PMP7977 User's Guide AC701 Tidu150
User Manual: AC701
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AC701 Evaluation Board for the Artix-7 FPGA User Guide UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 © Copyright 2012–2013 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. PCI, PCI Express, PCIe, and PCI-X are trademarks of PCI-SIG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available “AS IS” and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including your use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Xilinx assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained in the Materials, or to advise you of any corrections or update. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display the Materials without prior written consent. Certain products are subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranties which can be viewed at; IP cores may be subject to warranty and support terms contained in a license issued to you by Xilinx. Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance; you assume sole risk and liability for use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications: Revision History The following table shows the revision history for this document. Date Version 10/23/12 1.0 Initial Xilinx release. 01/30/13 1.1 Updated photograph in Figure 1-2, page 8 to revision 1.0 of the AC701 board. Revised Figure 1-3. Revised last paragraph under DDR3 Memory Module, page 12, fourth paragraph under USB JTAG Module, page 20, third paragraph under GTP Clock MUX, page 25, first paragraph under 125 MHz Clock Generator, page 26, first, second and third paragraphs under FMC HPC GBT Clocks, page 28, fourth paragraph under PCI Express Edge Connector, page 33, and the first paragraph under SFP/SFP+ Connector, page 34. Revised third and fourth rows in Table 1-13, page 35 and the fifth row in Table 1-14, page 36. Revised second paragraph and added fourth paragraph under LCD Character Display, page 43. Revised first paragraph under I2C Bus Switch, page 45. Added Figure 1-30, page 49, Figure 1-32, page 49 and Figure 1-33, page 50. revised Figure 1-39, page 54. Added section AC701 Board Power System, page 59 and section XADC Power System Measurement, page 64. Added third paragraph under Power Management, page 67. Revised Figure 1-47, page 75. Revised Figure A-2, page 78. Updated the Master Constraints File Listing in Appendix C. Added Appendix G, Regulatory and Compliance Information. AC701 Evaluation Board Revision UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Table of Contents Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 AC701 Board Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Feature Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Artix-7 FPGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 DDR3 Memory Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Quad-SPI Flash Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SPI External Programming Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 SD Card Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 USB JTAG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Clock Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 GTP Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 PCI Express Edge Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SFP/SFP+ Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 10/100/1000 Mb/s Tri-Speed Ethernet PHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ethernet PHY User LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 USB-to-UART Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 HDMI Video Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 LCD Character Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 I2C Bus Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 AC701 Board LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 User I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 FPGA Mezzanine Card Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 AC701 Board Power System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 XADC Power System Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 XADC Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Appendix A: Default Switch and Jumper Settings User GPIO DIP Switch SW2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Configuration DIP Switch SW1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Default Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Appendix B: VITA 57.1 FMC Connector Pinouts Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing AC701 Board XDC File Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 3 Appendix D: Board Setup Installing the AC701 Board in a PC Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Appendix E: Board Specifications Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Operating Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Appendix F: Additional Resources Xilinx Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solution Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Further Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 103 103 104 Appendix G: Regulatory and Compliance Information Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Electromagnetic Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Chapter 1 AC701 Evaluation Board Features Overview The AC701 evaluation board for the Artix™-7 FPGA provides a hardware environment for developing and evaluating designs targeting the Artix-7 XC7A200T-2FBG676C FPGA. The AC701 board provides features common to many embedded processing systems, including a DDR3 SODIMM memory, an 4-lane PCI Express® interface, a tri-mode Ethernet PHY, general purpose I/O, and a UART interface. Other features can be added by using mezzanine cards attached to the VITA-57 FPGA mezzanine connector (FMC) provided on the board. A high pin count (HPC) FMC connector is provided. See AC701 Board Features for a complete list of features. The details for each feature are described in Feature Descriptions, page 7. Additional Information See Appendix F, Additional Resources for references to documents, files and resources relevant to the AC701 board. AC701 Board Features • Artix-7 XC7A200T-2FBG676C FPGA • 1 GB DDR3 memory SODIMM • 256 Mb Quad-SPI Flash memory • Secure Digital (SD) connector • USB JTAG via Digilent module • Clock Generation • • AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 • Fixed 200 MHz LVDS oscillator • I2C programmable LVDS oscillator • SMA connectors • SMA connectors for GTP transceiver clocking GTP transceivers • FMC HPC connector (two GTP transceivers) • SMA connectors (one pair each for TX, RX and REFCLK) • PCI Express (four lanes) • Small form-factor pluggable plus (SFP+) connector • Ethernet PHY RGMII interface (RJ-45 connector) PCI Express endpoint connectivity 5 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features • Gen1 4-lane (x4) • Gen2 4-lane (x4) • SFP+ Connector • 10/100/1000 tri-speed Ethernet PHY • USB-to-UART bridge • HDMI codec • I2C bus • • • • I2C MUX • I2C EEPROM (1 KB) • USER I2C programmable LVDS oscillator • DDR3 SODIMM socket • HDMI codec • FMC HPC connector • SFP+ connector • I2C programmable jitter-attenuating precision clock multiplier Status LEDs • Ethernet status • Power good • FPGA INIT • FPGA DONE User I/O • USER LEDs (four GPIO) • User pushbuttons (five directional) • CPU reset pushbutton • User DIP switch (4-pole GPIO) • User SMA GPIO connectors (one pair) • LCD character display (16 characters x 2 lines) • Switches • Power on/off slide switch • FPGA_PROG_B pushbutton switch • Configuration mode DIP switch • VITA 57.1 FMC HPC Connector • Power management • PMBus voltage and current monitoring via TI power controller • XADC header • Configuration options • Quad SPI • USB JTAG configuration port • Platform cable header JTAG configuration port The AC701 board block diagram is shown in Figure 1-1. The AC701 board schematics are available for download from: 6 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Caution! The AC701 board can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Follow standard ESD prevention measures when handling the board X-Ref Target - Figure 1-1 1 GB DDR3 Memory (SODIMM) FMC Connector (HPC) 10/100/1000 Ethernet Interface Differential Clock GTP SMA Clock SD Card Interface XADC Header 128 Mb Quad-SPI Flash Memory Artix-7 FPGA XC7A200T-2FBG676C User Switches, Buttons, and LEDs 4-lane PCI Express Edge Connector HDMI Video Interface 1 KB EEPROM (I2C) I2C Bus Switch LCD Display (2 line x 16 characters) DIP Switch SW1 Config USB-to-UART Bridge JTAG Interface micro-B USB Connector SFP+ Single Cage UG952_c1_01_101512 Figure 1-1: AC701 Board Block Diagram Feature Descriptions Figure 1-2 shows the AC701 board. Each numbered feature that is referenced in Figure 1-2 is described in the sections that follow. Note: The image in Figure 1-2 is for reference only and might not reflect the current revision of the board. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 7 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-2 00 Round callout references a component on the front side of the board 00 Square callout references a component on the back side of the board 21 29 32 31 25 26 27 4 13 16 19 7 6 3 30 5 30 11 28 2 1 20 8 10 11 23 14 9 18 17 15 24 22 12 UG952_c1_02_011513 Figure 1-2: Table 1-1: AC701 Board Components AC701 Board Component Descriptions Callout Reference Designator Component Description Schematic 0381502 Page Number Notes 1 U1 Artix-7 FPGA Xilinx XC7A200T-2FBG676C 2 J1 DDR3 SODIMM Socket w/Memory Micron MT8JT12864HZ-1G6G1 10 3 U7 Quad-SPI Flash Memory Micron/Numonyx N25Q256A13ESF40G 4 4 U29 SD Card Interface Connector Molex 67840-8001 14 5 U26 USB-JTAG Module Digilent USB JTAG Module (with micro-B receptacle) 4 6 U51 System Clock Source (back side of board) SiTime SIT9102AI-243N25E200.0000 3 7 U34 Programmable User Clock Source 10MHz-810MHz (back side of board) Silicon Labs SI570BAB000544DG (default 156.250MHz) 3 8 J31, J32 SMA User Clock Input Rosenberger 32K10K-400L5 3 9 J25, J26 SMA GTP Ref. Clock Input Rosenberger 32K10K-400L5 3 10 U24 Jitter Attenuated Clock (back side of board) Silicon Labs SI5324-C-GM 16 11 U1 GTP Transceivers Embedded within FPGA U1 30 12 P1 PCI Express Edge Connector 4-lane card edge connector 28 13 P3 SFP/SFP+ Connector Molex 74441-0010 20 14 U12 10/100/1000 Tri-Speed Ethernet PHY Marvell 88E1116RA0-NNC1C000 15 15 U2 GTP Transceiver Clock Generator 125MHz ICS ICS84402IAGI-01LF 3 16 J17, U44 USB-to-UART Bridge (back side of board) and mini-B receptacle (front side of board) Silicon Labs CP2103GM 5 8 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-1: AC701 Board Component Descriptions (Cont’d) Callout Reference Designator Component Description Notes Schematic 0381502 Page Number 17 P2, U48 HDMI Video Connector and Device Molex 500254-1927, Analog Devices ADV7511KSTZ-P 19, 18 18 J23 LCD Character Display Connector 2 x 7 0.1 in male pin header 14 19 U52 I2C Bus Switch TI PCA9548ARGER 6 20 DS11 - DS13 Ethernet PHY Status LEDs, Green Lumex SML-LX0603GW 15 21 DS2 - DS5 User GPIO LEDs, Green Lumex SML-LX0603GW 21 22 SW3 – SW7 User Pushbuttons E-Switch E-Switch TL3301EF100QG 21 23 SW2 GPIO DIP Switch, 4-pole C&K SDA04H1SBD 21 24 SW10 User Rotary Switch Panasonic EVQ-WK4001 21 25 J33, J34 SMA User GPIO Rosenberger 32K10K-400L5 3 26 SW15 Power On/Off Slide Switch C&K 1201M2S3AQE2 38 27 SW9 FPGA_PROG_B Pushbutton Switch (Active-Low) E-Switch TL3301EF100QG 7 28 SW1 Configuration Mode DIP Switch, 3-pole C&K SDA03H1SBD 7 29 J30 FMC HPC Connector Samtec ASP_134486_01 24-27 30 U8, U9, U49, U53-U60 Power Management (voltage regulators front side of board, controllers back side of board) TI UCD90120ARGC controllers in conjunction with various regulators 39-50 31 J19 XADC Header 2X10 0.1 in. male header 31 32 J44, J45, J46, J47 MGT TX, RX SMA Pairs Rosenberger 32K10K-400L5 3 Artix-7 FPGA [Figure 1-2, callout 1] The AC701 board is populated with the Artix-7 XC7A200T-2FBG676C FPGA. For further information on Artix-7 FPGAs, see DS180, 7 Series FPGAs Overview. FPGA Configuration The AC701 board supports two of the five 7 Series FPGA configuration modes: • Master SPI using the on-board Quad SPI Flash memory • JTAG using a standard-A to micro-B USB cable for connecting the host PC to the AC701 board configuration port or via J4 Platform Cable USB/Parallel Cable IV flat cable connector Each configuration interface corresponds to one or more configuration modes and bus widths as listed in Table 1-2. The mode switches M2, M1, and M0 are on SW1 positions 1, 2, and 3 respectively as shown in Figure 1-3. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 9 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-3 FPGA_3V3 SW1 FPGA_M2 FPGA_M1 FPGA_M0 1 NC 2 3 6 5 4 SDA03H1SBD R339 1.21K 1% 1/10W R338 1.21K 1% 1/10W R337 1.21K 1% 1/10W UG952_c1_03_011713 Figure 1-3: SW1 Default Settings The default mode setting is M[2:0] = 001, which selects Master SPI at board power-on. Refer to the Configuration Options, page 75 for more information about the mode switch SW1. Table 1-2: AC701 Board FPGA Configuration Modes Configuration Mode SW1 DIP switch Settings (M[2:0]) Bus Width CCLK Direction Master SPI 001 x1, x2, x4 Output JTAG 101 x1 Not Applicable For full details on configuring the FPGA, see UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide Encryption Key Backup Circuit FPGA U1 implements bitstream encryption key technology. The AC701 board provides the encryption key backup battery circuit shown in Figure 1-4. The rechargeable 1.5V lithium button-type battery B1 is soldered to the board with the positive output connected to FPGA U1 VCCBATT pin G14. The battery supply current IBATT specification is 150 nA max when board power is off. B1 is charged from the VCC1V8 1.8V rail through a series diode with a typical forward voltage drop of 0.38V. and 4.7 KΩ current limit resistor. The nominal charging voltage is 1.62V. 10 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions X-Ref Target - Figure 1-4 NC 1 VCC1V8 (1.8V) D6 40V 200 mW 3 BAS40-04 1 FPGA_VBATT 2 2 R83 4.70K 5% 1/10W 1 B1 + 1.5V Seiko TS518SE_FL35E 2 GND UG952_c1_04_092812 Figure 1-4: Encryption Key Backup Circuit I/O Voltage Rails In addition to Bank 0, there are 8 I/O banks available on the Artix-7 device. The voltages applied to the FPGA I/O banks used by the AC701 board are listed in Table 1-3. Table 1-3: FPGA Bank Voltage Rails U1 FPGA Bank Power Supply Rail Net Name Bank 0 FPGA_3V3 3.3V Bank 12 VCCO_VADJ 2.5V Bank 13 FPGA_1V8 1.8V Bank 14 FPGA_3V3 3.3V Bank 15 VCCO_VADJ 2.5V Bank 16 VCCO_VADJ 2.5V Bank 33 FPGA_1V5 1.5V Bank 34 FPGA_1V5 1.5V Bank 35 FPGA_1V5 1.5V AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Voltage 11 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features DDR3 Memory Module [Figure 1-2, callout 2] The memory module at J1 is a 1 GB DDR3 small outline dual-inline memory module (SODIMM). It provides volatile synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) for storing user code and data. The SODIMM socket has a perforated EMI shield surrounding it as seen in Figure 1-2. • Part number: MT8JTF12864HZ-1G6G1 (Micron Technology) • Supply voltage: 1.5V • Data path width: 64 bits • Data rate: Up to 1,600 MT/s The DDR3 interface is implemented across I/O banks 32, 33, and 34. Each bank is a 1.5V high-performance (HP) bank. An external 0.75V reference VTTREF is provided for data interface banks 32 and 34. Any interface connected to these banks that requires a reference voltage must use this FPGA voltage reference. The connections between the DDR 3 memory and the FPGA are listed in Table 1-4. Table 1-4: DDR3 Memory Connections to the FPGA J1 DDR3 Memory U1 FPGA Pin 12 Net Name Pin Number Pin Name M4 DDR3_A0 98 A0 J3 DDR3_A1 97 A1 J1 DDR3_A2 96 A2 L4 DDR3_A3 95 A3 K5 DDR3_A4 92 A4 M7 DDR3_A5 91 A5 K1 DDR3_A6 90 A6 M6 DDR3_A7 86 A7 H1 DDR3_A8 89 A8 K3 DDR3_A9 85 A9 N7 DDR3_A10 107 A10/AP L5 DDR3_A11 84 A11 L7 DDR3_A12 83 A12_BC_N N6 DDR3_A13 119 A13 L3 DDR3_A14 80 A14 K2 DDR3_A15 78 A15 N1 DDR3_BA0 109 BA0 M1 DDR3_BA1 108 BA1 H2 DDR3_BA2 79 BA2 AB6 DDR3_D0 5 DQ0 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-4: DDR3 Memory Connections to the FPGA (Cont’d) J1 DDR3 Memory U1 FPGA Pin AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Net Name Pin Number Pin Name AA8 DDR3_D1 7 DQ1 Y8 DDR3_D2 15 DQ2 AB5 DDR3_D3 17 DQ3 AA5 DDR3_D4 4 DQ4 Y5 DDR3_D5 6 DQ5 Y6 DDR3_D6 16 DQ6 Y7 DDR3_D7 18 DQ7 AF4 DDR3_D8 21 DQ8 AF5 DDR3_D9 23 DQ9 AF3 DDR3_D10 33 DQ10 AE3 DDR3_D11 35 DQ11 AD3 DDR3_D12 22 DQ12 AC3 DDR3_D13 24 DQ13 AB4 DDR3_D14 34 DQ14 AA4 DDR3_D15 36 DQ15 AC2 DDR3_D16 39 DQ16 AB2 DDR3_D17 41 DQ17 AF2 DDR3_D18 51 DQ18 AE2 DDR3_D19 53 DQ19 Y1 DDR3_D20 40 DQ20 Y2 DDR3_D21 42 DQ21 AC1 DDR3_D22 50 DQ22 AB1 DDR3_D23 52 DQ23 Y3 DDR3_D24 57 DQ24 W3 DDR3_D25 59 DQ25 W6 DDR3_D26 67 DQ26 V6 DDR3_D27 69 DQ27 W4 DDR3_D28 56 DQ28 W5 DDR3_D29 58 DQ29 W1 DDR3_D30 68 DQ30 V1 DDR3_D31 70 DQ31 G2 DDR3_D32 129 DQ32 13 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-4: DDR3 Memory Connections to the FPGA (Cont’d) J1 DDR3 Memory U1 FPGA Pin 14 Net Name Pin Number Pin Name D1 DDR3_D33 131 DQ33 E1 DDR3_D34 141 DQ34 E2 DDR3_D35 143 DQ35 F2 DDR3_D36 130 DQ36 A2 DDR3_D37 132 DQ37 A3 DDR3_D38 140 DQ38 C2 DDR3_D39 142 DQ39 C3 DDR3_D40 147 DQ40 D3 DDR3_D41 149 DQ41 A4 DDR3_D42 157 DQ42 B4 DDR3_D43 159 DQ43 C4 DDR3_D44 146 DQ44 D4 DDR3_D45 148 DQ45 D5 DDR3_D46 158 DQ46 E5 DDR3_D47 160 DQ47 F4 DDR3_D48 163 DQ48 G4 DDR3_D49 165 DQ49 K6 DDR3_D50 175 DQ50 K7 DDR3_D51 177 DQ51 K8 DDR3_D52 164 DQ52 L8 DDR3_D53 166 DQ53 J5 DDR3_D54 174 DQ54 J6 DDR3_D55 176 DQ55 G6 DDR3_D56 181 DQ56 H6 DDR3_D57 183 DQ57 F7 DDR3_D58 191 DQ58 F8 DDR3_D59 193 DQ59 G8 DDR3_D60 180 DQ60 H8 DDR3_D61 182 DQ61 D6 DDR3_D62 192 DQ62 E6 DDR3_D63 194 DQ63 AC6 DDR3_DM0 11 DM0 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-4: DDR3 Memory Connections to the FPGA (Cont’d) J1 DDR3 Memory U1 FPGA Pin AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Net Name Pin Number Pin Name AC4 DDR3_DM1 28 DM1 AA3 DDR3_DM2 46 DM2 U7 DDR3_DM3 63 DM3 G1 DDR3_DM4 136 DM4 F3 DDR3_DM5 153 DM5 G5 DDR3_DM6 170 DM6 H9 DDR3_DM7 187 DM7 W8 DDR3_DQS0_N 10 DQS0_N V8 DDR3_DQS0_P 12 DQS0_P AE5 DDR3_DQS1_N 27 DQS1_N AD5 DDR3_DQS1_P 29 DQS1_P AE1 DDR3_DQS2_N 45 DQS2_N AD1 DDR3_DQS2_P 47 DQS2_P V2 DDR3_DQS3_N 62 DQS3_N V3 DDR3_DQS3_P 64 DQS3_P B1 DDR3_DQS4_N 135 DQS4_N C1 DDR3_DQS4_P 137 DQS4_P A5 DDR3_DQS5_N 152 DQS5_N B5 DDR3_DQS5_P 154 DQS5_P H4 DDR3_DQS6_N 169 DQS6_N J4 DDR3_DQS6_P 171 DQS6_P G7 DDR3_DQS7_N 186 DQS7_N H7 DDR3_DQS7_P 188 DQS7_P R2 DDR3_ODT0 116 ODT0 U2 DDR3_ODT1 120 ODT1 N8 DDR3_RESET_B 30 RESET_B T3 DDR3_S0_B 114 S0_B T2 DDR3_S1_B 121 S1_B U1 DDR3_TEMP_ EVENT 198 EVENT_B R1 DDR3_WE_B 113 WE_B T4 DDR3_CAS_B 115 CAS_B 15 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-4: DDR3 Memory Connections to the FPGA (Cont’d) J1 DDR3 Memory U1 FPGA Pin Net Name Pin Number Pin Name P1 DDR3_RAS_B 110 RAS_B P4 DDR3_CKE0 73 CKE0 N4 DDR3_CKE1 74 CKE1 L2 DDR3_CLK0_N 103 CK0_N M2 DDR3_CLK0_P 101 CK0_P N2 DDR3_CLK1_N 104 CK1_N N3 DDR3_CLK1_P 102 CK1_P The AC701 board DDR3 memory interface adheres to the constraints guidelines documented in the DDR3 Design Guidelines section of UG586, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Interface Solutions User Guide. The AC701 board DDR3 memory interface is a 40Ω impedance implementation. Other memory interface details are available in UG586 and UG473, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources User Guide. Quad-SPI Flash Memory [Figure 1-2, callout 3] The Quad-SPI Flash memory U7 provides 256 Mb of non-volatile storage that can be used for configuration and data storage. • Part number: N25Q256A13ESF40G (Numonyx) • Supply voltage: 3.3V • Data path width: 4 bits • Data rate: Various depending on Single/Dual/Quad mode and CCLK rate Four data lines and the FPGA's CCLK pin are wired to the Quad-SPI Flash memory. The connections between the SPI Flash memory and the FPGA are listed in Table 1-5. Table 1-5: Quad-SPI Flash Memory Connections to the FPGA U7 Quad-SPI Flash Memory U1 FPGA Pin Net Name Pin Number Pin Name R14 FLASH_D0 15 DQ0 R15 FLASH_D1 8 DQ1 P14 FLASH_D2 9 DQ2 N14 FLASH_D3 1 DQ3 H13 FPGA_CCLK 16 C P18 QSPI_IC_CS_B 7 S_B The configuration section of UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide provides details on using the Quad-SPI Flash memory. Figure 1-5 shows the connections of the Quad-SPI 16 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Flash memory on the AC701 board. For more details, see the Numonyx N25Q256A13ESF40G data sheet X-Ref Target - Figure 1-5 VCC3V3 R20 DNP R19 4.7kΩ 5% R21 4.7kΩ 5% C18 0.1μF 25V X5R U7 N25Q256 256 Mb Serial Flash Memory GND FLASH_D3_R FLASH_D3 1 2 R429 15Ω 1% 3 4 QSPI_IC_CS_B FLASH_D1 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 R430 15Ω 1% C HOLD_B/DQ3 DQ0 VCC NC0 NC7 NC1 NC6 5 NC2 6 NC3 7 SB 8 FLASH_D2_R R17 DNP DQ1 R18 4.7kΩ 5% 16 FPGA_CCLK 15 FLASH_D0_R 14 13 12 11 NC4 10 VSS 9 NC5 WB/VPP/DQ2 FLASH_D2_R GND Figure 1-5: FLASH_D0 R432 15Ω 1% R431 15Ω 1% FLASH_D2 UG952_c1_05_101812 256 Mb Quad-SPI Flash memory SPI External Programming Header In addition to the QSPI device FPGA U1 connections shown in Table 1-5, the FPGA U1 SPI interface is connected to an external programming header J7. Table 1-6 shows the SPI J7 connections to FPGA U1. Table 1-6: SPI J7 Connections to the FPGA U1 FPGA Pin Schematic Net Name J7 Pin AE16 FPGA_PROG_B 1 N14 FLASH_D3 2 P14 FLASH_D2 3 J3.2 QSPI_CS_B 4 R14 FLASH_D0 5 R15 FLASH_D1 6 H13 FPGA_CCLK 7 NA GND 8 NA VCC3V3 9 Figure 1-6 shows the J7 SPI external programming connector. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 17 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-6 J7 1 FPGA_PROG_B 2 FLASH_D3 3 FLASH_D2 4 QSPI_CS_B 5 FLASH_D0 6 7 8 9 FLASH_D1 HDR 1X9 Figure 1-6: VCC3V3 FPGA_CCLK GND UG952_c1_06_092812 SPI J7 External Programming Connector SD Card Interface [Figure 1-2, callout 4] The AC701 board includes a secure digital input/output (SDIO) interface to provide user-logic access to general purpose non-volatile SDIO memory cards and peripherals. The SD card slot is designed to support 50 MHz high speed SD cards. The SDIO signals are connected to I/O bank 14 which has its VCCO set to 3.3V. Figure 1-7 shows the connections of the SD card interface on the AC701 board. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-7 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 C52 0.1μF 25V X5R R319 R324 R322 R323 51.1K 1% Eight Places GND R325 R318 R317 R321 U29 SDIO_DAT0 SDIO_DAT1 SDIO_DAT2 SDIO_CD_DAT3 To FPGA Bank 14 (U1) SDIO_CMD SDIO_CLK SDIO_SDDET SDIO_SDWP 4 7 8 9 1 2 5 10 11 12 SDIO Card Connector VDD DAT0 DAT1 DAT2 CD_DAT3 CMD CLK 18 DETECT IOGND2 PROTECT IOGND1 17 D_P GNDTAB4 16 15 14 13 GNDTAB1 GNDTAB3 3 VSS1 6 VSS2 GND GNDTAB2 GND UG952_c1_07_100212 Figure 1-7: SD Card Interface Table 1-7 lists the SD card interface connections to the FPGA. 18 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-7: SDIO Connections to the FPGA U29 SDIO Connector U1 FPGA Pin Name Schematic Net Name R20 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Pin Number Pin Name SDIO_SDWP 11 SDWP P24 SDIO_SDDET 10 SDDET N23 SDIO_CMD 2 CMD N24 SDIO_CLK 5 CLK P23 SDIO_DAT2 9 DAT2 N19 SDIO_DAT1 8 DAT1 P19 SDIO_DAT0 7 DAT0 P21 SDIO_CD_DAT3 1 CD_DAT3 19 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features USB JTAG Module [Figure 1-2, callout 5] JTAG configuration is provided through a Digilent onboard USB-to-JTAG configuration logic module (U26) where a host computer accesses the AC701 board JTAG chain through a standard-A plug (host side) to micro-B plug (AC701 board side) USB cable. A 2-mm JTAG header (J4) is also provided in parallel for access by Xilinx download cables such as the Platform Cable USB II and the Parallel Cable IV. The JTAG chain of the AC701 board is illustrated in Figure 1-8. JTAG configuration is allowed at any time regardless of FPGA mode pin settings. JTAG initiated configuration takes priority over the configuration method selected through the FPGA mode pin settings at SW1. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-8 SPST Bus Switch U27 USB Module (U26) or JTAG Connector (J4) TDO N.C. J30 U1 FPGA FMC HPC Connector Part of U19 Part of U19 BUFFER TDI TDO BUFFER TDI TDI TDO UG952_c1_08_012913 Figure 1-8: JTAG Chain Block Diagram When an FMC daughter card is attached to the AC701 board it is automatically added to the JTAG chain through electronically controlled single-pole single-throw (SPST) switches U27. The SPST switch is in a normally closed state and transitions to an open state when an FMC daughter card is attached. Switch U27 adds an attached FMC HPC daughter card to the FPGAs JTAG chain as determined by the FMC_HPC_PRSNT_M2C_B signal. The attached FMC card must implement a TDI-to-TDO connection via a device or bypass jumper in order for the JTAG chain to be completed to the FPGA U1. The JTAG connectivity on the AC701 board allows a host computer to download bitstreams to the FPGA using the Xilinx iMPACT software. In addition, the JTAG connector allows debug tools such as the ChipScope™ Pro Analyzer or a software debugger to access the FPGA. The iMPACT software tool can also indirectly program the Quad-SPI Flash memory. To accomplish this, the iMPACT software configures the FPGA with a temporary design to access and program the Quad-SPI Flash memory device. The JTAG circuit is shown in Figure 1-9. 20 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions X-Ref Target - Figure 1-9 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 U26 Digilent USB-JTAG Module U19 J30 SN74LV541A Buffer FMC1_HPC_PRSNT_M2C_B R95 15Ω FMC_TDI_BUF TDI FMC1 HPC Connector PRSNT_L TDI U27 R96 15Ω TMS R94 15Ω FMC1_TDO_FPGA_TDI TCK FMC1_HPC_TMS_BUF FMC1_HPC_TCK_BUF TDO TDO TMS TCK VCC3V3 J4 JTAG Header U1 TDI TMS TCK TDO Artix-7 FPGA JTAG_TDI JTAG_TMS Bank 14 N16 JTAG_TCK JTAG_TDO Bank 0 FPGA_TDI_BUF FPGA_TCK_BUF FPGA_TMS_BUF FPGA_TDO TDI TCK TMS TDO UG952_c1_09_101512 Figure 1-9: JTAG Circuit Clock Generation There are three clock sources available for the FPGA fabric on the AC701 board (refer to Table 1-8). Table 1-8: AC701 Board Clock Sources Clock Name System Clock Reference Description U51 SiT9102 2.5V LVDS 200 MHz Fixed Frequency Oscillator (Si Time). See System Clock Source, page 22. U34 Si570 3.3V LVDS I2C Programmable Oscillator (Silicon Labs). Default power-on frequency 156.250 MHz. See Programmable User Clock Source, page 23. J31 USER_SMA_CLOCK_P (net name). See User SMA Clock Input, page 24. J32 USER_SMA_CLOCK_N (net name) See User SMA Clock Input, page 24 User Clock User SMA Clock (differential pair) AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 21 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features System Clock Source [Figure 1-2, callout 6] The AC701 board has a 2.5V LVDS differential 200 MHz oscillator (U51) soldered onto the back side of the board and wired to an FPGA MRCC clock input on bank 34. This 200 MHz signal pair is named SYSCLK_P and SYSCLK_N, which are connected to FPGA U1 pins R3 and P3 respectively. • Oscillator: Si Time SiT9102AI-243N25E200.00000 (200 MHz) • PPM frequency jitter: 50 ppm • Differential Output For more details, see the Si Time SiT9102 data sheet The system clock circuit is shown in Figure 1-10. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-10 VCC2V5 U51 SIT9102 200 MHz Oscillator C30 0.1 μF 10V X5R 1 6 OE VCC 2 5 NC OUT_B 3 4 GND OUT SYSCLK_N R166 100Ω 1% GND Figure 1-10: 22 SYSCLK_P UG952_c1_10_100212 System Clock Source AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Programmable User Clock Source [Figure 1-2, callout 7] The AC701 board has a programmable low-jitter 3.3V differential oscillator (U34) driving the FPGA MRCC inputs of bank 14. This USER_CLOCK_P and USER_CLOCK_N clock signal pair are connected to FPGA U1 pins M21 and M22 respectively. On power-up the user clock defaults to an output frequency of 156.250 MHz. User applications can change the output frequency within the range of 10 MHz to 810 MHz through an I2C interface. Power cycling the AC701 board will revert the user clock to its default frequency of 156.250 MHz. • Programmable Oscillator: Silicon Labs Si570BAB000544DG (10 MHz - 810 MHz) • Differential Output The user clock circuit is shown in Figure 1-11. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-11 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 R15 4.7KΩ 5% C192 0.01 μF 25V X7R U34 Si570 Programmable Oscillator 1 NC 2 OE To I2C Bus Switch (U49) USER CLOCK SDA 7 USER CLOCK SCL 8 3 SDA SCL GND VDD 6 USER CLOCK N CLK- 5 USER CLOCK P 4 CLK+ 10 MHz - 810 MHz GND GND Figure 1-11: UG952_c1_11_101512 User Clock Source References The Silicon Labs Si570 data sheet is available from AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 23 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features User SMA Clock Input [Figure 1-2, callout 8] An external high-precision clock signal can be provided to the FPGA bank 15 by connecting differential clock signals through the onboard 50Ω SMA connectors J31 (P) and J32 (N). The differential clock signal names are USER_SMA_CLOCK_P and USER_SMA_CLOCK_N, which are connected to FPGA U1 pins J23 and H23 respectively. The user-provided differential clock circuit is shown in Figure 1-12. Note: This user clock is input to FPGA bank 15 which is powered by VCCO_VADJ. The VCCO_VADJ rail is typically 2.5V but may be reprogrammed to be either 1.8V or 3.3V. The USER_SMA_CLOCK_P/N signals should not exceed the VCCO_VADJ voltage (1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V) in use. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-12 J31 SMA Connector USER_SMA_CLOCK_P GND J32 SMA Connector USER_SMA_CLOCK_N GND UG952_c1_12_100212 Figure 1-12: 24 User SMA Clock Source AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions GTP Clock MUX The AC701 board FPGA U1 MGT Bank 213 has two clock inputs, MGTREFCLK0 and MGTREFCLK1. Each clock input is driven by a capacitively-coupled clock sourced from a SY9544UMG 4-to-1 MUX. Each MUX has a clock source at three of its four inputs, the fourth input is not connected. Clock MUX U3 SY89544UMG drives Bank 213 MGTREFCLK0 pins AA13 (P) and AB13 (N), and clock MUX U4 SY89544UMG drives Bank 213 MGTREFCLK1 pins AA11 (P) and AB11 (N). See Table 1-10 for clock MUX U3 connections, and Table 1-11 for clock MUX U4 connections. Table 1-9 lists the MGT sources for U3 and U4. Table 1-9: MGT Clock MUX U3 and U4 Clock Sources Clock Name Reference 125 MHz Clock Generator U2 J25 GTP SMA REF Clock (differential pair) J26 Jitter Attenuated Clock U24 FMC HPC GBT Clocks J30 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Description ICS844021 Crystal-to-LVDS Clock Generator (ICS). See 125 MHz Clock Generator, page 26. SMA_MGT_REFCLK_P (net name). See GTP SMA Clock Input, page 26. SMA_MGT_REFCLK_N (net name). See GTP SMA Clock Input, page 26. Si5324C LVDS precision clock multiplier/jitter attenuator (Silicon Labs). See Jitter Attenuated Clock, page 27. FMC_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_P/N (net name) (U3), FMC_HPC_GBTCLK1_M2C_C_P/N (net name) (U4). See FMC HPC GBT Clocks, page 28. 25 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features 125 MHz Clock Generator [Figure 1-2, callout 15] Clock MUX U3 input 0 (pin4 P, pin 2 N) is driven by U2 ICS84402I Crystal-to-LVDS clock generator. This device uses 25 MHz crystal X3 as its base input frequency and, via an internal VCO, multiplies this by five to produce a 0.45 ps (typical) RMS phase jitter, 125 MHz LVDS output. The circuit for the 125 MHz clock is shown in Figure 1-13. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-13 VDDA_EPHYCLK C300 18pF 50V NPO ICS844021I X3 R320 1.0M 5% VDD_EPHYCLK U2 25.00 MHz 50 ppm X1 1 2 GND1 1 VDDA 2 GND EPHYCLK_XTAL_OUT EPHYCLK_XTAL_IN 4 GND2 VDD 8 Q0 3 XTAL_OUT NQ0 4 XTAL_IN OE 7 R486 0Ω 5% EPHYCLK_Q0_C_P EPHYCLK_Q0_P EPHYCLK_Q0_C_N EPHYCLK_Q0_N 6 5 3 R487 0Ω 5% X2 C301 18pF 50V NPO GND_EPHYCLK GND_EPHYCLK GND_EPHYCLK UG952_c1_13_101512 Figure 1-13: AC701 Board 125 MHz U3 MUX Input0 Source Circuit GTP SMA Clock Input [Figure 1-2, callout 9] The AC701 board includes a pair of SMA connectors for a GTP clock that are wired to GTP quad bank 213 via clock MUX U4. This differential clock has signal names SMA_MGT_REFCLK_P and SMA_REFCLK_N, which are connected to MGT clock MUX U4 input 0 pins 4 and 2 respectively. The clock MUX output pins 10 (P-side) and 11 (N-side) are capacitively coupled to FPGA U1 GTP quad 213 MGTREFCLK1 pin AA11 and AB11 respectively. Figure 1-14 shows this direct-coupled SMA clock input circuit. • External user-provided GTP reference clock on SMA input connectors • Differential Input X-Ref Target - Figure 1-14 J25 SMA_MGT_REFCLK_C_P SMA Connector SMA_MGT_REFCLK_P 0Ω 5% J26 SMA Connector R485 GND SMA_MGT_REFCLK_C_N R484 SMA_MGT_REFCLK_N 0Ω 5% GND UG952_c1_14_101512 Figure 1-14: 26 GTP SMA Clock Source AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Jitter Attenuated Clock [Figure 1-2, callout 10] The AC701 board includes a Silicon Labs Si5324 jitter attenuator U24 on the back side of the board. FPGA user logic can implement a clock recovery circuit and then output this clock to a differential I/O pair on I/O bank 16 (REC_CLOCK_C_P, FPGA U1 pin D23 and REC_CLOCK_C_N, FPGA U1 pin D24) for jitter attenuation. Duplicate capacitively coupled jitter attenuated clocks are routed to a pair of MGT clock MUXes U3 and U4. See Table 1-9, page 25. The primary purpose of this clock is to support CPRI/OBSAI applications that perform clock recovery from a user-supplied SFP/SFP+ module and use the jitter attenuated recovered clock to drive the reference clock inputs of a GTP transceiver. The jitter attenuated clock circuit is shown in Figure 1-15. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-15 SI5324_VCC U24 Si5324C-C-GM Clock Multiplier/ Jitter Attenuator 5 X6 10 114.285 MHz 20 ppm XA 1 2 GND1 32 SI5324_XTAL_XA 6 2 NC 2 NC 2 NC3 5 NC4 NC 8 NC VDDA NC1 VDDA NC2 VDDA XA NC5 4 GND2 XB 3 7 C33 0.1μF 25V X5R REC_CLOCK_P GND REC_CLOCK_C_P REC_CLOCK_C_N SI5324_XTAL_XB R167 100Ω XB CKOUT1_N CKOUT1_P 16 CKIN1_P CKOUT2_N CKOUT2_P REC_CLOCK_N C34 0.1μF 25V X5R 17 NC 12 NC 13 3 SI5324_VCC R4 4.7K NC 4 NC 11 NC 15 NC 18 NC 19 R292 4.7K SI5326_RST_B NC 20 NC SI5324_OUT0_C_P 29 SI5324_OUT_N 28 SI5324_OUT_P 35 SI5324_OUT_P 34 SI5324_OUT_N C32 0.1μF 25V X5R C9 0.1μF 25V X5R SI5324_OUT1_C_P CKIN1_N SI5324_OUT1_C_N CKIN2_P CKIN2_N GNDPAD SI5324_INT_ALM_B C31 0.1μF 25V X5R SI5324_OUT0_C_N INT_C1B CMODE C2B SDI RATE0 SDA_SDO RATE1 SCL LOL A0 DEC INC 1 RST_B 21 CS_CA A1 A2_SS GND1 GND2 37 36 27 23 22 24 31 31 9 31 C10 0.1μF 25V X5R NC SI5324_SDA SI5324_SCL R424 4.7KΩ 5% GND GND Figure 1-15: UG952_c1_15_011813 Jitter Attenuated Clock See the Silicon Labs Si5324 datasheet for more information on this device http:// The SI5324 U24 connections to FPGA U1 are shown in Table 1-9. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 27 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features FMC HPC GBT Clocks The FMC HPC connector J30 sources two MGT clocks, FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_P/N from connector section D, and FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK1_M2C_P/N from connector section B. Table 1-10 and Table 1-11 list the MGT clock MUX U3 and U4 connections. Table 1-10: MUX U3 SY89544UMG MGT Clock Inputs Clock Source Device Ref Des ICS84402I U2 SY89544UMG U3 Schematic Net Name Pin 7 SI5324-C-GM FMC HPC FPGA U1 Bank 213 Schematic Net Name Input Pin Output Pin EPHYCLK_Q0_P Pin Pin Name AA13 AB13 MGTREFCLK0P MGTREFCLK0N 4 IN0 6 EPHYCLK_Q0_N 29 SI5324_OUT0_C_N U24 2 32 IN1 28 SI5324_OUT0_C_P D4 FMC1_HPC_ GBTCLK0_M2C_P J30 30 Qout_P 10 Qout_N 11 SFP_MGT_CLK0_P(1) SFP_MGT_CLK0_N(1) 27 IN2 D5 FMC1_HPC_ GBTCLK0_M2C_N 25 Notes: 1. U3 output clock nets SFP_MGT_CLK0_P/N contain a series 0.1uF capacitor. The MUX U3 clock input channel select nets are SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL[1:0]. SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL1 is wired to FPGA U1 pin C24 and SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL0 is wired to FPGA U1 pin B26 on FPGA U1 Bank 16. Table 1-11: MUX U4 SY89544UMG MGT Clock Inputs Clock Source SY89544UMG U4 Schematic Net Name FPGA U1 Bank 213 Schematic Net Name Device Ref Des Pin SMA J25 1 Input Pin Output Pin SMA_MGT_REFCLK_P Pin Pin Name AA11 AB11 MGTREFCLK1P MGTREFCLK1N 4 IN0 SMA J26 SI5324-C-GM U24 FMC HPC 1 SMA_MGT_REFCLK_N 35 SI5324_OUT1_C_P 2 32 IN1 34 SI5324_OUT1_C_N 30 B20 FMC1_HPC_ GBTCLK1_M2C_P 27 B21 FMC1_HPC_ GBTCLK1_M2C_N J30 Qout_P 10 Qout_N 11 SFP_MGT_CLK1_P(1) SFP_MGT_CLK1_N(1) IN2 25 Notes: 1. U4 output clock nets SFP_MGT_CLK1_P/N contain a series 0.1uF capacitor. The MUX U4 clock input channel select nets are PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL[1:0]. PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL1 is wired to FPGA U1 pin C26 and PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL0 is wired to FPGA U1 pin A24 on FPGA U1 Bank 16. The U3 MUX circuit is shown in Figure 1-16. The U4 MUX circuit is shown in Figure 1-17. 28 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions X-Ref Target - Figure 1-16 VCC2V5 VCC2V5 U3 SY89544UMG 1 5 EPHYCLK_Q0_P VCC1 VCC3 VCC2 VCC4 4 IN0 NC EPHYCLK_Q0_N 3 VT0 2 IN0 SI5324_OUT0_C_P NC 31 VT1 30 IN1 VCC6 24 50 VCC7 28 VCC8 29 1 50 50 FMC1_HBC_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_P 27 IN2 NC 26 VT2 FMC1_HBC_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_N 25 IN2 2 NC 21 IN3 6 19 C320 0.1μF 25V X5R SFP_MGT_CLK0_P Q 11 SFP_MGT_CLK0_P GND2 9 50 GND Q 10 GND1 7 50 GND3 12 NC 23 IN3 NC 22 VT3 17 C105 0.1μF 25V X5R VCC5 20 0 50 32 IN1 SI5324_OUT0_C_N 8 C318 0.1μF 25V X5R TO MGT BANK 213 MGTREFCLK0_P/N PINS AA13, AB13 GND4 13 3 50 S0 50 S1 GND5 16 GND6 18 SEL0 PWRPAD 33 SEL1 MGT_CLK0_SEL1 MGT_CLK0_SEL0 GND VCC2V5 R454 10K 1/10W 1% Q24 NDS336P 460 mW SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL0 R332 10K 1/10W 1% GND VCC2V5 R455 10K 1/10W 1% Q25 NDS336P 460 mW SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL1 R333 10K 1/10W 1% GND UG952_c1_16_101612 Figure 1-16: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 MGT Clock MUX U3 Circuit 29 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-17 VCC2V5 VCC2V5 U4 SY89544UMG 1 5 SMA_MGT_REFCLK_P SI5324_OUT1_C_P VCC3 VCC2 VCC4 4 IN0 NC SMA_MGT_REFCLK_N VCC1 3 VT0 2 IN0 30 IN1 VCC6 24 50 VCC7 28 VCC8 29 1 50 50 FMC1_HBC_GBTCLK1_M2C_C_P 27 IN2 NC 26 VT2 FMC1_HBC_GBTCLK1_M2C_C_N 25 IN2 2 NC 21 IN3 6 19 C321 0.1μF 25V X5R SFP_MGT_CLK1_P Q 11 SFP_MGT_CLK1_P GND2 9 50 GND Q 10 GND1 7 50 GND3 12 NC 23 IN3 NC 22 VT3 17 C106 0.1μF 25V X5R VCC5 20 0 50 32 IN1 NC 31 VT1 SI5324_OUT1_C_N 8 C322 0.1μF 25V X5R TO MGT BANK 213 MGTREFCLK1_P/N PINS AA11, AB11 GND4 13 3 50 S0 50 S1 GND5 16 GND6 18 SEL0 PWRPAD 33 SEL1 MGT_CLK1_SEL1 MGT_CLK1_SEL0 GND VCC2V5 R452 10K 1/10W 1% Q23 NDS336P 460 mW PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL0 R151 10K 1/10W 1% GND VCC2V5 R453 10K 1/10W 1% Q22 NDS336P 460 mW PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL1 R152 10K 1/10W 1% GND UG952_c1_17_101612 Figure 1-17: 30 MGT Clock MUX U4 Circuit AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions GTP Transceivers [Figure 1-2, callout 11] The AC701 board provides access to 8 GTP transceivers: • Four of the GTP transceivers are wired to the PCI Express® x4 endpoint edge connector (P1) fingers • Two of the GTP transceivers are wired to the FMC HPC connector (J30) • One GTP is wired to SMA connectors (RX: J46, J47 TX: J44, J45) • One GTP is wired to the SFP/SFP+ Module connector (P3) The GTP transceivers in 7 series FPGAs are grouped into four channels described as Quads. The reference clock for a Quad can be sourced from the Quad above or Quad below the GTP Quad of interest. There are two GTP Quads on the AC701 board with connectivity as shown here: • Quad 213 • • Contains 4 GTP transceivers: - GTP0 SFP - GTP1 FMC HPC DP0 - GTP2 FMC HPC DP1 - GTP3 SMA TX/RX Connector Pairs • MGTREFCLK0 Clock Mux U3 output • MGTREFCLK1 Clock Mux U4 output Quad 216 • Contains 4 GTP transceivers for PCIe lanes 0-3 • MGTREFCLK0 PCIe edge connector clock • MGTREFCLK1 NC Table 1-12 lists the GTP interface connections to the FPGA (U1). AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 31 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-12: GTP Interface Connections for FPGA U1 Transceiver Bank Placement GTP_BANK_213 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y0 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y1 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y2 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y3 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y0 32 Pin Number Pin Name Schematic Net Name Connected Connected Device Pin AC10 MGTPTXP0_213 SFP_TX_P P3.18 SFP+ Conn. P3 AD10 MGTPTXN0_213 SFP_TX_N P3.19 SFP+ Conn. P3 AC12 MGTPRXP0_213 SFP_RX_P P3.13 SFP+ Conn. P3 AD12 MGTPRXN0_213 SFP_RX_N P3.12 SFP+ Conn. P3 AE9 MGTPTXP1_213 FMC1_HPC_DP0_C2M_P J30.C2 FMC HPC J30 AF9 MGTPTXN1_213 FMC1_HPC_DP0_C2M_N J30.C3 FMC HPC J30 AE13 MGTPRXP1_213 FMC1_HPC_DP0_M2C_P J30.C6 FMC HPC J30 AF13 MGTPRXN1_213 FMC1_HPC_DP0_M2C_N J30.C7 FMC HPC J30 AC8 MGTPTXP2_213 FMC1_HPC_DP1_C2M_P J30.A22 FMC HPC J30 AD8 MGTPTXN2_213 FMC1_HPC_DP1_C2M_N J30.A23 FMC HPC J30 AC14 MGTPRXP2_213 FMC1_HPC_DP1_M2C_P J30.A2 FMC HPC J30 AD14 MGTPRXN2_213 FMC1_HPC_DP1_M2C_N J30.A3 FMC HPC J30 AE7 MGTPTXP3_213 SMA_MGT_TX_P J44.1 Clock Input SMA AF7 MGTPTXN3_213 SMA_MGT_TX_N J45.1 Clock Input SMA AE11 MGTPRXP3_213 SMA_MGT_RX_P J46.1 Clock Input SMA AF11 MGTPRXN3_213 SMA_MGT_RX_N J47.1 Clock Input SMA AA13 MGTREFCLK0P_213 SFP_MGT_CLK0_C_P U3.10(1) Clock Mux U3 SFP_MGT_CLK0_C_N U3.11(1) Clock Mux U3 Clock Mux U4 Clock Mux U4 AB13 MGTREFCLK0N_213 AA11 MGTREFCLK1P_213 SFP_MGT_CLK1_C_P U4.10(1) AB11 MGTREFCLK1N_213 SFP_MGT_CLK1_C_N U4.11(1) AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-12: GTP Interface Connections for FPGA U1 (Cont’d) Transceiver Bank Placement GTP_BANK_216 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y4 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y5 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y6 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y7 GTPE2_CHANNEL_ X0Y1 Pin Number Pin Name Schematic Net Name Connected Connected Device Pin B7 MGTPTXP0_216 PCIE_TX3_P P1.A29(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 A7 MGTPTXN0_216 PCIE_TX3_N P1.A30(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 B11 MGTPRXP0_216 PCIE_RX3_P P1.B27 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 A11 MGTPRXN0_216 PCIE_RX3_N P1.B28 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 D8 MGTPTXP1_216 PCIE_TX2_P P1.A25(2) C8 MGTPTXN1_216 PCIE_TX2_N P1.A26(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 D14 MGTPRXP1_216 PCIE_RX2_P P1.B23 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 C14 MGTPRXN1_216 PCIE_RX2_N P1.B24 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 B9 MGTPTXP2_216 PCIE_TX1_P P1.A21(2) A9 MGTPTXN2_216 PCIE_TX1_N P1.A22(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 B13 MGTPRXP2_216 PCIE_RX1_P P1.B19 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 A13 MGTPRXN2_216 PCIE_RX1_N P1.B20 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 (2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 D10 MGTPTXP3_216 PCIE_TX0_P P1.A16 C10 MGTPTXN3_216 PCIE_TX0_N P1.A17(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 D12 MGTPRXP3_216 PCIE_RX0_P P1.B14 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 C12 MGTPRXN3_216 PCIE_RX0_N P1.B15 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 PCIe Edge Conn. P1 F11 MGTREFCLK0P_216 PCIE_CLK_QO_P P1.A13(2) E11 MGTREFCLK0N_216 PCIE_CLK_QO_N P1.A14(2) PCIe Edge Conn. P1 F13 MGTREFCLK1P_216 NC NA NA E13 MGTREFCLK1N_216 NC NA NA Notes: 1. Clock Mux U3 and U4 output nets are capacitively coupled to the GTP REFCLK input pins. 2. PCIE_TXn_P/N and PCIE_CLK_Q0_P/N are capacitively coupled to the PCIe edge connector P1. For more information on the GTP transceivers see UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceivers User Guide. PCI Express Edge Connector [Figure 1-2, callout 12] The 4-lane PCI Express edge connector performs data transfers at the rate of 2.5 GT/s for a Gen1 application and 5.0 GT/s for a Gen2 application. The PCIe transmit and receive signal data paths have a characteristic impedance of 85Ω ±10%. The PCIe clock is routed as a 100Ω differential pair. The 7 series FPGAs GTP transceivers are used for multi-gigabit per second serial interfaces. The XC7A200T-2FBG676C FPGA (-2 speed grade) included with the AC701 board supports up to Gen2 x4. The PCIe clock is input from the edge connector. It is AC coupled to the FPGA through the MGTREFCLK0 pins of Quad 216. PCIE_CLK_Q0_P is connected to FPGA U1 pin F11, and the _N net is connected to pin E11. The PCI Express clock circuit is shown in Figure 1-18. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 33 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-18 P1 PCI Express Four-Lane Edge connector A13 PCIE_CLK_Q0_C_P C188 0.01μF 25V X7R PCIE_CLK_Q0_P A14 PCIE_CLK_Q0_C_N PCIE_CLK_Q0_N OE GND REFCLK+ REFCLKGND A12 A15 C189 0.01μF 25V X7R GND UG952_c1_18_100312 Figure 1-18: PCI Express Clock PCIe lane width/size is selected via jumper J12 (Figure 1-19). The default lane size selection is 4-lane (J12 pins 3 and 4) jumpered). X-Ref Target - Figure 1-19 PCIE_PRSNT_X1 PCIE_PRSNT_X4 1 3 J12 2 4 PCIE_PRSNT_B UG952_c1_19_100312 Figure 1-19: PCI Express Lane Size Select Jumper J12 Table 1-12, page 32 lists the PCIe edge connector connections. For more information refer to UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTP Transceivers User Guide and UG477 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express User Guide (AXI). SFP/SFP+ Connector [Figure 1-2, callout 13] The AC701 board contains a small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) connector and cage assembly (P3) that accepts SFP or SFP+ modules. Figure 1-20 shows the SFP+ module connector circuitry. 34 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions X-Ref Target - Figure 1-20 VCC3V3 P3 VCC3V3 L6 4.7μH 3.0 A SFP+ Module Connector 74441-0010 L7 4.7μH 3.0 A SFP_VCCR 15 SFP_VCCT 16 C114 22μF 25V X5R C23 0.1μF 25V X5R C22 0.1μF 25V X5R C115 22μF 25V X5R 10 11 14 1 17 20 21 GND 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VCCR RD_N VCCT RD_P TD_P VEER_1 VEER_2 TD_N 12 SFP_RX_N 13 SFP_RX_P 18 SFP_TX_P 19 SFP_TX_N SFP_IIC_SDA VEER_3 SDA 4 VEET_1 SCL 5 SFP_IIC_SCL VEET_2 TX_FAULT 2 VEET_3 TX_DISABLE 3 GND1 GND2 MOD_ABS VCC3V3 R12 4.7K 1/10W 5% R11 4.7K 1/10W 5% R13 4.7K 1/10W 5% R14 4.7K 1/10W 5% SFP_TX_FAULT J22 1 SFP_TX_DISABLE 6 SFP_MOD_DETECT J21 1 8 SFP_LOS J20 1 GND3 GND4 LOS GND5 HDR_1X1 GND6 J6 2 GND7 SFP_TX_DISABLE 1 HDR_1X2 SFP Enable GND8 GND9 GND10 GND GND11 GND12 RS1 9 SFP_RS1 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 R392 4.7K 1/10W 5% GND RS0 7 SFP_RS0 1 HDR_1X3 J38 J39 1 2 2 3 3 GND 1-2: FULL BW RX 2-3: LOW BW RX R391 4.7K 1/10W 5% GND 1-2: FULL BW TX 2-3: LOW BW TX UG952_c1_20_011813 Figure 1-20: SFP+ Module Connector Table 1-13 lists the SFP+ module RX and TX connections to the FPGA. Table 1-13: FPGA U1 to SFP+ Module Connections FPGA Pin (U1) Schematic Net Name SFP+ Pin (P5) SFP+ Pin Name (P5) AD12 SFP_RX_N 12 RD_N AC12 SFP_RX_P 13 RD_P AD10 SFP_TX_N 19 TD_N AC10 SFP_TX_P 18 TD_P R18 SFP_TX_DISABLE 3 TX_DISABLE R23 SFP_LOS 8 LOS AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 35 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-14 lists the SFP+ module control and status connections. Table 1-14: SFP+ Module Control and Status SFP Control/Status Signal SFP_TX_FAULT Board Connection Test Point J22 High = Fault Low = Normal Operation SFP_TX_DISABLE Jumper J6 (and FPGA pin R18) Off = SFP Disabled On = SFP Enabled SFP_MOD_DETECT Test Point J21 High = Module Not Present Low = Module Present SFP_RS0 Jumper J38 Jumper Pins 1-2 = Full RX Bandwidth Jumper Pins 2-3 = Reduced RX Bandwidth SFP_RS1 Jumper J39 Jumper Pins 1-2 = Full TX Bandwidth Jumper Pins 2-3 = Reduced TX Bandwidth SFP_LOS Test Point J20 High = Loss of Receiver Signal Low = Normal Operation 10/100/1000 Mb/s Tri-Speed Ethernet PHY [Figure 1-2, callout 14] The AC701 board uses the Marvell Alaska PHY device (88E1116R) at U12 for Ethernet communications at 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, or 1,000 Mb/s. The board supports RGMII mode only. The PHY connection to a user-provided ethernet cable is through a Halo HFJ11-1G01E RJ-45 connector (P4) with built-in magnetics. On power-up, or on reset, the PHY is configured to operate in RGMII mode with PHY address 0b00111 using the settings shown in Table 1-15. These settings can be overwritten via software commands passed over the MDIO interface. 36 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-15: Ethernet PHY U12 Configuration Pin Settings U12 Pin Name (No.) Setting CONFIG0 (64) VCCO1V8 PHYAD[1]=1 PHYAD[0]=1 CONFIG1 (1) PHY_LED0 PHYAD[3]=0 PHYAD[2]=1 CONFIG2 (2) GND ENA_XC=0 PHYAD[4]=0 PHY_LED0 ENA_XC=0 PHYAD[4]=1 VCC1V8 ENA_XC=1 PHYAD[4]=1 GND RGMII_TX=0 RGMII_RX=0 PHY_LED0 RGMII_TX=0 RGMII_RX=1 PHY_LED1 RGMII_TX=1 RGMII_RX=0 VCC1V8 RGMII_TX=1 RGMII_RX=1 CONFIG3 (3) Configuration The Ethernet connections from the XC7A200T at U1 to the 88E1116R PHY device at U12 are listed in Table 1-16 Ethernet PHY Connections to FPGA U1. Table 1-16: Ethernet PHY U12 Connections to FPGA U1 M88E1116R U12 FPGA U1 Pin Number Schematic Net Name Pin AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Name T14 PHY_MDIO 45 MDIO W18 PHY_MDC 48 MDC U22 PHY_TX_CLK 60 TX_CLK T15 PHY_TX_CTRL 63 TX_CTRL T17 PHY_TXD3 62 TXD3 T18 PHY_TXD2 61 TXD2 U15 PHY_TXD1 59 TXD1 U16 PHY_TXD0 58 TXD0 U21 PHY_RX_CLK 53 RX_CLK U14 PHY_RX_CTRL 49 RX_CTRL V14 PHY_RXD3 55 RXD3 V16 PHY_RXD2 54 RXD2 V17 PHY_RXD1 51 RXD1 U17 PHY_RXD0 50 RXD0 V18 PHY_RESET_B 10 RESET_B 37 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Ethernet PHY Clock Source A 25.00 MHz, 50 ppm crystal at X1 is the clock source for the 88E1116R PHY at U12. Figure 1-21 shows the clock source. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-21 C406 18pF 50V NPO X1 25.00 MHz 50 ppm R275 1.0M 5% NC C405 18pF 50V NPO NC 3 GND1 X1 4 PHY_XTAL_OUT 2 GND2 X2 1 PHY_XTAL_IN GND UG952_c1_21_100312 Figure 1-21: Ethernet PHY Clock Source Ethernet PHY User LEDs [Figure 1-2, callout 20] The three Ethernet PHY user LEDs shown in Figure 1-22 are located near the RJ45 Ethernet jack P4. The on/off state for each LED is software dependent and has no specific meaning at Ethernet PHY power-on. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-22 VCC3V3 R281 261Ω 1/10W R280 261Ω 1/10W R279 261Ω 1/10W DS13 LED-GRN-SMT DS12 LED-GRN-SMT DS11 LED-GRN-SMT Q3 NDS331N 460 mW PHY_LED0 VCC3V3 VCC3V3 Q3 NDS331N 460 mW PHY_LED1 GND Q3 NDS331N 460 mW PHY_LED2 GND GND UG952_c1_22_100312 Figure 1-22: 38 Ethernet PHY User LEDs AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Refer to the Marvell 88E1116R Alaska Gigabit Ethernet transceiver datasheet for details concerning the use of the Ethernet PHY user LEDs. They are referred to in the datasheet as LED0, LED1, and LED2. The product brief and other product information for the Marvell 88E1116R Alaska Gigabit ethernet transceiver is available at: The Marvell 88E1116R PHY datasheet may be obtained under NDA with Marvell, whose contact information may be found at: USB-to-UART Bridge [Figure 1-2, callout 16] The AC701 board contains a Silicon Labs CP2103GM USB-to-UART bridge device (U44) which allows a connection to a host computer with a USB port. The USB cable is supplied in the Evaluation Kit (standard-A plug to host computer, mini-B plug to AC701 board connector J17). The CP2103GM is powered by the USB 5V provided by the host PC when the USB cable is plugged into the USB port on the AC701 board. Xilinx UART IP is expected to be implemented in the FPGA fabric. The FPGA supports the USB-to-UART bridge using four signal pins: Transmit (TX), Receive (RX), Request to Send (RTS), and Clear to Send (CTS). Silicon Labs provides royalty-free Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers for the host computer. These drivers permit the CP2103GM USB-to-UART bridge to appear as a COM port to communications application software (for example, TeraTerm or HyperTerm) that runs on the host computer. The VCP device drivers must be installed on the host PC prior to establishing communications with the AC701 board. Table 1-17 shows the USB signal definitions at J17. Table 1-17: USB J17 Mini-B Receptacle Pin Assignments and Signal Definitions USB Receptacle Receptacle Pin Pins (J17) Name Schematic Net Name Description U44 Pin (CP2103GM) U44 Pin Name (CP2103GM) 1 VBUS USB_UART_ VBUS +5V from host system U12 CP2103 power 7, 8 REGIN, VBUS 2 D_N USB_D_N Bidirectional differential serial data (N-side) 4 D- 3 D_P USB_D_P Bidirectional differential serial data (P-side) 3 D+ 4 GND USB_UART_ GND Signal ground 2, 29 GND, GND Table 1-18 shows the USB connections between the FPGA and the UART. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 39 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-18: FPGA to UART Connections U1 FPGA Pin UART function in FPGA Schematic Net Name U44 CP2103GM Pin UART Function in CP2103GM W19 RTS, output USB_UART_ CTS 22 CTS, input V19 CTS, input USB_UART_ RTS 23 RTS, output U19 TX, data out USB_UART_ RX 24 RXD, data in T19 RX, data in USB_UART_ TX 25 TXD, data out Refer to the Silicon Labs website for technical information on the CP2103GM and the VCP drivers HDMI Video Output [Figure 1-2, callout 17] The AC701 board provides a High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) video output using the Analog Devices ADV7511KSTZ-P HDMI transmitter (U48). The HDMI output is provided on a Molex 500254-1927 HDMI type-A connector (P2). The ADV7511 is wired to support 1080P 60Hz, YCbCr 4:4:4 encoding via 24-bit input data mapping. The AC701 board supports the following HDMI device interfaces: 40 • 24 data lines • Independent VSYNC, HSYNC • Single-ended input CLK • Interrupt Out Pin to FPGA • I2 C • SPDIF AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-23 shows the HDMI codec circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-23 VCC3V3 R104 2.43K 1/10W 1% 1 HDMI_INT VCC1V8 VCC2V5 U41 R106 2.43K 1/10W 1% R105 2.43K 1/10W 1% ADV7511 45 38 55 56 IIC_SCL_HDMI IIC_SDA_HDMI HDMI_VSYNC HDMI_HSYNC 2 98 HDMI_CLK 79 HDMI_HEAC_C_N 30 To HDMI Connector to FPGA U1 INT PD SCL SDA 97 DE HDMI_SPDIF 10 SPDIF HDMI_D11 HDMI_D10 HDMI_D9 HDMI_D8 HDMI_D7 HDMI_D6 HDMI_D5 HDMI_D4 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SPDIF_OUT 46 HDMI_SPDIF_OUT C78 0.1UF 25V X5R CLK HDMI_DE HDMI_D23 HDMI_D22 HDMI_D21 HDMI_D20 HDMI_D19 HDMI_D18 HDMI_D17 HDMI_D16 HDMI_CEC_12MHZ_CLK HDMI_PLVDD HPD D35 D34 D33 D32 D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 NC NC NC NC CEC_CLK 50 VSYNC HSYNC 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 HDMI_D35 HDMI_D34 HDMI_D33 HDMI_D32 HDMI_D31 HDMI_D30 HDMI_D29 HDMI_D28 SIT8102 12.00000 MHZ 50PPM U48 PVDD1 PVDD2 PVDD3 21 24 25 AVDD1 AVDD2 AVDD3 29 34 41 DVDD1 DVDD2 DVDD3 DVDD4 DVDD5 76 77 49 19 1 DVDD_3V 47 BGVDD 26 MCLK 12 13 14 15 16 17 I2S0 I2S1 I2S2 I2S3 SCLK LRCLK GND 2 1 GND 2 GND HDMI_DVDD HDMI_DVDD_3V TX0_P TX0_N TX1_P TX1_N TX2_P TX2_N TXC_P TXC_N DDCSDA DDCSCL HEAC_P HEAC_N CEC GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 GND5 GND6 GND7 GND8 GND9 GND10 GND11 28 R_EXT HDMI_PLVDD 36 35 40 39 43 42 33 32 HDMI_D0_P HDMI_D0_N HDMI_D1_P HDMI_D1_N HDMI_D2_P HDMI_D2_N HDMI_CLK_P HDMI_CLK_N 54 53 HDMI_DDCSDA HDMI_DDCSCL 52 51 HDMI_HEAC_P HDMI_HEAC_N 48 HDMI_CEC To HDMI Connector 99 100 18 20 22 23 27 31 37 44 75 R102 887 GND GND UG952_c1_23_100312 Figure 1-23: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 OE 1 3 OUT HDMI_AVDD DSD0 DSD1 DSD2 DSD3 DSD4 DSD5 DSD_CLK 11 HDMI_AVDD 4 VCC HDMI Codec Circuit 41 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-19 lists the connections between the codec and the FPGA. Table 1-19: FPGA to HDMI Codec Connections (ADV7511) ADV7511 (U48) FPGA Pin (U1) 42 Schematic Net Name Pin Name AA24 HDMI_R_D4 92 D4 Y25 HDMI_R_D5 91 D5 Y26 HDMI_R_D6 90 D6 V26 HDMI_R_D7 89 D7 W26 HDMI_R_D8 88 D8 W25 HDMI_R_D9 87 D9 W24 HDMI_R_D10 86 D10 U26 HDMI_R_D11 85 D11 U25 HDMI_R_D16 80 D16 V24 HDMI_R_D17 78 D17 U20 HDMI_R_D18 74 D18 W23 HDMI_R_D19 73 D19 W20 HDMI_R_D20 72 D20 U24 HDMI_R_D21 71 D21 Y20 HDMI_R_D22 70 D22 V23 HDMI_R_D23 69 D23 AA23 HDMI_R_D28 64 D28 AA25 HDMI_R_D29 63 D29 AB25 HDMI_R_D30 62 D30 AC24 HDMI_R_D31 61 D31 AB24 HDMI_R_D32 60 D32 Y22 HDMI_R_D33 59 D33 Y23 HDMI_R_D34 58 D34 V22 HDMI_R_D35 57 D35 AB26 HDMI_R_DE 97 DE Y21 HDMI_R_SPDIF 10 SPDIF V21 HDMI_R_CLK 79 CLK AC26 HDMI_R_VSYNC 2 VSYNC AA22 HDMI_R_HSYNC 98 HSYNC W21 HDMI_INT 45 INT T20 HDMI_SPDIF_OUT_LS 46 SPDIF_OUT AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-20 lists the connections between the codec and the HDMI connector P2. Table 1-20: ADV7511 Connections to HDMI Connector ADV7511 (U48) Schematic Net Name HDMI Connector P2 Pin 36 HDMI_D0_P 7 35 HDMI_D0_N 9 40 HDMI_D1_P 4 39 HDMI_D1_N 6 43 HDMI_D2_P 1 42 HDMI_D2_N 3 33 HDMI_CLK_P 10 32 HDMI_CLK_N 12 54 HDMI_DDCSDA 16 53 HDMI_DDCSCL 15 52 HDMI_HEAC_P 14 51 HDMI_HEAC_N 19 48 HDMI_CRC 13 Information about the ADV7511 is available on the Analog Devices website at LCD Character Display [Figure 1-2, callout 18] A 2-line by 16-character display is provided on the AC701 board (Figure 1-24). X-Ref Target - Figure 1-24 LCD Display (16 x 2) UG952_c1_24_101612 Figure 1-24: LCD Display The character display runs at 5.0V and is connected to the FPGA's 3.3V HP bank 14 through a TI TXS0108E 8-bit bidirectional voltage level translator (U45). Figure 1-25 shows the LCD interface circuit. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 43 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-25 FPGA_3V3 VCC5V0 C473 0.1μF 25V X5R U45 TXS0108E 8-Bit Bidirectional Voltage Level Translator GND LCD_E_LS LCD_RW_LS LCD_DB4_LS LCD_DB5_LS LCD_DB6_LS LCD_DB7_LS LCD_RS_LS C472 0.1μF 25V X5R 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 NC 9 10 VCCA A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 OE GND VCCB B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 GND 19 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 NC 11 LCD_E LCD_RW LCD_DB4 LCD_DB5 LCD_DB6 LCD_DB7 LCD_RS GND VCC5V0 VCC5V0 1 3 NC 5 NC 7 9 11 13 LCD_DB7 LCD_DB5 LCD_E LCD_RS J23 2 4 6 NC 8 NC 10 12 14 LCD_DB6 LCD_DB4 R118 6.81kΩ LCD_RW LCD_VEE R232 LCD Contrast 2 kΩ Potentiometer GND GND UG952_c1_25_100312 Figure 1-25: LCD Interface Circuit The AC701 board base board uses a male Samtec MTLW-107-07-G-D-265 2x7 header (J23) with 0.025-inch square posts on 0.100-inch centers for connecting to a Samtec SLW-107-01-L-D female socket on the LCD display panel assembly. The LCD header shown in Figure 1-26. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-26 LCD Display Assembly Low Profile Socket Samtec SLW-107-01-L-D 10 mm Low Profile Terminal Samtec MTLW-107-07-G-D-265 PWA UG952_c1_26_101812 Figure 1-26: 44 LCD Header Details AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-21 lists the connections between the FPGA and the LCD header. If the LCD is not installed, the J23 pins listed in Table 1-21 can be used for GPIO. Table 1-21: FPGA to LCD Header Connections FPGA Pin (U1) Schematic Net Name LCD Header Pin (J23) L25 LCD_DB4_LS 4 M24 LCD_DB5_LS 3 M25 LCD_DB6_LS 2 L22 LCD_DB7_LS 1 L24 LCD_RW_LS 10 L23 LCD_RS_LS 11 L20 LCD_E_LS 9 References The datasheet for the Displaytech S162DBABC LCD can be found at Choose the S162D model full spec download arrow. I2C Bus Switch [Figure 1-2, callout 19] The AC701 board implements a single I2C port on FPGA Bank 14 ( IIC_SDA_MAIN, FPGA pin K25 and IIC_SCL_MAIN, FPGA pin N18), which is routed through a Texas Instruments PCA9548 1-to-8 channel I2C switch (U52). The I2C switch can operate at speeds up to 400 kHz. The U52 bus switch at I2C address 0x74/0b01110100 must be addressed and configured to select the desired target downstream device. The AC701 board I2C bus topology is shown in Figure 1-27. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-27 U52 PCA9548 12C 1-to-8 Bus Switch U1 FPGA Bank 14 (3.3V) CH0 - USER_CLK_SDL/SCL CH1 - FMC_HPC_IIC_SDA/SCL CH2 - (NOT USED) CH3 - EEPROM_IIC_SDA/SCL IIC_SDA/SCL_MAIN CH4 - SFP_IIC_SDA/SCL CH5 - IIC_SDA/SCL_HDMI CH6 - IIC_SDA/SCL_DDR3 CH7 - SI5324_SDA/SCL 0x74 UG952_C1_27_100312 Figure 1-27: I2C Bus Topology User applications that communicate with devices on one of the downstream I2C buses must first set up a path to the desired bus through the U52 bus switch at I2C address 0x74/ 0b01110100. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 45 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features . Table 1-22 lists the address for each bus. I2C Bus Addresses Table 1-22: I2C Switch Position I2C Bus PCA9548 I2C Address N/A 0b1110100 USER_CLK_SDA/SCL 0 0b1011101 FMC1_HPC_IIC_SDA/SCL 1 0bXXXXX00 NOT USED 2 NOT USED EEPROM_IIC_SDA/SCL 3 0b1010100 SFP_IIC_SDA/SCL 4 0b1010000 IIC_SDA/SCL_HDMI 5 0b0111001 IIC_SDA/SCL_DDR3 6 0b1010000, 0b0011000 SI5324_SDA/SCL 7 0b1010000 Information about the PCA9548 is available on the TI Semiconductor website at AC701 Board LEDs Table 1-23 lists all LEDs on the AC701 board. Table 1-23: Reference Designator 46 AC701 Board LEDs Description Notes Schematic Page DS1 INIT Dual Color Red/Green Avago HSMF-C155 7 DS2 GPIO LED0 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 21 DS3 GPIO LED1 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 21 DS4 GPIO LED2 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 21 DS5 GPIO LED3 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 21 DS6 U8 TI Controller #1 PWRGOOD Lumex SML-LX0603GW 39 DS10 FPGA DONE Lumex SML-LX0603GW 7 DS11 EPHY U12 Status LED2 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 15 DS12 EPHY U12 Status LED1 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 15 DS13 EPHY U12 Status LED0 Lumex SML-LX0603GW 15 DS14 FMC PWRCTL1_VCC4B_PG Lumex SML-LX0603GW 24 DS15 VCCINT ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 40 DS16 VCCAUX ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 41 DS17 VCCBRAM ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 42 DS18 FPGA_1V5 ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 43 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-23: AC701 Board LEDs (Cont’d) Reference Designator Description Notes Schematic Page DS19 VCCO_VADJ ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 46 DS20 DDR3 SODIMM RTERM VTT ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 44 DS21 VCC3V3 ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 48 DS22 12V INPUT POWER ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 38 DS23 U9 TI Controller #2 PWRGOOD Lumex SML-LX0603GW 45 DS24 MGTAVCC ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 49 DS25 MGTAVTT ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 50 DS26 FPGA_1V8 ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 47 DS27 DDR3 SODIMM VTT ON Lumex SML-LX0603GW 44 Notes: 1. The Lumex SML-LX0603GW LED is Green User I/O [Figure 1-2, callout 21 - 25] The AC701 board provides the following user and general purpose I/O capabilities: • Four user GPIO LEDs (callout 21) • • • Five user pushbuttons and reset switch (callout 22) • GPIO_SW_[NESWC]: SW3, SW4, SW5, SW7, SW6 • CPU_RESET: SW8 4-position user DIP Switch (callout 23) • • If the display is unmounted, connector J23 pins are available as 7 independent GPIOs 6-pin in-line male 0.1 inch PMOD header • AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 USER_SMA_GPIO_P, USER_SMA_GPIO_N: J33, J34 2 line x 16 character LCD Character Display (callout 18) • • ROTARY_PUSH, ROTARY_INCA, ROTARY_INCB: SW10 User SMA (callout 25) • • GPIO_DIP_SW[4-0]: SW2 User Rotary Switch (callout 24, hidden beneath the LCD) • • GPIO_LED_[3-0]: DS5, DS4, DS3, DS2 PMOD[3-0]: J48 47 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features User GPIO LEDs [Figure 1-2, callout 21] Figure 1-28 shows the user LED circuits. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-28 GPIO_LED_0 GPIO_LED_1 GPIO_LED_2 GPIO_LED_3 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 R150 49.9Ω 1% R149 49.9Ω 1% R148 49.9Ω 1% R147 49.9Ω 1% GND UG952_c1_28_100312 Figure 1-28: User LEDs User Pushbuttons and Reset Switch [Figure 1-2, callout 22] Figure 1-29 shows the user pushbutton switch circuits. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-29 FPGA_1V5 SW3 GPIO SW N 4 1 3 2 R36 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% FPGA_1V5 GND FPGA_1V5 GPIO SW W 4 1 3 2 GPIO SW C SW4 4 1 3 2 R40 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND FPGA_1V5 SW6 SW7 GPIO SW E R39 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND 4 1 3 2 R37 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% FPGA_1V5 GND SW5 GPIO SW S 4 1 3 2 R38 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND UG952_c1_29_011813 Figure 1-29: 48 User Pushbuttons AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-30 shows the user CPU_RESET pushbutton switch circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-30 FPGA_1V5 SW8 CPU_RESET 4 1 3 2 R41 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND Figure 1-30: UG952_c1_140_011813 CPU_RESET Pushbutton GPIO DIP Switch [Figure 1-2, callout 23] Figure 1-31 shows the GPIO DIP Switch circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-31 SW2 FPGA_1V5 GPIO_DIP_SW0 1 8 GPIO_DIP_SW1 GPIO_DIP_SW2 2 7 3 6 GPIO_DIP_SW3 4 5 R50 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% R52 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% R53 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% SDA04H1SBD R51 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND UG952_c1_30_100412 Figure 1-31: GPIO DIP Switch User Rotary Switch [Figure 1-2, callout 24] Figure 1-32 shows the user rotary switch circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-32 SW10 VCC3V3 EVQ-WK4001 Edge-Drive Jog Encoder ROTARY INCB B 6 5 SW1B 4 SW2 3 SW1A COM 2 GND 7 ROTARY PUSH ROTARY INCA A 1 R44 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% GND GND Figure 1-32: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 R43 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% R45 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% UG952_c1_141_011813 User Rotary Switch Circuit 49 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features User SMA Connectors [Figure 1-2, callout 25] Figure 1-33 shows the user SMA connector circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-33 J33 SMA Connector USER_SMA_GPIO_P J34 GND SMA Connector USER_SMA_GPIO_N GND UG952_c1_142_011813 Figure 1-33: User SMA Connector LCD Connector Figure 1-34 shows the LCD J23 2x7 male pin header circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-34 VCC5V0 VCC5V0 LCD_DB7 LCD_DB5 1 3 NC 5 NC 7 9 11 13 LCD_E LCD_RS J23 2 4 6 NC 8 NC 10 12 14 LCD_DB6 LCD_DB4 R118 6.81kΩ LCD_RW LCD_VEE R232 LCD Contrast 2 kΩ Potentiometer GND GND UG952_c1_31_100412 Figure 1-34: LCD Header J23 PMOD Connector Figure 1-35 shows the J48 PMOD male pin header. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-35 VCC3V3 J48 PMOD_0 1 PMOD_1 2 PMOD_2 3 PMOD_3 4 5 6 GND HDR_1X6 UG952_c1_32_100412 Figure 1-35: 50 PMOD Header J48 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-24 lists the GPIO Connections to FPGA U1. Table 1-24: GPIO Connections to FPGA U1 FPGA (U1) Pin Schematic Net Name GPIO Pin User LEDs (Active High) M26 GPIO_LED_0 DS2.2 T24 GPIO_LED_1 DS3.2 T25 GPIO_LED_2 DS4.2 R26 GPIO_LED_3 DS5.2 Directional Push-Button Switches (Active High) P6 GPIO_SW_N SW3.3 U5 GPIO_SW_E SW4.3 T5 GPIO_SW_S SW5.3 R5 GPIO_SW_W SW7.3 U6 GPIO_SW_C SW6.3 CPU_RESET Push-Button Switches (Active High) U4 CPU_RESET SW8.3 4-Pole DIP Switch (Active High) R8 GPIO_DIP_SW0 SW2.1 P8 GPIO_DIP_SW1 SW2.2 R7 GPIO_DIP_SW2 SW2.3 R6 GPIO_DIP_SW3 SW2.4 Rotary Encoder Switch (Active High) P20 ROTARY_INCB SW10.6 N21 ROTARY_PUSH SW10.5 N22 ROTARY_INCA SW10.1 User SMA Connectors AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 T8 USER_SMA_GPIO_P J33.1 T7 USER_SMA_GPIO_N J34.1 51 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-24: GPIO Connections to FPGA U1 (Cont’d) FPGA (U1) Pin Schematic Net Name GPIO Pin User LCD male pin header L22 LCD_DB7 J23.1 M25 LCD_DB6 J23.2 M24 LCD_DB5 J23.3 L25 LCD_DB4 J23.4 L20 LCD_E J23.9 L24 LCD_RW J23.10 L23 LCD_RS J23.11 User GPIO PMOD male pin header P26 PMOD_0 J48.1 T22 PMOD_1 J48.2 R22 PMOD_2 J48.3 T23 PMOD_3 J48.4 Switches [Figure 1-2, callout 26 - 27] The AC701 board includes a power and a configuration switch: • Power On/Off Slide Switch SW15 (callout 26) • FPGA_PROG_B SW14, active-Low (callout 27) Power On/Off Slide Switch SW15 [Figure 1-2, callout 26] The AC701 board power switch is SW15. Sliding the switch actuator from the Off to On position applies 12V power from J49, a 6-pin mini-fit connector. Green LED DS22 illuminates when the AC701 board power is on. See Power Management for details on the onboard power system. Caution! Do NOT plug a PC ATX power supply 6-pin connector into J49 on the AC701 board The ATX 6-pin connector has a different pinout than J49. Connecting an ATX 6-pin connector into J49 will damage the AC701 board and void the board warranty. 52 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-36 shows the simplified diagram of the power connector J49, power switch SW15 and indicator LED DS22. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-36 J49 12V 12V N/C N/C COM COM SW15 2 VCC12 P IN 1 4 2 5 3 6 VCC12 P 1 3 R369 1kΩ 1% 4 5 6 GND C539 330μF 25V PCIe Power GND DS22 GND UG952_c1_33_101612 Figure 1-36: Power On/Off Switch SW15 The AC701 Evaluation Kit provides the adapter cable shown in Figure 1-37 for powering the AC701 board from the ATX power supply 4-pin peripheral connector. The Xilinx part number for this cable is 2600304, and is equivalent to Sourcegate Technologies part number AZCBL-WH-1109-RA4. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-37 To ATX 4-Pin Peripheral Power Connector To J49 on AC701 Board UG952_c1_34_101612 Figure 1-37: ATX Power Supply Adapter Cable FPGA_PROG_B Pushbutton SW9 (Active-Low) [Figure 1-2, callout 27] Switch SW9 grounds the FPGA's PROG_B pin when pressed. This action initiates an FPGA reconfiguration. The FPGA_PROG_B signal is connected to FPGA U1 pin AE16. See UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide for further details on configuring the 7 series FPGAs. Figure 1-38 shows SW9. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-38 FPGA_3V3 FPGA_PROG_B R42 4.7kΩ 0.1 W 5% SW9 1 4 2 3 GND UG952_c1_35_100412 Figure 1-38: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 FPGA_PROG_B Pushbutton SW9 53 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Configuration Mode Switch SW1 The AC701 board supports two of the five 7 series FPGA configuration modes: • Master SPI using the on-board Quad SPI flash memory • JTAG using a standard-A to micro-B USB cable for connecting the host PC to the AC701 board configuration port (via Digilent module) Each configuration interface corresponds to one or more configuration modes and bus widths as listed in Table 1-25. The mode switches M2, M1, and M0 are on SW1 positions 1, 2, and 3 respectively as shown in Figure 1-39. Note: On the AC701 board, SW1 switch position 2 is not used. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-39 FPGA_3V3 SW1 FPGA_M2 FPGA_M1 FPGA_M0 1 NC 2 3 6 5 4 SDA03H1SBD R339 1.21K 1% 1/10W R338 1.21K 1% 1/10W R337 1.21K 1% 1/10W UG952_c1_36_011713 Figure 1-39: Mode Switch SW1 The default mode setting is M[2:0] = 001, which selects Master SPI at board power-on. Table 1-25: AC701 Board FPGA Configuration Modes SW13 DIP Switch Settings (M[2:0]) Bus Width CCLK Direction Master SPI 001 x1, x2, x4 Output JTAG 101 x1 Not Applicable Configuration Mode See UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide for further details on configuring the 7 series FPGAs. FPGA Mezzanine Card Interface [Figure 1-2, callout 29] The AC701 board supports the VITA 57.1 FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) specification by providing high pin count (HPC) connector J30. HPC J30 is keyed so that a the mezzanine card faces away from the AC701 board when connected. Signaling Speed Ratings: 54 • Single-ended: 9 GHz (18 Gb/s) • Differential Optimal Vertical: 9 GHz (18 Gb/s) • Differential Optimal Horizontal: 16 GHz (32 Gb/s) • High Density Vertical: 7 GHz (15 Gb/s) AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions The Samtec connector system is rated for signaling speeds up to 9 GHz (18 Gb/s) based on a -3 dB insertion loss point within a two-level signaling environment. Connector Type: • Samtec SEAF Series, 1.27 mm (0.050 in) pitch. Mates with SEAM series connector For more information about SEAF series connectors, go to the Samtec website at: HPC Connector J30 [Figure 1-2, callout 29] The 400-pin HPC connector defined By the FMC specification (Figure B-1, page 81) provides connectivity for up to: • 160 single-ended or 80 differential user-defined signals • 10 GTP transceivers • 2 GTP clocks • 4 differential clocks • 159 ground and 15 power connections The connections between the HPC connector at J30 and FPGA U1 (Table 1-26) implements a subset of this connectivity: • 58 differential user defined pairs • 34 LA pairs (LA00-LA33) • 24 HA pairs (HA00-HA23) • 4 GTP transceivers • 1 GTP clock • 2 differential clocks • 159 ground and 15 power connections Note: The AC701 board VADJ voltage for HPC connector J30 is determined by the FMC VADJ power sequencing logic described in Power Management, page 67. Table 1-26: HPC Connections, J30 to FPGA U1 J30 FMC HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA J30 FMC Pin HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA Pin A2 FMC1_HPC_DP1_M2C_P AC14 B1 NC NA A3 FMC1_HPC_DP1_M2C_N AD14 B4 NC NA A6 NC NA B5 NC NA A7 NC NA B8 NC NA A10 NC NA B9 NC NA A11 NC NA B12 NC NA A14 NC NA B13 NC NA A15 NC NA B16 NC NA A18 NC NA B17 NC NA AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 55 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-26: HPC Connections, J30 to FPGA U1 (Cont’d) J30 FMC HPC Pin 56 Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA J30 FMC Pin HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA Pin A19 NC NA B20 FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK1_M2C_P U4.27 A22 FMC1_HPC_DP1_C2M_P AC8 B21 FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK1_M2C_N U4.25 A23 FMC1_HPC_DP1_C2M_N AD8 B24 NC NA A26 NC NA B25 NC NA A27 NC NA B28 NC NA A30 NC NA B29 NC NA A31 NC NA B32 NC NA A34 NC NA B33 NC NA A35 NC NA B36 NC NA A38 NC NA B37 NC NA A39 NC NA B40 NC NA C2 FMC1_HPC_DP0_C2M_P AE9 D1 CTRL2_PWRGOOD P15 C3 FMC1_HPC_DP0_C2M_N AF9 D4 FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_P U3.27 C6 FMC1_HPC_DP0_M2C_P AE13 D5 FMC1_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_N U3.25 C7 FMC1_HPC_DP0_M2C_N AF13 D8 FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_P E17 C10 FMC1_HPC_LA06_P G19 D9 FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_N E18 C11 FMC1_HPC_LA06_N F20 D11 FMC1_HPC_LA05_P G15 C14 FMC1_HPC_LA10_P A17 D12 FMC1_HPC_LA05_N F15 C15 FMC1_HPC_LA10_N A18 D14 FMC1_HPC_LA09_P E16 C18 FMC1_HPC_LA14_P C21 D15 FMC1_HPC_LA09_N D16 C19 FMC1_HPC_LA14_N B21 D17 FMC1_HPC_LA13_P B20 C22 FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_P G20 D18 FMC1_HPC_LA13_N A20 C23 FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_N G21 D20 FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_P K21 C26 FMC1_HPC_LA27_P F23 D21 FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_N J21 C27 FMC1_HPC_LA27_N E23 D23 FMC1_HPC_LA23_P K20 C30 FMC1_HPC_IIC_SCL U52.19 D24 FMC1_HPC_LA23_N J20 C31 FMC1_HPC_IIC_SDA U52.20 D26 FMC1_HPC_LA26_P J24 C34 GND NA D27 FMC1_HPC_LA26_N H24 C35 VCC12_P NA D29 FMC1_HPC_TCK_BUF U19.13 C37 VCC12_P NA D30 FMC1_TDI_BUF U19.17 C39 VCC3V3 NA D31 FMC1_TDO_FPGA_TDI U19.2 D32 VCC3V3 NA AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-26: HPC Connections, J30 to FPGA U1 (Cont’d) J30 FMC HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA J30 FMC Pin HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA Pin D33 FMC1_HPC_TMS_BUF U19.15 D34 NC NA D35 GND NA D36 VCC3V3 NA D38 VCC3V3 NA D40 VCC3V3 NA N17 E2 FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_P AB21 F1 FMC1_HPC_PG_M2C E3 FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_N AC21 F4 FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_P AA19 E6 FMC1_HPC_HA05_P AD25 F5 FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_N AB19 E7 FMC1_HPC_HA05_N AD26 F7 FMC1_HPC_HA04_P AF24 E9 FMC1_HPC_HA09_P AF19 F8 FMC1_HPC_HA04_N AF25 E10 FMC1_HPC_HA09_N AF20 F10 FMC1_HPC_HA08_P AD21 E12 FMC1_HPC_HA13_P AC18 F11 FMC1_HPC_HA08_N AE21 E13 FMC1_HPC_HA13_N AD18 F13 FMC1_HPC_HA12_P AC19 E15 FMC1_HPC_HA16_P AE17 F14 FMC1_HPC_HA12_N AD19 E16 FMC1_HPC_HA16_N AF17 F16 FMC1_HPC_HA15_P Y18 E18 FMC1_HPC_HA20_P Y16 F17 FMC1_HPC_HA15_N AA18 E19 FMC1_HPC_HA20_N Y17 F19 FMC1_HPC_HA19_P AC17 E21 NC NA F20 FMC1_HPC_HA19_N AD17 E22 NC NA F22 NC NA E24 NC NA F23 NC NA E25 NC NA F25 NC NA E27 NC NA F26 NC NA E28 NC NA F28 NC NA E30 NC NA F29 NC NA E31 NC NA F31 NC NA E33 NC NA F32 NC NA E34 NC NA F34 NC NA E36 NC NA F35 NC NA E37 NC NA F37 NC NA E39 VCC1V8 NA F38 NC NA F40 VCC1V8 NA AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 57 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-26: HPC Connections, J30 to FPGA U1 (Cont’d) J30 FMC HPC Pin 58 Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA J30 FMC Pin HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA Pin G2 FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_P H1 NC NA G3 FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_N H2 FMC1_HPC_PRSNT_M2C N16 G6 FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_P D18 H4 FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_P D19 G7 FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_N C18 H5 FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_N C19 G9 FMC1_HPC_LA03_P G17 H7 FMC1_HPC_LA02_P H14 G10 FMC1_HPC_LA03_N F17 H8 FMC1_HPC_LA02_N H15 G12 FMC1_HPC_LA08_P C17 H10 FMC1_HPC_LA04_P F18 G13 FMC1_HPC_LA08_N B17 H11 FMC1_HPC_LA04_N F19 G15 FMC1_HPC_LA12_P E20 H13 FMC1_HPC_LA07_P H16 G16 FMC1_HPC_LA12_N D20 H14 FMC1_HPC_LA07_N G16 G18 FMC1_HPC_LA16_P E21 H16 FMC1_HPC_LA11_P B19 G19 FMC1_HPC_LA16_N D21 H17 FMC1_HPC_LA11_N A19 G21 FMC1_HPC_LA20_P M16 H19 FMC1_HPC_LA15_P B22 G22 FMC1_HPC_LA20_N M17 H20 FMC1_HPC_LA15_N A22 G24 FMC1_HPC_LA22_P L17 H22 FMC1_HPC_LA19_P M14 G25 FMC1_HPC_LA22_N L18 H23 FMC1_HPC_LA19_N L14 G27 FMC1_HPC_LA25_P G22 H25 FMC1_HPC_LA21_P J19 G28 FMC1_HPC_LA25_N F22 H26 FMC1_HPC_LA21_N H19 G30 FMC1_HPC_LA29_P G24 H28 FMC1_HPC_LA24_P J18 G31 FMC1_HPC_LA29_N F24 H29 FMC1_HPC_LA24_N H18 G33 FMC1_HPC_LA31_P E26 H31 FMC1_HPC_LA28_P K22 G34 FMC1_HPC_LA31_N D26 H32 FMC1_HPC_LA28_N K23 G36 FMC1_HPC_LA33_P G25 H34 FMC1_HPC_LA30_P E25 G37 FMC1_HPC_LA33_N F25 H35 FMC1_HPC_LA30_N D25 G39 VCC1V8 NA H37 FMC1_HPC_LA32_P H26 H38 FMC1_HPC_LA32_N G26 H40 VCC1V8 NA J2 NC NA K1 NC NA J3 NC NA K4 NC NA J6 FMC1_HPC_HA03_P AC22 K5 NC NA J7 FMC1_HPC_HA03_N AC23 K7 FMC1_HPC_HA02_P AE25 J9 FMC1_HPC_HA07_P AD23 K8 FMC1_HPC_HA02_N AE26 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-26: HPC Connections, J30 to FPGA U1 (Cont’d) J30 FMC HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA J30 FMC Pin HPC Pin Schematic Net Name U1 FPGA Pin J10 FMC1_HPC_HA07_N AD24 K10 FMC1_HPC_HA06_P AE23 J12 FMC1_HPC_HA11_P AD20 K11 FMC1_HPC_HA06_N AF23 J13 FMC1_HPC_HA11_N AE20 K13 FMC1_HPC_HA10_P AE22 J15 FMC1_HPC_HA14_P AE18 K14 FMC1_HPC_HA10_N AF22 J16 FMC1_HPC_HA14_N AF18 K16 FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_P AA20 J18 FMC1_HPC_HA18_P AA17 K17 FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_N AB20 J19 FMC1_HPC_HA18_N AB17 K19 FMC1_HPC_HA21_P AB16 J21 FMC1_HPC_HA22_P Y15 K20 FMC1_HPC_HA21_N AC16 J22 FMC1_HPC_HA22_N AA15 K22 FMC1_HPC_HA23_P W14 J24 NC NA K23 FMC1_HPC_HA23_N W15 J25 NC NA K25 NC NA J27 NC NA K26 NC NA J28 NC NA K28 NC NA J30 NC NA K29 NC NA J31 NC NA K31 NC NA J33 NC NA K32 NC NA J34 NC NA K34 NC NA J36 NC NA K35 NC NA J37 NC NA K37 NC NA J39 FMC1_VIO_B_M2C NA K38 NC NA K40 FMC1_VIO_B_M2C NA AC701 Board Power System The AC701 board hosts a power system based on the Texas Instruments (TI) UCD90120A power supply sequencer and monitor, and the TPS84K and LMZ22000 family voltage regulators. UCD90120A Description The UCD90120A is a 12-rail PMBus/I2C addressable power-supply sequencer and monitor. The device integrates a 12-bit ADC for monitoring up to 12 power-supply voltage inputs. Twenty-six GPIO pins can be used for power supply enables, power-on reset signals, external interrupts, cascading, or other system functions. 12 of these pins offer PWM functionality. Using these pins, the UCD90120A device offers support for margining and general-purpose PWM functions. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 59 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features The UCD90120A device is configured by using the PC-based TI Fusion Digital Power Designer software. This software provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring, storing, and monitoring power system operating parameters. TPS84K Family Regulator Description The TPS84621RUQ (6A) and TPS84320RUQ (3A) regulators are integrated synchronous buck switching regulators that combines a DC/DC converter with power MOSFETs, an inductor, and passives into low profile, BQFN packages. The TPS84K devices accept an input voltage rail between 4.5V and 14.5V and deliver an adjustable output voltage in the 0.6V to 5.5V range. This type power solution allows as few as 3 external components and eliminates the loop compensation and magnetic parts selection process. LMZ22000 Family Regulator Description The LMZ22010 power module is an step-down DC-DC switching regulator capable of driving up to 10A load. The LMZ22010 can accept an input voltage rail between 6V and 20V and deliver an adjustable and highly accurate output voltage as low as 0.8V. The LMZ22010 requires two external resistors and external capacitors to complete the design. The LMZ22010 is a reliable and robust design with the following protection features: thermal shutdown, programmable input under-voltage lockout, output over-voltage protection, short-circuits protection, output current limit, and allows startup into a pre-biased output. The sync input allows synchronization over the 314 kHz to 600 kHz switching frequency range and up to 6 modules can be connected in parallel for higher load currents. Table 1-27 shows the AC701 board power system configuration for controller U8. Table 1-27: Controller U8 Power System Configuration Schematic Sequencer #1 U8 PMBus Addr 101, 4 Rails 60 Regulator Type Voltage Current VCCINT LMZ12010 (U49) 1.0V 10A Addr 101, Rail 2 VCCAUX TPS84621 (U53) 1.8V 6A 42 Addr 101, Rail 3 VCCBRAM TPS84320 (U54) 1.0V 3A 43 Addr 101, Rail 4 FPGA_1V5 TPS84621 (U55) 1.5V 6A Page Contents Net Name 39 UCD90120A #1 40 Addr 101, Rail 1 41 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-40 shows the power system for UCD90120A U8 controller #1 X-Ref Target - Figure 1-40 U49 (1.0V Nom) U8 UCD90120A Controller (Controller 1) GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) GPIO (Out) +12V LMZ12008 Vin Vout Input Filter VCCINT 1.0V Cf(1) Cf Rail Enable V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ EN FB G = 40.22 VCCINT 0A-10A CS = 0V-2.01V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) Low Pwr Select U53 (1.8V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) TPS84621 Vin Vout Input Filter VCCAUX 1.8V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ FB G = 67.67 VCCAUX 0A-6A CS = 0V-2.03V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) U54 (1.0V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) TPS84320 Vin Vout Input Filter VCCBRAM 1.0V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ FB G = 221.7 VCCVBRAM 0A-1.8A CS = 0V-1.996V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) U55 (1.5V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) TPS84621 Vin Vout Input Filter FPGA_1V5 1.5V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ FB Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) G = 67.67 FPGA_1V5 0A- 6A CS = 0V-2.03V Notes: 1. Capacitors labled Cf are bulk filter capacitors. 2. Voltage Sense is connected at point of load. UG952_c1_137_011513 Figure 1-40: U8 Controller #1 UCD90120A Power System AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 61 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Table 1-28 shows the AC701 TI power system configuration for controller U9. Table 1-28: Controller U9 Power System Configuration Schematic Sequencer Regulator Type Voltage Current VCCO_VADJ TPS84621 (U56) 2.5V 6A Addr 102, Rail 2 FPGA_1V8 TPS84320 (U57) 1.8V 3A 48 Addr 102, Rail 3 FPGA_3V3 TPS84621 (U58) 3.3V 6A 49 Addr 102, Rail 4 MGTAVCC TPS84320 (U59) 1.0V 3A 50 Addr 102, Rail 5 MGTAVTT TPS84320 (U60) 1.2V 3A Page Page Contents 45 UCD90120A #2 46 Addr 102, Rail 1 47 Net Name #2 U9 PMBus Addr 102, 5 Rails 62 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-41 shows the power system for UCD90120A U9 controller #2 rails 1 through 5. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-41 U9 UCD90120A Controller (Controller 2) GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) GPIO (Out) Notes: 1. Capacitors labled Cf are bulk filter capacitors. 2. Voltage Sense is connected +12V at point of load. U49 (2.5V Nom) TPS84621 Vin Vout Input Filter V fb EN FB Voltage Sense(2) U64 I0B FMC_ADJ_SEL[1:0] YB I1B S[1:0] I2B 00 01 10 11 FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) G = 125.07 VCCO_VADJ 0A-3.2A CS = 0V-2.00V Current Sense FMC_ADJ_SEL[1:0] VCCO_ADJ Value Output GPIO (Out) VCCO_ADJ 2.5V 2.5V 1.8V 3.3V 3.3V Cf(1) Cf Rail Enable PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ I3B U57 (1.8V Nom) +12V Input Filter FPGA_1V8 1.8V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin VCC1V8 1.8V (Not measued separately) Rs 5mΩ TPS84320 Vin Vout FB G = 125.07 FPGA_1V8 0A-3.2A CS = 0V-2.00V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) U58 (3.3V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) Input Filter FPGA_3V3 3.3V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin VCC3V3 3.3V (Not measued separately) Rs 5mΩ TPS84321 Vin Vout FB G = 125.07 FPGA_3V3 0A-3.2A CS = 0V-2.00V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) U59 (1.0V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) MGTAVCC 1.0V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ TPS84320 Vin Vout Input Filter FB G = 134.3 MGTAVCC 0A-3.0A CS = 0V-2.02V Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) U60 (1.2V Nom) +12V GPIO (Out) FPWM (Out) ADC (In) ADC (In) MGTAVTT 1.2V Cf Rail Enable Cf EN V fb PWM Margin Rs 5mΩ TPS84320 Vin Vout Input Filter FB Current Sense Voltage Sense(2) G = 268.4 MGTAVTT 0A-1.5A CS = 0V-2.02V UG952_c1_138_011513 Figure 1-41: U9 Controller #2 UCD90120A Power System AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 63 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features The TPS84K and LMZ22000 family adjustable voltage regulators have their output voltage set by an external resistor. The regulator topology on the AC701 board permits the UCD90120A to monitor rail voltage and current. Voltage margining at +5% and -5% is also implemented. Each voltage regulator's external VOUT setting resistor is calculated and implemented as if the regulator is standalone. The UCD90120A has two ADC inputs allocated per voltage rail, one input for the remote voltage sense connection, the other for the current sense resistor op amp output voltage connection. The UCD90120A ADC full scale input is 2.5V. The remote voltage feedback is scaled to approximately 2V if it exceeds 2V—that is, the VCCO_VADJ rail for the 2.5V and 3.3V modes, and the FPGA_3V3 rail also at 3.3V are resistor attenuated to scale the remotely sensed voltage at 0.606 to give approximately 2V at the ADC input pin for a 3.3V remote sense value. Rails below 2V are not scaled. Each rail's current sense op amp has its gain set to provide approximately 2V max at the TI UCD90120A ADC input pin when the rail current is at its expected maximum current level, as shown in Figure 1-40 (U8 controller #1) and Figure 1-41 (U9 controller #2). The UCD90120A has an assignable group of GPIO pins with PWM capability. Each controller channel has a PWM GPIO pin connected to the associated voltage regulator VADJ pin. The external VOUT setting resistor is also wired to this pin. The PWM GPIO pin is configured in 3-state mode. This pin is not driven unless a Margin command is executed. The Margin command is available within the TI Fusion Digital Power designer software. During the margin high or low operation, the PWM GPIO pin drives a voltage into the voltage regulator VADJ pin, which causes a slight voltage change resulting in the regulator VOUT moving to the margin +5% or -5% voltage commanded. XADC Power System Measurement The AC701 board XADC interface includes power system voltage and current measuring capability. The VCCINT, VCCAUX and VCCBRAM rail voltages are measured via the XADC internal voltage measurement capability. Other rails are measured via two external Analog Devices ADG707BRU multiplexers U14 and U13. Each rail has a TI INA333 op amp strapped across its series current sense resistor Kelvin terminals. This op amp has its gain adjusted to give approximately 1V at the expected full scale current value for the rail. 64 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Figure 1-42 shows the XADC external multiplexer block diagram. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-42 FPGA_1V5_SENSE_P 1.00 K FPGA_1V5_XADC_P (1.5V Scaled to 0.75V) 1.00 K FPGA_1V5_XADC_N GND VCCO_VADJ_SENSE_P U14 3.01 K ADG707BRU VCCINT_XADC_CS_P/N S1A/B VCCAUX_XADC_CS_P/N S2A/B VCCBRAM_XADC_CS_P/N S3A/B DA U1 FPGA_1V5_XADC_P/N S4A/B DB FPGA_1V5_XADC_CS_P/N S5A/B XC7A200T FPGA (Bank 15) 49.9 ADIP K16 A[2:0] 1.00 K VCCO_VADJ_XADC_N GND FPGA_1V8_SENSE_P VCCO_VADJ_XADC_P/N S6A/B S7A/B VCCO_VADJ_XADC_P (2.5V Scaled to 0.625V) VCCO_VADJ_XADC_CS_P/N FPGA_1V8_XADC_P/N S8A/B 3.01 K FPGA_1V8_XADC_P (1.8V Scaled to 0.45V) 1.00 K 10 pF FPGA_1V8_XADC_N AD1N K17 49.9 U13 49.9 GND ADG707BRU AD9P M15 10 pF MGTAVCC_SENSE_P FPGA_1V8_XADC_CS_P/N S1A/B AD9N L15 49.9 FPGA_3V3_XADC_P/N S2A/B FPGA_3V3_XADC_CS_P/N S3A/B U1 XC7A200T FPGA (Bank 16) DA S4A/B DB S5A/B MGTAVCC_XADC_P/N MGTAVTT_XADC_P/N MGTAVTT_XADC_CS_P/N S7A/B A[2:0] S8A/B 1.00 K MGTAVCC_XADC_N MGTAVCC_XADC_CS_P/N S6A/B A0 B25 1.00 K MGTAVCC_XADC_P (1.0V Scaled to 0.5V) GND MGTAVTT_SENSE_P NC 1.00 K MGTAVTT_XADC_P (1.2V Scaled to 0.6V) A1 A25 1.00 K A2 A23 MGTAVTT_XADC_N GND FPGA_3V3_SENSE_P 3.01 K Notes: FPGA_3V3_XADC_P (3.3V Scaled to 0.825V) 1. ..._XADC_P/N =Remote voltage sense. 2. ..._XADC_CS_P/N = Current Sense from op amp. 1.00 K FPGA_3V3_XADC_N GND UG952_c1_139_011813 Figure 1-42: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 XADC External Multiplexer Block Diagram 65 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features See Tables Table 1-29 and Table 1-30 which list the AC701 board XADC power system voltage and current measurement details for the external muxes U14 and U13. Table 1-29: XADC Measurements through Mux U14 Isense Op Amp Measurement Type Rail Name Current Range V VCCINT I VCCINT CS 8-to-1 Multiplexer U14 Reference Designator Gain Vo Range NA NA NA NA 0A-4A U16 50 0V-0.996V V VCCAUX NA NA NA NA I VCCAUX CS 0A-6A U17 30 0V-0.913V V VCCBRAM NA NA NA NA I VCCBRAM CS 0A-1.8A U20 100 0V-0.909V V I V I V Table 1-30: FPGA_1V5 FPGA_1V5 CS VCCO_VADJ VCCO_VADJ CS FPGA_1V8 NA 0A-6A NA 0A-3.2A NA FPGA_1V5 REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.75V ON FPGA_1V5_XADC_P U18 20 50 Pin Name NA NA NA VCCINT_XADC_CS_P 19 S1A 000 VCCINT_XADC_CS_N 11 S1B XADC INTERNAL NA NA NA VCCAUX_XADC_CS_P 20 S2A 001 VCCAUX_XADC_CS_N 10 S2B XADC INTERNAL NA NA NA VCCBRAM_XADC_CS_P 21 S3A 010 VCCBRAM_XADC_CS_N 9 S3B FPGA_1V5_XADC_P 22 S4A FPGA_1V5_SENSE_N 8 S4B FPGA_1V5_XADC_CS_P 23 S5A FPGA_1V5_XADC_CS_N 7 S5B VCCO_VADJ_XADC_P 24 S6A VCCO_VADJ_SENSE_N 6 S6B VCCO_VADJ_XADC_CS_P 25 S7A VCC0VADJ_XADC_CS_N 5 S7B FPGA_1V8_XADC_P 26 S8A FPGA_1V8_SENSE_N 4 S8B XADC INTERNAL Current Range I FPGA_1V8 CS 0A-3A V I 66 100 101 110 0V-0.796V FPGA_1V8 REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.45V ON FPGA_1V8_XADC_P Isense Op Amp Rail Name I 011 111 XADC Measurements through Mux U13 Measurement Type V Mux A[2:0] Pin Number 0V-0.604V VCCO_VADJ 2.5V REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.625V ON FPGA_1V5_XADC_P U22 Schematic Net Name FPGA_3V3 SENSE NA FPGA_3V3 CS 0A-3.2A MGTAVCC SENSE NA MGTAVCC CS 0A-3A 8-to-1 Multiplexer U14 Reference Designator Gain Vo Range U21 50 0V-0.747V FPGA_3V3 REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.825V ON FPGA_3V3_XADC_P U15 50 50 Pin Number Pin Name FPGA_1V8_XADC_CS_P 19 S1A FPGA_1V8_XADC_CS_N 11 S1B FPGA_3V3_XADC_P 20 S2A FPGA_3V3_SENSE_N 10 S2B FPGA_3V3_XADC_CS_P 21 S3A FPGA_3V3_XADC_CS_N 9 S3B MGTAVCC_XADC_P 22 S4A MGTAVCC_SENSE_N 8 S4B MGTAVCC_XADC_CS_P 23 S5A MGTAVCC_XADC_CS_N 7 S5B Mux A[2:0] 000 001 010 0V-0.796V MGTAVCC REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.5V ON MGTAVCC_XADC_P U25 Schematic Net Name 011 100 0V-0.747V AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions Table 1-30: XADC Measurements through Mux U13 (Cont’d) Isense Op Amp Measurement Type Rail Name Current Range V MGTAVTT SENSE NA MGTAVTT CS 0A-1.5A I Reference Designator Gain 8-to-1 Multiplexer U14 100 Pin Number Pin Name MGTAVTT_XADC_P 24 S6A MGTAVTT_SENSE_N 6 S6B MGTAVTT_XADC_CS_P 25 S7A MGTAVTT_XADC_CS_N 5 S7B NC 26 S8A NC 4 S8B Vo Range MGTAVTT REMOTE SENSE DIVIDED TO DELIVER 0.6V ON MGTAVTT_XADC_P U23 Schematic Net Name Mux A[2:0] 101 110 0V-0.756V 111 NOT USED NOT CONNECTED) Power Management [Figure 1-2, callout 30] The AC701 board uses power regulators and PMBus compliant system controllers from Texas Instruments to supply core and auxiliary voltages. The Texas Instruments Fusion Digital Power graphical user interface is used to monitor the voltage and current levels of the board power modules. The AC701 board power distribution diagram is shown in Figure 1-43. The pcb layout and power system design meets the recommended criteria described in the UG483, 7 Series FPGAs PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 67 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-43 J49 12V PWR Jack Power Controller 1 PMBUS 101 U8 Switching Regulator 1.0V at 8A U49 VCCINT Switching Module 1.8V at 3A U53 VCCAUX Switching Module 1.0V at 3A U54 VCCBRAM Switching Module 1.5V at 6A U55 FPGA_1V5 U9 Power Controller 2 PMBUS 102 Switching Module 1.2V–3.3V at 6A U56 VCCO_VAJ Switching Module 1.8V at 6A U57 FPGA_1V8 Switching Module 3.3V at 6A U58 VCC3V3 Switching Module 1.0V at 6A U59 MGTAVCC Switching Module 1.2V at 3A U60 MGTAVTT Switching Regulator 5.0V at 2A U46 VCC5V0 1.5V/2=0.75V REFIN 3.3V POWER 1.5V/2=0.75V REFIN 3.3V POWER Linear Regulator 1.7V–2.0V at 300 mA U10 XADC_VCC Source/Sink Regulator 0.75V at 3A U37 VTTDDR Switching Regulator 0.75V at 3A U36 DDR3_VTERM UG952_c1_37_100512 Figure 1-43: 68 AC701 Board Onboard Power Regulators AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions The AC701 board core and auxiliary voltages are listed in Table 1-25. Table 1-31: AC701 Board Onboard Power System Devices Power Rail Net Name Power Rail Voltage Schematic Page Reference Designator Description UCD90120A (4 Rails) U8 PMBus Controller - PMBus Addr = 101 LMZ22010TZ U49 10A 0.8V - 6V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCINT 1.00V 40 TPS84621RUQ U53 6A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCAUX 1.80V 41 TPS84320RUQ U54 3A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCBRAM 1.00V 42 TPS84621RUQ U55 6A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator FPGA_1V5 1.50V 43 UCD90120A (5 Rails) U9 PMBus Controller - PMBus Addr = 102 TPS84621RUQ U56 6A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator VCCO_VADJ 2.50V 46 TPS84320RUQ U57 3A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator VCC1V8/ FPGA_1V8 1.80V 47 TPS84621RUQ U58 6A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator VCC3V3/ FPGA_3V3 3.30V 48 TPS84320RUQ U59 3A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator MGTAVCC 1.00V 49 TPS84320RUQ U60 3A 0.6V - 5.5V Adj. Switching Regulator MGTAVTT 1.20V 50 LMZ12002 U46 2A 0.8V - 6V Adj. Linear Regulator VCC5V0 5.00V 34 TL1963ADCQR U62 1.5A 1.21V - 5V Adj. LDO Linear Regulator VCC2V5 2.50V 48 TPS51200DR U37 3A Source-Sink DDR Termination Regulator VTTDDR 0.75V 44 TPS51200DR U36 3A Source-Sink DDR Termination Regulator DDR3_VTERM_ R_0V75 0.75V 44 TPS79433DCQ U61 0.25A 1.2V - 5.5V Adj. LDO Linear Regulator V33D_CTL1 3.30V 39 TPS79433DCQ U63 0.25A 1.2V - 5.5V Adj. LDO Linear Regulator V33D_CTL2 3.30V 45 ADP123 U10 0.3A 0.8V - 5V Adj. Linear Regulator XADC_VCC 1.85V 29 REF3012 U35 50uA Fixed 1.25V Voltage Reference XADC_VREF 1.25V 29 Device Type 39 45 Notes: 1. See Table 1-32 2. See Table 1-33 Monitoring Voltage and Current Voltage and current monitoring and voltage control are available for the TI controlled power rails through the Texas Instruments Fusion Digital Power Designer graphical user interface (GUI). The two onboard TI UCD90120A power controllers (U8 at PMBus address 101 and U9 at address 102) are wired to the same PMBus. The PMBus connector, J2, is provided for use with the TI USB Interface Adapter PMBus pod (TI part number EVM USB-TO-GPIO) and associated TI Fusion Digital Power Designer GUI. This is the simplest and most convenient way to monitor the voltage and current values for the power rail listed in Table 1-32 and Table 1-33. In each of these the two tables (one per controller), the Power Good (PG) On Threshold is the set-point at or above which the particular rail is deemed good. The PG Off Threshold is the set-point at or below which the particular rail is no longer deemed good. The controller AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 69 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features internally ORs these PG conditions together and drives an output PG pin high only if all active rail PG states are good. The on and off delay parameter values are relative to when the board power on-off slide switch SW15 is turned on and off. Table 1-32 defines the voltage and current values for each power rail controlled by the UCD90120A U8 controller at PMBus Address 101. Table 1-32: Power Rail Specifications for UCD90120A PMBus Controller U8 at Address 101 Nominal Voltage Rail Power Good On Turn On Power Good Off Delay (ms) Turn Off Delay (ms) Rail Turn-on Fault Dependencies Shutdown Slaves Rail GPI 1 VINT_1V0 1.000 0.900 -10.0% 0.850 -15.0% 0.0 15.0 Rail #2,3,4 None None 2 VAUX_1V8 1.800 1.620 -10.0% 1.530 -15.0% 10.0 5.0 Rail #1,3,4 Rail #3 None 3 VBRAM_1V0 1.000 0.900 -10.0% 0.850 -15.0% 5.0 10.0 Rail #1,2,4 Rail #1 None 4 FPGA_1V5 1.500 1.350 -10.0% 1.275 -15.0% 15.0 0.0 Rail #1,2,3 Rail #2 None Table 1-33 defines the voltage and current values for each power rail controlled by the UCD90120A U9 controller at PMBus Address 102. Table 1-33: Power Rail Specifications for UCD90120A PMBus controller U9 at Address 102 Rail Nominal Voltage Power Good On Power Good Off Turn Turn On Off Delay Delay (ms) (ms) Fault Shutdown Slaves Rail Turn-on Dependencies Rail GPI 1 VADJ_2V5 2.500 2.250 -10.0% 2.125 -15.0% 5.0 15.0 Rail #2,3,4,5 Rail #3 FMC_ VADJ_ ON_B 2 FPGA_1V8 1.800 1.620 -10.0% 1.530 -15.0% 10.0 10.0 Rail #1,3,4,5 None None 3 FPGA_3V3 3.300 2.970 -10.0% 2.805 -15.0% 0.0 20.0 Rail #1,2,4,5 None None 4 MGTVC_1V0 1.000 0.900 -10.0% 0.850 -15.0% 5.0 5.0 Rail #1,2,3,5 Rail #2 None 5 MGTVT_1V2 1.200 1.080 -10.0% 1.020 -15.0% 10.0 0.0 Rail #1,2,3,4 Rail #4 None VCCO_VADJ Voltage Control The FMC VCCO_VADJ rail is set to 2.5V. When the AC701 board is powered on, the state of the FMC_VADJ_ON_B signal wired to header J8 is sampled by the TI UCD90120A controller U9. If a jumper is installed on J8, signal FMC_VADJ_ON_B is held low, and TI controller U9 energizes the FMC VCCO_VADJ rail at power on. Removing the jumper at J8 after the board is powered up will not affect the 2.5V power delivered to the VCCO_VADJ rail and it will remain on. A jumper installed at J8 is the default setting. If a jumper is not installed on J8 at power-on, the signal FMC_VADJ_ON_B is high and the AC701 board will not energize the VCCO_VADJ 2.5V power. Installing a jumper at J8 after the AC701 board powers up in this mode will turn on the VCCO_VADJ rail. 70 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions In this VCCO_VADJ off mode, the user can control when to turn on VCCO_VADJ and to what voltage level (1.8V, 2.5V or 3.3V). With VCCO_VADJ off, the FPGA still configures and has access to the TI controller PMBUS and the VADJ_ON_B signal which are wired to FPGA U1 Bank 14. The combination of these features allows the user to develop code to command the VCCO_VADJ rail to be set to 1.8V or 3.3V instead of the default setting of 2.5V. Refer to AC701 board schematic page 46 for a brief discussion concerning selectable VCCO_VADJ voltages. The important controller-to-regulator circuit signals are VCCO_VADJ_EN and FMC_ADJ_SEL[1:0]. In the VCCO_VADJ off mode, controller U9 does not toggle the regulator turn-on signal VCCO_VADJ_EN high so the U56 regulator stays off. The user must re-program the controller U9 VCCO_VADJ rail settings to the desired VCCO_VADJ voltage so that the controller expects the new voltage to appear on its MON1 remote sense pin. The FMC_ADJ_SEL[1:0] controller GPIO16 and GPIO17 pins must be set to the correct logic levels to force the VCCO_VADJ regulator Rset MUX U64 to select the appropriate RT_CLK and VADJ resistors for the desired voltage as shown in Table 1-34. Table 1-34: VCCO_VADJ Voltage Selection FMC_ADJ_SEL[10] VCCO_ADJ (V) BIT 1 BIT 0 0 0 2.5V 0 1 1.8V 1 0 3.3V 1 1 NOT USED When the new VCCO_VADJ rail settings and Rset MUX logic levels are programmed into controller U9, the FMC_VADJ_ON_B signal can be driven low by user FPGA logic and the controller toggles the VCCO_VADJ_EN signal high to allow the rail to come up at the new VCCO_VADJ voltage level. Documentation describing PMBUS programming for the UCD90120A controller is available at Cooling Fan Control Cooling fan RPM is controlled and monitored by user-created IP in the FPGA using the fan control circuit is shown in Figure 1-44. FPGA U1 can be cooled by a user-supplied 12V DC fan connected to J61. 12VDC is provided to the fan through J61 pin 2. The fan GND return is provided through J61 pin 1 and transistor Q17. Fan speed is controlled by a pulse-width-modulated signal from FPGA U1 pin J26 (on Bank 15) driving the gate of Q17. The default unprogrammed FPGA fan operation mode is ON. The fan speed tachometer signal on J61 pin 3 can be monitored on FPGA U1 pin J25 (on Bank 15). AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 71 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-44 VCC12_P R245 10.0K 1% 1/10W J61 Fan Tach Cooling Fan Fan +12V Fan GND 3 R393 10.0K 1% 1/10W 2 D14 100V 500 mW DL4148 1 VCC2V5 FPGA U1 Pin J26 SM_FAN_PWM 2 R277 1.00K 1% 1/16W 1 SM_FAN_TACH R390 4.75K 1% 1/10W FPGA U1 Pin J25 D15 2.7V 500 mW MM3Z2V7B GND 4 Q17 NDT30555L 1.3 W 3 GND Figure 1-44: UG952_c1_38_100512 FPGA Cooling Fan Circuit XADC Header [Figure 1-2, callout 31] 7 series FPGAs provide an Analog Front End (XADC) block. The XADC block includes a dual 12-bit, 1 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Convertor (ADC) and on-chip sensors. See UG480, 7 Series FPGAs XADC Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide for details on the capabilities of the analog front end. Figure 1-45 shows the AC701 board XADC support features. 72 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Feature Descriptions X-Ref Target - Figure 1-45 VCCAUX Ferrite Bead XADC_VCC U1 J43 FPGA XADC_VCC Header J49 1.8V 150 mV max XADC_VCC VCCADC XADC_VCC5V0 to XADC Header J19.13 Ferrite Bead U10 100 nF Close to Package Pins 10 μF XADC_AGND ADP123 In Out Gnd VCC5V0 J53 10 μF 100 nF 1 nF GNDADC XADC_AGND XADC_AGND Filter 5V Supply Locate Components on Board XADC_VREF to XADC Header J19.11 U35 VREF (1.25V) J42 VREFP J54 REF3012 Out In Gnd 10 μF XADC_VREFP XADC_VCC Internal Reference 100 nF Dual Use IO (Analog/Digital) VREFN 100Ω J10 Star Grid Connection 1 nF VAUX0N 100Ω VAUX8P VN DXP GND XADC_AGND VP 1 nF 100Ω Ferrite Bead XADC_AGND 100Ω VAUX0P To Header J49 Close to Package Pins 100Ω J9 To Header J19 1 nF VAUX8N DXN 100Ω UG952_c1_39_101612 Figure 1-45: Header XADC_VREF Voltage Source Options The AC701 board supports both the internal FPGA sensor measurements and the external measurement capabilities of the XADC. Internal measurements of the die temperature, VCCINT, VCCAUX, and VCCBRAM are available. The AC701 board VCCINT and VCCBRAM are provided by a common 1.0 V supply. Jumper J42 can be used to select either an external differential voltage reference (XADC_VREF) or on-chip voltage reference (jumper J42 2–3) for the analog-to-digital converter. For external measurements an XADC header (J19) is provided. This header can be used to provide analog inputs to the FPGA's dedicated VP/VN channel, and to the VAUXP[0]/ VAUXN[0], VAUXP[8]/VAUXN[8] auxiliary analog input channels. Simultaneous sampling of Channel 0 and Channel 8 is supported. A user-provided analog signal multiplexer card can be used to sample additional external analog inputs using the 4 GPIO pins available on the XADC header as multiplexer address lines. Figure 1-46 shows the XADC header J19 connections. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 73 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features X-Ref Target - Figure 1-46 XADC_VN XADC_VAUX0P XADC_VCC5V0 VCCO_VADJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 XADC_VAUX8N XADC_DXP XADC_VREF XADC_GPIO_1 XADC_GPIO_3 J19 XADC_VP 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 XADC_VAUX0N XADC_VAUX8P XADC_DXN XADC_VCC_HEADER XADC_GPIO_0 XADC_GPIO_2 GND XADC_AGND XADC_AGND UG952_c1_40_101612 Figure 1-46: XADC header (J19) Table 1-35 describes the XADC header J19 pin functions. Table 1-35: XADC Header J19 Pinout Net Name J19 Pin Number XADC_VN, _VP 1, 2 Dedicated analog input channel for the XADC. XADC_VAUX0P, N 3, 6 Auxiliary analog input channel 0. Also supports use as IO inputs when anti alias capacitor is not present. XADC_VAUX8N, P 7, 8 Auxiliary analog input channel 8. Also supports use as IO inputs when anti alias capacitor is not present. DXP, DXN 9, 12 Access to thermal diode. XADC_AGND 4, 5, 10 Analog ground reference. XADC_VREF 11 1.25V reference from the board. XADC_VCC5V0 13 Filtered 5V supply from board. XADC_VCC_HEADER 14 Analog 1.8V supply for XADC. VCCO_VADJ 15 VCCO supply for bank which is the source of DIO pins. GND 16 Digital Ground (board) Reference XADC_GPIO_3, 2, 1, 0 74 Description Digital IO. These pins should come from the same bank. These IOs should not 19, 20, 17, 18 be shared with other functions because they are required to support three-state operation. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Configuration Options Configuration Options The FPGA on the AC701 board can be configured using these methods: • Master SPI (uses the Quad-SPI Flash U7). • JTAG (uses the U26 Digilent USB-to-JTAG Bridge or J4 Download Cable connector). See USB JTAG Module, page 20 for more information. SeeUG480, 7 Series FPGAs XADC Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide for further details on configuration modes. The method used to configure the FPGA is controlled by the mode pins (M2, M1, M0) setting selected through DIP switch SW1. Table 1-36 lists the supported mode switch settings. Table 1-36: Mode Switch SW1 Settings Configuration Mode Mode Pins (M[2:0]) Bus Width CCLK Direction Master SPI 001 x1, x2, x4 Output JTAG 101 x1 Not Applicable Figure 1-47 shows mode switch SW1. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-47 FPGA_3V3 SW1 ON FPGA_M0 1 FPGA_M1 FPGA_M2 NC 2 5 3 4 6 SDA03H1SBD R337 1.21K 0.1W 1% R339 1.21K 0.1W 1% R338 1.21K 0.1 W 1% GND Figure 1-47: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 UG952_c1_41_011813 Mode Switch 75 Chapter 1: AC701 Evaluation Board Features Figure 1-48 shows the QSPI U7 configuration circuit. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-48 U1 SW9 PROG_B FPGA VCC1V8 PROG_B SW1 GND Mode Switch M[2:0] Bank 0 VBATT TCK TMS TDI TDO D6 BAS40-04 VCC3V3 DONE DS10 GREEN D[3:0] U7 FCS_B B1 R396 261Ω CCLK N25Q256A13ESF40G QUAD SPI DQ[1:0] R396 4.7K GND Bank 14 GND DQ2_WP DQ3_HOLD_B U40 Oscillator 90 MHz C EMCCLK S-B SIT8103 UG952_c1_42_101612 Figure 1-48: 76 AC701 Board QSPI Configuration Circuit AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix A Default Switch and Jumper Settings User GPIO DIP Switch SW2 See Figure 1-2, page 8 callout 23 for location of SW2. Default settings are shown in Figure A-1 and details are listed in Table A-1. X-Ref Target - Figure A-1 ON Position = 1 1 2 3 4 SW2 OFF Position = 0 UG952_aA_01_100712 Figure A-1: Table A-1: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 SW2 Default Settings SW2 Default Switch Settings Position Function Default 1 GPIO_DIP_SW0 Off 2 GPIO_DIP_SW1 Off 3 GPIO_DIP_SW2 Off 4 GPIO_DIP_SW3 Off 77 Appendix A: Default Switch and Jumper Settings Configuration DIP Switch SW1 See Figure 1-2, page 8 callout 28 for location of SW1. Default settings are shown in Figure A-2 and details are listed in Table A-2. X-Ref Target - Figure A-2 ON Position = 1 3 M0 1 ON M2 2 M1 SW1 OFF Position = 0 UG952_aA_02_011813 Figure A-2: SW1 Default Settings The default mode setting M[2:0] = 001 selects Master SPI configuration at board power-on. Table A-2: Position 78 SW1 Default Switch Settings Function Default 1 FPGA_M2 M2 Off 2 FPGA_M1 M1 Off 3 FPGA_M0 M0 On AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Default Jumper Settings Default Jumper Settings The AC701 board default jumper configurations are listed in Table A-3. Table A-3: Header AC701 Default Jumper Settings Jumper Description Schematic Page 2-pin J11 1-2 XADC VCCINT 4A range 34 J53 1-2 XADC_VCC5V0 = 5V 29 J9 1-2 REF3012 XADC_AGND L3 bypassed 29 J10 1-2 REF3012 XADC_AGND = GND 29 J63 None Voltage Regulators Enabled 38 J52 None Test Header, Not a Jumper 7 J5 1-2 EPHY U12.2 CONFIG2 = LOW 15 J8 1-2 VCCO_VADJ (FMC) Voltage = ON 45 J3 None SPI SELECT = On-Board SPI Device 4 J6 1-2 SFP+ Enabled 20 3-pin J35 1-2 EPHY U12.3 CONFIG3 = HI 15 J36 None EPHY U12.2 CONFIG2 Option Header 15 J37 None EPHY U12.3 CONFIG3 Option Header 15 J43 2-3 XADC_VCC = ADP123 1.85V 29 J54 2-3 REF3012 VIN = XADC_VCC 29 J42 1-2 XADC_VREFP = REF3012 XADC_VREF 29 J38 1-2 SFP RX BW = FULL 20 J39 1-2 SFP TX BW = FULL 20 2x2 J12 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 3-4 PCIE Lane Width = 4 28 79 Appendix A: Default Switch and Jumper Settings 80 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix B VITA 57.1 FMC Connector Pinouts Figure B-1 shows the pinout of the FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) high pin count (HPC) connector defined by the VITA 57.1 FMC specification. For a description of how the AC701 board implements the FMC specification, see FPGA Mezzanine Card Interface, page 54 and HPC Connector J30, page 55. X-Ref Target - Figure B-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 K VREF_B_M2C GND GND CLK2_M2C_P CLK2_M2C_N GND HA02_P HA02_N GND HA06_P HA06_N GND HA10_P HA10_N GND HA17_P_CC HA17_N_CC GND HA21_P HA21_N GND HA23_P HA23_N GND HB00_P_CC HB00_N_CC GND HB06_P_CC HB06_N_CC GND HB10_P HB10_N GND HB14_P HB14_N GND HB17_P_CC HB17_N_CC GND VIO_B_M2C J GND CLK3_M2C_P CLK3_M2C_N GND GND HA03_P HA03_N GND HA07_P HA07_N GND HA11_P HA11_N GND HA14_P HA14_N GND HA18_P HA18_N GND HA22_P HA22_N GND HB01_P HB01_N GND HB07_P HB07_N GND HB11_P HB11_N GND HB15_P HB15_N GND HB18_P HB18_N GND VIO_B_M2C GND H VREF_A_M2C PRSNT_M2C_L GND CLK0_M2C_P CLK0_M2C_N GND LA02_P LA02_N GND LA04_P LA04_N GND LA07_P LA07_N GND LA11_P LA11_N GND LA15_P LA15_N GND LA19_P LA19_N GND LA21_P LA21_N GND LA24_P LA24_N GND LA28_P LA28_N GND LA30_P LA30_N GND LA32_P LA32_N GND VADJ G GND CLK1_M2C_P CLK1_M2C_N GND GND LA00_P_CC LA00_N_CC GND LA03_P LA03_N GND LA08_P LA08_N GND LA12_P LA12_N GND LA16_P LA16_N GND LA20_P LA20_N GND LA22_P LA22_N GND LA25_P LA25_N GND LA29_P LA29_N GND LA31_P LA31_N GND LA33_P LA33_N GND VADJ GND F PG_M2C GND GND HA00_P_CC HA00_N_CC GND HA04_P HA04_N GND HA08_P HA08_N GND HA12_P HA12_N GND HA15_P HA15_N GND HA19_P HA19_N GND HB02_P HB02_N GND HB04_P HB04_N GND HB08_P HB08_N GND HB12_P HB12_N GND HB16_P HB16_N GND HB20_P HB20_N GND VADJ E GND HA01_P_CC HA01_N_CC GND GND HA05_P HA05_N GND HA09_P HA09_N GND HA13_P HA13_N GND HA16_P HA16_N GND HA20_P HA20_N GND HB03_P HB03_N GND HB05_P HB05_N GND HB09_P HB09_N GND HB13_P HB13_N GND HB19_P HB19_N GND HB21_P HB21_N GND VADJ GND D PG_C2M GND GND GBTCLK0_M2C_P GBTCLK0_M2C_N GND GND LA01_P_CC LA01_N_CC GND LA05_P LA05_N GND LA09_P LA09_N GND LA13_P LA13_N GND LA17_P_CC LA17_N_CC GND LA23_P LA23_N GND LA26_P LA26_N GND TCK TDI TDO 3P3VAUX TMS TRST_L GA1 3P3V GND 3P3V GND 3P3V C GND DP0_C2M_P DP0_C2M_N GND GND DP0_M2C_P DP0_M2C_N GND GND LA06_P LA06_N GND GND LA10_P LA10_N GND GND LA14_P LA14_N GND GND LA18_P_CC LA18_N_CC GND GND LA27_P LA27_N GND GND SCL SDA GND GND GA0 12P0V GND 12P0V GND 3P3V GND B RES1 GND GND DP9_M2C_P DP9_M2C_N GND GND DP8_M2C_P DP8_M2C_N GND GND DP7_M2C_P DP7_M2C_N GND GND DP6_M2C_P DP6_M2C_N GND GND GBTCLK1_M2C_P GBTCLK1_M2C_N GND GND DP9_C2M_P DP9_C2M_N GND GND DP8_C2M_P DP8_C2M_N GND GND DP7_C2M_P DP7_C2M_N GND GND DP6_C2M_P DP6_C2M_N GND GND RES0 A GND DP1_M2C_P DP1_M2C_N GND GND DP2_M2C_P DP2_M2C_N GND GND DP3_M2C_P DP3_M2C_N GND GND DP4_M2C_P DP4_M2C_N GND GND DP5_M2C_P DP5_M2C_N GND GND DP1_C2M_P DP1_C2M_N GND GND DP2_C2M_P DP2_C2M_N GND GND DP3_C2M_P DP3_C2M_N GND GND DP4_C2M_P DP4_C2M_N GND GND DP5_C2M_P DP5_C2M_N GND UG952_aB_01_101612 Figure B-1: AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 FMC HPC Connector Pinout 81 Appendix B: VITA 57.1 FMC Connector Pinouts 82 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix C Master Constraints File Listing TheAC701 board master Xilinx® design constraints (XDC) file template provides for designs targeting the AC701 board. Net names in the constraints listed in the AC701 Board XDC File Listing correlate with net names on the AC701 board schematic. Users must identify the appropriate pins and replace the net names in this list with net names in the user RTL. For more information, see UG903, Vivado Design Suite User Guide, Using Constraints: ug903-vivado-using-constraints.pdf Users can refer to the XDC files generated by tools such as Memory Interface Generator (MIG) for memory interfaces and Base System Builder (BSB) for more detailed I/O standards information required for each particular interface. The FMC HPC connector J30 is connected to a 2.5V Vcco bank. Because each user’s FMC card implements customer-specific circuitry, the FMC bank I/O standards must be uniquely defined by each customer. Note: The XDC file listed in this appendix might not be the latest version. Always refer to the AC701 Evaluation Kit product page ( for the latest FPGA-pins constraints file. AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN AB22 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN AE25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA02_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA02_P] PACKAGE_PIN AE26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA02_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA02_N] PACKAGE_PIN AC22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA03_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA03_P] PACKAGE_PIN AC23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA03_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA03_N] PACKAGE_PIN AF24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA04_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA04_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA04_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA04_N] PACKAGE_PIN AD25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA05_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA05_P] PACKAGE_PIN AD26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA05_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA05_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA06_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA06_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA06_N] 83 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 84 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA06_N] PACKAGE_PIN AD23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA07_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA07_P] PACKAGE_PIN AD24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA07_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA07_N] PACKAGE_PIN AD21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA08_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA08_P] PACKAGE_PIN AE21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA08_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA08_N] PACKAGE_PIN AF19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA09_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA09_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA09_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA09_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA10_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA10_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA10_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA10_N] PACKAGE_PIN AD20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA11_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA11_P] PACKAGE_PIN AE20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA11_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA11_N] PACKAGE_PIN AB21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN AC21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA01_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN AA20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN AB20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA17_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN AA19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN AB19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA00_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN AC19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA12_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA12_P] PACKAGE_PIN AD19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA12_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA12_N] PACKAGE_PIN AC18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA13_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA13_P] PACKAGE_PIN AD18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA13_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA13_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA14_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA14_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA14_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA14_N] PACKAGE_PIN Y18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA15_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA15_P] PACKAGE_PIN AA18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA15_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA15_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA16_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA16_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA16_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA16_N] PACKAGE_PIN AA17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA18_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA18_P] PACKAGE_PIN AB17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA18_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA18_N] PACKAGE_PIN AC17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA19_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA19_P] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN AD17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA19_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA19_N] PACKAGE_PIN Y16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA20_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA20_P] PACKAGE_PIN Y17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA20_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA20_N] PACKAGE_PIN AB16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA21_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA21_P] PACKAGE_PIN AC16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA21_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA21_N] PACKAGE_PIN Y15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA22_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA22_P] PACKAGE_PIN AA15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA22_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA22_N] PACKAGE_PIN W14 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA23_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA23_P] PACKAGE_PIN W15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA23_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_HA23_N] PACKAGE_PIN W16 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN U24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D21] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D21] PACKAGE_PIN U25 [get_ports HDMI_R_D16] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D16] PACKAGE_PIN U26 [get_ports HDMI_R_D11] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D11] PACKAGE_PIN V26 [get_ports HDMI_R_D7] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D7] PACKAGE_PIN W26 [get_ports HDMI_R_D8] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D8] PACKAGE_PIN AB26 [get_ports HDMI_R_DE] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_DE] PACKAGE_PIN AC26 [get_ports HDMI_R_VSYNC] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_VSYNC] PACKAGE_PIN W25 [get_ports HDMI_R_D9] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D9] PACKAGE_PIN Y26 [get_ports HDMI_R_D6] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D6] PACKAGE_PIN Y25 [get_ports HDMI_R_D5] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D5] PACKAGE_PIN AA25 [get_ports HDMI_R_D29] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D29] PACKAGE_PIN V24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D17] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D17] PACKAGE_PIN W24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D10] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D10] PACKAGE_PIN AA24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D4] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D4] PACKAGE_PIN AB25 [get_ports HDMI_R_D30] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D30] PACKAGE_PIN AA22 [get_ports HDMI_R_HSYNC] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_HSYNC] PACKAGE_PIN AA23 [get_ports HDMI_R_D28] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D28] PACKAGE_PIN AB24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D32] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D32] PACKAGE_PIN AC24 [get_ports HDMI_R_D31] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D31] PACKAGE_PIN V23 [get_ports HDMI_R_D23] 85 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 86 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D23] PACKAGE_PIN W23 [get_ports HDMI_R_D19] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D19] PACKAGE_PIN Y22 [get_ports HDMI_R_D33] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D33] PACKAGE_PIN Y23 [get_ports HDMI_R_D34] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D34] PACKAGE_PIN U22 [get_ports PHY_TX_CLK] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TX_CLK] PACKAGE_PIN V22 [get_ports HDMI_R_D35] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D35] PACKAGE_PIN U21 [get_ports PHY_RX_CLK] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RX_CLK] PACKAGE_PIN V21 [get_ports HDMI_R_CLK] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_CLK] PACKAGE_PIN W21 [get_ports HDMI_INT] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_INT] PACKAGE_PIN Y21 [get_ports HDMI_R_SPDIF] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_SPDIF] PACKAGE_PIN T20 [get_ports HDMI_SPDIF_OUT_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_SPDIF_OUT_LS] PACKAGE_PIN U20 [get_ports HDMI_R_D18] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D18] PACKAGE_PIN W20 [get_ports HDMI_R_D20] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D20] PACKAGE_PIN Y20 [get_ports HDMI_R_D22] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports HDMI_R_D22] PACKAGE_PIN T19 [get_ports USB_UART_TX] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports USB_UART_TX] PACKAGE_PIN U19 [get_ports USB_UART_RX] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports USB_UART_RX] PACKAGE_PIN V19 [get_ports USB_UART_RTS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports USB_UART_RTS] PACKAGE_PIN W19 [get_ports USB_UART_CTS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports USB_UART_CTS] PACKAGE_PIN V18 [get_ports PHY_RESET_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RESET_B] PACKAGE_PIN W18 [get_ports PHY_MDC] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_MDC] PACKAGE_PIN T14 [get_ports PHY_MDIO] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_MDIO] PACKAGE_PIN T15 [get_ports PHY_TX_CTRL] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TX_CTRL] PACKAGE_PIN T17 [get_ports PHY_TXD3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TXD3] PACKAGE_PIN T18 [get_ports PHY_TXD2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TXD2] PACKAGE_PIN U15 [get_ports PHY_TXD1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TXD1] PACKAGE_PIN U16 [get_ports PHY_TXD0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_TXD0] PACKAGE_PIN U14 [get_ports PHY_RX_CTRL] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RX_CTRL] PACKAGE_PIN V14 [get_ports PHY_RXD3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RXD3] PACKAGE_PIN V16 [get_ports PHY_RXD2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RXD2] PACKAGE_PIN V17 [get_ports PHY_RXD1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RXD1] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN U17 [get_ports PHY_RXD0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports PHY_RXD0] PACKAGE_PIN M19 [get_ports SI5324_INT_ALM_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SI5324_INT_ALM_B] PACKAGE_PIN R14 [get_ports FLASH_D0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FLASH_D0] PACKAGE_PIN R15 [get_ports FLASH_D1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FLASH_D1] PACKAGE_PIN P14 [get_ports FLASH_D2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FLASH_D2] PACKAGE_PIN N14 [get_ports FLASH_D3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FLASH_D3] PACKAGE_PIN P15 [get_ports CTRL2_PWRGOOD] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports CTRL2_PWRGOOD] PACKAGE_PIN P16 [get_ports FPGA_EMCCLK] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FPGA_EMCCLK] PACKAGE_PIN N16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_PRSNT_M2C_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_PRSNT_M2C_B] PACKAGE_PIN N17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_PG_M2C] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_PG_M2C] PACKAGE_PIN R16 [get_ports FMC_VADJ_ON_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports FMC_VADJ_ON_B] PACKAGE_PIN R17 [get_ports IIC_MUX_RESET_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports IIC_MUX_RESET_B] PACKAGE_PIN P18 [get_ports QSPI_IC_CS_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports QSPI_IC_CS_B] PACKAGE_PIN N18 [get_ports IIC_SCL_MAIN] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports IIC_SCL_MAIN] PACKAGE_PIN K25 [get_ports IIC_SDA_MAIN] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports IIC_SDA_MAIN] PACKAGE_PIN K26 [get_ports PCIE_WAKE_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PCIE_WAKE_B] PACKAGE_PIN M20 [get_ports PCIE_PERST] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PCIE_PERST] PACKAGE_PIN L20 [get_ports LCD_E_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_E_LS] PACKAGE_PIN L24 [get_ports LCD_RW_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_RW_LS] PACKAGE_PIN L25 [get_ports LCD_DB4_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_DB4_LS] PACKAGE_PIN M24 [get_ports LCD_DB5_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_DB5_LS] PACKAGE_PIN M25 [get_ports LCD_DB6_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_DB6_LS] PACKAGE_PIN L22 [get_ports LCD_DB7_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_DB7_LS] PACKAGE_PIN L23 [get_ports LCD_RS_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports LCD_RS_LS] PACKAGE_PIN M21 [get_ports USER_CLOCK_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports USER_CLOCK_P] PACKAGE_PIN M22 [get_ports USER_CLOCK_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports USER_CLOCK_N] PACKAGE_PIN N21 [get_ports ROTARY_PUSH] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports ROTARY_PUSH] PACKAGE_PIN N22 [get_ports ROTARY_INCA] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports ROTARY_INCA] PACKAGE_PIN P20 [get_ports ROTARY_INCB] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports ROTARY_INCB] PACKAGE_PIN P21 [get_ports SDIO_CD_DAT3] 87 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 88 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_CD_DAT3] PACKAGE_PIN N23 [get_ports SDIO_CMD] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_CMD] PACKAGE_PIN N24 [get_ports SDIO_CLK] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_CLK] PACKAGE_PIN P19 [get_ports SDIO_DAT0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_DAT0] PACKAGE_PIN N19 [get_ports SDIO_DAT1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_DAT1] PACKAGE_PIN P23 [get_ports SDIO_DAT2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_DAT2] PACKAGE_PIN P24 [get_ports SDIO_SDDET] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_SDDET] PACKAGE_PIN R20 [get_ports SDIO_SDWP] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SDIO_SDWP] PACKAGE_PIN R21 [get_ports PMBUS_CLK_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMBUS_CLK_LS] PACKAGE_PIN R25 [get_ports PMBUS_DATA_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMBUS_DATA_LS] PACKAGE_PIN P25 [get_ports PMBUS_CTRL_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMBUS_CTRL_LS] PACKAGE_PIN N26 [get_ports PMBUS_ALERT_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMBUS_ALERT_LS] PACKAGE_PIN M26 [get_ports GPIO_LED_0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports GPIO_LED_0] PACKAGE_PIN T24 [get_ports GPIO_LED_1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports GPIO_LED_1] PACKAGE_PIN T25 [get_ports GPIO_LED_2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports GPIO_LED_2] PACKAGE_PIN R26 [get_ports GPIO_LED_3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports GPIO_LED_3] PACKAGE_PIN P26 [get_ports PMOD_0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMOD_0] PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports PMOD_1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMOD_1] PACKAGE_PIN R22 [get_ports PMOD_2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMOD_2] PACKAGE_PIN T23 [get_ports PMOD_3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports PMOD_3] PACKAGE_PIN R23 [get_ports SFP_LOS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SFP_LOS] PACKAGE_PIN R18 [get_ports SFP_TX_DISABLE] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports SFP_TX_DISABLE] PACKAGE_PIN K18 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_2] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_2] PACKAGE_PIN K15 [get_ports XADC_VAUX0_R_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_VAUX0_R_P] PACKAGE_PIN J16 [get_ports XADC_VAUX0_R_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_VAUX0_R_N] PACKAGE_PIN J14 [get_ports XADC_VAUX8_R_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_VAUX8_R_P] PACKAGE_PIN J15 [get_ports XADC_VAUX8_R_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_VAUX8_R_N] PACKAGE_PIN K16 [get_ports XADC_AD1_R_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_AD1_R_P] PACKAGE_PIN K17 [get_ports XADC_AD1_R_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_AD1_R_N] PACKAGE_PIN M14 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA19_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA19_P] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN L14 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA19_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA19_N] PACKAGE_PIN M15 [get_ports XADC_AD9_R_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_AD9_R_P] PACKAGE_PIN L15 [get_ports XADC_AD9_R_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_AD9_R_N] PACKAGE_PIN M16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA20_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA20_P] PACKAGE_PIN M17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA20_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA20_N] PACKAGE_PIN J19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA21_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA21_P] PACKAGE_PIN H19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA21_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA21_N] PACKAGE_PIN L17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA22_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA22_P] PACKAGE_PIN L18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA22_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA22_N] PACKAGE_PIN K20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA23_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA23_P] PACKAGE_PIN J20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA23_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA23_N] PACKAGE_PIN J18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA24_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA24_P] PACKAGE_PIN H18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA24_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA24_N] PACKAGE_PIN G20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN G21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA18_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN K21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN J21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA17_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN H21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_P] PACKAGE_PIN H22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK1_M2C_N] PACKAGE_PIN J23 [get_ports USER_SMA_CLOCK_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports USER_SMA_CLOCK_P] PACKAGE_PIN H23 [get_ports USER_SMA_CLOCK_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports USER_SMA_CLOCK_N] PACKAGE_PIN G22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA25_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA25_P] PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA25_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA25_N] PACKAGE_PIN J24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA26_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA26_P] PACKAGE_PIN H24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA26_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA26_N] PACKAGE_PIN F23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA27_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA27_P] PACKAGE_PIN E23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA27_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA27_N] PACKAGE_PIN K22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA28_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA28_P] PACKAGE_PIN K23 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA28_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA28_N] PACKAGE_PIN G24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA29_P] 89 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 90 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA29_P] PACKAGE_PIN F24 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA29_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA29_N] PACKAGE_PIN E25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA30_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA30_P] PACKAGE_PIN D25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA30_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA30_N] PACKAGE_PIN E26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA31_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA31_P] PACKAGE_PIN D26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA31_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA31_N] PACKAGE_PIN H26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA32_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA32_P] PACKAGE_PIN G26 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA32_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA32_N] PACKAGE_PIN G25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA33_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA33_P] PACKAGE_PIN F25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA33_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA33_N] PACKAGE_PIN J25 [get_ports SM_FAN_TACH] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports SM_FAN_TACH] PACKAGE_PIN J26 [get_ports SM_FAN_PWM] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports SM_FAN_PWM] PACKAGE_PIN L19 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_3] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_3] PACKAGE_PIN H17 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_0] PACKAGE_PIN H14 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA02_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA02_P] PACKAGE_PIN H15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA02_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA02_N] PACKAGE_PIN G17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA03_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA03_P] PACKAGE_PIN F17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA03_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA03_N] PACKAGE_PIN F18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA04_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA04_P] PACKAGE_PIN F19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA04_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA04_N] PACKAGE_PIN G15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA05_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA05_P] PACKAGE_PIN F15 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA05_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA05_N] PACKAGE_PIN G19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA06_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA06_P] PACKAGE_PIN F20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA06_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA06_N] PACKAGE_PIN H16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA07_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA07_P] PACKAGE_PIN G16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA07_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA07_N] PACKAGE_PIN C17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA08_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA08_P] PACKAGE_PIN B17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA08_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA08_N] PACKAGE_PIN E16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA09_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA09_P] PACKAGE_PIN D16 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA09_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA09_N] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN A17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA10_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA10_P] PACKAGE_PIN A18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA10_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA10_N] PACKAGE_PIN B19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA11_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA11_P] PACKAGE_PIN A19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA11_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA11_N] PACKAGE_PIN E17 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN E18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA01_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN D18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_P] PACKAGE_PIN C18 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA00_CC_N] PACKAGE_PIN D19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_P] PACKAGE_PIN C19 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_CLK0_M2C_N] PACKAGE_PIN E20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA12_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA12_P] PACKAGE_PIN D20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA12_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA12_N] PACKAGE_PIN B20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA13_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA13_P] PACKAGE_PIN A20 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA13_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA13_N] PACKAGE_PIN C21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA14_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA14_P] PACKAGE_PIN B21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA14_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA14_N] PACKAGE_PIN B22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA15_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA15_P] PACKAGE_PIN A22 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA15_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA15_N] PACKAGE_PIN E21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA16_P] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA16_P] PACKAGE_PIN D21 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA16_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports FMC1_HPC_LA16_N] PACKAGE_PIN C22 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN C23 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN B25 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR0_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR0_LS] PACKAGE_PIN A25 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR1_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR1_LS] PACKAGE_PIN A23 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR2_LS] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_MUX_ADDR2_LS] PACKAGE_PIN A24 [get_ports PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL0] PACKAGE_PIN C26 [get_ports PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports PCIE_MGT_CLK_SEL1] PACKAGE_PIN B26 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL0] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL0] PACKAGE_PIN C24 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK_SEL1] PACKAGE_PIN B24 [get_ports SI5324_RST_LS_B] 91 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 92 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports SI5324_RST_LS_B] PACKAGE_PIN D23 [get_ports REC_CLOCK_C_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports REC_CLOCK_C_P] PACKAGE_PIN D24 [get_ports REC_CLOCK_C_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports REC_CLOCK_C_N] PACKAGE_PIN E22 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_1] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports XADC_GPIO_1] PACKAGE_PIN V4 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN V1 [get_ports DDR3_D31] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D31] PACKAGE_PIN W1 [get_ports DDR3_D30] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D30] PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports DDR3_D29] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D29] PACKAGE_PIN W4 [get_ports DDR3_D28] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D28] PACKAGE_PIN V3 [get_ports DDR3_DQS3_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS3_P] PACKAGE_PIN V2 [get_ports DDR3_DQS3_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS3_N] PACKAGE_PIN V6 [get_ports DDR3_D27] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D27] PACKAGE_PIN W6 [get_ports DDR3_D26] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D26] PACKAGE_PIN W3 [get_ports DDR3_D25] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D25] PACKAGE_PIN Y3 [get_ports DDR3_D24] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D24] PACKAGE_PIN U7 [get_ports DDR3_DM3] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM3] PACKAGE_PIN V7 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN AB1 [get_ports DDR3_D23] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D23] PACKAGE_PIN AC1 [get_ports DDR3_D22] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D22] PACKAGE_PIN Y2 [get_ports DDR3_D21] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D21] PACKAGE_PIN Y1 [get_ports DDR3_D20] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D20] PACKAGE_PIN AD1 [get_ports DDR3_DQS2_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS2_P] PACKAGE_PIN AE1 [get_ports DDR3_DQS2_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS2_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE2 [get_ports DDR3_D19] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D19] PACKAGE_PIN AF2 [get_ports DDR3_D18] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D18] PACKAGE_PIN AB2 [get_ports DDR3_D17] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D17] PACKAGE_PIN AC2 [get_ports DDR3_D16] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D16] PACKAGE_PIN AA3 [get_ports DDR3_DM2] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM2] PACKAGE_PIN AA2 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports DDR3_D15] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D15] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN AB4 [get_ports DDR3_D14] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D14] PACKAGE_PIN AC3 [get_ports DDR3_D13] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D13] PACKAGE_PIN AD3 [get_ports DDR3_D12] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D12] PACKAGE_PIN AD5 [get_ports DDR3_DQS1_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS1_P] PACKAGE_PIN AE5 [get_ports DDR3_DQS1_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS1_N] PACKAGE_PIN AE3 [get_ports DDR3_D11] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D11] PACKAGE_PIN AF3 [get_ports DDR3_D10] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D10] PACKAGE_PIN AF5 [get_ports DDR3_D9] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D9] PACKAGE_PIN AF4 [get_ports DDR3_D8] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D8] PACKAGE_PIN AC4 [get_ports DDR3_DM1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM1] PACKAGE_PIN AD4 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN Y7 [get_ports DDR3_D7] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D7] PACKAGE_PIN AA7 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN Y6 [get_ports DDR3_D6] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D6] PACKAGE_PIN Y5 [get_ports DDR3_D5] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D5] PACKAGE_PIN V8 [get_ports DDR3_DQS0_P] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS0_P] PACKAGE_PIN W8 [get_ports DDR3_DQS0_N] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS0_N] PACKAGE_PIN AA5 [get_ports DDR3_D4] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D4] PACKAGE_PIN AB5 [get_ports DDR3_D3] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D3] PACKAGE_PIN Y8 [get_ports DDR3_D2] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D2] PACKAGE_PIN AA8 [get_ports DDR3_D1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D1] PACKAGE_PIN AB6 [get_ports DDR3_D0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D0] PACKAGE_PIN AC6 [get_ports DDR3_DM0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM0] PACKAGE_PIN V9 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN N8 [get_ports DDR3_RESET_B] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports DDR3_RESET_B] PACKAGE_PIN K3 [get_ports DDR3_A9] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A9] PACKAGE_PIN J3 [get_ports DDR3_A1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A1] PACKAGE_PIN M7 [get_ports DDR3_A5] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A5] PACKAGE_PIN L7 [get_ports DDR3_A12] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A12] PACKAGE_PIN M4 [get_ports DDR3_A0] 93 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 94 IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A0] PACKAGE_PIN L4 [get_ports DDR3_A3] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A3] PACKAGE_PIN L5 [get_ports DDR3_A11] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A11] PACKAGE_PIN K5 [get_ports DDR3_A4] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A4] PACKAGE_PIN N7 [get_ports DDR3_A10] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A10] PACKAGE_PIN N6 [get_ports DDR3_A13] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A13] PACKAGE_PIN M6 [get_ports DDR3_A7] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A7] PACKAGE_PIN M5 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN K1 [get_ports DDR3_A6] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A6] PACKAGE_PIN J1 [get_ports DDR3_A2] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A2] PACKAGE_PIN L3 [get_ports DDR3_A14] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A14] PACKAGE_PIN K2 [get_ports DDR3_A15] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A15] PACKAGE_PIN N1 [get_ports DDR3_BA0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_BA0] PACKAGE_PIN M1 [get_ports DDR3_BA1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_BA1] PACKAGE_PIN H2 [get_ports DDR3_BA2] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_BA2] PACKAGE_PIN H1 [get_ports DDR3_A8] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_A8] PACKAGE_PIN M2 [get_ports DDR3_CLK0_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CLK0_P] PACKAGE_PIN L2 [get_ports DDR3_CLK0_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CLK0_N] PACKAGE_PIN N3 [get_ports DDR3_CLK1_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CLK1_P] PACKAGE_PIN N2 [get_ports DDR3_CLK1_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CLK1_N] PACKAGE_PIN R3 [get_ports SYSCLK_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SYSCLK_P] PACKAGE_PIN P3 [get_ports SYSCLK_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SYSCLK_N] PACKAGE_PIN P4 [get_ports DDR3_CKE0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CKE0] PACKAGE_PIN N4 [get_ports DDR3_CKE1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CKE1] PACKAGE_PIN R1 [get_ports DDR3_WE_B] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_WE_B] PACKAGE_PIN P1 [get_ports DDR3_RAS_B] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_RAS_B] PACKAGE_PIN T4 [get_ports DDR3_CAS_B] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_CAS_B] PACKAGE_PIN T3 [get_ports DDR3_S0_B] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_S0_B] PACKAGE_PIN T2 [get_ports DDR3_S1_B] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_S1_B] PACKAGE_PIN R2 [get_ports DDR3_ODT0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_ODT0] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN U2 [get_ports DDR3_ODT1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_ODT1] PACKAGE_PIN U1 [get_ports DDR3_TEMP_EVENT] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports DDR3_TEMP_EVENT] PACKAGE_PIN P6 [get_ports GPIO_SW_N] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports GPIO_SW_N] PACKAGE_PIN P5 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN T5 [get_ports GPIO_SW_S] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_SW_S] PACKAGE_PIN R5 [get_ports GPIO_SW_W] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_SW_W] PACKAGE_PIN U6 [get_ports GPIO_SW_C] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_SW_C] PACKAGE_PIN U5 [get_ports GPIO_SW_E] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_SW_E] PACKAGE_PIN R8 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW0] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW0] PACKAGE_PIN P8 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW1] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW1] PACKAGE_PIN R7 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW2] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW2] PACKAGE_PIN R6 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW3] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports GPIO_DIP_SW3] PACKAGE_PIN T8 [get_ports USER_SMA_GPIO_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports USER_SMA_GPIO_P] PACKAGE_PIN T7 [get_ports USER_SMA_GPIO_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports USER_SMA_GPIO_N] PACKAGE_PIN U4 [get_ports CPU_RESET] IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports CPU_RESET] PACKAGE_PIN J8 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN E6 [get_ports DDR3_D63] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D63] PACKAGE_PIN D6 [get_ports DDR3_D62] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D62] PACKAGE_PIN H8 [get_ports DDR3_D61] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D61] PACKAGE_PIN G8 [get_ports DDR3_D60] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D60] PACKAGE_PIN H7 [get_ports DDR3_DQS7_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS7_P] PACKAGE_PIN G7 [get_ports DDR3_DQS7_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS7_N] PACKAGE_PIN F8 [get_ports DDR3_D59] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D59] PACKAGE_PIN F7 [get_ports DDR3_D58] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D58] PACKAGE_PIN H6 [get_ports DDR3_D57] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D57] PACKAGE_PIN G6 [get_ports DDR3_D56] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D56] PACKAGE_PIN H9 [get_ports DDR3_DM7] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM7] PACKAGE_PIN G9 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN J6 [get_ports DDR3_D55] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D55] PACKAGE_PIN J5 [get_ports DDR3_D54] 95 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property 96 IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D54] PACKAGE_PIN L8 [get_ports DDR3_D53] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D53] PACKAGE_PIN K8 [get_ports DDR3_D52] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D52] PACKAGE_PIN J4 [get_ports DDR3_DQS6_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS6_P] PACKAGE_PIN H4 [get_ports DDR3_DQS6_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS6_N] PACKAGE_PIN K7 [get_ports DDR3_D51] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D51] PACKAGE_PIN K6 [get_ports DDR3_D50] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D50] PACKAGE_PIN G4 [get_ports DDR3_D49] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D49] PACKAGE_PIN F4 [get_ports DDR3_D48] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D48] PACKAGE_PIN G5 [get_ports DDR3_DM6] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM6] PACKAGE_PIN F5 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN E5 [get_ports DDR3_D47] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D47] PACKAGE_PIN D5 [get_ports DDR3_D46] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D46] PACKAGE_PIN D4 [get_ports DDR3_D45] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D45] PACKAGE_PIN C4 [get_ports DDR3_D44] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D44] PACKAGE_PIN B5 [get_ports DDR3_DQS5_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS5_P] PACKAGE_PIN A5 [get_ports DDR3_DQS5_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS5_N] PACKAGE_PIN B4 [get_ports DDR3_D43] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D43] PACKAGE_PIN A4 [get_ports DDR3_D42] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D42] PACKAGE_PIN D3 [get_ports DDR3_D41] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D41] PACKAGE_PIN C3 [get_ports DDR3_D40] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D40] PACKAGE_PIN F3 [get_ports DDR3_DM5] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM5] PACKAGE_PIN E3 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN C2 [get_ports DDR3_D39] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D39] PACKAGE_PIN B2 [get_ports VTTVREF] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports VTTVREF] PACKAGE_PIN A3 [get_ports DDR3_D38] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D38] PACKAGE_PIN A2 [get_ports DDR3_D37] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D37] PACKAGE_PIN C1 [get_ports DDR3_DQS4_P] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS4_P] PACKAGE_PIN B1 [get_ports DDR3_DQS4_N] IOSTANDARD DIFF_SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DQS4_N] PACKAGE_PIN F2 [get_ports DDR3_D36] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D36] AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 AC701 Board XDC File Listing set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property set_property AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 PACKAGE_PIN E2 [get_ports DDR3_D35] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D35] PACKAGE_PIN E1 [get_ports DDR3_D34] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D34] PACKAGE_PIN D1 [get_ports DDR3_D33] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D33] PACKAGE_PIN G2 [get_ports DDR3_D32] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_D32] PACKAGE_PIN G1 [get_ports DDR3_DM4] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports DDR3_DM4] PACKAGE_PIN H3 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD SSTL15 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN AB13 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK0_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK0_N] PACKAGE_PIN AA13 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK0_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK0_P] PACKAGE_PIN AF15 [get_ports MGTRREF_213] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports MGTRREF_213] PACKAGE_PIN AA11 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK1_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK1_P] PACKAGE_PIN AB11 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK1_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports SFP_MGT_CLK1_N] PACKAGE_PIN E11 [get_ports PCIE_CLK_QO_N] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports PCIE_CLK_QO_N] PACKAGE_PIN F11 [get_ports PCIE_CLK_QO_P] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports PCIE_CLK_QO_P] PACKAGE_PIN A15 [get_ports MGTRREF_216] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports MGTRREF_216] PACKAGE_PIN F13 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports No] PACKAGE_PIN E13 [get_ports No] IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 [get_ports No] 97 Appendix C: Master Constraints File Listing 98 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix D Board Setup Installing the AC701 Board in a PC Chassis Installation of the AC701 board inside a computer chassis is required when developing or testing PCI Express functionality. When the AC701 board is used inside a computer chassis (i.e., plugged in to the PCIe® slot), power is provided from the ATX power supply 4-pin peripheral connector through the ATX adapter cable shown in Figure D-1 to J49 on the AC701 board. The Xilinx part number for this cable is 2600304. X-Ref Target - Figure D-1 To ATX 4-Pin Peripheral Power Connector To J49 on AC701 Board UG952_c1_34_101612 Figure D-1: ATX Power Supply Adapter Cable To install the AC701 board in a PC chassis: 1. On the AC701 board, remove all six rubber feet, the standoffs, and the PCIe bracket. The standoffs and feet are affixed to the board by screws on the top side of the board. Remove all six screws. Reinstall the PCIe bracket using two of the screws. 2. Power down the host computer and remove the power cord from the PC. 3. Open the PC chassis following the instructions provided with the PC. 4. Select a vacant PCIe expansion slot and remove the expansion cover (at the back of the chassis) by removing the screws on the top and bottom of the cover. 5. Plug the AC701 board into the PCIe connector at this slot. 6. Install the top mounting bracket screw into the PC expansion cover retainer bracket to secure the AC701 board in its slot. Note: The AC701 board is taller than standard PCIe cards. Ensure that the height of the card is free of obstructions. 7. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Connect the ATX power supply to the AC701 board using the ATX power supply adapter cable as shown in Figure D-1: a. Plug the 6-pin 2 x 3 Molex connector on the adapter cable into J49 on the AC701 board. b. Plug the 4-pin 1 x 4 peripheral power connector from the ATX power supply into the 4-pin adapter cable connector. 99 Appendix D: Board Setup 8. 100 Slide the AC701 board power switch SW15 to the ON position. The PC can now be powered on. AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix E Board Specifications Dimensions Height 5.5 in (14.0 cm) Length 10.5 in (26.7 cm) Note: The AC701 board height exceeds the standard 4.376 in (11.15 cm) height of a PCI Express card. Environmental Temperature Operating: 0°C to +45°C Storage: –25°C to +60°C Humidity 10% to 90% non-condensing Operating Voltage +12 VDC AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 101 Appendix E: Board Specifications 102 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix F Additional Resources Xilinx Resources For support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Forums, see the Xilinx Support website at: Create a Xilinx user account and sign up to receive automatic e-mail notification whenever this document is updated: For a glossary of technical terms used in Xilinx documentation, see: Solution Centers See the Xilinx Solution Centers for support on devices, software tools, and intellectual property at all stages of the design cycle. Topics include design assistance, advisories, and troubleshooting tips: Further Resources The most up to date information related to the AC701 board and its documentation is available on the following websites. The AC701 Artix-7 FPGA evaluation board Kit product page: The AC701 Evaluation Kit Master Answer Record: These Xilinx documents provide supplemental material useful with this guide: UG138, LogiCORE IP Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC v4.2 User Guide DS180, 7 Series FPGAs Overview UG586, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Interface Solutions User Guide UG473, 7 Series FPGAs Memory Resources User Guide UG470, 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 103 Appendix F: Additional Resources UG475, 7 Series FPGAs Packaging and Pinout User Guide UG476, 7 Series FPGAs GTX Transceivers User Guide UG477 7 Series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express User Guide UG480, 7 Series FPGAs XADC Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter User Guide UG483, 7 Series FPGAs PCB Design and Pin Planning Guide XTP230, AC701 Si570 Programming XTP229, AC701 Si570 Fixed Frequencies References Documents associated with other devices used by the AC701 board are available at these vendor websites: Analog Devices: (ADV7511KSTZ-P) Integrated Device Technology: (ICS844021I) Marvell Semiconductor: (88E1116R) Micron Semiconductor: (Numonyx N25Q256A13ESF40G) Samtec: (SEAF series connectors) Si Time: (SiT9102) Silicon Labs: (Si570, Si5324C) Texas Instruments: (UCD90120A, TPS84621RUQ, TPS84320RUQ, LMZ22010TZ, LMZ12002, TL1963ADC, ADP123, TPS51200DR, TPS79433DCQ, TLV111733CDCY, PCA9548) 104 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 Appendix G Regulatory and Compliance Information This product is designed and tested to conform to the European Union directives and standards described in this section. Refer to the AC701 board master answer record concerning the CE requirements for the PC Test Environment: Declaration of Conformity To view the declaration of conformity online, visit: Directives 2006/95/EC, Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2004/108/EC, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive Standards EN standards are maintained by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). IEC standards are maintained by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 55022:2010, Information Technology Equipment Radio Disturbance Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement EN 55024:2010, Information Technology Equipment Immunity Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement Note: This is a Class A product and can cause radio interference. In a domestic environment, the user might be required to take adequate corrective measures. Safety IEC 60950-1:2005, Information technology equipment – Safety, Part 1: General requirements AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 105 Appendix G: Regulatory and Compliance Information EN 60950-1:2006, Information technology equipment – Safety, Part 1: General requirements Markings This product complies with Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The affixed product label indicates that the user must not discard this electrical or electronic product in domestic household waste. This product complies with Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment. This product complies with CE Directives 2006/95/EC, Low Voltage Directive (LVD) and 2004/108/EC, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive. 106 AC701 Evaluation Board UG952 (v1.1) January 30, 2013 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TI REFERENCE DESIGNS Texas Instruments Incorporated ("TI") reference designs are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate TI semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. TI reference designs have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular reference design. TI may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its reference designs. Buyers are authorized to use TI reference designs with the TI component(s) identified in each particular reference design and to modify the reference design in the development of their end products. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER TI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN, including but not limited to any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services, or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. TI REFERENCE DESIGNS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". TI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE REFERENCE DESIGNS OR USE OF THE REFERENCE DESIGNS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. TI DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO TI REFERENCE DESIGNS OR USE THEREOF. TI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND SHALL NOT DEFEND OR INDEMNIFY BUYERS AGAINST ANY THIRD PARTY INFRINGEMENT CLAIM THAT RELATES TO OR IS BASED ON A COMBINATION OF COMPONENTS PROVIDED IN A TI REFERENCE DESIGN. IN NO EVENT SHALL TI BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED, ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY AND WHETHER OR NOT TI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF TI REFERENCE DESIGNS OR BUYER’S USE OF TI REFERENCE DESIGNS. TI reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques for TI components are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books, data sheets or reference designs is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards that anticipate dangerous failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of dangerous failures and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in Buyer’s safety-critical applications. In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components that TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components that have not been so designated is solely at Buyer's risk, and Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No Author : Texas Instruments, Incorporated [SCEU009,*] Create Date : 2013:06:06 10:30:34-05:00 Keywords : EVALUATION BOARD; THE AC701 EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDES A HARDWARE ENVIRONMENT FOR DEVELOPING AND EVALUATING DESIGNS TARGETING THE ARTIX-7 FPGA. ; EVALUATION BOARD, SCEU009 Modify Date : 2013:09:11 13:33:51-05:00 Subject : User's Guide XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Format : application/pdf Creator : Texas Instruments, Incorporated [SCEU009,*] Description : User's Guide Title : PMP7977 User's Guide Creator Tool : FrameMaker 10.0.2 Metadata Date : 2013:09:11 13:33:51-05:00 Producer : iText 2.1.7 by 1T3XT Document ID : uuid:de7b4859-0609-4dba-82c7-4cfde1d1eaf3 Instance ID : uuid:db581ac2-ece9-4350-86e9-9a29f033d8fa Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 107EXIF Metadata provided by