ceiling partition to allow an interface between employees, visitors or customers does not in and of itself invalidate the floor-to-ceiling partition. Some examples may further clarify these considerations: • Employee X of ABC Corporation makes outside sales calls and visits prospective customers one day a week every week. The employee will typically visit five to six customers. The other four days of the week, Employee X works at ABC Corporation's offices handling administrative paperwork and other clerical duties. Employee X's payroll would be allocated to Code 951, because this employee is regularly (every week) and frequently (one day per week) engaged in outside sales duties away from the premises. • Employee X of ABC Corporation makes a trip to a sales convention for a week, two times a year. The rest of the employee's duties keep Employee X working strictly in the company's corporate offices. Employee X's payroll should be assigned to Code 953, as two sales convention trips a year should not be construed as either regular or frequent. . • Employee Y of DEF Corporation spends about two hours (out of an eight-hour day) every day in the production plant. Employee Y will go to each of the production areas of the plant and physically observe and talk with foremen and workers at their machines to get feedback as to when a certain job will be completed. Employee Y may also set up a complex job on a machine or do an emergency repair during these two hours. Employee Y spends the other six hours of each day in an office handling production scheduling, administrative paperwork, finances and management reports. Employee Y's payroll would be assigned to the production plant's governing classification, as this employee is regularly and frequently exposed to the production area, even though Employee Y does not actually work on a production machine. If this employee had spent only 10-to-15 minutes once or twice a week in the shop conferring with foremen, greeting employees or had been called into the shop in case of an emergency with the rest of their time spent in an office, then the payroll of Employee Y would be assigned to Code 953, as the employee is not frequently in the shop. The major points attempted to be made here are: • Determining the amount of time an employee spends exposed to the operational hazards of the business is extremely important. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 141 CLASSIFICATIONS • Determining the duties of an employee during that time may give a clearer picture of the extent of the employee's duties. As usual, the more involved in presenting and exploring a line of questioning, the more information comes to light. With the benefit of such enhanced information, the auditor will more likely be able to make an informed judgment on assignment of payroll. RETAIL STORE WITH MANUFACTURING CONCERN Where a retail outlet is located at the same or contiguous premises as a business' manufacturing facility, the applicable retail store classification shall apply to the payroll of the retail outlet provided that such outlet is operated in a work area physically separate from the business' other operations by a floor to ceiling partition and by a separate crew of employees. SELF-SERVICE GASOLINE STATIONS AND CONVENIENCE GROCERS In classifying a combination self-service gasoline station and convenience grocer Code 917 shall apply at each location when the sale of merchandise, other than gasoline, exceeds 10% of the total annual receipts for the location. Self-service gasoline stations exclusively engaged in the retail sale of gasoline or where the cashier may also sell items such as cigarettes and/or snack food only shall be assigned to Code 816 . SHOP REPAIR OPERATIONS Risks having shop operations that involve the repair of a product for which there is no repair classification are to be assigned to the classification that applies to the manufacture of the product, unless such repair work is specifically referred to by another classification phraseology, footnote or definition in the Manual. SKI RESORTS A ski resort is a multiple enterprise and the appropriate classification shall be assigned to each of the various operations thereof provided each operation is separately staffed and there is no interchange of employees. Examples of ski resort operations and the applicable classification are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assign Code 969 to payroll developed in the operation of the ski lifts, T-bar, rope tows, hill grooming, the maintenance of roads or equipment, the transporting of customers to ski slopes, ski patrols, ski instructors, ticket checkers or sellers, the maintaining of building facilities, security personnel, and parking lot attendants (not for hotel). Assign Code 928 to the operation of shops renting skis, toboggans, boots, poles or other skiing equipment or supplies or engaged in the sale of such merchandise or ski clothing. Assign Code 973 to all payroll developed in the operations of hotel or dormitory facilities, including the parking of automobiles. Payroll developed in the operation of restaurants and/or bar facilities shall be classified as discussed below. If the ski resort includes hotel or dormitory facilities, payroll developed in the restaurant or bar operation shall be assigned to Code 945. Assign the applicable restaurant classification in the event the ski resort operates restaurant and/or bar facilities and does not have hotel/dormitory facilities. (Please refer to the General Auditing & Classification Information entry regarding restaurant operations listed elsewhere in this section.) Assign Code 981 to payroll developed in slot machine gambling operations when conducted in a physically separate department by a separate staff. Assign Code 953 to employees engaged in clerical office duties, as defined in Section 1 of this Manual, and having no other regular duty in the course of their employment. SNOW PLOWING AND/OR REMOVAL Assign the employer’s governing classification to payroll developed in snow plowing and/or removal for unrelated concerns. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 142 CLASSIFICATIONS TRUCK STOPS A truck stop establishment is a multiple enterprise, and the appropriate classification shall be assigned to each of the various operations thereof provided each operation is separately staffed and is conducted in a physically separate work area. The exact nature of each of the truck stop's operations will direct which classification to assign. The more common truck stop operations and the assignable class for each are delineated below: 1. Code 816 is for payroll developed by fuel attendants engaged in pumping gasoline or diesel fuel or to personnel who work exclusively on a fuel island adding or changing motor oil, checking the air in tires and performing related duties. Fuel attendants may also accept payment for fuel or motor oil sales. 2. Code 815 is assignable to personnel engaged in the repair of automobiles or trucks. A truck stop may have separate automobile and truck repair bays. 3. Code 973 is assignable to the payroll of chambermaids or related personnel engaged in the upkeep of motel rooms. 4. Code 928 is assignable to gift shop and/or retail store personnel. The merchandise sold may include but is not necessarily limited to: men's or women's clothing, CB radios, gifts, greeting cards, toilet articles, health or beauty aids, books, newspapers or magazines. Payroll developed in the operation of a restaurant, when conducted in a physically separate department and by a separate crew of employees, including preparing or serving food or beverages, washing dishes or receiving payment for meals or beverages, shall be assigned to the applicable restaurant classification. Please refer to the descriptions of Codes 897 and 975 in Section 2 for further information. Control desk cashiers' duties include but are not necessarily limited to: operating self-serve fuel pump controls, writing invoices for fuel or motor oil sales or vehicle repairs, receiving cash or credit payment for fuel sales or trucking operating permits, receiving or transmitting telegrams or receiving telegram money transfers, accepting payment for store merchandise or selling lottery tickets. Employees engaged as control desk cashiers may be assigned to Code 928 provided the control desk is located inside the truck stop store. In the event the control. desk is located in an enclosed booth located on a fuel island or in an area contiguous thereto the payroll of the control desk cashiers shall be assigned to Code 816. Additional classifications may be extended to a truck stop in the event a truck stop conducts additional separately staffed and located operations not listed in this General Auditing & Classification Information entry. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS AND/OR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANIES – WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE OPTIONS In Pennsylvania the municipality in which a volunteer fire department(s) and/or volunteer fire company(ies) is based is generally construed to be the statutory employer of the members of the volunteer fire department or volunteer fire company who perform the services of a volunteer firefighter, and for that reason it has been the practice for the municipality in which the volunteer fire department(s) and/or volunteer fire company(ies) is based to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for such members. The Department of Labor and Industry (Department) has rendered a written opinion on whether a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company may be separately insured pursuant to the Department’s review of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (Act), Section 601 (a)(1), and the interpretative case law thereon. The Department’s opinion states that there is nothing in the language of the Act or the case law accompanying Section 601 (a)(1) that indicates a volunteer fire department and/or company would be prohibited from obtaining a workers’ compensation policy separate from that of the municipality in which it is based. In other words, in the Department’s opinion a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company may purchase a workers’ compensation insurance policy that is separate from the workers’ compensation policy of the municipality in which it is based. The Department’s opinion also states that the above analysis applies to volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squads, because there is no language in Section 601 (a)(2) or (a)(3) of the Act or in the case law thereon that prohibits a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad from obtaining workers’ compensation insurance separate from the municipality in which it is based. . The classification applicable to a separate workers’ compensation insurance policy purchased by a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company for volunteers/members covered by such policy would be Code 994. The classification applicable to a separate workers’ compensation insurance policy purchased for the volunteers/ members of a volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad would be Code 993. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 143 CLASSIFICATIONS If an entity (typically a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company) provides fire, ambulance or rescue and lifesaving squad services in combination and that entity purchases a single, separate workers’ compensation policy, then each service provided must be separately classified. In such instances the applicable classifications for the single, separate workers’ compensation policy would be both Codes 993 and 994. If an entity (again typically a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company) has a policy for its employees (e.g., bartenders for a social club or food servers and/or bartenders for a banquet hall), Code 993 and/or Code 994 may be added to that policy for the coverage of the volunteer firefighters and/or volunteer ambulance corps and/or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad persons. Where the firefighting service is provided by a combination of volunteer firefighters and paid firefighters insured by a policy purchased by the municipality in which the volunteer fire department or volunteer fire company and the paid firefighters are based, the municipality’s volunteer firefighting premium is prorated pursuant to the procedure delineated in the Section 2 rating value listing pages. The volunteer firefighting premium charge shall be prorated in the same manner in the event a policy separate from the municipality’s policy is purchased for the (Code 994) volunteer fire fighting exposure. When ambulance or rescue lifesaving service is provided by an independent, non-municipal entity staffed by a combination of paid ambulance, rescue or lifesaving persons and volunteer ambulance, rescue or lifesaving persons, assign Code 807 to the payroll of the paid ambulance, rescue or lifesaving persons and Code 993 for the volunteers. The Code 993 per corps premium shall be prorated in the same manner cited above for firefighting service provided by the combination of volunteer firefighters and paid firefighters. THE MUNICIPALITY IN WHICH A VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND/OR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY IS BASED WILL GENERALLY BE CONSTRUED TO REMAIN THE VOLUNTEERS’ STATUTORY EMPLOYER In the event that a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company does not purchase a separate workers’ compensation policy for its volunteers/members or in the event that such separately purchased policy lapses, is canceled or otherwise ceases to be effective for any reason, then the municipality in which the volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company is based should secure workers’ compensation insurance coverage for the volunteer fire department’s and/or volunteer fire company’s volunteers/members. This same provision would also apply to volunteer ambulance corps or rescue or lifesaving squads. The Bureau expresses no opinion as to the potential liability of a municipality for workers’ compensation benefits or otherwise to members of a volunteer fire company, ambulance corps or rescue or lifesaving squad when there exists separate workers’ compensation coverage for such members pursuant to another entity’s insurance. MUNICIPALITY IN WHICH A VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND/OR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY IS BASED DEFINED The term “the municipality in which the volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company is based” shall be defined as any incorporated political subdivision of the Commonwealth smaller than a county (e.g., city, borough, township or town) wherein a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company is headquartered. This definition also applies to volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squads. In the event of a merger of two or more previously separate volunteer fire departments and/or volunteer fire companies garaged in two or more separately incorporated political subdivisions, the municipality in which a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company is based shall be that participating incorporated political subdivision designated by the parties as the headquarters of the new, merged volunteer fire departments and/or volunteer fire companies. This procedure also applies to merged volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squads. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 144 CLASSIFICATIONS SUMMARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY’S (DEPARTMENT) OPINION The following is a summary of the Department’s opinion, and it is based in part on discussions with the Department after the Department issued the opinion. You should not rely on this summary as advice concerning the legal obligation of a person to maintain workers’ compensation coverage. The Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau has asked the Department for an opinion with respect to whether a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company may obtain workers’ compensation coverage as an actual employer separate from the coverage of the municipality in which the volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company is based. A second issue is whether a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad may also pursue workers’ compensation coverage separate from the municipality in which it is based. In the Department’s opinion a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company or a volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad may separately obtain workers’ compensation insurance as an employer independently from the municipality in which it is based. There is nothing in the language of the Act or the case law accompanying Section 601 (a)(1) of the Act that indicates a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company would be prohibited (emphasis in the original) from obtaining workers’ compensation coverage separate from the municipality in which such department or company is based. The Commonwealth Court in one case sets forth that “volunteer fire fighters may have two employers for the purposes of the Act, the actual employer under whose supervision the fireman was working at the time of injury, and the statutory employer, i.e. the municipality upon whom rests the responsibility for providing workmen’s compensation benefits under Section 601.” Temple v. Milmont Fire Co., 525 A.2d 848, 850 (PA Cmwlth. 1987). Even though Temple does not require a volunteer fire department to obtain workers’ compensation insurance separate from the municipality in which it is based, it certainly does not prohibit the volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company from doing so as an employer. See id. The same analysis applies to volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squads – no language in the Act or in the case law accompanying Section 601 (a)(2) or (a)(3) prohibits (emphasis in the original) a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or lifesaving squad from attempting to obtain workers’ compensation insurance separate from the municipality in which such corps or squad is based. The only indication the Department found that a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or life saving squad and a volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire company would be treated differently in some respect is found in Scrima v. Swissvale Area Emergency Services, 599 A.2d 301 (Pa Cmwlth. 1991). The Commonwealth Court in Scrima declined to expand the rule that volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire companies are entitled to governmental immunity to include volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or lifesaving squads. 1 However, the fact that governmental immunity cannot be applied to a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or life saving squad does not prohibit the volunteer ambulance corps or the volunteer rescue or life saving squad from obtaining workers’ compensation separate from the workers’ compensation coverage of the municipality in which the volunteer ambulance corps or the volunteer rescue or life saving squad is based. It may even provide an additional argument in support of why a volunteer ambulance corps or a volunteer rescue or life saving squad should be permitted to obtain workers’ compensation insurance coverage separate and apart from that of the municipality in which they are based. If the volunteer ambulance corps or volunteer rescue or life saving squad does not have governmental immunity, having separate workers’ compensation coverage could give it an additional layer of protection against liability. WHOLESALE/RETAIL MAIL ORDER HOUSE OR INTERNET SALES - DEFINITIONS Wholesale For the purposes of classifying stores the term "wholesale" shall be construed to mean the selling of merchandise: 1. to retailers; 2. to manufacturers, builders or contractors; 3. to industrial, agricultural, commercial, governmental, institutional or professional users; 4. to other wholesalers; or The Court in Temple reiterated the holding in Zern v. Muldoon, 516 A.2d 799 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1986) and Wilson v. Dravosburg Volunteer Fire Department, 516 A.2d 100 (Pa Cmwlth. 1986) that volunteer fire department and/or volunteer fire companies are “local agencies” entitled to governmental immunity under 42 Pa. C. S. 8541. See Temple, 525 A. 2d at 851. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 145 5. CLASSIFICATIONS to firms acting as agents in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to such persons or companies as those previously listed. Wholesale store operations generally include the maintenance of warehouse inventories; delivery and the promoting of sales through utilization of an outside sales force and/or by telephone or fax. Many but not all wholesalers may also perform the physical assembling, sorting and grading of their goods; the breaking of bulk quantities and repackaging into smaller lots. A wholesaler may also have a sales counter where a walk-in customer's order may be written up and payment for merchandise made. The counter clerk may transmit the order to the warehouse or the customer may take the order to the warehouse for fulfillment. Mail Order House Or Internet Sales An enterprise principally (more than 50 percent of the gross receipts) engaged in selling by mail order or by telephone by means of a catalogue mailed to customers and/or via Internet website shall be assigned to the appropriate wholesale store classification for the commodities handled, except for mail order pharmacies filling individual patient drug prescriptions which shall be assigned to Code 927. Mail, telephone order or Internet sales by a manufacturer or incidental to a retail store business shall be classified in accordance with the class or classes appropriate to the business of the employer. Retail For purposes of classifying stores the term "Retail" shall be construed to mean the selling of displayed merchandise in store-type premises where floor and/or counter salespersons assist customers or on a self-service basis to the general public for personal or household consumption or use. Warehouse operations incident to the retail store enterprise shall be assigned to the enterprise's appropriate retail store classification. The appropriate retail store class shall also be assigned when the insured, while technically a wholesaler, operates primarily in a retail manner. The customers will generally be commercial or professional users. "Retail manner" means such insured will have a large merchandise display area, customers may walk up and down the display aisles, inspect the merchandise being offered for sale, place their selections into either a shopping basket or shopping cart and will make payment for their selections at a customer checkout lane. The employer's single largest group(s) of employees are floor or counter salespersons assisting customers or performing customer checkout. (The act of collecting a sales tax on merchandise sold is not a factor in defining a retail store and has no bearing upon determining the business' classification assignment.) WRECKING OR DEMOLITION OR BUILDING MOVING OR RAISING PROJECT All work to completion at a wrecking or demolition or a building moving or raising site shall be assigned to one of the following classifications: 1. Code 651 – Applicable to wooden buildings or structures including those designed for residential occupancy and interior stripping/gutting. 2. Code 654 – Applicable to concrete or concrete encased buildings or structures. 3. Code 655 – Applicable to iron or steel buildings or structures. 4. Code 653 – Applicable to masonry buildings or structures. 5. Code 611 – Applicable to piers or wharfs. The classification with the highest rating value applies where wrecking or demolition or building moving or raising involves a building or structure of more than one type of construction. All wrecking or demolition or building moving or raising work not specifically described above shall be assigned by analogy to one of the classifications designated above. No other classification is applicable. Secondhand material businesses at a separate location with no interchange of employees shall be assigned to the appropriate scrap metal dealer classification based on whether the dealer is principally engaged in handling ferrous or nonferrous scrap metal. Assign ferrous scrap dealers to Code 858 and assign nonferrous scrap dealers to Code 859. Assign Code 860 to secondhand materials dealers who do not have a principal line of merchandise. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 146 CLASSIFICATIONS COAL MINES The application of Coal Mine classifications, loss costs, underwriting rules and experience rating is under the jurisdiction of the Coal Mine Compensation Rating Bureau of Pennsylvania, 300 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101. The following Coal Mine classifications are shown as a matter of convenience: Coal Mine Classifications 1010 1001 1012 1014 1469 1015 1018 Anthracite Mining. Bituminous Mining. Surface and Culm–Anthracite. Surface and Culm–Bituminous. Coke. Auger Mining–Surface. Truck Delivery of Coal by Mine Operators These classifications available only on assignment by the Coal Mine Compensation Rating Bureau. 1025 1027 Anthracite Prep Plant. Bituminous Prep Plant. Occupational Disease Classifications 1011 0160 1002 0158 1016 0153 1013 0156 1017 0154 1019 0157 1011 1002 1016 1013 0164 0159 Anthracite Deep Mining. Anthracite Deep Mining (FEDERAL). Bituminous Deep Mining. Bituminous Deep Mining (FEDERAL). Surface and Culm–Anthracite. Surface and Culm–Anthracite (FEDERAL). Surface and Culm–Bituminous Surface and Culm–Bituminous (FEDERAL). Coke. Coke.(FEDERAL). Auger Mining–Surface. Auger Mining–Surface (FEDERAL). Truck Delivery of Coal–Anthracite Mining. Truck Deliver yof Coal–Bituminous Mining. Truck Delivery of Coal–Anthracite Surface. Truck Delivery of Coal–Bituminous Surface. For Reporting Disease Experience in connection with any classification other than coal mining for insureds having liability under the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act. Former Coal Mine Operators. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 147 1026 0183 1028 0184 Anthracite Prep Plant. Anthracite Prep Plant (FEDERAL). Bituminous Prep Plant. Bituminous Prep Plant (FEDERAL). Co-Generation Fuel Recovery Anthracite 1021 1022 0181 Traumatic State O.D. Federal O.D. Co-Generation Fuel Recovery Bituminous 1023 1024 0182 Traumatic State O.D. Federal O.D. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU CLASSIFICATIONS PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 148 CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATION UNDERWRITING GUIDE The Pennsylvania Classification Underwriting Guide has been prepared for the convenience of writers of Workers Compensation Insurance in Pennsylvania. The Guide lists activities of Pennsylvania employers and the appropriate classification code number for these operations. It should be noted, however, that these designated codes may be used only in conformance with the general and specific rules of this Manual. If the operations to be insured are not described by one or more classifications, the exact operations shall be stated in the policy, followed by the code number of the Manual classification to which the operations have been assigned. In such cases, the policy shall be controlled by all the limitations and conditions included in this Manual with respect to any classification whose code number is so assigned. Unlike a number of other jurisdictions, the Pennsylvania classification system contemplates that a single classification shall be descriptive of all work performed by one employer. Necessarily, there are permissible deviations from that basic premise. The permitted deviations are printed in this Manual either under Section 1 (which formulates general underwriting procedures) or in Section 2 (which is specific as to the use of each classification). Therefore, in the use of this Underwriting Guide, absolute dependence may not be placed on the indicated classification if other classifications are also to be used for the same employer. If the Underwriting Guide is used within the limits of these inherent restrictions, it is believed that it will provide a more universal comprehension of the Pennsylvania classification system and, consequently, be a valuable factor in the assignment of proper classifications. © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 149 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Abrasive Paper Or Cloth Preparation ..................................................................................255 Abrasive Shape Mfg. .................................................................................................513 Abrasive Wheel Mfg. .................................................................................................513 Academic Costumes Mfg. - Caps And Gowns .............................................................................161 Accordion Door Mfg. - Fabric Or Plastic - No Woodworking ..............................................................163 Accounting Firm ......................................................................................................962 Acetylene Gas Machine Installation ..................................................................................675 Acetylene Gas Mfg.......................................................................................................553 Acetylene Torch Mfg. .................................................................................................445 Acid Mfg. ...........................................................................................................551 Acoustical Ceiling Installation - Suspended Grid Type...................................................................649 Acoustical Insulation Material Installation.............................................................................647 Acrylic Embedments Mfg..................................................................................................502 Adding Machine Mfg. .................................................................................................483 Adding Machine Repair - Shop Or Field ..................................................................................952 Adhesives Mfg. ......................................................................................................563 Adjuster, Insurance - By Independent Contractor ........................................................................951 Adjuster, Insurance Company ............................................................................................984 Adult Day Center ......................................................................................................976 Advertising - Distributing Circulars Or Samples - Not In Stores.........................................................951 Advertising - Mailing Or Addressing Of Advertising Literature .........................................................948 Advertising Company - Outdoor .......................................................................................679 Advertising Display Card Service - Installation Or Removal Of, In Or On Vehicles .....................................951 Advertising Display Service - For Stores .............................................................................951 Advertising Sign Mfg., Erection And Repair, Not Outdoor Advertising Company ..........................................673 Advertising Signs Mfg., No Off-Premises Repair Or Erection - Classify According To Materials Used......................---Advisory Rating Organization - Clerical Office ........................................................................953 Advisory Rating Organization - Field Representative ...................................................................951 Aerial Patrol Or Photography .......................................................................................7424 Aerosol Can Filling, By Contractor ..................................................................................923 Agate Or Enamel Ware Mfg. ............................................................................................454 Aggregates Dealer ......................................................................................................855 Agricultural Chemical Mfg. ............................................................................................551 Agricultural Implement Dealer - Other Than Farm Machinery ..............................................................926 Agricultural Pesticide Mfg. ............................................................................................551 Agricultural Tools Mfg..................................................................................................433 Air Conditioner Cover Mfg. ............................................................................................163 Air Conditioner Or Air Conditioner Equipment Mfg. - Home Window Unit Or Central Air, Commercial Or Industrial .......456 Air Conditioning (Central) Systems Installation, Repair Or Service ....................................................664 Air Conditioning Systems, Automobile Or Truck Installation, Service Or Repair ..........................................815 Air Conditioning Window-Type Units - Service Or Repair ..............................................................662 Air Conditioning: Non-Portable, Air Flow Testing And Balancing - By Specialist Contractor ...........................955 Air Filter Mfg. - All Types ............................................................................................257 Aircraft Cleaning - Including Specialist Contractor ...................................................................7428 Aircraft Engine Or Engine Part Mfg. Or Repair, Shop Only ..............................................................461 Aircraft Flight Testing ............................................................................................7424 Aircraft Fueling Or Refueling - Including By Specialist Contractor ....................................................7428 Aircraft Instrument Mfg. (Not Radio Or Radar) ........................................................................488 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 150 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Aircraft Mfg............................................................................................................744 Aircraft Operation - Agricultural ..................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Air Cargo Carrier .............................................................................7405 Aircraft Operation - Air Taxi .......................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Commuter Air Carrier .............................................................................7413 Aircraft Operation - Commuter Air Carrier - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element ..........................................7453 Aircraft Operation - Crop Dusting, Seeding Or Spraying ..............................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Forest Fire Fighting, Spotting And Observation....................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Ground Employees..................................................................................7428 Aircraft Operation - Mapping Or Survey Work ........................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Patrol............................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Personnel Transport .............................................................................7421 Aircraft Operation - Photography.......................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Scheduled Air Carrier.............................................................................7405 Aircraft Operation - Scheduled And Supplemental Air Carrier - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element ......................7445 Aircraft Operation - Sightseeing.......................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Skywriting Advertising ........................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Stunt Flying ..................................................................................7424 Aircraft Operation - Supplemental Air Carrier ........................................................................7405 Aircraft Operation, N.O.C. ............................................................................................7424 Aircraft Propeller Mfg. - Metal .......................................................................................446 Aircraft Propeller Mfg. - Wood .......................................................................................441 Aircraft Radio Or Transmitting Equipment Mfg. ........................................................................485 Aircraft Remanufacturing, Conversion Or Modification - Not By The Original Aircraft Manufacturer ......................7428 Aircraft Sales Agency - Flight Operations .............................................................................7424 Aircraft Seat Surcharge ............................................................................................9108 Aircraft Service And Repair............................................................................................7428 Aircraft Trade School, Except Flying School.............................................................................965 Airport Construction, Paving - Landing Strip Or Warming Apron .........................................................601 Airport Construction, Paving Of Automobile Parking Areas ..............................................................608 Airport Hangar Operation ............................................................................................7428 Airport Operation - Groundmen .......................................................................................7428 Airport Parking Facility (Including Valet Service To And From Airport) Operation By Contractor ......................825 Airport Runway Construction - Paving Or Repaving........................................................................601 Airport Runway Or Warming Apron Construction - Sub-surface Work.........................................................602 Alarm Or Sound System Installation ..................................................................................660 Alcohol And/Or Drug Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility ................................958 Alcohol/Drug - Halfway House - Not Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility .....................................986 Alcoholic Beverage Blending Or Bottling, Non-Carbonated ..............................................................924 Alcoholic Beverage Bottling - Carbonated .............................................................................112 Alcoholic Beverage Distilling .......................................................................................113 Alkali Mfg. ...........................................................................................................551 Altimeter Mfg. ......................................................................................................488 Alum Mfg. ...........................................................................................................551 Aluminum Awning Erection ............................................................................................651 Aluminum Awning Erection - Residential..................................................................................652 Aluminum Awning Mfg. .................................................................................................456 Aluminum Castings Mfg. .................................................................................................447 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 151 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Aluminum Die Castings Mfg. ............................................................................................429 Aluminum Extruded Products Mfg. .......................................................................................403 Aluminum Ingots And Primary Production Shapes From Bauxite/Alumina ....................................................402 Aluminum Railings Mfg. .................................................................................................413 Aluminum Scrap Metal Dealers (Other Than Beverage Cans) ..............................................................859 Aluminum Siding Installation............................................................................................651 Aluminum Siding Installation - Residential .............................................................................652 Aluminum Storm Sash Installation .......................................................................................651 Aluminum Storm Sash Installation - Residential ........................................................................652 Aluminum Storm Sash Mfg. ............................................................................................454 Aluminum Venetian Blind Mfg.............................................................................................456 Aluminum Ware Mfg. - From Sheet Aluminum .............................................................................454 Aluminum Ware Mfg., Cast ............................................................................................447 Ambulance Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis.................451 Ambulance Corps - Volunteer ............................................................................................993 Ambulance Service - Non-Volunteer.......................................................................................807 Ammonia Mfg. ...........................................................................................................553 Ammunition Mfg. ......................................................................................................4775 Amplifier Mfg. ......................................................................................................485 Amusement Device Operator - Traveling ..................................................................................939 Amusement Park ......................................................................................................969 Amusements, Indoor - See Entry By Topical Name ........................................................................968 Amusements, Outdoor - See Entry By Topical Name ........................................................................969 Analytical Chemical Firm ............................................................................................955 Anfo Mfg. ...........................................................................................................4777 Anhydrous Ammonia Dealer ............................................................................................809 Anhydrous Ammonia Mfg. .................................................................................................553 Aniline Dye Mfg. ......................................................................................................551 Animal And Marine Fat And Oil Mfg. ..................................................................................114 Animal Oil Mfg. ......................................................................................................114 Animal Raising - Egg Production, Fish Hatcheries, Hogs, Poultry Or Veal ...............................................0034 Animal Raising - Non-Farm Domestic Animals .............................................................................959 Animal Rendering Works, N.O.C. .......................................................................................114 Anodizing Metals ......................................................................................................449 Answering Machine (Telephone) Repair ..................................................................................952 Antenna Mfg. ...........................................................................................................485 Anthracite Culm Recovery - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual .........................................................---Antique Furniture Dealer - Retail.......................................................................................922 Antique Store, Other Than Furniture - Retail ........................................................................928 Anvil Mfg. - Forged .................................................................................................431 Apartment House Or Condominium Complex Operation........................................................................880 Apparel Mfg. ...........................................................................................................161 Apparel Mfg. - Temporary Staff .......................................................................................191 Apple Cider Or Juice Mfg. ............................................................................................113 Applesauce Mfg. ......................................................................................................113 Appliance Mfg., Major Household Or For Commercial Establishments, Kitchen Or Laundry ................................456 Appliance Parts Dealer .................................................................................................926 Appliances, Major Household Or Commercial, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair .....................................662 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 152 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Arboretum ...........................................................................................................969 Archery Range...........................................................................................................969 Architectural Bronze, Iron, And Brass Metal Work, Erection Only.........................................................658 Architectural Firm, Supervising .......................................................................................955 Architectural Or Ornamental Iron Work Mfg. .............................................................................413 Architectural Scale Model Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................441 Arena Operation - Indoor - By Contractor Or Owner ...................................................................971 Armature Mfg............................................................................................................477 Armored Motor Truck Delivery............................................................................................808 Arms Mfg., Excluding Ammunition Mfg. ..................................................................................445 Army/Navy Store - Retail ............................................................................................928 Aromatic Chemical Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery ........................................................................581 Art Conservation, Preservation Or Restoration - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................955 Art Gallery ...........................................................................................................928 Artificial Christmas Tree Mfg. .......................................................................................457 Artificial Insemination Of Animals ..................................................................................959 Artificial Leather Mfg..................................................................................................227 Artificial Limb Mfg. .................................................................................................459 Artificial Marble Products Mfg. .......................................................................................222 Artificial Silk Spinning And Weaving ..................................................................................132 Artificial Teeth Mfg. .................................................................................................489 Artificial Turf Installation - By Contractor ........................................................................012 Arts And Crafts Store - Retail .......................................................................................928 Asbestos - Encapsulation Or Removal (Not Pipe Insulation) ..............................................................651 Asbestos Cement Products Mfg. .......................................................................................509 Asbestos Encapsulation Or Removal (A Pipe Surface) ...................................................................663 Asbestos Goods Mfg. .................................................................................................509 Asbestos Paper Mfg. .................................................................................................509 Asbestos Spinning Or Weaving............................................................................................509 Asbestos Supplemental Disease Loading..................................................................................0133 Ash Collecting ......................................................................................................995 Asphalt Laying, Driveway, Floor, Yard, Sidewalk ........................................................................608 Asphalt Laying, On Constructed Highway By Contractor ...................................................................601 Asphalt Laying, On Constructed Highway By Supplier ...................................................................601 Asphalt Mixing Plant - Operated By Dealer .............................................................................855 Asphalt Road Spraying .................................................................................................601 Assaying - By Specialist Contractor ..................................................................................955 Assembled Millwork Mfg..................................................................................................305 Athletic Parks Operation ............................................................................................969 Athletic Team, Professional Or Semiprofessional ........................................................................970 Athletics, Organized .................................................................................................970 Atomic Energy Radiation Exposure, N.O.C. .............................................................................9985 Atomizing Molten Nonferrous Metal.......................................................................................403 Attorney - Independent Contractor.......................................................................................956 Auction - Classify To Appropriate Retail Store Class Based On Merchandise Mix (Not Automobile)-Including Auctioneers ..---Auction, Automobile (Including Snack Bar Or Restaurant, Automobile Auctioneers To Be Assigned To Code 819) ............820 Auctioneer, Automobile .................................................................................................819 Auctioneer, Livestock .................................................................................................801 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 153 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Auctioneer, Not Livestock, No Permanent Location........................................................................951 Audio And Intercommunication System Installation - Within Buildings ....................................................660 Audio Compact Disc Duplicating .......................................................................................487 Audio/Video Equipment Dealer - Wholesale .............................................................................926 Audio/Video Equipment Repair............................................................................................966 Audio/Video Equipment Store - Retail ..................................................................................925 Auditing Firm (Not An Independent Insurance Traveling Auditing Firm)....................................................962 Auditor (Insurance Company), Traveling..................................................................................984 Auditor, Insurance - Traveling - Independent Contractor ..............................................................951 Auto Parts Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................934 Autoclave Mfg., Industrial ............................................................................................415 Automatic Screw Machine Products Mfg. ..................................................................................445 Automatic Sprinkler Installation .......................................................................................663 Automatic Sprinkler Mfg. ............................................................................................445 Automatic Stoker, Gas Or Oil Burner Installation........................................................................663 Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) - Installation, Service Or Repair ....................................................933 Automatic Temperature Control Mfg. ..................................................................................488 Automobile Accessory Store ............................................................................................934 Automobile Auction (Including Snack Bar Or Restaurant, Automobile Auctioneers To Be Assigned To Code 819) ............820 Automobile Battery Mfg..................................................................................................475 Automobile Body Mfg., Except Plastic Body Molding ...................................................................451 Automobile Body Repairing ............................................................................................815 Automobile Bumper Mfg. .................................................................................................435 Automobile Bus Operation, Scheduled, Public.............................................................................817 Automobile Bus Operation, School Bus ..................................................................................804 Automobile Convertible Top Mfg. - Fabric Or Vinyl, No Installation ....................................................166 Automobile Dealer - New And/Or Used Cars .............................................................................818 Automobile Dismantler .................................................................................................815 Automobile Driveaway Service, For Transportation of Private Clients' Cars...............................................808 Automobile Driver School ............................................................................................819 Automobile Engine Mfg. .................................................................................................461 Automobile Filling Station - Retail - Including Repair Work .........................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Automobile Haulaway Or Driveaway Service, Driving Cars On Or Off Vessels...............................................7317F Automobile Hauler ......................................................................................................811 Automobile Horn Mfg., Electric .......................................................................................473 Automobile Jack Mfg. .................................................................................................461 Automobile Laundry......................................................................................................816 Automobile Mfg. ......................................................................................................463 Automobile Paint Shop .................................................................................................815 Automobile Parts Mfg. - Produced By Machining - N.O.C. ..............................................................461 Automobile Parts Mfg., Miscellaneous Stamped Parts ...................................................................454 Automobile Parts Store .................................................................................................934 Automobile Radiator Mfg. ............................................................................................454 Automobile Radiator Repair Shop .......................................................................................815 Automobile Radio Or Telephone Installation .............................................................................966 Automobile Rental - No Drivers .......................................................................................818 Automobile Rental Company With Drivers (Limousine Service)..............................................................817 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 154 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Automobile Repair Shop .................................................................................................815 Automobile Repossessing, By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................954 Automobile Seat Cover Installation And/Or Seat Upholstering .........................................................327 Automobile Seat Cover Mfg. - No Installation ........................................................................166 Automobile Service Station - Retail - Gasoline Sales And Repair Work ...............................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Automobile Spring Mfg. .................................................................................................435 Automobile Storage Garage ............................................................................................825 Automobile Top Installation, Fabric Or Vinyl ........................................................................327 Automobile Towing Company ............................................................................................815 Automobile Truck Mfg. .................................................................................................463 Automobile Wheel Mfg. .................................................................................................454 Automobile, Truck Or Trailer Body Mfg. - Temporary Staff ..............................................................495 Automotive Alternator Or Generator Mfg. Or Repair ...................................................................473 Automotive Lighting, Ignition Or Starting Apparatus Mfg. ..............................................................473 Automotive Machine Shops - No Work On Cars - e.g., Cylinder Reboring, Valve Grinding Or Turning Down Brake Drums .......461 Automotive Wire Harness Assembly .......................................................................................471 Auxiliary Police ......................................................................................................985 Awning Erection Or Installation (Cloth) .............................................................................681 Awning Mfg. - Cloth .................................................................................................166 Awning Mfg. - Metal, No Erection .......................................................................................456 Awning Or Tent Mfg. .................................................................................................166 Axe Handle Mfg. ......................................................................................................306 Axe Mfg.................................................................................................................433 Baby Blanket, Crib Linen Mfg. .......................................................................................163 Bacon (Side And/Or Sliced) Mfg. .......................................................................................106 Bag Loading, Explosives ............................................................................................4775 Bag Mfg. - Fabric Or Bulk Materials ..................................................................................166 Bag Mfg. - Plastic......................................................................................................222 Bag Mfg., Traveling .................................................................................................205 Bag Renovating, Textile Fabrics .......................................................................................166 Bagel Shop, Production And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail..............................................................918 Bakery - Wholesale......................................................................................................105 Bakery Products Distribution .......................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Bakery Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail ..............................................................918 Baking Powder Mfg.......................................................................................................104 Balcony Erection ......................................................................................................658 Balcony Mfg. ...........................................................................................................413 Ball Bearing Mfg. ......................................................................................................467 Ball Mfg. - Sporting Goods - Inflatable Plastic Beach Type..............................................................163 Ball Or Dart Throwing At Targets .......................................................................................969 Ball Point Pen Mfg. .................................................................................................459 Ballast Mfg. - Fluorescent Lights.......................................................................................473 Balloon Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................924 Balloon Mfg. - Rubber - Advertising And Toy.............................................................................225 Banana Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................907 Banister Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................413 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 155 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Banister, Railing, Or Guard Erection - Metal ........................................................................658 Bank ................................................................................................................988 Banner Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Bar.....................................................................................................................899 Bar Or Restaurant Supply Dealer (Other Than Beverages, Groceries Or Meat)...............................................924 Barber Or Beauty Parlor Supply House - That Operates In A Retail Manner ...............................................928 Barber Or Beauty Parlor Supply House - Wholesale........................................................................924 Barber Shop ...........................................................................................................977 Barge Repair - State Coverage Only ..................................................................................718 Bark Peeling In Veneer Mill ............................................................................................305 Bark Peeling, In Paper Mill ............................................................................................255 Barking Mill ...........................................................................................................301 Barrel Dealer - No Mfg..................................................................................................924 Barrel Dealer, Including Repairing - Wood .............................................................................305 Barrel Or Drum Mfg. - Metal ............................................................................................454 Barrel Or Drum Reconditioning Or Repairing - Metal ...................................................................454 Barrel Stock Mfg., No Sawmill Work ..................................................................................305 Baseball Batting Range .................................................................................................969 Baseball Club...........................................................................................................970 Baseball Mfg............................................................................................................205 Basket Mfg. - Veneer .................................................................................................305 Basketball Mfg. ......................................................................................................205 Bath And/Or Kitchen Fixture Store.......................................................................................925 Bathing Cap Mfg. - Rubber ............................................................................................225 Bathing Suit Mfg. - Knitting To Be Separately Rated ...................................................................161 Bathtub Liner Installation ............................................................................................648 Bathtub Mfg. - Concrete.................................................................................................511 Battery Back-Up Power Systems - Service Or Repair By Specialist Contractor ..........................................660 Battery Charging Equipment Mfg. .......................................................................................473 Battery Mfg. - Temporary Staff .......................................................................................499 Battery Mfg., Dry ......................................................................................................473 Battery Mfg., Storage .................................................................................................475 Beauty Shop ...........................................................................................................977 Bed And Breakfast ......................................................................................................973 Bed Spring Mfg. - Wire .................................................................................................457 Bed Underpads - Disposable ............................................................................................257 Bedding Mfg. - Blanket, Sheet, Pillowcase .............................................................................163 Bedding Store - Retail .................................................................................................922 Bedspread Mfg. ......................................................................................................163 Bedstead Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Bee Raising ...........................................................................................................959 Beer And Ale Dealer, In Keg Or Case Lots Wholesale ...................................................................821 Beer Drawing Equipment, Cleaning And Installation ...................................................................663 Beeswax Mfg. ...........................................................................................................571 Beet Sugar Mfg. ......................................................................................................103 Bell Installation - Tower Bells .......................................................................................657 Belt Mfg. - Cloth - Wearing Apparel Only - No Buckles, Webbing Or Leather Parts Mfg. ................................161 Belt Mfg. - Industrial Use - From Premanufactured Textile Fabric ....................................................163 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 156 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Benzene Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery ..................................................................................581 Beret Mfg. ...........................................................................................................161 Berry Or Fruit Farm .................................................................................................0016 Beverage Can Recycling .................................................................................................862 Beverage Distributing, Carbonated, Including Beer - Wholesale .........................................................821 Beverage Distributing, Including Beer - Retail ........................................................................917 Beverage Mfg., Carbonated - Bottled Or Canned ........................................................................112 Beverage Outlets - Retail ............................................................................................917 Bias Bindings Mfg.......................................................................................................163 Bicarbonate Of Soda Mfg. ............................................................................................551 Bicycle - Sale Or Rental, Including Repair .............................................................................925 Bicycle Assembly At Retail Store Locations - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................925 Bicycle Mfg. ...........................................................................................................463 Bill Posting (Including By Specialist Contractor) ...................................................................679 Billboard - Erection, Maintenance And/Or Changing Of Advertising By Outdoor Advertising Co. Or Specialist Contractor ..679 Billiard Hall...........................................................................................................968 Billiard Table Mfg. .................................................................................................323 Bin Mfg. - Sheet Metal .................................................................................................454 Binder Mfg., Ringed .................................................................................................265 Bindings Mfg. - Bias And Straight.......................................................................................163 Bingo Hall ...........................................................................................................968 Binocular Mfg. ......................................................................................................487 Biological Product Mfg..................................................................................................555 Bird House Or Feeder Mfg. - Wood .......................................................................................306 Birth Center - Not Operated By A Hospital .............................................................................957 Bituminous Culm Recovery - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual .........................................................---Black Powder Mfg.......................................................................................................4771 Blackboard Installation - Wood .......................................................................................646 Blanket Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Blanket Mfg., Insulating For Aircraft - Asbestos........................................................................509 Blanket, Sheet, Pillowcase - Bedding Mfg. .............................................................................163 Blasting Agents Mfg. .................................................................................................4777 Blasting Cap Mfg.......................................................................................................4771 Blasting Contractor - Includes Incident Drilling By The Blasting Contractor ..........................................609 Bleaching, Fabrics......................................................................................................139 Blender Mfg. - Household ............................................................................................473 Blending Lubricants .................................................................................................581 Blinkerlight Mfg. ......................................................................................................473 Blood & Gas Analyzer Mfg. ............................................................................................488 Blood Bank ...........................................................................................................957 Blueprint Reproduction (Using Photocopying Method) - By Contractor ....................................................932 Bluestone Quarry ......................................................................................................050 Boarding Stable ......................................................................................................801 Boarding Up Of Abandoned Buildings (Including Those Designed For Dwelling Occupancy) ................................651 Boat Building - State Coverage Only ..................................................................................718 Boat Building Or Repair ............................................................................................6824F Boat Dealer, With Services, Inland ..................................................................................818 Boat Dismantling - State Coverage Only..................................................................................718 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 157 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Boat Rental - State Coverage Only.......................................................................................716 Boat Repairing - State Coverage Only ..................................................................................718 Boat Storage And Moorage - State Coverage Only ........................................................................716 Boiler Brick Work, Installation Or Repair .............................................................................653 Boiler Inspection ......................................................................................................951 Boiler Installation Or Repair .......................................................................................677 Boiler Mfg., Shop Only .................................................................................................415 Bolt Mfg. ...........................................................................................................445 Book Conservation - By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................955 Book Dealer - Wholesale.................................................................................................924 Book Printing By Web Press - By Publisher Or Contractor ..............................................................281 Bookbinding Or Rebinding - By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................281 Bookcase Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Bookcase Mfg. - Wood .................................................................................................311 Bookstore ...........................................................................................................928 Boot And Shoe Mfg.......................................................................................................204 Boot And Shoe Mfg. - Rubber ............................................................................................225 Boot And Shoe, Cut Stock And Findings Dealer ........................................................................924 Boring Or Test Boring For Soil Samples..................................................................................607 Borough Employees, N.O.C. ............................................................................................980 Bottle Cap Or Crown Mfg. ............................................................................................445 Bottle Cap Printing .................................................................................................281 Bottle Dealer, New......................................................................................................924 Bottle Dealer, Used .................................................................................................862 Bottle Mfg. - Rubber .................................................................................................225 Bottled Gas Dealer......................................................................................................809 Bottled Spring Water Distribution - By Dealer ........................................................................924 Bottling Or Canning Of Carbonated Beverages.............................................................................112 Bowling Alley...........................................................................................................968 Bowling Pin Mfg. - Wood.................................................................................................306 Box Mfg. - Paper - Set-Up, Rigid Or Folding (Non-Corrugated) .........................................................257 Box Or Box Shook Mfg. .................................................................................................305 Box Or Container Cardboard Partitions Mfg. .............................................................................257 Box Or Container Mfg. - Corrugated ..................................................................................261 Box Partitions Mfg. .................................................................................................257 Boy Or Girl Scout Council - Clerical - Except At Camp Locations.........................................................953 Boy Or Girl Scout Council - Executive Secretary ........................................................................951 Boy Or Girl Scout Councils Camp Operations, Including Clerical Workers At Camp Locations................................978 Braid And Fringe Mfg. .................................................................................................134 Brake Lining Mfg. - Asbestos............................................................................................509 Brass Bed Mfg. ......................................................................................................456 Brass Castings Mfg. .................................................................................................447 Brass Door, Grill And Railing Erection..................................................................................658 Brass Products Mfg., N.O.C. - From Sheet Stock ........................................................................454 Brass Scrap Dealer......................................................................................................859 Breakfast Cereal Mfg. .................................................................................................101 Breeding Farm - Cattle, Sheep Or Goats .............................................................................0083 Breeding Farm - Horse .................................................................................................801 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 158 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Breeding Of Animals, Non-Farm Domestic..................................................................................959 Brewer's Outlet - Retail ............................................................................................917 Brewery, Including Distributing Stations .............................................................................108 Brick Mfg., N.O.C.......................................................................................................512 Brick Pointing ......................................................................................................653 Bricking Up Abandoned Buildings .......................................................................................653 Bricklaying ...........................................................................................................653 Bridal Shop ...........................................................................................................916 Bridge Building - Metal.................................................................................................655 Bridge Building - Wood .................................................................................................651 Bridge Painting ......................................................................................................655 Bridge Shop ...........................................................................................................411 Broadcasting Station - Radio Or Television .............................................................................936 Broken Glass Dealer .................................................................................................862 Bronze Castings Mfg. .................................................................................................447 Bronze Door, Grill And Railing Erection .............................................................................658 Broom Mfg. - Assembling Only - No Woodworking ........................................................................319 Brush Manufacture - Using Tinplate Not Wood.............................................................................445 Brush Mfg. ...........................................................................................................306 Brush Mfg. - Wire ......................................................................................................457 Brush Or Weed Spraying - By Contractor - Except Aerial Spraying.........................................................012 Buffet Or Cafeteria-Style Restaurant ..................................................................................897 Buffing And Polishing Wheel Mfg. - Made From Cloth - No Metal Parts ....................................................163 Builders Hardware Mfg. .................................................................................................445 Building And Roofing Paper Mfg. .......................................................................................255 Building Caulking, Exterior ............................................................................................653 Building Cleaning, Exterior Walls.......................................................................................653 Building Cleaning, No Exterior Wall Cleaning ........................................................................971 Building Erection - Prefabricated Sheet Metal ........................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Building Material Dealer, New .......................................................................................855 Building Materials Dealer, Secondhand ..................................................................................860 Building Mfg., Portable - Metal, No Erection ........................................................................454 Building Mfg., Portable - Wood .......................................................................................305 Building Moving - See Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project - Gen. Auditing & Classification ..---Building Paper Mfg. .................................................................................................255 Building Raising Or Razing - See Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project - Gen. Aud. & Class ..---Building Service Contractor ............................................................................................971 Building Underpinning .................................................................................................609 Building Wrecking - See Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project - Gen. Aud. & Classification ..---Bulkhead Construction - State Coverage Only.............................................................................611 Bunting Mfg., Shop Only.................................................................................................163 Buoy Mfg. - Metal ......................................................................................................415 Burglar Alarm System Installation, By Contractor........................................................................660 Burial Garment Mfg. .................................................................................................161 Burlap Goods Mfg. ......................................................................................................166 Bus Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis ......................451 Bus Operation, Scheduled Lines .......................................................................................817 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 159 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Bus Operation, School .................................................................................................804 Bus-bar Mfg. ...........................................................................................................474 Bushing Mfg. ...........................................................................................................445 Bushing Or Bearing Mfg. - Nonferrous Metal - Cast ...................................................................447 Business Forms Printing - By Web Press..................................................................................281 Butane Gas Dealer ......................................................................................................809 Butcher Shop - Retail .................................................................................................915 Butchering - Wholesale, Not Stockyards..................................................................................111 Butter And/Or Butter Substitutes Dealer - Wholesale ...................................................................911 Butter Or Cheese Mfg. .................................................................................................109 Button Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................459 Button Mfg., Not Metal - Classify According To Materials Used .........................................................---Cabinet Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................926 Cabinet Installation, Commercial Or Residential ........................................................................648 Cabinet Mfg. - Sheet Metal ............................................................................................456 Cabinet Store - Retail .................................................................................................925 Cabinet Works - Wood - With Power-Driven Machinery ...................................................................311 Cable Connector Assembly ............................................................................................471 Cable Installation In Conduits - By The Conduit Construction Contractor ...............................................617 Cable Installation Or Replacement In Existing Conduit - By Specialist Contractor .....................................661 Cable Mfg. - Insulated Electrical - Wire Drawing To Be Separately Rated ...............................................222 Cable Mfg. - Not Insulated Electrical Cable.............................................................................457 Cable Or Wire Rope Dealer, Including Splicing ........................................................................857 Cable T.V. - Installation - Hooking Up Of Customers To Systems .........................................................759 Cable T.V. - Installation Of New System, Except Towers ..............................................................759 Cable T.V. - Service And/Or Repair Work For The System And Individual Customer..........................................759 Cafeteria - Operated By Employer For Own Employees ...................................................................---Governing Class Cafeteria - Operated By Independent Or Specialist Contractor .........................................................898 Cafeteria Or Buffet-Style Restaurant ..................................................................................897 Caisson Work, Pneumatic.................................................................................................609 Cake Mix Mfg. - Dry Blending............................................................................................104 Calcimining, By Contractor ............................................................................................665 Calcium Carbide Mfg. .................................................................................................501 Calculator Mfg. ......................................................................................................483 Calf Raising For Veal .................................................................................................0034 Camera Or Photographic Supply Store - Retail ........................................................................928 Camp, Boy Or Girl Scout - Day, Summer Or Winter ........................................................................978 Can Mfg. - Paper ......................................................................................................257 Can Mfg., Seamed ......................................................................................................454 Can Mfg., Seamless......................................................................................................403 Can Recycling - Beverage ............................................................................................862 Canal Irrigation, Construction .......................................................................................609 Candle Mfg. ...........................................................................................................571 Candy And/Or Snack Trays - Sold On The Honor System ...................................................................933 Candy Dealer (Including Repackaging) - Wholesale........................................................................924 Candy Mfg. ...........................................................................................................107 Candy Store ...........................................................................................................928 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 160 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Candy, Chocolate Or Chewing Gum Mfg. - Temporary Staff ..............................................................187 Cane Mfg. ...........................................................................................................306 Cane Sugar Refining .................................................................................................103 Canning Or Bottling Of Carbonated Beverages.............................................................................112 Canning Or Preserving - Temporary Staff .............................................................................189 Canning Or Preserving Of Food .......................................................................................113 Canvas Products Erection ............................................................................................681 Canvas Products Mfg. .................................................................................................166 Cap Mfg. - Graduation Caps And Gowns ..................................................................................161 Cap Mfg. - Headwear .................................................................................................161 Car Mfg., Rebuilding Or Repair, Railroad - All Kinds ...................................................................416 Car Phone Installation .................................................................................................966 Car Wash................................................................................................................816 Carbon Dioxide Mfg. .................................................................................................553 Carbon Paper Mfg. ......................................................................................................263 Carbon Products Mfg. .................................................................................................507 Carbonated Beverage Mfg. - Bottled Or Canned ........................................................................112 Carbonic Acid Gas Mfg. .................................................................................................553 Carbonizing Of Hair Or Wool ............................................................................................132 Carburetor Mfg. ......................................................................................................445 Cardboard Mfg. ......................................................................................................255 Cardboard Or Paper Mailing Tube Mfg. ..................................................................................257 Carding Of Fibers ......................................................................................................132 Carnival - Traveling .................................................................................................939 Carpentry - Detached One Or Two Family Dwellings........................................................................652 Carpentry - Installation Of Cabinet Work, Finished Wooden Flooring Or Interior Trim.....................................648 Carpentry - Remodeling Of One Or Two Family Dwellings...................................................................652 Carpentry - Residential For Multiple Dwelling Occupancy - Three Stories Or Less .....................................652 Carpentry Shop ......................................................................................................305 Carpentry, N.O.C. - Temporary Staff ..................................................................................693 Carpentry, N.O.C. Excluding Concrete Form Building ...................................................................651 Carpet And Rug Cleaning And Storage ..................................................................................141 Carpet Cleaning On Customers' Premises..................................................................................141 Carpet Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................921 Carpet Installation, By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................670 Carpet Mfg. ...........................................................................................................132 Carpet Store - Retail .................................................................................................922 Carriage Mfg............................................................................................................451 Carriage Repairing......................................................................................................815 Carriage Tours Or Taxis (Horse Driven)..................................................................................801 Cartridge Charging Or Loading .......................................................................................4775 Cartridge Loading Or Charging - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element ....................................................0775 Cartridge Mfg., No Handling Of Explosives .............................................................................445 Cash Register Mfg.......................................................................................................483 Casing Mfg. - Sheet Metal ............................................................................................454 Casing Mfg., Boiler Metal Plate .......................................................................................415 Casket Or Coffin Lining Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work ....................................................163 Cast Iron Pipe Mfg. .................................................................................................425 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 161 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Cast Stone Mfg. - Concrete ............................................................................................511 Casting Foundry, Ductile Or Grey Iron ..................................................................................425 Casting Foundry, Malleable Iron .......................................................................................427 Casting Foundry, Steel .................................................................................................421 Casting Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals .......................................................................................447 Cat Food Mfg. - Dry/Bagged - No Cereal Milling ........................................................................104 Cat Or Dog Food Mfg. - Canned .......................................................................................113 CAT Scanner Mfg. ......................................................................................................488 Catalogue Printing By Publisher Or Contract Printer ...................................................................282 Catalyst Mfg., Oil-Based ............................................................................................581 Caterer - All Types .................................................................................................898 Cathode Ray Picture Tube Mfg. .......................................................................................486 Catsup Mfg. ...........................................................................................................113 Cattle Auctioneer ......................................................................................................801 Cattle Dealer...........................................................................................................801 Cattle Farm ...........................................................................................................0083 Cave, Exhibition ......................................................................................................969 Caves, Excavation Of New Areas For Exhibition Purposes ..............................................................609 Cedar Chest Mfg. ......................................................................................................323 Ceiling Installation - Acoustical - Suspended Grid Type ..............................................................649 Cellar Excavation ......................................................................................................609 Cement Block Erection .................................................................................................653 Cement Block Mfg. ......................................................................................................511 Cement Finishing ......................................................................................................654 Cement Mfg., Including Quarrying .......................................................................................501 Cement Quarry Operated By Manufacturer..................................................................................501 Cement Work, Flat, Not Self-Bearing Or Reinforced ...................................................................608 Cemetery Monument Or Memorial, Cutting, Engraving And/Or Polishing ....................................................855 Cemetery Operation......................................................................................................999 Cemetery, Opening Graves, Removing And Reinterring Remains..............................................................999 Central Air Conditioning Systems Installation, Service Or Repair ....................................................664 Centrifugal Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals ........................................................................447 Centrifuge Mfg., Laboratory ............................................................................................473 Ceramic Capacitor Mfg. - Less Than 1 H.P. .............................................................................472 Ceramic Mfg. ...........................................................................................................513 Ceramic Shop...........................................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Ceramic Tile Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................926 Ceramic Tile Installation ............................................................................................668 Ceramic Tile Store - Retail ............................................................................................925 Cesspool Cleaning, By Contractor .......................................................................................992 Chain Mfg. ...........................................................................................................435 Chair Mfg. - Metal......................................................................................................456 Chair Or Chair Frame Mfg. - Wood .......................................................................................323 Charcoal Mfg............................................................................................................551 Charter Bus Service .................................................................................................817 Chassis Mfg. ...........................................................................................................451 Chauffeurs And Helpers.................................................................................................---© 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 162 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Governing Class Chauffeurs And Helpers, Employed By Hauling Contractor ..............................................................811 Chauffeurs, Private - Not Available For Use With Any Farm Class ....................................................0912 Check Cashing Service .................................................................................................987 Cheerleading Instruction - By Independent Contractor ...................................................................968 Cheese Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................911 Cheese Mfg. ...........................................................................................................109 Cheese Shop - Retail .................................................................................................917 Chemical Etching - By Specialist Contractor.............................................................................281 Chemical Processing Or Products Mfg., N.O.C. ........................................................................551 Chenille Products Mfg. From Chenille Cloth .............................................................................163 Chenille Products Weaving ............................................................................................132 Chewing Gum Mfg. ......................................................................................................107 Chicken Catching ......................................................................................................865 Chickens - Slaughtering, Dressing And Packing For The Trade .........................................................865 Child Care Service, Residential - (Neglected, Deprived Or Abused) ....................................................941 Child Daycare Center .................................................................................................891 Children's & Infants' Clothing Store ..................................................................................916 Chimney Cleaning - Industrial Smokestacks .............................................................................655 Chimney Cleaning - Residential .......................................................................................882 Chimney Construction - Masonry .......................................................................................653 Chimney Flashing Installer ............................................................................................659 Chimney Flashing Mfg., No Installation Work.............................................................................454 China Decorating - By A China Manufacturer .............................................................................513 China Decorating - By Specialist Contractor With No China Mfg. .........................................................281 China Tableware Mfg. .................................................................................................513 Chinchilla Farm ......................................................................................................0170 Chinese Food Dealer - Packaged Or Frozen - Wholesale ...................................................................911 Chinese Food Mfg. ......................................................................................................104 Chiropodist Office......................................................................................................957 Chocolate Mfg. ......................................................................................................107 Chore Worker - Home Health Care Services .............................................................................943 Christmas Tree Light Cord Sets Mfg. ..................................................................................473 Christmas Tree Planting, Cultivating And Harvesting ...................................................................0013 Chromium Plating ......................................................................................................449 Church ................................................................................................................963 Church Furnishings - Wood (Altars, Pews) Installation...................................................................646 Cider Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................911 Cigar And Cigarette Lighter Mfg. Or Assembling ........................................................................483 Cigar Band, Printing .................................................................................................281 Cigar Mfg. ...........................................................................................................115 Cigarette Dealer - Wholesale............................................................................................924 Cigarette Mfg. ......................................................................................................115 Cinder Block Mfg. ......................................................................................................511 Cinder Dealer...........................................................................................................855 Circuit Breaker Mfg. .................................................................................................474 Circus - Traveling......................................................................................................939 Citizen Band (CB) Radio Installation Or Repair ........................................................................966 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 163 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC City Emp. Except Sewer Const., Sal. Policemen & Firemen, Vol. Firemen, Aux. Police, Workfare Emp., Clerical Office ..980 City Employees, N.O.C. .................................................................................................980 Civic Center - Operation By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................971 Civil Consulting Engineering Firm.......................................................................................955 Clay Digging In Open Pits ............................................................................................055 Clay Refractory Products Mfg., Including Silica Or Semi-Silica .........................................................514 Cleaning And Dyeing, Except Rug Cleaning By Dry Cleaner ..............................................................142 Cleaning Of Grease Exhaust, Air Conditioning, Heating And Ventilating Ducts - By Specialist Contractor .................971 Cleaning Outside Surface Of Masonry Buildings, Siding Or Decks .........................................................653 Cleaning Permanently-Sited Tanks Or Railroad Tank Cars - By Contractor ...............................................995 Cleaning, Oiling Or Adjusting Of Air Conditioning, Forced Air Heating Or Ventilating Systems ...........................664 Cleaning, Polishing Or Sanitation Preparations Mfg. ...................................................................571 Cleaning, Sanitizing Or Deodorizing Restrooms - By Contractor .........................................................971 Clearing Of Land ......................................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Clearing Of Right-Of-Way, For Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Lines....................................................005 Clerical Office Employees ............................................................................................953 Clerical Office Employees - Temporary Staff.............................................................................889 Clerks On Loading Platforms ............................................................................................811 Clinic - Outpatient Services Only.......................................................................................957 Clinical Laboratory - Independent.......................................................................................957 Clock Mfg. ...........................................................................................................458 Closed Circuit Television Systems - Installation Or Repair..............................................................660 Cloth Bag Mfg. ......................................................................................................166 Cloth Bag Repairing .................................................................................................166 Cloth Clippings Dealer, New ............................................................................................924 Cloth Clippings Dealer, Used............................................................................................862 Cloth Cutting By Contractor - Garment Fabrics ........................................................................161 Cloth Mfg. - Asbestos .................................................................................................509 Cloth Printing ......................................................................................................139 Cloth Sponging (Shrinking), Inspection Or Mending - By Specialist Contractor ..........................................142 Clothes Dryer Mfg., Commercial Or Household.............................................................................456 Clothing Dealer, Used - Wholesale.......................................................................................924 Clothing Mfg............................................................................................................161 Clothing Store - Retail Or Wholesale ..................................................................................916 Clothing Store (Used) - Retail .......................................................................................928 Club - Country, Golf Or Yachting .......................................................................................944 Club, Business Or Social ............................................................................................896 Club, Exercise ......................................................................................................884 Club, Health ...........................................................................................................884 Club, N.O.C. ...........................................................................................................896 Club, Swim - Indoor .................................................................................................968 Club, Swim - Outdoor .................................................................................................969 Club, Tennis - Indoor .................................................................................................968 Club, Tennis - Outdoor .................................................................................................969 Coal Hauling By Mine Operator - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual ....................................................---Coal Hauling, Unprepared - By Contractor .............................................................................810 Coal Merchant...........................................................................................................809 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 164 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Coal Preparation Plant - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual .........................................................---Coal Truckmen Federal Coal Mine Health & Safety Act - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element ................................0162 Coat - Front Or Interlining Mfg. .......................................................................................161 Coat Hanger Mfg. - Metal ............................................................................................457 Coat Hanger Mfg. - Wood.................................................................................................306 Coating And/Or Glazing Of Paper Or Plastic - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................263 Coating New Fabrics, Except Rubberized Fabrics Or Oilcloth..............................................................139 Coating New Fabrics, Rubberized Or Oilcloth.............................................................................227 Coating Of Parts - By Contractor .......................................................................................445 Coating Optical Products - Vacuum Deposition Method ...................................................................487 Cocktail Lounge ......................................................................................................899 Cocoa Mfg. ...........................................................................................................107 Coconut Shredding Or Drying ............................................................................................104 Cod Liver Oil Mfg.......................................................................................................114 Coffee Dealer (No Grinding Or Roasting) - Wholesale ...................................................................911 Coffee Grinding And Roasting............................................................................................104 Coffee Pot Filter Mfg. - Paper .......................................................................................257 Coffee Service Company .................................................................................................933 Coffee Shop ...........................................................................................................897 Cofferdam Work - Non-Pressurized - Use Appropriate Contracting Classes ...............................................---Cofferdam Work - Under Pneumatic Pressure .............................................................................615 Coffin Assembly - No Wood Or Metal Working .............................................................................319 Coffin Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Coffin Mfg. - Wood......................................................................................................323 Coffin Or Casket Lining Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work ....................................................163 Coffin Or Casket Upholstery Work .......................................................................................327 Coil Stock Or Sheet Stock Dealer .......................................................................................857 Coiled Flat Spring Mfg..................................................................................................435 Coils - Less Than 1 H.P. ............................................................................................472 Coin And/Or Postage Stamp Dealer - Retail Or Wholesale ..............................................................920 Coin Wrapper Or Currency Strap Mfg. ..................................................................................265 Coin Wrapper, Printing - By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................281 Coin-Operated Amusement Or Vending Machine - Installation, Service Or Repair ..........................................933 Coin-Operated Telephone - Installation, Service Or Repair By A Specialist Business Or Contractor ......................933 Coke Oven - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual ........................................................................---Cold Rolling Or Drawing - Ferrous Metals .............................................................................406 Cold Rolling Or Drawing, Nonferrous Metals .............................................................................403 Cold Storage ...........................................................................................................813 Cold Wound Wire Spring Mfg. ............................................................................................457 Cold-Rolled Sheet Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................406 Collapsible Tube Mfg. .................................................................................................445 Collar Mfg. ...........................................................................................................161 Collection Of Used Motor Oil - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................809 Collectors Of Money - By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................951 Collectors Of Money, Who Also Deliver Goods ........................................................................---Appropriate Store Class College Or School - Temporary Staff ..................................................................................895 College Or School, N.O.C. ............................................................................................965 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 165 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Color Mfg., No Red Or White Lead Mfg. ..................................................................................563 Combing Of Fibers ......................................................................................................132 Comforter Or Quilt Mfg..................................................................................................163 Comic Book Printing By Publisher Or Contractor ........................................................................282 Commercial Camp ......................................................................................................978 Commercial Lumber Yard .................................................................................................855 Commercial Or Industrial Building Operation - By Owner, Lessee Or Real Estate Management Firm...........................971 Community Center ......................................................................................................976 Community Living Arrangement For The Mentally Disabled (CLA) - 8 Or Fewer Residents Per Facility ......................941 Community Nursing Services - Nonprofessional Staff ...................................................................943 Community Nursing Services - Professional Staff ........................................................................942 Community Rehabilitative Residential Facility (CRRF) - Group Homes For The Mentally Ill ................................941 Community Residential Facility - Off Campus - With 8 Or Fewer Clients Per Facility .....................................941 Community Residential Facility For The Developmentally Disabled - 9 Or More Residents Per Facility......................940 Compact Disc Player Repair ............................................................................................966 Compost Filling Of Mushroom Beds - By Contractor........................................................................007 Computer Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................924 Computer Mfg............................................................................................................483 Computer Or Computer System - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field.........................................................952 Computer Paper Mfg. (No Paper Mfg.) ..................................................................................265 Computer Peripheral Mfg. ............................................................................................483 Computer Programmer .................................................................................................953 Computer Programmer/Operator - Temporary Staff ........................................................................889 Computer Store - Retail.................................................................................................928 Computer Wiring Installation Within Buildings - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................660 Concrete Block Mfg. .................................................................................................511 Concrete Burial Vault Mfg. ............................................................................................511 Concrete Construction .................................................................................................654 Concrete Dealer, Ready-Mixed............................................................................................855 Concrete Drilling Or Sawing - On Highways Or Roads ...................................................................601 Concrete Floor Construction, Not Self-Bearing ........................................................................608 Concrete Floor Construction, Self-Bearing .............................................................................654 Concrete Form Erection .................................................................................................654 Concrete Mixing ......................................................................................................855 Concrete Parking Garage Construction ..................................................................................654 Concrete Products Mfg. .................................................................................................511 Concrete Pumping Services - By Independent Contractor...................................................................855 Concrete Reinforcing Rod Setting .......................................................................................654 Concrete Work, Dams .................................................................................................654 Concrete Work, Floors, Etc., Above Ground Level ........................................................................654 Concrete Work, Yard .................................................................................................608 Concrete, Pre-Stressed, Erection By Contractor ........................................................................655 Condensed Milk Mfg. .................................................................................................109 Condenser Mfg., Steam .................................................................................................415 Condominiums - Including Resident Or On-Site Manager ...................................................................880 Conduit Construction - All Work To Completion ........................................................................617 Confectioners' Machinery Mfg. .......................................................................................461 Confectionery Mfg.......................................................................................................107 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 166 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Construction Equipment - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) ................................814 Construction Of Boiler Foundations ..................................................................................677 Construction Or Erection Operations - Temporary Staff...................................................................682 Construction Tools Mfg..................................................................................................433 Consulting Engineering Firm ............................................................................................955 Container Mfg. - Corrugated ............................................................................................261 Container Recycling - Beverage - Bottle Or Can ........................................................................862 Containerized Trash Removal ............................................................................................995 Containers, Stevedoring ............................................................................................7327F Contract Packaging - Crating - In Shop..................................................................................305 Contract Packaging - Non-Crating .......................................................................................923 Contract Packaging - Non-Crating - Temporary Staff ...................................................................879 Contractor For Building Cleaning .......................................................................................971 Contractor, Permanent Yards, Maintenance Or Storage Of Equipment Or Material ..........................................---Governing Class Contractor, Supervisory Employees ..................................................................................---Governing Class Contractors Equipment - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) ................................814 Contractors, Watchmen, Timekeepers And Cleaners........................................................................---Governing Class Convalescent Home - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher ................................960 Convenience Grocery .................................................................................................917 Conveyor Mfg. - Or Reconditioning.......................................................................................465 Conveyor Or Conveyor Belt Installation, By Contractor...................................................................675 Conveyor Oven Installation, Service Or Repair ........................................................................675 Cookie Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail ..............................................................918 Cooking Utensil Mfg. - Steel Or Aluminum .............................................................................454 Cooling Tower Erection, Prefabricated - Wood ........................................................................651 Cooper ................................................................................................................305 Cooperative Building Operation - For Residential Occupancy..............................................................880 Cooperative Electric Utility............................................................................................755 Copper Castings Mfg. .................................................................................................447 Copper Pipe Or Tube Mfg. By Extruding And Drawing ...................................................................403 Copper Products Mfg. - From Sheet Stock .............................................................................454 Copper Recovery, Not Smelting .......................................................................................551 Copper Scrap Dealer .................................................................................................859 Copper Smelting And Refining, Primary ..................................................................................402 Coppersmithing - Shop Only ............................................................................................454 Cordage Mfg., Including Fiber Preparation .............................................................................132 Cordite Mfg............................................................................................................4771 Cork Carpet Mfg. ......................................................................................................227 Cork Products Mfg.......................................................................................................306 Corn Chip Mfg. ......................................................................................................104 Corn Starch Mfg. ......................................................................................................103 Correctional Institution Guards (Not State Employees)...................................................................985 Corrosion Proofing Of Chemical Tanks ..................................................................................655 Corrugated Paper And/Or Corrugated Products Mfg.........................................................................261 Corrugating Iron And Steel - Cold-Rolled - By Specialist Contractor ....................................................406 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 167 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Cosmetic, Perfume Or Other Toilet Preparations Mfg. ...................................................................571 Cosmetics Store ......................................................................................................928 Costume Jewelry Mfg. .................................................................................................458 Costume Mfg. - Masquerade Or Theatrical .............................................................................161 Cotton Batting Mfg. .................................................................................................130 Cotton Gin Operation .................................................................................................132 Cotton Merchant ......................................................................................................924 Cotton Seed Oil Mfg. .................................................................................................551 Cotton Spinning And Weaving ............................................................................................132 Cotton Waste Mfg. ......................................................................................................130 Cough Drop Mfg. ......................................................................................................555 Counter Top Mfg. - Wood.................................................................................................311 Counter, Heel And Sole Mfg. - Leather ..................................................................................204 Country Club ...........................................................................................................944 County Employees, N.O.C. ............................................................................................980 County Road Districts .................................................................................................980 Cover Mfg. - Air Conditioner............................................................................................163 Cracker Mfg. ...........................................................................................................105 Cranberry Grower ......................................................................................................0016 Crane Or Derrick Installation .......................................................................................675 Crane Or Derrick Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used .........................................................---Crane Rental - With Operators By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................811 Crane Repair, Mobile, By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................814 Crane Repair, Permanently Located, By Specialist Contractor .........................................................675 Crate Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................305 Crayon Mfg. ...........................................................................................................571 Creamery................................................................................................................109 Credit Union ...........................................................................................................988 Crematory Operation .................................................................................................997 Creosote Mfg. - From Tar ............................................................................................551 Crutches Mfg. - Wood .................................................................................................306 Cullet Dealer - Broken Or Refuse Glass..................................................................................862 Culm Recovery - Anthracite Or Bituminous - See Coal Mine Rating Bureau Manual..........................................---Culvert Construction, Not Exceeding 10 Feet Span........................................................................602 Culvert Mfg. - Metal Plate ............................................................................................415 Cup Or Plate Mfg. - Paper ............................................................................................257 Curbstone - Concrete Prefabricated - Installed By Road Contractor ....................................................601 Cured Meats - Brined, Dried And Salted..................................................................................106 Curled Hair Mfg. ......................................................................................................132 Curtain Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Curtain Or Drapery Installation From Floor Or Ladder ...................................................................670 Curtain Or Drapery Installation From Scaffolding........................................................................681 Curtain Rod Mfg. - Metal ............................................................................................445 Custom Dressmaking......................................................................................................916 Custom Tailoring ......................................................................................................916 Customizing Vans ......................................................................................................815 Cut Glass Mfg. ......................................................................................................535 Cut Stone Or Stone Products Mfg. .......................................................................................855 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 168 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Cutlery Mfg. (Non-Forged) For Household Or Butcher Shop/Restaurant Use ...............................................441 Cylinder Mfg. - Pressure Metal Plate ..................................................................................415 Dairy Farm ...........................................................................................................0036 Dairy Products Dealer - Wholesale.......................................................................................911 Dairy Products Mfg. (Except Ice Cream Mfg.).............................................................................109 Dance Band - Independent Contractor ..................................................................................967 Dance Company...........................................................................................................967 Dance Hall ...........................................................................................................968 Dance Studio, Not Operated In Conjunction With Dance Hall ..............................................................965 Data Processing - Temporary Staff.......................................................................................889 Data Processing Systems - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field .........................................................952 Day Center For The Elderly ............................................................................................976 Day Nursery - Children .................................................................................................891 Day Spa - Not Affiliated With A Health Club Or Swimming Pool .........................................................977 Daycare - Mentally Disabled, No Residential Facility Affiliation ....................................................976 Daycare Center For Children ............................................................................................891 Daycare Center Operated By A Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. ........................................................................976 Dealer (See Listings Under Appropriate Merchandise) ...................................................................---Debris Box Rental/Service ............................................................................................995 Defibrillator Mfg.......................................................................................................488 Degreasing Skins ......................................................................................................201 Degreasing Solvent Mfg..................................................................................................571 Dehydration Of Food - Except Dehydration Of Meat Or Milk ..............................................................113 Dehydration Of Meat .................................................................................................106 Dehydration Of Milk .................................................................................................109 Delicatessen Store......................................................................................................917 Demolition Of Structures - See Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project - Gen. Aud. & Class .......---Dental Assistant - Employed By A Dentist Office ........................................................................957 Dental Drill Or Dental Tools Mfg........................................................................................487 Dental Equipment Or Supply Dealer.......................................................................................924 Dental Laboratory ......................................................................................................489 Dentist Office ......................................................................................................957 Department Store ......................................................................................................914 Department Store - Temporary Staff ..................................................................................877 Depth Sounding Equipment Mfg. .......................................................................................485 Dermatological Lab - Testing Cosmetics - By Specialist Contractor ....................................................955 Desk Calendar Mfg.......................................................................................................265 Detective Agency ......................................................................................................904 Detergent Mfg. ......................................................................................................571 Detinning ...........................................................................................................449 Detoxification (Alcohol And/Or Drug) Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility ............958 Diamond Core Drilling Within Buildings - By Specialist Contractor ....................................................608 Diamond Cutter, Polisher, Setter .......................................................................................458 Diaper Mfg. - Cloth .................................................................................................161 Diaper Mfg. - Disposable ............................................................................................257 Diaper Service - Laundry ............................................................................................141 Dictating Machine Repair - Shop Or Field .............................................................................952 Die Castings Mfg. - Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper Or Zinc .........................................................429 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 169 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Die Cutting - Paper, Paperboard Or Cardboard - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................257 Die Mfg.................................................................................................................441 Dimmer Switch Mfg.......................................................................................................473 Dinner Theater ......................................................................................................975 Diode Mfg. ...........................................................................................................472 Direct Mail Company .................................................................................................948 Disc Jockey Service - Non Broadcasting..................................................................................967 Discotheque ...........................................................................................................899 Disinfectant (Household And Industrial) Mfg. ........................................................................571 Dismantling, Installation Or Service Or Repair Of Machinery Or Industrial Equipment, By Contractor......................675 Dispatchers On Loading Platforms .......................................................................................811 Display Rack Or Stand Installation - Metal, Plastic Or Wood .........................................................646 Disposable Diaper Mfg. .................................................................................................257 Disposable Towel Mfg. .................................................................................................257 Distillation, Wood......................................................................................................551 Distilling Of Alcoholic Liquors .......................................................................................113 Document Conservation - Paper - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................955 Document Destruction Or Shredding Service .............................................................................863 Dog Collar Mfg. ......................................................................................................205 Dog Food Mfg. - Dry/Bagged - No Cereal Milling ........................................................................104 Dog Groomer - No Kennel Facilities ..................................................................................928 Dog Kennel ...........................................................................................................959 Dog Obedience Classes .................................................................................................959 Dog Or Cat Food Mfg. - Canned .......................................................................................113 Doll Or Doll Parts Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used.........................................................---Dolomite Quarry ......................................................................................................051 Domestic Interior Cleaning Service Contractor ........................................................................882 Domestic Workers - Inside - Occasional .............................................................................0908 Domestic Workers - Inside, Excluding Office Employees ..............................................................0913 Domestic Workers - Outside - Including Private Chauffeurs..............................................................0912 Domestic Workers - Outside - Occasional - Including Occasional Private Chauffeurs .....................................0909 Donut Shop, Baking And/Or Selling On Premises - Retail ..............................................................918 Door Frame And Sash Mfg. - Wood .......................................................................................305 Door Installation - Metal Or Metal-Covered, In Garages, Not Overhead Doors ..........................................658 Door Installation, Overhead - Wood Or Metal.............................................................................675 Door Mfg. - Metal ......................................................................................................456 Door Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................305 Door Mfg., Accordion - Plastic Or Fabric - No Woodworking ..............................................................163 Door Or Door Frame Erection - Wood ..................................................................................648 Door Or Window Distributor ............................................................................................855 Dope (Plastic Model Paint) Mfg. .......................................................................................563 Doubling Process, Sheet Rolling - By Specialist Contractor..............................................................406 Doughnut Mfg. - By Wholesale Bakery ..................................................................................105 Dowel Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................306 Downspout Installation - Metal .......................................................................................676 Drafting Equipment Mfg..................................................................................................487 Draftsman ...........................................................................................................953 Draftsman - Temporary Staff ............................................................................................889 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 170 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Drain Tile Mfg. - Concrete ............................................................................................511 Drapery Dry Cleaning Plant ............................................................................................142 Drapery Or Curtain Installation From Floor Or Ladder ...................................................................670 Drapery Or Curtain Installation From Scaffolding........................................................................681 Drapery Or Curtain Mfg..................................................................................................163 Drawing - Nonferrous Metals ............................................................................................403 Dredging Of Materials On Non-Navigable Waters With Incidental Shore Operations..........................................055 Dress Form Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used ..............................................................---Dress Mfg. ...........................................................................................................161 Dress Pattern Printing .................................................................................................281 Drilling, N.O.C., By Contractor .......................................................................................607 Drinking Straw Mfg. - Paper ............................................................................................257 Drive-In Theater ......................................................................................................967 Drivers................................................................................................................---Governing Class Driveway Construction - Blacktop Or Cement .............................................................................608 Drug And/Or Alcohol Residential Facility Licensed As An Inpatient Non-Hospital Facility ................................958 Drug Mfg. ...........................................................................................................555 Drugstore - Wholesale .................................................................................................924 Dry Cleaning - Self-Service Only .......................................................................................928 Dry Cleaning Plant, Except Rug Cleaning .............................................................................142 Dry Cleaning Preparation Mfg. .......................................................................................571 Dry Dock Operation .................................................................................................6872F Dry Goods Store - Retail Or Wholesale ..................................................................................916 Dry Ice Dealer ......................................................................................................855 Dry Toner Mfg. ......................................................................................................563 Dryers, Household Or Commercial, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair ...............................................662 Drywall Installation - Including Taping And Seaming ...................................................................645 Duct Cleaning - Grease Exhaust, Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilating - By Specialist Contractor ......................971 Duct Fabrication - No Installation Work .............................................................................454 Duct Fabrication And Installation - Heating, Ventilating Or Air Conditioning ..........................................664 Ductile Iron Foundry .................................................................................................425 Dumpster Or Refuse Container Mfg. - From Metal Plate ...................................................................415 Dumpster Rental/Service.................................................................................................995 Duplication Services .................................................................................................932 Dye Mfg.................................................................................................................551 Dyeing ................................................................................................................139 Dyeing And Cleaning, Except Rug Cleaning By Dry Cleaner ..............................................................142 Dynamite Mfg. ......................................................................................................4771 Early Intervention For Infants And Toddlers (No Residential Affiliation) ...............................................892 Earthenware Mfg. ......................................................................................................513 Egg Dealer - Grading, Candling, Packing - Wholesale ...................................................................924 Eggs, Dehydrated ......................................................................................................113 Eggs, Powdered ......................................................................................................113 Elastic Mfg. ...........................................................................................................225 Electric Blanket Mfg. .................................................................................................473 Electric Cable Laying With Automatic Equipment (Ditchwitch) - Street To Building - By Specialist Contractor ............661 Electric Cord Assembly, Cable Mfg. To Be Separately Rated ..............................................................473 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 171 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Electric Fan Mfg. ......................................................................................................473 Electric Fixture Installation - By Contractor ........................................................................661 Electric Fixtures Mfg. .................................................................................................445 Electric Heating Element Mfg. .......................................................................................473 Electric Housewares And Fan Mfg. .......................................................................................473 Electric Light Bulb Mfg. ............................................................................................486 Electric Line Construction, By Contractor .............................................................................656 Electric Measuring Instrument Or Test Equipment Mfg. ...................................................................488 Electric Meter Reader .................................................................................................951 Electric Motor Mfg. Or Repair - Shop Only .............................................................................477 Electric Power Equipment Mfg. For Utilities.............................................................................474 Electric Steel Foundry .................................................................................................421 Electric Switches Mfg. - Household And Crossbar ........................................................................473 Electric Utility Operation ............................................................................................755 Electric Wire Assembly - Cord .......................................................................................473 Electrical Apparatus Mfg. ............................................................................................473 Electrical Apparatus, Machinery Or Motor Installation Or Field Repair ...............................................675 Electrical Appliance Dealer - Small Appliances - Wholesale..............................................................926 Electrical Appliance Store, Small - Retail .............................................................................925 Electrical Consulting Engineering Firm..................................................................................955 Electrical Contractor .................................................................................................661 Electrical Equipment For Internal Combustion Engines Mfg. ..............................................................473 Electrical Household Appliances, Major - Retail ........................................................................922 Electrical Machinery Or Equipment Dealer - Wholesale ...................................................................926 Electrical Or Gas Household Major Or Commercial Appliances - Service Or Repair..........................................662 Electrical Sign And Advertising Display Mfg., Installation And Repair ...............................................673 Electrical Supply Dealer - Wholesale ..................................................................................886 Electrical Supply Store - Retail .......................................................................................925 Electrical Wire Harness Assembly .......................................................................................471 Electrical Wiring (Within Buildings) - Temporary Staff ..............................................................695 Electrical Wiring In Buildings - By Contractor ........................................................................661 Electrocardiograph Equipment Mfg........................................................................................488 Electrolysis ...........................................................................................................977 Electron Tube Mfg.......................................................................................................486 Electronic Component Mfg. - Temporary Staff.............................................................................497 Electronic Components And Accessories Store - Retail ...................................................................925 Electronic Components And/Or Accessories Dealer - Wholesale .........................................................886 Electronic Garage Door Opener Installation - By Contractor..............................................................661 Electronic Organ And Synthesizer Mfg. ..................................................................................483 Electronic Terminal And Connector Mfg. - By Machining Or Stamping ....................................................459 Electro-Physical Therapy Equipment Mfg. .............................................................................473 Electroplating ......................................................................................................449 Electrotyping - By Specialist Contractor .............................................................................281 Elevator Erection Or Repair ............................................................................................675 Elevator Inspection .................................................................................................951 Elevator Or Elevator Door Mfg. .......................................................................................465 Elevator Shaft Drilling - By Contractor .............................................................................607 Emblem Mfg. ...........................................................................................................136 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 172 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Embroidery Mfg. ......................................................................................................136 Emery Cloth Mfg. ......................................................................................................255 Emery Works - Crushing Or Grinding ..................................................................................059 Employment Contractor - Temporary Apparel Mfg. Staff ...................................................................191 Employment Contractor - Temporary Automobile, Truck Or Trailer Body Mfg. Staff..........................................495 Employment Contractor - Temporary Battery Mfg. Staff ...................................................................499 Employment Contractor - Temporary Candy, Chocolate Or Chewing Gum Mfg. Staff ..........................................187 Employment Contractor - Temporary Carpentry, N.O.C. Staff ..............................................................693 Employment Contractor - Temporary Clerical Staff........................................................................889 Employment Contractor - Temporary College Or School Staff ..............................................................895 Employment Contractor - Temporary Department Store Staff ..............................................................877 Employment Contractor - Temporary Electrical Wiring (Within Buildings) Staff ..........................................695 Employment Contractor - Temporary Electronic Component Mfg. Staff ....................................................497 Employment Contractor - Temporary Excavation Staff ...................................................................691 Employment Contractor - Temporary Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. Staff ....................................................185 Employment Contractor - Temporary Hardware Mfg. Staff...................................................................493 Employment Contractor - Temporary Hardware Store - Wholesale - Staff....................................................881 Employment Contractor - Temporary Marketing Staff ...................................................................949 Employment Contractor - Temporary Medical Staffing ...................................................................946 Employment Contractor - Temporary Packaging - Contract - Non-Crating - Staff ..........................................879 Employment Contractor - Temporary Paint Or Colors Mfg. Staff .........................................................587 Employment Contractor - Temporary Paper Or Pulp Mfg. Staff..............................................................291 Employment Contractor - Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg. - Injection Molding Staff .....................................275 Employment Contractor - Temporary Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C. Staff ...............................................276 Employment Contractor - Temporary Printing Staff........................................................................297 Employment Contractor - Temporary Retail Store, N.O.C. Staff .........................................................883 Employment Contractor - Temporary Rolling, Drawing Or Extruding Nonferrous Metals Staff ................................491 Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Manufacturing Or Light Industrial Operations ................................544 Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Preserving Or Canning Of Food ...............................................189 Employment Contractor - Temporary Staff - Retail Or Wholesale Store Businesses..........................................929 Employment Contractor - Temporary Staffing - Construction Or Erection Operations .....................................682 Employment Contractor - Temporary Warehousing Staff ...................................................................867 Employment Contractor-Temporary Staff-Heavy Service - See Employment Contractor Temporary Staff Gen. Aud.&Class Info ..937 Employment Contractor-Temporary Staff-Maintenance Or Service-See Employment Contractor Temporary Staff Gen. Aud.&Cln ..947 Enamel Paint Mfg. ......................................................................................................563 Enamel Ware Mfg. ......................................................................................................454 Enameled Cast Iron Ware Mfg.............................................................................................425 Engine Mfg., Internal Combustion .......................................................................................461 Engineering Consulting Firm - All Types Of Engineering ..............................................................955 Engraving - By Specialist Contractor ..................................................................................281 Ensilage Cutting By Contractor .......................................................................................007 Entertainer ...........................................................................................................967 Envelope Mfg............................................................................................................265 Environmental Cleanup Services .......................................................................................995 Environmental Control Systems Installation, Service Or Repair - By Specialist Contractor................................660 Environmental Control Systems Mfg./Assembly.............................................................................476 Equipment Dealer - Mobile, Self-Propelled - Factory, Farm Or Construction...............................................814 Equipment Repair, Industrial - Shop Only .............................................................................461 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 173 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Eraser Mfg. ...........................................................................................................225 Escalator Installation, By Contractor ..................................................................................675 Escalator Mfg. ......................................................................................................465 Escort Service For Oversize Loads On Highways ........................................................................817 Etching (By Chemical Method) By Specialist Contractor...................................................................281 Excavation - Street Or Road - Including Rock Excavation ..............................................................602 Excavation - Temporary Staff............................................................................................691 Excavation, N.O.C.......................................................................................................609 Executive Secretary, Boy Or Girl Scout Council ........................................................................951 Exercise Club...........................................................................................................884 Exercise Equipment - Service Or Repair - In Shop Or At Customers' Locations ..........................................925 Exhibit Booth Erection .................................................................................................646 Exhibit Booth Mfg.......................................................................................................311 Exhibition - Outdoor .................................................................................................969 Exhibition Garden ......................................................................................................969 Explosives Or Ammunition Mfg., N.O.C...................................................................................4771 Explosives Or Ammunition Mfg., N.O.C. - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element ...............................................0771 Exterminator ...........................................................................................................971 Extruded Products Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals .............................................................................403 Eyelet Mfg. ...........................................................................................................459 Fabric Coating, N.O.C. .................................................................................................139 Fabric Shop ...........................................................................................................916 Fabrics, Rubberized .................................................................................................225 Facsimile Equipment Mfg. ............................................................................................483 Fair - Permanently Sited ............................................................................................969 Fair - Traveling ......................................................................................................939 False Work Erection For Concrete Construction ........................................................................654 Family Living Home For The Developmentally Disabled ...................................................................941 Farm Machinery Dealer .................................................................................................814 Farm Machinery Operation By Contractor..................................................................................007 Farm, Berry ...........................................................................................................0016 Farm, Chicken ......................................................................................................0034 Farm, Crop ...........................................................................................................0006 Farm, Dairy ...........................................................................................................0036 Farm, Egg Producer .................................................................................................0034 Farm, Field Crop ......................................................................................................0006 Farm, Fish ...........................................................................................................0034 Farm, Fruit ...........................................................................................................0016 Farm, Grain ...........................................................................................................0006 Farm, Livestock ......................................................................................................0083 Farm, Mushroom ......................................................................................................0008 Farm, N.O.C............................................................................................................0006 Farm, Poultry ......................................................................................................0034 Farm, Tobacco ......................................................................................................0006 Farm, Tree ...........................................................................................................0013 Farm, Vegetable ......................................................................................................0006 Farm, Vineyard ......................................................................................................0016 Farrier (Horse Shoeing By Specialist Contractor)........................................................................801 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 174 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Fastener Mfg., N.O.C. .................................................................................................445 Fast-Food Restaurant .................................................................................................897 Feather Assembly - Sewn, On Wire Frames Decorated For Costumes/Band Plumes ..........................................163 Feather Dyeing ......................................................................................................139 Feather Pillow Mfg. .................................................................................................163 Feather Washing, Steaming, Cleaning And Renovating ...................................................................142 Federal Coal Mine Health & Safety Act - Nonrateable Catastrophe Element For Code 810 Coal Truckmen .................0162 Federal Coal Mine Health And Safety Act Coverage Loading ..............................................................0164 Feed Dealer - Wholesale.................................................................................................924 Feed Mfg. - Preparation Of Cereal Or Compound Feeds For Livestock Or Poultry ..........................................101 Feldspar Quarry ......................................................................................................050 Felt Mfg. - Unwoven .................................................................................................130 Felt Mfg. - Woven ......................................................................................................132 Fence Erection - Metal .................................................................................................658 Fence Erection - Wood .................................................................................................651 Fence Erection, Highway Barriers By Paving Contractor...................................................................601 Fence Mfg. - Wire ......................................................................................................457 Fence Mfg. - Wood, Shop Only............................................................................................305 Fence Or Fence Post Mfg. - Ornamental Iron Or Steel ...................................................................413 Fender Repairing, Automobile............................................................................................815 Ferrous Metals Cold Rolling Or Drawing..................................................................................406 Fertilizer (Except Humus Or Manure) Dealer .............................................................................924 Fertilizer Application To Soil By Contractor ........................................................................007 Fertilizer Blending Or Mixing .......................................................................................573 Fertilizer Mfg. ......................................................................................................573 Fetal Monitor Mfg.......................................................................................................488 Fiber (Paper) Products Mfg. ............................................................................................255 Fiber Drum Mfg. ......................................................................................................257 Fiber Furniture Mfg. .................................................................................................323 Fiber Mfg. ...........................................................................................................255 Fiber Preparation For Spinning Or Weaving .............................................................................132 Fiberboard Box Or Container Mfg. .......................................................................................261 Fiberboard Mfg. ......................................................................................................255 Fiberglass (A Fibrous Glass And Resin Composite) Mfg....................................................................227 Fibrous Glass Mfg.......................................................................................................535 File (Tool) Mfg. - Forged ............................................................................................433 File Cabinet Mfg. ......................................................................................................456 File Folder Mfg. ......................................................................................................265 File Jacket Mfg. ......................................................................................................265 File, Tool (Non-Forged) Mfg.............................................................................................445 Film Exchange...........................................................................................................928 Filter Mfg. - Air - All Types .......................................................................................257 Finished Hardwood Floor Installation ..................................................................................648 Finisher Of Broad Woven Fabrics .......................................................................................139 Finishing New Textile Goods ............................................................................................139 Fire Alarm Siren Mfg. .................................................................................................473 Fire Alarm System Installation .......................................................................................660 Fire Clay Digging ......................................................................................................055 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 175 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Fire Department - Paid .................................................................................................985 Fire Department - Volunteer ............................................................................................994 Fire Department, N.O.C. ............................................................................................---Governing Class Fire Door Installation .................................................................................................658 Fire Door Mfg. ......................................................................................................413 Fire Escape Installation By Contractor - Outside........................................................................655 Fire Escape Installation, Inside .......................................................................................658 Fire Escape Mfg. ......................................................................................................413 Fire Extinguisher - Sales And/Or Service - Wholesale ...................................................................926 Fire Patrol Or Protective Corp. - Independent - Paid ...................................................................985 Fire Police - Special Voluntary .......................................................................................994 Fire Resistant Glove Mfg. ............................................................................................509 Fire Truck Body Mfg. - Including Attaching Manufactured Body To A Customer Supplied Or Purchased Chassis ............451 Fire, Smoke And/Or Water Damage Clean-Up - By Contractor ..............................................................971 Firearms Sale - Wholesale ............................................................................................924 Firemen - Not Volunteer.................................................................................................985 Firemen - Volunteer .................................................................................................994 Fireplace Installation .................................................................................................653 Fireproof Equipment Mfg. - Metal .......................................................................................456 Fireproof Shutter Erection ............................................................................................658 Fireproof Tile Setting .................................................................................................653 Fireproofing Tile Mfg. - Clay .......................................................................................512 Fireworks Distributor And/Or Exhibitor .............................................................................4777 Fireworks Mfg. ......................................................................................................4771 Fireworks Store - Retail ............................................................................................928 Fish Curing ...........................................................................................................865 Fish Dealer - Wholesale - No Processing Whatsoever ...................................................................924 Fish Dealer And Processor - Wholesale ..................................................................................865 Fish Grower ...........................................................................................................0034 Fish Hatchery ......................................................................................................0034 Fish Oil Mfg............................................................................................................114 Fish, Meat Or Poultry Store - Retail ..................................................................................915 Fishing Pond, Public .................................................................................................969 Fishing Rod Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used ..............................................................---Fitness Club ...........................................................................................................884 Fitness Equipment - Service Or Repair - In Shop Or At Customers' Locations ..........................................925 Fitness Instructor - By Independent Contractor ........................................................................884 Five And Ten Cent Store.................................................................................................928 Fixture Installation - Bank - Metal Partitions, Counters ..............................................................646 Fixture Or Jig Mfg. .................................................................................................441 Flag And Bunting Erection From Floor Or Ladder ........................................................................670 Flag Mfg., Shop Only .................................................................................................163 Flag Or Bunting Erection From Scaffolding .............................................................................681 Flagmen - Provided By Specialist Contractor.............................................................................601 Flagpole - Erection .................................................................................................658 Flagpole Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................413 Flare Mfg. ...........................................................................................................4775 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 176 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Flashlight Mfg., Or Assembling .......................................................................................445 Flat Cement Work Contractor ............................................................................................608 Flat Glass Mfg. ......................................................................................................535 Flavoring Extract Mfg. .................................................................................................104 Flavoring Syrups Blending ............................................................................................104 Flax Spinning And Weaving ............................................................................................132 Flea Market Or Swap Meet Operators ..................................................................................971 Flint Or Feldspar Grinding, Done By Quarry .............................................................................050 Flint Or Feldspar Grinding, Not Done By Quarry ........................................................................059 Flood Debris Cleanup (Except Building Demolition) - By Contractor ....................................................995 Floodlight Erection - Permanent .......................................................................................656 Floodlight Erection, Temporary - By Contractor ........................................................................661 Floor Cleaning/Waxing Machine Mfg. ..................................................................................473 Floor Coverings - Installation Of Linoleum, Asphalt Or Rubber Tiling - Not Ceramic Tile Installation .................670 Floor Coverings Dealer - Retail .......................................................................................922 Floor Coverings Dealer - Wholesale ..................................................................................921 Floor Installation - Ceramic Tile.......................................................................................668 Floor Installation - Not Concrete, Ceramic Or Wood ...................................................................670 Floor Installation - Portable - Wood ..................................................................................648 Floor Laying - Linoleum, Asphalt, Rubber Or Composition Tiling, Not Ceramic ..........................................670 Floor Laying, Finished Hardwood .......................................................................................648 Floor Sanding Or Scraping - Wood .......................................................................................648 Floor Waxing Or Polishing - By Building Owner, Lessee, Management Agency Or Contractor ................................971 Flooring Mfg. - Open Steel Grating ..................................................................................413 Flooring Mfg. - Wood .................................................................................................305 Florist Store - Fresh Cut Flowers - Retail Or Wholesale ..............................................................919 Florist Store Supplies Dealer - Wholesale .............................................................................919 Flour Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................911 Flour Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................101 Flour Milling...........................................................................................................101 Flour Mixing And Blending, No Milling ..................................................................................104 Flow Controller Mfg. .................................................................................................488 Flower Assembling - Artificial Or Dried .............................................................................924 Flower Dealer - Artificial Or Dried - Wholesale ........................................................................924 Flower Dealer Or Store - Fresh Cut Flowers (No Flower Or Plant Raising) - Retail And/Or Wholesale ......................919 Flower Raising ......................................................................................................0011 Flowmeter Mfg. ......................................................................................................488 Flue Mfg., Stove Or Furnace - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................454 Flying Field...........................................................................................................7428 Foam Rubber Mfg. ......................................................................................................225 Folding Cardboard Or Paperboard Box Mfg. .............................................................................257 Food And/Or Beverage Concession - By Specialist Contractor..............................................................898 Food Product Machinery Mfg. ............................................................................................461 Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. - No Cereal Milling ........................................................................104 Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C. - Temporary Staff ........................................................................185 Football Mfg............................................................................................................205 Football Player, Professional .......................................................................................970 Footwear Mfg. - Not Rubber ............................................................................................204 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 177 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Footwear Mfg. - Rubber .................................................................................................225 Foreign Currency Exchange ............................................................................................987 Forest Fire Fighting, N.O.C. .......................................................................................---Governing Class Forest Maintenance, N.O.C. ............................................................................................005 Forest Ranger - Not State Employees ..................................................................................980 Forging - Nonferrous Metals Only .......................................................................................403 Forging, N.O.C. ......................................................................................................431 Forklift Service And/Or Repair - By Specialist Contractor (Shop Or At Customer's Location) ...........................814 Forklift Truck Dealer - Rental, Sales Or Service (In Shop Or At Customer's Location) ................................814 Forklift Truck Mfg. .................................................................................................463 Formal Wear Rental Or Sales ............................................................................................916 Foundation Excavation .................................................................................................609 Foundry - Nonferrous, N.O.C.............................................................................................447 Foundry Sand Cores Mfg. - By Contractor .............................................................................513 Foundry, Iron, N.O.C. .................................................................................................425 Foundry, Malleable Iron.................................................................................................427 Foundry, Steel ......................................................................................................421 Fracturing (Fracing) Of Gas Wells - By Contractor ...................................................................607 Frame Straightening On Automobiles ..................................................................................815 Franklin Stove Assembly.................................................................................................445 Fraternal Organization (e.g., VFW Post, The Elks) ...................................................................896 Fraternity/Sorority House ............................................................................................896 Freezer Mfg., Commercial Or Household ..................................................................................456 Freight Car Mfg. ......................................................................................................416 Freight Handling On Piers Or Terminals Or Adjoining Piers..............................................................7366F French Drain Installation ............................................................................................663 Front Or Interlining Mfg. - Coat .......................................................................................161 Frozen Food Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................911 Frozen Fruit, Fruit Juice, Processing ..................................................................................113 Frozen Or Frosted Food Products Mfg. ..................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Fruit And Vegetable Juice, Canned, Bottled Or Bulk ...................................................................113 Fruit Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................907 Fruit Evaporating ......................................................................................................113 Fruit Farm ...........................................................................................................0016 Fruit Gift Basket - By Mail Order Or Internet ........................................................................907 Fruit Gift Basket Store - Retail .......................................................................................917 Fruit Juice Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................911 Fruit Juice Mfg. ......................................................................................................113 Fruit Juice Mfg. - From Purchased Concentrates Only ...................................................................104 Fruit Packing, By Grower ............................................................................................0016 Fruit Picking ......................................................................................................0016 Fruit Preserving ......................................................................................................113 Fuel Oil Distributor .................................................................................................809 Fuel Pump Mfg., Automobile ............................................................................................461 Fuel Yard ...........................................................................................................809 Fumigating - Not Agricultural - By Contractor ........................................................................971 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 178 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Funeral Director ......................................................................................................997 Funeral Escort Service (Motorcycle) ..................................................................................817 Fungicide Mfg. ......................................................................................................551 Fur Bearing Animal Raising ............................................................................................0170 Fur Clothing - Cleaning, Tumbling, Glazing, Combing And Ironing.........................................................142 Fur Clothing Mfg. (Preparation Of Skins To Be Separately Rated).........................................................161 Fur Dressing Or Dyeing .................................................................................................201 Fur Mfg. - Synthetic .................................................................................................132 Fur Plate Mfg. ......................................................................................................161 Fur Pointing ...........................................................................................................161 Furnace - Hot Water Or Steam - Installation, Service Or Repair .........................................................663 Furnace Cleaning - Hot Forced Air.......................................................................................664 Furnace Cleaning - Hot Water Or Steam ..................................................................................663 Furnishing Goods Installation .......................................................................................670 Furnishing Goods Mfg. - Canvas Or Burlap .............................................................................166 Furnishing Goods Mfg. - Not Canvas Or Burlap ........................................................................163 Furniture Assembling - Wood, By A Furniture Manufacturer, Including Woodworking .....................................323 Furniture Assembly - From Prefabricated Parts Or Pieces Only - No Woodworking ..........................................319 Furniture Cleaning Or Polishing On Customers' Premises ..............................................................141 Furniture Frame Mfg. - Wood ............................................................................................323 Furniture Installation, Portable, By Dealer.............................................................................922 Furniture Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Furniture Mfg. - Wood .................................................................................................323 Furniture Mfg. - Wrought Iron .......................................................................................413 Furniture Moving And/Or Storage .......................................................................................806 Furniture Or Fixture Installation - Portable - In Offices Or Stores ....................................................646 Furniture Polish And Wax Mfg. .......................................................................................571 Furniture Rental - Chairs, Coat Racks, Dishes, Etc. - Retail .........................................................922 Furniture Stock Mfg. - Non-Turned - By Specialist Contractor .........................................................305 Furniture Store - Retail ............................................................................................922 Furniture Store - Wholesale ............................................................................................921 Furniture Store Wholesale - Temporary Staff.............................................................................871 Furniture Stripping - Incidental To Assembling Or Refinishing Operations Only ..........................................319 Furniture Stripping, No Woodworking - By Specialist Contractor .........................................................319 Furniture Turned Stock Mfg. - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................306 Furniture Upholstering .................................................................................................327 Furrier Repairing Or Remodeling Fur Garments ........................................................................916 Fuse Mfg. - Electrical .................................................................................................473 Fuse Mfg., Explosive .................................................................................................4771 Galvanizing Works - Hot Dip ............................................................................................402 Ganister Quarry ......................................................................................................050 Garage ................................................................................................................815 Garage Operated As A Subordinate Accommodation ........................................................................---Governing Class Garbage Or Rubbish Removal ............................................................................................995 Garbage Works - Reduction Or Incineration - Municipal...................................................................980 Garbage Works - Reduction Or Incineration - Private ...................................................................995 Garden - Open To Public Exhibition ..................................................................................969 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 179 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Garden Center - Retail .................................................................................................928 Garden Equipment Store .................................................................................................925 Garden Supplies Dealer .................................................................................................924 Garden Supplies Store - Retail .......................................................................................928 Gardener................................................................................................................012 Gardening Tools Mfg. .................................................................................................433 Garland Mfg. ...........................................................................................................257 Garlic Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................907 Garment Rack Mfg. - Metal ............................................................................................456 Garment Sewing Contractor ............................................................................................161 Gas And Electric Fixtures Mfg. .......................................................................................445 Gas Detection Monitor Mfg. ............................................................................................488 Gas Distribution, Bottled Or Bulk.......................................................................................809 Gas Fireplace Service Or Repair .......................................................................................662 Gas Holder Erection .................................................................................................655 Gas Main Construction - Local Distribution Systems - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling ...........................617 Gas Meter Mfg. ......................................................................................................488 Gas Meter Reader ......................................................................................................951 Gas Mfg.................................................................................................................553 Gas Or Oil Pipeline Construction - Cross-Country........................................................................609 Gas Or Oil Pipeline Operation .......................................................................................752 Gas Pipefitting, Indoor.................................................................................................663 Gas Production ......................................................................................................028 Gas Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate ............................................................................................415 Gas Utility ...........................................................................................................751 Gas Well Drilling ......................................................................................................606 Gas Well Operation......................................................................................................028 Gas Well Service Contractor ............................................................................................607 Gas, Steam Or Hot Water Apparatus Supplies Dealer - Wholesale .........................................................885 Gas, Steam Or Water Main Repair - By Contractor - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling ...........................617 Gasket Mfg. - Rubber .................................................................................................225 Gasoline Blending Plant.................................................................................................581 Gasoline Dealer, Wholesale ............................................................................................809 Gasoline Station - Retail - Including Repair Work ...................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Gasoline Station Equipment Installation (Including Excavation) Or Repair ...............................................675 Gasoline Station, Retail - Exclusively Gasoline Sales...................................................................816 Gate Mfg. - Ornamental Metal............................................................................................413 Gauge Mfg. - Ring, Plug Or Snap .......................................................................................441 Gear Mfg. Or Grinding .................................................................................................461 Gelatin Mfg. ...........................................................................................................113 General Construction - Commercial.......................................................................................651 Generator Mfg., Electric ............................................................................................474 Geophysical Exploration - Seismic Method .............................................................................607 Geophysical Exploration, N.O.C. .......................................................................................607 Gilling Of Fibers ......................................................................................................132 Glass Block Installation - Structural Use .............................................................................653 Glass Container Mfg. .................................................................................................535 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 180 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Glass Dealer - No Mfg., Glass Bending, Beveling, Grinding, Silvering Or Installation ................................926 Glass Door Installation.................................................................................................666 Glass Installer, Automobile ............................................................................................815 Glass Installer, Except Automobile ..................................................................................666 Glass Merchant - Bending, Beveling, Grinding Or Silvering Plate Glass By Separate Shop Crew ...........................536 Glass Mfg., Stained .................................................................................................535 Glass Or Window Tinting, Except For Auto Glass ........................................................................667 Glass Ornament Mfg. - From Purchased Glass .............................................................................536 Glass Products Decorating Or Engraving By Specialist Contractor.........................................................281 Glass Sand - Quarrying Or Digging.......................................................................................050 Glassware Mfg. ......................................................................................................535 Glazier, Away From Shop.................................................................................................666 Glazing ................................................................................................................666 Glove Lining Mfg. ......................................................................................................161 Glove Mfg. - Fire Resistant ............................................................................................509 Glove Mfg. - Knit ......................................................................................................134 Glove Mfg. - Rubber .................................................................................................225 Glove Mfg., Except Fire Resistant, Industrial Use, Knit Or Rubber ....................................................161 Glove Mfg., Including Baseball, Boxing, Handball Or Punching Bag Glove (Except Rubber Gloves)...........................205 Glucose Mfg. ...........................................................................................................103 Goat Farm ...........................................................................................................0083 Gold Leaf Mfg. ......................................................................................................458 Gold Plating ...........................................................................................................449 Golf Cart - Rental, Sale And/Or Maintenance - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................814 Golf Club Heads Or Shafts Mfg. - Wood ..................................................................................306 Golf Club Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Golf Course - Miniature.................................................................................................969 Golf Course - Pro Shop - Operated By Golf Course........................................................................944 Golf Course - Pro Shop - Operated By Specialist Contractor..............................................................928 Golf Course - Public Or Private .......................................................................................944 Golf Course Operated By Hotel .......................................................................................973 Golf Driving Range......................................................................................................969 Goodwill Stores ......................................................................................................928 Grading ................................................................................................................609 Grading Preparatory To Building Erection .............................................................................609 Grain Dealer ...........................................................................................................924 Grain Elevator Operation ............................................................................................855 Grain Farm ...........................................................................................................0006 Grain Harvesting By Contractor .......................................................................................007 Grain Mill - Permanently Located Mill ..................................................................................101 Grandstand Or Bleacher Mfg. - Metal ..................................................................................413 Grandstand Or Bleacher, Erection By Contractor - Portable - Wood ....................................................651 Granite Countertop Installation .......................................................................................668 Granite Quarry ......................................................................................................050 Graphite Products Mfg. .................................................................................................507 Grass Cutting Along Highways By Specialist Contractor...................................................................012 Grass Cutting, Lawns, By Contractor ..................................................................................012 Grate Installation In Boilers, By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................677 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 181 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Grating Mfg. - Open Steel Flooring ..................................................................................413 Grave Digging - By Contractor .......................................................................................609 Gravel Crushing By Dealer ............................................................................................059 Gravel Or Sand Digging Or Excavation - Including Crushing ..............................................................055 Grease And Tallow Mfg. .................................................................................................114 Grease Mfg., Animal .................................................................................................114 Grease Mixing Or Blending, Not Animal Or Vegetable ...................................................................581 Greenhouse Erection .................................................................................................651 Greenhouse, Flower Or Vegetable Growing .............................................................................0011 Greeting Card Printing By Publisher Or Contractor ...................................................................281 Greeting Card Shop......................................................................................................928 Grey Iron Foundry ......................................................................................................425 Grinding Wheel Mfg. .................................................................................................513 Grindstone Mfg., No Quarrying .......................................................................................513 Grist Mill - Permanently Located .......................................................................................101 Grist Mill, Portable, Operated By Contractor ........................................................................007 Grocery - Wholesale .................................................................................................911 Grocery Store - Retail .................................................................................................917 Grocery, Tea, Coffee Dealer - Retail ..................................................................................917 Ground Personnel - Aircraft And/Or Airport Operations ..............................................................7428 Group Home - 9 Or More Per Facility Licensed As Community Residential Services For Developmentally Disabled ............940 Group Home - Developmentally Disabled (Not Intermediate Care Facility) - 8 Or Fewer Clients Per Facility ............941 Group Home - Intermediate Care Facility For The Mentally Retarded - Regardless Of Client Count ......................940 Grouting - Including Drilling - Placing Of Cement, Plastic Compounds Or Concrete, Or Pumping Of Fly Ash.................654 Guard Or Patrol Service - By Contractor .............................................................................954 Guardrail Or Metal Fence Erection - By Road Contractor ..............................................................601 Guardrail Or Metal Fence Erection - By Specialist Contractor .........................................................658 Guards At Corr. Institutions, House Of Corr., Prisons Or Prison Farms - Not State Employees ...........................985 Gun Forging, Iron And Steel ............................................................................................431 Gun Shop - Retail ......................................................................................................928 Guniting (Shotcrete Installation).......................................................................................654 Gunstock Mfg., Finished Or Unfinished Shapes ........................................................................306 Gutter Installation - Metal ............................................................................................676 Gymnastics Training .................................................................................................968 Gypsum Quarry...........................................................................................................051 Hackling Of Fibers......................................................................................................132 Hair Dryer Mfg. - Hand-Held ............................................................................................473 Hair Processing (Excluding Dehairing Or Wig-Making) ...................................................................132 Hair Transplantation .................................................................................................957 Hairdressing Shop ......................................................................................................977 Halfway House - Pre-Parole Or Probation .............................................................................986 Ham - Boiled, Boneless, Roasted, And Smoked Mfg.........................................................................106 Hamburger Or Hamburger Patty Mfg........................................................................................119 Hammock Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Hand Tool Mfg. - Electric - Portable ..................................................................................473 Hand Tool Mfg. - Non-Forged (Excluding Axes, Agricultural Tools, Sledgehammers Or Wheelbarrows) ......................445 Handbag (Women's) Store.................................................................................................928 Handbag, Mfg. - From All Materials ..................................................................................205 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 182 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Handbill Distribution .................................................................................................951 Handicapped - Transportation Services For .............................................................................817 Handkerchief Mfg. ......................................................................................................161 Handle Mfg. - Wood......................................................................................................306 Hangar Operation ......................................................................................................7428 Hardscaping Installation ............................................................................................653 Hardware Mfg. - Nonferrous - By Foundry Method ........................................................................447 Hardware Mfg. - Temporary Staff .......................................................................................493 Hardware Mfg., N.O.C. - Supplemental Foundry Exposure Loading .........................................................0067 Hardware Mfg., N.O.C. Including Foundry .............................................................................445 Hardware Store - Retail.................................................................................................925 Hardware Store - Wholesale ............................................................................................926 Hardware Store - Wholesale - Temporary Staff ........................................................................881 Hardwood Dimension And Flooring Mill, No Sawmill Operation..............................................................305 Hardwood Floor Laying .................................................................................................648 Harness Or Saddle Mfg. .................................................................................................205 Harvesting By Contractor ............................................................................................007 Hat Block Mfg. - Wood .................................................................................................306 Hat Cleaner ...........................................................................................................977 Hat Frame Mfg., Ladies .................................................................................................161 Hat Lining Mfg. ......................................................................................................161 Hat Mfg., Felt ......................................................................................................161 Hat Mfg., N.O.C. ......................................................................................................161 Hat Mfg., Safety - See Helmet .......................................................................................---Hat Store - Cloth, Felt, Fur Or Straw ..................................................................................916 Hatchery - Poultry .................................................................................................0034 Hatters' Fur Processing.................................................................................................130 Hauling Contractor......................................................................................................811 Hay Baling, By Contractor ............................................................................................007 Hay Dealer ...........................................................................................................924 Haz Mat (Hazardous Materials) Response Team - Volunteer ..............................................................996 Head Start Program......................................................................................................891 Headboard Mfg. - Wood (Upholstery Work If Conducted By A Sep. Crew In A Sep. Dept. Shall Be Separately Rated) .......323 Health Club ...........................................................................................................884 Health Food Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................911 Health Food Store - Retail ............................................................................................917 Health Or Exercise Club.................................................................................................884 Health Spa ...........................................................................................................884 Hearing Aid - Sale And Service .......................................................................................920 Hearing Aid Ear Mold Mfg. ............................................................................................489 Hearing Aid Mfg. ......................................................................................................485 Hearse Body Mfg. ......................................................................................................451 Heart Scan Systems Mfg..................................................................................................488 Heater Or Radiator Mfg. - Cast Iron ..................................................................................425 Heating Equipment - Installation - Hot Water Or Steam...................................................................663 Heating Pad Mfg. ......................................................................................................473 Heating Pad Mfg. - Fabric Covering Only .............................................................................163 Heating Systems - Hot Forced Air, Repair Or Service - Cleaning, Oiling Or Adjusting.....................................664 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 183 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Heating Systems Installation, Except Electric, Hot Water Or Steam ....................................................664 Heating, Ventilating Or Air Conditioning Equipment Or Parts Dealer - Wholesale..........................................885 Heat-Treating Of Metal - By Specialist Contractor ...................................................................433 Heel Mfg. - Rubber......................................................................................................225 Helicopter Operation, N.O.C. .......................................................................................7424 Heliport Operation - Ground Personnel..................................................................................7428 Helmet Mfg., Safety - Use Appropriate Plastics Molding Class .........................................................---Hemp Spinning And Weaving ............................................................................................132 Herb Dealer - Wholesale.................................................................................................911 Herbicide Mfg. ......................................................................................................551 Herbs - Blending, Grinding And Packing..................................................................................104 Hide Dealer - Including Salting - Curing .............................................................................924 High Explosives Mfg. .................................................................................................4771 Highway Maintenance, Scraping, Paving Or Repaving By Contractor.........................................................601 Highway Operation - Toll Collector ..................................................................................951 Hobby Shop - Retail .................................................................................................928 Hog Farm ...........................................................................................................0034 Hoist Installation......................................................................................................675 Hoisting Systems Mfg. .................................................................................................465 Holiday Decorations Mfg. - Paper Or Plastic.............................................................................257 Home For Orphans ......................................................................................................941 Home For Unwed Mothers - No Medical Services ........................................................................986 Home Freezer Dealer - Retail............................................................................................922 Home Health Aide ......................................................................................................943 Home Health Care Services - Nonprofessional Staff ...................................................................943 Home Health Care Services - Professional Staff ........................................................................942 Home Improvements And/Or Remodeling ..................................................................................652 Homemaker Service ......................................................................................................943 Homeowners' Association ............................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Hood Mfg., Range ......................................................................................................454 Horizontal Or Directional Drilling - By Contractor ...................................................................607 Horse Breeding Farm Or Boarding/Training Stable ........................................................................801 Horse Driven Carriage Tours Or Taxis ..................................................................................801 Horse Shoeing By Specialist Contractor..................................................................................801 Horse Show ...........................................................................................................969 Horseshoe Mfg. ......................................................................................................431 Hose Mfg. - Plastic .................................................................................................222 Hose Mfg. - Rubber......................................................................................................225 Hosiery Dyeing ......................................................................................................135 Hosiery Finishing ......................................................................................................135 Hosiery Mfg. ...........................................................................................................135 Hospice Care Performed In Client's Residence - Nonprofessional Staff....................................................943 Hospice Care Performed In Client's Residence - Professional Staff ....................................................942 Hospital, All Employees.................................................................................................961 Hospital, Psychiatric .................................................................................................958 Hospital, Rehabilitation ............................................................................................958 Hospital, Veterinary .................................................................................................959 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 184 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Hot Air Ballooning .................................................................................................7424 Hot House, Vegetable Growing .......................................................................................0011 Hot Tub Or Spa Dealer - Retail .......................................................................................925 Hot Tub Or Spa Dealer - Wholesale.......................................................................................926 Hot Water Tank - Installation, Service Or Repair........................................................................663 Hotel - All Other Employees............................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Hotel Kitchen Equipment Mfg.............................................................................................454 Hotel Restaurant Employees ............................................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information House Cleaning By Contractor - Interior .............................................................................882 House Furnishings Installation .......................................................................................670 House Furnishings Mfg. - From Textile Fabrics ........................................................................163 House Moving - See Wrecking Or Demolition Or Building Moving Or Raising Project - Gen. Aud. & Class .................---House Of Correction Guards (Not State Employees)........................................................................985 House Slippers Mfg. .................................................................................................204 Household Appliance Store, Small - Retail .............................................................................925 Household Appliances Dealer, Major - Retail.............................................................................922 Household Appliances Dealer, Small - Wholesale ........................................................................926 Household Bleach, Dry Or Liquid Mfg. ..................................................................................571 Household Cooking Utensil Mfg. .......................................................................................454 Household Furniture Dealer - Retail ..................................................................................922 Household Goods Packing At The Customer's Location By The Moving Company Or By Independent Contractor .................806 Household Laundry Equipment Dealer - Retail.............................................................................922 Household Linens, Bedspreads, Towels, Drapes Mfg. ...................................................................163 Household Major Or Commercial Appliances, Electrical Or Gas - Service Or Repair .....................................662 Household Refrigerator Dealer - Retail..................................................................................922 Household Vacuum Cleaner Dealer - Wholesale.............................................................................926 Household Vacuum Cleaner Store, Small - Retail ........................................................................925 Housing Authority ......................................................................................................983 Humidifier Mfg. ......................................................................................................473 Humus Digging And Bagging ............................................................................................609 Humus Or Topsoil Dealer - No Excavation .............................................................................855 Hydrant Mfg. Water - Cast Iron .......................................................................................425 Hydraulic Device Mfg. - Jacks, Auto Lifts .............................................................................461 Hydraulic Stabilizer Mfg., For Trains ..................................................................................445 Hydrogen Mfg............................................................................................................553 Hydroponic Vegetable Production .......................................................................................0011 Ice Cream Cabinet Mfg. .................................................................................................456 Ice Cream Cone Mfg. .................................................................................................105 Ice Cream Dealer - Wholesale............................................................................................911 Ice Cream Mfg. ......................................................................................................110 Ice Cream, Store Or Street Vending - Retail.............................................................................928 Ice Dealer - No Mfg. .................................................................................................855 Ice Mfg. - Not Dry Ice .................................................................................................104 Ice Mfg., Dry Ice ......................................................................................................553 Icing Of Refrigerator Cars ............................................................................................855 Implant Mfg. - Medical (e.g., Hips, Knees) .............................................................................459 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 185 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Impregnated Fabrics Mfg. ............................................................................................139 Incandescent Light Bulb Mfg.............................................................................................486 Incubator Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Index Card Mfg. ......................................................................................................265 Industrial Boiler Mfg. .................................................................................................415 Industrial Caterer......................................................................................................898 Industrial Crane Installation .......................................................................................675 Industrial Equipment Repair, Shop Only..................................................................................461 Industrial Gas Mfg. .................................................................................................553 Industrial Knife Mfg. - All Types.......................................................................................445 Industrial Launderer .................................................................................................141 Industrial Locomotive And Parts Mfg. ..................................................................................416 Industrial Pattern - Cast-Metal, Mfg...................................................................................---See Appropriate Foundry Class Industrial Truck Mfg. .................................................................................................463 Infant Wear Service Laundry ............................................................................................141 Infrared Homing Systems Mfg.............................................................................................485 Injection Molding Of Plastics .......................................................................................221 Ink Mfg., Printing......................................................................................................563 Inorganic Pigment Mfg. .................................................................................................563 Inpatient Non-Hospital Detoxification Or Drug Free Licensed Facility....................................................958 Insecticide Mfg. ......................................................................................................551 Inspection Of Mercantile, Mfg. Or Risks For Insurance Or Valuation Purposes - By Independent Contractor.................951 Inspection Of Mercantile, Mfg. Or Risks For Insurance Or Valuation Purposes - By Insurance Company......................984 Installation Of Hod Hoists, Etc. .......................................................................................675 Installation Of Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Pole Hardware .........................................................656 Installation Of Telephone, Telegraph Or Electric Transformers .........................................................656 Installation Or Dismantling Of Machinery And Industrial Equipment, By Contractor .....................................675 Institutional Caterer .................................................................................................898 Instrument - Professional Or Scientific - Service Or Repair - Shop Or Field ..........................................952 Insulated Clothing Mfg. - Thermal Type..................................................................................161 Insulation (Asbestos) - Encapsulation Or Removal (Except Pipe Insulation)...............................................651 Insulation Dealer ......................................................................................................855 Insulation Work, N.O.C..................................................................................................647 Insulation Work, Pipe (Incl. Asbestos Encapsulation Or Removal).........................................................663 Insulation Work, Residential............................................................................................647 Insurance Adjuster - By Independent Contractor ........................................................................951 Insurance Company ......................................................................................................984 Insurance Traveling Auditor - Independent Contractor ...................................................................951 Integrated Circuit Mfg..................................................................................................472 Intercommunication System Installation, Within Buildings ..............................................................660 Intercommunications Equipment Mfg. ..................................................................................485 Interior Decorator - No Installation Work - Classify Per Business Of The Employer .....................................---Interior Marble Installation............................................................................................668 Interior Stripping/Gutting Of Buildings .............................................................................651 Interior Tile Mosaic Work ............................................................................................668 Interior Trim Installation - Wood.......................................................................................648 Intermediate Care Facility For The Mentally Retarded - Regardless Of Client Count .....................................940 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 186 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Intermediate Unit (Special Education) ..................................................................................893 Internal Combustion Engine Mfg. .......................................................................................461 Inventory Service - By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................951 Investigative Agency - All Types .......................................................................................904 Investment Casting......................................................................................................445 Investment Castings Mfg. - Nonferrous Metals ........................................................................447 Invisible Fence Installation............................................................................................660 Iron Erection...........................................................................................................655 Iron Erection, Ornamental Or Non-Structural Only........................................................................658 Iron Forging ...........................................................................................................431 Iron Foundry, N.O.C. (See Also Classes 427 And 445) ...................................................................425 Iron Or Steel Erection, Structural ..................................................................................655 Iron Or Steel Merchant, New Materials Only .............................................................................857 Iron Or Steel Scrap Dealer ............................................................................................858 Iron Ore Mining - Underground .......................................................................................025 Iron Recovery By Chemical Means .......................................................................................551 Iron Shutter Mfg. ......................................................................................................413 Iron, Ornamental, Fabrication Shop ..................................................................................413 Irrigation Plant, Selling And Pipe-Distributing Water...................................................................753 Irrigation System Construction .......................................................................................609 Jackhammer Mfg. ......................................................................................................461 Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen - Metal Or Glass, Erection Of ..............................................................651 Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen - Metal Or Glass, Erection Of - Residential ...............................................652 Jalousie Or Jalousie Screen Mfg. - Metal Or Glass ...................................................................456 Jam Mfg.................................................................................................................113 Janitor Service Contractor ............................................................................................971 Janitorial Supply Dealer - Wholesale ..................................................................................926 Jelly Mfg. ...........................................................................................................113 Jetty Construction - State Coverage Only .............................................................................611 Jewel Setting And Mounting ............................................................................................458 Jeweler, Findings And Materials Dealer..................................................................................920 Jewelry Mfg. ...........................................................................................................458 Jewelry Polishing ......................................................................................................458 Jewelry Store - Wholesale Or Retail ..................................................................................920 Jig Or Fixture Mfg. .................................................................................................441 Jockey - Employed By A Horse Breeding Farm Or Boarding/Training Stable ...............................................801 Jockey - Employed By A Race Track.......................................................................................969 Juice Mfg. - Fruit......................................................................................................113 Jukebox Operation, Service Or Repair ..................................................................................933 Junk Dealer ...........................................................................................................860 Jute Spinning And Weaving ............................................................................................132 Kaolin Excavation Or Surface Mining - Including Milling Or Washing ....................................................055 Kaolin Milling Or Washing By Other Than Producer........................................................................059 Karate Or Other Martial Arts Institute..................................................................................968 Keg Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................305 Kerosene Distribution .................................................................................................809 Kerosene Mfg............................................................................................................581 Ketchup Mfg. ...........................................................................................................113 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 187 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Kiddie Rides - All Operations - Permanently Sited ...................................................................969 Kiddie Rides - All Operations - Traveling .............................................................................939 Kiln Drying Of Lumber - By Sawmill ..................................................................................301 Kiln Drying Of Lumber - No Sawmill Operations ........................................................................855 Kindergarten, Not Operated In Conjunction With Grade School .........................................................891 Kiosk Mfg. ...........................................................................................................311 Kitchen And/Or Bath Fixture Dealer ..................................................................................885 Kitchen Cabinet Installation - Wood ..................................................................................648 Kitchen Equipment Exhaust Duct Cleaning - By Specialist Contractor ....................................................971 Kitchen Equipment Installation - (Commercial) ........................................................................646 Kite Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Knapsack Mfg............................................................................................................166 Knit Glove Mfg. ......................................................................................................134 Knit Goods Mfg., N.O.C..................................................................................................134 Knitting Mill, Hosiery .................................................................................................135 Label (Pressure-Sensitive) Printing By Web Press - By Specialist Contractor ..........................................281 Label Mfg. - Metal......................................................................................................441 Label Mfg., Woven Labels ............................................................................................132 Label Printing - Non-Pressure-Sensitive - Assign Applicable Printing Class ..........................................---Labor Union ...........................................................................................................903 Laboratory Animal Breeding Or Raising (Rats, Mice, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Etc.)..........................................959 Laboratory Glassware Mfg. - From Purchased Glass........................................................................536 Lace Mfg. ...........................................................................................................134 Lacquer Mfg. ...........................................................................................................563 Ladder Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Ladder Mfg. - Wood......................................................................................................306 Laminated Glass Products Mfg. - From Purchased Glass ...................................................................536 Laminated Wood Building Beam And Column Mfg. ........................................................................305 Laminating - Paper - By Contractor ..................................................................................263 Lamp (Floor Or Table) Assembly Only - No Metal Or Wood Fabricating ....................................................319 Lamp Or Portable Lantern Mfg. .......................................................................................445 Lamp Post Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................413 Lamp Shade Frame Mfg. .................................................................................................457 Lamp Shade Mfg. (Excluding Frame Manufacturing) ........................................................................163 Landfill Operation......................................................................................................609 Landfill Operations By A Rubbish Or Garbage Removal Contractor .........................................................995 Landscape Architectural Firm, No Construction Work ...................................................................955 Landscape Contractor .................................................................................................012 Landscaping Supplies Dealer (e.g., Mulch, Topsoil Or Stone) .........................................................855 Lapidary................................................................................................................458 Laser Printer Cartridge Mfg. Or Remanufacture ........................................................................483 Laser Printing By Contractor............................................................................................932 Last Block Mfg. ......................................................................................................305 Last Form Mfg. - Wooden.................................................................................................441 Last Mfg. - Cast Metal.................................................................................................---See Appropriate Foundry Class Latex, Foamed Mfg.......................................................................................................225 Lath Mfg. - Wood ......................................................................................................306 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 188 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Lathing ................................................................................................................669 Launderer, Industrial .................................................................................................141 Laundry - Coin-Operated - Self-Service..................................................................................928 Laundry Collection By Dry Cleaner.......................................................................................142 Laundry Collection By Launderer .......................................................................................141 Laundry Collector Without Laundry (Excluding Contract Hauler) .........................................................928 Laundry Equipment Installation, Service Or Repair - Industrial .........................................................675 Laundry, Hand...........................................................................................................141 Laundry, N.O.C. ......................................................................................................141 Laundry, Waste Cloth, Operated By Dealers In Used Materials .........................................................862 Law Firm................................................................................................................956 Lawn Care Service Company - Including Lawn Cutting, Maintenance Or Spraying ..........................................012 Lawn Mower Sale Or Service (Including Riding Type) ...................................................................925 Lawn Sprinkler Installation ............................................................................................663 Lead Mfg., Red Or White.................................................................................................402 Lead Paint Removal (From A Pipe Surface) - By Contractor ..............................................................663 Lead Paint Removal (From Any Non-Pipe Surface) - By Contractor .........................................................651 Lead Pencil Mfg. ......................................................................................................306 Lead Scrap Dealer ......................................................................................................859 Lead Sheet, Pipe And Shot Mfg. .......................................................................................402 Lead Smelting...........................................................................................................402 Lead Smelting And Refining, Primary ..................................................................................402 Leaf Spring Mfg. ......................................................................................................435 Leash Mfg. ...........................................................................................................205 Leather (Imitation) Mfg. ............................................................................................227 Leather Belting Mfg. .................................................................................................205 Leather Clothing Mfg. .................................................................................................161 Leather Dealer ......................................................................................................201 Leather Dressing ......................................................................................................201 Leather Embossing ......................................................................................................205 Leather Finishing ......................................................................................................201 Leather Goods Mfg., N.O.C. (See Also Gloves, Hats, Shoes) ..............................................................205 Leather Skiving ......................................................................................................205 Leather Tanning ......................................................................................................201 Levee Construction......................................................................................................609 Library - Public ......................................................................................................890 Licorice Extract Mfg. .................................................................................................104 Life Care Community - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher ................................960 Life Care Community - With Less Than 50 Pct. Of Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher ...........................974 Life Jacket Mfg. - Inflatable Rubberized Fabric ........................................................................225 Life Jacket Or Preserver Mfg. .......................................................................................166 Life Raft Mfg. - Rubber.................................................................................................225 Light Emitting Diode Mfg. ............................................................................................472 Light Industrial Or Manufacturing Business Operations - Temporary Staff ...............................................544 Lighting Fixture And Supplies Store ..................................................................................925 Lighting Fixtures And Supplies Dealer ..................................................................................886 Lighting Fixtures Mfg. .................................................................................................445 Lime Burning Or Processing - By Limestone Quarry Operator ..............................................................051 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 189 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Lime Burning Or Processing - By Specialist Contractor...................................................................501 Lime Quarry ...........................................................................................................051 Lime Spreading By Contractor............................................................................................007 Limousine Services......................................................................................................817 Linen Cloth Weaving .................................................................................................132 Linen Mfg. - House Furnishings .......................................................................................163 Linen Supply Service Including Laundering .............................................................................141 Linen Thread Mfg. ......................................................................................................132 Linens Shop ...........................................................................................................916 Lingerie Mfg............................................................................................................161 Lining For Casket Interiors Mfg. - No Casket Mfg. Or Upholstery Work....................................................163 Lining Mfg. - Hat ......................................................................................................161 Linings, Sewing Into Coats By Hand ..................................................................................161 Linoleum Laying ......................................................................................................670 Linoleum Mfg............................................................................................................227 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Dealer And Distributor ........................................................................809 Liquid Crystal Display Mfg. ............................................................................................472 Liquid Oxygen Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate ..................................................................................415 Liquid Waste Treatment Plant............................................................................................753 Liquor/Wine Dealer......................................................................................................924 Livestock (Excluding Dairy Or Horses) Farm - Animal Raising In Fields/Pastures .....................................0083 Livestock Commission Merchant .......................................................................................801 Livestock Dealer ......................................................................................................801 Livestock Tattooing, By Contractor ..................................................................................959 Locker Mfg. - Metal .................................................................................................456 Locks, Installation In New Buildings ..................................................................................648 Locksmith - Including Shop ............................................................................................925 Locomotive And Parts Mfg. ............................................................................................416 Log Dealer - No Logging Or Sawmill Operations ........................................................................855 Log Mfg. - Synthetic (Wax And Sawdust Combination) ...................................................................571 Logging - By Chain Saws.................................................................................................009 Logging - By Means Of Mechanized Equipment .............................................................................015 Logging Of Oil And/Or Gas Wells - By Contractor ........................................................................607 Logging Or Lumbering Business - Trucking To Sawmill Or Unrelated Customer - Assign Applicable Logging Class............---Logging Tools Mfg.......................................................................................................433 Long Term Care Facility - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher ...........................960 Loose-Leaf Binder Or Ledger Mfg. .......................................................................................265 Lubricant, Blending .................................................................................................581 Lubricating Oil And Grease Mfg., Excluding Animal And Vegetable Products ...............................................581 Luggage Mfg., Excluding Trunks .......................................................................................205 Luggage Store - Retail .................................................................................................928 Lumber And Building Material Dealer - Store Employees - For Use In Conjunction With Class 855 Only......................935 Lumber Cutting, Incidental Cutting To Size By Lumber Yard ..............................................................855 Lumber Dealer, No Lumber Fabricating Or Handling Of Used Lumber.........................................................855 Lumber Yard, Secondhand Material .......................................................................................860 Lumbering - By Chain Saws ............................................................................................009 Lumbering - By Means Of Mechanized Equipment ........................................................................015 Luncheon Meats Mfg. .................................................................................................106 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 190 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Luncheonette ...........................................................................................................897 Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli Or Noodles Mfg. ........................................................................105 Machine Belting Installation Or Repair..................................................................................675 Machine Guard Mfg. - Sheet Metal .......................................................................................454 Machine Shop, N.O.C. .................................................................................................461 Machine Tools And Accessories Mfg. ..................................................................................441 Machine Tools Mfg. - Metal - Cutting Or Forming Types...................................................................441 Machined Automobile Parts Mfg., N.O.C...................................................................................461 Machine-Painting Shade Cloth............................................................................................139 Machinery Erection, Not By Manufacturer .............................................................................675 Machinery Or Industrial Equipment Installation, Service Or Repair Or Dismantling, By Contractor ......................675 Machinery Reconditioning (Excluding Conveyors) - Shop Operations Only ...............................................461 Magazine Printing By Publisher Or Contractor ........................................................................282 Magnesium Metal Mfg. - Electrolysis Of Fused Magnesium Chloride Process ...............................................551 Magnesium Metal Mfg. - Ferro-Silicon Process ........................................................................551 Magnesium Metal Mfg., N.O.C.............................................................................................551 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Mfg. ..................................................................................488 Maid Service Contractor - Interior ..................................................................................882 Mail Delivery - Under Contract To United States Postal Service .........................................................812 Mail Order House - Use Appropriate Wholesale Store Classification ....................................................---Mail Order Pharmacy .................................................................................................927 Mail Sorting Service - By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................948 Mailing And Shipping Store - By Independent Contractor ..............................................................928 Mailing Lists - Compiling/Selling - Risk's Only Operation ..............................................................953 Mailing Or Addressing Company Including Incidental Printing .........................................................948 Mailing Tube Mfg. ......................................................................................................257 Main Construction - Gas, Steam Or Water - Local Distribution Systems - All Work To Completion Except Tunneling .......617 Maintenance Of Buses, By Bus-Operating Company ........................................................................817 Maintenance Of Buses, By Public Garage..................................................................................815 Maintenance Of Premises, Not Tenanted Buildings........................................................................---Governing Class Major Household Appliance Dealer - Wholesale ........................................................................921 Malleable Iron Foundry .................................................................................................427 Malt Liquors Mfg. And Distribution ..................................................................................108 Malted Milk Mfg. - From Powdered Milk, Sugar, Malt And Cocoa .........................................................104 Malted Milk Powder Mfg., Including Dehydration Of Milk ..............................................................109 Manhole Cover Mfg. - Cast Iron .......................................................................................425 Manicuring Shop ......................................................................................................977 Manufactured Gas Utility ............................................................................................751 Manufacturing Or Light Industrial Operations - Temporary Staff .........................................................544 Manure Dealer...........................................................................................................855 Map Mfg. Relief, Made Of Plaster .......................................................................................502 Marble Cutting And Polishing............................................................................................855 Marble Products Mfg. - Artificial.......................................................................................222 Marble Setting, Exterior Only .......................................................................................653 Marble Setting, Interior Only .......................................................................................668 Marina - State Coverage Only............................................................................................716 Marina - With Federal Coverage .......................................................................................6826F © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 191 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Marine Appraiser Or Surveyor............................................................................................951 Marine Plumber, Not Boat Or Shipbuilding .............................................................................6872F Marine Railway Operator ............................................................................................6872F Marketing Staff - Temporary Staff.......................................................................................949 Martial Arts (Including Karate) Institute .............................................................................968 Mask Mfg. - Costume - Cloth ............................................................................................161 Masonry, N.O.C. ......................................................................................................653 Massage Therapy Services ............................................................................................977 Match Mfg. - Paper......................................................................................................257 Material Yard, Secondhand, When Not On Demolition Sites ..............................................................860 Maternity Apparel Shop .................................................................................................916 Maternity Home - No Medical Services ..................................................................................986 Mattress Mfg............................................................................................................165 Mausoleums And Monuments In Cemeteries, Erection Only...................................................................608 Mayonnaise Mfg. ......................................................................................................104 Meals On Wheels ......................................................................................................898 Measuring Or Dispensing Pump Mfg........................................................................................461 Measuring Tape Mfg. - Cloth - Sewing Type .............................................................................163 Meat Chopper Mfg. ......................................................................................................445 Meat Dealer - Wholesale - Including Meat Processing ...................................................................910 Meat Dealer - Wholesale - No Processing Whatsoever ...................................................................924 Meat Packing Plant - Wholesale, Including Slaughtering ..............................................................111 Meat Products Mfg., N.O.C. ............................................................................................119 Meat Slicers Or Grinders - Counter Type - Service Or Repair .........................................................952 Meat, Fish Or Poultry Store - Retail ..................................................................................915 Mechanical Consulting Engineering Firm..................................................................................955 Mechanical Pencil Mfg. .................................................................................................459 Medical Diagnostic Lamp Mfg.............................................................................................486 Medical Equipment Mfg., Electronic - Diagnostic Or Treatment .........................................................488 Medical Implant Mfg. - (e.g., Hips, Knees) .............................................................................459 Medical Service - Temporary Help .......................................................................................946 Medical Supply Store - Retail .......................................................................................928 Medicinal Extract Mfg. .................................................................................................104 Medicine Ball Mfg.......................................................................................................205 Medicine Mfg............................................................................................................555 Megetron Device Mfg. (Specialty Electron) .............................................................................486 Melting Of Nonferrous Scrap Metals ..................................................................................402 Members Of Religious Orders............................................................................................0901 Members Of Religious Orders - Occasional .............................................................................0902 Men's Clothing & Furnishings Store ..................................................................................916 Mental Health Center - Outpatient Services Only ........................................................................957 Mercerizing Of New Goods ............................................................................................139 Merchandise Warehouse - Cold Or General Merchandise ...................................................................813 Merchandise Warehouse - Furniture - Including Moving ...................................................................806 Mercury Switch Mfg. .................................................................................................473 Messengers ...........................................................................................................951 Metal Anodizing ......................................................................................................449 Metal Arches Mfg., For Buildings .......................................................................................413 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 192 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Metal Can Mfg., Seamed .................................................................................................454 Metal Can Mfg., Seamless ............................................................................................403 Metal Ceiling Installation ............................................................................................676 Metal Furniture Mfg. .................................................................................................456 Metal Furring, By Contractor............................................................................................655 Metal Lath Mfg. ......................................................................................................413 Metal Partition, Shelving, Locker, Office And Store Fixture Installation ...............................................646 Metal Polish Mfg. ......................................................................................................563 Metal Powder Mfg. - Crushing Or Grinding - By Independent Contractor....................................................059 Metal Salvaging, From Slag Dumps .......................................................................................055 Metal Service Center (Ferrous Or Nonferrous Metals) ...................................................................857 Metal Shipping Barrels, Drums, Kegs Or Pails - Used, Dealer .........................................................454 Metal Spinnings Mfg. .................................................................................................454 Metal Stampings Mfg. .................................................................................................454 Metal Storm Sash Installation .......................................................................................651 Metal Storm Sash Installation - Residential.............................................................................652 Metal, Sheet Goods Mfg., N.O.C. .......................................................................................454 Metallizing Of Fabrics .................................................................................................227 Meter Maid - Employed By A Municipality .............................................................................980 Meters - Electric, Installing, Repairing And Testing, Including Shop - By Contractor ................................661 Mica Schist Quarry, Including Grinding Or Splitting ...................................................................050 Microfilming ...........................................................................................................932 Micrometer Mfg. ......................................................................................................487 Microphone Mfg. ......................................................................................................485 Microwave Communication Equipment Mfg...................................................................................485 Military Tank Hull Mfg..................................................................................................415 Milk Hauling - By Contractor............................................................................................805 Milk Or Milk Products Dealer - Wholesale .............................................................................911 Milk Processor - Fluid .................................................................................................109 Milk Producer - Fluid Only ............................................................................................0036 Milk Products Mfg., N.O.C. (Excluding Ice Cream Mfg.)...................................................................109 Milking Equipment Installation .......................................................................................663 Millinery And Straw Hat Mfg.............................................................................................161 Millinery Mfg., Felt .................................................................................................161 Millinery Store ......................................................................................................916 Milling - Wet Corn......................................................................................................103 Milling Of A Road's Surface - By An Independent Contractor Or The Paving Contractor.....................................601 Milling Of Grain - Permanently Located..................................................................................101 Milling Of Grain, With Portable Mills ..................................................................................007 Millwork Glazing, Not Performed By Millwork Plant ...................................................................855 Millwork Plant ......................................................................................................305 Millwork, Hand Assembling ............................................................................................855 Millwrighting...........................................................................................................675 Mine Car Mfg............................................................................................................416 Mine Shaft Sinking, By Contractor.......................................................................................615 Mineral Color Mfg.......................................................................................................563 Mineral Milling ......................................................................................................059 Mineral Water, Carbonated - Bottled Or Canned ........................................................................112 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 193 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Mineral Wool Mfg. - Including Spinning And Weaving ...................................................................513 Miniature Golf Course .................................................................................................969 Miniature Tube Mfg. - From Ferrous Metals .............................................................................407 Miniature Tube Mfg. - From Nonferrous Metals ........................................................................403 Miniature Valve And Fitting Mfg. .......................................................................................459 Mining - Underground - Not Coal .......................................................................................025 Mining Consulting Engineering Firm ..................................................................................955 Mink Farm ...........................................................................................................0170 Mirror Installation .................................................................................................666 Mirror Mfg. - From Purchased Glass ..................................................................................536 Missile Guidance Equipment Mfg. .......................................................................................485 Mixed Gas Utility ......................................................................................................751 Mobile Catering ......................................................................................................898 Mobile Crane & Hoisting Operations, By Rigging Contractor ..............................................................657 Mobile Crane Leasing Or Rental - With Operators By Specialist Contractor ...............................................811 Mobile Crane Repair, By Specialist Contractor ........................................................................814 Mobile Equipment Dealer - Factory, Farm Or Construction ..............................................................814 Mobile Home - Setup Or Warranty Service - By Specialist Contractor ....................................................818 Mobile Home Dealer......................................................................................................818 Mobile Home Mfg. - Non Self-Propelled ..................................................................................451 Mobile Home Park - Operation Or Maintenance By Contractor (Not Recreational Vehicle Campground) ......................971 Model Or Pattern Mfg. - Wood Or Metal, Shop Only, Excluding Castings....................................................441 Modem Mfg. ...........................................................................................................483 Modular Home Mfg. ......................................................................................................305 Modular Home Setup, Warranty Service, Remodeling Or Repair..............................................................652 Molasses Mfg............................................................................................................103 Mold Mfg., Excluding Castings .......................................................................................441 Molding, Plastic - Of Any Product By Any Molding Technique Other Than Injection Molding ................................222 Monorail System Installation (Except For Public Transportation).........................................................675 Monument Or Memorial (Cemetery) Cutting, Engraving And/Or Polishing ....................................................855 Mop Head Mfg., From Cotton Waste, No Other Operations...................................................................132 Mop Mfg.................................................................................................................306 Mortar Mfg., No Construction Work.......................................................................................855 Mosaic Tile Installation ............................................................................................668 Mosquito Netting - No Mfg. Of Net.......................................................................................163 Moss Ginning ...........................................................................................................132 Motel ................................................................................................................973 Motel, Motor Court, Etc. - All Other Employees ........................................................................---See General Auditing & Classification Information Motion Picture Production ............................................................................................936 Motion Picture Theater .................................................................................................967 Motion Pictures, Development Of Films, No Other Operations..............................................................928 Motor Controller Assembly ............................................................................................476 Motor Oil (Used) - Collection By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................809 Motor Vehicle Parts And Accessory Dealer .............................................................................934 Motorcycle Dealer (Including Sale Of Accessory Merchandise Such As Clothing, Racing Gear, Etc.) ......................818 Motorcycle Funeral Escort Service.......................................................................................817 Motorcycle Mfg. ......................................................................................................463 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 194 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Mover - Household Or Office Furniture - With Or Without Storage Facility ...............................................806 Mucilage Mfg............................................................................................................563 Mulch Dealer ...........................................................................................................855 Multiplexer Mfg. ......................................................................................................485 Municipal Or County Employees, N.O.C. ..................................................................................980 Museum - All Types......................................................................................................887 Mushroom Bed Filling With Compost - By Contractor ...................................................................007 Mushroom Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................907 Mushroom Raising ......................................................................................................0008 Mushroom Spawn Production ............................................................................................0008 Musical Instrument Mfg. - Metal .......................................................................................458 Musical Instrument Mfg. - Wood .......................................................................................323 Musical Instrument Rental - Except Pianos And Organs ...................................................................928 Musical Instruments Rental - Pianos And Organs - Retail ..............................................................922 Musician, Independent Contractor .......................................................................................967 Mustard (Prepared) Mfg..................................................................................................104 Nail Mfg. - Wire ......................................................................................................457 Nail Mfg., Not Wire .................................................................................................445 Nailhead Ornamentation Attaching Nailheads Or Similar Articles To Textile Fabrics By Means Of Foot Presses ............161 Naphtha Distribution .................................................................................................809 Naphtha Mfg. In Petroleum Refinery ..................................................................................581 Napkin Mfg. - Cloth .................................................................................................163 Napkin Mfg. - Paper .................................................................................................257 Narrow Fabric Mill - Cotton, Wool, Silk Or Man-Made Fibers..............................................................132 Natural Gas Production .................................................................................................028 Natural Gas Utility .................................................................................................751 Navigational Instruments Mfg. .......................................................................................485 Necktie Mfg., From Fabric ............................................................................................161 Necktie Mfg., Knitted .................................................................................................134 Needle, Pin, Hook Or Eye Mfg. .......................................................................................459 Neon Sign Mfg. - Shop Only, No Installation, Service Or Repair .........................................................486 Neon Sign Mfg., Installation Or Repair..................................................................................673 Net Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used........................................................................---Netting - Mosquito - No Mfg. Of Net ..................................................................................163 News Agent Or Magazine Distributor - Retail.............................................................................928 News Agent Or Magazine Distributor - Wholesale ........................................................................924 Newspaper Inserts (e.g., Advertising, Sunday Comics, Sunday Magazines) Printing By Publisher Or Contractor ............282 Newspaper Printing By Publisher Or Contractor ........................................................................282 Newspaper Reporter Or Photographer ..................................................................................951 Nightclub ...........................................................................................................899 Nitroglycerin Mfg. .................................................................................................4771 Non-Destructive Testing - All Kinds - By Specialist Contractor .........................................................955 Nonferrous Metals Cold Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, Or Forging .........................................................403 Nonferrous Metals Foundry ............................................................................................447 Nonferrous Metals Foundry - Supplemental Foundry Exposure Loading ....................................................0066 Nonferrous Scrap Dealer And Automobile Dismantler ...................................................................861 Notebook Mfg. (No Paper Mfg.) - All Types .............................................................................265 Notepad Mfg. ...........................................................................................................265 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 195 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Nurse - Private Duty .................................................................................................942 Nurse - RN And LPN Including Aides - Temporary Help ...................................................................946 Nurses - Visiting Patients In Private Homes.............................................................................942 Nursing Home - With 50 Pct. Or More Beds Licensed As Intermediate Care Or Higher .....................................960 Nut Or Bolt Mfg. ......................................................................................................445 Nuts - Cleaning And Shelling............................................................................................104 Nuts (Edible) Dealer .................................................................................................924 Nylon Mfg. ...........................................................................................................581 Nylon Spinning And Weaving ............................................................................................132 Office Furniture Dealer.................................................................................................921 Office Furniture Mfg. - Metal .......................................................................................456 Office Machine Dealer - Wholesale.......................................................................................924 Office Machine Mfg. .................................................................................................483 Office Machine Repair - Shop Or Field ..................................................................................952 Office Machine Store - Retail .......................................................................................928 Office Supply Dealer - Wholesale .......................................................................................924 Office Supply Store - Retail............................................................................................928 Offset Duplicating......................................................................................................932 Oil Blending - Not Animal Or Vegetable..................................................................................581 Oil Distributing, Retail And Wholesale..................................................................................809 Oil Field Machinery Or Equipment Mfg. - Classify According To Materials Used ..........................................---Oil Field Tank Painting.................................................................................................655 Oil Lease Operation .................................................................................................028 Oil Mfg., Animal ......................................................................................................114 Oil Mfg., Vegetable .................................................................................................551 Oil Or Coal Dock Operation - Waterfront .............................................................................7313F Oil Or Gas Pipeline Construction - Cross-Country........................................................................609 Oil Or Gas Pipeline Operation .......................................................................................752 Oil Production ......................................................................................................028 Oil Refining, Petroleum.................................................................................................581 Oil Re-Refining, Used Motor Oil .......................................................................................581 Oil Rig Or Derrick Erecting And Dismantling.............................................................................655 Oil Spill Cleanup ......................................................................................................995 Oil Still Erection......................................................................................................655 Oil Still Pipe Insulation ............................................................................................663 Oil Storage Tank Mfg. - Metal Plate ..................................................................................415 Oil Well Casing Installation - By Contractor ........................................................................607 Oil Well Cementing, By Contractor.......................................................................................607 Oil Well Cleaning - By Contractor.......................................................................................607 Oil Well Drilling ......................................................................................................606 Oil Well Equipment Dealer ............................................................................................926 Oil Well Operation......................................................................................................028 Oil Well Service Contractor ............................................................................................607 Oil Well Shooting - By Contractor.......................................................................................607 Oil Well Tools Mfg. .................................................................................................433 Oilcloth Mfg............................................................................................................227 Olive Handling ......................................................................................................104 Opening Of Fibers ......................................................................................................132 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 196 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Optical Instrument Or Lens Mfg. .......................................................................................487 Optical Store, Including Lens Grinding And Optometrists ..............................................................920 Optometrist Office......................................................................................................957 Orchard Or Fruit Farm .................................................................................................0016 Orchard Or Vineyard .................................................................................................0016 Orchard Work, Fumigating By Contractor..................................................................................005 Orchard Work, Pruning By Contractor ..................................................................................005 Orchestra ...........................................................................................................967 Ore Dock Operation .................................................................................................7313F Ore Milling ...........................................................................................................059 Organ Building - Including Installation .............................................................................323 Organ Tuning - Away From Shop .......................................................................................952 Organ, Electronic - Mfg. ............................................................................................483 Organized Athletics .................................................................................................970 Ornamental Brass Erection ............................................................................................658 Ornamental Brass Goods Mfg. ............................................................................................413 Ornamental Bronze Erection ............................................................................................658 Ornamental Iron Door Erection .......................................................................................658 Ornamental Iron Grill Erection .......................................................................................658 Ornamental Iron Railing Erection .......................................................................................658 Ornamental Or Architectural Metal Work Mfg..............................................................................413 Orphanage ...........................................................................................................941 Orthopedic, Prosthetic And Surgical Appliances And Supply Dealer - Wholesale ..........................................924 Orthopedic, Prosthetic, And Surgical Appliances And Supply Store - Retail...............................................928 Oscillator Mfg. ......................................................................................................472 Osteopath Office ......................................................................................................957 Ostrich Farm...........................................................................................................0034 Outboard Motor Mfg. .................................................................................................461 Oven (Conveyor) Installation, Service Or Repair ........................................................................675 Oven Mfg. - Metal Industrial Drying Ovens .............................................................................456 Overburden Stripping, By Contractor (Not Coal Operator) ..............................................................609 Overhead Crane Mfg. .................................................................................................465 Overhead Door Installation ............................................................................................675 Oversize Loads On Highways - By Specialist Escort Contractor .........................................................817 Oxygen Or Hydrogen Mfg..................................................................................................553 Packaging - Contract - Non-Crating - Temporary Staff ...................................................................879 Packaging, Contract - Crating - In Shop .............................................................................305 Packaging, Contract - Non-Crating.......................................................................................923 Packing Case Mfg. ......................................................................................................305 Packing House - Wholesale, Including Slaughtering ...................................................................111 Packing Household Goods At The Customer's Location By The Moving Company Or By Independent Contractor .................806 Padding And Upholstery Filling Mfg. ..................................................................................130 Paint Brush Cleaner Mfg. ............................................................................................563 Paint Dealer - Wholesale ............................................................................................926 Paint Mfg., No Red Or White Lead Mfg. ..................................................................................563 Paint Or Colors Mfg. - Temporary Staff..................................................................................587 Paint Remover Mfg.......................................................................................................563 Paint Store - Retail .................................................................................................925 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 197 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Paint, Varnish, Lacquer Or Enamel Mfg...................................................................................563 Painting Lines On Highways Or Roads ..................................................................................601 Painting Lines On Parking Lots Or Tennis Courts ........................................................................608 Painting Of: Bridges, Oil Field Tanks, Steel Structures Or Tanks ....................................................655 Painting Or Powder Coating Metal Parts - Shop - By Specialist Contractor ...............................................445 Painting Ship Hulls .................................................................................................6872F Painting, Including Shop ............................................................................................665 Pallet Mfg. ...........................................................................................................305 Panel Mfg. - Soft Wood Or Plywood.......................................................................................305 Panel Or Wall Installation - Precast Concrete ........................................................................654 Paper Bag Mfg. ......................................................................................................257 Paper Box Mfg. - Set-Up, Rigid Or Folding (Non-Corrugated)..............................................................257 Paper Coating And Glazing - By Paper Mill .............................................................................255 Paper Cup, Dish Or Plate Mfg. .......................................................................................257 Paper Dealer, Used (Not Contract Paper Shredder Or Document Destruction Service) .....................................862 Paper Document Conservation - By Specialist Contractor ..............................................................955 Paper Dress Pattern Printing............................................................................................281 Paper Finishing - By Paper Mill .......................................................................................255 Paper Finishing - By Specialist Contractor .............................................................................263 Paper Hat Mfg. - All Types ............................................................................................257 Paper Industry Machinery Mfg. .......................................................................................461 Paper Laminating - By Contractor .......................................................................................263 Paper Mfg. ...........................................................................................................255 Paper Mfg. - Asbestos .................................................................................................509 Paper Mill ...........................................................................................................255 Paper Or Cardboard Mailing Tube Mfg. ..................................................................................257 Paper Or Foil Goods Mfg. ............................................................................................257 Paper Or Paper Products Dealer .......................................................................................924 Paper Or Pulp Mfg. - Temporary Staff ..................................................................................291 Paper Products Mfg., N.O.C. ............................................................................................257 Paper Rolls For Office Machines Or Cash Registers Mfg. ..............................................................265 Paper Sheeting, Slitting Or Winding ..................................................................................257 Paper Shredding - By Specialist Contractor (Not A Used Paper Dealer)....................................................863 Paper Towel Mfg. ......................................................................................................257 Paper Twine Mfg. ......................................................................................................132 Paperhanging ...........................................................................................................667 Papier-Mache Goods Mfg..................................................................................................257 Parachute Mfg. (Hardware Mfg. To Be Separately Rated)...................................................................166 Paratransit Service .................................................................................................817 Parcel Delivery Company - See Section 2 Class Footnote ..............................................................808 Park, N.O.C. ...........................................................................................................969 Parking Areas...........................................................................................................825 Parking Enforcement Officer (Meter Maid) - Employed By A Parking Authority ..........................................954 Parking Garage Construction - Concrete..................................................................................654 Parking Meter Installation, Service Or Repair ........................................................................933 Parquet Floor Laying .................................................................................................648 Parquet Flooring Mfg. - Hardwood .......................................................................................311 Particle Board Mfg. .................................................................................................255 © 2009 PENNSYLVANIA COMPENSATION RATING BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA WORKERS COMPENSATION MANUAL SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2009 Page A 198 UNDERWRITING GUIDE ALPHABETIC Partition Installation .................................................................................................646 Partition Mfg. - Ornamental Iron .......................................................................................413 Partitions (Cardboard) Mfg. - For Boxes Or Containers...................................................................257 Party Decorations Or Favors Mfg. .......................................................................................257 Party Supplies Rentals - Retail .......................................................................................922 Party Supplies Rentals - Wholesale ..................................................................................921 Pattern (Dress) Printing - Paper .......................................................................................281 Pattern Or Model Mfg. - Wood Or Metal, Shop Only, Excluding Castings....................................................441 Pavers (Decorative Brick Or Stone) Installation ........................................................................653 Paving Mixtures Mfg. .................................................................................................855 Paving Or Repaving, Road And Street ..................................................................................601 Paving, Driveway - Blacktop Or Cement ..................................................................................608 Paving, Wood Block, Interior............................................................................................648 Pawn Shop ...........................................................................................................928 Peanut Butter Mfg.......................................................................................................104 Peanut Handling ......................................................................................................104 Peat Digging ...........................................................................................................609 Peat Moss Dealer ......................................................................................................855 Peg Or Skewer Mfg. - Wood ............................................................................................306 Pellet Mfg. - Wood......................................................................................................101 Pen Or Pen Point Mfg. .................................................................................................459 Pencil, Pencil Stock, Penholder, Or Crayon Pencil Mfg. - Wood .........................................................306 Pendant Jewelry Mfg. .................................................................................................458 Pennant Mfg. ...........................................................................................................163 Perforated Metal Mfg. .................................................................................................454 Perfume, Cosmetic Or Other Toilet Preparations Mfg. ...................................................................571 Perfumery Extract Mfg. .................................................................................................571 Periodical Printing By Publisher Or Contractor .....................................