Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192M User Manual 8
Electronic Systems Technology 8
FCC ID: ENPESTEEM192M ESTEEM TUNING PROCEDURE for MODEL 192M Firmware Versions 1.36 and above. March 1998 Confidential Mwwhfimmbfibdhimmwbymflufiflmm MIMWMM manhfimMWmmmMmmmumthmmmmmgm ermmmwumwmmdammmfimmwa mmmymmdenwimmmmmy-emm Youthauldpaiodmlb'dlwk Myanauflmizdmdalaarmflfadnym mmwmmmmwofwmrmm Simultanmusb'pubfifidhthe Wfiafaadw Allu‘ghtsmvat Ransom 1.0 Date: Much 24, 1998 PRODUCT WARRANTY Electrmlic Systems Technology, Inc, (hereinafierEST) esqmfilymnantsitspmdwtsasfieeni'mnui‘nmflng dfiectsforaperiodnfoneyearfiomthedatenfsalelo fimuserlcusmmer. TIIEREARE NO OTHER WARRAN 17m WRESS OR ”LIED AND THERE IS WRESSLY EXCL UDED ALL WARRANTIB' OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICUIAR PURPOSE. NO OTHER WARRANTY GIVHV BYANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT; DISTRIBUTOR OR OTIIER PERSON WITH REPECT 1!) THE PRODUCTSHALL BE BINDING ON ”T. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: ES’l‘s liabilily shall be limited to [dimming of purchase price, repair or replacement of product. INNOEVENTSILlLL ESTHAVELIABILITYFOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCHDENTAL, SPECIAL OR MMPLARYDAMGB CA 11st DIRECTLY OR HVDIRECTLYBY HIE PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUTNOTLIMITD TOANYLNTERRUPTION OF SERVICES, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANHCIPA TORY PROFITS. IN NO EVENT smu, ESTBELIABLE FORANYDALIAGES WEQISOEVER IN IDKCIBS OF THE PURCME PRICE OF TIIE PRODUCT. Intheeventtbataunitorpanmqnirsreplaccmentor finery servicing, the following conditions apply: a) Customer must (17min from EST an authorized RMA (Return Materials Aulhnfiulinn) Number before shipment ofproduct or parts to EST for any reason; b) Ifthewhnleunitis shippai, itmustheinils original mnandshipping components, are mnandshippingwmponemssuppliedby EST, orifpamonlyareshippedtheymustbe padmgedandcushianedsoastoprevem dmnageinnansitandshippedfieightprepaid; PRODUCT WILL BE CONSIDERED OUT OF WARRANTY IF: it) lt'theproduaisdamagedduemimpmperor abmrmalusembmgmishandlinawcidenlcr impmpermainlenanaearfiiiluretnfnllow nperatinginsmrcfion; b) Ethepmductisdefectiveasaremltufsand. dimorwazndmmge; c) It'zmy flattery-salad enclosmehxsbeenopened nrshowsevidmceofananempttobeopened; d) lfdefectsordamagearemusedbytheuseof tum-themed parts or unauthorized service; e) lfthepmdunhashaditsserialnumbersaltered unemwed. Wanamyrepairfnmmuflbemmpaniedbyproofof user‘sptnchaseofunit. Productmustbeshippedtothe mnuhcmmratthefollawingaddrss: Electronic Systems Technolog' 415 North Quay Street Kennewick, Washington USA 99336 ADDITIONAL SERVICE: leS‘l‘teleasesanimprovememupdatemfirmware inlemallotheESl'eemunitdufingtherxyperiod afiertbeunitwaspumlmedbythefirstwrlcwomer, ESTMJlupdaleLheapplimblennilwiflnhercvised verfianatnnchargeothenhanforUPShmdlingand nhippingtoandfi'omynurlaufinntodieESTflmry. Remmufanysuchitemmustbeaowmpaniedwithpmuf ofpumhase. FCC II) ENPES’I'EEMIQQM °°""'"°""'a’ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 100 PORTION TRANSCEIVER ..................................... 1 2.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 200 PORTION TRANSCEIVER ................. 1 3.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 300 POR110N TRANSCEIVER .. .............................. ....1 4.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 400 POR110N TRANSCEIVER ..... . ............................. . 2 5.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 500 PORTION TRANSCEIVER 2 6.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 500 POR110N TRANSCENER (Transmitter Section) ............................................................................... 3 7.0 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 800 PORTION TRANSCEIVER (Receiver Section) ....................................................... . .......................... 3 8.0 FINAL ALIGNMENT ..................................................... ....... ..................... 3 APPENDIX A - RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT APPENDIX B - MODEL 192M TXIRX SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX C - MODEL 192M RS-232CI4221485 CONFIGURATION TABLE APPENDIX D - SPECIAL HARDWARE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS APPENDIX E - MODEL 192M TEST CONFIGURATIONS ATTACHMENTS MODEL 192 TXIRX ASSEMBLY DRAWING - 500407 Sheets 1 l; 2 MODEL 192M PRODUCT ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE °°"r'de"‘i" MODEL 192M TUNING PROCEDURE AUGNMENT OF SERIES 100 PORTION 2-1 Snifl'lhe fine oscillm on I specmxm analyzer (120 TRANSCEIVER. MHZ @ 2“ MHZ SP3“)- Function: 1”me (25, MHz +/_ 10 212 Adjust L202 for an wtpln frequency of 120 MHz. MHz-Mk”: I Yusknuldmflltosdllflcf‘map”mtork¢ 1,1 ConnemtthPUboardwtbetrans-oeiverusinga WM”"" 18 pin lest able. 2.3 Monitor loop stress last point (iunction. LZOIICZOSICZOSI...) and adjust 1102 for a stress 1.2 Power up the unit and let warm up. volmge 01,4 voIIs. 1.3 Mahmthcfieqmncylssulolfiznoomz 214 Span the lolOkHz (mastusynthaiurfiequmcyonSSMI-iz). - A 2.5 Thcspewumshmfldlookpxenyguodandbeou 114 Smfl'thcmasteroscfllaloronawecmanalym E cy(<100Hzermr)4 (258 MHz @ 100 MHz span), 115 Adjust cms foranommfi'equencyafzssMI-Iz 2-6 Tmm‘m‘ldmml’m You shouldtaflle oscillator “map'onmtlle 2'7 Bmmfine: a” J plenty. o 111: Fine loop injunm'oning. 1.6 Monilnr loop sum Isl point (junction. L101/C105IC106I...) and adjust C108 for a sum: voltage M4 Volts. ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 300 PORTION TRANSCEIVER. 1.1 Spandownthcspecmlmanalmm IOOkHZspan. main: Slwe syntlwu'w (252 MHz V- 10W; 1.8 Thzspemmmshmxldlookprenygood. ”Minty”- 13 AdjustCl39mpullhelooponfiequenq. 3.1 Snifl‘lhemasmoscfllawtonaqnecmmanalyzfl (252MHz@100M]-1zspan). {fftequaury numb: Woo-”changzcul to a vahenvbiclam'llpldlhelaopanflqufihbl 3.2 MjustCSOSforanunpmfieqmcyonSZhfl-IL fiecfimaumgeofcfifi Ikenxaiflator“map”maybewhardlomn I‘lOTwonlheshieIduvcrlhemasmroscfllxlorand damlrytolookjarit. repmabovesteps, 3.3 MoniwtloopmessatlhcompmufUOfiQfinOé) 1.11BomOmline: andadjuslciiosforamvohagenflvnlm'flfis adjummfisverylouchysobefimfifl. - nembapitfiaufiaan. - mmmflMHzmjn-muayflalivm 3.4 Spandownthespmmanalywto lOOkstpan frequency- 3.5 Thespeammshouldlookpmygood. 3.6 Radium, ifmary,C139topmm=Ioopon ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 200 PORTION WWGSZWWHHSO Hz)- TRANSCEIVER' 3.7 Tackonmeshiddwerdwslaveosdllatorand Flmcfion: Fmsymhcn'w (120MHz+/-IMH1. I W" ton/usmmqm. Ravi-t 204.93 1 ESTEEM Confidential FCC II} ENPESTEEMIQZM MODEL 192M TUNING PROCEDURE 3.8 meinhavemmdthSOSweompenszefor uncover. Thisisdonebylooldngmosskjfllon mm-uamm ijmcaoavay carefullyforwom) volts +/-.025 Vanna-ms R301. Seebackpancl 3.9 Bottom lim: 1 "I: slave loo}: itfimdianing. - 111: 6.000 MHz Mfume cryml has hm checked and is on frequency. n Mprdiminaryfirfl L0 align-nan! has been «30an ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 400 PORTION TRANSCEIVER. Funcfion: Modulator/aah? analogue made (90 MHz M 5 Ida). 4.1 Sctmemnseeimlomnsmitmodeusingthe RADIOONwmmmd. 4.2 Snifl'theexciteroscillaloronaspmumanalym (90MHz@20Ml-Izq)an). 4.3 Adjust L402 foranmlqml fieqmncyofWMl-lz. Ynushouldmthznxdllaor‘map'onwthe approximate fiequauy. 4.4 Monitmloopmlslpoimfilmcfion. w1/C405/C406/u.)andadi1ml.402forams vollageafdvnlts 4.5 SpandnwnthcspecuumanalymeOkI-lzspan. 4.6 Thespecnumshnuldlonkmeflygoodandheon flunxency(<100[~lzenm).. 4.7 Bomm line: o 11m modulation loop Blaming. - Mmfiaqmcy setting has be!!! (1000de Raid: 1414.98 ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 600 PORTION TRANSCEIVER. Function: Haul mam-m 5.1 Set the mnsoeiverhad to lewiv: mode. 5.2 Snifltbeexciuroscillaloronaspectmmanalym (90MHz@20M-Izspan). 5.3 Suthespucmlmamlyurtnsfiflshfilzwitha spanuflokHz 5.4 Check and soc ifzhe crystal osdflamr is working, adjust 062610 pm L0 on fiequcncy. 5.5 TacknoaxmblelothejuncfionquWla-xdml andoannecnoa signal generalorandsagenmmr m90Mqualevelofappmydmately-30d3m, Sammmrmodulafionlomlkl-lzata dcvialionofSkI-lz. 5.6 Install lest points a! the following places: 1) Pin 7 0111603 (Dam) 2) Pin 7 0111602 (RSSI Level) 5.7 [mkmthzlevelsonmlwnhascopeandloukn thesignalfitshomdbeclmlkflzsincwave). 5,8 Dropthesignallcveldcrwnlothepoimwmme figulisnoisy. 5.9 AdjusllfiolformaximnmRSSlDClevdunml 5.10ReceiverIFsensLshmldhelowenhm2anou liltlcnoisylkstimwaveonTPfl. 5.11Raiscsig.gm.lcvelto-60dBmandchu:klhe volugebexweenUwz p-s mdU602 p-Q. 5.12 Thisvolrageshmfldbelessthat lSmV. Adjllslthe siggenakllzortwutomothisvolmgelevel. If thislcvdeanbesctm<15mvmenmnmm wwsowuandadjuszcmmmmis voltage. 5.13 Ramnve the coax cable. Confidential 5.14 130qu Iine: - fl: receiver MI! is operating. . DmmmIFsmd. WimthZMI/(l thypl'ml). ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 500 PORTION TRANSCEIVER (Transmmer Section). Elm: Gmmumadulard018msignalto drivazthdoml-Brick. 6.1 Samemnseeiverwtmnnnilmode. 6.2 Connmaconxeabletothcinpullimofihe Mawrolal’uwuampmndlfleandmnectmth: spwmxmanalyw. 6.3 SuthespecuumanalywmIGZMI-izauspanof low-Igynushouldseeasigmlanlmlofyeaur lhal-SOdBm 6.4 Adjust C541, C546, C550 and C522, C517, C513 wefuuyformfimnmpvweranheoonnmor (1:ch shouldbeodBm-Z/fl dBm). Yonmywam mscaletheanatymrmldB/vmdiv. 6.5 Domeabovempsonocmm. 6.6 Hemline: - RFkvdisatcamle-wlnndfuquacy. ALIGNMENT OF SERIES 600 PORTION TRANSCEIVER (Receiver Section). Finnitm: Align the reuimpom'm aj600 union 7.1 Sammsceivertomeeivemode. 7.2 Connemsigmlgenammminputofuansceiverand leéZWlLéOdBmlndFMmodlmatl kI-Iz@5kszeviafim 7.3 Monitor pin 7 of U603 (analog dala out) on the supeandpin7ofU602mSSI). 7.4 Aqiuslsignalgcnemorlcvelwpmdweaslighfly Raf-l: 2414.98 MODEL 192M TUNING PROCEDURE 7.5 Adjust 0803, 0807 31. L502 for maximumRSSl level. 7.6 Reducegmmwrkvdmmahfishnmisysim wavconsmpeagain. Thcgmemmlcvelshmfldbe belowJuV. 7.7 chmlinc: - nmmammmmmm «Hem FINAL ALIGNMENT. 8.1 WithIheRADlOON mmmndenabledadjustlhe mnsmimdmodnlafionm4kflzusingk446. 8.2 Verify the Innsmined output power. 8.3 Verify mmiued fxequency is 162 MHz 1200 Hz. 8.4 Nthcuansodvcrinmecivcmodc. Emlyn-90 dBmmoduhledIkl-Izsignallotheamcnminpul. Monumuxsmnzsonmecpummmmsfor aDCoflsfluflSVDthhamivesingor-so dBm. 8.5 Adjustmivu‘squelch Setsquelchlotlandadins 1263910401 dBm. FCC ID ENPESTEEMWZM Confidential APPEND'X A RECOMMENDED TEST EQUIPMENT RF Sign] Guru-nor, HP 85653 or equivalcm. DC Volmflet, Fluke 77 or equivalent. Oscilloscope, 100 MHz. Tekmmiu ms or equivalent. Frequency Cams, 1 GHz, Beckman FC130A oreqnivnlem. pin Mel-connection Ribbon Cable. Mm Appmdix D. Special Hardware Schematic Diagram RF Fewer Meta, Bird 43 of equivalm Anmnnmr, Fixed, 20 dB, Alan 50HP20-10 or equivalcm. Amman, Adiumbk, l to 102 dB, Alan 50TA102 or equivalcm. Spectrum Analym, HP 8568]! or equivalent 10. Weave ESTeem. Model 192M ll. lBMeompaliNcoomleJSfiorequivalmL 12A ESTeem Pmduninn Tm Software Program. l3. Power Supply, EST pin M174 at equivalam. 30.5589995‘N3" Revbd: 24mm ESIEEM Confidential Transmitter Fieqnmcy Range: Channel Spacing: Numba' of Channels: Frequenq' Stability: RF Power Oilqml: Duty Cycle: RF 0m“ Impedance: RF Output Connector: Spurious & Harmonics: Transnit Rise Time: Modulation: Dam Rate: Dcvialiml: Compied BW: Receiver Frequency Range: Channel Spacing: Ninnher of manuals: Frequency Stability. S . . . : Spun-ions & Image Rejection: Squelch Aqiuslmenc Adjwem Channel Rejection: T/R Switch; General [npm Voltage: Input Current: Tempemmm Range: Size: Weight Revhed: ZAWQB APPENDIX B MODEL 192 C TXIRX SPECIFICATIONS 150 m 174 MHz 125 KHz 1920 +/- 2.5 ppm 2 W 0:4 W (optional) 100% 50 ohms TNC female > 58 dB 1 ms 4 level FSK 9,600 bps 3 10-11 < 125 KHz 150m174MHz 125m 1920 +l-5ppm <2nv >50¢B 4cheIs-Sofiwmadjnsiablc >70rlE Solinsme-immnlwnnit lllolSVDC 750m(receive) 1.6A (mm-2m 2A (transmit-AW) -30°m+50°C. 95%Nnn-cnndenxins 2'/.ion5‘/.i|1WxI0‘/, will lisl allthe prommmablevan’ablesand theirscttingsfonhe SETUP (21mm. You um interrogate a discrete sofiwm command by just lypingthcoommandfollawedbyawl Example: ADD , will list the current address wed in the command ESTecm. Note Appendix E ofthis manual will have the complete lisfing of mfiwm command: and categories for lhefocto'y default nflhe ES'reem. Saving A Program ApmgmnisszvedbytypingintheSAVEcommandat thchszmmpt. Thepmgmmmingvarinblcsthnlhuve hmchangedwillbewfinenlothcnon-volafile memory. Theprogmmmlngparammwillbeloadedmhfimc Ihemodemispowemdupormsct. wxosqw Restoring Factory Defaqu TheESTeemhasavcrysimpleymoedmtometbz prop-amvafiablesintheunittnthefnclolydfimm Eating WhmMFAQPwmmndismlfledfiomth: oommandmodetheESTecmwillbeoonflgmedflomn vnfiablemblelmedinitsB’ROM. Itisagoodpmcfioe mmtheESTwmtoaflcwl-ydcfimtsbdbmany ployammingoflhennil. TomlhemodcmisintthOMMAmMODEm smitbaaktothefaaorydfianlt performlhefollowiug: l. SetBitSontheRS-ZSZsehlpswitchumtheOl-‘F position. 2. Rmthe ESTeem. 3A TypeFA andtheESTeem welcome musage shufldbedisplxyed. Thachammenmaynmbe echoedonthesaeen. 4. Type SA Io save the Emory default tabla FCC ID ENPESTEEMBZH CHAPTER 2 MODES OF OPERATION COMMAND MODE CONVERSE MODE TRANSPARENT MODE SEMI-TRANSPARENT MODE HARDWARE MODE CONTROL The ESTeem has three major modes of operation, Command Converse, and Transparent This chapter of the manual describes each one nt'theee modes. COMMAND MODE m COMMAND Mode (CMD: prompt) is the damn mode that the ESTeem initially enters on power-up or afierahardwareorsofiwarereset Fromthismadethe userumcommandorpmg'amtheESTeem lnthis modethersermayaccessthevarionspmgmm commands to configure the ESTeem for the specific application. These values can be stored in nonvolatile memory within the ESTeem by the use ofthe SAVE command. The ESTeem reads these set-up parameters stored in memory on power-rm or RESET. WhenprogammingintheCOhMANDMode,theuser nmd only enter enough chataders to uniquely idmtil‘y the respective command Example: MtADD 15 ThisentersthesoumeaddresoftheES‘l‘eemtothe tbm'malvalueuflS. ThefirstthrnelenersADDwere enoughfortheESTeemtonniquelyidentit‘ythe enmmandforADDress. Thenumberofchametersthat needtnbetypedvaflcsdcpendingnponthecommand beingentered mmmmfommmmomlwm mayhnvetnbeentemdinorderfortheidentificafientn beuniquelydetermined Uplotenmultiple commands wuhewrittenonthesamelineifsepamedhyaeolon Example: CMD:ADD 15:8El'C 2:8AVE CONVERSE MODE This mode allows lad-directional communication frmn the input/output device attached to the ESTeem in a destination ESTeem and its respective input/output device. The ESTemn will automatically switch to the CONVERSEModeafiettheinifialCONNECThasbeen made. WhentheESTeemisintheCONVEPSEModethe‘ promptwillhedisplayed. TheESTeernwillremainin tlteCONVERSEModeunfilthemdiolinkhasheen bmkenorbytypingawmrolchammrddinedbylhe userwilhtheCOMMAN'Dvariable. RevT-tlAngW CHAPTER 2 MODES OF OPERATION ThefaetmydfiullfartheCOWANDvu-iableis CFRLC. YoumnmunwtheOONVERSEh/icdefi'om theCOMMANDMudehytypingCONVQP. WhenyunareintheCONVEISEModetheechningof theehamctereomesflomtlteESTeemifECHO=0N (Emory default) lmsbeenprogrammedintheESTeem. Transmitting Data TheESTeemwiIltnnsmit data from the CDNVERSE Modeifoneormoreofthefiollnwinsconditinnshave bemmet. l. The ESTeem transmit bnfi'et has been filled, The slunfthetransmithnfl'erisdefinedintheESTeem by the PAClCLEN variable. This variable is programmable {mm l to 2000 bytes. Factory default is 2000. 2. The ESTeem receives a SENDPAC (send packet) characterfiomtheRS-zitzc inputdata stream. The SDIDPAC variable cube defined from 0 to 255 by the uset Factory dd'ault is 13 (carriage return). The SENDPAC character is also transmittedhy the ESTeem. In file dump applications the SENDPAC chamercanheprogrammedtobethel-ZONendof file)clrarnetertransmittedfi'om thesending device (ile; Cl‘RL Z, CTRL G, ere). 3. Terminafioneontxoltirner. Theta-minationeonunl fimuisenabledhythe'l'ERMC (on/ommmmand Whenenabhdtheterminationtimerstaflsfmmthe timethelantransmithufi'erhasheenupdatedinthe RS-232Cpon. Ifthetcrminationtimerexpirs beforeanmhercharaeterisreeeivedormnsm'med, theoontentsoftheESTeemtrnnsmitlmfierwillhe transmitted. Thewaitingtimeofthetimerisdfined hythe‘l'ERMl'variahlemerminafiontime). The programming range uftheTERMTvariahleis 10-255ms. Factory default valuesare’rfllMC= OFFandTERMT=5Q Itisnotedthatwhenthe taminafimfimerisnseitheSENDPACvnriahleis usuallyprogrammedtoheaeharacterthatisnan warming in your data stream (i.e:. SENDPAC = 255)sothatpremanrretmnsmisfiondocsnotnocur. FCC 11>: ENPESTEEM192M CHAPTER 2 MODES OF OPERATION TRANSPARENT MODE The TRANSPARENT Mode allows the ESTm to pass all data diameters (0-255 or O-FF hex) using 8 data bits. To pmgram the ESTm in the TRANSPARENT mode theTRANSPARentoommandmn-stbeenabledand switch Bi! 8 to ON (RS-232C Setup Switch). The TRANSPARent command will defeat the SENDPAC and COMMAND variables and put the ESTeem in the nansparent mode when Bit 8 is ON. Themnsmissionofthedatapafietsmnonlybe accomplishedbyenahllngthe termination control commands (THIMC and'l'ERMT) orthePACKLEN hifiabfingfindnewlneuf'rERMTshouldbe slightlylungerlhanthemafimumdelayenwuntered dm'ingRS-232C transnission Kthis time is 5d in short, theESTeemwilltmnenteyauzdatastreamimproperly. When using the TRANSPARENT Mode, data flow control is by hardware handshaking only. Hardware handshsking is initiated by enabling hardware flow control ocm= = ON). TheSETCON(SetConnectmmmand)mnstheusedtn definethenndethalyouwanttooummunieatewithwhile intheTRANSPARENTMode.Whenthe TRANSPARENTh/lodeisenabledyoumnot mmmieatetntheESTeemintheCOMMAND Mode nnlessywusetheHardwareModeComllinusee explanationthischapter). To remove the ESTeem from the TRANSPARBJT Mode the user must perfonn the following: 1. Switch Bit 8, OH on the RS-ZSZC Setup Switch 2. RmtheES’l'ecmfl‘omthefmmpanelmitch. 3. Type TraOFF l SEMI-TRANSPARENT MODE Thismndeshmddbeutiliudwhensendingam-ASCII fibmdthmisnpom‘bilitythaltheSENDPAC chmeonldbeoontainedinthenansminaldataset Performthefollawing prior to programmingtheESTeem lninitializetheunittofactory defaultsettings: Win-m 1. Turn Bit 8, OFF on the “Sr-232C Setup Switch. 2. Reset the ESTeem 3. TYPEFAQP. lesenolethedlaraclenmayor may not be echoed by the CRT. ESTeem ADD m xx = your address SETC yyy yyy = datinatr'on address WC ON TERMT 10 SEND? 255 EDIT OFF SAVE lflflJlT isomandSENDPAC-255. the SENDPAC chmamrisdisabldThischaracterwhenreoeivedwill mmpacketmnmissionandwillbepamdas normaldala TheTERMCandTlmMToommandsare umdto transmit the contents of the ESTeemtransmil bnfi‘er. Software flow control in this example is still enabled (factory default XSF = ON) therefore the ESTeem will passallcharanersexeeptthedataflowoonnnlcharmers for Xon/Xofl'. HARDWARE MODE CONTROL The MODECON (Mode Control) command is provided intheESTeemto change themodeoftheESI‘eem modem from COMMAND Mode to CONVERSE (or MSPARENrMode)Wnahardwaremnmlline. Thehardwarelineislomtalonpin l9oftheRS-232C mar. lfMODEC - HARDWARE, 8 "low or 0" on pin 19(-3to-l5vdc)willpmtheESTeeminthe COMMANDModeanda "highnrone'onpin l9(+3to +15 vdc) will put the ESTeem in the CONVERSE or TRANSPARENT Mode. The Mary default. is SOFTWARE. CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES FCC ID ENPESTEEMIEIZM DIGI-REPEATING FEATURE GLOBAL BROADCAST FEATURE AUTO TRANSMIT FEATURE AUTO CONNECT FEATURE MULTI-CONNECT FEATURE REMOTE PROGRAMMING FEATURE SECURITY FEATURE HARDWARE RING LINE FEATURE PACKET MONITOR FEATURE USING THE INFRARED COMMUNICATIONS PORT USING THE PHONE COMMUNICATIONS PORT CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES Lind in this chapter are the major ESTeem features and programming examples on how to use them. Thm tanner are individual building blocks to sulvc your nppljwn'un needs. lumber your panimhr applimljon myrequireoncornmreoffliscfunufimbled DIGI-REPEATING Thekpealzrfeanuc allmanESl‘eemwrelayit‘s mspeclivemsmissionorpckathrougiamafimnmof threeESTeemsloinmsethe operafingmnge uhhc uniL AnyESTeeminyour radio networkcnnfimcfionas nrepenlerforanymher ESTeem. This is independemof thefnclthmtthSTecmbcing-mdasarepaluis anniormmemedtoanothermdathzxefman ESTeem m function as axepemer, operational node, or bothatthemmefime. mdalathxtirdigi-rcpealed thrvughanESTeemwillnotbcmmmmughm repeating ESTeem’s RS-232C pen. TospecifyoneormoreESTeemsasrepwms, the OONNECTcommandhasbeenexpandedloexmptupm three added addmsses as follows: CONN r1,r2,r3,da rl = Address (1 to 254) offirsl ESTeem repaint. r2 - Addras (l to 254) of second ESTeem repeater 1-3 - Addrss (l to 254) of third ESTeem repaint. DI = MM (1 to 255) ofdsu‘nafion ESTeem. Note: Address 255 is usedfor Global. WhmmsmilfingpackflslhmghothuESTmngthz WESTeemw-illauwmalimllyadjuslil's FRACK limemallqwaddifionallimeforthgpadmwmchits datinafixmandforlhemtumedadmowhdgmem. Flack timzlakesimnaomnnthepackasiuxmdthnnumberof wusspecified. TheACKflilloomufmmflie datination ESTeem, not lheflrsl or any repairer. Fortafingmnpmyoumlwpbsdmoonnmiunto yoursdfbypladngymxrsvuroeaddxessinthcdesfinafion nddresscflhercpenlcrsn'ing. Anydalamnmifledwill repennhmughthcmpwteraddrfisanddisplaybackon them mugs-l Example: CONN rl,Sa Address (1 to 254) offirst ESTeem min-er. Addrws of low] ESTwm. rl- 5,= AnyESTeemwmmandinmismanunlthalman addressuinganhewnfigmedwusetthigi- repealingfmmrc. Enmplc: SETC rl,r2,r3,da GLOBAL BROADCAST GlobalbmadcastistheabilityofoneESTeemtomnsmit it'smsagpmmorethanoncESTeematoulime. All Esreemswirhinndiofingcwillmeivethemmge whetherornntlhcymomnecwdlnanmhaESTeemor incommandorconversemodc. YwunpmyoanSTeuninGlobalbyeounecfingor prognmminglhe SETCtnaddrsszss. Addresszssis anonssiguablcnniluddressandisusedbytthSTeem CFUmaawssthisrpedalmodc. WhenanESTeemisin GlobaLthemndardACKpmooolfivmthewca’ving Efleunisdisableibmthcnhitckcmcheddng ontlwnceivedESl‘eemisstflloperafional, Wham performCONN155 fiomtheCOWANDMODB lheESTeemwillimmediMelygotnfllccoNVERSE MODEmsdisplayed) Aumsagessemwmbe transmitted globallywallESTeemsinradio range. IntthSTeemyml haves GLOBAL (on/omwmmand. WhenGIDBAL=OnyoueanmodveGlohal transmissions. IfGIDBAL=05ymwi11notdisplay Globalunnsmissionsfi'ommherESTeems. Nome: Factory defizult is ON. Byusingtherepamfimcfiunyoumuansmil Global mama from another ESTeern using th: Digi-repealing rum-re. Example: CONN 10,20,30,255 SEIC 10,20,30,255 FCC II) ENPESTEEMBZM CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES Byadjnstingthweoommandsyonmroutefiomnnitlo m20,20|o30,andgo Global almiitBO. Yonmenableglohalmnsmissionsinmorethanone ESTeem inyonr network This will allow glow communiutimts between all ESTeans within radio range AUTO TRANSMIT The Auto Transmit Sean-re ofthe ESTeem allows the naertomnsmitadatapacketwithomfillingupthe PACKLEN (packa length) base: or defining a special contml channel“ using the SBJDPAC (send padtet) variable. The Auto Transmit feature is a timenhat is enabled in the ESTeem that monitors traflic in and out of the RS-232C port Lfthere are characters in the RS—232C bufl'er, the termination control timer starts hour the time thelnstreeeiveoru'ansmittedcharaclerisnpdatedinthe hufl‘er. lithe termination time expires before another character is meived or transmitted. the meived characters are transmitted. To enable this feature perform the following from the COhMAND MODE: TERMC (on/03) = On. Enable termination control. TERMT (10-255) = One unit number equals lms. TERMCisthetet-minationoonuolcommand. TERMI‘ is the termination time command. Factory default for TERMC = Olfand TERMT = 10. AUTO CONNECT mAuchnnectfeamteallowstheusermpng-amthe ES‘I‘eern to perform a (DNNECI‘ to another BSTeem when data is sent to the RS-232C oommnniwtions port To enable this feature perform the following from the COMMAND MODE: SETCON (1-255) = Address ofdeflination ESTeenL Remunber, yonmnusetheRepenlenouting (rlfl,r3,da) or put the ESTeem in Global (address 255). SEI'CON is the SQ connect command mugs" 3-3 SAVEoommandThiswillsavetheSEl‘C variabletothenonvolatilemenmrysothatit will notbelost whentheESTeemisRESET. SA Bit 8 (on/oi?) = On. Bit 5 is loomed on the RS-232C SETUP SWITCH on thermrofthe ESTeent The ESTeem must be RESETafiertheBithsbeenchangul to be read by the ESToem CPU. RESETESTeem RESETislocmedonthefrontpanel OFF/ONswiIolL TheT/E lightonthe frontpaneloftheESTecm should now flashatatwotimesperseoondrate, MULTI-CONNECT The amral polling ofthe ESToem mus originate from thehostdevioeconnecledtotheESTeemusingthe CONNECI'onmmandtoofiginatetheinifialuonnectand theCOMMANDcharaclertoretnmfi'omthe CONVERSEmodeIotheOOMMANDmode. Thefirst timearuundthepoleaCONNECI‘datapacketfif transmision) willheinilialed. Whenalinkis established, iliaheld internallyintheESTeem connect table. Thenexttimenroundthepoletothesameaddress. fllelinksmmwillbecheckedinflwESTeemmhle. If tlteaddresindlwsalinkhasalreadybeenmbllshed, thenonlydataanditsoorrespondingACKwillbe transmittedtothatnode. Thisgzwtlyincreesespolling fimebyeliminatingtheusnal CONNECFIDISWNNECT queme each time except whenoummuniufionisfirfleslabljshed. TheMULTDenmmandallowstheusertosenddamloa speeificESTwmaddresfiumthewNVflSEModehy specily'ingtheESTeemaddreasmntingheforethedata packet ‘l'ltisfiohrrewillalsodisplaythcaddressnfthe sendingES’l‘eemonanyr-weiveddm Example Of Tranmitted Dun: [0011DATA Routes data to an ESToem addresed l. [100,200,250,1]DATA Rmnes data to an ESTeem addressed 1 via ESTeems addressed 100, 200, and 250. The above example replaces the CONNECT command film! the COMMAND Mode. BTEEM CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES Receivaddnmpackmwillhavctheaddrflsofthe ESTeemtlmtsentthedalaatthebeginningnfthedata packet. lamp]: or Received Data: Data received from an ESTeem addresed 4. [00411115me DATA Dm received from an ESTem nursed 4 via ESTeems addmssed 30, 100, and 244. [030,1oo,m_oo41 MULTID (om/off) = On Enables this featuxe. Factory default = OFF. REMOTE PROGRAMMING mnemmehogammhgfeammallmtheuserto remotelyptogrnmESTeeminhisnetwrk. Whmn eonnecfionhasbeenmndewithlharemoteESTeemthe ”fizpmmwmbedisplayedshnwingthayoummw inthecOhNANDmodenfthatmnmeES‘I‘eem. Tn arable this feature perform the following fivm the COMMAND MODE: FROG (1-254) Address of dfitinzliml ESTeem. Note: You can also use the Repeater routing (r1,r2,r3,da) to reach the destinatinn Mum. (r) s address affirst repeater, r2 = address of second repeater. etc. ch = destination address). Tuendaremotepmgnmming meimtypeDISC (DimmnndywwillranmtotheCOMMAND pmptofwaS’l‘em ThereisaWatcerogTimfl progmnmingifmereismaaivityfotthinyseoonds. mmoG(onlcfl)featmisusedlnd=fiall-\w ability ut'yourESTeemfi'ombeingmly programmed lfREMl’ROG=0FFmotherESTeem mo Mymgmmyotn'unil. Factoryddnult= N. mun-390 3-4 SECU RITY TheSecurityfwttueallowstheuserlolockont ‘gnt‘theESTeem. REMEMBERTOSTORE YOUR CODE NUMBER IN A SAFE PLACE. To enable this team perform the following from the COMMAND MODE: SECURH'Y (l to l00,000) Entering a scantily number enables the security ream. SAVE Toentzrutemrrltyoodepaxmanmflyinmthe ESTeem memory. Note; When enabled, the ES‘J‘eem will output a "Seatrity On ” message. To disable the mitity feature perform the following from the COMMAND model SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering your secufity number disables the scantily fume. SAVE Tommuvethesecurityeodepermnnenflyfiom theESI‘eemmemnry. When disabled, the ES‘Tzem will output a "Security Qfl" manage. Note: HARDWARE RING LINE thntthSTeemmablishesaCON'NECl‘orljnkwith mtherESTeemCT/Eughtensolid),pin12ntthe ESTeemRS-232Cwillclmnge fronts-15 vdcvoltage mmnflSvdcvaltxgesme. TheRlNGsofiware oommnndallvwstheusertnchangethcmmnfmmn latchedmtcwapulsedm Tochangethestztcnfthis lineprogmmthefollovdngfi'omtheCOWAND mode. Factmydefmflt=LATCl-l. RING =Lalch Pin 22 is high when theES‘l‘eem TIE light is an solid RlNG =Pulsa Pin 22 is pulsed (positive 250 1115.)th the ESTecm TIE light is on solid. ESTEEM FCC lD'. ENPESTEEMIIJZM CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES PACKET MONITOR ThePACKM [ON/OFF] commandplawstheESTeem inaspecialpacketnmniwrmnde. thnthisfutmeis enabledtheESTeemisplauedinamocivennlymde andwiflnolfimcfiunasanormalESTeenL The Eflmmunmnitorandmponlhesumuofall mgemficwilhinthenetwodxinthefonnwing fomagdtacmalpackamessagewfllmtbemqmned. SA-m DA-xxx, Type Code. 111-thqu Stains, R2- meSmRS-RepeamSmDmBywsSm xxx = ESTeem Addms DA = Dsfination ESTeem SA = Source ESTeem m - Addrms offim ESTeem femur. R2 - Addmss of second ESTeem repeater. R3 = Adams ofmim ESTeem mpealer. Type Code- I = Information DISC = Disconnected RR - Receive may UA = Unmxmhered Acknowledge RNR = Receive Not Ready FRMR = mee Reject REJ = Reject DM = D'soonnecled Mode U1 = Unnumbeted Information SABM = Set Async. Balance Mode Repeater Smu- P = Pending D = Done USING THE INFRARED COMMUNICATIONS PORT Theinfi-axedmnommuniem‘onsponwinauowymto pmmmand imenogaletheESTacm withom dimmecfinglhesefialcableflomthebackoflhe modem. TheRpc-rtisloaledonthefiompaneloflhe ESTeem, abovnheT/E light. To communicate fiumaeompumtotheESTeem thmughthcmponyouwillneedacopyoflheESTeem Wlmw mane con-unm- run tor mn- nounnmln. 1M mam-tu- mm Imu’t-t u menu-t.- mh ”- mt Figure 1: Using The IR Port Utilities (Version 440 or higher) and an ESTm IR Communication Dongle (ESTeem PIN AA300). Connuxthedonslcdimcflytolhesefialponofthe computer. Thednnglemmfiminifiafizafinnfinmthe ESTeem Utilitiefi This inifializafionisdonc amomafimllyupon staxfingtheutilityorcanbedoneby pmssingtheALchyandthclke-yaxthesametjmc (ALT-I). Ifthemodemis notintheCOm/LAND mm was C'I'RL-C to displaytheCMD: prompt Now With Switch 8 (RS-232 Setup) in the On position the ESTeem defaults the IR port to the command mode mmdnnglchxsamgeofappmtdmaulythmfect, dincflyinfiontuhhcpom Thedongleispawuedby thesefialponanqunimsmaddifionalpowersoums, Note: Only one of the [our nomimmt'cations pans ms 232/422/485 connector, IR port, Phone Modem Part, or Remote Programming) can be in the Command mode at a time. When either the [R or the Phone port switch to converse mode, the RS-232/422/485 port I: blockcdfi‘om receiving any data. CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES USING 11-IE PHONE OOMMUNICAflONS PORT EwaSTemnmdunhastheopdmalphone mwmmmmmmmw dreESTeemfiomanywheminlhcwm'ld‘hmugha standaldphonzmodzm. Cnnnectamdaldphonncompanylimtothe BSTean‘sphaneconnmmddiaannmbcr withaphnnamodflnnsinganytypeof mmunicafionspalixgemhasmmm®or Windnw®teminaL Sfithetcrminalmeonmat 1400bps.TthSTeemwillanswetonthefim ring TypeaCl'RL-C onlhceommnniulions wrminalandacmbzpmmptshmfldappear. Hm: Whmthephoncpnnisacfive,mcmpon willbedisabled. Win-gm FCC ID: ENPESTEEIIIIQZM CHAPTER 4 ESTEEM APPLICATION PROGRAMS TRANSPARENT AUTO CONNECT TRANSPARENT AUTO CONNECT GLOBAL INTERACTIVE TERMINAL APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS CHAPTER 4 ESTEEM APPLlCATION PROGRAMS Listed below are diligent application programs to aid the user in programming the ESTeem TRANSPARENT AUTO-CON NECT Thismodeistsedfotadediwodpoimtnpoim application. TheESTeemwill inifialethemdiolink whmdataisraxivedbytheRS—ZSZ/dlfl485 port. Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory defiant setting: 1. Tum Bit 8 OFF on the 118-2320 Setup Switch. 2. Reset the ESTeem. 3A TYPEFA AP1mnotethechamctetsmaynot be echoed by the CRT. ESTeem A ESTeem B _________._—— ADD xxx ADD yyy SETC yyy SEI'C xxx TERMC ON TEIMC ON TERM!“ 10 TERMT 10 XHF ON ‘ XII-[F ON ‘ DISACK ON ‘ DISACK ON ‘ TRANS ON TRANS ON SAVE SAVE Bit 8 ON Bit 8 ON (RS-232 Switch) Rm ESTeem Rmet ESTeem Hotel: - Tum DISACK ON only if you want to defeat the acknowledge packeL e m minim represent an ESTeem address which is user definable fi-om I to 254. TRANSPARENT AUTO-CONNECT GLOBAL Thismodeisusmflynsedfotapointtomulti-point appliafiomwhenacusmmdeviosincludetheitm Mapmmmlmmmmnnimbetwemdefim mESTeempackaaddtfisingandachowledge ptotooolisdefented. AllESTeemswillreocivethedala tnnstnission 11232bitCRCu-rotcheckingon meiveddmaisstiliemhled. Thispmmmisnsedinail ESTeems, the only difference is the unit addmsset. new-11mm 4-2 Pufnrm the following prior to programming the ESTstnoinitiahmthel-nitwfumryddxuh settings: 1, TntitS OFF ontheRS—232C Setup Switch 2. RmettheESTeem. 3 TYPEFAQP.P1msenntethecha-admmaynot beechaedbyfltem. ESTecm A ___________.__—-——- ADD xxx (xxx = Esteem address) SETCON 255 TERMC ON TERMT 10 XIHF ON ‘ TRANS ON SAVE Bit 8 ON (RS-232 Switch) Read ESTeem Note: Only hardware flow control can be used in this mode. FCC ID: ENPESTEEMIQZM CHAPTER 4 ESTEEM APPLICATION PROGRAMS INTERACTIVE TERMINAL APPLICAHON Thispmgmmisusedlomneclamainfi'amtoammm terminal Thissempisatypiaalpointmpoim oonfigunnion wilhlheAUTO—CON'NECI‘ fauna enabled. Perm-m th: following prior no programming the ESTeem(s) to initialize the unit In factory ddallll eating. 1. 'I\|rn Bi! 8 OH? on the RS-232C Setup Switch. 2. Rad the ESTeem. 3. TYPEFAQP. Pleascnolcthccharancrsmynol be echoed by the cm ESTeem At Mainframe ESTeun Al Terminal ADD xxx ADD yyy SEl'C yyy SETC xxx TERMC ON TERMC ON “mum 10 TERMT 10 XSF OFF XSF OFF ml]? ON ‘ XRP ON ‘ DISACK ON ‘ DISACK ON ‘ TRANS ON TRANS ON SAVE SAVE Bit 8 ON Bit 8 ON (RS-232 Switch) RESET ESTeem RESET ESTeem Nom- ' Tum DISACK ON unly Ifyou want to defeal the acknowledge packet. 0 Only hardware/low comm! can be used in this moda . xxx Rudy»: mpresenr an Ween! address which is user definable fi-om 1 to 254. Mint-1M” 4-3 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS EST has avnilablg compute Engineering Repons for each PLC mam-fume: make which will be provided at no charm by filling EST Customer Support on 509-735-9092. FCC ID: ENPESTEEMIQZM CHAPTER 5 RS-23ZCI4221485 INTERFACING DTE VS DCE FLOW CONTROL MEMORY BUFFERS DATA TERMINAL READY RS-422/485 CONFIGURATION RS-23214221485 CONFIGURATION TABLES RS-232/422/485 PORT PINOUT TABLE CHAPTER 5 RS-232CI4221485 INTERFACING DTEvs. DCE The ESTeem is configured as a Data Communication Equipment (DCE) device The fullnwing signals available at the RS-232C connector located a! the rear of the unit. Pin Duaipn’nn ______________.___———- PG Shield Grmmd TxD Transmit Data (Input) RXD Rweive Data (Outpul) DCE RTS Request To Send (Input) Cl'S Clmno Send (Omput) SG Signal Grvund s DCD DalaCarrierDeteoMOmpm) 12 20 22 RTS Request To Send (Output) DTR Dam Terminal Ready (Input) Ring Ring Mentor (annt) ThimponanllhinstoremembuismalfonheESTeem iowmmnnimewifllanmemaldevicefihedmnontpm fmm pin 3 oftheES‘l‘eem RS-232C connectnrmnsthe ennnecledmlhedalainplnoflhedeviuynnm connected to; otherwise, ibeES‘l‘eem won‘t work. LikewisglhednminpmwpinlnflheESTeemmnsibe oomeaedmthedamumpntnfihedwioeycuare oonnewd (0. Normally, iftheeqnipmem yonare mnnecfingwbnkslikeammmflorwmmnflmfi), ilsinplLReeeiveDalam),willbeonpin3ils WILTmnsmilDaMM),willbeonpin2. Therefore, theESTeemeenhemnnected directly. Ifthedeviceywareoonnecfingtoiseonfignredasa modem(D(I),ivso|npmwille-onpin3. Iflhis eonfignnfinniseonnectedwtheESTeemdnmngemay multlolheESTeemortheoonneaingdevioe. lnthis mmmpnmhnseannllwnnecwrthminmmny revetscspinslnndl Whamuymnsinmn‘onmnybe, itisalwaysbeslwcheck lhemannalonymuparficnlnrdevineandmnnecl accordingly. Purchaser fabrieaieaRS-ZSZC shielded able for your ESTmmESTeemrequmasinndnrdmalerinD oonnecmronorneend ofthembleforpmpexoonnecfion. Rememberloinstallthennallminingscrewsonm’ther side ofthe able connector. Tightening these screws Wimw 5-2 keeps you fmm accidentally losing 00an with your ESTeem Notes: 0 The Wee»: requires a shielded [is-232 cable. 1711“; Is to prevent unwanted electrical noisefimn entering the ES'l'ezm nnd also In prevent any electrical noise fiom getting ant ofthe ESTeem. - Remember — alumn- use 4: Shielded RS-232C cable. - Pin: 9, 10. 14. & 16m usedfierS-427/485 interfacing and should be Iefi open if not used FLOW CONTROL mEsTeemmnbeenabiedmsnpponSOFl'WAREor HARDWARE flaw control. Software Flaw Control Software flow control is enabled by the XSFLOW (on/off) command in lheESTeem When XSFLOW is ON the EST eem will respond to , (05) commands from the RS-132 port. The fiaorydefxnlt filing is ON. The delanh vnlne fior START is 17(C1'RL Q) and for STOP is 19 (CTRL S). Herdwnre Flaw Conlrnl Hardwnleflnwwnlrol is enabledbythemw (on/of) command in the ESTeem. The {notary definflt vnlne is OFFA WhenfllFLDWisennbled(on)flleuonuol sipullins, Reqano Send (RTS, pin 4), Data CarrierDewct (DCD,pin8), nndCleo Send(Cl'S,pin 5)nre nvnildaleiolheumalthRS-flzcwnneclm TheCl‘S andRTSsignalsareusedwoonflollMfluwofdai-nimo andmnoflheESl‘eenL mmngnalonpinsisusedwoonmllhednmimo iheESTeem. whenClSisselmighmpinS)the mdemisreadyioreeeivedam WhenCl‘Sisrmetaow nnpin5)LheESTeemisnotreadymreoeivedam TheRTSsgnalisnwdwmmldnmoinoflhe Es’reemRTSissetMghonpinA).bythensenn indienmmtheESTeemthnnhenserismdymrweive data. Whenmlheuserisnoueadyinmoeivedam (NUl'E:l.nw=0n,High=Ofl). ESTEEM FCC [D ENPESTEEMBZII CHAPTER 5 RS-232CI422/485 INTERFACING MEMORY BUFFERS TheESTeemhnsa4000hyubufl'erontheTRANSMlT SIDEmngo‘mgdamnndnwOObyubnfluonxhe RECEIVESDEdncmningdam). Trammit Buffer Thengm'ngdatabnfiz‘u'wfll holdtwodalablodts before the ESTeem will enable its RS-232C haxdwardsofiwaie wnm'll on data coming into lhe modemifflwmworkisbnsy. Admblockinlhis mmplcisablocknfdnmthalisdcfinedhyth: PACKLENGTH or SENDPAC manner which ever occurs first. Mom ifPAClCLENGTl-l= 10 the modcmwill input amnx'xmumofzobytsbcforeilenablsits hardware/Wale handshxkzline (two lobylepackns). In anolhcr example, ifPACKLENGTH- 1000h1nlhe daublodiiswrminmedhytheSENDPACchamcm Momtheinmnhififlmachesmefiiuzooomm bufl‘zrwillslillhold onlytwodnlnhlocks iflhe network isbusy. Inmdumnfifiulhzzooobylsslomgeforsmafldam mauaodemadem,yw.),pmgiammcmodem ns'ng the following guidelines: PAGEENGTH = 2000 SENDPAC =255 TERMC = ON TERMT = 10 Noise: Set the TERMT lime greater lhnn the pause between data bums. BypmgmmmingtheabweparamflersmESTeemwill Mammflngdmpmkasandmomafimfly mnmitthedamwhcnthezooobymbufl‘uisfilledor themfimclimitism Thiswillallthhc cummiomelwoblocksoflowmwoobylcsbefnn themodemenablcsthgmspecthxzdwardsofiwam commL Receive Buffer chedcvicethanhcmcivingESTu—isouqmningdam lo, enables its mpeaive hardware or sofiwam comm]1 lhcmndcmvlillslolembylsofdalabdmflow oomllingofiflwlmnsminingESTm Rain-“Aug” 5-3 DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR) Ammm DTR_ENAB(ONIOFF)ispmvidedin IheESTeemfarmonilm-ingthemafadcviee oonnectedtapin200hthS-232C ounnenon The finctoiydfiaullsflfingisOFF. Whmthiscommandis embhdflaESTeemwfllmoniwnthfmb-ignalanpin 20. [film D'l'Rlinebeing snppliedtotheESTeem. fiom lheusef,isalaSPACE(high)oondifionthAnlhn ESTeemiscnahled. [flheD’l‘RlincisaxaMARKflom condifionthaitthSTaem is disablul. ThissigmlisncrmallyusedbytthSTeemmodemas mindimfionflmconnnctionismadglondcvicflhatis onlineandrendytnuanmxitlrweivedam. RS-422/485 CONFIGURA'HON mESTeemwillsupponthcmqnixemmtsoflth-IIA Standard “422/485. This is a fmir (4) wire interline consisting of the TRANSMIT DATA (-), TRANSNHT DATA (+), RECEIVE DATA (-), AND RECEIVE DATA (+). These signals are available a! the 25 pin RS-232C connector on the modem. Pin Dem-im' n 9 mg mANsmT DATA (-) w B'm(+) msm-r DATA (+) DCE 14 mo») RECEIVE DATA (+) 16 BRX (-) RECEIVE DATA (-) Thisinlarfacc is designed“) pmvidcunipolardifl'etenflal dflvelatwiswdpaitorparallelwimhansmissionlinm. Nous: 7,13 ESTum mm befimrmy configured for 2- wire [is-485 interfacing. Call E257” Customer Support on 5 09» 735-9092. CHAPTER 5 RS-232CI422/485 INTERFACING Rs-zszcuzmas Configuration Tables EST”! Its-23204171” Port Pin—Out Tlhle Onthcmx'mdplatcoflthSTeemisanciSMposifion switch labeled IRS-7.32 Setup. The switch positions are defined mfouuws: 115432042214“ Confiplrlflon Table 7bitdm+0ddjarig+ln OFF 7bitdm+0drl ' Km OFF 7hildau+Evenflrl_q+l bindah+Even arl +2n. mum-391 54 m FCC ID: ENPESTEEMISZM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS COAXIAL CABLES WEATHER PROOFlNG COAXIAL CONNECTORS GROUNDING LIGHTINING ARRESTORS REFERENCE MATERIAL MODEL 192 TYPICAL OUTDOOR ANTENNA INSTALLATION BLOCK DIAGRAMS MODEL 192 TYPICAL INDOOR & MOBILE ANTENNA INSTALLATION BLOCK DIAGRAMS ESTEEM SWR MEASUREMENT BLOCK DIAGRAM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS _________——-———— ESTofl‘efi difl'cmnnypesofanlennas mngingfmm 1/4 wavetoS/Swaveinphysiulsize. Thenserchoioeis dependent on (he applimtiou CommunimfionsimthHFandUEflibandsm over ‘uneofsigm 0.08)“. banking fiomthe antennaofonewilelfismodemycumustbeabletosee themdthewimlesmodemyouwishw wmmxniuatewimfl‘alaxgeobjeclobsuumlhelineof sigh! view itisnnhkely um saflsfiacloly communications winmflLThismeansyunmnstmlmthennunmm isetheREPEATERl-‘EATUREandasecondmodemm goweroramnndlheobjea. The United States Federal Cnmmunicnfions CommiSSion (FCC) specifienhanheamennatypeusedonthe ESTeem Model 192V be limited to one-half wave vertically polariud o ‘direcfion in denim This limits lheovunllpinoflheanmnnzmamaximumuf apprmdmaicly 3 dB. TheMndel l920F/MproductsmaflowedbytheFCC wuxhighgaindirecfiannlamenm ItisnotedthataleavcmwnnaLhndoesnothzve gandplaneradialsrequixfiagmundpmetoopeme almaximumefliciency. Thiscnnsimplybeaeondm-fing sinfaceimdertheantennammisamwavelengthin dixmmr. FortheModel 192Vlh'sisappmximately42 incbm Awnd-wfingsmflcemnbeanythingflomme ronfmpofanaummbilemafileubilm Tominimizesignallols,\heoveralllengthoflhewaxial ableshoulflheasshonasposiblefio avoid corrosion sdectmdaleablemamifxmfiwithfinnedwpper bmiiwhereposfible.undbelowmxeprmfive wblclosssinmilloofiallhevm’andUI-H’fieqmdes: Frequency (MHZ) RG-58n R641 ‘A" Heliax _______________________—————-—-— 72-79 - 3.8 — 1.5 - 0.6 150-174 - 5.2 - 2.3 - 345 402-420 40.0 - 4.2 - 1.5 450-470 40.8 - 4.4 - 1.5 In nscvmnoiscenvimnmem it mybedesimblelonse a dmble shield type ofouax cable such as 110-2 MIU. “531141193 6-2 Pm-madewaxenblesmnbepumhasedflomthe finery. A-SdBlossmeansyonhavelostmof yoursignal A+3¢Bgainmnnsymhave doubled(x2)ywrsignaL Nine: Kecptheamcnnafeedlineasshanas posflvle to minimize loses. Exuuuemremustbetakmwhenamching waannmrslolheamenmfeedlinefl. If Meiunyemrinmakinsthismnnecfinn Mmmmofthemnsmiflerwiflbepeafly xedmed. WEATHER PROOF|NG COAX CONNECTIONS l. Coatthethxeadsoflheoonnecmswithsflioone lubricant prior to amenably (See Note 1) and hand tighten. Care slwuldbemken noun puny lubricantomhecemucondunm‘. 2. Wraptheoonneclor assemblywithavaporbnxfiet mfmweuherpmfing(SeeNote2),mn-ingm ovu'lapomomeeoaxmbleapprmdmatdyl 1/2 inches. 3. Apply a elemriml coaxing (sealing agem) overtime vaporbarrierpatchfur addedprotection (See Note 3). New: I. Daw Coming RTV-3140 or equivalent. 2. Suggested vendors: VAPOR-WRAP Deeibel Pmduets 3184 Quebec St. Dallas, TX 75356 Ill-63141510 VYNlL-Mdmc, PW 2200 S—M Company Customer Service 512-984-1800 3. SCOTCHKOTE, 3-M Company. or equivalent. ESI'EEM GROUNDING Allbuildingmnumantnnmsreqnimmhmemloa gmflaflhgoundfnropfimnmcficimcy. Comma repumblelowwmmnnieaficnsshnpfnrpmceansfer yourm LIGHTNING ARRESTORS Lighminganeslnrsshmlldbeusedonaflcmnal building mount antennas for peusonal prolectionandlo minimizzdanugelomemsuivudufing lighlning storms. muniusmldbeinmuedupn manufacturers insmnionsprwidedwiththedcvine. REFERENCE MATERIAL Theidulmfumcehookforanlennasandmnsnissinn finesismcmn-ubW3mmwok'myme Hmdqnmexs Sufioflhe American Rania Rclny begun Will M198 6-3 FCC ID: ENPESTEEMIBZM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Model 192V Typical Outdoor Antenna Installation Diagram ANTENNA RECOMMENDATlONS Omni-Diredionul Antenna __———— EST PIN ANN for ranges to appruximately 2 0mmDirecfi°na NOTES miles “Wham Antenna 1'. lgse aux table runs as shod n pmdieel Io EST PIN AADS1 mum-u mblelmes. lor ranges in 2 Van! ”will etymal TERI?“ 1) a roximate 5 °°"°"°"“" V‘" "m”. ,‘M "ms fine-onighL m1 apply We Enamel eon-m (EST UHF Male P“ W2} Connector 3, Cam EST {or recommendation: mining mm: mourning hardware and Installation lion 4. For panel mourlim me EST-m we Ag'éam ZfiUNE mourning mam EST PIN M2514 L—ML’JJQ‘LS 5, For panel manila th- M174 power supply 1. Up lo 50 it use RG—G use mending brim EST PIN M52 Coax (EST PIN AAZSS). 8. Ground antenna muelure and base. 2. Over 50 fl. use 1)? helisx (EST PIN M238 . ) lag-332C news. 422, “as c “P Interim» Connedor M Swm‘ EST PIN M234 l TNC Mlle Connector N Male Usefs Cmnador Connector Device RS—2320,422, or 485 ummmg Agnesxgg 12 voc POWER SUPPLY ___———'NTERF“°E CABLE M ' (EST PIN M162) REC END T' NS igeflmfigem EST PIN M174 custom depending on Battery Packs device. Solar Power uni-353m.” 64 BTEEM FCC lD: ENPESTEEM192M CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Models 192M Outdoor Fixed Base Site Diagram ANTENNA RECOMMENDATIONS Diredionsl Antenna (EST Fir! No, M2025 for range! to spproximataly 15 mils lins-ohight) NOTES 1. Uuooaxubhnnnlhnnnpndkalm Omni—Diredional Animus (EST Pan No. AAZOM for m'n'lnlze ubie losses. 2. Wyor wrap II external Bnlenna coax ranges in aprmdmmly 10 cont-diam w». vinyl mp (es-r Pm No. M241) mile: "nod-night) and BM swarm; Ehwiecl Coating (EST Pm UHF M“ N“- M242)- Connector 3. Cant-d EST for recommendations regarding nrunna mounting harmre and Inflalhflon Ups. 4. Fur pm! mountlno me EsTum use "Min ANTENNA FEEDUNE mulch EST Pat! No M251. RECOMMENDAHONS 1. Upto 50 N. I“ RG—é Coax (EST Pat! No. M235). 2. Over 50 R Us. 1rz' hdiax (EST Part N0, W313). 54 For pnel mending m- AA174 power cuppfy me momma; brlokels EST Pm No. W52. 5. Ground anmnm drudur- and ban. R213? RS—232C. 422, a. 485 (Esriffgax Swim!“ Inmrfaeezonnednr TNC Male Comm! N Mala User‘s 1 I'm Mob Cmnedor comm DOW/IN -—J mm a, 485 l bl ”wring Arrestor 12 vuc Power Suppfy (Egi'fimsflfios (EST Pan No. M162) (EST Part No. M174) 1 » or . M06 .AA07. Bauer-y Packs custom dependng on Solar Power darling) RIMSMM.” $5 ESTEEM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Models 192C and 192F Typical Outdoor Antenna Installation Diagram ANTENNA RECOMMENDATIONS Di ’ Ant-nu EST PIN AA201 or M202 tor rang" to appfuximotely 15 miles “neat-sight. Ovml‘D'ucfinnal NOTES __AL‘°“"—'_ 1. uuwautmmnnmflupcmlln EST PIN AA20 var ’"‘"""“" “l“ W rangssto z leorwvapallaxtemalamnmconx approximately 10 com-filers wilh vinyl wrap (EST PIN M241) and lpply mam atomic-l coating (ss'r mules llna-nhlght. PIN M242)- UHF Mala Connodar 3. Comm EST [or reanmrn-ndutlons rag-ding amnm mountlng Mum"! and munllonflp. 4. For pm! mounting th- Es'rosm u- ANTENNA FEEDLINE mumlnfl Mm EST PIN AA251. “ME NS 5 For pinel mourning the M|14 pews! nuppt/ ‘LUPNSOEMSGRGQ WmflummmESTP/Nm 0°“ (EST P’N M235)» 8. Ground mum- mama and base. 2. Over 5010. use 1I2‘ hdii! (EST PIN AMSS . ) R323" Rszazc. 422, a 455 55.5 09g MW‘SK Interface cannon“ EST PIN M234 K TNC Male Connector NMalo ' N Male Conn-mar Connector mm“ J. QHINING 33355103 12 voc POWER SUPPLY NEW—(3155 MEL—N5 ' (EST PIN AA162) °°M Am limit?" EST PIN M174 custom dapcnding an WY Pad“ dwicsl solar Power “my.” 6.6 ESTEE-M CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Model 192V Typical Indoor & Mobile Antenna Installation Diagram ANTEN NA RECOMMENDATIONS Omni-Direotional Antenna NOTES Permanent Mount. 1. Use coax cable runs as short EST PIN M04 with 42 In. as practical to mlnlmizo cable vertical radlal or PIN losses. M041 With 18 "L vertical 2. Vapor wrap all external radial. antenna coax connections with vinyl wrap (EST PIN M241) and lpply Scotchlwte Electrical Coating (EST PIN AA242). 3. Contact EST for recommendations regarding antenna munflng hardware and UHF Male installation fipl. Connector 4, For panel mounting the EsTeem use mountlng braokotl EST PIN M251. 5. For panel mounting the M174 power supply use mounting brackets EST PIN M252. Omnl-Direcllonal Antenna Magnetic Mount EST PIN M03 with 42 in, vertical radial or PIN AA15 with 17 In. rubber duck radial. Note: RG—8 feedllne Is not required. Magnetic "IOU!“ antennas have approximately 12 ft. of lnlegral RG-58 cable for 3. Ground antenna structure and direct connection to base. ESTeem. ANTENNA FEEDLINE R233”: RS232C, 422. & 485 BEGQMMENDAIIQNfi . 9 Interface Connector Swrtches 1. Up to 50 11. use RG-B —\ l Coax (EST PIN M233). 2. Over 50 fl. call EST. User's Device -—J me........s 12 VDC POVlER SUPPLY ‘NTERFACE CABLE RECOMMENDATIONS EST PIN AAOB. M061. M07, or EST P’N M174 custom depending on Battery Packs device. mam-9x 6-7 ESTEEM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Models 192M Typical Indoor & Mobile Equip ANTENNA ment Diagram RECOMMENDATIONS Omnl-Dlredlonal Antenna Magnefic Mount EST PIN AA1QM wim 9.5 inch rubber duck ridal. Note: RGS feeding is not required Mag-mic mourn antenna: hava appruximmely 12 It of Integral R658 cutie lor drect connedon to ESTeem. ANTENNA FEEIU NE RMMENQATIwS 1,Upw5flfluseRG-B Coax(ESTPINAA2‘33). 7.0vel50ftcaIIEST. Wanda” (mm-Directional Antenna Permanent Moum. EST PIN AAZIM Mlh 21 Inch venlul mdials. TNC Male Connednr cum-ant n 12 VDO POWER SUPPLY BECOMMENDATIQS EST PIN M174 Battery Paola NOTES _______——— 1A uucoaxubhmmusmn as moth-I to mlnlmlzn abl- hfli 2. Vapor wrap all cxlemal manna max Ml! vlrM wup (EST PIN AA241)-nd - N Culling (EST PIN AA242). 3. COM EST for mum-lions reg-mint nntenm moumlru hardwar- md Irsblllllon llpl. 4A For p-nel mounting the ESTaem m EST PIN MZSI . 5. For pnml munflnfl lbs M174 wlth Seolshkoh 51W] Mum on mummy met moms EST PIN mu. 6. Ground umnm mun Ind bun. RS-ZSZC, 422, E 455 Interface connedor Uuh Del/Ice RS-2320,422. or 485 INTERFACE CABLE EST PIN AADB, M081. M07. or cullnm dependng on devimr ESTEEM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS Model 1920 and 192F Typical Indoor & Mobile Antenna Installation Diagram ANTENNA RECOMMENDATIONS Omni-Diredional Antenna NOTES ———— 1. Use mix able runs as short Permanent Mount EST as practleel tn minimlz- abl- PIN AAZO with 29ind1 losses. ”mm” ram“- 2 Vapor wrap all emmal - - - uni-hm coax oonnectionswim Omni-Drrectienal Antenna vinyl Ml? (EST PIN M241) “a Magnetic Mount. EST apply. Seomhknte Elacrrie-I PIN M19 with 19 inch Calm-g (EST PIN M242). rubber dudt radial 3. Contact EST for h Mt - recommendation regarding ' 33-8 feedline Is antenna mountiru hardware and not requrred. Magnetic installation an mount antennas UHF M I 4 For penal ounting the approximately 12 IL or a e - m , integml RG-sa cable Ior C°flned°f 2225's mgmm “a” direct connection to ' ESTeem. 5. For panel mounting the M174 pow supply use mnumlng brink!!! EST PIN M252. 8. Ground antann- “warn and ban. ANTENNA FEEDLINE Rig? RS-232C. 422, a. 485 W . S Witches Interface Connector 1. UptoSOIL use RG~8 Coax (EST PIN M3). 2 Ova! 50 IL call EST. User’s TNC Male 2" M h - Connednr Corlinozorx DeVIce 12 VDC POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE CABLE RECOMMENDATIONS EST PIN AADS, M061, AAO7, or EST P’N M174 custom depending on Battery Packs device» Ravi-em M19! 6~9 ESI-EEM CHAPTER 6 ANTENNAS ESTeem SWR Measurement Block Diagram - Antenna UHF Male Connector ‘\ , RS—232C Interface Cable (EST PIN M061) UHF Male UHF Mg|e TNC Male “ Connedor Cunneaor Connedor RG—S Cabin _ est PIN M253 W W" ( ’ 2 Pln Molex (Bird Mod-I 43 ' Connedor uu - UHF Ihlc lo °""“""““’ __ N—F-nnlc I1 mmlflflw' |2vt>c PawerSuppny ludllm with . mile (551 P,“ M174) N mam _ Programming The ESTeem For SWR Measurement . Electronic 1. Configumthchardwamaspatbcabwediagmm. El SVSNM’ H Technology Inc. 2. “film Swilchs anthem-232 Setup Swimhflocmdomhemoffln mmwmwfifim PM ResellheESTeem (fivmpand swnch). " 4. InflallmeESTechumyomthCharddxiveasperinmucfionswith E" 5. FmUfimyMaiannmigme “seledthe'l'ermimllimnhfinnMode. 6. InlheTa-minalanflationModnypethcfollowingoommndsfollawed byaRE'l'URN. Figuxe leSTeemUfilityMninMenu FA Return Thismmmsiheuniltofwmydcfamtpanmum RAD ON Return Enableth:RADIOONoommand.111cuansmiflervfiJlaha—naszNfor10 secondsandOI-‘Ffoflswonds. _. 7. Whmthewsfingiswmplaeiwmfoflowing: RAD OFF Return This disables the RADIO ON command. was] Mr” 6-10 ESE-EM 4 1M CHAPTER 7 THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION A ESTEEM HOW IT WORKS SPECTRUM UTILIZATION PACKET PROTOCOLS FLOW CONTROL DATA PRIVACY EFFECTIVE BAUD RATE CHAPTER 7 THEORY OF OPERATION |NTRODUC110N ES‘l'cem wireless modem products provide a "Wireless Solution' by eliminating conventional hardwiring of leased phone lines. AlloftheESTcemmcdelscomewiththeindnslry nandard ns-zszc, RS-422, and 115-485 asynchroncns ccmntunitafionsportstngivetheusetanewdimensinn to Ices] Am Nelworldng“. Our packet burst, frequency agile communications pmductsallowtheuset‘tocreatea'RadioAmNetwork“ ofup to 255 users on a single frequency. The packet burst communications technique was chosen in give the system very high data integrity in high noise industrial environments. The 13me incorporates a method of error checking that provides received data accuracy of greaterthnnonepanin loflmillion. Internal Digi-Repeuter {centres allow the userto increase operating range by relaying u-ansmi-on througi n maximum of three ESTeerns to mach the destination ES’l‘eem. AnESTcem mopemte asancperafing node, a reputer node, orboth simtdtaueouslyforadded flexibility. "Private Data Communications" is provided by the use of an interleaving technique of the modulated data. user definable commands for unit addressing, network addressing, and security lock-out of snflware progamming. Ifhigher security is required, the ESTeem is compatible with asynchronous Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption devices. The ESTemn has programmable sofiware commands to allowtheusertocnsilyconfigtuetlieunitforany application or mision The ESTeem setup parameters are saved in its own non-volatile memory. Whenycubuy ESTeempmductsyou are getting equipmentdem‘gnedbythecompanythnthnldsthe United States and Canadian patent for the wireless modem. Weateptondtosnythatwedesignjevelopand manufacture mupmductsintheUnited States. Each ESTeem is subjected to a rigorous quality control bench test before shipping to insure our customers have out-of-tlie-padcage reliability. We also have a dedicated (hummer Support Stafl‘, Field Engineering Services and Factory Training classes to make sure that your applimlinu problem are solved w my” 7-2 HOW IT WORKS Now, as you (an probably guess, the ESTeem is a sqihisticnted piece of technology, however the concept is msytocnmprebendit’youundetstandpacketradio. Allpaekasystems,whetherhardwiredormdin,sbarethe simeprineipleofopetation;dataistakenfinmyour mndardRS—232C, RS—422.orRS-485 asynchronouspon andisnansmittedin"Blockx". Thinkoftbisblocknnn “ElemonicEnvelope'thatwecullnpacket. Thesizeof thepacketmnbedefincdbytbeuserfiomltczooo bytesofinformation. Reducingthesizeofthepacket nllawstbeESTcemtooperatebenerinhighEManise envhomenmbeausebyreducingthepacketsizeyou reducetransmissionexpostuetimeonthemdiowaves merebyincreasingyourprohabilityofasiccesfitl transmission. Oncemispacketnfdamisfomeditstmnsminedina “burst," oneESTeemtnanother,hencetltetet-m‘padtet buntcommunimtions". Now, ifnwrethanonepaclcetis requircdtosendthedatatbentheESTcemgoaintofilll mmficmodeaudn-ansmitsadditionalpadrem BeforeanESTcemu-nnmitsitspackelitlistenstoensme thattheairwavesareelearbeforemsmitting This listenbefore transmilschemeiscnlled "carriersenscd multiple access,“ or CSMA. Whena'parkct‘hasbeentransmifled,everymcdemin radinmugeonthesamefretmencyhearsit. Todesigna modemwoommunicntewithanetwcrknfmodemsithas tobe‘nddmspecific'snotflythemodemycuwantto talktaacceptsyctuinfiormatim lt‘slikeyellingintna mwdonSSpeoplehutyouwantonlythepetsonsname ycucallcdtoadmowledge (ACK). Well, very simply, that‘s howtheESTeem works. Oncetheaddressyw're calling receives your packet, it's checked ficr accuracy. Acetuaeyisprobablythesinglemostimportammnf any communication device. The ESTcem uses Forward Error Gmection (REC) and a 32 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) which is a very sophisticated method of drecldngtbedataimegfityofthepadtetonneitsbeen received 11te CRC insiues data integritygreaterthan one part in one hundred million Once the CRC is completedonthereceivedpacket,thedataisoutputtcdto the user and a positive acknowledgment (ACK) is transmitted back to the sender. ESTEEM CHAPTER 7 THEORY OF OPERATION lt'ssafetnassumethatthedataywreeeiveisgeoddata orynuganothingatallus'ngtheCRCteehniq-re. lfno ACKisremmedafleragivendelay,thesenderassumes thepacketwasnotmeivedand'retries‘the transmissien. Thenumberofreu-iesareuserdefinable aumitozss,auawingzheunitmmmwrymxy sendingthepacket. SPECTRUM UTlLIZATION The ESTeem uses a "listen bdbre transmit" or Carrier Sensed Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme. This mans nnlynnennitinanetwnrkisallawedtemnsmitaxa time. By fixing each user‘s communieatinn window and allowing the computer in the EST- to be the Air Tmflic Controller, many individual users can share nne frequency The ESTeem firmware can support up to 255 ESTeems on a single channel or frequency For example in the United States there are 1600 fiequencies (12.5 KHzchannel spaeing)inUl-ll~‘, givinganetwnrltdensity ofgmtlexthanmsfimusersinagivenoellnr geographies! area Once you are out ofradio range, you can construct another eell nfusers. TheCSMAtechniqueis averyeficientwaytomanage your network of ESTeems and prevent communication bottlmecks. In addition, an anti-collision software sdtemeisusedtnrewverdataiftwnnrmmunits n'anxmitatexactlythesametime. Whenlhisfeamreis added the technical term far this technique is now called CSMA-CD (collision detection). By using this communications technique only we frequency channel is nuded with a very narrow bandwidth (this is called narrow band FM modulation) thereby saving valuable radio spectrum spacer PACKET PROTOCOLS BynsingCSMAnopollingstationortokenisremiiredin theESTeem network. WhenanESTe—hasinfonnxtinn tosenditwillchedttnmeifthechannelisclearbdme transmitting impacketnndawaitunmCK) The ESTeemisaMaster/Mastersystenxmmningany ESTeemwneommunieale with any ntherESTeem FLOW CONTROL The ESTeem supports hardware and sofiware flow ountml which allow difletent devices on the network tn Ravi-l: XSqJW 7-3 eommunieateatdifl‘erentbaudrates. lnadditiontaflnw eontmltheESTeemnlsohasa-woobytedatabufieron boththereeeiveandnansmitbufi'ersintheunit DATA PRIVACY Dataprivuey intheESTeem ispravidedbythree levels of dameneodinginthefirmwareandbytheuserbeingable tadefineuverfoursecurityundcommunimfiens parameterswnitAddrw, NetworkID,anri0pet-uting Frequeney) that allow communications aewss to the modem giving over 100 million combinations. lfhigher security is required, the units are compatible with asynchronous Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption peripherals EFFECTIVE BAUD RATE The maximum input baud rate to the modem is 19,200 , baud, asyflchmnmrs, full duplex but this is misleading since the ESTeems “wally communicate to each simplex overtheRFlink, a119,200bps(25 KHzchannel spacing -Model192C/Fer20KHzchannlespacing- Model 192V) or 9,600 bps (12.5 KHz channel spacing - Model 192CJF). The efl'ective baud rate is a function ofthe above plus the packet length variable in the BSTeem (definable from 1 to 2000 bytes). lithe paeklength vafinbleissetto2000bytestheefl‘ectivebaudmeis approximately 18,000 band (25 KHz channel spacing) or 9,000 hand (12.5 KHz channel sparing) the effective baudratewilldegradeasthepacklengthvariableis redrmd. Another itemthatmustbeunderstnodisu'unsmission mrnarmmdtime. Remnber,theESTeemwndsadata puckanndwaitsfnrunmCleromthedestination madembefore anotherpudtetistmumined. Allmdio mnsnfittershaveafimddelayfimethisistheamountcf timeittakesthenansrniuertostabilizenneeitis energizedbeforeitennsenddaxn. IntheESTeemthe delayisappmximately 15 milliseconds one way which includestnnsmitternnn-ontimeandpadtetfinme werheederatotalmrnaroundtimeaoeountingforthe (ACK)nf30 milliseconds. Thereforetotaltimetosenda daupanlretism millimndsplusthetimerequiredto send the data (ie number of bits sent/ 19,200 b/s). APPENDICES APPENDIX “A” FCC INFORMATION (USA Only) APPENDIX “B” SPECIFICATIONS ESTeem Specifications Antenna Specifications APPENDIX “C” TABLESIDIAGRAMS ESTeem Command Error Message Table ESTeem System Status Message Table ESTeem System Error Message Table APPENDIX “D” ESTEEM SOFTWARE COMMANDS Factory Default Settings Definitions INFORMATION TO USERS Wmfimemfipmhasbemmndandfimndm mmplywithlhclimilsfioraClmAdig'ml dcvimmummml’anlinfflwFCCRxflm Time limits ax: dwigned m pmvide msanabl: median spins harmful regulations puip‘mls modunmuittshiddndIlOabm Ifthis quip-neat dam cause inn-hum m mdioorlelcvision, whichunhc determined bymrxfingtkequipmunafiandnmthem ismnagadmuywomwuxdrimufum byoneotmmufthefolluwingmmrns: 4. Plngdwpawetsnpplyfonhcnmdnnimoadifl‘uun afletsoflmmemndmmdmdimxweivexmm rm 1 l' . 5‘ Vuifyflmflxenndflndmsisisuonmedmanaflh pound. 6. Attach a splnbad (FAIR-RITE PN 2643164151) to the 115-732 able. Kw, Musm‘shwldammhflae dalu'uran Theusermayfindthcfnflowingboddfiptqmmdbythc FCChdpfill. "HuwloldmifyandeMRadio—TVW Problnm" WSNWW APPENDlX A FCC LICENSING Thisboddaisavailxliefiomflzusmmkhning Oflin', Washingwn, D.C.20402 - Sde No.004-000- 002454. Appfimfionfismlsfofmefimsemwaihble mflumdfiudflmFCC. Emit: Systuns Tedmnlngy mains a list of mmflmmdeprcfmonaluvicsmammabk mmasdflsuznsasinlimsing. Other Information MMC 25 KHZ Channd Spacing. 19,200 bps No: ENPESTIEVIWZ Emissions Designamr- l7K6F1D 12.5 KHZ Channd Spacing. 9,600 bps No: Msmlm Emim'tms Designs“? IOKBFID 12.5 KHZ Channel Spacing. 19,200bps WWWWM: 2163195 214A EmishnsDesignmar. lOKOFZD Moddlm ZSIGKZChannd Spacing 19,100bps Industry CM Typewaano: 2163195 214A Enfistfiignamr. 17KSFLD APPENDIX A FCC LICENSING mum 25 kHz Channel Spacing. 19,200 bps U.S.A Type Acceptance: NESTED/[1m Emimion Manor. 171mm 12.5 kHz Channcl Spacing, 9,600 bps U.S.A. Type Anmptance:ENPESl'EEM192M Emission Designer. 10mm 25 kHz Channcl Spacing, 19,200bps Canada: TBD E‘s-on Designatm: l7K61-‘1D 12.5 kHz Channcl Spacing, 9,600 bps Canada: TED Emission Dsignamr. 10mm “5.“wa APXA-3 ESTEEM APPENDIX A FCC LICENSING __________-————- _ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FIELD OFFICES M ELLA“ Y 1011 E. Tudor Rd 300 Alumna Blvd 1307 Fuleral Building — Rm 240 Box 2955 PO. Box 50023 111 W. Huron Anchorage, AK 99510 Honolulu. HI Budalo, NY 14202 0 Mi m1 Varick Sm 7840 El Cajun Blvd 3935 Fedzlal Bldg Ncw York, NY 10014 Suite 405 230 S. Dealborn IaMesa, CA 92041 Chicago, 1L 60604 m ‘ 1782 Federal Building 3711 Long Beach Blvd QUISLAEA 1220 SW Std Avenue Suite 501 1009 Edw HM! Bldg Portland, OR 97204 _. Long Beach, CA 90807 600 500111 Sued New Orlcans, LA 70130 M 323A Bunny St mm 404 Sanrmndmcmuu M 730015.me1{ ~ 1017 Geo. Fallon Laugmme, PA w Bufldifls 31 Executive Tower Hopkins Plaza M - 1405 Curtis St Baltimore, MD 747 FedcrnlBuilding Suite 2925 Carlo Charm Ava Denver, CO 80202 Hawkey‘ P11 00918 __ 1600 Cuswmhouse EQFJDA 165 Sun: Sara M 919 Fedzral Bldg Boston. MA 02109 Cabeli Building 51 SE Firsl Ave. 1100 Commerce 4 Miami, FL 33130 MICBQAN Dallas, TX 75242 1054 Federal Building 1211 N, Weslshore 231 W Maya: 5636 Federal Building __ Suit: 601 Delmil. MI 48225 515 Rusk Avenue AD. P. Building Houston, TX 77002 Tamw- Fl- 33607 M5910 691 Federal Building vmgggé ‘ MM 316 N Ruben St. Milimy Circle Massell Bldg. 440 St. Paul, MN 370 N. Military Hwy. 1365 purchase NE Norfolk, VA 23502 —- Adana, GA 30309 550 Brywood Olfioe Tower wggmoggu MEN] 6800 E. 63rd Street 3256 Federal Building 7 7304 Prince Kuhi Kansas City, MO 915 Second Avenue Federal Building Seam. WA 93174 Honolulu, HI wsuww APX A4 ESTEEM 2 [HM APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS ESTeem General Specifications POWER SWITCH: - omen/Rm o RS-2320422/48552mp LED INDICATORS: Power On Receiver Carrier Detect Tmnsmiltcr Enable Link Connect/Disconnect Auto Connect Enabled RS-232CI422/485 Framing Error. IIO - CONNECTORS: - Asynchronous Full Duplex, RS-232C, 115-422 and RS 485 with 25 Pin Sub D Connector. - RJ ll Phone lnterfitce (Onions!) - Antenna Output - TNC connector - Input Power - 2 pin molex ADDRESSING RANGE: - 1m255 MTA INPUTS: SdectabhéOOtnDJOOband 7m8dmbits Evmodiormpafilv Oneortwustopbits WNW” DATA BUFFERS: - Tmnsnfitwoobym - Receive 4000byus FLOW CONTROL: - Hardware or Soflwarc DATA TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL: - Carrier Sensed Multiple Am with Collision Detection (CSMA-CD) ERROR CHECKING: Forward error correction and 32 Bit Cyclic Redundancy Chad; (CRC) with packet admawledgfi and my MINIMUM RADIO TURN AROUND TIME: . <15MS+Data(W/OACK) . <30MS+Datx(W/A(X) APXB-l POWER REQUIREM ENTS: Modelll92C&192F - llTOlSvdc@750maRx 2WR'F 2A TX 4WRF 3A Tx Madel192M - 12ml$VDC@750maRx ZWRF 1.6A Tx 4WRF 2A Tx Modelinv - lllolSVDC@490maRx 85011181? SIZE: - 2 V4 in. Height 0 5 V4 in Width - 10 V. in. Mnglh WEGHT: o 3.21bs. ENVIRONMENT: o -30 T0 50 ° C. . 95% mn-oondmsing WARRANTY: - [Year APPENDIX B SPEClFICATIONS ESTeem Transceiver Specifications ESTeom Model 1920 ESTeem Model 192F :" 19,200bpsQfiKHzChlnmiSM 19,200bu025KHzchanml spacing U.SA. Typl Acesphm: cm: 2103195 114A ENFESTEEM192 Emission MM“: 17KEF1D Em’sflflfl w 17K6F1D 9,000 we i2.5 KHzcnafm-I 5m cm“: 210319521“ 9.50014; 9 ms KHz Channel Spring emu-son mm 10101an USA. Type mam-nee: ENPESTEEM1W Emission w 1 DKBF‘I D 19,290 m Q125 KHZ Cmnnel Sp'fl'ng emu: 21m1952|4h Emmmmmm Dcwmnztszoo — Dcwzmouz g _——1— “0129800“ M'Ww 4w-ns | wan-”nan . . _E_ '- ' TNC Fenian Pansupptycurrfigizvm: 750maReee’Ne ZATm‘leWRFOIApl-ll) SATM 4WRFO u zPLnMoieqm-le) N'DOSO'C. Z'AhJ-I x 57-111!” 1 10‘/nin.L 3.2“. mam-9- Apxm ESTEEM APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS ESTeem Transceiver Specifications ESTeem Model 192m 150m 174 MHZ Digith Synthesized - some smu- mzon bp' 0 as m: Chums! Suclng USA. “pawn-nu: ENPESTEEMI92M Emission D-Ignlmf: 17KSF1D Franny samba II RFD‘lRm 9,600 L». o 12.5 kHz Chlnnei spacing U.S,A. Typo Ammu: ENPESTEEMI QM Embslnn Dam 1DK8F1D 19.200 lip-Q as m: Channel Spacing Canaan: TBD Emission Dam 17K6F1D snooupsgusmzcmmswng Cyndi: TED W: IOKBFID __—::— —_-::_ TWR’MW 4Wflb-vhnl mm __m:— Emma—— mm ——m_ —_mzm— “mm“ LGAYrIMflGWRFOM) 2.0ATmnsni 4WRFO 4. _— _m1_ Ralf-ts] m9: APX 5-3 ESTeem Model 192V TANTBMHZ cum sesame mm:— mKHz 12,5an 19,2mh90020KHzCWSpafl-g u,s_A. Yypo Mme. ENPES‘I’EEMim EmIIlIon Disignaur. 17K5F1D 19,290h91020KHzcmnndsmdm (ll-G.“ TDB Emission Dedgrm: |7KBF1 D chmHz ii 19200-- 0519240014: 1’ QED- “(Hz iv 19313-- SKHZ v 9500" 1wm rssuadwnmumu >5DdBdMMmmurfll -101dBm moan nous 550me 2PinMoIex mal- 40lo¢50°ci IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Modal No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequtncy: Polarization: Impedancn: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Rmh: Horizontal Beamwidth: Vertical Boamwldth: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardware: Antenn- Conmdor: Antenna Envelope: Welgm: Model No: AMBI‘IM Type: Applications: Fuquency: Polarization: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Ratio: Horizontal Bumwldth: Venical Bemnwidth: Amonnn Maiorial: Mounting Hardware: Amonna Conn-dot: Antenna Envelope: Weight: RevitnM-rfl APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS _________-———-——- Model 192C & F Antennas M19C & AAUF Omni-Dimctional. V: Wm MobichwnL 450 to 470 MHZ - M19C 400 In 420 MHz - AAl9F Vertical 50 ohms 2 db. Magneticbaso TNC with 12 feelinlegaIRG-SS mble. léinlengh. Magneflcbaseisinbyhnbylin. I 1b. 5 oz. AAZOC &. AAZOF Glad-Directional, DC pounded, Collinw 5/8 wave application 45010‘70MHz-AA20C 400w420m-Iz-AA20F Vem’ml 500mm 4.515. <1.5 nla 111: 30W suinlcfisteelwhipnndgmmdphnzmdials. All othuhardwmamdizedmem Stainlmssleeldampsformnfingio’liinmlllin. pipewiihdgblanglemounlmdirectmm WPemale(S-239) Math] M19 Jr Model AA!“ 37 ‘AinJcngrhby 16 inwimhwithgoundphncmdialsi 2M APX B4 APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS fl Model No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarizatlon: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: From To Back Ratio: Horizontal Beamwidlh: Venlcal Beamwidth: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardware: Antenna Connector: Maxlmum Power Input: Amenna Envelope: Windload (RWV): Wind Load, Flat Plane (Pb): Lateral Thrust QRWV: Bendlng Moment QRWV: Weight: Model No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarization: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Ratlo: Horizontal Burnwidth: Vertical Beamwidth: Antenna Material: Mounting Ham-re: Antenna Connector. Maximum Power Input: Antenna Envelope: WlndIoad (RWV): Weight: WNW” Model 192C & F Antennas AA201C & AAlOlF Direm‘onal, DC grounded. 8 element yagi. Fixed base. 450 m 470 MHz - M201C 400 in 420 MHz - AAZOIF Vun'ual 50 ohms 11 dB < 1.5 23 dB 42 degrees 50 degrees High strength aluminum painledblack HenvyduryUbollsformonnfingm’Ainlo] ‘Izinpipewithflghtanglcmmniordirect panel muunr. UHF Female (SO-239) 300 Watts 60 in. length by 15 in. width 100 mph .52 14 mph 23 11. lbs. 2 lbs, Model 201 AAZOZC & M202]: Directional, DC grandad, 5 element yagi. Fixed base. 450 In ¢70 MHz - AA202C 400 to 420 MHz - AAZOZF Vertical or Horizontal 50 ohms 10 dB < 145 20 dB 59 degrees 53 degrees High strength aluminum with gold chromite finish. HeavydmyUboltxformwnfinguptoz llsin. pipewithrightanglemoumrsrdirectpanel mmmr. UHF Female (50239) 300 Watts 34.5 in. length by 13425 in: width 100 mph 1.68 lbs. Model 202 AFXB-S Modal No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarization: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: From To Back Rati Horizontal Beam Vertical Beamwidth: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardware: Antenna Connector: Antenna Envelope: Weight: Mod-l No: Antanna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarizatlon: impedance: Gain: VSWR: From To Back Ratio: Horizontal Beamwldth: Vertical Beamwidth: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardwara: Antenna connactor: Antenna Envelope: Powor: Waight: Raf-131W” APPENDlX B SPECIFlCATIONS Model 192M Antennas AAl9M Quid-Directional, %Waw over V. Wave. MobileMormL 150 to ”4 MHZ Vertical 50 ohms Unity < 1.5 to I nla n/a 60 new Rubber duckwhip. ' has: Magnetic . TNC with 12 feet integral 116-58 cabin 11 ialength. Magneticbase l “1501. AAZUM Cami-Directional, DC Granada}. SIB Wave: Fixedbase or mobilemwnfiBg, L shaped maunfingbmdm maybe remnvedfiorpancl mounting Gmnndplxneradialsmybemoved depending on application 150 to 175 MHZ Vertical 50 ohms 3.0dBwithgmrmdplanamdials < 1.5 nla nla 60 do gees ‘ steelwhipandgmmdplammdials. All mhuhardwmanodizedmetal. lsiabySinJyylin. Suinlesssteclclampsiormmmingmflsintolj inpipewithrightanglammmlordireupandmmt. um Female (30:39) mmmghuuumwimhwhhymdpmfiams 200mm libs APX B-6 APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS “ Model 192M Antennas Applications: Fixed base mounting. Anhnnl Type: Directional, 3 Element Yagi, DC Gram E I mency: 150 m 174 MHz % Polarizatlon: Veniml or Horizontal g Impedanca: 50 ohms ‘ Gain: 7.1 dB VSWR: < 1.5 From To Back Ratio: 17 dB Horizontal Beamwidth: 72 degrees Vertical Beamedth: 57 dam Antenna Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum Boom Dismal“: 7/8 in 6061-T6 Aluminum, double wall consmmien Mounting Hardware: Stainlm slml Ubolls formannfing w 1 5/8 in clianmelm'pipe~ Autumn conmctor: UHF Female (SO-239) Maximum Paw-r Input: 500 Wam Anhsnna Envelopc: 42 in. Icngth by 39 in width Wimlload (Rm): 100 mph Wlmi Load, Flat Plan (Ft 1 I: .36 sq. ft anrll Thrust Q RWV: 14.6 lbs. Banding Moment @ RWV: 25.3 11. lbs. Weight: 3 lbs mum-91 APXB-7 ESTEEM Model No: Antenna Type: Applications: anuency: Polarization: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Ratio: Horizontal Bumwidth: Vortical Beamwidth: Amonna Material: Mounting Ham-m: Antenna Connector: Antenna Envelope: Weight: Model No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarization: impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Rut Horizontal lemwn Vertical Beamwidth: Antonna Material: Mounting Hardwarl: Antenna Connector. Antonna Envelope: Weight: WNW?! APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS Model 1 92V Antennas M03 Drum-Directional. ’/4 Wave Mobile Manor. 66 In 79 MHZ Veniml 50 ohms unity with ground plant: < 2 to 1 1113 n/a 60 degrees Stainlss steel whip. Magnetic base: TNC with 12 feel inxegal RG-SS cable. Mimlmglh. Magmicbascumhy sin bylin. lthez. Magnetic base. TNC with 12 feet integral RG-58 table. 17 in. length. Magoaicime 3.5 in by Jinbylin. lthoz. APXB-8 APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS Model No: Antenna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarizaiion: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Ratio: Horizontal Beamwldtll: Vertical Beamwidth: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardware: Antenna Connector: Antenna Envelope: Weight: Model No: Anunna Type: Applications: Frequency: Polarization: Impedance: Gain: VSWR: Front To Back Ratio: Horizontal Beamwidth: Vertical mamwlnih: Antenna Material: Mounting Hardware: Antenna connector. Antenna Envelope: Weiu ht: WNW” Model 192V Antennas M04 Omani-Directional, ‘A wave. Fixed base or mobile mounting L shaped mounting Made: my be removed for panel mounting Ground plane radial: maybe removed depending on applicarjmi 66 lo 79 MHz Veniwl 50 ohms Unity with ground plane radials < 1.5 n/a n/a 60 degrees Slainless steel whip and grmmd plane radial; All othu hardware anodized melal. Sminlesssteeiclampsformmmfiagtny. in lo 15/8 in. pipe with right angle mom UHF Female (5-239) 52m lengihbyiléinwidthwiihgmundplanemdials. 2 lbs. M041 Omni-Directionnl, Ilrwave, loaded FbwdbaseormohilemonnfingLshaped mounnnghmckotmyberemovedfor panelmoimling Gmundplaneradials mayberemaveddependingonapplimtion. 661079MHZ Venice] SOohms Uniiywhhgrmmdplanemrlials . AllSymShmsMessayshxve-bcll(07florCTRLG)preeedingthe meexoeptwhenMessfiormISON‘ IfMlssflorm=OFFLineAwillbedisplnye¢LlfMessfinrm-ONUncBwillbe displayed. 1. A ‘CONNECTEDTOXX' B SSO1-xx Thismessageiseausedbyeilherreeeivingareply fiomsMgOnPackaleeeivingalngOnPackeLor bylypinngNKwhenoonnecledandinthe COMMAND MODE. Uislhe addrmsoftbe modemoonnectedto. 2. A "DISCONNECTED FROM XX" B SSOZ-)o( lesthatyonhavebeendisoonnefledfiomthe deviceymwereoriginallyeonnecledtflnisunil address). 3. A "LINK DOWN“ B 8803 Thismmgeoocursnfiersendingthelastreuydzla paint and receiving no response from the domination node. This mags usually indicates a hard failure —i.e. destination node not energized, wrung band rain, (not compatible between units) improper transmit/receive fiequmq baween nodes, etc. 4. A ICURRENTLY NOT CONNECTED!“ B 8504 TheDisaunnectwasissnedwhilefiiemodemwasnot connectedwamtlmmodcmorwhumistyped intheCOMMANDMODEwhenywarenot connected. mmhummmmmnmwm memmilnvmode. 5. A “FAILED T0 CONNECT!" B 8505 Thismessagemrsifthemodcmfaflswwnm wuss-p96 84 10. APX (3-2 A ‘FAILEDTO DISCONNECTI‘I B 5806 Thismwgeoowrsiflhemodemsmoonnened andmnnahlewdisoonnecl. A "USING FACTORY DEFAULTS" B 8507 Thisonmmandmnwhenfnmydefmllshave beenenahled. A ‘REMOTEPROGRAMMING' B 3308 ThixnmsageisdisplayedwhenmeES'l‘wnhas heeuplaeedintheremmepmgrammingmode. A “PHONE MODEM CONNECTED. INFRARED PORT DISABLED“ B $309 This message is displayed when the ESTeem plume port has rweived an incoming all. A ‘PHONE MODEM DISCONNECTED. INFRARED PORT ENABLED“ B 581 D This mange is displayed when the ESTeem part has been disconnected APPENDIX C SPECIFCATIONS ESTeem System Error Message Table unedbdowanmeEsreunSystemEmrMcssassandtheirmnifinns. TomcdwthesenessagnTYPSfl/STEMW beON(SeeAPPENDD(D,DEFleONS). AllSyslemSmnnMusageshmabeflmfilotCmLprwfinsthe mmwhcnmsfonniSON‘ IfMessfonn=OFFLineAwillbedizplxyei EMM=ONLinemebe diwlayed 1. A "NOVRAM FAILED“ B 5501 Emismsponseisleceivedaflerasavqlhereiu hardware problem with the ESTeem's NOVRAM Cirminy. 2A A l‘ROMFAILED" B 8502 lfmismsponseisreedvedafinaMmereisa handwarepmblem withdseESTee-m's ROM Circuitry. Miser” APXC-J ESTEEM APPENDIX D SOFTWARE COMMANDS Factory Default Settl ng Listedbelow is a listing oflhe EST-n- soflwan eommands ad their Faanry annh settinfi mum H SETU mg APPENDRU = 255 ADDRESS - 1 A__BCI'RL - OFF CONNEcr COMMAND - 3 G‘E_CTRL - OFF CONvms EDIT = ON 101mm - OFF DISCONNE MESSFORM = OFF MODchL = OFF FACTORY NETWORK = 37 MOORE = OFF HELP PACKLENG - 2000 one = OFF MULTED = OFF PROWI‘ - ON PLC_MAST = OFF PACIKMON = OFF RErRY - s SQDADD = o PHONE s: OFF SENDPAC = 13 SQDCTRL = OFF RADIO = OFF SETCON = 2 RESET TERMCONT = OFF ROUTE = o TERMTIME - so RESTORE = 0 mm - OFF SAVE msysm =ON TRANSPAR= OFF HELP RS-232 1151.2 SYSTEM HEM!!! AUTOLF = ON ALTEREIR = CARBSY = 1 BLOCK = OFF ALTEROUT = OFF FRACK = so DTR_ENAB = OFF 00me LAT ECHO - ON DISACK = OFF MODULATE - ON MODECONT - OFF MODEL = 19C RANDOM = OFF XHFLOW = OFF POLLED = OFF RFCYCLES - 10 XSFLOW = ON PROGRAM = RXDATA = REMFROO = ON RXEND = SECURITY = OFF RXSIGNAL - OFF SIN - 0 513.1111 - 56 TXSTAT SEIJNl - 86 VERSION = 1.0v mum = 960 SQUELCH = wssgpw APXD—l ESTEEN APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS Definitions Listed below in alphabefital order are the definitions at the ESTeem soflware commands. ox: mm OFF: Disabled This funeu‘un enables the Allen Bradley controller protnooL F0 mnherdemil MMEST ' - r ‘ Fanoryddnull=0FE m, m. . ON: Enabled TheAPPEndmcomman-iappendsmmaoonm OFF: Disabled. addrcsfi that are defined Ivy the ROUTE. command Factory default = OFF. 1# = mention ofrome number in membxy. Address kxxlions l to 16. § é a% i, unit addressing. Address 255 isused fur GLOBAL. numbers from 1 to 254. ALTEREh'm-ZSG) g gdmtillpfmmmisenabledhyimerfinsalinthis Thiswmmnndspecifiesmemmberufreuifiwenabfish nlinkundenheALTEROUI‘commAm-L Thiswmmand = ~ - is' l tflomtheRETRYcommmd quryddmrlt 0. APPEndrundrsahlestmslhan-re. Fmdcfii‘flt‘l» Note: Thisccmmandisusedinounjuncfinnwilhfln ROUTECommmd. Me: Win AL-rmnom = on, the may variable WWWWMMESmemmk vhmngh the ALTEROUl‘ table before displaying an m" (“mm 'Link]sDown"memge, Thismmandenablestheamnlinefeedsemwthe minalafiereachearrixgerenun —AL1EROUT(on/ofl) ' Thismmmndaflawsthenwmdfinefmnahemmc 81:1", 33:1 mmwhenihissofiwareswitchisemhledtheESTeem ‘ willprompttheuselforfvuraddixionmodcmaddrw mem=on ordeflinall'DMJtisnotedihatadeainnfiunusing WWWMMKMMBMW wnnmwmcspecificuniiaddmsedor BLOcuonIofi') "DESTINATION OONNECTEDTOANO‘I‘HEI TthLOCKuommaniwheuembled. disablstheRS- NODE'isenewmeredthemonAflirytcoonm 23204?”485wmmuniafionspoflfiomrmcivingor nsinganaltemmronlell'bemodemwillmnrmne “WSW selecfionwilhihelasxrmrlcnsedmtheSETCONN variableTheAL‘rERETmemandwillwaminnhe ON: Eesbled numberofuiesmeESTeemwillmemptwmnnea °FF= mm bdoreiiswilchfilolhenmromedmmdintheiahle. mmmmtvalueisor-‘F mew Arxm ESTEEM APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMAN DS Definitions Listed below in alphabetiml order are the definitions of the ESTeern soflware command; GARbsyw-ZSG) ' oommanddefinestheumierbuaydelayin mill'rseconds Avalneowaifldisahlethecan-ierhnsy delay. Factorydd'ault-l. COMMInd (0-255) miscommandspecifiesthevaluedndocimalnfan ASCB character med to mun-n the ESTeem to COMMAND MODE, lithe COMMAND character is readhvy the EST... when in the CONVERSE MODE, the modemwill exit to the COMMAND MODE. A value offiinthiseommndwilldisablethefimction Famory ddanlt = $03 (Hex) or CTRLC. couuectmnnm) ThiscommandperformstheOONNECl‘toadesfinaxiun BSTeem. Thisfimctionsupponsadirectconnectora conneclthmuhammdmumofthree repaternodes. Thedd‘aifltvnlueiswhxteveraddlesshmheenfioredby theSEFCon COMMAND. rl =ESTeetnaddnss (1 10254) ofrepeater 1. r2=EST-addrus(l m254)ofrepenter2. r! -ESTeemaddrm(1tn254)nfrepu1er3. da=Deflinationaddrusa to254). mmfidnofthismmmandcnmesanimmedialeadt EmmCOMMAND MODE intoCON'VEISE MODE. comm mmfimdthisoommandewssthewpyright informafiontobeprimed. DiSACK (onion) This command when enabled inn-ins the modem to disable the acknowledgment request on the infurmafion packet. Thisisnsedwhenthedesignationdevioewill respond with its own acknowledgment. Factory default = OFF. w9Sq97 APX D-3 DlSCONnectU-Z“) Thediseonneetmmand. Theareanionofthis eommandimmediatelyinifimesadlseonnecueqnestwith themrendyeonnectednodeorinamild-oonneet envnonmemonlyaspecificnodemaybeaddresed. TheDTRenahleemnmand. Thiswmmandwhen enabled, allowstheESTeem modemlomonitor pin 20d theRS-Z32Coonnecmrinregardstathestzwsnfnn externaldevioeoonnectedtoit. ON: Enables monitoring the DTR signal on pin 20 of the 115-2320 conneaor. IfD‘l'R is at a space condition. when the modem is enabled. lfDTR is at a mark condition, then the ESTeem modem willbedisabled. Thenormaloperafionofthis IineisfortheESTemmodemtohavestatuson the external device, out-putting to pin 20. This lineeanutasastamstotheESTeemwhenthe external device is ready to mnsmit or receive data. OFF: Disabled Factory defilnlt = OFF. Note: lftheD'l'Roommand is enabled andthe Lineis disabled then the ESTeem will perform a "Disconnect" if connected Thisoommand enablesflwESTeemwechochax-aders meivedfinmtheinptndevioebadflotheinpuldevioe. ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled. Fadory default = ON. Thiseoxnniandenablesthe EDlennclions fmmthe CONVERSE Mode. Factory default = ON. ESTEEM APPENDlX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS Definitions Listed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem snfiwm commands Thetamrydefllflicommzndmacwifionofihis Hfl-PRADIO DisplaysRadiocommnds eommandausslhefis’l‘eemwmnlhecommnd msmw- _ tablevalnesfiomfamryvaluesthatm fiend HFJJ’ RS-232 Displays R5232 commands pemnenflyinmgmmyl’hiswiflallowthensenhe , ability tometheESTee-ntofamry eondifiomduring swllclles and arguments. reeling or set-npi HELP SETUP Displays Setup commands switches" “aw“ Thismmmandpmgmmsunfi-amexcknowledge delayin HEP STE! - mmands '" milliseconds Thisvalucisusedasaminimnmtime SY mmfirgz‘m before dememenfingthewycmmlandxemsmilfinga WM‘WWW'MMW“ w This command enables the General Elem-la controller ON‘ Enabled pmlocoL For further information please demo: the OFl'T' D sabled. EST Engineering Report on Genenl Electric convene: ' - m Factory default = OFF. mm — OH": Disabled. Lalchenheselecfionoflhedesiredsuinlfieqnmcy meydefamwOl-‘E synthesizkronlhe'lxlllxmd Whenenablcdallofflwsyslemmmsandenolmfisagee I-lfll’swiicbesm: willbeinamxmattedfnnn. _ HELP Displayslhisflglpmmu "xx" indium what mtmmssagfiSeeEn-or Messages and System Slams Messages). fl HELP ALL Displays All commands switches and argumems. dex [ESTee-n Em: Messages] SExx [System Error Messages] 1-131) CHANGE Displays only the commands that SSH [Syswn Stan“ Mesascs] -— are changed from factory mum SSxx-xxxx [System Sums Memge W/Reulnled Value] Hm comm Displays Conn-o] 00mm: on: Enabled _ swilches and mm“. OFF: Disabled Hal? PLC Displays PLC commands flvilches Factory default = OFF. _ and nrgnmmls. Raid: 9 Sq: 77 APX D4 ESTEEM , ,fl/‘fl—-—a—— APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS Definitions LifledbdowinalphabeficalordermthcdfinifiomoflheESTeemsofiwmmmmandsA Modecontr (on/om ON: The modcnftheESTeem modemismmmlled by pin 19 oflhe RS-232C (311mm. A low (0) directs the ES’l'eem into the COMMAND modal Ahigh(l)dixectstthSTecminw CONVERSFJTRANSPARENT moth OFF: The mod: ufthe ESTeem modem is onmmlled by ASCII chammcr. Factory default = OFF MODEL(xx) Displaysthcproduamodzlofdcfanllfirmwamthatis installed. Modelshwldbexlwsameaspmduuhdng used. Lisledbelowmdnmodclwds 19C = ESTeem Model 192C 1917 = ESTeem Model 192F 19M = ESTeem Model 192M 19V - ESTacm Model192V Mmmmdmbmmmmmnuml. FurfinflurdemilencetheESTEnginmingllgpofl onModimn wmxollerimufxcing, OFF: Disabled. Factory ddaull = OFF. monumm/ofi) mm modulate command. Whencnabledwill mnsmitanndrdnledmsipmlwhznthekADlOON commandisenabled. ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled The factory defilull value is OFF MO0RE(oflIofl) ThisfimtfionmbleslheMnorepmdlwtsnsingl-lan protocol. Forfimhetdztailsrefzrcnonhclisl‘ EngineefinchponnnMomePM-usimmfacing margin APX D-S ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. Factory default = OFF. MULTID (onlofl) This command when enabled allows the ESTeem User to send data to anolhzr ESTeem from the CONVERSE MODEby specifyingthe mudngaddmssbeforethgdata. ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. Factory default = OPT Example Of Transmitted Dita: [001]DATA Routes dam to an ESTeem addrssed 1. [100,200,250,11DATA Runes data to an EST.- addmxd 1 via ESTeems addmssud 100, 200, and 250. ThismplaaesnsingflieCONNEC‘l'eommandfivmthe COMMANDMode.Recdvedda1apackelswlllhavethe addrmsufthnESTeemlhalsenlthcdalautheheginning oflhedatapacku. Emplemxeceivedn-u: [0041RECEIVED DATA Dam received from an ESTeem addressed Q Data received from an EST-am addrmed 4 via ESTeems addressed 30, 100, and 244. [030,100,244,004] NETwork (0-256) Network idenlifimion uncle. This is used In pmyam a mmmoncodgforallmodemsinflwcustommmmrk sothalannthcrihcililyonyomfi'equncyusingthesame addrmwil] notintcrfcmwithywrnripmm Factory ddault = 37. FSI'EEM APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS _________—-———— Definitions Liswdbelow in alphabetiul order are 111: definitions ofthe ESTeem soflware wmmanfi OPTO (onloff) anmq (hex 5) Emmapolling E_STe=m. Duringnnn Thisfimnionenablfitthpwnpmmml. Forfimhzr WMMESTmmmth-nfiflwmbe ON: Enabled will (nusmit the comm of its msmit bufler when a ENQ (hex 5) is waived. PACKIeng (1-2000) OFF: Disabled fiswmmanddeflmsthelenglhoflhedatapackuin Facmrydcfmflt=0FE mmm,‘:dm‘f:m‘fim*“’mm PM “E ESTeem i” m Pad“ “mm“ m Fm"? ESTeem unil. Example FROG 10 (Unit 10 is the address — WFOFF‘ ofthemnotcnnit) Whenawnnwfionhasbeenmndz “Wmm‘m‘km ”WWW PHone (onloll) Th: RPG prompt ls the command prompt mm mm: _ Phone port enablc command The ESTeemwill answex Wu. an mmmmg all what enablecl Now: See REMPROG Cammand. UN: Enabled. —‘ OFF: Disabled. PROMpt (on/off) The factory Mann value is on. T‘” ”ml" “b” “m fl ON: Thememplmponssarecnablei Thesem theymmptsforConverseotTmnsModflhal ngammablelogicmmflucLQoommand. mmmnuyouqymfmmtheRS-zncgrial _ ponbytheESTeem. ON: Whmmableithelis'l‘eemmodmwillidcnfify OFF: WM (hedsiredmulefiomlhcmaslfll’lfimmge. _ mESTeem modemwillonly idemifyfllel’LC Fmowm= 0“ mummiflhcmmmmmandisenahled mum. OFF: mESTeemmodcmmnbcoonflguredaslo Thcmdiou-ansnfimenablewmmani WESTeem ‘ inurfaoelnaslavePLC. mdinnansmiflflwillcycleonandnflwhznenabledfor mmngandanwnnncsfingp Factory dcfallll = OFF. _. ON Enabled. POLLad (onlofl) OFF Disabloi when enabled the ESTeem will only transmit the . _A ounlcmsofilsimemalnansmilbnficrwheninweivu ThefinorydmuvalunsOl-‘F wsww APXD-6 ESTEEM , 1/— APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS Definitions Listed below in alphabetical order an the definitions of the ESTeem soflware commands. RANdom (onldl'l) TheRANDOMcommandwhenenabledwillsenemea simulatedmndnmdamontpmwhentheRADIOON command is enabled ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. The factory dd‘ault value is OFF REMPMI (On/0") ThiseommandwilldisflbletheESTeemfi'ombeing remmely programmed by any umber ESTeem ON: Enablul OFF: Disabled The Mary default value is ON. TumfiwamresetcommandforlheESTeem. The exewtionofthiscommxndmtheinmaldmnics intheESTeem. REsTom mmowoommnd. Theexecnfionofthisoommand m the ESTeem command variables and switcbfi configulafions stored in nnnvolafile manory. RETry(1-255) Themn'yonmxnnndmnnber. Thisislhenumber specifyingthe numbernfmrls, mnsmisfionof fiammstarenmadmuwledgd. Framax'e renansminedRE'l'RYdmahdoreoperadmisabomi Factorydcfanll=6. RFcyclu ThisemnmanddefimsthenumbetofcychflheESTeem wiflu-ansmilwhenpmgmmmedwiththeRADIO CONEMAND. Factory default = 10. wqu APX D—7 ROUTe (H,l‘l.f2.r3,) TheROU'l‘EselsnplhemulelableinLheESTwm HI = Usudeflnedmllenumbcr.knulenumbets lloleaybeused. rl = Addmssoffixstmpenter.Addmssnumbers fiomllozsdmaybeused. a - AddlssofsewndmpemenMdms numbetsflomlmlflmyhensed. [3 = AddnssofihirdrepealmnAddmsm-mhefi fi'omltoZSdmaybensed. New: See APPENDR U Command. Factory defiault = Ol menu-255) Thisuommanddefinesthetimfimilliwonds) the receiverwaitsafieramflietdewclbeforemrfingthe lecu'veseqnenae. This valuisopfinn'zndallhefacmry nndshmldnotbechnnyd. Factory default= ll RXEnd (1-265) Thiseommanddefinesthetime(nzilliseeonds)wwai she: the last character is received before xeinifializing the receivu. Fmrydcfxuh=L RXSIGNAL (on/om Thiscumnmndenablesxhesignallonoiserafinmfla output, Onnpmlevelvafiesflomom248(248bm‘ngthe hishefi reading). ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled Faum'y default = OFFA APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMANDS __________—-——— A Definitions Thnavecommaml Theexemmonofthucommand Mammmcdwfimfionmfirm stomahcumcmmndvalmandmmhea Esrammperfomawnneausingmmmnm fauna. Thxsfimcuon supports adnremwnneanu Name: Please waitapproximrzlymasecands nfia‘ connemhmngha masdmnmofthree repeatfls‘ “— executing the SAVEcammami before running of powerrotheBSTeem rl=ESTemaddrss(lw254)ofxepeatet 1. I2=ESTeemm(lln254)ofrepuur2, — SECUNTY (ofi or 1. 100000) rs = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 3. Thesecnrnyoommand disablespmgmmmingm da=Dminnlionaddl$sflto254l “M [£12 110100000 msfeanueisenabledwhznymenma SerialNumbcroommand Whmmlndframthe numberfi'omlmlooflofl W'hmmabled CommdModelwiflm-mfltheESTeemseflalnumbet tthSTeemwillmmaSecurityON ofthcuninhatisddinedstmzfimafmanufimum. ~ mange. To disable secnn'ty emu SECURi‘Ym yams yourpredcfinedsemlfitymlmbfl- ThisfimaionenablfimcSquareDwmllupmml. ‘ mdisabldtheESTeemwfllmma FmfimhudmilknfeflncetheESTEnginwinchpon Sew“? Wmeflse- on Squall: D controller inmrfming. on Securitydisabled 7 SENDPACK (0-255) Thllifimcuonlsusfllwnhthc SQIIKZ'I'RLOti‘lflfllfll'ld‘o Sendpackn(SENDPACK)command.mvnlu mlmmfmwhmuflng DNetwolk anASCIIdmchumdwsgnalwhenlnsend WWW.PMfimberdemdsmfemcetheEST 1h: Ifsamavalueonssmoommdns WgWonmsQ-Dmmuu. " Fadmy default = 0. msmmmmmmmw fieqnency. medefmmcModd 1920-50. nisoommnnddfinflsthcsqudchthmholdofm — ’°°°'“°"”‘“°“°‘°"“"‘°m: " seumn-m) TthEUAlcmnmandsetsmcn-ansoeivafouspedfic 0 = -101dBm 244V fieqnency. Factorydcfauthde] 192C)=86. 1 = -93dBm suv _ 2 = ‘87dBm IOuV 3 = Joann: 70W msEJNZwmmndsctstnaxiverforaspedfic frequency. Factmydgfzult (Model 192C)=960. Fmdefmnh-O, A wssqas‘l APXD-8 ESTEEM “ I’M/J APPENDIX D SOFTWARECOMMAN DS Definitions Listed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the EST..- soflware commands. The RS-232C/422/485 receive (armimninn timer. ON: lfthmamchamcrsinlheRS-Znhufl‘crand themodcmisinConverseMude,lhe teminafionfimerfiansfmmihflimflhclzfi reudvechamuzrisnpdmedinflnhlflu. Ifthe urminafionfimccxpimbeforennmher chamerismeivedlhechamclcrsam transmimed. OFF: Disabled Factory default = OFF. TERMTme (1 M5535) The RS-232CJ422/485 meive rumination firm: value. This value ambe 1010 65535 mfllimonds. Thisvalne is enabled by TERMCONT. Factory Mull = 50. TRANSPAR(onIofl) mmnspamntmodewmmani'l'hx‘smndenllowsthc ESTemlinkmbecomplelclynnns-pmmmm communicating ns-zsmzmss devices, Reference Chapur 2. ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. Faaoxy default = OFF. TXSTAT Thiscommandnulpulsthewlalnumberofrf Bamisionsvsihemalnumbuofiefiifi. Afier umpmisoomplelaitheoounlerixmued. This command enables the Communication Error Masaags. ON: EnablecL OFF: Disabled. Fmry dgfaull = OFF. mm (onlofi) muss-p97 APX D»? ThiseummandenablmtheSyswmandErmrMessage Commands. ON: rambled. OFF: Disabled. Faclury default = ON. nismmmandwilldisplaythemmntsofivmmvcrsion beingusulbytheESTeem. XHllwt (on/off) This command enables hardware flaw aonnoL ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. Factory defmllt = OFF. XSIlow (on/om This command enables sofiware flow comm]. ON: Enabled. OFF: Disabled. Factory delimit = ON.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:05 14:03:03 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:05:05 14:03:04-04:00 Page Count : 86EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools