User Manual
Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter User Guide For P/Ns: 5-MDA00433 and 5-MDA00433-1 Introduction The Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter is a holster worn Active RFID Tag that delivers wireless monitoring and tracking of lone workers, correctional guards and security personal that may be subject to attack or injury in high-risk workplace environments. The transmitter continuously transmits real-time location based security data which is received and relayed over the Elpas infrastructure to a host RTLS application or to an integrated 3rd party security platform for triggering appropriate response protocols. The transmitter includes two emergency call buttons for manual wireless duress alerting when the user perceives a personal threat. Additional Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter features such as an onboard tilt switch and pull cord enable automatic alerting when the protected staff member is knocked down or if the unit is grabbed from the protected worker by force. When combined with the on board low frequency receiver the transmitter delivers precise positioning It is important that you understand, and follow the instructions in this document. Should you have any questions, please contact your local support representative before proceeding with the installation, operation or maintenance of these products. data that identifies the individual in trouble and the location of the evolving security incident. Alert Types The Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter will transmit alert messages should the following events occur: Manual Duress Call Pressing the left and the right emergency call push buttons simultaneously will trigger the transmitter to emit a manual duress alert. Man-Down A built-in tilt sensor will cause the unit to transmit an automated Man-Down Alert when the unit is tilted by more than 60 degrees should the user be knocked down or falls to the ground. (See page 2 for further details.) Pull Cord Detachment The pull cord is attached to the user’s clothes and is connected to the transmitter by detachable plastic pin. Initial Activation The Man-Down Transmitter is shipped from the factory, with the internal battery contact (+) covered by an isolation foil to conserve battery power during shipping. To make the unit operational, perform the following actions: Remove the back cover using a Philips screw driver. Open the front cover by pressing on the TEMP TILT OFF inscription located on the top edge of the transmitter. Grabbing the transmitter from the user by force will cause the plastic pin to detach from the device triggering an automated Duress Alert. Pull out the isolation foil that is inserted between the battery and the battery holder (+) pole. Change the DIP switches positions Alert Test that control the transmitter’s Feedback Beep Sounds as required. (See page 2 for further details). Pressing either the left or right emergency call push-button, individually will trigger the transmitter to emit a Test Alert for confirming that the unit is functioning properly. Close the cover, with your fingers, until its snaps shut and secure the back cover with its screw. www.elpas.com Page 1 of 5 V3/Jan 2013 Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter – User Guide Configuring Feedback Beep Sounds DIP Switches 1 and 2 are used to configure under what conditions the Man-Down Transmitter will emit audible beep tones. Both DIP Switches are shipped from the factory set to be ON (default). DIP Switch 1 Controls whether or not the transmitter will beep upon entering a LF field. ON (Default): Transmitter is configured to beep OFF: Transmitter is configured to remain silent Dip Switch 2 Controls whether or not the transmitter will beep upon emitting an alert. ON (Default): Transmitter is configured to beep OFF: Transmitter is configured to remain silent Tilt Sensor Activation The Man-Down Transmitter is shipped from the factory, with its Tilt Sensor Slide-Switch turned to the OFF position in order to prevent the transmitter from emitting false Man-Down Alerts when the transmitter is not in actual usage. To activate the transmitter’s Tilt Sensor Slide-Switch from OFF to its ON position. Tilt Sensor Pre-Alert When the Man-Down Transmitter is tilted by more than 600 from its normal (vertical) position a pre-alert state will exist for 15 seconds before the unit transmits a Man-Down Alert. This time period enables the user to return the transmitter to its original vertical upright position or press the Temporary Tilt-Off push-button (located top edge of the transmitter) to prevent an unintentional false alert to be transmitted. During this period the transmitter emits an audible beep and the LED indicator flashes once every 2 seconds. If the Man-Down Transmitter is laid down, while its Tilt Sensor Slide-Switch is in the OFF position, when the device is returned to normal (vertical) position the device will emit 3 beeps to remind the user to reactivate the Tilt Sensor. If the Man-Down Transmitter is laid down, while its Tilt Sensor Slide-Switch is in the ON position, when the device is returned to normal (vertical) position the device will emit 2 beeps indicating that fall detection is enabled. Temp Tilt-Off Push-Button The Temp Tilt-Off Button (located on the top edge of the transmitter) is used to temporarily disable the unit’s Man-Down Alert functionality for 10 seconds. When removing the transmitter, press Temp Tilt-Off Push-Button prior to putting down the unit. When the unit is returned to a vertical position, fall detection will be enabled and the device will emit 2 beeps. Battery Replacement Change the transmitters’ status in the host RTLS application to Inactive. Next, remove the back cover of the transmitter (see Page 1 - Initial Activation for details) Remove the existing battery .Dispose of used battery in accordance with local regulations. Then install a new Battery verifying that the battery poles (+) and (-) are located as marked on the battery housing. Close the cover (see Page 1 – ‘Initial Activation’ for details). Finally, change the transmitters’ status in the host RTLS application back to Active. www.elpas.com Page 2 of 5 V3/Jan 2013 Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter – User Guide Status Feedback Indicators The transmitter will automatically emit beep sounds in the following situations: State/Condition Tilt Alert automatic man-down alert Transmitted Messages LED 3 RF messages – B2=1 (down) If disarm button is not pressed within 15 sec Beep One flash Continuous beeps for 15 seconds Flashes every 2 seconds for 15 secs Continuous beeps for 15 seconds 3 RF messages - Last LF & B2=1 (down) Vibrate 3 RF messages - B2=1 (down) Tilt Warning If disarm button is pressed or device is righted within 15 sec Vibrates 3 RF messages - B2=0 (up) Tilt Prevented disarm is pressed Tilt Restored Dual-Button Pressed manual duress alert Dual-Button Released only if pull-cord is inserted Pull cord detached automatic duress alert Pull Cord Inserted if dual-buttons are released Single-Button Pressed alert test Tilt Sensor Deactivated slide-switch off 3 RF messages - B2=0 (up) If device tilted within disarmed period 3 RF messages - B2=1 (down) 3 RF messages - B2=0 (up) Two beeps 3 RF messages - Last LF & B1=1 (down) One flash 3 RF messages - B1=0 (up) 3 IR/RF messages - B1=1 (down) 3 RF messages - Last LF & B1=1 (down) One flash 3 RF messages - B1=0 (up) Two flashes 3 IR/RF messages - B1=1 (down) One flash 3 RF messages - B2=0 (up) Tilt Sensor Disarmed One beep One beep Continuous flash Continuous beep Entering a LF Field One flash One beep Exiting a LF Field One flash temp tilt-off button Tilt Sensor OFF Reminder Low Battery Three beeps One flash every 30 seconds One beep RF Transmissions in LF Fields For Moving Transmitter LF Response Time: Onboard LF receiver polls every 250ms to check if the badge is in a LF zone Transmission Rate: 3 RF event transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), at 0.4 second intervals. If the badge stays in a LF zone, then repeated at 2 seconds intervals. Transmitted Message Type: RF Data Message includes ID code of LF Exciter. Motion bit, M=1. For Motionless Transmitters LF Response Time: Onboard LF receiver polls every 250ms to check if the badge is in a LF zone Transmission Rate: 3 RF supervision transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 0.4 seconds apart: If the badge stays in a LF zone for more than 10 minutes, then repeated at 15 second intervals. Transmitted Message Type: RF Data Message includes ID code of LF Exciter. Motion bit, M=0 www.elpas.com Page 3 of 5 V3/Jan 2013 Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter – User Guide Cleaning & Disinfection Procedures Use an appropriate antibacterial disinfectant such as Dispatch® Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach from Caltech Industries, Inc (http://www.caltechind.com) to clean the Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter. Since ‘Cleaning Procedures’ may vary according to facility guidelines, thus the procedures given below are for illustrative purposes only: Option 1 – Using Dispatch Disinfectant Spray Option 2 – Using Dispatch Disinfectant Towels 1. Lightly wet a disposable towel with Dispatch spray 1. Open a new Dispatch pre-moistened towel 2. Do not saturate the towel 2. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 3. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 3. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 4. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 5. Allow the sensor to air dry 4. Allow the sensor to air dry 6. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 5. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 7. Dispose of used towels per facility policies 6. Dispose of used towels per facility policies Product Specifications Signaling Technologies RF (433MHz) RF (Motion/Stationar y) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds IR (Motion/Stationary) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds RF Under LF 6 IR/RF transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 0.5 seconds apart; every 2 seconds; after 10 minutes returns to 10 seconds when in motion IR (800nm) LF (125KHz) Alert Messages Button Press/Tilt-Activated Pull -Cord Disconnected Low Battery 3 IR/RF transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 400ms apart Power Source 3.6V/800mAH battery. CR2 Lithium battery Average Batter y Life Three years Status Indicators Red LED: Button Press, Low Battery Badge ID Unique, factory-programmed ID Construction ABS plastic Dimensions (H x W x D) Without holster: 120 x 52 x 36mm (4.7 x 2.0 x 1.4 in) With holster: 140 x 77 x 50mm (5.5 x 3.0 x 1.9 in) Weight Without holster: 110 grams (3.9 ounces) with battery With holster: 165 grams (5.8 ounces) with battery Operating Environment Temp: 0°C to 50°C (0°F to 122°F) Remote Management Eiris 4.8 (or higher) Software Standards IC, FCC & CE compliant Warranty 1 year limited warranty (excluding battery) Humidity: 100% non-condensing Eiris Configurator 4.8 (or higher) Software ELC Programmer V2.0 Compatible Accessories Part Number Description 1-9970-0 Belt Holster 5-MDA90001 3.6V/800mAH battery. CR2 Lithium battery (5 pcs) Product offerings and specifications are subject to change without notice. Not all products include all features www.elpas.com Page 4 of 5 V3/Jan 2013 Elpas Man-Down Emergency Call Transmitter – User Guide Standards Compliance T hi s de vi ce c om pl i es wi t h P ar t 1 5 of t he FC C R ul e s a nd RS S - Le pr és e nt ap pa rei l es t c o nf or me a ux C NR d 'I nd us tri e C a nad a 21 0 o f I nd ust ry a nd S ci e nce C a nad a. Op er a ti o n i s s ubj e ct to ap pl i cabl e s t he f ol l owi ng tw o c o ndi ti o ns: (1 ) T hi s de vi ce ma y not ca us e L' e xpl oi ta ti o n e st a ut ori s é e a ux de ux c o ndi ti o ns s ui v a nte s : (1 ) ha rm f ul i nte rf er e nce , a nd (2 ) t hi s de vi ce m ust ac ce pt a ny l 'ap pa rei l ne doi t pa s p ro d ui r e d e br o ui l l age , et (2 ) l ' uti l i sate ur i nt er fe re nc e re cei v ed , i ncl udi ng i nt erf er e nc e t ha t ma y ca us e de l 'a pp ar ei l doi t ac ce pt er t o ut br o ui l l ag e r adi o él ec tri q ue s ubi , und e si re d op er ati o n. mê me si l e br o ui l l age es t s us ce pti bl e d ' e n c o mp ro me tt re l e T hi s d evi c e co mpl i es wi t h I nd us try C a na da l i ce nse -e xe mp t fo nc ti o nne me nt . RS S st a nda rd (s ). O pe ra ti o n i s s ubj e ct t o t he fol l owi ng tw o Wa rn in g ! co ndi ti o ns : (1 ) t hi s d evi c e m ay no t ca us e i nte rf er e nce , a nd (2 ) El pa s i s not r es p o nsi bl e f o r a ny ra di o or T V i nt erf er e nc e t hi s i ncl udi ng ca us ed by una ut ho ri zed m o di fi cati o ns to t hi s eq ui pm e nt. S uc h i nt er fe re nc e t ha t ma y ca us e und e s i red o pe ra ti o n o f t he de vi ce . mo di fi ca ti o ns co ul d v oi d t he use r ’s a ut ho ri ty t o o pe ra te t he d evi c e m ust a cc e pt any i nte rf er e nce , a ux a pp ar ei l s ra d i o e xem pt s de l i ce nc e. eq ui pm e nt. Product Warranty E l p a s S o l u t i o n s L t d . ( t h e C o m p a n y ) , a n d i t s a f f i l i a t e s , w a r r a n t s i t s p r o d u c t s ( h e r e i n a f t e r r e f e r r e d t o a s " t h e P r o d u c t ” ) t o b e f r e e o f d ef e c t s i n materials and workmanship under normal operat ing condit ions and use f or a period of one year f rom the date of shipment by Elpas. The Company’s obligation s shall be limited with in the warranty pe riod, at its option, to repair o r to rep lace the def ective Produ ct or any def ective component or pa rt the reof . To exercise this warranty, the product must be retu rned to the manuf acturer f re ight prepa id and insured. This warranty does not apply to repairs or repla cement caused by imp roper in stallation, P roduct misu se, f ailure to f ollo w ins ta llation or ope rating inst ruct ions, alte rat ion, abuse, accident, tampering, repa ir by anyone other th a n Elpas, externa l causes, and f ailure to perf orm required pre ventive maintenance. Th is wa rranty also does not apply to any products, accessories, or attachment s used in conjunct io n with the Prod uct, includ ing batterie s, wh ich sha ll be co vered so lely by th eir own warrantie s, if any. Elpa s shall not be liable f or any damage o r loss what soever, whether directly, ind ire ctly, in cidenta lly, conse quentially or o therwise , resu lt ing f rom a ma lf unction of the Product due to products , a ccessories, o r attachments of o thers, in clud ing batteries, used in conjunct ion with the Product. E L P A S MA K E S N O E X P R E S S W A R R A N T IE S E X C E P T T H O S E S T A T E D I N T H IS S T A T E M E N T . E L P A S D IS C L A I M S A L L O T H E R W A R R A N T IE S , E X P R E S S O R I MP L IE D , IN C L U D I N G W I T H O U T L I M I T A T I O N I M P L IE D W A R R A N T IE S O F M E R C H A N T A B IL I T Y A N D F I T N E S S F O R A P A R T I C U L A R P U R P O S E . E L P A S ’ S S O L E R E S P O N S I B IL I T Y F O R W A R R A N T Y C L A I M S IS L I M I T E D T O R E P A I R O R T O R E P L A C E A S S E T F O R T H I N T H I S S T A T E ME N T . Elpas shall have no liability f or any death, personal in jury, prope rty damage, or other loss wh ether d ire ct, ind irect, incidental, con sequential, or otherwise, based on a claim that the Product f ailed to f unction. Howeve r, if Elpas is held liab le, whethe r directly or ind ire ctly, f or any lo ss o r damage arising under this limited wa rranty or otherwise , rega rdle ss of cause or origin , the company's maximum lia bility sha ll be limited to the purchase p rice of the Product, wh ich sh all be f ixed a s liqu idated damages and not as a penalty, and sha ll be the comp lete and exclusive liab ilit y of Elpas. Elpas sha ll not, unde r any circumsta nces what soever, be liab le f or any in accuracy, e rror of judgment, def ault, or negligence of Elpas , its e m p l o y e e s , o f f i c e r s , a g e n t s , o r a n y o t h e r p a r t y , o r o f t h e pu r c h a s e r o r u s e r , a r i s i n g f r o m a n y a s s i s t a n c e o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n o f a n y k i n d r e g a r d i n g the conf iguration, design, in stallat ion, or creation of security system invo lving t he Product, that being the responsibilit y of the purchaser o r user. f Elpas is unable to make such repair o r replace ment, the co mpany’s entire liab ility sha ll be limited to the co st of a reasonable subst itute product. Elpas sha ll not be responsib le f or any d ismantling, in stallat ion, re insta llat ion, p urchasing, sh ipping, insu rance, o r any similar c harges. Elpas shall have no liab ility f or any d amages, includin g without limita tion, a ny direct, ind ire ct, incidental, specia l, or consequential da mages, expenses, costs, p rof its, lost savings or earn ings, o r othe r damages arising out of the use of the Product or the remo val, in stallation, r e i n s t a l l a t i o n , r e p a i r o r r e p l a c e m e n t o f t h e P r o d u c t o r a n y r e l a t e d e v e n t s . In t h e e v e n t t h a t t h e r e i s a n y l i a b i l i t y a g a i n s t E l p a s , s u c h l i a b i l i t y s h a l l be limited to the purchase price of the Product which a mount sha ll be f ixed as liqu idated damages. The purchase r and use r understan d th at this P roduct may be co mpro mised o r circumvented by intent ional a cts; tha t the Product will not in a ll cases p revent death, pe rsonal in jury, p ropert y damage, o r othe r lo ss resulting f rom burg lary, robbery, f ire o r other causes; and that the P roduct will not in a ll cases p rovide adequate warn ing or p rotect ion. The pu rchase r and user also understand that a prope rly in stalled and ma intained alarm ma y reduce the risk of events su ch as burg lary, robbery, and f ire witho ut warn ing, but it is not insu rance or a guarantee that such e vents will not occu r or that the re will be no de ath, personal in jury, p roperty damage, or other loss as a resu lt of such events. By purcha sing the P roduct, the purchaser and use r sha ll def end, indemnif y a nd hold Elpas, it s of f icers, d irecto rs, af f iliates, subsidia rie s, agents, servant s, emp loyees, and authorized representat ive s harmle ss f ro m and against any and a ll cla ims, suit s, costs, damages, and judgments incurred, cla imed, o r su stained wheth er f or death, persona l inju ry, prope rt y damage, o r othe rwise, because of or in an y wa y related to the conf iguration, design, insta llat ion, or creation of a security syste m invo lving the Product, and the use, sale, dist rib ution, and installat ion of the Product, including payment of any and all atto rney’s f ees, costs, and expense s incu rred as a re sult of any su ch events. The purcha ser o r u ser should f ollow th e Product insta llation and ope rat ion in structions and test the P roduct and the entire s yste m at least on ce each week. Fo r various reasons, i ncluding but not limited to changes in environ mental conditions, ele ct ric, e lectron ic, or elect ro magnetic disruptions, and tampering, the P roduct may not pe rf orm as expected. The purchase r and use r are advised to take a ll nece ssa ry p recaution s f or the protect ion and saf ety of persons an d propert y. This statement p rovides certain legal rights. Other right s may vary b y state or country. Under ce rta in circu mstan ces, some st ates o r countries may not allow exclusion or limita tion of incidental or consequentia l d amages or implied wa rrant ies, so the above exclusions may not apply under those circumstances and in those states o r co untries. El p a s r e se r ve s t h e r i g h t t o mo d i f y t h i s st a t e me n t a t a n y t i me , i n i t s so l e d i scr e t i o n wi t h o u t n o t i ce t o a n y p u r ch a se r o r u se r . Ho we ve r , t h i s st a t e me n t sh a l l n o t b e mo d i f i e d o r va r i e d e xce p t b y El p a s i n wr i t i n g , a n d El p a s d o e s n o t a u t h o r i ze a n y si n g l e i n d i vi d u a l t o a ct o n i t s b e h a l f t o mo d i f y o r v a r y t h i s st a t e me n t . A n y q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h i s st a t e me n t sh o u l d b e d i r e ct e d t o El p a s . Page 5 of 5 V3/Jan 2013 W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier . This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste - Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
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