Elec Tech 546681XX LED Ceiling light User Manual manual

Elec-Tech International Co., Ltd. LED Ceiling light manual

User manual

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Product Instruction Manual
ӗ૱਽〠˖ LED
Product Name: LED cealing lamp
රਧ㕆⸱Model No.˖ 54668162
Manufacturer: Elec-tech International.,Co.Ltd
Address: Guangdong Province Zhihai City, Tanjiawan, No.1 Jinfeng Rd
1.ӗ૱ㆰӻProduct Introduction
1.1. ӗ૱᧿䘠˖Product Description
1ཆᖒቪረ˖ 305x85mm˗Dimension:305x80mm
1.2. ӗ૱⽪᜿മ˖Product schematic diagram:
2.ӗ૱⢩ᙗ Product Featuers:
2.1. ӗ૱⢩⛩Product characteristics ˖
b. 䮯ሯભ˄5зሿᰦԕк˅ˈᱟ㦗ݹ⚟7ؽሯભ˗Long lifetime (above 50,000hrs), 7 times of lifetime of
fluorescent lamp:
c. 儈᭸㢲㜭⧟؍˄14W LED ੨亦⚟⚟ਟԓᴯ60W ⲭ⛭⚟ˈ∄ⲭ⛭⚟ⴱ⭥60ˁ˅˗High efficiency, energy
saving, environmental friendly (A 14W led lamp can replace a 60 w electric incandescent lamp , saving 60% of energy )
d. 㙀ߢࠫ,ᣇ䴷㜭࣋ᕪ,ᰐ㍛ཆ㓯઼㓒ཆ㓯䗀ሴ˗䖜ᦒ᭸⦷儈㜭䘲ᓄᚦ࣓⧟ຳˈ㜭┑䏣߉ᆇᾬ,䞂ᓇ,ᇦት,୶൪ˈ
Impact resistant, shock resistant, no UV and IR radiation: high conversion rate and adaptable to severe environment ,
universal application to office ,hotel ,supermarket ,school and library ,etc
e.㔯㢢⧟؍ˈᰐᴹᇣ≄փᧂ᭮ˈ֯⭘✝䟿վˈᆹޘਟ䶐DŽGreen Initiative, no harmful gas is emitted, low heat is
generated while used, safe and reliable .
f.ݹ㢢㓟↓ˈ֯⭘䗷〻ѝᰐ仁䰚ˈᨀ׋ᴤྭⲴ㿶㿹ᝏਇˈ؍ᣔӪ⵬㿶࣋DŽAuthentic and pure light color, no flicker,
protecting your eyes while providing better visual enjoyment .
2.2 ᢰᵟ৲ᮠSpecification
仍ᇊᮤ⚟࣏⦷/WRatedPower/W 14W 
仍ᇊ䗃ޕ⭥঻/VRatedInputvoltage/V AC120V
仍ᇊᐕ֌仁⦷/HzFrequency/Hz 60Hz 
仍ᇊ⭥Ⓚ᭸⦷/%RatedPowerefficiency 82% 
仍ᇊ࣏⦷ഐᮠ˄PF˅RatedPowerFactor 0.9
仍ᇊ䗃ޕ⭥⍱/ARatedInputcurrent/A 0.12A
仍ᇊᙫ䉀⌒ཡⵏRatedIͲTHD <20% 
仍ᇊR9RatedR9 >15 
LED㊫ර/ᮠ䟿LEDtype/Qty. EverlightͲ5630D
ᮤ⚟ݹ䙊䟿/LmRatedLumenOutput 2700K˙1000lm
㢢⑙/KCCT 2700KͲ5000K
ᱮ㢢ᤷᮠ/RaCRI ш80
ݹᶏ䀂BeamAngle ш110 
ᶀ䍘Material SPCC+PMMA
ᐕ֌⑙ᓖoperatingtemperature Ͳ20̚40ć
ۘᆈ⑙ᓖstoragetemperature Ͳ40̚60ć
䱢ᣔㅹ㓗IPrating IP20
⚟ާ㿴Ṭ(L×W×H)/mmLuminairedimension(L×W×H)/mm 305x85 
߰䟽/gNetweight 465g
䇮䇑ሯભ/hrsLifetime/hrs 50000h 
2.3 䝽ݹᴢ㓯 Light distribution ˄䝽ݹᴢ㓯മLight distribution pattern˅˄➗ᓖ࠶ᐳമ Illuminance
distribution ˅
3ᆹ㻵ᯩ⌅ Installation Instructions
1. 䘶ᰦ䪸᯻䖜ሶ⚟㖙ਆлDŽ
Put the Fixture flat on the desktop, turn the lamp shade counterclockwise , and then take out the lamp
shade DŽ
2. #8-32 㷪䪹പᇊ൘ཙ亦кⲴ᧕㓯ⴂкDŽ
Install the electrical box screws˄#8-32UNC˅ in the junction box.
3. ሶ⚟кⲴ唁㓯о᧕㓯ⴂѝ L㓯⴨䘎ˈⲭ㓯о N㓯⴨䘎ˈ㔯㢢㓯оൠ㓯⴨䘎ˈ❦ਾ⭘᯻ᑭሶйᶑ㓯ᤗ㍗DŽ
Connect the black color L line(Mark 1) to the L line come out from junction box with the wirecap. Connect the
white color N line(Mark 2) to the N line come out from junction box with the wirecap. Connect green color
ground line(Mark 3) to the ground line come out from junction box with the wirecap.
4. ሶ⚟ާкѝ䰤ᆹ㻵ᆄሩ߶᧕㓯ⴂкⲴ㷪䪹྇кDŽ
Put the central holes of the fixture plate across the screw of the junction box.
5. ᤹㇝ཤᯩੁ᯻㍗⚟ާˈ޽ሶ㷪䪹䬱㍗DŽ
Rotate fixture plateperthe direction of arrow and lock it tightly with the screw lock
6. ᧕䙊⭥Ⓚᔰޣˈ⛩Ӟ⚟ާˈ❦ਾ亪ᰦ䪸᯻䖜ᆹ㻵⚟㖙DŽ
confirm the fixture installed firmly, switch on the power , make sure the lamp lights, and then turn
clockwise and mount with shade
7. ֯⭘ Wink ᶕ᧗ࡦ 12 ረ੨亦⚟DŽControl the Light with the Wink app
1. ᡻ᵪл䖭 Wink Appˈᒦࡋᔪањ䍖ਧDŽDownloading the Wink App
From your smart device’s App Store, download the Wink app to your smart device, then create a Wink
2.䘎᧕ࡠ Wink HUBDŽConnecting to the Wink HUB
ᢃᔰ Appˈ䘹ᤙ␫࣐ӗ૱ˈ޽䘹ѝ Wink HUB 㖁ޣˈ᤹➗᡻ᵪкⲴᨀ⽪׍⅑ᆼᡀDŽ
Open the app and select add a product. Then choose the Wink HUB and follow the instructions in the app.
NOTICE: Be sure your Wink HUB is plugged in and
within range of your LED Downlight.
2. ⛩Ӟ੨亦⚟ˈ䘎᧕㖁㔌ᡀ࣏ਾˈ⚟Պ䰚⛱ 3⅑DŽ
Connecting to the network
Turn on your LED Downlight. The light will blink three times if pairing is successful.
ྲ᷌䘎᧕䎵ᰦˈ䈧䟽ᯠ䇮㖞DŽݸޣ䰝੨亦⚟ˈڌ⮉ 3。ˈ޽⛩Ӟˈ㔤ᤱ 3。DŽ䟽༽ԕкࣘ֌ 5⅑DŽ
⚟Պ䰚⛱ 3⅑ˈ㺘᰾ਟԕᡀ࣏䘎᧕㠣 App ҶDŽ
NOTICE: If using a dimmer with these lights, for best results set your dimmer at the highest setting.
NOTICE: Reset your light if the pairing is taking longer than expected. Turn off your light for 3 seconds,
then turn it back on for 3 seconds. Repeat these steps five times. The light will blink and then is ready for
connecting to the Wink HUB.
4.⧠൘ˈ֐ਟԕ֯⭘ WinkApp ᶕᲪ㜭᧗ࡦ↔Ⅾ੨亦⚟DŽ
Now that the hub’s connected you are ready to control your downlight.
㔤ᣔ䈤᰾Maintenance instruction
 Ѫᔦ䮯֯⭘ሯભ䈧य֯⭘䞂㋮ㅹᥕਁᙗⓦࡲᬖᤝ⚟փ˗
Do Not use volatile solvent such as alcohol to clean the troffer.
 ␵⌱ᰦਟԕ֯⭘Ḅỹᐳ⋮㛕Ⲳ≤ᤗᒢਾᬖᤝ⚟փ˗
Use soft cotton cloth with suds to clean the troffer .
 䶎уъӪ༛䈧य᣶؞⚟ާ˗
Non-profecssional Do not attempt to take apart and repair the troffer .
 䈕⚟ާ⭥ⓀѪу⭘䘲䝽Ⲵᚂ⍱⭥Ⓚˈ䈧य⿱㠚ᴤᦒ⭥ⓀDŽ
Please use the constant-current driver exclusively adaptive to the troffer, do not change the driver without permission .
⧟ຳ㾱≲Environment requirement
֯⭘⧟ຳ⑙ᓖOperating temperature ˖-20̚40ć˗ᆈ䍞⧟ຳ⑙ᓖStorage temperature ˖-40̚60ćDŽ
ӗ૱ᢗ㹼ḷ߶Product carried standard
7ˊव㻵䈤᰾Package Instruction
व㻵㿴ṬPacking Specification
व㻵␵অ˖Package list
व㻵ⴂቪረ Package size
㇡ Lamp Qty./box
߰䟽 Net weight
∋䟽 Gross weight
⢙૱਽〠 Item ᮠ䟿Qty.
੨亦⚟ Ceiling lamp 1
䈤᰾Җ Instruction manual 1
㷪䪹 screw 2
᧕㓯ᑭ Wiring cap 3
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
This device complies with Industry Canada's licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause interference; and
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device.
Cet appareil est conforme aux CNR exemptes de licence d'Industrie Canada . Son fonctionnement est soumis
aux deux conditions suivantes :
( 1 ) Ce dispositif ne peut causer d'interférences ; et
( 2 ) Ce dispositif doit accepter toute interférence , y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais
fonctionnement de l'appareil.
The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm
La distance entre l'utilisateur et de produits ne devrait pas être inférieure à 20cm
The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm

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