Essence Security ES700MGLS Magnet switch detector User Manual User guide

Essence Security International ltd. Magnet switch detector User guide


      MultMagUserES700VersioMay2 ti‐PugnetirGui0MGLSon1.0_2012ParturposcSwideS‐GN_06toftheEssewitchssenceGGroup
© 2012 All rightsThis docAny copythe priorThe inforFor moreEssence 12 SderoAckersteHerzliya 46120 Iswww.essTel:       Fax:       NOTE:    Tpart 15 of a residentiand used ithere is noharmful intthe user is -Reorient o-Increase t-Connect t-Consult thChanges oSecurity Lt   Essence Ses reserved. ument is thying, reprinr written permation ince informatio Security ot Abba Ebaein Towers  Pituach srael sence-grp.c   +972-73   +972-9-7his equipmenthe FCC Rulesal installationn accordance o guarantee thterference to  encouraged tor relocate thethe separationhe equipmenthe dealer or ar modificationtd.) could void ecurity Intehe protectenting, reuseermission ocluded in thon, please an Street Bldg. D com -2447777 7729962 t has been tess. These limits. This equipm with the instrhat interferencradio or televto try to corree receiving ann between thet into an outlen experiencedns to this equid the user’s auThis devicOperation(1) This d(2) This dinterferenernational Ld intellectue, reproducf Essence Shis documencontact: sted and founs are designedent generatesructions, may ce will not occision receptioect the interfentenna. e equipment aet on a circuit d radio/TV tecpment not exuthority to opce complies wn is subject todevice may nodevice must ance that may Ltd.  ual propertyction ,adaptSecurity Ltdnt is subjecnd to comply wd to provide rs, uses and ca cause harmfucur in a particun, which can rence by one and receiver.  different fromchnician for hepressly approerate the equwith Part 15 ofo the followingot cause harmccept any intecause undesiry of the Esstation distrid is prohibitct to changwith the limitseasonable proan radiate radul interferenceular installatiobe determined or more of thm that to whicelp. oved by the paipment. f the FCC Ruleg two conditiomful interferenerference recered operation.sence Secubution or trted.  e without n for a Class Botection againio frequency ee to radio comon. If this equd by turning te following mh the receiverarty responsibes. ns: ce, and eived, includin. rity Internaranslation wnotice. B digital devicenst harmful intenergy and, ifmmunications.uipment does cthe equipmentmeasures:  r is connectedble for compliang ational Ltd.without e, pursuant toterference in f not installed However, cause t off and on, d. ance (Essence o  e
Table of   Multi-Purp  Tab1Ov2Op2.13In3.13.23.34Co4.15Mo5.16Ma6.1Append f Contentspose Magnetle of Cverview ..peration .1Indicatiostallation1Installat2Power ..3Selectinonfiguring1Settings4.1.1ounting ..1Installin5.1.15.1.2aintenanc1Replacindix As tic Switch Conte..............................ons ..........n Overvietion Work F...............g a Mountig the Devs and DefauEssence the ES70“Walk TestVerify Highce the BatteES700MGents ...........................................ew ..........Flow Locationvice ........ults ...........ite Installe..............00MGLS Det” Mode ....h-Quality R..............ery ...........GLS Spec .......................................................................................n ..........................................r Applicatio..............evice (as Sh...............RF Commun.............................cifications...................................................................................................................................on ..........................hock Senso...............nication (Op.............................s ............................................................................................................................................................................r and/or Ma...............ptional) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................agnet Dete......................................................................... 3.......... 4.......... 6........... 6.......... 7........... 7........... 8........... 8.......... 8........... 8........... 9........ 21ector) .. 21.......... 26.......... 26........ 27.......... 27........ 283
   4   1  OveThe ES7operatedcomposesmart mRF commoperatedmounts smart mControl The ES7modes:  Detinte Det Detsen As devdev     rview700MGLS Md magnet sed of two pmagnet sensmunication d. When th next to themagnet sensPanel. 700MGLS d tects intrusegral magntects intrustects surfacnsor is mou a pure RF vice. Possibvice are as Gas DetectFlood DeteFire DetectPanic (SOSGas Monito w Multi-Purposswitch deteparts: a smsor is the b with the Ce magnet de smart masor changeevice has asions at brenet sensor. sions by coce shocks/vunted. input devicble externa follows: tor ctor tor S) Button or se Magneticector/shock art magnetbrain of theControl Panedetector is agnet sensos, the smaa multipurpeak-in point nnecting tovibrations oce, detects l devices thMulc Switch is  detector/Rt sensor an device; it el. The sma operationaor. When thrt magnet sose designts such as do an externon the surfastatus chanhat may beti-Purpose Ma bi-directiRF input terd a permanis responsiart magnet l, the permhe magnet’ssensor trigg that suppodoors and wal wired maace where tnges in a w connectedMagnetic Swional RF, barminal. It isnent magnble for dete sensor is bmanent mags proximitygers an actorts the folwindows thagnet sensthe smart mwired externd to the ES7Overviewitch attery s et. The ection and battery gnet y to the tion via thelowing hrough an or. magnet nal input 700MGLS w e
Overvie  Multi-Purp ew pose MagnetRFInputSDetectioa remotthe LED  NEthoTrecotic Switch MGLSModesShockFigureons are indie connectio can be disNote: The EEssence Sitehe Essenceon page 9. The ES700Memote locaomputer, wor higher). FSecurSh&Mage 1: ES700icated by a on to the Csabled. ES700MGLSe Installer Se Site InstalMGLS paramtion via thewhere the aFor more in ityZoneock&gnetExterMagnDetectMGLS Devi single bi-control PaneS device is Smartphonller sectionmeters can e ESI-CMS application nformation, PerimeMagnrnalnettorice Modes Dcolor LED oel. When a integrated e applicatio  4.1.1 Esse also be conapplicationis installed, refer to theternetIntegraMagneSensoDiagram n the front LED notific into the seon. For morence Site Innfigured locn through th, must havehe ESI-CMSaletorNotPerimet of the devcation is noecurity systre informatnstaller Appcally or fromhe Control e a WindowS User Guid 5er ice and viat required, tem via thetion, see plication, m a Panel (the w® XP O/S de. 5
   6   Figu2 2.1 ure 2: ES70OpeIndicThe ES7This LEDThe LEDTable 1 Table 1:LED OFF Glows secondGlows secondGlows secondMag00MGLS-GNrationcations700MGLS smD indicates D can be dis describes t: LED statered for 1 d red for 2 ds green for 1d  Smart gnet SensorN Multi-Purand Pn s mart magn to the homsabled fromthe LED inds DesNo itermProtinpuor, vDevdete1 Prothavtermbeinpose MagnPermanent et sensor imeowner a m the ESI-Cdications foscription intrusion, vminal triggetected locatut terminal vibration device tamperected tected locating been opminal conneng disconneMulLED InTriggetic Switch Magnet ncludes a bchange to tCMS (defaur each stat  vibration orered tion opened disconnectetected ring has beetion closed pened, inpuected after ected ti-Purpose Mdicator geredAlignM with Smarbi-colored Lthe normal lt is enablee (when en d, ted en  after ut OMagnetic Swnment Marksrt Magnet SLED (green  status of ted). nabled): Operationitch  Sensor  and red). the device. n
Installa  Multi-Purp 3 3.1 ation Overvpose Magnet Device tsignals tconfigurthe statFor morDefaultsActions  Mamo Showh Inptheter DevInstThe ES7the featThe con Sho Sho Int Inp NgteInstaPerform1. H2. F3. Do4. D5. I(crview tic Switch trigger behto the Contrable from tus of the syre informatis, on page 8that triggegnet Detecoved away oock Sensorere the devput Terminae ES700MGrminals mayvice Maintetallatio700MGLS dure(s) thatfigurations ock Sensorock Sensortrusion Deteput TerminaNote: If theo-betweenerminal), thallatio the installHave the toFamiliarize Determine tor a combinDecide wheInstall and (BlackBerryconfiguratiorefer to theavior is nottrol Panel. Tthe softwarystem (Armion on conf8. r a responsctor: Open or towards r: Vibrationvice is moual: Leads aLS device. y also triggenance: Lowon Ovevice can bt will be use pertain to r and Intrusr (exclusiveector –dooral device (ee device wil for the seche permanen Woration proceools, batterythe owner the functionnation). ere the deviconfigure ty). After theon in collab ESI-CMS U t limited to The action re part of tm, Disarm afiguring these from theand close a the smart s (in severunted. re disconne Triggers frger a Controw battery overviebe installeded on the p the followision Detectely) rs & windowexclusively)ll be used tcurity systeent magnetk Flowess in the foy and screwwith the avnality for thice will be mthe device we installatiooration witUser Guide  the LED ontaken fromhe installatand Partial e ES700MGe Control Paaction wher magnet deity or quanected or recrom the extol Panel resor ES700MGew  in multiplepremises. ng functiontor operatinws (exclusi) to detect suem and an t is not reqw ollowing logws (optionavailable funhe device (mounted. with the Eson, performh the moni. n the devicm the Controtion processArm). LS device, anel are as re the permetector. tity) is deteconnected tternal devicsponse. GLS device e configuratnalities: ng from thevely)  urface shocexternal deuired. gical availablenctional conintruder, shsence Site m a more cotoring centce, but also ol Panel is s and may  see  4.1 Se follows: manent magected on thto the termce connecte tamperingtions, depee same devcks exclusivevice (input. e. nfigurationshock, input Installer omprehensiter via the  7 includes depend on ettings and gnet is he surface minals in ed to the . ending on ice vely or as at s. t terminal, ve ESI-CMS, 7
   8   3.2 3.3 4 4.1 6. Mati7. TPoweThe ES7giving abattery.SelecThe ES7(such asfollowing Theof a Do sur Nc If the ESthe follo Thesidon sur NmahConfSettiOnce thsection  able to rconfigurSite Instmay alsMount the dappropriatethe mount anformationTest the dever 700MGLS sm nominal b cting a700MGLS ds a doorposg factors me ES700MGa possible i not install rfaces knowNote: Do noharged, as S700MGLS owing addite ES700MGe of the do the surfacerface is besNote: Thoumounting talso be usedhole for the figuriings ane battery is4.1.1 Essenrecognize/lred to fit thtaller applico be config device as de, use two 3and two pro about the vice. mart magnattery life oa Mounevice can bst or windowmust be takeGLS device intruder, bu the ES700wn to interfot mount th this may li device willion criteria GLS device oor or windoe of the doost to ensuregh the instape to affix d. The screw screw is prng thend Defs inserted ince Site Insearn the nee needs of cation, as dgured via thetermined 3 X 35 DIN ovide tamp screws seeet sensor rof 3 years. nting Lbe mountedw frame). Wen into conshould be mut still acce0MGLS devifere with rahe device oimit the de be used to for selectiosmart magow openingor or windoe optimal cotallation ins the devicew will provrovided in te Devfaults nto the devstaller Appew device.  the installadescribed inhe ESI-CMSMulby the sele 7982 C scrper/tear off e, Figure 32requires on The permaLocatiod on the fixWhen selecnsideration:mounted asessible for oce on metaadio transmon surfaces vice’s effeco detect inton a mountgnet sensorg. The permow (where ontact withstructions be to a surfacided a reinthe mountivice vice, via Sitlication, on After the dation and tn this sectioS applicatioConti-Purpose Mected functirews to add protection2, on page e 3V CR-12anent magnon ed side of acting a mou s high as poccasional mallic surfacemissions.  that can bctiveness. trusions or ting locatio should be manent magrequired). A the mountelow specifce, A screwforced bondng. te Installer  page 9), tdevice is leahe homeowon. Additionn through tnfiguring tMagnetic Swionality. Whd extra sup. For more  22. 23A Lithiumnet does noa protectedunting positossible, oumaintenances or on othbe magneticsurface shoon  placed on gnet shouldA smooth ating tape. fy using thew (not provd to the sur instructionthe Control arned, it cawner via thenally, parathe Controlthe Deviceitch here pport to  m battery, ot require ad opening tion, the t of reach ce.  her cally ocks, use the frame d be placedand clean e ided) may rface. A ns (see  Panel is an be e Essence meters l Panel. e
Configu  Multi-Purp 4.1.1 ring the Dpose MagnetFor morGuide. EssenThe ES7on the smagnet device cit into thThe instES700M As Detor  As icodev  To addor, Ma1. Isb2. C3. FTDevice tic Switch re informatince Site700MGLS dsurface whe as in opencan act as ahe security tallation proMGLS device an RF Secutector): Seboth.  an RF Inpun , andvice termin Note: as a limES700and thdeviced ES700Magnet & SIf the screwscrew with between theConnect theFrom the BlFigurThe Languaion about te Instalevice detecere the deving/closingan input de system. ocess variee being insturity devicelect the RFut device (I then selecals.  The RF Secmited inputMGLS device device co is a wired MGLS asShock sew securing ta flathead e side snape dongle tolackBerry, cre 3: Main Mage screen  he ESI-CMSller Appcts changesvice is moung a door or evice for an s dependintalled: e (Integral F Security icInput Termct the type curity functt terminal. ce is configonnected to magnet des an RF Sensor): the top covscrewdrivep and the too the systemclick the Es  Menu and Lis displayed S applicatioplicatios in shock anted, or chawindow. In external wng on the inMagnetic Dcon , aninal functio of device ctionality doThis optiongured as RFo the input evice. Security dver to the mr. Then genop cover anm Control Pssence SiteLanguage Sd. on, refer ton and magnetanges in thn addition, twired periphntended purDetector andnd then choonality): Seconnected toes allow yon is availablF Security Mterminal ofdevice (mounting is ntly insert tnd pry off tPanel.   Installer icScreens o the ESI-Ctism, i.e., vhe vicinity othe ES700Mheral and inrpose of thd or Shockoose Shockelect the RFto the ES70ou to use thle when theMagnet Detf the ES700Magnet, present, rethe screwdhe cover. con .  9MS User vibrations of a MGLS ncorporate e k k, Magnet, F Input 00MGLS he device e tector only;0MGLS  Shock emove the river  9 ;
   10   4. S5. SCbT6. AcTs7. Cc8. SMdoSelect a LanFigureSelect the dCommunicabetween theThe dongle After commclick ContinThe server specific to tFConfirm theclick Allow. Figure 6Select the RMGS and Mdevice has or, MGL dep nguage ande 4: Dongledongle ID fration screene dongle an ID is the lamunication bue. The Seis located athe monitorFigure 5: See checkbox  The device6: Device TRF SecurityGL devicesalready beepending on d click Conn  e and Comrom the dron displays and the Blacast four nubetween therver Permiat the monring stationerver Perm with the IPe Types scrTypes Screey icon  . s) already inen installed the deviceMulnect. The Dmunicationop-down lisand proceedckBerry. mbers on te dongle anssions screitoring centn. issions ScreP address oeen is dispen - RF SecA screen lisn the systed, it will appe’s configurConti-Purpose MDongle scre Screen st and clickds to estabhe barcodend the Blaceen is displater. The IP  een of the servelayed.  curity Icon sting RF sem is displaypear in the ation.  nfiguring tMagnetic Sween is displak Continue. blish a conne glued to tckBerry is sayed.  address dier is selecteecurity deviyed. If an  list as an Mthe Deviceitch ayed.   A nection the dongle. synched, splayed is ed and ces (MGI, RF securityMGI, MGS e  y
Configu  Multi-Purp ring the Dpose MagnetAIr9. Cle10. AsdDevice tic Switch FigurAt this poin When Athe dev ShoSet ShoSet MagSetanddetmaIf thedetperaccIf there arereplaced byClick New, aearned by tAfter the descreen dispdevice row re 7: RF Set the followAdding or Evice as folloock & Magnt the configock sensor t the configgnet sensot the configd  termine if agnet, confiere is no extermine if trimeter magcordingly.  no RF Secy the word “and then pthe systemFigure 8: Sevice is learlays again,text is “N/A ecurity Devwing shouldEditing an Rows: net sensor guration for guration foror  guration fora wired extegure the dexternal wirehe integral gnet or notcurity devic“EMPTY”. ut a batterym. System Learned by the but with aA – MGLS”, ice Listing d be consideRF security r the magner the shock r the magneernal magnevice accored magnet c magnet set, and thenes currentlyy in the devarning Screee system, ta new row f, because it Screen ered:  device plaet sensor a sensor. et sensor  net will be crdingly. connected tensor will fu configure ty in the sysvice as inst en he RF Secufor the learnt has not ben the functand the shoconnected tto the deviunction as athe device stem, the ltructed. Thurity Devicened deviceeen named 11tionality of ck sensor. to the ce, a  ist will be e device is e Listing . The new d yet.  1
   12   FigTwt11. CmF12. ETssure 9: DevThe ID cannwere put inthe third RFClick the demenu.  Figure 10: DEnter paramThe locationscreen. Thescreen to in ice Name anot be chan the systemF Security device you juDevice Nammeter valuen selected we Function snclude the pand ID Screnged and rem. For examdevice put ust added tme and ID Ses as requirwill replaceselected wiparametersMuleen with a Nepresent thmple, in thein the systeto the list aScreen withred.  e the N/A vall automatis relevant fConti-Purpose M New Devicehe order in e screen abem.  nd select E h Popup Mealue in the cally changor the selecnfiguring tMagnetic Swe Row  which the dbove the deEdit from thenu  Device Nage the Paracted functiothe Deviceitch devices evice was he popup me and ID meter on.  e
Configu  Multi-Purp Figurering the Dpose Magnete 11: RF SeDevice tic Switch ecurity DevThe S/paramthe sysper RFvice Parame/N (serial nueters. Thesstem. The R Security d   eter Screenumber) andse parametRadio level device in the  ns (Shock, Md ID of the ers are set  is also reae system.  Magnet and device are when the dd-only, it sd Shock & Me read-only device is leshows the R 13 Magnet)  earned by RSSI level 3
   14   13. Aaa14. Co To add1. Isb2. C3. FT4. S5. SCbT6. AcAfter complappears staabout the pClick OK. Thon the list. d ES700MIf the screwscrew with between theConnect theFrom the BlFigureThe LanguaSelect a LanFigureSelect the dCommunicabetween theThe dongle After commclick Contin eting the Pating that thparameters,he InstallatMGLS asw securing ta flathead e side snape dongle tolackBerry, ce 12: Main age screen nguage ande 13: Dongldongle ID fration screene dongle an ID is the lamunication bue. The SeParameters he device d, see the EStion screen s an RF Ithe top covscrewdrivep and the too the systemclick the Es   Menu and is displayedd click Conn  le and Comrom the dron displays and the Blacast four nubetween therver PermiMul screen, clidata updateSI-CMS Use is displayenput devver to the mr. Then genop cover anm Control Pssence Site Language d. nect. The Dmmunicationop-down lisand proceedckBerry. mbers on te dongle anssions screConti-Purpose Mck Update ed successfer Guide. ed and the nvice: mounting is ntly insert tnd pry off tPanel.   Installer icScreens Dongle scren Screen st and clickds to estabhe barcodend the Blaceen is displanfiguring tMagnetic Swand Save. fully. For innew device present, rethe screwdhe cover. con . een is displak Continue. blish a conne glued to tckBerry is sayed. the Deviceitch A messageformation e appears emove the river  ayed.   A nection the dongle. synched, e e
Configu  Multi-Purp ring the Dpose MagnetTs7. Cc8. StIr9. CtDevice tic Switch The server specific to tFiConfirm theclick Allow. Figure 1Select the Rthe system FiguIf there arereplaced byClick New, atext. The deis located athe monitorgure 14: Se checkbox  The device5: Device TRF Input ico is displayeure 16: RF  no RF Inpuy the word “and then pevice is lea at the monring stationServer Perm with the IPe Types scrTypes Screon . A sed. Input Devicut devices “EMPTY”. ut a batteryrned by the itoring centn. missions ScrP address oeen is dispen - RF Secscreen listince Listing Scurrently iny in the deve system. ter. The IP  reen of the servelayed.  curity Icon ng RF Input Screen n the systevice, as dir address dier is selecte t devices am, the list rected by th 15splayed is ed and lready in will be he screen 5
   16   10. AdTww11. CWwAFAfter the dedisplayed.  FigThe ID cannwere learnewas the thirChoose a naWhen selecwhere the dAnd then cl Back todevice menu. Enter pA messFor inf Figure 17: evice is leargure 18: Denot be chaned by the syrd RF securame/locatioting a namdevice will bick: o return to  you just ad  parameter vsage appeaormation aSystem Learned by theevice Namenged and reystem. For rity device on for the dme for the dbe mounted the screendded to thevalues as rars stating tbout the paMularning Scree system, ae and ID Scepresent th example, ilearned by device. evice, based. n listing RF e list and serequired, anthat the dearameters,Conti-Purpose M een a Device Na creen he order in in the scree the systeme the decisiInput devicelect Edit frnd then clicevice data u see the ESnfiguring tMagnetic Swame and ID which the den above thm.  on on the lces. Doublerom the pock Update aupdated sucSI-CMS Usethe Deviceitch D screen is devices he device ocation e click the opup and Save. ccessfully. er Guide. e
Configu  Multi-Purp ring the Dpose Magnet To edi1. C2. CT3. SDevice tic Switch FigureThe S/paramthe sysper RFClick Oappear New toit an ES7Connect theClick the EsFigurThe LanguaSelect a Lane 19: RF In/N (serial nueters. Thesstem. The R Input deviOK. The Insrs on the liso add an ad700MGLSe dongle tossence Site re 20: Mainage screen nguage and nput Deviceumber) andse parametRadio level ice in the sstallation scst. dditional deS device o the system Installer ic  n Menu andis displayedd click Conn e Parameterd ID of the ers are set  is also reaystem. creen is dispevice.  (RF Secm Control Pcon  on Language d. nect. The D r Screen  device are when the dd-only, it splayed and urity or Panel.  n the BlackB Screen Dongle scree read-only device is leshows the R the new dRF InputBerry. een is displa 17 earned by RSSI level evice t):  ayed. 7
   18   4. SCbT5. AcTs6. Cc7. Sda8. CaFigureSelect the dCommunicabetween theThe dongle After commclick ContinThe server specific to tFiConfirm theclick Allow. Select the Rdevice was already in tClick the iteappears.  e 21: Dongldongle ID fration screene dongle an ID is the lamunication bue. The Seis located athe monitorgure 22: Se checkbox  The deviceRF input  previously he system Figure 23em row of t  le and Comrom the dron displays and the Blacast four nubetween therver Permiat the monring stationServer Perm with the IPe Types scr or RF Se defined. A  is displaye3: Device Tythe device tMulmmunicationop-down lisand proceedckBerry. mbers on te dongle anssions screitoring centn. missions ScrP address oeen is dispecurity   screen listd. ypes Screethat will beConti-Purpose Mn Screen st and clickds to estabhe barcodend the Blaceen is displater. The IP  reen of the servelayed.  icon, depeing devices n  edited. A pnfiguring tMagnetic Swk Continue. blish a conne glued to tckBerry is sayed.  address dier is selectending on hs of the spepopup menthe Deviceitch   A nection the dongle. synched, splayed is ed and ow the ecified typenu e  e
Configu  Multi-Purp ring the Dpose Magnet9. SdG10. CmTTRs11. Cr To del1. C2. CDevice tic Switch FiguSelect Edit displayed. FGuide. FigureChange parmessage apThe S/N (seThese paramRadio level system. Click OK. Throw is updalete an EConnect theClick the Esre 24: Devin the popuFor informae 25: RF Inrameter valppears staterial numbemeters are  is also readhe Installatated accordES700MGe dongle to ssence Site  vice Listing up menu. Tation about nput Devicelues as reqing that theer) and ID  set when td-only, it stion screen ingly. GLS devic the system Installer ic with PopupThe parame the parame Parameteruired and ce device daof the devithe device hows the R is displayece (RF Sm Control Pcon  on p Menu eters of the eters, see  r Screen click Updateata updatedce are readis learned bRSSI level ped and the pecurity oPanel.  n the BlackB selected dthe ESI-CMe and Saved successfud-only paraby the systper device tpreviously or RF InpBerry.  19evice are MS User e. A lly. meters. tem. The type in the selected put): 9
   20   T3. S4. SCbT5. AcTs6. CcFigureThe LanguaSelect a LanFigure Select the dCommunicabetween theThe dongle After commclick ContinThe server specific to tFiConfirm theclick Allow.  e 26: Main age screen nguage and 27: Dongledongle ID fration screene dongle an ID is the lamunication bue. The Seis located athe monitorgure 28: Se checkbox  The device   Menu and is displayedd click Conn  e and Comrom the dron displays and the Blacast four nubetween therver Permiat the monring stationServer Perm with the IPe Types scrMul Language d. nect. The Dmunicationop-down lisand proceedckBerry. mbers on te dongle anssions screitoring centn. missions ScrP address oeen is dispConti-Purpose MScreens Dongle scre Screens st and clickds to estabhe barcodend the Blaceen is displater. The IP  reen of the servelayed. nfiguring tMagnetic Sween is displak Continue. blish a conne glued to tckBerry is sayed.  address dier is selectethe Deviceitch  ayed.   A nection the dongle. synched, splayed is ed and e
Mountin  Multi-Purp 5 5.1 ng pose Magnet7. Swa8. C9. S10. CpMouInsta(as SThe ES7smart mA singleactivate50131 sstrengthWhen insettingsan exterES700Mtic Switch Select the Rwas previoualready in tClick the iteFiguSelect one o Delete  Edit anConfirm thepreviously suntingalling tShock 700MGLS dmagnet sens screw may the tear-ostandard). Ah and symmnstalling the provides yrnal legacy MGLS deviceFigure 29RF input usly definedhe system em row of are 30: Devof the follow nd then clice delete opeselected rowg the ESSensoevice is mosor and they be added ff tamper pA second ometry of thee ES700MGyou with the magnet dee as if it wa 9: Device Ty or Securd. A screen is displayea device. A vice Listing wing menuck Delete ineration. Thw is removS700MGor and/ounted usine correspon to the mouprotection fptional scree installatioGLS device e option of evice. The eas defined a ypes Screerity  ico listing devd.  popup menwith Popup items: n the Devicee Installatived. GLS De/or Mang mountingnding permaunting partfor the devew may be on See Figuas an magn using the dexternal maas an RF In n n, dependinvices of the nu appears p Menu e Parameteon screen ievice gnet Dg tape founanent magt of the smaice (and be added for ure 32 and net detectodevice as aagnet mustput device ng on how e specified ts. ers screen. is displayedDetectond on the bnet. art magnete compliantthe mechastep  5 beloor, the confan input tert be hardw (see Figur 21 the device type  d and the or) back of the t sensor to t to the EN nical ow. figuration rminal for ired to the e 37 and 1
   22   Figure 3externa To ins(as Sh1. Ic2. IssFigur3. Ibi ImtFigurAi38). This ml magnet dstall the hock SenIdentify thecriteria in seIf the screwscrew with side snap are 31: ScreSwSPwFigure 32: If there is nbattery musndicators oIf the battemechanismthe battery e 33: LocatAfter the bandicates th eans placemevice. ES700MGnsor and/e location foection  3.3. w securing ta screwdrivnd the top ewdriver InsScrew 2:  For  firm cwith the mounting Screw 1:  For  Tear-Protection and firmwith the mounting  Tear-Off Tno battery ist be a 3V Con the battery is alread by pressin making sution of the attery is inshat the deviment of theGLS dev/or Magor mounting the top covver. Then g cover and sertion Poincontact surface-Off/Tamperm contact surface21amper Scren the devicCR-123A Lery match tdy in the deng the tampure the polaTSES700MGLstalled, theice has beeMule ES700MGice  net Deteg the ES70ver to the mgently inser pry off thent and Top ew Locationce, put the ithium battthe picture evice, remoper switch sarity is correTamper SwitchLS Device T red LED gen successfti-Purpose MGLS device ector): 0MGLS devmounting is rt the screw cover.    Cover Sep n in Mountibattery in ttery. Check on the devove it and tseveral timect.  Tamper Meclows for 3 sully powereMagnetic Swmust be nevice accord present, rewdriver betwaration ng the device.k that the pvice circuit trigger the tes, and thechanism seconds. Thed up. Mountingitch ear the ing the emove the ween the . The olarity board.  tamper en replace his
Mountin  Multi-Purp ng pose Magnet WRb4. Clo5. Mt(Ts36. Fw7. Rc8. LtpgsmpTimriutic Switch WARNINGReplace theby the manClean the socations arMount the stape and pr(frame-sideTo ensure ascrew the m35 DIN 798For standarwill add a teFigureReplace thecompliant inLine up the the indicatopermanent green LED. sensor apprmagnet by place. The distancnstallation molding on require the n another iusually be a! A new bae battery onufacturer. urfaces of tre dry. smart magnress the stice of the opea strong bomounting in82 C screwsrd complianearing tampLEDIndicae 34: ES700e top cover nstallation,  permanenor marks armagnet ba From this proximately peeling thece between  to installat a frame or sensor to bnstallationaround 3 cm attery can enly with theDiscard usethe mountinet sensor cky side agening).  nd and to en place, aftes as depictent installatioper protectD ator0MGLS Dev of the dev use a kb22t magnet nre aligned. ack and fortpoint, mov 0.5 cm (0.e cover off  the two pation, depenr a deviatiobe closer to. As a genem from eac explode if ite same or eed batterieng locationby peeling gainst surfaenable the er using theed in Figureons, a singltion to the  vice Interioice onto the2X6 screw next to the Though triath until youe the perm2 inch). Ththe mountiarts of the dding on theon between o the permaeral rule, thch other. t is incorrecequivalent ts responsibs thorough the cover oce of the dTear-Off/Tae mountinge 32. le screw muunit. r View 1 e bottom cato supplemsmart magal and erroru find the thmanent magen Mount tng tape andevice maye surfaces.  the planesanent magnhe two partsctly installetype recombly. hly. Make soff the moudesignated Tamper featg tape, withust be addeasing. For ment the clignet sensorr, move thehreshold pognet towardthe permannd pressing y vary from For examps of the surnet than it s of the de 23d. mmended ure the unting location ture, also h two 3 X ed. This standard p. r so that e oint of the d the smartnent  it into m ple, faces may  would be vice will 3 t
   24   Figure  35: Correc Np  To insOnly):1. Ic2. IssFigur3. TmDttct ES700MGMarks aNote: If thepermanent stall the : Identify thecriteria in seIf the screwscrew with side snap are 36: ScreThread the mounting (sDepending the tab covthe tabs, us GLS-GN Aligare Exaggere device is  magnet is ES700MGe location foection  3.3. w securing ta screwdrivnd the top ewdriver Insleads fromsee Figure on the typeer of the tase needle ngnment anrated for Be being used not requireGLS devor mounting the top covver. Then g cover and sertion Poin the extern37).  e of wire frab that besnose pliers  Mul~ 3 d Gap for Ietter Underd exclusiveled. ice (as ag the ES70ver to the mgently inser pry off thent and Top nal device tom the extt suits the  ti-Purpose Mcm ntrusion Derstanding) ly as a Shoan Input 0MGLS devmounting is rt the screw cover.    Cover Sephrough theternal devicwire placemMagnetic Sw etection (Aock detecto Terminavice accord present, rewdriver betwaration e back of thce, carefullyment. To brMountingitch Alignment r, the al ing the emove the ween the he y break off reak off
Mountin  Multi-Purp ng pose MagnetFigu4. CsFigu5. Ibi ImtFigurAi WRbtic Switch ure 37: ExtConnect thescrewdriverure 38: ExteIf there is nbattery musndicators oIf the battemechanismthe battery e 39: LocatAfter the bandicates thWARNINGReplace theby the manThread  Leathrough Hoernal Leadse leads to tr. Polarity isBatteComparernal Leadsno battery ist be a 3V Con the battery is alread by pressin making sution of the attery is inshat the devi! A new bae battery onufacturer.  Tabs for Leadsadsoles Placementhe terminas irrelevanteryrtments Placemenn the devicCR-123A Lery match tdy in the deng the tampure the polaTSES700MGLstalled, theice has beeattery can enly with theDiscard use nt in the ESals in the ESt. Terminals forExternal Leadsnt in the ESce, put the ithium battthe picture evice, remoper switch sarity is correTamper SwitchLS Device T red LED gen successfexplode if ite same or eed batterie S700MGLS dS700MGLS  s 700MGLS Dbattery in ttery. Check on the devove it and tseveral timect.  Tamper Meclows for 3 sully poweret is incorrecequivalent ts responsibdevice  device withDevice the device.k that the pvice circuit trigger the tes, and thechanism seconds. Thed up. ctly installetype recombly.  25h a . The olarity board.  tamper en replace his d. mmended 5
   26   5.1.1 5.1.2 6. Cs7. Mt(Ts38. Fw9. Rc“WalAfter theautomattest the environmthe LEDenable/dVerifyIf ES700programPanel toManual.AlternatinformatFigureClean the ssure the locMount the stape and pr(frame-sideTo ensure ascrew the m35 DIN 798For standarwill add a teReplace thecompliant ink Test”e battery htically runs sensor for ment as sps will alwaydisable cony High-0KPD is avam 92 functioo the ES700) tively, use ttion, see th LEDIndicae 40: ES700urface of thcations are smart magnress the stice of the opea strong bomounting in82 C screwsrd complianearing tampe top cover nstallation, ” Mode as been ins for 10 min trigger actecified by tys indicate figuration. -Qualityailable: At ton, verify th0MGLS devthe RF Testhe ES700DVD ator0MGLS Devhe designat dry. net sensor cky side agening).  nd and to en place, aftes as depictent installatioper protect of the dev use a kb22stalled in thnutes. In thtions. The Lthe designa a trigger re y RF Cothe mountihat there isice. (For mt Mode in thVK User GuMul vice Interioted mountiby peeling gainst surfaenable the er using theed in Figureons, a singltion to the ice onto the2X6 screw he device, ahis mode, thLEDs will inated functioesponse, remmuning locations sufficient ore informahe ES700Duide.) ti-Purpose Mr View 1 ng location the cover oce of the dTear-Off/Tae mountinge 32. le screw muunit. e bottom cato supplema Walk Teshe professiodicate a chon of the deegardless ocation n, using the reception fation, see tVK keypad Magnetic Swns thoroughoff the moudesignated Tamper featg tape, withust be addeasing. For ment the clist mode (likonal installhange to thevice. In thof the LED’s(Optione ES700KPDfrom the Cothe ES700K (For moreMountingitch hly. Make unting location ture, also h two 3 X ed. This standard p. ke in PIRs) er may e his mode, s nal) D key pad ontrol KPD User
Mainten  Multi-Purp 6 6.1 nance pose MagnetMainReplThe ES7displayeWhen thwithin a To rep1. Is2. GpFigur3. RtpFigurTAi WRb4. R tic Switch ntenaacing 700MGLS hed via the dhe battery s few days. place a bIf the screwscrew with Gently insepry off the cre 41: ScreRemove thetamper switpolarity is ce 42: LocatThe batteryAfter the bandicates thWARNINGReplace theby the manReplace thence the Baas a nomindevice LED status indic battery: w securing ta flathead rt the screwcover. ewdriver Inse old battertch several correct. tion of the y must be aattery is inshat the devi! A new bae battery onufacturer. e top cover  attery nal battery and reportcates that itthe top covscrewdrivewdriver betsertion Poinry and trigg times, andTSES700MGLa 3V CR-12stalled, theice has beeattery can enly with theDiscard use of the dev life of 3 yeaed automatt is low, thever to the mr. tween the snt and Top ger the tamd then replaTamper SwitchLS Device T3A Lithium  red LED gen successfexplode if ite same or eed batterieice onto thears. The batically to the battery smounting is side snap a  Cover Sepmper mechaace the bat Tamper Mec battery. lows for 3 sully poweret is incorrecequivalent ts responsibe bottom caattery statuhe monitorihould be re present, rend the top aration anism by prttery makinchanism seconds. Thed up. ctly installetype recombly. asing.  27us is ng center. eplaced emove the  cover and ressing the ng sure the his d. mmended 7
   28   AppeElectricPower SBattery Battery WirelesBi-direcFrequenRF CoveEncodinFunctioDetectioMagnet Visual ITamperNumbersupportdesignaEnvironOperatiStorageHumiditendix  cal Supply:  Life:  Power Tesss ctional: ncy: erage: ng: onal on Thresho Polarity: Indications:r Mechanismr of ES700Mted is depeated functionmental ng Tempere Temperatty  A Est: old: : m: MGLS devicndent on on: ratures: tures:  ES700One OverUponEnd-AdvaBFSK(fact700 32-bClosiOpenIrrele1 Gr1 ReDoubces In EvIntruInpuIn thIntruInpu-10°-20°95%0MGLS 3V CR-123r 3 years (un power-up-to-End Bi-Danced radioK, 868.3 Mtory configumeters (22bit ID, over ing distancning distanevant  reen LED foed LED for oble TriggereverGuard ausion Detecut Terminalshe EverGuausion Detecut Terminals°~50° Celsi°~60° Celsi% non-condeMulS Spec3A Lithium under nomip and periodDirectional o supervisioHz in Europured) 296 feet) (O 4 billion coe: 35 mm ce: 45 mmor closure opening ed Tamper and EverGuctors, Shocs: 16 devicrd Expressctors + Shos: 8 deviceus (14° - 1us (-4° - 1ensing ti-Purpose Mcificatbattery nal conditiodically  ESI protocon algorithmpe and FM 9Open Air Noombinations(~1.38 inch (~1.78 inc – cover opard Expresk Sensors: es   system:  ock Sensorss  122° Fahren40° FahrenMaMagnetic Swtions ons) col m 916.5MHz iominal) s h) ch) pen & Wall s-2 system 64 devicess: 32 devicnheit) nheit) intenanceitch in US tearing ms:  s es e
Mainten  Multi-Purp PhysicaDimensWeight:Color:  CompliCE: Radio: Safety: SecurityEnvironReliabilEnvironManufaStandarMarkingnance pose Magnetal sions: : iance with y and Alarmnmental Regity (Mechannmental concturing andrds: gs:   tic Switch h Standardm Systemsgulation: nical and nditions): d Materials SmaPermSmaPermCoveBaseMagnds ETSIETSIEN 5EU DETSIETSICEPTEN 5EN/I: EN 5EN 5EN50ComEN 5IEC 6 ISO ISO  rt magnet manent magrt magnet manent mager: RAL 900e: RAL 7035net: RAL 90I EN 301 48I EN 301 4850130-4 Directive 19I EN 300 22I EN 300 22T/ERC - Rec50131-5-3 IEC60950-150131-1:2050131-2-6:0131-6:200mpliance to 50130-5:1960068 9001:200814000  sensor– 98gnet – 46 xsensor – 4gnet – 25 g03 (Glossy 5 (Silver) 003 (Glossy89-4  89-1  999/5/EC fo20-3 20-1 commenda1 006 + A1:22008 Class08 Type-C RoHS: 200998 8 8 x 25 x 25 x 14.5 x 105 grams (ingrams white) y white) or R&TTE tion 70-3 009 Class-Is-II Grade-22/95/EC  mm (L x W0 mm (L x Wncl. batteryII Grade-2 2   29W x H) W x H) y)  9

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