Ezurio QCWIB Wireless Interface Box User Manual 80 J9968 1 A

Ezurio Ltd Wireless Interface Box 80 J9968 1 A

Users Manual

QUALCOMM Incorporated5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, California 92121-1714 US200 Series and Accessory Installation GuideQualcomm  Mobile Computing Platform80-J9968-1 Rev. AMonth 2009
QUALCOMM Incorporated5775 Morehouse DriveSan Diego, CA 92121-1714U.S.A.Copyright © 2009 QUALCOMM Incorporated.All rights reserved. QUALCOMM, OmniTRACS, OmniExpress, SensorTRACS, QTRACS, GlobalTRACS, and TrailerTRACS are registered trademarks of QUALCOMM Incorporated in the United States and may be registered in other countries.Qualcomm Enterprise Services, QES, T2, MVPc, and TruckMAIL are trademarks of QUALCOMM Incorporated. QES is a service mark of QUALCOMM Incorporated.Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Qualcomm endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but Qualcomm is not liable for any errors or omissions. Published information may not be up to date, and it is important to confirm current status with Qualcomm.This technical data may be subject to U.S. and international export, re-export or transfer (export) laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. and international law is strictly prohibited.80-J9968-1 Rev. AMonth 2009
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION iiiContentsImportant Safety InformationSafety Definitions ................................................................................................ xiSafety Advice ...................................................................................................... xiChapter 1  How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series WorksMCP200 Overview ............................................................................................1-2Why MCP200 Makes Companies More Efficient ..............................................1-2MCP200 Component Description  .....................................................................1-3CDMA Wireless Network and PCS ...................................................................1-4How MCP200 Uses PCS ............................................................................1-4Optional Data Satellite ......................................................................................1-5GPS Network ....................................................................................................1-5How the MCP200 Uses GPS  .....................................................................1-5Wi-Fi® Network .................................................................................................1-5How the MCP200 Uses Wi-Fi® ..................................................................1-5What Is MCP200? .............................................................................................1-6Chapter 2  Component OverviewEquipment Installation  ......................................................................................2-2Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) ...............................................................2-3Wireless Interface Box (WIB200) Cable .....................................................2-3Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) ..............................................................2-3Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable ...........................................................2-3Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) .................................................................2-4Display Cable  .............................................................................................2-4Procedures for Using the DIU200  ..............................................................2-4Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) .........................................................2-5Backup Battery  .................................................................................................2-6Accessory Cable for the Qualcomm® MCP200  .........................................2-6Speaker Switch Cable ................................................................................2-6Power Cable ...............................................................................................2-6Optional Remote Control Device (RCD) ...........................................................2-7Optional Accessories for the MCP200 ..............................................................2-7
Contentsiv MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYChapter 3  General Wiring and Installation GuidelinesMaking Electrical Connections ......................................................................... 3-2Approved Qualcomm Electrical Connectors .............................................. 3-2Wire Stripping  ............................................................................................ 3-2Butt Splicing................................................................................................ 3-3Crimping ..................................................................................................... 3-4Ring Terminals ......................................................................................... 3-10Proper Grounding ........................................................................................... 3-10General Installation Guidelines ...................................................................... 3-11Routing and Protecting Cables ...................................................................... 3-11Chapter 4  Installation PlanningInstallation Guidelines ...................................................................................... 4-2Safety, Reliability, and Accessibility ........................................................... 4-2Typical Installation Sequence  .......................................................................... 4-2Typical Installation Locations for MCP200 Components .................................. 4-3Conventional Vehicle Types  ...................................................................... 4-4Straight Truck Vehicle Types (All Makes) .................................................. 4-6Cabover Engine Vehicle Types (All Makes)  .............................................. 4-6Special Cable Ordering Instructions for Tilt Cabs ...................................... 4-7Installation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 Components  ..................... 4-8Tools and Supplies Recommended for Installations ...................................... 4-11Qualcomm Approved Sealants ................................................................ 4-11Chapter 5  Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines ........................................................................ 5-2Installing the Backup Battery into the MAS200 ................................................ 5-2Installing the MAS200 into the Mounting Surface  ............................................ 5-3Selecting a Mounting Location ................................................................... 5-3Securing the MAS200 ................................................................................ 5-5Installing the Power Cable  ............................................................................... 5-5Power Cable Run ....................................................................................... 5-5Power Cable Routing ................................................................................. 5-5Low Voltage Disconnects (LVDs)  .............................................................. 5-5Power Cable Wire Connections ................................................................. 5-6Grounding Guidelines  ...................................................................................... 5-7Installing the Accessory Cable ......................................................................... 5-7Cable Run .................................................................................................. 5-8Connecting Cables to the MAS200............................................................. 5-9Chapter 6  Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines ........................................................................ 7-2Option A—Antenna Installation Using VHB Tape  ............................................ 7-2
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION vContentsDO N OT COPYAntenna Surface Preparation .....................................................................7-2Option B—Mount Method Installation Using Hardware  ....................................7-3Mount Surface Preparation  ........................................................................7-3Routing the WIB200 Cable  ...............................................................................7-4Connecting the Antenna Cable to the MAS200 ................................................7-4Chapter 7  Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines .........................................................................8-2Selecting a Mount .......................................................................................8-2Orienting the SDM on the Mount  ......................................................................8-2Installing Mounting Bolts ...................................................................................8-3Line-of-Sight Requirements ..............................................................................8-4Trailer Swing Area  ............................................................................................8-5Installing the SDM Cable  ..................................................................................8-5Connecting the SDM Cable ........................................................................8-5SDM Cable Run  .........................................................................................8-6SDM Cable Installation ...............................................................................8-6Connecting the SDM Cable to the MAS200  .....................................................8-7Chapter 8  Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines .........................................................................9-2Selecting a Mounting Location  ...................................................................9-2Installing the DIU200 Holster Using Well-nut Fasteners ...................................9-3Installing the DIU200 Cable ..............................................................................9-4DIU200 Cable Run  .....................................................................................9-4Connecting the Display Cable to the DIU200  ...................................................9-4Inserting the DIU200 into the Holster ................................................................9-5Connecting the Display Cable to the MAS200 ..................................................9-6Chapter 9  Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines .......................................................................10-2Selecting a Mounting Location  .................................................................10-2Installing the Remote Control Device (RCD)  ..................................................10-2Connecting the RCD to the Accessory Cable  ..........................................10-2Selecting a Speaker ........................................................................................10-3Speaker Requirements .............................................................................10-3Choosing a Speaker .................................................................................10-3Option A—Connecting to an Existing or Shared Speaker  ..............................10-4Connecting Speaker Switch Cable to Accessory Cable ...........................10-5Option B—Connecting to a Dedicated 8-ohm Speaker  ..................................10-6Chapter 10  Vehicle Data Bus ConnectionsVehicle Data Source Overview .......................................................................11-2
Contentsvi MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYJ1939 Data Bus  ....................................................................................... 11-2J1708/J1587 Data Bus  ............................................................................ 11-2Traditional Sensors .................................................................................. 11-2Vehicle Data Source Selection ....................................................................... 11-3Guidelines for Connecting to the J1939 Data Bus  ......................................... 11-3J1939 Pre-installation Check Out ................................................................... 11-4Resistance Test (to Verify that J1939 Is Present)  ................................... 11-4Checking the MCP200 Accessory Cable for CAN0 and CAN1 ................ 11-5Option 1—Connecting J1939 Using CAN 1 (for All After-Market Installations) 11-5Making the Connection ............................................................................ 11-6Option 2—Connecting J1939 Using CAN0 (for Most OEM Prewires) ............ 11-8Making the Connection............................................................................. 11-9Connecting J1708 /J1587  ............................................................................ 11-10Verifying Data Source Connectivity .............................................................. 11-11Chapter 11  System VerificationWhat Is Basic Qualcomm® MCP200 System Verification? ........................... 12-2MCP200 Display Unit Screens ....................................................................... 12-2MCP200 System Screen  ......................................................................... 12-3MCP200 OVT/CDMA Screens ................................................................. 12-4MCP200 SDM Screens ............................................................................ 12-5MCP200 GPS Screen .............................................................................. 12-6MCP200 Config Screen ........................................................................... 12-7MCP200 Engineering Screen .................................................................. 12-8MCP200 CER Screen .............................................................................. 12-8VDS (Status) Screen  ............................................................................... 12-9Flowchart—Basic MCP200 System Verification .......................................... 12-11Basic MCP System Verification Procedure .................................................. 12-13Qualcomm® MCP System Verification Form ............................................... 12-18Chapter 12  SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring VerificationSensorTRACS® System Overview ................................................................ 13-2Performing SensorTRACS® System Verification ........................................... 13-2Conducting a Road Test .......................................................................... 13-2SensorTRACS® System Display Screens ..................................................... 13-3Accessing the SensorTRACS® Screens ................................................. 13-3Summary Screen...................................................................................... 13-4Performance Screen................................................................................. 13-5Parameters Screen................................................................................... 13-6Odometer Screen  .................................................................................... 13-7PTO Screen.............................................................................................. 13-8Installer Screen ........................................................................................ 13-9Special Alert Display Messages ................................................................... 13-12Warning Messages ................................................................................ 13-12
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION viiContentsDO N OT COPYPower Take-off (PTO) Overview ...................................................................13-12PTOP (Power Take-off Pump)/PTOC (Power Take-off Compressor).....13-13PTO Data Input Verification Procedure ........................................................13-14Chapter 13  Vehicle Maintenance InstallationVehicle Maintenance Overview  ......................................................................14-2Feature Requirements ..............................................................................14-2Connecting the J1939 Wires ...........................................................................14-3Enabling a Vehicle for Vehicle Maintenance  ..................................................14-3Vehicle Maintenance System Verification .......................................................14-4Chapter 14  TrailerTRACS® System InstallationTrailerTRACS® System Overview ..................................................................15-2Hardware Requirements  ..........................................................................15-2TrailerTRACS® System Wiring for the Truck  .................................................15-2Fuse Kit Installation ..................................................................................15-2TrailerTRACS® System Verification ...............................................................15-3Enabling the Option for the TrailerTRACS® System  ...............................15-3Trailer Connection/Disconnection  ............................................................15-4TrailerTRACS® Diagnostic Screen  ..........................................................15-5Refrigeration Status Screen .....................................................................15-6Chapter 15  Buzzer InstallationBuzzer Overview .............................................................................................17-1Mounting Location  ..........................................................................................17-2Installation Guidelines .....................................................................................17-2Installation Verification ....................................................................................17-2Chapter 16  Remote Message Waiting Light (RMWL) InstallationRMWL Overview .............................................................................................18-1Installing the Remote Message Waiting Light .................................................18-2Installation Verification ....................................................................................18-2Chapter 17  Wired Panic Button InstallationWired Panic Button Overview .........................................................................19-1Installing the Panic Button  ..............................................................................19-2Installation Verification ....................................................................................19-4Automated Panic Button Test System Dial-in Procedure .........................19-4Chapter 18  In-Cab Printer InstallationWiring Configuration  .......................................................................................20-2
Contentsviii MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation Guidelines .................................................................................... 20-2Location ................................................................................................... 20-2Cables ...................................................................................................... 20-2Mounting Bracket  ........................................................................................... 20-2Installing the Printer  ....................................................................................... 20-3Installation Verification  ................................................................................... 20-4Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process  ............................................... 20-4O’Neil Printer Parts List .................................................................................. 20-4Chapter 19  In-Cab Scanner InstallationInstallation Guidelines .................................................................................... 21-2Location ................................................................................................... 21-2Scanner Cable ......................................................................................... 21-2Mounting the Scanner .................................................................................... 21-2Scanner Mounting Option ........................................................................ 21-2Holster Mounting Option .......................................................................... 21-2Installing the Scanner ..................................................................................... 21-3Calibrating the Scanner .................................................................................. 21-3Sending a Scan .............................................................................................. 21-4Cleaning the Scanner ..................................................................................... 21-5Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process  ............................................... 21-5BCS Solutions Scanner Parts List .................................................................. 21-6Appendix A  Wiring Diagrams and ChartsQualcomm® MCP200 Electrical Diagram ........................................................A-2Qualcomm® MCP200 Wiring Diagram ............................................................A-3Power Cable Pin Callouts  ................................................................................A-4Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable 9-Pin Connector Callouts ..........A-5Primary Accessory Cable Pin Callouts .............................................................A-6Secondary Accessory Cable Pin Callouts ........................................................A-7Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Connector Pin Callouts ...........................A-8Six-pin Data Link Connector Pin Callouts ........................................................A-9Nine-pin Data Link Connector Pin Callouts ....................................................A-10Radio Connector Pin Callouts ........................................................................A-11CAN Conductor Cable ....................................................................................A-12Appendix B  Environmental and Power RequirementsMCP200 Environmental and Power Requirements ..........................................B-2Appendix C  Standard RMA ProcedureThe Return Material Authorization Process  .....................................................C-1How to Obtain an RMA Number .......................................................................C-2Required Information  .................................................................................C-2
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION ixContentsDO N OT COPYCreating an RMA On-line ...........................................................................C-4RMA Policies  ...................................................................................................C-4What to Return/Not Return ........................................................................C-4Where to Return Equipment ......................................................................C-5“Past Due” Equipment ...............................................................................C-6Customer-Damaged Equipment ................................................................C-6Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Equipment ........................................C-6Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request Form .......................................C-7Appendix D  Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital CardsChecking the Software Versions Installed  .......................................................D-2SD Card Instructions ........................................................................................D-3Upgrading Only the MAS Software ..................................................................D-3Upgrading the MAS Operating System and MAS Software .............................D-4Upgrading the SDM Software ..........................................................................D-5Upgrading the MDU Software ..........................................................................D-6Appendix E  Preventive Maintenance InspectionHow Often Should Inspections Be Performed?  ............................................... E-2Inspecting the Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)  ................................ E-2Inspecting the Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) ......................................... E-4Inspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) .............................................................................................................. E-6Verifying TrailerTRACS® System Connections ............................................... E-9Appendix F  Component and Document InformationDCNs for Documents Referenced in this Guide .............................................. F-2MCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this Guide ....................... F-2MCNs for Sealants and Lubricants Referenced in this Guide  ......................... F-6MCN for Qualcomm-recommended Torque Wrench Referenced in this Guide F-6Appendix G  Feedback FormFeedback Form ................................................................................................G-1Company Information ................................................................................G-1Documentation Content .............................................................................G-2Documentation Format ..............................................................................G-2GlossaryIndex
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION xiDO NOT COPYImportant Safety InformationSafety DefinitionsThe following Caution and Warning definitions are intended to advise the driver when it is safe to use a display unit.CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Safety AdviceThe following Safety Advice is provided for drivers, installers, and application developers who use and/or locate all types of display units.If you are a Driver, do not use a display unit when the vehicle is in motion.If you are an Installer, do not locate the display unit, including third-party devices, where it obstructs the driver’s field of vision, distracts the driver from the driving task, or interferes with the driver’s operation of controls or displays. The following label is to be posted in clear view for the driver to see. If you are a Third-party Device Manufacturer or Application Developer, it is your responsibility to provide appropriate warnings regarding the safe use of your device(s) in conjunction with Qualcomm® equipment. Applications should not require the driver to divert his attention from the road while driving a vehicle.
Safety Advice Important Safety Informationxii MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYFCC notice: Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.   This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC. IC Notice:  The device’s user manual does not contain the following or equivalent statement as per RSS-GEN section 7.1.5: Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 1-1DO NOT COPY1How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series WorksTopics in this chapter provide a basic overview of the MCP 200 Series and how its components interact to deliver effective, two-way communications and other value-added services. MCP200 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2Why MCP200 Makes Companies More Efficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2MCP200 Component Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3CDMA Wireless Network and PCS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4Optional Data Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5GPS Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5Wi-Fi® Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5What Is MCP200? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
MCP200 Overview How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works1-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCP200 Overview MCP200 is a high bandwidth mobile computing platform designed to help increase customer service, reduce operating costs, enhance driver productivity, and ensure vehicle safety.MCP200 offers multi-mode communications (terrestrial and Wi-Fi® are standard, satellite is optional); and delivers more processing power on the mobile unit, an increased number of hardware ports, and a Windows® Embedded Standard operating system.Data transmitted through the MCP200 is backward compatible and interoperable with the host, so customers can access information across various Qualcomm platforms, such as MCP 100 Series, OmniTRACS® Mobile Communications System, OmniExpress® Mobile Communications System, and Untethered Asset Management Service.Why MCP200 Makes Companies More Efficient• Companies can maintain two-way contact with their vehicles and drivers 24 hours a day.• Dispatchers can send pickup and delivery information directly to drivers, keeping vehicles on the road.• Text-to-speech alerts drivers of incoming messages and their importance, so drivers can choose to immediately listen to messages without pulling off the road.• Dispatchers know when vehicles are expected to arrive at locations, and can pass that information on to customers.• Provides dispatchers with vehicle location and position history information by tracking the location of each MCP200 using latitude and longitude or distance and direction from landmarks (usually large towns and cities).• Drivers can inform the dispatcher of road conditions or problems.• Optional devices allow monitoring of driver performance, engine diagnostics, trailer locations, and refrigeration status.• Decision support software enables customers to optimize assets and inform shippers and consignees of load status.• Over-the-air software upgrades allow drivers to remain on the road rather than having to stop at service centers.• Display interface unit 200 (DIU200) provides a color graphical display, with a sliding keyboard that integrates touchscreen functionality, extended temperature range, and improved clarity for delivering critical information to drivers.• Hours of service data ensures regulatory compliance.• On-board navigation application provides truck-specific route mappings.• International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) simplifies fuel reporting for inter-state operations.• Helps with safety and accident prevention.• Optimizes fuel management.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 1-3How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works MCP200 Component DescriptionDO N OT COPYMCP200 Component Description Component DescriptionNetwork Operations Center (NOC)  • Responsible for processing and managing message traffic between dispatch center and fleet.• Within the NOC is the Network Management Computer (NMC), which receives and handles message traffic.• Located at QUALCOMM Incorporated, in San Diego, CA. Qualcomm Dispatch Software (QTRACS® software)• Software on the trucking company’s dispatch computer and dispatcher’s interface with the MCP200.• Allows dispatcher to send and receive messages, request MCP200 location information, and perform other dispatch functions. • QTRACS/400 and QTRACS/Windows customers communicate with the NMC via dialup using PPTP or a frame relay connection.• QTRACS/Web customers communicate via the NMC using RI/Web client over a PPTP connection. SDMKwNESWCustomer dispatchcomputerTerrestrialnetworkMAS200NOCPrimary AccessorycableSecondary AccessorycablePower/IgnitionGPSSatelliteData SatelliteDIU200ShiftBackspaceCtn Ctn EndHomelkXZlkXZAltFnSymbol  AAAUpPgDnPgShiftTabEscF1F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F10 F11F12Insert DeletePWRPWRIO 1IO 1IO 2IO 2WIB20009AAA_019IDDUSB 3GUSB 1/2  LAN
CDMA Wireless Network and PCS How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works1-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYCDMA Wireless Network and PCS• MCP200 uses CDMA technology to connect dispatchers and vehicles over the wireless airwaves.• The Personal Communications Service (PCS) System is a low-powered, higher frequency competitive technology to cellular, ideal for “in-city” trucking and transport. • Wherever a terrestrial wireless network exists, drivers can send messages to and receive messages from dispatchers while traveling. How MCP200 Uses PCS• The MCP200 includes the MAS200, which consists primarily of a microprocessor, a wireless modem module, and data storage.• The user interface device (DIU200) is the driver’s display terminal that enables the driver to read, write, and send messages. • The antenna (located inside the WIB200) relays messages between dispatch and the driver. • The antenna receives and transmits wireless information to and from the MAS200. • The antenna interfaces with local wireless networks. Communication is collected at the PCS gateway and obtained by Qualcomm’s NOC where it is distributed to the dispatch center. Dispatchers respond by sending a message back to Qualcomm’s NOC, where it is relayed to the PCS gateway and broadcast out to the wireless network to be picked up by the vehicle’s antenna. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Wireless Network• Radio frequency (RF) signals are received from the antenna by the MCP200 via the wireless interface box (WIB200) from a wireless communication network, which varies depending on geographic location.Optional Data Satellite • Handles all two-way message traffic between the vehicle and the NMC if you are using a satellite data modem (SDM). GPS Positioning Satellites • Uses 24 satellites to provide vehicle positioning information.Mobile Computing Platform 200 (MCP200) • Driver’s interface with the Qualcomm platform and the component that resides in the vehicle.• Allows the driver to send and receive messages.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 1-5How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works Optional Data SatelliteDO N OT COPYOptional Data Satellite• Used if you are using an SDM.• Located approximately 22,300 miles over the equator at 83° west longitude (south of Georgia).• Uses Ku-band signals to handle all two-way message traffic between the vehicle and the NMC.• Sends the message along the forward message link to the MCP200.• Receives the message back from the driver along the return message link.GPS Network• A worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations.• Uses satellites as reference points to calculate positions accurate to a matter of meters. • Allows every square meter of the planet to have a unique address.• Originally created for and used by the military.• Currently used in a number of industries, including construction, film, farming, computer, transportation, telecommunication, and wireless.• A standard feature of the MCP200.How the MCP200 Uses GPS• MCP200 receives positioning data from the GPS receiver, which is integrated inside the antenna to determine location.• NOC receives position data from the MCP200 whenever a message is sent to a vehicle and acknowledged, and whenever a driver sends a message to a dispatcher.• NOC automatically retrieves position data from the NOC at regular intervals and makes it available to the dispatcher. • Dispatcher can request a position report from the MCP200 at any time.Wi-Fi® Network• A wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed internet and network connections.• Provides Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as PCs, game consoles, mobile phones, MP3 players, and PDAs, access to the internet when within range (“hotspot” area) of a wireless network. • Applications and devices that support Wi-Fi are interoperable with one another.• Based on IEEE 802.11 standards.How the MCP200 Uses Wi-Fi®
What Is MCP200? How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works1-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYWhat Is MCP200?• Mobile part of the Qualcomm platform installed in a customer’s vehicle.• Provides the driver with the ability to exchange messages with the dispatch center.• Sends vehicle location information to the NOC.• Each MCP200 has its own unique unit address which is the serial number on the MAS200. This address is used by the NMC to route messages to the correct vehicle. The unit address for a particular vehicle changes if the MAS200 in the vehicle is replaced. • MCP200 operator, typically the driver, uses the display screens for creating, sending, and reading messages; system verification; and troubleshooting.• Standard components:- Wireless interface box (WIB200)—Contains terrestrial and Wi-Fi® modems, and antennae that provide CDMA/GSM/UMTS communication.- Mobile application server (MAS200)—Communication unit which contains the operating circuitry and memory for the MCP200. The “black box” of the platform.- Display interface unit (DIU200)—Standard display unit for the MCP200, which the driver uses to communicate with the dispatcher. Consists of a color graphical display with a Mobile ApplicationServer (MAS200)OPTIONALRemote Control Device (RCD)OPTIONALSatellite Data Modem (SDM)Wireless Interface Box(WIB200)08AAA_053ShiftBackspaceCtn Ctn EndHomelkXZlkXZAltFnSymbol  AAAUpPgDnPgShiftTabEscF1 F2  F3 F4  F5 F6 F7  F8  F9  F10  F10 F11F12Insert Delete(DIU200)Display Interface UnitAntenna
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 1-7How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works What Is MCP200?DO N OT COPYsliding keyboard that integrates touchscreen functionality, extended temperature range, and improved clarity for drivers.• Optional components:- Satellite data modem (SDM)—Contains the antenna that communicates with the satellite and GPS receiver.- Remote control device (RCD)—Small keypad that allows the driver to safely listen to incoming messages without having to sop the vehicle and read the message(s) on the display.
What Is MCP200? How the Qualcomm® Mobile Computing Platform 200 Series Works1-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2-1DO NOT COPY2Component OverviewTopics in this chapter provide a basic component and wiring overview of the Qualcomm® mobile computing platform 200 (MCP200) installation.• For planning and installation instructions, see Chapters 4–11.• For optional accessory installation, refer to Optional Accessories for the MCP200 on page 2-7.Equipment Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5Backup Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6Optional Remote Control Device (RCD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7Optional Accessories for the MCP200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Equipment Installation Component Overview2-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYEquipment InstallationQualcomm MCP200 masterpack:• Wireless interface box 200 (WIB200) • Cables• Display interface unit 200 (DIU200) • Backup battery• Mobile application server 200 (MAS200) SDM SDM CableAccessory Connections(e.g., RMWL, J1708, RCD, TTS)Power CableAccessory CablePower ConnectionsMASDisplay CableRemote Control DeviceCB or Stereo SpeakerSpeaker CableMedia Display UnitTMCP_SMCPSatellite MCP Connection PointsMASDisplayTypical truck cab - top view MASAntennacableTerrestrial AntennaTerrestrial AntennaDisplayTerrestrial MCP Connection Points
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2-3Component Overview Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200)DO N OT COPYWireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200)The WIB200 includes terrestrial and Wi-Fi® modems, and antennae that provide CDMA/GSM/UMTS communication. The hardware provides reliable communication and GPS positioning.• Height: 3.4 inches• Width: 6.5 inches• Length: 6.5 inches• Extended operating temperature range:-30C to +70 C / -22F to +158F• 802.11 compatible• Lightweight housing for easy installation.• Rugged designWireless Interface Box (WIB200) Cable• Connects the WIB200 to the MAS200.• Standard length is two feet.Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM)The SDM communicates bi-directionally via an antenna to a geostationary satellite. The SDM is lightweight and rugged in design with strengthened antenna housing for protection against weather and external elements.• Height: 6.8 inches • Diameter: 12 inches• Weight: 7.0 pounds• Operating temperature range:-40C to +70C / -40F to +158F• Connects with one Ku-band satellite for two-way data transmission. A secondary frequency exists as a backup satellite.• Robust sealing mechanism for use in all outdoor environments.• Housing has the same bolt pattern as the OmniTRACS® antenna communication unit (ACU) for ease of installation.Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable• Connects the SDM to the MAS200.• Standard length is 20 feet.
Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Component Overview2-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYDisplay Interface Unit 200 (DIU200)A color graphical display with sliding keyboard that integrates touchscreen functionality, extended temperature range, and improved clarity for deliveringcritical information to drivers.• Dimensions—Open: 10.4 x 8.5 x 2.0 inchesDimensions—Closed: 10.4 x 5.3 x 2.0 inches• Weight: 3.2 pounds• Screen size: 7-inch diagonal• Resolution: 800 x 480• Extended operating temperature range: -30C to +70C / -22F to +158F. Display brightness is reduced at temperatures above +60C / +140F to reduce internal heat generation.• Standard QWERTY keyboard with 4 arrow/navigation keys.• Three indicator LEDs alert drivers of incoming messages, connectivity, and other information.• 16:9 aspect ratio color TFT LCD touchscreen includes stylus. Icon- and task- driven to maximize driver efficiency.• Holstered dash mount and tethered display allows for use anywhere in the cab.• Display and keyboard are backlit, allowing the driver to distinguish keys in the dark. An ambient light sensor adjusts backlight when it gets dark.• Integrated speaker can be used for audio throughout the cab.• One standard USB port for peripherals.• Utilizes in-motion user interface to reduce driver distraction and increase safe driving.• Touchscreen provides valid Cartesian touch coordinates for the entire active display surface.Display Cable• Connects the DIU200 to the MAS200.• Standard length is 20 feet: 17 feet of straight cable; 3 feet of coiled cable.Procedures for Using the DIU200What to use for navigating the DIU200 touchscreen—PDA stylus (provided) or your fingers.What NOT to use for navigating the DIU200 touchscreen—pencils, pens, metal objects, or any other devices which could possibly scratch the touchscreen.What to use when cleaning the DIU200—a soft cloth and either plain water, glass cleaner, or mild soap. Do not spray any liquid directly onto the DIU200.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2-5Component Overview Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)DO N OT COPYMobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)The hardware component that leverages the Windows® Embedded Standard operating system to deliver computing intelligence, processing power, andexpansion capability.• Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.5 x 2.4 inches• Weight: 4.3 pounds• Extended operating temperature range:-40C to +70C / -40F to +158F• Storage temperature range: -40C to +85C / -40F to +185F• On-board memory: 8 GB of compact flash solid state memory and 1 GB RAM. Optional 16GB flash memory upgrade available.• Rugged hardware is compliant to SAE xJ1455 vibration profiles.• .NET framework version 3.5.• Intel® Extended Temperature Atom 1.3 GHz.• Backup battery for cold crank condition.• Supports a wide range of port interfaces that allow connections to on-board equipment:-J1708 Bus connects to J1708 bus of older trucks.-(2) J1939/CAN Bus connect to J1939 bus of newer trucks. Can be used to drive some serial tachographs.-(4) USB 2.0 Host Ports allow USB peripherals, such as handheld scanners, keyboards, and storage devices.-RS-232 Interface allows connectivity to devices, such as printers, barcode readers, and scanners.-Configurable Interface (RS-232 or RS-485) connects to modular truck interface systems.- Ethernet Port RJ45 Connector-(2) Display Ports allow for in-dash infotainment system and one other display.• Supports these other interfaces:-(7) Power Drivers act as switches to control lights, buzzers, door locks, etc.-(6) Digital Inputs allow the MAS200 to sense door openings, button pushes, alarm status, power takeoff (PTO) clutch position, etc.-(2) Analog Inputs allow the MCP200 to read and react to analog values, such as temperature, light levels, and humidity levels.-Panic Button Input allows connection of a panic button for emergency driver signaling.-Engine and Vehicle Speed Inputs sense the speed of the engine and the vehicle.
Backup Battery Component Overview2-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY-(2) Tamper Detect Lines detect tampering with the SDM and WIB200.-Decoy Tamper Detect Line detects tampering with decoy vehicle wiring.-Indicator Box Output drives a warning lamp to alert drivers of overspeed or overrev.-Tethered Asset Management Receiver allows the MAS200 to determine what trailer is attached to the tractor.-Audio Output drives a truck’s speakers which allow for voice navigation and messaging prompts, i.e., text-to-speech.Backup Battery• Qualcomm MCP200 requires a rechargeable lead-acidbattery installed into the MAS200.• For more specific information about the backup battery,see Chapter 5.• When vehicle power is lost to the MCP200, the backup battery allows the MAS200 to shut down gracefully and properly store data. Without a healthy battery installed, there is a high probability of experiencing data loss or corruption.Accessory Cable for the Qualcomm® MCP200• Connects accessories and options, such as the SensorTRACS system®, the TrailerTRACS system, and the RCD and speaker to the MAS200 for text-to-speech (TTS) play.• Standard length is 20 feet.• Does not support wiring for the CDU, Axle, RPM, PTOP, or PTOC. Speaker Switch Cable• Connects a vehicle into a speaker to play text-to-speech.• Cable length is 8 feet.• Do not need if a dedicated speaker is added to the vehicle for text-to-speech (TTS).Power Cable• Connects the +12/24 VDC unswitched power source (battery), the +12/24 VDC switched power (ignition), and the system ground to the MAS200.• Standard length is 20 feet.Pull TabBattery Pack
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2-7Component Overview Optional Remote Control Device (RCD)DO N OT COPYOptional Remote Control Device (RCD)An easily accessible in-cab device allowing drivers to easily manage message playback and the text-to-speech (TTS) feature.• Extended operating temperature range: -30C to +70C.• Storage temperature range: -40C to +85C.• Small and easy to mount to the vehicle dash.Optional Accessories for the MCP200Accessory ChapterSensorTRACS system 13Vehicle Maintenance 14TrailerTRACS system 15Buzzer 17Remote message waiting light 18Panic button 19Printer 20Scanner 21
Optional Accessories for the MCP200 Component Overview2-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-1DO NOT COPY3General Wiring and Installation GuidelinesTopics in this chapter provide the Qualcomm-approved general methods for making connections to cables and wires and the proper connectors to use to avoid potential problems.Making Electrical Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2Proper Grounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11Routing and Protecting Cables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11If you have technical questions while reviewing this chapter, please contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Making Electrical Connections General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMaking Electrical ConnectionsApproved Qualcomm Electrical ConnectorsThe only Qualcomm-approved electrical connectors are crimp butt splices and crimp ring terminals. Qualcomm recommends Nylon insulated, seamless butt connectors with inspection windows. Heat-shrinkable butt connectors are preferred. When butt splicing multiple wires on one end of a butt splice and a different number of wires on the other end, step-down butt splices are recommended.WARNINGNot following proper wiring guidelines and using improper crimps and butt splices may cause intermittent connections and may result in unexpected truck down time or system failure.Wire StrippingCautionUse care in stripping wires. Vibration can cause nicked wires to fail. Using wire cutters, knives, or other tools can damage the conductor wire and/or insulation.Knowing and following proper wire stripping techniques is essential for performing successful and safe electrical connections of all system components. 1. Using a wire stripper, strip approximately 1/4" off the end of an insulated wire. 2. After stripping the wire, verify that the wire is not severed, nicked, or damaged by the stripping tool. If the wire has been properly stripped, it is ready to be butt spliced. If the wire has been damaged, restrip the wire (see step 1.).1/4"approx.Strip03AAA_270a
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-3General Wiring and Installation Guidelines Butt SplicingDO N OT COPYButt Splicing• Qualcomm recommends Nylon insulated, seamless butt connectors with inspection windows.• Heat-shrinkable butt connectors are preferred.Butt splicing can be done inside and outside the cab or enclosure. See Butt Splicing Connections Done Inside the Vehicle (Out of the Weather) on page 3-3 and Moisture Protection for Connections Done Outside the Vehicle on page 3-7.Make sure the size of the butt splice is appropriate for the job. A good butt splice has these characteristics:• The ends of the bare wires are visible through an inspection window.• The ends of the wires “butt” up against the stop. • The wires are not exposed beyond splice shielding.• Crimping does not sever or damage the wires or insulation.Butt Splicing Connections Done Inside the Vehicle (Out of the Weather)1. Insert the stripped wires approximately half way into a butt splice, preferably one with an inspection window for verifying the wire is in the correct position.2. Repeat this process for the wire on the opposite end of the butt splice. Once a proper butt splice is confirmed, it is important to properly crimp the butt splice to hold the connection. Push the stripped wires to the inspection window of the butt splice03AAA_272Butt spliceInspection window
Crimping General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYCrimping• When crimping a butt-spliced wire or cable, be sure the insulated butt splice is crimped using the insulated position on the crimp tool and not the crimping “tooth” of the tool.• Crimping butt splices incorrectly can result in a severed wire and a failed wire connection. CautionDO NOT crimp on the crimp “tooth.”1. Using a crimping tool, crimp the butt splice one end at a time. First, crimp the inside crimp area where the wire has been stripped. Apply necessary pressure to this inside area.03AAA_90bCrimp toothINSULDo NOT crimp wire hereCrimp hereINSULUNINSULUNINSUL
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-5General Wiring and Installation Guidelines CrimpingDO N OT COPYNoteThe objective is to apply only the necessary pressure to crimp the butt splice closed and hold the wire connections together. Do not apply so much pressure as to crush the butt splice and sever the wire or the insulation on the wire.2. After crimping the inside of both ends of the butt splice on the “insulated” area of the crimping tool, next crimp the outside of both ends of the butt splice.WRONGButt splice is visibly crushed,possibly damaging the wireand the wire connection. Some wires are exposed.CORRECTCrimping is done properly,protecting the wire andthe wire connection. No exposed wires.03AAA_277A03AAA_271Crimp hereCrimping ToolINSULUNINSULWire crimp
Crimping General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY3. Verify that the crimps are good and the wires have not been damaged. 4. Do a pull test. Pull on both ends of the wires to ensure a solid butt-spliced connection exists. The crimped butt splice securely grips the insulated wires.WARNINGIf using heat shrinkable crimps, DO NOT use a heat gun or open flame near combustible materials. Use a heat gun only when it is safe and appropriate to do so. Protect surrounding wiring and other components when using a heat gun.Crimping locationsInside crimp (stripped wire)Outside crimp (insulated wire)03AAA_273Outside crimp (insulated wire)Inside crimp (stripped wire)03AAA_282
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-7General Wiring and Installation Guidelines CrimpingDO N OT COPYMoisture Protection for Connections Done Outside the Vehicle1. For crimps done outside the vehicle, when the crimps are verified to be good, use plastic seal tape to wrap the entire connection. Use a minimum of two layers of seal tape to completely wrap the connection.• 3M industrial tape (tape sealant, vinyl/rubber mastic) is available in a 10’ roll from Qualcomm (MCN# 800-01788-0168). To find a local or nationwide supplier, visit http://www.3m.com (Mastic, Scotch® Vinyl).04AAA_22aWrap twolayers minimumPeel Paper Backing Off
Crimping General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYStrain Relief With or Without Weather Protection TapeIf there is sufficient wire available for the Four-Finger Wrap Method:1. Wrap a wire around four fingers of a hand, one full loop, so that the wire loop is longer than the wrapped butt splice. 2. Pinch the loop tightly and center it against the wrapped butt splice.3. Secure the wires together and place 4" tie wraps at the outside ends of the butt splice.4. Cinch the tie wraps tight and cut them flush to the lock head. 04AAA_24aPlace tie wrapsat outside ends of butt splice.04AAA_23a
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-9General Wiring and Installation Guidelines CrimpingDO N OT COPYCautionFailure to cut the tie wraps flush to the lock head can result in minor injury.5. Firmly tug on the butt-spliced wire connection to make sure the tie wraps do not pull loose.If there is NOT sufficient wire available for the Four-Finger Wrap Method:1. Securely tie wrap the butt spliced wires to existing wires or harnesses in the nearby vicinity.NoteIt is good practice to tie wrap the newly installed wires to existing wires approximately every 15"–18".04AAA_25aCut tie wrapflush with lock head.04AAA_26a
Ring Terminals General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYRing TerminalsWhen making electrical connections, crimp ring terminals onto the ends of the wires to ensure good contacts. A properly crimped ring terminal has these characteristics:• The barrel crimping indent is well-formed and properly positioned.• The insulated wire’s grip impression is well-formed and provides proper support without crushing the insulation.• The wire does not move independently of the lug. Firmly tug on the ring terminal to ensure it does not pull loose.• The end of the bare wire protrudes through the crimp barrel approximately 0.03 to 0.125" depending on the lug size and crimp tool.Install the ring terminal on the ground connection using one of the following options:Proper GroundingWhen establishing a good chassis ground, avoid areas that may be potentially isolated from ground by a hinge or bad welds. It is extremely important that you create clean, secure, tight, metal-to-metal grounds. If grounding terminals are not available, remove the paint from the surface of the metal connected to the chassis to make the ground. Make sure the wires are not strained or vulnerable to damage.WARNINGNot following proper grounding guidelines may cause intermittent connections and may result in unexpected truck downtime or system failure.Wire gripping impressionis well formedBare wireprotrudes 0.03 to0.125 inchOM/E-0093-97Flat WasherFlat WasherFlat WasherStar WasherLock WasherNutTerminal ConnectorTerminal ConnectorTerminal Screw03AAA 285
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-11General Wiring and Installation Guidelines General Installation GuidelinesDO N OT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines• Determine the most direct and protected route when routing cables to connect the components to each other and to the vehicle. Refer to Chapter 4.• The standard cable length for the power, display, and accessory cables is 20 feet. - If you are working with a tilt cab, a longer cable may be necessary.• Do not trim cable lengths to fit a specific vehicle.• Keep protective caps in place or wrap connector with plastic/electrical tape until you’re ready to connect the cable to the component.• Use only wire strippers for stripping wires.• Use only the appropriate insulated crimping tool for crimping insulated connectors.• Use existing holes for cable routing whenever possible.Routing and Protecting CablesPROTECT THE ENTIRE LENGTH of cabling with convoluted tubing when routing the cable:• Limit the minimum bend diameter:- accessory cable to 5.0 inches- display cable to 1.5 inches- power cable to 2.5 inches- antenna cable to 2.5 inches- SDM cable (optional) to 2.5 inches• Provide strain relief for all cables• Use supplied grommets• Use tie wraps• Debur any drilled holesDO NOT route cables:• Near audio system amplifiers• Near exhaust pipes and other sources of heat• Near the brake, clutch, or accelerator pedals, and linkage• Near foot traffic areas• Near the windshield wiper mechanism• Near CB radio wires• Over sharp edges• Over moving partsBend Diameter
Routing and Protecting Cables General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSpecial Exterior Routing Guidelines• Always use convoluted tubing to protect the cables. Secure the cables to the vehicle with tie wraps at approximately 18" intervals.• Route away from exhaust pipes and moving parts. If an exhaust pipe or moving part must be crossed, use extra tie wraps and route the cable in such a manner that if the tie wrap fails, the cable will be caught or rest on a safe part (not hot or moving).• Seal all external holes for cables with refrigeration/tar tape or silicone sealant to keep moisture out. • Route cables with any existing vehicle cables.Special Interior Routing Guidelines• Route cables under kick plates or carpets.• Avoid high foot traffic areas.• When reinstalling kick plates or carpets, be careful that screws do not penetrate cables.• Route cables with any existing vehicle cables.• Use convoluted tubing and refrigeration/tar tape when cables are routed through interior holes with sharp edges.Storing Excess Cabling• Secure excess cabling with tie wraps.• Stow out of sight.Service Loops (Drip Loops)• Provide for all cables.• Ensure that service loops do not cause any obstruction. Rear ViewCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsConvoluted tubing05AAA_223EDrip loopTerrestrial AntennaRear ViewCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsConvoluted tubingDrip loop05AAA_223ASatellite Data Modem
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3-13General Wiring and Installation Guidelines Routing and Protecting CablesDO N OT COPYAccess Holes• Use existing holes for cable routing.• If you drill, drill the smallest hole for the purpose: - 1-1/2" hole is recommended for cables with a 9-pin DSUB connector, e.g., SDM cable.- 1" hole is needed for the connectors on the antenna cable.• Finish holes prior to routing cables:- Debur holes.- Use supplied grommet/convoluted tubing with internal holes.- Extend convoluted tubing beyond the hole.Fire Wallof VehicleTie-wrapsAccess holesealed withgrommetConvolutedTubing06AAA_89
Routing and Protecting Cables General Wiring and Installation Guidelines3-14 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-1DO NOT COPY4Installation PlanningTopics in this chapter provide guidelines for planning a basic Qualcomm® MCP200 installation.Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2Typical Installation Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2Typical Installation Locations for MCP200 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3Installation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8Tools and Supplies Recommended for Installations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Installation Guidelines Installation Planning4-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation GuidelinesSafety, Reliability, and Accessibility• Use eye protection when using a drill/performing work that may be hazardous to the eyes.• Use ear protection in noisy work areas.• Wear appropriate clothing/uniforms and safety shoes.• Make sure you know what is behind the area before you drill.• Use hood safety lanyards when the vehicle hood is open.• Make sure ladders are in good working order.• Place ladders in safe positions.• Install equipment so it will not cause damage to the vehicle or work loose over time.• Make sure there are no loose components/cables and no unsecured components.• Use solid mounting surfaces.• Do not modify or design your own mounts without first obtaining Qualcomm approval (applies domestically only).• Mount WIB200 in locations where the unit will receive uninterrupted and undegraded GPS satellite signals. Refer to Routing the WIB200 Cable on page 7-4.• Mount optional SDMs in locations where the unit will receive uninterrupted and undegraded GPS satellite signals. Refer to Line-of-Sight Requirements on page 8-4.• Install all components in locations where they will not be abused.• Do not mount antennas on headache racks or exhaust stacks. • Route all cables away from hot or abrasive areas.• Ensure that electrical connections are solid and the system ground is a clean, secure, metal-to-metal chassis ground.• Choose installation locations where future maintenance can be easily serviced.• Choose installation locations where components are safe from tampering and damage.Typical Installation Sequence1. Determine component installation locations best-suited for your vehicle.2. Install and route cables.3. Antenna, see Chapter 7: Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna Installation or Chapter 8: Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation.4. Display unit holster and display unit, see Chapter 9.5. Remote control device (RCD), see Chapter 10.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-3Installation Planning Typical Installation Locations for MCP200 ComponentsDO N OT COPY6. Accessories.7. MAS200, see Chapter 5.8. After you install the MCP200 components, see Chapter 12.Typical Installation Locations for MCP200 Components• Securely mount the wireless interface box 200 (WIB200) with a clear “line-of-sight” to the GPS satellite (see Chapter 7).• Securely mount the optional satellite data modem (SDM), if being used, to the mounting assembly with a clear “line-of-sight” to the satellite (see Chapter 8).• Install the display unit in the cab where it can be easily accessed by the driver.WARNINGThe driver should not use the display unit while the vehicle is in motion.• Install the MAS200 in a dry, protected space, such as the side box or bunk area.• Install the optional RCD, if being used, within reach of the driver but where it will not interfere with the operation of the vehicle. SDM SDM CableAccessory Connections(e.g., RMWL, J1708, RCD, TTS)Power CableAccessory CablePower ConnectionsMASDisplay CableRemote Control DeviceCB or Stereo SpeakerSpeaker CableMedia Display UnitScene2A_revised
Conventional Vehicle Types Installation Planning4-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYConventional Vehicle TypesInternational/Navistar• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install where space allows/customer preference.• Cables—Route externally or internally.- Drill a 1" hole for antenna cable.Freightliner FLD• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Attach to electrical access panel behind gearshift.• Cables—Route externally.- Cables exit/enter sleeper near MAS200.- Cables enter/exit cab low on passenger side firewall.- Drill a 1" hole for antenna cable.Freightliner Century/Columbia• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install where space allows/customer preference.• Cables—Route internally.- Power is at A pillar on passenger side.- Drill a 1" hole for antenna cable.Kenworth T600/W900 • MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install on face of mapbox.• Cables—Route externally.- Connect power cable to key switch.- Cables exit/enter sleeper floor near MAS200. - Cables enter/exit cab through firewall high on driver side. Look for rubber plugs.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable. A hole already exists in the firewall.Power- MainPower Bus MASInternational/NavistarKeySwitchDisplayElectricalPanelAntenna cableaccess holeMASFreightlinerExistingheaterboxA pillarDisplayElectricalPanelAntenna cableaccess holeMASFreightlinerExistingheaterboxA pillarKenworthDisplay-face ofmap boxPower-key switch MASAntennacableaccesshole
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-5Installation Planning Conventional Vehicle TypesDO N OT COPYKenworth T2000• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install on passenger side glovebox.• Cables—Route externally.- Connect power cable to key switch.- Cables exit/enter sleeper floor near MAS200. - Cables enter/exit cab through firewall high on passenger side. Look for rubber plugs.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable. A hole already exists in the firewall to route cables to the passenger side fuse panel.Volvo• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install on engine cover/dog house.• Cables—Route internally.- Connect power cable to electrical panel intop center of dash.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.Peterbilt 378/379• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install behind passenger seat.• Cables—Route display cables internally or externally.- Connect power cable to solenoid behindpyrometer panel.- Cables exit/enter the sleeper floor near MAS200. - Cables enter/exit cab through firewall, high on passenger side. Use existing cable path. Remove map box.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.Peterbilt 387• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.KenworthDisplay-face ofmap boxPower-key switch MASAntennacableaccessholeDisplayElectricalPanelAntenna cableaccess holeMASVolvoPeterbiltDisplayPower-solenoidbehindpyrometerpanelMASAntenna cableaccess holeExistingheaterboxDisplayPower- MainPower BusAntenna cableaccess hole MASPeterbilt
Straight Truck Vehicle Types (All Makes) Installation Planning4-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install on face of connector panel. • Cables—Route externally.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.Mack• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under the bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install on face of connector panel. • Cables—Route externally.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.Straight Truck Vehicle Types (All Makes)• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200—Install where space allows/customer preference.• Cables—Route externally or internally.- Tilt cabs may require longer cables.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.Cabover Engine Vehicle Types (All Makes)• MAS200—Install on side wall or hang under bunk.- Install so there is always SD card slot access.•DIU200— Install on dash.• Cables—Route internally.- Connect power cable to main bus or keyswitch.- Drill a 1" hole in floor of side box for antenna cable.DisplayPower- MainPower BusAntenna cableaccess hole MASMackStraight TrucksFixed CabFixed Cab + Sleeper OutdoorUnitOutdoorUnitDisplayUnitDisplayUnitMASPower Bus/Key SwitchPower Bus/Key SwitchMASMASAntenna cableaccess holeDisplayElectricalPanelCabover Engine
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-7Installation Planning Special Cable Ordering Instructions for Tilt CabsDO N OT COPYSpecial Cable Ordering Instructions for Tilt Cabs• Typically, the antenna cable must be routed through the cabpivot point to allow for the tilt.• In most tilt cab vehicles, this routing requires a longercable than the standard cable.• When ordering the MCP200, specify the length of thecable(s) you need.Tilt CabPivot PointDisplayUnitPower Bus/KeySwitch MASLongerCableOutdoorUnitTilt Cab
Installation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 Components Installation Planning4-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 ComponentsConventional VehicleUser Interface Device:Communication Unit:Cables:Access Holes: LocationsOM/E0093-152
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-9Installation Planning Installation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 ComponentsDO N OT COPYCab Over EngineInstallation Planning WorksheetUser Interface Device:Communication Unit:Cables:Access Holes: LocationsOM/E0093-151
Installation Planning Worksheets for the MCP200 Components Installation Planning4-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYDay CabUser Interface Device:Communication Unit:Cables:Access Holes: LocationsOM/E0093-153
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 4-11Installation Planning Tools and Supplies Recommended for InstallationsDO N OT COPYTools and Supplies Recommended for InstallationsQualcomm Approved SealantsEssential Tools Miscellaneous Tools• Standard Combination Wrench Set Measuring Tape• Diagonal Wire Cutters Rachet/Sockets• Wire Strippers Adjustable Wrench• 3/8" Drive Standard Deep Well Socket Set with rachet Level• Butt Splice Crimping Tool Debur Tool• Screwdrivers: Phillips #2 and Slotted Flush Cutters• Torx Drivers: #10, #20, #25 Hacksaw• Volt/ohm Meter Hammer• 1/4" Drill Bit and assorted size bits Utility Knife• 1-1/2" Hole Saw Files (flat, round)• 3/8" Cordless Drill (this will speed up installation time) Channel Locks• Radio Removal Tool “U” Straight Awl1/4" Drive Standard Deep Well Socket Set with rachetMiscellaneous Supplies• Silicone Sealant or Refrigeration/Tar Tape Flash/Drop Light• Assorted Ring Terminals• Assorted Butt Splices• Electrical TapeItems marked with a bullet (•) are considered necessary, must-have tools and supplies required to perform an installation. Additional tools may be required to facilitate certain installations and for maintenance.Sealant, Lubricant, or Liquid Acceptable For Required ForRefrigeration/tar tape (supplied) Sealing exterior to interior holes. Sealing 1" hole for antenna cable.Silicone sealant Sealing exterior to interior holes. Sealing bolt holes for antenna mounting brackets.
Qualcomm Approved Sealants Installation Planning4-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5-1DO NOT COPY5Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) InstallationTopics in this chapter provide general guidelines and instructions for installing the MAS200 and connecting the cables to the MAS200.General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2Installing the Backup Battery into the MAS200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2Installing the MAS200 into the Mounting Surface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3Installing the Power Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5Grounding Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7Installing the Accessory Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
General Installation Guidelines Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation5-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines1. Install the backup battery into the MAS200.2. Install the MAS200 onto the mounting surface.3. Connect cables to the MAS200.Installing the Backup Battery into the MAS200Install the backup battery before installing the MAS200.1. Open the battery door on the MAS200 using a Torx #10 driver.2. Hold the backup battery in a vertical position with the connector facing down.3. Insert the backup battery connector into the keyed mating connector in the MAS200.05AAA_45QMCPBattery door removed for clartiyRotate tab up
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5-3Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation Installing the MAS200 into the Mounting SurfaceDO N OT COPY4. Rotate the backup battery into a horizontal position and place in the MAS200.5. Close door and tighten the T10 Torx screws using a hand tool. Do not overtighten the door screws.Installing the MAS200 into the Mounting SurfaceSelecting a Mounting LocationCautionThe MAS200 is not watertight. DO NOT get it wet. Do not locate the MAS200 where it could come into contact with liquids or solvents.Adequate ClearanceThe minimum requirements for adequate clearance around the MAS200 for ventilation, cooling, and easy access are:• Sides and back of unit—1".• Top of unit—1". • Top of unit—3" to open the battery door and access the battery.• Front of unit—6" to allow for proper cable bend diameter exiting the unit.09AAA_01
Selecting a Mounting Location Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation5-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYLocation and Orientation• When possible, do not install the MAS200 on the floor of the vehicle.• Preferably, install the MAS200 on the vertical side wall.• If possible, install the MAS200 in a storage compartment.• Choose a location that provides easy access to the SD card slot and visibility to LEDs located inside the SD card slot.• Choose a location where the MAS200 will not come into contact with liquids or solvents.• Choose a location where tire chains or other tools will not likely be stowed on top of the unit or cables. Do not mount the unit near items that may fall on it or bump cable connections.• Choose a location for the MAS200 that is structurally sound. The surface must support the full weight of the MAS200 under all circumstances.• Choose a location that provides for the various cable lengths.• In cabover vehicles, install the MAS200 in the rear of the storage compartment. In this location, tools or tire chains will not fall on top of the unit when the cab is tilted up.• Be sure to provide enough room for cable bends or the removal of cables for servicing (4" to 6" is recommended).• Install the MAS200 so that the unit, cables, and any accessories can be serviced in the future.1"1"3"DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR05AAA_237A05AAA_237B1"1"3"DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR1"1"3"05AAA_237DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5-5Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation Securing the MAS200DO N OT COPYSecuring the MAS200• Tighten the four self-drilling screws into the mounting surface.Installing the Power Cable• Connects MAS200 to vehicle’s electrical power source.Power Cable Run• Run direction—Route the power cable from the MAS200 to the power connection points.• Routing location—Route internally or externally. If routed externally, use the supplied convoluted tubing. • Cable dressing—Store and secure excess cable.Power Cable Routing1. Select one of the following electrical power interface locations on the vehicle:•Key switch• Fuse panel•Bus bar• Circuit breakers2. If needed, temporarily remove the two fuses from the fuse holders on the end of the cable.3. Route the fuse end of the power cable from the MAS200 location into the cab of the vehicle.4. Re-install the fuses onto the appropriate wires.5. Power on the MAS200 when ready.Low Voltage Disconnects (LVDs)• Removes “non-critical” loads, such as TVs, radios, and microwaves from the truck battery when operating these items without the vehicle running. This ensures that there will be enough battery power left to start and run the vehicle.• Do not wire the Qualcomm® MCP200 through any LVD device as this will affect the normal operation of the system. When the LVD is engaged:- MCP200 will not transmit or receive messages- Panic button will not operate- Tamper detection will not work- Vehicle position will be lost- Backup battery life will be significantly reduced
Power Cable Wire Connections Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation5-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYPower Cable Wire Connections• Vehicle battery supplies power to the MAS200.• The three required connections that you must make at the fuse end of the power cable: - Chassis ground- +12/24 VDC Battery (Main) (unswitched)- +12/24 VDC Ignition (switched)• Never wire the constant BAT+ connection or the IGNITION connection to the Accessory position. See Appendix A for detailed pin and wire callouts.1. Connect the black BAT RTN wires to a good grounding surface on the vehicle chassis or one that is connected to the chassis. Refer to Grounding Guidelines on page 5-7 for more information.2. Connect the yellow BAT+ wire to an unswitched (Main) +12/24 VDC power source, such as the hot side of the vehicle main wiring bus, the battery side of the ignition switch, or the battery side of the fuse block (not the load side). This bus provides constant +12/24 VDC to the MCP200 and must not be connected to the accessory bus or any other switched bus.3. Connect the white IGNITION wire to the switched (ignition) +12/24 VDC power source, such as the ignition side of the ignition (key) switch or the ignition side of the fuse block.• +12/24 VDC should be present on the IGNITION wire only when the ignition switch is in the ON position, not in the OFF or Accessory position.Power Cable10-AMP3-AMPBAT+BAT RTNBLACKIGNITIONWHITEYELLOW3-AMP
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5-7Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation Grounding GuidelinesDO N OT COPYGrounding Guidelines• Create clean, secure, tight, metal-to-metal grounds.• If grounding terminals are not available, remove the paint from the surface of the firewall or other metal connected to the chassis to make the ground.• Remove the paint from the metal and tighten the bolt for a good metal-to-metal ground connection.Installing the Accessory Cable• Connects the MCP200 to the optional remote control device (RCD) for text-to-speech, the J1708/1587 data link, and other vehicle inputs and optional system devices. • Provides necessary wiring for optional system features, such as display screen disabling, the SensorTRACS® system, TrailerTRACS® asset management, buzzer, RMWL, panic button and other security devices.• Two accessory cables available:- primary accessory cable- secondary accessory cable- standard length of either cable is 20 feet- See Appendix A for detailed wiring diagrams.Metal surfaceNoPaint
Cable Run Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation5-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYPrimary Qualcomm® MCP200 Accessory Cable• Connects accessories and options, and the optional RCD and speaker to the MAS200 for text-to-speech (TTS) play.• Supports wiring for J1708/J1587, J1939, Panic Button, PTOC, TrailerTRACS.Secondary Qualcomm® MCP200 Accessory Cable• See Appendix A for detailed pin and wire callouts.Cable Run• Run direction—Run the loose conductor end of the cable from the MAS200 to the dash area. (The connector is too large to pass through most access holes.)• Routing location—Route internally or externally. Use existing cable runs.• Cable dressing—Stow and secure any loose wires. Use convoluted tubing for cables run externally.• Installation instructions for optional accessories which use the accessory cable are provided in later chapters of this guide.• Before connecting the accessory cable to the MCP200, inspect the connectors to make sure they are not damaged and the pins are not bent. Do not attempt to straighten bent pins. This further weakens the pins and results in cable failure.09AAA_014AWHT/BLU 20WHT/BLU 20BLU/WHT 20BLU/WHT 20GRN 22GRN 22GRN 22RED 22RED 22RED 22BRN 22BRN 22BRN 22BLU/BLK 22BLU/BLK 22BLU/BLK 22BLU/RED 22BLU/RED 22BLU/RED 22BLU 22BLU 22BLU 22VIO/ORN 22VIO/ORN 22VIO/ORN 22VIO/RED 22VIO/RED 22VIO/RED 22BLU/GRN 22BLU/GRN 22BLU/GRN 22VIO 22VIO 22VIO 22BLU/YEL 22BLU/YEL 22BLU/YEL 22BLU/VIO 22BLU/VIO 22BLU/VIO 22BLU/GRA 22BLU/GRA 22BLU/GRA 22(CAN_D(PWR))(CAN_D(PWR))(CAN_A(RX))(CAN_A(RX))PIN 3PIN 1PIN 4PIN 2WHT/BRN 22WHT/BRN 22BRN/WHT 22BRN/WHT 22(CAN_B(TX))(CAN_B(TX))(CAN_C(GND))(CAN_C(GND))PINSIGNALCOLOR
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5-9Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation Connecting Cables to the MAS200DO N OT COPYConnecting Cables to the MAS2001. Inspect all connectors for bent pins.2. Only hand-tighten the thumb screws on the connector.3. Align the connector so it is straight before sliding into position.4. Connect the accessory cable into the I/O slot.5. Connect the power cable into the PWR slot.05AAA_222DDDSPLDSPLSDMSDMI / 0I / 0UIUIPWRPWRAccessoryCablePowerCable
Connecting Cables to the MAS200 Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200) Installation5-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 7-1DO NOT COPY7Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna InstallationTopics in this chapter provide general guidelines and instructions for installing the wireless interface box 200 (WIB200) antenna.General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2Option A—Antenna Installation Using VHB Tape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2Option B—Mount Method Installation Using Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3Routing the WIB200 Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4Connecting the Antenna Cable to the MAS200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
General Installation Guidelines Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna Installation7-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines1. Orient the antenna on the exterior of the vehicle roof.2. Connect and route the cable.3. Connect the antenna cable to the WIB200.The antenna can be installed using tape or screws.• If you are using a VHB tape, see Option A—Antenna Installation Using VHB Tape on page 7-2.• If you are using self-drilling screws, see Option B—Mount Method Installation Using Hardware on page 7-3.Option A—Antenna Installation Using VHB Tape• Attaches to the backside of the vehicle roof without drilling.CautionDo not use VHB tape on chrome surfaces.Antenna Surface Preparation1. Pick a location toward the back of the vehicle roof.2. Ensure that the vehicle mounting surface is flat. 3. Verify that the cable routing will adequately reach the bottom of the TDM where the connection is required.4. Use alcohol pad to ensure that the vehicle mounting surface is free of dirt and wax. Terrestrial AntennaTo TDMBack ofTruck Cab       01AAJ_79cQMCP
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 7-3Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna Installation Option B—Mount Method Installation Using HardwareDO N OT COPY5. Apply the tape primer evenly across the vehicle mounting surface. Wait five minutes before installing the antenna bracket.6. Remove the backing from the VHB tape. Position the vertical bracket assembly up to the mounting surface. Apply even pressure until fully adhered to the mounting surface.7. Connect and route the cables according to the cable routing instructions on page 7-4.Option B—Mount Method Installation Using Hardware• Attaches to the backside of the vehicle roof by using self-drilling screws.Mount Surface Preparation1. Use alcohol pad to ensure that the vehicle mounting surface is free of dirt and wax.2. Using a razor knife, cut the adhesive tape from the four vertical bracket mounting holes.3. Using the vertical bracket as a template, hold it against the mounting surface and mark the mounting holes.4. Mount the bracket over the holes.5. Tighten the four self-drilling screws into the mounting surface with a Torx #25 driver.Terrestrial AntennaTo TDM       01AAJ_79dQMCP4X#10 Washer4X#10 Bolt4X#10 Washer4X#10 NutBack OfTruck CabVertical Mounting Bracket Antenna Cable
Routing the WIB200 Cable Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) Antenna Installation7-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYRouting the WIB200 CableThe antenna cable connects the WIB200 to the MAS200.• Run direction—Start at the WIB200 and run the cable down to the MAS200.• Run location—Route the cable internally or externally.• Cable connectors—Make sure the rubber boots are completely forward so the connectors are totally covered.Connecting the Antenna Cable to the MAS2001. Inspect the antenna cable connectors for damaged or bent pins.2. Connect the antenna cable connectors to the mobile application server (MAS200).07AAA_56BQMCPTerrestrial AntennaTerrestrialData Modem (TDM)GPSCelluar
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 8-1DO NOT COPY8Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) InstallationTopics in this chapter provide guidelines for installing the Qualcomm® MCP200 optional SDM.General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2Orienting the SDM on the Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2Installing Mounting Bolts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3Line-of-Sight Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4Trailer Swing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5Installing the SDM Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5Connecting the SDM Cable to the MAS200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
General Installation Guidelines Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation8-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines1. Orient the SDM on the mount.2. Connect the SDM.3. Route the SDM cable.4. Connect the SDM cable to the MAS200.Selecting a MountSee the Outdoor Unit Mount Installation Guide for a complete list of Qualcomm mounts for specific vehicle types and complete instructions for installing the SDM on the mount.• Use only Qualcomm-designated mounts for equipment installed in the United States.• Provide adequate clearance from any nearby structures, such as airdams and exhaust stacks.• Position the mount on the driver’s side, if possible, where tree branches and other hazards will less likely contact the SDM.• DO NOT install SDMs on headache racks or exhaust pipes.CautionHeadache racks are mounted to the vehicle frame and there is no shock cushioning. An SDM mounted on a headache rack risks damage. Qualcomm reserves the right to charge for replacement or repair of damaged or malfunctioning SDMs which Qualcomm determines to have failed as a result of installation on the headache rack.• DO NOT paint the SDM. Painting the SDM will degrade the performance of the mobile computing platform (MCP) and void the unit warranty. The SDM mount may be painted.• DO NOT open the SDM. Removing the radome will void the warranty unless you have obtained authorization and instructions from Qualcomm. Removing the radome exposes the MCP antenna to moisture. • DO NOT overtighten bolts or connectors.Orienting the SDM on the Mount• Install the SDM so that it is level when the vehicle is level.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 8-3Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation Installing Mounting BoltsDO N OT COPYVehicles with Airdams• Under a full airdam, orient the SDM so the SDM cable exits toward the front of the vehicle. • This orientation reduces the likelihood of water entering the SDM through the connector port, especially when the vehicle is cleaned with high-pressure water.Vehicles Without Airdams• On a vehicle without an airdam and/or the mount is on the rear of the cab, orient the SDM so the SDM cable connection faces toward the side of the vehicle. See page 3-11 for cable routing examples.• This orientation prevents wind-driven rain from pounding the connector, while preventing trailer swing from hitting the connector.• Install the SDM so that it does not exceed the Federal D.O.T. mandated maximum legal height of 13’ 6".Installing Mounting Bolts1. Mount the SDM to the mounting bracket using the bolts and washers supplied with the SDM mounting hardware (or exact substitutions). Normally, bolts longer than 3/4" should not be used. If longer bolts are needed, such as when the SDM is being attached to a fiberglass shelf with a plywood base, use 1/4-20 UNC grade 8 or better. 2. Tighten the SDM mounting bolts to the recommended torque of 72 inch/pounds.CautionTo avoid over-torquing, never use power tools to tighten mounting hardware.MountingBracketSDM
Line-of-Sight Requirements Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation8-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYLine-of-Sight Requirements• SDM requires an unobstructed line-of-sight view to the satellite in order to clearly send and receive signals.• SDM must be able to send and receive the signals at a 12° angle above the horizontal plane of the unit. There must be an unobstructed view of the satellite at all angles above 12°.The following illustration shows the 12° angle and the maximum allowable height of objects located at various distances from the SDM centerline.• An obstruction height of 2.5 feet for every 12 feet away from the SDM centerline is acceptable. Use this same formula to verify that a trailer hooked up to the vehicle does not extend above the 12° angle.• Satellite signal can normally pass through thin layers of glass, fiberglass, and plastic. Thick layers or obstructions above the 12° angle may block the satellite signal and cause “blind spots.” Keep blind spots to a minimum:- Multiple layers of fiberglass, glass, or plastic- Areas with numerous bends in the fiber glass- Metal and wood bracing- Metallic paints and lead-based paints- Company logos that contain metallic materials- Metal airdams, metal wings, metal side skirts, air conditioning units, and exhaust stacks.• When mounting an SDM, make sure that the mounting surface is strong enough to support the weight of the SDM and mount.• The installation must also withstand very strong shock forces exerted by the vehicle when it is moving.Maximum Height:  2' 6"Maximum Height:  2' 1"Maximum Height:  1' 8"8' 10' 12'12˚ Distance FromCenterlineHorizontalPlaneSatellitesignalsOM/E-0093-42
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 8-5Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation Trailer Swing AreaDO N OT COPYTrailer Swing Area• DO NOT position the mount in the rear center of the vehicle. The corner of the trailer could hit the SDM when the vehicle turns sharply.• When positioning the SDM on the mount, protect the SDM connector by turning the antenna so it faces the side and NOT the back of the trailer.• Make sure that when the “fifth wheel” of a vehicle is fully forward, the trailer clears the SDM when executing sharp turns or going up ramps.• If the vehicle will be hauling refrigerated trailers, make sure that the refrigeration unit still clears the SDM when the driver turns sharply or drives up ramps.Installing the SDM Cable• Connects SDM to MAS200.Connecting the SDM Cable1. Install the SDM cable on the SDM connector and hand-tighten.CautionIf the cable does not easily connect to the SDM cable connector, check the part number of the cable to make sure you are using the SDM cable. The SDM cable is keyed to avoid an incorrect cable with a similar connector type from being attached.Cab/SleeperTrailerTrailer Swing AreaYes(Recommended)No YesOM/E-0093-87
SDM Cable Run Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation8-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY• The SDM connector is weather-resistant; do not weather-proof the SDM connector.CautionDo not use refrigeration/tar tape on the SDM connector.SDM Cable Run• Run direction—Start at the SDM mount and run the cable down to the MAS200.• Routing location—Route the cable externally.• Cable dressing—SDM cable comes with pre-installed convoluted tubing and UV resistant tie wraps.SDM Cable Installation1. Start at the SDM and run the cables down the back of the sleeper/cab and under the body toward the MAS200.• Route the cable using existing brackets as tie points.Convoluted tubingService (drip) loopTiewrapsTiewrapsConvoluted tubingCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsConvoluted tubingCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsExistingfiberglassshelfCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsConvoluted tubingDrip loop
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 8-7Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation Connecting the SDM Cable to the MAS200DO N OT COPY2. Drill an access hole through the bottom of the cab so it enters where the MAS200 is installed. See Access Holes on page 3-13.3. Store and coil excess cable near the MAS200.CautionDo not tie the cable to the headache rack. Headache racks are mounted to the chassis and move at different rates than the body.CautionLoose cables can cause damage to paint and wear to the fiberglass. Ensure that the cables are secured to the vehicle with tie wraps at approximately 18" intervals.Connecting the SDM Cable to the MAS2001. Inspect the connector for bent pins.2. Only hand-tighten the thumb screws on the connector.3. Align the connector so it is straight before sliding into position.4. Connect the SDM cable into the satellite data modem (SDM) slot.05AAA_222EDSPLDSPLSDMSDMI / 0I / 0UIUIPWRPWRSDM Cable
Connecting the SDM Cable to the MAS200 Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Installation8-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 9-1DO NOT COPY9Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) InstallationTopics in this chapter provide guidelines and instructions for installing the DIU200:General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Installing the DIU200 Holster Using Well-nut Fasteners  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3Installing the DIU200 Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4Connecting the Display Cable to the DIU200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4Inserting the DIU200 into the Holster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5Connecting the Display Cable to the MAS200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
General Installation Guidelines Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Installation9-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines1. Install the DIU200 holster.2. Route and connect the cable.3. Connect the DIU200 cable to the MAS200.Selecting a Mounting LocationIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONDo not locate the display unit where it obstructs the driver’s field of vision, distracts the driver from the driving task, or interferes with the driver’s operation of controls or displays.1. Each display unit is equipped with a holster to hold and protect the device when not in use.• The holster can be installed inside the cab in locations, such as map box door/glove compartment door, engine cover/“dog house,” and behind the passenger’s seat/cabinet wall, depending on the owner’s preference and whether there is a team or single driver.• Make sure there is enough clearance to lift the unit out of the holster easily.• Before you install the device on a map box/glove compartment door, make sure the driver can still open the map box/glove compartment.Media Display Unit (MDU)Tie wrap the cable forstrain reliefEsc1!2 @3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)=Backspace+TabQCaps0WE R TYUIP{[{[EnterShiftCtrl Alt SymDeleteShiftLKJHGFDSA"'MNBVCXZVV?!OptBackHole Mount Tie Wrap and Self Drilling Screw02AAA_210D
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 9-3Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Installation Installing the DIU200 Holster Using Well-nut FastenersDO N OT COPY2. Select an installation location where:• driver can easily see the message waiting light from his seat• mounting surface is flat• device will not be positioned high in the cab• device will not be stored in constant, direct sunlight• device will not fall out of the holster when the vehicle is in motion• device will not limit a passenger’s leg room or block access to the wiring panel or any other compartments• device will not interfere with a passenger entering or exiting the vehicle• device will not adversely impact a passenger in case of a vehicle accident or collision• driver can easily pull the device toward the driver’s seatInstalling the DIU200 Holster Using Well-nut Fasteners1. Mount on any rigid surface between .035 and .232 inches thick and able to support the weight of the DIU200 (3.2 lbs.).2. Use your display holster as a template to mark the four mounting holes.3. Drill four .375 (3/8") holes in the positions marked in step 2.4. Place the well-nut inserts all the way into each .375 hole until the flanges fit firmly against the mounting surface.5. Place the holster correctly over the mounting holes.6. Pass the 10-32 machine screws through the holster and mounting holes and tighten until snug.09AAA_07
Installing the DIU200 Cable Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Installation9-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstalling the DIU200 Cable• Connects DIU200 to MAS200.DIU200 Cable Run• Run direction—In most vehicles, the display unit is mounted in the dash area. Route the cable from the DIU200 to the MAS200 with the coiled end of the cable at the DIU200 and the uncoiled end routed to the MAS200. If drilling is necessary, the 9-pin DSUB connector end of the display cable requires a 1-1/2" hole.• Routing location—Route the cable internally or externally. - In a few vehicles, the display unit may be installed in the sleeper. In this case, route the cable internally to this area.• Cable dressing—For strain relief, the base of the coil should be secured with tie wraps. The strain-relief tie wrap is normally positioned at the point where the cable transitions from a straight cable to a coiled cable.Connecting the Display Cable to the DIU2001. If the cable is not yet routed, refer to page 3-11 for routing procedures.CautionDo not step on or drop any objects on the display cable connectors. Do not let the connectors lie on the ground unprotected.2. Use a #10 Torx driver to remove the DIU200’s back housing.3. Remove the protective cap on the connector.• Inspect the connectors for damage and bent pins.4. Plug in connector.• Make sure the rubber grommet fits in the grooves of the DIU200.• Make sure the flat side of the grommet is facing up. StraightBent
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 9-5Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Installation Inserting the DIU200 into the HolsterDO N OT COPY5. Install and tighten the cable strain tie wraps on the back of the DIU200.6. Route the display cable through the right or left channel on the back of the DIU200.7. Reinstall the back housing.8. Install the rubber plug on the opposite side from where the cable has been run.9. Secure the cable with tie wrap.Inserting the DIU200 into the Holster1. Push bottom of display into lower holster tabs.2. Push top of display into upper holster tabs.Cable RoutingTie Wraps09AAA_08
Connecting the Display Cable to the MAS200 Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Installation9-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYConnecting the Display Cable to the MAS2001. Inspect the connector for bent pins.2. Only hand-tighten the thumb screws on the connector.3. Align the connector so it is straight before sliding into position.4. Connect the display cable into the DSPL slot.05AAA_222FDSPLDSPLSDMSDMI / 0I / 0UIUIPWRPWRDisplay Unit Cable
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 10-1DO NOT COPY10Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) InstallationTopics in this chapter provide guidelines for installing the remote control device (RCD) and speaker switch cable for the Qualcomm® MCP200 optional text-to-speech (TTS) feature. This is an option that can be used if the DIU200 is not located where the driver can readily hear incoming messages.General Installation Guidelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2Installing the Remote Control Device (RCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2Selecting a Speaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3Option A—Connecting to an Existing or Shared Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4Option B—Connecting to a Dedicated 8-ohm Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
General Installation Guidelines Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) Installation10-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYGeneral Installation Guidelines1. Install the RCD.2. Route and connect RCD cable.3. Route and connect RCD cable to speaker.Selecting a Mounting Location• Mount the RCD on the dash panel of the vehicle. • RCD must be easily accessible to the driver while seated in the driver’s seat, but cannot interfere in any way with the operation of the vehicle.• Check Important Safety Information on page -xi when choosing a location.Installing the Remote Control Device (RCD)1. Determine a suitable location.• VHB (very high bond) tape permanently bonds the device to the dash panel.2. Remove the dash panels to expose the backside of the dash. Check that the area is free of cable, wires, and/or hoses.3. Drill a 1/4" hole in the dash panel and debur the hole.• OPTIONAL: If routing the cable over the dash, use tie wraps to secure the cable.4. Route cable through the hole and behind the dash panel.5. Use the alcohol wipe provided to clean the mounting surface of any dirt, oil, or grime.• OPTIONAL: There are two nutserts on the back of the RCD that can be used instead of/in addition to the VHB tape. If you use the nutserts, you will need 4-40 x 0.375-0.412 screws. These screws are not supplied by Qualcomm.6. Remove the paper backing from the VHB tape and firmly press the RCD onto the mounting surface. Let it stand for a few minutes to allow surfaces to fully bond.7. Finish routing the RCD cable to where the accessory cable ends.Connecting the RCD to the Accessory Cable1. Butt splice the yellow wire on the RCD cable to the blue/green RCD wire on the accessory cable.2. Butt splice the black wire on the RCD cable to the violet COM5 GND wire on the accessory cable.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 10-3Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) Installation Selecting a SpeakerDO N OT COPY• The COM5 GND wire is also used for the speaker switch cable ground (green wire), if used. Make both ground connections at the same time.Selecting a SpeakerSpeaker RequirementsThere are two basic speaker requirements for TTS:• Only one speaker should be connected to the MCP200 for text-to-speech play, otherwise the volume will be very low.• An 8-ohm speaker, such as a standard CB speaker or standard truck audio speaker, must be used for text-to-speech play.Choosing a SpeakerText-to-speech works with either an existing speaker (typically, the driver’s side door speaker) that is part of the vehicle’s audio system, or a speaker that can be added for text-to-speech.• If you are using a vehicle’s audio system 8-ohm speaker, see Option A—Connecting to an Existing or Shared Speaker on page 10-4.• If you are adding a dedicated speaker for TTS, see Option B—Connecting to a Dedicated 8-ohm Speaker on page 10-6.Remote Control Device (RCD)05AAA_148BRCD CableRCD(Blue/Green)RCD(Yellow)Accessory CableGND(Black)COM5 GND(Violet)SpeakerSwitch Cable
Option A—Connecting to an Existing or Shared Speaker Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) Installation10-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYOption A—Connecting to an Existing or Shared Speaker1. Identify the speaker to be used for message playback. See Speaker Requirements on page 10-3.2. Test the audio system prior to installation.3. Remove audio/radio.4. Locate the speaker wires to be used for message playback. Refer to Radio Connector Pin Callouts on page A-11.5. Find a good location on the speaker wires where they can be cut and where there will be enough room to work on either side of the cut.6. Cut the speaker wires.7. Butt splice the yellow SPKR OUT+ wire on the speaker switch cable to the positive (+) wire that leads from the speaker.8. Butt splice the black SPKR OUT- wire on the speaker switch cable to the negative (-) wire that leads from the speaker.8-ohmDoor SpeakerSPKR OUT +(Yellow)SPKR OUT -(Black)To SpeakerVEH AUDIO IN +(Orange)VEH AUDIO IN -(Black)To AudioRadioTo Accessory Cable06AAA_180
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 10-5Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) Installation Connecting Speaker Switch Cable to Accessory CableDO N OT COPY9. Butt splice the orange VEH AUDIO IN + wire on the speaker switch cable to the positive (+) speaker wire that leads from the audio.10. Butt splice the black VEH AUDIO IN - wire on the speaker switch cable to the negative(-) speaker wire that leads from the audio.11. Tie wrap loose cabling and reconnect/replace the radio.Connecting Speaker Switch Cable to Accessory Cable1. Butt splice the yellow MAS SPKR + wire on the speaker switch cable to the blue/yellow SPKR + wire on the accessory cable.2. Butt splice the black MAS SPKR - wire on the speaker switch cable to the blue/violet SPKR - wire on the accessory cable.3. Butt splice the green GND wire on the speaker switch cable to the violet COM5 GND on the accessory cable. As noted on page 10-2, the COM5 GND is a shared ground with the black RCD wire.05AAA_148DQMCPDoor Speaker Accessory Cable SPKR -(Blue/Yellow)MASSPKR -(Black)MASSPKR +(Yellow)COM5 GND(Violet)is a sharedgroundRadio /AudioGND(Green)SPKR +(Blue/Violet)SPKR OUT +(Yellow)SPKR OUT -(Black)To SpeakerVEH AUDIO IN +(Orange)VEH AUDIO OUT -(Black)To  Au d i o
Option B—Connecting to a Dedicated 8-ohm Speaker Optional Text-to-Speech (TTS) Installation10-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYOption B—Connecting to a Dedicated 8-ohm Speaker• Connect the dedicated speaker for text-to-speech play directly to the accessory cable:1. Butt splice the blue/yellow SPKR + wire on the accessory cable to the positive (+) wire that leads from the speaker.2. Butt splice the blue/violet SPKR - wire on the accessory cable to the negative (-) wire that leads from the speaker.NoteThe speaker switch cable is not used if you are adding an external, dedicated speaker.05AAA_148T Accessory Cable SPKR+(blue/yellow)SPKR-(blue/violet)SpeakerSpeaker Wires
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-1DO NOT COPY11Vehicle Data Bus ConnectionsTopics in this chapter provide the procedures for performing J1939, J1708/J1587, and traditional sensors (standard speed and RPM) installations.Vehicle Data Source Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2Vehicle Data Source Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3Guidelines for Connecting to the J1939 Data Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3J1939 Pre-installation Check Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4Option 1—Connecting J1939 Using CAN 1 (for All After-Market Installations) . . . 11-5Option 2—Connecting J1939 Using CAN0 (for Most OEM Prewires) . . . . . . . . . .  11-8Connecting J1708 /J1587  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10Verifying Data Source Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-11For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Vehicle Data Source Overview Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYVehicle Data Source OverviewQualcomm’s mobile computing platform can use the J1708/J1587 and J1939 data buses, as well as traditional sensors to monitor critical vehicle data:• Traditional sensors are used on most pre-1992 trucks. • J1708/J1587 data bus is used on most 1992–2009 trucks. • J1708/J1587 and J1939 data buses are available on 2007–2010 trucks.• J1939 will be the only data bus used on most trucks built after 2010.These data inputs can be monitored on the vehicle data services (VDS) screens. The vehicle data source makes this data available to specific applications on the MCP200. J1939 Data BusQualcomm applications only support 2007 and newer trucks with ECMs that support the SAE J1939-71, Rev. Nov 2006 standard.• High speed (250 Kb/sec) data bus.• Uses a two-wire differential serial bus, which is a network backbone running throughout the vehicle with several stubs connecting each ECM to the backbone.J1708/J1587 Data Bus• Low speed (9.6 Kb/sec), bi-directional data bus.• Uses a two-wire differential serial bus, which runs throughout the vehicle.Traditional Sensors• Use traditional sensors if the truck does not have the J1708/J1587 or J1939 data bus. For information on connecting traditional sensors, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-3Vehicle Data Bus Connections Vehicle Data Source SelectionDO N OT COPYVehicle Data Source SelectionWhen making data source connections, there are two possible data buses available: the J1708 /J1587 low-speed data bus and the J1939 high-speed data bus. The truck year, make, and model, as well as the Qualcomm applications used determine which data bus to use.If you do not know which data source to use, contact your Qualcomm representative for assistance.Guidelines for Connecting to the J1939 Data Bus• The MCP200 has two J1939 CAN inputs. Choose Option 1 or Option 2 according to these specifications:-Option 1: CAN 1 is used for all after market installations and some factory prewired installations when the distance between the MAS200 and the J1939 bus connection point exceeds 10 feet.-Option 2: CAN0 is only used for factory prewired installations when the distance between the MAS200 and the J1939 bus connection point does not exceed 10 feet.• DO NOT extend factory wires.• Maximum stub length is 10 feet.• Minimum stub spacing is 4 inches.• Never have more than one ECM device on the same stub.Termination Resistors at Ends of the Main BackboneEach 120 Ohms 5 % 1/4WCAN_HCAN_LTo ECM08AAA_053DemStub StubStub4 in  Min 4 in  Min10 ft. MaxECMDeviceNever have more thanone ECM on the same stubReads 60 ohms when measured in parallel from CAN_HIGH to CAN_LOWECMDevice
J1939 Pre-installation Check Out Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYJ1939 Pre-installation Check OutPrior to beginning any installation, start the vehicle and verify that the vehicle is in good working order, has no faults, and no check engine lights display.Resistance Test (to Verify that J1939 Is Present)1. Turn ignition OFF.2. Verify that J1939 is present on vehicle. Locate the 9-pin diagnostic (Deutsch) connector.NoteIf you have a 6-pin connector, you have J1708/J1587 only. See Connecting J1708 /J1587 on page 11-10.3. Using an ohmmeter, place the positive lead on pin C and the negative lead on pin D of the diagnostic connector. Verify that the resistance is 55–65 ohms.• If the resistance is 55–65 ohms, J1939 is present. Go to Checking the MCP200 Accessory Cable for CAN0 and CAN1 on page 11-5.• If the resistance is not 55–65 ohms, there is a problem with your J1939 data bus. Fix the problem.NoteOn some vehicles, open doors and/or cabin lights on may cause CAN/J1939 bus activity which may interfere with diagnostic connector resistance measurements.Pin C CAN High (tractor bus) Pin H Proprietary OEM use/Implement bus CAN HighPin D CAN Low (tractor bus) Pin J Proprietary OEM use/Implement bus CAN LowPin E CAN Shield (J1939-11)08AAA_051AAPIN CCAN_HIGHBFEJGHPIN DCAN_LOW
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-5Vehicle Data Bus Connections Checking the MCP200 Accessory Cable for CAN0 and CAN1DO N OT COPYChecking the MCP200 Accessory Cable for CAN0 and CAN11. Locate the end of the installed MCP200 accessory cable. This cable is usually located in either the vehicle’s dash or B-pillar.2. Locate the CAN connector on the accessory cable. The CAN connector is marked either CAN0 or CAN1 to identify the MAS200 CAN port being used.• All after-market installations have a CAN1 connector.• OEM prewires can have either a CAN0 or a CAN1 connector, depending on the truck model/manufacturer.3. For a CAN1 connector, go to Option 1—Connecting J1939 Using CAN 1 (for All After-Market Installations) on page 11-5.4. For a CAN0 connector, go to Option 2—Connecting J1939 Using CAN0 (for Most OEM Prewires) on page 11-8.Option 1—Connecting J1939 Using CAN 1 (for All After-Market Installations)Connect the MCP200 accessory cable to the CAN converter. A CAN converter cable is required for this procedure (see Appendix A for detailed pin and wire callouts of the CAN converter cable).In order for the MCP200 to receive J1939 data, the MAS200 CAN/J1939 wires must be connected to the truck’s J1939 CAN bus in the vehicle.Follow all SAE guidelines when connecting to the vehicle’s J1939 data bus. Mobile Application Server(MAS)CONVERTERTo ModemTo DisplayJ1939+Ye l l o wJ1939-GreenJ1939+J1939-MCPAccessory CableAccessoryCableDEFGHJBCACAN_HCAN_LTermination resistorsat the far ENDS of the Main Backbone Each120 Ohms 5% 1/4WTRUCK ECMMost US ECMs are hi impedance (Z) and not internally  terminatedPIN CCAN_HIGHPIN DCAN_LOWDiagnosticConnector
Making the Connection Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMaking the Connection1. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.2. Turn OFF the truck and ensure that no dash lights are on.NoteSome trucks may have activity on the J1939 bus with the door open or if an accessory is active. This can cause a faulty resistance reading on the CAN bus.3. Measure the J1939 bus resistance at the diagnostic connector. It should read 60 ohms. (Refer to Resistance Test (to Verify that J1939 Is Present) on page 11-4.)4. Locate the J1939 bus wires.• The J1939 wires are a twisted pair• CAN high (J1939+) (yellow)• CAN low (J1939-) (green)5. Determine a suitable J1939 location point. In many vehicles you can connect behind the truck diagnostic connector. Be aware that only one electronic device should be connected to the J1939 stub at the back of the diagnostic connector at a time. If another device is already present you will need to splice directly into the vehicle's backbone. Contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support for assistance if needed.6. Splice the yellow CAN high J1939+ wire from the converter cable to the yellow CAN high J1939+ wire from the truck’s J1939 bus. (Refer to the illustration on page 11-5.)7. Splice the green CAN low J1939- wire from the converter cable to the green CAN low J1939- wire from the truck’s J1939 bus. (Refer to the illustration on page 11-5.)8. Measure the J1939 bus resistance at the diagnostic connector. It should read 60 ohms.9. Locate the CAN1 4-pin Molex connector on the MCP200 accessory cable.J1939+Ye l l o wJ1939-GreenJ1939+J1939-08AAA_048BJ1939Converter cableTruck'sJ1939 bus
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-7Vehicle Data Bus Connections Making the ConnectionDO N OT COPY10. Connect the CAN converter cable to the CAN1 Molex plug on the MCP200 accessory cable.11. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.12. Verify that the J1939 data is being passed to the MAS200 from the data bus by monitoring the VDS screen on the MAS200. (Refer to Verifying Data Source Connectivity on page 11-11.)13. Stow and secure any loose wires, making sure to keep the wires clear of sharp edges and away from panels and moving parts.09AAA_02
Option 2—Connecting J1939 Using CAN0 (for Most OEM Prewires) Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYOption 2—Connecting J1939 Using CAN0 (for Most OEM Prewires)Connect the MCP200 accessory cable to the OEM-supplied stub connector. A CAN converter cable is not required for this procedure.In order for the MCP200 to receive J1939 data, the MAS200 CAN/J1939 wires must be connected to the truck’s J1939 CAN bus in the vehicle.Follow all SAE guidelines when connecting to the J1939 data source.NoteIf you are doing an installation on an OEM prewired truck with a CAN1 MCP200 accessory cable and a converter cable is not included as part of the prewire, go to Option 1—Connecting J1939 Using CAN 1 (for All After-Market Installations) on page 11-5.CAN_HCAN_LTermination Resistorsat the far ENDSof the Main Backbone Each120 Ohms 5% 1/4W08AAA_046AOEMCONNECTORTRUCK ECMMost US ECMs are hi impedance (Z) and not internally  terminated Mobile Application Server(MAS)AccessoryCableTo ModemTo DisplayStub
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-9Vehicle Data Bus Connections Making the ConnectionDO N OT COPYMaking the Connection1. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.2. Turn OFF the truck and ensure that no dash lights are on.3. Measure the J1939 bus resistance at the diagnostic connector. It should read 60 ohms.NoteSome trucks may have activity on the J1939 bus with the door open or if an accessory is active. This can cause a faulty resistance reading on the CAN bus.4. Locate the OEM J1939 stub connector and the CAN0 mating connector on the MCP200 accessory cable. These are usually located either in the truck’s B pillar or in the center of the dash.5. Connect the two J1939 connectors.6. Measure the J1939 bus resistance at the diagnostic connector. It should read 60 ohms.7. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.8. Verify that the J1939 data is being passed to the MAS200 from the data bus by monitoring the VDS screen on the MAS200. (Refer to Verifying Data Source Connectivity on page 11-11.)9. Stow and secure any loose wires, making sure to keep the wires clear of sharp edges and away from panels and moving parts.
Connecting J1708 /J1587 Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYConnecting J1708 /J15871. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.2. Verify that the engine ignition switch is OFF.3. Locate the engine data diagnostic connector.• The data source wires to the engine data diagnostic connector are a twisted pair that should remain twisted after the installation is complete. • Consult the manufacturer’s wiring diagrams to identify the wires (some are marked DATA+ and DATA- or D/L+ and D/L-, and some are marked with numbers or colors).• Note which wire is plus (+) and which is minus (-). • To avoid confusion, cut and splice the positive wires first and then the negative wires. Because there usually is not much slack in the engine data diagnostic connector wires, be careful in cutting and splicing to them.4. Splice the brown J1708+ wire from the accessory cable to the DATA+ (pin F) wire of the engine diagnostic connector. Reconnect the wires.5. Splice the red J1708- wire from the accessory cable to the DATA- (pin G) wire of the engine diagnostic connector.6. Start the vehicle and verify that the truck is in good working order and displays no dash faults.7. Go to Verifying Data Source Connectivity on page 11-11.8. Stow and secure any loose wires, making sure to keep the wires clear of sharp edges and away from panels and moving parts such as throttle and brake linkage. • Dress any bare-ended wires to prevent a short. • Maintain wire twists as close to the splice as possible.MCPAccessory CableButt SpliceData Link-Data Link-Data Link+Data Link+To vehicledatalinkJ1708-J1708+
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 11-11Vehicle Data Bus Connections Verifying Data Source ConnectivityDO N OT COPYVerifying Data Source Connectivity1. Turn ignition ON.2. Verifying Data Bus ConnectivityCheck the VDS (Status) screen and verify that the MAS200 is enabled for J1939, J1708, and/or traditional sensors.• The light indicator will be green when a data source is enabled to receive data from that source. • Data source must be active to increment data.If you have any questions, contact QES Customer Support.Black: Not Configured/No Data; Green: Active Data; Red: Stale Data.NotePress the Green Light/Red Light icon located along the bottom of the screen to display the VDS Summary screen and note the data source and LED status.If data is not being passed, debug.
Verifying Data Source Connectivity Vehicle Data Bus Connections11-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY3. Verify Data Sourcea. Verifying J1939 Data Is PresentVerify the following data fields are showing green and incrementing to confirm that J1939 data is present:• Speed RPM• Parking Brake Accelerator• Distance LTD Fuel LTD• Engine Time LTDNotePress the VDS Details icon located along the bottom of the screen to display the VDS Details screen and note the data source.b. Verifying J1587/J1708 Data Is PresentVerify the J1587/J1708 data fields are showing green and incrementing to confirm that J1587/J1708 data is present.NotePress the VDS Details icon located along the bottom of the screen to display the VDS Details screen and note the data source.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-1DO NOT COPY12System VerificationTopics in this chapter provide information and procedures for performing a basic system verification:What Is Basic Qualcomm® MCP200 System Verification? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2MCP200 Display Unit Screens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2Flowchart—Basic MCP200 System Verification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-12Basic MCP System Verification Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14Qualcomm® MCP System Verification Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191For verifying the SensorTRACS® system, the TrailerTRACS® system, and other accessories, see the appropriate chapter in this manual.NoteGPS is required for both satellite and terrestrial networks.
What Is Basic Qualcomm® MCP200 System Verification? System Verification12-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYWhat Is Basic Qualcomm® MCP200 System Verification?• A functional system check that should be performed after installation or service to verify that the MCP200 is operating properly.MCP200 Display Unit Screens• Shortly after you power up the MCP200, the Qualcomm® MCP200 Home screen displays.• Tap the different buttons to access information.• Before you perform the system verification procedure, you may find it helpful to become familiar with the commonly used display unit screens.• System verification information has been stored on screens/buttons under the System button.• Scroll down to the System button and tap the button to access the display screens shown on the following pages.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-3System Verification MCP200 System ScreenDO N OT COPYMCP200 System Screen• Tap the System button to access system information about the MCP200.Field DescriptionUnit Address • Also called the UNIT SERIAL NUMBER.• Shows the mobile unit (MCP200) ID, e.g., 105000xxx.• Tells the dispatcher the correct address for sending messages to the vehicle.• If the MCP200 is replaced, this field will display a different address.Connection • Indicates whether the link within the terrestrial data modem (TDM) is communicating properly.• Indicates whether the link within the satellite data modem (SDM) is communicating properly.System Status Indicates the MCP200’s operational status:• Good is displayed if the MCP200 is operating properly.• A numerical error code (e.g., 10000) is displayed if the MCP200 detects a problem.• Refer to the appropriate section in the Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide for troubleshooting procedures.• If you are using the optional SDM, Quiet is displayed within seconds after you turn the ignition OFF.Ignition • Ignition Off is displayed within seconds after you turn the ignition OFF.Database State Indicates the MCP200’s database status:• SyncComplete is displayed if customer and mobile unit (MCP200) information has been received by the MCP200 and is up-to-date. This is the desired state.• Out of Sync is displayed if the mobile unit (MCP200) information has not been received by the MCP200 and is waiting to be updated.Last DB Sync Indicates the date of the most recent SyncComplete status for the MCP200.
MCP200 Diagnostic Screen System Verification12-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCP200 Diagnostic Screen• Tap the Diagnostics button to access diagnostic information about the MCP200.• Run Test All.Vehicle Info Msgs Indicates the total number of messages the MCP200 has received from the electronic control module (ECM) since the ignition was turned ON.Unread Messages • Indicates the number of messages the MCP200 has received but that have not been read. • This number increases as the MCP200 receives new messages, and decreases as they are read.Usr Msgs Pending Indicates the number of text messages the MCP200 has in the queue to be sent.All Msgs Pending Indicates the total number of all messages the MCP200 is currently sending.MDU Firmware Indicates the software version currently installed on the display interface unit 200 (DIU200).MAS Firmware Indicates the software version currently installed on the mobile application server 200 (MAS200), e.g., 10.22.13.MAS WIN OS Indicates the Windows operating system currently installed on the MAS200.Field Description
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-5System Verification MCP200 OVT/CDMA ScreensDO N OT COPYMCP200 OVT/CDMA Screens• Tap the OVT/CDMA button to access antenna information about the MCP200, such as signal strength. • There are five OVT/CDMA screens, which you navigate by tapping the screen and then using the arrow keys to move from screen to screen.Field DescriptionRSSI • Received Signal Strength Indication—The strength of a wireless communication network signal being received by the antenna during forward link acquisition to the wireless network provider.• RSSI should be less than 100.Registered • MCP200 terrestrial system checks network coverage every 3 minutes. • If the unit is within the RegisterdHomeNetwork, it is in home network coverage.• If the unit is RegisteredRoaming, it is either roaming to find the home network or roaming to find another network.Network Type IS2000A.SID System Identification Number—The number that allows the unit to quickly register on the cellular network.NID Network Identification Number.
MCP200 SDM Screens System Verification12-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCP200 SDM Screens• Tap the SDM button to access antenna information about the MCP200, such as signal strength. Field DescriptionSerial Number The serial number of the SDM.FL C/No • Signal strength received from the data satellite (the forward signal). • Typically, values should be greater than 50.RL C/No • Signal strength received from the MCP200 (the return signal).• Typically, values should be greater than 33.Software Version Indicates the firmware version currently installed on the SDM.Group Addresses • Shows the group ID to which the MCP200 is assigned.• Also shows the number of other groups, which the MCP200 is a member.• Numbers are defined and used by the dispatcher to address the fleet or groups of MCP200s.PHY State Indicates the physical state of the antenna.Hardware Version Indicates the SDM hardware version.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-7System Verification MCP200 GPS ScreenDO N OT COPYMCP200 GPS Screen• Tap the GPS button whenever you want to see basic GPS information.MCP200 Config Screen• Tap the Config button whenever you want to see the basic configuration of the unit. Field DescriptionLast update • The time of the last GPS update. • This value should update every second.Latitude The last received latitude value.Longitude The last received longitude value.Mode Indicates the MCP200’s GPS status:•3-D is displayed if the receiver is able to view three or more GPS satellites. Under normal performance, a 3-D mode will be displayed.• 2-D is displayed if the receiver is able to calculate a position, but has a limited view to the GPS satellites.• NO FIX is displayed when the GPS satellites cannot be viewed.Ground Speed Speed calculated by GPS through a change in vehicle location.
MCP200 Engineering Screen System Verification12-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCP200 Engineering Screen• This screen is for engineering purposes only.Field DescriptionPowerdown • Number of minutes after ignition is turned OFF when the MCP 200 will go into sleep mode. • Configured by dispatch.Wakeup • The frequency the MCP200 wakes up from sleep mode to check for dispatch messages. • Configured by dispatch.Total Time • Number of minutes the MCP200 draws power from the vehicle battery with the ignition OFF.• Configured by dispatch.Time Remaining Number of minutes before the MCP200 goes into sleep mode.Motion/screen Blanking • Indicates if the display screen will be active when motion is detected (shown as Disabled or BlankEntireScreen).• Configured by dispatch.Ign ON MIPRs Indicates if a mobile-initiated position report will be sent when ignition is turned ON.BOT/EOT MIPRs Indicates if beginning of trip and end of trip mobile-initiated position reports will be sent.MIPR Freq Indicates the frequency (HH:MM:SS) of mobile-initiated position reports.Panic Indicates whether the panic button/message feature is enabled.Panic Voice Indicates if an audio message will be played (TTS) when a panic button press is detected.Stealth Indicates whether panic messages will show in the messaging Outbox.Panic Config Indicates how hardware needs to be connected for panic button presses to be detected.Tamper Detect Indicates if the MCP is enabled or disabled for tamper detection.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-9System Verification MCP200 CER ScreenDO N OT COPYMCP200 CER Screen• Tap the CER button to access the screen that captures and reports critical event information, such as hard braking, vehicle speed, location, stability control (VDC), and panic button events, to the customer before and after the event occurs.Field ValueCER Enabled/disabled If enabled, the MCP200 captures CER events.Speech Enabled/disabled If enabled, what is printed in the alert pop-ups is spoken.Hard Braking Minimum Speed Speed at which mobile unit detects hard brake events.Hard Braking Deceleration Rate The rate of deceleration that triggers a hard brake event (Default = 9 MPH/SEC).VDC Enabled/disabled Stability control is enabled/disabled.VDC Minimum Speed Minimum speed at which mobile unit detects VDC messages.VDC On Threshold Number of ATC (PID hex value is 97) “on” messages that must be seen in a row before a VDC event is considered to be in progress.VDC Off Threshold Number of ATC (PID hex value is 97) “off” messages that must be seen in a row before a VDC event is considered to have ended.VDC Bits Tracked Setting that determines which bits the mobile unit tracks to monitor stability control events:•Brake bits only• Engine bits only• Brake or Engine bits (Default)• Brake and Engine bits
VDS (Status) Screen System Verification12-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYVDS (Status) Screen• Access vehicle data services (VDS) information, by using the scroll bar and tapping the VDS (Status) button.Field ValueJ1587 If vehicle is configured to receive data, the light is green if the vehicle is receiving data from the J1587 data source.J1939 If vehicle is configured to receive data, the light is green if the vehicle is receiving data from the J1939 data source.Trad The PTO, which is always active (the light is always green).RCV • These are the packets of data being received on the data bus. • Value should be constantly increasing.Xmt Packets of data being received on the data bus as requested (transmitted) packets.Msg Packets of data being received on the data bus that are of longer length than the normal data packet size.Brake Brake light is green if the parking brake is engaged.Ignition Ignition light is green if the ignition is ON.Panic Panic light is green if PANIC is enabled.CPU Shows MAS usage.Memory Amount of memory used.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-11System Verification VDS (Status) ScreenDO N OT COPYSpeed Speed of the vehicle.Rpm RPM of the vehicle.Temp Oil temperature.Accel Acceleration (throttle position) percentage.Fuel Life-to-date (LTD) fuel.Field Value
Flowchart—Basic MCP200 System Verification System Verification12-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYFlowchart—Basic MCP200 System VerificationTurn ignitionONStep 2YesMove unit toacquirenetworksignalStep 1System_Flow_1_MCP200Step 3DoesDIU light up & display characters?Do backlight, volume,and brightnesswork?See Chapter 5in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideNoAll tests passsedStatus: #### See appropriatechapter in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideDisplaySystem screen.Does Status displaynumerical codeor Good? Step 5OFFwithin 10 minutesStep 4See appropriatechapter in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideDisplayDiagnostics screen.Run all tests.Some/alltests failedStep 7Was messageacknowledgedby dispatcher?Step 6DisplayMessage screen.Send test messageto dispatcherStep 8Have dispatchersend testmessage toMCP200NoYesStep 9See Chapter 7in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideWas testmessage receivedat MCP200?NoYesGo to Step 10See Chapter 7in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic Guide
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-13System Verification Flowchart—Basic MCP200 System VerificationDO N OT COPYSystem_Flow_2_MCP200VerificationcompleteFor verification proceduresfor optional accessories,see the appropriate chapter.System OKYesStep 12Turn ignitionOFFStep 10See Chapter 7in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideWas testmessage receivedat MCP200?NoYesYesStep 11See Chapter 15in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideCan you playmessage withRCD?NoDoes DIU200stay on withignition OFF?See Chapter 11in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic GuideStep 13NoYesYesDoesStatuschange to Ignition Offwithin 10minutes?Step 14No See Chapter 12in theMCP200 SeriesDiagnostic Guide
Basic MCP System Verification Procedure System Verification12-14 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYBasic MCP System Verification ProcedureThe steps in this procedure match the steps on the flowcharts on the previous pages. The steps are not always sequential—you may be instructed to skip steps.1. Turn the vehicle ignition ON; the engine does not have to be running.2. Make sure the vehicle is in a good location.• The vehicle should be in a location where the antenna is able to acquire a wireless communication network signal. Additionally, a clear view of the sky is needed for GPS when the unit is brought on the air for the first time, or after any reset.• If you are using an SDM with the MCP200, the SDM should have a clear view of the satellite which is located above the equator, roughly south of Georgia.ACCOFFONSTARTTurn the ignition ONOM/E-0128-031TQMCPGPSSatellitesPCSTo w e rDataSatelliteSatellite Terrestrial
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-15System Verification Basic MCP System Verification ProcedureDO N OT COPY3. Check the display unit and verify that the screen lights up and displays characters; and that the backlight, brightness, and volume controls work correctly. The BACKLIGHT key turns the display unit backlight ON and OFF.The BRIGHTNESS key adjusts the brightness of the display window; press the top of this key to lighten the display window or the bottom to darken the display window.The VOLUME CONTROL key adjusts the volume of the DIU200 speaker. Press the top of this key to increase the volume or the bottom of the key to decrease the volume.• If the screen displays characters, and the controls work correctly, go to step 4.• If the screen is dark, or the controls do not work correctly, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 5 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.4. Go to the Home screen and tap the System button. Tap the System button. Check the System Status field and verify that the Status is Good.• If the Status is Good, go to step 5.• If the Status is a numerical value, go to the appropriate diagnostic procedure for that value in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.5. Go to the Home screen and tap the Diagnostics button. Run all diagnostics’ tests.• If the MCP200 passed all the tests, go to step 6.• If the MCP200 failed any of the tests, go to the appropriate diagnostic procedure for the failed item in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.Esc1!2 @3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)=Backspace+TabQCaps0WE R T Y U I P{[{[EnterShiftCtrl Alt SymDeleteShiftLKJHGFDSA "'MNBVCXZVV?!OptBack05AAA_215BVolumeControlBacklightToggleBacklightControl
Basic MCP System Verification Procedure System Verification12-16 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY6. Send a test message to the dispatcher. Go to the Home screen and tap the Messages button.• Tap the Create Msg button.• Tap the Free Form button.• Type the message text including the truck number.• Tap the SEND button.• Tap Yes to send the message.7. Tap the Outbox button to display the message that was just sent. Orange arrows indicate the message is in transit; a green “” (check mark) indicates the message has been acknowledged.• If the message is acknowledged, go to step 8.• If the message is not acknowledged, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 7 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.8. Have the dispatcher send a test message to the MCP. If the dispatcher is not available, call QES Customer Support (800-541-7490) to have the message sent. If the Remote Message Waiting Light or Message Waiting Buzzer feature is installed, you can also test them at this time by having an Important or Sleepy Important message sent.Contact the DispatchCenter and have thedispatcher send a testmessage to the MCPDispatchCenterTerrestrialAntenna
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-17System Verification Basic MCP System Verification ProcedureDO N OT COPYFor verifying the SensorTRACS system, the TrailerTRACS system, and other accessories, see the appropriate chapter in this manual.9. After a few minutes, the unit should chirp, the Message Waiting Light should come on, and a voice notification will tell you the message has been received. Tap the Inbox button to display the dispatcher’s message. • If the MCP received the message, go to step 10.• If the MCP did not receive the message, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 7 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.10. Verify that the message can be played by pressing the TTS key using the Omni keys on the DIU200.• If the message can be played using the Omni keys, go to step 11.• If the message cannot be played using the Omni keys, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 15 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.11. Turn the vehicle ignition OFF.12. Make sure the display unit stays on with the ignition OFF.• If the display unit stays on, go to step 13.• If the display unit does not stay on, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 11 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.13. Tap the System button. Tap the System button and verify that the STATUS field changes from Good to Ignition Off within 10 minutes.• If the Status changes to Ignition Off within 10 minutes, System Verification is complete.• If the Status does not change to Ignition Off within 10 minutes, perform the diagnostic procedure in Chapter 12 in the Qualcomm® MCP200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.ACCOFFONSTARTTurn the ignition OFF
Qualcomm® MCP System Verification Form System Verification12-18 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYQualcomm® MCP System Verification FormYou can make copies of the System Verification Form on the following page and record important information you may want to keep concerning the vehicle and the MCP.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 12-19System VerificationQualcomm® MCP System Verification FormDO NOT COPYQualcomm® MCP200 System Verification FormInstaller(s): Date:Display Unit S/N: TDM S/N:Vehicle Information Accessories InstalledDriver: ____________________Truck #: _______________ ❒Buzzer   ❒Panic Button  Make: _________________Model: ___________________ ❒RMWL ❒TrailerTRACS  Engine Type: ___________ ❒Other___________________________________________MCP—System Button/System Button MCP—System Button/OVT/CDMA ButtonUnit Address: ____________________ RSSI: ____________________Connection: ____________________ What is the “Registered” status (circle): System Status with ignition ON: ____________________System Status with ignition OFF: ___________________RegisteredHomeNetwork RegisteredRoamingNetwork Type: IS_2000A ? ____yes  _____noIs Database State “SyncComplete”? ____yes  _____noOther Network Type: ____________________SID: ____________________Channel: _________________With ignition ON, is “Vehicle Info Msgs” rapidly incrementing several times per second? ____yes  _____no MCP—System Button/SDM ButtonMAS Firmware: ____________________ FL C/No: _________________ RL C/No __________________MCP—System Button/GPS Button MCP—System Button/Battery ButtonIs GPS “Last update” status updating every second?____yes  _____noPress “Test Battery Now” button. Are “Results of the last test” Good? ____yes  _____no  _______________voltsIs Backup Battery detected? ____yes  _____noMCP—SENSORTRACS /Installer  Miscellaneous InformationWith ignition ON, is “J1708 Rx MSGs” rapidly incrementing several times per second? ____yes  _____noVehicle Connections (circle):J1708 J1939 AXLE RPM DATA MISSING______________________________Message Verification Text-to-Speech Verification❒Successfully Sent ❒Successfully Received ❒Message successfully playedInstallation Notes:
Qualcomm® MCP System Verification Form System Verification12-20 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-1DO NOT COPY13SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring VerificationTopics in this chapter provide the procedures for performing SensorTRACS® performance monitoring system installations.SensorTRACS® System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2Performing SensorTRACS® System Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2SensorTRACS® System Display Screens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3Special Alert Display Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12Power Take-off (PTO) Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12PTO Data Input Verification Procedure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
SensorTRACS® System Overview SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSensorTRACS® System Overview• The SensorTRACS system is an optional Qualcomm® MCP200 application that records vehicle and driver performance data.• The data is then retrieved from the mobile computing platform 200 (MCP200) by the host computer either manually or automatically at preset intervals.• The hardware installation on the vehicle consists of:1. Connecting the MCP200 to the data link or the standard speed and RPM sensors.2. Sending SensorTRACS parameters from the host computer.3. Performing system verification.Performing SensorTRACS® System VerificationConducting a Road Test• Vehicle must be set up and appropriate SensorTRACS parameters must be sent to the vehicle from the host system.• The PTAG value on the Parameters screen must be a number other than zero.- Have a passenger accompany you on the road test to review the results on the display interface unit 200 (MDU200).1. Start the engine.2. Touch the SensorTRACS icon and touch the Performance tab to access the Performance screen.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-3SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification SensorTRACS® System Display ScreensDO N OT COPY3. Road test the vehicle over a distance of at least one mile.• Note the beginning mileage on the vehicle’s odometer.• Have a passenger compare the speed information on the DIU200 to the speedometer’s readout. 4. Drive the vehicle at various speeds during the road test.• Compare the speedometer readout with the value displayed on the DIU200 in the SPD field and verify that they are the same.5. When you’re finished, check the change in distance (MI field) on the DIU200 to verify that it corresponds with the distance of the road test, as indicated by the vehicle’s odometer.6. If Life-to-Date distance on the Odometer screen does not match the truck’s odometer, it could be• the vehicle’s ECM was replaced• the ECU needs programming• there is a mismatch between the J1587 and J1939 data linksSensorTRACS® System Display ScreensAccessing the SensorTRACS® Screens1. Touch the SensorTRACS icon.• If the SensorTRACS icon is grayed out, the SensorTRACS system is not enabled. Call your company dispatch to have this application enabled.2. Touch any of the six tabs to access these individual screens.• Summary screen• Performance screen• Parameters screen• Odometer screen• PTO screen• Installer screen
Summary Screen SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSummary ScreenData associated with the active driver since the last SensorTRACS system data extract.Field DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is currently logged on as the active driver, “UNIDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes current driver has been logged in.Eng Time Engine time in minutes and seconds.PTO Indicates if PTO configuration is using Pump or Compressor.Trip State Current trip state. Possible values are: WARMING IDLE; WARM IDLE; PRE-INTERTRIP IDLE; PRE-TRIP RUN; PRE-TRIP IDLE; TRIP RUN; TRIP IDLE; COOL IDLE; POST-INTERTRIP IDLE; ENGINE STOP; PTO COMP; PTO PUMP; PTO ENGN.MI Total distance since beginning of trip detected.Over RPM% Computed over RPM percentage.Over IDLE Over idle percentage.Over Speed Computed overspeed percentage.Fuel Total fuel consumed for trip.MPG Computed fuel mileage in miles/gallon (or km/gal).
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-5SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification Performance ScreenDO N OT COPYPerformance ScreenData associated with the active driver since the last SensorTRACS system data extract.Touch the Violations button to view Violation Reports screen.Field DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is currently logged on as the active driver, “UNIDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes current driver has been logged in.PTO Indicates if PTO is Enabled or DisabledTrip Current trip number.Eng Time Total elapsed time the engine has been running.Drive Time Driving (road) time.Trip State Current trip state.MI Total miles accumulated.Speed Current vehicle speed.RPM Current engine RPM.
Parameters Screen SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYParameters ScreenField DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is currently logged on as the active driver, “UNIDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes the active driver has been logged in.Beep Unidentified driver beep period in minutes.BOT Distance vehicle must travel before the MCP200 declares the Beginning of Trip and starts Trip_Run recording.EOT End of Trip time threshold in minutes.SPD Cal Speed calibration parameter.RPM Cal RPM calibration parameter.Park Fuel Current value of the amount of fuel used while parked.Idle Fuel Current value of the idle fuel.Coast OOG Coasting out-of-gear time (displayed in minutes and seconds).Gear Current gear ratio based on the current speed and RPM.IGN Ignition violation time followed by : the ignition violations count.Tag Parameter version indicator.AutoExt Dispatch-configured extract frequency (in days).Extract Unit extract frequency.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-7SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification Odometer ScreenDO N OT COPYOdometer ScreenField DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is currently logged on as the active driver, “UNDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes current driver has been logged in.Life to Date Distance Total distance the vehicle has traveled in its lifetime if data is provided by the ECM, otherwise it is Life To Date SensorTRACS system miles only.Source Indicates that the signal source for the vehicle’s distance is the standard speed sensor (AXLE) or the J1708/1587 data link (J1708). Axle Sensor Calibration Speed or distance calibration value. Number should be the same as the SPD CAL value displayed on the SensorTRACS Parameters screen.RPM Sensor Calibration Speed or distance calibration value. Number should be the same as the RPM CAL value displayed on the SensorTRACS Parameters screen.
PTO Screen SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYPTO ScreenField DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is logged on as the active driver, “UNIDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes current driver has been logged in.PTO Current state of the PTO (enabled or disabled).Delay Dispatch-configured time-to-start for PTO time.PTO Fuel PTO fuel data in gallons.PTO Time Total time logged as PTO data. (Displayed in minutes and seconds until the elapsed time exceeds 1 hour; then it is displayed in hours and minutes.)Inputs: PumpInputs: CompressorInputs: EngineDisplays “Y” if the PTOP input is active.Displays “Y” if the PTOC input is active.Displays “Y” if the PTOE input is active.If the PTO is DISABLED or if the VEHICLE IS IN MOTION (<20 MPH), the INPUTS will always read “N.” If both the PTOP and PTOC inputs are active, then only the PTOP input will read “Y.”Compressor Revs  Current value of PTOC revolutions.Pump Revs Current value of PTOP (pump output shaft) revolutions.Eng/1708 Revs Current value of PTOE (engine crankshaft) revolutions.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-9SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification Installer ScreenDO N OT COPYInstaller ScreenField DescriptionDriver Active driver name. If no driver is logged on as the active driver, “UNIDENTIFIED” is displayed.Logged in since Number of minutes current driver has been logged in.J1708 Rx MSGS Number of J1708 messages received from the engine controller with the engine running. If this number is not steadily incrementing several times per second when the engine is running, the J1708/1587 data link is not correctly connected to the MCP.PTAG Parameter version tag.Data Missing Any data that is missing from the J1708/1587 data link. Field values are described on page 13-9.Active Faults SensorTRACS faults that are currently active. Field values are described in the table on page 13-10.J1708 EnabledorJ1708 DisabledThe MCP200 is looking at the J1708/1587 data link for the SensorTRACS data.The MCP200 is looking at standard and RPM sensors or J1708/1587 hybrid speed sensor for the SensorTRACS data. Data Missing Field Value DefinitionsField Value MeaningAssociated PID Effect0 Missing Road Speed (MPH) 84 SensorTRACS system is not receiving road speed from the ECM.
Installer Screen SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY1 Missing Engine Speed (RPM) 190 SensorTRACS system is not receiving engine speed from the ECM.2Missing Total Distance 245 SensorTRACS system is missing distance from the ECM.3 Missing Total Engine Hours 247 Engine hour data will not be available.4 Missing Total Fuel 250 SensorTRACS system will not record fuel data.5 Missing Throttle Position 91 Coasting will not be a factor in overspeed threshold.6 Missing Ambient Temperature 171 Ambient temperature will not be available.7 Missing Parking Brake Status 70 Parked Idle Fuel will not be available.8 Missing PTO Status 89 PTOE data will not be available.9 Automatic Traction Control (ATC) 151 Applies only to CER functionality.Active Fault Field Value DefinitionsDisplayShowsAssociated FaultDescription/Symptom Possible Cause0No Power (MCP) Power detected OFF for more than the wake-up time.Main power was lost, causing the MCP200 to stay asleep longer than its wake-up interval.1RPM Zero (MCP) RPM zero when speed is non-zero. -RPM sensor or connection problem.-J1708 selection parameter set wrong.-In rare cases, no idle can be caused by faulty axle sensor input (e.g., wires reversed) causing a positive reading for speed while the vehicle is stationary.Data Missing Field Value DefinitionsField Value MeaningAssociated PID Effect
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-11SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification Installer ScreenDO N OT COPY2 Bad Ignition (MCP)Ignition OFF and speed or RPM non-zero.Problem with MCP200’s ignition line wiring or fuse.3RPM Sensor (MCP)Engine posted PID (194) and PID (190). RPM sensor or connection problem to the engine, detected by the engine’s diagnostics.4 Speed Sensor (MCP)Engine posted PID (194) and PID (84). Speed sensor or connection problem to engine, detected by the engine’s diagnostics.9LTD Mismatch (MCP)LTD mismatch with stored MCP data. -Engine run with main power disconnected.-Engine run with data link disconnected.-Engine run with ignition line disconnected.A Bad Speed (MCP) More than 2 hrs IGN = ON with Spd = 0, RPM greater than 1300.-Speed sensor or connection problem—MCP200.-Speed sensor or connection problem—engine.-Engine speed sensor parameter not enabled.B 0 Spd and RPM (MCP)More than 2 hrs with IGN = ON with Spd = 0, RPM = 0.-Disconnect of entire accessory cable.-J1708 selection parameter set wrong.-Data link connection problem.-Driver using ignition position for accessory operation.-MCP200 ignition line wired to accessory position.D Steady Speed (MCP)Speed signal constant for more than 5 minutes.A pulse generator may have been connected to either the MCP200 or the engine.E Hard Braking EventSpeed is suddenly decreased by more than 9 MPH/second (speed must be above 20 MPH for this fault to occur.Driver is braking too quickly (hard braked).Active Fault Field Value Definitions (Continued)DisplayShowsAssociated FaultDescription/Symptom Possible Cause
Special Alert Display Messages SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSpecial Alert Display MessagesCertain messages spontaneously display on the display unit when the MCP200 needs to warn or remind the driver of certain pending conditions.Warning MessagesWarning messages are accompanied by an audible chirping beep sound from the display unit speaker.COASTING OUT OF GEAR. Displays while coasting-out-of-gear time is accumulating.EXCESSIVE OVERSPEED. Displays while excessive speed time is accumulating.OVERSPEED. Displays while overspeed time is accumulating.OVERRPM. Displays while over RPM time is accumulating.INTERTRIP IDLE IN 60 SECONDS. Displays only once 60 seconds before intertrip idle accumulation begins.INTERTRIP IDLE. Displays every 60 seconds for up to five times while intertrip idle time is accumulating.Power Take-off (PTO) Overview• This option provides SensorTRACS vehicle performance monitoring system customers with the ability to log the time the vehicle engine is used for non-transportation purposes, such as when it is powering auxiliary devices.• In order to log PTO time, one of the two PTO wires must be connected to the pump or compressor input.• Typically, there are two types of switching methods, those switched to +12 VDC and those switched to ground.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 13-13SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification PTOP (Power Take-off Pump)/PTOC (Power Take-off Compressor)DO N OT COPYPTOP (Power Take-off Pump)/PTOC (Power Take-off Compressor)1. Engage the PTOP/PTOC.2. Use your multi-meter to determine which type of circuit you are connecting to.3. If you only have a switched circuit that is low activated to the ground to detect PTO time, a relay must be used, as shown in the configuration below.4. Connect either PTOP or PTOC wires.5. If the pump activation circuit is +12 VDC (active high) or ground (active low), connect the white/red PTOP wire from the accessory cable to the PTO side of the switch.To PTOP or PTOC Wires+12 VDCTo PTO indicator light on dashGroundPower Take-off Pump (PTOP) orPower Take-off Compressor (PTOC) 04AAA_217AQMCPIndicator LightPTO Air lineTo air switch on dash toengage PTO device pumpor compressor PTO ON/ OFF SwitchPTO Air lineTo air switch on dash toengage PTO device pumpor compressor Power Take-off Pump (PTOP) orPower Take-off Compressor (PTOC)PTO Ancillary Pressure SwitchWHTREDGroundBRNBLK12 Volts12 VoltsSwitched GNDPTOP/PTOC 3087A878685BRNWHTBLKREDChassis GNDPTO Relay08AAA_062
PTO Data Input Verification Procedure SensorTRACS® Performance Monitoring Verification13-14 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYIf the compressor activation circuit is +12 VDC (active high) or ground (active low), connect the white/black PTOC wire from the accessory cable to the PTO side of the switch.6. Perform the System Verification in Chapter 12 in this guide.7. Perform the Power Take-off (PTO) Data Input Verification Procedure in PTO Data Input Verification Procedure on page 13-14.PTO Data Input Verification Procedure1. Turn the vehicle ignition ON.2. Turn the PTO device ON.3. Navigate to the PTO screen.• Touch the SensorTRACS icon.NoteIf SensorTRACS is grayed out, SensorTRACS system is not enabled. Call your company dispatch to have this application enabled.• Touch the PTO tab.4. Verify that PTO is ENABLED and the INPUTS field displays a Y according to what is active.• For PTO Information screen field values, see PTO Screen on page 13-8.5. To verify that the parameters were sent, check that the PTO TIME field is incrementing. Is this field incrementing?• If yes, PTO verification is complete.• If no, check the wire connections, see Power Take-off (PTO) Overview on page 13-12. Go to step 6.6. Turn off PTO device. PTO time should now stop incrementing.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 14-1DO NOT COPY14Vehicle Maintenance InstallationTopics in this chapter provide a basic overview of the vehicle maintenance service as a vehicle diagnostics tool that alerts the driver and the fleet of active vehicle diagnostics’ conditions.Vehicle Maintenance Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Connecting the J1939 Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3Enabling a Vehicle for Vehicle Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3Vehicle Maintenance System Verification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Vehicle Maintenance Overview Vehicle Maintenance Installation14-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYVehicle Maintenance OverviewVehicle maintenance is a vehicle diagnostics tool that alerts the driver and the fleet of active vehicle diagnostics’ conditions. When a configured engine condition becomes active, the driver is alerted via the Vehicle Maintenance icon by displaying in orange the number of active conditions. An e-mail notification is also sent to a pre-subscribed list notifying fleet personnel of the active condition.Feature Requirements• The Qualcomm® mobile computing platform 200 (MCP200) is normally upgraded with software by sending it over-the-air using satellite transmissions, so that the MCP200 platform should always have the current software version that supports vehicle maintenance. If you need to perform a manual upgrade using the secure digital (SD) card, see Appendix D in this guide for detailed information.• The MCP200 can bus converter cable assembly (CV90-J9389) is required to connect the J1939 datalink.• The vehicle maintenance service only supports conditions from the J1939 datalink. The following conditions are monitored at this time:NoteFor aftermarket installations, the MCP200 J1939 conversion cable is needed.E-mail notification must be setup by the CSR.Description Source PGN SPN FMIEngine power supply voltage (low) 0 65226 627 004Auxiliary water pump pressure (high) 0 65226 073 003Auxiliary water pump pressure (low) 0 65226 073 001Fuel delivery pressure (high) 0 65226 094 003Engine oil pressure (high) 0 65226 100 003Engine oil pressure (low) 0 65226 100 001Engine coolant temperature (high) 0 65226 110 000Engine coolant temperature (low) 0 65226 110 004Engine coolant level (high) 0 65226 111 003Engine coolant level (low) 0 65226 111 001Engine fuel temperature (high) 0 65226 174 003Engine oil temperature (high) 0 65226 175 003Engine oil temperature (above normal) 0 65226 175 000Brake ABS valve (high) 11 65226 795 003Brake ABS valve (low) 11 65226 798 004
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 14-3Vehicle Maintenance Installation Connecting the J1939 WiresDO N OT COPYConnecting the J1939 WiresSee Chapter 11 in this guide for detailed information.Enabling a Vehicle for Vehicle Maintenance1. Log into iQ at: https://iq.qualcomm.com/qwbs/ngiq/faces/iq/common/Main.jspx2. Select Manage OmniVision.• Check to see which Operational Profile is enabled for vehicle maintenance services.3. Select an Operational Profile to enable a vehicle/unit for Vehicle Maintenance.4. Select Transfer Unit.5. Enter the serial number of the unit.6. Select the Operation Profile for that unit.
Vehicle Maintenance System Verification Vehicle Maintenance Installation14-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYVehicle Maintenance System VerificationRefer to the following DIU200 screens to verify vehicle maintenance:1. Go to the Vehicle Data Service (VDS) status screen. Press the Home key and scroll down to the System icon. Touch the System icon and press the VDS tab.Various screen fields are described below.With the ignition ON, verify the following on the VDS (Status) screen:• The J1939 light is green. This confirms that the J1939 is enabled for the unit. The Rcv value should be constantly increasing.- If the J1939 light is red, there is an error.- If the J1939 light is dark, the unit is not enabled for J1939.• The Brake light is green if the parking brake is engaged.• The Ignition light is green during this test.Field ValueRCV These are the packets of data being received on the data bus.XMT These are the packets of data being received on the data bus as requested (transmitted) packets.MSG These are the packets of data being received on the data bus that are of longer length than the normal data packet size.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 14-5Vehicle Maintenance Installation Vehicle Maintenance System VerificationDO N OT COPY2. Press the Home button and scroll down to the Vehicle Maintenance icon.NoteIf the Vehicle Maintenance button is not highlighted blue, the service is not enabled for the unit and must be turned on via iQ.3. Simulate an engine condition. The number of conditions you create should appear in orange on the Vehicle Maintenance icon.4. Press the Vehicle Maintenance icon and select the Conditions tab to view the current Active and Inactive Conditions.• Conditions with red dots are active conditions.• Conditions with gray dots are inactive conditions.• The simulated condition should have a red dot.• Conditions must be active 40 seconds before they are reported on the DIU200.3 Conditions
Vehicle Maintenance System Verification Vehicle Maintenance Installation14-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY• 40 seconds after a condition becomes inactive the dot for that condition turns gray.• 40 minutes after the condition has been inactive, it is removed from the list.5. Select the Monitor List tab to view the complete list of monitored Conditions.6. Verify that e-mail notification goes out upon detection of condition. If you do not receivee-mail notification, contact QES Customer Support at (800) 541-7490.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 15-1DO NOT COPY15TrailerTRACS® System InstallationTopics in this chapter provide how to install TrailerTRACS® system hardware on tractors and trailers and how to verify that the system is working properly.TrailerTRACS® System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2TrailerTRACS® System Wiring for the Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2TrailerTRACS® System Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
TrailerTRACS® System Overview TrailerTRACS® System Installation15-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYTrailerTRACS® System Overview• Monitors trailer connects and disconnects and passes the information on to dispatch via the wireless communication network with the date, time, and location.• Monitors the refrigeration unit of a trailer.Hardware Requirements• The MCP200 accessory cable must be installed (see Chapter 5) on the mobile application server 200 (MAS200).TrailerTRACS® System Wiring for the TruckFuse Kit InstallationFuse kits are needed for all TrailerTRACS system installations.1. Locate the blue AUX wire in the 7-way trailer harness. With ignition turned ON, determine if +12/24 VDC is present on this wire.• If +12/24 VDC is present, proceed to step 2.RefrigerationUnitTrailerTRACS Transmitter+12 VDCFuse PanelTrailer Pigtail ConnectorTrailerTRACSRefrigerationUnit Interface Cable04 48TQMCP7-way ReceptacleTrailer Aux WireTTracs Input WireDisplay UnitMASAccessory CableTDMSatellite Data Modem TerrestrialAntennaTo Accessory CableTrailerTRACS InputBlue(TTRACS)5 Amp Fuse
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 15-3TrailerTRACS® System Installation TrailerTRACS® System VerificationDO N OT COPY• If +12/24 VDC is not present, first verify that the main aux fuse is not blown. If no circuit exists, then connect ignition-switched +12/24 VDC from the fuse panel to the trailer auxiliary line. The trailer auxiliary wire must be protected by a 30-amp fuse or a circuit breaker. Proceed to step 2.2. Locate the trailer auxiliary wire connection point, usually where the trailer auxiliary wire enters the truck cab.3. Install the 5-amp fuse on the accessory cable’s blue TTRACS wire. 4. Butt splice the protected end of 5-amp fuse to trailer auxiliary wire connection point. CautionFilters: Filtering of the 7-way AUX wire to stop the vehicle’s ABS PLC signal (SAE 2497) from getting into the vehicle electrical system, will also filter the TrailerTRACS system signal. The TrailerTRACS wire should be connected so it does not go through the PLC filter.ABS Interoperability: The TrailerTRACS system product has been tested by Qualcomm for interoperability with the SAE standard PLC4Trucks ABS signal. These tests resulted in no adverse impact on the ABS warning function. Furthermore, Qualcomm is not aware of any interoperability issues in actual operation on vehicles in the marketplace.TrailerTRACS® System VerificationEnabling the Option for the TrailerTRACS® System• If the TrailerTRACS icon is grayed out, TrailerTRACS is not enabled.• Call your company dispatch to have the correct operational profile selected so this application is enabled.AccessoryCableBlue (TTRACS)Trailer Aux wire to 7-way receptacleButt splice To  Tr uck  Fuse PanelFront of Cab Rear of Cab04AAA_495 Amp Fuse
Trailer Connection/Disconnection TrailerTRACS® System Installation15-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYTrailer Connection/DisconnectionConnection1. Connect an MCP200-equipped tractor to the trailer, connect the tractor/7-way pigtail.2. Touch the TrailerTRACS icon.If a trailer is not currently connected, the status is None Connected.After the trailer is connected and the TrailerTRACS transmitter sends its ID to the MCP200, the trailer ID is updated on the display.Disconnection1. Remove 7-way pigtail.2. Leave ignition ON.3. Wait for disconnect message (approximately five minutes).A disconnect message is sent when the tractor’s ignition is on and there has been no signal from the TrailerTRACS transmitter for a preset time period. This usually occurs within five minutes.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 15-5TrailerTRACS® System Installation TrailerTRACS® Diagnostic ScreenDO N OT COPYTrailerTRACS® Diagnostic Screen1. Touch the TrailerTRACS icon.2. Touch the Trailers tab to display the TRAILER ID screen.3. When a trailer is connected, the TrailerTRACS Diagnostic screen displays. The TrailerTRACS transmitter ID shows on the TRAILER ID screen.A TrailerTRACS ID number displays, as well as other numerical information.Field DescriptionFirst LineTrailer Diag Number of seconds since the ignition was turned ON.Second LineFirst Number TrailerTRACS ID number.Second LineSecond Number Number of ID packets from the TrailerTRACS transmitter since the ignition was turned ON.Second LineThird Number Number of seconds since the last ID packet was received from the TrailerTRACS transmitter by the MCP200.
Refrigeration Status Screen TrailerTRACS® System Installation15-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYRefrigeration Status Screen1. Touch the TrailerTRACS icon.2. If a refrigeration unit is detected, a snowflake appears above the transmitter ID box. Touch the Transmitter box.3. Refrigeration Status screen appears. To send the information to dispatch, touch the Send button.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 15-7TrailerTRACS® System Installation Refrigeration Status ScreenDO N OT COPYField DescriptionTrailer ID The trailer’s TrailerTRACS transmitter ID.Refrigerator Stat # Number of refrigeration status messages sent from the refrigeration unit to the MCP200. When this number is incrementing regularly, your data is being sent from the refrigeration unit.The number is followed by a code that identifies the refrigeration unit’s manufacturer:• T—Thermo King• C—CarrierMode Refrigeration unit’s operating mode.SET PT Trailer’s set point. Shown in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).RTN Temperature of air coming out of the trailer register.SUP Temperature of air going into the trailer.
Refrigeration Status Screen TrailerTRACS® System Installation15-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 17-1DO NOT COPY17Buzzer InstallationBuzzer Overview• The message waiting buzzer is an audible alarm triggered by incoming Important, Sleepy Important, or Emergency messages (the message priority is assigned by the dispatcher).• It is activated by the message waiting light circuit provided with each Qualcomm® MCP200. It can be substituted for, or used with, the remote message waiting light (RMWL). • Because the buzzer is very loud, an optional toggle switch can be installed to allow the driver to disable the buzzer. Topics in this chapter include:Mounting Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2Installation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Mounting Location Buzzer Installation17-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMounting Location• The typical mounting location for the buzzer is behind the dash.• The toggle switch, when used, can be mounted on the dash.Installation Guidelines1. Connect one end of the buzzer power wire to either terminal on the buzzer. 2. To use the optional toggle switch, connect the toggle switch in line with the buzzer power wire. 3. Connect the green MSG ALERT wire on the MCP200 accessory cable to the other terminal on the buzzer. This wire connects the buzzer to ground when activated by the MAS200. It is activated when an Important or Emergency message is received by the mobile computing platform (MCP).Installation Verification1. Have the dispatcher, or QES Customer Support, 800-541-7490, send an Important or Sleepy Important message.2. If the optional toggle switch is installed, turn it OFF and ON and verify that the buzzer turns OFF and ON when it is activated.3. With the buzzer activated, read the message sent by the dispatcher and verify that the buzzer stops sounding.BuzzerGreenToggleSwitch(Optional)In-line FuseBuzzer Power Wire+12 VDC +12VDCFromBattery12V06AAA_84Accessory CableI/0I/0IUIUMobile Application ServerMSG Alert
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 18-1DO NOT COPY18Remote Message Waiting Light (RMWL) InstallationRMWL Overview• The RMWL can be used when the display unit is located where the driver cannot see the message waiting light. • The RMWL illuminates whenever an Important, Sleepy Important, or Emergency message is received by the Qualcomm® MCP200. Topics in this chapter include:Installing the Remote Message Waiting Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2Installation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Installing the Remote Message Waiting Light Remote Message Waiting Light (RMWL) Installation18-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstalling the Remote Message Waiting LightCautionBe sure to clear the area behind the dash before drilling.1. Select a suitable location for the RMWL. Make sure that there is approximately 2-1/2" of clearance directly behind the mounting surface where the light will be inserted.2. Carefully drill a 3/4" diameter hole in the mounting surface. 3. Pull the RMWL bulb assembly straight out of the housing assembly. Remove the nut and washer from the housing assembly.4. Insert the RMWL housing assembly into the hole in the mounting surface and re-install the washer and nut. Tighten the nut until the housing assembly is secured flush against the vehicle dash and re-install the bulb assembly.• The power wire can be identified by the in-line fuse holder.5. Connect the power wire to a +12/+24 VDC unswitched source, such as the BAT+ wire on the MCP200 power cable.6. Connect the RMWL’s ground wire to the accessory cable’s green MSG ALERT wire using a butt splice. If the RMWL bulb burns out, use a GE53 replacement bulb. The light is protected by a 2-amp in-line fuse.Installation Verification1. Have the dispatcher, or QES Customer Support, 800-541-7490, send an Important or Sleepy Important message.2. Verify that the light comes ON.3. Verify that the light goes OFF when the message is read on the display unit.4. Refer to the Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide for troubleshooting procedures.Mobile ApplicationServerButtSplice+12 VDCUnswitchedBulbAssemblyHousingAssemblyWasherNutAccessory CableMSG ALERT Wire(green)GroundWireMountingSurfaceFuse(2 AMP)
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 19-1DO NOT COPY19Wired Panic Button InstallationWired Panic Button Overview• The wired panic button meets all Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS) requirements and can be used for vehicles hauling U.S. Department of Defense loads or hazardous materials.• It can be configured at the NMC to function as a non-DTTS panic button. When this configuration is used, the panic button sends an alert to the NMC and an Emergency message to the dispatcher, but DTTS is not notified.• For information on installing the wireless panic button, see the Wireless Panic Button Installation and User Guide (80-J6059-1).Topics in this chapter include:Installing the Panic Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2Installation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-4For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Installing the Panic Button Wired Panic Button Installation19-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstalling the Panic Button1. Install the accessory cable according to the guidelines in Chapter 5.2. Remove the pre-installed ring terminal and replace with the supplied butt connector.3. Select a suitable location for the panic button.CautionCheck behind the dash to ensure that the area is clear of obstructions before drilling.4. Drill a 5/8" hole in the vehicle dash.CautionAlways deburr holes before routing the cables.5. Insert the button assembly into the dash and secure it in place using the lock washer and nut provided.WARNINGWhen routing the cable, avoid any moving parts or sharp edges.6. Route the cable to where you make the accessory cable connections on the MCP200.DashPanelNutButtConnectorsButtConnectorAddedRemoveRingTerminalConvoluted TubingAddedStarWasherBefore Installation After Installation02AAA_46ButtConnectors02AAA_23DashPanelNutStarWasherConvoluted Tubing
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 19-3Wired Panic Button Installation Installing the Panic ButtonDO N OT COPY7. Locate and separate the blue/red PANIC_LOW and blue/black PANIC_HIGH wires from the other accessory wires on the accessory cable.CautionAlways use the appropriate crimping tool for insulated terminals.8. Connect the blue/red PANIC_LOW and blue/black PANIC_HIGH wires to the two wires of the PANIC button.CautionBe sure to cover all wires with convoluted tubing and secure them away from sharp or moving parts.9. Once you have completed all connections, cover all wires with convoluted tubing, secure all loose or unsecured wires with wire ties, and stow away cabling.44 Pin Connector05AAA_230BConvoluted TubingPanic ButtonButtConnectorsPanic ButtonWires (black) PANIC_LOW(blue/red)PANIC_HIGH(blue/black)Panic Button WireTie wraplarge and small tubing05AAA_229A44-Pin ConnectorButtConnectorsPanic ButtonAccessoryCable
Installation Verification Wired Panic Button Installation19-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation VerificationAutomated Panic Button Test System Dial-in ProcedureBefore you begin, you need the following:• The MCP200 serial numbers you are testing.• Your customer ID.• Your authorization ID.If you don’t have this information, contact QES Customer Support at 800-541-7490 before dialing in to test the procedure.1. Call QES Customer Support at 800-541-7490.2. When prompted, press the 0 key for AUTOMATED SERVICES.3. Press the 7 key for PANIC TESTING.4. When prompted, enter your customer ID and press the # key.5. Confirm or re-enter your customer ID.6. When prompted, enter your authorization ID and press the # key.7. Confirm or re-enter your authorization ID.8. If more than one location has been set up for your company, you will hear a list of locations. Press the number key that corresponds with your current location and press the # key.9. When prompted, enter the MCP200 serial number and press the # key.10. When the serial number is accepted, the number is read back and you receive a confirmation number.11. Press the 2 key to enter another MCP200 number or hang up to end the call.If this process is unsuccessful, hang up and call QES Customer Support at 800-541-7490 to speak with a representative.12. You can now press the panic button. You will have an hour to perform the test.When the test is complete, Qualcomm sends a fax and/or an e-mail to your designated contact confirming the MCP200s you tested and the number of times you pressed the panic button for each MCP200 during the test.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 20-1DO NOT COPY20In-Cab Printer InstallationThe in-cab printer is a product of O’Neil Product Development, Inc.Wiring Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2Mounting Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2Installing the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3Installation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4O’Neil Printer Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-4For general questions and technical support, contact O’Neil Product Development, Inc.:In the United States and Canada, call 800-796-6345Outside these areas, call 949-458-0500To enable the printer function only, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Wiring Configuration In-Cab Printer Installation20-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYWiring ConfigurationThe printer can be connected to the MCP200 in the vehicle using the standard or full function accessory cable.Installation GuidelinesLocationInstall the printer in the cab of the vehicle in a location that is convenient and safe. This can be on a vertical or horizontal surface. The printer cannot obscure the driver’s view of the road.CablesKeep away from sharp metal edges to avoid damage to cables. Connect the printer to the vehicle and the MCP200 using the printer power cable and the printer data cable.Printer Power CableThe power cable connects to the chassis ground wire and the ignition source.Printer Data CableThe data cable connects the printer to the MCP200 primary function accessory cable and provides the path for data from the MCP200 to the printer.Mounting BracketA swivel mounting bracket is provided for installing the printer to a flat surface. This mounting bracket works in a variety of locations in a variety of vehicles.You may also order an optional velcro mount.08AAA_036B08AAA_036CData Cable
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 20-3In-Cab Printer Installation Installing the PrinterDO N OT COPYInstalling the Printer1. Select the printer location:• Select a location that is convenient and safe.• This can be a vertical or horizontal surface.• Printer cannot obstruct the driver’s view of the road.2. Install the bracket:• Use the hardware provided.• You may also use the optional velcro mount.3. Install the printer in the bracket.4. Install the printer power cable:a. Run the printer power cable from the printer to the MCP200 power cable connections.b. Connect the printer GND wire to CHASSIS_GND.c. Connect the printer IGN wire to ignition source on the vehicle.5. Install the printer data cable:a. Run the printer interface cable from the printer to the MCP200 accessory cable connections.b. Connect data cable GND wire to violet MCP200 accessory cable COM5_GND wire.c. Connect data cable RXD wire to violet/red MCP200 accessory cable COM5_TX485+ wire.d. Connect data cable TXD wire to violet/orange MCP200 accessory cable COM5_RX485- wire.6. Connect the cables to the printer.08AAA_036A
Installation Verification In-Cab Printer Installation20-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation VerificationVerify that print function is enabled.1. From the DIU200 Inbox, display a message.2. Press O or CTRL-P.• If the Confirmation to print pop-up screen displays, print a message.• If the Confirmation to print pop-up screen does not display, call QES Customer Support at 800-541-7490 to have the print function enabled.Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process1. Request an RMA from O’Neil Printers.2. O’Neil arranges shipment of a replacement component to you.3. Return the failed component to the address specified by O’Neil.O’Neil Printer Parts ListOrder parts directly from O’Neil Product Development, Inc.:• Call: 800-796-6345 (U.S. and Canada) or 949-458-0500.• Email: info@oneilprinters.com• Website: www.oneilprinters.comPart Part NumberO’Neil Printer Kit contains:printer, power and data cables, and swivel mounting bracket. 230206-000O’Neil Printer 200247-103Power Cable 210292-001Data Cable 210291-001Mounting Bracket, swivel 210216-000Optional Velcro Mount 220264-000
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 21-1DO NOT COPY21In-Cab Scanner InstallationThe in-cab scanner is a product of BCS Solutions.Installation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-2Mounting the Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-2Installing the Scanner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-3Calibrating the Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-3Sending a Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-4Cleaning the Scanner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-5Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-5BCS Solutions Scanner Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-6For technical support, contact BCS Solutions:In the United States and Canada, call 800-555-5555For initial support only, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Installation Guidelines In-Cab Scanner Installation21-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInstallation Guidelines• Check with your local CSR for the minimum software versions needed to support navigation.LocationInstall the scanner in the cab of the vehicle in a location that is convenient and safe. This can be on a vertical or horizontal surface. The scanner cannot obscure the driver’s view of the road.Scanner CableKeep away from sharp metal edges to avoid damage to cable. Connect the scanner to the MCP200 using the 15-pin DSUB connector.Mounting the ScannerThe scanner can be mounted in one of two ways.Scanner Mounting Option1. Cut the dual-lock tape into four 2.5" sections.2. Clean the scanner bottom with an alcohol pad, remove protective film and apply two dual-lock pieces to the bottom ends of the scanner.3. Clean the vehicle’s mounting surface with an alcohol pad.4. Remove protective film and apply two dual-lock pieces to the desired mounting surface.Holster Mounting Option1. Select holster location.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 21-3In-Cab Scanner Installation Installing the ScannerDO N OT COPY2. Clean the location with an alcohol pad and let dry.3. Carefully remove film from four VHB adhesive locations on holster.4. Position holster onto desired location and firmly press each corner to ensure contact with the surface.5. Self-drilling screws can be installed for more support.Installing the Scanner1. Remove the metal cover from the MAS200 USB/SER connector.2. Connect the 15-pin DSUB cable end of the scanner to the MAS200. Determine where to locate the scanner. If installing the holster, use four VHB adhesive pads (self-tapping screws optional). If mounting the scanner only, use dual-lock tape.3. Go to Scanner Mounting Option on page 21-2 or Holster Mounting Option on page 21-2 for mounting options.4. Route the scanner cable where it will not be damaged and is out of harm’s way and will not obstruct the driver or hinder truck performance.NoteIt may be necessary to route cable under the wells and truck interior molding.Calibrating the Scanner1. From the Scanning Home screen, touch the Options tab.2. Insert the black and white calibration page or plain white paper into the slot.
Sending a Scan In-Cab Scanner Installation21-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY3. Touch the Calibrate button. Wait a few minutes for the calibration to complete.4. Touch the Scan tab to return to the scanning home screen.Sending a Scan1. On the Home screen, touch the Scanner button.2. Insert the paper, face down.• It will go in about 1/2".• If it’s not 8-1/2" wide, line it up with the right edge.NoteThe small tooth in the slot must be covered.3. Touch the Scan Page button.NoteIf the preview box is checked, a preview page appears. Touch the Accept or Reject button.4. After the page goes through, insert another page and touch the Add Page button, or if you are finished, touch the Done button.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 21-5In-Cab Scanner Installation Cleaning the ScannerDO N OT COPY5. Identify what you’re sending and touch the Send button.6. When asked to confirm, touch the Yes button.Cleaning the Scanner1. Touch the Options tab.2. Insert the cleaning paper.3. Touch the Clean button. Wait a few minutes while the scanner draws through the cleaning paper and cleans the scanner.Return Material Authorization (RMA) Process1. Request an RMA from BCS Solutions.2. BCS Solutions arranges shipment of a replacement component to you.3. Return the failed component to the address specified by BCS Solutions.
BCS Solutions Scanner Parts List In-Cab Scanner Installation21-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYBCS Solutions Scanner Parts ListOrder parts directly from BCS Solutions:• Call: 800-555-5555.• Website: www.bcssolutions.comPart Part NumberBCS Scanner Kit contains:scanner, scanner cable, and holster 65-J9630-1BCS Scanner Kit contains:scanner and scanner cable 65-J9630-2BSC Scanner 825-53392-0000Scanner Cable 45-J9652-16Optional Holster 65-J9631-1
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION A-1DO NOT COPYAWiring Diagrams and ChartsTopics in this appendix provide wiring diagrams and pin description charts for the Qualcomm® mobile computing platform 200 (MCP200) and accessories.Qualcomm® MCP200 Electrical Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2Qualcomm® MCP200 Wiring Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3Power Cable Connector Pin Callouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4Wireless Interface Box (WIB) Cable Connector Pin Callouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable 9-Pin Connector Callouts . . . . . . . . . A-6Primary Accessory Cable Connector Pin Callouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7Secondary Accessory Cable Connector Pin Callouts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Cable Connector Pin Callouts  . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9Six-pin Data Link Connector Pin Callouts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10Nine-pin Data Link Connector Pin Callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11Radio Connector Pin Callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12CAN Conductor Cable Pin Callouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Qualcomm® MCP200 Electrical Diagram Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYQualcomm® MCP200 Electrical DiagramSDMAntennaSDM CableWIB Cable  Chassis GndDIUCable Message  Waiting Light+9 VDC to +32 VDCVehicle Battery10 AMP3 AMP30 AMPOptionalRCDRCDSpeaker SwitchTruck SpkrTruck StereoSpeaker +Speaker -Panic SwitchRelay HarnessPWRPWRWirelessPanicPanic SignalPumpCompressorPTOPPTOC2 AMPPWRMSG AlertCan Converter Cable7- Way AUX5 AMPTTRACSJ1708+J1708-TTRACSXMTRMounted on TrailerPanic HighPanic Low10'min.Primary Accessory CablePower CableIgnition SwitchMAS200Optional!IO 2 IO 1 PWR  DIU200WIB200Antenna09AAA_022Accessory1_ Gnd
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION A-3Wiring Diagrams and Charts Qualcomm® MCP200 Wiring DiagramDO N OT COPYQualcomm® MCP200 Wiring DiagramVehicle Dash/Electrical CenterBLU /GRNBLU/BLKGRNVIO/REDVIOBRNBLUBLU/REDRCDPanic_LowMSG_ AlertMCP Wiring DiagramI/0I/0Mobile Application ServerPower CableDIU CablePanic_HighPTOPPTOCJ1708+J1708-TTRACSREDVIO/ORNI/O CablePower Cable15-AMPBAT+BLACKBAT RTNWHITEYELLOW3-AMPIGNITION3-AMPCAN1 ConnectorOptionalSatellite Data ModemSDM Cable Accessory1_GndWIB CableWireless Interface Box(WIB200)Antenna(MAS200)(SDM)and Mount09AAA_023(DIU200)and HolsterDisplay Interface UnitDIUWIBSDMPWRIO 1
Power Cable Connector Pin Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYPower Cable Connector Pin Callouts1     (BAT+) 12 VDC2     (BAT+) 12 VDC8    (BAT RTN)5    (IGNITION)      Switched 12VDC7    (BAT RTN)6    (ID)SIGNAL COLORPIN15   (BAT RTN) 14   (BAT RTN)9     (BAT+) 12 VDC YELLOWYELLOWYELLOWBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKWHITE8157146529106A3AMPFuse10AMPFuse
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION A-5Wiring Diagrams and Charts Wireless Interface Box (WIB) Cable Connector Pin CalloutsDO N OT COPYWireless Interface Box (WIB) Cable Connector Pin Callouts09AAA_016PINSIGNAL112345678WIB _TEMPER_1WIB _TEMPER_2WIB _GndWIB _GndWIB _DATA_PWIB _DATA_MWIB_9 VWIB_9 VCOLORGreenYellowBlueVioletOrangeGrayBlackRed72346WIB _TEMPER_1WIB _TEMPER_2WIB _GndWIB _GndWIB _DATA_PWIB _DATA_MWIB_9 VGreenYellowBlueVioletOrangeGrayBlackRedPINSIGNALCOLOR85USB_VCC
Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable 9-Pin Connector Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYOptional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Cable 9-Pin Connector Callouts06AAA_130ERTN       5FRTN       6BTAMPER         7P1SIGNAL       P2VRX-            3N RX+            4R TX+            1TTX-            2LDrainPIN   74CDPWR 9.9-11.5VDCPWR 9.9-11.5VDC      8      91   623   8   95P1P2
Secondary Accessory Cable Connector Pin Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSecondary Accessory Cable Connector Pin CalloutsORN/BLK 22ORN/BLK 22ORN/BLK 22ORN/BLK 22VIO 22VIO 22VIO 22VIO 22BLK/WHT 22BLK/WHT 22BLK/WHT 22BLK/WHT 22GRA 22GRA 22WHT/RED 22WHT/RED 22WHT/BLK 22WHT/BLK 22WHT/BLK 22WHT/BLK 22WHT/YEL 22WHT/YEL 22WHT/YEL 22WHT/YEL 22WHT 22WHT 22WHT 22WHT 22BLU/WHT 22BLU/WHT 22BLU/WHT 22BLU/WHT 22GRN/WHT 22GRN/WHT 22GRN/WHT 22GRN/WHT 2209AAA_015PIN SIGNAL COLOR(RPM1)(RPM1)(RPM1)101010111111121212(RPM2)(RPM2)(RPM2)232323222222212121202020191919181818171717161616151515242424(AXLE1)(AXLE1)(AXLE1)(AXLE2)(AXLE2)(AXLE2)WHT/RED 22WHT/RED 22(HI_SIDE_SW_EXT)(HI_SIDE_SW_EXT)11(DIGIN_2)(DIGIN_2)22445566778899(GP_232_RX_EXT)(GP_232_RX_EXT)(GP_232_RX_EXT)141414(DIGIN_3)(DIGIN_3)(DIGIN_3)252525(LSD_2_OUT)(LSD_2_OUT)(LSD_2_OUT)131313(LSD_3_OUT)(LSD_3_OUT)(LSD_3_OUT)31314 125GRA 22
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION A-9Wiring Diagrams and Charts Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Cable Connector Pin CalloutsDO N OT COPYDisplay Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Cable Connector Pin Callouts  MAS  MAS  MASDIU PORTDIU PORTDIU PORT181809AAA_017PINSIGNAL12345678COLORGreenYellowBlueVioletOrangeGrayBlackRed(LVDS+)(LVDS+)(LVDS+)(GND)(GND)(GND)(LVDS-)(LVDS-)(LVDS-)(GND)(GND)(GND)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(USB+)(USB+)(USB+)(USB-)(USB-)(USB-)(LVDS+)(LVDS+)(LVDS+)(GND)(GND)(GND)(LVDS-)(LVDS-)(LVDS-)(GND)(GND)(GND)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(V+)(USB+)(USB+)(USB+)(USB-)(USB-)(USB-)12345678PINSIGNALCOLORGreenYellowBlueVioletOrangeGrayBlackRed
Six-pin Data Link Connector Pin Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSix-pin Data Link Connector Pin CalloutsSIGNAL PINJ1708/J1587 DATA LINK+ AJ1708/J1587 DATA LINK- B+12VDC CPLUG P/N:23507136 DBATTERY GROUND EPLUG P/N:23507136 FAACCDDBBFFEE08AAA_050
Radio Connector Pin Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYRadio Connector Pin CalloutsFront Drivers SideSpeaker Wire (B6)Note: Connector tabson this side      06AAA_179A Front Drivers SideSpeaker Wire (B5)1237841235784656NotchesPIN               SIGNALA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8N/CN/CPARK LIGHTSIGN CONTACTPWR ANT OUTPUTPWM/ANALOG DIMBATTERY - MAINGROUNDPIN               SIGNALB1B2B3B4B7B8RR + SPEAKERRR  - SPEAKERRF + SPEAKERRF -  SPEAKERLR + SPEAKERLR -  SPEAKERB5B6LF + SPEAKERLF -  SPEAKERABCommon Radio and Harness
CAN Conductor Cable Pin Callouts Wiring Diagrams and ChartsA-14 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION B-1DO NOT COPYBEnvironmental and Power RequirementsTopics in this appendix provide environmental and power requirements for the Qualcomm® mobile computing platform 200 (MCP200) and accessories.MCP200 Environmental and Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
MCP200 Environmental and Power Requirements Environmental and Power RequirementsB-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCP200 Environmental and Power RequirementsCondition RequirementExtended Operating Temperature -40° C to 70° C (-40° F to 158° F)Vibration/Shock Mobile application server 200 (MAS200) does not have a shock tray.Neither the wireless data box 200 (WIB200) nor optional satellite data modem (SDM) should be mounted to any member/support directly connected to the chassis, such as a headache rack.HumidityWIB200MAS200 Display interface unit 200 (DIU200)Optional SDMNot watertight. DO NOT get wet.Not watertight. DO NOT get wet.Not watertight. Turn over immediately if liquids are spilled on it.Weatherproof.Power +9 to +32 Volts DCOperating at +12V. MCP200 draws a maximum of 1.12 amps.Operating at +12V using optional RCD and speaker switch cable only—no accessories. MCP200 draws a maximum of 1.6 amps from the battery (12 W).Asleep. MCP200 draws 110 mA.Asleep using optional RCD and speaker switch cable only—no accessories. MCP200 draws 110 mA.Using optional SDMOperating at +12V. MCP200 draws a maximum of 1.5 amps.Operating at +12V using optional RCD and speaker switch cable only—no accessories. MCP200 draws a maximum of 1.8 amps from the battery (24 W).Asleep. MCP200 draws 60–70 mA.Asleep using optional RCD and speaker switch cable only—no accessories. MCP200 draws 60–70 mA.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION C-1DO NOT COPYCStandard RMA ProcedureTopics in this appendix provide Qualcomm’s standard Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedure and policies for use in the United States only. It applies to current Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) products that need to be returned for replacement. For information on the GlobalTRACS® RMA procedure, refer to GlobalTRACS® Standard RMA Procedure, 80-J5638-1.The Return Material Authorization Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1How to Obtain an RMA Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2RMA Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4This document does not cover equipment problem diagnosis. For technical assistance, please refer to the current diagnostic or installation guide. Listings of manuals and ordering information may be obtained at our web site at qes.qualcomm.com.The Return Material Authorization ProcessRMAs are used whenever equipment must be returned. They authorize, schedule, and track the return, repair or replacement, and shipment of equipment.The RMA process involves three separate events:• You request an RMA number.• Qualcomm arranges shipment of a replacement component to you.• You return a failed component to the address specified by Qualcomm.The RMA process is started when you request an RMA number. The RMA number is a reference number that is used to track the status of each part as it moves through the RMA process. After you are issued the RMA number, a replacement part will be shipped to you. You are responsible for returning the defective equipment to the address specified by Qualcomm within 14 days.
How to Obtain an RMA Number Standard RMA ProcedureC-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYHow to Obtain an RMA NumberThere are two ways to obtain an RMA number:• Visit our web site at qes.qualcomm.com and then log into iQ. See Creating an RMA On-line on page C-4. Access for customers only.• Call Qualcomm Enterprise Services Customer Support at (800) 541-7490 and request an RMA number.Our web site provides customers with forms and the option for RMAs on-line. If you call QES Customer Support between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, you can be issued an RMA number over the phone.Required InformationBefore the RMA number can be issued, you need to provide Qualcomm with the following information. Date. The date that you are sending the form to Qualcomm.Customer Name and Contact. The name of the company that is requesting the RMA and the name of the person making the RMA request. “Ship to:” Address. The complete address where the replacement component is to be shipped, plus the name of the person to whose attention the package should be addressed.Delivery Priority. All replacements are typically shipped within 48 hours (two business days). If you require 24-hour delivery, you will need to include your shipper account number. (This is your FedEx or UPS account number.) The cost of shipping for 24-hour delivery will be billed to your shipper account number.Return Code. The code that best describes the reason you are returning the unit. Frequently used codes include:CD Customer Damage. Any damage that occurred due to improper or negligent use of the equipment by the customer. Customer damage may be caused by an accident, incorrect installation, mishandling, or intentional abuse. A purchase order number is required in order to process a customer damage RMA.DOA Dead on Arrival. A component is considered DOA if it fails to function when taken out of the box at installation.FF Field Failure. A working unit that has failed in the field after installation.OE Order Error. Receipt of wrong parts or of parts not ordered.SE Shipping Error. The correct part was ordered but the wrong part was received.UP Upgrade. The return of a working unit for an upgraded model. Upgrades can be made to software or hardware. Use of this return code requires a contractual amendment and a purchase order number.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION C-3Standard RMA Procedure Required InformationDO N OT COPYTruck or Vehicle Number. The number of the truck, tractor, or item on which the component was installed.Unit ID (System Serial Number). The identification number of the mobile system which is required to verify correct ownership of the system. To find the number, press the Down Arrow key on the display screen and look for the Unit Serial Number, or read the serial number on the main communication unit. This number is also used to determine warranty status of the unit.Part Number (Product ID/MCN). Due to the multiple variations of Qualcomm equipment, the part number—Material Control Number (MCN)—must be provided to ensure that the correct replacement part is shipped. Be sure to verify the part number by looking at the actual part being returned, not by checking a pre-defined parts list. For an MVPc™ unit, use the model number.Failed Serial Number. A serial number (S/N) is required for each serialized component on an RMA. The major serialized components include:• MCT Communication Unit, IMCT Antenna Communication Unit, TruckMAIL™ Mobile Messaging Terminal, OmniExpress® Terrestrial Communication Unit, T2™ Unit, Qualcomm MAS, Qualcomm TDM• Outdoor Unit, Qualcomm SDM • MVPc unit, DU/EDU, Qualcomm MDU• Some PC componentsThe serial number decal is affixed to the component chassis. (Always include the leading zeros in a serial number.) Replacement Serial Number. The serial number (S/N) of the unit that was installed to replace the failed part listed on the RMA. (Always include leading zeros in a serial number.) Purchase Order. A purchase order (P.O.) number may be required when an item is customer damaged or when you are requesting an upgrade. Companies may also require a P.O. when products have an RMA at an authorized Qualcomm Service Center.Failure Description. A complete description of the problem associated with the failed component. Please be specific. Qualcomm needs as much information as possible to effectively duplicate the failure, diagnose the problem, and repair the failed unit. It is better to give too much information than not enough information. Descriptions such as “Unit not operating” or “Not working” do not provide enough information.Work Order (WO) Number (for Service Centers only). This number only applies if the repair is being performed at an authorized Qualcomm Service Center. If the repair is done at a service center, the shipped replacement unit will be sent to the service center instead of to the customer.
Creating an RMA On-line Standard RMA ProcedureC-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYCreating an RMA On-lineDepending on the program you are using, you may create an RMA on-line. You can cancel the RMA at anytime during the procedure. You can also see a list of tips in various parts of the web site. This is for customers only.1. Log on to qes.qualcomm.com. You will see the iQ web site.2. Enter your name and password then click Log in.3. Click the Returns and Warranties tab.4. Click Create an RMA. 5. Follow the instructions provided on this web site. RMA PoliciesWhat to Return/Not ReturnNormally, all failed equipment must be returned for repair or replacement. The following major system components need to be returned:• MCT Communication Unit (Comm Unit)• IMCT Antenna Communication Unit (ACU)• TruckMAIL Mobile Messaging Terminal (MMT)• OmniExpress Terrestrial Communication Unit (TCU)• Qualcomm Mobile Application Server (MAS)• Outdoor Unit (ODU)• Qualcomm Satellite Data Modem (SDM)• Qualcomm Terrestrial Data Modem (TDM)• MVPc unit • Display Unit/Enhanced Display Unit (DU/EDU)• Qualcomm Media Display Unit (MDU)• T2 Unit• 7-Way tool• Major PC components• Any Dead on Arrival (DOA) component
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION C-5Standard RMA Procedure Where to Return EquipmentDO N OT COPYThere are a few exceptions to this policy. You are not required to return the following components unless they are Dead on Arrival.• All cables• Pager System Components (receiver, transmitter, and antenna)• Panic Button• Remote Message Waiting Light (RMWL)• Buzzer/Switch Kit• Antennas (i.e., GPS, cellular, or Loran)• Dual Signal Multiplier•MPG Display• TrailerTRACS® Transmitter• T2 external battery—DO NOT return to Qualcomm unless specifically requested by a Qualcomm representative. Proper disposal of defective or dead lead-acid batteries is the responsibility of the T2 owner/customer. Please dispose of defective or dead batteries at a local lead-acid battery recycling center. • Qualcomm Remote Control Device (RCD)• Qualcomm MAS battery—DO NOT return to Qualcomm unless specifically requested by a Qualcomm representative. Proper disposal of defective or dead lead-acid batteries is the responsibility of the Qualcomm MCP owner/customer. Please dispose of defective or dead batteries at a local lead-acid battery recycling center. Any components that are found to be Dead on Arrival (DOA) within 90 days of shipment, including cables and antennas, must be returned to Qualcomm for failure analysis. If available, please provide the Lot Date Code for the defective component when you request the RMA. If possible, return the defective component in its original packaging.Where to Return EquipmentPlease return equipment to Qualcomm at the following address. Make sure that the RMA number is marked clearly on the outside of the box.QUALCOMM Incorporated5995 Pacific Center Blvd., Suite# 103San Diego, CA 92121RMA #: __________________(800) 541-7490To prevent damage during shipment and handling, carefully package all equipment being returned. If the original shipping container and packing material are available, please use them to return the equipment.
“Past Due” Equipment Standard RMA ProcedureC-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY“Past Due” EquipmentQualcomm’s standard policy is to “advance replace” equipment when the RMA number is issued. This means that a replacement component will be shipped before the defective component is received at Qualcomm. Customers are responsible for returning the failed equipment to Qualcomm within fourteen (14) days after receiving the RMA number.If the failed items are not received within this time period, Qualcomm may invoice the customer for the higher of the current price or the applicable spare part price for the component. In addition, customers with “past due” equipment will be notified that Qualcomm will discontinue its “advance replace” RMA policy and future RMAs will be considered “no advance replace.” This means that a replacement component will not be shipped until the defective component is received at Qualcomm. When all the past due components are received by Qualcomm or paid in full, Qualcomm may resume advance replacement of failed equipment. Certain upgrade programs may be structured as no advance replace.Customer-Damaged EquipmentCustomer-damaged items are those which have been damaged as a result of improper or negligent use of the equipment. This can include accidental damage, incorrect installation, mishandling, or intentional abuse. Customer-damaged equipment must be identified at the time the RMA is requested. If an RMA item cannot be repaired, it will be declared “scrap.” The “scrap” determination will be made if the cost of repairing the item exceeds the cost of replacing it.Types of damage that usually result in major system components being scrapped are crushed components; internal corrosion of components; fire damage to components; and cracked housing of components.CautionNever open the Communication Unit; MAS; TDM; or ODU, ACU, and SDM antennas. Breaking the seal on these components voids their warranties, causing them to be treated as customer-damaged items.(Exceptions to this include opening the Antenna radome for maintenance; opening the Communication Unit for EPROM upgrades; and opening the MAS to test or replace the battery.)Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed EquipmentIt is not necessary to obtain an RMA number for missing, lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment since nothing will be returned to Qualcomm. Replacements for missing, lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment should be ordered through Sales Administration as spare parts. P.O. numbers are required for all spare parts orders. If the missing, lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment includes an MCT Communication Unit, IMCT Antenna Communication Unit, TruckMAIL Mobile Messaging Terminal, OmniExpress
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION C-7Standard RMA Procedure Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request FormDO N OT COPYTerrestrial Communication Unit, or Qualcomm Mobile Application Server and a replacement is not required, you should submit a “Fleet Size Reduction Request Form.” This form is shown on the next page.For Service Centers only: If equipment is missing at the time of installation, indicate this when you request equipment and you will be issued a Sale number instead of an RMA number.Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request FormThis form (shown on the following page) should be used to permanently decrease the size of your OmniTRACS® fleet in the event that a Comm. Unit is permanently lost, stolen, or destroyed. Submitting this form will ensure that your base message charges and extended maintenance billing (if applicable) are adjusted appropriately.
Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request Form Standard RMA ProcedureC-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYPermanent Fleet Size Reduction Request FormTo: Customer Support AdministrationFacsimile: (858) 658-1598From:___________________________________________(Print Customer Name)Phone number:___________________Fax number:_______________________________________________________________________________________This form should be used only if you would like to PERMANENTLY** decrease your delivered fleet size. Your delivered fleet size is determined based on the number of complete systems, i.e., MCT, IMCT, TruckMAIL, OmniExpress, or Qualcomm MCP (collectively referred to as “Unit”), purchased and automatically increases incrementally with the purchase of each new Unit. The shipment of spare components, such as the shipment of an IMCT Antenna Communication Unit or a MCT Communication Unit (collectively referred to as “Hardware Messaging Units”), will not increase your delivered fleet size value. Your delivered fleet size value is used to calculate base message charges and extended maintenance charges (if applicable). If a customer does not notify Qualcomm by completing and signing this “Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request Form,” these charges per Unit will continue. You may reduce your fleet size if one of the following occurs:A Hardware Messaging Unit (i.e., an MCT Communication Unit, an IMCT Antenna Communication Unit, a TruckMAIL Mobil Messaging Terminal, an OmniExpress Terrestrial Communication Unit, or an Qualcomm Mobile Application Server) is destroyed, stolen, or lost and you elect not to replace it via an RMA or a sales order for a spare Hardware Messaging Unit. In this situation, the salvageable components are put into spares stock.A Unit (i.e., a complete system) is destroyed, stolen, or lost, and you elect to purchase a replacement Unit via a sales order, since the shipment of a Unit will automatically increase your delivered fleet size value.A Component of a Unit (other than the Hardware Messaging Unit, i.e., Outdoor Unit, or MVPC) is destroyed, stolen, or lost and you want to accurately reflect the components currently existing in your fleet for warranty and/or extended maintenance purposes.** NOTE: ONCE A FLEET SIZE REDUCTION REQUEST FORM IS SIGNED BY CUSTOMER AND RECEIVED BY QUALCOMM, THE COMPONENT(S) SET FORTH WILL BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM QUALCOMM’s NETWORK MANAGEMENT FACILITY COMPUTER AND WILL NOT BE RECREATED.To PERMANENTLY decrease your fleet size, fill in the lower part of this worksheet and fax copies to Customer Support Administration using the above fax number. Qualcomm will contact you upon completion.Customer:________________________________ Truck Number:____________Communication Unit Serial Number (IMCT ID):_______________________________Equipment was ___stolen ___lost __destroyed ___other (please check one).
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION D-1DO NOT COPYDUpgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital CardsAn MCP is normally upgraded with software by sending it over-the-air using satellite transmissions. However, there may be occasions when upgrades are necessary using secure digital (SD) cards, for example, when there is an operating system (OS) upgrade and when upgrades need to be performed very quickly.Topics in this appendix provide specific instructions for checking the software versions installed on the Qualcomm® MCP and upgrading the MCP using SD cards.Checking the Software Versions Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-2SD Card Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-3Upgrading Only the MAS Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-3Upgrading the MAS Operating System and MAS Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-5Upgrading the SDM Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-5Upgrading the MDU Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-6For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
Checking the Software Versions Installed Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital CardsD-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYChecking the Software Versions InstalledShortly after you power up the MCP, the user interface screen displays.1. Scroll down to the System icon and touch the icon.2. Touch the System tab to access system information about the MCP.• MAS, MAS Win OS, SDM, and MDU firmware version numbers are listed here.3. Touch the SDM tab to access the SDM version.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION D-3Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital Cards SD Card InstructionsDO N OT COPYSD Card Instructions• Most brands of SD card work with the MCP. - Use a 1 GB SD card to load software.• The SD card must always be inserted into the SD card slot in the MAS with label side down/metal strips facing up. • Organize files on the SD card so the MAS can read them.- Software is available on the iQ/iQSC website, or you can check with a Qualcomm representative for more information on where to get the software and how the files need to be organized.Upgrading Only the MAS SoftwareMAS should be powered ON, ignition ON.1. Insert MAS SW SD card into slot on MAS with label side down/metal strips facing up.• Soon after the MAS SW card is installed, the MDU screen will display, “Verifying component: xxx of XXY.”• Approximately one minute after the SD card is inserted, the process writes data to memory and reboots itself.• Once the unit comes back up after the reboot, the MDU screen shows “Upgrading components: xxx of XXY.” This takes about five minutes.05AAA_222X5DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR
Upgrading the MAS Operating System and MAS Software Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital CardsD-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY2. After the upgrade process finishes and the MDU screen shows the application icons or the driver warning screen, remove the SD card and confirm the upgrade is complete by checking the MAS software version on the System Information screen.Upgrading the MAS Operating System and MAS SoftwareNoteIf the MAS OS is upgraded, the MAS SW will also need to be upgraded. Before starting an upgrade, ensure you have SD cards for the MAS operating system and the MAS software.1. You must disconnect power for 10 minutes or until all LEDs go out.2. Insert the SD card labelled, MAS Operating System, with label side down/metal strips facing up.3. Ensure the MAS internal battery is installed and connected.4. Apply external power by connecting the power cable to the MAS. Vehicle ignition should be ON.5. Normal upgrade indicators are:• LED to the left of the SD card slot blinks green (downloading).• LED to the right of the SD card slot is solid red.• No MDU screens are typically available for this step.05AAA_222X1DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWRSolid REDBlinking GREEN
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION D-5Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital Cards Upgrading the SDM SoftwareDO N OT COPY6. Keep MAS OS SD card in slot until the right LED goes to solid green. When the right LED is solid green, the OS upgrade is complete. This should take about 3–5 minutes.7. Remove MAS OS SD card and quickly replace with MAS SW SD card, with label side down/metal strips facing up.8. After approximately one minute, normal upgrade indicators are:• LED to the left of the SD card slot is blinking green.• MDU screen shows, PLEASE WAIT, LOADING.9. Keep the MAS SW SD card in the slot until the MDU screen shows the application icons or the driver warning screen. When either of these appears, the upgrade is complete. Verify the software version on the System screen. This should take 10–15 minutes. 10. Remove the SD card and verify the S/W versions on the System screen.NoteThe S/W versions will not necessarily match those shown on the screen below.The upgrade is now complete.Upgrading the SDM Software1. Ensure the SDM is connected to the MAS.05AAA_222X2DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWRDo not remove MAS OS SD card until right LED displays solid greenSolid GREENBlinking GREEN
Upgrading the MDU Software Upgrading the Qualcomm® MCP Using Secure Digital CardsD-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY2. Turn vehicle ignition to ON.3. Insert SDM SW SD card into slot on MAS with label side down/metal strips facing up.4. Wait approximately six minutes and then check the SDM software level.5. Once the SDM software version has updated, remove the SD card.The upgrade is now complete.Upgrading the MDU Software1. Ensure the ignition is ON.2. Insert SD card into slot on MAS with label side down (metal strips facing up).3. Approximately 30 seconds later, TTS advises:• “Setup card is supported. Please remove card and stand by.”4. Approximately 30 seconds later, TTS advises:• “Starting to display software update, this will take 5–10 minutes. Please do not turn off ignition.”5. Approximately 5–12 minutes later, TTS states:• “Display software update completed successfully.”6. Once the upgrade process is complete, you are returned to the last screen you were on before the upgrade began.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-1DO NOT COPYEPreventive Maintenance InspectionTopics in this appendix provide steps for inspecting the mobile application server 200 (MAS200), the display interface unit 200 (DIU200), the wireless interface box 200 (WIB200), the optional satellite data modem (SDM), and the TrailerTRACS® system.How Often Should Inspections Be Performed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2Inspecting the Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2Inspecting the Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-4Inspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM)E-6Verifying TrailerTRACS® System Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-9For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
How Often Should Inspections Be Performed? Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYHow Often Should Inspections Be Performed?• Qualcomm® recommends inspections be performed at least once every 90 days.• During normally scheduled vehicle preventive maintenance inspections.Inspecting the Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)1. Make sure the compartment where the MAS200 is installed has at least 1 inch of air space on each side for cooling and at least 3 inches of space for servicing the backup battery.2. Make sure there are 4 to 6 inches of air space on the connector side to allow for cable bends and servicing.3. Make sure tire chains, tools, and other equipment are not stored on top of the MAS200.4. Make sure the mounting hardware holding the MAS200 in place is tight and does not allow the MAS200 to vibrate.CautionDo not use a pneumatic tool as this could damage the hardware. Use extreme caution when working with power tools.5. Make sure the MCP200 display unit, antenna, power, and accessory cables coming into the compartment have enough slack and are not pulling on the MAS200 connectors. Make sure the cables are not being chafed or cut by sharp edges.1"1"3"DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR05AAA_237A
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-3Preventive Maintenance Inspection Inspecting the Mobile Application Server 200 (MAS200)DO N OT COPY6. Make sure the cable connectors have not worked themselves loose from the MAS200. Hand tighten any loose connectors.CautionONLY hand-tighten or use a small screwdriver on the connectors.DO NOT use a pneumatic tool or pliers to tighten the connectors as this could damage the screws or the MAS200 mounting tabs.DO NOT over-tighten.DO NOT apply grease to the connectors.7. Check the left side LED indicator on the MAS200. Normally, the left side LED indicator will be blinking blue.Refer to Chapter 13 in the Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide for other LED states.8. Check to make sure the cables are stored securely with tie wraps and are stored out of the way.9. Check the power connections, such as at the power distribution panel, to ensure they are tight and the wiring is secure.Check all ground connections to make sure there is a good metal-to-metal contact and the wires are not strained or damaged. Ground wires should be attached to vehicle or sleeper surfaces connected to chassis ground. CautionGround wires should not be connected to the MAS200 or mounting hardware.Make sure there is no corrosion around the ground connection. If there is corrosion, take the connection apart, clean the connector and surface with a wire brush, and reconnect the parts.05AAA_22DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWR05AAA_222DSPL SDM I / 0UI PWRLeft Side LEDMetal surfaceNoPaint
Inspecting the Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200) Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInspecting the Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200)10. Go to the Home screen and touch the System icon. Touch the Battery tab and touch the Test Battery button.WarningIt may take a few minutes to perform this test.Check the Results of last test and verify that the battery is Good.• If the battery shows a failure, Bad—12000, go to Chapter 16 in the Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide.1. Verify proper DIU200 operation:• Turn IGN to the ON position and verify that the status is Good.• Turn the IGN to the OFF position and verify that the status goes to Ignition Off.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-5Preventive Maintenance Inspection Inspecting the Display Interface Unit 200 (DIU200)DO N OT COPY2. Verify the DIU200 keys and screen are clean.Qualcomm recommends that you use a soft cloth and either plain water, glass cleaner, or mild soap to gently clean the surfaces of the DIU200 as well as the display screen.CautionThe MDU is not watertight. Do not spray any liquid directly on the display screen.Heavily soiled DIU200s should be returned to Qualcomm using the RMA process for proper cleaning.3. Verify the display screen is readable in any lighting condition.4. Make sure the display cable has enough slack and is not being rubbed or cut by anything inside the cab.5. Remove the DIU200 from the holster and make sure the screws holding the holster in place are secure.Esc #4$5%6^7&8*9(0)=Backspace+Tab0E R T Y U I P{[{[EnterDeleteShiftLKJHGFD "'MNBVCVV?!OptBack1!!2 @3QCapsWShiftCtrl Alt SymSAXZ06AAA_001
Inspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYInspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM)6. Inspect the underside of the DIU200 to make sure the tie wraps are securely tightened and the cable is not damaged. The illustration to the left is the underside of the DIU200 showing the tie wraps.1. Make sure all cables are protected with convoluted tubing and are in good condition.Make sure cables have no kinks or bends and are not being pulled tightly against metal edges that can rub or cut the cables.2. Make sure there are adequate service (drip) loops in the cables at the antenna and where they enter the vehicle.05AAA_233Cable RoutingTie WrapsRear ViewCable tied to existingboomerang bracketsConvoluted tubingDrip loops05AAA_223DQMCPSatellite Data Modem TerrestrialAntenna
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-7Preventive Maintenance Inspection Inspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM)DO N OT COPY3. Make sure grommets are in place around any holes the cables pass through.Make sure RTV sealant or refrigeration/tar tape is intact and provides a good seal on any holes that lead to the exterior of the vehicle.Go to step 4. if you are inspecting a terrestrial unit.Go to step 6. if you are inspecting a satellite unit.4. Make sure the antenna is securely attached to the mount. Check the mount hardware to make sure it is secure and does not show any signs of loosening.5. Check that the antenna cable connectors have not worked themselves loose from the MAS200.GrommetRefrigeration/Tar Tape orRTV Sealant05AAA_043_TIUIUDSPLDSPL MDMMDM PWRPWRI / 0I / 0USB / SERUSB / SERMASTDMTDM CableI/0I/0Terrestrial Antenna
Inspecting the Wireless Interface Box 200 (WIB200) and the Optional Satellite Data Modem (SDM) Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY6. Make sure the SDM is securely attached to the SDM mount. Check the mount hardware to make sure it is secure and does not show any signs of loosening.7. Twist SDM to verify that the SDM connector is hand-tightened and secure. The SDM mounting bolts should be tightened to the recommended torque of 72 inch/pounds (not foot/pounds).CautionDo not use refrigeration/tar tape or RTV sealant on the SDM connector.Go to step 8. to complete the SDM inspection.8. Visually inspect all tie wraps to make sure they are not brittle and do not break. If a tie wrap is damaged or brittle, replace it.06AAA_127Twist tie wrap between fingers to make sure it doesn't break.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-9Preventive Maintenance Inspection Verifying TrailerTRACS® System ConnectionsDO N OT COPYVerifying TrailerTRACS® System Connections1. Make sure all 7-way connection points have been cleaned, inspected, and greased.Qualcomm recommends that you use dielectric grease on the connection points.2. Check the 7-way coil cord for nicks, cuts, or abrasions. Replace the cord as necessary.Brushes04AAA 161
Verifying TrailerTRACS® System Connections Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY3. Make sure there is voltage (12–24V) on pin 7 at all 7-way connection points (on the tractor and trailer).Make sure you connect to ground (pin 1) as well when performing this step.The illustrations at left show the connection at the tractor and at the trailer.ReceptacleRemove Plug7- WayReceptacle17FLUKE77 III77 IIIMULTIMETERAUTO00102030RANGEOFFVmVAAHOLDFLUKE77 III77 IIIMULTIMETERAUTO00102030RANGEOFFVmVAA300300mA10 ACOMVHOLD300300mA10 ACOMV7-Way Plug1704AAA_158T7- Way Receptacleat the Trailer nose7- Way plugat the Trailer end  7FLUKE77 III77 IIIMULTIMETERAUTO00102030RANGEOFFVmVAAHOLDFLUKE77 III77 IIIMULTIMETERAUTO00102030RANGEOFFVmVAA300300mA10 ACOMVHOLD300300mA10 ACOMV7-Way Plug17104AAA_159
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION E-11Preventive Maintenance Inspection Verifying TrailerTRACS® System ConnectionsDO N OT COPY4. Connect a test transmitter to the truck.5. Turn IGN to ON.6. Access the TrailerTRACS ID screen by selecting the Trailer icon and verifying that the transmitter’s ID displays.7. For refrigeration customers, do the following:• Inspect both ends of the refrigeration cable for corrosion and clean if necessary.• Turn IGN to ON.Verify the refrigeration connection and data transfer by accessing the Refrigeration Status screen.• With the refrigeration switch in the ON position, verify the REFRIGERATOR STAT# field is incrementing approximately once a minute. The manufacturer code for the unit should appear at the end of the refrigerator status number: “T” for Thermo King, or “C” for Carrier.TrailerTRACSTransmitterTest with Known, Good TTRACSTransmitterOM_E-0093-210goodxmtter.epsPART NO.SER NO.TrailerTRACS Transmitter
Verifying TrailerTRACS® System Connections Preventive Maintenance InspectionE-12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPY
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION F-1DO NOT COPYFComponent and Document InformationTopics in this appendix provide document control numbers (DCNs) and material control numbers (MCNs) for the different documents and Qualcomm® MCP200 components referred to in this guide.MCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2MCNs for Sealants and Lubricants Referenced in this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6MCN for Qualcomm-recommended Torque Wrench Referenced in this Guide. . . . F-6For technical questions, contact Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Customer Support is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:In the United States, call 800-541-7490In Canada, call 800-863-9191
DCNs for Documents Referenced in this Guide Component and Document InformationF-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYDCNs for Documents Referenced in this GuideMCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this GuideDocument Name DCNOutdoor Unit Mount Installation Guide TL80-6270-1Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Diagnostic Guide80-J9969-1How to Use the Wireless Panic Button Remote Transmitter (Visor Card) 80-J6060-1System component Illustration Latest MCNAlternate MCNs NotesSatellite data modem (SDM) 10-J8278 10-J9490 (SDM2) Flat antenna CV90-J9496-20Vertical antenna mount for flat antenna10-J9485-1 Cone antenna CV90-J1045-20Vertical antenna mount for cone antenna65-J2056-107AAA 57D
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION F-3Component and Document Information MCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this GuideDO N OT COPYMedia display unit (MDU) CV90-J4820-1Media display unit (MDU) holster10-J8407-1Mobile application server (MAS)10-J9313-8Backup battery CV90-J4341-2Terrestrial data modem CA90-J9400-xRemote control device (RCD) CV90-J8640Terrestrial data modem cable CV90-J9264-2System component Illustration Latest MCNAlternate MCNs NotesEsc1!2 @3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)=Backspace+TabQCaps0WE RT Y UI P{[{[EnterShiftCtrl Alt SymDeleteShiftLKJHGFDSA "'MNBVCXZVV?!OptBack05AAA_21505AAA 220A05AAA_043IUIUDSPLDSPLMDMMDMPWRPWRI / 0I / 0USB / SERUSB / SERWeight 3.25 lbs.(including battery)07AAA_57A05AAA_219DI/0I/007AAA_56A
MCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this Guide Component and Document InformationF-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMedia display unit (MDU) cableCV90-J4880-17Power cable CV90-J4877-20Accessory cable (standard)CV90-J9284-20 This cable is the standard cable.Accessory cable (full function)CV90-J8773-20 This cable is the full function cable.Speaker switch cable  CV90-J4843-8CAN converter cable  CV90-J4843-85 amp fuse (for TrailerTRACS®)65-53011-1System component Illustration Latest MCNAlternate MCNs Notes05AAA 042Protective Cap05AAA_041AQ05AAA 038T05AAA_038CAN  BUSCAN  BUSCAN  BUSBlue(TTRACS)5 Amp Fuse
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION F-5Component and Document Information MCP200 System Component MCNs Referenced in this GuideDO N OT COPYReefer cable assembly with 6-pin Deutsch connectorN/A 45-J7857-6 For use with Thermo King refrigeration trailersReefer Cable Packard cable assembly with 3-pin connectorN/A 45-J7856-6 For use with Carrier refrigeration trailersReefer cable assembly with 5-pin Deutsch connectorN/A 45-J7854-6 For use with Carrier refrigeration trailersMessage waiting buzzer 65-3922-1Remote message waiting lightCV90-6414-1Panic button and cable CV90-J1377-5Kit, Wireless Panic Spare XMTR UpgradeN/A 65-J6070-1TrailerTRACS system for reefer10-53481-2 10-52525-6System component Illustration Latest MCNAlternate MCNs Notes12V
MCNs for Sealants and Lubricants Referenced in this Guide Component and Document InformationF-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYMCNs for Sealants and Lubricants Referenced in this GuideMCN for Qualcomm-recommended Torque Wrench Referenced in this GuideTrailerTRACS system for dry van10-53481-1 10-52525-4Sealant MCNSealant, Mastic Butyl Rubber .125" x 2" x 12" Black  755-12528-0003Seal, Coax Plastic 1/2" x 3/32" x 10" Strips OEM Pkg 755-01910-0001Tool MCNTorque wrench for replacing the radome 800-01730-0017System component Illustration Latest MCNAlternate MCNs NotesPin7(AUX)Pin 1(GND)01AAJ_81B
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION G-1DO NOT COPYGFeedback FormYour comments are important to us as we evaluate the best way to provide you with quality documentation. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.After completing this form, please fax a copy to: QESSM Information Design and Training(858) 845-6478.Feedback FormCompany InformationPlease provide this information or attach your business card.Company: Your Name:Your title:Phone: Your primary job: (check one)mechanic ❏shop foreman ❏service writer ❏How often do you use a Qualcomm® manual?❏ Daily ❏ Weekly ❏ Monthly❏ Never ❏ Only when I have questionsIf you don’t use a Qualcomm manual on a regular basis, please indicate the reason: (check all that apply)❏ Prefer calling customer service❏ Too busy to look in manual❏ Don’t have a copy❏ Other __________________________________________________________________If you haven’t used a Qualcomm manual, stop here and return the survey.
Documentation Content Feedback FormG-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYDocumentation Content1. Please indicate your opinion of the information included in the Qualcomm® MCP 200 Series and Accessory Installation Guide:❏ Too detailed❏ Right amount of information❏ Not detailed enough2. How often do you find what you’re looking for in the manual?❏ Always❏ Frequently❏ Sometimes❏ Rarely❏ Never3. What is the reason you cannot find information in the manual?❏ Information was omitted❏ Not in the Table of Contents❏ Not in the Index❏ Manual is poorly organized❏ Other ______________________________________________________________4. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following areas in the manual:(5=Very satisfied 4=Satisfied 3=Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied2=Dissatisfied 1=Very Dissatisfied)Diagnostic Procedures 5 4 3 2 1Flowchart Information 5 4 3 2 1Graphics/pictures 5 4 3 2 15. Please rate your level of satisfaction in how the manual assists your company in each of the following areas:(5=very satisfied 4=Satisfied 3=Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied2=Dissatisfied 1=Very Dissatisfied)Training for new staff 5 4 3 2 1Step-by-step procedures 5 4 3 2 1As a reference manual 5 4 3 2 1Overall usefulness 5 4 3 2 16. Is the writing style in the manual easy to understand:❏ Yes❏ NoDocumentation Format1. Please indicate how you like the size of the manual:❏ Manual is too small
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION G-3Feedback Form Documentation FormatDO N OT COPY❏ Manual is OK as it is❏ Manual is too large2. Please rate your level of agreement with the layout of pages in the manual:(5=Very satisfied 4=Satisfied 3=Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied2=Dissatisfied 1=Very Dissatisfied)Pages are uncluttered 5 4 3 2 1Steps are easily identified5 4 3 2 1Print is easy to read 5 4 3 2 13. Would documentation from Qualcomm be more useful to you if it were delivered on-line?❏ Yes❏ No4. How important is it for you to receive a paper copy of the documentation from Qualcomm?❏ Very important❏ Important❏ Not important5. What would be the best way for you to learn about the Qualcomm mobile computing platform?❏ Product training manual❏ Computer-based training❏ Video tape❏ Other ______________________________________________________________6. What do you like best about our manuals? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. If there is one thing you could change about our manuals, what would it be? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Other comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We may want to contact you to ask some additional questions about the documentation from Qualcomm. Would you be willing to talk to a Qualcomm representative about these manuals?❏ Yes, the best time to reach me is ___________❏ NoThank you! Your comments are appreciated.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Glossary-1DO NOT COPYGlossary44-Pin I/O Accessory Cable. See Full Function Accessory Cable and Standard Accessory Cable.Bad MCP Status. When an MCP fault has been detected, the Status field will display 10000/10001, 12000/12001, 13000/13001, or 22000/22001. See specific Status numbers, or Qualcomm® MCP and Accessory Diagnostic Guide for details on status codes.Black Box. See Mobile Application Server.Buzzer. An indicator typically mounted behind the dash that buzzes if a message has been received. See Message Waiting Light, Remote Message Waiting Light.Calibration. Calibration is performed when the MCP cannot use the J1708/1587 data link for SensorTRACS® input. After sensor calibrations have been determined, the dispatch computer operator needs to send the calibration numbers to the MCP. See RPM Calibration and Speed/Distance Calibration.CDU. See Compact Display Unit.C/No Value. Indicates the strength of the data satellite signal being received from or sent to the satellite. FL C/No indicates the forward signal strength; RL C/No indicates the return signal strength.Compact Display Unit (CDU). The user interface device that can be used to display the Qualcomm-provided navigation application for the Qualcomm MCP system.Configuration Screen. This screen shows how the MCP is configured. The System icon (satellite dish) takes you to this screen; then press the Config tab.Data Satellite. This satellite handles all message traffic between the vehicle and the NMC. It uses Ku-band signals and is located approximately 22,300 miles over the equator at 83° west longitude (south of Georgia).Display Cable. The display cable connects the media display unit (MDU) to the mobile application server (MAS).FL C/No Value. Measures the energy going from the satellite to the mobile application server (MAS).
GlossaryGlossary-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYFull Function Accessory Cable. Connects the mobile computing platform (MCP) to the J1708/1587 data link, as well as other vehicle inputs and optional system devices. This cable provides the necessary wiring for all optional system features such as display screen disabling, SensorTRACS system, TrailerTRACS® system, panic button, TTS, RCD, Printer, Scanner, CDU, Axle, RPM, and PTOP/PTOC. See Appendix A for details on pinouts.Global Positioning System (GPS). Provides current vehicle positioning with latitude and longitude updates displayed on the MCP.GPS. See Global Positioning System.GPS Screen. The display unit screen shows the status of the mobile computing platform (MCP) satellite positioning. The System icon (satellite dish) takes you to this screen; then press the GPS tab.Holster. The container that holds the MDU when it is not in use.Installation Planning Worksheet. A worksheet on which you can plan your installations.Installer Screen. MCP screen that displays information you will need to check the SensorTRACS parameters. This screen can be accessed in the SensorTRACS application at the Installer tab.J1708/1587 Network. The MCP is able to monitor critical vehicle data from this low speed, bi-directional data bus. The data posted to this bus are provided by a single electronic control unit (ECU). See J1939 Network and Traditional Sensors Network.J1708 Enabled. “J1708 enabled” means that the MCP has been set up to look at J1708 data via the J1708/1587 data link. The dispatch computer operator must send a message to the MCP that “tells” it to understand input from the J1708/1587 bus and define driving thresholds.J1939 Network. The MCP is able to monitor critical vehicle data from this high speed data bus. The data posted to this bus are provided by multiple electronic control units (ECUs). SAE J1939 message protocol and controller area network (CAN) bus represent the prevalent on-vehicle networking for most construction equipment manufacturers. See J1708/1587 Network and Traditional Sensors Network.J1939 Enabled. “J1939 enabled” means that the MCP has been set up to look at J1939 data via the J1939 data link. The dispatch computer operator must send a message to the MCP that “tells” it to understand input from the J1939 bus and define driving thresholds.Line-of-Sight Requirement. The satellite data modem (SDM) requires an unobstructed line-of-sight view to the satellite in order to clearly send and receive signals. The SDM must be able to send and receive the signals at a 12° angle above the horizontal plane of the unit. There must be an unobstructed view of the satellite (southern sky) at all angles above 12°.MAS. See Mobile Application Server.Material Control Number (MCN). The Qualcomm part number.MCN. See Material Control Number.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Glossary-3GlossaryDO N OT COPYMCP. See Mobile Computing Platform.MCP Serial Number (Unit Address). Located on the connector plate of the mobile application server (MAS). The MCP System screen also has this information.MDU. See Media Display Unit.Media Display Unit (MDU). The standard display unit for the Qualcomm MCP. It consists of a keyboard and color TFT LCD display.Message Waiting Light. An indicator light on the display that illuminates if a message has been received.Mobile Application Server (MAS). The mobile application server contains the operating circuitry and memory for the MCP system. The unit does not require operator access. It is always installed on a mounting tray. The MAS is commonly referred to as the black box.Mobile Computing Platform (MCP). A two-way, mobile communication system that allows dispatchers and drivers to send and receive text messages, and also provides vehicle location and performance data.The MCP is mounted in the vehicle and consists of the following components:• Mobile application server (MAS)• Display unit and its holster• Terrestrial data modem (TDM) and Terrestrial Antenna or Satellite Data Modem (SDM)• CablesNetwork Management Computer (NMC). Computer at the Network Management Facility that receives and handles the message traffic between the dispatch center and the fleet.Network Operations Center (NOC). This facility is responsible for processing and managing the message traffic between the dispatch center and the fleet. Within the NOC is the Network Management Computer (NMC), which actually receives and handles the message traffic. In the continental United States, the NOC is located at QUALCOMM, Inc., in San Diego, CA.NMC. See Network Management Computer.NOC. See Network Operations Center.NO SIGNAL Light. An indicator light on the display that comes on if the mobile computing platform (MCP) has lost contact with the data satellite and is searching for the satellite signal.Odometer Screen. The mobile computing platform (MCP) display unit screen that displays the life-to-date (LTD) value and sensor calibration information. This screen can be accessed in the SensorTRACS application at the Odometer tab.
GlossaryGlossary-4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYOptional Accessories. Any of these may be installed for the MCP:• Compact Display Unit (CDU)• Panic button• Printer (product of O’Neil Product Development, Inc.)• Remote message waiting light• Remote message buzzer• Scanner (product of BCS Solutions)• Vehicle information systems (SensorTRACS system and TrailerTRACS system)OVT/CDMA Screens. These screens show the strength of the wireless communication network signal being received. The System icon (satellite dish) takes you to these screens; then press the OVT/CDMA tab.Panic Button. Allows the driver to notify the Qualcomm Network Management Computer and the company dispatcher when an emergency situation exists.Positioning System. See Global Positioning System.Power Cable. Connects the vehicle 12/24 volt power source and system ground to the mobile application server.Printer. Provides the driver with a hard copy of the MCP forward or return message screen display.Qualcomm Dispatch Software (QTRACS® system). The software on the trucking company’s dispatcher computer. This is the dispatcher’s interface with the Qualcomm MCP. It allows the dispatcher to send and receive messages, request MCP location information, and perform other dispatcher functions. The dispatch computer communicates with the NMC via a modem over a commercial or leased telephone line.Qualcomm Enterprise Services (QESSM) Customer Support. Call 24-hour Customer Support for information and additional help at any time, including holidays. In the United States, call 800-541-7490; in Canada, call 800-863-9191.RCD. See Remote Control Device.Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). The strength of the wireless communication network signal being received by the antenna during forward link acquisition to the wireless network provider. The RSSI should be less than 110.Remote Control Device (RCD). A small device that mounts on the dash of the vehicle. It allows the driver to listen to messages while driving and also to navigate through applications.Return Material Authorization (RMA). An order used to authorize, schedule, and track the return, repair or replacement, and shipment of equipment.RL C/No Value. Measures the energy from the mobile application server (MAS) to the satellite.
80-J9968-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Glossary-5GlossaryDO N OT COPYRPM Calibration. Used to determine the engine RPM when RPM data comes from the RPM sensor instead of the J1708/1587 data link. RSSI. See Received Signal Strength Indication.Satellite Data Modem (SDM). The SDM contains the antenna that sends and receives satellite signals. The unit is usually installed as high as possible on the vehicle so that the antenna has a clear view of the satellite.Satellite Data Modem Cable. The SDM cable connects the SDM to the mobile application server.Scanner. Provides drivers a way to send documents to their home office for back office processing without having to leave their truck.SD Card. See Secure Digital Card.SDM. See Satellite Data Modem.SDM Screens. These two screens show the various attributes of satellite signal strength. The System icon (satellite dish) takes you to these screens; then press the SDM tab.Secure Digital (SD) Card. A small card that fits into a slot in the mobile application server and allows the driver to upgrade the Qualcomm MCP over-the-air and load applications.SensorTRACS System. An accessory of the Qualcomm MCP that allows companies to collect vehicle trip and performance data. Software Version. See MCP System Screen.Speed/Distance Calibration. Used to determine the road speed and/or distance when the speed or distance data comes from the speed sensor instead of the J1708/1587 data link. Standard Accessory Cable. Connects the mobile computing platform (MCP) to the J1708/1587 data link, as well as other vehicle inputs and optional system devices. This cable provides the necessary wiring for optional system features such as display screen disabling, SensorTRACS system, TrailerTRACS system, panic button, TTS, RCD, Printer, and Scanner. It does not support wiring for the CDU, Axle, RPM, PTOP, or PTOC. See Appendix A for details on pinouts.Status 10000/10001. Occurs when the terrestrial data modem (TDM) is not communicating with the mobile application server (MAS).Status 12000/12001. Occurs when the backup battery needs to be replaced.Status 13000/13001. Occurs when there is an internal mobile application server (MAS) problem.Status 22000/22001. Occurs when there are problems with positioning.System Parameters Screen. The screen that displays information you will need to verify the speed and RPM calibrations.
GlossaryGlossary-6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 Rev. ADO NOT COPYSystem Screen. The Firmware Version screen displays the different software versions (and hardware versions) installed in the MCP. The System icon (satellite dish) takes you to this screen; then press the System tab.System Verification. A functional system check that should be performed after installation and periodically to verify that the MCP is operating properly.TDM. See Terrestrial Data Modem.Terrestrial Antenna. Communicates with the PCS receiver for data transmission and the GPS receiver for positioning information.Terrestrial Data Modem (TDM). This is the wireless modem that connects the antenna to the MAS.Terrestrial Data Modem Cable. The TDM cable connects the TDM to the mobile application server.Text-to-Speech (TTS). A feature of the Qualcomm MCP that converts text messages or alerts to spoken words which are then played through an audio speaker.Total Distance. The accumulated distance traveled by a vehicle during its operation. The MCP collects distance data in one of three ways: • Modern electronic truck engines provide distance data via the engine controller module (ECM).• In some older electronic engines, total distance is not available through the ECM and the MCP uses input from the speed sensor and the available J1708/1587 data to calculate distance.• In non-electronic trucks, the speed sensor provides both speed and distance data.Traditional Sensors Network. The MCP monitors speed directly via the speed transducer on the transmission and RPM via the transmission fly wheel. See J1708/1587 Network and J1939 Network.Traditional Sensors Enabled. “Traditional sensors enabled” means that the MCP has been set up to look at traditional sensors via the traditional sensors data link. The dispatch computer operator must send a message to the MCP that “tells” it to understand input from the traditional sensors and define speed and RPM.TrailerTRACS System. An optional Qualcomm MCP feature that allows dispatch to monitor trailer connects and disconnects. The TrailerTRACS system can also monitor the refrigeration unit of the trailer.TTS. See Text-to-Speech.Unit Address. See MCP Serial Number (Unit Address).Vehicle Information Systems (VIS). See SensorTRACS system and TrailerTRACS System.
80-J9968-1 Rev. AMAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Index-1IndexAABSinteroperability 15-3PLC signal filtering 15-3Acceptable sealants 4-11BBuzzer installationguidelines 17-2mounting location 17-2verification 17-2CCable installationaccessory cable 5-7–??antenna cable 7-4display cable 9-4grounding guidelines 5-7power cable 5-5–5-6routing and protecting cables 3-11–3-13satellite data modem cable 8-5–8-7speaker switch cable 10-4–10-6understanding cable basics 3-11CDMA. See Code Division Multiple AccessCode Division Multiple Access (CDMA)How it’s used with the Qualcomm MCP 1-4Wireless network description 1-4DData source installationJ1708/1587 data source wire installation 11-10J1939 CAN0 wire connection 11-8–11-9J1939 CAN1 wire connection 11-5–11-7J1939 data source installation 11-3–11-9Data source verification 11-11–11-12Diagnostic flowchartsbasic MCP system verification 12-11–12-12Display unit installationconnecting the display cable 9-4–9-5inserting the MDU into holster 9-5inspecting the display cable 9-4installing the holster using well-nut fasteners 9-3selecting a location 9-2–9-3Display Unit ScreensCER screen 12-8config screen 12-7engineering screen 12-8GPS screen 12-6OVT screens 12-4–12-5SDM screens 12-5system screen 12-3–12-4VDS (status) screen 12-9FFormsBasic MCP System Verification 12-18MCP installation planning worksheets 4-8Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request Form C-7
 Index-2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 80-J9968-1 GGlobal positioning system (GPS)how the Qualcomm MCP uses GPS 1-5IInspectionsantenna and TDM E-6–E-8MAS E-2–E-3MDU E-4–E-6MMobile application server (MAS) installationconnecting cables 5-9, 8-7, 9-6selecting a mounting location 5-3–5-4Mobile computing platform (MCP)acceptable sealants 4-11definition 1-6installation guidelines 4-2installation planning 4-2installation planning worksheets 4-8tools and supplies 4-11typical installation locations 4-3–4-7typical installation sequence 4-2–4-3PPanic buttoninstallation 19-2–19-3verification 19-4PCS. See Personal Communications ServicePersonal Communications Service (PCS)How it’s used with the Qualcomm MCP 1-4System description 1-4Printerbasic installation procedure 20-3installation guidelineslocation 20-2mounting bracket 20-2printer data cable 20-2printer power cable 20-2verification 20-4wiring configuration 20-2PTOoverview 13-12–13-14verification 13-14QQualcomm MCPcomponents 1-3–1-4Qualcomm MCP componentsbackup battery 2-6media display unit (MDU) 2-4mobile application server (MAS) 2-5optional accessories 2-7remote control device (RCD) 2-7satellite data modem (SDM) 2-3terrestrial data modem (TDM) 1-6, 2-3RRecommended tools and suppliesMCP installation 4-11Remote control device (RCD)connecting speakers 10-4–10-6installation 10-2–10-3selecting a location 10-2speaker requirements 10-3Remote message waiting light (RMWL)installation 18-2installation verification 18-2Return Material Authorization (RMA)customer damaged equipment C-6missing, lost, stolen, or destroyed equipment C-6obtaining an RMA number C-2Permanent Fleet Size Reduction Request Form C-7policies C-4process C-1returning equipment C-5what you can return C-4RMWL. See Remote message waiting lightSSafety information
80-J9968-1 Rev. AMAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Index-3 definitions i-xiselecting a location for a display unit i-xiSatellite data modem (SDM) installationconnecting the SDM cables 8-5–8-6general installation guidelines 8-2installing mounting bolts 8-3line-of-sight requirements 8-4orienting the SDM on the mount 8-2trailer swing area 8-5Scannerbasic installation procedure 21-1, 21-3calibrating 21-3cleaning 21-5installation guidelineslocation 21-2mounting 21-2–21-3printer power cable 21-2sending a scan 21-4SensorTRACS installationSensorTRACS display screens 13-3–13-11special alert display messages 13-12system overview 13-2verification 13-2–13-3System verification, Basic MCPflowchart 12-11–12-12form 12-18procedure 12-13–12-18TTerrestrial antenna mount installationusing VHB tape 7-2–7-3Terrestrial data modem (TDM) installationconnecting cables 7-4Tools and suppliesMCP installation 4-11TrailerTRACS® systemABS interoperability 15-3ABS PLC signal filtering 15-3overview 15-2refrigeration status verification 15-6–15-7requirements 15-2verification 15-3–15-7wiring for the truckfuse kit installation 15-2VVerifying TrailerTRACS® system connections E-9–E-11WWiring guidelinesbutt splicing 3-3crimping 3-4–3-6grounding 3-2wire stripping 3-2

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