Guide To Salesforce Knowledge Implementation
User Manual:
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Page Count: 101 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Salesforce Knowledge
- Plan Your Knowledge Base
- Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
- Enable Salesforce Knowledge
- Knowledge Article Types
- Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge
- Classic Knowledge User Access
- Define Validation Status Picklist Values
- Workflow and Approvals for Articles
- Create Knowledge Actions
- Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles
- Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping
- Support Articles in Multiple Languages
- Improve the Article Search Experience
- Set Up the Knowledge One Widget
- Work with Articles and Translations
- Index
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as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Salesforce Knowledge .................................................1
Salesforce Knowledge Documentation Overview ................................2
Plan Your Knowledge Base .............................................5
Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic .............................7
Enable Salesforce Knowledge .............................................9
Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets ...............................13
Enable Knowledge One with Profiles ....................................14
Example Apex for Submitting Articles from Cases ............................15
Knowledge Article Types ................................................16
Create Article Types ................................................17
Add Custom Fields to Article Types ......................................19
Article Type Page Layouts ............................................26
Control Data Integrity with Validation Rules ................................31
Article History Tracking .............................................32
Article Type Templates ..............................................33
Delete an Article Type ..............................................35
Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge ............................35
Prepare Articles for Import to Salesforce Knowledge ..........................36
Create a .csv File for Article Import ......................................37
Set Article Import Parameters .........................................42
Create an Article .zip File for Import .....................................43
Article and Translation Import and Export Status ............................44
Classic Knowledge User Access ...........................................45
Create Public Groups for Knowledge ....................................53
Assign Article Actions to Public Groups ...................................54
Define Validation Status Picklist Values ......................................55
Workflow and Approvals for Articles ........................................56
Create Knowledge Actions ..............................................58
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles ..........................59
Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping ....................................60
Support Articles in Multiple Languages .......................................61
Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base ..................................62
Export Articles for Translation .........................................63
Import Translated Articles ............................................64
Improve the Article Search Experience .......................................65
Search Highlights and Snippets ........................................66
Synonym Groups for Article Searches ....................................67
Manage Promoted Search Terms ......................................69
Enable Topics for Articles ............................................70
Use More Case Keywords to Find Articles .................................71
Set Up the Knowledge One Widget .........................................73
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance .............................74
Work with Articles and Translations ......................................77
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab ........................81
Promote Articles in Search Results ......................................83
Article Search Results ..............................................84
Create and Edit Articles .................................................85
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles ...............................86
Publish Articles and Translations ..........................................89
Translate Articles in Classic Knowledge ......................................90
Archive Articles and Translations ...........................................91
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions ......................................92
Delete Articles and Translations ...........................................93
Articles or Knowledge Tab ...............................................94
Index ............................................................96
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Give your website visitors, clients, partners, and service agents the ultimate support tool. Salesforce
Knowledge lets you create and manage a knowledge base with your company information and
securely share it when and where it's needed.
Your Salesforce Knowledge base is built from knowledge articles, which are documents of
information. Articles can include information on process, like how to reset your product to its
defaults, or frequently asked questions, like how much storage your product supports.
Experienced service agents and internal writers write the articles. The articles are then published
to a range of channels: Internal App, customer and partner communities, or public websites. Where
and what information is published is based on the article layout profile and the field level security.
As of Spring '17, Knowledge is available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Lightning
Knowledge, which is Generally Available, is recommended for orgs new to Knowledge, or for existing
orgs that can easily consolidate to one article type.
Note: Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your org's Data Model to use Record Types
rather than Article Types. Orgs with multiple articles types require data migration to consolidate
article types before enabling Lightning Knowledge.
Important: After you enable Lightning Knowledge, you can't disable it. Test in a Sandbox or
Trial org before enabling in production.
Salesforce Knowledge Documentation Overview
Find the information you need about Salesforce Knowledge.
Salesforce Knowledge Documentation Overview
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Find the information you need about Salesforce Knowledge.
Overview of Salesforce Knowledge
•Salesforce Knowledge
•Plan Your Knowledge Base
•Work with Articles and Translations
•Salesforce Knowledge Guide
Classic Knowledge
Set up Classic Knowledge
•Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
•Knowledge Article Types
•Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge
•Classic Knowledge User Access
•Workflow and Approvals for Articles
Use Your Salesforce Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
•Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
–Find Knowledge Articles in a Salesforce Console in Salesforce Classic
–How Does Search Work?
–Articles or Knowledge Tab
–For searching and viewing Salesforce Knowledge Articles on your Android device, see Access Salesforce Knowledge Articles
with Salesforce for Android (Beta) and Salesforce App Differences from the Full Salesforce Site
•Create and Edit Articles
•Publish Articles and Translations
•Report on Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Translate Salesforce Knowledge Articles
•Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
•Translate Articles in Classic Knowledge
•Export Articles for Translation
•Import Translated Articles
Lightning Knowledge
Set up Lightning Knowledge
•Enable Lightning Knowledge
•Set Up and Configure Lightning Knowledge
•Create Lightning Knowledge Record Types
Salesforce Knowledge Documentation OverviewSalesforce Knowledge
•Create Lightning Knowledge Home
•Set Access for Lightning Knowledge
Use Your Salesforce Knowledge Base in Lightning Experience
•Authoring Actions in Lightning Knowledge
•Search Articles in the Global Search Box and the Knowledge Component
•Use the Knowledge Component in the Lightning Service Console
•Knowledge Basics
Define Data Categories for Your Salesforce Knowledge Articles
•Work with Data Categories
•Create and Modify Category Groups
•Add Data Categories to Category Groups
Share Your Salesforce Knowledge Base
•Find, Attach, and Email Articles with the Case Feed Articles Tool (Classic)
•Enable Salesforce Knowledge in Your Community (Classic)
•Use Knowledge with Live Agent (Classic)
•If you want to let visitors search and view Salesforce Knowledge articles on your public site, set up a Customer Service (Napili)
Template. Napili is a powerful, responsive self-service template that also lets visitors post questions to the community, collaborate,
and contact support agents by creating cases.
Knowledge and the Salesforce App
•What’s Available in Each Version of the Salesforce App
•Customer Service Features: What’s Not Available in the Salesforce App
Develop with Salesforce Knowledge
•The Salesforce Knowledge Developers Guide has Salesforce Knowledge specific development information along with tutorials and
•The REST API Developer Guide has information on supporting articles with the REST API.
•The SOAP API Developer Guide has information on theSalesforce Knowledge API:
•The Metadata API Developers Guide has information on Salesforce Knowledge Metadata API objects.
•The Visualforce Developers Guide has information on Salesforce Knowledge Visualforce components.
Salesforce Knowledge Documentation OverviewSalesforce Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
It's important that you consider your individual company’s needs while you develop a strategy for
capturing and publishing your support team’s expertise. With a robust knowledge base, customers
receive service faster or even solve their own problems themselves.
Setting up Salesforce Knowledge is a “choose your own adventure” procedure. There are many
features and options and it’s up to you to decide which ones are right for your enterprise.
Further InformationConsideration
ArticlesWhat information do you need to publish?
Knowledge User License, User SetupWho can provide the information?
Knowledge Management, Validation RulesWho can approve and manage the information?
Workflow and Approvals for ArticlesDo you need workflow or approval processes
to manage article creation and publication?
Import Existing Information into Salesforce
Do you have an existing Knowledge base or
documentation that you need to import?
Classic Knowledge User Access, Create Public
Groups for Knowledge, Assign Article Actions
to Public Groups
Who needs to read what information and
Work with Data CategoriesDo you need to categorize your information?
Data Category VisibilityWho has access to which categories?
Support a Multilingual Knowledge BaseAre you supporting more than one language?
Attach PDF versions of articles to case
emails.View a list of suggested articles based on
Do you need agents to search for articles while
working on a case?
case information., Set Up the Knowledge One
Feed TrackingDo you need agents to follow articles in Chatter?
Public Knowledge for Mobile, Web, and FacebookDo you need to share your knowledge base
Improve the Article Search ExperienceDo you need to enhance searchability?
Salesforce Knowledge is "KCS Verified" by the
Consortium for Service Innovation, which
Do you need guidelines, resources, and current
discussions on the evolving world of knowledge
base orientated service? recognizes best practices in customer support
methodologies. By implementing
Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) features,
you can create more efficient collaboration
Further InformationConsideration
within your team and provide pertinent and accurate information
to your customers.
Consider the following tips when planning and using Salesforce Knowledge:
•Create synonym groups in Salesforce Knowledge. Synonyms are words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in article searches,
letting you optimize search results.
•Before setting up data categories, carefully plan your category groups and their hierarchies. Also, consider how your category hierarchy
maps to your role hierarchy. For more information, see Data Category Visibility.
•Create custom reports on your Salesforce Knowledge data. You can also install the Knowledge Base Dashboards and Reports app from
the AppExchange to receive over two dozen helpful reports.
•Multiple agents can edit the same article at the same time. If that occurs, your changes can be overwritten by a colleague without
warning, even if you save your work frequently. To avoid accidental data loss, instruct all users who edit articles to edit only the
articles they're assigned.
•Review your usage regularly to avoid storage shortages: from Setup, enter Storage Usage in the Quick Find box, then
select Storage Usage.
•Public knowledge base users cannot rate articles.
•The File custom field type allows agents to attach documents to articles.
•You will lose your data if you convert a custom field on an article type into any other field type. Do not convert custom fields unless
no data exists for the field.
•When renaming Salesforce Knowledge labels note that standard field names, like title and type, are fixed. These fields do not change
the labels on the article create and edit pages. If the organization is set to another language, these fields remain in the fixed label
for that language.
•The Salesforce Knowledge search engine supports lemmatization, which is the process of reducing a word to its root form. With
lemmatization, a search can match expanded forms of a search term. For example, a search for running matches items that
contain run, running, and ran.
•Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the type of articles your organization needs, and how agents interact with these
article types. This determines the article type permissions and article actions that you need to assign to Salesforce Knowledge users,
which you can then use to create the set of profiles or permission sets required by your organization. For more information, see
Classic Knowledge User Access on page 45.
•Determine if you need to create workflow rules for some of your article types. For example, you can create a rule that sends an email
to an article manager when an agent creates an article upon closing a case.
•Determine if you need to create approval processes for some of your article types. For example, if you have a type of article that must
have legal and management approval before it can be published externally, create an approval process for the article type.
Plan Your Knowledge Base
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To enable Salesforce
•Customize Application
After you've assigned Knowledge User licenses (including to yourself), you're ready to build your
Knowledge base.
To ensure that your organization has Knowledge User licenses, from Setup, enter Company in
the Quick Find box, then select Company Information. Knowledge User licenses are listed near
the bottom of the page, in the Feature Licenses related list.
To ensure that you are a Salesforce Knowledge user, from your personal settings, enter Personal
in the Quick Find box, then select Personal Information. The Knowledge User checkbox is in the
second column of the User Detail section.
To enable Salesforce Knowledge, from Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box, then
select Knowledge Settings. Confirm that you want to enable Salesforce Knowledge and click
Enable Knowledge. If your org doesn’t have an article type, a default article type is created.
Note: If you enabled Knowledge before Spring ’16 you must create an article type first. After
the Spring ‘16 release, you no longer need to create an article type first.
Enable Salesforce Knowledge
From the Knowledge Settings page, you can create a Knowledge Base experience for your
support agents, partners, and customers.
Knowledge Article Types
Article types, such as FAQs and Tutorials, provide the format and structure to control how an
article displays for each audience, known as a channel. For each article type you can create
custom fields, customize the layout by adding or removing sections and fields, and choose a
template for each channel. You can also create workflow rules and approval processes to help
your organization track and manage article creation and publication.
Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge
You can import your existing articles or information database into Salesforce Knowledge. This importer is for articles and translations
you currently have outside Salesforce Knowledge. If you want to move your existing content from Classic to Lightning Knowledge,
use the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool.
Classic Knowledge User Access
Specify which agents in your company are Classic Knowledge users and give them access to article actions. Create user profiles with
the user permissions they need, and then assign them to these profiles.
Define Validation Status Picklist Values
When the Validation Status field is enabled on the Knowledge Settings page, you can create picklist values that show the
state of the article. For example, values could be Validated, Not Validated, or Needs Review.
Workflow and Approvals for Articles
Ensuring that the content in your articles is accurate and helpful is foundational to getting accurate information to those who need
it most. Creating processes where Knowledge experts review, validate, and approve articles for publication is critical to creating a
trustworthy knowledge base. Implementing approval processes with Salesforce Knowledge gives you additional control over the
content and publication of your articles.
Create Knowledge Actions
Knowledge actions are templates that link a workflow action to an article type. When knowledge actions are enabled, you can use
them to link article types to specific workflow article actions, such as publishing. For example, if you want to have each FAQ published
as a new version each time it completes the approval process, you can create a knowledge action that links the FAQ article type to
the Publish as New action. Then, when you create an approval process for FAQs, select the new Knowledge Action.
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles
Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles. Data categories are organized in category group. After creating category
groups, admins decide which groups to use for Salesforce Knowledge articles. For example, if your org uses both the Answers and
Salesforce Knowledge, you might want one category group to be used by the answers community and two other category groups
for articles. Answers and articles can use the same category group. Authors can assign up to eight data categories from one category
group to an article so that users searching for articles can find and filter by category. By default, all the category groups you create
are assigned to Salesforce Knowledge
Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping
Make suggested articles more relevant when solving cases. Map case fields to data categories to filter for articles assigned to those
data categories. For example, cases with a field for which product they are about can be mapped to the data category of that product.
Articles assigned that category or product, are filtered to the top of the suggested article list.
Support Articles in Multiple Languages
With multiple languages for Salesforce Knowledge, you can lower support costs by translating articles into the languages your
audience prefers. After selecting your language settings, two translation methods are available: translating articles in-house using
the editing tool in the knowledge base, or sending articles to a localization vendor. Different languages can use different methods.
For example, you may want to export articles to a vendor for French translations, but assign articles to an internal Knowledge user
for Spanish translations.
Improve the Article Search Experience
Enable search highlights and snippets, synonyms, promoted terms, topics, and keywords from cases to improve your article search.
Set Up the Knowledge One Widget
Knowledge One is available as a widget that you can plug in to the Salesforce Console for Service or Salesforce Console for Sales. If
you are using the Knowledge tab, you get the same easy-to-use interface for articles and external sources on cases and within the
Salesforce Console for Service. You can search, send, and create articles, all without leaving the case.
Build Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Enable Salesforce Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
From the Knowledge Settings page, you can create a Knowledge Base experience for your support
agents, partners, and customers.
To set up or edit your knowledge Base, from Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick
Find box, select Knowledge Settings, then click Edit.
DescriptionFeature or Option
General Settings
Enables agents to edit articles without going to
the Article Management tab. Agents can click
Edit to open the article edit page. If a published
version of the article exists, they can view the
published version or edit the current version. If
a draft version exists, they can continue with
editing the existing draft, but must carefully
review the draft so that they don’t overwrite
unpublished changes.
Allow agents to create and edit articles from the
Article or Knowledge tab
Adds a Validation Status on page 55 field to all
Salesforce Knowledge articles. Agents can select
values to show whether the content of the
article has been validated or not.
Activate Validation Status field
Allows <iframe> elements in the standard editor
to embed multimedia content from the
Allow agents to add external multimedia
content to HTML in the standard editor
Dailymotion, Vimeo, and YouTube websites.
Agents can simply cut and paste <iframe>
HTML into the editor.
Enables Lightning Knowledge (Beta). After you
enable Lightning Knowledge, you can’t disable
Enable Lightning Knowledge (Beta)
Article Summaries
For each channel, decide whether an article's
summary details display beneath the article’s
title in search results.
Show article summaries in article list views
Knowledge One
Enable Knowledge One with Profiles
Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets
Switch from the Articles tab to the Knowledge
Search on the Knowledge tab suggests articles
based on their content similarity and their links
Suggest related articles on cases
to similar cases. If no articles are linked to similar
cases, suggested articles have similar titles as
the case or have keywords in common with
Enable Salesforce KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionFeature or Option
admin-selected case fields. Suggested articles are available in the
Salesforce Console for Service and your portals when viewing
existing cases and creating ones. Finally, if the suggested articles
aren't suitable, the user working the case initiates a search with
specific keywords, which may result in different articles.
Note: By default, the Subject field is selected. Choose up
to five of the available short text fields that include a
description of the issue, the affected product, or the case
topic. We recommend choosing short text fields to return
more relevant results. Only the first 255 characters of the
content from all admin-selected fields are searched. The
Description field is always taken into account when
suggesting articles for cases and does not count toward the
character limit.
Search on the Knowledge tab generates a snippet of the relevant
article text with the search terms bolded. See Search Highlights
and Snippets.
Highlight relevant article text within search results
Search on the Knowledge tab suggests the three most popular
keyword searches performed on the Knowledge tab. Suggestions
Auto-complete keyword search
are based on the channel (internal, customer, partner, or public)
the reader is searching.
Note: Keyword search history is refreshed once a day.
Search on the Knowledge tab suggests up to 3 articles with
matching titles.
Auto-complete title search
Language Settings
The primary language used for writing articles. It defaults to your
organization's language. We recommend that your Default
Default Knowledge Base Language
Knowledge Base Language and your organization's language are
the same.
If you support more than one language, select Multiple Languages
and choose the translation settings. For instructions, see Support
a Multilingual Knowledge Base.
Single or Multiple Language
Important: If you enable Multiple Languages, you can’t
revert to a single language knowledge base. You also can’t
enable and use Lightning Knowledge (Beta).
Case Settings
Enable Salesforce KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionFeature or Option
If this checkbox is selected, agents can create a draft article that is
attached to the case when the article is published using one of the
following options.
Allow agents to create an article from a case
•Create articles using the simple editor only when closing cases.
•Create articles using the standard editor any time an agent
creates an article. Make sure that users have “Manage Articles,”
“Read,“ and “Create” permissions. Designate the following:
–The default article type, from the drop-down list
–For articles created when closing a case, assign the article
to a user.
–Help agents create articles fast by Selecting an Apex class
that pre-populates any of the fields on the draft. By default,
the Title field in all draft articles contains the case subject.
Note: If you enable this option, also click Layout
Properties on each case-close page layout and
select “Enable submissions during case close and
Submit Articles.”
By default, when a user creates an article PDF directly from a case,
the PDF includes all the article fields visible to that user. If you want
Use a profile to create article PDFs
PDFs generated according to a different profile, for example, a
profile that hides certain fields from customers, select Use a profile
to create customer-ready article PDFs on cases and choose the
profile that determines field visibility.
Agents and Salesforce Knowledge managers can see a list of cases
an article is attached to. This helps validate if the article is the right
Enable list of cases linked to an article
solution for a case and shows which articles are used most, without
running a report. The Linked Cases related list:
•Is visible on the detail or preview page of any article that has
been published at least once.
•Shows a maximum of 200 cases
•Is sorted in descending order by the date the article was linked
to the case. The sort order can’t be changed.
•Doesn’t appear on archived articles or a translation’s edit and
detail pages.
•Doesn’t appear for external users such as portal or communities
users or on the Salesforce app.
Share Article via URL Settings
You can share an article that is available on a public knowledge
base with a URL. In the Available Sites list, select the sites you want
Allow agents to share articles via public URLs
to allow your agents to send URLs from and add them to the
Enable Salesforce KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionFeature or Option
Selected Sites list. Agents can then email customer service clients
with a URL to link directly to the article in your public knowledge
Answers Settings
If this checkbox is selected, members of an answers community
or Chatter Answers community can convert helpful replies into
Allow agents to create an article from a reply
articles. The article type you select determines which fields appear
on the draft article. However, on all articles the Title contains the
question and the Summary contains the reply. After a reply is
promoted to an article, the original reply has a status message
indicating its association with the draft article. When the article is
published, the message on the reply includes a link to the article.
Chatter Questions Settings
Shows similar questions and relevant Salesforce Knowledge articles
when a user enters a question in the Search field.
Display relevant articles as users ask questions in Chatter (also
applies to communities with Chatter)
Knowledge Statistics Settings
With this option, the article VoteStat report (which by default only
contains totals for star ratings) includes totals for the thumbs up
or down ratings.
Enable thumbs up or down voting for article
Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets
To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission to their permission sets.
Enable Knowledge One with Profiles
To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission to their profiles.
Example Apex for Submitting Articles from Cases
If your organization allows customer-support agents to create Salesforce Knowledge articles while closing a case, you can use Apex
to pre-populate fields on draft articles. To do so, create an Apex class and assign it to the case article type using the example below
as a guide.
Enable Salesforce KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Enable Knowledge One with Permission Sets
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or edit permission
•Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To create and edit external
data sources:
•Customize Application
To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission
to their permission sets.
To add the Knowledge One permission to a permission set:
1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission
2. Click the permission set you want to add the Knowledge One permission to.
3. In the Find Settings... box, enter Knowledge.
4. Select Knowledge One from the list of suggestions.
5. Click Edit.
6. Under Knowledge Management, check the Enabled check box for Knowledge One.
7. Click Save.
8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type.
Once Knowledge One is available for your users, define your external data sources. Your external
data sources appear under your articles both in the search results and the left-side panel.
Enable Knowledge One with Permission SetsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Enable Knowledge One with Profiles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or edit profiles:
•Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To create and edit external
data sources:
•Customize Application
To switch users from the Articles tab to the Knowledge tab, add the Knowledge One permission
to their profiles.
To add the Knowledge One permission to a profile:
1. From Setup, enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
2. Click the profile you want to add the Knowledge One permission to.
3. In the Find Settings... box, enter Knowledge.
4. Select Knowledge One from the list of suggestions.
5. Click Edit.
6. Under Knowledge Management, check Knowledge One.
7. Click Save.
8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type.
Once Knowledge One is available for your users, define your external data sources. Your external
data sources appear under your articles both in the search results and the left-side panel.
Enable Knowledge One with ProfilesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Example Apex for Submitting Articles from Cases
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To edit Salesforce
Knowledge settings:
•Customize Application
To create an Apex class:
•Author Apex
If your organization allows customer-support agents to create Salesforce Knowledge articles while
closing a case, you can use Apex to pre-populate fields on draft articles. To do so, create an Apex
class and assign it to the case article type using the example below as a guide.
For more information on the syntax and use of Apex, see the Lightning Platform Apex Code Developer's
Set up the example by creating the following article type, field, and data categories. Do not change
the default API Name assigned to each new object.
1. Create an article type called FAQ.
2. Create a text custom field called Details.
3. Create a category group called Geography and assign it a category called USA.
4. Create a category group called Topics and assign it a category called Maintenance.
Now, create and assign the Apex class.
5. From Setup, enter Apex Classes in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes
and click New.
6. To specify the version of Apex and the API used with this class, click Version Settings.
If your organization has installed managed packages from the AppExchange, you can also
specify which version of each managed package to use with this class. Use the default values
for all versions. This associates the class with the most recent version of Apex and the API, as
well as each managed package. You can specify an older version of a managed package if you
want to access components or functionality that differs from the most recent package version.
You can specify an older version of Apex and the API to maintain specific behavior.
7. In the Apex Class text box enter the following script and click Save:
public class AgentContributionArticleController {
// The constructor must take a ApexPages.KnowledgeArticleVersionStandardController
as an argument
ctl) {
SObject article = ctl.getRecord(); //this is the SObject for the new article.
//It can optionally be cast to the proper
article type, e.g. FAQ__kav article = (FAQ__kav) ctl.getRecord();
String sourceId = ctl.getSourceId(); //this returns the id of the case that was
Case c = [select subject, description from Case where id=:sourceId];
article.put('title', 'From Case: '+c.subject); //this overrides the default
behavior of pre-filling the title of the article with the subject of the closed case.
ctl.selectDataCategory('Geography','USA'); //Only one category per category
Example Apex for Submitting Articles from CasesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
group can be specified.
8. From Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Settings and click Edit.
9. Verify the case settings; using our example, the Default article type should be FAQ.
10. From the Use Apex Customization menu, select AgentContributionArticleController and click Save.
As a result of this example, when agents create an article from the case-close screen:
•The data from the Description field on the case appears in the Details field of the article.
•The title of the article contains From Case: and the case subject.
•The article is automatically assigned to the USA data category and the Maintenance data category.
Knowledge Article Types
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Article types, such as FAQs and Tutorials, provide the format and structure to control how an article
displays for each audience, known as a channel. For each article type you can create custom fields,
customize the layout by adding or removing sections and fields, and choose a template for each
channel. You can also create workflow rules and approval processes to help your organization track
and manage article creation and publication.
Create Article Types
An article type controls how an article displays and what type of information of fields are
Add Custom Fields to Article Types
Create custom fields to store information that is important to your articles. The only standard
fields provided on article types are: Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name. At minimum,
you want to create a field where authors can write the body of the article.
Article Type Page Layouts
Article-type layouts determine which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for
an article. They also determine which sections appear when users view articles. The article-type
template defines the format of the article, for example whether layout sections display as subtabs
or as a single page with links. You can apply a layout per profile per article type. Therefore, you
can display more sensitive fields of the same article to only those agents with the correct profile.
Control Data Integrity with Validation Rules
Ensure that your article content is compliant with your company standards. Create validation rules for each article type to check
whether required fields have the appropriate values based on the article’s status.
Article History Tracking
You can track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an article of that type and click Version
to see a version history list. You can also set tracking for the article type and track the full history of an article and its versions. Article
events are tracked for up to 18 months.
Knowledge Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Type Templates
Article types in Salesforce Knowledge require a template for each channel. The standard article-type templates—Tab and Table of
Contents—specify how the sections in the article-type layout appear in the published article. For example, if you choose the Tab
template, the sections defined in the layout appear as tabs when users view an article. With the Table of Contents template, sections
appear on a single page with hyperlinks to each section. You can also create a custom template using Visualforce. Custom templates
are not associated with the article-type layout.
Delete an Article Type
Deleting article types can result in errors and lost data. Read this entire topic carefully before deleting article types.
Create Article Types
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Essentials,
Professional, Enterprise,
Performance, and
Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, or delete
article types:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
An article type controls how an article displays and what type of information of fields are included.
Note: Before agents can access article types, you must set object permissions for article
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types.
2. Click New Article Type or edit an existing article type.
3. Enter the article types details
A name used to refer to the article type in any
user interface pages.
The plural name of the object. If you create a
tab for this object, this name is used for the
Plural Label
If it is appropriate for your organization’s
default language, specify the gender of the
label. This field appears if the
organization-wide default language expects
gender. Your personal language preference
setting does not affect whether the field
appears. For example, if the organization’s
default language is English and your personal
language is French, you are not prompted for
gender when creating an article type.
If it is appropriate for your organization’s
default language, check if your label should
be preceded by "an" instead of "a".
Starts with a vowel sound
(Read only) A unique name used to refer to
the article type when using the Lightning
Object Name
Platform API. In managed packages, this
unique name prevents naming conflicts on
package installations. The Object Name field
can contain only underscores and
Create Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
alphanumeric characters. It must be unique, begin with a letter,
not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain
two consecutive underscores.
An optional description of the article type. A meaningful
description helps you remember the differences between your
article types when you are viewing them in a list.
Select this option to track the full history of an article and its
versions. The system records and displays field updates,
Track Field History
publishing workflow events, and language versions for the master
article and any translations.
Indicates whether the article type is visible outside Setup. In
Development means that article managers can’t choose this
Deployment Status
article type when creating articles. Only select Deployed after
you are done creating the article type.
4. Click Save.
On the article type detail page,
•In the Fields related list, create or modify custom fields as needed.
•In the Fields related list, edit the article-type layout as needed to rearrange fields and create sections.
•In the Channel Displays related list, choose a template for the Internal App, Partner, Customer, and Public Knowledge Base.
Create Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Add Custom Fields to Article Types
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or change custom
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Create custom fields to store information that is important to your articles. The only standard fields
provided on article types are: Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name. At minimum, you
want to create a field where authors can write the body of the article.
Before you begin, determine the type of custom field you want to create.
Note: Authors can view the URL Name when they create or edit an article. The URL
Name does not appear to end users viewing published articles.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types.
2. Select an article type.
3. Click New in the Fields related list.
4. Choose the type of field to create, and click Next.
5. Enter a field label. The field name is automatically populated based on the field label you enter.
This name can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in
your org. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not
contain two consecutive underscores.
6. Enter any field attributes, such as Description, and click Next to continue.
Note: You cannot enter a default value for any custom field.
7. Set the field-level security to determine whether the field is visible and editable or read only
for specific profiles, and click Next. Field-level security allows you to control which fields are
visible in different channels.
8. If you do not want the field to be added automatically to the article-type layout, uncheck Yes,
add this custom field to the layout.
9. Click Save to finish or Save & New to create more custom fields.
10. Optionally rearrange your custom fields on the article-type layout.
Note: Creating fields can require changing many records at once. To process these changes efficiently, Salesforce might queue
your request and send an email notification when the process has completed.
Warning: You lose your data if you convert a custom field on an article type into any other field type. Do not convert a custom
field on an article type unless no data exists for the field.
Custom Fields on Articles
The first step in creating a custom field for articles is choosing the field type. This table describes all available custom field types.
Field-Level Security on Articles
Field-level security lets administrators restrict readers’ access to specific fields on detail and edit pages. For example, you can make
a “Comment” field in an article visible for Internal App profiles but not for public Community profiles.
Use Videos from Any Provider with a Custom Visualforce Page
Using a custom Visualforce page and the HTML editor, you can insert videos from any provider into your Salesforce Knowledge
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Custom Fields on Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
The first step in creating a custom field for articles is choosing the field type. This table describes
all available custom field types.
DescriptionField Type
In a multiple currency organization, an article
can have an article currency field to set the
article’s currency ISO code.
Article Currency
Allows agents to enter a currency amount. The
system automatically formats the field as a
currency amount. This can be useful if you
export data to a spreadsheet application. You
can make this field required so an agent must
enter a value before saving an article.
Note: Salesforce uses the
round-half-to-even tie-breaking rule for
currency fields. For example, 23.5
becomes 24, 22.5 becomes 22, −22.5
becomes −22, and −23.5 becomes −24.
Values lose precision after 15 decimal
Allows agents to enter a date or pick a date from
a popup calendar. In reports, you can limit the
data by specific dates using any custom date
field. You can make this field required so an
agent must enter a value before saving an
Allows agents to enter a date or pick a date from
a popup calendar, and enter a time of day. They
can also add the current date and time by
clicking the date and time link next to the field.
The time of day includes AM or PM notation. In
reports, you can limit the data by specific dates
and times using any custom date field. You can
make this field required so an agent must enter
a value before saving an article.
Allows agents to enter an email address, which
is validated to ensure proper format. Character
limit is 80. If this field is specified for contacts or
leads, agents can choose the address when
clicking Send an Email. You can't use custom
email addresses for mass emails. You can make
this field required so an agent must enter a value
before saving an article.
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionField Type
Allows agents to upload and attach a file to an article. You can
make this field required so an agent must enter a value before
saving an article. Note the following caveats about File fields:
•The maximum attachment size is 25 MB.
•You can add up to 5 File fields to each article type; contact
Salesforce to increase these limits.
•If the Disallow HTML documents and
attachments security setting is enabled, File fields do not
support HTML files.
•Text content in a File field attachment is searchable. You can
search up to 25 MB of attached files on an article. For example,
if an article has six 5-MB file attachments, the first 4.16 MB of
each file is searchable.
•You cannot attach Salesforce CRM Content files using the File
•The File field type is not supported in Developer edition.
•The filename cannot exceed 40 characters.
•You cannot convert a File field type into any other data type.
Allows agents to automatically calculate values based on other
values or fields such as merge fields.
Note: Salesforce uses the round half up tie-breaking rule
for numbers in formula fields. For example, 12.345 becomes
12.35 and −12.345 becomes −12.34.
In, the Formula editor does not provide a
Check Syntax button. Syntax checking occurs when the
agent attempts to save the formula.
Creates a relationship between two records so you can associate
them with each other. For example, opportunities have a lookup
Lookup Relationship
relationship with cases that lets you associate a particular case with
an opportunity. A lookup relationship creates a field that allows
agents to click a lookup icon and select another record from a
popup window. On the associated record, you can then display a
related list to show all the records that are linked to it. You can
create lookup relationship fields that link to users, standard objects,
or custom objects. If a lookup field references a record that has
been deleted, Salesforce clears the value of the lookup field by
default. Alternatively, you can choose to prevent records from
being deleted if they’re in a lookup relationship. You can make this
field required so an agent must enter a value before saving an
Lookup relationship fields are not available in Personal Edition.
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionField Type
Lookup relationship fields to campaign members are not available;
however, lookup relationship fields from campaign members to
other objects are available.
Allows agents to enter any number. This entry is treated as a real
number and any leading zeros are removed. You can make this
field required so an agent must enter a value before saving an
Note: Salesforce uses the round half up tie-breaking rule
for number fields. For example, 12.345 becomes 12.35 and
−12.345 becomes −12.34. Salesforce rounds numbers
referenced in merge fields according to the user’s locale,
not the number of decimal spaces specified in the number
field configuration.
Allows agents to enter a percentage number, for example, '10'.
The system automatically adds the percent sign to the number.
You can make this field required so an agent must enter a value
before saving an article.
Note: If the decimal value is greater than 15, and you add
a percent sign to the number, a runtime error occurs.
Values lose precision after 15 decimal places.
Allows agents to enter any phone number. Character limit is 40.
You can make this field required so an agent must enter a value
before saving an article.
Salesforce automatically formats it as a phone number.
Allows agents to select a value from a list you define.Picklist
Allows agents to select a value from a list dependent on the value
of another field.
Picklist (Dependent)
Allows agents to select more than one picklist value from a list you
define. These fields display each value separated by a semicolon.
Picklist (Multi-select)
Allows agents to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or
symbols. You can set a maximum length, up to 255 characters. You
can make this field required so an agent must enter a value before
saving an article.
Allows agents to enter up to 255 characters that display on separate
lines similar to a Description field. You can make this field
required so an agent must enter a value before saving an article.
Text Area
Allows agents to enter up to 131,072 characters that display on
separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the
Text Area (Long)
length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionField Type
256 to 131,072 characters is allowed. The default is 32,768
characters. Every time a agents presses Enter within a long text
area field, a line break and a return character are added, both count
toward the character limit. Also, smart links add more characters
than what is displayed.
Note: If you lower the character limit and you have articles
that surpass the new limit. Those articles can’t be edited
until the limit is reset higher than their character counts.
Allows agents to enter up to 131,072 characters of HTML-supported
text including code samples ( ) and smart links between
Salesforce Knowledge articles.
There are two ways to create smart links:
Text Area (Rich)
•Search for the article.
•Enter the article URL.
•You can have up to 100 links to different Salesforce
Knowledge articles in one rich text field.
•When you convert a text area (rich) field to a text area
(long) field, links are displayed as link reference
numbers, not URLs.
•The upgraded editor doesn’t support Internet Explorer
version 7 or version 8 in compatibility mode. If you are
using these browsers, you use the older editor.
Allows agents to enter up to 255 characters of any valid website
address. When agents click the field, the URL opens in a separate
browser window. Only the first 50 characters are displayed on the
record detail pages. You can make this field required so an agent
must enter a value before saving an article.
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Field-Level Security on Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Field-level security lets administrators restrict readers’ access to specific fields on detail and edit
pages. For example, you can make a “Comment” field in an article visible for Internal App profiles
but not for public Community profiles.
If using both article-type layout and field-level security to define field visibility, the most restrictive
field access setting always applies. For example, if a field is hidden in the article-type layout, but
visible in the field-level security settings, the layout overrides security settings and the field aren’t
visible. Some user permissions override both page layouts and field-level security settings. For
example, users with the “Edit Read Only Fields” permission can always edit read-only fields regardless
of any other settings.
Important: Field-level security doesn’t prevent searching on the values in a field. When
search terms match on field values protected by field-level security, the associated records
are returned in the search results without the protected fields and their values.
You can define security via a permission set, profile, or field.
Define field-level security via permission sets or profiles
1. For permission sets or profiles, from Setup, either:
•Enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission
Sets, or
•Enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles
2. Select a permission set or profile.
3. Depending on which interface you're using, do one of the following:
•Permission sets or enhanced profile user interface—In the Find Settings... box, enter the name of the object you want and
select it from the list. Click Edit, then scroll to the Field Permissions section.
•Original profile user interface—In the Field-Level Security section, click View next to the object you want to modify, and
then click Edit.
4. Specify the field's access level.
Note: These field access settings override any less-restrictive field access settings on the article-type layouts.
5. Click Save.
Define field-level security via fields
1. For fields, from Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article
2. Select the article type that contains the field to modify.
3. Select the field and click Set Field-Level Security.
4. Specify the field's access level.
Note: These field access settings override any less-restrictive field access settings on the article-type layouts.
5. Click Save.
After setting field-level security, you can modify the article-type layouts to organize the fields on detail and edit pages.
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Use Videos from Any Provider with a Custom Visualforce Page
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create a Visualforce page
•Customize Application
To create articles:
•Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type
To edit draft articles:
•Manage Articles
Read and Edit on the
article type
To edit published or
archived articles:
•Manage Articles
Create, Read, and Edit
on the article type
Using a custom Visualforce page and the HTML editor, you can insert videos from any provider into
your Salesforce Knowledge articles.
For example, create a Visualforce page:
<apex:page showHeader="false" showChat="false" sidebar="false">
<iframe width="560" height="315"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true">
Add Custom Fields to Article TypesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Then, with the HTML editor, authors can reference videos using this code:
<iframe frameborder="0" height="315"
Article Type Page Layouts
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To customize the article-type
•Customize Application
Article-type layouts determine which fields agents can view and edit when entering data for an
article. They also determine which sections appear when users view articles. The article-type template
defines the format of the article, for example whether layout sections display as subtabs or as a
single page with links. You can apply a layout per profile per article type. Therefore, you can display
more sensitive fields of the same article to only those agents with the correct profile.
Tip: You can also use field-level security to hide fields on article types. For example, if you
publish the same article in the internal app and in a community, you can use field-level security
to hide a custom field such as Internal Comments from external community users.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types.
2. Click the article type.
3. Scroll down to the Page Layouts related list or click the Page Layouts link at the top of the page.
4. To create a page layout, click New and follow the prompts. To edit an existing layout, click Edit
and make your changes.
Make your changes. The layout editor consists of two parts: a palette on the upper portion of
the screen and the layout on the lower portion of the screen. The palette contains the available
fields and a section element. The layout contains an Information section and space for you to
add sections. By default, all custom fields are included in the Information section.
Important: If you navigate away from your article-type layout before clicking save, your
changes are lost.
Note: The Article Number, Summary, Title, and URL Name standard fields
do not display in the layout. Article Number and Summary appear in a read-only
Properties section at the top of the published article. Also included in this header are the
First Published, Last Modified, and Last Published fields.
Drag and drop the section element into the palette.Add a section
Click its title. You cannot rename the Information section.Change the name of a section
Drag it to the right side of the palette or click the icon next
to the field.
Remove a field from a section
Click the icon next to the section name.Remove a section from the article-type layout
Article Type Page LayoutsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Click Quick Save.Save your changes and continue editing the article type layout
•Use the undo and redo buttons to step backwards and forwards, respectively.
•Use the following keyboard shortcuts:
–Undo = CTRL+Z
–Redo = CTRL+Y
–Quick Save = CTRL+S
•To select multiple elements individually, use CTRL+click. To select multiple elements as a group, use SHIFT+click.
•To quickly locate any item in the palette, use the Quick Find box. The Quick Find box is especially useful for article-type
layouts that have large numbers of items available in the palette.
5. To assign various layouts to the article type based on a user profile, click Page Layout Assignments.
6. Click Edit Assignment.
7. Select the profile, or profiles (using SHIFT), you want to change and select the layout from the Page Layout To Use dropdown.
When creating multiple article type page layouts, consider the following limitations and functionality changes.
•When creating page layouts, some fields are hidden based on the agent’s license. Out of Date, Translation Completed Date, and
Translation Exported Date are hidden from users who do not have a Knowledge User license or who are customer portal or partner
portal users. In addition, Archived By and Is Latest Version are hidden from customer portal and partner portal users.
•Before Spring ‘16, preview pages showed the Summary field in the API that contained text values, even if they were not in the page
layout. To continue displaying summary fields on preview pages, manually update your page layouts to include them.
•If you want to attach articles as PDFs to emails when solving cases, add File Attachments to the Selected Email Tools
in the Feed View for the article type layout.
•The article edit page only shows the standard fields (Article Number, Title, URL Name, and Summary) and all the custom fields added
to the layout, including the side bar fields. Other standard fields added on the page layout are ignored because they are not editable,
and the custom fields are displayed in the order specified in the page layout.
•If an article type page layout doesn’t include a field with a validation rule, you can’t create or edit an article of that article type. Make
sure all page layouts assigned to the article type by profile include all fields with validation rules.
•The Communication channel layout doesn’t use the page layout to determine which Article fields are inserted into a case email. The
fields that are inserted include the fields selected in the Communication Channel mapping.
•You can set up a specific profile to generate a PDF file. When sending articles as PDFs, the pdf is generated based on the sender’s
profile. Therefore, the receiver might get fields they are not meant to see. Use the Use a profile to create
customer-ready article PDFs on cases setting on the Knowledge settings page so the fields in PDFs come from
the page layout assigned to the configured profile. Also, Field Level Security of both the sender profile and the configured profile
are applied.
Send Article Content in Email
When using Knowledge One, agents can send an email with an article’s contents embedded in the body of the email.
Article Type Page LayoutsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Post Site and Community Article URLs
In the Service Console, agents can insert Site or Community URLs for articles into the case feed via the email, community, or social
Send Article Content in Email
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Customize Application
Manage Salesforce Knowledge
To administer Salesforce Knowledge and
create, edit, and delete page layouts:
Edit on cases
To send article content in emails in Lightning
Knowledge: AND
View Setup and Configuration
Enable, “Share internal Knowledge articles
Enable, “Attaching articles inline”
SendEmail action should be present in the
Case layout
HTML or Text should be present in the
SendEmail layout
Enable CommChannelLayout for email
Edit on cases
To send article content in emails in Classic
Knowledge: AND
Enable, “Share internal Knowledge articles
Enable, “Attaching articles inline”
SendEmail Action should be present in the
Case layout
When using Knowledge One, agents can send an email with an article’s contents embedded in the body of the email.
Article Type Page LayoutsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Agents can send article content within an email rather than just sending a URL. Your customers can access the information without
going to a website. Your agents send articles that are not published publicly without rewriting or copy and pasting an internal article.
Administrators can assign permissions to only those agents with a good knowledge of what is acceptable for an external audience.
To enable and setup which article fields go into emails for each article type.
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
2. How you access the Case Feed Settings page depends on what kind of page layout you’re working with.
•For a layout in the Case Page Layouts section, click Edit, and then click Feed View in the page layout editor.
•For a layout in the Page Layouts for Case Feed Users section, click and choose Edit feed view. (This section appears
only for organizations created before Spring ’14.)
If you’ve already opted to use the advanced page layout editor to configure the publisher for a layout, choose Edit detail
view to add, change, or remove actions.
3. Under Articles Tool Settings, check Enable attaching articles inline.
4. Under Administrative Permissions, check Share internal Knowledge articles, externally.
5. Click Save.
6. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article Types.
7. Click the label or name of the article type you’d like to share via email.
8. Under Communication Channel Mappings, click New or Edit.
9. Enter a Label and Name.
10. Select and add Email to the Selected Channels list.
11. Select and add the fields you’d like included in the body of an email.
Note: Smart links can’t be included in the email and the following fields are not supported:
•Publish Status
•Validation Status
12. Click Save.
Example: While solving customer cases, agents with the permission can insert article content into the body of an email. Anywhere
agents can attach articles to cases, such as the Knowledge One sidebar in the Salesforce Console, the Articles list in the case feed,
the Article widget, or the suggested articles in a Knowledge One search, they can email any article of that type within the body of
an email by selecting Email article with HTML in the action drop-down. The article content is inserted at top of email thread or
wherever the agent left their cursor. Once an article has been emailed, an envelope icon appears to the left of the title. When the
article has files that exceed the 10-mb attachment limit, agents are asked to select which files to attach and retry sending the
Note: If rich text is not enabled on your case feed layout for the article type, only article text is embedded into the email
and the action changes to Email article text only.
Article Type Page LayoutsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Post Site and Community Article URLs
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To administer Salesforce
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
In the Service Console, agents can insert Site or Community URLs for articles into the case feed via
the email, community, or social publishers.
To post Site or Community URLs for articles into the case feed , you must have the Knowledge
sidebar enabled in the Service Console and either a Salesforce Site or Community setup.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Settings.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Share Article via URL Settings section, enable Allow users to share
articles via public URLs.
4. In the Available Sites list, select from which sites or communities you want agents to
share article URLs and add them to the Selected Sites list.
5. Click Save.
Your agents can now select Attach and share article link from selected sites in the Knowledge
sidebar of the console. Email is the default action but agents can change to the Social or Community
action in the case feed before they insert the URL.
•Articles must be published. Draft articles don’t show the insert URL option.
•Articles must be shared publicly, meaning their Channel must be Public Knowledge Base,
Customer, or Partner.
•All enabled URLs show Attach and share article link, even if the article is not visible in
that site or community. The agent must confirm that the article is available in the site or
community before sharing it with the customer.
Article Type Page LayoutsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Control Data Integrity with Validation Rules
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or edit validation
rules for article types:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Ensure that your article content is compliant with your company standards. Create validation rules
for each article type to check whether required fields have the appropriate values based on the
article’s status.
1. From Setup, enter Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge
Article Types.
2. Click the article type.
3. Scroll down to the Validation Rules related list or click the Validation Rules link at the top of
the page.
4. To create a validation rule, click New. To edit an existing rule, click Edit.
5. Name the rule.
6. Make the rule active.
7. Optionally, describe what you want to control on articles of this type.
8. Specify an error condition formula and a corresponding error message.
The error condition is written as a Boolean formula expression that returns true or false. When
true, the article is not saved, and an error message displays. The author can correct the error
and try again. For information on validation rules, seeDefine Validation Rules.
Note: Knowledge article errors always display at the top of the page, not next to the
field. Write your errors descriptively so that authors know how to satisfy the validation
rule. For example, identify which field is causing the error.
9. Click Save.
When creating validation rules on article types, consider the following limitations and functionality
•If an article type page layout doesn’t include a field with a validation rule, you can’t create or
edit an article of that article type. Make sure all page layouts assigned to the article type by
profile include all fields with validation rules.
•The Article Currency field and the VLOOKUP function don’t support validation rules.
•When importing articles, if the import data file has a valid article with an invalid translation, the translation is created, but its translated
content isn’t imported.
•Only the first validation rule error displays at the top of the page and in the import article log. If multiple errors exist but are not fixed,
they are displayed on subsequent saves or imports.
•In the API, KA fields, such as Case Association Count and Archived Date, don’t support validation rules. Only KAV (article version)
fields are supported in validation rules.
Control Data Integrity with Validation RulesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article History Tracking
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, or delete
article types:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
You can track the history of certain fields in articles. If you have history tracking enabled, open an
article of that type and click Version to see a version history list. You can also set tracking for the
article type and track the full history of an article and its versions. Article events are tracked for up
to 18 months.
The system records and displays field updates, publishing workflow events, and language versions
for the master article and any translations. When you track old and new values, the system records
both values as well as the date, time, nature of the change, and the user who made the change.
When you track only the changed values, the system marks the changed field as having been edited;
it doesn’t record the old and new field values. This information is available in the Version History
list and the fields are available in the Article Version History report.
Article history respects field, entity, and record-level security. You must have at least “Read”
permission on the article type or the field to access its history. For data category security, Salesforce
determines access based on the categorization of the online version of an article. If there is no online
version, then security is applied based on the archived version, followed by the security of the draft
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article
2. Create an article type or edit one from the Article Types list.
3. Click Set History Tracking.
4. Choose the fields you want to track.
Salesforce begins tracking history from that date and time. Changes made before that date and
time are not tracked.
5. Click Save.
Article History TrackingBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Type Templates
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, or delete
article-type templates:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Article types in Salesforce Knowledge require a template for each channel. The standard article-type
templates—Tab and Table of Contents—specify how the sections in the article-type layout appear
in the published article. For example, if you choose the Tab template, the sections defined in the
layout appear as tabs when users view an article. With the Table of Contents template, sections
appear on a single page with hyperlinks to each section. You can also create a custom template
using Visualforce. Custom templates are not associated with the article-type layout.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types
2. Click an article type name.
•If you are using a default template, continue with Step 12.
•If you are creating a custom template, make note of the article type's API Name. You
need this value when you create the Visualforce page.
3. From Setup, enter Visualforce Pages in the Quick Find box, then select
Visualforce Pages.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name text box, enter the text that appears in the URL as the page name.
This name can contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in
your org. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not
contain two consecutive underscores.
6. In the Label text box, enter the text that users see when choosing this template from the
Channel Displays related list on the article type detail page.
7. Add your Visualforce markup.
The only requirement for custom article-type templates is that the standard controller is equal
to the API Name of the article type. For example, if the API Name of the article type is
Offer__kav, your markup would be:
<apex:page standardController="Offer__kav">
... page content here ...
Note: Click Component Reference for a list of the Visualforce components, such as
knowledge:articleRendererToolbar and knowledge:articleCaseToolbar, available for use in custom
article-type templates.
8. If your article type has a File field, you can allow users to download the field's content.
In the following example, the article type is Offer, the name of the File field is my_file, and the text that appears as a link is
Click me:
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Offer__kav.FileFieldDownload,, ['field'=$])}">Click
Article Type TemplatesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Note: If the File field is empty (meaning the author didn't upload a file), the link still appears on the published article but has
no function. If you do not want the link to appear when the File field is empty, replace Click me in the example with the
name of the file. For example, {!Offer__kav.my_file__Name__s}.
9. Click Save.
Your custom template can now be assigned to any channel on the article type.
10. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article Types
11. Click an article type name.
12. For each channel, specify the template.
•For Internal App, Customer and Partner, Tab is the default template.
•For Public Knowledge Base, Table of Contents is the default template.
•If you created a custom template for this article type, it also appears in the drop-down menu.
13. Click Save.
Example: If you choose the Tab template, the sections you defined in the layout appear as tabs when users view an article.
Published Article Using the Tab Article-Type Template
If you choose the Table of Contents template, the sections you defined in the layout appear on one page with hyperlinks to each
section title.
Published Article Using the Table of Contents Article-Type Template
Article Type TemplatesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Delete an Article Type
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To delete article types:
•Customize Application
Deleting article types can result in errors and lost data. Read this entire topic carefully before deleting
article types.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Types in the Quick Find box, then select
Knowledge Article Types.
2. Next to the article type, click Del.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the article type.
Notes on Deleting Article Types
•If your organization has only article type, you cannot delete it. Every Salesforce Knowledge
org requires at least one deployed article type. Create an article type and then delete the
old one.
•Any articles associated with a deleted article type are automatically removed from all
channels, including draft, published, and archived articles.
•Salesforce does not display deleted article types in the Recycle Bin with other deleted
records. Instead, deleted article types appear in the Deleted Article Types list on the article
list view page for 15 days. During this time, you can restore the article type and its articles,
or permanently erase the article type and its articles. After 15 days, the article type and its
articles are permanently erased.
•If a reader clicks a bookmark to a deleted article's URL, an Insufficient Privileges message
Import Existing Information into Salesforce Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
You can import your existing articles or information database into Salesforce Knowledge. This
importer is for articles and translations you currently have outside Salesforce Knowledge. If you
want to move your existing content from Classic to Lightning Knowledge, use the Lightning
Knowledge Migration Tool.
Note: If you are looking for instructions on importing translated articles that you've sent to
a localization vendor, see Import Translated Articles on page 64.
1. Prepare Articles for Import to Salesforce Knowledge
Each import file must have articles of the same type and columns corresponding to the fields
in the article.
2. Create a .csv File for Article Import
Each .csv file imports articles into one article type and maps the imported articles' content with
the article type's fields. For example, a .csv file might map articles' titles with the standard field
Title in an article type, meaning that each article's title is imported into the Title field.
3. Set Article Import Parameters
Specify import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values. For
example, use the key DateFormat to specify that a date custom field appears in the
DateFormat=dd/MM/YYYY format or specify the character encoding to be used for the
Delete an Article TypeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
4. Create an Article .zip File for Import
To complete your article import, create a .zip file with your .parameters, .csv, and .html files, and upload them into
Salesforce Knowledge.
5. Article and Translation Import and Export Status
Find the status of your article imports and exports on the Article Imports page in Setup.
Prepare Articles for Import to Salesforce Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To import articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
Read, Create, Edit, and
Delete on the article type
Each import file must have articles of the same type and columns corresponding to the fields in
the article.
Tip: Test your import using a small set of articles.
1. Sort your existing articles by information type.
For example: FAQ, product information, or offer.
2. Ensure that each information type has a corresponding Salesforce Knowledge article type that
matches its structure and content.
For example, if you are importing FAQs, ensure that Salesforce Knowledge has an FAQ article
type with enough question and answer fields to accommodate the largest FAQ article.
If your articles contain .html files, use an article type that contains a rich text area field and
ensure that the HTML is compliant with the tags and attributes supported in the rich text area
Note: The article importer does not support subfields. If you have fields within fields,
adjust your structure and content before importing into Salesforce Knowledge.
3. Verify that the article's field-level security settings allow you to edit the fields.
For each article type, create a cvs file to import.
Prepare Articles for Import to Salesforce KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Create a .csv File for Article Import
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To import articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
Read, Create, Edit, and
Delete on the article type
Each .csv file imports articles into one article type and maps the imported articles' content with the
article type's fields. For example, a .csv file might map articles' titles with the standard field Title
in an article type, meaning that each article's title is imported into the Title field.
1. Create one .csv file per article type.
•There can only be one .csv file and one .properties file.
•The .csv file and the .properties file must be in the root directory.
•The compression process must preserve the folder and subfolder structure.
•The .zip file name can’t contain special characters.
•The .zip file can’t exceed 20 MB and the individual, uncompressed, files within the zip file
can’t exceed 10 MB.
•.csv files can’t have more than 10,000 rows, including the header row. Therefore, you can
have a maximum of 9,999 articles and translations.
•.csv file rows can’t exceed 400,000 characters.
•.csv file cells can’t exceed 32 KB.
•Each article in the .csv file can’t have more than 49 translations.
2. In the first row, specify the article type's fields and metadata, such as language data categories
or channels.
Enter one item in each column. You can use the following fields and metadata to import content.
DescriptionField or data
Identifies the article as a master (1) or
translation (0). Required to import articles with
translations, however, it can’t be in a .csv file
to import articles without translations.
Translations must follow their master articles
so that they are associated with the master
article preceding it
The article or translation’s title. Required for
all imports.
Refer to an article type's standard fields using
field names and refer to custom fields using
Standard and custom fields
API names. Leaving a row cell empty may
cause your articles to be skipped if the related
article type field is mandatory.
Use the rich text area custom fields to import
.html files or images. Refer to an article type's
rich text area field using its API name.
Rich text area field
Use the file custom fields to import any file
type (.doc, .pdf, .txt, etc.). Refer to an article
type's file field using its API name.
File field
Create a .csv File for Article ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
DescriptionField or data
To categorize the imported articles, use category groups; refer
to a category group using its unique name prefixed with
Data category groups
datacategorygroup.. For example, use
datacategorygroup.Products to specify the category
group Products.
To specify where the imported articles are available, use the
keyword Channels.
Specify the articles' language. Required to import articles with
translations. Optional to import articles without translations. If
you don't include this column, the articles automatically belong
to the default knowledge base language and you can’t import
translations along with the master articles.
3. In subsequent rows, specify the articles you want to import.
Use one row per article and enter the appropriate information in each field or metadata column.
Important: All file names are case sensitive and must match what is in the .csv file exactly.
Enter the articles' data for each field, except for rich text area
fields where you must enter the relative path to the
corresponding .html file in your .zip file.
Standard or custom fields
Note: The article importer does not support subfields. If
you have fields within fields, adjust your structure and
content before importing into Salesforce Knowledge.
Always enter the .html file path relative to the location of the
.csv file. Never enter raw text. If the specified path doesn't exist,
Rich text area field
the related article isn't imported. Note the following information
about importing HTML and images.
•We recommend that you create separate folders for the .html
files (for example, /data) and the images (for example,
•To import images, include the images in an .html file using
the <img> tag and src attribute. Ensure that the src
value is a relative path from the .html file to the image folder.
•Images must be .png, .gif, or .jpeg files.
•Each image file can’t exceed 1 MB.
•.html files can’t exceed the maximum size for their field.
•If a date doesn't match the date format specified in the
property file, the related article isn't imported.
Create a .csv File for Article ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
•If an .html file references a file that isn't allowed, the related
article isn't imported.
•If an .html file references an image that's missing, the related
article is imported without the image.
Enter the path relative to the file's location. If the specified path
doesn't exist, the related article isn't imported. Note the following
information about importing files.
File field
•We recommend that you create a folder for your files (for
example, /files).
•Each file must not exceed 5 MB.
Use category unique names to categorize articles. Use the plus
symbol (+) to specify more than one category. For example,
Category groups
Laptop+Desktop. Note the following information about
data category groups.
•Leaving the cell row empty causes your article to be set to
No Categories.
•If you specify a category and its parent (for example,
Europe+France) the import process skips the child category
France and keeps the parent category Europe, because
application of a parent category implicitly includes the
category's children.
•When importing articles with translations and associated
data categories, only the master article retains the data
categories. The article translations have no associated data
category upon import.
Specify articles' channels using the keywords.Channels
•application for Internal App. If you don't specify a
channel, application is the default.
•sites for Public Knowledge Base.
•csp for Customer.
•prm for Partner.
Use the plus (+) symbol to specify more than one channel (for
example, application+sites+csp to make an article
available in all channels).
Note: When importing articles with translations and
associated channels, only the master article retains the
channels. The article translations have no associated
channels upon import.
Create a .csv File for Article ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Example: The following example .csv files import articles in a Product Offer article type. The first example is for imports of articles
without translations. The second is for imports with translations. The .csv files contain titles, summaries, and descriptions. They
also classify the articles in the category group Products and make them available for specific channels. The description__c
field is a rich text area and only supports paths to .html files. The summary__c field is a text field and only supports raw text.
The “Best Desktop Computer Deals” article has no summary; the cell is left blank because the summary__c field is not mandatory.
application+cspConsumer_ Electronicsdata/freecam.htmlGet the new Digital
Free Digital Camera
application+cspDesktopdata/bestdeals.htmlBest Desktop Computer
application+cspLaptop+Desktopsdata/freeship.htmlFree Shipping on Laptop
and Desktops
Example articlesimport.csv file:
Free Digital Camera Offer, Get the new Digital
Best Desktop Computer Deals,,data/bestdeals.html,Desktop,application+csp
Free Shipping on Laptop and Desktops,,data/freeship.html,Laptop+Desktops,application+csp
Consumer_ Electronicsdata/freecam.htmlGet the new Digital
Free Digital Camera Offer1
frdata/freecam/fr.htmlObtenir le nouvel Appareil
photo digital.
Libérer l'Offre d'Appareil
photo digital
esdata/freecam/es.htmlConsiga la nueva Cámara
Liberte Oferta Digital de
Desktopsdata/bestdeals.htmlBest Desktop Computer
frdata/bestdeals/fr.htmlMeilleures Affaires
d'ordinateurs de bureau
esdata/bestdeals/es.htmlMejores Tratos de
Laptops+ Desktopsdata/freeship.htmlFree Shipping on Laptops
and Desktops
frdata/freeship/fr.htmlLibérer Affranchissement
sur Portables et Ordinateurs
Create a .csv File for Article ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
esdata/freeship/es.htmlLiberte Franqueo en
Laptops y Ordenadores
Example articlestranslationsimport.csv file:
1,Free Digital Camera Offer,Get the new Digital
0,Libérer l'Offre d'Appareil photo digital,Obtenir le nouvel Appareil photo
0,Liberte Oferta Digital de Cámara,Consiga la nueva Cámara
1,Best Desktop Computer Deals,,data/bestdeals.html,Desktops,application+csp,en
0,Meilleures Affaires d'ordinateurs de bureau,,data/bestdeals/fr.html,,,fr
0,Mejores Tratos de ordenadores,,data/bestdeals/es.html,,,es
1,Free Shipping on Laptop and
0,Libérer Affranchissement sur Portables et Ordinateurs,,data/freeship/fr.html,,,fr
0,Liberte Franqueo en Laptops y Ordenadores,,data/freeship/es.html,,,es
Specify your import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values.
Create a .csv File for Article ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Set Article Import Parameters
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To import articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
Read, Create, Edit, and
Delete on the article type
Specify import parameters in a property file using key names and corresponding values. For example,
use the key DateFormat to specify that a date custom field appears in the
DateFormat=dd/MM/YYYY format or specify the character encoding to be used for the
1. Create a file with required parameters, as described in this table.
Default ValueDescriptionKey
yyyy-MM-ddFormat of the date to read in
the .csv file
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssFormat of the date and time
to read in the .csv file
ISO8859_15_FDISCharacter encoding used to
read the .csv file
,.csv file separatorCSVSeparator
ISO8859_15_FDISDefault encoding used for the
HTML files (if not specified in
the charset attribute from
the HTML meta tag).
Note: Salesforce does
not support UTF-32
character encoding.
We recommend using
UTF-8. If you use
specify UTF-16
character encoding,
ensure that your HTML
files specify the right
byte-order mark.
Note: Specify only Java date formats. Make sure the date format is not misleading. For
example, if you choose the format yyyy-M-d, a date entered as 2011111 can be interpreted
as 2011-01-11 or 2011-11-01. Specify at least:
•Two digits for month and day format (MM, dd)
•Four digits for year format (yyyy)
If a date in the .csv file does not match the date format specified in the property file, the
related article is not imported.
2. Save the file with the .properties.
Set Article Import ParametersBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Example: Example property file:
DateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Create a .zip file and import into Salesforce Knowledge.
Create an Article .zip File for Import
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To import articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
Read, Create, Edit, and
Delete on the article type
To complete your article import, create a .zip file with your .parameters, .csv, and .html
files, and upload them into Salesforce Knowledge.
1. Create a .zip file containing:
•The .csv file.
•The folder containing the .html files to import.
•The folder containing the image files referenced in the .html files.
•The .properties file.
Important: The import .zip file must meet the following requirements:
•There can only be one .csv file and one .properties file.
•The .csv file and the .properties file must be in the root directory.
•The compression process must preserve the folder and subfolder structure.
•The .zip file name can’t contain special characters.
•The .zip file can’t exceed 20 MB and the individual, uncompressed, files within the
zip file can’t exceed 10 MB.
•.csv files can’t have more than 10,000 rows, including the header row. Therefore, you
can have a maximum of 9,999 articles and translations.
•.csv file rows can’t exceed 400,000 characters.
•.csv file cells can’t exceed 32 KB.
•Each article in the .csv file can’t have more than 49 translations.
2. From Setup, enter Import Articles in the Quick Find box, then select Import
3. Select the appropriate Article Type for the imported articles.
4. To select the .zip file, click Browse, and then click OK.
5. If your import contains translations, select the Contains translations? checkbox.
Note: If this checkbox is selected, your .csv file must contain the isMasterLanguage, Title,
and Language columns. If this checkbox is not selected, your csv file can’t contain the
isMasterLanguage column but must contain the Title column. The Language column is
optional for imports of articles without translations.
6. Click Import Now.
Create an Article .zip File for ImportBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
When the import is complete, you receive an email with an attached log that provides details about the import.
Check on the status of your import, on the Article Imports page.
Article and Translation Import and Export Status
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Find the status of your article imports and exports on the Article Imports page in Setup.
To check the status of your imports and exports, from Setup, enter Article Imports in the
Quick Find box, then select Article Imports. If you've enabled multiple languages for Salesforce
Knowledge, you see two tables: one for article and translation imports and another for exports for
Import information includes:
•Possible actions
•.Zip file names
•Who submitted it and when
•Started and completed dates
•Article types
Export information includes:
•Possible actions
•Zip file names
•Who submitted it and when
•Started and completed dates
Status descriptions are as follows:
Possible ActionDescriptionStatus
You can click Cancel to cancel the import
or export.
The import or export will start as soon as
the previous pending import or export
If you want to stop the process, or if the
process has been stopped, call Salesforce
The import or export is processing.Processing
Support. Salesforce may stop an import or
export if a maintenance task has to be
performed or the import or export exceeds
one hour.
Contact Salesforce Support to restart the
import or export, or click Cancel to cancel
an entry.
Salesforce Support is stopping or has
already stopped the import or export.
You can restart an import or export, click Del
to delete an entry, or click Email Log to
The import or export has been canceled.
The articles that already imported or
receive the completion email and check the
details of your import or export.
exported successfully are available in
Article and Translation Import and Export StatusBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Possible ActionDescriptionStatus
This status doesn't mean the import or
export is successful. Click Email Log to see
The import or export is complete.
Successfully imported articles are visible on
the Article Management tab on the
the log file attached to the completion email
and check the details of your import or
Click the exported .zip file name to save or
open the file on your system.
Articles subtab. Successfully imported
translations are visible on the Article
Management tab on the
Translations subtab.
Classic Knowledge User Access
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or edit users:
•Manage Internal Users
To create article types and
article actions:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Specify which agents in your company are Classic Knowledge users and give them access to article
actions. Create user profiles with the user permissions they need, and then assign them to these
By default all internal users can read articles. However some licenses like the Knowledge Only User
licenses, require the “AllowViewKnowledge” permission on the user’s profile. To give a user the
“AllowViewKnowledge” permission on their profile, activate the permission on a cloned profile and
assign the cloned profile to the user.
Note: To do more than read articles, agents need the Knowledge User license.
1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
2. Click Edit next to the user's name or click New to create a user.
3. If you are creating a user, complete all the required fields.
4. Select the Knowledge User checkbox.
5. Click Save.
User permissions control access to different tasks in Classic Knowledge. We recommend using
permission sets or custom profiles to grant users the permissions they need. For example, you can
create a permission set called “Article Manager” that includes the permissions to create, edit, publish,
and assign articles.
Refer to this table for details on permissions associated with Classic Knowledge tasks. Refer to
Lightning Knowledge User Access on permissions associated with Lightning Knowledge.
User Permissions NeededSalesforce Knowledge Task
“Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This
permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To create article types:
“Manage Salesforce Knowledge”
This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.
To manage article actions:
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
User Permissions NeededSalesforce Knowledge Task
“Read” and “Create” on the article typeTo create articles from cases using the simple editor:
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To create articles from cases using the standard editor:
“Read” and “Create” on the article type
“Read” on the article type
To search articles from cases and attach articles to cases:
“Read” and “Create” on the article type
To create articles from answers:
“Read” on the article type
To search for and read articles from the Article or Knowledge tab:
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To create or edit articles from the Article Management tab:
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To edit draft articles from the Article Management tab:
“Read” and “Edit” on the article type
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To delete articles from the Article Management tab:
“Read”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A delete article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page.
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To publish articles from the Article Management tab:
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A publish article action, set on Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To assign articles for the Article Management tab:
“Read” and “Edit” on the article type
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
User Permissions NeededSalesforce Knowledge Task
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To edit published or archived articles:
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
A publish or archive article action, set on the Article Actions Setup
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To archive articles from the Article Management tab:
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
An archive article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To submit articles for translation:
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
A translate article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To delete translated articles:
“Read”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A delete article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To publish translated articles:
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
A publish article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
To edit translated articles:
“Read”, “Create”, and “Edit” on the article type
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
User Permissions NeededSalesforce Knowledge Task
A translate article action, set on the Article Actions Setup page
“Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This permission is on by default
in the System Administrator profile.)
To import articles:
“Manage Articles”
“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export”
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
“Manage Salesforce Knowledge” (This permission is on by default
in the System Administrator profile.)
To import and export translated articles:
“Manage Articles” (This permission is on by default in the System
Administrator profile.)
“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export” (This permission is on
by default in the System Administrator profile.)
“Read”, “Create”, “Edit”, and “Delete” on the article type
“Manage Data Categories” permission. This permission is on by
default in the System Administrator profile.
To create data categories
To enable agents to perform their specific tasks, create public groups for each role and assign only the necessary article actions to those
Example: Your Salesforce Knowledge agents are a mixture of different levels of job experience and expertise in the products and
services your company offers. These examples outline four basic types of users and some of the permissions they need to perform
their jobs.
Scott: The Reader
Scott Jackson is relatively new to the company, so he’s a basic agent of the knowledge base. Currently, he has read-only access
to articles, so he can search and view articles. Readers don’t author or publish, so he won’t belong to a public group or need
to submit articles for approval. He needs the following permissions to perform his job.
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermissionScott
DeleteEditCreateReadManage ArticlesSalesforce Knowledge Functionality
Search articles from and attach articles to
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermissionScott
DeleteEditCreateReadManage ArticlesSalesforce Knowledge Functionality
Search for and read articles from the Articles
Amber: The Candidate
Amber Delaney is a candidate-level agent and can create and publish articles with statuses of either Work in Progress
or Not Validated. If Amber works on an article with a different validation status, she must send it to a queue for approval
before it’s published.
Amber is part of the KCS Candidate public group and submits the articles she can’t publish to the Publishing External queue.
She needs the following permissions to perform her job duties.
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermissionAmber
DeleteEditCreateReadManage ArticlesSalesforce Knowledge Functionality
Search articles from and attach articles to
Search for and read articles from the Articles
Create or edit article from the Article
Management tab
Edit draft articles from the Article
Management tab
Edit published or archived articles
Anne: The Contributor
As a contributor, Anne Murphy is a more advanced Knowledge user. She understands the standards for articles in the organization
and can create articles and publish articles with Validated Internal status. She can also work on articles authored
by other users if they have either Work in Progress or Not Validated statuses, and can change them to
Validated Internal. Since she doesn’t have permission to publish articles to an external audience, she must submit
those customer-facing articles to the Publishing External queue.
Note: Article approvers require the “Manage Articles” permission and at least the “Read” permission on the article type
associated with articles they review. These permissions let them access the article in a draft state. Without these
permissions, approvers can reassign but not approve articles.
Anne is a member of the Contributor public group and she needs the following permissions to perform her job duties.
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermission
Salesforce Knowledge Functionality
Create articles from cases using the simple
Create articles from cases using the standard
Search articles from and attach articles to
Create articles from answers
Search for and read articles from the Articles
Create or edit article from the Article
Management tab
Edit draft articles from the Article
Management tab
Delete articles (version or entire) from Article
Management tab
Assign articles from Article Management tab
Edit published or archived articles
Archive articles from the Article Management
Pat: The Publisher
Pat Brown is Knowledge domain expert and is responsible for reviewing and publishing articles to an external audience. He
is a member of the Publisher public group. Pat also belongs to the Publishing External queue. He needs the following permissions
to perform his job duties.
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermission
Salesforce Knowledge Functionality
Create articles from cases using the simple
Create articles from cases using the standard
Search articles from and attach articles to
Create articles from answers
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Type-Specific PermissionsPermission
Salesforce Knowledge Functionality
Search for and read articles from the Articles
Create or edit article from the Article
Management tab
Edit draft articles from the Article
Management tab
Delete articles (version or entire) from Article
Management tab
Publish article from Article Management tab
Assign articles from Article Management tab
Edit published or archived articles
Archive articles from the Article Management
How they all work together
Each user profile defines an agent's permission to perform different job duties and functions. To enable agents to perform
these functions, you create public groups for each role and assign only the necessary article actions to that group. The criteria
you create in the approval process defines which validation status can be automatically approved and published and which
article must be approved and published by a domain expert.
For example, Anne, the Contributor, can create a Validated External article, but based on the article actions assigned
to her public group, the approval process sends her article to Pat, the Publisher, to be published. Pat, as a Publisher, can publish
his own articles without submitting them to a queue.
The following table lists the job functions that each role needs to perform on articles in the organization
PublisherContributorCandidateReaderJob Function
approved and
approved and
NoCreate and publish
Work in
approved and
approved and
NoCreate and publish Not
approved and
Needs approvalNoCreate and publish
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
PublisherContributorCandidateReaderJob Function
YesNeeds approvalNeeds approvalNoCreate and publish
approved and
NoNoUpdate and publish
Work in
approved and
NoNoUpdate and publish Not
approved and
NoNoUpdate and publish
YesNeeds approvalNoNoUpdate and publish
Create Public Groups for Knowledge
Salesforce Knowledge uses public groups as a way to assign users to specific tasks related to articles. When you assign article actions
to a public group, you can grant users in that group the ability to do things like publish articles with a specified validation status.
Public groups are also used in approval processes to manage the publishing workflow.
Assign Article Actions to Public Groups
Article actions allow agents to participate in the article publishing process. By default, all article actions are assigned to users with
the “Manage Articles” user permission. Agents can complete an action as long as they have the correct article type permission. You
can control article action access by assigning public groups to article actions and adding agents the relevant public groups. To further
restrict actions like publishing, you can create approval processes that allow agents to publish only those articles that have specific
validation statuses. For example, many contributors can write many articles but you can create an approval process so no articles
are published until they are reviewed and validated by a qualified author.
Classic Knowledge User AccessBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Create Public Groups for Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or edit a public
•Manage Users
To create or edit another
user’s personal group:
•Manage Users
Salesforce Knowledge uses public groups as a way to assign users to specific tasks related to articles.
When you assign article actions to a public group, you can grant users in that group the ability to
do things like publish articles with a specified validation status. Public groups are also used in
approval processes to manage the publishing workflow.
For example, when a member of the Candidate public group submits an article with the status
Work in Progress for approval, it is automatically approved and published. If the same
agent submits an article with Validated Internal status, it moves to the Publishing External
queue to be reviewed before being published.
1. From Setup, enter Public Groups in the Quick Find box, then select Public Groups.
2. Click New, or click Edit next to the group you want to edit.
3. Enter the following information:
The name used to refer to the group in any user
interface pages.
The unique name used by the API and managed
Group Name (public groups only)
Select Grant Access Using Hierarchies to allow
automatic access to records using your role hierarchies.
When selected, any records shared with users in this
group are also shared with users higher in the hierarchy.
Deselect Grant Access Using Hierarchies if you’re
creating a public group with All Internal Users as
members, which optimizes performance for sharing
records with groups.
Grant Access Using
Hierarchies (public groups
Note: If Grant Access Using Hierarchies is
deselected, users that are higher in the role
hierarchy don’t receive automatic access.
However, some users—such as those with the
“View All” and “Modify All” object permissions
and the “View All Data” and “Modify All Data”
system permissions—can still access records
they don’t own.
From the Search drop-down list, select the type of
member to add. If you don’t see the member you want
to add, enter keywords in the search box and click Find.
Note: For account owners to see child records
owned by high-volume portal users, they must
be members of any portal share groups with
access to the portal users' data.
Create Public Groups for KnowledgeBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Select members from the Available Members box, and click Add to add them
to the group.
Selected Members
In this list, specify any delegated administration groups whose members can
add or remove members from this public group. Select groups from the
Selected Delegated Groups
Available Delegated Groups box, and then click Add. This list appears only
in public groups.
4. Click Save.
Note: When you edit groups, sharing rules are automatically reevaluated to add or remove access as needed. If these changes
affect too many records at once, a message appears warning that the sharing rules aren’t automatically reevaluated, and you
must manually recalculate them.
Now assign only the necessary actions to your groups so the selected members can perform their tasks while keeping the integrity of
your knowledge base.
Assign Article Actions to Public Groups
To create public groups and
assign them to article
•Customize Application
Manage Users
Manage Salesforce
Article actions allow agents to participate in the article publishing process. By default, all article
actions are assigned to users with the “Manage Articles” user permission. Agents can complete an
action as long as they have the correct article type permission. You can control article action access
by assigning public groups to article actions and adding agents the relevant public groups. To
further restrict actions like publishing, you can create approval processes that allow agents to publish
only those articles that have specific validation statuses. For example, many contributors can write
many articles but you can create an approval process so no articles are published until they are
reviewed and validated by a qualified author.
Note: Although you can add any user to a public group, only agents with the “Manage
Articles” user permission and the appropriate object permissions can perform article actions.
This table summarizes the article type permissions that are required for each article action.
DeleteEditReadCreateArticle Action
Publish Articles
Archive Articles
Delete Articles
Edit Published and Archived Articles
Submit Articles for Translation
Publish Translation
Edit Translation
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Article Actions in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge Article Actions.
2. Click Edit.
Assign Article Actions to Public GroupsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
3. For the action you want to assign, select the appropriate radio button and choose a public group.
If you don't modify an article action, all agents with the “Manage Articles” permission can perform that action.
4. Click OK and then click Save.
Note: Article action assignments are ignored when updating an article through SOQL.
Define Validation Status Picklist Values
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or change
validation status picklist
•Customize Application
When the Validation Status field is enabled on the Knowledge Settings page, you can
create picklist values that show the state of the article. For example, values could be Validated,
Not Validated, or Needs Review.
Note: In Salesforce Classic, validation status picklist values aren’t retained when you export
articles for translation. Articles with picklist values can be imported, however, and their values
are retained as long as the values exist in your organization.
1. From Salesforce Classic Setup, enter Validation Statuses in the Quick Find box,
then select Validation Statuses.
2. On the picklist edit page, click New to add new values to the validation status field. You can
also edit, delete, reorder, and replace picklist values.
When you replace a picklist value, the system replaces it in all versions of the article, including
any archived versions.
3. Add one or more picklist values (one per line) in the text area.
4. To set the value as the default for the picklist, be sure to select the Default checkbox.
5. Click Save.
Define Validation Status Picklist ValuesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Workflow and Approvals for Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To view workflow rules and
approval processes:
•View Setup and
To create or change
workflow rules and approval
•Customize Application
Ensuring that the content in your articles is accurate and helpful is foundational to getting accurate
information to those who need it most. Creating processes where Knowledge experts review,
validate, and approve articles for publication is critical to creating a trustworthy knowledge base.
Implementing approval processes with Salesforce Knowledge gives you additional control over the
content and publication of your articles.
Creating workflow rules and approval processes lets your organization automate many of the tasks
involved with managing its knowledge base. When implementing Salesforce Knowledge, you can
create workflow rules and approval processes for some or all the article types used by your
Workflow rules let you create email alerts, update fields, or send outbound API messages when an
article meets certain criteria. For example, you could create a workflow rule that sends an email
alert to the article owner when a new article is created from a case. Tasks are not supported by
article type workflow.
Approval processes automate the approval of articles. When implemented with Salesforce
Knowledge, approval processes give you additional control over the content of your articles and
the process used to approve them. For example, you can create a process that requires legal and
management teams to approve articles containing sensitive information.
Note: Tasks aren't available for article type workflow rules. For more information about
creating workflow rules, see Set the Criteria for Your Workflow Rule. For more information
about creating an approval process, see Create an Approval Process with the Standard Wizard.
1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select Workflow
Rules to access the workflow rules list page.
2. On the workflow rules list page, click New Rule.
3. Select the article type from the Select object drop-down list.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter a rule name. Optionally, enter a description for the rule.
6. Select the evaluation criteria and choose how criteria are met.
7. Enter criteria for the rule.
8. Click Save & Next.
9. Click Add Workflow Action, select the type of action for the rule, and enter the information required by the action.
10. Click Save.
11. Optionally, add a time-dependent workflow action by clicking Add Time Trigger. Provide time trigger information and then click
12. Click Done.
13. From Setup, enter Approval Processes in the Quick Find box, then select Approval Processes.
14. Choose the Approval Process Wizard.
Two wizards are available to help you through the approval setup process. Choose the one that better meets your requirements.
See Choose the Right Wizard to Create an Approval Process.
15. Provide a name, unique name, and description for the process.
Workflow and Approvals for ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
16. Specify criteria for entering the process.
For example, you could specify that if the article is published on a public site it requires approval: Visible on public site
equals True.
17. Specify approvers for the process.
Let the submitter choose the approver manually. (default)
Prompts the user to select the next approver.
Automatically assign an approver using a standard or custom hierarchy field.
Assigns the approval request to the user in the field displayed next to this option. You select this field when you configure the
approval process.
Automatically assign to a queue.
Available only for objects that support queues. Assigns approval requests to a queue.
Automatically assign to approver(s).
Assigns the approval request to one or more specific users, specific queues, or users related to the submitted record. You can
add up to 25 per step.
18. Select the email template that the process uses to notify approvers.
When an approval process assigns an approval request to a user, Salesforce automatically sends the user an approval request email.
The email contains a link to the approval page in Salesforce, where the agent can approve or reject the request and add comments.
19. Configure the approval request page layout.
The approver approves or rejects the article from this page. You can add as many fields to this page as you think your agents need
to reasonably assess an article's content. For example, you might choose to include information such as a summary of the article's
content, the product discussed, and the author's name.
20. Specify which users are allowed to submit articles for approval.
For example, for articles that require editing before approval, you could create a public group containing editors, and then specify
that only members of that group can submit articles for approval.
21. Activate the approval process.
Example: When an approval process is associated with an article type, agents with the “Manage Articles” permission might see
both the Publish... and Submit for Approval buttons from an article's detail page. Which buttons they see is determined by
both permissions and article actions. These agents can publish an article without submitting it for approval. To limit this ability to
certain users, assign the “Publish Articles” article action to a select group of users instead of giving it to all users with the “Manage
Articles” permission. The ability to publish articles without prior approval is governed by an approval process that is specific to
each user’s public group.
Keep the following in mind when creating approval processes for article types.
•Adding an approval process to an article type lets your organization ensure that the required reviewers approve the article before
it's published. When an approval process is enabled for an article's article type, the Approval History related list displays on the article
details page.
•When creating an approval process, change the final approval action to “Unlock the record for editing” to allow agents to publish
the article.
•Articles aren't published automatically at the end of an approval process. Agents must click Publish... to make the article available
in the publishing channels.
•When an approval process is associated with an article type, agents with the “Manage Articles” permission might see both the
Publish... and the Submit for Approval buttons on an article's detail page. (Which buttons they see is determined by both
permissions and article actions). These agents can publish an article without submitting it for approval. To prevent this from affecting
Workflow and Approvals for ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
many users, assign the “Publish Articles” article action to a limited group of users instead of giving it to all users with the “Manage
Articles” permission. For more information, see Assign Article Actions to Public Groups on page 54. You still need to make sure that
the users with direct publishing capability know which articles need approval before publication.
•Article approvers require the “Manage Articles” permission and at least the “Read” permission on the article type associated with
articles they review. These permissions let them access the article in a draft state. Without these permissions, approvers can reassign
but not approve articles.
•Workflow rules and approval processes apply to the “Draft to Publication” portion of the article publishing cycle. Workflow rules
aren’t available for archiving. Approval processes aren’t available for translation or archiving.
Note: When an article is published from the edit page, the article is first saved and then published. Workflow rules apply to
the saved draft article but not the published article.
•A user who only has read access to an article type can publish a draft article of that type if there is an approval process associated
to the article type and the approval process is complete (all the approvers have approved) but the article has not been published.
Create Knowledge Actions
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To enable Salesforce
Knowledge Actions:
•Customize Application
Knowledge actions are templates that link a workflow action to an article type. When knowledge
actions are enabled, you can use them to link article types to specific workflow article actions, such
as publishing. For example, if you want to have each FAQ published as a new version each time it
completes the approval process, you can create a knowledge action that links the FAQ article type
to the Publish as New action. Then, when you create an approval process for FAQs, select
the new Knowledge Action.
Important: When you create the approval process, make sure to change the final approval
action to Unlock the record for editing to let users publish the article.
1. From Setup, enter Knowledge Action in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge
2. Click New Knowledge Action.
3. Select the article type for the action. The workflow rules and approval process that you associate
with the action must belong to the same article type.
4. Enter a unique name for the knowledge action.
5. Select the type of action you want to apply to the article type. For example, Publish as
New publishes the article as a new version.
6. Enter a description.
7. Click Save.
The Knowledge Action detail page appears showing you the rules and approval processes that
use the knowledge action.
8. When you’re ready to use the knowledge action in an approval or workflow process, click
Activate on the Knowledge Action detail page.
Create Knowledge ActionsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To modify category groups
assignments in Salesforce
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles. Data categories are organized in
category group. After creating category groups, admins decide which groups to use for Salesforce
Knowledge articles. For example, if your org uses both the Answers and Salesforce Knowledge, you
might want one category group to be used by the answers community and two other category
groups for articles. Answers and articles can use the same category group. Authors can assign up
to eight data categories from one category group to an article so that users searching for articles
can find and filter by category. By default, all the category groups you create are assigned to
Salesforce Knowledge
1. From Setup, enter Data Category Assignments in the Quick Find box, then
select Data Category Assignments under Knowledge.
A list of all category groups appears.
2. Click Edit and move any category groups that you don't want available for articles from the
Selected Category Groups list to the Available Category Groups list.
Later, you can choose to make a hidden category group visible.
Note: The order of category groups is not preserved from the edit page to the data
category assignment page.
3. Click Save.
You receive an email after the save process completes. Authors can now assign categories in
the selected groups to articles on the Article Management tab. Authors can only access categories
if the category group is active and the author's data category visibility settings provide access
to the category.
Modify Default Category Group Assignments for ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Filter Articles with Data Category Mapping
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To map data category
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Make suggested articles more relevant when solving cases. Map case fields to data categories to
filter for articles assigned to those data categories. For example, cases with a field for which product
they are about can be mapped to the data category of that product. Articles assigned that category
or product, are filtered to the top of the suggested article list.
•Filtering articles based on case information is only supported in text and picklist fields.
•Filters are applied to Knowledge results after the case has been saved.
•Filters are applied after a Knowledge search and only to the articles returned in the search.
•Using Filters does not return a list of all articles that match the filter criteria. Instead, the
filters are applied to the initial pool of article results returned.
•Results may be filtered after a search.
•A category group can only be used once in a data category mapping.
•Suggested articles are returned if Suggest articles for cases
considering case content is enabled. When suggested articles is disabled,
search uses data category mappings. Case subject fields are used when there are no data
category mappings.
To implement data category mapping, select which case fields map to which data categories and
set a default data category for cases that have no value for the mapped fields.
For information on data categories, see Work with Data Categories.
1. From Setup, enter Data Category Mappings in the Quick Find box, then select
Data Category Mappings.
2. In the Case Field column, use the drop-down list to add a field.
3. In the Data Category Group column, use the drop-down list to map the information
from the lookup field to a data category.
4. In the Default Data Category column, use the drop-down list to assign a data category
when the field value does not match any categories from the category group.
5. Click Add.
Filter Articles with Data Category MappingBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Support Articles in Multiple Languages
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
With multiple languages for Salesforce Knowledge, you can lower support costs by translating
articles into the languages your audience prefers. After selecting your language settings, two
translation methods are available: translating articles in-house using the editing tool in the knowledge
base, or sending articles to a localization vendor. Different languages can use different methods.
For example, you may want to export articles to a vendor for French translations, but assign articles
to an internal Knowledge user for Spanish translations.
•Before you add languages to your knowledge base, decide for each language whether you
want to translate articles directly in Salesforce or export articles to a translation vendor.
Communicate your decision to the people involved in the translation process (authors, reviewers,
translation managers, publishers).
•When adding a language to your knowledge base, keep in mind that it can't be deleted; however,
you can hide a language by making it inactive. Deactivating a language means it no longer
appears as a choice in the New Article dialog or the Submit for Translation dialog. Also, if articles
are already published in the language, those articles are no longer visible to readers when the
language is deactivated.
•You can only add languages supported by Salesforce to your knowledge base.
•To hide translated articles for a specific language, deactivate the language by unchecking
Active on the Settings page.
Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
Reach a global audience by offering your knowledge base in multiple languages.
Export Articles for Translation
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Export Articles for Translation feature in
Import Translated Articles
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Import Article Translations feature in
Setup. You can only import articles that have been exported from the same Salesforce organization. For example, you can't export
articles from your test or sandbox organization and import them into your production organization.
Support Articles in Multiple LanguagesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Support a Multilingual Knowledge Base
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To set up multiple
languages for Salesforce
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Reach a global audience by offering your knowledge base in multiple languages.
1. In Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Knowledge
2. Click Edit.
3. Select Multiple Languages and add the languages you want to include in your
knowledge base.
Important: You can add the languages that your instance of Salesforce supports. But
you can't remove any languages that have been added to your knowledge base.
4. Choose which settings you want to apply to language.
Active languages appear in the New Article and Submit for
Translation dialog boxes.
The active/inactive status determines whether a published
article is visible. For example, if Spanish articles are published
to your partner portal and then you make Spanish an inactive
language, the articles no longer appear.
The default assignee is automatically assigned articles
submitted for translation. The default assignee can be either
an individual person or a queue.
Default Assignee
The default reviewer is automatically assigned finished
translations that are ready to be reviewed or published. The
default reviewer can be either an individual person or a queue.
Default Reviewer
5. Save your changes.
6. If you want, create queues to distribute and assign articles to groups of people who can either translate them or review the finished
translations. When setting up queues, use the Knowledge Article Version object.
Support a Multilingual Knowledge BaseBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Export Articles for Translation
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To export articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
To view articles:
•Read on the article type
To create articles:
•Read and Create on the
article type
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Export
Articles for Translation feature in Setup.
Place the articles to be translated in a translation queue. To enable the article export feature, create
one or more queues; authors and reviewers select the queue when they submit an article for
translation. Make sure that they know which queue to choose for which language.
Note: You can have up to 50 exports in 24 hours and a maximum of 15 pending exports
(exports that have not entered a final state such as Completed, Failed, or Canceled).
1. Create a translation queue with articles for translation.
2. On the Article Management tab, select the articles you want to translate, and click Submit for
3. In the dialog box, indicate which languages to translate the articles into and assign the
translations to their corresponding language translation queue.
4. From Setup, enter Export Articles for Translation in the Quick Find
box, then select Export Articles for Translation.
5. Select the queue that contains the articles you're exporting.
6. Select either:
•All articles to export every article in the queue.
•Updated articles to only export articles that have been modified or added.
7. Click Continue.
8. Select the source and target language pairs you want to export.
Important: Salesforce creates a separate .zip file for every article type in each language
pair. You must retain the .zip file structure for a successful import. For more information,
see Import Translated Articles on page 64.
9. To have the files reviewed or published after being translated, select a user or a queue.
10. Select the file character encoding.
•ISO-8859-1 (General US & Western European, ISO-LATIN-1)
•Unicode (UTF-8) default
•Japanese (Windows)
•Japanese (Shift_JIIS)
•Chinese National Standard (GB18030)
•Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
•Chinese Traditional (Big5)
•Unicode (UTF-16, Big Endian)
11. Select the delimiter for the .csv files.
The delimiter is the separator for columns when the file is converted to table form. Your options are tab (default) or comma.
Export Articles for TranslationBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
12. Click Export Now.
You’re notified by email when your export is complete. You can also check the status of your export by viewing the Article Import and
Export Queue. From Setup, enter Article Imports and Exports in the Quick Find box, then select Article Imports
and Exports.
Unzip the exported files, but retain the file structure for a successful import.
Import Translated Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To export articles:
•Manage Salesforce
Manage Articles
Manage Knowledge
Article Import/Export
To view articles:
•Read on the article type
To create articles:
•Read and Create on the
article type
If your organization sends Salesforce Knowledge articles to a vendor for translation, use the Import
Article Translations feature in Setup. You can only import articles that have been exported from the
same Salesforce organization. For example, you can't export articles from your test or sandbox
organization and import them into your production organization.
1. From Setup, enter Import Article Translations in the Quick Find box, then
select Import Article Translations.
2. Choose how Salesforce handles translations after they're imported.
Add imported translations to a queue from
which agents can review them.
Review imported translations
on the Article Management tab
before publishing
Publish imported translations without reviews.Publish translations
immediately on import
3. Select the language of the articles you're importing.
4. If you chose to have articles reviewed before publishing, select to send the files to a user or a
5. Click Browse, choose the translation .zip file to upload, and click Open.
You must place all the translation files (meaning, those exported from Salesforce and translated
by your vendor) in a folder whose name is the same as the language code. For example, put
French articles in an fr folder. Zip up this folder to create your import file.
Important: To import translated articles successfully, verify that the file structure and
their extensions match the file structure and extensions of files exported from Salesforce
Knowledge for translation. For example, if the target language is French, the file structure
begins as follows:
---[Article collateral, html, images, etc.]
6. Click Import Now.
If you have more translated articles to upload, repeat steps four through six.
Import Translated ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
7. Click Finish.
An email notification is sent to you when your import finishes. You can view the status of your import from Setup by entering Article
Imports and Exports in the Quick Find box, then selecting Article Imports and Exports.
Improve the Article Search Experience
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Enable search highlights and snippets, synonyms, promoted terms, topics, and keywords from cases
to improve your article search.
Search Highlights and Snippets
Quickly identify the best article and see how articles match your search terms with relevant text
and highlighted search terms in the search results.
Synonym Groups for Article Searches
Create synonym groups so words or phrases are treated equally in searches. When users search
Salesforce Knowledge articles, they find matches for all terms in a synonym group.
Manage Promoted Search Terms
From a single page, view, edit, and delete all the promoted search terms that are associated
with Salesforce Knowledge articles.
Enable Topics for Articles
With topics on articles, you can classify and search articles by assigning topics. Topics can be
added from the article view and detail pages. Suggested topics, which are only supported in
English, are terms extracted from the article, so that they are more concrete and precise than
a data category assignment. When searching, topics can be used to index the article, so the
matched articles are more relevant to keyword searches.
Use More Case Keywords to Find Articles
When searching articles from a case, by default, only the case title is used in the search. Often, you want to use information from the
case for more accurate search results, or create a custom search button.
Improve the Article Search ExperienceBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Search Highlights and Snippets
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Quickly identify the best article and see how articles match your search terms with relevant text
and highlighted search terms in the search results.
Search highlights and snippets give your agents and users context as to why the particular result
matched their search query. The relevant text appears below the title with the search terms in bold.
You can enable search highlights and snippets on the Salesforce Knowledge Settings page on page
Note: Search highlights and snippets are not generated for searches with wildcards.
Search highlights and snippets are generated from the following fields:
•Long text area
•Rich text area
•Text area
Search highlights and snippets aren’t generated from the following fields:
•Date Time
Note: If a snippet is not generated, the article’s summary field is shown instead.
Search Highlights and SnippetsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Synonym Groups for Article Searches
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Create synonym groups so words or phrases are treated equally in searches. When users search
Salesforce Knowledge articles, they find matches for all terms in a synonym group.
A search for one term in a synonym group returns results for all terms in the group. For example, if
you define a synonym group with these synonyms:
CRM, customer relationship management, Salesforce
then a search for customer relationship management matches articles that contain
customer relationship management and articles that contain CRM or Salesforce.
To create a custom synonym group, from Setup, enter Synonyms in the Quick Find box, then
select Synonyms. An org can create up to 10,000 synonym groups with up to six terms in each
Synonyms affect search behavior in the following ways:
If a search term is part of a synonym group, the search results list items that contain the search
term, followed by items that contain other terms in the synonym group.
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
fruit, oranges
Then a search for oranges matches a list of items containing oranges, followed by items
containing fruit.
Note: In the Article Management tab, if you sort the list by clicking a column header, the sort order, not priority, persists in
the current and additional searches.
If a wildcard is used in a search, the wildcard expands the search term, but the search doesn't match any synonyms, even if the
search phrase contains a defined synonym.
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
fruit, oranges, apples
cabbage, lettuce
Then a search for orang* lettuce matches items that contain orange and oranges, but doesn't match items that contain fruit,
apples, and cabbage.
If a search phrase contains an operator (AND/OR/AND NOT), synonym matches are returned only if the entire search phrase is a
defined synonym.
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
fruit, oranges and apples
vegetables, carrots
Then a search for oranges and apples returns matches for all items that contain the literal string oranges and apples and
items that contain the term fruit.
However, if the search phrase is fruit and vegetables, which is not a defined synonym, the search matches only those
items that contain both the terms, fruit and vegetables.
Synonym Groups for Article SearchesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
In this case, AND functions as an operator and synonym matches are not returned in the search results. In terms of this example,
items that contain a synonym of either fruit or vegetables (items that contain the term carrots or the phrase oranges and apples) are
not returned.
Exact phrase matches
If a defined synonym is within an exact phrase search, using quotation marks, the search doesn't treat it as a synonym.
Synonyms aren’t lemmatized in search results; instead, they are matched as an exact phrase. However, the search term is lemmatized.
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
quench, drink orange juice
Then a search for quench matches items that contain quench, quenched, quenching, and drink orange juice, but doesn't match
items that contain drinking orange juice.
Ignored words
Words that are normally ignored in searches, such as the, to, and for, are matched if the word is part of a defined synonym.
For example, if this synonym group is defined:
peel the orange, cut the apple
Then a search for peel the orange matches items that contain the exact string peel the orange.
Overlapping synonyms
If a search term consists of overlapping synonyms from different groups, the search matches synonyms in all the overlapping synonym
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
•orange marmalade, citrus
•marmalade recipe, sugar
Then a search for orange marmalade recipe matches items that contain orange marmalade, citrus, marmalade recipe, and
If one synonym group includes a synonym that is a subset of a synonym in another group, a search for the subset term doesn't
match items that contain synonyms from the subset synonym group.
For example, if these synonym groups are defined:
•orange, apple
•orange marmalade, citrus
•marmalade, jam
Then a search for orange marmalade matches items that contain orange marmalade and citrus, but doesn't match items that
contain apple or jam.
Synonym Groups for Article SearchesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Manage Promoted Search Terms
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, and delete
promoted search terms:
•Manage Promoted
Search Terms
From a single page, view, edit, and delete all the promoted search terms that are associated with
Salesforce Knowledge articles.
In Salesforce Classic, you can add promoted search terms to articles on the article’s detail page in
the Promoted Search Terms related list.
1. From Setup, enter Promoted Search Terms in the Quick Find box, then select Promoted
Search Terms.
2. To view which terms are assigned to an article, sort by the Article column.
3. To edit a term, click Edit in its row.
You can change the term only from this page, not the article it is assigned to.
4. To delete a term, click Delete in its row.
The term is deleted only from the article associated with this row, not from other articles.
5. Remember to save your changes.
Manage Promoted Search TermsBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Enable Topics for Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To enable topics:
•Customize Application
With topics on articles, you can classify and search articles by assigning topics. Topics can be added
from the article view and detail pages. Suggested topics, which are only supported in English, are
terms extracted from the article, so that they are more concrete and precise than a data category
assignment. When searching, topics can be used to index the article, so the matched articles are
more relevant to keyword searches.
Note: Contrary to data categories, topics added to an article are not transferred to the same
article in another language.
Topics for articles are enabled for each article type.
1. From Setup, enter Topics for Objects in the Quick Find box, then select Topics
for Objects.
2. Click the article type name where you want to enable topics.
3. Check Enable topics.
4. Select which fields you want to use for suggestions.
5. Click Save.
6. Via profile or permission set, under System Permissions, define which agents can assign, create,
delete, and edit topics.
Enable Topics for ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Use More Case Keywords to Find Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create or change custom
buttons or links and create
a Visualforce page:
•Customize Application
When searching articles from a case, by default, only the case title is used in the search. Often, you
want to use information from the case for more accurate search results, or create a custom search
Luckily, Salesforce Knowledge search pages accept other parameters:
•id=<case id>: The ID of the current case.
•search=<keywords>: The keywords to be searched.
•articleType_<article type dev name>=on: multiple parameters possible, article types to
select (if no article type is selected, then all article types are selected)
•ct_<data category group internal name>=<data category internal name>: multiple
parameters possible, filter pre-selection
To take advantage of those parameters, add a custom button to the case detail page containing a
few lines of javascript that extract keywords from the case and hide the default article search button.
Note: You can also create a custom article widget with support:caseArticle.
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Buttons, Links, and Actions.
2. Click New Button or Link.
3. Enter a unique Label, Name, and Description.
4. Select Detail Page Button for Display Type.
5. Select Execute JavaScript in the Behavior drop-down.
6. Select OnClick JaveScript in the Content Source drop-down.
7. Enter code for extracting case data and setting up parameters for the article search page.
For example:
// article search page URL
var url = '/knowledge/knowledgeHome.apexp';
// ID of the current case
url += '?id={!Case.Id}';
// use the case subject as the search keywords
url += '&search={!Case.Subject}';
// read case attributes
var caseType = '{!Case.Type}';
var caseProduct = '{!Case.Product__c}';
// if the case is of a certain type, select only 2 of the article types available
// in other cases, we keep the default behavior (all article types selected)
if (caseType=='Problem' || caseType=='Question') {
url += '&articleType_FAQ_kav=on';
url += '&articleType_How_To_kav=on';
Use More Case Keywords to Find ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
// preselect a data category for search results based on the category
var product = '';
if (caseProduct=='Home')
product = 'Home';
if (caseProduct=='SMB')
product = 'Small_and_Medium_Business';
if (caseProduct=='Large enterprise')
product = 'Large_Enterprise';
if (product.length>0)
url += '&ct_Products2=' + product;
// once the logic is executed, we go to the article search page
window.location = url;
8. Click Save.
9. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts.
10. Click Edit next to Case Layout.
11. Drag your custom button for article search into the case layout.
12. Click Save.
13. Create a Visualforce page named CaseDetailsWithoutStandardKBSearchButton with the following code:
<apex:page standardController="Case">
<style type="text/css">
div.knowledgeBlock input {display: none}
14. Back in the Buttons, Links, and Actions area for cases, click Edit next to View.
15. Select Visualforce Page in Override with.
16. Select CaseDetailsWithoutStandardKBSearchButton from the drop-down.
17. Click Save.
Use More Case Keywords to Find ArticlesBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Set Up the Knowledge One Widget
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To administer Salesforce
Knowledge and Salesforce
Console for Service:
•Customize Application
Manage Salesforce
Knowledge One is available as a widget that you can plug in to the Salesforce Console for Service
or Salesforce Console for Sales. If you are using the Knowledge tab, you get the same easy-to-use
interface for articles and external sources on cases and within the Salesforce Console for Service.
You can search, send, and create articles, all without leaving the case.
Of all the Salesforce Knowledge article widgets, the Knowledge One widget lets you:
•Attach a published Salesforce Knowledge article to the case in 1 click. In Salesforce Classic, you
can attach a document from an external data source to a case if Chatter is enabled.
•Share an article as a URL, if it is shared on a public channel.
•Email an article as a PDF, if it is shared on a public channel.
•Create and manage articles.
•Make adjustments based on your window width. In the console, in windows smaller than 600
pixels, the searchable objects are displayed in a drop-down menu.
Note: The article widget in a case feed search doesn’t necessarily use the agent’s language.
If the agent’s language isn’t a Salesforce Knowledge supported language but their locale
language is, the locale language is the search language. If neither the agent’s language nor
local language are supported, the search language is the default Salesforce Knowledge
language, which you can find and set on the Knowledge Settings page.
1. From the object management settings for cases, go to Page Layouts and open your case page
layout for edit.
2. Ensure the Email quick action is in the case page layout.
Without the Email quick action, you can’t send articles via email.
a. Select Quick Actions in the left-hand menu.
b. Drag Email to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic
Publisher line.
3. Disable previous article sidebar components.
•To disable the Knowledge sidebar, click Layout Properties and ensure Knowledge
Sidebar is unchecked.
•To disable the case feed article tool, click Feed View and ensure Use Case Feed Article Tool in the Console
is unchecked.
4. In the page layout editor, click Custom Console Components.
5. In the sidebar where you want the Knowledge One widget, select Knowledge One in the Type drop down and set the sidebar
Email quick action to be added to the Case page layout in order to show up
Tip: If you can’t see the Knowledge One sidebar, increase its width to 250 (height to 150) in the page layout. These are the
minimum measurements for the Knowledge One sidebar to display properly.
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance
Decide which Salesforce Knowledge article widget is best for your organization.
Set Up the Knowledge One WidgetBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a Glance
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Decide which Salesforce Knowledge article widget is best for your organization.
Knowledge One
Article Case
Feed Widget
Article WidgetDoes the widget...
YesNoYesFilter on data category
YesNoNoCreate an article
YesNoNoSearch an external object
YesNoNoAccess your draft articles
YesYesYesAttach an article to a case
YesYesNoSend an article as a PDF
YesYesNoShare an article’s public URL
YesNoNoAdjust with the window size
YesNoNoHave more than one way to
suggest articles
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a GlanceBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Article Widget
Article Case Feed Widget
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a GlanceBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Knowledge One Widget
Compare Article Widgets for Cases at a GlanceBuild Your Knowledge Base in Salesforce Classic
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, or delete
•Manage Articles
Create, Read, Edit, or
Delete on the article type
To publish or archive
•Manage Articles
Create, Read, Edit, and
Delete on the article type
To submit articles for
•Manage Articles
Create, Read, and Edit
on the article type
To submit articles for
•Permissions vary
depending on the
approval process
The Article Management tab is your home page for working with articles throughout the publishing
cycle as they are created, assigned to collaborators, translated, published, archived, and deleted.
Agent’s need the correct permissions on an article's article type and article actions to complete
some tasks. For more information see, Assign Article Actions to Public Groups.
To specify which articles appear in the list view, use the following options in the sidebar:
•In the View area, select Draft Articles, Published Articles, or Archived Articles. You can filter draft
articles by those assigned to you or those assigned to anyone (all draft articles for your
•If applicable, click the Translations tab in the View area, and select Draft Translations or Published
Translations. You can filter draft translations by those assigned to you, those assigned to a
translation queue, or those assigned to anyone (all draft translations in your organization).
•To refine the current view, first select an article language filter and then enter a keyword or
phrase in the Find in View field. The Find in View field is inactivated for archived
•In the Filter area, choose a category from a drop-down menu to filter the current view.
To modify which columns display, click Columns. The following columns are available depending
on what is selected in the view area:
All articles and translationsDisplays the actions available
for the article or translation.
Published and archived articles
and published translations
Average ratings from users of
your internal Salesforce
organization, Customer Portal,
partner portal, and your public
knowledge base.
All User Ratings
Archived articlesDate the article was archived.Archived Date
All articles and translationsUnique number automatically
assigned to the article.
Article Number
All articlesClick to view the article.Article Title
Draft articles and translationsThe user who is assigned work
on the article.
Assigned to
Draft articles and translationsInstructions for the assignment.Assignment Details
Draft articles and translationsDate to complete work on the
article. If the date has passed, it
displays in red.
Assignment Due Date
Draft articles and translationsDate the article was written.Created Date
Published and archived articles
and published translations
Average ratings from users on
the Customer Portal and the
public knowledge base.
Customer Ratings
Work with Articles and Translations
Draft and published translationsThe language an article is translated into.Language
Draft and published translationsThe date and type of the last action taken
on a translation.
Last Action
Draft articles and translationsLast person to update the article.Last Modified by
All articles and translationsLast date the article was edited.Last Modified Date
Published and archived articles and
published translations
Average views from users of your internal
Salesforce organization, Customer Portal,
partner portal, and your public knowledge
Most Viewed by all Users
Published and archived articles and
published translations
Average views from users on the Customer
Portal and the public knowledge base.
Most Viewed by Customers
Published and archived articles and
published translations
Average views from users on the partner
portal and the public knowledge base.
Most Viewed by Partners
Published and archived articles and
published translations
Average ratings from users of your partner
portal and public knowledge base.
Partner Ratings
Published articles and translationsDate the article was published.Published Date
Draft and published translationsThe original article before translation. Click
the article title to view the article.
Source Article
Draft and published translationsThe title of the translated article. Click the
translation title to edit the translation.
Translated Article
Articles submitted for translationStatus in the translation cycle. Hover over
the icon to view the status for each
Translation Status
translation. If a translation has been
published, there are separate tabs for draft
and published translations.
All articlesThe article's type, such as FAQ or Product
Description, that determines what
information the article contains.
All articles and translations, when enabledShows whether the content of the article
has been validated.
Validation Status
All articlesThe article’s version. Hover over the version
number to view details about other versions
of the article.
On the Article Management tab, you can:
•Find an article or translation by entering a search term or using the category drop-down menu.
•Create an article by clicking New.
Work with Articles and Translations
•Publish an article or translation by selecting it and clicking Publish.... If you have the “Publish Articles” article action and an approval
process is set up for an article, you see both Publish... and Submit for Approval buttons.
•Modify an article or translation by clicking Edit next to it.
•See how an article or translation appears for end users by clicking Preview next to it. From the Channel drop-down menu you
can choose any channel where an article is visible except the public knowledge base.
Note: Voting and Chatter information is not available when previewing a Knowledge article.
•See a list of an article’s or translation’s other versions by clicking its version number.
•Change the owner of an article or translation by selecting it and clicking Assign....
Note: All draft articles must have an assignee.
•Send an article or translation to the Recycle Bin by selecting it and clicking Delete.
•Archive a published article or translation by selecting it and clicking Archive....
•Submit articles for translation by selecting them and clicking Submit for Translation. You can set dues dates for each language
and assign it to another agent or a queue for export to a translation vendor.
•Go directly to the Setup pages for exporting and importing articles for translation with Export Articles for Translation and Import
Article Translations in the Related Links area.
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
Use a single search to find all your resources at once.
Create and Edit Articles
You can create or edit an article from the Knowledge tab or Article Management tab. If you’re creating an article, you may need to
select the article type and language. If you’re editing a published article or translation, choose whether to leave it published while
you work on a draft copy, or whether to remove the original article from publication and work on it directly. If you work on a copy,
publishing the copy replaces the last published version of the article. If you work on the original article, it is unavailable in the channels
until you republish it.
Publish Articles and Translations
Publishing articles and translations makes them visible in all channels selected. If you publish an article that has translations, all
translations of the article are published as well.
Translate Articles in Classic Knowledge
If your organization translates Classic Knowledge articles internally, you can enter the translation from the translation detail page.
Archive Articles and Translations
Archiving removes published articles and translations that are obsolete so they no longer display to agents and customers on your
organization's Salesforce Knowledge channels.
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions
Article versions allow you to save an older version of a published article and then see which version of the article is associated with
a case. To save the previous version, select the Flag as new version checkbox when publishing a new version. The previously
published version is saved and the new version is published with the next sequential version number as an identifier.
Delete Articles and Translations
You can delete articles and translations on the Article Management tab or the detail page of the article or translation. Deleting
permanently removes articles from the knowledge base. You can delete draft articles, draft translations of articles, or archived articles,
but not published articles or translations.
Work with Articles and Translations
Articles or Knowledge Tab
Find out which Salesforce Knowledge tab you are using and what you can do on each.
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge Tab
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Read on the article typeTo view articles:
Manage Articles
Read and Create on the article type
To create articles:
Manage Articles
Read and Edit on the article type
To edit draft articles:
Manage Articles
Create, Read, and Edit on the article type
To edit published or archived articles:
Manage Articles
Read, Edit, and Delete on the article type
To delete a draft, published, or archived
Customize ApplicationTo create and edit external data sources:
Use a single search to find all your resources at once.
1. Enter your search terms in the Search box.
You can use search wildcards and operators in your search terms. If your organization has any auto-complete options enabled, you
can select from the suggestions.
Note: In the auto-complete drop-down, article titles have a paper icon while the keywords have a magnifying glass icon.
2. Click the search icon or press Enter on your keyboard.
3. Optionally, select filters to refine your search results.
Depending on the source you are searching, filter by language, data category, article status, article type, and article validation. Click
Reset to return all filters to their default setting.
•When All is selected, you can filter by language and data category, depending on what your organization supports.
•When Articles or My Draft is selected you can filter by:
–Article status: Published, Draft, and Draft Translations
–Language: Values depend on those supported in your org
–Data categories: Values depend on those created in your org
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge TabWork with Articles and Translations
–Article type: Values depend on those created in your org
–Validation Status: No Filter (all articles), Not Validated (articles that are not validated), Validated (validated articles), and any
other values supported in your org such as in review
•When an external source is selected, there are no filters, and the general article information displayed is controlled by your
external object search layout.
4. For articles, you can sort by:
•Published Date
•Best Rating
•Most Viewed
•Title: A to Z
•Title: Z to A
5. View information by clicking the article or external source title. Below the title you can find general article information such as: new
article indication, article number, article type, validation status, last published date, article view comparison, and article rating
6. Use the drop down by each article to follow or unfollow, edit, publish, and delete an article, depending on your permissions.
Promote Articles in Search Results
Associate keywords with articles to optimize search results in Salesforce Knowledge. Users who search for these keywords see the
article first in their search results. Promoted search terms are useful for promoting an article that you know is commonly used to
resolve a support issue when a user’s search contains certain keywords.
Article Search Results
How search works for articles depends on your use of search options, search terms, wildcards, and operators. Salesforce Knowledge
search uses the same custom search algorithms that are available throughout Salesforce, which include mechanisms such as
tokenization, lemmatization, and stopword lists, to return relevant search results.
Search Articles and External Sources on the Knowledge TabWork with Articles and Translations
Promote Articles in Search Results
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create, edit, and delete
promoted search terms:
•Manage Promoted
Search Terms
Associate keywords with articles to optimize search results in Salesforce Knowledge. Users who
search for these keywords see the article first in their search results. Promoted search terms are
useful for promoting an article that you know is commonly used to resolve a support issue when
a user’s search contains certain keywords.
Note: You can add promoted search terms to articles in Salesforce Classic only. Articles are
promoted in search results in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience.
Articles must be in published status for you to manage their promoted terms.
1. In the Article Management tab, select Published Articles in the View section, and then click
the title of the published article that you want to promote for a search term.
2. In the Promoted Search Terms related list, click New Promoted Term.
3. Enter the keywords that you want to associate with the article.
•You can associate the same term with multiple articles. If the user’s search matches the
promoted term, all associated articles are promoted in search results, ordered by relevancy.
•The maximum number of characters per promoted term is 100. For best results matching
users’ search terms, limit each promoted term to a few keywords.
4. Click Save.
Example: For example, if an article addresses a common support issue such as login
problems, you can associate the terms password and password change. Article
search matches a promoted term whenever all keywords within the term occur within the
user’s search terms, in any sequence. Each keyword must match exactly. For example:
•The promoted term password matches a search for change password.
•The promoted term password change matches a search for how do I change my
password but doesn’t match forgot password.
•The promoted term password doesn’t match a search for change passwords.
Consider these limitations and general limits when you use promoted search terms.
•Your organization can create a maximum of 2,000 promoted terms. For best results, use them selectively, which means create a
limited number of promoted terms and a limited number of promoted articles per term.
•If your organization translates articles into multiple languages, each promoted term is associated with one article version and the
article version’s language. If you need equivalent promoted terms to be associated with each translation, you must specify promoted
terms for each translation. For example, associate change password with an English language article version and changer mot de
passe with a French language article version.
•The end user’s language setting determines the scope of the article search. Search results exclude article versions and any associated
promoted terms that are not in the user’s language.
Promote Articles in Search ResultsWork with Articles and Translations
Article Search Results
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
the Unlimited Edition with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
How search works for articles depends on your use of search options, search terms, wildcards, and
operators. Salesforce Knowledge search uses the same custom search algorithms that are available
throughout Salesforce, which include mechanisms such as tokenization, lemmatization, and stopword
lists, to return relevant search results.
Many factors influence the order in which articles appear in the results list. Salesforce evaluates
your search terms and your data to move more relevant matches higher in your list of results. Some
of these factors include:
When you don’t specify an operator in your article search, the search engine determines the
best operator to use.
Many searches use “AND” as the default operator. When you search for multiple terms, all the
terms must match to generate a result. Matching on all terms tends to produce search results
that are more relevant than searches using the “OR” operator, where matches on any of the
search query terms appear in the results.
If the search engine doesn’t return any results that match all the terms, it looks for matches
using the “OR” operator. With the “OR” operator, the search engine boosts documents that
contain more terms from the search query, so that they appear higher in the results list.
This algorithm calculates the frequency with which a term appears within each article. The
algorithm then weighs them against each other to produce the initial set of search results.
Articles that are frequently viewed or that are frequently attached to cases appear higher in the results. Article ownership and recent
activity also boost an article in the results list.
Proximity of Terms
Articles that contain all the keywords in a search are ranked highest, followed by articles with fewer keywords, followed by articles
with single keyword matches. Terms that are closer together in the matched document, with few or no intervening words, are ranked
higher in the list.
Exact Matches
Matches on exact keywords are ranked higher than matches on synonyms or lemmatized terms.
Title Field
If any search terms match words in an article title, the article is boosted in the search results.
Token Sequence
If the search term is broken up into multiple tokens because it contains both letters and numbers, the system boosts results based
on the same sequence of tokens. That way, exact matches are ranked higher than matches on the tokens with other tokens in
Article Search ResultsWork with Articles and Translations
Create and Edit Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
You can create or edit an article from the Knowledge tab or Article Management tab. If you’re
creating an article, you may need to select the article type and language. If you’re editing a published
article or translation, choose whether to leave it published while you work on a draft copy, or
whether to remove the original article from publication and work on it directly. If you work on a
copy, publishing the copy replaces the last published version of the article. If you work on the
original article, it is unavailable in the channels until you republish it.
Note: When applying categories, choose the categories that a user would naturally look for
as they navigate. Users only find an article if they select its explicitly applied category, the
parent of that category, or a child of that category.
Once your article is complete, you can assign it to another agent to edit or review the article, publish
the article directly, or submit the article for approval. If you have the “Publish Articles” article action
and an approval process is set up for an article, you'll see both Publish... and Submit for Approval
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Smart linking from one article to another.
Create and Edit ArticlesWork with Articles and Translations
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create articles:
•Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type
Smart linking from one article to another.
Note: Smart links in communities must use the Article Content component. Custom
components don't allow smart links to resolve properly.
Smart links automatically adjust when the name or URL of an article is changed. For example, when
the URL Name of an article is changed, Salesforce Knowledge automatically updates the article’s
URL based on the channel, adds the site prefix for a public knowledge base, and adds the community
name for the community portal. There are two ways to create a smart link in the rich text editor to
a Salesforce Knowledge article within another article:
•Search for the article.
•Enter the article URL.
•Insert Smart Links into Articles in Lightning Knowledge
Important: For legacy Knowledge subscriptions, smart links are based on the channels they
are in. Therefore, legacy customers can’t add a smart link to an article in another channel. For
example, an article on a public knowledge base can’t link to an article only published on
internal channels. For new Knowledge customers, every article is part of an internal channel
and this qualification does not apply.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles Through Search
Smart linking from one article to another using the Link Article dialog in the rich text editor.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles with URLs
Smart linking from one Salesforce Knowledge article to another by manually entering the article
URL in the rich text editor.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge ArticlesWork with Articles and Translations
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles Through Search
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create articles:
•Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type
Smart linking from one article to another using the Link Article dialog in the rich text editor.
When creating or editing an article, you can use a keyword search to create a smart link in a rich
text area field.
1. Place your cursor where you’d like to place the link.
Click the link icon, .
The Link Article dialog appears.
3. Optionally, select which language to search.
If no language is selected, Salesforce Knowledge returns those articles in your knowledge base’s
default language that are related to your keyword search.
4. Optionally, select the publish status type to search.
•Online (default if no publish status is selected)
•Draft translations (if your knowledge base supports multiple languages)
5. Enter article keywords into the search bar.
6. Click the search icon at the end of the search bar.
The top 20 related articles display.
7. Select the article to reference in a smart link from the article list.
Important: For legacy Knowledge subscriptions, smart links are based on the channels
they are in. Therefore, legacy customers can’t add a smart link to an article in another
channel. For example, an article on a public knowledge base can’t link to an article only
published on internal channels. For new Knowledge customers, every article is part of an
internal channel and this qualification does not apply.
8. Optionally, click Go to Article to view the article in another window and ensure that it is the correct reference.
9. Optionally, click the Target tab and select where the referenced article displays.
•Not Set: Opens the linked article in the same frame as it was clicked.
•Frame: Opens the linked article in a designated frame.
•New Window (_blank): Opens the linked article in a new window or tab.
•Topmost Window (_top): Opens the linked article in the full body of the window.
•Same Window (_self): Opens the linked article in the same frame as it was clicked.
•Parent Window (_parent): Opens the linked article in the parent frame.
10. Click OK.
Note: Smart links add more characters than what is displayed. If you see an error that you have surpassed the character limit,
have your administrator increase the limit.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge ArticlesWork with Articles and Translations
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge Articles with URLs
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To create articles:
•Manage Articles
Read and Create on the
article type
Smart linking from one Salesforce Knowledge article to another by manually entering the article
URL in the rich text editor.
When creating or editing an article, you can manually create a smart link in a rich text area field.
1. Highlight the content or place your cursor where you’d like to place the link.
Click the link icon, .
3. Select Link Type URL.
4. Select Protocol <other>.
5. Enter the article URL as: /articles/[language]/[articleType]/[URLName].
For example, for an English article in a multiple language knowledge base, of article type FAQ,
with a URL Name of About-Passwords the article URL is:
/articles/en_US/FAQ/About-Passwords. Add a language only if your Salesforce
Knowledge base supports multiple languages.
Important: For legacy Knowledge subscriptions, smart links are based on the channels
they are in. Therefore, legacy customers can’t add a smart link to an article in another
channel. For example, an article on a public knowledge base can’t link to an article only
published on internal channels. For new Knowledge customers, every article is part of an
internal channel and this qualification does not apply.
6. Optionally, click the Target tab and select where the referenced article displays.
•Not Set: Opens the linked article in the same frame as it was clicked.
•Frame: Opens the linked article in a designated frame.
•New Window (_blank): Opens the linked article in a new window or tab.
•Topmost Window (_top): Opens the linked article in the full body of the window.
•Same Window (_self): Opens the linked article in the same frame as it was clicked.
•Parent Window (_parent): Opens the linked article in the parent frame.
7. Click OK.
Note: Smart links add more characters than what is displayed. If you see an error that you have surpassed the character limit,
have your administrator increase the limit.
Smart Links to Salesforce Knowledge ArticlesWork with Articles and Translations
Publish Articles and Translations
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Publishing articles and translations makes them visible in all channels selected. If you publish an
article that has translations, all translations of the article are published as well.
You can publish an article or translation from the Article Management tab or the article’s or
translation’s detail page. To publish in Classic Knowledge, you need the publish permission on an
article's article type and the “Publish Articles” or “Publish Translated Articles” article action to publish
an article or translation. To publish in Lightning Knowledge, you need the associated User Profile
When publishing articles keep the following in mind.
•You can choose to publish directly or schedule publishing for a future date. Articles you
scheduled for publication later continue to appear in the Draft Articles filter, now with the
pending icon ( ) next to the article title. To see the publication date, hover over the icon.
Tip: To cancel a scheduled publication, click Cancel Publication on the article or
translation detail or edit page.
•An article in an approval process might be sent to a queue to be published even if it is scheduled
to publish immediately. This happens when the article is very large, there are many active
languages, or there are many other articles to publish at that time. To mitigate performance
issues, the article is sent to a queue until it can be published successfully, usually within minutes.
Also, note that the Last Modified By field shows Automated Process as the last user
to modify the article.
•If the draft being published is a working copy of a currently published article, it is published as a new version of the original.
•For articles and translations that have already been published, select the Flag as new version checkbox to make the new
article icon ( ) display next to your article in the selected channels. Readers from these channels can see that this article has been
modified since the last time they’ve read it. This checkbox is not available when you publish an article for the first time, as the icon
displays by default for new articles.
•If you assign an article that is scheduled for publication, you also cancel the scheduled publication.
•Scheduling a publication removes any assignment information. The user who scheduled the publication is assigned to the article.
•Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles simultaneously. Depending on who performs the
action first, the articles will not be available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles list.
Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
•If you have the “Publish Articles” article action and an approval process is set up for an article, you see both Publish... and Submit
for Approval buttons.
Table 1: Publishing Actions Available in Translated Articles
Translated Article Version Where Action is ExposedAction
Draft Master, Draft TranslationAssign
Draft Master, Published MasterSubmit for Translation
Draft Master, Draft TranslationPublish
Published MasterArchive
Draft Master, Draft TranslationEdit
Publish Articles and TranslationsWork with Articles and Translations
Translated Article Version Where Action is ExposedAction
Published MasterEdit as Draft
Draft Master, Draft TranslationDelete
Draft MasterChange Record Type
Draft MasterSubmit for Approval
Translate Articles in Classic Knowledge
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
To work with translated
•Manage Articles
Create, Read, Edit, or
Delete on the article type
(depending on the
If your organization translates Classic Knowledge articles internally, you can enter the translation
from the translation detail page.
Depending on the status of your translation and the article actions assigned to you, you can do the
following from the translation detail page.
Article StatusDescriptionAction
To archive a translation, archive
its master article.
Archiving removes published
translations that are obsolete
so they no longer display to
agents and customers on your
organization's Salesforce
Knowledge channels.
Draft translationsAssigning changes the owner
of the translation.
Draft translationsDeleting a translation
permanently removes it from
the knowledge base.
Note: You can't
undelete a draft
Draft and published
Editing modifies the
translation's content or
Draft and published
Previewing shows how the
translation appears to end
Note: Voting and
Chatter information is
not available when
previewing a
Knowledge article.
Translate Articles in Classic KnowledgeWork with Articles and Translations
Article StatusDescriptionAction
Draft translationsPublishing translations makes them visible
in all channels selected.
1. Click the Article Management tab and select Translations in the View area.
2. Select Draft Translations.
Note: You can also edit a published translation. It reverts to draft status until you republish it, although you can choose to
keep the existing version published while you update it.
3. Optionally, change the Assigned To filter to view articles that are not assigned to you for translation.
For example, you might want to view articles assigned to a translation queue.
4. Click Edit next to the article and language you want to translate.
5. Enter your translation.
6. Click Save.
Archive Articles and Translations
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Archiving removes published articles and translations that are obsolete so they no longer display
to agents and customers on your organization's Salesforce Knowledge channels.
You can archive published articles and translations on the Article Management tab. You can choose
to archive either real time (now) or schedule the archival.
Articles you're archiving now move directly to the Archived Articles view. Articles you scheduled
for archiving later continue to display on the Published Articles view, now with the pending icon
( ). Hover over the icon to see the archive date. On the archive date, the article automatically
moves to the Archived Articles view.
•Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles
simultaneously. Depending on who performs the action first, the articles will not be
available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles
list. Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
•If you edit a published article that is scheduled for archiving, you also cancel the archiving.
•If an article has a published translation with a draft version, on archive, the draft version
is deleted. Published translations are archived along with the article.
Tip: To cancel a scheduled archive, click Cancel Archive on the article detail page.
Archive Articles and TranslationsWork with Articles and Translations
Salesforce Knowledge Article Versions
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Article versions allow you to save an older version of a published article and then see which version
of the article is associated with a case. To save the previous version, select the Flag as new
version checkbox when publishing a new version. The previously published version is saved
and the new version is published with the next sequential version number as an identifier.
When an article is attached to a case and a new version of the article is published, the version
attached to the case as being outdated. For example, if Version 2 is attached to a case and a third
version is published, the article attached to the case becomes Version 2 (outdated). This notation
ensures that there is a permanent record of which content was associated with the case.
When you click the version number in the Article View, and the Article or Translation Detail pages,
you see the Version History list. In this list you can:
•View the list of archived versions.
•To view a version, click its title.
•Expand the version to view its field change history (if you have history tracking enabled for the
article type and for fields).
By default, the system stores up to ten versions of an article, plus any versions that are attached to
When several versions of an article exist, you can restore an older version and republish it. Click
Revert to Draft Version to copy the archived version’s content into a draft article, then
republish it as a new version. You can also restore the older version of any associated translations
at the same time.
Note: When there is an existing draft for the article, the option to revert isn’t available.
You can delete an older, outdated version of a published article by selecting Delete This Version from the article detail page.
If you delete an article version associated to a case, it is no longer be attached to the case. Translated article versions depend on the
master language article. If the master language version is deleted, the translated versions are also deleted.
Versions also appear in custom reports, allowing you to find and read the article version attached to a case.
Salesforce Knowledge Article VersionsWork with Articles and Translations
Delete Articles and Translations
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
orgs) and Lightning
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in Essentials and
Unlimited Editions with
Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
You can delete articles and translations on the Article Management tab or the detail page of the
article or translation. Deleting permanently removes articles from the knowledge base. You can
delete draft articles, draft translations of articles, or archived articles, but not published articles or
•To delete published article and translations, first remove them from publication by
choosing edit or archive.
•When a user without delete access cancels the editing on published article, the newly
created article draft is not deleted automatically.
Deleting articles moves them to the Recycle Bin, where you can undelete them if you change your
mind. If you delete an article with translations, the translations are also moved to the Recycle Bin.
However, if you delete a single translation, you can't undelete it. Deleting an article or translation
may fail if another user or the system simultaneously modifies it while the deletion is being processed.
You receive an error message when this occurs.
•Conflicts might occur when different agents perform actions on the same articles
simultaneously. Depending on who performs the action first, the articles will not be
available for subsequent users though the articles still display momentarily in the articles
list. Performing an action on these articles results in a conflict error.
•If you delete a draft article that is a working copy of a currently published article, the
original published version is not affected but the draft version is permanently removed.
It does not go to the Recycle Bin. You can edit the published version to work again on a
draft copy.
•When a user without delete access cancels editing a published article, the newly created
article draft is not deleted automatically.
Delete Articles and TranslationsWork with Articles and Translations
Articles or Knowledge Tab
Available in: Salesforce
Classic (not available in all
Salesforce Knowledge is
available in the Unlimited
Edition with Service Cloud.
Salesforce Knowledge is
available for an additional
cost in: Professional,
Enterprise, Performance,
and Developer Editions. For
more information, contact
your Salesforce
Find out which Salesforce Knowledge tab you are using and what you can do on each.
There are two tabs for searching Salesforce Knowledge articles: the Knowledge tab or the Articles
tab. The one you use depends on when your organization started using Salesforce Knowledge or
if it adopted the Knowledge tab.
The Knowledge tab
If the search bar is at the top of the main frame of the page you are using the Knowledge One on
the Knowledge tab.
The Knowledge tab merges functionality of the old Articles tab and the Article Management tab and uses federated search to search all
your resources at once. On the Knowledge tab, you can:
•Search all your Salesforce Knowledge articles and any of your external data sources, such as Microsoft® SharePoint®.
•Filter articles by language and data categories.
•Sort articles by published date, rating, most viewed, and title.
•Use the Create Article drop-down to select an article type and create an article.
•Use the drop-down by each article to follow or unfollow, edit, publish, and delete an article, depending on your permissions.
Note: For information on article permissions see Classic Knowledge User Access on page 45.
Also, when you use case feed, the Knowledge tab layout is applied to the article sidebar.
Note: Community members without the Knowledge One permission cannot access Knowledge through Communities. They also
can’t access Knowledge in communities via Salesforce mobile web, Salesforce for Android, or Salesforce for iOS.
To switch to the Knowledge One and the Knowledge tab, have your administrator add the Knowledge One permission to your
profile or permission set.
The Articles tab
If the search bar is in the left-side panel of the page you are using the Articles tab.
Articles or Knowledge TabWork with Articles and Translations
articles 91
article versions 92
articles 92
Article Translations
import 64
Article types
adding sections to layout 26
assigning templates to channels 33
creating fields 19
delete 35
field-level security 24
managing 16
rearranging fields on layout 26
archive 91
archived versions 92
create 85
CSV file for importing to Salesforce Knowledge 37
deleting 93
edit 85
export status 44
history 32
import status 44
importing 35
importing parameters for Salesforce Knowledge 42
manage 77
modify 85
preparing articles for import to Salesforce Knowledge 36
publish 89
search 81
See also Article types 5, 7, 56
See also Salesforce Knowledge 5, 7, 56
topics 65, 70
track changes 32
translate 90
validation status 31, 55
versions 92
zip file for importing 43
search Salesforce Knowledge articles 65, 71
creating KCS groups 53
Custom fields
File field 20
Salesforce knowledge 86
Salesforce Knowledge 20, 87–88
articles 63
Salesforce Knowledge status 44
External sources
search 81
Field-level security
in Article Types 24
audit 32
history 32
track changes 32
article translations into Salesforce Knowledge 64
articles into Salesforce Knowledge 35
CSV file for importing articles to Salesforce Knowledge 37
importing parameters for Salesforce Knowledge 42
preparing articles for import to Salesforce Knowledge 36
Salesforce Knowledge status 44
zip file for importing articles into Salesforce Knowledge 43
Knowledge 53, 66, 84
Knowledge actions
activating 58
creating 58
Knowledge user
creating 45
See also Article types 26
validation status 31, 55
Promoted Search Terms
administer 65, 69
manage 83
Public knowledge base
prerequisites 7
articles 89
translations 89
Salesforce Console for Service
article widget 73
article widgets 74
Salesforce Knowledge
about multiple languages 61
article widget 73
article widgets 74
Articles tab 94
available field types 20
choosing the channel display 33
create approval processes 56
create users 7
create workflow rules 56
creating fields for article types 19
CSV file for importing 37
default language 9
export articles for translation 63
get started 7
getting started 5
hiding data category groups 59
import article translations 64
importing articles 35
importing parameters 42
Knowledge One 13–14, 94
Knowledge tab 13–14, 94
modifying the article type layout 26
multiple languages 62
permissions 45
preparing articles for import 36
public article URLs 30
Salesforce Knowledge (continued)
restrict article manager access 54
search articles from cases 65, 71
See also Public knowledge base 5, 7, 56
send article content in email 28
set up 7, 56
setting up 5, 45
smart links 86–88
tab visibility 5, 7
tips and tricks 25, 71
translate articles 90
video links 25
view export status 44
view import status 44
zip file for importing articles 43
articles 81
external sources 81
Salesforce Knowledge 81
search algorithm 84
search highlights 66
smart links
Salesforce Knowledge 86–88
search behavior 65, 67
articles 65, 70
articles in Salesforce Knowledge 90
translations 91
archive 91
publish 89
video links
Salesforce Knowledge 25
Knowledge 58