Pco3_operating_manual_rev03 Pco3 Operating Manual Rev03
User Manual: pco3_operating_manual_rev03
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SYSTEM 2200+3L PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER -USER MANUAL- 8167 Byron Road Whittier, CA 90606 Phone: (562) 945-8971 Fax: (562) 696-0724 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT INCURRING OBLIGATION Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 1 of 74 Compu-Aire Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Standard Units in General ........................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Lead/Lag Redundancy – p-LAN Network ................................................................................... 9 2.3 Air Cooled/Chilled Water Plus .................................................................................................. 9 2.4 Economizer ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.5 Energymiser (EM) Unit Using 2-Way Valves ............................................................................ 11 2.6 Water Cooled Energymizer ..................................................................................................... 12 2.7 Dry Fluid Cooler With Energymizer ......................................................................................... 13 2.8 Special Pump and Dry Fluid Cooler control logic ..................................................................... 15 2.9 Optional features ................................................................................................................... 16 3.0 CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Main menu ............................................................................................................................ 17 3.2 Screen Settings....................................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Network Configuration ........................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Network Monitor ................................................................................................................... 18 3.5 Assigning Private and Shared terminals .................................................................................. 19 3.6 P-LAN Setup ........................................................................................................................... 20 3.6.1 Master Unit (ID=1) .......................................................................................................... 20 3.6.2 Slave Unit (ID=2) ............................................................................................................. 20 3.6.3 P-LAN WIRING ................................................................................................................ 21 3.7 General Options ..................................................................................................................... 22 4.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Controller and Display ............................................................................................................ 23 4.2 General Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 23 4.3 Mechanical Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 23 4.4 Electrical Characteristics......................................................................................................... 24 4.5 Digital Inputs .......................................................................................................................... 24 4.6 Analog inputs ......................................................................................................................... 24 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 2 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.7 Analog Outputs ...................................................................................................................... 25 4.8 Digital Outputs ....................................................................................................................... 25 4.9 P-LAN Network Terminal ........................................................................................................ 25 4.10 Cable Length .......................................................................................................................... 25 4.11 Standard Input / Outputs ....................................................................................................... 26 4.12 Optional Features................................................................................................................... 27 4.13 Functional characteristics ....................................................................................................... 27 4.14 Building Management System ................................................................................................ 27 5.0 CONTROLLER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................... 28 5.1 LED Indicators ........................................................................................................................ 28 5.2 Navigation Buttons................................................................................................................. 28 6.0 Navigation Menu ........................................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Menu Tree ............................................................................................................................. 29 6.2 Accessing Submenus .............................................................................................................. 30 6.3 Main Menu Selection ............................................................................................................. 30 6.4 Unit Status ............................................................................................................................. 30 6.5 Trending................................................................................................................................. 31 6.5.1 Graph Overviews ............................................................................................................ 31 6.5.2 Icon Description and function ......................................................................................... 32 6.6 Alarms.................................................................................................................................... 34 6.6.1 Alarm Viewing and Function ........................................................................................... 34 6.6.2 Alarm Reset .................................................................................................................... 34 7.0 SETUP MENU ................................................................................................................................. 35 7.1 Entering a password ............................................................................................................... 35 7.2 Setup Menu Tree ................................................................................................................... 36 7.3 Setpoints ................................................................................................................................ 36 7.3.1 Changing Setpoints ......................................................................................................... 36 7.3.2 Changing Alarm Setpoints ............................................................................................... 37 7.4 Clock Setup ............................................................................................................................ 37 7.4.1 Time and Date Setup ...................................................................................................... 37 7.4.2 Night Setback ................................................................................................................. 37 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 3 of 74 Compu-Aire 8.0 RUN TIME HOUR METERS .............................................................................................................. 38 9.0 BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) ...................................................................................... 39 9.1 Modbus.................................................................................................................................. 39 9.1.1 Mounting ....................................................................................................................... 39 9.2 POINTLIST .............................................................................................................................. 41 9.3 LONWORKS ............................................................................................................................ 44 9.3.1 General characteristics ................................................................................................... 44 9.3.2 Physical channels............................................................................................................ 44 9.3.3 Physical Circuit Board Layout .......................................................................................... 44 9.3.4 LED Color Description ..................................................................................................... 45 9.3.5 Installation ..................................................................................................................... 45 9.3.6 Connection to the PCO3 Controller ................................................................................. 46 9.3.7 Connection to the LonWorks® network .......................................................................... 46 9.3.8 Service pin ...................................................................................................................... 46 9.3.9 WINK event .................................................................................................................... 47 9.4 BACNET OVER TCP/IP ............................................................................................................. 48 9.4.1 Installation ..................................................................................................................... 48 9.4.2 Functions........................................................................................................................ 48 9.4.3 Default parameters ........................................................................................................ 48 9.4.4 Restarting the software .................................................................................................. 49 9.4.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 49 9.4.6 Web server ..................................................................................................................... 51 9.4.7 Accessing the operating system by authentication .......................................................... 51 9.4.8 CGI script ........................................................................................................................ 52 9.4.9 SNMP ............................................................................................................................. 52 9.4.10 BACnet ........................................................................................................................... 52 9.4.11 WARNINGS ..................................................................................................................... 52 9.5 BANET over MS/TP ................................................................................................................. 53 9.5.1 Installation ..................................................................................................................... 53 9.5.2 Meaning of the jumpers ................................................................................................. 54 9.5.3 Operation ....................................................................................................................... 54 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 4 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.5.4 Recalling the factory configuration (“factory bootswitch” mode) .................................... 56 9.5.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 56 9.5.6 BACNET Parameter Description ...................................................................................... 57 10.0 TECHNICIAN MENU ........................................................................................................................ 58 10.1 Alarm Setup ........................................................................................................................... 58 10.1.1 Available Alarms ............................................................................................................. 60 10.1.2 Sensor Offset .................................................................................................................. 62 10.1.3 Digital Input.................................................................................................................... 62 10.2 Network Setup ....................................................................................................................... 63 10.2.1 Define a Network ........................................................................................................... 63 10.2.2 Network Assist ............................................................................................................... 63 10.3 Manual Control ...................................................................................................................... 64 10.4 Factory Setting Menu Tree ..................................................................................................... 65 10.4.1 Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs ................................................................................... 66 10.4.2 HVAC .............................................................................................................................. 67 10.4.3 Analog Inputs and Analog Outputs.................................................................................. 69 10.4.4 Changing Passwords ....................................................................................................... 70 10.5 Factory Reset ......................................................................................................................... 70 11.0 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE............................................................................................................ 71 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 5 of 74 Compu-Aire Table of Figures Figure 1– Configurations screen ............................................................................................................ 17 Figure 2 - Screen calibration .................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 3–Changing unit ID...................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 4 - Touch sensitive graphical display ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 5 - Controller............................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 6 – Graphical user interface user interface .................................................................................. 28 Figure 7 - Main Menu ............................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 8 - Unit general status ................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 9 - Room demand icons .............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 10- Graphical sensors representation .......................................................................................... 31 Figure 11 - Graph description ................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 12 - Pressure graph ..................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 13– Alarm History ....................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 14–Password prompt .................................................................................................................. 35 Figure 15 - Entering a password ............................................................................................................. 35 Figure 16 - Setup menu ......................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 17 - Setup Menu Tree ................................................................................................................. 36 Figure 18 - Room temperature setpoints ............................................................................................... 36 Figure 19 - Room humidity setpoints ..................................................................................................... 36 Figure 20 - Clock setup .......................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 21 - Component run time meters ................................................................................................ 38 Figure 22 - Building management system .............................................................................................. 39 Figure 23 - Communication protocol...................................................................................................... 39 Figure 24 - LONTalk Card ....................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 25 - Remove plastic cover ........................................................................................................... 46 Figure 26- Cut out window .................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 27 - Installing plugin card ............................................................................................................ 46 Figure 28 - Replacing windows cover ..................................................................................................... 46 Figure 29 - PCOWeb .............................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 30 - Window cover ...................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 31 - Installing PCOWeb................................................................................................................ 50 Figure 32 - Installing plastic cover .......................................................................................................... 50 Figure 33 - Alarm configuration ............................................................................................................. 58 Figure 34 - Alarm delays ........................................................................................................................ 60 Figure 35 -Alarm switch over ................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 36 - Network Setup ..................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 37 - Network Assist ..................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 38 - Factory Setting ..................................................................................................................... 65 Figure 39 - Digital input configuration .................................................................................................... 66 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 6 of 74 Compu-Aire Figure 40 - Digital output configuration ................................................................................................. 66 Figure 41 - Analog input configuration ................................................................................................... 69 Figure 42 - Analog output configuration ................................................................................................ 69 Figure 43 - Changing default password .................................................................................................. 70 Figure 44 - Factory reset ........................................................................................................................ 70 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 7 of 74 Compu-Aire 1.0 INTRODUCTION System 2200+3L is a programmable controller based on a double microprocessor, designed for precise "Smart" control of an air conditioning system. The System 2200+3L is made up of a microprocessor based MAIN BOARD equipped with a set of terminals used to interface the microcontroller board to the controlled devices; such compressors, fans, and heaters, humidifiers and valves. The program is retained in a flash based memory and configuration parameters are permanently stored (even in the case of power failure) in a non-volatile memory. System 2200+3L also includes a microprocessor based TERMINAL unit complete with graphical touch screen display with built in navigation keypad and led indicators allowing the users to easily set the controlled parameters for set points, dead bands, alarm thresholds and carry out the main working operations (on/off, displaying controlled variables, printouts). The controller and graphical display terminal are powered by 24VAC power supply using low voltage control transformers from the unit. Connection between the terminal unit and main board is necessary only when programming System 2200+3L basic parameters. The controller is linked to a graphic display terminal via standard three wire cable. 2.0 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 2.1 Standard Units in General In general, the controller is operated as follows. • • • • • • Fan starts up on demand for cooling, heating, humidifying or dehumidifying or operates continuously Sequences the compressors on in stages with programmable delays to meet demand for cooling and dehumidification Sequences the heaters on in stages with programmable delays to meet demand for heating or reheat during dehumidification mode Activates the humidifier as needed to meet the humidity demand Dehumidification is achieved by means of cooling to reduce the humidity level. During the dehumidification process, if the temperature falls below the room set point, heating is brought on to reheat the air and maintain room temperature. The controller monitors the complete system for any sensors, fans, compressors, heaters and humidifier failure. Upon critical failures, the complete system will shut down with alarm. For certain component failures, the applicable feature is disabled to insure safe operation. For example, when compressor failure occurs, the failed compressor shall be locked out but the system shall provide cooling by other compressor if available. On a heater failure, the heaters are locked out. The system will not use that function until Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 8 of 74 Compu-Aire manually reset on the display. The controller also keeps the history of last 100 alarms after you reset them. 2.2 Lead/Lag Redundancy – p-LAN Network System 2200+ series controllers can be set for n+ redundancy setup. Maximum 16 units can be linked together on p-LAN network. The p-LAN networked units are identified with unit ID numbers. The p-LAN software resides in the unit ID# U01 which is also called as a MASTER unit. All the other units on that network are considered as SLAVE units. Each controller is self independent controller with necessary sensors and it can be used as a standalone unit. When used on p-LAN Network, each unit must have same software revision and set to maintain same set points and same safety alarms. The unit U01 must be set for the total units on the network. When more than one unit are connected through p-LAN network for lead/lag operation, the first controller, unit ID# U01 is defined as the “Master” and the rest (U02, U03 ….U16) are define as “Slave”. The Master always starts first to maintain the temperature and humidity set points. The Slave is kept on standby as long as the Master is able to achieve the set points within the dead band. When the Master fails to do so, it calls in the Slave to assist. Then both units will be running towards the targets set on the Master (set points on the Slave is irrelevant in this situation). The Slave drops out when set points are achieved. When the Master fails by any of the selectable failures (such as compressor high/low pressure failure and fire alarm), the Master drops off and the Slave comes in to work independently according to its own set points until the Master is recovered. When the system is reset and restarted, the Master comes in first and follows the above rules. The units can be set to cycle to achieve equal run time on each unit. At the end of each cycle, the role of each unit switches to its counterpart, meaning the Master becomes the Slave and the Slave becomes the Master during the next cycle. During each cycle, the units operate according to the above lead/lag logic. 2.3 Air Cooled/Chilled Water Plus Summary of Equipment The primary system shall be Chilled Water Cooling. Direct Expansion Cooling shall be setup as a back up to the Chilled Water system. Both systems are designed to work independent of each other. The Chilled Water System comes standard with a three (3) way water modulating valve, coil, and an optional “no water flow switch”. The DX system is equipped with a DX coil, compressor(s), and outdoor air cooled condenser. Optional heaters and humidifiers are also available if needed A unique feature of Air Cooled/Chilled Water Plus units is that the chilled water coil is located at the side of the direct expansion coil. The auxiliary chilled water coil is custom sized so that it provides identical cooling capacity obtained during the refrigeration cycle with the compressor operating. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 9 of 74 Compu-Aire Cooling-Chilled Water Chilled Water cooling is the primary cooling system for C+ units. For optimum performance, the controller is programmed to call chilled water cooling for the first 300 seconds regardless of the chilled water temperature. The C+ unit can switch over from one cooling mode to another based on sensing Chilled Water flow or Chilled Water temperature. The standard practice is to sense the Chilled Water flow for switching. If “No Water flow” switch is selected, the unit senses the flow of chilled water by using pressure differential switch and switches over to DX cooling based on loss of water flow. When No water flow switch is selected for switch over, the unit only work on either DX or C.W. cooling mode. If chilled water supply temperature is selected for switch over, than the unit shall continue with chilled water cooling if the chilled water supply temperature is bellow the required temperature set point and switch over to the DX cooling. Cooling-Direct Expansion Direct Expansion Cooling is designed to operate when the water flow switch senses that there is no water flow. A digital signal is sent to the system from the controller to modulate the three (3) way valve to cut water flow to the chilled water coil and the backup system direct expansion cooling should start. The controller signals the compressor to start cooling. The outdoor condenser get energized as needed. 2.4 Economizer Summary of Equipment The Economizer Mixing Box is factory provided, however, it might be installed in the field by others. Typically, the Air Side Economizer Mixing Box is provided for our Maxi-Kool unit with System 2200 series controller. Sequence of Operation The evaporator fan and a set of dampers for the economizers is energized depends on heating or cooling demands. The PCO3 controller commands the economizer box to bring either the minimum amount of outside air or only outside air based on outside air temperature and humidity. The controller determines whether the outdoor air temperature and humidity is suitable for “economizer-cooling”. If the outdoor air is suitable, mechanical cooling shall be locked out by the outdoor enthalpy control. The set of economizer damper actuators shall be energized, operating the outdoor air and the return air dampers. The economizer damper actuators shall be regulated to maintain proper discharge air temperature. When outdoor air is not suitable for “economizer-cooling”, the Economizer shall be locked out and the outdoor air damper shall maintain minimum position while the indoor fan is operating. Upon unit shutting down or power loss, the spring return motor actuator shall close the outdoor air damper. The Economizer shall be automatically locked out during the heat mode (if applicable). Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 10 of 74 Compu-Aire The Air Side Economizer box shall include: prewired modulating spring return damper actuators, economizer control logic with compressor assist option, minimum outside air damper position control, economizer control sensors including outdoor air temperature and humidity (enthalpy) sensor, supply air and or mixed air sensors. The supply air temperature sensor is used to maintain the desire supply air temperature using DX and Economizer cooling together. The exhaust of room air during economizer cooling mode shall be done by others in the field. 2.5 Energymiser (EM) Unit Using 2-Way Valves Summary of Equipment Energy miser units are provided with Dual Cooling options. DX cooling using Compressor based system and Economizer cooling using Water Side Economizer Coil. The primary system shall be Direct Expansion Cooling. The free cooling Energy miser coil is provided together with the DX cooling coil. If the Water temperature drops below the Energy miser set point, the condenser water is diverted to the free cooling coil and DX cooling will be programmed to either turned off or made available to assist based on demand. The Energy miser System shall be provided with a Two (2) way water regulating valve for condenser coil, a Two (2) way modulating chilled water valve for energy miser coil, DX coil(s), compressor(s) and co-axial water condenser(s). The water valves on water cooled condensers and free cooling energy miser CW Valves will allow the water flow in either condenser coil or free cooling EM coil. The two way control valve shall control the amount of flow to auxiliary energy miser cooling coils to meet the demand when in EM cooling mode. The Two way water regulating valve will control the amount of water flow in condenser based on the refrigerant pressure in DX cooling mode. System shall be programmed to do either DX cooling or EM cooling based on entering water temperature. Energy miser systems are connected to Cooling Tower or Dry Fluid Coolers to obtain re-circulating water or water glycol solution. In addition, the system is equipped with steam generating humidifier, electric reheat and microprocessor based controller. A unique feature of Energy miser system is that the free cooling water coil is located just before the direct expansion coil and is properly sized to provide the same cooling capacity as the DX system at 45 Deg. F entering water temperature. The indoor unit will send a signal to enable and disable the outdoor auxiliary equipment. The outdoor equipment has its own control logic to provide water temperature suitable for either EM mode or DX cooling mode. Cooling-Direct Expansion Direct Expansion Cooling shall operate when the water temperature increases above the specified EM set point. A digital signal is sent to the system by microprocessor to signal the compressors and the two (2) way valves will regulate the water flow into the water cooled condensers based on the refrigerant pressure. Each compressor system shall have separate 2-Way water regulating valves. The Energy miser mode depends on the entering water temperature and it is adjustable. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 11 of 74 Compu-Aire Cooling-Energy miser Mode The unit can switch over from DX cooling mode to Free cooling Energy miser mode based on the Entering Water temperature. Unit shall start in DX cooling mode. If the temperature of water supply drops below the set point for the Energy miser mode, the unit will switch over to the Energy miser free cooling mode. The outdoor fluid cooler shall be provided with energy miser control panel to maintain lower fluid temperature during energy miser mode. In the free cooling energy miser mode the compressors will remain shut off while the fans of the unit shall be on. Humidification and Dehumidification modes shall be operating as needed. 2.6 Water Cooled Energymizer Summary of Equipment Energy miser units are provided with Dual Cooling options. DX cooling using Compressor based system and Economizer cooling using Water Side Economizer Coil. The primary system shall be Direct Expansion Cooling. The free cooling Energy miser coil is provided together with the DX cooling coil. If the Water temperature drops below the Energy miser set point, the condenser water is diverted to the free cooling coil and DX cooling will be programmed to either turned off or made available to assist based on demand. The Energy miser System shall come standard with a three (3) way water regulating valve for condenser coil, a three (3) way modulating chilled water valve for energy miser coil, DX coil(s), compressor(s) and co-axial water condenser(s). The water valves on water cooled condensers and free cooling energy miser CW Valves are Three Way mixing type designed to divert the flow in either condenser coil or free cooling EM coil. Three (3) way is used to maintain pressure drop, as constant GPM is required for free cooling systems. The (3) three way control valve shall control the amount of flow to auxiliary energy miser cooling coils and maintain constant temperature and relative humidity Energy miser systems are connected to Cooling Tower or Dry Fluid Coolers to obtain re-circulating water or water glycol solution. In addition, the system is equipped with steam generating humidifier, electric reheat and microprocessor based controller. A unique feature of Energy miser system is that the free cooling water coil is located just before the direct expansion coil and is properly sized to provide the same cooling capacity as the DX system at 45 Deg. F entering water temperature. Cooling-Direct Expansion Direct Expansion Cooling shall operate when the water temperature increases above the specified set point. A digital signal is sent to the system by microprocessor to signal the three (3) way valve to divert the water flow from the free cooling coil to the water cooled condensers and the direct Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 12 of 74 Compu-Aire expansion cooling mode shall start. The microprocessor shall signal the compressor to start cooling and at the same time energize the water regulating valve to supply water flow to the coaxial condenser. The Energy miser mode depends on the entering water temperature and it is adjustable. Note: Continuous water shall be flowing through the chilled water valve and will only supply water to coil when called upon. Cooling-Energy miser Mode The unit can switch over from DX cooling mode to Free cooling Energy miser mode based on the Entering Water temperature. Unit shall start in DX cooling mode. If the temperature of water supply drops below the set point for the Energy miser mode, the unit will switch over to the Energy miser free cooling mode. The controller will send signal to the auxiliary equipment to run Energy miser mode for fluid temperature control. The outdoor fluid cooler shall be provided with energy miser control panel to maintain lower fluid temperature during energy miser mode. In the free cooling energy miser mode the compressors may shut off while the fans of the unit shall be on. Humidification and Dehumidification modes shall be operating as needed. The Compressors can be locked to remain off during energy miser mode if necessary. 2.7 Dry Fluid Cooler With Energymizer Summary of Equipment DRY FLUID COOLER (DFC): The Dry Fluid Cooler Shall Consist of Casing, Coil, Direct-drive Propeller Fan(s) driven by individual Fan Motor(s), Fan Guard and Mounting Legs. All fan motors shall be factory wired to a common electrical control box. The Dry Fluid Cooler shall be arranged for Vertical Air Flow. The Glycol Coil shall have aluminum fins bonded to copper tubes and shall have full collars that completely cover the copper tubes. The coil shall be pressure tested to 350 psig and shall be designed for counter flow for high heat transfer efficiency. The Dry Fluid Cooler casing shall be made from a non-corrosive metal to minimize maintenance. Adjustable mounting legs and supports shall be furnished with the DFC. Vibration isolators of the rubber and shear or spring type are to be field provided by others. The motors shall be permanently lubricated, sealed ball bearings, with inherent overload protection. Motors shall be mounted inside the Dry Fluid Cooler Casing for weather protection. The direct drive fan blades shall be aluminum, and shall be protected by a heavy gauge, steel wire, zinc plated, and epoxy coated fan guard. Full width baffles to prevent bypass air shall separate each fan section. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 13 of 74 Compu-Aire Dry Fluid Cooler (DFC) requires separate power supply and one set of dry contact from indoor unit to Enable/Disable. DFC is equipped with its own control panel that includes power block, fan contactors, aqua stats, freeze stats, relays and single or dual pump package control as necessary. Aqua stats are installed in the control panel and bulbs to be attached with leaving water header of the coil. For understanding purpose use 4 fan dry fluid cooler with drawing # 700-232-041 The fluid cooler shall be provided with ambient T-stats to control the water temperature during DX cooling mode. The fluid cooler shall bypass the T-Stat control logic and run all fans continuously during Energy Miser mode. Condenser cooling mode If the water temperature is above 50Deg. F. (Default setting) the DFC will be in normal condenser cooling mode. Aqua stat # 1 will be open above 50 Deg. F. In normal cooling mode, DFC will be enabled by either of the compressor from indoor unit. The Freeze stat is installed in series of the enabling signal. If the freeze stat opens, the DFC unit will be fully disabled. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The first fan of DFC runs continuously as long as enabling signal is present. The default setting for second fan to cycle OFF is 60 Deg. F and below with aqua stat The default setting for third fan to cycle OFF is 70 Deg. F. and below with aqua stat # The default setting for forth fan to cycle OFF is 75 Deg. F. and below with aqua stat # All these default settings are field adjustable to fine tune the unit operation. Energy miser cooling mode During winter months, when water temperature drops bellow the 50Deg. F. the aqua stat # 1 will close and DFC unit will switch over to free cooling energy miser mode. In Energy miser mode, all other aqua stat (aqua stat 2, 3 and 4) will be bypassed and all fans will run continuously. The free cooling temperature set point on Aqua stat # 1 must synchronize with Energy miser water temperature set point for indoor unit. Pumps Summary of Equipment PUMP PACKAGE: The pump package shall include a close coupled, industrial duty pump with heavy-duty ball bearings motors, stainless steel shafts and bronze fitted construction. The pump package shall include pump starter, aqua-stats, and fan cycling contactor(s) to control the condenser glycol temperature. The control panel shall be factory provided for filed installation in Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 14 of 74 Compu-Aire a weatherproof box provided on the Dry Fluid Cooler. The pump shall be protected with a base and weather shield from the ambient conditions. DUAL PUMP PACKAGE (Optional): The dual pump package shall include close-coupled, industrial duty pumps with heavy-duty ball bearings motors, stainless steel shafts and bronze fitted construction. The pump package shall include pump starters, aqua-stats, and fan cycling contactor(s) to control the condenser glycol temperature. The control panel shall be factory provided for filed installation in a weatherproof box provided on the Dry Fluid Cooler. The pumps shall be protected with a base and complete vented weather enclosure from the ambient conditions. The optional Pressure Differential (No Water Flow)Switch shall be provided for field installation. GLYCOL PUMP: A matching centrifugal circulating pump is provided for field mounting and piping. Pump Operation When compressor is on the pump and fluid cooler will be enabled. Note that this is in DX cooling. In free cooling the logic is the same, as pumps is enabled with economizer cooling. 2.8 Special Pump and Dry Fluid Cooler control logic Pump speed adjusted based on differential pressure across pumps as 2-way control valves modulate. Dry cooler and Pump controller Sequence of operation Free cooling mode Either outdoor air temperature is monitored or a signal from each crac unit (free cooling and DX condenser) is sent to the pump controller to determine which function is provided. Fan speed may be increased sufficiently to allow pump minimum operating speed to be maintained should zone loads decrease, thus decreasing flow below safe pump operation. Outside air temperature reaches 48F Pump controls switch to free cooling mode – Fans run 100% until condenser outlet temperature reaches 38F, at which time fans speed will reduce to maintain 38F or minimum pumps speed is reached, then fans will reduce speed to maintain minimum pump speed, which is accomplished by 2-way valves modulating open is response to increased condenser water supply temperature. Controls shall monitor both fan KW and Pump KW energy consumption and determine best speed combination to maintain lowest condenser supply water temperature during free cooling more. DX Cooling mode Outside air temperature 50F Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 15 of 74 Compu-Aire Pump control increases fan speed as condenser water temperature increases. Maintain 65F condenser outlet water by modulating fan speed. At 75F exiting condenser water temperature fan speed is 100%. Controls shall monitor both fan KW and Pump KW energy consumption and determine best speed combination to maintain lowest condenser supply water temperature during DX cooling more. 2.9 Optional features • • • • • • Discharge air temperature sensor to prevent overheating or cooling of the air stream Outside air temperature sensor for automatic temperature adjustment or economizer action Free-cooling temperature sensor for water cooled systems Hot gas bypass either by solenoid or by modulating electronic valve Redundant system operation of two or more units with automatic crossover and compensation Networking to a central command computer, or to an existing building automation system The System 2200+3L is truly one of the most powerful and flexible controllers available for HVAC units today. 3.0 CONFIGURATION The display unit is pre-configured at the factory for the most common user requirements. Nonetheless, some settings can be changed to adapt the device specific needs. The menus can be accessed by pressing any point on the touch screen together with the (up) and (Prg) buttons for at least one second. Alternatively, press the (up) + (down) + (enter) buttons together for at least one second. The following operations exit the menu. 1. Pressing the Esc button 2. Automatically 1 minute after a button was pressed or the touch screen touched 3. Pressing the “X” symbol when displayed at the top right As shown in the Figure 1 in the “Configuration screen”, a combination navigating buttons and touch screen can be used to input new configuration parameters. • • • Rev.03a 12-21-10 To access an item, simply press the touch screen on the corresponding indication, or press the (up) / (down) buttons until selecting it and then confirm by pressing (enter). To modify the value of a field, after having activated it (a field is active when the cursor is flashing inside), press the (up) / (down) buttons to change the value and press (enter) to save it. Pressing Esc before the Enter key will cancel the modifications made to the field. Page 16 of 74 Compu-Aire Figure 1– Configurations screen 3.1 Main menu The main menu is used to select the three main configuration categories • Screen Settings: Settings relating to the screen • Network Configuration: Settings relating to the RS485 network • General Options: Various settings 3.2 Screen Settings The following options are available • • • • • Contrast - Used to set the contrast of the display (from 0 to 100, default: 50) Normal Brightness After - Used to set the time after the touch screen or the buttons are last pressed that the display switches from “high brightness” to “normal brightness”. Possible values are ranged from 30 s to 15 min, default: 1 min Screen Saver Timeout - Used to set the time after the touch screen or the buttons are last pressed that the display switches off After having switched to “normal brightness”. Possible values are range from 30 s to 4 hours (4 hrs.), default: 15 min; Calibrate Touch Screen - The touch screen can be calibrated if it is evidently misaligned. To align the touch screen, press the center of the crosses displayed in sequence. When the message “Done: touch the screen to ESC” indicates that the operation has been completed successfully. If the screen displays “Bad: touch to ESC and repeat”, repeat the calibration process. Figure 2 - Screen calibration Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 17 of 74 Compu-Aire 3.3 Network Configuration The following options are available under network configuration screen. • Terminal Address - Used to set the address of the terminal (from 1 to 32, default: 32). If the value “--” is set (two dashes are displayed), the terminal will communicate with the pCO board using the “Point-Point” protocol (not pLAN) : the “Baud Rate”, • Network Monitor and Setup I/O Board fields will then disappear, as they have no meaning. • Baud Rate - Used to set the pLAN communication baud rate. The possible values are 62500 (default) or 115200 (used only if all the devices in the network are configured for this speed). Note that not all the pLAN devices support the 115200 setting. • Network Monitor - This is used to display the status of the network (see next paragraph) • Setup I/O Board / Setup- These fields are used to modify the list of terminals associated with each individual pCO board, as described in paragraph “pCO: Assigning the list of private unit ID number. 3.4 Network Monitor This screen is used to display the status of the network, indicating graphically which devices are connected for each address. The meanings of the symbols are the following. Icon Description pCO controller active in the network Any type of terminal active in the network Current terminal Device not connected If activity is detected on the network, the message “Online” is displayed. Press the Esc button to exit the screen. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 18 of 74 Compu-Aire 3.5 Assigning Private and Shared terminals The list of terminals associated with each individual controller board can be modified from the “Network Configuration” menu as follows. 1. Select the address of the required board using the (up) / (down) buttons in the “Setup I/O Board” field (only the boards that are effectively on-line can be selected) and confirm by pressing (enter). If the pLAN network is not working correctly, or no controller board is present, the field is not modifiable, and “--“(two dashes) will be displayed. 2. Press the “Setup” button: the screens will be displayed in sequence, see Figure 3 for detail. 3. Use the enter button to move the cursor from one field to the next, and (up) / (down) change the value of the current field. The P:xx field shows the address of the selected board (in the example, board number 12 has been selected). 4. To exit the configuration procedure and save the data, select the “OK?” field, set “Yes” and confirm by pressing (enter). Alternatively, if the terminal remains inactive (no button is pressed) for more than 30 s, the configuration procedure is automatically ended without saving the changes. Important: the pGD terminals cannot be configured as “Sp” (shared printer) as the printer output is not featured. Selecting this mode has no effect on the management of printed messages sent via pLAN. Figure 3–Changing unit ID Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 19 of 74 Compu-Aire 3.6 P-LAN Setup 3.6.1 Master Unit (ID=1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 3.6.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Turn the power off Verify the connection between the PCO3 Controller and the PGD3 (graphical display). Turn the power on Hold down the Up + Enter + Down buttons Select Network configuration Set Terminal Address = 0 Turn the power OFF Turn the power ON and immediately hold down the Up + Alarm buttons(about 10 seconds) Release the buttons when you see “Self-test” screen Use the Up/Down button to set the ID=1 then press enter. The screen may look like a fault occurred but, this is normal. Turn the power OFF Turn the power ON and immediately press Up + Enter + Down buttons Select Network Configuration Set the Terminal Address=17 and press ENTER Select Setup for I/O board Follow on screen direction to complete the setting. Slave Unit (ID=2) Turn the power OFF Verify the connection between the PCO3 Controller and the PGD3 (graphical display). Turn the power ON Hold down the Up + Enter + Down buttons Select Network configuration Set Terminal Address = 0 Turn the power off Turn the power ON and immediately hold down the Up + Alarm buttons(about 10 seconds) Release the buttons when you see “Self-test” screen Use the Up/Down button to set the ID=2 then press enter. The screen may look like a fault occurred but, this is normal. Turn the power OFF Turn on the power and immediately press Up+Enter+Down buttons Select Network Configuration Set the Terminal Address=18 Select Setup for I/O board Follow on screen direction to complete the setting. Note: For unit 3 and up, use SLAVE UNIT setup instructions and increase the Address ID by 1 and terminal ID by 1. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 20 of 74 Compu-Aire 3.6.3 P-LAN WIRING Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 21 of 74 Compu-Aire 3.7 General Options The following options are available • • • • • Beep Volume: Used to set the volume associated to the buttons and the touch screen pressing. The possible values are “off”, “low”, “high”. Default: high. This parameter has no effect on the alarm signal, which is activated or deactivated by the pCO; Beep On: Used to set when the “Beep” sounds. The possible values are: “active items” (associates a sound with the active area of the display), “screen” (associates a sound with any point on the touch screen) and “screen & keys” (associates a sound with both the touch screen and the keypad). Default: “screen & keys”; Download Bar: activates (“yes”) or deactivates (“no”) the display of the status bar that indicates the progress of the page. Default: “yes”; Clear Cache Memory: deletes the cache memory used to accelerate the display of the screens. This function may be useful if there are errors in the graphics. Pressing the button displays a window that prompts for confirmation. Press “yes” to confirm the operation or “no” to abort it; Display Firmware Update: starts the pGD firmware update procedure, as described in the next paragraph. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 22 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 Controller and Display Figure 4 - Touch sensitive graphical display Figure 5 - Controller 4.2 General Characteristics PCO3 is a microprocessor-based electronic controller developed in compliance with the European RoHS standards. It provides a solution for many applications in the air-conditioning and refrigeration sectors ensuring absolute versatility, allowing specific products to be created to customer request. PCO3 runs the control program, and is fitted with the set of terminals required for connection to the devices (compressors, fans…). The program and the parameters are saved to FLASH-MEMORY and E2promfor safe keeping even in the event of power failures (without requiring a backup battery). PCO3 also allows connection to the pLAN (pCO Local Area Network) and can be connected, as well as to other pCO3 controllers. All the controllers in the pLAN can exchange information (variables, digital or analogue, depending on the application software used) at high transmission speed. Up to 32 units can be connected, including pCO controllers and terminals, so as to share the information effectively. The connection to the supervisor serial line, via the CAREL or Modbus™ communication protocol over the RS485 standard, is performed by inserting an optional serial board in the pCO3. Other optional cards can be used to connect to a supervisor via standards other than RS485. Finally, the serial field bus interface, using the optional board, ensures connection to the field devices controlled. 4.3 Mechanical Characteristics Dimension: Installation: Materials: Flame Retardant: Ball Pressure Test: Resistance to creeping current: Color: Rev.03a 12-21-10 110x315x60mm DIN rail according to DIN 43880 and CEI EN 50022 standards Techno polymers V0 (UL94) and 960°C (IEC 695) 125°C ≥250 V Grey RAL7035 Page 23 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.4 Electrical Characteristics Power Supply Terminal Block 24VAC 50/60Hz P=40 VA Plug-in male/female connectors, max voltage 250 Vac; cable cross-section: min. 0.5 mm2 - max 2.5 mm2 H8S2320, 16 bit, 24 MHz 2+2 MB Built in with battery backup CPU Memory Clock 4.5 Digital Inputs I/O Classification Circuits 18 Category I (J5, J7, J20) 24 Vac/Vdc, Category III (J8, J19) 230 Vac WARNING: 230 Vac 50/60 Hz (10/-15%) Two 230/24Vac inputs present on J8 and J12 have the same common pole and consequently will be both 24 Vac/Vdc or both 230 Vac. Basic insulation between the two inputs for DC inputs, connect the negative pole to the common terminal. Note: Separate as much as possible the probe and digital input signal cables from the cables carrying the inductive loads and the power cables, to avoid possible Electromagnetic disturbance. 4.6 Analog inputs A/D conversion Type Delay Precision 10 bit Universal: (inputs B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8) CAREL NTC temperature sensor (50T90°C; R/T 10 kΩ at 25°C), HT NTC 0T150°C, voltage: 0 to 1 Vdc, 0 to 5 V ratiometric or 0 to 10 Vdc, current: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, selectable via software. Input resistance in 0 to 20 mA= 100Ω passive: (inputs B4, B5, B9, B10) CAREL NTC temp. sensor (see universal type), PT1000 (-100T200°C; R/T 1000 Ω at 0°C) or voltage-free digital input (5 mA), selectable via software 0.5s ± 0.3 % of full scale WARNING: The 21VDC available at the +Vdc terminal (J2) can be used to power any active probes, the maximum current is 150 mA, thermally protected against short-circuits. To supply the ratiometric 0 to 5 V probes, use the +5VREF (Imax: 60 mA) present at terminal J24. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 24 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.7 Analog Outputs Number I/O Type Resolution Max load Precision 6 0-10V 8bit 8 ohm ± 2 % of end scale on outputs: Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 -2%/+5% of end scale on: Y5 and Y6 4.8 Digital Outputs Type Max I/O Relay 18 4.9 P-LAN Network Terminal Type Speed Terminal P-LAN RS485 half duplex asynchronous 62.5kbps or 115.2kbps 6-pin telephone (J10) 3-pin plugin (J11) 4.10 Cable Length Cable Type Telephone AWG24 shielded cable AWG20/22 shielded cable Power Supply Distance 50m 200m 500m Power Supply 150mA from PCO3 150mA from PCO3 Separate power via TCONN6J000 The maximum cable length between the two PCO3 controllers using AWG20/22 shielded cable is 500 meters. Note: A maximum of one terminal (pCOT, pCOI, pGD0, pGD1) can be connected, or two terminals but without using use the backlighting on display. One version of the pCO3 features optically-isolated connection to the pLAN network. The graphic terminal and aria terminal should be always powered with a separate power supply. The 21VDC present at +Vterm (J24) can be used to power an external terminal with a maximum input of 2 W. Only one terminal can be connected (for example PLD terminal or ARIA terminal) in addition to the one connected to terminal J10. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 25 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.11 Standard Input / Outputs The following table defines standard I/O ports for the PCO3 controller. Refer to the electrical wiring diagram for actual wiring. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 26 of 74 Compu-Aire 4.12 Optional Features Option Function RS-485 CARD Protocol: MODBUS PCO-WEB CARD Protocol: BACNET, SNMP,HTTP,FTP,TCP/IP PCO-NET Protocol: BACNET MS/TP LONCARD Protocol: LONWORKS 4.13 Functional characteristics Multiple controllers may be used to combine cooling units into a p-LAN network that operates as a single entity, enhancing the already-high performance and efficiency of units. PCO3 controller is available as a factory-installed assembly. Remote console box with graphic touch sensitive display wall-mount version is available for remote operation and monitoring of cooling units. Supported Protocol: Backlighting Level: pLAN protocol, “Point-Point” protocol with up to 32 nodes Two levels of brightness, “high” and “normal” 4.14 Building Management System BMS Protocol: Rev.03a 12-21-10 LONWorks BACnet over TCP/IP BACnet over MS/TP Modbus over RS-485 Page 27 of 74 Compu-Aire 5.0 CONTROLLER INTERFACE Figure 6 – Graphical user interface 5.1 LED Indicators LED Light Alarm LED Power LED Power Failure Function ON – Indicates active alarms OFF – No alarm ON – Unit is power on OFF – Unit is power off ON – System is recovered from a power lost OFF – No power lost Table 1- LED indicators 5.2 Navigation Buttons Key Name Display Up Down Enter Power Alarm Program Escape Function Touch sensitive graphical interface Navigate up to previous entry Navigate down to next entry Execute current selection Turn the unit ON/OFF View and Reset active alarms Not used Exit and return to previous screen Table 2 - Navigating buttons Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 28 of 74 Compu-Aire 6.0 Navigation Menu Figure 7 - Main Menu 6.1 Menu Tree Main Menu Status Room Temperature Room Humidity Compressors Heaters ON/OFF Status Fan Status Water in Temperature Discharge Air Temperature High Pressures Low Pressures Rev.03a 12-21-10 Trending Room Temperature Room Humidity Compressor pressures Page 29 of 74 Alarms No Air Flow Dirty Filter Fire Alarm Global Alarm No Water Flow Condensate Low Pressure High Pressure Compressor Short Cycling Heater over heat Sensor Failures Over/Under Temperatures Over/Under Humidity Alarm Reset Setup Setpoints Clock Run Time BMS Technician Factory Alarm Log Exit Compu-Aire 6.2 Accessing Submenus While viewing the menu, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the icons page-bypage. To scroll through the icons one-by-one, press the enter key then use the up and down arrow keys. Note: Viewing settings require a password Level 1 Password = 1 Leve2 Password = 2 Factory Setting = Consult Factory 6.3 Main Menu Selection Icon Status Trending Alarms Setup Function Displays current temperature, humidity, and system demand Graphical display of current/past status reading Display or Reset current/previous alarms Unit setup Table 3 - Main menu description for Figure 7 6.4 Unit Status Figure 8 - Unit general status Figure 9 - Room demand icons General unit status shows the current room temperature, humidity, heating, and cooling demands. Additional sensors are listed by pressing the (up ) or (down ) buttons as shown in Figure 8. Pressing the (help?) button brings up the help screen as shown in Figure 9. Icon Function Demands Displays Fan, cooling, heating, humidification, dehumidification, excess humidity draining, and humidifier Cooling Displays current active cooling stages Heating Displays current active heating stages Table 4 – Unit general status Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 30 of 74 Compu-Aire 6.5 Trending 6.5.1 Graph Overviews Figure 10- Graphical sensors representation Figure 11 - Graph description Figure 12 - Pressure graph Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 31 of 74 Compu-Aire 6.5.2 Icon Description and function Icon Key Description Indicates that the downloading of the data relating to the Trend from the pCO* has failed. Next to the letter X (see the image to the right) a number is displayed identifying the type of error in more detail: 4: the pCO does not have enough memory to manage the graphs. 5: the variable displayed is not a Public Variable. Indicates that no data is available for one of the two trends. This condition only occurs when attempting to display the two trends at the same time. Indicates that there are no available data in the current view. Action Press the key. 4: use a pCO with more memory (pCO XM-Expanded Memory). Indicates that the data relating to the trend is being downloaded from the pCO, but the remaining time is unknown. Indicates that for at least one of the trends the data are outside of the current value interval. Wait 5: declare the variable as a Public Variable. Nothing, or move the view to display the data for the other trend. Move the time interval. Move the view in high or in the lower. Description Pan mode is activated. When pressed, all the keys relating to zooming mode go to the Normal position. Move the view to the left Move the view to the right Move the view up Move the view down View is moved so as to display the first data saved (the oldest data). View is moved so as to display the last data saved (the most recent data). Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 32 of 74 Compu-Aire View is moved so as to display the last data saved (the most recent data). When pressed, all the keys relating to zooming mode go to the Normal position. When pressed, changes the status from Normal to Pressed. When in Normal status, selecting a point on the graph the graph cursor is positioned at the closest value saved. The corresponding Y1, Y2 and X values can be displayed in a text box under the X Axis. When in Pressed status, selecting a point on the graph, the view is moved so the point selected is in the center. Activate Zoom mode. When pressed, all the keys relating to Pan mode go to the Normal position. Activate Zoom mode, all the other keys relating to Zoom mode switch to Normal status and Zoom In on the horizontal axis. When in Pressed status, selecting a point on the graph the view Zoom In on the horizontal axis Activate Zoom mode, all the other keys relating to Zoom mode switch to Normal status and Zoom Out on the horizontal axis. When in Pressed status, selecting a point on the graph the view Zoom Out on the horizontal axis. Activate Zoom mode, all the other keys relating to Zoom mode switch to Normal status and Zoom In on the vertical axes. When in Pressed status, selecting a point on the graph the view Zoom In on the vertical axes. Activate Zoom mode, all the other keys relating to Zoom mode switch to Normal status and Zoom Out on the vertical axes. When in Pressed status, selecting a point on the graph the view Zoom Out on the vertical axes. Reset the scales of the X axis as defined Reset the scales of the Y1/Y2 axes as defined Reset the scales of the X, Y1 and Y2 axes. This is the combination of the previous two commands. Enable the display of trend no. 1 Normal=hidden Pressed=visible When pressed changes the status from Normal to Pressed. Indicate that trend no.1 is available. Enable the display of trend no. 2 Normal=hidden Pressed=visible When pressed, changes the status from Normal to Pressed. Indicate that trend no.2 is available. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 33 of 74 Compu-Aire 6.6 Alarms PCO3 controller provides both audible and visual alarm event log. Up to 100 event entries are automatically saved in a non-volatile memory area in descending order. The last event always displays when the alarm button is depressed from the any screen. Figure 13– Alarm History 6.6.1 Alarm Viewing and Function Only active alarms are accessible under the “Alarm button”. Consult the alarm history, under setup, to view the remaining alarms. Action Alarm Next Previous Reset 6.6.2 Function Pressing the alarm button at any time Shows the next alarm Shows previous alarm Clears out active alarms and turns off the alarm LED Alarm Reset The controller generates both visual and audible alarm continuously until cleared. To reset alarm, press the alarm button and scroll down to the reset menu by pressing the down button. Press the Reset button on the screen. Note: All active alarms remain active until the root cause of the event is rectified. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 34 of 74 Compu-Aire 7.0 SETUP MENU “SETUP MENU” has three (3) levels of accessing right end user, technician, and setting reserved for factory setup. A password must be supplied to gain access to any setting. 7.1 Entering a password No password is required to view system status, active alarm, or turning the unit ON/OFF. System is automatically locked out after 5 minutes of inactivity and returned to the main screen. A new password must be entered to regain access to the setting. Figure 14–Password prompt Password 1 2 1798 Level 1 2 3 Accessibility Setpoint Technician Factory setup (Consult factory for more information) Table 5 - Default Passwords Note: Entering a service menu requires a password. Default password is listed in Table 5. Figure 16 - Setup menu Figure 15 - Entering a password Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 35 of 74 Compu-Aire 7.2 Setup Menu Tree Setpoints and other settings are organized as shown below in Figure 17. Not all settings are available to all units. Press Exit button at any time to return to the previous screen. SETUP MENU Setpoints -Room Temperature -Temp High Alarm -Temp Low Alarm -Humidity -Hum High Alarm -Hum Low Alarm -Temp Water In -Temp Discharge Air Clock -Time -Date -Night Setback Run Time -Fan -Economizer -Compressors -Heaters BMS -Unit ID -Baud Rate -Protocol *Modbus *BACnet *LONWorks *Carel Technician -Alarm Setup -Sensor Offsets -Digital Setup -Network -Manual Control Factory -Digital Inputs -Digital Outputs -Analog Inputs -Analog Outputs -HVAC -Password -Factory Reset Alarm Log -Alarm -Time/Date -Event Figure 17 - Setup Menu Tree 7.3 Setpoints The controller is shipped with default selections for all necessary settings. In some cases, adjustments can be made to meet the application requirements. Use Up and Down arrow buttons to navigate between settings for different sensor. Default Setting: Temperature: 72°F Humidity: 50% Temperature Setpoints High & Low Setpoints Figure 18 - Room temperature setpoints 7.3.1 Figure 19 - Room humidity setpoints Changing Setpoints Tap the Temperature/Humidity display Enter a new value from the virtual keyboard Tap on the enter button once done Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 36 of 74 Compu-Aire 7.3.2 Changing Alarm Setpoints The alarm High and Low setpoints trigger an alarm event when the room returns temperature falls below or exceed the set limits. Tap on the High/Low value Enter a new value from the virtual keyboard Tap the enter button when done Note: The controller is programmed to shut down the entire system once the return air temperature reaches 125°F. This alarm event supersedes all other events. 7.4 Clock Setup The controller features an internal clock. Current time and date are backed up by an internal Lithium-On battery. Consult the factory for battery replacement. Night Setback Figure 20 - Clock setup 7.4.1 Time and Date Setup Tap on the corresponding number on the touch screen. Enter a new number from the virtual keypad. Press Enter when finished. Changes take effect immediately and require no system reset. 7.4.2 Night Setback The controller supports 7 days unoccupied and occupied modes. Separate temperature and humidity setpoints are available and take priority when the night setback mode is active. To active the Night Setback, change its setting to “YES” and follow the on screen directions. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the different screens to program each individual day. Default Setting: Night Setback: NO Note: It is not recommended to set the Night Setback for computer room cooling. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 37 of 74 Compu-Aire 8.0 RUN TIME HOUR METERS The controller keeps track of run time for each individual component for servicing purposes. Each counter can be reset individually. Setting Timer Change the Reset setting from “NO” to “YES” Press Enter from the virtual screen The run time hour is reset immediately Repeat the same process for other components Reset timer Figure 21 - Component run time meters Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 38 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.0 BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) PCO3 controller is capable of communicating with external remote Building Management System (BMS). Supporting protocol is enabled by a plug-in communication card. Figure 22 - Building management system Protocol Modbus LONWorks BACnet MS/TP BACnet TCP/IP Figure 23 - Communication protocol Description Serial communication through RS-485 LONTalk communication BACnet over MS/TP BACnet over TCP/IP, SMNP, HTML, FTP Default Baud Rate 19,200 4,800 4,800 19,200 PCO3 controller also features an alternative method of networking multiple cooling unit in a built in standalone p-LAN network through terminal J11. Default Setting: Unit Identification: 1 Baud Rate: 19200 Protocol: Modbus 9.1 Modbus The PCO3 controller supports an optional RS-485 card, which allows you to interface directly the pCO3 to a supervisory network RS485. The max baudrate available is 19200 baud (it can be set by software). 9.1.1 Mounting To install the card in the pCO unit follow these instructions: 1. Remove the "serial card" placement cover with a screwdriver. 2. Remove the pre-punctured plastic piece corresponding to the card being installed. 3. Insert the optional card into the corresponding connector; confirm the card is firmly placed on both plastic supports on the pCO3 case. 4. Close the cover using the screwdriver making sure the outside card terminal fits within the punched hole made on the cover. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 39 of 74 Compu-Aire The connection with the RS485 network is carried out by means of the plug-in terminal connector on the card Pin-wiring of the connector is stamped on the card. If the card is placed in the last position of the supervision serial line, pins 2 and 3, you must connect a 120 Ω - 1/4 W end line resistors. Table 6 - Modbus card installation Warning When handling the card, please follow the advice below. Electrical damage may occur to the electronic components as a result of electrostatic discharges from the operator. Suitable precautions must be taken when handling these components. • • • • Rev.03a 12-21-10 Before using any electronic component or card, ground yourself (not touching the card does not prevent a spike, as static electricity can produce a 10000V spike discharge which can form an arc of about 1cm) All components must be kept inside their original package as long as possible. If necessary, take the board from its package and place it into an antistatic package without touching the back of the board with your hands Absolutely avoid non-antistatic plastic bags, polystyrene or sponge. Do not pass the card directly to other operators (to prevent from electrostatic induction and discharges). Page 40 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.2 POINTLIST The following point list is available for LONWORKS, Modbus, and BACnet communication card. Use the corresponding register or index value to monitor it from the remote BMS system. Carel Type Index pCO LONworks Name NV Type NV Modbus Register BACnet Analog Value Direction Description ANL ANL 1 2 nvoTmpSet/nviTmpSet nvoTmpBand/nviTmpBand 105 105 40002 40003 1 2 R/W R/W Temperature set point Temperature band ANL 3 nvoHighTmpSet/nviHighTmpSet 105 40004 3 R/W Temperature High alarm set point ANL ANL 4 5 nvoLowTmpSet/nviLowTmpSet nvoHumSet/nviHumSet 105 81 40005 40006 4 5 R/W R/W Temperature Low alarm set point Humidity set point ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL 6 7 8 9 10 nvoHighHumSet/nviHighHumSet nvoLowHumSet/nviLowHumSet nvoHumBand/nviHumBand nvoTemperature nvoHumidity 81 81 81 105 81 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 6 7 8 9 10 R/W R/W R/W R R Humidity High alarm set point Humidity Low alarm set point Humidity band Temperature reading Humidity reading ANL 11 40012 11 R Outside Air Humidity ANL ANL ANL ANL ANL 12 13 14 15 16 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 12 13 14 15 16 R R R R R Discharge Temperature Outside Air Temperature Coil or Water Temperature User Sensor 1 User Sensor 2 ANL 17 40018 17 R User Sensor 3 ANL ANL 18 19 nvoHighPr_1 40019 40020 18 19 R R ANL 20 nvoLowPr_1 40021 20 R ANL 21 nvoHighPr_2 40022 21 R ANL 22 nvoLowPr_2 40023 22 R ANL 23 nvoCondPr_1 40024 23 R User Sensor 4 High Pressure 1 (Pressure Transducer) Low Pressure 1 (Pressure Transducer) High Pressure 2 (Pressure Transducer) Low Pressure 2 (Pressure Transducer) Condenser Pressure 1 ANL ANL 24 25 nvoCondPr_2 nvoOAEcono_Set 40025 40026 24 25 R R/W Condenser Pressure 2 Outside Air Economizer Setpoint ANL ANL 26 27 40027 40028 26 27 R/W R/W Discharge Air Economizer Setpoint Water Economizer Setpoint Modbus BACnet Register Direction 40130 Analog Value 1001 40131 40132 1002 1003 R/W output Carel Type LONworks INT Index pCO 1 nvoTmpInt/nviTmpInt Type NV 8 INT INT 2 3 nvoHumInt/nviHumInt nvoStatus 8 8 Rev.03a 12-21-10 Name NV Page 41 of 74 R/W Description Temperature control Integration time Humidity control Integration time 0=System off, 1=system on, 2=active,3=standby,4=override,5=off by Compu-Aire digital input, 6=manual INT 4 Analog Out Y1 81 40133 1004 R Analog Out Y1 INT INT 5 6 Analog Out Y2 Analog Out Y3 81 81 40134 40135 1005 1006 R R Analog Out Y2 Analog Out Y3 INT 7 nvoHumStatus 81 40136 1007 R Humidity demand (0-100%) INT 8 40137 1008 R Analog Out Y4 INT INT 9 10 40138 40139 1009 1010 R R Analog Out Y5 Analog Out Y6 INT INT 11 12 40140 40141 1011 1012 R R Current Day Current Hour INT 13 40142 1013 R Current Minute INT INT 14 15 40143 40144 1014 1015 R R Current Month Current Second INT INT 16 17 40145 40146 1016 1017 R R Current Weekday Current Year Modbus Register 2 3 4 5 BACnet Analog Value 1 2 3 4 Carel Type LONworks Name NV DGT DGT DGT DGT Index pCO 1 2 3 4 nvoOnOffStat/nviOnOffStat nvoTmpCntr/nviTmpCntr nvoHuCntr/nviHuCntr nvoAirflowAlm Type NV 95 95 95 95 DGT DGT 5 6 nvoHighHtAlm nvoSmokeAlm 95 95 6 7 5 6 R R High heat Alarm Smoke alarm DGT 7 nvoC1LPAlm 95 8 7 R Compressor 1 low pressure alarm DGT DGT DGT 8 9 10 nvoC1HPAlm nvoC2LPAlm nvoC2HpAlm 95 95 95 9 10 11 8 9 10 R R R Compressor 1 high pressure alarm Compressor 2 low pressure alarm Compressor 2 high pressure alarm DGT 11 nvoC1CycAlm 95 12 11 R Compressor 1 short cycle alarm DGT 12 nvoC2CycAlm 95 13 12 R Compressor 2 short cycle alarm DGT 13 nvoDrainAlm 95 14 13 R Drain alarm DGT DGT DGT 14 15 16 nvoHighTmpAlm nvoLowTmpAlm nvoHighHuAlm 95 95 95 15 16 17 14 15 16 R R R High Temperature alarm Low Temperature alarm High Humidity alarm DGT 17 nvoLowHuAlm 95 18 17 R Low Humidity alarm DGT 18 nvoWtrFlAlm 95 19 18 R Water Flow alarm DGT DGT 19 20 nvoFireAlm nvoHeat1Out 95 95 20 21 19 20 R R Fire alarm Heat1 output status DGT DGT 21 22 nvoHeat2Out nvoHeat3Out 95 95 22 23 21 22 R R Heat 2 output status Heat 3 output status DGT 23 nvoHeat4Out 95 24 23 R Heat 4 output status DGT 24 nvoC1Out 95 25 24 R Compressor 1 output status DGT DGT 25 26 nvoC2Out nvoC3Out 95 95 26 27 25 26 R R Compressor 2 output status Compressor 3 output status DGT 27 nvoC4Out 95 28 27 R Compressor 4 output status Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 42 of 74 Direction R/W R/W R/W R Description Unit ON/OFF status Temperature control type 0=P 1=PI Humidity control type 0=P 1=PI no airflow alarm Compu-Aire DGT 28 29 28 R DGT 29 30 29 R DGT DGT 30 31 31 32 30 31 R R standby unit on DGT 32 33 32 R filter alarm DGT 33 34 33 R discharge heat did not raise alarm DGT DGT 34 35 35 36 34 35 R R discharge cool did not fall alarm fan overload DGT DGT 36 37 37 38 36 37 R R DGT 38 39 38 R Compressor 4 low pressure / User DGT DGT 39 40 40 41 39 40 R R Compressor 4 hi pressure / User User with Humidify Lockout DGT DGT DGT DGT 41 42 43 44 42 43 44 45 41 42 43 44 R R R R User with Reheat Lockout DGT DGT 45 46 46 47 45 46 R R user1 low alarm user1 high alarm DGT DGT DGT DGT 47 48 49 50 48 49 50 51 47 48 49 50 R R R R user2 low alarm user2 high alarm user3 low alarm user3 high alarm DGT 51 52 51 R user4 low alarm DGT DGT 52 53 53 54 52 53 R R user4 high alarm Fan Output DGT DGT DGT 54 55 56 55 56 51 54 55 56 R R R Heater 1 Output Heater 2 Output Bypass 4 Output DGT 57 58 57 R Humidifier Output DGT DGT 58 59 59 60 58 59 R R Dehumidifier Output DGT DGT DGT 60 61 62 61 62 63 60 61 62 R/W R R DGT 63 64 63 R Bypass 1 Output DGT 64 65 64 R Bypass 2 Output DGT DGT 65 66 66 67 65 66 R R System Alarm Remote On command via digital input DGT DGT 67 68 68 69 67 68 R R Bypass 3 Output DGT DGT 69 70 70 71 69 70 R R Alarm 2 Condenser Fan Output DGT 71 72 71 R Manual Override Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 43 of 74 humidifier alarm a unit is off pLAN network Reset Alarm Command Unloader 1 Output Unloader 2 Output Compu-Aire 9.3 LONWORKS The serial interface boards for LonWorks® networks are optional accessories for the PCO3 controller which allows the controllers to be connected directly to a LonWorks® network. The use of these boards requires knowledge of and experience with the LonWorks® network installation and maintenance tools. 9.3.1 General characteristics Note: The LONTalk card is preprogrammed at the factory. Commissioning the device is required to have proper readings when probing. The program installed on the board may correspond to a standard LonMark® profile. The board is programmed by the manufacturer when LonMark® profiles are used or in the field for custom profiles. 9.3.2 Physical channels Depending on the model, the interface boards communicate via two physical channels, TP/FT-10 and TP-RS485-39, as described in the LonWorks® literature. The LONTalk card uses an Echelon® FTT-10 transceiver, approved for use on the TP/FT-10 channel. This channel has the following main characteristics: • • • • 9.3.3 Allows the connection of a maximum of 64 nodes for each network segment; The nodes can be connected without any restrictions in the topology: that is, star, ring, on one bus only, or with any combination of these; Communication speed: 78,125 kbps; Maximum distance (Belden 85102 cable): 500m for connections between the nodes with free topology; 2700m for bus connections with double line terminator. Physical Circuit Board Layout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Connector to the PCO3 Controller Terminal block for LonWorks® network (GND, A, B) Service pin Green service LED Red fault LED Figure 24 - LONTalk Card Note: The ground wire (GND) is not requires in some application. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 44 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.3.4 LED Color Description The green service LED: • • • • • • • • Signals the status of the node, as per the LonWorks® protocol Hardware fault: always ON or always OFF Node configured (normal operation): ½ second ON, then always OFF Node NOT configured: flashing at ½ Hz Node without software application: 1 second ON, 2 seconds OFF, then always OFF Node in continuous reset: flashing Remains on during the activation of the service pin Remains on for one second when receiving a wink command via the network The red fault LED: • Signals problems in the connection between the board and the pCO. WARNING: If the red LED comes on make sure the instructions described under Installation have been carefully followed. THE COMMUNICATION BAUD RATE ON THE PCO HAS BEEN SET TO 4800 BAUD. 9.3.5 Installation WARNINGS: precautions in handling the board. Electrical damage may occur to the electronic components as a result of electrostatic discharges from the operator. Suitable precautions must be taken when handling these components, specifically: • • • • Rev.03a 12-21-10 Before handling any electronic component or board, touch an earthed object (simply not touching the component is not enough to prevent a spike, as static electricity can produce a 10000V discharge, which can form an arc of about 1cm) All materials must be kept inside their original package as long as possible. If necessary, take the controller from its package and place it into antistatic packaging, without touching the back of the board Absolutely avoid non-antistatic plastic bags, polystyrene or sponges; Do not pass the electronic components or boards directly to other operators (to prevent electrostatic induction and discharges) Page 45 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.3.6 Connection to the PCO3 Controller With reference to Figures 25-28 below, insert the board in the pCO3 as follows: 1. Disconnect the power supply to the pCO3 and use a screwdriver, remove the serial card cover 2. Remove the pre-cut plastic part from the cover to make a rectangular window cutout 3. Insert the optional board in the corresponding plug-in connector, initially holding it diagonally and then making sure it is properly inserted and pushed up against the two plastic supports on the case of the PCO3 4. Close the cover and aligning the connector on the serial board with the hole made in the cover 5. Reconnect the power supply to the pCO. If the pCO supervisor serial communication has been set to use the Carel protocol at 4800 baud, the red LED on the board will come on for a few seconds and then will go off immediately, indicating normal operation. 9.3.7 Figure 25 - Remove plastic cover Figure 26- Cut out window Figure 27 - Installing plugin card Figure 28 - Replacing windows cover Connection to the LonWorks® network The physical connection to the LonWorks® network is performed using the connector with removable terminals fitted on the board, according to the Echelon® instructions and specifications. For further information on installation, maintenance, the cross-section and type of cable, refer to the LonWorks® literature. 9.3.8 Service pin To activate the service pin, simply momentarily short-circuit the two pins on the board (see Figure 24) with the tip of a screwdriver or a similar tool. The service pin must only be activated during the installation of the node. When the pin is activated, the node sends a broadcast message over the LonWorks® network, containing the information required for identification. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 46 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.3.9 WINK event A generic supervisor can send the WINK command to a specific node on the LonWorks® network. This generates an event that the application on the specific node can respond to with any action decided by the programmer. In this specific case, the service LED on the interface comes on for one second, thus making it possible to check the correct operation of the connection between the interface and LonWorks® network. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 47 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.4 BACNET OVER TCP/IP 9.4.1 Installation The board is installed in the PCO3 controller, when off, as follows 1. Remove the “Serial Card” cover from the PCO3 using a screwdriver. 2. Insert the board in the corresponding plug-in connector, making sure it is fully inserted and in contact with the two supports located on the case of the PCO3. This operation may be difficult due to the limited space, consequently, it is recommended to insert the board at an angle and then turn it until aligning the connectors. 3. Close the cover again, using the cover supplied with the board, lining up the connector on the serial board with the opening in the cover. 4. (optional): stick one or both labels supplied outside and/or inside the electrical panel near the PCO3, so that the MAC ADDRESS can be read without needing to open the electrical panel for the connection to the Ethernet network, use an S/FTP cable, category 5e or higher. 9.4.2 Functions The pCOWeb board is used to connect the pCO3 controller to an Ethernet network and consequently perform the following functions. • • 9.4.3 Access the information on the pCO3 (network variables and parameters) using an Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer™ installed on a PC and connected to the pCOWeb via TCP/IP (see Web server) Connection to a supervisory network that uses one of the following standard protocols o SNMP v1 & v2c o BACnet Ethernet ISO8802-2/8802-3 o BACnet/IP Default parameters In order to access the configuration (see the Configuration section), the pCOWeb can be started using the “factory bootswitch parameters”: IP address= Net mask=; “root” user password: froot “httpadmin” user password: fhttpadmin “guest” user password: fguest Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 48 of 74 Compu-Aire To start the pCOWeb with default parameters, proceed as follows: When the pCOWeb is off: • • • switch on the pCO3 controller with the pCOWeb already inserted and hold the button for at least 20 s, until the status LED starts flashing SLOWLY 3 times, red-dark; release the button while the LED is flashing, after having flashed 3 times, the LED turns green, then, to confirm the recognition of the button, the LED will flash QUICKLY 3 times, red-dark. To complete the pCOWeb boot phase, wait approximately 50 s until the status LED flashes regularly. From this moment on, the pCOWeb can be accessed via the network When the pCOWeb is already on: • Restart the pCOWeb software (see “Restarting the software”) • After restarting, proceed as above for when the pCOWeb is off. Note: In “factory bootswitch parameters” mode, the pCOWeb does not save the parameters recalled, but simply uses them, and therefore, when next restarted without pressing the button, it will use the parameters set by the user (if just acquired, with DHCP) 9.4.4 Restarting the software To restart the software when the board is in stable operation (that is, with the status LED flashing regularly), press and hold the button for between 5 and 10 seconds; after around 10 s from releasing the button, the status LED will stop flashing, and after a further 15 seconds the software on the board will restart. 9.4.5 Configuration Note: For the correct operation of the pCOWeb, a number of basic parameters need to be set, such as the IP address and Netmask; each device connected to an Ethernet network, to communicate with a host, must have a unique IP address. PCOWeb is supplied with the DHCP function already active. Therefore, in a network served by a DHCP server, pCOWeb will automatically acquire the necessary parameters without requiring configuration. In the case of a network without DHCP, the parameters need to be configured manually (see the “Accessing the user configuration...” section). Accessing the user configuration (via Ethernet network and configuration web pages) Automatic network configuration (DHCP): ask the network administrator for the address that has automatically been assigned to the pCOWeb already connected; the administrator will need to know the MAC ADDRESS of the pCOWeb. Network without DHCP: when first using the board, it is recommended to connect pCOWeb directly to a computer using a crossed Ethernet cable; then start the board with the “factory bootswitch” parameters (see “Pushbutton”). Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 49 of 74 Compu-Aire To allow the PC to access the pCOWeb: • • The PC used for the configuration must be in the same sub-network as the pCOWeb; set the network parameters on the PC as follows: o IP address= if DHCP: ask the network administrator; with “factory bootswitch parameters”: 172.16.xxx.xxx (with xxx.xxx as desired, as long as different from the 0.1 already used by pCOWeb); o Netmask= The browser on the PC must have the option corresponding to the use of a proxy server disabled. If the network settings on the PC and the browser are correct, typing the IP address of the pCOWeb in the address bar will access the default home page of the pCOWeb. Then enter the area reserved for the administrator, using the special link (Go to Administrator Area) and the following pre-set account: o username= admin o password= fadmin The basic parameters for communication and access are located in the “Configuration” area. Choose “Network”: the primary IP address of the board and three aliases can be set. To configure the DHCP function type “DHCP” in the place of the IP address. If the network does not use DHCP, ask the network administrator for a valid IP address and Netmask for the local network that the pCO3 will be connected to. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Figure 29 - PCOWeb Figure 30 - Window cover Figure 31 - Installing PCOWeb Figure 32 - Installing plastic cover Page 50 of 74 Compu-Aire Note: the parameters recalled with the “Pushbutton” cannot be modified and must not be confused with the values that are modifiable by the user. For a complete description of all the parameters that can be set, consult the factory for user manual. 9.4.6 Web server The web server included in the pCOWeb is “thttpd”, compliant with the HTTP 1.1 specifications, and is used to display HTML pages directly on the Internet browser. A client application can thus control and monitor the pCO3 controller that the pCOWeb board is installed on from a remote location. The HTML pages can be easily created and downloaded to the pCOWeb by the end user with any FTP client. Common programs can be used to create the custom HTML pages (e.g. Macromedia® Dreamweaver™ or Microsoft® FrontPage™) and download them to the pCOWeb via FTP client such as SmartFTP™ (www.smartftp.com). 9.4.7 Accessing the operating system by authentication The system can be accessed via a telnet terminal or via FTP. Authentication with user name and password is required for each access. The following users are registered. User Name root Default Password froot Allowed no limitation httpadmin Description administrator of the operating system web administrator Fhttpadmin R/W access to the http directory; read-only to the other directories. guest guest fguest Table 7 - PCOWeb passwords The password can be modified by accessing the administrator page. The password recalled with the “Pushbutton” function will not be modified and must not be confused with the passwords that are modifiable by the user. This page can also be used to set the access restrictions for each of the various directories in the http tree. Consequently, connecting via FTP and logging in as the web administrator, as follows will access the pCOWeb user file system • • username= httpadmin; password= fhttpadmin (note “f” as in “factory” as the first letter). The customized pages should be saved in the following directory: /usr/local/root/flash/http. Note: The pages downloaded to the pCOWeb must have the correct properties and be able to be displayed with a browser; setting these attributes correctly via FTP is quite difficult, and consequently the “auto-set attributes” function is available in the administrator pages. To activate this function, simply click the “Adjust HTML pages attributes” link; it is recommended to do this whenever modifying one or more HTML pages. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 51 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.4.8 CGI script CGI scripts can be written in bash language or compiled languages. These must have the .cgi extension and must reside in the http/usr-cgi directory. As for the HTML pages, these files must also have the properties correctly set and enabled. IMPORTANT: It is recommended to click on the “Adjust HTML pages attributes” link whenever modifying one or more .cgi scripts. 9.4.9 SNMP PCOWeb is able to communicate using the SNMP protocol (v1 & v2c). It therefore acts as a gateway between the CAREL proprietary protocol and SNMP. The information available via SNMP relates to all the data sent to the supervisors by the application loaded on the pCO3. PCOWeb manages some standard traps and allows a trap to be defined for each digital variable on the pCO3. The parameters relating to the management of the SNMP protocol can be set using the administrator configuration pages. 9.4.10 BACnet PCOWeb is able to communicate using the BACnet protocol over Ethernet: • ISO8802-2 over 8802-3; • BACnet/IP. It acts as a gateway between the controller proprietary protocol and BACnet. The information transferred involves all the data sent to the supervisor by the application loaded on the pCO3. The parameters relating to the management of the BACnet protocol are set using the administrator configuration pages. 9.4.11 WARNINGS Precautions when handling the board! The electrical damage that occurs to electronic components is almost always due to electrostatic discharges caused by the operator. Consequently, suitable precautions must be taken when handling these components, in particular: • Before handling any electronic component or board, touch an earthed object (avoiding contact with a component is not sufficient, as a 10,000 V discharge, a voltage that can easily be reached by static electricity, creates an arc of around 1 cm); • The materials must remain as long as possible inside their original packages. If necessary, remove the board from the packing and then place the product in antistatic packaging without touching the sides of the board containing the electronic components; • Always avoid using plastic, polystyrene or non-antistatic materials; • Always avoid passing the board between operators (to avoid the phenomena of electrostatic induction and consequent discharges). Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 52 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.5 BANET over MS/TP Optional add on board is available for BACnet over Master/Slave application. 9.5.1 Installation 1. Disconnect the power supply from the pCO3 and remove the “Serial Card” cover. 2. Insert PCOnet card in the plug-in connector, making sure that it is fully inserted and in contact with the two supports on the pCO3. As there is little space available, this operation may be complex: as a result, insert the PCOnet card at an angle then tilt it back until the connectors line up. 3. Insert the required jumpers (see below for the meanings of these). 4. Fit the cover supplied with the PCOnet. Note: If the device used to read the data from the 485 network is grounded and the RS232-RS485 converter or the RS485 serial port on the device have functional insulation of less than 2kV, connector G0 on the PCO3 board must be grounded. The board cannot be installed in direct contact with the metal panel on the electrical panel. Status LED Push Button RS-485 LED Table 8- Installation guide Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 53 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.5.2 Meaning of the jumpers Jumpers P1, P2 and P3 are located inside the front opening of the cover. See table 7 for installation guide. • • • Jumper P1 adds a 510 ohm polarization resistance between the negative data line (-) and GND Jumper P2 adds a 120 ohm terminal resistance between the two data lines (+) and (-); Jumper P3 adds a 510 ohm polarization resistance between the positive data line (+) and the +5 VDC internal voltage. Insert all three jumpers on the unit at the start of network and the unit at the end of the network. Do not insert the jumpers on the intermediate units. For compliance of the product with the European EMC standards, add the ferrite supplied to the network cable, as illustrated in Table 7. 9.5.3 Operation The Status LED (left) indicates the status of communication with the controller and the status of the PCOnet. Starting sequence: on power-up, or after restarting PCOnet, the Status LED switches in the following sequence: • • • • OFF for 2 seconds; 2 seconds after restarting: quick flash red-green-red-green 5 seconds after restarting: green on steady Approximately 50 seconds after restarting: flashing (color: see below - Status of communication with the pCO3) PCOnet-pCO* communication starts. Status of communication with the pCO3: Once the starting sequence has been completed, the Status LED flashes to indicate the quality of communication with the PCO3: • • • Rev.03a 12-21-10 Quick green-OFF-green if communication with the pCO3 is OK (pCO* ON-LINE); Slow red-OFF-red if communication has not been established with the pCO* (pCO3 OFFLINE) Green-red-green if PCOnet detects errors or a temporary lack of response from the pCO3. Page 54 of 74 Compu-Aire The RS485 LED (right) indicates the status of communication with the BACnet MS/TP network (RS485). The LED shows the following information: Starting sequence: on power-up or after rebooting PCOnet, the RS485 LED switches in the following sequence: • • Off for approximately 50 seconds; Approximately 50 seconds after restarting PCOnet: slow green–red–green–red: at the end, BACnet will be active. Status of communication with the BACnet MS/TP network: once the starting sequence has been completed, the RS485 LED flashes to indicate the quality of communication with the BACnet MS/TP network: • • Green with occasional red flashes if communication is OK (BACnet MS/TP meaning: green ON = PCOnet keeps the Token (control of the MS/TP network); green OFF = PCOnet DOES NOT keep the Token; red on = Poll-For-Master, search for a Master to pass the Token to) Green and red ON together (BACnet MS/TP meaning: continuous Poll-For-Master): communication not established (connection problems, or no network device found); this may depend on electrical connection difficulties or communication settings that are not compatible with the other network devices connected. See the section on configuration. The Pushbutton Function • • restart PCOnet recall the factory configuration Restarting PCOnet With the board on and in stable operation (Status LED flashing continuously), hold the button for more than 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds. Approximately 10 seconds after releasing the button, the Status LED will stop flashing, and 15 seconds later PCOnet will be restarted: Status LED quickly flashing red-green-red-green. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 55 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.5.4 Recalling the factory configuration (“factory bootswitch” mode) With the following procedure, PCOnet uses the default parameters instead of the ones specified by the user. See the table of parameters and factory values in the section on Configuration. In “factory bootswitch” mode, PCOnet does not save the recalled values, and consequently when next restarted without pressing the button, PCOnet will again load the user settings. When purchasing PCOnet, the user parameters are set to the factory configuration values. With PCOnet OFF: • Switch PCOnet on (i.e. switch on the pCO* controller with the PCOnet board inserted) by pressing and holding the button for at least 20 seconds: the Status LED will flash SLOWLY 3 times, red-off • Release the button while the LED is flashing: after 3 red flashes, the LED comes on green; the LED then confirms recognition of the button by flashing QUICKLY 3 times redoff, and then comes on green again Complete start-up of the PCOnet will take another 40 seconds, then the RS485 LED starts flashing; only from this moment on can PCOnet be accessed via a remote connection. With PCOnet already ON: • • 9.5.5 Restart PCOnet (see above: Restarting PCOnet) After the restart procedure, follow the steps described above for PCOnet OFF Configuration Configuring the PCOnet parameters for correct communication over an MS/TP network: • • • Connect PCOnet via RS485 to a computer: during configuration, the CAREL product code CVSTDUMOR0 for USB ports can be used. Converters should not be used in the installation due to the large volume of data transmitted across a complex BACnet™ network. Install the CAREL “BACset” configuration tool, available free-of-charge at ksa.carel.com. Note: If the values of the pCOnet parameters are not suitable, communication with BACset may not be possible. To connect to pCOnet, restart pCOnet using “factory bootswitch” mode (see the section on Operation - Pushbutton). Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 56 of 74 Compu-Aire 9.5.6 BACNET Parameter Description Device Instance This is a number that uniquely identifies a device inside the BACnet® network (the BACnet® network can also include non-MS/TP BACnet® devices). If two units have the same Device Instance, identification errors will be generated. Station Address This is a number that differentiates the units in the BACnet® MS/TP network. If two units have the same Station Address, identification errors will be generated. To speed up the data exchange between the Master units, the Station Address of the Master units should start from 0 and continue without skipping any numbers. Max Info Frames This establishes the maximum number of information packages exchanged, above which the Master unit will give up control (Token) of the network to another Master unit. It thus indirectly establishes a sort of priority between the Master units in the network: high numbers guarantee the Master a higher data exchange volume. MaxMaster To speed up data exchange between the Master units, Max Master should be set to the Station Address of the Master with the highest Station Address. In fact, each Master, after having used the network, passes over control to the next Master. The Max Master parameter specifies to pCOnet the address of the network Master with the highest Station Address: using this parameter, pCOnet will know that there is no other Master with a higher Station Address than Max Master; pCOnet will then give control of the network to the next Master, however not beyond Max Master; if no next Master is found, the cycle will begin again, with control being given to the Master with the lowest Station Address. Baud Rate Data transfer speed. The Baud Rate must be the same for all the devices connected. Otherwise the exchange of data will generate communication errors. For extended networks, low baud rates should be specified, as these guarantee less communication errors. If Baud Rate=76800, make sure the device supports this communication speed. This baud rate is not supported by the RS232 serial port on a normal PC. Parameter Device Instance Station Address Max Master Max Info Frames Baud Rate Min 0 0 0 0 9600, 19200, 38400,76800 Max 4194303 127 127 255 Factory 77000 0 127 20 Table 9 - BACnet MS/TP parameters Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 57 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.0 TECHNICIAN MENU The service menu has settings that assist the installation and maintaining process. Each setting is defined as shown below. Table 10 - Technician menu Icon Alm Setup Sns. Ofs. DI Setup Network Man. Ctrl Description Alarm sensor setup for temperature, humidity, smoke, no air flow, etc. Sensor calibration offset Controller digital input setup P-LAN network setup Manual control for each components Table 11 - Technician menu description 10.1 Alarm Setup The controller supports a general alarm or global alarm for the following events. Each individual alarm can be configured to be part of a global arm. R2 is the second relay which is connected to a normally opened dry contactor. Consult the electrical wiring diagram for more information. Switch over Figure 33 - Alarm configuration Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 58 of 74 Compu-Aire Default Setting: Configuration Temp. H/L Alarm: Hum. H/L Alarm: Compressor Alarm: Air Flow Alarm: Smoke Detect alarm: R2 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF SW OFF OFF ON ON OFF Configuration Dirty Filter Alarm: Sensor Failure Alarm: Drain Full Alarm: Fire Stat Alarm: R2 OFF OFF OFF OFF SW OFF ON OFF OFF Note: Not all systems are equipped with a general alarm or global alarm. Setting the SW=ON will shut the current active unit down and switch the operation over to standby unit. The “Switch Over” column setting only available when more than one unit are networked together. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 59 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.1.1 Available Alarms Alarm Temperature H/L Alarm Humidity H/L Alarm Compressor Alarm Air Flow Alarm Smoke Detect Alarm Dirty Filter Alarm Fire Stat Alarm Function High low alarm set under Setpoint Humidity high/low set under setpoints Compressor fail Air flow loss Smoke is detected in the system Filter is dirty, need replacement Temperature reaches 125°F Table 12 - Global alarms The alarm status is notated by its current setting. To set the alarm, change the setting to either “ON/OFF” by tapping the screen and toggling via the virtual keyboard. Figure 34 - Alarm delays Figure 35 -Alarm switch over The PCO3 controller implements time out sensor delays to insure smooth operation. Each delay is dictated in second unless otherwise noted. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 60 of 74 Compu-Aire Default Setting • • • • • • • • • Rev.03a 12-21-10 RMT/OAH Sensor: FC/OAT/B10: Fire Stat: Fire Stat Alarm Delay: Offline Alarm Delay: Alarm Buzzer: T/H Alarm Delay: All Alarm Switchover: Disc Cool/Heat: 0s 0s ON 0s 60s OFF 15M OFF 0.2°F Temp: 125.0°F 0s Page 61 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.1.2 Sensor Offset PCO3 controller provides sensor calibration to match the reading to a reference device. Setting can be positive or negative offset. All adjustments take effect immediately. Table 13 - Sensor calibration Default Setting Offset: 0 10.1.3 Digital Input Digital setup is reserved for factory used only. If required, adjustment can be made to fine tune the equipment to work with other applications. The controller is designed to recognize a 24VAC signal from the sensor and trigger a corresponding alarm which is commonly used in normally opened relay. In some cases, where a normally opened relay is use, a reverse logic must be set in the controller to get the alarm function to register properly. Available options are closed and open. Table 14 - Digital Input Setting Setting Description Alarm If: Currently: Available Options Smoke Alarm Rev.03a 12-21-10 CLOSED: Used for normally open sensor OPEN: Used for normally closed sensor Read only OPEN/CLOSED Shows the current status of the input relay No Air Flow Page 62 of 74 Hi Heat Limit Compu-Aire Compressors Low Water Flow Compressors High Dirty Filter 10.2 Network Setup The controller supports up to 16 units working together as single unity in a p-LAN network. A PLAN network composes of one (1) master unit with up to fifteen (15) slave devices. Proper unit identification is required prior to proceeding. See P-LAN setup section for more information. Figure 36 - Network Setup Figure 37 - Network Assist Note: A P-LAN network has a minimum of two units and a maximum of sixteen units. Only one master is allowed. The Network Setup screen is accessible by the master unit ID=1. This option is not available on the slave unit. 10.2.1 Define a Network Icon Total Units Standby Units Use U1 Sensors Time Rotation Force Rotation Function Total unit including the master Number of standby units Use master unit sensors for every units Number of day and time to rotate Force the standby unit to become active Table 15 - Setting a P-LAN network 10.2.2 Network Assist In a P-LAN network, all standby units are capable of assisting the active unit in cooling, heating, dehumidifying, and humidifying mode. The dead band of each individual mode can be set according to Figure 37. The delay of assistance is set to 600 seconds by default. After 600s, standby units become active and assist only if the active unit is unable to maintain the setpoints in the elapsed time. Once the setpoints are satisfied, standby units return to standby and the cycle starts over. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 63 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.3 Manual Control Manual control is designed to turn on necessary components for a fixed amount of time. This function can be used to vacuum and charge the unit, service the unit, or perform a functional test. After an adjustable time out (defaults to 5 minutes, max 99 minutes), the designated component returns back to AUTO and resumes its normal operation. Applicable analog/digital outputs are selectable as ON, OFF, or AUTO mode. The following components are available in the manual setting. Note: Do not use this option to permanently turn off components such as reheat or humidifier. Refer to Factory->HVAC setting for detail. Default Setting: AUTO for all components Blower Low pressure bypass Heaters Compressors Rev.03a 12-21-10 Liquid Solenoids Humidifier Analog outputs Global alarm Page 64 of 74 Compu-Aire FACTORY SETTING The controller is fully programmed at the factory to meet its specifications. Adjustments to the default settings sometime are required in the field to fine tune the controller to adapt it to the environment. Note: A level 3 password is required to gain access to the Factory Menu. Changes to the factory settings are crucial and only recommend for a well trained technician or under factory guidance. Figure 38 - Factory Setting 10.4 Factory Setting Menu Tree FACTORY MENU D. INPUTS Air Flow Smoke Alarm High Heat Limit Compressor Condensate Water Flow Filter Alarm Fan Overload Remote ON/OFF Condensate Rev.03a 12-21-10 D. OUTPUTS Blower Heater Heat Pump Compressors Unloaders Bypass Humidifier Global Alarm A. INPUTS Room Humidity Room Temperature Dsc. Temperature Coils Temperature Water In Temperature Pressure Transducer A. OUTPUTS Economizer Voltage Min/Max Page 65 of 74 HVAC Fan Mode Fan Delay Shut down Fan Fan Min/Max ON Unit °C/°F Compressor Setup Economizer DX Assist Low Pressure Retry Dead Bands PASSWORD Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 F. RESET Factory Reset Op. Mode Reset Alarm Hist. Compu-Aire 10.4.1 Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs All digital inputs and outputs are predefined and governed by the electrical wiring diagram. All settings are pre-configured at the factory prior to shipping. Changes are not recommended unless suggested by the factory. Consult the factory for more detail. In general, the controller works with a 24VAC input from the normally opened relay. The internal relay from the controller sends out a 24VAC on the digital output terminals to designated coils in order to energize the high voltage components. Figure 39 - Digital input configuration Figure 40 - Digital output configuration Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 66 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.4.2 HVAC The HVAC section contains crucial settings that can have great impact how the system perform. All changes made in this section should be dealt with extra. Consult the factory if assistance is needed. Not all options are available on all units. Figure 41 Fan Setup Figure 42 Sensor Setup Mode: Continuous, Demand Speed: High, Low Room T. Type: Proportional, Integral, PID Band: Deadband default 5.0 (±2.5°F) Figure 43 Compressor Setup Figure 44 Compressor Option Mode: Comps, Chilled water/water cooled Num: Number of stages Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 67 of 74 TBC: Min ON/OFF: Time between compressors Minimum time comp stays ON Compu-Aire Figure 45 Compressor Stage ON/OFF Figure 46 Low Pressure Retry Figure 47 Humidifier Figure 48 Humidity Lockout Humidifier: Band: HT/Hum Lockout: ON/OFF, lockout 2nd comp. ON/OFF Deadband 10 (±5%) Figure 49 Heater Setup Heat: Rev.03a 12-21-10 Figure 50 Heating Demand Heater ON/OFF Page 68 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.4.3 Analog Inputs and Analog Outputs Analog input terminals on the controllers are used for a wide variety of analog sensors. The majority of input sensors are used for monitoring room temperature and humidity. NTC and transducers are also supported. Analog output terminals are primarily used for economizer systems where modulating output signals are required. Consult the factory for any special equipment use request. Figure 51 - Analog input configuration Figure 52 - Analog output configuration Warning: Consult the manufacturer prior making any changes. Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 69 of 74 Compu-Aire 10.4.4 Changing Passwords Default passwords are defined by the factory. See Entering a password for more detail. Adjustment to the default password is sometime required by the end user. Password is protected and not retrievable. Changes to the default password must be stored in a safe place. The factory cannot retrieve the lost or forgotten password. Figure 53 - Changing default password 10.5 Factory Reset Factory reset is used to reset the controller to its default setting. Not all default settings are applicable to all units. Warning: Do not perform this function. It will wipe out all the default settings and return the controller settings back to its default values. A reconfiguration is required to set it back to its specifications. Figure 54 - Factory reset Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 70 of 74 Compu-Aire 11.0 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE SYMTOM Black screen POSSIBLE CAUSE Loss of power Wrong unit ID Incorrect wires No link Loss of communication link between controller & display Cable length Alarm events Buzzer ON Alarm reset Screen nonresponsive Missed calibration Cabling Modbus not communicating Speed Add-on card not installed properly Cabling LONTalk not responding Not commission Wrong speed configured BMS not accessible PCOWeb fails communication Rev.03a 12-21-10 Wrong cable Add-on card not installed properly REMEDY Check 24Vac at controller and display Check Unit ID. See “P-LAN setup” for instruction. Check wiring on J11 from the controller to the display. Make sure the controller and display get proper 24Vac voltage. Check to make sure cables meets specification and not exceeding 200 meters for 24AWG. Press the Alarm button to view the alarm. Press up/down arrow key to view next alarm. Press the alarm button following by pressing the down arrow key until “Reset” shows on the screen. Tap the Reset button on the screen to clear the alarm. See “Screen Calibration” for detail on recalibration. Check to make sure cable is comply with standard and not exceeding 1000 meters. Make sure computer and controller are set to the same speed. Default speed on the PCO3 controller is 19.2k. Verify that the card is installed properly. Check the matting connectors with a flash light. Check for status light. Verify the physical wires between the controller and the BMS system. A parallel cable should be in used. Decommission and commission the card. Use a Wink command to check response. Verify that the speed is set to 4800 from the controller under “Supervisor Setup”. Check for LED status error code. Verify that the card is setup properly A crossed over cable is required for direct connection from PC to controller Check for proper matting connectors between the controller and the add-on card Page 71 of 74 Compu-Aire Incorrect IP Wrong jumper setting Wrong Temperature or Humidity reading or sensor fail Power supply Water damage Wrong offset / Calibration Alarm not reset Alarm source not rectified Stuck in Manual Mode Force components ON Compressor not ON Incorrect setpoint Reheat Lockout Over amp protection High Temperature Low Temperature High Humidity Low Humidity Temperature rises above max setpoint Temperature drops below min setpoint Humidity rises above max setpoint Humidity drops below min setpoint Static pressure drop No Air Flow Sensitive switch Clogged filter Dirty Filter Sensitive switch High Pressure Refrigerant pressure rises above limit Low Pressure Refrigerant pressure drops below limit Rev.03a 12-21-10 Check DHCP server for correct IP. Boot up in factory setting for default IP: to assign static IP. See PCOWeb setup for detail Pop open the sensor module and verify that the setting on the temp/hum sensor board is set to 0-1V Check for proper 24VDC coming on +G and GND at the sensor board Check for water condensation on the probe. Dry it out for any moisture. Relocate the sensors if necessary. Check for sensor offset and recalibrate against a reference point if necessary. Check for the cause of the alarm. The alarm cannot be cleared if the cause of the alarm still persists. Set all components under “Manual Ctrl” screen to Auto mode Check system setpoint for cooling temperature. Compressor only runs when temperature drops below room setpoint. System incorporate a reheat lockout if cooling and humidifier are ON Room is too hot. Check sensor and reset alarm after fixing the problem. Room is too cold. Check sensor and reset alarm after fixing the problem. Too much moisture in the air. Check and reset the alarm after fixing the problem. Room is too dry. Check and reset the alarm after rectify the problem. Check motor, duct work, and filter. Reset the alarm after rectifying the problem. Check and recalibrate the switch if necessary. Consult the electrical wiring for more detail. Check and replace filter if necessary Check the dirty air filter switch and recalibrate the sensitivity level if necessary. Consult the electrical wiring for more detail. Check the high head pressure and reset the alarm after a manual reset on the pressure switch. Check for low pressure switch. Change low pressure bypass time out and reset the alarm after rectifying the problem. Page 72 of 74 Compu-Aire Compressors short cycling Compress ON/OFF too frequent Heater overload Heater Overheat Incorrect trigger level Smoke Alarm Smoke detected Condensate Alarm Water detected Pump failed Condensate pump failed Rev.03a 12-21-10 Check discharge and return air temperature. Adjust compressor Max ON if needed. Check if heater is overloading. Check and reset alarm after rectifying the problem Verify setting under “Technician->DI Setup>Heater Overheat” Alarm IF=Closed Check for fire hazard and reset alarm after rectifying the problem. Check for water level on the bottom tray. Check drain valve and reset alarm after rectifying the problem. Check pump for proper voltage and wiring. Check pump’s floaters for consistency. Check if water still resides in pump’s reservoir. Reset alarm after rectifying the problems. Page 73 of 74 Compu-Aire TECHNICAL SUPPORTS www.compu-aire.com Tel: (562) 945-8971 Fax: (562) 696-0724 UNITES STATES OFFICE Compu-Aire, Inc. 8167 Byron Rd. Whittier, CA 90606 SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT INCURRING OBLIGATION Rev.03a 12-21-10 Page 74 of 74 Compu-Aire
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