Draeger Medical Systems MS24895 802.11b/g WIRELESS ADAPTER User Manual ICS F83 EN R01

Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 802.11b/g WIRELESS ADAPTER ICS F83 EN R01


Users Manual 2

14-14 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsPatient StatusThe Patient Status section of the Shift Report is a summary report focusing on a patient's arrhythmia status. A Patient Status Report is also available as an independent report and can be configured to print 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hours of data (page 14-23). 1Header Information 6Supraventricular Ectopics2Heart Rate, calculated from trend data 7Caliper Results3Pacemaker 8S-T Deviation (from ST trends)4Bradycardia 9Latest Alarm Event (in alarm categories)5Ventricular Ectopics 10 Comment area
Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-15 Graphical TrendsIn the Graphical Trends section of the Shift Report each parameter trend is plotted according to type.This section resembles the full version Graphical Trend Report in appearance and content (page 14-17) but is numbered and labeled as part of the Shift Report.Parameter Type Appearance on Trend GraphSingle-value, continuous such as HRSingle, continuous lineSingle-value, intermittent such as C.O.Cross-hairs representing each valueMulti-value, continuous such as ARTLines with a dotted line in the center indicating the mean valuee.g., The top and bottom line can represent systolic and diastolic values.Multi-value, intermittent such as NIBPVertical line with a blank space in the center indicating the mean value
14-16 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsSelected Events Depending on how many events you select (page 16-14) the selected events section may consist of up to three pages (4 waveform strips each). You must select each event that will appear in this section of the shift report by clicking on the icon   so that a check mark displays on the icon.1Cursor time minus selected report length (2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hrs)2Delay3Recording speed 4The waveform contains 5 seconds of pre-event data and 5 seconds of real-time data. The event marks the middle of the waveform.5Event Label6Event Marker7Example of an annotated event
Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-17 Graphical Trend ReportThe Graphical Trend Report is a multi-parameter report containing up to 15 trended parameters from bedside or telemetry patients. The report can be configured to print 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hours of Full or Event Disclosure data. The cursor time represents the report ‘stop time’; the report ‘start time’ equals ‘stop time’ minus the report length. You can customize the trend selection per patient (page 14-24) or at system setup (page 4-4). The trend scale can be a fixed scale or have autoscale values. When you select Enable Autoscale (page 14-24) in the Trend Order Setup screen, the low and high scale values are determined by an autoscale factor to the highest and lowest parameter value over the currently selected trend time. To request a Graphical Trend Report, see page 14-22.Selected Strip ReportThe Selected Strip Report allows the user to select a waveform of interest within Full Disclosure and define beginning and ending cursor times (not to exceed one hour). The report can contain 8 seconds to 1 hour of information (8 second default) with 8 seconds of waveform data per row. To request this report, see page 14-23. Selected Events ReportThe Selected Events Report may consist of up to six pages (4 event strips per page). You can select and print up to 24 events.  Each waveform contains 10 seconds of data, and is annotated with Lead Printed, Lead Processed, Event Cause, 12 of the most recent parameter values, Event End Time, and Event Date.  If the lead processed is stored in the Infinity CentralStation database, it will be printed on the report. If not, the top lead of the displayed Full Disclosure data will appear.To request this report, see page 14-23.Parameter Autoscale Factor (approximate)HR 10 bpmPVC/min 10% Paced 10%SpO2 10%PLS 10ST 1.0 mm0.10 mVSTVMSTCVMPressures (including NIBP) 10 mmHg1 kPaAll others 10
14-18 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsECG Caliper ReportThe ECG Caliper Report includes an 18-second ECG waveform strip and up to ten rows of interval measurements. To request this report, see page 14-24.1Count row number displays above measured complex.2“R” displays under complex from which reference measurements were taken when it is in the 18-second ECG strip.3Summary table from Caliper Review screen can include up to 10 rows of interval measurements.
Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-19 Ventilator ReportWith the VentCentral option you can request a ventilator report for a bedside patient who is connected to a ventilator. A ventilator report is divided into two sections:zParameters And SettingszWaveforms and LoopsTo request a ventilator report, see page 14-22.Parameters and settingsThis portion contains the parameter values, units of measure, the settings, and the time the settings were last changed. The order of the parameters is fixed. Depending on the number of available parameters originating from the bedside monitor, this portion of the report may consist of several pages.Waveforms and loopsThe waveforms and loops page contains the ventilator waveforms and loops displayed in the VentCentral Review screen and may contain up to three waveforms and up to two loops. Each waveform consists of 7 seconds of data and begins at the time the report is generated. Each loop represents the first detected breath within the 7 seconds of data.All waveforms are printed at 25mm/sec.The labels and the scale of the printed waveforms and loops are identical to the displayed waveforms and loops in the VentCentral Review screen.NOTE: Certain parameters, identified as measured values, are derived from other values provided by the ventilator and may not reflect the true measured values. See the operating instructions for your specific monitor for detailed information on derived measurements.
14-20 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsParameters and Settings1Time that the report request was processed2Time the setting was updated or data collection resumed after the monitor was disconnected from the patient3Measured parameter valuesCertain parameters, identified as measured values, are derived from other values or settings provided by the ventilator and may not reflect actual values. See the operating instructions for your specific monitor for detailed information on derived measurements.4Parameters measured at the time the report request was processed
Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-21 Waveforms and loops1Time that the report request was processed2Top 3 waveforms selected in VentCentral screen3Pressure Loop (represents the first breath)4Area to record Ventilator Identification Number5Area to record Ventilator manufacturer6Flow Loop (represents the first breath)
14-22 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsRequesting Recordings and ReportsNOTE: The print queue can handle multiple report requests. You are notified when the print queue is full, and must wait until some reports print before requesting more.Recording/Report  Required StepsTimed recording (from Main Screen)For an individual patient:• Click on the REC button in the patient’s parameter.If the patient is discharged, in Standby, or waveforms are stopped, the REC button is ghosted and you cannot request a timed recording.For all patients admitted to Main Screen:• Press the keyboard F11 key.Timed recording (from Bed View)• Click on Record on the menu bar.Timed manual recording (from transmitter)• Press transmitter recording button for less than 3 seconds.Automatic alarm recordingAutomatically generated timed recordings are described in Chapter 13 and Chapter 10.Continuous recording • Click on the CONT button.If the patient is discharged, in Standby, or waveforms are stopped, the CONT button is ghosted and you cannot request a timed recording.Continuous recording (from transmitter)• Press transmitter recording button for more than 3 seconds.Print Screen Main Screen• Press the keyboard Print Screen key.Bed View1.Click on View in the menu bar.2.Click on the desired menu selection.3.Click on Print in the Bed View menu bar.4.Click on Bed.Simultaneous ECG Report1.Open patient’s Bed View Screen.2.Click on Print in the Bed View menu bar.3.Click on ECG Report.Ventilator report 1.Open the Ventilator Settings Review Screen (page 17-8).2.Click on Report.NOTE:zIf a recording was previously requested for a patient from Main Screen or the patient’s waveforms are stopped, no recording is printed for that patient.zIf the Infinity CentralStation is operating in Dual Display mode, recordings are only printed for patients of the screen in which the mouse pointer is located at the time of the request.NOTE:  If the Print button is ghosted, the Printer Connected setting is Off in the Configure Central menu (page 18-3).
Requesting Recordings and Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-23 Recording/Report  Required StepsFull Disclosure Reports• Strip Report• Hour Report• 24 Hour Report1.From the Full Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on Reports... 2.Click on and select desired report.If you request a 24 Hour Report a popup displays to alert you that this report will keep the printer busy. You must confirm your request by clicking on OK in the popup.• Batch Shift Reports 1.Open the Setup Central screen (page 4-2).2.Click on Batch Shift Reports.The report length selections display.3.Select a report length (2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 Hour).4.Click on Accept to save the setting.5.Press F9 on your keyboard.• Shift Report• Patient Status Report1.From the Full Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on Reports.... The Reports menu displays. 2.Click on and select the desired report.3.Select a report length from the menu (2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 Hour).• Selected Strip Report 1.From the Full Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on Reports.... 2.Select a report length from an entry on the menu (1, 5 10, or 60 min-utes, and Selected).The menu item ‘Selected” is ghosted until a second cursor is defined.For a Selected report length3.Right-click on the waveform to set a second cursor. The second cursor displays with dotted lines and can represent either the Stop or Start Time depending on its location relative to the first cursor. A confirmation popup appears that shows Start Time, Stop Time, and Total Pages.4.Click on Continue or Cancel in the popup.NOTE: You can change the cursor time by clicking on it.NOTE:zYou cannot set the cursors so that the report is longer than 60 minutes or less than 2 seconds. A popup will display that cancels the selected period.zThe minimum report length is 8 seconds. Also, the report length will automatically adjust so that each row will contain a full 8 seconds of ECG data.
14-24 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsRecording/Report  Required Steps• Graphical Trend ReportOn a Graphical Trend Report, which is also included in a Shift Report, you can print a report with the system-assigned trend settings (page 4-4) or you can configure the report to display particular trends for the individual patient as follows:1.From the Full Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on Reports.... From the Reports menu click on Trend Report Setup.The Trend Order Setup screen displays.2.Select the trends you want to display and move them to the Display List window. The trends typically display on a fixed scale, but you can change the display by enabling autoscale.3.If you want to change the display scale to autoscale, click on the selec-tion box next to Enable AutoScale.4.Select a number of Trends Per Page for the report.5.Click on Accept to keep the trend order setup or on Cancel.• Caliper Report 1.Open the Caliper Review screen (page 16-24).2.Click on Print Report.Event Disclosure Reports• Event Disclosure Strip Report1.From the Event Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on the button, Reports... 2.Click on Strip Report.• Event Disclosure Shift Report• Event Disclosure Graphical Trend Report1.From the Event Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on the button, Reports.... 2.Click on and select desired report.3.Select a report length from the menu (2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 hr).• Selected Events Report1.From the Event Disclosure screen (page 16-7) click on the button, Reports.... 2.Click on Selected Events Report.3.Select the events for the report.A popup displays the number of events selected.4.Click on Accept to continue or on Cancel.
Canceling a Recording VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-25 Canceling a RecordingRecording Type Cancel in Main ScreenCancel in Bed ViewCancel at the RecorderManual timed recordingClick on patient(s) REC key to ‘deselect’.Click on the RECORD key to ‘deselect’.Press STOP key.Alarm recording Not possible Not possible Press STOP key.ARR event recording Not possible Not possible Press STOP key.Continuous recording Click on patient’s CONT REC key to ‘deselect’ it. Not possible Press STOP key.
14-26 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsActions that Affect RecordingsAction Effect on Pending RecordingsEffect on Recordings in ProgressPatient Discharge Pending recordings discardedRecording is canceled.Edit patient’s demographic data No effect No effect Patient monitoring put in standby modeNo effect Recording is canceled.Restore factory defaults Pending recordings discarded Recording is canceled.Configuration change of Main Screen resulting in removal of a patientPatient’s pending recordings canceledRecording is canceled.Change in scale settings or parameter order (parameters might become available/unavailable due to restored/missing signals)No effect Recordings will continue but waveform and parameter data for any removed parameter appear as blanks. Added parameters are not included on an in-progress recording.Recorder assignment change  No effect. Additional recordings are printed on the new recorder.No effect on recordingsNetwork time/date change  No effect on active or pending recordings. All new and continuous recordings in progress reflect the new date/time.Continuous recordings reflect the change immediately (as will all future timed recordings).R 50 recorder becomes unavailable, runs out of paper, or jams No effect Recording is not lost, but routed to another assigned recorder, or stored for later printing when the recorder becomes available.Remote device requesting a recording of a local patient goes offlineDeletes all recordings associated with this deviceRecording is canceled.Patient disconnect for transport Cancels all pending recordings for that bedRecording is canceled.
Recording Status Messages VF8 Infinity CentralStation 14-27 Recording Status Messages  Recorder Status MessagesStatus Message Tone Description Action• <xxxx> Recording Request Accepted1• Cont. Recording Now Timed (for Gamma/Gamma XL/Vista monitors only)• <xxxx> Report Request Accepted2Request is accepted, but stored until a printing device is available.None• <xxxx> Recording Started1• <xxxx> Report Request Started2Request is being printed. None• <xxxx> Recording Finished1• <xxxx> Report Request Finished2Printout is finished or is stored.None•<xxxx> Report Request Canceled - Queue full2Report is canceled due to a full print queue.None<xxx> Disconnected3Advisory Recorder(s) not connected to the network.Connect the recorder.• <xxxx> Recording Interrupted1Recording stalled because recorder is disconnected or out of paper, its door is open, or an error occurred during data transmission.Contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.<xxx> Door Open3Advisory Recorder door open Close door.<xxx> Out Of Paper3Advisory Recorder needs paper. Replace paper.<xxx> Failure3Serious Recorder failed. Take recorder out of service and contact service personnel.<xxx> Offline3Serious Recorder is offline. Recorder communication with the network failed.Contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept. to check network connection.<xxx> Duplicate Address3Serious Recorder detected duplicate address.Contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.Recorder Not Assigned Attention No recorder assigned. Assign a recorder (page 4-5)
14-28 Infinity CentralStation VF814: Recordings / ReportsRecording Request Not Accepted  Attention Bedside monitor’s print queue is full, or telemetry patient’s recording is requested within 5 seconds of request for a higher-priority recording.Wait until some of the pending recordings are printed before requesting another recording.Recording Status Unknown - Connection FailedAttention Recording status unknown due to failed bed connection (telemetry or bedside).Contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.Cursor out of Range Attention More than 60 minutes of data is defined by Selected Strip Report cursors.Set cursors for 8 seconds to 60 minutes of FD data.1 <xxxx> represents recording title.2 <xxxx> represents report title.3 <xxx> represents device/host label. Printer Status Messages Status Message Tone Description ActionPrint Request Finished Request is complete.NonePrinter Not Configured Attention No printer is configured at the Infinity CentralStation.Configure the printer (page 18-4).Print Request Not Accepted - Queue Full Attention Print screen request was rejected because the print queue handles one request at a time.Wait until previous screens complete printing before requesting another.Printer/Communication Error Attention Communication to network is faulty.Consult the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.Printer Selection Failed Attention Selected printer is not set up properly.Consult the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.Recorder Status MessagesStatus Message Tone Description Action
15 TrendsOverview.......................................................................................................................15-2Accessing a Patient’s Trends.....................................................................................15-2Trend Graphs ...............................................................................................................15-3Parameter Display Order and Trend Scales for Telemetry Patients ................15-4Trend Table ..................................................................................................................15-5Trend Cursor ................................................................................................................15-6Representation of Special Conditions.......................................................................15-7
15-2 Infinity CentralStation VF815: TrendsOverview Trend information is available at the Infinity CentralStation for remote viewing of bedside and telemetry devices.Accessing a Patient’s Trends1. Open the patient’s Bed View screen.2. Click on Review.3. Click on Trend Graphs... or Trend Table....When you open the Trend Graphs screen, data is centered around the cursor time.
Trend Graphs VF8 Infinity CentralStation 15-3 Trend GraphsTrend graphs show stored trend data for each parameter. Each trend page can accommodate up to five parameter graphs that may be blank if the parameter is not selected for trending. Trends are updated automatically, with the most recent data entering continuously on the right. When you click on the trended parameter label, the scale toggles between fixed and autoscale values (page 14-17).1Start date/time of Trend data 6Cursor scrolling keys2Time and date corresponding to current cursor position 7Horizontal arrows scroll time periods3Time labels8Interactive scale permits selection of: -autoscale or fixed scale (telemetry patients)-autoscale or bed scale (bedside patients) 4Radio buttons to select graph time period 9Parameter label (click on Parameter Label to autoscale)5Opens Trend Table 10 Vertical arrows scroll one graph at a time
15-4 Infinity CentralStation VF815: TrendsParameter Display Order and Trend Scales for Telemetry PatientsParameter Display Order Upper/Lower ScaleHR 1 0 to 200 beats/minPVC/min 2 0 to 60% paced 3 0 to 100%SPO2 (SPO2*) 4 50 to 100%PLS (PLS*) 5 0 to 200 beats/minNPB 6 0 to 250 mmHGSTI 7 - 26 -5 to 5mm or -0.5 to 0.5mVSTIISTIIIST aVRST aVLST aVFST VST V+ST V1ST V2ST V3ST V4ST V5ST V6ST dV1ST dV2ST dV3ST dV4ST dV5,ST dV6ST VM 27 -10.0 to10.0 mm or -0.10 to 0.10mVST CVM 28
Trend Table VF8 Infinity CentralStation 15-5 Trend TableEach trend table row shows a parameters values; each column shows a trend data set for all parameters at that time. If a parameter is assigned to trending but cannot be trended, the row lists the parameter label but values are blank. Regardless of the selected interval, a trend table displays up to 8 data columns. A trend table may also represent special events (page 15-7). zTrend values appear in groups of associated parameter rows. zDiscrete events such as NPB or CO measurements cause a set of trend data to be stored for all parameters. Such data appears as a separate trend column a with a green time stamp heading. This is also true when a mini-calc computation is initiated on an Delta/Delta XL/Kappa/GammaX XL monitor. zThe trend table updates automatically whenever an interval elapses. The most recent column is at the right of the screen.1Date/time of cursor position 5Permits page scrolling2Time stamps 6Parameter labels3Horizontal arrows scroll time columns 7Start date/time of trend data4Radio buttons for selecting time period 8Vertical arrows scroll rows of data
15-6 Infinity CentralStation VF815: TrendsTrend CursorOn a trend graph, the cursor appears as a full-screen white vertical line; on a trend table the cursor is the highlighted column time. Cursor time displays in the upper right part of the screen.zWhen using the time anchor function between Full Disclosure, Event Disclosure and trends, the cursor time will match one of the trend table column time stamps. The column time is highlighted and appears in the center of the trend table screen.zIf the cursor time does not exactly match one of the columns in the trend table, cursor time is displayed but no column is highlighted. Click on any column time to highlight it.zIf the cursor time is not within the time span of the current trend page, the cursor time displays but the cursor does not. Scroll to the desired data to display the cursor on the current trend. zIf the cursor time is older than any of the available trend data, the oldest trend data is displayed without the cursor.z24 hours of trend graph data is displayed.  One hour of tabular trend data is displayed.
Representation of Special Conditions VF8 Infinity CentralStation 15-7 Representation of Special Conditions Condition Representation in Trend Table Representation in Trend GraphsTelemetry PatientsBedside PatientsTelemetry PatientsBedside PatientsDiscrete trend sam-ples such as those associated with NPB and COColumn desig-nated with a green time stampVertical line with a gap in the center indi-cating the mean valueA trend event stored at Delta/Delta XL/Kappa bedside monitorColumn desig-nated with   and a green time stampNot shown in graphsPhysiological condi-tions such as an asys-tole or an apnea• ASY = Asystole•VF = ventricular Fibrillation• ASY = Asystole•FIB = Ventricular Fibrillation• APN = Apnea• Parameter value = 0• Parameter value = 0• Parameter value = 0• Parameter value = 0No parameter could be derived * * *Blanks in the graphsLead-Offcondition*L* *** *L* ***Out-of-range values+ + + (high) or - - - (low) Blanks (Move the cursor over the blanks to display actual val-ues.)Artifact *A* *** *A* ***Lead wires, electrodes are unplugged*U* *U*Hardware failure *F* *F*Interference *I* Blanks in the graphsshadedNo signal *N* Blank spaces Blanks in the graphsTime change at bed-side monitorYellow line between trend columnsBlank spaces in the graph
15-8 Infinity CentralStation VF815: TrendsTelemetry PatientsBedside PatientsTelemetry PatientsBedside PatientsA trend event has been stored by initiating a mini-calc computation at the bedside.Column desig-nated with this symbol   and a green time stampnot shown in graphsChange in units of measureNew units take effect during the next patient admission.New units take effect during the next patient admis-sion.Power loss in server Blank spaces are stored in place of trend valuesTelemetry receiver goes offline.Blank spaces instead of trend valuesBlank spaces instead of trend valuesRelearning of ST complexesRVertical dotted line that extends through the entire graphChanging of ST measuring pointsCHG Vertical solid line that extends through the entire graphCondition Representation in Trend Table Representation in Trend Graphs
16 Full/Event DisclosureOverview.......................................................................................................................16-2Full/Event Disclosure Census Operations ................................................................16-2Accessing the Census Screen.............................................................................16-2Admitting a Patient to Full/Event Disclosure ............................................................16-5Data Collection Rules ...........................................................................................16-5To Manually Admit a Patient: ...............................................................................16-6Accessing Disclosure History ....................................................................................16-6Locking a Full/Event Disclosure Record ............................................................16-6Accessing the Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen ..............................................16-7Full Disclosure Review Screen...................................................................................16-8Event Disclosure Review Screen ...............................................................................16-9Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen Functions....................................................16-10Full/Event Disclosure Storage/Display Options ...............................................16-12Annotating Events ..............................................................................................16-14Viewing Events....................................................................................................16-15Deleting Events ...................................................................................................16-16Viewing Parameter Values .................................................................................16-16Renaming/Reclassifying Events........................................................................16-17Disclosure Review Screen Cursor.....................................................................16-18Full Disclosure ECG Caliper Tool ............................................................................16-19Caliper Measure Screen  ....................................................................................16-20Caliper Review Screen........................................................................................16-24Full/Event Disclosure Reports..................................................................................16-25Exporting Full/Event Disclosure Data......................................................................16-26Exporting Full Disclosure Data to a Third-Party Device..................................16-26Exporting Events from Event Disclosure .........................................................16-27Special Conditions ....................................................................................................16-28
16-2 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureOverviewThe Infinity CentralStation has the ability to store Full Disclosure waveforms continuously for a minimum of two hours to a maximum of 72 hours, depending on the  configuration.  The number of waveforms stored in Full Disclosure depends upon the configuration also.  Event Disclosure is storage of arrhythmia, alarm events, or manually triggered events.   Depending upon the license option, storage capacity for Event Disclosure is two to 72 hours and up to 1000 events per patient.Full/Event Disclosure Census OperationsAccessing the Census ScreenFrom Bed View:1. Click on Review. 2. Click on Full Disclosure... or Event Disclosure.... 3. Click on Census in the menu bar.From Main Screen:1. Click on View.2. Click on Full Disclosure... or Event Disclosure....
Full/Event Disclosure Census Operations VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-3 Census Screen Illustration1Local - all patients with Full/Event Disclosure records on local Infinity CentralStationAll - all patients with Full/Event Disclosure records on the Infinity Network2Click on heading to sort columns3Opens selected patient’s History window4Opens Disclosure Review Screen5Census Screen patient list
16-4 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureCensus Screen Selection DescriptionSelection DescriptionDisclosure Full Full Disclosure dataEvent Event Disclosure dataCare Units Local Patients with disclosure records being stored in the database of the Infinity CentralStation currently being usedAll Patients with disclosure records accessible on the Infinity Network S e l e c t    P a t i e n t :               Available patient records are listed and can be sorted by clicking on one of the headings.Record Lock Denotes a “locked” record. Up to 16 records may be locked at one time.Time Disclosure record was acquiredSort order places most recent record first.Bed Infinity Network bed labelDenotes Active/Inactive statusWhen the symbol displays, disclosure data collection is active.Name Patient NameID Patient ID NumberCare Unit Care Unit LabelSearch • Name•ID•BedSelects field that will be searched for keyword entered in the text entry boxtext box Text entry box for keyword search criteria (20-character maximum)Search Activates search function for information entered in to text box Undo Returns Census ScreenView Data Opens selected patient’s disclosure review screen (Full or Event)History Opens selected patient’s disclosure history screenManual Admit Assign... Manually admit up to 2 additional patients to Disclosure data collection (See page 16-6)
Admitting a Patient to Full/Event Disclosure VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-5 Admitting a Patient to Full/Event Disclosure Full/Event Disclosure storage begins automatically when a patient is admitted at the Main Screen of the Infinity CentralStation.  There are two additional Manual Admit records for patients within a Monitoring Unit, but they may not be added at the Main Screen.Data Collection Rules A patient remains admitted to the Infinity CentralStation and data storage continues for as long as the patient remains on the same monitor on the Infinity network.If the patient leaves the Monitoring Unit and returns with the same bedside monitor (Pick and Go) or to the same Infinity CentralStation, data storage resumes automatically when the patient is reconnected to the Infinity Network. If the patient’s monitor/Infinity CentralStation is different, the new care unit data is linked to the previous data set and is available on the patient’s Full or Event Disclosure Review screen. Once the Full/Event Disclosure capacity is reached (4, 8, 12, 16, or 32 patients, depending on server option) new patients can be admitted as patients are discharged and slots become available. The Infinity CentralStation database permits storage of “active” and “inactive” patient records.  The total number of “inactive” records available is calculated using the formula: 64 – (n +2), with “n” equal to the number of active patients.“Inactive” records are included in the Census Screen patient list and have no “active data collection” symbol (16-4). Stored waveforms for patients who are removed from Main Screen are saved and sorted according to time spent, and have an inactive status. As soon as the storage capacity is reached, the oldest data is replaced by the most recent. Each inactive record deletes automatically after 72 hours, except when the record is locked (16-4).NOTE: A Monitoring Unit is a logical group of beds that provide patient monitoring services such as alarm annunciation, recordings and remote control to its members.NOTE:zIf the bedside monitor is disconnected for a PICK AND GO purpose and is reconnected to the network, Disclosure storage resumes automatically. zWhenever you remove a bedside monitor from the network, small gaps will appear in the Full Disclosure waveforms.
16-6 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureTo Manually Admit a Patient: You can admit two additional patients to Full/Event Disclosure as follows.1. Open the Census screen (16-2).2. Click on the button labeled Assign... in the Manual Admit section of the Census screen.The Manual Assign Bed popup displays3. Double-click on the patient you wish to admit, orHighlight the patient you wish to admit and click on Accept. Accessing Disclosure History1. Open the Census screen  (16-2).2. Highlight the desired record in the Census screen patient list (16-3).3. Click on History.The Patient Care History popup displays.4. Select the record you wish to view.5. Click on View Data. Locking a Full/Event Disclosure RecordYou can lock up to 16 disclosure records in each Infinity CentralStation database. When you lock the record, data will not be automatically deleted. When all 16 locks are used, the button is ghosted.To Lock/Unlock a Record:1. Access the Patient Care History popup.2. Select the record you wish to lock or unlock.3. Click on the Lock/Unlock toggle button.NOTE: If Clinical Password is enabled on the Biomed - Configure Central screen  (18-3),  you will need that password to unlock a record.
Accessing the Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-7 Accessing the Full/Event Disclosure Review ScreenFrom Main Screen:1. Open the Census Screen  (16-2)2. Highlight a record in the Census screen patient list (16-3) to activate the View Data button.3. Click on View Data to display the Full/Event Disclosure Review screen.From Bed View:1. Click on Review.2. Click on Full Disclosure... or Event Disclosure...The Full Disclosure screen displays in compressed screen (zoom out) format. NOTE: When moving between Disclosure screens and other screens (such as Trends) near a system time change, time stamps may be slightly different on the two screens. This occurs because the Infinity CentralStation and the bedside monitors have different methods of annotating time. These time differences do not affect the displayed data which correlates exactly in both applications to an internal time stamp.
16-8 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureFull Disclosure Review ScreenAll time changes that occur at the Infinity CentralStation are identified on the waveform by a yellow tick mark. Appended data is marked with a white tick mark, which represents the time the data was appended.1Patient Identification 7Selects viewing mode (Zoom In or Zoom Out)2Time/date corresponding to cursor position 8Generates Full Disclosure reports3Gain setting/lead label 9Navigates by page4Time Line reflects Full/Event Disclosure Storage Option (16-1)When navigating through care units the time line changes to reflect the storage time of the selected care unit10 Permits scrolling through care unit data when electronic patient transfer or manual transferWhen there is no previous or next care unit data, the arrow is ghosted and no care unit label displays.5Selects number of waveforms to display 11 Vertical scroll bar 6Opens ECG Caliper Tool Screen 12 Time/date of oldest displayed data
Event Disclosure Review Screen VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-9 Event Disclosure Review ScreenWhen you open the Review-Event Disclosure screen, the most recent event information displays along with its associated waveform (if the waveform is being stored). 1Patient Identification 6Event class2Time/date corresponding to cursor position 7Deletes event classes3Click symbol so a check mark displays to select an event for the shift report. When an event is annotated, the comment displays.8Opens Reports submenu4Time line with tick marks for all stored eventsProminent tick mark identifies displayed event9Permits reclassification of event5Displays parameter values at time of the event (16-16)10 To set up event classes see (16-17).Scrolls to next/previous event on time line11 Cause, lead, time, and date of stored event.
16-10 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureFull/Event Disclosure Review Screen FunctionsYou can view a patient’s Disclosure data (Full or Event) in Zoom Out (compressed) or Zoom In (expanded) format.Zoom OutFor 1 channel approximately 9.5 minutes of data displays on a page.Zoom InFor 1 channel approximately 36 seconds of data displays on a page.
Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen Functions VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-11 Available functions on disclosure review screens are:Full Disclosure Event Disclosure• navigate through and view stored Full/Event Disclosure data for multiple care units (16-8)• generate reports (14-22)• select how many channels of data you wish to view  (16-8)• view parameter values• select gain settings (16-12) • delete events (individual event or entire event class)• choose the order of the displayed waveforms • customize event storage• select waveforms for storage (16-12) • annotate events (16-14)• access ECG caliper tool (16-19) • reclassify events (16-17)• configure trend order setup for Graphical Trend Report (14-24)
16-12 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureFull/Event Disclosure Storage/Display OptionsFunction Steps NotesSelect waveforms for display 1.Click on Options on the Disclosure Review screen menu bar.2.Click on Display Options...3.Click on the channel’s Parameter button. A list of available settings appears.4.Click on the desired setting.5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each channel.Cursor time appears in white text on the Patient Setup screen.Set display gain 1.Click on Options on the Disclosure Review screen menu bar.2.Click on Display Options... 3.Click on the channel’s Gain/Scale button. A popup of available settings appears (16-13).4.Click on the desired setting.5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each channel.Turn pacer mark ON/OFF • Click on Pacer Mark toggle button on the bottom of the waveform selection screen.Pacer marks for bedside patients only display at the Infinity CentralSta-tion if they are available at the bedside monitor.Select waveforms for storage 1.Click on Options on the Disclosure Review screen menu bar.2.Click on Storage Options...3.Click on each channel’s ‘Parameter’ button.4.Click on the desired setting in the popup.Channel defaults:1 - Lead II2 - Lead V3 - ART4 - SpO2Enable/Disable Automatic waveform trackingNOTE:  When the Expanded Waveform locked option is installed, Autotracking is always ON.  It cannot be disabled.• Click on Auto Track toggle button near the bottom of the Waveform Storage screen.When Auto Track: is ON, the first four waveforms displayed at the bedside are stored automatically. When Auto Track: is OFF, you must manually select waveforms for storage.• Click on Accept, Undo, or Cancel.WARNING!  If you change leads at the bedside monitor and the Infinity CentralStation Auto Track is set to OFF, you mustalso change the lead selection at the Infinity CentralStation. The bedside waveforms may no longer correspond to the Infinity CentralStation waveform storage settings and data may be missing.
Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen Functions VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-13 Available Gain SettingsParameter Available settings Default sizeECG 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mV 1 mVART/IBP, LV, GP1, GP2, P1a-P3d0 to: 20, 40, 50, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300 mm Hg0 to: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40 kPaAdult 0 to 200 mm Hg/0 to 24 kPa Neonatal0 to 100 mm Hg/0 - 16 kPa Pediatric0 to 150 mm Hg/0 to 20 kPa)PA, RV 0 to: 20, 40, 50 100, 125, 150 mm Hg0 to: 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 kPa0 to 50 mm Hg/0 to 8 kPaLA, RA, CVP -5 to: 5, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 mm Hg-1 to: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 kPa-5 to 20 mm Hg/ -1 to 5 kPaICP -30 to 30, 0 to: 20, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 mm Hg-4 to 4,0 to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 kPa0 to 20 mm Hg/0 - 4 kPaSpO210, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100% 40%etCO2 0 to: 40, 60, 80 mm Hg0 to: 5, 8, 12 kPa0 to: 5, 8, 12%0 to 40 mm Hg/0 to 5 kPa0 to 5%0 to 12%/0 to 12 kPa (MIB acquired)Ventilator flow (MIB) -5 to 5 L/min-10 to 10 L/min-20 to 20 L/min-50 to 50 L/min-100 to 100 L/min-200 to 200 L/min Adult-100 to 100 L/minNeonatal -20 to 20 L/min Pediatric-50 to 50 L/minVentilator pressure (MIB)-5 to 25 cmH2O-10 to 50 cmH2O-20 to 120 cmH2O-5 to 25 cmH2OAgent (MGM):Halothane, Isoflurane, Enflurane, Seflurane, Desflurane0 - 1%, 0 - 2%, 0 - 3%, 0 - 5%, 0 - 10%, 0 - 20%0 - 3%O2 (MGM) 20 - 50%, 20-100% 20 - 100%Resp 5 - 100% 40%
16-14 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureAnnotating EventsOn the Event Disclosure Review Screen you can annotate clinically significant events. For example, you can add a remark to an event such as Chest Pain Decrease after administering medications. A maximum of 100 annotations can be stored per patient. If you attempt to store a comment once the maximum capacity has been reached, a popup appears alerting you that the storage capacity is full. If this happens, you must delete unnecessary comments to make room for new ones. A list of frequently used terms is available to select from to annotate an event.Annotating an event1. Access the patient’s Event Disclosure Review screen (16-7).2. Scroll to the desired event either by clicking within the Event window or by using the  Next Event  button.3. Click the right mouse button to activate the annotate popup list.4. Either click on a term within the popup or type in a new comment (maximum of 25 characters). 5. Click on Annotate to add the comment to the event database or on Exit to leave the popup without storing an annotation.After an annotation is assigned to an event, it appears at the top of the waveform of the Even Disclosure Review Screen.Creating Your Own Annotations ListThe annotations list contains a predefined set of terms that you cannot alter. However, you can add your own terms to the list (maximum capacity = 100 terms).1. Open the patient’s Event Disclosure Review screen (16-7).2. Click on the right mouse button to activate the Notes popup.3. Type in the note and click on the + button to add the entry to the top of the list; or highlight the list item to delete and press the – button.NOTE: You cannot delete a predefined entry from the annotation list; you can only delete terms you have added manually.
Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen Functions VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-15 Viewing EventsTo view and navigate through stored events:zClick on the time line of the Event Review screen and click on the  Next Event   arrows.Viewing a class of events1. Click on the event class option button (see arrow) to display an event class list with the number of events for each.All is the default event class that displays when the screen opens and includes all stored events.2. Click on the desired event class. NOTE: Only event classes that have had an event in the last 28, 48 or 72 hours (depending on the configured option) are listed unless the disclosure record was locked.
16-16 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureDeleting EventsYou can either delete individual events or entire event categories.To delete an individual event1. Open the Event Review screen (16-7).2. Select the event you wish to delete.3. Click on Delete...4. Click on Event to delete the currently displayed event (the previous event is displayed; if no previous events exist, the next event is displayed instead).To delete an entire event class1. Click on the Event Class button to display a list.2. Click on the Event Class you wish to delete.3. Click on Delete... to delete the entire Event Class. This activates a confirmation popup.4. Click on Yes in the popup to delete all of the events for the selected class or on No to exit the popup without deleting any events.Viewing Parameter ValuesTo see parameter values stored at the time of an event:1. Open the Event Review screen (16-7).2. Click on Show Parameters.Arrow buttons may appear on either side of the parameter screen popup depending on the number of stored parameters for the events. Use these arrows to scroll through the list.
Full/Event Disclosure Review Screen Functions VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-17 Renaming/Reclassifying EventsYou can rename any stored arrhythmia event using labels from a pre configured selection menu as follows:1. Open the Event Review screen (16-7) and select the event you wish to rename.2. Click on Reclassify. The Reclassify Event popup displays.The popup list includes all current Infinity arrhythmia class labels and ten additional labels with a preceding asterisk. These additional labels can either be the defaults or user-configured event names (18-5).3. Select the desired event label and click on Accept.A confirmation popup displays which asks you to confirm that you want to reclassify the Current Event with your selection.4. Click on Continue in the confirmation popup to accept the change or Cancel to keep the current label.The new label for the event displays on the Event Disclosure Review screen. If  an event has a label that is user-configured, it is grouped in the event class, “other” (16-15).You can only reclassify events if they are in one of the following arrhythmia categories. Otherwise, the Reclassify button is ghosted on the Event Review Screen.ASYVFVTRUNAIVR CPT BGM TACHBRDY PAUSE SVT OTHER
16-18 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureDisclosure Review Screen CursorWhen you open a Disclosure Review screen data is centered around the cursor time, which appears at the top right of the screen. Changing the Cursor TimeLeft-click the mouse anywhere on the displayed waveforms to change cursor time. The cursor height varies with the number of channels selected.NOTE: Cursor time does not change when you scroll through the data or select a time on the time line. 1 Channel cursor 2 Channel cursor
Full Disclosure ECG Caliper Tool VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-19 Full Disclosure ECG Caliper ToolAn on-screen ECG caliper tool allows you to obtain, calculate, store, and review time-based interval measurements and averages using Full Disclosure.Before you can use the ECG caliper tool the Full Disclosure Channel 1 setting must be set to display ECG data (16-12).Accessing The ECG Caliper Screens1. Open the Full Disclosure Review screen (16-7).2. Position cursor over the ECG area you wish to measure.3. Click on Calipers... A submenu displays.4. Click on the desired function.Measure Executes Caliper Measure screen which uses 18 seconds of complete Full Disclosure ECG data following cursor time.Review Executes Caliper Review screen. NOTE: The Review  button is ghosted when no measurements are stored for the patient.
16-20 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureCaliper Measure Screen 1Waveform area - Right click mouse to move right caliper to any position on Waveform.10 Accepts/Saves measurements, calculations, and  averages2Caliper positioning adjustment controls 11 Generates new row of caliper measurements3Summary Table 12 Reference values (white text)4Updates reference 13 Interval averages5Deletes last row of measurements 14 Current measurement (yellow text)6Cancels measurements 15 Interval measurements and QTc7Resets selected row’s measurements to zero 16 Interval Advance Arrows rotate or “march” calipers to the next common interval in the strip. In order for the calipers to march, you must measure the first RR interval in the strip.8Generates an immediate printed report of current measurements (14-18)17 Left click mouse to move left caliper to any position on waveform.9Last saved reference lead, date, and time 18 Cursor date and time
Full Disclosure ECG Caliper Tool VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-21 Waveform AreaCursor time marks the first second of an 18-second ECG strip that displays at the top of the Caliper Measure screen. If less than 18 seconds of data follows the cursor in the FD review screen, the last full 18 seconds of data will display.Initially the calipers appear at the beginning of the waveform but can be set by clicking the mouse buttons. Summary TableThe summary table of the Caliper Measure screen displays interval measurements taken (16-21), calculated averages, and saved reference information (16-23). It includes up to ten Count rows that contain RR, PR, QRS, and QT interval measurement entries, and calculates QTc for each corresponding RR and QT entry. Taking Interval MeasurementsWhen the Caliper Measure screen first opens there is one highlighted row of measurements with zero values. As soon as one row of measurements is taken, these Interval Measurement CalculationRR avg Sum of RR intervals/quantity of samplesPR avg Sum of PR intervals/quantity of samplesQRS avg Sum of QRS intervals/quantity of samplesQT avg Sum of QT intervals/quantity of samplesQTc  QT/square root of RRQTc avg Sum of QTc values/quantity of samples
16-22 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event Disclosurevalues display as Average measurements. All rows, except those containing no measurements, are used to calculate averages.To measure an interval:Your first measurement must be the RR interval in order to determine the QT interval. After you measure the first RR interval, measure the PR, QRS and QT intervals. 1. Move the cursor to the RR interval measurement box and click. The active measurement displays in yellow text.2. Position the cursors over a complex in the ECG strip. 3. Right-click the mouse button to set the right caliper.4. Left-click the mouse button to set the left caliper.5. Move the cursor to the next interval measurement box and click. 6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each desired measurement interval of that complex.Once you measure an RR interval between complexes, you can use the Interval Advance Arrows (16-20) to march or rotate the cursors the distance of the RR interval along the strip. After all your measurements are complete you can save the data for review or future report generation or you can print an ECG Caliper Report immediately.  zTo save the measurements click on ACCEPT. zTo print an ECG Caliper report immediately click on Print Report.If you Cancel the Caliper Measurement screen without saving data, a popup displays. To save measurements not previously stored, click on Yes in the popup.NOTE: It is not possible to set negative measurement values.
Full Disclosure ECG Caliper Tool VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-23 Adding/Removing/Changing Measurement Rows The Caliper Measure screen Summary Table holds up to ten rows of interval measurements that are used to determine averages. To add a row of interval measurements:1. Click on New. A row of interval measurements with zero values is added and is highlighted.2. Complete interval measurements for the complex (16-21).3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each new row. You can have up to ten Count rows.To remove last row of interval measurements:The Delete Last Row button is ghosted until more than one row of measurements exists and the last row of measurements is highlighted.1. Click on any interval measurement in the last measurement row to select and highlight the row. 2. Click on Delete Last Row to remove the row from the summary table.To reset a row of interval measurements:1. Click on any interval measurement in a row to select and highlight the row. 2. Click on Clear to reset all measurements to zero. Saving ReferencesAt the bottom of the summary table saved reference measurements appear in the row labeled Reference and display in white text. Reference Time: shows the last saved reference date and time.Reference measurements are displayed and stored with all associated caliper interval measurements until a new reference is selected. To save a reference:1. Click on any interval measurement in a row to select and highlight the row. 2. Select Update Reference to save these reference measurements. When you save a new reference and reference values already exist, a popup dis-plays requesting confirmation.3. Select YES in the popup to update the reference.
16-24 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureCaliper Review ScreenThe Caliper Review screen lists all saved caliper measurements in its summary table. It can contain up to 72 hours of saved measurements. From the Caliper Review screen you can:zDelete saved measurementszGenerate a Caliper Report (14-18) Review - Caliper Review Screen1Waveform Area 5Last saved reference lead, date, and time2Scroll through saved measurements. (Arrows are ghosted at beginning and end of stored data.)6Generates Caliper Report (14-18)3Deletes saved measurements 7Summary Table4Exit screen 8Calipers display selected measurement (yellow text)
Full/Event Disclosure Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-25 When the Caliper Review screen opens the latest saved interval measurements, averages, and associated references display along with the ECG waveform. Whenever you click on an interval measurement in the summary table, the calipers display the measured interval on the actual complex in the waveform area.To open the Caliper Review screen see 16-19.To delete interval measurements:1. Open the Caliper Review Screen. 2. Click on Delete.A popup displays. To remove all of the measurements in the summary table, click on Yes in the popup.Full/Event Disclosure ReportsReports that are generated at the Full/Event Disclosure Review screen follow.Full/Event Disclosure report requests are printed to the laser printer even if you exit the screen. Full Disclosure Event Disclosure• Strip Report• Shift Report• Graphical Trend Report• Selected Events Report• One-Hour Report• 24-Hour Report• Selected Strip Report• Patient Status Report• Caliper Report
16-26 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureExporting Full/Event Disclosure DataExporting Full Disclosure Data to a Third-Party DeviceWhen exporting data, a minimum of a patient ID must be entered in the ADT screen.To Export Waveforms from Full Disclosure:The Export Waveforms feature exports up to 25 hours of four continuous waveforms to a compatible third party device (contact your local Dräger representative for a list of compatible third party devices).1. Open the patient’s Full Disclosure Screen (16-7).2. Click on Reports... A popup menu displays.3. Click on Export Waveforms.To Export Full Disclosure Data:The Export Strip feature exports up to 4 waveforms each containing 18 seconds of data in which the cursor time marks the center of the exported waveform segment.1. Open the patient’s Full Disclosure Review Screen (16-7).2. Click on the cursor to set the end time of the data to be exported.3. Click on Reports.A popup menu displays.4. Click on Export Strip.NOTE:zIf the Export Waveforms selection is not listed, the destination IP address is not configured for the device. Consult the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.zThe waveform export feature supports transfer of one file at a time, during which the Export Waveforms selection is ghosted.NOTE: If the Export Strip selection does not appear, the Infinity MegaCare IP address is not configured. Consult the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Exporting Full/Event Disclosure Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation 16-27 Exporting Events from Event DisclosureThe Export Event feature exports 18 seconds of the selected event’s waveform data in which the event is the middle of the waveform segment, the event’s cause string (e.g. ASY), and the parameter values at the time of the event.To Export Event Disclosure Data:1. Open the patient’s Event Disclosure. Review screen (16-7).2. Access the desired event 3. Click on Reports...A popup menu displays.4. Click on Export Event.NOTE: If the Export Event button does not appear, the Infinity MegaCare IP address is not configured. Consult the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept.
16-28 Infinity CentralStation VF816: Full/Event DisclosureSpecial ConditionsVarious situations during patient monitoring may affect Full/Event Disclosure data collection.Special Condition EffectThe monitoring device is being powered up.• Full Disclosure data storage resumes accordingly. • No Events are stored until the monitor is operational.The monitoring device is powered down.The Full/Event Disclosure data is stored.CPS/IDS is offline, has failed, or is powered down.• Blank spaces appear in the Full Disclosure data for the duration of the interruption.• No events are stored during the interruption.The patient monitor is put in Standby mode.• Blank spaces appear in the Full Disclosure data for the mode duration.• No events are stored for the mode duration.Standby is canceled. Storage of Full/Event Disclosure data resumes.The patient is discharged at the bedside.Full/Event Disclosure data remains until manually deleted at the Infinity CentralStation.The patient demographics are changed.Full/Event  Disclosure data is stored under the edited demographics.The bedside monitor is disconnected.• The Full Disclosure database shows blanks for the duration of the interruption. A message describes the absence of data.• No events are stored while the monitor is disconnected.The pod/cartridge or a signal source such as a transducer is connected.Full Disclosure data collection begins for any displayed parameter that was selected for the Full Disclosure application.The pod/cartridge or a signal source is disconnected.Blanks will appear in the Full Disclosure display of the parameter for the duration of the interruption.Network date and/or time changes. Up to 20 system time changes are stored. The time stamps on the waveforms and event calls mark the time the data was actually stored.The patient leads are changed at the bedside monitor while Full/Event  Disclosure automatic waveform tracking is OFF.Data may be missing since the leads selected for display on the bedside monitor may no longer correspond to the Infinity CentralStation storage settings.
17 VentCentral OptionOverview.......................................................................................................................17-3 The Ventilator Screen.................................................................................................17-5Accessing the Ventilator Screen .........................................................................17-6Waveform Area in Ventilator Screen ...................................................................17-6Loops Area in Ventilator Screen..........................................................................17-7Trend Area in Ventilator Screen ..........................................................................17-7The Ventilator Settings Review Screen .....................................................................17-8Accessing the Ventilator Settings Review Screen.............................................17-8Parameter and Settings Order .............................................................................17-9Special Conditions..............................................................................................17-10Ventilator View Setup Screen ...................................................................................17-11Accessing the Ventilator View Setup Screen ...................................................17-12Selecting Waveforms for Display ......................................................................17-12Selecting Waveforms for the Trend Display.....................................................17-13VentCentral Trend Parameters .................................................................................17-14MIB Ventilator Alarms ...............................................................................................17-18Ventilator Report........................................................................................................17-18VentCentral Messages ..............................................................................................17-19Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels..................................................................17-19Dräger Cato Anesthesia System  ......................................................................17-20Dräger Cicero Anesthesia System ....................................................................17-21Dräger Julian/Julian Primus/Primus Anesthesia System ...............................17-22Dräger Narkomed IIC / IV / 6000 / 6400 Anesthesia System ............................17-25Dräger Fabius GS/Fabius CE/Tiro Anesthesia System ...................................17-26Dräger Apollo Anesthesia System ....................................................................17-28Dräger Zeus Anesthesia System .......................................................................17-30Ohmeda Modulus CD Anesthesia System ........................................................17-32Dräger BabyLog Ventilator ................................................................................17-33Dräger Evita 1 Ventilator  ...................................................................................17-34Dräger Evita 2 Ventilator ....................................................................................17-37Dräger Evita 2D / 4 / XL Ventilator .....................................................................17-40Dräger Savina Ventilator ....................................................................................17-43P-B 7200/840 Ventilators ....................................................................................17-45Taema Horus Ventilator......................................................................................17-47Hamilton Galileo Ventilator ................................................................................17-49
17-2 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionMaquet SV 300/SV 300A/Servoi Ventilator........................................................17-50Maquet SV 900 Ventilator ...................................................................................17-52Viasys Bear 1000 Adult Ventilator .....................................................................17-53Viasys BearCub 750 Infant Ventilator   .............................................................17-55Baxter Vigilance/Vigilance II Cardiac Output Monitor   ...................................17-57etCO2/Respiratory Mechanics Pod ...................................................................17-58
Overview Infinity CentralStation 17-3 VF8OverviewWith the VentCentral option you can review a patient’s ventilator information at the Infinity CentralStation. The displayed parameters and settings may originate from bedside monitor-connected devices, such as:zMedical Information Bus (MIB)-connected Ventilators and anesthesia machines (See tables starting on page 17-19.)zInfinity hemodynamic bedside monitors (parameters only) zetCO2/Respiratory Mechanics Pod directly connected to a bedside monitor (parameters only)You may interact with the VentCentral option via three Ventilator screens:zVentilator screen zVentilator Settings Review screen zVentilator Setup screen NOTE:zCertain parameters, identified as measured values, are derived from other values or settings provided by the ventilator and may not reflect actual values. See the operating instructions for your specific device for detailed information on derived measurements.zThe VentCentral option supports only modular monitors with VF and later software. If VentCentral is intended for use with an MIB device, the MIB must also have VF (or later) software.NOTE: You cannot change any MIB-connected device settings from the Infinity CentralStation.WARNING! Ventilator data should be used for informational purposes only. Refer to the primary monitoring device before making therapeutic or diagnostic decisions. Always verify alarm condition at the actual device.
17-4 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger has tested/validated the following supported MIB devices and software versions, and cannot make any claim for the reliability of data for other software versions. Device Software VersionDräger Babylog Ventilator 5.00Dräger Evita 1 Ventilator Tested to published protocol Medibus Intensive Care 3.00/4.00Dräger Evita 2 Ventilator 2.00Dräger Evita 4 Ventilator 3.21Dräger Evita XL ventilator 5.00Dräger Savina ventilator 2.10Hamilton Galileo Ventilator  GMP02.11aMaquet SV 900 Ventilator not applicableMaquet SV 300/300A Ventilator 2.00Maquet Servoi Ventilator 1.00P - B 7200 Ventilator SP1/PM Revision .005P - B 840 Ventilator  4-070212-85-DTaema Horus Ventilator  3.055/mdv -1.170Dräger Cato Anesthesia System Tested to published protocol Medibus anesthesia devices 3.00/4.00 Dräger Julian Anesthesia SystemDräger Cicero Anesthesia System (B, C, EM)Dräger Julian Primus Anesthesia SystemDräger Primus Anesthesia System Tested to published protocol Medibus for Primus, Software 1.n, 2.nDräger Fabius GS Anesthesia System Tested to published protocol Medibus anesthesia devices 4.00Dräger TiroDräger Fabius CE Tested to published protocol Medibus anesthesia devices 4.03Dräger Apollo Anesthesia WorkstationDräger Zeus® Anesthesia System 3.nDräger Narkomed IIC 1.30Dräger Narkomed IV 2.01Dräger Narkomed 6000/6400 4.01Ohmeda 7900 / Modulus CD anesthesia machine 2.8etCO2/respiratory mechanics pod VF0 (and later versions)Viasys Bear 1000® Adult Ventilator 2020Viasys BearCub® 750 Infant Ventilator Tested to Viasys RS-232 communication protocol ER 11, revision EEdwards/Baxter Vigilance/Vigilance II SvO2/CCO monitor4.42, 5.02
The Ventilator Screen Infinity CentralStation 17-5 VF8 The Ventilator Screen1Parameter box with fixed set of parameters If a parameter is not available, the area is blank.5Select “1” for single loop and “4” for multi-loop display. During multi-loop configuration, four successive loops (of different shades) show. All loops erase and the sequence restarts after the fourth loop is complete. 28-hour trend of user-selected parameters 6Display of 3 waveform channels3Pressure vs. Volume Loop 7Waveform adjustment scale4Flow vs. Volume Loop
17-6 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionAccessing the Ventilator Screen1. Click on the patient’s Main Screen parameter box. For information on accessing a remote patient, refer to page 8-3. 2. Click on View.3. Click on Ventilator.ScalingIf the VentCentral waveforms, loops, or trends appear clipped, you can change the display size by clicking on the scale at the left edge of the waveform area or to the left of the trends.Waveform Area in Ventilator ScreenThe Ventilator screen allows you to select up to three waveforms for display and prioritize their order (page 17-12). If a waveform is not available from the bedside or the MIB-connected device, the next waveform in the priority list is used to fill the three waveform areas. If less than three waveforms are available, waveform areas are blank.Parameter BoxThe parameter boxes to the right of the waveform area may consist of MIB and/or Infinity parameters and cannot be changed. These parameter boxes are independent of the bedside monitor and do not flash when a parameter is in alarm. MIB parameters do not support units, limits, and/or alarm-off icons. For Infinity parameters a crossed bell icon appears next to the parameter label when the alarm function is turned off.
The Ventilator Screen Infinity CentralStation 17-7 VF8Loops Area in Ventilator ScreenThe real-time ventilator loops in the Ventilator screen are synchronous with the associated breath. Flow Volume is shown on the left and Pressure Volume on the right. Loops are drawn with the same display scale as the associated waveforms.Displaying LoopsYou can save and display a Reference Loop with the actual loop display. The color of the reference loop is magenta. The Ventilator screen can display a Single Loop or Multi-loop draw. Loop Parameter BoxThe parameter box next to the loop area contains dynamic compliance, dynamic resistance, and arterial blood gas values. If blood gas values are not available, the labels do not appear. The order and ranges of the parameters follow.Trend Area in Ventilator ScreenThree trend graphs on the Ventilator screen show the most recent 8 hours of trend data for user-selected parameters (page 17-13). If a selected parameter is not available from the bedside/MIB device, the next parameter from the Trends Setup screen is automatically displayed. If less than three parameters are available, the Ventilator screen parameter graph is blank.Parameter Units Measurement RangepH pH, nmol/L 6.6 - 7.8HCO3 mEq/l, mmol/L 1-200 mEq/lHct (Hematocrit) % 15-75%tHb (Hemoglobin) g/dl, g/100ml, g/L, mmol/L 5-25 g/dlPCO2 mmHg (kPa) 10-200 mmHg (1.333 - 26.66 kPa)PO2 mmHg (kPa) 10 - 700 mmHg (1.33 - 93.31 kPa)
17-8 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionThe Ventilator Settings Review Screen Accessing the Ventilator Settings Review Screen1. Click on the patient’s parameter box.2. Click on Review.3. Click on Ventilator Settings Review.1Ventilator type 5Time and date the setting was modified2Selected units of measure at the MIB device or ventilator6Generates Ventilator report (Chapter 14)3Most recently updated measurement valueCertain parameters, identified as measured values or settings, are derived from the values provided by the ventilator and may not reflect actual values.7Scroll bar for accessing additional parameters4Most recent setting of the ventilator/MIB device8Parameter or setting labels
The Ventilator Settings Review Screen Infinity CentralStation 17-9 VF8Parameter and Settings OrderThe Ventilator Settings Review screen displays settings and supported parameters sent by the connected MIB device, Infinity bedside monitor, or compatible bedside monitor pod.Each Ventilator Settings Review screen parameter and setting displays in a fixed order. If a setting or parameter is not available, the corresponding field on the Ventilator Settings screen is blank. Additional settings and parameters not assigned to the fixed order are at the end of data received from the MIB-connected device. Parameters/settings sent to Infinity monitors for various MIB-compliant devices are listed in tables starting on page 17-19. NOTE: The Infinity CentralStation does not support Acoustic Evoked Potential (AEP) and Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEP)  functions that are enabled at a bedside monitor.   Order Description Parameter Setting1 Ventilator type2 Ventilator mode3 CMV frequency4 SIMV frequency5 PEEP (End Expiratory Pressure)6 PEEP7 RRv (measured respiration rate)8O2 concentration9 PIP (Peak Airway Pressure)10 MAP (Mean Airway Pressure)11 Pause Airway Pressure12 End Expiratory Flow13 Tvi (Tidal Volume inspired) 14 TVe (Tidal volume expired)15 Tve s (Tidal Volume Expired spontaneous)16 Minute Volume inspired (MV i)17 Minute Volume expired 18 Minute volume expired spontaneous (MVe s)19 Dynamic compliance (Cdyn)20 Dynamic resistance21 I of I:E I-Part22 E of I:E E-Part23 end-tidal CO2 (etCO2)24 CVP25 SpO2
17-10 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionSpecial Conditions26 iCO227 etCO2*28 iCO2* Blood Gas Parameters29 pH30 HCO331 Hematocrit (Hct)32 Hemoglobin (tHb)33 PCO234 PO2 Other Parameters and settings35 Barometric pressure36 Additional parameters from Ventilator/MIB devices (see tables starting on page 17-19)37 Additional settings from Ventilator/MIB devices (see tables starting on page 17-19)Special Conditions Affecting Ventilator Settings Review ScreenCondition EffectDisconnected parameter hardwareThe VentCentral application is not available and cannot be accessed for the respective patient.Reset of MIB- device, bedside monitor, or Infinity CentralStation The Ventilator Settings screen time stamp reflects the first setting following the reset.Bedside monitor PICK AND GO The Ventilator Settings screen time stamp reflects the monitor’s reconnect to the network.First connection of MIB-compli-ant ventilator, etCO2/Respira-tory Mechanics Pod, or Delta/Delta XL monitorTime stamp reflects the first setting received after the device is connected.Blood gas values stored for more than 30 minutesValues are removed from the VentCentral screen.Device sends more digits than the Ventilator Settings screen field can accommodateInstead of the parameter values, overflow characters display.Order Description Parameter Setting
Ventilator View Setup Screen Infinity CentralStation 17-11 VF8Ventilator View Setup ScreenThe Ventilator View Setup screen permits selecting an individualized display for a selected patient1Opens Waveforms Setup screen 5Reverts to previous settings2Fixed - Always shows Flow vs. Volume and Pressure vs. Volume6Accepts new settings/changes3Opens Trends Setup screen 7Saves current setup as system default for all patients4Restores system defaults 8Top ventilation waveform
17-12 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionAccessing the Ventilator View Setup Screen1. Click on the patient’s Main Screen parameter box. To access a remote patient, see page 8-3. 2. Click on Setup.3. Click on Ventilator View Setup.Selecting Waveforms for DisplayYou can set up the display priority of ventilator parameters.1. Open the Ventilator View Setup screen (page 17-12).2. Click on Setup Waveforms. The Waveforms Setup popup displays.NOTE:  If a selected waveform is not available from the bedside monitor, the next waveform is selected to fill available Infinity CentralStation waveform channels. 1Parameters selected for display 3Arrows permit moving selected parameters from one window to the other2Arrows permit changing the priority order of selected waveforms4Available parameters
Ventilator View Setup Screen Infinity CentralStation 17-13 VF83. Select the desired display configuration.The left/right arrows move desired waveforms from the display window to the Waveforms window. The up/down arrows move parameters in a desired sort order.4. Click on Accept to save or Cancel to keep prior settings.5. Click on Save as System Defaults in the Ventilator View Setup screen to retain this setup as the system default. Selecting Waveforms for the Trend DisplayTo select and prioritize ventilator parameters for trend display:1. Open the Ventilator View Setup screen (page 17-12).2. Click on Setup Trends. The Trends Order Setup popup displays.NOTE: You may select several parameters at once before you move them from one window to the other. 1Trends selected for display 4Arrows permit moving selected parameters from one window to the other2Arrows permit changing the priority order of selected trends5Accepts current setup3Cancels current setup 6Available parameters for selection
17-14 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral Option3. Select the desired display configuration.The left/right arrows move the desired parameters from the display window to the Trend window. The up/down arrows move parameters in a desired sort order.4. Click on Accept to save or Cancel to keep prior settings.5. Click on Save as System Defaults in the Ventilator View Setup screen to keep this setup as the system default. VentCentral Trend ParametersNOTE: You can select several parameters at once to move them from one window to the other. Parameter Label DefinitionHeart RateHR ECG measurementVentilationAW-Temp Airway temperatureCdyn Dynamic complianceC20/Cdyn Dynamic compliance over last 20% of breath.etCO2 End-tidal carbon dioxideInspT% I:E ratio (inspiratory component)%ICO2 Inspired CO2 (etCO2)iO2 Inspired oxygeniPEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure, intrinsicMAP Mean airway pressureMve  Minute volume, expiredMV s% Minute volume, spontaneousMValv  Minute volume, alveolar, totalMVe Expired minute volumeMVi Inspired minute volumePAP Peak airway pressurePause Pause pressurePeCO2 Mixed expired carbon dioxidePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressurePEF Peak expiratory flow
VentCentral Trend Parameters Infinity CentralStation 17-15 VF8Parameter Label DefinitionVentilation (Continued)PIF Peak inspiratory flowRaw Dynamic resistanceRaw e Expired airway resistance Raw i Inspiratory dynamic resistanceRRv Respiratory rateRRs Respiratory rate, spontaneousRRm Respiratory rate, mechanicalRSBI Rapid shallow breathing indexTe Expiratory timeTi Inspiratory timeTVe Tidal volume, expiredTV Leak Leakage, systemTValv m Tidal volume, alveolar, mechanicalTValv s Tidal volume, alveolar, spontaneousTva Tidal volume, alveolar, totalTVd/TV aw Dilution ratio, airwayTVCO2 CO2, tidal volumeTVe Expired tidal volumeTVi Inspired tidal volumeTVi m Tidal volume, inspiratory, mechanicalTVi s Tidal volume, inspiratory, spontaneousTVd aw Dead space, airway (Vds)VCO2 CO2 production, minute volumeWOBimp Work of Breath imposedPulse OximetrySpO2/SPO2* oxygen saturation PLS/PLS* Pulse rate Δ SpO2 Delta SpO2 RespirationRR Respiratory rateRR Respiratory rate (etCO2)RV Respiratory rate
17-16 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionParameter Label DefinitionTemperaturesT1, T2, T3 Temperature T Basic temperaturePressuresART Arterial pressureCPP Cerebral perfusion pressureCVP Central venous pressureGP1 General pressure 1GP2 General pressure 2ICP Intracranial pressureLA Left-atrial pressureNIBP Non-invasive blood pressureP1 P1 pressureP2 P2 pressurePA Pulmonary arterial pressurePWP Pulmonary Wedge PressureRA Right arterial pressureV Ventricular pressureCardiac OutputBT Blood temperatureCCO Continuous cardiac outputCCI Continuous cardiac indexCCO Continuous cardiac outputDO2 Oxygen delivery or availabilityFiO2 Fraction of inspired O2ICI Intermittent cardiac output indexICO Intermittent cardiac outputPVR Pulmonary vascular resistancePVRI Pulmonary vascular resistance indexSVR Systemic vascular resistanceSVRI Systemic vascular resistance index
VentCentral Trend Parameters Infinity CentralStation 17-17 VF8Parameter Label DefinitionCardio RespirationSaO2 Saturation of arterial oxygenSvO2 Saturation of venous oxygenVO2 Oxygen consumptionTCP/CO2TCO2 Transcutaneous carbon dioxideht pwr Heater power O2 Oxygen concentrationAnesthesia etCO2 End-tidal carbon dioxideeO2 Expired O2iCO2 Inspired CO2FiO2 Fraction of inspired O2RRc* Respiration rateSEV SevofluraneiDES Inspired desfluraneetDES End-tidal desfluraneiENF Inspired enfluraneetENF End-tidal enfluraneiHAL Inspired halothaneetHAL End-tidal halothaneiISO Inspired isofluraneetISO end-tidal isofluraneiN2O Inspired nitrous oxideetN2O End-tidal nitrous oxideLab dataHCO3 Bicarbonatehct HematocrittHb Hemoglobin concentrationpCO2 Partial pressure CO2pH Blood pHpO2 Partial pressure O2
17-18 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionMIB Ventilator AlarmsMIB-connected ventilators: Orange alarm messages appear in the lower right corner of the topmost Main Screen waveform channel and are available without the VentCentral option enabled. In the VentCentral screens alarm messages appear on the right side of the information area (see arrow).When an MIB-connected ventilator is active at the Infinity CentralStation and the signal is lost, the Infinity CentralStation sounds a one-shot alarm and displays the message, MIB Disconnected Parameter boxes in the VentCentral screens that originate at MIB-connected ventilators do not flash when they are in alarm.Alarm messages that originate at MIB-connected ventilators are displayed for as long as the ventilator sends them. If multiple alarm conditions occur simultaneously, the messages rotate.Alarms that originate from the etCO2/Respiratory Mechanics Pod can be silenced remotely when the corresponding remote silence function is enabled.Ventilator ReportFor detailed information on ventilator reports and how to request them, see page 14-19.WARNING!zVentilation alarms function independently from the bedside monitor.zThe bedside monitor does not annunciate ventilation alarms.zThe connected ventilator allows no remote control.NOTE: MIB alarm messages will be sent to and displayed at the Infinity CentralStation when you put a patient’s bedside monitor in standby mode.
VentCentral Messages Infinity CentralStation 17-19 VF8VentCentral Messages Ventilator and Device Messages/LabelsTables on the following pages list messages, labels, and settings sent by various MIB-connected devices to the Infinity bedside monitors for display at the Infinity CentralStation. Please refer to the table on page 17-9 for information about display of these data on the Ventilator Settings Review screen and the Ventilator report.   Message Description ActionTrend data not available When you admit a new patient to Main Screen, it takes a moment for the trend data to be compiled. Within 1 minute the database will contain trend data.Exit and re-enter the trend application.No trend parameters selectedTrend parameters have not been selected.Select trend parameters (page 17-13).Serious Alarm at <%s> There is an MIB alarm at the corresponding bed.Check the patient.MIB Disconnected MIB cable is disconnected Re-connect MIB cableCAUTION!  The following tables list possible labels and messages for identification purposes. For complete information about message interpretation and device operation, please refer to the equipment documentation.
17-20 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Cato Anesthesia System   NOTE: The Dräger Cato Anesthesia System is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Label Description Displayed in...e[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Expired agent  Ventilator screen (page 17-6)i[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Inspired agent eCO2 Expired CO2 iCO2 Inspired CO2 eO2 Expired O2 iN2O Inspired N2OiO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Expired Minute Volume Pause Pause PressurePIP Peak Inspired Airway PressurePEEP Peak End Expiratory Airway Pressure RRc Respiratory rate RRv Respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume, expired breath
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-21 VF8Dräger Cicero Anesthesia SystemNOTE: The Dräger Cicero Anesthesia System is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Label Description Displayed in...HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DESExpired and inspired agent  Ventilator screen (page 17-6)eO2 Expired O2 iN2O Inspired N2OiO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expired Pause Pause Pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure RRc Respiratory rate RRv Respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume, expired breath Selected Settings HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DESTidal volume, expired breath Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)eO2 Tidal volume, inspired breath
17-22 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Julian/Julian Primus/Primus Anesthesia SystemNOTE: The Dräger Julian Primus and Dräger Primus Anesthesia Systems are not commercially available in the U.S. and their future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Label Description Displayed in...[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Expired and inspired agent  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)ECO23 or etCO2 Expired CO2etCO2 End Tidal CO2eN2O Expired N2OeO2 or etO2 Expired O2 iN2O Inspired N2OiCO21Inspired CO2iO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expired Pause Pause Pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure RRc Respiratory rate (CO2)RRv Respiratory rate (Volume/flow/pressure/derived)TVe Tidal volume, expired breathCdyn1ComplianceBaro Prsr1Barometric PressureLeakage1LeakageiMAC1Inspired MAC (minimum alveolar concentration)eMAC1Expired MACAPNEAt1Apnea DurationDelta O21(iO2 - eO2)Selected Settings iO2 set iO2 setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)TVi set1Tidal volume, inspired breath Ti set1Inspiratory TimeIPPV FREQ1frequencyINT PEEP set1Intermittent PEEPP Support1Support PressurePIP set1Maximum Inspired Airway PressureFLOW trig set1Flow TriggerF Gas Flow Fresh Gas Flow
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-23 VF8Alarm MessagesMessage Description Displayed in...APNEA Apnea Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Paw > HI LIM Airway pressure > high limitVentilator Alarm • Inspired Agent > High Limit1• Expired Agent > High Limit1• Mean Airway Pressure < -2 mbar• Problems with Ventilator1• Internal Temperature High1• Gas Supply Alarm1• Ventilator Communication lost1• Fresh Gas delivery failure1• O2 Cylinder empty without wall supply1• O2 Cylinder not connected1• N2O Cylinder empty1• N2O delivery failure1• O2 delivery failure1• Air delivery failure1• Internal/external switch over valve error1• Circle Occluded1• Ventilator not in locked position1O2 SUPPLY?  O2 Supply Pressure LowiO2 < LO LIM Inspiratory O2 < low limitPatient Disconnect1Breathing System DisconnectedAW-TEMP>HI LIM1Airway temperature > high limitN20 Fail1N20 delivery failureAir Fail1Air delivery failureFresh Gas Fail1Fresh gas failureO2 Fail1O2 delivery failureNo Fresh Gas1No fresh gasWaveforms1Paw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)CO2 Only 2 waveforms can display. If CO2 is available, Paw displays with it. Flow is only available if CO2 is not.Loops
17-24 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionMode DisplayMode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationIPPV IPPV2SIMV SIMVPCV PCVCV VCStandby StandbyPSV PSMan/Spont Man/SpontFresh Gas external Fresh Gas EXTPressure Support added to Volume Control VC+PSPressure Support added to Pressure Control PC+PS1Applicable only to Dräger Primus2In some languages IPPV is used for CMV or VC3Applicable only to Dräger Julian
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-25 VF8Dräger Narkomed IIC / IV / 6000 / 6400 Anesthesia SystemParameter Label Description Displayed in...i[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Inspired agent  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)e[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Expired agent etCO2 Expired CO2iCO2 Inspired CO2eO2 or etO2 Expired O2 iO2 Inspired O2iN2O Inspired N2OetN2O Expired N2O (6000 and 6400 only)MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expiredPIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure RRc Respiratory rate RRv Respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume, expired breathSelected Settings (IIC and IV only)iO2 set iO2 setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8) Waveforms Paw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Alarms APNEA Apnea Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Paw > HI LIM Airway pressure > high limitiO2 > HI LIM Inspired O2 > high limitVentilator Alarm •  Agent > High Limit• Ventilator failure• Ventilator Communication lost• Mean Airway Pressure < -2 mbar• CO2 device error• Check expiration valveO2 SUPPLY?  O2 Supply Pressure LowNo Fresh Gas No fresh gasLow Battery Low batteryPEEP > HI LIM PEEP exceeds high limitMVe < LO LIM MVe below lower alarm limitetCO2< LO LIM etCO2 below lower limitetCO2>HI LIM etCO2 exceeds upper limit
17-26 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Fabius GS/Fabius CE/Tiro Anesthesia SystemNOTE: The Dräger Fabius CE Anesthesia System is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Description Displayed in...Pause Plateau Pressure Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)iO2 Inspired O2MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expiredPIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure RRv Respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume, expired breathAir Flow4Air flow (Fabius GS only)N2O Flow4Nitrous oxide flowO2 Flow4Oxygen flowSetting Description Displayed in...TVi set Inspired Tidal Volume setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I:E I part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentI:E E part I:E ratio - expiratory componentIPPV FREQ IPPV frequency settingINT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP settingPIP set PIP settingFLOW Trig set 1Flow trigger Level settingi FLOW set1Inspiratory flow settingP Support1Support pressure
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-27 VF8Alarm Messages Description Displayed in...APNEA Apnea Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Paw > HI LIM Airway pressure > high limitVentilator Alarm • Mean Airway Pressure < -2 mbar• PEEP > Pressure Threshold for 15 seconds• Problems with Respirator• No Fresh Gas • Check APL Valve• Pressure Measurement Inoperable2• Internal System Fault2• Power Supply Error2• Problems with Ventilator2• Loss of Data2O2 SUPPLY?  O2 Supply pressure lowiO2 < LO LIM Inspiratory O2 < low limitBATTERY2Battery lowPatient Disconnect2Breathing system disconnectedAPL Valve?1Check APL valveWaveformsPaw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Loops1Mode DisplayMode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationIPPV IPPV3SIMV1SIMVPCV1PCStandby StandbyPSV1PSMan/Spont Man/SpontFresh Gas external Fresh Gas EXT1Not applicable to Dräger Fabius CE2Applicable only to Dräger Fabius CE3In some languages IPPV is used for CMV or VC4Applicable only to Dräger Fabius GS
17-28 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Apollo Anesthesia SystemNOTE: The Dräger Apollo Anesthesia System is not commercially available in Canada and its future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Description Displayed in...[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Expired and inspired agent  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)ECO2 Expired CO2eO2 Expired O2 iN2O Inspired N2OiO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expired Pause Pause Pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure RRc Respiratory rate RRv Respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume, expired breathBaro Prsr Barometric PressureLeakage LeakageiMAC Inspired MACeMAC Expired MACAPNEA t Apnea DurationDelta O2 (iO2 - eO2)Setting Description Displayed in...TVi set Inspired Tidal Volume setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I:E I part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentI:E E part I:E ratio - expiratory componentIPPV FREQ IPPV frequency settingINT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP settingPIP set PIP setting
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-29 VF8Alarm Messages Description Displayed in...APNEA Apnea Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Paw > HI LIM Airway pressure > high limitVentilator Alarm • Mean Airway Pressure < -2 mbar• PEEP > Pressure Threshold for 15 seconds• Problems with Respirator• No Fresh Gas • Check APL Valve• Pressure Measurement Inoperable• Internal System Fault• Power Supply Error• Problems with Ventilator• Loss of DataO2 SUPPLY?  O2 Supply Pressure LowiO2 < LO LIM Inspiratory O2 < low limitBATTERY Battery LowPatient Disconnect Breathing System DisconnectedWaveformsPaw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)LoopsMode DisplayMode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationIPPV IPPV1SIMV SIMVPCV PCVCV VCStandby StandbyPSV PSMan/Spont Man/SpontFresh Gas external Fresh Gas EXTPressure Support added to Volume Control VC+PSPressure Support added to Pressure Control PC+PS1In some languages IPPV is used for CMV or VC
17-30 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Zeus Anesthesia SystemNOTE: The Zeus Anesthesia System is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Parameter Description Displayed in...Air Flow Air flow Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)Baro Prsr Barometric Pressure Cdyn Complianceet[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Expired agent etCO2 Expired CO2etN2O Expired N2OetO2 Expired O2 i[HAL, ISO, ENF, SEV, DES]Inspired agent iCO2 Inspired CO2iN2O Inspired N2OiO2 Inspired O2 Leakage LeakageMAP Mean Airway PressureMVe Minute Volume, expired MVe s Minute Volume, spontaneous MVm Mandatory MVN2O Flow Nitrous oxide flowO2 Flow Oxygen flowO2 Supply Prsr O2 supply pressurePause Pause Pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressureRaw ResistanceRRc Respiratory rate (CO2) RRm Respiratory rate (mandatory)RRv Respiratory rate (volume/flow)TVe Tidal volume, expired breathTVm Mandatory Tidal volumeTVs Spontaneous Tidal volume
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-31 VF8Setting Description Displayed in...ASB RAMP set Assisted spontaneous breathing ramp  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)F Gas Flow Fresh gas flowFLOW Trig set Flow trigger Level settingI:E E part I:E ratio - expiratory componentI:E I part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentINT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP settingIPPV FREQ IPPV frequency settingPEEP set PEEP settingPIP set PIP settingTe set Expiratory time settingTi set Inspiratory time settingTVi set Inspired Tidal Volume settingAlarm Messages Description Displayed in...AIR SUPPLY?  Air supply low Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.AW-TEMP>HI LIM Airway temperature exceeds high limitetCO2< LO LIM etCO2 below lower limitetCO2>HI LIM etCO2 exceeds upper limitiO2  > HI LIM Inspiratory O2 exceeds high limitiO2 < LO LIM Inspiratory O2 below low limitMVe < LO LIM MVe below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM MVe exceeds upper alarm limitO2 SUPPLY?  O2 Supply Pressure LowPaw > HI LIM Airway pressure > high limitVentilator Alarm • Check Flow Sensor• Battery error• CO2 device error• Problems with respirator• Check expiration valve Waveforms   CO2 Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Paw Airway PressureMode DisplayMode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationIPPV IPPVIPPV/AutoFlow IPPVPCV PCSIMV/AutoFlow SIMVStandby Standby
17-32 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionOhmeda Modulus CD Anesthesia SystemParameter Description Displayed in...MAP Mean Airway Pressure Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)MVe Minute Volume, expired Pause Pause PressurePIP Peak inspired airway pressureRRv Respiratory rate (volume/flow)TVe Tidal volume, expired breathSelected SettingsiO2 set iO2 setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-33 VF8Dräger BabyLog Ventilator ParametersGas Trans Coeff Gas transport coefficient Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I:E l-Part I:E ratio (Inspiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2TV Leak Leakage in systemMAP Mean airway pressure MVe Expired minute volume - high resistanceMVe / l Expired minute volume - low resistance MV s% Minute volume, spontaneous fraction PEEP Peak end expiratory pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressure RRv Respiratory rate - vol/flowTVeml Tidal volume, expiratoryTVhfml Tidal volume, high frequencySettingsAPNEA TIME Apnea time limit Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)FLOW  Expiratory flow settingi FLOW Inspiratory flow settingSIMV FREQ Frequency, IMVHFV AMPL High frequency ventilation (HFV) mode amplitudeHFV FREQHz HFV mode frequencyI:E E-Part I:E ratio - expiratory componentTe set I:E ratio (expiratory time)I:E I-Part I:E - inspiratory component Ti set Inspiratory timeiO2 set Inspired O2 setting MV ALM DLY Minute volume alarm delayMV HI LIM Upper minute volume alarm limit MV LO LIM Lower minute volume alarm limit PIP set PIP settingPEEP set PEEP settingTRIG VOL Trigger volumeVent: Babylog
17-34 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Evita 1 Ventilator NOTE: The Dräger Evita 1 Ventilator is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Alarm Messages Description Displayed in....Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen-lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View-information area, right below menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.AW -TEMP>HI LIM Airway temperature exceeds upper limitAW -TEMP INOP Airway temperature measurement inoperableVentilator Alarm • Airway temperature sensor alarm• Check expiration - valve• Failed to cycle• The gas mixer is faulty• Faulty pressure measurement• Problems with respirator (Evita)• Respirator synchronization inoperable• The device temperature of the respirator is too high• Volume measurement unsuccessful• The volume is not constant• Faulty airway temperature measurementAPNEA Apnea alarmASB>4 SEC ASB is longer than 4 secPatient Patient DisconnectAIR SUPPLY? Gas supply, airO2 SUPPLY? Gas supply, O2iO2 > HI LIM iO2 exceeds higher limitIO2 < LO LIM iO2 is below lower alarm limit% O2 ERR iO2 measurement inoperableMVe < LO LIM Mve is below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM Mve exceeds upper alarm limitRR > HI LIM RR exceeds upper alarm limit
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-35 VF8Parameter Labels Description Displayed in....AW Temp Airway temperature Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)Cdyn Dynamic compliance I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2MAP Mean airway pressureMVe Expired minute volume MVe s Spontaneous expired minute volumeOcclusion Press Occlusion pressure Paw MIN Minimum airway pressure Pause Pause pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure iPEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure, intrinsic PIP Peak inspired airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistanceRRv Respiratory rate - vol/flow - pediatric RRs Spontaneous respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume expired breath Trapped VOL Trapped volumeSelected Settings Description Displayed in....APNEA TIME Apnea time Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)ASB RAMP set Assisted spontaneous breathing ramp ASB set Assisted spontaneous breathing BIPAP HI P set BIPAP high pressureBIPAP HI T set HIPAP high timeBIPAP LO P set BIPAP low pressureBIPAP LO T set BIPAP low timeFLOW Trig set Flow trigger SIMV FREQ Frequency, IMV - SIMV IPPV FREQ IPPV FrequencyI:E E-Part I:E ratio (expiratory component)I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)iO2 set Inspired O2 setting MAX iFLOW set Maximum inspired flow PIP set PIP setting PEEP set PEEP setting
17-36 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionSelected Settings (continued) Description Displayed in....INT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)TACHY LENGTH Tachyapnea duration TACHY FREQ Tachyapnea frequency TVi set Inspired tidal volume TRIG PRESS Trigger pressureVent:  Evita 1
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-37 VF8Dräger Evita 2 VentilatorAlarm Messages Description Displayed in....Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View - information area right below the menu buttons.Alarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.AW -TEMP>HI LIM AW -TEMP exceeds upper alarm limitVentilator Alarm • Airway temperature measurement unsuccessful• Check expiration - valve• Check flow sensor• CO2 device failure• CO2 not calibrated• CO2 sensor disconnected or malfunctioning• Failure to cycle• Gas mixer inoperable• Pressure measurement unsuccessful• Problems with respirator• Respirator synchronization inoperable• Device temperature is too high.• Volume measurement unsuccessful• Volume is inconsistent.• Airway temperature sensor alarmAPNEA Apnea alarmASB>4 SEC ASB is more than 4 secPatient DisconnectPatient may be disconnected from ventilatoretCO2< LO LIM etCO2 below lower alarm limitetCO2 > HI LIM etCO2 exceeds upper alarm limitAIR SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, airO2 SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, O2iO2 < LO LIM iO2 less than lower alarm limitiO2> HI LIM iO2 exceeds upper alarm limit% O2 ERR iO2 measurement unsuccessfulMVe < LO LIM MVe is below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM MVe exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP > HI LIM PEEP exceeds upper alarm limitRR > HI LIM RR exceeds upper alarm limit
17-38 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionParameter Labels Description Displayed in....Paw MIN Minimum airway pressure  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)AW-Temp Airway temperature VCO2 CO2 production, minute volumeCdyn Dynamic compliance TVd aw% Dead spaceTVd aw Dead space, airway etCO2 end-tidal CO2I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2MAP Mean airway pressureMVe Expired minute volumeMVe s Spontaneous expired minute volumeOcclusion Press Occlusion pressurePause Pause pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure iPEEP Intrinsic peak end expiratory airway pressurePIP Peak inspired airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistanceRRv Pediatric respiratory rate - vol/flow RRs Spontaneous respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume expired breathTrapped VOL Trapped volume
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-39 VF8Selected Settings Description Displayed in....APNEA TIME Apnea time Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)ASB RAMP set Assisted spontaneous breathing rampASB set Assisted spontaneous breathing BIPAP HI P set BIPAP high pressure limitBIPAP HI T set BIPAP high time limitBIPAP LO P set BIPAP low pressure limitBIPAP LO T set BIPAP low time limitFLOW Trig set Flow trigger setting SIMV FREQ Frequency, IMV - SIMVIPPV FREQ Frequency IPPVI:E E-Part I:E ratio - expiratory componentI:E I-Part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentiO2 set Inspired O2 settingMAX iFLOW set Maximum inspired flowPIP set Peak inspired airway pressure PEEP set PEEP settingINT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP settingTACHY LENGTH Tachyapnea durationTACHY FREQ Tachyapnea frequencyTVi set Inspired tidal volume settingTRIG PRESS Trigger pressureVent: Evita 2
17-40 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionDräger Evita 2D / 4 / XL VentilatorAlarm Messages Description Displayed in....Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsAW-TEMP > HI LIMUpper airway temperature exceeds upper alarm limitVentilator Alarm • AW-TEMP below lower alarm limit (Evita 2D / 4)• AW-TEMP measurement unsuccessful• Battery error (Evita XL)• Check expiration valve• Check flow sensor• CO2 device error• CO2 not calibrated (Evita 2D / 4)• CO2 Zero/Cal required• CO2 window dirty (Evita XL)• CO2 sensor disconnected or faulty• Cycle failure• Gas mixer inoperable• Pressure measurement unsuccessful• Device malfunction (Evita 2D / 4)• Synchronization malfunctioning (Evita 2D / 4)• Volume measurement unsuccessful• Volume not constant (Evita 2D / 4)• Neonatal flow sensor is not at the Y-piece• Pediatric volume measurement inoperable (Evita 2D / 4)• Neonate volume measurement inoperable (Evita XL)• PEEP valve is inoperable• Problems with respirator • Respirator synchronizations faulty• Safety mode if neonatal flow sensor not available (Evita 2D / 4)• Safety mode (Evita XL)• Standby• Loss of data• Inspiratory time in CPAP/PPS mode is less than 4 seconds (Evita 2D / 4)• Inspired time is greater than 1.5 seconds (Evita XL)Alarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-41 VF8Alarm Messages (continued)APNEA Apnea alarm Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsetCO2< LO LIM etCO2 below lower limitetCO2>HI LIM etCO2 exceeds upper limitAIR SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, airO2 SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, O2iO2 < LO LIM iO2 less than lower alarm limitiO2 > HI LIM iO2 exceeds upper alarm limit% O2 ERR iO2 measurement unsuccessfulMVe < LO LIM MVe below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM MVe exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP > HI LIM PEEP exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP ERR PEEP valve inoperable (Evita 2D / 4)RR > HI LIM RR exceeds upper alarm limitTVe > HI LIM TVe exceeds upper alarm limitASB > 4 sec Assisted Spontaneous Breathing exceeds 4 secPATIENT DISCONNECTVentilator disconnected (Evita XL)ParametersPaw MIN Minimum airway pressure  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)VCO2 CO2 production, minute volumeCdyn Dynamic complianceTVd aw% Dead spaceTVd aw Dead space, airwayetCO2 End-tidal CO2I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)I:E E-Part I:E ratio (expiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean airway pressureMVe Expired minute volumeMVe s Spontaneous expired minute volume spontaneousOcclusion Press Occlusion pressurePause Pause pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory pressure iPEEP Intrinsic peak end expiratory pressure (Evita 2D / 4)PIP Peak inspired airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistanceRRv Pediatric respiratory rate - vol/flowRRs Spontaneous respiratory rate Trapped VOL Trapped volume TVe Tidal volume expired breath AW-Temp Airway temperature (Evita XL)
17-42 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionParameters (continued)Neg iForce Negative inspiratory force (Evita XL) Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)Vtasb Assisted spontaneous breathing, Support volume (Evita XL)Selected SettingsAPNEA TIME Apnea time (s) Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)APRV Hi Prsr APRV high pressure settingAPRV Hi Time APRV high time APRV Lo Prsr APRV low pressure settingAPRV Lo Time APRV low timeASB RAMP set Assisted spontaneous breathing ramp (s)ASB set Assisted spontaneous breathing FLOW ASSIST Flow assistFLOW Trig set Flow triggerSIMV FREQ Frequency, IMV - SIMVI:E E-Part I:E ratio - expiratory componentI:E I-Part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentiO2 set Inspired O2 settingMAX iFLOW set Maximum inspired flow settingPIP set Peak inspired airway pressure PEEP set PEEP setting INT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP setting TACHY FREQ Tachyapnea frequency TVi set • Tidal volume, inspired • Tidal volume settingTV set Inspired time (Evita XL)Vent: The selected ventilator type VOL ASSIST Volume assistPatient Type Adult, Pedi, or Neonate (Evita XL)Ventilation Mode Display (Evita XL)Ventilation Mode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationIPPV, IPPV/Autoflow, IPPV/Assist/Autoflow, or IPPV/Assist IPPVSIMV, SIMV/ASB, SIMV/Autoflow, or SIMV/ASB/Autoflow SIMVCPAP, CPAP/PPS, or CPAP/ASB CPAPStandby StandbyMMV, MMV/Autoflow, or MMV/ASB/Autoflow  MMVBIPAP Assist BIPAP CMV CMV Waveforms   (Evita XL)Paw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Loops Ventilator loops
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-43 VF8Dräger Savina VentilatorParameters Description Displayed in...Cdyn Dynamic compliance Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)I:E E-Part I:E ratio (expiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2 MAP Mean airway pressureMVe Expired minute volumeMVe s Spontaneous expired minute volume spontaneousPause Pause pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory pressure PIP Peak inspired airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistanceRRv Pediatric respiratory rate - vol/flowRRs Spontaneous respiratory rate TVe Tidal volume expired breathAW -Temp Airway temperatureMax iFlow Peak FlowTi Inspired Time Selected SettingsAPNEA TIME Apnea time (s) Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)ASB set Assisted spontaneous breathing FLOW Trig set Flow triggerSIMV FREQ Frequency, IMV - SIMVI:E E-Part I:E ratio - expiratory componentI:E I-Part I:E ratio - inspiratory componentiO2 set Inspired O2 settingPIP set Peak inspired airway pressure PEEP set PEEP setting INT PEEP set Intermittent PEEP setting Ti set Inspired time settingTVi set Tidal Volume, InspiredFlow Accel Flow accelerationTdeconnect Disconnect time FREQbackup Backup frequencyTVbackup Backup of Tidal Volume
17-44 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral Option Waveforms Paw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Loops Ventilator loops Alarm Messages Description Displayed in...iO2 < LO LIM iO2 less than lower alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.iO2 > HI LIM iO2 exceeds upper alarm limitO2 SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, O2MVe < LO LIM MVe below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM MVe exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP > HI LIM PEEP exceeds upper alarm limitTVe > HI LIM TVe exceeds upper alarm limitPaw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limitAW-TEMP > HI LIMAirway temperature exceeds upper alarm limitAPNEA Apnea alarmRRv > HI LIM Respiratory rate exceeds upper alarm limitASB > 4 sec Assisted spot breathing exceeds 4 secondsBATTERY • Battery problem• Low batteryPatient DisconnectVentilator disconnectioniO2 ERR Inspired O2 measurement inoperableVentilator Alarm • Check flow sensor• Standby• PEEP control problems• Problems with respirator• Volume measurement inoperable• Pressure measurement inoperable• Check expiration - valve• Airway temperature measurement inoperable• Fail to cycle• Fan problemVentilation Mode DisplayVentilation Mode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationBIPAP or BIPAP/ASB BIPAP IPPV, IPPV/Autoflow, IPPV/Assist/Autoflow, or IPPV/Assist IPPVSIMV, SIMV/ASB, SIMV/Autoflow, or SIMV/ASB/Autoflow SIMVCPAP or CPAP/ASB CPAPStandby Standby
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-45 VF8P-B 7200/840 VentilatorsAlarm MessagesDescription Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen -in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Paw < LO LIM Paw fell below lower alarm limitAPNEA Apnea eventAIR SUPPLY Gas air supply pressureO2 SUPPLY Gas O2 supply pressureVentilator Alarm I:E AlarmVentilator Alarm(P-B 7200 only)Leakage, systemMVe<LO LIM MVe is below lower alarm limitPEEP<LO LIM(P-B 7200 only)PEEP is below lower alarm limitRR>HI LIM RR exceeds upper alarm limitTVe<LO LIM Tidal volume is lowParameter LabelsCdyn(P-B 7200 only)Dynamic compliance Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)Cs(P-B 7200 only)Static compliance I:E E-Part I:E ratio (expiratory component)I:E I-Part(P-B 840 only)I:E ratio (inspiratory component)MAP Mean airway pressure MVe Expired minute volumeMVe s Spontaneous minute volumePause Pause pressurePIP Peak inspired airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistance Rs Static resistanceRRv Respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume expired breathVC Vital capacity
17-46 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral Option Selected SettingsFLOW WAVE setFlow waveform setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)FREQ set FrequencyiO2 set Inspired O2 setting100%O2 Inspired O2% settingNEBUL set Nebulizer settingPIF set Peak inspiratory flow settingPEEP set PEEP settingPlateau set Plateau settingSIGH ON Sigh enabledTVi set Tidal volume TRIG PRESS Trigger pressureVENT MODE Selected ventilation modeVENT: Selected Ventilator type  Waveforms (P-B 7200 only)Paw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-47 VF8Taema Horus VentilatorNOTE: The Taema Horus ventilator is not commercially available in the U.S. and its future availability cannot be ensured.Alarm Messages Description Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.APNEA Apnea eventExpiration Valve?Check expiration - valvePatient DisconnectPatient may be disconnected from ventilatorI:E Alarm I:E erroriO2 < LO LIM iO2 is below lower alarm limitiO2 > HI LIM iO2 exceeds upper alarm limitMVe < LO LIM MVe is below lower alarm limitMVe > HI LIM MVe exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP > HI LIM PEEP exceeds upper alarm limitFlow Sensor? Check flow sensorAIR SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, airO2 SUPPLY? Gas supply alarm, O2Parameter Labels Description Displayed in...Cdyn Dynamic compliance Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)MAP Mean airway pressure MVe Expired minute volumeMVi Inspired minute volumePause Pause pressurePIP Peak inspired airway pressure PEEP Peak end expiratory pressureRRv Respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume, expiredTVi Tidal volume, inspirediO2 Inspired O2
17-48 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral Option Selected Settings Description Displayed in...FREQ set Frequency Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)PEEP set PEEP settingTVi set Tidal volume TRIG PRESS Trigger pressureVENT MODE Selected ventilation modeVENT: Selected Ventilator type WaveformsPaw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-49 VF8Hamilton Galileo VentilatorAlarm Messages Description Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View -in the information area right below the menu buttonsAlarm causes that are labelled as ‘Ventilator Alarm’ refer to non-clinical device conditions. All other alarm messages refer to clinical events that violate a setting that can be configured at the ventilator.Ventilator Alarm • Minute volume exceeds upper alarm limit• Failure to cycle• Gas supply alarm• PEEP valve inoperable• Ventilator disconnectAPNEA Apnea alarm%O2 Error %O2 measurement errorMVe < LO LIM MVe below lower alarm limitRR > HI LIM RR exceeds upper alarm limitParameter LabelsCdyn Dynamic compliance  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I:E E-Part I:E ratio (expiratory component)I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)iO2 Inspired O2MAP Mean airway pressureMVe Expired minute volumePause Pause pressurePIP Peak inspired airway pressurePEEP Peak end expiratory airway pressure Raw Dynamic resistanceRRv Pediatric respiratory rate - vol/flow RRs Spontaneous respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume, expiredTVi Tidal volume, inspirediO2 Inspired O2Selected SettingsiO2 set Inspired O2 setting Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)INSP t% I:E ratio, inspiratory componentPAUSE t% I:E ratio, expiratory componentPEEP set PEEP settingTVi set Inspired tidal volume settingTRIG PRESS Trigger pressureVent:  Selected Ventilator type
17-50 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionMaquet SV 300/SV 300A/Servoi VentilatorAlarm Messages Description Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View - in the information area right below the menu buttonsAPNEA An apnea detectedBATTERY Battery alarmCMV potentiometer CMV potentiometer errorGAS SUPPLY? Gas supply alarmHI CONT PRESS High continuous pressureiO2 < LO LIM iO2 is below lower limitiO2 > HI LIM iO2 exceeds upper limitMAINS FAIL Mains failureMVe > HI / LO LIM MVe is too high/too lowVENT ERR Mode switch error% O2 ERR O2 cell disconnect, orO2 potentiometer errorDEVICE ERR Over range or Range switch error Labels/SettingsBAROM PRESS Barometric pressure Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)AIR SUPPLY Gas air supply pressureO2 SUPPLY Gas O2 supply pressure1I:E I-Part I:E ratio (inspiratory component)1,2INSP t% I:E ratio (inspiratory component)%iO2 Inspired O2MAP cmH20 Mean airway pressureMVe I Expired minute volumeMVi I  Inspired minute volumePause Pause pressure PEEP Peak end expiratory pressure PIP Peak inspired pressure RRv Respiratory rateTVe Tidal volume expired breathTVi Tidal volume inspired breathCMV FREQ Frequency of CMV setting SIMV FREQ Frequency of SIMV setting
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-51 VF8 Labels/Settings (continued) Description Displayed in...INSP t% I:E ratio - inspiratory component Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)I RISE% I:E ratio - inspiratory rise time componentPAUSE t% I:E ratio - pause componentiO2 set iO2 settingiO2 set LO Lower alarm limit of iO2iO2 HI LIM Upper alarm limit of iO2MVe LO LIM Lower alarm limit of MVeMVe HI LIM Upper alarm limit of MVePATIENT RANGE Patient type (Adult= 4; Pediatric=15; Neonate=16)PEEP set PEEP setting P CTL > PEEP Pressure control level above PEEP P HI LIM Upper pressure alarm limitP SUPPORT Pressure support level above PEEP.TRIG SENS > PEEP Trigger sensitivity level below PEEPVENT MODE3Ventilation mode settingSV 300, SV 300A, ServoiSelected Ventilator typeVOL set Volume settingPaw Airway pressureFlow Flow (insp/exp)Ventilation Mode Display (Servoi)Ventilation Mode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationSIMV (PRVC)  SIMV (PRVC)1Certain parameters, identified as measured values, are derived from other values or settings provided by the ventilator and may not reflect actual values. See the operating instructions for your specific monitor or ventilator for detailed information on derived measurements.2Display of I:E value may be affected by mode of ventilation.3Mode value may be blanked during certain conditions and modes of ventilation.
17-52 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionMaquet SV 900 VentilatorParameters Description Displayed in...RRv Respiratory rate Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)TVe Tidal volume, expiredTvi Tidal volume, inspiredMVi Minute volume, inspiredMVe Minute volume, expiredPIP Peak inspired airway pressureMAP Mean airway pressurePause Pause pressurePEEP Peak End Expiratory PressureiO2 Inspired O2
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-53 VF8Viasys Bear 1000 Adult VentilatorAlarm Messages Description Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View - in the information area right below the menu buttonsPaw < LO LIM Paw is below lower limitGAS SUPPLY? Gas supply alarmRR > HI LIM Respiratory rate exceeds upper alarm limitRR < LO LIM Respiratory rate is below lower limitMVe < LO LIM Minute volume is below lower limitMVe > HI LIM Minute volume exceeds upper alarm limitI:E Alarm I:E Limit (I:E Error)Cycle Failed Fail to cycleParametersPIP Peak inspired airway pressure Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)MAP Mean airway pressure%MMV % Mandatory minute ventilationTVe Tidal volume, expiredTi Inspiratory timeMVe Minute volume, expiredMVe s Spontaneous minute volumeRRv Respiratory rate Pause Pause (plateau) pressureRRs Respiratory rate, spontaneousSettingsTi set Inspiratory time Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)iO2 set Inspired O2 settingMAX iFLOW set Maximum inspiratory flowTVi set Tidal volume, inspired Pause t I:E ratio (Pause component) Inspiratory pausePslope Pressure slopeTRIG PRESS Pressure trigger sensitivityFLOW Trig set Flow triggerPaw set Inspiratory pressureMMV Mandatory minute ventilationFreq set Breath ratePSupport Pressure support
17-54 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionVentilation Mode DisplayVentilation Mode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationAssist Control Assist ControlPressure Control PCVSIMV/CPAP/PSV SIMV/CPAP/PSVPC-SIMV/CPAP/PSV PC-SIMV/CPAP/PSV WaveformsPaw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Loops Ventilator loops
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-55 VF8Viasys BearCub 750 Infant Ventilator  Alarm Messages Description Displayed in...Paw > HI LIM Paw exceeds upper alarm limit Main Screen - in the lower right hand corner of the top waveform channel Bed View - in the information area right below the menu buttonsPaw < LO LIM Paw is below lower limitGAS SUPPLY? Gas supply alarmRR > HI LIM Respiratory rate exceeds upper alarm limitPEEP < LO LIM Peak End Expiratory Pressure is below lower limitMVe < LO LIM Minute volume is below lower limitAPNEA ApneaBattery Low battery supplyCycle Failed Fail to cycleParametersPIP Peak inspired airway pressure Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)PEEP Peak End Expiratory PressureTe Expiratory timeTVe Tidal volume, expiredTi Inspiratory timeMVe Minute volume, expiredRRv Respiratory rate TVi Tidal volume, inspiredMAP Mean Airway PressureO2 Supply Prsr O2 Supply pressure SettingsTi set Inspiratory time Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)Freq set Breath rate Vlimit Volume limit settingFLOW Trig set Flow trigger settingiFLOW set Inspiratory flow setting
17-56 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionVentilation Mode DisplayVentilation Mode at Device Mode at Infinity CentralStationAssist Control Asst CtrlPSV PSVSIMV/IMV SIMV/IMVCPAP CPAPSIMV/PSV SIMV/PSVSIMV (Flow Cycled) SIMV-Flow CycleFlow Cycled A/C Asst Ctrl-Flow Cycle WaveformsPaw Airway Pressure Ventilator Screen (page 17-5)Flow Flow (Insp/exp)Loops Ventilator loops
Ventilator and Device Messages/Labels Infinity CentralStation 17-57 VF8Baxter Vigilance/Vigilance II Cardiac Output Monitor   Parameters Description Displayed in...BT Blood Temperature Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)CCO Continuous Cardiac OutputCCI Continuous Cardiac Output IndexICO Intermittent Cardiac OutputICI Intermittent Cardiac Output IndexSaO2 Arterial Oxygen SaturationSvO2 Venous Oxygen SaturationSVR Systemic Vascular ResistanceSVRI Systemic Vascular Resistance IndexVO2 O2 ConsumptionDO2 O2 DeliveryThe following parameters are available from the Baxter Vigilance II only.SV Stroke VolumeSVI Stroke Volume IndexEDV End Diastolic VolumeEDVI End Diastolic Volume IndexESV End Systolic VolumeESVI End Systolic Volume IndexEF Ejection Fraction
17-58 Infinity CentralStation VF817: VentCentral OptionetCO2/Respiratory Mechanics Pod Parameters Description Displayed in...PIP Peak inspired pressure  Ventilator Settings screen (page 17-8)PEEP Peak end expiratory pressure MAP Mean arterial pressureTVi s Inspired tidal volume, spontaneousTVi m Inspired tidal volume, mechanicalTVe s Expiratory tidal volume, spontaneousTVe m Expiratory tidal volume, mechanicalTVd aw Dead space, airwayMVe s/m Expiratory minute volume spontaneous/mechanicalMVe Expiratory minute volumeRR s/m Respiratory rate, spontaneous/mechanicalRRv Respiratory rateCdyn Dynamic complianceC20/Cdyn Dynamic compliance of the last 20% breathRaw e Dynamic resistancePEF Peak Expiratory FlowTValv Alveolar tidal volumeMValv s/m Minute volumeVCO2 CO2 production, minute volume
18 Biomed FunctionsBiomed Screen Selections..........................................................................................18-2Accessing the Biomed Screens...........................................................................18-2Show Devices Screen..................................................................................................18-3Configure Central Screen ...........................................................................................18-3To edit Event Class:..............................................................................................18-5To modify Configure Central selections:............................................................18-5Configure Locked Options Screen.............................................................................18-6Enabling Available Options..................................................................................18-6Raid Option ..................................................................................................................18-6System Console...........................................................................................................18-6Rest ECG Reports........................................................................................................18-7Available Report Formats.....................................................................................18-7Viewing Logs................................................................................................................18-9Copying Logs to Disk .........................................................................................18-10Telemetry System Set Up..........................................................................................18-11Infinity M300 Set Up ............................................................................................18-11Infinity Telemetry Set Up ....................................................................................18-13Radio Frequency Diagnostics  .................................................................................18-16Available Information on the RF Diagnostics Screen......................................18-16
18-2 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsBiomed Screen SelectionsThe Biomed functions are password-protected and intended only for the hospital’s biomedical personnel or Dräger service representatives.Accessing the Biomed Screens1. Click on Biomed in the Main Screen menu bar. 2. Click on the desired menu selection. The password popup window displays. 3. Enter the Biomed password in the password popup. 4. Click on Accept in the password popup.Selection DescriptionShow Devices... Allows your Biomed to view the status of network devices within the monitoring unit of the Infinity CentralStationConfigure Central... Provides access to setup features Configure Locked Options... Allows your Biomed to enable available optionsSystem Console... Activates a window from where you can perform remote diagnostics, shut down the Infinity CentralStation, select Rest ECG report formats, etc.Diagnostic Log Displays log of 1000 hardware and software error conditions Clinical Events Log Displays log of 1000 clinically significant events, such as alarm detection, Alarm Silence requests, recording status, and remote control of bedside monitors.Configure Telemetry... Accesses Telemetry set up functions (page 18-11)
Show Devices Screen VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-3 Show Devices Screen The Biomed - Show Devices screen lists status information for all network devices assigned to the monitoring unit of the specific Infinity CentralStation. To open the Biomed - Show Devices screen see page 18-2. Configure Central ScreenBiomed - Configure Central Screen SelectionsSelection DescriptionShow Central Status  Opens a popup with status information for the Infinity CentralStation Radio buttons for listing device-specific informationScrolls pages of informationSelection Description Available Settings Factory DefaultHospital Name Defines hospital name 25 character max.Language Displays the language that was set during installationBiomed Password Sets or modifies Biomed password 8 character max.Clinical Password ON/OFF Enables/disables clinical password ON / OFF ONClinical PasswordSets or modifies clinical password 8 character max. MVWS
18-4 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsCentral Layouts PasswordEnables/disables password protec-tionIf enabled, screen is password pro-tected.ON / OFF OFFPrinter Connected Sets printer connection •OFF•Network (Central station is connected to a network printer.)•Local (Printer is connected directly to the Infinity CentralStation.)OFFNetwork Printer AddressDisplays network printer IP address configured during installation (for viewing only)Cabrera Permits activation/deactivation of the hex axial lead configurationWhen you turn Cabrera on, the leads are displayed in the hex axial display format.If you turn Cabrera off, the leads appear in standard mode.ON/OFF OFFEvent Class Editor Permits editing of user-selectable event classification labels (page 18-5)Edit / Hide HidePatient ConfidentialityDetermines whether a patient’s name appears on Infinity CentralStation displayed screensON / OFF OFFRestore Default SettingsRestores system default settingsHospital Label Identifies the hospital label for the network7 character maxMonitoring Unit LabelIdentifies the monitoring unit to which the Infinity CentralStation is assigned7 character maxCare Unit Label Identifies the care unit to which the Infinity CentralStation is assigned7 character maxHost Label View onlySelection Description Available Settings Factory DefaultNOTE: Whenever you restore defaults the Infinity CentralStation must be restarted. An entry is made to the clinical events log.
Configure Central Screen VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-5 To edit Event Class:1. Open the Biomed - Configure Central screen (page 18-2).2. Click on the toggle button next to Event Class Editor so that it displays Edit. A popup displays with ten default labels.3. After you make the desired changes, click on Accept to save changes or Undo.To modify Configure Central selections:1. Open the Biomed - Configure Central screen (page 18-2).2. Select a button or text entry box to set and click. 3. After entering information and modifying settings click on Accept to save changes or Undo.Class Name Class DescriptionAFIB Atrial FibrillationATAC Atrial TachycardiaBBB Bundle branch blockPNC Pacer not capturedPNP Pacer not pacingTRIG TrigeminyMTI Multifocal PVCRONT R-on-TIRR Irregular HRNVTA Non-sustained VTAC
18-6 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsConfigure Locked Options ScreenThis screen lists software that must be purchased separately and can only be enabled with a unique password for each Infinity CentralStation. For a list of available software options, contact your local Dräger representative.Enabling Available Options1. Open the Configure Locked Options screen (page 18-2).2. Click on one of the available menu choices. 3. Enter the password for the option you wish to enable. 4. Click on Accept. After an option is enabled, a popup displays the message:The Infinity CentralStation must be restarted to allow the locked options to take effect.5. Restart the Infinity CentralStation.Whenever you lock or enable an option, a message is stored in the clinical events log.Raid OptionWith the Infinity CentralStation RAID Option, RAID 1 mirroring provides disclosure disk redundancy by writing all full/event disclosure data to two identical hard drives. With this option configured, all  disclosure disk data is written to a second, identical hard drive in the background.System ConsoleThis Biomed menu selection activates a console window with a prompt from which you can: zRun remote diagnostics for all network devices,zShut down or restart the Infinity CentralStation,zReview an alarm history log for telemetry patient channels consisting of the last 5000 events (with time and date of the alarm occurrences), andzSelect Rest ECG report formatsTo open the System Console see page 18-2.CAUTION: In the event of a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) failure, no tone sounds, and no message appears. However, an LED on the hard drive that failed will light.
Rest ECG Reports VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-7 Rest ECG ReportsRest ECG reports are available in several formats which you can customize. As soon as the data arrives from the bedside monitor, the Infinity CentralStation analyzes it and generates a printed report. Whenever the Infinity CentralStation issues a report successfully, an entry is made in the clinical events log. If a report cannot be processed successfully, an entry is made in the diagnostic log (page 18-9). If multiple printing requests exist, the Rest ECG report is queued until the assigned printer becomes available. Available Report FormatsThe format of a Rest ECG report determines the layout and the type of information included in the report. For more detailed information on generating ECG reports, please refer to the bedside monitor documentation.WARNING: Diagnosis based on interpretation of 12-lead monitoring results should only be done by qualified personnel. Prior to final interpretation and diagnosis, qualified physicians should review suggested diagnostic statements and all other available informationReport Type ResolutionDiagnostic Statements Y/N# of Pages Orientation6x2 waves, 2.5 s 50 mm/s Y 1 Landscape6x2 waves, 2.5 s N 16x2 waves, 2.5 s Y 2 Landscape, cabrera6x2 waves, 2.5 s N 1Complexes and 3 waves(V1, II, V5) 7 sComplexes: 50mm/sWaveforms: 25mm/sY 1 Portrait, standard12 waveforms, each 5 s 50 mm/s N 2 Cabrera
18-8 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsAccessing the Rest ECG Report Selection Menu 1. Open the System Console (page 18-2).2. At the system prompt type the following:rekgSelectA selection list appears.12 waveforms, each 5 s 50 mm/s N 2 Landscape12 waveforms, each 10s 50 mm/s Y 112 waveforms, each 10s 50 mm/s N 23x4 waveforms, each 2.5 s 25 mm/s N 13x4 waveforms, each 2.5 s 25 mm/s Y 26x2 waveforms, each 5 s 25 mm/s Y 16x2 waveforms, each 5 s 25 mm/s N 1
Viewing Logs VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-9 3. Enter the number before the format or function you wish to select (1 - 15, 99) or press <Enter> for the default (9). If you want to change hospital name you must type the new information after making your selection, then press <Enter> on the keyboard.Viewing LogsThe password-protected diagnostic and clinical events logs support recording hardware and software conditions and clinical events. The Diagnostic log contains a record of up to 1000 hardware and software events and are helpful in determining system status. The Clinical Events log contains information on up to 1000 events of clinical significance. Typical clinical events log entries may include:zTransitions in/out of local alarm silencezInfinity CentralStation Alarm State Change (e.g., Audible Alarm Annunciation Change from active to silenced or vice versa)zAlarm Limit Change from the Infinity CentralStationzArrhythmia Setup Change from the Infinity CentralStationzBedside State Change (e.g., on-line, off-line)zCPS/IDS State Change (e.g., on-line, off-line, duplicate IP address detected)zMain Screen Layout ChangezEdits of Patient DemographicszAlarm Volume ChangezClinical Password ModificationzLanguage ChangezRestoration of  Factory Default SettingszRecording Status (other than cancellation of continuous or timed recordings)zRecorder State Change (e.g., Recorder off-line, Recorder Failure, CPS/IDS Off-line)zTime and Date ChangezLocked Options ChangezA request for  SPO2 with no additional SPO2 licenses availablezInfinity CentralStation detection of  incompatible Infinity M300 software
18-10 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsLog entries appear as separate lines and are displayed in chronological order with the most recent entry at the top. Each entry includes date, time, event class, event code, and event description. To open the Diagnostic or Clinical Events logs, see page 18-2.Copying Logs to Disk1. Insert a 3.5” high-density disk into the disk drive of the Infinity CentralStation. 2. Access the log you wish to copy (page 18-9).3. Click on Copy Logs To Disk. The Infinity CentralStation formats the disk automatically.Logs are copied as individual files. During the copying process, the Infinity CentralStation is fully operational. However, the Copy Logs To Disk button remains ghosted until the process completes. If the operation fails, a status message displays and an advisory tone sounds.NOTE:zYou do not need to format the disk before copying logs.zBoth the Diagnostic and Clinical Events logs are copied during a copy request.
Telemetry System Set Up VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-11 Telemetry System Set UpThe following Biomed setup functions pertain exclusively to the Infinity M300. Before you can access these functions, the Infinity M300 option must be enabled (page 18-6).Infinity M300 Set UpAccessing the Infinity M300 Telemetry Setup Screens1. Click on Biomed in the Main Screen menu bar. 2. Click on Configure Telemetry....3. Click on Telemetry Devices or M300 Setup.4. Enter the Biomed password in the password popup. 5. Click on Accept in the popup. The selected screen displays.You must use the Biomed password to access these screens (See Installation Instructions, included with this Instructions for Use in product packaging).Infinity M300 Devices ScreenThe Telemetry Devices screen permits the Biomed to configure up to 300 devices to use with the Infinity CentralStation. 1. Open the Telemetry Devices screen.2. Click on the New Device button.3. For each available device, enter the IP address in a row of the table.4. Assign a unique Telemetry ID (4 character maximum). 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each device.6. When you have added all the devices, click on the Accept.Once you assign the Telemetry IDs, those devices are available for selection from the Telemetry ID section of the Admit screen (page 9-3).
18-12 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed Functions Biomed - Infinity M300 Setup Screen       NOTE: You can only configure the Infinity M300 Alarm Paused key, STAFF ALERT key, Record key, and speaker for an individual patient (page 18-15) if Per Patient is selected during setup.Selection Description Settings  DefaultAlarm Paused Determines how the Infinity M300 Alarm Paused key can be usedIf you want to be able to individually set  this function for each patient, you must select Per Patient (page 18-15).If you select All Off Alarm Paused  key will be disabled for all Infinity M300 devices in the system. • All On• All Off•Per PatientAll OffRecord Determines how the Infinity M300 Record key can be used If you want to be able to individually set  this function for each patient, you must select Per Patient (page 18-15).If you want to generate manual timed recordings when you press the Infinity M300 Record key, you must select All Record or All Record/Store.• All Record• All Off• All Record/Store•All Store•Per PatientAll RecordStaff Alert Determines how the Infinity M300 STAFF ALERT key can be used If you want to be able to individually set  this function for each patient, you must select Per Patient (page 18-15).If you want to generate a STAFF ALERT alarm at  the Infinity Central Station when you press the Infinity M300 STAFF ALERT key, you must select All On.• All On• All Off•Per PatientAll OnSpeakerWARNING: The Infinity M300 speaker is intended for use only in the patient vicinity. It is not intended for primary alarm annunciation. Use the Infinity CentralStation speaker for primary alarm annunciation.Determines if  the Infinity M300 speaker can be enabled NOTE:• If set to ALL OFF, Infinity M300 will not present the Volume screen and Volume will be forced to OFF.• Unless you select  Per Patient, you cannot  individually set  this function for each patient (page 18-15).• All On• All Off•Per PatientAll OffM300 Volume Determines volume of Infinity M300 audible alarm•OFF• 10 - 100 %OFF
Telemetry System Set Up VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-13 Infinity Telemetry Set UpAccessing the Infinity Telemetry Setup Screens1. Click on Biomed in the Main Screen menu bar. 2. Click on Configure Telemetry...3. Click on one of the following:Receiver Setup... Transmitter Setup... RF Diagnostics... 4. Enter the Biomed password in the password popup. 5. Click on Accept in the popup. Once you access a Telemetry Setup screen with the Biomed password, you can open all other Telemetry Setup screens without having to re-enter the Biomed password. Display Shut Off TimerDetermines how long  the Infinity M300 display remains on with no user activity•1 min•2 min•3 min•4 min•5 min1 minECG Notch FilterAssigns Infinity M300 ECG Notch filter setting • 50 Hz• 60 Hz60 HzRégulation Sets French Homologation mode • Par défaut•FrancePar défaut• Click on Accept or on Undo to return to previous settings.Selection Description Settings  Default
18-14 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsInfinity Telemetry Receiver SetupThe Receiver Setup screen is further protected by a special password, which is only accessible to authorized service personnel. For detailed information on the various setup functions of this screen, please consult the accompanying service documentation.To open the Receiver Setup screen see page 18-11.Configuring the Transmitter ButtonsIn the Transmitter Setup screen, you can configure the transmitter Recording  and the Staff Alert  buttons. These settings determine whether or not a recording or a staff alert can be initiated from the transmitter.1. Open the Transmitter Setup screen (page 18-12).The top of the screen contains the Transmitter Record and Transmitter Staff Alert buttons. Receiver Setup Screen SelectionsSelection DescriptionCountry Permits selection of country from option list (Password protected.  Contact Dräger Service)ECG Notch Filter Displays list of possible ECG Notch Filter selectionsRegulation Permits selection of possible Regulation configurations Receiver DetailsS/W Version Displays Infinity CentralStation software versionID Label Displays receiver identification name assigned at installationEthernet Address Displays telemetry receiver IP address configured during installation Antenna System Displays Antenna System typeChannel Spacing Permits channel selections for selected countryReceiver Type Permits selection of UHF or VHFFrequency Range Graphic display of Channel Spacing range• Click on Accept to save changes or Undo to keep original settings.
Telemetry System Set Up VF8 Infinity CentralStation 18-15 2. Click on the Transmitter Record or Transmitter Staff Alert button and scroll to a setting:3. Click on Accept to save the setting or Undo button to keep the previous setting.Transmitter Record and Staff Alert Button SelectionsSetting DescriptionAll On This selection activates the transmitter Staff Alert and Recording buttons for all telemetry channels. A timed recording is initiated if you press the recording button, and if you press the staff alert button, a serious alarm is generated at the Infinity CentralStation. Also, an alarm message appears in the patient’s corresponding Main Screen and Bed View waveform areas.All Off The transmitter staff alert button and recording button are deactivated for all telemetry channels. You cannot generate any recordings or staff alert calls from any transmitter.Per Patient This setting allows you the greatest flexibility because the transmitter buttons can be enabled or disabled for each patient individually in the Transmitter Setup menu (page 3-5)
18-16 Infinity CentralStation VF818: Biomed FunctionsRadio Frequency Diagnostics To open the RF Diagnostics screen see “Infinity Telemetry Set Up” on page 18-13.Available Information on the RF Diagnostics ScreenThe RF Diagnostics screen displays the frequency and I.D. for active Infinity Telemetry patients that currently have a transmitter assigned to the receiver channel. The screen also provides the information outlined in the following table. This information is updated every minute even as you are viewing it. Please consult the Service documentation for further information.Information Description Possible ValuesChannel Lists the channels of the receiver reported by the receiver subsystem1 to 4; 1 to 8; 1 to 12; 1 to 16; blankFrequency Lists the center operating frequencies (MgHz) of the receiver’s channels.abc.defg; blankI.D. Lists the transmitter ID number for each channel as reported by the receiver subsystem. A blank means that no ID is reported (the transmitter signal is not being received).1 to 255; blankRSSI-dBm Receiver’s signal strength indicator for each channel (averaged over 1 minute)0 to -125 dBm; blank1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 1 Hour, 24 HoursPercentage of good ECG signal samples received over the specified interval0 to 100%
A: Patient PreparationThis appendix provides information about patient preparation and electrode placement for telemetry monitoring.General .......................................................................................................................... A-2ECG Electrode Placement............................................................................................ A-3Lead Wire Color Codes.......................................................................................... A-4Attaching the Pulse Oximeter...................................................................................... A-4
A-2 Infinity CentralStation VF8A: General Careful skin preparation and proper electrode placement ensure strong signals with minimal artifact. In case of a technical alarm (e.g., a detached lead), re-prep the patient according to the following recommendations.  Follow hospital protocol for preparing the patient’s skin. To ensure a good quality signal, change electrodes every 24 to 48 hours (or in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions). Electrodes may have to be changed more frequently under the following conditions:zECG signal degradationzExcessive patient perspirationzPatient skin irritationA wide selection of reusable and single-use electrodes is available. Select the best electrode for the monitoring situation. Dräger recommends Ag/AgCl single-use electrodes. If you are using pre-gelled electrodes, verify that there is enough gel in the electrode gel-filled area. Never use disposable electrodes after their expiration date or when the gel has dried out.Choose electrode sites in the configuration that will provide the best ECG based on the patient’s underlying cardiac condition and the number of leads you wish to monitor. (P- and T-wave amplitudes should be no more than one third of the QRS amplitude.) Select flat, non-muscular sites to maximize electrode contact and minimize muscle artifact. Avoid joints or bony protrusions. Consider the following special conditions when selecting sites for electrode placement:Surgery — Keep the electrodes as far from the surgical site as possible.Burn Patients — Use sterile electrodes. Clean the equipment thoroughly. Follow hospital infection control procedures.WARNING! Place the Infinity M300 or Infinity Telemetry device to reduce the possibility of: - the device falling on or injuring patient.- any accessory cables accidentally entangling patient’s neck.
ECG Electrode Placement VF8 Infinity CentralStation  A-3 ECG Electrode Placement  The following illustrations show typical ECG electrode placement for 3-, 5-, and 6-wire lead sets:WARNING! When placing electrodes, ensure all connecting wires are placed safely and cannot injure the patient. Serious injury can occur if the electrode wires are allowed to encircle the neck or extremities3-Wire Standard 5-Wire StandardPaced 6-Wire Standard Chest Lead StandardSelect 2 chest lead positions for V and V+ (page 8-14).V+ is only used with 6-wire monitor-ing.Dräger recommends that you do not use this modified placement for TruST monitoring.
A-4 Infinity CentralStation VF8A: Lead Wire Color CodesLead wire color codes designated by the IEC and the AHA/AAMI appear in the table that follows.:Attaching the Pulse OximeterThe accuracy of SpO2 monitoring depends largely on the strength and quality of the SpO2 signal.If a finger is used as a monitoring site, remove any nail polish. Cut the patient's finger nails, if necessary, for better sensor placement. Use only approved sensors and apply them per the sensor manufacturer’s recommendation (contact your local Dräger representative for a list of approved sensors).  Ambient light can interfere with pulse oximetry measurements if the sensor is not properly attached, causing erratic measurement or missing values. Ensure proper sensor placement and cover the sensor with opaque material if interference due to ambient light is suspected. 1. Select the sensor type and size  best suited for your patient.2. If the sensor is reusable, clean it before and after each patient use.3. Position the sensor correctly and attach it to your patient.4. Connect the sensor to the patient cable.5. Inspect the sensor application site frequently. If the sensor is too tight it may damage the tissue and impede blood flow. If the sensor is damaged, do not use it.ECG Lead IEC AHA/AAMI (US)LA Yellow BlackLL Green RedRA Red WhiteRL Black GreenVWhiteBrownV+ Gray and White Gray and BrownCAUTION: Read the instructions provided with the sensor for optimal application techniques and for safety information.
B: Technical SpecificationsTechnical Data .............................................................................................................. B-2Infinity Telemetry Systems.................................................................................... B-7Electromagnetic Compatibility .................................................................................. B-20NOTE:zSpecifications are subject to change.zThe telemetry system complies with the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive (1999/5/EC).
B-2 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Technical DataInfinity CentralStationDisplay SpecificationsDisplay Size 432 mm (17 in.), 533 mm (21 in.) diagonal, CRT or TFTResolution 1280 x 1024 pixels (native resolution)User ControlsInput Device Controls PS/2-compatible keyboard and PS/2-compatible optical mouse included in country-specific kit.  Optional Dräger Medical supplied touch screen is also supported.Central Processing Unit (CPU)Processor Intel® XeonTM Processor minimum 3.20 GHz Storage • (1) minimum GB RAM, 1.44 Mb 3.5 in. floppy drive• (1) DVD/CDRW• (2) minimum 73 GB hard drivesDisk Array SCSI Raid 1 in locked drive bay (available with locked option)Software Updates • 1.44 MB 3.5 inch floppy disk drive• CD-ROMConnections • 2 Asynchronous RS-232 serial ports• 2 GB LAN connections•4 USB portsNetwork Connectivity • Infinity Network• Infinity TruST Telemetry NetworkVideo Output Dual Head PCI 32M graphics board, 1280 x 1024 @ 75 HzAudio Output Internal speaker standard.  Dräger Medical supplied external speakers also requiredAlarm Grades Life-threatening, Serious, Advisory(Audible and visual indicators)Number of patients supported per CPU• 16 patients with single display• 32 patients with two displays Electrical SpecificationsPower consumption 115V / 230V 4.0A/2.0APower Output Up to 460W
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-3 Environmental RequirementsCooling Passive heatsink moved across 1 - 120 mm fanSCA drive array and power supply cooled by dedicated 80 mm fansOperation Temperature  0 to 45oC (32 to 113oF)Non-Operating Conditions -20 to 50oC (-4 to 122oF)Altitude Operating: 3500 m (11000 feet) Storage: 10600 m (35000 feet) Acoustic Noise < 53 dBAPhysical AttributesSize (H x W x D) 426.7 x 218.4 x 508.0 mm (16.8 x 8.6 x 20.0 in.)Weight 22.5 kg (50 lbs.)Regulatory StandardsCompliances UL/CSA/CE Certification as required per Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). Infinity CentralStation is CE marked in accordance with the requirements of the 93/42/EEC Medical Device Directive.Uninterruptible Power Supply (350VA, 120V, 220V)Connections Infinity CentralStation, Infinity TruST Telemetry ReceiverAudio output < 45 dB at 1 m (3 ft.)Physical SpecificationsSize (H x W x D) 165 x 114 x 368 cm (6.5 x 4.5 x 14.5 in.)Weight 11.3 kg (25 lbs.)Electrical SpecificationsInverter Waveform Low distortion sine waveInput voltage 115, 220, 230, 240 VAC ± 20% (nominal, user-selectable)Input frequency 50/60 Hz ± 5%Noise Rejection Isolation With unit under power and an ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat. A pulse applied either normal or common mode at the input, the noise output voltage will be <10 normal mode and < 0.5V common mode in all 4 quadrants (CM-NM, NM-NM, CM-CM, NM-CM).Infinity CentralStation(continued)
B-4 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Surge Voltage Withstand CapabilityTested under power to ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Cat. A & B (formerly IEEE 587-1980). Cat. A 6000V @ 200 amps, 0.5 usec risetime, 100 kHz decay, Cat. B 6000V @ 500 amps, 0.5 usec risetime, 100 kHz decay.Battery charging time 3 to 8 hoursBackup time 6 to 20 minutes (half/full loaded)Internal batteries 2 -12 volt user hot-swap batteries, recharge time 4 hoursIndicatorsLEDs for Load level, voltage manager boost, voltage manager nominal, voltage manager buck, on battery, replace battery, overloadEnvironmental RequirementsOperation Temperature  0 to 40oC (32 to 104oF)Non-Operating Conditions -20 to 60oC (-4 to 140oF)Altitude Operating: 3000 m (10000 feet) Storage: 3000 m (10000 feet) Wall Mountable YesRegulatory StandardsCompliances UL 1778, cUL 1778Laser PrinterBlack and white 1200x1200 dpi laser printers, 115V/220V sold separately.  Contact Dräger Medical to obtain list of supported laser printers.Strip RecorderInfinity R50N Network Strip Recorder provides two-channel strip recordings of automatically cap-tured arrhythmia or alarm events or manually initiated recordings.Uninterruptible Power Supply (350VA, 120V, 220V)(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-5 Infinity Telemetry SystemsInfinity M300 SystemInfinity M300 Programming CableConnections PC via 3m or optional 20m Serial cableH x W X D 44.0 x 96.5 x 96.4 mm (1.7 x 3.8 x 3.8 in.)Weight 450 g (1 lb.)Method Directly to PC and to SpO2 connector of Infinity M300Infinity M300Physical Specifications Size, H x W x D 139.7 x 76.2 x 30.4 mm (5.6 x 3 x 1.2 in) Weight 276.4 g (9.75 oz) with batteryCooling ConvectionDisposal All materials must be disposed of or recycled properly and in accordance with local regulations. There are no known special disposal requirements for any accessories.Connections ECG, SpO2, Programming CableEnvironmental Specifications Atmospheric Pressure Operating: 647 to 1060 hPaStorage: 500 to  1060 hPaTemperature Operating: 0 to 40° C   (32 to 104 °F)Storage: -20 to 60° C (-4 to 140 °F)Humidity (non condensing) Operating: 10% to 85%Storage: 10% to 85%ShockIEC 60068-2-2750 g half-sine waveform, 11 mS duration,3 shocks in each +/- directions/axis, 18 total shocks, 3 mutually perpendicular axesFrequency Response 0.5 - 40 Hz: ± 3 dBSinusoidal VibrationIEC 68-2-65-10 Hz @ 0.098 DA, 100-500 Hz @ 2 G10 sweep cycles/axis, 3 axes, 1 octave / minuteRandom VibrationIEC 60068-2-36Reproducibility MediumASD 10 to 20 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/OctaveASD 20 to 150 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/OctaveDuration: 30 min
B-6 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: BumpIEC60068-2-29Peak acceleration: 15 gPulse duration: 6 msNumber of bumps: 1000Direction: Vertical (normal operating position)Free FallIEC 60068-2-32, Procedure 1Height of fall: 1 mNumber of falls: 1 on each of six surfacesDrop Per IEC68-2-31, Packaged drop- 30"Water Resistance Per EN 60529 rating IPX7 Electrical CharacteristicsPower Source Rechargeable lithium ion batteryMode of operation ContinuousTypical Battery Run TimeECG only18 hoursUser InterfaceUser Interface 6 fixed keys: alarm pause, view screen, staff alert, record/mark event, up/down screen scroll,Audio annunciator,LCD Display Alarm Indicator LED Battery Charging Indicator,Visual Alarm Banners on LCD,Audible alarms via speakerDisplayType Color Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)CommunicationsNetwork Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum  (802.11b)Operating Frequencies ISM-2.4: 2400MHz to 2483.5MHzArrhythmiaLeads Analyzed Any user-selected, non-derived single lead or Lead II and VDetected Events/Rhythms Asystole, Ventricular Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia, Sinus Bradycardia, Ventricular Run, Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm, Supraventricular Tachycardia, Ventricular Couplet, Ventricular Bigeminy, Sinus Tachycardia, Pause, Artifact, PVC/minInfinity M300(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-7 ECGAvailable leads-Adult/PediatricI, II, III, aVL, aVR, aVF, V, V+V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, dV1, dV2, dV3, dV4, dV5, dV6  (dVx leads using TruST 12-lead algorithm K030738)Measurement Range 15 to 300 bpmAccuracy ± 2 beats/minute or ± 1%, whichever is greaterDegree of protection against electrical shockType CF Defibrillation Protection </= 360 JoulesEvent StorageAutomatic Alarm violation or arrhythmia triggerManual "Recording" key activationCentral Monitor WorkStation and Input ControlsDraeger Medical Systems Infinity CentralStationKeyboard, mouse, touchscreenInfinity M300(continued)
B-8 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: ST Segment Analysis (Adult/Pediatric)Available Leads for display on patient worn deviceChoice of any ECG lead being monitoredIsoelectric Point Adjustment range: Start of QRS complex to fiducial pointDefault: QRS onset - 28msecST Measurement Point Adjustment range: Fiducial point to end of QRS complexDefault: QRS offset  + 80msecST Complex Length 900 msec (-300 to +600 msec from fiducial point)Update Interval 15 secs ±1, 1 normal beat requiredST Level Alarm Adjustment Range-15.0 to 15.0 mm, -1.5 to 1.5 mVST Accuracy ±0.1 mm (±0.01 mV)ST Measurement Range -15.0 to 15.0 mm, -1.5 to 1.5 mVST Measurement Resolution ±0.1 mm (±0.01 mV)Sampling Rate for Averaged ECG 250 samples/sPulse Oximetry (optional)Parameter Display Percentage of functional (oxygen-saturated) hemoglobin Saturation (%SpO2), pulse rateMeasurement method Absorption-spectrophotometryMeasurement range SpO2: 1 - 100%Pulse rate: 30-250 bpmCalibration range 70-100%Display range 1-100% (SpO2)30-250 bpm (Pulse)Display update period 2 seconds nominalMaximum hold from previous update30 seconds (in the event of artifact or other error)Infinity M300(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-9 Measurement accuracy, Adult and pediatric Mode1:SpO2: 0 to 69% not specified70 to 100% sensor-specific as follows:Nellcor: D-25, D-20, I-20, N-25,  MAX-A,  MAX-AL,  MAX-P,  MAX-N,  MAX-I, MAX-R  ±2Nellcor:DS100A ±3Masimo: LNOP ADLT, LNOP-YI ±2Masimo:LNOP-DCI, LNOP-DCIP, NR125 ±2LNOP-EAR ±3.5Pulse Rate:  ±3 beats/min or ±3% (whichever is greater)1 SpO2 accuracies are expressed as ± "X" digits between indicated saturation levels. Accuracy of the SpO2measurement is specified 1 SD (standard deviation).Nominal wavelength: Nellcor: Red: 660 nmIR: 910 nmMasimo: Red: 660 nmIR: 905 nmPower: Nellcor: Red: 3 mW(max.)IR: 4 mW(max.)Masimo: Red: 0.9 mW(max.)IR: 0.9 mW(max.) LED drive is current limited by hardware mechanismsQRS DetectionAmplitude 0.5 to 5 mVDuration - Adult/Pediatric 70 to 120 msecPacer Detection Leads(Adult/Pediatric)I, II or IIIPacer Detection Amplitude ±2 to ±900 mVPacer Detection Width 0.1 to 2.0 msecTrendsTrended Telemetry Parameters HR, ST, PVC/min, % paced, SpO2, PLS, STI, STII, STIII, STaVR, STaVL, STaVF, STV1 to STV6, STdV1 to STdV6, STVM, and STCVMInfinity M300(continued)
B-10 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Storage Time 72 HoursResolution 1 minute intervalInfinity M300 Bedside Charger  Connections Infinity M300 Physical AttributesDimensions Length: 99.06 mm (3.9 in)Height: 162.56 mm (6.4 in)Depth: 45.72 mm (1.8in)Weight 224.0 g  (7.9 oz)Cooling ConvectionDisposal All materials must be disposed of or recycled properly and in accordance with local regulations. There are no known special disposal requirements for any accessories.Electrical Specifications Input Voltage 115, 220, 230, 240 VAC ± 20% (nominal, user selectable)Input frequency (Hz)  50/60 Hz ±5%Protection Class From specified Class 1 power supplyMode of Operation ContinuousEnvironmental RequirementsAtmospheric PressureOperating: 647 hPa to 1060 hPaStorage: 500 hPa to 1060 hPaTemperature Operating: 0 to 40° C   (32 to 104 °F)Storage: -20 to 60° C (-04 to 140 °F)Humidity (non condensing)Operating: 10% to 85%Storage: 10% to 85%ShockIEC 68-2-27• 50 g half-sine waveform, 11 mS duration, • 3 shocks in each +/- directions/axis, 18 total shocks, • 3 mutually perpendicular axesSinusoidal VibrationIEC 68-2-6• 5-10 Hz @ 0.098 DA, 100-500 Hz @ 2 G• 10 sweep cycles/axis, 3 axes, 1 octave / minuteInfinity M300(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-11 Random VibrationIEC 60068-2-36• Reproducibility Medium• ASD 10 to 20 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/Octave• ASD 20 to 150 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/Octave• Total acceleration: 1.6g (rms)• Duration/axis/mounting: 30 minBumpIEC60068-2-29• Peak acceleration: 15 g• Pulse duration: 6 ms• Number of bumps: 1000• Direction: Vertical (normal operating position)Free FallIEC 60068-2-32, Procedure 1• Height of fall: 1 m• Number of falls: 1 on each of six surfacesDrop Per IEC68-2-31, Packaged drop- 30"Water Resistance IPX4 (cradle side that connects to patient)StandardsCompliances IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1-2Infinity M300 Central Charger  Connections Infinity M300 (supports 10 devices concurrently)Physical AttributesDimensions Length: 520.7 mm (20.5 in)Height: 215.9 mm (8.5 in)Depth: 190.5 mm (7.5 in) Weight 6.5 kg (14.4 lbs)Cooling Heat sink and fanDisposal All materials must be disposed of or recycled properly and in accordance with local regulations. There are no known special disposal requirements for any accessories.Electrical Specifications Input Voltage 115, 220, 230, 240 VAC ± 20% (nominal, user selectable)Input frequency (Hz)  50/60 Hz ±5%Protection Class From specified Class 1 power supplyMode of Operation ContinuousInfinity M300 Bedside Charger(continued)
B-12 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Power Output  Provides power to Infinity M300 via magnetic couplingEnvironmental RequirementsAtmospheric PressureOperating: 647 to 1060 hPaStorage: 500 to 1060 hPaTemperature Operating: 0 to +40 ° C   (32 to 104 °F)Storage: -30 to +70° C (-22 to 158 °F)Humidity (non condensing)Operating: 10 to 85%Storage: 10% to 85%ShockIEC 68-2-27• 50 g half-sine waveform, 11 mS duration,• 3 shocks in each +/- directions/axis, 18 total shocks,• 3 mutually perpendicular axesSinusoidal VibrationIEC 68-2-6• 5-10 Hz @ 0.098 DA, 100-500 Hz @ 2 G• 10 sweep cycles/axis, 3 axes, 1 octave / minuteRandom VibrationIEC 60068-2-36• Reproducibility Medium• ASD 10 to 20 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/Octave• ASD 20 to 150 Hz: 0.05 g2 /Hz, -3dB/Octave• Total acceleration: 1.6g (rms)• Duration/axis/mounting: 30 minBumpIEC60068-2-29• Peak acceleration: 15 g• Pulse duration: 6 ms• Number of bumps: 1000• Direction: Vertical (normal operating position)Free FallIEC 60068-2-32, Procedure 1• Height of fall: 1 m• Number of falls: 1 on each of six surfacesDrop Per IEC68-2-31, Packaged drop- 30"Water Resistance IPX1 - Protected against harmful effects of dripping water.StandardsCompliances IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1-2Infinity M300 Central Charger(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-13 Infinity TruST Telemetry SystemTruST Telemetry ReceiverNetwork Connectivity Infinity Network; Infinity TruST Telemetry NetworkAntenna Type Dual conversion super heterodyne Modulation Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK)Software Update 1.44 MB 3.5 inch floppy disk driveChannels 4 channels per card, maximum 16 channelsFrequencies UHF 400 - 460 MHz., UHF 608 - 614 MHz., VHF 174-216 MHzChannel Spacing Varies by country, 25, 40 or 50 kHzElectrical SpecificationsPower Consumption 2A@ 100 VAC, 1A @ 240 VACInput Voltage 100/120/220/230-240 VAC selectable +/- 10%Mains Frequency 50/60 Hz. (nominal)Indicators LED indicator for powerEnvironmental ConditionsCooling Fan circulationOperation Temperature 10 to 40° C   (50 to 104 °F)Non-Operating Conditions -20 to 60° C (-4 to 140 °F)Physical AttributesChassis Color WhiteWeight 16 kg (35 lbs)H x W x D 191 x 432 x 508 mm (7.5 x 17.0 x 20.0 in.)Regulatory/Standards ComplianceCompliances • EN 60601-1  Medical electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements for safety.• EN 60601-1-2: Medical electrical equipment, collateral standard: electromagnetic compatibility• UL 544 second addition (1991)
B-14 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: TruST Telemetry TransmitterLead Type 3-wire, 5-wire, 6-wireIndicators LEDs indicating lead off and low batteryLeads-off Sensors One for each lead: RA, LA, LL, V, V+Lead-off Threshold 12 MΩ, ± 25% for RA, LA, LL, V, V+2.7 MΩ, ± 25% for RLCommon Mode Rejection Meets CMRR test specification in AAMI EC 13-2002 Staff alert, timed and continuous recording start, self-testPacemaker Detection 0.1 to 2 ms, 2.5 to 700 mV (positive or negative)Independent detectors for Lead I and IIDefibrillation Protection Will withstand 360 joulesElectrical Specifications Protection against electrical shockType BElectrosurgery and Cautery Not intended for use during ESUBattery  • 9 V alkaline: 2 days• 9 V lithium: 4 days Environmental Specifications Operation Temperature 10 to 40° C   (50 to 104 °F)Non-Operating Conditions -25 to 60° C (-13 to 140 °F)RF Power Output 1 MW, -3 to + 4 dBmFrequency Response 0.5 - 40 Hz: ± 3 dBWater Resistance Electronics protected from damage due to accidental immersion in up to 1 m of water for 30 minutes. Meets EN 60529 rating IPX7.Drop and Free fall Withstands 20 drops from 1.5 m onto a tiled concrete surface with no degradation of performance
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-15 Chemical Resistance Resistance tested for isopropyl alcohol 70%, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) 2.5% and the following commercial disinfectants: Buraton 10F 1%, Cetylcide-G® Concentrate, Diluent Concentrate Cidex Plus™ 28 Day Solution, Cidex OPA Solution, Cidex OPA Solution High Level Disinfectant, Cidex™ Activated Dialdehyde Solution, Compliance, Enzol (Cidezyme), Incidin® Plus 1%, Incidin® Plus 2%, Lysoformin 3000 1%, Metricide® 28 Long-Life Activated, Dialdehyde Solution, Sporicidin Sterilizing and Disinfecting SolutionConnections • ECG Analog cable for bedside display of Lead II scaled to 1 mV ± 15% to transmitter's ECG input leads• Vital Connection cable between Infinity CentralStation and Infinity monitor X8 port for data acquisition of SpO2 and/or NIBP• Infinity Telemetry Transmitter Programming Port for tuning each transmitter electronically over its frequency range;• MicrO2+ pulse oximeter.Physical Specifications Size, H x W x D 116 x 65 x 25 mm (4.56 x 2.56 x 1 in.)Weight 160 grams (5.7 oz.) with lithium batteryTelemetry Vital Signs Measuring CapabilitiesECGAvailable leadsMeasuring range 15 - 300 bpmAccuracy ± 5 bpm or ± 5% of rate (whichever is greater)QRS detection range amplitudeAmplitude: 0.5 to 5.0 mVDuration: 40 to 120 ms1 mV calibration pulse 1 mV ± 5%, all leadsTruST Telemetry Transmitter(continued)3-wire I, II, III5-wire I, II, III, aVR, aVF, aVL, V6-wire I, II, III, aVR, aVF, aVL, V, V+6-wire(Infinity TruST 12-lead) V2, V5, dV1, dV3, dV4, dV6 (Default)For TruST 12-lead, any other combination of V1-V6 can be selected; the chest lead selection determines the constructed leads (dV1 - dV6).
B-16 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Arrhythmia ProcessingAlgorithm ACE (Arrhythmia Classification Expert)Leads analyzed Any two user-selected ECG leads (simultaneously), orany one user-selected ECG leadDetected events/rhythms Asystole, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, pause, ventricular run, sinus tachycardia, accelerated idioventricular rhythm, couplet, bigeminy, paced artifact, PVC/min,% paced, SVTFunctions User-selectable functions: alarm on/off, record on/off, store on/off, assignment of alarm grade for each event category.TrendsParameters HR,% paced, PVC/min ST (I, II, III, aVL, aVR, V, V+, V1-V6, dV1-dV6), STCM, STVCM, SpO2, pulse rate (PLS)Storage time 72 hoursTrend Graphs 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 hours (72 hours max)Trend Tables 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes ST Segment AnalysisLeads analyzed Simultaneous analysis of leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF, aVR, V, V+, V1-V6, dV1-dV6Sampling rate for averaged ECG250 samplesResolution ± 10 µVAlarm handling Positive and negative S-T deviationsIsoelectric point Default is set at 28 ms before QRS onset; user-selectable in 4 ms increments between QRS peak to beginning of averaged ECG seg-ment.ST measurements The value is updated every 15 seconds from an average of all nor-mal, non-paced beats.Trends Both graphical and tabular format for each ECG leadGeneral Display CapabilitiesTelemetry channels Up to 16Display screens 1 or 2Screen formats Refer to Infinity CentralStation Instructions for Use.Sweep Speeds 25 or 50 mm/sChannel amplitudes 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2; 4; 8 mV/cmDisplay mode Fixed Waveform (erase bar) modeX-Y resolution 1024 x 1280 pixels with ECG waveform enhancementsTelemetry Vital Signs Measuring Capabilities(continued)
Technical Data VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-17 RecordingsTypes R50 producing 50 mm wide strips with thermal array print head Laser PrinterNumber 2Transmitter Programming PortUsed to tune transmitters to selected frequency and to select ECG wire modeConnections Infinity CentralStationH x W X D 44.0 x 96.5 x 96.4 mm (1.7 x 3.8 x 3.8 in.)Weight 450 g (1 lb.)Infinity Telemetry ECG Analog Output CableUsed to tune transmitters to selected frequency and to select ECG wire modeConnections Infinity MultiMed PodH x W X D 44.0 x 96.5 x 96.4 mm (1.7 x 3.8 x 3.8 in.)Weight 450 g (1 lb.)Telemetry Vital Signs Measuring Capabilities(continued)
B-18 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Electromagnetic CompatibilityThe separation distances are written with regard to the Infinity CentralStation with Infinity Telemetry, TruST Transmitters and Infinity M300. The numbers provided will not guarantee faultless operation but should provide reasonable assurance of such. This information may not be applicable to other medical electrical equipment, and older equipment may be particularly susceptible to interference.General NotesMedical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and needs to be installed and put into service according to the EMC information provided in this manual.Portable and mobile radio frequency (RF) communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment. The TruST telemetry receiver may be sensitive to RF interference and could possibly be interfered with by other equipment even if the equipment complies with CISPR11.Cables and accessories not specified within the instructions for use are not authorized. Using other cables and/or accessories may adversely impact safety, performance and electromagnetic compatibility (increased emission and decreased immunity).The equipment should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment; if adjacent or stacked use is inevitable, the equipment should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used.When using wireless networking, be aware that the system operates at 2.4 GHz range. Other equipment, even if compliant with CISPR emission requirements, could interfere with reception of wireless data. When selecting new wireless systems (e.g. cell phones, pager systems, cordless phones etc.) for use in installations where wireless networking is used, care should always be  used to insure that operating frequencies are compatible. For example, selecting cordless phones that operate at 2.4 GHz will likely cause difficulty with the phones and networking components.Low level signals such as ECG are potentially susceptible to interference from electromagnetic energy. While the equipment meets the testing described below, it is not a guarantee of perfect operation, the ‘quieter’ the electrical environment the better. In general, increasing the distance between electrical devices decreases the likelihood of interference.NOTE: Detailed radio frequency characteristics: 2412-2472 MHZ, Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) IEEE 802.11b compatible, limited to 100 mW. Applicable to both access points and client adaptors.  When used with 802.15.1 wireless, the device will transmit with the following characteristics: 2400-2485 MHz, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), limited to 2.5 mW.  See the documentation that accompanies the wireless products for further details.
Electromagnetic Compatibility VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-19 NOTE: The Infinity CentralStation with Infinity Telemetry, TruST transmitters and Infinity M300 are intended for use in the electromagnetic environments specified below. The user of this equipment should assure that is used in such an environment.Electromagnetic EmissionsEmissions Compliance according to... Electromagnetic environmentRF emissions (CISPR 11)Infinity CentralStation Telemetry Receiverand Infinity M300Group 1 The Infinity CentralStation and receiver use RF energy only for internal function. Therefore, their RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.*RF emissions (CISPR 11) TransmitterGroup 2 The TruST Telemetry Transmitter must emit electromagnetic energy in order to perform its intended function. Nearby electronic equipment may be affected.CISPR Emissions Classification Class B The equipment is suitable for use in all establishments including domestic establishments and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.Harmonic emissions (IEC 61000-3-2)Class AVoltage fluctuations / flicker (IEC 61000-3-3)Complies*Note that when used with the wireless options, the Infinity M300 emits electromagnetic energy in order to communicate with the Infinity Network. Nearby electronic equipment may be affected. Radio frequency characteristics are specified above. See the documentation that accompanies the wireless products for further details.Electromagnetic ImmunityImmunity against... IEC 60601-1-2 test level Compliance level (of this device) Electromagnetic environmentElectrostatic discharge, ESD (IEC 61000-4-2)Contact discharge: ± 6 kV ± 6 kV Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be kept at levels to reduce electrostatic charge to suitable levels.Air discharge: ± 8 kV ± 8 kVElectrical fast transients / bursts(IEC 61000-4-4)Power supply lines: ± 2kV± 2 kV Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.Longer input / output lines: ± 1 kV± 1 kVSurges on AC mains lines(IEC 61000-4-5)Common mode: ± 2 kV ± 2 kV Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.Differential mode: ± 1 kV ± 1 kV
B-20 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: Power frequency magnetic field 50/60 Hz (IEC 61000-4-8)3 A/m 3 A/m Equipment which emits high levels of power line magnetic fields (in excess of 3A/m) should be kept at a distance to reduce the likelihood of interference.Voltage dips and short interruptions on AC mains input lines(IEC 61000-4-11)Dip >95%, 0.5 periods >95%, 0.5 periods Mains power should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If user requires continued operation during power mains interruptions insure that batteries are installed and charged. Insure that battery life exceeds longest anticipated power outages or provide and additional uninterruptible power source.Dip 60%, 5 periods 60%, 5 periodsDip 30%, 25 periods 30%, 25 periodsDip >95%, 5 seconds >95%, 5 secondsConducted RFRF coupled into lines(IEC 61000-4-6)150 kHz – 80 MHz: 3 V/m Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter as below.Recommended separation distance:d=1.2/V1]√Pd=1.2/√P 80 MHz to 800MHzd=2.3√P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHzwhere ‘P’ is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts according to the transmitter manufacturer and ‘d’ is the recommended separation distance in metres.Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey1, should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range2. Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the wireless symbol:Radiated RF(IEC 61000-4-3)80 MHz – 2.5 GHz 3 V/mElectromagnetic ImmunityImmunity against... IEC 60601-1-2 test level Compliance level (of this device) Electromagnetic environment
Electromagnetic Compatibility VF8 Infinity CentralStation B-21 1Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast, and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the equipment is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the equipment should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the equipment.2If the frequency range is 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the equipmentRated maximum output power of Transmitter (watts)Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (meters)150 kHz to 80 MHzd=1.2/V1]√P80 MHz to 800MHzd=1.2/V1]√P800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd=2.3√P0.01 0.12  0.12 0.230.1 0.38 0.38 0.7311.2 1.2 2.310 3.8 3.8  7.3100 12 12 23For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed, the recommended separation distance ‘d’ (in meters) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where ‘P’ is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter (in watts) according to the transmitter manufacturer.Electromagnetic ImmunityImmunity against... IEC 60601-1-2 test level Compliance level (of this device) Electromagnetic environmentNOTE:zAt 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.zThese guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.
B-22 Infinity CentralStation VF8B: - This page left blank intentionally -
C: CleaningCleaning the Infinity CentralStation............................................................................ C-2Cleaning and Disinfecting  Infinity Telemetry and Infinity M300.............................. C-2Recommended Cleaning Agents .......................................................................... C-3Patient Cables ........................................................................................................ C-3Reusable ECG Electrodes ..................................................................................... C-3Reusable SpO2 Sensor.......................................................................................... C-3Cleaning the MicrO2/MicrO2+® Oximeter................................................................... C-4Oximeter.................................................................................................................. C-4Reusable Sensor .................................................................................................... C-4CAUTION! Do not sterilize any components.
C-2 Infinity CentralStation VF8C: Cleaning the Infinity CentralStationDuring normal use the display, CPU, accessories, and peripherals may become soiled. Clean these components according to the original manufacturer's Instructions For Use or hospital protocol for computer equipment and peripherals. Cleaning and Disinfecting  Infinity Telemetry and Infinity M3001. Clean the device with gauze moistened in soapy water. 2. Thoroughly dry with a lint-free cloth.3. Disinfect the device with gauze moistened in a cleaning agent.4. Thoroughly dry with a lint-free cloth.CAUTION!z Do not immerse the CPU or its peripherals.zDo not pour or spray cleaning solution directly on equipment surfaces.zDo not allow fluids to contact electrical connectors or drip into ventilation openings.CAUTION!zDo not use disinfectants other than those recommended by Dräger. The use of non-approved disinfectants can damage the device.zDo not use disinfectants containing phenol. Do not use strong aromatic ketone, ether, or ester solvents, or sharp tools and abrasives. These will damage the  device.zDo not gas sterilize, steam autoclave, immerse, or rinse the  device in fluids. If you accidentally spill liquid on the device, remove the battery and contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept. regarding the continued safety of the unit before placing it back in operation.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Infinity Telemetry and Infinity M300 VF8 Infinity CentralStation C-3 Recommended Cleaning AgentsDräger recommends the following cleaning agents for Infinity Telemetry and Infinity M300.zDiluted isopropyl alcoholzSodium hypochlorite 2.5% zGreen tinctured soapPatient CableszClean the patient cables with a gauze pad moistened with a soap solution.zDry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.zTo disinfect patient cables, wipe the cables with a gauze moistened with diluted alcohol.zDry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.Reusable ECG ElectrodeszClean grabber-wire clips regularly with a toothbrush.zRemove any gel residue from the electrode by brushing it off under running water. zClean the electrodes with a gauze moistened with a soap solution.zDry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.zDisinfect the electrodes with a gauze moistened with diluted alcohol. zDry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.Reusable SpO2 SensorSee the cleaning instructions and recommendations provided with the sensor.
C-4 Infinity CentralStation VF8C: Cleaning the MicrO2/MicrO2+® OximeterOximeter1. Turn the oximeter off.2. Clean the oximeter with gauze moistened in soapy water. 3. Thoroughly dry with a lint-free cloth.4. Disinfect the oximeter with gauze moistened in diluted isopropyl alcohol (70%), or sodium hypochlorite (2.5%).5.  Thoroughly dry with a lint-free cloth.Reusable Sensor1. Unplug the sensor from the oximeter.2. Clean reusable sensors according to the instructions supplied with the sensorNOTE: Disposable sensors are intended for single-use only and should not be reprocessed.CAUTION!zDo not use disinfectants containing phenol. Do not use strong aromatic ketone, ether, or ester solvents, or sharp tools and abrasives. These will damage the oximeter.zDo not use disinfectants other than those recommended. The use of non-approved disinfectants can damage the oximeter.zDo not gas sterilize, steam autoclave, immerse, or rinse the oximeter and its reusable sensor in fluids. If you accidentally spill liquid on the device, remove the battery and contact the Hospital Biomedical Engineering Dept. regarding the continued safety of the unit before placing it back in operation.
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These Instructions for Use only apply toInfinity CentralStationwith Infinity Telemetry Systemand with Infinity M300VF8with the Serial No.:If no Serial No. has been filled in by Dräger, these Instructions for Use are provided for general information only and are not intended for use with any specific machine or device.This document is provided for customer infor-mation only, and will not be updated or exchanged without customer request.Directive 93/42/EECfor medical devicesIn Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Asia Pacific distributed byDräger Medical AG & Co. KG Moislinger Allee 53 – 55D-23542 LübeckDeutschland+49 451 8 82-0FAX +49 451 8 82-20 80http://www.draeger.comMS23349 RI 01© Dräger Medical Systems, Inc.05/2008Dräger reserves the right to make modifi-cations to the equipment without prior notice.Manufactured byDraeger Medical Systems, Inc.3135 Quarry RoadTelford, PA 18969U.S.A.(215) 721-5400(800) 4DRAGER(800) 437-2437FAX (215) 723-5935http://www.draeger.comI

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