Ericsson 0130102-BV Fixed Cellular Terminal User Manual Exhibit 8

Ericsson AB Fixed Cellular Terminal Exhibit 8

Exhibit 8 User Manual

User guideF250m terminalFixed Cellular Terminal for PBX applications
ContentF250m....................................................................... 7SUPPLIED PARTS................................................... 8EXTERNAL CONNECTORS AND LIGHTINDICATORS........................................................... 8SIM CARD............................................................... 9CONNECTIONS ...................................................... 10Installing the FCT as a telephone line..................... 10Installing an FCT connected to a PBX.................... 11Preparing your FCT.................................................. 12Installing the FCT on the wall................................. 14Connecting fixed line devices.................................. 16USING TELEPHONES............................................ 18USING CLI DISPLAYS........................................... 19USING PBX ............................................................. 20ADVANCED FEATURES ....................................... 21Changing volume...................................................... 21Diverting calls (call forward)................................... 21Restricting calls (call barring).................................. 23More than one call (call wait, call hold, call transfer, multiparty call) ........................................... 25Phonebook (abbreviated dialing) ............................. 27Voice mail................................................................. 28Sending tone signals................................................. 28
Controlling call time (minute minder)..................... 28Emergency number (hot line)................................... 28Two voice lines (alternate line service) ................... 29SIM card security ..................................................... 30TROUBLESHOOTING AND FCT INDICATORS 32Light indicators......................................................... 32Audible tones............................................................ 35TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................... 36FCT ACCESSORIES ............................................... 38ISDN Adapter FI12 .................................................. 38Display Adapter DA20............................................. 38Antennas ................................................................... 39Power supply ............................................................ 39SAFE AND EFFICIENT USE................................. 40Product care.............................................................. 40Antenna care............................................................. 40Radio frequency energy............................................ 41Electronic devices..................................................... 41Potentially explosive atmospheres ........................... 41Power supply ............................................................ 42Children .................................................................... 42Disposing of the product.......................................... 42Battery information................................................... 42Disposing of the battery ........................................... 43
Moving or storing the FCT...................................... 43Accessing the battery compartment ......................... 43LIMITED WARRANTY .......................................... 44Limited Warranty Conditions................................... 44Ericsson Warranty..................................................... 44What Ericsson will do.............................................. 44Conditions................................................................. 44REGULATORY INFORMATION ........................... 46DEFINITIONS.......................................................... 47
Ericsson F250mFirst edition, April 2002This manual has been published by Ericsson España, S.A.Bilbao Technology Centre, without any warranty.Improvements and changes to this manual needed bytypographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may bemade by Ericsson España, S.A. at any time and withoutnotice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated intonew editions of the manual.All rights reserved© Ericsson España, S.A. Bilbao Technology Centre, 2001Publication number: EN/LZT 123 7036 R1BImportant information: Some of the services describedin this guide might not be supported by all networks.Please, contact your network operator for information on different network services operational in your GSM network.
F250mThe F250m is a cost saving solution for small andmedium-size enterprises.Connected to a PBX, the F250m can route outgoingcalls to mobile phones through the GSM network. Asa result, you can benefit from the Least Cost Routing(LCR) capabilities offered by most PBX vendors foran optimal use of your telephone expenses.The F250m is compatible with most analogue PBXson the market and with most of the available 2B+DISDN (BR) digital output trunks, via the ISDN FI12adapter.From an end-user point of view no difference will beperceived with the fixed line during thecommunication process since the voice qualityachieved will perfectly emulate a fixed-linetransmission as a result of the Enhanced Full Rate(EFR) speech codec.The terminal allows automatic network searchingbetween GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900frequencies, ensuring world wide coverage in theGSM network.The terminal offers a broad range of GSM speechservices such as:• Prepaid Subscription• Calling Line Identification according to ETSI andBellcore standards• Hook-flash functionality for GSM supplementaryservices such as Call Waiting, MultipartyConference Calls and more (all depending on theGSM network provision)The Terminal provides a built-in SMS supervisionfunction that allows remote control and supervision ofthe unit.F250m 7
Supplied partsAfter unpacking, please check that the following partsare included:8 Supplied parts / External connectors and light indicatorsExternal connectors and light indicatorsAntennaGSM FCTCableUser guideBattery cable5 m phone clableScrewsAC power supplyWall bracket– Display Adapter DA20 (optional)– Battery holder (optional)Antenna connectorPower connectorGSM radioindicator(green led)Power indicator (red led)Telephone interfaceMaintenance connectorSIM card holder
SIM card 9SIM cardYour network operator provides you with a SIM(Subscriber Identity Module) card. The SIM cardcontains information about your telephone numberand the services included in your subscription, amongother things.Warning!: the FCT has to be switched off beforeinserting or removing your SIM card.
10 ConnectionsConnectionsWarning!: please, before you start any connectionsrefer to section “Safe and Efficient Use” on page 40in this guide and contact your network operator ifyou have any questions.Warning!: to get a good FCT protection againstelectrical discharges and the best audio quality, a good grounding of the power supply is stronglyrecommended.Installing the FCT as a telephone lineThe FCT is designed to provide a telephone line(RJ11 connector) to which up to 3 Fixed Line devicescan be connected in parallel. The FCT provides asingle telephone line, which means that only onecommunication can take place simultaneously, in thesame way as the ordinary fixed line.Note: you may be able to connect up to 3 telephonedevices depending on their characteristics. See “RingBack Test” on page 17.Warning!: in order to avoid GSM interferences(noise), place the FCT at least 3 meters (horizontal)away from electronic devices, including thetelephone equipment connected to the FCT, or otherhousehold electronic devices such as televisions orradio receivers. The difference in height should beat least 2 meters (vertical). This is not necessary ifyou use telephone devices that fulfil the ImmunityCharacteristics settled by the IEC CISPR-24standard. In this case, a minimum security distanceof 20 cm is recommended.
Connections 11Installing an FCT connected to a PBXThe FCT is designed to provide a telephone line(RJ11 connector) that behaves in the same way as ananalog trunk.Generic requirementsThe PBX should meet the following genericrequirements for FCT connectivity:• The PBX must provide analog trunks. Otherwise,the ISDN FI12 adapter accessory will be necessary.See FCT accessories on page 38).• One position of the trunk must be assigned to eachFCT terminal.• The trunk card must support either Busy ToneDetection (BTD) or Polarity Reversal Detection onanswer and release.• The PBX can be programmed to utilize Least CostRouting (LCR), if available, to automatically choosethe FCT trunk when suitable.• If the PBX does not offer LCR, choose the FCTtrunk manually with a special dialed prefix.The F251m terminal is compatible with most analogPBXs on the market and with most of the available2B+D ISDN digital output trunks, via its accessoryISDN FI12 adapter. See FCT accessories on page 38.FCT connectivity to the analogue trunk of the PBXFCT connectivity to the ISDN 2B+D trunk of the PBXTo carry out a correct FCT installation in a PBX,please follow the FCT installation instructions(Preparing your FCT and Installing the FCT on thewall) and then refer to Using PBX on page 20.GSM NetworkFCTsFI12FI12PBX(LCR) telephone line
12 ConnectionsNote: a minimum distance of 3 meters between theFCT and the PBX is recommended. The cabledistance between the PBX and the FCT should notexceed 600 meters, and the connection cable shouldbe at least 0,4 mm2.Warning!: if you install more than one FCT to aPBX, their antennas have to be separated by 20 cmin height or 2 meters in horizontal.Preparing your FCTYou need to follow these steps before you install theFCT on the wall and make all definitive connections.Warning!: the FCT should be switched off beforeinserting or removing your SIM card or connectingany devices to the FCT.Assembly1. Connect the antenna2. Remove the front cover. Open the SIM card holderand place the SIM in the right position.3. Close the SIM card holder and place the frontcover back in the previous position.
Connections 13Connect a telephone to the FCTConnect a fixed telephone to the FCT telephone line.Note: you will use this telephone to dial the PIN.Switch on the FCTConnect the power supply. The FCT switches onautomatically and the green and red light indicatorsstart flashing.Enter PINMost SIM cards are protected with a PIN (PersonalIdentity Number), which you get from your networkoperator and which you need in order to access thenetwork.If the SIM card is not protected by a PIN code, thenyou do not need to enter the PIN. The FCT starts thenetwork search automatically.If the SIM card is protected by the PIN code, then thegreen and red lights will flash simultaneously.Note: if you have the DA20 display adapteraccessory (See “FCT accessories” on page 39), an“ENTER PIN” message will show on your display.Please follow these steps to enter the PIN:• Pick up the telephone and dial the PIN code. Pressthe # key on your telephone or wait until you hear abeep tone.• If you make a mistake while entering your PIN,hang up the telephone immediately and try again.If the PIN is correct, you will hear a beep over thetelephone (positive indication tone). If it is incorrect,a deep tone will sound (error indication tone).If the PIN is entered incorrectly three times, the SIMcard will be blocked. If this happens, you canunblock it by using the PUK (Personal UnblockingKey), which you also get from your network operator.See SIM Card Security on page 30.
14 ConnectionsNote: once you have entered the PIN code for thefirst time, you will not have to enter it again unlessyou change your SIM card. The FCT performs thisoperation automatically in case of power failure.Network searchAfter you have switched on your FCT and entered thePIN, the FCT automatically searches for a network.Note: if the red light is off, there is a problem withthe power supply. See “Troubleshooting and FCTindicators” on page 32.When a network is found, the green light switches onor flashes depending on the GSM signal strength. See“Light Indicators on page” 32.Note: if the green light is off, you do not have accessto the GSM network at your present location.Now you have prepared the FCT for wall installation.Please, follow the instructions below for completewall installation.Installing the FCT on the wallFCT LocationThe GSM signal strength available at the FCTlocation affects the performance of the unit. Thestronger the GSM signal, the better the FCTperformance.Tip: test several potential locations by moving theFCT while looking at the green light . Select thelocation where the green light is steady, or thelocation with the highest amount of flashes.Note: moving the FCT as little as 20 cm can affectthe GSM reception quality.Location TestingNumber of Green Light flashes Location status0                                          Unacceptable1           -            -            -      Acceptable2          - -          - -          - -     Good3         - - -        - - -        - - -    Very goodSteady ------------------------------- Excellent
Connections 15Please consider the following recommendations:• Always select an indoor location, preferably closeto a window and the roof. Generally, you willexperience better GSM signal strength in theseplaces.• Do not install the FCT in a bathroom, a wet ordamp basement or an outdoor location.• Do not install the FCT on walls or rooms thatcontain large amounts of metal, steel or wiring.• Do not expose the FCT to extreme temperatures(near radiators, cooling vents, etc).If you experience poor reception quality, an outdoorantenna may result in improvement. See FCTaccessories on page 38.Wall mountingPlease proceed as indicated in the following picture.1) Fix the wall-mounting bracket on the wall2) Insert the FCT in the wall-mounting bracket
16 Connections3) Shift the FCT downWarning!: once you have fixed the FCT to the walland switched it on, check the final status of the redand green lights. If either one is off, there is aproblem with the power supply or the GSM signal.See “Troubleshooting and FCT indicators” on page 32.Now the FCT is ready for connecting devices andmaking calls.Note: if you want to remove the FCT from the wallbracket, then you have to press the flap (step 1) asindicated in the following picture and then shift theFCT upwards (step 2).Connecting fixed line devicesConnect the fixed line devices to the FCT (telephoneline connector) with telephone wire in the same wayas with an analog telephone line.Fixed line devices are connected in parallel. You canconnect the devices directly to the FCT telephone lineconnector (RJ11) or make an internal telephonewiring, use RJ11 splitters or similar connectors.
Connections 17Note: when making the connections, the two-wiretelephone cable polarity does not affect at all.Tip: if your house or company is already wired withtelephone cable, you only need to connect the cableto the FCT RJ11 connector and your telephone linewill be up and running in all rooms.Note: it is strongly recommended that the telephonewire is installed indoors in order to avoid lightningdamage.Note: the telephone wire should not exceed 600meters. Larger distances can be achieved by usinghigh quality telephone wire.Checking connectionsOnce the fixed line devices (1 up to 3) have beenconnected, make the “Ring Back Test” as follows inorder to check the connections:• Lift one telephone and dial **#10#. You will hear abeep tone (the FCT red and green lights will startflashing - three flashes synchronized).• Hang up the telephone and check if all theconnected telephones start ringing.• Lift any of the telephones connected and then hangit up again. The ringing will stop (the red and greenlights will go to normal operation mode).Tip: if any of the telephones has not been ringing,check your telephone cable layout and connections tomake sure that all devices are properly connected.Checking the calls qualityUse any of the telephones connected to the FCT tomake a call. Check the speech quality and ask thereceiver to call you back to confirm that you can alsoreceive calls.If you have problems, see Troubleshooting and FCTindicators on page 32.
18 Using telephonesUsing telephonesFixed telephones connected to the FCT telephone linework in the same way as if they were connected to afixed network.Warning!: you will not be able to make or receivedata or fax calls while a speech call is ongoing.Note: you can also benefit from some FCTfunctionality that you do not usually have on yourfixed network. See Advanced features on page 21.You can find detailed information about the tones thatthe FCT sends on Audible tones page 35.
Using CLI displays 19Using CLI displaysDevices that display the incoming number (telephoneswith display, external displays, etc.) can be directlyconnected to the FCT line interface in the same wayas an ordinary telephone. If your subscription includesthe Calling Line Identification (CLI) service and thecaller´s network sends the number, the FCT will sendthe caller´s number towards your CLI display.In general, your FCT will be programmed (accordingto your country specifications) to send the CLIinformation with the right standard so that your CLIdevice works properly.Refer to your CLI telephone or display user guide forfurther explanations on your CLI indications.Tip: if you run the Ring Back Test on page 17 (lift the telephone, dial **#10# and hang up), you cancheck if the following number “1234567890” appearson your CLI display. If it does not, the FCT is notusing the right standard.If you experience that your CLI device is notshowing the calling numbers, you may need tochange the FCT settings.This is done by dialing one of the followingsequences, depending on the CLI standard that yourCLI device supports (check its user guide).CLI standard Dialing sequenceETSI DTMF **0002*1#ETSI V.23 **0002*2#Bellcore **0002*3#Tip: if you cannot figure out which CLI standard touse, try all three sequences, following each of themby a Ring Back Test. The CLI standard whose RingBack Test prints a “1234567890” on your display willbe the correct one.In order to disable the CLI Display functionality andtherefore stop viewing calling numbers, dial**0002*0# from a DTMF (Pulses) telephoneconnected to the FCT.Tip: if you do not want your telephone number toappear at the caller’s location, you can dial #31#before the phone number you are going to call (B-number); in other words, dial #31#B-Number.To find out about the DA20 accessory display, pleasecheck FCT accessories on page 38.
Using PBXFor a PBX connection, first, you should:• Check that the PBX fulfills the requirements forFCT connectivity. See Installing an FCT connectedto a PBX on page 10.• Follow all FCT installation steps specified inPreparing your FCT on page 12 and Installing theFCT on the wall on page 14.Warning!: the PBX may require specificprogramming; both, programmation and installationshould be done by specialized service personnel.If you are using an analog PBX - Disconnect thetelephone you have used for testing purposes andconnect the cable from the chosen analog trunk of thePBX to the FCT telephone line.If you are using a 2B+D ISDN digital PBX -Disconnect the telephone you have used for testingpurposes and follow the instructions in the FI12installation guide. See FCT accessories on page 38).If you are using a Least Cost Routing (LCR)programmed PBX, check your PBX programmingguide to see how to program your PBX to makecertain calls through the FCT trunk. Once LCR isprogrammed, make a call to a mobile telephonenumber. See if the call is established through the FCTand also check the speech quality. Ask the personwho answers to call you back to confirm that theinstalled FCT can receive calls properly.If the PBX does not offer the LCR option, choose theFCT trunk manually with a specific prefix. Check theinstallation in the same way as before.If you encounter problems, please contact yourdistributor or network operator.20 Using PBX
Advanced features 21Advanced featuresIf a DTMF telephone is connected to the FCT, thefollowing features can be accessed.Changing volumeDuring a call, you can increase or decrease thereception volume level.• Increase volume: dial R####• Decrease volume: dial R****Diverting calls (call forward)You can divert incoming calls to another phonenumber when you are unable to answer.The following table shows the divert alternatives aswell as the way to proceed to manage this function.Warning!: these dialing sequences may varydepending on your network operator. If these do notwork, please consult your network operator or checkthe user guide provided with your subscription.
To manage diversion of calls … With Function … Dial … You will hear…Activate **21*Phone_number# 1 beepAlways Deactivate ##21# 3 beepsCheck status *#21# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate **67*Phone_number# 1 beepWhen busy Deactivate ##67# 3 beepsCheck status *#67# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate **61*Phone_number# 1 beepWhen no answer Deactivate ##61# 3 beepsCheck status *#61# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate **62*Phone_number# 1 beepWhen out of reach Deactivate ##62# 3 beepsCheck status *#62# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedAll Deactivate ##002# 3 beepsNote: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activationor deactivation.22 Advanced features
Advanced features 23Restricting calls (call barring)You can restrict certain types of calls that can bemade or received. You need a password to turn a callrestriction on or off. Initially, this password will be0000.We recommend you to change it by dialing:**03**OLD_PASSWORD*NEW_PASSWORD*NEW_PASSWORD#The following table shows the restriction alternativesas well as the way to proceed to manage thisfunction.Warning!: these dialing sequences may varydepending on your network operator. If these do notwork, please consult your network operator or checkthe user guide provided with your subscription.
24 Advanced featuresTo manage restriction of calls … With Function … Dial … You will hear…Activate *33*Password# 1 beepAll outgoing calls Deactivate #33*Password# 3 beepsCheck status *#33# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate *331*Password# 1 beepAll outgoing international calls Deactivate #331*Password# 3 beepsCheck status *#331# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate *332*Password# 1 beepDeactivate #332*Password# 3 beepsCheck status *#332# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate *35*Password# 1 beepAll incoming calls Deactivate #35*Password# 3 beepsCheck status *#35# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedActivate *351*Password# 1 beepDeactivate #351*Password# 3 beepsCheck status *#351# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedAll Deactivate #330*Password# 3 beepsAll outgoing international callsexcept your home countryAll incoming calls when you are abroad
Advanced features 25Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deeptone, this means that there has been an error in theactivation or deactivation.More than one call (call wait, call hold, call transfer, multiparty call)You can handle more than one call simultaneously.For example, you can put an ongoing call on hold,while you make or answer a second call, and thenswitch between the two calls.You can also set up a conference call to have a jointconversation with up to four people.Call waiting serviceIf you wish to be able to receive a second call whileanother call is in progress, you must turn on the callwaiting service.Note: if you are engaged in a fax or a data call, anyother incoming calls are rejected.Warning!: these dialing sequences may varydepending on your network operator. If these do notwork, please consult your network operator or checkthe user guide provided with your subscription.To manageCall waiting   Dial… You will hear…Function…Activate *43# 1 beepDeactivate #43# 3 beepsCheck status *#43# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedNote: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deeptone, this means that there has been an error in theactivation or deactivation.Making a second callYou can only put one call on hold while you make asecond call.• To hold the active call: press the Rkey on yourtelephone and proceed to make the second call.• To switch between the two calls, press R2.• To finish the active call and return to the held call,press R1.Receiving a second callIf the call waiting service is on, you hear a tone inthe telephone when you receive a second call.
• To ignore the waiting call, take no action.• To continue with the ongoing call and reject thewaiting call (give a User Busy indication tone to thewaiting call): press R0.• To end the ongoing call and answer the waitingcall: press R1.Note: if you hang up the telephone, you will also endthe ongoing call and the telephone will ring again sothat you can answer the waiting call as a normal call.• To put the ongoing call on hold and answer thewaiting call : press R2. You can switch againbetween both calls by pressing R2 each time.Note: if “divert when busy” is on, the waiting call isdiverted to the number you have specified.Conference calls (multiparty)In a conference call, you can have a jointconversation with up to four other people.To create a conference call:• If you are in conversation with call 1, put it on hold(press R), and dial call 2.• To join the two calls into a conference call: press R3. Now you have a conference group ofthree people (call 1, call 2 and yourself).To add a new call (call 3):• Put the conference group on hold (press R) and dialcall 3.• Join the new call to the conference group: press R3.Now you have a conference group of four people(call 1, call 2, call 3 and yourself).To end the conference call, hang up the telephone. To release a specific call from the conference group:press R1X (where X is the number of order of thecall).To choose one call from the multiparty in order tohave a private communication, putting the rest of theconference calls on hold: press R2X (where X is thenumber of order of the call you want to communicatewith).Explicit call transferTo transfer a call to another B-number:• Put the ongoing call on hold (press R) and dial theB-number.• Now you can connect this new call, which isongoing, with the call you have put on hold, butabandon the conversation yourself. To do this, pressR4.26 Advanced features
Advanced features 27Phonebook (abbreviated dialing)You can store telephone numbers in either the SIM card memory or the FCT memory. Up to 99 telephonenumbers can be stored in each of them.The following table shows how to manage the phonebook with the 99 memory positions (Pos).Warning!: Pos has to have always two digits. For example, memory position number 1 has Pos=01To manage the  With Function … Dial … You will hear…phonebook in …Store **51*Pos*Phone_number# 1 beepDelete #51*Pos# 3 beepsSIM card memory Check position *#51*Pos*Phone_number# 1 beep if memorized3 beeps if not memorizedDial Pos# Dialing …Store **51*Pos*Phone_number*1# 1 beepDelete #51*Pos*1# 3 beepsFCT memory Check position *#51*Pos*Phone_number*1# 1 beep if memorized3 beeps if not memorizedDial Pos* Dialing …Note: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activationor deactivation.
Voice mailThe answering service of your network allows callersto leave a voice message when you cannot answeryour calls.If you have voice mail, you will hear 3 beeps beforethe dial tone, as soon as you pick up the receiver tomake a call.Note: if you have the DA20 display adapteraccessory (See “FCT accessories” on page 38), a aicon will show when you have voice mail.Call your voice mail number in order to receive thevoice mail message.Sending tone signalsDuring a call, you can press keys 0-9, * and # toperform banking by phone or other interactiveservices, or control an answering machine.Controlling call time (minute minder)If the minute minder is activated, you hear a beeponce every minute during a call as a reminder of theduration of the ongoing call.To manage minute  Dial… You will hear…minder function…Activate **42# 1 beepDeactivate #42# 3 beepsCheck status *#42# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedNote: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deeptone, this means that there has been an error in theactivation or deactivation.Emergency number (hot line)With the hot line service, you can program the FCTto automatically dial a number (emergency or anotherone) within a few seconds (timer) after the telephonereceiver is lifted.28 Advanced features
Advanced features 29To manage the hot line … Dial … You will hear…Activate **53*Phone_number**timer# 1 beepDeactivate #53# 3 beepsservice *#53# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedservice and *#53*Phone_number# 1 beep if activatedCheck status for… phone number 3 beeps if deactivatedservice, phone  *#53*Phone_number**timer# 1 beep if activatednumber and timer 3 beeps if deactivatedNote: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deep tone, this means that there has been an error in the activationor deactivation.Two voice lines (alternate line service)If your SIM card supports the alternate line service, your FCT has two voice lines with different phonenumbers, separate bills and perhaps different subscription services.With this functionality, you can have only one FCT and telephone for both your personal and work phone, forinstance. If necessary, you may switch from one line to the other.You will receive all the incoming calls addressed to any of your numbers independently of the selected line, butyour outgoing calls will be charged to the line you have selected (1 or 2).Warning!: these dialing sequences may vary depending on your network operator. If these do not work,please consult your network operator or check the user guide provided with your subscription.
30 Advanced featuresTo manage alternate line  Dial … You will hear…service function…Activate Line 1 **591# 1 beepActivate Line 2 **592# 1 beepCheck status Line 1 *#591# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedCheck status Line 2 *#592# 1 beep if activated3 beeps if deactivatedNote: if instead of hearing beeps you hear a deeptone, this means that there has been an error in theactivation or deactivation.SIM card securityTo manage your SIM cardMost SIM cards are locked at the time of purchase. If the SIM card lock is on, you have to enter yourPIN (Personal Identity Number) the first time you useyour FCT. See Enter PIN on page 13.Note: once you have entered the PIN code for thefirst time you will not have to enter it again unlessyou change your SIM card. The FCT performs thisoperation automatically in case of power failure.If you enter your PIN incorrectly three times in arow, the SIM card will be blocked.Note: if you have the DA20 display adapter accessorydisplay (See “FCT accessories” on page 38), an“ENTER PUK” message will show on your displayindicating that your SIM card is blocked.To unblock your SIM cardTo unblock your SIM card, you need to enter yourPUK (Personal Unblocking Key), which is suppliedby your network operator.The procedure to enter the PUK is exactly the sameas for entering the PIN.Note: if you enter the wrong PUK ten times in a row,your card will be permanently blocked. If thishappens, you should contact your network operator.To change your PINYour can change the PIN in the SIM card by dialingfrom the fixed line telephone connected to the FCTthe following sequence:**04*OLD_PIN*NEW_PIN*NEW_PIN#
Advanced features 31To unblock your SIM card while changing your PINIn order to unblock your SIM card and change thePIN at the same time, please dial the followingsequence:**05*PUK*NEW_PIN*NEW_PIN#
Troubleshooting and FCT indicatorsThis chapter describes the procedures to identify and,if possible, correct problems that might occur withthe FCT or its installation. Some problems requirethat you call your network operator, but mostproblems you encounter you can easily correctyourself.Light indicatorsThe FCT has two light indicators: red and green.The green light indicates the network signal strength,according to the following table:Number of green Network signal strengthlight flashes0 Unacceptable (no networks)1    -       -       -   Acceptable2   - -     - -     - -  Good3  - - -   - - -   - - - Very goodSteady--------------- ExcellentNote: if you have the DA20 accessory display(See “FCT accessories” on page 38), a “NO NETWORKS” message will show on yourdisplay when no network is available. If anothernetwork to which your SIM card is locked isavailable, the message “EMERGENCY ONLY” willappear instead, indicating that you will be able tomake emergency calls only.The red light indicates the FCT power supply situation:Red light Power supply situationON----------- FCT power supply is onFlashing- - - FCT is powered from battery back-upOFF FCT power is off (FCT switched off)When both red and green lights are flashingsimultaneously, it means that the FCT is underalarm conditions. In this situation, ONLYEMERGENCY CALLS can be made.Depending on the number of flashes, the table showsthe type of alarms that may be happening.Note: if you have the DA20 accessory display (See“FCT accessories” on page 38), the specific alarmstatus message will show on your display.32 Troubleshooting and FCT indicators
Troubleshooting and FCT indicators 33The following table summarizes the different operating status of your FCT depending on the light indicators,and what to do if a problem is encountered.If the problem persists, please contact your distributor or network operator.Alarm statusENTER PINENTER PUKINSERT SIMSIM ERRORWRONG NETWORKWRONG SUBNETWORKWRONG SIMFCT LOCKEDWRONG XXXCK(whereXXXis the name of thespecific password)FCT FAILURESimultaneous flashing1 flash synchronizedRed   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -Green -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -2 flashes synchronizedRed    - -   - -   - -   - -Green - -   - -   - -   - -3 flashes synchronizedRed    --- --- --- ---Green --- --- --- ---Do this …Insert the correct PIN. See Enter PIN on page 13.Insert the correct PUK. See Enter PUK on page 13.Insert the SIM card in the FCT.The SIM is failing. Check the SIM or contact your network operator.The FCT is SIM-locked to a specific network and the inserted SIMcard does not correspond to this network. Check the SIM or contactyour network operator.The FCT is PIN-locked and can only be used with one SIM card.Introduce the original SIM or contact your network operator.The FCT lock function is enabled. Contact your distributor ornetwork operator.The FCT is blocked due to wrong security password introduction.Contact your distributor or network operator.Check connections of the FCT or contact your distributor or networkoperator.Pick up your telephone in order to end the ring-back test.
34 Troubleshooting and FCT indicatorsIf you see…Red light ONGreen light ON or flashingBoth lights OFFRed light ONGreen light OFFRed light FlashingGreen light ON or flashing(not simultaneously)Red light FlashingGreen light Flashing(simultaneously)It means…• AC power is ON• The FCT is connected to cellularnetwork and available for useNormal operation mode• AC Power is OFF• AC Power is ON• The FCT is not connected to thecellular network and is notavailable for use• AC power is OFF. The FCT isoperating using the batteryback-up power•The FCT is connected to thecellular network and availablefor use• Alarm status• The FCT is blocked or it has aninternal faultDo this…• Start using your FCT.• If Green light is flashing, see FCT location on page 14.• If you are unable to make a call, check the telephonecable connection or the PBX connections and program.• Verify that the AC power plug is securely connected tothe AC power outlet.• Check that the DC power cord is connected to the FCT.• Check the circuit breaker or fuse for the AC electricalcircuit that supplies power to the AC outlet in the FCTpower supply.• Verify that the antenna is properly installed.• Verify you have installed the FCT in the best location(see FCT location on page 14).• Verify that the AC power cords is securely connected tothe AC power outlet.• Check that the DC power cords is connected to the FCT.• Check the circuit breaker or fuse for the AC electricalcircuit that supplies power to the AC outlet in the FCTpower supply.• If green light is flashing, see FCT location on page 14.• Check the alarm status table above• Contact your distributor or network operator forassistance.Light indicators status
Troubleshooting and FCT indicators 35Audible tonesThe FCT generates audible tones in your telephone set, thus providing the same service characteristics as theone given by the traditional fixed network.The following table describes the nature of the main tones you will get when using the unit. Other standard callprogress tones, such as busy tone, number obtainable or ring back tone, are provided directly by the network.Note: some tones can vary depending on your network operator.Tone123456789NameDialSpecial dialNo serviceHowlerMinute minderVoice Mail alertPositiveNegativeErrorNatureRegular tone when picking up thephoneIntermittent long-cadenced tonewhen picking up the phoneIntermittent short-cadenced tonewhen picking up the phoneLoud and acute toneOne beep every minute while inconversationWhen picking up the phone, threebeeps and then regular dial toneOne beepThree beepsOne deep toneIt means...The phone is in service and you can start your call.The phone is in service and you can start your call, but youhave some subscriber service (call forward, barring or hotline) activated.No service available.Check Light indicators on page 8.You have left the handset lifted for too long without any callin progress.It informs you about how long the call is being in progress.You have a voice mail in your voice mailbox. You need to callyour mailbox to retrieve it. See Voice mail on page 28.Subscriber service successfully activate or positiveindication when interrogation.Negative indication when interrogation.Subscriber service not activated or programming procedurenot successfully performed.
Technical specificationsGSM AIR INTERFACEFrequency bands: Triple-Band E-GSM 900, GSM1800 and GSM 1900E-GSM 900Frequencies: TX 880-915 MHz, RX 925-960 MHzRF power: Maximum 2W (33 dBm), Power class 4GSM 1800Frequencies: TX 1710-1785 MHz, RX 1805-1880 MHzRF power: Maximum 1W (30 dBm), Power class 1GSM 1900Frequencies: TX 1850-1910 MHz, RX 1930-1990 MHzRF power: Maximum 1W (30 dBm), Power class 1Speech codecs: Full Rate, Enhanced Full Rate andHalf RateFCT INTERFACES• Telephone: RJ11 (a/b 2-wire line); POTS interface• GSM antenna: SMA plug-female (50 W)• SIM card: Small plug-in card, 3V or 5V type• Input Vdc: 7.5 Vdc (±0.4); 0.8 A (jack: EIAJ RC-5320A class 4, male)TELEPHONE INTERFACE (POTS)• Telephone: Speech• CLI: ETSI DTMF and V.23; Bellcore FSK• Line impedance: 600 ohm (default)• Loop current: 25 mA (off-hook)• Open loop voltage: 48 V (on-hook)• Loop resistance: < 650 ohm (off-hook)• Ringing voltage: 45 Vrms• Ring load: 3 REN; up to 3 telephone devices• Call Control signalling: polarity reversal and loop-breakANTENNA (included)• Frequency bands: Triple-Band E-GSM 900, GSM1800 and GSM 1900• Characteristics: Omnidirectional36 Technical specifications
Technical specifications 37POWER SUPPLY (included)• AC Input: 100 - 240 Vac; 47 - 63 Hz 3 pole ACinlet connector (IEC 320 power inlet)• Available plugs: EU, UK, USA, and AUENVIRONMENTAL• Operating temperature: -10 °C to +55 °C• Operating humidity: 20 - 75 %• Storage temperature: -40 °C to +85 °C• Storage humidity: 5 - 95%ACCESSORIES• DA20 Display: CLI, SMS receiving and other FCTservices• Battery: Rechargeable 6 Vdc 1.2/1.3 Ah Lead-acidbattery• External antennas: Outdoor omnidirectional anddirectional• DC Power supply: Input: 12-24 Vdc; Output: 7.5Vdc• FI12: ISDNPRODUCT PRESENTATION• Basic kit: F250m business, power supply, line cable,wall-mount bracket, internal antenna, user guide• FCT size: Height 148 mm, Width 165 mm, Depth45 mm• FCT seight: 300 grams
38 FCT accessoriesFCT accessoriesThe F200 series terminals benefit from a wide rangeof accessories, which ensure the best and easiest wayto install, serve and maintain the terminals, enhancingtheir functionality.Only these approved-by-Ericsson accessories willguarantee the quality and performance of the terminals.ISDN Adapter FI12The FI12 Adapter has been specifically designed toprovide a direct interface between the FCT telephoneline (F250m, F251m, F2412m and F271m models) anda PBX with basic access (BA), 2B+D ISDN trunk lines.The FI12 Adapter behaves in the same way as an ISDNNetwork Termination in a point-to-point configurationand provides two analog speech channels, each ofwhich is linked to an FCT via the analog trunk.FI12 Specifications:• Protocol layers: ISDN-BA S/T Europe DSS1interface via RJ45 socket according to protocollayers 1, 2 and 3.• S/T interface: only works in point-to-pointconfiguration (FI12-PBX).• S/T interface feeding voltage: not provided by theadapter.• Speech calls: 2 simultaneous speech calls availability.• FI12 interfaces: 2 analog ports for FCT connection// 1RJ45 connector for PBX connection // 1RS232port for configuration and maintenance purposes //7.5 VDC, EIAJ Standard rc-5320 CLASS 4 powerconnector.• Reset button.• One red LED indicating AC power.• Two green LEDs indicating calls in progress andthe channel in use.• Environmental range: -10 °C to +55 °C; RH 85% at+50 °C.FI12 features:• CLIP (Call Line Identification Protocol).• FI12 Size: Height 132 mm, width 99 mm, depth 34 mm• FI12 Weight: 208 gramsAccesory display DA20The FCT display -DA20- is easy to install: simplyplug it in into the telephone line in the most suitableplace and you will benefit from the following features:
FCT accessories 39• FCT phone line direct feeding• FCT real-time status indication: operator’s name,radio signal…• Calling Line Identification (CLI)• List of incoming calls• SMS received display and storage (Very usefulfunctionality for pre-paid subscribers)AntennasIn areas where coverage is poor, the following accessoryantenna can be used to enhance the FCT performance:•External triple band omnidirectional antenna.For installation or in places where indoor coverageis unstable. Band: triple 900/1800/1900 MHz. Gain:2dBi. Cable: 3m. Connector: SMA male.•Outdoor directional antenna. The directionalantenna is intended to be wall mounted by means of abracket. It provides with the maximum gain among thewhole range of antennas for the FCT. Band: 900 MHz.Gain: 10bBi. Cable: 7.5 m. Connector: SMA male.Power supplyThe FCT offers different optional alternatives forback up systems:•Rechargeable lead-acid batteries: 6V, 1.2-1.3Ahwith 2.5 hours-continuous conversation, 10 hoursstand-by.•Alkaline AA batteries. In order to adjust 6 alkalinebatteries sized AA inside the terminal, an accessoryAA batteries holder (size: 99.01mm X 51.69mm)is provided.•DC/DC power adapter: it is provided in order touse the DC voltage (car battery, solar cell, etc.) tofeed the FCT. DC input: 12-24 VDC.Due to the standard nature of these batteries, they arenot supplied by Ericsson.No NiMH or NiCd rechargeable batteries are allowed.Warning!: Ericsson recommends precaution whenhandling lead-acid batteries and also specialattention over storage and power loss issues. See Safe and Efficient Use on page 40.
Safe and efficient useNote: please read this information before using yourFCT.Save this user guide since it contains important safetyinformation and operating instructions.Product care• Do not expose your FCT to liquid or moisture.• Do not expose your FCT to extreme high or lowtemperatures.• Do not expose your FCT to lit candles, cigarettes,or cigars, or to open flames etc.• Do not attempt to disassemble your FCT. A brokenwarranty seal will void the warranty. The productdoes not contain consumer serviceable components.Only Ericsson Service Points or Certified ServiceCentres should perform service.• Do not use any accessories other than Ericssonoriginals with the exception of products approvedby Bluetooth Qualification Review Board. Use ofnon-Ericsson original accessories may result in lossof performance, damage to the product, fire, electricshock or injury. The warranty does not coverproduct failures that have been caused by use ofnon-Ericsson original accessories.• Treat your product with care. Keep it in a clean anddust-free place.Antenna care• Use only an antenna that has been specificallydesigned for your FCT. Use of unauthorizedantennas, modifications, or attachments coulddamage the FCT and may violate the appropriateregulations, causing loss of performance and radiofrequency (RF) energy above the recommendedlimits.• Do not hold or touch the antenna when the FCT isin use. Holding or touching the antenna affects callquality.• Do not use the FCT if the antenna or antenna cableis damaged or missing.• Do not place the telephone cord or the power supplycord on or near the FCT antenna or antenna cable.• Do not cover or place an obstruction on or aroundthe antenna.40 Safe and efficient use
Safe and efficient use 41Radio frequency energyYour FCT is a radio transmitter and receiver. Whenthe FCT is turned on, it receives and transmits radiofrequency (RF) energy. The system that handles yourcall when you are using your FCT controls the powerlevel at which your FCT transmits.All Ericsson terminals are designed to not exceed thelimits for exposure to RF energy set by nationalauthorities and international health agencies.SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measurements areusually performed for products that are normally usedat the ear. As the FCT is not to be used close to thehuman body, as it is at least 20 cm apart from thetelephone device (See installation instructions), SARmeasurements are not applicable to the FCT.Electronic devicesMost modern electronic equipment, for exampleequipment in hospitals and cars, is shielded from RFenergy. However, certain electronic equipment is not,and so Radio Frequency (RF) energy from the FCTterminal may affect some electronic equipment,therefore:• Do not use your FCT near medical equipmentwithout requesting permission.• Do no use your FCT in airplanes.• Pacemaker patients should be aware that the use ofan FCT very close to a pacemaker might cause thedevice to malfunction.• Some hearing aids might be disturbed if placed verynear the FCT.Multiple electrical devices connected to the ACpower outlet that is used by the FCT terminal maygenerate excessive interference to the FCT terminal.Potentially explosive atmospheresDo not use the FCT near a gas leak. Use a telephoneaway from the area of the suspected gas leak toimmediately report it.Turn off the FCT in areas with a potentially explosiveatmosphere, for example: gas stations, below deck onboats, fuels or chemical transfer or storage facilities,and areas where the air contains chemical or particles,such as grain, dust or metal powders. It is rare, butyour FCT or its accessories could generate sparks.Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid orexplosives in the areas where the FCT is installed.
Power supply• Ensure that your AC power outlet is adequatelygrounded.• Connect the power supply cord only to the ACpower outlet that meet the specifications marked onthe FCT power supply.• Never alter the AC power cord or plug. If necessaryhave the correct outlet installed by a qualifiedelectrician or call your service provider forassistance.• To reduce risk of damage to the electric cord,remove it from the outlet by holding onto the ACadapter rather than the cord.• Make sure the cord is positioned so that it will notbe stepped on, tripped over or otherwise subjectedto damage or stress.ChildrenDO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO PLAY WITHYOUR FCT SINCE IT CONTAINS SMALL PARTSTHAT COULD BECOME DETACHED ANDCREATE A CHOKING HAZARD.Disposing of the productThe product should never be placed in municipalwaste. Please check local regulations for disposal ofelectronic products.Battery informationIf you use the battery back-up function of the FCT,please take into account the following information:Lead Battery• Before installing the battery in its compartment, besure to connect the battery cable properly: do notconnect the positive terminal of the battery cable tothe negative terminal on the battery.• Make sure to connect the FCT power supply first,before you connect the battery to the FCT.• The FCT will automatically recharge the lead battery• The first time the battery is used, it is recommendedthat you charge it for 3 hours if you intend to powerthe FCT from the battery only.A rechargeable battery has a long service life iftreated properly.Warning!: when a battery is not installed or isconnected to an FCT that is switched off, it shouldbe recharged during 24 hours every 6 months.42 Safe and efficient use
Safe and efficient use 43• Do not expose the battery to extreme temperatures,never above +60°C. For maximum battery capacity,use the battery in room temperature.• Do not let the metal contacts on the battery touchanother metal object. This could short-circuit anddamage the battery.• Do not expose the battery to open flames. Thiscould cause the battery to explode.• Do not expose the battery to liquid.• Do not allow the battery to be put into the mouth.Battery electrolytes may be toxic if swallowed.• Do not puncture or burn the battery. The batterycontains corrosive liquids and materials.• If the battery leaks and the liquid inside spills onthe skin or clothing, immediately wash it off withplenty of clean water. If the liquid splashes intoeyes, immediately flush the eyes with plenty ofclean water and consult a doctor.AA batteries• Use only AA-1.5V alkaline batteries with the FCTbattery holder accessory. See “FCT accessories” onpage 38.• If you use rechargeable AA batteries, these willneed to be recharged using an external charger,never in the FCT.Disposing of the batteryThe battery should never be placed in municipal waste.Please check local regulations for disposal of batteries.Moving or storing the FCTTurn off the FCT by disconnecting the power supplyas well as the battery (if it is installed).If you are transporting the FCT on an aircraft, youwill be asked to remove the battery from the unit. Forupdated information about the transportation and useof wireless communication equipment, contact theappropriate local and national regulatory agency oryour service provider.Accessing the battery compartmentThis label appears under the batterycompartment indicating that the FCTshould always be switched off beforeattempting to access the batterycompartment.
Limited WarrantyLimited warranty conditionsThank you for purchasing this Ericsson Product. Toget the maximum use out of your new product, werecommend that you follow a few simple steps:• Read the Guidelines for safe and efficient use.• Read all of the terms and conditions of the EricssonWarranty listed below.• Save your original receipt, which is necessary forwarranty repair claims. Should your EricssonProduct need warranty service, you should return itto the dealer from whom it was purchased or contactyour local Ericsson helpdesk for further information.Ericsson WarrantyEricsson warrants this Product to be free from defectsin material and workmanship at the time of itsoriginal purchase by a customer, and for a subsequentperiod of one (1) year.All accessories for the Product are covered by awarranty period of one (1) year from the date oforiginal purchase by a customer.What Ericsson will doIf, during the warranty period, this Product fails tooperate under normal use and service, due toimproper materials or workmanship, Ericssonsubsidiaries, authorized distributors, or authorizedservice partners will, at their own option, either repairor replace the Product in accordance with the termsand conditions stipulated herein.For efficiency purposes, Customers are reminded thatshould their Ericsson Product need warranty service,they return it to the dealer from which it waspurchased or call their local Ericsson helpdesk forfurther information on warranty claims.Conditions1. The warranty given herein is only valid if theoriginal receipt issued by the dealer to the originalpurchaser, specifying the date of purchase andserial number, is presented along with the Productto be repaired or replaced. Warranty service maybe refused if this information is not available orhas been removed or changed after the originalpurchaser of the Product from the dealer.44 Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty 452. Any repair or replaced Product will be warrantedfor the remainder of the original warranty period.Repair or replacement may be via functionallyequivalent reconditioned units. Replaced faultyparts or components will become the property ofEricsson.3. This warranty does not cover any failure of theProduct due to normal wear and tear, misuse,including but not limited to use in other than anormal and customary manner, in accordance withEricsson’s instructions for use and maintenance ofthe Product, accident, modification or adjustment,acts of God, improper ventilation, or damageresulting from liquid.4. This warranty does not cover product failures dueto repair installations, modifications or improperservice performed by a non-Ericsson authorizedservice workshop, opening of the Product by anon-Ericsson authorized person or use of non-Ericsson original accessories.5. Batteries are not covered by this warranty.6. Tampering with any of the seals on the Productwill void this warranty.7. THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESSWARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN ORORAL, OTHER THAN THIS PRINTEDLIMITED WARRANTY. ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TOTHE DURATION OF THIS LIMITEDWARRANTY. IN NO EVENT WILLERICSSON BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OFPROFITS, COMMERCIAL LOSS,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, TO THE FULLEXTENT THOSE DAMAGES CAN BEDISCLAIMED BY LAW.Some countries do not allow for the exclusion orlimitation of loss of profits, commercial loss,incidental or consequential damages, or limitation ofthe duration of implied warranties, so the precedinglimitations or exclusions may not be applicable incertain cases. This warranty gives specific legalrights, and depending on the country, other rightsmay be available as well.
Regulatory informationDeclaration of ConformityWe, Ericsson Radio Systems AB ofKistagången 26, KistaS-16480 Stockholm, Swedendeclare under our sole responsibility that our productEricsson type 0130102-BVand in combination with our accessories, to whichthis declaration relates is in conformity with theappropriate standards 3GPP TS 51.010-1, EN 301489-7 and EN 60950, following the provisions of,Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Equipmentdirective 99/5/EC with requirements covering EMCdirective 89/336/EEC, and Low voltage directive73/23/EEC.Kista February 10, 2002Place & date of issueStaffan Svensson, Vice President Special Products0682We fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive(99/5/EC).FCC StatementBefore a phone is available for sale to the public, itmust be tested and certified to the FCC that it doesnot exceed the limit established by the government-adopted requirement for safe exposure.Nevertheless, for mobile devices where the radiatingstructure is located more than 20 cm away from theuser and the EIRP (radiating power) is lower than 3Watts for transmitting frequencies higher than 1.5GHz, SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measurementsare not required.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) This device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may causeundesired operation.46 Regulatory information
Definitions 47DefinitionsThe following definitions are supplied in order to betterunderstand certain concepts included in this manual:Switch-on: power up the FCT by connecting the ACpower supply or a charged battery.Switch-off: power down the FCT by disconnectingthe AC power supply or removing the battery.Fixed Line Devices: any analog devices that can beconnected to the analog fixed line:• Fixed Telephones- ordinary telephones for the fixedline.• G3 Faxes- ordinary fax machines available on themarket.• CLI devices- ordinary displays or telephonesequipped with displays that show the caller numberfor incoming calls.Telephone Line: this is the line provided by the FCT(RJ11 connector) that behaves in the same way as theordinary fixed line.Telephone Line Wiring: this is the cable layout thathas to be available in order to distribute telephonelines within a house or office.PBX: Public Branch Exchange. It is a telephonesystem within an enterprise that switches callsbetween enterprise users on local lines while allowingall users to share a certain number of external phonelines.PIN: Personal Identity Number. This is the numberyou get from your network operator and which youneed to access the network. It will prevent the SIMcard to be used by unauthorized people.PUK: Personal Unblocking Key. This is the numberyou get from your network operator and which isused to unblock your SIM card if an incorrect PINhas been entered three times in a row.SIM card: this is the card provided by your networkoperator that you need to insert in your GSM terminalin order to make and receive calls. It contains all theinformation from your subscription characteristics.
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User guideF250m terminalFixed Cellular Terminal for PBX applications

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