EnOcean TCM515Z 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver User Manual

EnOcean GmbH 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver

User Manual

 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 1/45                            Patent protected: WO98/36395, DE 100 25 561, DE 101 50 128,  WO 2004/051591, DE 103 01 678 A1, DE 10309334,  WO 04/109236, WO 05/096482, WO 02/095707, US 6,747,573, US 7,019,241    Observe precautions!  Electrostatic sensitive devices!      12 June 2017
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 2/45 REVISION HISTORY  The following major modifications and improvements have been made to this document:   Version Author Reviewer Date Major Changes 1.0 MKA MK, MF 01.03.2016 Initial Release 1.1 MKA MKA 01.05.2016 Added  protocol  description,  changed  location  of TURBO Pin 1.2 MKA MKA 19.07.2016 Added reflow profile 1.3 MKA MKA 23.01.2017 Added  list  of  supported  ESP3  commands  and minimum values for sensitivity and output power  1.4 MKA MKA 13.02.2017 Added  additional  ESP3  interface  speeds,  added caution note regarding switching to TURBO mode via ESP3 command 1.5 MKA MKA 12.06.2017 Added information about antenna options for US (FCC regulation) 1.6 DL  20.07.2017 Added  information  about  FCC  labelling  require-ments 1.7 DL  21.08.2017 Added information about RF expose and distance requirements      Published by EnOcean GmbH, Kolpingring 18a, 82041 Oberhaching, Germany www.enocean.com, info@enocean.com, phone +49 (89) 6734 6890  © EnOcean GmbH, All Rights Reserved   Important! This  information describes the type of component and  shall  not be considered as assured characteristics. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry and  specifications  are  subject  to  change  without  notice.  For  the  latest  product  specifica-tions, refer to the EnOcean website: http://www.enocean.com. As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for modules, not for the described applications, processes and circuits. EnOcean does not assume responsibility for use of modules described and limits its liability to the replacement of modules determined to be defective due to workmanship. Devices or systems containing RF components must meet the essential requirements of the local legal authorities. The  modules  must  not  be  used  in  any  relation  with  equipment  that  supports,  directly  or indirectly,  human  health  or  life  or  with  applications  that  can  result  in  danger  for  people, animals or real value. Components of the modules are considered and should be disposed of as hazardous waste. Local government regulations are to be observed. Packing: Please use the recycling operators known to you.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 3/45 TABLE OF CONTENT 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................. 5 1.1 Basic functionality ......................................................................................... 5 1.2 Technical data ............................................................................................... 6 1.3 Physical dimensions ....................................................................................... 6 1.4 Environmental conditions ............................................................................... 6 1.5 Packaging information .................................................................................... 6 1.6 Ordering information ..................................................................................... 6 2 FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 7 2.1 TCM 515Z Device Interface ............................................................................. 7 2.1.1 Signal Description .................................................................................. 8 2.2 High-level operation principle .......................................................................... 8 2.3 Supported Radio Channels .............................................................................. 9 2.4 ESP3 Interface ............................................................................................ 10 2.4.1 ESP3 Data Format................................................................................ 10 2.4.2 Supported ESP3 Commands .................................................................. 10 3 Antenna options .......................................................................................... 11 3.1 Antenna options for European Union .............................................................. 11 3.1.1 General requirements ........................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Whip antenna ...................................................................................... 12 3.2 Antenna options for US / Canada ................................................................... 13 3.2.1 Whip antenna ...................................................................................... 13 3.2.2 Meandered PCB antenna ....................................................................... 15 3.2.3 Dipole antenna .................................................................................... 16 Dipole antenna options ...................................................................... 19 4 Device Integration ....................................................................................... 20 4.1 Recommended PCB Footprint ........................................................................ 20 4.2 Soldering information .................................................................................. 21 4.3 Device handling instructions ......................................................................... 22 4.4 Tape & Reel specification .............................................................................. 23 5 APPLICATION INFORMATION ........................................................................ 24 5.1 Transmission range ..................................................................................... 24 6 REGULATORY INFORMATION......................................................................... 25 6.1 CE (RED) for European Union ........................................................................ 25 6.2 FCC (United States) Certificate ...................................................................... 26 6.2.1 FCC (United States) Regulatory Statement .............................................. 27 6.2.2 FCC (United States) Labeling Requirements ............................................ 27 6.2.3 FCC (United States) RF Expose .............................................................. 27 6.3 IC (Industry Canada) Certificate .................................................................... 28 6.3.1 IC (Industry Canada) Regulatory Statement ............................................ 28 6.3.2 IC (Industry Canada) RF Expose ............................................................ 28 Appendix A IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Structure ............................................................. 29
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 4/45 A.1 IEEE 802.15.4 High Level Frame Structure ..................................................... 29 A.2 PHY Header ................................................................................................ 30 A.2.1 Length of Frame values used by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z .......................... 30 A.3 MAC Header ................................................................................................ 31 A.4 MAC Payload ............................................................................................... 31 A.5 MAC Trailer ................................................................................................. 31 Appendix B MAC Payload Structure ......................................................................... 32 B.1 Secure data telegram format (with authentication) .......................................... 33 B.2 Secure commissioning telegram format (with authentication) ........................... 34 B.3 Standard data telegram format (without authentication) .................................. 35 B.4 Standard commissioning telegram (without authentication) .............................. 36 Appendix C ESP3 Interface Format ......................................................................... 37 C.1 Packet Type 0x10: IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet ................................................. 37 C.1.1 ESP3 packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets .................................. 37 C.1.2 RESPONSE for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets ................................................. 38 C.1.3 Failure Indication for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet .......................................... 39 C.2 Packet Type 0x11: IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND .................................................. 40 C.2.1 Packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND ............................................ 40 C.2.2 List of supported commands ..................................................................... 40 C.2.3 SET_CHANNEL Command ......................................................................... 41 C.2.4 RESPONSE for SET_CHANNEL Command .................................................... 41 C.2.5 GET_CHANNEL Command ......................................................................... 42 C.2.6 RESPONSE for GET_CHANNEL Command .................................................... 42 C.3 Packet Type Common Command ................................................................... 43 C.3.1 Command Code 0x24: CO_SET_BAUDRATE ................................................ 43 C.3.2 RESPONSE for CO_SET_BAUDRATE Command ............................................ 43 C.3.3 Command Code 0x25: CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO ..................................... 44 C.3.4 RESPONSE for CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO Command .................................. 44 C.3.5 Command Code 37: CO_GET_STEPCODE.................................................... 45 C.3.6 RESPONSE for CO_GET_STEPCODE Command ............................................ 45
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 5/45 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Basic functionality  TCM  515Z  enables  the  realization  of  line-powered  actuators,  controllers  and  gateways communicating based on the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 radio standard. It provides a transpar-ent  radio  link  between  EnOcean  2.4  GHz  devices  and  an  external  host  connected  via  the standardized ESP3 interface (EnOcean Serial Protocol, version 3).  TCM  515Z receives and transmits radio telegrams  based  on  a  50  Ohm  or  whip  antenna connected to the host PCB. It forwards received 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegrams to an external host processor or host PC via the ESP3 interface.  IEEE  802.15.4  messages  received  from  an  external  host  via  the  ESP3  interface  will  be transmitted by TCM 515Z as 2.4 GHz radio telegrams.  TCM  515Z  is implemented  as  31  pin  reflow-solderable  module  with  optimized  form  factor for size constrained applications.   Figure 1 below shows TCM 515Z.           Figure 1 – TCM 515Z outline
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 6/45 1.2 Technical data   Antenna External 50 Ohm or whip antenna (connected at host board) Supported Radio Frequency Range Radio channel 11 … 26 according to IEEE 802.15.4 standard  Default Radio Channel IEEE 802.15.4 radio channel 11 Receiver Sensitivity (at 25°C)(1) Minimum: -92dBm  /  Typical: –95 dBm  Transmit Power (at 25°C) Minimum: 0dBm  / Typical: +2 dBm Power Supply 3.3 V +- 10%  Serial Host Interface UART according to ESP3 Standard with Turbo Mode Option Current Consumption (typ, at 25°C) Transmit: 20mA, Receive: 15 mA Radio Regulation R&TTE (Europe), FCC (US), IC (Canada)   Note (1): Receiver sensitivity is based on the combination of 3 subtelegrams    1.3 Physical dimensions   Module Dimensions 19.0 x 14.7 x 3.0 mm (each dimension +-0.3 mm) Module Weight 1 g   1.4 Environmental conditions  Operating Temperature -25°C ... 85°C Storage Temperature -25°C ... 85°C Humidity 0% to 95% r.h. (non-condensing)    1.5 Packaging information  Packaging Unit  250 units Packaging Method  Tape and reel   1.6 Ordering information  Type Ordering Code Frequency TCM 515Z S3073-K515 2.4 GHz (IEEE 802.15.4)
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 7/45 2 FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION  2.1 TCM 515Z Device Interface  TCM  515Z implements a  31  pin  reflow-solderable  interface.  Solder  mask  data is available on  request  from  EnOcean.  The  pin  assignment  (as  seen  from  the  top  of  the  device)  is shown in Figure 2 below.   Figure 2 – TCM 515Z device interface  Table 1 below summarizes the signal assignment.  PIN  NAME  PIN  NAME  PIN  NAME  1  GND  12  NC 23  GND 2 ANTENNA (50 Ohms) 13  NC 24  NC  3 GND 14 NC  25 NC  4 NC  15 GND  26  NC  5 NC 16  NC 27 NC  6 GND 17  NC 28  NC  7  NC 18 NC 29 NC  8  NC 19 NC  30 NC 9 NC  20  UART_RX (Input) 31  TURBO 10 NC  21  UART_TX (Output)   11 NC  22 VDD     Table 1 - TCM 5151Z device interface pin assignment  Signals marked with “NC” are reserved  for  production test and future  device variants and must not be connected in the design.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 8/45 2.1.1 Signal Description  TCM 515Z is supplied by the VDD and GND Pins. The required supply voltage is 3.3V with a tolerance of no more than +-10%.  TCM 515Z receives and transmits data based on a 50Ω whip antenna connected to its AN-TENNA input (Pin 2).   TCM 515Z communicates with the external host using the standard ESP3 serial (UART) in-terface based on the signals UART_TX (Pin 21, direction from TCM 515Z to external host) and UART_RX (Pin 20, direction from external host to TCM 51Z).   The default interface speed of the ESP3 interface is 57600 bit per second (the exact speed is 57347 Bit per second, a deviation of -0.04%).   It is possible to select faster communication speeds of 115200, 230400 and 460800 bit per second during operation using the CO_SET_BAUDRATE command as shown in Table 16.   Additionally  it  is  possible  to  change  the  default  ESP3  interface  speed  at  power  up  from 57.600 Bit per second to 460.800 Bit per second by connecting the TURBO input (Pin 31) to Ground.  Subsequent  modification  of  the  interface  speed  during  operation  using  the CO_SET_BAUDRATE  command  is  always  possible  irrespective  of  the  state  of  the  TURBO input pin.    2.2 High-level operation principle  In receive mode, TCM 515Z forwards the content of received IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegrams (which pass frame check sum validation) unmodified to the external host via the ESP3 in-terface.   The forwarded frame starts with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, contin-ues with the MAC Header and ends with the last Byte of the MAC Payload. The frame check sum (MAC Trailer) will not be forwarded to the host.  In  transmit  mode,  TCM  515Z  receives  from  the  external  host  the  precomputed  message payload starting with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, continuing with the MAC Header and ending with the last Byte of the MAC Payload.  TCM 515Z then calculates the frame check sum (MAC Trailer) and appends it to the mes-sage. The full frame (including the Preamble and Start of Frame fields) will then be trans-mitted as IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegram (TX mode).
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 9/45 2.3 Supported Radio Channels  TCM 515Z support all radio channels of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard in the 2.4 GHz band. The  radio  channel  used  by  TCM  515Z  can  be  set  by  an  external  host  using  the  ESP3 SET_CHANNEL command as described in Appendix C.2.3.  The channel notation used by TCM 515Z follows IEEE 802.15.4 standard, i.e. channel 11 is the first channel (lowest frequency) and channel 26 is the last channel (highest frequency).   Table 2 below shows the correspondence between channel ID and channel frequency.                                 Table 2 - Supported radio channels
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 10/45 2.4 ESP3 Interface  TCM  515Z  provides  a  bi-directional  UART  interface  for  communicating  with  the  external host. The default baud rate of this interface is 57600 bps. If the TURBO pin is set to active low then the baud rate is increased to 460.800 bps.   2.4.1 ESP3 Data Format  TCM 515Z communicate with external hosts using EnOcean Serial Protocol version 3 (ESP3) with EnOcean 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 extensions.   Please consult the detailed ESP3 specification at https://www.enocean.com/esp.   2.4.2 Supported ESP3 Commands  TCM 515Z supports the following ESP3 commands:   Packet Type 0x10: IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet   Packet Type 0x11: IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND o SET_CHANNEL  o GET_CHANNEL    Packet Type 0x05: Common Command o CO_SET_BAUDRATE o CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO o CO_GET_STEPCODE   Please refer to Appendix C for a description of the supported commands.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 11/45 3 Antenna options  This chapter outlines options for antenna that can be used with TCM 515Z. Note that this chapter is for guidance purposes only, please consult with an authorized certification body for specific information.  3.1 Antenna options for European Union  See chapter 6.1 for additional important remarks regarding RED certification.  3.1.1 General requirements  In order to be compliant with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) of the European Union, an antenna needs to fulfil the requirements listed in Table 3 below.   Frequency band 868.300 MHz ISM Antenna  must  be  suited  for this band Antenna type Passive Mandatory for radio approval Impedance ~50 Ohm Mandatory for radio approval Maximum gain ≤ 0 dBd Mandatory for radio approval  Table 3 – Required antenna parameters for RED certification   In  addition,  it  is  important  to  fulfil  the  requirements  listed  in  Table  4  below  in  order  to achieve good levels of EMI robustness.   VSWR ≤ 3:1 Important  for  compatibility with EnOcean protocol Return Loss > 6 dB Important  for  compatibility with EnOcean protocol Bandwidth ≤ 20 MHz Important  if  10  V/m  EMI robustness  required  for  de-vice  Table 4 – Required antenna parameters for EMI robustness
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 12/45 3.1.2 Whip antenna   TCM 515Z modules have been certified for use with a whip antenna under EU (RED) regula-tions. Figure 3 below shows key whip antenna parameters.     Figure 3 – Whip antenna parameters for 2.4 GHz    The whip antenna has to meet the following parameters in order to be compliant with RED regulation:  Antenna length (L): 30 mm wire, connect to RF_WHIP   Minimum GND plane: 15 mm x 15 mm  Minimum distance space: 10 mm
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 13/45 3.2 Antenna options for US / Canada  The TCM 515Z has been tested and certified according to FCC regulation with a number of different antennas as described below.  3.2.1 Whip antenna  TCM 515Z has been certified for use with a whip antenna as shown in Figure 3 above which meets the following parameters:  Antenna length (L): 30 mm wire, connected to via show in Figure 4  Minimum GND plane: 15 mm x 15 mm (green area in Figure 4)  Minimum distance space: 10 mm  The reference layout for this antenna is shown in Figure 4 below. Note that the area within the  green  rectangle  and  the  minimum  ground  plane  has  to  be  implemented  exactly  as shown.   Figure 4 – Whip antenna reference layout  The transmission line between TCM 515Z and the whip antenna has to be implemented as specified in Figure 5 below.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 14/45  w=1.00mm s=0.15mm h=0.90…2.00mm (See Note 1)  Typical line impedance on FR4=44…56Ω  Return loss>=24dB  Figure 5 – Transmission line specification   Note (1): Coplanar waveguide modes are dominant in this configuration. Thus thickness of substrate can be changed with the given limits.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 15/45 3.2.2 Meandered PCB antenna  TCM 515Z has been certified for use with a meandered PCB antenna provided that the fol-lowing layout guidelines are met:   Matching circuit values of the modular approval may not be changed  Shape according to reference layout in Figure 6 below  Minimum GND plane: 40 mm x 18 mm  Connect GND planes using multiple via as shown in Figure 6 below  Minimum distance space: 10 mm  Matching circuit components as specified in Table 5 below  Figure 6 below shows the dimensions of the meandered PCB antenna, the matching circuit and the area important for modular approval (marked in green).   Figure 6 – Reference layout for meandered PCB antenna   Table 5 below lists the parameters of the matching circuit components. It is mandatory to use them as specified.   Designator Value Notes C8 1.0pF Use Murata GRM1555 series or similar R9 6.8nH Use Würth WE-KI series, Murata LQW series or similar C9 --- Not assembled  Table 5 – Parameters of the matching circuit
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 16/45 3.2.3 Dipole antenna  The TCM 515Z has been verified for use with the dipole antenna S151AH-2450S from Near-son or other antennas with similar parameters provided that:  The RF connector is a non-standard connector such as a RP-SMA-Female from John-son/Cinch Connectivity Solutions (142-4701-801)  The pi low pass filter described in this section is used  In addition, the following layout guidelines have to be met:   The pi low pass filter is part of the modular approval and may not be changed  The bottom GND plane is implemented below the RF transmission line section of the circuit to form a grounded coplanar waveguide (see Figure 8)  The  ground  planes  have  to  be  connected  using  multiple  via  along  RF  transmission line as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8   Table  7  at  the  end  of  this  section  lists  dipole  antennas  that  can  be  used  instead  of  the S151AH-2450S antenna stated previously as they are the same kind of antennas and have the same or less gain.  Figure  7  below  shows  the  layout  that  has  been  used.  The  section  of  the  layout  located within the green frame has to remain unchanged for the modular approval.   Figure 7 – Reference layout for dipole antenna
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 17/45  Table 6 below lists the parameters of the components which have to be used for the pi low pass filter.   Designator Value Notes C1 1.0pF use Murata GRM1555 series or similar C2 1.0pF use Murata GRM1555 series or similar L1 3.1nH use Murata LQP15MN series or similar  Table 6 – Values of the pi low pass filter for the dipole antenna  The transmission line between TCM 515Z and the antenna has to be implemented as shown in Figure 8 below.   w=1.00mm s=0.15mm h=0.90…2.00mm (See Note 1)  Typical line impedance on FR4=44…56Ω  Return loss>=24dB  Figure 8 – Detailed description of RF transmission line  Note (1): Coplanar waveguide modes are dominant in this configuration. Thus thickness of substrate can be changed with the given limits.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 18/45  Figure 9 below shows S151AH-2450S from Nearson.     Figure 9 - S151AH-2450S  Figure 10 below shows the RP-SMA-Female (142-4701-801) from Chinch Connectivity Solu-tions.  Figure 10 – RP-SMA-Female
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 19/45 Dipole antenna options  Table 7 below shows examples of dipole antennas that could be used with TCM 5151Z.  Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Gain Antenna Type Nearson Inc.  1 S151AH-2450S 5dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Nearson Inc. S131AH-2450S 5dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Nearson Inc. S181AH-2450S 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt ATOP Technologies ANT-WS-AB-RM-05-200 5dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight ATOP Technologies ANT-WS-AB-RM-05-180 5dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Digi International A24-HASM-525 2.1dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Digi International A24-HASM-450 2.1dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Digi International DG-ANT-20DP-BG 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Digi International DC-ANT-24DP 1.8dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Digi International DC-ANT-24DT 1.8dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Honeywell  WAN01RSP 2.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Honeywell  WAN02RSP 2.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Laird Technologies IAS S2403BH36RSM 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Laird Technologies IAS EXR2400RSM 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Laird Technologies IAS MAF94046 1.3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Laird Technologies IAS MAF94028 1.3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Laird Technologies IAS MAF94112 1.5dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Linx Technologies Inc. ANT-2.4-CW-HW 3.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Linx Technologies Inc. ANT-2.4-CW-RCT-RP 2.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Linx Technologies Inc. ANT-2.4-CW-HWR-RPS 3.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Linx Technologies Inc. ANT-2.4-CW-CT-RPS 2.8dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight LSR 001-0010 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt LSR 001-0001 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Microchip Technology RN-SMA4-RP 2.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Proant AB 333 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Proant AB 348 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Pulse Electronics  W1037 3.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Pulse Electronics W1027 3.2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Pulse Electronics W1030 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Pulse Electronics  W5010 1.5dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Pulse Electronics  W5001 1.5dBi Whip (Dipole), Right Angle Red Lion Controls ANT-GW11A153 2.3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Siretta Ltd DELTA6B/X/SMAM/RP/S/11 5dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Siretta Ltd DELTA10A/X/SMAM/RP/S/17 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Taoglas Limited GW.11.A153 2.3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Taoglas Limited GW.26.0151 1.8dBi Whip (Dipole), Straight Walsin Technology  RFDPA151300SBAB8G1 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Walsin Technology  RFDPA171300SBAB8G1 3dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt Walsin Technology RFDPA870900SBAB8G1 2dBi Whip (Dipole), Tilt  Table 7 – Dipole antenna options                                             1 This antenna was tested for FCC and IC certification
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 20/45 4 Device Integration  TCM 515Z is designed for integration  onto a host PCB. Detailed Gerber data of the device footprint is available from EnOcean upon request.   4.1 Recommended PCB Footprint  Figure 11 below shows the recommended PCB footprint for TCM 515Z.     Figure 11 – Recommended PCB footprint
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 21/45 4.2 Soldering information   TCM 515Z has to be soldered according to IPC/JEDEC  J-STD-020C standard as outlined in Figure 12 below.                                       Figure 12 – Recommended temperature profile
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 22/45 4.3 Device handling instructions  TCM 515Z shall be handled according to Moisture Sensitivity Level MSL 3. TCM 515Z may be  soldered  only  once,  since  one  time  is  already  consumed  at  production  of  the  module itself.  Once the dry pack bag is opened, the desired quantity of units should be removed and the bag resealed within two hours. If the bag is left open longer than 30 minutes the desiccant should be replaced with dry desiccant. If devices have exceeded the specified floor life time of 168 h, they may be baked according IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B at max. 90 °C for less than 60 hours.   Devices packaged in moisture-proof packaging should be stored in ambient conditions not exceeding temperatures of 40 °C or humidity levels of 90% r.H.  TCM 515Z modules have to be soldered within 6 months after delivery!   In general we  recommend  a  no clean flux  process.  If washing is needed,  then  TCM  515Z radio modules have a shield cover with small openings at the top of the edges.  It is very important to mount the modules in a top down position during the drying process as  this  will  allow  getting  the  aggregated  washing  fluid  removed  properly  from  within  the shield cover area.   To prevent damage, modules have to be checked for any remaining fluid after the drying.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 23/45 4.4 Tape & Reel specification  TCM 515Z is delivered in Tape & Reel packaging with 250 units per reel.  Figure 13 below illustrates the dimensions.                     Figure 13 – Tape & Reel dimensions of TCM 515Z  Figure 14 below shows the positioning of TCM 515Z in the Tape & Reel packaging.    Figure 14 – Position of TCM 515Z in the reel
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 24/45 5 APPLICATION INFORMATION 5.1 Transmission range  The main factors that influence the system transmission range are: - Type and location of the antennas of receiver and transmitter - Type of terrain and degree of obstruction of the link path - Sources of interference affecting the receiver - “Dead spots” caused by signal reflections from nearby conductive objects.   Since  the expected transmission range  strongly  depends on this system conditions, range tests  should  always  be  performed  to  determine  the  reliably  achievable  range  under  the given conditions. The following figures should be treated as a rough guide only:  - Line-of-sight connections Typically 15 m range in corridors, up to 50 m in halls  - Plasterboard walls / dry wood Typically 15 m range, through max. 2 walls  - Ferro concrete walls / ceilings Maximum 1 wall or ceiling, depending on thickness and material  - Fire-safety walls, elevator shafts, staircases and similar areas should be considered as shielded  The angle at which the transmitted signal hits the wall is very important. The effective wall thickness  –  and  with  it  the  signal  attenuation  –  varies  according  to  this  angle.  Signals should  be  transmitted  as  directly  as  possible  through  the  wall.  Wall  niches  should  be avoided.   Other factors restricting transmission range include: - Switch mounting on metal surfaces (up to 30% loss of transmission range) - Hollow lightweight walls filled with insulating wool on metal foil - False ceilings with panels of metal or carbon fibre - Lead glass or glass with metal coating, steel furniture The distance between the receiver and other transmitting devices such as computers, audio and video equipment that also emit high-frequency signals should be at least 0.5 m.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 25/45 6 REGULATORY INFORMATION  TCM 515Z has been certified according to FCC, IC and CE regulations. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by EnOcean could void the user's authori-ty to operate the equipment.  6.1 CE (RED) for European Union  According to lows of the member states of the European Union OEM manufacturer or dis-tributor are responsible for the conformity of the product. In order to support our custom-ers we have done a summary for download at the product web site (Attestation of Con-formity). Note the following requirements for CE certification:  The existing R&TTE directive has been replaced by RED (radio equipment directive) since 13th of June 2016.  OEM manufacturers or distributors which sell this component as a product to his (final) cus-tomers have to fulfill all requirements of the radio equipment directive (RED).  RED contains at least following requirements for OEM manufacturers or distributors:  Provide  product  branding  (on  the  product)  clearly  identifying  company  name  or brand and product name as well as type, charge or serial number for market surveil-lance    Include (with the product) documentation containing full postal address of the man-ufacturer as well as radio frequency band and max. transmitting power    Include (with the product) user manual, safety information and a declaration of con-formity for the final product in local language    Provide product development and test documentation upon request   OEM has to fulfill all additional requirements according to RED such as market sur-veillance or 10 years record retention.   For details and national translations, please see:  http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32014L0053
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 26/45  6.2 FCC (United States) Certificate   <To Be Inserted>
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 27/45 6.2.1 FCC (United States) Regulatory Statement  This  device complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the following two conditions:   (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and   (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference  that  may cause undesired operation.  6.2.2 FCC (United States) Labeling Requirements  This module is labeled with its own FCC ID number, and, if the FCC ID is not visible when this module is installed inside another device, then the outside of this device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to this enclosed module.  This exterior label can use wording such as the following:  "Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: SVZ-TCM515Z" or "Contains FCC ID: SVZ-TCM515Z"  Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.   Figure 15: Example Label  6.2.3 FCC (United States) RF Expose  This module must not be used within a separation distance of 20cm or less between the user and/or bystander and the antenna and/or radiating element.  Calculation of e.i.r.p. (effective isotropic radiated power):  conducted output power:        2.9dBm maximum gain of antenna:       5.0dBi maximum e.i.r.p.:          7.9dBm maximum e.i.r.p. in Watts:       0.00617W  Exception limit for conduted output power (or e.i.r.p.), when distance >20cm:    1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (f in MHz) Frequency:            2500MHz Limit:              2.75W   Contains FCC ID: SVZ-TCM515Z
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 28/45 6.3 IC (Industry Canada) Certificate  <To Be Inserted >  6.3.1 IC (Industry Canada) Regulatory Statement  This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) this device may not cause interference, and   (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause unde-sired operation of the device.  Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d'Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  appareils radio exempts de licence.  L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :   (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et   (2)  l'utilisateur de  l'appareil  doit accepter  tout  brouillage  radioélectrique subi,  même  si  le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.”   6.3.2 IC (Industry Canada) RF Expose  This module must not be used within a separation distance of 20cm or less between the user and/or bystander and the antenna and/or radiating element.  Calculation of e.i.r.p. (effective isotropic radiated power):  conducted output power:        2.9dBm maximum gain of antenna:       5.0dBi maximum e.i.r.p.:          7.9dBm maximum e.i.r.p. in Watts:       0.00617W  Exception limit for conduted output power (or e.i.r.p.), when distance >20cm:    1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W Frequency:            2500MHz Limit:              2.75W
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 29/45 Appendix A IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Structure  A.1 IEEE 802.15.4 High Level Frame Structure  TCM  515Z transmits and  receives  radio telegrams in the  2.4  GHz band  according to IEEE 802.15.4  frame  structure.  The  external host  is  responsible for  the  proper decoding  of  re-ceived telegrams and proper encoding of telegrams to be transmitted.  The following information about the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and its implementation in PTM 215ZE and PTM 515Z is given for reference only. Please refer to the applicable documents for detailed information.  Note that the data format is little endian. This means that for multi-byte structures (such as 2 byte, 4 byte or 8 byte fields) the least significant byte (LSB) is transmitted first.   The IEEE 802.15.4 frame structure consists of the following four main parts:   PHY Header  The PHY header indicates to the receiver the start of a transmission and provides in-formation about the length of the transmission. It contains the following fields: o Preamble Pre-defined sequence (4 byte, value 0x00000000) used to adjust the receiver to the transmission of the sender o Start of frame Pre-defined  symbol  (1  byte,  value  0xA7)  identifying  the  start  of  the  actual data frame o Length of Frame 1 byte indicating the combined length of all following fields   MAC Header The MAC header provides detailed information about the frame. It contains the following fields: o Frame control field 2  bytes  to  identify  frame  type,  protocol  version,  addressing  and  security mode  o Sequence number 1 byte sequential number to identify the order of transmitted frames o Address PAN ID and address of source (if present) and destination of the telegram EnOcean  PTM  535Z  and  PTM  215ZE  do  not  use  source  address  and  source PAN ID (the EnOcean ID is part of the payload).     MAC Payload The MAC Payload field contains telegram control, device ID, telegram data and tele-gram security (if present) fields. The MAC Payload field structure depends on telegram type (data or commissioning) and security mode (secure or standard transmission).
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 30/45  MAC Trailer The MAC Trailer contains the Frame Check Sum (FCS) field used to verify the integ-rity of the telegram data.   Figure 16 below summarizes the IEEE 802.15.4 frame structure.     Figure 16: IEEE 802.15.4 frame structure  The content of these fields is described in more detail below.  A.2 PHY Header The IEEE 802.15.4 PHY header consists of the following fields:   Preamble   Start of Frame     Length of Frame fields  The content of the Preamble and Start of Frame fields is fixed for all telegram types sup-ported by EnOcean devices as follows:   Preamble = 0x00000000    Start of Frame = 0xA7    A.2.1 Length of Frame values used by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z  Below  are  reference  values  for  the  Length  of  Frame  field  for  different  type  of  telegrams used by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z:   Secure commissioning telegram (Default for PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z) Length of Frame = 42 bytes (0x2A)   Secure data telegram (Default for PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z) Length of Frame = 24 bytes (0x18)   Standard commissioning telegram (Optional feature for PTM 535Z only) Length of Frame = 17 bytes (0x11)   PTM switch: Standard data telegram (Optional feature for PTM 535Z only) Length of Frame = 15 bytes (0x0F)
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 31/45 A.3 MAC Header The IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Header contains the following fields:   Frame Control Field (2 byte) The Frame Control Field is set to 0x0801 in PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z telegrams in order to identify them as data telegrams with short addresses based on version IEEE 802.15.4-2003   Sequence Number (1 byte) The Sequence Number is an incremental number used to identify the order of tele-grams   Address Field (4 byte in EnOcean implementation) EnOcean devices use short Destination Address (16 Bit) together with the Destina-tion PAN ID (16 Bit). Both are set to 0xFFFF to identify the telegrams as broadcast. Source address and Source PAN ID are not used by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z.  A.4 MAC Payload The IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Payload depends on the telegram type. Appendix B describes the MAC Payload structure used by EnOcean PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z products.   A.5 MAC Trailer The MAC Trailer only contains the Frame Check Sum (FCS) field.   Its length is 2 byte and it is calculated as Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC16) over the entire MAC payload including the Length field of the PHY Header using the following polynomial: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1  TCM 515Z will automatically calculate and append the frame check sum to radio telegrams it is transmitting.   For received radio telegrams, TCM 515Z will calculate the frame check sum and verify data integrity based on that. If the checksum does not match, the received radio telegram will be discarded. Otherwise the received radio telegram will be forwarded to the external host via the ESP3 interface.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 32/45 Appendix B MAC Payload Structure  The MAC Payload depends on the telegram type. This appendix gives examples of MAC pay-load structures used by EnOcean PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z devices.  The following telegram types are used by these devices:   Data telegram   Commissioning telegram  The following security modes are supported by these devices:   Secure (authenticated) communication (using AES128 authentication) Default mode on PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z   Standard communication (without AES128 authentication) Optional mode for PTM 535Z, not available for PTM 215ZE  Standard communication (without AES128 security processing) is supported as an optional feature for PTM 535Z in case shorter payloads are desired for certain applications without requirements for telegram authentication. This mode is not available for PTM 215ZE.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 33/45 B.1 Secure data telegram format (with authentication)  Figure 17 below shows the MAC Payload structure of a secure data telegram with authenti-cation used by PTM 215ZE or PTM 535Z.     Figure 17: MAC Payload structure for authenticated data telegrams  The following fields are used:   Telegram Control (2 bytes)  The default security mode of PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z uses a 4 byte payload signa-ture based on a device-unique key and a 4 byte Sequence Counter.  The Telegram Control field is set to 0x308C for this mode.   Source ID (4 bytes)   The  Source  ID  field  contains  a  4  byte  ID  uniquely  identifying  each  PTM  215ZE  or PTM 535Z device   Sequence Counter (4 bytes)   The Sequence Counter field contains an always incrementing counter. Security  processing  is  based  on  the  combination  of  the  Command  and  Sequence Counter in order to prevent replay attacks (sending the same telegram again)   Command (1 byte) The Command field is a one byte field which identifies the state of the different in-puts  of  PTM  215ZE  or  PTM  535Z.  For  the  encoding  please  see  the  applicable  data manual.   Telegram Signature (4 byte)   The Telegram Signature field is used to validate the telegram authenticity. The tele-gram  signature  is  calculated  based  on  the  telegram  payload  using  AES128  (CBC mode).  In this mode, telegrams contain both a 4 byte sequence counter and a 4 byte signature which  is  calculated  based  on  the  telegrams  payload  (including  the  sequence  counter) and  the  private  key.  The  implementation  is  specified in  RFC3610 and  compatible  with ZigBee systems.  EnOcean  can  provide  upon  request  additional  information  on  how  to  implement  tele-gram validation for PTM 215ZE or PTM 535Z data telegrams.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 34/45 B.2 Secure commissioning telegram format (with authentication)  Figure 18 below shows the MAC payload structure of a secure commissioning telegram used by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z.     Figure 18: MAC Payload structure for secure commissioning telegrams  The following fields are used for secure commissioning telegrams:   Telegram Control (1 byte)   The  Telegram  Control  field  is  set  to  0x0C  to  identify  a  standard  telegram  (secure communication will be established based on the commissioning telegram)   Source ID (4 bytes)   The  Source  ID  field  contains  a  4  byte  ID  uniquely  identifying  each  PTM  215ZE  or PTM 535ZE device   Commissioning Command (1 byte) The Command field is set to 0xE0 by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z   Device Type (1 byte) The Device Type field is set to 0x02 by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z   Device Options (2 bytes) The Device Options field is set to 0xF281 by PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z when operat-ing in AES128 secure mode with authentication.  The Device Options  field  is set to  0xF381 by  PTM 535Z  when  operating in AES128 secure  mode  with  authentication  and  additional  payload  encryption  (optional  fea-ture).   Device-unique Security Key (16 bytes)   PTM 215ZE and PTM 535Z implement a random, device-specific security key which is  generated  as  part  of  the  production  flow.  During  commissioning,  this  key  is transmitted in encrypted format. Contact EnOcean for details.   Security Key Validation (4 bytes)   In  order  to  ensure  correct  reception,  an  additional  4  byte  validation  value  is  pro-vided. Contact EnOcean for details.   Sequence Counter (4 bytes)   The Sequence Counter  is  an  always  incrementing  counter which is used as  part  of the security processing to avoid replay attacks (sending the same telegram again).  Receiving  devices  shall  only  accept  data  telegrams  with  sequence  counter  values higher than that of the last received telegram; therefore the current value needs to be communicated during commissioning.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 35/45 B.3 Standard data telegram format (without authentication)   Figure 19 below shows  the MAC Payload structure of a standard data telegram. This tele-gram type is an optional feature of PTM 535Z.     Figure 19: MAC Payload structure for standard data telegrams  The following fields are used for Standard Data Telegrams:   Telegram Control (1 byte)   The Telegram Control field is set to 0x0C by PTM 535Z to identify a standard data telegram    Source ID (4 bytes)   The Source ID field contains a 4 byte ID uniquely identifying each PTM 535Z device   Command (1 byte) The Command field is a one byte field which identifies the state of the PTM 215ZE button contacts or PTM 535Z input signals. For the encoding please refer to the ap-plicable datasheet.
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 36/45 B.4 Standard commissioning telegram (without authentication) Figure  20  below  shows  the  MAC  payload  structure  of  a  standard  commissioning  telegram used by PTM 535Z.     Figure 20: MAC Payload structure for standard commissioning telegrams  The following fields are used for standard commissioning telegrams:   Telegram Control (1 byte)   The  Telegram  Control  field  is  set  to  0x0C  to  identify  a  standard  telegram  (secure communication will be established based on the commissioning telegram)   Source ID (4 bytes)   The Source ID field contains a 4 byte ID uniquely identifying each PTM 535Z device   Commissioning Command (1 byte) The Commissioning Command field is set to 0xE0 by PTM 535Z   Device Type (1 byte) The Device Type field is set to 0x02 by PTM 535Z   Device Options (1 byte) The Device Options field is set to 0x01 by PTM 535Z
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 37/45 Appendix C  ESP3 Interface Format C.1 Packet Type 0x10: IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet   In receive mode, TCM 515Z forwards the content of received IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegrams (which pass frame check sum validation) unmodified to the external host via the ESP3 in-terface.   The forwarded frame starts with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, contin-ues with the MAC Header and ends with the last Byte of the MAC Payload. The frame check sum (MAC Trailer) will not be forwarded to the host.  In  transmit  mode,  TCM  515Z  receives  from  the  external  host  the  precomputed  message payload starting with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, continuing with the MAC Header and ending with the last Byte of the MAC Payload.  TCM 515Z then calculates the frame check sum (MAC Trailer) based on the received pay-load  and  appends  it  to  the  message.  The  full  frame  (including  the  Preamble  and  Start  of Frame fields) will then be transmitted as IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegram (TX mode).    C.1.1 ESP3 packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets  The MAC frame is embedded as 802.15.4 payload into the ESP3 packet as shown in Figure 21 below.      Figure 21: ESP3 packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets     CRC8D Header CRC8H Optional Data Sync Byte 802.15.4 Payload ESP3 Packet Data Payload
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 38/45 The detailed structure of the IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets is shown in Table 8 below.  IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets are identified by Packet Type 0x10.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0xnnnn Variable length x of raw packet payload 3 1 Optional Length 0x01 1 field fixed 4 1 Packet Type 0x10 Packet Type 0x10: 802.15.4 Raw Packet - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 x Raw data ... ... 802.15.4 Raw Packet payload Optional Data 6+x 1 RSSI 0xnn Send case: FF Receive case: best RSSI value of all received sub telegrams (value decimal without minus) - 7+x 1 CRC8D 0xnn CRC8 Data byte;  Calculated checksum for whole byte groups: DATA and OPTIONAL_DATA  Table 8 – Packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets  C.1.2 RESPONSE for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packets  When  receiving  a  telegram,  no  RESPONSE  has  to  be  sent  from  the  external  host  to  the gateway to acknowledge reception of the telegram via ESP3 interface.   When transmitting a telegram, the gateway will send a RESPOND message to the external host  via  ESP3  interface  to  indicate  the  acceptance  of  the  telegram  for  transmission.  The following return codes are applicable for such a RESPONSE message:   00 RET_OK  02 RET_NOT_SUPPORTED  03 RET_WRONG_PARAM  The  structure  of  the  gateway  RESPONSE  message  to  the  request  for  transmission  of  an IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet is shown in Table 9 below. TCM 515Z will transmit a dedicated message to a connected host if transmission of an accepted telegram subsequently fails.   Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0004 1 byte 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 Packet Type 0x02: RESPONSE - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0xnn 00 / 02 / 03 - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 9 - RESPONSE frame structure to IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet transmission
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 39/45 C.1.3 Failure Indication for IEEE 802.15.4 Raw Packet   TCM 515Z will accept and immediately acknowledge via ESP3 correctly formatted telegrams for radio transmission as described above.   Should transmission subsequently fail due to channel non-availability then this will be sub-sequently indicated to the host using  an ESP3 Event (Packet Type 0x04) with Event Code 07: CO_TRANSMIT_FAILED.  The structure of ESP3 Event messages is shown in Figure 22 below.     Figure 22: ESP3 packet structure for Events  The structure of the CO_TRANSMIT_FAILED Event is shown in Table 10 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. Byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0002 2 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x04 EVENT = 4 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Event Code 0x07 CO_TRANSMIT_FAILED = 7 7 1 Event Cause 0xnn 00 = CSMA failed, channel was never free  01  =  No  Acknowledge  received,  telegram  was transmitted, but no ack received. 02…255 = reserved - 8 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 10 – Structure of Event Code 07: CO_TRANSMIT_FAILED     CRC8DHeaderCRC8HSync ByteOptional Data = 0DataEvent CodeEvent Data(optional)
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 40/45 C.2 Packet Type 0x11: IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND  The packet type IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND is used to set and read parameters of TCM 515Z.  C.2.1 Packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND  The packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND is shown in Figure 23 below.      Figure 23 - Packet structure for IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND  The structure of supported commands and expected responses are described in detail in the following chapters.   C.2.2 List of supported commands  Table 11 below lists the currently supported commands. Code Command Name Description 01 SET_CHANNEL Sets the radio channel used by the gateway 02 GET_CHANNEL Reads the radio channel used by the gateway   Table 11 - List of supported commands     CRC8D Header CRC8H Optional Data Sync Byte Data Command Code Command Data
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 41/45 C.2.3 SET_CHANNEL Command  The  SET_CHANNEL  command  sets  the  radio  channel  used  by  TCM  515Z.  Please  refer  to chapter 2.3 for details about the supported radio channels.  The command structure of the SET_CHANNEL command is shown in Table 12 below.    Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0002 2 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x11 Packet Type 0x11: IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 COMMAND Code 0x01  COMMAND 0x01: SET_CHANNEL 7 1 Channel 11-26 IEEE 802.15.4 radio channel  - 8 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 12 - Command Structure for the SET_CHANNEL command   C.2.4 RESPONSE for SET_CHANNEL Command  The expected RESPONSE code for a SET_CHANNEL command is:   00: RET_OK   The frame structure for a RESPONSE to the SET_CHANNEL command is shown in Table 13 below.   Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0001 1 byte 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 Packet Type 0x02: RESPONSE - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0xnn 00 - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 13 - RESPONSE Frame Structure for SET_CHANNEL command
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 42/45 C.2.5 GET_CHANNEL Command  The GET_CHANNEL command requests information about the radio channel currently used by TCM 515Z. The command structure of the GET_CHANNEL command is shown in Table 14 below.    Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0001 1 byte 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x11 Packet Type 0x11: IEEE 802.15.4 COMMAND - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 COMMAND Code 0x02  COMMAND 0x02: GET_CHANNEL - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 14 - Command structure of the GET_CHANNEL command    C.2.6 RESPONSE for GET_CHANNEL Command  The expected RESPONSE code for a GET_CHANNEL command issued to TCM 515Z is:   00: RET_OK   The currently used radio channel is then encoded in the subsequent byte. The frame struc-ture for a RESPONSE to the GET_CHANNEL command is shown in Table 15 below.   Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0002 2 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 COMMAND 0x02: GET_CHANNEL - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0 OK 7 1 Channel 11..26 Used Channel - 8 1 CRC8D 0xnn    Table 15 - RESPONSE frame structure for GET_CHANNEL command
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 43/45 C.3 Packet Type Common Command  C.3.1 Command Code 0x24: CO_SET_BAUDRATE  The  command  CO_SET_BAUDRATE  modifies  the  baud  rate  of  the  ESP3  interface.  The standard baud rate defined by the ESP3 interface is 57600 Baud. TCM 515Z supports faster baud rates as listed in Table 16 below.   Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0002 2 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x05 COMMON_COMMAND = 0x05 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 COMMAND Code 0x24 CO_SET_BAUDRATE = 0x24 7 1 BAUDRATE 0xnn 0x00 = 57600 BAUD 0x01 = 115200 BAUD 0x02 = 230400 BAUD 0x03 = 460800 BAUD - 8 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 16 - Command structure of the CO_SET_BAUDRATE command  Caution:  Before  using  the  CO_SET_BAUDRATE  command,  make  sure  that  the  host  con-nected via the ESP3 interface supports the intended baud rate! C.3.2 RESPONSE for CO_SET_BAUDRATE Command  Possible RESPONSE codes to a CO_SET_CHANNEL command are:   00: RET_OK  02: RET_NOT_SUPPORTED  The frame structure for a RESPONSE to the CO_SET_CHANNEL command is shown in Table 17 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0001 Data = 1 byte 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 Optional Data = 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 RESPONSE = 2 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0x00 RET_OK - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 17 - RESPONSE frame structure for CO_SET_BAUDRATE command
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 44/45 C.3.3 Command Code 0x25: CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO  The command CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO reports the radio frequency and the communica-tion protocol used by the device. The structure of the command is listed in Table 18 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. Byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0001 1 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x05 COMMON_COMMAND = 5 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 COMMAND Code 0x25 CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO = 37 - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn   Table 18 - Command structure of the CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO command   C.3.4 RESPONSE for CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO Command  Possible RESPONSE codes to a CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO command are:   00: RET_OK  02: RET_NOT_SUPPORTED  The frame  structure  for  a  RESPONSE to the  CO_SET_CHANNEL command on devices that support this command is shown in Table 19 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. Byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0003 3 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 RESPONSE = 2 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0x00 RET_OK = 0 7 1 Frequency 0xnn 0x00 315Mhz 0x01 868.3Mhz 0x02 902.875Mhz 0x03 925 Mhz 0x04 928 Mhz 0x20 2.4 Ghz 8 1 Protocol  0xnn 0x00 ERP1 0x01 ERP2  0x10 802.15.4 0x20 Bluetooth 0x30 Long Range - 9 1 CRC8D 0xnn    Table 19 - RESPONSE frame structure for CO_GET_FREQUENCY_INFO command
 USER MANUAL    TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver   © 2016 EnOcean  |  www.enocean.com     F-710-017, V1.0        TCM 515Z User Manual  | v1.5 | June 2017 |  Page 45/45 C.3.5 Command Code 37: CO_GET_STEPCODE  The command CO_GET_STEPCODE reports the device revision. The Stepcode is expressed as combination as major revision (DA, DB, DC, …) and minor revision (01, 02, 03, …). The structure of the command is listed in Table 20 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. Byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x0001 1 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x05 COMMON_COMMAND = 5 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 COMMAND Code 0x27 CO_GET_STEPCODE  = 39 - 7 1 CRC8D 0xnn    Table 20 - Command structure of the CO_GET_STEPCODE command   C.3.6 RESPONSE for CO_GET_STEPCODE Command  Possible RESPONSE codes to a CO_GET_STEPCODE command are:   00: RET_OK  02: RET_NOT_SUPPORTED  The frame structure for a RESPONSE to the CO_GET_STEPCODE command on devices that support this command is shown in Table 21 below.  Group Offset Size Field Value hex Description - 0 1 Sync. Byte 0x55   Header 1 2 Data Length 0x00023 3 bytes 3 1 Optional Length 0x00 0 byte 4 1 Packet Type 0x02 RESPONSE = 2 - 5 1 CRC8H 0xnn  Data 6 1 Return Code 0x00 RET_OK = 0 7 1 Major Revision 0xnn e.g. 0xDA, 0xDB …  8 1 Minor Revision 0xnn e.g. 0x01, 0x02 … - 9 1 CRC8D 0xnn     Table 21 - RESPONSE frame structure for CO_GET_STEPCODE command

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