TDA7377 Datasheet. Www.s Utc
User Manual: Datasheets TDA7377G-J15-A, TDA7377G-J15-D, TDA7377H, TDA7377L-J15-A, TDA7377L-J15-D, TDA7377V.
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UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 2 x 30W DUAL/QUAD POWER AMPLIFIER FOR CAR RADIO DESCRIPTION The UTC TDA7377 is a class AB car radio amplifier for car radio, it can work either in dual bridge or quad single ended configuration. The exclusive fully complementary structure of the output stage and the internally fixed gain guarantees the highest possible power performances with few external components. The on-board clip detector simplifies gain compression operation. The fault diagnostics makes it possible to detect mistakes during car radio set assembly and wiring in the car. FEATURES HZIP-15D * High Output Power@VCC=14.4V, f=1KHz,RL=4Ω: – 2 x 35W Max. – 2 x 20W@THD= 10% – 4 x 6 W @10% – 4 x 10W / 2Ω@10% – 2 x 30W / EIAJ@ VCC =13.7V,RL=4Ω * CMOS Compatible Stand-by Function (Low ICC) * No Audible pop During st-by Operations * Internally Fixed Gain (26dB BTL and 20dB single ended) * No Bootstrap Capacitors and boucherot Cells * Diagnostics Facility on pin10 when output Clipping, shorted to Vcc or GND, thermal shutdown and soft short at turn on. * Rail to rail output swing * Absolute Stability Without Any External Compensation. HZIP-15A PROTECTIONS * Load Dump Voltages surge * Reversed Battery * Output DC Short Circuit protecttion with Low current when shorted to GND or VCC. * Output AC short circuit protection: across the load * Silent Turn On/Off * thermal shutdown * Load very Inductive speakers * Fortuitous Open GND * ESD ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free Halogen Free TDA7266L-J15-A-T TDA7266G-J15-A-T TDA7377L-J15-D-T TDA7377G-J15-D-T TDA7377L-J15-A-T (1) Packing Type Package Packing HZIP-15A HZIP-15D Tube Tube (1) T: Tube (2) Package Type (2) J15-A:HZIP-15A, J15-D: HZIP-15D (3) Lead Free (3) G: Halogen Free, L: Lead Free Copyright © 2012 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN CONNECTION HZIP-15A 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD OUT 3 OUT 4 VCC INPUT 3 INPUT 4 DIAGNOSTICS S-GND PW-GND STAND-BY SVR INPUT 2 INPUT 1 VCC OUT 2 OUT 1 2 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC 4 VCC 13 3 IN 1 ST - BY IN 2 IN 3 7 A1 + - 1 A2 1NV + - 2 A3 + - 15 OUT 1 OUT 2 5 OUT 3 12 A4 1NV 14 + - IN 4 11 10 6 SVR 8 9 PW - GND S - GND UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD OUT 4 DIAGNOSTICS 3 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Operating Supply Voltage VOP 18 V DC Supply Voltage VS 28 V Peak Supply Voltage (for t = 50ms) VS(PEAK) 50 V not Repetitive t = 100µs 4.5 A Output Peak Current IO(PEAK) Repetitive f >10Hz 3.5 A HZIP-15A 33 W Power Dissipation (TC= 70°C) PD HZIP-15D 30 Junction Temperature TJ +150 °C Storage Temperature TSTG -40~+150 °C Note: Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. THERMAL DATA Junction to Case PARAMETER HZIP-15A HZIP-15D SYMBOL θJC RATINGS 1.4 1.8 UNIT °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = 14.4V; RL = 4Ω; f = 1 KHz; Ta =25°C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS Supply Voltage Range VS IN VI(ST-BY) ST-BY Threshold Voltage OUT VO(ST-BY) Voltage Saturation on pin 10 VSAT Sink Current at Pin 10 = 1mA Output Offset Voltage VO(OFF) Non Inverting Channels Rg = 0; S.E. ”A” weighted, Inverting Channels Input Noise Voltage eN Bridge, Rg = 0; 22Hz ~ 22KHz Total Quiescent Drain Current IQ RL = ∞ Max Driving Current Under Fault ST-BY Pin Current(pin 7) IST-BY Play Mode Vpin7 = 5V ST-BY Current Consumption IST-BY VST-BY = 0 ~ 1.5V ICD(OFF) d = 1% (Note 2) Clipping Detector Output OFF Average Current ON ICD(ON) d = 5% (Note 2) Single Ended Input Impedance RIN Bridge Bridge THD = 10%; Output Power POUT Single Ended RL = 4Ω Single Ended, RL = 2Ω Max PO(MAX) VS = 14.4V, Bridge Output Power (Note 3) EIAJ PO(EIAJ) VS = 13.7V, Bridge Single Ended, POUT=0.1~4W Distortion THD RL = 4Ω Bridge, POUT = 0.1 ~ 10W f = 1KHz Single Ended f = 10KHz Single Ended Cross Talk CT f = 1KHz Bridge f = 10KHz Bridge Single Ended Voltage Gain GV Bridge Voltage Gain Match GV UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MIN 8 TYP MAX 18 1.5 UNIT V 0.7 150 V mV 3.5 2 5 3.5 µV 150 5 50 100 20 10 18 5.5 31 27 55 19 25 90 160 30 15 20 6 10 35 30 0.02 0.03 70 60 60 20 26 V µV mA mA µA µA µA µA KΩ W W W 0.3 21 27 0.5 % dB dB dB dB dB dB dB 4 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.) Supply Voltage Rejection SVR Rg = 0; f = 300Hz Stand-by Attenuation AST-BY PO = 1W Note: 1. See built-in S/C protection description 2. Pin 10 Pulled-up to 5V with 10KΩ; RL = 4Ω 3. Saturated square wave output. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 50 80 90 dB dB 5 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL TEST AND APPLICATION CIRCUIT UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 6 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ST-BY 10K VS 10μF IN L 100nF 7 4 13 3 1 2200μF 0.22μF IN L 2 5 0.22μF IN BRIDGE 2200μF 11 6 47μF OUT L OUT R 15 12 0.47μF 1000μF 8 9 10 14 OUT BRIDGE DIAGNOSTICS Figure 3. Stereo/Bridge UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 7 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL APPLICATION INFORMATION Diagnostics Facility note: UTC TDA7377 built in a diagnostic circuitry, when following events appearing: clipping in the output signal, thermal shutdown, and output fault including short to GND, short to VS and soft short at turn on. When the event is detected, The information is available across an open collector output (pin 10) through a current sinking (see Fig 4).The current sinking at pin 10 is triggered when a certain distortion level is reached at any of the outputs. This function allows gain compression possibility whenever the amplifier is overdriven. The current sinking at pin 10 also can be triggered When the IC’s operating temperature raise to about 10°C before the shutdown threshold. Normally the clip detector signaling produces a low level at pin 10 that is shorter than that present under faulty conditions; This can be used to discriminate each event (clipping detection, output fault, thermal proximity). 10 R VREF VPIN 10 UTC TDA7377 Figure 4. Pin10 Diagnostic Circuitry - UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 8 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 9 of 10 QW-R107-064.B TDA7377 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 10 of 10 QW-R107-064.B
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.0-c316 44.253921, Sun Oct 01 2006 17:14:39 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2 Modify Date : 2014:03:29 20:54:18+02:00 Create Date : 2012:07:02 17:13:11+08:00 Metadata Date : 2014:03:29 20:54:18+02:00 Format : application/pdf Title : TDA7377 - Datasheet. Creator : Subject : TDA7377 - Datasheet. Producer : Acrobat Distiller 8.0.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:75c66e7b-f89b-4cf3-bd2f-c338aea06033 Instance ID : uuid:cff4ffe9-148f-49e2-bec3-e99548089258 Page Count : 11 Keywords : TDA7377, -, Datasheet., Metadata provided by