Users Manual
lmpomm smty mm Solon sung Up Before operating your Wireless Baby Monitor, please read all these safety and operating lnstmc‘llons completely and than mun lorlulure reference. 1.YourBabyMonilorlsdedgnedtobeanaidendshouldnotbeusedasasubsllmetor responsible and proper adult supervision. 2.Do notpiecemeameraonenysurlecaormoumitmanywallvmeremecameraoritsAC adapter cord are wi'lhin read] of baby. 3.Never piece lhe camera Inside your bebya cot, bed or playpen. 4.Naver cover the camera and monitor (9.9. wilh dames. towels or biankels). 5.Positlon the camera, monitor and AG adapters to allow adequate ventilation. 6.Naver uss or place your camera and monitor In moist places or near water. For example. do not use near a bathtub, washbowl, laundry tub, ”when sink, In a wet basement. etc. 7.To prevent overheating, keep the camera, monitor and AC adapters away irorn heal sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other splilanoes (Including amplifiers) which produce heat. 8.Keep the camera out 01 direct sunliglri. 9.Dlsconnecl ihe AC adapiers from well ouilets during long periods of non-use. 10.Use only the AC adapters provided. Use at any diners may damage the camera and/or monlior. 11.Il travelling abroad. make sure that the voltage ehwm on the mains power adapter conespondsiomebeelmainepowerbeiomeonnecflngtomepowersuppiy. ‘fiy The mum Digital video baby "mm sweeesiuliy uses dlwnl spread spectrum wireleu Isehnologym realizemeperfomamsd Imadsfeneefiseund 101m privacy. Thepefiomamsllxeflsafisflesflwsfimgdenwndofsduflmsiorababymnnonmat givesyoupsaceo'mlndamreassuramo. Features ....... Monltor Layout. Camera Layout. LCD Dlsplay Parent Unn. Chlld Unl‘l... Care and Malmmnee... Contents Features ' row. Drgnar Technology ' Dlgllal slgnal for crystal clear oramy " Dlghal security lor complete prlvacy. no nelghbors can hear and see ' Dig'rlal zoom with seledlable regions " Adluslable volume level, sum camera exposure and vldeo llmeou! m save energy * Signal suengrrr indicator ’ WIFi Free * Dynamic audio strenglh indicators ' rmemgsm voice acfivny mm lower nolse and save battery " Two transmlsslon mode salmon: Vldoofi Audlo or Audlo Only ' Sleep mode wlm VOX selection - Support Mummgum (Maxlm 3 Languages) MONITOR OVqumu Up I Up QVqume Downl Down flak/Menu 9Voloe|ndlcale LED's euss Port ®DC Socket one”! GOMOfl/Eac ©Powor Indlcalor LED ®slqnal LED CAMERA 00K 0Lens OReset Onc Socket Buss Pen Gen/Ofl/Esc .F'ower indicator LED LCDDISPLAV: Y.‘ Thu 07/10 09:59AM?“ Slgnal Icon The Slgnel Icon displays as Yul which mics slmllar lo the mobile phone. me signal be: cancfiangeaspsrmeslgnal Issnmgorwoak Baum/Icon There are 4 levels to mm m {- banarycapway. For mu beltsry capacity, the barissolid.- Forlowbeiwmebarwillbecomeblankandmwblinlc {ED Alarm Icon The alatm Icon dlsplays @ ansralavm is setup. Parent Unit 1.Power OnIOH' In Power 0" mode, Frees Onion key and hold for three seconds. the unh starts initializing. The Power LED Is lighting up, both video and audio start to work, end all operations are ready to use, Press the OHIO" key and hold for thine seconds, the unit is entering into Power 0" mode and the Power LED tums 011. 2.Bet'tery Operation When the battery voltage is above 3.6V. the Power LED is Green. is less than 3.6V the Power LED changes Into Red. 3.0hnrglng In power 0" Mode When the power adapter is connecting to the unit the system is entering Into charging mode. The LCD screen always shows oherglng til eherglng completed. 4.Voloo Indlcato function 4 LEDIlghtsmhalpmswembhkeeamoflhebafisswhmhoaudlolsofl. 5.Maln Msnu Operation 5.1 Inmallz'lng ”sum Press OnlOff key and hold for "urea seconds. the unit starts in‘llializing. 5.2 soarehlng When "19 parent unll Is searchan for Chlld unit or out at range 'Sea|chlng..." displays an the screen and 'besp' wamlng as well. 6.3 Ilanllorlng Vldoo Y-l Thu 07l1009:59AM€|III” I! seemed chlld unli, (hepamm unit will daphy tbs ehlld Video. 5.4 hunter-Mum Press OK button, move cursor to choose corrospmdlng but." nahlng ls mooted for 5 seocmds, the display MII go back to the Video. 10 5.5.Zooln In Function v Thu 07/10 09:46AM em I‘ ah J fa» In Maln Menu, pmokbmon. movecursor loseImZoom In . pressOKIoenter InIoZoom In menu. Whentheposmonlsdlaphyedmndpmsofimesebmdpoamonmllmnlnbya.Press EscwExIt. 11 5.6 Volumo Adjunmom volume -> - -+ In MaJn Menu, move cursor to select Volume, pm 0K to enter Intn Volume menu. Press UplDwmoadjustmevolums, preesEacmexn. 12 5.7 Bflymnou Mlumnonl. Mam Menu QZoom “Volume ' Brightness QAIarm Brightness —+ In Maln Menu, move cursor to select Brightness, pres OK w enter Into Brightness menu. Press Upchmn in adjusnhe Bdghtneu, press 550 an em. 13 SJ Aurm Function. sum-m Bngnmeh » “my,“ . 14 In Main Menu, move cursor to selsctAlarm and press OK. Move cursor to Moman call and press OK MwecummtoAthammdpressoKywmnmooseslannsmmorvafl. MovecursorloAlarmtimeandpressOKaneryoudvoosealamstams'on'. The cursor will move to Hour setting first, prom UpIDown key to change its value, pm 0K to confirm the value and then cursor moves to Minute setting. Alter input Minute value and press OK, it finishs Alarm Tlrne setting and exit the window. The time display will lollow the Swing -> 11m -> 11me Formal smtlng (12 hour or 24 hour time) 15 5.9 Mu swing ——-> __ InMalnMenu,moveoumof mudeflng,prsu0KbSelflngmenu. 10 5.10 Date and lime unlngs. / T‘me Format In selling menu, move cursor to seleci date and lime. Press Up/Down to change the digits, Press OK to Confirm. press Esc to return to last Menu 17 511 Close vlden tlme /Never /1559:onds /30 seconds /60 seconds /90 seconds In setting menu, move cursor to select Close video time. Press Up/Down to change the timers, Press OK to Confirm, Press Esc to return to last Menu. I1 setting up. screen will tum off as per the setting time. 15 5.12 Voice Activation (Sleep Mode) /Aud|o Sensmvrty - /Video Sensitivny - ‘ ’ ‘ / High _i In setting menu, move cursor to select Voice Activation. move cursor to select audio sensitivityi Press Up/Down to change the sensitivity, Press 0K to Confirm, press Esc to return to last Menu.(When Voice Activation is setting up. audio/video will be turnedonwhenlhe child unit audio is over than setting sensitivnty.) Notezsleep mode function will be working after you choose one of the time setting in Close Video Time function. 19 5.13 8.0":th chlld unn Each unlt Is palmd In factory, I! ma parent unib dbplay seamhlng, enter menu Selflng, move Searching . . cursor to select seamh chlld.pvess0k and choc“ Yethen pm ressi button on camera Inpoweron modem pairing um, anI dlsplay In the screen, I! not. need repeat opermlon 4 20 5.14 Language Sefiup Language English. Espanol. French, Germany. Italian. etc (Maxim 3 languages in one system) In selling menu, move cursor to select Language Setup. Press Up/Down to change the Language. Press OK to Confirm. press Esc 10 return to last Menu. 21 Child Unit 1.Power On I 0" Press OnlO" key and hold lor 2 second, the unit will enter into Power On mode. The Power LED lights up. Press the On/Ofl key and hold for 2 second, the unit will enter into Power Oil mode and Power LED turns oil. 2.Backup Battery When AC line is all. the unit will enter into battery backup mode automatically. In battery backup mode, It backup battery voltage drops under 3.6V. the Power LED lrom Green changes into Red. 3.IR operation When weak envnronment luminance is detected by light sensor. the IR LED’s will turn on automatically. And the IR LED's will turn all it environment luminance become strong enough, 22 Care and Maintenance 1. Keep all pans and accessories out of young children‘s reach. 2. Fingerprints or dirt on the lens surface can adversely aflect camera periormances. Avoid touching the lens with your lingers. 3. Should the lens become dirty, use a blower to blow off dirt and dust, or a soft dry cloth to wipe the lens. 4. Keep the camera dry. Precipitation. humidity and other Liquids contain minerals that will corrode eleclronic circuits. 5. Do not use or store in dusty. dirty areas. 6. Do not store in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life oi electronic devices and warp or melt certain plastics. 7. Do not store in very cold areas. When the system warms up. the moisture can term inside the case, which may damage electronic circuit boards. 23 8. Do not attempt to open the case. Non—expert handing oi the device may damage the system. 9. Avoid dropping or strong shocks. 10. Operate the product using only the power supply include or provided as an accessory. 11. Do not overload electrical outlets or extension cords. This can result in fire or electric shocks. FCC NOTE: THIS DEVICE COMPLI ES WITH PART 15 OFTHE FCC RUIES, OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE. AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION. FCCNOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOIDTHE USER' SAUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. (6 PC (b) For a Class B digital device or peripheral, the instructions fumrshed the user shall 111ch the fanng or slmllal’ statement placed 111 a proment location 111 the text of the manual NOTE: This eqmpment has been tested and found to comply with the hunts for a Class B digital deuce. pursuant to Fan 15 of the FCC Rules, These hunts are designed to provide reasonable protectwn agamst hatmfirl mterference m a tesrdentxal mstallatmn, This equlpmen! generates uses and can radiate who frequency energy and. tf not mstalled and used in accordance wrth the instructions, may cause harmful mrerference to radlo communrcancms. However. there ts no guarantee that Interference Will not occur m a pamcular mstallahon, Iftlus equrpment does cause harmful Interference to radio or televlsron recepnon, whrch can be detenmned by tummg the equrpment ofl“ and on, the user rs encouraged to try to correct the mterference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reonent or relocate the recewmg antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equtpment and maven -- Connect the equtpment mto an outlet on a clrclxt dafl'erent from that to which the receu'er rs connected —— Consult the dealer or an cxpcncnccd rncliov‘TV teehmcran for CE FC 25
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2008:11:18 18:56:27+08:00 Create Date : 2008:11:18 18:38:11+08:00 Metadata Date : 2008:11:18 18:56:27+08:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:3f83061f-c0da-43c7-8fa5-d62ab18366c1 Instance ID : uuid:47266b8c-911c-468d-88ce-8f4021b108db Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Has XFA : No Page Count : 29 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0EXIF Metadata provided by