Electronics LS2P Self Contained Door Lock, LS2P User Manual Manual

International Electronics Inc. Self Contained Door Lock, LS2P Manual


IEI DoorGard LS2/LS2PProgramming Manualwww.ieib.com Part Number 6041000Copyright 2003 Rev. 1.0International Electronics, Inc. Date: 02-03D3
For more information, contact:International Electronics, Inc. © Copyright 2003427 Turnpike Street International Electronics, Inc.Canton, MA 02021 U.S.A. All Rights ReservedPublished in U.S.A.Telephone: 781-821-5566800- 733-9502 (sales in MA)800-343-9502 (sales)Fax: 781-821-4443FaxInformationCenter: 781-821-0734Internet: www.ieib.comD3
Table of ContentsForewordF.1 About this Manual............................................... viiF.2 Safety Warnings and Cautions ......................... viiF.3 FCC Statement ..................................................... viiF.4 Design Change Disclaimer.................................viiiF.5 Reproduction Disclaimer.................................... viiiF.6 Technical Support................................................ viiiF.7 Warranty ............................................................... ixDoorGard LS2/LS2P SystemProgramming Guide1.1 Features ................................................................. 1-11.1.1 Specifications.................................................. 1-21.1.2 Battery Powered............................................ 1-21.1.2.A Low Voltage Operation ...................... 1-21.1.2.B Low Voltage Warning ......................... 1-31.1.2.C Inhibit Operation Warning ................ 1-31.1.2.D Lock Prior to Sleep .............................. 1-31.2 Programming the Keypad.................................. 1-41.2.1 Master Code................................................... 1-41.2.2 User #2, Supervisor...................................... 1-51.3 Programming Keypad Options andParameters................................................................... 1-61.3.1 Set Lock Time ...........................................1-61.3.2 Propped and Forced Door Audio Alerts... 1-61.3.2.A Forced Door Audio Alert .................... 1-71.3.3 Propped Door Audio Alert.......................... 1-7DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 iii
1.3.4 Request-To-Exit (REX) Input .......................1-81.3.5 User Lockout Option ....................................1-81.3.5.A Lockout By Location ............................1-81.3.5.B Lockout By Group ................................1-91.3.6 Error Lockout Option ...................................1-101.3.7 Turning Audio Keypress FeedbackON/OFF....................................................................1-101.3.8 Turning Visual LED/Keypress IndicatorON/OFF....................................................................1-111.3.9 Auto Entry.......................................................1-121.3.10 TimeZone/Holiday Features ......................1-121.3.10.A Midnight Crossing TimeZones.........1-141.3.10.B Holidays................................................1-141.3.10.C Daylight Savings Time.......................1-141.3.10.D Leap Year.............................................1-151.3.10.E Time/Date Set.......................................1-151.3.11 Transaction Event Log................................1-151.3.12 Communications..........................................1-151.3.13 DoorGard LS2/LS2P Default Settings.......1-161.3.14 Restoring System Defaults .........................1-191.3.15 Erasing User Table/Restore SystemDefaults.....................................................................1-191.4 Programming Users .............................................1-201.4.1 User Features..................................................1-201.4.2 User Codes......................................................1-221.4.3 Enabling/Disabling Users Command .........1-231.4.4 Adding New or Changing ExistingCodes.........................................................................1-231.4.4.A Examples ................................................1-241.5 Programming Commands ..................................1-26Appendix A: Users ChartTable of Contentsiv DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
List of TablesTable 1-1. Specifications.......................................1-2Table 1-2. DoorGard LS2/LS2P DefaultSettings.................................................1-16Table 1-3. DoorGard LS2/LS2P LEDIndicators/Sounder Operations........1-17Table 1-4. User Types...........................................1-21Table 1-5. Program Commands..........................1-26DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 v
ForewordF.1 About thisManualThis manual is designed for installers of the Interna-tional Electronics DoorGard LS2/LS2P system. All pro-gramming instructions and other relevant informationis contained in this manual.This manual describes all the features currently sup-ported in the LS2/LS2P hardware only. It does notcover any of the features or functionality in the PDAor Hubmanager Pro 4.x software. Please refer to thoserespective manuals for those details.F.2 SafetyWarnings andCautionsWhen handling the main printed circuit board, toguard against possible static discharges, touch agrounded object BEFORE touching the DoorGardLS2/LS2P system. Static shock can render the productunusable. Commands mentioned in the descriptionparagraph are all listed in Table 1-4.F.3 FCC Statement This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful inter-ference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency en-ergy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference toradiocommunications. However,thereisnoguaran-tee that interference will not occur in a particular in-stallation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter-ference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antennaDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 vii
•Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is con-nected•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/televi-sion technician for helpAny changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could void theuser’s authority to operate the equipment.The term “IC:” before the radio certification numberonly signifies that Industry of Canada technical speci-fications were met.F.4 Design ChangeDisclaimerDue to design changes and product improvements,information in this manual is subject to change withoutnotice.IEI assumes no responsibility for any errors that mayappear in this manual.F.5 ReproductionDisclaimerNeither this manual nor any part of it may be repro-duced, photocopied, or electronically transmitted inany way without the written permission of IEI.F.6 TechnicalSupportShould you experience any difficulty programmingthe DoorGard LS2/LS2P system, please contact yourIEI representative, or IEI at the number listed on pageii.To contact IEI’ Technical Support department, call 1-800-343-9502 between 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (EasternStandard Time), Monday through Friday. Questionscan also be submitted through our website atwww.ieib.com.Forewordviii DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
F.7 Warranty International Electronics Incorporated (IEI) warrantsits products to be free from defects in material andworkmanship, when they have been installed in ac-cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, andhave not been modified or tampered with. IEI does notassume any responsibility for damage or injury to per-son or property due to improper care, storage han-dling, abuse, misuse, normal wear and tear, or an actof God.IEI’s sole responsibility is limited to the repair (at IEI’soption) or the replacement of the defective product orpart when sent to IEI’s facility (freight and insurancecharges prepaid), after obtaining IEI’s Return Mer-chandise Authorization. IEI will not be liable to thepurchaser or any one else for incidental or consequen-tial damages arising from any defect in, or malfunctionof, its products.This warranty shall expire two years after shippingdate for the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system. Except asstated above, IEI makes no warranties, either ex-pressed or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, in-cluding, without limitation to, the condition of its prod-ucts, their merchantability, or fitness for any particularapplication.ForewordDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 ix
DoorGard LS2/LS2PSystem ProgrammingGuideThis guide provides information about programmingthe DoorGard LS2/LS2P system. You must programcertain parameters, such as such as changing the de-fault Master Code, upon initial installation.NOTE: All features and programming commandsrelating to proximity cards are available in the LS2Pmodel only.1.1 Features The following is a list of features available in theLS2/LS2P system.•2000 Users•2000 Transaction Log Events*•32 Holidays*•8 Timezones*•Auto-Unlock (default = 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.)•Proximity Card Reader+•PDA Communications*•8UserTypes•Propped and Forced Door Audio Alerts•REX•User Lockout* Means a feature is only available with software.+ Available in LS2P model only.DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-1
1.1.1 SpecificationsTable 1-1. SpecificationsVoltage 6 Volts (four 1.5-volt AA batteries)Current Draw (sleep mode) 30 mAREX Normally Open Dry ContactDoor Loop Normally Open Dry ContactTemperature -35° C to +66° C (-31° F to +151° F)Environment Indoor/Outdoor**The rear part of the system must beindoors; only the keypad can beoutside.1.1.2 Battery Powered The DoorGard LS2/LS2P system is battery powered;when the system is not in use, it consumes very littlepower, but the batteries normally discharge over anextended period. The DoorGard LS2/LS2P systempowers itself down (sleep mode) after one of the fol-lowing events:•fifteen seconds after the last keypress that doesnot result in an unlock•immediately after sending the lock pulse regard-less of what triggered it (valid PIN, REX input,Toggle/Passage code, etc..)•fifteen seconds after a Lockout code is entered•immediately after a Toggle/Passage ON/OFF codeis entered1.1.2.A Low Voltage OperationThe LS2/LS2P has two low voltage indicators, the LowVoltage Warning and Low Voltage Inhibit. The systemwakes up momentarily every 30 seconds and checksthe battery voltage to determine if the voltage is low.When either of these situations arises the batteryshould be changed.1.1 Features1-2 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
1.1.2.B Low Voltage WarningWhen the battery voltage drops to 4.4 volts, the LowVoltage Warning is indicated by four long beeps afterany code is entered and then the lock energizes. Thisaction lets you know the batteries are getting low andshould be charged, but does not prevent you fromoperating the door.1.1.2.C Inhibit Operation WarningWhen the battery pack voltage reaches below 4.0 voltsand a user enters his/her code, the DoorGard LS2/LS2Psounder issues four (4) long beeps, pauses, then soundanother four (4) long beeps.This lets you user know the batteries are so low thatsufficient power may not be present to perform a lockpulse after the unlock pulse. At this point, the doorwill not unlock.To open the door now, either the Master code, Super-visor code, or an Emergency code must be used (foran explanation of user types,see Table 1-4). These threetypes of users (Master, Supervisor, or Emergency)override the Inhibit warning, allowing someone toopen the door and then change the batteries.1.1.2.D Lock Prior to SleepThe Lock Prior to Sleep option (command 30 option14) determines if the keypad sends the lock pulse be-fore the system goes to sleep. The default is “only ifnecessary,” but you can set it to “always lock prior tosleep” if required. Example:30 # 14 # set/clear # **(default—0=only if necessary,1=always lockprior to sleep)1.1 FeaturesDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-3
1.2 Programmingthe KeypadThe first step in programming the system is to placeit into program mode. You can verify that the systemis in program mode as the yellow LED blinks slowly;when the yellow LED stops blinking and is OFF com-pletely, the system is no longer in program mode. Ifthe desired programming is not understood by thesystem or is entered incorrectly, the yellow LED re-mains steadily lighted; this signals that you shouldpress *to clear the error condition and then re-enterthe code. The system remains in program mode for 45seconds if no key is pressed.1.2.1 Master Code To place the system in program mode, you must firstenter 99 # followed by the “master code,” which is thecode that is stored in user location 1.To place the system in program mode, press:99 # Master Code *NOTE: 1234 is the default master code, which IEIrecommends you change right away.If you forget the master code, remove the battery cover,take out the battery pack and control board (leave allwires connected), and press the SW1 switch. (SW1 islocated next to pin 25 on J2, through a hole in thebracket.)A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that the systemis in program mode. (A steady yellow LED, in contrast,means that errors were detected during programming.Error states can be cleared by pressing the asterisk *key.)NOTE: For details about the master code, see theUsers section.1.2 Programming the Keypad1-4 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
1.2.2 User #2,Supervisor Any code assigned to user # 2 is designated as a “Su-pervisor” user. This code can also enter programmingmode as well as unlock the door.Upon entering programming mode, the supervisorgains access to limited programming commands, in-cluding:•Adding/Deleting users (command #50, #51, #52,#53, #57, and #58)•Enabling/Disabling Users (command #56)•Changing Relay Time (command #11)•Changing Keypad Platform Parameters 5 and 6only (command #32)NOTE: For details about the supervisor, see theUsers section.1.2 Programming the KeypadDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-5
1.3 ProgrammingKeypad Optionsand Parameters1.3.1 Set Lock Time The Set Lock Time feature is enabled by using thiscommand:11 # tt # 0 # * *where tt = number of seconds to operate lock on access(1 through 99)The default is 5 seconds.1.3.2 Propped andForced Door AudioAlertsThe LS2/LS2P system support both Propped Door andForced Door Audio Alerts. By default both audio alertsare disabled, but can be activated using command 32parameter 2. Please note this parameter only controlsthe audio alerts. These features cannot be disabled bysetting the parameter to 0, meaning the door loop isalways active and continues to record these transac-tions, when door contacts are used, even though thereis no audio alert.The door loop is Normally Open, meaning you mustclose the loop to activate either function.Action Press DetailsChange keypadparameters 32#parameter#value#** See belowParameter Value2, door loop audio 0-3 (def=0)output select 0=no door loopaudio outputs1=forced dooraudio output on2=propped dooraudio output on3=both forced &propped dooraudio outputs on1.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-6 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
1.3.2.A Forced Door Audio AlertWhen enabled, the Forced Door Audio Alert comes onfor a period of time (it is set using command45#ttt#0#**), when the door is in a locked stateandavalidcodewasnotenteredbeforethedoorwasopened; an example would be someone forcing thedoor open. (ttt can be a value from 00 to 990, in 10-sec-ond intervals. The default is 10 seconds.)This option requires the use of a Normally Open doorposition switch. (The door contact is attached to thewhite and yellow wires located in the battery compart-ment on the wire harness that plugs into J4).If you hear the Audio alert, entering a valid code turnsOFF the Forced Door Audio Alert.To ensure that you do not get a Forced Door AudioAlert when the door is opened from the secure side ofthe door (the side without keypad), the NormallyOpen Request-To-Exit (REX) input of the DoorGardLS2/LS2P system must be closed prior to using thehandle to open the door.Failure to trigger the REX input before opening thedoor results in the Forced Door Audio Alert comingon for the preset time.1.3.3 Propped DoorAudio AlertWhen enabled, the Propped Door Audio Alert comeson when the door is held open for a period of time (itis set using command 44#ttt#0#**), after the dooris opened using a valid code. (ttt can be a value from00 to 990, in 10-second intervals. The default is 30seconds. Setting the propped door time to 00 disablesthe feature.)This requires the use of a door position switch. (Thedoor contact is attached to the white and yellow wireslocated in the battery compartment on the wire har-ness that plugs onto J4). If you hear the Audio alert,1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-7
entering a valid code or closing the door turns OFFthe Propped Door Audio Alert.1.3.4 Request-To-Exit(REX) InputThe Request-To-Exit (REX) input can be used to wirein a remote Normally Open switch, such as a buttonat a receptionist’s desk. The switch is wired to thebrown and orange wires located in the battery com-partment on the wire harness that plugs into J4.Either an external REX button can be used or you canorder your DoorGard LS2/LS2P system with the –REXoption installed; the installed system has a contactswitch built into the internal workings of the secureside door handle and has two flying leads that mustthen be tied to the brown and orange wires in thebattery compartment. This input is always enabled(ON). Each time the REX input closes, the system Door-Gard LS2/LS2P system unlocks for the preset unlocktime set with command User LockoutOptionThe LS2/LS2P system supports two types of user lock-outs: “Lockout By Location” and “Lockout By Group.”The two lockouts share the following features: (1) en-tering program mode always clears an active lockout(2) and neither the “master,” the“ supervisor,” nor an“emergency” user can be locked out. The user lockoutfunction, which is enabled by default, can be disabledthrough Command 30 option #5. The lockout type isselected through Command 30 option #8 and defaultsto “Lockout By Location.”1.3.5.A Lockout By LocationIn the Lockout By Location mode the location of theLockout Code in the user table determines which usersare locked out. Entering a Lockout Code (when nolockouts are active) excludes all users programmed inlocations greater than the location of that LockoutCode. For example if user #20 is programmed as aLockout Code and that user’s PIN is entered, thenusers #21 and above are locked out.1.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-8 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Entering the same Lockout Code cancels the currentlockout. If a different Lockout Code (programmed ina location less than the current lockout) is enteredduring an active lockout, the lockout is “lowered” tothe location of that PIN. This means that to cancel alockout initiated by another user, the “new” user mustenter his PIN twice. The first entry lowers the lockoutand the second cancels the lowered lockout.1.3.5.B Lockout By GroupLockout By Group is an enhanced version of the lock-out function. In this mode, each user is assigned to alockout “group.” The user lockoutgroupissetwithCommand 32 parameter 6 and defaults to 4. The groupset in parameter 6 is applied to all newly added users,and can be changed prior to adding each user if re-quired.Lockout groups can be from 0 to 15. User lockout group0 is special because it allows users programmed withthat group to be processed regardless of the currentuser lockout state (meaning group 0 users cannot belocked out). A good example of group 0 usage mightbe a Relock Code, which would allow a group 0 userto re-lock a door even if a user lockout is active. Exercisecare (restraint) when creating group 0 users; if thereare too many, the usefulness of user lockout dimin-ishes.Entering a Lockout Code (when no lockouts are active)sets the current lockout group to that user’s lockoutgroup. Subsequently, whenever a valid PIN is entered,that user’s lockout group is compared to the currentlyactive lockout group. It is the result of this test thatdetermines whether the user is locked out.Entering any lockout code while a lockout is activealways cancels the current lockout. To activate anotherlockout, you must enter the lockout code again.The LS2/LS2P firmware can select one of four differentlockout operations. The selection is made by setting1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-9
the Lockout By Group “operand” in Command 32parameter 7 to one of the following values:•0 = lockout all other groups•1=lockoutjustthisgroup•2 = lockout higher numbered groups•3 = lockout lower numbered groupsWhen a “lockout just this group” is activated, all usersin that group are locked out with the exception of thoseusers programmed as Lockout Codes. This allows theuser who initiated the lockout to cancel the lockout.1.3.6 Error LockoutOptionThe LS2/LS2P system supports error lockout, which isalways enabled and cannot be disabled. When thelockout threshold (set with command 32 parameter 0,defaults to 3) is reached, the keypad locks up and theyellow LED turns on (it does not process codes) untilthe lockout duration expires (lockout duration is setwith command 32 parameter 1, defaults to 10 seconds).Example:32 # parameter # value # **[0, error lockout threshold1-50 (default=3)1, error lockout duration1-255 (default=10)]When the lockout duration is activated, the yellowLED on turns on for 5 seconds and shuts off. Whenthe keypad wakes up and error lockout is still active,the LED turns back on for an additional 5 seconds.This is to preserve battery life.The count is cleared after a correct code is entered orif the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system goes to sleep.1.3.7 Turning AudioKeypress FeedbackON/OFFThe Audio Keypress Feedback command enables thesounder to beep once for each key press. This featureprovides an audio acknowledgment that a particularkey was pressed hard enough for the system to un-derstand. The factory-shipped default setting is ON,butitcanbetoggledONandOFFasdesiredusing1.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-10 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
command 30. NOTE: Acommonreasontoturnthisfeature OFF is to prevent an unauthorized user fromhearing the audio feedback emitted when an author-ized user enters his/her code.1. Place the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system in programmode. Press:99 # Master Code * (default is 1234)A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that thesystem is in program mode.2. To enable this feature, press:30#0#1#**The yellow LED continues to blink slowly. (Asteady yellow LED, in contrast, means that errorswere detected during programming. Error statescan be cleared by pressing the asterisk *key.)3. To disable this feature, press:30#0#0#**The yellow LED continues to blink slowly.4. Press *to exit program mode.1.3.8 Turning VisualLED/KeypressIndicator ON/OFFThis visual LED/keypress indicator lights the visualLED once for each key press. This feature provides avisual acknowledgment that a particular key waspressed hard enough for the system to understand.The factory-shipped default setting is ON, but it canbe toggled ON and OFF as desired. NOTE: A commonreason to turn this feature OFF is to prevent an un-authorized user from viewing visual feedback pro-duced when an authorized user enters his/her code.1. Place the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system in programmode. Press:99 # Master Code * (default is 1234)A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that thesystem is in program mode.1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-11
2. To enable this feature, press:30#1#1#**The yellow LED continues to blink slowly. (Asteady yellow LED, in contrast, means that errorswere detected during programming. Error statescan be cleared by pressing the asterisk *key.)3. To disable this feature, press:30#1#0#**The yellow LED continues to blink slowly.4. Press *to exit program mode.1.3.9 Auto Entry Auto Entry, which is disabled by default, can be en-abled by entering the following Set/Clear Platformcommand (see Table 1-5 for details). To disable, enter:30#2#0#**When Auto Entry is enabled, you are not required toenter the asterisk (*) after your code. To enable, enter:30#2#1#*This only applies to codes the same length as themaster.If, for some reason, you need a code longer than themaster code, press #before the desired code followedby *(asterisk). This is called “auto-entry suspend.”Example: if the master code is 4 digits and your codeis 23456, press #23456*1.3.10TimeZone/HolidayFeaturesThe LS2/LS2P system currently supports up to eight(8) timezones. Timezones are disabled by default andcan be enabled with Command 30 option 9. To disable,enter:30#9#0#**Auto-Unlock is also disabled by default and can beenabled with Command 30 option 11. The defaultauto-unlock timezone is in location 8 and is 9:00 A.M.to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. To make this1.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-12 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
timezone active as an auto-unlock, you must enableboth options, 9 and 11. To enable, enter:30#9#1#**It is also important to note that auto-unlock is always“first-in auto-unlock.” This is because the keypad goesto sleep and is unaware of the time so it cannot performan auto-unlock function by itself.Additionally, you cannot add timezones through thekeypad directly (software is required); however, youcan assign users to timezones and set a timezone asauto-unlock, after the timezone is added via software.To program users to a certain timezone, you must firstset the user timezone mask in Command 32 parameter5. Each user added after this parameter is set is as-signed to that timezone. If you want to assign users toseveral different timezones, you must change parame-ter5priortoaddingeachuser.Take care using parameter 5 since it is an 8-bit number,and each timezone equals a certain bit value as follows:•TZ1 = 1•TZ2 = 2•TZ3 = 4•TZ4 = 8•TZ5 = 16•TZ6 = 32•TZ7 = 64•TZ8 = 128To program a user to multiple timezones, add up thenumber of each timezone. For example: To add a userto timezones 1, 2, and 8, enter 131 (1 + 2 + 128 = 131)in parameter 5. Entering a value of 255 sets the userto 24 hours, which means you cannot assign a user toall eight (8) timezones. To set a timezone as auto-un-lock, you must set the auto-unlock timezone maskusing Command 38. Example:38 # autz # 1 # **(autz=auto-unlock timezone (1-8). Entering 1 sets thetimezone as auto-unlock and a 0 clears it.)1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-13
1.3.10.A Midnight Crossing TimeZonesThe LS2/LS2P system supports “midnight crossingtimezones,” which is enabled by default. This meansa timezone can cross the midnight boundary. For ex-ample: A timezone can start at 11:00 P.M. and end at7:00 A.M. This option can be disabled using Command30 option 10. To disable, enter:30#10#0#**Entering 1 instead of 0 enables the option.1.3.10.B HolidaysThe LS2/LS2P system supports up to thirty-two (32)holidays. Holidays can be single days or block holidays(one block holiday counts as only one holiday; you canhave up to thirty-two block holidays).A block holiday is a group of days with a beginningand end date. This is useful if you want a whole weekto be considered a holiday. A block holiday can be upto one year long.1.3.10.C Daylight Savings TimeDaylight savings time is also supported and is enabledby default. This can be changed using command 30option 13. To disable, enter:30#13#0#**Entering 1 instead of 0 enables the option.The LS2/LS2P system currently supports U.S. andEuropean daylight savings formats, and this can bechanged using command 30 option 15. U.S. is the de-fault value. To specify U.S.A., enter 0, European 1:30#15#0#**When set to U.S. format, daylight savings begins onthe first Sunday in April at 2:00 A.M. (turn back onehour) and ends on the last Sunday in October at 2:001.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-14 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
A.M. (turn back one hour). When set to Europeanformat, daylight savings begins on the last Sunday inMarch at 2:00 A.M. (turn back one hour) and ends onthe last Sunday in October at 2:00 A.M. (turn back onehour).1.3.10.D Leap YearThe LS2/LS2P system supports leap year; on the ap-propriate leap years February 29th is a valid date.1.3.10.E Time/Date SetThe time is set using command 41 and is in 24-hourformat. The date is set using command 42. NOTE: TheTime/Date is not reset with the default command. Toset the Time, enter:41 # hhmm # 0 # **[hhmm=hour and minute (24-hour format)]To set the Date, enter:42 # mmddyy # dow # **[mmddyy=month, day, yeardow=day of week (1=Sunday,2=Monday, etc.)]1.3.11 TransactionEvent LogUp to 2000 transaction log events can be stored in theLS2/LS2P system. See command 73 in the commandlist (Table 1-5) for the list of transactions. To delete thetransaction log, use command 76. Transactions canonly be viewed if you are using the PDA software andHubmanager Pro 4.x.1.3.12CommunicationsThe LS2/LS2P system supports IRDA communications.The IRDA transceiver is located on the right-hand sideof the keypad faceplate, and is used to communicatewith a PDA device with IEI PDA software for use inHubmanager Pro 4.x.1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-15
To communicate with the LS2/LS2P system, commu-nications must first be unlocked either by entering aComm. Enable code (user type 8), the master code, orsupervisor code.1.3.13 DoorGardLS2/LS2P DefaultSettingsTable 1-2 lists the default settings for the DoorGardLS2/LS2P system as shipped from the factory. Sub-sequent sections in this chapter explain how to changethese default settings or program additional functions.Table 1-2. DoorGard LS2/LS2P Default SettingsParameter Default Setting Cross-ReferenceMaster Code(user location 1) 1234 See section 1.2.1Main Relay energizes for Five (5) seconds See section 1.3.1Audible KeypressFeedback ON See section 1.3.7Visual Keypress Feedback ON See section 1.3.8Auto Entry(no * required) DISABLED See section 1.3.9Error Lockout ENABLED(cannot be disabled) See section 1.3.6Error Lockout Duration 10 seconds See Table 1-5, command32, parameter 1Error Lockout Threshold 3 attempts See Table 1-5, command32, parameter 0User Lockout Codes ENABLED See section 1.3.5Forced Door Alert DISABLED See sections 1.3.2-1.3.3Propped Door Alert DISABLED See sections 1.3.2-1.3.3Event Logging All ENABLED See Table 1-5, command731.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-16 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Table 1-3. DoorGard LS2/LS2P LED Indicators/Sounder OperationsLED orSounder Visual/AudibleCondition DescriptionBi-color Steady green Door unlocked (timed or latched)Green drop out Auto-Unlock active (unlocked) green LEDdrops out for 100 ms every secondAlternating red/green Awaiting second PIN of “card and code”user1/2 second greenflashFollowing a 5#PIN* sequence indicatesprogrammed “Single Use” PINSingle red flash Prox card detectedDouble green flash Valid prox card readDouble red flash Invalid prox card readYellow LED Slow blink System is in program modeRapid blink Verify mode is active (checking that the lasttwo values in sequence match)Steady Program error; to clear, press *Steady (5 seconds) Error lockout (no keypress feedback)Very rapid blink EEPROM erase in progress (cmd 40, cmd46, full board reset)Pulsing rapid blink Block delete of user in progress (cmd 58)Sounder AfterPIN Entered 3 very rapid beeps PIN is not foundDouble beep User lockout is canceledPair of double beeps User lockout is activated1 long beepfollowed by 1 shortbeepAccess is denied, “user disabled”1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-17
Sounder AfterPIN Entered Visual/AudibleCondition Description1 long beepfollowed by 2 shortbeepsAccess denied, “bad time zone”1 long beepfollowed by 3 shortbeepsAccess denied, “user locked out”1 long beepfollowed by 4 shortbeepsAccess denied, “dead bolt thrown”4 quick beeps Auto-unlock timezone activated with first IN4 long beeps Low voltage indication (low voltage warning)4 long beeps,pause, 4 more longbeepsVoltage too low to operate (low voltageinhibit)6 quick beeps Toggle mode is activeSounderMiscellaneousShortbeep(100ms) every 2 seconds Propped door audio alert1/2 second on, 1/2second off Forced door audio alert1.3 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters1-18 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
1.3.14 RestoringSystem Defaults Entering command 40 erases everything from theDoorGard LS2/LS2P memory except the user codesand restores the system default settings. This is usefulif the system has experienced programming problems,or you wish to delete earlier programming of settingsbut not the user codes.1. Place the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system in programmode. Press:99 # Master Code * (default is 1234)A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that thesystem is in program mode.2. Press:40 # 00000 # 00000 # **The yellow LED continues to blink slowly. (Asteady yellow LED, in contrast, means that errorswere detected during programming. Error statescan be cleared by pressing the asterisk *key.)3. Press *to exit program mode.1.3.15 Erasing UserTable/Restore SystemDefaultsEntering command 46 deletes everything from theDoorGard LS2/LS2P memory including the user codesand restores the system default settings. The system isbroughtbacktothe“outofbox”state.1. Place the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system in programmode. Press:99 # Master Code * (default is 1234)A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that thesystem is in program mode.2. Press:46 # 00000 # 00000 # **The yellow LED continues to blink slowly. (Asteady yellow LED, in contrast, means that errorswere detected during programming. Error statescan be cleared by pressing the asterisk * key.)3. Press *to exit program mode.1.3 Programming Keypad Options and ParametersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-19
1.4 ProgrammingUsers1.4.1 User Features The LS2/LS2P system can store up to 2000 users withcodes being from one to six digits in length. The firstuser (user location 1) is designatedas the “master code”and the second user (user location 2), when added, isdesignated as the “supervisor.” The master code hasaccess to all the programming commands. The super-visor only has access to adding/deleting users with thevarious commands (50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, and 58) andthe lock duration command (11).This also means the supervisor has access to command32 options 5 and 6. Please note that the Master Code(user #1) and Supervisor Code (user #2) can only beprogrammed as standard users.•Both the Master and Supervisor users can be pro-grammed as “card AND code” or “card OR code.”•When either are programmed as “card ANDcode,” both are also required to enter programmode.•Whentheyare“cardORcode”only,thecodeisrequired to enter program mode.•There is a feature to allow “card OR code” masterand supervisor to require both to enter programmode. (This feature is enabled/disabled in com-mand 30 option 3 and is disabled by default.•Themasterorsupervisorcannotbesetto“cardonly.”The LS2/LS2P supports eight different user types,which are identified and described in Table 1-4.1.4 Programming Users1-20 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Table 1-4. User TypesUser Type Numeric ID DescriptionToggle 0Toggle users latch the lock in the unlockposition. Toggle mode is indicated by 6quick beeps and a solid green LED.Standard 1 Standard users use the lock durationprogrammed in command 11.Lockout 3Lockout users “lock out” other users -see User Lockout (section 1.3.5). Thesecodes do not unlock the door.Extended Unlock 4Extended Unlock Users are like standardusers except they use the unlockduration programmed in command 32option 3.Single Use Code 5SingleUseCodesarecodesthatcanonly be used once. To verify a SingleUse is programmed, enter the sequence[5# PIN *] and this looks up the PIN andgenerates a 1/2 second green flash if thePIN is programmed as a single use code.If the PIN is not found, the systemgenerates 3 quick beeps and incrementsthe invalid PIN counter. If PIN is foundbut is not programmed as a single usecode, the system does not respond at all.Relock 6 Relock codes are used to relock the doorwhen a toggle or auto-unlock is active.Emergency 7Emergency users are special users thatcannot be locked out and operate belowthe Low Voltage Inhibit Threshold. Theuser also uses the unlock durationprogrammed in command 32 option 3.Comm. Enable 8Comm Enable User (Communications) isused to enable communications, whichallows transfer of data to/from the PDA tothe LS2/LS2P system. This code doesnot unlock the door.1.4 Programming UsersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-21
There are several different ways to add users, depend-ingonwhatyouaretryingtoaccomplish.Seethecommand list for a complete list of commands. To adda “code only,” “card only,” or a “card AND code” user,employ command 50, although the 50 can be left offthe command. The same command is used to deleteusers.To add a “card only” user without presenting a card,use command 51. When this command is used, youenter the PIN number on the 26-bit Wiegand card.Tobuildthecompletecardnumber,thekeypadusedthe site ID set in command 32 parameter 4, which isdefaulted to 11. This number is not used to verify siteID when cards are presented, but just to identify thatspecific card. This means you can have cards withseveral different site ID’s programmed into anLS2/LS2P system. You can program a number of con-secutive cards in this fashion using command 57.If you want to add consecutive cards by presentation,use command 53.If you want to delete a block of users, use command58.You can also disable users by using command User Codes DoorGard LS2/LS2P user codes consist of a minimumof one digit and a maximum of six digits. A completelist of program commands is supplied in Table 1-4.Attempting to program a user code into memory thathad been entered previously into a different location,causes the yellow LED to stop blinking and remainsteadily lighted. If this occurs, try entering a differentuser code. Repeating digits in the same code is accept-able. The same code cannot be programmed more thanonce.1.4 Programming Users1-22 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
1.4.3Enabling/DisablingUsers CommandThe 56#set/clear#userLocation#command allowsthemastercodeorsupervisorcodetodisableacertainuser location without deleting that user.To disable a user, enter:56#1#userlocation#**To enable a user, enter:56#0#userlocation#**•The master code can NEVER be disabled.•ThemastercodecandisabletheSupervisoruser(user # 2).•The Supervisor can disable users 3-2000.The Master Code user cannot be disabled, and thesupervisor user cannot disable his/her self. A disabledsupervisor cannot access program mode; a non-pro-grammed user cannot be enabled or disabled (gener-ates a program error).1.4.4 Adding New orChanging ExistingCodesThe most basic DoorGard LS2/LS2P programming isadding new codes (users), or modifying existing codes(users). Each user entry consists of three parameters:ausertype,alocationandakeypad-PINand/orCard.These eight specific types of users can be programmedwith the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system:•0= toggle•1= standard access•3=lockout•4=extended unlock•5= single use•6=relock code•7= emergency•8=communications enableThe following procedure adds a new code, or lets youchange an existing code.1. Place the DoorGard LS2/LS2P system in programmode. Press:99 # Master Code * (default is 1234 or 99#Supervisor code)1.4 Programming UsersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-23
A slow blinking yellow LED indicates that thesystem is in program mode.2. Enter the user type to be applied to the user beingadded followed by #. For example, a single usecode is entered as 5#, or a toggle code as 0#. Table1-3 describes user types.3. LOCATION: Press the user location number thatrepresents the user to be added or changed fol-lowed by a pound symbol #. For example, userlocation ten would be entered as 10 #4. CODE: Enter the one- to six-digit code and anasterisk *, for example, 532346*.(Thecompletesequence is 5 # 10 # 532346 * 532346 *.) Theyellow LED blinks rapidly, indicating that youshould verify the new code by entering it again(along with an asterisk). If the system accepts thecode, the yellow LED begins blinking slowly. (Asteady yellow LED, in contrast, means that errorswere detected during programming. Error statescan be cleared by pressing the asterisk *key.)5. To add more codes, return to step 2.6. Press *to exit program mode.1.4.4.A ExamplesTo add/delete a user, enter on of the following options:50 # type # location # key pin *key pin * - “code only” user50 # type # location # **<present card> - “card only” user by pres-entation50 # type # location # key pin *key pin * <present card> - “card ANDcode” user50#0#location#**-deleteuser1.4 Programming Users1-24 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
To program a 26-bit “card only” user without present-ing a card, enter:51 # type # location # card pin *card pin *NOTE: Location must be greater than 2; master/super-visor cannot be set as “card only.”To program a “card OR code” user, enter:52 # type # location # key pin *key pin * <present card>To program a consecutive “card only” user by presen-tation, enter:53 # type # start user # **<present card> <present card>...NOTE: Start user must be greater than 2; master/su-pervisor cannot be set as “card only.”To program a block of 26-bit “card only” users withoutpresenting cards, enter:57 # number of users # start user # cardpin * card pin *NOTE: Start user must be greater than 2; master/su-pervisor cannot be set as “card only.”Uses site ID set in command 32, parameter 4.1.4 Programming UsersDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-25
1.5 ProgrammingCommandsIf you need to change any of the program defaultvalues or wish to add functions, first enter programmode and then enter the desired program command.Defaults are in bold.Table 1-5. Program CommandsAction Desired Press DetailsTo enter programmode 99 # (Master Code) * Yellow LED blinksslowly1. Set lock time 11 # tt # 0 # **where tt is thenumber ofseconds tooperate lock onaccess (1-99maximum);defaults to 5seconds1.5 Programming Commands1-26 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Action Desired Press Details2. Set/clearplatform options(bit values)30 # option # set/clear # **See parameters0-15 below(defaults shownin bold)Option Set/Clear0, audio keypress 0=OFF, 1=ON1, visual keypress 0=OFF, 1=ON2, auto entry enable 0=OFF,1=ON3, card and PIN 0=OFF,1=ONrequired for programmode5, user lockout enable 0=OFF, 1=ON8, user lockout select 0=by location,1=by group9, time zones select 0=OFF,1=ON10, holiday TZ midnight 0=OFF, 1=ONcrossing11, auto-unlock select 0=OFF,1=ON13, daylight savings 0=OFF, 1=ONtime select14, lock prior to sleep 0=only ifnecessary,1=always lockprior to sleep15, daylight savings 0=USA,time 1=European1.5 Programming CommandsDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-27
Action Desired Press Details3. Change keypadparameters 32#parameter#value#** See parameters0-7 belowParameter Value0, error lockout 1-50 (def=3)threshold1, error lockout duration 1-255 (def=10)2, door loop audio 0-3 (def=0)output select 0=no door loopaudio outputs1=forced dooraudio output on2=propped dooraudio output on3=both forced &propped dooraudio outputs on3, extended unlock 1-255 (def=10)4, site ID (for cmds 51 0-255 (def=11)and 57)5, user timezone mask 0-255 (def=255)(for programmingusers through faceplate)6, user lockout group 0-15 (def=4)(for programmingusers through faceplate)7, lockout by group 0-3 (def=0)operand 0=lockout usersin all othergroups1=lockout usersin this group(except lockoutusers)2=lockout usersin higher num-bered groups3=lockout usersin lower num-bered groups1.5 Programming Commands1-28 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Action Desired Press Detailed4. Set/clear auto-unlock mask 38 # autz # set/clear # **autz=auto-unlocktimezone (1-8).Entering 1 sets thetimezone asauto-unlock and a0clearsit5. Restore systemdefaults (masteruser and systemoptions/parameters)40 # 00000 # 00000 # **6. Set system time 41 # hhmm # 0 # ** hhmm=hour andminute (24-hourformat)7. Set system date 42 # mmddyy # dow # **mmddyy=month,day, yeardow=day of week(1=Sunday,2=Monday, etc.)8. Set proppeddoor time (seesection 1.3.4)44#ttt#0#**ttt=propped doortime (to nearest10th second)entered as 10-990;entering 00disables proppeddoor (default=30second)9.Setforceddoortime (see section1.3.4)45#ttt#0#**ttt=propped doortime (to nearest10th second)entered as 00-990(default=10second)1.5 Programming CommandsDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-29
Action Press Details10. Clear eeprommemory andrestore defaultsettings46 # 00000 # 00000 # **User Types0 = toggle code1 = standard access3= lockout4 = extended unlock5= singleuse6= relockcode7 = emergency8= communicationsenable11. Program “codeonly” user50#type#location#keypin*key pin * See user typesabove12. Program “cardonly” user bypresentation50#type#location#**<present card> See user typesabove13. Program “cardAND code” user50#type#location#keypin*key pin * <present card> See user typesabove14. Delete user 50#0#location#** See user typesabove15. Program 26-bit“card only” userwithout presentingcard51#type#location#cardpin*card pin *Location must begreater than 2;master/supervisorcannot be set as“card only”16. Program “cardOR code” user52#type#location#keypin*key pin * <present card>1.5 Programming Commands1-30 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Action Press Details17. Programconsecutive “cardonly” users bypresentation53 # type # start user # **<present card> <present card>...Start user must begreater than 2;master/supervisorcannot be set as“card only”18. Enable/disableuser 56#s/c#user#**1=disables thespecified user0=enables thatuserThe master usercannot bedisabled. Anon-programmeduser cannot beenabled ordisabled(generatesprogram error)19. Program blockof 26-bit “cardonly” users withoutpresenting cards57 # number of users # start user #card pin * card pin *Start user must begreater than 2;master/supervisorcannot be set as“card only”Uses site ID set incommand 32,parameter 420. Delete block ofconsecutive users58#startuser#startuser#number of users * number of users*1.5 Programming CommandsDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 1-31
Action Press Details21. Set/clear eventlog mask 73#event#set/clear#** All events arelogged by defaultEvent0=unknown event1=access denied, invalid PIN2=program denied4=REX5=Propped Door6=Dood Closed7=Forced Door17=access granted to user #N18=access denied to user #N, usergroup lockout19=access denied to user #N, bad timezone20=passage mode activated by user #N(latch set)21=passage mode deactivated by user#N (latch clear)22=1st in auto-unlock triggered by user#N23=door relocked by user #N24=user lockout enabled by user #N25=userlockoutdisabledbyuser#N26=access denied to user #N, user isdisabled27=card/code mismatch29=program mode started by user #N30=log erased by user #N31=comm enabled by user #N22. Reset (erase)transaction log 76 # 00000 # 00000 # **1.5 Programming Commands1-32 DoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3
Appendix A: UsersChartUserLocation Type Code Last Name First Name OtherExample: 25 Standard 5678 Smith John WarehouseDoorGard LS2/LS2P System Programming Manual, D3 A-1

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