Users Manual

      㻌㻌䠲䠥䠯䠱䠝䠨㻌 䠬䠮䠡䠯䠡䠪䠰䠡䠮㻌䠰䠴㻙㻝㻌  ࢡ࢖ࢵࢡࢫࢱ࣮ࢺ࢞࢖ࢻ  Quick Start Guide  Make sure to read the  ͆IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS͇  in this guide before using this product.For details about the operations of this product, refer to the instruction manual.                        〇ရ䛾௙ᵝ䞉ྲྀᢅㄝ᫂᭩䛿䚸ୗグ䜴䜵䝤䝃䜲䝖ୖ䛷䛤ぴ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌http://www.elmosolution.co.jp/products/download/dl_shoga.html  For details about specifications and instruction manual of the product, refer to the following official website. http://www.elmousa.com/TX-1 http://elmoeurope.com/en/html/download/02.php  contact one of our sales departments whose details are provided at the end of this manual. ࡈ౑⏝๓࡟ᚲࡎᮏ᭩ࡢᏳ඲ୖࡢࡈὀពࢆ࠾ㄞࡳୗࡉ࠸ࠋヲࡋ࠸ㄝ᫂ࡣࠊྲྀᢅ࠸ㄝ᫂᭩ࢆ࠾ㄞࡳୗࡉ࠸ࠋ
 2 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌Ᏻ඲ୖࡢࡈὀព    㻌Ᏻ඲䛻䛚౑䛔䛔䛯䛰䛟䛯䜑䛻䠉ᚲ䛪䛚Ᏺ䜚䛟䛰䛥䛔㻌㻌㻌㻌䛣䛾䛂Ᏻ඲ୖ䛾䛤ὀព䛃䛿䚸ᮏ〇ရ䜢Ᏻ඲䛻ṇ䛧䛟䛚౑䛔䛔䛯䛰䛝䚸䛒䛺䛯䜔௚䛾ே䚻䜈䛾༴ᐖ䜔㈈⏘䜈䛾ᦆᐖ䜢ᮍ↛䛻㜵Ṇ䛩䜛䛯䜑䛻Ᏺ䛳䛶䛔䛯䛰䛝䛯䛔஦㡯䜢♧䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌䛤౑⏝๓䛻䜘䛟ㄞ䜣䛷኱ษ䛻ಖ⟶䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ḟ䛾⾲♧䛸ᅗグྕ䛾ព࿡䜢䜘䛟⌮ゎ䛧䛶䛛䜙ᮏᩥ䜢䛚ㄞ䜏䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㆙࿌㻌㻌䛣䛾⾲♧䜢↓ど䛧䛶䚸ㄗ䛳䛯ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䜢䛩䜛䛸䚸ே䛜Ṛஸ䜎䛯䛿㔜യ䜢㈇䛖ྍ⬟ᛶ䛜᝿ᐃ䛥䜜䜛ෆᐜ䜢♧䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌ὀព㻌㻌䛣䛾⾲♧䜢↓ど䛧䛶䚸ㄗ䛳䛯ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䜢䛩䜛䛸䚸ே䛜യᐖ䜢㈇䛖ྍ⬟⬟ᛶ䛜᝿ᐃ䛥䜜䜛ෆᐜ䛚䜘䜃≀ⓗᦆᐖ䛾䜏䛾Ⓨ⏕䛜᝿ᐃ䛥䜜䜛ෆᐜ䜢♧䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌ᅗグྕ䛾ព࿡㻌㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖ὀព㻌ព࿡䠖ὀព䠄䛧䛺䛡䜜䜀䛺䜙䛺䛔䛣䛸䠅䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ලయⓗ䛺ὀពෆᐜ䛿㏆䛟䛻ᩥ❶䜔⤮䛷♧䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖⚗Ṇ㻌ព࿡䠖⚗Ṇ䠄䛧䛶䛿䛔䛡䛺䛔䛣䛸䠅䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ලయⓗ䛺ὀពෆᐜ䛿㏆䛟䛻ᩥ❶䜔⤮䛷♧䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖㢼࿅ሙ䞉䝅䝱䝽䞊ᐊ䛷䛾౑⏝⚗Ṇ㻌ព࿡䠖〇ရ䜢㢼࿅ሙ䜔䝅䝱䝽䞊ᐊ䛷౑⏝䛩䜛䛣䛸䛷ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛺䛹䛾ᦆᐖ䛜㉳䛣䜛ྍ⬟ᛶ䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ᅗ䛾୰䛻ලయⓗ䛺⚗Ṇෆᐜ䛜ᥥ䛛䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖᥋ゐ⚗Ṇ㻌ព࿡䠖᥋ゐ䛩䜛䛸ឤ㟁䛺䛹䛾യᐖ䛜㉳䛣䜛ྍ⬟ᛶ䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ᅗ䛾୰䛻ලయⓗ䛺⚗Ṇෆᐜ䛜ᥥ䛛䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖ศゎ⚗Ṇ㻌ព࿡䠖〇ရ䜢ศゎ䛩䜛䛣䛸䛷ឤ㟁䛺䛹䛾യᐖ䛜㉳䛣䜛ྍ⬟ᛶ䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ᅗ䛾୰䛻ලయⓗ䛺⚗Ṇෆᐜ䛜ᥥ䛛䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖ᙉไ㻌ព࿡䠖ᙉไ䠄ᚲ䛪䛩䜛䛣䛸䠅䜢♧䛩䜒䛾䛷䚸ලయⓗ䛺ὀពෆᐜ䛿㏆䛟䛻ᩥ❶䜔⤮䛷♧䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌ྡ⛠䠖㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛡㻌ព࿡䠖౑⏝⪅䛻㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䜘䛖䛻ᣦ♧䛩䜛䜒䛾䛷䚸ᅗ䛾୰䛻ලయⓗ䛺ᣦ♧ෆᐜ䛜ᥥ䛛䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌
  3 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌 ㆙࿌ ୓୍䚸↮䛜ฟ䛶䛔䜛䚸ኚ䛺䛻䛚䛔䜔㡢䛜䛩䜛䛸䛝䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹␗ᖖ≧ែ䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸䚸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹↮䛺䛹䛜ฟ䛺䛟䛺䜛䛾䜢☜ㄆ䛧䛶䚸㈍኎ᗑ䛻ಟ⌮䜢䛤౫㢗䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛚ᐈᵝ䛻䜘䜛ಟ⌮䛿༴㝤䛷䛩䛛䜙⤯ᑐ䛻䛚䜔䜑䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ୓୍䚸ᮏᶵ䛾ෆ㒊䛻Ỉ䛺䛹䛜ධ䛳䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹䛯䛰䛱䛻㈍኎ᗑ䛻䛤㐃⤡䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ୓୍䚸␗≀䛜ᮏᶵ䛾ෆ㒊䛻ධ䛳䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹䛯䛰䛱䛻㈍኎ᗑ䛻䛤㐃⤡䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹䠄≉䛻䛚Ꮚᵝ䛾䛔䜛䛤౑⏝⎔ቃ䛷䛿䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䠅㻌 ୓୍䚸⏬㠃䛜ᫎ䜙䛺䛔䛺䛹䛾ᨾ㞀䛾ሙྜ䛻䛿䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹䛭䜜䛛䜙㈍኎ᗑ䛻ಟ⌮䜢䛤౫㢗䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ୓୍䚸ᮏᶵ䜢ⴠ䛸䛧䚸䜻䝱䝡䝛䝑䝖䛺䛹䜢◚ᦆ䛧䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹䛭䜜䛛䜙㈍኎ᗑ䛻䛤㐃⤡䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䛾䝁䞊䝗䛜യ䜣䛰䜙䠄ⰺ⥺䛾㟢ฟ䚸᩿⥺䛺䛹䠅㈍኎ᗑ䛻஺᥮䜢䛤౫㢗䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾䜎䜎౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ⅆ⅏䚸ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌 ᮏᶵ䛾⿬䜆䛯䚸䜻䝱䝡䝛䝑䝖䚸䜹䝞䞊䛿እ䛥䛺䛔䚹㻌ෆ㒊䛻䛿㟁ᅽ䛾㧗䛔㒊ศ䛜䛒䜚䚸ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌ෆ㒊䛾Ⅼ᳨䞉ᩚഛ䞉ಟ⌮䛿䚸㈍኎ᗑ䛻䛤౫㢗䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᮏᶵ䜢ᨵ㐀䛧䛺䛔䚹㻌ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 䛠䜙䛴䛔䛯ྎ䛾ୖ䜔ഴ䛔䛯ᡤ䛺䛹䚸୙Ᏻᐃ䛺ሙᡤ䛻⨨䛛䛺䛔䚹㻌ⴠ䛱䛯䜚䚸ಽ䜜䛯䜚䛧䛶䚸䛡䛜䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䚸㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䛿ᚲ䛪௜ᒓရ䜢౑⏝䛩䜛䚹㻌ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ௜ᒓ䛾㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䚸㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䛿ᮏᶵᑓ⏝䛷䛩䚹௚䛾ᶵჾ䛻䛿౑⏝䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᮏᶵ࡟Ỉࡸ␗≀ࢆධࢀࡓࡾࠊ⃿ࡽࡋࡓࡾࡋ࡞࠸ࠋⅆ⅏࣭ឤ㟁ࡢཎᅉ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ㞵ኳࠊ㝆㞷୰ࠊᾏᓊࠊỈ㎶࡛ࡢ౑⏝ࡣ≉࡟ࡈὀពࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢ᮏᶵ䛾ୗᩜ䛝䛻䛧䛯䜚䚸ୖ䛻㔜䛔䜒䛾䜢஌䛫䛯䜚䚸ᩜ≀䛺䛹䛷そ䜟䛺䛔䚹㻌䝁䞊䝗䛜◚ᦆ䛧䛶䚸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹䠄䝁䞊䝗䛾ୖ䜢ᩜ≀䛺䛹䛷そ䛖䛣䛸䛻䜘䜚䚸䛭䜜䛻Ẽ䛵䛛䛪䚸㔜䛔≀䜢஌䛫䛶䛧䜎䛖䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䠅 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢യࡘࡅࡓࡾࠊຍᕤࡋࡓࡾࠊ↓⌮࡟᭤ࡆࡓࡾࠊࡡࡌࡗࡓࡾࠊᘬࡗᙇࡗࡓࡾࠊຍ⇕ࡋࡓࡾࡋ࡞࠸ࠋ◚ᦆࡋ࡚ⅆ⅏࣭ឤ㟁ࡢཎᅉ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ
 4 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㢼࿅ሙࠊࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ᐊ࡛ࡣ౑⏝ࡋ࡞࠸ࠋⅆ⅏࣭ឤ㟁ࡢཎᅉ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 㟁※䝥䝷䜾ࡢลࡸྲྀࡾ௜ࡅ㠃࡟࡯ࡇࡾࡀ௜╔ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜࡣࠊ㟁※䝥䝷䜾ࢆᢤ࠸࡚࠿ࡽࠊ࡯ࡇࡾࢆྲྀࡾ㝖ࡃࠋ㟁※䝥䝷䜾ࡢ⤯⦕పୗ࡟ࡼࡾࠊⅆ⅏ࡢཎᅉ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 㞾ࡀ㬆ࡾฟࡋࡓࡽᮏᶵࠊ᥋⥆ࢣ࣮ࣈࣝࠊ㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䚸㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍࡞࡝࡟ࡣゐࢀ࡞࠸ࠋឤ㟁ࡢཎᅉ࡜࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋ    ὀព ⛣ື䛥䛫䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸ᮏᶵ䛾㟁※䝪䝍䞁䜢ᢲ䛧䛶㟁※䜢ษ䜚䚸ᚲ䛪㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹䛩䜉䛶䛾᥋⥆䝁䞊䝗䛜እ䜜䛶䛔䜛䛣䛸䜢☜ㄆ䛾䛖䛘⾜䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䝁䞊䝗䛜യ䛴䛝䚸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹 ᮏᶵ䜢㛗᫬㛫䚸䛤౑⏝䛻䛺䜙䛺䛔䛸䛝䛿䚸Ᏻ඲䛾䛯䜑ᚲ䛪㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛟䚹㻌ⅆ⅏䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢ᢤ䛟䛸䛝䛿䚸䝁䞊䝗䜢ᘬ䛳ᙇ䜙䛺䛔䚹㻌䝁䞊䝗䛜യ䛴䛝䚸ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌ᚲ䛪䚸㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䜔䚸㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹୧➃䛾䝥䝷䜾㒊ศ䜢ᣢ䛳䛶ᢤ䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 䜻䝱䝇䝍䞊௜䛝䛾ྎ䛻ᮏᶵ䜢タ⨨䛩䜛ሙྜ䛻䛿䜻䝱䝇䝍䞊Ṇ䜑䜢䛩䜛䚹ື䛔䛯䜚䚸ಽ䜜䛯䜚䛧䛶䛡䛜䛾ཎᅉ䛻䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ‵Ẽ䜔䜋䛣䜚䛾ከ䛔ሙᡤ䛻⨨䛛䛺䛔䚹㻌ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ㄪ⌮ྎ䜔ຍ‵ჾ䛾䛭䜀䛺䛹䚸Ἔ↮䜔󰜯Ẽ䞉Ỉ⁲䛜ᙜ䛯䜛䜘䛖䛺ሙᡤ䛻⨨䛛䛺䛔䚹㻌ⅆ⅏䞉ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᮏᶵ䛻஌䛳䛯䜚䚸㔜䛔䜒䛾䜢஌䛫䛯䜚䛧䛺䛔䚹≉䛻䚸ᑠ䛥䛺䛚Ꮚᵝ䛾䛔䜛䛤౑⏝⎔ቃ䛷䛿䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ಽ䜜䛯䜚䚸䛣䜟䜜䛯䜚䛧䛶䛡䛜䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢⇕ჾල䛻㏆䛵䛡䛺䛔䚹㻌㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䛾䜿䞊䝇䜔䝁䞊䝗䛾⿕䜅䛟䛜⁐䛡䛶䚸ⅆ⅏䚸ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌 䛼䜜䛯ᡭ䛷㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢ᢤ䛝ᕪ䛧䛧䛺䛔䚹㻌ឤ㟁䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䚹㻌 㟁※䝥䝷䜾䛿䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛻᰿ඖ䜎䛷☜ᐇ䛻ᕪ䛧㎸䜐䚹㻌ᕪ䛧㎸䜏䛜୙᏶඲䛷䛩䛸Ⓨ⇕䛧䛯䜚䚸䜋䛣䜚䛜௜╔䛧䛯䜚䛧䛶䚸ⅆ⅏䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䜎䛯䚸㟁※䝥䝷䜾䛾ล䛻ゐ䜜䜛䛸ឤ㟁䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䚹㻌 㟁※䝥䝷䜾䛿᰿ඖ䜎䛷ᕪ䛧㎸䜣䛷䜒䜖䜛䜏䛜䛒䜛䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛻᥋⥆䛧䛺䛔䚹㻌Ⓨ⇕䛧䛶ⅆ⅏䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㈍኎ᗑ䜔㟁Ẽᕤ஦ᗑ䛻䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛾஺᥮䜢౫㢗䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌
  5 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌౑⏝ୖࡢࡈὀព ڦᮏᶵ䛾౑⏝䛻㝿䛧䛶䛿䚸ᚲ䛪௜ᒓ䛾㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢䛤౑⏝䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦ௜ᒓ䛾㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䞉㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛿ᮏᶵᑓ⏝䛷䛩䚹௚䛾ᶵ✀䛻౑⏝䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦ㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛿䚸㈍኎䛧䛯ᅜ䛻ྜ䜟䛫䛯䜒䛾䛜௜ᒓ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹᪥ᮏᅜෆ䛷㈍኎䛥䜜䛯〇ရ䛻௜ᒓ䛾 㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛿䚸ᚲ䛪 㻭㻯㻝㻜㻜㼂䚸㻡㻜㻴㼦㻌 䜎䛯䛿 㻢㻜㻴㼦 䛷䛚౑䛔䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦಖ⟶䛻䛒䛯䛳䛶䛿┤ᑕ᪥ග䛾䛒䛯䜛ᡤ䚸ᬮᡣჾල䛾㏆䛟䛻ᨺ⨨䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ኚⰍ䚸ኚᙧ䚸ᨾ㞀䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌ڦ‵Ẽ䜔䜋䛣䜚䛾ከ䛔ሙᡤ䚸₻㢼䛾ᙜ䛯䜛ሙᡤ䚸᣺ື䛾ከ䛔ᡤ䛻䛿⨨䛛䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌౑⏝ୖ䛾⎔ቃ᮲௳䛿ḟ䛾䛸䛚䜚䛷䛩䚹㻌 ᗘ䠖㻜䉝䡚㻌 㻠㻜䉝㻌 㻌 ‵ᗘ䠖㻟㻜䠂䡚㻌 㻤㻡䠂௨ୗ㻔⤖㟢䛧䛺䛔䛣䛸㻕㻌ڦᮏᶵ䛾Ύᤲ䛿䚸஝䛔䛯䜔䜟䜙䛛䛔ᕸ䛷ᣔ䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䝅䞁䝘䞊䜔䝧䞁䝆䞁䛺䛹᥹Ⓨᛶ䛾䜒䛾䛿౑⏝䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦ㍤Ⅼ䚸㯮Ⅼ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌ᮏᶵ䛿䚸ከ䛟䛾⏬⣲䛻䜘䜚ᵓᡂ䛥䜜䛯 㻯㻹㻻㻿 䜶䝸䜰䜲䝯䞊䝆䝉䞁䝃䜢౑⏝䛧䛶䛚䜚䜎䛩䚹䜶䝸䜰䜲䝯䞊䝆䝉䞁䝃䛾ᵓ㐀ୖ䚸䛔䛟䛴䛛ṇᖖືస䛧䛺䛔⏬⣲䜢ྵ䜐ሙྜ䛜䛒䜚䚸ฟຊ⏬㠃ୖ䛻㍤Ⅼ䚸㯮Ⅼ䛜ぢ䜙䜜䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䛜䚸ᨾ㞀䛷䛿䛒䜚䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌ڦⴠୗ䚸㌿ಽ㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑ḟ䛾䛣䛸䜢䛚Ᏺ䜚䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌࣭Ᏻᐃ䛧䛯ྎ䚸ᮘ䚸䝔䞊䝤䝹䛾ୖ䛷౑⏝䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹Ỵ䛧䛶䚸䛠䜙䛴䛔䛯ྎ䛾ୖ䜔ഴ䛔䛯䛸䛣䜝䛺䛹䚸୙Ᏻᐃ䛺ሙᡤ䛻⨨䛛䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌࣭౑⏝䛻㝿䛧䚸㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䚸㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛾䝁䞊䝗䚸ᫎീ䜿䞊䝤䝹䛜ᘬ䛳ᙇ䜙䜜䛺䛔䜘䛖㓄⨨䚸㓄⥺䜢䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦᮏᶵ䜢ᣢ䛱㐠䜆㝿䛿䚸ᮏᶵୗ㒊䜢୧ᡭ䛷䛚ᣢ䛱䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹Ỵ䛧䛶䚸䜰䞊䝮䜔䜹䝯䝷㒊ศ䜢ᣢ䛯䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦ౑⏝㻔䝉䝑䝖䜰䝑䝥䚸཰⣡ྵ䜐㻕䚸㐠ᦙ䛻㝿䛧䛶䛿䚸⣽ᚰ䛾ὀព䜢ᡶ䛔䚸䜹䝯䝷㒊ศ䛻⾪ᧁ䜢୚䛘䛺䛔䜘䛖䛻䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦᮏᶵ䛾ྛ㛵⠇㒊䛾㏆䛟䛿䚸ᣦ䜢ᣳ䜐ྍ⬟ᛶ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䛾䛷䚸䜰䞊䝮䜔䜹䝯䝷䝦䝑䝗㒊䜢ື䛛䛩᫬䛻䛿䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌
 6 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌ڦ䜹䝯䝷䝺䞁䝈䜢┤᥋ኴ㝧䛻ྥ䛡䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹᧜ീ୙⬟䛻䛺䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌ڦ㻸㻱㻰 ↷᫂䜢┤᥋ぢ䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹⮳㏆㊥㞳䛛䜙┤ど䛩䜛䛸┠䜢③䜑䜛ᜍ䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌ڦᮏ〇ရ䛾ಖドᮇ㛫䜢㉸䛘䛶㛗᫬㛫䛚౑䛔䛻䛺䜙䜜䜛䛸䛝䚸㒊ရ䛾ᑑ࿨䛻䜘䛳䛶䚸ᛶ⬟䚸ရ㉁䛜ຎ໬䛩䜛ሙྜ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹᭷ൾ䛻䛶㒊ရ஺᥮⮴䛧䜎䛩䛾䛷䚸䛚㈙䛔ୖ䛢䛾㈍኎ᗑ䛛䚸ୗグᘢ♫䜴䜵䝤䝃䜲䝖䛛䜙䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌http://www.elmo.co.jp/ 䕔㻌 䝯䝙䝳䞊䠋䜰䜲䝁䞁䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌ᮏᶵ䛷䛿௙ᵝୖ䚸䛚౑䛔䛻䛺䜛ືస䛾䝰䞊䝗䜔䝯䝙䝳䞊䛾タᐃෆᐜ䛻䜘䜚䚸タᐃ䛷䛝䛺䛟䛺䜛㡯┠䜔䚸ാ䛛䛺䛟䛺䜛ᶵ⬟䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䕔㻌 ⴭసᶒ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌䛒䛺䛯䛜ᮏᶵ䛷᧜ᙳ䛧䛯䜒䛾䛿䚸ಶே䛸䛧䛶฼⏝䛩䜛௨እ䛿䚸ⴭసᶒἲୖ䚸ᶒ฼⪅䛻↓᩿䛷౑⏝䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌䜎䛯ಶே䛸䛧䛶฼⏝䛩䜛┠ⓗ䛷䛒䛳䛶䜒䚸᧜ᙳ䜢ไ㝈䛧䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䛾䛷䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䕔㻌 㼃㼕㻲㼕㻔↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺㻕䛾㟁Ἴ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌䞉㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䛿 㻞㻚㻠㻳㻴㼦 ᖏ䛾㟁Ἴἲ௧䛻䜘䜛㐺ྜド᫂䜢ཷ䛡䛶䛚䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䛤㉎ධ䛾ᅜ௨እ䛷౑⏝䛩䜛䛸ྛᅜ䛾㟁Ἴἲ䛻᢬ゐ䛩䜛ྍ⬟ᛶ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䞉㻌 ㏻ಙ≧ἣ䛜ᝏ䛔ሙྜ䚸タ⨨ሙᡤ䜢ኚ᭦䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㐽ⶸ≀䛜ከ䛔ሙᡤ䛺䛹䚸䛤౑⏝⎔ቃ㻌䛻䜘䛳䛶䛿䚸㏻ಙ䛻ᝏᙳ㡪䜢ཬ䜌䛩ሙྜ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䛸䛟䛻ḟ䛾᮲௳ୗ䛷䛿㏻ಙ䛜䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌 㻌䠉㏦ཷಙ㻔ᮏᶵ䛸䝰䝙䝍䞊㻕䛾㛫䛻㕲➽䜔㔠ᒓ䛚䜘䜃䝁䞁䜽䝸䞊䝖䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ㻌䞉㻌 ḟ䛾᮲௳ୗ䛷䛿ᮏ〇ရ䜢౑⏝䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䠉䝨䞊䝇䝯䞊䜹䞊➼䛾⏘ᴗ䞉⛉Ꮫ䞉་⒪⏝ᶵჾ䛾㏆䛟㻌 㻌䠉ᕤሙ䛾〇㐀䝷䜲䞁➼䛷౑⏝䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛⛣ືయ㆑ู⏝䛾ᵓෆ↓⥺ᒁ㻔චチ䜢せ䛩䜛↓⥺ᒁ㻕䛾㏆䛟㻌 㻌䠉≉ᐃᑠ㟁ຊ↓⥺ᒁ㻔චチ䜢せ䛧䛺䛔↓⥺ᒁ㻕䛾㏆䛟㻌䞉㻌 㻮㼘㼡㼑㼠㼛㼛㼠㼔 ᶵჾ䛸䛾㟁Ἴ㞀ᐖ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌㻮㼘㼡㼑㼠㼛㼛㼠㼔 ᶵჾ䛸ᮏ〇ရ䛿ྠ୍࿘Ἴᩘᖏ㻔㻞㻚㻠㻳㻴㼦㻕䜢౑⏝䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌䛭䛾䛯䜑䚸䛚஫䛔䜢㏆䛟䛷౑⏝䛩䜛䛸㟁Ἴ㞀ᐖ䛜Ⓨ⏕䛧䚸㏻ಙ㏿ᗘ䛾పୗ䜔᥋⥆䛻㞀ᐖ䛜Ⓨ⏕䛩䜛ྍ⬟ᛶ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌᥋⥆䛻ၥ㢟䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸㻮㼘㼡㼑㼠㼛㼛㼠㼔 ᶵჾ䛛ᮏ〇ရ䛾㟁※䜢ษ䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌
  7 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌ڦ㻞㻚㻠㻳㻴㼦 ᖏ౑⏝䛻㛵䛩䜛ὀព㻌ᮏ〇ရ䛾౑⏝࿘Ἴᩘᖏ䛷䛿䚸㟁Ꮚ䝺䞁䝆➼䛾⏘ᴗ䞉⛉Ꮫ䞉་⒪⏝ᶵჾ䛾䜋䛛ᕤሙ䛾〇㐀䝷䜲䞁➼䛷౑⏝䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛⛣ືయ㆑ู⏝䛾ᵓෆ↓⥺ᒁ䠄චチ䜢せ䛩䜛↓⥺ᒁ䠅ཬ䜃≉ᐃᑠ㟁ຊ↓⥺ᒁ䠄චチ䜢せ䛧䛺䛔↓⥺ᒁ䠅୪䜃䛻䜰䝬䝏䝳䜰↓⥺ᒁ䠄චチ䜢せ䛩䜛↓⥺ᒁ䠅䛜㐠⏝䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌࣭ᮏ〇ရ䜢౑⏝䛩䜛๓䛻䚸㏆䛟䛷⛣ືయ㆑ู⏝䛾ᵓෆ↓⥺ᒁཬ䜃≉ᐃᑠ㟁ຊ↓⥺ᒁ୪䜃䛻䜰䝬䝏䝳䜰↓⥺ᒁ䛜㐠⏝䛥䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔䛣䛸䜢☜ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌࣭୓୍䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛛䜙⛣ືయ㆑ู⏝䛾ᵓෆ↓⥺ᒁ䛻ᑐ䛧䛶᭷ᐖ䛺㟁Ἴᖸ΅䛾஦౛䛜Ⓨ⏕䛧䛯ሙྜ䛻䛿䚸㏿䜔䛛䛻౑⏝࿘Ἴᩘᖏ䜢ኚ᭦䛩䜛䛛ཪ䛿㟁Ἴ䛾Ⓨᑕ䜢೵Ṇ䛧䛯ୖ䚸ୗグᘢ♫䜴䜵䝤䝃䜲䝖䛛䜙䛤㐃⤡䛔䛯䛰䛝䚸ΰಙᅇ㑊䛾䛯䜑䛾ฎ⨨➼䠄౛䛘䜀䚸䝟䞊䝔䜱䝅䝵䞁䛾タ⨨䛺䛹䠅䛻䛴䛔䛶䛤┦ㄯ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌࣭䛭䛾௚䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛛䜙⛣ືయ㆑ู⏝䛾≉ᐃᑠ㟁ຊ↓⥺ᒁ䛒䜛䛔䛿䜰䝬䝏䝳䜰↓⥺ᒁ䛻ᑐ䛧䛶᭷ᐖ䛺㟁Ἴᖸ΅䛾஦౛䛜Ⓨ⏕䛧䛯ሙྜ䛺䛹ఱ䛛䛚ᅔ䜚䛾䛣䛸䛜㉳䛝䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸ୗグᘢ♫䜴䜵䝤䝃䜲䝖䛛䜙䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌http://www.elmo.co.jp/ 䕔㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䛿䛩䜉䛶䛾↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺㻔㼃㼕㻲㼕㻕㻌 ᑐᛂᶵჾ䛸䛾᥋⥆ືస䜢☜ㄆ䛧䛯䜒䛾䛷䛿䛒䜚䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌䛧䛯䛜䛳䛶䚸䛩䜉䛶䛾↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺㻔㼃㼕㻲㼕㻕ᑐᛂᶵჾ䛸䛾ືస䜢ಖド䛩䜛䜒䛾䛷䛿䛒䜚䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺㻔㼃㼕㻲㼕㻕㻌㻛㻌㻮㼘㼡㼑㼠㼛㼛㼠㼔 䛿ྠ䛨↓⥺࿘Ἴᩘᖏ䜢౑⏝䛩䜛䛯䜑䚸ྠ᫬䛻౑⏝䛩䜛䛸㟁Ἴ䛜ᖸ΅䛧ྜ䛔䚸㏻ಙ㏿ᗘ䛾పୗ䜔䝛䝑䝖䝽䞊䜽䛜ษ᩿䛥䜜䜛ሙྜ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌᥋⥆䛻ᨭ㞀䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸௒䛚౑䛔䛾↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺㻔㼃㼕㻲㼕㻕䚸㻮㼘㼡㼑㼠㼛㼛㼠㼔 䛾䛔䛪䜜䛛䛾౑⏝䜢୰Ṇ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ڦ㻿㻿㻵㻰 ཬ䜃 㻷㼑㼥 䛾ኚ᭦䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌䞉㻌 ➨ 㻟 ⪅䛻䜘䜛୙ṇ฼⏝䜢㜵Ṇ䛩䜛䛯䜑䚸㻿㻿㻵㻰 ཬ䜃 㻷㼑㼥 䜢ኚ᭦䛩䜛䛣䛸䜢䛚່䜑䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌ኚ᭦䛧䛯 㻿㻿㻵㻰 ཬ䜃 㻷㼑㼥 䛿ᕤሙฟⲴ᫬䛾タᐃ䛻ᡠ䛩䛣䛸䛜䛷䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌ڦᮏ᭩䛾ෆᐜ䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䚸ண࿌䛺䛧䛻ኚ᭦䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䞉㻌 ᭱᪂∧䛿㻌 䠰䠴㻙㻝㻌 䜸䝣䜱䝅䝱䝹䜴䜵䝤䝃䜲䝖䛷䛤☜ㄆ䛔䛯䛰䛡䜎䛩䚹㻌http://www.elmosolution.co.jp/products/download/dl_shoga.html ڦᮏ᭩䛾୍㒊䜎䛯䛿඲㒊䜢↓᩿䛷」෗䛩䜛䛣䛸䛿⚗Ṇ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌ⴭసᶒἲୖ䚸ᙜ♫䛻↓᩿䛷䛿౑⏝䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌ڦ୓୍䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛾౑⏝ཬ䜃ᨾ㞀䚸ಟ⌮䚸䛭䛾௚䛾⌮⏤䛻䜘䜚⏕䛨䛯ᦆᐖ䚸㐓ኻ฼┈䜎䛯䛿➨୕⪅䛛䜙䛾䛔䛛䛺䜛ㄳồ䛻䛴䛔䛶䜒䚸ᙜ♫䛷䛿୍ษ䛭䛾㈐௵䜢㈇䛔䛛䛽䜎䛩䛾䛷䚸䛒䜙䛛䛨䜑䛤஢ᢎ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌
 8 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䛣䜣䛺౑䛔᪉䛻䛤ὀព䜢㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 㔜⑕ಟ⌮䛻䛺䜚䜔䛩䛔౑⏝᪉ἲ䛾౛䜢♧䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹༑ศ䛻䛚Ẽ䜢௜䛡䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䐡䝈䞊䝮᧯స㻌䝎䜲䝲䝹ᨾ㞀㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䚸㻌䝈䞊䝮䝎䜲䝲䝹䛿ඃ䛧䛟ᅇ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䐟タ⨨㻌ⴠୗ䞉㌿ಽ㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䚸㻌ᮏᶵ䜢୙Ᏻᐃ䛺ሙᡤ䛻㻌⨨䛛䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䐠ᣢ䛱㐠䜃㻌䜹䝯䝷㒊ᨾ㞀㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䚸㻌ᮏᶵ䜢ᣢ䛱㐠䜆㝿䛿䚸ᮏᶵ㻌ୗ㒊䜢୧ᡭ䛷䛚ᣢ䛱ୗ䛥䛔䚹㻌䜰䞊䝮䜔䜹䝯䝷㒊ศ䛻⾪ᧁ㻌䜢୚䛘䛺䛔䜘䛖䛻䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䐣䜹䝯䝷㒊㻌䜹䝯䝷㒊◚ᦆ㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䚸㻌䜹䝯䝷䝦䝑䝗䜢ື䛛䛩㝿䛿㻌䜹䝯䝷㒊䜢ඖ䛾఩⨨䛻㻌ᡠ䛧䛶䛛䜙ື䛛䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌䐢㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍㻌 䝁䞊䝗㓄⥺㻌᩿⥺㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䚸䝁䞊䝗䛿㻌ᕳ䛝䛴䛡䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌
  9 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㻌䕔㻌 ┠ḟ  㻌‽ഛ䛧䜘䛖㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䐟ᚲせ䛺䜒䛾㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠌㻌䐠ᮏᶵ䛾䝉䝑䝖㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠍㻌䐡䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝍䚸䝰䝙䝍䛸䛾᥋⥆㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠍㻌㻌㻌㻌౑䛳䛶䜏䜘䛖㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌䐟㟁※䜢ධ䜜䜛䠄ษ䜛䠅㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠎㻌䐠䝈䞊䝮䛸䝣䜷䞊䜹䝇㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠏㻌䐡᫂䜛䛥ㄪᩚ㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠏㻌䐢᧯స䝟䝛䝹㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠐㻌㻌㻌㼃㼕㻲㼕 ᶵ⬟䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌㼃㼕㻲㼕 ᶵ⬟䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㽂㻌䠍䠑㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌
 10 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㻌䕔㻌 ‽ഛ䛧䜘䛖  䐟ᚲせ䛺䜒䛾㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌ྠᲕ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛䜒䛾㻌㻌䐟᭩⏬䜹䝯䝷䠄㼀㼄㻙㻝䠅㻌㻌䐠㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍㻌 䈜㻝㻌㻌䐡㻭㻯 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅㻌 䈜㻝㻌㻌䐢㼁㻿㻮 䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄⅊Ⰽ䠅㻌䐣㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍㻌 䈜㻞䚸㻌䐤㻰㻯 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅㻌 䈜㻞㻌㻌䜽䜲䝑䜽䝇䝍䞊䝖䜺䜲䝗㻌㻌ಖド᭩㻌㻌 䠏㻿 䝃䞊䝡䝇Ⓩ㘓⏦㎸᭩㻌㻌䠏㻿 䝃䞊䝡䝇Ⓩ㘓ㄝ᫂᭩㻌㻌䠏㻿 Ᏻᚰಖド䝷䝧䝹㻌㻌‽ഛ䛩䜛䜒䛾㻌䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝍䜎䛯䛿䝰䝙䝍䠄䝕䝆䝍䝹䝔䝺䝡䠅㻌䠮䠣䠞䜿䞊䝤䝹䜎䛯䛿䠤䠠䠩䠥䜿䞊䝤䝹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䛆䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䛇㻌䖃䐤㻰㻯 㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅䛿ᮏᶵ䛾㟁※ᑓ⏝䛷䛩䚹ᮏᶵ䛸௜ᒓ䛾䐣㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢᥋⥆䛩䜛௨እ䛻䛿౑⏝䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ㄗ䛳䛶䝟䝋䝁䞁䛾᥋⥆䛻౑⏝䛩䜛䛸䚸䝟䝋䝁䞁䛾ᨾ㞀䛻䛴䛺䛜䜛ᜍ䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䖃ᮏᶵ䛸䝟䝋䝁䞁䛾᥋⥆䛻䛿䚸䐢㼁㻿㻮 䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄⅊Ⰽ䠅䜢౑⏝䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌䐡㻌䐣㻌㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛾⁁䛻ᢲ㎸䜏䛺䛜䜙䚸▮༳䛾᪉ྥ䜈䝇䝷䜲䝗䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌 䈜ᅛᐃ䛥䜜䜛䛸䛂䜹䝏䝑䛃䛸㡢䛜䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌 䈜㟁※䝥䝷䜾䛿䚸䛤౑⏝䛻䛺䜛䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛻䛒䛳䛯䜒䛾䜢㑅ᐃ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㟁※䝥䝷䜾䜢䛿䛪䛩ሙྜ䛿䚸䝻䝑䜽䝪䝍䞁䜢ᢲ䛧䛺䛜䜙䚸▮༳䛸㏫᪉ྥ䜈䝇䝷䜲䝗䛥䛫䚸㻌ᘬ䛝ୖ䛢䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䐟㻌䐠㻌䐢㻌䐤㻌䐣㻌䡲䡽䡫㻍㻌
  11 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐠ᮏᶵ䛾䝉䝑䝖㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌䠍䠊Ᏻᐃ䛧䛯ᖹ䜙䛺䛸䛣䜝䛻⨨䛟㻌 䠎䠊䜹䝯䝷䝦䝑䝗㒊ศ䜢ᅗ䛾᪉ྥ䜈ື䛛䛩㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䐡䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝍䚸䝰䝙䝍䛸䛾᥋⥆㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䖃㻾㻳㻮 䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄ᕷ㈍ရ䠅䛷䛴䛺䛠㻌 䖃㻴㻰㻹㻵 䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄ᕷ㈍ရ䠅䛷䛴䛺䛠㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䋻㻾㻳㻮㻌㻻㼁㼀㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䋻㻴㻰㻹㻵㻌㻻㼁㼀㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻥㻜㼻㻌䜹䝯䝷㒊㻌䜹䝯䝷䝦䝑䝗㒊㻌䜰䞊䝮㻌㻥㻜㼻 㻥㻜㼻 䕺ືືస䛾⠊ᅖ 㻥㻜㼻 㻝㻤㻜㼻 㻢㻠㻚㻡㼻 㻾㻳㻮 䜿䞊䝤䝹㻌䠄ᕷ㈍ရ䠅㻌䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝍㻛䝰䝙䝍䜈㻌㻴㻰㻹㻵 䜿䞊䝤䝹㻌䠄ᕷ㈍ရ䠅㻌䝥䝻䝆䜵䜽䝍㻛䝰䝙䝍䜈㻌䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䜈㻌䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䜈㻌㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍㻛㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹㻌㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍㻛㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹㻌
 12 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌 䕔㻌 ౑䛳䛶䜏䜘䛖  䐟㟁※䜢ධ䜜䜛䠄ษ䜛䠅㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䛸㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅䜢᥋⥆䛧䚸㻭㻯 䜰䝎䝥䝍䜢ᮏᶵ䛻᥋⥆䛧䛶䛛䜙㻌㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛻ᕪ䛧㎸䜏䜎䛩䚹㻌㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛻ᕪ䛧㎸䜐䛸䚸㼇㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㼉䛜㉥Ⰽ䛻Ⅼⅉ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌㼇㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㼉䜢ᢲ䛩䛸䚸ᩘ⛊㛫⣸Ⰽ䛻Ⅼⅉ䛧䚸㟷ⰍⅬⅉ䛻ኚ໬䛩䜛䛸䚸ᫎീ䛜ฟຊ䛥䜜䜎䛩䚹㻌㟁※䜢ษ䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸㼇㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㼉䜢ᢲ䛧䛶㟁※䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶䚸㟁※䜿䞊䝤䝹䠄㯮Ⰽ䠅䜢㻌䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㟁※ 㻻㻲㻲㻌 㟁※ 㻻㻺㻌㟷Ⰽ㻌ᢲ䛩㻌㉥Ⰽ㻌
  13 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐠䝈䞊䝮䛸䝣䜷䞊䜹䝇㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䐡᫂䜛䛥ㄪᩚ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䈜ྠ᫬䛻ᢲ䛩䛸᫂䜛䛥䛜ึᮇタᐃ䛻ᡠ䜚䜎䛩㻌ᑠ䛥䛟㻌኱䛝䛟㻌䝣䜷䞊䜹䝇㻌㼆㻻㻻㻹㻙㻵㻺䠄኱䛝䛟䠅㻌㼆㻻㻻㻹㻙㻻㼁㼀䠄ᑠ䛥䛟䠅㻌᫂䜛䛟㻌㻌ᬯ䛟㻌㻌᫂䜛䛟㻌ᬯ䛟㻌
 14 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐢᧯స䝟䝛䝹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌ྡ๓㻌 ᶵ⬟㻌䐟㟁※㻌 㟁※䜢 㻻㻺㻛㻻㻲㻲 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌䐠㻹㻱㻺㼁㻌 㻻㻿㻰 䝯䝙䝳䞊䜢⾲♧䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌䐡㻭㻲㻌 ⮬ື䛷䝣䜷䞊䜹䝇䜢ྜ䜟䛫䜎䛩䚹㻌䐢⏬ീᅇ㌿㻌⾲♧୰䛾⏬ീ䜢䠍䠔䠌㼻ᅇ㌿䛥䛫䜎䛩䚹㻌䐣㻸㻱㻰 ↷᫂㻌↷᫂䜢 㻻㻺㻛㻻㻲㻲 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌䐤᫂䜛䛥䠇㻌⾲♧୰䛾⏬ീ䜢᫂䜛䛟䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌䐥᫂䜛䛥䠉㻌⾲♧୰䛾⏬ീ䜢ᬯ䛟䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌䐦㼃䡅㻲䡅㻌 㻸㻱㻰㻌㼃䡅㻲䡅䛾᥋⥆≧ែ䜢⾲♧䛧䜎䛩䚹䠄Ⅼⅉ䝟䝍䞊䞁䠅㻌㻻㻲㻲㻩ᾘⅉ㻌᥋⥆୰㻩Ⅼ⁛㻌᥋⥆῭㻩Ⅼⅉ㻌䜎䛯䚸Ⰽ䛷 㼃㼕㻲㼕 ᶵ⬟䛾䝰䞊䝗≧ែ䜢⾲♧䛧䜎䛩䚹䠄ⅬⅉⰍ䠅㻌ᾘⅉ䠙㻻㻲㻲㻌㟷Ⰽ䠙䜰䜽䝉䝇䝫䜲䞁䝖䝰䞊䝗㻌⥳Ⰽ䠙䝇䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁䝰䞊䝗㻌䈜ྛ䝰䞊䝗䛾ヲ⣽䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䚸㻼㻝㻡 䜢ཧ↷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌ձ ղ ճ մ յ ն շ ո
  15 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㻌䕔㻌 䠳䡅䠢䡅ᶵ⬟䛻䛴䛔䛶  㻌ᮏᶵ䛻䛿௨ୗ䛾 㼃㼕㻲㼕 ᶵ⬟䛜ᦚ㍕䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌䞉䜰䜽䝉䝇䝫䜲䞁䝖䝰䞊䝗㻌 㻌 䠖↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺 ⎔ቃ䛜↓䛔ሙྜ䛷䜒䚸㻼㻯 䛸┤᥋᥋⥆䛜ྍ⬟㻌䞉䝇䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁䝰䞊䝗㻌 䠖↓⥺ 㻸㻭㻺 ⎔ቃ䜢ᑟධ䛧䚸᪤Ꮡ䛾 㻵㻯㻮 䜔௚♫↓⥺䝅䝇䝔䝮䜈᥋⥆㻌䛜ྍ⬟㻌㻌㼃㼕㻲㼕 ᶵ⬟䜢౑⏝䛧䚸ୗグ䛾䜘䛖䛺᪉ἲ䛷 㻼㻯 䛸䛾᥋⥆䛜ྍ⬟䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌㻌䞉䜰䜽䝉䝇䝫䜲䞁䝖䝰䞊䝗㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䞉䝇䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁䝰䞊䝗㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌ヲ⣽䛺᥋⥆᪉ἲ䜔౑⏝᪉ἲ䛿䚸ྲྀᢅㄝ᫂᭩䜢䛤☜ㄆ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌䝰䝙䝍㻌㻌䝍䝤䝺䝑䝖䠬䠟㻔㻔Ꮚ㻕㻕㻌㻌䠰䠴㻙㻙䠍㻔㻔ぶ㻕㻕㻌㻌䝰䝙䝍㻌㻌䝍䝤䝺䝑䝖䠬䠟㻔㻔Ꮚ㻕㻕㻌㻌䠰䠴㻙㻙䠍㻔㻔Ꮚ㻕㻕㻌㻌↓⥺䝹䞊䝍䞊㻔㻔ぶ㻕㻕㻌㻌䈜ู኎䠟䠮䠥㻙䠍㻛௚♫〇↓⥺䝹䞊䝍䞊㻌
  16 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䚸㼂㻵㻿㼁㻭㻸㻌㻼㻾㻱㻿㻱㻺㼀㻱㻾㻛䢇䢚䡸䢚䡩䡭䢕㻌 䢈䢛䢖䡺䢚䢙䡼䡬䛿䚸㻌ᰴᘧ఍♫㻌 䜶䝹䝰♫䛾Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌㻴㻰㻹㻵䚸 䝻䝂䛚䜘䜃 㻴㼕㼓㼔㻙㻰㼑㼒㼕㼚㼕㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻹㼡㼘㼠㼕㼙㼑㼐㼕㼍㻌㼕㼚㼠㼑㼞㼒㼍㼏㼑 䛿䚸㻴㻰㻹㻵㻌㻸㼕㼏㼑㼚㼟㼕㼚㼓㻌㻸㻸㻯 䛾ၟᶆ䜎䛯䛿Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌䛭䛾௚䚸ᮏ᭩䛻グ㍕䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛఍♫ྡ䚸〇ရྡ䛿䚸ྛ♫䛾ၟᶆ䜎䛯䛿Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌ᮏ〇ရ䛿䚸㻭㼂㻯㻌㼂㼕㼟㼡㼍㼘㻌㻼㼍㼠㼑㼚㼠㻌㻼㼛㼞㼠㼒㼛㼘㼕㼛㻌㻸㼕㼏㼑㼚㼟㼑䠄௨ୗ䚸㻭㼂㻯㻌㼂㼕㼐㼑㼛䠅䛻ᇶ䛵䛝䝷䜲䝉䞁䝇䛥䜜䛶䛚䜚䚸ಶேⓗ䛛䛴㠀Ⴀ฼┠ⓗ䛻䛚䛔䛶䛾䜏౑⏝䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜ㄆ䜑䜙䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌䞉㻌 ಶேⓗ䛛䛴㠀Ⴀ฼ⓗάື┠ⓗ䛷グ㘓䛥䜜䛯㻌 㻭㼂㻯㻌㼂㼕㼐㼑㼛㻌 䜢෌⏕䛩䜛ሙྜ㻌䞉㻌 㻹㻼㻱㻳㻙㻸㻭㻘㻌㻸㻸㻯㻌 䜘䜚䝷䜲䝉䞁䝇䜢ཷ䛡䛯ᥦ౪⪅䛻䜘䜚ᥦ౪䛥䜜䛯㻌 㻭㼂㻯㻌㼂㼕㼐㼑㼛 䜢෌⏕䛩䜛ሙྜ㻌䝥䝻䝰䞊䝅䝵䞁䚸Ⴀ฼┠ⓗ䛺䛹䛷౑⏝䛩䜛ሙྜ䛻䛿䚸⡿ᅜἲே㻌 㻹㻼㻱㻳㻙㻸㻭㻘㻌㻸㻸㻯㻌 䛻䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䛫䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䛚▱䜙䛫㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌䖃⏬ീ䛾䛱䜙䛴䛝⌧㇟䠄䝣䝸䝑䜹䠅䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ㻌㟁※࿘Ἴᩘ䠑䠌㻴㼦 ᆅᇦ䛷౑⏝䛩䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸௨ୗ䛾ᡭ㡰䛷䝣䝸䝑䜹⿵ṇ䜢⾜䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䠄ᮾ᪥ᮏ䛿䠑䠌㻴㼦 ᆅᇦ䚸す᪥ᮏ䛿䠒䠌㻴㼦 ᆅᇦ䛷䛩䠅㻌䝣䝸䝑䜹⿵ṇ䜢⾜䛺䛖䛸⏬ീ䛾䛱䜙䛴䛝⌧㇟䜢పῶ䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛷䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌䠄ฟⲴ᫬䛿䠒䠌㻴㼦 タᐃ䛻䛺䛳䛶䛔䜎䛩䠅㻌タᐃ᪉ἲ㻌䈄 䝇䝷䜲䝗䚸᭩⡠䚸෗┿➼䛿ಶே䛷ᴦ䛧䜐䜋䛛䛿䚸ⴭసᶒἲୖ䚸ᶒ฼⪅䛻↓᩿䛷㘓⏬䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䛾䛷䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䈄 䛣䛾⿦⨨䛿䚸ၟᕤᴗᆅᇦ䛷౑⏝䛥䜜䜛䜉䛝᝟ሗ⿦⨨䛷䛩䚹ఫᏯᆅ䚸䜎䛯䛿䛭䛾㞄᥋䛧䛯ᆅᇦ䛷౑⏝䛩䜛䛸䚸䝷䝆䜸䝔䝺䝡䝆䝵䞁ཷಙᶵ➼䛻䚸ཷಙ㞀ᐖ䜢୚䛘䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䈄 ⿵ಟ⏝ᛶ⬟㒊ရ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌ᙜ♫䛷䛿䛣䛾〇ရ䛾⿵ಟ⏝ᛶ⬟㒊ရ䠄〇ရ䛾ᶵ⬟䜢⥔ᣢ䛩䜛䛯䜑䛻ᚲせ䛺㒊ရ䠅䜢䚸〇㐀ᡴ䛱ษ䜚ᚋ㻌 㻤㻌 ᖺ㛫ಖ᭷䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹䛣䛾㒊ရಖ᭷ᮇ㛫䜢ಟ⌮ྍ⬟䛾ᮇ㛫䛸䛥䛫䛶䛔䛯䛰䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌䈄 䜹䝯䝷䝅䝇䝔䝮䜢౑⏝䛧䛶᧜ᙳ䛩䜛ே≀䞉䛭䛾௚ᫎീ䛷䚸ಶே䜢≉ᐃ䛷䛝䜛䜒䛾䛿ಶே᝟ሗ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹䛭䛾ᫎീ䛾㛤♧䞉බ㛤➼䛾ྲྀᢅ䛔䛿䚸䝅䝇䝔䝮䜢㐠⏝䛩䜛᪉䛾㈐ົ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䛾䛷䚸䛤ὀព䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䛤ὀព㻌
  17 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌㻌㻌
  18 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ■ Read Instructions   All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated. ■ Retain Instructions The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference. ■ H e e d   W a r n i n g s  All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. ■ Follow Instructions All operating and use instructions should be followed. ■ Cleaning Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. ■ Attachments Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer as they may cause hazards. ■ Water and Moisture Do not use this product near water - for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like. ■ Placement Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer. ■ Ventilation Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.
  19 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌■ Power Sources This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home consult your appliance dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions. ■ Grounding or Polarization This product may be equipped with either a polarized 2-wire AC line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other) or a 3-wire grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin. The 2-wire polarized plug will outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug still fails to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug. The 3-wire grounding type plug will fit into a grounding type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding type plug. ■ Power-Cord Protection Power-supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the product. ■ Lightning For added protection for this product during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges. ■ Overloading Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock. ■ A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessiveforce, and uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart combination to overturn. ■ Object and Liquid Entry Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product. ■ Servicing Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
  20 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌■ Damage Requiring Service Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions: • When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. • If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product. • If the product has been exposed to rain or water. • If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation. • If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way. • When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicates a need for service. ■ Replacement Parts When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards. ■ Safety Check Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition. ■ Hea t The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat. ■ This product includes a Fluorescent Lamps component that contains mercury. Please consult your state and local regarding proper disposal or recycling, and do not place in the trash.
  21 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌                           㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature SA 1966 SA 1965 This symbol [crossed-out wheeled bin WEEE Annex IV] indicates separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment in the EU countries. Please do not throw the equipment into the domestic refuse. Please  use  the  return  and  collection  systems  available  in  your country for the disposal of this product.
  22 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.   CAUTION:  Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION   INTERFERENCE STATEMENT                                        The  connection of  a  non-shielded  equipment  interface  cable  to  this  equipment  will  invalidate  the FCC Certification or Declaration of this device and may cause interference levels which exceed the limits established by the FCC for this equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and use a shielded equipment interface cable with this device. If this equipment has more than one interface connector,  do  not  leave  cables  connected  to  unused  interfaces.  Changes  or  modifications  not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.
  23 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌RF exposure warning   This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.    Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices   This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-247. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.    Canada, avis d'Industry Canada (IC)   Cet appareil numérique de classe A est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-247. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.    Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information   The radiated output power of the Wireless Device is below the Industry Canada (IC) radio frequency exposure limits. The Wireless Device should be used in such a manner such that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. This device has also been evaluated and shown compliant with the IC RF Exposure limits under mobile exposure conditions. (antennas are greater than 20cm from a person's body).  Informations concernant l'exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)   La puissance de sortie émise par l’appareil de sans fil est inférieure à la limite d'exposition aux fréquences radio d'Industry Canada (IC). Utilisez l’appareil de sans fil de façon à minimiser les contacts humains lors du fonctionnement normal. Ce périphérique a également été évalué et démontré conforme aux limites d'exposition aux RF d'IC dans des conditions d'exposition à des appareils mobiles (antennes sont supérieures à 20 cm à partir du corps d'une personne). WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories sold with this product, will expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
  24 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌BEFORE YOU USE ڦBe sure to use the power cable or AC adapter supplied with the product. Do not use them with other products. ڦBe sure to use the AC adapter applicable to your local power specifications. If the product was sold in Japan, use the AC adapter sold with the product with 100 VAC and 50 or 60 Hz. ڦWhen storing the product, do not leave it under direct sunlight or by heaters. ڦIt may be discolored, deformed, or damaged. ڦDo not place this product in any humid, dusty, salt bearing wind, or vibrating locations. Use it under the following environmental conditions: Temperature: 0°C - 40°C   Humidity: 30% - 85% (No condensation) ڦUse a soft, dry cloth for cleaning. Do not use any volatile solvent such as thinner or benzene. ڦDo not point the camera lens directly at the sun. It may be damaged and you may not be able to take pictures. ڦLuminescent and Black Spots There may be some pixels that do not properly operate due to the use of CMOS Area Image   Sensors made-up of many pixels. Though luminescent or black spots may be found on the screen, it is a phenomenon peculiar to the CMOS Area Image Sensors and is not a malfunction. ڦFollow the guidelines below to prevent the unit from dropping or overturning. ■ Use the product on a stable base, desk, or table. Do not place the product on an unstable base or slanted location. ■ Place or wire the unit to prevent the power cable, AC adapter cord or video cable from pulling. ڦCarry the product by holding the lower part of the main unit in both hands. Never hold the product by the column or the camera head. ڦPay careful attention when using (including setting-up and storing) or transferring the product to㻌prevent the camera head from receiving any shocks. ڦBe careful not to pinch your fingers when moving the arm or camera head.
  25 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌ڦDo not look directly into the LED light. If you look directly into it at close range, your eyes may be injured. ڦIf this product is used for longer than the warranty period, its performance and quality may deteriorate due to the lifetime of its parts. For parts replacement (on chargeable basis), consult   the dealer from whom you purchased this product or our branch/office near your location. ڦMenus/ Icons Some functions of the TX-1 may not be set or used depending on the operation mode or menu settings.   ڦCopyright Unless used for personal use, it is prohibited strictly under copyright law to use any photo files without the prior consent of the copyright holder. Even if using for personal use, be careful that there could be a situation where video or audio recording is restricted or illegal. ڦWireless LAN (WiFi) radio wave ■ This product uses 2.4GHz radio waves. This product and the wireless device in this product   have been certified under the Radio Law. Using this product in countries other than the   country where you purchased it may infringe the radio wave laws of the country where it is   used. ■ In case of communication problem, change locations. Depending on the using environment     (e.g., there are many obstacles) the wireless communication may be adversely affected.   Especially the wireless communication is not available under the following conditions. ̼There are metal and/or concrete between the product and monitor. ■ Do not use this product under the following conditions. ̼Near industrial, scientific, and medical devices, such as a pacemaker ̼Near in-plant radio station for mobile equipment identifier (license required and being used in factory line; etc.) ̼Near low power wireless base station (license not required) ■ Electromagnetic interference caused by using Bluetooth devices, microwaves, some other   devices and this product at the same area Bluetooth devices, microwaves, some other devices and this product use the same band of  frequency  (2.4GHz).  So  using  these  devices  in  the  same  area  may  cause electromagnetic interference and it may cause lower communication speed or connection failure. Turn off the device or this product if the communication problem occurs.
  26 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌ڦAbout wireless equipment used on the 2.4 GHz band   This frequency bandwidth is the same as for industrial, scientific, and medical equipment such as microwave ovens, mobile unit identification systems (radio stations that require a license) used in factory production lines, and specified low-power radio stations (radio stations that do not require a license). ■ Before using this device, check that there are no radio stations for mobile unit identification   systems or specified low-power radio stations nearby.   ■ If this product emits radio waves which interfere with in-factory radio stations for mobile     unit identification systems, cease use immediately and stop generating the radio waves.   For information on countermeasures, etc. (for example, erecting partitions), contact one of   our sales departments whose details are provided at the end of this manual.   ■ If this unit emits radio waves which interfere with specified low-power radio stations used   for mobile unit identification systems, or causes similar problems, contact one of our sales   departments whose details are provided at the end of this manual.  ڦThis product is not guaranteed to be able to connect with all wireless LAN devices. Wireless LAN devices and Bluetooth devices use the same band of frequency (2.4GHz). So using these devices in the same area may cause electromagnetic interference and it may cause lower communication speed or connection failure. Stop using either the Wireless LAN (WiFi) device or Bruetooth device if the communication problem occurs. ڦChange of SSID and Key It is recommended that you change your SSID and Key to avoid other people from using your connection without permission. The SSID and Key can be reset to factory defaults. ڦThe contents of this document are subject to change without notice.   The latest version , please visit our website: ڦIt is prohibited under copyright law to use or copy any part or the whole of this document without our prior written consent. ڦELMO shall not be liable for any claim for damage or loss of earnings or any claim raised by a   third person due to the use, malfunction or repair of this product.        ■  This device is restricted to use in class A environments only.
  27 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌Handling Precautions㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 The followings are special precautions against mishandling of the product, which may cause serious damages to the product. Pay close attention to them.                                   յStoring Before storing the camera, return the lens to the defult position. Camera lens may be damaged if not properly stored. ճZoom operation Rotate the zoom dial gently. Otherwise the zoom dial may be broken. ձInstallation Do not place the product on an unstable base or slanted surface.  㻌ղCarrying the product Carry the product by holding the lower part of the main unit in both hands. Be careful not to give an impact to the column or the camera head. մCabling of the AC adapter Do not wrap the cord tightly around AC adapter. By doing so may cause cord㻌disconnection
  28 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌  䕔㻌TABLE OF CONTENTS    PREPARATION㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 䐟REQUIRED ITEMS ················································································ 䠎䠕 䐠SETTING UP OF TX-1 ············································································ 䠏䠌 䐡CONNECTING TO A TV MONITOR OR PROJECTOR ·································· 䠏䠌    USING TX-1           㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 䐟POWERING ON䠄OFF䠅 ··········································································· 䠏䠍 䐠ZOOMING AND FOCUSING ···································································· 䠏䠎 䐡BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT ·································································· 䠏䠎 䐢OPERATING PANEL ·············································································· 䠏䠏   ABOUT WiFi FUNCTION㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌ABOUT WiFi FUNCTION ············································································ 䠏䠐
  29 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌  䕔㻌PREPARATION   䐟REQUIRED ITEMS㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌Items included in a box  䐟Docment Camera  䠄TX-1䠅  䐠AC adapter㻌䈜1  䐡AC power cable (black)㻌䈜1  䐢USB cable (gray) 䐣AC adapter㻌䈜2 䐤DC power cable (black)㻌䈜2  Quick Start Guide   Warranty card㻌䈜1     Items to be prepared Projector or monitor (Digital TV) RGB cable or HDMI cable           䛆Caution䛇 ●㻌The supplied  䐤DC power cable (black) is designed to be used for the TX-1 only. Do not use for other purpose than connecting the the supplied  䐣AC adapter to the TX-1. Using the supplied DC power cable with a computer may damage the computer. ●㻌Use the supplied  䐢USB calbe (gray) to connect the TX-1 to a computer.  ղ ձ ճ մ յ ն Push the power plug to the groove of the AC adapter. Then slide the power plug until it clicks. Make sure to use the appropriate type of the power plug according to the outlet. When  removing  the  power  plug  from  the  AC  adapter,  slide  it  to the  opposite direction while pressing the lock button and pull it out. յ Click! 䈜㻝㻌 㻻㼚㼘㼥㻌㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㻺㼛㼞㼠㼔㻌㻭㼙㼑㼞㼕㼏㼍㻌䈜㻞㻌 㻱㼡㼞㼛㼜㼑㻌㼛㼚㼘㼥㻌
  30 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐠SETTING UP OF TX-1㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌1. Place the TX-1 on a stable surface.                       䐡CONNECTING TO A TV MONITOR OR ROJECTOR㻌 ● Connect with a commercially available   ●Connect with a commercially available RGB cable    HDMI cable 㻌㻌㻌㻌䋻RGB OUT㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌 䋻HDMI OUT           㻥㻥㻜㼻㻌Camera Camera head Arm 㻴㻰㻹㻵㻌㼏㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㸦㼟㼛㼘㼐㻌㼟㼑㼜㼍㼞㼍㼠㼑㼘㼥㸧㻌㻾㻳㻮㻌㼏㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㸦㼟㼛㼘㼐㻌㼟㼑㼜㼍㼞㼍㼠㼑㼘㼥㸧㻌㼀㼛㻌㼍㻌㼜㼞㼛㼖㼑㼏㼠㼛㼞㻌㼛㼞㻌㼀㼂㻌㼙㼛㼚㼕㼠㼛㼞㻌㼀㼛㻌㼍㻌㼜㼞㼛㼖㼑㼏㼠㼛㼞㻌㼛㼞㻌㼀㼂㻌㼙㼛㼚㼕㼠㼛㼞㻌2. Rotate the camera head as shown in   the below figure. 㻥㻜r 㻥㻜r 㻾㼍㼚㼓㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼙㼛㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻥㻜r 㻝㻤㻜r 㻢㻠㻚㻡r 㼀㼛㻌㼣㼍㼘㼘㻌㼛㼡㼠㼘㼑㼠㻌㼀㼛㻌㼣㼍㼘㼘㻌㼛㼡㼠㼘㼑㼠㻌㻭㻯㻌㼍㼐㼍㼜㼠㼑㼞㻛㼜㼛㼣㼑㼞㻌㼏㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㻭㻯㻌㼍㼐㼍㼜㼠㼑㼞㻛㼜㼛㼣㼑㼞㻌㼏㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌
  31 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌  䕔㻌USING TX-1   䐟POWERING ON䠄OFF䠅㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌             (For Japan and North America) Connect the AC adapter to the TX-1 with the supplied AC power cable (black). Plug the end of the AC power cable into a wall outlet to power on the TX-1.  (For Europe㸧 Connect the AC adapter to the TX-1 with the supplied DC power cable (black). Plug the end of the AC adapter into a wall outlet to power on the TX-1.  The  㹙    㹛  button will turn red. Press the  㹙    㹛  button and it will turn purple for a few seconds and turn blue.     An image will be displayed.   To power off the TX-1, press the  [       ] button and unplug the power cable from the wall outlet.   㻼㼛㼣㼑㼞㻌㻻㻲㻲㻌㻼㼛㼣㼑㼞㻌㻻㻺㻌㻾㼑㼐㻌㼘㼍㼙㼜㻌㻮㼘㼡㼑㻌㼘㼍㼙㼜㻌㻼㼞㼑㼟㼟㻌
  32 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐠ZOOMING AND FOCUSING㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌               䐡BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌                   㻌㻌㻌㻌                 䈜Press at the same time to return to the default setting. 㻱㼚㼘㼍㼞㼓㼑㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼕㼙㼍㼓㼑㻌㻿㼔㼞㼕㼚㼗㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼕㼙㼍㼓㼑㻌㼆㻻㻻㻹㻙㻵㻺㻌㼆㻻㻻㻹㻙㻻㼁㼀㻌㻮㼞㼕㼓㼔㼠㼑㼞㻌㻰㼍㼞㼗㼑㼞㻌㻲㻻㻯㼁㻿㻌㻮㼞㼕㼓㼔㼠㼑㼞㻌㻰㼍㼞㼗㼑㼞㻌
  33 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌䐢OPERATING PANEL㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌                                    Mark Function 䐟POWER To ON/OFF the power . 䐠MENU To display the OSD menu. 䐡AF To automatically adjust focus. 䐢IMAGE ROTATION To rotate the displayed image by 180°. 䐣LED LIGHTING To ON/OFF the lighting. 䐤BRIGHTNESS䠇 To brighten the displayed image. 䐥BRIGHTNESS䠉 To darken the displayed image. 䐦W䡅F䡅 LED To indicate the WiFi connection status. OFF= LED lights off Connecting= LED flashes Connected= LED turns on Also  the  WiFi  mode  status  is  indicated  by color of the LED. OFF䠙OFF Blue䠙  Access point mode Green䠙Station mode 䈜For details of the respective mode, refer to P34. ձ ղ ճ մ յ ն շ ո
  34 ᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌  䕔㻌ABOUT WiFi FUNCTION    The TX-1 is equipped with the following WiFi functions: 䞉Access point mode 䠖The TX-1 can be connected directly to a computer without using Wireless LAN. 䞉Station mode 䠖The TX-1 can be connected to the ICB or the company’s wireless system using   Wireless LAN.  The TX-1 can be connected to a computer using the WiFi fuction as shown below.  䞉Access point mode          䞉Station mode               For details of the connection procedure or usage instructions, refer to the Instruction Manual. 㻹㼛㼚㼕㼠㼛㼞㻌㻌㻌㼀㼄㻙㻝㻔㻹㼍㼟㼠㼑㼞㻕㻌㻌㼃㼕㼞㼑㼘㼑㼟㼟㻌㻾㼛㼡㼠㼑㼞㻌㻔㻹㼍㼟㼠㼑㼞㻕㻌㻌ͤ㻱㻸㻹㻻㻌㻯㻾㻵㻙㻝㻌㻛㻌㻻㼠㼔㼑㼞㻌㼃㼕㼞㼑㼘㼑㼟㼟㻌㻾㼛㼡㼠㼔㼑㼞㻌㻺㼛㼠㻌㻿㼡㼜㼜㼘㼕㼑㼐㻌㻹㼛㼚㼕㼠㼛㼞㻌㻌㼀㼍㼍㼎㼘㼑㼠㻌㻼㻯㻌㻔㻿㼘㼍㼢㼑㻕㻌㼀㼄㻙㻙㻝㻔㻔㻿㼘㼍㼢㼑㻕㻕㻌㻌㼀㼀㼍㼎㼘㼑㼠㻌㻼㻯㻌㻔㻿㼘㼍㼢㼑㻕㻌㻌㻌
  35 㻌㻌᪥ᮏㄒ㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻱㼚㼓㼘㼕㼟㼔㻌㻌             , VISUAL PRESENTER are registered trademarks of ELMO Co., Ltd. Android, Google Play are the trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc. HDMi,    logo, and High-Definition Multimedia interface are the trademark or registered trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC.           All  other  company/product  names  described  in  this  manual  are  trademarks  or  registered trademarks of their respective companies.   This product is licensed under the AVC Patent Portfolio License for the personal use of a consumer or other uses in which it does not receive remuneration to (i) encode video in compliance with the AVC standard (“AVC video”) and/or (ii) decode AVC video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC video. No license Is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.     ࣭ Unless used for personal use, it is prohibited by copyright law to record slides, books and photos without the prior consent of copyright holder. ࣭ This product is designed to be used in industrial environment. If it is used in residential area or in close proximity to residential area, it may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. ࣭ Repair parts Repair parts are the items which are needed to maintain product functionality. The holding period of such repair parts is 8 years after discontinuation. The repair work will only be accepted during this parts holding period. ࣭ Any image, which is obtained by this product, and which can be identified, is considered to be private information. Be forewarned that the person who makes use of such images shall be liable for disclosing of such images.  㻭㼀㼀㻱㻺㼀㻵㻻㻺㻌Note●When there is a flicker in of the image Set the flicker rate according to the power supply frequency being used in your area. 㻌㻌㻌㻌How to set ͤSet using the operating panel
  36 ᰴᰴᘧ఍♫䜶䝹䝰♫㻌䛈㻠㻢㻣㻙㻤㻡㻢㻣㻌ྡྂᒇᕷ⍞✑༊᫂๓⏫ 㻢 ␒ 㻝㻠 ྕ㻌㼃㼑㼎䠖㼔㼠㼠㼜㻦㻛㻛㼣㼣㼣㻚㼑㼘㼙㼛㻚㼏㼛㻚㼖㼜㻌㻌〇ရ䛾䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫䛿䚸ୗグႠᴗ㒊䜈㻌ᰴᘧ఍♫䜶䝹䝰♫㻌䜶䝹䝰䝋䝸䝳䞊䝅䝵䞁䜹䞁䝟䝙䞊㻌㼃㼑㼎䠖㼔㼠㼠㼜㻦㻛㻛㼣㼣㼣㻚㼑㼘㼙㼛㼟㼛㼘㼡㼠㼕㼛㼚㻚㼏㼛㻚㼖㼜㻌㻌䕕໭ᾏ㐨Ⴀᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻜㻜㻝㻙㻜㻜㻞㻝㻌 ᮐᖠᕷ໭༊໭ 㻞㻝 ᮲す 㻤 ୎┠ 㻟 ␒ 㻤 ྕ㻌 䝞䝑䜽䝇䝡䝹㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻝㻝㻙㻣㻟㻤㻙㻡㻤㻝㻝㻌㻌䕕Ụู䜸䝣䜱䝇㻌䛈㻜㻢㻥㻙㻜㻤㻞㻡㻌 Ụูᕷ㔝ᖠᮾ⏫ 㻝㻣 ␒ᆅ 㻡㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻝㻝㻙㻟㻥㻝㻙㻤㻤㻜㻜㻌䕕ᮾ໭Ⴀᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻥㻤㻜㻙㻜㻜㻞㻟㻌 ௝ྎᕷ㟷ⴥ༊໭┠⏫ 㻝 ␒ 㻝㻤 ྕ㻌 䝢䞊䝇䝡䝹໭┠⏫ 㻠 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻞㻞㻙㻞㻢㻢㻙㻟㻞㻡㻡㻌䕕㤳㒔ᅪႠᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻝㻜㻤㻙㻜㻜㻣㻟㻌 ᮾி㒔 ༊୕⏣ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻞 ␒ 㻝㻢 ྕ㻌 ᒣග䝡䝹 㻠 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻟㻙㻟㻠㻡㻟㻙㻢㻠㻣㻝㻌䕕䝉䜻䝳䝸䝔䜱Ⴀᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻝㻜㻤㻙㻜㻜㻣㻟㻌 ᮾி㒔 ༊୕⏣ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻞 ␒ 㻝㻢 ྕ㻌 ᒣග䝡䝹 㻠 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻟㻙㻟㻠㻡㻟㻙㻢㻠㻣㻝㻌䕕୰㒊Ⴀᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻠㻢㻣㻙㻤㻡㻢㻣㻌 ྡྂᒇᕷ⍞✑༊᫂๓⏫ 㻢 ␒ 㻝㻠 ྕ㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻡㻞㻙㻤㻝㻝㻙㻡㻞㻢㻝㻌䕕㏆␥䞉ᅄᅜႠᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻡㻡㻜㻙㻜㻜㻝㻠 ኱㜰ᕷす༊໭ᇼỤ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻞 ␒ 㻞㻟 ྕ㻌 ୕ᮌ⏘ᴗ䝡䝹 㻥 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻢㻙㻢㻡㻠㻝㻙㻜㻝㻞㻟㻌㻌䕕ᚨᓥ䜸䝣䜱䝇㻌䛈㻣㻣㻞㻙㻜㻜㻝㻣㻌 㬆㛛ᕷ᧙㣴⏫❧ᒾᏐ୐ᯛ 㻤㻞 ␒ᆅ㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻤㻤㻙㻢㻤㻟㻙㻝㻢㻟㻠㻌䕕㏆␥䡻䢔䡩䡬䡸䡪䢙Ⴀᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻡㻡㻜㻙㻜㻜㻝㻠 ኱㜰ᕷす༊໭ᇼỤ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻞 ␒ 㻞㻟 ྕ㻌 ୕ᮌ⏘ᴗ䝡䝹 㻥 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻢㻙㻢㻡㻟㻝㻙㻞㻝㻞㻡㻌䕕୰ᅜႠᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻣㻟㻜㻙㻜㻜㻠㻝㻌 ᗈᓥᕷ୰༊ᑠ⏫㻡␒㻤ྕ㻌䝗䝹䝏䜵㻞㝵㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻤㻞㻙㻞㻠㻤㻙㻠㻤㻜㻜㻌䕕஑ᕞႠᴗ㒊㻌䛈㻤㻝㻞㻙㻜㻜㻟㻥㻌 ⚟ᒸᕷ༤ከ༊෭Ἠ⏫ 㻞 ␒ 㻤 ྕ㻌 ᮅ᪥䝥䝷䝄♲ᅬ 㻞 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻥㻞㻙㻞㻤㻝㻙㻠㻝㻟㻝㻌㻌䕕⚟ᒸ䜸䝣䜱䝇㻌䛈㻤㻝㻞㻙㻜㻜㻟㻥㻌 ⚟ᒸᕷ༤ከ༊෭Ἠ⏫ 㻞 ␒ 㻤 ྕ㻌 ᮅ᪥䝥䝷䝄♲ᅬ 㻞 㝵㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻥㻞㻙㻞㻤㻝㻙㻡㻢㻡㻤㻌㻌䕕⇃ᮏ䜸䝣䜱䝇㻌䛈㻤㻢㻝㻙㻞㻝㻜㻠㻌 ⇃ᮏᕷᮾ༊⛅ὠ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻝㻙㻣㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻥㻢㻙㻞㻤㻞㻙㻤㻟㻟㻤㻌㻌䕕㮵ඣᓥ䜸䝣䜱䝇㻌䛈㻤㻥㻜㻙㻜㻜㻡㻢㻌 㮵ඣᓥᕷୗⲨ⏣ 㻟 ୎┠ 㻝㻤㻙㻝㻝㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㼀㻱㻸㻚㻜㻥㻥㻙㻞㻡㻡㻙㻢㻟㻜㻡㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻻㼂㻱㻾㻿㻱㻭㻿㻌 㻿㼁㻮㻿㻵㻰㻵㻭㻾㼅㻌 㻯㻻㻹㻼㻭㻺㻵㻱㻿㻌 㻌㻱㻸㻹㻻㻌 㼁㻿㻭㻌 㻯㻻㻾㻼㻚㻌䕕㻴㼑㼍㼐㼝㼡㼍㼞㼠㼑㼞㼟㻌㻝㻠㻣㻤㻌 㻻㼘㼐㻌 㻯㼛㼡㼚㼠㼞㼥㻌 㻾㼛㼍㼐㻌㻼㼘㼍㼕㼚㼢㼕㼑㼣㻘㻌 㻺㼅㻌 㻝㻝㻤㻜㻟㻘㻌 㼁㻚㻿㻚㻭㻚㻌㼀㼑㼘㻚㻌 㻔㻡㻝㻢㻕㻌 㻡㻜㻝㻙㻝㻠㻜㻜㻌㻲㼍㼤㻚㻔㻡㻝㻢㻕㻌 㻡㻜㻝㻙㻜㻠㻞㻥㻌㻱㻙㼙㼍㼕㼘㻦㻌 㼑㼘㼙㼛㻬㼑㼘㼙㼛㼡㼟㼍㻚㼏㼛㼙㻌㼃㼑㼎䠖㼔㼠㼠㼜㻦㻛㻛㼣㼣㼣㻚㼑㼘㼙㼛㼡㼟㼍㻚㼏㼛㼙㻌㻌䕕㼃㼑㼟㼠㻌 㻯㼛㼍㼟㼠㻌 㻮㼞㼍㼚㼏㼔㻌㻡㻡㻡㻡㻌 㻳㼍㼞㼐㼑㼚㻌 㻳㼞㼛㼢㼑㻌 㻮㼛㼡㼘㼑㼢㼍㼞㼐㻚㻌㻿㼡㼕㼠㼑㻌 㻟㻣㻡㻌㼃㼑㼟㼠㼙㼕㼚㼟㼠㼑㼞㻘㻌 㻯㻭㻌 㻥㻞㻢㻤㻟㻌㼀㼑㼘㻚㻌 㻔㻣㻝㻠㻕㻌 㻤㻞㻤㻙㻤㻠㻡㻣㻌㻲㼍㼤㻚㻌 㻔㻣㻝㻠㻕㻌 㻤㻞㻤㻙㻤㻠㻞㻥㻌㻌㻱㻸㻹㻻㻌 㻱㼡㼞㼛㼜㼑㻌 㻿㻭㻿㻌䕕㻴㼑㼍㼐㼝㼡㼍㼞㼠㼑㼞㼟㻌㻹㼍㼕㼟㼛㼚㻌 㼐㼑㻌 㼘㼍㻌 㻰㽴㼒㼑㼚㼟㼑㻌 㻌㻝㻞㻌 㼜㼘㼍㼏㼑㻌 㼐㼑㻌 㼘㼍㻌 㻰㽴㼒㼑㼚㼟㼑㻌㻥㻞㻥㻣㻠㻌 㻼㼍㼞㼕㼟㻌 㼘㼍㻌 㻰㽴㼒㼑㼚㼟㼑㻌 㻯㼑㼐㼑㼤㻌 㻲㻾㻭㻺㻯㻱㻌㼀㼑㼘㻚㻌 㻟㻟㻌 㻔㻜㻕㻌 㻝㻌 㻣㻟㻌 㻜㻞㻌 㻢㻣㻌 㻜㻢㻌㻲㼍㼤㻚㻌 㻟㻟㻌 㻔㻜㻕㻌 㻝㻌 㻣㻟㻌 㻜㻞㻌 㻢㻣㻌 㻝㻜㻌㻱㻙㼙㼍㼕㼘㻦㻌 㼕㼚㼒㼛㻬㼑㼘㼙㼛㼑㼡㼞㼛㼜㼑㻚㼏㼛㼙㻌㼃㼑㼎䠖㼔㼠㼠㼜㻦㻛㻛㼣㼣㼣㻚㼑㼘㼙㼛㼑㼡㼞㼛㼜㼑㻚㼏㼛㼙㻌㻌䕕㻳㼑㼞㼙㼍㼚㻌 㻮㼞㼍㼚㼏㼔㻌㻴㼍㼚㼟㼍㼍㼘㼘㼑㼑㻌 㻞㻜㻝㻘㻌 㻴㼍㼡㼟㻌 㻝㻌 㻌㻠㻜㻡㻠㻥㻌 㻰㾇㼟㼟㼑㼘㼐㼛㼞㼒㻌 㻳㼑㼞㼙㼍㼚㼥㻌㼀㼑㼘㻚㻌 㻠㻥㻌 㻔㻜㻕㻌 㻞㻝㻝㻌 㻡㻠㻠㻣㻡㻢㻌 㻠㻜㻌㻲㼍㼤㻚㻌 㻠㻥㻌 㻔㻜㻕㻌 㻞㻝㻝㻌 㻡㻠㻠㻣㻡㻢㻌 㻢㻜㻌㻌㻌㻱㻸㻹㻻㻌㻯㻻㻚㻘㻌㻸㼀㻰㻚㻌㻢㻙㻝㻠㻘㻌㻹㼑㼕㼦㼑㼚㻙㼏㼔㼛㻘㻌㻹㼕㼦㼡㼔㼛㻙㼗㼡㻌㻺㼍㼓㼛㼥㼍㻘㻌㻠㻢㻣㻙㻤㻡㻢㻣㻘㻌㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻢㼄㻝㼂㻸㻭㻭㻜㻝㻌㻾㻜㻙㻹㼕㼤㻌

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