Emerson Cp200 Series Pressure Loaded Reducing Regulators Data Sheet
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Bulletin 71.1:CP200 December 2013 CP200 Series Commercial / Industrial PressureLoaded Pressure Reducing Regulator Figure 1. CP200 Series Pressure Loaded Regulator Features and Benefits • Wide Range of NPT Body Sizes • Easy to Install and Maintain • Highly Configurable • Only Standard Tools Required for Pressure Adjustment and Orifice Removal • Fixed Factor / Pressure Factor Measurement (PFM) Accuracy Capabilities D103135X012 • Secondary Seat™ Protection www.fisherregulators.com Bulletin 71.1:CP200 TYPE 67CP PRESSURE LOAdINg REgULATOR CLOSINg SPRINg dIAPHRAgM HEAd dIAPHRAgM LEVER LOWER CASINg EXTERNAL CONTROL LINE PLUg (dO NOT REMOVE IF UNIT IS PRESSURIZEd) VALVE STEM ORIFICE VALVE dISK Figure 2. Typical CP200 Series Cut-away View Introduction The CP200 Series pressure loaded regulators have been engineered to fit a multitude of pressure reducing applications including commercial and industrial installations. The CP200 Series provides accurate control for use in pressure factor measurement (fixed factor billing) applications. This flexibility is provided by the various body end connection sizes, outlet pressure settings, and orifice sizes. 2 Overpressure Protection Options Available: • Token Relief—Provides a small capacity or token relief located in the Type 67CPR pressure loading regulator that relieves minor overpressure caused by thermal expansion or minor nicks in the orifice or disk. • Secondary Seat™ Protection—Provides lockup via a secondary seating and disk surface in the event that damage to the primary disk or orifice seating surface, or debris in the flow path, inhibit primary lockup. Secondary Seat protection does not provide additional overpressure protection in the event the secondary seat or disk is damaged by debris or contamination in the pipeline or from conditions that would cause the regulator to go wide open. See page 6 for additional information. Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Specifications The Specifications section lists the specifications for the CP200 Series Regulators. The following information is stamped on the nameplate of CP200 Series: Type Number, Maximum Outlet Pressure, and Spring Range. Available Configurations See Table 1 Body Sizes, Material, End Connections, and Pressure Rating(1) See Table 2 Approximate Weight 10 pounds / 5 kg Construction Materials Inlet Pressure Ratings(1) See Table 3 Maximum Outlet Pressures Token Relief Performance Approximate Token Relief Start-to-Discharge: See Table 5 (1) Emergency Casing: 25 psig / 1.7 bar Operating: 20 psig / 1.4 bar Outlet Pressure Range 1 to 20 psig / 69 mbar to 1.4 bar See Table 4 Flow Capacities See Tables 6 through 23 Flow Coefficients and Orifice Sizes See Table 3 IEC Sizing Coefficients See Table 3 Temperature Capabilities(1)(2) -20 to 150°F / -29 to 66°C Pressure Registration Internal Pressure Loading Regulator Spring Case Connection 1/4 NPT Factory Setpoint Inlet Pressures for Various Orifice Sizes 1/8 inch / 3.1 mm: 80 psig / 5.5 bar 3/16 inch / 4.7 mm: 60 psig / 4.1 bar 1/4 inch / 6.4 mm: 40 psig / 2.8 bar 5/16 inch / 7.9 mm: 30 psig / 2.1 bar 3/8 inch / 9.5 mm: 25 psig / 1.7 bar 1/2 inch / 13 mm: 25 psig / 1.7 bar Type CP200IN Main Valve and Actuator Body: Gray Cast Iron Body O-ring: Nitrile (NBR) Closing Cap: Aluminum Adjusting Screw: Aluminum Diaphragm Case, Spring Case, and Valve Stem: Aluminum Diaphragm Plate: Steel Orifice: Aluminum Pusher Post: Aluminum Diaphragm and Disk: Nitrile (NBR) Closing Spring: Stainless steel Relief Valve Spring: Stainless steel Relief Valve Spring Retainer: Zinc-plated steel Relief Valve Seat: Aluminum Lever: Zinc-plated steel Lever Pin: Stainless steel Spring Seat: Aluminum 67CP Series Pressure Loading Regulator Spring: Stainless steel Body: Aluminum O-ring and Soft Seat: Nitrile (NBR) Valve Stem: Aluminum Valve Plug: Nitrile (NBR) Diaphragm: Nitrile (NBR) Designed, Tested, and Evaluated Consistent With: ASME B16, ASME Section VIII DIV I, ASTM B117 (Corrosion Resistance) 1. The pressure/temperature limits in this Bulletin or any applicable standard limitation should not be exceeded. 2. Product has passed Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. testing for lockup, relief start-to-discharge and reseal down to -40 degrees. 3 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 1. Available Configurations TYPE NUMBER C P 2 OPTIONS 0 Overpressure Protection Module 0 Without Overpressure Protection Module 5 With Secondary Seat™ Protection 6 With Secondary Seat Protection with bleed to indicate Secondary Seat is functioning Pressure Registration I Internal Registration Relief N Non-Relief T Token Internal Relief Table 2. Body Sizes, Material, End Connection, and Pressure Rating TYPE BODY SIZE END CONNECTION BODY MATERIAL NPT Gray Cast Iron FACE-TO-FACE DIMENSION PRESSURE RATING Inch mm psig bar 4 102 175 12.1 3/4 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 1-1/4 CP200, CP205, and CP206 1 1 x 1-1/4 1-1/4 Table 3. Inlet Pressure Ratings and Flow and Sizing Coeffiecients TYPE CP200 CP205 and CP206 ORIFICE SIZE MAXIMUM OPERATING INLET PRESSURE(1)(2) FLOW COEFFICIENTS (WIDE-OPEN) C1 IEC SIZING COEFFICIENTS Inch mm psig bar Cg Cv XT FD 1/8 3.2 125 8.6 12 0.40 30 0.53 0.87 3/16 4.8 125 8.6 24 0.80 30 0.58 0.82 1/4 6.4 125 8.6 44 1.52 29 0.53 0.85 3/8 9.5 60 4.1 102 3.30 31 0.60 0.83 1/2 13 40 2.8 172 4.40 39 0.97 0.72 1/8 3.2 125 8.6 12 0.4 30 0.53 0.87 3/16 4.8 125 8.6 24 0.8 30 0.58 0.82 1/4 6.4 125 8.6 44 1.52 29 0.53 0.85 5/16 7.9 100 6.9 70 2.7 30 0.53 0.85 1. Inlet pressures based on lockup performance. For maximum inlet pressure values with optimum regulating performance refer to the applicable Flow Capacity table. 2. To comply with ANSI B109.4 relief requirements, the maximum inlet pressure may need to be reduced. 4 FL 0.89 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 CONTROL SPRING TYPE 67CP PRESSURE LOADING REGULATOR CLOSING SPRING DIAPHRAGM VALVE DISK ORIFICE VALVE STEM M1129 INLET PRESSURE PRESSURE RETAINING PLUG (DO NOT REMOVE) LEVER MAIN REGULATOR OUTLET PRESSURE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE LOADING PRESSURE Figure 3. Type CP200IN Pressure Loaded Pressure Reducing Regulator with Internal Registration Operational Schematic Principle of Operation Decreasing Downstream Demand Refer to Figure 3. The CP200 Series has spring-toclose construction and uses a 67CP Series pressure loading regulator to supply loading pressure to the top of the main diaphragm. Adjustment to the downstream pressure is therefore made by adjusting the loading pressure regulator. The load pressure supplied by the loading regulator is constant and equal to the desired downstream pressure plus the pressure required to overcome the light closing spring. As downstream demand decreases the outlet pressure registering on the underside of the main diaphragm increases forcing the main diaphragm upward. This upward motion is transferred through the lever causing the main disk to move toward the orifice seating surface to reduce flow to meet the required demand. Type CP200 Base Regulator Increasing Downstream Demand As downstream demand increases the outlet pressure registering on the underside of the main diaphragm decreases and the constant loading pressure above the main diaphragm forces the diaphragm downward. This downward diaphragm motion is transferred through the lever causing the main disk to move away from the orifice seating surface to supply additional flow downstream to the required demand. Zero Downstream Demand (Lockup) As downstream demand decreases further, the outlet pressure registering under the main diaphragm together with the closing spring act to close the main disk against the orifice seating surface. At this point the loading regulator will continue to supply a small amount of gas downstream that is equal to the capacity of the bleed restriction in the diaphragm assembly. As downstream demand decreases to zero flow outlet pressure rises to meet the lock-up pressure of the loading regulator. This causes the loading regulator to lockup to stop all flow downstream. 5 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 CONTROL SPRING RELIEF V LVE STEM CONTROL SPRING TYPE 67CP PRESSURE VALVE STEM LOADING REGULATOR CLOSING SPRING CONDARY SEAT DETAIL DIAPHRAGM SECONDARY SEAT™ DETAIL VALVE STEM LEVER MAIN REGULATOR PRESSURE RETAINING PLUG (DO NOT REMOVE) SECONdARY SEAT dETAILEd VIEW PRIMARY dISK PRIMARY ORIFICE SEATINg SURFACE NORMAL OPERATION NORMAL LOCKUP SECONdARY SEATINg SURFACE M1165 INLET PRESSURE SECONdARY ORIFICE SEATINg SURFACE dEBRIS OBSTRUCTINg LOCKUP SECONdARY SEAT LOCKUP TYPE CP206 SECONdARY SEAT WITH METAL TO METAL BLEEd CP200 Series with Secondary SeatTM Protection OUTLET PRESSURE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE LOADING PRESSURE Figure 4. Type CP205IT Pressure Loaded Pressure Reducing Regulator with Internal Registration and Token Relief Operational Schematic 6 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Type CP205 with Secondary Seat™ Protection Refer to Figure 4. The Type CP205 provides Secondary Seat Protection. As downstream demand decreases and downstream pressure rises to the regulator pressure lock-up value, the regulator will lockup. If, however, damage has occurred to the primary disk, to the primary orifice’s seating surface, or debris has become lodged between the primary disk and primary orifice, the outlet pressure will continue to rise. This additional pressure causes the primary disk to apply additional force to the orifice seating surface, which causes the Secondary seating surface to move toward the Secondary disk or sealing surface. If downstream demand decreases to zero, then the secondary seating surface will contact the sealing surface to provide lockup. Type CP206 with Secondary Seat Protection with Bleed The Type CP206 provides small bleed to the downstream system as an indication that the Secondary Seat is providing lockup. In the event that the primary orifice and disk cannot provide lockup, the secondary seating surface will move into contact with a metal disk. This metal to metal interface will allow a small amount of gas to bleed downstream thereby increasing outlet pressure until the internal relief valve begins to discharge gas to the atmosphere. The odor of this discharged gas provides an indication that the regulator is relying on the Secondary Seat for overpressure protection. Types CP205 and CP206 Secondary Seat Protection Limitations Secondary Seat Protection does not provide additional overpressure protection in the event the secondary seating surface or disk is damaged by debris or contamination in the pipeline or from conditions that would cause the regulator to go wide open. When selecting Secondary Seat Protection option, it is recommended that: • Other additional overpressure protection methods be added in the downstream system as discussed in the section on Overpressure Protection; and Installation The CP200 Series regulators may be installed in any position. However, the spring case vent of the Type 67CP loading regulator should be pointed downward. If gas escaping through Type 67CPR pressure loading regulator token internal relief valve could constitute a hazard, the spring case vent must be piped to a location where escaping gas will not be hazardous. If the vented gas will be piped to another location, obstruction-free tubing or piping at least equal to the vent, and the end of the vent pipe must be protected from anything that might clog it. Overpressure Protection The CP200 Series is an internally registered pressure reducing regulator and has outlet pressure ratings lower than the inlet pressure ratings. Complete downstream overpressure protection is needed if the actual inlet pressure exceeds the outlet pressure rating. Token Relief Types with a “T” in the type number, e.g., Type CP200IT provide an optional small capacity or token relief located in the Type 67CPR to relieve minor overpressure caused by thermal expansion or minor nicks in the orifice or disk. Refer to Table 5 for Start-to-Discharge Pressure Above Setpoint values. Secondary Seat™ Protection This overpressure protection provides lockup via a secondary seating and disk surface in the event that damage to the primary disk or orifice seating surface, or debris in the flow path, inhibit primary lockup. Overpressuring any portion of a regulator or associated equipment may cause personal injury, leakage, or property damage due to bursting of pressure-containing parts or explosion of accumulated gas. Provide appropriate pressure relieving or pressure limiting devices to ensure that the limits in the Specifications section is not exceeded. Regulator operation within ratings does not prevent the possibility of damage from external sources or from debris in the pipeline. Refer to the relief sizing coefficients and the Capacity Information section to determine the required relief valve capacity. • An annual downstream lock-up pressure test be done to determine if the Secondary Seat Protection option is operating and functional. 7 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 4. Outlet Pressure Ranges OUTLET PRESSURE RANgE(1) psig bar 1 to 2 69 mbar to 0.14 bar PART NUMBER SPRINg COLOR GE30199X012 SPRINg WIRE dIAMETER SPRINg FREE LENgTH Inch mm Inch mm Yellow Stripe 0.078 2.0 1.35 34.3 2 to 5 0.14 to 0.34 GE27213X012 Orange Stripe 0.100 2.5 1.47 37.3 5 to 10 0.34 to 0.69 GE39890X012 Black Stripe 0.114 2.9 1.47 37.3 10 to 20 0.69 to 1.4 GE30200X012 Purple Stripe 0.137 3.5 1.42 36.1 1. Oulet pressure range is controlled by 67CP Series pressure loading regulator spring. Table 5. Token Relief Valve Start-to-Discharge Pressure Above Setpoint SPRINg RANgE(1) PART NUMBER START-TO-dISCHARgE PRESSURE RANgE ABOVE SETPOINT SPRINg COLOR psig bar psig mbar 1 to 2 69 mbar to 0.14 bar GE30199X012 Yellow Stripe 1 to 3.5 69 to 241 2 to 5 0.14 to 0.34 GE27213X012 Orange Stripe 1.75 to 5.5 121 to 379 5 to 10 0.34 to 0.69 GE39890X012 Black Stripe 2.5 to 6.75 172 to 465 1. Outlet pressure range is controlled by 67CP Series pressure loading regulator spring. Only the 1 to 2, 2 to 5, and 5 to 10 psig / 0.07 to 0.14; 0.14 to 0.34; and 0.34 to 0.69 bar spring ranges are available with Token Relief. Capacity Information For subcritical flow: Tables 6 through 23 give the CP200 Series natural gas regulating capacities at selected inlet pressures, outlet pressure settings and body outlet sizes. Flows are in SCFH (60°F and 14.7 psia) and Nm³/h (0°C and 1.01325 bar) of 0.6 specific gravity gas. To determine equivalent capacities for air, propane, butane, or nitrogen, multiply the capacity number in the tables by the following appropriate conversion factor: 0.775 for air, 0.628 for propane, 0.548 for butane, or 0.789 for nitrogen. For gases of other specific gravities, multiply the given capacity by 0.775 and divide by the square root of the appropriate specific gravity. If pressure drops are lower than critical (absolute outlet pressure greater than approximately one-half the absolute inlet pressure), use the following formula and convert according to the factors in the preceding paragraph if necessary: The published capacities were obtained using inlet and outlet piping the same size as the regulator body size. 520 GT CgP1SIN 3417 C1 P P1 DEG where: C1 = Cg/Cv (see Table 3) Cg = Gas sizing coefficient (see Table 3) G = Gas specific gravity (air = 1.0) P1 = Regulator inlet pressure, psia Relief Sizing ΔP = Pressure drop across regulator, psig For critical flow: To determine wide-open flow capacities for relief sizing of 0.6 specific gravity natural gas at 60°F at critical pressure drops (absolute outlet pressure equal to approximately one-half or less than one-half of the absolute inlet pressure), use the following formula: Q= P1abs(Cg)(1.29) 8 Q= Q = Gas flow rate, SCFH T = Absolute temperature of gas at inlet, °Rankine Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 6. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 1 psig / 69 mbar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 1 psig -0.16 psi 0.16 psi 1 to 2 psig 69 mbar -11 mbar 11 mbar 69 mbar to 0.14 bar Inlet Pressure psig 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 125 psig 3 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 125 bar 0.21 0.34 0.69 1.0 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.1 5.5 6.9 8.6 bar 0.21 0.34 0.69 1.0 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.1 5.5 6.9 8.6 PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30199X012 / Yellow Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 3/8 / 9.5 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 160 4.2 310 8.3 460 12.3 850 22.8 210 5.6 440 11.8 760 20.4 1200 32.2 320 8.5 730 19.5 1100 29.5 2100 56.3 410 11.0 890 23.8 1500 40.2 2500 67.1 490 13.1 1000 26.8 1800 48.3 2800 75.1 630 16.9 1400 37.5 2400 64.4 3000 80.5 740 19.8 1700 45.6 2800 75.1 3000 80.5 920 24.6 2000 53.6 3100 83.2 3100 83.2 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 3300 88.5 3100 83.2 1300 34.8 3000 80.5 3300 88.5 1600 42.9 3100 83.2 3300 88.5 2000 53.6 3100 83.2 1300 34.8 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 160 4.2 310 8.3 460 12.3 850 22.8 210 5.6 440 11.8 800 21.4 1600 42.9 320 8.5 730 19.5 1300 34.8 2500 67.1 410 11.0 890 23.8 1600 42.9 3000 80.5 490 13.1 1000 26.8 1900 51.0 3000 80.5 630 16.9 1400 37.5 2500 67.1 3000 80.5 740 19.8 1700 45.6 3000 80.5 3000 80.5 920 24.6 2000 53.6 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 1300 34.8 3000 80.5 4200 113 1600 42.9 3300 88.5 4200 113 2000 53.6 3300 88.5 4200 113 1/2 / 13 SCFH Nm3/h 1300 1500 2100 2500 2700 2800 34.8 40.2 56.3 67.1 72.4 75.1 1400 2100 2800 3000 3000 3000 37.5 56.3 75.1 80.5 80.5 80.5 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 9 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 7. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 2 psig / 0.14 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS PART NUMBER / COLOR SET RANGE 2 psig -0.17 psi 0.17 psi 1 to 2 psig 0.14 bar -12 mbar 12 mbar 69 mbar to 0.14 bar GE30199X012 / Yellow Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 SCFH Nm /h SCFH Nm /h 3 3 SCFH Nm /h SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm /h 3 SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 5 0.34 190 5.1 410 11.0 Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 780 20.9 1400 37.5 1900 51.0 10 0.69 330 8.8 580 15.5 1200 32.2 2600 69.7 2900 77.8 15 1.0 420 11.2 770 20.6 1600 42.9 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 20 1.4 500 13.4 1000 26.8 1900 51.0 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 30 2.1 630 16.9 1300 34.8 2500 67.1 3200 85.9 40 2.8 790 21.2 1600 42.9 3100 83.2 4200 113 50 3.4 930 24.9 1800 48.3 3700 99.3 4200 113 60 4.1 1000 26.8 1800 48.3 4200 113 4200 113 80 5.5 1300 34.8 1800 48.3 4200 113 100 6.9 1600 42.9 1800 48.3 4200 113 125 8.6 1800 48.3 1800 48.3 psig bar 5 0.34 190 5.1 420 11.2 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 780 20.9 1400 37.5 1900 51.0 10 0.69 330 8.8 580 15.5 1200 32.2 2600 69.7 2900 77.8 15 1.0 420 11.2 770 20.6 1600 42.9 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 20 1.4 500 13.4 1000 26.8 1900 51.0 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 3200 85.9 30 2.1 630 16.9 1300 34.8 2500 67.1 3200 85.9 40 2.8 790 21.2 1600 42.9 3100 83.2 4200 113 50 3.4 930 24.9 1800 48.3 3700 99.3 4200 113 60 4.1 1000 26.8 1800 48.3 4200 113 4200 113 80 5.5 1300 34.8 1800 48.3 4200 113 100 6.9 1600 42.9 1800 48.3 4200 113 125 8.6 1800 48.3 1800 48.3 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 10 3/8 / 9.5 3 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 8. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 5 psig / 0.34 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS PART NUMBER / COLOR SET RANGE 5 psig -0.2 psi 0.2 psi 2 to 5 psig 0.34 bar -14 mbar 14 mbar 0.14 to 0.34 bar GE27213X012 / Orange Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 SCFH Nm /h SCFH Nm /h 3 3 SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm /h 3 SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm /h 3 SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 10 0.69 270 7.2 560 15.0 Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 960 25.7 2000 53.6 2900 77.8 15 1.0 370 9.9 870 23.3 1500 40.2 3100 83.2 3800 102 20 1.4 470 12.6 1000 26.8 1900 51.0 3900 105 3900 105 30 2.1 620 16.6 1400 37.5 2400 64.4 4300 115 4300 115 40 2.8 770 20.6 1700 45.6 3000 80.5 4300 115 50 3.4 940 25.2 1900 51.0 3600 96.6 4300 115 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2000 53.6 4300 115 4300 115 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2000 53.6 4300 115 100 6.9 1600 42.9 2000 53.6 4300 115 125 8.6 2000 53.6 2000 53.6 psig bar Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 10 0.69 270 7.2 560 15.0 1000 26.8 2000 53.6 3000 80.5 15 1.0 370 9.9 870 23.3 1500 40.2 3200 85.9 3800 102 20 1.4 470 12.6 1000 26.8 1900 51.0 4000 107 3900 105 30 2.1 620 16.6 1400 37.5 2600 69.7 4300 115 4300 115 40 2.8 770 20.6 1700 45.6 3000 80.5 5300 142 50 3.4 940 25.2 1900 51.0 3700 99.3 5300 142 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2000 53.6 4300 115 5300 142 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2000 53.6 4300 115 100 6.9 1600 42.9 2000 53.6 4300 115 125 8.6 2000 53.6 2000 53.6 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 11 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 9. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 10 psig / 0.69 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS PART NUMBER / COLOR SET RANGE 10 psig -0.25 psi 0.25 psi 5 to 10 psig 0.69 bar -17 mbar 17 mbar 0.34 to 0.69 bar GE39890X012 / Black Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 SCFH Nm /h SCFH Nm /h 3 3 SCFH Nm /h 1/2 / 13 SCFH Nm /h SCFH Nm3/h 3 psig bar 15 1.0 260 6.9 580 15.5 Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 1000 26.8 1600 42.9 2500 67.1 20 1.4 410 11.0 880 23.6 1500 40.2 2900 77.8 3100 83.2 30 2.1 590 15.8 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 3800 102 4100 110 40 2.8 760 20.4 1500 40.2 2900 77.8 4200 113 3400 91.2 50 3.4 900 24.1 1900 51.0 3600 96.6 4700 126 60 4.1 990 26.5 2300 61.7 4000 107 4700 126 2500 67.1 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5200 139 100 6.9 1600 42.9 3500 93.9 5200 139 125 8.6 1900 51.0 4500 121 5200 139 psig bar 15 1.0 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 260 6.9 580 15.5 1000 26.8 20 1.4 410 11.0 880 23.6 1700 45.6 3200 85.9 4400 118 30 2.1 590 15.8 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 5000 134 5000 134 40 2.8 760 20.4 1500 40.2 3100 83.2 6100 164 50 3.4 900 24.1 1900 51.0 3700 99.3 6900 185 8000 215 60 4.1 990 26.5 2300 61.7 4300 115 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5200 139 100 6.9 1600 42.9 3500 93.9 5200 139 125 8.6 1900 51.0 4500 121 5200 139 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 12 3/8 / 9.5 3 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 10. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 15 psig / 1.0 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS PART NUMBER / COLOR SET RANGE 15 psig -0.3 psi 0.3 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.0 bar -20 mbar 20 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 SCFH psig 3/16 / 4.8 Nm3/h SCFH 1/4 / 6.4 Nm3/h bar SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm3/h 1/2 / 13 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 20 1.4 360 9.6 460 12.3 1200 32.2 2300 61.7 2800 75.1 30 2.1 580 15.5 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 4000 107 4200 113 40 2.8 690 18.5 1600 42.9 2900 77.8 4900 131 50 3.4 890 23.8 2000 53.6 3500 93.9 5100 137 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 4000 107 5900 158 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5100 137 100 6.9 1500 40.2 3600 96.6 6200 166 125 8.6 1800 48.3 4400 118 7500 201 psig bar 20 1.4 360 9.6 460 12.3 1200 32.2 2700 72.4 4100 110 30 2.1 580 15.5 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 4900 131 6000 161 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 40 2.8 690 18.5 1600 42.9 2900 77.8 6300 169 50 3.4 890 23.8 2000 53.6 3500 93.9 7500 201 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 4000 107 8200 220 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5100 137 100 6.9 1500 40.2 3600 96.6 6200 166 125 8.6 1800 48.3 4400 118 7500 201 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. Table 11. CP200 Series Flow Capacities for 20 psig / 1.4 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS PART NUMBER / COLOR SET RANGE 20 psig -0.35 psi 0.35 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.4 bar -24 mbar 24 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 SCFH psig 3/16 / 4.8 Nm3/h SCFH 1/4 / 6.4 Nm3/h bar SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm3/h SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h 4100 110 5600 150 Body Sizes: 3/4 and 1 NPT 30 2.1 560 15.0 1100 29.5 1900 51.0 3800 102 40 2.8 740 19.8 1600 42.9 2700 72.4 4800 129 50 3.4 840 22.5 1900 51.0 3300 88.5 5900 158 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 4000 107 6700 180 139 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5200 100 6.9 1600 42.9 3600 96.6 6300 169 125 8.6 2000 53.6 4400 118 7700 207 psig bar 30 2.1 560 15.0 1100 29.5 1900 51.0 4100 110 40 2.8 740 19.8 1600 42.9 2700 72.4 6400 172 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 50 3.4 840 22.5 1900 51.0 3300 88.5 7300 196 60 4.1 1000 26.8 2300 61.7 4000 107 8800 236 80 5.5 1300 34.8 2900 77.8 5200 139 100 6.9 1600 42.9 3600 96.6 6300 169 125 8.6 2000 53.6 4400 118 7700 207 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 13 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 12. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 1 psig / 69 mbar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 1 psig -0.16 psi 0.16 psi 1 to 2 psig 69 mbar -11 mbar 11 mbar 69 mbar to 0.14 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30199X012 / Yellow Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 scfh 3/16 / 4.8 Nm³/h 1/4 / 6.4 Nm³/h scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm³/h scfh Nm³/h psig bar Body Size: 3/4 NPT 3 0.21 155 4.2 295 7.9 420 11.3 570 15.3 5 0.34 200 5.4 460 12.3 670 18.0 775 20.8 10 0.69 345 9.2 780 20.9 1100 29.5 1240 33.2 15 1.0 425 11.4 1000 26.8 1390 37.3 1540 41.3 20 1.4 525 14.1 1140 30.6 1610 43.2 1780 47.7 30 2.1 710 19.0 1500 40.2 1860 49.9 1960 52.5 40 2.8 875 23.5 1890 50.7 1980 53.1 1930 51.7 50 3.4 1010 27.1 2010 53.9 1960 52.5 1960 52.5 60 4.1 1180 31.6 2000 53.6 1970 52.8 2040 54.7 80 5.5 1450 38.9 2070 55.5 1990 53.4 2290 61.4 90 6.2 1630 43.7 2210 59.2 2170 58.2 2390 64.1 100 6.9 1810 48.5 1130 30.3 2340 62.7 2440 65.4 125 8.6 1060 28.4 1130 30.3 2670 71.6 2440 65.4 psig bar 3 0.21 165 4.4 345 9.2 480 12.9 480 12.9 5 0.34 230 6.2 490 13.1 685 18.4 695 18.6 10 0.69 355 9.5 765 20.5 1020 27.3 1160 31.1 15 1.0 470 12.6 995 26.7 1240 33.2 1360 36.5 20 1.4 560 15.0 1190 31.9 1400 37.5 1520 40.8 30 2.1 735 19.7 1530 41.0 1620 43.4 1740 46.6 40 2.8 905 24.3 1810 48.5 1820 48.8 1800 48.3 50 3.4 1060 28.4 1970 52.8 1980 53.1 1970 52.8 60 4.1 1250 33.5 1990 53.4 2030 54.4 2040 54.7 80 5.5 1580 42.4 2210 59.2 2340 62.7 2720 72.9 90 6.2 1730 46.4 2400 64.3 2510 67.3 2720 72.9 100 6.9 1930 51.7 1290 34.6 2730 73.2 2870 76.9 125 8.6 1400 37.5 1290 34.6 2760 74.0 2870 76.9 psig bar 3 0.21 175 4.7 280 7.5 395 10.6 460 12.3 5 0.34 185 5.0 435 11.7 585 15.7 720 19.3 10 0.69 355 9.5 720 19.3 875 23.5 1120 30.0 15 1.0 390 10.5 1010 27.1 1190 31.9 1310 35.1 20 1.4 520 13.9 1180 31.6 1440 38.6 1370 36.7 30 2.1 725 19.4 1420 38.1 1440 38.6 1460 39.1 40 2.8 810 21.7 1840 49.3 1570 42.1 1720 46.1 50 3.4 955 25.6 1850 49.6 1570 42.1 1730 46.4 60 4.1 965 25.9 1950 52.3 1640 44.0 1830 49.1 80 5.5 1370 36.7 2000 53.6 2020 54.2 2240 60.1 90 6.2 1610 43.2 2000 53.6 2130 57.1 2430 65.1 100 6.9 1720 46.1 1400 37.5 2270 60.9 2720 72.9 125 8.6 1750 46.9 1400 37.5 2690 72.1 3040 81.5 Body Size: 1 NPT Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 14 scfh Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 13. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 2 psig / 0.14 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 2 psig -0.17 psi 0.17 psi 1 to 2 psig 0.14 bar -12 mbar 12 mbar 69 mbar to 0.14 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30199X012 / Yellow Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 18 / 3.2 scfh psig bar 3/16 / 4.8 Nm³/h scfh 1/4 / 6.4 Nm³/h scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm³/h scfh Nm³/h Body Size: 3/4 NPT 5 0.34 180 4.8 390 10.5 570 15.3 715 19.2 10 0.69 290 7.8 750 20.1 1070 28.7 1220 32.7 15 1.0 430 11.5 945 25.3 1420 38.1 1500 40.2 20 1.4 525 14.1 1120 30.0 1680 45.0 1860 49.9 30 2.1 670 18.0 1560 41.8 2010 53.9 2090 56.0 40 2.8 820 22.0 1900 50.9 2140 57.4 2110 56.6 50 3.4 950 25.5 2080 55.8 2140 57.4 2190 58.7 60 4.1 1130 30.3 2240 60.1 2270 60.9 2290 61.4 80 5.5 1470 39.4 2320 62.2 2290 61.4 2330 62.5 90 6.2 1630 43.7 2310 61.9 2320 62.2 2410 64.6 100 6.9 1730 46.4 1280 34.3 2420 64.9 2530 67.8 2070 55.5 1280 34.3 2690 72.1 2730 73.2 125 8.6 psig bar Body Size: 1 NPT 5 0.34 160 4.3 380 10.2 540 14.5 545 14.6 10 0.69 355 9.5 765 20.5 900 24.1 985 26.4 15 1.0 475 12.7 985 26.4 1360 36.5 1350 36.2 20 1.4 555 14.9 1150 30.8 1450 38.9 1510 40.5 30 2.1 730 19.6 1490 39.9 1820 48.8 1720 46.1 40 2.8 905 24.3 1850 49.6 1810 48.5 1880 50.4 50 3.4 1050 28.2 1920 51.5 2010 53.9 2010 53.9 60 4.1 1210 32.4 2090 56.0 2100 56.3 2160 57.9 80 5.5 1460 39.1 2290 61.4 2530 67.8 2560 68.6 90 6.2 1710 45.8 2400 64.3 2660 71.3 2740 73.5 100 6.9 1940 52.0 2220 59.5 2860 76.7 2860 76.7 2320 62.2 2020 54.2 2860 76.7 2970 79.6 125 8.6 psig bar Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 5 0.34 135 3.6 275 7.4 485 13.0 570 15.3 10 0.69 270 7.2 595 16.0 1030 27.6 1200 32.2 15 1.0 355 9.5 945 25.3 1400 37.5 1980 53.1 20 1.4 420 11.3 1090 29.2 1930 51.7 2560 68.6 30 2.1 610 16.4 1570 42.1 2670 71.6 3580 96.0 40 2.8 820 22.0 1930 51.7 3370 90.3 4590 123 50 3.4 980 26.3 2270 60.9 4040 108 5500 147 60 4.1 1160 31.1 2680 71.8 4750 127 6400 172 80 5.5 1490 39.9 3430 92.0 3220 86.3 7830 210 90 6.2 1600 42.9 3850 103 3070 82.3 2620 70.2 100 6.9 1820 48.8 4230 113 3070 82.3 2620 70.2 125 8.6 2270 60.9 2130 57.1 3070 82.3 2620 70.2 Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 15 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 14. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 5 psig / 0.34 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 5 psig -0.2 psi 0.2 psi 2 to 5 psig 0.34 bar -14 mbar 14 mbar 0.14 to 0.34 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE27213X012 / Orange Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 scfh 3/16 / 4.8 Nm³/h 1/4 / 6.4 Nm³/h scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm³/h scfh Nm³/h psig bar Body Size: 3/4 NPT 10 0.69 230 6.2 535 14.3 855 22.9 870 23.3 15 1.0 405 10.9 890 23.9 1390 37.3 1620 43.4 20 1.4 525 14.1 990 26.5 1680 45.0 1860 49.9 30 2.1 705 18.9 1530 41.0 2380 63.8 2590 69.4 40 2.8 870 23.3 1960 52.5 2640 70.8 2660 71.3 50 3.4 1010 27.1 2200 59.0 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 60 4.1 1180 31.6 2520 67.6 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 80 5.5 1510 40.5 2940 78.8 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 90 6.2 1700 45.6 2950 79.1 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 100 6.9 1860 49.9 2970 79.6 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 2280 61.1 1590 42.6 2810 75.3 2880 77.2 125 8.6 psig bar 10 0.69 320 8.6 630 16.9 750 20.1 915 24.5 15 1.0 405 10.9 930 24.9 1360 36.5 1400 37.5 20 1.4 550 14.7 1170 31.4 1650 44.2 1790 48.0 30 2.1 725 19.4 1550 41.6 2090 56.0 2060 55.2 40 2.8 905 24.3 1900 50.9 2240 60.1 2090 56.0 50 3.4 1050 28.2 2020 54.2 2330 62.5 2440 65.4 60 4.1 1230 33.0 2520 67.6 2470 66.2 2490 66.8 80 5.5 1530 41.0 2800 75.1 2940 78.8 2730 73.2 90 6.2 1690 45.3 2800 75.1 3190 85.5 2910 78.0 100 6.9 1840 49.3 2740 73.5 3340 89.5 2990 80.2 125 8.6 2240 60.1 1770 47.5 3820 102 3420 91.7 Body Size: 1 NPT psig bar 10 0.69 215 5.8 440 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 11.8 845 22.7 930 24.9 15 1.0 350 9.4 835 22.4 1340 35.9 1540 41.3 20 1.4 465 12.5 1100 29.5 1780 47.7 2380 63.8 30 2.1 675 18.1 1510 40.5 2650 71.0 3400 91.2 40 2.8 740 19.8 1860 49.9 3360 90.1 4640 124 50 3.4 930 24.9 2180 58.4 4090 110 5580 150 60 4.1 1150 30.8 2150 57.6 4640 124 3130 83.9 80 5.5 1400 37.5 2470 66.2 4150 111 2620 70.2 90 6.2 1570 42.1 2540 68.1 3640 97.6 2620 70.2 100 6.9 1730 46.4 2560 68.6 3120 83.6 2620 70.2 125 8.6 2030 54.4 1780 47.7 2990 80.2 1360 36.5 Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 16 scfh Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 15. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 10 psig / 0.69 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 10 psig -0.25 psi 0.25 psi 5 to 10 psig 0.69 bar -17 mbar 17 mbar 0.34 to 0.69 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE39890X012 / Black Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 scfh 3/16 / 4.8 Nm³/h scfh 1/4 / 6.4 Nm³/h scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm³/h scfh Nm³/h psig bar Body Size: 3/4 NPT 15 1.0 270 7.2 730 19.6 1030 27.6 1180 31.6 20 1.4 415 11.1 995 26.7 1500 40.2 1660 44.5 30 2.1 515 13.8 1530 41.0 2190 58.7 2530 67.8 40 2.8 765 20.5 1860 49.9 2900 77.7 2860 76.7 50 3.4 915 24.5 2230 59.8 3050 81.8 3130 83.9 60 4.1 1120 30.0 2360 63.3 3280 87.9 3290 88.2 80 5.5 1460 39.1 2920 78.3 3330 89.3 3490 93.6 90 6.2 1610 43.2 3570 95.7 3520 94.4 3490 93.6 100 6.9 1620 43.4 3710 99.5 3370 90.3 3490 93.6 125 8.6 2050 55.0 3870 104 3370 90.3 3490 93.6 psig bar 15 1.0 215 5.8 660 17.7 1050 28.2 870 23.3 20 1.4 370 9.9 830 22.3 1490 39.9 1790 48.0 30 2.1 600 16.1 1310 35.1 2000 53.6 2470 66.2 40 2.8 775 20.8 1740 46.6 2420 64.9 2770 74.3 50 3.4 965 25.9 2140 57.4 2590 69.4 2920 78.3 60 4.1 1110 29.8 2530 67.8 2800 75.1 2920 78.3 80 5.5 1430 38.3 3020 81.0 3150 84.5 3400 91.2 90 6.2 1610 43.2 3520 94.4 3510 94.1 3590 96.2 100 6.9 1750 46.9 3590 96.2 3800 110 4060 109 125 8.6 2240 60.1 3700 99.2 3940 106 4330 116 psig bar 15 1.0 260 7.0 625 16.8 1150 30.8 1170 31.4 20 1.4 380 10.2 1000 26.8 1590 42.6 1700 45.6 30 2.1 635 17.0 1280 34.3 2210 59.2 2610 70.0 40 2.8 800 21.4 1690 45.3 2700 72.4 3290 88.2 50 3.4 935 25.1 2250 60.3 3390 90.9 3840 103 60 4.1 1070 28.7 2490 66.8 3850 103 3890 104 80 5.5 1480 39.7 3220 86.3 4180 112 4750 127 90 6.2 1630 43.7 3370 90.3 4780 128 5000 134 100 6.9 1700 45.6 4090 110 5400 145 5000 134 125 8.6 2210 59.2 4420 118 5400 145 5000 134 Body Size: 1 NPT Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 17 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 16. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 15 psig / 1.0 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 15 psig -0.3 psi 0.3 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.0 bar -20 mbar 20 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 Nm /h scfh Nm /h 3 scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm /h scfh Nm3/h 3 psig bar 20 1.4 355 9.5 775 20.8 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 1280 34.3 1380 37.0 30 2.1 680 18.2 1330 35.7 1970 52.8 2640 70.8 40 2.8 725 19.4 1920 51.5 2610 70.0 3200 85.8 50 3.4 1010 27.1 2260 60.6 3530 94.6 3830 103 60 4.1 1230 33.0 2570 68.9 3870 104 3930 105 80 5.5 1480 39.7 3290 88.2 4410 118 4990 134 90 6.2 1660 44.5 3690 98.9 4800 129 5070 136 100 6.9 1820 48.8 4040 108 4800 129 5200 139 125 8.6 2390 64.1 4600 123 4800 129 5200 139 psig bar 20 1.4 290 7.8 660 17.7 1280 34.3 1490 39.9 30 2.1 655 17.6 1590 42.6 2160 57.9 2610 70.0 40 2.8 790 21.2 2000 53.6 2910 78.0 3140 84.2 50 3.4 1070 28.7 2370 63.5 3260 87.4 3450 92.5 60 4.1 1170 31.4 2600 69.7 3680 98.7 3700 99.2 80 5.5 1320 35.4 3480 93.3 4050 109 4010 107 90 6.2 1640 44.0 3690 98.9 4080 109 4010 107 100 6.9 1790 48.0 3990 107 4440 119 4130 111 125 8.6 2300 61.7 4520 121 4470 120 5250 141 psig bar 20 1.4 190 5.1 580 15.5 1010 27.1 930 24.9 30 2.1 465 12.5 1300 34.9 2200 59.0 2720 72.9 40 2.8 730 19.6 1770 47.5 3160 84.7 4050 109 50 3.4 870 23.3 1930 51.7 3740 100 5050 135 60 4.1 1050 28.2 2620 70.2 4380 117 5860 157 80 5.5 1220 32.7 3250 87.1 5980 160 7980 214 90 6.2 1650 44.2 3500 93.8 6610 177 8540 229 100 6.9 1710 45.8 3810 102 7220 194 9730 261 125 8.6 2210 59.2 5100 137 4030 108 7370 198 Body Size: 1 NPT Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. 18 1/4 / 6.4 scfh 3 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 17. CP205 and CP206 Series Flow Capacities for 20 psig / 1.4 bar Setpoint ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 20 psig -0.35 psi 0.35 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.4 bar -24 mbar 24 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 1/8 / 3.2 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 scfh Nm /h scfh Nm /h 3 3 scfh 5/16 / 7.9 Nm /h scfh Nm3/h 3 psig bar 30 2.1 550 14.7 1240 33.2 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 1890 50.7 2080 55.8 40 2.8 795 21.3 1540 41.3 2730 73.2 3160 84.7 50 3.4 935 25.1 2160 57.9 3610 96.8 3710 99.5 60 4.1 1080 29.0 2530 67.8 4180 112 4050 109 80 5.5 1460 39.1 3240 86.9 4750 127 4820 129 90 6.2 1580 42.4 3670 98.4 5300 142 4870 131 100 6.9 1770 47.5 3950 106 5500 147 5130 137 125 8.6 2260 60.6 4710 126 5650 151 5190 139 psig bar 30 2.1 570 15.3 1380 37.0 1920 51.5 2190 58.7 40 2.8 835 22.4 1900 50.9 2700 72.4 3140 84.2 50 3.4 1030 27.6 2340 62.7 3340 89.5 3990 107 60 4.1 1230 33.0 2590 69.4 3500 93.8 4130 111 80 5.5 1560 41.8 3390 90.9 4140 111 4290 115 Body Size: 1 NPT 90 6.2 1700 45.6 3710 99.5 4340 116 4640 124 100 6.9 1890 50.7 4120 110 4520 121 5030 135 125 8.6 2250 60.3 4770 128 4850 130 5710 153 psig bar 30 2.1 515 13.8 1030 27.6 1810 48.5 2360 63.3 40 2.8 795 21.3 1660 44.5 2850 76.4 3700 99.2 50 3.4 925 24.8 1750 46.9 4020 108 4960 133 60 4.1 1160 31.1 2470 66.2 4510 121 6120 164 80 5.5 1380 37.0 3310 88.7 5770 155 7870 211 90 6.2 1650 44.2 3660 98.1 6580 176 9070 243 100 6.9 1790 48.0 4020 108 7220 194 9860 264 125 8.6 2270 60.9 5110 137 8610 231 9860 264 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 19 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 18. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 2 psig / 0.14 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 2 psig -0.17 psi 0.17 psi 1 to 2 psig 0.14 bar -12 mbar 12 mbar 0.07 to 0.14 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30199X012 / Yellow Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 3/8 / 9.5 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 10 0.69 580 15.5 1100 29.5 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 2000 53.6 2900 77.7 15 1.0 770 20.6 1500 40.2 2500 67.0 3200 85.8 20 1.4 970 26.0 1800 48.2 2800 75.0 3200 85.8 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2100 56.3 3000 80.4 3200 85.8 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2300 61.6 3100 83.1 3200 85.8 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 3100 83.1 50 3.4 1800 48.2 3300 88.4 3100 83.1 60 4.1 1800 48.2 3400 91.1 2600 69.7 80 5.5 1800 48.2 3500 93.8 100 6.9 1800 48.2 125 8.6 psig bar 10 0.69 580 15.5 1200 32.2 Body Size: 1 NPT 1800 48.2 2500 67.0 15 1.0 770 20.6 1500 40.2 2800 75.0 3200 85.8 20 1.4 1000 26.8 1900 50.9 2900 77.7 3200 85.8 25 1.7 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2500 67.0 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 40 2.8 1600 42.9 3100 83.1 4200 113 50 3.4 1800 48.2 3700 99.2 4200 113 60 4.1 1800 48.2 3900 105 4200 113 80 5.5 1800 48.2 3900 105 100 6.9 3900 105 125 8.6 psig bar 10 0.69 580 15.5 1100 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 29.5 2400 64.3 2900 77.7 15 1.0 770 20.6 1600 42.9 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 20 1.4 1000 26.8 1900 50.9 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 25 1.7 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2400 64.3 3200 85.8 3200 85.8 40 2.8 1600 42.9 3000 80.4 4200 113 50 3.4 1800 48.2 3700 99.2 4200 113 60 4.1 1800 48.2 4200 113 4200 113 80 5.5 1800 48.2 100 6.9 125 8.6 Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 20 SCFH Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 19. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 5 psig / 0.34 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 5 psig -0.20 psi 0.20 psi 2 to 5 psig 0.34 bar -14 mbar 14 mbar 0.14 to 0.34 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE27213X012 / Orange Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 3/8 / 9.5 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 10 0.69 560 15.0 960 25.7 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 2000 53.6 2900 77.7 15 1.0 840 22.5 1500 40.2 3100 83.1 3800 102 20 1.4 1000 26.8 1900 50.9 3900 105 3900 105 25 1.7 1200 32.2 2300 61.6 4300 115 4300 115 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2400 64.3 4300 115 4300 115 40 2.8 1600 42.9 3000 80.4 4300 115 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3500 93.8 4300 115 60 4.1 2000 53.6 3500 93.8 4300 115 80 5.5 2000 53.6 4100 110 100 6.9 2000 53.6 3400 91.1 125 8.6 2000 53.6 psig bar 10 0.69 560 15.0 940 25.2 Body Size: 1 NPT 1300 34.8 1800 48.2 15 1.0 830 22.2 1500 40.2 2900 77.7 3600 96.5 20 1.4 980 26.3 1900 50.9 3900 105 3900 105 25 1.7 1200 32.2 2300 61.6 3900 105 4300 115 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2400 64.3 4300 115 4300 115 40 2.8 1600 42.9 3000 80.4 4300 115 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3600 96.5 4300 115 60 4.1 2000 53.6 4300 115 4300 115 80 5.5 2000 53.6 4300 115 100 6.9 2000 53.6 125 8.6 psig bar 10 0.69 560 15.0 440 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 11.8 2000 53.6 3000 80.4 15 1.0 830 22.2 1400 37.5 3200 85.8 3800 102 20 1.4 1000 26.8 1700 45.6 4000 107 3900 105 25 1.7 1200 32.2 1900 50.9 4600 123 4300 115 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2400 64.3 4300 115 4300 115 40 2.8 1700 45.6 2800 75.0 5200 139 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3400 91.1 5000 134 60 4.1 2000 53.6 3900 105 3900 105 80 5.5 2000 53.6 4000 107 100 6.9 2000 53.6 125 8.6 2000 53.6 Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 21 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 20. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 7 psig / 0.48 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 7 psig -0.22 psi 0.22 psi 5 to 10 psig 0.48 bar -15 mbar 15 mbar 0.34 to 0.69 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE39890X012 / Black Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 SCFH Nm3/h 140 3.8 SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm3/h 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 10 0.69 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 15 1.0 740 19.8 1100 29.5 1900 50.9 1900 50.9 20 1.4 1000 26.8 1700 45.6 2900 77.7 2700 72.4 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2100 56.3 3300 88.4 3500 93.8 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2300 61.6 3700 99.2 3600 96.5 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 4200 113 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3400 91.1 4500 121 60 4.1 2200 59.0 3700 99.2 4600 123 80 5.5 2900 77.7 4000 107 100 6.9 3400 91.1 3200 85.8 125 8.6 3900 105 psig bar 10 0.69 240 6.4 600 16.1 Body Size: 1 NPT 650 17.4 15 1.0 580 15.5 1500 40.2 2100 56.3 3200 85.8 20 1.4 970 26.0 1900 50.9 3500 93.8 4700 126 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2300 61.6 4200 113 4800 129 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2600 69.7 5000 134 5500 147 40 2.8 1600 42.9 3200 85.8 6100 163 50 3.4 2000 53.6 3800 102 6700 180 60 4.1 2200 59.0 4400 118 7700 206 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5400 145 100 6.9 3200 85.8 6600 177 125 8.6 56.3 psig bar 10 0.69 380 10.2 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 15 1.0 770 20.6 980 26.3 1900 50.9 2100 20 1.4 980 26.3 1600 42.9 3400 91.1 4100 110 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2100 56.3 3700 99.2 4600 123 30 2.1 1300 34.8 2300 61.6 3900 105 4600 123 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 4800 129 50 3.4 2000 53.6 3500 93.8 4000 107 60 4.1 2300 61.6 3900 105 3500 93.8 80 5.5 3000 80.4 3900 105 100 6.9 3500 93.8 3900 105 125 8.6 4300 115 Shaded areas indicate values that are limited due to boost effects. Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 22 SCFH Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 21. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 10 psig / 0.69 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 10 psig -0.25 psi 0.25 psi 5 to 10 psig 0.69 bar -17 mbar 17 mbar 0.34 to 0.69 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE39890X012 / Black Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 3/8 / 9.5 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 15 1.0 570 15.3 1000 26.8 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 1100 29.5 1300 34.8 20 1.4 880 23.6 1500 40.2 2800 75.0 3100 83.1 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2200 59.0 3500 93.8 3800 102 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 3800 102 4100 110 40 2.8 1500 40.2 2900 77.7 4200 113 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3600 96.5 4700 126 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4000 107 4700 126 80 5.5 2900 77.7 4100 110 100 6.9 3500 93.8 4100 110 125 8.6 4300 115 4100 110 psig bar 15 1.0 580 15.5 1000 26.8 1600 42.9 2200 59.0 20 1.4 880 23.6 1500 40.2 2900 77.7 3100 83.1 25 1.7 1200 32.2 2100 56.3 3800 102 4100 110 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 3800 102 4100 110 40 2.8 1500 40.2 2900 77.7 4200 113 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3600 96.5 4700 126 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4000 107 4700 126 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5200 139 100 6.9 3500 93.8 5200 139 125 8.6 4200 113 5200 psig bar 15 1.0 510 13.7 1000 26.8 2100 56.3 2800 75.0 20 1.4 880 23.6 1600 42.9 3200 85.8 4400 118 25 1.7 1100 29.5 2200 59.0 4500 121 5000 134 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 5000 134 5000 134 40 2.8 1500 40.2 3100 83.1 6100 163 50 3.4 1900 50.9 3700 99.2 6900 185 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4300 115 7000 188 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5200 139 100 6.9 3500 93.8 5200 139 125 8.6 4100 110 5200 139 Body Size: 1 NPT 139 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 23 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 22. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 15 psig / 1.0 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 15 psig -0.30 psi 0.30 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.0 bar -21 mbar 21 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 1/4 / 6.4 SCFH Nm3/h SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm3/h 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h psig bar 20 1.4 460 12.3 Body Size: 3/4 NPT 2070 55.5 1600 42.9 25 1.7 1000 26.8 1100 29.5 3376 90.5 3900 105 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 4000 107 4200 113 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 4870 131 50 3.4 2000 53.6 3500 93.8 5100 137 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4000 107 5900 158 80 5.5 2900 77.7 4800 129 100 6.9 3500 93.8 4800 129 125 8.6 4300 115 4800 129 psig bar 20 1.4 460 12.3 490 13.1 1000 26.8 2500 67.0 25 1.7 820 22.0 1900 50.9 3600 96.5 4200 113 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 4000 107 4200 113 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 4900 131 50 3.4 1700 45.6 3500 93.8 5100 137 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4000 107 5900 158 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5100 137 100 6.9 3500 93.8 6200 166 125 8.6 4200 113 7500 psig bar 20 1.4 460 12.3 2700 72.4 3600 96.5 25 1.7 870 23.3 1600 42.9 4100 110 5500 147 30 2.1 1200 32.2 2200 59.0 4900 131 6000 161 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2900 77.7 6300 169 50 3.4 2000 53.6 3500 93.8 7500 201 60 4.1 2300 61.6 4000 107 8200 220 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5100 137 100 6.9 3600 96.5 6200 166 125 8.6 4300 115 7000 188 Body Size: 1 NPT 201 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 24 SCFH Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Table 23. C P200 Series Internal Registration Flow Capacities for 20 psig / 1.4 bar Setpoint with 1% ABS Pressure Factor Accuracy (PFM Approved) ACCURACY SETPOINT + / - 1% ABS SET RANGE 20 psig -0.35 psi 0.35 psi 10 to 20 psig 1.4 bar -24 mbar 24 mbar 0.69 to 1.4 bar PART NUMBER / COLOR GE30200X012 / Purple Stripe CAPACITIES IN SCFH / Nm3/h OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS Orifice Size, Inch / mm Inlet Pressure 3/16 / 4.8 SCFH psig bar 25 1.7 30 2.1 1000 40 2.8 50 60 1/4 / 6.4 Nm3/h SCFH 3/8 / 9.5 Nm3/h SCFH 1/2 / 13 Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h Body Size: 3/4 NPT 120 3.2 2086 55.9 3038 81.4 26.8 1900 50.9 3800 102 4100 110 1600 42.9 2700 72.4 4800 129 3.4 1900 50.9 3300 88.4 5900 158 4.1 2200 59.0 4000 107 6700 180 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5100 137 100 6.9 3600 96.5 6200 166 125 8.6 4300 115 6400 172 psig bar 25 1.7 460 12.3 1100 29.5 740 19.8 3000 80.4 30 2.1 1000 26.8 1900 50.9 3800 102 3900 105 40 2.8 1300 34.8 2700 72.4 4800 129 50 3.4 1800 48.2 3300 88.4 5900 158 60 4.1 2200 59.0 4000 107 6700 180 80 5.5 2800 75.0 5200 139 100 6.9 3300 88.4 6300 169 125 8.6 4200 113 7700 psig bar 25 1.7 30 2.1 Body Size: 1 NPT 206 Body Size: 1-1/4 NPT 860 23.0 1900 50.9 3100 83.1 4300 115 4100 110 5600 150 40 2.8 1600 42.9 2700 72.4 6400 172 50 3.4 1700 45.6 3300 88.4 7300 196 60 4.1 2300 61.6 3600 96.5 8800 236 80 5.5 2900 77.7 5000 134 100 6.9 3400 91.1 6100 163 125 8.6 4400 118 7200 193 Blank areas indicate where maximum operating inlet pressure for a given orifice size is exceeded. 25 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 type 67CP/CPr INLEt body POSITION 3 OR 4 type 67CP/CPR VENT POSITIOn (VENT POSITION 1) type 67CP/CPr INLEt body POSITION 3 type 67CP/CPR VENT POSITION (VENT POSITION 2) STANDARD POSITION type cp200 piping positions Figure 5. CP200 Series Vent Position and Body Orientation 10.37 / 263 6.01 / 153 14.15 / 359 B C SIDE VIEW 2.02 / 51 INCH / mm 4.04 / 103 TOP VIEW GE34260 Figure 6. Dimensions 26 Main Valve Bulletin 71.1:CP200 0.89 / 23 4.04 / 103 GE34260 INCH / mm npt body Figure 6. Dimensions (continued) Table 24. Dimensions body size inlet Outlet 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 End connection style 1 C 5.84 / 148 9.89 / 251 6.02 / 153 10.1 / 257 NPT 3/4 1 dimensions, inch / mm B 1-1/4 1-1/4 Ordering Guide Type (Select One) CP200IN (without Token relief)*** CP200IT (with Token relief) CP205IN (without Token relief and with Secondary Seat™ Protection) CP205IT (with Token relief and Secondary Seat Protection) CP206IT (with Token relief and Secondary Seat Protection with bleed to indicate Secondary Seat is functioning) Body Size and End Connection Style (Select One) 3/4 NPT*** 3/4 x 1 NPT*** 3/4 x 1-1/4 NPT*** 1 NPT*** 1 x 1-1/4 NPT*** 1-1/4 NPT*** Outlet Pressure Range (Select One) 1 to 2 psig / 69 mbar to 0.14 bar, Yellow Stripe*** 2 to 5 psig / 0.14 bar to 0.34 bar, Orange Stripe*** 5 to 10 psig / 0.34 to 0.69 bar, Black Stripe*** 10 to 20 psig / 0.69 to 1.4 bar, Purple Stripe*** Orifice Size (Select One) Type CP200 1/8-inch / 3.2 mm*** 3/16-inch / 4.8 mm*** 1/4-inch / 6.4 mm*** 3/8-inch / 9.5 mm*** 1/2-inch / 13 mm*** Types CP205 and CP206 1/8-inch / 3.2 mm*** 3/16-inch / 4.8 mm*** 1/4-inch / 6.4 mm*** 5/16-inch / 7.9 mm*** Body Orientation (Select One) Position 3 (standard)*** Position 4*** Vent Orientation of Types 67CP/67CPR and CP200 Series (Select One) Position 1 (standard)*** Position 2*** Certification (Available only on CP200 Series Construction) Pressure Factor Measurement (PFM) 27 Bulletin 71.1:CP200 Specification Worksheet Application: Specific Use Line Size Gas Type and Specific Gravity Gas Temperature Does the Application Require Overpressure Protection? Yes No If yes, which is preferred: Relief Valve Monitor Regulator Shutoff Device Is overpressure protection equipment selection assistance desired? Regulators Quick Order guide *** ** * Readily Available for Shipment Allow Additional Time for Shipment Special Order, Constructed from Non-Stocked Parts. Consult Your local Sales Office for Availability. Pressure: Maximum Inlet Pressure (P1max) Minimum Inlet Pressure (P1min) Downstream Pressure Setting(s) (P2) Maximum Flow (Qmax) Performance Required: Accuracy Requirements? Need for Fast Response? Other Requirements: Availability of the product being ordered is determined by the component with the longest shipping time for the requested construction. Industrial Regulators Natural gas Technologies TESCOM Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. Emerson Process Management Tescom Corporation USA - Headquarters McKinney, Texas 75070 USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853 Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574 USA - Headquarters McKinney, Texas 75070 USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853 Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574 USA - Headquarters Elk River, Minnesota 55330-2445, USA Tels: +1 763 241 3238 +1 800 447 1250 Asia-Pacific Shanghai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9000 Asia-Pacific Singapore 128461, Singapore Tel: +65 6770 8337 Europe Selmsdorf 23923, Germany Tel: +49 38823 31 287 Europe Bologna 40013, Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611 Europe Bologna 40013, Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611 Chartres 28008, France Tel: +33 2 37 33 47 00 Asia-Pacific Shanghai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9499 Middle East and Africa Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +011 971 4811 8100 Middle East and Africa Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +011 971 4811 8100 For further information visit www.emersonprocess.com/regulators The distinctive swirl pattern cast into every actuator casing uniquely identifies the regulator as part of the Fisher® brand Commercial Service Regulator family and assures you of the highest-quality engineering, performance, and support traditionally associated with Fisher®, Francel™ and Tartarini™ regulators. Visit www.fishercommercialservice.com to access interactive applications. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Fisher is a mark owned by Fisher Controls International LLC, a business of Emerson Process Management. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice. Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. product remains solely with the purchaser. ©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2008, 2013; All Rights Reserved
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