BUTLER 1800T Seq 9
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LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING,' JUNE tgos'. 3, 9 P. M«s*lck~Lot », Übcr tract $1 Catherln* Jr., to L. $l# subdivision i MARINE NEWS . M.Montrose Wicks Sam Kahn-Lot Anna Plrch to same-Part lot 8. block 8, $10 tract 6, Raymond Imp. Co. tract $1 Chapman, Chapman Jennie 8. Pedro Shipping Suburban Anna M. Gleftnon to same— Part lots 6 John fl. $1 to Kdward Balderon-»Lots 15 and 16, W. V. and (I, Ttnnb nubdlvlston ARRIVED $600 lot 6. KHlen trsct Kathryne O'Neill to same-Part FOR SALE— DOLQEVILLB. $t Hrlgldn Zobeleln to Mrs. M:B. Brown- ovrnincf Whlttler, Ban Francisco. Three lota on Cnrroll avenue, being N. vision o( lot 6, block F, H. 8 $10 block <», Raymond Villa tract 9, block 4, Zobeleln's Main St. tr $10 Ktirrkn,Seattle. AT,flO Lot Bteamer Montgomery MANUFACTURINGAND Lumber Co. to W. oornrr of Douglas street nnd Carroll Tim IT. T.&R. Co. to Fromholt Olson—Lots & Mullin ONRpK'TIIR FINEST RESIDENCE Part lot 2 and part lot 3, Watklns Abner In Ross, Emma C. Ross to Bteatn«r Norwood, Redondo. noxltV) feet, $1750; nnd lots 4 and avenue, 222 and 223, Strong &Dickinson's Fluuerna same— $1 Orange Bprague— Lot 67, Ross & Dlxon 6 Tif block 4. Ansrleno Ilolghts, being BITIiI'RBS OF LOS ANGELES BAILRD $S3l & Martin's subdivision $X Boulevard tract .'. 100x135 feet, at fi.'*K), or $ri."io for either COUNTY. to oame— Part lota 7 end tract KllenH. Wheeler to William O. Clark- 9,J. 11. McCluer Stenmer Newburg, Oray's Harbor. $1 Frank A. Waters, Martha B. Waters half; 50 feet west of Douglas street. block A, Raabn subdivision Alcatraz, Greenwood. . :\f.\ $10 Lot 7. B. It. Whreler tract Steamer tract, of Suite 416-417, 1«, block lltitehlnson tract ...SBOS Augusta Office on «ho Arthur H. Walker —Lot 4. Terms', half enah, balance as agreed; and 7 Charles T. Merrltt, Fnnnle K. Mftrrltt to to same—Walker Elwood Wilson, Prlscllla C. Wilson to per cent Interest. Pacific Electric Building. Part of lot 22, block A, name Clifton J. Platt— Lot 24, Frank C. Platt subdivision, Lot 24, block S. North Schooner A. P. Coats, Gray's Harbor, and parHots 15 and 16, Smith Allen S. Danforth— $10 Co. 's first tract $10 M. L. WICKS, 8, J. WHITB ft CO., AGENTS. I4«ach 128 Hellman Block, 2d and Broadway. fourth subdivision, and part$1 Manhattan Steamer Shasta. Belllngham. A. W. Shumwny, Jennie M. Bhumwny 6 Jacob's , A. E. Dllworth to Susan 8. Stout— l^ot Steamer Central la. Gray's Harbor, 1.1, lot block 21. subdivision name *Baikentlnn Portland, Portland. -$i"0jio • Suburban Property— Hollywood Hut ntudenU' vacation mad* up. Attend th« tr»ot Oro. 8. Btßfford to J. A. Graves— Lots West 10th fit. Mission street with east linn of Meridian Schooner Melrose, Gray's Ifarbor. (». lni nnd Influential bunln««a trainEdward and X, 20, $10 K i.Bt ninMt Hrockmatm Nellie 13 and Klncad's tract 6, Brown, Heights, subject aye., Haydn Corner lot In Pico to block WatBark Tacoma. part of lots 4 6 and • street achool In the southweat. Inquiries ln- Urockmann to T. O. & T.Co.— Part of neo- klns & $1 Jacob P. lirockmeler to J. B. McLeran— ' Schooner Alpha, Wlllapn. NICR LEVEL LOT, GOxltf, WITH Ing grading. Martin's subdivision ...' $10 20 2 8 13 W $1 Schooner Endeavor, Olympla. cement curbs, gradrd str^rlH and hMh- VltK' tlon M. W. H. OiJEAU, 402 Johnson Bldg. Nina B. PuKh to same— Part of lot 8. Lot 1(183, Chicago Park tract J. Harbour and Sanih 1. Harbour to block wnlks; convenient to school, church nnd Realty company to 6, Raymond Imp. ....$1 Union 'Trust and Muriel, Oo.'s tfaot Steamer Portland. $10 W. Li Bowman- Lots 11and 91, May tr FOR BALK—FInTTIOT, HALF BLOCK enr lines; located between Wcwtr-rn nri'l 6, A. J. Hoffman Lot 23, block 4, Short Schooner Lucy, Umpqua. $10 Vermont avenues. Prico $r,on; $25 rn-Oi, Mrs. 11. 15. Dickinson and 8. 8. Dlckln- Driisllla Dally to snme-PartNo.of1 lot,$1 Line north of Westlake Park; only $1900. Iloach subdivision No. 1 Schooner Columbia, Ballard. son to Mrs. Alary Morgan— hot 18, Al- blork O. Raymond Villa tract Part $10 monthly. CIIAS. S. MANN,3l Schooner and A. Keese to same8. J.\oiKeese J. W. Anderson and Barnh M. Anderson Part Schooner O. W. Watson, Portland. 6, Raymond Villa tract No. 1..$1 chcr. Lotft 18 and 19, block G, Flanant;HINKH3 roM-ROR IS A BAFH AND RB- to own two Steamer F. 11. Leggett, Eureka. W. M. OARLAND ft COMPANY, John Norwood— Lots 50 and D7, M. L. A. Garmshausen $10 (signs Adolph Garms- gan's subdivision LIAHI.K ICItOOU NlHht >f»«lon», 812 W. M. Prosper, 324 HUNTINGTON HLDO. subdivision of lots 301 and 806, Schooner Ballard. Wick's Eva Philippine III« TIIACTS Marie Garmshausen to same Schlleter and Fritz Ship Olenerlcht, Hamburg. $620 hausen) and POPULATION LOS ANpELKS, 1910— South &Porter tract SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA -~mm* lot 3. Smith & J'ackard'B sub $1 Schlleter to Horatio 8. Beckwith Lot Schooner Admiral, Everett. 250,000. John Norwood nnrl Annln Norwood to .T. -Part of AT HUNTINOTON PARK. John Sharp and Anna Sharp to same- 9, block D, Nadeau Orange tract... slo ' A. Halstead— lajls fit!and D7, In mima subSchooner Bangor, Gray's Harbor. Raquela s and Übaldo Sanchez 16, lots 13 and block ltaab Sanchez FOn~SALTfI. Part of A. Schooner Nokomls, Gray's Harbor. $750 subdivision division Philippine Schlleter— Lots 14, 15 »} to Kva LARGE LOTS. n. W. and Madeline R. Schooner Polaris, Everett. 16, Polndexter Jacobs) H, Flanagan's subdivisAND BASEAND GRAHAMSCHOOL OF SHQHTHAftO, Polndexter .1. 11. Jacobs (signs John 11. and and block \ Schooner O. J. Olnen, llnllnrd. to 1,. L. Newerf Lot 7. $10 LITTLE PRICES. •/«J G/tAA/0 4WT, LOS ANOtLAA,CAL* to same— Part lot 15, ion MKNT BRICK HOTEL AT LONG PolndeKter's subdivision of lot 2, block Olive K. Jacobs $1 Lars Peter Nylln (sometimes written Schooner E. K. Wood, Gray'a Harbor. block H. Raab'H nubdlvision BEACH." 88, $10 Terminus Ilomentead tract to, Nylan) FREE TICKETS to Lars Peter LOADING. August J. Peed and Lizzie Peed nameSederT. James W. Kays to Arthur Leo Adams Imp. Co lunu—Lot 19, Peck's THIS HOTEL HAS A SUPERB SITsubdivision of Schooner Irene, Portland. FOR EXCHANGE and Helen P. Adams— Lot 18, block O, Part lot 6, block 5 .Raymond $1 Schooner Ethel Zane, Portland. FOR TITE ASKING. $* block 60, Han Pedro UATION ANDA OUGHT TO MAKE tract $10 North Park tract 5, Irwin, block W. A. Irwln and Addle R. SOMEBODY GILT-EDGED INBarkentlns Robert Sudden, Oray'fl Charles A. Smith and Sophia C. Smith J. R. Swain to same— Part lot S'V'J, wife, by W. A. Irwin, her attorney, to Harbor. FULL- INFORMATION VESTMENT. Real Estate to James Fredda Matteson, Jr., nnd 5, same tract J. M. Kellerman to same— Part lot 7, Rosa K. Enrlquez— Lot 15, block 2, Vil- Schooner Ensign, Gray's Harbor. TS TINFTTRNAnna Maletson Lots 37 and 88, Key- Raymond ......$1 la tract $10 AT OUR OFFICE, THE TOP FLOOR Villa tract No. 1 Schooner Boquel, Hadlock. $10 FOn EXCHANGE— stone tract r I, British bark Pass Killlecrankte, AntJSiIED. HUT FURNITURE OF 32 Charles C. Htird and Josephine A. L. Belleguy to same-Part of lots 4 W. H. Warner and Cora S. Warner to ROOMS, PIANO AND POOL TABLE linss & MNDSEY, CITY PHOHBKTT FOtl COUNTRY. Hurd to Marguerite M. Flowers Lot werp. and G, Raymond Imp. Co.'s tract, blk 6 $1 61, SALE. Sherman S. Stevens and Fannie L. Ste$,-,000 Mortgage $1800; house GOES IN THE Harbert & Butterworth Adams Schooner Defiance, Gray's Harbor. A. F. Mcßeynolds and Maye McßeynriIONH SUNSET MAIN 4822. southwest for a ranch near Burbank vens Lot 3, block I, M. D. Painter's olds to same— Part lot 11, block A, Raab s Street tract $3400 Ruby, Coquille River. Schooner Forest ' $1 Seaside Water company and Broad$10 PRICE $35.000.00. TERMS. Home, Olympla. or Glendalo; must be Improved; not subdivision Schooner lIMM14 7002. Bherman S. Stevens and Fiinnio L. subdivision way necessarily hre^ro house on. George A. Bank 'and Trust company, trustee, Barkentlne Makawells, Mukiltoo. Longley, M. B. Reid. Ada J. 1, Cora S. Warner Lot Al, City Stevens to to Christina Portland. 4, G, Luzon, $5000 Mortgugo $2700; Thomas— Lot block Green, as trustees of South Pasadena new B- len & Hals«y's subdivision Schooner M. GARLAND & COlIOOM 31-1 $10 W. $10 room house for small ranch worth William McCarty and Elizabeth Me- School Dist. to same— Part of lota 11 and Knoll Park tract 324 HUNTINGTON BLDG. Schooner R. W. Bartlett, Gray's Har\u25a0I. N. Van Nuys and Susanna H. Van bor. $2DOO. Glendalo or Burbank Carty to Fanny M. Kelley I'art of lot 12, block B. Throop Gates & Cook's sub- Nuys, . 11. W. HUMiMAX BUILUIIVG. übout 2, block 1, Lightfoot's wife, to Frederick Wilson Block district preferred. Schooner Expansion, Ballard. Thompson Brothers' subdivision. .$lO division; also lot 74, East San Gabriel ' Dove, Gray's Harbor. ..$lO Schooner $3000— Equity in 13 lots in South 1, Thomas A. Keed and Martha M. MEMBERS L. A. REALTY BOARD. Reed Baptist' church' 'of' South Pasad'ena to George W. Hlllyerand Anna Hlllyer to Schooner Carrier Hollywood for a clear ranch. What to James K. Loucks and Ida V. James A. Garfleld, Gray's ' -• * _p Loucks same J. M. Terrell—Lot 1, block 85, Peck's sub- Harbor. have you?rt lot 3, block B, Raab'a • •• sub< a v place of Indianolu as shown Schooner, Navarro, Westport. $1300 Furniture WM. N. HOLWAY, 211 Grant Bid*. onPortion •\u25a0• »1° division .v. .'.... map of T. Bartram's si;'»>divlßlon division Mrs. Alice M. Staples to Mrs. Alice Schooner J. S. Higgins, Fort Bragg. Home 1939. John S. Mnltrnan and Clara R. Shatto Main 4570. of IndlanolaH.place $10 FOR SALE FACTORY PRICES ON and E. H. Vannler— Lots"11 12 Mendenhall Lot 2, block $v2, Brugman Steamer Rfldondo, Portland. Soren Hanson and Eva Hanson to to Frank & furniture continues! Stands, $1.00; chair*, FOR 13 19 and ....$lO 20. Brainard's subdivision Steamer Samoa, Caspar. Shatto's subdivision EXCHANGEThomas Smart Lot 11, block 32, Ar- Maltman GEe; rockers, $1.26; 6-foot extension taEmll Firth and Benveneda S. Firth to Melville Dozier Jr. and Elizabeth K. Barkentlne C. F. Crocker, Port TownImproved; 18 acres tesian tract VUOOO 25 $10 acres. bles, $5.00; iron beds, $150; wall hat 19, Firth's Boulevard Dozier to Augusta E. Behlow—Lot 1, send. . In vineyard. 4 years old; also prunes Joseph W. Obear and Helen Obear to John Iriart Lot ' racks, with mirror, $l.»i; small dress$10 Steamer Santa Monica, Gray's Harbor, and apricots; good well; want good Ira ...•••••• I•••••••< '10 block A, Alhambra Elec. tracters, $5.75; box couches, $i5O; couch covLi Leard Part of lot' 20, lirown & tract and Telfalr Mrs. Susan L. Donaldson (known as FOR SAI,K Schooner Taurus, Ludlow. city or eastern property. . Charlotte N. Creighton $10 Newton ers, $1.10; $1.50 kitchen tables, $1.15; treasWASHINGTON STItHRT. subdivision Steamer Pasadena, Eureka. Crelghton to State Bank and Trust Mrs. S. L. Donaldson) to Jane Conger, &- CUDDEBACK, COOPKR Joseph WASHINGTON STREET. T. Adelaide tables, chiffoniers, 46, C, $3.50; company— ure 3-drawPr Greenwood and Ellen- Lots 1and 2. block Del Go Shar tr $10 Schooner J. A. Campbell, Columbia. ' Part lot 47 and lot Broadway, 218 S. Room 237. STIIEET. Greenwood Daniel 11. Benedict $3.75; ladles' desks, $5.00; $12.50 oak dressto Lot dale place, and part lot 47V4 and all L. A. Trust Co. to J. Duncan Gleason— Schooner Robert R. Hind, Portland. WASHINGTON 2, Sarah M. Hall's subdivision $10 $10 Lot 14, block A, West Sixteenth st tr $10 This thoroughfaro willbo the next ers, French kluhs, }!),50: $15.00 mantel FOR EXCHANGE-^" 4tHA, Bowker'a addition 31 ) P. J. McCJarry to Stanley F. McClung lotLydia M.Sicker to Mrs. Luella Rogers paved. For a few days we otfolding bed. $11.50; $G.50 Ramie couch for Edna Lewis Lehman and Charles A. Redondo Shipping Fine little chicken ranch, excellent ' street In, $1 i» closo at barPart Rancho La Ballona corner, a a soil; fer larKo Part lot 22, block 11, Hall tract.. slo Lehman to Mary F. McDonald—Part of on car line, about 12 miles from Matthew ARRIVED. way (known market We C. M. Moore C* • gain; $30 per foot under are below market value on asLumber comto lot 6, block M, resubdlvislon of Jones tr $10 the beach; $3700. Want large lot close T. F. Hayes and Marcia M.Hayes 33, bargain everj-thlng. Mooru) arid to E. K. Wood Jennie L.'. Conwell to R. J. Venlng— Steamer State of California, Capt. Terry Lot 30, block value.' This is a great In. CITY BUILDING CO., pany—S. M. Moore's Home place... slo Frieda Mildred •• $10 Lot 4, block 40. E. S. Field's •• •• Thomas, from San Francisco and way J. M. OVERELL, a money-maker. Broadbay. Phone ICT9. S Avalon Occidental and adjacent to both santa Angeles Strip of land eighty feet tract BARBER SHOP FOR $1000.00. James A. Keency to Anna B. Kirk- Los fe and s. p. r. r. am sole \ TO ARRIVE JUNE 5. H. Silkwood and L. T. Sllkwood Villa wide, beginning at 1%-inch gas pipe Washington block 3, 6-CIIAIR SHOP THAT'S CENTRAL, Genie Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander, Orange Groves Josph Atkinson and Margaret Atkin- Lot 3, AGENT. of center line of from \u2666 10 set at intersection DOING ELEGANT BUSINESS; to tract THOMAS H. HASTINGS. San Francisco. 3, 1, V, Avery 2 and block K. McCartney Vermont avenue with proposed center UNION; HAS BEST TRADE INCITY. son Lots FOR SALE—2 AND 5-ACRE TRACTS Anna B.^Dugen to Nora .$lO THOMAS H. HASTINGS. TO SAIL JUNE 6. McCarthy's subdivision \. Carney Andrews— Portion of line of Santa Monica avenue, thence FOR $1000.00. 1102 BRALY BLDG. AT ALHAMBRA. VERY DESIRABLE Love- and Mary degreeß A. M. Lovelace and Florence Los south 89 40 minutes seconds, to West. 30 SITES; 7, RESIDENCE OLD SETTLERS INVESTMENT Nichols' addition Steamer Santa Rosa, Capt. Alexander, NEAR ELEClace to Margie Goings Lot 22 and part block $2 for San Diego. west 2677.74 feet COMPANY, \ ; FOR SALE BY BARRY BROS.— TRIC LINE; FINE VIEW; IN ORAn e $U2.50 21. Westacres Reginald Company Jervoise West to COl-603 BRANT BLDO , lotTalltha J. Moss to John H. Brown ANGES, ETC. a A°fBlackburn" and Barah'Blackburn VESSELS INPORT. Lot 7, block i, of Los Angeles Part blocks 12 and 13, R. E. IBBETSON & CO., • 328-320 BRADBURY BLDG. Capt. Martin, Park View- to Ellen M. Schultz— Steamer Norwood, subdivision No. 3, Sunny " from place Slope es• •> • $2000— ONE-HALF OF COPPER MINE*; Lots 60, 61 and 62, South 316 TRUST BLDG. v»*V, $10 Central Home ii Seattle. , tract M. Baldtate $10 WR" HAVE SEVERAL CORNERS ON and O. income $3000 month. Hannah A. Baldwin of "California; Capt. Joseph Benslnger Mary 11. to A. Steamer' State' 10, Cyrus ORANGE GROVES NOW! SEE P. Martin and B. 6,SOUTH MAIN STREET. ONE ESPE- ET.TY block Martin to Thomas, from San Francisco. $2500— MillineryKtock. to W. H. Molvin—Lot win • CIALLY, 18, 26, Parker Lot block Hall 100x140; CORNER, 4, you why. N. E. NEAR me and I'll tell 1.. SI. tract.sloO. Manhattan Beach \u2666lv John W. Martin Part lot Earl ' $1200— IteHtnurunt. « Mehegan Charles jio Laughlin Bldg. Margaret company to I'KATT,608 ADAMS: $170 PER FRONT FOOT. A "Headto tract ON THE WAY. Union Trust and Realty $2500 Corner grocery. quarters for onmge groves." MemGoodwin Lot 22, block 8, Urmston Clara Ornbaum and Minnie O. ArthurL. B. Minston and Nellie Minston to CANVASS OF THE FEW AVAILAULE Portland. $3000 Livery stock. Schooner Irene, from $10 tract DOWN THERE WILL . ber L. A. R. B. ,$600 Barber shop. Lot 12, block C, Short Line Boach sub- George S. Smith Lot 14, Bonnie Beach Schooner Forester, from Port Town• CORNERS Mclntyre William to Aidlne Hall $10 YOU \ u 25a0•\ u 25a0\ u 25a0••\ u 25a0\ u 25a0•' ll tract CONVINCE THAT THIS IS A division No. 1 send. $600 Clear atorr. $10 22, p1ace.... Lot Duryea GOOD INVESTMENT. Roselawn Georgina S. Jones to Arrietta $10,000— Hotel building and lot; lnHotels and Lodging Houses Arthur G. Newton to Adelmer K. —Lot E, sl Los Angeles Miners' Exchange como 9100 dally. block 117,toSanta Monica.... Tubbs and Maud L. Firth Lot 78 and Elmer M. Smashev BUILDING PERMITS $1000— Store buNiucftn. $10 Arrietta Duryea A SNAP IN A NEWLY FURNISHED v lot 79, Hafen tract Sales on the Miners' •exchange yesterday ••• -flO part Same as above and jgOOO Rooming house. rooming house of 20 rooms, centrally loFrank W. (known Lindley W. Frith as .. Frank were as follows: . Lindley FOR SALE— Florence Superintendent Backus yesterday isWalter cated, for sale. Cheap rent; long lease. $11,000 Valencia oranges, 20 acres, Firth) to Maud L. Firth Lot 78 and 10 4,000 G Burling .13% 2,000 do N.<.W. CORNER OF MAPLE AYE. Inquire of Jarvls Barlow Portion of lot 10, sued building permits as follows: .\u25a0':":\u25a0• AND $1 to W. 33, with nine-room residence, nnd part lot 79, Hafen tract WILL METZGER, 510 South $2760 20 2,500 do survey 500 Kawich Sixty-three, 7TH ST., TWO-STORY BRICK Ord 13to block Avenue 130 North E. E. Huntlngton Throop Polytechnic Main. 300 lots at -car institute to LizRogers to Boyden, owner and 14 1,800 do 20 BUILDING; ,V. 2,600 Rogers TO and W. E. do ST.; CLOSE MAIN A. 3, builder; ' addition to 1,500 G Herald .02 1,000 M Queen.. .15 works. South Park avenue. ette C. Farrell Lot 2 and part lot Lot 12, block 30, frame residence, $75. BARGAIN. $l-80u William R. Harper— 1 CO., Throop's replat & Amos G. 1,200 LARKIN SOOT Gldfleld .01 Dixie 18^4 CO., Garvanza addition No. .....S4OOto Baxter street, JJOO feet east of IvanW. M. GARLAND & Miscellaneous Baldwin and Ellen M. BaldByrne Building. George 1066. 421 S. Harris .04 1,600 2,000 Craig Craig Cop Phone and Ella M. .73 L Luke 324 HUNTINGTON BLDG. hoe avenue F. W. Rice, owner and 8,000 Ariz 6, win to Moses S. Pashglan Part lot$10 .01 fc,6oo' do Portion of lot 2, builder; one-story 04% residence, 2,000 Esperanza William Clark Grisso— frame El Molino" tract Big Elk.. .01% 1,000 Mayne .15 • ' $500. PIANOS-ALL YOU NEED TO PAY US ; .15% Mary D. Gibson and C. P. Gibson to S 1,000 'Gr'isßO 800 New Era .05 do cT^Grfsso' William" Clark avenue, $ti you your piano, is when select Dorchester 2963 W. R. Scur, then I HAVE THE HANDLINGOF A MlN- L. N. Collier Lot 7, Sarah M. Hall's 2,000 Bull M Co .90 May $10,750— 70% FT. SPLENDID 12-ROOM person) and Lulu 300 John Con .13 (being the same lock, owner and builder; alterations to $ti monthly. Wo won't chargo you .any lng proposition that looks very good to subdivision ...$lO 13 1,500 do 90 dwelling; No. 1325 Central avenuo. to Luke Craig—Lot 124 and part two-and-a-half-story frame' residence, 1,500 do interest. We positively guarantee the Fifteen thousand tons of fourteenW. Stewart and Jessie O. Grisso123, me. End $2000. 1,000 Mt Whtny .0(i 800 Shoshone.. .07% Bargain. Wiesendanger Charles South price we ask to be the same as asked lot * dump; dollar ore out and the blocked on Stewart to Mrs. Melissa D. Edmonds 1U do 07% ft., good $6500 25x110 12-room ' In Now York, Boston or Chicago. ReFifty-fourth street, 694 Kast L. D. 2,000 P Nevada .18 1,000 Denver $3500 tract 80 miles from Goldfleld. I want to In- Lot 5, block 2, Bartow tract A Barbara .09 500 31 house and barn. No. 611 Towne avemember the old house of FITZGERIsaac A. Brewer and Ellen G. Brewer Winland, owner; I. W. MacDonald, 1,500 terest a few good men In the formation Fred Somers and Minerva M. Somers T Horn en .06 2,000 Blue Bull.. .15 residence, 1,000 nuo. WHITCOMB-GIBSON CO., 529ALD when you want a good piano. of a company to buy lt. to Henry J. Jesberg— Lot 1, block p, builder; one-story frame Burton Part lot 22 and 1,400 to John H. do 06 600 Bull Bk .35 $10 N ABOUT IT, 531 Laughlin Bldg. 113 S. Spring street. SEE DEAN Menlo Park subdivision No. 2 Doug- $300. 35 part lot 24, block 2, Country Club 500 G Gladlatr .02 1.000 do -202 Laughlin Bldg. $10 Fortieth street, 345 East James tract F. M. Douglass and Phoebe A. 800 Wolverine. .04% 200 G Central .01 Bellinger and Anton Bor- lass to Hermosa Beach Land and \Vater Beck, owner and builder; alterations to 2,000 Serchlight .04% 2,200 Cash Boy .18 Country FOR SALE—LUMBER-BY THE NABertha Property residence, $40. ~~ linger to Otto Amerlan and Fanny company Part of ,Rancho Sausal Re- frame TIONAL COMPANY.. Try the big new 800 Bis West .01 1,600 do .18% Forty-eighth street, 229, East C. E. 2,000 \u26 6 lt Lot 1, Mills subdivision of dondo T Cons .05 1,000 Gt Western .04 yard, 20th and Alameda streets; clean, AN OPPORTUNITY Amerlan Adams, owner and builder; one-story, 600 G $10 J. Ransome Bransby to S. R. G. Twy500 Lit Tonpa 3.00 THAT IS PASSING. new stock and plenty of lt. Come, we'll lot 1, De Colls Vineyard tract Gt Westrn .04 «, residence, $1200. five-room frame Sarah G. Garrett Smith Lot 1,000 Boy.. Nev .29 More of this land Is being sold evshow you both quality and price. Frank Garrett and cross and Catherine J. 800 Wapy Tht .08 Hinton avenue, 912 J. W. Lyall, 1,500 tract... slo Imp MCo .12 1,200 Gold Bar.. .24 to Maria Smith Lot 10, block, F, Al- block 12, Carter's Vineyard trustee, ery week and all of this 30,000-acre Largo stock of sash and doors. to owner; J. B. Thomson, builder; altera- 2,000 $10 tract G. Scarborough, 600 Steinway.. .17 James The best of millwork at tho very lowvarado Terrace Seward Sn .07 1,000 tract of corn, whoat and alfalfa land Dunton, trustee— Lots 10, 11. tions to one-story frame residence, $200. Johnston, Eclipse W. H. E. 30 prices. Maude administratrix Mrs. 500 Lit Jessie .09 gone. willsoon be est ANYTHINGTO SELLT HAVE YOUwish Hubbard street, 846 D. A. Kimball, 12, 13 and 14, block 26, Pasadena Villa Keyst Nev .18 1,000 B Gldfleld .20 NATIONALLUMBER COMPANY, of estate of Griffin Johnston, deceased, Any Investor or homeseeker Do you to buy anything? who 150 owner and builder; one-story frame 1,000 500 G L A .02 600 Bull Com.. .06% Do you need money? to Cal. F. Hunter Undivided one-sixth tract 20th and Alameda streets. building, $600. has $800 or $10,000 and who falls to 2,000 property commonly known Bruns Co.. .02 J V. Bartow and Jane E. Bartow to 600 R Raven.. .'SI Do you need advice? interest In get 40 acres or a section of this land Marathon street, 2624 May L. Foster, 'SLAUGHTER IN WALL PAPER— Emma R. Smith— Part lot -6, • block 800 T Gld Mt .06 1,000 Bunkr Hill.49 Do you need an auctioneer? as Allen blockand Odessa Cross to $8000 ••• ••\u26 6 4,v owner; at our present prices is making a BEST VALUE IN U. S. Hen- Bartow tract J. W. Mauldln. builder; one- 1,000 Bis Qulnc .04 800 California. .08% See ELY STERN. A. P. Cross mistake. frame residence, $1600. company story 76-ln. burlap, 20c; 36-in. dyed, 15c; subdiand Broad05 1, 3, ry Lots 2 and Peck's Water 800 Gt W Co .90 600 Fawn Broadway. CIC South Klum iJeasldu Prospect place, 524 NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY. J. Jaussand, opaque shades, 25c; best paint, $1.,»; 800 G Rand 06 vision of lots 1 and 4, block 27, San way Bank and Trust company, trustee, owner; 700 Five Mets .01 .INCLUDING PRICE NOW $22.50 AN ACRE, J. Schack, builder; one-story table oil cloth, 20c; molding, 2c; shingle $1" to Emma K. Smith—Lot 7, block X ....'. 600 Nev P M .03 1.000 G Tonopah .02% Pedro made, residence, $10 $10 $1300. ONE frame stain, 75c; best white enamel 2,000 Sandstorm .45% 1,800 Gold Dust .07% SHARE OF Zandt and W. S. Van Knoll Park tract LEGAL NOTICES Eleanor Van avenue, 2221 B; Stephenson WATER STOCK WITH EACH ACRE makes things look like a mirror; glasC. H. 1,800 J Butler.. .77 1,000 X & Bullf .09 Zandt to James D. Tracy and Kva Lewis G. Helm and Mary E. Helm to lng, painting. SOLD. Tracy Part lot 5, H. M. Weight's sub- N. C. Lollich Lots 14, 15 and lt>. block Brown, owner and builder; one-story 600 Jumbo 74% 300 Kaw M Co .09% Notice of Stockholders' Meeting '.WESTERNINVESTMENT COLONIZATION AND WALTER BROS., 627 S. Spring. ;;J1 8, Long Beach Harbor View tract. .$lO frame building, $lf>o. 2,000 Red Top.. .37 1.500 Majes Cop 1.19 TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THK division v street, Almyria Temple to "West 1.20 CO., Lollich 1514-1516 Mlna 600 do 150 do Charles G. Musket and Emma L. MusN. C. Lollich and 37% 1,000 owner; Beebe, builder; Light Company: Pacific Power 16, Beebe, Bldg., 811 Herman W. Hellman and F. H. C. Nevada G .22 NEW DISCOVERY. Lots 1 Samuel T. Rankin— Part lots 15 and l.DOO'Adams 08 ' Cor. ket to Theodore Welsendanger 4th and Spring, Los Angeles. llnlshes things like a mir- You. will please take notice that the to 10, block C, Curtis Park tract »'O one-story frame store building, $350. .44 I.COO do .23 8, $1 Our enamel block same tract 600 Diamfleld street, 1208 C. \V. Stim- 1,000 O Tonopa .46% 1,000 Pennsylva .05 Tennessee none better; big cut in wallpaper, annual meeting of the stockholders of ,T. B. Losee and Alice Losee- to Louisa Theo. Wlesendanger to Title Guaralterations to 1,000 Mon Ton 2.91 $00 S Eureka.. .24 AT~ALTADENA, THK ror; best value in U. S. ; 76-in. burlap, 20c; the Pacific Light and Power Company antee FOR SALE Same as Weaver Lot 1, Losee's subdivision. slo son, owner and builder; i Trust company the office of and 15c; residence, 2,000 dyed, paiut, $1.50 gal.; one-story $100. 30-ln. best willbe held at the comSimons frame Wonder 03 \u0084.$lO foothill suburb of PasaWillis L. Simons and Isabella 200 do 2.90 beautiful .' PoThird street, 2620 East Miss 8. 1,000 Or Bullfg .32 1.000 do dena: table oil cloth, 20c; shingle stain, 75c ;< pany, No. 624 Pacific Electric building. above 03 Trust company to Jane Wilder— Lot 6, block 53, Title Guarantee and Lot Blanohard, owner; P. A. Kittel, build$750— Acre lot, well located; fine opaque shades, 25c; tine finished mold- In the City of Los Angeles, County of 500 G Mn Nev .62 500 W Goose.. 2.00 7, 6, block ing, 2c. Send for samples. 600 Black Rock. .03% Nancy' C.' Ba'nVeV 'and L. Barnes to er; one-and-a-half-story frame resi- 1,600 do i view. Los Angeles, State of California, on to Israel Nusbaum 61 $10 BROS., U27 B. Spring. 10, X, dence, 1,000 Saturday, the 17th day of June, 1905, at South Woodlawn $2000. lot .53 Black Ants .03 i'jvV'C $1400 Chicken ranch, two acres, 1,000 WALTER Part block T N Star Henry Hill to Jeanette E. Morris— Thirty-sixth street, 1200 East D. J. 1,000 Jumbo Ex .IG% 1,200 Pion Nome .30 Charles M. L. • cute cottage. ••.S3uOO 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect- Plerson .' Monrovia SALE—NEW AND SECOND-HAND ing Part lot 10, Vawter's subdidirectors of Bald corporation for Pick ,*\u25a0\u25a0;:•; $2000 Kivo acres, planted to table FOR $10 12% 2,000 G Mtn con .15 Lucas tract William H. Lake and Mary Grace Kelly, owner and builder; one-story 2000S billiard and pool tables. Bar fixtures of grapes; soil, good water splendid ensuing year, and for the transac- vision ofE. Morgan and Agneß D. Mor- Lake to' Henry Newby Lot 3, Jewett » frame store building, $99. 500 G Anchor .75 1,600 St. Ives... .28 the easy Send for catkinds; payments. all Grant • • •$!« '• view. 73 2,500 G Gate 14 right, lies well, magnificent may tion of such other business re800 W End as A. Lot Jl. subdivision gan THE BRUNSWICK-BALKEto Roscoe Kimball alogue. $2500 Fourteen acres in assorted come before the meeting;. The L. W. Bllnn to Dida L. Hubbard Lot Tho Host—And how did you pass tho 1,000 T Belmnt 1.19 1.000 J Butler ex .23 L. Ferry's COLLENDER CO., «20 S. Broadway, properly subdlvlslon of part of L. 800 Ton Ext.. .04 fruits and table grapes; with this go $10 nlKht? •• • 9, Daly & Mottler tract 1800T Mldwy 1.61 \u25a0;;* stock transfer books of the company subdivision Los Angeles. ,eighty acres hill land and good priOphir Minlch .43 600 .06 2,000 Harry Wretchedly. K. The Guest— There was a McNamar willbe closed 911 Tuesday, the 6th day Julius J. Lee and Lucll Lee to Mary Evalena Mlnlch and vate wator supply. 13 600 Yel Jacket .16 2 500 LStar of June, 1905, at 3 o'clock p. 111., and F Bezold Portion of lot 1, block 29, to Charles E. Lewis—Lot 72, Daven- window in the room that never stopped 1,000 \u25a0'$5000 $10 rattling. Ten-acre orange grove; fine Col Mtn.. .39 2,000 Kentucky .02 Syndicate Santa Monica port's San Pedro Street tract FOR EXCHANGE will remain closed until Monday, the Erkenbrecher 200 Belcher 18. 1,000 awfully Santa Monica Land The That's bad. Kendall... ..'building site; beautiful unobstructed Enrlquez 10 Luis to Host— I'm .18% June, 1905, day 19th of at 10 o'clock tract Bell 800 Confidence. ,64 ' company sorry. one1600 Blue .07% company to and Water Undivided . a. m. United Land and Water Mexican.. 1.35 li. M. PBATT, 608 Laughlin Bldg. of described Real Estate Guest— Oh. It's all right. The supper 600 Ind Tonop .45 .01% 1,000 The By order of the Board of Directors. Henry J. Scheper— Lot 3, block 21. and eighth Interest, being all Ramona 2,000 O 1,000 indigestible M. was so that Iwould havo Simerone. Diamond .02% Vista townsite.slo property allotment No. 3 to CHAS. FORMAN, lot 1, block 9, Sierra of 200 acres, SOO do 45% 600 Bull Cons.. .05% " $20,000 Stock ranch 'FOR SALE— to J. O de Baker in deVree of partition, R. 8. been afraid to go to sleep. Cleveland Secretary. Pacific Light and Power I Land company AlamltosPart Plain Dealer. 1.500 Armagosa .09% about seven miles from Ravenna; CHICKEN RANCH. Farm lot 117, Alamltos Baker vs. Manuel Marquez et u1....510 Company. Mitchell— L. Shapland and Mattie storeroom, house, eight-room stone $10 Edwin S. CHICKEN RANCH. « rac t Los Angeles, Cal., May 31, 1905. barn, blacksmith Bhop, good orchard, 2W acres; best of sandy loam; 600 Hart and E E. Hart- Shapland to Leavens H. Donaldson 18, Same to J. E.117, in part lot water; piped TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE T. Tart water chicken**; horse, wagon, all farming' everlasting SlO Undivided half Interest Farm lot same tractE. Darby ..$lO U, West Los- Angeles garden; barn and block tools; chicken house, etc.; 5-rooni through house, Darby BILLINGTON CO.: Please take notice and Lillian R W. and Martha b. pure regular meeting that the of the and Katio F. MeLeavens H. Donaldson cottage, Party going .'' east of ditches with mountain annualBllllngton furnished. miles to Annie R. Polltte Shapland—Undiwill to E. S. 2, twenty Co. block water; fifteen to ,Buena Vista Donaldson and mint be sold in 30 days. Price miles Qf stockholders of tho T. Qulllcn—Lot •••• 2, **0 vided half interest in lot 18, block U, $3300. Terms. range for cattle. Want to trade for be held at the office of the company, Sl2 tiact same tract \u25a0•!."', South Broadway, In the city of Los AnSAN REALTY CO.. income property, city or eastern. Francis • A. Seymour to Luelan Alonzo ' ' GABRIEL Cal., Monday, day the 12th of of Abbott Kinney company to John U. CUHNB, geles, Maggie Bole 434 lilurk. on H. Peet— Portion llrymm Agents. '1 J. \V. Peet and 18, Venice .of ; ..II Pope— Lot 23, block June, >1805, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the pur- lot Office .opposite Mission, San Gabriel, 8, Monterey terrace. 5^ directors, board of and #i6uu pose electing Longley BY BEN AVHITE. of a and Ada J. Longjey to America Leo , Cal. , . FOR EXCHANGE— Strip of land Williamette Steam Mill, Lumbering 'when the system gets debilitated and in a to $150,000. for tho transaction of such other business , city of South Pasadena 200 ranches, $500 • >ViSi~»sg>^ run-down condition may come before the meeting. of and Manufacturing company to L. l>. lots, $50,000 $1000 commencing to as at northwest corner itneeds a tonic and there has never 100 housesand UILLINGTON, Secretary. Lot 6, block 1, Highland tract avenue, Prospect SALK—THE SALT LAKE ROAD PAUL Dawson— orange groves, $2000 FOR lomon Mission and 100 and streetalong id now running. For 9lty lots at Las Pros- addition No. 15 been one discovered that is the equal of S. S. S. Itis especially adapted for •> , • SEALED PROPOSALS WILL OK RE- thence north west line of \"\\9 <-\u25a0 and W. Vegas, also acreage in the Muddy and . to $100,000. ......II Jennie Loo Fletcher Norval feet, eto properties. To a systemic remedy, because itcontains no strong minerals to derange the ceived at office of « Treasurer Paclflo pect avenue ten 5000 miac6llaneous Vegas valleys, see J. F. McPHERSON, to Ida Lebovitz Lot 18, block go to Branch, J. Woollacott to same Part lot Fletcher buy, sell or trade property S.. Soldiers' Home, H Abso- etomacli and digestion, and affect the liver and bowels. N. H. D. V. Cal.. Itis made entirely .$1 15, Electric Railway Homeßtead 403 Stimson Block, cor.for Third and Smith Packard's subdivision. WHITE, Block, Bryson 308 2d o'clock & •• ••• Angeles County, Los until IS 1. Spring; a commissioner Nevada in BEN elation tract Herbert F. V.I5 ofroots, herbs and barks selected for their purifying and healing qualities, m., Juno 8, 1905. and then. opened, for Lamont H. Chick and 15, R. March to Alta U, Marsh, California. and Sprlug streets. . Jesse Mabel Part lot block O. Barracks, in ac- Pitcher to same painting and S just the properties that are needed to restore to the body part lot 12. Smith M. Weßsell— Lot 9, block D, Raymond and possesses RANCH cordanoo Hospital ,L.BT—SO ACRES FIRST-CLASS FOR EXCHANGE-240-ACRE with instructions and specifica- Raab's subdivision; TO ....II strong robust health. When the blood becomes impure and clogged with .$1 Villa tract No. 1 'farming land near Fullerton, with near Redlands; 140 tilluble, 20 In fruit; tions, copies of which, with blank pro- & Jacobs' Fourth subdivision lot Frank Booth, Nancy L. Booth to Wil4-room house, large barn; all fenced; posals and other Information, may be had Lamont H. Chick to same—Part water. Now in crops; $300 cash needed. poisons water upon application to T. J. Cochrane, 14, block 21, Smith & Jacobs' Fourth liam Nelson and Electa Nelson— Lots P waste matters and well, windmill and reservoir; K. E. 181313T80N, !U« Trust Bldg. have used your S. S. S. and found ittobe an $1 and Q, block 118, Banta Monica ........$lO not receive suf- I .^ •piped to house and barn. Price, $25 per Treasurer. subdivision to Jo- the body does Peck, Olive ii. Peck Railway company to Gao. H. *;xce ent ™ to build up the general health and acre. Want cH^propert^ Pacific Electric block 7, Peck's ficient nourishment and suf- B>ve & cQ Sewing Machines BE KB- same— Part lot 6, block D, Wotkyna & hanua Ilartnett—Lot 1, tone B«»d strength to the system. I have used PROPOSALS WILL ...........$350 SEALED tern Hehilitv weakness from .11 Grand View tract 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. celved at offlce of Treasurer Pacific Martin's subdivision 9 111 «*»mmended. *>«* S. S. S. did Thomas— nervoußness, other "DON'T FORGET." A. Iloach to same— Part lot Park Land Co.18,to Amos21, J.Huntlngton NSQ^ Branch, N. H. D. V. 8., Soldiers' Home, Elizabeth sleeplessness, elge combined. As everythln $1 PIANO CO. 17 and block more Cal., B, have the 12 o'clock block Raab's .subdivision Part' lots Angeles County, WILLIAMSON until 14. $10 loss of appetite, bad digesHark ACRES CLEAR, Los STANDARD ROTARY SEWING MA- FOR EXCIIANGE-320 toit tonfc propertiee it giTea a .plendid appetite, m., June 8, 1905, and then opened, for Elma Bertelltf Ferguson to same J V. Bartow, Jane E. Bartow to Uenwant U or 7-room cottage and dismantling, removing, retublng and re- Purt lots 6, 7 and 8, block 6, Raymond CHINE to sell. We have Just with reoeived line land; many other disa- refreshing Bleep, and the tystem undergoes a gensev.$1 rletta Williams— Lot 18, block 2. Bartow turn and late styles, will pay cash difference.SAUNDERS, setting two 100-H. P. Stirling boilers. In Improvement Company tract. a shipment of the : $10 greeable symptoms of a dis- end building up under its invigorating influence, S. 1 and tract instruqtlons specifiLongley eral new labor saving devices. COMK R. Leo to sume-Part lot and Co., Broadway accordancecopies with' which, with Seaside Water Bk. & 412 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. cations, IN AND SEE THEM. blood circulation, 548 Woodland Aye., Warren, O. Mrs. Katu Buck. of blank pro- part of lot a. block E, Wotklnß & Martin1 Tr. Co., trustees, to E. J. Venable— Lot ordered may be had subdivision $Iw>oo BUSINESS Domain and other Information, i."«i""i!"i 717 ." We also have a large stock of BI2C- FOR IiXCHANOtf .\.slo and ifitis not corrected eorae G. W. Lawyer and Cdra E. Lawyer to 11, block 0. Knoll Park tract Angeles upon ttjipllcatlon to T. J, Cochrane. Chicago; block want Los Thompson Joueph Thompson, at Sadie 1, part A. malignant fever or other dangerous disorder will follow. S. S. B. OND-HAND SEWING MACHINES. I lot Smith good paying ranch for equity of same— Part of lot 2 and \u0084...............$1 and Margaret H. ltoa- form of or to D. VI. Rosenberg $40,000; party now here; act tiulck. Treasurer^ & Packard's subdivision $10 builds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood of all poisons and of farm lot 8 '. prices from $4.00 up. Allmakes— WILL BE RE- Churleu Packard ofto same— Part of lot 8, enberg—Part 1,. m. !•« att, i>llca. 1and 2. block H. Raab's subdivision; site SWIFT SPECIFIC • lots gages and ulher tlrst-claaa securities. Mury and BiU'lOK uU. Moiuboi- 14.1 A. Realty information- . may A. Henry C. Win tor. lllntor to Thruvu 'v &Cook's Dart lot 6. block C. ' Board. tlon to T. J. Cochrane, Treasurer. Kefoi-iiiiec—Fli-at National bunk. . 'Gates . FOR SALE FOR BA L,t \ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS JW^_. HSan , FRIDAY. JUNR 2, 1906. '» Truman Potter, Mnrle Potter to Andrew Andemon-Irfits 7 nnd », block 2, subdi- Property City Lot* and Lands 1 - ffjf^f — — — „ — — •\u25a0 — — — — — \u25a0 — — — — — — ' — — \u25a0\u25a0 — \u25a0 — \u25a0 — — — . — — — ... — — \u25a0 — — — — 1 — — \u25a0• — — — — — — — °w' — — — — ~ — ~ 1 — ' — — — — —' ° — — . — — — — — — — — IS#SI|#EST — ... . ..-. \u25a0 1 \u25a0 — — . — — * ....... — — — — — — \u25a0 — .. \u25a0 — _ — ' — \u25a0 — — * — —— TOHIC — .. 1 .. ... .. — ....... . — 1 . . '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 — — \u25a0 . . — 1 — . — * —— ——— \u25a0 * - — \u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0 -\u25a0 — — — — . - — . — " S,«, ™S' \u25a0 ...... \u25a0 4 \u25a0 \u25a0 . , *
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes Page Count : 1 About : uuid:813e0307-eef2-4b52-8fd2-902bfade3ca3 Format : application/pdf Title (en) : Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San Francisco) 1905-06-03 [p 9] Description (en) : Page from Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (newspaper). [See LCCN: sn85042462 for catalog record.]. Prepared on behalf of University of California, Riverside. Date : 1905:06:03 Type : text, newspaper Identifier : Reel number 00175047293. Sequence number 530. Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Creator : CCS docWORKS/METAe Version 6.1-0 Keywords : Reel, number, 00175047293., Sequence, number, 530.EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools