Eurosun 1B110BT Bluetooth speaker with Microphone User Manual CTL1704104092 WF 15 247
Eurosun International Limited Bluetooth speaker with Microphone CTL1704104092 WF 15 247
Eurosun >
User manual
Bluetooth speaker with Microphone 1511031 rhank you rorburchasrng rne Hype“ Wrreress Karaoke me 1. LED speaker. Please read or rnsrrucrrons carerurry berore usrna and rerarn rho manuar ror rurure use and reverence. "cuss comm: - wrreress Karaoke Mir: -M-orc use chararna cobre - operarion Manuor KEV FEAWIES - comparrore wrrh erueroorrwenaared devrces - surrrn recharaoabre oorrery - cororchanorno LED ionr - Burrrd‘nxpeaker -vaurne and echo conrror - wrrnearo snoncurr - Micro sD comparrbre may mmucnous keep rho unrr away rronr hear sources, drrecr sunrghr. numrdrry. warer and any orner rauids. be nor operare rhe unrr or who: been wooed ra ware, "mire or any orhe rrauras ro prevenr aganrr arcane shock, ekprosron and/arrnruryro yourserr and aamogero rho url‘l be nor use rhe unrr rr rr has peen stopped or damaged rn any way keporrs ro erecrncor eouprnenr snourd any be pedarmed by a ouaired erecrncran. rrnproperreoars may prace rne user or sendus risk be nor pmcrure or harm rhe ekrerier sundce or rhe praducr n any way Keep rne unrr rree rrom dusr. hr. erc Do nor use my; unrr ror anyrhrno orner rnan ns mended use or purpose Dcrng so may damage rhe deyrce r \ rho producr b nor a ray. Keep our or reach or omen. Do nor use rhe headser ar exceerye revers as «re may Dmflfle neafna Do nor emose baherres bonery pack or baherres ro Imralod ro ekcee‘rye hear. such as drecr wright. or open flame. DIAGIAM r.M‘c 7Mcrastror 2. LED swirch a. LED rndicaror a. yorume Swr’rch 9. Micru use charge had A Echo syncn I0. eurrrrn Speaker 5.0rr/ON syrrm Ir. Murrycororreb ughr e. Murrimeda suhon chAIGING mi KARAOKE Mrc rne karaoke mrc comes wrrh a burn rechargeabre bunery aerore usrna rr ror rhe hrs! rrme. we recommend You 1:th rhe barrery rurry. Only use he warned charae cabre ro charae rhe speaker. Connecr rhe use and re a compurer use port or a use wal charger and rhe mrcro ussro rhe charae pan on rhe karaoke nrrc rhe red La: rndrcaror wrl rrurrinare Wrrrre me karaoke nrrc 's churflm. A Mcharae or rhe mayrakes aound 25 hours When rho bahery rs rurry chaaed. rho LED rndroarorwl rum arr Dvconnecr rhe karaoke Mr: or rhrs pornr. rne karaoke mrc Mr rhen be ready ror use. When rne barrery a row. we LED rndicarorwi named and my race rones every mreconds Whenrna occus prease recharge me karaoke mic When usrng your karaoke mic vrrh an rFerne, he ran nghr cornerwrrr rndrcare your karaoke mrc's oarrery rrre norm uanrrcurou - rne kaaoke noc yrrr nanry you aurng "Power Orr" vhrh rhe sauna or a beep. - rho karaoke rn'c vhrr norrry you aurng “PM arr-yrrn a prarnpr rone. - rne kaaoko rrb'c yn‘rr harry you when “Par’r‘ng Successrur' vrrh rhe sauna or a peep. nrrrma m: KAIAOK! mc r Ensure rhe kauoke mrc ‘rs rurned arr, rr rr ‘rs nor. prease rurn orr rhe karaoke m‘rc rrsr oerore ponng. 2 Free and nord rhe murr‘runcr‘orr purron ror 3 seconds unnr rhe brue Laornarcmorrashes lhrswrrr r'rrdkcure yourkoraoke nl‘c rs new rn pornng mode. 3 Race rhe karaoke me and rhe meroarh' devce 1o wnsch you Wk! rke re par rr wrhrn rhe operarrng arsronce we recommend keeprng rne rwo devrces no runnerrnon 3 reer open 4 Erryure erueroorn s enabred on your dame kererro rhe r \ mnblacrurefs rnsrrucrrons rer haw ro enable anseroerh on yourdevrce. 5. Once you have acrryared pueroorh on you deuce. serecr rhe kaooke mrc ”hr-Wm" rram rne rrsr or aydabre arueroorh deyrces, o. rr reaured. enrerrne FrN code 'oooo‘ and conrrnr rne errW Nore. rr porrno 's unsuccessrur, run on me karaoke nk'c rrsr ana reparr rosovrng rhe araomsnnonea sreps Dnco you have pared me karaoke nuc wrrh o concerns karaoke m‘c yrrr rememberrh‘s devrcs and W! aorourornor’corh wnen rho devrca‘s erueroorn is acrryored and rn range you do nor need ro reparr any prevrousry connocred dovces. DoEunNa mE rum Mrc rlayrne rnrure weal-arr once rhe karaoke mrc Ls pared no your device, you can srreom musrc wrerocry ro rho burrrer speaker. serocr rho rrack you wash ro Bren ro on your aeyrce ro pray rnrougn rho speaker. shourd you enoounrer my probrems yrnrre snomrno. prooso rorer ro your devrco‘s Leer manual. rr-yrrrd mu-rc nerrr rrrrcre in and Inserr a mroasu cad roaaed vnrh your phykr irrlu rhe mrcro sD sror. When a mraro sD card rs 'nsanad, rho karaoke mrc wI ouromarrcaly swrrcrr ra prayrng music rrem me new SD card hora rhe murrrmeda runcrron burron ror 3 seconds ro svrroh oerwoen IE and or modes. my hack Press rhe nur'medra dial down once ro srar prahna a hack Iaun oraek Free rhe more dial down once ro purse ma currenr rrack slob 1a near orack rum rne murrmedra drar riahr once ro skip ro rhe nod hack. rum nahr and horarne muhrneara drar rorncrease rhe vorurnn. (- we re Prune»: hock runr me Mmedra arar rerr once re ska 1o rhe prewous hack. runr reri and hord rne murrrmedra drar ro decrease rne yorumn. Mun Vol“ ache Push rhe echo much up or down ro aarusr voice echo. MIL-a1 Vol" Verumo Push rhe vomnre swrrch up or down no adrusr yoroe yorume. rum arr/ow on swrrcrr In) new r. wnen rhe karaoke mrc e runed on. press rhe LED burron oncero run on me LED ighr hwrrr sranrn yorrd cororrnode. rne rcr cororyrrr be said red 2. Pressrhs LED ourron 4 more rmesrccycrerwoum orher mid ccron [prue geen pr'nk. rrghr orue in rhor order}. s. Pressrhe LED purran a yr rrmero svrrcmne LED rrghr ro rode mode rho LED rrghr w: rrarorrvon rhrougn an corors. 4. nearhe LED purron a Mime rorwrrcn rho La: rrghr 1a rrasning mode. 5. Prussrrre LED purran a 8"th rurn arr rhe La: rghr. SPECIFICAYIONS srueroarrw version v2. 1+EDR ooerarng Daonce: up ra 33h rrornr Pick up Cooocnve SpeakerOurpur, 3w nerruerrCy Range zonxezoknz Sensirrvny 30am rsao nay rrne. up roehoun sorrery ryee urnrurn earrery sorrery Capocrry: rth chorong vanooe- DC sv Chcrono hrne up r02 snours chorono rnrerrace Mrcro use Wee“ owr ro (are: kg cArrE AND MNIENANCE - Do norexpaserhe unrrro esoeesrye hear or numrorry ro ave-d damage 1o rne producrs rnrernar creaky. - Do nor use abrosrye crearrng soryenrs re crem me unrr. - Do nor expose rhe unrrro esrremery hrah orrow remberarures as Ms WI shonen rhe rre or re erecrronrc device. desrroy me barrery. and/or :1er cenorn prosrrc pars. - Do nor aspose or he unrr rn rre as may may sxprode or combusr - Do nor expose rhe unrrro conracrvrrh snap oorscrs as ths w: cause sorarcnes and damage. - Do nor rer rne unarrol rrcrn hroh proces. as dorna so may damage rho rnrernor crrcurrry - Do nor arrernpr ro drsoaembrerne unrr. rec swarm ThrsaayrcacumprraswrmFan‘rSaHhaFCCmras opersrron rs sunremorherorrowrnanvoconorrrons rrrhrsoeyrcemsynor cause hermrur rnrenerence. snazrrhrs oeyroe musr sccapr shy rnrenerence reserved. rncrudrno rnrenerence rhsr may cause unossrredapersrron Nora Thrs euurpmenrhss peenresreosnorounoro camprywrrh rhs rrmrrsrors Crass eurarrsr dsvroer pursusnrro psnrsorrhe FCC hures These rrrnrrs are aesranearo provrde ressonsore Trrrs eaurpmenroenersres uses zrrdczrr rsdrsre rsdrarreauenCr eneroysnd rrnorrnsrsrredsnouseorn accordance wrrh rhe rnsrrudrons may cause harmrur rnrenerence ro rsaro communre arrons Hnwever rhere rs no ousrsnreerharrnrenerencewrrr nor occurrnoenrcursrrnsrsrrerron rrrhrs eouromenrooes cause oerermrneo Dvrurrrrrrgrrre eouromenrorrsnoon rhe userrs encourageoro rryro corredrhe rnrenerenoe try one or more orrhe rorrowrng measures eReonenr or reroosre rhe reoervrng enrenns ernorease rhe sepsrerron perween rhe eourpmenr and reoerver esonnedrhe eaurpmenr rnro arr ourrer on a orrourr drrrerenrrrom rhsrro whroh rhe recerver rs oonnedeo changes or modrhosrrons nor expressry aDDVuvefl pyrhe parry K \ urorenron sasrnsr hermrur rnrenersncs rrr s resrdenrrsr rrrslzrralrarr hermrur rnrenerenoe ro rzdrn orrerevrsron recemron whrch can as esonsurrrhe dearer or arr experrenoeo raororryreohnroran ror herp ronrrroran unconrrorreaenvrronmenr rhrsrrsnsmrrrermusrnor orrrsnsmrrrer walmrrv INFOnMArIoN rhe condrrion or «re wuronry and our responsrbrrries under rh's wcerMy ae as rorrows: Suppfisr‘s warranry 's nmrransrerabre. And me Wurunfy rs rrmrred ro rhe Marnar purcnmeronry. ' you mad as core ro prove rho dare or orarnor purchase or rhe uni! vrrh a dared receipr ‘rhe wanonry s nor appicobre rr rhe producrhos been suosecrro physacar abuse, rmpraperrnsraloron. modrrcorron orrepor by unaurnoraed rh'cd pony ' me responsorrny or supnrru‘s producrr sno- oe rrmrred 1o rhe reparr or reprocernerrr or rho producr as in sore drscrerion ' Spedflcarry exempr rram any wananry are rrrnrrearrre consumapre componenrs subjacr ra normar wearand rear such asparrenes. decorarpns and orneraccessares. ' A supprrerwl nar rake any resparssrprrrry rr rhe rarrure or rhe unrr has resured rrorn accraern. cause. rn'suoe, or any unaurhorrzea Ispd, moarrcarion or drmsserrrbry - Maahcaron and reparrorrhe unrrshaurd be done by aurharrred and anarned service ponarrneL oenrer or rerurnea ro rhe manurocrurer. - rna wurranly ones you specyc regar nghrs, and you rnay on have orherrrghrs v/rrrch vary unaer rocar rows. rhe ralwna Corm’ ns comprrse rhe req lemen‘ rs and scope or our warmnry conarrrens and do nor arrea our regar and corrrracruar wanonry oargarrans. We error a worranry on our producrs n accordance yrrh me larrorwmg condrrbrrs- I r hype"- praducrs are covered by a r2 monrh wanmry, We \M“ reserve damages or aerecrs an rrype'M proauas rree or charge wrhrn r2 monrhs or me purchase dare under me rorrowrng warranry commons. For any damage or derecr Coo sensor some sooner. \ no one when: on For: as morn my me so as coerocarea or operarrna rrr corrrundron wrrh any orher anrenna derernrrned rarer rhan I2 monrhs arrer rhe purchase dare. pracrorarndnuracrurno ram rnusr pesubmrrrea rorreparr under warranry. 2) The warronry does norcoyer borrenes and ornerpms. which are cansidered consumables Dans mar break easrry such as arms or plum: or derecrs based on normar wear and rear. where e no waronry obrraaharr rn rho eyenr or marnar drrrerenoes compaed ro rhe roraer appearance and workmanshrp provided rhese have a neaiarbre errecr on rhe prorascr‘sr'nnoss ror use, rn rhe eyenr or damage caused by chemrcar or erecrrocnemioar errecrs, by warer or aenerarry rrorn abnormar candrrons a) rhe worronry ynrr be penarrned 'n such a way mar we shal decide wherherro reparrrhe aerecrrve pars erroreproce rhern wrrh warting pans has or charge hypem reserves rhe ngnrc exchange rhe producr roro reprocernenr producr or eauar m r we producr senr rn cannor oe reporred wrrhrn a reasonaore rrrne or or a reasonaore cps! Requaars cannor oe made ror reparrs ro pe cornea our on srre Fans rnar have oeen reaoced or exchanged oecorne our progeny. 4) rhe warronry cra'rn does nor appry rr repa's or orner work a cornea our py unaumorr’zed persons or rl our producrr are eaurppea wrrn aaarionar pans or accessanes rhar as nor approved rar our producr 5) Warmm‘res mornave oeen acryoreo do nor cause rho warranry penaa rs oe errendea. nar aa rney rrrgger a new worranry period. rne wanonry period ror any repracernenr eons rnsrarrea enas wrrn rhe wananry peerd ror rhe errne producr or Any orner runhercrairre are excused. especaly m ror reprocernenr due ro damage caused re rhe words or rhe producr, provrded rhere is no obrgarory ego: rosary. We rhaerare acceor no rroarrrry ror oceaenror, rndrrecr or orher cansequernor carnage or any and. men reads re usage resrncrans, dora rim. and roe oreornrngs or rnrerruprron 1o ousrness Aeenrna a waranry crarm. rrvo make use or rhe wmanry servrce rar hardware owes you musr canracr rne hypem seryrce corner by emarr ar supaonardarusacom. 2) Hypewwrrr rry ro aagme and sows your proper“. Ir rr rs dererrhrnod rharawaranry crarm ekrsrs you Mr be given an RMA number [Rem Morena Aurhoraorronr and wrrr be asked 1o send rhe promcr ra Hype” rMPOR’YANY: rrycrerw wrr onry accepr oarcors mar have an RMA number. Please observe rherorrow'ng when sendrno rhe product rr send me producr surrabN packaged wrrh carnage and rnsuronce para. Do nor errcrose any accessones wrrh rho producr rcoores. cnagers. monuak,erc.) unressrhe DGL servrce cenrer spocrres omenrse 2r Mon rhe we nurnper on me oursrde or me package rn such away rharnrsvrsue and creony rogue. or you musr endase a copy or rho soressrrp as proor or purchase. 4r Once hypew hasrecerved rhe proaum, rryrrr meer rrs wananry aprgarrorrr rn accordance wr'rrr rhe waranry canarrrons and wrrr rerurn rhe praaucr ra rhe senderyn‘rn carnage and insurance para. :Elvrce Dumb: or wumrvr Hype"r can reruse any service cro'm made mar rs nor covered by rho waranry rr hypem agrees ro pronae a sswr’ce aurooe rhe warronry. rne cusromerwl be rnyorced ror arr reparr and rronspen cosrs Hype"r wrr nor accepr any packages mar nave nor rrrsr been approved by hypew by means or an we [Rerurn Morenor Aurhorrzarronr. DGL Group guaanrees rhe auorry orrhrs producr. For auesrrons or commenrs prease reer rree ro conracr us M responsrore ror oomprrsnce courdvororhe user‘s aurhorrryro mmggppmwm com MADE IN CHINA] K r/ K 2/ K 2/ K 4/ K {WWW eqmpmem / \ 7) \ 3/ «r
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00 Modify Date : 2017:04:21 17:59:44+08:00 Create Date : 2017:04:21 17:59:44+08:00 Metadata Date : 2017:04:21 17:59:44+08:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - CTL1704104092-WF 15.247.doc Creator : Administrator Document ID : uuid:c73dee2e-5c27-4928-8172-9f617d2a0602 Instance ID : uuid:7e4f7f16-0116-4621-a1bb-e0f56484636e Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) Page Count : 1 Author : AdministratorEXIF Metadata provided by