Psu Manual
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Lab Power Supply Manual Alex Striff June 14, 2019 Contents Colophon 1 Acknowledgments 1 2 Motivation 1 3 Safety Notice (Grounding) 1 4 Usage Instructions 4.1 Setting the output voltage . . . . . . . 4.2 Setting the current limit . . . . . . . . 4.3 Indicator LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Monitoring the output current . . . . . 4.5 Monitoring the internal temperature . 4.6 Disabling the internal load . . . . . . . 4.7 Calibrating the current limit . . . . . . 4.8 Calibrating the output error indicator . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 . . . . 5 5 5 5 5 5 Principles of Operation 5.1 The LT3081 linear regulator . . 5.2 The internal load . . . . . . . . . 5.3 The Hot indicator circuit . . . . 5.4 The Vout error indicator circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Schematic Diagram 7 Printed Circuit Board Layers 7.1 Front Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Back Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Front Solder Mask . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Back Solder Mask . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Front Silk Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Front Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Plated Through-Hole Drill Map . . . 7.8 Non-Plated Through-Hole Drill Map 7.9 User Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Edge Cuts (Board Outline) . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 List of Tables 1 2 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . Bill of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 18 The schematic diagram and printed circuit board layout were both created with KiCAD. This manual was compiled using LATEX. Relatively fine (0.51 mm) leadbased solder and mildly activated rosin flux were required to solder the components to the PCB. 1 Acknowledgments The creation of this lab power supply was generously funded by the Reed College Physics Department. I would like to thank Edgar Perez for his kind advice, as well as Lucas Illing for supporting this project. 2 Motivation Often when working in electronics, several voltage sources are needed. In addition to a main power rail, one may need a complementary negative power rail for analog circuitry, or a different logic power supply at 3.3 V instead of 5 V. Low-impedance bias voltages are also a frequent requirement, needed for biasing BJTs, comparator inputs, and more. For most applications, a power supply fulfilling the requirements of these applications need not be capable of supplying much more than 1 A of current, must have a stable voltage output (requiring a linear regulator), and must have a current limiting function. Additionally, it would be nice if the power supply was much smaller than a conventional 30 V, 3 A output bench power supply with a large transformer, being conveniently powered from a common wall plug, batteries, or any other DC power source at hand. I have attempted to construct such a power supply. 3 Safety Notice (Grounding) Please note that the negative voltage output of the supply is directly connected to the negative voltage input to the supply. That is, the output voltage of the supply floating relative to earth ground if and only if the input voltage is floating. If you are uncertain if the supply (or any other piece of equipment) is floating, it is quick and simple to check if this is the case. Set a digital multimeter to its resistance measurement or continuity check mode. Connect one probe to the negative output of the PSU (the black five-way binding post) or to the other terminal in question, and then connect the other probe to earth ground. This can be done either by insertion in to the earth socket of a wall outlet, or by touching the outside of a BNC connector on any nearby oscilloscopes, as these are almost always earth grounded. If inserting into a wall outlet, be certain that you know which hole is which, and that you are using a multimeter approved for wall testing (most are). If the output is not floating (earth-referenced), then one must be careful to only connect oscilloscope ground leads to the negative output of the supply. Whatever the ground lead is connected to will be shorted to earth ground. If an incorrect connection is made, then connected circuit components, oscilloscopes, or computers (e.g. through USB) may be damaged. If you are uncertain, connect probes as if the circuit is not floating. If the output is floating (or if you know which terminals are earthed and which are not), then the supply may be safely connected to other voltage sources in whatever configurations are convenient, such as in a dual-rail setup. 4 4.1 potentiometer (RV4) may be soldered in to provide a continuously variable current limit. To set the current limit to its maximum value, open the no limit jumper (labeled No Limit, JP2). To set the current limit to lower than this value, the jumper must be shorted. The maximum value is about 2.0 A in normal operation, and less when the device shuts down to prevent overheating. 4.3 The power supply includes two indicator LEDs for when output voltage regulation is not guaranteed. The Hot indicator LED (D2) lights when the main regulation IC (see Section 5.1) starts to get hot (when the junction temperature is about 100 ◦C or above). This light is a warning, and the output should continue to be regulated as normal. If the IC continues to heat up (to a junction temperature of 125 ◦C), then internal protection circuitry will prevent damage and reduce the output voltage. The Vout Error ( I lim) indicator LED (D1) lights when the actual output voltage is not sufficiently close to the set output voltage. The most common cause for this is if the current limiting function is active, but internal protection circuitry or a set voltage that is too high may also cause an output error. 4.4 Usage Instructions Monitoring the output current If it is not preferred to use an ammeter to measure the output current, the I out test point is provided for convenient measurement or external control of the load current. The signal at I out is one volt for every ampere of output current, including the internal load (see Table 1 and Section 5.2). For example, if the supply is outputting 25 mA total, then I out should read 25 mV. Setting the output voltage Connect a voltmeter to the output of the supply. You may use either the binding posts or the test points labeled on the board to achieve this. Turn the PSU on and adjust the voltage using the coarse and fine adjustment knobs as needed. Note that the maximum output voltage is about 1.5 V below the input voltage. 4.2 Indicator LEDs 4.5 Setting the current limit Monitoring the internal temperature For more quantitative information about the temperature of the main regulation IC (see Section 5.1) than is provided by the Hot indicator LED, the Temp test point is provided. The signal at Temp is one millivolt for every degree Celsius of junction temperature. For example, if the junction temperature of the IC is about 73 ◦C (subject to variation inside the IC), then Temp should read 73 mV. To set the current limit to its minimum value, short the minimum limit jumper (labeled Min Lim, JP1). To set the current limit to higher than this value, the jumper must be open. The current limit is set to fixed values by moving the switches on the board. The default values are 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mA. To set the limit to any of the upper four values, the switch for the lower values must be in its rightmost position, as indicated on the board. Alternatively, the switch section on the board may not be populated, and a 10 kΩ (preferably 10-turn) 4.6 Disabling the internal load The internal load may be disabled by opening the Internal Load jumper. Note that this will increase the 2 current limit by at most 4 mA above the current limit displayed on the switches or that previously set by RV4, if installed. For most purposes, the Internal Load jumper should be in its normal, shorted position (see Section 5.2). 4.7 output is 2 – 10 mV below the set voltage. If you intend to use the supply only above about 5 V, the lower the better (you may even be able to remove RV5 and wire a short across R21 for a bit more sensitivity). To complete the calibration, adjust RV5 to the barrier where D1 just barely lights, or perhaps flickers. Calibrating the current limit The power supply requires a minimum load in order to regulate the output voltage properly. An internal load usually supplies this minimum load (see Section 5.2), but this offsets the effective current limit on the output. A trimmer potentiometer is provided to compensate for this offset. Set the supply to the minimum limit as described in Section 4.2. Using a screwdriver, adjust the potentiometer (labeled Load Offset, RV1) until the output voltage is stable (no current limiting), and then carefully reverse direction and adjust until the current limit just starts to activate. This may be judged by checking the output voltage with a voltmeter, or by using the built-in indicator if it is calibrated as described in Section 4.8 4.8 Calibrating the output error indicator The issues associated with creating a reliable output error indicator are discussed in Section 5.4. If necessary, a trimmer potentiometer (RV5) may be populated to correct the default setting by the resistor R21. Attach a voltmeter to the PSU and set the output voltage to 1 V. Attach an external potentiometer to the output of the supply, valued to draw a typical current for your application. Set the PSU current limit so that increasing the load current will trigger the limit function. If the 1 V output does not demand enough current, it may be increased, but try to keep it as low as possible (see 5.4 for why). Wait until the temperature of the circuit has stabilized. Error on the side of drawing a slightly lower current than needed, depending on the sensitivity required (see below). Increase the load gradually, and watch the error indicator LED (D1). If the default indication threshold set by R21 is not sensitive enough for your needs, solder in the 500 kΩ RV5 and try the adjustment procedure below. If this does not work, or if the default indication did not work at all, solder in RV5 and remove R21. This provides a wider range of variation for the indication threshold, at the cost of a coarser adjustment rate. With the potentiometer RV5 and the default resistor R21 soldered on the board or not depending on your needs, adjust the external load potentiometer until the 3 Table 1: Electrical characteristics. The mark indicates specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range. Otherwise, specifications are at (junction) temperatures of 25 ◦C. Parameter Input Voltage Output Voltage Dropout Voltage Internal Current Limit I out Relative Error I out Operating Range Temp Absolute Error Ripple Rejection Vripple = 0.5 Vpp , I load = 0.1 A, Vin = Vout(nom) + 3 V Internal Load Conditions Vin Vout Vdo I max PSRR I load < I lim I load = 100 mA I load = 1.5 A Vin = 5 V, Vset = 0 V, Vout = −0.1 V I load = 1.5 A 0 ◦C ≤ T J ≤ 125 ◦C 125 ◦C < T J ≤ 150 ◦C f = 120 Hz f = 10 kHz f = 1 MHz Min I int 4 Typ 5.0 0.0 1.5 0 Vout − 40 V -10 -15 75 2 Max 32.0 Vin − Vdo 1.21 1.23 2.0 6 90 75 20 3 1.5 11 Vout + 0.4 V 10 15 4 Units V V V V A % V µA µA dB dB dB mA 5 Principles of Operation Vin 50 µA 5.1 + The LT3081 linear regulator R set All of the regulation that the power supply provides is done by the LT3081, a rugged linear regulator IC. The regulation circuitry is depicted in Figure 1. An internal current source of 50 µA allows the set voltage to be configured with a single resistor R set . In the power supply, R set is determined by the two potentiometers RV2 and RV3. − Vout Figure 1: The equivalent voltage regulation circuitry inside the LT3081. The equivalent current regulation circuitry is not depicted here or in the LT3081 datasheet. If Vout < Vset , then the error amplifier will increase the base voltage of the NPN transistor until the entire Sziklai pair has Vset at its emitter. Similarly, the base voltage will be suitably reduced if Vout > Vset . In this way, the output voltage is regulated by a negative feedback loop. the output of the power supply, which is well above the minimum load requirement of the LM3081, over temperature. Since we are manually nulling the offset due to this current, it is allowable to use a common through-hole 5 % tolerance resistor for R23, but if your application requires precise current limiting over a wide and changing range of temperatures, a 1 % or betIn practice, it may be difficult to stabilize such a ter tolerance resistor should be used for added thermal circuit constructed of discrete components against osstability. cillation. Using an integrated circuit solution such as the LT3081 allows us to have matched transistors at close to the same temperature, as well as to take advan- 5.3 The Hot indicator circuit tage of the work done by previous engineers to make the output voltage stable. We simply add on some addi- To establish a precise voltage of 100 mV over the entire Vin , corresponding to a junction temperature tional capacitances (C1 to C4 and C8) to improve noise range of ◦ of 100 C, a 2.5 V LM4040 voltage reference (U1) and characteristics, transcient performance, and stability a voltage divider were used. The LM393 comparator a bit more. (U3B) compares the Temp output to this reference temperature, and is configured to pull the open collector output of the comparator low if the Temp output goes above the reference. This connects the indicator LED to ground. A LM317 (U6) configured as a current source supplies a stable current to the LED over the full range of Vin . Inspection of the circuit shows that errors introduced by resistor tolerances and comparator input offset currents and voltages will result in an absolute error of at most 5 ◦C. Furthermore, the comparator 5.2 The internal load operates without hysteresis, so the LED may flicker when the actual and reference temperatures coincide. For the purpose of a coarse temperature indication, Given the requirement that any circuitry used in the these undesirable characteristics are inconsequential. power supply must function consistently over the entire range of Vin , a simple resistor (as in the LT3081 datasheet) cannot be used as a means of meeting the minimum load requirement of the LT3081. Instead, the LM334 current source (U4) was used. With R23 set to 22 Ω, we expect about 3.1 mA to be sunk from 5.4 The Vout error indicator circuit The general configuration of the Vout error indicator circuit is similar to that of the Hot indicator circuit, described in Section 5.3. However, the error introduced 5 Vin by that circuit is unacceptable for the purpose of displaying the current status of regulation. Additionally, we expect the output voltage to coincide precisely (to within a few millivolts) with the set voltage. Without any correction, the LED may reasonably indicate an error indefinitely, or at least flicker, when the output voltage is actually well-regulated. The standard solution that one may propose is to add hysteresis (in the form of a Schmitt trigger) to the comparator. This will not work. A Schmitt trigger must have an upper trigger threshold that lies above the set voltage, but in the course of recovering from current limiting, the output voltage may never overshoot the set voltage. Thus the threshold will never be crossed, and the error indicator may remain on indefinitely. What is needed instead, is a small offset. If the comparator recieved a set voltage that was, say, 10 mV below Vset , then the problem is solved. Hysteresis is not even needed, since most all causes for a failure in regulation will not manifest as a steady offset of 10 mV. But how can we create such a small offset over the entire range of Vout , especially when the offset is comparable in size to all of the sources of error involved? The main barriers to control that must be addressed include − R off Vout − I in(+) + I in(+) R off + LM393 Figure 2: Introducing a small voltage offset by exploiting the input bias current of the LM393 comparator. as the offset. The LM393 and many other common differential-input analog devices such as the LM358 have PNP darlington pair input stages. This means that any input bias current will flow out of the input terminals, conveniently allowing us to place a resistor on the noninverting input of the comparator to achieve an offset in the correct direction. Since the noninverting input is connected to the low-impedance Vout , the offset voltage introduced may be reliably predicted as I in(+) R off (see Figure 2). For the typical I in(+) = 25 nA and R off = 150 kΩ (R21), we obtain an offset of 3.8 mV. This should handle possible offsets due to comparator input offset voltage and regulation of up to 3 mV, and more offset may be provided with a potentiometer as described in Section 4.8. • Resistor tolerances, But there is a problem with this circuit. Let’s take a • Loading of input sources, closer look at the input bias current. While datasheets like that for the LM393 give the input bias current • Comparator input offset voltage, at 0 V common mode voltage, we must know it for all • Comparator input bias current, common mode voltages up to Vin . The inputs to the LM393 essentially consist of differential PNP Darling• Comparator input offset current, and ton pairs, fed by a common current source at their emit• Noise. ters and drained by a current mirror at their collectors; Since the entire point of adding the offset is to al- standard stuff. Assuming active operation, a cursory low for errors, we can deal with the comparator input analysis models the path from Vin to the noninverting offset voltage and current by lumping in the effect of input V+ as consisting of some emitter-base or emittertheir worst-case absolute errors with the error in regu- collector voltage drops, with some resistances in belation. This increases the minimum offset needed from tween. That is, I in,(+) is set by the much larger (about that due to regulation, but only to about the 10 mV 300 times or so) current set by the current source at stated before. However, we cannot increase the off- the emitters. TODO set too much: at an output voltage of 1.00 V, an offset of 10 mV already represents a 1 % error in indication. The aim is to keep this level of precision for set voltages from 1.00 V to 30.0 V. If better precision than about 10 % is needed below about 100 mV, the calibration procedure detailed in Section 4.8 may be done at the necessary low voltage, at the cost of less realiable indication at higher voltages of 10 V to 30 V, depending on the configuration. So how are we to obtain the offset? Since the input bias current of the comparator may introduce errors comparable to the offset, we can change perspective. The “error” that it introduces can in fact be used 6 D C 1 2 Vout 27R 68R 100R 180R 10 mA 25 mA 50 mA 100 mA 2 R4 R5 R6 R7 R1 R2 R3 R8 R9 1 R10 2 4 5 RV4 1k 10-turn 3 Vout R15 4k7 GND RV2 500k Vout *** 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Ilim SET OUT 1 2 R19 24k 3 * R20 1k RV5 500k GND TEMP * 3 U2 LT3081 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ** C3 10u OUT Imon TEMP IN IN IN IN OUT GND 5 6 R22 1k 3 + _ GND U3B LM393 7 Vin U4 LM334M Vin GND 2 ** C4 10u Vout ** C8 0u1 1 J2 Barrel_Jack SW3 Lever toggle D2 LED_RED Iout R23 GND 22R VO VI 2 VO VI U6 LM317L_TO92 2 3 3 Vin Vin J3 Binding posts 5 Simple Lab Power Supply 4 Size: A4 Date: 2019-06-01 KiCad E.D.A. kicad (5.1.2)-1 Title: Sheet: / File: psu.sch 5 *** The combination of the divider on V- and the voltage increase into V+ due to input bias current should provide adequate offset over the full range of Vin so that the output of the comparator is stable, but does not false-trigger due to Vout regulation tolerance. ** Ceramic X5R or X7R. * 1% tolerance or better. 5-10% otherwise. R28 100R R27 100R 1 2 U5 LM317L_TO92 JP3 Preload 1 GND R24 R25 R26 C7 TEMP 0u1 * 10k * 10k * 1k 1 mV/mA 0u1 C6 1 mV/°C 4 GND 3.118 mA GND GND GND C5 0u1 GND ** Vin U3A D1 LM393 2 LED_RED 1 R21 * 3 + 150k RV3 10k Trimmer 1 (opt) * R18 1M 3 Vout * R17 1k5 1 Guard Guard JP4 JP5 Vout RV1 100R GND 0u1 C2 ** C1 0u1 2 R16 390R U1 LM4040DBZ-2.5 Vin PWR_FLAG TP5 Gnd TP2 Vout GND TP1 Vin Vin PWR_FLAG GND JP2 No limit 3 SW2 SW_SP4T R11 1R0 R12 1 1R0 R13 2 39R R14 4 100R 5 1R0 2R2 1R0 (opt; omit switches) JP1 Min Lim 1R8 4R7 13R 1 mA 2.5 mA 5 mA SW1 SW_SP4T 3 J1 Screw_Terminal_01x02 2 (Optional all *) 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 OUT 17 B 1 8 V+ V- 4 4 2 1 1 2 ADJ 1 ADJ 1 A 7 Rev: A Id: 1/1 6 D C B A 6 7 Printed Circuit Board Layers 8 9 10 11 I (mA) SW1 1 2.5 R8 Vout Error (I lim) D1 RV4 Hot + - D2 R27 R28 U5 J1 U6 LM317 J2 LM317 U1 RV2 R15 R18 C5 LM4040 (2.5V) R21 RV5 Temp: 1 mV/°C Iout: 1 V/A Error Offset R1 U3 R17 R20 R19 LM393 R2 R16 R9 R22 5 Load Offset R10 R3 C8 RV1 Lab Power Supply C3 Alex Striff Reed College Physics Department 2019 Min Lim JP1 10 R11 R4 25 b a a R12 b R5 c C1 d JP2 JP4 50 100 OCP R7 R14 R6 R13 R23 JP3 U4 C7 U2 JP5 C2 d c SW2 TP5 RV3 Coarse Fine Vout Adjust 12 R26 Temp Iout LT3081 R24 R25 Vin: 5V to 32V Vout: 0V to Vin-1.5V C6 SW3 No Limit (open) TP1 J3 Vin GND Internal Load C4 LM334 TP2 Vout 4k7 U1 J1 U5 1M R18 R21 150k LM317L_TO92 LED_RED R27 100R LM317L_TO92 LED_RED R28 100R MountingHole_3.7mm REF** 1k R15 C5 0u1 R19 RV2 1k R20 24k R17 1k5 C8 1k SW_SP4T REF** REF** No limit C2 0u1 TestPoint_Pad_D1.0mm TestPoint_Pad_D1.0mm Min Lim 100R 10u R22 C3 0u1 C7 27R Screw_Terminal_01x02 500k RV4 0u1 R4 R11 JP1 1R0 U6 R1 R8 R26 SW_SP4T 68R 1R0 U3 1R0 RV3 1k U2 LM4040DBZ-2.5 1R8 4R7 2R2 R24 LT3081 Guard R5 R12 LM393 R2 10k Guard R6 JP2 100R J2 390R R9 10k C1 39R 0u1 R13 MountingHole_3.7mm Barrel_Jack R16 13R R25 180R 500k R3 R10 1R0 Lever toggle 0u1 10k C6 R7 R14 100R Vin TP1 10u C4 REF** Binding posts REF** TP5 MountingHole_3.7mm Gnd JP3 R23 22R U4 LM334M MountingHole_3.7mm Vout REF** TP2 Preload 13 14 0.30mm / 0.012" (15 holes) 0.40mm / 0.016" (38 holes) 0.75mm / 0.030" (6 holes) 0.80mm / 0.031" (36 holes) 0.90mm / 0.035" (4 holes) 1.00mm / 0.039" (6 holes + 3 slots) 1.19mm / 0.047" (2 holes) 1.25mm / 0.049" (4 holes) 1.30mm / 0.051" (17 holes) 2.38mm / 0.094" (3 holes) 4.76mm / 0.188" (2 holes) Drill Map: 15 3.70mm / 0.146" (4 holes) (not plated) Drill Map: Material: 1.6 mm FR4 (standard); 1 oz copper; 2 layers. Board dimensions: 3 in x 3 in. Colors: White solder mask, black silk screen (front). Surface finish: HASL (with lead) (standard). NO gold fingers NO panelization NO castellated holes NO tented vias NO stencil NOTES 16 17 18 Qty 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Reference(s) C1, C2, C5, C6, C7, C8 C3, C4 D1, D2 J1 J2 J3 JP1 JP2 JP3 JP4, JP5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6, R14 R7 R8, R10, R11, R12 R9 R13 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20, R26 R21 R22 R23 R24, R25 R27, R28 RV1 RV2 RV3 RV4 RV5 SW1, SW2 SW3 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5, U6 Value 0u1 10u LED_RED Screw_Terminal_01x02 Barrel_Jack Binding posts Min Lim No limit Preload Guard 1R8 4R7 13R 27R 68R 100R 180R 1R0 2R2 39R 4k7 390R 1k5 1M 24k 1k 150k 1k 22R 10k 100R 100R 500k 10k 1k 500k SW_SP4T Lever toggle LM4040DBZ-2.5 LT3081 LM393 LM334M LM317L_TO92 Device:C_Small Device:C_Small Device:LED_ALT Connector:Screw_Terminal_01x02 Connector:Barrel_Jack Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 Device:Jumper_NO_Small Device:Jumper_NO_Small Device:Jumper_NO_Small Device:Jumper_NO_Small Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R Device:R_POT_US Device:R_POT_US Device:R_POT_US Device:R_POT_US Device:R_POT_US psu-sch:SW_SP4T Switch:SW_SPST Reference_Voltage:LM4040DBZ-2.5 psu-sch:LT3081 Comparator:LM393 Reference_Current:LM334M Regulator_Linear:LM317L_TO92 LibPart Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D5.0mm_W2.5mm_P2.50mm Capacitor_SMD:C_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder LED_THT:LED_D3.0mm TerminalBlock_MetzConnect:TerminalBlock_MetzConnect_Type094_RT03502HBLU_1x02_P5.00mm_Horizontal Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_Horizontal psu-foot:Binding Posts Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical psu-foot:Guard_Jumper Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal Resistor_SMD:R_1206_3216Metric_Pad1.42x1.75mm_HandSolder Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal psu-foot:Trim_pot_Bourns_TC33X-2-101E Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Piher_PC-16_Single_Horizontal Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Piher_PC-16_Single_Horizontal Potentiometer_THT:Potentiometer_Piher_PC-16_Single_Horizontal psu-foot:Trim_pot_Bourns_TC33X-2-101E psu-foot:SP4T_CK_SK-14D01-G-6 psu-foot:SW_SPST_Lever_Rubber Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23 Package_SO:HTSSOP-16-1EP_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm_EP3.4x5mm_Mask3x3mm_ThermalVias Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline Footprint Table 2: Bill of materials with collated items. There are 60 components total.
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