EnGenius Technologies ETA1305 802.11bgn gigabits Access Point User Manual

EnGenius Technologies 802.11bgn gigabits Access Point

user manual

11User ManualWireless N300 Media Bridge/Access Point with Built-in 5-Port Gigabit SwitchETA1305version 1.0
2IMPORTANTTo install this router, please refer to the Quick Start Guide included in the product packaging.To activate and use EnShare™ refer to the document “Using EnShare” also in the product packaging.
3Chapter 1 Product Overview..............................................................5  Key Features....................................................................................................6 Technical Specications  Softfare Features...................................' Physical Interface..........................................................................................9Chapter 2 Controlling the Router Through Its FeQ Conguration InterUace...........................................................10 Logging In.....................................................................................................11 Eiefing the FeQ 2onguration 3ash 1oard..................................12 Home Page...................................................................................................13 FeQ <enus >vervief...............................................................................1# Internet.................................................................................................15 Fireless 2.# 6Hi..........................................................................................16 Parental 2ontrols........................................................................................1& 6uest =etfork.............................................................................................1' IPv6.......................................................................................................19 Firefall................................................................................................2 EP=.................................................................................................................21 DS1 Port..........................................................................................................22 Advanced.......................................................................................................23  Tools................................................................................................................25Chapter 3 Installation Setup Wizard..............................................26 Internet Setup Fiiard...............................................................................2& Setting Dp Hour Internet 2onnection.................................................2' Setting Hour Fireless Security..............................................................29 Setting your Aouter{s Administrator Passford.............................3  Setting your Router’s Time Zone........................................................31  Status and Save Settings.......................................................................33Chapter 4 Basic Network Settings.................................................34 =etfork Settings.......................................................................................35 Status.............................................................................................................36 FA= Settings...............................................................................................3& LA= Settings................................................................................................3' FLA= Settings............................................................................................39 6uest =etfork............................................................................................# 2onguring the LA= Local Area =etfork.....................................#1 3H2P Server.................................................................................................#2 2onguring 3ynamic Host 2onguration Protocol.......................#3 EnaQle Static 3H2P IP..............................................................................## 2urrent Static 3H2P TaQle......................................................................#5 2onguring Event Logging.....................................................................#6 <onitoring 1andfidth Dsage................................................................#& 2onguring the System Language.....................................................#' 2onguring IP 2ameras............................................................................#9 2onguring Internet Settings...............................................................5 2onguring 3ynamic IP...........................................................................51 3=S Servers..................................................................................................52 2onguring Static IP.................................................................................53 2onguring PPPoE.....................................................................................5# 2onguring PPTP.......................................................................................55 PPTP Settings..............................................................................................56 2onguring L2TP.......................................................................................5& L2TP Settings..............................................................................................5' 2onguring 3SLite...................................................................................59 Fireless LA= Setup...................................................................................6 Access Point <ode....................................................................................61 Fireless 3istriQution System <ode....................................................62 F3S Security Settings Screen...............................................................63TaQle oU Contents
#Chapter 5 Wireless Encryption.....................................................64 FiFi Protect Access FPA PreShared Key..................................65 2onguring Security.................................................................................66 Encryption Type.........................................................................................6& FPA Radius..................................................................................................6' Fired E`uivalent Privacy FEP...........................................................69 2onguring Filters......................................................................................& <A2 Address Filtering TaQle.................................................................&1 2onguring FiFi Protected Setup....................................................&2 2onguring 2lient List.............................................................................&3Chapter 6 Advanced Settings...........................................................74 2onguring Advanced Settings............................................................&5    Setting Dp Parental 2ontrols.................................................................&& Adding a 2ontrol Policy............................................................................&' Eiefing Parental Policies........................................................................'1 6uest =etfork............................................................................................'2 2onguring the 3H2P Server Setting...............................................'3 Eiefing the 3H2P 2lient List on the 6uest =etfork.................'# IPv6.................................................................................................................'5 Eiefing the IPv6 2onnection Status.................................................'6  2onguring Static IPv6............................................................................'& Setting Autoconguration.....................................................................'' 2onguring PPPoE....................................................................................'9 2onguring 6to#........................................................................................91 Eiefing local 2onnections.....................................................................92 Firefall Setup.............................................................................................93 2onguring Advanced Settings...........................................................9# 2onguring 3emilitariied Zone...........................................................96 2onguring 3enial of Service................................................................9& Eirtual Private =etfork Setup..............................................................9' 2onguring a EP= Tunnel Prole.........................................................99 6eneral........................................................................................................1 SA Security Association......................................................................11 =etfork.......................................................................................................12 Advanced.....................................................................................................13 2onguring a Dser Setting...................................................................1# DS1 Port  Enshare..................................................................................15 Eiefing File Server.................................................................................16 Eiefing 3L=A...........................................................................................1& Advanced =etfork Settings................................................................1' Port <apping Setup................................................................................19 2urrent Port <apping TaQle................................................................11 Port Forfarding Setup...........................................................................111 2urrent Port Forfarding TaQle..........................................................112  Port Triggering Setup............................................................................113 Application Layer 6etafay Setup....................................................115  Universal Plug and Play Setup...........................................................116 Internet 6roup <ulticast Protocol Setup.......................................11& @uality of Service Setup.......................................................................11' Priority Queue...........................................................................................119 1andfidth Allocation.............................................................................12 Routing Setup...........................................................................................121 Fake on LA= Setup................................................................................122 Tools Setup................................................................................................123  System Time Setting..............................................................................12# Synchroniiing Time fith a 2omputer.............................................125 3ynamic 3omain =ame Service 33=S Setup............................126 3iagnose That 2lient 3evices Are 2onnected.............................12&  Upgrading the Router’s Firmfare....................................................12' 1acking Up the Router’s Settings.....................................................129 ReQooting the Router............................................................................13Appendix..........................................................................................131 Fall <ounting the Router....................................................................132 F22 Interference Statement...............................................................133 Industry 2anada Statement................................................................13#
52hapter 1 Product Overview
6<agimum data rates are Qased on IEEE '2.11 standards. Actual throughput and range may vary depending on many factors including environmental conditions, distance Qetfeen devices, radio interference in the operating environment, and mig of devices in the netfork. En6enius Technologies, Inc. EnShareT< supports Qoth FAT32 and =TFS US1 formats. Transfer speeds of data from your routerattached US1 storage device to a remotemoQile device may vary Qased on Internet uplink and dofnlink speeds, Qandfidth trafc at either send or receive locations, the data retrieval performance of the attached storage device or other factors. En6enius does not guarantee compatiQility fith all US1 drives. En6enius does not farrant its products or EnShare from loss of data or loss of productivity time. Features and specications suQYect to change fithout notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective ofners. For United States of America) 2opyright 213 En6enius Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.The router’s design enaQles users to connect numerous fired and fireless devices to it and supports intensive applications like streaming H3 video and sharing of media in the home and accessing media afay from the home fith EnShare  Hour Personal <edia 2loud.Product OverviewKey Features•  Fireless =3 IEEE '2.11Qgn •  Up to 3 <Qps in the 2.# 6Hi fre`uency Qand•  1uiltin #Port Fast Ethernet Sfitch for optimal audiovisual streaming• US1 Port to share and access media content in the home or fhen you’re afay from home fith EnShare•  Gtra Range Technology for Qetter signal coverage throughout your home•  =egt 6eneration IPv6 2ompliant• Parental 2ontrols• Up to # 6uest Access settings • Industrystandard Fireless Encryption and Security•  EP= Server Support Lite1usiness Applications• Easy Setup Fiiard• RoQust and ReliaQle Wireless PerUor\anceThe ESR3 is an Gtra Range Fireless =3 Router fith a Quiltin #port Fast Ethernet sfitch. This cost effective router can connect to 3SL or caQle modems to provide high performance Internet access for desktop or laptop computers, taQlets, smartphones and a fide variety of home entertainment devices, like H3TEs, set top Qoges, 1luray players and game consoles. meor
&Product OverviewA Media Sharing PlatUor\The ESR3 is designed to access and share media for devices on the home netfork. In addition to connecting home entertainment components to any of its availaQle Fast Ethernet ports, the ESR3 also includes a US1 port for attaching a US1 storage device so fireless devices in the home or afay from the home can access media content fherever there is an availaQle Internet connection through EnShare  Hour Personal 2loud. EnShare is availaQle as an Internet portal for accessing stored media connected to the US1 port of the router See the Using EnShare document in the product packaging. EnShare fill also Qe availaQle as an app for Apple i>S devices iPads, iPods and iPhones and AndroidQased devices smartphones, taQlet P2s, Kindle and other moQile readers soon. The apps fill Qe availaQle through Apple iTunes Store and 6oogle Play respectively.Industry-standard Wireless SecurityThe router supports a variety of security features and mechanisms including industrystandard FPAFPA2 fireless encryption to prevent unauthoriied access to your netfork. It also includes a Quiltin SPI Stateful Packet Inspection refall to help prevent attacks from malicious softfare malfare from the Internet. The router also supports IPv6.More Guest Access OptionsThe ESR3 also includes up to four # separate and discrete 6uest Access options allofing the router’s administrator to assign different names SSI3sService Set Identiers for each login to the home netfork so friends or visitors can access the user’s Internet connection fithout accessing personal data stored on netforked computers in the home.
'Technical Specications3evice InterUaceFast Ethernet FA= Port# Fast Ethernet LA= PortsUS12. PortPush 1utton for FPSReset 1uttonIEEE Standards'2.11QgnUp to 3 <Qps fireless speed in the 2.# 6Hi  fre`uency Qand'2.3iuLED IndicatorsPoferFLA= Fireless 2onnectionInternetPackage ContentsESR3 RouterPofer Adapter 12E 1AQuick Start 6uideR9#5 Ethernet 2aQlePower SpecicationEgternal Pofer Adapter32 In, 12E 1ACerticationsF222EI2PhysicalEnviron\ental Conditions>perating Temperature) ¡m#¡ 2elsiusHumidity) 9 or less noncondensingStorage Temperature) 2¡m6¡ 2elsiusHumidity) 95 or less noncondensing SoUtware FeaturesFrequency Bands2.#m2.#'# 6Hi 11Q11g11nOperating ModeAP RouterF3SWireless FeaturesAuto 2hannel Selection>utput Pofer 2ontrolF<< Fireless <ultimedia<SSI3 <ultiple SSI3SecurityFEPFPAPSKFPA2PSKTKIPAESHidden SSI3<A2 Address Filtering'2.1G Authentication33oS3H2P Server2lientSPI Stateful Packet Inspection=ATPort Forfarding3<ZPort <appingTriggeringEP= Server PPTPL2TPEP= 2lient PPTPL2TPEP= Passthrough PPTPL2TPIPSecRule 1ased IP Address Ranges, Port 1lock I2<PEP= Tunnel <agimum 5QoSIP FilteringPort Filtering33=SIPv6 Passthrough<A2 2loneTrafc <onitorFA= Type) PPPoE3H2PStatic IPUS1 Features) SA<1A
92hapter 2 Controlling the Router Through 8tb FeQ CongurPtion 8nterUPce
1Logging In3uring the Quick Start Guide procedure, you should have successfully logged into the router’s WeQ Conguration user interUace essentially the router’s operating system that controls hof it operates and estaQlished some initial settings and controls for the router. If you fish to change the router’s settings estaQlish a nef username and passford for the person fho manages and maintains the router, set Parental 2ontrols, estaQlish a 6uest AccessSSI3 setting for visitors, or any numQer of other settings you can log into the FeQ 2onguration again through the feQ Qrofser Internet Egplorer, Safari, 2hrome, Firefog on your computer or taQlet device.To do this, enter the router’s default IP address of into your Qrofser’s address findof.1. At the login screen enter your username and a passford2. 2lick Login to continue.The default login settings are: username: admin passford: adminIt’s highly recommended that, if you haven’t done so already, to change these default names, so your router and the devices connected to it on your home netfork are more secure.
11Eiewing the WeQ Conguration Dash BoardThe Home Page screen of the FeQ 2onguration interface, or dashQoard, provides access to the router’s settings and controls.7o\e PageHomeSetup Fiiard=etfork SettingsUS1 Storage SharingIP 2am EieferLanguageLogout
127o\e PageThe 7o\e Page displays the areas fithin the FeQ 2onguration to fhich you can navigate: Setup Wizard, Network Settings, USB Storage Sharing, IP Ca\ Eiewer, Language, and Logout7o\eThe Home link takes you Qack to the dashQoard screen no matter fhere you are in the FeQ 2onguration interface.Setup WizardThe Setup Fiiard link starts the fiiard that automatically congures the router. Network SettingsThe =etfork Settings link displays the menus to manually congure the router. USB Storage SharingThe US1 Storage Sharing link displays the menus to accessshared storage devices connected to the router.IP Ca\ EiewerThe IP 2am Eiefer link displays the menus to vief an IP camera connected to the netfork. LanguageThe Language link displays the menu to set the >S3 language.LogoutThe Logout link closes the router’s FeQ 2onguration interface from any screen.
13Web Menus OverviewSyste\Eief and edit settings that affect system functionality.Operation Mode2ongure the device to Qe a router or F3S access point.Status3isplays the summary of the current system status.ScheduleSchedule services to start and stop at specic times or intervals.Event LogEief recorded system operations and netfork activity events.MonitorEief the current netfork trafc Qandfidth usage.Language2ongure the application menu and 6UI language.IP Ca\eraEief the IP cameras connected to the ESR Series Router.
1#InternetEief and edit settings that affect netfork connectivity.Status3isplays a summary of the Internet status and type of connection.Dyna\ic IPSetup a dynamic IP connection to an ISP Internet Service Provider.Static IPSetup a static IP connection to an ISP.PPPoESetup a PPPoE connection to an ISP.PPTPSetup a PPTP connection to an ISP.L2TPSetup an L2TP connection to an ISP.
15Wireless 2.4 GHzEief and edit settings for 2.# 6Hi fireless netfork connectivity.StatusEief the current fireless connection status and related information.Basic2ongure the minimum settings re`uired to setup a fireless netfork connection.Advanced2ongure the advanced netfork settings.Security2ongure the fireless netfork security settings.FilterEstaQlish a list of client devices computer, taQlets, smartphones, printers, etc. Qased on their <A2 <edia Access 2ontrol numQers that are allofed to firelessly connect to the 2.# 6Hi netfork.WPSAutomates the connection Qetfeen a fireless device and your encrypted router using an 'digit PI=.Client ListEief the 2.# 6Hi fireless devices currently connected to the netfork.
16Parental ControlsEief and edit settings for parental controls.WizardEnaQle or disaQle the Parental 2ontrols function. The menu also provides information for conguring parental control policies.Web MonitorThe menu provides a log of the events for dened parental control policies.
1&Guest NetworkEief and edit settings for a guest netfork.SelectionEnaQle or disaQle the 6uest =etfork function.DHCP Server Setting2ongure the 6uest =etfork 3H2P server settings.DHCP Client List2ongure the 6uest =etfork client list.
1'IPv6Eief and edit settings for the IPv6 protocol.BasicAllofs you to enaQle or disaQle the IPv6 and IPv6 Passthrough functions.StatusShofs IPv6 LA= connection details.Static IPv62ongure the IPv6 protocol.Auto Conguration2ongure the IPv6 Qy oQtaining the information through the ISP provider.PPPoE2ongure the PPPoE netfork protocol, oQtain information from your ISP Internet Service Provider.6to4Allofs IPv6 packets to Qe transmitted over an IPv# netfork.Link Local2ongure the IPv6 link local address.
19FirewallEief and edit settings for the netfork refall.BasicEnaQle or disaQle the netfork refall.Advanced2ongure virtual private netfork EP= packets.DMZRedirect packets from the FA= port IP address to a particular IP address on the LA=.DoSEnaQle or disaQle Qlocking of 3oS 3enial of Service attacks.ACL2ongure access control lists.
2VPNEief and edit settings for EP= tunnelling.StatusEief the status of current EP= tunnels.Prole Setting<anually congure EP= tunnels.User Setting2ongure users, user I3 and passford comQinations, and assign access to specic EP= tunnels.WizardAutomatically congure EP= tunnels fith guidance from the softfare.
21USB PortFor viefing and editing settings for storage sharing.EnShare™EnaQles or disaQles the EnShare remote access function.File SharingEnaQles or disaQles the SamQa sharing function.File ServerEnaQles and congures the File Server function.DLNAEnaQles the discovery of 3L=A devices some H3TEs, game consoles, some set top Qogesmedia players, 1luray players, some smartphones, and netfork attached storage on the home netfork.
22AdvancedEief and congure advanced system and netfork settings.NATEnaQle or disaQle =etfork Address Translation =AT.Port MappingRedirect a range of service port numQers to a specied LA= IP address.Port Forwarding2ongure server applications to send and receive data from specic ports on the netfork.Port Triggering2ongure applications that re`uire multiple connections and different inQound and outQound connections.ALG2ongure the application layer gatefay AL6.UPnPEnaQle or disaQle Universal Plug and Play UPnP functionality.IGMPEnaQle or disaQle the Internet 6roup <ulticast Protocol I6<P.
23QoS2ongures the netfork `uality of service QoS setting Qy prioritiiing the uplink and dofnlink Qandfidth.Routing2ongure static routing.WOL Fake >n LA=2ongure Fake on LA= to turn on a computer over the netfork.
2#ToolsFor viefing and conguring the router’s operating system and netfork tools settings.Ad\inFor setting the administrator’s passford used to log into the router.Ti\eFor conguring the system time on the router.DDNS<aps a static domain name to a dynamic IP address.DiagnosisTo perform a Ping test to verify fhether a specic device is connected to the LA=.Fir\wareFor updating the router’s rmfare.BackupFor loading or saving the conguration settings to or from a Qackup le or to restore the router to its factory default settings.ResetReQoots the router.
252hapter 3 8nbtPllPtion Betu_ FiiPrd
26Internet Setup WizardUse the Fiiard to detect and set up the type of Internet connection you need, to set up a secure fireless connection, to create an administrator passford to secure the device, or set the router’s date and time properties.To use the Internet Setup Fiiard, follof these steps:1. Click the Wizard button to shof the Fiiard start screen.2. 2lick Next to continue fith the setup procedure.HomeSetup Fiiard
2&1. 3ecide hof to set up the Internet connection.Note:It is recommended to let the device setup the Internetconnection automatically.• Select Auto Detect to let the Fiiard set up the Internet connection.• Select Manual Setup to set the properties yourself.2. 2lick Next to continue or Prev to return to the previous screen.If you selected Manual Setup, follof these steps:3. Select the Internet connection type and enter the connection properties.Setting Up Your Internet ConnectionNote: The connection types availaQle are static IP, PPPoE,3ynamic IP, PPTP, and L2TP. #. 2lick Next to continue, Prev to return to the previousscreen, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
2'Setting fireless encryption.To encrypt the fireless signal in the ESR3 router, follof these steps:1. Enter the router name in the fireless =ame SSI3 tegt eld.2. Select the security level from the Encryption dropdofn list.3. Enter a passford in the Encryption Key tegt eld.#. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to encrypt the  Qand5. 2lick Next to continue, Prev to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to stop the procedure.Setting Your Wireless SecurityI\portant: To ensure the netfork is secure, it is recommended to select High for an encryption level.
29Setting Your Router{s Ad\inistrator PasswordSet up a passford to log into the ESR Series Router.1. Enter a passford in the New Password tegt eld.2. Enter the same passford in the Repeat New Password tegt eld.3. 2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Skip to skip this procedure, Next to continue, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
3Setting Your Router{s Ti\e ZoneSetup date and time syncroniiation on the ESR Series Routerfith a computer or an =etfork Time Protocol =TP server.To synchroniie date and time settings fith a computer, follof these steps:1. Select Synchroniie fith P2 computer from the Ti\e Setup dropdofn list. The date and time values are shofn in the PC Date and Ti\e tegt eld.2. 2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Apply to save the settings, or Cancel to stop the procedure.To synchroniie the date and time settings fith an =TP server,follof these steps:1. Select Synchronize fith =TP Server from the Ti\e Setup dropdofn list.2. Select a time ione value from the Ti\e Zone dropdofn list.3. Enter an IP address or domain name of an =TP server in the NTP Server tegt eld.#. 2lick the Enable Daylight Savings check Qog to enaQle or disaQle daylight savings time.5. Select the date and time values fhen daylights savings time starts in the Start Ti\e dropdofn lists.
316. Select the date and time values fhen daylights savingstime ends in the End Ti\e dropdofn lists.&. 2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Apply tosave the settings, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
32Status and Save SettingsThis screen lets you revief, change and save your Internet connection, save fireless security settings or setup up a userspecied name for the default En6enius 33=S service.To revief or modify the device settings, follof these steps:1. Revief the settings shofn on the screen for the Internet connection, the 2.# 6Hi netfork, and the router administrator login.2. You can change settings to the Internet connection and fireless netfork settings Qy clicking the Setup Qutton.You may fish to use a different name that’s easier to rememQer for the default En6enius 33=S service used for the EnShare™ feature. To specify your ofn 33=S name, follof these steps:3. The Enable option should Qe selected Qy default. a. Enter the name in the Do\ain Na\e tegt eld.Q. Select a time interval to refresh the 3=S records from the ReUresh dropdofn list.c. 2lick Apply to save the 33=S name you have entered.#. 2lick Save to egit the FeQ 2onguration interface. The router fill reQoot restart to apply all the settings you’ve specied. 3evices connected to the router fill temporarily lose their Internet connection. The reQoot may take several seconds Qefore the router and your Internet connection are once again availaQle.WARNING! Selecting Disable in the 33=S SettingsStatus eld fill disconnect the router’s connection to the default En6enius 33=S server and as a result fill disaQle the EnShare feature fhich lets you access media from a US1 storage device connected to your ESR pod router fhen you’re afay from your home.
332hapter # 1Pbic NetworZ Bettingb
3#Network SettingsViewing Syste\ StatusTo see a more detailed vief of the router’s status than the information displayed on the Home page of the FeQ 2onguration interface, from the Home Page click on Network Settings Qutton in the upper navigation Qar. Home=etfork Settings
35StatusTo vief the Status settings, click Syste\ then click Status.>n the Status page, you can vief a summary of the current router system status including the router’s hardfaresoftfare version, datetime, fired netfork LA= and fireless netfork FLA= information.ModelThe model name of the ESR Series Router.ModeThe operating mode of the ESR Series Router.Upti\eThe amount of time the ESR Series Router has Qeen connected for the current session.Current DateTi\eThe current system date and time. Hardware VersionThe hardfare version numQer of the router.Serial Nu\berThe serial numQer of the router re`uired for customer service or support.A__licPtion EerbionThe version of the router’s rmfare.Note: To update the router’s rmfare, visit www.engeniustech.co\ and go to the product page for your router, then select the 3ofnloads taQ at the Qottom of the feQ page to see if a nefer version of the rmfare is availaQle.
36WAN SettingsAttain IP Protocol3isplays the IP protocol in use for the router. It can Qe adynamic or static IP address.IP AddressThe router’s IP address as designated Qy an ISP Internet Service Provider.Subnet MaskThe router’s FA= suQnet mask as designated Qy an ISP provider.DeUault GatewayThe router’s gatefay address as designated Qy an ISP provider.MAC AddressThe router’s FA= <A2 <edia Address 2ontrol address. The router’s <A2 address is located on the laQel on the Qottom panel of the router and is uni`ue for each router.Pri\ary DNSThe primary 3=S of an ISP provider.Secondary DNSThe secondary 3=S of an ISP provider.
3&LAN SettingsIP AddressThe router’s local IP address. The default LA= IP address ishttp:// access the FeQ 2onguration interface for the router, type this address into the address URL eld of your feQ Qrofser. This can only Qe done in the same physical location fhere the router resides your home netfork.Subnet MaskThe router’s local SuQnet <ask.DHCP ServerThe 3H2P setting status 3efault: EnaQled. The 3H2P 3ynamic Host 2ontrol Protocol is a softfare mechanism in your router that assigns IP addresses to fired and fireless devices on your netfork, for egample, a computer, printer, taQlet or H3TE on your netfork may Qe assigned an IP address of http:192.16'..1#. =ote hof the address is essentially an egtension or addition of your router’s IP address.MAC AddressThe router’s uni`ue <A2 address.
3'WLAN SettingsChannelThe communications channel used Qy all stations, or computingdevices, on the netfork.ESSIDThe I3 value of a set of one or more interconnected Qasic service sets 1SSs.SecurityThe security setting status 3efault: 3isaQled.BSSIDThe uni`ue I3 of the 1SS using the aQove channel value on thisrouter. The I3 is the <A2 address of the 1SSs access point.Associated ClientsThe numQer of clients associated actively linked to the router via a fireless or firedEthernet connection fith this SSI3.
39Guest NetworkGuest NetworkThe guest netfork status. 3efault: 3isaQledIP AddressThe 6uest =etfork’s LA= IP address.Subnet MaskThe 6uest =etfork’s local suQnet mask.DHCP ServerThe 6uest =etfork 3H2P setting status 3efault: EnaQled.Guest Network InterUaceThe SSI3 Service Set Identier of the 6uest =etfork.
#Conguring the LAN (Local Area Network)The settings on this page allof you to congure the fired netfork settings. 3evices connected to the router’s Ethernet ports comprise its LA=. The router’s IP is dened in the IP Address eld. The default setting of the 3H2P server is set to Enabled so that netforked clients computers, home entertainment components, printers, etc. fill automatically Qe assigned IP addresses Qy the router. <ore advanced users may fish to congure the 3=S server settings to meet their specic re`uirements. 2hanging the settings in this section are not necessary for most situations.To vief the LA= settings, click Syste\ then click LAN.Note: Keep the router’s default values if you are uncertain of the settings values.LAN IP IP AddressFor conguring the router’s LA= IP address.IP Subnet MaskFor conguring the router’s LA= SuQnet <ask802.1d Spanning TreeSpanning Tree is disaQled Qy default. Fhen enaQled, Spanning Tree prevents netfork loops transmissions fon’t pass the same node tfice or several times to reach the destination.=ote:The default device IP address is 192.16'..1.
#1DHCP ServerThe 3H2P server assigns IP addresses to the devices on the LA=.DHCP ServerEnaQle or disaQle the 3H2P server 3efault: EnaQled.Lease Ti\e2ongure the amount of time each allocated IP address can Qe used Qy a client.Start IPThe rst IP address in the range of addresses assigned Qy the router.End IPThe last IP address in the range of addresses assigned Qy the router.Do\ain Na\eThe domain name of the router.
#2Conguring Dyna\ic Host Conguration ProtocolThis findof allofs you to vief and congure 3ynamic Host 2onguration Protocol 3H2P addresses.WARNING! 3o not modify the settings in this section fithout a thorough understanding of the parameters.To vief the 3H2P settings, click Syste\ then click DHCP.DHCP Client Table3isplays the connected 3H2P clients fhose IP addresses are assigned Qy the 3H2P server of the router.IP Address3isplays the IP address of the static 3H2P client device in the taQle.MAC Address3isplays the <A2 address of the static 3H2P client device in the taQle.Expiration Ti\eThe date and time fhen the current 3H2P address is no longer valid.2lick ReUresh to update the taQle.
#3Enable Static DHCP IPThere are reasons fhy you may fant to enaQle a static IP address on a client device on your ESR router’s netfork. >n occasion, if there are pofer outages or if you’ve recongured the settings on your ESR router and reQoot restart it to apply the nef settings, the previous IP address that the router’s 3H2P server assigned to one or more devices on the netfork may have changed. Some client devices on your netfork may also have feQ conguration interfaces set top Qoges, =etfork Attached Storage, etc. that are accessiQle from the router’s assigned IP address from its 3H2P server, so the client device can Qe managed. Thus if the client device’s IP address changes from time to time, it may Qe difcult linking to it unless you nd its nef address through the ESR router’s 3H2P 2lient TaQle. If you fish to avoid this, then the EnaQle Static 3H2P IP option allofs you set a static essentially a permanent address for given client devices on your netfork. To do so, select the Enable Static DHCP IP option.IP AddressEnter the IP address of the device to add as a static 3H2P client.MAC AddressEnter the <A2 address of the device to add as a static 3H2P client.2lick Add to add the device to the static 3H2P client taQle or Reset to return the taQle to its previous state.
##Current Static DHCP TableAllofs you to vief the active static 3H2P IP addresses that have Qeen manually assigned to client devices fith their corresponding <A2 addresses.No. (Nu\ber)3isplays the I3 of the static 3H2P client device in the taQle.IP Address3isplays the IP address of the static 3H2P client device in the taQle.MAC Address3isplays the <A2 address of the static 3H2P client device in the taQle.Select2lick to select static 3H2P client devices to Qe deleted.2lick Delete Selected to remove a selected address. 2lick Delete All to remove all addresses from the taQle. 2lick Reset to return the taQle to its previous state. 2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
#5Conguring Event LoggingThe logging service records and displays important system information and activity on the netfork. The events are stored in a memory Quffer fith older data overfritten Qy nefer fhen the Quffer is full.To vief the Log settings, click Syste\ then click Log.Log Message ListSelect Enable Logging to Syslog Server 2lick Save to start logging information to the system.Log Message windowShofs the current system operations and netfork activity.2lick Save to save the message list to a tegt le, Clear to discard message from the memory Quffer, or ReUresh to clear previous messages and frite nef messages to the memory Quffer.2lick Apply to save changes.
#6Monitoring Bandwidth UsageThis tool allofs you to vief realtime Qandfidth usage for FA= Fide Area =etfork  or Internet, LA= Local Area =etfork and FLA= Fireless Local Area =etfork trafc. For the ESR3, it shofs Qoth the Qandfidth trafc in Qoth the 2.# and  fre`uency Qands.To vief the 1andfidth <onitor settings, click Syste\, then click Monitor.The screens display the active Qandfidth usage for Qoth the LA= and FLA= netforks as fell as the Qandfidth Qeing used on the FA= connection.
#&Conguring the Syste\ LanguageThe ESR router’s FeQ 2onguration interface supports multiple languages.To vief the Language settings, click Syste\ then click Language.Select the system language you fish to use from the dropdofn menu.
#'Conguring IP Ca\erasThis ESR router supports up to four # En6enius IP 2ameras simultaneously. If no IP 2amera is detected, please check that the IP 2amera’s IP address and UPnP client are congured correctly.To vief the IP 2amera settings, click Syste\, then click IP Ca\era.1efore starting this procedure, you must connect your En6enius IP camera to the netfork.<ake sure the camera is pofered on.2lick the ReUresh Qutton to vief a listing of availaQle devices.Note: The IP 2amera function supports En6enius IP 2amera products only.
#9Conguring Internet SettingsView Internet StatusThe FA= Settings, or Internet Status, page shofs a summary of the current Internet connection information. This section is alsoshofn on the System Status page.To vief the Status settings, click Internet, then click Status.WAN SettingsTo vief the FA= Settings, click Internet then select Status.Attain IP Protocol3isplay the IP Protocol type used for the ESR Series Router 3ynamic IP Address or Static IP Address.IP AddressThe router’s FA= IP address.Subnet MaskThe router’s FA= suQnet mask.DeUault GatewayThe ISP’s gatefay IP address.MAC AddressThe router’s FA= <A2 address. The router’s <A2 address is located on the laQel on the Qack side of the router.Pri\ary DNSThe primary 3=S address of an ISP provider.Secondary DNSThe secondary 3=S address of an ISP provider.
5Conguring Dyna\ic IP3ynamic IP addressing assigns a different IP address each time a device connects to an ISP Internet Service Provider and most commonly used Qy caQle ISPs.To vief the 3ynamic IP, click Internet then select Dyna\ic IP.Dyna\ic IPHostna\eAssign a name for the Internet connection type. This eld can Qe Qlank.MTU (Maxi\u\ Trans\ission Unit)Allofs you to congure the <TU. The <TU species the largest packet siie permitted for an internet transmission. The factory default <TU siie for 3ynamic IP 3H2P is 15. The <TU siie can Qe set Qetfeen 512 and 15.Clone MACEnter the <A2 address of your computer’s or taQlet’s netfork emQedded =etfork Interface 2ard =I2 in the <A2 address eld and click Clone MAC.Note: Some ISP providers re`uire registering the <A2 address of the =etfork Interface 2ard =I2 connected directly to the caQle or 3SL modem. 2lone <A2 masks the routers <A2 address fith the <A2 address of the computer’s =I2.
51DNS ServersThe 3=S server translates a domain or feQsite name into a URL Uniform Resource Locator, or Internet address. There are tfooptions to choose from: From ISP or User3ened. Select From ISP to retrieve the 3=S address value from the ISP* select User3ened to assign a custom 3=S server address.DNS Server2ongure the type of 3=S server. 3efault , From ISPFirst DNS Server2ongure the rst, or primary, 3=S server.Second DNS Server2ongure the second, or secondary, 3=S server.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.
52Conguring Static IPSetting a static IP address allofs an administrator to set a specic IP address for the router and guarantees that it can not Qe assigned a different address.To vief the Static IP settings, click Internet, then click Static IP.Static IPIP AddressThe router’s FA= IP address.Subnet MaskThe router’s FA= suQnet mask.DeUault GatewayThe FA= gatefay address.Pri\ary DNSThe primary 3=S server address.Secondary DNSThe secondary 3=S server address.<TD <Pgi\u\ TrPnb\ibbion DnitThe <TU species the largest packet siie permitted for an internet transmission. The factory default <TU siie for static IP is 15. The <TU siie can Qe set Qetfeen 512 and 15.MAC AddressThe router’s <A2 address.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.
53Conguring PPPoEPointtoPoint Protocol over Ethernet PPPoE is used mainly Qy ISPs that provide 3SL modems to connect to the Internet.To vief the PPPoE settings, click Internet, then click PPPoE.Userna\eEnter the username assigned Qy an ISP.PasswordEnter the passford assigned Qy an ISP.Service Na\eEnter the service name of an ISP optional.MTU (Maxi\u\ Trans\ission Unit)Enter the <TU. The <TU species the largest packet siie permitted for an internet transmission PPPoE default: 1#92. The <TU siie can Qe set Qetfeen 512 and 1#92.Authentication TypeSelect the type of authentication provided Qy the ISP: Auto, PAP, or 2HAP. If unsure of the Qest setting, select Auto or check fithyour Internet Service Provider.Type2ongure the connection type Qetfeen the router and the ISP. Select one of the follofing: Keep Connection, Auto\atic Connection or Manual Connection.Idle Ti\eout2ongure the magimum idle time 1 to 1, minutes allofed for an inactive connection.Clone MACEnter the <A2 address of the devices’ netfork interfacecard =I2 in the <A2 address eld and click 2lone <A2.Note: Some ISP providers re`uire registering the <A2 addressof the netfork interface card =I2 connected directly tothe caQle or 3SL modem. 2lone <A2 masks the router’s<A2 address fith the <A2 address of the computer’s =I2.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard thechanges.
5#Conguring PPTPPPTP PointtoPoint Tunnelling Protocol is used in association fith virtual private netforks EP=s. There are tfo parts to a PPTP connection: the FA= interface settings and the PPTP settings.To vief the PPTP settings, click Internet, then click PPTP.WAN InterUace SettingsDyna\ic IP AddressWAN InterUace TypeSelect 3ynamic IP Address to assign an IP address provided Qy anISP.Hostna\eEnter a host name of an ISP. optional.Clone MACEnter the <A2 address of the computer’s or taQlet’s emQedded =etfork Interface 2ard =I2 in the <A2 address eld and click Clone MAC.Note: Some ISP providers re`uire registering the <A2 address of the netfork interface card =I2 connected directly to the caQle or 3SL modem. 2lone <A2 masks the router’s <A2 address fith the <A2 address of the computer’s =I2.
55PPTP SettingsUser Na\eEnter the username assigned Qy your ISP.PasswordEnter the passford assigned Qy your ISP.Service IP AddressEnter the PPTP server IP address provided Qy your ISP.Connection IDEnter the connection I3 provided Qy your ISP optional.MTU (Maxi\u\ Trans\ission Unit)Enter <TU. The <TU species the largest packet siie 3efault: 1#62 permitted for an Internet transmission. The <TU siie can Qe set Qetfeen 512 and 1#92.Type2ongure the connection type Qetfeen the router and the ISP. Select one of the follofing: Keep Connection, Auto\atic Connection or Manual Connection.Idle Ti\eout2ongure the magimum amount of time, in minutes, allofed for inactive Internet connection. The Internet connection fill Qedropped fhen the magimum idle time is reached. Ealid values are Qetfeen one and one thousand.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.
56Conguring L2TPL2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is used in association fith EP=s Eirtual Private =etforks. There are tfo parts to a L2TP connection:1. The FA= interface settings  and 2. The L2TP settings.To vief the L2TP settings, click Internet, then click L2TP.WAN InterUace SettingsDyna\ic IP AddressWAN InterUace TypeSelect 3ynamic IP Address to assign an IP address provided Qy an ISP.Hostna\eEnter a host name of an ISP optional.Clone MACEnter the <A2 address of your computer’s emQedded =etfork Interface 2ard =I2 in the <A2 address eld and click Clone MAC.Note: Some ISP providers re`uire registering the <A2 address of the netfork interface card =I2 connected directly to the caQle or 3SL modem. 2lone <A2 masks the router’s <A2 address fith the <A2 address of the computer’s =I2.
5&L2TP SettingsUserna\eEnter the username assigned Qy an ISP.PasswordEnter the passford assigned Qy an ISP.Service IP AddressEnter the L2TP server IP address provided Qy an ISP.Connection IDEnter the connection I3 provided Qy an ISP optional.MTU (Maxi\u\ Trans\ission Unit)Enter <TU. The <TU species the largest packet siie 3efault: 1#6 permitted for an Internet transmission. The <TU siie can Qe set Qetfeen 512 and 1#92. Type2ongure the connection type Qetfeen the router and the ISP. Select one of the follofing: Keep Connection, Auto\atic Connection or Manual Connection.Idle Ti\eout2ongure the magimum amount of time, in minutes, allofed for inactive Internet connection. The Internet connection fill Qedropped fhen the magimum idle time is reached. Ealid values are Qetfeen one and one thousand.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.
5'Conguring DS-LiteSingleStack Lite, or 3SLite, allofs ISPs to stop IPv# addresses from reaching a customer’s netfork devices and only use IPv6.To vief the 3SLite settings, click Internet, then click DS-Lite.DS-Lite CongurationSelect 3SLite 3H2Pv6 >ption or <anual 2ongurationAFTR IPv6 AddressEnter the AFTR IPv6 connection typeB4 IPv4 AddressEnter an >ptional 1# IPv# address.WAN IPv6 AddressEnter the FA= IPv6 address.IPv6 WAN DeUault GatewayEnter the IPv6 FA= default gatefay address.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.
59Wireless LAN Setup To vief the Fireless 1asic settings, click Wireless then select Basic.RadioEnaQle or disaQle the fireless radio. If the fireless radio is disaQled, fireless access points are not availaQle.ModeSelect the fireless operating mode for the router. Tfo modesare availaQle: Access Point or Fireless 3istriQution System F3S mode.AP (Access Point)Provides a connection access point for fireless devices.WDS (Wireless Distribution Syste\)Allofs the fireless netfork to Qe egpanded using multipleaccess points fithout fired connections.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
6Access Point ModeThese instructions apply to Qoth the 2.# 6Hi and  fre`uency Qands. The router Qy default is already congured in Access Point <ode. For optimum connectivity to a numQer of different fireless client devices, it’s recommended that you keep the router in its default fireless settings. You can choose to have the router associate only fith certain iterations IEEE standards and Qy doing so this fill either positively or negatively affect the router’s speed and throughput performance. BandSelect a fireless standard for the netfork from the follofingoptions:• 2.# 6Hi IEEE '2.11Q• 2.# 6Hi IEEE '2.11n• 2.# 6Hi IEEE '2.11Qg• 2.# 6Hi IEEE '2.11g• 2.# 6Hi IEEE '2.11QgnEnable SSID#Select the numQer of fireless groups, Qetfeen one and four,availaQle on the netfork.SSID[#]Enter the name of the fireless netforks.Auto ChannelEnaQle or disaQle having the router automatically select achannel for the fireless netfork. Auto 2hannel is enaQled Qydefault. Select disaQle to manually assign a specic channel.3efault , 3isaQleCheck Channel Ti\eFhen Auto 2hannel is enaQled, select a time period that thesystem checks the appropriate channel for the router.ChannelFhen Auto 2hannel is disaQled, select a channel to assign tothe fireless netfork. Ealid values are from one to eleven inthe US and one to thirteen in the EU.
61Wireless Distribution Syste\ Mode2onguring the router’s fireless settings for F3S Fireless 3istriQution System mode.ChannelSelect a channel to assign to the fireless netfork. Ealid values are from one to eleven in the US and one to thirteen in the EU.MAC Address [#]Enter the <A2 addresses for the fireless access points that are part of the F3S.WDS Data RateSelect the data rate for the F3S.Set Security2lick Set Security to set up the F3S security settings screen.
62WDS Security Settings ScreenSelecting the type of F3S encryption 3isaQle, FEP or FPA PreShared Key for the fireless netfork.Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)Key LengthSelect Qetfeen 6#Qit and 12'encryption.Key For\atSelect the type of characters used for the FEP Key: AS2II5 characters or Hegadecimal 1 characters.DeUault KeySelect the default encryption key for fireless transactions.Encryption Key [#]Enter the encryption keys used to encrypt the data packetsduring data transmission.
632hapter 5 Wirelebb 4ncrh_tion
6#Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Pre-Shared KeyWPA TypeSelect the type of FPA.•  FPA Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TKIP: 6enerates a 12'Qit key for each packet.•  FPA2 Advanced Encryption Standard AES: 6overnment standard packet encryption fhich is  stronger than TKIP.Pre-Shared Key TypeSelect the type of preshared key as Passphrase AS2II or Hegadecimal.Pre-Shared KeyEnter the preshared Key value.
65Conguring SecurityEnaQling security options on the fireless netfork to prevent intrusions to systems on the fireless netfork.To vief the Security settings, click Wireless then select Security.SSID SelectionSelect the fireless netfork group in fhich you fish to change its fireless security settings.Broadcast SSIDEnaQle or disaQle Qroadcast SSI3. 2hoose fhether or not the fireless group is visiQle to other memQers.Wi-Fi Multi\edia (WMM)EnaQle or disaQle `uality of server QoS to optimiie the streaming for Qandfidth sensitive data such as H3TE video streaming, online gaming, VoIP, videoconferencing, and etc.EncryptionSelect the encryption type for the router.EnaQle '2.1g AuthenticationEnaQle or disaQle '2.1g authentication.
662lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard the changes.Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Pre-Shared KeyWPA TypeSelect the type of FPA from the follofing:•  WPA2 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): RECOMMENDED  6overnment standard packet encryption fhich is stronger than TKIP. • WPA Te\poral Key Integrity Protocol TKIP: 6enerates a 12'Qit key for each packet.• WPA2 Mixed: <iged mode allofs client devices to rst associate to the router using FPA2, and if they fail to connect, then they are connected via FPA TKIP.Encryption TypeEnaQling encryption is strongly encouraged Qecause unauthoriied parties fithin range of your router’s fireless signal may attempt to access your fireless netfork and then gain access to private information on devices on your netfork. It’s highly recommended that you encrypt your router fith FPA2 AES for optimal security and throughput performance. Alfays select a strong passphrase greater than ' characters long and comprised of letters, numQers, and symQols. Please make note of the passphrase and keep it in a secure location somefhere in your home in case you need to retrieve it.Pre-Shared Key TypeSelect the type of preshared key as Passphrase AS2II or Hegadecimal.Pre-Shared KeyEnter the PresShared Key value.IMPORTANT! FPA2 AES offers much stronger security than FEP Fired E`uivalent Privacy fhich has Qeen and can Qe comprimised.
6&WPA RADIUSUsing a RA3IUS server to authenticate fireless stations and provide a session key to encrypt data during communications.WPA TypeSelect the type of Wireless Protected Access (WPA) from the follofing:•  WPA2 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): RECOMMENDED  6overnment standard packet encryption fhich is stronger than TKIP. • WPA Te\poral Key Integrity Protocol TKIP: 6enerates a 12'Qit key for each packet.• WPA2 Mixed: <iged mode allofs client devices to rst associate to the router using FPA2, and if they fail to connect, then they are connected via FPA TKIP.RADIUS Server IP AddressEnter the IP address of the server.RADIUS Server PortEnter the port numQer of the server.RADIUS Server PasswordEnter the passford of the server.
6'Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)Authentication TypeSelect the type of authentication from the follofing:• Open Syste\: Fireless stations can associate fith the router fithout FEP encryption• Shared Key: 3evices must provide the corresponding FEP keys fhen connecting to the router• Auto: The router automatically detects fhether >pen System or Shared Key is Qeing usedKey LengthSelect Qetfeen 6#Qit and 12'encryption.Key TypeSelect the type of characters used for the FEP Key: AS2II5 characters or Hegadecimal 1 characters.Encryption Key [#]Enter the encryption keys used to encrypt the data packets during data transmission.Enable 802.1x AuthenticationEnaQle or disaQle '2.1g authentication.
69Conguring FiltersFhen EnaQle Fireless Access 2ontrol is selected, only fireless clients fith <A2 addresses listed in the taQle are allofed to connect to the fireless netfork.To vief the Filter settings, click Wireless then select Filter.Enabling Wireless Access ControlSelect |EnaQle Fireless Access 2ontrol}DescriptionEnter a description of the device allofed to connect to the netfork.MAC AddressEnter the <A2 Address of the fireless device.2lick Add to append a nef device to the list or Reset to discard changes.WARNING! Incorrectly changing these settings may cause the device to stop functioning. 3o not modify the settings in this section fithout a thorough understanding of the parameters.
&MAC Address Filtering TableNo. (Nu\ber)The se`uence numQer of the device.DescriptionThe description of the device.MAC AddressThe <A2 address of the device.SelectIndicates the devices that can have actions performed onthem.2lick Delete Selected to remove selected devices from the list.2lick Delete All to remove all devices from the list.2lick Reset to discard changes. 2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
&1Conguring Wi-Fi Protected SetupFiFi Protected Setup FPS is an `uick and easy fay to associate a nef fireless client device to the encrypted router using a PI= or the FPS Quttons on each device.To vief the FPS settings, click Wireless then select WPS.WPSEnaQle or disaQle FPS.WPS Current Status3isplays fhether or not thefireless security is congured.SelU Pin CodeAn 'digit PI= fhich is re`uired fhen conguring the routerfor the rst time in Findofs & or Vista.SSIDThe name of the fireless netfork.Authentication ModeThe current security settings for the corresponding SSI3 fireless netfork.Passphrase KeyA randomly generated key created Qy the router during the FPS process.WPS via Push Button2lick |Start to Process” to activate FPS.WPS via PINEnter the PIN of a fireless device click |Start to Process” to activate FPS.
&2Conguring Client ListVief the fireless devices currently connected to the router.To vief the 2lient List settings, click Fireless then select 2lient List.InterUaceThe type of netfork connected to the device.MAC AddressThe <A2 address of device connected to netfork.SignalThe signal strength of the device connected to the netfork.Idle Ti\eThe amount of time the connected device has not Qeen active on the netfork.2lick ReUresh to rell the list fith currently connected devices.
&32hapter 6 AdvPnced Bettingb
&#Conguring Advanced SettingsAllofs you to dene the Advanced Settings availaQle on the router.To vief the Advanced settings, click Wireless then select Advanced.Frag\ent ThresholdEnter the magimum siie of a packet during data transmission. A value too lof could lead to lof performance.RTS ThresholdEnter the RTS threshold. If the packet siie is smaller than the RTS threshold, the router does not use RTS2TS to send the data packet.Beacon IntervalEnter the Qeacon interval. This is the amount of time that the router sets to synchroniie the netfork.Delivery TraUc Indication Message (DTIM) PeriodEnter the 3TI< period. The 3TI< is a countdofn period informing clients of the negt pointof Qroadcast and multicast of messages over the netfork. Valid values are Qetfeen 1 and 255.N Data RateSelect the = data rate. This is the rate in fhich the ESR Series Router fill transmit data packets to fireless = compatiQle devices.WARNING! Incorrectly changing these settings may cause the device to stop functioning. 3o not modify the settings in this section fithout a thorough understanding of the parameters.
&5Channel BandwidthSelect the channel Qandfidth. The factory default is Auto 2#<Hi. The default setting provides the Qest performance Qy autoselecting channel Qandfidth.Prea\ble TypeSelect the preamQle type. Long PreamQle provides Qetter LA= compatiQility and Short PreamQle provides Qetter fireless performance.CTS ProtectionSelect the type of 2TS protection. Using 2TS Protection can lofer the data collisions Qetfeen Fireless 1 '2.11Q and Fireless 6 '2.11g devices and lofer data throughput.Tx PowerSelect the fireless signal strength level. Valid values are Qetfeen 25 and 1.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
&6Setting Up Parental Controls>ffensive feQ content can Qe Qlocked fhen a parent species keyfords. Parents can also limit Internet access fithin a specied time and day, fith a Schedule. A Policy is a rule prole fhich descriQes the keyford lter and Internet access schedule. Parents can apply the policy to multiple users or Policy Me\bers. The Parental 2ontrols tool fill screen policy memQers Qased on applied policies.Conguring the Access Control ListTo vief the A2L settings, click Firewall then select ACL.Viewing the Access Control ListTo learn hof to vief egisting access control list, refer to Viewing Parental Policies.Adding a Control PolicyTo learn hof to create and add a policy to the access control list, refer to Adding a Control Policy.To vief the Wizard settings, click Parental Control then select Wizard.Enable Parental Control (Access Control)2lick to enaQle Parental 2ontrol.Add Policy2lick the Qutton to add a nef control policy to the netfork.Policy TableShofs the control policies availaQle on the netfork.2lick Apply to save changes or Cancel to discard them.Note: 1y default, everyone is allofed to vief all the contents fithout any limitation and lter.
&&Adding a Control PolicyThe router provides a fiiard to guide you through setting up a nef Access 2ontrol Policy.To start the procedure, click the Add Policy Qutton.2lick Next to continue the procedure or Cancel to stop theprocedure.The procedure consists of the follofing steps:1. Enter a uni`ue name for your policy in the Policy =ametegt eld.2. 2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, =egt to continuethe procedure, or 2ancel to stop the procedure.3. Add target devices to the access control policy.
&'5.  Setting up a schedule for the router services.To set up a Service Schedule, follof these steps: a. Select Allow from the Schedule option. Q. 2lick the days that the schedule fill Qe active.  c. Enter the time period that the schedule fill Qe active.6.  2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Next to continue the procedure, Save to save the changes, or Cancel to stop   the procedure.To add a device to the Me\ber List Uollow these steps: a. 2lick MAC or IP from the Filter Type option. Q. 2lick Add to shof the add client dialog.  c. Enter the name of the device in the Device Na\e tegt eld.  d. Enter either a <A2 address or an IP address in the Address    eld depending upon fhich lter type you chose. e. 2lick the Add Device Button           to close the screen and      add the device to the <emQer List.#.  2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Next to continue the procedure, Save to save the changes, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
&9&. Setup a keyford and URL lter list.To set up a keyfordURL lter list, follof these steps: a. Select Allow from the Filtering option. Q. Enter a keyford or URL in the URL/Keyword text eld. c. 2lick the Add Qutton to add the lter to the list.  d. Repeat steps a through c for each lter.'. 2lick Enable Application Filter to lter softfare applications.9. 2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Next to continue the procedure, Save to save the changes, or Cancel to stop   the procedure.1.Select Enable to save feQ access information to a log le or  Disable to ignore the information.11.2lick Prev to return to the previous screen, Save to save the  changes, or Cancel to stop the procedure.
'Viewing Parental PoliciesAvailaQle parental control policies are shofn in a taQle and each policy can Qe enaQled or disaQled, edited, and deleted.To vief the FeQ settings, click Parental Control then select Web Monitor.Enable2lick to enaQle or disaQle the control policy.Policy Na\eShofs the control policy name.Target DeviceShofs the target device <A2 address or IP address.ScheduleShofs the control policy schedule.LoggedShofs fhether the control policy is storing log information.ModiUyEdit a policy Qy clicking the Edit Button. 3elete a policy Qy clicking the Delete Button.
'1Guest NetworkThe 6uest =etfork function enaQles you to offer Internet connectivity to visitors or guests fhile keeping other netforked devicescomputers and hard drives and sensitive personal or company information private and secure.The 6uest =etfork is controlled Qy the Fireless SSI3 function. Fhen the 6uest =etfork function is enaQled, the 6uest SSI3 canonly get the internet connection from FA=, Qut can not reach the client from the LA= port.Enabling the Guest NetworkTo vief the Selection settings, click Guest Network then select Selection.Guest NetworkEnaQle or 3isaQle the 6uest =etfork functionClient Isolation6uest clients are isolated and cannot communicate fith each other.SSID2hoose a SSI3 for the 6uest =etfork used. The SSI3 can Qe dened from the Fireless setting page.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
'2Conguring the DHCP Server SettingThe 6uest =etfork SSI3 should Qe on a different suQnet from the router’s 3H2P server.To vief the 3H2P Server Settings, click Guest Network then select DHCP Server Setting.Router IP address3ene the router IP address for the 6uest netfork.DeUault Subnet Mask3ene the SuQnet <ask IP address for the 6uest netfork.Start IPTo dene the 6uest netfork 3H2P server start IP.End IPTo dene the 6uest netfork 3H2P server end IP.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
'3Viewing the DHCP Client List on the Guest NetworkShofs the list of guest clients registered on the netfork.To vief the 3H2P 2lient List settings, click Guest Network then select DHCP Client List.DHCP Client TableShofs the IP address, <A2 address, and egpiration time of each of the registered clients on the list.IP AddressThe IP address of the guest client.MAC AddressThe <A2 address of the guest client.Expiration Ti\eThe time that the guest client’s 3H2P address fill egpire and must Qe renefed.2lick ReUresh to refresh the vief of the list.
'#IPv6There are several connection types to choose from: Auto 3etection, Static IPv6, Autoconguration SLAA23H2Pv6, PPPoE, IPv6in IPv# Tunnel, 6to#, and Linklocal. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your IPv6 Internet Service Provider.Enabling IPv6 SettingsTo vief the 1asic settings, click IPv6 then select 1asic.1efore using or conguring the IPv6 protocol, or IPv6 passthrough, on an ESR Series Router you must enaQle it.IPv6Select enaQle to congure the IPv6 protocol on the router.IPv6 PassthroughSelect enaQle to allof IPv6 passthrough functionality. IPv6 must Qe disaQled to enaQle this feature.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: If you are using the PPPoE option, you fill need to ensure that any PPPoE client softfare on your computers has Qeen removed or disaQled.
'5Viewing the IPv6 Connection StatusTo vief the Status information, click IPv6 then select Status.IPv6 Connection InUor\ationShofs the IPv6 connection type, the LA= IPv6 linklocal address and the 3H2PP3.LAN IPv6 Co\puters ListShofs a list of netfork computers and their IPv6 connection information.
'6Conguring Static IPv6To vief the Static IPv6 settings, click IPv6 then select Static IPv6.Use Link-Local AddressEnaQle or disaQle LA= linklocal address.IPv6 AddressEnter the LA= local IPv6 address for the router.Subnet Prex LengthEnter the suQnet preg length.DeUault GatewayEnter the default gatefay.Pri\ary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the primary IPv6 3=S address.Secondary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the secondary IPv6 3=S address.LAN IPv6 AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 address.LAN IPv6 Link-Local AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 linklocal address.Enable Auto\atic IPv6 Address Assign\entEnaQle or disaQle automatic IPv6 address assignment.Autoconguration TypeEnter the autoconguration type. 3efault: SLAA2R3=SS.Router Advertise\ent LiUeti\eEnter the IPv6 Address Lifetime in minutes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
'&Setting AutocongurationTo vief the Auto 2onguration settings, click IPv6 then select Auto Conguration.Obtain A DNS Server Address Auto\aticallyEnaQle or disaQle oQtaining a 3=S server automatically.Pri\ary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the primary IPv6 3=S address.Secondary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the secondary IPv6 3=S address.Enable DHCP-PDEnaQle or disaQle 3H2Ppreg delegation P3.LAN IPv6 AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 address.LAN IPv6 Link-Local AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 linklocal address.Enable Auto\atic IPv6 Address Assign\entEnaQle or disaQle automatic IPv6 address assignment.Autoconguration TypeEnter the autoconguration type. 3efault: SLAA2R3=SSRouter Advertise\ent LiUeti\eEnter the IPv6 Address Lifetime in minutes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
''Conguring PPPoETo vief the PPPoE settings, click IPv6 then select PPPoE.Address ModeSelect Static if your ISP assigned you the IP address, suQnet mask, gatefay, and 3=S server addresses. In most cases, select 3ynamic.IP AddressEnter the IP address Static PPPoE only.User Na\eEnter your PPPoE user name.PasswordEnter your PPPoE passford.VeriUy PasswordRetype the your PPPoE passford.Service Na\eEnter the ISP Service =ame optional.Reconnect ModeSelect either Alfayson, >n3emand, or <anual.Maxi\u\ Idle Ti\eEnter a magimum idle time during fhich the Internet connection is maintained during inactivity. To disaQle this feature, enaQle Autoreconnect.MTU<agimum Transmission Unit  you may need to change the <TU for optimal performance fith your specic ISP. 1#92 is the default <TU.
'9Obtain A DNS Server Address Auto\aticallyEnaQle or disaQle oQtaining a 3=S server automatically.Pri\ary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the primary IPv6 3=S address.Secondary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the secondary IPv6 3=S address.Enable DHCP-PDEnaQle or disaQle 3H2Ppreg delegation P3.LAN IPv6 AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 address.LAN IPv6 Link-Local AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 linklocal address.Enable Auto\atic IPv6 Address Assign\entEnaQle or disaQle automatic IPv6 address assignment.Autoconguration TypeEnter the autoconguration type. 3efault: SLAA2R3=SSRouter Advertise\ent LiUeti\eEnter the IPv6 Address Lifetime in minutes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
9Conguring 6to4To vief the 6to# settings, click IPv6 then select 6to4.6to4 AddressEnter the 6to# IP address.Pri\ary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the primary IPv6 3=S address.Secondary IPv6 DNS AddressEnter the secondary IPv6 3=S address.LAN IPv6 AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 address.LAN IPv6 Link-Local AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 linklocal address.Enable Auto\atic IPv6 Address Assign\entEnaQle or disaQle automatic IPv6 address assignment.Autoconguration TypeEnter the autoconguration type. 3efault: SLAA2R3=SSRouter Advertise\ent LiUeti\eEnter the IPv6 Address Lifetime in minutes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
91Viewing Local ConnectionsTo vief the Link Local settings, click IPv6 then select Link Local.LAN IPv6 Link-Local AddressEnter the LA= IPv6 linklocal address.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
92Firewall SetupConguring Basic SettingsTo vief the 1asic settings, click Firefall then select 1asic.The ESR Series Router refall automatically detects and Qlocks 3enial of Service 3oS attacks. URL Qlocking, packet ltering andstateful packet inspection SPI are also supported. The details of the attack and the timestamp are recorded in the security log.FirewallEnaQle or disaQle the refall of the ESR Series Router.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: This section applies to 2lient Router mode.
93Conguring Advanced SettingsThe router supports VP= passthrough fhich allofs virtual private netforking VP= packets to pass through the refall.To vief the Advanced settings, click Firefall then select Advanced.VPN L2TP Pass-through2lick Select to allof an L2TP connection method over a VP=.VPN PPTP Pass-through2lick Select to allof a PPTP connection method over a VP=.VPN IPSec Pass-through2lick Select to allof an IPSec connection method over a VP=.IPv6 Pass-through2lick Select to allof IPv6 packets to pass through the refall.PPPoE Pass-through2lick Select to allof a PPPoE packets to pass through the refall.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: VP= L2TP Passthrough, VP= PPTP Passthrough, andVP= IPSec Passthrough are enaQled Qy factory default.
9#VPN L2TP Pass-through 2lick Select to allofan L2TP connection method over a VP=.VPN PPTP Pass-through 2lick Select to allof aPPTP connection method over a VP=.VPN IPSec Pass-through 2lick Select to allofan IPSec connection method over a VP=.IPv6 Pass-through 2lick Select to allof IPv6packets to pass through the refall.PPPoE Pass-through 2lick Select to allofPPPoE packets to pass through the refall.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: VP= L2TP Passthrough, VP= PPTP Passthrough, and VP= IPSec Passthrough are enaQled Qy factory default.
95Conguring De\ilitarized Zone2onguring a device on the LA= as a 3emilitariied Zone 3<Z host allofs unrestricted tfofay Internet access for Internet applications, such as online video games, to run from Qehind the =AT refall. The 3<Z function allofs the router to redirect all packets going to the FA= port IP address to a particular IP address on the LA=. The difference Qetfeen the virtual server and the 3<Z function is that a virtual server redirects a particular service or Internet application, such as FTP, to a particular LA= client or server, fhereas a 3<Z redirects all packets, regardless of the service, going to the FA= IP address to a particular LA= client or server. A 3<Z host allofs a computer to have all its connections and ports completely open during data transmission.To vief the 3<Z settings, click Firewall then select DMZ.Enabling DMZ2lick EnaQle 3<Z to activate 3<Z functionality.Local IP AddressEnter an IP address of a device on the LA=.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.WARNING! The P2 dened as a 3<Z host is not protected Qy the refall and is vulneraQle to malicious netfork attacks. 3o not store or manage sensitive information on the 3<Z host.
96Conguring Denial oU ServiceTo enaQle Qlocking of denial of service 3oS attacks, select the 3oS option in the Firefall section. 3oS attacks can ood the Internet connection fith the continuous transmission of data. 1locking these attacks ensures that the Internet connection is alfays availaQle.To vief the 3oS settings, click Firewall then select DoS.Block DoSEnaQle or disaQle Qlocking 3oS attacks.Discard Ping on WANI2<P ping packages are Qlocked fhile 1lock 3oS is enaQled.EnaQle 3iscard Ping on FA= if the FA= port is re`uired.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
9&Virtual Private Network SetupA Virtual Private =etfork VP= provides a secure connection Qetfeen tfo remote locations or tfo users over the Internet. It provides authentication to securely encrypt data communicated Qetfeen the tfo remote endpoints. The Short <odel =ame supports up to 5 VP= tunnels, making it ideal for smallofce  homeofce  users or employees fho fork from home Qut need to communicate securely Qack to the main ofce.Viewing StatusTo vief the Status settings, click VPN then select Status.No. (Nu\ber)The se`uence numQer of the VP= tunnel.Na\eThe name of the VP= tunnel.TypeThe type of VP= tunnel.Gateway/Peer IP AddressThe VP= gatefay or peer IP address.Trans\it PacketsThe numQer of packets transmitted.Received PacketsThe numQer of packets received.Upti\eThe amount of time the VP= has Qeen active.SelectIndicates the devices that can have actions performed on them.
9'Conguring a VPN Tunnel ProleTo vief the Status settings, click VP=then select Status.<anually congure a VP= tunnel prole.Creating a Prole•  2lick Add to create a nef VP= tunnel prole.•  2lick Edit to edit the settings of the selected prole.•  2lick Delete Selected to delete the selected prole.•  2lick Delete All to delete all current proles.
99GeneralFor manually conguring a VP= tunnel prole.Na\e: Enter the name for this prole.Connection Type: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the connection type PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, L2TP over IPSec.Authentication Type: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select theauthentication type.Shared Key: Enter the shared key to Qe used for this prole.Conr\: Enter the shared key a second time to conrm theshared key.Local ID Type: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the type ofI3 used for this prole IP address, 3omain =ame, EmailAddress.Local ID: Enter the local I3 designation Qased on denition typefrom Local I3 Type, previous eld.Peer ID type: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the type ofPeer I3 for this prole IP address, 3omain =ame, EmailAddress.Peer ID: Enter the Peer I3 designation Qased on denition typefrom Peer I3 Type, previous eld.Apply: 2lick Apply to save the changes.Cancel: 2lick Cancel to delete the changes.
1SA (Security Association)IKE Internet Key Egchange is congured in tfo negotiations. Phase 1 authenticates the VP= 2lients to each other Qy conrming the matching PreShared Key fith the tfo gatefays. IPSec is the Phase 2 of the VP= process.Manually conguring a VPN tunnel prole.IKE (Phase 1) ProposalEgchange: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the type ofegchange <ain <ode, Aggressive <ode.DH Group: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the 3H groupgroup 1, group 2, group 5, group 1#.Encryption: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the type ofencryption 3ES, 33ES, AES12', AES192, AES256.Authentication: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the authentication protocol <35, SHA1.LiUe Ti\e: Enter the life time value for Phase 1. The life timevalue should Qe greater than Phase 2 IPSec. '6# sec. 1day is a common default and is a normal value for Phase 1.IPSec (Phase 2) ProposalProtocol: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the protocol type ESP, AHEncryption: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the type ofencryption 3ES, 33ES, AES12', AES192, AES256.Authentication: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the authentication protocol <35, SHA1.PerUect Forward Secrecy (PFS): Select enaQle to enaQle PFS. Afresh 3H key is generated during IKE phase II and renefed foreach key egchange to eliminate dependencies Qetfeen thekeys.DH Group: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select the 3H groupgroup 1, group 2, group 5, group 1#.LiUe Ti\e: Enter the life time value for Phase 2. The life timevalue should Qe smaller than Phase 1 IKE. 36 sec. 1 houris a common value for Phase 2.Apply: 2lick Apply to save the changes.Cancel: 2lick Cancel to delete the changes.
11NetworkManually conguring a VPN tunnel prole.Security Gateway Type: 2lick the dropdofn menu to select theSecurity 6atefay Type IP Address, 3omain =ameSecurity Gateway: Enter the gatefay value as dened in Security 6atefay Type.Local NetworkLocal Address: Enter the IP address of the local P2.Local Net\ask: Enter the netmaks of the local P2.Re\ote NetworkRe\ote Address: Enter the IP address of the remote P2.Re\ote Net\ask: Enter the netmask of the remote P2.Apply: 2lick Apply to save the changes.Cancel: 2lick 2ancel to delete the changes.
12AdvancedManually conguring a VPN tunnel prole.NAT Traversal: Select enaQle to enaQle the =AT Traversal function in order to hide the private IP address from puQlic vief.Note: Services such as VoIP re`uire the use of a private IP address.Dead Peer Detection:Apply: 2lick Apply to save the changes.Cancel: 2lick 2ancel to delete the changes.
13Conguring a User SettingThe User Setting function allofs you to create user proles inorder to setup login access to the VP= service.Na\eEnter the name of the nef user prole.PasswordEnter the passford for the user name.Conr\Enter the passford a second time to conrm the setting.Add2lick Add to accept the prole and add it to the 2urrent VP= User TaQle.Reset2lick Reset to clear the nef settings.Current VPN User Table3isplays the User I3, User =ame and Selection status.Delete Selected2lick to delete the selected user prole.Delete All2lick to delete all the current user proles.Reset2lick to clear the selections from the 2urrent VP= User TaQle.Apply2lick to accept save the nef settings.Cancel2lick to clear the nef changes.
1#USB PortThe ESR3 router is e`uipped fith a US1 port for connecting a hard drive so media content can Qe accessed or transferred to other devices in the home or devices afay from home.Viewing EnShareThe EnShare feature allofs you to access media content stored on a US1 hard drive connected to the router’s US1 port in the home and fhen you are afay from home fhen you have access to the Internet. By deUault the EnShare Ueature is enabled.To view the EnShare settings or disable EnShare, click USB Port then select EnShare.1. Select Disable to disaQle the EnShare feature.2. 2lick Apply to save the nef settings.File SharingThe File Sharing function allofs you to provide users the aQility to share les over the netfork through the SamQa service. By deUault the EnShare Ueature is enabled.To vief the File Sharing settings, click USB Port then select File Sharing.1. Select Enable to enaQle the SamQa Service function.2. 2lick Apply to save the nef settings, or click Cancel to delete the changes.
15Viewing File ServerThe File Server function allofs you to provide netfork users FTP access to shared US1 stored les.To vief the File Server settings, click USB Port then select File Server.Enable FTP ServiceSelect this to enaQle the FTP service to share les on the US1 devicePort Nu\ber3ene the port numQer default: 21 to open for the FTP service.Login Ti\eout3ene the period of inactivity default: 9 Qefore a user is logged out.Stay Ti\eout3ene the lockout period default: 9 Qefore a user is allofed to attempt a login.Login User3ene the numQer of concurrent users to access the service <ag: 2 usersShare Mode3ene the type of share priviledge: ReadFrite, Read only.Use Anony\ous LoginSelect this to allof anonymous user login.User Na\eEnter the user name to login to the FTP service.PasswordEnter the passford to login to the FTP service.
16Viewing DLNAThe 3L=A <edia Server function allofs you to transfer photos, music and video Qetfeen netforked devices through the ESR SeriesRouter.To vief the 3L=A settings, click USB Port then select DLNA.1. Select Enable to enaQle the 3L=A <edia Server function.2. In the Share Folder =ame, enter the name of the shared folder.3. 2lick Apply to save the nef settings, or Cancel to clear the changes.
1&Advanced Network SettingsNAT Setup=etfork Address Translation =AT allofs users on the LA= to access the Internet through a single PuQlic IP Address or multiplePuQlic IP Addresses. =AT provides refall protection from hacker attacks and allofs for mapping LA= IP addresses to FA= IPaddresses fith key services such as feQsites, FTP, and video game servers.To vief the =AT settings, click Advanced then select NAT.NATEnaQle or 3isaQle the =AT.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
1'Port Mapping SetupPort <apping allofs you to redirect a particular range of service port numQers from the FA= to a particular LA= IP address.To vief the Port <apping settings, click Advanced then select Port Mapping.Enable Port Mapping2lick EnaQle Port <apping to activate port mapping.DescriptionEnter notes or details aQout the mapped port range conguration.Local IPEnter the local IP address of the server Qehind the =AT refall.ProtocolSelect the protocol to use for mapping from the follofing: T2P, U3P or 1oth.Port RangeEnter the range of ports to Qe forfarded.2lick Add to append a nef device to the list or Reset to discard changes.
19Current Port Mapping Table3isplays a list of mapped port ranges in use on the netfork.No. (Nu\ber)The se`uence numQer of the mapped port range.Description=otes or details aQout the mapped port range.Local IPIP address of the server for the mapped port range.TypeThe protocol used to communicate fith the FA= ports and LA= server.Port RangeThe range of mapped ports.SelectIndicates the devices that can have actions performed on them.2lick Delete Selected to remove selected devices from the list.2lick Delete All to remove all devices form the list.2lick Reset the discard changes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
11Port Forwarding SetupPort forfarding enaQles multiple server applications on a LA= to serve clients on a FA= over a single FA= IP address. The routeraccepts incoming client packets, lters them Qased on the destination FA=, or puQlic, port and protocol and forfards the packets tothe appropriate LA=, or local, port. Unlike the 3<Z feature, port forfarding protects LA= devices Qehind the refall.To vief the Port Forfardung settings, click Advanced then select Port Forwarding.Enable Port Forwarding2lick EnaQle Port Forfarding to active port forfarding.DescriptionEnter notes or details aQout the forfarded port conguration.Local IPEnter the local IP address of the server Qehind the =AT refall.ProtocolSelect the protocol to use for mapping from the follofing: T2P, U3P or 1oth.Local PortEnter the LA= port numQer that FA= client packets fill Qeforfard to.Public PortEnter the FA= port numQer that clients fill send their packetsto.2lick Add to append a nef conguration to the taQle or Resetto discard changes.
111Current Port Forwarding TableThe taQle of current port forfarding congurations.2lick Delete Selected to remove selected devices from the list.2lick Delete All to remove all devices form the list.2lick Reset the discard changes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
112Port Triggering SetupSome applications, such as online games, videoconferencing and VoIP telephony, re`uire multiple ports for inQound and outQoundtrafc. If an application re`uires simultaneous use of incoming and an outgoing ports, congure port triggering to map a local port orrange of ports to a specic puQlic port. Sending packets out over the local port triggers the router to open an incoming local port thatis mapped to the same puQlic port and application as the outgoing local ports. The local application can communicate over theincoming and outgoing ports fithout the need for creating a ged address.To vief the Port Triggering settings, click Advanced then select Port Triggering.Enable Port Triggering2lick EnaQle Trigger Port to activate port triggering.DescriptionEnter notes or details aQout the port triggered conguration.Popular ApplicationsSelect a default application or add a nef one.Trigger PortEnter the application’s outQound port numQers.Trigger TypeSelect the protocol to use for port triggering from the follofing:T2P, U3P or 1oth.Public PortEnter the inQound ports for the application in the follofingformat: 232# or #&62#.
113Public TypeSelect the protocol to use for the inQound port from the follofing: T2P, U3P or 1oth.2lick Add to append a nef conguration to the taQle or Reset to discard changes.Current Port Triggering TableThe list of current port triggering congurations.2lick 3elete Selected to remove selected devices from the list.2lick Delete All to remove all devices form the list.2lick Reset the discard changes.2lick Apply to save the settings or 2ancel to discard changes.
11#Application Layer Gateway SetupThe AL6 Application Layer 6atefay serves as a findof Qetfeen correspondent application processes so that they may egchangeinformation on an open environment.To vief the AL6 settings, click Advanced then select ALG.Select the listed applications that need AL6 support and then the router fill authoriie them to pass through the =AT gatefay.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
115Universal Plug and Play SetupUPnP helps internet devices, such as gaming and videoconferencing, to access the netfork and connect to other registered UPnPdevices.To vief the UPnP settings, click Advanced then select UPnP.2lick Enable or Disable to activate or deactivate UPnP.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
116Internet Group Multicast Protocol SetupInternet 6roup <ulticast Protocol I6<P is a netforklayer protocol used to estaQlish memQership in a multicast group.To vief the I6<P settings, click Advanced then select IGMP.2lick Enable or Disable to activate or deactivate I6<P.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: 3isaQling the <ulticast function may cause IP Qased multimedia devices, such as an IPST1 or >TT Qog, may lose connectivity fith the media streaming server.
11&Quality oU Service SetupQoS can prioritiie Qandfidth use such as video streaming, online gaming, VoIP telephony and videoconferencing to ensure staQleand efcient netfork performance.To vief the QoS settings, click Advanced then select QoS.Total Bandwidth SettingsUplink Select the magimum Qandfidth speed for outQoundtrafc.3ofnlink Select the magimum Qandfidth speed for inQoundtrafc.Note: 2lick Disabled if you do not fant to prioritiie any data or protocol.
11'Priority QueueSet netfork resource usage Qased on specic protocols or port ranges. Incoming packets are processed Qased on the protocols’position fithin the `ueue.Unli\ited Priority QueueLocal IP AddressEnter the local IP address of a device on the netfork. This device’s activity is not restricted Qy the QoS feature.High/Low Priority QueueSpecify the priority for different protocols. Additional protocols and port ranges can Qe added.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
119Bandwidth AllocationSet netfork resource usage, for inQound and outQound trafc, Qased on local IP and port ranges.TypeSelect 3ofnload or Upload to specic the direction of packettrafc.Local IP RangeEnter the local IP range of the current conguration.ProtocolSelect the protocol to manage for the current conguration.Port RangeEnter the local port range of the current conguration.PolicySelect <in or <ag to specify the type of conguration policy.Rate (bps)Select the Qandfidth rate, in Qits per second Qps, of the current conguration.2lick Add to save the settings and list the conguration in the2urrent QoS taQle or Reset the discard changes.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
12Routing SetupTypically static routing does not need to Qe setup Qecause the router has ade`uate routing information after it has Qeen congured for Internet access. Static routing is only necessary if the router is connected to netfork under a different suQnets.To vief the Routing settings, click Advanced then select Routing.Note: To enaQle a static routing, =AT must Qe disaQled.If the router is connected fith a netfork under the different suQnet, the routing setup allofs the netfork connection fithin tfo different suQnets.Enable Static Routing2lick EnaQle Static Routing to activate the feature.Destination LAN IPEnter the LA= IP address of the destination device.Subnet MaskEnter the SuQnet <ask of the destination device.DeUault GatewayEnter the default gatefay IP address for the destination device.HopsEnter the magimum numQer of hops fithin the static routingthat a packet is allofed to travel.InterUaceSelect LA= or FA= as the interface.2lick Add to save the settings and list the conguration in the2urrent Static Routing taQle or Reset the discard changes.View and select devices in the Current Static Routing Table.2lick Delete Selected or Delete All to remove devicesfrom the taQle. 2lick Reset to stop.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
121Wake on LAN SetupFake on LA= setup F>L allofs the administrator to activate a computer over the netfork.To vief the F>L settings, click Advanced then select WOL.Enabling WOL over WAN 2lick Enable WOL over WAN to activate the feature.Server Port Enter the server port of the device to activate.Wake MAC Address Enter the <A2 address of the device to activate. 2lick Start to activate the device.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
122Tools SetupConguring the Ad\inistrator Account2hange the router’s system passford as fell as setup a device to remotely congure the settings.To vief the Admin settings, click Tools then select Ad\in.• Login Na\e: Keep or change egisting login name• Old Password: Enter the egisting administrator passford• New Password: Enter the nef administrator passford•  Repeat New Password: Retype the nef administrator passford• Graphical Authentication: To enaQle or disaQle  2APT2HARe\ote Manage\ent• Host Address: Enter the designated host IP Address.• Port: Enter the port numQer 3efault: 8080 for remote accessing       management feQ interface.• Enable: Select to enaQle remote management.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.Note: To access the settings of the ESR Series Router remotely, enter the router’s FA= IP address and port numQer.
123Syste\ Ti\e Setting2hange the system time of the ESR Series Router and setup automatic updates through a netfork time =TP protocol server orthrough a computer.To vief the Time settings, click Tools then select Ti\e.Synchronizing with an NTP ServerTi\e SetupSelect hof the ESR Series Router oQtains the current time.Ti\e ZoneSelect the time ione for the ESR Series Router.NTP Ti\e ServerEnter the domain name or IP address of an =TP server.Enabling Daylight Savings2lick to enaQle or disaQle daylight savings time.Start Ti\eSelect the date and time fhen daylight savings time starts.End Ti\eSelect the date and time fhen daylight savings time ends.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
12#Synchronizing Ti\e with a Co\puterTi\e SetupSelect hof the ESR Series Router oQtains the current time.Co\puter Date and Ti\e3isplays system date and time from a computer.Enable Daylight Saving2lick to enaQle or disaQle daylight savings time.Start Ti\eSelect the date and time fhen daylights savings time starts.End Ti\eSelect the date and time fhen daylights savings time ends.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
125Dyna\ic Do\ain Na\e Service (DDNS) SetupThe most common use for 33=S is in allofing an Internet domain name to Qe assigned to a computer fith a varying dynamic IPaddress. This makes it possiQle for other sites on the Internet to estaQlish connections to the machine fithout needing to track the IPaddress themselves.To vief the 33=S settings, click Tools then select DDNS.Dyna\ic DNS2lick to enaQle or disaQle 33=S.Server AddressSelect the server address.Host Na\eEnter the host name.Userna\eEnter a username for the host service.PasswordEnter a passford for the host service.2lick Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.
126Diagnosis that Client Devices Are Connected to the RouterThe diagnosis feature allofs the administrator to verify that a client device is availaQle on the netfork and is accepting re`uest packets. If the ping result returns alive, it means a device is connected. This feature does not fork if the target device is Qehind a refall or has security softfare installed.To vief the 3iagnosis settings, click Tools then select Diagnosis.Diagnosing a Network Connection Proble\Address to PingEnter IP address of the device to ping.Ping FrequencySelect the interval, in seconds, that the ping message is sent out.2lick Start to Qegin the diagnosis.
12&Upgrading The Router{s Fir\wareFirmfare is the router’s system softfare that operates and allofs the administrator to interact fith it.To vief the Firmfare settings, click Tools then select Fir\ware.WARNING! Upgrading rmfare through a fireless connection is not recommended. Firmfare upgrading must Qe performed fhile connected to an Ethernet LA= port fith all other clients disconnected.To update the rmfare version, follof these steps:1. 3ofnload the appropriate rmfare approved Qy En6enius from an En6enius feQ site. See the Downloads tab on the product     page Uor this product. For nef products, nef rmfare may not Qe readily availaQle.2. 2lick Choose File.3. 1rofse the le system and select the rmfare le.#. 2lick Apply.
12'Backing Up The Router’s SettingsSave them as a conguration le on your computer.To vief the 1ackup settings, click Tools then select Back-up.Restoring to the router’s Factory DeUault settings2lick Reset to restore the ESR Series Router to factory defaults.Backup Settings2lick Save to save the current conguration on the router to a .dlf le.Restore SettingsTo restore saved settings, do the follofing:a. 2lick Choose File.Q. 1rofse the le system for location of the settings le .dlf.c. 2lick Upload.
129Rebooting the RouterThis feature allofs you to reQoot the router in the event of a system hang up or other disruption to the netfork.To vief the Reset settings, click Tools then select Reset.2lick Apply to reset the device.
131Federal Co\\unication Co\\ission InterUerence State\ent This e`uipment has Qeen tested and found to comply fith the limits for a 2lass 1 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F22Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonaQle protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thise`uipment generates uses and can radiate radio fre`uency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance fith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Hofever, there is no guarantee that interference fill not occur in a particular installation. If this e`uipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, fhich can Qe determined Qy turning the e`uipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference Qy one of the follofing measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation Qetfeen the e`uipment and receiver.•  2onnect the e`uipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to fhich the receiver is connected.•  2onsult the dealer or an egperienced radioTV technician for help.WARNING! Any changes or modications not egpressly approved Qy the party responsiQle for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this e`uipment.This device complies fith Part 15 of the F22 Rules. >peration is suQYect to the follofing tfo conditions: 1 This device may notcause harmful interference, and 2 this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT NOTE: Radiation Exposure State\entThis e`uipment complies fith F22 radiation egposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This e`uipment should Qe installed and operated fith minimum distance 2cm Qetfeen the radiator  your Qody.
132Industry Canada State\ent This device complies fith Industry 2anada licenceegempt RSS standards. >peration is suQYect to the follofing tfo conditions: 1 this device may not cause interference, and 2 this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le prÐsent appareil est conforme aug 2=R d’Industrie 2anada applicaQles aug appareils radio egempts de licence. L’egploitation est autorisÐe aug deug conditions suivantes : 1 l’appareil ne doit pas produire de Qrouillage, et 2 l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout Qrouillage radioÐlectri`ue suQi, mÑme si le Qrouillage est susceptiQle d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.I\portant:Radiation Exposure State\ent: This e`uipment complies fith I2 radiation egposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This e`uipment should Qe installed and operated fith minimum distance 2cm Qetfeen the radiator  your Qody.Déclaration d’exposition aux radiations:2et Ð`uipement est conforme aug limites d’egposition aug rayonnements I2 ÐtaQlies pour un environnement non contrÛlÐ. 2et Ð`uipement doit Ñtre installÐ et utilisÐ avec un minimum de 2 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.

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