Electronics 1637287A E-BOOK User Manual Use manual
Electronics Co.,Ltd E-BOOK Use manual
Users Manual
INSTRUCTION MANUAL nu snub“! IMnni POWERED BY kOb q,— iiTANT Pwease read (ms user manum and me hmllanon a! habmty before nperatmg TECHNICAL SUPPORT (866) 204—471 4 www.LiteratiReader.com/support (a?) RECYCLING PROGRAM Certain components from your Literati should be recycled rather than disposed of in the trash in order to protect the environment and comply with certain state laws. When you are prepared to dispose of your Literati, please contact us so that we can arrange to recycle your Literati for you Call us toll-free to participate: (800) 374-2744 Please read the limitation of liability prior to using your new Literati”. Keep this instruction manual as it contains important intormation tor luture reterence. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of The Sharper Image” LiteratirM Wireless Reader. With its vibrant color screen, built-in bookstore. rechargeable battery. and expandable memory, it Will change the way you readl POWERED BY KOBO Your Literati gives you access to over two-million books for downloading and purchasing through its builtrin bookstoreThe bookstore is powered by Kobo Books. one of the world's largest online bookstores — backed by partners Borders and Canada-based indigo Books (one of the largest bookstore chains in Canada). Kobo provides enormous llexihility to its readers. Once you download or purchase content from Kobo. you will be able to read it on all other Koborpowered devices 7 on notjust your Literati, but also smart phones running Kobo‘s free eReading app and computers running Kobo's desktop software. Buy a title once. lake it with you, and read it on whatever deVice you choose! To download or purchase books, you will be asked to create an account With Kooo, it you don't already have one That account Will allow you to access Kobo‘s store on your Literati. online. and on other Kobo-powered devices. You can manage your Kobo account on the web or on your Literati. UPDATING YOUR LITERATI"w Sharper Image“ is dedicated to ensuring that you enjoy your Literati lor years to come. As we develop new enhancements and features, your Literati will automatically prompt you to update. Please reterto the included quick start guide or page 10 ol this manual for details on the update process. The most recent version of these instructions Will always be available at www.LiteratiReader.com/support. TABLE OF CONTENTS NAVIGATING VOUR LITERATI'" .. Usmg me Drreelronal Pad Uslng me Menu Buncn szrlllln UP YOUR LITERAIIW' .... Chalge Yaur Lrleralr Explore Vmir Llleratl Connecl lo a Wrreless Nerwerk creale a Knlm Account and Slgrl rn THE I'M READING TAB . Navrgalrrrg Vouv I‘m Reading Lrsl vnun anuxs/uamv ma . Navlgatlng chl Backs Llst crrangrrrg lrre Books Page Sort arderrng Sumng Yaur Tllles Removlng Titles lrorn Volir Lllerall Addrng Removed Trlles Back to Your Lilerali mmme ml vnun LITERATI'" .................. Paglng Navrgalrrrg Vouv Bunk Changlng lrre Typelaee and anl Slze Bookmarking stoma TAB . . . Navrqalrrrg lne Bookstore WlFl Networking Uudallng Your Lrleralr The Kuhn smre PURCHASING A BOOK .. Srgnrng in a. Crealrrrg an Accounl Bllllng lnlorrnalron Viewing Vorieroorinl Prelerenees Synclng Vulil lerary MANAGING vnun ssmuss ...... Ovelvlew Brrgnlness Semrrgs WlFl Semngs Dale & Trrne Semrlgs Advanced Semngs ADDING nouns ......... Sources Tor Books Banks lrorrr Knbobunks corn Banks lrorn Voul anzl Llhrary Books lrorn Olhev Sellers Melnods lor Addlrlg Books Add Books Usmg lne Kuhn Deskmp Appllcatlun Add Books Wrrelessly Add Books Uslnq an so nard Add Books ny Dragglnq and Dropplng Them anm Volir Lllelall Add Books Uslng AnnlhevAppllcallon JO USING THE SD CARD SLOT .. Kano DESKTDP APPLICATION . lg LIMITATIDN OF LIABILITV 20 LICENSES - LGPL ..... GNU Lesser Genelal Publlc Llcense Preamble Terms and Condilrorrs lor oeoyrng, Dismbutlon and Modrlicalion No warranly LICENSES - an. Tne GNU Genel Preamble Terms and Oondillons lor Capylng. Dislnblitlon and Modrliealion Ne Warranw LICENSES - MIT .. Exoal XML Parser lexmlz Llcenses , BSD Federal Cornrnrirricalion Commisslon lnlerlererree Slalernenl lnduslry Canada Statement E Ramallml Exposure Slammer“ 24 NAVIGATING YOUR LITERATITM sn card smuge Add: stovage capacity ,—| uslng an nptmnai (not lnciufled) su Reset Button Restarts the device Mm” Ca” (“V “i 3 GB) wnen apapemiip is inserted. < ”mam“ "13:81! m1 at dale. < > Paging < > Paging Bununs gum"; In sunuu lulu Iflflflflfllflflflli a Name “BIB flflflifl Menununnn Ill!!! I flflifllxckflunun n H u I H . H I aDiifl|HV7Eflfl_Bfl a DELIunnn J \— enirectinnal Pan (n-Pau) use Pun Connects yum Literati m yew computer 0 Svmhol lumen I! caps—Luck Power Jack: Charges your Lnemn You can navigate ynur Literati using the following buttons: a Direcfinnal Pad (ll-Pad): Use In navigate uni duwnilefi‘ and ngnl The centev human ads as “seisct” button < > Paglng eunpns Aiiews you to move towers! and backwards between pages a Menu lunun Accesses yum Libvary‘ System and unpiay Settings, and Help. a nisnlav Miuflthehvigmness‘fnnt‘andionisize Aisn‘chunsethedisniavimmaiuflh Banks” Libravy‘ tab a Home Button Relumsiuvuur“ m Reading“ tab Bank lunnn Retuvns hack m previous seenun nr screen DEL lunun Deistes the cnmetev ien m the cuvsnr symhul Bunnn Opens a mum keypad mat aiiaws you m seiect new a "$1 of communiy used Mmflvanmc symbols Use this to access the @ symbui wnen iyvillg eman addresses cups-Luck Toggles the keyboard between iowemase and uppercase typing NAVIGATING YOUR LITERATITM (cant I USING THE DIRECTIONAL PAD ' WHEN ON A HOME SCREEN TAB To select items. use the D—Pad fl buttons to highlight your choice. then press the center button to select. ' WHEN READING You can increase or decrease yourfont-size b clicking up or down on the D-Pad fl. Vou can use the left or right buttons to move orvvard or backward. page by page USING THE MENU BUTTON Vou can use the Menu button “to open and close the navigation menu, which has these options: - I'M ammo A iist or books you have started reading ' LIBRARY/BOOKS A list ol books stored on your Literati - STUHE The builtrin bookstore powered by Kobo. - blctlnuARv Look up a word in the built-in dictionary. - DISPLAV Access fontrsize and Iypelace settings while reading Change prelerences tor layout at Library/Books tab. - smmos Adyust brightness. set date and time. change your wireless network settings or access advanced configuration options. ' HELP Access the bulII'ln Help Page lor the tab that you are Viewmg. TIP: You can close the “MENU" at any time by clicking ieit on the D-Pad fl. BRIGHTNESS SETTINGS To ensure a comfortable reading experience you can adjust the brightness ol the screen to your liking and environment.There are two ways to adyust the bri htness: (1) Press the Display button E and use the DrPad to highlight and selectADJUST LEVEL under the Brightness heading in the menu. (On certain tabs, pressing the Display button 9 Will take you directly to the brightness level selection menu.) —0R7 (2) Enter the “OVERVIEW" section of the settings page (see top of page). Use the D—Pad Q to navigate until Backlight Level is highlighted Use the lelt and right buttons to adiust brightness. 1. CHARGE VOUR LITERATI Using the supplied power adapter, plug in your Literati to charge. Make sure you have charged your Literati tor at least 6 hours before iirst use After charging, unplug the power adapter and begin enjoying your new Literatil BA'I'IERV WARNING - The device is not user serviceable. Never attempt to disassemble the device for any reason - Built-in rechargeable battery cannot be removed - Do not overcharge the device. 2. EXPLORE YOUR LITERATI Power on your Literati and begin exploring using the D-Padfl and Menu button a .As you explore, you Will notice three tabs at the top oi the screen - I’M READING A list of titles you have begun to read. (Details about navigating this tab can be iound on page 7.) - BOOKS/LIBRARY A list of titles loaded onto your Literati and ready to read. (Details about navigating this tab can be tound on page 8.) ' STORE The built-in bookstore powered by Kobo, with access to overtwo million titles (Details about navigating this tab can be found on page to.) TIP: You can access these tabs through either the Menu button W or by using the D-Pad Q to navigate to and selecting the tab you would like to open. 3. ENJOY YOUR FREE BOOKS Vour Literati comes With access to t 50 preselected treasured classics. 25 of those titles have been preloaded onto your Literati so that you can begin enjoying them immediately. Vou‘ll find these books under the “Books"/“Library“ tab. When you create a user account and first login on your Literati (details on page 12). you will be prompted to select which oi the additional 125 tree books you would like to load onto your Literati. 4. CONNECT TO A WIRELESS NETWORK Vour Literati comes With a built-in bookstore With access to overtwo-niillion titles. It‘s just like your local bookstore, but with more titles to choose from In orderto access the bookstore, you Will need to connect your Literati to a Wireless (WiFi) network. Details about connecting to Wireless networks can be found on page to. 5. CREATE A KOBO ACCOUNT AND SIGN IN Downloading or purchasing titles couldn’t be simpler. Just Sign in with your Kobo account and start browsing! Details about creating a Kobo account and signing in can can be iound on page 12. THE I’M READING TAB The Pm Readmg lab shows you a Ilst of mles you have started readmg, and |s ordered chronolagrcany wnh your lastrread (me or subscnption first. fl SN Y-xk “mu 5 ‘ 7325‘T"}‘f"‘”'"“‘""‘"’ ' THE I'M mums PAGE ‘ Mn-mmr- ”15mm llulmrl ‘ lellml ‘ mm, mums mm. ‘ Thr-nl) Thu-(Mud w m NAVIGMING YOUR I'M READING LIST Vou can use the up and down buttons on (he D-Pad 8m move through the mes on a page. Use the fight and left bunons In move In the hex} and prevlous pages m the hst. Clicking a mle wiH open h. and wMI bring you back to me \ast page were reading YOUR BOOKS/LIBRARY TAB The Books/Library ml) displays both purchased and tree titles loaded onto your Literati. BOOKS PAGE ' BDDKS PAGE (COVERS ANDTEXT ONLY) fl icovEns oMvaiEwi NAVIGATING VOUR BOOKS LIST . Vou can use the D Pad Bro move around the list of titles or book covers. Use the center button on the D-Pad to ogen the highlighted item You can naviga e tot e next page in the list using the paging buttons( >. CHANGING THE BOOKS PAGE SORT ORDERING you clantsort and lilter your titles by clicking the Menu button a and using the DrPad E 0 se ec : ' BV TITLE Sorts Books alphabetically, by title. ' BV AUTHOR Sorts Books alphabetically, by author’s last name. ' OPEN Shows only those books you have started reading ' NEW Shows newly—downloaded and purchased content. Alternativelyuyou can access these same options on the sub—navigation bar, located under the main navrgation tabs. SORTING VOUR TITLES Vou can change the we the Books/Library section is shown by choking the Display button E and using the D-Pad to select one oi the loiiowing options: ' COVERS AND TEXT Shows your library With covers, title, author and reading status in a concise list. ' COVERS ONLY Shows your library With covers, using a visual bookshell. REMOVING TITLES FROM VOUR LITERATI Vou can remove titles lrom your Literati by signing into your online account at kobobooks.com using your computer's browser. Once signed in, click “Library“ to see the list ot titles in your account Vou can remove a title by checking the box associated With it and clicking “delete." The title will be removed when you next synchronize your Literati over Witi. NOTE: Vour removed hook is still saleAlthough it will not be shown on your Literati, it is still associated With your Koho account and can be loaded back onto your Literati in the future. WARNING: It you enter the Trash area on kobobooks.com and click “permanently delete.“ titles Will be permanently deleted lrom your Koho account and Will not be able to be restored to your Literati ADDING REMOVED TITLES BACK TO YOUR LITERATI If you have removed ibut not permanently deleted) titles trom your Literati. you can restore them by signing into your online account at kobobookscom using your computer‘s browser. Once signed in. click “Library" and then click “Trash" to View the titles you have removed. To restore atitle, check the box associated with it and click “Undelete " The title Will be restored to your Literati when you next synchronize your Literati over wlTl. READING ON YOUR LITERATITM FACING While reading on your Literati. you can use the paging buttons< >on either side at the screen to go to the next and previous pages of the book content 5&wa TIPzAIternatively, you can use the right and left buttons on the D—Fad i to go to the next and previous pages, respectively. NAVIGATING VOUR BOOK While reading. you can use the Menu button a to access the following options ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Opens the Table of Contents where you can select a specitic chapterrroni the book. Selecting a chapterwill take you to the start of the chapter. Vou can exit the table of contents and return to the current page by pressing the Menu button fl. ' NEXT CHAPTER Goes to the beginning ol the next chapter. ' PREVIOUS CHAPTER Goes to the beginning ol the prevrous chapter. ' OVERVIEW Opens the book synopsis page NOTE: Availability or synopsis/overview iniormation is subject to the soltware used by the text’s publisher. It may not be available for all titles With the synopsis open. you can start reading the book by clicking the center oi the D-Pad fl . It the book has already been open. clicking the D-Pad a returns you to the most recently read page. CHANGING THE SCREEN BRIGHTNESS To ensure a comfortable reading experience you can adjust the brightness ol the screen to your liking and envrronrnent.To adjust the brightness, press the Display button a and use the D—Pad a to highlight and selectADJUST LEVEL under the Brightness heading in the menu.This Will open a submenu thatWill allow you to choose a brightness level. CHANGING THE TVPEFACE AND FONT SIZE Vou can adjust the size oi the text and the typeiace/lont to your liking by pressing the Display guttgrfi fl .Vou have a choice ol rive font sizes. Also, you can choose between a SEMI or a Sans eri ont. TIP #1 You can change the font-size by using the up- and down- directions on the D-Pad fl. TIP 132 You can close the “DISPLA " menu at any time by clicking left on the DrPad fl NOTE: Vou cannot change the text sizes on menus, or some tab screens, such as the l'm Reading no or the Books mb. BODKMARKING Vour Literati always bookmarks the page you last read.When you open the book again, you are returned to the same place where you last left off reading When you sync your device over WiFi, or through the kobo Desktop Application, your bookmarks will be synced to your account and shared across all your other Kobe-enabled deVices 1D STORE TAB Your Literati comes With a built—in bookstore With access to overtwo—million titles. It‘seust like your local bookstore, but with more titles to choose troml In orderto access the books ore, you Will need to connect your Literati to a Wireless (WiFi) network. Once connected to WiFi, you can browse the bookstore, purchase and download books, and synchronize your Literati With your your Kobo account. Please note that it you naVigate to the store before connecting to a wireless network, you Will be prompted to connect. NAVIGATING THE BOOKSTORE Once you are connected to a Wireless network and have entered the store, use your D-Pad a to move between selectable areas Within the store WIFI NETWORKING To connect to a Wireless network. Press the Menu button a and then use the DrPadfl to click the “SE‘ITINGS” menu On the next screen, click “ENABLE" I . H. A list or detectable wireless networks will appear. Use the DrPad i to highlight and select the network you want to join. it you choose a secure network qndicated by a lock icon), you Will be prompted to provide e password to your Wireless router. 404.4 NOTE: Advanced WiFi settings can be adjusted from the Settings option accessed through the Menu button a . Details can be lound on page 14 pt this manual. UPDflTING YOUR LITERATI _ _ Sharper Image is dedicated to ensuring that you enyoy your Literati lor ears to come. Once you connect to a Wireless network. you may be prompted to update your Li erati. To update your Literati Once connected to a Wireless network. it an update is available, your Literati Will automatically notify you and prompt you to update. Click OKto begin the update process When your Literati prompts you to tinish the update, click Restart The update Will take eltect after your Literati restarts TIP: Because updates may introduce new leatures. we encouragedyou to download the most recent version ot these instructions at: www.LiteratiRea er.comlsupport. STORE TAB (con 4 THE KDBD STORE Use the onscreen links in access store functions, such as - BROWSE _ Browse the Kobe catalog through an organized list of categories. ' FREE Select the Free tab in the Store to find popular titles. all available for tree download ' MORE Displays lists of recommended books. grouped by a common theme. or recommended by readers. ' SEARCH Txpe a title, uthor name or search term to receive a sorted list of results. Use t e DrPad to nav|gate and select the onscreen search f|eld.Type the search term and press the Enter button fl ' NEW RELEASES See a list of this week’s new releases ' TOP 50 View a list of the Top 50 most popular eBocks at kcbubuokscom (updated daily) 11 12 PURCHASING A BOOK Downloadinfl|or§1urchasing atitle couldn't be sim ler. Once connected to a Wireless network, naVigate to e tore tab usmg eitherthe D—Pad or Menu button a . Once in the Store, you can click a title to learn more about it To make a purchase, click the “BUY NOW" button mm Once your purchase is confirmed. it Will be automatically downloaded and available in the Books/Library tab. NOTE: To make a purchase, you will need to log in using our Kobo account. it you haven't agfiad osWned in using an eXisting Kobo account, you Wi be prompted to sign in when you click SIGNING IN & CREATING AN ACCOUNT In orderto purchase or_download a book, you will need to create an account and Slngn. If you are not already signed Il'l, you WIII be prompted to Sign in or create an account: ' SIGN IN ll you already have a Koho account, you can i Sign in usmg your existing username and password. I . Lab—J ' CREATE AN ACCOUNT _ ll you are new to Kobo, ou Will need to create an account. Simply iollow e_onscreen instructions Vo_u WIII be automatically signed in as part oi I—u this process. * TIP When enterin an email address. you can enter the @ symbo by pressing the Symbol key on our keyboard and then selecting the @ symbol rom the popup list BILLING INFORMATION _ _ _ _ To complete a purchase, ou Will need to enter your billing inlormation. Vou will only be asked to enter your billing inloima ion once.Afler that, a purchases become a single—click process. NOTE: Once setup, you can change your billing inlormation online at kohobookscom. VIEWINE_VOUR ACCOUNT PREFERENCES _ _ _ _ You can View your account prelerences b clicking the Menu button B and naVigating to the “Accounts" page. The “Accounts" page a lows you to change your password, view your purchase history and change your billing information. TIP: To quickly change your billing iniorriiation. log into your account at kobobooks com. SVNCING YOUR LIBRARY _ Once you have setup yourWiFi connectionyou can synchronize your library. On your Books or I‘m Reading pages. highlight and select the ync button. “1 If you are logged in to your account, you can synchronize your Literati with your Kobo account This Will download an“ purchases you‘ve made online or on other Kobe devices and Will update your bookmarks to re_ ect where you last left off reading , iyou haven't Io ged in you Will be prompted to either sign in or create a new account (see above). Your boo and bookmarks Will be synchronized atter you perform these steps MANAGING YOUR SETTINGS Vou can manage the settings for your Literati by pressing the Menu button a and choosing “SETTINGS" The Settings page is divided into subsections described below. Use the D-Pad flto highlight and click the subsection you would like to enter. OVERVIEW The “OVERVIEW“ page shows usetul account and device status inlorrnation.The tolloWing items are displayed ACCOUNT INFO This section lists your account details lor your Literati. ' EMAIL This is the email address to which your Literati is registered. An content purchased from Kobo is assoCiated with this account. It there is no accoun associated to the device, ogtions for creating a new account or signin in using an existing account Will be availa le. Demils on how to associate your Lilera i With another account can be found in the Advanced Settings section or page 14. 115ch INFO . . Displays status information for your Literati. . mum." LEVEL m Use these controls to adjust the bri htness of your Literati‘s screen. See box below for more de ils ' ONBOARD STORAGE Displays the amount of space used to store books and documents on the device. ' SOFTWARE VERSION ' HARDWARE VERSION ' WiFi MAC ADDRESS The MAC address of your wireless hardware BRIGHTNESS SE'I'IINGS To ensure a conilonable reading experience you can adjust the brightness of the screen to your liking and environment There are two ways to adjust the hri_ hlness: (1) Press the Display button (a and use the DrPad to highlight and select ADJUST LEVEL under the Brightness heading in the menu (On certain tabs. presSing the Display button (5 will take you directly to the brightness level selection menu.) -0R- (2) Enter the “OVERVIEW“ section of the settings page see too ot page). Use the DrPad E to navigate until Backlight Level is highlighted. Use the left an right buttons to adyust brightness. 13 14 MANAGING YOUR SETTINGS (cont! WiFi SETTINGS The WiFi Settings provides you With options to adjust yourwireless preferences The lollowing items are available on the page: ' ENABLE / DISABLE WIRELESS NETWORKING Toggle wireless networking on or oft ' ADD NEW WIRELESS NETWORK Clicking this button allows you to manually add a wireless network Use this if your network does not automatically appear. ' RESCAN NETWORKS Force a manual rescan of local Wireless networks ' KNOWN WIRELESS NETWORKS A list of networks to which your Literati has already been connected ' UNKNOWN WIRELESS NETWORKS A list of networks to which your Literati has not yet been connected'io connect to an unknown network, navigate to the specific network and click the center button on the D-Pad a. Vou Will be prompted to authenticate, if necessary. DATE & TIME SETTINGS Setting the Date and Time accurately Will ensure the proper updating ot bookmarks between your Literati and your Kobo account.The Date &Time settings screen displays the current Date, Time, Timezone and Daylight Savin s settingsVou can set these by clicking the “SET DATE & TIME" option and using your DrPad to change the values. ADVANCED SETTINGS The Advanced Settings screen allows you to perform a Factory Restore of your Literati. Use this function to associate your Literati With a different Kobo account. WARNING Before performing a factory restore, please make sure you that you understand that it Will - Remove all purchased content. - Remove all thirdrparty Books and documents. - Restore all settings to their factory defaults. - Remove all saved Wireless networks. A factory reset will not affect your Kobo library or its content. ADDING BOOKS TO YOUR LITERATI Most Literati users Will use the built—in bookstore to shop for and add books over a Wireless connection. See pages til-l 2 tor more details on using the built-in store. This section describes alternate sources ol electronic content and alternate methods tor loading content onto your Literati. ALTERNATE SOURCES OF CONTENT AND METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS eBooks come in a range of formats. When you look for books to read on your Literati, look for books that come in EPUB or PDF lormats. like those in the Kobo Store. Note that some books are encrypted or protected using Digital Rights Management lDRM). DRM prevents unauthorized copying and redistribution oi books, and is often used to protect the books you get trom libraries and booksellers There are several varieties of DRM protection.Vour Literati can read books that are protected using Adobe DRM. 1. BOOKS FROM KOBOBOOKS.COM Vou can shop the Kobo Store from any Web browser, by going to http //www kobobooks com Once you’ve tound the penect book, you can download the book (in EPUB tormati to your computer, then transter it to your Literati. To download the book, log into your Kobo account on the Kobo website, then go to your Library. Vour Library lists any books that you've purchased. Click the Download EPUB button next to the book you want. After your computer downloads the ePub file, you can it to your Literati in a variety otways described in further detail in the METHODS FOR ADDlNG BOOKS section that begins page 16 2. BOOKS FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Many libraries let members borrow eBooks from their collections. It your library allows this, you may be able to read your borrowed books on your Literati it they: - are proVided in EPUB or PDF format - AND protected by Adobe DRM Adobe DRM is a way of protecting borrowed books so that they can‘t be copied, and so that they can only be checked'out tor a specific period of time To add these books to your Literati, you Will need to install and use Adobe Digital EditionsThis application lets you download your library books and transfer them to your Literati. For more intormation on using Adobe Digital Editions, see: http //www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/ For information on how to use Adobe Digital Editions to check out library books, please contact your local library. 3. BOOKS FROM OTHER SELLERS If you have eBooks that you purchased from another book seller, you may be able to read them on your Literati it the books are in either EPUB or PDF format. To read books that meet these criteria on your Literati, add them using one oi the methods described in iurther detail in the METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS section that begins page 16 NOTE: In order to read eBooks on your Literati, they must either be encrypted using Adobe DRM, or not be encrypted or protected at all DRM is a way of protecting purchased books so that they can‘t be copied and redistributed. Your Literati can read books protected by Adobe DRM, which is a very common and popular form or DRM 15 16 ADDING BOOKS tcont.) METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS Once you've found compatible books that you want to read, there are a variety of ways you can add them to your Literati: 1 a Wireless Internet connection 2 the Kobo Desktop Application included With your Literati 3 an SD card 4 drag and drop 5 software from another manufacturer Which method you use will depend on the type of books you want to add in your Literati, and where they came lrom. Please use the table below as a reference Where did your Try using... For details, see... books come from? The Kobn store - Vour Literati, over a - Add hooks using the Kobo wireless internet Desktop Applic on connection - The Kobo Desktop t.Adu books using an SD card Application 0 An SD card You can increase the number of books your - Drag and drop Literati can hold by adding an SD card of up to - Adobe Digital 8 GB (not included) with books already stored Editions, Calibre, or on it. Books must he in EPUB or PDF format. software trom another Please see page 18 lor more details on using manufacturer SD cards With your Literati 0 Add books using an SD card - Add books by dragging and dropping them onto your Literati - Add books using another application A Local Library - Adobe Digital Editions - Add hooks using another application in some cases you can use applications created by other manufacturers to add books to your Literatiiwo popular applications are Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and Calibre 0 Adobe Digital Editions Use Adobe Digiml Editions if you want to transfer eBooks protected by Adobe DRM to your Literati Adobe DRM is a way ol encrypting and securing eBooks You can also use ADE to tranter non—protected books to your Literati. Any books that you transfer must he in either EPUB or PDF format. For more information on using Adobe Digital Editions, see: http://www.adobe com/products/digitaleditionsl - calibre Calibre is a popular open-source application lor managing libraries ol eBooks.Vou can use Calibre to organize eBooks on your computer, convert eBooks to EPUB or PDE lormats (or a range of others), and transfer books to your Literati. For more information on using Calibre, see: hnpzflealibre—ebook.com/ ADDING BOOKS Icon“ Where did your Try using... For details, see... books come lrom? other booksellers - An SD card - Add books using an SD card - Drag and drop - Add books by dragging and dropping them 0 Adobe Digital onto your Literati Editions, Caiibre. or 0 Add books using another application software from another manufacturer other sources - An SD card - Add books using an SD card 0 Drag and drop 0 Add books by dragging and dropping them 0 Adobe Digiml onto your Literati Editions, Caiibre. or - Add books using another application software from another manufacturer 1. ADD BOOKS WIRELESSLV Vou can add books by shopping the Kobo Store directly from your Literati.Vou'Ii need a wireiess internet connection and a Kobo account to do this. Just set up a Wireiess connection from your Literati, shop lor something you like, then downioad your new book to your Literati 7 it’s that easy, and no computer required. For more information, see page 10. 2. ADD BOOKS USING THE KOBO DESKTOP APPLICATION An easy way to buy and add books is using the free Koho Desktop Application inciuded with your Literati.Vou can use this application to shop for new books, transfer your purchases to your Literati, and manage your library. For more iniormation. see page 19. 3. ADD BOOKS USING AN SD CARD Vou can increase the number of books your Literati can hold by addingEan SD card of up to 8 GB (not inciuded) with books already stored on it. Books must be in PUB or PDF format. Piease see page 18 for more details on using SD cards With your Literati 4. ADD BOOKS BV DRAEGING AND DROPPING THEM ONTO VOUR LITERATI Vou can add new books to your Literati by accessing it iike a portabie hard drive. To do this you wilt need: - a PC or Mac computer - the USB cable provided with your Literati - the books you Want to add to your Literati, in EPUB or PDF format To add books to your Literati sing a Windows computer 1. Connect your Literati to your computer using the USB cable. Windows should automatically detect that you connected a new device. 2. When prompted tor an action. select ‘Open iolderto viewiiles.‘ A window snouid open, showing the contents of your Literati 3. In another Explorer Window, navigate to where you stored the eBooks you Want to move to your Literati 4. Drag and drop your eBooks into the Literati Window. That's it! Vou can now disconnect your Literati and read your new books. To disconnect your Literati: a. Open My Computer. b. Right-ciick KoboeReader. c. Seiect Eject. d. Unplug the USB cable from your Literati and computer. Vou can turn on your Literati and find your new books They WIII be in the BOOKS area it the files were EPUBs, or in the DOCUMENTS area it they were PDFs. 17 18 ADDING BOOKS {cont} To add books to your Liter sing a Mac computer i. Connect your Literati to your computer usmg the USB cable. 2. Open your Finder application. 3. Select KoboeReader from your list of devices. Finder should display the contents of your Literati 4. In another Finder window. navigate to where you stored the eBooks you want to transfer to your Literati 5. Drag and drop your eBooks into the Literati WindoW. That’s it! You can now disconnect your Literati and read your new books. To disconnect your Literati: a. In Finder. select KoboeReader from your list of devices. b From the File menu, select “Elect KoboeReader“ Note: If you have an SD card inserted into your Literati, you must eject this too. c. Unplug the USE cable from your Literati and computer. You can turn on your Literati and find your new books They will be in the BOOKS area it the files Were EPUBs, or in the DOCUMENTS area if they were PDFs. 5. ADD BOOKS USING ANOTHER APPLICATION In some cases you can use applications created by other manufacturers to add books to your Literati.TWo popular applications are Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and Calibre. Adobe Digital E tions Use Adobe Digital Editions if you want to transfer eBooks protected by Adobe DRM to your Literati. Adobe DRM is a way of encrypting and securing eBooks. You can also use ADE to tranfer non—protected books to your Literati. Any books that you transfer must be in either EPUB or PDF format. For more information on using Adobe Digital Editions. see: http://www.adobe com/products/digitaleditions/ Calibre Calibre is a popular openrsource application for managing libraries of eBooks. You can use Calibre to organize eBooks on your computer, convert eBooks to EPUB or PDF formats (or a range of others), and transfer books to your Literati. For more information on using Calibre, see http://ca|ibre—ebook.coml USING THE SD CARD SLOT You can increase the number of books your Literati can hold by adding an SD card of up to 8 GB (not included) With books already stored on it Books must be in EPUB or PDFformat. It does not matter now those books are organized on the SD card 7 your Literati Will scan the entire card and all folders/directories for books. EPUB files will be added to your BOOKS area. and PDF files will be added to your DOCS area The Literati Will ignore any files that it cannot read. To add books on an SD card: f. Load your EPUE or PDF files onto an SD card using your computer. 2. Turn off your Literati 3. Insertihe SD card into the SD card slot at the top of the Literati and push gently until it SI es in. 4. Turn on your Literati Your Literati Will scan the SD card for books and documents, and update your library. This may take a few moments. Note: Your Literati does not copy files from the SD card. Instead. it reads the files that are stored on it. This means that you must leave your SD card inserted while you read any books stored on the card. If you remove the card you will lose access to any books on it. To remove an SD card. simply press it gently and then release it. It should pop pa|1ially out of the SD slot for easy removal. KOBO DESKTOP APPLICATION You can also use the included Kobo Desktop Application to purchase and sync books lrorri kobobooks com. Ensuring that your computer is online and connected to the Internet. connect your Literati to your computer using the supplied USB cable The installation process should automati- cally begin. 0 WINDOWS XPNISTAI7 Follow the prompted instructions to open the Literati folder Open the “Desktop Installers" tolder. Find the “Windows" folder and doublerclick the “Desktoplnstallerexe” tile inside. Follow the instructions to download and install the latest version ot the Kobo Desktop Application. ' MAC OS X The Literati will mount in your Finder application. Open the “Desktop Installers“ folder. Find the “Mac OS X“ lolder and double-click the “Desktoplnstallerapp” tile inside.This will download the latest version of the Kobo Desktop Application lor Mac OS X. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the software by dragging—and—dropping the Kobo Desktop Application to your Applications folder. Open the Kobo Desktop Application and Create a FREE Account or Sign in to Your Existing Account: ' CREATE AN ACCOUNT ll you are new to Kobo, you can create an account. Simplytollow the instructions in the Create Account Window. ' HAVE AN ACCOUNT? ll you already have a Kobo account, you can sign in using your existing username and password ' WANT TO GFI MORE EBOOKS'! Simply click on the Store button in the Desktop Application to search or browse Kobo‘s extensive catalog of titles, including a huge selection ot lree eEooks, best sellers, new releases, magazines, newspapers and more. 19 20 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY BY USING THIS DEVICE YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS ON TIIE DEVICE DISTRIBUTDR’S LIABILITY: 1 MERCHSOURCE, LLC (“MERCHSOURCE") IS ONLY THE DISTRIBUTOR OF YOUR ELECTRONIC READING DEVICE (THE ”DEVICE") AND ALL CONTENT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ELECTRONIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS AND THE LIKE), DATA, INFORMATION, APPLICATIONS OR MATERIALS (“THIRD PARTY CONTENT”) FOR YOUR DEVICE IS PROVIDED BY THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS PURSUANT TO SEPARATE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN YOU AND SUCH PROVIDERS. 2 MERCHSOURCE DOES NOT WARRANT OR ENDORSE AND DOES NOT ASSUME AND WILL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY THIRD-PARTY CONTENT, OR FOR ANY OTHER MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OF THIRD PARTIES. THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OF ALL THIRD PARTY CONTENT, INCLUDING THE RISK AS TO SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND ACCURACY OF ALL THIRD PARTY CONTENT, IS WITH YOU. MERCHSOURCE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND ANY SERVICES OF ANY THIRD PARTY, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR ARISING IN LAW, CUSTOM, CONDUCT OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY. OF FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OF ACCURACY, OF OUIET ENJOYMENT, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. MERCHSOURCE DOES NOT WARRANT AGAINST INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYM ENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT, THAT ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR—FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL BE CORRECTED. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY MERCHSOURCE OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE AWARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON APPLICABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS OFA CONSUMER, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 3 MERCHSOURCE HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT FOR VIEWING ON YOUR DEVICE THE CONTENT PROVIDER MAY CHANGE, SUSPEND, REMOVE, OR DISABLE ACCESS TO ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT AT ANY TIME. EVEN WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU, FOR ANY OF WHICH MERCHSOURCE WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE TO YOU. 4 IN NO EVENT WILL MERCHSOURCE. BE LIABLE IN CONTRACT, IN TORT (INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE) OR UNDER ANY OTHER THEORY (WHETHER IN LAW OR EQUITY) INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING. 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LICENSES - LGPL Thls sottware was burlt u_srng the tollowrng tools rn accordance to the lrcenses below lrbrconvet lat —LGPL — indrrect lrnkin dependency gamma .r7 , LGPL , rndirect lrnkrng ependeney _ - glrbez zz , LGPL , dependenc ior oberredabseserver, dhdsagllb ~ lnusham rz — LGPL — depen ency ror obexedataeserver - o enobe .3 , LGPL , de ende tor obekedabs—server ~ o ;embeddedad 5.2 , LGP , har l_rnked dependency ~ gbocompressor—z 3 — LGPL — hard linked dependency ~ ooaez 0.2 , LGPL — hard linked dependency - caaossl , LGPL , hard lrnked dependent GN _Lesser General Publrc Lroense Version z.l Febldal l999 Gopyrr ht to 1991, as; F_ree Software roundatron, lnc pg Terri re Place, Surte 330, boston, MA gzr r rer307 use Everyone rs ermr ed o copy and distribute verbabm copres or thrs license ocument, but changlnfl rt rs not allowed his rs the rrrst released versron or the Lesser GPL it also counts as the successor ott e GNU Lrbrary Publrc chense, versron P. hertz? the versron number 2 1.1 ream e The lrcenses for most sottware are designed to take awa your freedom to share and charrge rt By contrast the GNU General rdnll‘i‘: Iécellses are rntended to guarantee your treedom or share and change tree sottware—to make sure the sottware rs tree or a r users Thls lrcense the Lesser General Puolrc License, applres or some specrally desrgnated software packagesfliyplcall librariesflm the Flee Sohware Fodndafldrl and other authors w o decrde to use rt you call use rt too. but we suggest you rrrst ink carerully about whether thrhs IllGehse or the ordrnary General Public chense rs the better strategy to use rn any parircular case, based on e ekp ana ons e ow When wes eak orrree sortware, we are islelllllgeinneednm otuse not pnce.cur General Publrc Lroenses are deslgnedm make sure hatyou have the rreedom todrstrrbu cppresottree so are and charge tor this servrce rtyou wrsh),t at you recerve source code or can get it rt you want it, that you can change the so are and use preces or rt rn new tree programs, and ttrat ou are unarmed that you can do these thrn s Ta protec your rights, we need to make restrictions at toybrd drsbrbinors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender theze'yrighm lhese restrrctrons translate to certain resbonsrbrlrtres tor you it you drs rrbute copres ol the lrbrary or rt you mo r r Fol example. ll‘ you distribute co res or the lrbrary, whether gratrs or tor a tee. you must grve the recrprents all the rrghts that we gave you you must make suret atthey, too, lecelve or can etthe source co e. limit linkomercodewnh the lrbrary,you must provrde complete ohlectlrles to the recrprents, so that ey can relrnk them wl the library alter makrng changes a the lrbrary and reeomprlrng rt And you must show them these terms so they know tnerr rrghts. _ We protect your rrghts wrth atwo—step method: 1) we cppvrrght the library, and (2) we otter you thrs license. whrch grves you legal permissron to cop . distribute and/or mo_dr the libmry _ To protect each drstrrbu r.wewantto make rtvery clear thatthere is no warra rorthelree lrbrary Also, rtthe lrbrary rs modrrred b someone else and passed on, the rear rents should know that whatt e have is not the orrgrnal versron, so that the origrna authors re umtron wrll not be altecte by problems that mr ht be rntro uced by others finally sottware paten ose a constant threat to the exrstence or any ree pro ram We wrsh to make sure thatacompany cannot etiectrvely restrrc the users or a free program by obbsrnrng a restrrctrve icense trom a atent holder lheretore, we yn‘srs‘t that any patent lrcense obtarned tor aversron ort e lrbrary must be consrstent with the url rreedom or use specrtred in rs rcense Most GNU sottware rncluding some lrbrarres, rs covered by the ordrnary Grill General Publrc License. Thls lrcense, the Grvtl_ Lesser General Publrc chense, applres to cerbsrn desi nated lrbrarres and rs gurte drrterenttrom the ordrnary General Public chense We use thrs lrcense tor ceriarn rrbrarres rn or er to permrt lrnkrng those rrbrarres rnto hullailee progmms When a program rs lrnked wrth a lrbrary. whether statrcally or usrrrg a shared librar ,the combrnatron o the two rs legally speaking a combrned work, a derivatrve otthe_ orrginal llnlary.The ordrnary Genera Publ_rc L_roense thererore permits such lrnking only rt the entrre combrnatron trts rm cnterra or heedom lhe Lesser General Public License perer more lax crrterralor lrnking other_code with the lrbrary. We cal thrs license the “Lesser“ General Publrc chense because rt does Lesstg protect the user“streedom than the ordrnary General Public che_nse it also provrdes other rree sortware developers Less or an_ advantage over camgellhg non—tree Emmams lhese disadvantages are the reason we use the ordrnary General Public chense for many li rarres however, the esser lrcense provrdes advanta es rn ceriarn specral circumstances Fol example on rare occasrons here maynbe a specral need to encourage the wrdest possrble use or a cemm lrbrar ,so that rt becomes a de—racto standard lo achieve is, linhaivee programs must be allowed or use the lrbrary A more rreouen case rs that a tree hummus: the same lob as wrdely used "analyse lrbrarres. ln this case, there rs lrttte in gain by lrmrtrrrg the tree lrbrary or tree so are onl , so we use the Lesser General Publre chense ln other cases, ermrssron use a partrcular lrbrary rn liurlalleeaplflnrams enables a greater number gt people to use a lar e d or tree so are Fol example, permrssron to use the GNU Lrbrary in linhallee pro rams enables many more people o use he whole GNU operating system, as well as rts variant, the Gnu/Linux operatrng sys em Although the Lesser eneral Publrc chense rs Lessprotectrve or the users“ ireedom, rt does ensure that the user or a pro ram that rs rnked wrth the Library has the lreedom and he wherewrthal to run that pluwam usrng a modrried versron of the Lr rary The precise terms and conditrons ror copying, drstrrbutron and modrtreatron rollow. ay close attentron to the drherenoe between a “work based on the lrbr “ and a “work that uses the lrbrary“ The former contarns code derrved trom the lrbrary, whereas the latter must be oombrne wrth the lrbra rn order to run. TERMS AND commons FUR COPYING, DlsTPlBlll N AND MoulFlcdlloll D.Thls License Agreement applres to any sottware library or other program whrch contarns a notrce glam} by the copyrrght holderor other authorrzed party sa rngr may be drstrrbuted underthetermsotthrs LesserGeneral ublrc chense (asu called “thrs chense“) Each lreensee rs a dressed as “you“ _ A “lrbrary” means a collectron or software runctrons and/or data prepared so as to be convenrently lrnked with applrcatron programs (whrch use some or those tunetrons and data) m torm ekecutables. _ _ he “Lrbrary”, below. rerers to any such sortware library or work whrch has been distributed under these terms it “work based onthe Lrbrary“ means eitherthe rbrary or an derivatrve_work under copyrrght law that rs to say,awork contarnmg the Lrbrary at a portron of rt, erther verbatrm or w modrlrcations and/ortransla ed strarghttorwardly into another larrguage herernarter, translation rs included wrtnout lrmrtation rn the term “modrtrcabon“ Source code“ rorawork means the filelelled lorm ottheworklormakrng mo irrcatronsto rt Fora lrbra ,complete source code means all the source code tor a modules rt contarns, plus any assoorated rnterrace detrnitron rrles, p us the scripts used to control compilatron and rnstallatron ot the llblaéy hcbvnres other than copyrng drstrrbutron and mo _rrrcatron are not covered b tnrs Lroense, they are outsrde its scope the act ul‘ running a pro ram usrrrg the Lrbrary rs not restricted, and output rrom suc a program rs covered only it rts contents constnute a wor based on the Libm (independent otthe use or the Lrbrary rn a tool tor wrrtrng rn.wnether that rs true de ends on what the Library does an what the program that uses the Lrbrary does i. av ma‘y‘cnpy and drstrrbute verbatrm copres or the Lrbrary“s complete souroe code as you receive _rt, in any medrum, provrded at you conspicuously and aurlpellatew‘pdhllsn on each copy an approprrate copyrrght notice and drsclarmer or wananty, keep intactaltne no rcestha re erto rs Lroense and totheabsence or any warmnty, and drstrrbuteacopyotthrs chense along wrth the Library you may charge a tee tor the physrcal act or lmhsfelllng a copy, and you may at youroptron otter warranty proteotron in exchange tor a tee. 21 22 LICENSES LGPL lcontl 2.ch ma mootty yout copy or coptes of the unwary or any ortton ot rt, thus torrrnn a work naseo on the Lthtaryt ano copy and dlstn ute such mootttcattonsor work unoertheterrnso Secttont above proyt ett that youatso meet an or these cnndtttniis. a The mothttett work must ttsett‘ he a sohware ttorary o ttou must cause thetttes moottteotc car promtnentnottces stattn that you changed the tttes arm the oate otanychange. c Vou must cause the whote ut‘ the work to e ttcenseo at no charge a an thtro pan-es unoer the terms ot thts Ltcense o ttatactttty tnthe moottteo Ltorary reters to atunouon orataote otoatato oesupptteo oy an appttcattoh pro ram thatuses the ractttty,otherthan as an argument oasseo when the tactttty ts tnyokeo,then u must make aooootatt e rttoensure that, tn the event an appttcatton ooes not suppty such tuncttort or tame the tacttt stttt operates amt pertorms whatever pan ot tts purpose rematns meantngtut (For example atunouon tn a notary to compute s uare roots has a purpose that ts enttrety Well'detined tnoepenoent ot the ap ttcatton Therefore Suosecoon zo reoutres tha any apnttcatton—supplted tunctton or taote used to thts tunctton must he op tohat rt the appttcatton ooes not suypdv tty the square roottuhctton must stttt com ute souare roo ) T ese reoutrements appty to the moat te work as a whote y toentthaote secttons that work are not oertyeo trom the Lthtaty, and can be veaswtabty constdeted tnde cndent and separate wdtks tn themselves then thts Lteeitsey and its (etmsy do not appt to those secttons when you otstrt ute them as separate works out when you otstnoute the same secttons as part ot a whde whtch is a wntK based (lit the Lthia tthe dtstitbuttcn ot the whale must he on the terms at thts LtcensEt whnse permtsstons tor other ttcensees exteno tot e enttre whote. ano thus to each am every art re arotess or who wrote tt hust tt ts not the Intent ot thts sectton to ctatm rt hts or contest ur ttghts to work wt en en trety oy you, rather, the tntent ts to enerctse the neht to controt the otstnoutton ot‘ ertyattye or co ecttve works oasee on the Ltorary tn addittnnt mete a giegattnn at another wotk nut based on the Library with the Libra [m thh awotk based an the Lthtary) on a yotume of a oraoe or otstnoutton meotum ttoes not ortnoPthe ot er work unoert e sco e ot thts Ltcense 3. Vuu may opt to appty the terms ot the orotnary GNU Generat uottc Ltcense tnsteatt ot thts tcense to a gtven copy ot the Ltorary To do thtst you must atter ah the nottces that reter to thts Ltcenset so that they reter to the orotnary GNU Generat Puottc Ltcenset verstnn Z, tnstead at to this License. (lt a newer vetstait than verstun 2 at the nidtiiaty GNU Generat Publtc Ltcense has appearedt then you can soecny that verston tnsteao tt you wtsh t he not make any other chan e tn these nottces Once thts change ts maoe tn a gtven copy tt ts trreyerstote tor that copy so the ortttnary GNU enerat Puottc Ltcense appttes to an suoseouent co res and oerwattye wor s rnatte trom that com Thts optton ts use ut when you wtsh to cop pan ot the cone o e Ltorary tnto agorogram that ts not a ttorary. a Vou may copy ano otstnoute the Ltbtaty oraportton or oerwatwe of tt, unoer ectton zt tn ootectcotte orekecutaote torm under the terms at Secttnns t and z aoove tnvlded that you accompany it wtth the comptete corresponotn machtneriezdante sum coast whtch must he otstrtoutett un er the terms of Secttons t ano 2 above on a meotum customart y useo tor so re tn erc ange. tt otstnouoon ot ooyect coee ts maoeo ottertno access to copy Hum a oestgnateo otace. then ottertno eoutyatem access to copy the source cooe trom the same pace sattsttes the re utrement to otstrtoute the source cooet event ougit thtro parttes are no compettett to copy the source atono wtth the orh‘yect co e 5.A pmgmm that contatns no oertyattve at any o ton of the Lthturg, out Is oestoneo to work wtth the Ltbiary by both comptte or ttnkeo wtth tt, ts catteo a “work tha uses the Ltbrary“ uch a work. tn tsotatton ts not a oerwattve work a the Lthiam and (hetetdte tulls au'stde the scope nl thts License. howeyer, ttnktn a “wutk thatuses the Ltbtary“ wtth the Ltora creates an executabteihat ts a oenyatweotthe Ltbtaty {because tt can tns pnmons ol the Lthtery y talhet than a “wot that uses the ttnvary‘ The execumnte ts tnevetave caveted by hts Ltcense sectton ostatestenrtstorot nouoon ntsuch executaotes When a “wotk that uses the Libtaty“ uses matettut tmm a header ttle that is an at the Library the onyect Dude to! the Wntk may oe a oertvattve work at the Lthtary even though the source cooe ts not hether thts ts true ts espectatty stontncant tt the KNIVK can be ltnked Without the Library or it the wotk is tfielt a ttnmry The mvesnatd tut thts tn be (tue ts no picctsety dettned v aw lt such an nhlect ttle uses ant ituniettcal patamciets data stmctute tayouts and accessersy uiid small mums and smutt tnltne tuncoons (ten ttnes or tess tn enothy, then the use at the ootect nte ts unrestrtcteo, reoarotess of whether tt ts tegatty a oertvattve work (Execumotes contatntn thts ooyect cooe ptus porttons ot the Ltorory wttt stttt tatt unoer Sectton y otherwtse t the work ts a oertvattve ot e Ltorary you ma otstnoute the othect cooe tor the work unoer the terms ot sectton 5.Alty executable; conmtntn that work ztw bill Iindei Se tan 6 whemet m not they ate Iiitked dtrectty wtm the Ltnrary ttselt. a Asart excepttontothe se tonsahovetynu rnayatsocomotne orttnka ‘wovkthat usesthe Ltbtaty“ wtth the Lthtat to pmduce a work can'aintng portinns at me Lthiar‘ty and dtstithute that work Iindei temts ot nui chntcet mvtded that he mtms eermtt mootttcatton otthe work tor the customersown use ano reverse enotneertno toroe uootn suc moothcattons ou mustgtve promtnentnottcewtth each copyottheworkthat the Ltora ts useo tn nanothatt e Ltorary no its use are covereo oy thts Ltcense You must snugly a copy at thts Ltcense h the wor ounna executton otsotays copyrtoht hvttcest you must tnclude the copyrtght nottce tort e Ltorary among them as wett as a teterencc dtiecting the user to the copy at thts Ltcense Atso. you must eo one ot these thtnos- aLAcccmpany the work wtth the comp‘tete corres 0ndtn machthe—reaoante source cooe tor the Ltorary tnotuotng whatever c an es were useo tn the work twhtc must be cut: eo unoer Secttons t and z aooyeh anot tt the work ts an executatne ltnke wtth the Lthmtyy wtth the comptete machtne'teadahle ”Wntk that uses the Lthturyfl as abject code and/av source cudey so that the user can many the Ltorary and then rettnk to roouce a moottteo executaote contatntno the moottteo Lthtaty (it ts undetstadd that the use! whn changes the contents at d tntudns ttles tn the Ltnmry wttt nut necessattiy he ante m iecdniptle the aoottcatton to use the mootneo oenntttons) o) use a suttaote shareo ttorory mechantsm tor ttnktno wtth the tmrar A suttaote mechantsm ts one that 0) uses at run ttme a copy or the ttorary atreaoy present on the user‘s computer system ra her than coo tho hora tuncttons tnoo the enecutaote, am 2) wttt operate proper with a moottteo yerston ot the tt roryt tt the user tnsta s (met as one asthe mndttted verston ts tnte acercompatthte wtth t e yerston that the work was made wtth c] Accompany the work with a wrttten otter, yatto tor at teast three years to otye the same user the matertats specttteo tn Suosectton oat above. tor a charge no more than the cost ot pertormtna thts otstrtotnton oLtt otstrtouttoh ot the work ts maoe ny ottertno access to copy trom a oestgnaoeo ptace, otter eoutvateht access to copy the a oye specttteo matertats trom the same otace e Vertty that the user has atreaoy recetveo a copy ot these matertats or that you have atreao sent thts user a copy or an executable the re utree form ot the ”wntk that uses the Lthra ” must tnctuoe any oa ano uttttgy programs neeoeo tor reprouuctno the mtecutah e trom tt Hnwevett as a spectat ekce (tonyt e matertats to he otstrtnuteo nee not tnctuoe anythtng that ts normatty otstrtouteo hn etthersource or ornarytormtwtt the mayorcornponentstcomotter kemett ano so ontot he operattng system on whtoh he executaote runs, untess that component ttsett accompantes the executaote ti may happen that thts requtrement contraotcts the ttcense restrtcttons of other oropnetary ttoranes that eo not normatty accompany the operattno system. Such a contraotctton means you cannot use both them ano the Ltorary together tn ah executaote that you otstrtoute 7.ch may tace ttorary tactttttes that are awork based on the Ltora stde'by'side tn astna‘le ttnrarytogetherwtth otherttorary tactttttes no coyerett oythts Ltcense,ano otstnhute such acomotne ttorary proytoeo that e separate thstrtoutton otthe work based an the Lthrary and at the nthei Iibtaty factltttes ts nmerwtse getmiited and gmtltded that you do these (Wu (hiii s ateccompany the cornotneo ttorary wtth a copy or the same work aseo on the Lt rary, uncomotneo wtth any other lt rary tuctltties hts must he dtstithuted Iindei the tetms at (he Secttniis abut/e o) awe promtnent nottce wtth the cornotneo Itbraty ot the tact that part at tt ts a work oaseo on the Ltbratyt ano exotatntno where to two the occompanytn uncomotneo torm ot the same work a Vou ma not copy mootty, su ttcenses ttnkwnh ortttstrtoute the Ltbrav except as expressty proyteeo uneerthts Ltcense Any attempt o herwtse o copy mootty suhttceiisey ttnk thh or otstrtoute the torary ts vfltdy arto wt t automattcatty termtnate your nohts uneet thts Ltcense Howeyen parttes who have recetveo contest or rtohtst ttom you unoerthts License wttt not haue thetr ttcenses termtnateo so tong as such parttes rematn tn tutt compttohce. LICENSES LGPL lcontl 9. you are not reoulree to accept tnls Llcense. slnce you nave not slgneo it. However. notnlng else grants you permisslon to modlly or alstrlbute tne Library or lts derlyatlve works Ttlese aotlons are uronlbitee by law lt you dO not aoceottnls Llcense Tnererore, by mooltylng or olstrlbutlng tne Library (or any work baseo on tne leraryl. you lnolcate your acceptance or tnls Llcense to do so. and all lo terms and Bundlllons tor coolllne. ulstrlbutlrle or moullylng tne Low or walks based on lt to Eacn tlme you reelstrlbute tne lerary tor any work basee on tne Llorary). tne reelplent automatlcally recelues a llcense tronl tne orlglnal llcensarto curly. elstrlbute. llnk Wltn or rnoolrytne lerary sublectto mese terms ano eonttltlons you may not lmPose arly runner restrlotlons on tne reclblenm‘ exerclse ot ttle rignts grantee nereln you are not responslble lor enlorclne compllance by tltlro parlles wttn tnls Llcense 11. ll. as a consequence Of a courtluoernem or alleeatlon ol batent lntrlrleement or lor any otner reasorl (not llmltee to batem lssues). eononlons are lmposeo on you (wnetner by court outer. agreement or Otherwise) tnat conttaolct tne eonoltlons ottnls Llcense.tneyt1o not excuse you trom tne condltlons ottnis License. ll you cannot ulstrlbute so asto satisly simultaneously your obltgabons undel tbls Llcense and any etner pertinent obllgallons, tnen as a consequence you may not ulstrlbule tne may at all For example, lt a patent license woulo not pernllt royalty—nee reelstrlbullon at tne lerary by all tnose wno recelye coples alrectly or indlreetly tnrouoll you. then tne only way you could satlsly botn i\ and tnls Llcense wOuld be to relraln entlrely lrorn olstrlbutlon at tile lerary lt arly Oortlon ottnls section ls tteltl lnvallo or unentoreeable under any particular clrcumstance. the balance ot tne section ls lnteneeo to apply. ano tne seetlon as a wnole ls lntenoeu to apply in over cllcumstances it is not tne purpose at tnls sectlon to lnouce you to lntrlnge any patents or otner properly rlgnt clalms or to contest valmlw of any sucn claims. tnis sectlon nas ttle sole buroose Of Oroteotlrle tne inteorlty ol tne free software distributlon system wnlcn ls lmplementee by publlc llcense pracllees Many people nave maee generous eontrlbutlons to tne wlue range ct sortware ulstrlbutee tnrougn tnat system in reliance on eonslstent abbllcatlon oltnat system; lt ls up to the autnor/eonor to eeolOe ll be or she ls Wllllng to olstrlbute sottware tnrougn any otner system arm a licensee cannot lmpose tnat cbolce Tnls section ls lmended to make tnorougnly clear what ls belleueo to be a consequence ot tne rest oltnls Llcense tz ll tne olstrlbutlon and/Oi use at me mum is lestrlcueo ln certaln counllles eltnel by patents or by copyrlgnueo lnlerlaces. tne onglnal copyrlgnt noleer wna places tne lerary unoertnls License may am an expllclt geograpnleal elstrlbullon llnlltatlon excludlrlb tnose countrles. so tnat dls1llbutilm ls bermltted only in or among countrles not tnus excluded in such case. tnls Llcense lncDrOOlates tne llmltatlon as ll written ln me buoy or tllls Llcense 13.Tne Free Sottware Foundation may publlsb reylseo and/or new versions ot the Lesser Genelal Publlc Lleense tronl tlnle to me Sucn new verslons Wlll be slmllar ln splrltlo tne preserll rerslon, but may elHer Ill oetall to aeoress new problems or concerns anb yerslon ls given a elstillqulsbine yerslon number. ll tne lerary sbecllies a yerslon number ot tnls Llcense wnicb abolles to lt ano “any later uerslon ‘, you naue tne optlon ot tollowmg me terms anu conolllons eltner ct mat verslan or or any later yerslon Oublisned by tne Free Sottware FOtllldathn lltne leraly does not speclly a lleense vetslon number. you may cnoose any uerslon ever publlsneo by tne Free Sortware Founoatlon 14. ll you Wlsn to lncoroorate bares oltHe lerary lrlllo otner tree programs wnose ulstrlbution conditlons are lncompatlble Wltlt lnese. wilte ta tne aulnor to ask for peersslon For soltware wnlcn ls copyllgnteo by tne Flee soltwale Founoabon. wilte to tne Free Sortware Founeatloll. we sometlnles maRe exceptlons rortnls Our oeelslon wlll be guloee by tne two goals ot preserving tne tree status ol all derlvatlves ot our tree soltware and el bromotlrle tne snarlrlo and reuse et software generally. NO WARRANTy 15. DEcAuSE THE LlORARy ls LlcENSED FREE OF CHARGE THERE lS NO WARRANTy FOR THE LlBRAR‘t. TO THE EXTENT PERMlT'TEO Ry APPLchDLE LAW EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWlSE STATED lN WRlTlNO THE COPlecltT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTlEs PROVlDE THE leRARy “AS lS“ WlTHOuT WARRANTy OF ANy RlNO. ElTltER EXPRESSED OR lMPLlED. INCLUDlNG. DuT NOT LlMlTED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTlES OF MERCHANTABlLlTy ANO FlTNESS FOR A PARTlcuLAR PURPOSE THE ENTlRE RlSH As TO THE OuALlTy AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LlRRARy lS WlTH yOu SHOULD THE leRARy PROyE DEFEchvE yOu ASSuME THE COST OF ALL NEOESSARy SERVlclNO. REPAlR OR CDRREETlClN. to w NO EVENT UNLESS REOulREb Dy APPLchRLE LAW OR AOREED TO lll WRITING WlLL ANy OOPleOHT HOLDER. OR Ally OTHER PARTY WHO MAy MOble AND/OR REDlSTRlOuTE THE LlDRARy AS PERMlTTED ABOVE. OE LlADLE To you FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING Atty GENERAL. SPEclAL. lNchEllTAL OR SONsEOuENTlAL DAMAOEs ARlSlNO OUT OF THE uSE OR lNAOlLlTy TO uSE THE LlaRARy (lNCLUDING am NOT LlMlTED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED lNAOOuRATE OR LOSSES SuSTAlllEO By you OR TlthD PARTlES OR A FAlLuRE OF THE LlORARy TO OPERATE WlTH ANy OTHER SOFTWAREl. EVEN lF SuOH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTy HAS BEEN ADylSED OFTHE PDSSlBILlTV OF SucH DAMAGES 23 24 LICENSES - GPL Tnls sonwave was oulll uslng tne lolluwlng tools ln accordance to {he lleense! below - dou5c1 24.6 . GPL — commumcatlon tnrougn lPC/named plpes yra at Emoeooeo e dous' o—n BU . GPL ' communleallan lnlou n lPC/named pipes le abexoafl server - hluech 5 3 . GPL — commumcatlon tnrou n l Clnanled plpes yra dhuScl 2.4 5 ~ oheXcda cseNel — GPt . cornnrunloatlon nrougn ch/narneo plpes vla onus—1.2 4.6 The GNU General Puollc Llcense (GPL) Verslon 2,Julle1991 Copgmgnt to) 1959. test Free Software Founuatlon. lnc 59 emole Place._$ulle 330.5051“ MA 0211171307 USA Everyone ls permrtted to copy and dlstllbule yerlaatlm coples sf (nls rl‘l‘cellse document. hul onallglng ll Is not allowed ream e Tne llcenxes lo! nloxt sonwale ale oeslgneo lo lake away yaul Vleedonl ta snale and change ll By comm“. lne GNU fieneml Puollc Llcense ls lntenoeu to guarantee your treeoom to snare ano cltange tree soltwar make sure the sofiware rs tree tor all l's users Thls Genelal Puo lc Llcellse ao'g‘lles lo most oV tne Flee Smlwale Founoallon‘! stmwale and to any olnev olo rant wnose autnors commrt to uslng lt (Some o er Free Soloware Foundallon sottware ls covered by tne GNU Llarary Genera Puollc Lloense lnsteao.y you can apply lt to our programs. too _ wnen we speak ul‘ tree software. we are re ernng to treeoom not once Oul General Puollc chenses are oesl neg to make sure tnat you naye tne treeoorn to olstrloule ooples ot tree soltware (ano cnarge tor tnls seryloe I1 you won). at you reoelve source code or can get lt ll you want lt. tnat you can change tne soloware or use pleces ul‘ t m new tree programs. ano tnat you know on can on tnese tnlngs. _ _ To pro ect your "an. we neeo to make restnctrons tnat lorolo anyone to oeny you tnese rolls or or ask you to surrenoer tne ng ts lllese restructlons translate to cerlaln responslollltles for you ll you olml ute coples ot tne sottware. or I1 you mool lt Fol example. n on orstnpute comes at such a program. wnetner gratls or tor a tee. you must one tne recl tents all tne ng ts mm ou nayeu ou nmfilm make sule lnxl mey. loo, resolve at can gel lne source code And you mun snow nern lnese terms so e now err rr Weypmtecl your llggnls win two steps. I) oopyrlglrt tne sottware. ano lz) onel you tnls lloense wnlon glves you legal permlsslon to copy. as noute ano/or moollytne so are Also lor each aulnol‘s ploleollon and nun. we we!“ to make cenxln lnal everyone undemano! lnal (nele ls no warronfy lor tnls tree soltware lttne software ls moolneo oy someone else and passed on we want lfl reclplents to know tlnatwnat ney naye ls not tne onglnal. w tnat any proolenrs lntroouoeo oy otners will not retlect on the orlglnal autnors‘ re utatlons Flllally. any tree program lS tnreateneo constantly py software patents We Wlsn to ayolo tne oangertnat re lstnautors of alree program wlll lnolvloually ootaln patent lloenses. tn etleot maklng tne program propnetary To prevent tnls. we have made lt clear tnat an patent must pe llcenseo for ever one‘s lree use or not lcenseo at all Tne leelse erms and oondlllons lo! (mpg?r lmloullon and modl'leallon lollow. TER 3 AND CDNDlTIDNS FUR COPYING. l RIBuTIDN AND Muanlcatlotl D.Tnls tloenae ap lles to any program or otner_work wnlclr comalns a notlce laoeo oytne copyn nt noloer saylng lt may no tnouteu unoer ne terms ottnls Genelal Puplrc Llcense tne “Plogranl‘ . pe ow. relers to an suc pro rarn or work. and a ork oaseo on tne Plaglam“ means eltlrer me Program or an oenyaoue work unoer oopyrl law tna ls to say. a work contalmn tne Program or a ponlon ol rt. eltnerverpatlm orwlt oomcatlons amt/or transla eo lnto anotner language He lna el oanxlxtlon l! Included wlmoul llmllallon ln lne (elm madl'lcaoon“ ) Exoll llcensee ls adolessed a: you“. oyrtles otnertnan copylng. olstnputlon ano moolncatlon are not coyereo py tnls Llcense. they are outsloe rts scope tne act of lunnln lne Plogram Is not Yexllleled. and lne uulolll lmnl lne Plogmnl la Covered only ll Ils contents consume a work gaseo onfl e Program llnoepenoent of nayrng oeen maoe oy runmng tne Program) wne nertnat lS true oepenos on wnattne m ram oes. wl‘ou may copy ano olstnoute yeroatlm copes ottne Plooranl‘s source cooe as you recelye it to any meolum. proyloeo tnat you consplouously ano appropnately puolls on eaolt cupyban appropnate copyngnt notloe and dlsolalme! ot warranty. keep lntact all tne notlces tnat reler to tnls Llcense arm to tne a sence of any warranty: and grye any ottler recrplents oltne Program a copy ot tlns Lloense alon wttlr tne Program. _ Veuhmay cnaroe a tee for e pnyslcal ac ol transtemng a copy. ano you may at youroptlon otter warranty protectlon rn exc an e or a ea. 2. you rla moolly your copy or copies ottne Plofl‘lanl or any genion ol lt. tnus tormlng a work oaseu on tne Program. amt copy lllm dlslrl dule such modllloallans ol wolK undel e terms 0 eollon 1 above. olovloed mat you also nleel all cl ese con l lons: a Vau nlusl cause lne modllled llles mpagry ronllllenl notlces smlln final you cnang‘ed me llles and lne dale cl any change to you must cause any work tnatyou orstnou e or puollsn. tnat m wno e or m part con ams or ls oenveo trom tne Program or any all meleo'. lo oe llcensed as a wnole at no I: urge lo all lnlro names undev (ne lelnls ol fills Lloense ) e moolneo pnrogram normally reaus commanos lnteractlyely wnen run. you must cause lt. wnen starteo runmng torsucn lntemotlve use ln e most orolnary way. at pnnt or dlsplay an announcement lnoluolng an appropnate oopyn nt notloe ano a notlce tnat tnere ls no warranty (or else. sa‘ylng tnatyou pronoe a warranty) and that users may reolstnputet e program undel tnese oonoltlons. ano telllng tne user now o vlew a copy ot tlrls Lloense.1 xceptlon. lt tlre Program ltselt ls lnteraotlye out does not normally pnnt such an announcement. your work oaseo on tne Program ls not re uneo to pnnt an announcement) Tnese leqtlllenlents apply to lne modllled wolK a: awllole ll loenllflao e secllolls o! nal wolK are not oerlveo lmnl tne Program. ano can oe reasonany consloereo rnoepenoent ano separate works rn memselyes, tnen ons Llcense. ano lfl terms. oo not apply to mose seotlons wnen you olstnoute tnem_as_separate works. sutwlren you olstnoute me same seotlons as part ul‘a wnole wnlcn ls a work oaseo on tne Program. tne orstnou lon ottne wnole must ae on type terms ottnls chense. wnose oelmlsslons fol Mlle! lleensees exleno lo tne entlle whole, and lnus m eaon and every_ an legamless ol wno wrote ll nus. lt ls not tne rrrterrt ottnls sectlon to clarm wants or contest our ngrrts to work wr en en lrely by you; ratner. toe lntent lS ta exelclse tne llgnl (a cantlol tne dlslllbullon of ellvatlve or no eellve Wolks based on me nglanl. ln aoortlon. mere aggregatlon ot anotner work not oaseg on tne Program wlll’l the Program lor wltn a work paseo on the Profilanl) on a volume oV a storage or olmloullon nleolum does not llng the olnev wolk undel me scope 0! W3 Llcellse 3. ou may copy ano olstnoutet e Program (or a work paseo on t. undel Sectlon 1) m oorect cooe or execuoaple term unoer the helm: of Sectlons 1 and 2 above provlded lnal you also do one o! lne VDllowlng _ _ ayrtccompany rt wltn tne complete corresponglng maclllnweadahle source cooe. wnlcn must ae orstnouteo unoer tne terms o Sectlons 1 ano gaooye on a meolum oustomanly useo tor aottware lnterclrange. or bLAccomDany ltwrtn a wntten oflel. yallo lor at least tnree years. to glye any tnno party. tor a charge no more tnan your cost at p ysloally erlorrrllng source olstnoutlon. a complete rrlacnlne—reaoa le copy _ot tlre collespanolng_snulce cooe. m e as noute unoer tne terms of Sectlonst and z aooye on a meolum customarrly useo lor software rntercnan e; or c] Accompan ll wlfll (he Inwmlaqon y‘ou lecelved as to me ofiel lo olmloule collexponolllg souloe node. (T ls allelnallve ls a loweo only or noncommerclal orstn utlon ano only l1 you recelyeo tne program m oolect cooe or executaple lorm wltn sucn an otter. ln accolo wlm Suoseotlon o aooye.l _ The source cooe tor a work means the Dlelelled lorm ol the work tor maklng moolncatlons to rt. For an ekecutaale work. oomplele source code means all tne soulce Code lo] all modules ll oonmlns. plus any assoclaled lnlerlaee dellnlllon Vlle! plus tne scnpo useo to conool comollatlon ano lnsoallaoon ul‘ tne executable Howeyel. as a speclal ekceyaoon. tne source co e olslrlou ed need not lnclude anyttllng lnal ls normally dlsmolfled [ln ellnel snulce ol olnary lolmp wl n lne mayor components Sgomnllel.‘kilnel. ano so on) of ne operatmo system on wnlcn tne ekecuoaole runs. unless tnat component rtsell accompames e execu a e. LICENSES GPL icontl it distribution at executaoie or ooyect cooe is made oy otieiing access to copy trom a designated place. men oneiing eguivaieiii access to cow the source code item the same olace coum as distribution oltne source code. even tnouoli third oafties are not compelled to copy tne source along wttn tne ooiecl code 4.‘tou may not copy. modify. siiolicense. or distribute tne Piooiam excevt as exoiessly orvvided under lnis License. Any attempt otnerwise to copy. modiry. suoiicense or distrioule tne Program is vote. and vviii automatically terminate your rignts under tnis License However. oarties wno nave received cooies. or rionts. from you under tnis License wtll riot nave tneir licenses terminated so long as sucn parties remain in my compliance 5. Vou are not required to acceotlnis License. since you nave not signed it. However. notnino else grants you permission to many or distrioute tne Program or its Derivative works.Tltess actions are promoted oy law ityoii no not accept inis Lieense Tnerefore. by modivyino or distrioutino tne Program (or any work oased on tne Prooram). you indicate your acceptance ol tins License to co so. and all its terms and conditions tor copying. cistriouting or modirying tne Program or walks oaseo on it. s. Eacn time you redisoiovte lne Program (or any work oased on tne Prootaml.t1ie recipient autornalically receives a license trom tne original licensor to copy. cistrioute or modirytne Piogmni suoieot to tnese terms aria conditions. you may not impose any furtner restrictions on the reciOiems‘ exercise of tne rights granted neiein.‘tou are not responsible for enloicino compliance oy oiird parties to mis License 7. it. as a consequence of a courtiudoment or alleoalion ol patent infringement or lor any otner reason (not limited to oatent issues). conditions are imposed on you (wnetnei oy coun order. agreement or Dmerwlsey tnat contradict tne conditions ottnis License. tney do not excuse you irom lne conditions of tnis License. it you cannot distribute so asto satisty simultaneously your ooligaoons under mis License and any otner pertinent ooiigations. lnen as a consequence you may not distiioute tne Program at all For examPle. it a oalenl license would not permit wyalfiyalvee redisoiovtion ol tne Program by all tnose wno receive copies directly or indireetiytnroiign you. tnen tne only way you couio satisty oom it and lnis License wouic as to ietmin entirely lrom oistrioulion of tne Piooram it any portion ortnis section is neio invalid or iinentoieeaoie under any particular circumstance. tne oalance at tne section is intended to aooly and lne section as a wnole is intended to firmly in otner circumstances. it is not tne pvrpose ot tnis section to induce you to intringe any patents or otner propeny rignt claims or to contest validity or any sucn claims. tnis section nas tne sole ouroose of orotecttno tne integrity ol tne free software distribution system. wnicn ts implementec oy puoiic license practices Many people nave mace generous contrinutions to tne Wide range at sottware distributed tniouon lnal system in reliance on consistent aoolicalion oltnat system: it ts uo to Die autnoi/oonorlo decide if ne or sne ts vviiiing to distrioute sottwaie tnrougn any otner system and a licensee cannot impose tnat cnoice Tnis secflon ts intended to rnalte lnorouonly clear what ts oelieveo to oe a consequence oi tne rest of Ms License 3. it tne distrioution and/or use at tne Program is restricted tn eenain countries eitner oy patents or oy copyrignted inlertaces. lne original cooyrionl nolder wno olaces lne Program under tnis License may add an exolicil oeooraohical distriouflon limitation excluding tnose countries. so tnat distrioution is permitted only in or among countries not tnvs exciuced ln sucn case. tnis License incorporates tne limitation as it written tn the body ot tnis License 9.Tne Free Sottware Foundation may puoiisn revised and/or new versions ot tne General Puoiic License trom time to time Svcn new versions wtll oe similar in soirit to tne oresentvetsion. but may diNei tn detail to address new Droolems or concerns Eacn version ts given a distinguishing version numoer. it tne Program speeities a version numoer ot tnis License wnien applies to it and “any later version“. you nave lne option of lollowing tne terms and conditions eitner ot tnat version oi oi any later version puoiisnec oytne Free Software Foundation A tne Program does not specity a version numoer ot mis License. you may cnoose any version evei ovolisned by tne Free Software Foundation. to. it you vvisn to incorporate pans ottne Piogmni inm otner nee programs wnose cistrioution conditions are dinerent. write to lne autnor to ask for permission. For sottware wnich is cooyrionted oy lne Free Sottware Foundation. write to tne Free Software Foundation. we sometimes maite exceptions tor inis Oiir decision will oe guided oy tne two goals ot preservtng tne tree status of all derivatives of our free sottware and of orornotino tne snarino and reuse of soitware oenerally ND WARRANTy tt. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM lS LlcENSED FREE OF CHARGE. THERE is NO WARRANTV FOR THE PROGRAM. TO THE EXTENT PERMiTTED Dy APPLicADLE LAW ExOEPT WHEN oTHEthSE STATED iN WRiTiNG THE COPleGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTlES PROVlDE THE PROGRAM ”AS lS” WlTHOuT WARRANTV OF AN KlND. ElTHER EXPRESSED OR lMPLlED. lNOLuDlNG. am NOT uMiTED TO. THE iMPLiED WARRANTlES DF MERCHANTADiLiTv AND FlTNESS FOR A PARTiGDLAR PLlRPOSE. THE ENTlRE RlSK AS TO THE uuALlTv AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM lS WlTH YOU SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTWE. you ASSDME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERuiOiNG. REPAiR OR ODRREOTiON 12. W NO EVENT UNLESS REOulRED D‘t APPLchDLE LAW OR AGREED To in WRlTlNG WlLL AN‘t CUPVRlGHT HOLDER. OR ANV OTHER PADTy WHG MAy MODlFVAND/OR REDiSTRiDuTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMrrTED ADOVE. DE LiADLE TG vOll FOR DAMAGES. lNcLuDlNG ANv GENERAL. SPEOlAL. lNchENTAL OR caNSEOuENTlAL DAMAGES ARlSlNG OUT OF THE uSE OR iNADiLiTv To USE THE PROGRAM thCLuDiNG DDT NOT LiMiTED To LOSS OF DATA OR DATA DEiNG RENDERED iNAccuRATE DR LOSSES SuSTAlNED BV VUU OR THlRD PARTlES OR A FAlLuRE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WlTH AN‘t OTHER PROGRAMS). EVEN iF SDGH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS DEEN AthSED GFTHE POSSlBILlTY OF SUCH DAMAGES 25 26 LICENSES - MIT TnTs sortware was puTTt usTn tne roTToan tools Tn accordance to me TTcenses oeTow expat—2 OT , MTT , TndTrect TnkTer depeTT encv TToanlz — M Expat xML Parser 01:6)leng Teea, 1999 2000 mm Open Source Sortware Center Ltd and Clark Cooper 3 operdlrt tcLZOOT. ZOOz ZOOMOOA, 20012005 Expat maintainers Pslmlssmn Ts ereoy ggrtt , tree or onarge, to any person DDETVTTHF a copy or lnTs sortware and assoeTated dooTTmentalTon lTTes One ”Sortware‘l deal Tn tne Software witnou restrTctTon Tnc TTdTno witnout limetToTT the rTonts to use. cm. modlty. merge, pulalTsrT, detrTbute, suoTTeeTTse, and/or seTT_copTes or lne Software, and to permTt persons to wnorn the So are Ts rumored to do so, sublect to Me lollowmo conthTons Tne apoue co glam notTce and ms perstsTon notTee snaTT pe TncTuded Tn aTT co Tes or supslaanaT portTons or me Sottware THE SOFTWA T PROVTDED “AS ls ‘, WlTHOUT WARRANTV OF ANV KTND, ExPR SS OR TMPLTED TNCLUDTNO BUT NOT LlMTTED To THE WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTADTLTTV FTTNESS FOR A FARTTOULAR PURPOSE AND NONTNFRTNOEMENT TN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPVRTGHT HOLDERS BE LTADLE FOR AN‘r CLAlM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LTADlLTTv WHETHER TN AN ACTTDN OF CONTRACT TORT OR OTHERWTSE, ARTSTNO FROM, OUT OF OR TN CONNEOTTON WTTH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALlNOS TN THE SOFTWARE TTbmeZ Except wnere otneerse noted Tn tne source code (eg tne TTTes nasn.c, TTst c aer lne trTo tTTes, women are covered by a sTmTTar TTcence out WTtn dTTterent Coperp/nt notTces all tne TTTes are: COpyTTgM (C) 199572003 DanTel eTllard AT RTgnts Reserved PerstsTon Ts Hereby oganted, tree or cnarde, to any person ooanTnP a copy or true software and assocTated documentatTon tTTes nne ”Sortware‘l deaT Tn tTTe Sottware lenou restrTclTon Tno uOTTtg lenout leTtatToTT me mama to use, co y, rnodrry, merge, puolisn. distrTbute, suoTTcense, and/or seTT copTes or tne Software, and to permTt persons to wnorn the So ware Ts turnTsned to do so, meet to toe tollowmg oonthTons _ _ Tne above so {n m notTce and true perstsTon notTce snaTT oe TncTuded Tn all so Tes Dr suostantTaT pprtTons or the Soltware THE SOFTWA T FROVTDED “AS TS ‘, WTTHOUT WARRANTV OF ANr KTND, EXPR SS OR TMPLTED TNCLUDTNO BUT NOT LlMTTED TO THE WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTADTLTTV FTTNESS FOR A PARTTCULAR PURPOSE AND NONTNFRTNCEMENT TN NO EVENT SHALL THEAUTHORS DR COPVRTGHT HOLDERS DE LTABLE FURANY CLAlM DAMAGES OR OTHER LTADTLTTV WHETHER TN AN ACTTON OF CONTRACT TORT OR OTHERWlSE, ARTSTNG FROM. OUT OF OR TN CONNECTlON WTTH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALTNOS TN THE SOFTWARE Licenses - BSD ms software was DoTlt owe the talloano oools Tn accordance to the cherTses below T 1T CD93” Ht (c) 199972005; DTeter Baron and Thomas Klausner The au nors can be contacted at TTnzT ©an at Reddsnmnm" and‘use Tn source and may rorms, wrtn or thout modeTcatTorT, are permTtted prouToed tnattne tollowmg con ToTTs are me ReOTstrToutTorTs ot source code must roam the above coperngt notTce, trTTs lTst of condoms and tne ToTToang declaTmer RedetrToutTons Tn DTRaly'Orm must reproduce tne aopue Copxlslghl notTce, trTTs TTstpt conthTons and me tollowmg decTaTmer Tn tne documentatTon and or other materTals prodeeo thn tne I rToutTon NeTmer tne name at tnenOrthe names at Tts conterTrlors may he used to endorse or promote products oerwed trom tnTs sottware WTtnout spews rTor wntteTT erstsTon THTS SOFTWARE ls PROVTDED BY T E COP RlGHT HOLD RS AND CONTRTDUTORS ‘AS TS“ AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLTED WARRANTTES lNCLUDlNC, BUT NOT LTMlTED TO THE IMPLTED WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTAETLTTV AND FTTNESS FORA FARTTCULAR FURFOSE ARE DlSCLATMED. TN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRTGHT HOLDER OR CONTRTDUTORS DE LTADLE FOR ANv DTRECT TNDTRECT, TNcTDENTAL, SFECTAL, ExEMFLARv OR cONsEOUENTTAL DAMAGES TNCLUDTNC, OUT NOT LlMTTED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUDSTrTUTE GOODS OR SERVTCES, LOSS OF USE. DATA. OR PROFTTS O DUSTNESS TNTERRUPTTON HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANV THEORv OF LlADTLTTv WHETHER TN CONTRACT STRTCT LTADTLlTv, OR TORT lNCLUDTN NEGLIGENCE OR OTHEfiwlsiéARTSING TN ANr WAY OUT OF THE USE OFTHTS SOFTWARE EVEN TF ADVTSED FTHE POSSTBILTTV OFSuCH DANlA E Federal OomnTunTeatTon ComstsToTT Tnterterence Statement TnTs e qument Has been tested and round to comply WTtn tne TTrmts Tor a Class B dToTtaT Oevlce, pursuant to Part T5 oftne FCC Rules ese TTnTTTts are desTgned to prodee reesonaoTe proteotTon agaTnstnarnTTuT Tn erterence TrTa resTdentTaT TnstaTTotTon TnTs equoment generates uses and can radTate raaTotreouency ener y and TT not Tnstalled and used Tn accordance wtn tne TnstructTons, may cause narnntuT TntertereTTce lo radTo communTea ons However, tnere Ts no guarantee mat TntertereTTce WTTT not occur To a partTcuTar TnstalTatTon lt tnTs eou'Tpment does cause narmlul Tnterlerence to mom or teTeuTsTon rece tTon, wnTcn can oe deternTTTned Dy tTTrnTng lne edqunTTenl o and on, lne user Ts encouraged to try to correct tne Tnterterence yone at me lollowm measures ReorTeTT or relocate tne receTuTTTg antenna Tncrease tne separatTorT Detween tne eqqument and receTyer Connect me eqqunTent Tnm an outlet on a cTrcuTt thterent tram tnat to women tne receTuer Ts connected Consult tne dealer or an experTenced radTmTV teennTcTan Tor neTp FCC CautTon-Any cnandes or modTrTcatTons not expressly approved oy tne party responsToTe Tor complTance coulo umd tne user‘s autnorTw o operate tnTs egwpment TnTs deuTce complTes thlT PartT o the FCC Rules OperatTon Tssuoyecttotnetollowmg two common T)TnTs oeuTce may not cause narnTTtuT TnterTereTTce, and (2) ms deuTce must accept any TnterTerence receTved, TncTudTno Tnte erenee tnat may cause undesTred operatTon TnTs eoqunTent eonTT TTes WTtn Fcc RF radTatTon exposure TTnTTls set tortn tor an uncontrolled eanronnTTeTTl. To nTTaTnlaTn compTTance thn FC RF exposure comoTTarTce requTremeths. please avon oTrect contact to tne transmTttTnd antenna Owns? (lansmlfllnsti Tndu ry Canada atement TnTs deuTce complTes me RSS—zT O ortne Tndustry Canada RuTes OperatTon Ts suoTeet lo tne ToTToWTng two conthToTTs. tnTs deuTce may not cause Tnterlerence and ms deuTce must accept any TnterTereTTce, TncTuoTTTg TTTterterence mat may cause undesTred operatToTT or tne deche TMPORTANT NOTE- TC RadTatTon Ex osure Statement TnTs eqqumen compTTesWTtn TC radTatTon ex sure was set tortn tor an uncontrolled enuTronrrTent End users mustlollowtne specTTTc operatTng TnstruetTons Tor sathryTTTg F exposure com TTanee To maTntaTn corinTance WTtn TC RF exposure conTpTTance reouTrements, please follow operatTorT TrTstroctTorT as documen d Tn tnTs manual TECHNICAL SUPPORT (866) 204—4714 Iiterati@k0bobooks.com www. LiteratiReadeLoom/support oznm smme. lmxgmumsmnm uc AH n u resemfl mmu Mun-scum LLB. ml Ham: n mu m swarm man: mm mm mqa m veqnmved maemmx m sn-rw wage Ana-41m“, u: um mu Hcense by ansnum uc. Au 0"!!! “7947: and "Mimi?“ ans pmmwm w" "Spam" nwmsvs. rm menu mama and man mun-mm vfMunhSnuvcu, LLB Kenn. knbanuks.m7m and mm lam an tvadlmlms mu m: nmwmy anvDu Inc Wurnamus and Wntnntanmu DmpmyuHh-w WED-Elm own": umnmm w anchswvcm uc‘ Foam” mm EA new warns mums m anwnvkand assign mm: mamm m amen“ hyus cnwvwmlaw and may rwt n. "ma-mm mmma. msmma Dumlxhedaruxedmmywmou wmmnnmwnnenwmwmnn Aiming, mummy m venmducmgxnym me (vanvmavkurwvmmnwcl1mm: on w; mamm Is no! Mmmuu. anzd m Cmna
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