FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY TGYI10 2.4G remote control transmitter and receiver User Manual

FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD 2.4G remote control transmitter and receiver

User Manual

Download: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY TGYI10 2.4G remote control transmitter and receiver User Manual
Mirror Download []FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY TGYI10 2.4G remote control transmitter and receiver User Manual
Document ID2439933
Application ID65IcwsfRVBVDG8d+YbQdKA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
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Date Submitted2014-11-10 00:00:00
Date Available2014-11-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-10-30 11:00:42
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Document Lastmod2014-10-30 11:11:55
Document TitleHK-i10 中英文说明书20140919
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X6
Document Author: user31

aw tum IIIDIIHII'IflflflllIllflflIIflIIIllfillllllllISUSIGIII
EB]: i Hfl
lliullallllullllllinllallaliillulllllllllsusmmmy m
1 fajmntrodumion
2. BE%Sen/1ces.. . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
a, 1§§5k1m$5pee1al symbols
4, fig;g%3ele1ygu1de...._..
5, 2 4G§£EZ 4GHz System Specifications
6. ifififimswtem Characlerlstlcs. ...... ..... . . . . . . . . . . .....
7, fimfififiésmsanerycnergmglnstrue11ons
a figfififlSystemCJVlan/lewu
9, figflmfiflnansmmerspecifications
10, §W1R§§$1Recelverspecificallons.
10 01 TGY Al=l301 wmmfifixifimm "telemevy (magne11c) module
10.02. TGY APDUZ fifififififi€§$§fiaRPM(telemetry(upllcal)module. ...... . . ..
10 03, TGY—ATM01ifififléifififlflemperamre aeou1s1tion module
10.04. TGv—AVT01 EEES€§$§1XVOIIage acqu1s111on module. .
10 05. TGY—AEV01 i—BUS $fiafii§lfiwmus receiver
11, fiiiimgfiflfiisisfilzecewerand servo connecuons... . . . . . . . . . ..
11 01, xmfiflwfi‘fimrplane model 1ns1allat1on
1102. fifl1fl1§§W§§Hellcuptermodel 1nslalla11on . . . . . . . . . . ..
12. fillszmw’sinBERecewerOpera1ional lns1ructions
12.01. igmimgponsmup... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
12 02, massinding Setup
12.03. TGY—AEV01 1-Eus$fifla§¥§l&mi§§
i—bus ReceiverConnecnon 5e1up 15
12.04. TGY—APDm mafigfi¥§1§i§ei§i§
RPM teleme11y (magnetic) module Semo.
12.05. TGY—APDUZfiEfi$E%§1§3§i§?§
RPM1eleme1ry(op11eal)module Setup... . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
12.05. TGv—ATMM EE§§$1§1§E§§
Tempera1ure1eleme1ry module Selup. . . . . . . . . . . . .15
12.07, TGY—AVT01 Eafiséiiéixgfi
Ex1emalvol1agetelemetry module Semo.
13, Efiégfiaflmflafimntrol Parts Descriptions. .
14, figflfiitilagsuek mode adiusunent. . . ..
15, flimpowerOn.
15 01 9111135151113 Boot abnormal protect1on..
15. $EMPower 011
1s 01 imflafiwfi Shutdown abnormal .prolectlon 1g
17. flmmfiLego/lnformation Screen. ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .20
10, ififiMsm menu 21
19. mfiwfififiSystemStatus... .21
20, magifil'feeneralFunet1onsDesotio1ion “22.24
21. Lfifimsfifisla General Funcnuns Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
21 01, Eiik'sReverse 25
21.02. Exfieazndpomts ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...25
21 03 iEiZfifiSuotnm 25
21.04 wiHTnms .. . . . ..25
21.05 tb$fi§§§fl Scalmg Exponent1el.s 26
2106 fiUEEfilififiAilerontorudder ' ' I I I 27
n ,
21 07, Er‘flEUEiEé RudderloAHeron 27
21 08, smnmaeamrcme Curve 28
21 09, saarjmgmome De1ay 28
2110, ӣ71431"? Thrume Dawn . ..
21 11, fismiiaAuxmary cnanne1s .
21 12. iaiafiizchannes ouse| . . 30
2113, mafififlruncuon De1ay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30
21 14, igiéfiiBCnanngs Delay 30
21 15, QifiiFéELmearmuxes 31
21 13, mfiififimrve M1xes. . .31
21 17, VifiCundllmns. . 32
21 1s. fifiEECondmons Delay 32
21 19, EfifiéfiLoglcswltches. . . . . . 33
21 20, ‘emgmmrplane structure 33
21 21, $5§$T1mers 34
21 22, fifififiTramerMoue 34
21 23, HfififiEfiLDmplaysen/os .. . ..35
2124. fiflModels. .. . ”35.37
21 25. fitfiifiskxsmup” . . . 37.35
21 26, fifiSystem 39.44
A1rp1anelG1ider exclusive lunchon menu.
22 01, E‘JEDJfiEAHemnfuncuon.
22 02, fifimsfiflapluncnon.
. . . . . 45
22 03, mmfismuerfunmion 46
22 04, mafia E1eva1orm Flap 46
22 05, imfififlé‘flhamme neelfle 47
22 06, figflé‘bsunerfly .........
22 07, fivéMfiEElevamrmncmn
22 08. Efi-JDJaERudderluncnon. . . . . 4s
22 09, vflEEv—zan... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 4g
22 10. 11mm A1rp1ane Structure 49
éflm§EM§E§EHEI1ccpterexcmsweVunciion menu 49
23 01, ffilfj1§§§Thrcltle Hum . . . . . .4g
23 02, imfiiEEThmme Mlx 4g
23 03. mflfifiw‘zPitch Curve .. . 49
23 04. mflfififiwashplate M1x .
. . . . . 50
23 05, tam Structure 50
23 00, 1m§fil§$§5washp1atetype 50
23 07, mfigWSwashmate rmg 51
23 03, EiEiQEchemnr. . . . .51
23 as. mmeymscop. .. . 51
2310 EfiméfiwfiiHox/emim” . . . .52
fi¥m§SMBEWarning 10 mien Overview 53
fimmfié‘mafifloumesnootmg gmde 54
mfigfifiifimncnon Trees 56-57
afiwspackage Contents... . . . 55
FCCEHBFCC Slatementolcomphance. 59
Iliuilalumumliunallafliusunlmlsusmmmy no
I. Hf? 5 Intruductinn 5
fiwfiififlflfifitfigéwmv-rmfilifiz Aegzfififiififlxmmrunsm , Bfifiiflfl’l‘ififisfiigfiflmr E
E". Hm , EFEQQQNEHEE. Wfiilmfi—flfifigfigfifiifi. Etfifi¥ml§flnmfi$fi—¢fiil
mmsfimh ER. fiYRfififigmfitFfl r ii1ifiiwfififififit1lfi¥flm
Thank you var choosing me TGV—HO ten mannels z 4 GHz AFHDSZA inteHigeflI syslem, wmeh Is
comp-fibre wmr helicopmr, fixed wing, ghder and powered ghde symms. Symm parameters can be ser up
based on me modal owned by (he uw w fl1is in your first rime m use an irrreuigerrr system. this user manuar
le provlde you wuh the Instructions you need to obtain qu enjoyment from your new system Belore uslng
your new system, press/e read an rrrscrucuorrs carelully, m ensure your saveny.
E. IE§ 5 services 5.-
flflfififlfiflifilfiflfififflu , flfflfltiflflfi‘fi. mfimwffllfltfifiaflflfl , ufifiaxgmfisfimawmmtws
If you -rraqurmr any mbwerm. mm; using my symm. wane Memo me amyrm- man of m rrrarruar Amer
wnwmng mi! minim, you in mm. m sow- your nrumm. mum wnhd your mum d. rur mun-u w wnwu nurs-ryiu
and woven worm armmr arsisrarru
3. fififizfifi Special sumbuls
Pioase pay attention is the loHow'ing symbols when they appear in me manuai and read sareiuiiy
ADanger: mfirfififlmmoiflm . aaassgmfiwiw . gamma.
No! luHowing these instruclians may expose the user to serious injuvies or death
AWaming: mgwaxfiwfimm , Efifififlflmgf’ziflh.
Na! iaiiowina these innmclions may expose the user to serious injuries
AAttention: mammewmmfiam , fiafismmawfi r REPHW
Nut foiiowing mese instructions may expose me user to minor Injufles and even to
serious iniunes
4. £2155 SflfEtg guide
fixfifififfififiifiiifiiflifln’r , Ek¥$a§ifififififlflfi§flg4§fifi%4§.
no nor use at mghl or dunng a iighiening storm, as bad wealher wnH adversely aneenhe eoniroi oi your eysiern
iééififlf , fixesMawmanmmwsfimszmfim—as
mixffir fifllxfimmafim.
Maxe eura mar ine moiors are an moving Ihe same uireouon as me ooeraiing oiraouon
ifzfif} , B§Db9€iffl§fl§zfl$fl§ , maxmmm , mfiiimfiflfiifiwfikmmfififl'fi .
The shutdown sequence is as quows. 1 Disconnect mo receiver nanary 2. mm on me nanemmer Faiiure to
ioiiow mrs procedure may rosuii in uncomroiied movement and damage to me sysiem
fig” iii r Miwifi’fi'fiimfiififixmmfixfi , fimfiz A GM; Rcimifafifimmfimm.
Please be aware, ma! the 2 m RIC synem my area nearby planes or care. arm you mm on me iraneminer
o sfimfiaflflfiaxmafiixzwlmaifism.
Be mm m sax me Fafl Sahlumflion
Kgammi , EKWMEfié’mEWEEHRmB‘J «i’ifii.
fi‘éfimfi?(fi<fi§)§ifiA§Ufifiww , Xfifléfiifiéflflifiifififii.
Du nm uperale nuldoms an ramy days, run mmuh pumas Mwaler muse when wswbi‘ily is wimned
Should any «we at mulstuv! (watarov snow) emar any comvonemofme synam. mam: nverafian and
was of comm may occur
ifiwifififilzfefifi'fifiaflmfi ,
Aawmfimeflawsfi ,
figmmm ,
HEEfififlEFHXfiWit/K ‘
Tmflfii§fil9fl§ ‘
fififlififi , fififififilififlfifisfififlfiiflfimfiE >
Do not upuril n lMloHuwing mac-s
Nearmmrsm Wham emar mam wmmw aarvny may ocwr.
Near peapwe or madam
On any pane when passenger name are present
Near mgn veuage power hnes arcemmumcamn amaaeasung amennas
wmenarenoe could cause less 0! cannot
wmpmver mstaHatmn evyeur Rama Carmel System w Ynur maxim scum rasuu m senous wary
iflflvfiflfifi ‘ Rfiimfié , Kfiib’zfiflfiitfl? , KQEél'fiE/m / GEM.
NIWJ‘FW , Wfiflflfifiifaflfimfiwfi . itélEazmAEJazgmr'imfig
Do not ape-ale 1m; R/C Eyflem wh-n ynu am med. HON-um; wsH orundarme mfluamea efawcenm ordmgi
youryuugmem ws mama and sound mswl m a dangerous siluahon max may cause samws mmy m ywrsev
as wsH as ulhevr
éfifififffi'flfifi‘ "fi’mflfifiiflms new Efi'fififl’di’flfifié
Zégfléz‘flfifiii’s‘afl. ‘ §i§fiiw§mfitfie
Du nm low" we engme, mnlof, speed comm or any pzfl cum macaw malwm generate hem wnne we
model .e oneranng m vmmematew atmv Ms useIhese Dans may be very nut and an eauaa senous bums.
9921153 ‘
magma fifi fiifimfifi.
xfififiwfimmmflmflwzmfi ‘ mfimazsmgflifi ,
mammwzmfi v
—f.\A;Emfl7=a—4\Ams£mifi ‘ mgimmfixmzfififi.
mifiwsfiszugaafimm ‘ ixflzmfiw
fiagagwnam ‘ L‘Amfifiawwmfififi m.
PWease have an amen check amma Mew Mme any opemflun
Any prouwam m mdwu eammw Symm or impwvsv marauanon may cam om aieammw
simm. meme-1m mslhudt:
a... we um moaew, and me sum-rune Banyths tmnwmsrtfl a wuvlv vhcl Io duck um sin/D mum comm-m-
wease slay opemfimn “any excepfluna‘ ms: occur:
mease check [he made memory \a make suve (he mslchmg is n'ghl
MW , §m§¥mfifi§9§taflvmfl wffiéfiéfitfi
fiENW'FmfiEWJ ‘ aazyflm Qiifiiifiiwflififififi , afi§fi$§§mfiar§mwrsfi
Tum an ma nuwen waaae meek ma mmme neunaw nnsmon a m Rs Wuwss1 Wsman WM: mmmg an ma
nznsmmsr Every «me
When making zd‘ustmems m ma rmdeh do sowmh ma Sngme no! running unhe mmmawmamed, you may
unexneaedly Wase comm and steals a dangemus smanon
(Hflfifififl‘fliwfitflm , Efltfiflmlfifl§mflg . fi'fiféétftmwfigr
(2)§9>%i§3039§¢ Eififimmfiflwi. (figminswfiEmfiizmmwmgmgum).
(JVQEItEEWFF) , mm; xififlfifififlfflfliwfifl.
E/rmaEE—mjgmas , firisemw r mamafifimflflims r uJL‘AEKBEAflEI/imzs.
”WE , fillfiéiiififif/Fxéafl’fifi , fifififimfik§ , fifiifififififimflfimfifi. (fififlifififflmflfifi
F." are lunclln
serore runnmg (1: M1), nheckinelaww eere Iuncllon:
Check Memear Ee'n staffing me engmer check Ine rerw eere Iunclmn es rowwews
(1) Turn on me lmnsmlfler ehn reeewver pewer ewuenes
(21Wsnmweasl30seconds,menmmofllnelrznsmwllel rrnerrenemwuerememerwcewwyrreneqeremererw
save data lo the vecelvevevery 5 seconds)
(a) Chsck rnhe reww eere mncllon moves me servos m rhe preeer Dnswllon when recemworr rerws
Thereww sews flmcllon we a eeretyveerure that mwrrwrrwwzee set damage by movmg rhe serves re a preser
Posmun when recepflun rewwe. Howeverr rv sel lo a aehgereus paswuorr. wt has rhe opposwre ehecr
When whe reverse mhcrwah was used u; change we Overatwng dvvecflon Ma ssrvnr rhe laww saie mhermh
must be resewermere memalmn abouflmsmncflufl pweeee reverehce page 37»
U) Ffififféfimfiw.
L2 WEEQ mfifififlflwmififiifimmfi. fimflfifiiiEfl/fififlfir , fifii
will”! . fifi§wfififififl¢i§fl.
Bmvy :
(1; me ha make are wary shun cwrcuwr
(2; De nmdmp rhe battery ur excuse "In simng sheen crvlbrmmns Yhe battery may ehen mum
and nverhea(,ewec1rawyte may week um aha eerree bums ur chemweew damage
1 Kamxfiafimemgmfimawwimmm .
mfiflflgéxdvmfiwifiyc , Eflfléfifitffiwwfi'fl w mam: .
Z Kéfififimmkl CfifiFL‘ATQflmE
Wflfié‘mmfi ,
a Snfimflf ,
E flfiwifi w
fimfilmmfi ,
”(25 mm w
fiEWWR / CifiEKflfiWT , Wmflfigflfififlflfigm'flfilfi.
sue -:
w. a?“ weave rhe radiu Syslem or mwews wwmwh lhe ream o! emaww chwwdrerr
AsmaH chwwu may ew‘nemawwy operate m. Fyrlem This ceuwd cause a dangerous marwoh and mum.
2. Do hm Ham your R/C syflam wh nhedowwuwwns pwacee
Where in w: enumewy Mtorwwdr
Where me iysl-m wwww be exposed re dwren innhgm,
Where are humldm/ ws hrgn.
Where vi renwerr w: prevawem,
Where dusl ls prevawehr.
Where are syxtlm wnuwa h- exposed ID sleam and candlnsanen,
Slurwng your RIC sys|em under adverse condwtwcns coma cause aemrmewieh aha numemus preeweme
wwrh uperahnn
Ham-Elfi w mama“ . fififlifl§§m. IS w unnu- . fimflli§flflfiwfi§!fi.
no he xpese pweenc pens m ml. mom spre wash all arcxnlust. m. mew, mnlarsprly,
men on and nxhauslwm pmnrah and damage ur- pweenc
lliuilflluiflunniunaliflfliuiunlmlsusmmmy HI]
5. “(sfiifi 2.4EH1 Sgstem Specificatiuns
nine lieim mn-
AFHDSZAEEZREfi‘ Qfimwflfil$§fimfi
S. E%f’i\gfik§§wi§fiéfi%4§fi§ffi , B’Pi
fiflémgfilfifiaflfifi . m¥mfi§7fi§§¥fifiéfiii&
AFHnszA sianos fur'Aummatic Frsquuncy Hopping
Digirai sysiem 2A“ Tnis nighiy sophisticated radio
iransrniseion syslem wiii guaranlee you a my range
jamming iree zno iong oariery iiie experience nus
sysiein is ueveiopeo by ine word's leading
manureeiurer and nus aeen iesieo «or many years
Sflfiifl :
fiifiE' 2 4055—2 A75GH1
fiififiifl. suflKHz
imififl uni
army zéfloasnrmomw)
fimfiflt‘ AFHDSZMfiZfiEmmfizfi#im
fiflfixt (3st
Xfiz‘fifi' zennrmxgs;
mania msoan
RF speci cit'ons:
RF range. 2.4055—2A7SGH1
(nannei bandwidth. scum:
Number of shenneis. 140
RF power iess than zniiani (momW)
RF mode. AFHDS zArAurarnaus Frequency Hopping
Digitai SystemZ)
Modularion rype GFSK
Antenna iengrn zsmrnxz
RXsensmvity —lflSdBm
_ i=
fiKEFfifiU§§NKEKC§fi§¥M , 3? fi KEREDW’Z 4!
Misuse or «us radio sysiem can iead to serious
Injuries or death piease read sompiereiy riiis manuai
and oniy operas your radio sysieni acmldmg io n
m2 4G£§§fl§9§$1ifil¥2flfmifiWWW?
fifii‘l‘iE. CfifimfifififtwflflFofilfiEflcfiflfi
fiEN , afixwvzasmsfiiwfimng§rm
§§m§§§$§b§iflf DE 2 4G£fi$fifl$¢§=£fl§fi<§
mm , Exflfiflflflfimfifiism. fiiififlfi‘!‘ i F"
Q‘skfifiwflifi . fimififiktfififififiififiEE
mlfifliflififi , Qfiiflfiifiééfifluffiflfi.
Tire 24 GHz radio band has a oompimlyoinenni
oenrmorinan previoueiy used ioweriiequency bar-as
Away: keep yourmooei in sign! as a iarge ooieer mu
Mock iiie RF signai ano ieao io iose oiooniroi and creme
a dungemus siiuarion The 2 A SH: RF signai pmpagales
iii a siraigni ime And cannnlclmumvenlabjems in in
pain Never grip iiie anieiiiia flunng operaiion as ii sig
armcanliy aegiaues iiie signai and may cause ioss or
eoniroi and damage no me sysieni
§7K1ffiw , fi’fllkflflfilflfl , fifififib’rwfl
REE. {BAUEDNJ , M fifififi‘wflfiifi 555i
PDENM. BEM'EH Qiflwmb’rflflli‘l ii éfifi
fianfifimfomgm m ixxflflmfiwk‘ 7m
§§, Efizéfilfi‘éfifi‘éifiQfiSfimfiHfi/xfifit.
5Affl§f§1¢fi€lmfli TEEEE&§20CMLXL.
Nways mm on ma rrarisrnmor m1 men me receiver
wrien ruminu on me System aways mm an more Dewar
rim man ins iranrrniner Thii isio avoid navnrig iris
Noun/av on mire: n may make wrong eignai and ieen
to manic servo mourn-nit. Tmi is venieuiariy impaneni
luv eiemis paw-Nd maaeis as in may unexpeneoiy mm
on me "morand ieao to miuries croeain
Aseparaiion dislance our ieasizo cm ironi all persons
is requireo during operaiion
E. 3254511? System characteristics
AltfifiIn fi$fi§§2 4055fl2 47mm E’i‘ififfififi‘wa/fizflflfi mzfififimflm s’i‘
Wflflflfifln sowxsmwmsia. i! fiwfiisflilfi , Elfifli‘émfimfifixfimflfifi , Eflfififlgfifia
115”?! a
ma mm syslsm wane In (be rraauancy {Ange an 4055 m2 "5an ma band has been mums mm
mzomnepsnuamcnannais EM" radio system uses 15 amammananneis am ran dlflerenllypes mapping
mgmmm By Ilslng uanaus swim-mm nmes, hopping scheme and manna fiequenues‘ me syslem can
guaramaa a ismmmg «yea radio imnsmssmn
Mfimflfifififiwgfiifi , fiéE/i‘ffifli‘fl'fs. EQfiiEfl/REHUL. emsmamamess
This rams 5mm um a high gain 1nd man mm mm“ ainaionai amnnn u 0mm! m. whuh man-no,
hand mac-mad win a man s-nsinvlly rec-win ims mum syslem guannlm a iammmg 7m bug vange radm
fiéfinflfif’fififwmfl , amaummmzs ‘ ¥&W§fi "Nfifmmfififlfliiwx’hmfi
fifimfiwafifié. fiflflflflflafiflflimfitfl'fi? , Akréfi. imfizfifllfififia
Each imnsmmer has a umque H} wnan mmmg with a mnemr, ma racewarsavaa man umaua ID and my
3mm dzla'rom man umqua nansmmav ms urevams nmnmg ma wmng sicnz‘ from anamamansmmarann
insures sateiyiaryaursysnem
mamfimfimmasimuaimfiswmms. fufififlsrfimfimrflfim
1§7fi§9171¥ mama ‘ MKfiVJR’RhFMNfimm } fi2*-
Tm: Mic lystum um wow powtrehdmnic compomms and a my mama rmiv-r chip Tm RF
moduiafion users miermmem sigm‘ transit-mien Ihut ramming mn imm pew-r consumpmn camvmnveiy,
mis mum sysilm us“ mm, a mun mm. power aia siandard m syslam
ism ‘ mutxxit
Mfikn‘flsfiimfiflffimfli , flimfiflflmfiwfififlfifiwfl'flxfi Mfiifiififlifififlufimmlfi‘?
ms syaam usas Ihe may mmmumaaim man came aammi the walking 51319 at numnl macaw better
and make me opemtmn more emoyalfle and safermzn Mime
7. amnafifislfi Battery charging instructinns
mamas ifiEfiY/t E4?éfim§%fi§,m 7'“‘ 5mm“
a fififlfihfiafififi,§mufiflfi2§ifli was fissasmmsama
& mtg/amt. 2 fixiffgsgsy;
W urlmmmllurnrr We? n I U E 7 '
m Magma "mama, é‘a’fic’k'mimy” 3 msafissmwflmfizmfims D,
balm: eachNghlnndmakesuralmynre In a maesmm.
m “m M" W “8'de We" WM “ my 1 male” me aauary "no me aaawua nrcnarger
man in loss at cantmh injuries and damn (cm W "mm.” mm m we”
2 Comm the use came Io me adupiev
3 insan use came in me charge pan nl Iransmmer
ausmaaaigsmaam ‘ swans; 4 {Linfieaaamar imu mun seat
mugsaaa‘ a . mas: mes , fl
fiflfliffiffifiifl. Wfléfimefi SQ ,
‘fiammfiwmmfisrfimma ‘ Afififii
MW are Why ream-gums b-mnu.
make sure in we a “Name chargerwhh (he
fight charging aunam Aei mamas u may Wm
la uanary auamaanna, ma ar axpiasian
mummies: Ihe ballary 7mm Ihe ahargsras soon
as n .s my dwnrged uyau new: man la usa
ynuv raaia sysiam Icr a long period amma,
remove me bananas lrom me Iransmmer and em; Adapt.» gm; mam
the mafia as u may damage |hem (wilwmnq/mv nunmnmnu
auw mama; ouw sv—isncmk]
B. fifififi Sgslenl EIvErlew
flififififlfilififlflfifi , fiflfi§TGY “fifimfiflflflfl,
-ifififl§€w}5 ' MEGA} , fifififie BE. Elififi, HFE/ibflmvlfi , fiflé‘émfii‘rwfl,
-§£fi§5§w ‘ WWiflfiLEDRSDffiMfiRE‘TfiwF
-3 SsifivaGATFT ZAD'ADD'flfilfiifiififiFIWie fifimifiiflfifi,
Wilkiiiséfiffiififléévfifl' , FIPOWERQ%FJW4§7EHFMDBE%$€M
-5’\\Fi , 5¢B§§H§X3fifimwflw§izfimmfi fi‘FS’Pfiflif} $373:
- nemwmflmn , Eififih‘fifi‘flgfiw . fifiF‘ffl‘XflWKfi ,
filififiémm 4Gfl¥WEEE§7EW§MMfi , Effifiifi ,
-fl§fi€20!flfi1‘ . fi§5Df§¥fl§Zi5fifiifi , fl§§§fifififilfiflmflmfififififififi
-%&l¥fi‘r&é§7rfi , fifixfiifimfiflifififiu
m. mnemnm uu
. Adopt: the meal two—way mmmunlunen eysreme w eneure man an or nne TGYrbmnd reeewere am mmpeme mm (ms trunsmmer
~ Nome wage rnenu an moniwr no vane/gm wild. urnmremre. venege warm-n, furlww wndifinnr (on/OWL mudfl “rum-
and mm; M mm mm
. me flashing LED end an audm enact wm ewemne user when a syslem mepuen ancms
- 1m pinmaler n eeeny eel anew me 3 55 mm, 240 by 400 9 ch qwnvem wwurrFrLcD new- screen
. me newer swnen 635qu weveflls madam-fl pnwer en erpewer en omflllmns The uensrnmer can amy hemmed enren by
Pusmng bum me m and mm pow-r bunone anme umstwma
~ Ergm ewncnes and five knebe can be assigned 10 dlflevenl tun-men; m man eepwiunone rne mm knob: can be mad-n by
presslng mern
~ The mgnprecyswn dcumerbeznng gwmbs‘ and lzsnmnzme umnnm transmmy ensure a gun! expenenee «or lhe user
. Tn- deubwe anunna slnmure memes lhe 246 fiequlncy nwduh lransrmts m an dlr-clmns (or a $8711 and Inner «gnaw
~ The transmmy can smre m moaews. mew-mm; every manew bmdmg wnamens n can exec 5mm mew semngs on a so can:
~ Fre- wflwar- and upgrades no «u systum are euenabwe unkn-
‘ filfifflfl. IEI. film , fifiEEH/ENVL fiflflfi‘w‘flfléfifi‘ ‘ HEXMQWEEE§§§Sfifie
fiPm‘éfingfifiE .
comp-um. wnh he omerfixed-wmg‘ glider. and powered gnaer Airmen. hlsm iype‘ fixed-wing and newcomer
mnerenn awrpmne slru re \s matching wnn flmerem procedure Users can seiscnmflmg «a enmene svuenure
- mam: (General lunctlnns]
EMEReversee Wm pom, Emmmm, Wm“, mannmmms,
I'UlfirfllAiI-rcn m rudder \ fil‘flll‘ll Ruddsrm ii‘emn e mflmfifllwm- curv- e mnmsrnmme dshy e
mammmme dawne mafia/xuxnery nnanne‘se mfiBCnaanS onset, migfimcnm aewey,
mmficnennews aeneye mmuneermnen MQMCWW mix-5. Vificandhuns.
imam“ swwchese erpwzne matinee Enumem ”Wrswnermodee
aim-sway ”Nose ugmwewe, gmmkx 51mm myslem
. gwmlmmreuenereneen
mum ( almmwflufifi y nereun menu. 1EnginvmhmmE‘evawNRuddefl
§§E§Excmswe runeuen menu
Hfllmmllmn Vunchun . mflflapfimfllon , mspcdlr fimclwn \ fluflfll‘amrm flap ,
mefirnrme neeme e menu-yew fiEVJifEmvalor lunc1mn e Emmwgnuaaer lunc1mn e
vulv LEM
- Efi'OMH pter)
mm ( w) Baum! euuemre (rum pilcm
fiusxcwuwe fimclum rnenu .
; nfigmmme home mmmnreme rm, magma. curvee Wflswashpmlz mlxe
Wgs'warhwate we e mflmzashmzta ling e EilfSEGov-mcr e Mflsymrcuve
El. mmgw
3m!!! :
- mama m
- 33mm
em. mm. 5mm
-2 4055—2 47mm
. snuKHz
- um
. X flnasm
Transmitter specifitatiuns
mus“ 2"
MIN)“: TM 0
' 2 magi ' ¥4fl€§3fifi§m5wfifl$fifi
' fi’flfim . GFSK
‘ iiififiw¥ inzAfi
' (EQEEQ 43 ($53 750W?)
'mamm- EtuSE,H|D)
' SDfEV—l . 45
' fate;- 26mm ( 5&5)
' Mfiii. 653 figififiw)
' Via/vam- 3 w: ( woman)
' ”ER?! . 278 59mm'189 35Mm’95 57mm
- mime - as
' MEL 050578. FCC
. chums: m
. Mam Wp mummy! avpmne/ glider
- RF mugs: “055—2 A7SGH1
- aammam: suumz
- Eand: no
. RF when wess man zu dBm
. 24s syslem AFHDSZA
. Code type, GFSK
- S-nsinwly 1024
- Law voltage wammg, y-s (hu man 3 75V;
- 950 port yequsa‘ Hm.
- so purr m
. ANT Wength‘ 25mm2
. Wenghl ssa 5g Uncmde 5mm
. Power a W munmAh)
. 519‘273 ssmmss 35mm'95 57mm
. ow. sww
. mumm- seam Fm:
1D . Emméfi
51-1419]! :
' EE’PN ‘ 1a
- fiat/m. éfflflu E31. mm
' m§§EEr 2 405572 AYSGHz
. WEE/vii . 141V?
- fi§?VJ¥‘ Ké¥20dsm
‘ mama 405mm
Receiver spenfimtiuns
Spec“ cations:
. Chlnn no
- Mow type nemamer/ ulmlanfl ghflur
. RF rang- 2 4055—2 mew;
. Bend un
. RF pomr has man 20 dBm
- Sensmvny 4mm
mom: mv-imn
0 2 M; gzmamemsmififim 0 246 11mm AFHDSZA
«5qu. am - mummy
' i516}? ‘ 25mm ( flffifl ' ANY hnglh,26mmx2
- mm. 4 0—5 sv/Dc - mm 0755va
' “555 ‘ 199 ' Wswgm ISg
. mm . 67mm‘33.5mm‘15mm - Swze.47mm'335mm'15mm
- magma gee - cw Nani
mm 050579. Fcc - oenmae CEDSYS,FCC
- w-BUSKD E - i—EUS Pm yes
- flggfiifiu e - DzleAcqmsmonpcn'yes
m m msmmgwgmmnpm YL-IL-lnL-lrg [lnuguL-UL] Inuuulu
mun; smmunem: ,.“_§!'"5'.'.§, z A
. gfimw nifl - Modew Iype. hehccpter/ alrpllnel gllder
. mgfifiga u—lstUfi/fiém - Mommr range alxpeed: D—lGOOORPM M on“. TEY-M‘Ilfll
flflgil 3an - Weighe,
Quay; 4 are sv/Dc wer 4.0—65wnc
- EMERJ 24 4‘10'855k - Slze' 24 4'14'8mm
mime gs - Cam Black
m uz nfimmrzflzfim RPM IEIEmEUu [Duncan munule
mm. smuiauom; Anne's 2A
- gleam fl . Modew type: hewicapmr/ airplane/ glider
wiimfsm macaw/9m - Mnmtor range nlspeed: 0—16000RPM Mflllil: TEY-II’IIUZ
Anglia; a 99 - Welght 3.99
ymAfifia 4 0-6 SV/DC l Powev:4.0—6.SV/DC
- WEE? 2A 4‘14'séik - Size‘ 24 mus-am.“
wrmfia 2a - cm. Black
"1 ma SERfiHfiTEmDErnlurE (Elemetru munuIE
umsn. Spuclllcallom: IFIIIIS 2A
”5mm i361 . Mm wanna Ker/AW! mm um
nfliififififimmrflmfimfi Wommfi’fkgemfmmfi.‘ 743710“: MlIIlEl: TliY- I'I'MIll
411553 3 m . MW ”3
umsfi we svmc . PM, 4” WM
wnma 244‘14'52>K . 5m WWW,“
wrung ace - cm mack
m 04 amigo” Vlllluul' n-h-uu-lru "unluh-
mnsfl . Svoclflcllloni:
diam: m - Modewpe' he‘lwplev/a‘rphne/gfldef
$5me . 4 ”we - Monmmngmvm.w arsov/Dc Mflllil TEY- INTI“
fins/$3 3 m . Wm M
-m)\%ifi we swuc . PM, we WM
wrvma zuwmzxe - sm 244'14‘3mm
wrung nae - com mack
m as Hm» sfiéfifiwmi-Ims n'l l'ivl'r
v‘msn. apuifimions: lAMEEI Zn
“ma/m 4 . Channels c
- Efiflw NJ . Mow «we, newiwpm “man-1 ghdm
'fl§§fi “a 67g MllllEl. “Tl“ “Em"
MAME 4 076 was - Power.4.D—5 sv/Dc
' ”WE? 30‘25 6‘1 35}? ' SR! 3075 B'13mm
- Mme gee
”Bus D§D ' E
"- esmmseaeassgeg “Etch/Er and sun/u (unnnttiuns
757kinfl§|fii=l math/m
01 e Elfifliflifité. EHUKAfi/hfififlfiQ
2, Effiwfiéfib‘ififigwm 4mm BfiKEfiMm§EW§ , fiimégfifiéfifiifififififl.
Be iimfifiifi‘”fifii§ EwEEe ScmEEBflEEE. WQMEQKQLMEE , <9X§EQQE e
4. Efl‘fiififilfiifififimm. Hfiis , WR‘kWflflfiflfl.
In emf m m
1 The M0 memes must be kgpl us sueegm ns passenee Olhelwlse canth range weee be lea-men
2 me two memes shows he peeeea nl u 90 degree Angle m em nlher es museum nu me (was pncluras beeew
a me memes musl he kepe away 1mm onnducuve malereaes‘ such as meme and when Adesvanca Mal eeesn efi em
es requerea «or seee apemmn Condunleve "menses le uni amen me meee pen loe amenna, m e! ls empenem
malme memes are not been m a severe reams
4 Keep znleflnzs away mm Ihe mam speen cenuoeeerena other mesa sauces as much as posslbee
sun maximum den-nu tum-en tha mmmmund roe-Iva can ha churn-d plum hllow tho
Coaxiae came
WW fee ”We me we
(Pkfl‘) 1Pic11.2' 1Pi<||.3i
365 Amenne
u m xmmaaAir..u.....- "u"...
in Bauer or;
** man
cl Cr,
“a” cm
' ‘ aka 0 mm
mm Racelve'r L o mug-m
‘ ‘ ' 0 mm
alumnus-mum; , am : gm 3 “Wm“
gm , fiflunqelwmw l all?
Conn-man milked krlhu rmivlund ch: "" "'""’
. m- fix wins, for nnmvln: “m
Slmcluvs Two iflemnvflaytspufllr ch 0 "w" "m
cm : mnilmn chz : mum-m
cm : lmhmttln cm: sauna"
ens : Aux1 chs : mum"...
cm : limp cm 1 MfiSDoH-r
||.ua gmrlflfimfix HEIlcthEr muual Installallun
In Bauevy
was 5mm ‘ an:
J mm
mm mum “4,0,“
Eflflfllfi’flfliflfifi . Hm : mm. W“
tam HQIE (120! D fimflflflfhmflfihfiflfifi Hm
Recewer and henwmnrconnecnem, hreflmp 9 E""“"“""’
Strudure' vaname punt-1120 degreesrmwme med‘e'gwusmvs'gwyner ‘ WWI
Mzmn serve
Ch1zlJ-AlI-mn ch: : amen-um cl"
CM fimhrolllu Ch4:EmRuddn
Chs mweymmp.
IE. Eumfii’fiiflflfl Receiver uperatiun instructiun
|E.n| gamma mm Setup
cm-cmfl' ia—fiflmflwlfifiilifir
BIndNC sfifi¥wmfumAafimflm
out : immtflPPMfiEaflrEuSED , fiT§i§$fiEfi3§W
(It , aims ,
m : fifiwfifififlgfinAED . REXQKWEJWKSK ,
cummo: renrmmmavam channew urn-"mm.
smuycc: mwfllm me charm-w um fur mmmnu and inwl
power map-qw-wy
our: R-Dnunl i—EUS Dun uhmwm‘nn PPMS diLa and be and
luv wnneninq ms una‘ bus runaway lo uxpind channews
m: Remus-m mum Dem um kmds 94 mm data, and dan-
awuluum mam-s can In mnnemu m s-mfl apneany
(Plc 12.1)
lEJJZ HBBIndlng Setup
mfimfimmmsum , acmrmuems , fiflfiwi‘fig , ELfllEE%—fiflflififiifimiflfifi ,
fiffiu'fii‘yiflf? ’
1. Enmiiflflfi , flfififi ,
2 ivxififi . ififififlflfllwfia fimflflfiAiflSKfi .
4 EWA n—s SVDCE‘E , fiftmfifli , fiACHt— chwfifilifi. EUEIfiAHBXXfi , MWLED’JWW:
ifiwfifififi . fiflm?§ifii§kfiifl62ti§.
5 fifliflgkfi . fiEEWMLEDmR . MWIDFJfiAWflEtREHfifigfifi , fiflilffiéfimfi :
7. m¥fififiim , fliiuiw'fi , ifl'rHBSA
An renewals are bound mm" respeclwe nansmnummumn um Wyau mm In mm mm unomemransmmr,
mum Inflow me mp; [mm
1 main” the bunny m we Iransmmer, mm mm on the pwev
2 Open me mam manu4 and mam-Rx mun-mm" m me second wage, men much “Elm! mm a run-Ivar 10 ulnar mm mm
3 mun me svandzm mm mm mlo me pmvsuppwy mannm.
A cmnamn- $ch pmmnnsamw any manna from cm en cmomm Curran pnlarilyw 5mm mm mode‘ The mwiver
LED wiH flash sums nme
5 Tha lranimimrwm m m mna mode ammanuny aflar havlng succlrsiufly lacuna mm the nansmmer
a PM on Ina bmd came and vmn ma raceway man conned me "was and unneraewamny modmastu mu veclwarm check
it avalylhlng comm nulmaHy.
7 w anything ws wrung, mm. mm me than flaps 10 mm aqam
—lQflfi'F , %Efl!‘ll)flflflflklifl , HEEIKE , Illilfiflfl.
"ml": m. bound lnmmhhr and min-mm work mnmlly n m. human" or m. run-Iv" mum IN hlndlng nah
Wmlttzk- m omnrummmn- mlvorumwi b. cummnld mm transmit!" mo, you mad m umrl m. van-mllt-r
Attention and m- uuim.
2 El : Ewnumsnw . filflflflfluflflufiifiiflAwwfififi. fiflilFllifll’lll .

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Create Date                     : 2014:10:30 11:00:42+08:00
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Title                           : HK-i10 中英文说明书20140919
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