Rads4 Data Manual
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RADS Data Manual Remko Scharroo Version 4.3.2 7 November 2018 )) ))) ))) NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry NOAA•NESDIS•STAR This document was typeset with LATEX 2ε . The layout was designed by Remko Scharroo c 1993–2015 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Time and location 2.1 Time . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Latitude and longitude 2.3 Orbital altitude . . . . 2.4 Orbital altitude rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 6 Sea level variables 3.1 Sea level anomaly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Altimeter range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Altimeter range statistics . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Dry tropospheric correction and air tide . . 3.5 Wet tropospheric correction . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Ionospheric correction . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Atmospheric (inverse barometer) correction 3.8 Solid earth and pole tide . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Ocean and load tide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Sea state bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11 Mean sea surface and geoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 15 17 18 . . . . 20 20 21 22 23 5 Radiometer variables 5.1 Radiometer brightness temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Water vapour content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Liquid water content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 24 24 24 6 Variables for data editing 6.1 Engineering and geophysical flags . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Bathymetry and topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Distance from coast and coastal proximity parameter 6.4 Basin codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 28 29 29 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind speed and wave height variables 4.1 Significant wave height . . . . . . . 4.2 Altimeter backscatter coefficient . 4.3 Wind speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Other wave model data . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 iii iv Index Contents 37 Chapter 1 Introduction This manual is intended to explain the details about the many variables available in the RADS data base. Many of the variables come in different ”flavours”, like one could choose to use the wet tropospheric correction based on radiometer measurements (wet tropo rad) or one of the atmospheric models (e.g., wet tropo ecmwf). RADS also provides the option to use more generic variable names (like wet tropo) that will pick the best available correction depending on the satellite mission (or period). The variables are organised various chapters. Consult the table of contents to find the variables you are looking for, or go to the index at the end of the manual, where all variables are listed. For each variable, a list of different flavours is presented. For an example, turn to Section 3.5. This Section describes the various wet tropospheric corrections. The table in that Section lists in the first column the various variable names, followed by the field number as was used in RADS 3 (and can still be used in RADS 4), a short description, and the units of this variable. The next column lists for which altimeter missions this variable is available (see Table 1.1), where ”all” stands for all missions, and ”other” stands for all missions not mentioned above it. The second to last column is the default range used for editing (NaN is returned when Altimeter GEOS 3 Seasat Geosat ERS-1 TOPEX Poseidon ERS-2 GFO Jason-1 Envisat Jason-2 CryoSat-2 SARAL Jason-3 HY-2A Sentinel-3A Sentinel-3B Table 1.1 Abbr. Nr Alternatives References g3 ss gs e1 tx pn e2 g1 j1 n1 j2 c2 sa j3 2a 3a 3b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ge3 geos-3 geos3 sea seasat-a geo geosat er1 ers-1 ers1 top topex pos poseidon er2 ers-2 ers2 gfo gfo-1 gfo1 ja1 jason-1 jason1 en1 envisat ja2 jason-2 jason2 cs2 cryosat-2 cryosat2 sa srl saral altika ja3 jason-3 jason3 h2a hy-2a hy2a s3a sentinel-3a sentinel3a sntnl-3a s3b sentinel-3b sentinel3b sntnl-3b (not included in RADS) (not included in RADS) [Francis, 1990; Francis et al., 1991] [Fu et al., 1994] [Francis et al., 1995] [Ménard et al., 2003] [Lambin et al., 2010] [Wingham et al., 2006] (not included in RADS) (limited access in RADS) Abbreviation and numbers used for the various altimeter missions. 1 2 Introduction the value exceeds this range). When this column is empty, no range limits are set. Finally, the rightmost column relates to a list of notes provided in that Section. Near the bottom of each variable table a number of ”aliases” are provided. These are short-cuts to one (or more) of the flavours of variables. For example, the tables in Section 3.5 shows that for most altimeter missions the alias wet tropo means that radiometer wet tropospheric correction is used (wet tropo), but, when not available, for example during extended outage, the ECMWF model wet tropospheric correction (wet tropo ecmwf) is used instead. These ”aliases” make it easier to get the preferred flavour of the variable which may differ from mission to mission (for example, some do not have a radiometer). This largely simplifies the construction of sea level anomalies, as described in Section 3.1. Chapter 2 Time and location 2.1 Time Time in the RADS data sets is stored as 8-byte floats in UTC seconds since a given epoch (normally 1 January 1985 or 1 January 2000). RADS will automatically convert these values into a few common time scales, depending on which time variable is selected. However, irrespective of the time scale, the clock references to UTC, rather than an atomic clock, meaning that leap seconds may result in a duplication of measurement times. No provision has been made to avoid confusion between measurements made before and after a leap second. The time corresponds to the moment of reflection of the radar pulse on the sea surface and is corrected for time tag biases. Variable time time time time time time time 1985 2000 rel eq local solar mjd ymdhms field 101 106 102 103 105 104 1 name units sat time since 1985-01-01 00:00:00 time since 2000-01-01 00:00:00 time relative to equator crossing local solar time time since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 time formatted as ymdhms s s s s days all all all all all all 1 2 3 4 all 5 alias of time 1985 range note Notes: 1. Time is negative prior to equator crossing, positive thereafter. 2. The local solar time is expressed as seconds since the start of the day. 3. Time in Modified Julian Days. 4. The variable time ymdhms will produce a floating value of the type 20110908135001.536 for 8 Sep 2011 13:50:01.536 UTC. 5. No time limit is set by default. Can be controlled by the --t or --ymd flags on the command line. 6. A time tag bias (surplus) of 1.8 ms was removed from the time tags of ERS-1 as they occurred on the ESA OPR (Ocean Product) data product. Likewise, all time tags of ERS-2 were decreased by 1.3 ms. The orbital altitude and location has been adjusted accordingly. 3 4 2.2 Time and location Latitude and longitude The position of the centre of the footprint of the measurement is given by its geographical longitude and latitude relative the TOPEX reference ellipsoid. Longitude is in degrees relative to the Greenwich meridian, positive measuring east. Latitude is in degrees relative to the equator, positive measuring north. Variable lat lon field 2, 201 3, 301 name units sat range latitude longitude degrees north degrees east all all -90 90 -180 180 note 1 Note: 1. RADS will automatically adjust the values to be within the range specified. So, by default, longitudes are kept within the -180 to +180 range. 2.3 Orbital altitude The orbital altitude is the height of the centre-of-mass of the satellite above the TOPEX reference ellipsoid (semi-major axis = 6378136.3 m, inverse flattening = 298.257) as computed by satellite orbit determination. Numerous solutions exist, based on varying combinations of tracking data or gravity field solutions, or computed at shorter or longer latency. Some ”legacy solutions” (those that were provided on the original data products) are included for reference even when they have been long replaced by more accurate solutions. The altitude is that of the centre-of-mass of the spacecraft, so corrections from the tracking devices (DORIS, GPS, PRARE, SLR) to the centre-of-mass, as well as motion of the centre-ofmass within the spacecraft are accounted for, and should also be accounted for when later subtracting the altimeter range referenced to the same point. If the time tags on the original GDR data include a bias, the orbit has either been (re)interpolated at the corrected time tag, or a correction proportional to the orbital altitude rate has been applied. 2.3 Orbital altitude Variable alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt jgm3 dgme04 cnes pgs7777 ggm02c itrf2000 ggm02c itrf2005 eiggl04s gdrcp gps eig6c eig6s2 gdrd std1204 reaper reaper deos reaper gfz reaper esoc std1404 gdre slcci alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt 5 field 401 402 404 410 411 413 414 415 416 417 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 name units sat JGM-3 altitude DGM-E04 altitude CNES altitude PGS7777 altitude GGM02c(ITRF2000) altitude GGM02c(ITRF2005) altitude EIGEN-GL04c altitude GDR-C’ altitude GPS altitude EIGEN-6C altitude EIGEN-6S2 altitude CNES GDR-D altitude GSFC/Std1204 altitude REAPER/COMBI altitude REAPER/DEOS altitude REAPER/GFZ altitude REAPER/ESOC altitude GSFC/Std1404 altitude CNES GDR-E altitude GFZ/SLCCI altitude m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m gs pn tx e1 e2 c2 n1 pn tx g1 gs pn tx pn tx j1 g1 gs j1 j2 n1 pn tx j1 j2 c2 n1 j1 j2 c2 j1 j2 n1 sa j1 j2 pn tx e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2 j2 c2 j2 j3 sa e1 e2 j1 j2 n1 pn tx 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 c2 e1 e2 g1 gs j1 j2 j3 sa n1 pn tx 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 alias of alias of alias of alias of alias of alias of alias of alias of alias of alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt alt gdre alt cnes reaper alt gfz pgs7777 gdrcp gdre gdre alt gdrd gdre gdrd alt gdrcp gdrcp alt jgm3 range note Notes: 1. JGM-3 [Tapley et al., 1996] was the original gravity field solutions used by NASA for the orbit determination of Geosat and TOPEX/Poseidon that featured on the GDR products. Though the gravity field was tailored to the TOPEX orbit, it was generally regarded the best at the time and was hence also used more widely than just for TOPEX/Poseidon. The radial orbit accuracy of about 3 cm for TOPEX/Poseidon and 8 cm for Geosat has since been superseded by more up-to-date orbit solutions. 2. DGM-E04 was a gravity field model developed at the Delft University of Technology tailored to the ERS-1 and ERS-2 orbits and derived from the JGM-3 model. The model significantly improved the radial orbit accuracy to about 3.5 cm, better than any general purpose models available at the time [Scharroo and Visser, 1998]. 3. CNES produces the operational and precise orbits for a number of satellites. Unfortunately, in RADS the CNES orbits are based on mix of gravity field solutions. The CNES orbits for the TOPEX/Poseidon mission feature on the GDRs and are based on the JGM-3 gravity field model [Tapley et al., 1996]. The CNES orbits for CryoSat and Envisat are obtained from their respective GDR products and are based on the EIGEN-GL04c gravity field model [Ablain et al., 2008]. 4. PGS7777 is a NASA preliminary gravity field solution tailored to the Geosat and GFO satellite orbits. The NASA PGS7777 orbit solution for GFO [Lemoine et al., 2006] is based on SLR data only as the GPS tracking system on GFO failed. 6 Time and location 5. Orbit solutions created at NASA using the GGM02c gravity field and station coordinates in the ITRF2000 or ITRF2005 reference frame. 6. Orbits produced with the EIGEN-GL04c or EIGEN-GL04s gravity fields. 7. Orbits produced under strict Jason GDR-C’ standards. 8. Reduced-dynamic (fast-delivery) orbits based on GPS tracking data only. 9. Orbits provided by ESOC using the EIGEN-6C or EIGEN-6S2 gravity field. The orbits are available for parts of the various altimeter missions only: CryoSat-2 cycles 4-58, Envisat all cycles, Jason-1 cycles 1-260, Jason-2 cycles 1-220. 10. Orbits produced by CNES under strict Jason GDR-D standards [International DORIS Service, 2011]. These orbits are kept on Jason-2 data (until April 2015) and SARAL data (until June 2015) for comparison, although the GDR-E orbits are now default. Jason-1 data does not have GDR-E orbits yet. 11. Orbits provided by GSFC using their standards ”Std1204”. They are ”GDR-D compatible” and use the goce2s fit2 gravity field [Lemoine et al., 2013]. 12. Orbits produced by the REAPER project. A combined solution and individual solutions created by DEOS (TU Delft), GFZ and ESOC are available [Rudenko et al., 2011]. 13. Orbits provided by GSFC using their standards ”Std1404”. They are ”GDR-E compatible”. 14. Orbits produced by CNES under strict Jason GDR-E standards (baseline for the production of orbits since April 2015) [International DORIS Service, 2015]. 15. Orbits produced by GFZ in the framework of the ESA Sea Level CCI project. RADS initially included version VER06 of these orbits (based on the EIGEN-6S2A gravity field model) [Rudenko et al., 2014] for ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat and TOPEX/Poseidon. Any data produced since 18 May 2016 (which includes Jason-1 and Jason-2) incorporated version VER11 of these orbits and are based on the EIGEN-6S4 gravity field model [Rudenko et al., 2015, 2016]. 16. The variable alt refers to the preferred (best) orbit solution for each satellite. If two variable names are mentioned, RADS picks the first one by preference; it that is not available, the second variable is used. 2.4 Orbital altitude rate The rate of change of the orbital altitude is relevant for computing the Doppler correction and for correcting the altitude as a result of a time tag bias. Furthermore, the orbital altitude rate can be used to estimate time tag biases. Variable field alt rate 5, 501 name units sat orbital altitude rate m/s all range note Chapter 3 Sea level variables 3.1 Sea level anomaly The sea level anomaly (SLA) or sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) is the height for the sea surface relative to a long term mean. It can be constructed by subtracting from the satellite orbital altitude the altimeter range, propagation corrections, sea state bias, tides, and a mean sea surface model. The sea level anomaly in RADS is always computed on-the-fly. This means that the RADS software will gather the required variables and their selected flavours from the netCDF data files, edit those data based on the user-selected criteria, and then constructs the sea level anomaly based on those. If any of the variables that make up the sea level anomaly is not available, marked invalid, or is out of range, then the sea level anomaly is also marked invalid (set to the NaN value). In addition, variables that do not strictly make up the sea level anomaly (like wave height or wind speed) can be used as edit criteria, e.g. rejecting data with high sea states. The rads.xml configuration file spells out, in reverse polish notation (RPN), how the sea level anomaly (sla) is computed. The ’sea level equation’ is written as: alt range SUB dry_tropo SUB wet_tropo SUB iono SUB dac SUB tide_solid SUB tide_ocean SUB tide_load SUB tide_pole SUB ssb SUB mss SUB ref_frame_offset SUB where SUB stands for ’subtract’ and the others are names or aliases of the various variables that make up the sea level anomaly. If any of these variables is NaN, the result is NaN as well. The use of aliases comes in handy here. We can, for example, switch out the orbit solution between one flavour and another simply by directing the alias alt from say alt jgm3 to alt dgme04. We do not have to change anything to the sea level equation. The configuration file also spells out which variables are used as ’quality flag’. That is, if any of these variables is set to NaN, the sea level anomaly is also set to NaN, even though these variables are not added or subtracted as part of the ’sea level equation’. For example:swh sig0 range_rms range_numval flags While the sea level anomaly variable sla is computed on-the-fly by the RADS software, there is a second variable ssha that is already stored on the RADS products. Users can use this variable directly as well, but then give up the opportunity to edit the results themselves. 7 8 Sea level variables Variable field 0 sla ssha name units sat range sea level anomaly sea level anomaly (precomputed) m m all all -5 5 note 1 2 Notes: 1. The limits on the sea level anomaly can be changed in the configuration file, of by using the --sla=MIN,MAX option on the command line. 2. The variable ssha is read directly from the RADS products and already is screened by editing. 3.2 Altimeter range The range between the satellite and the sea surface is based on the total travel time of the radar pulse divided by twice the speed of light. This range is then corrected for internal paths within the instrument (internal calibration), variations in the frequency of the ultra-stable oscillator (USO correction), and the distance between the antenna and the satellite centre of mass (centre-of-mass offset). The range is further corrected for the Doppler effect. As such the range measures the distance between the satellite centre of mass and the sea surface, except for path delays in the atmosphere and sea surface interactions. To compute the height of the sea surface, we subtract the primary range (generally Kuband) from the satellite orbital altitude and then further correct for path delays and other corrections. Dual-frequency altimeters measure the range also on a secondary frequency (C- and Sband) which allows for the computation of the ionospheric path delay directly for altimeter observations rather than models. Variable range range range range range range range ka ku ku mle3 c s field 601 601 601 602 602 6 6 name units sat altimeter range (Ka) altimeter range (Ku) altimeter range (MLE3) altimeter range (C) altimeter range (S) m m m m m sa other j2 j3 tx j1 j2 j3 n1 alias of range ka alias of range ku range note 10 sa other Notes: 1. A constant bias of -124 mm is added to the Geosat range. An additional internal calibration and USO correction comes from an external file [Brian Beckley, priv. comm., 2002]. 2. The range of the ERS-1 and ERS-2 altimeters has been corrected for SPTR bias jumps and USO drift based on offline tables [Martini and Féménias, 2000]. 3. A constant bias of 409.2 mm is added to the ERS-1 range [Francis et al., 1993; Stum et al., 1998]. 4. The ERS-2 USO correction appears to be low during the periods 1997-07-26 20:24:04 to 1998-01-07 03:58:09 and 1998-03-17 11:10:48 to 2000-01-08 06:04:13. During both periods 4.77 mm is added to the USO correction (and to range). 5. The USO correction for Envisat is based on external USO correction files (1-Hz data): http: //earth.esa.int/pcs/envisat/ra2/auxdata/ 3.3 Altimeter range statistics 9 6. Even though the Envisat Ku- and S-band ranges have biases of the order of 45 cm, this is not corrected for in the range, but in the reference frame offset (ref frame offset). A correction of 150 mm is added to the S-band range to account for a bias in the dual-frequency ionosphere correction [Scharroo and Smith, 2010]. During the short operation of the Side B altimeter, an additional 9 mm was added to both Ku- and S-band ranges. 7. S-band range for Envisat is available only until the loss of the S-band signal. 8. TOPEX Ku- and C-band ranges are corrected for internal path delays and oscillator drifts based on external correction files (one value per cycle: http://topex.wff.nasa.gov/) [Hayne et al., 1994]. An additional -15.4 mm is added to the C-band range to account for a bias in the dual-frequency ionosphere correction [Scharroo and Smith, 2010]. 9. A constant bias of -2.3 mm is added to the Jason-1 C-band range to account for a bias in the dual-frequency ionosphere correction [Scharroo and Smith, 2010]. 10. A separate range based on an MLE3 retracker is available for Jason-2 and -3. 3.3 Altimeter range statistics The altimeter ranges are provided in RADS as (approximately) 1-second averages based on 10, 20, or 40 ’elementary’ measurements during that second. The altimeter range reported is, in fact, not the statistical mean, but is generally determined as follows: Interpolate the orbital altitude at the same time tags as the elementary measurements; Subtract the orbital altitude from the range; Fit a linear trend true ‘range minus orbit’; Remove the linear trend; Compute the standard deviation of the residuals (using n − 2 in the denominator) where n is the number of elementary measurements during a 1-Hz period; Evaluate the linear trend at the mid point and add the local orbital altitude back at this point to obtain the average range. Hence, technically, range rms is not the standard deviation of the altimeter range, but the standard deviation of the elementary ‘orbit minus range’ values with a trend fitted and removed as well, and taking into account the extra degree of freedom. It should also not be confused with an error estimate for the range measurement. Variable field name units sat range range rms ka range rms ku 2002 2002 std dev of Ka-band range std dev of Ku-band range m m range rms c range rms s 2004 2004 std dev of C-band range std dev of S-band range m m sa g1 gs j1 j2 j3 tx other j1 j2 j3 n1 0.0 0.17 0.0 0.25 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.17 0.0 0.15 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 range rms range rms 20 20 alias of range rms ka alias of range rms ku sa other note 1 10 Sea level variables Note: 1. Standard deviation of S-band range for Envisat is available only until the loss of the S-band signal. Variable field name range numval ku range numval ku 2101 2101 nr of valid Ka-band measurements nr of valid Ku-band measurements range numval c 2102 range numval range numval 3.4 21 21 units sat range nr of valid C-band measurements sa g1 gs tx j1 j2 j3 other j1 j2 j3 33 40 9 10 16 20 17 20 17 20 alias of range numval ka alias of range numval ku sa other note Dry tropospheric correction and air tide The dry tropospheric correction (the negative of the zenith hydrostatic delay, ZHD) accounts for the delay of the radar signal in the atmosphere, not counting the effect of water vapour. This effect is non-dispersive, i.e., it is the same on all frequencies, and is proportional to the surface pressure [Saastamoinen, 1972]. The surface pressure, in turn, is determined by interpolation (in space and time) of model grids of surface (or sea level) pressure (see Notes). Most altimeter missions provide the ECMWF operational analysis models as baseline. Generally, the temporal spacing of the model grids is 6 hours, while the spatial resolution varies. The 6-hourly interval between successive model grids hampers the capturing of 12-hourly and 24-hourly phenomena. Common 24-hourly traveling waves turn into standing waves, while 12-hourly variations are insufficiently described. These phenomena are considered S1 and S2 air tides [Ponte and Ray, 2002]. To remedy this problem an air tide correction is applied to the sea level pressure, by removing the air tide from the 6-hourly grids before spatio-temporal interpolation and then adding the air tide back for the time and location of the measurement. This correction is already applied to the ECMWF dry tropospheric correction on the Jason-2 GDRs; for all others it is corrected in the RADS processing. Variable dry dry dry dry tropo tropo tropo tropo dry tropo dry tropo ecmwf ncep era airtide field name units sat range 701 702 709 4901 ECWMF dry tropo corr NCEP dry tropo corr ERA Interim dry tropo corr air tide corr m m m m all but g1 gs all all c2 e1 j1 pn tx -2.4 -2.1 -2.4 -2.1 -2.4 -2.1 7 7 alias of dry tropo era alias of dry tropo ecmwf note 1 2, 4 3, 4 5 g1 gs other Notes: 1. The pressure fields on which this correction is based are from the ECMWF operational analysis runs. That means that numerous changes to the models and their resolution create an unstable reference for long-term studies. Please verify any of the ECMWF model results against the other models. Because of an unfortunate choice to use surface pressure fields, instead of sea level pressure fields, for this correction, coastal areas may be affected by “leaking” of the effect of higher terrain over land (thus lower pressure) into the sea and ocean (where there should be no terrain effect). 3.5 Wet tropospheric correction 11 2. The NCEP reanalysis model used for this correction has not gone through any updates, so from that point of view the correction should be consistent over time. However, this older model also is less accurate and has a lower resolution (2.5◦ × 2.5◦ ) than the ECMWF analysis fields. 3. The ERA (ECMWF ReAnalysis) Interim model provides an excellent long-term consistency. The data is distributed by ECMWF as Gaussian grids with an approximately uniform spacing of 79 km [Berrisford et al., 2011]. 4. NCEP and ERA sea level pressure grids are interpolated and, over land and lakes, the pressure is then corrected for altitude based on a high-resolution terrain model, thus avoiding the coastal contamination seen in the ECMWF dry tropospheric correction. 5. The air tide correction to the dry tropospheric correction is provided for reference only. It is already applied to all variations of the dry tropospheric correction (ECMWF, NCEP, ERA interim). 3.5 Wet tropospheric correction The wet tropospheric correction (the negative of zenith wet delay, ZWD) accounts for the delay of the radar signal in the atmosphere due to the presence of water vapour. This effect is nondispersive, i.e., it is the same on Ku-, S- and C-band frequencies, and it can be determined by integrating a function of water vapour density and temperature [e.g., Askne and Nordius, 1987], which to good approximation simplifies to ZWD IWVR w ( k3 /Tm + k 20 ) where IWV is integrated water vapour, Tm is the mean temperature in the atmospheric column, and R w , k 20 and k 3 are constants [Bevis et al., 1994]. The mean temperature can further be approximated from model data of near-surface air temperature, Ts , by Tm 50.4 + 0.789Ts [Mendes et al., 2000]. In this way, the 6-hourly models of integrated water vapour and nearsurface temperature are interpolated in space and time and then converted to a wet tropospheric correction. Generally, the temporal spacing of the model grids is 6 hours, but since the power of the water vapour content at 12 and 24 hours is low, an air tide correction like in case of the pressure is not needed. Because of the large spatial and temporal variability (much more so than pressure), most altimeter missions are equipped with passive microwave radiometers, collecting brightness temperatures of the ocean surface at two or three frequencies. Using the three frequencies, or two frequencies plus the radar altimeter backscatter measurement, a wet tropospheric correction (and some related variables) can be derived. However, the radiometer measurements are strongly affected by land in the measurement footprint (extending to a radius of 40 km in some cases), limiting its use in coastal regions, hence the existence of a radiometer land flag. The radiometer wet tropospheric correction for ERS-1, ERS-2, and Envisat is based on the altimeter backscatter coefficient (before correction for atmospheric attenuation) and the radiometer brightness temperatures at 23.8 GHz and 36.5 GHz, using all the same neural network algorithm as was developed for Envisat [Labroue and Obligis, 2003]. For TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1 and -2, the radiometer wet tropospheric correction is derived from their respective 3-channel brightness temperatures using multi-layer parametric algorithms [Keihm et al., 1995; Dumont et al., 2001]. For GFO, the the 2-channel brightness temperatures are 12 Sea level variables combined with the altimeter wind speed using a log-linear model [Ruf et al., 1996]. See Sections 4.2 and 5.1 for information about corrections applied to the backscatter and brightness temperatures prior to evaluating the models. Variable field name units sat range n1 pn tx e2 e1 g1 j1 j2 j3 all but g1 gs all gs gs gs all -0.6 0.05 -0.6 -0.001 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 wet tropo rad 801 radiometer wet tropo corr m wet wet wet wet wet wet tropo tropo tropo tropo tropo tropo 802 803 804 805 807 809 ECMWF wet tropo corr NCEP wet tropo corr NASA NVAP wet tropo corr TOVS/SSMI wet tropo corr TOVS/NCEP wet tropo corr ERA interim wet tropo corr m m m m m m wet wet wet wet tropo tropo tropo tropo ecmwf ncep nvap tovs ssmi tovs ncep era 8 8 8 8 alias of alias of alias of alias of wet wet wet wet tropo tropo tropo tropo ecmwf era rad wet tropo era rad wet tropo ecmwf c2 gs g1 other Notes: 1. Because of model bias and noise, allow positive values. 2. The TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (TMR) measurements values come from the TMR Replacement Product, version 1.0 (https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/TOPEX L2 OST TMR Replacement). The upper limit of -0.001 m for the radiometer wet tropospheric correction is needed to exclude bogus zero values. 3. ERS-2 MWR is not available from 2009-05-04 to 2010-01-15. 4. The ECMWF correction is actually computed by integrating several layers of the atmosphere, rather than using the simplified form discussed above. The meteorological fields on which this correction is based are from the ECMWF operational analysis runs. That means that numerous changes to the models and their resolution create an unstable reference for long-term studies. Please verify any of the ECMWF model results against the other models. 5. NCEP reanalysis model used for this correction has not gone through any updates, so from that point of view the correction should be consistent over time. However, this older model also is less accurate and has a lower resolution (2.5◦ ×2.5◦ ) than the ECMWF analysis fields. 6. The NASA NVAP model is an old water vapour model used in the Geosat era. 7. TOVS and SSMI are separate radiometer constellations whose data were used to model the water vapour content globally. 8. This the result of a merger of the TOVS radiometer data with the NCEP water vapour and near-surface temperature models. 9. The ERA (ECMWF ReAnalysis) Interim model provides an excellent long-term consistency. The data is distributed by ECMWF as Gaussian grids with an approximately uniform spacing of 79 km [Berrisford et al., 2011]. 10. CryoSat-2 and Geosat have no radiometer, so the wet tropospheric correction is always based on models. For the other missions we may default to the model if the radiometer correction is not at all available on the product. This would be the case when the radiometer note 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 3.6 Ionospheric correction 13 is permanently switched off, or off for a long time. The model will not be used during short outages. 3.6 Ionospheric correction The radar signal is also delayed by ions and electrons in the upper layers of the atmosphere (the ionosphere). The delay is inversely proportional to the altimeter radar frequency, and otherwise proportional to the vertically integrated electron density, known as total electron content or TEC. This dispersive nature allows dual-frequency altimeters (TOPEX, Envisat, Jason-1 and -2) to directly determine the ionospheric path delay on either frequency. For single frequency altimeters we rely on TEC estimates from models based on other dual-frequency equipment (GPS, DORIS) or climatologies. Variable iono iono iono iono iono iono iono iono iono alt alt smooth bent doris gim iri2007 nic09 alt mle3 alt smooth mle3 field 901 903 902 904 906 907 908 911 913 iono 9 iono iono 9 9 name units sat range dual-frequency iono corr smoothed dual-freq iono corr Bent iono corr DORIS iono corr JPL GIM iono corr IRI2007 iono corr NIC09 iono corr dual-freq iono corr (MLE3) smoothed d-f iono corr (MLE3) m m m m m m m m m n1 j1 j2 j3 tx n1 j1 j2 j3 tx c2 e1 e2 n1 pn tx n1 pn tx all but gs e1 pn all all j2 j3 j2 j3 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 -0.4 0.04 alias of iono alt smooth iono gim iono nic09 alias of iono gim iono nic09 alias of iono nic09 j1 j2 j3 n1 tx c2 e2 g1 sa e1 gs pn Notes: 1. Positive correction values are allowed to account for noise in the altimeter dual-frequency ionospheric correction. The values for this correction have been adjusted from the original GDR products to account for relative C-band and S-band biases (Section 3.2). 2. Because of the relatively large noise in the dual-frequency ionospheric correction, iono alt is smoothed over 35 seconds along the altimeter track (appoximately 250 km), in contrast to the 21 seconds suggested by Imel [1994]. 3. For Jason-2 and -3, a separate dual-frequency correction based on the MLE3 retracker is available. 4. The “ancient” Bent TEC climatology [Llewellyn and Bent, 1973] should no longer be used. 5. The TEC model based on DORIS featured for a while on TOPEX/Poseidon and Envisat altimeter products but was far behind the accuracy of the (similar in construct) GPS-derived GIM models. 6. JPL produces, based on the global constellation of GPS satellites and IGS GPS receivers, 2-hourly maps of TEC, known as the JPL GIM model [Komjathy et al., 2000]. The models have a spatial resolution of 5◦ × 2.5◦ and start in August 1998. 7. The International Reference Ionosphere went through several versions, the latest of which is IRI2007 [Bilitza and Reinisch, 2008]. Because of its rather coarse spatial and temporal resolution, it cannot compete with the JPL GIM model, or even the NIC09 climatology. note 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 3 9 9 9 14 Sea level variables 8. The NIC09 climatology is based on 12 years of JPL GIM maps and can be extended as far back as the 1950s or extrapolated using predicted solar flux values [Scharroo and Smith, 2010]. This model is particularly useful for the period prior to August 1998 (before the availability of iono gim). 9. The alias iono with use either the smoothed dual-frequency ionospheric correction or one of the models in the order as given. 3.7 Atmospheric (inverse barometer) correction The inverse barometer (IB) correction accounts for the suppression of sea level due to higher sea level pressure, and its rise during lower sea level pressure. When we assume a linear relation between pressure and suppression we talk about a ”static” IB correction, and because the sea level goes down with increasing pressure, opposite to the way we think of a mercury barometer, we use the term ”inverse”. The simplest form of this correction is: IB C ( p − p 0 ) where C is -9.948 mm/mbar, p is the sea level pressure and p0 is a reference pressure. Since the global ocean as a whole is incompressible, p 0 here stands for the global mean sea level pressure over oceans. However, there are also dynamics involved in this. For example, an ocean basin cannot instantly be suppressed as a whole because of rapidly increasing regional pressure. Also wind can play a role as well. Hence, the static correction is too simplistic. A more accurate model includes wind and ocean dynamics and is hence called a dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC). RADS, AVISO, and other altimeter datasets include the dynamic atmospheric correction produced by CLS Space Oceanography Division using the MOG2D model from Legos [Carrère and Lyard, 2003; Roblou et al., 2008] and distributed by AVISO, with support from CNES. A more recent update of the MOG2D correction files is based on forcing by the ERA Interim atmospheric models. Those have been made available for the period 1991 through 2015 [Carrère et al., 2016]. Over inland waters, this correction should not be applied [Crétaux and Birkett, 2006]. Variable field name units sat range inv inv inv inv inv inv 1001 1002 1003 1003 1004 1005 static inverse baro corr global mean inv baro corr MOG2D dynamic atmospheric corr MOG2D DAC from ERA-Int. MOK2D dynamic atmospheric corr local mean of MOG2D m m m m m m all all all all all all -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 bar bar bar bar bar bar inv bar dac static global mog2d mog2d era mok2d mog2d mean 10 alias of inv bar mog2d era inv bar mog2d inv bar mok2d note all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Notes: 1. This correction is the simplification explained above. 2. For reference the global mean pressure, converted to an IB correction, Cp 0 , is provided. 3. The dynamic atmospheric correction model MOG2D includes the ocean dynamic response to wind and pressure forcing. It also accounts for the aliasing of the air tides as discussed in Section 3.4. MOG2D also comes with two latencies: (a) a few days, and thus features on the IGDR-derived products, and (b) a few weeks, and thus features on the GDR-derived 3.9 Ocean and load tide 15 products. For fast-delivery products there is generally no MOG2D correction (so MOK2D will be used), but the MOG2D field will be filled in as soon as the MOG2D maps have been distributed. 4. The DAC based on forcing by the ECMWF ERA Interim atmospheric reanalysis model is available as inv bar mog2d era. When chosing the detail DAC (either dac or inv bar) this model is used for the years 1991 through 2015. After that inv bar mog2d or inv bar mok2d. 5. Since the MOG2D only start in 1992, we have created a “mock-up” version of MOG2D (a simple linear variant of inv bar static) to match the mean of MOG2D as to not disturb continuity of the DAC prior to 1992.. 6. For reference, the local long-term mean of the MOG2D correction is provided. This is the interpolation of a static grid computed as the average of all MOG2D maps over the period 1993-2009. 7. When using the inv bar or dac alias, inv bar mog2d era is used when available (1991-2015), otherwise inv bar mog2d is used, or automatically defaulting to inv bar mok2d. 3.8 Solid earth and pole tide The solid earth tide is the variation of the elevation of the crust of the earth surface as a result of the attraction by the sun and moon (other planets are generally ignored as their influence is at least an order of magnitude smaller). As per geodetic convention the ”permanent tide” (the mean tide resulting from the mere presence of the sun and moon) is excluded from the solid earth tide but is included in the geoid. The RADS implementation of the Cartwright-Taylor-Edden solid earth tide model includes 386 second order waves and 99 third order waves [Cartwright and Taylor, 1971; Cartwright and Edden, 1973]. The pole tide is the vertical deformation of the earth crust as a result of polar motion. We can visualise this as the ellipsoidal shape of the earth being moved as the rotation axis of the earth moves away or closer to the mean pole [Munk and MacDonald, 1960]. We use the IERS(EOP)05C04 earth orientation parameters and their predictions. The motion of the mean pole, describing the effect of global isostatic adjustment (GIA) is represented by a linear motion, as suggested by Wahr et al. [2015] following the work of Argus and Gross [2004]. The implicit effect on pole tide is further discussed by Desai et al. [2015]. Two Love numbers multiply the results of this simple equilibrium model: (1 + k 2 ) = 1.302 for the combination of solid earth and oceans, and h 2 = 0.609 for the solid earth only (over land and lakes) [Wahr, 1985]. Variable field name units sat range tide solid tide pole 1101 1401 solid earth tide pole tide m m all all -1 1 -0.1 0.1 11 14 3.9 alias of tide solid alias of tide pole note all all Ocean and load tide The (pure) ocean tide is the variation of the height of the water column as a result of luni-solar attraction. Since this is measured relative to a fixed point on the solid earth (like the sea floor), the ocean tide compares directly to tide gauge measurements. The load tide is the effect of 16 Sea level variables the tides weighing on the elastic earth. In general, when the ocean tide goes up, the sea floor is going down, hence reducing the sum of the two, the geocentric ocean tide. Consequently, in order to detide the measurement of the water surface from altimetry, both the ocean tide (tide ocean) and the load tide (tide load) need to be subtracted over ocean surfaces, while over lakes only the load tide is subtracted. Although some altimeter products provide the geocentric ocean tide, we have chosen to keep ocean and load tide separate, for two reasons: (1) it makes it easier to differentiate tides over land/lakes and ocean, and (2) it makes it easier to add regional tides which are generally expressed as pure ocean tides. Tides are expressed as the sum of a (large) number of waves with different frequencies, each combinations of the frequencies associated with the rotation and progression of the earth, sun and moon. A select portion of those waves are expressed as grids of amplitude and phase, which can be interpolated in space and evaluated at the time of the altimeter measurement. Then, by a process called admittance, the amplitude and phase of a number of minor tides are inferred. Tide models generally only include the diurnal and semi-diurnal waves (those around a period of 12 and 24 hours). On top of that there are secondary and tertiary waves with periods of a week or longer. Most of these waves can be expressed by a simple latitude and time dependent equilibrium model (the long-period equilibrium tide). The FES ocean tide models also include the non-equilibrium component of the monthly, fortnightly, tri-monthly, and weekly tides. Although the FES and GOT models are global, they are limited in scope. Over land, the ocean tide is not defined and will be set to the NaN value. In some coastal regions, where the models may likely not be defined, the ocean tide value is set to NaN as well. For a very elaborate and thorough accuracy assessment of most of these tide models, we highly recommend reading the work by Stammer et al. [2014]. Variable field name units sat range tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide tide 1213 1313 1215 1219 1319 1222 1322 1224 1324 3901 3902 FES2004 ocean tide FES2004 load tide WebTide ocean tide GOT4.8 ocean tide GOT4.8 load tide GOT4.10c ocean tide GOT4.10c load tide FES2014b ocean tide FES2014a load tide long-period equilib. tide long-period non-equil. tide m m m m m m m m m m m all all all all all all all all all all all -5 5 -0.5 0.5 -5 5 -5 5 -0.5 0.5 -5 5 -0.5 0.5 -5 5 -0.5 0.5 -1 1 -1 1 ocean fes04 load fes04 ocean webtide ocean got48 load got48 ocean got410 load got410 ocean fes14 load fes14 equil non equil tide ocean tide load 12 13 39 alias of tide ocean got410 alias of tide load got410 alias of tide equil note 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 all all all Notes: 1. The Finite Element Solution (FES2004) includes 9 short-period waves (Q1, O1, K1, P1, 2N2, N2, M2, K2, and S2) plus 24 additional short-period waves determined by admittance, and 4 long-period waves (Mf, Mm, Mtm and MSqm) [Lyard et al., 2006]. Long-period equilibrium tides (not yet included in FES2004) are added to these. 2. WebTide is a collection of regional tide models along the Canadian coast, made available on the web by the Bedford Institute of Oceanography http://www.bio.gc.ca/ 3.10 Sea state bias 17 research-recherche/WebTide-MareeWeb/webtide-eng.htm. In RADS, a single value is presented in tide ocean webtide, determined from (in order of decreasing preference) the regional models for: Scotia/Fundy/Maine, Northeast Pacific, Arctic, Hudson Bay. Each of these models has a very limited amount of constituents, does not include admittance to infer others, and also does not include any long-period tides (equilibrium or nonequilibrium). 3. The Goddard Ocean Tide model GOT 4.8 includes 10 short-period waves (K1, O1, P1, Q1, S1, K2, M2, N2, S2, and M4) plus 17 additional short-period waves determined by admittance [Ray et al., 2011]. 4. The Goddard Ocean Tide model GOT4.10c differs from GOT4.8 in two ways. First, GOT4.10c is based only on Jason data, whereas 4.8 was from only TOPEX data. Second, it includes an adjustment for the geocenter. (Hence the ’c’ in the name.) The processing for 4.8 and 4.10 was largely identical; one exception involved an improvement to P1 alone. GOT4.10c is an update of Ray [2013]. This model is now the default tide model. 5. FES2014 (Finite Element Solution 2014) takes advantage of longer altimeter time series, improved modelling, and data assimilation techniques, and more accurate and higher resolution ocean bathymetry. A new global finite element grid (with approx. 1.5 million nodes) was used to create a ’free’ solution (independent of in situ and remote-sensing data) that has more than twice the accuracy of the FES2004 version. The ’free’ solution was assimilated with long-term altimetry data from TOPEX/POSEIDON, Jason-1, Jason-2, ERS-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT. The FES2014 solution shows particular improvement in coastal and shelf regions, as well as in overall open ocean statistics, particularly due to a higher grid resolution (1/16◦ ). The model is also extended into the coast to improve the data coverage. As with other FES models tide ocean fes14 includes long-period non-equilibrium tides; specifically: Mf, Mm, Mtm, MSf, MSqm, Sa, and Ssa. 6. The equilibrium ocean tide includes 15 tidal spectrum lines from the Cartwright-TaylerEdden tables [Cartwright and Taylor, 1971; Cartwright and Edden, 1973] plus an additional 123 second and third order waves [Tamura, 1987]. 7. The four long-period non-equlibrium ocean tidal components (Mm, Mf, MSf, Mtm, and MSqm) from the FES2004 model are represented in tide non equil. The equilibrium parts of those have been removed to avoid double accounting. 3.10 Sea state bias Sea state bias (SSB) is the term used for any altimetric range offset as a function of the sea state (wave height, wind speed, wave age, swell). In fact, there are three components to the sea state bias: Electromagnetic (EM) bias is the tendency of a radar to measure towards the wave troughs since they are better reflectors than the wave peaks. Skewness bias comes from the fact that the sea surface has a skewed height distribution. While the altimeter measures the median height of the surface in the footprint, what we want to measure is the mean height, which is lower. Tracker bias is the any error in the waveform tracker that is a function of the sea state, which may be either instrumental or algorithmic. Because of the instrumental part of sea state bias, every altimeter, in principle, requires a different sea state bias correction model. But also when a new tracker algorithm is imple- 18 Sea level variables mented, the sea state bias changes. This is one of the reasons for the wide proliferation of SSB models. In the earlier days of altimetry the sea state bias was generally considered as a simple fraction, around –3.5%, of significant wave height [Chelton, 1994]. Then Gaspar et al. [1994] brought a major improvement in SSB modelling by expressing SSB as a polynomial function of SWH and wind speed, recognising that not only the wave height, but also the shape of the waves (altered by wind) has influence on the altimeter range bias. But this approach still exhibits some limitations, in that it imposes the type of variations that are allowed as a result of changes in SWH or wind speed. Currently, SSB models tend to be non-parametric, generally expressed in the form of a grid with SWH and wind speed as coordinates [e.g., Gaspar and Florens, 1998]. But several more complex multi-dimensional models are currently under development [e.g., Feng et al., 2010; Tran et al., 2010]. Variable field name units sat range ssb ssb ssb ssb ssb ssb ssb 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1512 1513 parametric sea state bias CLS non-parametric SSB CSR BM4 sea state bias NOAA hybrid sea state bias CLS non-parametric SSB (C-band) CLS non-parametric SSB (MLE3) Tran et al. 2012 non-parametric sea state bias m m m m m m m e1 e2 g1 gs pn tx j1 j2 j3 n1 tx tx g1 gs n1 pn sa j1 j2 j3 j2 j3 j2 j3 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 bm3 cls csr hyb cls c cls mle3 tran2012 ssb ssb ssb 15 15 15 alias of ssb bm3 alias of ssb cls alias of ssb hyb e1 e2 pn j1 j2 j3 n1 tx c2 g1 gs sa Notes: 1. One-, three- or four-term polynomials of SWH and wind speed [Gaspar et al., 1994]. 2. Non-parametric sea state bias models for Ku-band and C-band by CLS [Gaspar et al., 2002; Labroue et al., 2004]. 3. Four-term sea state bias model for TOPEX (different model for side A and side B altimeters) [Chambers et al., 2003]. 4. Hybrid (mix between parametric and non-parametric techniques) sea state bias models produced at NOAA [Scharroo and Lillibridge, 2005]. 5. For Jason-2 and -3 data retracked by MLE3, a separate non-parametric model is available. 6. The non-parametric SSB model developed by Tran et al. [2012] will be part of the upcoming GDR-E standards. 3.11 Mean sea surface and geoid The sea level anomaly (SLA) is expressed as the difference of the instantaneous tide-corrected sea surface with respect to a well-established mean. Over the years several (more or less) global mean sea surface models have been developed from the compilation of satellite altimeter (and sometimes gravity) data. Generally, the more altimeter data collected, the more precise the model. But also the resolution of the model counts. Each model has been referenced to the TOPEX reference ellipsoid, just as the satellite orbits (Section 2.3). Another reference surface is the geoid (the theoretical mean sea surface in absence of ocean currents, wind, etc.). Geoid models are generally made from satellite tracking data (for the note 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 3.11 Mean sea surface and geoid 19 longer wave lengths), GRACE and/or GOCE (for the medium wave lengths), and altimetry and in-situ gravimetry (for the shorter wave lengths). Variable field name units sat range mss cnescls11 mss cnescls15 mss dtu13 mss dtu15 geoid egm2008 geoid eigen6 1614 1619 1616 1618 1611 1617 CNES-CLS11 mean sea surface CNES-CLS15 mean sea surface DTU13 mean sea surface DTU15 mean sea surface EGM2008 geoid EIGEN-6C3stat geoid m m m m m m all all all c2 j2 j3 sa all all -200 200 -200 200 -200 200 -200 200 -200 200 -200 200 mss geoid 16 alias of mss dtu13 alias of geoid eigen6 note 1 2 3 4 5 6 all all Notes: 1. Iteration of mean sea surface models at CNES/CLS from 2011, based on altimeter data from 1993 to 1999 [Schaeffer et al., 2012]. 2. Latest iteration of mean sea surface models at CNES/CLS from 2015, based on altimeter data from 1993 to 2012 [Schaeffer et al., 2012]. 3. The DTU13MSS is the penultimate release of the global high-resolution mean sea surface from DTU Space, which includes two major advances over DTU10MSS. First, the time series have been extended to 20 years from 17 years. Second, the DTU13MSS ingests Cryosat2 SAR lead data in order to map the high latitude parts of the Arctic Ocean. In high-latitude regions a combination of joint ERS-1/ERS-2/ENVISAT and Cryosat-2 altimetry have been used. Also, the Jason-1 geodetic mission has been used for the DTU13MSS [Andersen et al., 2013]. This is the default mean sea surface model and is used as reference for the sea level anomaly variable (sla). 4. The DTU15MSS is the latest state-of-the-art of the global high-resolution mean sea surface derived by DTU Space from satellite altimetry. The main improvement over DTU13 is the inclusion of four years of CryoSat-2 data, with a new treatment of orbit errors and ice classification [Stenseng et al., 2015]. This model is intended to replace in the near future DTU13 as the default mean sea surface. 5. Combined geoid and mean sea surface solution from the US Defence Mapping Agency[Pavlis et al., 2012]. 6. The EIGEN-6C3stat geoid model has been generated in preparation for the final release of EIGEN-6C4. It was computed from a combination of LAGEOS, GRACE, and GOCE data, augmented with DTU13 surface gravity data to degree and order 1949 (corresponding to approximately 10 km spatial resolution). [Förste et al., 2013; Shako et al., 2014]. This is the default geoid model. Chapter 4 Wind speed and wave height variables 4.1 Significant wave height The significant wave height (SWH) is generally defined as the mean wave height (peak to trough) of the highest one-third of the ocean waves. Another commonly used definition is four times the standard deviation of the elevation of the sea surface in the radar footprint. SWH is determined from the rate of increase of returned power of the radar altimeter pulse (the waveform slope) and requires no further correction other than some instrument parameters. There is one complexity in this, and that is that SWH is defined as follows: SWH2 α2 ( σc2 − σp2 ) where σc is a measure of the waveform slope and σp is an instrument parameter, and α is a constant. Because of noise in the measurement of σc and a possible bias in σp , SWH2 could become negative. In most GDR products, SWH is then set to zero, which creates a wrongly truncated measurement, and makes it difficult to correct for any biases in SWH the measurement (which would raise the zero SWH above zero). Where we can, however, in RADS, this case is tackled by writing out the negative of the square root of the absolute value of the argument instead. Hence: q SWH −α σp2 − σc2 when σc < σp q SWH α σc2 − σp2 when σc ≥ σp (See Note 1 below). The 1-Hz standard deviation of SWH is determined from the individual 10-, 20-, or 40-Hz elementary measurements. Note that this is the standard deviation of the elementary measurements (denominator is ( n − 1) ), not an estimate of the error of SWH. 20 4.2 Altimeter backscatter coefficient 21 Variable field name units sat range swh ka swh ku 1701 1701 Ka-band significant wave height Ku-band significant wave height m m swh c swh s swh ku mle3 1702 1702 1711 C-band significant wave height S-band significant wave height Ku-band significant wave height (MLE3) m m m sa c2 n1 other j1 j2 j3 tx n1 j2 j3 08 -0.5 8 08 08 -0.5 8 08 swh ww3 1712 WAVEWATCH3 significant wave height m c2 j2 j3 sa swh rms ka swh rms ku 2802 2802 std dev of Ku-band SWH std dev of Ku-band SWH m m swh rms c swh rms s 2804 2804 std dev of C-band SWH std dev of S-band SWH m m sa g1 j1 j2 j3 tx other j1 j2 j3 tx n1 swh swh 17 17 alias of swh ka alias of swh ku sa other swh rms swh rms 28 28 alias of swh rms ka alias of swh rms ku sa other note 1,2 1,3 4 5 0 2.1 0 0.5 0 1.5 0 0.9 0 2.1 0 2.1 0 2.1 3 Notes: 1. The SWH of Envisat and CryoSat will be set to a negative value when σc < σp . For other missions, the value is set to 0. 2. During the degradation of the TOPEX SWH measurements (cycles 98-235) the SWH values are corrected according to Queffeulou [2004]. Thereafter 32 mm was added. 3. S-band SWH for Envisat is only until the loss of the S-band signal. 4. For Jason-2 and -3, significant wave heights from the MLE3 retracker are available as well. 5. The SWH in this field is based on wave hindcasts done by NOAA using the WAVEWATCH III model [Tolman, 2009] and GFS analysis winds [Chawla et al., 2011]. The hindcasts cover the entire globe and are carried out in monthly installments, so they are only available on delay-time data in RADS. The original resolution of these model grids is 1◦ by 1◦ by 6 hours. For other WAVEWATCH III fields see Section 4.4. 4.2 Altimeter backscatter coefficient The backscatter coefficient is derived from the total returned power of the radar altimeter pulse. After correction for losses due to water vapour in the atmosphere, it identifies the small scale ripples on the sea surfaces, and hence becomes a measure for wind speed (Section 4.3). The correction for atmospheric losses is generally determined from the radiometer measurements. In case the brightness temperatures were corrected with respect to the GDR values (Section 5.1), so is the wet tropospheric correction, the atmospheric correction to the backscatter and the backscatter coefficient itself. The 1-Hz standard deviation of backscatter coefficient is determined from the individual 10-, 20- or 40-Hz elementary measurements. Note that this is the standard deviation of the elementary measurements (denominator is ( n − 1) ), not an estimate of the error of the backscatter coefficient. 22 Wind speed and wave height variables Variable field name units sat range sig0 sig0 sig0 sig0 sig0 ka ku c s ku mle3 1801 1801 1802 1802 1811 Ka-band backscatter coefficient Ku-band backscatter coefficient C-band backscatter coefficient S-band backscatter coefficient Ku-band backscatter coefficient (MLE3) dB dB dB dB dB sa other j1 j2 j3 tx n1 j2 j3 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 27 sig0 sig0 sig0 sig0 rms rms rms rms 2902 2902 2904 2904 std dev of Ka-band SWH std dev of Ku-band SWH std dev of C-band SWH std dev of S-band SWH dB dB dB dB sa all j1 j2 j3 tx n1 01 01 ka ku c s sig0 sig0 18 18 alias of sig0 ka alias of sig0 ku sa other sig0 rms sig0 rms 29 29 alias of sig0 rms ka alias of sig0 rms ku sa other note 1-6 3-6 7 8 9 7 Notes: 1. The ERS-1 backscatter coefficient is corrected for varying biases due to the attitude control. Between 0 and 0.35 dB was added. 2. The GFO backscatter is corrected for a few deficiencies in lookup tables, adding 0.37 dB before 6 Dec 2000 and between 7 and 9 March 2001. 3. The Jason-1 Ku- and C-band backscatter are aligned with TOPEX values by subtracting 2.40 and 0.725 dB, respectively. For the time being, the same biases are applied to Jason-2. However, wind speed values are not adjusted. 4. The Jason-2 Ku- and C-band backscatter are reduced in noise based on a correlation with off-nadir angle [Quartly, 2009]. In addition, biases of 2.40 and 0.725 dB have been removed from the Ku- and C-band backscatter, respectively. 5. The Jason-3 Ku- and C-band backscatter are adjusted the same way as Jason-2. 6. TOPEX backscatter is corrected following the off-line Wallops correction tables. 7. S-band backscatter for Envisat is only until the loss of the S-band signal. 8. For Jason-2 and -3, the backscatter coefficient from the MLE3 retracker is available as well. 9. For TOPEX, the standard deviation is that of the automatic gain control, not of the backscatter coefficient. That means that the variation of the total volume of the waveform in not included, only the variation of the gain setting of the instrument. 4.3 Wind speed Wind speed can be derived from the altimeter backscatter coefficient (Section 4.2). The larger the backscatter, the lower the wind speed. Several models have been developed to map this relationship, some depending merely on backscatter, some also taking into account significant wave height. Which models are applied to which satellites is shown in the notes below. Three-channel radiometers provide the opportunity to estimate wind speed. In essences this is the reverse side of the fact that one of those channels can be replaced with the altimeter wind speed to obtain the wet tropospheric correction. This variable is available for all missions with 3-channel radiometers. Atmospheric models, like those at ECMWF also provide wind speed and wind directions, or their vectorial components pointing north and east. Those model values are provided for some missions as well. 4.4 Other wave model data Variable wind wind wind wind wind wind wind wind speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed alt rad ecmwf u ecmwf v ecmwf gfs u gfs v gfs field name units sat range note 1901 1902 1903 1904 altimeter wind speed radiometer wind speed ECMWF model wind speed (U) ECMWF model wind speed (V) ECMWF model wind speed NOAA/GFS model wind speed (U) NOAA/GFS model wind speed (V) NOAA/GFS model wind speed m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s all j1 j2 j3 pn tx e2 j1 j2 j3 n1 sa e2 j1 j2 j3 n1 sa e2 j1 j2 j3 n1 sa sa sa sa -1 30 0 30 1-5 1903 1904 19 wind speed 23 alias of wind speed alt all Notes: 1. For Geosat, GFO, ERS-1 and ERS-2, the wind speed is based on the Modified CheltonWentz (MCW) algorithm [Witter and Chelton, 1991]. In case of GFO 0.63 dB was subtracted from the backscatter coefficient before feeding it into the MCW algorithm. 2. The CryoSat and Envisat wind speed is based on the ECMWF 1-parameter algorithm tailored to Envisat [Abdalla, 2007]. 3. The Ka-band altimeter of SARAL required a new 1-parameter algorithm, similar to Envisat’s, again matching ECWMF wind fields [Lillibridge et al., 2014]. 4. The TOPEX/Poseidon wind speed is based on the 2-parameter model by Gourrion et al. [2002]. 5. For Jason-1 and Jason-2, a variant of the 2-parameter model by Gourrion et al. [2002] tailored to Jason-1 is used to derive wind speed [Collard, 2005]. 6. The U (towards east) and V (towards north) components of the wind speed according to ECMWF model data. The absolute magnitude can be computed on-the-fly. 7. The U (towards east) and V (towards north) components of the wind speed according to 0.5◦ ×0.5◦ ×6h model grids from NOAA’s Global Forecast System. The absolute magnitude can be computed on-the-fly. The inclusion of these fields is experimental, and may be removed in the future. 4.4 Other wave model data For calibration and validation purposes, and to support further studies that include wind and wave processes (like swell and their effect on sea state bias) a number of variables from the WAVEWATCH III model (version 3.14) [Tolman, 2009] as run by the University of New Hampshire. These variables are currently only available during the year 2000 to 2012 (inclusive). The original resolution of the model grids is 1◦ by 1◦ by 6 hours, and are restricted to latitudes lower than 77.5◦ . In addition, SWH from the WAVEWATCH III model is made available as swh ww3 (see Section 4.1). Variable wave wave wave wave wave m0 m1 m2 m4 shs field 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 name units sat WaveWatch3 wave height variance WaveWatch3 first moment of wave height WaveWatch3 wave velocity variance WaveWatch3 wave slope variance WaveWatch3 wave swell m2 all all all all all m2 /s m2 /s2 rad2 m range note 6 6 6 7 7 7 Chapter 5 Radiometer variables 5.1 Radiometer brightness temperatures 5.2 Water vapour content 5.3 Liquid water content 24 Chapter 6 Variables for data editing 6.1 Engineering and geophysical flags The engineering and geophysical flags are historically a number of bits in a 2-byte integer number that describe either instrument settings, type of surface overflow, or warnings about the quality of the data. In RADS4 there are a number of aliases to help pick out single bits from this word. The editing, however, is currently still determined by the limits set on the flag word, where the lower limits indicates which bits of the flag word should not be set, and the upper limits indicates the bits of the flag word that should be set. In other words, a record will be rejected if either: flags AND flags low is not equal to 0. flags AND flags high is not equal to flags high. where flags low and flags high are the lower and higher limit of flags specified, and AND is the logical bitwise AND operator. In a future version of the data base the flag word flags will be phased out and only the more elementary flag variables that are now defined as aliases will be available. Variable field name flags 2601 flag word 26 units sat range 3a 3b c2 e1 e2 j1 j2 j3 g1 gs n1 pn tx 65448 0 32 0 65512 0 65384 0 65384 0 51176 0 36712 0 480 0 49640 0 note 1 1 alias of flags Notes: 1. This is a temporary value, where the radiometer land flag is not considered as an edit criterion. The individual bits of the flag word flags are described in the following table. Note that the limits on these alias are not actually set at this time, but they are a transposition of the editing 25 26 Variables for data editing ranges for each individual altimeter as indicated in the table above. In general, 0 means no or OK, 1 means yes or bad. bit 11: quality of range bit 12: bit 12: bit 13: bit 13: bit 14: bit 15: orbital quality flag 2502 2502 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 qual dh flag rad oper mode flag continental ice qual iono alt flag water flag ocean surface type rad qual alt rain ice qual rad rain ice qual rad tb qual range qual swh qual sig0 flag alt track mode qual orbit surface type surface class surface type surface class quality of SSB quality of SWH quality of wind speed quality of sigma0 altimeter tracking mode bit 0: hardware/software status bit 0: altimeter operating mode bit 0: altimeter operating mode bit 0: SPTR availability bit 1: quality of attitude bit 1: quality of attitude bit 2: dH status bit 2: TMP 21 GHz Channel status bit 2: continental ice flag bit 3: quality of dual-frequency iono corr bit 4: water/dry flag bit 5: ocean/land flag bit 6: radiometer land flag bit 7: altimeter rain/ice flag bit 8: radiometer rain/ice flag bit 9/10: radiometer quality flag 2516 2516 2516 2516 2501 flag alt oper mode qual sptr qual attitude name field Variable 0 = open ocean, 2 = enclosed sea or lake, 3 = land, 4 = continental ice 0 = open ocean, 1 = land, 2 = continental water, 3 = aquatic vegetation, 4 = continental ice or snow, 5 = floating ice, 6 = salted basin 0 = ok, 1 = bad 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 1 = suspect 0 = A, 1 = B 0 = no, 1 = yes 0 = ok, 1 = bad 0 = open ocean or enclosed sea or lake, 1 = land 0 = open ocean, 1 = land or enclosed sea or lake 0 = water, 1 = land 0 = no rain/ice, 1 = rain/ice 0 = no rain/ice, 1 = rain/ice 0 = ok, 1 = interp. near land, 2 = extrap., 3 = interp. failed 0 = ok, 1 = bad tb238, 2 = bad tb365, 3 = both bad 0 = ok, 1 = bad tb220, 2 = bad tb370, 3 = both bad 0 = ok, 1 = bad tb187/tb238, 2 = bad tb340, 3 = both bad 0 = ok, 1 = bad tb238, 2 = bad tb370, 3 = both bad 0 = ok, 1 = some 10Hz invalid 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = nominal, 1 = preset 0 = nominal, 1 = coarse or acquisition 0 = nominal, 1 = C-band coarse 0 = nominal, 1 = acquisition 0 = ok, 1 = suspect 0 = nominal, 1 = bad 0 = Side A, 1 = Side B 0 = LRM, 1 = SAR values all all pn tx j1 j2 j3 n1 3a 3b c2 e1 3a 3b e2 j1 j2 j3 n1 tx sa g1 gs pn gs pn tx 3a 3b c2 j1 j2 j3 n1 sa 3a 3b j1 j2 j3 n1 tx all all all but c2 gs 3a 3b g1 j1 j2 j3 n1 pn sa tx 3a 3b e1 e2 j1 j2 j3 n1 pn tx pn tx 3a 3b e1 e2 n1 g1 j1 j2 j3 sa gs other gs other gs other e1 e2 gs tx j1 pn all sat 2 1 note 6.1 Engineering and geophysical flags 27 28 Variables for data editing Notes: 1. A new variable surface type has been introduced to combine the original flag bits 2, 4, and 5 into a single variable. Generally, the flag mask determined by flags low as discussed above will be set to only allow data over open ocean. Effort is made to get rid of this quirky method of screening the data and use the individual flags instead. The values of surface type are based on the GSHHG coastline dataset [Wessel and Smith, 1996] that is distributed with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) plotting package [Wessel et al., 2013]. Version 2.3.4 of this data set was used to create land mask of ocean/land/lake indicators at 1 arcminute resolution. This grid was than queried to determine whether the satellite nadir point was over ocean, land, or lakes or enclosed seas. The additional information about continental ice came for the original GDR data. If this indicator was set in the GDR, surface type was set to the value 4, and bits 4 and 5 of flags were both set to 1, irrespective of the aforementioned land mask. Experience has shown that for Antarctica only the grounded ice is marked as ”continental ice” (4). The ice sheets are marked ”land” (2) as the GSHHG coastline datasets marks the (minimum) extent of the ice sheets. The value of 1 of surface type has been reserved for later use. 2. A more elaborate version of surface type is available as surface class. It fas 7 different states and is based on a high-resolution mask built from MERIS and GlobCover data. 6.2 Bathymetry and topography Bathymetry is the depth of the oceans (and seas). It is given as a negative number, and thus constitutes the elevation of the sea bottom with respect to the geoid. The bathymetry is generally predicted from altimeter data, by inverting altimeter-derived gravity anomalies into ocean depth [Smith and Sandwell, 1994, e.g.]. Topography is the elevation of the land (and lakes). It is represented generally by a positive value and is measured relative to the geoid. Occasionally the values can be negative, like in large parts of The Netherlands, and around the Dead Sea. By convention, the elevation of the lake surfaces (not the lake bottom) is stored, except for the Caspian Sea for which generally the bottom topography is given. The topography models are based on a number of different sources: altimetry, the SRTM mission, and local leveling. In RADS the bathymetry and topography are combined into a single field. Please use the surface type variable to distinguish between ocean, land, and lakes. Variable field name units sat topo dtm2000 topo srtm30plus topo dtu10 2202 2204 2205 DTM2000 topography SRTM30PLUS topography DTU10 topography m m m j1 j2 j3 n1 sa all all topo 22 alias of topo srtm30plus range note 1 2 3 all Notes: 1. On some of the GDR products, the topography/bathymetry is determined from the DTM2000.1 model (N. Pavlis and J. Saleh, GSFC) and is copied into the RADS data base. 2. Ocean data are based on the Smith and Sandwell global 1-minute grid between the latitudes 81◦ S and 81◦ N degrees [Sandwell et al., 2014]. Higher resolution grids have been added from the LDEO Ridge Multibeam Synthesis Project, the JAMSTEC Data Site for 6.4 Basin codes 29 Research Cruises, and the NGDC Coastal Relief Model. Arctic bathymetry is from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (IBCAO) [Jakobsson et al., 2012]. Land data are based on the 1-km averages of topography derived from the USGS SRTM30 gridded DEM data product created with data from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. GTOPO30 data are used for high latitudes where SRTM data are not available. V10 of SRTM30 PLUS was released in May 2014. For more information about SRTM30 PLUS, please see: http://topex.ucsd.edu/WWW html/srtm30 plus.html 3. The DTU10 topography/bathymetry model was derived from altimeter data together with the DTU10 mean sea surface model [Andersen and Knudsen, 2010] and is an update of the DNSC08 bathymetry model [Andersen and Knudsen, 2009]. It is not clear where the topographic (land) data stem from. The model is interpolated to the altimeter ground track location. 6.3 Distance from coast and coastal proximity parameter Because the altimeter and radiometer measurements are affected by land in their respective footprints, it is worthwhile to know what the distance from the satellite nadir to any coastline is, since it would facilitate editing out of possibly corrupted measurements. RADS contains two parameters for this purpose, to be used by the user at leisure: the distance from the coast and the coastal proximity parameter. Both are based on the proximity of the altimeter footprint to land, but potentially suit different purposes. The distance to (of from) the coast is measured from the centre of the altimeter footprint (i.e. the satellite nadir point) to the nearest ocean or lake shoreline. The values in the RADS data base have been interpolated in a grid with a resolution of 1 arcminute. Positive values are offshore distances to the nearest shoreline, negative values are inland distances to the nearest ocean or lake shore. The grid is based on Version 2.3.0 of the GSHHG shoreline dataset [Wessel and Smith, 1996] that is distributed with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) plotting package [Wessel et al., 2013]. Any islets or lakes of less than 1 square kilometer have been excluded. The coastal proximity parameter is a dimensionless measure of the effect of land over altimetric waveforms, and has values in the range from -1 to +1, where -1 means unaffected by land (normally offshore, open-ocean points) and 1 means totally affected by land (for instance points a few km inland). Therefore this parameter can be used for screening purposes in place of distance from coast. The grid for this parameter was developed by NOC Southampton in the framework of the ESA Sea Level CCI project and has a resolution of 0.01◦ × 0.01◦ [Cipollini, 2011]. Variable dist coast prox coast 6.4 field 45, 4501 4502 name units sat distance to coast coastal proximity parameter km all all range note Basin codes Eric Leuliette (NOAA) divided the world’s larger water bodies into 39 different ocean basins, enclosed seas and lakes, giving each of them a separate numerical code. This has been represented in a grid with a 5’×5’ resolution as shown in Figure 6.1. This grid is queried to the nearest grid point when creating the RADS data and stored as the variable basin code. For land areas a default value of NaN is stored. 30 Variables for data editing 1 Pacific Ocean 20 Hudson Bay 41 Great Slave 60 Mediterranean 2 Atlantic Ocean 21 Gulf of Mexico 42 Lake Winipeg 61 Adriatic Sea 3 Indian Ocean 22 Caribbean Sea 43 Lake Superior 70 Black Sea 4 Arctic Ocean 23 North Sea 44 Lake Michigan 71 Caspian Sea 24 Baltic Sea 45 Lake Huron 72 Aral Sea 10 Bering Sea 31 Arabian Sea 46 Lake Ontario 73 Lake Baikal 11 Sea of Okhotsk 32 Bay of Bengal 47 Lake Erie 74 Lake Balkhash 12 Sea of Japan 33 Andaman Sea 50 Lake Titicaca 80 Lake Chad 13 Yellow Sea 34 Persian Gulf 81 Lake Malawi 14 South China Sea 35 Red Sea 82 Lake Tanganyika 15 Indonesian Figure 6.1 83 Lake Victoria Basin codes. The different colours relate to the various numerical identifiers used for each ocean basin, enclosed sea or lake. 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Index files rads.xml, 7 variables alt, 5–7 alt cnes, 5 alt dgme04, 5, 7 alt eig6c, 5 alt eig6s2, 5 alt eiggl04s, 5 alt gdrcp, 5 alt gdrd, 5 alt gdre, 5 alt gfz, 5 alt ggm02c itrf2000, 5 alt ggm02c itrf2005, 5 alt gps, 5 alt jgm3, 5, 7 alt pgs7777, 5 alt rate, 6 alt reaper, 5 alt reaper deos, 5 alt reaper esoc, 5 alt reaper gfz, 5 alt slcci, 5 alt std1204, 5 alt std1404, 5 basin code, 29, 30 dac, 14, 15 dist coast, 29 dry tropo, 10 dry tropo airtide, 10 dry tropo ecmwf, 10 dry tropo era, 10 dry tropo ncep, 10 flag alt oper mode, 27 flag alt track mode, 27 flag continental ice, 27 flag ocean, 27 flag rad oper mode, 27 flag water, 27 flags, 25, 28 flags high, 25 flags low, 25, 28 geoid, 19 geoid egm2008, 19 geoid eigen6, 19 inv bar, 14, 15 inv bar global, 14 inv bar mog2d, 14, 15 inv bar mog2d era, 14, 15 inv bar mog2d mean, 14 inv bar mok2d, 14, 15 inv bar static, 14, 15 iono, 13, 14 iono alt, 13 iono alt mle3, 13 iono alt smooth, 13 iono alt smooth mle3, 13 iono bent, 13 iono doris, 13 iono gim, 13, 14 iono iri2007, 13 iono nic09, 13 lat, 4 lon, 4 mss, 19 mss cnescls11, 19 mss cnescls15, 19 mss dtu13, 19 mss dtu15, 19 prox coast, 29 qual alt rain ice, 27 qual attitude, 27 qual dh, 27 qual iono alt, 27 qual orbit, 27 qual rad rain ice, 27 qual rad tb, 27 qual range, 27 37 38 Index qual sig0, 27 qual sptr, 27 qual swh, 27 range, 8 range c, 8 range ka, 8 range ku, 8 range ku mle3, 8 range numval, 10 range numval c, 10 range numval ka, 10 range numval ku, 10 range rms, 9 range rms c, 9 range rms ka, 9 range rms ku, 9 range rms s, 9 range s, 8 ref frame offset, 9 sig0, 22 sig0 c, 22 sig0 ka, 22 sig0 ku, 22 sig0 ku mle3, 22 sig0 rms, 22 sig0 rms c, 22 sig0 rms ka, 22 sig0 rms ku, 22 sig0 rms s, 22 sig0 s, 22 sla, 7, 8, 19 ssb, 18 ssb bm3, 18 ssb cls, 18 ssb cls c, 18 ssb cls mle3, 18 ssb csr, 18 ssb hyb, 18 ssb tran2012, 18 ssha, 7, 8 surface class, 27, 28 surface type, 27, 28 surface type rad, 27 swh, 21 swh c, 21 swh ka, 21 swh ku, 21 swh ku mle3, 21 swh rms, 21 swh rms c, 21 swh rms ka, 21 swh rms ku, 21 swh rms s, 21 swh s, 21 swh ww3, 21, 23 tide equil, 16 tide load, 16 tide load fes04, 16 tide load fes14, 16 tide load got410, 16 tide load got48, 16 tide non equil, 16, 17 tide ocean, 16 tide ocean fes04, 16 tide ocean fes14, 16, 17 tide ocean got410, 16 tide ocean got48, 16 tide ocean webtide, 16, 17 tide pole, 15 tide solid, 15 time, 3 time 1985, 3 time 2000, 3 time local solar, 3 time mjd, 3 time rel eq, 3 time ymdhms, 3 topo, 28 topo dtm2000, 28 topo dtu10, 28 topo srtm30plus, 28 wave m0, 23 wave m1, 23 wave m2, 23 wave m4, 23 wave shs, 23 wet tropo, 1, 2, 12 wet tropo ecmwf, 1, 2, 12 wet tropo era, 12 wet tropo ncep, 12 wet tropo nvap, 12 wet tropo rad, 1, 12 wet tropo tovs ncep, 12 wet tropo tovs ssmi, 12 wind speed, 23 wind speed alt, 23 wind speed ecmwf, 23 wind speed ecmwf u, 23 wind speed ecmwf v, 23 wind speed gfs, 23 Index wind speed gfs u, 23 wind speed gfs v, 23 wind speed rad, 23 39
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