Etung Technology MD-309 Wireless Data Terminal User Manual MD 309

Etung Technology Co., Ltd Wireless Data Terminal MD 309

User Manual

MD-309 User Manual Wireless Data Terminal Etung Technology Co., Ltd RM305 Geng Fang Plaza,jia 13 Huayuan Road Haidian Dist. Beijing,china TEL:4008-909-611 FAX:010-64857815
                      MD-309 User Manual 2Table of Contents 1. Product Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Brief Introduction ......................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Product Outlook............................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Standard Accessories.................................................................................................. 5 1.4 Working Mechanism .................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Specifications ................................................................................................................. 6 1.5.1 Technical Parameters...................................................................................... 6 1.5.2 Indicator Light Description............................................................................ 7 1.5.3 Serial Port Definition ....................................................................................... 8 1.6 Technical Advantages ................................................................................................. 8 1.7 Typical Usecases........................................................................................................... 9 2. Device Configurations................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Configurations.............................................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 Preparation........................................................................................................ 10 2.1.2 Configuring MD-309 ...................................................................................... 10 2.2 Configuration Parameters ....................................................................................... 13 2.3 Restore to Default ...................................................................................................... 18 2.4 Firmware Update ........................................................................................................ 18 Appendix : Switching RS-485 to RS-232 .............................................................................. 21
                      MD-309 User Manual 31. Product Introduction This chapter mainly introduces the outlook, accessories, specifications and mechanism of MD-309. 1. Brief Introduction 2. Product Outlook 3. Accessories 4. Dimension 5. Working Mechanism 6. Specifications 7. Technical Advantages 8. Typical Usecases 1.1 Brief Introduction MD-309 is a GPRS DTU produced by Etung in 2010. It can greatly reduce customer’s DTU procurement and integration cost, and has industrial-grade stability and reliability as well. MD-309 has more reasonable cost control, with lower price; it can be regarded by customers as an easy-to-use and useful GPRS DTU product. MD-309 can connect quickly with RTU, PLC, or IPC, and implement remote and transparent data transfer. It can be used widely in various industries related to “Internet of things”: In electric power industry, MD-309 can be used in data transfer areas such as reactive compensation, distribution monitoring, electric meter reading and lamp monitoring; In water application industry, MD-309 can play in wireless communication areas such as water meter reading, water resource remote monitoring, and water transportation network monitoring; In environment protection area, MD-309 can fully deserve GPRS soldier in pollution online monitoring system such as Continuous Emission Monitoring System(CEMS), water quality monitoring system; In device maintenance area, such as elevator monitoring and air-conditioner monitoring, MD-309 can be embedded quickly into customer’s appliance and implement GPRS wireless data transfer; In heating industry, MD-309 can connect with MODBUS concentrator to implement heating meter reading, implement remote data transfer for household heating measurement; it can also connect with PLC or collector to implement remote monitoring of heat exchange station.
                      MD-309 User Manual 41.2 Product Outlook Figure 1-1: MD-309 side view 1 Figure 1-2: MD-309 side view 2         ķSerial portRS232/485ĹAntenna pedestalĸDC power interfaceľinstallation handleĽindicator light()green, redĻSIM card holderļbutton used for ejectingthe sim card holder ľinstallation handle
                      MD-309 User Manual 51.3 Standard Accessories Figure 1-3: GSM sucking antenna Figure 1-4: 9-pin and 9-hole direct serial line Figure 1-5: Power supply
                      MD-309 User Manual 61.4 Working Mechanism Figure 1-7: MD-309 working mechanism After configuring IP address (or domain name) and port of the data center in MD-309, it dials in GPRS wireless network to access the internet; then it establishes connection to the preconfigured IP address and port(i.e. mServer's listening port). On the other hand, the user software system connects to the mServer via virtual serial port, thus implements the wireless and bi-directional data communication between user device and user software system.   1.5 Specifications 1.5.1 Technical Parameters Basic Parameters   Power Supply: 12 V DC Data interface: RS232/485/422/TTL   Network: GSM/GPRS Frequency: 850/900/1800/1900MHz Humidity: 95%@+40ºC   Dimensions:    103x64x24mm (excluding antenna and handle)   Communication  Adjustable baud rate on data interface   Support hard flow control on serial interface
                      MD-309 User Manual 7Support standard TCP/IP protocol with both TCP and UDP   Support always online Support SMS and ringing tone wakeup(wakeup online)     Stability  Host CPU: 32-bit ARM processor   Built-in soft/hard watch dog   Built-in TCP/IP protocol stack   Data Center   Support domain name   Compatible with various data center software   Configuration  Configurable via serial port   Configurable via hyper terminal with menus   1.5.2 Indicator Light Description LED Indicator Light Color  Status  Description Always light    Connected to data center   Extinguished    No connection to data center   Flash quickly    Connecting to data center   Online   Green  Flash slowly   Dialing   Flash   Transferring data/Standby  Sending   Red  Turn off    No data transfer   Table 1-1 MD-309 indicator light description
                      MD-309 User Manual 81.5.3 Serial Port Definition Type   RS-232 RS-485 Pin   2   3   5   7   8   2   3   5  Definition  RXD(out) TXD(in) GND RTS(in) CTS(out) ABGNDTable 1-2: MD-309 serial port pin definition 1.6 Technical Advantages Etung DTU products are advanced not only from hardware industrialization, design rationality, software convenience, and usage flexibility, but also from working stability. Its technical advantages are easy to see:   Support sending SMS   Support GPRS and SMS as backup   Support modifying DTU configurations via SMS   Support modifying DTU configurations remotely at server side   Support querying SIM card number remotely, checking SIM card balance and traffic within DTU   Support device remote re-boot     Support eYun platform, server building not needed and plug-and-play  Support chuankoutong, virtual serial port programming not needed
                      MD-309 User Manual 91.7 Typical Usecases Figure 1-8: MD-309 multiple points to data center Figure 1-9: MD-309 one point to multiple data centers
                      MD-309 User Manual 102. Device Configurations This chapter introduces how to use MD-309 and related parameters.             1. Configurations  2. Parameters  3. Restore to default   4. Firmware Update   5. Remote Configurations   2.1 Configurations 2.1.1 PreparationSerial line used to connect MD-309 with PC or user devices   GSM Antenna   Power Adapter   one SIM card, either from China Mobile or China Unicom, that applies GPRS and can access internet directly via NET 2.1.2 Configuring MD-309 Connect MD-309 with PC using 9-pin 9-hole serial line (if MD-309 is with RS485 interface, we need an adapter from RS485 to RS232, switch RS485 to RS232 and then connect with PC. For details please see Appendix    Switching RS-485 to RS-232)   Find and run MD-309 dedicated configuration executable DTUcfg.exe either from the CD   Click button "Settings" in the upper side of the user interface, and in the popup dialog with title "Settings", select the serial port that is used to configure MD-309, then click OK:
                      MD-309 User Manual 11 Figure 2-1: Setting serial port   Click "Start configuration" based on the prompt, and power on MD-309 quickly within 30 seconds; when the information about MD-309 model appears, press Enter, then the first item of the configuration menu appears: "1) Data center domain or IP ()", then input domain of the data center: (or press Enter to use the default value in the bracket. The default value is Etung server domain, please input your own domain or IP address if you have built your own server).   Press Enter, then the second configuration item appears:   "Data center port (8080)", input mServer's listening port "8080" (or press Enter directly to use the default value in the bracket. This port is the public port of Etung server, input your own port if you have built your own server or leased a dedicated port).
                      MD-309 User Manual 12Figure 2-2: Setting domain(or IP) and port of data center If Etung chuankoutong eYun version is used, configure the applied username in MD-309. If you have built your own server, or you do not use Etung chuankoutong eYun version, you do not need to configure this item.   Figure 2-3: Configuring username Click Enter repeatedly until the prompt "Configuration complete" appears, then the configuration of MD-309 is complete:
                      MD-309 User Manual 13Figure 2-4: Configuration complete 2.2 Configuration Parameters Each configuration menu item of MD-309 includes the following items (those with * are mandatory), details are in the following:   *Order number: includes digit and right bracket, for example "10)"  *Name and unit: name of the configuration item (some items have unit)   Optional values: the contents within "[]" are the values that are allowed in this configuration item, multiple optional values are separated with "/"   *Default value: i.e. the content within "()", If you press Enter to skip this item configuration, the default value will be used.   Attention: In reality, MD -309   connects user devices via serial port,   so serial p ort attributes need to be configured in order to   match user device serial port.
                      MD-309 User Manual 14For example:   15)             digit bit      [5/6/7/8]          (8) Order number Name and unit Optional values Default valueBelow are the configuration items with MD-309 V2.8.5. Different versions may have different configuration items. Configuration Menu Item  Description RESTORE THE DEFAULT SETTINGS?[Y/N](N)  Configure to restore to default or not1) MSERVER DN/ IP ADDR (  Configure data center IP address or domain  2) MSERVER PORT (8080)    Configure data center port   3) ACCOUNT (Etung)    Configure applied eYun username, it is only required to configure if chuankoutong eYun version is used.4) APN name ()    Configure wireless APN name, normally it is not needed, and default value is used, but users with dedicated network adapter need to configure this item.   5) Network   Protocol[UDP/TCP](TCP)  Configure data transport protocol, either UDP or TCP.   6) Connect mServer[Y/N](Y)    Configure whether to connect mServer, Y by default to connect mServer. 7) Self-define registration packagewhen no mServer connection ()   When the device does not connectmServer, self-define registrationpackage.8) Self-define heart-beat packagewhen no mServer connection ()   When the device does not connectmServer, self-define heart-beatpackage.9) Serial port output connectioninformation[Y/N](N)  Configure whether to outputconnection information from serialport, N by default, i.e. do not output
                      MD-309 User Manual 15information. If Y, DTU will outputfrom serial port "+STATUS:1\r\n"after connection and"+STATUS:0\r\n" afterdisconnection. 10) DNS Server()    Configure  DNS  server,  blank  bydefault and DTU will automaticallyacquire DNS server from theoperator network. If DNS serverneed to be specified manually, atmost two DNS server IPs can bespecified with colon as separator,for example:,   11) Dialing account (gprs)   Configure username, normally it isnot changed.   12) Dialing password (****)   Configure password, normally it isnot changed.   13) Phone number   (113901234567)  Configure device's phone number,normally it is not needed.
                      MD-309 User Manual 1614) Connection mode[1:alwaysonline/2:wakeup online/3:onlineupon request]   Configure connection mode. Alwaysonline means after power on itkeeps connected with data center,and auto connects afterdisconnection; Wakeup onlinemeans it does not connects afterpower on, and dials and connectwhen receiving wakeup SMS orwakeup call(wakeup phone numberand wakeup password need toconfigure), and after wakeup onlineif there is no data transfer incontinuous 5 minutes it willdisconnect; Online upon requestmeans it does not connects afterpower on, and when data need to besent from serial port it will betriggered to dial and connects datacenter, and after online uponrequest if there is no data transferin continuous 5 minutes it willdisconnect. Online upon requestincludes wakeup online functions,that is, when no data need to besent from serial     port and it does not connect afterpower on, it can be triggered to dialand connect by wakeup SMS orwakeup call.   15) Ringing tone wakeup phonenumber ()   Configure ringing tone wakeupphone number when connectionmode is wakeup online. NULL or"ALL" means it does not checkcalling number, and there can bemultiple numbers separated by   ",".
                      MD-309 User Manual 1716) SMS wakeup password (1234)   Configure password used for SMSwakeup when connection mode iswakeup online. If SMS wakeup isrequired, the SMS used to wakeupmust use this password. At thesame time, this password is also thepassword used to configure theSMS.  17) Heart-beat interval in seconds   (60)  Configure heart-beat interval inseconds. Heart-beat timeout is 3times of heart-beat interval.   18) Baud rate bps(9600)   Configure baud rate on serial portwhen transferring data.   19) Data bits [5/6/7/8] (8)    Configure  data  bits  on  serial  portwhen transferring data.   20) Parity checking[N/E/O/M/S] (N)  Configure parity checking bit onserial port when transferring data.N: No checking, E: Even checking,O: Odd checking, M: Mark checking,S: Space checking.   21) Stopping bit[1/1.5/2] (1)    Configure stopping bit on serial portwhen transferring data   22) Flow control[N/H/S] (N)    Configure flow control on serial portwhen transferring data. N: No flowcontrol, H: Hard flow control, S:Soft flow control.   23) Debugging mode[Y/N] (N)    Configure whether DTU is running indebugging mode. It will outputdebugging information underdebugging mode, but DTU cannottransfer data in debugging mode.   Check signal quality[Y/N] (N)    Configure  whether  to  check  signalquality where DTU is located. It canonly work properly with good orbetter signal quality. Table 2-1: Details of configuration parameters
                      MD-309 User Manual 182.3 Restore to Default According to the description of "Configuring MD-309", after entering MD-309 configuration interface, the first item is "Restore to default" option, input "Y" and press Enter, then the configuration will be restored to default.      Figure 2-5: Restore to default 2.4 Firmware Update Ask Etung for firmware software   According to the description of "Configuring MD-309", connect MD-309 with PC via 9-pin 9-hole serial line, run MD-309 configuration executable, and set the serial port used to update MD-309.  Click "Select file", then select the file (.bin) to update, and click "Open".
                      MD-309 User Manual 19   Figure 2-6: Select file to update Click "Start to update", then power on the device quickly within 30 seconds.      Figure 2-7: Firmware Update
                      MD-309 User Manual 20After update is complete the device will reboot automatically, then in the user interface a prompt "Update finished" will appear.   Figure 2-8: Update complete
                      MD-309 User Manual 21Appendix : Switching RS-485 to RS-232  When configuring Etung device with RS-485 interface, in order to connect the device to PC, it is required to switch RS-485 interface to RS-232 interface. Etung provides two kinds of switching methods: via RS-485 to RS-232 convertor, and via 9-pin adapter serial line. Details are described below.   1) RS-485 to RS-232 Convertor This method requires a RS-485 to RS-232 convertor (as shown in   Figure Appendix 3-1), as well as an adapter line from RS-485 to RS232 (as shown in Figure Appendix 3-2), this line is delivered for free by Etung when
                      MD-309 User Manual 22customer buys devices the first time.    Connect the 9-pin end of the adapter line to the 9-hole serial port of the device, connect the other end of the adapter line to the 9-pin end of the convertor (not including convertor terminal) as shown in Figure Appendix 3-3, and then connect the 9-hole end of the convertor to PC.   Figure Appendix 3 -1:RS-485 to RS-232 Convertor Figure Appendix 3 -2:Adapter line from RS -485 to RS -232
                      MD-309 User Manual 23Figure Appendix 3-3: connection diagram 2) 9-pin adapter serial line(RS-485 serial line) This method requires RS-485 to RS-232 convertor, and 9-pin adapter serial line (as shown in Figure Appendix 3-4).   Figure Appendix 3-4: 9-pin adapter serial line    First, connect the red and yellow line of the line end on 9-pin adapter serial line to the convertor terminal of the convertor, the order is: plug the red line into T/R+ port of the terminal, and yellow line into T/R- port of the terminal, and other lines are not required to connect, as shown in Figure Appendix 3-5.
                      MD-309 User Manual 24Figure Appendix 3-5: Line connection order Then, connect the 9-pin end of the 9-pin adapter serial line to the interface of RS-485 device, and connect 9-hole end of the RS-485 to RS-232 convertor to PC, as shown in Figure Appendix 3-6.   Figure Appendix 3-6: 9-pin adapter connection diagram
FCC Certification Requirements Caution: Any changes or modifications in construction of this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 7KHDQWHQQDVXVHGIRUWKLVWUDQVPLWWHUPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGWRSURYLGHDVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHRIDWOHDVWFPIURPDOOSHUVRQV

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