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Crossroads Winter 2001 University of Wisconsin–Madison TRANSPORTATION Information Center — LTAP Special rating system for sealcoated roads Many communities improve low volume gravel roads by applying a seal coat. This thin layer of asphalt covered with aggregate weather-proofs the surface, eliminates dust and maintains the ride. Sealcoated roads look and perform differently from either gravel roads or asphalt pavement roads, so it takes some special information to evaluate and rate their surface conditions. Knowing the right time to reapply sealcoat can save money. It prevents complete deterioration, extends the service life and keeps the surface in good riding condition. Maintenance generally involves patching failed areas, wedging raveled edges, and improving drainage. Crack sealing is mostly not effective unless the road has several sealcoat layers. Just in time for spring road inspections, the T.I.C. has published a new PASER manual showing how to evaluate and rate sealcoated roads. More than 50 photographs illustrate common types of surface distress and a simplified rating system. Learning to rate sealcoated roads using the Sealcoat PASER Manual will be part LEFT Road with a good seal and excellent drainage; no maintenance required. BOTTOM LEFT Road with 3-year-old surface; aggregate loss and wear; good drainage. BOTTOM RIGHT Poor drainage causes failed pavement. Needs ditching and edge wedging. of statewide training sessions offered in February and March (see story below). Inside Help with evaluating and rating local roads Next year the annual WisDOT local roads certification must include an evaluation rating for each local road segment. The Transportation Information Center (T.I.C.) will be helping local agencies with this responsibility by offering training in the PASER Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating system. Workshops throughout the state in February and March will teach how to use PASER to rate asphalt, concrete, gravel, and sealcoat roads. The sessions will help prepare local officials and staff for their annual spring road reviews. Ratings can then be included with Fall local road certification materials in time to meet WisDOT’s December 2001 deadline. Participants will also learn how to evaluate drainage on local roads. Poor drainage is a frequent cause of pavement deterioration but may go unrecognized. The latest information on WisDOT’s local road inventory will be presented, including the new format now being developed for describing segment locations. Regional Planning Commissions and your County Highway Department will be playing a major role in helping local agencies with their pavement evaluations. They will host the training sessions planned for nearly every county in the state. All local highway agencies will receive invitations when plans are completed. For additional information on workshop times and locations contact the transportation planner at your Regional Planning Commission or your County Highway Commissioner. Idea Exchange: Backhoe converted to roadside mower; Underdrains extend pavement life; Alerting citizens to sign vandalism hazards . . . 2 Taking aim at deer-vehicle crashes . . . 3 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Better bidding for local road projects 5 Bidding quiz: What’s the better deal? 4 Help with finding an architect or engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plan ahead with utilities; avoid costly construction delays . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New opportunities with Comprehensive Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Winter 2001 P Backhoe converted to roadside mower Underdrains extend pavement life “Like most rural towns, we have a limited equipment budget,” says Chuck Sleeter, Chairman of the Town of Nashville near Merrill, Wisconsin. “We can’t justify purchasing a mower tractor for two weeks work each year, and it is increasingly difficult to contract our mowing out.” Instead, they decided to buy a backhoe that could perform a variety of functions. For $26,000 they were able to buy a used 426 Cat backhoe 4x4 with extended boom. Mounting a McKenzie Wood Chuck rotary mower to the end of the stick turned it into a powerful mower tractor. When city engineers noticed that asphalt pavements were deteriorating faster at low points, they decided to try underdrains. “It adds about $3000 per low point, or about 1.5% of the project cost,” says Rob Phillips, Deputy City Engineer in Madison. Most of the city’s soils are poor-draining clays, so when water gets into the street base through pavement cracks or by infiltrating terraces, it tends to stay there. To help move that water, the city now routinely lays six-inch perforated pipe in eight-inch-deep trenches under the curb and gutter. The pipe collects water and directs it into the storm drains. The trenches, which are lower than the street’s base course, extend for about 75 feet in either direction from the low point. The city uses geotextile filter fabric to wrap the trench and also lays it under the pavement base in the area. The pipe is surrounded with #2 gradation aggregate as specified by WisDOT (section 501. The city is following the WisDOT standard specifications for underdrain (section 645.2.2). For additional information call chairman Chuck Sleeter, Town of Nashville, 715/484-8166. Crossroads STO Idea Exchange “We can use it all year round as a loader-tractor-backhoe and mower tractor,” says Sleeter. “We can even use it for heavy brushing by planting the down-riggers and extending the stick.” Finding the right size backhoe with a large enough hydraulic pump system was important. It was also important to get a mower deck compatible with the backhoe’s systems. Town employees did the equipment installation, using a mower priority Hammer Kit on the backhoe and a Kwick Hitch on the mower deck. “We didn’t cut any corners in equipping our machine,” says Sleeter. “Since we can use the machine for three different functions, the $26,000 total amounts to about $8,500 per function, less than one over-sized lawn tractor.” ne r’s La Love Alerting citizens to sign vandalism hazards Last fall, vandals removed signs two weekends in a row—stop signs as well as street signs—in the Town of Dodgeville and on local county roads. “Our road patrolman was frustrated and worried,” says Laurie Maloney, town administrator. “He wished he could get the word out to the public about how stupid and dangerous it is to remove stop signs.” Since school was just getting ready to start Maloney thought a letter to the local paper might get some attention. The letter appeared in the Dodgeville Chronicle where the letters to the editor section is very popular, Maloney says. “Nearly every week something in the op ed is a topic of discussion around town,” she says. “I wanted to let teachers know you can get a video on it. I also thought parents could talk about it at the dinner table.” The letter provoked some comment, Maloney reports. Since the most commonly stolen signs are for “Lover’s Lane,” the town council is considering a name change to remove the attraction. A video, Danger Signs, reports on a Florida traffic fatality that resulted from a stolen stop sign. It’s useful in driver’s ed classes or other public presentations— especially when local streets and law enforcement officials talk about safety. Also, take time to write or call the local media when sign vandals hit your area. Danger Signs, 9 min., video #18326, loaned free from T.I.C. and county Extension offices. In addition to reconstruction projects, the city also requires underdrains in new subdivisions, providing developers with a standard detail showing the specifications. “We feel it’s going to help,” says Phillips. “We’ve only been doing it since 1995, so we can’t yet say ‘this road would have looked a lot worse at this point.’” For information contact Rob Phillips, 608/2664090 or e-mail rphillips@ci.madison.wi.us. Consult the T.I.C.’s Drainage Manual for help in evaluating drainage along roads and streets. This newsletter provides information on roads and bridges to local officials and is published quarterly by the Wisconsin Transportation Information Center, part of the nationwide Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). Crossroads is produced with assistance from the Federal Highway Administration, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and the University of Wisconsin–Extension. Non-profit organizations are welcome to reproduce articles appearing here. Please contact us first for any updates or corrections. Wisconsin Transportation Information Center (T.I.C.), UW–Madison Department of Engineering Professional Development, 432 N. Lake St., Madison, WI 53706. Phone: 800/442-4615 Fax: 608/263-3160. Don Walker, director Steve Pudloski, staff Jane Sauer, program assistant Lynn Entine, writer and editor Susan Kummer, graphic artist donald@engr.wisc.edu pudloski@engr.wisc.edu sauer@engr.wisc.edu Entine & Associates Artifax Crossroads Winter 2001 3 Taking aim at deer-vehicle crashes Deer-vehicle collisions have more than tripled in the past 20 years, representing one in six of all reported crashes. In some counties, nearly half of all crashes involve deer. With the annual collisions estimated at more than 60,000 per year, this is a highway safety issue of major proportions. The peak deer crash season, November and December, has just passed. However, a second peak occurs in April and May. Deer are drawn to roadside grass recently freed of snow and yearlings are newly on their own. Despite the frequency and economic impact of deer-vehicle collisions, they have received relatively little attention. Data is limited and there is little reliable research on prevention measures. To address this issue, WisDOT and the DNR held a conference last April bringing together leaders in insurance, highway safety, local government ecology, and related fields. Cutting the deer population would be best, experts agree. Tools for changing deer behavior have been developed, but research on them is limited. Wildlife overpasses and fences seem effective but very expensive. Whistles, scent repellants and reflectors haven’t been studied rigorously and existing results appear to be weak and contradictory. One of the most effective tools for reducing the number of deer crashes appears to be driver education. “Drivers need to maintain awareness of the four-legged hazards bouncing around out there,” says Dennis Hughes, WisDOT, Chief of Policy Analysis Section, Bureau of Transportation Safety, “especially in rural Wisconsin and at dawn and dusk when the deer are on the move.” Safety education materials and coordinated messages are one option being considered by a regional coalition which grew out of last April’s meeting. Other proposed efforts include organizing a clearinghouse to gather and disseminate data, research and experience. Local officials should make sure that deer crossing signs reflect the current situation. They could consider local media announcements and special postings at seasonal peaks to promote driver awareness. Your county highway safety coordi-nator may be able to help coordinate awareness efforts. A detailed report is available on the Web at www.deercrash.com. A limited number of copies are also available from the T.I.C. Driver education can help lower deer-vehicle crashes. In some counties almost half of all crashes involve deer. Bayfield Douglas Iron Ashland Sawyer Washburn Vilas Florence Burnett Oneida Price Polk Forest Rusk Barron Marinette Lincoln Langlade Taylor Chippewa St. Croix Menominee Dunn Pierce Marathon Eau Clair Wood Buffalo Oconto Shawano Clark Pepin Portage Door Waupaca Outagamie Brown Kewaunee Jackson Trempealeau La Crosse Waushara Winnebago Adams Monroe Juneau Green Lake Marquette Manitowoc Calumet Fond du Lac Vernon Richland > 45% Sauk Crawford 30-45% Grant Iowa Columbia 0-15% Lafayette Green Sheboygan Ozaukee Washington Jefferson Waukesha Milwaukee Dane 15-30% Dodge Rock Walworth Racine Kenosha Deer crashes as a percentage of all crashes (1999) Resources Booklets and material packets are available from the T.I.C. Videotapes are loaned through County Extension Offices at no cost. Sealcoat PASER Manual, December 2000, 16 pp. A new T.I.C. manual that guides local officials in evaluating and rating the condition of sealcoated gravel roads. Dozens of photos make it easy to recognize common defects and to use the manual’s simple rating system. The information will help you prioritize maintenance and repairs to sealcoat roads. The ratings can be used in the PASERWARE pavement management system. This is a companion to the T.I.C.’s Asphalt, Gravel and Concrete PASER Manuals. NEW! Sample bidding documents, 35 pp. Make bidding your project more effective with help from T.I.C.’s sample contract bid forms, project timeline and checklist, quantity estimation charts from Wisconsin Asphalt Pavers Association, and quality management information from WisDOT. This packet was used in the March 2000 ETN program “Quality Control for Asphalt Paving.” Videotapes Utility Coordination Task List, WisDOT, 2 pp. To avoid costly delays, utilities need at least six months’ notice of construction projects; a year is best. WisDOT developed this task list for consultants or staff to identify the many necessary activities. It will help ensure each critical task gets done and assigns responsibility for doing it. Danger Signs, FHWA, 8 min. #18326. Presents dramatic consequences of sign vandalism, including actual case involving stop sign vandalism that contributed to traffic deaths, trial, and prison terms for the vandals. Preventive Maintenance: Project Selection, FHWA, 2000, 30 min #18332. Good overview of the benefits and current techniques used to preserve pavements. Covers initial condition assessment, importance of timing, and climate effects. Crack and joint sealing, surface seals, functional enhancements, and minor rehabilitation for asphalt and concrete pavements are included. 4 Winter 2001 Crossroads Better bidding for local road projects Wisconsin statutes require local agencies to bid road improvement projects when they are using a private contractor and the cost exceeds $15,000 ($25,000 for counties). Projects using Local Road Improvement Funds (LRIP) must also be bid. Over the years, local agencies have learned that using an organized approach to the bidding process can eliminate problems and provide the lowest cost and highest quality. However, it can be easy to leave out a crucial item, making a bid less useful when it comes in. It is important to include materials estimates and completion dates, to estimate traffic volume, and to clearly describe preparation. The T.I.C. has prepared a set of sample bidding documents that can help by reminding you of the types of information needed. You must include your own specifics: miles of road, tons of gravel, asphalt, etc. To help you estimate, the T.I.C. materials include tables like the one shown here. The unique aspects of each local road project must be clearly communicated to bidders. For example, if you want the project completed by a certain date, you must say so clearly. If there are local festivals or critical events that must not be interrupted by construction, you must make this clear. Referencing the standard specifications from the Wisconsin DOT can be very helpful too. However, these often designate materials in several categories. For example, asphalt mixes are designed to handle the whole range of traffic volumes: low, medium and high. You should determine the projected traffic volume for the road Some contractors are willing to provide Width of road 16 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft warranties for Quantity (yd 2) 9,387 10,560 11,733 12,907 14,080 sealcoat and overlay projects. Example estimate: Road is 6.7 miles long and 22 feet wide Wisconsin DOT Project total: 6.7 mi x 12,907 yd 2 per mi (22 ft width) = 86,477 yd 2 has been using these for several years with good under repair and specify which mix results. You may wish to explore the design is appropriate. advantages and costs of a warranty for Another common area of confusion your maintenance and improvement work is the type and amount of preparation for next construction season. to be done before the contractor begins Coordinate early with local utilities to paving, overlaying or sealcoating. It is improve timing and avoid long delays. important to determine the amount of While the contractor notifies the utility patching and preparation necessary, immediately before construction, the local who is responsible for doing the work, agency is responsible for giving longer and how it will be coordinated with the advance notice. You will find that planning paving contractors. three to five years in advance jointly with utilities is mutually beneficial. Plan ahead and save Cost-effective and efficient construction projects require planning, starting early, Scheduling construction is also imporand coordination with utilities, land tant. It can be to your advantage to take owners and the public. You and the bids early in the year before contractors traveling public will benefit from wellhave a full load. Bids taken in February planned projects. and March are likely to be to the advantage of the local agency. Early bid dates To request sample bid documents, use the also make it possible to specify compleform on pg. 7, call 800/442-4615, or e-mail tic@engr.wisc.edu tion dates early in the summer when weather is most likely to be favorable. Quantity of sealcoat in square yards per mile Crossroads Winter 2001 Quiz yourself What’s the better deal? Which of the two quotes below is a better deal for the town? Let’s say you have solicited prices from asphalt paving contractors using this statement: “Reclaim and pave one mile of Valley Road with two inches of hot mix.” Answer At first it appears that Contractor B offers the better deal to the town by $1,660. However, the request did not specify estimated quantities for the job: square yards for reclaiming and tonnage for paving. So contractors estimated it themselves. Each gave different estimates. Even if you do the math correctly, your estimates for total tonnage might be off. Do you expect the contractor to pave aprons to driveways and side roads, for example? Are there irregularities in the existing surface that need leveling? Those quantities can add up. Since the town will be paying for the actual square yards and actual tons (unit costs), Contractor A might be a better deal. But it all depends on the amount of material actually pulverized and the tons of asphalt actually put in place. To be more assured of the quantities, you have to do a little math. To protect yourself and insure that contractors are bidding on the same specification, use unit prices. Units and unit prices will prevail in the final analysis. Without them, if your estimated quantities are lower than what is needed to do the job, your final cost may be well over budget. Square yards First measure the exact length of the road segment. Is it 5,280 feet or perhaps 5,493 feet? How wide is it? 19 feet, 20 feet? One foot in width can make a big difference in the final cost. Multiply the length by the width to get square feet. Divide that number by 9 to get square yards. Be sure to also specify the depth of pulverizing in Two contractors submitted these prices: your request for proposals. Contractor A Pulverize Pave Total Contractor B Pulverize Pave Total Quantity Price Total 10,600 1,200 ton $1.10/yd 2 $25/ton $11,660 $30,000 $41,660 Quantity Price Total 10,000 yd 2 1,000 ton $1.20/yd 2 $28/ton $12,000 $28,000 $40,000 yd 2 5 Tons of asphalt mix To figure the number of tons, use a chart. The T.I.C. sample bidding materials include one supplied by the Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association. Make sure you specify the finished thickness as “compacted in place.” Quantity of hot mix asphalt Tons per mile Depth (in) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 18 ft 607 tons 911 1,214 1,518 1,822 Width 20 ft 22 ft 675 tons 1,012 1,349 1,687 2,024 742 tons 1,113 1,484 1,855 2,226 Unit weight of 115 pounds/square yard/inch This example is adapted for Wisconsin prices and conditions from an article that appeared originally in the Vermont Local Roads News. Help with finding an architect or engineer Every year local governments spend millions of dollars to develop and maintain their facilities and infrastructure. Involving professional service providers, like engineers and architects, is often crucial to the quality, functionality, and costs of these projects. Hiring professional service providers, and determining a fair value for their work, is very different from pricing bricks, mortar, asphalt, or concrete. You can pretty accurately describe commodities and get competitive price quotes. However, hiring professional services involves seeking solutions to problems that are more clearly defined or discovered as the process continues. To help local officials select professional services based on qualifications, and to meet federal and state requirements, there is a process called Qualification Based Selection, or QBS. This procedure helps eliminate guess work in selecting an engineer or architect, and tailors the process specifically to the owner’s and project’s needs. QBS Wisconsin, a partnership between American Institute of Architects-Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Association of Consulting Engineers, has developed a variety of guides and forms. These tools can be very useful for owners who are accustomed to developing selection processes. Others who do not undertake projects often, and newly elected public officials, may benefit from working with a facilitator who can advise them. “The QBS program involves working one on one with public owners to develop a process for selecting an engineering or architectural firm,” says Christine Sloat, program facilitator. The facilitator can educate owner representatives about the process, assist in developing selection criteria, support the owner in preparing proposals which include clear project statements, and train selection teams on interview techniques. “QBS has several benefits,” says Sloat. The process saves the owner time and money. Involving the engineer or architect early will improve project planning and prevent costly mistakes. Also, the process develops sound relationships between owners and professionals which can be a basis for tackling future projects. QBS Wisconsin is a public service. There is no charge to owners. For QBS Wisconsin materials, or to talk about an upcoming selection, please contact QBS Facilitator Christine Sloat, 608/524-1397 or e-mail wace@wace.org or aiaw@aiaw.org 6 Winter 2001 optics cable, four different gas lines, a major pipeline, and electrical transmission and distribution. The City of Janesville had no idea there were so many utilities there. It’s going to be a huge utility move.” Sometimes talking with utilities can even cut construction costs. If they’re planning to move or replace a facility anyway, local officials can adjust their street or highway construction plans so the utility’s restoration actually improves the road. Plan ahead with utilities; avoid costly construction delays The utility business has changed a lot in the last few years, and that can play havoc with your street or highway construction project. There are more players — fibre optic and cable tv companies, pipeline owners, transmission companies that are separate from utilities — and they may be based out of state. They no longer stockpile materials but use just-in-time deliveries on cable, poles, towers, and the like. Delivery can take weeks or months. Currently it takes 18 weeks to get fibre optic cable. “It’s important to establish good communication with the utilities so they’re aware of what’s being planned,” says Ernie Peterson utility engineer for WisDOT. “We usually want them to move their facilities before we begin our work.” The alternative can be construction chaos, expensive delays, and even law suits. One project had to be redesigned, while the contractor sat idle, because the utility wasn’t consulted in advance and could not move its facilities. “We urge communities to have an Operational Planning Meeting early in the year and talk about what they’re planning for the next couple years,” says Ruth Alfaro, WisDOT District 1 utility coordinator. Some county highway offices have begun organizing such meetings for January or February, inviting local community representatives to meet with utilities and discuss plans and logistics. “It can be very helpful just to hear about all the options,” says Alfaro. For example, community leaders who want to bury transmission lines in downtown areas may not realize that it costs the utility $1 million per mile, and it may cost each business up to $200,000 to rebuild their individual connections. Crossroads What can a local community do? Local projects often produce the most headaches, according to Ernie Peterson. The Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association is trying to get the word out on how important it is to coordinate early. “In the worst case, utilities are getting a call on Wednesday about a project starting the following Monday where they have to move a line of cable,” says Peterson. Utilities would like to have finished plans for smaller projects at least six months ahead of time. They may need a year’s lead time or more for complex urban projects or moving large facilities. It is very important that the consultant or engineer not write bid specs without first consulting the utility. Early discussions avoid unpleasant surprises. “We had a meeting for a highway exchange in Janesville, going into General Motors,” says Alfaro. “We discovered that there’s up to 16 buried lines, a huge fiber • Encourage county or nearby city officials to host a utility coordination meeting, or organize one yourself and involve neighboring communities. Ernie Peterson is prepared to bring a team of utility representatives and contractors out to meetings around the state. • Go to such a meeting, even if a road project is still at the “what if” stage. You will learn a lot. • Use a utility coordination checklist like the one Peterson has prepared (available from the T.I.C.) to make sure that everyone involved in a project knows what needs to be done and who will do it. • Call Diggers Hotline to locate utilities for planning purposes. They will respond in about three weeks and flag the locations. • Plan ahead. Talk to the utilities early even though you don’t yet have the project in the budget. For help in planning a utility coordination meeting, contact Ernie Peterson at 608/2663589, e-mail ernest.peterson@dot.state.wi.us. For copies of the utility planning checklist, use the coupon on page 7 or call the T.I.C. at 800/442-4615, e-mail tic@engr.wisc.edu. Utilities need to know about road construction projects six months or more before the start date. Crossroads Winter 2001 7 Calendar T.I.C. workshops Specific details and locations are in the announcements mailed to all Crossroads recipients. For additional copies, or more information, call the T.I.C. at 800/442-4615. Basic Work Zone Traffic Control For road supervisors and maintenance personnel who plan and set up work zones. This workshop covers traffic control devices, the parts of a work zone and a variety of set ups, including mobile operations, plus pedestrian, worker, and flagger safety. Participants will set up work zones using the Wisconsin Pocket Guide to Work Zone Safety. Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 16 Tomah Eau Claire Cable Rhinelander Green Bay Jan 17 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Brookfield Brookfield Brookfield Barneveld Liability and Legal Issues – February 15 Improve your understanding of road related legal issues and liability management techniques. Topics include liability of elected officials, agency responsibilities, and suggestions for sound management. Asphalt Roadway Maintenance Learn how to improve your street and road maintenance operations. Topics will include basic information about road construction and maintenance as well as techniques for preventive maintenance and rehabilitation. Mar 13 Eau Claire Mar 14 Cable Mar 15 Rhinelander The New MUTCD Early in 2001 a new version of the MUTCD, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be released. There are some significant changes in how the requirements and recommendations are presented. Learn what has changed and been added to the manual. Transportation Planning – January 18 Focus on the transportation element of the state’s Smart Growth comprehensive planning requirement and how to do a transportation plan. Hear about grants for comprehensive planning. Local government officials are eligible for a limited number of scholarships for the following engineering courses in Madison. For details, use the form on page 7, call 800/442-4615, or e-mail: tic@engr.wisc.edu Local Road Database and Transportation Aids – Mar 8 Update your understanding of the local road inventory and the WISLR system. Review the status of local transportation aid programs. Mar 7 Green Bay Mar 8 Brookfield Mar 9 Barneveld Mar 12 Tomah Local Transportation Issues ETN Series The T.I.C. and UW Local Government Center will present sessions on transportation on Wisconsin’s 103 ETN locations on the Thursdays listed below from 10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. $10 per session. Call 608/262-9960 for a brochure. UW-Madison Seminars Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 9 Green Bay Apr 10 Cable Brookfield Apr 11 Eau Claire Barneveld Apr 12 Tomah Rhinelander Improving Public Works Construction Inspection, Jan 16-17 Maintaining Asphalt Pavements, Jan 18-19 Traffic Signal Design, Operation, and Maintenance, Mar 26-28 Managing Street and Highway Design Projects, Mar 29-30 Traffic Impact Analysis, Apr 24-27 Other opportunities Pesticide Applicator Training for Right-ofways will be offered in Milwaukee on Jan. 30 and in Wausau on Jan. 31. Preregistration deadlines are January 16 and 17. For registration information call 608/262-7588, e-mail PAT-Program@facstaff.wisc.edu, or check the web site: http://ipcm.wisc.edu/PAT. Fees are $45/person. Training videos are also available to employers. Public Works Supervisory Academy is a certificate program in supervisory skills that consists of 10 one-day courses offered by UW-Madison and taught at locations around the state on an ongoing basis. Contact Gregg Miller, Professional Development and Applied Studies, for more information at (608) 263-8256. Reader Response Please put me on your Crossroads mailing list. Please send me information on ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Crossroads Transportation Information Center University of Wisconsin–Madison 432 North Lake Street Madison, WI 53706 Or call, fax, or email us: phone 800/442-4615 fax 608/263-3160 email tic@engr.wisc.edu ✁ If you have a comment on a Crossroads story, a question about roadways or equipment, an item for the Idea Exchange, a request for workshop information or resources, or a name for our mailing list, fill in this form and mail in an envelope to: My idea, comment or question is ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (We’ll contact you to get more details or answer your question.) Name ____________________________________________ Title/Agency ________________________________ Address ____________________________________City Phone ( ) ________________ fax ( __________________ State ____ Zip ____________ ) __________________ email __________________________ 8 Winter 2001 Crossroads New opportunities with Comprehensive Planning Last spring the Governor signed the first major rewrite of land use planning laws in more than 30 years. The new regulations spell out nine required elements and set 2010 as a deadline for completing comprehensive plans. Transportation is one of the nine required elements. “It’s a local community by community decision what to include in the plan,” says Rick Stadelman, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Towns Association. “There is no mandate to plan, per se. However, if a community doesn’t have a comprehensive plan, it will have no authority to enforce land use activities and zoning regulations after 2010.” For most smaller communities, the road system is the transportation system. For the first time, however, they must coordinate it with land use plans. “In the past plans primarily had a land use focus. They didn’t plan transportation, utilities, sewer, water, or how it would affect the neighbors,” says Stadelman. “They didn’t start with what is our vision of our communities?” People looking to develop housing or expand businesses were often frustrated because plans were incomplete. The new process also requires sharing plan information with neighboring communities. In the past that often hasn’t been the case. Now, annexations, boundary issues, and extra-territorial powers have to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. “It will force cities and villages to plan for annexations and talk to towns before they get into these things,” Stadelman says. Plenty of help will be available. Regional Planning and Metropolitan Planning Commissions will be deeply involved, as will state agencies. WisDOT is developing a handbook for the transportation element. Most communities will work with consultants who are also gearing up to provide assistance. The first round of state-funded planning grants will be announced in late winter. The application deadline was November 15. Another grant cycle is anticipated for next year to help communities. “I think it’s important for people to realize that there’s lots of help out there, and the process can be broken down into bite-sized pieces,” says Phil Scherer, Executive Director of the Transportation Development Association and a former town chairman. “Also, the plans are not cast in stone. They’re made to be reviewed. Folks should look at it as a continuing process.” Stadelman agrees. “A plan at maximum is good for 5-10 years, and then it has to be revisited. There’s been a lot of planning done in recent years. People don’t have to go back and recreate everything. What has been done recently is a basis for comprehensive planning.” To get communities started with Comprehensive Planning, the T.I.C. is cooperating with the UW Local Government Center to present an ETN program on Transportation Planning on Jan 18. See Calendar on page 7. Address incorrect? Please call or write us with the correct information Route To University of Wisconsin–Madison 432 North Lake Street Madison, WI 53706 TRANSPORTATION Information Center — LTAP phone 800/442-4615 • fax 608/263-3160 • email tic@epd.engr.wisc.edu Do not use for return mail Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Madison, Wisconsin Permit No. 658 Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Printed on recycled paper
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