Euro Communication EquipementS BTHD Bluetooth Handsfree Kit User Manual manual

Euro Communication Equipement SAS Bluetooth Handsfree Kit manual


           Bluetooth Handsfree Kit Car Speakerphone (For Bluetooth Mobile Phones)
  1  Table of Contents   1. Product Overview………………………………………….……………………... 2 2. Charging………………………………………………………………………….... 2  3. Power On/Off…………………………………………………………………….... 2  Power On Power Off  4. Pairing to your Bluetooth Mobile Phone…………………………………….... 3  5. Basic Operations………………………………………………………………..… 4      Answer Calls End Calls Redial Last Number Voice Dial Reject Calls To adjust the Volume Setting To transfer Audio from the Handsfree kit to the Phone To Transfer Audio from the Phone to the Handsfree kit 6. Advanced Functions………………………………………………..................... 5 Music (A2DP) Mode 3-Way Calling 7. Special Feature………………………………………………………………….… 6 Automatic Reconnection Erasing all Paired Devices
  2 1. Product Overview  1 End/Reject Button (end call & reject call) 2 Power Button (Power On/Off) 3 MFB or Multi-function Button & Volume Control (answer call / voice dial / redial & audio transfer) 4 Microphone  5 Charger Port 6 Charge Indicator 7 Bluetooth Indicator 8 Speaker   2. Charging  Your SUPERTOOTH HD will be needed to charge if Charge Indicator (6) turns red.   1.  Connect  the  charger’s  plug  into  the  Charger  Port  (5)  of  the SUPERTOOTH HD. Connect the charger to an external power source.  Charge Indicator (6) Status:   Steady Red:    Battery Low     Steady Orange: Charging     Steady Green:   Battery Full    2.  When fully charged, disconnect the charger.   3. Power On/Off  Power On:  Press the Power (2) button for 1 second. Turn On beep will be heard and a voice will say, “Connected to phone (or if phone not available: No phone detected).” The Bluetooth Indicator (7) will turn blinking blue.  Note: The first time the SUPERTOOTH HD is turned on, handsfree kit will automatically go to pairing mode. In this case, proceed to Section 4 (Pairing Procedure).
  3 Power Off:  Press the Power (2) button for 1 second. Turn Off beep will be heard and a voice will say, “SUPERTOOTH HD Powering down.” The Bluetooth Indicator (7) will turn steady red and then turns off.  4. Pairing to your Bluetooth Mobile Phone  SUPERTOOTH HD needs to pair to your Bluetooth mobile phone to create the link or audio connection between the two. Pairing should be done only at the first connection to the phone.  Pairing Procedure:  1. From OFF, press and hold the Power (2) button of the handsfree kit until the Bluetooth Indicator (7) turns blinking red/blue. A voice will then announce, “Press green button to select British English.” Instructions for other languages will be announced succeedingly. 2. As soon as the preferred language is spoken, press the green button or the MFB (3) button to enable it. If British English is chosen, a voice will announce  “British English selected. From phone’s Bluetooth menu, search for devices then select Supertooth HD and enter pincode 0000.” This means the kit is now ready to pair.  Note: If you selected the wrong language, just turn off the SUPERTOOTH HD and bring it back to pairing mode to be able to select one more time from the available languages. 3. While the kit is in pairing mode, access the Bluetooth menu of your phone.  Turn on  the  Bluetooth function  then  execute  a  Bluetooth search. (See your phone’s manual.) 4. When  the  phone  displays  the  list  of  Bluetooth  devices,  select Supertooth HD.  5. Enter password/pin code 0000 and press OK. “Pairing successful to phone. Connected to phone” will be announced. Handsfree kit is now ready to use.  Note: Most phones automatically connect to the kit after pairing.  With some phones you need to connect manually after pairing. Go back to Bluetooth > Paired devices > highlight Supertooth HD > press Options > then press Connect. Or press the green button or the MFB (3) button to connect on handsfree kit.
  4 5. Basic Operations  IMPORTANT: The kit needs to be ‘paired’ to your Bluetooth mobile phone first, before you can use the following functions. See Pairing to your Bluetooth Mobile Phone in Section 4.  Answer Calls: During the ring tone, press the MFB (3) button to answer the call and when call is answered, the Bluetooth Indicator (7) will turn blinking blue.  End Calls: Press the End/Reject (1) button for 1 second to end the call.   Voice Dial: Note:  Before using this feature, make sure that the voice dialing function of your phone is activated. Some phones need to have at least one voice tag recorded in the phone’s memory, not on the SIM card! (Kindly refer to your phone’s manual.)  1. Press the MFB (3) button for 1 second. 2. A beep will be heard on the handsfree kit prompting you to say the voice tag of the contact to call and the Bluetooth Indicator (7) will turn blinking blue. 3. Say the voice tag exactly as how you recorded it. 4. The voice tag will be played back to you and then the phone will dial the number automatically.  Redial Last Number:  Press the MFB (3) button for 3 seconds. The last dialed number will be redialed and “Redialing” will be announced on the kit.  Reject Calls: During the ring tone, press the End/Reject (1) button for 1 second or long press the MFB (3) button for 3 seconds. The incoming call will be rejected.  To adjust the Volume Setting: Increase or decrease the volume by scrolling Volume control clockwise or Counter Clockwise. Scroll until desired level is reached. When maximum volume is reached, “Maximum Volume” will be announced on the kit.
  5 To transfer Audio from the Handsfree kit to the Phone: Press and hold the End/Reject (1) button for 3 seconds or simply turn off the handsfree kit by pressing the Power (2) button for 1 second. The audio will automatically be transferred to the phone.  To Transfer Audio from the Phone to the Handsfree kit: Press and hold the MFB (3) button for 3 seconds and the audio will automatically be transferred to the handsfree kit.  Note:  For some phones, you may need to accept a connection prompt on the phone before automatic transfer takes place.   6. Advanced Functions  A. Music (A2DP) Mode: If your phone supports A2DP (Advance Audio Distribution Profile), you can stream music from your phone to the SUPERTOOTH HD.  Stream Music, Play/Pause: Go to your phone’s music player and play a track via A/V bluetooth. (See your phone’s manual).  A2DP music played through SUPERTOOTH HD.  To adjust the Volume Setting: Increase or decrease the volume by scrolling Volume control Clockwise or Counter Clockwise. Scroll until desired level is reached. When maximum volume is reached, “Maximum Volume” will be announced on the kit.  Note: If someone calls while A2DP music streaming through the handsfree kit,  the  A2DP  music  will  automatically  paused,  muted  or  stopped incoming call rings through handsfree kit. Accepting this call, audio will be on handsfree kit. After the phone call is ended or rejected, some phones A2DP  music  will  automatically  resume  (A2DP  Music  stream  through handsfree kit).  B. 3-Way Calling: Important:  Before using this feature, make sure that your phone and the phone network both support call waiting.  If there’s a second incoming call, a low beep will be heard from the SUPERTOOTH HD.
  6 To end the current call and accept the second incoming call: Short press the MFB (3) button will end the current call and accept the second call. The audio for the second call will automatically be heard through the handsfree kit.  To place current call on-hold and accept the second incoming call: Double short press the MFB (3) button will hold the current call and answer the second call. The audio for the second call will automatically be heard through the handsfree kit.  To swap current call with held call: Double short press the MFB (3) button to automatically put on-hold the current call and activate the on-hold call. The audio for the activated held call will be heard through the handsfree kit.  Note: For some phones, you will need to go on phone call menu before executing the swapping audio of current call with the held call.   To end the current call and retrieve held call: Short press the MFB (3) button will end the current call and activate the on-hold call. The audio for the activated held call will automatically be heard through the handsfree kit.  Note: For some phones, you will need to double short press the MFB (3) button to retrieve the held call.   7. Special Feature  Automatic Reconnection:  If the handsfree kit is left ON, it will automatically reconnect to your phone when you get back in your car.    Note: This automatic reconnection can take few seconds after getting back in range.  Erasing all Paired Devices:  From  pairing  mode,  press and  hold  the  End/Reject  (1)  button  for  5 seconds until a distinctive melody is heard on the kit.  All the paired devices are now erased.
  7 CCoorrrreecctt  DDiissppoossaall  ooff  TThhiiss  PPrroodduucctt  ((WWaassttee  EElleeccttrriiccaall  &&  EElleeccttrroonniicc  EEqquuiippmmeenntt))    ((AApppplliiccaabbllee  iinn  tthhee  EEuurrooppeeaann  UUnniioonn  aanndd  ootthheerr  EEuurrooppeeaann  ccoouunnttrriieess  wwiitthh  sseeppaarraattee  ccoolllleeccttiioonn  ssyysstteemmss))    TThhiiss  mmaarrkkiinngg  sshhoowwnn  oonn  tthhee  pprroodduucctt  oorr  iittss  lliitteerraattuurree,,  iinnddiiccaatteess  tthhaatt  iitt  sshhoouulldd  nnoott  bbee  ddiissppoosseedd  wwiitthh  ootthheerr  hhoouusseehhoolldd  wwaasstteess  aatt  tthhee  eenndd  ooff  iittss  wwoorrkkiinngg  lliiffee..  TToo  pprreevveenntt  ppoossssiibbllee  hhaarrmm  ttoo  tthhee  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt  oorr  hhuummaann  hheeaalltthh  ffrroomm  uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd  wwaassttee  ddiissppoossaall,,  pplleeaassee  sseeppaarraattee  tthhiiss  ffrroomm  ootthheerr  ttyyppeess  ooff  wwaasstteess  aanndd  rreeccyyccllee  iitt  rreessppoonnssiibbllyy  ttoo  pprroommoottee  tthhee  ssuussttaaiinnaabbllee  rreeuussee  ooff  mmaatteerriiaall  rreessoouurrcceess..    HHoouusseehhoolldd  uusseerrss  sshhoouulldd  ccoonnttaacctt  eeiitthheerr  tthhee  rreettaaiilleerr  wwhheerree  tthheeyy  ppuurrcchhaasseedd  tthhiiss  pprroodduucctt,,  oorr  tthheeiirr  llooccaall  ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt  ooffffiiccee,,  ffoorr    ddeettaaiillss  ooff  wwhheerree  aanndd  hhooww  tthheeyy  ccaann  ttaakkee  tthhiiss  iitteemm  ffoorr  eennvviirroonnmmeennttaallllyy  ssaaffee  rreeccyycclliinngg..  BBuussiinneessss  uusseerrss  sshhoouulldd  ccoonnttaacctt  tthheeiirr  ssuupppplliieerr  aanndd  cchheecckk  tthhee  tteerrmmss  aanndd  ccoonnddiittiioonnss  ooff  tthhee  ppuurrcchhaassee  ccoonnttrraacctt..  TThhiiss  pprroodduucctt  sshhoouulldd  nnoott  bbee  mmiixxeedd  wwiitthh  ootthheerr  ccoommmmeerrcciiaall  wwaasstteess  ffoorr  ddiissppoossaall..  TThhiiss  pprroodduucctt  hhaass  aann  eemmbbeeddddeedd,,  nnoonn--rreeppllaacceeaabbllee  bbaatttteerryy,,  ddoo  nnoott  aatttteemmpptt  ttoo  ooppeenn  tthhee  pprroodduucctt  oorr  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  aass  tthhiiss  mmaayy  ccaauussee  iinnjjuurryy  aanndd  ddaammaaggee  tthhee  pprroodduucctt..  PPlleeaassee  ccoonnttaacctt  tthhee  llooccaall  rreeccyycclliinngg  ffaacciilliittyy  ffoorr  rreemmoovvaall  ooff  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy..  TThhee  eemmbbeeddddeedd,,  nnoonn--rreeppllaacceeaabbllee  bbaatttteerryy  iiss  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  llaasstt  tthhee  lliiffee  ttiimmee  ooff  tthhee  pprroodduucctt..    EEnngglliisshh  HHeerreebbyy,,  EEUURROO  CCOOMMMMUUNNIICCAATTIIOONN  EEQQUUIIPPEEMMEENNTTSS,,  rreepprreesseenntteedd  bbyy  MMiicchheell  MMAARRCCHHAANNTT,,  CCEEOO,,  ddeeccllaarreess  tthhaatt  tthhee    SSUUPPEERRTTOOOOTTHH  HHDD  MMOODDEELL  BBTTHHDD,,  iiss  iinn  ccoommpplliiaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  eesssseennttiiaall  rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss  aanndd  ootthheerr  rreelleevvaanntt  pprroovviissiioonnss  ooff  DDiirreeccttiivvee  11999999//55//EECC  ooff  tthhee  EEuurrooppeeaann  PPaarrlliiaammeenntt  aanndd  ooff  tthhee  CCoouunncciill  ooff  99  MMaarrcchh  11999999  oonn  rraaddiioo  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  tteelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss  tteerrmmiinnaall  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  tthhee  mmuuttuuaall  rreeccooggnniittiioonn  ooff  tthheeiirr  ccoonnffoorrmmiittyy..    FFoorr  tthhee  wwhhoollee  ddeeccllaarraattiioonn  pplleeaassee  vviissiitt  ::  hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ssuuppeerrttooootthh..ffrr//ddoowwnnllooaadd  EEuurroo  CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn  EEqquuiippeemmeennttss  SSaass  RRoouuttee  ddee  FFooiixx  DD111177  1111  550000  NNEEBBIIAASS  FFRRAANNCCEE    FFeeddeerraall  CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss  CCoommmmiissssiioonn  ((FFCCCC))  SSttaatteemmeenntt  IInndduussttrryy  CCaannaaddaa  ((IICC))  SSttaatteemmeenntt  1155..2211    YYoouu  aarree  ccaauuttiioonneedd  tthhaatt  cchhaannggeess  oorr  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  nnoott  eexxpprreessssllyy  aapppprroovveedd  bbyy  tthhee  ppaarrtt  rreessppoonnssiibbllee  ffoorr  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ccoouulldd  vvooiidd  tthhee  uusseerr’’ss  aauutthhoorriittyy  ttoo  ooppeerraattee  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt..    1155..110055((bb))  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  hhaass  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  aanndd  ffoouunndd  ttoo  ccoommppllyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  lliimmiittss  ffoorr  aa  CCllaassss  BB  ddiiggiittaall  ddeevviiccee,,  ppuurrssuuaanntt  ttoo  ppaarrtt  1155  ooff  tthhee  FFCCCC  rruulleess..  TThheessee  lliimmiittss  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  pprroovviiddee  rreeaassoonnaabbllee  pprrootteeccttiioonn  aaggaaiinnsstt  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  iinn  aa  rreessiiddeennttiiaall  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ggeenneerraatteess,,  uusseess  aanndd  ccaann  rraaddiiaattee  rraaddiioo  ffrreeqquueennccyy  eenneerrggyy  aanndd,,  iiff  nnoott  iinnssttaalllleedd  aanndd  uusseedd  iinn  aaccccoorrddaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,,  mmaayy  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..  HHoowweevveerr,,  tthheerree  iiss  nnoo  gguuaarraanntteeee  tthhaatt  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  wwiillll  nnoott  ooccccuurr  iinn  aa  ppaarrttiiccuullaarr  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  IIff  tthhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ddooeess  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  oorr  tteelleevviissiioonn  rreecceeppttiioonn,,  wwhhiicchh  ccaann  bbee  ddeetteerrmmiinneedd  bbyy  ttuurrnniinngg  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ooffff  aanndd  oonn,,  tthhee  uusseerr  iiss  eennccoouurraaggeedd  ttoo  ttrryy  ttoo  ccoorrrreecctt  tthhee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  bbyy  oonnee  oorr  mmoorree  ooff  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  mmeeaassuurreess  ::    --RReeoorriieenntt  oorr  rreellooccaattee  tthhee  rreecceeiivviinngg  aanntteennnnaa..  --IInnccrreeaassee  tthhee  sseeppaarraattiioonn  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  rreecceeiivveerr..  --CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  iinnttoo  aann  oouuttlleett  oonn  aa  cciirrccuuiitt  ddiiffffeerreenntt  ffrroomm  tthhaatt  ttoo  wwhhiicchh  tthhee  rreecceeiivveerr  iiss  ccoonnnneecctteedd..  --CCoonnssuulltt  tthhee  ddeeaalleerr  oorr  aann  eexxppeerriieenncceedd  rraaddiioo//TTVV  tteecchhnniicciiaann  ffoorr  hheellpp..    OOppeerraattiioonn  iiss  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  ttwwoo  ccoonnddiittiioonnss  ::  11))TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmaayy  nnoott  ccaauussee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  aanndd  22))TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmuusstt  aacccceepptt  aannyy  iinntteerrffeerreennccee,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  tthhaatt  mmaayy  ccaauussee  uunnddeessiirreedd  ooppeerraattiioonn  ooff  tthhee  ddeevviiccee..    FFCCCC  RRFF  RRaaddiiaattiioonn  EExxppoossuurree  SSttaatteemmeenntt  ::  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ccoommpplliieess  wwiitthh  FFCCCC  rraaddiiaattiioonn  eexxppoossuurree  lliimmiittss  sseett  ffoorrtthh  ffoorr  aann  uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..  EEnndd  uusseerrss  mmuusstt  ffoollllooww  tthhee  ssppeecciiffiicc  ooppeerraattiinngg  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss  ffoorr  ssaattiissffyyiinngg  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  ccoommpplliiaannccee..  TThhiiss  ttrraannssmmiitttteerr  mmuusstt  nnoott  bbee  ccoo--llooccaatteedd  oorr  ooppeerraattiinngg  iinn  ccoonnjjuunnccttiioonn  wwiitthh  aannyy  ootthheerr  aanntteennnnaa  oorr  ttrraannssmmiitttteerr..

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