FEC Heliports Worldwide HP0720 USB Zulu Dongle 915MHz User Manual Users manual

FEC Heliports Worldwide Limited USB Zulu Dongle 915MHz Users manual

Users manual

 ® Interleader Limited HEMS-Star® PC Controller Software - Installation and User Manual Issue: 1.2         27th April 2016  HEMS-Star® PC Controller Program Setting Logic         Zulu Dongle and Antenna        HEMS-Star®
   © Interleader Limited 2016  2 of 16  27/04/2016  Document Revision Issue Date Changes 1.0 21/02/2016 New Document 1.1 17/03/2016 Updated UHF Figures 1.2 27/04/2016 Corrected UHF table  Contents 1. Overview .......................................................................................................2 2. Zulu ‘Dongle’ Compliance Statements ...........................................................3 3. Installation .....................................................................................................4 4. Software Screen Sections .............................................................................6 5. Group Commands .........................................................................................7 6. Individual Commands ....................................................................................8 6.1 Security .........................................................................................................9 6.2 Unit Build Information ....................................................................................9 6.3 Program ........................................................................................................9 7. Appendix A: Flash Patterns ......................................................................... 14 8. Appendix B: UHF Radio Modem Specification ............................................. 15   1.  Overview The HEMS-Star® PC  Controller  Software  (in this  manual  refered  to  as  ‘the  software’),  in  conjunction with  a  Zulu  ‘Dongle’,  enables  HEMS-Star®  lights  (in  this  manual  refered  to  as  ‘the  lights’)  to  be configured and controlled, either as individual lights or as a group.  To run the software requires: 1)  The software a.  supplied on USB memory stick b. updates available on-line for download 2)  Zulu Dongle and Antenna a.  supplied in the carry/charging case 3)  PC, Laptop or Tablet a.  Not supplied b.  Should  be  running  Microsoft  Windows  10  but  has  been  shown  to  work  on  Microsoft Windows 7 or later c.  Must have an accessible USB port d.  Must be connected to the internet during the installation process   The eAGLe logo and HEMS-Star® name are copyright of Interleader Limited 2016
   © Interleader Limited 2016  3 of 16  27/04/2016  2. Zulu ‘Dongle’ Compliance Statements USA FCC Compliance WARNING Changes or modifications to the transmitter not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this RF device. FCC Compliance Statement This  device  complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two conditions: 1. This device may not cause interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. USA-Federal Communications Commission (FCC) This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B  digital  device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no ensured specification that interference will not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  tuning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver. • Connect the equipment to outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for  compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  Europe This device carries the CE marking showing it has been tested and shown to be in compliance with relevant EU standards.
   © Interleader Limited 2016  4 of 16  27/04/2016  3.  Installation Before beginning installation make sure you have: 1)  Fully charged lights 2)  PC with Windows 10 (has been shown to work on Windows 7 or later (The software will not run on any earlier version of Windows, Apple iOS or Android devices) 3)  Access to the internet with a fast connection Installing the Zulu Dongle Make sure  that the  PC is  working  and  has access  to  the  internet.  Carefully extract  the  dongle and antenna from the foam of the carry case by gently pulling vertically. Do not provide any lateral force as this may damage either unit. Screw the antenna to the dongle (finger tight only). Plug  the  dongle  into  an  appropriate  USB  socket  with  the  antenna  pointing  upwards.  Windows  will detect that new hardware has been detected (and advise this in a pop-up window) and will install the relevant drivers for  the  dongle  automatically (again advised in  a pop-up  window). When  the  dongle software is ready for use, proceed to installing the software. Material on the USB Memory Stick There are a number of folders and files on the USB Memory Stick containing: Application Files The executable code. Battery Data Manufacturers declaration about the battery HEMS-Star Software Software running the lights KFC Software   Software for the optional Key Fob Controller Labels   Battery shipping labels Manuals HEMS-Star summary (flier in case) HEMS-Star manual (this document) HEMS-Star PC Controller manual Key Fob Controller manual Videos Short videos showing basic operations HEMS-Star  PC Controller V1.1 A manifest containing information about the software.   Setup Setup file for PC Controller Software It is recommended that you copy all of the files on the USB memory stick to your PC’s hard drive However you organise the copied files, ensure that the following are all together, at the same level, in the same directory (C:\Downloads recommended): Folder:   Application Files Manifest File:  PC Controller Software V1.01 Setup File:  Setup.exe
   © Interleader Limited 2016  5 of 16  27/04/2016  Installing PC Controller Software The software uses Microsoft .Net Framework v4.6 components which are included with Windows 10. If you are running an earlier version of Windows, at the time of installation,  these components may download automatically but if not you will need to download them manually. Note that this is a large download and even with a fast internet connection will take some tens of minutes and will require a re-start of the PC to take effect. To install the software: 1)  Shut down all other applications running on your PC 2)  Uninstall any previous version of the PC Controller application a.  Select: Windows key,  All  apps,  double  click  on  HEMS  Star  PC  Controller  and  select uninstall 3)  Plug in your dongle and switch on a light 4)  Switch off protection software such as Avast, McAfee completely 5)  Run the setup.exe file a.  This can either be from the memory stick or from the location you copied the files to b. If you get a screen displayed saying this is risky software and a ‘Don’t install’ button then select ‘More Info’ and then press ‘Install anyway’. 6) A ‘Publisher cannot be verified’ screen will be displayed – select ‘Install’. 7)  The software will install and appear thus:   If it does not appear at all, repeat the process above ensuring that all steps are followed exactly. On narrower screens, the menu area may appear trunctacted from the right (for example the Help area may not be visible). This is quite normal and is managed by use of the drop-down menus (see later sections). Operational Note: Check that you have the correct serial number, the battery is properly charged and the light switched on before running the software or you will receive various failure and time-out messages. Also, this version of the software can experience time-outs when communicating with the lights. This is being addressed for future releases of the software.
   © Interleader Limited 2016  6 of 16  27/04/2016  4.  Software Screen Sections The screen of the software is divided into a number of sections as described below:     Port Selection When the dongle was installed on you PC, Windows allocated it the next availlable COM port. The first thing to do is to select the correct port for the Zulu dongle. Use the drop down menu to see what ports are available. In this example COM12 and COM6 are available. If unsure which is the correct one, select each in turn and issue a Group Command (see later section). Group and Individual Light Commands Lights respond to both 1)  Group Commands (All lights of the same group do the same thing e.g. run program 3), and 2)  Individual Commands (Only the correctly addressed light responds to a specific  command) The following sections deal with each of these.   Port Selection Group Commands Individual Light Access Individual Commands Help Working Area Feedback Area
   © Interleader Limited 2016  7 of 16  27/04/2016  5.  Group Commands The Group Commands are the simplest and, once the lights are set as you want them,  the  only  commands  you  are  likely  to  use.  It  is  essential to  first select the group of lights to be controlled. Use the drop down menu to view and select the group required. Note that all lights are shipped with Group 0 as the default. If you have not changed this then the default selection may be left as it is.  Basic Group Commands There are three basic group commands: 1)  Flash the lights (each time the icon is pressed) 2)  Select and turn on a program a.  Click the program icon and the drop-down menu will appear b.  Select the desired program 3) Turn the light off (puts it in wireless ‘Standby’ mode) Note: For any of the above to work, the lights must already have been turned on with the magnetic key (see  main  manual).  Turning  the  lights  off  through  group  commands  puts  them  in  wireless  Standby mode. To turn them off, use the magnetic key.  Default Program Settings The default program settings are (see Appendix A for flash patterns): Program 1 2 3 4 5 Colour Green Green Green Red White Level 60% 60% 60% 80% 100% Single/Dual Single Single Dual Single Single Dual Ratio 30% 30% 50% 30% 30% Mode Steady Steady Steady Flash Flash Flash Pattern 1:3 ID Single ID Dual ID Dual Morse ‘H’ Normal/Sunset Switching Normal Sunset Normal Normal Normal Stealth Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Comment Shipping setting  Warning IR Emitted   Note  that  greyed-out  figures  above  mean  that  these  are  set  in  the  program  memory  but  ignored because of the other settings. e.g. in program 1 the dual ratio is set at 30% but is ignored because program 1 is set to Single Mode.
   © Interleader Limited 2016  8 of 16  27/04/2016  6.  Individual Commands Individual Commands will usually only be used during setup or testing activities and are specific to one light at a time. Accessing a Light First enter the light Serial Number (printed on the label inside each light). In this example it is 613. Select the User Type from the drop-down menu. In this case: User Then enter the User PIN number. The default PIN number is 0000. FEC can change this PIN number and in future releases of software this will also be a user changeable item. Once the correct credentials are entered they are maintained until changed allowing all of the Individual Commands for a light to be used. Only the light number needs to be changed to move to another light. Individual Command Functions The functions that can be performed are grouped as follows (details in later sections):             Help Pressing the Help key brings up simple text based help.  This  will  be  expanded  in  subsequent releases of the software.   Access Control Not available to Users Unit Build Information Program and Configuration Setup Unit Status & History Restore Factory default settings Test the LEDs Control individual lights
   © Interleader Limited 2016  9 of 16  27/04/2016  6.1  Security This option is not currently available to Users. 6.2  Unit Build Information The only option available to Users is the Build Data option  which  returns  details  of  the  unit  (useful  for diagnostic purposes)     6.3  Program The Program menu has further options: Program:    To check the current settings of the programs (1-5) and to make changes.  Unit Configuration:  To check and make to the configuration settings which are common to all programs, and Update Light Meter:  To calibrate the internal light meter  Program Selecting Program brings up a screen requesting the program to be accessed. Use the pull-down menu to select. In this example we are going to select program 1.    The software reads the setup of program 1 from  the  light  and  displays  it.  This  is  the default  setting  for  program  1:  Steady Green,  60%  with  no  other  attributes selected. Note that all of the settings, even if  not  active  are  visible  (see  earlier comment.  Click  OK  if  no  changes  are required or Change to do so.
   © Interleader Limited 2016  10 of 16  27/04/2016  If it is required to set program 1 to Dual mode (both the visible and IR LEDs on at once) and for the light to perform automatic switch on at sunset, then check the relevant boxes as shown below and click Update.           Confirmation (or  not) that the change has  happened is  provided at  the  bottom left hand side of the screen (above left). Notes: 1)  Setting the visible light level to its lowest two levels sets the level to 20%. This will corrected in later releases 2)  Some combinations (e.g. IR selected as the Colour with Dual Mode) make no logical sense and will be rejected. 3)  Once the change has been made it is stored permanently in the light until changed again. 4)  If the light is being programed in Standby mode, it will turn on the currently selected program after the update. Flash Patterns Selecting flash mode will allow the drop down menu of patterns available:
   © Interleader Limited 2016  11 of 16  27/04/2016  Configuration Sunset & Sunrise From  the  main  Program  menu, clicking  Configuration  will  bring back  the  lights  configuration settings common to all programs: The  light  level  at  which the  light will  autmatically  switch  on  or  off are  defined  by  the  Sunset  and Sunrise Threshold settings. The  default  figures  shown  have proven  to  be  suitable  for  most applications  but  if  local conditions dictate a change, click update and then enter new figures to either or both. Note that if an attempt is made to set figures that are less than 100Lux apart (Sunrise being higher than Sunset) the software will warn you about this and prevent the setting (upper right). This is to ensure that the lights do not ‘hunt’ on and off due to the inevitable small changes in light level that occur. Light Number Note that  the  Light Number  is  NOT the  serial (identification)  number  of the  light  but  the  position at which the light will flash when it receives a ‘Flash’ command as part of a series of lights. All lights are shipped with the light number 0, meaning that the instant they receive a flash command they will flash. If a lead-in light pattern is required (sequence of ‘running’ lights) then set the required number of lights to a series (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) for a sequence of 5 lights. Wireless Group All lights belong to a Group and respond to group commands addressed to that group. All lights are shipped set to Group Group 0.  If multiple sets of lights are to be independently controlled, then set each  group  to  a  different  group  number  and  remember  to  change  the  group  number  in  the  Group Command area to the group to be controlled. Active Program Active program indicates the  program that  is  currently selected  and  which  the  light  will come  on at when turned on from sleep with the magnetic key. Programs 1-5 can be selected. Update Light Meter This command should be used with caution. The light’s internal light meter can be calibrated. To do this place the light and a precision light meter in the lit area (at around 400Lux). Note the reading on the light meter and enter it into the box and click update. The light will use the provided value to calibrate its internal meter. The value can be checked using the the Unit Status command (next section).
   © Interleader Limited 2016  12 of 16  27/04/2016  7.  Unit History and Status The Unit History and Status can be accessed from the top menu:   Unit History HEMS-Stars build a history log for diagnostic purposes and is a read-only function. The data returned includes: 1)  the maximum and minimum battery voltage detected 2)  the maximum and minimum temperature of the unit 3)  the  number  of  times  the  light  has  been  activated (turned on with the magentic key), and 4)  the total running time of the light in hours and minutes       Unit Status The current status of the light can be accessed. This light is showing that the battery is nearly fully charged, the temperature inside the case is 26C and the light level 103Lux. The Visible and IR power levels are shown as 3 (60%) and 5 (50%  if  Visible  level)  respectively.  (Note  future  versions  of software will show the decoded percentage figures). Only the Green LEDs are On indicated by the text ‘On’ and the colour filled box. Note the status can be obtained at any time but because ii is an instantaneous reading, if the light is in standby or between flashes then the LED status will show Off (since at that instant they are). This  option  is  useful  for  checking  that  the  light  meter calibration cycle in the previous section has been successful. If it has,  the reading returned from the light and the calibration light meter reading will be the same. Note that the light meter in  the  light  is  only  accurate  around  the  set  value  (approx 400Lux).
   © Interleader Limited 2016  13 of 16  27/04/2016  8.  Reset & Restore Of  the  menu  options,  only  the  Reset  Factory  Defaults  option  is  available  to Users. The  program  settings  as  shown  earlier  are  applied  along  with  all  of  the configuration and calibration data. All user settings are lost.  9.  Test Of the menu options, only Check the LEDs option is available to users. WARNING – clicking this option will cycle all of the LEDs (including IR) through a test routine that drives the LEDs harder than the normal 100% setting. Do not look at the LEDs during this test and note that this test takes a number of seconds to perform – this is quite normal and to be expected. All of the LEDs light in turn (White, Green, Blue, Red, Infra Red) and then the  results will be returned. The  normal range  of currents is  between 260  and 290mA for the visible LEDs (and be similar for all of them) and between 10 and 20mA lower for the Infra-Red.          10.  Control It  is  possible  to  control  individual  lights  with  the  same  functions  as  the group commands. Selecting  Switch  Light  On  will  ask  which program  to  set  on  (as  per the Group Command). Special Function is a reserved command for future use.
   © Interleader Limited 2016  14 of 16  27/04/2016  11.  Appendix A: Flash Patterns The following flash patterns are available: Mode Description Timing Flash Rate 0 1:1 Mark:Space Ratio  On – 250mS Off - 250ms 120 Flashes / Minute 1 !:3 Mark:Space Ratio On - 250mS Off - 750mS 60 Flashes / Minute 2 Identification Beacon Single Flash On – 250mS Off – 1750mS 30 Flashes / Minute  3 Identification Beacon Double Flash On – 250mS Off – 100mS On – 250mS Off – 1400mS 30 Frames (of two flashes) / Minute 4 Morse Character ‘X’ On – 300mS Off – 100mS On – 100mS Off – 100mS On – 100mS Off – 100mS On – 300mS Off – 900mS 30 Characters / Minute 5 Morse Character ‘H’ On – 100mS Off – 100mS On – 100mS Off – 100mS On – 100mS Off – 100mS On – 100mS Off – 1300mS 30  Characters / Minute 6 Reserved #1   7 Reserved #2   8 Reserved #3   9 Reserved #4
   © Interleader Limited 2016  15 of 16  27/04/2016  12.  Appendix B: UHF Radio Modem Specification The Modem has the following specification. Parameter Value UK/EU/ROW 868MHz USA 915MHz Manufacturer: RF Solutions Ltd. UK RF Solutions Ltd. UK Modem Type: ZULU-2-M868-SO  ZULU-2-M915-SO  Nominal Frequency Band: 868MHz 915MHz Frequency Options: 868.400,  868.900,  869.450, 869.600 & 869.800MHz 915.00, 915.09, 915.18 & 915.27MHz Frequency Set to: 869.450MHz 915.00 – 915.27MHz Bandwidth per Channel: 100kHz 90kHz Deviation: 45kHz 45kHz Power Output Set 100mW (20dBm) 0.74mW (-1.3dBm) Receiver sensitivity: Max –121dBm (-102dBm (Max) to -109dBM (Min) at 56kbps) Max –121dBm (-102dBm (Max) to -109dBM (Min) at 56kbps) PC Controller Range: Up to 2km depending on RLC aerial positioning and terrain  TBC Addressing: 24bit secure data protocol 24bit secure data protocol Addressing Schema: One to Many One to Many RF Baud Rate:  56kbps 56kbps Modem Data Rate: 19.2kbps 19.2kbps Modulation: Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Operating Temperature: -40C to +85C -40C to +85C Compliance: CE (see table below) FCC Compliance is to 47 CFR part 15.249 RF Channel Selection The EU standard sets maximum power transmission limits dependent on frequency, bandwidth and application. A rough guidance applicable to the ZULU channel numbers is given below  Channel Number Frequency Centre (MHz) EU Power Allowance mW/dBm Notes 0 868.400 25/14 Applicable standard - EN300-220 1 868.900 25/14 2 869.450 100/20 3 869.600 100/20 4 869.800 25/14 All specifications are manufacturer’s data
   © Interleader Limited 2016  16 of 16  27/04/2016   End of Document

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