Ecolab FAS1521 PSS Door Monitor User Manual FCC Part 15

UltraClenz LLC. PSS Door Monitor FCC Part 15


Manual 1 of 2

     Certification Exhibit     FCC ID:  Z9O-FAS1521 IC: 10060A-FAS1521  FCC Rule Part: 15.231 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210  ACS Project:  14-2067   Manufacturer: UltraClenz, LLC Models: FAS1521-01     User Manual (Part 1 of 2)   3998 FAU Blvd. Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 561-961-5585  Fax: 561-961-5587
     PSS Door Monitor PSS Door Monitor User Guide (FAS1521) DOC1059  Revision 2        UltraClenz, LLC
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 1  Table of Contents `Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Revision History ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1. PSS Door Monitor Features ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Component Descriptions - Front View (See Figure 1) ........................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Component Descriptions - Back View (See Figure. 2) ........................................................................................................ 5 2. PSS Door Monitor Led Functionality ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Hand Hygiene Compliance Warning (Red LED) .................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Hand Hygiene Compliant - Enter or Exit Area (Green LED) ................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Low Battery Indicator (Red LED) ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.4 Dead battery Indicator (Red LED) ...................................................................................................................................... 5 3. PSS Door Monitor Configuration Software .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 PSS Door Monitor Configuration Software Menu (See Figure.4) ...................................................................................... 6 3.2 Configuration Options........................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.1 Operating Mode .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Mounting Location ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.3 Interface Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.4 Bypass Mode ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.5 Alarm Timeout (Increment or Decrement) ................................................................................................................. 7 3.2.6 Pass-through Timeout (Increment or Decrement) ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2.7 Room Entry Counts (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) ..................................................................................... 7 3.2.8 Room Exit Counts (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) ........................................................................................ 8 3.3 Firmware Version (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) ............................................................................................... 8 3.4 Device Address (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) ................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Upload Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Download Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. Power-On Self Test Sequence .................................................................................................................................................. 9 5. Entry- Exit Functional Sequences ............................................................................................................................................. 9 6. RS485 to Host Computer ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 7. Changing the PIR Sensor’s Position .......................................................................................................................................... 9 8. PIR Sensor Alignment ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 9. Door Mounting Location ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 Appendix A - USB to RS485 Converter Installation .................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix B - Windows Compatibility Mode .............................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix C - COM Port Performance ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Appendix D - Certification and Safety Approvals ....................................................................................................................... 17 FCC Statement ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 2  Industry Canada ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix E - Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................... 18   Figures  Figure 1. PSS Door Monitor Front View ................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 2. PSS Door Monitor Back View ................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure 3. USB to RS485 Converter Cable Connection ........................................................................................................... 6 Figure 4. Configuration Settings Screen ................................................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5. RS485 Din Connector ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 6. Right Side PIR ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 7. Left Side PIR ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 8. PIR Connector ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 9. Turret Locking Screw ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 10. PIR Sensor Alignment Tab .................................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 11. Mounting Example ............................................................................................................................................... 11
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 3  Abstract This document provides a description of the features of the PSS Door Monitor unit in order to familiarize the user with the unit. Also, a brief description of the PSS  Door Monitor functions are given, followed by instructions on how to install the unit. Revision History   Revision  Date  By  Description 0  01/12/14  TRS  Initial Release 1  05/14/14  AJS/JH/TRS  Updated Pictures and Text to Reflect the New Trade Name, Changed to New Format 2  12/03/14  DLS  Added Appendix A-C, updated configuration software, made corrections to text and format Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations GUI  Graphical User Interface HCW  Health Care Worker PIR  Passive Infrared POST  Power On Self-Test
DFU Document Title Here    1.  PSS Door Monitor Features The PSS Door Monitor is designed to track healthcare worker room, by recording whether or not a soap or sanitizer dispenser was used during patient room      1.1  Component Descriptions - Front View (See Figure 1)Removable Side Cover  This allows the user to change the PSS Door Monitoritem 1).  Battery Compartment  Remove  front  cover  to  allow  access  to  the  battery  compartment.battery polarity is shown in the battery box (See Figure.1 item 2). RS485 Data Port  The  RS485  Communications  Port  din  connector  is  used  to  connect  the Communications port is used to configure   5) Audible Alert3) RS485 Data Port 2) Battery Compartment 1) Removable Side Cover 4) Green & Red LEDs    is designed to track healthcare worker hand hygiene compliance with respect to a specific hospital whether or not a soap or sanitizer dispenser was used during patient room entries and exits. Figure 1. PSS Door Monitor Front View  Figure 2.  PSS Door Monitor Back View Front View (See Figure 1) PSS Door Monitor configuration from right side to left side room entry (See Figure 1 Remove  front  cover  to  allow  access  to  the  battery  compartment.   Insert  2  quality  D  cell alkalinehown in the battery box (See Figure.1 item 2). The  RS485  Communications  Port  din  connector  is  used  to  connect  the PSS  Door  Monitor to  a  Host  computer.Communications port is used to configure the PSS Door Monitor, Upload and Download data (See Figure 1 item 3)6) Bypass Button 5) Audible Alert 8) Removable Front      Cover 7) Adjustable Sensor9) Dispenser ConnectorUltraClenz, LLCPage 4 hygiene compliance with respect to a specific hospital entries and exits. side room entry (See Figure 1 alkaline batteries.   Note  the to  a  Host  computer.    The data (See Figure 1 item 3). 8) Removable Front  Cover 7) Adjustable Sensor 9) Dispenser Connector
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 5  Green & Red LEDs  The green and red LEDs provide visual feedback to the healthcare worker (See Figure.1 item 4).  GREEN:  The single green led flash indicates a door entry or exit with compliance. RED:   Indicates a wash compliance warning.  Audible Alert  The audible alert makes a beeping sound that is used to give feedback to the healthcare worker (See Figure.1 item 5).  Bypass Button  The bypass mode must be enabled in the PSS Door Monitor configuration software, see section 3.0 PSS Door Monitor Configuration  (Figure  4)  for  this  function  to  work.    The  override  button  is  used  to  stop  the  PSS  Door  Monitor  from sensing for a programmed time period (See Figure 1 item 6).  The override mode can be used by housekeeping staff to prevent multiple non-compliance events while performing routine room maintenance.  The Override Time can be set as follows: Momentarily depress the override button once for a 30-second default countdown.  The override button grace period can be changed from the PSS Door Monitor configuration software (See Figure 4).  Adjustable Sensor  The Sensor can be adjusted to select the correct PIR angle.  The sensor adjustment is done at the time of installation to optimize door entry and exit sensing (See Figure 1 item 7).  Front Cover  Removable front cover and screw assembly (See Figure. 1 item 8). 1.2  Component Descriptions - Back View (See Figure. 2) Dispenser Connector  The  dispenser  plugs  into  this  connector  of  the  PSS  Door  Monitor  (See  Figure.  2  item  9).    The  PSS  Door  Monitor  is attached  to  a  dispenser  via  an  interface  connector  and  counts  all  patient  room  entries  and  exits  with  dispense (compliant event), without dispense (non-compliant event) and total room entries and exits.  2.  PSS Door Monitor Led Functionality 2.1  Hand Hygiene Compliance Warning (Red LED) The  hand  hygiene  compliance  LED  warning  will  flash  and  the  audible  alarm  will  beep  to  alert  the  HCW  entering  or exiting the patient room.  The alert will continue until the HCW has sanitized or the preset pass-through timer has timed out (see PSS Door Monitor Configuration Software).  If the pass-through timer reaches the set terminal count, the event will be recorded and the red indicator LED will stop flashing. 2.2  Hand Hygiene Compliant - Enter or Exit Area (Green LED) When a HCW activates the dispenser, the hand hygiene compliant LED will flash and the audible alarm will beep once. The event will be counted only if the HCW enters or exits the patient room.  The PSS Door Monitor will not record an event if dispense activation occurs without a door entry, however the beeps will still occur. 2.3  Low Battery Indicator (Red LED) The PSS Door Monitor will produce a single red LED flash every 3 seconds indicating a low battery condition. 2.4  Dead battery Indicator (Red LED) The PSS Door Monitor will produce a double red LED flash every 3 seconds  indicating a dead battery condition.
DFU Document Title Here    3.  PSS Door Monitor Configuration SoftwareThe PSS Door Monitor Configuration Software is a graphical user interface (hardware  and  software  parameters  for room layouts.  Before  installing  the PSS  Door  MonitorRS485 to  USB serial Interface driver.  The RS485 to USB Network Interface kit (part number FAS1502interface, driver CD, 2 communication cables and computer’s USB port.  The second cable connects the port DIN connector (See Figure 3 for the Communication Port locations). Figure 3.3.1   PSS Door Monitor Configuration Software File Exit - Closes the PSS Door Monitor Configuration SoftwareSetup Scan for COM Port - Note, the PSS Door Monitor must be connected to the host PCport until the PSS Door Monitor is found.  Tools Reset  Counts  - Reset  all  counts  to zeroappear, to prevent inadvertent resets. To   Configuration Software Configuration Software is a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows the installer to sethardware  and  software  parameters  for desired  operation.    The  PSS  Door  Monitor can  be  configured  for  a  variety  of PSS  Door  Monitor  Configuration  Software  on  the  Host  computer,  the  user  must  first  install  the Interface driver.  The RS485 to USB Network Interface kit (part number FAS1502interface, driver CD, 2 communication cables and users guide.  The first cable connects the serialThe second cable connects the serial Interface to the PSS Door Monitor’sSee Figure 3 for the Communication Port locations).  Figure 3. USB to RS485 Converter Cable Connection Configuration Software Menu (See Figure.4) Configuration Software Note, the PSS Door Monitor must be connected to the host PC.  The software will scan each COM port until the PSS Door Monitor is found.   Reset  all  counts  to zero.    A  confirmation  message "Do  you  really  want  to  set  the  counts  to  zero"  will   RS485 DIN Connector & Cable To Commputer’s USB Port UltraClenz, LLCPage 6 GUI), which allows the installer to set-up the can  be  configured  for  a  variety  of ser  must  first  install  the Interface driver.  The RS485 to USB Network Interface kit (part number FAS1502-00) includes the serial Interface to the host ’s RS485 communications The software will scan each COM eally  want  to  set  the  counts  to  zero"  will
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 7  3.2  Configuration Options The following configurations setting are set during the installation process only.  These settings can only be configured thru the RS485 to USB network Interface. 3.2.1  Operating Mode • Normal PIR - Select when PSS Door Monitor is mounted near a patient room door.  • Counter Only - Select when PSS Door Monitor is mounted inside of a patient room but not near a door. 3.2.2  Mounting Location • Outside of Room - Select when PSS Door Monitor is mounted on the outside of a patient room.  • Inside of Room - Select when PSS Door Monitor is mounted on the inside of a patient room.  NOTE:  The User must select the correct mounting location of the PSS Door Monitor.  The PSS Door Monitor will not function properly if the "Mounting Location" is incorrect. 3.2.3  Interface Options • Bypass Mode Enabled - Checked enables, unchecked disables the override button  • LED(s) Enabled - Checked enables the red and green LEDs, unchecked disables red and green LEDs  • Entry Alarm Enabled - Checked enables, unchecked disables only the audible alarm on entry.  • Exit Alarm Enabled - Checked enables, unchecked disables only the audible alarm. 3.2.4  Bypass Mode This enables and disables the Override Button which allows room entry without setting and alarm activation.  Press the Bypass button once and the PSS Door Monitor will sound an audible alarm and the green LED will flash until the selected Bypass time is complete.  When the Bypass time is complete, the audible alarm will sound once and the Red LED will flash once. 3.2.5  Alarm Timeout (Increment or Decrement) The default is 5 seconds.  The user may increment the alarm timeout as needed.  The alarm timeout is the amount of time between exit or entry detection and a dispense activation.  If the dispense activation occurs within the alarm timeout period, the event will be counted as a compliant event (entry or exit).  If the dispense activation occurs after the  alarm  timeout  period  or  there  is  no  dispense  activation,  the  event  will  be  counted  as  a  non-compliant  event (entry or exit). 3.2.6  Pass-through Timeout (Increment or Decrement) The default is 30 seconds.  The user may increment the pass-through timeout as needed.  The pass-through timeout is the amount of time a HCW has between a dispense activation and a room Entry or Exit.  After a HCW has entered or exited a room, the timer will reset.  If a HCW enters or exits after the pass-through timeout period, then the HCW must  activate  the  dispenser  again  or  an  alarm  timeout  will  occur  which  will  cause  a  non-compliant  event  to  be counted. 3.2.7  Room Entry Counts (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) • With Dispense  • Without Dispense  • Total Room Entries  NOTE:  It is up to the user to keep track of the date and unit address when counts are uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor, because the events are not time stamped.  The counts will be uploaded and saved as a CSV file that may be imported into spreadsheet software for data analysis.
DFU Document Title Here UltraClenz, LLC      Page 8  3.2.8  Room Exit Counts (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) • With Dispense  • Without Dispense  • Total Room Exits  NOTE:  It is the user’s responsibility to keep track of the date and unit address when counts are uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor, because the events are not time stamped.  The counts will be uploaded and saved as a CSV file that may be imported into spreadsheet software for data analysis.  3.3  Firmware Version (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) When the PSS Door Monitor is connected, the firmware version will be displayed. 3.4  Device Address (Uploaded from the PSS Door Monitor) When the PSS Door Monitor is connected, the device address will be displayed.  The device address is unique for each PSS Door Monitor. 3.5  Upload Configuration This will upload all of the configuration selections to the PSS Door Monitor unit.  Menu selections that are available for reconfiguration  are  Interface  Options,  Mounting  Location,  Alarm  Time,  Room  Entry/Exit  Time  and  Bypass  Timeout  (See Figure 4). 3.6  Download Configuration This will download the room counts, configuration selections, firmware version and device address from the PSS Door Monitor unit.    Figure 4. Configuration Settings Screen

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