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MASTERNODE GUIDE Hot wallet Windows Single masternode on local PC (Windows 10) *Must have Extarnal static ip address rented Prerequisites: 1. A local computer running under Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (x64 only) and working 24/7. 2. 2001 or more FLC as collateral (2000 FLC + 1 FLC to cover the transaction fees). 3. FLC wallet for windows. 4. Extarnal static ip address. Rent it from your internet service provider. To do: 1. Install control wallet for windows and make flc.conf and maternode.conf files 2. Start masternode 1. Install control wallet for windows 1.1) Go to and download wallet for your windows. 1.2) Unpack it (I advise you to unpack it to D:\flc\database folder) 1.3) Create DATABASE folder inside D:\flc\database folder 1.4) Launch flcoin-qt.exe 1.5) It will offer to choose data directory. Select “Use a custom data directory” and select D:\flc\database folder (it will be more comfortable for future use) 1.6) As soon as wallet start go to SETTINGS -> OPTIONS -> WALLET and check “Show Masternodes Tab”. Press OK. 1.7) Close FLCoin core and open again. You will see masternodes tab. Wait for Synchronizing finish. 1.8) Go to TOOLS -> DEBUG CONSOLE 1.9) Type: getaccountaddress masternode (Itʼs your masternode address, copy it to notepad, you should send exactly 1000 coin to that address) 1.10) Type: masternode genkey (Your “masternodeprivkey”, copy that key to notepad, you will need it later) 1.11) Close debug console 1.12) To the left corner of wallet application press FILE -> RECEIVING ADDRESSES *NOTE: Sample addresses on picture. Donʼt sent here! Send to your addresses. 1.13) SEND 2001 FLC or more from exchange to first address labeled as “(no label)” 1.14) When coins come and you can see it in your wallet - send 2000 FLC exactly to address labeled as “masternode” (exactly 2000coins, donʼt try to send coins from exchange to “masternode” address directly. You will unable to send exactly 2000 from exchange). 1.15) It will appear as “Payment to yourself” and minus commission only. That is ok. Wait for 15 confirmations. It will take about 30 minutes. To check confirmations just double click on transaction. 1.16) Go to TOOLS -> DEBUG CONSOLE and type: masternode outputs 1.17) Copy text only to notepad without quotes and brackets. It will be your collateral̲output̲txid and collateral̲output̲index 1.18) Open TOOLS -> Open Masternode Configuration File 1.19) To the bottom of text you should paste your data(divided by spaces): Masternodename - any you want IP:port ‒ Your Extarnal static ip address and port 19001 (port is fixed for all) masternodeprivkey ‒ You got it from step #1.10 collateral̲output̲txid ‒ first part of masternode outputs collateral̲output̲index ‒ second part of masternode outputs (usually 1 or 0) * Last string is example how it must be looks like, donʼt copy my text but insert your data! * Check your external rented IP from internet service provider. Port is 19001. 1.20) Save changes and close masternode.conf file. 1.21) Go to TOOLS -> Open Wallet Configuration File 1.22) You should change RPCUSER, RPCPASSWORD, EXTERNALIP and MASTERNODEPRIVEKEY. Copy whole blue text to notepad, change only red text with your data and paste it in nyx.conf file. rpcuser=user rpcpassword=password rpcallowip= listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 externalip=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:19001 masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=[Your PrivKey From Step 1.10] 1.23) Save changes and close flcoin.conf file. 2. Start masternode a) Open windows wallet again b) Wait for full sync c) Open Masternodestab->Mymasternodes->Startall d) Your status will become “PRE̲ENABLED” and after 30-60 min it will be changed to “ENABLED” e) Sometimes you should wait for 1-2 hours for your masternode sync with another nodes and become ready for starting, if it not start immediately donʼt worry, just try a little bit later. f) Relaunch your node if your status became “NEW̲START̲REQUIRED” after running a few days. h) DONʼT close your windows wallet. It must be run 24/7. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! GOOD LUCK!
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf Linearized : No Page Count : 9 PDF Version : 1.4 Title : Microsoft Word - windows-guide.docx Producer : Mac OS X 10.13.5 Quartz PDFContext Creator : Word Create Date : 2018:06:24 21:35:39Z Modify Date : 2018:06:24 21:35:39ZEXIF Metadata provided by