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Walther P38 Walther P38
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CF~ p-38 9MM Au+o R’b+oR OWEIt’S MANUAL 1 1 CARL WALTHER. WORKS FOR SPORTS-AND HUNTING WEAPONS. ULM DONAU . GERMANY The WALTHER Police Pistol Models PP and PPK hove, by virtue of their unique construction, proved themselves to be the World’s safest and most dependable handguns. The absolute faith in these two products induced specialists both at home and abroad to demand a pistol of a similarly recognized and approved construction which would retain the principle of a veq light weight and at the same time flro the more powerful cartridge Cal. 9 mm ?ambellum. lho outcome of the appropriate considerations was the new WALTHER Model P 38 Cal. 9 mm Parbollum, which combines a phantastically low weight of only a liilo over 27 ounces with all the drimblo advantages of a modern handgun - absolute safety, instantaneous readiness, and easy handling - and which allows the use of a considerably more potent cartridge. This pistol stands without rival. All the component parts are interchangeable. They are mado by means of the most up-todate production methods involving the use of modern machinery under strictest rupervision. As in the manufacture of any other of the sevoral WALTHER products, only the very best materials are used in the production of the Model P 38. The pages of this little brochure will give a most detailed and therefore very useful description of the various data relating to the pistol Model P 38. @@@ Auto Pistol Model P 38 Cal. 9 mm Parabellum General Data: Overall Length Height Total Length of Barrel of Pistol Weight . . . . . . . . . . 214 125 mm = 415/16* 136 mm = S/S” . . . 7809 = 27% 01s . . 8 Cartridges h . . set block (matted). Magazine capacity . S t a n d a r d F i n i s The pistol can be supplied, Up Ion r lished and blued finish. A spare magazine, a cleaning rod, are supplied with every pistol. The complete equipment also includes a technica II description and is delivered in a stout carton. The pistol P 38 has an external hammer. The combination of o perfect action design, mode evident in the WALTHER self- loading pistols havin an external hammer, and the constant readiness of a revolver makes the enormous odvantages of these weaoons obun 3antlv manifest. The P 38 ii o double-actidn, locked-breech, semi-automatic pistol. It is fitted with on external hammer which is connected to a tension triaaer and which has a distinctive pressure point. The P 38, like the models PP and PPK, Imay be fired by merely pulling yhi trigger. It may, moreover, readily be co’rried loaded on’d uncocked. Cartridges with faulty primer cops can be fired by pulling the trigger repeatedly. A bulge in the borrel - caused by some irregular agency - will not impede the functioning of the P 38, since the barrel is mounted in on open and unencumbered manner. The pistol is thus alwoys ready for instant use. n L An entirely new method has been adopted in the con- Un-cocking of the hammer by means of applying the so- struction of the safety device’of the P 38. fety catch, preceded by the locking of the firing pin and the connection with the tension trigger, make the P 38 a As may be well known, there is always a certain amount truly ideal service pistol. of danger inherent in any loaded and cocked firearm, Since the pistol is thus always uncocked but nevertheless even though the latter may be rendered ‘safe’ by means always ready for immediate use, the hammer spring is of the safety lever. Any sudden mechonicol shod or a therefore not subject to fatigue and weakening. fracture of on action component con cause on accidental discharge. In the P 38, this basic evil has been remedied: the rotary safely catch does not make the action mechanism safe in the cocked stage. Instead, - application of the safety catch causes the hammer to become uncocked, - and that without any danger to the user. When the safety catch is mov- 3 The P 38 can be dismantled within a few seconds and without using any tools. Component parts connot drop out. Any unnecessary operating of the trigger mechanism should be duly avoided, and the hammer should not be allowed to drop while the chamber is empty. In any instance of ‘dry’ shooting practice, a dummy cartridge should be introduced into the chamber first. ed to the ‘Safe’ position, the firing pin becomes lodted It is an essential rule for every shooter that despite the first. Immediately following this, the action mechanism is fully guaranteed safety of the weapon, the pistol should automatically blodted and the hammer drops harmlessly always be held so that the muzzle points downwards while - and the pistol is completely uncocked. the weapon is not being actually used. P 38 Auto Pistol Cal. 9mm Parabellum in longitudinal section In this Illustration, the signal pin immediately above the hammer is clearly visible. It indicates that there is CI ccrtridge in the chamber. i. e., that the weapo;l is loaded. The signal pin remains visible when the ;cfety catch is applied. The pistol is uncocked, but IS nevertheless ready for action. Illustration 4 shows how the pistol is fired by merely pulling the trigger (in ‘Double-action’ shooting). A list of the individuol component parts moy be found on pages 17 and 18 of this technical description. Graphic Description Illus1mli0n 3 The pistol is loaded and uncocked. The safety lever is ‘off. The pistol is thus ready for instont use (‘Double-Action’). Automatic Safety The pistol, though uncocked and loaded, moy thus be fired. The safety lever (19 is in the ‘Fire’ position. The weopon is, OS shown in II 1ustration 3, entirely free from tensron. The firing pin (11) is blodced by the firing The live round in the chamber cannot be pistol should occidentally be dropped first on the floor. The signal pin (8) can both be felt and seen, and indicates that there is a cartridge in the &amber (Illustration 3). 5 Illustration 4 The pistol is loaded, safety lever ‘off’, and codted by ‘pulling through’ (Double-Action trig er motion, shown here in the moment in which the turn % ler IS . about to be released by the sear). Operating the Trigger The trig er (43) has been pulled back until the tumbler edge (403 of the hammer (39) barely rests on the sear edge of the tensioning piece (26),. as shown in Illustration 4. Until then, the firing pin (11) IS blocked by the firing in arrester 92). Pf the trigger (43) is now pulled back a little further, the sear (40) of the hammer slides off the edge of the cocking piece (26), the firing pin arrester 12) releases the firing in (ll!, and the hammer (39) stri I, es the rear end of the P. rrmg pm (11). Illustration Illustrtiion 6 5 Pistol loaded and cocked, safety lever ‘Off Operating the trigger when the hammer is coded (‘SingleAction’). Upon pulling the trigger (43), the cocked hammer (39) is releosed from its rearward position by the lifting motion of the cocking piece (26) and strikes the unlocked firing pin (11). Pistol at the moment of firing Process of firing The hammer (39) strikes the unlocked firing pin (ll), ond jhe tip of the latter detonates the primer by hitting and indenting the primer cap, thus igniting the powder charge and thereby causing the resultant pressure gases to drive the bullet out of the cartridge case. 6 lllusfrafion 7 illustration 8 Pistol loaded, safety lever ‘Off Pistol loaded, safety lever ‘Off Operating the safety lever when the hammer is cocked. The hammer (39) has been drawn back, and the arm is thus ready. The protruding signal pin (8) indicates that there is a cartridge in the chamber. If for some reason it is not intended to fire the round, the safety lever (19) should in such case be moved downwards until the letter 5” becomes clearly exposed. This application of the safety lever (19) causes the firing pin (11) to be blocked (see arrows). Moreover, during the last third of the lever travel the hammer (39) becomes disengaged by the lifting of the cocking iece (26) and drops forward. (See also: page 10, - ‘Hand Ping’ . . ., and Illustration 14.) The trigger moves backwards and remains in the rearmost limit of its travel. Operating the safety lever when the hammer is uncodced. The firing pin (11) remains blocked by the automatic safety effect of the firing pin arrester (12) when the hammer is in an uncocked state. By movin the safety lever (19) downwards, thereby exposing the Petter ‘5” fully, an additional lock is applied to the firing pin (ll), as shown by the orrows in Illustration 8. The trigger remains in its normal forward position. Directions for the Use and Handling of the Pistol P 38 Illustration 9 lllurtration 10 loading Filling the magazine Hold the pistol with the right hand and render it safe by turning the safety lever downwords to the fullest extent of its travel, thus fully exposing the letter 5’. Remove the mogozine b releasin the ma azine catch with the left thumb. The r eft index7. anger wtt 4draws the magazine from the grip, as shown in the above Illustration 9. Hold the magazine with the left hand and push the cartridges - base first - under the ma ozine lips by carefully depressing the feeder platform wtt 3 the cartridge rim. The magazine holds 8 cartridges. When emptying the mogozine, push the cartridges gent1 forward until they are finally expelled by the upwor J thrust of the magazine spring. The 7 holes in the side of the magazine serve to facilitate chedcing the contents of the magazine. Any forceful jamming-in or tearing-out during either of these two respective operations would cause damo e to the magazine and consequently lead to functiona B disorders of the pistol. 8 IllurWation 11 Illustrdion 12 Introducing the first cartridge into the chamber ‘Single-Action’ shooting After inserting the full ma azine into the pistol grip, hold the pistol with the right 3, and. The pistol must still be ‘safe’. Next, grip the slide by the ribbed rear end with the left hand and pull fully backwards - then let go. This operation causes the first cartridge to slip into the chamber. The hammer, however, does not become cocked by this process, as the safety lever is still ap lied and the hammer of the P 3 therefore cannot be co cl?ed either by hand or else be pulling the trigger through. To make the pistol ready for immediate use, push the safety lever upwards to cover the letter “‘5” completely and the letter ‘F” (‘Fire’) becomes visible. The weapon will still remain uncocked, since the firing pin is still blocked. The pistol is nevertheless ready for firing. In tar et shooting, it is recommended to cock the hammer with t9, e right thumb as shown in Illustration 12. With a little practice, this operation should become fairly eas It offers the advantage of having only a comparafive Y’ y slight amount of resistance (trigger pressure) to overcome. This in its turn increases the accuracy in shooting quite considerably. 9 Illustration 13 lllurtmtion 14 ‘Double-Action’ shooting Operating the safety lever Firing fhe first shot by means of the ‘single-action’ method is, of course, chiefly enacted in practice and competition shooting at targets, while ‘double-action’ shooting occurs mainly under active service conditions. In the latter event, the hammer is cocked by simply pulling the trigger through its entire length of travel for the first shot. Should for reasons of faulty ammunition the pistol fail to fire in such exceptional cases, the trigger should be pulled again. A second impact of the firing pin on the primer cap will as a rule cause even a defective round to detonate. Hold the weapon with the right hand, and place the right index finger along the side of the trigger guard. The right thumb grips the hammer, while the left thumb pushes the safety lever downwards. The hammer can now slowly return to its resting position, as shown in illustration 14. Care should be taken that the muzzle of the pistol paints downwards. 10 Illustration Illustration 16 15 The emptied magazine Unlooding When the last round in the magazine has been fired, the slide stays open. If shooting is to be continued, remove the empty magazine and insert the next full magazine. Pull the slide bade lightly and then let it glide forwards. This process will cause the first round to be introduced into the chamber. This cartridge may also be fed into the chamber without using the left hand: by simply depressing the catch lever with the right thumb. If it is not intended to continue shooting, apply the safety lever (see page 10, Illustration 14). If the pistol P 38 is to be unloaded after a live round has been lodged in the chamber, put the safety lever into the Safe’ position (see page 10, Illustration 14), withdraw the magazine, and remove the cartridges from the latter. Now pull the slide fully back (as shown in Illustration 16). The cartridge will be extracted from the chamber by this operation and drop out. 11 Illustration 17 lllustmtion 18 Dismantling Dismantling insert an empty magazine. Hold the pistol with the right hand and move the safety lever to ‘Safe’ (see page 10, Illustration 14). Next, pull the slide back until it stays open, and remove the magozine. Then turn the barrel catch lever downwards with the left thumb until it engages with an audible ‘click’. The barrel catch lever having been pushed down, the slide should now be pulled bade slightly and then be allowed to move forward so as to be separated from the frame. If an empty magazine is not available, the retracted slide may be made to stay open by pushing the catch lever upwards. Alternatively, the slide may be drawn back with the left hand while the right thumb depresses the breech catch lever. Following this, the slide may be allowed to glide forward and off the frame unit. 12 lllurtration 19 Illustration 20 Separating the barrel from the slide Cleaning the component parts Hold the slide upside-down in the left hand as shown in lilustration ;9. Press the small internal locking bolt towards the muzzle end with your right index finger. The barrel can then be readily taken out of the slide unit. The pistol has now been partly stripped and split up into its four main units: barrel, slide, frame (grip), and magazine, as shown in Illustration M. These components can now be cleaned and oiled. The barrel, the grooves of the slide, and the grip unit should be lubricated with a good, acid-free, and nonresinous oil, and the barrel should then be wiped dry again. Any further dismantling should be carried out only if there is an uncommonly great amount of dirt present in these parts. Any such work, however, should be entrusted to skilled craftsmen. 13 Illustration 21 Illustration 22 Assembling The re-assembling of the wea on is a propriately carried out in the opposite order to tl?at of to&down. In order to avoid damage during this process, it IS important that the following explanations and Illustrations be observed: It is particularly important to realize that re-assembling can be carried out only while the pistol is in a ‘safe’ state, i. e., the hammer must be ‘down’. First, re-fit the barrel to the slide. When attochin this re-assembled unit to the grip unit, ensure that the Ioclcing bolt below the chamber IS pressed upwards with the left thumb in the manner shown in Illustration 21. The slide unit can now be freely pushed back over the frame to without any fear of damage to the recoil springs, the s1!rde, or the frame. The three protruding parts - ejector, release lever, and trip lever’ - must be ushed downwards so as to permit P back over the top of the frame the slide to run freey (the three components in question are indicated by arrows in lliustration 22). 14 lllurtrotion 23 Assembling Insert the empty magazine into the grip, then pull the slide bock until the latter engages and stays open. Now push the barrel catch lever bath into its normal locking position with the left thumb, as shown in Illustration 23. Finally, push the breech locking lever downwards with the right thumb and at the same time pull the slide back with the left hand, then let the slide move forward. The P 38 is now once again in its complete original state, safe, and ready for further service. 15 Test Target with test group of the WALTHER Self-loading Pistol P 38, Cal. 9 mm Parabellum. Ranges and Performance: Sighting range . . . . . . . Range of shot, approximately Depth of penetration: r Material Loose soil Sand Pine wood Sheet iron, 2 mm (0.0787”) thick, hit at an angle of 90 degrees 50 m = 54.681 yds. . v . . 1,600 m = 1,750yds. Range 50 m 200m 25 m 17.34 yds 5 i4.68 yds. 18.72 yds. 36 cm 14 ins. 26 cm 101/h ins. 23 cm 9 ins. cut clean through 35 cm 13V4 ins. 31 cm 12 ins. 25 cm 9’/1 ins. 21 cm 8’14 ins. 23 cm 9 ins. 6% ins. cut clean through cut clean through 17cm Ammunition The ammunition for the P 38 is the pistol cartridge Calibre 9 mm Parabellum. 16 6 10 14 18 17 54 6 Illustration 2 6 The Components of the Walther Pistol P 38 UNIT I: Barrel Barrel Front sight Locking-piece Sofety lever unit 19 Cocking piece spring 38 Rest pin 20 Hammer 39 Rest pin spring 21 Hammer trap 40 Pins to Nos.39 & 40 41 Hammer trap spring 42 UNIT Ill: G r i p Locking pin V-spring UNIT II: Slide Frame 22 Trigger 43 Rest pin 23 Sleeve 44 Rest pin spring 24 Trigger spring 45 Slide body 6 Trigger connector 25 Magazine holder 46 Cover 7 Cocking-piece 26 Catch lever 47 Signal-pin 8 Barrel catch lever 27 Grip plate, right 48 Rear sight 9 Striker rod 28 Grip plate, left Grip plate screw Extractor 10 Relief piece 29 Firing pin 11 Release lever 30 Firing pin lode 12 Ejector 31 Spring to No. 12 13 Recoil spring guide pins 32 , 49 50 UNIT IV: Magazine Extractor pin 14 Hammer pin 33 Magazine casing 51 Limit stop pin 15 Cocking piece pin 34 Feeder platform 52 Firing pin spring 16 Recoil springs 35 Magazine bottom lock 53 Signal pin spring 17 Striker rod spring 36 Magazine bottom 54 18 Trigger rod spring 37 Feeder spring 55 Extractor spring 18 Conversion Unit Cal. 4 mm (M 20) for the Pistol P 38 with Steel Adaptor Cortridger comprising: Insertion barrel (liner) with spring washer and locking nut 3 steel adaptor cartidges Ejector tool Cleaning rod Illustration 27 Additional steel adaptor cartridges supplied upon request and against payment of extra cost. Conversion Unit Cal. 4 mm (M 20), with loading tool, for the Pistol P 38 comprising: Insertion barrel (liner) with spring washer and lock nut Loading Tool Ejector Tool Cleaning Rod lllustrotion 28 19 Instructions for the use of the Conversion Units (as shown in Illustrations 27 and 28) Conversion units, developed for the world-renowned Walther pistol models PP and PPK and having proved a great success, are now also available for the pistol model P 38. These conversion units make it possible to use the small Cal. 4 mm (M 20) cartridges for all indoor practice shooting. Fitting Remove the slide in the usual manner (see page 12). Insert the conversion barrel (liner) into the barrel of the P 38, apply the spring washer and the lock nut, and tighten up with the aid of the ejector tool by applying the latter to the groove. Shooting practice by using the steel cartridge adaptors Insert a Cal. 4 mm cartridge into each steel adaptor, then feed the latter into the magazine in the normal manner, and insert the magazine into the grip of the P 38. Next, feed a round into the chamber as demonstrated in illustrations 10 and 11. The pistol is now ready for use. After firing the shot, pull the slide back with the left hand, thereby ejecting the steel adaptor containing the empty case from the chamber. The next ‘live’ adaptor may now be brought into the chamber by letting the slide move forward, thus closing the breech. Shooting practice with the aid of the loading tool Remove the magazine from the P 38, pull the slide fully back, and push the barrel catch lever (breech lock) upwards. The slide will now stay open. Now insert a 4 mm cartridge into the chamber by using the loading tool, and release the slide by pulling the latter slightly back. Let the slide move forward and close the breech. The shot may now be fired. After discharging the round, open the breech and push the empty case out of the chamber by means of the ejector tool. The empty case will readily drop out through the magazine shaft. 20 er.- _.,._._.. _: ,, -_,-“~‘-e_“->. Holster for the Pistol P 38 Cal. 9 mm Parabellum Made of harness leather, dull black finish outside and smooth inside. External magazine pocket. Two loops for attachment to a belt. Illurtration 30 Poge Page Illustration IllurtmtkA General reference: 1 1 Introducing the first cartridge 9 11 Description of pistol 2&3 1 ‘Single Action’ shooting 9 12 Sectional view of pistol 4 2 ‘Double Action’ shooting 10 13 Rendering the P 38 safe 10 14 3 The emptied magazine 11 15 4 Un-loading 11 16 5 Dismantling 12 17h18 Detaching the barrel 13 19 Cleaning 13 2tl Assembling 14b15 21-24 Test target and performance 16 25 Description of components 17618 26 Conversion Units Cal. 4 mm 19&20 P&28 De Luxe case 21 29 Holster 21 30 Graphic Descriptions: Automatic Safety mechanism ‘Double Action’ shooting ‘Single Action’ shooting Process of firing 5 5 6 6 6 Operating the safety lever: a) when the hammer is codred b) when the hammer is not codced 7 7 Directions for the use and handling: Loading 8 Filling the magazine 8 7 8 9 10 A tradition of over 250 years of practtcal experience in the manufacture of precision-built hunRng , sports and defence weapons is intktety askiated with this name.
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