Uxpin Guide To Usability Ing


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Cover design: Dominik Pacholczyk


Defining Your Usability Goals
Usability Metrics
Types of Test
Finding Your Target Test Audience
Usability Test Plan
Moderated vs. Unmoderated Tests
Tree Testing
Usability Benchmark Testing
Hallway Usability Testing
Card Sorting
User Interviews
Heuristics Evaluations
A/B Testing
First Click Testing
Field and Diary Studies
Eye Tracking Test

Beta Testing (User Acceptance Testing)
Desirability Testing
Concept Testing
Participatory Testing
Website Usability Testing
Mobile Usability Testing


A quick note from the authors



he biggest challenge designers and product managers face isn’t how
the market or different technologies work — it’s how humans work.
What users say versus what users do are two completely different things,
and the only way to verify is to test. Usability testing is more than a just a
checkbox on a list of product requirements — it is the most convincing support for your design decisions.

Test early and test often. Every company and product is different, so there is
no magical usability test that will tell you everything you need to know. Define
your hypothesis, pick several quantitative and qualitative methods, and get
ready to go out of your comfort zone.
In this book, we’ll share a wide breadth of expert commentary, theories,
practices, and real-life examples of usability testing. We’ll discuss basic concepts
like how to plan your usability test. For more experienced readers, we cover
scripted testing methods, hybrid testing methods, and the differences between
web versus mobile usability tests. Our hope is that it helps you see usability
testing as more than just asking people for their opinions on your app or website.
Usability testing helps you see the bottom line of whether your design works or
doesn’t. We’ll look at how highly successful companies like Apple, MailChimp,
Yahoo, DirecTV, Microsoft, Buffer, among others, used different usability
testing tactics that all suited their own unique needs. We’ve also included our
own preferences, and outlined how UXPin conducts usability testing.
We’d love your thoughts on what we’ve written. And feel free to include anyone
else in the discussion by sharing this e-book.
For the love of users,
Chris Bank
(co-written by Jerry Cao)

Chris Bank is the growth lead @UXPin. He also
led growth @Lettuce (acquired by Intuit),@MyFit
(acquired by Naviance), and his own startup
@Epostmarks (USPS strategic partner), and launched
@Kaggle in the B2B tech vertical. In his downtime, he
rock climbs, motorcycles, designs apps, travels, and
reads. Visit my website and Follow me on Twitter.

Jerry Cao is a content strategist at UXPin where he gets
to put his overly active imagination to paper every day.
In a past life, he developed content strategies for clients
at Brafton and worked in traditional advertising at
DDB San Francisco. In his spare time he enjoys playing
electric guitar, watching foreign horror films, and
expanding his knowledge of random facts.
Follow me on Twitter.



Usability Testing Goals
Knowing your direction before you set off



ike all significant undertakings, you need to go into usability testing with a
plan. As you’ll see, a little extra time planning at the beginning can pay off
in the end. By following a few simple guidelines, you’ll know what to expect,
what to look for, and what to take away from your usability testing.

Photo Credit: „User Testing Notes”. Andy Bardill. Creative Commons.

Obviously you’d like to optimize the results of your usability testing, and in
order to do that, you must first know what you’re testing for. We’ll explain how
to define your testing objectives and set your usability metrics.

Defining Your Usability Goals
There’s no question about what Waldo looks like before you open the book, but
all too often companies jump the gun with their usability tests and don’t know
what they’re looking for, or even why. For this, the first step in usability research
should always be knowing what you want to get out of it — but that’s not as easy
as it sounds. You need to categorize your testing goals and know what type of
data is most appropriate.


Sometimes it helps to break out your different objectives into categories.
Michael Margolis, a UX Researcher at Google Ventures Design Studio,
believes the first step to determining objectives is knowing the right questions
to ask (he lists them in categories). It helps to first hold a preliminary meeting
with stakeholders to gauge how much they know about the product (features,
users, competitors, etc) as well as constraints (schedule, resourcing, etc). Once
you know that, you can ask the below questions to help focus the team on
research questions (“Why do people enter the website and not watch the demo
video?”) versus just dictating methods (“We need to do focus groups now!).

• Relevant Product Information — Do you know the history of your
product? Do you know what’s in store for the future? Now would be a good
time to find out.
• Users — Who uses your product? Who do you want to use your product?
Be as specific as possible: demographics, location, usage patterns —
whatever you can find out.
• Success — What is your idea of success for this product? Make sure the
entire team is on the same page.
• Competitors — Who will be your biggest competition? How do you
compare? What will your users be expecting based on your competition?
• Research — This might seems like a no-brainer when planning your
research, but what do you want to know? What data would help your team
best? Is that research already available to you so that you’re not wasting
your time?

• Timing and Scope — What time frame are you working with for collecting
your data? When is it due?

Photo credits: „Calendar”. Daphne Cholet. Creative Commons.

Once you’ve finished your benchmark questions, you can reverse the roles and
have your team write down their questions (that way you’ll have identified what
they know, and what they’d like to know). Becky White of Mutual Mobile talks
about a sample exercise to help you narrow down your goals. Gather your team
together and pass out sticky notes. Then, have everyone write down questions
they have about their users and the UX. Collect all the questions and stick them
to a board. Finally, try to organize all the questions based on similarity. You’ll
see that certain categories will have more questions than others — these will
likely become your testing objectives.
It also helps to make sure your testing objectives are as simple as possible. Your
objectives should be simple like “Can visitors find the information they need?”
instead of complex objectives like “Can visitors easily find our products and make
an informed purchase decision?”

If you think using usability testing questions as a means to set your goals,
Userium offers this helpful website usability checklist. If you notice you’re
lacking in one or more categories, those are where collecting data would be
most helpful (and are good talking points if your team gets stuck during the
initial Q&A).

”The simplest usability testing objectives lead to the deepest design insights.”


Now that you know your goals, it’s time to figure out how to apply usability
testing to accomplish them. Essentially, you’re clarifying the greater scope of
your testing.
The UserTesting e-book about user testing suggests that you must first
understand what type of feedback would be most helpful for your results. Does
your team need a graph or a rating scale? Personal user accounts or numbers?
Written responses or sound bites? The people who will read the data can impact
the best type to collect: skeptical stakeholders might be convinced by the cold,
hard numbers of a graphed quantitative rating scale, while the CEO might be
made to understand a problem if he saw a video clip of users failing at a certain
This is why knowing your usability goals first is so important. If you don’t know
the overall goals and objectives, then you certainly don’t know what type of
feedback and data you need. This chart below should help give you an example
of how the type of data affects the type of testing.

source: User Testing Your Next Project

Once you know your goals and what type of data you’re looking for, it’s time
to begin planning the actual tests. But before we get into that, let’s talk a little
about metrics.


Usability Metrics
Metrics are the quantitative data surrounding usability, as opposed to more
qualitative research like the verbal responses and written responses we
described above. When you combine qualitative with quantitative data
gathering, you get an idea of why and how to fix problems, as well as how many
usability issues need to be resolved. You can see how this plays out in the below
diagram from a piece on quantitative versus qualitative data.

Based on: Which UX Method by Christian Rohrer

”Qualitative & quantitative data help you understand what to fix & why, and how many
problems exist.”


In a nutshell, usability metrics are the statistics measuring a user’s performance
on a given set of tasks. Usability.gov lists some of the most helpful focuses for
quantitative data gathering:
• Success Rate — In a given scenario, was the user able to complete the

assigned task? When we tested 35 users for a redesign of the Yelp website,
this was one of the most important bottom-line metrics.

• Error Rate — Which errors tripped up users most? These can be divided
into two types: critical and noncritical. Critical errors will prevent a user
from completing a task, while noncritical errors will simply lower the
efficiency with which they complete it.
• Time to Completion — How much time did it take the user to complete
the task? This can be particularly useful when determining how your
product compares with your competitors (if you’re testing both).
• Subjective Measures — Numerically rank a user’s self-determined
satisfaction, ease-of-use, availability of information, etc. Surprisingly, you
can actually quantify qualitative feedback by boiling this down to the Single
Ease Question.

source: User Testing & Design


In a general overview of metrics, Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of the Nielsen
Norman Group and usability expert, states plainly, “It is easy to specify
usability metrics, but hard to collect them.” Because gathering usability metrics
can be difficult, time-consuming, and/or expensive, a lot of small-budget
companies shy away from them even though they could prove useful. So are
metrics a worthwhile investment for you? Nielsen lists several situations in
particular where metrics are the most useful:
• Tracking progress between releases — Did your newest update hit the
mark? The metrics will show you if you’ve solved your past problems or
still need to tweak your design.
• Assessing competitive position — Metrics are an ideal way to determine
precisely how you stack up next to your competition. The numbers don’t
• Stop/Go decision before launch — Is your product ready for launch?
Having a numeric goal in mind will let you know exactly when you’re ready
to release.

Usability metrics are always helpful, but can be a costly investment since you
need to test more people for statistical significance. If you plan on gathering
quantitative data, make sure you collect qualitative data so you have a system of
checks-and-balances, otherwise you run the risk of numbers fetishism. You can
actually see how this risk could play out in the real world in a clever explanation
of margarine causing divorce by Hannah Alvarez of UserTesting.

”There’s a fine line between quant analysis and numbers fetishism. Qualitative data is
your reality check.”



In some ways, the planning phase is the most important in usability research.
When it’s done correctly, with patience and thought, you data will be accurate
and most beneficial. However, if the initial planning is glossed over — or even
ignored — your data will suffer and call into question the value of the whole
endeavor. Take to heart the items discussed in this chapter, and don’t move
forward until you’re completely confident in your objectives and how to achieve
In the next chapter, we’ll start to get into the specifics of the actual test
planning, namely what kind of test will work and whom to choose to
participate. As both the type of test and the type of user can differ greatly, it’s
vital to take the time in deciding.
For more information about the planning process in particular concerning
user testing, download our free e-book, The Guide to UX Design Process and
Documentation. The Research chapter will help flesh out and reiterate the points
covered here.



Choosing Your Test
and Participants
Meet your specific goals through clever planning



n this chapter we’re going to discuss two of essential factors in a user test:
the users and the tests. Now that you know what your goals are, you’re ready
to hone your test planning to meet those specific goals. There are many tests to
choose from, and many types of people to recruit, so narrowing your focus will
get you closer to the results you want.

Types of Test
Deciding which style of test to administer is a pivotal decision in the entire
process of usability testing, so don’t take it lightly. On the bright side, the more
concrete your usability goals are, the more smoothly the selection process will
But no matter what type of test you choose, you should always start with a pilot
test. Many people like to gloss over this, but sacrificing a little extra time for a
pilot test almost always pays off.

Pilot testing is like a test run of your greater user test. In A Practical Guide to
Usability Testing, Joseph S. Dumas and Janice C. Redish call pilot tests a “dress
rehearsal for the usability test to follow.” You will conduct the test and collect
the data in the same way you would a real test, but the difference is that you
don’t analyze or include the data. You are, quite literally, testing your test.

”Before you test your users, test your test. Always run a pilot test.”

That may seem like a waste of time — and you will likely be tempted to just
jump directly into the actual tests — but pilot tests are highly recommended.


The reason is that, in most cases, something will go wrong with your first test.
Whether technical problems, human error, or a situational occurrence, it’s rare
that a first test session goes well, or even adequately.
The idea is that these tests should be as scientific and precise as possible. If you
want the most reliable data, run a pilot test or two until you feel you understand
the process and have removed all the kinks.

In the following four chapters, we’ll be going over the specifics of each type of
user testing method. But for now we’ll give you an overview so you know what to

Christian Rohrer, Chief Design Officer in the Consumer Division at McAfee,
Inc., explains in an article for the Nielsen Norman Group the distinctions
between the types of tests. While he uses a complex three-dimensional
framework to explain the intricacies of the different tests, for simplicity’s sake
we’re going to focus on his division among how the product is used.
1. Scripted use of the product — These tests focus on specific usage aspects.
The degree of scripting varies, with more scripting generating more
controlled data.
2. Decontextualized use the product — Tests that don’t use the product — at
least in the actual testing phase — are designed for broader topics like UX
or generating ideas.
3. Natural (and near-natural) use of the product — These tests seek to
analyze common usage behaviors and trends with the product, doing well

with data authenticity at the cost of control.
4. Hybrid — Hybrid tests are creative and non-traditional tests. Geared
towards understanding the users’ mentality, these tests vary in what they
can accomplish.
Each of these types of tests — and their most common examples — will be
discussed at length in the rest of the e-book. For now, though, let’s get back to
creating a plan.

Each type of test is divided into tasks, the execution of which will affect the
validity and overall usefulness of the data collected. While each test will have
its own properties for the type of tasks, Tingting Zhao, Usability Specialist for
Ubuntu, shows us some distinctions to keep in mind when designing tasks.
Zhao outlines two main choices to make for each task. The first choice is
whether to phrase your tasks directly or with a scenario.
• Direct Task — A direct task is “purely instructional.” These are instructions
such as “Find a turkey recipe on the Food Network,” or “Learn about
wiener dogs on the blog.” Direct tasks are more technical in nature, and
could detract from the user’s experience of the product as a whole.
• Scenario Tasks — Scenario tasks phrase the instructions in a real-life
example: “You’re going to a high school reunion this weekend. You want to
find a nice outfit on the Macy’s website”. Scenario tasks are more common
than direct tasks because they help the user forget that they’re taking a
test; however, care should be put into making the scenarios as realistic as

The second distinction to make when creating tasks is between closed and
open-ended tasks.
• Closed — A closed task is one with clearly defined success or failure. These
are used for testing specific factors like success rate or time. For example, in
our Yelp redesign exercise, we gave participants the following task: “Your
friend is having a birthday this weekend. Find a fun venue that can seat up
to 15 people.”
• Open-ended — An open-ended task is one where the user can complete
it several ways. These are more subjective and most useful when trying
to determine how your user behaves spontaneously, or how they prefer
to interact with your product. For example: “You heard your coworkers
talking about UXPin. You’re interested in learning what it is and how it
We’ll talk more about tasks in the following chapters, but for now keep these
important distinctions in mind as you come to understand what you want out of
your usability testing.

Finding Your Target Test Audience
With all this talk of data and research, it’s easy to forget that the core
component of these tests are actual people. To think of your participants
as merely test subjects is a mistake; they are all individuals with their own
personalities and their own way of doing things. Deciding the type of people
you want to provide you data is a major factor — even if ultimately you decide
you want them to be random.


Unless you’re designing the Beatles of products where everyone can enjoy it, it’s
best to narrow down your target audience to the users most likely to use your
”It’s a mistake to think of participants as test subjects. They are all individuals with personalities and built-in habits.”

source: UserTesting Dashboard

Knowing your target audience is not really a topic for usability testing; in
theory, this is something you should have already decided in the Product
Definition phase (as discussed in The Guide to UX Design Process &



However, depending on the complexity of your tasks, you may need more
than one user group. For example, when conducting user testing for our
Yelp redesign, we realized we needed two groups of people: those with Yelp
accounts, and those who did not. Once we knew the overall groups, we then
decided that both groups needed to have users who were located in the US,
used Yelp at most 1-2x a week, and browsed mostly on their desktops.
When focusing in on your test group, it’s also important not to obsess over
demographics. The biggest differentiator will likely be whether users have prior
experience or are knowledgeable about their domain or industry — not gender,
age, or geography. Once you know whom you’re looking for, it’s time to get
out there and find them. If you find you have more than one target group, that’s
okay; just remember to test each group independently of each other — that will
make your data more telling.
”Don’t obsess over demographics. Users’ prior experience and knowledge will likely matter


Knowing who you want for the test is only half the battle; you still need to get
them to come (or agree to let you come to them). Luckily, Jeff Sauro, founder
of Measuring Usability LLC, lists seven of the most effective methods and
usability tools for recruiting people for usability tests. Below, we’ll briefly
describe each method (we’re big fans of UserTesting and hallway testing).
1. Existing Users — By definition, these are your target users. Try selfpromoting on your website, or work with your customer service
department to locate interested users. Even if you’re researching a new
product or if your company has produced similar products in the past,
there’s a chance they both target the same type of person.

2. UserTesting — A website designed specifically for this, UserTesting lets
you select users by age, gender, location, and even more customizable
options. The site delivers audio and video of users actually testing your site
or app.
3. Mechanical Turk — Amazon’s crowdsurfing network is the cheaper
version of UserTesting— but just keep in mind that you get what you pay
for. The upside, of course, is that if your testing is simple, you can recruit a
ton of people for low cost.
4. Craigslist — While somewhat random, Craigslist has long been a reliable
option for getting people together. Keep in mind that if you’re looking for
high-income users or users with highly specialized skills, you likely won’t
reach them here.
5. Panel Agencies — If you’re looking for numbers for an unmoderated test,
a panel agency might be the way to go. With vast databases organized
by demographics, you can reach your targets for between $15 - $55 per
response. Try Op4G, Toluna, or Research Now.
6. Market Research Recruiter — This is the option if you’re looking for
professionals with specific skills like hardware engineers, CFOs, etc.
However, these can also be expensive, costing hundreds per participant. If
you’re still interested, try Plaza Research (don’t let the outdated site fool
7. Hallway Testing — “Hallway” testing is a term that means random, as in
whoever if walking by the hallway in the moment you’re conducting the
test. These are co-workers, friends, family, or people on the street. While
these may be the easiest to recruit, remember that the farther you get from
your target audience, the less helpful the data. DigitalGov provides a live
example and a list of tips.

Like all other factors, how you choose to find your participants will depend
on your specific needs. Keep in mind the who and why you’re looking for, but
don’t neglect the how much. Qualitative tests can be run with as few as 5 people,
quantitative tests require at least 20 people for statistical significance. For a full
list of user recruiting tips, check out Jakob Nielsen’s list of 234 tips and tricks to
recruiting people for usability tests.
If you’re conducting later-stage beta testing, you can recruit beta testers from
within your existing user base, as long as it’s large enough. If, however, you need
to recruit them elsewhere, Udemy explains the best ways to find them.

Usability Test Plan
You’re almost ready to dive into your testing, but before you do, there’s just
one last thing: a one-page usability checklist. As discussed in The Guide to UX
Design Process & Documentation, this succinct outline will tell stakeholders
everything they need to know about the test, but without boring them with all
the details.

Photo credit: http://www.uxpin.com/usability-test-kit.html


Tomer Sharon, Author and UX Researcher at Google Search, provides a
simple outline for your synopsis:
1. Title — What you’re studying and the type of test.
2. Author and Stakeholders — Everyone involved in conducting the test.
3. Date — Don’t forget to update this every time.
4. Background — A brief history of the study, under five lines.
5. Goals — Try to sum it up with one sentence, but if you have multiple goals,
use a short bulleted list.
6. Research Questions — Make it clear these are the questions you hope to
answer with the study, not the questions you’ll be asking the participants.
7. Methodology — Since we’re outside of an academic environment, a simple
what, where, and for how long will suffice.
8. Participants — The specific characteristics of the people you’re looking
for, and why.
9. Schedule — Include the three important dates: when recruitment starts,
when the study takes place, and when the results will be ready.
10. Script Placeholder — Until the full-study script is available, a simple
“TBD” is fine.
With the usability checklist in hand, all the key players will be on the same page,
so to speak. We’ve provided a free usability testing kit (which includes a testing
report) so that you can incorporate these points.

We can’t stress enough the importance of the pre-planning phases. The type
of test and users you go with will have the biggest impact on your results, and
going with the wrong choices will greatly reduce the accuracy. Having a solid
plan can make all the difference, and ensure that you meet your own personal
In the next chapter we’re going to start getting into the types of tests,
specifically scripted tests. With your usability goals ready, keep an eye out for
the tests that will help accomplish your plan to the fullest.



Scripted Tests
More controlled tests for more specific results



scripted test is the most controlled of the test types, and is recommended
for testing specific usage aspects, like whether or not the user can find/
access a certain feature (or how long it takes to do so). Scripted tests tend to
produce more quantitative data, beneficial for usability metrics, but can also
generate qualitative data as well, depending on the how tight or controlling the
script is.

Photo credit: „Usability testing in progress.” Aaron Fulkerson. Creative Commons.

Before we get into the specific types of scripted tests (tree testing, benchmark
tests, and hallway testing), we’ll first discuss a crucial decision in how you
conduct your test: whether to moderate it or not.


Moderated vs. Unmoderated Tests
Physicists understand well the observer effect — the idea that the presence of
an observer changes the behavior of what’s being observed, negating the whole
point of observing it. This may apply to photons, but what about people?
Whether or not you choose to moderate your test depends on your specific
goals and what you need to accomplish. In some instances a moderator will help
facilitate the process and aid it in going smoothly, while in other instances they
will only interrupt, not to mention the extra costs of an on-site staff. Below we’ll
talk about the pros and cons of each, so you can decide which will work best for
your user test.

Luke Bahl and Bryan Andrew, Moderated Testing Manager and UX
Researcher (respectively) at UserTesting, believe that the payoff can be
significant if you have the time available for a moderated study. A moderator can
help probe the participant to delve deeper, creating data that is fuller and more
complete, plus keep users on track and clarify any confusion. Not only that, but
user reactions and even body language can provide useful data as well, but only
if there’s someone present to document and interpret them.


Photo credit: „Wikimedia labs testing”. Blue Oxen Associates. Creative Commons.

As you can guess, moderated testing is not recommended for all tests. The
experts at UserTesting recommend it for the following situations:
• Early stages in the development process — Specifically in the prototyping
phase, where features may be incomplete or not even work, a moderator
can help answer questions and explain the unclear parts.
• An advanced, complicated, or high-level product — As with a prototype,
if there is a great chance for confusion or misinterpretation, a moderator
will help keep things on course.
• Products with strict security concerns — In these cases, a moderator can
keep the user where they’re supposed to be and keep them from accessing
sensitive information.


But even the moderation proponents admit that moderated tests have their
drawbacks, specifically convenience. Moderated tests require a knowledgeable
moderator, their time, and usually a specified location, as opposed to remote
usability testing. Coordinating the schedules of moderated tests can be
problematic, and only one can be done at a time, unless more moderators are
hired. More importantly, moderated tests can take participants out of their
comfort zone, so special care must be taken to avoid the various kinds of biases.

source: UXPin Moderated Usability Testing

In UXPin, you can actually run a remote moderated usability tests quite easily.
Download the Chrome plugin, set up your tasks, and start testing. As you can see in
our testing overview, UXPin generates video clips that let you see every click, hear
user’s thoughts, and see their screens and faces.
For a moderated test, you could also let your testers participate from the
comfort of their own home. For example, Evernote actually ran a remote
usability test that was moderated in which the testers were in different
locations, but the moderators were all in the office. This offers the benefits
of moderation at lower cost (since you don’t have to worry as much about
equipment setup), but it may not be suitable if you need a controlled lab
environment due to information sensitivity. Nonetheless, this tactic is effective

and Evernote gained insights that helped them improve user retention by 15%.
If you have any of the special needs listed above, moderation may be the right
choice. If you do choose this route, make sure you follow these 12 tips for being
a perfect moderator to minimize the likelihood of bias.

While moderated testing allows for instantaneous give-and-take feedback,
there is still no substitute for letting users interact with a product in its natural
environment. Kyle Soucy, Founder of Usable Interface, explains in an article
for UX Matters that unmoderated tests provide tons of benefits that greatly
outweigh the drawbacks — namely that they make remote usability testing a lot
easier. Unmoderated testing benefits include:
• Time savings — Simultaneously testing hundreds of participants. You can
also test multiple products at once, including competitors.
• More natural product usage — Because remote usability testing allows
participants to remain in their natural environment, their use of the
product will more closely resemble real-world scenarios. If you’re testing a
tablet, it’s hard to replicate someone kicking their feet up on a couch after a
tough day at work to watch movies for 2 hours.
• Cost savings — Costs are usually quite low since you don’t need to
pay for moderators or equipment setup. With usability testing tools
like UserTesting and Userlytics, tests can run as low as $49 per user.
Unmoderated tests are also scalable depending on the testing tool used.
• Simpler coordination — With unmoderated tests, you really only need to
think about cost of testing, cost of reimbursement, and user schedules.

source: User Testing & Design

As you’ll see in the above video from our User Testing & Design e-book, you
can get maximum value for minimum cost when the tasks are written as clearly
as possible. Users are encouraged to think out loud, and you record their onscreen interactions. When the test is done, you can then use the video clips that
are most insightful and present them to your team for design changes.
There are downsides, however. The lack of a moderator means less control, less
personal observation, and a higher risk of confusion. Additionally, conducting
high volume, unmoderated tests using an online tool opens you to the risk of
attracting participants looking only for the incentive without putting effort into
the tasks. On the bright side, such participants can be filtered, especially by
looking at their time-to-completion or open-ended feedback.
Nonetheless, if you choose unmoderated testing, make sure you know the
criteria for picking the best usability tool. As the Nielsen Norman Group
advises, you’ll want something that offers same-day results, audiovisual
recording, and offers a broad demographic for recruiting testers.


Tree Testing
Tree testing allows you to test the information architecture by stripping out
the visual elements. With a tree test, you examine only the labelling and
hierarchy of your content. Martin Rosenmejer of Webcredible names it as one
of the most important steps early in the web design process. And we all know
the importance of information architecture — if the content isn’t structured
logically with a simple flow, it might as well not exist. That’s why an early tree
test can help identify and solve the problems before they actually become
”Tree tests help solve IA problems before they become problems.”

source: User Testing & Design



In a nutshell, a tree test tasks participants with finding different information on
a clickable sitemap (or “tree”). Using a usability testing tool like Treejack, you
then record task success (clicking to the correct destination) and task directness
(certainty of users that they found what was needed). This shows you the
effectiveness and clarity of your information architecture.

”If your site content doesn’t flow with a nice logical structure, it might as well not exist.”


For example, in our Yelp redesign exercise, we provided a tree representing
the support site and then gave users 10 tasks (such as finding information on
what to do with bad reviews). Because the overall task success rate was 53%
and directness was 46%, we knew that the IA needed changing — luckily, our
software showed us exactly where people were confused.
Because the overall task success rate was 53% and directness was 46%, we knew
that the IA needed changing — luckily, our software showed us exactly where
people were confused.
The importance of tree testing (and especially information architecture) is
uncovered by Raluca Budiu, Senior Researcher at the Nielsen Norman
Group. Simply put, a site search bar (or a three-line hamburger menu) is just
not enough if the navigation is poor because users won’t know what is available
to search. Search also requires users to recall from memory, which increases
cognitive strain and can kill the experience.

”Site search is not a substitute for poor navigation.”



If tree testing seems like something that could benefit your project, Jeff Sauro,
Founding Principal of MeasuringU, goes into details about how to properly
run them. He explains that tree testing is used primarily for two reasons:
1. Determine a product’s searchability — How well can users navigate the
site, and what areas cause the most problems with navigation?
2. Validating a change — Did a recent update correctly fix the problem, or are
further revisions necessary?
Because tree testing examines the success rate of a specific task, more
participants will give you more accurate results. Check the this article from
MeasuringU to find the smallest margin of error within your means (we
recommend aiming for 5% error or better).

If you’re concerned with navigational problems, see our section on card sorting
in the next chapter and compare which, if not both, would benefit you more.
One distinct benefit of tree testing is that you can also test hundreds of items (if
your site is even larger, just prioritize the most used navigation items).


Usability Benchmark Testing
Usability benchmark testing is the only test covered in this e-book that
measures the overall usability of a product. As its name suggests, a usability
benchmark test is a high-level report of the overall ease and success rate of
completing tasks. You can check out this benchmark report from UserFocus
and follow the discussion below.

In an essay on his website, bestselling author and speaker Scott Berkun points
out that, while other usability tests focus on specific aspects, the usability
benchmark test measures only user performance without regard to the why. In
fact, participants should even be discouraged from explaining their thoughts,
as explanations would impact the time and focus spent interacting with the
Because benchmarks require more time and effort, Berkun outlines the optimal
times in which to run the test:
• The product is stable — To get the most out of the benchmark, make sure
the product is stable, i.e., all the errors you already know about are fixed
and it’s running at peak efficiency.
• After a major release or update — At this time, a benchmark can test how
effective the changes were, or if unforeseen problems arose in the process.
• Preceding a major release or update — In order to understand how the
next change impacts usability, it’s best to have a measure from which to
compare. Additionally, you may notice some areas that should be improved
before the next round begins.


Publicize your benchmarks as much as possible so that everyone involved in the
product is able to evaluate their work. In particular, he suggests holding a large
presentation two weeks before the test, explaining what exactly is happening.

”Usability benchmark tests are a dashboard for your product’s usability.”


When conducting this type of test, there are a few factors to consider. Nadyne
Richmond, Researcher at VM Press, gives 5 tips for planning out your
benchmark test:
1. Select the most important tasks to the product overall — While it’s
tempting to select tasks related to the newest or experimental features, this
is not the correct test for that. A benchmark measures usability as a whole,
not in a specific area.
2. Use standard metrics — The most reliable data comes from success rates,
time-to-completion, error rates, and satisfaction rating.
3. Do not disturb the user — Little to no moderation should be involved
in a good benchmark test. Any distraction will bias the results, so avoid
asking for feedback or explanations of their behavior — or at least wait until
they’re completely finished.
4. Using your target audience is essential — This is especially important for
usability benchmark testing since this is a broad assessment of how your
target users perform with your product.

5. Use a large number of participants — Due to the quantitative nature of
this test, using a large number of participants will reduce the margin of
errors and give you feedback that’s more accurate, and therefore more
The important thing to remember about usability benchmark tests is that they
are different than other usability tests. Think of them as a dashboard of your
product’s usability. If you’re looking to workshop a specific feature or area, you
should look elsewhere.

Hallway Usability Testing
Hallway usability tests are the bare minimum for worthwhile usability testing,
so if you’re on a tight budget or don’t want to invest a lot in usability, this one is
for you. Joel Spolsky, CEO of Stack Exchange, describes it like this:
“A hallway usability test is where you grab the next person that passes by
in the hallway and force them to try to use the code you just wrote. If you
do this to five people, you will learn 95% of what there is to learn about
usability problems in your code.”

Of course you don’t need to literally grab people from the hallway, but the idea
is that any small number of random users (from within your target audience)
will give you a sufficient amount of data for your usability goals.

”Hallway testing is the bare minimum for usability testing. Grab 5 coworkers and get to



Photo credit: „Paper prototyping”. Samuel Mann. Creative Commons.

The test itself doesn’t have to be that complex. Corinna Baldauf, Web
Developer and UX Blogger, elaborated on Spolsky’s theories. She suggests
setting up a station with your product in a public venue — she used an
office break room, while others suggest Starbucks. When someone comes
by, ask them to test the system, perhaps even adding some incentive (don’t
underestimate the power of chocolate). Give them instructions, then step
back and watch. Don’t forget to take notes, particularly on what is not going as
If you do this with five people, that should give you data that’s accurate enough.
Why five? Jakob Nielson, co-founder of the Nielson Norman Group, created a
formula for the amount of usability problems found in a usability test:
N (1-(1- L ) n )
… where N is the number of users and L is the proportions of usability problems
found by a single user, typically 31%. You can see the point of diminishing
returns in this graph.

You can see clearly that five people gives you all the data you need, while
anything more seems superfluous.
Hallway usability testing is one of the most popular forms due to its simplicity,
low cost, low resources, and high output. If you’re interested in conducting
your own hallway usability test, the USAJOBS Team gives these tips:
• Choose the right time and place — choose a location with a lot of foot
traffic, at a time when you’re not inconveniencing people.
• Come prepared — make sure you outline your plan ahead of time, and set
up 30 minutes before you’d like to start.
• Good greeters — use greeters who are outgoing and charismatic, and who
can identify your target audience.
• Reward your participants — it doesn’t need to be much, something like a
free coffee, or chocolate — just to show you appreciate their help.
• Look for ways to improve — learn from your experience and keep an eye
out for ways to improve your testing process.
While not recommended to solve specific or complicated problems, hallway
usability testing is the perfect way to go for if you’re looking for something
simple and easy.

”When observing your user test, make sure you also write down what’s not going as



At UXPin, we’re big fans of hallway testing. When we were finishing up our
integration with Photoshop and Sketch, our product team was visiting our
California office so hallway testing happened every day. A developer or designer
would set up his computer and ask us to import a static design file and turn it into a
fully layered prototype. The product manager would then take notes and revise the
weekly sprint based on the insights.

After reading this chapter, you are now more aware of the main scripted tests:
tree testing, usability benchmark testing, and hallway usability testing. You
know that tree testing focuses specifically on navigation, usability benchmark
testing determines a product’s overall usability, and hallway usability testing is
great for a simple and low-cost usability test. You also learned the difference
between moderated and unmoderated tests, and why unmoderated tests may
be more appropriate, except when you have incomplete or otherwise confusing
setbacks to your product.
In the next chapter, we’ll talk about decontextualized tests, or tests that don’t
directly use the product.



Decontextualized Tests
& Heuristic Reviews
Delving deeper into your product without it immediately present



ometimes the best way to test a product doesn’t involve the product at all.
Decontextualized tests, or tests that don’t involve the product, are generally
geared to testing users’ attitudes on the product, or in generating ideas. But just
because they may be more conceptual doesn’t mean they’re any less valuable as
a source of data.
In this piece, we’ll focus on card sorting and interviews as two popular and
cost-effective decontextualized testing methods. On a related noted, we’ll also
discuss heuristic reviews. We’ve included it in this discussion because while
someone is interacting with the product, it’s not the end-user — instead, a
group of experts reviews the features based on established best practices.

”Sometimes the best way to test a product doesn’t involve the product at all.”


Card Sorting
The idea is so simple yet so meaningful. You write the different elements of your
product on note cards or Post-It notes, then have your participants organize
them in a way that makes the most sense to them. If you’d like to go paperless,
you can also choose usability testing tool like OptimalSort for quick analysis of
common groupings. Regardless of analog or digital, the result gives you a solid
understanding on your product’s information architecture (IA), a big term than
means simply how you organize the elements of your product.
Card sorting mostly deals with issues of navigation, organization, labelling,
and grouping. This test is similar to tree testing that we learned about in the
last chapter; the main difference is that card sorting helps you understand how
users categorize content while tree testing shows you how they directly interact
with an existing IA to complete tasks.

Photo credit: „CS003: Figure 1.3”. Rosenfeld Media. Creative Commons.

There’s more to card sorting than it seems. Donna Spencer, card sorting expert
and Founder of Maadmob, believes that while card sorting might not provide
a final structure, it does provide a rare glimpse into users’ mental models. For
such a simple activity, there’s plenty of variation and controls that will affect the
kind, and validity, of data you receive. For starters, there are two different styles
of how you can conduct it:
• Open Sorting — Users are provided only with the elements, and are left
to group them however they see fit. Once grouped, users are asked to give
names to the groups themselves. This is recommended for generating new
ideas since you can work backwards from users’ natural thought processes.


• Closed Sorting — As with open sorting, users are given the elements;
however, they are asked to categorize them into predefined groups. This
is recommended if you’re working within the restrictions of pre-existing
categories, for example, when updating an already developed website

Photo credit: uxpin.com

The above image is an example of a closed card sort. In this case, you can see the
four categories in blue and the cards below. Users are then asked to place the
cards under whatever category seems best to them. If this were an open card
sort, you’d simply remove the blue categories and ask users to create their own.
Aside from open and closed, other variations include groups or individuals, and
remote or on-location. Groups allow users to work collaboratively, for better
or worse, and can help you learn about multiple users at once; however, group
dynamics might affect your results. Remote location testing — for example,
using an online software tool — allows you to test more users in a faster time,
yet you’re unable to directly observe their decision-making processes. Onlocation gives you a fuller understanding of how your users came to their
decisions, but requires more planning and scheduling.

While every card sort is different depending on the cards, William Hudson, UX
Strategist and Consultant, suggests some general benchmarks for card sorting.
Specifically, he lists the approximate times it will take people to sort a given
number of elements:
• ~20 minutes for 30 elements
• ~30 minutes for 50 elements
• ~60 minutes for 100 elements
Using this time structure, you can plan out in advance how long the tests will
take to administer, once the cards are written or the software established. From
our experience, these guidelines can be quite generous — one of our closed
card sorts involved 47 cards and four categories, but only required an average of
three minutes to complete.
When naming the cards, simpler is better. Avoid big words (many syllables)
and technical jargon. While this is good advice in general for the language
usage of a product, it’s essential for card sorting since overly complex labeling
will disrupt the natural thought processes. Pierre Croft, IA and UX expert
for Decibel Digital believes that card sorting can help deflect the bad ideas of
HIPPOS (highest paid people in the room) who might not know how to build a
good website. Card sorting is cheap, useful, and quick, so we’ve included a few
• Don’t mix parent and child categories — In other words, use categories
from the same level, or else you will confuse your participants.
• Provide some blank cards and pens — While this is standard procedure
for open card sorting, it’s also quite useful for closed card sorting. After
the formal testing is done, you can provide a couple blank cards for

participants to write down additional categories. While the information
might be “off-the-record,” it could bring to light some useful insights.
• Don’t intervene — After giving the instructions, try your best to sit back
and observe the participants (unless they ask for help). Intervention will
obscure the data.
• Accept that sometimes users don’t group everything — A lack of
grouping can be just as telling as a structured sorting. If this happens,
make sure you ask the user why. If you’re running a closed sort and not
everything is sorted, you can also provide blank cards to see why the
existing categories weren’t chosen.
• Set time limits — This makes scheduling easier in general, and gives the
participants an idea of how much time to spend on their tasks.
If your website has hundreds or even thousands of pages, you can choose only
first and second-level pages to keep things manageable. For example, “Contact
Us,” “Terms of Agreement,” and other utility pages can be omitted since they
can be found on almost all websites out there (so you wouldn’t really be testing
anything unique to your site).

”For card sorting, simpler is better. Avoid unnecessarily complex words and jargon.”


User Interviews
If you want to know what users think, sometimes all you have to do is ask.
Interviews directly connect you with your target audience and give you a high
degree of control over what data you collect; however, your research is mostly
qualitative and limited by the participant’s self-awareness and articulation.

Photo credit: „2014-04-30 17.09.22.jpg” Nicholas Wang. Creative Commons.

The nuances of interviews lie in what to say and how you say it. Kate Lawrence,
UX Researcher at EBSCO Publishing, offers some great insights into these
areas. When asking questions, it’s best to center around the participant’s
perspective of the environment in which your product will exist. Here are a few
great interview questions that apply to any product:
• What are five websites/apps/products that you use on a daily or weekly
basis? — Knowing what similar products people are using will help you
understand their motivations behind using them, and generally what
they’re looking for.
• What is your usual process for searching/shopping/evaluating products
like ours? — It’s helpful to know how users interact with other similar
products so you can design yours to meet or exceed their expectations.
• What do you like or dislike about the Internet/apps/products in
general? — The answer to this question can be incredibly revealing, but
you may need to read between the lines.

• How would you describe your ideal experience with our product? — A
little on the nose, but the answers will tell you exactly what your users like.
While you may not want to follow their responses word-for-word, try to
notice any commonalities with the answers from other interviews.

With the right questions and the right atmosphere,you can mine a lot of usable
data from interviewees. But you also need to know how to behave in a way that
won’t bias the results while putting interviewees at ease. Michael Margolis,
UX Research Partner for Google Ventures, gives 16 practical tips for running
a usability interview. For example, make sure you also write down interviewee
body language and always ask follow up questions.
When it comes to usability interviews, the same people skills you would use at
a party still apply, just with laser-focused purpose. With the right mood and the
right questions, the interview will be productive and maybe even fun.

”Everything the participant says should be fascinating, because even if it might seem
boring, it’s still valuable research.”



Heuristics Evaluations
Think of heuristic evaluations as a scorecard for your product’s usability.
Heuristics breaks down the broad category of “usability” into manageable
sections so that you can rate each individual section and see where to improve
and where to stay the course.

Once you have a working prototype, a heuristic evaluation (or usability review)
can be a low-cost method of checking against usability best practices. Heuristic
evaluations are also helpful for competitive benchmarking since you can
compare competitors against the same criteria (as you’ll see in this image).

Heuristic reviews can even be carried out by people who aren’t UX experts,
as long as you’ve reviewed and walked through the usability scenarios. While
they’re cheap and usually only require a day or two, they don’t actually tell
you the usability of a system (since you’re not testing with real users) and may
suffer from inconsistency and subjectivity (since they’re carried out by different
people). That being said, they are a still a great reality check since you’ll be able
to catch glaring UX violations.

”Heuristic reviews don’t reveal if the product is actually usable - only that it should be

While heuristics evaluations can be conducted by anyone, you could also
hire a team of heuristics experts to evaluate your product thoroughly and
professionally. As Foolproof Labs suggests, make sure you follow a thorough
process of completing a heuristic evaluation:


1. Plan the evaluation — Establish your usability goals so that you can
communicate them to the evaluators. If you want to know specifically
about the dialogue windows on your website, don’t be afraid to mention
2. Choose your evaluators — If you’re on a limited budget, even
inexperienced evaluators will find 22-29% of your usability problems — so
a novice evaluator is better than none. Five experienced evaluators, on the
other hand, can uncover up to 75% of usability issues.
3. Brief the evaluators — If you choose not to go with experts, make sure you
brief your evaluators on Nielsen’s ten heuristic checkpoints so that they
know what they’re looking for. If you’re reviewing a website, you can start
with a more concrete 45-point website usability checklist.
4. Conduct the evaluation — While it’s recommended that each evaluator
conduct their examination individually so that they can fully explore the
product on their own terms, sometimes group evaluations are better for
time since they can all happen at once. Whether it’s performed individually
or together, it’s best to have 3-5 people.
(Note: Jakob Nielson suggests that each evaluation session should last between one and two hours. If your product
is especially complex and requires more time, it’s best to break up the evaluation into multiple sessions.)

5. Analyze the results — Unless you’re going with a professional firm, you
may need to compile and analyze your own responses. Remember that a
high score doesn’t mean your product is actually usable, only that it should
be usable.


To give you a better idea of how this works in real life, we’ll explain a few
examples. Oracle uses a streamlined 10-point list of heuristics gauging
everything from application complexity to frequency and helpfulness of
error messages. Usability issues are categorized as either “low,” “medium,”
or “high” severity with supporting notes. The team then isolates the top ten
most important issues for immediate fixing. If you’re curious about what a full
heuristic report may look like, check out this full heuristic evaluation of Apple

In this chapter, you learned about user tests that examine your product without
actually using it. Decontextualized tests tend to focus more on abstract and
conceptual areas, so if those are what you’re looking for, one of these tests may
be what you’re looking for.
For analyzing a site’s navigation from a design perspective, card sorting is
the best usability method (tree testing works better for testing existing IA).
Some people prefer a more human connection with their users, and for this,
interviewing has been the standard in user research since long before the digital
era. Different but related are heuristic evaluations, which puts your product’s
usability evaluation in the hands of others.
In the next chapter, we’ll learn about a more direct testing method: testing the
product as the user would use it naturally.



Natural & Near-Natural Tests
Observing how people use your product on their own



ests in which people use the product naturally (without a script) are the
closest you will get to seeing how your product might perform “in the
wild.” Natural and near-natural tests minimize the amount of interference from
the observer, who is more interested in what the user does of their own will.
These tests are great for broad data, especially ethnographic, but sacrifice control in exchange for greater data validity.

source: UserTesting

Because the goal is to minimize interference from the study, natural tests are
usually conducted remotely and without a moderator. The most common
natural tests — A/B testing, first click testing, field/diary studies, and eyetracking — are intended to understand user behavior and attitudes as close as
possible to reality.

A/B Testing
In an A/B test, different groups of participants are presented with two choices
or variations of an element. It is generally a scientific test, where only one
variable differs, while the rest are controlled. Mostly conducted with websites to

test if a certain layout, placement, or messaging will result in better conversions,
A/B testing is considered a natural test because users are not notified nor
provided a set of tasks.

Photo credit: „bucket testing”. Mark Levin. Creative Commons.

Paras Chopra, Founder of Visual Website Optimizer, wrote an in-depth
article covering the basics of A/B testing. The main benefits include measuring
actual behaviors of users, being cheap and highly scaleable, and measuring
small performance differences with high statistical significance. While virtually
anything is testable, here is an overview of commonly tested website elements
— with some unexpected and useful real-life samples:
• Call to actions — Read here about how Friendbuy more than doubled their
response rate to their CTAs using A/B tests.
• Headlines — In this A/B test, it was discovered that a single line of text for
headlines increased signups by 38% compared to longer headlines.
• Forms — A unique style of form field input, the “Mad Libs” style, has been
proven to increase conversions by 25-40%.

• Pricing and promotional offers — Another A/B case study shows
explicitly stating “it’s free” increased sign-up conversions by 28%.
• Images on landing and product pages — A specific study involving A/B
tests shows the surprising impact of using a human photo on conversion
• Amount of text/pages — Tests conducted for the Official Vancouver 2010
Olympic Store show that users prefered a single-page checkout by 21.8%

There are also other usability testing tools like Optimizely (great for everything)
and Unbounce (more landing page focused) that make it extremely easy to
get started with A/B testing. These usability tools handle the distribution and
collection of data for you, so all you have to do is wait for the results. If you’re
interested in a comprehensive list of website elements to test, you can also
check out this detailed explanation of 71 things to A/B test.

source: WhichTestWon


Regardless of what you choose to test, make sure you follow these five
1. Run both variations at the same time — Time is a control, so doing
version A first and then version B later may skew the results. Running both
tests simultaneously and evenly will ensure the most accurate results.
2. Test with enough people for statistical significance — As shown with this
sample size calculator, you should test each variation with enough people
for a 95% significance rate.
3. Test new users — Regular users will be confused if they see a new
variation, especially if you ultimately choose not to use it. Plus, there’s the
mere-exposure effect, in which people prefer what they’re used to.
4. Be consistent with variations on all pages — For example, if you are
testing the placement of a call to action that appears on multiple pages, a
visitor should see the same variation everywhere. Inconsistency will detract
from accurate results, so don’t show variation A on page 1 and variation B
on page 2.
5. Tailor your test length to statistical significance — Cancelling the test too
early will reduce accuracy. Decide your statistical significance, then you can
use this test duration calculator to get a rough timeline. Many paid online
usability tools (especially Optimizely) also have a feature for calculating
optimum time based on the goals.
To see some of these best practices put to use, check out this site containing
hundreds of free A/B test case studies. Hubspot also provides a highly visual
and easily digestible 27-page guide to A/B testing.


First Click Testing
In the late 2000s, Dr. Bob Bailey, UX Designer and Researcher, conducted
a series of studies around what he called the “first click” concept. The results
of the studies were surprising, and very advantageous to anyone looking to
improve their website. As it turns out, for any given task, a user’s success rate is
87% as long as their first click is correct. If their first click was not correct, the
chances for success fell to below 50%.
This type of usability testing is even more relevant if your site gets a large
volume of search traffic — because your homepage probably won’t be the first
page users find, first click testing should ideally be done across your entire site.
We would consider this a “near-natural” test because users are still assigned
tasks (instead of just using the site for whatever purpose they please), but these
tests are usually unmoderated and ran remotely in the comfort of the user’s

Photo credit: https://www.optimalworkshop.com/chalkmark

The test itself is simple, and can be conducted with online testing tools like
Chalkmark by Optimal Workshop. The software presents the user with a
screenshot and a task, and then records their first click. For example, as we
discuss in User Testing & Design, we asked users to find a local mechanic on
Yelp and found that 24% of them first clicked on the Search bar (suggesting that
the existing information architecture may not be clear enough).

”When it comes to the web, first impressions are oftentimes final impressions.”


First-click testing can be done on a finished website, functional prototype,
or even a wireframe. Jeff Sauro, Founding Principal of MeasuringU,
recommends conducting first-click testing after each major iteration. Here are
some guidelines to follow:
1. Write clear task scenarios — Just like you would for a scripted usability
test, make sure the participant is thinking about how to solve a problem
instead of just where to click. Detail isn’ required, but clarity is.
2. Define the best paths to success — Start from the homepage and plot all
possible paths that will correctly accomplish each task.
3. Time each task — A 90% first click rate on the correct label might
deceptively indicate that your navigation is effective, unless you timed the
test and saw it took an average of three minutes to make that first click.
4. Measure user confidence — After each task, you can ask participants to
rate on a scale of 1 to 7 regarding their confidence of task completion. Any
3s and 4s will indicate navigation problems.
When running a first click test, it also helps to ask some open-ended questions
afterward about what users liked and didn’t like about the site. We did this for
our Yelp redesign exercise and it gave us great insights, such as learning that
30% of users felt the navigation was confusing with comments like, “it’s a bit
cluttered...a lot of it quite useful, but can feel overwhelming the first time.”
For more information on how a first click test might help, the customer
experience newsletter Neo Insight wrote about the three biggest usability
problems that first click testing can help solve.

Field and Diary Studies
It doesn’t get more “natural” than field and diary studies. Both are designed to
observe a user as they behave naturally, without the interference of a testing
process. The beauty of these tests is that the user never leaves their natural
environment and are encouraged to act normally. The difference between the
two is that field studies involve an observer going on location, and diary studies
involve the participant recording their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

A field study provides data you can’t find anywhere else by letting you observe
users in their own environment. Jared M. Spool, Founder of User Interface
Engineering, believes that while standard usability tests can lead to valuable
insights, the most powerful tool in the toolbox is the field study.

Field studies provide three main benefits:
1. Terminology and processes — In an interview setting, a user may not
be aware of how they behave or how they would talk about a product in a
natural setting. However, in the field study, these behaviors are witnessed
without a need for explanation.
2. Context — Users aren’t always aware of how external factors, like timing
for example, affect their decisions. Field studies mark the times and
environments of the user, and their impact can be seen during the analysis
of the data, even if the user themselves doesn’t know.
3. Similarities and Differences — By observing how the user interacts with

different products, you can start to notice similarities and differences,
which will flesh out your data to enormous degrees.
The biggest downside is primarily the cost of organization and time required
(they can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months). Workers have to
leave the office for large periods of time, plus scheduling these studies can be
However, if you still think field studies could help with your usability goals, take
a look at this helpful list of tips, and you can also follow this process for field
research that helped companies like Apple, Yahoo, DirecTV, and others.

A less-involved study of a user in their natural environment is the diary
study. In this study, participants are asked to keep a diary and account for
their experiences with a type of product or system. As Carine Lallemand,
Researching Engineer and UX Scientist, explains in her piece for User
Experience Magazine, the diary study is similar to surveys and interviews, yet is
distinguished by its length and depth of user-generated research.

Photo credit: „In the moment”. Jenny Cham. Creative Commons.

A diary study captures the expectations, mindsets, moods, and social contexts
that affect the user experience. A diary study might reveal that a bad mood

or criticism read on the web impacted the user’s assessment of the product
experience, independent of the product itself.
Let’s say that you’re asked to improve a web application that helps product
managers track progress. You could provide tape recorders and/or journals to
five product managers and ask them to document anything odd or frustrating
they experienced when using the application. After a few weeks, you would
analyze the data and make specific recommendations.
While these may make the diary study seem like the perfect usability test, like
all others, it too has drawbacks:
• Significance of participant — The quality of results will depend on the
quality of the participant. Because this takes a good deal of effort on their
part, the participant’s commitment to the project influences the outcome
whether positively or negatively. On top of that, the participant’s selfawareness, self-expression, and writing skill can all sway the results.
• Training sessions — While it may sound like the participant acts
independently, the truth is that a thorough training session is necessary to
ensure the participant understands exactly what is expected before starting.
• Analysis — The analysis of an entire diary is time-consuming, especially if
it is hand-written.

Photo credit: „Pen, Diary, Glasses”. Generation Bass. Creative Commons.


Ruth Stalker Firth, HCI Researcher and Lecturer, believes that diary studies
are best used as a means of cultural probing and go beyond the “find out what’s
wrong” mentality that can be prevalent in usability testing. To help counter the
downsides, you can follow a few best practices:
1. Provide contextual and open-ended questions — Contextual questions
like, “What prompted you to use the app?” give you direct insight, but
open-ended questions like, “What would you have done differently in this
situation?” can uncover new solutions.
2. Let users decide how to record themselves — Text, online photo
galleries, voice recording, even Twitter can all work. It also helps the
process feel more natural and makes participants less self-conscious.
3. Keep size in mind — The diary (whatever form) can be as small or large
as needed. On paper, space for forty entries can be overwhelming, while
ten might be more encouraging. That’s also why digital methods might be
better since users can use as much space as they want.
For a more detailed explanation, complete with hypothetical examples, check
out this extensive post by UserTesting and this list of Dos and Don’ts.
”Diary studies are a means of cultural probing that go beyond the ‚find out what’s wrong’


Eye Tracking Test
While diary and field studies let you see the context for how and why products
are used in everyday life, an eye tracking test goes into almost microscopic
detail. An eye tracking test is just as it sounds, tracking a user’s eye movement,
and more to the point where specifically they are looking.Already, eye tracking

Photo credit: „Banner blindness tests”. Ed Kohler. Creative Commons.

tests have given us some general rules that apply across all products, not just
yours. Ritika Puri, co-founder of StoryHackers, writes in a post for Crazy Egg
about the five most important lessons eye tracking has taught us so far:
1. Users are predictable — As we can see by the eye tracking patterns above,
people’s sight follows similar trends, allowing us to plan our visual layouts
for the masses. In Web UI Best Practices, we explain how to lay out a site in
accordance to the popular F pattern and Z patterns.
2. Users search pages differently depending on goals — A user’s eye pattern
will differ depending on why they are searching a screen; for example,
browsing and searching for something in particular have two different
3. Users are drawn to visuals — Visuals like thumbnails or vibrant colors will
attract a user’s attention more than plain text, so use this accordingly.
4. People ignore ads — In a phenomenon that Jakob Nielson calls “banner
blindness,” people will neglect ads habitually, so online advertisers will
have to work harder.

5. Unconventional products cause confusion — Being creative with the
color of a link or the placement of your menu may set you apart from other
sites, but it will also take the user longer to figure out how to use your
product, which can be risky.
If you’re interested in using eye tracking to help your website, it’s a lot more
achievable than it might seem. This instructive guide will explain how you can
make eye tracking work for you.


Beta Testing (User Acceptance Testing)
Your product is in the later stages of development, and you’re ready for some
feedback (and bug reports) before the grand public launch. Now’s the time for
beta testing, which is a type of user acceptance testing (UAT). The beta test is
when you allow access to your product to a few beta testers and collect their
feedback so that you can smooth out all remaining wrinkles before launch.

If your product is intended for a large audience, Joel Spolsky, co-founder of
Trello, offers 11 tips for improving user acceptance tests for high-exposure
products. Here’s a few tips that we think apply to any test regardless of size:
1. Filter your testers — Select your own beta testers. In open beta tests, too
many testers will flood you with unnecessary data or not enough data.
Take the time to select your own beta testers, and Udemy outlines the best
procedures for doing so.
2. Recruit five times as many people as you need feedback — Even if you
follow the “commitment” advice above, your numbers will still be low. Plan
3. The ratio for committed beta testers to beta reviewers should be 100:1
— One beta manager can find conclusive data in 100 beta testers, but those
with more resources or teams of beta managers can handle more. That
means you should recruit 500 people to get 100 qualified testers for each
beta manager.
4. Set apart 8-10 weeks — Don’t try to rush through the beta cycle, keep it
thorough if you want the best results.
5. Release new builds to testers around every two weeks — Any sooner

would be too much strain on your end, but you still want them to continue
reviewing the most updated versions of the product.
6. Adding a new features resets the beta cycle — It may seem harmless to
add some new tricks during the end of the beta cycle, but these often have
unforeseen consequences. If a new feature is necessary, accept that you’ll
need eight more weeks to fully test it.
7. Understand the difference between technical beta and marketing
beta — Finding and fixing bugs is technical beta. Prereleases to preferred
customers or press are marketing beta. The feedback from technical data is
what helps you make a better product; marketing beta is mostly for sales/

Keep in mind that beta testing should be the last usability test conducted
in the development process. Make sure you’re at the right stage before you
proceed; otherwise, there will be a lot of wasted effort. To learn more about
beta testing, you can check out Chapter 7 in The Guide to UX Design Process &
Documentation and the many free e-books in Centercode’s library.


Tests that observe the users in their natural (or near-natural) environments
provide a specific type of data that other, more controlled tests can’t access.
An A/B test lets you make decisions that are informed by more thorough and
statistically significant results (since you have a huge sample size). A hallway
usability test, meanwhile, is just a quick and dirty method but not very
Similarly, field and diary studies can provide you with unique information about
your target users — namely external factors such as timing, environment, mood,
etc. — that more direct card sorting or tree testing cannot. As for first click and
eye tracking tests, they literally let you see your website as your users do, but
make sure you run other types of tests for the right context. While each of the
different test types has its own advantages and disadvantages, sometimes its
best to mix-and-match them to achieve results more specific to you.



Hybrid Tests
If other tests don’t meet your needs, try combining them



ests that incorporate elements from one or more of the previous categories (scripted, decontextualized, natural tests) fall under the label of hybrid tests. These tests tend to lean towards capturing attitudinal and conceptual
feedback, but nonetheless reveal insights that have very specific impact on the
usability of the final design.

Photo credit: „Brain picture”. Allan Ajifo. Creative Commons.

Hybrid tests present the user with creative methods for discerning what kind
of experience or features they would want in a product, sometimes even
allowing users to provide direct input for the design. While they may not be
very practical for some of the later stages of product development, the testing
we’ll discuss here can make a big difference in the earlier phases by helping you
understand the minds of your target users. Specifically, we’ll cover desirability
testing, concept testing, and participatory design.


Desirability Testing
Desirability tests are similar to interviews (covered in Chapter 4) in that the
tester and the participant sit down together and discuss the conceptual aspects
of a product. The difference — and its a notable difference — is in the approach.
The idea is that asking participants directly what they want can bring misleading
results. The approaches in desirability testing seek to circumvent factors
like poor articulation, lack of self-awareness, or the apathy that comes from
answering similar questions one after another.

”What users say they want can be completely different from what will actually help


In his slide-show on the topic, Paul Doncaster, Senior UX Designer at
Thomson-Reuters, explains that desirability testing is a quick and cost-efficient
way to separate what users actually desire versus what they say they desire.
Considering that it only takes users fifty milliseconds to form an opinion about
your website, we’ll cover four desirability testing methods to help you make the
right first impression.

In a roundabout way of gauging your participants’ emotions, the tester presents
the test-taker with three different but related concepts or ideas — for example,
McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s — and asks them to explain how one is
different from the others and explain why. This line of questioning drives harder
than simply asking “which do you prefer,” and challenges the participant to
think critically. It also engages participants more by encouraging open-ended

Triading is quite helpful for evaluating the competitive landscape and assessing
different options from an interaction design perspective. Make sure you follow
an iterative process where you encourage participants to continue vocalizing
features that they feel distinguish two concepts from the third until they run
out of ideas. Then, repeat the process with multiple participants (5-6 is a good
sample) and you’ll be able to see trends that define segments and personas.

These are broad, experience-based surveys that, like other desirability tests,
focus more on the emotions of the participant rather than the statistics.
Participants are presented with statements, and then answer based on the
degree to which they agree or disagree. This format also delves deeper than
simply, “do you like our product or not.”

Photo credit: „Question!” Stefan Baudy. Creative Commons.


As discussed in the Guide to UX Design Process & Documentation, using
qualitative questionnaires during your design process and feedback surveys
for iteration will also help create a customer feedback loop. While qualitative
questionnaires are fairly free-form, they can be found in three standardized
1. System Usability Scale (SUS) — Consisting of ten statements (such as
“I felt very confident using this system) and responses ranging from 1-5
in terms of agreeability, this test is technology agnostic and can be tested
with as few as two people. The SUS measures usability and learnability
and should be administered after a product usability test. To learn how to
interpret the scores, check out this comprehensive SUS guide.
2. Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) — Applicable to
websites and software, this 12-part test gauges user satisfaction on elements
ranging from ease of learning to quality of photos. It’s a heavyweight testing
method and should be treated as a more technical user test to complement
other methods. For more detail, you can find the most recent version of the
test in Word and PDF.
3. Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory (WAMMI) — A
standardized website ease-of-use questionnaire, this test focuses on user
emotions with twenty basic statements such as, “this website has some
annoying features,” and a scale of 1-5 based on agreeability. This test is
more lightweight than the QUIS, and you can find the basic questionnaire
here and recommended additional questions.
The questionnaires can be treated as starting points for your own questionnaire,
so feel free to adapt as needed.


Unusual but effective, the quick exposure memory test shows the participant a
user interface for only a moment before it is removed. The user is then asked to
recall what stood out the most in that brief amount of time, and why.

source: FiveSecondTest

Similar to first click testing, this test works well for pinpointing initial
impressions on layout design, information architecture, and content. But
because this test focuses on the user’s memory of particular elements instead of
emotional impact, it’s best used as a supplementary method. You could run this
test cheaply and manually by showing screenshots and then asking questions, or
use a scaleable online service like FiveSecondTest.

Not all desirability tests require deep and probing methods of getting into the
user’s psyche. Popularized by Microsoft, adjective cards (also known as product

reaction cards) are an extremely simple way to capture emotional responses to
designs and products. Simply show the design or have the user interact with
the product, then ask them to pick 3-5 cards that best capture their feelings and
explain their reasoning.

Photo credit: „RA Adjectives”. Alan Levine. Creative Commons.

Michael Hawley, Chief Design Officer at Mad*Pow, writes about his success
with the adjective card. In his test, he gave participants a card with 118 carefully
selected adjectives, both positive and negative. He would then show the
participant a user interface and ask them to describe it with 3-5 words on the
card. This format allowed the test-taker to better articulate their emotions, and
also allowed the opportunity for the tester to follow up on why they felt as they
Dr. David Travis, Managing Director of UserFocus, has also experienced
success with adjective cards. For him, this method stood out by giving
participants permission to criticize the system. In fact, not only did users select
negative and positive adjectives, they could also reveal negative connotations of
otherwise positive adjectives. For example, a user might select “sophisticated,”
but then explain that the interface was “too sophisticated for my tastes.”

You can run this test manually by printing out and cutting out the full list of 118
cards, or use an online service like MojoLeaf to administer the test remotely to
many participants at once.

Concept Testing
In the spirit of looking before you leap, concept testing allows you to discover
your users’ reactions to your concepts before you spend the time and resources
on development. These tests follow the same formats as the other usability tests
except they substitute concepts in place of the real product.

As we discussed in the Guide to Minimum Viable Products, a concept test can
be considered a bare-bones MVP since you’re only testing for the viability of
an idea. A concept test could be as simple as a survey sent out to your target
audience or a landing page in which you gauge the concept based on signups
(similar to what Buffer did in the image below).
Scott Smith, Founder of Qualtrics explains the main benefits of concept testing
include finding the target users of the product, finding out what features they
care about, and determining how you might promote and price the product.
Simply put, concept tests provide the feedback to turn a “deliberately sketchy
idea for a product or service” into something that users might actually want.
Because testing an idea with an actual product can be tricky, concept testing
methods gravitate towards surveys, interviews, and landing pages. However, it
is the focus of these methods that set them apart from more traditional usability
”Concept tests provide the necessary feedback to turn sketchy ideas into desirable proTWEET THIS
There are three main types of concept tests depending on the maturity of
the product:

Photo credit: „Lightbulb”. Johannes Svensson. Creative Commons.

• New Product Concept Tests — These identify the benefits that resonate
most with customers, and the features to create these benefits. Successful
tests let you to prioritize your design elements and better schedule the
development process, plus allow you to plan ahead for after the release.
• Product Usability and Serviceability Tests — How can you improve
the experience with an existing product or service? This test helps you
understand what direction might make the most sense for updates to
existing products (whether it’s ease of use, simpler navigation, etc).
• Price and Incentives Tests — These will give you a head-start on
marketing and promoting your product since you’ll have a better idea of
what people will pay and how you might bundle the conceptual product
with existing products. If you’re testing your concept with a landing page,

you can create pricing options and gauge the clickthrough rate on each
option (like Buffer’s tactic).
If you’re interested in low-cost methods of concept testing, SurveyMonkey
offers tips for concept testing with surveys and landing pages.

When it comes to surveys and questionnaires for concept testing, each
questionnaire should lead with a description of the conceptual product,
including a headline, overview of benefits and uses, and a picture. Dr. Bruce
Isaacson and Debbie Lesnick, President and Senior Vice President/Head of
Research for MMR Strategy Group (respectively), wrote a paper on how to
improve concept and product tests. While their advice was written for products
in general, we’ve adapted the advice for web, mobile devices, and software.

Concept test questionnaires usually ask the participant to rate hypothetical
products in the following categories:
• Interest — How likely they are to buy the product (or use it, if it’s free).
• Frequency — How often they would use the product.
• Value — How they perceive the product’s benefits (compared to its price).
• Uniqueness — How different the product is from its competition.
• Likability — How much, overall, they are satisfied by the product.
• Believability — How realistic the conceptual product is.

• Confusion — Any uncertainty around the product features.
• Brand Fit — How closely the product fits in their existing idea of the brand.

If you’re looking for a more concrete way to test a product, the designers at
ZURB created a concept-testing app called Verify. Similar to prototyping,
Verify combines concept testing and the quick exposure memory test we
discussed above in the desirability tests section.
The app allows you to create sample screen presentations to test on your
prospective target audience through quick exposure. As the participant marks
what stood out for them, you can get an idea of what to keep or fix — all before
designing the actual product.

source: Concept Testing

If you’re looking for a cheaper method, you could do a “hallway concept test” in
which you draw a few sketches, grab a colleague not associated with the project,
show the sketch for five seconds and then ask for what stood out. You could just
as easily replicate this process with five users or customers for quick feedback
on your concept.

Participatory Design
Sometimes if you want to design a product your users will like, it’s best to
involve them directly in the design process. Participatory design is a usability
testing method that falls right within the discipline of user centered design and
can be a great complement to the collaborative design methods we discussed
in Web UI Best Practices. It’s become quite a popular methodology with
companies like Pinterest, who incorporate it into their design process.

Photo credit: „Many Passionate Teams in Collaboration”. Gaurav Mishra. Creative Commons.


Erin Muntzert and David Sherwin, UX Consultants for Frog Design, point
out how to get the most use out of participatory design. In terms of general
guidelines, it helps to treat the session as a conversation (instead of a classroom
exercise), be crystal clear about the problem space and scenario, and record the
session (or take detailed notes). We’ll explain below how to prepare, narrate,
and conduct participatory design sessions.
”For the best results, treat participatory design sessions as conversations - not classroom


The first phase — framing — is kind of like the pre-planning phase, where you
figure out what you want to get out of the test. This phase handles your abstract
usability goals, and helps you narrow down the specifics of what will help.
This kind of pre-planning is what we outlined in the first two chapters, but
we’ll review its application to participatory design. There are four steps to the
framing phase:
1. Select your user(s) — Consider your target users’ demographics,
psychographics (personality, lifestyle, values, interests), and behaviors. To
better reflect real people, follow the persona process outlined in The Guide
to UX Design Process & Documentation.
2. Create your goals — Ask your team questions (follow the 5W & 1H
guideline) and prioritize them based on which ones you want answered
most. Your usability goals will be to answer the questions that are top
3. Define what you think you know — Create hypotheses to answer your
goal questions and jumpstart your research — but don’t get too attached,
because they might be proven wrong. If your goal is to understand what

young, tech-centric out-of-towners use to find the “best kept secrets” in
Los Angeles, one hypothesis could be that “users will first reach out in
social networks to find what to do.”.
4. Identify methods to use — Categorize your hypotheses as“Understanding
Needs,” “Creating Designs,” or “Refining Until Right.” You’ll have a better
idea of methodology once you see where most of the hypotheses lie.
In thirty minutes, you can complete the first three steps above, generating
around 10-15 hypotheses. Then as we discussed in step four, spend five minutes
categorizing hypotheses. Once you’ve finished that, here’s three areas to
consider to run a successful session:
1. Group Size — Large groups, small groups, and individuals all have their
advantages and disadvantages. Involving more people at once allows for
faster data collection, but less people may lead to more detailed results.
Because this is a qualitative method, make sure you test at least five users.
2. Location — Where will you conduct your test? Typically group size and
ease of access will determine whether you hold your test in a professional
facility, in the test-taker’s own environment, or out in the world (on the
street, coffee shop, etc.).
3. Data Capture Tools. Collecting user sketches, writing notes,
photographing, and recording video are all important to ensure nothing
slips through the cracks.
Now let’s discuss the actual methods of participatory design. An important
thing to note is that these activities can be strung together in a single session, as
they are often brief and complement each other. The methods are broken down
into four categories: narration, creation, prioritization, and contextualization

Collect anecdotal data by documenting how users narrate their stories.
These activities utilize structured stimuli in order to help them recall specific
memories or feelings — in other words, to “jog their memory.” Additionally,
these activities make great introductory activities by urging the user to access
their emotions, and can segway well into the other categories of participatory
There are several common ways to do this, each with its own specialty:
• Journey Mapping — Also known as experience mapping, test-takers
fill out a worksheet with a timeline and are encouraged to explain the
emotional impact of different stages during a part of their life (such as
overcoming a disease from diagnosis to aftermath). These help people
access their emotions more freely than just conversation, and can be
augmented with the adjective cards we described earlier.

Photo credit: „Plutchik Wheel.” Wikimedia. Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0.


• Love or Breakup Letter — Great for groups as an icebreaker, this exercise
lets users write a personal letter to a product or brand about what they
love, want, hate, or expect. This helps you see both ends of the emotional
spectrum in plain language.

Photo credit: „I loved you.” Joel Chavez. Creative Commons.

• Topical Collage — Especially useful in overcoming language barriers,
asking your participants to make a collage regarding how they feel about a
product allows for a visual interpretation of their thoughts. This is similar to
the mood board exercise discussed in Web UI Best Practices.

Photo credit: „college & art journal ideas zine.” Katie. Creative Commons.


Once you have the emotional context, it’s time to let users create elements for
the product in question. Seeing the kinds of things your participants come up
with of their own free can validate or disprove your hypothesis, not to mention
inspire new theories. When planning creation activities, the key component to
keep in mind is the balance between structure and interpretation.

source: UXPin

• Interface Toolkit — Using a tool like UXPin, give participants various premade elements and ask them to “build” their perfect interface. Not only is
this fun, but it’s also ideal for seeing how your users prioritize features.
• Fill-in-the-Blanks — A less-involved and less costly version of the
interface toolkit, you prime users with a narration activity, then provide a
blank set of UI elements (Post-It notes work well) and a canvas (such as a
whiteboard). Then ask them to place and label elements however they
see fit.

• Ideal Workflow — Participants are presented with different circumstances
and then explain their ideal workflow for each. If you’re designing a
complex system, such as e-trading platforms, this will reveal where and
what your users prioritize.

Using mainly text, images, and iconography, prioritization activities will help
you understand the ways in which your users value the product’s individual
features. These methods deal with trade-offs, connections, and hierarchy to
determine not necessarily what the user wants, but what the user wants most.

”Prioritization activities help you determine not what the user wants, but what the user
wants most.”


• Channel Surfing — Similar to card sorting, ask participants to prioritize
functionalities across different devices (i.e., PC, mobile, or tablet), or
different people/services (phone support, retail branch, etc). This is highly
recommended for testing usability across different channels since you’ll see
what features people are willing to trade off. You can do this activity right
after an interview and follow it up with a creation activity we described

Photo credit: „CS 032 Figure 901”. Rosenfeld Media. Creative Commons.


• Concept Ranking — Participants are given several options and asked to
rank them. For example, if you’re making tablet devices, you can provide
paper mock-ups of different dimensions and ask users to rank their size
preferences. This works best for culling down multiple concepts when
users can tweak existing prototypes.
• Value Ranking — Participants assign value attributes that define a product.
An example might be to present the users with a list of words and have
them rank which words would most likely describe the product. This works
best towards the end of your session when users already understand the
products and concepts.

By simulating the experience of using the product, users will be better able to
describe their opinions about it. Contextual activities try as best they can to
immerse the participant into what the concept or product might be.
• Customizing Scenarios — Through the use of text, storyboards, or comic
strips, the participants are presented with scenarios and asked to give
feedback at each step, and even customize the scenario along their own
personal experiences. This helps bridge the gap between product concepts
and how they fit in the users’ real life.

Photo credit: „Customer journey UI sketch”. visualpun.ch. Creative Commons.


• Simulating Experience — The next best thing to an actual product test, a
simulating experience creates a virtual experience of what it would be like
to use the product. For example, you can simulate a new in-car feature by
presenting the interface on an iPad and add a mock steering wheel.

Hybrid tests are a great way to think outside the box and collect insight that
more traditional tests can’t reach. Desirability tests go above and beyond in
understanding the target user’s psyche. Conceptual tests can save you a lot of
time by solidifying your plan before you begin development. More than any
other test, participatory design gives the target user a hands-on approach in
designing towards their needs.
We’ve just examined the most common and most useful usability tests available
today.In the next chapter, we’ll close by discussing the differences between web
and mobile usability testing.



Website & Mobile
Usability Testing
Pinpointing the differences to make each more effective



e’ve spent the bulk of this e-book outlining the different types of usability tests and the strategies to use them most effectively. However, the
scope of these tests is vast and can be used on any product from cloud payment
systems to next-generation gaming consoles. In this chapter we want to narrow
our focus a little so you can best understand how usability evaluation works individually for websites and mobile devices.

Website Usability Testing
User tests are mandatory for website success since Murphy’s Laws of
Technology always seem to strike at the worst times. While many of the
usability testing methods we discussed can adapt to web usability, we thought
it best to showcase a few pointers specific to website protocols and testing

”The web is more than just your website. Test your competitors.”

Photo credit: Interaction Design.org via blog.templatemonster.com Creative Commons.



The principles for web usability are the same as with other products, except
they are even more important considering that there are over a billion websites
as of September 2014. The bottom line is that there are so many similar websites
that visitors will simply move onto the next site if the first one they visit isn’t

”While your website might be your baby, visitors will just move to the next one if it’s ugly
and unusable.”


Damian Rees, Co-founder of Experience Solutions, helps explain how he
adapted website usability testing for the most optimized experience. Because
anyone can use the Internet, one of his core principles is setting criteria and
expectations up front so that your tests proceed with the right level of technical
proficiency. Here are four tips to keep in mind:
1. Encourage users to behave naturally. Websites must support multiple
modes of use and edge cases, and those might only surface when users feel
comfortable. By starting with open-ended tasks, you’ll get a sneak peek
into how they use the web outside of a testing environment. For example,
if you’re testing an e-commerce site, first ask users to find a gift under $50,
then get out of the way and observe them directly or remotely.
2. Let users complete the task how they want. If you feel your user has
misunderstood the task or is going off track, just wait. The goal is to learn
how a user interacts with your website, period. In the real world, you won’t
be there to reign them back in, so observe why they got sidetracked —
those may be your best insights.

3. Test competitors or peer websites. Only testing your own site robs you
of context. Including other websites will help you see “the forests and the
trees”. Try asking the participant to show you a site they use on their own,
and have them show you how they use it. It’s not just about how users
interact with your website — it’s about tailoring your website based on how
they use the web.
4. Hide which site you’re testing. Users tend to be less honest when they
know they’re talking to an employee of the company under scrutiny. Do
your best to not reveal you’re testing your site. The user may figure it out by
the end of the session, but the longer you delay it, the more accurate your
first impressions. Try asking them to assess competitor or peer websites
first — this puts them in the right critical mindset.
As a guiding principle, try not being too rigid. Keeping an open mind and a
loose attitude will put your test-taker at ease and yield better, more natural

”It’s not just about how users interact with your website. It’s about tailoring your website
based on how they use the web.”



Photo credit: „Heatmap of City University Website”. cinteractionlab. Creative Commons.

When conducting a usability test for a website, there are specific criteria you
should check for that might not be relevant to other products. Jacob Gube,
founder of Six Revisions, believes that qualitative feedback alone is not enough
for websites — especially considering how simple technical tweaks to things like
site speed can drastically affect the experience. There are six criteria that must
be tested for all websites, whether it’s a personal blog or a corporate site:
• Task Success — One of the most important measures of usability is how
easily a user can complete a target task, such as finding an older post or
creating an account. You’ll want to examine learnability, intuitiveness,
efficiency, recovery from errors, and memorability for future use. You can
assign direct and open tasks to analyze the task success rate, then follow up
with the single ease question.

• Navigability — Site search is never a crutch for bad navigation. Do you
have enough site features (like calls to action, links, etc.)? How fast and in
how many clicks does it take users to get where they want? Card sorting
and tree testing are perfect for answering these questions.
• UX Design — User satisfaction can get lost in the mix when focusing
on more quantitative factors, but it’s just as important (if not more).
Interviews, field studies, diary studies, and the tests listed in the previous
hybrid chapter all get feedback on the user’s emotional responses.
Remember: being usable isn’t enough, aim to be delightful.
• Readability — As we discussed in Web UI Best Practices, content is the
heart of any website. Pay attention to your site’s legibility, comprehension,
language, and the enjoyability of the content. Read-Able, WordsCount,
and CheckMyColours are great usability tools for assessing your site’s

Photo credit: read-able.com


• Accessibility — Is your site experience consistent across every major
browser? Is your HTML compatible for various assistance tools for users
with disabilities? Here’s a great list of accessibility testing tools to show you
how accessible your site is.
• Speed — No one likes to wait. A website’s speed will impact the UX,
functionality, and even SEO performance. Check your file sizes and code
quality to reduce unnecessary lag. Follow these best practices, then test
your site speed with a tool like Pingdom or Google PageSpeed
With a few simple tweaks, you can adapt any of the previous usability tests to
better analyze the usability of a website. Find out where your site’s lacking,
then view the tests through the sharp lens of web usability. To see a live example
of different ways of evaluating some of these criteria, check out the e-book User
Testing & Design.

”For websites, usability is just the bare minimum. Delight is the new standard.”


Mobile Usability Testing
Mobile devices may seem to exist in another world compared to websites
and computer software — gesture controls, specialized screens, and device
compatibility are all factors unique to mobile devices. So when it comes to
testing your app or website for mobile usability, it’s important to know what
you’re getting into. We’ll provide some tips that usability professionals learned
after years of experience, then show how these can be applied.


Photo credit: „Mobile Usability Testing Demonstration”. cinteractionlab. Creative Commons.

Designing for mobile is different than designing for the web, and those same
subtleties apply to usability testing. Dr. David Travis, Founder of UserFocus,
believes the fundamentals of usability testing still apply — provided you make a
couple important tweaks. There are a few important changes to keep in mind:
• Recruiting participants — For mobile devices, your participants must be
regular users of the testing platform. For example, don’t hire iPhone users
if you’re testing an Android app. The user will be confused about the new
platform’s UI conventions, biasing the test. Make sure users have spent at
least three months on their device.
• Cater to user customization — People customize their settings for mobile
devices far more than computers or other products. Asking them to use
settings outside of their comfort zone may bias responses. The way to
sidestep this is to get your app on their customized phone. You could

export a prototype as a clickable PDF, use POP (Prototyping on Paper)
for iPhones, use toolkits with app-simulating widgets, or an all-fidelity
prototyping app like our UXPin.
• Testing Apparatuses — Mirroring the test-taker’s screen is always harder
for mobile devices than PC. For iPhones, you can use Airplay to link the
device to a TV screen, but other devices might require special cords and
jacks. The standard solution is a small, craned camera like Mr. Tappy that
films the screen and the finger movement, although the view and the
quality are not as good as a direct connection. Make sure you prepare your
tools before the test — nobody wants you staring over their shoulder.
Jeff Sauro, Founder of MeasuringU, adds some tips of his own that are
exclusive to mobile usability testing. If you are new to mobile testing, pay
attention — Sauro is a usability veteran, and his experience will save you
time and possibly embarrassment.
1. Have chargers ready — This really isn’t an issue with desktop tests, but
nothing ends a mobile usability test faster than a dead battery.
2. Encourage users to pick up their phone — It’s true that some people
prefer using mobile devices on a stationary surface, but there’s always a
chance they’re just doing it due to the testing environment.
3. Record fingers, screens, and bodies — Unlike stationary desktop users,
mobile devices involve three dimensions of data. Pay attention to how the
participant uses gesture controls, mistakes and successes altogether. While
recording the body isn’t necessary, capturing facial expressions and body
language provides insight into the user’s emotional state.
4. Test on different platforms — Related to the tip about recruiting
participants who use your mobile platform, if you’re testing an app (or

website) designed across multiple platforms, test each one separately. A
great experience on an iPhone may not port over perfectly to the Android
While mobile testing used to be only done in a lab setting, unmoderated remote
testing (which we mentioned before) has also adapted quite well to the mobile
space. While you won’t be able to record fingers and body movements, tools
like UserZoom and UserTesting make it easier to recruit users based on very
specific usage criteria and can quickly gather much larger sample sizes. If you’d
like to conduct remote mobile testing on your own, you can follow the process
used by MailChimp to test seven people in two days.

Web usability and mobile usability may be under the single umbrella of
usability, but the approaches can seem like night and day when you think
about all the subtleties. When planning your goals, keep in mind the usability
functions special to whichever one you’re designing for, its distinct functionality
criteria, and the tests best used to study it.
Now it’s time to get started. Take your time at each step of the way and don’t
proceed if you don’t understand something. To help standardize the process,
feel free to check out the free usability testing kit created by UXPin CEO
Marcin Treder. As you’re testing, remember to always focus on your goals.
Because if you don’t know why you’re testing, then the methods are irrelevant.

”If you don’t know why you’re testing, then the methods are irrelevant.”



Built-in usability testing so you can create tasks and see
and hear where users get confused
Generate video clips showing all clicks, screen recording,
facial expressions, and voice calls
Collaboration and feedback for any team size
Lo fi to high fi design in a single tool



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