Emerson Radio ER100102 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging User Manual ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13

Emerson Radio Corp. Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13


15_ER100102 UserMan_part1 r1

Download: Emerson Radio ER100102 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging User Manual ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Emerson Radio ER100102 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging User Manual ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13
Document ID3727160
Application IDQjJuR6UBn6NWHZeX15lhgw==
Document Description15_ER100102 UserMan_part1 r1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize313.59kB (3919849 bits)
Date Submitted2018-01-25 00:00:00
Date Available2018-01-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-13 11:17:52
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Document Lastmod2018-01-24 10:25:05
Document TitleER100102-IB-R0.0-2017-11-13.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: Administrator

5 Emerson
Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and
USB Charging
(SmanSet Patent No. 6,567,344)
Vtstt our web stte at wwwerttetsbnradtomrtt
To PREVENTFlRE ORSHOCK hAzAhl), Do noT use THlS PLUGWWH An extension
CORDRECEPTACLE on othehoutteT unteSS THE etApes cAn BE FULLV lnsehteb
WARVlNG YOREDUCETHE theoxttte ronpettt-wmtn
yea atspormcyptc may "outs. trooper",
l lllllnvl- iii" "‘=’°‘“ no NOV REMOVE COVER landed to o vi the user to
otuttasufiil'o‘ft‘l'ouwott.e l” “W7 "0 USER ‘”’"“““”""""’°””‘
“my to Ml acres ssautctnc to lwv “yew
no uuAllFlED sEvacE “tigwugvtrw wt
alelaetrtc snochtuperxors PERSONNEL mg QWD "0
2 Csutlon Marhtng and ratth plate was located at rearenclosure oltheapp
aratus Averttssement ta plaoue stgnalettdueeststtuee a l‘alrlére del‘apparell
3 Attentton should be drawn tothe envtronmental aspectsolbatterydtsposal,
tl convtent d‘atlller I‘atlentlon sur les problemes d‘envlronnement dus a la
mtseaudechetdes ptles,
A Mtntmurn dtstances tucm around the apporatuslor sulhctentventtlatton:
dtstance mtntntale tncm autourde l‘apparell pour une aeratton sulhsartte,
5 The venttlatton should not be trnpeded by cover-no the venttlatton opentngs
wtth ttems, such as newspapers tablecloths, curtatns etc,
tl convtent due l‘aélallon ne sot pas genee parl‘obslruc ton des ouvertures
d‘aélatlon par des obtets tets oue loumaux, nappes, rtdeaux, etc,
5 No nahed llame sources, such as ltghted candles, should be placed on the
apparatus:tl convtent de ne pas placersurl‘apparellde sources dettammes
nues, tetlesoue desbougtes allumees,
7 the use olapparatus tn moderate cltmates
s apparetl estdesttne a etre uttltse sous un cltmattempere et
a To reduce the risk orhre orelectrtc shock, do notexpose thts apparatus to
ram or motsture
pour redutre le rtsoue d‘ll’lcsndle ou de choc electrtoue, ne pas exposercet
apparetl sous la plute et I‘humldllé.
Do not tndest the battery, chem-cal Bum hazard
thts product contatns a corn/button cell battery ll the cotnlbutton eell
battery ts swallowed. ttcan cause severe tnternal burns lrllust 2 hours and
can lead to death Keep new and used battertes awaylrom chtldren
llthe battery compartment does notclose securely, stop ustng the product
and keep tt awaylrom chtldren llyou thtnx battertes mtght have been
swallowed orplaced tnstdeany part olthe body, seek trnmedtate medtcal
Ne pas tngererla ptle, Danger de brulure chtmtdue
tta telecommande lournte avec) Ce produttconttent une ptle bouton s- to
ptle bouton estavalee elle peut provoouerdeoraves brulures tnternes
en 2 heures seulernentet peut entrainerla mort
conserver les ptles neuves et usees hots de porteedes entants
s- le comparttment ptle no se lerrne pas correctement, cesserd‘uttltserle
produttettentr hors de portee des enrants En pas de doute concernant lelatt
flue les ptles pourratentavotrcte avalees ott tntroduttes dans une partte
uuelconoue du corpsconsulter trnrnedtatement un medectn
10 When a plug on the untt ts used as a dtsconnect devtce thts untt rnust rernatn readtly
accesstole lcrsque une prtse placee sur l'zpparetl est uttltsee comme apporetl
de deconnexton,oet apparetl dott demeureratsernent accesstble.
ti the battenes (battery packorbalterlesmslallsd)shall notbe exposed to exce
sstve heat such as sunshtne ttre or the like
les batteneslbloc de battertes ou battertes tnstallees) ne dotvent pas etre
exposees a une chaleur excesstve telleduecetle dusoletld'unleuou d'ortgtne
uangerorexploston ttthe batteryts not replaced correctly Replace only wtth
the same type oreoutyalenttvpe
bangerd'exploston st to ptle n'est pas remplacee correctement Ne
remplacer due parte memetype ou un type eoutvalent
la The appttance must not be exposed to waterdrtpptng orsplashtng and thatno
obteotsttttedwtth ttoutdssuoh asvasesshould be placed on the appltance
'appalell ne dott pas etre expose a des éguutlementsd‘eau ou des
eotaboussures etde ptus qu'aucun oblet rentptt de ltdutdetel oue des vases
ne dottetre place Surl‘apparell
IC Warnthp
thts dovtce aornpttos wtth industry Canada Llccncc—cxcmpt Rss slandatdls) cpcratton to
mutated to the lollowtng huo condtttons (t)Ims devtoe may not muse tnterlerenoe,ahd [2]thls
devtee must accept any tnterterenee,tnatudtng tntenerenoe that may cause undestred
oporatton ot the devtce
to present apperetl est contarme aux CNR d‘lnduslrle canada appltcables aux
apparetlsradtoexentptsdeltcence L‘explollatlonestatltorlseesuxdellxcondltmns
sutuantes (t ll‘apparell nedott pas produtre de broutllage, et (2) l‘uIlllssIeurde
l'apparoll dottacceptertoutbroutttageradtoetectrtouesuot, rnerne st to broutttaoeest
suscepttble d‘erl oomprorttettrele loncttannernent
RF warntngstatentent
the devtce hasoeen evaluated tomeetgenersl RFexpusure regutrentent Tontatntatn
contpttance wtth RSS—tM— Radla treduenoy (RF) exposure outdeltnes thts
eoutpmentshould be tnstaltedandoperated wttha mlnlmumdlslanceolZOcmhctwvcrl
the radtator and your body le dtspostttldo a ete evalues a repondre dener at rt
exposttton oxtgenco pourmatntcntrlecontorrntte avec les dllectlvesd‘exposltlondu
RES—102 , Radlo treduence (RF), ee matertel dottetre tnatatle etoxtztotte a une
dtstan ce nttntrttate de 20 cm entre le radtateur et uotre corps
rcc Note
FCC Part 15.19Warning Statement
lHlS bevtes eonpttsswttw pant tear the rec hutss OHERAHON tssuuusct to
the rottowtno two conotttons tt tthts aeytce nay not cAusE HARMFUL tnteh
Fcc Part 15.11 Warning Statement
note the onAntee is net heseonstete eohAnv CHANGES oh MODIFiCATIONS
MootrtcAttons couta veto the usERAuTHDRiTYTU OPERATE the EQulPMENT
rcc Part t5.tn5 Warhtng Statement
note Thtsedutprneht has been tested and louhd to comply wtth the ltrntts lora class
a dlgltal devlcetvulsuantto part tootthe ecc Rules these ttmtts are destaned to
provtde reasonable pretactten adatnstharmrut tnterlereneo tn a restdonttat lnstallt
atton thts edutpment generates useaattd can radtate radto treduency energy and
tlnot tnatatted and used tn accordance wtththe thstrttcttans,mayeausc harrnlut
tnterlerence to radto cummunlcaIlaM However there ts noguarshtee that inter—
lerenco wlll natoccur tn a pentcularthstaltattoh llthtseoutpmentdoes aause
harnttul tnterlerence to radto cornrnuntoottons Howeveuhere ts no guarantee that
tnterterenoetoradtocornmuntcatton ttthts eoutprneht does cause harrnlut
tnterterence to radto ortelevtston recepttonwhtch can be determtned byturntng the
eoutprnent on and oh,the userts encouraged to trytocorrectthetnterterence by
one ermore orthe toltowtna measures
~ heortentorreloeatetherecetvtngantenna
~ lnoreasethe separatton between theedutpment and recetver
. connect the Equipmednl tnto an outletona ctrcuttdtllerentlrom thatto whtch the
reeetuerts eonnecte
. consuttthe dealeroran expertenced radtoltvteehntctan tor help
RF warntno statement
the devtce has been evaluated to rneetgenerat RFexposure redutrornent
to ntatntatn compltahee wtth FCC‘s RF exposure gutdeltnesthts equtpnnent
should be tnstalted and operated wtth a nttntrnum dtstance ot zucnt between the
radtatorahd yourbody
2 Importa Safety Instructions
it Read these tnstructtons . Keep these tnstructtons . Follow all
tnstructtons Heed attworntngs
2) no not use thts apparatus nearwater
a) Clean only wtth dry cloth
4 l nonot bloexanyuenttlatton opentngs lnstall tn accordance wtth the
manulacturer‘s tnstruettons
5 l Do not tnstall near any heat sources such as radtators, heaters slot/est
orotherapparatualtncludtng ampltlters) thatproduce heat
at Do not deleat the safety purpose olthe polartzett orgloundlng—type
plug A polortzed plug has two blades wtth one wtderthanthe other A
groundtngtype plug has two blades and a thtrd ground-no prong The wtde
blade orthethtrd prong ts provtded loryoursarety
ltthe provtded plug does not ltt tnto youroutlet, ashan electrtctan to
replace the obsolete outlet
7 l Protect the power cord lrorn betng walked on or ptnched parttcularly at
plugs conventence receptacles and the potntwhere they extt lrorn the
at only use attachments l aecessortes spectlted by the manulaeturer
9 l Unplug thts apparatus dunno ltohtntng storms orwhen unused lor long
to J Reterall servtctng to oualtlted servtce personnel Servtetng tsreoutredwhen
the apparatus has been damaged tn any way, sttchas poweresupplycordor
pluglsdamaged,llqutd has been sptlled moments hovelallen tntothe
apparatuauthe apparatus has been exposed to ratn or motstureooes not
operate normally, or has been dropped
it l use only wtth the cart, stand, trlpod,bracket,or table specttted by the
manulacturerorsold wtth the apparatus Whenacart
ts used, use cautlon when movtng the cartl
apparatus combtnatton to avotd tnturylrom Ito—aver
tz lthe Ac adapterntust not be exposed to drtpptng orsplashtnoandno oblects
ltlled wtth ltoutds. such as vases.shall be placed on apparatus
3 )TheAc adopter ts used as a dtsconnect devtce and tt must rematn readtly
oecesstble dullng tntended use in orderto dtsconnectthe apparatusfrom
the Ac powercomptetely,the Ac adapter must be removed rrom the Ac
outlet completely
M 1 The battery must not be exposed to excesstve heat such as
sunshtne ltrc, etc
CAUTION: Dangerorexploston tt batteryts tnoorrectty replaced Replace only
wtth the same oredutvalenttype
3 Preparat on For Use
Unpac "9 And Set Up
- Remove the radtolrom the canon and remove all Dacklng matertatrrom the
radto Save the packing matertal,tt posstble,tn case the radto ever needsto
beservtced ortransported The ortgtnal carton andpachtng ntatertal tsthe only
saleway to pack your radto to protect tt trom damage tn transtt
~ Remove any descrtpttve labels orstlckers on the lront ortop olthe cabtnet
Do not remove any labels or attcherslrom the hackorboltum ol the cabtnet
- Note the sertal nuntberon the bottom oryour radto and wrttethts number
tnthe space provtded on the Warranty page olthts manual
- Place yourradto on a level surlace suchasatable,deshorshelrconventent
to anAc outlet outoldtreot sunltohtand awaylrorn sources olexcessheat,
dtrt,dust,motsture.humtdtty, orvtbratton
- unwtnd the t.tne cord conneettng theAc adapterand extend tt to tts lull
length The FM antenna ts butlt tn to thts cord lt must be lully extended to
proytde the best FM receptton
ProtectVour Furniture
Thts model ts eoutpped wtth noneshtd ruboer ‘teet‘tu prevent the product from
movtng when you operatethe controls These‘feet'are made from none
mtgrattngrubber matertalspectatly tormulated to avotd leavtng any marhs or
statns on your lurntture Howevercertatn types olotl based lurntture poltshes,
wood preservattves,orcleantng sprays may cause the rubber ‘leet‘ to sotten,
and leave marks ora rubber restdue onthelurntture To prevent any damage
to yourlurntture we stronglyrecommend that you purchase small sell
adhesive telt pads, avatlable at hardware stores and home tmprovement
centers everywhereand applythese padsto the bottom otthe rubbel‘leet‘
betore you place the product on ltne wooden turntture
Thts radto ts destgned to operate on normal tzov authc power only Do not
attempt to operate the radto on any other powersource You could cause
damage to the radto that ts not covered by your warranty thts radto should
be connected to anAc outletthat ts always‘llve‘ no not connect tt toanoutlet
that ts controlled by a wall swttch When the power tothe radto ts tnterrupted.
the butlt tn ltthtum batterytaltes overto matntatn the ttme and alarm setttngs
to maxtmtze the ttle otthe ltthtum battery keep the radto connected to a ‘llve‘
Ac outlet at all ttmes
4 Important Notes
~ AvoldlnstalllngIhlsunlllnplaces ' Operalecontrols and Swllches
exposed to dtrect sunltght orcloseto as descrtbed tnthe manual
heatradtattnoappltancessuch as .
electrtc heaters, on top ototherstereo
eoutprnentthat radtates heat, places
Iacklrlg ventllallon. dusty areast places
subtectto constantvtbratton andlor
humtd or motstareas
beloreturntng onthe power,
make certatn thatthe Ac
adapter ts properly tnstatled
When movtng the set,be sure
to ltrst dtsconnect the At:
5 Package Contents
~ ertuptuz cloch nadtoxl
~ Owner‘s Manual
6 Location of Controls and Indicators
ALARM t RadlolBuzzar lndtcators
ALARM z Rama/Buzzer lndtcators
AM lndtcator t ‘On’sAM to ePMl
LOW aAT—teRy lndtcator
Aux lndtcator
ET (eluetooth) lndtcator
MHZ (FM Radto ) lndtcator
DATE/STORE (FM stattonloutton zo BACKUP bATTERv Compartment
ALARM 2lvotuMEr up Button t'located on back ot unttl
in ALARMt/VOLUME-DOWN Button 2t Aux lN Jack
it TIME/MENORV(FM statton)
tz F'OWER( on'lStandbyl Button
Set ng the Time Zone
Intttal Default Settlng at Clock Mode
the first ttme you connect your new shtansete clock radto to the Ac outtet the
lntcmal DDmDulelwlll automallcally set the llme correctly lor the Eastern Tlme Zone,
whlch lS the ll'lltlal default Setllng. The dlsplay wtll Scan hr 5 low Seconds and Inert
show the correct Day and Ttme tn the Eastern zone it you ltve tn the Eastern Time
znncuthere‘s nothtno else to do Votlr clock to set potrectly and tunntng
llyou do not ltve tn the Eastern rtme zone you must change the default zone
dtsplay to your own zone You only do thts one ttme and the SmanSetthll
remember the new derault zone setttng and wtll always return to that setttng alter
Dower lnterruvtlon
there are 7 tone zones programmed tnto your smansetectocx raoto as tottows
ZONE 1 -Allarlllc Time ZONE 2 {aslerl’l Time tDelault Seltlrlgl
zone 3 .centrat nme zone 4 .ntoumatn one
zone 5 -t=actlc Ttme zone 5 -yuxon nine
ZONE 7 cHawallan Tlmc
PressanE Hold
is JUNE/SET» DOWN button
to eTunElSEtt up Button
i7 SLEEP/HME zone Button
to use charge Out
to use Charge Out
short press
note Time zone and ttme aetttng can only he a lusted tn standby mode where the tonouon
ot hadto etuetooth and Aux are dtsabtedttndtcators or “MHz‘ -et~and “Aux‘zle oer)
8 Set ng the T me
Manual Time Adjustments
Settingthe treat
at “we“
o Press and Hold DATE/STORE TlME/MEM button at the same times
a Press v or A‘ to adjuStVear
Setting the Date
a Press and Hold “DATE/STORE“ button
0 Press “v to adlust Monthpress 'toadlustDaIe
Setting the Time
: is
6 Press and Hold TlME/MEM ' button
0 Press “v to adluslHoul, press A‘to adlustMlnutes

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