The Value Proposition Canvas Instruction Manual
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Instruction Manual
The Value
The Vue Proposition Cnvs is pug-in
too to the Business Mode Cnvs. It ows
ou to describe our Vue Propositions nd
the trget Customer Segments in more deti
nd evute the “fit” between the vue ou
intend to crete nd the expecttions our
customers hve.
You cn use this mp before, during nd
fter deveoping n in-depth knowedge of
our customers. If ou use it before, it wi
highight wht ou need to ern bout
customers nd test bout vue propositions.
If ou use it fter, it wi hep ou nze nd
evute “fit”.
The Vue Proposition Cnvs cn be ppied
to new nd existing vue propositions nd
customer segments ike. In both cses it wi
hep ou structure our thinking nd mke
our ides more tngibe.
Value Proposition Canvas Poster:
Ide in B formt
(707mm x 000mm or 27.83in x 39.37in)
Medium sized Stattys in green, orange, and yellow:
See for refis
Thick markers:
Keep our ides rough, the Business Model Toolbox
for iPad, or a Camera:
To cpture nd shre the resuts sketched out on
our Cnvs
Ground Rules
Don’t write on the map:
B using Sttts to describe our thoughts ou wi
be be to move things round, onto s we s o the
mp. This is ver dnmic exercise nd our vue
proposition s we s our customer understnding wi
chnge nd evove.
One idea per Statty:
Don’t mke buet points on Sttts. For instnce,
use two Sttts to describe two dierent eements our
customers vue, ike ower price nd better
performnce. This wi ow ou to p round with the
eements of our vue proposition nd modif things
when ou ern from tking to customers.
Start with customer jobs:
Strt sketching out our mp b describing wht jobs
specific customer of ours is tring to get done. Crete
Sttt in the Customer ob(s) box for ever mjor nd
ncir job ou intend to hep our customer get done.
Add pains and gains:
Crete Sttt in the Pins box for ever pin our
customer experiences or coud experience before, dur-
ing, nd fter getting the job done. Crete Sttt in
the Gins box for ever benefit our customer expects,
desires or woud be surprised b.
Describe your products and services:
List the products nd services our vue proposition
is buit round b creting Sttt for ech eement in
the Products & Services box.
Outline how you intend to create value:
Describe how our products nd services crete vue
b either kiing customer pins or creting customer
gins. Crete stick note for ech eement in the Pin
Reievers or Gin Cretors box respective.
Best Practices
Colour coding:
Using dierent coours for the dierent
eements cn hep ou “red” the mp
more quick. You cn use eow Sttts
in the Customer ob(s) nd Products & Ser-
vices box, ornge Sttts in the Pins box,
nd green Sttts in the remining boxes,
since the re reted to vue cretion.
Visuals & words:
Combining imges nd words to describe
the eements of our mp is more powerfu
thn just using words. Our brin processes
imges quicker thn words. Hence, imges
wi ow viewers of our mp more rpid-
grsp the big picture.
Customer Knowledge:
Bring in peope who re in frequent contct
with the customers ou re trgeting nd
thus hve deep customer knowedge.
Frequently Committed
Trying to alleviate every pain and
target every gain:
Mediocre or bd vue propositions tr to
ddress ever customer pin nd
gin the hve identified nd then often
fi to deiver.
Gret vue propositions often focus on
imited number of pin reievers nd gin
cretors nd then deiver on those
exception we.
Mixing present and future:
Mke sure ou cer distinguish between
present existing nd future ides. Mixing
them cn be confusing. You cn esi
distinguish between the two b using coour
coding or b using seprte mps.
One map per Value Proposition:
You shoudn’t tr to sketch out sever
vue propositions nd customer segments
on the sme mp. Focus on one vue prop-
osition for specific customer segment on
singe mp. Mke new mp for dierent
Vue Proposition.
Intellectual masturbation:
A gret Vue Proposition with gret “fit”
on pper is just n untested fnts. Use the
Vue Proposition Cnvs s strting point
to get out of the buiding nd investigte
our ssumptions. Ask oursef if ou re
understnd which jobs re importnt to
customers nd wht the reted pins nd
gins re. Test if our ssumptions bout
how our products nd services wi reieve
pins nd crete gins re vid.
Copyright Strategyzer AG
The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer
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