Emerson Radio ER100102 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging User Manual ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13
Emerson Radio Corp. Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth and USB Charging ER100102 IB R0 0 2017 11 13
- 1. 15_ER100102 UserMan_part1 r1
- 2. 15_ER100102 UserMan_part2
15_ER100102 UserMan_part2
9 Dayl ghtSav ng and Leap YearAd ustmen Att DaytightSaying and Leap Yearadtustmeritare made automaticatty bythe Smartsetg‘tnlemai computer asiotiow start or Duytight Saving tinie- Atz GOAM on the and Sunday in March the ctock wrtt automaticatty advance to 3 on AM End of Daytight Saving time: A13 now on the tst Sunday in NDysmbeTr the clock will automaticatty reset to 100 AM Leap year: At tz 00 Midnight on February Him the catendardrsptay wtii changeld'ZZg" Atarm can onty be set in standby mode where the iunction oi RadtorBiueluolh. andAux aredtsabied(t e indicators or MHz ,‘ET',arid AUX" are orr) Minutes Adjusting the Wake uptimes Hour “Press and hoid 9 to have Backward AL1 orALz [mama m n to move Fnrward / short prions press OR Setting theAiarm Press and Huid ‘AL1“DT“AL2‘ Press ‘A“ to adtusl Hour rPres v“ to adrust Minutes short press ALt orAL2 to turn ON the Atarm Mode When Ruuer v tights on,the wake up Ruueratarm writ be ON When Music a itghtSDnrthewake up Radio atarm witt be oN. Ta comptetetyturn arithe atarm, shortpress ALI arALZ untrt the Buzzer! or Radio might is OFF. Wake To Radio and Atarnr Votume Sa ' g - Press POWER button to turn the unit DN . Press souRcE button to seteci FM Radio mode - Tune to or reoatt irom Memory the station that you wish to hearwhentho atarmoomesoN . Press Voit or Vot— to set the niaxtmtmi radio yotume at which the atarm wtii reach graduatty at wake uptrme - Deiauii atarm yotunie is uoe icr radio yotunie set up between uOD~Ltt stoeiore the unit turned err to standby mode] For a touder atarm setup radio yotume above uuo beiore the unit turned orr Snooze Alarm When the Atarm comes ON rpress SNoozE button to pause itior 9 minutes Snooze Atarm writ not repeat atterone hour To turn ortSnooze Atarm niode ,press the POWER button once 11 Listening to FM Radio Press the Fowerbutlcn C) to turn ON the unit and press SOURCE button Etc changeto Radio Mode (“MHz ” On) Poworon, A:Swi|:hlu Radio Mode tPress Dr PAtR buttcnt D Tuning to FM Station (Either pron Tuna Up orTuno Down 0: Auto Searching/Scanning m Stations (Pros: the runs up urTum Down buttontorz seconds and reteaeet P’ress 2s and rot-as. Search' gw' stapat a stat n with acceptabte reception n- Staring Favorabte Station to Memory (zn stations can be stored) 0 shortpress sroRE button .At Radio Mode Press Tune Down vaTTune UpA button to search yourdesired station -Press the soTRE button, Program Number "P01" writ be bitnktng on the disp yrpressTune Down VDrTuneUpAto change the program number rrorn P01" to "on' once you sotoctod the desired program number. press the STORE again and theiavorabte station writ bestored tothcsetected program number E: Recall Fat/arable SID n to Memory Press MEM. \7'f~ -Press the MEM button, Program numberwrtt be shown onthe display‘press Tune Down v or Tune Up A to select your stored program number and tisten to youriayorabte station Note keep the ctock radio away irom other etectronicdevices to avoid radio interrerence Eorbottcr chcpltonluily cxlcrid and adrust the position oithe EM antennatcaote) 12 Pairing Bluetooth Speaker .Press the POWER button to turn the unit oN -Press the E buttontoseteotbtuetoothtbtimodet‘ DT tiashesror pairing) - Enabte your btuetooth devrce and setect Ert not 02 irom itsAvaitabtetPaireddevce tist Atter pairng successiutty, the unitwitt prompt and ET“ witt become sotid ~Automatic connection with your Dtuetooth devices is possibte iithsy have been pairedsuccessiutty with this unit berore . Arter paired‘you can pray your musrcthrough this Bass Boasled etuetooth Speaker 13 Sleeping to Music Timer Press the Power button 0 to turn N the unit,and press B button to setecteitherFM Radio. Bluetooth orAux modeto ptay ra ormusic Steep mode setting oshorlprlsl SLEEP button - Press and hotd the SLEEP button The disptay will show the steep timer ~Shortpress SLEEPoutton to choose yourdesired slaepttm=r(10«90 minutes) -Ta disptay the steep timer during count down process press the SLEEP button -Tocahcet the steeptimerduring countdown process press the POWER button to shutoiithe unit 14 3- Level Dimmer Control The brightness orthe ctock disptay can be set at High/Mediumrtow tevet in standby Radio and Aux modes With a press or ‘DiMMER/DII' button 15 Enjoying Audio Source via AUX IN Jack Pressthe POWER button toturn the unitoN Press ET PAtR button untit “AUX" appear on LEDdisptay,connectyour audio or mobrte devrce and ptay music through the unit With the 3.5mm earphunetack 16 USBforCha ging Output EV up tot SAicTchargtng mooite or portabte digitat audio ptayer. Note charging current drawn irom the unit may vary due to diiierent USB charging cabtc condition or battery charging characteristics 17 Changing the Lithium Battery . When the gum BAH indicator ‘Fiashes'. you shoutd —’ jy changciha oatteryihairsusbdror Ci; backup stock and aiarm setting as I . . tttht be‘ofi‘ when you have changed the battery in correct instructions chuazrzvt (96 rosiriyEt~r NEmTtvEt r ms 'vrt>) The battery backup is intended tor snort poweroutages onty The unit's primary iunctions cannot run on the battery backup atone This unit uses a button cett battery that writ tast up to 1 yearand maintains the time giLWARNING DANGER or ExPLQStoN IF DATTERy is thoRREcer REPLACED. REPLACE oNLy wmt TttE SAME oR EQUIVALENT TVPE Do NOT INGEST BATTERY CHEMICAL BURN HAZARD This product contains a coin/button oett balmy it the coin/button cett batten is swattowed rt can cause severe internat burns in ust 2 hours and can tead to death keep new and used batteries away trom chitdren tithe balleg compartment does not WW ti ou think batteries mi ht have been swattowed or taced inside an art oi the body sock immediate modicat attention The apparatus must not be exposed to dripping orsptashing and obtecls titted with itqutdS‘ such as yasesr niustnotbe ptaced on the apparatus This marking indicates thatthis product shoutd not be disposed oi With other house hotd wastosthroughouttho country To prevent possibte harm to the environment or human heatth rrom uncontrotted waste disposatrecycte this unit responsibty so as to promote the reuse ormateriat resources To return your used device ptease use return and cottection systems or cohtactthe retaiterwhere the _ productwas purchased as they know how to saiety recycte this product 18 Care and Maintenance cm ofcaoin-ts tithe cabinet becomes dustyrwrpe rtwrth a sort ototh tithe cabinet becomes smudged crdtrly‘ ctean rtwrth a soitr stightty dampened ctoth Neverattow watercrariy tiguid to get inside the cabinet Never useanyabrasive ctcaners orctoaning pads as these wtii damagetherimsh oi yourradio L urn battery Precautions - Dispose oithe otd batteryproperty Do not teaye it tying around where a young ohitd or petcoutd ptay wrth orswattow rt tithe battery is swailuwedr contact a physicianimmediatety ~ The battery may explode iimrstreated Do not attempt to recharge rt or disassembte rt Do not dispose aithe aid battery in a hrs 19 LIMITED WARRANTY Emerson Radio Carp warrants this product to be tree irom manuiacturmg detects in ongrhat materrat. inctuding orrginat parts and workmanship under normat home use and conditions t manuiacturing deiecl'HDT a period otmnety (eotdaystrom date oioriginat purchase in and iiused in the united States shoutd seryice be necessary underthis warranty Emerson witt provide the iottowrng at our Return Repair Eacitity provrded the manuracturing detect is yerined atong With the date or purchase x Repairservrcetorninety (eotdaysirom date oioriginat purchase at no charge tortaborand pans To Receive Authoritation to Return a Detective Ilemi ptease contact Emerson CustomerService at «80089879020 Have yourModet number Seriat Number and dated Prooiot Purchase With you when you catt tn the event the product must be returned to Emerson , Pack the unit in a well—padded heavy corrugated box Ptease insure the item is wett padded to avoid damage white in transit oackto ouriacitity tithe item incurs damage itwrtt NoT be reptaced and theconsumerwrtt be responsrbte iorreturn treight costs to receive theirsame unrt back x Enctoso your check ormoney order payabte to Emerson Radio in the amountoi $10 to cover return shipping and handting costs a Enctose a note With your name address. phone numberr ReturnAuthorization numberand brieireason ror returning the unit a Enctose a copy oi your prooiot purchase (warranty serurce writ not be proyided withoutdatod grooioipurchaso) a Ship the unitprepaid vra UPS orparcet post (SHtP tNSuRED and obtain a tracking number) NOTE This warranty does notcover tat Damage to equipmenl not property connected to the product tot oost incurred in the shipping oithe product to and irom Emerson‘s Return Facility tc) Damage orrmproperoperatron oi unit caused by oustomerabuse, misuse negtigehce or raiture to tottow operating instructions (inciuding cteahing instructions) provided With the product0rdinary adrustments tothe product which can be perrormed by oustonieras outtined in the owner‘s manual to) Signat reception probtems caused by externat antenna or oabte systems. (r 1 Products not purchased in the united States is) Damage to product it used outside the united states THtS WARRANTy tS NON—TRANSFERAELE ANDAPPLtES oNLyTo THE othtNAL PuRcHASERAND DaES NoT EXTEND To SUBSEQUENT OWNERS or THE PRaDucT ANVAPPUCAELE iMPLtED WARRANTtESr iNCLuDiNG ThE WARRANTy or MERCHANTAEiLiTV, ARE LtMtTED tN DuRATtoN To A PERtoD or THE EXPRESSED WARRANTyAS PRthDED HEREtN REStNNtNS thH THE DATE or othtNAL PuRcHASE AT RETAtLAND NO WARRANTiES WHETHER EXPRESSED oR iMPLiED‘ ShALLAPPLy To THE PRoDucT ThEnEAETER EMERSON MAkES NO WARRANTyAS To ThE EtTNESS or THE PRoDucT EoR ANy PARthuLAR PURPOSE oR usE THE ExTENT or EMERSON RADto CORP‘S LtAbiLtTy UNDER rHiS LthTED WARRANTy is THE REPAtR DR REPLACEMENT PRDVLDED ABOVE AND W NO EVENT SHALL EMERSON RADto CORP s LiAstLtTy ExCEED THE PuRcHAsE PRtCE PAtD by THE PURCHASER as THE PRDDucT uNDER NO ctRcuMSTANcEs SHALL EMERSON RADto cDRP DE LtADLE FOR ANy LOSSr DtREcT NDtREcT iNCiDENTAL SPECiALr OR coNSEauENTtAL DAMAGE ARtStNG out or oR tN CONNECTtON WtTH THE usE or THtS PRoDucT THts WARRANTy ts VALtD oNLy tN THE VNtTED STATES OFAMERICA THts WARRANTY GiVES you SPECtFIC LEGAL RtGHTs HOWEVER you MAy HAVE oTHER RtGHTS WHtcH MAy VARy FROM STATE To STATE SOME STATES Do NoTALLow LtMtTATtoNS ON tMPLtED WARRANTtES oR ExcLuStoN or coNSEouENTtAL DAMAGE THEREEoRE THESE RESTthTtoNS MAy NoTAPPLyTo you 10-904sz The seriat numberoan be tound on the back tabmet We suggestrhat you record the seriat numberoi your unit in the space betowioriuture reierence Modet Number: Ertootoz Seriai Numbe EEmasnr-L a“. s E rt v i c E FORAnnmuNAt scrub OR wmmmsrw PLEAsE out i aoccsu stm roRcusToMER sERhoE PLEASE EMNLTU iii-em.t@vmsrsomado cont oh WRirETo Emerson Radio corp corsunerAinia [1th 3 U'itysrbtly Pim 5“ e tus Hackensack NJ orsoi Emerson PartNo ETtflQtflZ—ZutV—t’tataaos Printed in china
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Author : Administrator Create Date : 2017:11:13 11:17:52+08:00 Modify Date : 2018:01:18 16:12:48+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Format : application/pdf Creator : Administrator Title : ER100102-IB-R0.0-2017-11-13.cdr Creator Tool : CorelDRAW X7 Metadata Date : 2018:01:18 16:12:48+08:00 Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version Document ID : uuid:8783015f-24e3-44ad-88bf-e9c6eac5327e Instance ID : uuid:6666f134-207b-45ff-a61c-ca203f72b01a Page Count : 1 Profile CMM Type : Lino Profile Version : 2.1.0 Profile Class : Display Device Profile Color Space Data : RGB Profile Connection Space : XYZ Profile Date Time : 1998:02:09 06:49:00 Profile File Signature : acsp Primary Platform : Microsoft Corporation CMM Flags : Not Embedded, Independent Device Manufacturer : IEC Device Model : sRGB Device Attributes : Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color Rendering Intent : Perceptual Connection Space Illuminant : 0.9642 1 0.82491 Profile Creator : HP Profile ID : 0 Profile Copyright : Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company Profile Description : sRGB IEC61966-2.1 Media White Point : 0.95045 1 1.08905 Media Black Point : 0 0 0 Red Matrix Column : 0.43607 0.22249 0.01392 Green Matrix Column : 0.38515 0.71687 0.09708 Blue Matrix Column : 0.14307 0.06061 0.7141 Device Mfg Desc : IEC http://www.iec.ch Device Model Desc : IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB Viewing Cond Desc : Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1 Viewing Cond Illuminant : 19.6445 20.3718 16.8089 Viewing Cond Surround : 3.92889 4.07439 3.36179 Viewing Cond Illuminant Type : D50 Luminance : 76.03647 80 87.12462 Measurement Observer : CIE 1931 Measurement Backing : 0 0 0 Measurement Geometry : Unknown Measurement Flare : 0.999% Measurement Illuminant : D65 Technology : Cathode Ray Tube Display Red Tone Reproduction Curve : (Binary data 2060 bytes, use -b option to extract) Green Tone Reproduction Curve : (Binary data 2060 bytes, use -b option to extract) Blue Tone Reproduction Curve : (Binary data 2060 bytes, use -b option to extract)EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools