Evado Filip US EF0001 Smart Watch Personal Tracking Device User Manual EF UserManual v2 UPDATED

Evado Filip US Ltd. Smart Watch Personal Tracking Device EF UserManual v2 UPDATED

Users Manual

Download: Evado Filip US EF0001 Smart Watch Personal Tracking Device User Manual EF UserManual v2 UPDATED
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Evado Filip US EF0001 Smart Watch Personal Tracking Device User Manual EF UserManual v2 UPDATED
Document ID2025830
Application IDgOAVXE5zl+f49HQ+YrOK4A==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize304.63kB (3807819 bits)
Date Submitted2013-07-25 00:00:00
Date Available2014-01-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-07-24 16:21:36
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Document Lastmod2013-07-24 16:21:36
Document TitleEF_UserManual_v2_UPDATED.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: Brian

We one (‘O/Y’NYHL’WKY OH
and fommon down) f0! (:05
inside Filip
The screen
Register Online
The Filip smarlphone app
Turning on and on
Making arid receiving coils
Tex! messages
Sate zones
Emergency moiiiiorliig
Baby monitor
Addiiioncli users
Secure dam
, i7 usm MANUM
I ,U; usm MANUM ,».:,,l
Let’s get started
Filip has the brains of a satellite location system,
the heart of a smartphone and the face of a watch
Best of all, lt's delightfully simple to use.
(D ll can is? your Child make and receive telephone culls
@ it can display a map on on Apple or Andrord smorlphone b snow where your child is
@ in an emergencyrrean send necking alerts p your phone and can record conversalrons
You'll nollce ll’lere are lusl lwo buflons on he device
The Smaller bLlflDll leis your Cl’llld choose which person
lhey Wurll '0 call , you can slore up '0 five numbers In
Filip , While pressing The larger red bLll‘lOn makes me
Call Holding lhe larger red bLlT‘lOll for more thIn lhree
seconds signals (in emergency and will call lhe firsl ol
your nominated emergency numbers ll this call lsn’l
answered Filip will call all lhe other nominated numbers
The slur-shaped symbol on the back ucls as (1
Charging conneclor Your Filip device has been supplied
wllh a charging lead and a malhsrporwered charger
Connecl me churg‘ng lead to me Filip and lhe charger
lhen plug the charger me a power pullel Allerrlollvely,
lne churglrlg lead can be eanneciea lo any compulel
USE porl The device wlll beep and wlll dlspluy me word
'Churglng' on ine screen Charge your new device lar ai
leasl 4 hours before USan ll‘ for ll'le rlrSl l‘lme
A Filip device can run for up To 48 hours before il
needs recharging, allhough lhis will depend on usage
We recommend lllQ‘l you recharge Filip Grier each day
ll's used
To turn the device on {Mess lhe larger red bullon lor
one second Ariel (I brief pause, ll will display ‘Hello’ on
lhe screen There’s no Off swrlchvwhlch means Filip C(Ih'l
be lurned all accidenlully You can only turn Filip off by
using lhe Filip smorlphone app
The clock on your Filip dewoe will dulomollcolly
fldiusl Itself l0 show lhe Correcl lime uller lhe devloe has
been swll‘cl’led on and Connected lo ll’le Cellular phone
We've pul a sepalale‘quick slarr guide in lhe box
with your Filip device.This ccnlains all lhe essenliul
inlolmulion you need ilyou're in a hurry,
\ N S \ D E F \L \P
when n cows m makmg and racemng Hermon;
COINS Ewllp llsLu GSM (fhs Gthl Systnm far MdDHG
CnmmlImcrmnnu) IQ knew m TOUCh BUT Ohms nm A?!”
us I. . Favum‘ed mm 6P3 (Glnhd‘ Pnsmnnm
Mom) 3vapr mamunn rmharhké rm m my rm JOHUH
-\ mrm
m. h u m 1|] Than < ‘ m be oa-H «M van! am' Immune or
(hw‘fl xvmiaaw I: régu‘rlr rm H-Iuné \,\| )FL 1T6) Y'rt,
Ivy Hum; nu! : (Uh- w—h up
In «'Irklmm I1 plwvlvlé' EXWU Murmur! H‘vfwnnrmon
vme'an yum mm IS IN, ,m by mu 1g wm mm»; mm
wurkmg uur hay; m. w l3 hum new‘ulay 455M pé-H my
UT (,uurse mdw 5‘5 u‘s «Am sumeflmeu be depVE-vl
by bmklmus byud ,
, y,eumey (Ind Lvy ulhel mans
Wo‘ By usmg three cum-em Npé)
ALB/A59 IE makmg sure MI
d \Uxmon sen/woe In UH? ‘
y.on¢y;onyume essam , Vat)._r(1ge
w: .L gwen Fmp an LCD screen thdis 915‘; to read
”1 almost (my ((mdmnn, uhfifher your Fth \s Indonli hr
:Invmg m N79 5le For mghr ImF may: 5 n hnckhghf mm
'.‘;\H stay on for (lmuhd Mn sérrnnrh \f aHhflr of "7‘ Wm
wnms \s mhsAd mefly
A mflmy :ymt w m Th9 'uprP" Power of THE My,
(law‘s ;(,I¥FI‘\ whx 1v. , Vha mm mm ‘ *f I H MAW MG IEIWIHW-
mg mm; ‘ 1 3|ng M 20911th \In M w :r In "1; h x} x-th?
mum m My vn— quullwufihé mun-4r Muné MM
'm-m Fm: n'r [mug U'v—ri my «,qu u! m K,
H WHI dlsplfly We'd N771»? In 1%}le HI 24>H~KHIWI17LH
evuduflhp Cum ., ;
uAHy by the
mung m me sermgs you v9 mob-run vlu me w.,-w
sue The flme m pimple-‘1(lumum
,Huku phune nemwk no "1—316 5 mm dwak
for you :9 wt
Selling up Filip
Eoch Filip device hos been tested tor quolity
ussuronoe Voull need to charge the bottery belore use
and will also need a web browser to sel the device up
Please note that o new Filip devioe cannol be used until
the online setup has been completed
Simply visil‘ www.evadofilip.com
from a standard infernel‘ browser
and Click 'Pegisfer'
Follow the onscreen instructions lo creote cl per
soncll ID When youVe enlered your informationyou'll be
sent a confirmation message by emoil Vou need lo click
on the special link in lhe email before continuing
Aller confirming your personal details you can regis-
Teryour Filip device onllne Visitwww evodofillp com and
log in using your new usemame and password
Clickl olreadyhcwe a devioe’undlollowthe
Finally, you need to set up and personalize your
Child's device with emergency Contact numbers md
optional 'sdle Zones' This can ellher be done trom the
web sib or via the smartphone app The personalization
will be Complebd after you switch the Fillp devloe on
Create an Evado Filip In
a , memes r mm r
iuwmnyemu rambemhwueumulyw
survom cm: ywrwunvy rum
‘e 0' AP
,2 was one
Afléryau vfldnvmlarvfla'l rum nmmum mg xv rp ~ Emeq
allwdylagvaVh"19 at :ma men mmu rum pmwmrrl (:HV ,9
"1M? vrvu Lbfll ivr Vhé ‘nél ”h-loé‘
wry umvvnie emevgencwmfle an the Fm
VuLI mm "1H1 munlkvl yuur ‘J‘vllria hmmvn VM L1H
”Hansen map "1w! < "m evem mggel Hm Filip Aver
‘ ;v “7049 Hum yum smul fphune
57019 mun/Se and DMCMUSG UGL tron)! QLVtO/‘S
MOIF'Changp ofhe' seflrwg/S pm ”my; 59mg mu
Safe Zones amng or mangmg Conmcfaefafis
semmg messages am am
q fhe Bnny can
_ _ momtrmq mnh‘vor‘
When you nm use me app you‘ll be plesenied wIOh *
five options: A‘Hrumv—‘y wwplng vr aM’F-‘H m Th9 H? mu
(0, choose ym (:ewce displr W H nonmmun y 1mm yum Fm.» usw
\l VUL ’
comet,“ ca"! We F V dew
w! new $2
gmeyeq mute Mun M19) Tap w m» Lk'awzxa
name co we Its most yawn? lawman on a mup
w you w regretsrea.
Ma", C
‘ Did We ”‘05? 'PC‘P'TM‘OCC‘IY'OW 0‘ 7w
’ V V‘ Mme a ,kn‘u we uvullqble- "mm the gum mu gLnde
Lnggsa m as
I , i7 usrn MANUM
Using Filip
Once you've set up the Filip device oniine, you and your Child can start
using the service You can return to the smortphone app or the www.
evodofiiip com web Site at any time to change the contacts you've stored
or to set up other features.
Ammo”; There's no oft swrtch, which means you're in control,
rarer SEK To turn the device on, press the larger red button for one
second After 0 briet pause, it will display 'Helio’ and your
child's name on the screen,
The Filip device can anty be swrtched olr (into 'sleep’
mode) via the Device settings'obtron on the sma't-
phone app To turn the Filip devioe back on again, press
Its larger red button for one second
It the battery runs autcombleteiy, your Fiiib devioe
will enter 'sieep’ mode and the screen will turn block it
will switch on again when the battery is chargd and
the larger red button is pressed for one second You can
choose to receive warning messages about battery lite:
simply open the smartphane app and choose ‘More'
toiiowed by General settings and then Notifications
You can store up to five numbers that’il be avail-
able for your child to call from the Filip devioe Please
remember these are also the only numbers that will be
able to Call your Child We recommend thatme check
the caller no of these numbers betore storing them (The
‘Caller ID' is the biephone number that's displayed
when you call someone)
To check or change your contacts, open the smorir
phone app and choose ‘More'followed by ‘Devioes’
You can then choose the ‘Contocts’ optionfrom your
chosen Filip devioe
Alternativeiyiog on at wwwevodotilip com and click
‘Devioe Settings' followed by 'Contacts’ You can now
see your current contact list, add new contacts and
remove unwanted contacts Remember to click 'Save
changes‘when you’ve finished
amen! mama
Mp has been designed To store me Ie‘ephone
numbers Each number can be
~ [an an enswundeh
shod Hume Such as mom or home These names M”
h? (l‘sp‘nvfld on The Flhp «’19va when your Cth makes
(«19¢er :rIH
10 call a number usmg Fwy» you! ‘ Ilr1 haeds Vn
hrass Th9 smuHer bllfirm The new» y. H hsop 4.1th The
m we hi he first hersm m The Im .m up mh s sen
H Vth mm m we the hexv name oh the hat Vhey pm
The SHNIHH huhm'v «lguh‘v E04;
pmss wHI show he \‘vé‘xf
OH ihs m m mu me pemuh Mme name Is
Jeé-h plésu The \L’Irger red buflun and The LC!“ WIH
be made
My) has a bLuTHh Imcrophune and \uudspeokev so
youl chm swmp‘y hum Fmp new the” face to hear youl
vmce (1le To speak
To ehd the cam They press The Imgev red bunch or
mm to: the caHer to hnhg up
Receiving calls ‘5 even e'lslér C(IHS can (my be
rscewed from The M? shred numbers, anyone 9‘59
Trymg m can wnn T gm through
Whefl ONE of The S'Dmd numbers Is mflllng The Flhp
devIce Mll Hng and 1h; screen Mll \ndm T? The (:QHW'S
hams The chH vin filmmman Iv L»: (n fired after swx
rings and can L». answered SOUHGF by bnefly y unsung
The It "gm red huhm
There « "elf? 4 my vnh Tmfi C(HWUTS Oh the FTIIp devicfi
However H s Lmémhlé h) 594 m (HMS? The volume mum The
hwdsp-mker by using the Dew-,9 sefllhgs' ophuh h The
smurfphune app
Filip has a vegular cellphone number: the number
is shown on you! subscvipoion ugleement
Tsxcmessqges thwm «.15 SMShwssnng cm
L»: sehl Tr,» Th? Filip 4.1mucehmh «.Ihy nf The mnhnyizad
Ma yhm ye humhms shred m The rlevlce These mes-
sages hm uppmlr UH-MJFEH rmVomnhcquth y.
mm m VhHP mm The IV we! red hmroh IS m
' (mm of 1! numbers WHI hm hh" 19 HI Ohly
me my» ween The mm (1-2va LCII'WOT be used my cum
posing and ~99thng text messages
, lli use: MANUAL
Vou can Check your child's location by using the
smartphone crop or the www.5vodoti .com web site,
Simply log in and choose the ‘Map’ options
Your child's location is automatically recorded
at regular intervals.¥ou can use the smartphone
app or the web site to choose when location checks
take place it your child t5 atways at home during the
evening, swttching oft location checks at night will save
battery power on the Filip devioe Conversely, checking
your child's location more frequently wtll provide extra
detail but Will also use more battery power,
A 'real time’ location report is prwiaea whenever
you request itvia the smartphone app or the web site
In addition, it's possible to look at recent iourheys your
child has made.
SA F E 20 N E S
Flttp lets you create 'sate zones' on a map. For
exa'nple, W you designate a safe zone around your
child's school,you‘ll be alerted on your phone when
your child arrives at the designated area and when they
leave the designated area
To set a sate zone,|og on to the smartphone app
and click ‘Map’.Choose ‘Safe Zohe’ and then click 'Add
sate zone’. Follow the onscreen instructions to create
a new sate zone. it’s possrble to choose the parent’s
currentsmartphone location or the current device loco»
iron as a sate zone when using the smartphone app.
Sate zones can also be added by using the www
evadotilip com Web site It's important to note that safe
zones are only active when the onscreen ‘switch' next to
the zone is set to ON or‘l'.
7703 G 5:67:70! 8777
7577’77 77
7‘7’Vi7’7V‘ c' ‘l‘C
7M W!7e/7 777 s , 7
77a sewme 0770' 57m, cm /7L>77e7
.Oflc‘ and 7:750 c.3775 yaw
’TL {V73 nL/{VVDei’S L7"V7 ‘7‘ SU7’VVt‘O/VS 077577/7375.
7377::3y mode 7
37077 *07176 077
7777777 777
7773,. W; 775 L'
e777e7ge777cy 797‘ an
GL'L) 57';
:7 display the yr :77d
d, Emergency when itis in emergency mode 7t777777 (ilsa
7n ("7 enie7( ency Filip 7777 r1” the nut nuniher ,
y7:ur hat of naniinuled 1» it this
Filip mil then 7: (1H (IN the ether ii7:7niin(ite77 numbers siinut
trimeusly it Will (51777920773177? first nun7hei that answers
The Elllt) dew)? Wlll £75977
Comm {(177 tan 9 7177377
77707 7; lurne 7 7:77 rr7:7in the Filip
iei:7 from the sinurtpnene
send renglCll litcth‘tum u
Emergency mode 7:
the cull (19' e 7t can 7:7nlyhe slot
(77:7) 7:77 by logging 7n ta the web site To do this select
Cancel "0777 the 777717» screen C7I7 the app DI the we!) all“
® Fiom lhe Filip device
It your child is last or feels
threatened, they simply hold
down the larger red buflon on
their Filip device tor more than
three seconds
@ From a smailphone
If a parent ci guardian is
concerned about theii chlld, they
can open the Evudo Filip app and
activate the emergency mode by
pressing the central red button
® Online
it a parent or ngurdtun is can
eemea about their Chlld,7hey can
log in to the anline Filip seryiee,
select the 'Map' page and click
the ‘Emergency' button
D Aiiiiic
7.7mm 7.7.
ml: 77.7w
1 Man: 1 Annte‘sSu-ml
{yum mm yrc m
:j {e}
mm: was,
In an emergency the Frrlp deyroe v/rll corr your nome
rnuied [erephcne numbers You can Choose r0 reoewe
Olher scams (Irerls by Dex! message (3M8 rrorrficrlilcrrs),
wo the smarrpnone opp (Push nerrrrcorrons) or born
Choose yourpreference from Mrnrn rhe Frrrp opp by
raucrrrng More and rhen serecrrng ‘Generclr semngs
rorrowed by Nohflccnrrons
Von C(Ir‘r use Frlip ro monm'rr u sreeprng child Srmpry
place ems devrw Dbl-XV V0 them (W! (14: rrvrlrfi bt'lby CCIH
mode vru the web srre or the smur'phune upprrwrron
You can udrusr "19 Horse sensrhvrry and raw-rye an cnlerr
on your phone as won as your chrrd wakea up or a loud
nurse rs heard The rrrrp smartphone (Ipp also ermbres
you to hear (my sounds prcked up by rne mruopnone
of your Frrlp
The baby on“ mode Como! be fumed Off from the
Fllrp devroe rr con onry he slapped from me smorrphone
(Ipp Frllp wrrr nor report rrs reconon or arlom Ielephone
carrs when rn ooby corr mode However, the emergency
buflon erl srlll werk
You can arrow Irusled rrrends (Ind romrw members Io
check your chrrd s rocorron rrom rherr own smonphene
or web browserTo do mrs, rog rnro m
and seledyour GCCOlIrr'demrls,rher1 Choose ACCOLIH'
GUEST Lisr You Shoklrd never re. someone else use your
own username and password
eyodonrrp Com
Other features
Fi/i'p is easy to use yet offers a Wide variety of sophisticated features
lads don't stay clean for very long That's why we've Any personal information you provide via our web
made Hiip austproot and splashproot it it gets messy, site or the sincirlpnone app is held on the Evado Filip
simply Wipe it with a damp clolh Filip isn't designed secure interrtet server Tne Filip device Itself is protected
to be submerged In water, so you‘ll need to remove it against being tampered Wilh or aisrnantted it tne
betore swimming or path timeI casing is opened, Filip will send an alert to your phone
and will then erase all its location data and any other
personal information
rhis device contans a Lithium ion balterv observe the toiiowing prmauttons to ensure sale usage oi the deuce
a) Do not disassemble oropen crush bend or debit" puncture or shred
b) Do not rnaatiyor remamtaciule atterrct to insert bielgn oeiects into the battery irnnesse orerpase towater or other
iiauids expose to ttre erpiosbnorolher hazard
c) only use the battery win a charging system that has beenqmlllled with tie svdem per CYIA ceriirtoatron Requirements
ror aattery system Cormliarceto m I725 use at an unaudited battery orctuiger may present a risk at file explosion
eakage arotrernazara
a) Do not short circ uii a butteiv or aiiow metoilc cenductrve opiectsto contact batteryterminais
e) the battery rs not user reapceapie only aultionzed seryce prouders srraii reaiace battery
t) rrornpilyaispcse oiusea batteries in accordance with local reguiallons
g) Avotd dropping the pttone or battery it the phone or battery is dropped especraiiy on a hard sundae arid the user
suspects damage take ritoa seryroe center torrnspectron
h) irrtptoper battery use may rexLll in a tire expiosbn oroiher hazard
i) only charge the device wth cm ceriirred adapters products that Deanne UslirlF bgo or productsthat have competed
tie usmrconpliance program
FCC ID PGDERJUOI rtrrs device cornpieswttn part Is at ttte FCC Rules Operation is supiect to the bilawirig two conditions-
i [tilsdevlce rndy notcduse harrrriui rntetrerence and
2 rhedevrce must accept any irlertelerce received ncuding irlerteleme that may cause mdesirea operarron
this equiprnem complieswtth rec rrr lactation exposure limits set terih icran uncontrpited emironrnent rer body-worn operation and use an! the head
this device has been tested and meets tne rcc rer exposure guideiines when used with tne wrist strap suppiied with this product Use ototheraccessores
may not ensue compriance with rcc PF exposure gudelnesrhe maxlrrum SARvaiue reported tor aadyworn operatrcn Is i I5 W/kg the maxlran sAre
value reported against the head is a 23W/kg
Note lhlsequipmem has been tested and round to cornpty wrth ltie imtts tora aassa atgttoidevrce pursuant to part l5 at ttte rcc izutes rhese Imits are
desigred to provide reasonable protection against norm-ti irlerieence in a resdenttai insaiiatton This equipment generates uses and can ruddte radio
treauencyerergyand it not rnstalled and used inaccardanoe win the instructions may cause mrrrmi inerrerence to radio carnnunrcdtrons However
there rs m guarantee lttat interterenae will not occur h a parrrcuiar instdlatton it this eaupment aoescduse harmtui rnterrerence to radb or tetevrsbn
reception which can be determined m turning the equipment oriana on the usev is encouragm to irytocorreci the irterterence monear moreai Ihe
tolowng measures
eieorient or reiacate the receiving antenna eincredse the separation between the edurpment and recerreremrnect the eaurprrent into an outieton a
circuttdttterent trorn that to which the recetver is connected econsul lheaeaeroran experienced radio/N technician tor neip
irdusry Camda CAN hsssen/atneen
iC iowsmoul
rhrs deyioe comptes with industry Canada iioenoeexemvt R55 standardrs) Operation is subrect to the tollowng two oonartions (I) ths oeyice may not
cause interterenae and (2) this device must accept any hterrerence including interterence that rndycduse undesired operaibn ot the device
re present appareti es contorrne aux cm d'ndusrie Canada dppiicabtes aux appareiis raop exempts do iipence L’eXPlOitatlon est autorisee aux aeux
conditions suvantes '(l) raoparer ne doi pols produrre ae orouirage et (2) rutiirsateuroe l'appcleil dotclccepter tout blouilage raaroerectrraue supr
mene si re brouiirageest suseeotrpiea en complorretiie re tonctronnerrent
Other features
Filip is easy to use yet offers a Wide variety of sophisticated features
Kids don't stay clean for very longihcit’s why weVe Any persona information you provide via our web
made Filip dustproot and splashprool it it gets messy, site or the smartpnone app is held on the Filip secure
simply Wipe it with a damp cloth Filip isn't designed intemet server'lhe Filip devioe itself is protected against
to be submerged in water, so you‘ll need to remove it being lampered with or dismantled it the casing is
before swimming or bath timeI opened, Filip WIII send an alert to your phone and will
then erase all its location data and any other personal
Evade Flllp Holding Ltd nave used ineii Desi eiions in preparing inis inioirnailon based on known devices to Evade FIIIp on me mailer wlth iniemol
ernoeodedcnorgeaole oorierresand dispiavs in combination with oorn GSM wrrr and GPS radio iuncrlonaiiiv Howevei as wrrn onyrnirlg else such
Inlolmatlonctianges constantly tora number or reasons oeyono our conrroi rnos ttie oornors ono Evade rriio clie nor responsible torarly lmccuiaciesand
discrepanciesond claims that arise out oi such statements as‘world smallest ‘and similar statements
xvrrurorrri cold

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File Type                       : PDF
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Create Date                     : 2013:07:24 16:21:36-04:00
Modify Date                     : 2013:07:24 16:21:36-04:00
Title                           : EF_UserManual_v2_UPDATED.pdf
Creator                         : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Author                          : Brian
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
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