FREQUENTIS USA F4E60F92 Voice Communication System User Manual vcs fold 04 v2

FREQUENTIS USA Inc. Voice Communication System vcs fold 04 v2


Product description VCS

3VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS DECENTRALISED SWITCHINGThe major part of the application software of the VCS 3020X runs fully distributed in theperipheral devices. The critical switching and routing core software is kept simple. Thefully decentralised call control leads to the unrivalled resilience of the system againstsoftware failures. Audio is switched with Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). Data isrouted within the core system via dedicated IP-based data links.
FREQUENTIS HAS CHOSEN AN EVOLU-TIONARY APPROACH BY INTRODUCINGVCS 3020X RELEASE 4.0 IN 2004,WHICH ALREADY PREPARED THEMIGRATION TO IP-ENVIRONMENTS AND IP-BASED VOICE SWITCHING. NOW, THIS MIGRATION CONTINUES BY COMING UP WITH AN IP-GATEWAYTO CONNECT TO RADIOS USING AN IP-INFRASTRUCTURE.THE VCS 3020X MEEDEMANDS  – NOW ANDVOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – THE VCS 3020X OPENS UP A WORLD OF COMMUNICATIONSARCHITECTUREThe architecture of the VCS 3020X balances optimal performance andlow risk communications and is based on a legacy of proven systemsunrivalled in safety and reliability. The VCS 3020X provides integrated voice communications for radio,telephone and intercom in one unique system with unlimited confer-encing capabilities. The VCS 3020X provides any operator access to all communicationchannels, regardless of the system load at any side and any time.46000 time slots are available due to the interconnection of multiple VCS 3020X system nodes. Up to eight duplicated switching nodes areinterconnected via a duplicated optical fibre backbone, carrying bothvoice and data.THE FIBRE OPTIC SYSTEM BACKBONEThe VCS 3020X parallel operating core system.The extensive duplication of critical system compo-nents, such as the parallel operating core system, limits the fault range to one communication channel.Peripheral hardware like operator positions and inter-faces are connected to both duplicated nodes A and B.DUPLICATION – NO SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE
ETS AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT D IN THE FUTURENetworks, radios, telephones, voicerecorders, radars, simulators, and amanagement system can be hookedup to the VCS 3020X.5The symmetric star topology connects line interfacesand operator positions to the system core. In the un-likely event that one branch fails the other branchesand operations remain unaffected. The VCS 3020X startopology forms the base for decentralised switching.TOPOLOGYThe VCS 3020X is built on a star architecture withduplicated 2 MBit/s E1 communication links, usingstandard CAT7 for structured cabling to all peripheraldevices. A fibre optic backbone allows both systemextensions and the splitting of systems. All criticalcomponents of the VCS 3020X are duplicated to ensurethe availability of the communication paths. The decen-tralised and modular VCS 3020X provides full scalabili-ty without requiring software changes. This goes forsmall systems as well as for large centres.The VCS 3020X star topology – the base for decentralised swtiching.THE STAR ARCHITECTURE INCREASES RELIABILITY
6SCALABILITY: gate X THE SYSTEM THAT GROWS WITH YOUR NEEDSMEET THE NEW MEMBER OF THE VCS 3020X FAMILY: A SLIM MODULE CALLED “GATE X“ FORMS THE CORE SWITCH FOR SMALL APPLICATIONS SUCH AS TOWER SYSTEMS, USING THE SAME SOFTWARE, HARDWARE AND FUNCTIONS AS EVEN THE BIGGEST SYSTEMS. VCS 3020X WITH GATE X: THE FIRST REALLY SCALABLE SYSTEM WITHOUT ANY FUNC-TIONAL LIMITATIONS. GATE X MODULES ARE STACKABLE TO CREATE ANY SYSTEM SIZE.GATE X – THE IP-GATEWAYBy using the appropriate software, gate X also serves as remoteradio connection, which allows accessing remote radio via IP. Themultifunctional gate X may also be used as data server/role server,IP telephony/radio server, and TDM/IP media gateway.Best configuration options for any system size.
7NETWORKINGAs an important building block of the Frequentis i-volution concept, VCS3020X satisfies your networking needs; be it oper-ating radios of other VCS sites via digitallinks or be it countrywide telephone andradio networking.The advanced role system optimises all available resources for safest and most efficient ATC.THE TECHNICAL MONITORING ANDCONTROL SYSTEMThe TMCS is the system’s installation and configuration tool featuring a graphical roomview that allows operational supervisors to getan overview of all currently active missionsand role configurations at each operator posi-tion. This is true for both stand-alone systems,as well as for networked configurations. An easy-to-use Traffic & Analysis tool, whichincreases system efficiency by providing de-tailed reports using historical data is also available.  EASY CUSTOM ADAPTATIONSINTEGRATION WITH RADAR SYSTEMS>nowadays, it is possible to operate the VCS 3020X via a window on the radar work-station or to use the air picture derived from the radar system for best-signal-selection.TELEPHONE AND RADIO SERVICES>your special phone and radio services combined with Frequentis customer specific solutions optimise usability.VOICE AND DATA RECORDING>the VCS 3020X is prepared for integrated recording of voice and radio channel/telephone subscriber information.MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATION>the VCS 3020X central facility management system allows configuring and diagnosing external systems. THE CONTINUOUSLY GROWING NUMBER OF FEATURES AND SERVICES DERIVED FROM SEVERAL PROJECTS AS WELL AS FUTURE STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE INTEGRATED INTO A PROVEN COMMERCIAL-OFF-THE-SHELF SOFTWARE. HOWEVER, THERE IS PLENTY OFROOM LEFT FOR INDIVIDUAL CUSTOM ADAPTATIONS.Frequentis systems are frequently used in classified environments and have tocomply with stringent security require-ments. We have policies and procedures in place to properly handle classified information in accordance with the re-quirements of several countries. We are familiar with and provide systemscompliant to Common Criteria. SAFETY AND SECURITY
8PERSONAL SETTINGS OF POSITION CHARACTERISTICS TOINCREASE USABILITY AND TO MAXIMISE COMFORT, PERSONALSETTINGS OF THE POSITIONSUCH AS VOLUME, BRIGHTNESS,CHIME ETC. CAN BE STOREDINDIVIDUALLY BY EACH USER. BY LOGGING ON USING A USER-ID, EACH OPERATOR GETS HIS PERSONAL SETTINGON ANY OPERATOR POSITION.CPOS – THE COMPACT OPERATOR POSITIONThe new compactPOSition puts the functions of the existing VCS 3020X operator position into a dramatically smaller casing.More condensed integration lets you put all position electronicsinside one panel. This is a major advantage wherever space is an issue. PREMIUM HIBRITE®POWERPANELFrequentis, a supplier of state of the art Touch Input Devices, now offers more than the well-proven PP04 HiBrite®PowerPanels, it offers the new Premium HiBrite®PowerPanel, which provides a brightness of 1000cd/m2. High contrast in strong ambient lighting conditions leads to excellent usability in tough environments like tower cabs.The new Powerpanel provides full sunlight readability and is FAA-approved!FREQUENTIS SYSTEMS FIRST FOCUS ON THE USER. VALUABLE EXPERIENCE COMBINED WITH THE LATEST  MODERN TECHNOLOGY LEAD TO A LOW-STRESS ATC-WORK ENVIRONMENT:CONCENTRATION ON THE USER
  FLEXIBLE PANEL LAYOUT ADAPTATIONSThe panel layout can easily be customised byusing the intuitive applications. This ranges fromsimple colour changes to new complex layouts orthe integration of maps. Our experienced UserInterface Design Center offers workshops andtrainings to respond to and meet any of yourrequirement.ADVANCED ROLE HANDLING – “IT IS YOUR CHOICE!”In ATC, it is of utmost importance to provide ATC-con-trollers with the respective panel layout, defined byassigned frequencies, dial keys and function keys. Quick,safe and reliable access to different roles, required by different situations, are one of the highlights of the VCS3020X. Depending on the configuration, operators mayselect a new role, or have a new role assigned by theirsupervisor.Our voice communication system software is designed in modular, hierarchical layers withsophisticated interfaces. This open architecture allows splitting the services provided by thesystem into modular units, which can then be combined according to your needs. This willentail no changes to the basic software.9DEVELOPMENT
INTEGRATED SHORT-TERM RECORDING>The integrated short-term recording has a capacity of 2 x 30 min. If configured, supervisors may retrieve recordings made at any position. Additionally, export of recordings as WAV-file is also possible.MOVING CALL QUEUE>The continuously updated call queue presents all incoming calls on the Touch Panel.BUSY INDICATION ON DA-KEYS>The busy indication on DA-keys indicates if there is an active call at the position the operator intends to call. FAIL-SAFE PTT-DETECTION>This function immediately indicates if a certain frequency appears occupied due to faulty PTT-switches (e.g. cable defects or blocked footswitches).RADIO REMOTE CONTROL>The integrated radio remote control allows controlling and monitoring remote radios via a serial RS232/RS422/RS485- or DTMF-link from both the TED of the operator position and the TMCS.TMCS SUPER CLIENT>For networked environments, dedicated super clients may log into any VCS connected within the system. This gives the supervisor control of the entire system to change parameters or to check the system status. The TMCS receives, summarises and displays general system information concerning all system parts connected to the network. This information can then be processed by a management system of a higher order.INTEGRATION TO FREQUENTIS DIVOS RECORDERS>Combining the VCS 3020X with DIVOS recorders provides you with advantages only one supplier can give. Imagine listening to ongoing position and interface conversations via the TMCS PC, just to give an example.ADVANCED ROLE CONCEPT>Depending on the operational needs, the system is fully configurable. It can be decided whether roles shall be “pushed” by the supervisor or “pulled” by the operator.FREQUENCY COUPLING MODES>The VCS3020X supports both simplex as well as duplex frequency coupling to satisfy any operational requirement.10SELECTED FEATURES
RELEASE POLICYThe Frequentis release policy guarantees that well-triedand tested systems and applications continuously impactthe development of new and future systems.REFERENCESThe VCS 3020X is the pinnacle of the experience accumulated over the past 50 years. After allFrequentis has installed more than 10,000 operatorpositions in over 40 countries, e.g.: > DFS, Germanya> NavCanada, Canadaa>  STNA, ADP, Francea> Airways New Zealanda> LFV, Swedenaa > AustrocontrolaFACTS
www.frequentis.commarketing@frequentis.comHEADQUARTERSFREQUENTIS  GMBHSpittelbreitengasse 34A-1120 ViennaTel: +43/1/811 50-0Fax: +43/1/811 50-1009FREQUENTIS GERMANYRobert-Bosch-Str. 11 BD-63225 LangenTel: +49/6103/30086-0Fax: +49/6103/30086-19FREQUENTIS UK LTDGainsborough Business Centre, 2 Sheen Road Richmond-upon-Thames, Surrey TW9 1AETel: +44/208/973 2616 FREQUENTIS BRUSSELSHof ten bos 54B-9200 Dendermonde Tel.: +32/52/341 452 Fax: +32/52/345 943FREQUENTIS BUREAU DE LIASIONLes Bastides de la Mourachone - Villa n° 3, 83 route des Aspres F-06370 Mouans - SartouxTel.:+33/4/93 60 57 64 Fax: +33/4/93 60 57 64FREQUENTIS USA, INC.12530 Parklawn Drive, Suite 360 Rockville, Maryland 20852-1702Tel.: +1/301/657 8001Fax: +1/301/657 8002FREQUENTIS CANADA LTDSuite 1002, 150 Metcalfe StreetOttawa, Ontario K2P 1P1Tel.: +1/613/238-3020Fax: +1/613/238-3025FREQUENTIS AUSTRALASIA PTY LTDUnit 4, 12 Navigator PlaceHendra, Queensland 4011 AustraliaTel: +61/7/3630 0888Fax:+61/7/3630 1955FREQUENTIS SINGAPORE PTE LTD.20 Raffles Place #09-01 Ocean TowersSingapore 048620Tel.: +65/6531-4116 Fax: +65/6533-1542IMPRINTFREQUENTIS GMBHGraphic Design: [cdc] nouri, kinzlPhotos:  [cdc], frequentis, getty images, image industries12_3020X_0905/1Due to the fact  that our products and services are continuously beingbrought up-to-date, technical specifications and requirements, correct atthe time of going into print, may be subject to variation without priornotice. Frequentis has endeavoured to ensure that to the best of itsknowledge, the information in this document is correct and fairly stated,but does not accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission.

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